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EntityFramework.psm1 42 KiB

4 年之前
  1. # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  2. $InitialDatabase = '0'
  3. $knownExceptions = @(
  4. 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Infrastructure.MigrationsException',
  5. 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Infrastructure.AutomaticMigrationsDisabledException',
  6. 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Infrastructure.AutomaticDataLossException',
  7. 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Infrastructure.MigrationsPendingException',
  8. 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.ProjectTypeNotSupportedException'
  9. )
  10. <#
  12. Adds or updates an Entity Framework provider entry in the project config
  13. file.
  15. Adds an entry into the 'entityFramework' section of the project config
  16. file for the specified provider invariant name and provider type. If an
  17. entry for the given invariant name already exists, then that entry is
  18. updated with the given type name, unless the given type name already
  19. matches, in which case no action is taken. The 'entityFramework'
  20. section is added if it does not exist. The config file is automatically
  21. saved if and only if a change was made.
  22. This command is typically used only by Entity Framework provider NuGet
  23. packages and is run from the 'install.ps1' script.
  24. .PARAMETER Project
  25. The Visual Studio project to update. When running in the NuGet install.ps1
  26. script the '$project' variable provided as part of that script should be
  27. used.
  28. .PARAMETER InvariantName
  29. The provider invariant name that uniquely identifies this provider. For
  30. example, the Microsoft SQL Server provider is registered with the invariant
  31. name 'System.Data.SqlClient'.
  32. .PARAMETER TypeName
  33. The assembly-qualified type name of the provider-specific type that
  34. inherits from 'System.Data.Entity.Core.Common.DbProviderServices'. For
  35. example, for the Microsoft SQL Server provider, this type is
  36. 'System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer'.
  37. #>
  38. function Add-EFProvider
  39. {
  40. param (
  41. [parameter(Position = 0,
  42. Mandatory = $true)]
  43. $Project,
  44. [parameter(Position = 1,
  45. Mandatory = $true)]
  46. [string] $InvariantName,
  47. [parameter(Position = 2,
  48. Mandatory = $true)]
  49. [string] $TypeName
  50. )
  51. if (!(Check-Project $project))
  52. {
  53. return
  54. }
  55. $runner = New-EFConfigRunner $Project
  56. try
  57. {
  58. Invoke-RunnerCommand $runner System.Data.Entity.ConnectionFactoryConfig.AddProviderCommand @( $InvariantName, $TypeName )
  59. $error = Get-RunnerError $runner
  60. if ($error)
  61. {
  62. if ($knownExceptions -notcontains $error.TypeName)
  63. {
  64. Write-Host $error.StackTrace
  65. }
  66. else
  67. {
  68. Write-Verbose $error.StackTrace
  69. }
  70. throw $error.Message
  71. }
  72. }
  73. finally
  74. {
  75. Remove-Runner $runner
  76. }
  77. }
  78. <#
  80. Adds or updates an Entity Framework default connection factory in the
  81. project config file.
  83. Adds an entry into the 'entityFramework' section of the project config
  84. file for the connection factory that Entity Framework will use by default
  85. when creating new connections by convention. Any existing entry will be
  86. overridden if it does not match. The 'entityFramework' section is added if
  87. it does not exist. The config file is automatically saved if and only if
  88. a change was made.
  89. This command is typically used only by Entity Framework provider NuGet
  90. packages and is run from the 'install.ps1' script.
  91. .PARAMETER Project
  92. The Visual Studio project to update. When running in the NuGet install.ps1
  93. script the '$project' variable provided as part of that script should be
  94. used.
  95. .PARAMETER TypeName
  96. The assembly-qualified type name of the connection factory type that
  97. implements the 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IDbConnectionFactory'
  98. interface. For example, for the Microsoft SQL Server Express provider
  99. connection factory, this type is
  100. 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework'.
  101. .PARAMETER ConstructorArguments
  102. An optional array of strings that will be passed as arguments to the
  103. connection factory type constructor.
  104. #>
  105. function Add-EFDefaultConnectionFactory
  106. {
  107. param (
  108. [parameter(Position = 0,
  109. Mandatory = $true)]
  110. $Project,
  111. [parameter(Position = 1,
  112. Mandatory = $true)]
  113. [string] $TypeName,
  114. [string[]] $ConstructorArguments
  115. )
  116. if (!(Check-Project $project))
  117. {
  118. return
  119. }
  120. $runner = New-EFConfigRunner $Project
  121. try
  122. {
  123. Invoke-RunnerCommand $runner System.Data.Entity.ConnectionFactoryConfig.AddDefaultConnectionFactoryCommand @( $TypeName, $ConstructorArguments )
  124. $error = Get-RunnerError $runner
  125. if ($error)
  126. {
  127. if ($knownExceptions -notcontains $error.TypeName)
  128. {
  129. Write-Host $error.StackTrace
  130. }
  131. else
  132. {
  133. Write-Verbose $error.StackTrace
  134. }
  135. throw $error.Message
  136. }
  137. }
  138. finally
  139. {
  140. Remove-Runner $runner
  141. }
  142. }
  143. <#
  144. .SYNOPSIS
  145. Initializes the Entity Framework section in the project config file
  146. and sets defaults.
  148. Creates the 'entityFramework' section of the project config file and sets
  149. the default connection factory to use SQL Express if it is running on the
  150. machine, or LocalDb otherwise. Note that installing a different provider
  151. may change the default connection factory. The config file is
  152. automatically saved if and only if a change was made.
  153. In addition, any reference to 'System.Data.Entity.dll' in the project is
  154. removed.
  155. This command is typically used only by Entity Framework provider NuGet
  156. packages and is run from the 'install.ps1' script.
  157. .PARAMETER Project
  158. The Visual Studio project to update. When running in the NuGet install.ps1
  159. script the '$project' variable provided as part of that script should be
  160. used.
  161. #>
  162. function Initialize-EFConfiguration
  163. {
  164. param (
  165. [parameter(Position = 0,
  166. Mandatory = $true)]
  167. $Project
  168. )
  169. if (!(Check-Project $project))
  170. {
  171. return
  172. }
  173. $runner = New-EFConfigRunner $Project
  174. try
  175. {
  176. Invoke-RunnerCommand $runner System.Data.Entity.ConnectionFactoryConfig.InitializeEntityFrameworkCommand
  177. $error = Get-RunnerError $runner
  178. if ($error)
  179. {
  180. if ($knownExceptions -notcontains $error.TypeName)
  181. {
  182. Write-Host $error.StackTrace
  183. }
  184. else
  185. {
  186. Write-Verbose $error.StackTrace
  187. }
  188. throw $error.Message
  189. }
  190. }
  191. finally
  192. {
  193. Remove-Runner $runner
  194. }
  195. }
  196. <#
  197. .SYNOPSIS
  198. Enables Code First Migrations in a project.
  200. Enables Migrations by scaffolding a migrations configuration class in the project. If the
  201. target database was created by an initializer, an initial migration will be created (unless
  202. automatic migrations are enabled via the EnableAutomaticMigrations parameter).
  203. .PARAMETER ContextTypeName
  204. Specifies the context to use. If omitted, migrations will attempt to locate a
  205. single context type in the target project.
  206. .PARAMETER EnableAutomaticMigrations
  207. Specifies whether automatic migrations will be enabled in the scaffolded migrations configuration.
  208. If omitted, automatic migrations will be disabled.
  209. .PARAMETER MigrationsDirectory
  210. Specifies the name of the directory that will contain migrations code files.
  211. If omitted, the directory will be named "Migrations".
  212. .PARAMETER ProjectName
  213. Specifies the project that the scaffolded migrations configuration class will
  214. be added to. If omitted, the default project selected in package manager
  215. console is used.
  216. .PARAMETER StartUpProjectName
  217. Specifies the configuration file to use for named connection strings. If
  218. omitted, the specified project's configuration file is used.
  219. .PARAMETER ContextProjectName
  220. Specifies the project which contains the DbContext class to use. If omitted,
  221. the context is assumed to be in the same project used for migrations.
  222. .PARAMETER ConnectionStringName
  223. Specifies the name of a connection string to use from the application's
  224. configuration file.
  225. .PARAMETER ConnectionString
  226. Specifies the the connection string to use. If omitted, the context's
  227. default connection will be used.
  228. .PARAMETER ConnectionProviderName
  229. Specifies the provider invariant name of the connection string.
  230. .PARAMETER Force
  231. Specifies that the migrations configuration be overwritten when running more
  232. than once for a given project.
  233. .PARAMETER ContextAssemblyName
  234. Specifies the name of the assembly which contains the DbContext class to use. Use this
  235. parameter instead of ContextProjectName when the context is contained in a referenced
  236. assembly rather than in a project of the solution.
  237. .PARAMETER AppDomainBaseDirectory
  238. Specifies the directory to use for the app-domain that is used for running Migrations
  239. code such that the app-domain is able to find all required assemblies. This is an
  240. advanced option that should only be needed if the solution contains several projects
  241. such that the assemblies needed for the context and configuration are not all
  242. referenced from either the project containing the context or the project containing
  243. the migrations.
  244. .EXAMPLE
  245. Enable-Migrations
  246. # Scaffold a migrations configuration in a project with only one context
  247. .EXAMPLE
  248. Enable-Migrations -Auto
  249. # Scaffold a migrations configuration with automatic migrations enabled for a project
  250. # with only one context
  251. .EXAMPLE
  252. Enable-Migrations -ContextTypeName MyContext -MigrationsDirectory DirectoryName
  253. # Scaffold a migrations configuration for a project with multiple contexts
  254. # This scaffolds a migrations configuration for MyContext and will put the configuration
  255. # and subsequent configurations in a new directory called "DirectoryName"
  256. #>
  257. function Enable-Migrations
  258. {
  259. [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringName')]
  260. param (
  261. [string] $ContextTypeName,
  262. [alias('Auto')]
  263. [switch] $EnableAutomaticMigrations,
  264. [string] $MigrationsDirectory,
  265. [string] $ProjectName,
  266. [string] $StartUpProjectName,
  267. [string] $ContextProjectName,
  268. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringName')]
  269. [string] $ConnectionStringName,
  270. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringAndProviderName',
  271. Mandatory = $true)]
  272. [string] $ConnectionString,
  273. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringAndProviderName',
  274. Mandatory = $true)]
  275. [string] $ConnectionProviderName,
  276. [switch] $Force,
  277. [string] $ContextAssemblyName,
  278. [string] $AppDomainBaseDirectory
  279. )
  280. $runner = New-MigrationsRunner $ProjectName $StartUpProjectName $ContextProjectName $null $ConnectionStringName $ConnectionString $ConnectionProviderName $ContextAssemblyName $AppDomainBaseDirectory
  281. try
  282. {
  283. Invoke-RunnerCommand $runner System.Data.Entity.Migrations.EnableMigrationsCommand @( $EnableAutomaticMigrations.IsPresent, $Force.IsPresent ) @{ 'ContextTypeName' = $ContextTypeName; 'MigrationsDirectory' = $MigrationsDirectory }
  284. $error = Get-RunnerError $runner
  285. if ($error)
  286. {
  287. if ($knownExceptions -notcontains $error.TypeName)
  288. {
  289. Write-Host $error.StackTrace
  290. }
  291. else
  292. {
  293. Write-Verbose $error.StackTrace
  294. }
  295. throw $error.Message
  296. }
  297. $(Get-VSComponentModel).GetService([NuGetConsole.IPowerConsoleWindow]).Show()
  298. }
  299. finally
  300. {
  301. Remove-Runner $runner
  302. }
  303. }
  304. <#
  305. .SYNOPSIS
  306. Scaffolds a migration script for any pending model changes.
  308. Scaffolds a new migration script and adds it to the project.
  309. .PARAMETER Name
  310. Specifies the name of the custom script.
  311. .PARAMETER Force
  312. Specifies that the migration user code be overwritten when re-scaffolding an
  313. existing migration.
  314. .PARAMETER ProjectName
  315. Specifies the project that contains the migration configuration type to be
  316. used. If omitted, the default project selected in package manager console
  317. is used.
  318. .PARAMETER StartUpProjectName
  319. Specifies the configuration file to use for named connection strings. If
  320. omitted, the specified project's configuration file is used.
  321. .PARAMETER ConfigurationTypeName
  322. Specifies the migrations configuration to use. If omitted, migrations will
  323. attempt to locate a single migrations configuration type in the target
  324. project.
  325. .PARAMETER ConnectionStringName
  326. Specifies the name of a connection string to use from the application's
  327. configuration file.
  328. .PARAMETER ConnectionString
  329. Specifies the the connection string to use. If omitted, the context's
  330. default connection will be used.
  331. .PARAMETER ConnectionProviderName
  332. Specifies the provider invariant name of the connection string.
  333. .PARAMETER IgnoreChanges
  334. Scaffolds an empty migration ignoring any pending changes detected in the current model.
  335. This can be used to create an initial, empty migration to enable Migrations for an existing
  336. database. N.B. Doing this assumes that the target database schema is compatible with the
  337. current model.
  338. .PARAMETER AppDomainBaseDirectory
  339. Specifies the directory to use for the app-domain that is used for running Migrations
  340. code such that the app-domain is able to find all required assemblies. This is an
  341. advanced option that should only be needed if the solution contains several projects
  342. such that the assemblies needed for the context and configuration are not all
  343. referenced from either the project containing the context or the project containing
  344. the migrations.
  345. .EXAMPLE
  346. Add-Migration First
  347. # Scaffold a new migration named "First"
  348. .EXAMPLE
  349. Add-Migration First -IgnoreChanges
  350. # Scaffold an empty migration ignoring any pending changes detected in the current model.
  351. # This can be used to create an initial, empty migration to enable Migrations for an existing
  352. # database. N.B. Doing this assumes that the target database schema is compatible with the
  353. # current model.
  354. #>
  355. function Add-Migration
  356. {
  357. [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringName')]
  358. param (
  359. [parameter(Position = 0,
  360. Mandatory = $true)]
  361. [string] $Name,
  362. [switch] $Force,
  363. [string] $ProjectName,
  364. [string] $StartUpProjectName,
  365. [string] $ConfigurationTypeName,
  366. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringName')]
  367. [string] $ConnectionStringName,
  368. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringAndProviderName',
  369. Mandatory = $true)]
  370. [string] $ConnectionString,
  371. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringAndProviderName',
  372. Mandatory = $true)]
  373. [string] $ConnectionProviderName,
  374. [switch] $IgnoreChanges,
  375. [string] $AppDomainBaseDirectory)
  376. $runner = New-MigrationsRunner $ProjectName $StartUpProjectName $null $ConfigurationTypeName $ConnectionStringName $ConnectionString $ConnectionProviderName $null $AppDomainBaseDirectory
  377. try
  378. {
  379. Invoke-RunnerCommand $runner System.Data.Entity.Migrations.AddMigrationCommand @( $Name, $Force.IsPresent, $IgnoreChanges.IsPresent )
  380. $error = Get-RunnerError $runner
  381. if ($error)
  382. {
  383. if ($knownExceptions -notcontains $error.TypeName)
  384. {
  385. Write-Host $error.StackTrace
  386. }
  387. else
  388. {
  389. Write-Verbose $error.StackTrace
  390. }
  391. throw $error.Message
  392. }
  393. $(Get-VSComponentModel).GetService([NuGetConsole.IPowerConsoleWindow]).Show()
  394. }
  395. finally
  396. {
  397. Remove-Runner $runner
  398. }
  399. }
  400. <#
  401. .SYNOPSIS
  402. Applies any pending migrations to the database.
  404. Updates the database to the current model by applying pending migrations.
  405. .PARAMETER SourceMigration
  406. Only valid with -Script. Specifies the name of a particular migration to use
  407. as the update's starting point. If omitted, the last applied migration in
  408. the database will be used.
  409. .PARAMETER TargetMigration
  410. Specifies the name of a particular migration to update the database to. If
  411. omitted, the current model will be used.
  412. .PARAMETER Script
  413. Generate a SQL script rather than executing the pending changes directly.
  414. .PARAMETER Force
  415. Specifies that data loss is acceptable during automatic migration of the
  416. database.
  417. .PARAMETER ProjectName
  418. Specifies the project that contains the migration configuration type to be
  419. used. If omitted, the default project selected in package manager console
  420. is used.
  421. .PARAMETER StartUpProjectName
  422. Specifies the configuration file to use for named connection strings. If
  423. omitted, the specified project's configuration file is used.
  424. .PARAMETER ConfigurationTypeName
  425. Specifies the migrations configuration to use. If omitted, migrations will
  426. attempt to locate a single migrations configuration type in the target
  427. project.
  428. .PARAMETER ConnectionStringName
  429. Specifies the name of a connection string to use from the application's
  430. configuration file.
  431. .PARAMETER ConnectionString
  432. Specifies the the connection string to use. If omitted, the context's
  433. default connection will be used.
  434. .PARAMETER ConnectionProviderName
  435. Specifies the provider invariant name of the connection string.
  436. .PARAMETER AppDomainBaseDirectory
  437. Specifies the directory to use for the app-domain that is used for running Migrations
  438. code such that the app-domain is able to find all required assemblies. This is an
  439. advanced option that should only be needed if the solution contains several projects
  440. such that the assemblies needed for the context and configuration are not all
  441. referenced from either the project containing the context or the project containing
  442. the migrations.
  443. .EXAMPLE
  444. Update-Database
  445. # Update the database to the latest migration
  446. .EXAMPLE
  447. Update-Database -TargetMigration Second
  448. # Update database to a migration named "Second"
  449. # This will apply migrations if the target hasn't been applied or roll back migrations
  450. # if it has
  451. .EXAMPLE
  452. Update-Database -Script
  453. # Generate a script to update the database from it's current state to the latest migration
  454. .EXAMPLE
  455. Update-Database -Script -SourceMigration Second -TargetMigration First
  456. # Generate a script to migrate the database from a specified start migration
  457. # named "Second" to a specified target migration named "First"
  458. .EXAMPLE
  459. Update-Database -Script -SourceMigration $InitialDatabase
  460. # Generate a script that can upgrade a database currently at any version to the latest version.
  461. # The generated script includes logic to check the __MigrationsHistory table and only apply changes
  462. # that haven't been previously applied.
  463. .EXAMPLE
  464. Update-Database -TargetMigration $InitialDatabase
  465. # Runs the Down method to roll-back any migrations that have been applied to the database
  466. #>
  467. function Update-Database
  468. {
  469. [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringName')]
  470. param (
  471. [string] $SourceMigration,
  472. [string] $TargetMigration,
  473. [switch] $Script,
  474. [switch] $Force,
  475. [string] $ProjectName,
  476. [string] $StartUpProjectName,
  477. [string] $ConfigurationTypeName,
  478. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringName')]
  479. [string] $ConnectionStringName,
  480. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringAndProviderName',
  481. Mandatory = $true)]
  482. [string] $ConnectionString,
  483. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringAndProviderName',
  484. Mandatory = $true)]
  485. [string] $ConnectionProviderName,
  486. [string] $AppDomainBaseDirectory)
  487. $runner = New-MigrationsRunner $ProjectName $StartUpProjectName $null $ConfigurationTypeName $ConnectionStringName $ConnectionString $ConnectionProviderName $null $AppDomainBaseDirectory
  488. try
  489. {
  490. Invoke-RunnerCommand $runner System.Data.Entity.Migrations.UpdateDatabaseCommand @( $SourceMigration, $TargetMigration, $Script.IsPresent, $Force.IsPresent, $Verbose.IsPresent )
  491. $error = Get-RunnerError $runner
  492. if ($error)
  493. {
  494. if ($knownExceptions -notcontains $error.TypeName)
  495. {
  496. Write-Host $error.StackTrace
  497. }
  498. else
  499. {
  500. Write-Verbose $error.StackTrace
  501. }
  502. throw $error.Message
  503. }
  504. $(Get-VSComponentModel).GetService([NuGetConsole.IPowerConsoleWindow]).Show()
  505. }
  506. finally
  507. {
  508. Remove-Runner $runner
  509. }
  510. }
  511. <#
  512. .SYNOPSIS
  513. Displays the migrations that have been applied to the target database.
  515. Displays the migrations that have been applied to the target database.
  516. .PARAMETER ProjectName
  517. Specifies the project that contains the migration configuration type to be
  518. used. If omitted, the default project selected in package manager console
  519. is used.
  520. .PARAMETER StartUpProjectName
  521. Specifies the configuration file to use for named connection strings. If
  522. omitted, the specified project's configuration file is used.
  523. .PARAMETER ConfigurationTypeName
  524. Specifies the migrations configuration to use. If omitted, migrations will
  525. attempt to locate a single migrations configuration type in the target
  526. project.
  527. .PARAMETER ConnectionStringName
  528. Specifies the name of a connection string to use from the application's
  529. configuration file.
  530. .PARAMETER ConnectionString
  531. Specifies the the connection string to use. If omitted, the context's
  532. default connection will be used.
  533. .PARAMETER ConnectionProviderName
  534. Specifies the provider invariant name of the connection string.
  535. .PARAMETER AppDomainBaseDirectory
  536. Specifies the directory to use for the app-domain that is used for running Migrations
  537. code such that the app-domain is able to find all required assemblies. This is an
  538. advanced option that should only be needed if the solution contains several projects
  539. such that the assemblies needed for the context and configuration are not all
  540. referenced from either the project containing the context or the project containing
  541. the migrations.
  542. #>
  543. function Get-Migrations
  544. {
  545. [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringName')]
  546. param (
  547. [string] $ProjectName,
  548. [string] $StartUpProjectName,
  549. [string] $ConfigurationTypeName,
  550. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringName')]
  551. [string] $ConnectionStringName,
  552. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringAndProviderName',
  553. Mandatory = $true)]
  554. [string] $ConnectionString,
  555. [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ConnectionStringAndProviderName',
  556. Mandatory = $true)]
  557. [string] $ConnectionProviderName,
  558. [string] $AppDomainBaseDirectory)
  559. $runner = New-MigrationsRunner $ProjectName $StartUpProjectName $null $ConfigurationTypeName $ConnectionStringName $ConnectionString $ConnectionProviderName $null $AppDomainBaseDirectory
  560. try
  561. {
  562. Invoke-RunnerCommand $runner System.Data.Entity.Migrations.GetMigrationsCommand
  563. $error = Get-RunnerError $runner
  564. if ($error)
  565. {
  566. if ($knownExceptions -notcontains $error.TypeName)
  567. {
  568. Write-Host $error.StackTrace
  569. }
  570. else
  571. {
  572. Write-Verbose $error.StackTrace
  573. }
  574. throw $error.Message
  575. }
  576. }
  577. finally
  578. {
  579. Remove-Runner $runner
  580. }
  581. }
  582. function New-MigrationsRunner($ProjectName, $StartUpProjectName, $ContextProjectName, $ConfigurationTypeName, $ConnectionStringName, $ConnectionString, $ConnectionProviderName, $ContextAssemblyName, $AppDomainBaseDirectory)
  583. {
  584. $startUpProject = Get-MigrationsStartUpProject $StartUpProjectName $ProjectName
  585. Build-Project $startUpProject
  586. $project = Get-MigrationsProject $ProjectName
  587. Build-Project $project
  588. $contextProject = $project
  589. if ($ContextProjectName)
  590. {
  591. $contextProject = Get-SingleProject $ContextProjectName
  592. Build-Project $contextProject
  593. }
  594. $installPath = Get-EntityFrameworkInstallPath $project
  595. $toolsPath = Join-Path $installPath tools
  596. $info = New-AppDomainSetup $project $installPath
  597. $domain = [AppDomain]::CreateDomain('Migrations', $null, $info)
  598. $domain.SetData('project', $project)
  599. $domain.SetData('contextProject', $contextProject)
  600. $domain.SetData('startUpProject', $startUpProject)
  601. $domain.SetData('configurationTypeName', $ConfigurationTypeName)
  602. $domain.SetData('connectionStringName', $ConnectionStringName)
  603. $domain.SetData('connectionString', $ConnectionString)
  604. $domain.SetData('connectionProviderName', $ConnectionProviderName)
  605. $domain.SetData('contextAssemblyName', $ContextAssemblyName)
  606. $domain.SetData('appDomainBaseDirectory', $AppDomainBaseDirectory)
  607. $dispatcher = New-DomainDispatcher $toolsPath
  608. $domain.SetData('efDispatcher', $dispatcher)
  609. return @{
  610. Domain = $domain;
  611. ToolsPath = $toolsPath
  612. }
  613. }
  614. function New-EFConfigRunner($Project)
  615. {
  616. $installPath = Get-EntityFrameworkInstallPath $Project
  617. $toolsPath = Join-Path $installPath tools
  618. $info = New-AppDomainSetup $Project $installPath
  619. $domain = [AppDomain]::CreateDomain('EFConfig', $null, $info)
  620. $domain.SetData('project', $Project)
  621. $dispatcher = New-DomainDispatcher $toolsPath
  622. $domain.SetData('efDispatcher', $dispatcher)
  623. return @{
  624. Domain = $domain;
  625. ToolsPath = $toolsPath
  626. }
  627. }
  628. function New-AppDomainSetup($Project, $InstallPath)
  629. {
  630. $info = New-Object System.AppDomainSetup -Property @{
  631. ShadowCopyFiles = 'true';
  632. ApplicationBase = $InstallPath;
  633. PrivateBinPath = 'tools';
  634. ConfigurationFile = ([AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ConfigurationFile)
  635. }
  636. $targetFrameworkVersion = (New-Object System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName ($Project.Properties.Item('TargetFrameworkMoniker').Value)).Version
  637. if ($targetFrameworkVersion -lt (New-Object Version @( 4, 5 )))
  638. {
  639. $info.PrivateBinPath += ';lib\net40'
  640. }
  641. else
  642. {
  643. $info.PrivateBinPath += ';lib\net45'
  644. }
  645. return $info
  646. }
  647. function New-DomainDispatcher($ToolsPath)
  648. {
  649. $utilityAssembly = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom((Join-Path $ToolsPath EntityFramework.PowerShell.Utility.dll))
  650. $dispatcher = $utilityAssembly.CreateInstance(
  651. 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Utilities.DomainDispatcher',
  652. $false,
  653. [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Public,
  654. $null,
  655. $PSCmdlet,
  656. $null,
  657. $null)
  658. return $dispatcher
  659. }
  660. function Remove-Runner($runner)
  661. {
  662. [AppDomain]::Unload($runner.Domain)
  663. }
  664. function Invoke-RunnerCommand($runner, $command, $parameters, $anonymousArguments)
  665. {
  666. $domain = $runner.Domain
  667. if ($anonymousArguments)
  668. {
  669. $anonymousArguments.GetEnumerator() | %{
  670. $domain.SetData($_.Name, $_.Value)
  671. }
  672. }
  673. $domain.CreateInstanceFrom(
  674. (Join-Path $runner.ToolsPath EntityFramework.PowerShell.dll),
  675. $command,
  676. $false,
  677. 0,
  678. $null,
  679. $parameters,
  680. $null,
  681. $null) | Out-Null
  682. }
  683. function Get-RunnerError($runner)
  684. {
  685. $domain = $runner.Domain
  686. if (!$domain.GetData('wasError'))
  687. {
  688. return $null
  689. }
  690. return @{
  691. Message = $domain.GetData('error.Message');
  692. TypeName = $domain.GetData('error.TypeName');
  693. StackTrace = $domain.GetData('error.StackTrace')
  694. }
  695. }
  696. function Get-MigrationsProject($name, $hideMessage)
  697. {
  698. if ($name)
  699. {
  700. return Get-SingleProject $name
  701. }
  702. $project = Get-Project
  703. $projectName = $project.Name
  704. if (!$hideMessage)
  705. {
  706. Write-Verbose "Using NuGet project '$projectName'."
  707. }
  708. return $project
  709. }
  710. function Get-MigrationsStartUpProject($name, $fallbackName)
  711. {
  712. $startUpProject = $null
  713. if ($name)
  714. {
  715. $startUpProject = Get-SingleProject $name
  716. }
  717. else
  718. {
  719. $startupProjectPaths = $DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild.StartupProjects
  720. if ($startupProjectPaths)
  721. {
  722. if ($startupProjectPaths.Length -eq 1)
  723. {
  724. $startupProjectPath = $startupProjectPaths[0]
  725. if (!(Split-Path -IsAbsolute $startupProjectPath))
  726. {
  727. $solutionPath = Split-Path $DTE.Solution.Properties.Item('Path').Value
  728. $startupProjectPath = Join-Path $solutionPath $startupProjectPath -Resolve
  729. }
  730. $startupProject = Get-SolutionProjects | ?{
  731. try
  732. {
  733. $fullName = $_.FullName
  734. }
  735. catch [NotImplementedException]
  736. {
  737. return $false
  738. }
  739. if ($fullName -and $fullName.EndsWith('\'))
  740. {
  741. $fullName = $fullName.Substring(0, $fullName.Length - 1)
  742. }
  743. return $fullName -eq $startupProjectPath
  744. }
  745. }
  746. else
  747. {
  748. Write-Verbose 'More than one start-up project found.'
  749. }
  750. }
  751. else
  752. {
  753. Write-Verbose 'No start-up project found.'
  754. }
  755. }
  756. if (!($startUpProject -and (Test-StartUpProject $startUpProject)))
  757. {
  758. $startUpProject = Get-MigrationsProject $fallbackName $true
  759. $startUpProjectName = $startUpProject.Name
  760. Write-Warning "Cannot determine a valid start-up project. Using project '$startUpProjectName' instead. Your configuration file and working directory may not be set as expected. Use the -StartUpProjectName parameter to set one explicitly. Use the -Verbose switch for more information."
  761. }
  762. else
  763. {
  764. $startUpProjectName = $startUpProject.Name
  765. Write-Verbose "Using StartUp project '$startUpProjectName'."
  766. }
  767. return $startUpProject
  768. }
  769. function Get-SolutionProjects()
  770. {
  771. $projects = New-Object System.Collections.Stack
  772. $DTE.Solution.Projects | %{
  773. $projects.Push($_)
  774. }
  775. while ($projects.Count -ne 0)
  776. {
  777. $project = $projects.Pop();
  778. # NOTE: This line is similar to doing a "yield return" in C#
  779. $project
  780. if ($project.ProjectItems)
  781. {
  782. $project.ProjectItems | ?{ $_.SubProject } | %{
  783. $projects.Push($_.SubProject)
  784. }
  785. }
  786. }
  787. }
  788. function Get-SingleProject($name)
  789. {
  790. $project = Get-Project $name
  791. if ($project -is [array])
  792. {
  793. throw "More than one project '$name' was found. Specify the full name of the one to use."
  794. }
  795. return $project
  796. }
  797. function Test-StartUpProject($project)
  798. {
  799. if ($project.Kind -eq '{cc5fd16d-436d-48ad-a40c-5a424c6e3e79}')
  800. {
  801. $projectName = $project.Name
  802. Write-Verbose "Cannot use start-up project '$projectName'. The Windows Azure Project type isn't supported."
  803. return $false
  804. }
  805. return $true
  806. }
  807. function Build-Project($project)
  808. {
  809. $configuration = $DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild.ActiveConfiguration.Name
  810. $DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild.BuildProject($configuration, $project.UniqueName, $true)
  811. if ($DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild.LastBuildInfo)
  812. {
  813. $projectName = $project.Name
  814. throw "The project '$projectName' failed to build."
  815. }
  816. }
  817. function Get-EntityFrameworkInstallPath($project)
  818. {
  819. $package = Get-Package -ProjectName $project.FullName | ?{ $_.Id -eq 'EntityFramework' }
  820. if (!$package)
  821. {
  822. $projectName = $project.Name
  823. throw "The EntityFramework package is not installed on project '$projectName'."
  824. }
  825. return Get-PackageInstallPath $package
  826. }
  827. function Get-PackageInstallPath($package)
  828. {
  829. $componentModel = Get-VsComponentModel
  830. $packageInstallerServices = $componentModel.GetService([NuGet.VisualStudio.IVsPackageInstallerServices])
  831. $vsPackage = $packageInstallerServices.GetInstalledPackages() | ?{ $_.Id -eq $package.Id -and $_.Version -eq $package.Version }
  832. return $vsPackage.InstallPath
  833. }
  834. function Check-Project($project)
  835. {
  836. if (!$project.FullName)
  837. {
  838. throw "The Project argument must refer to a Visual Studio project. Use the '`$project' variable provided by NuGet when running in install.ps1."
  839. }
  840. return $project.CodeModel
  841. }
  842. Export-ModuleMember @( 'Enable-Migrations', 'Add-Migration', 'Update-Database', 'Get-Migrations', 'Add-EFProvider', 'Add-EFDefaultConnectionFactory', 'Initialize-EFConfiguration') -Variable InitialDatabase
  843. # SIG # Begin signature block
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  986. # 1Mnr9ITkdiMIpbWn8s0nr/UsHRltjyPyjtfIvgiFgKLxnw87sHnloEAbksaLqlbX
  987. # 6d/6I/2PpumqJR3c
  988. # SIG # End signature block