You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

IndexLessonTerm.cshtml 5.7 KiB

3 年之前
3 年之前
3 年之前
3 年之前
3 年之前
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  139. <div class="lr-layout-left">
  140. <div class="lr-layout-wrap">
  141. <div class="lr-layout-title lrlt ">班级信息</div>
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  152. @*<div class="personT"></div>*@
  153. <div class="leftDiv">
  154. @*<div class="perSemester"></div>*@
  155. <div class="WeekTimes" id="WeekTimes">周次:</div>
  156. @*<ul class="perWeek perWeek1">
  157. <li>节次/星期</li>
  158. <li>星期一</li>
  159. <li>星期二</li>
  160. <li>星期三</li>
  161. <li>星期四</li>
  162. <li>星期五</li>
  163. <li>星期六</li>
  164. <li>星期日</li>
  165. <li>星期八</li>
  166. <li>星期九</li>
  167. <li>星期十</li>
  168. </ul>*@
  169. <div class="perFestivalsBox">
  170. <table id="lessonTermTable" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width: 100%"></table>
  171. </div>
  172. </div>
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  174. <input id="ALTId" hidden="hidden" />
  175. <div class="rdiv" id="LessonInfo"></div>
  176. <div class="rdiv" id="EmpInfo"></div>
  177. <div class="rdiv" id="ClassroomInfo"></div>
  178. <div class="rdiv" id="WeekTimeSelect"></div>
  179. <div class="rdiv" id="WeekSelect"></div>
  180. <div class="rdiv" id="NodeSelect"></div>
  181. <button class="btn btn-default dbtn" id="delete">删除</button>
  182. <button class="btn btn-default ebtn" id="edit">修改</button>
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  185. </div>
  186. </div>
  187. </div>
  188. </div>
  189. </div>
  190. @Html.AppendJsFile("/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/ArrangeLessonTerm/IndexLessonTerm.js")