You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

IntoIndex.js 7.8 KiB

  1. var refreshGirdData;
  2. var StuId;
  3. var tempdatra = new Array();
  4. var list = [];
  5. var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
  6. "use strict";
  7. var page = {
  8. init: function () {
  9. page.bind();
  10. },
  11. bind: function () {
  12. $('#LeaveDate').val(learun.formatDate(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'));
  13. //选项卡切换
  14. $('#navultab li').on('click', function () {
  15. if (!$(this).hasClass('active')) {
  16. $(this).parent().find('.active').removeClass('active');
  17. $(this).addClass('active');
  18. $('#condivtab .condiv').eq($(this).index()).siblings().hide()
  19. $('#condivtab .condiv').eq($(this).index()).show()
  20. }
  21. });
  22. //转出
  23. $("#EducationExperienceReturn").attr("src", "/EducationalAdministration/StuTransferInfo/RolloffIndex");
  24. //提交下拉框
  25. $('#NewDeptNo').lrselect({
  26. allowSearch: true,
  27. value: "deptno",
  28. text: "deptname",
  29. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=CdDeptInfo',
  30. select: function (item) {
  31. if (item) {
  32. $('#NewMajorNo').lrselectRefresh({
  33. allowSearch: true,
  34. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=CdMajorInfo',
  35. param: { strWhere: "DeptNo='" + item.deptno + "' AND CheckMark=1" }
  36. });
  37. } else {
  38. $('#NewMajorNo').lrselectRefresh({
  39. allowSearch: true,
  40. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=CdMajorInfo',
  41. param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1" }
  42. });
  43. }
  44. }
  45. });
  46. $('#NewMajorNo').lrselect({
  47. allowSearch: true,
  48. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=CdMajorInfo',
  49. value: "majorno",
  50. text: "majorname",
  51. param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1" },
  52. select: function (item) {
  53. var Grades = $("#NewGrade").lrselectGet();
  54. if (Grades != null && Grades != "" && Grades != "undefined") {
  55. if (item) {
  56. $('#NewClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
  57. allowSearch: true,
  58. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  59. param: { strWhere: "majorno='" + item.majorno + "' AND CheckMark=1 AND Grade='" + Grades + "' order by classno desc" }
  60. });
  61. } else {
  62. $('#NewClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
  63. allowSearch: true,
  64. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  65. param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1 order by classno desc" }
  66. });
  67. }
  68. } else {
  69. if (item) {
  70. $('#NewClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
  71. allowSearch: true,
  72. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  73. param: { strWhere: "majorno='" + item.majorno + "' AND CheckMark=1 order by classno desc" }
  74. });
  75. } else {
  76. $('#NewClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
  77. allowSearch: true,
  78. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  79. param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1 order by classno desc" }
  80. });
  81. }
  82. }
  83. }
  84. });
  85. $('#NewGrade').lrselect({
  86. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/ClassInfo/GenerateNearByYear',
  87. value: "value",
  88. text: "text",
  89. select: function (item) {
  90. var MajorNos = $("#NewMajorNo").lrselectGet();
  91. if (MajorNos != null && MajorNos != "" && MajorNos != "undefined") {
  92. if (item) {
  93. $('#NewClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
  94. allowSearch: true,
  95. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  96. param: {
  97. strWhere: "majorno='" + MajorNos + "' AND CheckMark=1 AND Grade='" + item.text + "' order by classno desc"
  98. }
  99. });
  100. } else {
  101. $('#NewClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
  102. allowSearch: true,
  103. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  104. param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1 order by classno desc" }
  105. });
  106. }
  107. } else {
  108. if (item) {
  109. $('#NewClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
  110. allowSearch: true,
  111. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  112. param: {
  113. strWhere: "CheckMark=1 AND Grade='" + item.text + "' order by classno desc"
  114. }
  115. });
  116. } else {
  117. $('#NewClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
  118. allowSearch: true,
  119. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  120. param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1 order by classno desc" }
  121. });
  122. }
  123. }
  124. }
  125. });
  126. $('#NewClassNo').lrselect({
  127. allowSearch: true,
  128. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
  129. param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1 order by classno desc" },
  130. value: "classno",
  131. text: "classname"
  132. });
  133. $('#IdCardType').lrDataItemSelect({ code: 'IdCardType' });
  134. $('#Gender').lrDataItemSelect({ code: 'usersexbit' });
  135. $('#NationalityNo').lrDataItemSelect({ code: 'National' });
  136. $('#IsInAccommodation').lrDataItemSelect({ code: 'YesOrNoInt' });
  137. // 提交
  138. $('#subbtn').on('click', function () {
  139. if (!$('body').lrValidform()) {
  140. return false;
  141. }
  142. var entity = $('body').lrGetFormData();
  143. $.lrSaveForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/StuTransferInfo/SaveFormOfIn', { keyValue: '', strEntity: JSON.stringify(entity) },
  144. function (res) {
  145. if (res.code == 200) {
  146. setTimeout(function () {
  147. location.reload();
  148. }, 100)
  149. }
  150. }
  151. );
  152. })
  153. },
  154. };
  155. refreshGirdData = function () {
  157. };
  158. page.init();
  159. }