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пре 3 година
  1. <template>
  2. <view class="enSecBox">
  3. <!-- 已完成 类名 sSec1Type1 图片 enter1-1 enter1-2 enter1-3 enter1-4 enter1-5-->
  4. <!-- 未完成 类名 sSec1Type2 图片 enter2-1 enter2-2 enter2-3 enter2-4 enter2-5-->
  5. <!-- 可以点击类名 sSec1Tap -->
  6. <view class="ensHeader">
  7. <view class="ensTime">2020</view>
  8. <view class="ensHeadT">新生入校流程</view>
  9. </view>
  10. <view class="ensSec1">
  11. <view class="eSec1Box">
  12. <view class="eSec1Top">step<text>1</text></view>
  13. <view :class="one? 'sSec1Type1' : 'sSec1Type2'" class="sSec1Con" id="IsCompleteInfo" @click="tapList('../welcome/list')">
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  15. <image src="~@/common/images/enter2-1.png" mode="widthFix" v-else></image>
  16. <view class="sSec1Txt">
  17. 完善学生信息
  18. </view>
  19. <view class="sSec1State" v-if="one">完成</view>
  20. <view class="sSec1State" v-else>未完成</view>
  21. </view>
  22. </view>
  23. <view class="eSec1Box">
  24. <image src="~@/common/images/enter1-6.png" class="sSecDown" mode="widthFix"></image>
  25. <view class="eSec1Top">step<text>2</text></view>
  26. <view :class="twoOne? 'sSec1Type1' : 'sSec1Type2'" class="sSec1Con" id="PayFeeStatus">
  27. <image src="~@/common/images/enter1-2.png" mode="widthFix" v-if="twoOne"></image>
  28. <image src="~@/common/images/enter2-2.png" mode="widthFix" v-else></image>
  29. <view class="sSec1Txt">
  30. 线上缴费
  31. <text>( 已缴费、未缴费 )</text>
  32. </view>
  33. <view class="sSec1State" v-if="twoOne">完成</view>
  34. <view class="sSec1State" v-else>未完成</view>
  35. </view>
  36. <view :class="twoTwo? 'sSec1Type1' : 'sSec1Type2'" class="sSec1Con" id="StudentLoan" @click="tapList('../EducationalAdministration/StuInfoFresh/StudentLoan/list')">
  37. <image src="~@/common/images/enter1-3.png" mode="widthFix" v-if="twoTwo"></image>
  38. <image src="~@/common/images/enter2-3.png" mode="widthFix" v-else></image>
  39. <view class="sSec1Txt">
  40. 助学贷款
  41. <text>( 填写贷款回执码 )</text>
  42. </view>
  43. <view class="sSec1State" v-if="twoTwo">完成</view>
  44. <view class="sSec1State" v-else>未完成</view>
  45. </view>
  46. <view :class="twoThree? 'sSec1Type1' : 'sSec1Type2'" class="sSec1Con" id="OnsitePayFeeStatus">
  47. <image src="~@/common/images/enter1-4.png" mode="widthFix" v-if="twoThree"></image>
  48. <image src="~@/common/images/enter2-4.png" mode="widthFix" v-else></image>
  49. <view class="sSec1Txt">
  50. 现场缴费
  51. <text>( 已缴费、缓交、部分缴费、未缴费 )</text>
  52. </view>
  53. <view class="sSec1State" v-if="twoThree">完成</view>
  54. <view class="sSec1State" v-else>未完成</view>
  55. </view>
  56. </view>
  57. <view class="eSec1Box">
  58. <image src="~@/common/images/enter1-6.png" class="sSecDown" mode="widthFix"></image>
  59. <view class="eSec1Top">step<text>3</text></view>
  60. <view :class="three? 'sSec1Type1' : 'sSec1Type2'" class="sSec1Con" id="RegisterStatus" @click="tapList('../EducationalAdministration/StuInfoFresh/RegisterQRCode/list')">
  61. <image src="~@/common/images/enter1-5.png" mode="widthFix" v-if="three"></image>
  62. <image src="~@/common/images/enter2-5.png" mode="widthFix" v-else></image>
  63. <view class="sSec1Txt">
  64. 报到注册
  65. <text>( 生成报到二维码,并显示报到教室 )</text>
  66. </view>
  67. <view class="sSec1State" v-if="three">完成</view>
  68. <view class="sSec1State" v-else>未完成</view>
  69. </view>
  70. </view>
  71. </view>
  72. </view>
  73. </template>
  74. <script>
  75. export default{
  76. data() {
  77. return {
  78. one: '',
  79. twoOne: '',
  80. twoTwo: '',
  81. twoThree: '',
  82. three: '',
  83. userinfo: {},
  84. data: {
  85. StuInfoFreshEntity:{},
  86. StuInfoFreshFamilyList: [],
  87. StuInfoFreshEmergePeopleList: []
  88. }
  89. }
  90. },
  91. methods:{
  92. init() {
  93. let _this = this;
  94. _this.userinfo = _this.GET_GLOBAL('loginUser'); //获取登录信息
  95. _this.LOADING('加载数据中…');
  96. _this.HTTP_GET('StuInfoFresh/stuInfoFreshEntity', _this.userinfo.account, '加载数据时出错').then(res => {
  97. _this.HIDE_LOADING();
  98. console.log(res);
  99. = _this.COPY(res);
  100. if (["StuInfoFreshFamilyList"].length &&["StuInfoFreshFamilyList"].length > 0) {
  101. = true
  102. } else {
  103. = false
  104. }
  105. if (["StuInfoFreshEntity"].PayFeeStatus == "1") {
  106. _this.twoOne = true
  107. } else {
  108. _this.twoOne = false
  109. }
  110. if (["StuInfoFreshEntity"].StudentLoanStatus == "1") {
  111. _this.twoTwo = true
  112. } else {
  113. _this.twoTwo = false
  114. }
  115. if (["StuInfoFreshEntity"].OnsitePayFeeStatus == "1") {
  116. _this.twoThree = true
  117. } else {
  118. _this.twoThree = false
  119. }
  120. if (["StuInfoFreshEntity"].RegisterStatus == "1") {
  121. _this.three = true
  122. } else {
  123. _this.three = false
  124. }
  125. });
  126. },
  127. tapList(str) {
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