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CardPrint.cshtml 2.5 KiB

4 年之前
4 年之前
  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
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  5. <title>CardPrint</title>
  6. @Html.AppendJsFile("/Content/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.min.js", "/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/StuEnroll/LodopFuncs.js","/Content/jquery/plugin/jqprint/jquery.jqprint-0.3.js")
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  27. <div><img id="stuImg" src="" alt=""></div>
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  29. <div class="printCon">
  30. <div class="printT" id="StuName">王同学</div>
  31. <div class="printTxt" id="ClassName">小育2018002班</div>
  32. </div>
  33. </div>
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  44. $(function() {
  45. $("#btnprint").on("click", function() {
  46. AddPrintContent3()
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  48. var keyValue = request('keyValue');
  49. $.ajax({
  50. url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/StuEnroll/GetStuDefaultInfo?StuId=' + keyValue,
  51. type: "POST",
  52. dataType: "json",
  53. async: true,
  54. cache: false,
  55. success: function(data) {
  56. if(data.code == top.learun.httpCode.exception) {
  57. top.learun.httpErrorLog(;
  58. = '系统异常,请联系管理员!';
  59. }
  60. // //绑定数据
  61. $("#StuName").html(;
  62. $("#ClassName").html(;
  63. $("#stuImg").attr("src",;
  64. },
  65. error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
  66. top.learun.httpErrorLog(textStatus);
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  72. // 打印表单
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  78. window.print();
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  83. </html>