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Aspose.Cells.xml 1.9 MiB

před 2 roky
  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>Aspose.Cells</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter">
  8. <summary>
  9. Represents autofiltering for the specified worksheet.
  10. </summary>
  11. <example>
  12. <code>
  13. [C#]
  14. //Creating a file stream containing the Excel file to be opened
  15. FileStream fstream = new FileStream("C:\\book1.xls", FileMode.Open);
  16. //Instantiating a Workbook object and open a stream.
  17. Workbook workbook = new Workbook(fstream);
  18. //Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
  19. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  20. //Creating AutoFilter by giving the cells range of the heading row
  21. worksheet.AutoFilter.Range = "A1:B1";
  22. //Filtering columns with specified values
  23. worksheet.AutoFilter.Filter(1, "Bananas");
  24. //Saving the modified Excel file.
  25. workbook.Save("C:\\output.xls");
  26. //Closing the file stream to free all resources
  27. fstream.Close();
  28. [Visual Basic]
  29. 'Creating a file stream containing the Excel file to be opened
  30. Dim fstream As FileStream = New FileStream("C:\\book1.xls", FileMode.Open)
  31. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  32. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook(fstream)
  33. 'Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
  34. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  35. 'Creating AutoFilter by giving the cells range of the heading row
  36. worksheet.AutoFilter.Range = "A1:B1"
  37. 'Filtering columns with specified values
  38. Worksheet.AutoFilter.Filter(1, "Bananas")
  39. 'Saving the modified Excel file
  40. workbook.Save("C:\\output.xls")
  41. 'Closing the file stream to free all resources
  42. fstream.Close()
  43. </code>
  44. </example>
  45. </member>
  46. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.SetRange(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  47. <summary>
  48. Sets the range to which the specified AutoFilter applies.
  49. </summary>
  50. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  51. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  52. <param name="endColumn">End column Index.</param>
  53. </member>
  54. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.AddFilter(System.Int32,System.String)">
  55. <summary>
  56. Adds a filter for a filter column.
  57. </summary>
  58. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  59. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).
  60. </param>
  61. <param name="criteria">The specified criteria (a string; for example, "101").
  62. It only can be null or be one of the cells' value in this column.
  63. </param>
  64. <remarks>
  65. MS Excel 2007 supports multiple selection in a filter column.
  66. </remarks>
  67. </member>
  68. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.AddDateFilter(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  69. <summary>
  70. Adds a date filter.
  71. </summary>
  72. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  73. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).
  74. </param>
  75. <param name="dateTimeGroupingType">
  76. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType" />
  77. </param>
  78. <param name="year">The year.</param>
  79. <param name="month">The month.</param>
  80. <param name="day">The day.</param>
  81. <param name="hour">The hour.</param>
  82. <param name="minute">The minute.</param>
  83. <param name="second">The second.</param>
  84. <remarks>
  85. If DateTimeGroupingType is Year, only the param year effects.
  86. If DateTiemGroupingType is Month, only the param year and month effect.
  87. </remarks>
  88. </member>
  89. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.RemoveDateFilter(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  90. <summary>
  91. Removes a date filter.
  92. </summary>
  93. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  94. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).
  95. </param>
  96. <param name="dateTimeGroupingType">
  97. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType" />
  98. </param>
  99. <param name="year">The year.</param>
  100. <param name="month">The month.</param>
  101. <param name="day">The day.</param>
  102. <param name="hour">The hour.</param>
  103. <param name="minute">The minute.</param>
  104. <param name="second">The second.</param>
  105. <remarks>
  106. If DateTimeGroupingType is Year, only the param year effects.
  107. If DateTiemGroupingType is Month, only the param year and month effect.
  108. </remarks>
  109. </member>
  110. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.RemoveFilter(System.Int32,System.String)">
  111. <summary>
  112. Removes a filter for a filter column.
  113. </summary>
  114. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  115. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).
  116. </param>
  117. <param name="criteria">The specified criteria (a string; for example, "101").
  118. It only can be null or be one of the cells' value in this column.
  119. </param>
  120. </member>
  121. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.Filter(System.Int32,System.String)">
  122. <summary>
  123. Filters a list with specified criteria.
  124. </summary>
  125. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  126. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).
  127. </param>
  128. <param name="criteria">The specified criteria (a string; for example, "101"). </param>
  129. <remarks>
  130. Aspose.Cells will remove all other filter setting on this field as Ms Excel 97-2003.
  131. </remarks>
  132. </member>
  133. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.FilterTop10(System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  134. <summary>
  135. Filter the top 10 item in the list
  136. </summary>
  137. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  138. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  139. <param name="isTop">Indicates whether filter from top or bottom</param>
  140. <param name="isPercent">Indicates whether the items is percent or count </param>
  141. <param name="itemCount">The item count</param>
  142. </member>
  143. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.DynamicFilter(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType)">
  144. <summary>
  145. Adds a dynamic filter.
  146. </summary>
  147. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  148. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  149. <param name="dynamicFilterType">
  150. Dynamic filter type.
  151. </param>
  152. </member>
  153. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.AddFontColorFilter(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.CellsColor)">
  154. <summary>
  155. Adds a font color filter.
  156. </summary>
  157. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  158. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  159. <param name="color">The <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor" /> object.
  160. </param>
  161. </member>
  162. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.AddFillColorFilter(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType,Aspose.Cells.CellsColor,Aspose.Cells.CellsColor)">
  163. <summary>
  164. Adds a fill color filter.
  165. </summary>
  166. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  167. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  168. <param name="pattern">The background pattern type.</param>
  169. <param name="foregroundColor">The foreground color.</param>
  170. <param name="backgroundColor">The background color.</param>
  171. </member>
  172. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.AddIconFilter(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.IconSetType,System.Int32)">
  173. <summary>
  174. Adds an icon filter.
  175. </summary>
  176. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  177. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  178. <param name="iconSetType">The icon set type.</param>
  179. <param name="iconId">The icon id.</param>
  180. <remarks>
  181. Only supports to add the icon filter.
  182. Not supports checking which row is visible if the filter is icon filter.
  183. </remarks>
  184. </member>
  185. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.MatchBlanks(System.Int32)">
  186. <summary>
  187. Match all blank cell in the list.
  188. </summary>
  189. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  190. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  191. </member>
  192. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.MatchNonBlanks(System.Int32)">
  193. <summary>
  194. Match all not blank cell in the list.
  195. </summary>
  196. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  197. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  198. </member>
  199. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.Custom(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType,System.Object)">
  200. <summary>
  201. Filters a list with a custom criteria.
  202. </summary>
  203. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  204. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  205. <param name="operatorType1">The filter operator type</param>
  206. <param name="criteria1">The custom criteria</param>
  207. </member>
  208. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.Custom(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType,System.Object,System.Boolean,Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType,System.Object)">
  209. <summary>
  210. Filters a list with custom criteria.
  211. </summary>
  212. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  213. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).</param>
  214. <param name="operatorType1">The filter operator type</param>
  215. <param name="criteria1">The custom criteria</param>
  216. <param name="isAnd">
  217. </param>
  218. <param name="operatorType2">The filter operator type</param>
  219. <param name="criteria2">The custom criteria</param>
  220. </member>
  221. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.ShowAll">
  222. <summary>
  223. Unhide all rows.
  224. </summary>
  225. </member>
  226. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.RemoveFilter(System.Int32)">
  227. <summary>
  228. Remove the specific filter.
  229. </summary>
  230. <param name="fieldIndex">The specific filter index</param>
  231. </member>
  232. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.Refresh">
  233. <summary>
  234. Refresh auto filters to hide or unhide the rows.
  235. </summary>
  236. <returns>
  237. Returns all hidden rows' indexes.
  238. </returns>
  239. </member>
  240. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.Refresh(System.Boolean)">
  241. <summary>
  242. Gets all hidden rows' indexes.
  243. </summary>
  244. <param name="hideRows">
  245. If true, hide the filtered rows.
  246. </param>
  247. <returns>
  248. Returns all hidden rows indexes.
  249. </returns>
  250. </member>
  251. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.Sorter">
  252. <summary>
  253. Gets the data sorter.
  254. </summary>
  255. </member>
  256. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.Range">
  257. <summary>
  258. Represents the range to which the specified AutoFilter applies.
  259. </summary>
  260. </member>
  261. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFilter.FilterColumns">
  262. <summary>
  263. Gets the collection of the filter columns.
  264. </summary>
  265. </member>
  266. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitMergedCellsType">
  267. <summary>
  268. Represents the type of auto fitting merged cells.
  269. </summary>
  270. </member>
  271. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitMergedCellsType.None">
  272. <summary>
  273. Ignore merged cells.
  274. </summary>
  275. <remarks>
  276. Default.
  277. </remarks>
  278. </member>
  279. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitMergedCellsType.FirstLine">
  280. <summary>
  281. Only expands the height of the first row.
  282. </summary>
  283. </member>
  284. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitMergedCellsType.LastLine">
  285. <summary>
  286. Only expands the height of the last row.
  287. </summary>
  288. </member>
  289. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitMergedCellsType.EachLine">
  290. <summary>
  291. Only expands the height of each row.
  292. </summary>
  293. </member>
  294. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitWrappedTextType">
  295. <summary>
  296. Represents the type of auto fitting wrapped text.
  297. </summary>
  298. </member>
  299. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitWrappedTextType.Default">
  300. <summary>
  301. Works as MS Excel.
  302. </summary>
  303. </member>
  304. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitWrappedTextType.Paragraph">
  305. <summary>
  306. Auto fit width with the longest paragraph.
  307. </summary>
  308. </member>
  309. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsFactory">
  310. <summary>
  311. Utility for instantiating classes of Cells model.
  312. </summary>
  313. </member>
  314. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsFactory.CreateStyle">
  315. <summary>
  316. Creates a new style.
  317. </summary>
  318. <returns>Returns a style object.</returns>
  319. </member>
  320. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextDirectionType">
  321. <summary>
  322. Represents the text direction type of the chart.
  323. </summary>
  324. </member>
  325. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextDirectionType.Horizontal">
  326. <summary>
  327. Horizontal direction type.
  328. </summary>
  329. </member>
  330. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextDirectionType.Vertical">
  331. <summary>
  332. Vertical direction type.
  333. </summary>
  334. </member>
  335. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextDirectionType.Rotate90">
  336. <summary>
  337. Rotate 90 angle.
  338. </summary>
  339. </member>
  340. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextDirectionType.Rotate270">
  341. <summary>
  342. Rotate 270 angle.
  343. </summary>
  344. </member>
  345. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextDirectionType.Stacked">
  346. <summary>
  347. Stacked text.
  348. </summary>
  349. </member>
  350. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLablesSeparatorType">
  351. <summary>
  352. Represents the separator type of DataLabels.
  353. </summary>
  354. <remarks>
  355. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  356. please use DataLabelsSeparatorType enum.
  357. This property will be removed 12 months later since September 2020.
  358. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  359. </member>
  360. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLablesSeparatorType.Auto">
  361. <summary>
  362. Represents automatic separator
  363. </summary>
  364. </member>
  365. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLablesSeparatorType.Space">
  366. <summary>
  367. Represents space(" ")
  368. </summary>
  369. </member>
  370. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLablesSeparatorType.Comma">
  371. <summary>
  372. Represents comma(",")
  373. </summary>
  374. </member>
  375. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLablesSeparatorType.Semicolon">
  376. <summary>
  377. Represents semicolon(";")
  378. </summary>
  379. </member>
  380. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLablesSeparatorType.Period">
  381. <summary>
  382. Represents period(".")
  383. </summary>
  384. </member>
  385. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLablesSeparatorType.NewLine">
  386. <summary>
  387. Represents newline("\n")
  388. </summary>
  389. </member>
  390. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLablesSeparatorType.Custom">
  391. <summary>
  392. Represents custom separator
  393. </summary>
  394. </member>
  395. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotDataByType">
  396. <summary>
  397. Represents the type of data plot by row or column.
  398. </summary>
  399. </member>
  400. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotDataByType.Row">
  401. <summary>
  402. By row.
  403. </summary>
  404. </member>
  405. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotDataByType.Column">
  406. <summary>
  407. By column.
  408. </summary>
  409. </member>
  410. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1">
  411. <summary>
  412. Provides the abstract base class for a strongly typed collection.
  413. </summary>
  414. </member>
  415. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.BinarySearch(`0)">
  416. <summary>
  417. </summary>
  418. <param name="item">
  419. </param>
  420. <returns>
  421. </returns>
  422. </member>
  423. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.BinarySearch(`0,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{`0})">
  424. <summary>
  425. </summary>
  426. <param name="item">
  427. </param>
  428. <param name="comparer">
  429. </param>
  430. <returns>
  431. </returns>
  432. </member>
  433. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.BinarySearch(System.Int32,System.Int32,`0,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{`0})">
  434. <summary>
  435. </summary>
  436. <param name="index">
  437. </param>
  438. <param name="count">
  439. </param>
  440. <param name="item">
  441. </param>
  442. <param name="comparer">
  443. </param>
  444. <returns>
  445. </returns>
  446. </member>
  447. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.Contains(`0)">
  448. <summary>
  449. </summary>
  450. <param name="item">
  451. </param>
  452. <returns>
  453. </returns>
  454. </member>
  455. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.CopyTo(`0[])">
  456. <summary>
  457. </summary>
  458. <param name="array">
  459. </param>
  460. </member>
  461. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.CopyTo(`0[],System.Int32)">
  462. <summary>
  463. </summary>
  464. <param name="array">
  465. </param>
  466. <param name="arrayIndex">
  467. </param>
  468. </member>
  469. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.CopyTo(System.Int32,`0[],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  470. <summary>
  471. </summary>
  472. <param name="index">
  473. </param>
  474. <param name="array">
  475. </param>
  476. <param name="arrayIndex">
  477. </param>
  478. <param name="count">
  479. </param>
  480. </member>
  481. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.Exists(System.Predicate{`0})">
  482. <summary>
  483. </summary>
  484. <param name="match">
  485. </param>
  486. <returns>
  487. </returns>
  488. </member>
  489. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.Find(System.Predicate{`0})">
  490. <summary>
  491. </summary>
  492. <param name="match">
  493. </param>
  494. <returns>
  495. </returns>
  496. </member>
  497. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.FindAll(System.Predicate{`0})">
  498. <summary>
  499. </summary>
  500. <param name="match">
  501. </param>
  502. <returns>
  503. </returns>
  504. </member>
  505. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.FindIndex(System.Predicate{`0})">
  506. <summary>
  507. </summary>
  508. <param name="match">
  509. </param>
  510. <returns>
  511. </returns>
  512. </member>
  513. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.FindIndex(System.Int32,System.Predicate{`0})">
  514. <summary>
  515. </summary>
  516. <param name="startIndex">
  517. </param>
  518. <param name="match">
  519. </param>
  520. <returns>
  521. </returns>
  522. </member>
  523. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.FindIndex(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Predicate{`0})">
  524. <summary>
  525. </summary>
  526. <param name="startIndex">
  527. </param>
  528. <param name="count">
  529. </param>
  530. <param name="match">
  531. </param>
  532. <returns>
  533. </returns>
  534. </member>
  535. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.FindLast(System.Predicate{`0})">
  536. <summary>
  537. </summary>
  538. <param name="match">
  539. </param>
  540. <returns>
  541. </returns>
  542. </member>
  543. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.FindLastIndex(System.Predicate{`0})">
  544. <summary>
  545. </summary>
  546. <param name="match">
  547. </param>
  548. <returns>
  549. </returns>
  550. </member>
  551. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.FindLastIndex(System.Int32,System.Predicate{`0})">
  552. <summary>
  553. </summary>
  554. <param name="startIndex">
  555. </param>
  556. <param name="match">
  557. </param>
  558. <returns>
  559. </returns>
  560. </member>
  561. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.FindLastIndex(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Predicate{`0})">
  562. <summary>
  563. </summary>
  564. <param name="startIndex">
  565. </param>
  566. <param name="count">
  567. </param>
  568. <param name="match">
  569. </param>
  570. <returns>
  571. </returns>
  572. </member>
  573. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.IndexOf(`0)">
  574. <summary>
  575. </summary>
  576. <param name="item">
  577. </param>
  578. <returns>
  579. </returns>
  580. </member>
  581. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.IndexOf(`0,System.Int32)">
  582. <summary>
  583. </summary>
  584. <param name="item">
  585. </param>
  586. <param name="index">
  587. </param>
  588. <returns>
  589. </returns>
  590. </member>
  591. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.IndexOf(`0,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  592. <summary>
  593. </summary>
  594. <param name="item">
  595. </param>
  596. <param name="index">
  597. </param>
  598. <param name="count">
  599. </param>
  600. <returns>
  601. </returns>
  602. </member>
  603. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.LastIndexOf(`0)">
  604. <summary>
  605. </summary>
  606. <param name="item">
  607. </param>
  608. <returns>
  609. </returns>
  610. </member>
  611. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.LastIndexOf(`0,System.Int32)">
  612. <summary>
  613. </summary>
  614. <param name="item">
  615. </param>
  616. <param name="index">
  617. </param>
  618. <returns>
  619. </returns>
  620. </member>
  621. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.LastIndexOf(`0,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  622. <summary>
  623. </summary>
  624. <param name="item">
  625. </param>
  626. <param name="index">
  627. </param>
  628. <param name="count">
  629. </param>
  630. <returns>
  631. </returns>
  632. </member>
  633. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.GetEnumerator">
  634. <summary>
  635. </summary>
  636. <returns>
  637. </returns>
  638. </member>
  639. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.Clear">
  640. <summary>
  641. Remove all elements.
  642. </summary>
  643. </member>
  644. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  645. <summary>
  646. Removes the element at the specified index.
  647. </summary>
  648. <param name="index">
  649. </param>
  650. </member>
  651. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.Capacity">
  652. <summary>
  653. Gets or sets the number of elements that the list can contain.
  654. </summary>
  655. </member>
  656. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.Count">
  657. <summary>
  658. Gets the number of elements.
  659. </summary>
  660. </member>
  661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CollectionBase`1.Item(System.Int32)">
  662. <summary>
  663. Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
  664. </summary>
  665. <param name="index">
  666. </param>
  667. <returns>
  668. </returns>
  669. </member>
  670. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DefaultEditLanguage">
  671. <summary>
  672. Represents the default edit language.
  673. </summary>
  674. </member>
  675. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DefaultEditLanguage.Auto">
  676. <summary>
  677. Represents auto detecting edit language according to the text itself.
  678. </summary>
  679. </member>
  680. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DefaultEditLanguage.English">
  681. <summary>
  682. Represents English language.
  683. </summary>
  684. </member>
  685. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DefaultEditLanguage.CJK">
  686. <summary>
  687. Represents Chinese, Japanese, Korean language.
  688. </summary>
  689. </member>
  690. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.EmfRenderSetting">
  691. <summary>
  692. Setting for rendering Emf metafile.
  693. </summary>
  694. </member>
  695. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.EmfRenderSetting.EmfOnly">
  696. <summary>
  697. Only rendering Emf records.
  698. </summary>
  699. </member>
  700. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.EmfRenderSetting.EmfPlusPrefer">
  701. <summary>
  702. Prefer rendering EmfPlus records.
  703. </summary>
  704. </member>
  705. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.IStreamProvider">
  706. <summary>
  707. Represents the exported stream provider.
  708. </summary>
  709. </member>
  710. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IStreamProvider.InitStream(Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions)">
  711. <summary>
  712. Gets the stream.
  713. </summary>
  714. <param name="options">
  715. </param>
  716. </member>
  717. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IStreamProvider.CloseStream(Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions)">
  718. <summary>
  719. Closes the stream.
  720. </summary>
  721. <param name="options">
  722. </param>
  723. </member>
  724. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.IWarningCallback">
  725. <summary>
  726. Callback interface of warning.
  727. </summary>
  728. </member>
  729. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IWarningCallback.Warning(Aspose.Cells.WarningInfo)">
  730. <summary>
  731. Our callback only needs to implement the "Warning" method.
  732. </summary>
  733. <param name="warningInfo"> warning info</param>
  734. </member>
  735. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.XAdESType">
  736. <summary>
  737. Type of XML Advanced Electronic Signature (XAdES).
  738. </summary>
  739. </member>
  740. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.XAdESType.None">
  741. <summary>
  742. XAdES is off.
  743. </summary>
  744. </member>
  745. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.XAdESType.XAdES">
  746. <summary>
  747. Basic XAdES.
  748. </summary>
  749. </member>
  750. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting">
  751. <summary>
  752. Represents a range of characters within the cell text.
  753. </summary>
  754. <example>
  755. <code>
  756. [C#]
  757. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  758. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  759. //Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  760. workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  761. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  762. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  763. //Accessing the "A1" cell from the worksheet
  764. Aspose.Cells.Cell cell = worksheet.Cells["A1"];
  765. //Adding some value to the "A1" cell
  766. cell.PutValue("Visit Aspose!");
  767. //getting charactor
  768. FontSetting charactor = cell.Characters(6, 7);
  769. //Setting the font of selected characters to bold
  770. charactor.Font.IsBold = true;
  771. //Setting the font color of selected characters to blue
  772. charactor.Font.Color = Color.Blue;
  773. //Saving the Excel file
  774. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  775. [VB.NET]
  776. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  777. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  778. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  779. workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  780. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  781. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  782. 'Accessing the "A1" cell from the worksheet
  783. Dim cell As Aspose.Cells.Cell = worksheet.Cells("A1")
  784. 'Adding some value to the "A1" cell
  785. cell.PutValue("Visit Aspose!")
  786. 'getting charactor
  787. Dim charactor As FontSetting = cell.Characters(6, 7)
  788. 'Setting the font of selected characters to bold
  789. charactor.Font.IsBold = True
  790. 'Setting the font color of selected characters to blue
  791. charactor.Font.Color = Color.Blue
  792. 'Saving the Excel file
  793. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  794. </code>
  795. </example>
  796. </member>
  797. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection)">
  798. <summary>
  799. </summary>
  800. <param name="startIndex">
  801. </param>
  802. <param name="length">
  803. </param>
  804. <param name="sheets">
  805. </param>
  806. </member>
  807. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting.SetWordArtStyle(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle)">
  808. <summary>
  809. Sets the preset WordArt style.
  810. </summary>
  811. <param name="style">The preset WordArt style.</param>
  812. <remarks>Only for the text of shape/chart.</remarks>
  813. </member>
  814. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting.Type">
  815. <summary>
  816. Gets the type of text node.
  817. </summary>
  818. </member>
  819. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting.StartIndex">
  820. <summary>
  821. Gets the start index of the characters.
  822. </summary>
  823. </member>
  824. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting.Length">
  825. <summary>
  826. Gets the length of the characters.
  827. </summary>
  828. </member>
  829. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting.Font">
  830. <summary>
  831. Returns the font of this object.
  832. </summary>
  833. </member>
  834. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting.TextOptions">
  835. <summary>
  836. Returns the text options.
  837. </summary>
  838. </member>
  839. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FormulaParseOptions">
  840. <summary>
  841. Represents options when parsing formula.
  842. </summary>
  843. </member>
  844. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormulaParseOptions.LocaleDependent">
  845. <summary>
  846. Whether the formula is locale formatted. Default is false.
  847. </summary>
  848. </member>
  849. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormulaParseOptions.R1C1Style">
  850. <summary>
  851. Whether the formula is R1C1 reference style. Default is false.
  852. </summary>
  853. </member>
  854. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormulaParseOptions.CheckAddIn">
  855. <summary>
  856. Whether check addins in existing external links of current workbook for user defined function without external link.
  857. Default is true(if user defined function matches one addin in existing external links, then take it as the addin).
  858. </summary>
  859. </member>
  860. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormulaParseOptions.Parse">
  861. <summary>
  862. Whether parse given formula. Default is true.
  863. If it is false, then given formula string will be kept as it is for the cell until user call other methods to parse them
  864. or parsed formula data is required by other operations such as calculating formulas.
  865. </summary>
  866. </member>
  867. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler">
  868. <summary>
  869. Represents cells data handler for reading large spreadsheet files in light weight mode.
  870. </summary>
  871. <remarks>
  872. When reading a workbook by this mode, <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.StartSheet(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet)" /> will be checked when reading every worksheet in the workbook.
  873. For one sheet, if <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.StartSheet(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet)" /> gives true, then all data and properties of rows/cells of this sheet will be checked
  874. and processed by the implementation of this interface. For every row, <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.StartRow(System.Int32)" /> will be called to check whether it need to be processed.
  875. If a row needs to be processed, properties of this row will be read firstly and user can access its properties by <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.ProcessRow(Aspose.Cells.Row)" />.
  876. if row's cells need to be processed too, then <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.ProcessRow(Aspose.Cells.Row)" /> should returns true and then <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.StartCell(System.Int32)" /> will be
  877. called for every existing cell in this row to check whether one cell need to be processed. If one cell needs to be processed,
  878. then <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.ProcessCell(Aspose.Cells.Cell)" /> will be called to process the cell by the implementation of this interface.
  879. </remarks>
  880. </member>
  881. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.StartSheet(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet)">
  882. <summary>
  883. Starts to process a worksheet.
  884. </summary>
  885. <remarks>
  886. It will be called before reading cells data of a worksheet.
  887. </remarks>
  888. <param name="sheet">the worksheet to read cells data.</param>
  889. <returns>
  890. whether this sheet's cells data needs to be processed. false to ignore this sheet.
  891. </returns>
  892. </member>
  893. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.StartRow(System.Int32)">
  894. <summary>
  895. Prepares to process a row.
  896. </summary>
  897. <param name="rowIndex">the index of next row to be processed</param>
  898. <returns>whether this row(properties or cells data) needs to be processed. false to ignore this row and its cells and check the next row.</returns>
  899. </member>
  900. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.ProcessRow(Aspose.Cells.Row)">
  901. <summary>
  902. Starts to process one row.
  903. </summary>
  904. <remarks>
  905. It will be called after row's properties such as height, style, ...etc. have been read. However, cells in this row has not been read yet.
  906. </remarks>
  907. <param name="row">
  908. Row object which is being processed currently.
  909. </param>
  910. <returns>whether this row's cells need to be processed. false to ignore all cells in this row.</returns>
  911. </member>
  912. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.StartCell(System.Int32)">
  913. <summary>
  914. Prepares to process a cell.
  915. </summary>
  916. <remarks>
  917. It will be called when reaching an existing cell in current row. Current row is the row of last call of <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.ProcessRow(Aspose.Cells.Row)" />.
  918. </remarks>
  919. <param name="columnIndex">column index of the cell to be processed</param>
  920. <returns>whether this cell needs to be processed. false to ignore the cell and check the next one until reach the end of cells data of current row</returns>
  921. </member>
  922. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataHandler.ProcessCell(Aspose.Cells.Cell)">
  923. <summary>
  924. Starts to process one cell.
  925. </summary>
  926. <remarks>
  927. It will be called after one cell's data has been read.
  928. </remarks>
  929. <param name="cell">
  930. Cell object which is being processed currently
  931. </param>
  932. <returns>whether this cell needs to be kept in cells model of current sheet.
  933. Commonly it should be false so that all cells will not be kept in memory after being processed and then memory be saved.
  934. For some special purpose such as user needs to access some cells later after the whole workbook having been processed,
  935. user can make this method return true to keep those special cells in Cells model and access them later by APIs such as Cells[row, column].
  936. However, keeping cells data in Cells model will requires more memory and if all cells are kept then reading template file
  937. in LightCells mode will become same with reading it in normal way.</returns>
  938. </member>
  939. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider">
  940. <summary>
  941. Represents Data provider for saving large spreadsheet files in light weight mode.
  942. </summary>
  943. <remarks>
  944. When saving a workbook by this mode, <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.StartSheet(System.Int32)" /> will be checked when saving every worksheet in the workbook.
  945. For one sheet, if <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.StartSheet(System.Int32)" /> gives true, then all data and properties of rows/cells of this sheet to be saved
  946. will be provided by the implementation of this interface. In the first place, <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.NextRow" /> will be called to get the next row index to be saved.
  947. If a valid row index is returned(the row index must be in ascending order for the rows to be saved),
  948. then a Row object representing this row will be provided for implementation to set its properties by <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.StartRow(Aspose.Cells.Row)" />.
  949. For one row, <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.NextCell" /> will be checked firstly. If a valid column index be returned(the column index must be in ascending order for all cells of one row to be saved),
  950. then a Cell object representing this cell will be provided for implementation to set its data and properties by <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.StartCell(Aspose.Cells.Cell)" />.
  951. After data of this cell is set, this cell will be saved directly to the generated spreadsheet file and the next cell will be checked and processed.
  952. </remarks>
  953. </member>
  954. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.StartSheet(System.Int32)">
  955. <summary>
  956. Starts to save a worksheet.
  957. </summary>
  958. <remarks>
  959. It will be called at the beginning of saving a worksheet during saving a workbook.
  960. If the provider needs to refer to <i><code>sheetIndex</code></i> later
  961. in startRow(Row) or startCell(Cell) method,
  962. that is, if the process needs to know which worksheet is being processed,
  963. the implementation should retain the <i><code>sheetIndex</code></i> value here.
  964. </remarks>
  965. <param name="sheetIndex">index of current sheet to be saved.</param>
  966. <returns>
  967. true if this provider will provide data for the given sheet; false if given sheet should use its normal data model(Cells).
  968. </returns>
  969. </member>
  970. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.NextRow">
  971. <summary>
  972. Gets the next row to be saved.
  973. </summary>
  974. <remarks>
  975. It will be called at the beginning of saving a row and its cells data(before <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.StartRow(Aspose.Cells.Row)" />).
  976. </remarks>
  977. <returns>
  978. the next row index to be saved. -1 means the end of current sheet data has been reached and no further row of current sheet to be saved.
  979. </returns>
  980. </member>
  981. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.StartRow(Aspose.Cells.Row)">
  982. <summary>
  983. Starts to save data of one row.
  984. </summary>
  985. <remarks>
  986. It will be called at the beginning of saving a row and its cells data.
  987. If current row has some custom properties such as height, style, ...etc.,
  988. implementation should set those properties to given Row object here.
  989. </remarks>
  990. <param name="row">
  991. Row object for implementation to fill data. Its row index is the returned value of latest call of <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.NextRow" />.
  992. If the row has been initialized in the inner cells model, the existing row object will be used.
  993. Otherwise a temporary Row object will be used for implementation to fill data.
  994. </param>
  995. </member>
  996. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.NextCell">
  997. <summary>
  998. Gets next cell to be saved.
  999. </summary>
  1000. <remarks>
  1001. It will be called at the beginning of saving one cell.
  1002. </remarks>
  1003. <returns>
  1004. column index of the next cell to be saved. -1 means the end of current row data has been reached and no further cell of current row to be saved.
  1005. </returns>
  1006. </member>
  1007. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.StartCell(Aspose.Cells.Cell)">
  1008. <summary>
  1009. Starts to save data of one cell.
  1010. </summary>
  1011. <remarks>
  1012. </remarks>
  1013. <param name="cell">
  1014. Cell object for implementation to fill data. Its column index is the returned value of latest call of <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.NextCell" />.
  1015. If the cell has been initialized in the inner cells model, the existed cell object will be used.
  1016. Otherwise a temporary Cell object will be used for implementation to fill data.
  1017. </param>
  1018. </member>
  1019. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LightCellsDataProvider.IsGatherString">
  1020. <summary>
  1021. Checks whether the current string value of cell needs to be gathered into a global pool.
  1022. </summary>
  1023. <remarks>
  1024. Gathering string values will take advantage only when there are many duplicated string values for the cells provided by this implementation.
  1025. In this situation gathering string will save much memory and generate smaller resultant file.
  1026. If there are many string values for the cells provided by LightCellsDataProvider but few of them are same,
  1027. gathering string will cost more memory and time and has no advantage for the resultant file.
  1028. </remarks>
  1029. <returns>
  1030. true if string value need to be gathered into a global pool for the resultant file.
  1031. </returns>
  1032. </member>
  1033. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.LoadFilter">
  1034. <summary>
  1035. Represents the filter that provides options for loading data when loading workbook from template.
  1036. </summary>
  1037. <remarks>
  1038. User may specify the filter options or implement their own LoadFilter to specify how to load data.
  1039. </remarks>
  1040. <example>
  1041. The following example shows how to determine the filter options according to worksheet's properties.
  1042. <code>
  1043. [C#]
  1044. Workbook wb = new Workbook(template, new LoadOptions() { LoadFilter = new LoadFilterSheet() });
  1045. //Custom LoadFilter implementation
  1046. class LoadFilterSheet : LoadFilter
  1047. {
  1048. public override void StartSheet(Worksheet sheet)
  1049. {
  1050. if (sheet.Name == "Sheet1")
  1051. {
  1052. LoadDataFilterOptions = Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.All;
  1053. }
  1054. else
  1055. {
  1056. LoadDataFilterOptions = Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.None;
  1057. }
  1058. }
  1059. }
  1060. </code></example>
  1061. </member>
  1062. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LoadFilter.#ctor">
  1063. <summary>
  1064. Constructs one LoadFilter with default filter options LoadDataFilterOptions.All.
  1065. </summary>
  1066. </member>
  1067. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LoadFilter.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions)">
  1068. <summary>
  1069. Constructs one LoadFilter with given filter options.
  1070. </summary>
  1071. <param name="opts">the default filter options</param>
  1072. </member>
  1073. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LoadFilter.StartSheet(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet)">
  1074. <summary>
  1075. Prepares filter options before loading given worksheet.
  1076. User's implementation of LoadFilter can change the LoadDataFilterOptions here
  1077. to denote how to load data for this worksheet.
  1078. </summary>
  1079. <param name="sheet">The worksheet to be loaded.
  1080. There are only few properties can be used for the given worksheet object here
  1081. because most data and properties have not been loaded. The available properties are:
  1082. Name, Index, VisibilityType</param>
  1083. </member>
  1084. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadFilter.LoadDataFilterOptions">
  1085. <summary>
  1086. The filter options to denote what data should be loaded.
  1087. </summary>
  1088. </member>
  1089. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadFilter.SheetsInLoadingOrder">
  1090. <summary>
  1091. Specifies the sheets(indices) and order to be loaded.
  1092. Default is null, that denotes to load all sheets in the default order in template file.
  1093. If not null and some sheet's index is not in the returned array, then the sheet will not be loaded.
  1094. </summary>
  1095. </member>
  1096. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions">
  1097. <summary>
  1098. Represents options when importing a html file.
  1099. </summary>
  1100. </member>
  1101. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.AbstractTextLoadOptions">
  1102. <summary>
  1103. Common options for loading text values
  1104. </summary>
  1105. </member>
  1106. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions">
  1107. <summary>
  1108. Represents the options of loading the file.
  1109. </summary>
  1110. </member>
  1111. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.#ctor">
  1112. <summary>
  1113. Creates an options of loading the file.
  1114. </summary>
  1115. </member>
  1116. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat)">
  1117. <summary>
  1118. Creates an options of loading the file.
  1119. </summary>
  1120. <param name="loadFormat">The loading format.</param>
  1121. </member>
  1122. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.SetPaperSize(Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType)">
  1123. <summary>
  1124. Sets the default print paper size from default printer's setting.
  1125. </summary>
  1126. <param name="type">The default paper size.</param>
  1127. <remarks>
  1128. If there is no setting about paper size,MS Excel will use default printer's setting.
  1129. </remarks>
  1130. </member>
  1131. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.LoadFormat">
  1132. <summary>
  1133. Gets the load format.
  1134. </summary>
  1135. </member>
  1136. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.Password">
  1137. <summary>
  1138. Gets and set the password of the workbook.
  1139. </summary>
  1140. </member>
  1141. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.ParsingFormulaOnOpen">
  1142. <summary>
  1143. Indicates whether parsing the formula when reading the file.
  1144. </summary>
  1145. <remarks>
  1146. Only applies for Excel Xlsx, Xltx, Xltm and Xlsm file
  1147. because the formulas in the files are stored with a string formula.
  1148. </remarks>
  1149. </member>
  1150. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.ParsingPivotCachedRecords">
  1151. <summary>
  1152. Indicates whether parsing pivot cached records when loading the file.
  1153. The default value is false.
  1154. </summary>
  1155. <remarks>
  1156. Only applies for Excel Xlsx, Xltx, Xltm , Xlsm and xlsb file</remarks>
  1157. </member>
  1158. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.LanguageCode">
  1159. <summary>
  1160. Gets or sets the user interface language of the Workbook version based on CountryCode that has saved the file.
  1161. </summary>
  1162. </member>
  1163. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.Region">
  1164. <summary>
  1165. Gets or sets the system regional settings based on CountryCode at the time the file was loaded.
  1166. </summary>
  1167. <remarks>If you do not want to use the region saved in the file,
  1168. please reset it after reading the file.</remarks>
  1169. </member>
  1170. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.CultureInfo">
  1171. <summary>
  1172. Gets or sets the system culture info at the time the file was loaded.
  1173. </summary>
  1174. </member>
  1175. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.StandardFont">
  1176. <summary>
  1177. Sets the default standard font name
  1178. </summary>
  1179. </member>
  1180. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.StandardFontSize">
  1181. <summary>
  1182. Sets the default standard font size.
  1183. </summary>
  1184. </member>
  1185. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.InterruptMonitor">
  1186. <summary>
  1187. Gets and sets the interrupt monitor.
  1188. </summary>
  1189. </member>
  1190. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.IgnoreNotPrinted">
  1191. <summary>
  1192. Ignore the data which are not printed if directly printing the file
  1193. </summary>
  1194. <remarks>
  1195. Only for xlsx file.
  1196. </remarks>
  1197. </member>
  1198. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.CheckDataValid">
  1199. <summary>
  1200. Check whether data is valid in the template file.
  1201. </summary>
  1202. </member>
  1203. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.CheckExcelRestriction">
  1204. <summary>
  1205. Whether check restriction of excel file when user modify cells related objects.
  1206. For example, excel does not allow inputting string value longer than 32K.
  1207. When you input a value longer than 32K such as by Cell.PutValue(string), if this property is true, you will get an Exception.
  1208. If this property is false, we will accept your input string value as the cell's value so that later
  1209. you can output the complete string value for other file formats such as CSV.
  1210. However, if you have set such kind of value that is invalid for excel file format,
  1211. you should not save the workbook as excel file format later. Otherwise there may be unexpected error for the generated excel file.
  1212. </summary>
  1213. </member>
  1214. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.KeepUnparsedData">
  1215. <summary>
  1216. Whether keep the unparsed data in memory for the Workbook when it is loaded from template file. Default is true.
  1217. </summary>
  1218. <remarks>
  1219. For scenarios that user only needs to read some contents from template file and does not need to save the workbook back,
  1220. set this property as false may improve performance, especially when using it together with some kind of LoadFilter,
  1221. </remarks>
  1222. </member>
  1223. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.LoadFilter">
  1224. <summary>
  1225. The filter to denote how to load data.
  1226. </summary>
  1227. </member>
  1228. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.LightCellsDataHandler">
  1229. <summary>
  1230. The data handler for processing cells data when reading template file.
  1231. </summary>
  1232. </member>
  1233. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.MemorySetting">
  1234. <summary>
  1235. Gets or sets the memory usage options.
  1236. </summary>
  1237. </member>
  1238. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.WarningCallback">
  1239. <summary>
  1240. Gets or sets warning callback.
  1241. </summary>
  1242. </member>
  1243. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.AutoFitterOptions">
  1244. <summary>
  1245. Gets and sets the auto fitter options
  1246. </summary>
  1247. <remarks>
  1248. Only for xlsx file now.
  1249. </remarks>
  1250. </member>
  1251. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions.FontConfigs">
  1252. <summary>
  1253. Gets and sets individual font configs.
  1254. Only works for the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook" /> which uses this <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions" /> to load.&gt;
  1255. </summary>
  1256. </member>
  1257. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractTextLoadOptions.Encoding">
  1258. <summary>
  1259. Gets and sets the default encoding. Only applies for csv file.
  1260. </summary>
  1261. </member>
  1262. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractTextLoadOptions.LoadStyleStrategy">
  1263. <summary>
  1264. Indicates the strategy to apply style for parsed values when converting string value to number or datetime.
  1265. </summary>
  1266. </member>
  1267. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractTextLoadOptions.ConvertNumericData">
  1268. <summary>
  1269. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to numeric data.
  1270. </summary>
  1271. </member>
  1272. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractTextLoadOptions.ConvertDateTimeData">
  1273. <summary>
  1274. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the string in text file is converted to date data.
  1275. </summary>
  1276. </member>
  1277. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractTextLoadOptions.KeepPrecision">
  1278. <summary>
  1279. Indicates whether not parsing a string value if the length is 15.
  1280. </summary>
  1281. </member>
  1282. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.#ctor">
  1283. <summary>
  1284. Creates an options of loading the file.
  1285. </summary>
  1286. </member>
  1287. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat)">
  1288. <summary>
  1289. Creates an options of loading the file.
  1290. </summary>
  1291. <param name="loadFormat">The loading format.</param>
  1292. </member>
  1293. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.AttachedFilesDirectory">
  1294. <summary>
  1295. The directory that the attached files will be saved to.
  1296. </summary>
  1297. <remarks>
  1298. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  1299. please use HtmlLoadOptions.StreamProvider property.
  1300. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2014.
  1301. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  1302. </member>
  1303. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.LoadFormulas">
  1304. <summary>
  1305. Indicates whether importing formulas if the original html file contains formulas
  1306. </summary>
  1307. </member>
  1308. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.SupportDivTag">
  1309. <summary>
  1310. Indicates whether support the layout of &lt;div&gt; tag when the html file contains &lt;div&gt; tags. The default value is false.
  1311. </summary>
  1312. </member>
  1313. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.DeleteRedundantSpaces">
  1314. <summary>
  1315. Indicates whether delete redundant spaces when the text wraps lines using &lt;br&gt;tag.The default value is false.
  1316. </summary>
  1317. </member>
  1318. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.AutoFitColsAndRows">
  1319. <summary>
  1320. Indicates whether auto-fit columns and rows. The default value is false.
  1321. </summary>
  1322. </member>
  1323. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.ConvertFormulasData">
  1324. <summary>
  1325. if true, convert string to formula when string value starts with character '=',the default value is false.
  1326. </summary>
  1327. </member>
  1328. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.StreamProvider">
  1329. <summary>
  1330. Gets or sets the StreamProviderImportHtmlFile for importing objects.
  1331. </summary>
  1332. </member>
  1333. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLoadOptions.ProgId">
  1334. <summary>
  1335. Gets the program id of creating the file.
  1336. Only for MHT files.
  1337. </summary>
  1338. </member>
  1339. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCustomPropertiesExport">
  1340. <summary>
  1341. Specifies the way <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection" /> are exported to PDF file.
  1342. </summary>
  1343. </member>
  1344. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCustomPropertiesExport.None">
  1345. <summary>
  1346. No custom properties are exported.
  1347. </summary>
  1348. </member>
  1349. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCustomPropertiesExport.Standard">
  1350. <summary>
  1351. Custom properties are exported as entries in Info dictionary.
  1352. </summary>
  1353. <remarks>
  1354. Custom properties with the following names are not exported:
  1355. "Title", "Author", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator", "Producer", "CreationDate", "ModDate", "Trapped".
  1356. </remarks>
  1357. </member>
  1358. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.RegexType">
  1359. <summary>
  1360. Represents the regex type for searching string.
  1361. </summary>
  1362. </member>
  1363. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.RegexType.None">
  1364. <summary>
  1365. Not regex, take the searched value as plain string.
  1366. </summary>
  1367. </member>
  1368. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.RegexType.Wildcards">
  1369. <summary>
  1370. Windows wildcards. Same with wildcards('*','?','~') in ms excel.
  1371. </summary>
  1372. </member>
  1373. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.RegexType.Regex">
  1374. <summary>
  1375. Common regular expression.
  1376. </summary>
  1377. </member>
  1378. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CopyFormatType">
  1379. <summary>
  1380. Represents type of copying format when inserting rows.
  1381. </summary>
  1382. </member>
  1383. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CopyFormatType.SameAsAbove">
  1384. <summary>
  1385. Formats same as above row.
  1386. </summary>
  1387. </member>
  1388. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CopyFormatType.SameAsBelow">
  1389. <summary>
  1390. Formats same as below row.
  1391. </summary>
  1392. </member>
  1393. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CopyFormatType.Clear">
  1394. <summary>
  1395. Clears formatting.
  1396. </summary>
  1397. </member>
  1398. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthor">
  1399. <summary>
  1400. Represents the person who creates the threaded comments;
  1401. </summary>
  1402. </member>
  1403. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthor.Name">
  1404. <summary>
  1405. Gets and sets the name.
  1406. </summary>
  1407. </member>
  1408. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthor.UserId">
  1409. <summary>
  1410. Gets and sets the id of the user.
  1411. </summary>
  1412. </member>
  1413. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthor.ProviderId">
  1414. <summary>
  1415. Gets the id of the provider.
  1416. </summary>
  1417. </member>
  1418. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthorCollection">
  1419. <summary>
  1420. Represents all persons who .
  1421. </summary>
  1422. </member>
  1423. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthorCollection.Add(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  1424. <summary>
  1425. Adds one thread comment person.
  1426. </summary>
  1427. <param name="name">The name of the person.</param>
  1428. <param name="userId">
  1429. </param>
  1430. <param name="providerId">The id of the provider</param>
  1431. <returns>
  1432. </returns>
  1433. </member>
  1434. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthorCollection.CurrentPerson">
  1435. <summary>
  1436. Gets and sets the current user.
  1437. </summary>
  1438. </member>
  1439. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthorCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  1440. <summary>
  1441. Gets the person who create threaded comments.
  1442. </summary>
  1443. <param name="index">The index</param>
  1444. <returns>
  1445. </returns>
  1446. </member>
  1447. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthorCollection.Item(System.String)">
  1448. <summary>
  1449. Gets the person who create threaded comments.
  1450. </summary>
  1451. <param name="name">The index</param>
  1452. <returns>
  1453. </returns>
  1454. </member>
  1455. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CustomXmlShape">
  1456. <summary>
  1457. Represents Custom xml shape ,such as Ink.
  1458. </summary>
  1459. </member>
  1460. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape">
  1461. <summary>
  1462. Represents the msodrawing object.
  1463. </summary>
  1464. </member>
  1465. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.GetResultOfSmartArt">
  1466. <summary>
  1467. Converting smart art to grouped shapes.
  1468. </summary>
  1469. </member>
  1470. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ToFrontOrBack(System.Int32)">
  1471. <summary>
  1472. Brings the shape to the front or sends the shape to back.
  1473. </summary>
  1474. <param name="orders">
  1475. If it's less than zero, sets the shape to back.
  1476. If it's greater than zero, brings the shape to front.
  1477. </param>
  1478. </member>
  1479. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.GetLockedProperty(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType)">
  1480. <summary>
  1481. Gets the value of locked property.
  1482. </summary>
  1483. <param name="type">The type of the shape locked property.</param>
  1484. <returns>Returns the value of locked property.</returns>
  1485. </member>
  1486. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.SetLockedProperty(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType,System.Boolean)">
  1487. <summary>
  1488. Set the locked property.
  1489. </summary>
  1490. <param name="type">The locked type.</param>
  1491. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  1492. </member>
  1493. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.AddHyperlink(System.String)">
  1494. <summary>
  1495. Adds a hyperlink to the shape.
  1496. </summary>
  1497. <param name="address">Address of the hyperlink.</param>
  1498. <returns>Return the new hyperlink object.</returns>
  1499. </member>
  1500. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.RemoveHyperlink">
  1501. <summary>
  1502. Remove the hyperlink of the shape.
  1503. </summary>
  1504. </member>
  1505. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.MoveToRange(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  1506. <summary>
  1507. Moves the shape to a specified range.
  1508. </summary>
  1509. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  1510. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  1511. <param name="lowerRightRow">Lower right row index</param>
  1512. <param name="lowerRightColumn">Lower right column index</param>
  1513. </member>
  1514. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.AlignTopRightCorner(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  1515. <summary>
  1516. Moves the picture to the top-right corner.
  1517. </summary>
  1518. <param name="topRow">the row index.</param>
  1519. <param name="rightColumn">the column index.</param>
  1520. </member>
  1521. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ToImage(System.IO.Stream,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat)">
  1522. <summary>
  1523. Creates the shape image and saves it to a stream in the specified format.
  1524. </summary>
  1525. <param name="stream">The output stream.</param>
  1526. <param name="imageFormat">The format in which to save the image.</param>
  1527. <remarks>
  1528. <p>The following formats are supported:
  1529. .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .emf.</p>
  1530. </remarks>
  1531. </member>
  1532. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ToImage(System.String,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  1533. <summary>
  1534. Saves the shape to a file.
  1535. </summary>
  1536. </member>
  1537. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ToImage(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  1538. <summary>
  1539. Saves the shape to a stream.
  1540. </summary>
  1541. </member>
  1542. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ToImage(Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  1543. <summary>
  1544. Returns the bitmap object of the shape .
  1545. </summary>
  1546. </member>
  1547. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.GetLinkedCell(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  1548. <summary>
  1549. Gets the range linked to the control's value.
  1550. </summary>
  1551. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  1552. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  1553. <returns>The range linked to the control's value.</returns>
  1554. </member>
  1555. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.SetLinkedCell(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  1556. <summary>
  1557. Sets the range linked to the control's value.
  1558. </summary>
  1559. <param name="formula">The range linked to the control's value.</param>
  1560. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  1561. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  1562. </member>
  1563. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.GetInputRange(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  1564. <summary>
  1565. Gets the range used to fill the control.
  1566. </summary>
  1567. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  1568. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  1569. <returns>The range used to fill the control.</returns>
  1570. </member>
  1571. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.SetInputRange(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  1572. <summary>
  1573. Sets the range used to fill the control.
  1574. </summary>
  1575. <param name="formula">The range used to fill the control.</param>
  1576. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  1577. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  1578. </member>
  1579. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.UpdateSelectedValue">
  1580. <summary>
  1581. Update the selected value by the value of the linked cell.
  1582. </summary>
  1583. </member>
  1584. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.CalculateTextSize">
  1585. <summary>
  1586. Recalculate the text area
  1587. </summary>
  1588. <returns>Text's Size in an array(width and height).</returns>
  1589. </member>
  1590. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.FormatCharacters(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Font,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  1591. <summary>
  1592. Formats some characters with the font setting.
  1593. </summary>
  1594. <param name="startIndex">The start index.</param>
  1595. <param name="length">The length.</param>
  1596. <param name="font">The font setting.</param>
  1597. <param name="flag">The flag of the font setting.</param>
  1598. </member>
  1599. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.FormatCharacters(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Font)">
  1600. <summary>
  1601. Formats some characters with the font setting.
  1602. </summary>
  1603. <param name="startIndex">The start index.</param>
  1604. <param name="length">The length.</param>
  1605. <param name="font">The font setting.</param>
  1606. <remarks>
  1607. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  1608. please use Shape.FormatCharacters(int startIndex, int length, Font font, StyleFlag flag) method.
  1609. This property will be removed 12 months later since March 2016.
  1610. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  1611. </member>
  1612. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Characters(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  1613. <summary>
  1614. Returns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the text.
  1615. </summary>
  1616. <param name="startIndex">The index of the start of the character.</param>
  1617. <param name="length">The number of characters.</param>
  1618. <returns>Characters object.</returns>
  1619. <remarks>This method only works on shape with title.</remarks>
  1620. </member>
  1621. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.GetCharacters">
  1622. <summary>
  1623. Returns all Characters objects
  1624. that represents a range of characters within the text .
  1625. </summary>
  1626. <returns>All Characters objects </returns>
  1627. </member>
  1628. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.RemoveActiveXControl">
  1629. <summary>
  1630. Remove activeX control.
  1631. </summary>
  1632. </member>
  1633. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.MacroName">
  1634. <summary>
  1635. Gets and sets the name of macro.
  1636. </summary>
  1637. </member>
  1638. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsEquation">
  1639. <summary>
  1640. Indicates whether the shape only contains an equation.
  1641. </summary>
  1642. </member>
  1643. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsSmartArt">
  1644. <summary>
  1645. Indicates whether the shape is smart art.
  1646. </summary>
  1647. <remarks>
  1648. Only for ooxml file.
  1649. </remarks>
  1650. </member>
  1651. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ZOrderPosition">
  1652. <summary>
  1653. Returns the position of a shape in the z-order.
  1654. </summary>
  1655. </member>
  1656. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Name">
  1657. <summary>
  1658. Gets and sets the name of the shape.
  1659. </summary>
  1660. </member>
  1661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.AlternativeText">
  1662. <summary>
  1663. Returns or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape" /> object.
  1664. </summary>
  1665. </member>
  1666. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Title">
  1667. <summary>
  1668. Specifies the title (caption) of the current shape object.
  1669. </summary>
  1670. </member>
  1671. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LineFormat">
  1672. <summary>
  1673. Returns a MsoLineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for the specified shape.
  1674. </summary>
  1675. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  1676. please use Shape.Line property.
  1677. This property will be removed 12 months later since July 2016.
  1678. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  1679. </member>
  1680. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.FillFormat">
  1681. <summary>
  1682. Returns a MsoFillFormat object that contains fill formatting properties for the specified shape.
  1683. </summary>
  1684. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  1685. please use Shape.Fill property.
  1686. This property will be removed 12 months later since July 2016.
  1687. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  1688. </member>
  1689. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Format">
  1690. <summary>
  1691. Represents the setting of the shape's formatting.
  1692. </summary>
  1693. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  1694. please use Shape.Fill and Shape.Line properties.
  1695. This property will be removed 6 months later since August 2016.
  1696. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  1697. </member>
  1698. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Line">
  1699. <summary>
  1700. Gets line style
  1701. </summary>
  1702. </member>
  1703. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Fill">
  1704. <summary>
  1705. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.FillFormat" /> object that contains fill formatting properties for the specified shape.
  1706. </summary>
  1707. </member>
  1708. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ShadowEffect">
  1709. <summary>
  1710. Represents a <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ShadowEffect" /> object that specifies shadow effect for the chart element or shape.
  1711. </summary>
  1712. </member>
  1713. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Reflection">
  1714. <summary>
  1715. Represents a <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect" /> object that specifies reflection effect for the chart element or shape.
  1716. </summary>
  1717. </member>
  1718. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Glow">
  1719. <summary>
  1720. Represents a <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GlowEffect" /> object that specifies glow effect for the chart element or shape.
  1721. </summary>
  1722. </member>
  1723. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.SoftEdges">
  1724. <summary>
  1725. Gets and sets the radius of blur to apply to the edges, in unit of points.
  1726. </summary>
  1727. </member>
  1728. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ThreeDFormat">
  1729. <summary>
  1730. Gets and sets 3d format of the shape.
  1731. </summary>
  1732. </member>
  1733. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextFrame">
  1734. <summary>
  1735. Returns a TextFrame object that contains the alignment and anchoring properties for the specified shape.
  1736. </summary>
  1737. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  1738. please use Shape.TextBody.TextAlignment property.
  1739. This property will be removed 12 months later since May 2016.
  1740. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  1741. </member>
  1742. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.FormatPicture">
  1743. <summary>
  1744. Gets and sets the options of the picture format.
  1745. </summary>
  1746. </member>
  1747. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsHidden">
  1748. <summary>
  1749. Indicates whether the object is visible.
  1750. </summary>
  1751. </member>
  1752. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsLockAspectRatio">
  1753. <summary>
  1754. True means that don't allow changes in aspect ratio.
  1755. </summary>
  1756. </member>
  1757. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.RotationAngle">
  1758. <summary>
  1759. Gets and sets the rotation of the shape.
  1760. </summary>
  1761. </member>
  1762. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Hyperlink">
  1763. <summary>
  1764. Gets the hyperlink of the shape.
  1765. </summary>
  1766. </member>
  1767. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Id">
  1768. <summary>
  1769. Gets the identifier of this shape.
  1770. </summary>
  1771. </member>
  1772. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Spid">
  1773. <summary>
  1774. Specifies an optional string that an application can use to Identify the particular shape.
  1775. </summary>
  1776. </member>
  1777. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Spt">
  1778. <summary>
  1779. Specifies an optional number that an application can use to associate the particular shape with a defined shape type.
  1780. </summary>
  1781. </member>
  1782. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsGroup">
  1783. <summary>
  1784. Indicates whether the shape is a group.
  1785. </summary>
  1786. </member>
  1787. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsWordArt">
  1788. <summary>
  1789. Indicates whether this shape is a word art.
  1790. </summary>
  1791. <remarks>
  1792. Only for the Legacy Shape of xls file.
  1793. </remarks>
  1794. </member>
  1795. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextEffect">
  1796. <summary>
  1797. Returns a TextEffectFormat object that contains text-effect formatting properties for the specified shape.
  1798. Applies to Shape objects that represent WordArt.
  1799. </summary>
  1800. </member>
  1801. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsLocked">
  1802. <summary>
  1803. True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the sheet is protected.
  1804. </summary>
  1805. </member>
  1806. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsPrintable">
  1807. <summary>
  1808. True if the object is printable
  1809. </summary>
  1810. </member>
  1811. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.MsoDrawingType">
  1812. <summary>
  1813. Gets and sets mso drawing type.
  1814. </summary>
  1815. </member>
  1816. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.AutoShapeType">
  1817. <summary>
  1818. Gets the auto shape type.
  1819. </summary>
  1820. </member>
  1821. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Placement">
  1822. <summary>
  1823. Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it.
  1824. The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet.
  1825. </summary>
  1826. </member>
  1827. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.UpperLeftRow">
  1828. <summary>
  1829. Represents upper left corner row index.
  1830. </summary>
  1831. <remarks>If the shape is in the shape or in the group , UpperLeftRow will be ignored.</remarks>
  1832. </member>
  1833. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.UpperDeltaY">
  1834. <summary>
  1835. Gets or sets the shape's vertical offset from its upper left corner row.
  1836. <remarks>The range of value is 0 to 256.</remarks></summary>
  1837. </member>
  1838. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.UpperLeftColumn">
  1839. <summary>
  1840. Represents upper left corner column index.
  1841. </summary>
  1842. </member>
  1843. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.UpperDeltaX">
  1844. <summary>
  1845. Gets or sets the shape's horizontal offset from its upper left corner column.
  1846. <remarks>The range of value is 0 to 1024.</remarks></summary>
  1847. </member>
  1848. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LowerRightRow">
  1849. <summary>
  1850. Represents lower right corner row index.
  1851. </summary>
  1852. </member>
  1853. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LowerDeltaY">
  1854. <summary>
  1855. Gets or sets the shape's vertical offset from its lower right corner row.
  1856. <remarks>The range of value is 0 to 256.</remarks></summary>
  1857. </member>
  1858. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LowerRightColumn">
  1859. <summary>
  1860. Represents lower right corner column index.
  1861. </summary>
  1862. </member>
  1863. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LowerDeltaX">
  1864. <summary>
  1865. Gets or sets the shape's horizontal offset from its lower right corner column.
  1866. <remarks>The range of value is 0 to 1024.</remarks></summary>
  1867. </member>
  1868. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Right">
  1869. <summary>
  1870. Represents the width of the shape's horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in unit of pixels.
  1871. </summary>
  1872. </member>
  1873. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Bottom">
  1874. <summary>
  1875. Represents the width of the shape's vertical offset from its lower bottom corner row, in unit of pixels.
  1876. </summary>
  1877. </member>
  1878. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Width">
  1879. <summary>
  1880. Represents the width of shape, in unit of pixels.
  1881. </summary>
  1882. </member>
  1883. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.WidthInch">
  1884. <summary>
  1885. Represents the width of the shape, in unit of inch.
  1886. </summary>
  1887. </member>
  1888. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.WidthPt">
  1889. <summary>
  1890. Represents the width of the shape, in unit of point.
  1891. </summary>
  1892. </member>
  1893. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.WidthCM">
  1894. <summary>
  1895. Represents the width of the shape, in unit of centimeters.
  1896. </summary>
  1897. </member>
  1898. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Height">
  1899. <summary>
  1900. Represents the height of shape, in unit of pixel.
  1901. </summary>
  1902. </member>
  1903. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.HeightInch">
  1904. <summary>
  1905. Represents the height of the shape, in unit of inches.
  1906. </summary>
  1907. </member>
  1908. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.HeightPt">
  1909. <summary>
  1910. Represents the height of the shape, in unit of points.
  1911. </summary>
  1912. </member>
  1913. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.HeightCM">
  1914. <summary>
  1915. Represents the height of the shape, in unit of inches.
  1916. </summary>
  1917. </member>
  1918. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Left">
  1919. <summary>
  1920. Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixels.
  1921. </summary>
  1922. </member>
  1923. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LeftInch">
  1924. <summary>
  1925. Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of inches.
  1926. </summary>
  1927. </member>
  1928. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LeftCM">
  1929. <summary>
  1930. Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of centimeters.
  1931. </summary>
  1932. </member>
  1933. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Top">
  1934. <summary>
  1935. Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of pixels.
  1936. </summary>
  1937. <remarks>If the shape is in the chart, represents the vertical offset of shape from its top border.</remarks>
  1938. </member>
  1939. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TopInch">
  1940. <summary>
  1941. Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of inches.
  1942. </summary>
  1943. </member>
  1944. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TopCM">
  1945. <summary>
  1946. Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of centimeters.
  1947. </summary>
  1948. </member>
  1949. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TopToCorner">
  1950. <summary>
  1951. Gets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border, in unit of pixels.
  1952. </summary>
  1953. </member>
  1954. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LeftToCorner">
  1955. <summary>
  1956. Gets and sets the horizonal offset of shape from worksheet left border.
  1957. </summary>
  1958. </member>
  1959. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.X">
  1960. <summary>
  1961. Gets and sets the horizontal offset of shape from worksheet left border,in unit of pixels.
  1962. </summary>
  1963. </member>
  1964. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Y">
  1965. <summary>
  1966. Gets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border,in unit of pixels.
  1967. </summary>
  1968. </member>
  1969. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.WidthScale">
  1970. <summary>
  1971. Gets and sets the width scale, in unit of percent of the original picture width.
  1972. If the shape is not picture ,the WidthScale property only returns 100;
  1973. </summary>
  1974. </member>
  1975. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.HeightScale">
  1976. <summary>
  1977. Gets and sets the height scale,in unit of percent of the original picture height.
  1978. If the shape is not picture ,the HeightScale property only returns 100;
  1979. </summary>
  1980. </member>
  1981. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TopInShape">
  1982. <summary>
  1983. Represents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape,
  1984. in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape.
  1985. </summary>
  1986. <remarks>Only Applies when this shape in the group or chart.</remarks>
  1987. </member>
  1988. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LeftInShape">
  1989. <summary>
  1990. Represents the horizontal offset of shape from the left border of the parent shape,
  1991. in unit of 1/4000 of width of the parent shape.
  1992. </summary>
  1993. <remarks>Only Applies when this shape in the group or chart.</remarks>
  1994. </member>
  1995. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.WidthInShape">
  1996. <summary>
  1997. Represents the width of the shape, in unit of 1/4000 of the parent shape.
  1998. </summary>
  1999. <remarks>Only Applies when this shape in the group or chart.</remarks>
  2000. </member>
  2001. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.HeightInShape">
  2002. <summary>
  2003. Represents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape, in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape..
  2004. </summary>
  2005. <remarks>Only Applies when this shape in the group or chart.</remarks>
  2006. </member>
  2007. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Group">
  2008. <summary>
  2009. Gets the group shape which contains this shape.
  2010. </summary>
  2011. </member>
  2012. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Type">
  2013. <summary>
  2014. Gets the auto shape type.
  2015. </summary>
  2016. </member>
  2017. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.HasLine">
  2018. <summary>
  2019. Gets and sets the line border of the shape is visible.
  2020. </summary>
  2021. </member>
  2022. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsFilled">
  2023. <summary>
  2024. Indicates whether the fill format is visible.
  2025. </summary>
  2026. </member>
  2027. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsFlippedHorizontally">
  2028. <summary>
  2029. Gets and sets whether shape is horizontally flipped .
  2030. </summary>
  2031. </member>
  2032. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsFlippedVertically">
  2033. <summary>
  2034. Gets and sets whether shape is vertically flipped .
  2035. </summary>
  2036. </member>
  2037. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ActualLowerRightRow">
  2038. <summary>
  2039. Get the actual bottom row.
  2040. </summary>
  2041. </member>
  2042. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ConnectionPoints">
  2043. <summary>
  2044. Get the connection points
  2045. </summary>
  2046. <returns>
  2047. </returns>
  2048. </member>
  2049. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.RelativeToOriginalPictureSize">
  2050. <summary>
  2051. Indicates whether shape is relative to original picture size.
  2052. </summary>
  2053. </member>
  2054. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.LinkedCell">
  2055. <summary>
  2056. Gets or sets the worksheet range linked to the control's value.
  2057. </summary>
  2058. </member>
  2059. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.InputRange">
  2060. <summary>
  2061. Gets or sets the worksheet range used to fill the specified combo box.
  2062. </summary>
  2063. </member>
  2064. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextShapeType">
  2065. <summary>
  2066. Gets and sets the preset text shape type.
  2067. </summary>
  2068. </member>
  2069. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextBody">
  2070. <summary>
  2071. Gets and sets the setting of the shape's text.
  2072. </summary>
  2073. </member>
  2074. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Font">
  2075. <summary>
  2076. Represents the font of shape.
  2077. </summary>
  2078. </member>
  2079. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextOptions">
  2080. <summary>
  2081. Represents the text options of the shape.
  2082. </summary>
  2083. </member>
  2084. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Text">
  2085. <summary>
  2086. Represents the string in this TextBox object.
  2087. </summary>
  2088. </member>
  2089. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsRichText">
  2090. <summary>
  2091. Whether or not the text is rich text.
  2092. </summary>
  2093. </member>
  2094. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.HtmlText">
  2095. <summary>
  2096. Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this textbox.
  2097. </summary>
  2098. </member>
  2099. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextVerticalOverflow">
  2100. <summary>
  2101. Gets and sets the text vertical overflow type of the shape which contains text.
  2102. </summary>
  2103. </member>
  2104. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextHorizontalOverflow">
  2105. <summary>
  2106. Gets and sets the text horizontal overflow type of the shape which contains text.
  2107. </summary>
  2108. </member>
  2109. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.IsTextWrapped">
  2110. <summary>
  2111. Gets and sets the text wrapped type of the shape which contains text.
  2112. </summary>
  2113. </member>
  2114. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextOrientationType">
  2115. <summary>
  2116. Gets and sets the text orientation type of the shape.
  2117. </summary>
  2118. </member>
  2119. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextHorizontalAlignment">
  2120. <summary>
  2121. Gets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the shape.
  2122. </summary>
  2123. </member>
  2124. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextVerticalAlignment">
  2125. <summary>
  2126. Gets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the shape.
  2127. </summary>
  2128. </member>
  2129. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.TextDirection">
  2130. <summary>
  2131. Gets/Sets the direction of the text flow for this object.
  2132. </summary>
  2133. </member>
  2134. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ControlData">
  2135. <summary>
  2136. Gets the data of control.
  2137. </summary>
  2138. </member>
  2139. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.ActiveXControl">
  2140. <summary>
  2141. Gets the ActiveX control.
  2142. </summary>
  2143. </member>
  2144. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Paths">
  2145. <summary>
  2146. Gets the paths of a custom geometric shape.
  2147. </summary>
  2148. </member>
  2149. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape.Geometry">
  2150. <summary>
  2151. Gets the geometry
  2152. </summary>
  2153. </member>
  2154. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedComment">
  2155. <summary>
  2156. Represents the threaded comment.
  2157. </summary>
  2158. </member>
  2159. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedComment.Row">
  2160. <summary>
  2161. Gets the row index of the comment.
  2162. </summary>
  2163. </member>
  2164. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedComment.Column">
  2165. <summary>
  2166. Gets the column index of the comment.
  2167. </summary>
  2168. </member>
  2169. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedComment.Notes">
  2170. <summary>
  2171. Gets and sets the text of the comment.
  2172. </summary>
  2173. </member>
  2174. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedComment.Author">
  2175. <summary>
  2176. Gets the author of the comment.
  2177. </summary>
  2178. </member>
  2179. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedComment.CreatedTime">
  2180. <summary>
  2181. Gets and sets the created time of this threaded comment.
  2182. </summary>
  2183. </member>
  2184. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentCollection">
  2185. <summary>
  2186. Represents the list of threaded comments.
  2187. </summary>
  2188. </member>
  2189. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentCollection.Add(System.String,Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthor)">
  2190. <summary>
  2191. Adds a threaded comment;
  2192. </summary>
  2193. <param name="text">The text of the threaded comment.</param>
  2194. <param name="author">The author of the threaded comment</param>
  2195. <returns>
  2196. </returns>
  2197. </member>
  2198. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  2199. <summary>
  2200. Gets the threaded comment by the specific index.
  2201. </summary>
  2202. <param name="index">The index</param>
  2203. <returns>
  2204. </returns>
  2205. </member>
  2206. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CalculationCell">
  2207. <summary>
  2208. Represents the calculation relevant data about one cell which is being calculated.
  2209. </summary>
  2210. <remarks>All objects provided by this class are for "read" purpose only.
  2211. User should not change any data in the Workbook during the formula calculation process,
  2212. Otherwise unexpected result or Exception may be caused.
  2213. </remarks>
  2214. </member>
  2215. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CalculationCell.SetCalculatedValue(System.Object)">
  2216. <summary>
  2217. Sets the calculated value for the cell.
  2218. </summary>
  2219. <remarks>User can set the calculated result by this method to ignore the automatic calculation for the cell.</remarks>
  2220. </member>
  2221. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationCell.Workbook">
  2222. <summary>
  2223. Gets the Workbook object.
  2224. </summary>
  2225. </member>
  2226. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationCell.Worksheet">
  2227. <summary>
  2228. Gets the Worksheet object where the cell is in.
  2229. </summary>
  2230. </member>
  2231. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationCell.CellRow">
  2232. <summary>
  2233. Gets the row index of the cell.
  2234. </summary>
  2235. </member>
  2236. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationCell.CellColumn">
  2237. <summary>
  2238. Gets the column index of the cell.
  2239. </summary>
  2240. </member>
  2241. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationCell.Cell">
  2242. <summary>
  2243. Gets the Cell object which is being calculated.
  2244. </summary>
  2245. </member>
  2246. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellWatch">
  2247. <summary>
  2248. Represents Cell Watch Item in the 'watch window'.
  2249. </summary>
  2250. </member>
  2251. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellWatch.Row">
  2252. <summary>
  2253. Gets and sets the row of the cell.
  2254. </summary>
  2255. </member>
  2256. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellWatch.Column">
  2257. <summary>
  2258. Gets and sets the column of the cell.
  2259. </summary>
  2260. </member>
  2261. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellWatch.CellName">
  2262. <summary>
  2263. Gets and sets the name of the cell.
  2264. </summary>
  2265. </member>
  2266. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellWatchCollection">
  2267. <summary>
  2268. Represents the collection of cells on this worksheet being watched in the 'watch window'.
  2269. </summary>
  2270. </member>
  2271. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellWatchCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  2272. <summary>
  2273. Adds <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellWatch" /> with row and column.
  2274. </summary>
  2275. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  2276. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  2277. <returns>Returns the position of this item in the collection. </returns>
  2278. </member>
  2279. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellWatchCollection.Add(System.String)">
  2280. <summary>
  2281. Adds
  2282. </summary>
  2283. <param name="cellName">
  2284. </param>
  2285. <returns>
  2286. </returns>
  2287. </member>
  2288. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellWatchCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  2289. <summary>
  2290. Gets and sets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellWatch" /> by index.
  2291. </summary>
  2292. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  2293. <returns>
  2294. </returns>
  2295. </member>
  2296. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellWatchCollection.Item(System.String)">
  2297. <summary>
  2298. Gets and sets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellWatch" /> by the name of the cell.
  2299. </summary>
  2300. <param name="cellName">The name of the cell.</param>
  2301. <returns>
  2302. </returns>
  2303. </member>
  2304. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable">
  2305. <summary>
  2306. Represents data table.
  2307. </summary>
  2308. <remarks>
  2309. </remarks>
  2310. </member>
  2311. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable.BeforeFirst">
  2312. <summary>
  2313. Move the cursor to the front of this object, just before the first row.
  2314. </summary>
  2315. </member>
  2316. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable.Next">
  2317. <summary>
  2318. Moves the cursor down one row from its current position.
  2319. </summary>
  2320. <returns> if the new current row is valid; false if there are no more rows </returns>
  2321. </member>
  2322. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable.Columns">
  2323. <summary>
  2324. Gets the columns' name.
  2325. </summary>
  2326. </member>
  2327. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable.Count">
  2328. <summary>
  2329. Gets the count of the records. -1 for unknown records count.
  2330. </summary>
  2331. </member>
  2332. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable.Item(System.Int32)">
  2333. <summary>
  2334. Gets the data stored in the column specified by index.
  2335. </summary>
  2336. <param name="columnIndex">The zero-based index of the column.</param>
  2337. <returns>
  2338. </returns>
  2339. </member>
  2340. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable.Item(System.String)">
  2341. <summary>
  2342. Gets the data stored in the column specified by column name.
  2343. </summary>
  2344. <param name="columnName">The column name.</param>
  2345. <returns>
  2346. </returns>
  2347. </member>
  2348. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame">
  2349. <summary>
  2350. Encapsulates the object that represents the frame object which contains text.
  2351. </summary>
  2352. </member>
  2353. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame">
  2354. <summary>
  2355. Encapsulates the object that represents the frame object in a chart.
  2356. </summary>
  2357. </member>
  2358. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.SetPositionAuto">
  2359. <summary>
  2360. Set position of the frame to automatic
  2361. </summary>
  2362. </member>
  2363. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.IsInnerMode">
  2364. <summary>
  2365. Indicates whether the size of the plot area size includes the tick marks, and the axis labels.
  2366. False specifies that the size shall determine the size of the plot area, the tick marks, and the axis labels.
  2367. </summary>
  2368. <remarks>
  2369. Only for Xlsx file.
  2370. </remarks>
  2371. </member>
  2372. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Border">
  2373. <summary>
  2374. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line">border</see>.
  2375. </summary>
  2376. </member>
  2377. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Area">
  2378. <summary>
  2379. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Area">area</see>.
  2380. </summary>
  2381. </member>
  2382. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.TextFont">
  2383. <summary>
  2384. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Font" /> object of the specified ChartFrame object.
  2385. </summary>
  2386. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  2387. please use ChartFrame.Font property.
  2388. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012.
  2389. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  2390. </member>
  2391. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Font">
  2392. <summary>
  2393. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Font" /> object of the specified ChartFrame object.
  2394. </summary>
  2395. </member>
  2396. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.AutoScaleFont">
  2397. <summary>
  2398. True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
  2399. </summary>
  2400. </member>
  2401. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.BackgroundMode">
  2402. <summary>
  2403. Gets and sets the display mode of the background
  2404. </summary>
  2405. </member>
  2406. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Background">
  2407. <summary>
  2408. Gets and sets the display mode of the background
  2409. </summary>
  2410. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  2411. please use ChartFrame.BackgroundMode property.
  2412. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012.
  2413. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  2414. </member>
  2415. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.IsAutomaticSize">
  2416. <summary>
  2417. Indicates whether the chart frame is automatic sized.
  2418. </summary>
  2419. </member>
  2420. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.X">
  2421. <summary>
  2422. Gets or sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  2423. </summary>
  2424. <remarks>
  2425. How to convert units of 1/4000 to pixels?
  2426. X In Pixels = X * Chart.ChartObject.Width / 4000;
  2427. </remarks>
  2428. </member>
  2429. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Y">
  2430. <summary>
  2431. Gets or sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  2432. </summary>
  2433. <remarks>
  2434. How to convert units of 1/4000 to pixels?
  2435. Y In Pixels = Y * Chart.ChartObject.Height / 4000;
  2436. </remarks>
  2437. </member>
  2438. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Height">
  2439. <summary>
  2440. Gets or sets the height of frame in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  2441. </summary>
  2442. <remarks>
  2443. How to convert units of 1/4000 to pixels?
  2444. Height In Pixels = Y * Chart.ChartObject.Height / 4000;
  2445. </remarks>
  2446. </member>
  2447. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Width">
  2448. <summary>
  2449. Gets or sets the width of frame in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  2450. </summary>
  2451. <remarks>
  2452. How to convert units of 1/4000 to pixels?
  2453. Width In Pixels = Width * Chart.ChartObject.Height / 4000;
  2454. </remarks>
  2455. </member>
  2456. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.Shadow">
  2457. <summary>
  2458. True if the frame has a shadow.
  2459. </summary>
  2460. </member>
  2461. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.ShapeProperties">
  2462. <summary>
  2463. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.ShapeProperties" /> object.
  2464. </summary>
  2465. </member>
  2466. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.IsDefaultPosBeSet">
  2467. <summary>
  2468. Indicates whether default position(DefaultX, DefaultY, DefaultWidth and DefaultHeight) are set.
  2469. </summary>
  2470. </member>
  2471. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.DefaultX">
  2472. <summary>
  2473. Represents x of default position
  2474. </summary>
  2475. </member>
  2476. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.DefaultY">
  2477. <summary>
  2478. Represents y of default position
  2479. </summary>
  2480. </member>
  2481. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.DefaultWidth">
  2482. <summary>
  2483. Represents width of default position
  2484. </summary>
  2485. </member>
  2486. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartFrame.DefaultHeight">
  2487. <summary>
  2488. Represents height of default position
  2489. </summary>
  2490. </member>
  2491. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.Characters(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  2492. <summary>
  2493. Returns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the text.
  2494. </summary>
  2495. <param name="startIndex">The index of the start of the character.</param>
  2496. <param name="length">The number of characters.</param>
  2497. <returns>Characters object.</returns>
  2498. </member>
  2499. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.IsAutoText">
  2500. <summary>
  2501. Indicates the text is auto generated.
  2502. </summary>
  2503. </member>
  2504. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.IsDeleted">
  2505. <summary>
  2506. Indicates whether this data labels is deleted.
  2507. </summary>
  2508. </member>
  2509. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.TextHorizontalAlignment">
  2510. <summary>
  2511. Gets and sets the text horizontal alignment.
  2512. </summary>
  2513. </member>
  2514. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.TextVerticalAlignment">
  2515. <summary>
  2516. Gets or sets the text vertical alignment of text.
  2517. </summary>
  2518. </member>
  2519. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.RotationAngle">
  2520. <summary>
  2521. Represents text rotation angle.
  2522. </summary>
  2523. <remarks>
  2524. <br>0: Not rotated.</br>
  2525. <br>255: Top to Bottom.</br>
  2526. <br>-90: Downward.</br>
  2527. <br>90: Upward.</br>
  2528. </remarks>
  2529. </member>
  2530. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.Text">
  2531. <summary>
  2532. Gets or sets the text of a frame's title.
  2533. </summary>
  2534. </member>
  2535. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.LinkedSource">
  2536. <summary>
  2537. Gets and sets a reference to the worksheet.
  2538. </summary>
  2539. </member>
  2540. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.TextDirection">
  2541. <summary>
  2542. Represents text reading order.
  2543. </summary>
  2544. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  2545. please use ChartTextFrame.ReadingOrder property.
  2546. This property will be removed 12 months later since March 2020.
  2547. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  2548. </member>
  2549. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.ReadingOrder">
  2550. <summary>
  2551. Represents text reading order.
  2552. </summary>
  2553. </member>
  2554. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.DirectionType">
  2555. <summary>
  2556. Gets and sets the direction of text.
  2557. </summary>
  2558. </member>
  2559. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.IsTextWrapped">
  2560. <summary>
  2561. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text is wrapped.
  2562. </summary>
  2563. </member>
  2564. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartTextFrame.IsResizeShapeToFitText">
  2565. <summary>
  2566. Gets or sets whether a shape should be auto-fit to fully contain the text described within it. Auto-fitting is
  2567. when text within a shape is scaled in order to contain all the text inside.
  2568. </summary>
  2569. </member>
  2570. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.MemorySetting">
  2571. <summary>
  2572. Memory usage options.
  2573. </summary>
  2574. </member>
  2575. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.MemorySetting.Normal">
  2576. <summary>
  2577. Default option for cells model.
  2578. </summary>
  2579. <remarks>This option is applied for all versions.</remarks>
  2580. </member>
  2581. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.MemorySetting.MemoryPreference">
  2582. <summary>
  2583. Memory performance preferrable.
  2584. With this option the data will be held in compact format so for common scenarios it may give lower memory cost.
  2585. However, this option also may degrade R/W performance a bit in some special cases.
  2586. </summary>
  2587. <remarks>This option is available since v 8.0.0.</remarks>
  2588. </member>
  2589. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType">
  2590. <summary>
  2591. Specifies the preset shape geometry that is to be used for a chart.
  2592. </summary>
  2593. </member>
  2594. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.Rect">
  2595. <summary>
  2596. Represents the rectangle shape.
  2597. </summary>
  2598. </member>
  2599. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.RoundRect">
  2600. <summary>
  2601. Represents the round rectangle shape.
  2602. </summary>
  2603. </member>
  2604. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.Ellipse">
  2605. <summary>
  2606. Represents the ellipse shape.
  2607. </summary>
  2608. </member>
  2609. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.RightArrowCallout">
  2610. <summary>
  2611. Represents the right arrow callout shape.
  2612. </summary>
  2613. </member>
  2614. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.DownArrowCallout">
  2615. <summary>
  2616. Represents the down arrow callout shape.
  2617. </summary>
  2618. </member>
  2619. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.LeftArrowCallout">
  2620. <summary>
  2621. Represents the left arrow callout shape.
  2622. </summary>
  2623. </member>
  2624. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.UpArrowCallout">
  2625. <summary>
  2626. Represents the up arrow callout shape.
  2627. </summary>
  2628. </member>
  2629. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.WedgeRectCallout">
  2630. <summary>
  2631. Represents the wedge rectangle callout shape.
  2632. </summary>
  2633. </member>
  2634. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.WedgeRoundRectCallout">
  2635. <summary>
  2636. Represents the wedge round rectangle callout shape.
  2637. </summary>
  2638. </member>
  2639. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.WedgeEllipseCallout">
  2640. <summary>
  2641. Represents the wedge ellipse callout shape.
  2642. </summary>
  2643. </member>
  2644. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.LineCallout">
  2645. <summary>
  2646. Represents the line callout shape.
  2647. </summary>
  2648. </member>
  2649. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.BentLineCallout">
  2650. <summary>
  2651. Represents the bent line callout shape.
  2652. </summary>
  2653. </member>
  2654. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.LineWithAccentBarCallout">
  2655. <summary>
  2656. Represents the line with accent bar callout shape.
  2657. </summary>
  2658. </member>
  2659. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DataLabelShapeType.BentLineWithAccentBarCallout">
  2660. <summary>
  2661. Represents the bent line with accent bar callout shape.
  2662. </summary>
  2663. </member>
  2664. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartRegionType">
  2665. <summary>
  2666. Represents the region type of the map chart.
  2667. </summary>
  2668. </member>
  2669. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartRegionType.Automatic">
  2670. <summary>
  2671. Automatic
  2672. </summary>
  2673. </member>
  2674. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartRegionType.DataOnly">
  2675. <summary>
  2676. Only Data.
  2677. </summary>
  2678. </member>
  2679. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartRegionType.CountryRegionList">
  2680. <summary>
  2681. Country region list.
  2682. </summary>
  2683. </member>
  2684. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartRegionType.World">
  2685. <summary>
  2686. World.
  2687. </summary>
  2688. </member>
  2689. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartProjectionType">
  2690. <summary>
  2691. Represents projection type of the map chart.
  2692. </summary>
  2693. </member>
  2694. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartProjectionType.Automatic">
  2695. <summary>
  2696. Automatic
  2697. </summary>
  2698. </member>
  2699. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartProjectionType.Mercator">
  2700. <summary>
  2701. Mercator
  2702. </summary>
  2703. </member>
  2704. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartProjectionType.Miller">
  2705. <summary>
  2706. Miller
  2707. </summary>
  2708. </member>
  2709. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartProjectionType.Albers">
  2710. <summary>
  2711. Albers
  2712. </summary>
  2713. </member>
  2714. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartLabelLayout">
  2715. <summary>
  2716. Represents the layout of map chart's labels.
  2717. </summary>
  2718. </member>
  2719. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartLabelLayout.BestFitOnly">
  2720. <summary>
  2721. Only best fit.
  2722. </summary>
  2723. </member>
  2724. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartLabelLayout.ShowAll">
  2725. <summary>
  2726. Shows all labels.
  2727. </summary>
  2728. </member>
  2729. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.MapChartLabelLayout.None">
  2730. <summary>
  2731. No labels.
  2732. </summary>
  2733. </member>
  2734. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.QuartileCalculationType">
  2735. <summary>
  2736. Represents quartile calculation methods.
  2737. </summary>
  2738. </member>
  2739. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.QuartileCalculationType.Exclusive">
  2740. <summary>
  2741. The quartile calculation includes the median when splitting the dataset into quartiles.
  2742. </summary>
  2743. </member>
  2744. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.QuartileCalculationType.Inclusive">
  2745. <summary>
  2746. The quartile calculation excludes the median when splitting the dataset into quartiles.
  2747. </summary>
  2748. </member>
  2749. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties">
  2750. <summary>
  2751. </summary>
  2752. </member>
  2753. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.ShowConnectorLines">
  2754. <summary>
  2755. Indicates whether showing connector lines between data points.
  2756. </summary>
  2757. </member>
  2758. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.ShowMeanLine">
  2759. <summary>
  2760. Indicates whether showing the line connecting all mean points.
  2761. </summary>
  2762. </member>
  2763. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.ShowOutlierPoints">
  2764. <summary>
  2765. Indicates whether showing outlier data points.
  2766. </summary>
  2767. </member>
  2768. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.ShowMeanMarker">
  2769. <summary>
  2770. Indicates whether showing markers denoting the mean.
  2771. </summary>
  2772. </member>
  2773. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.ShowInnerPoints">
  2774. <summary>
  2775. Indicates whether showing non-outlier data points.
  2776. </summary>
  2777. </member>
  2778. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.Subtotals">
  2779. <summary>
  2780. Represents the index of a subtotal data point.
  2781. </summary>
  2782. </member>
  2783. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.QuartileCalculation">
  2784. <summary>
  2785. Represents the statistical properties for the series.
  2786. </summary>
  2787. </member>
  2788. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.MapLabelLayout">
  2789. <summary>
  2790. Gets and sets the layout of map labels.
  2791. </summary>
  2792. </member>
  2793. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.MapChartRegionType">
  2794. <summary>
  2795. Gets and sets the region type of the map.
  2796. </summary>
  2797. </member>
  2798. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesLayoutProperties.MapChartProjectionType">
  2799. <summary>
  2800. Gets and sets the projection type of the map.
  2801. </summary>
  2802. </member>
  2803. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition">
  2804. <summary>
  2805. Represents conditional formatting condition.
  2806. </summary>
  2807. <example>
  2808. <code>
  2809. [C#]
  2810. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  2811. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  2812. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  2813. //Adds an empty conditional formatting
  2814. int index = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add();
  2815. FormatConditionCollection fcs = sheet.ConditionalFormattings[index];
  2816. //Sets the conditional format range.
  2817. CellArea ca = new CellArea();
  2818. ca.StartRow = 0;
  2819. ca.EndRow = 0;
  2820. ca.StartColumn = 0;
  2821. ca.EndColumn = 0;
  2822. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  2823. ca = new CellArea();
  2824. ca.StartRow = 1;
  2825. ca.EndRow = 1;
  2826. ca.StartColumn = 1;
  2827. ca.EndColumn = 1;
  2828. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  2829. //Adds condition.
  2830. int conditionIndex = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "=A2", "100");
  2831. //Adds condition.
  2832. int conditionIndex2 = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "50", "100");
  2833. //Sets the background color.
  2834. FormatCondition fc = fcs[conditionIndex];
  2835. fc.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
  2836. //Saving the Excel file
  2837. workbook.Save("C:\\output.xls");
  2838. [VB.NET]
  2839. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  2840. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  2841. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  2842. ' Adds an empty conditional formatting
  2843. Dim index As Integer = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add()
  2844. Dim fcs As FormatConditionCollection = sheet.ConditionalFormattings(index)
  2845. 'Sets the conditional format range.
  2846. Dim ca As CellArea = New CellArea()
  2847. ca.StartRow = 0
  2848. ca.EndRow = 0
  2849. ca.StartColumn = 0
  2850. ca.EndColumn = 0
  2851. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  2852. ca = New CellArea()
  2853. ca.StartRow = 1
  2854. ca.EndRow = 1
  2855. ca.StartColumn = 1
  2856. ca.EndColumn = 1
  2857. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  2858. 'Adds condition.
  2859. Dim conditionIndex As Integer = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "=A2", "100")
  2860. 'Adds condition.
  2861. Dim conditionIndex2 As Integer = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "50", "100")
  2862. 'Sets the background color.
  2863. Dim fc As FormatCondition = fcs(conditionIndex)
  2864. fc.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.Red
  2865. 'Saving the Excel file
  2866. workbook.Save("C:\output.xls")
  2867. </code>
  2868. </example>
  2869. </member>
  2870. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.GetFormula1(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2871. <summary>
  2872. Gets the value or expression associated with this format condition.
  2873. </summary>
  2874. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  2875. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  2876. <returns>The value or expression associated with this format condition.</returns>
  2877. </member>
  2878. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.GetFormula2(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2879. <summary>
  2880. Gets the value or expression associated with this format condition.
  2881. </summary>
  2882. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  2883. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  2884. <returns>The value or expression associated with this format condition.</returns>
  2885. </member>
  2886. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.GetFormula1(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  2887. <summary>
  2888. Gets the value or expression of the conditional formatting of the cell.
  2889. </summary>
  2890. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  2891. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  2892. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  2893. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  2894. <returns>The value or expression associated with the conditional formatting of the cell.</returns>
  2895. <remarks>The given cell must be contained by this conditional formatting, otherwise null will be returned.</remarks>
  2896. </member>
  2897. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.GetFormula2(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  2898. <summary>
  2899. Gets the value or expression of the conditional formatting of the cell.
  2900. </summary>
  2901. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  2902. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  2903. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  2904. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  2905. <returns>The value or expression associated with the conditional formatting of the cell.</returns>
  2906. <remarks>The given cell must be contained by this conditional formatting, otherwise null will be returned.</remarks>
  2907. </member>
  2908. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.SetFormulas(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2909. <summary>
  2910. Sets the value or expression associated with this format condition.
  2911. </summary>
  2912. <param name="formula1">The value or expression associated with this format condition.
  2913. If the input value starts with '=', then it will be taken as formula. Otherwise it will be taken as plain value(text, number, bool).
  2914. For text value that starts with '=', user may input it as formula in format: "=\"=...\"".</param>
  2915. <param name="formula2">The value or expression associated with this format condition. The input format is same with formula1</param>
  2916. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula is R1C1 formula.</param>
  2917. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula is locale formatted.</param>
  2918. </member>
  2919. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.SetFormula1(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2920. <summary>
  2921. Sets the value or expression associated with this format condition.
  2922. </summary>
  2923. <param name="formula">The value or expression associated with this format condition.
  2924. If the input value starts with '=', then it will be taken as formula. Otherwise it will be taken as plain value(text, number, bool).
  2925. For text value that starts with '=', user may input it as formula in format: "=\"=...\"".</param>
  2926. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula is R1C1 formula.</param>
  2927. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula is locale formatted.</param>
  2928. </member>
  2929. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.SetFormula2(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2930. <summary>
  2931. Sets the value or expression associated with this format condition.
  2932. </summary>
  2933. <param name="formula">The value or expression associated with this format condition.
  2934. If the input value starts with '=', then it will be taken as formula. Otherwise it will be taken as plain value(text, number, bool).
  2935. For text value that starts with '=', user may input it as formula in format: "=\"=...\"".</param>
  2936. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula is R1C1 formula.</param>
  2937. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula is locale formatted.</param>
  2938. </member>
  2939. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.GetFormula1(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  2940. <summary>
  2941. Gets the formula of the conditional formatting of the cell.
  2942. </summary>
  2943. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  2944. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  2945. <returns>The formula.</returns>
  2946. </member>
  2947. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.GetFormula2(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  2948. <summary>
  2949. Gets the formula of the conditional formatting of the cell.
  2950. </summary>
  2951. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  2952. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  2953. <returns>The formula.</returns>
  2954. </member>
  2955. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.Formula1">
  2956. <summary>
  2957. Gets and sets the value or expression associated with conditional formatting.
  2958. </summary>
  2959. <remarks>
  2960. Please add all areas before setting formula.
  2961. For setting formula for this condition, if the input value starts with '=', then it will be taken as formula.
  2962. Otherwise it will be taken as plain value(text, number, bool). For text value that starts with '=', user may input it as formula in format: "=\"=...\"".
  2963. </remarks>
  2964. </member>
  2965. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.Formula2">
  2966. <summary>
  2967. Gets and sets the value or expression associated with conditional formatting.
  2968. </summary>
  2969. <remarks>
  2970. Please add all areas before setting formula.
  2971. For setting formula for this condition, if the input value starts with '=', then it will be taken as formula.
  2972. Otherwise it will be taken as plain value(text, number, bool). For text value that starts with '=', user may input it as formula in format: "=\"=...\"".
  2973. </remarks>
  2974. </member>
  2975. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.Operator">
  2976. <summary>
  2977. Gets and sets the conditional format operator type.
  2978. </summary>
  2979. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType" />
  2980. </member>
  2981. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.StopIfTrue">
  2982. <summary>
  2983. True, no rules with lower priority may be applied over this rule, when this rule evaluates to true.
  2984. Only applies for Excel 2007;
  2985. </summary>
  2986. </member>
  2987. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.Priority">
  2988. <summary>
  2989. The priority of this conditional formatting rule. This value is used to determine which
  2990. format should be evaluated and rendered. Lower numeric values are higher priority than
  2991. higher numeric values, where '1' is the highest priority.
  2992. </summary>
  2993. </member>
  2994. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.Style">
  2995. <summary>
  2996. Gets or setts style of conditional formatted cell ranges.
  2997. </summary>
  2998. </member>
  2999. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.Type">
  3000. <summary>
  3001. Gets and sets whether the conditional format Type.
  3002. </summary>
  3003. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType" />
  3004. </member>
  3005. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.IconSet">
  3006. <summary>
  3007. Get the conditional formatting's "IconSet" instance.
  3008. The default instance's IconSetType is TrafficLights31.
  3009. Valid only for type = IconSet.
  3010. </summary>
  3011. <returns>
  3012. </returns>
  3013. </member>
  3014. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.DataBar">
  3015. <summary>
  3016. Get the conditional formatting's "DataBar" instance.
  3017. The default instance's color is blue.
  3018. Valid only for type is DataBar.
  3019. </summary>
  3020. <returns>
  3021. </returns>
  3022. </member>
  3023. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.ColorScale">
  3024. <summary>
  3025. Get the conditional formatting's "ColorScale" instance.
  3026. The default instance is a "green-yellow-red" 3ColorScale .
  3027. Valid only for type = ColorScale.
  3028. </summary>
  3029. <returns>
  3030. </returns>
  3031. </member>
  3032. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.Top10">
  3033. <summary>
  3034. Get the conditional formatting's "Top10" instance.
  3035. The default instance's rule highlights cells whose
  3036. values fall in the top 10 bracket.
  3037. Valid only for type is Top10.
  3038. </summary>
  3039. <returns>
  3040. </returns>
  3041. </member>
  3042. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.AboveAverage">
  3043. <summary>
  3044. Get the conditional formatting's "AboveAverage" instance.
  3045. The default instance's rule highlights cells that are
  3046. above the average for all values in the range.
  3047. Valid only for type = AboveAverage.
  3048. </summary>
  3049. <returns>
  3050. </returns>
  3051. </member>
  3052. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.Text">
  3053. <summary>
  3054. The text value in a "text contains" conditional formatting rule.
  3055. Valid only for type = containsText, notContainsText, beginsWith and endsWith.
  3056. The default value is null.
  3057. </summary>
  3058. </member>
  3059. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition.TimePeriod">
  3060. <summary>
  3061. The applicable time period in a "date occurring¡­" conditional formatting rule.
  3062. Valid only for type = timePeriod.
  3063. The default value is TimePeriodType.Today.
  3064. </summary>
  3065. </member>
  3066. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry">
  3067. <summary>
  3068. PdfBookmarkEntry is an entry in pdf bookmark.
  3069. if Text property of current instance is null or "",
  3070. current instance will be hidden and children will be inserted on current level.
  3071. </summary>
  3072. <example>
  3073. <code>
  3074. [C#]
  3075. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  3076. workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  3077. workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  3078. Cell cellInPage1 = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells["A0"];
  3079. Cell cellInPage2 = workbook.Worksheets[1].Cells["A0"];
  3080. Cell cellInPage3 = workbook.Worksheets[2].Cells["A0"];
  3081. cellInPage1.PutValue("page1");
  3082. cellInPage2.PutValue("page2");
  3083. cellInPage3.PutValue("page3");
  3084. PdfBookmarkEntry pbeRoot = new PdfBookmarkEntry();
  3085. pbeRoot.Text = "root"; // if pbeRoot.Text = null, all children of pbeRoot will be inserted on the top level in the bookmark.
  3086. pbeRoot.Destination = cellInPage1;
  3087. pbeRoot.SubEntry = new ArrayList();
  3088. pbeRoot.IsOpen = false;
  3089. PdfBookmarkEntry subPbe1 = new PdfBookmarkEntry();
  3090. subPbe1.Text = "section1";
  3091. subPbe1.Destination = cellInPage2;
  3092. PdfBookmarkEntry subPbe2 = new PdfBookmarkEntry();
  3093. subPbe2.Text = "section2";
  3094. subPbe2.Destination = cellInPage3;
  3095. pbeRoot.SubEntry.Add(subPbe1);
  3096. pbeRoot.SubEntry.Add(subPbe2);
  3097. workbook.SaveOptions.PdfBookmark = pbeRoot;
  3098. workbook.Save("c:\\Test.pdf");
  3099. [VB]
  3100. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook
  3101. workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet2")
  3102. workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet3")
  3103. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  3104. Dim cellInPage1 As Cell = cells("A0")
  3105. cellInPage1.PutValue("Page1")
  3106. cells = workbook.Worksheets(1).Cells
  3107. Dim cellInPage2 As Cell = cells("A0")
  3108. cellInPage2.PutValue("Page2")
  3109. cells = workbook.Worksheets(2).Cells
  3110. Dim cellInPage3 As Cell = cells("A0")
  3111. cellInPage3.PutValue("Page3")
  3112. Dim pbeRoot As PdfBookmarkEntry = New PdfBookmarkEntry()
  3113. pbeRoot.Text = "root"
  3114. pbeRoot.Destination = cellInPage1
  3115. pbeRoot.SubEntry = New ArrayList
  3116. pbeRoot.IsOpen = False
  3117. Dim subPbe1 As PdfBookmarkEntry = New PdfBookmarkEntry()
  3118. subPbe1.Text = "section1"
  3119. subPbe1.Destination = cellInPage2
  3120. Dim subPbe2 As PdfBookmarkEntry = New PdfBookmarkEntry()
  3121. subPbe2.Text = "section2"
  3122. subPbe2.Destination = cellInPage3
  3123. pbeRoot.SubEntry.Add(subPbe1)
  3124. pbeRoot.SubEntry.Add(subPbe2)
  3125. workbook.SaveOptions.PdfBookmark = pbeRoot
  3126. workbook.Save("c:\\Test.pdf")
  3127. </code>
  3128. </example>
  3129. </member>
  3130. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry.Text">
  3131. <summary>
  3132. Title of a bookmark.
  3133. </summary>
  3134. </member>
  3135. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry.Destination">
  3136. <summary>
  3137. The cell to which the bookmark link.
  3138. </summary>
  3139. </member>
  3140. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry.DestinationName">
  3141. <summary>
  3142. Gets or sets name of destination.
  3143. </summary>
  3144. <remarks>
  3145. If destination name is set, the destination will be defined as a named destination with this name.
  3146. </remarks>
  3147. </member>
  3148. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry.SubEntry">
  3149. <summary>
  3150. SubEntry of a bookmark.
  3151. </summary>
  3152. </member>
  3153. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry.IsOpen">
  3154. <summary>
  3155. When this property is true, the bookmarkentry will expand, otherwise it will collapse.
  3156. </summary>
  3157. </member>
  3158. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry.IsCollapse">
  3159. <summary>
  3160. When this property is true, the bookmarkentry will collapse, otherwise it will expand.
  3161. </summary>
  3162. </member>
  3163. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationEngine">
  3164. <summary>
  3165. Represents user's custom calculation engine to extend the default calculation engine of Aspose.Cells.
  3166. </summary>
  3167. <example>
  3168. <code>
  3169. [C#]
  3170. public class MyEngine : AbstractCalculationEngine
  3171. {
  3172. public override void Calculate(CalculationData data)
  3173. {
  3174. string funcName = data.FunctionName.ToUpper();
  3175. if ("MYFUNC".Equals(funcName))
  3176. {
  3177. //do calculation for MYFUNC here
  3178. int count = data.ParamCount;
  3179. object res = null;
  3180. for (int i = 0; i &lt; count; i++)
  3181. {
  3182. object pv = data.GetParamValue(i);
  3183. if (pv is ReferredArea)
  3184. {
  3185. ReferredArea ra = (ReferredArea)pv;
  3186. pv = ra.GetValue(0, 0);
  3187. }
  3188. //process the parameter here
  3189. //res = ...;
  3190. }
  3191. data.CalculatedValue = res;
  3192. }
  3193. }
  3194. }
  3195. </code>
  3196. </example>
  3197. <remarks>User should not modify any part of the Workbook directly in this implementation(except the calculated result of the custom function, which can be set by CalculationData.CalculatedValue property).
  3198. Otherwise unexpected result or Exception may be caused.
  3199. If user needs to change other data than calculated result in the implementation for some custom functions,
  3200. for example, change cell's formula, style, ...etc., user should gather those data in this implementation and change them out of the scope of formula calculation.</remarks>
  3201. </member>
  3202. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationEngine.Calculate(Aspose.Cells.CalculationData)">
  3203. <summary>
  3204. Calculates one function with given data.
  3205. </summary>
  3206. <param name="data">the required data to calculate function such as function name, parameters, ...etc.</param>
  3207. <remarks>User should set the calculated value for given data for all functions(including excel native functions)
  3208. that he wants to calculate by himself in this implementation.
  3209. </remarks>
  3210. </member>
  3211. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationEngine.IsParamLiteralRequired">
  3212. <summary>
  3213. Indicates whether this engine needs the literal text of parameter while doing calculation. Default value is false.
  3214. </summary>
  3215. <remarks>If this custom calculation engine requires the parameter's literal text, more stacks will be required to cache the literal text for parameters and Calculate() method may be called recursively to calculate the parameter's value.
  3216. Commonly the literal text is not needed for calculating formulas and this method should return false for most implementations to get better performance.
  3217. </remarks>
  3218. </member>
  3219. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationEngine.ProcessBuiltInFunctions">
  3220. <summary>
  3221. Whether built-in functions that have been supported by the built-in engine should be checked and processed by this implementation.
  3222. Default is false.
  3223. If user needs to change the calculation logic of some built-in functions, this property should be set as true.
  3224. </summary>
  3225. </member>
  3226. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CustomImplementationFactory">
  3227. <summary>
  3228. Factory to create some instances which may be re-implemented by user for special purpose.
  3229. </summary>
  3230. </member>
  3231. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CustomImplementationFactory.CreateMemoryStream">
  3232. <summary>
  3233. Create one instance of MemoryStream or custom implementation of MemoryStream.
  3234. </summary>
  3235. <returns>The MemoryStream instance.</returns>
  3236. </member>
  3237. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CustomImplementationFactory.CreateMemoryStream(System.Int32)">
  3238. <summary>
  3239. Create one instance of MemoryStream or custom implementation of MemoryStream.
  3240. </summary>
  3241. <param name="capacity">Initial capacity for the MemoryStream</param>
  3242. <returns>The MemoryStream instance.</returns>
  3243. </member>
  3244. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CustomImplementationFactory.CreateCultureInfo(System.Int32)">
  3245. <summary>
  3246. Create one CultureInfo by given id.
  3247. </summary>
  3248. <param name="lcid">
  3249. </param>
  3250. <returns>The CultureInfo instance.</returns>
  3251. <remarks>This implementation is useful for situations:
  3252. 1. Some cultures may not be supported by user's environment and creating the required CultureInfo with given identifier may cause Exception.
  3253. To avoid the exception, user may override this method to provide a valid CultureInfo instance for the unsupported one.
  3254. 2. User may want to specify some custom properties for some cultures to get expected result for formatting.
  3255. For this purpose user may override this method to provide the CultureInfo instance with user specified properties.
  3256. Please note UseUserOverride property of the returned CultureInfo instance may influence the formatted result.
  3257. If it is false, some properties of the returned CultureInfo instance may be overridden by our built-in
  3258. formatting engine according to the formatting requirements of different scenarios.
  3259. If it is true, we will not change any properties of it and use it to format values directly.
  3260. So, if user has specified custom properties for the returned CultureInfo instance, please make sure its UseUserOverride is true.
  3261. </remarks>
  3262. </member>
  3263. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType">
  3264. <summary>
  3265. </summary>
  3266. </member>
  3267. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.None">
  3268. <summary>
  3269. No reflection effect.
  3270. </summary>
  3271. </member>
  3272. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.Custom">
  3273. <summary>
  3274. Custom reflection effect.
  3275. </summary>
  3276. </member>
  3277. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.TightReflectionTouching">
  3278. <summary>
  3279. Tight reflection, touching.
  3280. </summary>
  3281. </member>
  3282. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.HalfReflectionTouching">
  3283. <summary>
  3284. Half reflection, touching.
  3285. </summary>
  3286. </member>
  3287. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.FullReflectionTouching">
  3288. <summary>
  3289. Full reflection, touching.
  3290. </summary>
  3291. </member>
  3292. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.TightReflection4PtOffset">
  3293. <summary>
  3294. Tight reflection, 4 pt offset.
  3295. </summary>
  3296. </member>
  3297. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.HalfReflection4PtOffset">
  3298. <summary>
  3299. Half reflection, 4 pt offset.
  3300. </summary>
  3301. </member>
  3302. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.FullReflection4PtOffset">
  3303. <summary>
  3304. Full reflection, 4 pt offset.
  3305. </summary>
  3306. </member>
  3307. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.TightReflection8PtOffset">
  3308. <summary>
  3309. Tight reflection, 8 pt offset.
  3310. </summary>
  3311. </member>
  3312. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.HalfReflection8PtOffset">
  3313. <summary>
  3314. Half reflection, 8 pt offset.
  3315. </summary>
  3316. </member>
  3317. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffectType.FullReflection8PtOffset">
  3318. <summary>
  3319. Full reflection, 8 pt offset.
  3320. </summary>
  3321. </member>
  3322. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType">
  3323. <summary>
  3324. Represents a preset for a type of bevel which can be applied to a shape in 3D.
  3325. </summary>
  3326. </member>
  3327. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.None">
  3328. <summary>
  3329. No bevel
  3330. </summary>
  3331. </member>
  3332. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.Angle">
  3333. <summary>
  3334. Angle
  3335. </summary>
  3336. </member>
  3337. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.ArtDeco">
  3338. <summary>
  3339. Art deco
  3340. </summary>
  3341. </member>
  3342. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.Circle">
  3343. <summary>
  3344. Circle
  3345. </summary>
  3346. </member>
  3347. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.Convex">
  3348. <summary>
  3349. Convex
  3350. </summary>
  3351. </member>
  3352. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.CoolSlant">
  3353. <summary>
  3354. Cool slant
  3355. </summary>
  3356. </member>
  3357. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.Cross">
  3358. <summary>
  3359. Cross
  3360. </summary>
  3361. </member>
  3362. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.Divot">
  3363. <summary>
  3364. Divot
  3365. </summary>
  3366. </member>
  3367. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.HardEdge">
  3368. <summary>
  3369. Hard edge
  3370. </summary>
  3371. </member>
  3372. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.RelaxedInset">
  3373. <summary>
  3374. Relaxed inset
  3375. </summary>
  3376. </member>
  3377. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.Riblet">
  3378. <summary>
  3379. Riblet
  3380. </summary>
  3381. </member>
  3382. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.Slope">
  3383. <summary>
  3384. Slope
  3385. </summary>
  3386. </member>
  3387. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelPresetType.SoftRound">
  3388. <summary>
  3389. Soft round
  3390. </summary>
  3391. </member>
  3392. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat">
  3393. <summary>
  3394. Represents a shape's three-dimensional formatting.
  3395. </summary>
  3396. </member>
  3397. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.GetHashCode">
  3398. <summary>
  3399. Gets hashcode.
  3400. </summary>
  3401. <returns>
  3402. </returns>
  3403. </member>
  3404. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.Equals(System.Object)">
  3405. <summary>
  3406. </summary>
  3407. <param name="obj">
  3408. </param>
  3409. <returns>
  3410. </returns>
  3411. </member>
  3412. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.BottomBevelWidth">
  3413. <summary>
  3414. Gets and sets the width of the bottom bevel, or how far into the shape it is applied.
  3415. In unit of Points.
  3416. </summary>
  3417. </member>
  3418. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.BottomBevelHeight">
  3419. <summary>
  3420. Gets and sets the height of the bottom bevel, or how far into the shape it is applied.
  3421. In unit of Points.
  3422. </summary>
  3423. </member>
  3424. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.BottomBevelType">
  3425. <summary>
  3426. Gets and sets the type of the bottom bevel, or how far into the shape it is applied.
  3427. In unit of Points.
  3428. </summary>
  3429. </member>
  3430. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.TopBevelWidth">
  3431. <summary>
  3432. Gets and sets the width of the top bevel, or how far into the shape it is applied.
  3433. In unit of Points.
  3434. </summary>
  3435. </member>
  3436. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.TopBevelHeight">
  3437. <summary>
  3438. Gets and sets the height of the top bevel, or how far into the shape it is applied.
  3439. In unit of Points.
  3440. </summary>
  3441. </member>
  3442. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.TopBevelType">
  3443. <summary>
  3444. Gets and sets the type of the top bevel, or how far into the shape it is applied.
  3445. In unit of Points.
  3446. </summary>
  3447. </member>
  3448. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.Material">
  3449. <summary>
  3450. Represents the preset material which is combined with the lighting properties to give the
  3451. final look and feel of a shape.
  3452. </summary>
  3453. </member>
  3454. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.ContourColor">
  3455. <summary>
  3456. Gets and sets the contour color on a shape.
  3457. </summary>
  3458. </member>
  3459. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.ContourWidth">
  3460. <summary>
  3461. Gets and sets the contour width on the shape, in unit of points.
  3462. </summary>
  3463. </member>
  3464. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.ExtrusionColor">
  3465. <summary>
  3466. Gets the extrusion color on a shape.
  3467. </summary>
  3468. </member>
  3469. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.ExtrusionHeight">
  3470. <summary>
  3471. Gets and sets the extrusion height of the applied to the shape, in unit of points.
  3472. </summary>
  3473. </member>
  3474. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.Z">
  3475. <summary>
  3476. Defines the distance from ground for the 3D shape.
  3477. </summary>
  3478. </member>
  3479. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.LightAngle">
  3480. <summary>
  3481. Gets and sets the angle of the extrusion lights.
  3482. </summary>
  3483. </member>
  3484. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.Lighting">
  3485. <summary>
  3486. Gets and sets type of light rig.
  3487. </summary>
  3488. </member>
  3489. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.LightingDirection">
  3490. <summary>
  3491. Gets and sets the direction from which the light rig is oriented in relation to the scene.
  3492. </summary>
  3493. </member>
  3494. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.Perspective">
  3495. <summary>
  3496. Gets and sets the angle at which a ThreeDFormat object can be viewed.
  3497. </summary>
  3498. </member>
  3499. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.RotationX">
  3500. <summary>
  3501. Gets and sets the rotation of the extruded shape around the x-axis in degrees.
  3502. </summary>
  3503. </member>
  3504. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.RotationY">
  3505. <summary>
  3506. Gets and sets the rotation of the extruded shape around the y-axis in degrees.
  3507. </summary>
  3508. </member>
  3509. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.RotationZ">
  3510. <summary>
  3511. Gets and sets the rotation of the extruded shape around the z-axis in degrees.
  3512. </summary>
  3513. </member>
  3514. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ThreeDFormat.PresetCameraType">
  3515. <summary>
  3516. Gets and sets the extrusion preset camera type.
  3517. </summary>
  3518. </member>
  3519. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.DialogBox">
  3520. <summary>
  3521. Represents the dialog box.
  3522. </summary>
  3523. </member>
  3524. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormatHelper">
  3525. <summary>
  3526. Represents line and arrowhead formatting.
  3527. </summary>
  3528. </member>
  3529. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormatHelper.IsVisible">
  3530. <summary>
  3531. Indicates whether the object is visible.
  3532. </summary>
  3533. </member>
  3534. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormatHelper.Style">
  3535. <summary>
  3536. Returns a Style object that represents the style of the specified range.
  3537. </summary>
  3538. </member>
  3539. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormatHelper.ForeColor">
  3540. <summary>
  3541. Gets and sets the border line fore color.
  3542. </summary>
  3543. </member>
  3544. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormatHelper.BackColor">
  3545. <summary>
  3546. Gets and sets the border line back color.
  3547. </summary>
  3548. </member>
  3549. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormatHelper.DashStyle">
  3550. <summary>
  3551. Gets or sets the dash style for the specified line.
  3552. </summary>
  3553. </member>
  3554. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormatHelper.Transparency">
  3555. <summary>
  3556. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the specified fill as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  3557. </summary>
  3558. </member>
  3559. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormatHelper.Weight">
  3560. <summary>
  3561. Returns or sets the weight of the line ,in units of pt.
  3562. </summary>
  3563. </member>
  3564. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat">
  3565. <summary>
  3566. Represents all setting of the line.
  3567. </summary>
  3568. </member>
  3569. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat">
  3570. <summary>
  3571. Encapsulates the object that represents fill formatting for a shape.
  3572. </summary>
  3573. <example>
  3574. <code>
  3575. [C#]
  3576. //Filling the area of the 2nd NSeries with a gradient
  3577. chart.NSeries[1].Area.FillFormat.SetOneColorGradient(Color.Lime, 1, GradientStyleType.Horizontal, 1);
  3578. [Visual Basic]
  3579. 'Filling the area of the 2nd NSeries with a gradient
  3580. chart.NSeries(1).Area.FillFormat.SetOneColorGradient(Color.Lime, 1, GradientStyleType.Horizontal, 1)
  3581. </code>
  3582. </example>
  3583. </member>
  3584. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.SetOneColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Double,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  3585. <summary>
  3586. Sets the specified fill to a one-color gradient.
  3587. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  3588. </summary>
  3589. <param name="color">One gradient color.</param>
  3590. <param name="degree">The gradient degree. Can be a value from 0.0 (dark) through 1.0 (light).</param>
  3591. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  3592. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  3593. </member>
  3594. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.SetTwoColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  3595. <summary>
  3596. Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient.
  3597. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  3598. </summary>
  3599. <param name="color1">One gradient color.</param>
  3600. <param name="color2">Two gradient color.</param>
  3601. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  3602. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  3603. </member>
  3604. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.SetTwoColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Double,System.Drawing.Color,System.Double,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  3605. <summary>
  3606. Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient.
  3607. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  3608. </summary>
  3609. <param name="color1">One gradient color.</param>
  3610. <param name="transparency1">The degree of transparency of the color1 as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).</param>
  3611. <param name="color2">Two gradient color.</param>
  3612. <param name="transparency2">The degree of transparency of the color2 as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).</param>
  3613. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  3614. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  3615. </member>
  3616. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.SetPresetColorGradient(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  3617. <summary>
  3618. Sets the specified fill to a preset-color gradient.
  3619. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  3620. </summary>
  3621. <param name="presetColor">Preset color type</param>
  3622. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  3623. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  3624. </member>
  3625. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.Type">
  3626. <summary>
  3627. Gets and sets the fill type.
  3628. </summary>
  3629. <remarks>
  3630. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  3631. please use FillFormat.FillType property instead.
  3632. This property will be removed 12 months later since July 2016.
  3633. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  3634. </member>
  3635. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.FillType">
  3636. <summary>
  3637. Gets and sets fill type
  3638. </summary>
  3639. </member>
  3640. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.Transparency">
  3641. <summary>
  3642. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  3643. </summary>
  3644. </member>
  3645. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.SetType">
  3646. <summary>
  3647. Gets the fill format set type.
  3648. </summary>
  3649. <remarks>
  3650. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  3651. please use FillFormat.FillType property instead.
  3652. This property will be removed 12 months later since July 2016.
  3653. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  3654. </member>
  3655. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.GradientFill">
  3656. <summary>
  3657. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.GradientFill" /> object.
  3658. </summary>
  3659. </member>
  3660. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.TextureFill">
  3661. <summary>
  3662. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.TextureFill" /> object.
  3663. </summary>
  3664. </member>
  3665. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.SolidFill">
  3666. <summary>
  3667. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.SolidFill" /> object.
  3668. </summary>
  3669. </member>
  3670. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.PatternFill">
  3671. <summary>
  3672. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.PatternFill" /> object.
  3673. </summary>
  3674. </member>
  3675. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.GradientColorType">
  3676. <summary>
  3677. Returns the gradient color type for the specified fill.
  3678. </summary>
  3679. </member>
  3680. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.GradientStyle">
  3681. <summary>
  3682. Returns the gradient style for the specified fill.
  3683. </summary>
  3684. </member>
  3685. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.GradientColor1">
  3686. <summary>
  3687. Returns the gradient color 1 for the specified fill.
  3688. </summary>
  3689. </member>
  3690. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.GradientColor2">
  3691. <summary>
  3692. Returns the gradient color 2 for the specified fill.
  3693. </summary>
  3694. <remarks>Only when the gradient color type is GradientColorType.TwoColors, this property is meaningful.</remarks>
  3695. </member>
  3696. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.GradientDegree">
  3697. <summary>
  3698. Returns the gradient degree for the specified fill.
  3699. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  3700. </summary>
  3701. <remarks>Can only be a value from 0.0 (dark) through 1.0 (light).</remarks>
  3702. </member>
  3703. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.GradientVariant">
  3704. <summary>
  3705. Returns the gradient variant for the specified fill.
  3706. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  3707. </summary>
  3708. <remarks>Can only be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</remarks>
  3709. </member>
  3710. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.PresetColor">
  3711. <summary>
  3712. Returns the gradient preset color for the specified fill.
  3713. </summary>
  3714. </member>
  3715. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.Texture">
  3716. <summary>
  3717. Represents the texture type for the specified fill.
  3718. </summary>
  3719. </member>
  3720. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.Pattern">
  3721. <summary>
  3722. Represents an area's display pattern.
  3723. </summary>
  3724. </member>
  3725. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.PictureFormatType">
  3726. <summary>
  3727. Gets and sets the picture format type.
  3728. </summary>
  3729. </member>
  3730. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.Scale">
  3731. <summary>
  3732. Gets and sets the picture format scale.
  3733. </summary>
  3734. </member>
  3735. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillFormat.ImageData">
  3736. <summary>
  3737. Gets and sets the picture image data.
  3738. </summary>
  3739. <remarks>If the fill format is not custom texture format, returns null.</remarks>
  3740. </member>
  3741. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.CompoundType">
  3742. <summary>
  3743. Specifies the line compound type.
  3744. </summary>
  3745. </member>
  3746. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.DashStyle">
  3747. <summary>
  3748. Specifies the line dash type.
  3749. </summary>
  3750. </member>
  3751. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.CapType">
  3752. <summary>
  3753. Specifies the ending caps.
  3754. </summary>
  3755. </member>
  3756. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.JoinType">
  3757. <summary>
  3758. Specifies the line join type.
  3759. </summary>
  3760. </member>
  3761. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.BeginArrowheadStyle">
  3762. <summary>
  3763. Gets and sets the begin arrow type of the line.
  3764. </summary>
  3765. </member>
  3766. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.BeginArrowheadWidth">
  3767. <summary>
  3768. Gets and sets the begin arrow width type of the line.
  3769. </summary>
  3770. </member>
  3771. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.BeginArrowheadLength">
  3772. <summary>
  3773. Gets and sets the begin arrow length type of the line.
  3774. </summary>
  3775. </member>
  3776. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.EndArrowheadStyle">
  3777. <summary>
  3778. Gets and sets the end arrow type of the line.
  3779. </summary>
  3780. </member>
  3781. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.EndArrowheadWidth">
  3782. <summary>
  3783. Gets and sets the end arrow width type of the line.
  3784. </summary>
  3785. </member>
  3786. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.EndArrowheadLength">
  3787. <summary>
  3788. Gets and sets the end arrow length type of the line.
  3789. </summary>
  3790. </member>
  3791. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineFormat.Weight">
  3792. <summary>
  3793. Gets or sets the weight of the line in unit of points.
  3794. </summary>
  3795. </member>
  3796. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.IFilePathProvider">
  3797. <summary>
  3798. Represents the exported file path provider.
  3799. </summary>
  3800. </member>
  3801. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IFilePathProvider.GetFullName(System.String)">
  3802. <summary>
  3803. Gets the full path of the file by Worksheet name when exporting Worksheet to html separately.
  3804. So the references among the Worksheets can be exported correctly.
  3805. </summary>
  3806. <param name="sheetName">Worksheet name</param>
  3807. <returns>the full path of the file</returns>
  3808. </member>
  3809. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SmartArtShape">
  3810. <summary>
  3811. Represents the smart art.
  3812. </summary>
  3813. </member>
  3814. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SmartArtShape.GetResultOfSmartArt">
  3815. <summary>
  3816. Converting smart art to grouped shapes.
  3817. </summary>
  3818. </member>
  3819. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.WebExtensionShape">
  3820. <summary>
  3821. Represents the shape of web extension.
  3822. </summary>
  3823. </member>
  3824. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.WebExtensionShape.WebExtension">
  3825. <summary>
  3826. Gets and set the web extension.
  3827. </summary>
  3828. </member>
  3829. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle">
  3830. <summary>
  3831. Represents the preset WordArt styles.
  3832. </summary>
  3833. </member>
  3834. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle1">
  3835. <summary>
  3836. Fill - Black, Text 1, Shadow
  3837. </summary>
  3838. </member>
  3839. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle2">
  3840. <summary>
  3841. Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Shadow
  3842. </summary>
  3843. </member>
  3844. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle3">
  3845. <summary>
  3846. Fill - Orange, Accent 2, Outline - Accent 2
  3847. </summary>
  3848. </member>
  3849. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle4">
  3850. <summary>
  3851. Fill - White, Outline - Accent 1, Shadow
  3852. </summary>
  3853. </member>
  3854. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle5">
  3855. <summary>
  3856. Fill - Gold, Accent 4, Soft Bevel
  3857. </summary>
  3858. </member>
  3859. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle6">
  3860. <summary>
  3861. Gradient Fill - Gray
  3862. </summary>
  3863. </member>
  3864. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle7">
  3865. <summary>
  3866. Gradient Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Reflection
  3867. </summary>
  3868. </member>
  3869. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle8">
  3870. <summary>
  3871. Gradient Fill - Gold, Accent 4, Outline - Accent 4
  3872. </summary>
  3873. </member>
  3874. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle9">
  3875. <summary>
  3876. Fill - White, Outline - Accent 1, Glow - Accent 1
  3877. </summary>
  3878. </member>
  3879. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle10">
  3880. <summary>
  3881. Fill - Gray-50%, Accent 3, Sharp Bevel
  3882. </summary>
  3883. </member>
  3884. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle11">
  3885. <summary>
  3886. Fill - Black, Text 1, Outline - Background 1, Hard Shadow - Background 1
  3887. </summary>
  3888. </member>
  3889. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle12">
  3890. <summary>
  3891. Fill - Black, Text 1, Outline - Background 1, Hard Shadow - Accent 1
  3892. </summary>
  3893. </member>
  3894. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle13">
  3895. <summary>
  3896. Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Outline - Background 1, Hard Shadow - Accent 1
  3897. </summary>
  3898. </member>
  3899. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle14">
  3900. <summary>
  3901. Fill - White, Outline - Accent 2, Hard Shadow - Accent 2
  3902. </summary>
  3903. </member>
  3904. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle15">
  3905. <summary>
  3906. Fill - Gray-25%, Background 2, Inner Shadow
  3907. </summary>
  3908. </member>
  3909. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle16">
  3910. <summary>
  3911. Pattern Fill - White, Text 2, Dark Upward Diagonal, Shadow
  3912. </summary>
  3913. </member>
  3914. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle17">
  3915. <summary>
  3916. Pattern Fill - Gray-50%, Accent 3, Narrow Horizontal, Inner Shadow
  3917. </summary>
  3918. </member>
  3919. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle18">
  3920. <summary>
  3921. Fill - Blue, Accent 1, 50%, Hard Shadow - Accent 1
  3922. </summary>
  3923. </member>
  3924. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle19">
  3925. <summary>
  3926. Pattern Fill - Blue, Accent 1, Light Downward Diagonal, Outline - Accent 1
  3927. </summary>
  3928. </member>
  3929. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle.WordArtStyle20">
  3930. <summary>
  3931. Pattern Fill - Blue-Gray, Text 2, Dark Upward Diagonal, Hard Shadow - Text 2
  3932. </summary>
  3933. </member>
  3934. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraphCollection">
  3935. <summary>
  3936. Represents all text paragraph.
  3937. </summary>
  3938. </member>
  3939. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraphCollection.GetEnumerator">
  3940. <summary>
  3941. Gets the enumerator of the paragraphs.
  3942. </summary>
  3943. <returns>
  3944. </returns>
  3945. </member>
  3946. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraphCollection.Count">
  3947. <summary>
  3948. Gets the count of text paragraphs.
  3949. </summary>
  3950. </member>
  3951. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraphCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  3952. <summary>
  3953. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph" /> object at specific index.
  3954. </summary>
  3955. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  3956. <returns>
  3957. </returns>
  3958. </member>
  3959. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection">
  3960. <summary>
  3961. Specifies an external data connection
  3962. </summary>
  3963. </member>
  3964. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.Id">
  3965. <summary>
  3966. Gets the id of the connection.
  3967. </summary>
  3968. </member>
  3969. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.PowerQueryFormula">
  3970. <summary>
  3971. Gets the definition of power query formula.
  3972. </summary>
  3973. </member>
  3974. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.Type">
  3975. <summary>
  3976. Gets or Sets the external connection DataSource type.
  3977. </summary>
  3978. </member>
  3979. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.SourceFile">
  3980. <summary>
  3981. Used when the external data source is file-based. When a connection to such a data
  3982. source fails, the spreadsheet application attempts to connect directly to this file. May be
  3983. expressed in URI or system-specific file path notation.
  3984. </summary>
  3985. </member>
  3986. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.SSOId">
  3987. <summary>
  3988. Identifier for Single Sign On (SSO) used for authentication between an intermediate
  3989. spreadsheetML server and the external data source.
  3990. </summary>
  3991. </member>
  3992. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.SavePassword">
  3993. <summary>
  3994. True if the password is to be saved as part of the connection string; otherwise, False.
  3995. </summary>
  3996. </member>
  3997. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.SaveData">
  3998. <summary>
  3999. True if the external data fetched over the connection to populate a table is to be saved
  4000. with the workbook; otherwise, false.
  4001. </summary>
  4002. </member>
  4003. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.RefreshOnLoad">
  4004. <summary>
  4005. True if this connection should be refreshed when opening the file; otherwise, false.
  4006. </summary>
  4007. </member>
  4008. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.ReconnectionMethodType">
  4009. <summary>
  4010. Specifies what the spreadsheet application should do when a connection fails.
  4011. The default value is ReConnectionMethodType.Required.
  4012. </summary>
  4013. </member>
  4014. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.ReconnectionMethod">
  4015. <summary>
  4016. Specifies what the spreadsheet application should do when a connection fails.
  4017. The default value is ReConnectionMethodType.Required.
  4018. </summary>
  4019. <remarks>
  4020. NOTE: This property is now obsolete. Instead,
  4021. please use ExternalConnection.ReconnectionMethodType property.
  4022. This property will be removed 12 months later since October 2017.
  4023. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  4024. </member>
  4025. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.OnlyUseConnectionFile">
  4026. <summary>
  4027. Indicates whether the spreadsheet application should always and only use the
  4028. connection information in the external connection file indicated by the odcFile attribute
  4029. when the connection is refreshed. If false, then the spreadsheet application
  4030. should follow the procedure indicated by the reconnectionMethod attribute
  4031. </summary>
  4032. </member>
  4033. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.OdcFile">
  4034. <summary>
  4035. Specifies the full path to external connection file from which this connection was
  4036. created. If a connection fails during an attempt to refresh data, and reconnectionMethod=1,
  4037. then the spreadsheet application will try again using information from the external connection file
  4038. instead of the connection object embedded within the workbook.
  4039. </summary>
  4040. </member>
  4041. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.IsNew">
  4042. <summary>
  4043. True if the connection has not been refreshed for the first time; otherwise, false.
  4044. This state can happen when the user saves the file before a query has finished returning.
  4045. </summary>
  4046. </member>
  4047. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.Name">
  4048. <summary>
  4049. Specifies the name of the connection. Each connection must have a unique name.
  4050. </summary>
  4051. </member>
  4052. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.KeepAlive">
  4053. <summary>
  4054. True when the spreadsheet application should make efforts to keep the connection
  4055. open. When false, the application should close the connection after retrieving the
  4056. information.
  4057. </summary>
  4058. </member>
  4059. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.RefreshInternal">
  4060. <summary>
  4061. Specifies the number of minutes between automatic refreshes of the connection.
  4062. </summary>
  4063. </member>
  4064. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.ConnectionId">
  4065. <summary>
  4066. Specifies The unique identifier of this connection.
  4067. </summary>
  4068. </member>
  4069. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.ConnectionDescription">
  4070. <summary>
  4071. Specifies the user description for this connection
  4072. </summary>
  4073. </member>
  4074. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.IsDeleted">
  4075. <summary>
  4076. Indicates whether the associated workbook connection has been deleted. true if the
  4077. connection has been deleted; otherwise, false.
  4078. </summary>
  4079. </member>
  4080. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.CredentialsMethodType">
  4081. <summary>
  4082. Specifies the authentication method to be used when establishing (or re-establishing) the connection.
  4083. </summary>
  4084. </member>
  4085. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.Credentials">
  4086. <summary>
  4087. Specifies the authentication method to be used when establishing (or re-establishing) the connection.
  4088. </summary>
  4089. <remarks>
  4090. NOTE: This property is now obsolete. Instead,
  4091. please use ExternalConnection.CredentialsMethodType property.
  4092. This property will be removed 12 months later since October 2017.
  4093. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  4094. </member>
  4095. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.BackgroundRefresh">
  4096. <summary>
  4097. Indicates whether the connection can be refreshed in the background (asynchronously).
  4098. true if preferred usage of the connection is to refresh asynchronously in the background;
  4099. false if preferred usage of the connection is to refresh synchronously in the foreground.
  4100. </summary>
  4101. </member>
  4102. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection.Parameters">
  4103. <summary>
  4104. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameterCollection" /> for an ODBC or web query.
  4105. </summary>
  4106. </member>
  4107. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLinkType">
  4108. <summary>
  4109. Represents the type of external link.
  4110. </summary>
  4111. </member>
  4112. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLinkType.DDELink">
  4113. <summary>
  4114. Represents the DDE link.
  4115. </summary>
  4116. </member>
  4117. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLinkType.External">
  4118. <summary>
  4119. Represents external link.
  4120. </summary>
  4121. </member>
  4122. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFontSource">
  4123. <summary>
  4124. Represents the single TrueType font file stored in the file system.
  4125. </summary>
  4126. </member>
  4127. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FontSourceBase">
  4128. <summary>
  4129. This is an abstract base class for the classes that allow the user to specify various font sources
  4130. </summary>
  4131. </member>
  4132. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FontSourceBase.Type">
  4133. <summary>
  4134. Returns the type of the font source.
  4135. </summary>
  4136. </member>
  4137. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFontSource.#ctor(System.String)">
  4138. <summary>
  4139. Ctor.
  4140. </summary>
  4141. <param name="filePath">path to font file</param>
  4142. </member>
  4143. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FileFontSource.FilePath">
  4144. <summary>
  4145. Path to font file.
  4146. </summary>
  4147. </member>
  4148. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FileFontSource.Type">
  4149. <summary>
  4150. Returns the type of the font source.
  4151. </summary>
  4152. </member>
  4153. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FolderFontSource">
  4154. <summary>
  4155. Represents the folder that contains TrueType font files.
  4156. </summary>
  4157. </member>
  4158. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FolderFontSource.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  4159. <summary>
  4160. Ctor.
  4161. </summary>
  4162. <param name="folderPath">path to fonts folder</param>
  4163. <param name="scanSubfolders">Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.</param>
  4164. </member>
  4165. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FolderFontSource.FolderPath">
  4166. <summary>
  4167. Path to fonts folder.
  4168. </summary>
  4169. </member>
  4170. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FolderFontSource.ScanSubFolders">
  4171. <summary>
  4172. Determines whether or not to scan the subfolders.
  4173. </summary>
  4174. </member>
  4175. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FolderFontSource.Type">
  4176. <summary>
  4177. Returns the type of the font source.
  4178. </summary>
  4179. </member>
  4180. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs">
  4181. <summary>
  4182. Specifies font settings
  4183. </summary>
  4184. </member>
  4185. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.SetFontSubstitutes(System.String,System.String[])">
  4186. <summary>
  4187. Font substitute names for given original font name.
  4188. </summary>
  4189. <param name="originalFontName">Original font name.</param>
  4190. <param name="substituteFontNames">List of font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.</param>
  4191. </member>
  4192. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.GetFontSubstitutes(System.String)">
  4193. <summary>
  4194. Returns array containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.
  4195. </summary>
  4196. <param name="originalFontName">originalFontName</param>
  4197. <returns>An array containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.</returns>
  4198. </member>
  4199. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.SetFontFolder(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  4200. <summary>
  4201. Sets the fonts folder
  4202. </summary>
  4203. <param name="fontFolder">The folder that contains TrueType fonts.</param>
  4204. <param name="recursive">Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.</param>
  4205. </member>
  4206. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.SetFontFolders(System.String[],System.Boolean)">
  4207. <summary>
  4208. Sets the fonts folders
  4209. </summary>
  4210. <param name="fontFolders">The folders that contains TrueType fonts.</param>
  4211. <param name="recursive">Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.</param>
  4212. </member>
  4213. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.SetFontSources(Aspose.Cells.FontSourceBase[])">
  4214. <summary>
  4215. Sets the fonts sources.
  4216. </summary>
  4217. <param name="sources">An array of sources that contain TrueType fonts.</param>
  4218. </member>
  4219. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.GetFontSources">
  4220. <summary>
  4221. Gets a copy of the array that contains the list of sources
  4222. </summary>
  4223. <returns>
  4224. </returns>
  4225. </member>
  4226. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.DefaultFontName">
  4227. <summary>
  4228. Gets or sets the default font name.
  4229. </summary>
  4230. </member>
  4231. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.PreferSystemFontSubstitutes">
  4232. <summary>
  4233. Indicate whether to use system font substitutes first or not when a font is not presented and the substitute of this font is not set.
  4234. e.g. On Ubuntu, "Arial" font is generally substituted by "Liberation Sans".
  4235. Default value is false.
  4236. </summary>
  4237. </member>
  4238. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FontSourceType">
  4239. <summary>
  4240. Specifies the type of a font source.
  4241. </summary>
  4242. </member>
  4243. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontSourceType.FontFile">
  4244. <summary>
  4245. represents single font file.
  4246. </summary>
  4247. </member>
  4248. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontSourceType.FontsFolder">
  4249. <summary>
  4250. represents folder with font files.
  4251. </summary>
  4252. </member>
  4253. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontSourceType.MemoryFont">
  4254. <summary>
  4255. represents single font in memory.
  4256. </summary>
  4257. </member>
  4258. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs">
  4259. <summary>
  4260. Font configs for each <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook" /> object.
  4261. </summary>
  4262. </member>
  4263. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs.#ctor">
  4264. <summary>
  4265. Ctor.
  4266. </summary>
  4267. </member>
  4268. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs.SetFontSubstitutes(System.String,System.String[])">
  4269. <summary>
  4270. Font substitute names for given original font name.
  4271. </summary>
  4272. <param name="originalFontName">Original font name.</param>
  4273. <param name="substituteFontNames">List of font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.</param>
  4274. </member>
  4275. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs.GetFontSubstitutes(System.String)">
  4276. <summary>
  4277. Returns array containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.
  4278. </summary>
  4279. <param name="originalFontName">originalFontName</param>
  4280. <returns>An array containing font substitute names to be used if original font is not presented.</returns>
  4281. </member>
  4282. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs.SetFontFolder(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  4283. <summary>
  4284. Sets the fonts folder
  4285. </summary>
  4286. <param name="fontFolder">The folder that contains TrueType fonts.</param>
  4287. <param name="recursive">Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.</param>
  4288. </member>
  4289. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs.SetFontFolders(System.String[],System.Boolean)">
  4290. <summary>
  4291. Sets the fonts folders
  4292. </summary>
  4293. <param name="fontFolders">The folders that contains TrueType fonts.</param>
  4294. <param name="recursive">Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.</param>
  4295. </member>
  4296. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs.SetFontSources(Aspose.Cells.FontSourceBase[])">
  4297. <summary>
  4298. Sets the fonts sources.
  4299. </summary>
  4300. <param name="sources">An array of sources that contain TrueType fonts.</param>
  4301. </member>
  4302. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IndividualFontConfigs.GetFontSources">
  4303. <summary>
  4304. Gets a copy of the array that contains the list of sources
  4305. </summary>
  4306. <returns>
  4307. </returns>
  4308. </member>
  4309. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.MemoryFontSource">
  4310. <summary>
  4311. Represents the single TrueType font file stored in memory.
  4312. </summary>
  4313. </member>
  4314. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.MemoryFontSource.#ctor(System.Byte[])">
  4315. <summary>
  4316. Ctor.
  4317. </summary>
  4318. <param name="fontData">Binary font data.</param>
  4319. </member>
  4320. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.MemoryFontSource.FontData">
  4321. <summary>
  4322. Binary font data.
  4323. </summary>
  4324. </member>
  4325. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.MemoryFontSource.Type">
  4326. <summary>
  4327. Returns the type of the font source.
  4328. </summary>
  4329. </member>
  4330. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor">
  4331. <summary>
  4332. Monitor for user to track the progress of formula calculation.
  4333. </summary>
  4334. <example>
  4335. <code>
  4336. [C#]
  4337. //Custom monitor to check possibility of StackOverflowException
  4338. public class MyCalculationMonitor : AbstractCalculationMonitor
  4339. {
  4340. public override void BeforeCalculate(int sheetIndex, int rowIndex, int colIndex)
  4341. {
  4342. if(new StackTrace(false).FrameCount &gt; 1000)
  4343. {
  4344. throw new Exception("Stop the formula calculation because risk of StackOverflowException");
  4345. }
  4346. }
  4347. }
  4348. </code>
  4349. </example>
  4350. </member>
  4351. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.BeforeCalculate(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  4352. <summary>
  4353. Implement this method to do business before calculating one cell.
  4354. </summary>
  4355. <param name="sheetIndex">Index of the sheet that the cell belongs to.</param>
  4356. <param name="rowIndex">Row index of the cell</param>
  4357. <param name="colIndex">Column index of the cell</param>
  4358. </member>
  4359. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.AfterCalculate(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  4360. <summary>
  4361. Implement this method to do business after one cell has been calculated.
  4362. </summary>
  4363. <param name="sheetIndex">Index of the sheet that the cell belongs to.</param>
  4364. <param name="rowIndex">Row index of the cell</param>
  4365. <param name="colIndex">Column index of the cell</param>
  4366. </member>
  4367. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.OnCircular(System.Collections.IEnumerator)">
  4368. <summary>
  4369. Implement this method to do business when calculating one cell and circular references being encountered
  4370. </summary>
  4371. <param name="circularCellsData">IEnumerator to enumerate cells(represented by CalculationCell object) in the circular chain</param>
  4372. <returns>Whether the formula engine needs to calculate those cells in circular after this call.
  4373. True to let the formula engine continue to do calculation for them.
  4374. False to let the formula engine just mark those cells in circular as Calculated.
  4375. At the meantime, user may set the expected value as calculated result for the cell in this implementation.</returns>
  4376. <remarks>To process circular references, please make sure the value of property WorkbookSettings.Iteration is true
  4377. and WorkbookSettings.MaxIteration is greater than 0.</remarks>
  4378. </member>
  4379. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.OriginalValue">
  4380. <summary>
  4381. Gets the old value of the calculated cell.
  4382. Should be used only in <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.BeforeCalculate(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)" /> and <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.AfterCalculate(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)" />.
  4383. </summary>
  4384. </member>
  4385. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.ValueChanged">
  4386. <summary>
  4387. Whether the cell's value has been changed after the calculation.
  4388. Should be used only in <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.AfterCalculate(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)" />.
  4389. </summary>
  4390. </member>
  4391. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.CalculatedValue">
  4392. <summary>
  4393. Gets the newly calculated value of the cell.
  4394. Should be used only in <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.AbstractCalculationMonitor.AfterCalculate(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)" />.
  4395. </summary>
  4396. </member>
  4397. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData">
  4398. <summary>
  4399. Represents the required data when calculating one function, such as function name, parameters, ...etc.
  4400. </summary>
  4401. <remarks>All objects provided by this class are for "read" purpose only.
  4402. User should not change any data in the Workbook during the formula calculation process,
  4403. Otherwise unexpected result or Exception may be caused.</remarks>
  4404. </member>
  4405. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.GetParamValue(System.Int32)">
  4406. <summary>
  4407. Gets the represented value object of the parameter at given index.
  4408. </summary>
  4409. <param name="index">index of the parameter(0 based)</param>
  4410. <returns>If the parameter is plain value, then returns the plain value.
  4411. If the parameter is reference, then returns ReferredArea object.
  4412. If the parameter references to multiple datasets, then returns array of objects.</returns>
  4413. </member>
  4414. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.GetParamText(System.Int32)">
  4415. <summary>
  4416. Gets the literal text of the parameter at given index.
  4417. </summary>
  4418. <param name="index">index of the parameter(0 based)</param>
  4419. <returns>literal text of the parameter</returns>
  4420. </member>
  4421. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.CalculatedValue">
  4422. <summary>
  4423. Gets or sets the calculated value for this function.
  4424. </summary>
  4425. <remarks>User should set this property in his custom calculation engine for those functions the engine supports,
  4426. and the set value will be returned when getting this property later.
  4427. The set value can be any value of those objects that can be set to a Cell(Cell.Value).
  4428. And it can also be array of such kind of values, or a Range, Name, ReferredArea.
  4429. Getting this property before setting will make the function be calculated by the default calculation engine of Aspose.Cells and the calculated value will be returned.
  4430. </remarks>
  4431. </member>
  4432. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.Workbook">
  4433. <summary>
  4434. Gets the Workbook object where the function is in.
  4435. </summary>
  4436. </member>
  4437. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.Worksheet">
  4438. <summary>
  4439. Gets the Worksheet object where the function is in.
  4440. </summary>
  4441. </member>
  4442. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.CellRow">
  4443. <summary>
  4444. Gets the row index of the cell where the function is in.
  4445. </summary>
  4446. </member>
  4447. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.CellColumn">
  4448. <summary>
  4449. Gets the column index of the cell where the function is in.
  4450. </summary>
  4451. </member>
  4452. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.Cell">
  4453. <summary>
  4454. Gets the Cell object where the function is in.
  4455. </summary>
  4456. </member>
  4457. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.FunctionName">
  4458. <summary>
  4459. Gets the function name to be calculated.
  4460. </summary>
  4461. </member>
  4462. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationData.ParamCount">
  4463. <summary>
  4464. Gets the count of parameters
  4465. </summary>
  4466. </member>
  4467. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings">
  4468. <summary>
  4469. Represents the globalization settings.
  4470. </summary>
  4471. </member>
  4472. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetPivotTotalName">
  4473. <summary>
  4474. Gets the name of "Total" label in the PivotTable.
  4475. You need to override this method when the PivotTable contains two or more PivotFields in the data area.
  4476. </summary>
  4477. <returns>The name of "Total" label</returns>
  4478. </member>
  4479. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetPivotGrandTotalName">
  4480. <summary>
  4481. Gets the name of "Grand Total" label in the PivotTable.
  4482. </summary>
  4483. <returns>The name of "Grand Total" label</returns>
  4484. </member>
  4485. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetMultipleItemsName">
  4486. <summary>
  4487. Gets the name of "(Multiple Items)" label in the PivotTable.
  4488. </summary>
  4489. <returns>The name of "(Multiple Items)" label</returns>
  4490. </member>
  4491. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetAllName">
  4492. <summary>
  4493. Gets the name of "(All)" label in the PivotTable.
  4494. </summary>
  4495. <returns>The name of "(All)" label</returns>
  4496. </member>
  4497. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetColumnLablesName">
  4498. <summary>
  4499. Gets the name of "Column Labels" label in the PivotTable.
  4500. </summary>
  4501. <returns>The name of column labels</returns>
  4502. <remarks>
  4503. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  4504. please use GlobalizationSettings.GetColumnLabelsOfPivotTable() method.
  4505. This property will be removed 12 months later since September 2020.
  4506. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  4507. </member>
  4508. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetRowLablesName">
  4509. <summary>
  4510. Gets the name of "Row Labels" label in the PivotTable.
  4511. </summary>
  4512. <returns>The name of row labels</returns>
  4513. <remarks>
  4514. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  4515. please use GlobalizationSettings.GetRowLabelsOfPivotTable() method.
  4516. This property will be removed 12 months later since September 2020.
  4517. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  4518. </member>
  4519. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetColumnLabelsOfPivotTable">
  4520. <summary>
  4521. Gets the name of "Column Labels" label in the PivotTable.
  4522. </summary>
  4523. <returns>The name of column labels</returns>
  4524. </member>
  4525. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetRowLabelsNameOfPivotTable">
  4526. <summary>
  4527. Gets the name of "Row Labels" label in the PivotTable.
  4528. </summary>
  4529. <returns>The name of row labels</returns>
  4530. </member>
  4531. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetEmptyDataName">
  4532. <summary>
  4533. Gets the name of "(blank)" label in the PivotTable.
  4534. </summary>
  4535. <returns>The name of empty data</returns>
  4536. </member>
  4537. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetSubTotalName(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType)">
  4538. <summary>
  4539. Gets the name of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType" /> type in the PivotTable.
  4540. </summary>
  4541. <param name="subTotalType">The <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType" /> type</param>
  4542. <returns>The name of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType" /> type</returns>
  4543. </member>
  4544. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetTotalName(Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction)">
  4545. <summary>
  4546. Gets the total name of the function.
  4547. </summary>
  4548. <param name="functionType">The function type.</param>
  4549. <returns>The total name of the function.</returns>
  4550. </member>
  4551. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetGrandTotalName(Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction)">
  4552. <summary>
  4553. Gets the grand total name of the function.
  4554. </summary>
  4555. <param name="functionType">The function type.</param>
  4556. <returns>The grand total name of the function.</returns>
  4557. </member>
  4558. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetOtherName">
  4559. <summary>
  4560. Gets the name of "Other" labels for Pie charts.
  4561. </summary>
  4562. <returns>
  4563. </returns>
  4564. </member>
  4565. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfHeaders">
  4566. <summary>
  4567. Gets the type name of table rows that consists of the table header.
  4568. Default is "Headers": "#Headers" denotes the table header.
  4569. </summary>
  4570. <returns>the type name of table rows</returns>
  4571. </member>
  4572. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfData">
  4573. <summary>
  4574. Gets the type name of table rows that consists of data region of referenced table.
  4575. Default is "Data": "#Data" denotes the data region of the table.
  4576. </summary>
  4577. <returns>the type name of table rows</returns>
  4578. </member>
  4579. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfAll">
  4580. <summary>
  4581. Gets the type name of table rows that consists of all rows in referenced table.
  4582. Default is "All": "#All" denotes all rows in referenced table.
  4583. </summary>
  4584. <returns>the type name of table rows</returns>
  4585. </member>
  4586. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfTotals">
  4587. <summary>
  4588. Gets the type name of table rows that consists of the total row of referenced table.
  4589. Default is "Totals": "#Totals" denotes the total row of referenced table.
  4590. </summary>
  4591. <returns>the type name of table rows</returns>
  4592. </member>
  4593. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetTableRowTypeOfCurrent">
  4594. <summary>
  4595. Gets the type name of table rows that consists of the current row in referenced table.
  4596. Default is "This Row": "#This Row" denotes the current row in referenced table.
  4597. </summary>
  4598. <returns>the type name of table rows</returns>
  4599. </member>
  4600. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetErrorValueString(System.String)">
  4601. <summary>
  4602. Gets the display string value for cell's error value
  4603. </summary>
  4604. <param name="err">error values such as #VALUE!,#NAME?</param>
  4605. <returns>Default returns the error value itself</returns>
  4606. </member>
  4607. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetBooleanValueString(System.Boolean)">
  4608. <summary>
  4609. Gets the display string value for cell's boolean value
  4610. </summary>
  4611. <param name="bv">boolean value</param>
  4612. <returns>Default returns "TRUE" for true value and "FALSE" for false value.</returns>
  4613. </member>
  4614. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetLocalFunctionName(System.String)">
  4615. <summary>
  4616. Gets the locale dependent function name according to given standard function name.
  4617. </summary>
  4618. <param name="standardName">Standard(en-US locale) function name.</param>
  4619. <returns>Locale dependent function name. The locale was specified by the Workbook for which this settings is used.</returns>
  4620. </member>
  4621. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetStandardFunctionName(System.String)">
  4622. <summary>
  4623. Gets the standard function name according to given locale dependent function name.
  4624. </summary>
  4625. <param name="localName">Locale dependent function name. The locale was specified by the Workbook for which this settings is used.</param>
  4626. <returns>Standard(en-US locale) function name.</returns>
  4627. </member>
  4628. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetLocalBuiltInName(System.String)">
  4629. <summary>
  4630. Gets the locale dependent text for built-in Name according to given standard text.
  4631. </summary>
  4632. <param name="standardName">Standard(en-US locale) text of built-in Name.</param>
  4633. <returns>Locale dependent text. The locale was specified by the Workbook for which this settings is used.</returns>
  4634. </member>
  4635. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetStandardBuiltInName(System.String)">
  4636. <summary>
  4637. Gets the standard text of built-in Name according to given locale dependent text.
  4638. </summary>
  4639. <param name="localName">Locale dependent text of built-in Name. The locale was specified by the Workbook for which this settings is used.</param>
  4640. <returns>Standard(en-US locale) text.</returns>
  4641. </member>
  4642. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.GetStandardHeaderFooterFontStyleName(System.String)">
  4643. <summary>
  4644. Gets standard English font style name(Regular, Bold, Italic) for Header/Footer according to given locale font style name.
  4645. </summary>
  4646. <param name="localfontStyleName">Locale font style name for Header/Footer.</param>
  4647. <returns>Standard English font style name(Regular, Bold, Italic)</returns>
  4648. </member>
  4649. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.ListSeparator">
  4650. <summary>
  4651. Gets the separator for list, parameters of function, ...etc.
  4652. </summary>
  4653. </member>
  4654. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.RowSeparatorOfFormulaArray">
  4655. <summary>
  4656. Gets the separator for rows in array data in formula.
  4657. </summary>
  4658. </member>
  4659. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.GlobalizationSettings.ColumnSeparatorOfFormulaArray">
  4660. <summary>
  4661. Gets the separator for the items in array's row data in formula.
  4662. </summary>
  4663. </member>
  4664. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell">
  4665. <summary>
  4666. Encapsulates the object that represents a single Workbook cell.
  4667. </summary>
  4668. <example>
  4669. <code>
  4670. [C#]
  4671. Workbook excel = new Workbook();
  4672. Cells cells = excel.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  4673. //Put a string into a cell
  4674. Cell cell = cells[0, 0];
  4675. cell.PutValue("Hello");
  4676. string first = cell.StringValue;
  4677. //Put an integer into a cell
  4678. cell = cells["B1"];
  4679. cell.PutValue(12);
  4680. int second = cell.IntValue;
  4681. //Put a double into a cell
  4682. cell = cells[0, 2];
  4683. cell.PutValue(-1.234);
  4684. double third = cell.DoubleValue;
  4685. //Put a formula into a cell
  4686. cell = cells["D1"];
  4687. cell.Formula = "=B1 + C1";
  4688. //Put a combined formula: "sum(average(b1,c1), b1)" to cell at b2
  4689. cell = cells["b2"];
  4690. cell.Formula = "=sum(average(b1,c1), b1)";
  4691. //Set style of a cell
  4692. Style style = cell.GetStyle();
  4693. //Set background color
  4694. style.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow;
  4695. //Set format of a cell
  4696. style.Font.Name = "Courier New";
  4697. style.VerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Top;
  4698. cell.SetStyle(style);
  4699. [Visual Basic]
  4700. Dim excel as Workbook = new Workbook()
  4701. Dim cells as Cells = exce.Worksheets(0).Cells
  4702. 'Put a string into a cell
  4703. Dim cell as Cell = cells(0, 0)
  4704. cell.PutValue("Hello")
  4705. Dim first as String = cell.StringValue
  4706. //Put an integer into a cell
  4707. cell = cells("B1")
  4708. cell.PutValue(12)
  4709. Dim second as Integer = cell.IntValue
  4710. //Put a double into a cell
  4711. cell = cells(0, 2)
  4712. cell.PutValue(-1.234)
  4713. Dim third as Double = cell.DoubleValue
  4714. //Put a formula into a cell
  4715. cell = cells("D1")
  4716. cell.Formula = "=B1 + C1"
  4717. //Put a combined formula: "sum(average(b1,c1), b1)" to cell at b2
  4718. cell = cells("b2")
  4719. cell.Formula = "=sum(average(b1,c1), b1)"
  4720. //Set style of a cell
  4721. Dim style as Style = cell.GetStyle()
  4722. //Set background color
  4723. style.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow
  4724. //Set font of a cell
  4725. style.Font.Name = "Courier New"
  4726. style.VerticalAlignment = TextAlignmentType.Top
  4727. cell.SetStyle(style)
  4728. </code>
  4729. </example>
  4730. </member>
  4731. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Calculate(Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions)">
  4732. <summary>
  4733. Calculates the formula of the cell.
  4734. </summary>
  4735. <param name="options">Options for calculation</param>
  4736. </member>
  4737. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Calculate(System.Boolean,Aspose.Cells.ICustomFunction)">
  4738. <summary>
  4739. Calculates the formula of the cell.
  4740. </summary>
  4741. <param name="ignoreError">Indicates if hide the error in calculating formulas.
  4742. The error may be unsupported function, external links, etc.</param>
  4743. <param name="customFunction">The custom formula calculation functions to extend the calculation engine.</param>
  4744. <remarks>
  4745. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  4746. please use Calculate(CalculationOptions) method.
  4747. This method will be removed 12 months later since August 2020.
  4748. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  4749. </member>
  4750. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.PutValue(System.Boolean)">
  4751. <summary>
  4752. Puts an boolean value into the cell.
  4753. </summary>
  4754. <param name="boolValue">
  4755. </param>
  4756. </member>
  4757. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.PutValue(System.Int32)">
  4758. <summary>
  4759. Puts an integer value into the cell.
  4760. </summary>
  4761. <param name="intValue">Input value</param>
  4762. </member>
  4763. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.PutValue(System.Double)">
  4764. <summary>
  4765. Puts a double value into the cell.
  4766. </summary>
  4767. <param name="doubleValue">Input value</param>
  4768. </member>
  4769. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.PutValue(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  4770. <summary>
  4771. Puts a value into the cell, if appropriate the value will be converted to other data type and cell's number format will be reset.
  4772. </summary>
  4773. <param name="stringValue">Input value</param>
  4774. <param name="isConverted">True: converted to other data type if appropriate.</param>
  4775. <param name="setStyle">True: set the number format to cell's style when converting to other data type</param>
  4776. </member>
  4777. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.PutValue(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  4778. <summary>
  4779. Puts a string value into the cell and converts the value to other data type if appropriate.
  4780. </summary>
  4781. <param name="stringValue">Input value</param>
  4782. <param name="isConverted">True: converted to other data type if appropriate.</param>
  4783. </member>
  4784. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.PutValue(System.String)">
  4785. <summary>
  4786. Puts a string value into the cell.
  4787. </summary>
  4788. <param name="stringValue">Input value</param>
  4789. </member>
  4790. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.PutValue(System.DateTime)">
  4791. <summary>
  4792. Puts a DateTime value into the cell.
  4793. </summary>
  4794. <param name="dateTime">Input value</param>
  4795. </member>
  4796. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.PutValue(System.Object)">
  4797. <summary>
  4798. Puts an object value into the cell.
  4799. </summary>
  4800. <param name="objectValue">input value</param>
  4801. </member>
  4802. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetStringValue(Aspose.Cells.CellValueFormatStrategy)">
  4803. <summary>
  4804. Gets the string value by specific formatted strategy.
  4805. </summary>
  4806. <param name="formatStrategy">The formatted strategy.</param>
  4807. <returns>
  4808. </returns>
  4809. </member>
  4810. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetWidthOfValue">
  4811. <summary>
  4812. Gets the width of the value in unit of pixels.
  4813. </summary>
  4814. <returns>
  4815. </returns>
  4816. </member>
  4817. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetHeightOfValue">
  4818. <summary>
  4819. Gets the height of the value in unit of pixels.
  4820. </summary>
  4821. <returns>
  4822. </returns>
  4823. </member>
  4824. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetDisplayStyle">
  4825. <summary>
  4826. Gets the display style of the cell.
  4827. If the cell is conditional formatted, the display style is not same as the cell.GetStyle().
  4828. </summary>
  4829. </member>
  4830. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetDisplayStyle(System.Boolean)">
  4831. <summary>
  4832. Gets the display style of the cell.
  4833. If the cell is conditional formatted, the display style is not same as the cell.GetStyle().
  4834. </summary>
  4835. <param name="includeMergedBorders">Indicates whether checking borders of the merged cells.
  4836. </param>
  4837. </member>
  4838. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetFormatConditions">
  4839. <summary>
  4840. Gets format conditions which applies to this cell.
  4841. </summary>
  4842. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection" /> object</returns>
  4843. </member>
  4844. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetStyle">
  4845. <summary>
  4846. Gets the cell style.
  4847. </summary>
  4848. <returns>Style object.</returns>
  4849. <remarks>To change the style of the cell, please call Cell.SetStyle() method after changing the style.
  4850. </remarks>
  4851. </member>
  4852. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetStyle(System.Boolean)">
  4853. <summary>
  4854. If checkBorders is true, check whether other cells' borders will effect the style of this cell.
  4855. </summary>
  4856. <param name="checkBorders">Check other cells' borders</param>
  4857. <returns>Style object.</returns>
  4858. <remarks>
  4859. </remarks>
  4860. </member>
  4861. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style)">
  4862. <summary>
  4863. Sets the cell style.
  4864. </summary>
  4865. <param name="style">The cell style.</param>
  4866. <remarks>
  4867. If the border settings are changed, the border of adjust cells will be updated too.
  4868. </remarks>
  4869. </member>
  4870. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style,System.Boolean)">
  4871. <summary>
  4872. Apply the cell style.
  4873. </summary>
  4874. <param name="style">The cell style.</param>
  4875. <param name="explicitFlag">True, only overwriting formatting which is explicitly set.
  4876. </param>
  4877. </member>
  4878. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  4879. <summary>
  4880. Apply the cell style.
  4881. </summary>
  4882. <param name="style">The cell style.</param>
  4883. <param name="flag">The style flag.</param>
  4884. </member>
  4885. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetFormula(System.String,System.Object)">
  4886. <summary>
  4887. Set the formula and the value of the formula.
  4888. </summary>
  4889. <param name="formula">The formula.</param>
  4890. <param name="value">The value of the formula.</param>
  4891. </member>
  4892. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetFormula(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  4893. <summary>
  4894. Get the formula of this cell.
  4895. </summary>
  4896. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  4897. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  4898. <returns>the formula of this cell.</returns>
  4899. </member>
  4900. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetFormula(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Object)">
  4901. <summary>
  4902. Set the formula and the value of the formula.
  4903. </summary>
  4904. <param name="formula">The formula.</param>
  4905. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula is R1C1 formula.</param>
  4906. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula is locale formatted.</param>
  4907. <param name="value">The value of the formula.</param>
  4908. <remarks>
  4909. NOTE: This class is now obsolete. Instead,
  4910. please use Cell.SetFormula(string,FormulaParseOptions,object).
  4911. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2019.
  4912. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  4913. </remarks>
  4914. </member>
  4915. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetFormula(System.String,Aspose.Cells.FormulaParseOptions,System.Object)">
  4916. <summary>
  4917. Set the formula and the value of the formula.
  4918. </summary>
  4919. <param name="formula">The formula.</param>
  4920. <param name="options">Options for parsing the formula.</param>
  4921. <param name="value">The value of the formula.</param>
  4922. </member>
  4923. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetArrayFormula(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  4924. <summary>
  4925. Sets an array formula to a range of cells.
  4926. </summary>
  4927. <param name="arrayFormula">Array formula.</param>
  4928. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to populate result of the array formula.</param>
  4929. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to populate result of the array formula.</param>
  4930. <param name="isR1C1">whether the formula is R1C1 formula</param>
  4931. <param name="isLocal">whether the formula is locale formatted</param>
  4932. <remarks>
  4933. NOTE: This class is now obsolete. Instead,
  4934. please use Cell.SetArrayFormula(string,int,int,FormulaParseOptions).
  4935. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2019.
  4936. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  4937. </remarks>
  4938. </member>
  4939. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetArrayFormula(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.FormulaParseOptions)">
  4940. <summary>
  4941. Sets an array formula to a range of cells.
  4942. </summary>
  4943. <param name="arrayFormula">Array formula.</param>
  4944. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to populate result of the array formula.</param>
  4945. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to populate result of the array formula.</param>
  4946. <param name="options">Options for parsing the formula.</param>
  4947. </member>
  4948. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetSharedFormula(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  4949. <summary>
  4950. Sets a formula to a range of cells.
  4951. </summary>
  4952. <param name="sharedFormula">Shared formula.</param>
  4953. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to populate the formula.</param>
  4954. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to populate the formula.</param>
  4955. <param name="isR1C1">whether the formula is R1C1 formula</param>
  4956. <param name="isLocal">whether the formula is locale formatted</param>
  4957. <remarks>
  4958. NOTE: This class is now obsolete. Instead,
  4959. please use Cell.SetSharedFormula(string,int,int,FormulaParseOptions).
  4960. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2019.
  4961. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  4962. </remarks>
  4963. </member>
  4964. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetSharedFormula(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.FormulaParseOptions)">
  4965. <summary>
  4966. Sets a formula to a range of cells.
  4967. </summary>
  4968. <param name="sharedFormula">Shared formula.</param>
  4969. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to populate the formula.</param>
  4970. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to populate the formula.</param>
  4971. <param name="options">Options for parsing the formula.</param>
  4972. </member>
  4973. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetPrecedents">
  4974. <summary>
  4975. Gets all cells or ranges which this cell's formula depends on.
  4976. </summary>
  4977. <returns>
  4978. Returns all cells or ranges.
  4979. </returns>
  4980. <remarks>Returns null if this is not a formula cell.</remarks>
  4981. <example>
  4982. <code>
  4983. [C#]
  4984. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  4985. Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  4986. cells["A1"].Formula = "= B1 + SUM(B1:B10) + [Book1.xls]Sheet1!A1";
  4987. ReferredAreas areas = cells["A1"].GetPrecedents();
  4988. for (int i = 0; i &lt; areas.Count; i++)
  4989. {
  4990. ReferredArea area = areas[i];
  4991. StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
  4992. if (area.IsExternalLink)
  4993. {
  4994. stringBuilder.Append("[");
  4995. stringBuilder.Append(area.ExternalFileName);
  4996. stringBuilder.Append("]");
  4997. }
  4998. stringBuilder.Append(area.SheetName);
  4999. stringBuilder.Append("!");
  5000. stringBuilder.Append(CellsHelper.CellIndexToName(area.StartRow, area.StartColumn));
  5001. if (area.IsArea)
  5002. {
  5003. stringBuilder.Append(":");
  5004. stringBuilder.Append(CellsHelper.CellIndexToName(area.EndRow, area.EndColumn));
  5005. }
  5006. Console.WriteLine(stringBuilder.ToString());
  5007. }
  5008. workbook.Save(@"C:\Book2.xls");
  5009. [Visual Basic]
  5010. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  5011. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  5012. cells("A1").Formula = "= B1 + SUM(B1:B10) + [Book1.xls]Sheet1!A1"
  5013. Dim areas As ReferredAreas = cells("A1").GetPrecedents()
  5014. For i As Integer = 0 To areas.Count - 1
  5015. Dim area As ReferredArea = areas(i)
  5016. Dim stringBuilder As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
  5017. If (area.IsExternalLink) Then
  5018. stringBuilder.Append("[")
  5019. stringBuilder.Append(area.ExternalFileName)
  5020. stringBuilder.Append("]")
  5021. End If
  5022. stringBuilder.Append(area.SheetName)
  5023. stringBuilder.Append("!")
  5024. stringBuilder.Append(CellsHelper.CellIndexToName(area.StartRow, area.StartColumn))
  5025. If (area.IsArea) Then
  5026. stringBuilder.Append(":")
  5027. stringBuilder.Append(CellsHelper.CellIndexToName(area.EndRow, area.EndColumn))
  5028. End If
  5029. Console.WriteLine(stringBuilder.ToString())
  5030. Next
  5031. workbook.Save("C:\Book2.xls")
  5032. </code>
  5033. </example>
  5034. </member>
  5035. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetDependents(System.Boolean)">
  5036. <summary>
  5037. Get all cells which refer to the specific cell.
  5038. </summary>
  5039. <param name="isAll">Indicates whether check other worksheets</param>
  5040. </member>
  5041. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetLeafs">
  5042. <summary>
  5043. Get all cells which will be updated when this cell is modified.
  5044. This method can only work after calling Workbook.CalculateFormula.
  5045. </summary>
  5046. </member>
  5047. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetArrayRange">
  5048. <summary>
  5049. Gets the array range if the cell's formula is an array formula.
  5050. </summary>
  5051. <returns>
  5052. The array range.
  5053. </returns>
  5054. <remarks>Only applies when the cell's formula is an array formula</remarks>
  5055. </member>
  5056. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetArrayFormula(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5057. <summary>
  5058. Sets an array formula to a range of cells.
  5059. </summary>
  5060. <param name="arrayFormula">Array formula.</param>
  5061. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to populate result of the array formula.</param>
  5062. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to populate result of the array formula.</param>
  5063. </member>
  5064. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetSharedFormula(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5065. <summary>
  5066. Sets a formula to a range of cells.
  5067. </summary>
  5068. <param name="sharedFormula">Shared formula.</param>
  5069. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to populate the formula.</param>
  5070. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to populate the formula.</param>
  5071. <remarks>
  5072. </remarks>
  5073. </member>
  5074. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.RemoveArrayFormula(System.Boolean)">
  5075. <summary>
  5076. Remove array formula.
  5077. </summary>
  5078. <param name="leaveNormalFormula">True represents converting the array formula to normal formula.</param>
  5079. </member>
  5080. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetAddInFormula(System.String,System.String)">
  5081. <summary>
  5082. Sets an Add-In formula to the cell.
  5083. </summary>
  5084. <param name="addInFileName">Add-In file name.</param>
  5085. <param name="addInFunction">Add-In function name.</param>
  5086. <example>
  5087. <code>
  5088. [C#]
  5089. cells["h11"].SetAddInFormula("HRVSTTRK.xla", "=pct_overcut(F3:G3)");
  5090. cells["h12"].SetAddInFormula("HRVSTTRK.xla", "=pct_overcut()");
  5091. [Visual Basic]
  5092. cells("h11").SetAddInFormula("HRVSTTRK.xla", "=pct_overcut(F3:G3)")
  5093. cells("h12").SetAddInFormula("HRVSTTRK.xla", "=pct_overcut()")
  5094. </code>
  5095. </example>
  5096. <remarks>
  5097. Add-In file should be placed in the directory or sub-directory of Workbook Add-In library.
  5098. For example, file name can be "Eurotool.xla" or "solver\solver.xla".
  5099. NOTE: This class is now obsolete. Instead,
  5100. please use Cell.Formula/Cell.SetFormula() to set cell formula with the Add-In functions after registering it by WorksheetCollection.RegisterAddInFunction().
  5101. This property will be removed 12 months later since January 2019.
  5102. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  5103. </remarks>
  5104. </member>
  5105. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Cell)">
  5106. <summary>
  5107. Copies data from a source cell.
  5108. </summary>
  5109. <param name="cell">Source <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> object.</param>
  5110. </member>
  5111. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Characters(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5112. <summary>
  5113. Returns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the cell text.
  5114. </summary>
  5115. <param name="startIndex">The index of the start of the character.</param>
  5116. <param name="length">The number of characters.</param>
  5117. <returns>Characters object.</returns>
  5118. <remarks>This method only works on cell with string value.</remarks>
  5119. <example>
  5120. <code>
  5121. [C#]
  5122. excel.Worksheets[0].Cells["A1"].PutValue("Helloworld");
  5123. excel.Worksheets[0].Cells["A1"].Characters(5, 5).Font.IsBold = true;
  5124. excel.Worksheets[0].Cells["A1"].Characters(5, 5).Font.Color = Color.Blue;
  5125. [Visual Basic]
  5126. excel.Worksheets(0).Cells("A1").PutValue("Helloworld")
  5127. excel.Worksheets(0).Cells("A1").Characters(5, 5).Font.IsBold = True
  5128. excel.Worksheets(0).Cells("A1").Characters(5, 5).Font.Color = Color.Blue
  5129. </code>
  5130. </example>
  5131. </member>
  5132. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsRichText">
  5133. <summary>
  5134. Indicates whether the cell string value is a rich text.
  5135. </summary>
  5136. </member>
  5137. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetCharacters">
  5138. <summary>
  5139. Returns all Characters objects
  5140. that represents a range of characters within the cell text.
  5141. </summary>
  5142. <returns>All Characters objects </returns>
  5143. </member>
  5144. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetCharacters(System.Boolean)">
  5145. <summary>
  5146. Returns all Characters objects
  5147. that represents a range of characters within the cell text.
  5148. </summary>
  5149. <param name="flag">Indicates whether applying table style to the cell if the cell is in the table.</param>
  5150. <returns>All Characters objects </returns>
  5151. </member>
  5152. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetCharacters(Aspose.Cells.FontSetting[])">
  5153. <summary>
  5154. Sets rich text format of the cell.
  5155. </summary>
  5156. <param name="characters">All Characters objects.</param>
  5157. </member>
  5158. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetMergedRange">
  5159. <summary>
  5160. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object which represents a merged range.
  5161. </summary>
  5162. <returns>
  5163. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object. Null if this cell is not merged.</returns>
  5164. </member>
  5165. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetHtmlString(System.Boolean)">
  5166. <summary>
  5167. Gets the html string which contains data and some formats in this cell.
  5168. </summary>
  5169. <param name="html5">Indicates whether the value is compatible for html5</param>
  5170. <returns>
  5171. </returns>
  5172. </member>
  5173. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.ToString">
  5174. <summary>
  5175. Returns a string represents the current Cell object.
  5176. </summary>
  5177. <returns>
  5178. </returns>
  5179. </member>
  5180. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Equals(System.Object)">
  5181. <summary>
  5182. Checks whether this object refers to the same cell with another.
  5183. </summary>
  5184. <param name="obj">another object</param>
  5185. <returns>true if two objects refers to the same cell.</returns>
  5186. </member>
  5187. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetHashCode">
  5188. <summary>
  5189. Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
  5190. </summary>
  5191. <returns>A hash code for current Cell object.</returns>
  5192. </member>
  5193. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Equals(Aspose.Cells.Cell)">
  5194. <summary>
  5195. Checks whether this object refers to the same cell with another cell object.
  5196. </summary>
  5197. <param name="cell">another cell object</param>
  5198. <returns>true if two cell objects refers to the same cell.</returns>
  5199. </member>
  5200. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetConditionalFormattingResult">
  5201. <summary>
  5202. Get the result of the conditional formatting.
  5203. </summary>
  5204. <remarks>
  5205. Returns null if no conditional formatting is applied to this cell,
  5206. </remarks>
  5207. </member>
  5208. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetValidation">
  5209. <summary>
  5210. Gets the validation applied to this cell.
  5211. </summary>
  5212. <returns>
  5213. </returns>
  5214. </member>
  5215. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetValidationValue">
  5216. <summary>
  5217. Gets the value of validation which applied to this cell.
  5218. </summary>
  5219. <returns>
  5220. </returns>
  5221. </member>
  5222. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cell.GetTable">
  5223. <summary>
  5224. Gets the table which contains this cell.
  5225. </summary>
  5226. <returns>
  5227. </returns>
  5228. </member>
  5229. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Worksheet">
  5230. <summary>
  5231. Gets the parent worksheet.
  5232. </summary>
  5233. </member>
  5234. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.DateTimeValue">
  5235. <summary>
  5236. Gets the DateTime value contained in the cell.
  5237. </summary>
  5238. </member>
  5239. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Row">
  5240. <summary>
  5241. Gets row number (zero based) of the cell.
  5242. </summary>
  5243. <value>Cell row number</value>
  5244. </member>
  5245. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Column">
  5246. <summary>
  5247. Gets column number (zero based) of the cell.
  5248. </summary>
  5249. </member>
  5250. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsFormula">
  5251. <summary>
  5252. Represents if the specified cell contains formula.
  5253. </summary>
  5254. </member>
  5255. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Type">
  5256. <summary>
  5257. Represents cell value type.
  5258. </summary>
  5259. </member>
  5260. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Name">
  5261. <summary>
  5262. Gets the name of the cell.
  5263. </summary>
  5264. <remarks>
  5265. A cell name includes its column letter and row number. For example, the name of a cell in row 0 and column 0 is A1.
  5266. </remarks>
  5267. </member>
  5268. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsErrorValue">
  5269. <summary>
  5270. Checks if a formula can properly evaluate a result.
  5271. </summary>
  5272. <remarks>Only applies to formula cell.</remarks>
  5273. </member>
  5274. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.StringValue">
  5275. <summary>
  5276. Gets the string value contained in the cell. If the type of this cell is string, then return the string value itself.
  5277. For other cell types, the formatted string value (formatted with the specified style of this cell) will be returned.
  5278. The formatted cell value is same with what you can get from excel when copying a cell as text(such as
  5279. copying cell to text editor or exporting to csv).
  5280. </summary>
  5281. </member>
  5282. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.StringValueWithoutFormat">
  5283. <summary>
  5284. Gets cell's value as string without any format.
  5285. </summary>
  5286. </member>
  5287. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.NumberCategoryType">
  5288. <summary>
  5289. Represents the category type of this cell's number formatting.
  5290. </summary>
  5291. </member>
  5292. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.DisplayStringValue">
  5293. <summary>
  5294. Gets the formatted string value of this cell.
  5295. </summary>
  5296. </member>
  5297. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IntValue">
  5298. <summary>
  5299. Gets the integer value contained in the cell.
  5300. </summary>
  5301. </member>
  5302. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.DoubleValue">
  5303. <summary>
  5304. Gets the double value contained in the cell.
  5305. </summary>
  5306. </member>
  5307. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.FloatValue">
  5308. <summary>
  5309. Gets the float value contained in the cell.
  5310. </summary>
  5311. </member>
  5312. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.BoolValue">
  5313. <summary>
  5314. Gets the boolean value contained in the cell.
  5315. </summary>
  5316. </member>
  5317. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.SharedStyleIndex">
  5318. <summary>
  5319. Gets cell's shared style index in the style pool.
  5320. </summary>
  5321. </member>
  5322. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Formula">
  5323. <summary>
  5324. Gets or sets a formula of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" />.
  5325. </summary>
  5326. <remarks>A formula string always begins with an equal sign (=).
  5327. And please always use comma(,) as parameters delimiter, such as "=SUM(A1, E1, H2)".
  5328. </remarks>
  5329. <example>
  5330. <code>
  5331. [C#]
  5332. Workbook excel = new Workbook();
  5333. Cells cells = excel.Worksheets[0];
  5334. cells["B6"].Formula = "=SUM(B2:B5, E1) + sheet1!A1";
  5335. [Visual Basic]
  5336. Dim excel As Workbook = New Workbook()
  5337. Dim cells As Cells = excel.Worksheets(0)
  5338. cells("B6").Formula = "=SUM(B2:B5, E1) + sheet1!A1"
  5339. </code>
  5340. </example>
  5341. </member>
  5342. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.FormulaLocal">
  5343. <summary>
  5344. Get the locale formatted formula of the cell.
  5345. </summary>
  5346. </member>
  5347. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.R1C1Formula">
  5348. <summary>
  5349. Gets or sets a R1C1 formula of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" />.
  5350. </summary>
  5351. </member>
  5352. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.ContainsExternalLink">
  5353. <summary>
  5354. Indicates whether this cell contains an external link.
  5355. Only applies when the cell is a formula cell.
  5356. </summary>
  5357. </member>
  5358. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsArrayHeader">
  5359. <summary>
  5360. Indicates the cell's formula is and array formula
  5361. and it is the first cell of the array.
  5362. </summary>
  5363. </member>
  5364. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsArrayFormula">
  5365. <summary>
  5366. Indicates whether the cell formula is an array formula.
  5367. </summary>
  5368. </member>
  5369. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsInArray">
  5370. <summary>
  5371. Indicates whether the cell formula is an array formula.
  5372. </summary>
  5373. <remarks>
  5374. NOTE: This class is now obsolete. Instead,
  5375. please use Cell.IsArrayFormula to check whether the cell formula is an array formula.
  5376. This property will be removed 12 months later since May 2018.
  5377. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  5378. </remarks>
  5379. </member>
  5380. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsSharedFormula">
  5381. <summary>
  5382. Indicates whether the cell formula is part of shared formula.
  5383. </summary>
  5384. </member>
  5385. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsTableFormula">
  5386. <summary>
  5387. Indicates whether this cell is part of table formula.
  5388. </summary>
  5389. </member>
  5390. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsInTable">
  5391. <summary>
  5392. Indicates whether this cell is part of table formula.
  5393. </summary>
  5394. <remarks>
  5395. NOTE: This class is now obsolete. Instead,
  5396. please use Cell.IsTableFormula to check whether the cell formula is part of table formula.
  5397. This property will be removed 12 months later since May 2018.
  5398. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  5399. </remarks>
  5400. </member>
  5401. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.Value">
  5402. <summary>
  5403. Gets the value contained in this cell.
  5404. </summary>
  5405. <remarks>Possible type:
  5406. <p>null,</p><p>Boolean,</p><p>DateTime,</p><p>Double,</p><p>Integer</p><p>String.</p>
  5407. For int value, it may be returned as an Integer object or a Double object.
  5408. And there is no guarantee that the returned value will be kept as the same type of object always.
  5409. </remarks>
  5410. </member>
  5411. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsStyleSet">
  5412. <summary>
  5413. Indicates if the cell's style is set. If return false, it means this cell has a default cell format.
  5414. </summary>
  5415. </member>
  5416. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.IsMerged">
  5417. <summary>
  5418. Checks if a cell is part of a merged range or not.
  5419. </summary>
  5420. </member>
  5421. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cell.HtmlString">
  5422. <summary>
  5423. Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this cell.
  5424. </summary>
  5425. </member>
  5426. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells">
  5427. <summary>
  5428. Encapsulates a collection of cell relevant objects, such as <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Row" />, ...etc.
  5429. </summary>
  5430. <example>
  5431. <code>
  5432. [C#]
  5433. Workbook excel = new Workbook();
  5434. Cells cells = excel.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  5435. //Set default row height
  5436. cells.StandardHeight = 20;
  5437. //Set row height
  5438. cells.SetRowHeight(2, 20.5);
  5439. //Set default colum width
  5440. cells.StandardWidth = 15;
  5441. //Set column width
  5442. cells.SetColumnWidth(3, 12.57);
  5443. //Merge cells
  5444. cells.Merge(5, 4, 2, 2);
  5445. //Import data
  5446. DataTable dt = new DataTable("Products");
  5447. dt.Columns.Add("Product_ID",typeof(Int32));
  5448. dt.Columns.Add("Product_Name",typeof(string));
  5449. dt.Columns.Add("Units_In_Stock",typeof(Int32));
  5450. DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
  5451. dr[0] = 1;
  5452. dr[1] = "Aniseed Syrup";
  5453. dr[2] = 15;
  5454. dt.Rows.Add(dr);
  5455. dr = dt.NewRow();
  5456. dr[0] = 2;
  5457. dr[1] = "Boston Crab Meat";
  5458. dr[2] = 123;
  5459. dt.Rows.Add(dr);
  5460. cells.ImportDataTable(dt, true, 12, 12, 10, 10);
  5461. //Export data
  5462. DataTable outDataTable = cells.ExportDataTable(12, 12, 10, 10);
  5463. [Visual Basic]
  5464. Dim excel as Workbook = new Workbook()
  5465. Dim cells as Cells = excel.Worksheets(0).Cells
  5466. 'Set default row height
  5467. cells.StandardHeight = 20
  5468. 'Set row height
  5469. cells.SetRowHeight(2, 20.5)
  5470. 'Set default colum width
  5471. cells.StandardWidth = 15
  5472. 'Set column width
  5473. cells.SetColumnWidth(3, 12.57)
  5474. 'Merge cells
  5475. cells.Merge(5, 4, 2, 2)
  5476. 'Import data
  5477. Dim dt as DataTable = new DataTable("Employee")
  5478. dt.Columns.Add("Employee_ID",typeof(Int32))
  5479. dt.Columns.Add("Employee_Name",typeof(string))
  5480. dt.Columns.Add("Gender",typeof(string))
  5481. Dim dr as DataRow = dt.NewRow()
  5482. dr(0) = 1
  5483. dr(1) = "John Smith"
  5484. dr(2) = "Male"
  5485. dt.Rows.Add(dr)
  5486. dr = dt.NewRow()
  5487. dr(0) = 2
  5488. dr(1) = "Mary Miller"
  5489. dr(2) = "Female"
  5490. dt.Rows.Add(dr)
  5491. cells.ImportDataTable(dt, true, 12, 12, 10, 10)
  5492. 'Export data
  5493. Dim outDataTable as DataTable = cells.ExportDataTable(12, 12, 10, 10)
  5494. </code>
  5495. </example>
  5496. </member>
  5497. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Dispose">
  5498. <summary>
  5499. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
  5500. resetting unmanaged resources.
  5501. </summary>
  5502. </member>
  5503. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetEnumerator">
  5504. <summary>
  5505. Gets the cells enumerator.
  5506. </summary>
  5507. <returns>The cells enumerator</returns>
  5508. <remarks>When traversing elements by the returned Enumerator, the cells collection
  5509. should not be modified(such as operations that will cause new Cell/Row be instantiated or existing Cell/Row be deleted).
  5510. Otherwise the enumerator may not be able to traverse all cells correctly(some elements may be traversed repeatedly or skipped).</remarks>
  5511. </member>
  5512. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetRowEnumerator">
  5513. <summary>
  5514. Gets the rows enumerator.
  5515. </summary>
  5516. <returns>The rows enumerator.</returns>
  5517. </member>
  5518. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetCell(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5519. <summary>
  5520. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> element or null at the specified cell row index and column index.
  5521. </summary>
  5522. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  5523. <param name="column">Column index</param>
  5524. <returns>Return Cell object if a Cell object exists.
  5525. Return null if the cell does not exist.
  5526. </returns>
  5527. </member>
  5528. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetRow(System.Int32)">
  5529. <summary>
  5530. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Row" /> element at the specified cell row index.
  5531. </summary>
  5532. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  5533. <returns>
  5534. If the row object does exist return Row object, otherwise return null.
  5535. </returns>
  5536. </member>
  5537. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CheckCell(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5538. <summary>
  5539. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> element or null at the specified cell row index and column index.
  5540. </summary>
  5541. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  5542. <param name="column">Column index</param>
  5543. <returns>Return Cell object if a Cell object exists.
  5544. Return null if the cell does not exist.
  5545. </returns>
  5546. </member>
  5547. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CheckRow(System.Int32)">
  5548. <summary>
  5549. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Row" /> element or at the specified cell row index.
  5550. </summary>
  5551. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  5552. <returns>
  5553. If the row object does exist return Row object, otherwise return null.
  5554. </returns>
  5555. </member>
  5556. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CheckColumn(System.Int32)">
  5557. <summary>
  5558. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Column" /> element or null at the specified column index.
  5559. </summary>
  5560. <param name="columnIndex">The column index.</param>
  5561. <returns>The Column object.</returns>
  5562. </member>
  5563. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.IsRowHidden(System.Int32)">
  5564. <summary>
  5565. Checks whether a row at given index is hidden.
  5566. </summary>
  5567. <param name="rowIndex">row index</param>
  5568. <returns>true if the row is hidden</returns>
  5569. </member>
  5570. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.IsColumnHidden(System.Int32)">
  5571. <summary>
  5572. Checks whether a column at given index is hidden.
  5573. </summary>
  5574. <param name="columnIndex">column index</param>
  5575. <returns>true if the column is hidden.</returns>
  5576. </member>
  5577. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.AddRange(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  5578. <summary>
  5579. Adds a range object reference to cells
  5580. </summary>
  5581. <param name="rangeObject">The range object will be contained in the cells</param>
  5582. </member>
  5583. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CreateRange(System.String,System.String)">
  5584. <summary>
  5585. Creates a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object from a range of cells.
  5586. </summary>
  5587. <param name="upperLeftCell">Upper left cell name.</param>
  5588. <param name="lowerRightCell">Lower right cell name.</param>
  5589. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object</returns>
  5590. </member>
  5591. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CreateRange(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5592. <summary>
  5593. Creates a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object from a range of cells.
  5594. </summary>
  5595. <param name="firstRow">First row of this range</param>
  5596. <param name="firstColumn">First column of this range</param>
  5597. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows</param>
  5598. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns</param>
  5599. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object</returns>
  5600. </member>
  5601. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CreateRange(System.String)">
  5602. <summary>
  5603. Creates a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object from an address of the range.
  5604. </summary>
  5605. <param name="address">The address of the range.</param>
  5606. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object</returns>
  5607. </member>
  5608. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CreateRange(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  5609. <summary>
  5610. Creates a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object from rows of cells or columns of cells.
  5611. </summary>
  5612. <param name="firstIndex">First row index or first column index, zero based.</param>
  5613. <param name="number">Total number of rows or columns, one based.</param>
  5614. <param name="isVertical">True - Range created from columns of cells. False - Range created from rows of cells. </param>
  5615. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object.</returns>
  5616. </member>
  5617. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Clear">
  5618. <summary>
  5619. Clears all cell and row objects.
  5620. </summary>
  5621. </member>
  5622. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportDataTable(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5623. <summary>
  5624. Exports data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection to a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.
  5625. </summary>
  5626. <example>
  5627. <code>
  5628. [C#]
  5629. string designerFile = MapPath("Designer") + "\\List.xls";
  5630. Workbook excel = new Workbook(designerFile);
  5631. Worksheet sheet = excel.Worksheets[0];
  5632. DataTable dt = sheet.Cells.ExportDataTable(6, 1, 69, 4);
  5633. this.DataGrid1.DataSource = dt;
  5634. this.DataGrid1.DataBind();
  5635. [Visual Basic]
  5636. Dim designerFile As String = MapPath("Designer") + "\List.xls"
  5637. Dim excel As excel = New excel(designerFile)
  5638. Dim sheet As Worksheet = excel.Worksheets(0)
  5639. Dim dt As DataTable = sheet.Cells.ExportDataTable(6, 1, 69, 4)
  5640. Me.DataGrid1.DataSource = dt
  5641. Me.DataGrid1.DataBind()
  5642. </code>
  5643. </example>
  5644. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5645. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5646. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  5647. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  5648. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.</returns>
  5649. <remarks>
  5650. If you use this method to export a block of data, please be sure that the data in a column
  5651. should be the same data type. Otherwise, use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportDataTableAsString(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)" /> method instead.
  5652. </remarks>
  5653. </member>
  5654. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportDataTable(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  5655. <summary>
  5656. Exports data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection to a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.
  5657. </summary>
  5658. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5659. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5660. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  5661. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  5662. <param name="exportColumnName">Indicates whether the data in the first row are exported to the column name of the DataTable.</param>
  5663. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.</returns>
  5664. </member>
  5665. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportDataTableAsString(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5666. <summary>
  5667. Exports data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection to a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.
  5668. </summary>
  5669. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5670. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5671. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  5672. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  5673. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.</returns>
  5674. <remarks>All data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection are converted to strings.</remarks>
  5675. </member>
  5676. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportDataTableAsString(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  5677. <summary>
  5678. Exports data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection to a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.
  5679. </summary>
  5680. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5681. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5682. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  5683. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  5684. <param name="exportColumnName">Indicates whether the data in the first row are exported to the column name of the DataTable.</param>
  5685. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.</returns>
  5686. <remarks>All data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection are converted to strings.</remarks>
  5687. </member>
  5688. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportDataTable(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions)">
  5689. <summary>
  5690. Exports data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection to a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.
  5691. </summary>
  5692. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5693. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  5694. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  5695. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  5696. <param name="options">All export table options</param>
  5697. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.</returns>
  5698. </member>
  5699. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportData(Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions)">
  5700. <summary>
  5701. Import data from custom data table.
  5702. </summary>
  5703. <param name="table">The custom data table.</param>
  5704. <param name="firstRow">First row index.</param>
  5705. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  5706. <param name="options">The import options</param>
  5707. <returns>
  5708. </returns>
  5709. </member>
  5710. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportData(System.Data.DataTable,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions)">
  5711. <summary>
  5712. Import data from custom data table.
  5713. </summary>
  5714. <param name="table">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  5715. <param name="firstRow">First row index.</param>
  5716. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  5717. <param name="options">The import options</param>
  5718. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5719. </member>
  5720. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportData(System.Data.DataView,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions)">
  5721. <summary>
  5722. Import data from data view.
  5723. </summary>
  5724. <param name="dataView">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> object to be imported.</param>
  5725. <param name="firstRow">First row index.</param>
  5726. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  5727. <param name="options">The import options</param>
  5728. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5729. </member>
  5730. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Import(System.Data.IDataReader,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions)">
  5731. <summary>
  5732. Import data from data view.
  5733. </summary>
  5734. <param name="dataReader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" /> object to be imported.</param>
  5735. <param name="firstRow">First row index.</param>
  5736. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  5737. <param name="options">The import options</param>
  5738. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5739. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5740. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  5741. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5742. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5743. </member>
  5744. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  5745. <summary>
  5746. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object into a worksheet.
  5747. </summary>
  5748. <param name="dataTable">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  5749. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5750. Indicates whether the field name of the datatable will be imported to the first row.</param>
  5751. <param name="startCell">The name of start cell to insert the DataTable, such as "A2".</param>
  5752. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  5753. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5754. please use Cells.ImportData(DataTable,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  5755. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5756. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5757. </member>
  5758. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  5759. <summary>
  5760. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object into a worksheet.
  5761. </summary>
  5762. <param name="dataTable">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  5763. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5764. Indicates whether the field name of the datatable will be imported to the first row.
  5765. Default is true.</param>
  5766. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import.</param>
  5767. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import.</param>
  5768. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5769. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  5770. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  5771. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5772. please use Cells.ImportData(DataTable,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  5773. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5774. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5775. </member>
  5776. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5777. <summary>
  5778. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object into a worksheet.
  5779. </summary>
  5780. <param name="dataTable">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  5781. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5782. Indicates whether the field name of the datatable will be imported to the first row.
  5783. Default is true.</param>
  5784. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import.</param>
  5785. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import.</param>
  5786. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  5787. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5788. please use Cells.ImportData(DataTable,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  5789. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5790. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5791. </member>
  5792. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  5793. <summary>
  5794. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object into a worksheet.
  5795. </summary>
  5796. <param name="dataTable">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  5797. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5798. Indicates whether the field name of the datatable will be imported to the first row.
  5799. Default is true.</param>
  5800. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import.</param>
  5801. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import.</param>
  5802. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5803. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  5804. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5805. please use Cells.ImportData(DataTable,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  5806. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5807. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5808. </member>
  5809. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5810. <summary>
  5811. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> into a worksheet.
  5812. </summary>
  5813. <example>
  5814. <code>
  5815. [C#]
  5816. DataTable dt = new DataTable("Employee");
  5817. dt.Columns.Add("Employee_ID",typeof(Int32));
  5818. dt.Columns.Add("Employee_Name",typeof(string));
  5819. dt.Columns.Add("Gender",typeof(string));
  5820. DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
  5821. dr[0] = 1;
  5822. dr[1] = "John Smith";
  5823. dr[2] = "Male";
  5824. dt.Rows.Add(dr);
  5825. dr = dt.NewRow();
  5826. dr[0] = 2;
  5827. dr[1] = "Mary Miller";
  5828. dr[2] = "Female";
  5829. dt.Rows.Add(dr);
  5830. cells.ImportDataTable(dt, true, 12, 12, 10, 10);
  5831. [Visual Basic]
  5832. Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable("Employee")
  5833. dt.Columns.Add("Employee_ID",Type.GetType(Int32))
  5834. dt.Columns.Add("Employee_Name",Type.GetType(String))
  5835. dt.Columns.Add("Gender",Type.GetType(String))
  5836. Dim dr As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
  5837. dr(0) = 1
  5838. dr(1) = "John Smith"
  5839. dr(2) = "Male"
  5840. dt.Rows.Add(dr)
  5841. dr = dt.NewRow()
  5842. dr(0) = 2
  5843. dr(1) = "Mary Miller"
  5844. dr(2) = "Female"
  5845. dt.Rows.Add(dr)
  5846. cells.ImportDataTable(dt, True, 12, 12, 10, 10)
  5847. </code>
  5848. </example>
  5849. <param name="dataTable">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  5850. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5851. Indicates whether the field name of the datatable will be imported to the first row.
  5852. Default is true.
  5853. </param>
  5854. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5855. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5856. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  5857. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  5858. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  5859. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5860. please use Cells.ImportData(DataTable,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  5861. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5862. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5863. </member>
  5864. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportFromDataReader(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  5865. <summary>
  5866. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object.
  5867. </summary>
  5868. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  5869. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5870. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5871. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5872. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5873. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5874. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  5875. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5876. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5877. </member>
  5878. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataReader(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  5879. <summary>
  5880. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object.
  5881. </summary>
  5882. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  5883. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5884. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5885. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5886. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5887. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5888. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  5889. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5890. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5891. </member>
  5892. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportFromDataReader(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  5893. <summary>
  5894. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object.
  5895. </summary>
  5896. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  5897. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5898. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  5899. </param>
  5900. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5901. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5902. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5903. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5904. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5905. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  5906. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5907. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5908. </member>
  5909. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataReader(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  5910. <summary>
  5911. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object.
  5912. </summary>
  5913. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  5914. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5915. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  5916. </param>
  5917. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5918. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5919. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5920. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5921. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5922. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  5923. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5924. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5925. </member>
  5926. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportFromDataReader(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  5927. <summary>
  5928. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object.
  5929. </summary>
  5930. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  5931. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5932. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  5933. </param>
  5934. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5935. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5936. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5937. <param name="dateFormatString">Date format string for cells.</param>
  5938. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  5939. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5940. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5941. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  5942. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5943. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5944. </member>
  5945. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataReader(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  5946. <summary>
  5947. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object.
  5948. </summary>
  5949. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  5950. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5951. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  5952. </param>
  5953. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5954. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5955. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5956. <param name="dateFormatString">Date format string for cells.</param>
  5957. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  5958. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5959. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5960. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  5961. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5962. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5963. </member>
  5964. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportFromDataReader(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  5965. <summary>
  5966. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object.
  5967. </summary>
  5968. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  5969. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5970. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  5971. </param>
  5972. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5973. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5974. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5975. <param name="dateFormatString">Date format string for cells.</param>
  5976. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  5977. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5978. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5979. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  5980. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  5981. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  5982. </member>
  5983. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataReader(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  5984. <summary>
  5985. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object.
  5986. </summary>
  5987. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  5988. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  5989. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  5990. </param>
  5991. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5992. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  5993. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  5994. <param name="dateFormatString">Date format string for cells.</param>
  5995. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  5996. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  5997. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  5998. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  5999. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6000. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6001. </member>
  6002. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportFromDataReader(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6003. <summary>
  6004. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object.
  6005. </summary>
  6006. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  6007. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  6008. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  6009. </param>
  6010. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6011. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6012. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  6013. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6014. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6015. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  6016. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6017. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6018. </member>
  6019. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataReader(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6020. <summary>
  6021. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object.
  6022. </summary>
  6023. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  6024. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  6025. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  6026. </param>
  6027. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6028. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6029. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  6030. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6031. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6032. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  6033. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6034. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6035. </member>
  6036. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportFromDataReader(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6037. <summary>
  6038. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object.
  6039. </summary>
  6040. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  6041. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6042. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6043. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  6044. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6045. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6046. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  6047. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6048. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6049. </member>
  6050. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataReader(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6051. <summary>
  6052. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object.
  6053. </summary>
  6054. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  6055. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6056. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6057. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  6058. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6059. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6060. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  6061. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6062. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6063. </member>
  6064. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportData(System.Data.IDataReader,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6065. <summary>
  6066. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" /> object.
  6067. </summary>
  6068. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  6069. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6070. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6071. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6072. </member>
  6073. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportData(System.Data.IDataReader,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions)">
  6074. <summary>
  6075. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" /> object.
  6076. </summary>
  6077. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  6078. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6079. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6080. <param name="options">The options of importing table.</param>
  6081. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6082. </member>
  6083. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataReader(System.Data.IDataReader,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  6084. <summary>
  6085. Imports data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" /> object.
  6086. </summary>
  6087. <param name="reader">The <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" /> object which contains data.</param>
  6088. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  6089. Indicates whether the field name of the data reader will be imported to the first row.
  6090. </param>
  6091. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6092. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6093. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  6094. <param name="dateFormatString">Date format string for cells.</param>
  6095. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  6096. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6097. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6098. please use Cells.ImportData(IDataReader, int, int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  6099. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6100. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6101. </member>
  6102. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  6103. <summary>
  6104. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> into a worksheet.
  6105. </summary>
  6106. <param name="dataTable">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  6107. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  6108. Indicates whether the field name of the datatable will be imported to the first row.
  6109. Default is true.
  6110. </param>
  6111. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6112. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6113. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  6114. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  6115. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  6116. <param name="dateFormatString">Date format string for cells.</param>
  6117. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6118. <remarks>This method automatically format date time values.
  6119. However, if the DateTable is very huge, this method may slow down the program.
  6120. In this case, you'd better format the cell manually.</remarks>
  6121. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6122. please use Cells.ImportData(DataTable,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  6123. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6124. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6125. </member>
  6126. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  6127. <summary>
  6128. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> into a worksheet.
  6129. </summary>
  6130. <param name="dataTable">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  6131. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  6132. Indicates whether the field name of the datatable will be imported to the first row.
  6133. Default is true.
  6134. </param>
  6135. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6136. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6137. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  6138. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  6139. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  6140. <param name="dateFormatString">Date format string for cells.</param>
  6141. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  6142. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6143. <remarks>This method automatically format date time values.
  6144. However, if the DateTable is very huge, this method may slow down the program.
  6145. In this case, you'd better format the cell manually.</remarks>
  6146. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6147. please use Cells.ImportData(DataTable,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  6148. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6149. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6150. </member>
  6151. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataRow(System.Data.DataRow,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6152. <summary>
  6153. Imports a DataRow into the Excel file.
  6154. </summary>
  6155. <param name="dataRow">DataRow object.</param>
  6156. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  6157. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  6158. </member>
  6159. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6160. <summary>
  6161. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> into a worksheet.
  6162. </summary>
  6163. <param name="dataTable">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object to be imported.</param>
  6164. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  6165. Indicates whether the field name of the datatable will be imported to the first row.
  6166. Default is true.
  6167. </param>
  6168. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6169. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6170. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  6171. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  6172. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  6173. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  6174. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6175. please use Cells.ImportData(DataTable,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method, instead.
  6176. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  6177. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  6178. </member>
  6179. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportTwoDimensionArray(System.Object[0:,0:],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6180. <summary>
  6181. Imports a two-dimension array of data into a worksheet.
  6182. </summary>
  6183. <param name="objArray">Two-dimension data array.</param>
  6184. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6185. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6186. </member>
  6187. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportTwoDimensionArray(System.Object[0:,0:],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6188. <summary>
  6189. Imports a two-dimension array of data into a worksheet.
  6190. </summary>
  6191. <param name="objArray">Two-dimension data array.</param>
  6192. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6193. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6194. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  6195. </member>
  6196. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportTwoDimensionArray(System.Object[0:,0:],System.Object[0:,0:],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6197. <summary>
  6198. Imports a two-dimension array of data into a worksheet.
  6199. </summary>
  6200. <param name="objArray">Two-dimension data array.</param>
  6201. <param name="styles">Two-dimension data style.</param>
  6202. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6203. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6204. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  6205. </member>
  6206. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportTwoDimensionArray(System.Object[0:,0:],System.Object[0:,0:],System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions)">
  6207. <summary>
  6208. Imports a two-dimension array of data into a worksheet.
  6209. </summary>
  6210. <param name="objArray">Two-dimension data array.</param>
  6211. <param name="styles">Two-dimension data style.</param>
  6212. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6213. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6214. <param name="opts">Options for converting string values</param>
  6215. </member>
  6216. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportObjectArray(System.Object[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6217. <summary>
  6218. Imports an array of data into a worksheet.
  6219. </summary>
  6220. <param name="objArray">Data array.</param>
  6221. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6222. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6223. <param name="isVertical">Specifies to import data vertically or horizontally.</param>
  6224. </member>
  6225. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportArrayList(System.Collections.ArrayList,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6226. <summary>
  6227. Imports an arraylist of data into a worksheet.
  6228. </summary>
  6229. <param name="arrayList">Data arraylist.</param>
  6230. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6231. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6232. <param name="isVertical">Specifies to import data vertically or horizontally.</param>
  6233. </member>
  6234. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportObjectArray(System.Object[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  6235. <summary>
  6236. Imports an array of data into a worksheet.
  6237. </summary>
  6238. <param name="objArray">Data array.</param>
  6239. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6240. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6241. <param name="isVertical">Specifies to import data vertically or horizontally.</param>
  6242. <param name="skip">Skipped number of rows or columns.</param>
  6243. </member>
  6244. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportArray(System.String[0:,0:],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6245. <summary>
  6246. Imports a two-dimension array of string into a worksheet.
  6247. </summary>
  6248. <param name="stringArray">Two-dimension string array.</param>
  6249. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6250. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6251. </member>
  6252. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportFormulaArray(System.String[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6253. <summary>
  6254. Imports an array of formula into a worksheet.
  6255. </summary>
  6256. <param name="stringArray">Formula array.</param>
  6257. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6258. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6259. <param name="isVertical">Specifies to import data vertically or horizontally.</param>
  6260. </member>
  6261. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportArray(System.String[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6262. <summary>
  6263. Imports an array of string into a worksheet.
  6264. </summary>
  6265. <param name="stringArray">String array.</param>
  6266. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6267. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6268. <param name="isVertical">Specifies to import data vertically or horizontally.</param>
  6269. </member>
  6270. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportArray(System.Int32[0:,0:],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6271. <summary>
  6272. Imports a two-dimension array of integer into a worksheet.
  6273. </summary>
  6274. <param name="intArray">Two-dimension integer array.</param>
  6275. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6276. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6277. </member>
  6278. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportArray(System.Int32[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6279. <summary>
  6280. Imports an array of integer into a worksheet.
  6281. </summary>
  6282. <param name="intArray">Integer array.</param>
  6283. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6284. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6285. <param name="isVertical">Specifies to import data vertically or horizontally.</param>
  6286. </member>
  6287. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportArray(System.Double[0:,0:],System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6288. <summary>
  6289. Imports a two-dimension array of double into a worksheet.
  6290. </summary>
  6291. <param name="doubleArray">Two-dimension double array.</param>
  6292. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6293. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6294. </member>
  6295. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportArray(System.Double[],System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6296. <summary>
  6297. Imports an array of double into a worksheet.
  6298. </summary>
  6299. <param name="doubleArray">Double array.</param>
  6300. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6301. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6302. <param name="isVertical">Specifies to import data vertically or horizontally.</param>
  6303. </member>
  6304. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.TextToColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions)">
  6305. <summary>
  6306. Splits the text in the column to columns.
  6307. </summary>
  6308. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  6309. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  6310. <param name="totalRows">The number of rows.</param>
  6311. <param name="options">The split options.</param>
  6312. </member>
  6313. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportCSV(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6314. <summary>
  6315. Import a CSV file to the cells.
  6316. </summary>
  6317. <param name="fileName">The CSV file name.</param>
  6318. <param name="splitter">The splitter</param>
  6319. <param name="convertNumericData"> Whether the string in text file is converted to numeric data.</param>
  6320. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6321. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6322. </member>
  6323. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportCSV(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6324. <summary>
  6325. Import a CSV file to the cells.
  6326. </summary>
  6327. <param name="stream">The CSV file stream.</param>
  6328. <param name="splitter">The splitter</param>
  6329. <param name="convertNumericData"> Whether the string in text file is converted to numeric data.</param>
  6330. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6331. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6332. </member>
  6333. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportCSV(System.String,Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6334. <summary>
  6335. Import a CSV file to the cells.
  6336. </summary>
  6337. <param name="fileName">The CSV file name.</param>
  6338. <param name="options">The load options for reading text file</param>
  6339. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6340. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6341. </member>
  6342. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportCSV(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6343. <summary>
  6344. Import a CSV file to the cells.
  6345. </summary>
  6346. <param name="stream">The CSV file stream.</param>
  6347. <param name="options">The load options for reading text file</param>
  6348. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6349. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6350. </member>
  6351. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Merge(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6352. <summary>
  6353. Merges a specified range of cells into a single cell.
  6354. </summary>
  6355. <param name="firstRow">First row of this range(zero based)</param>
  6356. <param name="firstColumn">First column of this range(zero based)</param>
  6357. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows(one based)</param>
  6358. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns(one based)</param>
  6359. <remarks>
  6360. Reference the merged cell via the address of the upper-left cell in the range.
  6361. </remarks>
  6362. </member>
  6363. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Merge(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6364. <summary>
  6365. Merges a specified range of cells into a single cell.
  6366. </summary>
  6367. <param name="firstRow">First row of this range(zero based)</param>
  6368. <param name="firstColumn">First column of this range(zero based)</param>
  6369. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows(one based)</param>
  6370. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns(one based)</param>
  6371. <param name="mergeConflict">Merge conflict merged ranges.</param>
  6372. <remarks>
  6373. Reference the merged cell via the address of the upper-left cell in the range.
  6374. If mergeConflict is true and the merged range conflicts with other merged cells,
  6375. other merged cells will be automatically removed.
  6376. </remarks>
  6377. </member>
  6378. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Merge(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  6379. <summary>
  6380. Merges a specified range of cells into a single cell.
  6381. </summary>
  6382. <param name="firstRow">First row of this range(zero based)</param>
  6383. <param name="firstColumn">First column of this range(zero based)</param>
  6384. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows(one based)</param>
  6385. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns(one based)</param>
  6386. <param name="checkConflict">Indicates whether check the merged cells intersects other merged cells</param>
  6387. <param name="mergeConflict">Merge conflict merged ranges.</param>
  6388. <remarks>
  6389. Reference the merged cell via the address of the upper-left cell in the range.
  6390. If mergeConflict is true and the merged range conflicts with other merged cells,
  6391. other merged cells will be automatically removed.
  6392. </remarks>
  6393. </member>
  6394. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.UnMerge(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6395. <summary>
  6396. Unmerges a specified range of merged cells.
  6397. </summary>
  6398. <param name="firstRow">First row of this range(zero based)</param>
  6399. <param name="firstColumn">First column of this range(zero based)</param>
  6400. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows(one based)</param>
  6401. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns(one based)</param>
  6402. </member>
  6403. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.HideRow(System.Int32)">
  6404. <summary>
  6405. Hides a row.
  6406. </summary>
  6407. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  6408. </member>
  6409. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.UnhideRow(System.Int32,System.Double)">
  6410. <summary>
  6411. Unhides a row.
  6412. </summary>
  6413. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  6414. <param name="height">Row height. The row's height will be changed only when the row is hidden and given height value is positive.</param>
  6415. </member>
  6416. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.HideRows(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6417. <summary>
  6418. Hides multiple rows.
  6419. </summary>
  6420. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  6421. <param name="totalRows">The row number.</param>
  6422. </member>
  6423. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.UnhideRows(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double)">
  6424. <summary>
  6425. Unhides the hidden rows.
  6426. </summary>
  6427. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  6428. <param name="totalRows">The row number.</param>
  6429. <param name="height">Row height. The row's height will be changed only when the row is hidden and given height value is positive.</param>
  6430. </member>
  6431. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.SetRowHeightPixel(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6432. <summary>
  6433. Sets row height in unit of pixels.
  6434. </summary>
  6435. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  6436. <param name="pixels">Number of pixels.</param>
  6437. </member>
  6438. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.SetRowHeightInch(System.Int32,System.Double)">
  6439. <summary>
  6440. Sets row height in unit of inches.
  6441. </summary>
  6442. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  6443. <param name="inches">Number of inches. It should be between 0 and 409.5/72.</param>
  6444. </member>
  6445. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.SetRowHeight(System.Int32,System.Double)">
  6446. <summary>
  6447. Sets the height of the specified row.
  6448. </summary>
  6449. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  6450. <param name="height">Height of row.In unit of point It should be between 0 and 409.5.</param>
  6451. </member>
  6452. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.HideColumn(System.Int32)">
  6453. <summary>
  6454. Hides a column.
  6455. </summary>
  6456. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  6457. </member>
  6458. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.UnhideColumn(System.Int32,System.Double)">
  6459. <summary>
  6460. Unhides a column
  6461. </summary>
  6462. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  6463. <param name="width">Column width.</param>
  6464. </member>
  6465. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.HideColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6466. <summary>
  6467. Hide multiple columns.
  6468. </summary>
  6469. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  6470. <param name="totalColumns">Column number.</param>
  6471. </member>
  6472. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.UnhideColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double)">
  6473. <summary>
  6474. Unhide multiple columns.
  6475. </summary>
  6476. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  6477. <param name="totalColumns">Column number</param>
  6478. <param name="width">Column width.</param>
  6479. <remarks>
  6480. Only applies the column width to the hidden columns.
  6481. </remarks>
  6482. </member>
  6483. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetRowHeight(System.Int32)">
  6484. <summary>
  6485. Gets the height of a specified row.
  6486. </summary>
  6487. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  6488. <returns>Height of row</returns>
  6489. </member>
  6490. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetViewRowHeight(System.Int32)">
  6491. <summary>
  6492. Gets the height of a specified row.
  6493. </summary>
  6494. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  6495. <returns>Height of row</returns>
  6496. </member>
  6497. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetRowHeightPixel(System.Int32)">
  6498. <summary>
  6499. Gets the height of a specified row in unit of pixel.
  6500. </summary>
  6501. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  6502. <returns>Height of row</returns>
  6503. </member>
  6504. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetRowHeightInch(System.Int32)">
  6505. <summary>
  6506. Gets the height of a specified row in unit of inches.
  6507. </summary>
  6508. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  6509. <returns>Height of row</returns>
  6510. </member>
  6511. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetViewRowHeightInch(System.Int32)">
  6512. <summary>
  6513. Gets the height of a specified row in unit of inches.
  6514. </summary>
  6515. <param name="row">Row index</param>
  6516. <returns>Height of row</returns>
  6517. </member>
  6518. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.SetColumnWidthPixel(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6519. <summary>
  6520. Sets column width in unit of pixels in normal view.
  6521. </summary>
  6522. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  6523. <param name="pixels">Number of pixels.</param>
  6524. </member>
  6525. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.SetColumnWidthInch(System.Int32,System.Double)">
  6526. <summary>
  6527. Sets column width in unit of inches in normal view.
  6528. </summary>
  6529. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  6530. <param name="inches">Number of inches.</param>
  6531. </member>
  6532. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.SetColumnWidth(System.Int32,System.Double)">
  6533. <summary>
  6534. Sets the width of the specified column in normal view.
  6535. </summary>
  6536. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  6537. <param name="width">Width of column.Column width must be between 0 and 255.</param>
  6538. <remarks>To hide a column, sets column width to zero.</remarks>
  6539. </member>
  6540. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetColumnWidthPixel(System.Int32)">
  6541. <summary>
  6542. Gets the width of the specified column in normal view, in units of pixel.
  6543. </summary>
  6544. <param name="column">Column index</param>
  6545. <returns>Width of column in normal view.</returns>
  6546. </member>
  6547. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetColumnWidthInch(System.Int32)">
  6548. <summary>
  6549. Gets the width of the specified column in normal view, in units of inches.
  6550. </summary>
  6551. <param name="column">Column index</param>
  6552. <returns>Width of column</returns>
  6553. </member>
  6554. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetColumnWidth(System.Int32)">
  6555. <summary>
  6556. Gets the width of the specified column in normal view
  6557. </summary>
  6558. <param name="column">Column index</param>
  6559. <returns>Width of column</returns>
  6560. </member>
  6561. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetViewColumnWidthPixel(System.Int32)">
  6562. <summary>
  6563. Get the width in different view type.
  6564. </summary>
  6565. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  6566. <returns>the column width in unit of pixels</returns>
  6567. </member>
  6568. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.SetViewColumnWidthPixel(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6569. <summary>
  6570. Sets the width of the column in different view.
  6571. </summary>
  6572. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  6573. <param name="pixels">The width in unit of pixels.</param>
  6574. </member>
  6575. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetLastDataRow(System.Int32)">
  6576. <summary>
  6577. Gets the last row index of cell which contains data in the specified column.
  6578. </summary>
  6579. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  6580. <returns>last row index.</returns>
  6581. </member>
  6582. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ApplyColumnStyle(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Style,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  6583. <summary>
  6584. Applies formats for a whole column.
  6585. </summary>
  6586. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  6587. <param name="style">The style object which will be applied.</param>
  6588. <param name="flag">Flags which indicates applied formatting properties.</param>
  6589. </member>
  6590. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ApplyRowStyle(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Style,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  6591. <summary>
  6592. Applies formats for a whole row.
  6593. </summary>
  6594. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  6595. <param name="style">The style object which will be applied.</param>
  6596. <param name="flag">Flags which indicates applied formatting properties.</param>
  6597. </member>
  6598. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ApplyStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  6599. <summary>
  6600. Applies formats for a whole worksheet.
  6601. </summary>
  6602. <param name="style">The style object which will be applied.</param>
  6603. <param name="flag">Flags which indicates applied formatting properties.</param>
  6604. </member>
  6605. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CopyColumns(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions)">
  6606. <summary>
  6607. Copies data and formats of a whole column.
  6608. </summary>
  6609. <param name="sourceCells0">Source Cells object contains data and formats to copy.</param>
  6610. <param name="sourceColumnIndex">Source column index.</param>
  6611. <param name="destinationColumnIndex">Destination column index.</param>
  6612. <param name="columnNumber">The copied column number.</param>
  6613. <param name="pasteOptions">the options of pasting.</param>
  6614. </member>
  6615. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CopyColumn(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6616. <summary>
  6617. Copies data and formats of a whole column.
  6618. </summary>
  6619. <param name="sourceCells">Source Cells object contains data and formats to copy.</param>
  6620. <param name="sourceColumnIndex">Source column index.</param>
  6621. <param name="destinationColumnIndex">Destination column index.</param>
  6622. </member>
  6623. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CopyColumns(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6624. <summary>
  6625. Copies data and formats of a whole column.
  6626. </summary>
  6627. <param name="sourceCells0">Source Cells object contains data and formats to copy.</param>
  6628. <param name="sourceColumnIndex">Source column index.</param>
  6629. <param name="destinationColumnIndex">Destination column index.</param>
  6630. <param name="columnNumber">The copied column number.</param>
  6631. </member>
  6632. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CopyColumns(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6633. <summary>
  6634. Copies data and formats of the whole columns.
  6635. </summary>
  6636. <param name="sourceCells">Source Cells object contains data and formats to copy.</param>
  6637. <param name="sourceColumnIndex">Source column index.</param>
  6638. <param name="sourceTotalColumns">The number of the source columns.</param>
  6639. <param name="destinationColumnIndex">Destination column index.</param>
  6640. <param name="destinationTotalColumns">The number of the destination columns.</param>
  6641. </member>
  6642. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CopyRow(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6643. <summary>
  6644. Copies data and formats of a whole row.
  6645. </summary>
  6646. <param name="sourceCells">Source Cells object contains data and formats to copy.</param>
  6647. <param name="sourceRowIndex">Source row index.</param>
  6648. <param name="destinationRowIndex">Destination row index.</param>
  6649. </member>
  6650. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CopyRows(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6651. <summary>
  6652. Copies data and formats of some whole rows.
  6653. </summary>
  6654. <param name="sourceCells">Source Cells object contains data and formats to copy.</param>
  6655. <param name="sourceRowIndex">Source row index.</param>
  6656. <param name="destinationRowIndex">Destination row index.</param>
  6657. <param name="rowNumber">The copied row number.</param>
  6658. </member>
  6659. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CopyRows(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions)">
  6660. <summary>
  6661. Copies data and formats of some whole rows.
  6662. </summary>
  6663. <param name="sourceCells0">Source Cells object contains data and formats to copy.</param>
  6664. <param name="sourceRowIndex">Source row index.</param>
  6665. <param name="destinationRowIndex">Destination row index.</param>
  6666. <param name="rowNumber">The copied row number.</param>
  6667. <param name="copyOptions">The copy options.</param>
  6668. </member>
  6669. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CopyRows(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions,Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions)">
  6670. <summary>
  6671. Copies data and formats of some whole rows.
  6672. </summary>
  6673. <param name="sourceCells0">Source Cells object contains data and formats to copy.</param>
  6674. <param name="sourceRowIndex">Source row index.</param>
  6675. <param name="destinationRowIndex">Destination row index.</param>
  6676. <param name="rowNumber">The copied row number.</param>
  6677. <param name="copyOptions">The copy options.</param>
  6678. <param name="pasteOptions">the options of pasting.</param>
  6679. </member>
  6680. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetGroupedRowOutlineLevel(System.Int32)">
  6681. <summary>
  6682. Gets the outline level (zero-based) of the row.
  6683. </summary>
  6684. <param name="rowIndex">The row index.</param>
  6685. <returns>The outline level (zero-based) of the row.</returns>
  6686. <remarks>If the row is not grouped, returns zero.</remarks>
  6687. </member>
  6688. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetGroupedColumnOutlineLevel(System.Int32)">
  6689. <summary>
  6690. Gets the outline level (zero-based) of the column.
  6691. </summary>
  6692. <param name="columnIndex">The column index</param>
  6693. <returns>The outline level of the column</returns>
  6694. <remarks>If the column is not grouped, returns zero.</remarks>
  6695. </member>
  6696. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetMaxGroupedColumnOutlineLevel">
  6697. <summary>
  6698. Gets the max grouped column outline level (zero-based).
  6699. </summary>
  6700. <returns> The max grouped column outline level (zero-based)</returns>
  6701. </member>
  6702. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetMaxGroupedRowOutlineLevel">
  6703. <summary>
  6704. Gets the max grouped row outline level (zero-based).
  6705. </summary>
  6706. <returns> The max grouped row outline level (zero-based)</returns>
  6707. </member>
  6708. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ShowGroupDetail(System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  6709. <summary>
  6710. Uncollapses the grouped rows/columns.
  6711. </summary>
  6712. <param name="isVertical">True, uncollapses the grouped rows.</param>
  6713. <param name="index">The row/column index</param>
  6714. </member>
  6715. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.HideGroupDetail(System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  6716. <summary>
  6717. Collapses the grouped rows/columns.
  6718. </summary>
  6719. <param name="isVertical">True, collapse the grouped rows.</param>
  6720. <param name="index">The row/column index</param>
  6721. </member>
  6722. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.UngroupColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6723. <summary>
  6724. Ungroups columns.
  6725. </summary>
  6726. <param name="firstIndex">The first column index to be ungrouped.</param>
  6727. <param name="lastIndex">The last column index to be ungrouped.</param>
  6728. </member>
  6729. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GroupColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6730. <summary>
  6731. Groups columns.
  6732. </summary>
  6733. <param name="firstIndex">The first column index to be grouped.</param>
  6734. <param name="lastIndex">The last column index to be grouped.</param>
  6735. </member>
  6736. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GroupColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6737. <summary>
  6738. Groups columns.
  6739. </summary>
  6740. <param name="firstIndex">The first column index to be grouped.</param>
  6741. <param name="lastIndex">The last column index to be grouped.</param>
  6742. <param name="isHidden">Specifies if the grouped columns are hidden.</param>
  6743. </member>
  6744. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.UngroupRows(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6745. <summary>
  6746. Ungroups rows.
  6747. </summary>
  6748. <param name="firstIndex">The first row index to be ungrouped.</param>
  6749. <param name="lastIndex">The last row index to be ungrouped.</param>
  6750. <param name="isAll">True, removes all grouped info.Otherwise, remove the outer group info.</param>
  6751. </member>
  6752. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.UngroupRows(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6753. <summary>
  6754. Ungroups rows.
  6755. </summary>
  6756. <param name="firstIndex">The first row index to be ungrouped.</param>
  6757. <param name="lastIndex">The last row index to be ungrouped.</param>
  6758. <remarks>
  6759. Only removes outer group info.
  6760. </remarks>
  6761. </member>
  6762. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GroupRows(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6763. <summary>
  6764. Groups rows.
  6765. </summary>
  6766. <param name="firstIndex">The first row index to be grouped.</param>
  6767. <param name="lastIndex">The last row index to be grouped.</param>
  6768. <param name="isHidden">Specifies if the grouped columns are hidden.</param>
  6769. </member>
  6770. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GroupRows(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6771. <summary>
  6772. Groups rows.
  6773. </summary>
  6774. <param name="firstIndex">The first row index to be grouped.</param>
  6775. <param name="lastIndex">The last row index to be grouped.</param>
  6776. </member>
  6777. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteColumn(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6778. <summary>
  6779. Deletes a column.
  6780. </summary>
  6781. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  6782. <param name="updateReference">Indicates if update references in other worksheets.</param>
  6783. </member>
  6784. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteColumn(System.Int32)">
  6785. <summary>
  6786. Deletes a column.
  6787. </summary>
  6788. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  6789. </member>
  6790. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6791. <summary>
  6792. Deletes several columns.
  6793. </summary>
  6794. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  6795. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be deleted.</param>
  6796. <param name="updateReference">Indicates if update references in other worksheets.</param>
  6797. </member>
  6798. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.IsDeletingRangeEnabled(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6799. <summary>
  6800. Check whether the range could be deleted.
  6801. </summary>
  6802. <param name="startRow">The start row index of the range.</param>
  6803. <param name="startColumn">The start column index of the range.</param>
  6804. <param name="totalRows">The number of the rows in the range.</param>
  6805. <param name="totalColumns">The number of the columns in the range.</param>
  6806. <returns>
  6807. </returns>
  6808. </member>
  6809. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteRows(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6810. <summary>
  6811. Deletes several rows.
  6812. </summary>
  6813. <param name="rowIndex">The first row index to be deleted.</param>
  6814. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be deleted.</param>
  6815. <remarks>
  6816. If the deleted range contains the top part(not whole) of the table(ListObject),
  6817. the ranged could not be deleted and nothing will be done.It works as MS Excel.
  6818. </remarks>
  6819. </member>
  6820. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteRow(System.Int32)">
  6821. <summary>
  6822. Deletes a row.
  6823. </summary>
  6824. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  6825. </member>
  6826. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteRows(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6827. <summary>
  6828. Deletes multiple rows in the worksheet.
  6829. </summary>
  6830. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  6831. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be deleted.</param>
  6832. <param name="updateReference">Indicates if update references in other worksheets.</param>
  6833. <returns>
  6834. </returns>
  6835. </member>
  6836. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteBlankColumns">
  6837. <summary>
  6838. Delete all blank columns which do not contain any data.
  6839. </summary>
  6840. </member>
  6841. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteBlankColumns(Aspose.Cells.DeleteOptions)">
  6842. <summary>
  6843. Delete all blank columns which do not contain any data.
  6844. </summary>
  6845. <param name="options">The options of deleting range.</param>
  6846. </member>
  6847. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.IsBlankColumn(System.Int32)">
  6848. <summary>
  6849. Checks whether given column is blank(does not contain any data).
  6850. </summary>
  6851. <param name="columnIndex">the column index</param>
  6852. <returns>true if given column does not contain any data</returns>
  6853. </member>
  6854. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteBlankRows">
  6855. <summary>
  6856. Delete all blank rows which do not contain any data.
  6857. </summary>
  6858. </member>
  6859. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteBlankRows(Aspose.Cells.DeleteOptions)">
  6860. <summary>
  6861. Delete all blank rows which do not contain any data.
  6862. </summary>
  6863. <param name="options">The options of deleting range.</param>
  6864. </member>
  6865. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6866. <summary>
  6867. Inserts some columns into the worksheet.
  6868. </summary>
  6869. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  6870. <param name="totalColumns">The number of columns.</param>
  6871. </member>
  6872. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6873. <summary>
  6874. Inserts some columns into the worksheet.
  6875. </summary>
  6876. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  6877. <param name="totalColumns">The number of columns.</param>
  6878. <param name="updateReference">Indicates if references in other worksheets will be updated.</param>
  6879. </member>
  6880. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertColumn(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6881. <summary>
  6882. Inserts a new column into the worksheet.
  6883. </summary>
  6884. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  6885. <param name="updateReference">Indicates if references in other worksheets will be updated.</param>
  6886. </member>
  6887. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertColumn(System.Int32)">
  6888. <summary>
  6889. Inserts a new column into the worksheet.
  6890. </summary>
  6891. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  6892. </member>
  6893. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertRows(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6894. <summary>
  6895. Inserts multiple rows into the worksheet.
  6896. </summary>
  6897. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  6898. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be inserted.</param>
  6899. <param name="updateReference">Indicates if references in other worksheets will be updated.</param>
  6900. </member>
  6901. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertRows(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.InsertOptions)">
  6902. <summary>
  6903. Inserts multiple rows into the worksheet.
  6904. </summary>
  6905. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  6906. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be inserted.</param>
  6907. <param name="options">Indicates if references in other worksheets will be updated.</param>
  6908. </member>
  6909. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertRows(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6910. <summary>
  6911. Inserts multiple rows into the worksheet.
  6912. </summary>
  6913. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  6914. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be inserted.</param>
  6915. </member>
  6916. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertRow(System.Int32)">
  6917. <summary>
  6918. Inserts a new row into the worksheet.
  6919. </summary>
  6920. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  6921. </member>
  6922. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ClearRange(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  6923. <summary>
  6924. Clears contents and formatting of a range.
  6925. </summary>
  6926. <param name="range">Range to be cleared.</param>
  6927. </member>
  6928. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ClearRange(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6929. <summary>
  6930. Clears contents and formatting of a range.
  6931. </summary>
  6932. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  6933. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  6934. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  6935. <param name="endColumn">End column index.</param>
  6936. </member>
  6937. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ClearContents(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  6938. <summary>
  6939. Clears contents of a range.
  6940. </summary>
  6941. <param name="range">Range to be cleared.</param>
  6942. </member>
  6943. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ClearContents(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6944. <summary>
  6945. Clears contents of a range.
  6946. </summary>
  6947. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  6948. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  6949. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  6950. <param name="endColumn">End column index.</param>
  6951. </member>
  6952. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ClearFormats(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  6953. <summary>
  6954. Clears formatting of a range.
  6955. </summary>
  6956. <param name="range">Range to be cleared.</param>
  6957. </member>
  6958. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ClearFormats(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6959. <summary>
  6960. Clears formatting of a range.
  6961. </summary>
  6962. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  6963. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  6964. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  6965. <param name="endColumn">End column index.</param>
  6966. </member>
  6967. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.LinkToXmlMap(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  6968. <summary>
  6969. Link to a xml map.
  6970. </summary>
  6971. <param name="mapName">name of xml map</param>
  6972. <param name="row">row of the destination cell</param>
  6973. <param name="column">column of the destination cell</param>
  6974. <param name="path">path of xml element in xml map</param>
  6975. e.g. A xml map element structure:
  6976. -RootElement
  6977. |-Attribute1
  6978. |-SubElement
  6979. |-Attribute2
  6980. |-Attribute3
  6981. To link "Attribute1", path is "/RootElement/Attribute1"
  6982. To link "Attribute2", path is "/RootElement/SubElement/Attribute2"
  6983. To link whole "SubElement", path is "/RootElement/SubElement"
  6984. </member>
  6985. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataView(System.Data.DataView,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6986. <summary>
  6987. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> into a worksheet.
  6988. </summary>
  6989. <param name="dataView">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> object to be imported.</param>
  6990. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6991. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  6992. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  6993. </member>
  6994. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataView(System.Data.DataView,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  6995. <remarks>
  6996. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  6997. please use Cells.ImportData(DataView,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  6998. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  6999. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7000. </member>
  7001. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataView(System.Data.DataView,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7002. <summary>
  7003. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> into a worksheet.
  7004. </summary>
  7005. <param name="dataView">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7006. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7007. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7008. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  7009. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  7010. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7011. <remarks>
  7012. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  7013. please use Cells.ImportData(DataView,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  7014. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  7015. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7016. </member>
  7017. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataView(System.Data.DataView,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  7018. <summary>
  7019. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> into a worksheet.
  7020. </summary>
  7021. <param name="dataView">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7022. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7023. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7024. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  7025. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  7026. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7027. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7028. <remarks>
  7029. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  7030. please use Cells.ImportData(DataView,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  7031. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  7032. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7033. </member>
  7034. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataView(System.Data.DataView,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  7035. <summary>
  7036. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> into a worksheet.
  7037. </summary>
  7038. <param name="dataView">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7039. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  7040. Indicates whether the field name of the data view will be imported to the first row.</param>
  7041. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7042. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7043. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  7044. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  7045. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7046. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7047. <remarks>
  7048. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  7049. please use Cells.ImportData(DataView,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  7050. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  7051. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7052. </member>
  7053. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataView(System.Data.DataView,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  7054. <summary>
  7055. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> into a worksheet.
  7056. </summary>
  7057. <param name="dataView">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7058. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  7059. Indicates whether the field name of the data view will be imported to the first row.</param>
  7060. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7061. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7062. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  7063. <param name="columnNumber">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  7064. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7065. <param name="numberFormatString">Number format string for cells.</param>
  7066. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7067. <remarks>
  7068. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  7069. please use Cells.ImportData(DataView,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  7070. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  7071. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7072. </member>
  7073. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataView(System.Data.DataView,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  7074. <summary>
  7075. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> into a worksheet.
  7076. </summary>
  7077. <param name="dataView">The <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7078. <param name="isFieldNameShown">
  7079. Indicates whether the field name of the data view will be imported to the first row.</param>
  7080. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7081. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7082. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7083. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7084. <remarks>
  7085. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  7086. please use Cells.ImportData(DataView,int,int,ImportTableOptions) method.
  7087. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  7088. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7089. </member>
  7090. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataGridAsString(System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  7091. <summary>
  7092. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid" /> into a worksheet. This method doesn't try to convert text into numeric values.
  7093. </summary>
  7094. <param name="dataGrid">The <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7095. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7096. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7097. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7098. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7099. </member>
  7100. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportGridView(System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions)">
  7101. <summary>
  7102. Imports a grid view to this cells.
  7103. </summary>
  7104. <param name="gridView">The grid view object.</param>
  7105. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7106. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7107. <param name="options">import options.</param>
  7108. <returns>The row number.</returns>
  7109. </member>
  7110. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataGrid(System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  7111. <summary>
  7112. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid" /> into a worksheet.
  7113. </summary>
  7114. <param name="dataGrid">The <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7115. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7116. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7117. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7118. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7119. </member>
  7120. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataGrid(System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  7121. <summary>
  7122. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid" /> into a worksheet.
  7123. </summary>
  7124. <param name="dataGrid">The <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7125. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7126. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7127. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  7128. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  7129. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7130. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7131. </member>
  7132. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportDataGrid(System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  7133. <summary>
  7134. Imports a <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid" /> into a worksheet.
  7135. </summary>
  7136. <param name="dataGrid">The <see cref="T:System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid" /> object to be imported.</param>
  7137. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7138. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7139. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  7140. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be imported.</param>
  7141. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7142. <param name="importStyle">Indicates whether importing the cell style.</param>
  7143. <returns>Total number of rows imported</returns>
  7144. </member>
  7145. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.FindFormula(System.String,Aspose.Cells.Cell)">
  7146. <summary>
  7147. Finds the cell with the input string.
  7148. </summary>
  7149. <param name="formula">The formula to search for.</param>
  7150. <param name="previousCell">Previous cell with the same formula. This parameter can be set to null if searching from the start.</param>
  7151. <returns>Cell object.</returns>
  7152. <remarks>Returns null (Nothing) if no cell is found.
  7153. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  7154. please use Cells.Find(object,Cell,FindOptions) method with LookInType as LookInType.OnlyFormulas
  7155. and LookAtType as LookAtType.EntireContent.
  7156. This member will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  7157. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7158. </member>
  7159. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.FindFormulaContains(System.String,Aspose.Cells.Cell)">
  7160. <summary>
  7161. Finds the cell with formula which contains the input string.
  7162. </summary>
  7163. <param name="formula">The formula to search for.</param>
  7164. <param name="previousCell">Previous cell with the same formula. This parameter can be set to null if searching from the start.</param>
  7165. <returns>Cell object.</returns>
  7166. <remarks>Returns null (Nothing) if no cell is found.
  7167. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  7168. please use Cells.Find(object,Cell,FindOptions) method with LookInType as LookInType.OnlyFormulas
  7169. and LookAtType as LookAtType.Contains.
  7170. This member will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  7171. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7172. </member>
  7173. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Find(System.Object,Aspose.Cells.Cell)">
  7174. <summary>
  7175. Finds the cell containing with the input object.
  7176. </summary>
  7177. <param name="what">The object to search for.
  7178. The type should be int,double,DateTime,string,bool.
  7179. </param>
  7180. <param name="previousCell">Previous cell with the same object.
  7181. This parameter can be set to null if searching from the start.</param>
  7182. <returns>Cell object.</returns>
  7183. <remarks>Returns null (Nothing) if no cell is found.</remarks>
  7184. </member>
  7185. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Find(System.Object,Aspose.Cells.Cell,Aspose.Cells.FindOptions)">
  7186. <summary>
  7187. Finds the cell containing with the input object.
  7188. </summary>
  7189. <param name="what">The object to search for.
  7190. The type should be int,double,DateTime,string,bool.
  7191. </param>
  7192. <param name="previousCell">Previous cell with the same object.
  7193. This parameter can be set to null if searching from the start.</param>
  7194. <param name="findOptions">Find options</param>
  7195. <returns>Cell object.</returns>
  7196. <remarks>Returns null (Nothing) if no cell is found.</remarks>
  7197. </member>
  7198. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.EndCellInRow(System.Int32)">
  7199. <summary>
  7200. Gets the last cell in this row.
  7201. </summary>
  7202. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  7203. <returns>Cell object.</returns>
  7204. </member>
  7205. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.EndCellInColumn(System.Int16)">
  7206. <summary>
  7207. Gets the last cell in this column.
  7208. </summary>
  7209. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  7210. <returns>Cell object.</returns>
  7211. </member>
  7212. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.EndCellInColumn(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int16,System.Int16)">
  7213. <summary>
  7214. Gets the last cell with maximum column index in this range.
  7215. </summary>
  7216. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  7217. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  7218. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  7219. <param name="endColumn">End column index.</param>
  7220. <returns>Cell object.</returns>
  7221. </member>
  7222. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.EndCellInRow(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7223. <summary>
  7224. Gets the last cell with maximum row index in this range.
  7225. </summary>
  7226. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  7227. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  7228. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  7229. <param name="endColumn">End column index.</param>
  7230. <returns>Cell object.</returns>
  7231. </member>
  7232. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MoveRange(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7233. <summary>
  7234. Moves the range.
  7235. </summary>
  7236. <param name="sourceArea">The range which should be moved.</param>
  7237. <param name="destRow">The dest row.</param>
  7238. <param name="destColumn">The dest column.</param>
  7239. </member>
  7240. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertCutCells(Aspose.Cells.Range,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ShiftType)">
  7241. <summary>
  7242. Insert cut range.
  7243. </summary>
  7244. <param name="cutRange">The cut range.</param>
  7245. <param name="row">The row.</param>
  7246. <param name="column">The column.</param>
  7247. <param name="shiftType">The shift type .</param>
  7248. </member>
  7249. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertRange(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ShiftType,System.Boolean)">
  7250. <summary>
  7251. Inserts a range of cells and shift cells according to the shift option.
  7252. </summary>
  7253. <param name="area">Shift area.</param>
  7254. <param name="shiftNumber">Number of rows or columns to be inserted.</param>
  7255. <param name="shiftType">Shift cells option.</param>
  7256. <param name="updateReference">Indicates if update references in other worksheets.</param>
  7257. </member>
  7258. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertRange(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,Aspose.Cells.ShiftType)">
  7259. <summary>
  7260. Inserts a range of cells and shift cells according to the shift option.
  7261. </summary>
  7262. <param name="area">Shift area.</param>
  7263. <param name="shiftType">Shift cells option.</param>
  7264. </member>
  7265. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.InsertRange(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ShiftType)">
  7266. <summary>
  7267. Inserts a range of cells and shift cells according to the shift option.
  7268. </summary>
  7269. <param name="area">Shift area.</param>
  7270. <param name="shiftNumber">Number of rows or columns to be inserted.</param>
  7271. <param name="shiftType">Shift cells option.</param>
  7272. </member>
  7273. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.DeleteRange(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ShiftType)">
  7274. <summary>
  7275. Deletes a range of cells and shift cells according to the shift option.
  7276. </summary>
  7277. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  7278. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  7279. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  7280. <param name="endColumn">End column index.</param>
  7281. <param name="shiftType">Shift cells option.</param>
  7282. </member>
  7283. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportArray(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7284. <summary>
  7285. Exports data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection to a two-dimension array object.
  7286. </summary>
  7287. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  7288. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  7289. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be exported</param>
  7290. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be exported</param>
  7291. <returns>Exported cell value array object.</returns>
  7292. </member>
  7293. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ExportTypeArray(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7294. <summary>
  7295. Exports cell value type in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection to a two-dimension array object.
  7296. </summary>
  7297. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  7298. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to export out.</param>
  7299. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows to be exported.</param>
  7300. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns to be exported.</param>
  7301. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType" /> array object.</returns>
  7302. </member>
  7303. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportCustomObjects(System.Collections.ICollection,System.String[],System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  7304. <summary>
  7305. Imports custom objects.
  7306. </summary>
  7307. <param name="list">The custom object</param>
  7308. <param name="propertyNames">The property names.If it is null,we will import all properties of the object.</param>
  7309. <param name="isPropertyNameShown">
  7310. Indicates whether the property name will be imported to the first row.
  7311. </param>
  7312. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7313. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7314. <param name="rowNumber">Number of rows to be imported.</param>
  7315. <param name="insertRows">Indicates whether extra rows are added to fit data.</param>
  7316. <param name="dateFormatString">Date format string for cells.</param>
  7317. <param name="convertStringToNumber">Indicates if this method will try to convert string to number.</param>
  7318. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  7319. <remarks>The custom objects should be the same type.</remarks>
  7320. </member>
  7321. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ImportCustomObjects(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions)">
  7322. <summary>
  7323. Imports custom objects.
  7324. </summary>
  7325. <param name="list">The custom object</param>
  7326. <param name="firstRow">The row number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7327. <param name="firstColumn">The column number of the first cell to import in.</param>
  7328. <param name="options"> The import options.</param>
  7329. <returns>Total number of rows imported.</returns>
  7330. <remarks>The custom objects should be the same type.</remarks>
  7331. </member>
  7332. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.RetrieveSubtotalSetting(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  7333. <summary>
  7334. Retrieves subtotals setting of the range.
  7335. </summary>
  7336. <param name="ca">The range</param>
  7337. <returns>
  7338. </returns>
  7339. </member>
  7340. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Subtotal(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction,System.Int32[])">
  7341. <summary>
  7342. Creates subtotals for the range.
  7343. </summary>
  7344. <param name="ca">The range</param>
  7345. <param name="groupBy">The field to group by, as a zero-based integer offset</param>
  7346. <param name="function">The subtotal function.</param>
  7347. <param name="totalList">An array of zero-based field offsets, indicating the fields to which the subtotals are added.</param>
  7348. </member>
  7349. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Subtotal(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction,System.Int32[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  7350. <summary>
  7351. Creates subtotals for the range.
  7352. </summary>
  7353. <param name="ca">The range</param>
  7354. <param name="groupBy">The field to group by, as a zero-based integer offset</param>
  7355. <param name="function">The subtotal function.</param>
  7356. <param name="totalList">An array of zero-based field offsets, indicating the fields to which the subtotals are added.</param>
  7357. <param name="replace">Indicates whether replace the current subtotals</param>
  7358. <param name="pageBreaks">Indicates whether add page break between groups</param>
  7359. <param name="summaryBelowData">Indicates whether add summary below data.</param>
  7360. </member>
  7361. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.RemoveFormulas">
  7362. <summary>
  7363. Removes all formula and replaces with the value of the formula.
  7364. </summary>
  7365. </member>
  7366. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.RemoveDuplicates">
  7367. <summary>
  7368. Removes duplicate rows in the sheet.
  7369. </summary>
  7370. </member>
  7371. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.RemoveDuplicates(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7372. <summary>
  7373. Removes duplicate values in the range.
  7374. </summary>
  7375. <param name="startRow">The start row.</param>
  7376. <param name="startColumn">The start column</param>
  7377. <param name="endRow">The end row index.</param>
  7378. <param name="endColumn">The end column index.</param>
  7379. </member>
  7380. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.RemoveDuplicates(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Int32[])">
  7381. <summary>
  7382. Removes duplicate data of the range.
  7383. </summary>
  7384. <param name="startRow">The start row.</param>
  7385. <param name="startColumn">The start column</param>
  7386. <param name="endRow">The end row index.</param>
  7387. <param name="endColumn">The end column index.</param>
  7388. <param name="hasHeaders">Indicates whether the range contains headers.</param>
  7389. <param name="columnOffsets">The column offsets.</param>
  7390. </member>
  7391. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.ConvertStringToNumericValue">
  7392. <summary>
  7393. Converts string data in cells to numeric value if possible.
  7394. </summary>
  7395. </member>
  7396. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetDependents(System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7397. <summary>
  7398. Get all cells which refer to the specific cell.
  7399. </summary>
  7400. <param name="isAll">Indicates whether check other worksheets</param>
  7401. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  7402. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  7403. <returns>
  7404. </returns>
  7405. </member>
  7406. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Cells.GetCellStyle(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7407. <summary>
  7408. Get the style of given cell.
  7409. </summary>
  7410. <param name="row">row index</param>
  7411. <param name="column">column</param>
  7412. <returns>the style of given cell.</returns>
  7413. </member>
  7414. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.OdsCellFields">
  7415. <summary>
  7416. Gets the list of fields of ods.
  7417. </summary>
  7418. </member>
  7419. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Count">
  7420. <summary>
  7421. Gets the total count of instantiated Cell objects.
  7422. </summary>
  7423. </member>
  7424. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.CountLarge">
  7425. <summary>
  7426. Gets the total count of instantiated Cell objects.
  7427. </summary>
  7428. </member>
  7429. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Item(System.Int32)">
  7430. <summary>
  7431. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> item within the worksheet
  7432. </summary>
  7433. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  7434. <value>The element at the specified index.</value>
  7435. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete.
  7436. Instead, please use Cells.GetEnumerator() method to iterate all cells in this worksheet.
  7437. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2015.
  7438. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7439. </member>
  7440. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Rows">
  7441. <summary>
  7442. Gets the collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Row" /> objects that represents the individual rows in this worksheet.
  7443. </summary>
  7444. </member>
  7445. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MergedCells">
  7446. <summary>
  7447. Gets the collection of merged cells.
  7448. </summary>
  7449. <remarks>In this collection, each item is a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellArea" /> structure which represents an area of merged cells.</remarks>
  7450. </member>
  7451. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7452. <summary>
  7453. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> element at the specified cell row index and column index.
  7454. </summary>
  7455. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  7456. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  7457. <returns>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> object.</returns>
  7458. <example>
  7459. <code>
  7460. [C#]
  7461. Cells cells = excel.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  7462. Cell cell = cells[0, 0]; //Gets the cell at "A1"
  7463. [Visual Basic]
  7464. Dim cells As Cells = excel.Worksheets(0).Cells
  7465. Dim cell As Cell = cells(0,0) 'Gets the cell at "A1"
  7466. </code>
  7467. </example>
  7468. </member>
  7469. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Item(System.String)">
  7470. <summary>
  7471. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> element at the specified cell name.
  7472. </summary>
  7473. <param name="cellName">Cell name,including its column letter and row number, for example A5.</param>
  7474. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> object</returns>
  7475. <example>
  7476. <code>
  7477. [C#]
  7478. Cells cells = excel.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  7479. Cell cell = cells["A1"]; //Gets the cell at "A1"
  7480. [Visual Basic]
  7481. Dim cells As Cells = excel.Worksheets(0).Cells
  7482. Dim cell As Cell = cells("A1") 'Gets the cell at "A1"
  7483. </code>
  7484. </example>
  7485. </member>
  7486. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MultiThreadReading">
  7487. <summary>
  7488. Gets or sets whether the cells data model should support Multi-Thread reading.
  7489. Default value of this property is false.
  7490. If there are multiple threads to read Row/Cell objects in this collection concurrently,
  7491. this property should be set as true, otherwise unexpected result may be produced.
  7492. Supporting Multi-Thread reading may degrade the performance for accessing Row/Cell objects from this collection.
  7493. </summary>
  7494. </member>
  7495. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MemorySetting">
  7496. <summary>
  7497. Gets or sets the memory usage option for this cells.
  7498. </summary>
  7499. </member>
  7500. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Style">
  7501. <summary>
  7502. Gets and sets the default style.
  7503. </summary>
  7504. </member>
  7505. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.StandardWidthInch">
  7506. <summary>
  7507. Gets or sets the default column width in the worksheet, in unit of inches.
  7508. </summary>
  7509. </member>
  7510. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.StandardWidthPixels">
  7511. <summary>
  7512. Gets or sets the default column width in the worksheet, in unit of pixels.
  7513. </summary>
  7514. </member>
  7515. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.StandardWidth">
  7516. <summary>
  7517. Gets or sets the default column width in the worksheet, in unit of characters.
  7518. </summary>
  7519. </member>
  7520. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.StandardHeight">
  7521. <summary>
  7522. Gets or sets the default row height in this worksheet, in unit of points.
  7523. </summary>
  7524. </member>
  7525. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.StandardHeightPixels">
  7526. <summary>
  7527. Gets or sets the default row height in this worksheet, in unit of pixels.
  7528. </summary>
  7529. </member>
  7530. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.PreserveString">
  7531. <summary>
  7532. Gets or sets a value indicating whether all worksheet values are preserved as strings.
  7533. Default is false.
  7534. </summary>
  7535. </member>
  7536. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MinRow">
  7537. <summary>
  7538. Minimum row index of cell which contains data or style.
  7539. </summary>
  7540. </member>
  7541. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MaxRow">
  7542. <summary>
  7543. Maximum row index of cell which contains data or style.
  7544. </summary>
  7545. <remarks>
  7546. Return -1 if there is no cell which contains data or style in the worksheet.
  7547. </remarks>
  7548. </member>
  7549. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MinColumn">
  7550. <summary>
  7551. Minimum column index of cell which contains data or style.
  7552. </summary>
  7553. </member>
  7554. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MaxColumn">
  7555. <summary>
  7556. Maximum column index of cell which contains data or style.
  7557. </summary>
  7558. <remarks>
  7559. Return -1 if there is no cell.
  7560. </remarks>
  7561. </member>
  7562. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MinDataRow">
  7563. <summary>
  7564. Minimum row index of cell which contains data.
  7565. </summary>
  7566. </member>
  7567. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MaxDataRow">
  7568. <summary>
  7569. Maximum row index of cell which contains data.
  7570. </summary>
  7571. <remarks>
  7572. Return -1 if there is no cell which contains data.
  7573. </remarks>
  7574. </member>
  7575. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MinDataColumn">
  7576. <summary>
  7577. Minimum column index of cell which contains data.
  7578. </summary>
  7579. </member>
  7580. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MaxDataColumn">
  7581. <summary>
  7582. Maximum column index of cell which contains data.
  7583. </summary>
  7584. <remarks>
  7585. Return -1 if there is not cell which contains data.
  7586. Don't call this property repeatedly. This property will iterate all cells in a worksheet.</remarks>
  7587. </member>
  7588. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.IsDefaultRowHeightMatched">
  7589. <summary>
  7590. Indicates that row height and default font height matches
  7591. </summary>
  7592. </member>
  7593. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.IsDefaultRowHidden">
  7594. <summary>
  7595. Indicates whether the row is default hidden.
  7596. </summary>
  7597. </member>
  7598. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Columns">
  7599. <summary>
  7600. Gets the collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Column" /> objects that represents the individual columns in this worksheet.
  7601. </summary>
  7602. </member>
  7603. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.Ranges">
  7604. <summary>
  7605. Gets the collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> objects created at run time.
  7606. </summary>
  7607. </member>
  7608. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.LastCell">
  7609. <summary>
  7610. Gets the last cell in this worksheet.
  7611. </summary>
  7612. </member>
  7613. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.MaxDisplayRange">
  7614. <summary>
  7615. Gets the max range which includes data, merged cells and shapes.
  7616. </summary>
  7617. </member>
  7618. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Cells.FirstCell">
  7619. <summary>
  7620. Gets the first cell in this worksheet.
  7621. </summary>
  7622. </member>
  7623. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ColumnCollection">
  7624. <summary>
  7625. Collects the <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Column" /> objects that represent the individual columns in a worksheet.
  7626. </summary>
  7627. <example>
  7628. <code>
  7629. [C#]
  7630. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  7631. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  7632. //Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  7633. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  7634. //Add new Style to Workbook
  7635. Style style = workbook.CreateStyle();
  7636. //Setting the background color to Blue
  7637. style.ForegroundColor = Color.Blue;
  7638. //setting Background Pattern
  7639. style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid;
  7640. //New Style Flag
  7641. StyleFlag styleFlag = new StyleFlag();
  7642. //Set All Styles
  7643. styleFlag.All = true;
  7644. //Change the default width of first ten columns
  7645. for (int i = 0; i &lt; 10; i++)
  7646. {
  7647. worksheet.Cells.Columns[i].Width = 20;
  7648. }
  7649. //Get the Column with non default formatting
  7650. ColumnCollection columns = worksheet.Cells.Columns;
  7651. foreach (Column column in columns)
  7652. {
  7653. //Apply Style to first ten Columns
  7654. column.ApplyStyle(style, styleFlag);
  7655. }
  7656. //Saving the Excel file
  7657. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  7658. [VB.NET]
  7659. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  7660. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  7661. 'Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  7662. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  7663. 'Add new Style to Workbook
  7664. Dim style As Style = workbook.CreateStyles()
  7665. 'Setting the background color to Blue
  7666. style.ForegroundColor = Color.Blue
  7667. 'setting Background Pattern
  7668. style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid
  7669. 'New Style Flag
  7670. Dim styleFlag As New StyleFlag()
  7671. 'Set All Styles
  7672. styleFlag.All = True
  7673. 'Change the default width of first ten columns
  7674. For i As Integer = 0 To 9
  7675. worksheet.Cells.Columns(i).Width = 20
  7676. Next i
  7677. 'Get the Column with non default formatting
  7678. Dim columns As ColumnCollection = worksheet.Cells.Columns
  7679. For Each column As Column In columns
  7680. 'Apply Style to first ten Columns
  7681. column.ApplyStyle(style, styleFlag)
  7682. Next column
  7683. 'Saving the Excel file
  7684. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  7685. </code>
  7686. </example>
  7687. </member>
  7688. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ColumnCollection.GetByIndex(System.Int32)">
  7689. <summary>
  7690. Gets the column object by the index.
  7691. </summary>
  7692. <param name="index">
  7693. </param>
  7694. <returns>Returns the column object.</returns>
  7695. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  7696. please use Columns.GetColumnByIndex() method.
  7697. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  7698. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  7699. </member>
  7700. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ColumnCollection.GetColumnByIndex(System.Int32)">
  7701. <summary>
  7702. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Column" /> object by the position in the list.
  7703. </summary>
  7704. <param name="index">The position in the list.</param>
  7705. <returns>Returns the column object.</returns>
  7706. </member>
  7707. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColumnCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  7708. <summary>
  7709. Gets a <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Column" /> object by column index. The Column object of given column index will be instantiated if it does not exist before.
  7710. </summary>
  7711. </member>
  7712. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Column">
  7713. <summary>
  7714. Represents a single column in a worksheet.
  7715. </summary>
  7716. <example>
  7717. <code>
  7718. [C#]
  7719. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  7720. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  7721. //Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  7722. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  7723. Style style = workbook.CreateStyle();
  7724. //Setting the background color to Blue
  7725. style.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
  7726. //Setting the foreground color to Red
  7727. style.ForegroundColor= Color.Red;
  7728. //setting Background Pattern
  7729. style.Pattern = BackgroundType.DiagonalStripe;
  7730. //New Style Flag
  7731. StyleFlag styleFlag = new StyleFlag();
  7732. //Set All Styles
  7733. styleFlag.All = true;
  7734. //Get first Column
  7735. Column column = worksheet.Cells.Columns[0];
  7736. //Apply Style to first Column
  7737. column.ApplyStyle(style, styleFlag);
  7738. //Saving the Excel file
  7739. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  7740. [VB.NET]
  7741. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  7742. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  7743. 'Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  7744. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  7745. Dim style As Style = workbook.CreateStyle()
  7746. 'Setting the background color to Blue
  7747. style.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue
  7748. 'Setting the foreground color to Red
  7749. style.ForegroundColor = Color.Red
  7750. 'setting Background Pattern
  7751. style.Pattern = BackgroundType.DiagonalStripe
  7752. 'New Style Flag
  7753. Dim styleFlag As New StyleFlag()
  7754. 'Set All Styles
  7755. styleFlag.All = True
  7756. 'Get first Column
  7757. Dim column As Column = worksheet.Cells.Columns(0)
  7758. 'Apply Style to first Column
  7759. column.ApplyStyle(style, styleFlag)
  7760. 'Saving the Excel file
  7761. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  7762. </code>
  7763. </example>
  7764. </member>
  7765. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Column.ApplyStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  7766. <summary>
  7767. Applies formats for a whole column.
  7768. </summary>
  7769. <param name="style">The style object which will be applied.</param>
  7770. <param name="flag">Flags which indicates applied formatting properties.</param>
  7771. </member>
  7772. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Column.Index">
  7773. <summary>
  7774. Gets the index of this column.
  7775. </summary>
  7776. </member>
  7777. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Column.Width">
  7778. <summary>
  7779. Gets and sets the column width in unit of characters.
  7780. </summary>
  7781. </member>
  7782. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Column.GroupLevel">
  7783. <summary>
  7784. Gets the group level of the column.
  7785. </summary>
  7786. </member>
  7787. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Column.IsHidden">
  7788. <summary>
  7789. Indicates whether the column is hidden.
  7790. </summary>
  7791. </member>
  7792. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Column.Style">
  7793. <summary>
  7794. Gets the style of this column.
  7795. </summary>
  7796. <remarks>
  7797. You have to call Column.ApplyStyle() method to save your changing with the row style,
  7798. otherwise it will not effect.
  7799. </remarks>
  7800. </member>
  7801. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.SubtotalSetting">
  7802. <summary>
  7803. Represents the setting of the subtotal .
  7804. </summary>
  7805. </member>
  7806. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SubtotalSetting.GroupBy">
  7807. <summary>
  7808. The field to group by, as a zero-based integer offset
  7809. </summary>
  7810. </member>
  7811. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SubtotalSetting.SubtotalFunction">
  7812. <summary>
  7813. The subtotal function.
  7814. </summary>
  7815. </member>
  7816. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SubtotalSetting.TotalList">
  7817. <summary>
  7818. An array of zero-based field offsets, indicating the fields to which the subtotals are added.
  7819. </summary>
  7820. </member>
  7821. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SubtotalSetting.SummaryBelowData">
  7822. <summary>
  7823. Indicates whether add summary below data.
  7824. </summary>
  7825. </member>
  7826. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.OdsLoadOptions">
  7827. <summary>
  7828. Represents the options of loading ods file.
  7829. </summary>
  7830. </member>
  7831. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.OdsLoadOptions.#ctor">
  7832. <summary>
  7833. Represents the options of loading ods file.
  7834. </summary>
  7835. </member>
  7836. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.OdsLoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat)">
  7837. <summary>
  7838. Represents the options of loading ods file.
  7839. </summary>
  7840. <param name="type">The load format type.</param>
  7841. </member>
  7842. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OdsLoadOptions.ApplyExcelDefaultStyleToHyperlink">
  7843. <summary>
  7844. Indicates whether applying the default style of the Excel to hyperlink.
  7845. </summary>
  7846. </member>
  7847. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OdsLoadOptions.RefreshPivotTables">
  7848. <summary>
  7849. Indicates whether refresh pivot tables when loading file.
  7850. </summary>
  7851. </member>
  7852. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellField">
  7853. <summary>
  7854. Represents the cell field of ods.
  7855. </summary>
  7856. </member>
  7857. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellField.CustomFormat">
  7858. <summary>
  7859. Represents the custom format of the field's value.
  7860. </summary>
  7861. </member>
  7862. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellField.FieldType">
  7863. <summary>
  7864. Gets and sets the type of the field.
  7865. </summary>
  7866. </member>
  7867. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellField.Row">
  7868. <summary>
  7869. Get and sets the row index of the cell.
  7870. </summary>
  7871. </member>
  7872. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellField.Column">
  7873. <summary>
  7874. Get and sets the column index of the cell.
  7875. </summary>
  7876. </member>
  7877. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldCollection">
  7878. <summary>
  7879. Represents the fields of ODS.
  7880. </summary>
  7881. </member>
  7882. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldType,System.String)">
  7883. <summary>
  7884. Adds a field.
  7885. </summary>
  7886. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  7887. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  7888. <param name="fieldType">The type of the field.</param>
  7889. <param name="format">The number format of the field.</param>
  7890. <returns>
  7891. </returns>
  7892. </member>
  7893. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldCollection.UpdateFieldsValue">
  7894. <summary>
  7895. Update fields value to the cells.
  7896. </summary>
  7897. </member>
  7898. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  7899. <summary>
  7900. Gets the field by the index.
  7901. </summary>
  7902. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  7903. <returns>
  7904. </returns>
  7905. </member>
  7906. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldCollection.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  7907. <summary>
  7908. Gets the field by row and column index.
  7909. </summary>
  7910. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  7911. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  7912. <returns>
  7913. </returns>
  7914. </member>
  7915. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldType">
  7916. <summary>
  7917. Represents the cell field type of ods.
  7918. </summary>
  7919. </member>
  7920. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldType.Date">
  7921. <summary>
  7922. Current date.
  7923. </summary>
  7924. </member>
  7925. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldType.SheetName">
  7926. <summary>
  7927. The name of the sheet.
  7928. </summary>
  7929. </member>
  7930. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsCellFieldType.Title">
  7931. <summary>
  7932. The name of the file.
  7933. </summary>
  7934. </member>
  7935. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsGeneratorType">
  7936. <summary>
  7937. Represents the type of ODS generator.
  7938. </summary>
  7939. </member>
  7940. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsGeneratorType.LibreOffice">
  7941. <summary>
  7942. Libre Office
  7943. </summary>
  7944. </member>
  7945. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsGeneratorType.OpenOffice">
  7946. <summary>
  7947. Open Office
  7948. </summary>
  7949. </member>
  7950. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackground">
  7951. <summary>
  7952. Represents the page background of ods.
  7953. </summary>
  7954. </member>
  7955. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackground.Type">
  7956. <summary>
  7957. Gets and sets the page background type.
  7958. </summary>
  7959. </member>
  7960. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackground.Color">
  7961. <summary>
  7962. Gets and sets the color of background.
  7963. </summary>
  7964. </member>
  7965. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackground.GraphicType">
  7966. <summary>
  7967. Gets and sets the page background graphic type.
  7968. </summary>
  7969. </member>
  7970. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackground.GraphicPositionType">
  7971. <summary>
  7972. Gets and set the background graphic position.
  7973. </summary>
  7974. </member>
  7975. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackground.IsLink">
  7976. <summary>
  7977. Indicates whether it's a linked graphic.
  7978. </summary>
  7979. </member>
  7980. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackground.LinkedGraphic">
  7981. <summary>
  7982. Gets and sets the linked graphic path.
  7983. </summary>
  7984. </member>
  7985. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackground.GraphicData">
  7986. <summary>
  7987. Gets and sets the graphic data.
  7988. </summary>
  7989. </member>
  7990. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType">
  7991. <summary>
  7992. Represents the position.
  7993. </summary>
  7994. </member>
  7995. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.TopLeft">
  7996. <summary>
  7997. Top left.
  7998. </summary>
  7999. </member>
  8000. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.TopCenter">
  8001. <summary>
  8002. Top center.
  8003. </summary>
  8004. </member>
  8005. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.TopRight">
  8006. <summary>
  8007. Top right.
  8008. </summary>
  8009. </member>
  8010. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.CenterLeft">
  8011. <summary>
  8012. Center left.
  8013. </summary>
  8014. </member>
  8015. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.CenterCenter">
  8016. <summary>
  8017. Center.
  8018. </summary>
  8019. </member>
  8020. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.CenterRight">
  8021. <summary>
  8022. Center right.
  8023. </summary>
  8024. </member>
  8025. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.BottomLeft">
  8026. <summary>
  8027. Bottom left.
  8028. </summary>
  8029. </member>
  8030. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.BottomCenter">
  8031. <summary>
  8032. Bottom center.
  8033. </summary>
  8034. </member>
  8035. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicPositionType.BottomRight">
  8036. <summary>
  8037. Bottom right.
  8038. </summary>
  8039. </member>
  8040. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicType">
  8041. <summary>
  8042. Represents the type of formatting page background with image.
  8043. </summary>
  8044. </member>
  8045. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicType.Position">
  8046. <summary>
  8047. Set the image at specific position.
  8048. </summary>
  8049. </member>
  8050. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicType.Area">
  8051. <summary>
  8052. Stretch the image.
  8053. </summary>
  8054. </member>
  8055. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundGraphicType.Tile">
  8056. <summary>
  8057. Repeat and repeat the image.
  8058. </summary>
  8059. </member>
  8060. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundType">
  8061. <summary>
  8062. Represents the page background type of ods.
  8063. </summary>
  8064. </member>
  8065. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundType.None">
  8066. <summary>
  8067. No background.
  8068. </summary>
  8069. </member>
  8070. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundType.Color">
  8071. <summary>
  8072. Formats the background with color.
  8073. </summary>
  8074. </member>
  8075. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Ods.OdsPageBackgroundType.Graphic">
  8076. <summary>
  8077. Formats the background with image.
  8078. </summary>
  8079. </member>
  8080. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType">
  8081. <summary>
  8082. Enumerates page layout alignment types.
  8083. </summary>
  8084. </member>
  8085. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType.Bottom">
  8086. <summary>
  8087. Represents bottom page layout alignment.
  8088. </summary>
  8089. </member>
  8090. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType.Center">
  8091. <summary>
  8092. Represents center page layout alignment.
  8093. </summary>
  8094. </member>
  8095. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType.Left">
  8096. <summary>
  8097. Represents left page layout alignment.
  8098. </summary>
  8099. </member>
  8100. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType.Right">
  8101. <summary>
  8102. Represents right page layout alignment.
  8103. </summary>
  8104. </member>
  8105. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType.Top">
  8106. <summary>
  8107. Represents top page layout alignment.
  8108. </summary>
  8109. </member>
  8110. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PaneStateType">
  8111. <summary>
  8112. Represents state of the sheet's pane.
  8113. </summary>
  8114. </member>
  8115. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaneStateType.Frozen">
  8116. <summary>
  8117. Panes are frozen, but were not before being frozen.
  8118. </summary>
  8119. </member>
  8120. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaneStateType.FrozenSplit">
  8121. <summary>
  8122. Panes are frozen and were split before being frozen.
  8123. </summary>
  8124. </member>
  8125. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaneStateType.Split">
  8126. <summary>
  8127. Panes are split, but not frozen.
  8128. </summary>
  8129. </member>
  8130. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaneStateType.Normal">
  8131. <summary>
  8132. Panes are not frozen and not split.
  8133. </summary>
  8134. </member>
  8135. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.DataMashup">
  8136. <summary>
  8137. Represents mashup data.
  8138. </summary>
  8139. </member>
  8140. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.DataMashup.PowerQueryFormulas">
  8141. <summary>
  8142. Gets all power query formulas.
  8143. </summary>
  8144. </member>
  8145. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.DataMashup.PowerQueryFormulaParameters">
  8146. <summary>
  8147. Gets all parameters of power query formulas.
  8148. </summary>
  8149. </member>
  8150. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormula">
  8151. <summary>
  8152. Represents the definition of power query formula.
  8153. </summary>
  8154. </member>
  8155. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormula.FormulaDefinition">
  8156. <summary>
  8157. Gets the definition of the power query formula.
  8158. </summary>
  8159. </member>
  8160. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormula.Name">
  8161. <summary>
  8162. Gets and sets the name of the power query formula.
  8163. </summary>
  8164. </member>
  8165. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormula.PowerQueryFormulaItems">
  8166. <summary>
  8167. Gets all items of power query formula.
  8168. </summary>
  8169. </member>
  8170. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaCollction">
  8171. <summary>
  8172. Represents all power query formulas in the mashup data.
  8173. </summary>
  8174. </member>
  8175. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaCollction.Item(System.Int32)">
  8176. <summary>
  8177. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormula" /> by the index in the list.
  8178. </summary>
  8179. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  8180. <returns>
  8181. </returns>
  8182. </member>
  8183. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaCollction.Item(System.String)">
  8184. <summary>
  8185. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormula" /> by the name of the power query formula.
  8186. </summary>
  8187. <param name="name">The name of the item.</param>
  8188. <returns>
  8189. </returns>
  8190. </member>
  8191. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaFunction">
  8192. <summary>
  8193. Represents the function of power query.
  8194. </summary>
  8195. </member>
  8196. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaFunction.F">
  8197. <summary>
  8198. Gets and sets the definition of function.
  8199. </summary>
  8200. </member>
  8201. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaItem">
  8202. <summary>
  8203. Represents the item of the power query formula.
  8204. </summary>
  8205. </member>
  8206. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaItem.Name">
  8207. <summary>
  8208. Gets the name of the item.
  8209. </summary>
  8210. </member>
  8211. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaItem.Value">
  8212. <summary>
  8213. Gets the value of the item.
  8214. </summary>
  8215. </member>
  8216. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaItemCollection">
  8217. <summary>
  8218. Represents all item of the power query formula.
  8219. </summary>
  8220. </member>
  8221. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaItemCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  8222. <summary>
  8223. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaItem" /> by the index in the list.
  8224. </summary>
  8225. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  8226. <returns>
  8227. </returns>
  8228. </member>
  8229. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaItemCollection.Item(System.String)">
  8230. <summary>
  8231. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaItem" /> by the name of the item.
  8232. </summary>
  8233. <param name="name">The name of the item.</param>
  8234. <returns>
  8235. </returns>
  8236. </member>
  8237. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameter">
  8238. <summary>
  8239. Represents the parameter of power query formula.
  8240. </summary>
  8241. </member>
  8242. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameter.Name">
  8243. <summary>
  8244. Gets the name of parameter.
  8245. </summary>
  8246. </member>
  8247. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameter.Value">
  8248. <summary>
  8249. Gets the value of parameter.
  8250. </summary>
  8251. </member>
  8252. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameter.ParameterDefinition">
  8253. <summary>
  8254. Gets the definition of the parameter.
  8255. </summary>
  8256. </member>
  8257. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameterCollection">
  8258. <summary>
  8259. Represents the
  8260. </summary>
  8261. </member>
  8262. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  8263. <summary>
  8264. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameter" /> by the index in the list.
  8265. </summary>
  8266. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  8267. <returns>
  8268. </returns>
  8269. </member>
  8270. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameterCollection.Item(System.String)">
  8271. <summary>
  8272. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTables.PowerQueryFormulaParameter" /> by the name of the item.
  8273. </summary>
  8274. <param name="name">The name of the item.</param>
  8275. <returns>
  8276. </returns>
  8277. </member>
  8278. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Range">
  8279. <summary>
  8280. Encapsulates the object that represents a range of cells within a spreadsheet.
  8281. </summary>
  8282. </member>
  8283. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.GetEnumerator">
  8284. <summary>
  8285. Gets the enumerator for cells in this Range.
  8286. </summary>
  8287. <returns>The cells enumerator</returns>
  8288. <remarks>When traversing elements by the returned Enumerator, the cells collection
  8289. should not be modified(such as operations that will cause new Cell/Row be instantiated or existing Cell/Row be deleted).
  8290. Otherwise the enumerator may not be able to traverse all cells correctly(some elements may be traversed repeatedly or skipped).</remarks>
  8291. </member>
  8292. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.IsIntersect(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  8293. <summary>
  8294. Indicates whether the range is intersect.
  8295. </summary>
  8296. <param name="range">The range.</param>
  8297. <returns> Whether the range is intersect.</returns>
  8298. <remarks>If the two ranges area not in the same worksheet ,return false.</remarks>
  8299. </member>
  8300. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.Intersect(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  8301. <summary>
  8302. Returns a Range object that represents the rectangular intersection of two ranges.
  8303. </summary>
  8304. <param name="range">The intersecting range.</param>
  8305. <returns>a Range object</returns>
  8306. <remarks>If the two ranges are not intersected, returns null.</remarks>
  8307. </member>
  8308. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.Union(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  8309. <summary>
  8310. Returns the union of two ranges.
  8311. </summary>
  8312. <param name="range">The range</param>
  8313. <returns>The union of two ranges.
  8314. </returns>
  8315. </member>
  8316. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.Merge">
  8317. <summary>
  8318. Combines a range of cells into a single cell.
  8319. </summary>
  8320. <remarks>
  8321. Reference the merged cell via the address of the upper-left cell in the range.
  8322. </remarks>
  8323. </member>
  8324. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.UnMerge">
  8325. <summary>
  8326. Unmerges merged cells of this range.
  8327. </summary>
  8328. </member>
  8329. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.PutValue(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  8330. <summary>
  8331. Puts a value into the range, if appropriate the value will be converted to other data type and cell's number format will be reset.
  8332. </summary>
  8333. <param name="stringValue">Input value</param>
  8334. <param name="isConverted">True: converted to other data type if appropriate.</param>
  8335. <param name="setStyle">True: set the number format to cell's style when converting to other data type</param>
  8336. </member>
  8337. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.ApplyStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  8338. <summary>
  8339. Applies formats for a whole range.
  8340. </summary>
  8341. <param name="style">The style object which will be applied.</param>
  8342. <param name="flag">Flags which indicates applied formatting properties.</param>
  8343. <remarks>Each cell in this range will contains a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Style" /> object.
  8344. So this is a memory-consuming method. Please use it carefully.</remarks>
  8345. </member>
  8346. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.SetStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style)">
  8347. <summary>
  8348. Sets the style of the range.
  8349. </summary>
  8350. <param name="style">The Style object.</param>
  8351. </member>
  8352. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.SetOutlineBorders(Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType,System.Drawing.Color)">
  8353. <summary>
  8354. Sets the outline borders around a range of cells with same border style and color.
  8355. </summary>
  8356. <param name="borderStyle">Border style.</param>
  8357. <param name="borderColor">Border color.</param>
  8358. </member>
  8359. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.SetOutlineBorders(Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType[],System.Drawing.Color[])">
  8360. <summary>
  8361. Sets out line borders around a range of cells.
  8362. </summary>
  8363. <param name="borderStyles">Border styles.</param>
  8364. <param name="borderColors">Border colors.</param>
  8365. <remarks>
  8366. Both the length of borderStyles and borderStyles must be 4.
  8367. The order of borderStyles and borderStyles must be top,bottom,left,right
  8368. </remarks>
  8369. </member>
  8370. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.SetOutlineBorder(Aspose.Cells.BorderType,Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType,System.Drawing.Color)">
  8371. <summary>
  8372. Sets outline border around a range of cells.
  8373. </summary>
  8374. <param name="borderEdge">Border edge.</param>
  8375. <param name="borderStyle">Border style.</param>
  8376. <param name="borderColor">Border color.</param>
  8377. </member>
  8378. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.MoveTo(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  8379. <summary>
  8380. Move the current range to the dest range.
  8381. </summary>
  8382. <param name="destRow">The start row of the dest range.</param>
  8383. <param name="destColumn">The start column of the dest range.</param>
  8384. </member>
  8385. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.CopyData(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  8386. <summary>
  8387. Copies cell data (including formulas) from a source range.
  8388. </summary>
  8389. <param name="range">Source <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object.</param>
  8390. </member>
  8391. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.CopyValue(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  8392. <summary>
  8393. Copies cell value from a source range.
  8394. </summary>
  8395. <param name="range">Source <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object.</param>
  8396. </member>
  8397. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.CopyStyle(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  8398. <summary>
  8399. Copies style settings from a source range.
  8400. </summary>
  8401. <param name="range">Source <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object.</param>
  8402. </member>
  8403. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Range,Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions)">
  8404. <summary>
  8405. Copying the range with paste special options.
  8406. </summary>
  8407. <param name="range">The source range.</param>
  8408. <param name="options">The paste special options.</param>
  8409. </member>
  8410. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  8411. <summary>
  8412. Copies data (including formulas), formatting, drawing objects etc. from a source range.
  8413. </summary>
  8414. <param name="range">Source <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object.</param>
  8415. </member>
  8416. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.GetCellOrNull(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  8417. <summary>
  8418. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> object or null in this range.
  8419. </summary>
  8420. <param name="rowOffset">Row offset in this range, zero based.</param>
  8421. <param name="columnOffset">Column offset in this range, zero based.</param>
  8422. <returns>
  8423. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> object.</returns>
  8424. </member>
  8425. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.GetOffset(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  8426. <summary>
  8427. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> range by offset.
  8428. </summary>
  8429. <param name="rowOffset">Row offset in this range, zero based.</param>
  8430. <param name="columnOffset">Column offset in this range, zero based.</param>
  8431. <returns>
  8432. </returns>
  8433. </member>
  8434. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.ToString">
  8435. <summary>
  8436. Returns a string represents the current Range object.
  8437. </summary>
  8438. <returns>
  8439. </returns>
  8440. </member>
  8441. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.ExportDataTable">
  8442. <summary>
  8443. Exports data in this range to a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.
  8444. </summary>
  8445. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.</returns>
  8446. </member>
  8447. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.ExportDataTable(Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions)">
  8448. <summary>
  8449. Exports data in this range to a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.
  8450. </summary>
  8451. <param name="options">The options of exporting range to datatable.</param>
  8452. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.</returns>
  8453. </member>
  8454. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Range.ExportDataTableAsString">
  8455. <summary>
  8456. Exports data in this range to a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.
  8457. </summary>
  8458. <returns>Exported <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> object.</returns>
  8459. <remarks>All data in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cells" /> collection are converted to strings.</remarks>
  8460. </member>
  8461. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.Hyperlinks">
  8462. <summary>
  8463. Gets all hyperlink in the range.
  8464. </summary>
  8465. </member>
  8466. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.RowCount">
  8467. <summary>
  8468. Gets the count of rows in the range.
  8469. </summary>
  8470. </member>
  8471. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.ColumnCount">
  8472. <summary>
  8473. Gets the count of columns in the range.
  8474. </summary>
  8475. </member>
  8476. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.CellCount">
  8477. <summary>
  8478. Gets all cell count in the range.
  8479. </summary>
  8480. </member>
  8481. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.Name">
  8482. <summary>
  8483. Gets or sets the name of the range.
  8484. </summary>
  8485. <remarks>Named range is supported. For example,
  8486. <p>range.Name = "Sheet1!MyRange";</p></remarks>
  8487. </member>
  8488. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.RefersTo">
  8489. <summary>
  8490. Gets the range's refers to.
  8491. </summary>
  8492. </member>
  8493. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.Address">
  8494. <summary>
  8495. Gets address of the range.
  8496. </summary>
  8497. </member>
  8498. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.FirstRow">
  8499. <summary>
  8500. Gets the index of the first row of the range.
  8501. </summary>
  8502. </member>
  8503. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.FirstColumn">
  8504. <summary>
  8505. Gets the index of the first column of the range.
  8506. </summary>
  8507. </member>
  8508. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.Value">
  8509. <summary>
  8510. Gets and sets the value of the range.
  8511. </summary>
  8512. <remarks>
  8513. If the range contains multiple cells, return a two-dimension <see cref="T:System.Array" /> object.
  8514. If applies object array to the range, it should be a two-dimension <see cref="T:System.Array" /> object.
  8515. </remarks>
  8516. </member>
  8517. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.ColumnWidth">
  8518. <summary>
  8519. Sets or gets the column width of this range
  8520. </summary>
  8521. </member>
  8522. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.RowHeight">
  8523. <summary>
  8524. Sets or gets the height of rows in this range
  8525. </summary>
  8526. </member>
  8527. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  8528. <summary>
  8529. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> object in this range.
  8530. </summary>
  8531. <param name="rowOffset">Row offset in this range, zero based.</param>
  8532. <param name="columnOffset">Column offset in this range, zero based.</param>
  8533. <returns>
  8534. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Cell" /> object.</returns>
  8535. </member>
  8536. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.EntireColumn">
  8537. <summary>
  8538. Gets a Range object that represents the entire column (or columns) that contains the specified range.
  8539. </summary>
  8540. </member>
  8541. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.EntireRow">
  8542. <summary>
  8543. Gets a Range object that represents the entire row (or rows) that contains the specified range.
  8544. </summary>
  8545. </member>
  8546. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.Worksheet">
  8547. <summary>
  8548. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Range.Worksheet" />object which contains this range.
  8549. </summary>
  8550. </member>
  8551. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ResourceLoadingType">
  8552. <summary>
  8553. Represents how to loading the linked resource.
  8554. </summary>
  8555. </member>
  8556. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ResourceLoadingType.Default">
  8557. <summary>
  8558. Loads this resource as usual.
  8559. </summary>
  8560. </member>
  8561. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ResourceLoadingType.Skip">
  8562. <summary>
  8563. Skips loading of this resource.
  8564. </summary>
  8565. </member>
  8566. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ResourceLoadingType.UserProvided">
  8567. <summary>
  8568. Use stream provided by user
  8569. </summary>
  8570. </member>
  8571. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.RowCollection">
  8572. <summary>
  8573. Collects the <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Row" /> objects that represent the individual rows in a worksheet.
  8574. </summary>
  8575. </member>
  8576. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.RowCollection.GetEnumerator">
  8577. <summary>
  8578. Gets an enumerator that iterates through this collection
  8579. </summary>
  8580. <returns>enumerator</returns>
  8581. </member>
  8582. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.RowCollection.GetRowByIndex(System.Int32)">
  8583. <summary>
  8584. Gets the row object by the position in the list.
  8585. </summary>
  8586. <param name="index">The position.</param>
  8587. <returns>The Row object at given position.</returns>
  8588. </member>
  8589. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.RowCollection.Clear">
  8590. <summary>
  8591. Clear all rows and cells.
  8592. </summary>
  8593. </member>
  8594. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.RowCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  8595. <summary>
  8596. Remove the row at the specified index
  8597. </summary>
  8598. <param name="index">zero-based row index</param>
  8599. </member>
  8600. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.RowCollection.Count">
  8601. <summary>
  8602. Gets the number of rows in this collection.
  8603. </summary>
  8604. </member>
  8605. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.RowCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  8606. <summary>
  8607. Gets a <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Row" /> object by given row index. The Row object of given row index will be instantiated if it does not exist before.
  8608. </summary>
  8609. </member>
  8610. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Row">
  8611. <summary>
  8612. Represents a single row in a worksheet.
  8613. </summary>
  8614. </member>
  8615. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Row.GetCellByIndex(System.Int32)">
  8616. <summary>
  8617. Get the cell by specific index in the list.
  8618. </summary>
  8619. <param name="index">The position.</param>
  8620. <returns>The Cell object.</returns>
  8621. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete.
  8622. Instead, please use Row.GetEnumerator() method to iterate all cells in this row.
  8623. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2015.
  8624. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  8625. </member>
  8626. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Row.GetEnumerator">
  8627. <summary>
  8628. Gets the cells enumerator
  8629. </summary>
  8630. <returns>The cells enumerator</returns>
  8631. </member>
  8632. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Row.GetCellOrNull(System.Int32)">
  8633. <summary>
  8634. Gets the cell or null in the specific index.
  8635. </summary>
  8636. <param name="column">The column index</param>
  8637. <returns>Returns the cell object if the cell exists.
  8638. Or returns null if the cell object does not exist.</returns>
  8639. </member>
  8640. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Row.CopySettings(Aspose.Cells.Row,System.Boolean)">
  8641. <summary>
  8642. Copy settings of row, such as style, height, visibility, ...etc.
  8643. </summary>
  8644. <param name="source">the source row whose settings will be copied to this one</param>
  8645. <param name="checkStyle">whether check and gather style.
  8646. Only takes effect and be needed when two row objects belong to different workbook and the styles of two workbooks are different.</param>
  8647. </member>
  8648. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Row.ApplyStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  8649. <summary>
  8650. Applies formats for a whole row.
  8651. </summary>
  8652. <param name="style">The style object which will be applied.</param>
  8653. <param name="flag">Flags which indicates applied formatting properties.</param>
  8654. </member>
  8655. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Row.Equals(System.Object)">
  8656. <summary>
  8657. Checks whether this object refers to the same row with another.
  8658. </summary>
  8659. <param name="obj">another object</param>
  8660. <returns>true if two objects refers to the same row.</returns>
  8661. </member>
  8662. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Row.Equals(Aspose.Cells.Row)">
  8663. <summary>
  8664. Checks whether this object refers to the same row with another row object.
  8665. </summary>
  8666. <param name="row">another row object</param>
  8667. <returns>true if two row objects refers to the same row.</returns>
  8668. </member>
  8669. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.IsBlank">
  8670. <summary>
  8671. Indicates whether the row contains any data
  8672. </summary>
  8673. </member>
  8674. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.Item(System.Int32)">
  8675. <summary>
  8676. Gets the cell.
  8677. </summary>
  8678. <param name="column">The column index</param>
  8679. <returns>
  8680. </returns>
  8681. </member>
  8682. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.Height">
  8683. <summary>
  8684. Gets and sets the row height in unit of Points.
  8685. </summary>
  8686. </member>
  8687. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.IsHidden">
  8688. <summary>
  8689. Indicates whether the row is hidden.
  8690. </summary>
  8691. </member>
  8692. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.Index">
  8693. <summary>
  8694. Gets the index of this row.
  8695. </summary>
  8696. </member>
  8697. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.GroupLevel">
  8698. <summary>
  8699. Gets the group level of the row.
  8700. </summary>
  8701. </member>
  8702. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.IsHeightMatched">
  8703. <summary>
  8704. Indicates that row height and default font height matches
  8705. </summary>
  8706. </member>
  8707. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.Style">
  8708. <summary>
  8709. Represents the style of this row.
  8710. </summary>
  8711. <remarks> You have to call Row.ApplyStyle() method to save your changing with the row style,
  8712. otherwise it will not effect.
  8713. </remarks>
  8714. </member>
  8715. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.FirstCell">
  8716. <summary>
  8717. Gets the first cell object in the row.
  8718. </summary>
  8719. </member>
  8720. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.FirstDataCell">
  8721. <summary>
  8722. Gets the first non-blank cell in the row.
  8723. </summary>
  8724. </member>
  8725. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.LastCell">
  8726. <summary>
  8727. Gets the last cell object in the row.
  8728. </summary>
  8729. </member>
  8730. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Row.LastDataCell">
  8731. <summary>
  8732. Gets the last non-blank cell in the row.
  8733. </summary>
  8734. </member>
  8735. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DocxSaveOptions">
  8736. <summary>
  8737. Represents options of saving docx file.
  8738. </summary>
  8739. </member>
  8740. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions">
  8741. <summary>
  8742. Represents all save options
  8743. </summary>
  8744. </member>
  8745. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  8746. <summary>
  8747. Gets the save file format.
  8748. </summary>
  8749. </member>
  8750. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.ClearData">
  8751. <summary>
  8752. Make the workbook empty after saving the file.
  8753. </summary>
  8754. </member>
  8755. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.CachedFileFolder">
  8756. <summary>
  8757. The cached file folder is used to store some large data.
  8758. </summary>
  8759. </member>
  8760. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.ValidateMergedAreas">
  8761. <summary>
  8762. Indicates whether validate merged cells before saving the file.
  8763. </summary>
  8764. <remarks>
  8765. The default value is false.
  8766. </remarks>
  8767. </member>
  8768. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.MergeAreas">
  8769. <summary>
  8770. Indicates whether merge the areas of conditional formatting and validation before saving the file.
  8771. </summary>
  8772. <remarks>
  8773. The default value is false.
  8774. </remarks>
  8775. </member>
  8776. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.CreateDirectory">
  8777. <summary>
  8778. If true and the directory does not exist, the directory will be automatically created before saving the file.
  8779. </summary>
  8780. <remarks>
  8781. The default value is false.
  8782. </remarks>
  8783. </member>
  8784. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.SortNames">
  8785. <summary>
  8786. Indicates whether sorting defined names before saving file.
  8787. </summary>
  8788. </member>
  8789. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.RefreshChartCache">
  8790. <summary>
  8791. Indicates whether refreshing chart cache data
  8792. </summary>
  8793. </member>
  8794. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.PdfExportImagesFolder">
  8795. <summary>
  8796. The physical folder where images will be saved when exporting a workbook to Aspose.Pdf XML format.
  8797. Default is an empty string.
  8798. </summary>
  8799. </member>
  8800. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.EnableHTTPCompression">
  8801. <summary>
  8802. Indicates if http compression is to be used in user's IIS.
  8803. </summary>
  8804. <remarks>Please specify this property to true if http compression is used.</remarks>
  8805. </member>
  8806. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.WarningCallback">
  8807. <summary>
  8808. Gets or sets warning callback.
  8809. </summary>
  8810. </member>
  8811. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions.UpdateSmartArt">
  8812. <summary>
  8813. Indicates whether updating smart art setting.
  8814. The default value is false.
  8815. </summary>
  8816. <remarks>
  8817. Only effects after calling Shape.GetResultOfSmartArt() method and the cached shapes exist in the template file.
  8818. </remarks>
  8819. </member>
  8820. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DocxSaveOptions.#ctor">
  8821. <summary>
  8822. Represents the pptx save options.
  8823. </summary>
  8824. </member>
  8825. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.MarkdownSaveOptions">
  8826. <summary>
  8827. Represents the save options for markdown.
  8828. </summary>
  8829. </member>
  8830. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.MarkdownSaveOptions.#ctor">
  8831. <summary>
  8832. Creates options for saving markdown document
  8833. </summary>
  8834. </member>
  8835. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.MarkdownSaveOptions.Encoding">
  8836. <summary>
  8837. Gets and sets the default encoding.
  8838. </summary>
  8839. </member>
  8840. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.MarkdownSaveOptions.FormatStrategy">
  8841. <summary>
  8842. Gets and sets the format strategy when exporting the cell value as string.
  8843. </summary>
  8844. </member>
  8845. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.MarkdownSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider">
  8846. <summary>
  8847. The Data provider to provide cells data for saving workbook in light mode.
  8848. </summary>
  8849. </member>
  8850. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.MarkdownSaveOptions.LineSeparator">
  8851. <summary>
  8852. Gets and sets the line separator.
  8853. </summary>
  8854. </member>
  8855. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompliance">
  8856. <summary>
  8857. Allows to specify which OOXML specification will be used when saving in the Xlsx format.
  8858. </summary>
  8859. </member>
  8860. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompliance.Ecma376_2006">
  8861. <summary>
  8862. ECMA-376 1st Edition, 2006.
  8863. </summary>
  8864. </member>
  8865. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Strict">
  8866. <summary>
  8867. ISO/IEC 29500:2008 Strict compliance level.
  8868. </summary>
  8869. </member>
  8870. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType">
  8871. <summary>
  8872. The Ooxml compression type
  8873. </summary>
  8874. </member>
  8875. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level1">
  8876. <summary>
  8877. The fastest but least effective compression.
  8878. </summary>
  8879. </member>
  8880. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level2">
  8881. <summary>
  8882. A little slower, but better, than level 1.
  8883. </summary>
  8884. </member>
  8885. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level3">
  8886. <summary>
  8887. A little slower, but better, than level 2.
  8888. </summary>
  8889. </member>
  8890. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level4">
  8891. <summary>
  8892. A little slower, but better, than level 3.
  8893. </summary>
  8894. </member>
  8895. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level5">
  8896. <summary>
  8897. A little slower than level 4, but with better compression.
  8898. </summary>
  8899. </member>
  8900. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level6">
  8901. <summary>
  8902. A good balance of speed and compression efficiency.
  8903. </summary>
  8904. </member>
  8905. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level7">
  8906. <summary>
  8907. Pretty good compression!
  8908. </summary>
  8909. </member>
  8910. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level8">
  8911. <summary>
  8912. Better compression than Level7!
  8913. </summary>
  8914. </member>
  8915. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlCompressionType.Level9">
  8916. <summary>
  8917. The "best" compression, where best means greatest reduction in size of the input data stream.
  8918. This is also the slowest compression.
  8919. </summary>
  8920. </member>
  8921. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PptxSaveOptions">
  8922. <summary>
  8923. Represents the pptx save options.
  8924. </summary>
  8925. </member>
  8926. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PptxSaveOptions.#ctor">
  8927. <summary>
  8928. Represents the pptx save options.
  8929. </summary>
  8930. </member>
  8931. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKeyCollection">
  8932. <summary>
  8933. Represents the key list of data sorter.
  8934. </summary>
  8935. </member>
  8936. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKeyCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  8937. <summary>
  8938. Gets and sets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKey" /> by index.
  8939. </summary>
  8940. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  8941. <returns>
  8942. </returns>
  8943. </member>
  8944. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableToRangeOptions">
  8945. <summary>
  8946. Represents the options when converting table to range.
  8947. </summary>
  8948. </member>
  8949. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableToRangeOptions.LastRow">
  8950. <summary>
  8951. Gets and sets the last row index of the table.
  8952. </summary>
  8953. </member>
  8954. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TargetModeType">
  8955. <summary>
  8956. Represents the type of target mode.
  8957. </summary>
  8958. </member>
  8959. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TargetModeType.External">
  8960. <summary>
  8961. External link
  8962. </summary>
  8963. </member>
  8964. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TargetModeType.FilePath">
  8965. <summary>
  8966. Local and full paths to files\folders.
  8967. </summary>
  8968. </member>
  8969. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TargetModeType.Email">
  8970. <summary>
  8971. Email.
  8972. </summary>
  8973. </member>
  8974. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TargetModeType.CellReference">
  8975. <summary>
  8976. Link on cell or named range.
  8977. </summary>
  8978. </member>
  8979. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange">
  8980. <summary>
  8981. Represents union range.
  8982. </summary>
  8983. </member>
  8984. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Merge">
  8985. <summary>
  8986. Combines a range of cells into a single cell.
  8987. </summary>
  8988. <remarks>
  8989. Reference the merged cell via the address of the upper-left cell in the range.
  8990. </remarks>
  8991. </member>
  8992. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.UnMerge">
  8993. <summary>
  8994. Unmerges merged cells of this range.
  8995. </summary>
  8996. </member>
  8997. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.PutValue(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  8998. <summary>
  8999. Puts a value into the range, if appropriate the value will be converted to other data type and cell's number format will be reset.
  9000. </summary>
  9001. <param name="stringValue">Input value</param>
  9002. <param name="isConverted">True: converted to other data type if appropriate.</param>
  9003. <param name="setStyle">True: set the number format to cell's style when converting to other data type</param>
  9004. </member>
  9005. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.SetStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style)">
  9006. <summary>
  9007. Sets the style of the range.
  9008. </summary>
  9009. <param name="style">The Style object.</param>
  9010. </member>
  9011. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.ApplyStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  9012. <summary>
  9013. Applies formats for a whole range.
  9014. </summary>
  9015. <param name="style">The style object which will be applied.</param>
  9016. <param name="flag">Flags which indicates applied formatting properties.</param>
  9017. <remarks>Each cell in this range will contains a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Style" /> object.
  9018. So this is a memory-consuming method. Please use it carefully.</remarks>
  9019. </member>
  9020. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Copy(Aspose.Cells.UnionRange,Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions)">
  9021. <summary>
  9022. Copying the range with paste special options.
  9023. </summary>
  9024. <param name="range">The source range.</param>
  9025. <param name="options">The paste special options.</param>
  9026. </member>
  9027. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.GetEnumerator">
  9028. <summary>
  9029. Gets the enumerator for cells in this Range.
  9030. </summary>
  9031. <returns>The cells enumerator</returns>
  9032. <remarks>When traversing elements by the returned Enumerator, the cells collection
  9033. should not be modified(such as operations that will cause new Cell/Row be instantiated or existing Cell/Row be deleted).
  9034. Otherwise the enumerator may not be able to traverse all cells correctly(some elements may be traversed repeatedly or skipped).</remarks>
  9035. </member>
  9036. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.SetOutlineBorders(Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType[],System.Drawing.Color[])">
  9037. <summary>
  9038. Sets out line borders around a range of cells.
  9039. </summary>
  9040. <param name="borderStyles">Border styles.</param>
  9041. <param name="borderColors">Border colors.</param>
  9042. <remarks>
  9043. Both the length of borderStyles and borderStyles must be 4.
  9044. The order of borderStyles and borderStyles must be top,bottom,left,right
  9045. </remarks>
  9046. </member>
  9047. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.SetOutlineBorders(Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType,System.Drawing.Color)">
  9048. <summary>
  9049. Sets the outline borders around a range of cells with same border style and color.
  9050. </summary>
  9051. <param name="borderStyle">Border style.</param>
  9052. <param name="borderColor">Border color.</param>
  9053. </member>
  9054. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Intersect(System.String)">
  9055. <summary>
  9056. Intersects another range.
  9057. </summary>
  9058. <param name="range">The range.</param>
  9059. <remarks>If the two union ranges are not intersected, returns null.</remarks>
  9060. </member>
  9061. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Intersect(Aspose.Cells.UnionRange)">
  9062. <summary>
  9063. Intersects another range.
  9064. </summary>
  9065. <param name="unionRange">The range.</param>
  9066. <remarks>If the two union ranges are not intersected, returns null.</remarks>
  9067. </member>
  9068. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Intersect(Aspose.Cells.Range[])">
  9069. <summary>
  9070. Intersects another range.
  9071. </summary>
  9072. <param name="ranges">The range.</param>
  9073. <remarks>If the two union ranges are not intersected, returns null.</remarks>
  9074. </member>
  9075. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Union(System.String)">
  9076. <summary>
  9077. Union another range.
  9078. </summary>
  9079. <param name="range">The range.</param>
  9080. <returns>
  9081. </returns>
  9082. </member>
  9083. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Union(Aspose.Cells.UnionRange)">
  9084. <summary>
  9085. Union another range.
  9086. </summary>
  9087. <param name="unionRange">The range.</param>
  9088. <returns>
  9089. </returns>
  9090. </member>
  9091. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Union(Aspose.Cells.Range[])">
  9092. <summary>
  9093. Union the ranges.
  9094. </summary>
  9095. <param name="ranges">The ranges.</param>
  9096. <returns>
  9097. </returns>
  9098. </member>
  9099. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.FirstRow">
  9100. <summary>
  9101. Gets the index of the first row of the range.
  9102. </summary>
  9103. <remarks>
  9104. Only effects when it only contains one range.
  9105. </remarks>
  9106. </member>
  9107. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.FirstColumn">
  9108. <summary>
  9109. Gets the index of the first column of the range.
  9110. </summary>
  9111. <remarks>
  9112. Only effects when it only contains one range.
  9113. </remarks>
  9114. </member>
  9115. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.RowCount">
  9116. <summary>
  9117. Gets the count of rows in the range.
  9118. </summary>
  9119. <remarks>
  9120. Only effects when it only contains one range.
  9121. </remarks>
  9122. </member>
  9123. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.ColumnCount">
  9124. <summary>
  9125. Gets the count of rows in the range.
  9126. </summary>
  9127. <remarks>
  9128. Only effects when it only contains one range.
  9129. </remarks>
  9130. </member>
  9131. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Value">
  9132. <summary>
  9133. Gets and sets the values of the range.
  9134. </summary>
  9135. </member>
  9136. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Name">
  9137. <summary>
  9138. Gets or sets the name of the range.
  9139. </summary>
  9140. <remarks>Named range is supported. For example,
  9141. <p>range.Name = "Sheet1!MyRange";</p></remarks>
  9142. </member>
  9143. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.RefersTo">
  9144. <summary>
  9145. Gets the range's refers to.
  9146. </summary>
  9147. </member>
  9148. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.HasRange">
  9149. <summary>
  9150. Indicates whether this has range.
  9151. </summary>
  9152. </member>
  9153. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Hyperlinks">
  9154. <summary>
  9155. Gets all hyperlink in the range.
  9156. </summary>
  9157. </member>
  9158. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.CellCount">
  9159. <summary>
  9160. Gets all cell count in the range.
  9161. </summary>
  9162. </member>
  9163. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.RangeCount">
  9164. <summary>
  9165. Gets the count of the ranges.
  9166. </summary>
  9167. </member>
  9168. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.UnionRange.Ranges">
  9169. <summary>
  9170. Gets all union ranges.
  9171. </summary>
  9172. </member>
  9173. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Utility.ExportRangeToJsonOptions">
  9174. <summary>
  9175. Indicates the options that exporting range to json.
  9176. </summary>
  9177. </member>
  9178. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.ExportRangeToJsonOptions.HasHeaderRow">
  9179. <summary>
  9180. Indicates whether the range contains header row.
  9181. </summary>
  9182. </member>
  9183. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.ExportRangeToJsonOptions.ExportAsString">
  9184. <summary>
  9185. Exports the string value of the cells to json.
  9186. </summary>
  9187. </member>
  9188. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.ExportRangeToJsonOptions.Indent">
  9189. <summary>
  9190. Indicates the indent.
  9191. </summary>
  9192. <remarks>
  9193. If the indent is null or empty, the exported json is not formatted.
  9194. </remarks>
  9195. </member>
  9196. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions">
  9197. <summary>
  9198. Represents the options of json layout type.
  9199. </summary>
  9200. </member>
  9201. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions.ArrayAsTable">
  9202. <summary>
  9203. Processes Array as table.
  9204. </summary>
  9205. </member>
  9206. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions.IgnoreNull">
  9207. <summary>
  9208. Indicates whether ignoring null value.
  9209. </summary>
  9210. </member>
  9211. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions.IgnoreArrayTitle">
  9212. <summary>
  9213. Indicates whether ignore title if array is a property of object.
  9214. </summary>
  9215. </member>
  9216. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions.IgnoreObjectTitle">
  9217. <summary>
  9218. Indicates whether ignore title if object is a property of object.
  9219. </summary>
  9220. </member>
  9221. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions.ConvertNumericOrDate">
  9222. <summary>
  9223. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the string in json is converted to numeric or date.
  9224. </summary>
  9225. </member>
  9226. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions.NumberFormat">
  9227. <summary>
  9228. Gets and sets the format of numeric value.
  9229. </summary>
  9230. </member>
  9231. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions.DateFormat">
  9232. <summary>
  9233. Gets and sets the format of date value.
  9234. </summary>
  9235. </member>
  9236. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions.TitleStyle">
  9237. <summary>
  9238. Gets and sets the style of the title.
  9239. </summary>
  9240. </member>
  9241. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonUtility">
  9242. <summary>
  9243. Represents the utility class of processing json.
  9244. </summary>
  9245. </member>
  9246. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonUtility.ImportData(System.String,Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonLayoutOptions)">
  9247. <summary>
  9248. Import the json string.
  9249. </summary>
  9250. <param name="json">The json string.</param>
  9251. <param name="cells">The Cells.</param>
  9252. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  9253. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  9254. <param name="option">The options of import json string.</param>
  9255. </member>
  9256. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Utility.JsonUtility.ExportRangeToJson(Aspose.Cells.Range,Aspose.Cells.Utility.ExportRangeToJsonOptions)">
  9257. <summary>
  9258. Exporting the range to json file.
  9259. </summary>
  9260. <param name="range">The range.</param>
  9261. <param name="options">The options of exporting.</param>
  9262. <returns>The json string value.</returns>
  9263. </member>
  9264. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPane">
  9265. <summary>
  9266. Represents a persisted taskpane object.
  9267. </summary>
  9268. </member>
  9269. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPane.WebExtension">
  9270. <summary>
  9271. Gets and sets the web extension part associated with the taskpane instance
  9272. </summary>
  9273. </member>
  9274. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPane.DockState">
  9275. <summary>
  9276. Gets and sets the last-docked location of this taskpane object.
  9277. </summary>
  9278. </member>
  9279. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPane.IsVisible">
  9280. <summary>
  9281. Indicates whether the Task Pane shows as visible by default when the document opens.
  9282. </summary>
  9283. </member>
  9284. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPane.IsLocked">
  9285. <summary>
  9286. Indicates whether the taskpane is locked to the document in the UI and cannot be closed by the user.
  9287. </summary>
  9288. </member>
  9289. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPane.Width">
  9290. <summary>
  9291. Gets and sets the default width value for this taskpane instance.
  9292. </summary>
  9293. </member>
  9294. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPane.Row">
  9295. <summary>
  9296. Gets and sets the index, enumerating from the outside to the inside, of this taskpane among other persisted taskpanes docked in the same default location.
  9297. </summary>
  9298. </member>
  9299. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPaneCollection">
  9300. <summary>
  9301. Represents the list of task pane.
  9302. </summary>
  9303. </member>
  9304. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPaneCollection.Add">
  9305. <summary>
  9306. Adds task pane.
  9307. </summary>
  9308. <returns>The index.</returns>
  9309. </member>
  9310. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionTaskPaneCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  9311. <summary>
  9312. Gets task pane by the specific index.
  9313. </summary>
  9314. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  9315. <returns>The task pane.</returns>
  9316. </member>
  9317. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtension">
  9318. <summary>
  9319. Represents an Office Add-in instance.
  9320. </summary>
  9321. </member>
  9322. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtension.Id">
  9323. <summary>
  9324. Gets and sets the uniquely identifies the Office Add-in instance in the current document.
  9325. </summary>
  9326. </member>
  9327. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtension.IsFrozen">
  9328. <summary>
  9329. Indicates whether the user can interact with the Office Add-in or not.
  9330. </summary>
  9331. </member>
  9332. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtension.Reference">
  9333. <summary>
  9334. Get the primary reference to an Office Add-in.
  9335. </summary>
  9336. </member>
  9337. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtension.AlterReferences">
  9338. <summary>
  9339. Gets a list of alter references.
  9340. </summary>
  9341. </member>
  9342. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtension.Properties">
  9343. <summary>
  9344. Gets all properties of web extension.
  9345. </summary>
  9346. </member>
  9347. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtension.Bindings">
  9348. <summary>
  9349. Gets all bindings relationship between an Office Add-in and the data in the document.
  9350. </summary>
  9351. </member>
  9352. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding">
  9353. <summary>
  9354. Represents a binding relationship between an Office Add-in and the data in the document.
  9355. </summary>
  9356. </member>
  9357. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding.Id">
  9358. <summary>
  9359. Gets and sets the binding identifier.
  9360. </summary>
  9361. </member>
  9362. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding.Type">
  9363. <summary>
  9364. Gets and sets the binding type.
  9365. </summary>
  9366. </member>
  9367. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding.Appref">
  9368. <summary>
  9369. Gets and sets the binding key used to map the binding entry in this list with the bound data in the document.
  9370. </summary>
  9371. </member>
  9372. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingCollection">
  9373. <summary>
  9374. Represents the list of binding relationships between an Office Add-in and the data in the document.
  9375. </summary>
  9376. </member>
  9377. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingCollection.Add">
  9378. <summary>
  9379. Adds an a binding relationship between an Office Add-in and the data in the document.
  9380. </summary>
  9381. <returns>
  9382. </returns>
  9383. </member>
  9384. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  9385. <summary>
  9386. Gets web extension binding relationship by the specific index.
  9387. </summary>
  9388. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  9389. <returns>The web extension binding relationship </returns>
  9390. </member>
  9391. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionCollection">
  9392. <summary>
  9393. Represents the list of web extension.
  9394. </summary>
  9395. </member>
  9396. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionCollection.Add">
  9397. <summary>
  9398. Adds a web extension.
  9399. </summary>
  9400. <returns>The index.</returns>
  9401. </member>
  9402. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  9403. <summary>
  9404. Remove web extension by the index.
  9405. </summary>
  9406. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  9407. </member>
  9408. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  9409. <summary>
  9410. Gets web extension by the specific index.
  9411. </summary>
  9412. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  9413. <returns>The web extension. </returns>
  9414. </member>
  9415. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionProperty">
  9416. <summary>
  9417. Represents an Office Add-in custom property.
  9418. </summary>
  9419. </member>
  9420. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionProperty.Name">
  9421. <summary>
  9422. Gets and set a custom property name.
  9423. </summary>
  9424. </member>
  9425. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionProperty.Value">
  9426. <summary>
  9427. Gets and sets a custom property value.
  9428. </summary>
  9429. </member>
  9430. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionPropertyCollection">
  9431. <summary>
  9432. Represents the list of web extension properties.
  9433. </summary>
  9434. </member>
  9435. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionPropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  9436. <summary>
  9437. Adds web extension property.
  9438. </summary>
  9439. <param name="name">The name of property.</param>
  9440. <param name="value">The value of property.</param>
  9441. <returns>The index of added property.</returns>
  9442. </member>
  9443. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionPropertyCollection.RemoveAt(System.String)">
  9444. <summary>
  9445. Remove the property by the name.
  9446. </summary>
  9447. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  9448. </member>
  9449. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionPropertyCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  9450. <summary>
  9451. Gets the property of web extension by the index.
  9452. </summary>
  9453. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  9454. <returns>The property of web extension. </returns>
  9455. </member>
  9456. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionPropertyCollection.Item(System.String)">
  9457. <summary>
  9458. Gets the property of web extension.
  9459. </summary>
  9460. <param name="name">The name of property.</param>
  9461. <returns>The property of web extension. </returns>
  9462. </member>
  9463. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference">
  9464. <summary>
  9465. Represents identify the provider location and version of the extension.
  9466. </summary>
  9467. </member>
  9468. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference.Id">
  9469. <summary>
  9470. Gets and sets the identifier associated with the Office Add-in within a catalog provider.
  9471. The identifier MUST be unique within a catalog provider.
  9472. </summary>
  9473. </member>
  9474. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference.Version">
  9475. <summary>
  9476. Gets and sets the version.
  9477. </summary>
  9478. </member>
  9479. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference.StoreName">
  9480. <summary>
  9481. Gets and sets the instance of the marketplace where the Office Add-in is stored. .
  9482. </summary>
  9483. </member>
  9484. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference.StoreType">
  9485. <summary>
  9486. Gets and sets the type of marketplace that the store attribute identifies.
  9487. </summary>
  9488. </member>
  9489. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReferenceCollection">
  9490. <summary>
  9491. Represents the list of web extension reference.
  9492. </summary>
  9493. </member>
  9494. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReferenceCollection.Add">
  9495. <summary>
  9496. Adds an empty reference of web extension.
  9497. </summary>
  9498. <returns>
  9499. </returns>
  9500. </member>
  9501. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReferenceCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  9502. <summary>
  9503. Gets web extension by the specific index.
  9504. </summary>
  9505. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  9506. <returns>The web extension</returns>
  9507. </member>
  9508. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType">
  9509. <summary>
  9510. Represents the store type of web extension.
  9511. </summary>
  9512. </member>
  9513. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.OMEX">
  9514. <summary>
  9515. Specifies that the store type is
  9516. </summary>
  9517. </member>
  9518. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.SPCatalog">
  9519. <summary>
  9520. Specifies that the store type is SharePoint corporate catalog.
  9521. </summary>
  9522. </member>
  9523. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.SPApp">
  9524. <summary>
  9525. Specifies that the store type is a SharePoint web application.
  9526. </summary>
  9527. </member>
  9528. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.Exchange">
  9529. <summary>
  9530. Specifies that the store type is an Exchange server.
  9531. </summary>
  9532. </member>
  9533. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.FileSystem">
  9534. <summary>
  9535. Specifies that the store type is a file system share.
  9536. </summary>
  9537. </member>
  9538. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.Registry">
  9539. <summary>
  9540. Specifies that the store type is the system registry.
  9541. </summary>
  9542. </member>
  9543. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.ExCatalog">
  9544. <summary>
  9545. Specifies that the store type is Centralized Deployment via Exchange.
  9546. </summary>
  9547. </member>
  9548. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook">
  9549. <summary>
  9550. Represents a root object to create an Excel spreadsheet.
  9551. </summary>
  9552. <remarks>The Workbook class denotes an Excel spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet can contain multiple worksheets.
  9553. The basic feature of the class is to open and save native excel files.
  9554. The class has some advanced features like copying data from other Workbooks, combining two Workbooks and protecting the Excel spreadsheet.
  9555. </remarks>
  9556. <example>
  9557. The following example creates a Workbook, opens a file named designer.xls in it and makes the horizontal and vertical scroll bars invisible for the Workbook. It then replaces two string values with an Integer value and string value respectively within the spreadsheet and finally sends the updated file to the client browser.
  9558. <code>
  9559. [C#]
  9560. //Open a designer file
  9561. string designerFile = MapPath("Designer") + "\\designer.xls";
  9562. Workbook workbook = new Workbook(designerFile);
  9563. //Set scroll bars
  9564. workbook.Settings.IsHScrollBarVisible = false;
  9565. workbook.Settings.IsVScrollBarVisible = false;
  9566. //Replace the placeholder string with new values
  9567. int newInt = 100;
  9568. workbook.Replace("OldInt", newInt);
  9569. string newString = "Hello!";
  9570. workbook.Replace("OldString", newString);
  9571. XlsSaveOptions saveOptions = new XlsSaveOptions();
  9572. workbook.Save(Response, "result.xls", ContentDisposition.Inline, saveOptions);
  9573. [Visual Basic]
  9574. 'Open a designer file
  9575. Dim designerFile as String = MapPath("Designer") + "\designer.xls"
  9576. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook(designerFile)
  9577. 'Set scroll bars
  9578. workbook.IsHScrollBarVisible = False
  9579. workbook.IsVScrollBarVisible = False
  9580. 'Replace the placeholder string with new values
  9581. Dim newInt as Integer = 100
  9582. workbook.Replace("OldInt", newInt)
  9583. Dim newString as String = "Hello!"
  9584. workbook.Replace("OldString", newString)
  9585. Dim saveOptions as XlsSaveOptions = new XlsSaveOptions()
  9586. workbook.Save(Response, "result.xls", ContentDisposition.Inline, saveOptions)
  9587. </code></example>
  9588. </member>
  9589. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.#ctor">
  9590. <summary>
  9591. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook" /> class.
  9592. </summary>
  9593. <example>
  9594. The following code shows how to use the Workbook constructor to create and initialize a new instance of the class.
  9595. <code>
  9596. [C#]
  9597. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  9598. [Visual Basic]
  9599. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
  9600. </code></example>
  9601. <remarks>
  9602. The default file format type is Excel97To2003.If want create other format file type, please call Workbook(FileFormatType fileFormatType).
  9603. </remarks>
  9604. </member>
  9605. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType)">
  9606. <summary>
  9607. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook" /> class.
  9608. </summary>
  9609. <param name="fileFormatType">
  9610. The new file format.
  9611. </param>
  9612. <example>
  9613. The following code shows how to use the Workbook constructor to create and initialize a new instance of the class.
  9614. <code>
  9615. [C#]
  9616. Workbook workbook = new Workbook(FileFormatType.Excel2007Xlsx);
  9617. [Visual Basic]
  9618. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook(FileFormatType.Excel2007Xlsx)
  9619. </code></example>
  9620. <remarks>
  9621. The default file format type is Excel97To2003.
  9622. </remarks>
  9623. </member>
  9624. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.#ctor(System.String)">
  9625. <summary>
  9626. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook" /> class and open a file.
  9627. </summary>
  9628. <param name="file">The file name.</param>
  9629. </member>
  9630. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
  9631. <summary>
  9632. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook" /> class and open a stream.
  9633. </summary>
  9634. <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
  9635. </member>
  9636. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.#ctor(System.String,Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions)">
  9637. <summary>
  9638. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook" /> class and open a file.
  9639. </summary>
  9640. <param name="file">The file name.</param>
  9641. <param name="loadOptions">The load options</param>
  9642. </member>
  9643. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Cells.LoadOptions)">
  9644. <summary>
  9645. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Workbook" /> class and open stream.
  9646. </summary>
  9647. <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
  9648. <param name="loadOptions">The load options</param>
  9649. </member>
  9650. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.ParseFormulas(System.Boolean)">
  9651. <summary>
  9652. Parses all formulas which have not been parsed when they were loaded from template file or set to a cell.
  9653. </summary>
  9654. <param name="ignoreError">whether ignore error for invalid formula.
  9655. For one invalid formula, if ignore error then this formula will be ignored
  9656. and the process will continue to parse other formulas, otherwise exception will be thrown.</param>
  9657. </member>
  9658. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(System.String,Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  9659. <summary>
  9660. Saves the workbook to the disk.
  9661. </summary>
  9662. <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
  9663. <param name="saveFormat">The save format type.</param>
  9664. </member>
  9665. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(System.String)">
  9666. <summary>
  9667. Save the workbook to the disk.
  9668. </summary>
  9669. <param name="fileName">
  9670. </param>
  9671. </member>
  9672. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(System.String,Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions)">
  9673. <summary>
  9674. Saves the workbook to the disk.
  9675. </summary>
  9676. <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
  9677. <param name="saveOptions">The save options.</param>
  9678. </member>
  9679. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  9680. <summary>
  9681. Saves the workbook to the stream.
  9682. </summary>
  9683. <param name="stream">The file stream.</param>
  9684. <param name="saveFormat">The save file format type.</param>
  9685. </member>
  9686. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions)">
  9687. <summary>
  9688. Saves the workbook to the stream.
  9689. </summary>
  9690. <param name="stream">The file stream.</param>
  9691. <param name="saveOptions">The save options.</param>
  9692. </member>
  9693. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.SaveToStream">
  9694. <summary>
  9695. Saves Excel file to a MemoryStream object and returns it.
  9696. </summary>
  9697. <returns>MemoryStream object which contains an Excel file.</returns>
  9698. <remarks>
  9699. This method provides same function as Save method and only save the workbook as Excel97-2003 xls file.
  9700. It's mainly for calling from COM clients.</remarks>
  9701. </member>
  9702. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(System.Web.HttpResponse,System.String,Aspose.Cells.ContentDisposition,Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions)">
  9703. <summary>
  9704. Creates the result spreadsheet and transfer it to the client then open it in the browser or MS Workbook.
  9705. </summary>
  9706. <param name="response">Response object to return the spreadsheet to client.</param>
  9707. <param name="fileName">The name of created file.</param>
  9708. <param name="contentDisposition">The content disposition type.</param>
  9709. <param name="saveOptions">The save options.</param>
  9710. </member>
  9711. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Save(System.Web.HttpResponse,System.String,Aspose.Cells.ContentDisposition,Aspose.Cells.SaveOptions,System.Boolean)">
  9712. <summary>
  9713. Creates the result spreadsheet and transfer it to the client then open it in the browser or MS Workbook.
  9714. </summary>
  9715. <param name="response">Response object to return the spreadsheet to client.</param>
  9716. <param name="fileName">The name of created file.</param>
  9717. <param name="contentDisposition">The content disposition type.</param>
  9718. <param name="saveOptions">The save options.</param>
  9719. <param name="enableHttpCompression">whether http compression is to be used</param>
  9720. </member>
  9721. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.RemoveUnusedStyles">
  9722. <summary>
  9723. Remove all unused styles.
  9724. </summary>
  9725. </member>
  9726. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CreateStyle">
  9727. <summary>
  9728. Creates a new style.
  9729. </summary>
  9730. <returns>Returns a style object.</returns>
  9731. </member>
  9732. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CreateBuiltinStyle(Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType)">
  9733. <summary>
  9734. Creates built-in style by given type.
  9735. </summary>
  9736. <param name="type">
  9737. </param>
  9738. <returns>style object</returns>
  9739. </member>
  9740. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CreateCellsColor">
  9741. <summary>
  9742. Creates a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor" /> object.
  9743. </summary>
  9744. <returns>Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor" /> object.</returns>
  9745. </member>
  9746. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.String,System.String)">
  9747. <summary>
  9748. Replaces a cell's value with a new string.
  9749. </summary>
  9750. <example>
  9751. <code>
  9752. [C#]
  9753. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  9754. ......
  9755. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", "NewValue");
  9756. [Visual Basic]
  9757. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  9758. ........
  9759. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", "NewValue")
  9760. </code>
  9761. </example>
  9762. <param name="placeHolder">Cell placeholder</param>
  9763. <param name="newValue">String value to replace</param>
  9764. </member>
  9765. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.String,System.Int32)">
  9766. <summary>
  9767. Replaces a cell's value with a new integer.
  9768. </summary>
  9769. <example>
  9770. <code>
  9771. [C#]
  9772. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  9773. ......
  9774. int newValue = 100;
  9775. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", newValue);
  9776. [Visual Basic]
  9777. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  9778. .........
  9779. Dim NewValue As Integer = 100
  9780. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", NewValue)
  9781. </code>
  9782. </example>
  9783. <param name="placeHolder">Cell placeholder</param>
  9784. <param name="newValue">Integer value to replace</param>
  9785. </member>
  9786. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.String,System.Double)">
  9787. <summary>
  9788. Replaces a cell's value with a new double.
  9789. </summary>
  9790. <example>
  9791. <code>
  9792. [C#]
  9793. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  9794. ......
  9795. double newValue = 100.0;
  9796. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", newValue);
  9797. [Visual Basic]
  9798. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  9799. .........
  9800. Dim NewValue As Double = 100.0
  9801. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", NewValue)
  9802. </code>
  9803. </example>
  9804. <param name="placeHolder">Cell placeholder</param>
  9805. <param name="newValue">Double value to replace</param>
  9806. </member>
  9807. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.String,System.String[],System.Boolean)">
  9808. <summary>
  9809. Replaces a cell's value with a new string array.
  9810. </summary>
  9811. <example>
  9812. <code>
  9813. [C#]
  9814. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  9815. ......
  9816. string[] newValues = new string[]{"Tom", "Alice", "Jerry"};
  9817. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", newValues, true);
  9818. [Visual Basic]
  9819. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  9820. .............
  9821. Dim NewValues() As String = New String() {"Tom", "Alice", "Jerry"}
  9822. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", NewValues, True)
  9823. </code>
  9824. </example>
  9825. <param name="placeHolder">Cell placeholder</param>
  9826. <param name="newValues">String array to replace</param>
  9827. <param name="isVertical">True - Vertical, False - Horizontal</param>
  9828. </member>
  9829. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.String,System.Int32[],System.Boolean)">
  9830. <summary>
  9831. Replaces cells' values with an integer array.
  9832. </summary>
  9833. <example>
  9834. <code>
  9835. [C#]
  9836. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  9837. ......
  9838. int[] newValues = new int[]{1, 2, 3};
  9839. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", newValues, true);
  9840. [Visual Basic]
  9841. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  9842. ...........
  9843. Dim NewValues() As Integer = New Integer() {1, 2, 3}
  9844. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", NewValues, True)
  9845. </code>
  9846. </example>
  9847. <param name="placeHolder">Cell placeholder</param>
  9848. <param name="newValues">Integer array to replace</param>
  9849. <param name="isVertical">True - Vertical, False - Horizontal</param>
  9850. </member>
  9851. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.String,System.Double[],System.Boolean)">
  9852. <summary>
  9853. Replaces cells' values with a double array.
  9854. </summary>
  9855. <example>
  9856. <code>
  9857. [C#]
  9858. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  9859. ......
  9860. double[] newValues = new double[]{1.23, 2.56, 3.14159};
  9861. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", newValues, true);
  9862. [Visual Basic]
  9863. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  9864. ...........
  9865. Dim NewValues() As Double = New Double() {1.23, 2.56, 3.14159}
  9866. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", NewValues, True)
  9867. </code>
  9868. </example>
  9869. <param name="placeHolder">Cell placeholder</param>
  9870. <param name="newValues">Double array to replace</param>
  9871. <param name="isVertical">True - Vertical, False - Horizontal</param>
  9872. </member>
  9873. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.String,System.Data.DataTable)">
  9874. <summary>
  9875. Replaces cells' values with data from a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" />.
  9876. </summary>
  9877. <example>
  9878. <code>
  9879. [C#]
  9880. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  9881. DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable("Customers");
  9882. // Adds data to myDataTable
  9883. ........
  9884. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", myDataTable);
  9885. [Visual Basic]
  9886. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  9887. Dim myDataTable As DataTable = New DataTable("Customers")
  9888. ' Adds data to myDataTable
  9889. .............
  9890. workbook.Replace("AnOldValue", myDataTable)
  9891. </code>
  9892. </example>
  9893. <param name="placeHolder">Cell placeholder</param>
  9894. <param name="insertTable">DataTable to replace</param>
  9895. </member>
  9896. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.Boolean,System.Object)">
  9897. <summary>
  9898. Replaces cells' values with new data.
  9899. </summary>
  9900. <param name="boolValue">The boolean value to be replaced.</param>
  9901. <param name="newValue">New value. Can be string, integer, double or DateTime value.</param>
  9902. </member>
  9903. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.Int32,System.Object)">
  9904. <summary>
  9905. Replaces cells' values with new data.
  9906. </summary>
  9907. <param name="intValue">The integer value to be replaced.</param>
  9908. <param name="newValue">New value. Can be string, integer, double or DateTime value.</param>
  9909. </member>
  9910. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Replace(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Cells.ReplaceOptions)">
  9911. <summary>
  9912. Replaces a cell's value with a new string.
  9913. </summary>
  9914. <param name="placeHolder">Cell placeholder</param>
  9915. <param name="newValue">String value to replace</param>
  9916. <param name="options"> The replace options</param>
  9917. </member>
  9918. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Workbook,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions)">
  9919. <summary>
  9920. Copies data from a source Workbook object.
  9921. </summary>
  9922. <param name="source">Source Workbook object.</param>
  9923. <param name="copyOptions">
  9924. </param>
  9925. </member>
  9926. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Workbook)">
  9927. <summary>
  9928. Copies data from a source Workbook object.
  9929. </summary>
  9930. <param name="source">Source Workbook object.</param>
  9931. </member>
  9932. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Combine(Aspose.Cells.Workbook)">
  9933. <summary>
  9934. Combines another Workbook object.
  9935. </summary>
  9936. <param name="secondWorkbook">Another Workbook object.</param>
  9937. <remarks>Currently, only cell data and cell style of the second Workbook object can be combined. Images, charts and other drawing objects are not supported.
  9938. </remarks>
  9939. </member>
  9940. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.GetStyleInPool(System.Int32)">
  9941. <summary>
  9942. Gets the style in the style pool.
  9943. All styles in the workbook will be gathered into a pool.
  9944. There is only a simple reference index in the cells.
  9945. </summary>
  9946. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  9947. <returns>
  9948. The style in the pool corresponds to given index, may be null.
  9949. </returns>
  9950. <remarks>
  9951. If the returned style is changed, the style of all cells(which refers to this style) will be changed.
  9952. </remarks>
  9953. </member>
  9954. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.GetFonts">
  9955. <summary>
  9956. Gets all fonts in the style pool.
  9957. </summary>
  9958. </member>
  9959. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.GetNamedStyle(System.String)">
  9960. <summary>
  9961. Gets the named style in the style pool.
  9962. </summary>
  9963. <param name="name">name of the style</param>
  9964. <returns>named style, maybe null.</returns>
  9965. </member>
  9966. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.ChangePalette(System.Drawing.Color,System.Int32)">
  9967. <summary>
  9968. Changes the palette for the spreadsheet in the specified index.
  9969. </summary>
  9970. <param name="color">Color structure.</param>
  9971. <param name="index">Palette index, 0 - 55.</param>
  9972. <remarks>The palette has 56 entries, each represented by an RGB value.
  9973. If you set a color which is not in the palette, it will not take effect.
  9974. So if you want to set a custom color, please change the palette at first.
  9975. <p>The following is the standard color palette.</p><table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="25%"><font color="gray"><b>Color</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="25%"><font color="gray"><b>Red</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="25%"><font color="gray"><b>Green</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="25%"><font color="gray"><b>Blue</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Black¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">White¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Red¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Lime¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Blue¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Yellow¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Magenta¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Cyan¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Maroon¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Green¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Navy¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Olive¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Purple¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Teal¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Silver¡¡</td><td width="25%">192¡¡</td><td width="25%">192¡¡</td><td width="25%">192¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Gray¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color17¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color18¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color19¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color20¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color21¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color22¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color23¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color24¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color25¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color26¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color27¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color28¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color29¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color30¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color31¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td><td width="25%">128¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color32¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color33¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color34¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color35¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color36¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color37¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color38¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color39¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color40¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color41¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color42¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color43¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color44¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">204¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color45¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color46¡¡</td><td width="25%">255¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color47¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color48¡¡</td><td width="25%">150¡¡</td><td width="25%">150¡¡</td><td width="25%">150¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color49¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color50¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color51¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color52¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color53¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">0¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color54¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">102¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color55¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">153¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">Color56¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td><td width="25%">51¡¡</td></tr></table></remarks>
  9976. </member>
  9977. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.IsColorInPalette(System.Drawing.Color)">
  9978. <summary>
  9979. Checks if a color is in the palette for the spreadsheet.
  9980. </summary>
  9981. <param name="color">Color structure.</param>
  9982. <returns>Returns true if this color is in the palette. Otherwise, returns false</returns>
  9983. </member>
  9984. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CalculateFormula">
  9985. <summary>
  9986. Calculates the result of formulas.
  9987. </summary>
  9988. <remarks>
  9989. For all supported formulas, please see the list at
  9990. </remarks>
  9991. </member>
  9992. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CalculateFormula(System.Boolean)">
  9993. <summary>
  9994. Calculates the result of formulas.
  9995. </summary>
  9996. <param name="ignoreError">Indicates if hide the error in calculating formulas. The error may be unsupported function, external links, etc.</param>
  9997. </member>
  9998. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CalculateFormula(System.Boolean,Aspose.Cells.ICustomFunction)">
  9999. <summary>
  10000. Calculates the result of formulas.
  10001. </summary>
  10002. <param name="ignoreError">Indicates if hide the error in calculating formulas. The error may be unsupported function, external links, etc.</param>
  10003. <param name="customFunction">The custom formula calculation functions to extend the calculation engine.</param>
  10004. <remarks>
  10005. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  10006. please use CalculateFormula(CalculationOptions) method.
  10007. This method will be removed 12 months later since August 2020.
  10008. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  10009. </member>
  10010. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CalculateFormula(Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions)">
  10011. <summary>
  10012. Calculating formulas in this workbook.
  10013. </summary>
  10014. <param name="options">Options for calculation</param>
  10015. </member>
  10016. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.GetMatchingColor(System.Drawing.Color)">
  10017. <summary>
  10018. Find best matching Color in current palette.
  10019. </summary>
  10020. <param name="rawColor">Raw color.</param>
  10021. <returns>Best matching color.</returns>
  10022. </member>
  10023. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.SetEncryptionOptions(Aspose.Cells.EncryptionType,System.Int32)">
  10024. <summary>
  10025. Set Encryption Options.
  10026. </summary>
  10027. <param name="encryptionType">The encryption type.</param>
  10028. <param name="keyLength">The key length.</param>
  10029. </member>
  10030. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Protect(Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType,System.String)">
  10031. <summary>
  10032. Protects a workbook.
  10033. </summary>
  10034. <param name="protectionType">Protection type.</param>
  10035. <param name="password">Password to protect the workbook.</param>
  10036. </member>
  10037. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.ProtectSharedWorkbook(System.String)">
  10038. <summary>
  10039. Protects a shared workbook.
  10040. </summary>
  10041. <param name="password">Password to protect the workbook.</param>
  10042. </member>
  10043. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Unprotect(System.String)">
  10044. <summary>
  10045. Unprotects a workbook.
  10046. </summary>
  10047. <param name="password">Password to unprotect the workbook.</param>
  10048. </member>
  10049. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.UnprotectSharedWorkbook(System.String)">
  10050. <summary>
  10051. Unprotects a shared workbook.
  10052. </summary>
  10053. <param name="password">Password to unprotect the workbook.</param>
  10054. </member>
  10055. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.RemoveMacro">
  10056. <summary>
  10057. Removes VBA/macro from this spreadsheet.
  10058. </summary>
  10059. </member>
  10060. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.RemoveDigitalSignature">
  10061. <summary>
  10062. Removes digital signature from this spreadsheet.
  10063. </summary>
  10064. </member>
  10065. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.AcceptAllRevisions">
  10066. <summary>
  10067. Accepts all tracked changes in the workbook.
  10068. </summary>
  10069. </member>
  10070. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.RemoveExternalLinks">
  10071. <summary>
  10072. Removes all external links in the workbook.
  10073. </summary>
  10074. </member>
  10075. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.GetThemeColor(Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType)">
  10076. <summary>
  10077. Gets theme color.
  10078. </summary>
  10079. <param name="type">The theme color type.</param>
  10080. <returns>The theme color.</returns>
  10081. </member>
  10082. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.SetThemeColor(Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType,System.Drawing.Color)">
  10083. <summary>
  10084. Sets the theme color
  10085. </summary>
  10086. <param name="type">The theme color type.</param>
  10087. <param name="color">the theme color</param>
  10088. </member>
  10089. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CustomTheme(System.String,System.Drawing.Color[])">
  10090. <summary>
  10091. Customs the theme.
  10092. </summary>
  10093. <param name="themeName">The theme name</param>
  10094. <param name="colors">The theme colors</param>
  10095. <remarks>
  10096. The length of colors should be 12.
  10097. <table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Array index</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Theme type</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>0</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Backgournd1</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>1</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Text1</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>2</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Backgournd2</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>3</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Text2</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>4</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Accent1</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>5</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Accent2</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>6</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Accent3</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>7</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Accent4</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>8</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Accent5</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>9</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Accent6</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>10</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Hyperlink</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>11</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="50%"><font color="gray"><b>Followed Hyperlink</b></font>¡¡</td></tr></table></remarks>
  10098. </member>
  10099. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CopyTheme(Aspose.Cells.Workbook)">
  10100. <summary>
  10101. Copies the theme from another workbook.
  10102. </summary>
  10103. <param name="source">Source workbook.</param>
  10104. </member>
  10105. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.HasExernalLinks">
  10106. <summary>
  10107. Indicates whether this workbook contains external links to other data sources.
  10108. </summary>
  10109. <returns>Whether this workbook contains external links to other data sources.</returns>
  10110. </member>
  10111. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.UpdateLinkedDataSource(Aspose.Cells.Workbook[])">
  10112. <summary>
  10113. If this workbook contains external links to other data source,
  10114. Aspose.Cells will attempt to retrieve the latest data.
  10115. </summary>
  10116. <param name="exteralWorkbooks">
  10117. External workbooks are referenced by this workbook.
  10118. If it's null, we will directly open the external linked files..
  10119. If it's not null,
  10120. we will check whether the external link in the array first;
  10121. if not, we will open the external linked files again.
  10122. </param>
  10123. <remarks>
  10124. If the method is not called before calculating formulas,
  10125. Aspose.Cells will use the previous information(cached in the file);
  10126. Please set CellsHelper.StartupPath,CellsHelper.AltStartPath,CellsHelper.LibraryPath.
  10127. And please set Workbook.FilePath if this workbook is from a stream,
  10128. otherwise Aspose.Cells could not get the external link full path sometimes.
  10129. </remarks>
  10130. </member>
  10131. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.ImportXml(System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  10132. <summary>
  10133. Imports an xml file into the workbook.
  10134. </summary>
  10135. <param name="url">the path of the xml file.</param>
  10136. <param name="sheetName">the destination sheet name .</param>
  10137. <param name="row">the destination row of the xml.</param>
  10138. <param name="col">the destination column of the xml.</param>
  10139. </member>
  10140. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.ImportXml(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  10141. <summary>
  10142. Imports an xml file into the workbook.
  10143. </summary>
  10144. <param name="stream">the xml file stream.</param>
  10145. <param name="sheetName">the destination sheet name .</param>
  10146. <param name="row">the destination row of the xml.</param>
  10147. <param name="col">the destination column of the xml.</param>
  10148. </member>
  10149. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.ExportXml(System.String,System.String)">
  10150. <summary>
  10151. Export XML data.
  10152. </summary>
  10153. <param name="mapName">name of the XML map that need to be exported</param>
  10154. <param name="path">the export path</param>
  10155. </member>
  10156. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.ExportXml(System.String,System.IO.Stream)">
  10157. <summary>
  10158. Export XML data.
  10159. </summary>
  10160. <param name="mapName">name of the XML map that need to be exported</param>
  10161. <param name="stream">the export stream</param>
  10162. </member>
  10163. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.SetDigitalSignature(Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureCollection)">
  10164. <summary>
  10165. Sets digital signature to an spreadsheet file (Excel2007 and later).
  10166. </summary>
  10167. <param name="digitalSignatureCollection">
  10168. </param>
  10169. <remarks>Only support adding Xmldsig Digital Signature</remarks>
  10170. </member>
  10171. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.AddDigitalSignature(Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureCollection)">
  10172. <summary>
  10173. Adds digital signature to an OOXML spreadsheet file (Excel2007 and later).
  10174. </summary>
  10175. <param name="digitalSignatureCollection">
  10176. </param>
  10177. <remarks>Only support adding Xmldsig Digital Signature to an OOXML spreadsheet file</remarks>
  10178. </member>
  10179. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.GetDigitalSignature">
  10180. <summary>
  10181. Gets digital signature from file.
  10182. </summary>
  10183. </member>
  10184. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Dispose">
  10185. <summary>
  10186. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
  10187. resetting unmanaged resources.
  10188. </summary>
  10189. </member>
  10190. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Settings">
  10191. <summary>
  10192. Represents the workbook settings.
  10193. </summary>
  10194. </member>
  10195. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Worksheets">
  10196. <summary>
  10197. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection" /> collection in the spreadsheet.
  10198. </summary>
  10199. <returns>
  10200. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection" /> collection</returns>
  10201. </member>
  10202. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.IsLicensed">
  10203. <summary>
  10204. Indicates whether license is set.
  10205. </summary>
  10206. </member>
  10207. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Colors">
  10208. <summary>
  10209. Returns colors in the palette for the spreadsheet.
  10210. </summary>
  10211. <remarks>The palette has 56 entries, each represented by an RGB value.</remarks>
  10212. </member>
  10213. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CountOfStylesInPool">
  10214. <summary>
  10215. Gets number of the styles in the style pool.
  10216. </summary>
  10217. </member>
  10218. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.DefaultStyle">
  10219. <summary>
  10220. Gets or sets the default <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Style" /> object of the workbook.
  10221. </summary>
  10222. <remarks>
  10223. The DefaultStyle property is useful to implement a Style for the whole Workbook.
  10224. </remarks>
  10225. <example>
  10226. The following code creates and instantiates a new Workbook and sets a default <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Style" /> to it.
  10227. <code>
  10228. [C#]
  10229. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  10230. Style defaultStyle = workbook.DefaultStyle;
  10231. defaultStyle.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
  10232. workbook.DefaultStyle = defaultStyle;
  10233. [Visual Basic]
  10234. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
  10235. Dim defaultStyle as Style = workbook.DefaultStyle
  10236. defaultStyle.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
  10237. workbook.DefaultStyle = defaultStyle
  10238. </code></example>
  10239. </member>
  10240. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.IsDigitallySigned">
  10241. <summary>
  10242. Indicates if this spreadsheet is digitally signed.
  10243. </summary>
  10244. </member>
  10245. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.IsWorkbookProtectedWithPassword">
  10246. <summary>
  10247. Indicates whether structure or window is protected with password.
  10248. </summary>
  10249. </member>
  10250. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.VbaProject">
  10251. <summary>
  10252. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.VbaProject" /> in a spreadsheet.
  10253. </summary>
  10254. </member>
  10255. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.HasMacro">
  10256. <summary>
  10257. Indicates if this spreadsheet contains macro/VBA.
  10258. </summary>
  10259. </member>
  10260. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.HasRevisions">
  10261. <summary>
  10262. Gets if the workbook has any tracked changes
  10263. </summary>
  10264. </member>
  10265. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.FileName">
  10266. <summary>
  10267. Gets and sets the current file name.
  10268. </summary>
  10269. <remarks>
  10270. If the file is opened by stream and there are some external formula references,
  10271. please set the file name.
  10272. </remarks>
  10273. </member>
  10274. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.DataSorter">
  10275. <summary>
  10276. Gets a DataSorter object to sort data.
  10277. </summary>
  10278. </member>
  10279. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Theme">
  10280. <summary>
  10281. Gets the theme name.
  10282. </summary>
  10283. </member>
  10284. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties">
  10285. <summary>
  10286. Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the built-in document properties of the spreadsheet.
  10287. </summary>
  10288. <remarks>A new property cannot be added to built-in document properties list. You can only get a built-in property and change its value.
  10289. The following is the built-in properties name list:
  10290. <p>Title</p><p>Subject</p><p>Author</p><p>Keywords</p><p>Comments</p><p>Template</p><p>Last Author</p><p>Revision Number</p><p>Application Name</p><p>Last Print Date</p><p>Creation Date</p><p>Last Save Time</p><p>Total Editing Time</p><p>Number of Pages</p><p>Number of Words</p><p>Number of Characters</p><p>Security</p><p>Category</p><p>Format</p><p>Manager</p><p>Company</p><p>Number of Bytes</p><p>Number of Lines</p><p>Number of Paragraphs</p><p>Number of Slides</p><p>Number of Notes</p><p>Number of Hidden Slides</p><p>Number of Multimedia Clips</p></remarks>
  10291. <example>
  10292. <code>
  10293. [C#]
  10294. DocumentProperty doc = workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties["Author"];
  10295. doc.Value = "John Smith";
  10296. [Visual Basic]
  10297. Dim doc as DocumentProperty = workbook.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Author")
  10298. doc.Value = "John Smith"
  10299. </code>
  10300. </example>
  10301. </member>
  10302. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CustomDocumentProperties">
  10303. <summary>
  10304. Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties of the spreadsheet.
  10305. </summary>
  10306. <example>
  10307. <code>
  10308. [C#]
  10309. excel.CustomDocumentProperties.Add("Checked by", "Jane");
  10310. [Visual Basic]
  10311. excel.CustomDocumentProperties.Add("Checked by", "Jane")
  10312. </code>
  10313. </example>
  10314. </member>
  10315. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.FileFormat">
  10316. <summary>
  10317. Gets and sets the file format.
  10318. </summary>
  10319. </member>
  10320. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.InterruptMonitor">
  10321. <summary>
  10322. Gets and sets the interrupt monitor.
  10323. </summary>
  10324. </member>
  10325. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.ContentTypeProperties">
  10326. <summary>
  10327. Gets the list of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypeProperty" /> objects in the workbook.
  10328. </summary>
  10329. </member>
  10330. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.CustomXmlParts">
  10331. <summary>
  10332. Represents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package).
  10333. </summary>
  10334. </member>
  10335. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.DataMashup">
  10336. <summary>
  10337. Gets mashup data.
  10338. </summary>
  10339. </member>
  10340. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.RibbonXml">
  10341. <summary>
  10342. Gets and sets the XML file that defines the Ribbon UI.
  10343. </summary>
  10344. </member>
  10345. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.AbsolutePath">
  10346. <summary>
  10347. Gets and sets the absolute path of the file.
  10348. </summary>
  10349. <remarks>
  10350. Only used for external links.
  10351. </remarks>
  10352. </member>
  10353. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Workbook.DataConnections">
  10354. <summary>
  10355. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection" /> collection.
  10356. </summary>
  10357. </member>
  10358. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings">
  10359. <summary>
  10360. Represents all settings of the workbook.
  10361. </summary>
  10362. </member>
  10363. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.Dispose">
  10364. <summary>
  10365. Releases resources.
  10366. </summary>
  10367. </member>
  10368. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.GetThemeFont(Aspose.Cells.FontSchemeType)">
  10369. <summary>
  10370. Gets the default theme font name.
  10371. </summary>
  10372. <param name="type">The scheme type of the font.</param>
  10373. <returns>
  10374. </returns>
  10375. </member>
  10376. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.StreamProvider">
  10377. <summary>
  10378. Gets and sets the stream provider for external resource.
  10379. </summary>
  10380. </member>
  10381. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CheckCustomNumberFormat">
  10382. <summary>
  10383. Indicates whether checking custom number format when setting Style.Custom.
  10384. </summary>
  10385. </member>
  10386. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.EnableMacros">
  10387. <summary>
  10388. Enable macros;
  10389. </summary>
  10390. <remarks>
  10391. Now it only works when copying a worksheet to other worksheet in a workbook.
  10392. </remarks>
  10393. </member>
  10394. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.Date1904">
  10395. <summary>
  10396. Gets or sets a value which represents if the workbook uses the 1904 date system.
  10397. </summary>
  10398. </member>
  10399. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.ProtectionType">
  10400. <summary>
  10401. Gets the protection type of the workbook.
  10402. </summary>
  10403. </member>
  10404. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.PrecisionAsDisplayed">
  10405. <summary>
  10406. True if calculations in this workbook will be done using only the precision of the numbers as they're displayed
  10407. </summary>
  10408. </member>
  10409. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.ReCalculateOnOpen">
  10410. <summary>
  10411. Indicates whether re-calculate all formulas on opening file.
  10412. </summary>
  10413. </member>
  10414. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CreateCalcChain">
  10415. <summary>
  10416. Indicates whether create calculated formulas chain. Default is false.
  10417. </summary>
  10418. </member>
  10419. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.DisplayDrawingObjects">
  10420. <summary>
  10421. Indicates whether and how to show objects in the workbook.
  10422. </summary>
  10423. </member>
  10424. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.Iteration">
  10425. <summary>
  10426. Indicates if Aspose.Cells will use iteration to resolve circular references.
  10427. </summary>
  10428. </member>
  10429. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.MaxIteration">
  10430. <summary>
  10431. Returns or sets the maximum number of iterations that Aspose.Cells can use to resolve a circular reference.
  10432. </summary>
  10433. </member>
  10434. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.MaxChange">
  10435. <summary>
  10436. Returns or sets the maximum number of change that Microsoft Excel can use to resolve a circular reference.
  10437. </summary>
  10438. </member>
  10439. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CalcMode">
  10440. <summary>
  10441. It specifies whether to calculate formulas manually,
  10442. automatically or automatically except for multiple table operations.
  10443. </summary>
  10444. </member>
  10445. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CalculationId">
  10446. <summary>
  10447. Specifies the version of the calculation engine used to calculate values in the workbook.
  10448. </summary>
  10449. </member>
  10450. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CalcStackSize">
  10451. <summary>
  10452. Specifies the stack size for calculating cells recursively.
  10453. The large value for this size will give better performance when there are lots of cells need to be calculated recursively.
  10454. On the other hand, larger value will raise the risk of StackOverflowException.
  10455. If user gets StackOverflowException when calculating formulas, this value should be decreased.
  10456. </summary>
  10457. </member>
  10458. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.RecalculateBeforeSave">
  10459. <summary>
  10460. Indicates whether to recalculate before saving the document.
  10461. </summary>
  10462. </member>
  10463. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.SheetTabBarWidth">
  10464. <summary>
  10465. Width of worksheet tab bar (in 1/1000 of window width).
  10466. </summary>
  10467. </member>
  10468. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.ShowTabs">
  10469. <summary>
  10470. Get or sets a value whether the Workbook tabs are displayed.
  10471. </summary>
  10472. <remarks>The default value is true.</remarks>
  10473. <example>The following code hides the Sheet Tabs and Tab Scrolling Buttons for the spreadsheet.
  10474. <code>
  10475. [C#]
  10476. // Hide the spreadsheet tabs.
  10477. workbook.ShowTabs = false;
  10478. [Visual Basic]
  10479. ' Hide the spreadsheet tabs.
  10480. workbook.ShowTabs = False
  10481. </code></example>
  10482. </member>
  10483. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.FirstVisibleTab">
  10484. <summary>
  10485. Gets or sets the first visible worksheet tab.
  10486. </summary>
  10487. </member>
  10488. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.IsHScrollBarVisible">
  10489. <summary>
  10490. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generated spreadsheet will contain a horizontal scroll bar.
  10491. </summary>
  10492. <remarks>The default value is true.</remarks>
  10493. <example>
  10494. The following code makes the horizontal scroll bar invisible for the spreadsheet.
  10495. <code>
  10496. [C#]
  10497. // Hide the horizontal scroll bar of the Excel file.
  10498. workbook.IsHScrollBarVisible = false;
  10499. [Visual Basic]
  10500. ' Hide the horizontal scroll bar of the Excel file.
  10501. workbook.IsHScrollBarVisible = False
  10502. </code></example>
  10503. </member>
  10504. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.IsVScrollBarVisible">
  10505. <summary>
  10506. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the generated spreadsheet will contain a vertical scroll bar.
  10507. </summary>
  10508. <remarks>The default value is true.</remarks>
  10509. <example>The following code makes the vertical scroll bar invisible for the spreadsheet.
  10510. <code>
  10511. [C#]
  10512. // Hide the vertical scroll bar of the Excel file.
  10513. workbook.IsVScrollBarVisible = false;
  10514. [Visual Basic]
  10515. ' Hide the vertical scroll bar of the Excel file.
  10516. workbook.IsVScrollBarVisible = False
  10517. </code></example>
  10518. </member>
  10519. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.Shared">
  10520. <summary>
  10521. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Workbook is shared.
  10522. </summary>
  10523. <remarks>The default value is false.</remarks>
  10524. </member>
  10525. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.LanguageCode">
  10526. <summary>
  10527. Gets or sets the user interface language of the Workbook version based on CountryCode that has saved the file.
  10528. </summary>
  10529. </member>
  10530. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.Region">
  10531. <summary>
  10532. Gets or sets the regional settings for workbook.
  10533. </summary>
  10534. <remarks>
  10535. 1. Regional settings used by Aspose.Cells component for a workbook loaded from template file:
  10536. i). For an XLS file, there are fields defined for regional settings and MS Excel does save regional settings data into the file when saving the XLS file.
  10537. So, we use the saved region in the template file for the workbook.
  10538. If you do not want to use the region saved in the XLS file, please reset it to the expected one (such as, CountryCode.Default) after loading the template file.
  10539. And, we save the user specified value (by this method) into the file too when saving an XLS file.
  10540. ii). For other file formats, such as, XLSX, XLSB...etc., there is no field defined for regional settings in the file format specification.
  10541. So, we use the regional settings of application's environment for the workbook.
  10542. And, the user specified value (by this method) cannot be kept for the generated files with those file formats.
  10543. 2. For the view effect in MS Excel:
  10544. The applied regional settings here can take effect only at runtime with Aspose.Cells component and not when viewing the generated file with MS Excel.
  10545. Even for the generated XLS file in which the specified regional settings data has been saved, when viewing/editing it with MS Excel,
  10546. the used region to perform formatting by MS Excel is always the default regional settings of the environment where MS Excel is running,
  10547. not the one saved in the file. It is MS Excel's behavior and cannot be changed by code.
  10548. </remarks>
  10549. </member>
  10550. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CultureInfo">
  10551. <summary>
  10552. Gets or sets the system culture info.
  10553. </summary>
  10554. <remarks>
  10555. Returns null if culture info is not set and <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.Region" /> is not set.
  10556. </remarks>
  10557. </member>
  10558. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.GlobalizationSettings">
  10559. <summary>
  10560. Gets and sets the globalization settings.
  10561. </summary>
  10562. </member>
  10563. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.NumberDecimalSeparator">
  10564. <summary>
  10565. Gets or sets the decimal separator for formatting/parsing numeric values. Default is the decimal separator of current Region.
  10566. </summary>
  10567. </member>
  10568. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.NumberGroupSeparator">
  10569. <summary>
  10570. Gets or sets the character that separates groups of digits to the left of the decimal in numeric values. Default is the group separator of current Region.
  10571. </summary>
  10572. </member>
  10573. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.Password">
  10574. <summary>
  10575. Represents Workbook file encryption password.
  10576. </summary>
  10577. </member>
  10578. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WriteProtection">
  10579. <summary>
  10580. Provides access to the workbook write protection options.
  10581. </summary>
  10582. </member>
  10583. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.RecommendReadOnly">
  10584. <summary>
  10585. Indicates if the Read Only Recommended option is selected.
  10586. </summary>
  10587. <remarks>
  10588. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  10589. please use WorkbookSettings.WriteProtection.RecommendReadOnly property.
  10590. This property will be removed 12 months later since October 2015.
  10591. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  10592. </member>
  10593. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.IsWriteProtected">
  10594. <summary>
  10595. Indicates whether this workbook is write protected.
  10596. </summary>
  10597. <remarks>
  10598. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  10599. please use WorkbookSettings.WriteProtection.IsWriteProtected property.
  10600. This property will be removed 12 months later since October 2015.
  10601. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  10602. </member>
  10603. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WriteProtectedPassword">
  10604. <summary>
  10605. Sets the protected password to modify the file.
  10606. </summary>
  10607. <remarks>
  10608. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  10609. please use WorkbookSettings.WriteProtection.Password property.
  10610. This property will be removed 12 months later since October 2015.
  10611. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  10612. </member>
  10613. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.IsEncrypted">
  10614. <summary>
  10615. Gets a value that indicates whether a password is required to open this workbook.
  10616. </summary>
  10617. </member>
  10618. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.IsProtected">
  10619. <summary>
  10620. Gets a value that indicates whether the structure or window of the Workbook is protected.
  10621. </summary>
  10622. </member>
  10623. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.IsDefaultEncrypted">
  10624. <summary>
  10625. Indicates whether encrypting the workbook with default password if Structure and Windows of the workbook are locked.
  10626. </summary>
  10627. <remarks>
  10628. The default value is false now. It's same as MS Excel 2013.
  10629. </remarks>
  10630. </member>
  10631. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.IsMinimized">
  10632. <summary>
  10633. Represents whether the generated spreadsheet will be opened Minimized.
  10634. </summary>
  10635. </member>
  10636. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.IsHidden">
  10637. <summary>
  10638. Indicates whether this workbook is hidden.
  10639. </summary>
  10640. </member>
  10641. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.AutoCompressPictures">
  10642. <summary>
  10643. Specifies a boolean value that indicates the application automatically compressed pictures in the workbook.
  10644. </summary>
  10645. </member>
  10646. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.RemovePersonalInformation">
  10647. <summary>
  10648. True if personal information can be removed from the specified workbook.
  10649. </summary>
  10650. </member>
  10651. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.HidePivotFieldList">
  10652. <summary>
  10653. Gets and sets whether hide the field list for the PivotTable.
  10654. </summary>
  10655. </member>
  10656. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.UpdateLinksType">
  10657. <summary>
  10658. Gets and sets how updates external links when the workbook is opened.
  10659. </summary>
  10660. </member>
  10661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.MaxRow">
  10662. <summary>
  10663. Gets the max row index, zero-based.
  10664. </summary>
  10665. <remarks>
  10666. Returns 65535 if the file format is Excel97-2003;
  10667. </remarks>
  10668. </member>
  10669. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.MaxColumn">
  10670. <summary>
  10671. Gets the max column index, zero-based.
  10672. </summary>
  10673. <remarks>
  10674. Returns 255 if the file format is Excel97-2003;
  10675. </remarks>
  10676. </member>
  10677. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.ParsingFormulaOnOpen">
  10678. <summary>
  10679. Indicates whether parsing the formula when reading the file.
  10680. </summary>
  10681. <remarks>
  10682. Only applies for Excel Xlsx, Xltx, Xltm and Xlsm file
  10683. because the formulas in the files are stored with a string formula.
  10684. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use LoadOptions.ParsingFormulaOnOpen.
  10685. This property will be removed 12 months later since January 2020.
  10686. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  10687. </member>
  10688. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowLeft">
  10689. <summary>
  10690. The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window, in unit of point.
  10691. </summary>
  10692. </member>
  10693. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowLeftInch">
  10694. <summary>
  10695. The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window.
  10696. In unit of inch.
  10697. </summary>
  10698. </member>
  10699. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowLeftCM">
  10700. <summary>
  10701. The distance from the left edge of the client area to the left edge of the window.
  10702. In unit of centimeter.
  10703. </summary>
  10704. </member>
  10705. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowTop">
  10706. <summary>
  10707. The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of point.
  10708. </summary>
  10709. </member>
  10710. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowTopInch">
  10711. <summary>
  10712. The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of inch.
  10713. </summary>
  10714. </member>
  10715. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowTopCM">
  10716. <summary>
  10717. The distance from the top edge of the client area to the top edge of the window, in unit of centimeter.
  10718. </summary>
  10719. </member>
  10720. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowWidth">
  10721. <summary>
  10722. The width of the window, in unit of point.
  10723. </summary>
  10724. </member>
  10725. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowWidthInch">
  10726. <summary>
  10727. The width of the window, in unit of inch.
  10728. </summary>
  10729. </member>
  10730. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowWidthCM">
  10731. <summary>
  10732. The width of the window, in unit of centimeter.
  10733. </summary>
  10734. </member>
  10735. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowHeight">
  10736. <summary>
  10737. The height of the window, in unit of point.
  10738. </summary>
  10739. </member>
  10740. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowHeightInch">
  10741. <summary>
  10742. The height of the window, in unit of inch.
  10743. </summary>
  10744. </member>
  10745. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WindowHeightCM">
  10746. <summary>
  10747. The height of the window, in unit of centimeter.
  10748. </summary>
  10749. </member>
  10750. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.UpdateAdjacentCellsBorder">
  10751. <summary>
  10752. Indicates whether update adjacent cells' border.
  10753. </summary>
  10754. <remarks>
  10755. The default value is false.
  10756. For example: the bottom border of the cell A1 is update,
  10757. the top border of the cell A2 should be changed too.
  10758. </remarks>
  10759. </member>
  10760. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.SignificantDigits">
  10761. <summary>
  10762. Gets and sets the number of significant digits.
  10763. The default value is <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.SignificantDigits" />.
  10764. </summary>
  10765. <remarks>
  10766. Only could be 15 or 17 now.
  10767. </remarks>
  10768. </member>
  10769. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CheckCompatibility">
  10770. <summary>
  10771. Indicates whether check compatibility when saving workbook.
  10772. </summary>
  10773. <remarks>
  10774. The default value is true.
  10775. </remarks>
  10776. </member>
  10777. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CheckExcelRestriction">
  10778. <summary>
  10779. Whether check restriction of excel file when user modify cells related objects.
  10780. For example, excel does not allow inputting string value longer than 32K.
  10781. When you input a value longer than 32K such as by Cell.PutValue(string), if this property is true, you will get an Exception.
  10782. If this property is false, we will accept your input string value as the cell's value so that later
  10783. you can output the complete string value for other file formats such as CSV.
  10784. However, if you have set such kind of value that is invalid for excel file format,
  10785. you should not save the workbook as excel file format later. Otherwise there may be unexpected error for the generated excel file.
  10786. </summary>
  10787. </member>
  10788. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.AutoRecover">
  10789. <summary>
  10790. Indicates whether the file is mark for auto-recovery.
  10791. </summary>
  10792. </member>
  10793. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CrashSave">
  10794. <summary>
  10795. indicates whether the application last saved the workbook file after a crash.
  10796. </summary>
  10797. </member>
  10798. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.DataExtractLoad">
  10799. <summary>
  10800. indicates whether the application last opened the workbook for data recovery.
  10801. </summary>
  10802. </member>
  10803. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.RepairLoad">
  10804. <summary>
  10805. Indicates whether the application last opened the workbook in safe or repair mode.
  10806. </summary>
  10807. </member>
  10808. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.BuildVersion">
  10809. <summary>
  10810. Specifies the incremental public release of the application.
  10811. </summary>
  10812. </member>
  10813. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.MemorySetting">
  10814. <summary>
  10815. Gets or sets the memory usage options. The new option will be taken as the default option for newly created worksheets but does not take effect for existing worksheets.
  10816. </summary>
  10817. </member>
  10818. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.PaperSize">
  10819. <summary>
  10820. Gets and sets the default print paper size.
  10821. </summary>
  10822. <remarks>
  10823. If there is no setting about paper size,MS Excel will use default printer's setting.
  10824. </remarks>
  10825. </member>
  10826. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.WarningCallback">
  10827. <summary>
  10828. Gets or sets warning callback.
  10829. </summary>
  10830. </member>
  10831. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.MaxRowsOfSharedFormula">
  10832. <summary>
  10833. Gets and sets the max row number of shared formula.
  10834. </summary>
  10835. <remarks>
  10836. If the number is too large, the autofilter works very slow in MS Excel 2013.
  10837. </remarks>
  10838. </member>
  10839. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.Compliance">
  10840. <summary>
  10841. Specifies the OOXML version for the output document. The default value is Ecma376_2006.
  10842. </summary>
  10843. <remarks>
  10844. Only for .xlsx files.
  10845. </remarks>
  10846. </member>
  10847. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.QuotePrefixToStyle">
  10848. <summary>
  10849. Indicates whether setting <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.QuotePrefix" /> property when entering the string value(which starts with single quote mark ) to the cell
  10850. </summary>
  10851. </member>
  10852. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection">
  10853. <summary>
  10854. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet" /> objects.
  10855. </summary>
  10856. <example>
  10857. <code>
  10858. [C#]
  10859. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  10860. WorksheetCollection sheets = workbook.Worksheets;
  10861. //Add a worksheet
  10862. sheets.Add();
  10863. //Change the name of a worksheet
  10864. sheets[0].Name = "First Sheet";
  10865. //Set the active sheet to the second worksheet
  10866. sheets.SetActiveSheet(1);
  10867. [Visual Basic]
  10868. Dim excel as Workbook = new Workbook()
  10869. Dim sheets as WorksheetCollection = excel.Worksheets
  10870. 'Add a worksheet
  10871. sheets.Add()
  10872. 'Change the name of a worksheet
  10873. sheets(0).Name = "First Sheet"
  10874. 'Set the active sheet to the second worksheet
  10875. sheets.SetActiveSheet(1)
  10876. </code>
  10877. </example>
  10878. </member>
  10879. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.CreateRange(System.String,System.Int32)">
  10880. <summary>
  10881. Creates a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object from an address of the range.
  10882. </summary>
  10883. <param name="address">The address of the range.</param>
  10884. <param name="sheetIndex">The sheet index.</param>
  10885. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object</returns>
  10886. </member>
  10887. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.CreateUnionRange(System.String,System.Int32)">
  10888. <summary>
  10889. Creates a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object from an address of the range.
  10890. </summary>
  10891. <param name="address">The address of the range.</param>
  10892. <param name="sheetIndex">The sheet index.</param>
  10893. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> object</returns>
  10894. </member>
  10895. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.GetSheetByCodeName(System.String)">
  10896. <summary>
  10897. Gets the worksheet by the code name.
  10898. </summary>
  10899. <param name="codeName">Worksheet code name.</param>
  10900. <returns>The element with the specified code name.</returns>
  10901. </member>
  10902. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.SortNames">
  10903. <summary>
  10904. Sorts the defined names.
  10905. </summary>
  10906. <remarks>If you create a large amount of named ranges in the Excel file,
  10907. please call this method after all named ranges are created and before saving </remarks>
  10908. </member>
  10909. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Insert(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.SheetType)">
  10910. <summary>
  10911. Insert a worksheet.
  10912. </summary>
  10913. <param name="index">The sheet index</param>
  10914. <param name="sheetType">The sheet type.</param>
  10915. <returns>Returns an inserted worksheet.</returns>
  10916. </member>
  10917. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Insert(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.SheetType,System.String)">
  10918. <summary>
  10919. Insert a worksheet.
  10920. </summary>
  10921. <param name="index">The sheet index</param>
  10922. <param name="sheetType">The sheet type.</param>
  10923. <param name="sheetName">The sheet name.</param>
  10924. <returns>Returns an inserted worksheet.</returns>
  10925. </member>
  10926. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.SheetType)">
  10927. <summary>
  10928. Adds a worksheet to the collection.
  10929. </summary>
  10930. <param name="type">Worksheet type.</param>
  10931. <returns>
  10932. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet" /> object index.</returns>
  10933. <example>
  10934. <code>
  10935. [C#]
  10936. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  10937. workbook.Worksheets.Add(SheetType.Chart);
  10938. Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  10939. cells["c2"].PutValue(5000);
  10940. cells["c3"].PutValue(3000);
  10941. cells["c4"].PutValue(4000);
  10942. cells["c5"].PutValue(5000);
  10943. cells["c6"].PutValue(6000);
  10944. Charts charts = workbook.Worksheets[1].Charts;
  10945. int chartIndex = charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 10,10,20,20);
  10946. Chart chart = charts[chartIndex];
  10947. chart.NSeries.Add("Sheet1!C2:C6", true);
  10948. [Visual Basic]
  10949. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  10950. workbook.Worksheets.Add(SheetType.Chart)
  10951. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  10952. cells("c2").PutValue(5000)
  10953. cells("c3").PutValue(3000)
  10954. cells("c4").PutValue(4000)
  10955. cells("c5").PutValue(5000)
  10956. cells("c6").PutValue(6000)
  10957. Dim charts As Charts = workbook.Worksheets(1).Charts
  10958. Dim chartIndex As Integer = charts.Add(ChartType.Column,10,10,20,20)
  10959. Dim chart As Chart = charts(chartIndex)
  10960. chart.NSeries.Add("Sheet1!C2:C6", True)
  10961. </code>
  10962. </example>
  10963. </member>
  10964. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.SwapSheet(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  10965. <summary>
  10966. Swaps the two sheets.
  10967. </summary>
  10968. <param name="sheetIndex1">The first worksheet.</param>
  10969. <param name="sheetIndex2">The second worksheet.</param>
  10970. </member>
  10971. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Add">
  10972. <summary>
  10973. Adds a worksheet to the collection.
  10974. </summary>
  10975. <returns>
  10976. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet" /> object index.</returns>
  10977. </member>
  10978. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Add(System.String)">
  10979. <summary>
  10980. Adds a worksheet to the collection.
  10981. </summary>
  10982. <param name="sheetName">Worksheet name</param>
  10983. <returns>
  10984. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet" /> object.</returns>
  10985. </member>
  10986. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.RegisterAddInFunction(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  10987. <summary>
  10988. Adds addin function into the workbook
  10989. </summary>
  10990. <param name="addInFile">the file contains the addin functions</param>
  10991. <param name="functionName">the addin function name</param>
  10992. <param name="lib">whether the given addin file is in the directory or sub-directory of Workbook Add-In library.
  10993. This flag takes effect and makes difference when given addInFile is of relative path:
  10994. true denotes the path is relative to Add-In library and false denotes the path is relative to this Workbook.</param>
  10995. <returns>ID of the data which contains given addin function</returns>
  10996. </member>
  10997. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.RegisterAddInFunction(System.Int32,System.String)">
  10998. <summary>
  10999. Adds addin function into the workbook
  11000. </summary>
  11001. <param name="id">ID of the data which contains addin functions,
  11002. can be got by the first call of <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.RegisterAddInFunction(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)" /> for the same addin file.</param>
  11003. <param name="functionName">the addin function name</param>
  11004. <returns>URL of the addin file which contains addin functions</returns>
  11005. </member>
  11006. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.RemoveAt(System.String)">
  11007. <summary>
  11008. Removes the element at a specified name.
  11009. </summary>
  11010. <param name="name">The name of the element to remove.</param>
  11011. </member>
  11012. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  11013. <summary>
  11014. Removes the element at a specified index.
  11015. </summary>
  11016. <param name="index">The index value of the element to remove.</param>
  11017. </member>
  11018. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Clear">
  11019. <summary>
  11020. Clear all worksheets.
  11021. </summary>
  11022. <remarks>
  11023. A workbook must contains a worksheet.
  11024. </remarks>
  11025. </member>
  11026. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.AddCopy(System.String)">
  11027. <summary>
  11028. Adds a worksheet to the collection and copies data from an existed worksheet.
  11029. </summary>
  11030. <param name="sheetName">Name of source worksheet.</param>
  11031. <returns>
  11032. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet" /> object index.</returns>
  11033. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsException">Specifies an invalid worksheet name.</exception>
  11034. </member>
  11035. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.AddCopy(System.Int32)">
  11036. <summary>
  11037. Adds a worksheet to the collection and copies data from an existed worksheet.
  11038. </summary>
  11039. <param name="sheetIndex">Index of source worksheet.</param>
  11040. <returns>
  11041. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet" /> object index.</returns>
  11042. </member>
  11043. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.GetRangeByName(System.String)">
  11044. <summary>
  11045. Gets Range object by pre-defined name.
  11046. </summary>
  11047. <param name="rangeName">Name of range.</param>
  11048. <returns>Range object.<p></p>Returns null if the named range does not exist.</returns>
  11049. </member>
  11050. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.GetNamedRanges">
  11051. <summary>
  11052. Gets all pre-defined named ranges in the spreadsheet.
  11053. </summary>
  11054. <returns>An array of Range objects.
  11055. If the defined Name's reference is external or has multiple ranges, no Range object will be returned for this Name.
  11056. <p></p>Returns null if the named range does not exist.</returns>
  11057. </member>
  11058. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.GetNamedRangesAndTables">
  11059. <summary>
  11060. Gets all pre-defined named ranges in the spreadsheet.
  11061. </summary>
  11062. <returns>An array of Range objects.<p></p>Returns null if the named range does not exist.</returns>
  11063. </member>
  11064. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.SetOleSize(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11065. <summary>
  11066. Sets displayed size when Workbook file is used as an Ole object.
  11067. </summary>
  11068. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  11069. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  11070. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  11071. <param name="endColumn">End column index.</param>
  11072. <remarks>This method is generally used to adjust display size in ppt file or doc file.</remarks>
  11073. </member>
  11074. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.ClearPivottables">
  11075. <summary>
  11076. Clears pivot tables from the spreadsheet.
  11077. </summary>
  11078. </member>
  11079. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.RefreshPivotTables">
  11080. <summary>
  11081. Refreshes all the PivotTables in the WorksheetCollection.
  11082. </summary>
  11083. </member>
  11084. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.WebExtensionTaskPanes">
  11085. <summary>
  11086. Gets the list of task panes.
  11087. </summary>
  11088. </member>
  11089. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.WebExtensions">
  11090. <summary>
  11091. Gets the list of task panes.
  11092. </summary>
  11093. </member>
  11094. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.ThreadedCommentAuthors">
  11095. <summary>
  11096. Gets the list of threaded comment authors.
  11097. </summary>
  11098. </member>
  11099. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.IsRefreshAllConnections">
  11100. <summary>
  11101. Indicates whether refresh all connections on opening file in MS Excel.
  11102. </summary>
  11103. </member>
  11104. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Names">
  11105. <summary>
  11106. Gets the collection of all the Name objects in the spreadsheet.
  11107. </summary>
  11108. </member>
  11109. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  11110. <summary>
  11111. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet" /> element at the specified index.
  11112. </summary>
  11113. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  11114. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  11115. </member>
  11116. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Item(System.String)">
  11117. <summary>
  11118. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet" /> element with the specified name.
  11119. </summary>
  11120. <param name="sheetName">Worksheet name</param>
  11121. <returns>The element with the specified name.</returns>
  11122. </member>
  11123. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.ActiveSheetIndex">
  11124. <summary>
  11125. Represents the index of active worksheet when the spreadsheet is opened.
  11126. </summary>
  11127. <remarks>Sheet index is zero based.</remarks>
  11128. </member>
  11129. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.Dxfs">
  11130. <summary>
  11131. Gets the master differential formatting records.
  11132. </summary>
  11133. </member>
  11134. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.XmlMaps">
  11135. <summary>
  11136. Gets and sets the XML maps in the workbook.
  11137. </summary>
  11138. </member>
  11139. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.BuiltInDocumentProperties">
  11140. <summary>
  11141. Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the built-in document properties of the spreadsheet.
  11142. </summary>
  11143. <remarks>A new property cannot be added to built-in document properties list. You can only get a built-in property and change its value.
  11144. The following is the built-in properties name list:
  11145. <p>Title</p><p>Subject</p><p>Author</p><p>Keywords</p><p>Comments</p><p>Template</p><p>Last Author</p><p>Revision Number</p><p>Application Name</p><p>Last Print Date</p><p>Creation Date</p><p>Last Save Time</p><p>Total Editing Time</p><p>Number of Pages</p><p>Number of Words</p><p>Number of Characters</p><p>Security</p><p>Category</p><p>Format</p><p>Manager</p><p>Company</p><p>Number of Bytes</p><p>Number of Lines</p><p>Number of Paragraphs</p><p>Number of Slides</p><p>Number of Notes</p><p>Number of Hidden Slides</p><p>Number of Multimedia Clips</p></remarks>
  11146. <example>
  11147. <code>
  11148. [C#]
  11149. DocumentProperty doc = workbook.Worksheets.BuiltInDocumentProperties["Author"];
  11150. doc.Value = "John Smith";
  11151. [Visual Basic]
  11152. Dim doc as DocumentProperty = workbook.Worksheets.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Author")
  11153. doc.Value = "John Smith"
  11154. </code>
  11155. </example>
  11156. </member>
  11157. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.CustomDocumentProperties">
  11158. <summary>
  11159. Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties of the spreadsheet.
  11160. </summary>
  11161. <example>
  11162. <code>
  11163. [C#]
  11164. excel.Worksheets.CustomDocumentProperties.Add("Checked by", "Jane");
  11165. [Visual Basic]
  11166. excel.Worksheets.CustomDocumentProperties.Add("Checked by", "Jane")
  11167. </code>
  11168. </example>
  11169. </member>
  11170. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.OleSize">
  11171. <summary>
  11172. Gets and Sets displayed size when Workbook file is used as an Ole object.
  11173. </summary>
  11174. <remarks>
  11175. Null means no ole size setting.
  11176. </remarks>
  11177. </member>
  11178. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.ExternalLinks">
  11179. <summary>
  11180. Represents external links in a workbook.
  11181. </summary>
  11182. </member>
  11183. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.TableStyles">
  11184. <summary>
  11185. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.TableStyles" /> object.
  11186. </summary>
  11187. </member>
  11188. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection.RevisionLogs">
  11189. <summary>
  11190. Represents revision logs.
  11191. </summary>
  11192. </member>
  11193. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet">
  11194. <summary>
  11195. Encapsulates the object that represents a single worksheet.
  11196. </summary>
  11197. <example>
  11198. <code>
  11199. [C#]
  11200. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  11201. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  11202. //Freeze panes at "AS40" with 10 rows and 10 columns
  11203. sheet.FreezePanes("AS40", 10, 10);
  11204. //Add a hyperlink in Cell A1
  11205. sheet.Hyperlinks.Add("A1", 1, 1, "");
  11206. [Visual Basic]
  11207. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
  11208. Dim sheet as Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  11209. 'Freeze panes at "AS40" with 10 rows and 10 columns
  11210. sheet.FreezePanes("AS40", 10, 10)
  11211. 'Add a hyperlink in Cell A1
  11212. sheet.Hyperlinks.Add("A1", 1, 1, "")
  11213. </code>
  11214. </example>
  11215. </member>
  11216. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Dispose">
  11217. <summary>
  11218. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
  11219. resetting unmanaged resources.
  11220. </summary>
  11221. </member>
  11222. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.GetPanes">
  11223. <summary>
  11224. Gets the window panes.
  11225. </summary>
  11226. <remarks>
  11227. If the window is not split or frozen.
  11228. </remarks>
  11229. </member>
  11230. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.FreezePanes(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11231. <summary>
  11232. Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet.
  11233. </summary>
  11234. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  11235. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  11236. <param name="freezedRows">Number of visible rows in top pane, no more than row index.</param>
  11237. <param name="freezedColumns">Number of visible columns in left pane, no more than column index.</param>
  11238. <remarks>
  11239. <p>Row index and column index cannot all be zero. Number of rows and number of columns
  11240. also cannot all be zero.</p>
  11241. <p>The first two parameters specify the froze position and the last two parameters specify the area frozen on the left top pane.</p>
  11242. </remarks>
  11243. </member>
  11244. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.GetFreezedPanes(System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
  11245. <summary>
  11246. Gets the freeze panes.
  11247. </summary>
  11248. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  11249. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  11250. <param name="freezedRows">Number of visible rows in top pane, no more than row index.</param>
  11251. <param name="freezedColumns">Number of visible columns in left pane, no more than column index.</param>
  11252. <returns>Return whether the worksheet is frozen</returns>
  11253. </member>
  11254. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Split">
  11255. <summary>
  11256. Splits window.
  11257. </summary>
  11258. </member>
  11259. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.FreezePanes(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11260. <summary>
  11261. Freezes panes at the specified cell in the worksheet.
  11262. </summary>
  11263. <param name="cellName">Cell name.</param>
  11264. <param name="freezedRows">Number of visible rows in top pane, no more than row index.</param>
  11265. <param name="freezedColumns">Number of visible columns in left pane, no more than column index.</param>
  11266. <remarks>Row index and column index cannot all be zero. Number of rows and number of columns
  11267. also cannot all be zero.</remarks>
  11268. </member>
  11269. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.UnFreezePanes">
  11270. <summary>
  11271. Unfreezes panes in the worksheet.
  11272. </summary>
  11273. </member>
  11274. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.RemoveSplit">
  11275. <summary>
  11276. Removes split window.
  11277. </summary>
  11278. </member>
  11279. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AddPageBreaks(System.String)">
  11280. <summary>
  11281. Adds page break.
  11282. </summary>
  11283. <param name="cellName">
  11284. </param>
  11285. </member>
  11286. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet)">
  11287. <summary>
  11288. Copies contents and formats from another worksheet.
  11289. </summary>
  11290. <param name="sourceSheet">Source worksheet.</param>
  11291. </member>
  11292. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions)">
  11293. <summary>
  11294. Copies contents and formats from another worksheet.
  11295. </summary>
  11296. <param name="sourceSheet">Source worksheet.</param>
  11297. <param name="copyOptions">
  11298. </param>
  11299. <remarks>You can copy data from another worksheet in the same file or another file. However, this method does not support to copy drawing objects, such as comments, images and charts.</remarks>
  11300. </member>
  11301. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitColumn(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11302. <summary>
  11303. Autofits the column width.
  11304. </summary>
  11305. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  11306. <param name="firstRow">First row index.</param>
  11307. <param name="lastRow">Last row index.</param>
  11308. <remarks>This method autofits a row based on content in a range of cells within the row.
  11309. </remarks>
  11310. </member>
  11311. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitColumns">
  11312. <summary>
  11313. Autofits all columns in this worksheet.
  11314. </summary>
  11315. </member>
  11316. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitColumns(Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions)">
  11317. <summary>
  11318. Autofits all columns in this worksheet.
  11319. </summary>
  11320. <param name="options">The auto fitting options
  11321. </param>
  11322. </member>
  11323. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitColumn(System.Int32)">
  11324. <summary>
  11325. Autofits the column width.
  11326. </summary>
  11327. <param name="columnIndex">Column index.</param>
  11328. <remarks>AutoFitColumn is an imprecise function.</remarks>
  11329. </member>
  11330. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11331. <summary>
  11332. Autofits the columns width.
  11333. </summary>
  11334. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  11335. <param name="lastColumn">Last column index.</param>
  11336. <remarks>AutoFitColumn is an imprecise function.</remarks>
  11337. </member>
  11338. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions)">
  11339. <summary>
  11340. Autofits the columns width.
  11341. </summary>
  11342. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  11343. <param name="lastColumn">Last column index.</param>
  11344. <param name="options">The auto fitting options</param>
  11345. <remarks>AutoFitColumn is an imprecise function.</remarks>
  11346. </member>
  11347. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11348. <summary>
  11349. Autofits the columns width.
  11350. </summary>
  11351. <param name="firstRow">First row index.</param>
  11352. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  11353. <param name="lastRow">Last row index.</param>
  11354. <param name="lastColumn">Last column index.</param>
  11355. <remarks>AutoFitColumn is an imprecise function.</remarks>
  11356. </member>
  11357. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitColumns(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions)">
  11358. <summary>
  11359. Autofits the columns width.
  11360. </summary>
  11361. <param name="firstRow">First row index.</param>
  11362. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  11363. <param name="lastRow">Last row index.</param>
  11364. <param name="lastColumn">Last column index.</param>
  11365. <param name="options">The auto fitting options</param>
  11366. <remarks>AutoFitColumn is an imprecise function.</remarks>
  11367. </member>
  11368. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRow(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11369. <summary>
  11370. Autofits the row height.
  11371. </summary>
  11372. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  11373. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  11374. <param name="lastColumn">Last column index.</param>
  11375. <remarks>This method autofits a row based on content in a range of cells within the row.
  11376. </remarks>
  11377. </member>
  11378. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRow(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions)">
  11379. <summary>
  11380. Autofits the row height.
  11381. </summary>
  11382. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  11383. <param name="firstColumn">First column index.</param>
  11384. <param name="lastColumn">Last column index.</param>
  11385. <param name="options">The auto fitter options</param>
  11386. <remarks>This method autofits a row based on content in a range of cells within the row.
  11387. </remarks>
  11388. </member>
  11389. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRows">
  11390. <summary>
  11391. Autofits all rows in this worksheet.
  11392. </summary>
  11393. </member>
  11394. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRows(System.Boolean)">
  11395. <summary>
  11396. Autofits all rows in this worksheet.
  11397. </summary>
  11398. <param name="onlyAuto">
  11399. True,only autofits the row height when row height is not customed.
  11400. </param>
  11401. </member>
  11402. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRows(Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions)">
  11403. <summary>
  11404. Autofits all rows in this worksheet.
  11405. </summary>
  11406. <param name="options">The auto fitter options</param>
  11407. </member>
  11408. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRows(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11409. <summary>
  11410. Autofits row height in a range.
  11411. </summary>
  11412. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  11413. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  11414. </member>
  11415. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRows(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions)">
  11416. <summary>
  11417. Autofits row height in a range.
  11418. </summary>
  11419. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  11420. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  11421. <param name="options">The options of auto fitter.</param>
  11422. </member>
  11423. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRow(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  11424. <summary>
  11425. Autofits row height in a rectangle range.
  11426. </summary>
  11427. <param name="startRow">Start row index.</param>
  11428. <param name="endRow">End row index.</param>
  11429. <param name="startColumn">Start column index.</param>
  11430. <param name="endColumn">End column index.</param>
  11431. </member>
  11432. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFitRow(System.Int32)">
  11433. <summary>
  11434. Autofits the row height.
  11435. </summary>
  11436. <param name="rowIndex">Row index.</param>
  11437. <remarks>AutoFitRow is an imprecise function.</remarks>
  11438. </member>
  11439. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AdvancedFilter(System.Boolean,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  11440. <summary>
  11441. Filters data using complex criteria.
  11442. </summary>
  11443. <param name="isFilter">Indicates whether filtering the list in place.</param>
  11444. <param name="listRange">The list range.</param>
  11445. <param name="criteriaRange">The criteria range.</param>
  11446. <param name="copyTo">The range where copying data to. </param>
  11447. <param name="uniqueRecordOnly">Only displaying or copying unique rows.</param>
  11448. </member>
  11449. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.RemoveAutoFilter">
  11450. <summary>
  11451. Removes the auto filter of the worksheet.
  11452. </summary>
  11453. </member>
  11454. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.SetVisible(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  11455. <summary>
  11456. Sets the visible options.
  11457. </summary>
  11458. <param name="isVisible">Whether the worksheet is visible</param>
  11459. <param name="ignoreError">Whether to ignore error if this option is not valid.</param>
  11460. </member>
  11461. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.SelectRange(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  11462. <summary>
  11463. Selects a range.
  11464. </summary>
  11465. <param name="startRow">The start row.
  11466. </param>
  11467. <param name="startColumn">The start column</param>
  11468. <param name="totalRows">The number of rows.</param>
  11469. <param name="totalColumns">The number of columns</param>
  11470. <param name="removeOthers">True means removing other selected range and only select this range.
  11471. </param>
  11472. </member>
  11473. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.RemoveAllDrawingObjects">
  11474. <summary>
  11475. Removes all drawing objects in this worksheet.
  11476. </summary>
  11477. </member>
  11478. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.ClearComments">
  11479. <summary>
  11480. Clears all comments in designer spreadsheet.
  11481. </summary>
  11482. </member>
  11483. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Protect(Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType)">
  11484. <summary>
  11485. Protects worksheet.
  11486. </summary>
  11487. <param name="type">Protection type.</param>
  11488. <remarks>This method protects worksheet without password. It can protect worksheet in all versions of Excel file.
  11489. </remarks>
  11490. </member>
  11491. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Protect(Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType,System.String,System.String)">
  11492. <summary>
  11493. Protects worksheet.
  11494. </summary>
  11495. <param name="type">Protection type.</param>
  11496. <param name="password">Password.</param>
  11497. <param name="oldPassword">If the worksheet is already protected by a password, please supply the old password.
  11498. Otherwise, you can set a null value or blank string to this parameter.</param>
  11499. <remarks>This method can protect worksheet in all versions of Excel file.
  11500. </remarks>
  11501. <example>
  11502. <code>
  11503. [C#]
  11504. //Creating a file stream containing the Excel file to be opened
  11505. FileStream fstream = new FileStream("C:\\book1.xls", FileMode.Open);
  11506. //Instantiating a Workbook object and Opening the Excel file through the file stream
  11507. Workbook excel = new Workbook(fstream);
  11508. //Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
  11509. Worksheet worksheet = excel.Worksheets[0];
  11510. //Protecting the worksheet with a password
  11511. worksheet.Protect(ProtectionType.All, "aspose", null);
  11512. //Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 20003) format
  11513. excel.Save("C:\\output.xls");
  11514. //Closing the file stream to free all resources
  11515. fstream.Close();
  11516. [Visual Basic]
  11517. 'Creating a file stream containing the Excel file to be opened
  11518. Dim fstream As FileStream = New FileStream("C:\\book1.xls", FileMode.Open)
  11519. 'Instantiating a Workbook object and Opening the Excel file through the file stream
  11520. Dim excel As Workbook = New Workbook(fstream)
  11521. 'Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
  11522. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = excel.Worksheets(0)
  11523. 'Protecting the worksheet with a password
  11524. worksheet.Protect(ProtectionType.All, "aspose", DBNull.Value.ToString())
  11525. 'Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 20003) format
  11526. excel.Save("C:\\output.xls")
  11527. 'Closing the file stream to free all resources
  11528. fstream.Close()
  11529. </code>
  11530. </example>
  11531. </member>
  11532. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Unprotect">
  11533. <summary>
  11534. Unprotects worksheet.
  11535. </summary>
  11536. <remarks> This method unprotects worksheet which is protected without password.
  11537. </remarks>
  11538. </member>
  11539. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Unprotect(System.String)">
  11540. <summary>
  11541. Unprotects worksheet.
  11542. </summary>
  11543. <param name="password">Password</param>
  11544. <remarks>If the worksheet is protected without a password, you can set a null value or blank string to password parameter.
  11545. </remarks>
  11546. </member>
  11547. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.MoveTo(System.Int32)">
  11548. <summary>
  11549. Moves the sheet to another location in the spreadsheet.
  11550. </summary>
  11551. <param name="index">Destination sheet index.</param>
  11552. </member>
  11553. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Replace(System.String,System.String)">
  11554. <summary>
  11555. Replaces all cells' text with a new string.
  11556. </summary>
  11557. <param name="oldString">Old string value.</param>
  11558. <param name="newString">New string value.</param>
  11559. </member>
  11560. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.GetSelectedRanges">
  11561. <summary>
  11562. Gets selected ranges of cells in the designer spreadsheet.
  11563. </summary>
  11564. <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.ArrayList" /> which contains selected ranges.</returns>
  11565. </member>
  11566. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.SetBackground(System.Byte[])">
  11567. <summary>
  11568. Sets worksheet background image.
  11569. </summary>
  11570. <param name="pictureData">Picture data.</param>
  11571. <remarks>
  11572. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  11573. please use Worksheet.BackgroundImage property.
  11574. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  11575. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  11576. </member>
  11577. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.GetPrintingPageBreaks(Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  11578. <summary>
  11579. Gets automatic page breaks.
  11580. </summary>
  11581. <param name="options">The print options</param>
  11582. <returns>The automatic page breaks areas.</returns>
  11583. <remarks>
  11584. Each cell area represents a paper.
  11585. </remarks>
  11586. </member>
  11587. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.ToString">
  11588. <summary>
  11589. Returns a string represents the current Worksheet object.
  11590. </summary>
  11591. <returns>
  11592. </returns>
  11593. </member>
  11594. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.CalculateFormula(System.String)">
  11595. <summary>
  11596. Calculates a formula.
  11597. </summary>
  11598. <param name="formula">Formula to be calculated.</param>
  11599. <returns>Calculated formula result.</returns>
  11600. </member>
  11601. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.CalculateFormula(System.String,Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions)">
  11602. <summary>
  11603. Calculates a formula.
  11604. </summary>
  11605. <param name="formula">Formula to be calculated.</param>
  11606. <param name="opts">Options for calculating formula</param>
  11607. <returns>Calculated formula result.</returns>
  11608. </member>
  11609. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.CalculateFormula(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,Aspose.Cells.ICustomFunction)">
  11610. <summary>
  11611. Calculates all formulas in this worksheet.
  11612. </summary>
  11613. <param name="recursive">True means if the worksheet' cells depend on the cells of other worksheets,
  11614. the dependent cells in other worksheets will be calculated too.
  11615. False means all the formulas in the worksheet have been calculated and the values are right.</param>
  11616. <param name="ignoreError">Indicates if hide the error in calculating formulas.
  11617. The error may be unsupported function, external links, etc.</param>
  11618. <param name="customFunction">The custom formula calculation functions to extend the calculation engine.</param>
  11619. <remarks>
  11620. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  11621. please use CalculateFormula(CalculationOptions, bool) method.
  11622. This method will be removed 12 months later since August 2020.
  11623. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  11624. </member>
  11625. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.CalculateFormula(Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions,System.Boolean)">
  11626. <summary>
  11627. Calculates all formulas in this worksheet.
  11628. </summary>
  11629. <param name="options">Options for calculation</param>
  11630. <param name="recursive">True means if the worksheet' cells depend on the cells of other worksheets,
  11631. the dependent cells in other worksheets will be calculated too.
  11632. False means all the formulas in the worksheet have been calculated and the values are right.</param>
  11633. </member>
  11634. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.XmlMapQuery(System.String,Aspose.Cells.XmlMap)">
  11635. <summary>
  11636. Query cell areas that mapped/linked to the specific path of xml map.
  11637. </summary>
  11638. <param name="path">xml element path</param>
  11639. e.g. A xml map element structure:
  11640. -RootElement
  11641. |-Attribute1
  11642. |-SubElement
  11643. |-Attribute2
  11644. |-Attribute3
  11645. To query "Attribute1", path is "/RootElement/@Attribute1"
  11646. To query "Attribute2", path is "/RootElement/SubElement/@Attribute2"
  11647. To query whole "SubElement", path is "/RootElement/SubElement"
  11648. <param name="xmlMap">Specify an xml map if you want to query for the specific path within a specific map</param><returns><see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellArea" /> list that mapped/linked to the specific path of xml map, an empty list is returned if nothing is mapped/linked.</returns></member>
  11649. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.RefreshPivotTables">
  11650. <summary>
  11651. Refreshes all the PivotTables in this Worksheet.
  11652. </summary>
  11653. </member>
  11654. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Protection">
  11655. <summary>
  11656. Represents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet. Supports advanced protection options in ExcelXP and above version.
  11657. </summary>
  11658. <remarks>This property can protect worksheet in all versions of Excel file and support advanced protection options in ExcelXP and above version.
  11659. </remarks>
  11660. </member>
  11661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.UniqueId">
  11662. <summary>
  11663. Gets and sets the unique id, it is same as {15DB5C3C-A5A1-48AF-8F25-3D86AC232D4F}.
  11664. </summary>
  11665. </member>
  11666. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Workbook">
  11667. <summary>
  11668. Gets the workbook object which contains this sheet.
  11669. </summary>
  11670. </member>
  11671. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Cells">
  11672. <summary>
  11673. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Cells" /> collection.
  11674. </summary>
  11675. </member>
  11676. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.QueryTables">
  11677. <summary>
  11678. Gets the queryTables in the worksheet.
  11679. </summary>
  11680. </member>
  11681. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.PivotTables">
  11682. <summary>
  11683. Gets all pivot tables in this worksheet.
  11684. </summary>
  11685. </member>
  11686. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Type">
  11687. <summary>
  11688. Represents worksheet type.
  11689. </summary>
  11690. </member>
  11691. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Name">
  11692. <summary>
  11693. Gets or sets the name of the worksheet.
  11694. </summary>
  11695. <remarks>The max length of sheet name is 31. And you cannot assign same name(case insensitive) to two worksheets.
  11696. For example, you cannot set "SheetName1" to the first worksheet and set "SHEETNAME1" to the second worksheet.</remarks>
  11697. </member>
  11698. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.ShowFormulas">
  11699. <summary>
  11700. Indicates whether to show formulas or their results.
  11701. </summary>
  11702. </member>
  11703. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.IsGridlinesVisible">
  11704. <summary>
  11705. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gridlines are visible.Default is true.
  11706. </summary>
  11707. </member>
  11708. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.IsRowColumnHeadersVisible">
  11709. <summary>
  11710. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will display row and column headers.
  11711. Default is true.
  11712. </summary>
  11713. </member>
  11714. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.PaneState">
  11715. <summary>
  11716. Indicates whether the pane has horizontal or vertical splits, and whether those splits are frozen.
  11717. </summary>
  11718. </member>
  11719. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.DisplayZeros">
  11720. <summary>
  11721. True if zero values are displayed.
  11722. </summary>
  11723. </member>
  11724. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.DisplayRightToLeft">
  11725. <summary>
  11726. Indicates if the specified worksheet is displayed from right to left instead of from left to right.
  11727. Default is false.
  11728. </summary>
  11729. </member>
  11730. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.IsOutlineShown">
  11731. <summary>
  11732. Indicates whether to show outline.
  11733. </summary>
  11734. </member>
  11735. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.IsSelected">
  11736. <summary>
  11737. Indicates whether this worksheet is selected when the workbook is opened.
  11738. </summary>
  11739. </member>
  11740. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.ListObjects">
  11741. <summary>
  11742. Gets all ListObjects in this worksheet.
  11743. </summary>
  11744. </member>
  11745. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.TabId">
  11746. <summary>
  11747. Specifies the internal identifier for the sheet.
  11748. </summary>
  11749. </member>
  11750. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.HorizontalPageBreaks">
  11751. <summary>
  11752. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection" /> collection.
  11753. </summary>
  11754. </member>
  11755. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.VerticalPageBreaks">
  11756. <summary>
  11757. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection" /> collection.
  11758. </summary>
  11759. </member>
  11760. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Hyperlinks">
  11761. <summary>
  11762. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HyperlinkCollection" /> collection.
  11763. </summary>
  11764. </member>
  11765. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.PageSetup">
  11766. <summary>
  11767. Represents the page setup description in this sheet.
  11768. </summary>
  11769. </member>
  11770. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AutoFilter">
  11771. <summary>
  11772. Represents auto filter for the specified worksheet.
  11773. </summary>
  11774. </member>
  11775. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.HasAutofilter">
  11776. <summary>
  11777. Indicates whether this worksheet has auto filter.
  11778. </summary>
  11779. </member>
  11780. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.TransitionEvaluation">
  11781. <summary>
  11782. Indicates whether the Transition Formula Evaluation (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled.
  11783. </summary>
  11784. </member>
  11785. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.TransitionEntry">
  11786. <summary>
  11787. Indicates whether the Transition Formula Entry (Lotus compatibility) option is enabled.
  11788. </summary>
  11789. </member>
  11790. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.VisibilityType">
  11791. <summary>
  11792. Indicates the visible state for this sheet.
  11793. </summary>
  11794. </member>
  11795. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.IsVisible">
  11796. <summary>
  11797. Represents if the worksheet is visible.
  11798. </summary>
  11799. </member>
  11800. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.SparklineGroupCollection">
  11801. <summary>
  11802. Gets the sparkline group collection in the worksheet.
  11803. </summary>
  11804. </member>
  11805. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Charts">
  11806. <summary>
  11807. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart" /> collection
  11808. </summary>
  11809. </member>
  11810. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Comments">
  11811. <summary>
  11812. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Comment" /> collection.
  11813. </summary>
  11814. </member>
  11815. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Pictures">
  11816. <summary>
  11817. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> collection.
  11818. </summary>
  11819. </member>
  11820. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.TextBoxes">
  11821. <summary>
  11822. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBox" /> collection.
  11823. </summary>
  11824. </member>
  11825. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.CheckBoxes">
  11826. <summary>
  11827. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox" /> collection.
  11828. </summary>
  11829. </member>
  11830. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.OleObjects">
  11831. <summary>
  11832. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject" /> in a worksheet.
  11833. </summary>
  11834. </member>
  11835. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Shapes">
  11836. <summary>
  11837. Returns all drawing shapes in this worksheet.
  11838. </summary>
  11839. </member>
  11840. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Slicers">
  11841. <summary>
  11842. Get the Slicer collection in the worksheet
  11843. </summary>
  11844. </member>
  11845. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Index">
  11846. <summary>
  11847. Gets the index of sheet in the worksheet collection.
  11848. </summary>
  11849. </member>
  11850. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.IsProtected">
  11851. <summary>
  11852. Indicates if the worksheet is protected.
  11853. </summary>
  11854. </member>
  11855. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Validations">
  11856. <summary>
  11857. Gets the data validation setting collection in the worksheet.
  11858. </summary>
  11859. </member>
  11860. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.AllowEditRanges">
  11861. <summary>
  11862. Gets the allow edit range collection in the worksheet.
  11863. </summary>
  11864. </member>
  11865. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.ErrorCheckOptions">
  11866. <summary>
  11867. Gets error check setting applied on certain ranges.
  11868. </summary>
  11869. </member>
  11870. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Outline">
  11871. <summary>
  11872. Gets the outline on this worksheet.
  11873. </summary>
  11874. </member>
  11875. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.FirstVisibleRow">
  11876. <summary>
  11877. Represents first visible row index.
  11878. </summary>
  11879. </member>
  11880. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.FirstVisibleColumn">
  11881. <summary>
  11882. Represents first visible column index.
  11883. </summary>
  11884. </member>
  11885. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Zoom">
  11886. <summary>
  11887. Represents the scaling factor in percentage. It should be between 10 and 400.
  11888. </summary>
  11889. <remarks>Please set the view type first.</remarks>
  11890. </member>
  11891. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.ViewType">
  11892. <summary>
  11893. Gets and sets the view type.
  11894. </summary>
  11895. </member>
  11896. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.IsPageBreakPreview">
  11897. <summary>
  11898. Indicates whether the specified worksheet is shown in normal view or page break preview.
  11899. </summary>
  11900. </member>
  11901. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.IsRulerVisible">
  11902. <summary>
  11903. Indicates whether the ruler is visible. This property is only applied for page break preview.
  11904. </summary>
  11905. </member>
  11906. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.TabColor">
  11907. <summary>
  11908. Represents worksheet tab color.
  11909. </summary>
  11910. <remarks>This feature is only supported in ExcelXP(Excel2002) and later versions.
  11911. If you save file as Excel97 or Excel2000 format, it will be omitted.</remarks>
  11912. </member>
  11913. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.CodeName">
  11914. <summary>
  11915. Gets worksheet code name.
  11916. </summary>
  11917. </member>
  11918. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.BackgroundImage">
  11919. <summary>
  11920. Gets and sets worksheet background image.
  11921. </summary>
  11922. </member>
  11923. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.ConditionalFormattings">
  11924. <summary>
  11925. Gets the ConditionalFormattings in the worksheet.
  11926. </summary>
  11927. </member>
  11928. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.ActiveCell">
  11929. <summary>
  11930. Gets or sets the active cell in the worksheet.
  11931. </summary>
  11932. </member>
  11933. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.CustomProperties">
  11934. <summary>
  11935. Gets an object representing
  11936. the identifier information associated with a worksheet.
  11937. </summary>
  11938. <remarks>
  11939. Worksheet.CustomProperties provide a preferred mechanism for storing arbitrary data.
  11940. It supports legacy third-party document components, as well as those situations that have a stringent need for binary parts.
  11941. </remarks>
  11942. </member>
  11943. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.SmartTagSetting">
  11944. <summary>
  11945. Gets all <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> objects of the worksheet.
  11946. </summary>
  11947. </member>
  11948. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.Scenarios">
  11949. <summary>
  11950. Gets the collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Scenario" />.
  11951. </summary>
  11952. </member>
  11953. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Worksheet.CellWatches">
  11954. <summary>
  11955. Gets collection of cells on this worksheet being watched in the 'watch window'.
  11956. </summary>
  11957. </member>
  11958. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Metered">
  11959. <summary>
  11960. Provides methods to set metered key.
  11961. </summary>
  11962. <example>
  11963. In this example, an attempt will be made to set metered public and private key
  11964. <code>
  11965. [C#]
  11966. Metered matered = new Metered();
  11967. matered.SetMeteredKey("PublicKey", "PrivateKey");
  11968. [Visual Basic]
  11969. Dim matered As Metered = New Metered
  11970. matered.SetMeteredKey("PublicKey", "PrivateKey")
  11971. </code></example>
  11972. </member>
  11973. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metered.#ctor">
  11974. <summary>
  11975. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  11976. </summary>
  11977. </member>
  11978. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metered.SetMeteredKey(System.String,System.String)">
  11979. <summary>
  11980. Sets metered public and private key
  11981. </summary>
  11982. <param name="publicKey">public key</param>
  11983. <param name="privateKey">private key</param>
  11984. </member>
  11985. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metered.GetConsumptionQuantity">
  11986. <summary>
  11987. Gets consumption file size
  11988. </summary>
  11989. <returns>consumption quantity</returns>
  11990. </member>
  11991. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metered.GetConsumptionCredit">
  11992. <summary>
  11993. Gets consumption credit
  11994. </summary>
  11995. <returns>consumption quantity</returns>
  11996. </member>
  11997. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup">
  11998. <summary>
  11999. Encapsulates the object that represents the page setup description.
  12000. The PageSetup object contains all page setup options.
  12001. </summary>
  12002. <example>
  12003. <code>
  12004. [C#]
  12005. sheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "D1:K13";
  12006. sheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$5:$7";
  12007. sheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleColumns = "$A:$B";
  12008. [Visual Basic]
  12009. sheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "D1:K13"
  12010. sheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$5:$7"
  12011. sheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleColumns = "$A:$B"
  12012. </code>
  12013. </example>
  12014. </member>
  12015. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.Copy(Aspose.Cells.PageSetup,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions)">
  12016. <summary>
  12017. Copies the setting of the page setup.
  12018. </summary>
  12019. <param name="source">The source.</param>
  12020. <param name="copyOptions">The copy options.</param>
  12021. </member>
  12022. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetFitToPages(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  12023. <summary>
  12024. Sets the number of pages the worksheet will be scaled to when it's printed.
  12025. </summary>
  12026. <param name="wide">Pages wide.</param>
  12027. <param name="tall">Pages tall.</param>
  12028. </member>
  12029. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.CustomPaperSize(System.Double,System.Double)">
  12030. <summary>
  12031. Sets the custom paper size, in unit of inches.
  12032. </summary>
  12033. <param name="width">The width of the paper. </param>
  12034. <param name="height">The height of the paper.</param>
  12035. </member>
  12036. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.ClearHeaderFooter">
  12037. <summary>
  12038. Clears header and footer setting.
  12039. </summary>
  12040. </member>
  12041. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetHeader(System.Int32)">
  12042. <summary>
  12043. Gets a script formatting the header of an Excel file.
  12044. </summary>
  12045. <param name="section">
  12046. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12047. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12048. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12049. </param>
  12050. </member>
  12051. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetCommands(System.String)">
  12052. <summary>
  12053. Gets all commands of header or footer.
  12054. </summary>
  12055. <param name="headerFooterScript">The header/footer script</param>
  12056. <returns>Returns all commands of header or footer.</returns>
  12057. </member>
  12058. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetFooter(System.Int32)">
  12059. <summary>
  12060. Gets a script formatting the footer of an Excel file.
  12061. </summary>
  12062. <param name="section">
  12063. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12064. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12065. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12066. </param>
  12067. </member>
  12068. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetHeader(System.Int32,System.String)">
  12069. <summary>
  12070. Sets a script formatting the header of an Excel file.
  12071. </summary>
  12072. <param name="section">
  12073. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12074. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12075. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12076. </param>
  12077. <param name="headerScript">Header format script.</param>
  12078. <remarks>
  12079. <p>Script commands:</p>
  12080. <table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0">
  12081. <tr>
  12082. <td width="25%">
  12083. <font color="gray">
  12084. <b>Command</b>
  12085. </font>¡¡</td>
  12086. <td width="75%">
  12087. <font color="gray">
  12088. <b>Description</b>
  12089. </font>¡¡</td>
  12090. </tr>
  12091. <tr>
  12092. <td width="25%">&amp;P</td>
  12093. <td width="75%">Current page number¡¡</td>
  12094. </tr>
  12095. <tr>
  12096. <td width="25%">&amp;N</td>
  12097. <td width="75%">Page count¡¡</td>
  12098. </tr>
  12099. <tr>
  12100. <td width="25%">&amp;D</td>
  12101. <td width="75%">Current date¡¡</td>
  12102. </tr>
  12103. <tr>
  12104. <td width="25%">&amp;T</td>
  12105. <td width="75%">Current time</td>
  12106. </tr>
  12107. <tr>
  12108. <td width="25%">&amp;A</td>
  12109. <td width="75%">Sheet name</td>
  12110. </tr>
  12111. <tr>
  12112. <td width="25%">&amp;F</td>
  12113. <td width="75%">File name without path</td>
  12114. </tr>
  12115. <tr>
  12116. <td width="25%">&amp;"&lt;FontName&gt;"</td>
  12117. <td width="75%">Font name, for example: &amp;"Arial"</td>
  12118. </tr>
  12119. <tr>
  12120. <td width="25%">&amp;"&lt;FontName&gt;, &lt;FontStyle&gt;"</td>
  12121. <td width="75%">Font name and font style, for example: &amp;"Arial,Bold"</td>
  12122. </tr>
  12123. <tr>
  12124. <td width="25%">&amp;&lt;FontSize&gt;</td>
  12125. <td width="75%">Font size. If this command is followed by a plain number to be printed in the header, it will be separated from the font height with a space character.</td>
  12126. </tr>
  12127. <tr>
  12128. <td width="25%">&amp;"&lt;K"</td>
  12129. <td width="75%">Font color, for example(RED): &amp;FF0000</td>
  12130. </tr>
  12131. <tr>
  12132. <td width="25%">&amp;G</td>
  12133. <td width="75%">Image script</td>
  12134. </tr>
  12135. </table>
  12136. For example: "&amp;Arial,Bold&amp;8Header Note"
  12137. </remarks>
  12138. </member>
  12139. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetFooter(System.Int32,System.String)">
  12140. <summary>
  12141. Sets a script formatting the footer of an Excel file.
  12142. </summary>
  12143. <param name="section">
  12144. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12145. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12146. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12147. </param>dddd
  12148. <param name="footerScript">Footer format script.</param><remarks><p>Script commands:</p><table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="25%"><font color="gray"><b>Command</b></font>¡¡</td><td width="75%"><font color="gray"><b>Description</b></font>¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;P</td><td width="75%">Current page number¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;N</td><td width="75%">Page count¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;D</td><td width="75%">Current date¡¡</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;T</td><td width="75%">Current time</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;A</td><td width="75%">Sheet name</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;F</td><td width="75%">File name without path</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;"&lt;FontName&gt;"</td><td width="75%">Font name, for example: &amp;"Arial"</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;"&lt;FontName&gt;, &lt;FontStyle&gt;"</td><td width="75%">Font name and font style, for example: &amp;"Arial,Bold"</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;&lt;FontSize&gt;</td><td width="75%">Font size. If this command is followed by a plain number to be printed in the header, it will be separated from the font height with a space character.</td></tr><tr><td width="25%">&amp;G</td><td width="75%">Image script</td></tr></table>
  12149. For example: "&amp;Arial,Bold&amp;8Footer Note"
  12150. </remarks></member>
  12151. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetEvenHeader(System.Int32,System.String)">
  12152. <summary>
  12153. Sets a script formatting the even page header of an Excel file.
  12154. Only effect in Excel 2007 when IsHFDiffOddEven is true.
  12155. </summary>
  12156. <param name="section">
  12157. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12158. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12159. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12160. </param>
  12161. <param name="headerScript">Header format script.</param>
  12162. </member>
  12163. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetEvenHeader(System.Int32)">
  12164. <summary>
  12165. Gets a script formatting the even header of an Excel file.
  12166. </summary>
  12167. <param name="section">
  12168. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12169. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12170. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12171. </param>
  12172. </member>
  12173. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetEvenFooter(System.Int32,System.String)">
  12174. <summary>
  12175. Sets a script formatting the even page footer of an Excel file.
  12176. Only effect in Excel 2007 when IsHFDiffOddEven is true.
  12177. </summary>
  12178. <param name="section">
  12179. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12180. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12181. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12182. </param>
  12183. <param name="footerScript">Footer format script.</param>
  12184. </member>
  12185. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetEvenFooter(System.Int32)">
  12186. <summary>
  12187. Gets a script formatting the even footer of an Excel file.
  12188. </summary>
  12189. <param name="section">
  12190. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12191. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12192. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12193. </param>
  12194. </member>
  12195. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetFirstPageHeader(System.Int32,System.String)">
  12196. <summary>
  12197. Sets a script formatting the first page header of an Excel file.
  12198. Only effect in Excel 2007 when IsHFDiffFirst is true.
  12199. </summary>
  12200. <param name="section">
  12201. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12202. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12203. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12204. </param>
  12205. <param name="headerScript">Header format script.</param>
  12206. </member>
  12207. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetFirstPageHeader(System.Int32)">
  12208. <summary>
  12209. Gets a script formatting the first page header of an Excel file.
  12210. </summary>
  12211. <param name="section">
  12212. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12213. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12214. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12215. </param>
  12216. </member>
  12217. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetFirstPageFooter(System.Int32,System.String)">
  12218. <summary>
  12219. Sets a script formatting the first page footer of an Excel file.
  12220. </summary>
  12221. <param name="section">
  12222. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12223. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12224. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12225. </param>
  12226. <param name="footerScript">Footer format script.</param>
  12227. </member>
  12228. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetFirstPageFooter(System.Int32)">
  12229. <summary>
  12230. Gets a script formatting the first page footer of an Excel file.
  12231. </summary>
  12232. <param name="section">
  12233. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12234. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12235. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12236. </param>
  12237. </member>
  12238. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetHeaderPicture(System.Int32,System.Byte[])">
  12239. <summary>
  12240. Sets an image in the header of a worksheet.
  12241. </summary>
  12242. <param name="section">
  12243. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12244. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12245. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12246. </param>
  12247. <param name="headerPicture">Image data.</param>
  12248. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object.</returns>
  12249. </member>
  12250. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetFooterPicture(System.Int32,System.Byte[])">
  12251. <summary>
  12252. Sets an image in the footer of a worksheet.
  12253. </summary>
  12254. <param name="section">
  12255. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12256. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12257. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12258. </param>
  12259. <param name="footerPicture">Image data.</param>
  12260. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object.</returns>
  12261. </member>
  12262. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.SetPicture(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Byte[])">
  12263. <summary>
  12264. Sets an image in the header/footer of a worksheet.
  12265. </summary>
  12266. <param name="isFirst">Indicates whether setting the picture of first page header/footer. </param>
  12267. <param name="isEven">Indicates whether setting the picture of even page header/footer.</param>
  12268. <param name="isHeader">Indicates whether setting the picture of header/footer.</param>
  12269. <param name="section">
  12270. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12271. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12272. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12273. </param>
  12274. <param name="imageData">Image data.</param>
  12275. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object.</returns>
  12276. </member>
  12277. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetPicture(System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  12278. <summary>
  12279. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object of the header / footer.
  12280. </summary>
  12281. <param name="isHeader">Indicates whether it is in the header or footer.</param>
  12282. <param name="section">
  12283. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12284. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12285. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12286. </param>
  12287. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object.
  12288. Returns null if there is no picture.</returns>
  12289. </member>
  12290. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.GetPicture(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  12291. <summary>
  12292. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object of the header / footer.
  12293. </summary>
  12294. <param name="isFirst">Indicates whether getting the picture of first page header/footer. </param>
  12295. <param name="isEven">Indicates whether getting the picture of even page header/footer.</param>
  12296. <param name="isHeader">Indicates whether getting the picture of header/footer.</param>
  12297. <param name="section">
  12298. <p>0:Left Section.</p>
  12299. <p>1:Center Section</p>
  12300. <p>2:Right Section</p>
  12301. </param>
  12302. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object.</returns>
  12303. </member>
  12304. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.ODSPageBackground">
  12305. <summary>
  12306. Gets the background of ODS.
  12307. </summary>
  12308. </member>
  12309. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintArea">
  12310. <summary>
  12311. Represents the range to be printed.
  12312. </summary>
  12313. </member>
  12314. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintTitleColumns">
  12315. <summary>
  12316. Represents the columns that contain the cells to be repeated on the left side of each page.
  12317. </summary>
  12318. <example>
  12319. <code>
  12320. [C#]
  12321. cells.PageSetup.PrintTitleColumns = "$A:$A";
  12322. [Visula Basic]
  12323. cells.PageSetup.PrintTitleColumns = "$A:$A"
  12324. </code>
  12325. </example>
  12326. </member>
  12327. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows">
  12328. <summary>
  12329. Represents the rows that contain the cells to be repeated at the top of each page.
  12330. </summary>
  12331. <example>
  12332. <code>
  12333. [C#]
  12334. cells.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1";
  12335. [Visula Basic]
  12336. cells.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$1"
  12337. </code>
  12338. </example>
  12339. </member>
  12340. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.BlackAndWhite">
  12341. <summary>
  12342. Represents if elements of the document will be printed in black and white.
  12343. </summary>
  12344. </member>
  12345. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.CenterHorizontally">
  12346. <summary>
  12347. Represent if the sheet is printed centered horizontally.
  12348. </summary>
  12349. </member>
  12350. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.CenterVertically">
  12351. <summary>
  12352. Represent if the sheet is printed centered vertically.
  12353. </summary>
  12354. </member>
  12355. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintDraft">
  12356. <summary>
  12357. Represents if the sheet will be printed without graphics.
  12358. </summary>
  12359. </member>
  12360. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.FooterMargin">
  12361. <summary>
  12362. Represents the distance from the bottom of the page to the footer, in unit of centimeters.
  12363. </summary>
  12364. </member>
  12365. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.FooterMarginInch">
  12366. <summary>
  12367. Represents the distance from the bottom of the page to the footer, in unit of inches.
  12368. </summary>
  12369. </member>
  12370. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.HeaderMargin">
  12371. <summary>
  12372. Represents the distance from the top of the page to the header, in unit of centimeters.
  12373. </summary>
  12374. </member>
  12375. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.HeaderMarginInch">
  12376. <summary>
  12377. Represents the distance from the top of the page to the header, in unit of inches.
  12378. </summary>
  12379. </member>
  12380. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrinterSettings">
  12381. <summary>
  12382. Gets and sets the settings of the default printer.
  12383. </summary>
  12384. </member>
  12385. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.LeftMargin">
  12386. <summary>
  12387. Represents the size of the left margin, in unit of centimeters.
  12388. </summary>
  12389. </member>
  12390. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.LeftMarginInch">
  12391. <summary>
  12392. Represents the size of the left margin, in unit of inches.
  12393. </summary>
  12394. </member>
  12395. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.RightMargin">
  12396. <summary>
  12397. Represents the size of the right margin, in unit of centimeters.
  12398. </summary>
  12399. </member>
  12400. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.RightMarginInch">
  12401. <summary>
  12402. Represents the size of the right margin, in unit of inches.
  12403. </summary>
  12404. </member>
  12405. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.TopMargin">
  12406. <summary>
  12407. Represents the size of the top margin, in unit of centimeters.
  12408. </summary>
  12409. </member>
  12410. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.TopMarginInch">
  12411. <summary>
  12412. Represents the size of the top margin, in unit of inches.
  12413. </summary>
  12414. </member>
  12415. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.BottomMargin">
  12416. <summary>
  12417. Represents the size of the bottom margin, in unit of centimeters.
  12418. </summary>
  12419. </member>
  12420. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.BottomMarginInch">
  12421. <summary>
  12422. Represents the size of the bottom margin, in unit of inches.
  12423. </summary>
  12424. </member>
  12425. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.FirstPageNumber">
  12426. <summary>
  12427. Represents the first page number that will be used when this sheet is printed.
  12428. </summary>
  12429. </member>
  12430. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.FitToPagesTall">
  12431. <summary>
  12432. Represents the number of pages tall the worksheet will be scaled to when it's printed.
  12433. The default value is 1.
  12434. </summary>
  12435. <remarks>
  12436. You have to set FitToPagesWide as zero if you want to fit all rows on one page.
  12437. </remarks>
  12438. </member>
  12439. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.FitToPagesWide">
  12440. <summary>
  12441. Represents the number of pages wide the worksheet will be scaled to when it's printed.
  12442. The default value is 1.
  12443. </summary>
  12444. <remarks>
  12445. You have to set FitToPagesTall as zero if you want to fit all columns on one page.
  12446. </remarks>
  12447. </member>
  12448. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.IsPercentScale">
  12449. <summary>
  12450. If this property is False, the FitToPagesWide and FitToPagesTall properties control how the worksheet is scaled.
  12451. </summary>
  12452. </member>
  12453. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.Order">
  12454. <summary>
  12455. Represents the order that Microsoft Excel uses to number pages when printing a large worksheet.
  12456. </summary>
  12457. </member>
  12458. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.IsAutomaticPaperSize">
  12459. <summary>
  12460. Indicates whether the paper size is automatic.
  12461. </summary>
  12462. </member>
  12463. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PaperSize">
  12464. <summary>
  12465. Represents the size of the paper.
  12466. </summary>
  12467. </member>
  12468. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PaperWidth">
  12469. <summary>
  12470. Gets the width of the paper in unit of inches, considered page orientation.
  12471. </summary>
  12472. </member>
  12473. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PaperHeight">
  12474. <summary>
  12475. Gets the height of the paper in unit of inches , considered page orientation.
  12476. </summary>
  12477. </member>
  12478. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.Orientation">
  12479. <summary>
  12480. Represents page print orientation.
  12481. </summary>
  12482. </member>
  12483. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintComments">
  12484. <summary>
  12485. Represents the way comments are printed with the sheet.
  12486. </summary>
  12487. </member>
  12488. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintErrors">
  12489. <summary>
  12490. Specifies the type of print error displayed.
  12491. </summary>
  12492. </member>
  12493. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintHeadings">
  12494. <summary>
  12495. Represents if row and column headings are printed with this page.
  12496. </summary>
  12497. </member>
  12498. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintGridlines">
  12499. <summary>
  12500. Represents if cell gridlines are printed on the page.
  12501. </summary>
  12502. </member>
  12503. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.Zoom">
  12504. <summary>
  12505. Represents the scaling factor in percent. It should be between 10 and 400.
  12506. </summary>
  12507. </member>
  12508. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.IsAutoFirstPageNumber">
  12509. <summary>
  12510. Indicates whether the first the page number is automatically assigned.
  12511. </summary>
  12512. </member>
  12513. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintQuality">
  12514. <summary>
  12515. Represents the print quality.
  12516. </summary>
  12517. </member>
  12518. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.PrintCopies">
  12519. <summary>
  12520. Get and sets number of copies to print.
  12521. </summary>
  12522. </member>
  12523. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.IsHFDiffOddEven">
  12524. <summary>
  12525. True means that the header/footer of the odd pages is different with odd pages.
  12526. </summary>
  12527. </member>
  12528. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.IsHFDiffFirst">
  12529. <summary>
  12530. True means that the header/footer of the first page is different with other pages.
  12531. </summary>
  12532. </member>
  12533. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.IsHFScaleWithDoc">
  12534. <summary>
  12535. Indicates whether header and footer are scaled with document scaling.
  12536. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  12537. </summary>
  12538. </member>
  12539. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PageSetup.IsHFAlignMargins">
  12540. <summary>
  12541. Indicates whether header and footer margins are aligned with the page margins.
  12542. If this property is true, the left header and footer will be aligned with the left margin,
  12543. and the right header and footer will be aligned with the right margin.
  12544. This option is enabled by default.
  12545. </summary>
  12546. </member>
  12547. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions">
  12548. <summary>
  12549. Represents the text options.
  12550. </summary>
  12551. </member>
  12552. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Font">
  12553. <summary>
  12554. Encapsulates the font object used in a spreadsheet.
  12555. </summary>
  12556. <example>
  12557. <code>
  12558. [C#]
  12559. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  12560. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  12561. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  12562. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  12563. //Accessing the "A1" cell from the worksheet
  12564. Aspose.Cells.Cell cell = worksheet.Cells["A1"];
  12565. //Adding some value to the "A1" cell
  12566. cell.PutValue("Hello Aspose!");
  12567. Aspose.Cells.Font font = cell.Style.Font;
  12568. //Setting the font name to "Times New Roman"
  12569. font.Name = "Times New Roman";
  12570. //Setting font size to 14
  12571. font.Size = 14;
  12572. //setting font color as Red
  12573. font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
  12574. //Saving the Excel file
  12575. workbook.Save(@"d:\dest.xls");
  12576. [VB.NET]
  12577. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  12578. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  12579. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  12580. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  12581. 'Accessing the "A1" cell from the worksheet
  12582. Dim cell As Aspose.Cells.Cell = worksheet.Cells("A1")
  12583. 'Adding some value to the "A1" cell
  12584. cell.PutValue("Hello Aspose!")
  12585. Dim font As Aspose.Cells.Font = cell.Style.Font
  12586. 'Setting the font name to "Times New Roman"
  12587. font.Name = "Times New Roman"
  12588. 'Setting font size to 14
  12589. font.Size = 14
  12590. 'setting font color as Red
  12591. font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red
  12592. 'Saving the Excel file
  12593. workbook.Save("d:\dest.xls")
  12594. </code>
  12595. </example>
  12596. </member>
  12597. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Font.Equals(Aspose.Cells.Font)">
  12598. <summary>
  12599. Checks if two fonts are equals.
  12600. </summary>
  12601. <param name="font">Compared font object.</param>
  12602. <returns>True if equal to the compared font object.</returns>
  12603. </member>
  12604. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Font.ToString">
  12605. <summary>
  12606. Returns a string represents the current Cell object.
  12607. </summary>
  12608. <returns>
  12609. </returns>
  12610. </member>
  12611. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.Charset">
  12612. <summary>
  12613. Represent the character set.
  12614. </summary>
  12615. </member>
  12616. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.IsItalic">
  12617. <summary>
  12618. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is italic.
  12619. </summary>
  12620. </member>
  12621. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.IsBold">
  12622. <summary>
  12623. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is bold.
  12624. </summary>
  12625. </member>
  12626. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.CapsType">
  12627. <summary>
  12628. Gets and sets the text caps type.
  12629. </summary>
  12630. </member>
  12631. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.StrikeType">
  12632. <summary>
  12633. Gets the strike type of the text.
  12634. </summary>
  12635. </member>
  12636. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.IsStrikeout">
  12637. <summary>
  12638. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is single strikeout.
  12639. </summary>
  12640. </member>
  12641. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.ScriptOffset">
  12642. <summary>
  12643. Gets and sets the script offset,in unit of percentage
  12644. </summary>
  12645. </member>
  12646. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.IsSuperscript">
  12647. <summary>
  12648. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is super script.
  12649. </summary>
  12650. </member>
  12651. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.IsSubscript">
  12652. <summary>
  12653. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font is subscript.
  12654. </summary>
  12655. </member>
  12656. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.Underline">
  12657. <summary>
  12658. Gets or sets the font underline type.
  12659. </summary>
  12660. </member>
  12661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.Name">
  12662. <summary>
  12663. Gets or sets the name of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Font" />.
  12664. </summary>
  12665. <example>
  12666. <code>
  12667. [C#]
  12668. Style style;
  12669. ..........
  12670. Font font = style.Font;
  12671. font.Name = "Times New Roman";
  12672. [Visual Basic]
  12673. Dim style As Style
  12674. ..........
  12675. Dim font As Font = style.Font
  12676. font.Name = "Times New Roman"
  12677. </code>
  12678. </example>
  12679. </member>
  12680. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.DoubleSize">
  12681. <summary>
  12682. Gets and sets the double size of the font.
  12683. </summary>
  12684. </member>
  12685. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.Size">
  12686. <summary>
  12687. Gets or sets the size of the font.
  12688. </summary>
  12689. </member>
  12690. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.ThemeColor">
  12691. <summary>
  12692. Gets and sets the theme color.
  12693. </summary>
  12694. <remarks>
  12695. If the font color is not a theme color, NULL will be returned.
  12696. </remarks>
  12697. </member>
  12698. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.Color">
  12699. <summary>
  12700. Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> of the font.
  12701. </summary>
  12702. </member>
  12703. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.ArgbColor">
  12704. <summary>
  12705. Gets and sets the color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
  12706. </summary>
  12707. </member>
  12708. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.IsNormalizeHeights">
  12709. <summary>
  12710. Indicates whether the normalization of height that is to be applied to the text run.
  12711. </summary>
  12712. </member>
  12713. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Font.SchemeType">
  12714. <summary>
  12715. Gets and sets the scheme type of the font.
  12716. </summary>
  12717. </member>
  12718. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.Name">
  12719. <summary>
  12720. Gets and sets the name of the shape.
  12721. </summary>
  12722. </member>
  12723. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.LatinName">
  12724. <summary>
  12725. Gets and sets the latin name.
  12726. </summary>
  12727. </member>
  12728. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.FarEastName">
  12729. <summary>
  12730. Gets and sets the FarEast name.
  12731. </summary>
  12732. </member>
  12733. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.Fill">
  12734. <summary>
  12735. Represents the fill format of the text.
  12736. </summary>
  12737. </member>
  12738. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.Outline">
  12739. <summary>
  12740. Represents the outline format of the text.
  12741. </summary>
  12742. </member>
  12743. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.Shadow">
  12744. <summary>
  12745. Represents a <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect" /> object that specifies shadow effect for the chart element or shape.
  12746. </summary>
  12747. </member>
  12748. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.UnderlineColor">
  12749. <summary>
  12750. Gets or sets the color of underline.
  12751. </summary>
  12752. </member>
  12753. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.Kerning">
  12754. <summary>
  12755. Specifies the minimum font size at which character kerning will occur for this text run.
  12756. </summary>
  12757. </member>
  12758. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextOptions.Spacing">
  12759. <summary>
  12760. Specifies the spacing between characters within a text run.
  12761. </summary>
  12762. </member>
  12763. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField">
  12764. <summary>
  12765. Represents a field in a PivotTable report.
  12766. </summary>
  12767. </member>
  12768. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.GetPivotFilterByType(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType)">
  12769. <summary>
  12770. Gets the pivot filter of the pivot field by type
  12771. </summary>
  12772. </member>
  12773. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.GetPivotFilters">
  12774. <summary>
  12775. Gets the pivot filters of the pivot field
  12776. </summary>
  12777. </member>
  12778. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.InitPivotItems">
  12779. <summary>
  12780. Init the pivot items of the pivot field
  12781. </summary>
  12782. </member>
  12783. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.GetCalculatedFieldFormula">
  12784. <summary>
  12785. Get the formula string of the specified calculated field .
  12786. </summary>
  12787. </member>
  12788. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.SetSubtotals(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType,System.Boolean)">
  12789. <summary>
  12790. Sets whether the specified field shows that subtotals.
  12791. </summary>
  12792. <param name="subtotalType">subtotals type.</param>
  12793. <param name="shown">whether the specified field shows that subtotals.</param>
  12794. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType" />
  12795. </member>
  12796. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.GetSubtotals(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType)">
  12797. <summary>
  12798. Gets whether the specified field shows that subtotals.
  12799. </summary>
  12800. <param name="subtotalType">subtotals type.</param>
  12801. <returns>whether the specified field shows that subtotals.</returns>
  12802. </member>
  12803. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsHiddenItem(System.Int32)">
  12804. <summary>
  12805. Indicates whether the specific PivotItem is hidden.
  12806. </summary>
  12807. <param name="index">the index of the pivotItem in the pivotField.</param>
  12808. <returns>whether the specific PivotItem is hidden</returns>
  12809. </member>
  12810. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.HideItem(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  12811. <summary>
  12812. Sets whether the specific PivotItem in a data field is hidden.
  12813. </summary>
  12814. <param name="index">the index of the pivotItem in the pivotField.</param>
  12815. <param name="isHidden">whether the specific PivotItem is hidden</param>
  12816. </member>
  12817. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsHiddenItemDetail(System.Int32)">
  12818. <summary>
  12819. Indicates whether the specific PivotItem is hidden detail.
  12820. </summary>
  12821. <param name="index">the index of the pivotItem in the pivotField.</param>
  12822. <returns>whether the specific PivotItem is hidden detail</returns>
  12823. </member>
  12824. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.HideItemDetail(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  12825. <summary>
  12826. Sets whether the specific PivotItem in a pivot field is hidden detail.
  12827. </summary>
  12828. <param name="index">the index of the pivotItem in the pivotField.</param>
  12829. <param name="isHiddenDetail">whether the specific PivotItem is hidden</param>
  12830. </member>
  12831. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.HideDetail(System.Boolean)">
  12832. <summary>
  12833. Sets whether the PivotItems in a pivot field is hidden detail.That is collapse/expand this field.
  12834. </summary>
  12835. <param name="isHiddenDetail">whether the PivotItems is hidden</param>
  12836. </member>
  12837. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.HideItem(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  12838. <summary>
  12839. Sets whether the specific PivotItem in a data field is hidden.
  12840. </summary>
  12841. <param name="itemValue">the value of the pivotItem in the pivotField.</param>
  12842. <param name="isHidden">whether the specific PivotItem is hidden</param>
  12843. </member>
  12844. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.AddCalculatedItem(System.String,System.String)">
  12845. <summary>
  12846. Add a calculated item to the pivot field.
  12847. </summary>
  12848. <param name="name">The item's name.</param>
  12849. <param name="formula">The item's formula</param>
  12850. <remarks>
  12851. Only supports to add calculated item to Row/Column field.
  12852. </remarks>
  12853. </member>
  12854. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.PivotItems">
  12855. <summary>
  12856. Gets the pivot items of the pivot field
  12857. </summary>
  12858. </member>
  12859. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.Range">
  12860. <summary>
  12861. Gets the group range of the pivot field
  12862. </summary>
  12863. </member>
  12864. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsCalculatedField">
  12865. <summary>
  12866. Indicates whether the specified PivotTable field is calculated field.
  12867. </summary>
  12868. </member>
  12869. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.BaseIndex">
  12870. <summary>
  12871. Represents the PivotField index in the base PivotFields.
  12872. </summary>
  12873. </member>
  12874. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.Position">
  12875. <summary>
  12876. Represents the PivotField index in the PivotFields.
  12877. </summary>
  12878. </member>
  12879. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.Name">
  12880. <summary>
  12881. Represents the PivotField name.
  12882. </summary>
  12883. </member>
  12884. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.DisplayName">
  12885. <summary>
  12886. Represents the PivotField display name.
  12887. </summary>
  12888. </member>
  12889. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsAutoSubtotals">
  12890. <summary>
  12891. Indicates whether the specified field shows automatic subtotals. Default is true.
  12892. </summary>
  12893. </member>
  12894. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.DragToColumn">
  12895. <summary>
  12896. Indicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the column position.
  12897. The default value is true.
  12898. </summary>
  12899. </member>
  12900. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.DragToHide">
  12901. <summary>
  12902. Indicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the hide position.
  12903. The default value is true.
  12904. </summary>
  12905. </member>
  12906. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.DragToRow">
  12907. <summary>
  12908. Indicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the row position.
  12909. The default value is true.
  12910. </summary>
  12911. </member>
  12912. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.DragToPage">
  12913. <summary>
  12914. Indicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the page position.
  12915. The default value is true.
  12916. </summary>
  12917. </member>
  12918. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.DragToData">
  12919. <summary>
  12920. Indicates whether the specified field can be dragged to the data position.
  12921. The default value is true.
  12922. </summary>
  12923. </member>
  12924. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsMultipleItemSelectionAllowed">
  12925. <summary>
  12926. indicates whether the field can have multiple items
  12927. selected in the page field
  12928. The default value is false.
  12929. </summary>
  12930. </member>
  12931. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsRepeatItemLabels">
  12932. <summary>
  12933. indicates whether the field can repeat items labels
  12934. The default value is false.
  12935. </summary>
  12936. </member>
  12937. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsIncludeNewItemsInFilter">
  12938. <summary>
  12939. indicates whether the field can include new items in manual filter
  12940. The default value is false.
  12941. </summary>
  12942. </member>
  12943. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsInsertPageBreaksBetweenItems">
  12944. <summary>
  12945. indicates whether the field can insert page breaks between items
  12946. insert page break after each item
  12947. The default value is false.
  12948. </summary>
  12949. </member>
  12950. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.ShowAllItems">
  12951. <summary>
  12952. Indicates whether all items in the PivotTable report are displayed,
  12953. even if they don't contain summary data.
  12954. show items with no data
  12955. The default value is false.
  12956. </summary>
  12957. </member>
  12958. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsAutoSort">
  12959. <summary>
  12960. Indicates whether the specified PivotTable field is automatically sorted.
  12961. </summary>
  12962. </member>
  12963. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsAscendSort">
  12964. <summary>
  12965. Indicates whether the specified PivotTable field is autosorted ascending.
  12966. </summary>
  12967. </member>
  12968. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.AutoSortField">
  12969. <summary>
  12970. Represents auto sort field index.
  12971. -1 means PivotField itself,others means the position of the data fields.
  12972. </summary>
  12973. </member>
  12974. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsAutoShow">
  12975. <summary>
  12976. Indicates whether the specified PivotTable field is automatically shown,only valid for excel 2003.
  12977. </summary>
  12978. </member>
  12979. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.IsAscendShow">
  12980. <summary>
  12981. Indicates whether the specified PivotTable field is autoshown ascending.
  12982. </summary>
  12983. </member>
  12984. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.AutoShowCount">
  12985. <summary>
  12986. Represent the number of top or bottom items
  12987. that are automatically shown in the specified PivotTable field.
  12988. </summary>
  12989. </member>
  12990. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.AutoShowField">
  12991. <summary>
  12992. Represents auto show field index. -1 means PivotField itself.
  12993. It should be the index of the data fields.
  12994. </summary>
  12995. </member>
  12996. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.Function">
  12997. <summary>
  12998. Represents the function used to summarize the PivotTable data field.
  12999. </summary>
  13000. </member>
  13001. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.DataDisplayFormat">
  13002. <summary>
  13003. Represents how to display the values contained in a data field.
  13004. </summary>
  13005. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat" />
  13006. </member>
  13007. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.BaseFieldIndex">
  13008. <summary>
  13009. Represents the base field for a custom calculation.
  13010. </summary>
  13011. </member>
  13012. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.BaseItemPosition">
  13013. <summary>
  13014. Represents the item in the base field for a custom calculation.
  13015. Valid only for data fields.
  13016. Because PivotItemPosition.Custom is only for read,if you need to set PivotItemPosition.Custom,
  13017. please set PivotField.BaseItemIndex attribute.
  13018. </summary>
  13019. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemPosition" />
  13020. </member>
  13021. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.BaseItemIndex">
  13022. <summary>
  13023. Represents the item in the base field for a custom calculation.
  13024. Valid only for data fields.
  13025. </summary>
  13026. </member>
  13027. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.CurrentPageItem">
  13028. <summary>
  13029. Represents the current page item showing for the page field (valid only for page fields).
  13030. </summary>
  13031. </member>
  13032. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.Number">
  13033. <summary>
  13034. Represents the built-in display format of numbers and dates.
  13035. </summary>
  13036. </member>
  13037. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.InsertBlankRow">
  13038. <summary>
  13039. Indicates whether inserting blank line after each item.
  13040. </summary>
  13041. </member>
  13042. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.ShowSubtotalAtTop">
  13043. <summary>
  13044. when ShowInOutlineForm is true, then display subtotals at the top of the list of items instead of at the bottom
  13045. </summary>
  13046. </member>
  13047. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.ShowInOutlineForm">
  13048. <summary>
  13049. Indicates whether layout this field in outline form on the Pivot Table view
  13050. </summary>
  13051. </member>
  13052. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.NumberFormat">
  13053. <summary>
  13054. Represents the custom display format of numbers and dates.
  13055. </summary>
  13056. </member>
  13057. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.Items">
  13058. <summary>
  13059. Get all base items;
  13060. </summary>
  13061. </member>
  13062. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.OriginalItems">
  13063. <summary>
  13064. Get the original base items;
  13065. </summary>
  13066. </member>
  13067. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.ItemCount">
  13068. <summary>
  13069. Gets the base item count of this pivot field.
  13070. </summary>
  13071. </member>
  13072. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField.ShowCompact">
  13073. <summary>
  13074. </summary>
  13075. </member>
  13076. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable">
  13077. <summary>
  13078. Summary description for PivotTable.
  13079. </summary>
  13080. </member>
  13081. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.Dispose">
  13082. <summary>
  13083. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
  13084. resetting unmanaged resources.
  13085. </summary>
  13086. </member>
  13087. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.CopyStyle(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable)">
  13088. <summary>
  13089. Copies named style from another pivot table.
  13090. </summary>
  13091. <param name="pivotTable">Source pivot table.</param>
  13092. </member>
  13093. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowReportFilterPage(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)">
  13094. <summary>
  13095. Show all the report filter pages according to PivotField, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.
  13096. </summary>
  13097. <param name="pageField">The PivotField object</param>
  13098. </member>
  13099. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowReportFilterPageByName(System.String)">
  13100. <summary>
  13101. Show all the report filter pages according to PivotField's name, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.
  13102. </summary>
  13103. <param name="fieldName">The name of PivotField</param>
  13104. </member>
  13105. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowReportFilterPageByIndex(System.Int32)">
  13106. <summary>
  13107. Show all the report filter pages according to the position index in the PageFields
  13108. </summary>
  13109. <param name="posIndex">The position index in the PageFields</param>
  13110. </member>
  13111. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RemoveField(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,System.String)">
  13112. <summary>
  13113. Removes a field from specific field area
  13114. </summary>
  13115. <param name="fieldType">The fields area type.</param>
  13116. <param name="fieldName">The name in the base fields.</param>
  13117. <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RemoveField(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)" />
  13118. </member>
  13119. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RemoveField(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,System.Int32)">
  13120. <summary>
  13121. Removes a field from specific field area
  13122. </summary>
  13123. <param name="fieldType">The fields area type.</param>
  13124. <param name="baseFieldIndex">The field index in the base fields.</param>
  13125. <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RemoveField(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)" />
  13126. </member>
  13127. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RemoveField(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)">
  13128. <summary>
  13129. Remove field from specific field area
  13130. </summary>
  13131. <param name="fieldType">the fields area type.It could be one of the following
  13132. values: <table border="1"><tr><td>PivotFieldType.Row</td></tr><tr><td>PivotFieldType.Column</td></tr><tr><td>PivotFieldType.Data</td></tr><tr><td>PivotFieldType.Page</td></tr></table></param>
  13133. <param name="pivotField">the field in the base fields.</param>
  13134. </member>
  13135. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AddFieldToArea(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,System.String)">
  13136. <summary>
  13137. Adds the field to the specific area.
  13138. </summary>
  13139. <param name="fieldType">The fields area type.</param>
  13140. <param name="fieldName">The name in the base fields.</param>
  13141. <returns>The field position in the specific fields.If there is no field named as it, return -1.</returns>
  13142. <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AddFieldToArea(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)" />
  13143. </member>
  13144. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AddFieldToArea(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,System.Int32)">
  13145. <summary>
  13146. Adds the field to the specific area.
  13147. </summary>
  13148. <param name="fieldType">The fields area type.</param>
  13149. <param name="baseFieldIndex">The field index in the base fields.</param>
  13150. <returns>The field position in the specific fields.</returns>
  13151. <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AddFieldToArea(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)" />
  13152. </member>
  13153. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AddFieldToArea(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)">
  13154. <summary>
  13155. Adds the field to the specific area.
  13156. </summary>
  13157. <param name="fieldType">the fields area type.It could be one of the following
  13158. values: <table border="1"><tr><td>PivotFieldType.Row</td></tr><tr><td>PivotFieldType.Column</td></tr><tr><td>PivotFieldType.Data</td></tr><tr><td>PivotFieldType.Page</td></tr></table></param>
  13159. <param name="pivotField">the field in the base fields.</param>
  13160. <returns>the field position in the specific fields.</returns>
  13161. </member>
  13162. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AddCalculatedField(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  13163. <summary>
  13164. Adds a calculated field to pivot field.
  13165. </summary>
  13166. <param name="name">The name of the calculated field</param>
  13167. <param name="formula">The formula of the calculated field.</param>
  13168. <param name="dragToDataArea">True,drag this field to data area immediately</param>
  13169. </member>
  13170. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AddCalculatedField(System.String,System.String)">
  13171. <summary>
  13172. Adds a calculated field to pivot field and drag it to data area.
  13173. </summary>
  13174. <param name="name">The name of the calculated field</param>
  13175. <param name="formula">The formula of the calculated field.</param>
  13176. </member>
  13177. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.Fields(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType)">
  13178. <summary>
  13179. Gets the specific fields by the field type.
  13180. </summary>
  13181. <param name="fieldType">the field type.</param>
  13182. <returns>the specific fields</returns>
  13183. </member>
  13184. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.Move(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  13185. <summary>
  13186. Moves the PivotTable to a different location in the worksheet.
  13187. </summary>
  13188. <param name="row">row index.</param>
  13189. <param name="column">column index.</param>
  13190. </member>
  13191. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.Move(System.String)">
  13192. <summary>
  13193. Moves the PivotTable to a different location in the worksheet.
  13194. </summary>
  13195. <param name="destCellName">the dest cell name.</param>
  13196. </member>
  13197. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ChangeDataSource(System.String[])">
  13198. <summary>
  13199. Set pivottable's source data.
  13200. Sheet1!$A$1:$C$3
  13201. </summary>
  13202. </member>
  13203. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.GetSource">
  13204. <summary>
  13205. Get pivottable's source data.
  13206. </summary>
  13207. </member>
  13208. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RefreshData">
  13209. <summary>
  13210. Refreshes pivottable's data and setting from it's data source.
  13211. </summary>
  13212. <remarks>
  13213. We will gather data from data source to a pivot cache ,then calculate the data in the cache to the cells.
  13214. This method is only used to gather all data to a pivot cache.
  13215. </remarks>
  13216. </member>
  13217. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.CalculateData">
  13218. <summary>
  13219. Calculates pivottable's data to cells.
  13220. </summary>
  13221. <remarks>
  13222. Cell.Value in the pivot range could not return the correct result if the method is not been called.
  13223. This method calculates data with an inner pivot cache,not original data source.
  13224. So if the data source is changed, please call RefreshData() method first.
  13225. </remarks>
  13226. </member>
  13227. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ClearData">
  13228. <summary>
  13229. Clear PivotTable's data and formatting
  13230. </summary>
  13231. <remarks>
  13232. If this method is not called before you add or delete PivotField, Maybe the PivotTable data is not corrected
  13233. </remarks>
  13234. </member>
  13235. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.CalculateRange">
  13236. <summary>
  13237. Calculates pivottable's range.
  13238. </summary>
  13239. <remarks>
  13240. If this method is not been called,maybe the pivottable range is not corrected.
  13241. </remarks>
  13242. </member>
  13243. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.FormatAll(Aspose.Cells.Style)">
  13244. <summary>
  13245. Format all the cell in the pivottable area
  13246. </summary>
  13247. <param name="style">Style which is to format</param>
  13248. </member>
  13249. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.Format(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Style)">
  13250. <summary>
  13251. Format the cell in the pivottable area
  13252. </summary>
  13253. <param name="row">RowIndex of the cell</param>
  13254. <param name="column">Column index of the cell</param>
  13255. <param name="style">Style which is to format the cell</param>
  13256. </member>
  13257. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SetAutoGroupField(System.Int32)">
  13258. <summary>
  13259. Sets auto field group by the PivotTable.
  13260. </summary>
  13261. <param name="baseFieldIndex">The row or column field index in the base fields</param>
  13262. </member>
  13263. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SetAutoGroupField(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)">
  13264. <summary>
  13265. Sets auto field group by the PivotTable.
  13266. </summary>
  13267. <param name="pivotField">The row or column field in the specific fields</param>
  13268. </member>
  13269. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SetManualGroupField(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double,System.Collections.ArrayList,System.Double)">
  13270. <summary>
  13271. Sets manual field group by the PivotTable.
  13272. </summary>
  13273. <param name="baseFieldIndex">The row or column field index in the base fields</param>
  13274. <param name="startVal">Specifies the starting value for numeric grouping.</param>
  13275. <param name="endVal">Specifies the ending value for numeric grouping. </param>
  13276. <param name="groupByList">Specifies the grouping type list. Specified by PivotTableGroupType</param>
  13277. <param name="intervalNum">Specifies the interval number group by numeric grouping.</param>
  13278. </member>
  13279. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SetManualGroupField(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField,System.Double,System.Double,System.Collections.ArrayList,System.Double)">
  13280. <summary>
  13281. Sets manual field group by the PivotTable.
  13282. </summary>
  13283. <param name="pivotField">The row or column field in the base fields</param>
  13284. <param name="startVal">Specifies the starting value for numeric grouping.</param>
  13285. <param name="endVal">Specifies the ending value for numeric grouping. </param>
  13286. <param name="groupByList">Specifies the grouping type list. Specified by PivotTableGroupType</param>
  13287. <param name="intervalNum">Specifies the interval number group by numeric grouping.</param>
  13288. </member>
  13289. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SetManualGroupField(System.Int32,System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.Collections.ArrayList,System.Int32)">
  13290. <summary>
  13291. Sets manual field group by the PivotTable.
  13292. </summary>
  13293. <param name="baseFieldIndex">The row or column field index in the base fields</param>
  13294. <param name="startVal">Specifies the starting value for date grouping. </param>
  13295. <param name="endVal">Specifies the ending value for date grouping.</param>
  13296. <param name="groupByList">Specifies the grouping type list. Specified by PivotTableGroupType</param>
  13297. <param name="intervalNum">Specifies the interval number group by in days grouping.The number of days must be positive integer of nonzero</param>
  13298. </member>
  13299. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SetManualGroupField(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField,System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.Collections.ArrayList,System.Int32)">
  13300. <summary>
  13301. Sets manual field group by the PivotTable.
  13302. </summary>
  13303. <param name="pivotField">The row or column field in the base fields</param>
  13304. <param name="startVal">Specifies the starting value for date grouping.</param>
  13305. <param name="endVal">Specifies the ending value for date grouping.</param>
  13306. <param name="groupByList">Specifies the grouping type list. Specified by PivotTableGroupType</param>
  13307. <param name="intervalNum">Specifies the interval number group by in days grouping.The number of days must be positive integer of nonzero</param>
  13308. </member>
  13309. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SetUngroup(System.Int32)">
  13310. <summary>
  13311. Sets ungroup by the PivotTable
  13312. </summary>
  13313. <param name="baseFieldIndex">The row or column field index in the base fields</param>
  13314. </member>
  13315. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SetUngroup(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)">
  13316. <summary>
  13317. Sets ungroup by the PivotTable
  13318. </summary>
  13319. <param name="pivotField">The row or column field in the base fields</param>
  13320. </member>
  13321. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.GetHorizontalBreaks">
  13322. <summary>
  13323. get pivot table row index list of horizontal pagebreaks
  13324. </summary>
  13325. <returns>
  13326. </returns>
  13327. </member>
  13328. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowInCompactForm">
  13329. <summary>
  13330. Layouts the PivotTable in compact form.
  13331. </summary>
  13332. </member>
  13333. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowInOutlineForm">
  13334. <summary>
  13335. Layouts the PivotTable in outline form.
  13336. </summary>
  13337. </member>
  13338. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowInTabularForm">
  13339. <summary>
  13340. Layouts the PivotTable in tabular form.
  13341. </summary>
  13342. </member>
  13343. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.GetCellByDisplayName(System.String)">
  13344. <summary>
  13345. Gets the Cell object by the DisplayName of PivotField
  13346. </summary>
  13347. <param name="displayName">the DisplayName of PivotField</param>
  13348. <returns>the Cell object</returns>
  13349. </member>
  13350. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.GetChildren">
  13351. <summary>
  13352. Gets the Children Pivot Tables which use this PivotTable data as data source.
  13353. </summary>
  13354. <returns>the PivotTable array object</returns>
  13355. </member>
  13356. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.IsExcel2003Compatible">
  13357. <summary>
  13358. Specifies whether the PivotTable is compatible for Excel2003 when refreshing PivotTable,
  13359. if true, a string must be less than or equal to 255 characters, so if the string is greater than 255 characters,
  13360. it will be truncated. if false, a string will not have the aforementioned restriction.
  13361. The default value is true.
  13362. </summary>
  13363. </member>
  13364. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RefreshedByWho">
  13365. <summary>
  13366. Gets the name of the user who last refreshed the PivotTable
  13367. </summary>
  13368. </member>
  13369. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RefreshDate">
  13370. <summary>
  13371. Gets the date when the PivotTable was last refreshed.
  13372. </summary>
  13373. </member>
  13374. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PivotTableStyleName">
  13375. <summary>
  13376. Gets and sets the pivottable style name.
  13377. </summary>
  13378. </member>
  13379. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PivotTableStyleType">
  13380. <summary>
  13381. Gets and sets the built-in pivot table style.
  13382. </summary>
  13383. </member>
  13384. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ColumnFields">
  13385. <summary>
  13386. Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as column fields.
  13387. </summary>
  13388. </member>
  13389. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RowFields">
  13390. <summary>
  13391. Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as row fields.
  13392. </summary>
  13393. </member>
  13394. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PageFields">
  13395. <summary>
  13396. Returns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as page fields.
  13397. </summary>
  13398. </member>
  13399. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.DataFields">
  13400. <summary>
  13401. Gets a PivotField object that represents all the data fields in a PivotTable.
  13402. Read-only.It would be init only when there are two or more data fields in the DataPiovtFiels.
  13403. It only use to add DataPivotField to the PivotTable row/column area . Default is in row area.
  13404. </summary>
  13405. </member>
  13406. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.DataField">
  13407. <summary>
  13408. Gets a PivotField object that represents all the data fields in a PivotTable.
  13409. Read-only.It would be init only when there are two or more data fields in the DataPiovtFiels.
  13410. It only use to add DataPivotField to the PivotTable row/column area . Default is in row area.
  13411. </summary>
  13412. </member>
  13413. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.BaseFields">
  13414. <summary>
  13415. Returns a PivotFields object that includes all fields in the PivotTable report
  13416. </summary>
  13417. </member>
  13418. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PivotFilters">
  13419. <summary>
  13420. Returns a PivotFilterCollection object.
  13421. </summary>
  13422. </member>
  13423. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ColumnRange">
  13424. <summary>
  13425. Returns a CellArea object that represents the range
  13426. that contains the column area in the PivotTable report. Read-only.
  13427. </summary>
  13428. </member>
  13429. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RowRange">
  13430. <summary>
  13431. Returns a CellArea object that represents the range
  13432. that contains the row area in the PivotTable report. Read-only.
  13433. </summary>
  13434. </member>
  13435. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.DataBodyRange">
  13436. <summary>
  13437. Returns a CellArea object that represents the range that contains the data area
  13438. in the list between the header row and the insert row. Read-only.
  13439. </summary>
  13440. </member>
  13441. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.TableRange1">
  13442. <summary>
  13443. Returns a CellArea object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report,
  13444. but doesn't include page fields. Read-only.
  13445. </summary>
  13446. </member>
  13447. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.TableRange2">
  13448. <summary>
  13449. Returns a CellArea object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report,
  13450. includes page fields. Read-only.
  13451. </summary>
  13452. </member>
  13453. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ColumnGrand">
  13454. <summary>
  13455. Indicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for columns.
  13456. </summary>
  13457. </member>
  13458. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.IsGridDropZones">
  13459. <summary>
  13460. Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays classic pivottable layout.
  13461. (enables dragging fields in the grid)
  13462. </summary>
  13463. </member>
  13464. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RowGrand">
  13465. <summary>
  13466. Indicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for rows.
  13467. </summary>
  13468. </member>
  13469. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.DisplayNullString">
  13470. <summary>
  13471. Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string
  13472. in cells that contain null values.
  13473. </summary>
  13474. </member>
  13475. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.NullString">
  13476. <summary>
  13477. Gets the string displayed in cells that contain null values
  13478. when the DisplayNullString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
  13479. </summary>
  13480. </member>
  13481. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.DisplayErrorString">
  13482. <summary>
  13483. Indicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string in cells that contain errors.
  13484. </summary>
  13485. </member>
  13486. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ErrorString">
  13487. <summary>
  13488. Gets the string displayed in cells that contain errors
  13489. when the DisplayErrorString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
  13490. </summary>
  13491. </member>
  13492. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.IsAutoFormat">
  13493. <summary>
  13494. Indicates whether the PivotTable report is automatically formatted.
  13495. Checkbox "autoformat table " which is in pivottable option for Excel 2003
  13496. Checkbox "autofit column width on update" which is in pivot table Options :Layout Format for Excel 2007
  13497. </summary>
  13498. </member>
  13499. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AutoFormatType">
  13500. <summary>
  13501. Gets the PivotTable auto format type.
  13502. </summary>
  13503. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType" />
  13504. </member>
  13505. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.HasBlankRows">
  13506. <summary>
  13507. Indicates whether to add blank rows.
  13508. This property only applies for the PivotTable auto format types which needs to add blank rows.
  13509. </summary>
  13510. </member>
  13511. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.MergeLabels">
  13512. <summary>
  13513. Indicates whether the specified PivotTable report's outer-row item, column item, subtotal,
  13514. and grand total labels use merged cells.
  13515. </summary>
  13516. </member>
  13517. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PreserveFormatting">
  13518. <summary>
  13519. Indicates whether formatting is preserved when the PivotTable is refreshed or recalculated.
  13520. </summary>
  13521. </member>
  13522. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowDrill">
  13523. <summary>
  13524. Gets whether expand/collapse buttons is shown.
  13525. </summary>
  13526. </member>
  13527. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.EnableDrilldown">
  13528. <summary>
  13529. Gets whether drilldown is enabled.
  13530. </summary>
  13531. </member>
  13532. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.EnableFieldDialog">
  13533. <summary>
  13534. Indicates whether the PivotTable Field dialog box is available
  13535. when the user double-clicks the PivotTable field.
  13536. </summary>
  13537. </member>
  13538. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.EnableFieldList">
  13539. <summary>
  13540. Gets whether enable the field list for the PivotTable.
  13541. </summary>
  13542. </member>
  13543. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.EnableWizard">
  13544. <summary>
  13545. Indicates whether the PivotTable Wizard is available.
  13546. </summary>
  13547. </member>
  13548. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SubtotalHiddenPageItems">
  13549. <summary>
  13550. Indicates whether hidden page field items in the PivotTable report
  13551. are included in row and column subtotals, block totals, and grand totals.
  13552. The default value is False.
  13553. </summary>
  13554. </member>
  13555. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.GrandTotalName">
  13556. <summary>
  13557. Returns the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading.
  13558. The default value is the string "Grand Total".
  13559. </summary>
  13560. </member>
  13561. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ManualUpdate">
  13562. <summary>
  13563. Indicates whether the PivotTable report is recalculated only at the user's request.
  13564. </summary>
  13565. </member>
  13566. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.IsMultipleFieldFilters">
  13567. <summary>
  13568. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them.
  13569. </summary>
  13570. </member>
  13571. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.MissingItemsLimit">
  13572. <summary>
  13573. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them.
  13574. </summary>
  13575. </member>
  13576. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.EnableDataValueEditing">
  13577. <summary>
  13578. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the cells in the data area of the pivottable.
  13579. Enable cell editing in the values area
  13580. </summary>
  13581. </member>
  13582. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowDataTips">
  13583. <summary>
  13584. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether tooltips should be displayed for PivotTable data cells.
  13585. </summary>
  13586. </member>
  13587. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowMemberPropertyTips">
  13588. <summary>
  13589. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether member property information should be omitted from PivotTable tooltips.
  13590. </summary>
  13591. </member>
  13592. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowValuesRow">
  13593. <summary>
  13594. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether show values row.
  13595. show the values row
  13596. </summary>
  13597. </member>
  13598. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowEmptyCol">
  13599. <summary>
  13600. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty columns in the table
  13601. </summary>
  13602. </member>
  13603. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowEmptyRow">
  13604. <summary>
  13605. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty rows in the table.
  13606. </summary>
  13607. </member>
  13608. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.FieldListSortAscending">
  13609. <summary>
  13610. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether fields in the PivotTable are sorted in non-default order in the field list.
  13611. </summary>
  13612. </member>
  13613. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PrintDrill">
  13614. <summary>
  13615. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether drill indicators should be printed.
  13616. print expand/collapse buttons when displayed on pivottable.
  13617. </summary>
  13618. </member>
  13619. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AltTextTitle">
  13620. <summary>
  13621. Gets the title of the altertext
  13622. </summary>
  13623. </member>
  13624. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.AltTextDescription">
  13625. <summary>
  13626. Gets the description of the alt text
  13627. </summary>
  13628. </member>
  13629. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.Name">
  13630. <summary>
  13631. Gets the name of the PivotTable
  13632. </summary>
  13633. </member>
  13634. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ColumnHeaderCaption">
  13635. <summary>
  13636. Gets the Column Header Caption of the PivotTable.
  13637. </summary>
  13638. </member>
  13639. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.Indent">
  13640. <summary>
  13641. Specifies the indentation increment for compact axis and can be used to set the Report Layout to Compact Form.
  13642. </summary>
  13643. </member>
  13644. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RowHeaderCaption">
  13645. <summary>
  13646. Gets the Row Header Caption of the PivotTable.
  13647. </summary>
  13648. </member>
  13649. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowRowHeaderCaption">
  13650. <summary>
  13651. Indicates whether row header caption is shown in the PivotTable report
  13652. Indicates whether Display field captions and filter drop downs
  13653. </summary>
  13654. </member>
  13655. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.CustomListSort">
  13656. <summary>
  13657. Indicates whether consider built-in custom list when sort data
  13658. </summary>
  13659. </member>
  13660. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PivotFormatConditions">
  13661. <summary>
  13662. Gets the Format Conditions of the pivot table.
  13663. </summary>
  13664. </member>
  13665. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PageFieldOrder">
  13666. <summary>
  13667. Gets the order in which page fields are added to the PivotTable report's layout.
  13668. </summary>
  13669. </member>
  13670. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PageFieldWrapCount">
  13671. <summary>
  13672. Gets the number of page fields in each column or row in the PivotTable report.
  13673. </summary>
  13674. </member>
  13675. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.Tag">
  13676. <summary>
  13677. Gets a string saved with the PivotTable report.
  13678. </summary>
  13679. </member>
  13680. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.SaveData">
  13681. <summary>
  13682. Indicates whether data for the PivotTable report is saved with the workbook.
  13683. </summary>
  13684. </member>
  13685. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RefreshDataOnOpeningFile">
  13686. <summary>
  13687. Indicates whether Refresh Data when Opening File.
  13688. </summary>
  13689. </member>
  13690. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.RefreshDataFlag">
  13691. <summary>
  13692. Indicates whether Refresh Data or not.
  13693. </summary>
  13694. </member>
  13695. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ExternalConnectionDataSource">
  13696. <summary>
  13697. Gets the external connection data source.
  13698. </summary>
  13699. </member>
  13700. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.DataSource">
  13701. <summary>
  13702. Gets and sets the data source of the pivot table.
  13703. </summary>
  13704. </member>
  13705. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ItemPrintTitles">
  13706. <summary>
  13707. A bit that specifies whether pivot item captions on the row axis
  13708. are repeated on each printed page for pivot fields in tabular form.
  13709. </summary>
  13710. </member>
  13711. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.PrintTitles">
  13712. <summary>
  13713. Indicates whether the print titles for the worksheet are set based
  13714. on the PivotTable report. The default value is false.
  13715. </summary>
  13716. </member>
  13717. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.DisplayImmediateItems">
  13718. <summary>
  13719. Indicates whether items in the row and column areas are visible
  13720. when the data area of the PivotTable is empty. The default value is true.
  13721. </summary>
  13722. </member>
  13723. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.IsSelected">
  13724. <summary>
  13725. Indicates whether the PivotTable is selected.
  13726. </summary>
  13727. </member>
  13728. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowPivotStyleRowHeader">
  13729. <summary>
  13730. Indicates whether the row header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
  13731. </summary>
  13732. </member>
  13733. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowPivotStyleColumnHeader">
  13734. <summary>
  13735. Indicates whether the column header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
  13736. </summary>
  13737. </member>
  13738. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowPivotStyleRowStripes">
  13739. <summary>
  13740. Indicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
  13741. </summary>
  13742. </member>
  13743. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowPivotStyleColumnStripes">
  13744. <summary>
  13745. Indicates whether column stripe formatting is applied.
  13746. </summary>
  13747. </member>
  13748. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable.ShowPivotStyleLastColumn">
  13749. <summary>
  13750. Indicates whether column stripe formatting is applied.
  13751. </summary>
  13752. </member>
  13753. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.RenameStrategy">
  13754. <summary>
  13755. Renames strategy when columns contains the duplicate names.
  13756. </summary>
  13757. </member>
  13758. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.RenameStrategy.Exception">
  13759. <summary>
  13760. Throws exception.
  13761. </summary>
  13762. </member>
  13763. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.RenameStrategy.Digit">
  13764. <summary>
  13765. Named with digit.
  13766. </summary>
  13767. </member>
  13768. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.RenameStrategy.Letter">
  13769. <summary>
  13770. Named with letter.
  13771. </summary>
  13772. </member>
  13773. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.HtmlFormatHandlingType">
  13774. <summary>
  13775. Specifies how to handle formatting from the HTML source
  13776. </summary>
  13777. </member>
  13778. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.HtmlFormatHandlingType.All">
  13779. <summary>
  13780. Transfer all HTML formatting into the worksheet along with data.
  13781. </summary>
  13782. </member>
  13783. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.HtmlFormatHandlingType.None">
  13784. <summary>
  13785. Bring data in as unformatted text (setting data types still occurs).
  13786. </summary>
  13787. </member>
  13788. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.HtmlFormatHandlingType.Rtf">
  13789. <summary>
  13790. Translate HTML formatting to rich text formatting on the data brought into the worksheet.
  13791. </summary>
  13792. </member>
  13793. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfOptimizationType">
  13794. <summary>
  13795. Specifies a type of optimization.
  13796. </summary>
  13797. </member>
  13798. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfOptimizationType.Standard">
  13799. <summary>
  13800. High print quality
  13801. </summary>
  13802. </member>
  13803. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfOptimizationType.MinimumSize">
  13804. <summary>
  13805. File size is more important than print quality
  13806. </summary>
  13807. </member>
  13808. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataOptions">
  13809. <summary>
  13810. Represents the options of loading metadata of the file.
  13811. </summary>
  13812. </member>
  13813. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataType)">
  13814. <summary>
  13815. Creates an options of loading the metadata.
  13816. </summary>
  13817. <param name="metadataType">The type of metadata.</param>
  13818. </member>
  13819. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataOptions.MetadataType">
  13820. <summary>
  13821. Gets and sets the type of the metadata which is loading.
  13822. </summary>
  13823. </member>
  13824. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataOptions.Password">
  13825. <summary>
  13826. Represents Workbook file encryption password.
  13827. </summary>
  13828. </member>
  13829. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataOptions.KeyLength">
  13830. <summary>
  13831. The key length.
  13832. </summary>
  13833. </member>
  13834. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataType">
  13835. <summary>
  13836. Represents the type of metadata.
  13837. </summary>
  13838. </member>
  13839. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataType.Encryption">
  13840. <summary>
  13841. Encrypts the file.
  13842. </summary>
  13843. </member>
  13844. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataType.Decryption">
  13845. <summary>
  13846. Decrypts the file.
  13847. </summary>
  13848. </member>
  13849. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataType.DocumentProperties">
  13850. <summary>
  13851. Load the properties of the file.
  13852. </summary>
  13853. </member>
  13854. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.WorkbookMetadata">
  13855. <summary>
  13856. Represents the meta data.
  13857. </summary>
  13858. <example>
  13859. The following example creates a WorkbookMetadata.
  13860. <code>
  13861. [C#]
  13862. MetadataOptions options = new MetadataOptions(MetadataType.DocumentProperties);
  13863. WorkbookMetadata meta = new WorkbookMetadata(path + "book1.xlsx", options);
  13864. meta.CustomDocumentProperties.Add("test", "test");
  13865. meta.Save(path + "book2.xlsx");
  13866. </code></example>
  13867. </member>
  13868. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.WorkbookMetadata.#ctor(System.String,Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataOptions)">
  13869. <summary>
  13870. Create the meta data object.
  13871. </summary>
  13872. <param name="fileName">
  13873. </param>
  13874. <param name="options">
  13875. </param>
  13876. </member>
  13877. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.WorkbookMetadata.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Cells.Metadata.MetadataOptions)">
  13878. <summary>
  13879. Create the meta data object.
  13880. </summary>
  13881. <param name="stream">
  13882. </param>
  13883. <param name="options">
  13884. </param>
  13885. </member>
  13886. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.WorkbookMetadata.Save(System.String)">
  13887. <summary>
  13888. Save the modified metadata to the file.
  13889. </summary>
  13890. <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
  13891. </member>
  13892. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.WorkbookMetadata.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
  13893. <summary>
  13894. Save the modified metadata to the stream.
  13895. </summary>
  13896. <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
  13897. </member>
  13898. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.WorkbookMetadata.Options">
  13899. <summary>
  13900. Gets the options of the metadata.
  13901. </summary>
  13902. </member>
  13903. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.WorkbookMetadata.BuiltInDocumentProperties">
  13904. <summary>
  13905. Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the built-in document properties of the spreadsheet.
  13906. </summary>
  13907. </member>
  13908. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.WorkbookMetadata.CustomDocumentProperties">
  13909. <summary>
  13910. Returns a DocumentProperties collection that represents all the custom document properties of the spreadsheet.
  13911. </summary>
  13912. </member>
  13913. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellValueFormatStrategy">
  13914. <summary>
  13915. Specifies how to apply style for the value of the cell.
  13916. </summary>
  13917. </member>
  13918. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueFormatStrategy.None">
  13919. <summary>
  13920. Not formatted.
  13921. </summary>
  13922. </member>
  13923. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueFormatStrategy.CellStyle">
  13924. <summary>
  13925. Only formatted with the cell's original style.
  13926. </summary>
  13927. </member>
  13928. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueFormatStrategy.DisplayStyle">
  13929. <summary>
  13930. Formatted with the cell's displayed style.
  13931. </summary>
  13932. </member>
  13933. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PivotOptions">
  13934. <summary>
  13935. Represents a complex type that specifies the pivot controls that appear on the chart
  13936. </summary>
  13937. </member>
  13938. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PivotOptions.DropZoneFilter">
  13939. <summary>
  13940. Specifies whether a control for each PivotTable field on the PivotTable page axis
  13941. of the source PivotTable appears on the chart when dropZonesVisible is set to true.
  13942. </summary>
  13943. </member>
  13944. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PivotOptions.DropZoneCategories">
  13945. <summary>
  13946. Specifies whether a control for each PivotTable field on the PivotTable row axis
  13947. of the source PivotTable appears on the chart when dropZonesVisible is set to true.
  13948. </summary>
  13949. </member>
  13950. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PivotOptions.DropZoneData">
  13951. <summary>
  13952. Specifies whether a control for each PivotTable field on the PivotTable data axis
  13953. of the source PivotTable appears on the chart when dropZonesVisible is set to true.
  13954. </summary>
  13955. </member>
  13956. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PivotOptions.DropZoneSeries">
  13957. <summary>
  13958. Specifies whether a control for each PivotTable field on the PivotTable column axis
  13959. of the source PivotTable appears on the chart when dropZonesVisible is set to true.
  13960. </summary>
  13961. </member>
  13962. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PivotOptions.DropZonesVisible">
  13963. <summary>
  13964. Specifies whether any pivot controls can appear on the pivot chart.
  13965. </summary>
  13966. </member>
  13967. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXPersistenceType">
  13968. <summary>
  13969. Represents the persistence method to persist an ActiveX control.
  13970. </summary>
  13971. </member>
  13972. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXPersistenceType.PropertyBag">
  13973. <summary>
  13974. The data is stored as xml data.
  13975. </summary>
  13976. </member>
  13977. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXPersistenceType.Storage">
  13978. <summary>
  13979. The data is stored as a storage binary data.
  13980. </summary>
  13981. </member>
  13982. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXPersistenceType.Stream">
  13983. <summary>
  13984. The data is stored as a stream binary data.
  13985. </summary>
  13986. </member>
  13987. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXPersistenceType.StreamInit">
  13988. <summary>
  13989. The data is stored as a streaminit binary data.
  13990. </summary>
  13991. </member>
  13992. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.DropButtonStyle">
  13993. <summary>
  13994. Represents the symbol displayed on the drop button.
  13995. </summary>
  13996. </member>
  13997. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.DropButtonStyle.Plain">
  13998. <summary>
  13999. Displays a button with no symbol.
  14000. </summary>
  14001. </member>
  14002. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.DropButtonStyle.Arrow">
  14003. <summary>
  14004. Displays a button with a down arrow.
  14005. </summary>
  14006. </member>
  14007. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.DropButtonStyle.Ellipsis">
  14008. <summary>
  14009. Displays a button with an ellipsis (...).
  14010. </summary>
  14011. </member>
  14012. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.DropButtonStyle.Reduce">
  14013. <summary>
  14014. Displays a button with a horizontal line like an underscore character.
  14015. </summary>
  14016. </member>
  14017. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ShowDropButtonType">
  14018. <summary>
  14019. Specifies when to show the drop button
  14020. </summary>
  14021. </member>
  14022. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ShowDropButtonType.Never">
  14023. <summary>
  14024. Never show the drop button.
  14025. </summary>
  14026. </member>
  14027. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ShowDropButtonType.Focus">
  14028. <summary>
  14029. Show the drop button when the control has the focus.
  14030. </summary>
  14031. </member>
  14032. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ShowDropButtonType.Always">
  14033. <summary>
  14034. Always show the drop button.
  14035. </summary>
  14036. </member>
  14037. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl">
  14038. <summary>
  14039. Represents the ActiveX control.
  14040. </summary>
  14041. </member>
  14042. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase">
  14043. <summary>
  14044. Represents the ActiveX control.
  14045. </summary>
  14046. </member>
  14047. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.Workbook">
  14048. <summary>
  14049. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.Workbook" /> object.
  14050. </summary>
  14051. </member>
  14052. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.Type">
  14053. <summary>
  14054. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  14055. </summary>
  14056. </member>
  14057. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.Width">
  14058. <summary>
  14059. Gets and sets the width of the control in unit of points.
  14060. </summary>
  14061. </member>
  14062. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.Height">
  14063. <summary>
  14064. Gets and sets the height of the control in unit of points.
  14065. </summary>
  14066. </member>
  14067. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.MouseIcon">
  14068. <summary>
  14069. Gets and sets a custom icon to display as the mouse pointer for the control.
  14070. </summary>
  14071. </member>
  14072. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.MousePointer">
  14073. <summary>
  14074. Gets and sets the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control.
  14075. </summary>
  14076. </member>
  14077. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.ForeOleColor">
  14078. <summary>
  14079. Gets and sets the ole color of the foreground.
  14080. </summary>
  14081. <remarks>
  14082. Not applies to Image control.
  14083. </remarks>
  14084. </member>
  14085. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.BackOleColor">
  14086. <summary>
  14087. Gets and sets the ole color of the background.
  14088. </summary>
  14089. </member>
  14090. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.IsVisible">
  14091. <summary>
  14092. Indicates whether this control is visible.
  14093. </summary>
  14094. </member>
  14095. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.Shadow">
  14096. <summary>
  14097. Indicates whether to show a shadow.
  14098. </summary>
  14099. </member>
  14100. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.LinkedCell">
  14101. <summary>
  14102. Gets and sets the linked cell.
  14103. </summary>
  14104. </member>
  14105. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.ListFillRange">
  14106. <summary>
  14107. Gets and sets the list fill range.
  14108. </summary>
  14109. </member>
  14110. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControlBase.Data">
  14111. <summary>
  14112. Gets and sets the binary data of the control.
  14113. </summary>
  14114. </member>
  14115. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl.IsEnabled">
  14116. <summary>
  14117. Indicates whether the control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events.
  14118. </summary>
  14119. </member>
  14120. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl.IsLocked">
  14121. <summary>
  14122. Indicates whether data in the control is locked for editing.
  14123. </summary>
  14124. </member>
  14125. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl.IsTransparent">
  14126. <summary>
  14127. Indicates whether the control is transparent.
  14128. </summary>
  14129. </member>
  14130. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl.IsAutoSize">
  14131. <summary>
  14132. Indicates whether the control will automatically resize to display its entire contents.
  14133. </summary>
  14134. </member>
  14135. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl.IMEMode">
  14136. <summary>
  14137. Gets and sets the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor for the control as it receives focus.
  14138. </summary>
  14139. </member>
  14140. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl.Font">
  14141. <summary>
  14142. Represents the font of the control.
  14143. </summary>
  14144. </member>
  14145. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl.TextAlign">
  14146. <summary>
  14147. Represents how to align the text used by the control.
  14148. </summary>
  14149. </member>
  14150. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ActiveXControl.Data">
  14151. <summary>
  14152. Gets and sets the binary data of the control.
  14153. </summary>
  14154. </member>
  14155. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlBorderType">
  14156. <summary>
  14157. Represents the border type of the ActiveX control.
  14158. </summary>
  14159. </member>
  14160. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlBorderType.None">
  14161. <summary>
  14162. No border.
  14163. </summary>
  14164. </member>
  14165. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlBorderType.Single">
  14166. <summary>
  14167. The single line.
  14168. </summary>
  14169. </member>
  14170. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode">
  14171. <summary>
  14172. Represents the default run-time mode of the Input Method Editor.
  14173. </summary>
  14174. </member>
  14175. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.NoControl">
  14176. <summary>
  14177. Does not control IME.
  14178. </summary>
  14179. </member>
  14180. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.On">
  14181. <summary>
  14182. IME on.
  14183. </summary>
  14184. </member>
  14185. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.Off">
  14186. <summary>
  14187. IME off. English mode.
  14188. </summary>
  14189. </member>
  14190. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.Disable">
  14191. <summary>
  14192. IME off.User can't turn on IME by keyboard.
  14193. </summary>
  14194. </member>
  14195. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.Hiragana">
  14196. <summary>
  14197. IME on with Full-width hiragana mode.
  14198. </summary>
  14199. </member>
  14200. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.Katakana">
  14201. <summary>
  14202. IME on with Full-width katakana mode.
  14203. </summary>
  14204. </member>
  14205. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.KatakanaHalf">
  14206. <summary>
  14207. IME on with Half-width katakana mode.
  14208. </summary>
  14209. </member>
  14210. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.AlphaFull">
  14211. <summary>
  14212. IME on with Full-width Alphanumeric mode.
  14213. </summary>
  14214. </member>
  14215. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.Alpha">
  14216. <summary>
  14217. IME on with Half-width Alphanumeric mode.
  14218. </summary>
  14219. </member>
  14220. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.HangulFull">
  14221. <summary>
  14222. IME on with Full-width hangul mode.
  14223. </summary>
  14224. </member>
  14225. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.Hangul">
  14226. <summary>
  14227. IME on with Half-width hangul mode.
  14228. </summary>
  14229. </member>
  14230. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.HanziFull">
  14231. <summary>
  14232. IME on with Full-width hanzi mode.
  14233. </summary>
  14234. </member>
  14235. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.InputMethodEditorMode.Hanzi">
  14236. <summary>
  14237. IME on with Half-width hanzi mode.
  14238. </summary>
  14239. </member>
  14240. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlCaptionAlignmentType">
  14241. <summary>
  14242. Represents the position of the Caption relative to the control.
  14243. </summary>
  14244. </member>
  14245. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlCaptionAlignmentType.Left">
  14246. <summary>
  14247. The left of the control.
  14248. </summary>
  14249. </member>
  14250. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlCaptionAlignmentType.Right">
  14251. <summary>
  14252. The right of the control.
  14253. </summary>
  14254. </member>
  14255. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl">
  14256. <summary>
  14257. Represents a CheckBox ActiveX control.
  14258. </summary>
  14259. </member>
  14260. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.Type">
  14261. <summary>
  14262. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  14263. </summary>
  14264. </member>
  14265. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.GroupName">
  14266. <summary>
  14267. Gets and sets the group's name.
  14268. </summary>
  14269. </member>
  14270. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.Alignment">
  14271. <summary>
  14272. Gets and set the position of the Caption relative to the control.
  14273. </summary>
  14274. </member>
  14275. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.IsWordWrapped">
  14276. <summary>
  14277. Indicates whether the contents of the control automatically wrap at the end of a line.
  14278. </summary>
  14279. </member>
  14280. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.Caption">
  14281. <summary>
  14282. Gets and set the descriptive text that appears on a control.
  14283. </summary>
  14284. </member>
  14285. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.PicturePosition">
  14286. <summary>
  14287. Gets and set the location of the control's picture relative to its caption.
  14288. </summary>
  14289. </member>
  14290. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.SpecialEffect">
  14291. <summary>
  14292. Gets and sets the special effect of the control.
  14293. </summary>
  14294. </member>
  14295. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.Picture">
  14296. <summary>
  14297. Gets and sets the data of the picture.
  14298. </summary>
  14299. </member>
  14300. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.Accelerator">
  14301. <summary>
  14302. Gets and sets the accelerator key for the control.
  14303. </summary>
  14304. </member>
  14305. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.Value">
  14306. <summary>
  14307. Indicates if the control is checked or not.
  14308. </summary>
  14309. </member>
  14310. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CheckBoxActiveXControl.IsTripleState">
  14311. <summary>
  14312. Indicates how the specified control will display Null values.
  14313. </summary>
  14314. <remarks>
  14315. ///<table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font color="gray"><b>Setting</b></font> </td><td><font color="gray"><b>Description</b></font> </td></tr><tr><td>True</td><td>The control will cycle through states for Yes, No, and Null values. The control appears dimmed (grayed) when its Value property is set to Null.</td></tr><tr><td>False</td><td>(Default) The control will cycle through states for Yes and No values. Null values display as if they were No values.</td></tr></table></remarks>
  14316. </member>
  14317. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl">
  14318. <summary>
  14319. Represents a ComboBox ActiveX control.
  14320. </summary>
  14321. </member>
  14322. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.Type">
  14323. <summary>
  14324. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  14325. </summary>
  14326. </member>
  14327. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.MaxLength">
  14328. <summary>
  14329. Gets and sets the maximum number of characters
  14330. </summary>
  14331. </member>
  14332. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.ListWidth">
  14333. <summary>
  14334. Gets and set the width in unit of points.
  14335. </summary>
  14336. </member>
  14337. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.BoundColumn">
  14338. <summary>
  14339. Represents how the Value property is determined for a ComboBox or ListBox
  14340. when the MultiSelect properties value (fmMultiSelectSingle).
  14341. </summary>
  14342. </member>
  14343. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.TextColumn">
  14344. <summary>
  14345. Represents the column in a ComboBox or ListBox to display to the user.
  14346. </summary>
  14347. </member>
  14348. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.ColumnCount">
  14349. <summary>
  14350. Represents the number of columns to display in a ComboBox or ListBox.
  14351. </summary>
  14352. </member>
  14353. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.ListRows">
  14354. <summary>
  14355. Represents the maximum number of rows to display in the list.
  14356. </summary>
  14357. </member>
  14358. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.MatchEntry">
  14359. <summary>
  14360. Indicates how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types.
  14361. </summary>
  14362. </member>
  14363. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.DropButtonStyle">
  14364. <summary>
  14365. Specifies the symbol displayed on the drop button
  14366. </summary>
  14367. </member>
  14368. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.ShowDropButtonTypeWhen">
  14369. <summary>
  14370. Specifies the symbol displayed on the drop button
  14371. </summary>
  14372. </member>
  14373. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.ListStyle">
  14374. <summary>
  14375. Gets and sets the visual appearance.
  14376. </summary>
  14377. </member>
  14378. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.BorderStyle">
  14379. <summary>
  14380. Gets and set the type of border used by the control.
  14381. </summary>
  14382. </member>
  14383. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.BorderOleColor">
  14384. <summary>
  14385. Gets and sets the ole color of the background.
  14386. </summary>
  14387. </member>
  14388. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.SpecialEffect">
  14389. <summary>
  14390. Gets and sets the special effect of the control.
  14391. </summary>
  14392. </member>
  14393. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.IsEditable">
  14394. <summary>
  14395. Indicates whether the user can type into the control.
  14396. </summary>
  14397. </member>
  14398. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.ShowColumnHeads">
  14399. <summary>
  14400. Indicates whether column headings are displayed.
  14401. </summary>
  14402. </member>
  14403. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.IsDragBehaviorEnabled">
  14404. <summary>
  14405. Indicates whether dragging and dropping is enabled for the control.
  14406. </summary>
  14407. </member>
  14408. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.EnterFieldBehavior">
  14409. <summary>
  14410. Specifies selection behavior when entering the control.
  14411. True specifies that the selection remains unchanged from last time the control was active.
  14412. False specifies that all the text in the control will be selected when entering the control.
  14413. </summary>
  14414. </member>
  14415. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.IsAutoWordSelected">
  14416. <summary>
  14417. Specifies the basic unit used to extend a selection.
  14418. True specifies that the basic unit is a single character.
  14419. false specifies that the basic unit is a whole word.
  14420. </summary>
  14421. </member>
  14422. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.SelectionMargin">
  14423. <summary>
  14424. Indicates whether the user can select a line of text by clicking in the region to the left of the text.
  14425. </summary>
  14426. </member>
  14427. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.Value">
  14428. <summary>
  14429. Gets and sets the value of the control.
  14430. </summary>
  14431. </member>
  14432. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.HideSelection">
  14433. <summary>
  14434. Indicates whether selected text in the control appears highlighted when the control does not have focus.
  14435. </summary>
  14436. </member>
  14437. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ComboBoxActiveXControl.ColumnWidths">
  14438. <summary>
  14439. Gets and sets the width of the column.
  14440. </summary>
  14441. </member>
  14442. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType">
  14443. <summary>
  14444. Represents all type of ActiveX control.
  14445. </summary>
  14446. </member>
  14447. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.CommandButton">
  14448. <summary>
  14449. Button
  14450. </summary>
  14451. </member>
  14452. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.ComboBox">
  14453. <summary>
  14454. ComboBox
  14455. </summary>
  14456. </member>
  14457. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.CheckBox">
  14458. <summary>
  14459. CheckBox
  14460. </summary>
  14461. </member>
  14462. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.ListBox">
  14463. <summary>
  14464. ListBox
  14465. </summary>
  14466. </member>
  14467. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.TextBox">
  14468. <summary>
  14469. TextBox
  14470. </summary>
  14471. </member>
  14472. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.SpinButton">
  14473. <summary>
  14474. Spinner
  14475. </summary>
  14476. </member>
  14477. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.RadioButton">
  14478. <summary>
  14479. RadioButton
  14480. </summary>
  14481. </member>
  14482. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.Label">
  14483. <summary>
  14484. Label
  14485. </summary>
  14486. </member>
  14487. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.Image">
  14488. <summary>
  14489. Image
  14490. </summary>
  14491. </member>
  14492. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.ToggleButton">
  14493. <summary>
  14494. ToggleButton
  14495. </summary>
  14496. </member>
  14497. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.ScrollBar">
  14498. <summary>
  14499. ScrollBar
  14500. </summary>
  14501. </member>
  14502. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType.Unknown">
  14503. <summary>
  14504. Unknown
  14505. </summary>
  14506. </member>
  14507. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CommandButtonActiveXControl">
  14508. <summary>
  14509. Represents a command button.
  14510. </summary>
  14511. </member>
  14512. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CommandButtonActiveXControl.Type">
  14513. <summary>
  14514. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  14515. </summary>
  14516. </member>
  14517. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CommandButtonActiveXControl.Caption">
  14518. <summary>
  14519. Gets and set the descriptive text that appears on a control.
  14520. </summary>
  14521. </member>
  14522. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CommandButtonActiveXControl.PicturePosition">
  14523. <summary>
  14524. Gets and set the location of the control's picture relative to its caption.
  14525. </summary>
  14526. </member>
  14527. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CommandButtonActiveXControl.Picture">
  14528. <summary>
  14529. Gets and sets the data of the picture.
  14530. </summary>
  14531. </member>
  14532. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CommandButtonActiveXControl.Accelerator">
  14533. <summary>
  14534. Gets and sets the accelerator key for the control.
  14535. </summary>
  14536. </member>
  14537. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CommandButtonActiveXControl.TakeFocusOnClick">
  14538. <summary>
  14539. Indicates whether the control takes the focus when clicked.
  14540. </summary>
  14541. </member>
  14542. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.CommandButtonActiveXControl.IsWordWrapped">
  14543. <summary>
  14544. Indicates whether the contents of the control automatically wrap at the end of a line.
  14545. </summary>
  14546. </member>
  14547. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl">
  14548. <summary>
  14549. Represents the image control.
  14550. </summary>
  14551. </member>
  14552. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.Type">
  14553. <summary>
  14554. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  14555. </summary>
  14556. </member>
  14557. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.IsAutoSize">
  14558. <summary>
  14559. Indicates whether the control will automatically resize to display its entire contents.
  14560. </summary>
  14561. </member>
  14562. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.BorderOleColor">
  14563. <summary>
  14564. Gets and sets the ole color of the background.
  14565. </summary>
  14566. </member>
  14567. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.BorderStyle">
  14568. <summary>
  14569. Gets and set the type of border used by the control.
  14570. </summary>
  14571. </member>
  14572. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.PictureSizeMode">
  14573. <summary>
  14574. Gets and sets how to display the picture.
  14575. </summary>
  14576. </member>
  14577. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.SpecialEffect">
  14578. <summary>
  14579. Gets and sets the special effect of the control.
  14580. </summary>
  14581. </member>
  14582. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.Picture">
  14583. <summary>
  14584. Gets and sets the data of the picture.
  14585. </summary>
  14586. </member>
  14587. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.PictureAlignment">
  14588. <summary>
  14589. Gets and sets the alignment of the picture inside the Form or Image.
  14590. </summary>
  14591. </member>
  14592. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ImageActiveXControl.IsTiled">
  14593. <summary>
  14594. Indicates whether the picture is tiled across the background.
  14595. </summary>
  14596. </member>
  14597. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl">
  14598. <summary>
  14599. Represents the label ActiveX control.
  14600. </summary>
  14601. </member>
  14602. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.Type">
  14603. <summary>
  14604. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  14605. </summary>
  14606. </member>
  14607. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.Caption">
  14608. <summary>
  14609. Gets and set the descriptive text that appears on a control.
  14610. </summary>
  14611. </member>
  14612. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.PicturePosition">
  14613. <summary>
  14614. Gets and set the location of the control's picture relative to its caption.
  14615. </summary>
  14616. </member>
  14617. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.BorderOleColor">
  14618. <summary>
  14619. Gets and sets the ole color of the background.
  14620. </summary>
  14621. </member>
  14622. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.BorderStyle">
  14623. <summary>
  14624. Gets and set the type of border used by the control.
  14625. </summary>
  14626. </member>
  14627. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.SpecialEffect">
  14628. <summary>
  14629. Gets and sets the special effect of the control.
  14630. </summary>
  14631. </member>
  14632. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.Picture">
  14633. <summary>
  14634. Gets and sets the data of the picture.
  14635. </summary>
  14636. </member>
  14637. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.Accelerator">
  14638. <summary>
  14639. Gets and sets the accelerator key for the control.
  14640. </summary>
  14641. </member>
  14642. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.LabelActiveXControl.IsWordWrapped">
  14643. <summary>
  14644. Indicates whether the contents of the control automatically wrap at the end of a line.
  14645. </summary>
  14646. </member>
  14647. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl">
  14648. <summary>
  14649. Represents a ListBox ActiveX control.
  14650. </summary>
  14651. </member>
  14652. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.Type">
  14653. <summary>
  14654. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  14655. </summary>
  14656. </member>
  14657. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.ScrollBars">
  14658. <summary>
  14659. Indicates specifies whether the control has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, both, or neither.
  14660. </summary>
  14661. </member>
  14662. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.ListWidth">
  14663. <summary>
  14664. Gets and set the width in unit of points.
  14665. </summary>
  14666. </member>
  14667. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.BoundColumn">
  14668. <summary>
  14669. Represents how the Value property is determined for a ComboBox or ListBox
  14670. when the MultiSelect properties value (fmMultiSelectSingle).
  14671. </summary>
  14672. </member>
  14673. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.TextColumn">
  14674. <summary>
  14675. Represents the column in a ComboBox or ListBox to display to the user.
  14676. </summary>
  14677. </member>
  14678. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.ColumnCount">
  14679. <summary>
  14680. Represents the number of columns to display in a ComboBox or ListBox.
  14681. </summary>
  14682. </member>
  14683. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.MatchEntry">
  14684. <summary>
  14685. Indicates how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types.
  14686. </summary>
  14687. </member>
  14688. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.ListStyle">
  14689. <summary>
  14690. Gets and sets the visual appearance.
  14691. </summary>
  14692. </member>
  14693. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.SelectionType">
  14694. <summary>
  14695. Indicates whether the control permits multiple selections.
  14696. </summary>
  14697. </member>
  14698. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.Value">
  14699. <summary>
  14700. Gets and sets the value of the control.
  14701. </summary>
  14702. <remarks>
  14703. Only effects when <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.SelectionType" /> is SelectionType.Single;
  14704. </remarks>
  14705. </member>
  14706. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.BorderStyle">
  14707. <summary>
  14708. Gets and set the type of border used by the control.
  14709. </summary>
  14710. </member>
  14711. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.BorderOleColor">
  14712. <summary>
  14713. Gets and sets the ole color of the background.
  14714. </summary>
  14715. </member>
  14716. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.SpecialEffect">
  14717. <summary>
  14718. Gets and sets the special effect of the control.
  14719. </summary>
  14720. </member>
  14721. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.ShowColumnHeads">
  14722. <summary>
  14723. Indicates whether column headings are displayed.
  14724. </summary>
  14725. </member>
  14726. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.IntegralHeight">
  14727. <summary>
  14728. Indicates whether the control will only show complete lines of text without showing any partial lines.
  14729. </summary>
  14730. </member>
  14731. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ListBoxActiveXControl.ColumnWidths">
  14732. <summary>
  14733. Gets and sets the width of the column.
  14734. </summary>
  14735. </member>
  14736. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlListStyle">
  14737. <summary>
  14738. Represents the visual appearance of the list in a ListBox or ComboBox.
  14739. </summary>
  14740. </member>
  14741. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlListStyle.Plain">
  14742. <summary>
  14743. Displays a list in which the background of an item is highlighted when it is selected.
  14744. </summary>
  14745. </member>
  14746. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlListStyle.Option">
  14747. <summary>
  14748. Displays a list in which an option button or a checkbox next to each entry displays the selection state of that item.
  14749. </summary>
  14750. </member>
  14751. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMatchEntryType">
  14752. <summary>
  14753. Represents how a ListBox or ComboBox searches its list as the user types.
  14754. </summary>
  14755. </member>
  14756. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMatchEntryType.FirstLetter">
  14757. <summary>
  14758. The control searches for the next entry that starts with the character entered.
  14759. Repeatedly typing the same letter cycles through all entries beginning with that letter.
  14760. </summary>
  14761. </member>
  14762. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMatchEntryType.Complete">
  14763. <summary>
  14764. As each character is typed, the control searches for an entry matching all characters entered.
  14765. </summary>
  14766. </member>
  14767. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMatchEntryType.None">
  14768. <summary>
  14769. The list will not be searched when characters are typed.
  14770. </summary>
  14771. </member>
  14772. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType">
  14773. <summary>
  14774. Represents the type of icon displayed as the mouse pointer for the control.
  14775. </summary>
  14776. </member>
  14777. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.Default">
  14778. <summary>
  14779. Standard pointer.
  14780. </summary>
  14781. </member>
  14782. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.Arrow">
  14783. <summary>
  14784. Arrow.
  14785. </summary>
  14786. </member>
  14787. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.Cross">
  14788. <summary>
  14789. Cross-hair pointer.
  14790. </summary>
  14791. </member>
  14792. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.IBeam">
  14793. <summary>
  14794. I-beam.
  14795. </summary>
  14796. </member>
  14797. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.SizeNESW">
  14798. <summary>
  14799. Double arrow pointing northeast and southwest.
  14800. </summary>
  14801. </member>
  14802. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.SizeNS">
  14803. <summary>
  14804. Double arrow pointing north and south.
  14805. </summary>
  14806. </member>
  14807. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.SizeNWSE">
  14808. <summary>
  14809. Double arrow pointing northwest and southeast.
  14810. </summary>
  14811. </member>
  14812. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.SizeWE">
  14813. <summary>
  14814. Double arrow pointing west and east.
  14815. </summary>
  14816. </member>
  14817. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.UpArrow">
  14818. <summary>
  14819. Up arrow.
  14820. </summary>
  14821. </member>
  14822. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.HourGlass">
  14823. <summary>
  14824. Hourglass.
  14825. </summary>
  14826. </member>
  14827. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.NoDrop">
  14828. <summary>
  14829. "Not” symbol (circle with a diagonal line) on top of the object being dragged.
  14830. </summary>
  14831. </member>
  14832. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.AppStarting">
  14833. <summary>
  14834. Arrow with an hourglass.
  14835. </summary>
  14836. </member>
  14837. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.Help">
  14838. <summary>
  14839. Arrow with a question mark.
  14840. </summary>
  14841. </member>
  14842. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.SizeAll">
  14843. <summary>
  14844. "Size-all” cursor (arrows pointing north, south, east, and west).
  14845. </summary>
  14846. </member>
  14847. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlMousePointerType.Custom">
  14848. <summary>
  14849. Uses the icon specified by the MouseIcon property.
  14850. </summary>
  14851. </member>
  14852. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureAlignmentType">
  14853. <summary>
  14854. Represents the alignment of the picture inside the Form or Image.
  14855. </summary>
  14856. </member>
  14857. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureAlignmentType.TopLeft">
  14858. <summary>
  14859. The top left corner.
  14860. </summary>
  14861. </member>
  14862. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureAlignmentType.TopRight">
  14863. <summary>
  14864. The top right corner.
  14865. </summary>
  14866. </member>
  14867. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureAlignmentType.Center">
  14868. <summary>
  14869. The center.
  14870. </summary>
  14871. </member>
  14872. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureAlignmentType.BottomLeft">
  14873. <summary>
  14874. The bottom left corner.
  14875. </summary>
  14876. </member>
  14877. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureAlignmentType.BottomRight">
  14878. <summary>
  14879. The bottom right corner.
  14880. </summary>
  14881. </member>
  14882. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType">
  14883. <summary>
  14884. Represents the location of the control's picture relative to its caption.
  14885. </summary>
  14886. </member>
  14887. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.LeftTop">
  14888. <summary>
  14889. The picture appears to the left of the caption.
  14890. The caption is aligned with the top of the picture.
  14891. </summary>
  14892. </member>
  14893. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.LeftCenter">
  14894. <summary>
  14895. The picture appears to the left of the caption.
  14896. The caption is centered relative to the picture.
  14897. </summary>
  14898. </member>
  14899. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.LeftBottom">
  14900. <summary>
  14901. The picture appears to the left of the caption.
  14902. The caption is aligned with the bottom of the picture.
  14903. </summary>
  14904. </member>
  14905. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.RightTop">
  14906. <summary>
  14907. The picture appears to the right of the caption.
  14908. The caption is aligned with the top of the picture.
  14909. </summary>
  14910. </member>
  14911. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.RightCenter">
  14912. <summary>
  14913. The picture appears to the right of the caption.
  14914. The caption is centered relative to the picture.
  14915. </summary>
  14916. </member>
  14917. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.RightBottom">
  14918. <summary>
  14919. The picture appears to the right of the caption.
  14920. The caption is aligned with the bottom of the picture.
  14921. </summary>
  14922. </member>
  14923. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.AboveLeft">
  14924. <summary>
  14925. The picture appears above the caption.
  14926. The caption is aligned with the left edge of the picture.
  14927. </summary>
  14928. </member>
  14929. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.AboveCenter">
  14930. <summary>
  14931. The picture appears above the caption.
  14932. The caption is centered below the picture.
  14933. </summary>
  14934. </member>
  14935. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.AboveRight">
  14936. <summary>
  14937. The picture appears above the caption.
  14938. The caption is aligned with the right edge of the picture.
  14939. </summary>
  14940. </member>
  14941. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.BelowLeft">
  14942. <summary>
  14943. The picture appears below the caption.
  14944. The caption is aligned with the left edge of the picture.
  14945. </summary>
  14946. </member>
  14947. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.BelowCenter">
  14948. <summary>
  14949. The picture appears below the caption.
  14950. The caption is centered above the picture.
  14951. </summary>
  14952. </member>
  14953. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.BelowRight">
  14954. <summary>
  14955. The picture appears below the caption.
  14956. The caption is aligned with the right edge of the picture.
  14957. </summary>
  14958. </member>
  14959. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPicturePositionType.Center">
  14960. <summary>
  14961. The picture appears in the center of the control.
  14962. The caption is centered horizontally and vertically on top of the picture.
  14963. </summary>
  14964. </member>
  14965. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureSizeMode">
  14966. <summary>
  14967. Represents how to display the picture.
  14968. </summary>
  14969. </member>
  14970. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureSizeMode.Clip">
  14971. <summary>
  14972. Crops any part of the picture that is larger than the control's boundaries.
  14973. </summary>
  14974. </member>
  14975. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureSizeMode.Stretch">
  14976. <summary>
  14977. Stretches the picture to fill the control's area.
  14978. This setting distorts the picture in either the horizontal or vertical direction.
  14979. </summary>
  14980. </member>
  14981. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlPictureSizeMode.Zoom">
  14982. <summary>
  14983. Enlarges the picture, but does not distort the picture in either the horizontal or vertical direction.
  14984. </summary>
  14985. </member>
  14986. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.RadioButtonActiveXControl">
  14987. <summary>
  14988. Represents a RadioButton ActiveX control.
  14989. </summary>
  14990. </member>
  14991. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl">
  14992. <summary>
  14993. Represents a ToggleButton ActiveX control.
  14994. </summary>
  14995. </member>
  14996. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl.Type">
  14997. <summary>
  14998. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  14999. </summary>
  15000. </member>
  15001. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl.Caption">
  15002. <summary>
  15003. Gets and set the descriptive text that appears on a control.
  15004. </summary>
  15005. </member>
  15006. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl.PicturePosition">
  15007. <summary>
  15008. Gets and set the location of the control's picture relative to its caption.
  15009. </summary>
  15010. </member>
  15011. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl.SpecialEffect">
  15012. <summary>
  15013. Gets and sets the special effect of the control.
  15014. </summary>
  15015. </member>
  15016. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl.Picture">
  15017. <summary>
  15018. Gets and sets the data of the picture.
  15019. </summary>
  15020. </member>
  15021. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl.Accelerator">
  15022. <summary>
  15023. Gets and sets the accelerator key for the control.
  15024. </summary>
  15025. </member>
  15026. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl.Value">
  15027. <summary>
  15028. Indicates if the control is checked or not.
  15029. </summary>
  15030. </member>
  15031. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ToggleButtonActiveXControl.IsTripleState">
  15032. <summary>
  15033. Indicates how the specified control will display Null values.
  15034. </summary>
  15035. <remarks>
  15036. ///<table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><font color="gray"><b>Setting</b></font> </td><td><font color="gray"><b>Description</b></font> </td></tr><tr><td>True</td><td>The control will cycle through states for Yes, No, and Null values. The control appears dimmed (grayed) when its Value property is set to Null.</td></tr><tr><td>False</td><td>(Default) The control will cycle through states for Yes and No values. Null values display as if they were No values.</td></tr></table></remarks>
  15037. </member>
  15038. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.RadioButtonActiveXControl.Type">
  15039. <summary>
  15040. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  15041. </summary>
  15042. </member>
  15043. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.RadioButtonActiveXControl.GroupName">
  15044. <summary>
  15045. Gets and sets the group's name.
  15046. </summary>
  15047. </member>
  15048. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.RadioButtonActiveXControl.Alignment">
  15049. <summary>
  15050. Gets and set the position of the Caption relative to the control.
  15051. </summary>
  15052. </member>
  15053. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.RadioButtonActiveXControl.IsWordWrapped">
  15054. <summary>
  15055. Indicates whether the contents of the control automatically wrap at the end of a line.
  15056. </summary>
  15057. </member>
  15058. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ScrollBarActiveXControl">
  15059. <summary>
  15060. Represents the ScrollBar control.
  15061. </summary>
  15062. </member>
  15063. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.SpinButtonActiveXControl">
  15064. <summary>
  15065. Represents the SpinButton control.
  15066. </summary>
  15067. </member>
  15068. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.SpinButtonActiveXControl.Type">
  15069. <summary>
  15070. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  15071. </summary>
  15072. </member>
  15073. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.SpinButtonActiveXControl.Min">
  15074. <summary>
  15075. Gets and sets the minimum acceptable value.
  15076. </summary>
  15077. </member>
  15078. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.SpinButtonActiveXControl.Max">
  15079. <summary>
  15080. Gets and sets the maximum acceptable value.
  15081. </summary>
  15082. </member>
  15083. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.SpinButtonActiveXControl.Position">
  15084. <summary>
  15085. Gets and sets the value.
  15086. </summary>
  15087. </member>
  15088. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.SpinButtonActiveXControl.SmallChange">
  15089. <summary>
  15090. Gets and sets the amount by which the Position property changes
  15091. </summary>
  15092. </member>
  15093. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.SpinButtonActiveXControl.Orientation">
  15094. <summary>
  15095. Gets and sets whether the SpinButton or ScrollBar is oriented vertically or horizontally.
  15096. </summary>
  15097. </member>
  15098. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ScrollBarActiveXControl.Type">
  15099. <summary>
  15100. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  15101. </summary>
  15102. </member>
  15103. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ScrollBarActiveXControl.LargeChange">
  15104. <summary>
  15105. Gets and sets the amount by which the Position property changes
  15106. </summary>
  15107. </member>
  15108. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollBarType">
  15109. <summary>
  15110. Represents the type of scroll bar.
  15111. </summary>
  15112. </member>
  15113. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollBarType.None">
  15114. <summary>
  15115. Displays no scroll bars.
  15116. </summary>
  15117. </member>
  15118. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollBarType.Horizontal">
  15119. <summary>
  15120. Displays a horizontal scroll bar.
  15121. </summary>
  15122. </member>
  15123. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollBarType.BarsVertical">
  15124. <summary>
  15125. Displays a vertical scroll bar.
  15126. </summary>
  15127. </member>
  15128. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollBarType.BarsBoth">
  15129. <summary>
  15130. Displays both a horizontal and a vertical scroll bar.
  15131. </summary>
  15132. </member>
  15133. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollOrientation">
  15134. <summary>
  15135. Represents type of scroll orientation
  15136. </summary>
  15137. </member>
  15138. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollOrientation.Auto">
  15139. <summary>
  15140. Control is rendered horizontally when the control's width is greater than its height.
  15141. Control is rendered vertically otherwise.
  15142. </summary>
  15143. </member>
  15144. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollOrientation.Vertical">
  15145. <summary>
  15146. Control is rendered vertically.
  15147. </summary>
  15148. </member>
  15149. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlScrollOrientation.Horizontal">
  15150. <summary>
  15151. Control is rendered horizontally.
  15152. </summary>
  15153. </member>
  15154. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlSpecialEffectType">
  15155. <summary>
  15156. Represents the type of special effect.
  15157. </summary>
  15158. </member>
  15159. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlSpecialEffectType.Flat">
  15160. <summary>
  15161. Flat
  15162. </summary>
  15163. </member>
  15164. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlSpecialEffectType.Raised">
  15165. <summary>
  15166. Raised
  15167. </summary>
  15168. </member>
  15169. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlSpecialEffectType.Sunken">
  15170. <summary>
  15171. Sunken
  15172. </summary>
  15173. </member>
  15174. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlSpecialEffectType.Etched">
  15175. <summary>
  15176. Etched
  15177. </summary>
  15178. </member>
  15179. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlSpecialEffectType.Bump">
  15180. <summary>
  15181. Bump
  15182. </summary>
  15183. </member>
  15184. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl">
  15185. <summary>
  15186. Represents a text box ActiveX control.
  15187. </summary>
  15188. </member>
  15189. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.Type">
  15190. <summary>
  15191. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  15192. </summary>
  15193. </member>
  15194. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.BorderStyle">
  15195. <summary>
  15196. Gets and set the type of border used by the control.
  15197. </summary>
  15198. </member>
  15199. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.BorderOleColor">
  15200. <summary>
  15201. Gets and sets the ole color of the background.
  15202. </summary>
  15203. </member>
  15204. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.SpecialEffect">
  15205. <summary>
  15206. Gets and sets the special effect of the control.
  15207. </summary>
  15208. </member>
  15209. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.MaxLength">
  15210. <summary>
  15211. Gets and sets the maximum number of characters
  15212. </summary>
  15213. </member>
  15214. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.ScrollBars">
  15215. <summary>
  15216. Indicates specifies whether the control has vertical scroll bars, horizontal scroll bars, both, or neither.
  15217. </summary>
  15218. </member>
  15219. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.PasswordChar">
  15220. <summary>
  15221. Gets and sets a character to be displayed in place of the characters entered.
  15222. </summary>
  15223. </member>
  15224. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.IsEditable">
  15225. <summary>
  15226. Indicates whether the user can type into the control.
  15227. </summary>
  15228. </member>
  15229. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.IntegralHeight">
  15230. <summary>
  15231. Indicates whether the control will only show complete lines of text without showing any partial lines.
  15232. </summary>
  15233. </member>
  15234. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.IsDragBehaviorEnabled">
  15235. <summary>
  15236. Indicates whether dragging and dropping is enabled for the control.
  15237. </summary>
  15238. </member>
  15239. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.EnterKeyBehavior">
  15240. <summary>
  15241. Specifies the behavior of the ENTER key.
  15242. True specifies that pressing ENTER will create a new line.
  15243. False specifies that pressing ENTER will move the focus to the next object in the tab order.
  15244. </summary>
  15245. </member>
  15246. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.EnterFieldBehavior">
  15247. <summary>
  15248. Specifies selection behavior when entering the control.
  15249. True specifies that the selection remains unchanged from last time the control was active.
  15250. False specifies that all the text in the control will be selected when entering the control.
  15251. </summary>
  15252. </member>
  15253. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.TabKeyBehavior">
  15254. <summary>
  15255. Indicates whether tab characters are allowed in the text of the control.
  15256. </summary>
  15257. </member>
  15258. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.HideSelection">
  15259. <summary>
  15260. Indicates whether selected text in the control appears highlighted when the control does not have focus.
  15261. </summary>
  15262. </member>
  15263. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.IsAutoTab">
  15264. <summary>
  15265. Indicates whether the focus will automatically move to the next control when the user enters the maximum number of characters.
  15266. </summary>
  15267. </member>
  15268. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.IsMultiLine">
  15269. <summary>
  15270. Indicates whether the control can display more than one line of text.
  15271. </summary>
  15272. </member>
  15273. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.IsAutoWordSelected">
  15274. <summary>
  15275. Specifies the basic unit used to extend a selection.
  15276. True specifies that the basic unit is a single character.
  15277. false specifies that the basic unit is a whole word.
  15278. </summary>
  15279. </member>
  15280. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.IsWordWrapped">
  15281. <summary>
  15282. Indicates whether the contents of the control automatically wrap at the end of a line.
  15283. </summary>
  15284. </member>
  15285. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.Text">
  15286. <summary>
  15287. Gets and set text of the control.
  15288. </summary>
  15289. </member>
  15290. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.DropButtonStyle">
  15291. <summary>
  15292. Specifies the symbol displayed on the drop button
  15293. </summary>
  15294. </member>
  15295. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.TextBoxActiveXControl.ShowDropButtonTypeWhen">
  15296. <summary>
  15297. Specifies the symbol displayed on the drop button
  15298. </summary>
  15299. </member>
  15300. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.UnknownControl">
  15301. <summary>
  15302. Unknow control.
  15303. </summary>
  15304. </member>
  15305. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.UnknownControl.GetRelationshipData(System.String)">
  15306. <summary>
  15307. Gets the related data.
  15308. </summary>
  15309. <param name="relId">The relationship id.</param>
  15310. <returns>Returns the related data.</returns>
  15311. </member>
  15312. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.UnknownControl.PersistenceType">
  15313. <summary>
  15314. Gets the persistence method to persist an ActiveX control.
  15315. </summary>
  15316. </member>
  15317. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.UnknownControl.Data">
  15318. <summary>
  15319. Gets and sets the binary data of the control.
  15320. </summary>
  15321. </member>
  15322. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.UnknownControl.Type">
  15323. <summary>
  15324. Gets the type of the ActiveX control.
  15325. </summary>
  15326. </member>
  15327. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ColorHelper">
  15328. <summary>
  15329. Provides helper functions about color.
  15330. </summary>
  15331. </member>
  15332. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ColorHelper.FromOleColor(System.Int32)">
  15333. <summary>
  15334. Convert OLE_COLOR.
  15335. </summary>
  15336. <param name="oleColor">The value of OLE_COLOR.</param>
  15337. <returns>The <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> object.</returns>
  15338. </member>
  15339. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ColorHelper.ToOleColor(System.Drawing.Color,Aspose.Cells.Workbook)">
  15340. <summary>
  15341. Convert color to OLE_COLOR
  15342. </summary>
  15343. <param name="color">The <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> object.</param>
  15344. <param name="workbook">
  15345. </param>
  15346. <returns>The value of OLE_COLOR</returns>
  15347. </member>
  15348. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CalculationPrecisionStrategy">
  15349. <summary>
  15350. Enumerates strategies for handling calculation precision.
  15351. Because of the precision issue of IEEE 754 Floating-Point Arithmetic, some "seemingly simple" formulas may not be calculated as the expected result.
  15352. Such as formula "=-0.45+0.43+0.02", when calculating operands by '+' operator directly, the result is not zero. For such kind of precision issue,
  15353. some special strategies may give the expected result.
  15354. </summary>
  15355. </member>
  15356. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CalculationPrecisionStrategy.None">
  15357. <summary>
  15358. No strategy applied on calculation.
  15359. When calculating just use the original double value as operand and return the result directly.
  15360. Most efficient for performance and applicable for most cases.
  15361. </summary>
  15362. </member>
  15363. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CalculationPrecisionStrategy.Round">
  15364. <summary>
  15365. Rounds the calculation result according with significant digits.
  15366. </summary>
  15367. </member>
  15368. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CalculationPrecisionStrategy.Decimal">
  15369. <summary>
  15370. Uses decimal as operands when possible.
  15371. Most inefficient for performance.
  15372. </summary>
  15373. </member>
  15374. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions">
  15375. <summary>
  15376. Represents options for calculation.
  15377. </summary>
  15378. </member>
  15379. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions.IgnoreError">
  15380. <summary>
  15381. Indicates if you need to hide the error in calculating formulas.
  15382. The error may be unsupported function, external links, etc.
  15383. </summary>
  15384. </member>
  15385. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions.CustomFunction">
  15386. <summary>
  15387. The custom formula calculation functions to extend the calculation engine.
  15388. </summary>
  15389. <remarks>
  15390. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  15391. please use CustomEngine property, AbstractCalculationEngine provides more convenient and flexible APIs
  15392. for manipulating custom functions.
  15393. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2020.
  15394. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  15395. </member>
  15396. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions.CustomEngine">
  15397. <summary>
  15398. The custom formula calculation engine to extend the default calculation engine of Aspose.Cells.
  15399. </summary>
  15400. </member>
  15401. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions.CalculationMonitor">
  15402. <summary>
  15403. The monitor for user to track the progress of formula calculation.
  15404. </summary>
  15405. </member>
  15406. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions.CalcStackSize">
  15407. <summary>
  15408. Specifies the stack size for calculating cells recursively.
  15409. -1 for this property means the calculation will use WorkbookSettings.CalcStackSize of corresponding workbook.
  15410. </summary>
  15411. <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookSettings.CalcStackSize" />
  15412. </member>
  15413. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions.PrecisionStrategy">
  15414. <summary>
  15415. Specifies the strategy for processing precision of calculation.
  15416. </summary>
  15417. </member>
  15418. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CalculationOptions.Recursive">
  15419. <summary>
  15420. Indicates whether calculate the dependent cells recursively when calculating one cell and it depends on other cells.
  15421. </summary>
  15422. </member>
  15423. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.CustomXmlPart">
  15424. <summary>
  15425. Represents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package).
  15426. </summary>
  15427. </member>
  15428. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.CustomXmlPart.Data">
  15429. <summary>
  15430. Gets or sets the XML content of this Custom XML Data Storage Part.
  15431. </summary>
  15432. </member>
  15433. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.CustomXmlPart.SchemaData">
  15434. <summary>
  15435. Gets or sets the XML content of this Custom XML Schema Data Storage Part.
  15436. </summary>
  15437. </member>
  15438. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.CustomXmlPart.ID">
  15439. <summary>
  15440. Gets and sets the id of the custom xml part.
  15441. </summary>
  15442. </member>
  15443. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection">
  15444. <summary>
  15445. Represents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package).
  15446. </summary>
  15447. </member>
  15448. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.Add(System.Byte[],System.Byte[])">
  15449. <summary>
  15450. Adds an item to the collection.
  15451. </summary>
  15452. <param name="data">The XML content of this Custom XML Data Storage Part. </param>
  15453. <param name="shemaData">The set of XML schemas that are associated with this custom XML part. </param>
  15454. <returns>
  15455. </returns>
  15456. </member>
  15457. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.SelectByID(System.String)">
  15458. <summary>
  15459. Gets an item by id.
  15460. </summary>
  15461. <param name="id">Contains the GUID for the custom XML part.</param>
  15462. <returns>
  15463. </returns>
  15464. </member>
  15465. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  15466. <summary>
  15467. Gets an item at the specified index.
  15468. </summary>
  15469. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  15470. <returns>
  15471. </returns>
  15472. </member>
  15473. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutomaticFill">
  15474. <summary>
  15475. represents automatic fill.
  15476. </summary>
  15477. </member>
  15478. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Fill">
  15479. <summary>
  15480. Represents the fill format of the shape.
  15481. </summary>
  15482. </member>
  15483. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupFill">
  15484. <summary>
  15485. Represents this fill format should inherit the fill properties of the group.
  15486. </summary>
  15487. </member>
  15488. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.NoneFill">
  15489. <summary>
  15490. Represents no fill.
  15491. </summary>
  15492. </member>
  15493. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine">
  15494. <summary>
  15495. Represent the signature line.
  15496. </summary>
  15497. </member>
  15498. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine.ProviderId">
  15499. <summary>
  15500. Gets and sets the id of signature provider.
  15501. </summary>
  15502. <remarks>
  15503. It's typically the CLSID of the provider com add-in.
  15504. </remarks>
  15505. </member>
  15506. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine.Signer">
  15507. <summary>
  15508. Gets and sets the singer.
  15509. </summary>
  15510. </member>
  15511. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine.Title">
  15512. <summary>
  15513. Gets and sets the title of singer.
  15514. </summary>
  15515. </member>
  15516. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine.Email">
  15517. <summary>
  15518. Gets and sets the email of singer.
  15519. </summary>
  15520. </member>
  15521. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine.IsLine">
  15522. <summary>
  15523. Indicates whether it is a signature line.
  15524. </summary>
  15525. </member>
  15526. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine.AllowComments">
  15527. <summary>
  15528. Indicates whether comments could be attached.
  15529. </summary>
  15530. </member>
  15531. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine.ShowSignedDate">
  15532. <summary>
  15533. Indicates whether show signed date.
  15534. </summary>
  15535. </member>
  15536. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SignatureLine.Instructions">
  15537. <summary>
  15538. Gets and sets the text shown to user at signing time.
  15539. </summary>
  15540. </member>
  15541. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.AutoNumberedBulletValue">
  15542. <summary>
  15543. Represents automatic numbered bullet.
  15544. </summary>
  15545. </member>
  15546. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.BulletValue">
  15547. <summary>
  15548. Represents the value of the bullet.
  15549. </summary>
  15550. </member>
  15551. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.BulletValue.Type">
  15552. <summary>
  15553. Gets the type of the bullet's value.
  15554. </summary>
  15555. </member>
  15556. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.AutoNumberedBulletValue.Type">
  15557. <summary>
  15558. Gets the type of the bullet.
  15559. </summary>
  15560. </member>
  15561. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.AutoNumberedBulletValue.StartAt">
  15562. <summary>
  15563. Gets and sets the starting number of the bullet.
  15564. </summary>
  15565. </member>
  15566. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.AutoNumberedBulletValue.AutonumberScheme">
  15567. <summary>
  15568. Represents the scheme of automatic number.
  15569. </summary>
  15570. </member>
  15571. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.Bullet">
  15572. <summary>
  15573. Represents the bullet.
  15574. </summary>
  15575. </member>
  15576. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.Bullet.BulletValue">
  15577. <summary>
  15578. Gets bullet value
  15579. </summary>
  15580. </member>
  15581. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.Bullet.Type">
  15582. <summary>
  15583. Gets and sets the bullet type.
  15584. </summary>
  15585. </member>
  15586. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.Bullet.FontName">
  15587. <summary>
  15588. Get and sets the name of the font.
  15589. </summary>
  15590. </member>
  15591. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.BulletType">
  15592. <summary>
  15593. Represents the type of the bullet.
  15594. </summary>
  15595. </member>
  15596. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.BulletType.None">
  15597. <summary>
  15598. No bullet.
  15599. </summary>
  15600. </member>
  15601. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.BulletType.Character">
  15602. <summary>
  15603. Character bullet.
  15604. </summary>
  15605. </member>
  15606. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.BulletType.Picture">
  15607. <summary>
  15608. Image bullet.
  15609. </summary>
  15610. </member>
  15611. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.BulletType.AutoNumbered">
  15612. <summary>
  15613. Automatic numbered bullet.
  15614. </summary>
  15615. </member>
  15616. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.CharacterBulletValue">
  15617. <summary>
  15618. Represents the character bullet.
  15619. </summary>
  15620. </member>
  15621. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.CharacterBulletValue.Type">
  15622. <summary>
  15623. Gets the type of the bullet.
  15624. </summary>
  15625. </member>
  15626. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.CharacterBulletValue.Character">
  15627. <summary>
  15628. Gets and sets character of the bullet.
  15629. </summary>
  15630. </member>
  15631. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.LineSpaceSizeType">
  15632. <summary>
  15633. Represents the unit type of line space size.
  15634. </summary>
  15635. </member>
  15636. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.LineSpaceSizeType.Percentage">
  15637. <summary>
  15638. Represents in unit of a percentage of the text size.
  15639. </summary>
  15640. </member>
  15641. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.LineSpaceSizeType.Points">
  15642. <summary>
  15643. Represents in unit of points.
  15644. </summary>
  15645. </member>
  15646. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.NoneBulletValue">
  15647. <summary>
  15648. Represents no bullet.
  15649. </summary>
  15650. </member>
  15651. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.NoneBulletValue.Type">
  15652. <summary>
  15653. Gets the type of the bullet's value.
  15654. </summary>
  15655. </member>
  15656. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.PictureBulletValue">
  15657. <summary>
  15658. Represents the value of the image bullet.
  15659. </summary>
  15660. </member>
  15661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.PictureBulletValue.Type">
  15662. <summary>
  15663. Gets the type of the bullet's value.
  15664. </summary>
  15665. </member>
  15666. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.PictureBulletValue.ImageData">
  15667. <summary>
  15668. Gets and sets image data of the bullet.
  15669. </summary>
  15670. </member>
  15671. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme">
  15672. <summary>
  15673. Represents all automatic number scheme.
  15674. </summary>
  15675. </member>
  15676. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.None">
  15677. <summary>
  15678. </summary>
  15679. </member>
  15680. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.AlphaLcParenBoth">
  15681. <summary>
  15682. (a), (b), (c), …
  15683. </summary>
  15684. </member>
  15685. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.AlphaLcParenR">
  15686. <summary>
  15687. a), b), c), …
  15688. </summary>
  15689. </member>
  15690. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.AlphaLcPeriod">
  15691. <summary>
  15692. a., b., c., …
  15693. </summary>
  15694. </member>
  15695. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.AlphaUcParenBoth">
  15696. <summary>
  15697. (A), (B), (C), …
  15698. </summary>
  15699. </member>
  15700. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.AlphaUcParenR">
  15701. <summary>
  15702. A), B), C), …
  15703. </summary>
  15704. </member>
  15705. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.AlphaUcPeriod">
  15706. <summary>
  15707. A., B., C., …
  15708. </summary>
  15709. </member>
  15710. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Arabic1Minus">
  15711. <summary>
  15712. Bidi Arabic 1 (AraAlpha) with ANSI minus symbol
  15713. </summary>
  15714. </member>
  15715. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Arabic2Minus">
  15716. <summary>
  15717. Bidi Arabic 2 (AraAbjad) with ANSI minus symbol
  15718. </summary>
  15719. </member>
  15720. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ArabicDbPeriod">
  15721. <summary>
  15722. Dbl-byte Arabic numbers w/ double-byte period
  15723. </summary>
  15724. </member>
  15725. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ArabicDbPlain">
  15726. <summary>
  15727. Dbl-byte Arabic numbers
  15728. </summary>
  15729. </member>
  15730. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ArabicParenBoth">
  15731. <summary>
  15732. (1), (2), (3), …
  15733. </summary>
  15734. </member>
  15735. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ArabicParenR">
  15736. <summary>
  15737. 1), 2), 3), …
  15738. </summary>
  15739. </member>
  15740. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ArabicPeriod">
  15741. <summary>
  15742. 1., 2., 3., …
  15743. </summary>
  15744. </member>
  15745. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ArabicPlain">
  15746. <summary>
  15747. 1, 2, 3, …
  15748. </summary>
  15749. </member>
  15750. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.CircleNumDbPlain">
  15751. <summary>
  15752. Dbl-byte circle numbers (1-10 circle[0x2460-], 11-arabic numbers)
  15753. </summary>
  15754. </member>
  15755. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.CircleNumWdBlackPlain">
  15756. <summary>
  15757. Wingdings black circle numbers
  15758. </summary>
  15759. </member>
  15760. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.CircleNumWdWhitePlain">
  15761. <summary>
  15762. Wingdings white circle numbers (0-10 circle[0x0080-],11- arabic numbers)
  15763. </summary>
  15764. </member>
  15765. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Ea1ChsPeriod">
  15766. <summary>
  15767. EA: Simplified Chinese w/ single-byte period
  15768. </summary>
  15769. </member>
  15770. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Ea1ChsPlain">
  15771. <summary>
  15772. EA: Simplified Chinese (TypeA 1-99, TypeC 100-)
  15773. </summary>
  15774. </member>
  15775. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Ea1ChtPeriod">
  15776. <summary>
  15777. EA: Traditional Chinese w/ single-byte period
  15778. </summary>
  15779. </member>
  15780. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Ea1ChtPlain">
  15781. <summary>
  15782. EA: Traditional Chinese (TypeA 1-19, TypeC 20-)
  15783. </summary>
  15784. </member>
  15785. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Ea1JpnChsDbPeriod">
  15786. <summary>
  15787. EA: Japanese w/ double-byte period
  15788. </summary>
  15789. </member>
  15790. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Ea1JpnKorPeriod">
  15791. <summary>
  15792. EA: Japanese/Korean w/ single-byte period
  15793. </summary>
  15794. </member>
  15795. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Ea1JpnKorPlain">
  15796. <summary>
  15797. EA: Japanese/Korean (TypeC 1-)
  15798. </summary>
  15799. </member>
  15800. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.Hebrew2Minus">
  15801. <summary>
  15802. Bidi Hebrew 2 with ANSI minus symbol
  15803. </summary>
  15804. </member>
  15805. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.HindiAlpha1Period">
  15806. <summary>
  15807. Hindi alphabet period - consonants
  15808. </summary>
  15809. </member>
  15810. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.HindiAlphaPeriod">
  15811. <summary>
  15812. Hindi alphabet period - vowels
  15813. </summary>
  15814. </member>
  15815. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.HindiNumParenR">
  15816. /// <summary>
  15817. Hindi numerical parentheses - right
  15818. </summary></member>
  15819. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.HindiNumPeriod">
  15820. <summary>
  15821. Hindi numerical period
  15822. </summary>
  15823. </member>
  15824. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.RomanLcParenBoth">
  15825. <summary>
  15826. (i), (ii), (iii), …
  15827. </summary>
  15828. </member>
  15829. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.RomanLcParenR">
  15830. <summary>
  15831. i), ii), iii), …
  15832. </summary>
  15833. </member>
  15834. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.RomanLcPeriod">
  15835. <summary>
  15836. i., ii., iii., …
  15837. </summary>
  15838. </member>
  15839. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.RomanUcParenBoth">
  15840. <summary>
  15841. (I), (II), (III), …
  15842. </summary>
  15843. </member>
  15844. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.RomanUcParenR">
  15845. <summary>
  15846. I), II), III), …
  15847. </summary>
  15848. </member>
  15849. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.RomanUcPeriod">
  15850. <summary>
  15851. I., II., III., …
  15852. </summary>
  15853. </member>
  15854. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ThaiAlphaParenBoth">
  15855. <summary>
  15856. Thai alphabet parentheses - both
  15857. </summary>
  15858. </member>
  15859. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ThaiAlphaParenR">
  15860. <summary>
  15861. Thai alphabet parentheses - right
  15862. </summary>
  15863. </member>
  15864. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ThaiAlphaPeriod">
  15865. <summary>
  15866. Thai alphabet period
  15867. </summary>
  15868. </member>
  15869. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ThaiNumParenBoth">
  15870. <summary>
  15871. Thai numerical parentheses - both
  15872. </summary>
  15873. </member>
  15874. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ThaiNumParenR">
  15875. <summary>
  15876. Thai numerical parentheses - right
  15877. </summary>
  15878. </member>
  15879. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextAutonumberScheme.ThaiNumPeriod">
  15880. <summary>
  15881. Thai numerical period
  15882. </summary>
  15883. </member>
  15884. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Geometry">
  15885. <summary>
  15886. Represents a geometric shape.
  15887. </summary>
  15888. </member>
  15889. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Geometry.ShapeAdjustValues">
  15890. <summary>
  15891. Gets a collection of shape adjust value
  15892. </summary>
  15893. </member>
  15894. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextFontAlignType">
  15895. <summary>
  15896. Represents the different types of font alignment.
  15897. </summary>
  15898. </member>
  15899. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextFontAlignType.Automatic">
  15900. <summary>
  15901. When the text flow is horizontal or simple vertical same as fontBaseline
  15902. but for other vertical modes same as fontCenter.
  15903. </summary>
  15904. </member>
  15905. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextFontAlignType.Bottom">
  15906. <summary>
  15907. The letters are anchored to the very bottom of a single line.
  15908. </summary>
  15909. </member>
  15910. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextFontAlignType.Baseline">
  15911. <summary>
  15912. The letters are anchored to the bottom baseline of a single line.
  15913. </summary>
  15914. </member>
  15915. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextFontAlignType.Center">
  15916. <summary>
  15917. The letters are anchored between the two baselines of a single line.
  15918. </summary>
  15919. </member>
  15920. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextFontAlignType.Top">
  15921. <summary>
  15922. The letters are anchored to the top baseline of a single dline.
  15923. </summary>
  15924. </member>
  15925. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment">
  15926. <summary>
  15927. Represents the setting of shape's text alignment;
  15928. </summary>
  15929. </member>
  15930. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.IsTextWrapped">
  15931. <summary>
  15932. Gets and sets the text wrapped type of the shape which contains text.
  15933. </summary>
  15934. </member>
  15935. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.RotateTextWithShape">
  15936. <summary>
  15937. Indicates whether rotating text with shape.
  15938. </summary>
  15939. </member>
  15940. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.TextVerticalOverflow">
  15941. <summary>
  15942. Gets and sets the text vertical overflow type of the text box.
  15943. </summary>
  15944. </member>
  15945. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.TextHorizontalOverflow">
  15946. <summary>
  15947. Gets and sets the text horizontal overflow type of the text box.
  15948. </summary>
  15949. </member>
  15950. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.RotationAngle">
  15951. <summary>
  15952. Gets and sets the rotation of the shape.
  15953. </summary>
  15954. </member>
  15955. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.TextVerticalType">
  15956. <summary>
  15957. Gets and sets the text direction.
  15958. </summary>
  15959. </member>
  15960. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.AutoSize">
  15961. <summary>
  15962. Indicates if size of shape is adjusted automatically according to its content.
  15963. </summary>
  15964. </member>
  15965. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.TextShapeType">
  15966. <summary>
  15967. Gets and set the transform type of text.
  15968. </summary>
  15969. </member>
  15970. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.TopMarginPt">
  15971. <summary>
  15972. Returns the top margin in unit of Points
  15973. </summary>
  15974. </member>
  15975. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.BottomMarginPt">
  15976. <summary>
  15977. Returns the bottom margin in unit of Points
  15978. </summary>
  15979. </member>
  15980. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.LeftMarginPt">
  15981. <summary>
  15982. Returns the left margin in unit of Points
  15983. </summary>
  15984. </member>
  15985. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.RightMarginPt">
  15986. <summary>
  15987. Returns the right margin in unit of Points
  15988. </summary>
  15989. </member>
  15990. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.ShapeTextAlignment.IsAutoMargin">
  15991. <summary>
  15992. Indicates whether the margin of the text frame is automatic.
  15993. </summary>
  15994. </member>
  15995. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextNodeType">
  15996. <summary>
  15997. Represents the node type.
  15998. </summary>
  15999. </member>
  16000. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextNodeType.TextRun">
  16001. <summary>
  16002. Represents the text node.
  16003. </summary>
  16004. </member>
  16005. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextNodeType.TextParagraph">
  16006. <summary>
  16007. Represents the text paragraph.
  16008. </summary>
  16009. </member>
  16010. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextNodeType.Equation">
  16011. <summary>
  16012. Represents the equation text.
  16013. </summary>
  16014. </member>
  16015. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph">
  16016. <summary>
  16017. Represents the text paragraph setting.
  16018. </summary>
  16019. </member>
  16020. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.Bullet">
  16021. <summary>
  16022. Gets the bullet.
  16023. </summary>
  16024. </member>
  16025. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.Type">
  16026. <summary>
  16027. Gets the type of text node.
  16028. </summary>
  16029. </member>
  16030. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.LineSpaceSizeType">
  16031. <summary>
  16032. Gets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be used within a paragraph.
  16033. </summary>
  16034. </member>
  16035. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.LineSpace">
  16036. <summary>
  16037. Gets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be used within a paragraph.
  16038. </summary>
  16039. </member>
  16040. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.SpaceAfterSizeType">
  16041. <summary>
  16042. Gets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present after a paragraph.
  16043. </summary>
  16044. </member>
  16045. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.SpaceAfter">
  16046. <summary>
  16047. Gets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present after a paragraph.
  16048. </summary>
  16049. </member>
  16050. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.SpaceBeforeSizeType">
  16051. <summary>
  16052. Gets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present before a paragraph.
  16053. </summary>
  16054. </member>
  16055. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.SpaceBefore">
  16056. <summary>
  16057. Gets and sets the amount of vertical white space that will be present before a paragraph.
  16058. </summary>
  16059. </member>
  16060. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.Stops">
  16061. <summary>
  16062. Gets tab stop list.
  16063. </summary>
  16064. </member>
  16065. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.IsLatinLineBreak">
  16066. <summary>
  16067. Specifies whether a Latin word can be broken in half and wrapped onto the next line without a hyphen being added.
  16068. </summary>
  16069. </member>
  16070. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.IsEastAsianLineBreak">
  16071. <summary>
  16072. Specifies whether an East Asian word can be broken in half and wrapped onto the next line without a hyphen being added.
  16073. </summary>
  16074. </member>
  16075. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.IsHangingPunctuation">
  16076. <summary>
  16077. Specifies whether punctuation is to be forcefully laid out on a line of text or put on a different line of text.
  16078. </summary>
  16079. </member>
  16080. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.RightMargin">
  16081. <summary>
  16082. Specifies the right margin of the paragraph.
  16083. </summary>
  16084. </member>
  16085. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.LeftMargin">
  16086. <summary>
  16087. Specifies the left margin of the paragraph.
  16088. </summary>
  16089. </member>
  16090. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.FirstLineIndent">
  16091. <summary>
  16092. Specifies the indent size that will be applied to the first line of text in the paragraph.
  16093. </summary>
  16094. </member>
  16095. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.FontAlignType">
  16096. <summary>
  16097. Determines where vertically on a line of text the actual words are positioned. This deals
  16098. with vertical placement of the characters with respect to the baselines.
  16099. </summary>
  16100. </member>
  16101. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.AlignmentType">
  16102. <summary>
  16103. Gets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the paragraph.
  16104. </summary>
  16105. </member>
  16106. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.DefaultTabSize">
  16107. <summary>
  16108. Gets and sets the default size for a tab character within this paragraph.
  16109. </summary>
  16110. </member>
  16111. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextParagraph.Children">
  16112. <summary>
  16113. Gets all text runs in this paragraph.
  16114. If this paragraph is empty, return paragraph itself.
  16115. </summary>
  16116. </member>
  16117. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabAlignmentType">
  16118. <summary>
  16119. Represents the text tab alignment types.
  16120. </summary>
  16121. </member>
  16122. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabAlignmentType.Center">
  16123. <summary>
  16124. The text at this tab stop is center aligned.
  16125. </summary>
  16126. </member>
  16127. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabAlignmentType.Decimal">
  16128. <summary>
  16129. At this tab stop, the decimals are lined up.
  16130. </summary>
  16131. </member>
  16132. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabAlignmentType.Left">
  16133. <summary>
  16134. The text at this tab stop is left aligned.
  16135. </summary>
  16136. </member>
  16137. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabAlignmentType.Right">
  16138. <summary>
  16139. The text at this tab stop is right aligned.
  16140. </summary>
  16141. </member>
  16142. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabStop">
  16143. <summary>
  16144. Represents tab stop.
  16145. </summary>
  16146. </member>
  16147. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabStop.TabAlignment">
  16148. <summary>
  16149. Specifies the alignment that is to be applied to text using this tab stop.
  16150. </summary>
  16151. </member>
  16152. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabStop.TabPosition">
  16153. <summary>
  16154. Specifies the position of the tab stop relative to the left margin.
  16155. </summary>
  16156. </member>
  16157. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabStopCollection">
  16158. <summary>
  16159. Represents the list of all tab stops.
  16160. </summary>
  16161. </member>
  16162. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabStopCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabAlignmentType,System.Double)">
  16163. <summary>
  16164. Adds a tab stop.
  16165. </summary>
  16166. <param name="tabAlignment">
  16167. </param>
  16168. <param name="tabPosition">
  16169. </param>
  16170. <returns>
  16171. </returns>
  16172. </member>
  16173. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabStopCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  16174. <summary>
  16175. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextTabStop" /> by the index.
  16176. </summary>
  16177. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  16178. <returns>
  16179. </returns>
  16180. </member>
  16181. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextVerticalType">
  16182. <summary>
  16183. Represents the text direct type.
  16184. </summary>
  16185. </member>
  16186. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextVerticalType.Vertical">
  16187. <summary>
  16188. East Asian Vertical display.
  16189. </summary>
  16190. </member>
  16191. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextVerticalType.Horizontal">
  16192. <summary>
  16193. Horizontal text.
  16194. </summary>
  16195. </member>
  16196. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextVerticalType.VerticalLeftToRight">
  16197. <summary>
  16198. Displayed vertical and the text flows top down then LEFT to RIGHT
  16199. </summary>
  16200. </member>
  16201. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextVerticalType.Vertical90">
  16202. <summary>
  16203. Each line is 90 degrees rotated clockwise
  16204. </summary>
  16205. </member>
  16206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextVerticalType.Vertical270">
  16207. <summary>
  16208. Each line is 270 degrees rotated clockwise
  16209. </summary>
  16210. </member>
  16211. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextVerticalType.Stacked">
  16212. <summary>
  16213. Determines if all of the text is vertical
  16214. </summary>
  16215. </member>
  16216. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.TextVerticalType.StackedRightToLeft">
  16217. <summary>
  16218. Specifies that vertical WordArt should be shown from right to left rather than left to right.
  16219. </summary>
  16220. </member>
  16221. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadStyleStrategy">
  16222. <summary>
  16223. Specifies how to apply style for parsed values when converting string value to number or datetime.
  16224. </summary>
  16225. </member>
  16226. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadStyleStrategy.None">
  16227. <summary>
  16228. Does not set style for the parsed value.
  16229. </summary>
  16230. </member>
  16231. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadStyleStrategy.BuiltIn">
  16232. <summary>
  16233. Set the style as built-in number/datetime when the parsed value are plain numeric/datetime values.
  16234. </summary>
  16235. <remarks>
  16236. When ms excel parsing datetime or numeric values according to user's input(such as CSV file),
  16237. the formatting of those values may be changed, such as
  16238. leading/tailing zeros of number, year/month/day order of datetime, ...etc.
  16239. This type is for simulating ms excel's behavior.
  16240. </remarks>
  16241. </member>
  16242. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadStyleStrategy.ExactFormat">
  16243. <summary>
  16244. Set the exact custom format for the parsed value to make the formatted value be same with the original input one.
  16245. </summary>
  16246. </member>
  16247. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.NamespaceDoc">
  16248. <summary>
  16249. Contains all basic classes of Aspose.Cells.
  16250. </summary>
  16251. </member>
  16252. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.NamespaceDoc">
  16253. <summary>
  16254. Contains all classes of chart and sparkline.
  16255. </summary>
  16256. </member>
  16257. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.NamespaceDoc">
  16258. <summary>
  16259. Contains all classes of DigitalSignature.
  16260. </summary>
  16261. </member>
  16262. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.NamespaceDoc">
  16263. <summary>
  16264. Contains all classes of shapes and fill format.
  16265. </summary>
  16266. </member>
  16267. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.NamespaceDoc">
  16268. <summary>
  16269. Contains all classes of ActiveXControl.
  16270. </summary>
  16271. </member>
  16272. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.NamespaceDoc">
  16273. <summary>
  16274. Contains all classes of Texts.
  16275. </summary>
  16276. </member>
  16277. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.NamespaceDoc">
  16278. <summary>
  16279. Contains all classes of external connections.
  16280. </summary>
  16281. </member>
  16282. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.NamespaceDoc">
  16283. <summary>
  16284. Contains all classes of smart tag.
  16285. </summary>
  16286. </member>
  16287. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Metadata.NamespaceDoc">
  16288. <summary>
  16289. Contains all classes of loading and saving metadata.
  16290. </summary>
  16291. </member>
  16292. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.NamespaceDoc">
  16293. <summary>
  16294. Contains all classes of PivotTable.
  16295. </summary>
  16296. </member>
  16297. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.NamespaceDoc">
  16298. <summary>
  16299. Contains all core classes of Aspose.Cells.
  16300. </summary>
  16301. </member>
  16302. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.NamespaceDoc">
  16303. <summary>
  16304. Contains all classes of Rendering image and pdf.
  16305. </summary>
  16306. </member>
  16307. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.NamespaceDoc">
  16308. <summary>
  16309. Contains all security options of Rendering pdf.
  16310. </summary>
  16311. </member>
  16312. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.NamespaceDoc">
  16313. <summary>
  16314. Contains all classes of Table(List Object).
  16315. </summary>
  16316. </member>
  16317. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.NamespaceDoc">
  16318. <summary>
  16319. Contains all classes of VBA project.
  16320. </summary>
  16321. </member>
  16322. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CustomGeometry">
  16323. <summary>
  16324. Represents a custom geometric shape.
  16325. </summary>
  16326. </member>
  16327. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CustomGeometry.Paths">
  16328. <summary>
  16329. Gets path collection information when shape is a NotPrimitive autoshape
  16330. </summary>
  16331. </member>
  16332. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeGuide">
  16333. <summary>
  16334. Encapsulates a shape guide specifies the presence of a shape guide that will be used to
  16335. govern the geometry of the specified shape
  16336. </summary>
  16337. </member>
  16338. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeGuide.Value">
  16339. <summary>
  16340. Gets or sets value of this guide
  16341. </summary>
  16342. </member>
  16343. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeGuideCollection">
  16344. <summary>
  16345. Encapsulates a collection of shape guide
  16346. </summary>
  16347. </member>
  16348. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeGuideCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  16349. <summary>
  16350. Gets a shape guide by index
  16351. </summary>
  16352. <param name="index">
  16353. </param>
  16354. <returns>
  16355. </returns>
  16356. </member>
  16357. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType">
  16358. <summary>
  16359. Represents type of the property to be locked.
  16360. </summary>
  16361. </member>
  16362. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Group">
  16363. <summary>
  16364. Group
  16365. </summary>
  16366. </member>
  16367. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.AdjustHandles">
  16368. <summary>
  16369. AdjustHandles
  16370. </summary>
  16371. </member>
  16372. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Text">
  16373. <summary>
  16374. Text
  16375. </summary>
  16376. </member>
  16377. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Points">
  16378. <summary>
  16379. Points
  16380. </summary>
  16381. </member>
  16382. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Crop">
  16383. <summary>
  16384. Crop
  16385. </summary>
  16386. </member>
  16387. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Selection">
  16388. <summary>
  16389. Selection
  16390. </summary>
  16391. </member>
  16392. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Move">
  16393. <summary>
  16394. Move
  16395. </summary>
  16396. </member>
  16397. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.AspectRatio">
  16398. <summary>
  16399. AspectRatio
  16400. </summary>
  16401. </member>
  16402. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Rotation">
  16403. <summary>
  16404. Rotation
  16405. </summary>
  16406. </member>
  16407. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Ungroup">
  16408. <summary>
  16409. Ungroup
  16410. </summary>
  16411. </member>
  16412. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Resize">
  16413. <summary>
  16414. Resize
  16415. </summary>
  16416. </member>
  16417. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.ShapeType">
  16418. <summary>
  16419. ShapeType
  16420. </summary>
  16421. </member>
  16422. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeLockType.Arrowhead">
  16423. <summary>
  16424. Arrowhead
  16425. </summary>
  16426. </member>
  16427. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPathCollection">
  16428. <summary>
  16429. Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape.
  16430. </summary>
  16431. </member>
  16432. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPathCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType)">
  16433. <summary>
  16434. Add a segment path in creation path.
  16435. </summary>
  16436. <param name="type">The path type.</param>
  16437. <returns>Returns the position of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPath" /> object in the list. </returns>
  16438. </member>
  16439. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPathCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  16440. <summary>
  16441. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPath" /> object.
  16442. </summary>
  16443. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  16444. <returns>Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPath" /> object.</returns>
  16445. </member>
  16446. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathPoint">
  16447. <summary>
  16448. Represents an x-y coordinate within the path coordinate space.
  16449. </summary>
  16450. </member>
  16451. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathPoint.X">
  16452. <summary>
  16453. Gets and sets x coordinate for this position coordinate.
  16454. </summary>
  16455. </member>
  16456. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathPoint.Y">
  16457. <summary>
  16458. Gets y coordinate for this position coordinate.
  16459. </summary>
  16460. </member>
  16461. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathPointCollection">
  16462. <summary>
  16463. Represents all shape path points.
  16464. </summary>
  16465. </member>
  16466. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathPointCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  16467. <summary>
  16468. Adds a path point.
  16469. </summary>
  16470. <param name="x">The x coordinate.</param>
  16471. <param name="y">The y coordinate.</param>
  16472. </member>
  16473. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathPointCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  16474. <summary>
  16475. Gets shape path point by index.
  16476. </summary>
  16477. <param name="index">The index</param>
  16478. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathPoint" /> object</returns>
  16479. </member>
  16480. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnectionCollection">
  16481. <summary>
  16482. Specifies the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection" /> collection
  16483. </summary>
  16484. <example>
  16485. <code>
  16486. [C#]
  16487. Workbook wb = new Workbook("connection.xlsx");
  16488. ExternalConnectionCollection dataConns = wb.DataConnections;
  16489. ExternalConnection dataConn = null;
  16490. for (int i = 0; i &lt; dataConns.Count; i++)
  16491. {
  16492. dataConn = dataConns[i];
  16493. //get external connection id
  16494. Console.WriteLine(dataConn.ConnectionId);
  16495. }
  16496. [Visual Basic]
  16497. Dim wb As Workbook = New Workbook("connection.xlsx")
  16498. Dim dataConns As ExternalConnectionCollection = wb.DataConnections
  16499. Dim dataConn As ExternalConnection
  16500. Dim count As Integer = dataConns.Count - 1
  16501. Dim i As Integer
  16502. For i = 0 To count Step 1
  16503. dataConn = dataConns(i)
  16504. 'get external connection id
  16505. Console.WriteLine(dataConn.ConnectionId)
  16506. Next
  16507. </code>
  16508. </example>
  16509. </member>
  16510. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnectionCollection.GetExternalConnectionById(System.Int32)">
  16511. <summary>
  16512. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection" /> element with the specified id.
  16513. </summary>
  16514. <param name="connId">external connection id</param>
  16515. <returns>The element with the specified id.</returns>
  16516. </member>
  16517. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnectionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  16518. <summary>
  16519. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection" /> element at the specified index.
  16520. </summary>
  16521. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  16522. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  16523. </member>
  16524. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnectionCollection.Item(System.String)">
  16525. <summary>
  16526. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ExternalConnection" /> element with the specified name.
  16527. </summary>
  16528. <param name="connectionName">data connection name</param>
  16529. <returns>The element with the specified name.</returns>
  16530. </member>
  16531. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.DBConnection">
  16532. <summary>
  16533. Specifies all properties associated with an ODBC or OLE DB external data connection.
  16534. </summary>
  16535. </member>
  16536. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.DBConnection.ConnectionInfo">
  16537. <summary>
  16538. The connection information string is used to make contact with an OLE DB or ODBC data source.
  16539. </summary>
  16540. </member>
  16541. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.DBConnection.PowerQueryFormula">
  16542. <summary>
  16543. Gets the definition of power query formula.
  16544. </summary>
  16545. </member>
  16546. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.DBConnection.CommandType">
  16547. <summary>
  16548. Specifies the OLE DB command type.
  16549. 1. Query specifies a cube name
  16550. 2. Query specifies a SQL statement
  16551. 3. Query specifies a table name
  16552. 4. Query specifies that default information has been given, and it is up to the provider how to interpret.
  16553. 5. Query is against a web based List Data Provider.
  16554. </summary>
  16555. </member>
  16556. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.DBConnection.Command">
  16557. <summary>
  16558. The string containing the database command to pass to the data provider API that will
  16559. interact with the external source in order to retrieve data
  16560. </summary>
  16561. </member>
  16562. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.DBConnection.SeverCommand">
  16563. <summary>
  16564. Specifies a second command text string that is persisted when PivotTable server-based
  16565. page fields are in use.
  16566. For ODBC connections, serverCommand is usually a broader query than command (no
  16567. WHERE clause is present in the former). Based on these 2 commands(Command and ServerCommand),
  16568. parameter UI can be populated and parameterized queries can be constructed
  16569. </summary>
  16570. </member>
  16571. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection">
  16572. <summary>
  16573. Specifies the properties for a web query source. A web query will retrieve data from HTML tables,
  16574. and can also supply HTTP "Get" parameters to be processed by the web server in generating the HTML by
  16575. including the parameters and parameter elements.
  16576. </summary>
  16577. </member>
  16578. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsXml">
  16579. <summary>
  16580. true if the web query source is XML (versus HTML), otherwise false.
  16581. </summary>
  16582. </member>
  16583. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsXl97">
  16584. <summary>
  16585. This flag exists for backward compatibility with older existing spreadsheet files, and is set
  16586. to true if this web query was created in Microsoft Excel 97.
  16587. This is an optional attribute that can be ignored.
  16588. </summary>
  16589. </member>
  16590. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsXl2000">
  16591. <summary>
  16592. This flag exists for backward compatibility with older existing spreadsheet files, and is set
  16593. to true if this web query was refreshed in a spreadsheet application newer than or equal
  16594. to Microsoft Excel 2000.
  16595. This is an optional attribute that can be ignored.
  16596. </summary>
  16597. </member>
  16598. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.Url">
  16599. <summary>
  16600. URL to use to refresh external data.
  16601. </summary>
  16602. </member>
  16603. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsTextDates">
  16604. <summary>
  16605. Flag indicating whether dates should be imported into cells in the worksheet as text rather than dates.
  16606. </summary>
  16607. </member>
  16608. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsXmlSourceData">
  16609. <summary>
  16610. Flag indicating that XML source data should be imported instead of the HTML table itself.
  16611. </summary>
  16612. </member>
  16613. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.Post">
  16614. <summary>
  16615. Returns or sets the string used with the post method of inputting data into a web server
  16616. to return data from a web query.
  16617. </summary>
  16618. </member>
  16619. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsParsePre">
  16620. <summary>
  16621. Flag indicating whether data contained within HTML PRE tags in the web page is
  16622. parsed into columns when you import the page into a query table.
  16623. </summary>
  16624. </member>
  16625. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsHtmlTables">
  16626. <summary>
  16627. Flag indicating whether web queries should only work on HTML tables.
  16628. </summary>
  16629. </member>
  16630. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.HtmlFormat">
  16631. <summary>
  16632. How to handle formatting from the HTML source when bringing web query data into the
  16633. worksheet. Relevant when sourceData is True.
  16634. </summary>
  16635. </member>
  16636. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsSameSettings">
  16637. <summary>
  16638. Flag indicating whether to parse all tables inside a PRE block with the same width settings
  16639. as the first row.
  16640. </summary>
  16641. </member>
  16642. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.EditWebPage">
  16643. <summary>
  16644. The URL of the user-facing web page showing the web query data. This URL is persisted
  16645. in the case that sourceData="true" and url has been redirected to reference an XML file.
  16646. Then the user-facing page can be shown in the UI, and the XML data can be retrieved
  16647. behind the scenes.
  16648. </summary>
  16649. </member>
  16650. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.EditPage">
  16651. <summary>
  16652. The URL of the user-facing web page showing the web query data. This URL is persisted
  16653. in the case that sourceData="true" and url has been redirected to reference an XML file.
  16654. Then the user-facing page can be shown in the UI, and the XML data can be retrieved
  16655. behind the scenes.
  16656. </summary>
  16657. <remarks>
  16658. NOTE: This property is now obsolete. Instead,
  16659. please use WebQueryConnection.EditWebPage property.
  16660. This property will be removed 12 months later since October 2017.
  16661. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  16662. </member>
  16663. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.WebQueryConnection.IsConsecutive">
  16664. <summary>
  16665. Flag indicating whether consecutive delimiters should be treated as just one delimiter.
  16666. </summary>
  16667. </member>
  16668. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType">
  16669. <summary>
  16670. Specifies external database source type
  16671. </summary>
  16672. </member>
  16673. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.ODBCBasedSource">
  16674. <summary>
  16675. ODBC-based source
  16676. </summary>
  16677. </member>
  16678. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.DAOBasedSource">
  16679. <summary>
  16680. DAO-based source
  16681. </summary>
  16682. </member>
  16683. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.FileBasedDataBaseSource">
  16684. <summary>
  16685. File based database source
  16686. </summary>
  16687. </member>
  16688. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.WebQuery">
  16689. <summary>
  16690. Web query
  16691. </summary>
  16692. </member>
  16693. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.OLEDBBasedSource">
  16694. <summary>
  16695. OLE DB-based source
  16696. </summary>
  16697. </member>
  16698. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.TextBasedSource">
  16699. <summary>
  16700. Text-based source
  16701. </summary>
  16702. </member>
  16703. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.ADORecordSet">
  16704. <summary>
  16705. ADO record set
  16706. </summary>
  16707. </member>
  16708. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.DSP">
  16709. <summary>
  16710. DSP
  16711. </summary>
  16712. </member>
  16713. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.OLEDBDataModel">
  16714. <summary>
  16715. OLE DB data source created by the Spreadsheet Data Model.
  16716. </summary>
  16717. </member>
  16718. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.DataFeedDataModel">
  16719. <summary>
  16720. Data feed data source created by the Spreadsheet Data Model.
  16721. </summary>
  16722. </member>
  16723. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.WorksheetDataModel">
  16724. <summary>
  16725. Worksheet data source created by the Spreadsheet Data Model.
  16726. </summary>
  16727. </member>
  16728. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.Table">
  16729. <summary>
  16730. Worksheet data source created by the Spreadsheet Data Model.
  16731. </summary>
  16732. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  16733. please use WorksheetDataModel enum.
  16734. This property will be removed 12 months later since September 2017.
  16735. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  16736. </member>
  16737. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.TextDataModel">
  16738. <summary>
  16739. Text data source created by the Spreadsheet Data Model.
  16740. </summary>
  16741. </member>
  16742. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionDataSourceType.Unknown">
  16743. <summary>
  16744. Text data source created by the Spreadsheet Data Model.
  16745. </summary>
  16746. </member>
  16747. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter">
  16748. <summary>
  16749. Specifies properties about any parameters used with external data connections
  16750. Parameters are valid for ODBC and web queries.
  16751. </summary>
  16752. </member>
  16753. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter.SqlType">
  16754. <summary>
  16755. SQL data type of the parameter. Only valid for ODBC sources.
  16756. </summary>
  16757. </member>
  16758. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter.RefreshOnChange">
  16759. <summary>
  16760. Flag indicating whether the query should automatically refresh when the contents of a
  16761. cell that provides the parameter value changes. If true, then external data is refreshed
  16762. using the new parameter value every time there's a change. If false, then external data
  16763. is only refreshed when requested by the user, or some other event triggers refresh (e.g., workbook opened).
  16764. </summary>
  16765. </member>
  16766. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter.Prompt">
  16767. <summary>
  16768. Prompt string for the parameter. Presented to the spreadsheet user along with input UI
  16769. to collect the parameter value before refreshing the external data. Used only when
  16770. parameterType = prompt.
  16771. </summary>
  16772. </member>
  16773. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter.Type">
  16774. <summary>
  16775. Type of parameter used.
  16776. If the parameterType=value, then the value from boolean, double, integer,
  16777. or string will be used. In this case, it is expected that only one of
  16778. {boolean, double, integer, or string} will be specified.
  16779. </summary>
  16780. </member>
  16781. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter.Name">
  16782. <summary>
  16783. The name of the parameter.
  16784. </summary>
  16785. </member>
  16786. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter.CellReference">
  16787. <summary>
  16788. Cell reference indicating which cell's value to use for the query parameter. Used only when parameterType is cell.
  16789. </summary>
  16790. </member>
  16791. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter.Value">
  16792. <summary>
  16793. Non-integer numeric value,Integer value,String value or Boolean value
  16794. to use as the query parameter. Used only when parameterType is value.
  16795. </summary>
  16796. </member>
  16797. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameterCollection">
  16798. <summary>
  16799. Specifies the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter" /> collection
  16800. </summary>
  16801. </member>
  16802. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  16803. <summary>
  16804. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter" /> element at the specified index.
  16805. </summary>
  16806. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  16807. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  16808. </member>
  16809. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameterCollection.Item(System.String)">
  16810. <summary>
  16811. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameter" /> element with the specified name.
  16812. </summary>
  16813. <param name="connParamName">connection parameter name</param>
  16814. <returns>The element with the specified name.</returns>
  16815. </member>
  16816. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameterType">
  16817. <summary>
  16818. Specifies the parameter type of external connection
  16819. </summary>
  16820. </member>
  16821. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameterType.Cell">
  16822. <summary>
  16823. Get the parameter value from a cell on each refresh.
  16824. </summary>
  16825. </member>
  16826. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameterType.Prompt">
  16827. <summary>
  16828. Prompt the user on each refresh for a parameter value.
  16829. </summary>
  16830. </member>
  16831. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ConnectionParameterType.Value">
  16832. <summary>
  16833. Use a constant value on each refresh for the parameter value.
  16834. </summary>
  16835. </member>
  16836. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.CredentialsMethodType">
  16837. <summary>
  16838. Specifies Credentials method used for server access.
  16839. </summary>
  16840. </member>
  16841. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.CredentialsMethodType.Integrated">
  16842. <summary>
  16843. Integrated Authentication
  16844. </summary>
  16845. </member>
  16846. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.CredentialsMethodType.None">
  16847. <summary>
  16848. No Credentials
  16849. </summary>
  16850. </member>
  16851. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.CredentialsMethodType.Prompt">
  16852. <summary>
  16853. Prompt Credentials
  16854. </summary>
  16855. </member>
  16856. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.CredentialsMethodType.Stored">
  16857. <summary>
  16858. Stored Credentials
  16859. </summary>
  16860. </member>
  16861. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.OLEDBCommandType">
  16862. <summary>
  16863. Specifies the OLE DB command type.
  16864. </summary>
  16865. </member>
  16866. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.OLEDBCommandType.None">
  16867. <summary>
  16868. The command type is not specified.
  16869. </summary>
  16870. </member>
  16871. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.OLEDBCommandType.CubeName">
  16872. <summary>
  16873. Specifies a cube name
  16874. </summary>
  16875. <remarks>unsupported</remarks>
  16876. </member>
  16877. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.OLEDBCommandType.SqlStatement">
  16878. <summary>
  16879. Specifies a SQL statement
  16880. </summary>
  16881. </member>
  16882. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.OLEDBCommandType.TableName">
  16883. <summary>
  16884. Specifies a table name
  16885. </summary>
  16886. </member>
  16887. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.OLEDBCommandType.DefaultInformation">
  16888. <summary>
  16889. Specifies that default information has been given, and it is up to the provider how to interpret.
  16890. </summary>
  16891. <remarks>unsupported</remarks>
  16892. </member>
  16893. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.OLEDBCommandType.WebBasedList">
  16894. <summary>
  16895. Specifies a query which is against a web based List Data Provider.
  16896. </summary>
  16897. <remarks>unsupported</remarks>
  16898. </member>
  16899. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ReConnectionMethodType">
  16900. <summary>
  16901. Specifies what the spreadsheet application should do when a connection fails.
  16902. </summary>
  16903. </member>
  16904. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ReConnectionMethodType.Required">
  16905. <summary>
  16906. On refresh use the existing connection information and if it ends up being invalid
  16907. then get updated connection information, if available from the external connection file.
  16908. </summary>
  16909. </member>
  16910. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ReConnectionMethodType.Always">
  16911. <summary>
  16912. On every refresh get updated connection information from the external connection file,
  16913. if available, and use that instead of the existing connection information.
  16914. In this case the data refresh will fail if the external connection file is unavailable.
  16915. </summary>
  16916. </member>
  16917. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.ReConnectionMethodType.Never">
  16918. <summary>
  16919. Never get updated connection information from the external connection file
  16920. even if it is available and even if the existing connection information is invalid
  16921. </summary>
  16922. </member>
  16923. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType">
  16924. <summary>
  16925. Specifies SQL data type of the parameter. Only valid for ODBC sources.
  16926. </summary>
  16927. </member>
  16928. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlUnsignedOffset">
  16929. <summary>
  16930. sql unsigned offset
  16931. </summary>
  16932. </member>
  16933. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlSignedOffset">
  16934. <summary>
  16935. sql signed offset
  16936. </summary>
  16937. </member>
  16938. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlGUID">
  16939. <summary>
  16940. sql guid
  16941. </summary>
  16942. </member>
  16943. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlWLongVarchar">
  16944. <summary>
  16945. sql wide long variable char
  16946. </summary>
  16947. </member>
  16948. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlWVarchar">
  16949. <summary>
  16950. sql wide variable char
  16951. </summary>
  16952. </member>
  16953. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlWChar">
  16954. <summary>
  16955. sql wide char
  16956. </summary>
  16957. </member>
  16958. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlBit">
  16959. <summary>
  16960. sql bit
  16961. </summary>
  16962. </member>
  16963. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlTinyInt">
  16964. <summary>
  16965. sql tiny int
  16966. </summary>
  16967. </member>
  16968. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlBigInt">
  16969. <summary>
  16970. sql big int
  16971. </summary>
  16972. </member>
  16973. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlLongVarBinary">
  16974. <summary>
  16975. sql long variable binary
  16976. </summary>
  16977. </member>
  16978. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlVarBinary">
  16979. <summary>
  16980. sql variable binary
  16981. </summary>
  16982. </member>
  16983. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlBinary">
  16984. <summary>
  16985. sql binary
  16986. </summary>
  16987. </member>
  16988. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlLongVarChar">
  16989. <summary>
  16990. sql long variable char
  16991. </summary>
  16992. </member>
  16993. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlUnknownType">
  16994. <summary>
  16995. sql unknown type
  16996. </summary>
  16997. </member>
  16998. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlChar">
  16999. <summary>
  17000. sql char
  17001. </summary>
  17002. </member>
  17003. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlNumeric">
  17004. <summary>
  17005. sql numeric
  17006. </summary>
  17007. </member>
  17008. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlDecimal">
  17009. <summary>
  17010. sql decimal
  17011. </summary>
  17012. </member>
  17013. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlInteger">
  17014. <summary>
  17015. sql integer
  17016. </summary>
  17017. </member>
  17018. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlSmallInt">
  17019. <summary>
  17020. sql small int
  17021. </summary>
  17022. </member>
  17023. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlFloat">
  17024. <summary>
  17025. sql float
  17026. </summary>
  17027. </member>
  17028. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlReal">
  17029. <summary>
  17030. sql real
  17031. </summary>
  17032. </member>
  17033. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlDouble">
  17034. <summary>
  17035. sql double
  17036. </summary>
  17037. </member>
  17038. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlTypeDate">
  17039. <summary>
  17040. sql date type
  17041. </summary>
  17042. </member>
  17043. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlTypeTime">
  17044. <summary>
  17045. sql time type
  17046. </summary>
  17047. </member>
  17048. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlTypeTimestamp">
  17049. <summary>
  17050. sql timestamp type
  17051. </summary>
  17052. </member>
  17053. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlVarChar">
  17054. <summary>
  17055. sql variable char
  17056. </summary>
  17057. </member>
  17058. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalYear">
  17059. <summary>
  17060. sql interval year
  17061. </summary>
  17062. </member>
  17063. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalMonth">
  17064. <summary>
  17065. sql interval month
  17066. </summary>
  17067. </member>
  17068. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalDay">
  17069. <summary>
  17070. sql interval day
  17071. </summary>
  17072. </member>
  17073. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalHour">
  17074. <summary>
  17075. sql interval hour
  17076. </summary>
  17077. </member>
  17078. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalMinute">
  17079. <summary>
  17080. sql interval minute
  17081. </summary>
  17082. </member>
  17083. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalSecond">
  17084. <summary>
  17085. sql interval second
  17086. </summary>
  17087. </member>
  17088. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalYearToMonth">
  17089. <summary>
  17090. sql interval year to month
  17091. </summary>
  17092. </member>
  17093. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalDayToHour">
  17094. <summary>
  17095. sql interval day to hour
  17096. </summary>
  17097. </member>
  17098. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalDayToMinute">
  17099. <summary>
  17100. sql interval day to minute
  17101. </summary>
  17102. </member>
  17103. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalDayToSecond">
  17104. <summary>
  17105. sql interval day to second
  17106. </summary>
  17107. </member>
  17108. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalHourToMinute">
  17109. <summary>
  17110. sql interval hour to minute
  17111. </summary>
  17112. </member>
  17113. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalHourToSecond">
  17114. <summary>
  17115. sql interval hour to second
  17116. </summary>
  17117. </member>
  17118. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExternalConnections.SqlDataType.SqlIntervalMinuteToSecond">
  17119. <summary>
  17120. sql interval minute to second
  17121. </summary>
  17122. </member>
  17123. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo">
  17124. <summary>
  17125. Contains data returned by <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil" /> file format detection methods.
  17126. </summary>
  17127. </member>
  17128. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo.IsProtectedByRMS">
  17129. <summary>
  17130. Gets whether the file is protected by Microsoft Rights Management Server.
  17131. </summary>
  17132. </member>
  17133. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo.IsEncrypted">
  17134. <summary>
  17135. Returns true if the document is encrypted and requires a password to open.
  17136. </summary>
  17137. </member>
  17138. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo.FileFormatType">
  17139. <summary>
  17140. Gets the detected file format.
  17141. </summary>
  17142. </member>
  17143. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo.LoadFormat">
  17144. <summary>
  17145. Gets the detected load format.
  17146. </summary>
  17147. </member>
  17148. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions">
  17149. <summary>
  17150. Represents the options to filter data when loading workbook from template.
  17151. </summary>
  17152. </member>
  17153. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.None">
  17154. <summary>
  17155. Load nothing for sheet data
  17156. </summary>
  17157. <remarks>
  17158. NOTE: This member is now obsolete and please use Structure instead.
  17159. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2017.
  17160. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17161. </member>
  17162. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.All">
  17163. <summary>
  17164. Load all
  17165. </summary>
  17166. </member>
  17167. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.CellBlank">
  17168. <summary>
  17169. Load cells whose value is blank
  17170. </summary>
  17171. </member>
  17172. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.CellString">
  17173. <summary>
  17174. Load cells whose value is string
  17175. </summary>
  17176. </member>
  17177. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.CellNumeric">
  17178. <summary>
  17179. Load cells whose value is numeric(including datetime)
  17180. </summary>
  17181. </member>
  17182. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.CellError">
  17183. <summary>
  17184. Load cells whose value is error
  17185. </summary>
  17186. </member>
  17187. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.CellBool">
  17188. <summary>
  17189. Load cells whose value is bool
  17190. </summary>
  17191. </member>
  17192. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.CellValue">
  17193. <summary>
  17194. Load cells value(all value types) only
  17195. </summary>
  17196. </member>
  17197. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Formula">
  17198. <summary>
  17199. Load cell formulas.
  17200. </summary>
  17201. <remarks>
  17202. Generally defined Name objects(DefinedNames) also need to be loaded when loading formulas because they may be referenced by formulas.
  17203. So Formula or CellData option should work with DefinedNames option together(Formula|DefinedNames or CellData|DefinedNames) for most scenarios.
  17204. </remarks>
  17205. </member>
  17206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.CellData">
  17207. <summary>
  17208. Load cells data including values, formulas and formatting
  17209. </summary>
  17210. </member>
  17211. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Chart">
  17212. <summary>
  17213. Load charts
  17214. </summary>
  17215. </member>
  17216. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Shape">
  17217. <summary>
  17218. Load shapes
  17219. </summary>
  17220. <remarks>
  17221. NOTE: This member is now obsolete and please use Structure instead.
  17222. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2019.
  17223. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17224. </member>
  17225. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Drawing">
  17226. <summary>
  17227. Drawing objects(including Chart, Picture, OleObject and all other drawing objects)
  17228. </summary>
  17229. </member>
  17230. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.MergedArea">
  17231. <summary>
  17232. Load merged cells
  17233. </summary>
  17234. </member>
  17235. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.ConditionalFormatting">
  17236. <summary>
  17237. Load conditional formatting
  17238. </summary>
  17239. </member>
  17240. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.DataValidation">
  17241. <summary>
  17242. Load data validations
  17243. </summary>
  17244. </member>
  17245. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.PivotTable">
  17246. <summary>
  17247. Load pivot tables
  17248. </summary>
  17249. </member>
  17250. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Table">
  17251. <summary>
  17252. Load tables
  17253. </summary>
  17254. </member>
  17255. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Hyperlinks">
  17256. <summary>
  17257. Load hyperlinks
  17258. </summary>
  17259. </member>
  17260. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.SheetSettings">
  17261. <summary>
  17262. Load settings for worksheet
  17263. </summary>
  17264. </member>
  17265. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.SheetData">
  17266. <summary>
  17267. Load all data of worksheet, such as cells data, settings, objects, ...etc.
  17268. </summary>
  17269. </member>
  17270. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.BookSettings">
  17271. <summary>
  17272. Load settings for workbook
  17273. </summary>
  17274. </member>
  17275. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Settings">
  17276. <summary>
  17277. Load settings for workbook and worksheet
  17278. </summary>
  17279. </member>
  17280. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.XmlMap">
  17281. <summary>
  17282. Load XmlMap
  17283. </summary>
  17284. </member>
  17285. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Structure">
  17286. <summary>
  17287. Load structure of the workbook
  17288. </summary>
  17289. </member>
  17290. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.DocumentProperties">
  17291. <summary>
  17292. Load document properties
  17293. </summary>
  17294. </member>
  17295. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.DefinedNames">
  17296. <summary>
  17297. Load defined Name objects
  17298. </summary>
  17299. </member>
  17300. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.VBA">
  17301. <summary>
  17302. Load VBA projects
  17303. </summary>
  17304. </member>
  17305. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Style">
  17306. <summary>
  17307. Load styles for cell formatting
  17308. </summary>
  17309. </member>
  17310. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.Picture">
  17311. <summary>
  17312. Load pictures
  17313. </summary>
  17314. </member>
  17315. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadDataFilterOptions.OleObject">
  17316. <summary>
  17317. Load OleObjects
  17318. </summary>
  17319. </member>
  17320. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillType">
  17321. <summary>
  17322. Fill format type.
  17323. </summary>
  17324. </member>
  17325. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillType.Automatic">
  17326. <summary>
  17327. Represents automatic formatting type.
  17328. </summary>
  17329. </member>
  17330. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillType.None">
  17331. <summary>
  17332. Represents none formatting type.
  17333. </summary>
  17334. </member>
  17335. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillType.Solid">
  17336. <summary>
  17337. Solid fill format.
  17338. </summary>
  17339. </member>
  17340. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillType.Gradient">
  17341. <summary>
  17342. Gradient fill format.
  17343. </summary>
  17344. </member>
  17345. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillType.Texture">
  17346. <summary>
  17347. Texture fill format(includes picture fill).
  17348. </summary>
  17349. </member>
  17350. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillType.Pattern">
  17351. <summary>
  17352. Pattern fill format.
  17353. </summary>
  17354. </member>
  17355. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillType.Group">
  17356. <summary>
  17357. Inherit the fill properties of the group.
  17358. </summary>
  17359. </member>
  17360. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SolidFill">
  17361. <summary>
  17362. Encapsulates the object that represents solid fill format
  17363. </summary>
  17364. </member>
  17365. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SolidFill.Color">
  17366. <summary>
  17367. Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" />.
  17368. </summary>
  17369. </member>
  17370. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SolidFill.CellsColor">
  17371. <summary>
  17372. Gets and sets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SolidFill.CellsColor" /> object.
  17373. </summary>
  17374. </member>
  17375. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SolidFill.Transparency">
  17376. <summary>
  17377. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  17378. </summary>
  17379. </member>
  17380. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon">
  17381. <summary>
  17382. Represents the custom icon of conditional formatting rule.
  17383. </summary>
  17384. </member>
  17385. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon.GetIconImageData(Aspose.Cells.IconSetType,System.Int32)">
  17386. <summary>
  17387. Get the icon set data
  17388. </summary>
  17389. <param name="type">icon's type</param>
  17390. <param name="index"> icon's index</param>
  17391. <returns>
  17392. </returns>
  17393. </member>
  17394. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon.ImageData">
  17395. <summary>
  17396. Gets the icon set data.
  17397. </summary>
  17398. </member>
  17399. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon.Type">
  17400. <summary>
  17401. Gets and sets the icon set type.
  17402. </summary>
  17403. </member>
  17404. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon.Index">
  17405. <summary>
  17406. Gets and sets the icon's index in the icon set.
  17407. </summary>
  17408. </member>
  17409. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIconCollection">
  17410. <summary>
  17411. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon" /> objects.
  17412. </summary>
  17413. <example>
  17414. <code>
  17415. [C#]
  17416. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  17417. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  17418. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  17419. //Get Conditional Formatting
  17420. ConditionalFormattingCollection cformattings = sheet.ConditionalFormattings;
  17421. //Adds an empty conditional formatting
  17422. int index = cformattings.Add();
  17423. //Get newly added Conditional formatting
  17424. FormatConditionCollection fcs = cformattings[index];
  17425. //Sets the conditional format range.
  17426. CellArea ca = new CellArea();
  17427. ca.StartRow = 0;
  17428. ca.EndRow = 0;
  17429. ca.StartColumn = 0;
  17430. ca.EndColumn = 0;
  17431. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  17432. ca = new CellArea();
  17433. ca.StartRow = 1;
  17434. ca.EndRow = 1;
  17435. ca.StartColumn = 1;
  17436. ca.EndColumn = 1;
  17437. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  17438. //Sets condition
  17439. int idx = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.IconSet);
  17440. FormatCondition cond = fcs[idx];
  17441. //Sets condition's type
  17442. cond.IconSet.Type = IconSetType.ArrowsGray3;
  17443. //Add custom iconset condition.
  17444. ConditionalFormattingIcon cfIcon = cond.IconSet.CfIcons[0];
  17445. cfIcon.Type = IconSetType.Arrows3;
  17446. cfIcon.Index = 0;
  17447. ConditionalFormattingIcon cfIcon1 = cond.IconSet.CfIcons[1];
  17448. cfIcon1.Type = IconSetType.ArrowsGray3;
  17449. cfIcon1.Index = 1;
  17450. ConditionalFormattingIcon cfIcon2 = cond.IconSet.CfIcons[2];
  17451. cfIcon2.Type = IconSetType.Boxes5;
  17452. cfIcon2.Index = 2;
  17453. //Saving the Excel file
  17454. workbook.Save("C:\\output.xls");
  17455. [VB.NET]
  17456. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  17457. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  17458. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  17459. 'Get Conditional Formatting
  17460. Dim cformattings As ConditionalFormattingCollection = sheet.ConditionalFormattings
  17461. 'Adds an empty conditional formatting
  17462. Dim index As Integer = cformattings.Add()
  17463. 'Get newly added Conditional formatting
  17464. Dim fcs As FormatConditionCollection = cformattings(index)
  17465. 'Sets the conditional format range.
  17466. Dim ca As New CellArea()
  17467. ca.StartRow = 0
  17468. ca.EndRow = 0
  17469. ca.StartColumn = 0
  17470. ca.EndColumn = 0
  17471. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  17472. ca = New CellArea()
  17473. ca.StartRow = 1
  17474. ca.EndRow = 1
  17475. ca.StartColumn = 1
  17476. ca.EndColumn = 1
  17477. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  17478. //Sets condition
  17479. Dim idx As Integer =fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.IconSet)
  17480. Dim cond As FormatCondition=fcs[idx]
  17481. //Sets condition's type
  17482. cfIcon.Type = IconSetType.ArrowsGray3
  17483. 'Add custom iconset condition.
  17484. Dim cfIcon As ConditionalFormattingIcon = cond.IconSet.CfIcons[0]
  17485. cfIcon.Type = IconSetType.Arrows3
  17486. cfIcon.Index=0
  17487. Dim cfIcon1 As ConditionalFormattingIcon = cond.IconSet.CfIcons[1]
  17488. cfIcon1.Type = IconSetType.ArrowsGray3
  17489. cfIcon1.Index=1
  17490. Dim cfIcon2 As ConditionalFormattingIcon = cond.IconSet.CfIcons[2]
  17491. cfIcon2.Type = IconSetType.Boxes5
  17492. cfIcon2.Index=2
  17493. 'Saving the Excel file
  17494. workbook.Save("C:\output.xls")
  17495. </code>
  17496. </example>
  17497. </member>
  17498. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIconCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.IconSetType,System.Int32)">
  17499. <summary>
  17500. Adds <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon" /> object.
  17501. </summary>
  17502. <param name="type">The value type.</param>
  17503. <param name="index">The Index.</param>
  17504. <returns>Returns the index of new object in the list.</returns>
  17505. </member>
  17506. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIconCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon)">
  17507. <summary>
  17508. Adds <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon" /> object.
  17509. </summary>
  17510. <param name="cficon">Returns the index of new object in the list.</param>
  17511. </member>
  17512. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIconCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  17513. <summary>
  17514. Gets the ConditionalFormattingIcon element at the specified index.
  17515. </summary>
  17516. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  17517. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  17518. </member>
  17519. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataBarAxisPosition">
  17520. <summary>
  17521. Specifies the axis position for a range of cells with conditional formatting as data bars.
  17522. </summary>
  17523. </member>
  17524. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarAxisPosition.DataBarAxisAutomatic">
  17525. <summary>
  17526. Display the axis at a variable position based on the ratio of the minimum negative value to the maximum positive value in the range.
  17527. Positive values are displayed in a left-to-right direction.
  17528. Negative values are displayed in a right-to-left direction.
  17529. When all values are positive or all values are negative, no axis is displayed.
  17530. </summary>
  17531. <remarks>
  17532. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17533. please use DataBarAxisPosition.Automatic enum type.
  17534. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17535. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17536. </member>
  17537. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarAxisPosition.DataBarAxisMidpoint">
  17538. <summary>
  17539. Display the axis at the midpoint of the cell regardless of the set of values in the range.
  17540. Positive values are displayed in a left-to-right direction.
  17541. Negative values are displayed in a right-to-left direction.
  17542. </summary>
  17543. <remarks>
  17544. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17545. please use DataBarAxisPosition.Midpoint enum type.
  17546. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17547. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17548. </member>
  17549. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarAxisPosition.DataBarAxisNone">
  17550. <summary>
  17551. No axis is displayed, and both positive and negative values are displayed in the left-to-right direction.
  17552. </summary>
  17553. <remarks>
  17554. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17555. please use DataBarAxisPosition.None enum type.
  17556. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17557. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17558. </member>
  17559. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarAxisPosition.Automatic">
  17560. <summary>
  17561. Display the axis at a variable position based on the ratio of the minimum negative value to the maximum positive value in the range.
  17562. Positive values are displayed in a left-to-right direction.
  17563. Negative values are displayed in a right-to-left direction.
  17564. When all values are positive or all values are negative, no axis is displayed.
  17565. </summary>
  17566. </member>
  17567. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarAxisPosition.Midpoint">
  17568. <summary>
  17569. Display the axis at the midpoint of the cell regardless of the set of values in the range.
  17570. Positive values are displayed in a left-to-right direction.
  17571. Negative values are displayed in a right-to-left direction.
  17572. </summary>
  17573. </member>
  17574. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarAxisPosition.None">
  17575. <summary>
  17576. No axis is displayed, and both positive and negative values are displayed in the left-to-right direction.
  17577. </summary>
  17578. </member>
  17579. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataBarBorder">
  17580. <summary>
  17581. Represents the border of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.
  17582. </summary>
  17583. </member>
  17584. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBarBorder.Color">
  17585. <summary>
  17586. Gets or sets the border's color of data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.
  17587. </summary>
  17588. </member>
  17589. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBarBorder.Type">
  17590. <summary>
  17591. Gets or sets the border's type of data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.
  17592. </summary>
  17593. </member>
  17594. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataBarBorderType">
  17595. <summary>
  17596. Specifies the border type of a data bar.
  17597. </summary>
  17598. </member>
  17599. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarBorderType.DataBarBorderNone">
  17600. <summary>
  17601. The data bar has no border.
  17602. </summary>
  17603. <remarks>
  17604. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17605. please use DataBarBorderType.None enum type.
  17606. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17607. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17608. </member>
  17609. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarBorderType.DataBarBorderSolid">
  17610. <summary>
  17611. The data bar has a solid border.
  17612. </summary>
  17613. <remarks>
  17614. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17615. please use DataBarBorderType.Solid enum type.
  17616. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17617. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17618. </member>
  17619. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarBorderType.None">
  17620. <summary>
  17621. The data bar has no border.
  17622. </summary>
  17623. </member>
  17624. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarBorderType.Solid">
  17625. <summary>
  17626. The data bar has a solid border.
  17627. </summary>
  17628. </member>
  17629. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataBarFillType">
  17630. <summary>
  17631. Specifies how a data bar is filled with color.
  17632. </summary>
  17633. </member>
  17634. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarFillType.DataBarFillSolid">
  17635. <summary>
  17636. The data bar is filled with solid color.
  17637. </summary>
  17638. <remarks>
  17639. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17640. please use DataBarFillType.Solid enum type.
  17641. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17642. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17643. </member>
  17644. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarFillType.DataBarFillGradient">
  17645. <summary>
  17646. The data bar is filled with a color gradient.
  17647. </summary>
  17648. <remarks>
  17649. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17650. please use DataBarFillType.Gradient enum type.
  17651. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17652. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17653. </member>
  17654. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarFillType.Solid">
  17655. <summary>
  17656. The data bar is filled with solid color.
  17657. </summary>
  17658. </member>
  17659. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarFillType.Gradient">
  17660. <summary>
  17661. The data bar is filled with a color gradient.
  17662. </summary>
  17663. </member>
  17664. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataBarNegativeColorType">
  17665. <summary>
  17666. Specifies whether to use the same border and fill color as positive data bars.
  17667. </summary>
  17668. </member>
  17669. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarNegativeColorType.DataBarColor">
  17670. <summary>
  17671. Use the color specified in the Negative Value and Axis Setting dialog box
  17672. or by using the ColorType and BorderColorType properties of the NegativeBarFormat object.
  17673. </summary>
  17674. <remarks>
  17675. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17676. please use DataBarNegativeColorType.Color enum type.
  17677. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17678. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17679. </member>
  17680. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarNegativeColorType.DataBarSameAsPositive">
  17681. <summary>
  17682. Use the same color as positive data bars.
  17683. </summary>
  17684. <remarks>
  17685. NOTE: This enum type is now obsolete. Instead,
  17686. please use DataBarNegativeColorType.SameAsPositive enum type.
  17687. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  17688. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  17689. </member>
  17690. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarNegativeColorType.Color">
  17691. <summary>
  17692. Use the color specified in the Negative Value and Axis Setting dialog box
  17693. or by using the ColorType and BorderColorType properties of the NegativeBarFormat object.
  17694. </summary>
  17695. </member>
  17696. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DataBarNegativeColorType.SameAsPositive">
  17697. <summary>
  17698. Use the same color as positive data bars.
  17699. </summary>
  17700. </member>
  17701. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.NegativeBarFormat">
  17702. <summary>
  17703. Represents the color settings of the data bars for negative values that are defined by a data bar conditional formatting rule.
  17704. </summary>
  17705. </member>
  17706. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.NegativeBarFormat.BorderColor">
  17707. <summary>
  17708. Gets or sets a FormatColor object that you can use to specify the border color for negative data bars.
  17709. </summary>
  17710. </member>
  17711. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.NegativeBarFormat.BorderColorType">
  17712. <summary>
  17713. Gets whether to use the same border color as positive data bars.
  17714. </summary>
  17715. </member>
  17716. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.NegativeBarFormat.Color">
  17717. <summary>
  17718. Gets or sets a FormatColor object that you can use to specify the fill color for negative data bars.
  17719. </summary>
  17720. </member>
  17721. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.NegativeBarFormat.ColorType">
  17722. <summary>
  17723. Gets or sets whether to use the same fill color as positive data bars.
  17724. </summary>
  17725. </member>
  17726. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypeProperty">
  17727. <summary>
  17728. Represents identifier information.
  17729. </summary>
  17730. </member>
  17731. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypeProperty.Name">
  17732. <summary>
  17733. Returns or sets the name of the object.
  17734. </summary>
  17735. </member>
  17736. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypeProperty.Value">
  17737. <summary>
  17738. Returns or sets the value of the content type property.
  17739. </summary>
  17740. </member>
  17741. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypeProperty.Type">
  17742. <summary>
  17743. Gets and sets the type of the property.
  17744. </summary>
  17745. </member>
  17746. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypeProperty.IsNillable">
  17747. <summary>
  17748. Indicates whether the value could be empty.
  17749. </summary>
  17750. </member>
  17751. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypePropertyCollection">
  17752. <summary>
  17753. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypeProperty" /> objects that represent additional information.
  17754. </summary>
  17755. </member>
  17756. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypePropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  17757. <summary>
  17758. Adds content type property information.
  17759. </summary>
  17760. <param name="name">The name of the content type property.</param>
  17761. <param name="value">The value of the content type property.</param>
  17762. </member>
  17763. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypePropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  17764. <summary>
  17765. Adds content type property information.
  17766. </summary>
  17767. <param name="name">The name of the content type property.</param>
  17768. <param name="value">The value of the content type property.</param>
  17769. <param name="type">The type of the content type property.</param>
  17770. </member>
  17771. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypePropertyCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  17772. <summary>
  17773. Gets the content type property by the specific index.
  17774. </summary>
  17775. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  17776. <returns>The content type property</returns>
  17777. </member>
  17778. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.ContentTypePropertyCollection.Item(System.String)">
  17779. <summary>
  17780. Gets the content type property by the property name.
  17781. </summary>
  17782. <param name="name">The property name.</param>
  17783. <returns>The content type property</returns>
  17784. </member>
  17785. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions">
  17786. <summary>
  17787. Represents the stream options.
  17788. </summary>
  17789. </member>
  17790. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.ResourceLoadingType,System.String)">
  17791. <summary>
  17792. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions" /> class.
  17793. </summary>
  17794. <param name="loadingType">The type to load the linked resource.</param>
  17795. <param name="defaultPath">The default path.</param>
  17796. </member>
  17797. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions.#ctor">
  17798. <summary>
  17799. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions" /> class.
  17800. </summary>
  17801. </member>
  17802. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions.ResourceLoadingType">
  17803. <summary>
  17804. Gets and sets the type of loading resource.
  17805. </summary>
  17806. </member>
  17807. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions.DefaultPath">
  17808. <summary>
  17809. The default path(URL) saved in generated html file for the referred source.
  17810. For example, the sheet data saved in xxx_files/sheet001.htm, the url used in the main html file should be like "src="xxx_files/sheet001.htm""
  17811. </summary>
  17812. </member>
  17813. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions.CustomPath">
  17814. <summary>
  17815. The user custom path(URL) saved in generated html file for the referred source. If not defined by user, DefaultPath will be used.
  17816. For example, the sheet data will be saved by user to d:/sheet001.htm, the url used in the main html file should be "d:/sheet001.htm" or other valid relative path that can be accessed by the main html file.
  17817. </summary>
  17818. </member>
  17819. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StreamProviderOptions.Stream">
  17820. <summary>
  17821. Gets/Sets the stream
  17822. </summary>
  17823. </member>
  17824. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DeleteOptions">
  17825. <summary>
  17826. Represents the setting of deleting rows/columns.
  17827. </summary>
  17828. </member>
  17829. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DeleteOptions.UpdateReference">
  17830. <summary>
  17831. Indicates if update references in other worksheets.
  17832. </summary>
  17833. </member>
  17834. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingResult">
  17835. <summary>
  17836. Represents the result of conditional formatting which applies to a cell.
  17837. </summary>
  17838. </member>
  17839. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingResult.ConditionalStyle">
  17840. <summary>
  17841. Gets the conditional result style.
  17842. </summary>
  17843. </member>
  17844. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingResult.ConditionalFormattingIcon">
  17845. <summary>
  17846. Gets the image of icon set.
  17847. </summary>
  17848. </member>
  17849. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingResult.ConditionalFormattingDataBar">
  17850. <summary>
  17851. Gets the DataBar object.
  17852. </summary>
  17853. </member>
  17854. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingResult.ConditionalFormattingColorScale">
  17855. <summary>
  17856. Gets the ColorScale object.
  17857. </summary>
  17858. </member>
  17859. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingResult.ColorScaleResult">
  17860. <summary>
  17861. Gets the display color of color scale.
  17862. </summary>
  17863. </member>
  17864. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatRuleType">
  17865. <summary>
  17866. Represents PivotTable condition formatting rule type.
  17867. </summary>
  17868. </member>
  17869. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatRuleType.None">
  17870. <summary>
  17871. Indicates that Top N conditional formatting is not evaluated
  17872. </summary>
  17873. </member>
  17874. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatRuleType.All">
  17875. <summary>
  17876. Indicates that Top N conditional formatting is
  17877. evaluated across the entire scope range.
  17878. </summary>
  17879. </member>
  17880. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatRuleType.Row">
  17881. <summary>
  17882. Indicates that Top N conditional formatting is evaluated for each row.
  17883. </summary>
  17884. </member>
  17885. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatRuleType.Column">
  17886. <summary>
  17887. Indicates that Top N conditional formatting is
  17888. evaluated for each column.
  17889. </summary>
  17890. </member>
  17891. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.Revision">
  17892. <summary>
  17893. Represents the revision.
  17894. </summary>
  17895. </member>
  17896. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.Revision.Type">
  17897. <summary>
  17898. Represents the type of revision.
  17899. </summary>
  17900. </member>
  17901. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.Revision.Worksheet">
  17902. <summary>
  17903. Gets the worksheet.
  17904. </summary>
  17905. </member>
  17906. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.Revision.Id">
  17907. <summary>
  17908. Gets the number of this revision.
  17909. </summary>
  17910. <remarks>
  17911. Zero means this revision does not contains id.
  17912. </remarks>
  17913. </member>
  17914. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionAutoFormat">
  17915. <summary>
  17916. represents a revision record of information about a formatting change.
  17917. </summary>
  17918. </member>
  17919. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionAutoFormat.Type">
  17920. <summary>
  17921. Gets the type of the revision.
  17922. </summary>
  17923. </member>
  17924. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionAutoFormat.CellArea">
  17925. <summary>
  17926. Gets the location where the formatting was applied.
  17927. </summary>
  17928. </member>
  17929. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment">
  17930. <summary>
  17931. Represents a revision record of a cell comment change.
  17932. </summary>
  17933. </member>
  17934. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment.Type">
  17935. <summary>
  17936. Gets the type of revision.
  17937. </summary>
  17938. </member>
  17939. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment.Row">
  17940. <summary>
  17941. Gets the row index of the which contains a comment.
  17942. </summary>
  17943. </member>
  17944. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment.Column">
  17945. <summary>
  17946. Gets the column index of the which contains a comment.
  17947. </summary>
  17948. </member>
  17949. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment.CellName">
  17950. <summary>
  17951. Gets the name of the cell.
  17952. </summary>
  17953. </member>
  17954. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment.ActionType">
  17955. <summary>
  17956. Gets the action type of the revision.
  17957. </summary>
  17958. </member>
  17959. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment.IsOldComment">
  17960. <summary>
  17961. Indicates whether it's an old comment.
  17962. </summary>
  17963. </member>
  17964. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment.OldLength">
  17965. <summary>
  17966. Gets Length of the comment text added in this revision.
  17967. </summary>
  17968. </member>
  17969. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellComment.NewLength">
  17970. <summary>
  17971. Gets Length of the comment before this revision was made.
  17972. </summary>
  17973. </member>
  17974. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellMove">
  17975. <summary>
  17976. Represents a revision record on a cell(s) that moved.
  17977. </summary>
  17978. </member>
  17979. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellMove.Type">
  17980. <summary>
  17981. Represents the type of revision.
  17982. </summary>
  17983. </member>
  17984. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellMove.SourceArea">
  17985. <summary>
  17986. Gets the source area.
  17987. </summary>
  17988. </member>
  17989. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellMove.DestinationArea">
  17990. <summary>
  17991. Gets the destination area.
  17992. </summary>
  17993. </member>
  17994. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellMove.SourceWorksheet">
  17995. <summary>
  17996. Gets the source worksheet.
  17997. </summary>
  17998. </member>
  17999. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionFormat">
  18000. <summary>
  18001. represents a revision record of information about a formatting change.
  18002. </summary>
  18003. </member>
  18004. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionFormat.Type">
  18005. <summary>
  18006. Gets the type of revision.
  18007. </summary>
  18008. </member>
  18009. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionFormat.Areas">
  18010. <summary>
  18011. The range to which this formatting was applied.
  18012. </summary>
  18013. </member>
  18014. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionFormat.Style">
  18015. <summary>
  18016. Gets the applied style.
  18017. </summary>
  18018. </member>
  18019. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertDelete">
  18020. <summary>
  18021. Represents a revision record of a row/column insert/delete action.
  18022. </summary>
  18023. </member>
  18024. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertDelete.Type">
  18025. <summary>
  18026. Represents the type of revision.
  18027. </summary>
  18028. </member>
  18029. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertDelete.CellArea">
  18030. <summary>
  18031. Gets the inserting/deleting range.
  18032. </summary>
  18033. </member>
  18034. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertDelete.ActionType">
  18035. <summary>
  18036. Gets the action type of this revision.
  18037. </summary>
  18038. </member>
  18039. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertDelete.Revisions">
  18040. <summary>
  18041. Gets revision list by this operation.
  18042. </summary>
  18043. </member>
  18044. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertSheet">
  18045. <summary>
  18046. Represents a revision record of a sheet that was inserted.
  18047. </summary>
  18048. </member>
  18049. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertSheet.Type">
  18050. <summary>
  18051. Gets the type of revision.
  18052. </summary>
  18053. </member>
  18054. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertSheet.ActionType">
  18055. <summary>
  18056. Gets the action type of the revision.
  18057. </summary>
  18058. </member>
  18059. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertSheet.Name">
  18060. <summary>
  18061. Gets the name of the worksheet.
  18062. </summary>
  18063. </member>
  18064. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionInsertSheet.SheetPosition">
  18065. <summary>
  18066. Gets the zero based position of the new sheet in the sheet tab bar.
  18067. </summary>
  18068. </member>
  18069. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionMergeConflict">
  18070. <summary>
  18071. Represents a revision record which indicates that there was a merge conflict.
  18072. </summary>
  18073. </member>
  18074. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionMergeConflict.Type">
  18075. <summary>
  18076. Gets the type of revision.
  18077. </summary>
  18078. </member>
  18079. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionQueryTable">
  18080. <summary>
  18081. Represents a revision of a query table field change.
  18082. </summary>
  18083. </member>
  18084. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionQueryTable.Type">
  18085. <summary>
  18086. Represents the type of the revision.
  18087. </summary>
  18088. </member>
  18089. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionQueryTable.CellArea">
  18090. <summary>
  18091. Gets the location of the affected query table.
  18092. </summary>
  18093. </member>
  18094. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionQueryTable.FieldId">
  18095. <summary>
  18096. Gets ID of the specific query table field that was removed.
  18097. </summary>
  18098. </member>
  18099. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange">
  18100. <summary>
  18101. Represents the revision that changing cells.
  18102. </summary>
  18103. </member>
  18104. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.Type">
  18105. <summary>
  18106. Represents the type of revision.
  18107. </summary>
  18108. </member>
  18109. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.CellName">
  18110. <summary>
  18111. Gets the name of the cell.
  18112. </summary>
  18113. </member>
  18114. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.Row">
  18115. <summary>
  18116. Gets the row index of the cell.
  18117. </summary>
  18118. </member>
  18119. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.Column">
  18120. <summary>
  18121. Gets the column index of the cell.
  18122. </summary>
  18123. </member>
  18124. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.IsNewFormatted">
  18125. <summary>
  18126. Indicates whether this cell is new formatted.
  18127. </summary>
  18128. </member>
  18129. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.IsOldFormatted">
  18130. <summary>
  18131. Indicates whether this cell is old formatted.
  18132. </summary>
  18133. </member>
  18134. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.OldFormula">
  18135. <summary>
  18136. Gets the old formula.
  18137. </summary>
  18138. </member>
  18139. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.OldValue">
  18140. <summary>
  18141. Gets old value of the cell.
  18142. </summary>
  18143. </member>
  18144. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.NewValue">
  18145. <summary>
  18146. Gets new value of the cell.
  18147. </summary>
  18148. </member>
  18149. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.NewFormula">
  18150. <summary>
  18151. Gets the old formula.
  18152. </summary>
  18153. </member>
  18154. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.NewStyle">
  18155. <summary>
  18156. Gets the new style of the cell.
  18157. </summary>
  18158. </member>
  18159. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCellChange.OldStyle">
  18160. <summary>
  18161. Gets the old style of the cell.
  18162. </summary>
  18163. </member>
  18164. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCollection">
  18165. <summary>
  18166. Represents all revision logs.
  18167. </summary>
  18168. </member>
  18169. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  18170. <summary>
  18171. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.Revision" /> by the index.
  18172. </summary>
  18173. <param name="index">
  18174. </param>
  18175. <returns>
  18176. </returns>
  18177. </member>
  18178. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionDefinedName">
  18179. <summary>
  18180. Represents a revision record of a defined name change.
  18181. </summary>
  18182. </member>
  18183. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionDefinedName.Type">
  18184. <summary>
  18185. Represents the type of revision.
  18186. </summary>
  18187. </member>
  18188. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionDefinedName.Text">
  18189. <summary>
  18190. Gets the text of the defined name.
  18191. </summary>
  18192. </member>
  18193. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionDefinedName.OldFormula">
  18194. <summary>
  18195. Gets the old formula.
  18196. </summary>
  18197. </member>
  18198. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionDefinedName.NewFormula">
  18199. <summary>
  18200. Gets the formula.
  18201. </summary>
  18202. </member>
  18203. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionLogCollection">
  18204. <summary>
  18205. Represents all revision logs.
  18206. </summary>
  18207. </member>
  18208. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionLogCollection.DaysPreservingHistory">
  18209. <summary>
  18210. Gets and sets the number of days the spreadsheet application will keep the change history for this workbook.
  18211. </summary>
  18212. </member>
  18213. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionLogCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  18214. <summary>
  18215. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionLog" /> by index.
  18216. </summary>
  18217. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  18218. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionLog" /> object.</returns>
  18219. </member>
  18220. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionActionType">
  18221. <summary>
  18222. Represents the type of revision action.
  18223. </summary>
  18224. </member>
  18225. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionActionType.Add">
  18226. <summary>
  18227. Add revision.
  18228. </summary>
  18229. </member>
  18230. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionActionType.Delete">
  18231. <summary>
  18232. Delete revision.
  18233. </summary>
  18234. </member>
  18235. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionActionType.DeleteColumn">
  18236. <summary>
  18237. Column delete revision.
  18238. </summary>
  18239. </member>
  18240. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionActionType.DeleteRow">
  18241. <summary>
  18242. Row delete revision.
  18243. </summary>
  18244. </member>
  18245. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionActionType.InsertColumn">
  18246. <summary>
  18247. Column insert revision.
  18248. </summary>
  18249. </member>
  18250. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionActionType.InsertRow">
  18251. <summary>
  18252. Row insert revision.
  18253. </summary>
  18254. </member>
  18255. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCustomView">
  18256. <summary>
  18257. Represents a revision record of adding or removing a custom view to the workbook
  18258. </summary>
  18259. </member>
  18260. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCustomView.Type">
  18261. <summary>
  18262. Gets the type of revision.
  18263. </summary>
  18264. </member>
  18265. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCustomView.ActionType">
  18266. <summary>
  18267. Gets the type of action.
  18268. </summary>
  18269. </member>
  18270. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionCustomView.Guid">
  18271. <summary>
  18272. Gets the globally unique identifier of the custom view.
  18273. </summary>
  18274. </member>
  18275. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionLog">
  18276. <summary>
  18277. Represents the revision log.
  18278. </summary>
  18279. </member>
  18280. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionLog.Revisions">
  18281. <summary>
  18282. Gets all revisions in this log.
  18283. </summary>
  18284. </member>
  18285. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType">
  18286. <summary>
  18287. Represents the revision type.
  18288. </summary>
  18289. </member>
  18290. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.CustomView">
  18291. <summary>
  18292. Custom view.
  18293. </summary>
  18294. </member>
  18295. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.DefinedName">
  18296. <summary>
  18297. Defined name.
  18298. </summary>
  18299. </member>
  18300. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.ChangeCells">
  18301. <summary>
  18302. Cells change.
  18303. </summary>
  18304. </member>
  18305. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.AutoFormat">
  18306. <summary>
  18307. Auto format.
  18308. </summary>
  18309. </member>
  18310. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.MergeConflict">
  18311. <summary>
  18312. Merge conflict.
  18313. </summary>
  18314. </member>
  18315. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.Comment">
  18316. <summary>
  18317. Comment.
  18318. </summary>
  18319. </member>
  18320. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.Format">
  18321. <summary>
  18322. Format.
  18323. </summary>
  18324. </member>
  18325. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.InsertSheet">
  18326. <summary>
  18327. Insert worksheet.
  18328. </summary>
  18329. </member>
  18330. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.MoveCells">
  18331. <summary>
  18332. Move cells.
  18333. </summary>
  18334. </member>
  18335. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.Undo">
  18336. <summary>
  18337. Undo.
  18338. </summary>
  18339. </member>
  18340. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.QueryTable">
  18341. <summary>
  18342. Query table.
  18343. </summary>
  18344. </member>
  18345. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.InsertDelete">
  18346. <summary>
  18347. Inserting or deleting.
  18348. </summary>
  18349. </member>
  18350. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.RenameSheet">
  18351. <summary>
  18352. Rename worksheet.
  18353. </summary>
  18354. </member>
  18355. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionType.Unknown">
  18356. <summary>
  18357. Unknown.
  18358. </summary>
  18359. </member>
  18360. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionRenameSheet">
  18361. <summary>
  18362. Represents a revision of renaming sheet.
  18363. </summary>
  18364. </member>
  18365. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionRenameSheet.Type">
  18366. <summary>
  18367. Represents the type of the revision.
  18368. </summary>
  18369. </member>
  18370. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionRenameSheet.OldName">
  18371. <summary>
  18372. Gets the old name of the worksheet.
  18373. </summary>
  18374. </member>
  18375. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Revisions.RevisionRenameSheet.NewName">
  18376. <summary>
  18377. Gets the new name of the worksheet.
  18378. </summary>
  18379. </member>
  18380. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HtmlExportDataOptions">
  18381. <summary>
  18382. Represents the options for exporting html data.
  18383. </summary>
  18384. </member>
  18385. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlExportDataOptions.Table">
  18386. <summary>
  18387. Only export table part of html file.
  18388. </summary>
  18389. </member>
  18390. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlExportDataOptions.All">
  18391. <summary>
  18392. Export all the data of html file.
  18393. </summary>
  18394. </member>
  18395. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLinkTargetType">
  18396. <summary>
  18397. Represents the type of target attribute in HTML <a /> tag.
  18398. </summary>
  18399. </member>
  18400. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLinkTargetType.Blank">
  18401. <summary>
  18402. Opens the linked document in a new window or tab
  18403. </summary>
  18404. </member>
  18405. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLinkTargetType.Parent">
  18406. <summary>
  18407. Opens the linked document in the parent frame
  18408. </summary>
  18409. </member>
  18410. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLinkTargetType.Self">
  18411. <summary>
  18412. Opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked (this is default)
  18413. </summary>
  18414. </member>
  18415. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlLinkTargetType.Top">
  18416. <summary>
  18417. Opens the linked document in the full body of the window
  18418. </summary>
  18419. </member>
  18420. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TxtValueQuoteType">
  18421. <summary>
  18422. Specifies the type of using quotation marks for values in text format files.
  18423. </summary>
  18424. </member>
  18425. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TxtValueQuoteType.Normal">
  18426. <summary>
  18427. All values that contain special characters such as quotation mark, separator character will be quoted.
  18428. Same with the behavior of ms excel for exporting text file.
  18429. </summary>
  18430. </member>
  18431. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TxtValueQuoteType.Always">
  18432. <summary>
  18433. All values will be quoted always.
  18434. </summary>
  18435. </member>
  18436. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TxtValueQuoteType.Minimum">
  18437. <summary>
  18438. Only quote values when needed. Such as, if one value contains quotation mark but the quotation mark is not at the begin of this value, this value will not be quoted.
  18439. </summary>
  18440. </member>
  18441. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TxtValueQuoteType.Never">
  18442. <summary>
  18443. All values will not be quoted. The exported text file with this type may not be read back correctly because the needed quotation marks being absent.
  18444. </summary>
  18445. </member>
  18446. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExportObjectEvent">
  18447. <summary>
  18448. The event triggered when exporting an object, such as Picture.
  18449. </summary>
  18450. </member>
  18451. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ExportObjectEvent.GetSource">
  18452. Gets the object that contains the data to be saved.
  18453. @return the data source object.
  18454. <summary>
  18455. Gets the object to be exported.
  18456. </summary><returns>the object to be exported.</returns></member>
  18457. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType">
  18458. <summary>
  18459. Represents two types of showing the hidden row in html.
  18460. </summary>
  18461. </member>
  18462. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType.Hidden">
  18463. <summary>
  18464. Hidden the row in html page.
  18465. </summary>
  18466. </member>
  18467. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType.Remove">
  18468. <summary>
  18469. Remove the row in html page.
  18470. </summary>
  18471. </member>
  18472. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HtmlHiddenColDisplayType">
  18473. <summary>
  18474. Represents two types of showing the hidden col in html.
  18475. </summary>
  18476. </member>
  18477. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlHiddenColDisplayType.Hidden">
  18478. <summary>
  18479. Hidden the column in html page.
  18480. </summary>
  18481. </member>
  18482. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlHiddenColDisplayType.Remove">
  18483. <summary>
  18484. Remove the hidden in html page.
  18485. </summary>
  18486. </member>
  18487. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.IExportObjectListener">
  18488. <summary>
  18489. Allows users to manipulate objects while exporting.
  18490. </summary>
  18491. <example>
  18492. The following example creates a Workbook, opens a file named designer.xls in it and makes the horizontal and vertical scroll bars invisible for the Workbook. It then replaces two string values with an Integer value and string value respectively within the spreadsheet and finally sends the updated file to the client browser.
  18493. <code>
  18494. [C#]
  18495. //custom implementation of IExportObjectListener
  18496. class CustomExportObjectListener : IExportObjectListener
  18497. {
  18498. private int imgIdx = 0;
  18499. public object ExportObject(ExportObjectEvent e)
  18500. {
  18501. Object source = e.GetSource();
  18502. if (source is Shape)
  18503. {
  18504. Shape shape = (Shape)source;
  18505. string url = null;
  18506. switch (shape.MsoDrawingType)
  18507. {
  18508. case MsoDrawingType.Picture:
  18509. {
  18510. url = SaveImage(((Picture)shape).Data, imgIdx, ((Picture)shape).ImageFormat);
  18511. break;
  18512. }
  18513. }
  18514. if (url != null)
  18515. {
  18516. imgIdx++;
  18517. }
  18518. return url;
  18519. }
  18520. return null;
  18521. }
  18522. private string SaveImage(byte[] data, int imgIdx, ImageFormat format)
  18523. {
  18524. //here save the image to any location, then return the url(relative or absolute) that the generated html can get the image
  18525. return "temp1/temp2.png";
  18526. }
  18527. }
  18528. //Save html file with custom listener
  18529. HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions();
  18530. saveOptions.ExportObjectListener = new CustomExportObjectListener();
  18531. Stream stream = File.Create(outfn);
  18532. book.Save(stream, saveOptions);
  18533. stream.Flush();
  18534. stream.Close();
  18535. </code></example>
  18536. </member>
  18537. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.IExportObjectListener.ExportObject(Aspose.Cells.ExportObjectEvent)">
  18538. <summary>
  18539. Export one object.
  18540. </summary>
  18541. <param name="e">The event triggered when one object needs to be exported.</param>
  18542. <returns>
  18543. The information about the result of exporting object.
  18544. <ul><li>For exporting objects when export workbook to HTML format,
  18545. the result is URL string to access the saved Image from the html file which contains this exported object.
  18546. </li></ul></returns>
  18547. </member>
  18548. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTable">
  18549. <summary>
  18550. Represents QueryTable information.
  18551. </summary>
  18552. </member>
  18553. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTable.ConnectionId">
  18554. <summary>
  18555. Gets the connection id of the query table.
  18556. </summary>
  18557. </member>
  18558. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTable.ExternalConnection">
  18559. <summary>
  18560. Gets the relate external connection.
  18561. </summary>
  18562. </member>
  18563. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTable.Name">
  18564. <summary>
  18565. Gets the name of querytable.
  18566. </summary>
  18567. </member>
  18568. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTable.ResultRange">
  18569. <summary>
  18570. Gets the range of the result.
  18571. </summary>
  18572. <returns>
  18573. </returns>
  18574. </member>
  18575. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTable.PreserveFormatting">
  18576. <summary>
  18577. Returns or sets the PreserveFormatting of the object.
  18578. </summary>
  18579. </member>
  18580. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTable.AdjustColumnWidth">
  18581. <summary>
  18582. Returns or sets the AdjustColumnWidth of the object.
  18583. </summary>
  18584. </member>
  18585. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTableCollection">
  18586. <summary>
  18587. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.QueryTableCollection" /> objects that represent QueryTable collection information.
  18588. </summary>
  18589. </member>
  18590. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.QueryTableCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  18591. <summary>
  18592. Gets the querytable by the specific index.
  18593. </summary>
  18594. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  18595. <returns>The querytable</returns>
  18596. </member>
  18597. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Scenario">
  18598. <summary>
  18599. Represents an individual scenario.
  18600. </summary>
  18601. </member>
  18602. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Scenario.Comment">
  18603. <summary>
  18604. Gets and sets the comment of scenario.
  18605. </summary>
  18606. </member>
  18607. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Scenario.Name">
  18608. <summary>
  18609. Gets and sets the name of scenario.
  18610. </summary>
  18611. </member>
  18612. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Scenario.User">
  18613. <summary>
  18614. Gets name of user who last changed the scenario.
  18615. </summary>
  18616. </member>
  18617. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Scenario.IsHidden">
  18618. <summary>
  18619. Indicates whether scenario is hidden.
  18620. </summary>
  18621. </member>
  18622. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Scenario.IsLocked">
  18623. <summary>
  18624. Indicates whether scenario is locked for editing when the sheet is protected.
  18625. </summary>
  18626. </member>
  18627. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Scenario.InputCells">
  18628. <summary>
  18629. Gets the input cells of scenario.
  18630. </summary>
  18631. </member>
  18632. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioCollection">
  18633. <summary>
  18634. Represents the list of scenarios.
  18635. </summary>
  18636. </member>
  18637. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioCollection.Add(System.String)">
  18638. <summary>
  18639. Adds a scenario.
  18640. </summary>
  18641. <param name="name">The name of scenario.</param>
  18642. <returns>The index in the list of scenarios.</returns>
  18643. </member>
  18644. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioCollection.ActiveIndex">
  18645. <summary>
  18646. Gets and sets which scenario is selected.
  18647. </summary>
  18648. </member>
  18649. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioCollection.LastSelected">
  18650. <summary>
  18651. Indicates which scenario was last selected by the user to be run/shown.
  18652. </summary>
  18653. </member>
  18654. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  18655. <summary>
  18656. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Scenario" /> object by the index.
  18657. </summary>
  18658. <param name="index">The specific index in the list.</param>
  18659. <returns>
  18660. </returns>
  18661. </member>
  18662. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCell">
  18663. <summary>
  18664. Represents input cell for the scenario.
  18665. </summary>
  18666. </member>
  18667. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCell.Row">
  18668. <summary>
  18669. Gets and sets the row index of the input cell.
  18670. </summary>
  18671. </member>
  18672. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCell.Column">
  18673. <summary>
  18674. Gets and sets the column index of the input cell.
  18675. </summary>
  18676. </member>
  18677. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCell.Name">
  18678. <summary>
  18679. Gets and sets the input cell address.
  18680. </summary>
  18681. </member>
  18682. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCell.Value">
  18683. <summary>
  18684. Gets and sets value of the input cell.
  18685. </summary>
  18686. </member>
  18687. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCell.IsDeleted">
  18688. <summary>
  18689. Indicates whether input cell is deleted.
  18690. </summary>
  18691. </member>
  18692. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCellCollection">
  18693. <summary>
  18694. Represents the list of the scenario's input cells.
  18695. </summary>
  18696. </member>
  18697. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCellCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  18698. <summary>
  18699. Adds an input cell.
  18700. </summary>
  18701. <param name="row">The row index of input cell.</param>
  18702. <param name="column">The column index of input cell.</param>
  18703. <param name="value">The value of input cell.</param>
  18704. <returns>
  18705. </returns>
  18706. </member>
  18707. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCellCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  18708. <summary>
  18709. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCell" /> by index in the list.
  18710. </summary>
  18711. <param name="index">The specific index in the list</param>
  18712. <returns>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ScenarioInputCell" /> object</returns>
  18713. </member>
  18714. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCache">
  18715. <summary>
  18716. summary description of slicer cache
  18717. </summary>
  18718. </member>
  18719. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCache.CrossFilterType">
  18720. <summary>
  18721. Returns or sets whether a slicer is participating in cross filtering with other slicers
  18722. that share the same slicer cache, and how cross filtering is displayed. Read/write
  18723. </summary>
  18724. </member>
  18725. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCache.List">
  18726. <summary>
  18727. Returns whether the slicer associated with the specified slicer cache is based on an Non-OLAP data source. Read-only
  18728. </summary>
  18729. </member>
  18730. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCache.SlicerCacheItems">
  18731. <summary>
  18732. Returns a SlicerCacheItem collection that contains the collection of all items in the slicer cache. Read-only
  18733. </summary>
  18734. </member>
  18735. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCache.Name">
  18736. <summary>
  18737. Returns the name of the slicer cache.
  18738. </summary>
  18739. </member>
  18740. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCache.SourceName">
  18741. <summary>
  18742. Returns the name of cache field
  18743. </summary>
  18744. </member>
  18745. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheCrossFilterType">
  18746. <summary>
  18747. Represent the type of SlicerCacheCrossFilterType
  18748. </summary>
  18749. </member>
  18750. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheCrossFilterType.None">
  18751. <summary>
  18752. The table style element of the slicer style for slicer items
  18753. with no data is not applied to slicer items with no data, and slicer items
  18754. with no data are not sorted separately in the list of slicer items in the slicer view
  18755. </summary>
  18756. </member>
  18757. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheCrossFilterType.ShowItemsWithDataAtTop">
  18758. <summary>
  18759. The table style element of the slicer style for slicer items with
  18760. no data is applied to slicer items with no data, and slicer items
  18761. with no data are sorted at the bottom in the list of slicer items in the slicer view
  18762. </summary>
  18763. </member>
  18764. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheCrossFilterType.ShowItemsWithNoData">
  18765. <summary>
  18766. The table style element of the slicer style for slicer items with no data
  18767. is applied to slicer items with no data, and slicer items with no data
  18768. are not sorted separately in the list of slicer items in the slicer view.
  18769. </summary>
  18770. </member>
  18771. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheItemSortType">
  18772. <summary>
  18773. Specify the sort type of SlicerCacheItem
  18774. </summary>
  18775. </member>
  18776. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheItemSortType.Ascending">
  18777. <summary>
  18778. Ascending sort type
  18779. </summary>
  18780. </member>
  18781. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheItemSortType.Descending">
  18782. <summary>
  18783. Descending sort type
  18784. </summary>
  18785. </member>
  18786. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheItem">
  18787. <summary>
  18788. Represent slicer data source item
  18789. </summary>
  18790. </member>
  18791. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheItem.Selected">
  18792. <summary>
  18793. Specifies whether the SlicerItem is selected or not.
  18794. </summary>
  18795. </member>
  18796. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheItemCollection">
  18797. <summary>
  18798. Represent the collection of SlicerCacheItem
  18799. </summary>
  18800. </member>
  18801. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheItemCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  18802. <summary>
  18803. Gets the SlicerCacheItem object by index.
  18804. </summary>
  18805. </member>
  18806. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCacheItemCollection.Count">
  18807. <summary>
  18808. Gets the count of the SlicerCacheItem.
  18809. </summary>
  18810. </member>
  18811. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType">
  18812. <summary>
  18813. Specify the style of slicer view
  18814. </summary>
  18815. </member>
  18816. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleLight1">
  18817. <summary>
  18818. built-in light style one
  18819. </summary>
  18820. </member>
  18821. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleLight2">
  18822. <summary>
  18823. built-in light style two
  18824. </summary>
  18825. </member>
  18826. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleLight3">
  18827. <summary>
  18828. built-in light style three
  18829. </summary>
  18830. </member>
  18831. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleLight4">
  18832. <summary>
  18833. built-in light style four
  18834. </summary>
  18835. </member>
  18836. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleLight5">
  18837. <summary>
  18838. built-in light style five
  18839. </summary>
  18840. </member>
  18841. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleLight6">
  18842. <summary>
  18843. built-in light style six
  18844. </summary>
  18845. </member>
  18846. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleOther1">
  18847. <summary>
  18848. built-in style other one
  18849. </summary>
  18850. </member>
  18851. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleOther2">
  18852. <summary>
  18853. built-in style other two
  18854. </summary>
  18855. </member>
  18856. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleDark1">
  18857. <summary>
  18858. built-in dark style one
  18859. </summary>
  18860. </member>
  18861. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleDark2">
  18862. <summary>
  18863. built-in dark style tow
  18864. </summary>
  18865. </member>
  18866. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleDark3">
  18867. <summary>
  18868. built-in dark style three
  18869. </summary>
  18870. </member>
  18871. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleDark4">
  18872. <summary>
  18873. built-in dark style four
  18874. </summary>
  18875. </member>
  18876. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleDark5">
  18877. <summary>
  18878. built-in dark style five
  18879. </summary>
  18880. </member>
  18881. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.SlicerStyleDark6">
  18882. <summary>
  18883. built-in dark style six
  18884. </summary>
  18885. </member>
  18886. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerStyleType.Custom">
  18887. <summary>
  18888. user-defined style, unsupported for now
  18889. </summary>
  18890. <remarks>unsupported</remarks>
  18891. </member>
  18892. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer">
  18893. <summary>
  18894. summary description of Slicer View
  18895. </summary>
  18896. </member>
  18897. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.Refresh">
  18898. <summary>
  18899. Refreshing the slicer.Meanwhile, Refreshing and Calculating relative PivotTables.
  18900. </summary>
  18901. </member>
  18902. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.Title">
  18903. <summary>
  18904. Specifies the title of the current Slicer object.
  18905. </summary>
  18906. </member>
  18907. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.AlternativeText">
  18908. <summary>
  18909. Returns or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the Slicer object.
  18910. </summary>
  18911. </member>
  18912. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.IsPrintable">
  18913. <summary>
  18914. Indicates whether the slicer object is printable.
  18915. </summary>
  18916. </member>
  18917. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.IsLocked">
  18918. <summary>
  18919. Indicates whether the slicer shape is locked.
  18920. </summary>
  18921. </member>
  18922. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.Placement">
  18923. <summary>
  18924. Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it.
  18925. The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet.
  18926. </summary>
  18927. </member>
  18928. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.LockedAspectRatio">
  18929. <summary>
  18930. Indicates whether locking aspect ratio.
  18931. </summary>
  18932. </member>
  18933. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.LockedPosition">
  18934. <summary>
  18935. Indicates whether the specified slicer can be moved or resized by using the user interface.
  18936. </summary>
  18937. </member>
  18938. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.SlicerCache">
  18939. <summary>
  18940. Returns the SlicerCache object associated with the slicer. Read-only.
  18941. </summary>
  18942. </member>
  18943. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.Parent">
  18944. <summary>
  18945. Returns the Worksheet object that represents the sheet that contains the slicer. Read-only.
  18946. </summary>
  18947. </member>
  18948. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.StyleType">
  18949. <summary>
  18950. Specify the type of Built-in slicer style
  18951. the default type is SlicerStyleLight1
  18952. </summary>
  18953. </member>
  18954. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.Name">
  18955. <summary>
  18956. Returns or sets the name of the specified slicer
  18957. </summary>
  18958. </member>
  18959. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.Caption">
  18960. <summary>
  18961. Returns or sets the caption of the specified slicer.
  18962. </summary>
  18963. </member>
  18964. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.CaptionVisible">
  18965. <summary>
  18966. Returns or sets whether the header that displays the slicer Caption is visible
  18967. the default value is true
  18968. </summary>
  18969. </member>
  18970. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.NumberOfColumns">
  18971. <summary>
  18972. Returns or sets the number of columns in the specified slicer.
  18973. </summary>
  18974. </member>
  18975. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.LeftPixel">
  18976. <summary>
  18977. Returns or sets the horizontal offset of slicer shape from its left column, in pixels.
  18978. </summary>
  18979. </member>
  18980. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.TopPixel">
  18981. <summary>
  18982. Returns or sets the vertical offset of slicer shape from its top row, in pixels.
  18983. </summary>
  18984. </member>
  18985. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.Width">
  18986. <summary>
  18987. Returns or sets the width of the specified slicer, in points.
  18988. </summary>
  18989. </member>
  18990. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.WidthPixel">
  18991. <summary>
  18992. Returns or sets the width of the specified slicer, in pixels.
  18993. </summary>
  18994. </member>
  18995. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.Height">
  18996. <summary>
  18997. Returns or sets the height of the specified slicer, in points.
  18998. </summary>
  18999. </member>
  19000. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.HeightPixel">
  19001. <summary>
  19002. Returns or sets the height of the specified slicer, in pixels.
  19003. </summary>
  19004. </member>
  19005. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.ColumnWidthPixel">
  19006. <summary>
  19007. Gets or sets the width in unit of pixels for each column of the slicer. 
  19008. </summary>
  19009. </member>
  19010. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.ColumnWidth">
  19011. <summary>
  19012. Returns or sets the width, in points, of each column in the slicer.
  19013. </summary>
  19014. </member>
  19015. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.RowHeightPixel">
  19016. <summary>
  19017. Returns or sets the height, in pixels, of each row in the specified slicer.
  19018. </summary>
  19019. </member>
  19020. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer.RowHeight">
  19021. <summary>
  19022. Returns or sets the height, in points, of each row in the specified slicer.
  19023. </summary>
  19024. </member>
  19025. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection">
  19026. <summary>
  19027. Specifies the collection of all the Slicer objects on the specified worksheet.
  19028. </summary>
  19029. </member>
  19030. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Remove(Aspose.Cells.Slicers.Slicer)">
  19031. <summary>
  19032. Remove the specified Slicer
  19033. </summary>
  19034. <param name="slicer">The Slicer object</param>
  19035. </member>
  19036. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  19037. <summary>
  19038. Deletes the Slicer at the specified index
  19039. </summary>
  19040. <param name="index">The position index in Slicer collection</param>
  19041. </member>
  19042. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable,System.String,System.String)">
  19043. <summary>
  19044. Add a new Slicer using PivotTable as data source
  19045. </summary>
  19046. <param name="pivot">PivotTable object</param>
  19047. <param name="destCellName">The cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19048. <param name="baseFieldName">The name of PivotField in PivotTable.BaseFields</param>
  19049. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19050. </member>
  19051. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  19052. <summary>
  19053. Add a new Slicer using PivotTable as data source
  19054. </summary>
  19055. <param name="pivot">PivotTable object</param>
  19056. <param name="row">Row index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19057. <param name="column">Column index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19058. <param name="baseFieldName">The name of PivotField in PivotTable.BaseFields</param>
  19059. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19060. </member>
  19061. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  19062. <summary>
  19063. Add a new Slicer using PivotTable as data source
  19064. </summary>
  19065. <param name="pivot">PivotTable object</param>
  19066. <param name="row">Row index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19067. <param name="column">Column index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19068. <param name="baseFieldIndex">The index of PivotField in PivotTable.BaseFields</param>
  19069. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19070. </member>
  19071. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable,System.String,System.Int32)">
  19072. <summary>
  19073. Add a new Slicer using PivotTable as data source
  19074. </summary>
  19075. <param name="pivot">PivotTable object</param>
  19076. <param name="destCellName">The cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19077. <param name="baseFieldIndex">The index of PivotField in PivotTable.BaseFields</param>
  19078. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19079. </member>
  19080. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)">
  19081. <summary>
  19082. Add a new Slicer using PivotTable as data source
  19083. </summary>
  19084. <param name="pivot">PivotTable object</param>
  19085. <param name="row">Row index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19086. <param name="column">Column index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19087. <param name="baseField">The PivotField in PivotTable.BaseFields</param>
  19088. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19089. </member>
  19090. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable,System.String,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)">
  19091. <summary>
  19092. Add a new Slicer using PivotTable as data source
  19093. </summary>
  19094. <param name="pivot">PivotTable object</param>
  19095. <param name="destCellName">The cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19096. <param name="baseField">The PivotField in PivotTable.BaseFields</param>
  19097. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19098. </member>
  19099. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject,System.Int32,System.String)">
  19100. <summary>
  19101. Add a new Slicer using ListObjet as data source
  19102. </summary>
  19103. <param name="table">ListObject object</param>
  19104. <param name="index">The index of ListColumn in ListObject.ListColumns</param>
  19105. <param name="destCellName">The cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19106. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19107. </member>
  19108. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject,Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn,System.String)">
  19109. <summary>
  19110. Add a new Slicer using ListObjet as data source
  19111. </summary>
  19112. <param name="table">ListObject object</param>
  19113. <param name="listColumn">The ListColumn in ListObject.ListColumns</param>
  19114. <param name="destCellName">The cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19115. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19116. </member>
  19117. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject,Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  19118. <summary>
  19119. Add a new Slicer using ListObjet as data source
  19120. </summary>
  19121. <param name="table">ListObject object</param>
  19122. <param name="listColumn">The ListColumn in ListObject.ListColumns</param>
  19123. <param name="row">Row index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19124. <param name="column">Column index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the Slicer range.</param>
  19125. <returns>The new add Slicer index</returns>
  19126. </member>
  19127. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  19128. <summary>
  19129. Gets the Slicer by index.
  19130. </summary>
  19131. </member>
  19132. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Slicers.SlicerCollection.Item(System.String)">
  19133. <summary>
  19134. Gets the Slicer by slicer's name.
  19135. </summary>
  19136. </member>
  19137. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ISmartMarkerCallBack">
  19138. <summary>
  19139. Represents callback interface of processing smartmarker.
  19140. </summary>
  19141. </member>
  19142. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ISmartMarkerCallBack.Process(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.String)">
  19143. <summary>
  19144. Callback for processing a smart marker.
  19145. </summary>
  19146. <param name="sheetIndex">The sheet index.</param>
  19147. <param name="rowIndex">The row index.</param>
  19148. <param name="colIndex">The column index.</param>
  19149. <param name="tableName">The table name of smartmarker.</param>
  19150. <param name="columnName">The table name of smartmarker.</param>
  19151. </member>
  19152. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.NumberCategoryType">
  19153. <summary>
  19154. Represents category type of cell's number formatting.
  19155. </summary>
  19156. </member>
  19157. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.NumberCategoryType.General">
  19158. <summary>
  19159. General
  19160. </summary>
  19161. </member>
  19162. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.NumberCategoryType.Text">
  19163. <summary>
  19164. Text
  19165. </summary>
  19166. </member>
  19167. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.NumberCategoryType.Number">
  19168. <summary>
  19169. Number
  19170. </summary>
  19171. </member>
  19172. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.NumberCategoryType.Date">
  19173. <summary>
  19174. Date or Date and Time
  19175. </summary>
  19176. </member>
  19177. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.NumberCategoryType.Time">
  19178. <summary>
  19179. Time
  19180. </summary>
  19181. </member>
  19182. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.NumberCategoryType.Fraction">
  19183. <summary>
  19184. Fraction
  19185. </summary>
  19186. </member>
  19187. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.NumberCategoryType.Scientific">
  19188. <summary>
  19189. Scientific
  19190. </summary>
  19191. </member>
  19192. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TextCapsType">
  19193. <summary>
  19194. This type specifies the cap types of the text.
  19195. </summary>
  19196. </member>
  19197. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextCapsType.None">
  19198. <summary>
  19199. None caps
  19200. </summary>
  19201. </member>
  19202. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextCapsType.All">
  19203. <summary>
  19204. Apply all caps on the text.
  19205. </summary>
  19206. </member>
  19207. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextCapsType.Small">
  19208. <summary>
  19209. Apply small caps to the text.
  19210. </summary>
  19211. </member>
  19212. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TextStrikeType">
  19213. <summary>
  19214. This type specifies the strike type.
  19215. </summary>
  19216. </member>
  19217. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextStrikeType.Single">
  19218. <summary>
  19219. A single strikethrough applied on the text
  19220. </summary>
  19221. </member>
  19222. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextStrikeType.Double">
  19223. <summary>
  19224. A double strikethrough applied on the text
  19225. </summary>
  19226. </member>
  19227. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextStrikeType.None">
  19228. <summary>
  19229. No strike is applied to the text
  19230. </summary>
  19231. </member>
  19232. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject">
  19233. <summary>
  19234. Represents a list object on a worksheet.
  19235. The ListObject object is a member of the ListObjects collection.
  19236. The ListObjects collection contains all the list objects on a worksheet.
  19237. </summary>
  19238. <example>
  19239. <code>
  19240. [C#]
  19241. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  19242. Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  19243. for (int i = 0; i &lt;5; i++)
  19244. {
  19245. cells[0,i].PutValue(CellsHelper.ColumnIndexToName(i));
  19246. }
  19247. for (int row = 1; row &lt;10; row++)
  19248. {
  19249. for (int column = 0; column &lt;5; column++)
  19250. {
  19251. cells[row, column].PutValue(row * column);
  19252. }
  19253. }
  19254. ListObjectCollection tables = workbook.Worksheets[0].ListObjects;
  19255. int index = tables.Add(0, 0, 9, 4, true);
  19256. ListObject table = tables[0];
  19257. table.ShowTotals = true;
  19258. table.ListColumns[4].TotalsCalculation = Aspose.Cells.TotalsCalculation.Sum;
  19259. workbook.Save(@"C:\Book1.xlsx");
  19260. [Visual Basic]
  19261. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  19262. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  19263. For i As Int32 = 0 To 4
  19264. cells(0, i).PutValue(CellsHelper.ColumnIndexToName(i))
  19265. Next
  19266. For row As Int32 = 1 To 9
  19267. For column As Int32 = 0 To 4
  19268. cells(row, column).PutValue(row * column)
  19269. Next
  19270. Next
  19271. Dim tables As ListObjectCollection = workbook.Worksheets(0).ListObjects
  19272. Dim index As Int32 = tables.Add(0, 0, 9, 4, True)
  19273. Dim table As ListObject = tables(0)
  19274. table.ShowTotals = True
  19275. table.ListColumns(4).TotalsCalculation = Aspose.Cells.TotalsCalculation.Sum
  19276. workbook.Save("C:\Book1.xlsx")
  19277. </code>
  19278. </example>
  19279. </member>
  19280. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.Resize(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  19281. <summary>
  19282. Resize the range of the list object.
  19283. </summary>
  19284. <param name="startRow">The start row index of the new range.</param>
  19285. <param name="startColumn">The start column index of the new range.</param>
  19286. <param name="endRow">The end row index of the new range.</param>
  19287. <param name="endColumn">The end column index of the new range.</param>
  19288. <param name="hasHeaders">Whether the ListObject has headers.</param>
  19289. </member>
  19290. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.PutCellValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Object)">
  19291. <summary>
  19292. Put the value to the cell.
  19293. </summary>
  19294. <param name="rowOffset">The row offset.</param>
  19295. <param name="columnOffset">The column offset.</param>
  19296. <param name="value">The cell value.</param>
  19297. </member>
  19298. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.UpdateColumnName">
  19299. <summary>
  19300. Updates all list columns' name from the worksheet.
  19301. </summary>
  19302. <remarks>
  19303. The value of the cells in the header row of the table must be same as the name of the ListColumn;
  19304. Cell.PutValue do not auto modify the name of the ListColumn for performance.
  19305. </remarks>
  19306. </member>
  19307. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ApplyStyleToRange">
  19308. <summary>
  19309. Apply the table style to the range.
  19310. </summary>
  19311. </member>
  19312. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ConvertToRange">
  19313. <summary>
  19314. Convert the table to range.
  19315. </summary>
  19316. </member>
  19317. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ConvertToRange(Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableToRangeOptions)">
  19318. <summary>
  19319. Convert the table to range.
  19320. </summary>
  19321. <param name="options">the options when converting table to range.</param>
  19322. </member>
  19323. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.StartRow">
  19324. <summary>
  19325. Gets the start row of the range.
  19326. </summary>
  19327. </member>
  19328. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.StartColumn">
  19329. <summary>
  19330. Gets the start column of the range.
  19331. </summary>
  19332. </member>
  19333. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.EndRow">
  19334. <summary>
  19335. Gets the end row of the range.
  19336. </summary>
  19337. </member>
  19338. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.EndColumn">
  19339. <summary>
  19340. Gets the end column of the range.
  19341. </summary>
  19342. </member>
  19343. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ListColumns">
  19344. <summary>
  19345. Gets ListColumns of the ListObject.
  19346. </summary>
  19347. </member>
  19348. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ShowHeaderRow">
  19349. <summary>
  19350. Gets and sets whether this ListObject show header row.
  19351. </summary>
  19352. </member>
  19353. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ShowTotals">
  19354. <summary>
  19355. Gets and sets whether this ListObject show total row.
  19356. </summary>
  19357. </member>
  19358. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.DataRange">
  19359. <summary>
  19360. Gets the data range of the ListObject.
  19361. </summary>
  19362. </member>
  19363. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.QueryTable">
  19364. <summary>
  19365. Gets the linked QueryTable.
  19366. </summary>
  19367. </member>
  19368. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.DataSourceType">
  19369. <summary>
  19370. Gets the data source type of the table.
  19371. </summary>
  19372. </member>
  19373. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.AutoFilter">
  19374. <summary>
  19375. Gets auto filter.
  19376. </summary>
  19377. </member>
  19378. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.DisplayName">
  19379. <summary>
  19380. Gets and sets the display name.
  19381. </summary>
  19382. </member>
  19383. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.Comment">
  19384. <summary>
  19385. Gets and sets the comment of the table.
  19386. </summary>
  19387. </member>
  19388. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ShowTableStyleFirstColumn">
  19389. <summary>
  19390. Indicates whether the first column in the table should have the style applied.
  19391. </summary>
  19392. </member>
  19393. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ShowTableStyleLastColumn">
  19394. <summary>
  19395. Indicates whether the last column in the table should have the style applied.
  19396. </summary>
  19397. </member>
  19398. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ShowTableStyleRowStripes">
  19399. <summary>
  19400. Indicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
  19401. </summary>
  19402. </member>
  19403. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.ShowTableStyleColumnStripes">
  19404. <summary>
  19405. Indicates whether column stripe formatting is applied.
  19406. </summary>
  19407. </member>
  19408. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.TableStyleType">
  19409. <summary>
  19410. Gets and the built-in table style.
  19411. </summary>
  19412. </member>
  19413. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.TableStyleName">
  19414. <summary>
  19415. Gets and sets the table style name.
  19416. </summary>
  19417. </member>
  19418. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.XmlMap">
  19419. <summary>
  19420. Gets an <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.XmlMap" /> used for this list.
  19421. </summary>
  19422. </member>
  19423. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.AlternativeText">
  19424. <summary>
  19425. Gets and sets the alternative text.
  19426. </summary>
  19427. </member>
  19428. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject.AlternativeDescription">
  19429. <summary>
  19430. Gets and sets the alternative description.
  19431. </summary>
  19432. </member>
  19433. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.UpdateLinksType">
  19434. <summary>
  19435. Represents how to update links to other workbooks when the workbook is opened.
  19436. </summary>
  19437. </member>
  19438. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.UpdateLinksType.UserSet">
  19439. <summary>
  19440. Prompt user to update.
  19441. </summary>
  19442. </member>
  19443. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.UpdateLinksType.Never">
  19444. <summary>
  19445. Do not update, and do not prompt user.
  19446. </summary>
  19447. </member>
  19448. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.UpdateLinksType.Always">
  19449. <summary>
  19450. Always update.
  19451. </summary>
  19452. </member>
  19453. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Validation">
  19454. <summary>
  19455. Represents data validation.settings.
  19456. </summary>
  19457. <example>
  19458. <code>
  19459. [C#]
  19460. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  19461. ValidationCollection validations = workbook.Worksheets[0].Validations;
  19462. Validation validation = validations[validations.Add()];
  19463. validation.Type = Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.WholeNumber;
  19464. validation.Operator = OperatorType.Between;
  19465. validation.Formula1 = "3";
  19466. validation.Formula2 = "1234";
  19467. CellArea area;
  19468. area.StartRow = 0;
  19469. area.EndRow = 1;
  19470. area.StartColumn = 0;
  19471. area.EndColumn = 1;
  19472. validation.AddArea(area);
  19473. [Visual Basic]
  19474. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
  19475. Dim validations as ValidationCollection = workbook.Worksheets(0).Validations
  19476. Dim validation as Validation = validations(validations.Add())
  19477. validation.Type = ValidationType.WholeNumber
  19478. validation.Operator = OperatorType.Between
  19479. validation.Formula1 = "3"
  19480. validation.Formula2 = "1234"
  19481. Dim area as CellArea
  19482. area.StartRow = 0
  19483. area.EndRow = 1
  19484. area.StartColumn = 0
  19485. area.EndColumn = 1
  19486. validation.AddArea(area)
  19487. </code>
  19488. </example>
  19489. </member>
  19490. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.GetFormula1(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  19491. <summary>
  19492. Gets the value or expression associated with this validation.
  19493. </summary>
  19494. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  19495. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  19496. <returns>The value or expression associated with this validation.</returns>
  19497. </member>
  19498. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.GetFormula2(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  19499. <summary>
  19500. Gets the value or expression associated with this validation.
  19501. </summary>
  19502. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  19503. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  19504. <returns>The value or expression associated with this validation.</returns>
  19505. </member>
  19506. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.GetFormula1(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  19507. <summary>
  19508. Gets the value or expression associated with this validation for specific cell.
  19509. </summary>
  19510. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  19511. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  19512. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  19513. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  19514. <returns>The value or expression associated with this validation.</returns>
  19515. </member>
  19516. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.GetFormula2(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  19517. <summary>
  19518. Gets the value or expression associated with this validation for specific cell.
  19519. </summary>
  19520. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  19521. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  19522. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  19523. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  19524. <returns>The value or expression associated with this validation.</returns>
  19525. </member>
  19526. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.SetFormula1(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  19527. <summary>
  19528. Sets the value or expression associated with this validation.
  19529. </summary>
  19530. <param name="formula">The value or expression associated with this format condition.</param>
  19531. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula is R1C1 formula.</param>
  19532. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula is locale formatted.</param>
  19533. </member>
  19534. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.SetFormula2(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  19535. <summary>
  19536. Sets the value or expression associated with this validation.
  19537. </summary>
  19538. <param name="formula">The value or expression associated with this format condition.</param>
  19539. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula is R1C1 formula.</param>
  19540. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula is locale formatted.</param>
  19541. </member>
  19542. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.GetListValue(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  19543. <summary>
  19544. Get the value for list of the validation for the specified cell.
  19545. </summary>
  19546. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  19547. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  19548. <returns>The value to produce the list of this validation for the specified cell.
  19549. If the list references to a range, then the returned value will be a ReferredArea object;
  19550. Otherwise the returned value may be null, object[], or simple object.</returns>
  19551. <remarks>Only for validation whose type is List and has been applied to given cell,
  19552. otherwise null will be returned.</remarks>
  19553. </member>
  19554. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.AddArea(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  19555. <summary>
  19556. Applies the validation to the area.
  19557. </summary>
  19558. <param name="cellArea">The area.</param>
  19559. <remarks>
  19560. It is equivalent to use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.AddArea(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)" />
  19561. with checking intersection and edge.
  19562. </remarks>
  19563. </member>
  19564. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.AddArea(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  19565. <summary>
  19566. Applies the validation to the area.
  19567. </summary>
  19568. <param name="cellArea">The area.</param>
  19569. <param name="checkIntersection">Whether check the intersection of given area with existing validations' areas.
  19570. If one validation has been applied in given area(or part of it),
  19571. then the existing validation should be removed at first from given area.
  19572. Otherwise corruption may be caused for the generated Validations.
  19573. If user is sure that the added area does not intersect with any existing area,
  19574. this parameter can be set as false for performance consideration.</param>
  19575. <param name="checkEdge">Whether check the edge of this validation's applied areas.
  19576. Validation's internal settings depend on the top-left one of its applied ranges,
  19577. so if given area will become the new top-left one of the applied ranges,
  19578. the internal settings should be changed and rebuilt, otherwise unexpected result may be caused.
  19579. If user is sure that the added area is not the top-left one,
  19580. this parameter can be set as false for performance consideration.</param>
  19581. <remarks>
  19582. In this method, we will remove all old validations in given area.
  19583. For the top-left one of Validation's applied ranges, firstly its StartRow is smallest,
  19584. secondly its StartColumn is the smallest one of those areas who have the same smallest StartRow.
  19585. </remarks>
  19586. </member>
  19587. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.AddAreas(Aspose.Cells.CellArea[],System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  19588. <summary>
  19589. Applies the validation to given areas.
  19590. </summary>
  19591. <param name="areas">The areas.</param>
  19592. <param name="checkIntersection">Whether check the intersection of given area with existing validations' areas.
  19593. If one validation has been applied in given area(or part of it),
  19594. then the existing validation should be removed at first from given area.
  19595. Otherwise corruption may be caused for the generated Validations.
  19596. If user is sure that all the added areas do not intersect with any existing area,
  19597. this parameter can be set as false for performance consideration.</param>
  19598. <param name="checkEdge">Whether check the edge of this validation's applied areas.
  19599. Validation's internal settings depend on the top-left one of its applied ranges,
  19600. so if one of given areas will become the new top-left one of the applied ranges,
  19601. the internal settings should be changed and rebuilt, otherwise unexpected result may be caused.
  19602. If user is sure that no one of those added areas is the top-left,
  19603. this parameter can be set as false for performance consideration.</param>
  19604. <remarks>
  19605. In this method, we will remove all old validations in given area.
  19606. For the top-left one of Validation's applied ranges, firstly its StartRow is smallest,
  19607. secondly its StartColumn is the smallest one of those areas who have the same smallest StartRow.
  19608. </remarks>
  19609. </member>
  19610. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.RemoveArea(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  19611. <summary>
  19612. Remove the validation settings in the range.
  19613. </summary>
  19614. <param name="cellArea">the areas where this validation settings should be removed.</param>
  19615. </member>
  19616. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.RemoveAreas(Aspose.Cells.CellArea[])">
  19617. <summary>
  19618. Removes this validation from given areas.
  19619. </summary>
  19620. <param name="areas">the areas where this validation settings should be removed.</param>
  19621. </member>
  19622. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.RemoveACell(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  19623. <summary>
  19624. Remove the validation settings in the cell.
  19625. </summary>
  19626. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  19627. <param name="column"> The column index.</param>
  19628. </member>
  19629. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Validation.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Validation,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions)">
  19630. <summary>
  19631. Copy validation.
  19632. </summary>
  19633. <param name="source">The source validation.</param>
  19634. <param name="copyOption">The copy option.</param>
  19635. </member>
  19636. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.Operator">
  19637. <summary>
  19638. Represents the operator for the data validation.
  19639. </summary>
  19640. </member>
  19641. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.AlertStyle">
  19642. <summary>
  19643. Represents the validation alert style.
  19644. </summary>
  19645. </member>
  19646. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.Type">
  19647. <summary>
  19648. Represents the data validation type.
  19649. </summary>
  19650. </member>
  19651. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.InputMessage">
  19652. <summary>
  19653. Represents the data validation input message.
  19654. </summary>
  19655. </member>
  19656. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.InputTitle">
  19657. <summary>
  19658. Represents the title of the data-validation input dialog box.
  19659. </summary>
  19660. </member>
  19661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.ErrorMessage">
  19662. <summary>
  19663. Represents the data validation error message.
  19664. </summary>
  19665. </member>
  19666. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.ErrorTitle">
  19667. <summary>
  19668. Represents the title of the data-validation error dialog box.
  19669. </summary>
  19670. </member>
  19671. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.ShowInput">
  19672. <summary>
  19673. Indicates whether the data validation input message will be displayed whenever the user selects a cell in the data validation range.
  19674. </summary>
  19675. </member>
  19676. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.ShowError">
  19677. <summary>
  19678. Indicates whether the data validation error message will be displayed whenever the user enters invalid data.
  19679. </summary>
  19680. </member>
  19681. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.IgnoreBlank">
  19682. <summary>
  19683. Indicates whether blank values are permitted by the range data validation.
  19684. </summary>
  19685. </member>
  19686. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.Formula1">
  19687. <summary>
  19688. Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
  19689. </summary>
  19690. </member>
  19691. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.Formula2">
  19692. <summary>
  19693. Represents the value or expression associated with the data validation.
  19694. </summary>
  19695. </member>
  19696. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.Value1">
  19697. <summary>
  19698. Represents the first value associated with the data validation.
  19699. </summary>
  19700. </member>
  19701. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.Value2">
  19702. <summary>
  19703. Represents the second value associated with the data validation.
  19704. </summary>
  19705. </member>
  19706. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.InCellDropDown">
  19707. <summary>
  19708. Indicates whether data validation displays a drop-down list that contains acceptable values.
  19709. </summary>
  19710. </member>
  19711. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Validation.Areas">
  19712. <summary>
  19713. Gets all <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellArea" /> which contain the data validation settings.
  19714. </summary>
  19715. </member>
  19716. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModule">
  19717. <summary>
  19718. Represents module that is contained in VBA project.
  19719. </summary>
  19720. </member>
  19721. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModule.Name">
  19722. <summary>
  19723. Gets and sets the name of Module.
  19724. </summary>
  19725. </member>
  19726. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModule.Type">
  19727. <summary>
  19728. Gets the type of module.
  19729. </summary>
  19730. </member>
  19731. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModule.Codes">
  19732. <summary>
  19733. Gets and sets the codes of module.
  19734. </summary>
  19735. </member>
  19736. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection">
  19737. <summary>
  19738. Represents the list of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModule" /></summary>
  19739. </member>
  19740. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection.AddDesignerStorage(System.String,System.Byte[])">
  19741. <summary>
  19742. </summary>
  19743. <param name="name">
  19744. </param>
  19745. <param name="data">
  19746. </param>
  19747. </member>
  19748. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection.GetDesignerStorage(System.String)">
  19749. <summary>
  19750. Represents the data of Designer.
  19751. </summary>
  19752. <remarks>
  19753. We do not support to parse them. Just only for copying.
  19754. </remarks>
  19755. </member>
  19756. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet)">
  19757. <summary>
  19758. Adds module for a worksheet.
  19759. </summary>
  19760. <param name="sheet">The worksheet</param>
  19761. <returns>
  19762. </returns>
  19763. </member>
  19764. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleType,System.String)">
  19765. <summary>
  19766. Adds module.
  19767. </summary>
  19768. <param name="type">The type of module.</param>
  19769. <param name="name">The name of module.</param>
  19770. <returns>
  19771. </returns>
  19772. </member>
  19773. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection.Remove(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet)">
  19774. <summary>
  19775. Removes module for a worksheet.
  19776. </summary>
  19777. <param name="sheet">The worksheet</param>
  19778. <returns>
  19779. </returns>
  19780. </member>
  19781. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  19782. <summary>
  19783. Remove the module by the name
  19784. </summary>
  19785. <param name="name">
  19786. </param>
  19787. </member>
  19788. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  19789. <summary>
  19790. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModule" /> in the list by the index.
  19791. </summary>
  19792. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  19793. <returns>
  19794. </returns>
  19795. </member>
  19796. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleCollection.Item(System.String)">
  19797. <summary>
  19798. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModule" /> in the list by the name.
  19799. </summary>
  19800. <param name="name">The name of module.</param>
  19801. <returns>
  19802. </returns>
  19803. </member>
  19804. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleType">
  19805. <summary>
  19806. Represents the type of VBA module.
  19807. </summary>
  19808. </member>
  19809. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleType.Procedural">
  19810. <summary>
  19811. Represents a procedural module.
  19812. </summary>
  19813. </member>
  19814. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleType.Document">
  19815. <summary>
  19816. Represents a document module.
  19817. </summary>
  19818. </member>
  19819. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleType.Class">
  19820. <summary>
  19821. Represents a class module.
  19822. </summary>
  19823. </member>
  19824. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModuleType.Designer">
  19825. <summary>
  19826. Represents a designer module.
  19827. </summary>
  19828. </member>
  19829. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject">
  19830. <summary>
  19831. Represents the VBA project.
  19832. </summary>
  19833. </member>
  19834. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.Sign(Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature)">
  19835. <summary>
  19836. Sign this VBA project by a DigitalSignature
  19837. </summary>
  19838. <param name="digitalSignature">DigitalSignature</param>
  19839. </member>
  19840. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.Protect(System.Boolean,System.String)">
  19841. <summary>
  19842. Protects or unprotects this VBA project.
  19843. </summary>
  19844. <param name="islockedForViewing">indicates whether locks project for viewing.</param>
  19845. <param name="password">
  19846. If the value is null, unprotects this VBA project, otherwise projects the this VBA project.
  19847. </param>
  19848. <remarks>
  19849. If islockedForViewing is true, the password could not be null.
  19850. </remarks>
  19851. </member>
  19852. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject)">
  19853. <summary>
  19854. Copy VBA project from other file.
  19855. </summary>
  19856. <param name="source">
  19857. </param>
  19858. </member>
  19859. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.IsValidSigned">
  19860. <summary>
  19861. Indicates whether the signature of VBA project is valid or not.
  19862. </summary>
  19863. </member>
  19864. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.CertRawData">
  19865. <summary>
  19866. Gets certificate raw data if this VBA project is signed.
  19867. </summary>
  19868. </member>
  19869. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.Name">
  19870. <summary>
  19871. Gets and sets the name of the VBA project.
  19872. </summary>
  19873. </member>
  19874. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.IsSigned">
  19875. <summary>
  19876. Indicates whether VBAcode is signed or not.
  19877. </summary>
  19878. </member>
  19879. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.IsProtected">
  19880. <summary>
  19881. Indicates whether this VBA project is protected.
  19882. </summary>
  19883. </member>
  19884. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.IslockedForViewing">
  19885. <summary>
  19886. Indicates whether this VBA project is locked for viewing.
  19887. </summary>
  19888. </member>
  19889. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.Modules">
  19890. <summary>
  19891. Gets all <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaModule" /> objects.
  19892. </summary>
  19893. </member>
  19894. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProject.References">
  19895. <summary>
  19896. Gets all references of VBA project.
  19897. </summary>
  19898. </member>
  19899. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference">
  19900. <summary>
  19901. Represents the reference of VBA project.
  19902. </summary>
  19903. </member>
  19904. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference)">
  19905. <summary>
  19906. </summary>
  19907. <param name="source">
  19908. </param>
  19909. </member>
  19910. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference.Type">
  19911. <summary>
  19912. Gets the type of this reference.
  19913. </summary>
  19914. </member>
  19915. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference.Name">
  19916. <summary>
  19917. Gets and sets the name of the reference.
  19918. </summary>
  19919. </member>
  19920. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference.Libid">
  19921. <summary>
  19922. Gets and sets the Libid of the reference.
  19923. </summary>
  19924. </member>
  19925. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference.Twiddledlibid">
  19926. <summary>
  19927. Gets and sets the twiddled Libid of the reference.
  19928. </summary>
  19929. <remarks>
  19930. Only for control reference.
  19931. </remarks>
  19932. </member>
  19933. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference.ExtendedLibid">
  19934. <summary>
  19935. Gets and sets the extended Libid of the reference.
  19936. </summary>
  19937. <remarks>
  19938. Only for control reference.
  19939. </remarks>
  19940. </member>
  19941. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReference.RelativeLibid">
  19942. <summary>
  19943. Gets and sets the referenced VBA project's identifier with an relative path.
  19944. </summary>
  19945. <remarks>
  19946. Only for project reference.
  19947. </remarks>
  19948. </member>
  19949. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceCollection">
  19950. <summary>
  19951. Represents all references of VBA project.
  19952. </summary>
  19953. </member>
  19954. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceCollection.AddRegisteredReference(System.String,System.String)">
  19955. <summary>
  19956. Add a reference to an Automation type library.
  19957. </summary>
  19958. <param name="name">The name of reference.</param>
  19959. <param name="libid">The identifier of an Automation type library.</param>
  19960. <returns>
  19961. </returns>
  19962. </member>
  19963. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceCollection.AddControlRefrernce(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  19964. <summary>
  19965. Add a reference to a twiddled type library and its extended type library.
  19966. </summary>
  19967. <param name="name">The name of reference.</param>
  19968. <param name="libid">The identifier of an Automation type library.</param>
  19969. <param name="twiddledlibid">The identifier of a twiddled type library</param>
  19970. <param name="extendedLibid">The identifier of an extended type library</param>
  19971. <returns>
  19972. </returns>
  19973. </member>
  19974. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceCollection.AddProjectRefrernce(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  19975. <summary>
  19976. Adds a reference to an external VBA project.
  19977. </summary>
  19978. <param name="name">The name of reference.</param>
  19979. <param name="absoluteLibid">The referenced VBA project's identifier with an absolute path.</param>
  19980. <param name="relativeLibid">The referenced VBA project's identifier with an relative path.</param>
  19981. <returns>
  19982. </returns>
  19983. </member>
  19984. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceCollection.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceCollection)">
  19985. <summary>
  19986. Copies references from other VBA project.
  19987. </summary>
  19988. <param name="source">The source references.</param>
  19989. </member>
  19990. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  19991. <summary>
  19992. Get the reference in the list by the index.
  19993. </summary>
  19994. <param name="i">The index.</param>
  19995. <returns>
  19996. </returns>
  19997. </member>
  19998. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceType">
  19999. <summary>
  20000. Represents the type of VBA project reference.
  20001. </summary>
  20002. </member>
  20003. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceType.Registered">
  20004. <summary>
  20005. Specifies a reference to an Automation type library.
  20006. </summary>
  20007. </member>
  20008. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceType.Control">
  20009. <summary>
  20010. Specifies a reference to a twiddled type library and its extended type library.
  20011. </summary>
  20012. </member>
  20013. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Vba.VbaProjectReferenceType.Project">
  20014. <summary>
  20015. Specifies a reference to an external VBA project.
  20016. </summary>
  20017. </member>
  20018. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WarningInfo">
  20019. <summary>
  20020. Warning info
  20021. </summary>
  20022. </member>
  20023. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WarningInfo.WarningType">
  20024. <summary>
  20025. Get warning type.
  20026. </summary>
  20027. </member>
  20028. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WarningInfo.Description">
  20029. <summary>
  20030. Get description of warning info.
  20031. </summary>
  20032. </member>
  20033. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WarningInfo.ErrorObject">
  20034. <summary>
  20035. The error object.
  20036. </summary>
  20037. </member>
  20038. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WarningInfo.CorrectedObject">
  20039. <summary>
  20040. Gets and sets the corrected object.
  20041. </summary>
  20042. </member>
  20043. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WarningType">
  20044. <summary>
  20045. WaringType
  20046. </summary>
  20047. </member>
  20048. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WarningType.FontSubstitution">
  20049. <summary>
  20050. Font substitution warning type
  20051. when a font has not been found, this warning type can be get.
  20052. </summary>
  20053. </member>
  20054. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WarningType.DuplicateDefinedName">
  20055. <summary>
  20056. Duplicate defined name is found in the file.
  20057. </summary>
  20058. </member>
  20059. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WarningType.UnsupportedFileFormat">
  20060. <summary>
  20061. Unsupported file format.
  20062. </summary>
  20063. </member>
  20064. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WarningType.InvalidTextOfDefinedName">
  20065. <summary>
  20066. Invalid text of the defined name.
  20067. </summary>
  20068. </member>
  20069. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WarningType.InvalidFontName">
  20070. <summary>
  20071. Invalid the font name.
  20072. </summary>
  20073. </member>
  20074. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.WarningType.InvalidAutoFilterRange">
  20075. <summary>
  20076. Invalid autofilter range.
  20077. </summary>
  20078. </member>
  20079. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WriteProtection">
  20080. <summary>
  20081. Specifies write protection settings for a workbook.
  20082. </summary>
  20083. </member>
  20084. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WriteProtection.ValidatePassword(System.String)">
  20085. <summary>
  20086. Returns true if the specified password is the same as the write-protection password the file was protected with.
  20087. </summary>
  20088. <param name="password">The specified password.</param>
  20089. <returns>
  20090. </returns>
  20091. </member>
  20092. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WriteProtection.Author">
  20093. <summary>
  20094. Gets and sets the author.
  20095. </summary>
  20096. </member>
  20097. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WriteProtection.RecommendReadOnly">
  20098. <summary>
  20099. Indicates if the Read Only Recommended option is selected.
  20100. </summary>
  20101. </member>
  20102. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WriteProtection.IsWriteProtected">
  20103. <summary>
  20104. Indicates whether this workbook is write protected.
  20105. </summary>
  20106. </member>
  20107. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WriteProtection.Password">
  20108. <summary>
  20109. Sets the protected password to modify the file.
  20110. </summary>
  20111. </member>
  20112. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ICustomParser">
  20113. <summary>
  20114. Allows users to add their custom value parser for parsing string values to other proper cell value object.
  20115. </summary>
  20116. </member>
  20117. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ICustomParser.ParseObject(System.String)">
  20118. <summary>
  20119. Parses given string to proper value object.
  20120. </summary>
  20121. <param name="value">The string value to be parsed</param>
  20122. <returns>
  20123. Parsed value object from given string. If given string cannot be parsed to proper value object, returns null.
  20124. </returns>
  20125. </member>
  20126. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ICustomParser.GetFormat">
  20127. <summary>
  20128. Gets the formatting pattern corresponding to the parsed value by last invocation of <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.ICustomParser.ParseObject(System.String)" />.
  20129. </summary>
  20130. <remarks>
  20131. The returned formatting pattern may be used to format corresponding cell(set to Style.Custom for the cell).
  20132. </remarks>
  20133. </member>
  20134. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HtmlCrossType">
  20135. <summary>
  20136. Represents five types of html cross string.
  20137. </summary>
  20138. </member>
  20139. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlCrossType.Default">
  20140. <summary>
  20141. Display like MS Excel,depends on the next cell.
  20142. If the next cell is null,the string will cross,or it will be truncated
  20143. </summary>
  20144. </member>
  20145. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlCrossType.MSExport">
  20146. <summary>
  20147. Display the string like MS Excel exporting html.
  20148. </summary>
  20149. </member>
  20150. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlCrossType.Cross">
  20151. <summary>
  20152. Display HTML cross string, this performance for creating large html files will be more than ten times faster than setting the value to Default or FitToCell.
  20153. </summary>
  20154. </member>
  20155. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlCrossType.CrossHideRight">
  20156. <summary>
  20157. Display HTML cross string and hide the right string when the texts overlap.
  20158. </summary>
  20159. </member>
  20160. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HtmlCrossType.FitToCell">
  20161. <summary>
  20162. Only displaying the string within the width of cell.
  20163. </summary>
  20164. </member>
  20165. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ColorDepth">
  20166. <summary>
  20167. Enumerates Bit Depth Type for tiff image.
  20168. </summary>
  20169. </member>
  20170. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ColorDepth.Default">
  20171. <summary>
  20172. Default value, not set value.
  20173. </summary>
  20174. </member>
  20175. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ColorDepth.Format1bpp">
  20176. <summary>
  20177. 1 bit per pixel
  20178. </summary>
  20179. </member>
  20180. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ColorDepth.Format4bpp">
  20181. <summary>
  20182. 84 bits per pixel
  20183. </summary>
  20184. </member>
  20185. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ColorDepth.Format8bpp">
  20186. <summary>
  20187. 8 bits per pixel
  20188. </summary>
  20189. </member>
  20190. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ColorDepth.Format24bpp">
  20191. <summary>
  20192. 24 bits per pixel
  20193. </summary>
  20194. </member>
  20195. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ColorDepth.Format32bpp">
  20196. <summary>
  20197. 32 bits per pixel
  20198. </summary>
  20199. </member>
  20200. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject">
  20201. <summary>
  20202. DrawObject will be initialized and returned when rendering.
  20203. </summary>
  20204. </member>
  20205. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject.Cell">
  20206. <summary>
  20207. Indicates the Cell object when rendering.
  20208. All properties of cell can be accessed.
  20209. </summary>
  20210. </member>
  20211. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject.Shape">
  20212. <summary>
  20213. Indicates the Shape object when rendering.
  20214. All properties of shape can be accessed.
  20215. </summary>
  20216. </member>
  20217. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject.ImageBytes">
  20218. <summary>
  20219. Indicates image bytes of rendered Chart, Shape when rendering.
  20220. </summary>
  20221. </member>
  20222. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject.Type">
  20223. <summary>
  20224. Indicates the type of DrawObject.
  20225. </summary>
  20226. </member>
  20227. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject.CurrentPage">
  20228. <summary>
  20229. Indicates the page index of DrawObject.
  20230. Page index is based on zero.
  20231. One Sheet contains several pages when rendering.
  20232. </summary>
  20233. </member>
  20234. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject.TotalPages">
  20235. <summary>
  20236. Indicates total pages in current rendering.
  20237. </summary>
  20238. </member>
  20239. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject.SheetIndex">
  20240. <summary>
  20241. Indicates current sheet index of DrawObject.
  20242. </summary>
  20243. </member>
  20244. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObjectEnum">
  20245. <summary>
  20246. Indicate Cell or Image of DrawObject.
  20247. </summary>
  20248. </member>
  20249. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObjectEnum.Image">
  20250. <summary>
  20251. Indicate DrawObject is an Image
  20252. </summary>
  20253. </member>
  20254. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObjectEnum.Cell">
  20255. <summary>
  20256. indicate DrawObject is an Cell
  20257. </summary>
  20258. </member>
  20259. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObjectEventHandler">
  20260. <summary>
  20261. Interface to get DrawObject and Bound when rendering.
  20262. </summary>
  20263. </member>
  20264. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObjectEventHandler.Draw(Aspose.Cells.Rendering.DrawObject,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  20265. <summary>
  20266. Implements this interface to get DrawObject and Bound when rendering.
  20267. </summary>
  20268. <param name="drawObject"> DrawObject will be initialized and returned when rendering</param>
  20269. <param name="x">Left of DrawObject</param>
  20270. <param name="y">Top of DrawObject</param>
  20271. <param name="width">Width of DrawObject</param>
  20272. <param name="height">Height of DrawObject</param>
  20273. </member>
  20274. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.GridlineType">
  20275. <summary>
  20276. Enumerates grid line Type.
  20277. </summary>
  20278. </member>
  20279. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.GridlineType.Dotted">
  20280. <summary>
  20281. Represents dotted line.
  20282. </summary>
  20283. </member>
  20284. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.GridlineType.Hair">
  20285. <summary>
  20286. Represents hair line.
  20287. </summary>
  20288. </member>
  20289. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions">
  20290. <summary>
  20291. Allows to specify options when rendering worksheet to images, printing worksheet or rendering chart to image.
  20292. </summary>
  20293. <example>
  20294. <code>
  20295. [C#]
  20296. //Set Image Or Print Options
  20297. ImageOrPrintOptions options = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
  20298. //set Horizontal resolution
  20299. options.HorizontalResolution = 200;
  20300. //set Vertica; Resolution
  20301. options.VerticalResolution = 300;
  20302. //Instantiate Workbook
  20303. Workbook book = new Workbook(@"c:\test.xls");
  20304. //Save chart as Image using ImageOrPrint Options
  20305. Bitmap chartObject = book.Worksheets[0].Charts[0].ToImage(options);
  20306. [VB.NET]
  20307. 'Set Image Or Print Options
  20308. Dim options As New ImageOrPrintOptions()
  20309. 'set Horizontal resolution
  20310. options.HorizontalResolution = 200
  20311. 'set Vertica; Resolution
  20312. options.VerticalResolution = 300
  20313. 'Instantiate Workbook
  20314. Dim book As New Workbook("c:\test.xls")
  20315. 'Save chart as Image using ImageOrPrint Options
  20316. Dim chartObject As Bitmap = book.Worksheets(0).Charts(0).ToImage(options)
  20317. </code>
  20318. </example>
  20319. </member>
  20320. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.SetDesiredSize(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  20321. <summary>
  20322. Sets desired width and height of image.
  20323. </summary>
  20324. <param name="desiredWidth">desired width in pixels</param>
  20325. <param name="desiredHeight">desired height in pixels</param>
  20326. </member>
  20327. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.SaveFormat">
  20328. <summary>
  20329. Gets or sets the output file format type
  20330. Support Tiff/XPS
  20331. </summary>
  20332. </member>
  20333. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.CustomPrintPageEventHandler">
  20334. <summary>
  20335. Client can special output to printer when print each page using this EventHandler
  20336. </summary>
  20337. </member>
  20338. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.CustomQueryPageSettingsEventHandler">
  20339. <summary>
  20340. Client can control page setting of printer when print each page using this EventHandler
  20341. </summary>
  20342. </member>
  20343. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.PrintWithStatusDialog">
  20344. <summary>
  20345. If PrintWithStatusDialog = true , there will be a dialog that shows current print status.
  20346. else no such dialog will show.
  20347. </summary>
  20348. </member>
  20349. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.HorizontalResolution">
  20350. <summary>
  20351. Gets or sets the horizontal resolution for generated images, in dots per inch.
  20352. Applies generating image method except Emf format images.
  20353. </summary>
  20354. <remarks>
  20355. The default value is 96.
  20356. </remarks>
  20357. </member>
  20358. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.VerticalResolution">
  20359. <summary>
  20360. Gets or sets the vertical resolution for generated images, in dots per inch.
  20361. Applies generating image method except Emf format image.
  20362. </summary>
  20363. <remarks>
  20364. The default value is 96.
  20365. </remarks>
  20366. </member>
  20367. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.TiffCompression">
  20368. <summary>
  20369. Gets or sets the type of compression to apply only when saving pages to the <c>Tiff</c> format.
  20370. </summary>
  20371. <remarks>
  20372. Has effect only when saving to TIFF.
  20373. The default value is Lzw.
  20374. </remarks>
  20375. </member>
  20376. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.TiffColorDepth">
  20377. <summary>
  20378. Gets or sets bit depth to apply only when saving pages to the <c>Tiff</c> format.
  20379. </summary>
  20380. <remarks>
  20381. Has effect only when saving to TIFF.
  20382. If TiffCompression is set to CCITT3, CCITT4, this will not take effect, the bit depth of the generated tiff image will be always 1.
  20383. </remarks>
  20384. </member>
  20385. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.PrintingPage">
  20386. <summary>
  20387. Indicates which pages will not be printed.
  20388. </summary>
  20389. </member>
  20390. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.Quality">
  20391. <summary>
  20392. Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the generated images
  20393. to apply only when saving pages to the <c>Jpeg</c> format. The default value is 100
  20394. </summary>
  20395. <remarks>
  20396. Has effect only when saving to JPEG.
  20397. The value must be between 0 and 100.
  20398. The default value is 100.
  20399. </remarks>
  20400. </member>
  20401. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.ImageFormat">
  20402. <summary>
  20403. Gets or sets the format of the generated images.
  20404. Don't apply the method that returns a <c>Bitmap</c> object.
  20405. </summary>
  20406. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  20407. please use ImageOrPrintOptions.ImageType property.
  20408. This property will be removed 12 months later since April. 2018.
  20409. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  20410. </member>
  20411. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.ImageType">
  20412. <summary>
  20413. Gets or sets the format of the generated images.
  20414. Don't apply the method that returns a <c>Bitmap</c> object.
  20415. </summary>
  20416. <remarks>
  20417. The default value is ImageFormat.Bmp.
  20418. Don't apply the method that returns a <c>Bitmap</c> object.
  20419. </remarks>
  20420. </member>
  20421. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.IsCellAutoFit">
  20422. <summary>
  20423. Indicates whether the width and height of the cells is automatically fitted by cell value.
  20424. The default value is false.
  20425. </summary>
  20426. </member>
  20427. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.IsImageFitToPage">
  20428. <summary>
  20429. When set the value to true, the page only include the cells that have data.
  20430. The default value is false.
  20431. </summary>
  20432. </member>
  20433. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.OnePagePerSheet">
  20434. <summary>
  20435. If OnePagePerSheet is true , all content of one sheet will output to only one page in result.
  20436. The paper size of pagesetup will be invalid, and the other settings of pagesetup
  20437. will still take effect.
  20438. </summary>
  20439. </member>
  20440. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.AllColumnsInOnePagePerSheet">
  20441. <summary>
  20442. If AllColumnsInOnePagePerSheet is true , all column content of one sheet will output to only one page in result.
  20443. The width of paper size of pagesetup will be invalid, and the other settings of pagesetup
  20444. will still take effect.
  20445. </summary>
  20446. </member>
  20447. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler">
  20448. <summary>
  20449. Implements this interface to get DrawObject and Bound when rendering.
  20450. </summary>
  20451. </member>
  20452. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.ChartImageType">
  20453. <summary>
  20454. Indicate the chart imagetype when converting.
  20455. </summary>
  20456. </member>
  20457. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.EmbededImageNameInSvg">
  20458. <summary>
  20459. Indicate the filename of embedded image in svg.
  20460. This should be full path with directory like "c:\\xpsEmbedded"
  20461. </summary>
  20462. </member>
  20463. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.SVGFitToViewPort">
  20464. <summary>
  20465. if this property is true, the generated svg will fit to view port.
  20466. </summary>
  20467. </member>
  20468. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.OnlyArea">
  20469. <summary>
  20470. If this property is true , one Area will be output, and no scale will take effect.
  20471. </summary>
  20472. </member>
  20473. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.TextRenderingHint">
  20474. <summary>
  20475. Specifies the quality of text rendering.
  20476. The default value is TextRenderingHint.SystemDefault
  20477. </summary>
  20478. </member>
  20479. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.SmoothingMode">
  20480. <summary>
  20481. Specifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines and curves and the edges of filled areas.
  20482. The default value is SmoothingMode.None
  20483. </summary>
  20484. </member>
  20485. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.Transparent">
  20486. <summary>
  20487. Indicates if the background of generated image should be transparent.
  20488. </summary>
  20489. <remarks>
  20490. The default value is false. That means the background of the generated images is white.
  20491. </remarks>
  20492. </member>
  20493. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.PixelFormat">
  20494. <summary>
  20495. Gets or sets the pixel format for the generated images.
  20496. </summary>
  20497. <remarks>
  20498. The default value is PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb.
  20499. </remarks>
  20500. </member>
  20501. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.WarningCallback">
  20502. <summary>
  20503. Gets or sets warning callback.
  20504. </summary>
  20505. </member>
  20506. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.PageSavingCallback">
  20507. <summary>
  20508. Control/Indicate progress of page saving process.
  20509. </summary>
  20510. </member>
  20511. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.IsFontSubstitutionCharGranularity">
  20512. <summary>
  20513. Indicates whether only substitute the font of character when the cell font is not compatibility for it.
  20514. </summary>
  20515. <remarks>
  20516. Default is false. We will try default font of Workbook and PdfSaveOption/system for cell font first.
  20517. </remarks>
  20518. </member>
  20519. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.PageIndex">
  20520. <summary>
  20521. Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to save.
  20522. </summary>
  20523. <remarks>
  20524. Default is 0.
  20525. </remarks>
  20526. </member>
  20527. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.PageCount">
  20528. <summary>
  20529. Gets or sets the number of pages to save.
  20530. </summary>
  20531. <remarks>
  20532. Default is System.Int32.MaxValue which means all pages will be rendered..
  20533. </remarks>
  20534. </member>
  20535. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.DefaultFont">
  20536. <summary>
  20537. When characters in the Excel are unicode and not be set with correct font in cell style,
  20538. They may appear as block in pdf,image.
  20539. Set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these characters.
  20540. If this property is not set, Aspose.Cells will use system default font to show these unicode characters.
  20541. </summary>
  20542. </member>
  20543. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.CheckWorkbookDefaultFont">
  20544. <summary>
  20545. When characters in the Excel are unicode and not be set with correct font in cell style,
  20546. They may appear as block in pdf,image.
  20547. Set this to true to try to use workbook's default font to show these characters first.
  20548. </summary>
  20549. <remarks>
  20550. Default is true.
  20551. </remarks>
  20552. </member>
  20553. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.OutputBlankPageWhenNothingToPrint">
  20554. <summary>
  20555. Indicates whether to output a blank page when there is nothing to print.
  20556. </summary>
  20557. <remarks>
  20558. Default is false.
  20559. </remarks>
  20560. </member>
  20561. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.GridlineType">
  20562. <summary>
  20563. Gets or sets gridline type.
  20564. </summary>
  20565. <remarks>
  20566. Default is Dotted type.
  20567. </remarks>
  20568. </member>
  20569. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.TextCrossType">
  20570. <summary>
  20571. Gets or sets displaying text type when the text width is larger than cell width.
  20572. </summary>
  20573. </member>
  20574. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.EmfType">
  20575. <summary>
  20576. Gets or sets an EmfType that specifies the format of the Metafile..
  20577. <remarks>The default value is EmfPlusDual.</remarks></summary>
  20578. </member>
  20579. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions.DefaultEditLanguage">
  20580. <summary>
  20581. Gets or sets default edit language.
  20582. </summary>
  20583. <remarks>
  20584. It may display/render different layouts for text paragraph when different edit languages is set.
  20585. Default is <see cref="!:DefaultEditLanguage.Auto" />.
  20586. </remarks>
  20587. </member>
  20588. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.IPageSavingCallback">
  20589. <summary>
  20590. Control/Indicate progress of page saving process.
  20591. </summary>
  20592. </member>
  20593. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.IPageSavingCallback.PageStartSaving(Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageStartSavingArgs)">
  20594. <summary>
  20595. Control/Indicate a page starts to be output.
  20596. </summary>
  20597. <param name="args">Info for a page starts saving process.</param>
  20598. </member>
  20599. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.IPageSavingCallback.PageEndSaving(Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageEndSavingArgs)">
  20600. <summary>
  20601. Control/Indicate a page ends to be output.
  20602. </summary>
  20603. <param name="args">Info for a page ends saving process.</param>
  20604. </member>
  20605. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageEndSavingArgs">
  20606. <summary>
  20607. Info for a page ends saving process.
  20608. </summary>
  20609. </member>
  20610. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageSavingArgs">
  20611. <summary>
  20612. Info for a page saving process.
  20613. </summary>
  20614. </member>
  20615. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageSavingArgs.PageIndex">
  20616. <summary>
  20617. Current page index, zero based.
  20618. </summary>
  20619. </member>
  20620. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageSavingArgs.PageCount">
  20621. <summary>
  20622. Total page count.
  20623. </summary>
  20624. </member>
  20625. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageEndSavingArgs.HasMorePages">
  20626. <summary>
  20627. Gets or sets a value indicating whether having more pages to be output.
  20628. The default value is true.
  20629. </summary>
  20630. </member>
  20631. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageStartSavingArgs">
  20632. <summary>
  20633. Info for a page starts saving process.
  20634. </summary>
  20635. </member>
  20636. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PageStartSavingArgs.IsToOutput">
  20637. <summary>
  20638. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page should be output.
  20639. The default value is true.
  20640. </summary>
  20641. </member>
  20642. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PrintingPageType">
  20643. <summary>
  20644. Indicates which pages will not be printed.
  20645. </summary>
  20646. </member>
  20647. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintingPageType.Default">
  20648. <summary>
  20649. Prints all pages.
  20650. </summary>
  20651. </member>
  20652. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintingPageType.IgnoreBlank">
  20653. <summary>
  20654. Don't print the pages which the cells are blank.
  20655. </summary>
  20656. </member>
  20657. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintingPageType.IgnoreStyle">
  20658. <summary>
  20659. Don't print the pages which cells only contain styles.
  20660. </summary>
  20661. </member>
  20662. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TextCrossType">
  20663. <summary>
  20664. Enumerates displaying text type when the text width is larger than cell width.
  20665. </summary>
  20666. </member>
  20667. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextCrossType.Default">
  20668. <summary>
  20669. Display text like in Microsoft Excel.
  20670. </summary>
  20671. </member>
  20672. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextCrossType.CrossKeep">
  20673. <summary>
  20674. Display all the text by crossing other cells and keep text of crossed cells.
  20675. </summary>
  20676. </member>
  20677. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextCrossType.CrossOverride">
  20678. <summary>
  20679. Display all the text by crossing other cells and override text of crossed cells.
  20680. </summary>
  20681. </member>
  20682. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextCrossType.StrictInCell">
  20683. <summary>
  20684. Only display the text within the width of cell.
  20685. </summary>
  20686. </member>
  20687. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.TiffCompression">
  20688. <summary>
  20689. Specifies what type of compression to apply when saving images into TIFF format file.
  20690. </summary>
  20691. </member>
  20692. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.TiffCompression.CompressionNone">
  20693. <summary>
  20694. Specifies no compression.
  20695. </summary>
  20696. </member>
  20697. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.TiffCompression.CompressionRle">
  20698. <summary>
  20699. Specifies the RLE compression scheme.
  20700. </summary>
  20701. </member>
  20702. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.TiffCompression.CompressionLZW">
  20703. <summary>
  20704. Specifies the LZW compression scheme.
  20705. </summary>
  20706. </member>
  20707. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.TiffCompression.CompressionCCITT3">
  20708. <summary>
  20709. Specifies the CCITT3 compression scheme.
  20710. </summary>
  20711. </member>
  20712. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.TiffCompression.CompressionCCITT4">
  20713. <summary>
  20714. Specifies the CCITT4 compression scheme.
  20715. </summary>
  20716. </member>
  20717. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetPrintingPreview">
  20718. <summary>
  20719. Worksheet printing preview.
  20720. </summary>
  20721. </member>
  20722. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetPrintingPreview.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  20723. <summary>
  20724. The construct of SheetPrintingPreview
  20725. </summary>
  20726. <param name="sheet">Indicate which spreadsheet to be printed.</param>
  20727. <param name="options">ImageOrPrintOptions contains some property of output</param>
  20728. </member>
  20729. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetPrintingPreview.EvaluatedPageCount">
  20730. <summary>
  20731. Evaluate the total page count of this worksheet
  20732. </summary>
  20733. </member>
  20734. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender">
  20735. <summary>
  20736. Represents a worksheet render which can render worksheet to various images such as (BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF..)
  20737. The constructor of this class , must be used after modification of pagesetup, cell style.
  20738. </summary>
  20739. </member>
  20740. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.Worksheet,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  20741. <summary>
  20742. the construct of SheetRender, need worksheet and ImageOrPrintOptions as params
  20743. </summary>
  20744. <param name="worksheet">Indicate which spreadsheet to be rendered.</param>
  20745. <param name="options">ImageOrPrintOptions contains some property of output image</param>
  20746. </member>
  20747. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.GetPageSize(System.Int32)">
  20748. <summary>
  20749. Get page size of output image. The size unit is in pixel.
  20750. </summary>
  20751. <param name="pageIndex">The page index is based on zero.</param>
  20752. <returns>
  20753. </returns>
  20754. </member>
  20755. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToImage(System.Int32,System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  20756. <summary>
  20757. Render certain page to a Graphics
  20758. </summary>
  20759. <param name="pageIndex">indicate which page is to be converted</param>
  20760. <param name="g">The object where to render to.</param>
  20761. <param name="x">The X coordinate (in pixels) of the top left corner of the rendered page.</param>
  20762. <param name="y">The Y coordinate (in pixels) of the top left corner of the rendered page.</param>
  20763. <param name="width">The maximum width (in pixels) that can be occupied by the rendered page.</param>
  20764. <param name="height">The maximum height (in pixels) that can be occupied by the rendered page.</param>
  20765. </member>
  20766. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToImage(System.Int32,System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Single,System.Single)">
  20767. <summary>
  20768. Render certain page to a Graphics
  20769. </summary>
  20770. <param name="pageIndex">indicate which page is to be converted</param>
  20771. <param name="g">The object where to render to.</param>
  20772. <param name="x">The X coordinate (in pixels) of the top left corner of the rendered page.</param>
  20773. <param name="y">The Y coordinate (in pixels) of the top left corner of the rendered page.</param>
  20774. </member>
  20775. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToImage(System.Int32,System.String)">
  20776. <summary>
  20777. Render certain page to a file.
  20778. </summary>
  20779. <param name="pageIndex">indicate which page is to be converted</param>
  20780. <param name="fileName">filename of the output image</param>
  20781. </member>
  20782. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToImage(System.Int32,System.IO.Stream)">
  20783. <summary>
  20784. Render certain page to a stream.
  20785. </summary>
  20786. <param name="pageIndex">indicate which page is to be converted</param>
  20787. <param name="stream">the stream of the output image</param>
  20788. </member>
  20789. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToImage(System.Int32)">
  20790. <summary>
  20791. Render certain page to a Bitmap object.
  20792. </summary>
  20793. <param name="pageIndex">indicate which page is to be converted</param>
  20794. <returns>the bitmap object of the page</returns>
  20795. </member>
  20796. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToTiff(System.IO.Stream)">
  20797. <summary>
  20798. Render whole worksheet as Tiff Image to stream.
  20799. </summary>
  20800. <param name="stream">the stream of the output image</param>
  20801. </member>
  20802. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToTiff(System.String)">
  20803. <summary>
  20804. Render whole worksheet as Tiff Image to a file.
  20805. </summary>
  20806. <param name="filename">the filename of the output image</param>
  20807. </member>
  20808. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToPrinter(System.String)">
  20809. <summary>
  20810. Render worksheet to Printer
  20811. </summary>
  20812. <param name="PrinterName">the name of the printer , for example: "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"</param>
  20813. </member>
  20814. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToPrinter(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  20815. <summary>
  20816. Render worksheet to Printer
  20817. </summary>
  20818. <param name="PrinterName">the name of the printer , for example: "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"</param>
  20819. <param name="PrintPageIndex">the 0-based index of the first page to print, it must be in Range [0, SheetRender.PageCount-1]</param>
  20820. <param name="PrintPageCount">the number of pages to print, it must be greater than zero</param>
  20821. </member>
  20822. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToPrinter(System.String,System.String)">
  20823. <summary>
  20824. Render worksheet to Printer
  20825. </summary>
  20826. <param name="PrinterName">the name of the printer , for example: "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"</param>
  20827. <param name="DocumentName">set the print job name </param>
  20828. </member>
  20829. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.ToPrinter(System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings)">
  20830. <summary>
  20831. Render worksheet to Printer
  20832. </summary>
  20833. <param name="PrinterSettings"> the settings of printer, e.g. PrinterName, Duplex</param>
  20834. </member>
  20835. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.CustomPrint(System.Boolean,System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)">
  20836. <summary>
  20837. Client can control page setting of printer when print each page using this function.
  20838. </summary>
  20839. <param name="nextPageAfterPrint">If true , printer will go to next page after print current page</param>
  20840. <param name="printPageEventArgs">System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs</param>
  20841. <returns>Indirect next page index, based on zero</returns>
  20842. </member>
  20843. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.PageCount">
  20844. <summary>
  20845. Indicate the total page count of current worksheet
  20846. </summary>
  20847. </member>
  20848. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.SheetRender.PageScale">
  20849. <summary>
  20850. Gets calculated page scale of the sheet.
  20851. </summary>
  20852. <returns>
  20853. </returns>
  20854. </member>
  20855. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookPrintingPreview">
  20856. <summary>
  20857. Workbook printing preview.
  20858. </summary>
  20859. </member>
  20860. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookPrintingPreview.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.Workbook,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  20861. <summary>
  20862. The construct of WorkbookPrintingPreview
  20863. </summary>
  20864. <param name="workbook">Indicate which workbook to be printed.</param>
  20865. <param name="options">ImageOrPrintOptions contains some property of output</param>
  20866. </member>
  20867. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookPrintingPreview.EvaluatedPageCount">
  20868. <summary>
  20869. Evaluate the total page count of this workbook
  20870. </summary>
  20871. </member>
  20872. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender">
  20873. <summary>
  20874. Represents a Workbook render.
  20875. The constructor of this class , must be used after modification of pagesetup, cell style.
  20876. </summary>
  20877. <remarks>
  20878. </remarks>
  20879. </member>
  20880. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.Workbook,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  20881. <summary>
  20882. The construct of WorkbookRender
  20883. </summary>
  20884. <param name="workbook">Indicate which workbook to be rendered.</param>
  20885. <param name="options">ImageOrPrintOptions contains some property of output image</param>
  20886. </member>
  20887. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.GetPageSize(System.Int32)">
  20888. <summary>
  20889. Get page size of output image. The size unit is in pixel.
  20890. </summary>
  20891. <param name="pageIndex">The page index is based on zero.</param>
  20892. <returns>
  20893. </returns>
  20894. </member>
  20895. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToImage(System.IO.Stream)">
  20896. <summary>
  20897. Render whole workbook as Tiff Image to stream.
  20898. </summary>
  20899. <param name="stream">the stream of the output image</param>
  20900. </member>
  20901. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToImage(System.String)">
  20902. <summary>
  20903. Render whole workbook as Tiff Image to a file.
  20904. </summary>
  20905. <param name="filename">the filename of the output image</param>
  20906. </member>
  20907. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToImage(System.Int32,System.String)">
  20908. <summary>
  20909. Render certain page to a file.
  20910. </summary>
  20911. <param name="pageIndex">indicate which page is to be converted</param>
  20912. <param name="fileName">filename of the output image</param>
  20913. </member>
  20914. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToImage(System.Int32,System.IO.Stream)">
  20915. <summary>
  20916. Render certain page to a stream.
  20917. </summary>
  20918. <param name="pageIndex">indicate which page is to be converted</param>
  20919. <param name="stream">the stream of the output image</param>
  20920. </member>
  20921. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToImage(System.Int32)">
  20922. <summary>
  20923. Render certain page to a Bitmap object.
  20924. </summary>
  20925. <param name="pageIndex">indicate which page is to be converted</param>
  20926. <returns>the bitmap object of the page</returns>
  20927. </member>
  20928. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToPrinter(System.String)">
  20929. <summary>
  20930. Render workbook to Printer
  20931. </summary>
  20932. <param name="PrinterName">the name of the printer , for example: "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"</param>
  20933. </member>
  20934. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToPrinter(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  20935. <summary>
  20936. Render workbook to Printer
  20937. </summary>
  20938. <param name="PrinterName">the name of the printer , for example: "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"</param>
  20939. <param name="PrintPageIndex">the 0-based index of the first page to print, it must be in Range [0, WorkbookRender.PageCount-1]</param>
  20940. <param name="PrintPageCount">the number of pages to print, it must be greater than zero</param>
  20941. </member>
  20942. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToPrinter(System.String,System.String)">
  20943. <summary>
  20944. Render workbook to Printer
  20945. </summary>
  20946. <param name="PrinterName">the name of the printer , for example: "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer"</param>
  20947. <param name="DocumentName">set the print job name </param>
  20948. </member>
  20949. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.ToPrinter(System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings)">
  20950. <summary>
  20951. Render workbook to Printer
  20952. </summary>
  20953. <param name="PrinterSettings"> the settings of printer, e.g. PrinterName, Duplex</param>
  20954. </member>
  20955. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.CustomPrint(System.Boolean,System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)">
  20956. <summary>
  20957. Client can control page setting of printer when print each page using this function.
  20958. </summary>
  20959. <param name="nextPageAfterPrint">If true , printer will go to next page after print current page</param>
  20960. <param name="printPageEventArgs">System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs</param>
  20961. <returns>Indirect next page index, based on zero</returns>
  20962. </member>
  20963. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.WorkbookRender.PageCount">
  20964. <summary>
  20965. Indicate the total page count of workbook
  20966. </summary>
  20967. </member>
  20968. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.InsertOptions">
  20969. <summary>
  20970. Represents the options of inserting.
  20971. </summary>
  20972. </member>
  20973. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.InsertOptions.CopyFormatType">
  20974. <summary>
  20975. </summary>
  20976. </member>
  20977. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.InsertOptions.UpdateReference">
  20978. <summary>
  20979. Indicates if references in other worksheets will be updated.
  20980. </summary>
  20981. </member>
  20982. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormatHelper">
  20983. <summary>
  20984. Represents fill formatting for a shape.
  20985. </summary>
  20986. </member>
  20987. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormatHelper.SetOneColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Double,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  20988. <summary>
  20989. Sets the specified fill to a one-color gradient.
  20990. </summary>
  20991. <param name="color">One gradient color.</param>
  20992. <param name="degree">The gradient degree. Can be a value from 0.0 (dark) through 1.0 (light).</param>
  20993. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  20994. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  20995. </member>
  20996. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormatHelper.ForeColor">
  20997. <summary>
  20998. Gets and sets the fill fore color.
  20999. </summary>
  21000. </member>
  21001. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormatHelper.ForeColorTransparency">
  21002. <summary>
  21003. Returns or sets the degree of fore color of the specified fill as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  21004. </summary>
  21005. </member>
  21006. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormatHelper.BackColor">
  21007. <summary>
  21008. Gets and sets the file back color.
  21009. </summary>
  21010. </member>
  21011. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormatHelper.ImageData">
  21012. <summary>
  21013. Gets and sets the Texture and Picture fill data.
  21014. </summary>
  21015. </member>
  21016. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormatHelper.Texture">
  21017. <summary>
  21018. Gets the texture fill type.
  21019. </summary>
  21020. </member>
  21021. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormatHelper.IsVisible">
  21022. <summary>
  21023. Indicates whether there is fill.
  21024. </summary>
  21025. </member>
  21026. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ParameterType">
  21027. <summary>
  21028. Represents all parameters' type or return value type of function.
  21029. </summary>
  21030. </member>
  21031. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ParameterType.Reference">
  21032. <summary>
  21033. </summary>
  21034. </member>
  21035. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ParameterType.Value">
  21036. <summary>
  21037. </summary>
  21038. </member>
  21039. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ParameterType.Array">
  21040. <summary>
  21041. </summary>
  21042. </member>
  21043. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions">
  21044. <summary>
  21045. Represents the options of importing data into cells.
  21046. </summary>
  21047. </member>
  21048. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.#ctor">
  21049. <summary>
  21050. Creates the default importing options.
  21051. </summary>
  21052. </member>
  21053. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.ConvertGridStyle">
  21054. <summary>
  21055. Indicates whether apply the style of the grid view to cells.
  21056. </summary>
  21057. </member>
  21058. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.ConvertNumericData">
  21059. <summary>
  21060. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the string value should be converted to numeric or date value.
  21061. </summary>
  21062. </member>
  21063. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.InsertRows">
  21064. <summary>
  21065. Indicates whether new rows should be added for importing data records.
  21066. </summary>
  21067. </member>
  21068. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.ShiftFirstRowDown">
  21069. <summary>
  21070. Indicates whether shifting the first row down when inserting rows.
  21071. </summary>
  21072. </member>
  21073. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.IsFieldNameShown">
  21074. <summary>
  21075. Indicates whether field name should be imported.
  21076. </summary>
  21077. </member>
  21078. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.DateFormat">
  21079. <summary>
  21080. Gets or sets date format string for cells with imported datetime values.
  21081. </summary>
  21082. </member>
  21083. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.NumberFormats">
  21084. <summary>
  21085. Gets or sets the number formats
  21086. </summary>
  21087. </member>
  21088. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.IsFormulas">
  21089. <summary>
  21090. Indicates whether the data are formulas.
  21091. </summary>
  21092. </member>
  21093. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.TotalRows">
  21094. <summary>
  21095. Gets or sets total row count to import from data source. -1 means all rows of given data source.
  21096. </summary>
  21097. </member>
  21098. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.TotalColumns">
  21099. <summary>
  21100. Gets or sets total column count to import from data source. -1 means all rows of given data source.
  21101. </summary>
  21102. </member>
  21103. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.ColumnIndexes">
  21104. <summary>
  21105. Gets or sets the columns(0-based) to import from data source. null means all columns should be imported.
  21106. </summary>
  21107. </member>
  21108. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.DefaultValues">
  21109. <summary>
  21110. Default value for the value in the table is null.
  21111. </summary>
  21112. </member>
  21113. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.IsHtmlString">
  21114. <summary>
  21115. Indicates whether the value contains html tags.
  21116. </summary>
  21117. </member>
  21118. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImportTableOptions.CheckMergedCells">
  21119. <summary>
  21120. Indicates whether checking merged cells.
  21121. </summary>
  21122. </member>
  21123. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarDisplayType">
  21124. <summary>
  21125. Represents error bar display type.
  21126. </summary>
  21127. </member>
  21128. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarDisplayType.Both">
  21129. <summary>
  21130. Both
  21131. </summary>
  21132. </member>
  21133. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarDisplayType.Minus">
  21134. <summary>
  21135. Minus
  21136. </summary>
  21137. </member>
  21138. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarDisplayType.None">
  21139. <summary>
  21140. None
  21141. </summary>
  21142. </member>
  21143. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarDisplayType.Plus">
  21144. <summary>
  21145. Plus
  21146. </summary>
  21147. </member>
  21148. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FormatSetType">
  21149. <summary>
  21150. Fill format set type.
  21151. </summary>
  21152. </member>
  21153. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FormatSetType.None">
  21154. <summary>
  21155. No Fill format.
  21156. </summary>
  21157. </member>
  21158. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FormatSetType.IsGradientSet">
  21159. <summary>
  21160. Gradient fill format.
  21161. </summary>
  21162. </member>
  21163. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FormatSetType.IsTextureSet">
  21164. <summary>
  21165. Texture fill format.
  21166. </summary>
  21167. </member>
  21168. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FormatSetType.IsPatternSet">
  21169. <summary>
  21170. Pattern fill format.
  21171. </summary>
  21172. </member>
  21173. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStopCollection">
  21174. <summary>
  21175. Represents the gradient stop collection.
  21176. </summary>
  21177. </member>
  21178. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStopCollection.Add(System.Double,Aspose.Cells.CellsColor,System.Int32)">
  21179. <summary>
  21180. Add a gradient stop.
  21181. </summary>
  21182. <param name="position">The position of the stop,in unit of percentage.</param>
  21183. <param name="color">The color of the stop.</param>
  21184. <param name="alpha">The alpha of the color.</param>
  21185. </member>
  21186. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStopCollection.Add(System.Double,System.Drawing.Color,System.Int32)">
  21187. <summary>
  21188. Add a gradient stop.
  21189. </summary>
  21190. <param name="position">The position of the stop,in unit of percentage.</param>
  21191. <param name="color">The color of the stop.</param>
  21192. <param name="alpha">The alpha of the color.</param>
  21193. </member>
  21194. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStopCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  21195. <summary>
  21196. Gets the gradient stop by the index.
  21197. </summary>
  21198. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  21199. <returns>The gradient stop.</returns>
  21200. </member>
  21201. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType">
  21202. <summary>
  21203. Represents data label position type.
  21204. </summary>
  21205. </member>
  21206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.Center">
  21207. <summary>
  21208. Applies only to bar, 2d/3d pie charts
  21209. </summary>
  21210. </member>
  21211. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.InsideBase">
  21212. <summary>
  21213. Applies only to bar, 2d/3d pie charts
  21214. </summary>
  21215. </member>
  21216. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.InsideEnd">
  21217. <summary>
  21218. Applies only to bar charts
  21219. </summary>
  21220. </member>
  21221. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.OutsideEnd">
  21222. <summary>
  21223. Applies only to bar, 2d/3d pie charts
  21224. </summary>
  21225. </member>
  21226. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.Above">
  21227. <summary>
  21228. Applies only to line charts
  21229. </summary>
  21230. </member>
  21231. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.Below">
  21232. <summary>
  21233. Applies only to line charts
  21234. </summary>
  21235. </member>
  21236. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.Left">
  21237. <summary>
  21238. Applies only to line charts
  21239. </summary>
  21240. </member>
  21241. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.Right">
  21242. <summary>
  21243. Applies only to line charts
  21244. </summary>
  21245. </member>
  21246. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.BestFit">
  21247. <summary>
  21248. Applies only to 2d/3d pie charts
  21249. </summary>
  21250. </member>
  21251. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LabelPositionType.Moved">
  21252. <summary>
  21253. User moved the data labels, Only for reading chart from template file.
  21254. </summary>
  21255. </member>
  21256. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MirrorType">
  21257. <summary>
  21258. Represents mirror type of texture fill
  21259. </summary>
  21260. </member>
  21261. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MirrorType.None">
  21262. <summary>
  21263. None
  21264. </summary>
  21265. </member>
  21266. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MirrorType.Horizonal">
  21267. <summary>
  21268. Horizonal
  21269. </summary>
  21270. </member>
  21271. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MirrorType.Vertical">
  21272. <summary>
  21273. Vertical
  21274. </summary>
  21275. </member>
  21276. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MirrorType.Both">
  21277. <summary>
  21278. Both
  21279. </summary>
  21280. </member>
  21281. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PicFormatOption">
  21282. <summary>
  21283. Represents picture format option
  21284. </summary>
  21285. </member>
  21286. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PicFormatOption.Type">
  21287. <summary>
  21288. Gets or sets the picture fill type.
  21289. </summary>
  21290. </member>
  21291. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PicFormatOption.Scale">
  21292. <summary>
  21293. Gets or sets how many the picture stack and scale with.
  21294. </summary>
  21295. </member>
  21296. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PicFormatOption.Left">
  21297. <summary>
  21298. Gets or sets the left offset for stretching picture.
  21299. </summary>
  21300. </member>
  21301. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PicFormatOption.Top">
  21302. <summary>
  21303. Gets or sets the top offset for stretching picture.
  21304. </summary>
  21305. </member>
  21306. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PicFormatOption.Bottom">
  21307. <summary>
  21308. Gets or sets the bottom offset for stretching picture.
  21309. </summary>
  21310. </member>
  21311. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PicFormatOption.Right">
  21312. <summary>
  21313. Gets or sets the right offset for stretching picture.
  21314. </summary>
  21315. </member>
  21316. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TilePicOption">
  21317. <summary>
  21318. Represents tile picture as texture.
  21319. </summary>
  21320. </member>
  21321. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TilePicOption.OffsetX">
  21322. <summary>
  21323. Gets or sets the X offset for tiling picture.
  21324. </summary>
  21325. </member>
  21326. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TilePicOption.OffsetY">
  21327. <summary>
  21328. Gets or sets the Y offset for tiling picture.
  21329. </summary>
  21330. </member>
  21331. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TilePicOption.ScaleX">
  21332. <summary>
  21333. Gets or sets the X scale for tiling picture.
  21334. </summary>
  21335. </member>
  21336. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TilePicOption.ScaleY">
  21337. <summary>
  21338. Gets or sets the Y scale for tiling picture.
  21339. </summary>
  21340. </member>
  21341. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TilePicOption.MirrorType">
  21342. <summary>
  21343. Gets or sets the mirror type for tiling.
  21344. </summary>
  21345. </member>
  21346. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TilePicOption.AlignmentType">
  21347. <summary>
  21348. Gets or sets the alignment for tiling.
  21349. </summary>
  21350. </member>
  21351. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePath">
  21352. <summary>
  21353. Represents a creation path consisting of a series of moves, lines and curves that when combined will form a geometric shape.
  21354. </summary>
  21355. </member>
  21356. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePath.#ctor">
  21357. <summary>
  21358. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePath" /> class.
  21359. </summary>
  21360. </member>
  21361. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePath.PathSegementList">
  21362. <summary>
  21363. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPathCollection" /> list
  21364. </summary>
  21365. </member>
  21366. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathCollection">
  21367. <summary>
  21368. Represents path collection information in NotPrimitive autoshape
  21369. </summary>
  21370. </member>
  21371. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathCollection.Add">
  21372. <summary>
  21373. Add a creation path.
  21374. </summary>
  21375. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePath" /> object.</returns>
  21376. </member>
  21377. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathCollection.Count">
  21378. <summary>
  21379. Gets the count of paths
  21380. </summary>
  21381. </member>
  21382. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  21383. <summary>
  21384. Gets a creation path.
  21385. </summary>
  21386. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  21387. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePath" /> object.</returns>
  21388. </member>
  21389. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPath">
  21390. <summary>
  21391. Represents a segment path in a path of the freeform.
  21392. </summary>
  21393. </member>
  21394. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPath.Type">
  21395. <summary>
  21396. Gets the path segment type
  21397. </summary>
  21398. </member>
  21399. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeSegmentPath.Points">
  21400. <summary>
  21401. Gets the points in path segment
  21402. </summary>
  21403. </member>
  21404. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType">
  21405. <summary>
  21406. Represents path segment type.
  21407. </summary>
  21408. </member>
  21409. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType.LineTo">
  21410. <summary>
  21411. Straight line segment
  21412. </summary>
  21413. </member>
  21414. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType.CubicBezierCurveTo">
  21415. <summary>
  21416. Cubic Bezier curve
  21417. </summary>
  21418. </member>
  21419. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType.MoveTo">
  21420. <summary>
  21421. Start a new path
  21422. </summary>
  21423. </member>
  21424. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType.Close">
  21425. <summary>
  21426. If the starting POINT and the end POINT are not the same, a single
  21427. straight line is drawn to connect the starting POINT and ending POINT of the path.
  21428. </summary>
  21429. </member>
  21430. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType.End">
  21431. <summary>
  21432. The end of the current path
  21433. </summary>
  21434. </member>
  21435. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType.Escape">
  21436. <summary>
  21437. Escape
  21438. </summary>
  21439. </member>
  21440. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType.ArcTo">
  21441. <summary>
  21442. An arc
  21443. </summary>
  21444. </member>
  21445. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePathType.Unknown">
  21446. <summary>
  21447. Unknown
  21448. </summary>
  21449. </member>
  21450. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOptionCollection">
  21451. <summary>
  21452. Represents all error check option.
  21453. </summary>
  21454. </member>
  21455. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOptionCollection.Add">
  21456. <summary>
  21457. Add an error check option.
  21458. </summary>
  21459. <returns>
  21460. </returns>
  21461. </member>
  21462. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOptionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  21463. <summary>
  21464. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption" /> object by the given index.
  21465. </summary>
  21466. <param name="index">The index</param>
  21467. <returns>Return <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption" /> object </returns>
  21468. </member>
  21469. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption">
  21470. <summary>
  21471. Error check setting applied on certain ranges.
  21472. </summary>
  21473. <example>
  21474. <code>
  21475. [C#]
  21476. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  21477. ErrorCheckOptionCollection opts = workbook.Worksheets[0].ErrorCheckOptions;
  21478. int optionIdx = opts.Add();
  21479. ErrorCheckOption opt = opts[optionIdx];
  21480. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.InconsistFormula, false);
  21481. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.InconsistRange, false);
  21482. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.TextDate, false);
  21483. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.TextNumber, false);
  21484. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.Validation, false);
  21485. opt.AddRange(CellArea.CreateCellArea("A1", "B10"));
  21486. workbook.Save(@"D:\Filetemp\Book1.xlsx");
  21487. [Visual Basic]
  21488. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  21489. Dim opts As ErrorCheckOptionCollection = workbook.Worksheets(0).ErrorCheckOptions
  21490. Dim optionIdx As Integer = opts.Add()
  21491. Dim opt As ErrorCheckOption = opts(optionIdx)
  21492. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.InconsistFormula, False)
  21493. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.InconsistRange, False)
  21494. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.TextDate, False)
  21495. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.TextNumber, False)
  21496. opt.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.Validation, False)
  21497. opt.AddRange(CellArea.CreateCellArea("A1", "B10"))
  21498. workbook.Save("D:\Filetemp\Book1.xlsx")
  21499. </code>
  21500. </example>
  21501. </member>
  21502. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption.IsErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType)">
  21503. <summary>
  21504. Checks whether given error type will be checked.
  21505. </summary>
  21506. <param name="errorCheckType">error type can be checked</param>
  21507. <returns>return true if given error type will be checked(green triangle will be shown for cell if the check failed).</returns>
  21508. </member>
  21509. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption.SetErrorCheck(Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType,System.Boolean)">
  21510. <summary>
  21511. Sets whether given error type will be checked.
  21512. </summary>
  21513. <param name="errorCheckType">error type can be checked.</param>
  21514. <param name="isCheck">true if given error type needs to be checked(green triangle will be shown for cell if the check failed).</param>
  21515. </member>
  21516. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption.GetCountOfRange">
  21517. <summary>
  21518. Gets the count of ranges that influenced by this setting.
  21519. </summary>
  21520. <returns>the count of ranges that influenced by this setting.</returns>
  21521. </member>
  21522. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption.AddRange(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  21523. <summary>
  21524. Adds one influenced range by this setting.
  21525. </summary>
  21526. <param name="ca">the range to be added.</param>
  21527. <returns>the index of the added range in the range list of this setting.</returns>
  21528. </member>
  21529. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption.GetRange(System.Int32)">
  21530. <summary>
  21531. Gets the influenced range of this setting by given index.
  21532. </summary>
  21533. <param name="index">the index of range</param>
  21534. <returns>return influenced range at given index.</returns>
  21535. </member>
  21536. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckOption.RemoveRange(System.Int32)">
  21537. <summary>
  21538. Removes one range by given index.
  21539. </summary>
  21540. <param name="index">the index of the range to be removed.</param>
  21541. </member>
  21542. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType">
  21543. <summary>
  21544. Represents all error check type.
  21545. </summary>
  21546. </member>
  21547. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.Calc">
  21548. <summary>
  21549. check for calculation errors
  21550. </summary>
  21551. </member>
  21552. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.EmptyCellRef">
  21553. <summary>
  21554. check for references to empty cells
  21555. </summary>
  21556. </member>
  21557. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.TextNumber">
  21558. <summary>
  21559. check the format of numeric values
  21560. </summary>
  21561. </member>
  21562. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.InconsistRange">
  21563. <summary>
  21564. check formulas with references to less than the entirety
  21565. of a range containing continuous data
  21566. </summary>
  21567. </member>
  21568. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.InconsistFormula">
  21569. <summary>
  21570. check formulas that are inconsistent with formulas in neighboring cells.
  21571. </summary>
  21572. </member>
  21573. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.TextDate">
  21574. <summary>
  21575. check the format of date/time values
  21576. </summary>
  21577. </member>
  21578. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.UnproctedFormula">
  21579. <summary>
  21580. check for unprotected formulas
  21581. </summary>
  21582. </member>
  21583. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.Validation">
  21584. <summary>
  21585. whether to perform data validation
  21586. </summary>
  21587. </member>
  21588. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ErrorCheckType.CalculatedColumn">
  21589. <summary>
  21590. Ignore errors when cells contain a value different from a calculated column formula.
  21591. </summary>
  21592. </member>
  21593. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.InterruptMonitor">
  21594. <summary>
  21595. Represents all operator about the interrupt.
  21596. </summary>
  21597. </member>
  21598. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.InterruptMonitor.Interrupt">
  21599. <summary>
  21600. Interrupt the current operator.
  21601. </summary>
  21602. </member>
  21603. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.License">
  21604. <summary>
  21605. Provides methods to license the component.
  21606. </summary>
  21607. <example>
  21608. In this example, an attempt will be made to find a license file named MyLicense.lic
  21609. in the folder that contains
  21610. the component, in the folder that contains the calling assembly,
  21611. in the folder of the entry assembly and then in the embedded resources of the calling assembly.
  21612. <code>
  21613. [C#]
  21614. License license = new License();
  21615. license.SetLicense("MyLicense.lic");
  21616. [Visual Basic]
  21617. Dim license As license = New license
  21618. License.SetLicense("MyLicense.lic")
  21619. </code></example>
  21620. </member>
  21621. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.License.#ctor">
  21622. <summary>
  21623. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  21624. </summary>
  21625. <example>
  21626. In this example, an attempt will be made to find a license file named MyLicense.lic
  21627. in the folder that contains
  21628. the component, in the folder that contains the calling assembly,
  21629. in the folder of the entry assembly and then in the embedded resources of the calling assembly.
  21630. <code>
  21631. [C#]
  21632. License license = new License();
  21633. license.SetLicense("MyLicense.lic");
  21634. [Visual Basic]
  21635. Dim license As license = New license
  21636. License.SetLicense("MyLicense.lic")
  21637. </code></example>
  21638. </member>
  21639. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.License.SetLicense(System.String)">
  21640. <summary>
  21641. Licenses the component.
  21642. </summary>
  21643. <remarks>
  21644. <p>Tries to find the license in the following locations:</p>
  21645. <p>1. Explicit path.</p>
  21646. <p>2. The folder that contains the Aspose component assembly.</p>
  21647. <p>3. The folder that contains the client's calling assembly.</p>
  21648. <p>4. The folder that contains the entry (startup) assembly.</p>
  21649. <p>5. An embedded resource in the client's calling assembly.</p>
  21650. <p>
  21651. <b>Note:</b>On the .NET Compact Framework, tries to find the license only in these locations:</p>
  21652. <p>1. Explicit path.</p>
  21653. <p>2. An embedded resource in the client's calling assembly.</p>
  21654. </remarks>
  21655. <example>
  21656. In this example, an attempt will be made to find a license file named MyLicense.lic
  21657. in the folder that contains
  21658. the component, in the folder that contains the calling assembly,
  21659. in the folder of the entry assembly and then in the embedded resources of the calling assembly.
  21660. <code>
  21661. [C#]
  21662. License license = new License();
  21663. license.SetLicense("MyLicense.lic");
  21664. [Visual Basic]
  21665. Dim license As License = New License
  21666. license.SetLicense("MyLicense.lic")
  21667. </code><param name="licenseName">Can be a full or short file name or name of an embedded resource.
  21668. Use an empty string to switch to evaluation mode.</param></example>
  21669. </member>
  21670. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.License.SetLicense(System.IO.Stream)">
  21671. <summary>
  21672. Licenses the component.
  21673. </summary>
  21674. <param name="stream">A stream that contains the license.</param>
  21675. <remarks>
  21676. <p>Use this method to load a license from a stream.</p>
  21677. </remarks>
  21678. <example>
  21679. <code>
  21680. [C#]
  21681. License license = new License();
  21682. license.SetLicense(myStream);
  21683. [Visual Basic]
  21684. Dim license as License = new License
  21685. license.SetLicense(myStream)
  21686. </code>
  21687. </example>
  21688. </member>
  21689. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat">
  21690. <summary>
  21691. Represents the load file format.
  21692. </summary>
  21693. </member>
  21694. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.Auto">
  21695. <summary>
  21696. Represents recognizing the format automatically.
  21697. </summary>
  21698. </member>
  21699. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.CSV">
  21700. <summary>
  21701. Represents a CSV file.
  21702. </summary>
  21703. </member>
  21704. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.Xlsx">
  21705. <summary>
  21706. Represents Office Open XML spreadsheetML workbook or template, with or without macros.
  21707. </summary>
  21708. </member>
  21709. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.TSV">
  21710. <summary>
  21711. Represents a TSV(tab-separated values file) file.
  21712. </summary>
  21713. </member>
  21714. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.TabDelimited">
  21715. <summary>
  21716. Represents a tab delimited text file, same with <see cref="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.TSV" />.
  21717. </summary>
  21718. </member>
  21719. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.Html">
  21720. <summary>
  21721. Represents a html file.
  21722. </summary>
  21723. </member>
  21724. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.MHtml">
  21725. <summary>
  21726. Represents a mhtml file.
  21727. </summary>
  21728. </member>
  21729. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.ODS">
  21730. <summary>
  21731. Represents a ods file.
  21732. </summary>
  21733. </member>
  21734. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.Excel97To2003">
  21735. <summary>
  21736. Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.
  21737. </summary>
  21738. </member>
  21739. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.SpreadsheetML">
  21740. <summary>
  21741. Represents an Excel 2003 xml file.
  21742. </summary>
  21743. </member>
  21744. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.Xlsb">
  21745. <summary>
  21746. Represents an xlsb file.
  21747. </summary>
  21748. </member>
  21749. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.Numbers">
  21750. <summary>
  21751. Represents a numbers file.
  21752. </summary>
  21753. </member>
  21754. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.FODS">
  21755. <summary>
  21756. Represents the flat ods file.
  21757. </summary>
  21758. </member>
  21759. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.SXC">
  21760. <summary>
  21761. Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
  21762. </summary>
  21763. </member>
  21764. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat.Unknown">
  21765. <summary>
  21766. Represents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.
  21767. </summary>
  21768. </member>
  21769. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions">
  21770. <summary>
  21771. Represents the options for loading text file.
  21772. </summary>
  21773. </member>
  21774. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.#ctor">
  21775. <summary>
  21776. Creates the options for loading text file.
  21777. </summary>
  21778. <remarks>The default load file type is CSV .</remarks>
  21779. </member>
  21780. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat)">
  21781. <summary>
  21782. Creates the options for loading text file.
  21783. </summary>
  21784. <param name="loadFormat">The loading format</param>
  21785. </member>
  21786. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.Separator">
  21787. <summary>
  21788. Gets and sets character separator of text file.
  21789. </summary>
  21790. </member>
  21791. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.SeparatorString">
  21792. <summary>
  21793. Gets and sets the a string value as separator.
  21794. </summary>
  21795. </member>
  21796. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.IsMultiEncoded">
  21797. <summary>
  21798. True means that the file contains several encoding.
  21799. </summary>
  21800. </member>
  21801. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.PreferredParsers">
  21802. <summary>
  21803. Gets and sets preferred value parsers for loading text file.
  21804. </summary>
  21805. <remarks>
  21806. parsers[0] is the parser will be used for the first column in text template file,
  21807. parsers[1] is the parser will be used for the second column, ...etc.
  21808. The last one(parsers[parsers.length-1]) will be used for all other columns start from parsers.length-1.
  21809. If one item is null, the corresponding column will be parsed by the default parser of Aspose.Cells.
  21810. </remarks>
  21811. </member>
  21812. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.HasFormula">
  21813. <summary>
  21814. Indicates whether the text is formula if it starts with "=".
  21815. </summary>
  21816. </member>
  21817. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.HasTextQualifier">
  21818. <summary>
  21819. Whether there is text qualifier for cell value. Default is true.
  21820. </summary>
  21821. </member>
  21822. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.TextQualifier">
  21823. <summary>
  21824. Specifies the text qualifier for cell values. Default qualifier is '"'.
  21825. </summary>
  21826. <remarks>When setting this property, <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.HasTextQualifier" /> will become true automatically.</remarks>
  21827. </member>
  21828. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtLoadOptions.TreatConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne">
  21829. <summary>
  21830. Whether consecutive delimiters should be treated as one.
  21831. </summary>
  21832. </member>
  21833. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatScopeType">
  21834. <summary>
  21835. Represents PivotTable condition formatting scope type.
  21836. </summary>
  21837. </member>
  21838. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatScopeType.Data">
  21839. <summary>
  21840. Indicates that conditional formatting is applied to the selected data fields.
  21841. </summary>
  21842. </member>
  21843. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatScopeType.Field">
  21844. <summary>
  21845. Indicates that conditional formatting is applied to the selected PivotTable field intersections.
  21846. </summary>
  21847. </member>
  21848. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotConditionFormatScopeType.Selection">
  21849. <summary>
  21850. Indicates that conditional formatting is applied to the selected cells.
  21851. </summary>
  21852. </member>
  21853. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter">
  21854. <summary>
  21855. Represents a PivotFilter in PivotFilter Collection.
  21856. </summary>
  21857. </member>
  21858. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.AutoFilter">
  21859. <summary>
  21860. Gets the autofilter of the pivot filter.
  21861. </summary>
  21862. </member>
  21863. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.FilterType">
  21864. <summary>
  21865. Gets the autofilter type of the pivot filter.
  21866. </summary>
  21867. </member>
  21868. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.FieldIndex">
  21869. <summary>
  21870. Gets the field index of the pivot filter.
  21871. </summary>
  21872. </member>
  21873. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.Value1">
  21874. <summary>
  21875. Gets the string value1 of the label pivot filter.
  21876. </summary>
  21877. </member>
  21878. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.Value2">
  21879. <summary>
  21880. Gets the string value2 of the label pivot filter.
  21881. </summary>
  21882. </member>
  21883. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.MeasureFldIndex">
  21884. <summary>
  21885. Gets the measure field index of the pivot filter.
  21886. </summary>
  21887. </member>
  21888. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.MemberPropertyFieldIndex">
  21889. <summary>
  21890. Gets the member property field index of the pivot filter.
  21891. </summary>
  21892. </member>
  21893. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.Name">
  21894. <summary>
  21895. Gets the name of the pivot filter.
  21896. </summary>
  21897. </member>
  21898. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilter.EvaluationOrder">
  21899. <summary>
  21900. Gets the Evaluation Order of the pivot filter.
  21901. </summary>
  21902. </member>
  21903. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterCollection">
  21904. <summary>
  21905. Represents a collection of all the PivotFilter objects
  21906. </summary>
  21907. </member>
  21908. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterCollection.Add(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType)">
  21909. <summary>
  21910. Adds a PivotFilter Object to the specific type
  21911. </summary>
  21912. <param name="fieldIndex">the PivotField index </param>
  21913. <param name="type">the PivotFilter type </param>
  21914. <returns>the index of the PivotFilter Object in this PivotFilterCollection.</returns>
  21915. </member>
  21916. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterCollection.ClearFilter(System.Int32)">
  21917. <summary>
  21918. Clear PivotFilter from the specific PivotField
  21919. </summary>
  21920. <param name="fieldIndex">the PivotField index </param>
  21921. </member>
  21922. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  21923. <summary>
  21924. Gets the pivotfilter object at the specific index.
  21925. </summary>
  21926. </member>
  21927. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType">
  21928. <summary>
  21929. Represents PivotTable Filter type.
  21930. </summary>
  21931. </member>
  21932. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionBeginsWith">
  21933. <summary>
  21934. Indicates the "begins with" filter for field captions.
  21935. </summary>
  21936. </member>
  21937. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionBetween">
  21938. <summary>
  21939. Indicates the "is between" filter for field captions.
  21940. </summary>
  21941. </member>
  21942. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionContains">
  21943. <summary>
  21944. Indicates the "contains" filter for field captions.
  21945. </summary>
  21946. </member>
  21947. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionEndsWith">
  21948. <summary>
  21949. Indicates the "ends with" filter for field captions.
  21950. </summary>
  21951. </member>
  21952. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionEqual">
  21953. <summary>
  21954. Indicates the "equal" filter for field captions.
  21955. </summary>
  21956. </member>
  21957. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionGreaterThan">
  21958. <summary>
  21959. Indicates the "is greater than" filter for field captions.
  21960. </summary>
  21961. </member>
  21962. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionGreaterThanOrEqual">
  21963. <summary>
  21964. Indicates the "is greater than or equal to" filter for field captions.
  21965. </summary>
  21966. </member>
  21967. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionLessThan">
  21968. <summary>
  21969. Indicates the "is less than" filter for field captions.
  21970. </summary>
  21971. </member>
  21972. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionLessThanOrEqual">
  21973. <summary>
  21974. Indicates the "is less than or equal to" filter for field captions.
  21975. </summary>
  21976. </member>
  21977. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionNotBeginsWith">
  21978. <summary>
  21979. Indicates the "does not begin with" filter for field captions.
  21980. </summary>
  21981. </member>
  21982. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionNotBetween">
  21983. <summary>
  21984. Indicates the "is not between" filter for field captions.
  21985. </summary>
  21986. </member>
  21987. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionNotContains">
  21988. <summary>
  21989. Indicates the "does not contain" filter for field captions.
  21990. </summary>
  21991. </member>
  21992. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionNotEndsWith">
  21993. <summary>
  21994. Indicates the "does not end with" filter for field captions.
  21995. </summary>
  21996. </member>
  21997. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.CaptionNotEqual">
  21998. <summary>
  21999. Indicates the "not equal" filter for field captions.
  22000. </summary>
  22001. </member>
  22002. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Count">
  22003. <summary>
  22004. Indicates the "count" filter.
  22005. </summary>
  22006. </member>
  22007. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.DateBetween">
  22008. <summary>
  22009. Indicates the "between" filter for date values.
  22010. </summary>
  22011. </member>
  22012. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.DateEqual">
  22013. <summary>
  22014. Indicates the "equals" filter for date values.
  22015. </summary>
  22016. </member>
  22017. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.DateNewerThan">
  22018. <summary>
  22019. Indicates the "newer than" filter for date values.
  22020. </summary>
  22021. </member>
  22022. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.DateNewerThanOrEqual">
  22023. <summary>
  22024. Indicates the "newer than or equal to" filter for date values.
  22025. </summary>
  22026. </member>
  22027. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.DateNotBetween">
  22028. <summary>
  22029. Indicates the "not between" filter for date values.
  22030. </summary>
  22031. </member>
  22032. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.DateNotEqual">
  22033. <summary>
  22034. Indicates the "does not equal" filter for date values.
  22035. </summary>
  22036. </member>
  22037. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.DateOlderThan">
  22038. <summary>
  22039. Indicates the "older than" filter for date values.
  22040. </summary>
  22041. </member>
  22042. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.DateOlderThanOrEqual">
  22043. <summary>
  22044. Indicates the "older than or equal to" filter for date values.
  22045. </summary>
  22046. </member>
  22047. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.LastMonth">
  22048. <summary>
  22049. Indicates the "last month" filter for date values.
  22050. </summary>
  22051. </member>
  22052. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.LastQuarter">
  22053. <summary>
  22054. Indicates the "last quarter" filter for date values.
  22055. </summary>
  22056. </member>
  22057. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.LastWeek">
  22058. <summary>
  22059. Indicates the "last week" filter for date values.
  22060. </summary>
  22061. </member>
  22062. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.LastYear">
  22063. <summary>
  22064. Indicates the "last year" filter for date values.
  22065. </summary>
  22066. </member>
  22067. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M1">
  22068. <summary>
  22069. Indicates the "January" filter for date values.
  22070. </summary>
  22071. </member>
  22072. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M2">
  22073. <summary>
  22074. Indicates the "February" filter for date values.
  22075. </summary>
  22076. </member>
  22077. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M3">
  22078. <summary>
  22079. Indicates the "March" filter for date values.
  22080. </summary>
  22081. </member>
  22082. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M4">
  22083. <summary>
  22084. Indicates the "April" filter for date values.
  22085. </summary>
  22086. </member>
  22087. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M5">
  22088. <summary>
  22089. Indicates the "May" filter for date values.
  22090. </summary>
  22091. </member>
  22092. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M6">
  22093. <summary>
  22094. Indicates the "June" filter for date values.
  22095. </summary>
  22096. </member>
  22097. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M7">
  22098. <summary>
  22099. Indicates the "July" filter for date values.
  22100. </summary>
  22101. </member>
  22102. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M8">
  22103. <summary>
  22104. Indicates the "August" filter for date values.
  22105. </summary>
  22106. </member>
  22107. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M9">
  22108. <summary>
  22109. Indicates the "September" filter for date values.
  22110. </summary>
  22111. </member>
  22112. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M10">
  22113. <summary>
  22114. Indicates the "October" filter for date values.
  22115. </summary>
  22116. </member>
  22117. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M11">
  22118. <summary>
  22119. Indicates the "November" filter for date values.
  22120. </summary>
  22121. </member>
  22122. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.M12">
  22123. <summary>
  22124. Indicates the "December" filter for date values.
  22125. </summary>
  22126. </member>
  22127. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.NextMonth">
  22128. <summary>
  22129. Indicates the "next month" filter for date values.
  22130. </summary>
  22131. </member>
  22132. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.NextQuarter">
  22133. <summary>
  22134. Indicates the "next quarter" for date values.
  22135. </summary>
  22136. </member>
  22137. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.NextWeek">
  22138. <summary>
  22139. Indicates the "next week" for date values.
  22140. </summary>
  22141. </member>
  22142. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.NextYear">
  22143. <summary>
  22144. Indicates the "next year" filter for date values.
  22145. </summary>
  22146. </member>
  22147. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Percent">
  22148. <summary>
  22149. Indicates the "percent" filter for numeric values.
  22150. </summary>
  22151. </member>
  22152. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Q1">
  22153. <summary>
  22154. Indicates the "first quarter" filter for date values.
  22155. </summary>
  22156. </member>
  22157. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Q2">
  22158. <summary>
  22159. Indicates the "second quarter" filter for date values.
  22160. </summary>
  22161. </member>
  22162. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Q3">
  22163. <summary>
  22164. Indicates the "third quarter" filter for date values.
  22165. </summary>
  22166. </member>
  22167. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Q4">
  22168. <summary>
  22169. Indicates the "fourth quarter" filter for date values.
  22170. </summary>
  22171. </member>
  22172. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Sum">
  22173. <summary>
  22174. Indicates the "sum" filter for numeric values.
  22175. </summary>
  22176. </member>
  22177. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ThisMonth">
  22178. <summary>
  22179. Indicates the "this month" filter for date values.
  22180. </summary>
  22181. </member>
  22182. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ThisQuarter">
  22183. <summary>
  22184. Indicates the "this quarter" filter for date values.
  22185. </summary>
  22186. </member>
  22187. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ThisWeek">
  22188. <summary>
  22189. Indicates the "this week" filter for date values.
  22190. </summary>
  22191. </member>
  22192. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ThisYear">
  22193. <summary>
  22194. Indicate the "this year" filter for date values.
  22195. </summary>
  22196. </member>
  22197. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Today">
  22198. <summary>
  22199. Indicates the "today" filter for date values.
  22200. </summary>
  22201. </member>
  22202. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Tomorrow">
  22203. <summary>
  22204. Indicates the "tomorrow" filter for date values.
  22205. </summary>
  22206. </member>
  22207. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Unknown">
  22208. <summary>
  22209. Indicates the PivotTable filter is unknown to the application.
  22210. </summary>
  22211. </member>
  22212. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ValueBetween">
  22213. <summary>
  22214. Indicates the "Value between" filter for text and numeric values.
  22215. </summary>
  22216. </member>
  22217. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ValueEqual">
  22218. <summary>
  22219. Indicates the "value equal" filter for text and numeric values.
  22220. </summary>
  22221. </member>
  22222. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ValueGreaterThan">
  22223. <summary>
  22224. Indicates the "value greater than" filter for text and numeric values.
  22225. </summary>
  22226. </member>
  22227. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ValueGreaterThanOrEqual">
  22228. <summary>
  22229. Indicates the "value greater than or equal to" filter for text and numeric values.
  22230. </summary>
  22231. </member>
  22232. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ValueLessThan">
  22233. <summary>
  22234. Indicates the "value less than" filter for text and numeric values.
  22235. </summary>
  22236. </member>
  22237. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ValueLessThanOrEqual">
  22238. <summary>
  22239. Indicates the "value less than or equal to" filter for text and numeric values.
  22240. </summary>
  22241. </member>
  22242. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ValueNotBetween">
  22243. <summary>
  22244. Indicates the "value not between" filter for text and numeric values.
  22245. </summary>
  22246. </member>
  22247. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.ValueNotEqual">
  22248. <summary>
  22249. Indicates the "value not equal" filter for text and numeric values.
  22250. </summary>
  22251. </member>
  22252. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.YearToDate">
  22253. <summary>
  22254. Indicates the "year-to-date" filter for date values.
  22255. </summary>
  22256. </member>
  22257. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFilterType.Yesterday">
  22258. <summary>
  22259. Indicates the "yesterday" filter for date values.
  22260. </summary>
  22261. </member>
  22262. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFormatCondition">
  22263. <summary>
  22264. Represents a PivotTable Format Condition in PivotFormatCondition Collection.
  22265. </summary>
  22266. </member>
  22267. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFormatCondition.ScopeType">
  22268. <summary>
  22269. Get and set scope type for the pivot table condition format .
  22270. </summary>
  22271. </member>
  22272. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFormatCondition.RuleType">
  22273. <summary>
  22274. Get and set rule type for the pivot table condition format .
  22275. </summary>
  22276. </member>
  22277. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFormatCondition.FormatConditions">
  22278. <summary>
  22279. Get formatconditions for the pivot table condition format .
  22280. </summary>
  22281. </member>
  22282. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFormatConditionCollection">
  22283. <summary>
  22284. Represents PivotTable Format Conditions.
  22285. </summary>
  22286. </member>
  22287. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFormatConditionCollection.Add">
  22288. <summary>
  22289. Adds a pivot FormatCondition to the collection.
  22290. </summary>
  22291. <returns>pivot FormatCondition object index.</returns>
  22292. <remarks>not supported</remarks>
  22293. </member>
  22294. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFormatConditionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  22295. <summary>
  22296. Gets the pivot FormatCondition object at the specific index.
  22297. </summary>
  22298. <returns>pivot FormatCondition object.</returns>
  22299. </member>
  22300. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotMissingItemLimitType">
  22301. <summary>
  22302. Represents number of items to retain per field.
  22303. </summary>
  22304. </member>
  22305. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotMissingItemLimitType.Automatic">
  22306. <summary>
  22307. The default number of unique items per PivotField allowed.
  22308. </summary>
  22309. </member>
  22310. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotMissingItemLimitType.Max">
  22311. <summary>
  22312. The maximum number of unique items per PivotField allowed (&gt;32,500).
  22313. </summary>
  22314. </member>
  22315. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotMissingItemLimitType.None">
  22316. <summary>
  22317. No unique items per PivotField allowed.
  22318. </summary>
  22319. </member>
  22320. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DifSaveOptions">
  22321. <summary>
  22322. Represents the options of saving dif file.
  22323. </summary>
  22324. </member>
  22325. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DifSaveOptions.#ctor">
  22326. <summary>
  22327. Creates the options for saving DIF file.
  22328. </summary>
  22329. </member>
  22330. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ImageSaveOptions">
  22331. <summary>
  22332. Represents image save options
  22333. </summary>
  22334. </member>
  22335. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ImageSaveOptions.#ctor">
  22336. <summary>
  22337. Creates the options for saving image file.
  22338. </summary>
  22339. </member>
  22340. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ImageSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  22341. <summary>
  22342. Creates the options for saving image file.
  22343. </summary>
  22344. <param name="saveFormat">The file format.
  22345. It must be tiff or svg.</param>
  22346. </member>
  22347. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ImageSaveOptions.ImageOrPrintOptions">
  22348. <summary>
  22349. Additional image creation options
  22350. </summary>
  22351. </member>
  22352. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.SvgSaveOptions">
  22353. <summary>
  22354. Represents Svg save options
  22355. </summary>
  22356. </member>
  22357. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.SvgSaveOptions.#ctor">
  22358. <summary>
  22359. Creates the options for saving svg file.
  22360. </summary>
  22361. </member>
  22362. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.SvgSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  22363. <summary>
  22364. Creates the options for saving svg file.
  22365. </summary>
  22366. <param name="saveFormat">The file format.
  22367. It must be svg.</param>
  22368. </member>
  22369. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SvgSaveOptions.SheetIndex">
  22370. <summary>
  22371. Gets and sets which worksheet should be exported.
  22372. If the value is -1, the active worksheet will be exported.
  22373. </summary>
  22374. </member>
  22375. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.SortOnType">
  22376. <summary>
  22377. Sorted value type.
  22378. </summary>
  22379. </member>
  22380. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SortOnType.Value">
  22381. <summary>
  22382. Sorts by cells' value.
  22383. </summary>
  22384. </member>
  22385. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SortOnType.CellColor">
  22386. <summary>
  22387. Sorts by cells' color.
  22388. </summary>
  22389. </member>
  22390. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SortOnType.FontColor">
  22391. <summary>
  22392. Sorts by cells' font color.
  22393. </summary>
  22394. </member>
  22395. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SortOnType.Icon">
  22396. <summary>
  22397. Sorts by conditional icon.
  22398. </summary>
  22399. </member>
  22400. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner">
  22401. <summary>
  22402. Encapsulates the object that represents a designer spreadsheet.
  22403. </summary>
  22404. <example>
  22405. <code>
  22406. [C#]
  22407. //Create a connection object, specify the provider info and set the data source.
  22408. OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=d:\\test\\Northwind.mdb");
  22409. //Open the connection object.
  22410. con.Open();
  22411. //Create a command object and specify the SQL query.
  22412. OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("Select * from [Order Details]", con);
  22413. //Create a data adapter object.
  22414. OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter();
  22415. //Specify the command.
  22416. da.SelectCommand = cmd;
  22417. //Create a dataset object.
  22418. DataSet ds = new DataSet();
  22419. //Fill the dataset with the table records.
  22420. da.Fill(ds, "Order Details");
  22421. //Create a datatable with respect to dataset table.
  22422. DataTable dt = ds.Tables["Order Details"];
  22423. //Create WorkbookDesigner object.
  22424. WorkbookDesigner wd = new WorkbookDesigner();
  22425. //Open the template file (which contains smart markers).
  22426. wd.Open("D:\\test\\SmartMarker_Designer.xls");
  22427. //Set the datatable as the data source.
  22428. wd.SetDataSource(dt);
  22429. //Process the smart markers to fill the data into the worksheets.
  22430. wd.Process(true);
  22431. //Save the excel file.
  22432. wd.Workbook.Save("D:\\test\\outSmartMarker_Designer.xls");
  22433. [Visual Basic]
  22434. 'Create a connection object, specify the provider info and set the data source.
  22435. Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=d:\test\Northwind.mdb")
  22436. 'Open the connection object.
  22437. con.Open()
  22438. 'Create a command object and specify the SQL query.
  22439. Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("Select * from [Order Details]", con)
  22440. 'Create a data adapter object.
  22441. Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
  22442. 'Specify the command.
  22443. da.SelectCommand = cmd
  22444. 'Create a dataset object.
  22445. Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()
  22446. 'Fill the dataset with the table records.
  22447. da.Fill(ds, "Order Details")
  22448. 'Create a datatable with respect to dataset table.
  22449. Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables("Order Details")
  22450. 'Create WorkbookDesigner object.
  22451. Dim wd As WorkbookDesigner = New WorkbookDesigner()
  22452. 'Open the template file (which contains smart markers).
  22453. wd.Open("D:\test\SmartMarker_Designer.xls")
  22454. 'Set the datatable as the data source.
  22455. wd.SetDataSource(dt)
  22456. 'Process the smart markers to fill the data into the worksheets.
  22457. wd.Process(True)
  22458. 'Save the excel file.
  22459. wd.Workbook.Save("D:\test\outSmartMarker_Designer.xls")
  22460. </code>
  22461. </example>
  22462. </member>
  22463. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.#ctor">
  22464. <summary>
  22465. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner" /> class.
  22466. </summary>
  22467. </member>
  22468. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.Workbook)">
  22469. <summary>
  22470. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner" /> class.
  22471. </summary>
  22472. <param name="workbook">
  22473. The template workbook file.
  22474. </param>
  22475. </member>
  22476. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.ClearDataSource">
  22477. <summary>
  22478. Clears all data sources.
  22479. </summary>
  22480. </member>
  22481. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.Data.DataSet)">
  22482. <summary>
  22483. Sets data source of a DataSet object.
  22484. </summary>
  22485. <param name="dataSet">DataSet object</param>
  22486. </member>
  22487. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.Data.DataTable)">
  22488. <summary>
  22489. Sets data source of a DataTable object.
  22490. </summary>
  22491. <param name="dataTable">DataTable object</param>
  22492. </member>
  22493. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.String,Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable)">
  22494. <summary>
  22495. Sets data source of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ICellsDataTable" /> object.
  22496. </summary>
  22497. <param name="name">The name of the table.</param>
  22498. <param name="dataTable">DataTable object</param>
  22499. </member>
  22500. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.String,System.Data.DataView)">
  22501. <summary>
  22502. Sets data source of a DataView object and binds it to a data source name.
  22503. </summary>
  22504. <param name="dataSourceName">Data source name.</param>
  22505. <param name="dataView">DataView object.</param>
  22506. </member>
  22507. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.Data.DataView)">
  22508. <summary>
  22509. Sets data source of a DataView object.
  22510. </summary>
  22511. <param name="dataView">DataView object</param>
  22512. </member>
  22513. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.String,System.Data.IDataReader,System.Int32)">
  22514. <summary>
  22515. Sets data source of a IDataReader object.
  22516. </summary>
  22517. <param name="name">The data source map name.</param>
  22518. <param name="dataReader">IDataReader object</param>
  22519. <param name="rowCount">The number of the data rows.
  22520. If the smart marker does not contains "noadd",
  22521. we have to insert rows by the row count for performance issue and dynamic repeated formulas.
  22522. -1 means the param is useless.
  22523. </param>
  22524. </member>
  22525. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.String,System.Object)">
  22526. <summary>
  22527. Sets data binding to a variable.
  22528. </summary>
  22529. <param name="variable">Variable name created using smart marker.</param>
  22530. <param name="data">Source data.</param>
  22531. </member>
  22532. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.String,System.Object[])">
  22533. <summary>
  22534. Sets data array binding to a variable.
  22535. </summary>
  22536. <param name="variable">Variable name created using smart marker.</param>
  22537. <param name="dataArray">Source data array.</param>
  22538. </member>
  22539. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.Process">
  22540. <summary>
  22541. Processes the smart markers and populates the data source values.
  22542. </summary>
  22543. </member>
  22544. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.Process(System.Boolean)">
  22545. <summary>
  22546. Processes the smart markers and populates the data source values.
  22547. </summary>
  22548. <param name="isPreserved">True if the unrecognized smart marker is preserved.</param>
  22549. </member>
  22550. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.Process(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  22551. <summary>
  22552. Processes the smart markers and populates the data source values.
  22553. </summary>
  22554. <param name="sheetIndex">Worksheet index.</param>
  22555. <param name="isPreserved">True if the unrecognized smart marker is preserved.</param>
  22556. <remarks>This method works on worksheet level.</remarks>
  22557. </member>
  22558. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.GetSmartMarkers">
  22559. <summary>
  22560. Returns a collection of smart markers in a spreadsheet.
  22561. </summary>
  22562. <returns>A collection of smart markers</returns>
  22563. <remarks>A string array is created on every call. The array is sorted and duplicated values are removed.</remarks>
  22564. </member>
  22565. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection)">
  22566. <summary>
  22567. Sets data source of a OleDbConnection object.
  22568. </summary>
  22569. <param name="connection">OleDbConnection object</param>
  22570. </member>
  22571. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.SetDataSource(System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)">
  22572. <summary>
  22573. Sets data source of a SqlConnection object.
  22574. </summary>
  22575. <param name="connection">SqlConnection object</param>
  22576. </member>
  22577. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.Workbook">
  22578. <summary>
  22579. Gets and sets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.Workbook" /> object.
  22580. </summary>
  22581. </member>
  22582. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.RepeatFormulasWithSubtotal">
  22583. <summary>
  22584. Indicates whether repeating formulas with subtotal row.
  22585. </summary>
  22586. </member>
  22587. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.UpdateEmptyStringAsNull">
  22588. <summary>
  22589. If TRUE, Null will be inserted if the value is "";
  22590. </summary>
  22591. </member>
  22592. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.UpdateReference">
  22593. <summary>
  22594. Indicates if references in other worksheets will be updated.
  22595. </summary>
  22596. </member>
  22597. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.CalculateFormula">
  22598. <summary>
  22599. Indicates whether formulas should be calculated.
  22600. </summary>
  22601. </member>
  22602. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.WorkbookDesigner.CallBack">
  22603. <summary>
  22604. Gets and sets callback interface of processing smartmarker.
  22605. </summary>
  22606. </member>
  22607. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingValueCollection">
  22608. <summary>
  22609. Describes a collection of CFValueObject.
  22610. Use only for icon sets.
  22611. </summary>
  22612. </member>
  22613. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingValueCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType,System.String)">
  22614. <summary>
  22615. Adds <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingValue" /> object.
  22616. </summary>
  22617. <param name="type">The value type.</param>
  22618. <param name="value">The value.</param>
  22619. <returns>Returns the index of new object in the list.</returns>
  22620. </member>
  22621. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingValueCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  22622. <summary>
  22623. Get the CFValueObject element at the specified index.
  22624. </summary>
  22625. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  22626. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  22627. </member>
  22628. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType">
  22629. <summary>
  22630. Condition value type.
  22631. </summary>
  22632. </member>
  22633. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType.Formula">
  22634. <summary>
  22635. The minimum/ midpoint / maximum value for the
  22636. gradient is determined by a formula.
  22637. </summary>
  22638. </member>
  22639. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType.Max">
  22640. <summary>
  22641. Indicates that the maximum value in the range shall be
  22642. used as the maximum value for the gradient.
  22643. </summary>
  22644. </member>
  22645. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType.Min">
  22646. <summary>
  22647. Indicates that the minimum value in the range shall be
  22648. used as the minimum value for the gradient.
  22649. </summary>
  22650. </member>
  22651. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType.Number">
  22652. <summary>
  22653. Indicates that the minimum / midpoint / maximum
  22654. value for the gradient is specified by a constant
  22655. numeric value.
  22656. </summary>
  22657. </member>
  22658. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType.Percent">
  22659. <summary>
  22660. Value indicates a percentage between the minimum
  22661. and maximum values in the range shall be used as the
  22662. minimum / midpoint / maximum value for the gradient.
  22663. </summary>
  22664. </member>
  22665. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType.Percentile">
  22666. <summary>
  22667. Value indicates a percentile ranking in the range shall
  22668. be used as the minimum / midpoint / maximum value
  22669. for the gradient.
  22670. </summary>
  22671. </member>
  22672. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType.AutomaticMax">
  22673. <summary>
  22674. Indicates that the Automatic maximum value in the range shall be
  22675. used as the Automatic maximum value for the gradient.
  22676. </summary>
  22677. </member>
  22678. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionValueType.AutomaticMin">
  22679. <summary>
  22680. Indicates that the Automatic minimum value in the range shall be
  22681. used as the Automatic minimum value for the gradient.
  22682. </summary>
  22683. </member>
  22684. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType">
  22685. <summary>
  22686. Icon set type for conditional formatting.
  22687. The threshold values for triggering the different icons within a set are
  22688. configurable, and the icon order is reversible.
  22689. </summary>
  22690. </member>
  22691. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Arrows3">
  22692. <summary>
  22693. 3 arrows icon set.
  22694. </summary>
  22695. </member>
  22696. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.ArrowsGray3">
  22697. <summary>
  22698. 3 gray arrows icon set.
  22699. </summary>
  22700. </member>
  22701. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Flags3">
  22702. <summary>
  22703. 3 flags icon set.
  22704. </summary>
  22705. </member>
  22706. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Signs3">
  22707. <summary>
  22708. 3 signs icon set.
  22709. </summary>
  22710. </member>
  22711. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Symbols3">
  22712. <summary>
  22713. 3 symbols icon set (circled).
  22714. </summary>
  22715. </member>
  22716. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Symbols32">
  22717. <summary>
  22718. 3 Symbols icon set (uncircled).
  22719. </summary>
  22720. </member>
  22721. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.TrafficLights31">
  22722. <summary>
  22723. 3 traffic lights icon set (unrimmed).
  22724. </summary>
  22725. </member>
  22726. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.TrafficLights32">
  22727. <summary>
  22728. 3 traffic lights icon set with thick black border.
  22729. </summary>
  22730. </member>
  22731. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Arrows4">
  22732. <summary>
  22733. 4 arrows icon set.
  22734. </summary>
  22735. </member>
  22736. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.ArrowsGray4">
  22737. <summary>
  22738. 4 gray arrows icon set.
  22739. </summary>
  22740. </member>
  22741. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Rating4">
  22742. <summary>
  22743. 4 ratings icon set.
  22744. </summary>
  22745. </member>
  22746. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.RedToBlack4">
  22747. <summary>
  22748. 4 'red to black' icon set.
  22749. </summary>
  22750. </member>
  22751. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.TrafficLights4">
  22752. <summary>
  22753. 4 traffic lights icon set.
  22754. </summary>
  22755. </member>
  22756. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Arrows5">
  22757. <summary>
  22758. 5 arrows icon set.
  22759. </summary>
  22760. </member>
  22761. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.ArrowsGray5">
  22762. <summary>
  22763. 5 gray arrows icon set.
  22764. </summary>
  22765. </member>
  22766. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Quarters5">
  22767. <summary>
  22768. 5 quarters icon set.
  22769. </summary>
  22770. </member>
  22771. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Rating5">
  22772. <summary>
  22773. 5 rating icon set.
  22774. </summary>
  22775. </member>
  22776. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Stars3">
  22777. <summary>
  22778. 3 stars set
  22779. </summary>
  22780. </member>
  22781. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Boxes5">
  22782. <summary>
  22783. 5 boxes set
  22784. </summary>
  22785. </member>
  22786. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Triangles3">
  22787. <summary>
  22788. 3 triangles set
  22789. </summary>
  22790. </member>
  22791. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.None">
  22792. <summary>
  22793. None
  22794. </summary>
  22795. </member>
  22796. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.CustomSet">
  22797. <summary>
  22798. CustomSet.
  22799. This element is read-only.
  22800. </summary>
  22801. </member>
  22802. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.Smilies3">
  22803. <summary>
  22804. 3 smilies.
  22805. Only for .ods.
  22806. </summary>
  22807. </member>
  22808. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.IconSetType.ColorSmilies3">
  22809. <summary>
  22810. 3 color smilies.
  22811. Only for .ods.
  22812. </summary>
  22813. </member>
  22814. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType">
  22815. <summary>
  22816. Used in a FormatConditionType.TimePeriod conditional formatting rule.
  22817. These are dynamic time periods, which change based on
  22818. the date the conditional formatting is refreshed / applied.
  22819. </summary>
  22820. </member>
  22821. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.Today">
  22822. <summary>
  22823. Today's date.
  22824. </summary>
  22825. </member>
  22826. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.Yesterday">
  22827. <summary>
  22828. Yesterday's date.
  22829. </summary>
  22830. </member>
  22831. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.Tomorrow">
  22832. <summary>
  22833. Tomorrow's date.
  22834. </summary>
  22835. </member>
  22836. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.Last7Days">
  22837. <summary>
  22838. A date in the last seven days.
  22839. </summary>
  22840. </member>
  22841. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.ThisMonth">
  22842. <summary>
  22843. A date occurring in this calendar month.
  22844. </summary>
  22845. </member>
  22846. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.LastMonth">
  22847. <summary>
  22848. A date occurring in the last calendar month.
  22849. </summary>
  22850. </member>
  22851. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.NextMonth">
  22852. <summary>
  22853. A date occurring in the next calendar month.
  22854. </summary>
  22855. </member>
  22856. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.ThisWeek">
  22857. <summary>
  22858. A date occurring this week.
  22859. </summary>
  22860. </member>
  22861. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.LastWeek">
  22862. <summary>
  22863. A date occurring last week.
  22864. </summary>
  22865. </member>
  22866. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.NextWeek">
  22867. <summary>
  22868. A date occurring next week.
  22869. </summary>
  22870. </member>
  22871. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.ThisYear">
  22872. <summary>
  22873. A date occurring this year.
  22874. Only for .ods.
  22875. </summary>
  22876. </member>
  22877. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.LastYear">
  22878. <summary>
  22879. A date occurring last year.
  22880. Only for .ods.
  22881. </summary>
  22882. </member>
  22883. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TimePeriodType.NextYear">
  22884. <summary>
  22885. A date occurring next year.
  22886. Only for .ods.
  22887. </summary>
  22888. </member>
  22889. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Top10">
  22890. <summary>
  22891. Describe the Top10 conditional formatting rule.
  22892. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells whose
  22893. values fall in the top N or bottom N bracket, as specified.
  22894. </summary>
  22895. </member>
  22896. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Top10.IsPercent">
  22897. <summary>
  22898. Get or set the flag indicating whether a "top/bottom n" rule is a "top/bottom n percent" rule.
  22899. Default value is false.
  22900. </summary>
  22901. </member>
  22902. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Top10.IsBottom">
  22903. <summary>
  22904. Get or set the flag indicating whether a "top/bottom n" rule is a "bottom n" rule. '1' indicates 'bottom'.
  22905. Default value is false.
  22906. </summary>
  22907. </member>
  22908. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Top10.Rank">
  22909. <summary>
  22910. Get or set the value of "n" in a "top/bottom n" conditional formatting rule.
  22911. If IsPercent is true, the value must between 0 and 100.
  22912. Otherwise it must between 0 and 1000.
  22913. Default value is 10.
  22914. </summary>
  22915. </member>
  22916. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ContentDisposition">
  22917. <summary>
  22918. The content disposition type.
  22919. </summary>
  22920. </member>
  22921. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ContentDisposition.Inline">
  22922. <summary>
  22923. </summary>
  22924. </member>
  22925. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ContentDisposition.Attachment">
  22926. <summary>
  22927. </summary>
  22928. </member>
  22929. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature">
  22930. <summary>
  22931. Signature in file.
  22932. </summary>
  22933. </member>
  22934. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature.#ctor(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2,System.String,System.DateTime)">
  22935. <summary>
  22936. Constructor of digitalSignature. Uses .Net implementation.
  22937. </summary>
  22938. <param name="certificate">Certificate object that was used to sign the document.</param>
  22939. <param name="comments">The purpose to signature.</param>
  22940. <param name="signTime">The time when the document was signed.</param>
  22941. </member>
  22942. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature.#ctor(System.Byte[],System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
  22943. <summary>
  22944. Constructor of digitalSignature. Uses Bouncy Castle implementation.
  22945. </summary>
  22946. <param name="rawData">A byte array containing data from an X.509 certificate.</param>
  22947. <param name="password">The password required to access the X.509 certificate data.</param>
  22948. <param name="comments">The purpose to signature.</param>
  22949. <param name="signTime">The time when the document was signed.</param>
  22950. </member>
  22951. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature.Certificate">
  22952. <summary>
  22953. Certificate object that was used to sign the document.
  22954. </summary>
  22955. </member>
  22956. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature.Comments">
  22957. <summary>
  22958. The purpose to signature.
  22959. </summary>
  22960. </member>
  22961. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature.SignTime">
  22962. <summary>
  22963. The time when the document was signed.
  22964. </summary>
  22965. </member>
  22966. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature.IsValid">
  22967. <summary>
  22968. If this digital signature is valid and the document has not been tampered with,
  22969. this value will be true.
  22970. </summary>
  22971. </member>
  22972. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature.XAdESType">
  22973. <summary>
  22974. XAdES type.
  22975. Default value is None(XAdES is off).
  22976. </summary>
  22977. </member>
  22978. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureCollection">
  22979. <summary>
  22980. Provides a collection of digital signatures attached to a document.
  22981. </summary>
  22982. <example>
  22983. The following example shows how to create digital signature
  22984. <code>
  22985. [C#]
  22986. internal void ValidateSignature()
  22987. {
  22988. Workbook wb = new Workbook(@"c:\newfile.xlsx");
  22989. //wb.IsDigitallySigned is true when the workbook is signed already.
  22990. System.Console.WriteLine(wb.IsDigitallySigned);
  22991. //get digitalSignature collection from workbook
  22992. DigitalSignatureCollection dsc = wb.GetDigitalSignature();
  22993. foreach (DigitalSignature ds in dsc)
  22994. {
  22995. System.Console.WriteLine(ds.Comments);
  22996. System.Console.WriteLine(ds.SignTime);
  22997. System.Console.WriteLine(ds.IsValid);
  22998. }
  22999. }
  23000. internal void SignSignature()
  23001. {
  23002. //dsc is signature collection contains one or more signature needed to sign
  23003. DigitalSignatureCollection dsc = new DigitalSignatureCollection();
  23004. //cert must contain private key, it can be contructed from cert file or windows certificate collection.
  23005. //123456 is password of cert
  23006. X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2("c:\\mykey2.pfx", "123456");
  23007. DigitalSignature ds = new DigitalSignature(cert, "test for sign", DateTime.Now);
  23008. dsc.Add(ds);
  23009. Workbook wb = new Workbook();
  23010. //wb.SetDigitalSignature sign all signatures in dsc
  23011. wb.SetDigitalSignature(dsc);
  23012. wb.Save(@"c:\newfile.xlsx");
  23013. }
  23014. [Visual Basic]
  23015. Sub ValidateSignature()
  23016. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook("c:\newfile.xlsx")
  23017. 'Workbook.IsDigitallySigned is true when the workbook is signed already.
  23018. System.Console.WriteLine(workbook.IsDigitallySigned)
  23019. 'get digitalSignature collection from workbook
  23020. Dim dsc As DigitalSignatureCollection = workbook.GetDigitalSignature()
  23021. Dim ds As DigitalSignature
  23022. For Each ds In dsc
  23023. System.Console.WriteLine(ds.Comments)
  23024. System.Console.WriteLine(ds.SignTime)
  23025. System.Console.WriteLine(ds.IsValid)
  23026. Next
  23027. End Sub
  23028. Sub SignSignature()
  23029. 'dsc is signature collection contains one or more signature needed to sign
  23030. Dim dsc As DigitalSignatureCollection = New DigitalSignatureCollection()
  23031. 'cert must contain private key, it can be contructed from cert file or windows certificate collection.
  23032. Dim cert As X509Certificate2 = New X509Certificate2("c:\mykey2.pfx", "123456")
  23033. 'create a signature with certificate, sign purpose and sign time
  23034. Dim ds As DigitalSignature = New DigitalSignature(cert, "test for sign", DateTime.Now)
  23035. dsc.Add(ds)
  23036. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  23037. 'workbook.SetDigitalSignature sign all signatures in dsc
  23038. workbook.SetDigitalSignature(dsc)
  23039. workbook.Save("c:\newfile.xlsx")
  23040. End Sub
  23041. </code></example>
  23042. </member>
  23043. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureCollection.#ctor">
  23044. <summary>
  23045. The constructor of DigitalSignatureCollection.
  23046. </summary>
  23047. </member>
  23048. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignature)">
  23049. <summary>
  23050. Add one signature to DigitalSignatureCollection.
  23051. </summary>
  23052. <param name="digitalSignature">Digital signature in collection.</param>
  23053. </member>
  23054. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureCollection.GetEnumerator">
  23055. <summary>
  23056. Get the enumerator for DigitalSignatureCollection,
  23057. this enumerator allows iteration over the collection
  23058. </summary>
  23059. <returns>The enumerator to iteration.</returns>
  23060. </member>
  23061. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions">
  23062. <summary>
  23063. Settings of pdf when converting excel to pdf, PDF/A does not allow security setting.
  23064. </summary>
  23065. </member>
  23066. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.#ctor">
  23067. <summary>
  23068. The constructor of PdfSecurityOptions
  23069. </summary>
  23070. </member>
  23071. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.UserPassword">
  23072. <summary>
  23073. Gets or sets the user password
  23074. </summary>
  23075. </member>
  23076. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.OwnerPassword">
  23077. <summary>
  23078. Gets or sets the owner password of the document
  23079. </summary>
  23080. </member>
  23081. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.PrintPermission">
  23082. <summary>
  23083. Permission to print pdf document
  23084. </summary>
  23085. </member>
  23086. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.ModifyDocumentPermission">
  23087. <summary>
  23088. Permission to modify pdf document
  23089. </summary>
  23090. </member>
  23091. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.ExtractContentPermissionObsolete">
  23092. <summary>
  23093. Permission to copy or extract content Obsoleted according to PDF reference.
  23094. </summary>
  23095. </member>
  23096. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.AnnotationsPermission">
  23097. <summary>
  23098. Permission to comment on the document.
  23099. </summary>
  23100. </member>
  23101. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.FillFormsPermission">
  23102. <summary>
  23103. Permission to fill the form fields.
  23104. </summary>
  23105. </member>
  23106. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.ExtractContentPermission">
  23107. <summary>
  23108. Permission to copy or extract content.
  23109. </summary>
  23110. </member>
  23111. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.AccessibilityExtractContent">
  23112. <summary>
  23113. Permission to copy or extract content (in support of accessibility to disabled users or for other purposes).
  23114. </summary>
  23115. </member>
  23116. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.AssembleDocumentPermission">
  23117. <summary>
  23118. Permission to insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images even if ModifyDocumentPermission is not set.
  23119. </summary>
  23120. </member>
  23121. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfSecurity.PdfSecurityOptions.FullQualityPrintPermission">
  23122. <summary>
  23123. Permission to print in high quality.
  23124. </summary>
  23125. </member>
  23126. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType">
  23127. <summary>
  23128. Represents the command type of header and footer.
  23129. </summary>
  23130. </member>
  23131. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.Text">
  23132. <summary>
  23133. The text.
  23134. </summary>
  23135. </member>
  23136. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.CurrentPage">
  23137. <summary>
  23138. Current page number
  23139. </summary>
  23140. </member>
  23141. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.Pagecount">
  23142. <summary>
  23143. Page count
  23144. </summary>
  23145. </member>
  23146. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.CurrentDate">
  23147. <summary>
  23148. Current date
  23149. </summary>
  23150. </member>
  23151. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.CurrentTime">
  23152. <summary>
  23153. Current time
  23154. </summary>
  23155. </member>
  23156. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.SheetName">
  23157. <summary>
  23158. Sheet name
  23159. </summary>
  23160. </member>
  23161. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.FileName">
  23162. <summary>
  23163. File name without path
  23164. </summary>
  23165. </member>
  23166. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.FilePath">
  23167. <summary>
  23168. File path without file name
  23169. </summary>
  23170. </member>
  23171. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommandType.Picture">
  23172. <summary>
  23173. Picture
  23174. </summary>
  23175. </member>
  23176. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKey">
  23177. <summary>
  23178. Represents the key of the data sorter.
  23179. </summary>
  23180. </member>
  23181. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKey.Order">
  23182. <summary>
  23183. Indicates the order of sorting.
  23184. </summary>
  23185. </member>
  23186. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKey.Index">
  23187. <summary>
  23188. Gets the sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...).
  23189. </summary>
  23190. </member>
  23191. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKey.Type">
  23192. <summary>
  23193. Represents the type of sorting.
  23194. </summary>
  23195. </member>
  23196. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKey.IconSetType">
  23197. <summary>
  23198. Represents the icon set type.
  23199. </summary>
  23200. <remarks>
  23201. Only effects when <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.SortOnType" /> is SortOnType.Icon.
  23202. </remarks>
  23203. </member>
  23204. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKey.IconId">
  23205. <summary>
  23206. Represents the id of the icon set type.
  23207. </summary>
  23208. <remarks>
  23209. Only effects when <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.SortOnType" /> is SortOnType.Icon.
  23210. </remarks>
  23211. </member>
  23212. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorterKey.Color">
  23213. <summary>
  23214. Gets the sorted color.
  23215. </summary>
  23216. <remarks>
  23217. Only effects when <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.SortOnType" /> is SortOnType.CellColor or SortOnType.FontColor.
  23218. </remarks>
  23219. </member>
  23220. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType">
  23221. <summary>
  23222. Represents the light rig direction type.
  23223. </summary>
  23224. </member>
  23225. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType.Bottom">
  23226. <summary>
  23227. Bottom
  23228. </summary>
  23229. </member>
  23230. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType.BottomLeft">
  23231. <summary>
  23232. Bottom left.
  23233. </summary>
  23234. </member>
  23235. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType.BottomRight">
  23236. <summary>
  23237. Bottom Right.
  23238. </summary>
  23239. </member>
  23240. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType.Left">
  23241. <summary>
  23242. Left.
  23243. </summary>
  23244. </member>
  23245. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType.Right">
  23246. <summary>
  23247. Right.
  23248. </summary>
  23249. </member>
  23250. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType.Top">
  23251. <summary>
  23252. Top.
  23253. </summary>
  23254. </member>
  23255. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType.TopLeft">
  23256. <summary>
  23257. Top left.
  23258. </summary>
  23259. </member>
  23260. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigDirectionType.TopRight">
  23261. <summary>
  23262. Top Right.
  23263. </summary>
  23264. </member>
  23265. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadLength">
  23266. <summary>
  23267. Enumerates the line end width of the shape border line.
  23268. </summary>
  23269. </member>
  23270. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadLength.Short">
  23271. <summary>
  23272. Short line end length
  23273. </summary>
  23274. </member>
  23275. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadLength.Medium">
  23276. <summary>
  23277. Medium line end length
  23278. </summary>
  23279. </member>
  23280. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadLength.Long">
  23281. <summary>
  23282. Long line end length
  23283. </summary>
  23284. </member>
  23285. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadWidth">
  23286. <summary>
  23287. Enumerates the line end width of the shape border line.
  23288. </summary>
  23289. </member>
  23290. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadWidth.Narrow">
  23291. <summary>
  23292. Short line end width.
  23293. </summary>
  23294. </member>
  23295. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadWidth.Medium">
  23296. <summary>
  23297. Medium line end width.
  23298. </summary>
  23299. </member>
  23300. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadWidth.Wide">
  23301. <summary>
  23302. Wide line end width.
  23303. </summary>
  23304. </member>
  23305. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextOverflowType">
  23306. <summary>
  23307. Represents the way the text vertical or horizontal overflow.
  23308. </summary>
  23309. </member>
  23310. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextOverflowType.Clip">
  23311. <summary>
  23312. Pay attention to top and bottom barriers.
  23313. Provide no indication that there is text which is not visible.
  23314. </summary>
  23315. </member>
  23316. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextOverflowType.Ellipsis">
  23317. <summary>
  23318. Pay attention to top and bottom barriers.
  23319. Use an ellipsis to denote that there is text which is not visible.
  23320. Only for vertical overflow.
  23321. </summary>
  23322. </member>
  23323. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextOverflowType.Overflow">
  23324. <summary>
  23325. Overflow the text and pay no attention to top and bottom barriers.
  23326. </summary>
  23327. </member>
  23328. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil">
  23329. <summary>
  23330. Provides utility methods for converting file format enums to strings or file extensions and back.
  23331. </summary>
  23332. </member>
  23333. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.IO.Stream)">
  23334. <summary>
  23335. Detects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a stream.
  23336. </summary>
  23337. <param name="stream">
  23338. </param>
  23339. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo" /> object that contains the detected information.</returns>
  23340. </member>
  23341. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.IO.Stream,System.String)">
  23342. <summary>
  23343. Detects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a stream.
  23344. </summary>
  23345. <param name="stream">
  23346. </param>
  23347. <param name="password">The password for encrypted ooxml files.</param>
  23348. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo" /> object that contains the detected information.</returns>
  23349. </member>
  23350. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.VerifyPassword(System.IO.Stream,System.String)">
  23351. <summary>
  23352. Detects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a stream.
  23353. </summary>
  23354. <param name="stream">
  23355. </param>
  23356. <param name="password">The password for encrypted ooxml files.</param>
  23357. <returns>Returns whether the password is corrected.</returns>
  23358. </member>
  23359. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.String)">
  23360. <summary>
  23361. Detects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a file.
  23362. </summary>
  23363. <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
  23364. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo" /> object that contains the detected information.</returns>
  23365. </member>
  23366. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.String,System.String)">
  23367. <summary>
  23368. Detects and returns the information about a format of an excel stored in a file.
  23369. </summary>
  23370. <param name="filePath">The file path.</param>
  23371. <param name="password">The password for encrypted ooxml files.</param>
  23372. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatInfo" /> object that contains the detected information.</returns>
  23373. </member>
  23374. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.ExtensionToSaveFormat(System.String)">
  23375. <summary>
  23376. Converts a file name extension into a SaveFormat value.
  23377. </summary>
  23378. <param name="extension">The file extension. Can be with or without a leading dot. Case-insensitive.</param>
  23379. <returns>
  23380. </returns>
  23381. <remarks>If the extension cannot be recognized, returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Unknown" />.</remarks>
  23382. </member>
  23383. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.IsTemplateFormat(System.String)">
  23384. <summary>
  23385. Returns true if the extension is .xlt, .xltX, .xltm,.ots.
  23386. </summary>
  23387. <param name="extension">
  23388. </param>
  23389. <returns>
  23390. </returns>
  23391. </member>
  23392. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.LoadFormatToExtension(Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat)">
  23393. <summary>
  23394. Converts a load format enumerated value into a file extension.
  23395. </summary>
  23396. <param name="loadFormat">The loaded file format.</param>
  23397. <returns> The returned extension is a lower-case string with a leading dot.</returns>
  23398. <remarks>If it can not be converted, returns null.</remarks>
  23399. </member>
  23400. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.LoadFormatToSaveFormat(Aspose.Cells.LoadFormat)">
  23401. <summary>
  23402. Converts a LoadFormat value to a SaveFormat value if possible.
  23403. </summary>
  23404. <param name="loadFormat">The load format.</param>
  23405. <returns>The save format.</returns>
  23406. </member>
  23407. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.SaveFormatToExtension(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  23408. <summary>
  23409. Converts a save format enumerated value into a file extension.
  23410. </summary>
  23411. <param name="format">The save format.</param>
  23412. <returns>The returned extension is a lower-case string with a leading dot. </returns>
  23413. </member>
  23414. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.SaveFormatToLoadFormat(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  23415. <summary>
  23416. Converts a SaveFormat value to a LoadFormat value if possible.
  23417. </summary>
  23418. <param name="saveFormat">The save format.</param>
  23419. <returns>The load format</returns>
  23420. </member>
  23421. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PasteType">
  23422. <summary>
  23423. Represents the paste special type.
  23424. </summary>
  23425. </member>
  23426. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.All">
  23427. <summary>
  23428. Copies all data of the range.
  23429. </summary>
  23430. </member>
  23431. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.Default">
  23432. <summary>
  23433. It works as "All" behavior of MS Excel.
  23434. </summary>
  23435. </member>
  23436. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.AllExceptBorders">
  23437. <summary>
  23438. Copies all data of the range without the range.
  23439. </summary>
  23440. </member>
  23441. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.DefaultExceptBorders">
  23442. <summary>
  23443. It works as "All except borders" behavior of MS Excel.
  23444. </summary>
  23445. </member>
  23446. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.ColumnWidths">
  23447. <summary>
  23448. Only copies the widths of the range.
  23449. </summary>
  23450. </member>
  23451. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.RowHeights">
  23452. <summary>
  23453. Only copies the heights of the range.
  23454. </summary>
  23455. </member>
  23456. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.Comments">
  23457. <summary>
  23458. </summary>
  23459. </member>
  23460. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.Formats">
  23461. <summary>
  23462. </summary>
  23463. </member>
  23464. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.Formulas">
  23465. <summary>
  23466. </summary>
  23467. </member>
  23468. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.FormulasAndNumberFormats">
  23469. <summary>
  23470. </summary>
  23471. </member>
  23472. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.Validation">
  23473. <summary>
  23474. </summary>
  23475. </member>
  23476. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.Values">
  23477. <summary>
  23478. </summary>
  23479. </member>
  23480. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PasteType.ValuesAndNumberFormats">
  23481. <summary>
  23482. </summary>
  23483. </member>
  23484. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection">
  23485. <summary>
  23486. Represents a collection of all the PivotField objects
  23487. in the PivotTable's specific PivotFields type.
  23488. </summary>
  23489. </member>
  23490. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection.GetEnumerator">
  23491. <summary>
  23492. Gets an enumerator over the elements in this collection in proper sequence.
  23493. </summary>
  23494. <returns>enumerator</returns>
  23495. </member>
  23496. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection.AddByBaseIndex(System.Int32)">
  23497. <summary>
  23498. Adds a PivotField Object to the specific type PivotFields.
  23499. </summary>
  23500. <param name="baseFieldIndex">field index in the base PivotFields.</param>
  23501. <returns>the index of the PivotField Object in this PivotFields.</returns>
  23502. </member>
  23503. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotField)">
  23504. <summary>
  23505. Adds a PivotField Object to the specific type PivotFields.
  23506. </summary>
  23507. <param name="pivotField">a PivotField Object.</param>
  23508. <returns>the index of the PivotField Object in this PivotFields.</returns>
  23509. </member>
  23510. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection.Clear">
  23511. <summary>
  23512. clear all fields of PivotFieldCollection
  23513. </summary>
  23514. </member>
  23515. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection.Type">
  23516. <summary>
  23517. Gets the PivotFields type.
  23518. </summary>
  23519. </member>
  23520. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection.Count">
  23521. <summary>
  23522. Gets the count of the pivotFields.
  23523. </summary>
  23524. </member>
  23525. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  23526. <summary>
  23527. Gets the PivotField Object at the specific index.
  23528. </summary>
  23529. </member>
  23530. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldCollection.Item(System.String)">
  23531. <summary>
  23532. Gets the PivotField Object of the specific name.
  23533. </summary>
  23534. </member>
  23535. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat">
  23536. <summary>
  23537. Represents data display format in the PivotTable data field.
  23538. </summary>
  23539. </member>
  23540. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.Normal">
  23541. <summary>
  23542. Represents normal display format.
  23543. </summary>
  23544. </member>
  23545. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.DifferenceFrom">
  23546. <summary>
  23547. Represents difference from display format.
  23548. </summary>
  23549. </member>
  23550. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOf">
  23551. <summary>
  23552. Represents percentage of display format.
  23553. </summary>
  23554. </member>
  23555. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageDifferenceFrom">
  23556. <summary>
  23557. Represents percentage difference from display format.
  23558. </summary>
  23559. </member>
  23560. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.RunningTotalIn">
  23561. <summary>
  23562. Represents running total in display format.
  23563. </summary>
  23564. </member>
  23565. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOfRow">
  23566. <summary>
  23567. Represents percentage of row display format.
  23568. </summary>
  23569. </member>
  23570. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOfColumn">
  23571. <summary>
  23572. Represents percentage of column display format.
  23573. </summary>
  23574. </member>
  23575. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOfTotal">
  23576. <summary>
  23577. Represents percentage of total display format.
  23578. </summary>
  23579. </member>
  23580. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.Index">
  23581. <summary>
  23582. Represents index display format.
  23583. </summary>
  23584. </member>
  23585. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOfParentRowTotal">
  23586. <summary>
  23587. Represents percentage of parent row total display format.
  23588. </summary>
  23589. </member>
  23590. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOfParentColumnTotal">
  23591. <summary>
  23592. Represents percentage of parent column total display format.
  23593. </summary>
  23594. </member>
  23595. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOfParentTotal">
  23596. <summary>
  23597. Represents percentage of parent total display format.
  23598. </summary>
  23599. </member>
  23600. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.PercentageOfRunningTotalIn">
  23601. <summary>
  23602. Represents percentage of running total in display format.
  23603. </summary>
  23604. </member>
  23605. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.RankSmallestToLargest">
  23606. <summary>
  23607. Represents smallest to largest display format.
  23608. </summary>
  23609. </member>
  23610. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldDataDisplayFormat.RankLargestToSmallest">
  23611. <summary>
  23612. Represents largest to smallest display format.
  23613. </summary>
  23614. </member>
  23615. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType">
  23616. <summary>
  23617. Summary description for PivotFieldSubtotalType.
  23618. </summary>
  23619. </member>
  23620. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.None">
  23621. <summary>
  23622. Represents None subtotal type.
  23623. </summary>
  23624. </member>
  23625. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Automatic">
  23626. <summary>
  23627. Represents Automatic subtotal type.
  23628. </summary>
  23629. </member>
  23630. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Sum">
  23631. <summary>
  23632. Represents Sum subtotal type.
  23633. </summary>
  23634. </member>
  23635. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Count">
  23636. <summary>
  23637. Represents Count subtotal type.
  23638. </summary>
  23639. </member>
  23640. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Average">
  23641. <summary>
  23642. Represents Average subtotal type.
  23643. </summary>
  23644. </member>
  23645. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Max">
  23646. <summary>
  23647. Represents Max subtotal type.
  23648. </summary>
  23649. </member>
  23650. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Min">
  23651. <summary>
  23652. Represents Min subtotal type.
  23653. </summary>
  23654. </member>
  23655. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Product">
  23656. <summary>
  23657. Represents Product subtotal type.
  23658. </summary>
  23659. </member>
  23660. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.CountNums">
  23661. <summary>
  23662. Represents Count Nums subtotal type.
  23663. </summary>
  23664. </member>
  23665. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Stdev">
  23666. <summary>
  23667. Represents Stdev subtotal type.
  23668. </summary>
  23669. </member>
  23670. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Stdevp">
  23671. <summary>
  23672. Represents Stdevp subtotal type.
  23673. </summary>
  23674. </member>
  23675. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Var">
  23676. <summary>
  23677. Represents Var subtotal type.
  23678. </summary>
  23679. </member>
  23680. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldSubtotalType.Varp">
  23681. <summary>
  23682. Represents Varp subtotal type.
  23683. </summary>
  23684. </member>
  23685. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType">
  23686. <summary>
  23687. Represents PivotTable field type.
  23688. </summary>
  23689. </member>
  23690. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType.Undefined">
  23691. <summary>
  23692. Presents base pivot field type.
  23693. </summary>
  23694. </member>
  23695. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType.Row">
  23696. <summary>
  23697. Presents row pivot field type.
  23698. </summary>
  23699. </member>
  23700. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType.Column">
  23701. <summary>
  23702. Presents column pivot field type.
  23703. </summary>
  23704. </member>
  23705. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType.Page">
  23706. <summary>
  23707. Presents page pivot field type.
  23708. </summary>
  23709. </member>
  23710. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotFieldType.Data">
  23711. <summary>
  23712. Presents data pivot field type.
  23713. </summary>
  23714. </member>
  23715. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType">
  23716. <summary>
  23717. Represents PivotTable groupby type.
  23718. </summary>
  23719. </member>
  23720. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType.RangeOfValues">
  23721. <summary>
  23722. Presents range of values groupby type.
  23723. </summary>
  23724. </member>
  23725. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType.Seconds">
  23726. <summary>
  23727. Presents Seconds groupby type.
  23728. </summary>
  23729. </member>
  23730. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType.Minutes">
  23731. <summary>
  23732. Presents Minutes groupby type.
  23733. </summary>
  23734. </member>
  23735. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType.Hours">
  23736. <summary>
  23737. Presents Hours groupby type.
  23738. </summary>
  23739. </member>
  23740. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType.Days">
  23741. <summary>
  23742. Presents Days groupby type.
  23743. </summary>
  23744. </member>
  23745. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType.Months">
  23746. <summary>
  23747. Presents Months groupby type.
  23748. </summary>
  23749. </member>
  23750. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType.Quarters">
  23751. <summary>
  23752. Presents Quarters groupby type.
  23753. </summary>
  23754. </member>
  23755. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotGroupByType.Years">
  23756. <summary>
  23757. Presents Years groupby type.
  23758. </summary>
  23759. </member>
  23760. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem">
  23761. <summary>
  23762. Represents a item in a PivotField report.
  23763. </summary>
  23764. </member>
  23765. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.Move(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  23766. <summary>
  23767. Moves the item up or down
  23768. </summary>
  23769. <param name="count">
  23770. The number of moving up or down.
  23771. Move the item up if this is less than zero;
  23772. Move the item down if this is greater than zero.
  23773. </param>
  23774. <param name="isSameParent">
  23775. Specifying whether moving operation is in the same parent node or not
  23776. </param>
  23777. </member>
  23778. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.GetStringValue">
  23779. <summary>
  23780. Gets the string value of the pivot item
  23781. If the value is null, it will return ""
  23782. </summary>
  23783. </member>
  23784. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.GetDoubleValue">
  23785. <summary>
  23786. Gets the double value of the pivot item
  23787. If the value is null or not number ,it will return 0
  23788. </summary>
  23789. </member>
  23790. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.GetDateTimeValue">
  23791. <summary>
  23792. Gets the date time value of the pivot item
  23793. If the value is null ,it will return DateTime.MinValue
  23794. </summary>
  23795. </member>
  23796. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.IsHidden">
  23797. <summary>
  23798. Gets and Sets whether the pivot item is hidden.
  23799. </summary>
  23800. </member>
  23801. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.Position">
  23802. <summary>
  23803. Specifying the position index in all the PivotItems,not the PivotItems under the same parent node.
  23804. </summary>
  23805. </member>
  23806. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.PositionInSameParentNode">
  23807. <summary>
  23808. Specifying the position index in the PivotItems under the same parent node.
  23809. </summary>
  23810. </member>
  23811. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.Value">
  23812. <summary>
  23813. Gets the value of the pivot item
  23814. </summary>
  23815. </member>
  23816. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.Name">
  23817. <summary>
  23818. Gets the name of the pivot item.
  23819. </summary>
  23820. </member>
  23821. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItem.Index">
  23822. <summary>
  23823. Gets the index of the pivot item in the pivot field
  23824. </summary>
  23825. </member>
  23826. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemCollection">
  23827. <summary>
  23828. Represents a collection of all the PivotItem objects in the PivotField's
  23829. </summary>
  23830. </member>
  23831. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemCollection.GetEnumerator">
  23832. <summary>
  23833. Gets an enumerator over the elements in this collection in proper sequence.
  23834. </summary>
  23835. <returns>enumerator</returns>
  23836. </member>
  23837. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemCollection.ChangeitemsOrder(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  23838. <summary>
  23839. Directly changes the orders of the two items.
  23840. </summary>
  23841. <param name="sourceIndex">The current index</param>
  23842. <param name="destIndex">The dest index</param>
  23843. </member>
  23844. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  23845. <summary>
  23846. Gets the PivotItem Object at the specific index.
  23847. </summary>
  23848. </member>
  23849. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemCollection.Item(System.String)">
  23850. <summary>
  23851. Gets the PivotItem Object of the specific name.
  23852. </summary>
  23853. </member>
  23854. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemCollection.Count">
  23855. <summary>
  23856. Gets the count of the pivot items.
  23857. </summary>
  23858. </member>
  23859. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemPosition">
  23860. <summary>
  23861. Represents PivotTable base item Next/Previous/All position in the base field .
  23862. </summary>
  23863. </member>
  23864. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemPosition.Previous">
  23865. <summary>
  23866. Represents the previous pivot item in the PivotField.
  23867. </summary>
  23868. </member>
  23869. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemPosition.Next">
  23870. <summary>
  23871. Represents the next pivot item in the PivotField.
  23872. </summary>
  23873. </member>
  23874. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotItemPosition.Custom">
  23875. <summary>
  23876. Represents a pivot item index, as specified by Pivot Items, that specifies a pivot item in the PivotField.
  23877. <remarks>only read</remarks></summary>
  23878. </member>
  23879. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotPageFields">
  23880. <summary>
  23881. Represents the pivot page field items
  23882. if the pivot table data source is consolidation ranges.
  23883. It only can contain up to 4 fields.
  23884. </summary>
  23885. </member>
  23886. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotPageFields.#ctor">
  23887. <summary>
  23888. Represents the pivot page field items.
  23889. </summary>
  23890. </member>
  23891. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotPageFields.AddPageField(System.String[])">
  23892. <summary>
  23893. Adds a page field.
  23894. </summary>
  23895. <param name="pageItems">Page field item label</param>
  23896. </member>
  23897. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotPageFields.AddIdentify(System.Int32,System.Int32[])">
  23898. <summary>
  23899. Sets which item label in each page field to use to identify the data range.
  23900. The pageItemIndex.Length must be equal to PageFieldCount, so please add the page field first.
  23901. </summary>
  23902. <param name="rangeIndex">The consolidation data range index.</param>
  23903. <param name="pageItemIndex">The page item index in the each page field.
  23904. pageItemIndex[2] = 1 means the second item in the third field to use to identify this range.
  23905. pageItemIndex[1] = -1 means no item in the second field to use to identify this range
  23906. and MS will auto create "blank" item in the second field to identify this range.
  23907. </param>
  23908. </member>
  23909. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotPageFields.PageFieldCount">
  23910. <summary>
  23911. Gets the number of page fields.
  23912. </summary>
  23913. </member>
  23914. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType">
  23915. <summary>
  23916. Represents PivotTable auto format type.
  23917. </summary>
  23918. </member>
  23919. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.None">
  23920. <summary>
  23921. Represents None format type.
  23922. </summary>
  23923. </member>
  23924. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Classic">
  23925. <summary>
  23926. Represents Classic auto format type.
  23927. </summary>
  23928. </member>
  23929. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report1">
  23930. <summary>
  23931. Represents Report1 format type.
  23932. </summary>
  23933. </member>
  23934. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report2">
  23935. <summary>
  23936. Represents Report2 format type.
  23937. </summary>
  23938. </member>
  23939. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report3">
  23940. <summary>
  23941. Represents Report3 format type.
  23942. </summary>
  23943. </member>
  23944. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report4">
  23945. <summary>
  23946. Represents Report4 format type.
  23947. </summary>
  23948. </member>
  23949. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report5">
  23950. <summary>
  23951. Represents Report5 format type.
  23952. </summary>
  23953. </member>
  23954. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report6">
  23955. <summary>
  23956. Represents Report6 format type.
  23957. </summary>
  23958. </member>
  23959. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report7">
  23960. <summary>
  23961. Represents Report7 format type.
  23962. </summary>
  23963. </member>
  23964. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report8">
  23965. <summary>
  23966. Represents Report8 format type.
  23967. </summary>
  23968. </member>
  23969. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report9">
  23970. <summary>
  23971. Represents Report9 format type.
  23972. </summary>
  23973. </member>
  23974. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Report10">
  23975. <summary>
  23976. Represents Report10 format type.
  23977. </summary>
  23978. </member>
  23979. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table1">
  23980. <summary>
  23981. Represents Table1 format type.
  23982. </summary>
  23983. </member>
  23984. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table2">
  23985. <summary>
  23986. Represents Table2 format type.
  23987. </summary>
  23988. </member>
  23989. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table3">
  23990. <summary>
  23991. Represents Table3 format type.
  23992. </summary>
  23993. </member>
  23994. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table4">
  23995. <summary>
  23996. Represents Table4 format type.
  23997. </summary>
  23998. </member>
  23999. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table5">
  24000. <summary>
  24001. Represents Table5 format type.
  24002. </summary>
  24003. </member>
  24004. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table6">
  24005. <summary>
  24006. Represents Table6 format type.
  24007. </summary>
  24008. </member>
  24009. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table7">
  24010. <summary>
  24011. Represents Table7 format type.
  24012. </summary>
  24013. </member>
  24014. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table8">
  24015. <summary>
  24016. Represents Table8 format type.
  24017. </summary>
  24018. </member>
  24019. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table9">
  24020. <summary>
  24021. Represents Table9 format type.
  24022. </summary>
  24023. </member>
  24024. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableAutoFormatType.Table10">
  24025. <summary>
  24026. Represents Table10 format type.
  24027. </summary>
  24028. </member>
  24029. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection">
  24030. <summary>
  24031. Represents the collection of all the PivotTable objects on the specified worksheet.
  24032. </summary>
  24033. </member>
  24034. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Dispose">
  24035. <summary>
  24036. Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or
  24037. resetting unmanaged resources.
  24038. </summary>
  24039. </member>
  24040. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Add(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  24041. <summary>
  24042. Adds a new PivotTable cache to a PivotCaches collection.
  24043. </summary>
  24044. <param name="sourceData">The data for the new PivotTable cache.</param>
  24045. <param name="destCellName">The cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24046. <param name="tableName">The name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24047. <returns>The new added cache index.</returns>
  24048. </member>
  24049. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Add(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  24050. <summary>
  24051. Adds a new PivotTable cache to a PivotCaches collection.
  24052. </summary>
  24053. <param name="sourceData">The data for the new PivotTable cache.</param>
  24054. <param name="destCellName">The cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24055. <param name="tableName">The name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24056. <param name="useSameSource">Indicates whether using same data source when another existing pivot table has used this data source.
  24057. If the property is true, it will save memory.</param>
  24058. <returns>The new added cache index.</returns>
  24059. </member>
  24060. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Add(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  24061. <summary>
  24062. Adds a new PivotTable cache to a PivotCaches collection.
  24063. </summary>
  24064. <param name="sourceData">The data cell range for the new PivotTable.Example : Sheet1!A1:C8</param>
  24065. <param name="row">Row index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24066. <param name="column">Column index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24067. <param name="tableName">The name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24068. <returns>The new added cache index.</returns>
  24069. </member>
  24070. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Add(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  24071. <summary>
  24072. Adds a new PivotTable cache to a PivotCaches collection.
  24073. </summary>
  24074. <param name="sourceData">The data cell range for the new PivotTable.Example : Sheet1!A1:C8</param>
  24075. <param name="row">Row index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24076. <param name="column">Column index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24077. <param name="tableName">The name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24078. <param name="useSameSource">Indicates whether using same data source when another existing pivot table has used this data source.
  24079. If the property is true, it will save memory.</param>
  24080. <returns>The new added cache index.</returns>
  24081. </member>
  24082. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable,System.String,System.String)">
  24083. <summary>
  24084. Adds a new PivotTable Object to the collection from another PivotTable.
  24085. </summary>
  24086. <param name="pivotTable">The source pivotTable.</param>
  24087. <param name="destCellName">The cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24088. <param name="tableName">The name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24089. <returns>The new added PivotTable index.</returns>
  24090. </member>
  24091. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  24092. <summary>
  24093. Adds a new PivotTable Object to the collection from another PivotTable.
  24094. </summary>
  24095. <param name="pivotTable">The source pivotTable.</param>
  24096. <param name="row">Row index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24097. <param name="column">Column index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24098. <param name="tableName">The name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24099. <returns>The new added PivotTable index.</returns>
  24100. </member>
  24101. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Add(System.String[],System.Boolean,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotPageFields,System.String,System.String)">
  24102. <summary>
  24103. Adds a new PivotTable Object to the collection with multiple consolidation ranges as data source.
  24104. </summary>
  24105. <param name="sourceData">The multiple consolidation ranges,such as {"Sheet1!A1:C8","Sheet2!A1:B8"}</param>
  24106. <param name="isAutoPage">Whether auto create a single page field.
  24107. If true,the following param pageFields will be ignored.
  24108. </param>
  24109. <param name="pageFields">The pivot page field items.
  24110. </param>
  24111. <param name="destCellName">destCellName The name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24112. <param name="tableName">the name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24113. <returns>The new added PivotTable index.</returns>
  24114. </member>
  24115. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Add(System.String[],System.Boolean,Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotPageFields,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  24116. <summary>
  24117. Adds a new PivotTable Object to the collection with multiple consolidation ranges as data source.
  24118. </summary>
  24119. <param name="sourceData">The multiple consolidation ranges,such as {"Sheet1!A1:C8","Sheet2!A1:B8"}</param>
  24120. <param name="isAutoPage">Whether auto create a single page field.
  24121. If true,the following param pageFields will be ignored</param>
  24122. <param name="pageFields">The pivot page field items.
  24123. </param>
  24124. <param name="row">Row index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24125. <param name="column">Column index of the cell in the upper-left corner of the PivotTable report's destination range.</param>
  24126. <param name="tableName">The name of the new PivotTable report.</param>
  24127. <returns>The new added PivotTable index.</returns>
  24128. </member>
  24129. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Clear">
  24130. <summary>
  24131. Clear all pivot tables.
  24132. </summary>
  24133. </member>
  24134. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Remove(Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTable)">
  24135. <summary>
  24136. Deletes the specified PivotTable
  24137. </summary>
  24138. <param name="pivotTable">PivotTable object</param>
  24139. </member>
  24140. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  24141. <summary>
  24142. Deletes the PivotTable at the specified index
  24143. </summary>
  24144. <param name="index">the position index in PivotTable collection</param>
  24145. </member>
  24146. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  24147. <summary>
  24148. Gets the PivotTable report by index.
  24149. </summary>
  24150. </member>
  24151. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Item(System.String)">
  24152. <summary>
  24153. Gets the PivotTable report by pivottable's name.
  24154. </summary>
  24155. </member>
  24156. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableCollection.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  24157. <summary>
  24158. Gets the PivotTable report by pivottable's position.
  24159. </summary>
  24160. </member>
  24161. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType">
  24162. <summary>
  24163. Represents the pivot table style type.
  24164. </summary>
  24165. </member>
  24166. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.None">
  24167. <summary>
  24168. </summary>
  24169. </member>
  24170. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight1">
  24171. <summary>
  24172. </summary>
  24173. </member>
  24174. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight2">
  24175. <summary>
  24176. </summary>
  24177. </member>
  24178. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight3">
  24179. <summary>
  24180. </summary>
  24181. </member>
  24182. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight4">
  24183. <summary>
  24184. </summary>
  24185. </member>
  24186. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight5">
  24187. <summary>
  24188. </summary>
  24189. </member>
  24190. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight6">
  24191. <summary>
  24192. </summary>
  24193. </member>
  24194. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight7">
  24195. <summary>
  24196. </summary>
  24197. </member>
  24198. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight8">
  24199. <summary>
  24200. </summary>
  24201. </member>
  24202. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight9">
  24203. <summary>
  24204. </summary>
  24205. </member>
  24206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight10">
  24207. <summary>
  24208. </summary>
  24209. </member>
  24210. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight11">
  24211. <summary>
  24212. </summary>
  24213. </member>
  24214. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight12">
  24215. <summary>
  24216. </summary>
  24217. </member>
  24218. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight13">
  24219. <summary>
  24220. </summary>
  24221. </member>
  24222. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight14">
  24223. <summary>
  24224. </summary>
  24225. </member>
  24226. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight15">
  24227. <summary>
  24228. </summary>
  24229. </member>
  24230. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight16">
  24231. <summary>
  24232. </summary>
  24233. </member>
  24234. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight17">
  24235. <summary>
  24236. </summary>
  24237. </member>
  24238. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight18">
  24239. <summary>
  24240. </summary>
  24241. </member>
  24242. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight19">
  24243. <summary>
  24244. </summary>
  24245. </member>
  24246. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight20">
  24247. <summary>
  24248. </summary>
  24249. </member>
  24250. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight21">
  24251. <summary>
  24252. </summary>
  24253. </member>
  24254. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight22">
  24255. <summary>
  24256. </summary>
  24257. </member>
  24258. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight23">
  24259. <summary>
  24260. </summary>
  24261. </member>
  24262. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight24">
  24263. <summary>
  24264. </summary>
  24265. </member>
  24266. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight25">
  24267. <summary>
  24268. </summary>
  24269. </member>
  24270. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight26">
  24271. <summary>
  24272. </summary>
  24273. </member>
  24274. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight27">
  24275. <summary>
  24276. </summary>
  24277. </member>
  24278. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleLight28">
  24279. <summary>
  24280. </summary>
  24281. </member>
  24282. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium1">
  24283. <summary>
  24284. </summary>
  24285. </member>
  24286. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium2">
  24287. <summary>
  24288. </summary>
  24289. </member>
  24290. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium3">
  24291. <summary>
  24292. </summary>
  24293. </member>
  24294. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium4">
  24295. <summary>
  24296. </summary>
  24297. </member>
  24298. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium5">
  24299. <summary>
  24300. </summary>
  24301. </member>
  24302. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium6">
  24303. <summary>
  24304. </summary>
  24305. </member>
  24306. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium7">
  24307. <summary>
  24308. </summary>
  24309. </member>
  24310. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium8">
  24311. <summary>
  24312. </summary>
  24313. </member>
  24314. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium9">
  24315. <summary>
  24316. </summary>
  24317. </member>
  24318. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium10">
  24319. <summary>
  24320. </summary>
  24321. </member>
  24322. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium11">
  24323. <summary>
  24324. </summary>
  24325. </member>
  24326. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium12">
  24327. <summary>
  24328. </summary>
  24329. </member>
  24330. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium13">
  24331. <summary>
  24332. </summary>
  24333. </member>
  24334. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium14">
  24335. <summary>
  24336. </summary>
  24337. </member>
  24338. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium15">
  24339. <summary>
  24340. </summary>
  24341. </member>
  24342. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium16">
  24343. <summary>
  24344. </summary>
  24345. </member>
  24346. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium17">
  24347. <summary>
  24348. </summary>
  24349. </member>
  24350. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium18">
  24351. <summary>
  24352. </summary>
  24353. </member>
  24354. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium19">
  24355. <summary>
  24356. </summary>
  24357. </member>
  24358. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium20">
  24359. <summary>
  24360. </summary>
  24361. </member>
  24362. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium21">
  24363. <summary>
  24364. </summary>
  24365. </member>
  24366. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium22">
  24367. <summary>
  24368. </summary>
  24369. </member>
  24370. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium23">
  24371. <summary>
  24372. </summary>
  24373. </member>
  24374. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium24">
  24375. <summary>
  24376. </summary>
  24377. </member>
  24378. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium25">
  24379. <summary>
  24380. </summary>
  24381. </member>
  24382. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium26">
  24383. <summary>
  24384. </summary>
  24385. </member>
  24386. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium27">
  24387. <summary>
  24388. </summary>
  24389. </member>
  24390. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleMedium28">
  24391. <summary>
  24392. </summary>
  24393. </member>
  24394. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark1">
  24395. <summary>
  24396. </summary>
  24397. </member>
  24398. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark2">
  24399. <summary>
  24400. </summary>
  24401. </member>
  24402. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark3">
  24403. <summary>
  24404. </summary>
  24405. </member>
  24406. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark4">
  24407. <summary>
  24408. </summary>
  24409. </member>
  24410. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark5">
  24411. <summary>
  24412. </summary>
  24413. </member>
  24414. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark6">
  24415. <summary>
  24416. </summary>
  24417. </member>
  24418. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark7">
  24419. <summary>
  24420. </summary>
  24421. </member>
  24422. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark8">
  24423. <summary>
  24424. </summary>
  24425. </member>
  24426. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark9">
  24427. <summary>
  24428. </summary>
  24429. </member>
  24430. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark10">
  24431. <summary>
  24432. </summary>
  24433. </member>
  24434. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark11">
  24435. <summary>
  24436. </summary>
  24437. </member>
  24438. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark12">
  24439. <summary>
  24440. </summary>
  24441. </member>
  24442. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark13">
  24443. <summary>
  24444. </summary>
  24445. </member>
  24446. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark14">
  24447. <summary>
  24448. </summary>
  24449. </member>
  24450. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark15">
  24451. <summary>
  24452. </summary>
  24453. </member>
  24454. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark16">
  24455. <summary>
  24456. </summary>
  24457. </member>
  24458. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark17">
  24459. <summary>
  24460. </summary>
  24461. </member>
  24462. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark18">
  24463. <summary>
  24464. </summary>
  24465. </member>
  24466. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark19">
  24467. <summary>
  24468. </summary>
  24469. </member>
  24470. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark20">
  24471. <summary>
  24472. </summary>
  24473. </member>
  24474. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark21">
  24475. <summary>
  24476. </summary>
  24477. </member>
  24478. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark22">
  24479. <summary>
  24480. </summary>
  24481. </member>
  24482. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark23">
  24483. <summary>
  24484. </summary>
  24485. </member>
  24486. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark24">
  24487. <summary>
  24488. </summary>
  24489. </member>
  24490. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark25">
  24491. <summary>
  24492. </summary>
  24493. </member>
  24494. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark26">
  24495. <summary>
  24496. </summary>
  24497. </member>
  24498. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark27">
  24499. <summary>
  24500. </summary>
  24501. </member>
  24502. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.PivotTableStyleDark28">
  24503. <summary>
  24504. </summary>
  24505. </member>
  24506. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.PivotTableStyleType.Custom">
  24507. <summary>
  24508. </summary>
  24509. </member>
  24510. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.SxRng">
  24511. <summary>
  24512. Represents Group Range in a PivotField.
  24513. </summary>
  24514. </member>
  24515. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.SxRng.IsAutoStart">
  24516. <summary>
  24517. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the application will use the source data to set the beginning range value.
  24518. </summary>
  24519. </member>
  24520. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.SxRng.IsAutoEnd">
  24521. <summary>
  24522. Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the application will use the source data to set the end range value.
  24523. </summary>
  24524. </member>
  24525. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.SxRng.Start">
  24526. <summary>
  24527. Represents the start object for the group range.
  24528. </summary>
  24529. </member>
  24530. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.SxRng.End">
  24531. <summary>
  24532. Represents the end object for the group range.
  24533. </summary>
  24534. </member>
  24535. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.SxRng.By">
  24536. <summary>
  24537. Represents the interval object for the group range.
  24538. </summary>
  24539. </member>
  24540. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Pivot.SxRng.GroupByTypes">
  24541. <summary>
  24542. Represents the group type for the group range.
  24543. rangeofvalue Seconds Minutes Hours Days Months Quarters Years
  24544. </summary>
  24545. </member>
  24546. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ColorScale">
  24547. <summary>
  24548. Describe the ColorScale conditional formatting rule.
  24549. This conditional formatting rule creates a gradated color scale on the cells.
  24550. </summary>
  24551. </member>
  24552. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColorScale.Is3ColorScale">
  24553. <summary>
  24554. Indicates whether conditional formatting is 3 color scale.
  24555. </summary>
  24556. </member>
  24557. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColorScale.MinCfvo">
  24558. <summary>
  24559. Get or set this ColorScale's min value object.
  24560. Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Max to it.
  24561. </summary>
  24562. </member>
  24563. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColorScale.MidCfvo">
  24564. <summary>
  24565. Get or set this ColorScale's mid value object.
  24566. Cannot set CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Max or FormatConditionValueType.Min to it.
  24567. </summary>
  24568. </member>
  24569. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColorScale.MaxCfvo">
  24570. <summary>
  24571. Get or set this ColorScale's max value object.
  24572. Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Min to it.
  24573. </summary>
  24574. </member>
  24575. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColorScale.MinColor">
  24576. <summary>
  24577. Get or set the min value object's corresponding color.
  24578. </summary>
  24579. </member>
  24580. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColorScale.MidColor">
  24581. <summary>
  24582. Get or set the mid value object's corresponding color.
  24583. </summary>
  24584. </member>
  24585. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColorScale.MaxColor">
  24586. <summary>
  24587. Get or set the max value object's corresponding color.
  24588. </summary>
  24589. </member>
  24590. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingValue">
  24591. <summary>
  24592. Describes the values of the interpolation points in a gradient scale, dataBar or iconSet.
  24593. </summary>
  24594. </member>
  24595. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingValue.Value">
  24596. <summary>
  24597. Get or set the value of this conditional formatting value object.
  24598. It should be used in conjunction with Type.
  24599. </summary>
  24600. <remarks>
  24601. If the value is string and start with "=", it will be processed as a formula,
  24602. otherwise we will process it as a simple value.
  24603. </remarks>
  24604. </member>
  24605. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingValue.Type">
  24606. <summary>
  24607. Get or set the type of this conditional formatting value object.
  24608. Setting the type to FormatConditionValueType.Min or FormatConditionValueType.Max
  24609. will auto set "Value" to null.
  24610. </summary>
  24611. </member>
  24612. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingValue.IsGTE">
  24613. <summary>
  24614. Get or set the Greater Than Or Equal flag.
  24615. Use only for icon sets, determines whether this threshold value uses
  24616. the greater than or equal to operator.
  24617. 'false' indicates 'greater than' is used instead of 'greater than or equal to'.
  24618. Default value is true.
  24619. </summary>
  24620. </member>
  24621. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataBar">
  24622. <summary>
  24623. Describe the DataBar conditional formatting rule.
  24624. This conditional formatting rule displays a gradated
  24625. data bar in the range of cells.
  24626. </summary>
  24627. <example>
  24628. <code>
  24629. [C#]
  24630. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  24631. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  24632. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  24633. //Adds an empty conditional formatting
  24634. int index = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add();
  24635. FormatConditions fcs = sheet.ConditionalFormattings[index];
  24636. //Sets the conditional format range.
  24637. CellArea ca = new CellArea();
  24638. ca.StartRow = 0;
  24639. ca.EndRow = 2;
  24640. ca.StartColumn = 0;
  24641. ca.EndColumn = 0;
  24642. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  24643. //Adds condition.
  24644. int idx = fcs.AddCondtion(FormatConditionType.DataBar);
  24645. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  24646. FormatCondition cond = fcs[idx];
  24647. //Get Databar
  24648. DataBar dataBar = cond.DataBar;
  24649. dataBar.Color = Color.Orange;
  24650. //Set Databar properties
  24651. dataBar.MinCfvo.Type = FormatConditionValueType.Percentile;
  24652. dataBar.MinCfvo.Value = 30;
  24653. dataBar.ShowValue = false;
  24654. dataBar.BarBorder.Type = DataBarBorderType.DataBarBorderSolid;
  24655. dataBar.BarBorder.Color = Color.Plum;
  24656. dataBar.BarFillType = DataBarFillType.DataBarFillSolid;
  24657. dataBar.AxisColor = Color.Red;
  24658. dataBar.AxisPosition = DataBarAxisPosition.DataBarAxisMidpoint;
  24659. dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.ColorType = DataBarNegativeColorType.DataBarColor;
  24660. dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.Color = Color.White;
  24661. dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.BorderColorType = DataBarNegativeColorType.DataBarColor;
  24662. dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.BorderColor = Color.Yellow;
  24663. //Put Cell Values
  24664. Aspose.Cells.Cell cell1 = sheet.Cells["A1"];
  24665. cell1.PutValue(10);
  24666. Aspose.Cells.Cell cell2 = sheet.Cells["A2"];
  24667. cell2.PutValue(120);
  24668. Aspose.Cells.Cell cell3 = sheet.Cells["A3"];
  24669. cell3.PutValue(260);
  24670. //Saving the Excel file
  24671. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xlsx");
  24672. [VB.NET]
  24673. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  24674. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  24675. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  24676. 'Adds an empty conditional formatting
  24677. Dim index As Integer = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add()
  24678. Dim fcs As FormatConditions = sheet.ConditionalFormattings(index)
  24679. 'Sets the conditional format range.
  24680. Dim ca As New CellArea()
  24681. ca.StartRow = 0
  24682. ca.EndRow = 2
  24683. ca.StartColumn = 0
  24684. ca.EndColumn = 0
  24685. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  24686. 'Adds condition.
  24687. Dim idx As Integer = fcs.AddCondtion(FormatConditionType.DataBar)
  24688. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  24689. Dim cond As FormatCondition = fcs(idx)
  24690. 'Get Databar
  24691. Dim dataBar As DataBar = cond.DataBar
  24692. dataBar.Color = Color.Orange
  24693. 'Set Databar properties
  24694. dataBar.MinCfvo.Type = FormatConditionValueType.Percentile
  24695. dataBar.MinCfvo.Value = 30
  24696. dataBar.ShowValue = False
  24697. dataBar.BarBorder.Type = DataBarBorderType.DataBarBorderSolid
  24698. dataBar.BarBorder.Color = Color.Plum
  24699. dataBar.BarFillType = DataBarFillType.DataBarFillSolid
  24700. dataBar.AxisColor = Color.Red
  24701. dataBar.AxisPosition = DataBarAxisPosition.DataBarAxisMidpoint
  24702. dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.ColorType = DataBarNegativeColorType.DataBarColor
  24703. dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.Color = Color.White
  24704. dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.BorderColorType = DataBarNegativeColorType.DataBarColor
  24705. dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.BorderColor = Color.Yellow
  24706. 'Put Cell Values
  24707. Dim cell1 As Aspose.Cells.Cell = sheet.Cells("A1")
  24708. cell1.PutValue(10)
  24709. Dim cell2 As Aspose.Cells.Cell = sheet.Cells("A2")
  24710. cell2.PutValue(120)
  24711. Dim cell3 As Aspose.Cells.Cell = sheet.Cells("A3")
  24712. cell3.PutValue(260)
  24713. 'Saving the Excel file
  24714. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xlsx")
  24715. </code>
  24716. </example>
  24717. </member>
  24718. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.ToImage(Aspose.Cells.Cell,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  24719. <summary>
  24720. Render data bar in cell to image byte array.
  24721. </summary>
  24722. <param name="cell">Indicate the data bar in which cell to be rendered</param>
  24723. <param name="imgOpts">ImageOrPrintOptions contains some property of output image</param>
  24724. <returns>
  24725. </returns>
  24726. </member>
  24727. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.AxisColor">
  24728. <summary>
  24729. Gets the color of the axis for cells with conditional formatting as data bars.
  24730. </summary>
  24731. </member>
  24732. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.AxisPosition">
  24733. <summary>
  24734. Gets or sets the position of the axis of the data bars specified by a conditional formatting rule.
  24735. </summary>
  24736. </member>
  24737. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.BarFillType">
  24738. <summary>
  24739. Gets or sets how a data bar is filled with color.
  24740. </summary>
  24741. </member>
  24742. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.Direction">
  24743. <summary>
  24744. Gets or sets the direction the databar is displayed.
  24745. </summary>
  24746. </member>
  24747. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.BarBorder">
  24748. <summary>
  24749. Gets an object that specifies the border of a data bar.
  24750. </summary>
  24751. </member>
  24752. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.NegativeBarFormat">
  24753. <summary>
  24754. Gets the NegativeBarFormat object associated with a data bar conditional formatting rule.
  24755. </summary>
  24756. </member>
  24757. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.MinCfvo">
  24758. <summary>
  24759. Get or set this DataBar's min value object.
  24760. Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Max to it.
  24761. </summary>
  24762. </member>
  24763. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.MaxCfvo">
  24764. <summary>
  24765. Get or set this DataBar's max value object.
  24766. Cannot set null or CFValueObject with type FormatConditionValueType.Min to it.
  24767. </summary>
  24768. </member>
  24769. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.Color">
  24770. <summary>
  24771. Get or set this DataBar's Color.
  24772. </summary>
  24773. </member>
  24774. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.MinLength">
  24775. <summary>
  24776. Represents the min length of data bar .
  24777. </summary>
  24778. </member>
  24779. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.MaxLength">
  24780. <summary>
  24781. Represents the max length of data bar .
  24782. </summary>
  24783. </member>
  24784. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataBar.ShowValue">
  24785. <summary>
  24786. Get or set the flag indicating whether to show the values of the cells on which this data bar is applied.
  24787. Default value is true.
  24788. </summary>
  24789. </member>
  24790. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.IconSet">
  24791. <summary>
  24792. Describe the IconSet conditional formatting rule.
  24793. This conditional formatting rule applies icons to cells
  24794. according to their values.
  24795. </summary>
  24796. <example>
  24797. <code>
  24798. [C#]
  24799. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  24800. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  24801. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  24802. //Adds an empty conditional formatting
  24803. int index = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add();
  24804. FormatConditions fcs = sheet.ConditionalFormattings[index];
  24805. //Sets the conditional format range.
  24806. CellArea ca = new CellArea();
  24807. ca.StartRow = 0;
  24808. ca.EndRow = 2;
  24809. ca.StartColumn = 0;
  24810. ca.EndColumn = 0;
  24811. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  24812. //Adds condition.
  24813. int idx = fcs.AddCondtion(FormatConditionType.IconSet);
  24814. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  24815. FormatCondition cond = fcs[idx];
  24816. //Get Icon Set
  24817. IconSet iconSet = cond.IconSet;
  24818. //Set Icon Type
  24819. iconSet.Type = IconSetType.Arrows3;
  24820. //Put Cell Values
  24821. Aspose.Cells.Cell cell1 = sheet.Cells["A1"];
  24822. cell1.PutValue(10);
  24823. Aspose.Cells.Cell cell2 = sheet.Cells["A2"];
  24824. cell2.PutValue(120);
  24825. Aspose.Cells.Cell cell3 = sheet.Cells["A3"];
  24826. cell3.PutValue(260);
  24827. //Saving the Excel file
  24828. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xlsx");
  24829. [VB.NET]
  24830. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  24831. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  24832. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  24833. 'Adds an empty conditional formatting
  24834. Dim index As Integer = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add()
  24835. Dim fcs As FormatConditions = sheet.ConditionalFormattings(index)
  24836. 'Sets the conditional format range.
  24837. Dim ca As New CellArea()
  24838. ca.StartRow = 0
  24839. ca.EndRow = 2
  24840. ca.StartColumn = 0
  24841. ca.EndColumn = 0
  24842. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  24843. 'Adds condition.
  24844. Dim idx As Integer = fcs.AddCondtion(FormatConditionType.IconSet)
  24845. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  24846. Dim cond As FormatCondition = fcs(idx)
  24847. 'Get Icon Set
  24848. Dim iconSet As IconSet = cond.IconSet
  24849. 'Set Icon Type
  24850. iconSet.Type = IconSetType.Arrows3
  24851. 'Put Cell Values
  24852. Dim cell1 As Aspose.Cells.Cell = sheet.Cells("A1")
  24853. cell1.PutValue(10)
  24854. Dim cell2 As Aspose.Cells.Cell = sheet.Cells("A2")
  24855. cell2.PutValue(120)
  24856. Dim cell3 As Aspose.Cells.Cell = sheet.Cells("A3")
  24857. cell3.PutValue(260)
  24858. 'Saving the Excel file
  24859. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xlsx")
  24860. </code>
  24861. </example>
  24862. </member>
  24863. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.IconSet.CfIcons">
  24864. <summary>
  24865. Get the<see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingIcon" /> from the collection
  24866. </summary>
  24867. </member>
  24868. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.IconSet.Cfvos">
  24869. <summary>
  24870. Get the CFValueObjects instance.
  24871. </summary>
  24872. </member>
  24873. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.IconSet.Type">
  24874. <summary>
  24875. Get or Set the icon set type to display.
  24876. Setting the type will auto check if the current Cfvos's count is
  24877. accord with the new type. If not accord, old Cfvos will be cleaned and
  24878. default Cfvos will be added.
  24879. </summary>
  24880. </member>
  24881. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.IconSet.IsCustom">
  24882. <summary>
  24883. Indicates whether the icon set is custom.
  24884. Default value is false.
  24885. </summary>
  24886. </member>
  24887. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.IconSet.ShowValue">
  24888. <summary>
  24889. Get or set the flag indicating whether to show the values of the cells on which this icon set is applied.
  24890. Default value is true.
  24891. </summary>
  24892. </member>
  24893. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.IconSet.Reverse">
  24894. <summary>
  24895. Get or set the flag indicating whether to reverses the default order of the icons in this icon set.
  24896. Default value is false.
  24897. </summary>
  24898. </member>
  24899. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange">
  24900. <summary>
  24901. A specified range to be allowed to edit when the sheet protection is ON.
  24902. </summary>
  24903. </member>
  24904. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange.GetAreas">
  24905. <summary>
  24906. Gets all referred areas.
  24907. </summary>
  24908. <returns>Returns all referred areas.</returns>
  24909. </member>
  24910. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange.AddArea(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  24911. <summary>
  24912. Adds a referred area to this
  24913. </summary>
  24914. <param name="startRow">The start row.</param>
  24915. <param name="startColumn">The start column.</param>
  24916. <param name="endRow">The end row.</param>
  24917. <param name="endColumn">The end column.</param>
  24918. </member>
  24919. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange.Name">
  24920. <summary>
  24921. Gets the Range title. This is used as a descriptor, not as a named range definition.
  24922. </summary>
  24923. </member>
  24924. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange.CellArea">
  24925. <summary>
  24926. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange.CellArea" /> object represents the cell area to be protected.
  24927. </summary>
  24928. </member>
  24929. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange.Password">
  24930. <summary>
  24931. Represents the password to protect the range.
  24932. </summary>
  24933. </member>
  24934. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange.SecurityDescriptor">
  24935. <summary>
  24936. The security descriptor defines user accounts who may edit this range without providing a password to access the range.
  24937. </summary>
  24938. </member>
  24939. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRangeCollection">
  24940. <summary>
  24941. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange" /> objects.
  24942. </summary>
  24943. </member>
  24944. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRangeCollection.Add(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  24945. <summary>
  24946. Adds a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange" /> item to the collection.
  24947. </summary>
  24948. <param name="name">Range title. This is used as a descriptor, not as a named range definition.</param>
  24949. <param name="startRow">Start row index of the range.</param>
  24950. <param name="startColumn">Start column index of the range.</param>
  24951. <param name="endRow">End row index of the range.</param>
  24952. <param name="endColumn">End column index of the range.</param>
  24953. <returns>object index.</returns>
  24954. </member>
  24955. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRangeCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  24956. <summary>
  24957. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ProtectedRange" /> element at the specified index.
  24958. </summary>
  24959. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  24960. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  24961. </member>
  24962. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ColorFilter">
  24963. <summary>
  24964. Represents the color filter.
  24965. </summary>
  24966. </member>
  24967. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ColorFilter.GetColor(Aspose.Cells.WorksheetCollection)">
  24968. <summary>
  24969. </summary>
  24970. <param name="sheets">
  24971. </param>
  24972. <returns>
  24973. </returns>
  24974. </member>
  24975. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ColorFilter.FilterByFillColor">
  24976. <summary>
  24977. Flag indicating whether or not to filter by the cell's fill color.
  24978. </summary>
  24979. </member>
  24980. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CustomFilter">
  24981. <summary>
  24982. Represents the custom filter.
  24983. </summary>
  24984. </member>
  24985. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CustomFilter.SetCriteria(Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType,System.Object)">
  24986. <summary>
  24987. Sets the filter criteria.
  24988. </summary>
  24989. <param name="filterOperator">filter operator type</param>
  24990. <param name="criteria">filter criteria value</param>
  24991. </member>
  24992. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CustomFilter.FilterOperatorType">
  24993. <summary>
  24994. Gets and sets the filter operator type.
  24995. </summary>
  24996. </member>
  24997. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CustomFilter.Criteria">
  24998. <summary>
  24999. Gets and sets the criteria.
  25000. </summary>
  25001. </member>
  25002. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CustomFilterCollection">
  25003. <summary>
  25004. Represents the custom filters.
  25005. </summary>
  25006. </member>
  25007. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CustomFilterCollection.And">
  25008. <summary>
  25009. Indicates whether the two criteria have an "and" relationship.
  25010. </summary>
  25011. </member>
  25012. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CustomFilterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  25013. <summary>
  25014. Gets the custom filter in the specific index.
  25015. </summary>
  25016. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  25017. <returns>
  25018. </returns>
  25019. </member>
  25020. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem">
  25021. <summary>
  25022. Represents the datetime's group setting.
  25023. </summary>
  25024. </member>
  25025. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  25026. <summary>
  25027. </summary>
  25028. <param name="type">
  25029. </param>
  25030. <param name="year">
  25031. </param>
  25032. <param name="month">
  25033. </param>
  25034. <param name="day">
  25035. </param>
  25036. <param name="hour">
  25037. </param>
  25038. <param name="minute">
  25039. </param>
  25040. <param name="second">
  25041. </param>
  25042. </member>
  25043. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.MinValue">
  25044. <summary>
  25045. Gets the min value.
  25046. </summary>
  25047. </member>
  25048. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.DateTimeGroupingType">
  25049. <summary>
  25050. Gets and sets the group type.
  25051. </summary>
  25052. </member>
  25053. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.Year">
  25054. <summary>
  25055. Gets and sets the year of the grouped date time.
  25056. </summary>
  25057. </member>
  25058. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.Month">
  25059. <summary>
  25060. Gets and sets the month of the grouped date time.
  25061. </summary>
  25062. </member>
  25063. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.Day">
  25064. <summary>
  25065. Gets and sets the day of the grouped date time.
  25066. </summary>
  25067. </member>
  25068. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.Hour">
  25069. <summary>
  25070. Gets and sets the hour of the grouped date time.
  25071. </summary>
  25072. </member>
  25073. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.Minute">
  25074. <summary>
  25075. Gets and sets the minute of the grouped date time.
  25076. </summary>
  25077. </member>
  25078. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupItem.Second">
  25079. <summary>
  25080. Gets and sets the second of the grouped date time.
  25081. </summary>
  25082. </member>
  25083. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType">
  25084. <summary>
  25085. Specifies how to group dateTime values.
  25086. </summary>
  25087. </member>
  25088. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType.Day">
  25089. <summary>
  25090. Group by day.
  25091. </summary>
  25092. </member>
  25093. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType.Hour">
  25094. <summary>
  25095. Group by hour.
  25096. </summary>
  25097. </member>
  25098. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType.Minute">
  25099. <summary>
  25100. Group by Minute.
  25101. </summary>
  25102. </member>
  25103. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType.Month">
  25104. <summary>
  25105. Group by Month.
  25106. </summary>
  25107. </member>
  25108. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType.Second">
  25109. <summary>
  25110. Group by Second.
  25111. </summary>
  25112. </member>
  25113. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DateTimeGroupingType.Year">
  25114. <summary>
  25115. Group by Year.
  25116. </summary>
  25117. </member>
  25118. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilter">
  25119. <summary>
  25120. Represents the dynamic filter.
  25121. </summary>
  25122. </member>
  25123. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilter.DynamicFilterType">
  25124. <summary>
  25125. Gets and sets the dynamic filter type.
  25126. </summary>
  25127. </member>
  25128. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilter.Value">
  25129. <summary>
  25130. Gets and sets the dynamic filter value.
  25131. </summary>
  25132. </member>
  25133. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilter.MaxValue">
  25134. <summary>
  25135. Gets and sets the dynamic filter max value.
  25136. </summary>
  25137. </member>
  25138. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType">
  25139. <summary>
  25140. Dynamic filter type.
  25141. </summary>
  25142. </member>
  25143. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.AboveAverage">
  25144. <summary>
  25145. Shows values that are above average.
  25146. </summary>
  25147. </member>
  25148. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.BelowAverage">
  25149. <summary>
  25150. Shows values that are below average.
  25151. </summary>
  25152. </member>
  25153. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.LastMonth">
  25154. <summary>
  25155. Shows last month's dates.
  25156. </summary>
  25157. </member>
  25158. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.LastQuarter">
  25159. <summary>
  25160. Shows last quarter's dates.
  25161. </summary>
  25162. </member>
  25163. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.LastWeek">
  25164. <summary>
  25165. Shows last week's dates.
  25166. </summary>
  25167. </member>
  25168. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.LastYear">
  25169. <summary>
  25170. Shows last year's dates.
  25171. </summary>
  25172. </member>
  25173. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.January">
  25174. <summary>
  25175. Shows the dates that are in January, regardless of year.
  25176. </summary>
  25177. </member>
  25178. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.October">
  25179. <summary>
  25180. Shows the dates that are in October, regardless of year.
  25181. </summary>
  25182. </member>
  25183. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.November">
  25184. <summary>
  25185. Shows the dates that are in November, regardless of year.
  25186. </summary>
  25187. </member>
  25188. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.December">
  25189. <summary>
  25190. Shows the dates that are in December, regardless of year.
  25191. </summary>
  25192. </member>
  25193. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.Februray">
  25194. <summary>
  25195. Shows the dates that are in February, regardless of year.
  25196. </summary>
  25197. <remarks>
  25198. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  25199. please use DynamicFilterType.February property.
  25200. This property will be removed 12 months later since September 2020.
  25201. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  25202. </member>
  25203. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.February">
  25204. <summary>
  25205. Shows the dates that are in February, regardless of year.
  25206. </summary>
  25207. </member>
  25208. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.March">
  25209. <summary>
  25210. Shows the dates that are in March, regardless of year.
  25211. </summary>
  25212. </member>
  25213. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.April">
  25214. <summary>
  25215. Shows the dates that are in April, regardless of year.
  25216. </summary>
  25217. </member>
  25218. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.May">
  25219. <summary>
  25220. Shows the dates that are in May, regardless of year.
  25221. </summary>
  25222. </member>
  25223. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.June">
  25224. <summary>
  25225. Shows the dates that are in June, regardless of year.
  25226. </summary>
  25227. </member>
  25228. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.July">
  25229. <summary>
  25230. Shows the dates that are in July, regardless of year.
  25231. </summary>
  25232. </member>
  25233. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.August">
  25234. <summary>
  25235. Shows the dates that are in August, regardless of year.
  25236. </summary>
  25237. </member>
  25238. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.September">
  25239. <summary>
  25240. Shows the dates that are in September, regardless of year.
  25241. </summary>
  25242. </member>
  25243. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.NextMonth">
  25244. <summary>
  25245. Shows next month's dates.
  25246. </summary>
  25247. </member>
  25248. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.NextQuarter">
  25249. <summary>
  25250. Shows next quarter's dates.
  25251. </summary>
  25252. </member>
  25253. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.NextWeek">
  25254. <summary>
  25255. Shows next week's dates.
  25256. </summary>
  25257. </member>
  25258. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.NextYear">
  25259. <summary>
  25260. Shows next year's dates.
  25261. </summary>
  25262. </member>
  25263. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.None">
  25264. <summary>
  25265. </summary>
  25266. </member>
  25267. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.Quarter1">
  25268. <summary>
  25269. Shows the dates that are in the 1st quarter, regardless of year.
  25270. </summary>
  25271. </member>
  25272. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.Quarter2">
  25273. <summary>
  25274. Shows the dates that are in the 2nd quarter, regardless of year.
  25275. </summary>
  25276. </member>
  25277. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.Quarter3">
  25278. <summary>
  25279. Shows the dates that are in the 3rd quarter, regardless of year.
  25280. </summary>
  25281. </member>
  25282. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.Quarter4">
  25283. <summary>
  25284. Shows the dates that are in the 4th quarter, regardless of year.
  25285. </summary>
  25286. </member>
  25287. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.ThisMonth">
  25288. <summary>
  25289. Shows this month's dates.
  25290. </summary>
  25291. </member>
  25292. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.ThisQuarter">
  25293. <summary>
  25294. Shows this quarter's dates.
  25295. </summary>
  25296. </member>
  25297. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.ThisWeek">
  25298. <summary>
  25299. Shows this week's dates.
  25300. </summary>
  25301. </member>
  25302. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.ThisYear">
  25303. <summary>
  25304. Shows this year's dates.
  25305. </summary>
  25306. </member>
  25307. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.Today">
  25308. <summary>
  25309. Shows today's dates.
  25310. </summary>
  25311. </member>
  25312. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.Tomorrow">
  25313. <summary>
  25314. Shows tomorrow's dates.
  25315. </summary>
  25316. </member>
  25317. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.YearToDate">
  25318. <summary>
  25319. Shows the dates between the beginning of the year and today, inclusive.
  25320. </summary>
  25321. </member>
  25322. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DynamicFilterType.Yesterday">
  25323. <summary>
  25324. Shows yesterday's dates.
  25325. </summary>
  25326. </member>
  25327. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.MultipleFilterCollection">
  25328. <summary>
  25329. Represents the multiple filter collection.
  25330. </summary>
  25331. </member>
  25332. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.MultipleFilterCollection.MatchBlank">
  25333. <summary>
  25334. Indicates whether to filter by blank.
  25335. </summary>
  25336. </member>
  25337. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.MultipleFilterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  25338. <summary>
  25339. DateTimeGroupItem or a simple object.
  25340. </summary>
  25341. <param name="index">
  25342. </param>
  25343. <returns>
  25344. </returns>
  25345. </member>
  25346. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FilterType">
  25347. <summary>
  25348. The filter type.
  25349. </summary>
  25350. </member>
  25351. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterType.ColorFilter">
  25352. <summary>
  25353. </summary>
  25354. </member>
  25355. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterType.CustomFilters">
  25356. <summary>
  25357. </summary>
  25358. </member>
  25359. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterType.DynamicFilter">
  25360. <summary>
  25361. </summary>
  25362. </member>
  25363. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterType.MultipleFilters">
  25364. <summary>
  25365. When multiple values are chosen to filter by, or when a group of date values are chosen to filter by,
  25366. this element groups those criteria together.
  25367. </summary>
  25368. </member>
  25369. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterType.IconFilter">
  25370. <summary>
  25371. </summary>
  25372. </member>
  25373. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterType.Top10">
  25374. <summary>
  25375. </summary>
  25376. </member>
  25377. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterType.None">
  25378. <summary>
  25379. </summary>
  25380. </member>
  25381. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.IconFilter">
  25382. <summary>
  25383. Represents icon filter.
  25384. </summary>
  25385. </member>
  25386. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.IconFilter.IconSetType">
  25387. <summary>
  25388. Gets and sets which icon set is used in the filter criteria.
  25389. </summary>
  25390. </member>
  25391. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.IconFilter.IconId">
  25392. <summary>
  25393. Gets and sets Zero-based index of an icon in an icon set.
  25394. </summary>
  25395. </member>
  25396. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Top10Filter">
  25397. <summary>
  25398. Represents the top 10 filter.
  25399. </summary>
  25400. </member>
  25401. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Top10Filter.IsTop">
  25402. <summary>
  25403. Indicates whether it's top filter.
  25404. </summary>
  25405. </member>
  25406. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Top10Filter.IsPercent">
  25407. <summary>
  25408. Indicates whether the items is percent.
  25409. </summary>
  25410. </member>
  25411. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Top10Filter.Items">
  25412. <summary>
  25413. Gets and sets the items of the filter.
  25414. </summary>
  25415. </member>
  25416. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Top10Filter.Criteria">
  25417. <summary>
  25418. </summary>
  25419. </member>
  25420. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions">
  25421. <summary>
  25422. Represents all auto fitter options.
  25423. </summary>
  25424. </member>
  25425. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions.AutoFitMergedCells">
  25426. <summary>
  25427. Indicates whether auto fit row height when the cells is merged in a row.
  25428. The default value is false.
  25429. </summary>
  25430. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  25431. please use AutoFitterOptions.AutoFitMergedCellsType property, instead.
  25432. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2018.
  25433. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  25434. </member>
  25435. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions.AutoFitMergedCellsType">
  25436. <summary>
  25437. Gets and set the type of auto fitting row height.
  25438. </summary>
  25439. <remarks>
  25440. If the cells in merged in a row and auto fit the rows in MS Excel,
  25441. MS Excel do not expand the row height.
  25442. If this option is true, Aspose.Cells will expand the row height to fit the cells' data.
  25443. </remarks>
  25444. </member>
  25445. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions.OnlyAuto">
  25446. <summary>
  25447. Indicates whether only fit the rows which height are not customed.
  25448. </summary>
  25449. </member>
  25450. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions.IgnoreHidden">
  25451. <summary>
  25452. Ignores the hidden rows/columns.
  25453. </summary>
  25454. </member>
  25455. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions.MaxRowHeight">
  25456. <summary>
  25457. Gets and sets the max row height(in unit of Point) when autofitting rows.
  25458. </summary>
  25459. </member>
  25460. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AutoFitterOptions.AutoFitWrappedTextType">
  25461. <summary>
  25462. Gets and sets the type of auto fitting wrapped text.
  25463. </summary>
  25464. </member>
  25465. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompliance">
  25466. <summary>
  25467. Allowing user to set PDF conversion's Compatibility
  25468. </summary>
  25469. </member>
  25470. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompliance.None">
  25471. <summary>
  25472. Normal pdf format
  25473. </summary>
  25474. </member>
  25475. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompliance.PdfA1b">
  25476. <summary>
  25477. Pdf format compatible with PDFA-1b
  25478. </summary>
  25479. </member>
  25480. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompliance.PdfA1a">
  25481. <summary>
  25482. Pdf format compatible with PDFA-1a
  25483. </summary>
  25484. </member>
  25485. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DirectoryType">
  25486. <summary>
  25487. Represents the directory type of the file name.
  25488. </summary>
  25489. </member>
  25490. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DirectoryType.Volume">
  25491. <summary>
  25492. Represents an MS-DOS drive letter. It is followed by the drive letter.
  25493. Or UNC file names, such as \\server\share\myfile.xls
  25494. </summary>
  25495. </member>
  25496. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DirectoryType.SameVolume">
  25497. <summary>
  25498. Indicates that the source workbook is on the same drive as the dependent workbook (the drive letter is omitted)
  25499. </summary>
  25500. </member>
  25501. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DirectoryType.DownDirectory">
  25502. <summary>
  25503. Indicates that the source workbook is in a subdirectory of the current directory.
  25504. </summary>
  25505. </member>
  25506. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DirectoryType.UpDirectory">
  25507. <summary>
  25508. Indicates that the source workbook is in the parent directory of the current directory.
  25509. </summary>
  25510. </member>
  25511. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType">
  25512. <summary>
  25513. Represents a preset light right that can be applied to a shape
  25514. </summary>
  25515. </member>
  25516. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Balanced">
  25517. <summary>
  25518. Balanced
  25519. </summary>
  25520. </member>
  25521. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.BrightRoom">
  25522. <summary>
  25523. Bright room
  25524. </summary>
  25525. </member>
  25526. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Chilly">
  25527. <summary>
  25528. Chilly
  25529. </summary>
  25530. </member>
  25531. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Contrasting">
  25532. <summary>
  25533. Contrasting
  25534. </summary>
  25535. </member>
  25536. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Flat">
  25537. <summary>
  25538. Flat
  25539. </summary>
  25540. </member>
  25541. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Flood">
  25542. <summary>
  25543. Flood
  25544. </summary>
  25545. </member>
  25546. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Freezing">
  25547. <summary>
  25548. Freezing
  25549. </summary>
  25550. </member>
  25551. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Glow">
  25552. <summary>
  25553. Glow
  25554. </summary>
  25555. </member>
  25556. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Harsh">
  25557. <summary>
  25558. Harsh
  25559. </summary>
  25560. </member>
  25561. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyFlat1">
  25562. <summary>
  25563. LegacyFlat1
  25564. </summary>
  25565. </member>
  25566. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyFlat2">
  25567. <summary>
  25568. LegacyFlat2
  25569. </summary>
  25570. </member>
  25571. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyFlat3">
  25572. <summary>
  25573. LegacyFlat3
  25574. </summary>
  25575. </member>
  25576. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyFlat4">
  25577. <summary>
  25578. LegacyFlat4
  25579. </summary>
  25580. </member>
  25581. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyHarsh1">
  25582. <summary>
  25583. LegacyHarsh1
  25584. </summary>
  25585. </member>
  25586. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyHarsh2">
  25587. <summary>
  25588. LegacyHarsh2
  25589. </summary>
  25590. </member>
  25591. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyHarsh3">
  25592. <summary>
  25593. LegacyHarsh3
  25594. </summary>
  25595. </member>
  25596. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyHarsh4">
  25597. <summary>
  25598. LegacyHarsh4
  25599. </summary>
  25600. </member>
  25601. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyNormal1">
  25602. <summary>
  25603. LegacyNormal1
  25604. </summary>
  25605. </member>
  25606. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyNormal2">
  25607. <summary>
  25608. LegacyNormal2
  25609. </summary>
  25610. </member>
  25611. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyNormal3">
  25612. <summary>
  25613. LegacyNormal3
  25614. </summary>
  25615. </member>
  25616. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.LegacyNormal4">
  25617. <summary>
  25618. LegacyNormal4
  25619. </summary>
  25620. </member>
  25621. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Morning">
  25622. <summary>
  25623. Morning
  25624. </summary>
  25625. </member>
  25626. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Soft">
  25627. <summary>
  25628. Soft
  25629. </summary>
  25630. </member>
  25631. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Sunrise">
  25632. <summary>
  25633. Sunrise
  25634. </summary>
  25635. </member>
  25636. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.Sunset">
  25637. <summary>
  25638. Sunset
  25639. </summary>
  25640. </member>
  25641. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.ThreePoint">
  25642. <summary>
  25643. Three point
  25644. </summary>
  25645. </member>
  25646. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.TwoPoint">
  25647. <summary>
  25648. Two point
  25649. </summary>
  25650. </member>
  25651. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LightRigType.None">
  25652. <summary>
  25653. No light rig.
  25654. </summary>
  25655. </member>
  25656. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions">
  25657. <summary>
  25658. Represents all export table options.
  25659. </summary>
  25660. </member>
  25661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.DataTable">
  25662. <summary>
  25663. Gets and sets the DataTable which columns' data type is assigned.
  25664. </summary>
  25665. </member>
  25666. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.ExportColumnName">
  25667. <summary>
  25668. Indicates whether the data in the first row are exported to the column name of the DataTable.
  25669. The default value is false.
  25670. </summary>
  25671. </member>
  25672. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.SkipErrorValue">
  25673. <summary>
  25674. Indicates whether skip invalid value for the column.
  25675. For example,if the column type is decimal ,the value is greater than decimal.MaxValue
  25676. and this property is true,we will not throw exception again.
  25677. The default value is false.
  25678. </summary>
  25679. </member>
  25680. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.PlotVisibleCells">
  25681. <summary>
  25682. Only exports visible cells.
  25683. </summary>
  25684. </member>
  25685. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.PlotVisibleRows">
  25686. <summary>
  25687. Only exports visible rows.
  25688. </summary>
  25689. </member>
  25690. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.PlotVisibleColumns">
  25691. <summary>
  25692. Only exports visible columns.
  25693. </summary>
  25694. </member>
  25695. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.ExportAsString">
  25696. <summary>
  25697. Exports the string value of the cells to the DataTable.
  25698. </summary>
  25699. </member>
  25700. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.ExportAsHtmlString">
  25701. <summary>
  25702. Exports the html string value of the cells to the DataTable.
  25703. </summary>
  25704. </member>
  25705. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.FormatStrategy">
  25706. <summary>
  25707. Gets and sets the format strategy when exporting the value as string value.
  25708. </summary>
  25709. </member>
  25710. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.CheckMixedValueType">
  25711. <summary>
  25712. False, Aspose.Cells will set the DataColumn's type by the value type of the first row for performance.
  25713. True, Aspose.Cells will check whether the value type in the column are mixed before set the DataColumn's type
  25714. And the value type are mixed, the DataColumn's type will be string.
  25715. </summary>
  25716. </member>
  25717. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.IsVertical">
  25718. <summary>
  25719. True if a row in Workbook file represents a row in DataTable. False if a column in Workbook file represents a row in DataTable.
  25720. </summary>
  25721. </member>
  25722. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.Indexes">
  25723. <summary>
  25724. The indexes of columns/rows which should be exported out.
  25725. </summary>
  25726. </member>
  25727. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExportTableOptions.RenameStrategy">
  25728. <summary>
  25729. Renames strategy when columns contains the duplicate names.
  25730. </summary>
  25731. </member>
  25732. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions">
  25733. <summary>
  25734. Represents the options for saving html file.
  25735. </summary>
  25736. </member>
  25737. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.#ctor">
  25738. <summary>
  25739. Creates options for saving html file.
  25740. </summary>
  25741. </member>
  25742. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  25743. <summary>
  25744. Creates options for saving htm file.
  25745. </summary>
  25746. <param name="format">The saving file format.</param>
  25747. </member>
  25748. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.PageTitle">
  25749. <summary>
  25750. The title of the html page.
  25751. Only for saving to html stream.
  25752. </summary>
  25753. </member>
  25754. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.AttachedFilesDirectory">
  25755. <summary>
  25756. The directory that the attached files will be saved to.
  25757. Only for saving to html stream.
  25758. </summary>
  25759. </member>
  25760. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.AttachedFilesUrlPrefix">
  25761. <summary>
  25762. Specify the Url prefix of attached files such as image in the html file.
  25763. Only for saving to html stream.
  25764. </summary>
  25765. </member>
  25766. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.DefaultFontName">
  25767. <summary>
  25768. Specify the default font name for exporting html, the default font will be used when the font of style is not existing,
  25769. If this property is null, Aspose.Cells will use universal font which have the same family with the original font,
  25770. the default value is null.
  25771. </summary>
  25772. </member>
  25773. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.IsExportComments">
  25774. <summary>
  25775. Indicates if exporting comments when saving file to html, the default value is false.
  25776. </summary>
  25777. </member>
  25778. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.DisableDownlevelRevealedComments">
  25779. <summary>
  25780. Indicates if disable Downlevel-revealed conditional comments when exporting file to html, the default value is false.
  25781. </summary>
  25782. </member>
  25783. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.IsExpImageToTempDir">
  25784. <summary>
  25785. Indicates whether exporting image files to temp directory.
  25786. Only for saving to html stream.
  25787. </summary>
  25788. </member>
  25789. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageScalable">
  25790. <summary>
  25791. Indicates whether using scalable unit to describe the image width
  25792. when using scalable unit to describe the column width.
  25793. The default value is true.
  25794. </summary>
  25795. </member>
  25796. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.WidthScalable">
  25797. <summary>
  25798. Indicates whether using scalable unit to describe the column width when exporting file to html.
  25799. The default value is false.
  25800. </summary>
  25801. </member>
  25802. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSingleTab">
  25803. <summary>
  25804. Indicates whether exporting the single tab when the file only has one worksheet.
  25805. The default value is false.
  25806. </summary>
  25807. </member>
  25808. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportImagesAsBase64">
  25809. <summary>
  25810. Specifies whether images are saved in Base64 format to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  25811. </summary>
  25812. <remarks>
  25813. When this property is set to true image data is exported directly on the
  25814. img elements and separate files are not created.
  25815. </remarks>
  25816. </member>
  25817. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportActiveWorksheetOnly">
  25818. <summary>
  25819. Indicates if exporting the whole workbook to html file.
  25820. </summary>
  25821. </member>
  25822. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPrintAreaOnly">
  25823. <summary>
  25824. Indicates if only exporting the print area to html file. The default value is false.
  25825. </summary>
  25826. </member>
  25827. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportArea">
  25828. <summary>
  25829. Gets or Sets the exporting CellArea of current active Worksheet.
  25830. If you set this attribute, the print area of current active Worksheet will be omitted.
  25831. Only the specified area will be exported when saving the file to html.
  25832. </summary>
  25833. </member>
  25834. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ParseHtmlTagInCell">
  25835. <summary>
  25836. Parse html tag in cell,like <div></div>,as cell value,or as html tag,default is true
  25837. </summary>
  25838. </member>
  25839. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlCrossStringType">
  25840. <summary>
  25841. Indicates if a cross-cell string will be displayed in the same way as MS Excel when saving an Excel file in html format.
  25842. By default the value is Default, so, for cross-cell strings, there is little difference between the html files created by Aspose.Cells and MS Excel.
  25843. But the performance for creating large html files,setting the value to Cross would be several times faster than setting it to Default or Fit2Cell.
  25844. </summary>
  25845. </member>
  25846. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.HiddenColDisplayType">
  25847. <summary>
  25848. Hidden column(the width of this column is 0) in excel,before save this into html format,
  25849. if HtmlHiddenColDisplayType is "Remove",the hidden column would not been output,
  25850. if the value is "Hidden", the column would been output,but was hidden,the default value is "Hidden"
  25851. </summary>
  25852. </member>
  25853. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.HiddenRowDisplayType">
  25854. <summary>
  25855. Hidden row(the height of this row is 0) in excel,before save this into html format,
  25856. if HtmlHiddenRowDisplayType is "Remove",the hidden row would not been output,
  25857. if the value is "Hidden", the row would been output,but was hidden,the default value is "Hidden"
  25858. </summary>
  25859. </member>
  25860. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.Encoding">
  25861. <summary>
  25862. If not set,use Encoding.UTF8 as default enconding type.
  25863. </summary>
  25864. </member>
  25865. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportObjectListener">
  25866. <summary>
  25867. Gets or sets the ExportObjectListener for exporting objects.
  25868. </summary>
  25869. <remarks>
  25870. NOTE: This property is now obsolete. Instead,
  25871. please use HtmlSaveOptions.IStreamProvider property.
  25872. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2015.
  25873. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  25874. </member>
  25875. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.FilePathProvider">
  25876. <summary>
  25877. Gets or sets the IFilePathProvider for exporting Worksheet to html separately.
  25878. </summary>
  25879. </member>
  25880. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.StreamProvider">
  25881. <summary>
  25882. Gets or sets the IStreamProvider for exporting objects.
  25883. </summary>
  25884. </member>
  25885. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageOptions">
  25886. <summary>
  25887. Get the ImageOrPrintOptions object before exporting
  25888. </summary>
  25889. </member>
  25890. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportHiddenWorksheet">
  25891. <summary>
  25892. Indicating if exporting the hidden worksheet content.The default value is true.
  25893. </summary>
  25894. </member>
  25895. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.PresentationPreference">
  25896. <summary>
  25897. Indicating if html or mht file is presentation preference.The default value is false.if you want to get
  25898. more beautiful presentation,please set the value to true.
  25899. </summary>
  25900. </member>
  25901. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.CellCssPrefix">
  25902. <summary>
  25903. Gets and sets the prefix of the css name,the default value is "".
  25904. </summary>
  25905. </member>
  25906. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.TableCssId">
  25907. <summary>
  25908. Gets and sets the prefix of the type css name such as tr,col,td and so on, they are contained in the table element
  25909. which has the specific TableCssId attribute. The default value is "".
  25910. </summary>
  25911. </member>
  25912. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.IsFullPathLink">
  25913. <summary>
  25914. Indicating whether using full path link in sheet00x.htm,filelist.xml and tabstrip.htm.
  25915. The default value is false.
  25916. </summary>
  25917. </member>
  25918. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetCSSSeparately">
  25919. <summary>
  25920. Indicating whether export the worksheet css separately.The default value is false.
  25921. </summary>
  25922. </member>
  25923. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSimilarBorderStyle">
  25924. <summary>
  25925. Indicating whether exporting the similar border style when the border style is not supported by browsers.
  25926. If you want to import the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
  25927. The default value is false.
  25928. </summary>
  25929. </member>
  25930. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportHeadings">
  25931. <summary>
  25932. Indicates whether exporting headings when saving file to html.The default value is false.
  25933. If you want to import the html file to excel, please keep the default value.
  25934. </summary>
  25935. </member>
  25936. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.AddTooltipText">
  25937. <summary>
  25938. Indicates whether adding tooltip text when the data can't be fully displayed.
  25939. The default value is false.
  25940. </summary>
  25941. </member>
  25942. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportGridLines">
  25943. <summary>
  25944. Indicating whether exporting the gridlines.The default value is false.
  25945. </summary>
  25946. </member>
  25947. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportBogusRowData">
  25948. <summary>
  25949. Indicating whether exporting bogus bottom row data. The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file
  25950. to excel, please keep the default value.
  25951. </summary>
  25952. </member>
  25953. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExcludeUnusedStyles">
  25954. <summary>
  25955. Indicating whether excluding unused styles.The default value is false.If you want to import
  25956. the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
  25957. </summary>
  25958. </member>
  25959. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties">
  25960. <summary>
  25961. Indicating whether exporting document properties.The default value is true.If you want to import
  25962. the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
  25963. </summary>
  25964. </member>
  25965. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorksheetProperties">
  25966. <summary>
  25967. Indicating whether exporting worksheet properties.The default value is true.If you want to import
  25968. the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
  25969. </summary>
  25970. </member>
  25971. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportWorkbookProperties">
  25972. <summary>
  25973. Indicating whether exporting workbook properties.The default value is true.If you want to import
  25974. the html or mht file to excel, please keep the default value.
  25975. </summary>
  25976. </member>
  25977. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFrameScriptsAndProperties">
  25978. <summary>
  25979. Indicating whether exporting frame scripts and document properties. The default value is true.If you want to import the html or mht file
  25980. to excel, please keep the default value.
  25981. </summary>
  25982. </member>
  25983. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDataOptions">
  25984. <summary>
  25985. Indicating the rule of exporting html file data.The default value is All.
  25986. </summary>
  25987. </member>
  25988. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HtmlSaveOptions.LinkTargetType">
  25989. <summary>
  25990. Indicating the type of target attribute in &lt;a&gt; link,The default value is HtmlLinkTargetType.Parent.
  25991. </summary>
  25992. </member>
  25993. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTag">
  25994. <summary>
  25995. Represents a smart tag.
  25996. </summary>
  25997. </member>
  25998. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTag.SetLink(System.String,System.String)">
  25999. <summary>
  26000. Change the name and the namespace URI of the smart tag.
  26001. </summary>
  26002. <param name="uri">The namespace URI of the smart tag.</param>
  26003. <param name="name">The name of the smart tag.</param>
  26004. </member>
  26005. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTag.Deleted">
  26006. <summary>
  26007. Indicates whether the smart tag is deleted.
  26008. </summary>
  26009. </member>
  26010. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTag.Properties">
  26011. <summary>
  26012. Gets and set the properties of the smart tag.
  26013. </summary>
  26014. </member>
  26015. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTag.Uri">
  26016. <summary>
  26017. Gets the namespace URI of the smart tag.
  26018. </summary>
  26019. </member>
  26020. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTag.Name">
  26021. <summary>
  26022. Gets the name of the smart tag.
  26023. </summary>
  26024. </member>
  26025. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection">
  26026. <summary>
  26027. Represents all smart tags in the cell.
  26028. </summary>
  26029. </member>
  26030. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  26031. <summary>
  26032. Adds a smart tag.
  26033. </summary>
  26034. <param name="uri">Specifies the namespace URI of the smart tag</param>
  26035. <param name="name">Specifies the name of the smart tag. </param>
  26036. <returns>The index of smart tag in the list.</returns>
  26037. </member>
  26038. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection.Row">
  26039. <summary>
  26040. Gets the row of the cell smart tags.
  26041. </summary>
  26042. </member>
  26043. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection.Column">
  26044. <summary>
  26045. Gets the column of the cell smart tags.
  26046. </summary>
  26047. </member>
  26048. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  26049. <summary>
  26050. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTag" /> object at the specific index
  26051. </summary>
  26052. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  26053. <returns>returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTag" /> object. </returns>
  26054. </member>
  26055. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagOptions">
  26056. <summary>
  26057. Represents the options of the smart tag.
  26058. </summary>
  26059. </member>
  26060. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagOptions.EmbedSmartTags">
  26061. <summary>
  26062. Indicates whether saving smart tags with the workbook.
  26063. </summary>
  26064. </member>
  26065. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagOptions.ShowType">
  26066. <summary>
  26067. Represents the show type of smart tag.
  26068. </summary>
  26069. </member>
  26070. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagSetting">
  26071. <summary>
  26072. Represents all <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object in the worksheet.
  26073. </summary>
  26074. </member>
  26075. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagSetting.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  26076. <summary>
  26077. Adds a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object to a cell.
  26078. </summary>
  26079. <param name="row">The row of the cell.</param>
  26080. <param name="column">The column of the cell.</param>
  26081. <returns>Returns index of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object in the worksheet.</returns>
  26082. </member>
  26083. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagSetting.Add(System.String)">
  26084. <summary>
  26085. Add a cell smart tags.
  26086. </summary>
  26087. <param name="cellName">The name of the cell.</param>
  26088. <returns>
  26089. </returns>
  26090. </member>
  26091. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagSetting.Item(System.Int32)">
  26092. <summary>
  26093. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object by the index.
  26094. </summary>
  26095. <param name="index">The index of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object in the list.</param>
  26096. <returns>
  26097. </returns>
  26098. </member>
  26099. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagSetting.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  26100. <summary>
  26101. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object of the cell.
  26102. </summary>
  26103. <param name="row">The row index of the cell.</param>
  26104. <param name="column">The column index of the cell</param>
  26105. <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object of the cell.
  26106. Returns null if there is no any smart tags on the cell.
  26107. </returns>
  26108. </member>
  26109. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagSetting.Item(System.String)">
  26110. <summary>
  26111. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object of the cell.
  26112. </summary>
  26113. <param name="cellName">The name of the cell.</param>
  26114. <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagCollection" /> object of the cell.
  26115. Returns null if there is no any smart tags on the cell.
  26116. </returns>
  26117. </member>
  26118. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagProperty">
  26119. <summary>
  26120. Represents the property of the cell smart tag.
  26121. </summary>
  26122. </member>
  26123. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagProperty.Name">
  26124. <summary>
  26125. Gets and sets the name of the property.
  26126. </summary>
  26127. </member>
  26128. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagProperty.Value">
  26129. <summary>
  26130. Gets and sets the value of the property.
  26131. </summary>
  26132. </member>
  26133. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagPropertyCollection">
  26134. <summary>
  26135. Represents all properties of cell smart tag.
  26136. </summary>
  26137. </member>
  26138. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagPropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  26139. <summary>
  26140. Adds a property of cell's smart tag.
  26141. </summary>
  26142. <param name="name">The name of the property</param>
  26143. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  26144. <returns>return <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagProperty" /></returns>
  26145. </member>
  26146. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagPropertyCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  26147. <summary>
  26148. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagProperty" /> object.
  26149. </summary>
  26150. <param name="index">The index</param>
  26151. <returns>Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagProperty" /> object.</returns>
  26152. </member>
  26153. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagPropertyCollection.Item(System.String)">
  26154. <summary>
  26155. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagProperty" /> object by the name of the property.
  26156. </summary>
  26157. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  26158. <returns>Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagProperty" /> object.</returns>
  26159. </member>
  26160. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagShowType">
  26161. <summary>
  26162. Represents the show type of the smart tag.
  26163. </summary>
  26164. </member>
  26165. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagShowType.All">
  26166. <summary>
  26167. Indicates that smart tags are enabled and shown
  26168. </summary>
  26169. </member>
  26170. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagShowType.NoSmartTagIndicator">
  26171. <summary>
  26172. Indicates that the smart tags are enabled but the indicator not be shown.
  26173. </summary>
  26174. </member>
  26175. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Markup.SmartTagShowType.None">
  26176. <summary>
  26177. Indicates that smart tags are disabled and not displayed.
  26178. </summary>
  26179. </member>
  26180. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.OdsSaveOptions">
  26181. <summary>
  26182. Represents the options of saving ods file.
  26183. </summary>
  26184. </member>
  26185. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.OdsSaveOptions.#ctor">
  26186. <summary>
  26187. Creates the options of saving ods file.
  26188. </summary>
  26189. </member>
  26190. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.OdsSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  26191. <summary>
  26192. Creates the options of saving ods file.
  26193. </summary>
  26194. <param name="saveFormat">
  26195. </param>
  26196. </member>
  26197. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OdsSaveOptions.GeneratorType">
  26198. <summary>
  26199. Gets and sets the generator of the ods file.
  26200. </summary>
  26201. </member>
  26202. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OdsSaveOptions.IsStrictSchema11">
  26203. <summary>
  26204. Indicates whether the ods file should be saved as ODF format version 1.1. Default is false.
  26205. </summary>
  26206. </member>
  26207. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions">
  26208. <summary>
  26209. Represents the paste special options.
  26210. </summary>
  26211. </member>
  26212. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions.PasteType">
  26213. <summary>
  26214. The paste special type.
  26215. </summary>
  26216. </member>
  26217. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions.SkipBlanks">
  26218. <summary>
  26219. Indicates whether skips blank cells.
  26220. </summary>
  26221. </member>
  26222. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions.OnlyVisibleCells">
  26223. <summary>
  26224. True means only copying visible cells.
  26225. </summary>
  26226. </member>
  26227. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PasteOptions.Transpose">
  26228. <summary>
  26229. True to transpose rows and columns when the range is pasted. The default value is False.
  26230. </summary>
  26231. </member>
  26232. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions">
  26233. <summary>
  26234. Represents the options for saving pdf file.
  26235. </summary>
  26236. </member>
  26237. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.#ctor">
  26238. <summary>
  26239. Creates the options for saving pdf file.
  26240. </summary>
  26241. </member>
  26242. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  26243. <summary>
  26244. Creates the options for saving pdf file.
  26245. </summary>
  26246. <param name="saveFormat">The save format.It must be pdf.</param>
  26247. </member>
  26248. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.SetImageResample(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  26249. <summary>
  26250. Sets desired PPI(pixels per inch) of resample images and jpeg quality
  26251. All images will be converted to JPEG with the specified quality setting,
  26252. and images that are greater than the specified PPI (pixels per inch) will be resampled.
  26253. </summary>
  26254. <param name="desiredPPI">Desired pixels per inch. 220 high quality. 150 screen quality. 96 email quality.</param>
  26255. <param name="jpegQuality">0 - 100% JPEG quality.</param>
  26256. </member>
  26257. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.PrintingPageType">
  26258. <summary>
  26259. Indicates which pages will not be printed.
  26260. </summary>
  26261. </member>
  26262. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.EmbedStandardWindowsFonts">
  26263. <summary>
  26264. True to embed true type fonts.
  26265. Affects only ASCII characters 32-127.
  26266. Fonts for character codes greater than 127 are always embedded.
  26267. PDFA1B must embedded font.
  26268. Default is true.
  26269. </summary>
  26270. </member>
  26271. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.Bookmark">
  26272. <summary>
  26273. Gets and sets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfBookmarkEntry">PdfBookmarkEntry</see> object.
  26274. </summary>
  26275. </member>
  26276. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.Compliance">
  26277. <summary>
  26278. Workbook converts to pdf will according to PdfCompliance in this property.
  26279. </summary>
  26280. </member>
  26281. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.DefaultFont">
  26282. <summary>
  26283. When characters in the Excel are unicode and not be set with correct font in cell style,
  26284. They may appear as block in pdf,image.
  26285. Set the DefaultFont such as MingLiu or MS Gothic to show these characters.
  26286. If this property is not set, Aspose.Cells will use system default font to show these unicode characters.
  26287. </summary>
  26288. </member>
  26289. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.CheckWorkbookDefaultFont">
  26290. <summary>
  26291. When characters in the Excel are unicode and not be set with correct font in cell style,
  26292. They may appear as block in pdf,image.
  26293. Set this to true to try to use workbook's default font to show these characters first.
  26294. </summary>
  26295. <remarks>
  26296. Default is true.
  26297. </remarks>
  26298. </member>
  26299. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.SecurityOptions">
  26300. <summary>
  26301. Set this options, when security is need in xls2pdf result.
  26302. </summary>
  26303. </member>
  26304. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.OnePagePerSheet">
  26305. <summary>
  26306. If OnePagePerSheet is true , all content of one sheet will output to only one page in result.
  26307. The paper size of pagesetup will be invalid, and the other settings of pagesetup
  26308. will still take effect.
  26309. </summary>
  26310. </member>
  26311. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.AllColumnsInOnePagePerSheet">
  26312. <summary>
  26313. If AllColumnsInOnePagePerSheet is true , all column content of one sheet will output to only one page in result.
  26314. The width of paper size of pagesetup will be ignored, and the other settings of pagesetup
  26315. will still take effect.
  26316. </summary>
  26317. </member>
  26318. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.ImageType">
  26319. <summary>
  26320. Represents the image type when converting the chart and shape .
  26321. </summary>
  26322. </member>
  26323. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.CalculateFormula">
  26324. <summary>
  26325. Indicates whether calculate formulas before saving pdf file.
  26326. </summary>
  26327. <remarks>
  26328. The default value is false.
  26329. </remarks>
  26330. </member>
  26331. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.PdfCompression">
  26332. <summary>
  26333. Indicate the compression algorithm
  26334. </summary>
  26335. </member>
  26336. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.StreamProvider">
  26337. <summary>
  26338. Gets or sets the IStreamProvider for exporting objects.
  26339. </summary>
  26340. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  26341. please use Border property.
  26342. This property will be removed 12 months later since January 2018.
  26343. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  26344. </member>
  26345. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.CheckFontCompatibility">
  26346. <summary>
  26347. Indicates whether check font compatibility for every character in text.
  26348. </summary>
  26349. <remarks>
  26350. The default value is true.
  26351. Disable this property may give better performance.
  26352. But when the default or specified font of text/character cannot be used to render it,
  26353. unreadable characters(such as block) maybe occur in the generated pdf.
  26354. For such situation user should keep this property as true so that
  26355. alternative font can be searched and used to render the text instead;
  26356. </remarks>
  26357. </member>
  26358. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.PageIndex">
  26359. <summary>
  26360. Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to save.
  26361. </summary>
  26362. <remarks>
  26363. Default is 0.
  26364. </remarks>
  26365. </member>
  26366. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.PageCount">
  26367. <summary>
  26368. Gets or sets the number of pages to save.
  26369. </summary>
  26370. <remarks>
  26371. Default is System.Int32.MaxValue which means all pages will be rendered..
  26372. </remarks>
  26373. </member>
  26374. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.CreatedTime">
  26375. <summary>
  26376. Gets and sets the time of generating the pdf document.
  26377. </summary>
  26378. <remarks>
  26379. if it is not be set, it will be the time of generating the pdf.
  26380. </remarks>
  26381. </member>
  26382. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.OptimizationType">
  26383. <summary>
  26384. Gets and sets pdf optimization type.
  26385. </summary>
  26386. </member>
  26387. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.IsFontSubstitutionCharGranularity">
  26388. <summary>
  26389. Indicates whether only substitute the font of character when the cell font is not compatibility for it.
  26390. </summary>
  26391. <remarks>
  26392. Default is false. We will try default font of Workbook and PdfSaveOption/system for cell font first.
  26393. </remarks>
  26394. </member>
  26395. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.GridlineType">
  26396. <summary>
  26397. Gets or sets gridline type.
  26398. </summary>
  26399. <remarks>
  26400. Default is Dotted type.
  26401. </remarks>
  26402. </member>
  26403. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.TextCrossType">
  26404. <summary>
  26405. Gets or sets displaying text type when the text width is larger than cell width.
  26406. </summary>
  26407. </member>
  26408. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.IgnoreError">
  26409. <summary>
  26410. Indicates if you need to hide the error while rendering.
  26411. The error can be error in shape, image, chart rendering, etc.
  26412. </summary>
  26413. </member>
  26414. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.OutputBlankPageWhenNothingToPrint">
  26415. <summary>
  26416. Indicates whether to output a blank page when there is nothing to print.
  26417. </summary>
  26418. <remarks>
  26419. Default is true.
  26420. </remarks>
  26421. </member>
  26422. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.DrawObjectEventHandler">
  26423. <summary>
  26424. Implements this interface to get DrawObject and Bound when rendering.
  26425. </summary>
  26426. </member>
  26427. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.CustomPropertiesExport">
  26428. <summary>
  26429. Gets or sets a value determining the way <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection" /> are exported to PDF file. Default value is None.
  26430. </summary>
  26431. </member>
  26432. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.ExportDocumentStructure">
  26433. <summary>
  26434. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to export document structure.
  26435. </summary>
  26436. </member>
  26437. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.PageSavingCallback">
  26438. <summary>
  26439. Control/Indicate progress of page saving process.
  26440. </summary>
  26441. </member>
  26442. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.EmfRenderSetting">
  26443. <summary>
  26444. Setting for rendering Emf metafile.
  26445. </summary>
  26446. <remarks>
  26447. EMF metafiles identified as "EMF+ Dual" can contain both EMF+ records and EMF records.
  26448. Either type of record can be used to render the image, only EMF+ records, or only EMF records.
  26449. When <see cref="!:EmfRenderSetting.EmfPlusPrefer" /> is set, then EMF+ records will be parsed while rendering to pdf, otherwise only EMF records will be parsed.
  26450. Default value is <see cref="!:EmfRenderSetting.EmfOnly" />.
  26451. </remarks>
  26452. </member>
  26453. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.DisplayDocTitle">
  26454. <summary>
  26455. Indicate whether the window's title bar should display the document title.
  26456. </summary>
  26457. <remarks>
  26458. If false, the title bar should instead display the name of the PDF file.
  26459. Default value is false.
  26460. </remarks>
  26461. </member>
  26462. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions.DefaultEditLanguage">
  26463. <summary>
  26464. Gets or sets default edit language.
  26465. </summary>
  26466. <remarks>
  26467. It may display/render different layouts for text paragraph when different edit languages is set.
  26468. Default is <see cref="!:DefaultEditLanguage.Auto" />.
  26469. </remarks>
  26470. </member>
  26471. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Bevel">
  26472. <summary>
  26473. Represents a bevel of a shape
  26474. </summary>
  26475. </member>
  26476. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Bevel.Width">
  26477. <summary>
  26478. Gets and sets the width of the bevel, or how far into the shape it is applied.
  26479. In unit of Points.
  26480. </summary>
  26481. </member>
  26482. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Bevel.Height">
  26483. <summary>
  26484. Gets and sets the height of the bevel, or how far above the shape it is applied.
  26485. In unit of Points.
  26486. </summary>
  26487. </member>
  26488. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Bevel.Type">
  26489. <summary>
  26490. Gets and sets the preset bevel type.
  26491. </summary>
  26492. </member>
  26493. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType">
  26494. <summary>
  26495. Represents a preset for a type of bevel which can be applied to a shape in 3D.
  26496. </summary>
  26497. </member>
  26498. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.None">
  26499. <summary>
  26500. No bevel
  26501. </summary>
  26502. </member>
  26503. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.Angle">
  26504. <summary>
  26505. Angle
  26506. </summary>
  26507. </member>
  26508. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.ArtDeco">
  26509. <summary>
  26510. Art deco
  26511. </summary>
  26512. </member>
  26513. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.Circle">
  26514. <summary>
  26515. Circle
  26516. </summary>
  26517. </member>
  26518. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.Convex">
  26519. <summary>
  26520. Convex
  26521. </summary>
  26522. </member>
  26523. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.CoolSlant">
  26524. <summary>
  26525. Cool slant
  26526. </summary>
  26527. </member>
  26528. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.Cross">
  26529. <summary>
  26530. Cross
  26531. </summary>
  26532. </member>
  26533. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.Divot">
  26534. <summary>
  26535. Divot
  26536. </summary>
  26537. </member>
  26538. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.HardEdge">
  26539. <summary>
  26540. Hard edge
  26541. </summary>
  26542. </member>
  26543. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.RelaxedInset">
  26544. <summary>
  26545. Relaxed inset
  26546. </summary>
  26547. </member>
  26548. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.Riblet">
  26549. <summary>
  26550. Riblet
  26551. </summary>
  26552. </member>
  26553. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.Slope">
  26554. <summary>
  26555. Slope
  26556. </summary>
  26557. </member>
  26558. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.BevelType.SoftRound">
  26559. <summary>
  26560. Soft round
  26561. </summary>
  26562. </member>
  26563. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Format3D">
  26564. <summary>
  26565. This class specifies the 3D shape properties for a chart element or shape.
  26566. </summary>
  26567. </member>
  26568. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Format3D.HasTopBevelData">
  26569. <summary>
  26570. Indicates if the shape has top bevel data.
  26571. </summary>
  26572. <returns>
  26573. </returns>
  26574. </member>
  26575. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Format3D.TopBevel">
  26576. <summary>
  26577. Gets the <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Bevel" /> object that holds the properties associated with defining a bevel on the top or front face of a shape.
  26578. </summary>
  26579. </member>
  26580. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Format3D.SurfaceMaterialType">
  26581. <summary>
  26582. Gets and sets the material type which is combined with the lighting properties to give the final look and feel of a shape.
  26583. Default value is PresetMaterialType.WarmMatte.
  26584. </summary>
  26585. </member>
  26586. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Format3D.SurfaceLightingType">
  26587. <summary>
  26588. Gets and sets the lighting type which is to be applied to the scene of the shape.
  26589. Default value is LightRigType.ThreePoint.
  26590. </summary>
  26591. </member>
  26592. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Format3D.LightingAngle">
  26593. <summary>
  26594. Gets and sets the lighting angle. Range from 0 to 359.9 degrees.
  26595. </summary>
  26596. </member>
  26597. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GlowEffect">
  26598. <summary>
  26599. This class specifies a glow effect, in which a color blurred outline
  26600. is added outside the edges of the object.
  26601. </summary>
  26602. </member>
  26603. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GlowEffect.Color">
  26604. <summary>
  26605. Gets the color of the glow effect.
  26606. </summary>
  26607. </member>
  26608. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GlowEffect.Radius">
  26609. <summary>
  26610. Gets and sets the radius of the glow, in unit of points.
  26611. </summary>
  26612. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  26613. please use GlowEffect.Size property.
  26614. This property will be removed 6 months later since September 2016.
  26615. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  26616. </member>
  26617. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GlowEffect.Size">
  26618. <summary>
  26619. Gets and sets the radius of the glow, in unit of points.
  26620. </summary>
  26621. </member>
  26622. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GlowEffect.Transparency">
  26623. <summary>
  26624. Gets and sets the degree of transparency of the glow effect. Range from 0.0 (opaque) to 1.0 (clear).
  26625. </summary>
  26626. </member>
  26627. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType">
  26628. <summary>
  26629. Represent different algorithmic methods for setting all camera properties, including position.
  26630. </summary>
  26631. </member>
  26632. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricBottomDown">
  26633. <summary>
  26634. </summary>
  26635. </member>
  26636. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricBottomUp">
  26637. <summary>
  26638. </summary>
  26639. </member>
  26640. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricLeftDown">
  26641. <summary>
  26642. </summary>
  26643. </member>
  26644. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricLeftUp">
  26645. <summary>
  26646. </summary>
  26647. </member>
  26648. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis1Left">
  26649. <summary>
  26650. </summary>
  26651. </member>
  26652. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis1Right">
  26653. <summary>
  26654. </summary>
  26655. </member>
  26656. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis1Top">
  26657. <summary>
  26658. </summary>
  26659. </member>
  26660. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis2Left">
  26661. <summary>
  26662. </summary>
  26663. </member>
  26664. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis2Right">
  26665. <summary>
  26666. </summary>
  26667. </member>
  26668. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis2Top">
  26669. <summary>
  26670. </summary>
  26671. </member>
  26672. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis3Bottom">
  26673. <summary>
  26674. </summary>
  26675. </member>
  26676. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis3Left">
  26677. <summary>
  26678. </summary>
  26679. </member>
  26680. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis3Right">
  26681. <summary>
  26682. </summary>
  26683. </member>
  26684. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis4Bottom">
  26685. <summary>
  26686. </summary>
  26687. </member>
  26688. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis4Left">
  26689. <summary>
  26690. </summary>
  26691. </member>
  26692. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricOffAxis4Right">
  26693. <summary>
  26694. </summary>
  26695. </member>
  26696. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricRightDown">
  26697. <summary>
  26698. </summary>
  26699. </member>
  26700. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricRightUp">
  26701. <summary>
  26702. </summary>
  26703. </member>
  26704. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricTopDown">
  26705. <summary>
  26706. </summary>
  26707. </member>
  26708. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.IsometricTopUp">
  26709. <summary>
  26710. </summary>
  26711. </member>
  26712. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueBottom">
  26713. <summary>
  26714. </summary>
  26715. </member>
  26716. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueBottomLeft">
  26717. <summary>
  26718. </summary>
  26719. </member>
  26720. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueBottomRight">
  26721. <summary>
  26722. </summary>
  26723. </member>
  26724. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueFront">
  26725. <summary>
  26726. </summary>
  26727. </member>
  26728. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueLeft">
  26729. <summary>
  26730. </summary>
  26731. </member>
  26732. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueRight">
  26733. <summary>
  26734. </summary>
  26735. </member>
  26736. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueTop">
  26737. <summary>
  26738. </summary>
  26739. </member>
  26740. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueTopLeft">
  26741. <summary>
  26742. </summary>
  26743. </member>
  26744. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyObliqueTopRight">
  26745. <summary>
  26746. </summary>
  26747. </member>
  26748. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveBottom">
  26749. <summary>
  26750. </summary>
  26751. </member>
  26752. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveBottomLeft">
  26753. <summary>
  26754. </summary>
  26755. </member>
  26756. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveBottomRight">
  26757. <summary>
  26758. </summary>
  26759. </member>
  26760. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveFront">
  26761. <summary>
  26762. </summary>
  26763. </member>
  26764. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveLeft">
  26765. <summary>
  26766. </summary>
  26767. </member>
  26768. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveRight">
  26769. <summary>
  26770. </summary>
  26771. </member>
  26772. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveTop">
  26773. <summary>
  26774. </summary>
  26775. </member>
  26776. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveTopLeft">
  26777. <summary>
  26778. </summary>
  26779. </member>
  26780. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.LegacyPerspectiveTopRight">
  26781. <summary>
  26782. </summary>
  26783. </member>
  26784. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.ObliqueBottom">
  26785. <summary>
  26786. </summary>
  26787. </member>
  26788. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.ObliqueBottomLeft">
  26789. <summary>
  26790. </summary>
  26791. </member>
  26792. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.ObliqueBottomRight">
  26793. <summary>
  26794. </summary>
  26795. </member>
  26796. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.ObliqueLeft">
  26797. <summary>
  26798. </summary>
  26799. </member>
  26800. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.ObliqueRight">
  26801. <summary>
  26802. </summary>
  26803. </member>
  26804. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.ObliqueTop">
  26805. <summary>
  26806. </summary>
  26807. </member>
  26808. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.ObliqueTopLeft">
  26809. <summary>
  26810. </summary>
  26811. </member>
  26812. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.ObliqueTopRight">
  26813. <summary>
  26814. </summary>
  26815. </member>
  26816. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.OrthographicFront">
  26817. <summary>
  26818. </summary>
  26819. </member>
  26820. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveAbove">
  26821. <summary>
  26822. </summary>
  26823. </member>
  26824. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveAboveLeftFacing">
  26825. <summary>
  26826. </summary>
  26827. </member>
  26828. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveAboveRightFacing">
  26829. <summary>
  26830. </summary>
  26831. </member>
  26832. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveBelow">
  26833. <summary>
  26834. </summary>
  26835. </member>
  26836. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveContrastingLeftFacing">
  26837. <summary>
  26838. </summary>
  26839. </member>
  26840. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveContrastingRightFacing">
  26841. <summary>
  26842. </summary>
  26843. </member>
  26844. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveFront">
  26845. <summary>
  26846. </summary>
  26847. </member>
  26848. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing">
  26849. <summary>
  26850. </summary>
  26851. </member>
  26852. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing">
  26853. <summary>
  26854. </summary>
  26855. </member>
  26856. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveHeroicLeftFacing">
  26857. <summary>
  26858. </summary>
  26859. </member>
  26860. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveHeroicRightFacing">
  26861. <summary>
  26862. </summary>
  26863. </member>
  26864. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveLeft">
  26865. <summary>
  26866. </summary>
  26867. </member>
  26868. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveRelaxed">
  26869. <summary>
  26870. </summary>
  26871. </member>
  26872. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveRelaxedModerately">
  26873. <summary>
  26874. </summary>
  26875. </member>
  26876. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetCameraType.PerspectiveRight">
  26877. <summary>
  26878. </summary>
  26879. </member>
  26880. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType">
  26881. <summary>
  26882. Represents preset shadow type.
  26883. </summary>
  26884. </member>
  26885. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.NoShadow">
  26886. <summary>
  26887. No shadow.
  26888. </summary>
  26889. </member>
  26890. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.Custom">
  26891. <summary>
  26892. Custom shadow.
  26893. </summary>
  26894. </member>
  26895. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetDiagonalBottomRight">
  26896. <summary>
  26897. Outer shadow offset diagonal bottom right.
  26898. </summary>
  26899. </member>
  26900. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetBottom">
  26901. <summary>
  26902. Outer shadow offset bottom.
  26903. </summary>
  26904. </member>
  26905. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetDiagonalBottomLeft">
  26906. <summary>
  26907. Outer shadow offset diagonal bottom left.
  26908. </summary>
  26909. </member>
  26910. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetRight">
  26911. <summary>
  26912. Outer shadow offset right.
  26913. </summary>
  26914. </member>
  26915. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetCenter">
  26916. <summary>
  26917. Outer shadow offset center.
  26918. </summary>
  26919. </member>
  26920. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetLeft">
  26921. <summary>
  26922. Outer shadow offset left.
  26923. </summary>
  26924. </member>
  26925. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetDiagonalTopRight">
  26926. <summary>
  26927. Outer shadow offset diagonal top right.
  26928. </summary>
  26929. </member>
  26930. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetTop">
  26931. <summary>
  26932. Outer shadow offset top.
  26933. </summary>
  26934. </member>
  26935. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.OffsetDiagonalTopLeft">
  26936. <summary>
  26937. Outer shadow offset diagonal top left.
  26938. </summary>
  26939. </member>
  26940. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideDiagonalTopLeft">
  26941. <summary>
  26942. Inner shadow inside diagonal top Left.
  26943. </summary>
  26944. </member>
  26945. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideTop">
  26946. <summary>
  26947. Inner shadow inside top.
  26948. </summary>
  26949. </member>
  26950. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideDiagonalTopRight">
  26951. <summary>
  26952. Inner shadow inside diagonal top right.
  26953. </summary>
  26954. </member>
  26955. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideLeft">
  26956. <summary>
  26957. Inner shadow inside left.
  26958. </summary>
  26959. </member>
  26960. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideCenter">
  26961. <summary>
  26962. Inner shadow inside center.
  26963. </summary>
  26964. </member>
  26965. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideRight">
  26966. <summary>
  26967. Inner shadow inside right.
  26968. </summary>
  26969. </member>
  26970. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideDiagonalBottomLeft">
  26971. <summary>
  26972. Inner shadow inside diagonal bottom left.
  26973. </summary>
  26974. </member>
  26975. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideBottom">
  26976. <summary>
  26977. Inner shadow inside bottom.
  26978. </summary>
  26979. </member>
  26980. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.InsideDiagonalBottomRight">
  26981. <summary>
  26982. Inner shadow inside diagonal bottom right.
  26983. </summary>
  26984. </member>
  26985. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.PerspectiveDiagonalUpperLeft">
  26986. <summary>
  26987. Outer shadow perspective diagonal upper left.
  26988. </summary>
  26989. </member>
  26990. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.PerspectiveDiagonalUpperRight">
  26991. <summary>
  26992. Outer shadow perspective diagonal upper right.
  26993. </summary>
  26994. </member>
  26995. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.Below">
  26996. <summary>
  26997. Outer shadow below.
  26998. </summary>
  26999. </member>
  27000. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.PerspectiveDiagonalLowerLeft">
  27001. <summary>
  27002. Outer shadow perspective diagonal lower left.
  27003. </summary>
  27004. </member>
  27005. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetShadowType.PerspectiveDiagonalLowerRight">
  27006. <summary>
  27007. Outer shadow perspective diagonal lower right.
  27008. </summary>
  27009. </member>
  27010. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect">
  27011. <summary>
  27012. This class specifies a reflection effect.
  27013. </summary>
  27014. </member>
  27015. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect.Type">
  27016. <summary>
  27017. Gets and sets the preset reflection effect.
  27018. </summary>
  27019. </member>
  27020. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect.Transparency">
  27021. <summary>
  27022. Gets and sets the degree of the starting reflection transparency as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  27023. </summary>
  27024. </member>
  27025. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect.Size">
  27026. <summary>
  27027. Gets and sets the end position (along the alpha gradient ramp) of the end alpha value,in unit of percentage
  27028. </summary>
  27029. </member>
  27030. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect.Blur">
  27031. <summary>
  27032. Gets and sets the blur radius,in unit of points.
  27033. </summary>
  27034. </member>
  27035. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect.Direction">
  27036. <summary>
  27037. Gets and sets the direction of the alpha gradient ramp relative to the shape itself.
  27038. </summary>
  27039. </member>
  27040. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect.Distance">
  27041. <summary>
  27042. Gets and sets how far to distance the shadow,in unit of points.
  27043. </summary>
  27044. </member>
  27045. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect.FadeDirection">
  27046. <summary>
  27047. Gets and sets the direction to offset the reflection.
  27048. </summary>
  27049. </member>
  27050. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ReflectionEffect.RotWithShape">
  27051. <summary>
  27052. Gets and sets if the reflection should rotate with the shape.
  27053. </summary>
  27054. </member>
  27055. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect">
  27056. <summary>
  27057. This class specifies the shadow effect of the chart element or shape.
  27058. </summary>
  27059. </member>
  27060. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect.PresetType">
  27061. <summary>
  27062. Gets and sets the preset shadow type of the shadow.
  27063. </summary>
  27064. </member>
  27065. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect.Color">
  27066. <summary>
  27067. Gets and sets the color of the shadow.
  27068. </summary>
  27069. </member>
  27070. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect.Transparency">
  27071. <summary>
  27072. Gets and sets the degree of transparency of the shadow. Range from 0.0 (opaque) to 1.0 (clear).
  27073. </summary>
  27074. </member>
  27075. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect.Size">
  27076. <summary>
  27077. Gets and sets the size of the shadow. Range from 0 to 2.0.
  27078. Meaningless in inner shadow.
  27079. </summary>
  27080. </member>
  27081. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect.Blur">
  27082. <summary>
  27083. Gets and sets the blur of the shadow. Range from 0 to 100 points.
  27084. </summary>
  27085. </member>
  27086. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect.Angle">
  27087. <summary>
  27088. Gets and sets the lighting angle. Range from 0 to 359.9 degrees.
  27089. </summary>
  27090. </member>
  27091. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShadowEffect.Distance">
  27092. <summary>
  27093. Gets and sets the distance of the shadow. Range from 0 to 200 points.
  27094. </summary>
  27095. </member>
  27096. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType">
  27097. <summary>
  27098. Describes surface appearance of a shape.
  27099. </summary>
  27100. </member>
  27101. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.Clear">
  27102. <summary>
  27103. Clear
  27104. </summary>
  27105. </member>
  27106. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.DarkEdge">
  27107. <summary>
  27108. Dark edge
  27109. </summary>
  27110. </member>
  27111. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.Flat">
  27112. <summary>
  27113. Flat
  27114. </summary>
  27115. </member>
  27116. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.LegacyMatte">
  27117. <summary>
  27118. Legacy matte
  27119. </summary>
  27120. </member>
  27121. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.LegacyMetal">
  27122. <summary>
  27123. Legacy metal
  27124. </summary>
  27125. </member>
  27126. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.LegacyPlastic">
  27127. <summary>
  27128. Legacy plastic
  27129. </summary>
  27130. </member>
  27131. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.LegacyWireframe">
  27132. <summary>
  27133. Legacy wireframe
  27134. </summary>
  27135. </member>
  27136. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.Matte">
  27137. <summary>
  27138. Matte
  27139. </summary>
  27140. </member>
  27141. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.Metal">
  27142. <summary>
  27143. Metal
  27144. </summary>
  27145. </member>
  27146. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.Plastic">
  27147. <summary>
  27148. Plastic
  27149. </summary>
  27150. </member>
  27151. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.Powder">
  27152. <summary>
  27153. Powder
  27154. </summary>
  27155. </member>
  27156. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.SoftEdge">
  27157. <summary>
  27158. Soft edge
  27159. </summary>
  27160. </member>
  27161. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.SoftMetal">
  27162. <summary>
  27163. Soft metal
  27164. </summary>
  27165. </member>
  27166. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.TranslucentPowder">
  27167. <summary>
  27168. Translucent powder
  27169. </summary>
  27170. </member>
  27171. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetMaterialType.WarmMatte">
  27172. <summary>
  27173. Warm matte
  27174. </summary>
  27175. </member>
  27176. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType">
  27177. <summary>
  27178. Represents how to position two rectangles relative to each other.
  27179. </summary>
  27180. </member>
  27181. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.Bottom">
  27182. <summary>
  27183. Bottom
  27184. </summary>
  27185. </member>
  27186. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.BottomLeft">
  27187. <summary>
  27188. BottomLeft
  27189. </summary>
  27190. </member>
  27191. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.BottomRight">
  27192. <summary>
  27193. BottomRight
  27194. </summary>
  27195. </member>
  27196. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.Center">
  27197. <summary>
  27198. Center
  27199. </summary>
  27200. </member>
  27201. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.Left">
  27202. <summary>
  27203. Left
  27204. </summary>
  27205. </member>
  27206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.Right">
  27207. <summary>
  27208. Right
  27209. </summary>
  27210. </member>
  27211. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.Top">
  27212. <summary>
  27213. Top
  27214. </summary>
  27215. </member>
  27216. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.TopLeft">
  27217. <summary>
  27218. TopLeft
  27219. </summary>
  27220. </member>
  27221. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleAlignmentType.TopRight">
  27222. <summary>
  27223. TopRight
  27224. </summary>
  27225. </member>
  27226. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection">
  27227. <summary>
  27228. This class specifies the visual shape properties for a chart element or shape.
  27229. </summary>
  27230. </member>
  27231. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.ClearGlowEffect">
  27232. <summary>
  27233. Clears the glow effect of the shape.
  27234. </summary>
  27235. </member>
  27236. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.HasGlowEffect">
  27237. <summary>
  27238. Indicates if the shape has glow effect data.
  27239. </summary>
  27240. <returns>
  27241. </returns>
  27242. </member>
  27243. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.HasFormat3D">
  27244. <summary>
  27245. Indicates if the shape has 3d format data.
  27246. </summary>
  27247. <returns>
  27248. </returns>
  27249. </member>
  27250. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.ClearFormat3D">
  27251. <summary>
  27252. Clears the 3D shape properties of the shape.
  27253. </summary>
  27254. </member>
  27255. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.ClearShadowEffect">
  27256. <summary>
  27257. Clears the shadow effect of the chart element or shape.
  27258. </summary>
  27259. </member>
  27260. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.HasShadowEffect">
  27261. <summary>
  27262. Indicates if the shape has shadow effect data.
  27263. </summary>
  27264. <returns>
  27265. </returns>
  27266. </member>
  27267. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.GlowEffect">
  27268. <summary>
  27269. Represents a <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.GlowEffect" /> object that specifies glow effect for the chart element or shape.
  27270. </summary>
  27271. </member>
  27272. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.Format3D">
  27273. <summary>
  27274. Represents a <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.Format3D" /> object that specifies 3D shape properties for the chart element or shape.
  27275. </summary>
  27276. </member>
  27277. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.SoftEdgeRadius">
  27278. <summary>
  27279. Gets and sets the radius of blur to apply to the edges, in unit of points.
  27280. </summary>
  27281. </member>
  27282. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.ShadowEffect">
  27283. <summary>
  27284. Represents a <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection.ShadowEffect" /> object that specifies shadow effect for the chart element or shape.
  27285. </summary>
  27286. </member>
  27287. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FontSchemeType">
  27288. <summary>
  27289. Represents the scheme type of the font.
  27290. </summary>
  27291. </member>
  27292. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontSchemeType.None">
  27293. <summary>
  27294. None
  27295. </summary>
  27296. </member>
  27297. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontSchemeType.Major">
  27298. <summary>
  27299. Major scheme.
  27300. </summary>
  27301. </member>
  27302. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontSchemeType.Minor">
  27303. <summary>
  27304. Minor scheme.
  27305. </summary>
  27306. <remarks>
  27307. The font's name will be automatically changed with the language.
  27308. </remarks>
  27309. </member>
  27310. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ReferredAreaCollection">
  27311. <summary>
  27312. Represents all referred cells and areas.
  27313. </summary>
  27314. </member>
  27315. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredAreaCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  27316. <summary>
  27317. </summary>
  27318. <param name="index">
  27319. </param>
  27320. <returns>
  27321. </returns>
  27322. </member>
  27323. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat">
  27324. <summary>
  27325. Represents the format in which the workbook is saved.
  27326. </summary>
  27327. </member>
  27328. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.CSV">
  27329. <summary>
  27330. Represents a CSV file.
  27331. </summary>
  27332. </member>
  27333. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xlsx">
  27334. <summary>
  27335. Represents an xlsx file.
  27336. </summary>
  27337. </member>
  27338. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xlsm">
  27339. <summary>
  27340. Represents an xlsm file which enable macros.
  27341. </summary>
  27342. </member>
  27343. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xltx">
  27344. <summary>
  27345. Represents an xltx file.
  27346. </summary>
  27347. </member>
  27348. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xltm">
  27349. <summary>
  27350. Represents an xltm file which enable macros.
  27351. </summary>
  27352. </member>
  27353. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xlam">
  27354. <summary>
  27355. Represents an xltm file which enable addin macros.
  27356. </summary>
  27357. </member>
  27358. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.TSV">
  27359. <summary>
  27360. Represents a TSV(tab-separated values file) file.
  27361. </summary>
  27362. </member>
  27363. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.TabDelimited">
  27364. <summary>
  27365. Represents a tab delimited text file, same with <see cref="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.TSV" />.
  27366. </summary>
  27367. </member>
  27368. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Html">
  27369. <summary>
  27370. Represents a html file.
  27371. </summary>
  27372. </member>
  27373. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.MHtml">
  27374. <summary>
  27375. Represents a mhtml file.
  27376. </summary>
  27377. </member>
  27378. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.ODS">
  27379. <summary>
  27380. Represents a ods file.
  27381. </summary>
  27382. </member>
  27383. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Excel97To2003">
  27384. <summary>
  27385. Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.
  27386. </summary>
  27387. </member>
  27388. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.SpreadsheetML">
  27389. <summary>
  27390. Represents an Excel 2003 xml file.
  27391. </summary>
  27392. </member>
  27393. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xlsb">
  27394. <summary>
  27395. Represents an xlsb file.
  27396. </summary>
  27397. </member>
  27398. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Auto">
  27399. <summary>
  27400. If saving the file to the disk,the file format accords to the extension of the file name.
  27401. If saving the file to the stream, the file format is xlsx.
  27402. </summary>
  27403. </member>
  27404. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Unknown">
  27405. <summary>
  27406. Represents unrecognized format, cannot be saved.
  27407. </summary>
  27408. </member>
  27409. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Pdf">
  27410. <summary>
  27411. Represents a Pdf file.
  27412. </summary>
  27413. </member>
  27414. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.XPS">
  27415. <summary>
  27416. Represents an XPS file.
  27417. </summary>
  27418. </member>
  27419. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.TIFF">
  27420. <summary>
  27421. Represents an TIFF file.
  27422. </summary>
  27423. </member>
  27424. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.SVG">
  27425. <summary>
  27426. Represents an SVG file.
  27427. </summary>
  27428. </member>
  27429. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Dif">
  27430. <summary>
  27431. Data Interchange Format.
  27432. </summary>
  27433. </member>
  27434. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Numbers">
  27435. <summary>
  27436. Represents a numbers file.
  27437. </summary>
  27438. </member>
  27439. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Markdown">
  27440. <summary>
  27441. Represents markdown document.
  27442. </summary>
  27443. </member>
  27444. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.FODS">
  27445. <summary>
  27446. Represents the flat ods file.
  27447. </summary>
  27448. </member>
  27449. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.SXC">
  27450. <summary>
  27451. Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
  27452. </summary>
  27453. </member>
  27454. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Pptx">
  27455. <summary>
  27456. Represents .pptx file.
  27457. </summary>
  27458. </member>
  27459. <!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member "F:Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Docx" -->
  27460. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline">
  27461. <summary>
  27462. A sparkline represents a tiny chart or graphic in a worksheet cell that provides a visual representation of data.
  27463. </summary>
  27464. </member>
  27465. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline.ToImage(Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  27466. <summary>
  27467. Converts a sparkline to an image.
  27468. </summary>
  27469. <param name="options">The image options</param>
  27470. <returns>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Bitmap" /> object.</returns>
  27471. </member>
  27472. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline.ToImage(System.String,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  27473. <summary>
  27474. Converts a sparkline to an image.
  27475. </summary>
  27476. <param name="fileName">The image file name.</param>
  27477. <param name="options">The image options</param>
  27478. </member>
  27479. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline.ToImage(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  27480. <summary>
  27481. Converts a sparkline to an image.
  27482. </summary>
  27483. <param name="stream">The image stream.</param>
  27484. <param name="options">The image options.</param>
  27485. </member>
  27486. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline.DataRange">
  27487. <summary>
  27488. Represents the data range of the sparkline.
  27489. </summary>
  27490. </member>
  27491. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline.Row">
  27492. <summary>
  27493. Gets the row index of the sparkline.
  27494. </summary>
  27495. </member>
  27496. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline.Column">
  27497. <summary>
  27498. Gets the column index of the sparkline.
  27499. </summary>
  27500. </member>
  27501. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineAxisMinMaxType">
  27502. <summary>
  27503. Represents the minimum and maximum value types for the sparkline vertical axis.
  27504. </summary>
  27505. </member>
  27506. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineAxisMinMaxType.AutoIndividual">
  27507. <summary>
  27508. Automatic for each sparkline.
  27509. </summary>
  27510. </member>
  27511. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineAxisMinMaxType.Group">
  27512. <summary>
  27513. Same for all sparklines in the group.
  27514. </summary>
  27515. </member>
  27516. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineAxisMinMaxType.Custom">
  27517. <summary>
  27518. Custom value for sparkline.
  27519. </summary>
  27520. </member>
  27521. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineCollection">
  27522. <summary>
  27523. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline" /> objects.
  27524. </summary>
  27525. </member>
  27526. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineCollection.Add(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  27527. <summary>
  27528. Add a sparkline.
  27529. </summary>
  27530. <param name="dataRange">Specifies the new data range of the sparkline.</param>
  27531. <param name="row">The row index of the location.</param>
  27532. <param name="column">The column index of the location.</param>
  27533. </member>
  27534. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineCollection.Remove(System.Object)">
  27535. <summary>
  27536. Removes the sparkline
  27537. </summary>
  27538. <param name="o">
  27539. </param>
  27540. </member>
  27541. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  27542. <summary>
  27543. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline" /> element at the specified index.
  27544. </summary>
  27545. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  27546. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  27547. </member>
  27548. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup">
  27549. <summary>
  27550. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Sparkline" /> is organized into sparkline group. A SparklineGroup contains a variable number of sparkline items.
  27551. A sparkline group specifies the type, display settings and axis settings for the sparklines.
  27552. </summary>
  27553. </member>
  27554. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.ResetRanges(System.String,System.Boolean,Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  27555. <summary>
  27556. Resets the data range and location range of the sparkline group.
  27557. This method will clear original sparkline items in the group and creates new sparkline items for the new ranges.
  27558. </summary>
  27559. <param name="dataRange">Specifies the new data range of the sparkline group.</param>
  27560. <param name="isVertical">Specifies whether to plot the sparklines from the new data range by row or by column.</param>
  27561. <param name="locationRange">Specifies where the sparklines to be placed.</param>
  27562. </member>
  27563. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.PresetStyle">
  27564. <summary>
  27565. Gets and sets the preset style type of the sparkline group.
  27566. </summary>
  27567. </member>
  27568. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.SparklineCollection">
  27569. <summary>
  27570. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.SparklineCollection" /> object of the sparkline group.
  27571. </summary>
  27572. </member>
  27573. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.Type">
  27574. <summary>
  27575. Indicates the sparkline type of the sparkline group.
  27576. </summary>
  27577. </member>
  27578. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.PlotEmptyCellsType">
  27579. <summary>
  27580. Indicates how to plot empty cells.
  27581. </summary>
  27582. </member>
  27583. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.DisplayHidden">
  27584. <summary>
  27585. Indicates whether to show data in hidden rows and columns.
  27586. </summary>
  27587. </member>
  27588. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.ShowHighPoint">
  27589. <summary>
  27590. Indicates whether to highlight the highest points of data in the sparkline group.
  27591. </summary>
  27592. </member>
  27593. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.HighPointColor">
  27594. <summary>
  27595. Gets and sets the color of the highest points of data in the sparkline group.
  27596. </summary>
  27597. </member>
  27598. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.ShowLowPoint">
  27599. <summary>
  27600. Indicates whether to highlight the lowest points of data in the sparkline group.
  27601. </summary>
  27602. </member>
  27603. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.LowPointColor">
  27604. <summary>
  27605. Gets and sets the color of the lowest points of data in the sparkline group.
  27606. </summary>
  27607. </member>
  27608. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.ShowNegativePoints">
  27609. <summary>
  27610. Indicates whether to highlight the negative values on the sparkline group with a different color or marker.
  27611. </summary>
  27612. </member>
  27613. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.NegativePointsColor">
  27614. <summary>
  27615. Gets and sets the color of the negative values on the sparkline group.
  27616. </summary>
  27617. </member>
  27618. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.ShowFirstPoint">
  27619. <summary>
  27620. Indicates whether to highlight the first point of data in the sparkline group.
  27621. </summary>
  27622. </member>
  27623. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.FirstPointColor">
  27624. <summary>
  27625. Gets and sets the color of the first point of data in the sparkline group.
  27626. </summary>
  27627. </member>
  27628. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.ShowLastPoint">
  27629. <summary>
  27630. Indicates whether to highlight the last point of data in the sparkline group.
  27631. </summary>
  27632. </member>
  27633. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.LastPointColor">
  27634. <summary>
  27635. Gets and sets the color of the last point of data in the sparkline group.
  27636. </summary>
  27637. </member>
  27638. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.ShowMarkers">
  27639. <summary>
  27640. Indicates whether to highlight each point in each line sparkline in the sparkline group.
  27641. </summary>
  27642. </member>
  27643. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.MarkersColor">
  27644. <summary>
  27645. Gets and sets the color of points in each line sparkline in the sparkline group.
  27646. </summary>
  27647. </member>
  27648. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.SeriesColor">
  27649. <summary>
  27650. Gets and sets the color of the sparklines in the sparkline group.
  27651. </summary>
  27652. </member>
  27653. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.PlotRightToLeft">
  27654. <summary>
  27655. Indicates whether the plot data is right to left.
  27656. </summary>
  27657. </member>
  27658. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.LineWeight">
  27659. <summary>
  27660. Gets and sets the line weight in each line sparkline in the sparkline group, in the unit of points.
  27661. </summary>
  27662. </member>
  27663. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.HorizontalAxisColor">
  27664. <summary>
  27665. Gets and sets the color of the horizontal axis in the sparkline group.
  27666. </summary>
  27667. </member>
  27668. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.ShowHorizontalAxis">
  27669. <summary>
  27670. Indicates whether to show the sparkline horizontal axis.
  27671. The horizontal axis appears if the sparkline has data that crosses the zero axis.
  27672. </summary>
  27673. </member>
  27674. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.HorizontalAxisDateRange">
  27675. <summary>
  27676. Represents the range that contains the date values for the sparkline data.
  27677. </summary>
  27678. </member>
  27679. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.VerticalAxisMaxValueType">
  27680. <summary>
  27681. Represents the vertical axis maximum value type.
  27682. </summary>
  27683. </member>
  27684. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.VerticalAxisMaxValue">
  27685. <summary>
  27686. Gets and sets the custom maximum value for the vertical axis.
  27687. </summary>
  27688. </member>
  27689. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.VerticalAxisMinValueType">
  27690. <summary>
  27691. Represents the vertical axis minimum value type.
  27692. </summary>
  27693. </member>
  27694. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup.VerticalAxisMinValue">
  27695. <summary>
  27696. Gets and sets the custom minimum value for the vertical axis.
  27697. </summary>
  27698. </member>
  27699. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroupCollection">
  27700. <summary>
  27701. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup" /> objects.
  27702. </summary>
  27703. </member>
  27704. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroupCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineType,System.String,System.Boolean,Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  27705. <summary>
  27706. Adds an <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup" /> item to the collection.
  27707. </summary>
  27708. <param name="type">Specifies the type of the Sparkline group.</param>
  27709. <param name="dataRange">Specifies the data range of the sparkline group.</param>
  27710. <param name="isVertical">Specifies whether to plot the sparklines from the data range by row or by column.</param>
  27711. <param name="locationRange">Specifies where the sparklines to be placed.</param>
  27712. <returns>
  27713. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup" /> object index.</returns>
  27714. </member>
  27715. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroupCollection.ClearSparklines(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  27716. <summary>
  27717. Clears the sparklines that is inside an area of cells.
  27718. </summary>
  27719. <param name="cellArea">Specifies the area of cells</param>
  27720. </member>
  27721. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroupCollection.ClearSparklineGroups(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  27722. <summary>
  27723. Clears the sparkline groups that overlaps an area of cells.
  27724. </summary>
  27725. <param name="cellArea">Specifies the area of cells</param>
  27726. </member>
  27727. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroupCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  27728. <summary>
  27729. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineGroup" /> element at the specified index.
  27730. </summary>
  27731. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  27732. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  27733. </member>
  27734. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType">
  27735. <summary>
  27736. Represents the preset style types for sparkline.
  27737. </summary>
  27738. </member>
  27739. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style1">
  27740. <summary>
  27741. Style 1
  27742. </summary>
  27743. </member>
  27744. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style2">
  27745. <summary>
  27746. Style 2
  27747. </summary>
  27748. </member>
  27749. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style3">
  27750. <summary>
  27751. Style 3
  27752. </summary>
  27753. </member>
  27754. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style4">
  27755. <summary>
  27756. Style 4
  27757. </summary>
  27758. </member>
  27759. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style5">
  27760. <summary>
  27761. Style 5
  27762. </summary>
  27763. </member>
  27764. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style6">
  27765. <summary>
  27766. Style 6
  27767. </summary>
  27768. </member>
  27769. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style7">
  27770. <summary>
  27771. Style 7
  27772. </summary>
  27773. </member>
  27774. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style8">
  27775. <summary>
  27776. Style 8
  27777. </summary>
  27778. </member>
  27779. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style9">
  27780. <summary>
  27781. Style 9
  27782. </summary>
  27783. </member>
  27784. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style10">
  27785. <summary>
  27786. Style 10
  27787. </summary>
  27788. </member>
  27789. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style11">
  27790. <summary>
  27791. Style 11
  27792. </summary>
  27793. </member>
  27794. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style12">
  27795. <summary>
  27796. Style 12
  27797. </summary>
  27798. </member>
  27799. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style13">
  27800. <summary>
  27801. Style 13
  27802. </summary>
  27803. </member>
  27804. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style14">
  27805. <summary>
  27806. Style 14
  27807. </summary>
  27808. </member>
  27809. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style15">
  27810. <summary>
  27811. Style 15
  27812. </summary>
  27813. </member>
  27814. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style16">
  27815. <summary>
  27816. Style 16
  27817. </summary>
  27818. </member>
  27819. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style17">
  27820. <summary>
  27821. Style 17
  27822. </summary>
  27823. </member>
  27824. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style18">
  27825. <summary>
  27826. Style 18
  27827. </summary>
  27828. </member>
  27829. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style19">
  27830. <summary>
  27831. Style 19
  27832. </summary>
  27833. </member>
  27834. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style20">
  27835. <summary>
  27836. Style 20
  27837. </summary>
  27838. </member>
  27839. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style21">
  27840. <summary>
  27841. Style 21
  27842. </summary>
  27843. </member>
  27844. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style22">
  27845. <summary>
  27846. Style 22
  27847. </summary>
  27848. </member>
  27849. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style23">
  27850. <summary>
  27851. Style 23
  27852. </summary>
  27853. </member>
  27854. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style24">
  27855. <summary>
  27856. Style 24
  27857. </summary>
  27858. </member>
  27859. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style25">
  27860. <summary>
  27861. Style 25
  27862. </summary>
  27863. </member>
  27864. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style26">
  27865. <summary>
  27866. Style 26
  27867. </summary>
  27868. </member>
  27869. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style27">
  27870. <summary>
  27871. Style 27
  27872. </summary>
  27873. </member>
  27874. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style28">
  27875. <summary>
  27876. Style 28
  27877. </summary>
  27878. </member>
  27879. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style29">
  27880. <summary>
  27881. Style 29
  27882. </summary>
  27883. </member>
  27884. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style30">
  27885. <summary>
  27886. Style 30
  27887. </summary>
  27888. </member>
  27889. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style31">
  27890. <summary>
  27891. Style 31
  27892. </summary>
  27893. </member>
  27894. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style32">
  27895. <summary>
  27896. Style 32
  27897. </summary>
  27898. </member>
  27899. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style33">
  27900. <summary>
  27901. Style 33
  27902. </summary>
  27903. </member>
  27904. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style34">
  27905. <summary>
  27906. Style 34
  27907. </summary>
  27908. </member>
  27909. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style35">
  27910. <summary>
  27911. Style 35
  27912. </summary>
  27913. </member>
  27914. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Style36">
  27915. <summary>
  27916. Style 36
  27917. </summary>
  27918. </member>
  27919. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklinePresetStyleType.Custom">
  27920. <summary>
  27921. No preset style.
  27922. </summary>
  27923. </member>
  27924. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineType">
  27925. <summary>
  27926. Represents the sparkline types.
  27927. </summary>
  27928. </member>
  27929. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineType.Line">
  27930. <summary>
  27931. Line sparkline.
  27932. </summary>
  27933. </member>
  27934. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineType.Column">
  27935. <summary>
  27936. Column sparkline.
  27937. </summary>
  27938. </member>
  27939. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SparklineType.Stacked">
  27940. <summary>
  27941. Win/Loss sparkline.
  27942. </summary>
  27943. </member>
  27944. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions">
  27945. <summary>
  27946. Represents the options for saving Excel 2003 spreadml file.
  27947. </summary>
  27948. </member>
  27949. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions.#ctor">
  27950. <summary>
  27951. Creates the options for saving Excel 2003 spreadml file.
  27952. </summary>
  27953. </member>
  27954. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  27955. <summary>
  27956. Creates the options for saving Excel 2003 spreadml file.
  27957. </summary>
  27958. <param name="saveFormat">The save format.</param>
  27959. </member>
  27960. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions.IsIndentedFormatting">
  27961. <summary>
  27962. Causes child elements to be indented.
  27963. </summary>
  27964. <remarks>
  27965. The default value is true.
  27966. If the value is false, it will reduce the size of the xml file
  27967. </remarks>
  27968. </member>
  27969. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions.LimitAsXls">
  27970. <summary>
  27971. Limit as xls, the max row index is 65535 and the max column index is 255.
  27972. </summary>
  27973. </member>
  27974. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.SpreadsheetML2003SaveOptions.ExportColumnIndexOfCell">
  27975. <summary>
  27976. The default value is false, it means that column index will be ignored if the cell is contiguous to the previous cell.
  27977. </summary>
  27978. </member>
  27979. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType">
  27980. <summary>
  27981. Represents all built-in style type
  27982. </summary>
  27983. </member>
  27984. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.TwentyPercentAccent1">
  27985. <summary>
  27986. </summary>
  27987. </member>
  27988. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.TwentyPercentAccent2">
  27989. <summary>
  27990. </summary>
  27991. </member>
  27992. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.TwentyPercentAccent3">
  27993. <summary>
  27994. </summary>
  27995. </member>
  27996. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.TwentyPercentAccent4">
  27997. <summary>
  27998. </summary>
  27999. </member>
  28000. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.TwentyPercentAccent5">
  28001. <summary>
  28002. </summary>
  28003. </member>
  28004. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.TwentyPercentAccent6">
  28005. <summary>
  28006. </summary>
  28007. </member>
  28008. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.FortyPercentAccent1">
  28009. <summary>
  28010. </summary>
  28011. </member>
  28012. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.FortyPercentAccent2">
  28013. <summary>
  28014. </summary>
  28015. </member>
  28016. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.FortyPercentAccent3">
  28017. <summary>
  28018. </summary>
  28019. </member>
  28020. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.FortyPercentAccent4">
  28021. <summary>
  28022. </summary>
  28023. </member>
  28024. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.FortyPercentAccent5">
  28025. <summary>
  28026. </summary>
  28027. </member>
  28028. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.FortyPercentAccent6">
  28029. <summary>
  28030. </summary>
  28031. </member>
  28032. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.SixtyPercentAccent1">
  28033. <summary>
  28034. </summary>
  28035. </member>
  28036. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.SixtyPercentAccent2">
  28037. <summary>
  28038. </summary>
  28039. </member>
  28040. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.SixtyPercentAccent3">
  28041. <summary>
  28042. </summary>
  28043. </member>
  28044. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.SixtyPercentAccent4">
  28045. <summary>
  28046. </summary>
  28047. </member>
  28048. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.SixtyPercentAccent5">
  28049. <summary>
  28050. </summary>
  28051. </member>
  28052. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.SixtyPercentAccent6">
  28053. <summary>
  28054. </summary>
  28055. </member>
  28056. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Accent1">
  28057. <summary>
  28058. </summary>
  28059. </member>
  28060. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Accent2">
  28061. <summary>
  28062. </summary>
  28063. </member>
  28064. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Accent3">
  28065. <summary>
  28066. </summary>
  28067. </member>
  28068. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Accent4">
  28069. <summary>
  28070. </summary>
  28071. </member>
  28072. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Accent5">
  28073. <summary>
  28074. </summary>
  28075. </member>
  28076. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Accent6">
  28077. <summary>
  28078. </summary>
  28079. </member>
  28080. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Bad">
  28081. <summary>
  28082. </summary>
  28083. </member>
  28084. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Calculation">
  28085. <summary>
  28086. </summary>
  28087. </member>
  28088. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.CheckCell">
  28089. <summary>
  28090. </summary>
  28091. </member>
  28092. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Comma">
  28093. <summary>
  28094. </summary>
  28095. </member>
  28096. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Comma1">
  28097. <summary>
  28098. </summary>
  28099. </member>
  28100. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Currency">
  28101. <summary>
  28102. </summary>
  28103. </member>
  28104. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Currency1">
  28105. <summary>
  28106. </summary>
  28107. </member>
  28108. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.ExplanatoryText">
  28109. <summary>
  28110. </summary>
  28111. </member>
  28112. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Good">
  28113. <summary>
  28114. </summary>
  28115. </member>
  28116. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Header1">
  28117. <summary>
  28118. </summary>
  28119. </member>
  28120. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Header2">
  28121. <summary>
  28122. </summary>
  28123. </member>
  28124. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Header3">
  28125. <summary>
  28126. </summary>
  28127. </member>
  28128. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Header4">
  28129. <summary>
  28130. </summary>
  28131. </member>
  28132. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Hyperlink">
  28133. <summary>
  28134. </summary>
  28135. </member>
  28136. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.FollowedHyperlink">
  28137. <summary>
  28138. </summary>
  28139. </member>
  28140. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Input">
  28141. <summary>
  28142. </summary>
  28143. </member>
  28144. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.LinkedCell">
  28145. <summary>
  28146. </summary>
  28147. </member>
  28148. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Neutral">
  28149. <summary>
  28150. </summary>
  28151. </member>
  28152. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Normal">
  28153. <summary>
  28154. </summary>
  28155. </member>
  28156. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Note">
  28157. <summary>
  28158. </summary>
  28159. </member>
  28160. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Output">
  28161. <summary>
  28162. </summary>
  28163. </member>
  28164. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Percent">
  28165. <summary>
  28166. </summary>
  28167. </member>
  28168. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Title">
  28169. <summary>
  28170. </summary>
  28171. </member>
  28172. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.Total">
  28173. <summary>
  28174. </summary>
  28175. </member>
  28176. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.WarningText">
  28177. <summary>
  28178. </summary>
  28179. </member>
  28180. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.RowLevel">
  28181. <summary>
  28182. </summary>
  28183. </member>
  28184. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BuiltinStyleType.ColumnLevel">
  28185. <summary>
  28186. </summary>
  28187. </member>
  28188. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor">
  28189. <summary>
  28190. Represents all types of color.
  28191. </summary>
  28192. </member>
  28193. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor.SetTintOfShapeColor(System.Double)">
  28194. <summary>
  28195. Set the tint of the shape color
  28196. </summary>
  28197. <param name="tint">
  28198. </param>
  28199. </member>
  28200. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor.IsShapeColor">
  28201. <summary>
  28202. Gets and set the color which should apply to cell or shape.
  28203. </summary>
  28204. <remarks>
  28205. The expression of the color of the cell and the shape is different.
  28206. For example: the theme color with same tint value will be not same in the cell and the shape.
  28207. </remarks>
  28208. </member>
  28209. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor.Type">
  28210. <summary>
  28211. The color type.
  28212. </summary>
  28213. </member>
  28214. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor.ThemeColor">
  28215. <summary>
  28216. Gets the theme color. Only applies for theme color type.
  28217. </summary>
  28218. </member>
  28219. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor.ColorIndex">
  28220. <summary>
  28221. Gets and sets the color index in the color palette. Only applies of indexed color.
  28222. </summary>
  28223. </member>
  28224. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor.Color">
  28225. <summary>
  28226. Gets and sets the RGB color.
  28227. </summary>
  28228. </member>
  28229. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor.Argb">
  28230. <summary>
  28231. Gets and sets the color from a 32-bit ARGB value.
  28232. </summary>
  28233. </member>
  28234. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor.Transparency">
  28235. <summary>
  28236. Gets and sets transparency as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  28237. </summary>
  28238. </member>
  28239. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.AxisType">
  28240. <summary>
  28241. Represents the axis type.
  28242. </summary>
  28243. </member>
  28244. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.AxisType.Category">
  28245. <summary>
  28246. Category axis
  28247. </summary>
  28248. </member>
  28249. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.AxisType.Value">
  28250. <summary>
  28251. Value axis
  28252. </summary>
  28253. </member>
  28254. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.AxisType.Series">
  28255. <summary>
  28256. Series axis
  28257. </summary>
  28258. </member>
  28259. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CategoryType">
  28260. <summary>
  28261. Represents the category axis type.
  28262. </summary>
  28263. </member>
  28264. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CategoryType.AutomaticScale">
  28265. <summary>
  28266. AutomaticScale
  28267. </summary>
  28268. </member>
  28269. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CategoryType.CategoryScale">
  28270. <summary>
  28271. CategoryScale
  28272. </summary>
  28273. </member>
  28274. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CategoryType.TimeScale">
  28275. <summary>
  28276. TimeScale
  28277. </summary>
  28278. </member>
  28279. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CrossType">
  28280. <summary>
  28281. Represents the axis cross type.
  28282. </summary>
  28283. </member>
  28284. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CrossType.Automatic">
  28285. <summary>
  28286. Microsoft Excel sets the axis crossing point.
  28287. </summary>
  28288. </member>
  28289. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CrossType.Maximum">
  28290. <summary>
  28291. The axis crosses at the maximum value.
  28292. </summary>
  28293. </member>
  28294. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CrossType.Minimum">
  28295. <summary>
  28296. The axis crosses at the minimum value.
  28297. </summary>
  28298. </member>
  28299. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.CrossType.Custom">
  28300. <summary>
  28301. The axis crosses at the custom value.
  28302. </summary>
  28303. </member>
  28304. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea">
  28305. <summary>
  28306. Encapsulates the object that represents the plot area in a chart.
  28307. </summary>
  28308. </member>
  28309. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.SetPositionAuto">
  28310. <summary>
  28311. Set position of the plot area to automatic
  28312. </summary>
  28313. </member>
  28314. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.X">
  28315. <summary>
  28316. Gets or gets the x coordinate of the upper left corner of plot-area bounding box in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  28317. </summary>
  28318. <remarks>
  28319. <p>The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28320. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method. </p>
  28321. <p>The <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>, <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> of <b>PlotArea</b> represents the plot-area
  28322. bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28323. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call <b>InnerX</b>, <b>InnerY</b>, <b>InnerWidth</b> and
  28324. <b>InnerHeight</b> properties.</p>
  28325. <p>For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().</p>
  28326. </remarks>
  28327. </member>
  28328. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.Y">
  28329. <summary>
  28330. Gets or gets the y coordinate of the upper top corner of plot-area bounding box in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  28331. </summary>
  28332. <remarks>
  28333. <p>The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28334. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method. </p>
  28335. <p>The <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>, <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> of <b>PlotArea</b> represents the plot-area
  28336. bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28337. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call <b>InnerX</b>, <b>InnerY</b>, <b>InnerWidth</b> and
  28338. <b>InnerHeight</b> properties.</p>
  28339. <p>For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().</p>
  28340. </remarks>
  28341. </member>
  28342. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.Height">
  28343. <summary>
  28344. Gets or sets the height of plot-area bounding box in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  28345. </summary>
  28346. <remarks>
  28347. <p>The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28348. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method. </p>
  28349. <p>The <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>, <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> of <b>PlotArea</b> represents the plot-area
  28350. bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28351. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call <b>InnerX</b>, <b>InnerY</b>, <b>InnerWidth</b> and
  28352. <b>InnerHeight</b> properties.</p>
  28353. <p>For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().</p>
  28354. </remarks>
  28355. </member>
  28356. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.Width">
  28357. <summary>
  28358. Gets or sets the width of plot-area bounding box in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  28359. </summary>
  28360. <remarks>
  28361. <p>The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28362. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method. </p>
  28363. <p>The <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>, <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> of <b>PlotArea</b> represents the plot-area
  28364. bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28365. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call <b>InnerX</b>, <b>InnerY</b>, <b>InnerWidth</b> and
  28366. <b>InnerHeight</b> properties.</p>
  28367. <p>For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().</p>
  28368. </remarks>
  28369. </member>
  28370. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.InnerX">
  28371. <summary>
  28372. Gets or gets the x coordinate of the upper top corner of plot area in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  28373. </summary>
  28374. <remarks>
  28375. <p>The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28376. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method. </p>
  28377. <p>The <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>, <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> of <b>PlotArea</b> represents the plot-area
  28378. bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28379. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call <b>InnerX</b>, <b>InnerY</b>, <b>InnerWidth</b> and
  28380. <b>InnerHeight</b> properties.</p>
  28381. <p>For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().</p>
  28382. </remarks>
  28383. </member>
  28384. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.InnerY">
  28385. <summary>
  28386. Gets or gets the x coordinate of the upper top corner of plot area in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  28387. </summary>
  28388. <remarks>
  28389. <p>The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28390. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method. </p>
  28391. <p>The <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>, <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> of <b>PlotArea</b> represents the plot-area
  28392. bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28393. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call <b>InnerX</b>, <b>InnerY</b>, <b>InnerWidth</b> and
  28394. <b>InnerHeight</b> properties.</p>
  28395. <p>For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().</p>
  28396. </remarks>
  28397. </member>
  28398. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.InnerHeight">
  28399. <summary>
  28400. Gets or sets the height of plot area in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  28401. </summary>
  28402. <remarks>
  28403. <p>The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28404. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method. </p>
  28405. <p>The <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>, <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> of <b>PlotArea</b> represents the plot-area
  28406. bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28407. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call <b>InnerX</b>, <b>InnerY</b>, <b>InnerWidth</b> and
  28408. <b>InnerHeight</b> properties.</p>
  28409. <p>For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().</p>
  28410. </remarks>
  28411. </member>
  28412. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.InnerWidth">
  28413. <summary>
  28414. Gets or sets the width of plot area in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  28415. </summary>
  28416. <remarks>
  28417. <p>The plot-area bounding box includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28418. If the value is not created by MS Excel, please call Chart.Calculate() method before calling this method. </p>
  28419. <p>The <b>X</b>, <b>Y</b>, <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> of <b>PlotArea</b> represents the plot-area
  28420. bounding box that includes the plot area, tick marks(tick labels), and a small border around the tick marks.
  28421. If you want to get actual size of plot area, you should call <b>InnerX</b>, <b>InnerY</b>, <b>InnerWidth</b> and
  28422. <b>InnerHeight</b> properties.</p>
  28423. <p>For excel 2007 or latter, the default value is zero. you should call get the value after calling Chart.Calculate().</p>
  28424. </remarks>
  28425. </member>
  28426. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotArea.IsAutomaticSize">
  28427. <summary>
  28428. Indicates whether the plot area is automatic sized.
  28429. </summary>
  28430. </member>
  28431. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TimeUnit">
  28432. <summary>
  28433. Represents the base unit for the category axis.
  28434. </summary>
  28435. </member>
  28436. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TimeUnit.Days">
  28437. <summary>
  28438. Days
  28439. </summary>
  28440. </member>
  28441. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TimeUnit.Months">
  28442. <summary>
  28443. Months
  28444. </summary>
  28445. </member>
  28446. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TimeUnit.Years">
  28447. <summary>
  28448. Years
  28449. </summary>
  28450. </member>
  28451. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ColorType">
  28452. <summary>
  28453. Represents all color type
  28454. </summary>
  28455. </member>
  28456. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ColorType.Automatic">
  28457. <summary>
  28458. Automatic color.
  28459. </summary>
  28460. </member>
  28461. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ColorType.AutomaticIndex">
  28462. <summary>
  28463. It's automatic color,but the displayed color depends the setting of the OS System.
  28464. </summary>
  28465. <remarks>
  28466. Not supported.
  28467. </remarks>
  28468. </member>
  28469. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ColorType.RGB">
  28470. <summary>
  28471. The RGB color.
  28472. </summary>
  28473. </member>
  28474. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ColorType.IndexedColor">
  28475. <summary>
  28476. The color index in the color palette.
  28477. </summary>
  28478. </member>
  28479. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ColorType.Theme">
  28480. <summary>
  28481. The theme color.
  28482. </summary>
  28483. </member>
  28484. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DxfCollection">
  28485. <summary>
  28486. Represents the master differential formatting records.
  28487. </summary>
  28488. </member>
  28489. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DxfCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  28490. <summary>
  28491. Gets the element at the specified index.
  28492. </summary>
  28493. <param name="index">The specified index. </param>
  28494. <returns>
  28495. </returns>
  28496. </member>
  28497. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.LookAtType">
  28498. <summary>
  28499. Represents look at type.
  28500. </summary>
  28501. </member>
  28502. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookAtType.Contains">
  28503. <summary>
  28504. Cell value Contains the find object.
  28505. </summary>
  28506. </member>
  28507. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookAtType.StartWith">
  28508. <summary>
  28509. Cell value Starts with the find object.
  28510. </summary>
  28511. </member>
  28512. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookAtType.EndWith">
  28513. <summary>
  28514. Cell value ends with the find object.
  28515. </summary>
  28516. </member>
  28517. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookAtType.EntireContent">
  28518. <summary>
  28519. Cell value is same as the find object.
  28520. </summary>
  28521. </member>
  28522. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.LookInType">
  28523. <summary>
  28524. Represents look in type.
  28525. </summary>
  28526. </member>
  28527. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookInType.Formulas">
  28528. <summary>
  28529. If the cell contains a formula, find object from formula,else find it from the value.
  28530. </summary>
  28531. </member>
  28532. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookInType.Values">
  28533. <summary>
  28534. Only find object from the formatted values.
  28535. </summary>
  28536. </member>
  28537. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookInType.ValuesExcludeFormulaCell">
  28538. <summary>
  28539. Only find object from the values of cells which do not contains formula.
  28540. </summary>
  28541. </member>
  28542. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookInType.Comments">
  28543. <summary>
  28544. Only find object from the comments.
  28545. </summary>
  28546. </member>
  28547. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookInType.OnlyFormulas">
  28548. <summary>
  28549. Only find object from formulas.
  28550. </summary>
  28551. </member>
  28552. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.LookInType.OriginalValues">
  28553. <summary>
  28554. Only find object from the original values.
  28555. </summary>
  28556. </member>
  28557. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ReplaceOptions">
  28558. <summary>
  28559. Represent the replace options.
  28560. </summary>
  28561. </member>
  28562. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReplaceOptions.IsCaseSensitive">
  28563. <summary>
  28564. Indicates if the searched string is case sensitive.
  28565. </summary>
  28566. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  28567. please use ReplaceOptions.CaseSensitive property.
  28568. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  28569. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  28570. </member>
  28571. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReplaceOptions.CaseSensitive">
  28572. <summary>
  28573. Indicates if the searched string is case sensitive.
  28574. </summary>
  28575. </member>
  28576. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReplaceOptions.MatchEntireCellContents">
  28577. <summary>
  28578. Indicates whether to match entire cells contents
  28579. </summary>
  28580. </member>
  28581. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReplaceOptions.RegexKey">
  28582. <summary>
  28583. Indicates whether the searched key is regex. If true then the searched key will be taken as regex.
  28584. </summary>
  28585. </member>
  28586. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea">
  28587. <summary>
  28588. Represents a referred area by the formula.
  28589. </summary>
  28590. </member>
  28591. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.GetValues">
  28592. <summary>
  28593. Gets cell values in this area.
  28594. </summary>
  28595. <returns>If this area is invalid, "#REF!" will be returned;
  28596. If this area is one single cell, then return the cell value object;
  28597. Otherwise return one 2D array for all values in this area.</returns>
  28598. </member>
  28599. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.GetValues(System.Boolean)">
  28600. <summary>
  28601. Gets cell values in this area.
  28602. </summary>
  28603. <param name="calculateFormulas">In this range, if there are some formulas that have not been calculated,
  28604. this flag denotes whether those formulas should be calculated recursively</param>
  28605. <returns>If this area is invalid, "#REF!" will be returned;
  28606. If this area is one single cell, then return the cell value object;
  28607. Otherwise return one 2D array for all values in this area.</returns>
  28608. </member>
  28609. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.GetValue(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  28610. <summary>
  28611. Gets cell value with given offset from the top-left of this area.
  28612. </summary>
  28613. <param name="rowOffset">row offset from the start row of this area</param>
  28614. <param name="colOffset">column offset from the start row of this area</param>
  28615. <returns>"#REF!" if this area is invalid;
  28616. "#N/A" if given offset out of this area;
  28617. Otherwise return the cell value at given position.</returns>
  28618. </member>
  28619. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.GetValue(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  28620. <summary>
  28621. Gets cell value with given offset from the top-left of this area.
  28622. </summary>
  28623. <param name="rowOffset">row offset from the start row of this area</param>
  28624. <param name="colOffset">column offset from the start row of this area</param>
  28625. <param name="calculateFormulas">Whether calculate it recursively if the specified reference is formula</param>
  28626. <returns>"#REF!" if this area is invalid;
  28627. "#N/A" if given offset out of this area;
  28628. Otherwise return the cell value at given position.</returns>
  28629. </member>
  28630. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.ToString">
  28631. <summary>
  28632. Returns the simple string representation of this area.
  28633. </summary>
  28634. <returns>
  28635. </returns>
  28636. </member>
  28637. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.IsExternalLink">
  28638. <summary>
  28639. Indicates whether this is an external link.
  28640. </summary>
  28641. </member>
  28642. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.ExternalFileName">
  28643. <summary>
  28644. Get the external file name if this is an external reference.
  28645. </summary>
  28646. </member>
  28647. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.SheetName">
  28648. <summary>
  28649. Indicates which sheet this reference is in.
  28650. </summary>
  28651. </member>
  28652. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.IsArea">
  28653. <summary>
  28654. Indicates whether this is an area.
  28655. </summary>
  28656. <remarks>
  28657. If this is not an area, only StartRow and StartColumn effect.
  28658. </remarks>
  28659. </member>
  28660. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.EndColumn">
  28661. <summary>
  28662. The end column of the area.
  28663. </summary>
  28664. </member>
  28665. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.StartColumn">
  28666. <summary>
  28667. The start column of the area.
  28668. </summary>
  28669. </member>
  28670. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.EndRow">
  28671. <summary>
  28672. The end row of the area.
  28673. </summary>
  28674. </member>
  28675. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ReferredArea.StartRow">
  28676. <summary>
  28677. The start row of the area.
  28678. </summary>
  28679. </member>
  28680. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape">
  28681. <summary>
  28682. Represents the arc shape.
  28683. </summary>
  28684. <example>
  28685. <code>
  28686. [C#]
  28687. //Instantiate a new Workbook.
  28688. Workbook excelbook = new Workbook();
  28689. //Add an arc shape.
  28690. Aspose.Cells.ArcShape arc1 = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddArc(2, 0, 2, 0, 130, 130);
  28691. //Set the placement of the arc.
  28692. arc1.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  28693. //Set the fill format.
  28694. arc1.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  28695. //Set the line style.
  28696. arc1.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.Single;
  28697. //Set the line weight.
  28698. arc1.LineFormat.Weight = 1;
  28699. //Set the color of the arc line.
  28700. arc1.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  28701. //Set the dash style of the arc.
  28702. arc1.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  28703. //Add another arc shape.
  28704. Aspose.Cells.ArcShape arc2 = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddArc(9, 0, 2, 0, 130, 130);
  28705. //Set the placement of the arc.
  28706. arc2.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  28707. //Set the line style.
  28708. arc2.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.Single;
  28709. //Set the line weight.
  28710. arc2.LineFormat.Weight = 1;
  28711. //Set the color of the arc line.
  28712. arc2.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  28713. //Set the dash style of the arc.
  28714. arc2.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  28715. //Save the excel file.
  28716. excelbook.Save("d:\\test\\tstarcs.xls");
  28717. [VB..NET]
  28718. 'Instantiate a new Workbook.
  28719. Dim excelbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  28720. 'Add an arc shape.
  28721. Dim arc1 As Aspose.Cells.ArcShape = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddArc(2, 0, 2, 0, 130, 130)
  28722. 'Set the placement of the arc.
  28723. arc1.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  28724. 'Set the fill format.
  28725. arc1.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  28726. 'Set the line style.
  28727. arc1.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.Single
  28728. 'Set the line weight.
  28729. arc1.LineFormat.Weight = 1
  28730. 'Set the color of the arc line.
  28731. arc1.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  28732. 'Set the dash style of the arc.
  28733. arc1.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  28734. 'Add another arc shape.
  28735. Dim arc2 As Aspose.Cells.ArcShape = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddArc(9, 0, 2, 0, 130, 130)
  28736. 'Set the placement of the arc.
  28737. arc2.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  28738. 'Set the line style.
  28739. arc2.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.Single
  28740. 'Set the line weight.
  28741. arc2.LineFormat.Weight = 1
  28742. 'Set the color of the arc line.
  28743. arc2.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  28744. 'Set the dash style of the arc.
  28745. arc2.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  28746. 'Save the excel file.
  28747. excelbook.Save("d:\test\tstarcs.xls")
  28748. </code>
  28749. </example>
  28750. </member>
  28751. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape.BeginArrowheadStyle">
  28752. <summary>
  28753. Gets and sets the begin arrow head style of the line.
  28754. </summary>
  28755. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  28756. please use Shape.Line.BeginArrowheadStyle property.
  28757. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  28758. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  28759. </member>
  28760. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape.BeginArrowheadWidth">
  28761. <summary>
  28762. Gets and sets the begin arrow head width of the line.
  28763. </summary>
  28764. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  28765. please use Shape.Line.BeginArrowheadWidth property.
  28766. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  28767. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  28768. </member>
  28769. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape.BeginArrowheadLength">
  28770. <summary>
  28771. Gets and sets the begin arrow head length of the line.
  28772. </summary>
  28773. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  28774. please use Shape.Line.BeginArrowheadLength property.
  28775. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  28776. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  28777. </member>
  28778. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape.EndArrowheadStyle">
  28779. <summary>
  28780. Gets and sets the end arrow head style of the line.
  28781. </summary>
  28782. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  28783. please use Shape.Line.EndArrowheadStyle property.
  28784. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  28785. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  28786. </member>
  28787. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape.EndArrowheadWidth">
  28788. <summary>
  28789. Gets and sets the end arrow head width of the line.
  28790. </summary>
  28791. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  28792. please use Shape.Line.EndArrowheadWidth property.
  28793. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  28794. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  28795. </member>
  28796. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape.EndArrowheadLength">
  28797. <summary>
  28798. Gets and sets the end arrow head length of the line.
  28799. </summary>
  28800. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  28801. please use Shape.Line.EndArrowheadLength property.
  28802. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  28803. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  28804. </member>
  28805. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area">
  28806. <summary>
  28807. Encapsulates the object that represents an area format.
  28808. </summary>
  28809. <example>
  28810. <code>
  28811. [C#]
  28812. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  28813. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  28814. //Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  28815. int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  28816. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  28817. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
  28818. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  28819. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  28820. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  28821. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  28822. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  28823. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  28824. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  28825. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  28826. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  28827. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  28828. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  28829. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  28830. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  28831. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);
  28832. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  28833. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  28834. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  28835. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", true);
  28836. //Setting the foreground color of the plot area
  28837. chart.PlotArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Blue;
  28838. //Setting the foreground color of the chart area
  28839. chart.ChartArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Yellow;
  28840. //Setting the foreground color of the 1st NSeries area
  28841. chart.NSeries[0].Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Red;
  28842. //Setting the foreground color of the area of the 1st NSeries point
  28843. chart.NSeries[0].Points[0].Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Cyan;
  28844. //Saving the Excel file
  28845. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  28846. [Visual Basic]
  28847. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  28848. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  28849. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  28850. Dim sheetIndex As Integer = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  28851. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  28852. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(sheetIndex)
  28853. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  28854. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  28855. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  28856. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  28857. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  28858. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  28859. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  28860. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  28861. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  28862. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  28863. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  28864. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  28865. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  28866. Dim chartIndex As Integer = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5)
  28867. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  28868. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  28869. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  28870. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", True)
  28871. 'Setting the foreground color of the plot area
  28872. chart.PlotArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Blue
  28873. 'Setting the foreground color of the chart area
  28874. chart.ChartArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Yellow
  28875. 'Setting the foreground color of the 1st NSeries area
  28876. chart.NSeries(0).Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Red
  28877. 'Setting the foreground color of the area of the 1st NSeries point
  28878. chart.NSeries(0).Points(0).Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Cyan
  28879. 'Saving the Excel file
  28880. workbook.Save("C:\book1.xls")
  28881. </code>
  28882. </example>
  28883. </member>
  28884. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area.BackgroundColor">
  28885. <summary>
  28886. Gets or sets the background <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area" />.
  28887. </summary>
  28888. </member>
  28889. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area.ForegroundColor">
  28890. <summary>
  28891. Gets or sets the foreground <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" />.
  28892. </summary>
  28893. </member>
  28894. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area.Formatting">
  28895. <summary>
  28896. Represents the formatting of the area.
  28897. </summary>
  28898. </member>
  28899. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area.InvertIfNegative">
  28900. <summary>
  28901. If the property is true and the value of chart point is a negative number,
  28902. the foreground color and background color will be exchanged.
  28903. </summary>
  28904. <example>
  28905. <code>
  28906. [C#]
  28907. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  28908. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  28909. //Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  28910. int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  28911. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  28912. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
  28913. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  28914. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  28915. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  28916. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(-100);
  28917. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  28918. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  28919. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  28920. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);
  28921. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  28922. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  28923. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "A3"
  28924. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:A3", true);
  28925. chart.NSeries[0].Area.InvertIfNegative = true;
  28926. //Setting the foreground color of the 1st NSeries area
  28927. chart.NSeries[0].Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Red;
  28928. //Setting the background color of the 1st NSeries area.
  28929. //The displayed area color of second chart point will be the background color.
  28930. chart.NSeries[0].Area.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow;
  28931. //Saving the Excel file
  28932. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  28933. [Visual Basic]
  28934. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  28935. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  28936. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  28937. Dim sheetIndex As Integer = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  28938. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  28939. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(sheetIndex)
  28940. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  28941. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  28942. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  28943. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(-100)
  28944. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  28945. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  28946. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  28947. Dim chartIndex As Integer = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5)
  28948. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  28949. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  28950. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "A3"
  28951. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:A3", True)
  28952. chart.NSeries(0).Area.InvertIfNegative = True
  28953. 'Setting the foreground color of the 1st NSeries area
  28954. chart.NSeries(0).Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Red
  28955. 'Setting the background color of the 1st NSeries area.
  28956. 'The displayed area color of second chart point will be the background color.
  28957. chart.NSeries(0).Area.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow
  28958. 'Saving the Excel file
  28959. workbook.Save("C:\book1.xls")
  28960. </code>
  28961. </example>
  28962. </member>
  28963. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area.FillFormat">
  28964. <summary>
  28965. Represents a <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area.FillFormat" /> object that contains fill formatting properties for the specified chart or shape.
  28966. </summary>
  28967. </member>
  28968. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area.Transparency">
  28969. <summary>
  28970. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  28971. </summary>
  28972. </member>
  28973. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series">
  28974. <summary>
  28975. Encapsulates the object that represents a single data series in a chart.
  28976. </summary>
  28977. <example>
  28978. <code>
  28979. [C#]
  28980. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  28981. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  28982. //Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  28983. int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  28984. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  28985. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
  28986. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  28987. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  28988. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  28989. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  28990. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  28991. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  28992. //Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
  28993. worksheet.Cells["A4"].PutValue(200);
  28994. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  28995. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  28996. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  28997. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  28998. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  28999. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  29000. //Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
  29001. worksheet.Cells["B4"].PutValue(40);
  29002. //Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
  29003. worksheet.Cells["C1"].PutValue("Q1");
  29004. //Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
  29005. worksheet.Cells["C2"].PutValue("Q2");
  29006. //Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
  29007. worksheet.Cells["C3"].PutValue("Y1");
  29008. //Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
  29009. worksheet.Cells["C4"].PutValue("Y2");
  29010. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  29011. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);
  29012. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  29013. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  29014. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
  29015. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", true);
  29016. //Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
  29017. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4";
  29018. Series series = chart.NSeries[1];
  29019. //Setting the values of the series.
  29020. series.Values = "=B1:B4";
  29021. //Changing the chart type of the series.
  29022. series.Type = ChartType.Line;
  29023. //Setting marker properties.
  29024. series.MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Circle;
  29025. series.MarkerForegroundColorSetType = FormattingType.Automatic;
  29026. series.MarkerForegroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
  29027. series.MarkerBackgroundColorSetType = FormattingType.Automatic;
  29028. //Saving the Excel file
  29029. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  29030. [Visual Basic]
  29031. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  29032. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  29033. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  29034. Dim sheetIndex As Int32 = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  29035. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  29036. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(sheetIndex)
  29037. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  29038. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  29039. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  29040. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  29041. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  29042. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  29043. 'Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
  29044. worksheet.Cells("A4").PutValue(200)
  29045. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  29046. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  29047. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  29048. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  29049. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  29050. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  29051. 'Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
  29052. worksheet.Cells("B4").PutValue(40)
  29053. 'Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
  29054. worksheet.Cells("C1").PutValue("Q1")
  29055. 'Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
  29056. worksheet.Cells("C2").PutValue("Q2")
  29057. 'Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
  29058. worksheet.Cells("C3").PutValue("Y1")
  29059. 'Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
  29060. worksheet.Cells("C4").PutValue("Y2")
  29061. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  29062. Dim chartIndex As Int32 = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5)
  29063. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  29064. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  29065. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
  29066. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", True)
  29067. 'Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
  29068. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4"
  29069. Dim series As Series = chart.NSeries(1)
  29070. 'Setting the values of the series.
  29071. series.Values = "=B1:B4"
  29072. 'Changing the chart type of the series.
  29073. series.Type = ChartType.Line
  29074. 'Setting marker properties.
  29075. series.MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Circle
  29076. series.MarkerForegroundColorSetType = FormattingType.Automatic
  29077. series.MarkerForegroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
  29078. series.MarkerBackgroundColorSetType = FormattingType.Automatic
  29079. 'Saving the Excel file
  29080. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls")
  29081. </code>
  29082. </example>
  29083. </member>
  29084. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Move(System.Int32)">
  29085. <summary>
  29086. Moves the series up or down.
  29087. </summary>
  29088. <param name="count">The number of moving up or down.
  29089. Move the series up if this is less than zero;
  29090. Move the series down if this is greater than zero.
  29091. </param>
  29092. </member>
  29093. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.LayoutProperties">
  29094. <summary>
  29095. Represents the properties of layout.
  29096. </summary>
  29097. </member>
  29098. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Points">
  29099. <summary>
  29100. Gets the collection of points in a series in a chart.
  29101. </summary>
  29102. <remarks>
  29103. When the chart is Pie of Pie or Bar of Pie, the last point is other point in first pie plot.
  29104. </remarks>
  29105. </member>
  29106. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Area">
  29107. <summary>
  29108. Represents the background area of Series object.
  29109. </summary>
  29110. </member>
  29111. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Border">
  29112. <summary>
  29113. Represents border of Series object.
  29114. </summary>
  29115. </member>
  29116. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Name">
  29117. <summary>
  29118. Gets or sets the name of the data series.
  29119. </summary>
  29120. <example>
  29121. <code>
  29122. [C#]
  29123. //Reference name to a cell
  29124. chart.NSeries[0].Name = "=A1";
  29125. //Set a string to name
  29126. chart.NSeries[0].Name = "First Series";
  29127. [Visual Basic]
  29128. 'Reference name to a cell
  29129. chart.NSeries[0].Name = "=A1"
  29130. 'Set a string to name
  29131. chart.NSeries[0].Name = "First Series"
  29132. </code>
  29133. </example>
  29134. </member>
  29135. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.DisplayName">
  29136. <summary>
  29137. Gets the series's name that displays on the chart graph.
  29138. </summary>
  29139. </member>
  29140. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.CountOfDataValues">
  29141. <summary>
  29142. Gets the number of the data values.
  29143. </summary>
  29144. </member>
  29145. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.IsVerticalValues">
  29146. <summary>
  29147. Indicates whether the data source is vertical.
  29148. </summary>
  29149. </member>
  29150. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Values">
  29151. <summary>
  29152. Represents the data of the chart series.
  29153. </summary>
  29154. </member>
  29155. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.ValuesFormatCode">
  29156. <summary>
  29157. Represents format code of Values¡®s NumberList.
  29158. </summary>
  29159. </member>
  29160. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.XValues">
  29161. <summary>
  29162. Represents the x values of the chart series.
  29163. </summary>
  29164. </member>
  29165. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.BubbleSizes">
  29166. <summary>
  29167. Gets or sets the bubble sizes values of the chart series.
  29168. </summary>
  29169. </member>
  29170. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.TrendLines">
  29171. <summary>
  29172. Returns an object that represents a collection of all the trendlines for the series.
  29173. </summary>
  29174. </member>
  29175. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Smooth">
  29176. <summary>
  29177. Represents curve smoothing.
  29178. True if curve smoothing is turned on for the line chart or scatter chart.
  29179. Applies only to line and scatter connected by lines charts.
  29180. </summary>
  29181. </member>
  29182. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Shadow">
  29183. <summary>
  29184. True if the series has a shadow.
  29185. </summary>
  29186. </member>
  29187. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Has3DEffect">
  29188. <summary>
  29189. True if the series has a three-dimensional appearance.
  29190. Applies only to bubble charts.
  29191. </summary>
  29192. </member>
  29193. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Bar3DShapeType">
  29194. <summary>
  29195. Gets or sets the 3D shape type used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
  29196. </summary>
  29197. </member>
  29198. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.BarShape">
  29199. <summary>
  29200. Gets or sets the 3D shape type used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
  29201. </summary>
  29202. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29203. please use ASeries.Bar3DShapeType property.
  29204. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  29205. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  29206. </member>
  29207. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.DataLabels">
  29208. <summary>
  29209. Represents the DataLabels object for the specified ASeries.
  29210. </summary>
  29211. </member>
  29212. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Type">
  29213. <summary>
  29214. Gets or sets a data series' type.
  29215. </summary>
  29216. </member>
  29217. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Marker">
  29218. <summary>
  29219. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Marker">marker</see>.
  29220. </summary>
  29221. </member>
  29222. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.MarkerStyle">
  29223. <summary>
  29224. Represents the marker style in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  29225. </summary>
  29226. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29227. please use Marker.MarkerStyle property.
  29228. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  29229. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  29230. </member>
  29231. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.MarkerSize">
  29232. <summary>
  29233. Represents the marker size in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  29234. </summary>
  29235. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29236. please use Marker.MarkerSize property.
  29237. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  29238. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  29239. </member>
  29240. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.MarkerForegroundColor">
  29241. <summary>
  29242. Represents the marker foreground color in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  29243. </summary>
  29244. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29245. please use Marker.MarkerForegroundColor property.
  29246. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  29247. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  29248. </member>
  29249. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.MarkerForegroundColorSetType">
  29250. <summary>
  29251. Gets or sets the marker foreground color set type.
  29252. </summary>
  29253. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29254. please use Marker.MarkerForegroundColorSetType property.
  29255. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  29256. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  29257. FormattingType.Automatic is same as ChartLineFormattingType.Automatic.
  29258. FormattingType.None is same as ChartLineFormattingType.None.
  29259. FormattingType.InnerCustom is same as ChartLineFormattingType.Solid.
  29260. </remarks>
  29261. </member>
  29262. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.MarkerBackgroundColor">
  29263. <summary>
  29264. Represents the marker background color in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  29265. </summary>
  29266. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29267. please use Marker.MarkerBackgroundColor property.
  29268. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  29269. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  29270. </member>
  29271. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.MarkerBackgroundColorSetType">
  29272. <summary>
  29273. Gets or sets the marker background color set type.
  29274. </summary>
  29275. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29276. please use Marker.MarkerBackgroundColorSetType property.
  29277. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  29278. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  29279. FormattingType.Automatic is same as ChartLineFormattingType.Automatic.
  29280. FormattingType.None is same as ChartLineFormattingType.None.
  29281. FormattingType.InnerCustom is same as ChartLineFormattingType.Solid.
  29282. </remarks>
  29283. </member>
  29284. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.PlotOnSecondAxis">
  29285. <summary>
  29286. Indicates if this series is plotted on second value axis.
  29287. </summary>
  29288. </member>
  29289. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.XErrorBar">
  29290. <summary>
  29291. Represents X direction error bar of the series.
  29292. </summary>
  29293. </member>
  29294. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.YErrorBar">
  29295. <summary>
  29296. Represents Y direction error bar of the series.
  29297. </summary>
  29298. </member>
  29299. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.HasHiLoLines">
  29300. <summary>
  29301. True if the line chart has high-low lines.
  29302. Applies only to line charts.
  29303. </summary>
  29304. </member>
  29305. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.HiLoLines">
  29306. <summary>
  29307. Returns a HiLoLines object that represents the high-low lines for a series on a line chart.
  29308. Applies only to line charts.
  29309. </summary>
  29310. </member>
  29311. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.HasSeriesLines">
  29312. <summary>
  29313. True if a stacked column chart or bar chart has series lines or
  29314. if a Pie of Pie chart or Bar of Pie chart has connector lines between the two sections.
  29315. Applies only to stacked column charts, bar charts, Pie of Pie charts, or Bar of Pie charts.
  29316. </summary>
  29317. </member>
  29318. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.SeriesLines">
  29319. <summary>
  29320. Returns a SeriesLines object that represents the series lines for a stacked bar chart or a stacked column chart.
  29321. Applies only to stacked bar and stacked column charts.
  29322. </summary>
  29323. </member>
  29324. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.HasDropLines">
  29325. <summary>
  29326. True if the chart has drop lines.
  29327. Applies only to line chart or area charts.
  29328. </summary>
  29329. </member>
  29330. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.DropLines">
  29331. <summary>
  29332. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line" /> object that represents the drop lines for a series on the line chart or area chart.
  29333. Applies only to line chart or area charts.
  29334. </summary>
  29335. </member>
  29336. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.HasUpDownBars">
  29337. <summary>
  29338. True if a line chart has up and down bars.
  29339. Applies only to line charts.
  29340. </summary>
  29341. </member>
  29342. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.UpBars">
  29343. <summary>
  29344. Returns an DropBars object that represents the up bars on a line chart.
  29345. Applies only to line charts.
  29346. </summary>
  29347. </member>
  29348. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.DownBars">
  29349. <summary>
  29350. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DropBars" /> object that represents the down bars on a line chart.
  29351. Applies only to line charts.
  29352. </summary>
  29353. </member>
  29354. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.IsColorVaried">
  29355. <summary>
  29356. Represents if the color of points is varied.
  29357. The chart must contain only one series.
  29358. </summary>
  29359. </member>
  29360. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.GapWidth">
  29361. <summary>
  29362. Returns or sets the space between bar or column clusters, as a percentage of the bar or column width.
  29363. The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.
  29364. </summary>
  29365. </member>
  29366. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.FirstSliceAngle">
  29367. <summary>
  29368. Gets or sets the angle of the first pie-chart or doughnut-chart slice, in degrees (clockwise from vertical).
  29369. Applies only to pie, 3-D pie, and doughnut charts, 0 to 360.
  29370. </summary>
  29371. </member>
  29372. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Overlap">
  29373. <summary>
  29374. Specifies how bars and columns are positioned.
  29375. Can be a value between ¨C 100 and 100.
  29376. Applies only to 2-D bar and 2-D column charts.
  29377. </summary>
  29378. </member>
  29379. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.SecondPlotSize">
  29380. <summary>
  29381. Returns or sets the size of the secondary section of either a pie of pie chart or a bar of pie chart,
  29382. as a percentage of the size of the primary pie.
  29383. Can be a value from 5 to 200.
  29384. </summary>
  29385. </member>
  29386. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.SplitType">
  29387. <summary>
  29388. Returns or sets a value that how to determine which data points are in the second pie or bar on a pie of pie or bar of
  29389. pie chart.
  29390. </summary>
  29391. </member>
  29392. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.SplitValue">
  29393. <summary>
  29394. Returns or sets a value that shall be used to determine which data points are in the second pie or bar on
  29395. a pie of pie or bar of pie chart.
  29396. </summary>
  29397. </member>
  29398. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.IsAutoSplit">
  29399. <summary>
  29400. Indicates whether the threshold value is automatic.
  29401. </summary>
  29402. </member>
  29403. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.BubbleScale">
  29404. <summary>
  29405. Gets or sets the scale factor for bubbles in the specified chart group.
  29406. It can be an integer value from 0 (zero) to 300,
  29407. corresponding to a percentage of the default size.
  29408. Applies only to bubble charts.
  29409. </summary>
  29410. </member>
  29411. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.SizeRepresents">
  29412. <summary>
  29413. Gets or sets what the bubble size represents on a bubble chart.
  29414. </summary>
  29415. <remarks>
  29416. BubbleSizeRepresents.SizeIsArea means the value <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.BubbleSizes" /> is the area of the bubble.
  29417. BubbleSizeRepresents.SizeIsWidth means the value <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.BubbleSizes" /> is the width of the bubble.
  29418. </remarks>
  29419. </member>
  29420. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.ShowNegativeBubbles">
  29421. <summary>
  29422. True if negative bubbles are shown for the chart group. Valid only for bubble charts.
  29423. </summary>
  29424. </member>
  29425. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.DoughnutHoleSize">
  29426. <summary>
  29427. Returns or sets the size of the hole in a doughnut chart group.
  29428. The hole size is expressed as a percentage of the chart size, between 10 and 90 percent.
  29429. </summary>
  29430. </member>
  29431. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.Explosion">
  29432. <summary>
  29433. The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter.
  29434. </summary>
  29435. </member>
  29436. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.HasRadarAxisLabels">
  29437. <summary>
  29438. True if a radar chart has category axis labels. Applies only to radar charts.
  29439. </summary>
  29440. </member>
  29441. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.HasLeaderLines">
  29442. <summary>
  29443. True if the series has leader lines.
  29444. </summary>
  29445. </member>
  29446. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.LeaderLines">
  29447. <summary>
  29448. Represents leader lines on a chart. Leader lines connect data labels to data points.
  29449. This object isn¡¯t a collection; there¡¯s no object that represents a single leader line.
  29450. </summary>
  29451. </member>
  29452. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.LegendEntry">
  29453. <summary>
  29454. Gets the legend entry according to this series.
  29455. </summary>
  29456. </member>
  29457. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.ShapeProperties">
  29458. <summary>
  29459. Gets the <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection" /> object that holds the visual shape properties of the Series.
  29460. </summary>
  29461. </member>
  29462. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions">
  29463. <summary>
  29464. Represents find options.
  29465. </summary>
  29466. <example>
  29467. <code>
  29468. [C#]
  29469. //Instantiate the workbook object
  29470. Workbook workbook = new Workbook("C:\\book1.xls");
  29471. //Get Cells collection
  29472. Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  29473. //Instantiate FindOptions Object
  29474. FindOptions findOptions = new FindOptions();
  29475. //Create a Cells Area
  29476. CellArea ca = new CellArea();
  29477. ca.StartRow = 8;
  29478. ca.StartColumn = 2;
  29479. ca.EndRow = 17;
  29480. ca.EndColumn = 13;
  29481. //Set cells area for find options
  29482. findOptions.SetRange(ca);
  29483. //Set searching properties
  29484. findOptions.SearchBackward = false;
  29485. findOptions.SeachOrderByRows = true;
  29486. findOptions.LookInType = LookInType.Values;
  29487. //Find the cell with 0 value
  29488. Cell cell = cells.Find(0, null, findOptions);
  29489. [VB.NET]
  29490. 'Instantiate the workbook object
  29491. Dim workbook As New Workbook("C:\book1.xls")
  29492. 'Get Cells collection
  29493. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  29494. 'Instantiate FindOptions Object
  29495. Dim findOptions As New FindOptions()
  29496. 'Create a Cells Area
  29497. Dim ca As New CellArea()
  29498. ca.StartRow = 8
  29499. ca.StartColumn = 2
  29500. ca.EndRow = 17
  29501. ca.EndColumn = 13
  29502. 'Set cells area for find options
  29503. findOptions.SetRange(ca)
  29504. 'Set searching properties
  29505. findOptions.SearchBackward = True
  29506. findOptions.SeachOrderByRows = True
  29507. findOptions.LookInType = LookInType.Values
  29508. 'Find the cell with 0 value
  29509. Dim cell As Cell = cells.Find(0, Nothing, findOptions)
  29510. </code>
  29511. </example>
  29512. </member>
  29513. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.GetRange">
  29514. <summary>
  29515. Gets and sets the searched range.
  29516. </summary>
  29517. <returns>
  29518. Returns the searched range.
  29519. </returns>
  29520. </member>
  29521. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.SetRange(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  29522. <summary>
  29523. Sets the searched range.
  29524. </summary>
  29525. <param name="ca">the searched range.</param>
  29526. </member>
  29527. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.IsCaseSensitive">
  29528. <summary>
  29529. Indicates if the searched string is case sensitive.
  29530. </summary>
  29531. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29532. please use FindOptions.CaseSensitive property.
  29533. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  29534. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  29535. </member>
  29536. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.CaseSensitive">
  29537. <summary>
  29538. Indicates if the searched string is case sensitive.
  29539. </summary>
  29540. </member>
  29541. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.LookAtType">
  29542. <summary>
  29543. Look at type.
  29544. </summary>
  29545. </member>
  29546. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.IsRangeSet">
  29547. <summary>
  29548. Indicates whether the searched range is set.
  29549. </summary>
  29550. </member>
  29551. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.SearchNext">
  29552. <summary>
  29553. Search order. True: search next. False: search previous.
  29554. </summary>
  29555. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  29556. please use FindOptions.SearchBackward property.
  29557. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2018.
  29558. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  29559. </member>
  29560. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.SearchBackward">
  29561. <summary>
  29562. Whether search backward for cells.
  29563. </summary>
  29564. </member>
  29565. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.SeachOrderByRows">
  29566. <summary>
  29567. Indicates whether search order by rows or columns.
  29568. </summary>
  29569. </member>
  29570. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.LookInType">
  29571. <summary>
  29572. Look in type.
  29573. </summary>
  29574. </member>
  29575. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.RegexKey">
  29576. <summary>
  29577. Indicates whether the searched key is regex. If true then the searched key will be taken as regex.
  29578. </summary>
  29579. </member>
  29580. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.ValueTypeSensitive">
  29581. <summary>
  29582. Indicates whether searched cell value type should be same with the searched key.
  29583. </summary>
  29584. </member>
  29585. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.Style">
  29586. <summary>
  29587. The format to search for.
  29588. </summary>
  29589. </member>
  29590. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FindOptions.ConvertNumericData">
  29591. <summary>
  29592. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether converting the searched string value to numeric data.
  29593. </summary>
  29594. </member>
  29595. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType">
  29596. <summary>
  29597. Represents all built-in auto shape type.
  29598. </summary>
  29599. </member>
  29600. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.NotPrimitive">
  29601. <summary>
  29602. </summary>
  29603. </member>
  29604. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Rectangle">
  29605. <summary>
  29606. </summary>
  29607. </member>
  29608. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RoundedRectangle">
  29609. <summary>
  29610. </summary>
  29611. </member>
  29612. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Oval">
  29613. <summary>
  29614. </summary>
  29615. </member>
  29616. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Diamond">
  29617. <summary>
  29618. </summary>
  29619. </member>
  29620. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.IsoscelesTriangle">
  29621. <summary>
  29622. </summary>
  29623. </member>
  29624. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RightTriangle">
  29625. <summary>
  29626. </summary>
  29627. </member>
  29628. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Parallelogram">
  29629. <summary>
  29630. </summary>
  29631. </member>
  29632. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Trapezoid">
  29633. <summary>
  29634. </summary>
  29635. </member>
  29636. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Hexagon">
  29637. <summary>
  29638. </summary>
  29639. </member>
  29640. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Octagon">
  29641. <summary>
  29642. </summary>
  29643. </member>
  29644. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Cross">
  29645. <summary>
  29646. </summary>
  29647. </member>
  29648. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star5">
  29649. <summary>
  29650. </summary>
  29651. </member>
  29652. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RightArrow">
  29653. <summary>
  29654. </summary>
  29655. </member>
  29656. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.HomePlate">
  29657. <summary>
  29658. </summary>
  29659. </member>
  29660. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Cube">
  29661. <summary>
  29662. </summary>
  29663. </member>
  29664. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Balloon">
  29665. <summary>
  29666. </summary>
  29667. </member>
  29668. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Seal">
  29669. <summary>
  29670. </summary>
  29671. </member>
  29672. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Arc">
  29673. <summary>
  29674. </summary>
  29675. </member>
  29676. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Line">
  29677. <summary>
  29678. </summary>
  29679. </member>
  29680. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Plaque">
  29681. <summary>
  29682. </summary>
  29683. </member>
  29684. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Can">
  29685. <summary>
  29686. </summary>
  29687. </member>
  29688. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Donut">
  29689. <summary>
  29690. </summary>
  29691. </member>
  29692. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextSimple">
  29693. <summary>
  29694. </summary>
  29695. </member>
  29696. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextOctagon">
  29697. <summary>
  29698. </summary>
  29699. </member>
  29700. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextHexagon">
  29701. <summary>
  29702. </summary>
  29703. </member>
  29704. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCurve">
  29705. <summary>
  29706. </summary>
  29707. </member>
  29708. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextWave">
  29709. <summary>
  29710. </summary>
  29711. </member>
  29712. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextRing">
  29713. <summary>
  29714. </summary>
  29715. </member>
  29716. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextOnCurve">
  29717. <summary>
  29718. </summary>
  29719. </member>
  29720. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.msosptTextOnRing">
  29721. <summary>
  29722. </summary>
  29723. </member>
  29724. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.StraightConnector">
  29725. <summary>
  29726. </summary>
  29727. </member>
  29728. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BentConnector2">
  29729. <summary>
  29730. </summary>
  29731. </member>
  29732. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.ElbowConnector">
  29733. <summary>
  29734. </summary>
  29735. </member>
  29736. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BentConnector4">
  29737. <summary>
  29738. </summary>
  29739. </member>
  29740. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BentConnector5">
  29741. <summary>
  29742. </summary>
  29743. </member>
  29744. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedConnector2">
  29745. <summary>
  29746. </summary>
  29747. </member>
  29748. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedConnector">
  29749. <summary>
  29750. </summary>
  29751. </member>
  29752. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedConnector4">
  29753. <summary>
  29754. </summary>
  29755. </member>
  29756. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedConnector5">
  29757. <summary>
  29758. </summary>
  29759. </member>
  29760. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutNoBorder2">
  29761. <summary>
  29762. </summary>
  29763. </member>
  29764. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutNoBorder3">
  29765. <summary>
  29766. </summary>
  29767. </member>
  29768. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutNoBorder4">
  29769. <summary>
  29770. </summary>
  29771. </member>
  29772. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithAccentBar2">
  29773. <summary>
  29774. </summary>
  29775. </member>
  29776. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithAccentBar3">
  29777. <summary>
  29778. </summary>
  29779. </member>
  29780. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithAccentBar4">
  29781. <summary>
  29782. </summary>
  29783. </member>
  29784. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithBorder2">
  29785. <summary>
  29786. </summary>
  29787. </member>
  29788. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithBorder3">
  29789. <summary>
  29790. </summary>
  29791. </member>
  29792. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithBorder4">
  29793. <summary>
  29794. </summary>
  29795. </member>
  29796. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithBorderAndAccentBar2">
  29797. <summary>
  29798. </summary>
  29799. </member>
  29800. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithBorderAndAccentBar3">
  29801. <summary>
  29802. </summary>
  29803. </member>
  29804. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithBorderAndAccentBar4">
  29805. <summary>
  29806. </summary>
  29807. </member>
  29808. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.DownRibbon">
  29809. <summary>
  29810. </summary>
  29811. </member>
  29812. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.UpRibbon">
  29813. <summary>
  29814. </summary>
  29815. </member>
  29816. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Chevron">
  29817. <summary>
  29818. </summary>
  29819. </member>
  29820. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RegularPentagon">
  29821. <summary>
  29822. </summary>
  29823. </member>
  29824. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.NoSymbol">
  29825. <summary>
  29826. </summary>
  29827. </member>
  29828. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star8">
  29829. <summary>
  29830. </summary>
  29831. </member>
  29832. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star16">
  29833. <summary>
  29834. </summary>
  29835. </member>
  29836. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star32">
  29837. <summary>
  29838. </summary>
  29839. </member>
  29840. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RectangularCallout">
  29841. <summary>
  29842. </summary>
  29843. </member>
  29844. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RoundedRectangularCallout">
  29845. <summary>
  29846. </summary>
  29847. </member>
  29848. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.OvalCallout">
  29849. <summary>
  29850. </summary>
  29851. </member>
  29852. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Wave">
  29853. <summary>
  29854. </summary>
  29855. </member>
  29856. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FoldedCorner">
  29857. <summary>
  29858. </summary>
  29859. </member>
  29860. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftArrow">
  29861. <summary>
  29862. </summary>
  29863. </member>
  29864. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.DownArrow">
  29865. <summary>
  29866. </summary>
  29867. </member>
  29868. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.UpArrow">
  29869. <summary>
  29870. </summary>
  29871. </member>
  29872. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftRightArrow">
  29873. <summary>
  29874. </summary>
  29875. </member>
  29876. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.UpDownArrow">
  29877. <summary>
  29878. </summary>
  29879. </member>
  29880. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Explosion1">
  29881. <summary>
  29882. </summary>
  29883. </member>
  29884. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Explosion2">
  29885. <summary>
  29886. </summary>
  29887. </member>
  29888. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LightningBolt">
  29889. <summary>
  29890. </summary>
  29891. </member>
  29892. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Heart">
  29893. <summary>
  29894. </summary>
  29895. </member>
  29896. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.PictureFrame">
  29897. <summary>
  29898. </summary>
  29899. </member>
  29900. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.QuadArrow">
  29901. <summary>
  29902. </summary>
  29903. </member>
  29904. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftArrowCallout">
  29905. <summary>
  29906. </summary>
  29907. </member>
  29908. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RightArrowCallout">
  29909. <summary>
  29910. </summary>
  29911. </member>
  29912. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.UpArrowCallout">
  29913. <summary>
  29914. </summary>
  29915. </member>
  29916. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.DownArrowCallout">
  29917. <summary>
  29918. </summary>
  29919. </member>
  29920. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftRightArrowCallout">
  29921. <summary>
  29922. </summary>
  29923. </member>
  29924. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.UpDownArrowCallout">
  29925. <summary>
  29926. </summary>
  29927. </member>
  29928. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.QuadArrowCallout">
  29929. <summary>
  29930. </summary>
  29931. </member>
  29932. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Bevel">
  29933. <summary>
  29934. </summary>
  29935. </member>
  29936. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftBracket">
  29937. <summary>
  29938. </summary>
  29939. </member>
  29940. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RightBracket">
  29941. <summary>
  29942. </summary>
  29943. </member>
  29944. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftBrace">
  29945. <summary>
  29946. </summary>
  29947. </member>
  29948. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RightBrace">
  29949. <summary>
  29950. </summary>
  29951. </member>
  29952. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftUpArrow">
  29953. <summary>
  29954. </summary>
  29955. </member>
  29956. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BentUpArrow">
  29957. <summary>
  29958. </summary>
  29959. </member>
  29960. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BentArrow">
  29961. <summary>
  29962. </summary>
  29963. </member>
  29964. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star24">
  29965. <summary>
  29966. </summary>
  29967. </member>
  29968. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.StripedRightArrow">
  29969. <summary>
  29970. </summary>
  29971. </member>
  29972. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.NotchedRightArrow">
  29973. <summary>
  29974. </summary>
  29975. </member>
  29976. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BlockArc">
  29977. <summary>
  29978. </summary>
  29979. </member>
  29980. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.SmileyFace">
  29981. <summary>
  29982. </summary>
  29983. </member>
  29984. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.VerticalScroll">
  29985. <summary>
  29986. </summary>
  29987. </member>
  29988. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.HorizontalScroll">
  29989. <summary>
  29990. </summary>
  29991. </member>
  29992. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CircularArrow">
  29993. <summary>
  29994. </summary>
  29995. </member>
  29996. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.NotchedCircularArrow">
  29997. <summary>
  29998. A value that SHOULD NOT be used.
  29999. </summary>
  30000. </member>
  30001. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.UTurnArrow">
  30002. <summary>
  30003. </summary>
  30004. </member>
  30005. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedRightArrow">
  30006. <summary>
  30007. </summary>
  30008. </member>
  30009. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedLeftArrow">
  30010. <summary>
  30011. </summary>
  30012. </member>
  30013. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedUpArrow">
  30014. <summary>
  30015. </summary>
  30016. </member>
  30017. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedDownArrow">
  30018. <summary>
  30019. </summary>
  30020. </member>
  30021. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CloudCallout">
  30022. <summary>
  30023. </summary>
  30024. </member>
  30025. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedDownRibbon">
  30026. <summary>
  30027. </summary>
  30028. </member>
  30029. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CurvedUpRibbon">
  30030. <summary>
  30031. </summary>
  30032. </member>
  30033. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartProcess">
  30034. <summary>
  30035. </summary>
  30036. </member>
  30037. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartDecision">
  30038. <summary>
  30039. </summary>
  30040. </member>
  30041. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartData">
  30042. <summary>
  30043. </summary>
  30044. </member>
  30045. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartPredefinedProcess">
  30046. <summary>
  30047. </summary>
  30048. </member>
  30049. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartInternalStorage">
  30050. <summary>
  30051. </summary>
  30052. </member>
  30053. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartDocument">
  30054. <summary>
  30055. </summary>
  30056. </member>
  30057. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartMultidocument">
  30058. <summary>
  30059. </summary>
  30060. </member>
  30061. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartTerminator">
  30062. <summary>
  30063. </summary>
  30064. </member>
  30065. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartPreparation">
  30066. <summary>
  30067. </summary>
  30068. </member>
  30069. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartManualInput">
  30070. <summary>
  30071. </summary>
  30072. </member>
  30073. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartManualOperation">
  30074. <summary>
  30075. </summary>
  30076. </member>
  30077. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartConnector">
  30078. <summary>
  30079. </summary>
  30080. </member>
  30081. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartCard">
  30082. <summary>
  30083. </summary>
  30084. </member>
  30085. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartPunchedTape">
  30086. <summary>
  30087. </summary>
  30088. </member>
  30089. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartSummingJunction">
  30090. <summary>
  30091. </summary>
  30092. </member>
  30093. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartOr">
  30094. <summary>
  30095. </summary>
  30096. </member>
  30097. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartCollate">
  30098. <summary>
  30099. </summary>
  30100. </member>
  30101. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartSort">
  30102. <summary>
  30103. </summary>
  30104. </member>
  30105. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartExtract">
  30106. <summary>
  30107. </summary>
  30108. </member>
  30109. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartMerge">
  30110. <summary>
  30111. </summary>
  30112. </member>
  30113. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartOfflineStorage">
  30114. <summary>
  30115. </summary>
  30116. </member>
  30117. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartStoredData">
  30118. <summary>
  30119. </summary>
  30120. </member>
  30121. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartSequentialAccessStorage">
  30122. <summary>
  30123. </summary>
  30124. </member>
  30125. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartMagneticDisk">
  30126. <summary>
  30127. </summary>
  30128. </member>
  30129. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartDirectAccessStorage">
  30130. <summary>
  30131. </summary>
  30132. </member>
  30133. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartDisplay">
  30134. <summary>
  30135. </summary>
  30136. </member>
  30137. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartDelay">
  30138. <summary>
  30139. </summary>
  30140. </member>
  30141. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextPlainText">
  30142. <summary>
  30143. A plain text shape.
  30144. </summary>
  30145. </member>
  30146. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextStop">
  30147. <summary>
  30148. An octagonal text shape.
  30149. </summary>
  30150. </member>
  30151. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextTriangle">
  30152. <summary>
  30153. A triangular text shape pointing upwards.
  30154. </summary>
  30155. </member>
  30156. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextTriangleInverted">
  30157. <summary>
  30158. A triangular text shape pointing downwards.
  30159. </summary>
  30160. </member>
  30161. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextChevron">
  30162. <summary>
  30163. A chevron text shape pointing upwards.
  30164. </summary>
  30165. </member>
  30166. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextChevronInverted">
  30167. <summary>
  30168. A chevron text shape pointing downwards.
  30169. </summary>
  30170. </member>
  30171. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextRingInside">
  30172. <summary>
  30173. A circular text shape, as if reading an inscription on the inside of a ring.
  30174. </summary>
  30175. </member>
  30176. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextRingOutside">
  30177. <summary>
  30178. A circular text shape, as if reading an inscription on the outside of a ring.
  30179. </summary>
  30180. </member>
  30181. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextArchUpCurve">
  30182. <summary>
  30183. An upward arching curved text shape.
  30184. </summary>
  30185. </member>
  30186. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextArchDownCurve">
  30187. <summary>
  30188. A downward arching curved text shape.
  30189. </summary>
  30190. </member>
  30191. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCircleCurve">
  30192. <summary>
  30193. A circular text shape.
  30194. </summary>
  30195. </member>
  30196. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextButtonCurve">
  30197. <summary>
  30198. A text shape that resembles a button.
  30199. </summary>
  30200. </member>
  30201. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextArchUpPour">
  30202. <summary>
  30203. An upward arching text shape.
  30204. </summary>
  30205. </member>
  30206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextArchDownPour">
  30207. <summary>
  30208. A downward arching text shape.
  30209. </summary>
  30210. </member>
  30211. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCirclePour">
  30212. <summary>
  30213. A circular text shape.
  30214. </summary>
  30215. </member>
  30216. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextButtonPour">
  30217. <summary>
  30218. A text shape that resembles a button.
  30219. </summary>
  30220. </member>
  30221. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCurveUp">
  30222. <summary>
  30223. An upward curving text shape.
  30224. </summary>
  30225. </member>
  30226. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCurveDown">
  30227. <summary>
  30228. A downward curving text shape.
  30229. </summary>
  30230. </member>
  30231. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCascadeUp">
  30232. <summary>
  30233. A cascading text shape pointed upwards.
  30234. </summary>
  30235. </member>
  30236. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCascadeDown">
  30237. <summary>
  30238. A cascading text shape pointed downwards.
  30239. </summary>
  30240. </member>
  30241. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextWave1">
  30242. <summary>
  30243. A wavy text shape.
  30244. </summary>
  30245. </member>
  30246. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextWave2">
  30247. <summary>
  30248. A wavy text shape.
  30249. </summary>
  30250. </member>
  30251. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextWave3">
  30252. <summary>
  30253. A wavy text shape.
  30254. </summary>
  30255. <remarks>
  30256. NOTE: This enum is now obsolete. Instead, please use AutoShape.TextDoubleWave1.
  30257. This property will be removed 12 months later since April 2016.
  30258. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  30259. </member>
  30260. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextWave4">
  30261. <summary>
  30262. A wavy text shape.
  30263. </summary>
  30264. <remarks>
  30265. NOTE: This enum is now obsolete. Instead, please use AutoShape.TextDoubleWave2.
  30266. This property will be removed 12 months later since April 2016.
  30267. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  30268. </member>
  30269. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextDoubleWave1">
  30270. <summary>
  30271. A wavy text shape.
  30272. </summary>
  30273. </member>
  30274. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextDoubleWave2">
  30275. <summary>
  30276. A wavy text shape.
  30277. </summary>
  30278. </member>
  30279. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextInflate">
  30280. <summary>
  30281. A text shape that expands vertically in the middle.
  30282. </summary>
  30283. </member>
  30284. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextDeflate">
  30285. <summary>
  30286. A text shape that shrinks vertically in the middle.
  30287. </summary>
  30288. </member>
  30289. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextInflateBottom">
  30290. <summary>
  30291. A text shape that expands downward in the middle.
  30292. </summary>
  30293. </member>
  30294. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextDeflateBottom">
  30295. <summary>
  30296. A text shape that shrinks upwards in the middle.
  30297. </summary>
  30298. </member>
  30299. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextInflateTop">
  30300. <summary>
  30301. A text shape that expands upward in the middle.
  30302. </summary>
  30303. </member>
  30304. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextDeflateTop">
  30305. <summary>
  30306. A text shape that shrinks downward in the middle.
  30307. </summary>
  30308. </member>
  30309. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextDeflateInflate">
  30310. <summary>
  30311. A text shape where lower lines expand upward. Upper lines shrink to compensate.
  30312. </summary>
  30313. </member>
  30314. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextDeflateInflateDeflate">
  30315. <summary>
  30316. A text shape where lines in the center expand vertically. Upper and lower lines shrink to compensate.
  30317. </summary>
  30318. </member>
  30319. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextFadeRight">
  30320. <summary>
  30321. A text shape that shrinks vertically on the right side.
  30322. </summary>
  30323. </member>
  30324. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextFadeLeft">
  30325. <summary>
  30326. A text shape that shrinks vertically on the left side.
  30327. </summary>
  30328. </member>
  30329. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextFadeUp">
  30330. <summary>
  30331. A text shape that shrinks horizontally on top.
  30332. </summary>
  30333. </member>
  30334. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextFadeDown">
  30335. <summary>
  30336. A text shape that shrinks horizontally on bottom.
  30337. </summary>
  30338. </member>
  30339. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextSlantUp">
  30340. <summary>
  30341. An upward slanted text shape.
  30342. </summary>
  30343. </member>
  30344. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextSlantDown">
  30345. <summary>
  30346. A downward slanted text shape.
  30347. </summary>
  30348. </member>
  30349. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCanUp">
  30350. <summary>
  30351. A text shape that is curved upwards as if being read on the side of a can.
  30352. </summary>
  30353. </member>
  30354. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextCanDown">
  30355. <summary>
  30356. A text shape that is curved downwards as if being read on the side of a can.
  30357. </summary>
  30358. </member>
  30359. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartAlternateProcess">
  30360. <summary>
  30361. </summary>
  30362. </member>
  30363. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.FlowChartOffpageConnector">
  30364. <summary>
  30365. </summary>
  30366. </member>
  30367. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutNoBorder1">
  30368. <summary>
  30369. </summary>
  30370. </member>
  30371. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithAccentBar1">
  30372. <summary>
  30373. </summary>
  30374. </member>
  30375. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithBorder1">
  30376. <summary>
  30377. </summary>
  30378. </member>
  30379. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineCalloutWithBorderAndAccentBar1">
  30380. <summary>
  30381. </summary>
  30382. </member>
  30383. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftRightUpArrow">
  30384. <summary>
  30385. </summary>
  30386. </member>
  30387. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Sun">
  30388. <summary>
  30389. </summary>
  30390. </member>
  30391. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Moon">
  30392. <summary>
  30393. </summary>
  30394. </member>
  30395. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.DoubleBracket">
  30396. <summary>
  30397. A shape enclosed in brackets.
  30398. </summary>
  30399. </member>
  30400. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.DoubleBrace">
  30401. <summary>
  30402. A shape enclosed in braces.
  30403. </summary>
  30404. </member>
  30405. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star4">
  30406. <summary>
  30407. </summary>
  30408. </member>
  30409. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.DoubleWave">
  30410. <summary>
  30411. </summary>
  30412. </member>
  30413. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BlankActionButton">
  30414. <summary>
  30415. </summary>
  30416. </member>
  30417. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.HomeActionButton">
  30418. <summary>
  30419. </summary>
  30420. </member>
  30421. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.HelpActionButton">
  30422. <summary>
  30423. </summary>
  30424. </member>
  30425. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.InformationActionButton">
  30426. <summary>
  30427. </summary>
  30428. </member>
  30429. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.ForwardNextActionButton">
  30430. <summary>
  30431. </summary>
  30432. </member>
  30433. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BackPreviousActionButton">
  30434. <summary>
  30435. </summary>
  30436. </member>
  30437. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.EndActionButton">
  30438. <summary>
  30439. </summary>
  30440. </member>
  30441. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.BeginningActionButton">
  30442. <summary>
  30443. </summary>
  30444. </member>
  30445. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.ReturnActionButton">
  30446. <summary>
  30447. </summary>
  30448. </member>
  30449. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.DocumentActionButton">
  30450. <summary>
  30451. </summary>
  30452. </member>
  30453. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.SoundActionButton">
  30454. <summary>
  30455. </summary>
  30456. </member>
  30457. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.MovieActionButton">
  30458. <summary>
  30459. </summary>
  30460. </member>
  30461. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.HostControl">
  30462. <summary>
  30463. This value SHOULD NOT be used.
  30464. </summary>
  30465. </member>
  30466. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextBox">
  30467. <summary>
  30468. </summary>
  30469. </member>
  30470. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Heptagon">
  30471. <summary>
  30472. </summary>
  30473. </member>
  30474. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Decagon">
  30475. <summary>
  30476. </summary>
  30477. </member>
  30478. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Dodecagon">
  30479. <summary>
  30480. </summary>
  30481. </member>
  30482. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star6">
  30483. <summary>
  30484. </summary>
  30485. </member>
  30486. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star7">
  30487. <summary>
  30488. </summary>
  30489. </member>
  30490. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star10">
  30491. <summary>
  30492. </summary>
  30493. </member>
  30494. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Star12">
  30495. <summary>
  30496. </summary>
  30497. </member>
  30498. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RoundSingleCornerRectangle">
  30499. <summary>
  30500. </summary>
  30501. </member>
  30502. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RoundSameSideCornerRectangle">
  30503. <summary>
  30504. </summary>
  30505. </member>
  30506. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RoundDiagonalCornerRectangle">
  30507. <summary>
  30508. </summary>
  30509. </member>
  30510. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.SnipRoundSingleCornerRectangle">
  30511. <summary>
  30512. </summary>
  30513. </member>
  30514. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.SnipSingleCornerRectangle">
  30515. <summary>
  30516. </summary>
  30517. </member>
  30518. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.SnipSameSideCornerRectangle">
  30519. <summary>
  30520. </summary>
  30521. </member>
  30522. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.SnipDiagonalCornerRectangle">
  30523. <summary>
  30524. </summary>
  30525. </member>
  30526. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Teardrop">
  30527. <summary>
  30528. </summary>
  30529. </member>
  30530. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Pie">
  30531. <summary>
  30532. </summary>
  30533. </member>
  30534. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.HalfFrame">
  30535. <summary>
  30536. </summary>
  30537. </member>
  30538. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.L_Shape">
  30539. <summary>
  30540. </summary>
  30541. </member>
  30542. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.DiagonalStripe">
  30543. <summary>
  30544. </summary>
  30545. </member>
  30546. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Chord">
  30547. <summary>
  30548. </summary>
  30549. </member>
  30550. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Cloud">
  30551. <summary>
  30552. </summary>
  30553. </member>
  30554. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.MathPlus">
  30555. <summary>
  30556. </summary>
  30557. </member>
  30558. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.MathMinus">
  30559. <summary>
  30560. </summary>
  30561. </member>
  30562. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.MathMultiply">
  30563. <summary>
  30564. </summary>
  30565. </member>
  30566. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.MathDivide">
  30567. <summary>
  30568. </summary>
  30569. </member>
  30570. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.MathEqual">
  30571. <summary>
  30572. </summary>
  30573. </member>
  30574. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.MathNotEqual">
  30575. <summary>
  30576. </summary>
  30577. </member>
  30578. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LineInv">
  30579. <summary>
  30580. </summary>
  30581. </member>
  30582. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.NonIsoscelesTrapezoid">
  30583. <summary>
  30584. </summary>
  30585. </member>
  30586. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.PieWedge">
  30587. <summary>
  30588. </summary>
  30589. </member>
  30590. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftCircularArrow">
  30591. <summary>
  30592. </summary>
  30593. </member>
  30594. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftRightCircularArrow">
  30595. <summary>
  30596. </summary>
  30597. </member>
  30598. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.SwooshArrow">
  30599. <summary>
  30600. </summary>
  30601. </member>
  30602. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.LeftRightRibbon">
  30603. <summary>
  30604. </summary>
  30605. </member>
  30606. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextNoShape">
  30607. <summary>
  30608. </summary>
  30609. </member>
  30610. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Gear6">
  30611. <summary>
  30612. </summary>
  30613. </member>
  30614. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Gear9">
  30615. <summary>
  30616. </summary>
  30617. </member>
  30618. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Funnel">
  30619. <summary>
  30620. </summary>
  30621. </member>
  30622. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.CornerTabs">
  30623. <summary>
  30624. </summary>
  30625. </member>
  30626. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.SquareTabs">
  30627. <summary>
  30628. </summary>
  30629. </member>
  30630. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.PlaqueTabs">
  30631. <summary>
  30632. </summary>
  30633. </member>
  30634. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.ChartX">
  30635. <summary>
  30636. </summary>
  30637. </member>
  30638. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.ChartStar">
  30639. <summary>
  30640. </summary>
  30641. </member>
  30642. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.ChartPlus">
  30643. <summary>
  30644. </summary>
  30645. </member>
  30646. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Frame">
  30647. <summary>
  30648. </summary>
  30649. </member>
  30650. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Model3D">
  30651. <summary>
  30652. </summary>
  30653. </member>
  30654. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.RoundCallout">
  30655. <summary>
  30656. There is no such type in Excel
  30657. </summary>
  30658. </member>
  30659. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextArchLeftPour">
  30660. <summary>
  30661. There is no such type in Excel
  30662. </summary>
  30663. </member>
  30664. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextArchRightPour">
  30665. <summary>
  30666. There is no such type in Excel
  30667. </summary>
  30668. </member>
  30669. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextArchLeftCurve">
  30670. <summary>
  30671. There is no such type in Excel
  30672. </summary>
  30673. </member>
  30674. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.TextArchRightCurve">
  30675. <summary>
  30676. There is no such type in Excel
  30677. </summary>
  30678. </member>
  30679. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType.Unknown">
  30680. <summary>
  30681. </summary>
  30682. </member>
  30683. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis">
  30684. <summary>
  30685. Encapsulates the object that represents a chart's axis.
  30686. </summary>
  30687. <example>
  30688. <code>
  30689. [C#]
  30690. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  30691. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  30692. //Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  30693. int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  30694. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  30695. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
  30696. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  30697. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  30698. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  30699. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  30700. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  30701. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  30702. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  30703. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(4);
  30704. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  30705. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(20);
  30706. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  30707. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  30708. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  30709. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 25, 5);
  30710. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  30711. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  30712. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  30713. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", true);
  30714. //Set the max value of value axis
  30715. chart.ValueAxis.MaxValue = 200;
  30716. //Set the min value of value axis
  30717. chart.ValueAxis.MinValue = 0;
  30718. //Set the major unit
  30719. chart.ValueAxis.MajorUnit = 25;
  30720. //Category(X) axis crosses at the maxinum value.
  30721. chart.ValueAxis.Crosses = CrossType.Maximum;
  30722. //Set he number of categories or series between tick-mark labels.
  30723. chart.CategoryAxis.TickLabelSpacing = 2;
  30724. //Saving the Excel file
  30725. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  30726. [Visual Basic]
  30727. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  30728. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  30729. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  30730. Dim sheetIndex As Int32 = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  30731. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  30732. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(sheetIndex)
  30733. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  30734. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  30735. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  30736. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  30737. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  30738. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  30739. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  30740. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(4)
  30741. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  30742. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(20)
  30743. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  30744. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  30745. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  30746. Dim chartIndex As Int32 = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 25, 5)
  30747. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  30748. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  30749. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  30750. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", True)
  30751. 'Set the max value of value axis
  30752. chart.ValueAxis.MaxValue = 200
  30753. 'Set the min value of value axis
  30754. chart.ValueAxis.MinValue = 0
  30755. 'Set the major unit
  30756. chart.ValueAxis.MajorUnit = 25
  30757. 'Category(X) axis crosses at the maxinum value.
  30758. chart.ValueAxis.Crosses = CrossType.Maximum
  30759. 'Set he number of categories or series between tick-mark labels.
  30760. chart.CategoryAxis.TickLabelSpacing = 2
  30761. 'Saving the Excel file
  30762. workbook.Save("C:\book1.xls")
  30763. </code>
  30764. </example>
  30765. </member>
  30766. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.Area">
  30767. <summary>
  30768. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.Area" />.
  30769. </summary>
  30770. </member>
  30771. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsAutomaticMinValue">
  30772. <summary>
  30773. Indicates whether the min value is automatically assigned.
  30774. </summary>
  30775. </member>
  30776. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MinValue">
  30777. <summary>
  30778. Represents the minimum value on the value axis.
  30779. </summary>
  30780. <remarks>
  30781. The minValue type only can be double or DateTime
  30782. </remarks>
  30783. </member>
  30784. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsAutomaticMaxValue">
  30785. <summary>
  30786. Indicates whether the max value is automatically assigned.
  30787. </summary>
  30788. </member>
  30789. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MaxValue">
  30790. <summary>
  30791. Represents the maximum value on the value axis.
  30792. </summary>
  30793. <remarks>
  30794. The maxValue type only can be double or DateTime
  30795. </remarks>
  30796. </member>
  30797. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsAutomaticMajorUnit">
  30798. <summary>
  30799. Indicates whether the major unit of the axis is automatically assigned.
  30800. </summary>
  30801. </member>
  30802. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MajorUnit">
  30803. <summary>
  30804. Represents the major units for the axis.
  30805. </summary>
  30806. <remarks> The major units must be greater than zero.</remarks>
  30807. </member>
  30808. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsAutomaticMinorUnit">
  30809. <summary>
  30810. Indicates whether the minor unit of the axis is automatically assigned.
  30811. </summary>
  30812. </member>
  30813. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MinorUnit">
  30814. <summary>
  30815. Represents the minor units for the axis.
  30816. </summary>
  30817. <remarks> The minor units must be greater than zero.</remarks>
  30818. </member>
  30819. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.AxisLine">
  30820. <summary>
  30821. Gets the appearance of an Axis.
  30822. </summary>
  30823. </member>
  30824. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MajorTickMark">
  30825. <summary>
  30826. Represents the type of major tick mark for the specified axis.
  30827. </summary>
  30828. </member>
  30829. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MinorTickMark">
  30830. <summary>
  30831. Represents the type of minor tick mark for the specified axis.
  30832. </summary>
  30833. </member>
  30834. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.TickLabelPosition">
  30835. <summary>
  30836. Represents the position of tick-mark labels on the specified axis.
  30837. </summary>
  30838. </member>
  30839. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.CrossAt">
  30840. <summary>
  30841. Represents the point on the value axis where the category axis crosses it.
  30842. </summary>
  30843. <remarks>The number should be a integer when it applies to category axis.
  30844. And the value must be between 1 and 31999.</remarks>
  30845. </member>
  30846. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.CrossType">
  30847. <summary>
  30848. Represents the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.CrossType" /> on the specified axis where the other axis crosses.
  30849. </summary>
  30850. </member>
  30851. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.LogBase">
  30852. <summary>
  30853. Represents the logarithmic base. Default value is 10.Only applies for Excel2007.
  30854. </summary>
  30855. </member>
  30856. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsLogarithmic">
  30857. <summary>
  30858. Represents if the value axis scale type is logarithmic or not.
  30859. </summary>
  30860. </member>
  30861. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsPlotOrderReversed">
  30862. <summary>
  30863. Represents if Microsoft Excel plots data points from last to first.
  30864. </summary>
  30865. </member>
  30866. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.AxisBetweenCategories">
  30867. <summary>
  30868. Represents if the value axis crosses the category axis between categories.
  30869. </summary>
  30870. <remarks>This property applies only to category axes, and it doesn't apply to 3-D charts.
  30871. </remarks>
  30872. </member>
  30873. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.TickLabels">
  30874. <summary>
  30875. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.TickLabels" /> object that represents the tick-mark labels for the specified axis.
  30876. </summary>
  30877. </member>
  30878. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.TickLabelSpacing">
  30879. <summary>
  30880. Represents the number of categories or series between tick-mark labels. Applies only to category and series axes.
  30881. </summary>
  30882. <remarks>The number must be between 1 and 31999.</remarks>
  30883. </member>
  30884. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsAutoTickLabelSpacing">
  30885. <summary>
  30886. Indicates whether ticklabel spacing is automatic
  30887. </summary>
  30888. </member>
  30889. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.TickMarkSpacing">
  30890. <summary>
  30891. Returns or sets the number of categories or series between tick marks. Applies only to category and series axes.
  30892. </summary>
  30893. <remarks>The number must be between 1 and 31999.</remarks>
  30894. </member>
  30895. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.DisplayUnit">
  30896. <summary>
  30897. Represents the unit label for the specified axis.
  30898. </summary>
  30899. </member>
  30900. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.CustUnit">
  30901. <summary>
  30902. Specifies a custom value for the display unit.
  30903. </summary>
  30904. </member>
  30905. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.DisplayUnitLabel">
  30906. <summary>
  30907. Represents a unit label on an axis in the specified chart.
  30908. Unit labels are useful for charting large values¡ª for example, in the millions or billions.
  30909. </summary>
  30910. </member>
  30911. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsDisplayUnitLabelShown">
  30912. <summary>
  30913. Represents if the display unit label is shown on the specified axis.
  30914. </summary>
  30915. <remarks>The default value is True.</remarks>
  30916. </member>
  30917. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.Title">
  30918. <summary>
  30919. Gets the axis' title.
  30920. </summary>
  30921. </member>
  30922. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.CategoryType">
  30923. <summary>
  30924. Represents the category axis type.
  30925. </summary>
  30926. </member>
  30927. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.BaseUnitScale">
  30928. <summary>
  30929. Represents the base unit scale for the category axis.
  30930. </summary>
  30931. <remarks>Setting this property only takes effect when the CategoryType property is set to TimeScale.</remarks>
  30932. </member>
  30933. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MajorUnitScale">
  30934. <summary>
  30935. Represents the major unit scale for the category axis.
  30936. </summary>
  30937. <example>
  30938. <code>
  30939. [C#]
  30940. chart.CategoryAxis.CategoryType = CategoryType.TimeScale;
  30941. chart.CategoryAxis.MajorUnitScale = TimeUnit.Months;
  30942. chart.CategoryAxis.MajorUnit = 2;
  30943. [Visual Basic]
  30944. chart.CategoryAxis.CategoryType = CategoryType.TimeScale
  30945. chart.CategoryAxis.MajorUnitScale = TimeUnit.Months
  30946. chart.CategoryAxis.MajorUnit = 2
  30947. </code>
  30948. </example>
  30949. </member>
  30950. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MinorUnitScale">
  30951. <summary>
  30952. Represents the major unit scale for the category axis.
  30953. </summary>
  30954. <example>
  30955. <code>
  30956. [C#]
  30957. chart.CategoryAxis.CategoryType = CategoryType.TimeScale;
  30958. chart.CategoryAxis.MinorUnitScale = TimeUnit.Months;
  30959. chart.CategoryAxis.MinorUnit = 2;
  30960. [Visual Basic]
  30961. chart.CategoryAxis.CategoryType = CategoryType.TimeScale
  30962. chart.CategoryAxis.MinorUnitScale = TimeUnit.Months
  30963. chart.CategoryAxis.MinorUnit = 2
  30964. </code>
  30965. </example>
  30966. </member>
  30967. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.IsVisible">
  30968. <summary>
  30969. Represents if the axis is visible.
  30970. </summary>
  30971. </member>
  30972. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MajorGridLines">
  30973. <summary>
  30974. Represents major gridlines on a chart axis.
  30975. </summary>
  30976. <example>
  30977. <code>
  30978. [C#]
  30979. chart.ValueAxis.MajorGridLines.IsVisible = false;
  30980. chart.CategoryAxis.MajorGridLines.IsVisible = true;
  30981. [Visual Basic]
  30982. chart.ValueAxis.MajorGridLines.IsVisible = false
  30983. chart.CategoryAxis.MajorGridLines.IsVisible = true
  30984. </code>
  30985. </example>
  30986. </member>
  30987. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.MinorGridLines">
  30988. <summary>
  30989. Represents minor gridlines on a chart axis.
  30990. </summary>
  30991. </member>
  30992. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.HasMultiLevelLabels">
  30993. <summary>
  30994. Indicates whether the labels shall be shown as multi level.
  30995. </summary>
  30996. <remarks>
  30997. Only valid for category axis.
  30998. </remarks>
  30999. </member>
  31000. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Axis.AxisLabels">
  31001. <summary>
  31002. Gets the labels of the axis after call Chart.Calculate() method.
  31003. </summary>
  31004. </member>
  31005. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.BackgroundMode">
  31006. <summary>
  31007. Represents the display mode of the background.
  31008. </summary>
  31009. </member>
  31010. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.BackgroundMode.Automatic">
  31011. <summary>
  31012. Automatic
  31013. </summary>
  31014. </member>
  31015. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.BackgroundMode.Opaque">
  31016. <summary>
  31017. Opaque
  31018. </summary>
  31019. </member>
  31020. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.BackgroundMode.Transparent">
  31021. <summary>
  31022. Transparent
  31023. </summary>
  31024. </member>
  31025. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType">
  31026. <summary>
  31027. Enumerates cell background pattern types.
  31028. </summary>
  31029. </member>
  31030. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.DiagonalCrosshatch">
  31031. <summary>
  31032. Represents diagonal crosshatch pattern.
  31033. </summary>
  31034. </member>
  31035. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.DiagonalStripe">
  31036. <summary>
  31037. Represents diagonal stripe pattern.
  31038. </summary>
  31039. </member>
  31040. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.Gray6">
  31041. <summary>
  31042. Represents 6.25% gray pattern
  31043. </summary>
  31044. </member>
  31045. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.Gray12">
  31046. <summary>
  31047. Represents 12.5% gray pattern
  31048. </summary>
  31049. </member>
  31050. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.Gray25">
  31051. <summary>
  31052. Represents 25% gray pattern.
  31053. </summary>
  31054. </member>
  31055. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.Gray50">
  31056. <summary>
  31057. Represents 50% gray pattern.
  31058. </summary>
  31059. </member>
  31060. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.Gray75">
  31061. <summary>
  31062. Represents 75% gray pattern.
  31063. </summary>
  31064. </member>
  31065. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.HorizontalStripe">
  31066. <summary>
  31067. Represents horizontal stripe pattern.
  31068. </summary>
  31069. </member>
  31070. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.None">
  31071. <summary>
  31072. Represents no background.
  31073. </summary>
  31074. </member>
  31075. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.ReverseDiagonalStripe">
  31076. <summary>
  31077. Represents reverse diagonal stripe pattern.
  31078. </summary>
  31079. </member>
  31080. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.Solid">
  31081. <summary>
  31082. Represents solid pattern.
  31083. </summary>
  31084. </member>
  31085. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.ThickDiagonalCrosshatch">
  31086. <summary>
  31087. Represents thick diagonal crosshatch pattern.
  31088. </summary>
  31089. </member>
  31090. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.ThinDiagonalCrosshatch">
  31091. <summary>
  31092. Represents thin diagonal crosshatch pattern.
  31093. </summary>
  31094. </member>
  31095. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.ThinDiagonalStripe">
  31096. <summary>
  31097. Represents thin diagonal stripe pattern.
  31098. </summary>
  31099. </member>
  31100. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.ThinHorizontalCrosshatch">
  31101. <summary>
  31102. Represents thin horizontal crosshatch pattern.
  31103. </summary>
  31104. </member>
  31105. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.ThinHorizontalStripe">
  31106. <summary>
  31107. Represents thin horizontal stripe pattern.
  31108. </summary>
  31109. </member>
  31110. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.ThinReverseDiagonalStripe">
  31111. <summary>
  31112. Represents thin reverse diagonal stripe pattern.
  31113. </summary>
  31114. </member>
  31115. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.ThinVerticalStripe">
  31116. <summary>
  31117. Represents thin vertical stripe pattern.
  31118. </summary>
  31119. </member>
  31120. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType.VerticalStripe">
  31121. <summary>
  31122. Represents vertical stripe pattern.
  31123. </summary>
  31124. </member>
  31125. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Bar3DShapeType">
  31126. <summary>
  31127. Represents the shape used with the 3-D bar or column chart.
  31128. </summary>
  31129. </member>
  31130. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Bar3DShapeType.Box">
  31131. <summary>
  31132. Box
  31133. </summary>
  31134. </member>
  31135. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Bar3DShapeType.PyramidToPoint">
  31136. <summary>
  31137. PyramidToPoint
  31138. </summary>
  31139. </member>
  31140. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Bar3DShapeType.PyramidToMax">
  31141. <summary>
  31142. PyramidToMax
  31143. </summary>
  31144. </member>
  31145. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Bar3DShapeType.Cylinder">
  31146. <summary>
  31147. Cylinder
  31148. </summary>
  31149. </member>
  31150. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Bar3DShapeType.ConeToPoint">
  31151. <summary>
  31152. ConeToPoint
  31153. </summary>
  31154. </member>
  31155. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Bar3DShapeType.ConeToMax">
  31156. <summary>
  31157. ConeToMax
  31158. </summary>
  31159. </member>
  31160. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Border">
  31161. <summary>
  31162. Encapsulates the object that represents the cell border.
  31163. </summary>
  31164. <example>
  31165. <code>
  31166. [C#]
  31167. Style style = cell.GetStyle();
  31168. //Set top border style and color
  31169. Border border = style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder];
  31170. border.LineStyle = CellBorderType.Medium;
  31171. border.Color = Color.Red;
  31172. cell.SetStyle(style);
  31173. [Visual Basic]
  31174. Dim style as Style = cell.GetStyle()
  31175. 'Set top border style and color
  31176. Dim border as Border = style.Borders(BorderType.TopBorder)
  31177. border.LineStyle = CellBorderType.Medium
  31178. border.Color = Color.Red
  31179. cell.SetStyle(style);
  31180. </code>
  31181. </example>
  31182. </member>
  31183. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Border.ThemeColor">
  31184. <summary>
  31185. Gets and sets the theme color of the border.
  31186. </summary>
  31187. </member>
  31188. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Border.Color">
  31189. <summary>
  31190. Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> of the border.
  31191. </summary>
  31192. </member>
  31193. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Border.ArgbColor">
  31194. <summary>
  31195. Gets and sets the color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
  31196. </summary>
  31197. </member>
  31198. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Border.LineStyle">
  31199. <summary>
  31200. Gets or sets the cell border type.
  31201. </summary>
  31202. </member>
  31203. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.BorderCollection">
  31204. <summary>
  31205. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Border" /> objects.
  31206. </summary>
  31207. <example>
  31208. <code>
  31209. [C#]
  31210. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  31211. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  31212. //Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  31213. workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  31214. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  31215. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  31216. //Accessing the "A1" cell from the worksheet
  31217. Cell cell = worksheet.Cells["A1"];
  31218. //Adding some value to the "A1" cell
  31219. cell.PutValue("Visit Aspose!");
  31220. Style style = cell.GetStyle();
  31221. //Setting the line style of the top border
  31222. style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thick;
  31223. //Setting the color of the top border
  31224. style.Borders[BorderType.TopBorder].Color = Color.Black;
  31225. //Setting the line style of the bottom border
  31226. style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thick;
  31227. //Setting the color of the bottom border
  31228. style.Borders[BorderType.BottomBorder].Color = Color.Black;
  31229. //Setting the line style of the left border
  31230. style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thick;
  31231. //Setting the color of the left border
  31232. style.Borders[BorderType.LeftBorder].Color = Color.Black;
  31233. //Setting the line style of the right border
  31234. style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thick;
  31235. //Setting the color of the right border
  31236. style.Borders[BorderType.RightBorder].Color = Color.Black;
  31237. cell.SetStyle(style);
  31238. //Saving the Excel file
  31239. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  31240. [VB.NET]
  31241. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  31242. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  31243. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  31244. workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  31245. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  31246. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  31247. 'Accessing the "A1" cell from the worksheet
  31248. Dim cell As Cell = worksheet.Cells("A1")
  31249. 'Adding some value to the "A1" cell
  31250. cell.PutValue("Visit Aspose!")
  31251. Dim style as Style = cell.GetStyle()
  31252. 'Setting the line style of the top border
  31253. style.Borders(BorderType.TopBorder).LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thick
  31254. 'Setting the color of the top border
  31255. style.Borders(BorderType.TopBorder).Color = Color.Black
  31256. 'Setting the line style of the bottom border
  31257. style.Borders(BorderType.BottomBorder).LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thick
  31258. 'Setting the color of the bottom border
  31259. style.Borders(BorderType.BottomBorder).Color = Color.Black
  31260. 'Setting the line style of the left border
  31261. style.Borders(BorderType.LeftBorder).LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thick
  31262. 'Setting the color of the left border
  31263. style.Borders(BorderType.LeftBorder).Color = Color.Black
  31264. 'Setting the line style of the right border
  31265. style.Borders(BorderType.RightBorder).LineStyle = CellBorderType.Thick
  31266. 'Setting the color of the right border
  31267. style.Borders(BorderType.RightBorder).Color = Color.Black
  31268. cell.SetStyle(style)
  31269. 'Saving the Excel file
  31270. workbook.Save("C:\book1.xls")
  31271. </code>
  31272. </example>
  31273. </member>
  31274. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.BorderCollection.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color)">
  31275. <summary>
  31276. Sets the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> of all borders in the collection.
  31277. </summary>
  31278. <param name="color">Borders' <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" />.</param>
  31279. </member>
  31280. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.BorderCollection.SetStyle(Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType)">
  31281. <summary>
  31282. Sets the style of all borders of the collection.
  31283. </summary>
  31284. <param name="style">Borders' style</param>
  31285. </member>
  31286. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.BorderCollection.Item(Aspose.Cells.BorderType)">
  31287. <summary>
  31288. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Border" /> element at the specified index.
  31289. </summary>
  31290. <param name="borderType">The border to be retrieved.</param>
  31291. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  31292. </member>
  31293. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.BorderCollection.DiagonalColor">
  31294. <summary>
  31295. Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> of Diagonal lines.
  31296. </summary>
  31297. </member>
  31298. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.BorderCollection.DiagonalStyle">
  31299. <summary>
  31300. Gets or sets the style of Diagonal lines.
  31301. </summary>
  31302. </member>
  31303. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.BorderType">
  31304. <summary>
  31305. Enumerates the border line and diagonal line types.
  31306. </summary>
  31307. </member>
  31308. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BorderType.BottomBorder">
  31309. <summary>
  31310. Represents bottom border line.
  31311. </summary>
  31312. </member>
  31313. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BorderType.DiagonalDown">
  31314. <summary>
  31315. Represents the diagonal line from top left to right bottom.
  31316. </summary>
  31317. </member>
  31318. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BorderType.DiagonalUp">
  31319. <summary>
  31320. Represents the diagonal line from bottom left to right top.
  31321. </summary>
  31322. </member>
  31323. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BorderType.LeftBorder">
  31324. <summary>
  31325. Represents left border line.
  31326. </summary>
  31327. </member>
  31328. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BorderType.RightBorder">
  31329. <summary>
  31330. Represents right border line exists.
  31331. </summary>
  31332. </member>
  31333. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BorderType.TopBorder">
  31334. <summary>
  31335. Represents top border line.
  31336. </summary>
  31337. </member>
  31338. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BorderType.Horizontal">
  31339. <summary>
  31340. Only for dynamic style,such as conditional formatting.
  31341. </summary>
  31342. </member>
  31343. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.BorderType.Vertical">
  31344. <summary>
  31345. Only for dynamic style,such as conditional formatting.
  31346. </summary>
  31347. </member>
  31348. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.BubbleSizeRepresents">
  31349. <summary>
  31350. Represents what the bubble size represents on a bubble chart.
  31351. </summary>
  31352. </member>
  31353. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.BubbleSizeRepresents.SizeIsArea">
  31354. <summary>
  31355. Represents the value of <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.BubbleSizes" /> is area of the bubble.
  31356. </summary>
  31357. </member>
  31358. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.BubbleSizeRepresents.SizeIsWidth">
  31359. <summary>
  31360. Represents the value of <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series.BubbleSizes" /> is width of the bubble.
  31361. </summary>
  31362. </member>
  31363. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Button">
  31364. <summary>
  31365. Represents the Forms control: Button
  31366. </summary>
  31367. <example>
  31368. <code>
  31369. [C#]
  31370. //Create a new Workbook.
  31371. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  31372. //Get the first worksheet in the workbook.
  31373. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  31374. //Add a new button to the worksheet.
  31375. Aspose.Cells.Button button = sheet.Shapes.AddButton(2, 0, 2, 0, 28, 80);
  31376. //Set the caption of the button.
  31377. button.Text = "Aspose";
  31378. //Set the Placement Type, the way the
  31379. //button is attached to the cells.
  31380. button.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  31381. //Set the font name.
  31382. button.Font.Name = "Tahoma";
  31383. //Set the caption string bold.
  31384. button.Font.IsBold = true;
  31385. //Set the color to blue.
  31386. button.Font.Color = Color.Blue;
  31387. //Set the hyperlink for the button.
  31388. button.AddHyperlink("");
  31389. //Saves the file.
  31390. workbook.Save(@"d:\test\tstbutton.xls");
  31391. [VB.NET]
  31392. 'Create a new Workbook.
  31393. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  31394. 'Get the first worksheet in the workbook.
  31395. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  31396. 'Add a new button to the worksheet.
  31397. Dim button As Aspose.Cells.Button = sheet.Shapes.AddButton(2, 0, 2, 0, 28, 80)
  31398. 'Set the caption of the button.
  31399. button.Text = "Aspose"
  31400. 'Set the Placement Type, the way the
  31401. 'button is attached to the cells.
  31402. button.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  31403. 'Set the font name.
  31404. button.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
  31405. 'Set the caption string bold.
  31406. button.Font.IsBold = True
  31407. 'Set the color to blue.
  31408. button.Font.Color = Color.Blue
  31409. 'Set the hyperlink for the button.
  31410. button.AddHyperlink("")
  31411. 'Saves the file.
  31412. workbook.Save("d:\test\tstbutton.xls")
  31413. </code>
  31414. </example>
  31415. </member>
  31416. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CalcModeType">
  31417. <summary>
  31418. Represents the mode type of calculating formulas.
  31419. </summary>
  31420. </member>
  31421. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CalcModeType.Automatic">
  31422. <summary>
  31423. </summary>
  31424. </member>
  31425. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CalcModeType.AutomaticExceptTable">
  31426. <summary>
  31427. </summary>
  31428. </member>
  31429. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CalcModeType.Manual">
  31430. <summary>
  31431. </summary>
  31432. </member>
  31433. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellArea">
  31434. <summary>
  31435. Represent an area of cells.
  31436. </summary>
  31437. <example>
  31438. <code>
  31439. [C#]
  31440. //Create Cell Area
  31441. CellArea ca = new CellArea();
  31442. ca.StartRow = 0;
  31443. ca.EndRow = 0;
  31444. ca.StartColumn = 0;
  31445. ca.EndColumn = 0;
  31446. [VB.NET]
  31447. 'Create Cell Area
  31448. Dim ca As CellArea = New CellArea()
  31449. ca.StartRow = 0
  31450. ca.EndRow = 0
  31451. ca.StartColumn = 0
  31452. ca.EndColumn = 0
  31453. </code>
  31454. </example>
  31455. </member>
  31456. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellArea.StartRow">
  31457. <summary>
  31458. Gets or set the start row of this area.
  31459. </summary>
  31460. </member>
  31461. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellArea.EndRow">
  31462. <summary>
  31463. Gets or set the end row of this area.
  31464. </summary>
  31465. </member>
  31466. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellArea.StartColumn">
  31467. <summary>
  31468. Gets or set the start column of this area.
  31469. </summary>
  31470. </member>
  31471. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellArea.EndColumn">
  31472. <summary>
  31473. Gets or set the end column of this area.
  31474. </summary>
  31475. </member>
  31476. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellArea.CompareTo(System.Object)">
  31477. <summary>
  31478. Internal use only.
  31479. </summary>
  31480. <param name="obj">
  31481. </param>
  31482. <returns>
  31483. </returns>
  31484. </member>
  31485. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellArea.ToString">
  31486. <summary>
  31487. Returns a string represents the current Worksheet object.
  31488. </summary>
  31489. <returns>
  31490. </returns>
  31491. </member>
  31492. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellArea.CreateCellArea(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  31493. <summary>
  31494. Creates a cell area.
  31495. </summary>
  31496. <param name="startRow">The start row.</param>
  31497. <param name="startColumn">The start column.</param>
  31498. <param name="endRow">The end row.</param>
  31499. <param name="endColumn">The end column.</param>
  31500. <returns>Return a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellArea" />.</returns>
  31501. </member>
  31502. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellArea.CreateCellArea(System.String,System.String)">
  31503. <summary>
  31504. Creates a cell area.
  31505. </summary>
  31506. <param name="startCellName">The top-left cell of the range.</param>
  31507. <param name="endCellName">The bottom-right cell of the range.</param>
  31508. <returns>Return a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellArea" />.</returns>
  31509. </member>
  31510. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType">
  31511. <summary>
  31512. Enumerates a cell's border type.
  31513. </summary>
  31514. </member>
  31515. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.DashDot">
  31516. <summary>
  31517. Represents thin dash-dotted line.
  31518. </summary>
  31519. </member>
  31520. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.DashDotDot">
  31521. <summary>
  31522. Represents thin dash-dot-dotted line.
  31523. </summary>
  31524. </member>
  31525. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.Dashed">
  31526. <summary>
  31527. Represents dashed line.
  31528. </summary>
  31529. </member>
  31530. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.Dotted">
  31531. <summary>
  31532. Represents dotted line.
  31533. </summary>
  31534. </member>
  31535. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.Double">
  31536. <summary>
  31537. Represents double line.
  31538. </summary>
  31539. </member>
  31540. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.Hair">
  31541. <summary>
  31542. Represents hair line.
  31543. </summary>
  31544. </member>
  31545. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.MediumDashDot">
  31546. <summary>
  31547. Represents medium dash-dotted line.
  31548. </summary>
  31549. </member>
  31550. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.MediumDashDotDot">
  31551. <summary>
  31552. Represents medium dash-dot-dotted line.
  31553. </summary>
  31554. </member>
  31555. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.MediumDashed">
  31556. <summary>
  31557. Represents medium dashed line.
  31558. </summary>
  31559. </member>
  31560. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.None">
  31561. <summary>
  31562. Represents no line.
  31563. </summary>
  31564. </member>
  31565. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.Medium">
  31566. <summary>
  31567. Represents medium line.
  31568. </summary>
  31569. </member>
  31570. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.SlantedDashDot">
  31571. <summary>
  31572. Represents slanted medium dash-dotted line.
  31573. </summary>
  31574. </member>
  31575. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.Thick">
  31576. <summary>
  31577. Represents thick line.
  31578. </summary>
  31579. </member>
  31580. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType.Thin">
  31581. <summary>
  31582. Represents thin line.
  31583. </summary>
  31584. </member>
  31585. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CellsDrawing">
  31586. <summary>
  31587. Represents the auto shape and drawing object.
  31588. </summary>
  31589. </member>
  31590. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsException">
  31591. <summary>
  31592. The exception that is thrown when Aspose.Cells specified error occurs.
  31593. </summary>
  31594. </member>
  31595. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsException.Code">
  31596. <summary>
  31597. Represents custom exception code.
  31598. </summary>
  31599. </member>
  31600. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType">
  31601. <summary>
  31602. Specifies a cell value type.
  31603. </summary>
  31604. </member>
  31605. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType.IsBool">
  31606. <summary>
  31607. Cell value is boolean.
  31608. </summary>
  31609. </member>
  31610. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType.IsDateTime">
  31611. <summary>
  31612. Cell value is datetime.
  31613. </summary>
  31614. </member>
  31615. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType.IsError">
  31616. <summary>
  31617. Cell contains error value
  31618. </summary>
  31619. </member>
  31620. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType.IsNull">
  31621. <summary>
  31622. Blank cell.
  31623. </summary>
  31624. </member>
  31625. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType.IsNumeric">
  31626. <summary>
  31627. Cell value is numeric.
  31628. </summary>
  31629. </member>
  31630. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType.IsString">
  31631. <summary>
  31632. Cell value is string.
  31633. </summary>
  31634. </member>
  31635. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CellValueType.IsUnknown">
  31636. <summary>
  31637. Cell value type is unknown.
  31638. </summary>
  31639. </member>
  31640. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart">
  31641. <summary>
  31642. Encapsulates the object that represents a single Excel chart.
  31643. </summary>
  31644. <example>
  31645. <code>
  31646. [C#]
  31647. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  31648. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  31649. Cells cells = sheet.Cells;
  31650. cells[0,1].PutValue("Income");
  31651. cells[1,0].PutValue("Company A");
  31652. cells[2,0].PutValue("Company B");
  31653. cells[3,0].PutValue("Company C");
  31654. cells[1,1].PutValue(10000);
  31655. cells[2,1].PutValue(20000);
  31656. cells[3,1].PutValue(30000);
  31657. int chartIndex = sheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 9, 9, 21, 15);
  31658. Chart chart = sheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  31659. chart.NSeries.Add("B2:B4", true);
  31660. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A2:A4";
  31661. ASeries aSeries = chart.NSeries[0];
  31662. aSeries.Name = "=B1";
  31663. chart.IsLegendShown = true;
  31664. chart.Title.Text = "Income Analysis";
  31665. [Visual Basic]
  31666. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
  31667. Dim sheet as Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  31668. Dim cells as Cells = sheet.Cells
  31669. cells(0,1).PutValue("Income")
  31670. cells(1,0).PutValue("Company A")
  31671. cells(2,0).PutValue("Company B")
  31672. cells(3,0).PutValue("Company C")
  31673. cells(1,1).PutValue(10000)
  31674. cells(2,1).PutValue(20000)
  31675. cells(3,1).PutValue(30000)
  31676. Dim chartIndex as Integer = sheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 9, 9, 21, 15)
  31677. Dim chart as Chart = sheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  31678. chart.NSeries.Add("B2:B4", true)
  31679. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "A2:A4"
  31680. Dim aSeries as ASeries = chart.NSeries(0)
  31681. aSeries.Name = "=B1"
  31682. chart.IsLegendShown = true
  31683. chart.Title.Text = "Income Analysis"
  31684. </code>
  31685. </example>
  31686. </member>
  31687. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.IsChartDataChanged">
  31688. <summary>
  31689. Detects if a chart's data source has changed.
  31690. </summary>
  31691. <remarks>
  31692. The method detects the changes in the chart's data source before rendering the chart to image format.
  31693. At first Chart.toImage call, the chart source data (e.g. XValuesParseData, ValuesParseData) will be recorded.
  31694. Before calling the Chart.toImage method again, call IsChartDataChanged method to check if Chart needs re-rendering.
  31695. </remarks>
  31696. <returns>Returns true if the chart has changed otherwise returns false</returns>
  31697. </member>
  31698. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.RefreshPivotData">
  31699. <summary>
  31700. Refreshes pivot chart's data from it's pivot data source.
  31701. </summary>
  31702. <remarks>
  31703. We will gather data from pivot data source to the pivot chart cache.
  31704. This method is only used to gather all data to a pivot chart.
  31705. </remarks>
  31706. </member>
  31707. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Move(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  31708. <summary>
  31709. Moves the chart to a specified location.
  31710. </summary>
  31711. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  31712. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  31713. <param name="lowerRightColumn">Lower right column index</param>
  31714. <param name="lowerRightRow">Lower right row index</param>
  31715. </member>
  31716. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Calculate">
  31717. <summary>
  31718. Calculates the custom position of plot area, axes if the position of them are auto assigned.
  31719. </summary>
  31720. </member>
  31721. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage">
  31722. <summary>
  31723. Gets a 32-bit <c>Bitmap</c> object of the chart.
  31724. </summary>
  31725. <returns>the picture of the chart.</returns>
  31726. <remarks>
  31727. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, it will return null.
  31728. Please refer to <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31729. </remarks>
  31730. </member>
  31731. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  31732. <summary>
  31733. Gets a 32-bit <c>Bitmap</c> object of the chart.
  31734. <c>ImageOrPrintOptions.ImageFormat</c>, ImageOrPrintOptions.TiffCompression and ImageOrPrintOptions.Quality attributes are ignored.
  31735. </summary>
  31736. <param name="options">Additional image creation options</param>
  31737. <returns>the picture of the chart.</returns>
  31738. <remarks>
  31739. Returns a 32-bit bitmap object, so ImageOrPrintOptions.ImageFormat, ImageOrPrintOptions.TiffCompression and ImageOrPrintOptions.Quality
  31740. attributes do not affect the method.
  31741. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, it will return null.
  31742. Please refer to <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31743. </remarks>
  31744. <example>
  31745. Gets a bitmap object with 200 x dpi and 300 y dpi.
  31746. <code>
  31747. [C#]
  31748. ImageOrPrintOptions options = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
  31749. options.HorizontalResolution = 200;
  31750. options.VerticalResolution = 300;
  31751. Workbook book = new Workbook(@"c:\test.xls");
  31752. Bitmap chartObject = book.Worksheets[0].Charts[0].ToImage(options);
  31753. [VB]
  31754. Dim options As ImageOrPrintOptions = New ImageOrPrintOptions()
  31755. options.HorizontalResolution = 200
  31756. options.VerticalResolution = 300
  31757. Dim book As Workbook = New Workbook("c:\test.xls")
  31758. Dim chartObject As Bitmap = book.Worksheets(0).Charts(0).ToImage(options)
  31759. </code></example>
  31760. </member>
  31761. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(System.String)">
  31762. <summary>
  31763. Creates the chart image and saves it to a file.
  31764. The extension of the file name determines the format of the image.
  31765. </summary>
  31766. <param name="imageFile">The image file name with full path.</param>
  31767. <remarks>
  31768. <p>The format of the image is specified by using the extension of the file name.
  31769. For example, if you specify "myfile.png", then the image will be saved
  31770. in the PNG format. The following file extensions are recognized:
  31771. .bmp, .gif, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .tif, .emf.</p>
  31772. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, this method will do nothing.
  31773. Please refer to <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31774. </remarks>
  31775. </member>
  31776. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(System.String,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat)">
  31777. <summary>
  31778. Creates the chart image and saves it to a file in the specified format.
  31779. </summary>
  31780. <param name="imageFile">The image file name with full path.</param>
  31781. <param name="imageFormat">The format in which to save the image.</param>
  31782. <remarks>
  31783. <p>The format of the image is specified by using <c>imageFormat</c>.
  31784. The following formats are supported:
  31785. ImageFormat.Bmp, ImageFormat.Gif, ImageFormat.Png, ImageFormat.Jpeg, ImageFormat.Tiff, ImageFormat.Emf.</p>
  31786. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, this method will do nothing.
  31787. Please refer to <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31788. </remarks>
  31789. </member>
  31790. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(System.String,System.Int64)">
  31791. <summary>
  31792. Creates the chart image and saves it to a file in the Jpeg format.
  31793. </summary>
  31794. <param name="imageFile">The image file name with full path.</param>
  31795. <param name="jpegQuality">Jpeg quality.</param>
  31796. <remarks>
  31797. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, this method will do nothing.
  31798. Please refer to <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31799. </remarks>
  31800. </member>
  31801. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(System.IO.Stream,System.Int64)">
  31802. <summary>
  31803. Creates the chart image and saves it to a stream in the Jpeg format.
  31804. </summary>
  31805. <param name="stream">The output stream.</param>
  31806. <param name="jpegQuality">Jpeg quality.</param>
  31807. <remarks>
  31808. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, this method will do nothing.
  31809. Please refer to <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31810. </remarks>
  31811. </member>
  31812. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(System.IO.Stream,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat)">
  31813. <summary>
  31814. Creates the chart image and saves it to a stream in the specified format.
  31815. </summary>
  31816. <param name="stream">The output stream.</param>
  31817. <param name="imageFormat">The format in which to save the image.</param>
  31818. <remarks>
  31819. <p>The format of the image is specified by using <c>imageFormat</c>.
  31820. The following formats are supported:
  31821. ImageFormat.Bmp, ImageFormat.Gif, ImageFormat.Png, ImageFormat.Jpeg, ImageFormat.Tiff, ImageFormat.Emf.</p>
  31822. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, this method will do nothing.
  31823. Please refer <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31824. </remarks>
  31825. </member>
  31826. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToPdf(System.String)">
  31827. <summary>
  31828. Saves the chart to a pdf file.
  31829. </summary>
  31830. <param name="fileName">the pdf file name with full path</param>
  31831. </member>
  31832. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToPdf(System.String,System.Single,System.Single,Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType,Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType)">
  31833. <summary>
  31834. Saves the chart to a pdf file.
  31835. </summary>
  31836. <param name="fileName">the pdf file name with full path</param>
  31837. <param name="desiredPageWidth">The desired page width in inches.</param>
  31838. <param name="desiredPageHeight">The desired page height in inches.</param>
  31839. <param name="hAlignmentType">The chart horizontal alignment type in the output page.</param>
  31840. <param name="vAlignmentType">The chart vertical alignment type in the output page.</param>
  31841. </member>
  31842. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToPdf(System.IO.Stream)">
  31843. <summary>
  31844. Creates the chart pdf and saves it to a stream.
  31845. </summary>
  31846. <param name="stream">The output stream.</param>
  31847. </member>
  31848. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToPdf(System.IO.Stream,System.Single,System.Single,Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType,Aspose.Cells.PageLayoutAlignmentType)">
  31849. <summary>
  31850. Creates the chart pdf and saves it to a stream.
  31851. </summary>
  31852. <param name="stream">The output stream.</param>
  31853. <param name="desiredPageWidth">The desired page width in inches.</param>
  31854. <param name="desiredPageHeight">The desired page height in inches.</param>
  31855. <param name="hAlignmentType">The chart horizontal alignment type in the output page.</param>
  31856. <param name="vAlignmentType">The chart vertical alignment type in the output page.</param>
  31857. </member>
  31858. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(System.String,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  31859. <summary>
  31860. Creates the chart image and saves it to a file.
  31861. The extension of the file name determines the format of the image.
  31862. </summary>
  31863. <param name="imageFile">The image file name with full path.</param>
  31864. <param name="options">Additional image creation options</param>
  31865. <remarks>
  31866. <p>The format of the image is specified by using the extension of the file name.
  31867. For example, if you specify "myfile.png", then the image will be saved
  31868. in the PNG format. The following file extensions are recognized:
  31869. .bmp, .gif, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .tif, .emf.</p>
  31870. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, this method will do nothing.
  31871. Please refer to <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31872. </remarks>
  31873. <example>
  31874. Saves to Tiff with 300 dpi and CCITT4 compression.
  31875. <code>
  31876. [C#]
  31877. ImageOrPrintOptions options = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
  31878. options.HorizontalResolution = 300;
  31879. options.VerticalResolution = 300;
  31880. options.TiffCompression = TiffCompression.CompressionCCITT4;
  31881. Workbook book = new Workbook(@"c:\test.xls");
  31882. book.Worksheets[0].Charts[0].ToImage(@"c:\chart.Tiff", options);
  31883. [VB]
  31884. Dim options As ImageOrPrintOptions = New ImageOrPrintOptions()
  31885. options.HorizontalResolution = 300
  31886. options.VerticalResolution = 300
  31887. options.TiffCompression = TiffCompression.CompressionCCITT4
  31888. Dim book As Workbook = New Workbook("c:\test.xls")
  31889. book.Worksheets(0).Charts(0).ToImage("c:\chart.Tiff", options)
  31890. </code>
  31891. Saves to Jpeg with 300 dpi and 80 image quality.
  31892. <code>
  31893. [C#]
  31894. ImageOrPrintOptions options = new ImageOrPrintOptions();
  31895. options.HorizontalResolution = 300;
  31896. options.VerticalResolution = 300;
  31897. options.Quality = 80;
  31898. Workbook book = new Workbook(@"c:\test.xls");
  31899. book.Worksheets[0].Charts[0].ToImage(@"c:\chart.Jpeg", options);
  31900. [VB]
  31901. Dim options As ImageOrPrintOptions = New ImageOrPrintOptions()
  31902. options.HorizontalResolution = 300
  31903. options.VerticalResolution = 300
  31904. options.Quality = 80
  31905. Dim book As Workbook = New Workbook("c:\test.xls")
  31906. book.Worksheets(0).Charts(0).ToImage("c:\chart.Jpeg", options)
  31907. </code></example>
  31908. </member>
  31909. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ToImage(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions)">
  31910. <summary>
  31911. Creates the chart image and saves it to a stream in the specified format.
  31912. </summary>
  31913. <param name="stream">The output stream.</param>
  31914. <param name="options">Additional image creation options</param>
  31915. <remarks>
  31916. <p>The format of the image is specified by using <c>options.ImageFormat</c>.
  31917. The following formats are supported:
  31918. ImageFormat.Bmp, ImageFormat.Gif, ImageFormat.Png, ImageFormat.Jpeg, ImageFormat.Tiff, ImageFormat.Emf.</p>
  31919. If the width or height is zero or the chart is not supported according to Supported Charts List, this method will do nothing.
  31920. Please refer to <a href="">Supported Charts List</a> for more details.
  31921. </remarks>
  31922. </member>
  31923. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.HasAxis(Aspose.Cells.Charts.AxisType,System.Boolean)">
  31924. <summary>
  31925. Returns which axes exist on the chart.
  31926. </summary>
  31927. <remarks>
  31928. Normally, Pie, PieExploded, PiePie,PieBar, Pie3D, Pie3DExploded,Doughnut, DoughnutExploded is no axis.
  31929. </remarks>
  31930. </member>
  31931. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.SetChartDataRange(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  31932. <summary>
  31933. Specifies data range for a chart.
  31934. </summary>
  31935. <param name="area">Specifies values from which to plot the data series</param>
  31936. <param name="isVertical">Specifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.</param>
  31937. </member>
  31938. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Style">
  31939. <summary>
  31940. Gets and sets the builtin style.
  31941. </summary>
  31942. <remarks>
  31943. It should be between 1 and 48.
  31944. Return -1 if it's not be set.
  31945. </remarks>
  31946. </member>
  31947. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ChartObject">
  31948. <summary>
  31949. Represents the chartShape;
  31950. </summary>
  31951. </member>
  31952. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.HidePivotFieldButtons">
  31953. <summary>
  31954. Indicates whether hide the pivot chart field buttons only when the chart is PivotChart
  31955. </summary>
  31956. </member>
  31957. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.PivotOptions">
  31958. <summary>
  31959. Specifies the pivot controls that appear on the chart
  31960. </summary>
  31961. </member>
  31962. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.PivotSource">
  31963. <summary>
  31964. The source is the data of the pivotTable.
  31965. If PivotSource is not empty ,the chart is PivotChart.
  31966. </summary>
  31967. <remarks>If the pivot table "PivotTable1" in the Worksheet "Sheet1" in the file "Book1.xls".
  31968. The pivotSource could be "[Book1.xls]Sheet1!PivotTable1" if the chart and the PivotTable is not in the same workbook.
  31969. If you set this property ,the previous data source setting will be lost.
  31970. </remarks>
  31971. </member>
  31972. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.PlotBy">
  31973. <summary>
  31974. Gets and sets whether plot by row or column.
  31975. </summary>
  31976. </member>
  31977. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.PlotEmptyCellsType">
  31978. <summary>
  31979. Gets and sets how to plot the empty cells.
  31980. </summary>
  31981. </member>
  31982. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.PlotVisibleCells">
  31983. <summary>
  31984. Indicates whether only plot visible cells.
  31985. </summary>
  31986. </member>
  31987. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.DisplayNaAsBlank">
  31988. <summary>
  31989. Indicates whether displaying #N/A as blank value.
  31990. </summary>
  31991. </member>
  31992. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Name">
  31993. <summary>
  31994. Gets and sets the name of the chart.
  31995. </summary>
  31996. </member>
  31997. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.SizeWithWindow">
  31998. <summary>
  31999. True if Microsoft Excel resizes the chart to match the size of the chart sheet window.
  32000. </summary>
  32001. </member>
  32002. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Worksheet">
  32003. <summary>
  32004. Gets the worksheet which contains this chart.
  32005. </summary>
  32006. </member>
  32007. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Shapes">
  32008. <summary>
  32009. Returns all drawing shapes in this chart.
  32010. </summary>
  32011. </member>
  32012. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.PrintSize">
  32013. <summary>
  32014. Gets and sets the printed chart size.
  32015. </summary>
  32016. </member>
  32017. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Type">
  32018. <summary>
  32019. Gets or sets a chart's type.
  32020. </summary>
  32021. </member>
  32022. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.NSeries">
  32023. <summary>
  32024. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection" /> collection representing the data series in the chart.
  32025. </summary>
  32026. </member>
  32027. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Title">
  32028. <summary>
  32029. Gets the chart's title.
  32030. </summary>
  32031. </member>
  32032. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.SubTitle">
  32033. <summary>
  32034. Gets the chart's sub-title.
  32035. Only for ODS format file.
  32036. </summary>
  32037. </member>
  32038. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.PlotArea">
  32039. <summary>
  32040. Gets the chart's plot area which includes axis tick labels.
  32041. </summary>
  32042. <remarks>
  32043. </remarks>
  32044. </member>
  32045. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ChartArea">
  32046. <summary>
  32047. Gets the chart area in the worksheet
  32048. </summary>
  32049. </member>
  32050. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.CategoryAxis">
  32051. <summary>
  32052. Gets the chart's X axis.
  32053. </summary>
  32054. </member>
  32055. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ValueAxis">
  32056. <summary>
  32057. Gets the chart's Y axis.
  32058. </summary>
  32059. </member>
  32060. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.SecondValueAxis">
  32061. <summary>
  32062. Gets the chart's second Y axis.
  32063. </summary>
  32064. </member>
  32065. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.SecondCategoryAxis">
  32066. <summary>
  32067. Gets the chart's second X axis.
  32068. </summary>
  32069. </member>
  32070. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.SeriesAxis">
  32071. <summary>
  32072. Gets the chart's series axis.
  32073. </summary>
  32074. </member>
  32075. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Legend">
  32076. <summary>
  32077. Gets the chart legend.
  32078. </summary>
  32079. </member>
  32080. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ChartDataTable">
  32081. <summary>
  32082. Represents the chart data table.
  32083. </summary>
  32084. </member>
  32085. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ShowLegend">
  32086. <summary>
  32087. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart legend will be displayed. Default is true.
  32088. </summary>
  32089. </member>
  32090. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.IsRectangularCornered">
  32091. <summary>
  32092. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart area is rectangular cornered.
  32093. Default is true.
  32094. </summary>
  32095. </member>
  32096. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ShowDataTable">
  32097. <summary>
  32098. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the chart displays a data table.
  32099. </summary>
  32100. </member>
  32101. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.FirstSliceAngle">
  32102. <summary>
  32103. Gets or sets the angle of the first pie-chart or doughnut-chart slice, in degrees (clockwise from vertical). Applies only to pie, 3-D pie, and doughnut charts, 0 to 360.
  32104. </summary>
  32105. </member>
  32106. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.GapWidth">
  32107. <summary>
  32108. Returns or sets the space between bar or column clusters, as a percentage of the bar or column width.
  32109. The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.
  32110. </summary>
  32111. </member>
  32112. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.GapDepth">
  32113. <summary>
  32114. Gets or sets the distance between the data series in a 3-D chart, as a percentage of the marker width.
  32115. The value of this property must be between 0 and 500.
  32116. </summary>
  32117. </member>
  32118. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Floor">
  32119. <summary>
  32120. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Floor" /> object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart.
  32121. </summary>
  32122. <remarks>This property doesn't apply to 3-D pie charts.</remarks>
  32123. </member>
  32124. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Walls">
  32125. <summary>
  32126. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Walls" /> object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart.
  32127. </summary>
  32128. <remarks>This property doesn't apply to 3-D pie charts.</remarks>
  32129. </member>
  32130. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.BackWall">
  32131. <summary>
  32132. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Walls" /> object that represents the back wall of a 3-D chart.
  32133. </summary>
  32134. </member>
  32135. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.SideWall">
  32136. <summary>
  32137. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Walls" /> object that represents the side wall of a 3-D chart.
  32138. </summary>
  32139. </member>
  32140. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.WallsAndGridlines2D">
  32141. <summary>
  32142. True if gridlines are drawn two-dimensionally on a 3-D chart.
  32143. </summary>
  32144. </member>
  32145. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.RotationAngle">
  32146. <summary>
  32147. Represents the rotation of the 3-D chart view (the rotation of the plot area around the z-axis, in degrees).
  32148. </summary>
  32149. <remarks>
  32150. The value of this property must be from 0 to 360, except for 3-D bar charts, where the value must be from 0 to 44.
  32151. The default value is 20. Applies only to 3-D charts.
  32152. </remarks>
  32153. </member>
  32154. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Elevation">
  32155. <summary>
  32156. Represents the elevation of the 3-D chart view, in degrees.
  32157. </summary>
  32158. <remarks>
  32159. The chart elevation is the height at which you view the chart, in degrees.
  32160. The default is 15 for most chart types.
  32161. The value of this property must be between -90 and 90, except for 3-D bar charts, where it must be between 0 and 44.
  32162. </remarks>
  32163. </member>
  32164. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.RightAngleAxes">
  32165. <summary>
  32166. True if the chart axes are at right angles.Applies only for 3-D charts(except Column3D and 3-D Pie Charts).
  32167. </summary>
  32168. <remarks>
  32169. If this property is True, the Perspective property is ignored.
  32170. </remarks>
  32171. </member>
  32172. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.AutoScaling">
  32173. <summary>
  32174. True if Microsoft Excel scales a 3-D chart so that it's closer in size to the equivalent 2-D chart.
  32175. The RightAngleAxes property must be True.
  32176. </summary>
  32177. </member>
  32178. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.HeightPercent">
  32179. <summary>
  32180. Returns or sets the height of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 5 and 500 percent).
  32181. </summary>
  32182. </member>
  32183. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Perspective">
  32184. <summary>
  32185. Returns or sets the perspective for the 3-D chart view. Must be between 0 and 100.
  32186. This property is ignored if the RightAngleAxes property is True.
  32187. </summary>
  32188. </member>
  32189. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Is3D">
  32190. <summary>
  32191. Indicates whether the chart is a 3d chart.
  32192. </summary>
  32193. </member>
  32194. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.DepthPercent">
  32195. <summary>
  32196. Represents the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent).
  32197. </summary>
  32198. </member>
  32199. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.ActualChartSize">
  32200. <summary>
  32201. Gets actual size of chart
  32202. </summary>
  32203. </member>
  32204. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Placement">
  32205. <summary>
  32206. Represents the way the chart is attached to the cells below it.
  32207. </summary>
  32208. </member>
  32209. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.PageSetup">
  32210. <summary>
  32211. Represents the page setup description in this chart.
  32212. </summary>
  32213. </member>
  32214. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart.Line">
  32215. <summary>
  32216. Gets the line.
  32217. </summary>
  32218. </member>
  32219. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartArea">
  32220. <summary>
  32221. Encapsulates the object that represents the chart area in the worksheet.
  32222. </summary>
  32223. <example>
  32224. <code>
  32225. [C#]
  32226. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  32227. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  32228. //Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  32229. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  32230. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  32231. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  32232. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  32233. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  32234. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  32235. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  32236. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  32237. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  32238. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  32239. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  32240. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  32241. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  32242. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  32243. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);
  32244. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  32245. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  32246. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  32247. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", true);
  32248. //Getting Chart Area
  32249. ChartArea chartArea = chart.ChartArea;
  32250. //Setting the foreground color of the chart area
  32251. chartArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Yellow;
  32252. //Setting Chart Area Shadow
  32253. chartArea.Shadow = true;
  32254. //Saving the Excel file
  32255. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  32256. [VB.NET]
  32257. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  32258. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  32259. 'Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  32260. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  32261. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  32262. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  32263. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  32264. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  32265. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  32266. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  32267. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  32268. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  32269. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  32270. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  32271. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  32272. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  32273. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  32274. Dim chartIndex As Integer = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5)
  32275. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  32276. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  32277. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  32278. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", True)
  32279. 'Getting Chart Area
  32280. Dim chartArea As ChartArea = chart.ChartArea
  32281. 'Setting the foreground color of the chart area
  32282. chartArea.Area.ForegroundColor = Color.Yellow
  32283. 'Setting Chart Area Shadow
  32284. chartArea.Shadow = True
  32285. 'Saving the Excel file
  32286. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  32287. </code>
  32288. </example>
  32289. </member>
  32290. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartArea.X">
  32291. <summary>
  32292. Gets or gets the horizontal offset from its upper left corner column.
  32293. </summary>
  32294. </member>
  32295. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartArea.Y">
  32296. <summary>
  32297. Gets or gets the vertical offset from its upper left corner row.
  32298. </summary>
  32299. </member>
  32300. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartArea.Height">
  32301. <summary>
  32302. Gets or sets the vertical offset from its lower right corner row.
  32303. </summary>
  32304. </member>
  32305. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartArea.Width">
  32306. <summary>
  32307. Gets or sets the horizontal offset from its lower right corner column.
  32308. </summary>
  32309. </member>
  32310. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartArea.Font">
  32311. <summary>
  32312. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartArea.Font" /> object of the specified chartarea object.
  32313. </summary>
  32314. </member>
  32315. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable">
  32316. <summary>
  32317. Represents a chart data table.
  32318. </summary>
  32319. <example>
  32320. <code>
  32321. [C#]
  32322. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  32323. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  32324. //Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  32325. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  32326. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  32327. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  32328. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  32329. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  32330. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  32331. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  32332. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  32333. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  32334. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  32335. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  32336. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  32337. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  32338. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  32339. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 25, 10);
  32340. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  32341. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  32342. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  32343. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", true);
  32344. chart.IsDataTableShown = true;
  32345. //Getting Chart Table
  32346. ChartDataTable chartTable = chart.ChartDataTable;
  32347. //Setting Chart Table Font Color
  32348. chartTable.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
  32349. //Setting Legend Key VisibilityOptions
  32350. chartTable.ShowLegendKey = false;
  32351. //Saving the Excel file
  32352. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  32353. [VB.NET]
  32354. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  32355. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  32356. 'Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  32357. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  32358. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  32359. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  32360. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  32361. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  32362. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  32363. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  32364. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  32365. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  32366. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  32367. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  32368. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  32369. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  32370. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  32371. Dim chartIndex As Integer = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 25, 10)
  32372. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  32373. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  32374. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  32375. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", True)
  32376. chart.IsDataTableShown = True
  32377. 'Getting Chart Table
  32378. Dim chartTable As ChartDataTable = chart.ChartDataTable
  32379. 'Setting Chart Table Font Color
  32380. chartTable.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red
  32381. 'Setting Legend Key VisibilityOptions
  32382. chartTable.ShowLegendKey = False
  32383. 'Saving the Excel file
  32384. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  32385. </code>
  32386. </example>
  32387. </member>
  32388. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.Font">
  32389. <summary>
  32390. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.Font" /> object which represents the font setting of the specified chart data table.
  32391. </summary>
  32392. </member>
  32393. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.AutoScaleFont">
  32394. <summary>
  32395. True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes.
  32396. The default value is True.
  32397. </summary>
  32398. </member>
  32399. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.BackgroundMode">
  32400. <summary>
  32401. Gets and sets the display mode of the background
  32402. </summary>
  32403. </member>
  32404. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.Background">
  32405. <summary>
  32406. Gets and sets the display mode of the background
  32407. </summary>
  32408. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  32409. please use ChartDataTable.BackgroundMode property.
  32410. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012.
  32411. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  32412. </member>
  32413. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.HasBorderHorizontal">
  32414. <summary>
  32415. True if the chart data table has horizontal cell borders
  32416. </summary>
  32417. </member>
  32418. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.HasBorderVertical">
  32419. <summary>
  32420. True if the chart data table has vertical cell borders
  32421. </summary>
  32422. </member>
  32423. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.HasBorderOutline">
  32424. <summary>
  32425. True if the chart data table has outline borders
  32426. </summary>
  32427. </member>
  32428. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.ShowLegendKey">
  32429. <summary>
  32430. True if the data label legend key is visible.
  32431. </summary>
  32432. </member>
  32433. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartDataTable.Border">
  32434. <summary>
  32435. Returns a Border object that represents the border of the object
  32436. </summary>
  32437. </member>
  32438. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType">
  32439. <summary>
  32440. Represents the marker style in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  32441. </summary>
  32442. </member>
  32443. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.Automatic">
  32444. <summary>
  32445. Automatic markers.
  32446. </summary>
  32447. </member>
  32448. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.Circle">
  32449. <summary>
  32450. Circular markers.
  32451. </summary>
  32452. </member>
  32453. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.Dash">
  32454. <summary>
  32455. Long bar markers
  32456. </summary>
  32457. </member>
  32458. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.Diamond">
  32459. <summary>
  32460. Diamond-shaped markers.
  32461. </summary>
  32462. </member>
  32463. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.Dot">
  32464. <summary>
  32465. Short bar markers.
  32466. </summary>
  32467. </member>
  32468. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.None">
  32469. <summary>
  32470. No markers.
  32471. </summary>
  32472. </member>
  32473. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.SquarePlus">
  32474. <summary>
  32475. Square markers with a plus sign.
  32476. </summary>
  32477. </member>
  32478. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.Square">
  32479. <summary>
  32480. Square markers.
  32481. </summary>
  32482. </member>
  32483. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.SquareStar">
  32484. <summary>
  32485. Square markers with an asterisk.
  32486. </summary>
  32487. </member>
  32488. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.Triangle">
  32489. <summary>
  32490. Triangular markers.
  32491. </summary>
  32492. </member>
  32493. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.SquareX">
  32494. <summary>
  32495. Square markers with an X.
  32496. </summary>
  32497. </member>
  32498. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartMarkerType.Picture">
  32499. <summary>
  32500. Picture
  32501. </summary>
  32502. </member>
  32503. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint">
  32504. <summary>
  32505. Represents a single point in a series in a chart.
  32506. </summary>
  32507. <example>
  32508. <code>
  32509. [C#]
  32510. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  32511. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  32512. //Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  32513. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  32514. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  32515. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  32516. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  32517. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  32518. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  32519. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  32520. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  32521. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  32522. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  32523. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  32524. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  32525. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  32526. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  32527. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.PieExploded, 5, 0, 25, 10);
  32528. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  32529. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  32530. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  32531. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", true);
  32532. //Show Data Labels
  32533. chart.NSeries[0].DataLabels.IsValueShown = true;
  32534. for (int i = 0; i &lt; chart.NSeries[0].Points.Count; i++)
  32535. {
  32536. //Get Data Point
  32537. ChartPoint point = chart.NSeries[0].Points[i];
  32538. //Set Pir Explosion
  32539. point.Explosion = 15;
  32540. //Set Border Color
  32541. point.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
  32542. }
  32543. //Saving the Excel file
  32544. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  32545. [VB.NET]
  32546. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  32547. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  32548. 'Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  32549. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  32550. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  32551. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  32552. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  32553. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  32554. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  32555. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  32556. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  32557. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  32558. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  32559. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  32560. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  32561. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  32562. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  32563. Dim chartIndex As Integer = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.PieExploded, 5, 0, 25, 10)
  32564. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  32565. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  32566. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  32567. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", True)
  32568. 'Show Data Labels
  32569. chart.NSeries(0).DataLabels.IsValueShown = True
  32570. For i As Integer = 0 To chart.NSeries(0).Points.Count - 1
  32571. 'Get Data Point
  32572. Dim point As ChartPoint = chart.NSeries(0).Points(i)
  32573. 'Set Pir Explosion
  32574. point.Explosion = 15
  32575. 'Set Border Color
  32576. point.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red
  32577. Next i
  32578. 'Saving the Excel file
  32579. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  32580. </code>
  32581. </example>
  32582. </member>
  32583. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetTopPointCount">
  32584. <summary>
  32585. Gets the number of top points after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32586. </summary>
  32587. </member>
  32588. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetTopPointXPx(System.Int32)">
  32589. <summary>
  32590. Gets x-coordinate of the top point of shape after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32591. Applies 3D charts: Column3D, Bar3D, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid and Area3D
  32592. </summary>
  32593. </member>
  32594. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetTopPointYPx(System.Int32)">
  32595. <summary>
  32596. Gets y-coordinate of the top point of shape after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32597. Applies 3D charts: Column3D, Bar3D, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid and Area3D
  32598. </summary>
  32599. </member>
  32600. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetBottomPointCount">
  32601. <summary>
  32602. Gets the number of bottom points after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32603. </summary>
  32604. </member>
  32605. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetBottomPointXPx(System.Int32)">
  32606. <summary>
  32607. Gets x-coordinate of the bottom point of shape after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32608. Applies 3D charts: Column3D, Bar3D, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid
  32609. </summary>
  32610. </member>
  32611. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetBottomPointYPx(System.Int32)">
  32612. <summary>
  32613. Gets y-coordinate of the bottom point of shape after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32614. Applies 3D charts: Column3D, Bar3D, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid
  32615. </summary>
  32616. </member>
  32617. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetOnCategoryAxisPointCount">
  32618. <summary>
  32619. Gets the number of the points on category axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method. Only applies to area chart.
  32620. </summary>
  32621. <remarks>
  32622. Area 2D chart return 1
  32623. Area 3D chart return 2.
  32624. </remarks>
  32625. </member>
  32626. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetOnCategoryAxisPointXPx(System.Int32)">
  32627. <summary>
  32628. Gets x-coordinate of the point on category axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method. Only applies to Area chart.
  32629. </summary>
  32630. <remarks>
  32631. Area 2D chart: index is 0.
  32632. Area 3D chart: index is 0 or 1.
  32633. </remarks>
  32634. </member>
  32635. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.GetOnCategoryAxisPointYPx(System.Int32)">
  32636. <summary>
  32637. Gets y-coordinate of the point on category axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method. Only applies to Area chart.
  32638. </summary>
  32639. <remarks>
  32640. Area 2D chart: index is 0.
  32641. Area 3D chart: index is 0 or 1.
  32642. </remarks>
  32643. </member>
  32644. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.Explosion">
  32645. <summary>
  32646. The distance of an open pie slice from the center of the pie chart is expressed as a percentage of the pie diameter.
  32647. </summary>
  32648. </member>
  32649. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.Shadow">
  32650. <summary>
  32651. True if the chartpoint has a shadow.
  32652. </summary>
  32653. </member>
  32654. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.Border">
  32655. <summary>
  32656. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line">border</see>.
  32657. </summary>
  32658. </member>
  32659. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.Area">
  32660. <summary>
  32661. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.Area">area</see>.
  32662. </summary>
  32663. </member>
  32664. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.Marker">
  32665. <summary>
  32666. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.Marker">marker</see>.
  32667. </summary>
  32668. </member>
  32669. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.MarkerStyle">
  32670. <summary>
  32671. Represents the marker style in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  32672. </summary>
  32673. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  32674. please use Marker.MarkerStyle property.
  32675. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  32676. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  32677. </member>
  32678. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.MarkerSize">
  32679. <summary>
  32680. Represents the marker size in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  32681. </summary>
  32682. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  32683. please use Marker.MarkerSize property.
  32684. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  32685. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  32686. </member>
  32687. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.MarkerForegroundColor">
  32688. <summary>
  32689. Represents the marker foreground color in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  32690. </summary>
  32691. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  32692. please use Marker.MarkerForegroundColor property.
  32693. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  32694. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  32695. </member>
  32696. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.MarkerForegroundColorSetType">
  32697. <summary>
  32698. Gets or sets the marker foreground color set type.
  32699. </summary>
  32700. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  32701. please use Marker.MarkerForegroundColorSetType property.
  32702. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  32703. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  32704. FormattingType.Automatic is same as ChartLineFormattingType.Automatic.
  32705. FormattingType.None is same as ChartLineFormattingType.None.
  32706. FormattingType.InnerCustom is same as ChartLineFormattingType.Solid.
  32707. </remarks>
  32708. </member>
  32709. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.MarkerBackgroundColor">
  32710. <summary>
  32711. Represents the marker background color in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  32712. </summary>
  32713. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  32714. please use Marker.MarkerBackgroundColor property.
  32715. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  32716. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  32717. </member>
  32718. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.MarkerBackgroundColorSetType">
  32719. <summary>
  32720. Gets or sets the marker background color set type.
  32721. </summary>
  32722. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  32723. please use Marker.MarkerBackgroundColorSetType property.
  32724. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  32725. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  32726. FormattingType.Automatic is same as ChartLineFormattingType.Automatic.
  32727. FormattingType.None is same as ChartLineFormattingType.None.
  32728. FormattingType.InnerCustom is same as ChartLineFormattingType.Solid.
  32729. </remarks>
  32730. </member>
  32731. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.DataLabels">
  32732. <summary>
  32733. Returns a DataLabels object that represents the data label associated with the point.
  32734. </summary>
  32735. </member>
  32736. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.YValue">
  32737. <summary>
  32738. Gets or sets the Y value of the chart point.
  32739. </summary>
  32740. </member>
  32741. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.YValueType">
  32742. <summary>
  32743. Gets Y value type of the chart point.
  32744. </summary>
  32745. </member>
  32746. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.XValue">
  32747. <summary>
  32748. Gets or sets the X value of the chart point.
  32749. </summary>
  32750. </member>
  32751. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.XValueType">
  32752. <summary>
  32753. Gets X value type of the chart point.
  32754. </summary>
  32755. </member>
  32756. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeProperties">
  32757. <summary>
  32758. Gets the <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapePropertyCollection" /> object that holds the visual shape properties of the ChartPoint.
  32759. </summary>
  32760. </member>
  32761. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.IsInSecondaryPlot">
  32762. <summary>
  32763. Gets or sets a value indicates whether this data points is in the second pie or bar
  32764. on a pie of pie or bar of pie chart
  32765. </summary>
  32766. </member>
  32767. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeX">
  32768. <summary>
  32769. Gets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of chart's width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32770. </summary>
  32771. </member>
  32772. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeY">
  32773. <summary>
  32774. Gets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of chart's height after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32775. </summary>
  32776. </member>
  32777. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeWidth">
  32778. <summary>
  32779. Gets the width in units of 1/4000 of chart's width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32780. </summary>
  32781. </member>
  32782. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeHeight">
  32783. <summary>
  32784. Gets the height in units of 1/4000 of chart's height after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32785. </summary>
  32786. </member>
  32787. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeXPx">
  32788. <summary>
  32789. Gets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32790. </summary>
  32791. </member>
  32792. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeYPx">
  32793. <summary>
  32794. Gets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32795. </summary>
  32796. </member>
  32797. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeWidthPx">
  32798. <summary>
  32799. Gets the width in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32800. </summary>
  32801. </member>
  32802. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ShapeHeightPx">
  32803. <summary>
  32804. Gets the height in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32805. </summary>
  32806. </member>
  32807. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.BorderWidthPx">
  32808. <summary>
  32809. Gets the width of border in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32810. </summary>
  32811. </member>
  32812. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.RadiusPx">
  32813. <summary>
  32814. Gets the radius of bubble, pie or doughnut in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32815. </summary>
  32816. </member>
  32817. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.InnerRadiusPx">
  32818. <summary>
  32819. Gets the inner radius of doughnut slice in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32820. Applies to Doughnut chart.
  32821. </summary>
  32822. </member>
  32823. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.StartAngle">
  32824. <summary>
  32825. Gets the starting angle for the pie section, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32826. Applies to Pie chart.
  32827. </summary>
  32828. </member>
  32829. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.EndAngle">
  32830. <summary>
  32831. Gets the ending angle for the pie section, measured in degrees clockwise from the x-axis after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32832. Applies to Pie chart.
  32833. </summary>
  32834. </member>
  32835. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ArcStartPointXPx">
  32836. <summary>
  32837. Gets the x coordinate of starting point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32838. Applies to Pie and Doughnut chart.
  32839. </summary>
  32840. </member>
  32841. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ArcStartPointYPx">
  32842. <summary>
  32843. Gets the y coordinate of starting point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32844. Applies to Pie and Doughnut chart.
  32845. </summary>
  32846. </member>
  32847. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ArcEndPointXPx">
  32848. <summary>
  32849. Gets the x coordinate of ending point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32850. Applies to Pie and Doughnut chart.
  32851. </summary>
  32852. </member>
  32853. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.ArcEndPointYPx">
  32854. <summary>
  32855. Gets the y coordinate of ending point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32856. Applies to Pie and Doughnut chart.
  32857. </summary>
  32858. </member>
  32859. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.InnerArcStartPointXPx">
  32860. <summary>
  32861. Gets the x coordinate of starting point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32862. Applies to Doughnut chart.
  32863. </summary>
  32864. </member>
  32865. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.InnerArcStartPointYPx">
  32866. <summary>
  32867. Gets the y coordinate of starting point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32868. Applies to Doughnut chart.
  32869. </summary>
  32870. </member>
  32871. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.InnerArcEndPointXPx">
  32872. <summary>
  32873. Gets the x coordinate of ending point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32874. Applies to Doughnut chart.
  32875. </summary>
  32876. </member>
  32877. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint.InnerArcEndPointYPx">
  32878. <summary>
  32879. Gets the y coordinate of ending point for the pie section after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  32880. Applies to Doughnut chart.
  32881. </summary>
  32882. </member>
  32883. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPointCollection">
  32884. <summary>
  32885. Represents a collection that contains all the points in one series.
  32886. </summary>
  32887. <example>
  32888. <code>
  32889. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  32890. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  32891. //Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  32892. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  32893. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  32894. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  32895. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  32896. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  32897. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  32898. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  32899. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  32900. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  32901. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  32902. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  32903. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  32904. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  32905. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  32906. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.PieExploded, 5, 0, 25, 10);
  32907. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  32908. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  32909. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  32910. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", true);
  32911. //Show Data Labels
  32912. chart.NSeries[0].DataLabels.IsValueShown = true;
  32913. ChartPointCollection points = chart.NSeries[0].Points;
  32914. for (int i = 0; i &lt; points.Count; i++)
  32915. {
  32916. //Get Data Point
  32917. ChartPoint point = points[i];
  32918. //Set Pir Explosion
  32919. point.Explosion = 15;
  32920. //Set Border Color
  32921. point.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
  32922. }
  32923. //Saving the Excel file
  32924. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  32925. [VB.NET]
  32926. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  32927. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  32928. 'Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  32929. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  32930. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  32931. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  32932. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  32933. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  32934. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  32935. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  32936. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  32937. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  32938. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  32939. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  32940. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  32941. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  32942. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  32943. Dim chartIndex As Integer = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.PieExploded, 5, 0, 25, 10)
  32944. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  32945. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  32946. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  32947. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", True)
  32948. 'Show Data Labels
  32949. chart.NSeries(0).DataLabels.IsValueShown = True
  32950. Dim points As ChartPointCollection = chart.NSeries(0).Points
  32951. For i As Integer = 0 To points.Count - 1
  32952. 'Get Data Point
  32953. Dim point As ChartPoint = points(i)
  32954. 'Set Pir Explosion
  32955. point.Explosion = 15
  32956. 'Set Border Color
  32957. point.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red
  32958. Next i
  32959. 'Saving the Excel file
  32960. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  32961. </code>
  32962. </example>
  32963. </member>
  32964. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPointCollection.GetEnumerator">
  32965. <summary>
  32966. Returns an enumerator for the entire <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPointCollection" />.
  32967. </summary>
  32968. <returns>
  32969. </returns>
  32970. </member>
  32971. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPointCollection.Clear">
  32972. <summary>
  32973. Remove all setting of the chart points.
  32974. </summary>
  32975. </member>
  32976. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPointCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  32977. <summary>
  32978. Removes point at the index of the series..
  32979. </summary>
  32980. <param name="index">The index of the point.</param>
  32981. </member>
  32982. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPointCollection.Count">
  32983. <summary>
  32984. Gets the count of the chart point.
  32985. </summary>
  32986. </member>
  32987. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPointCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  32988. <summary>
  32989. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartPoint" /> element at the specified index in the series.
  32990. </summary>
  32991. <param name="index">The index of chart point in the series.</param>
  32992. <returns>The ChartPoint object.</returns>
  32993. </member>
  32994. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartCollection">
  32995. <summary>
  32996. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart" /> objects.
  32997. </summary>
  32998. <example>
  32999. <code>
  33000. [C#]
  33001. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  33002. ChartCollection charts = workbook.Worksheets[0].Charts;
  33003. [Visual Basic]
  33004. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
  33005. Dim ChartCollection as Charts = workbook.Worksheets(0).Charts
  33006. </code>
  33007. </example>
  33008. </member>
  33009. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartCollection.AddFloatingChart(Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  33010. <summary>
  33011. Adds a chart to the collection.
  33012. </summary>
  33013. <param name="type">Chart type</param>
  33014. <param name="left">The x offset to corner</param>
  33015. <param name="top">The y offset to corner</param>
  33016. <param name="width">The chart width</param>
  33017. <param name="height">The chart height</param>
  33018. <returns>
  33019. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart" /> object index.</returns>
  33020. </member>
  33021. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  33022. <summary>
  33023. Adds a chart to the collection.
  33024. </summary>
  33025. <param name="type">Chart type</param>
  33026. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  33027. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  33028. <param name="lowerRightRow">Lower right row index</param>
  33029. <param name="lowerRightColumn">Lower right column index</param>
  33030. <returns>
  33031. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart" /> object index.</returns>
  33032. </member>
  33033. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  33034. <summary>
  33035. Remove a chart at the specific index.
  33036. </summary>
  33037. <param name="index">The chart index.</param>
  33038. </member>
  33039. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartCollection.Clear">
  33040. <summary>
  33041. Clear all charts.
  33042. </summary>
  33043. </member>
  33044. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  33045. <summary>
  33046. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart" /> element at the specified index.
  33047. </summary>
  33048. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  33049. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  33050. </member>
  33051. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartCollection.Item(System.String)">
  33052. <summary>
  33053. Gets the chart by the name.
  33054. </summary>
  33055. <param name="name"> The chart name.</param>
  33056. <returns>The chart.</returns>
  33057. <remarks>
  33058. The default chart name is null. So you have to explicitly set the name of the chart.
  33059. </remarks>
  33060. </member>
  33061. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ChartShape">
  33062. <summary>
  33063. Represents the shape of the chart.
  33064. Properties and methods for the ChartObject object control the appearance and size of the embedded chart on the worksheet.
  33065. </summary>
  33066. <example>
  33067. <code>
  33068. [C#]
  33069. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  33070. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  33071. //Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  33072. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  33073. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  33074. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  33075. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  33076. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  33077. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  33078. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  33079. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  33080. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  33081. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  33082. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  33083. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  33084. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  33085. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  33086. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.PieExploded, 5, 0, 25, 10);
  33087. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  33088. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  33089. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  33090. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", true);
  33091. //Show Data Labels
  33092. chart.NSeries[0].DataLabels.IsValueShown = true;
  33093. //Getting Chart Shape
  33094. ChartShape chartShape = chart.ChartObject;
  33095. //Set Lower Right Column
  33096. chartShape.LowerRightColumn = 10;
  33097. //Set LowerDeltaX
  33098. chartShape.LowerDeltaX = 1024;
  33099. //Saving the Excel file
  33100. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  33101. [VB.NET]
  33102. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  33103. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  33104. 'Obtaining the reference of the first worksheet
  33105. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  33106. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  33107. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  33108. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  33109. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  33110. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  33111. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  33112. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  33113. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  33114. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  33115. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  33116. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  33117. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  33118. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  33119. Dim chartIndex As Integer = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.PieExploded, 5, 0, 25, 10)
  33120. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  33121. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  33122. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B3"
  33123. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B3", True)
  33124. 'Show Data Labels
  33125. chart.NSeries(0).DataLabels.IsValueShown = True
  33126. 'Getting Chart Shape
  33127. Dim chartShape As ChartShape = chart.ChartObject
  33128. 'Set Lower Right Column
  33129. chartShape.LowerRightColumn = 10
  33130. 'Set LowerDeltaX
  33131. chartShape.LowerDeltaX = 1024
  33132. 'Saving the Excel file
  33133. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  33134. </code>
  33135. </example>
  33136. </member>
  33137. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ChartShape.Chart">
  33138. <summary>
  33139. Returns a Chart object that represents the chart contained in the object.
  33140. </summary>
  33141. </member>
  33142. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartSplitType">
  33143. <summary>
  33144. Represents the way the two sections of either a pie of pie chart or a bar of pie chart are split.
  33145. </summary>
  33146. </member>
  33147. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartSplitType.Position">
  33148. <summary>
  33149. Represents the data points shall be split between the pie
  33150. and the second chart by putting the last Split Position
  33151. of the data points in the second chart
  33152. </summary>
  33153. </member>
  33154. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartSplitType.Value">
  33155. <summary>
  33156. Represents the data points shall be split between the pie
  33157. and the second chart by putting the data points with
  33158. value less than Split Position in the second chart.
  33159. </summary>
  33160. </member>
  33161. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartSplitType.PercentValue">
  33162. <summary>
  33163. Represents the data points shall be split between the pie
  33164. and the second chart by putting the points with
  33165. percentage less than Split Position percent in the
  33166. second chart.
  33167. </summary>
  33168. </member>
  33169. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartSplitType.Custom">
  33170. <summary>
  33171. Represents the data points shall be split between the pie
  33172. and the second chart according to the Custom Split
  33173. values.
  33174. </summary>
  33175. </member>
  33176. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartSplitType.Auto">
  33177. <summary>
  33178. Represents the data points shall be split using the default
  33179. mechanism for this chart type.
  33180. </summary>
  33181. </member>
  33182. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType">
  33183. <summary>
  33184. Enumerates all chart types used in Excel.
  33185. </summary>
  33186. </member>
  33187. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Area">
  33188. <summary>
  33189. Represents Area Chart.
  33190. </summary>
  33191. </member>
  33192. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.AreaStacked">
  33193. <summary>
  33194. Represents Stacked Area Chart.
  33195. </summary>
  33196. </member>
  33197. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Area100PercentStacked">
  33198. <summary>
  33199. Represents 100% Stacked Area Chart.
  33200. </summary>
  33201. </member>
  33202. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Area3D">
  33203. <summary>
  33204. Represents 3D Area Chart.
  33205. </summary>
  33206. </member>
  33207. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Area3DStacked">
  33208. <summary>
  33209. Represents 3D Stacked Area Chart.
  33210. </summary>
  33211. </member>
  33212. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Area3D100PercentStacked">
  33213. <summary>
  33214. Represents 3D 100% Stacked Area Chart.
  33215. </summary>
  33216. </member>
  33217. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Bar">
  33218. <summary>
  33219. Represents Bar Chart: Clustered Bar Chart.
  33220. </summary>
  33221. </member>
  33222. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.BarStacked">
  33223. <summary>
  33224. Represents Stacked Bar Chart.
  33225. </summary>
  33226. </member>
  33227. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Bar100PercentStacked">
  33228. <summary>
  33229. Represents 100% Stacked Bar Chart.
  33230. </summary>
  33231. </member>
  33232. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Bar3DClustered">
  33233. <summary>
  33234. Represents 3D Colustered Bar Chart.
  33235. </summary>
  33236. </member>
  33237. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Bar3DStacked">
  33238. <summary>
  33239. Represents 3D Stacked Bar Chart.
  33240. </summary>
  33241. </member>
  33242. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Bar3D100PercentStacked">
  33243. <summary>
  33244. Represents 3D 100% Stacked Bar Chart.
  33245. </summary>
  33246. </member>
  33247. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Bubble">
  33248. <summary>
  33249. Represents Bubble Chart.
  33250. </summary>
  33251. </member>
  33252. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Bubble3D">
  33253. <summary>
  33254. Represents 3D Bubble Chart.
  33255. </summary>
  33256. </member>
  33257. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Column">
  33258. <summary>
  33259. Represents Column Chart: Clustered Column Chart.
  33260. </summary>
  33261. </member>
  33262. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ColumnStacked">
  33263. <summary>
  33264. Represents Stacked Column Chart.
  33265. </summary>
  33266. </member>
  33267. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Column100PercentStacked">
  33268. <summary>
  33269. Represents 100% Stacked Column Chart.
  33270. </summary>
  33271. </member>
  33272. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Column3D">
  33273. <summary>
  33274. Represents 3D Column Chart.
  33275. </summary>
  33276. </member>
  33277. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Column3DClustered">
  33278. <summary>
  33279. Represents 3D Clustered Column Chart.
  33280. </summary>
  33281. </member>
  33282. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Column3DStacked">
  33283. <summary>
  33284. Represents 3D Stacked Column Chart.
  33285. </summary>
  33286. </member>
  33287. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Column3D100PercentStacked">
  33288. <summary>
  33289. Represents 3D 100% Stacked Column Chart.
  33290. </summary>
  33291. </member>
  33292. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Cone">
  33293. <summary>
  33294. Represents Cone Chart.
  33295. </summary>
  33296. </member>
  33297. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ConeStacked">
  33298. <summary>
  33299. Represents Stacked Cone Chart.
  33300. </summary>
  33301. </member>
  33302. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Cone100PercentStacked">
  33303. <summary>
  33304. Represents 100% Stacked Cone Chart.
  33305. </summary>
  33306. </member>
  33307. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ConicalBar">
  33308. <summary>
  33309. Represents Conical Bar Chart.
  33310. </summary>
  33311. </member>
  33312. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ConicalBarStacked">
  33313. <summary>
  33314. Represents Stacked Conical Bar Chart.
  33315. </summary>
  33316. </member>
  33317. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ConicalBar100PercentStacked">
  33318. <summary>
  33319. Represents 100% Stacked Conical Bar Chart.
  33320. </summary>
  33321. </member>
  33322. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ConicalColumn3D">
  33323. <summary>
  33324. Represents 3D Conical Column Chart.
  33325. </summary>
  33326. </member>
  33327. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Cylinder">
  33328. <summary>
  33329. Represents Cylinder Chart.
  33330. </summary>
  33331. </member>
  33332. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.CylinderStacked">
  33333. <summary>
  33334. Represents Stacked Cylinder Chart.
  33335. </summary>
  33336. </member>
  33337. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Cylinder100PercentStacked">
  33338. <summary>
  33339. Represents 100% Stacked Cylinder Chart.
  33340. </summary>
  33341. </member>
  33342. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.CylindricalBar">
  33343. <summary>
  33344. Represents Cylindrical Bar Chart.
  33345. </summary>
  33346. </member>
  33347. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.CylindricalBarStacked">
  33348. <summary>
  33349. Represents Stacked Cylindrical Bar Chart.
  33350. </summary>
  33351. </member>
  33352. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.CylindricalBar100PercentStacked">
  33353. <summary>
  33354. Represents 100% Stacked Cylindrical Bar Chart.
  33355. </summary>
  33356. </member>
  33357. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.CylindricalColumn3D">
  33358. <summary>
  33359. Represents 3D Cylindrical Column Chart.
  33360. </summary>
  33361. </member>
  33362. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Doughnut">
  33363. <summary>
  33364. Represents Doughnut Chart.
  33365. </summary>
  33366. </member>
  33367. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.DoughnutExploded">
  33368. <summary>
  33369. Represents Exploded Doughnut Chart.
  33370. </summary>
  33371. </member>
  33372. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Line">
  33373. <summary>
  33374. Represents Line Chart.
  33375. </summary>
  33376. </member>
  33377. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.LineStacked">
  33378. <summary>
  33379. Represents Stacked Line Chart.
  33380. </summary>
  33381. </member>
  33382. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Line100PercentStacked">
  33383. <summary>
  33384. Represents 100% Stacked Line Chart.
  33385. </summary>
  33386. </member>
  33387. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.LineWithDataMarkers">
  33388. <summary>
  33389. Represents Line Chart with data markers.
  33390. </summary>
  33391. </member>
  33392. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.LineStackedWithDataMarkers">
  33393. <summary>
  33394. Represents Stacked Line Chart with data markers.
  33395. </summary>
  33396. </member>
  33397. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Line100PercentStackedWithDataMarkers">
  33398. <summary>
  33399. Represents 100% Stacked Line Chart with data markers.
  33400. </summary>
  33401. </member>
  33402. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Line3D">
  33403. <summary>
  33404. Represents 3D Line Chart.
  33405. </summary>
  33406. </member>
  33407. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Pie">
  33408. <summary>
  33409. Represents Pie Chart.
  33410. </summary>
  33411. </member>
  33412. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Pie3D">
  33413. <summary>
  33414. Represents 3D Pie Chart.
  33415. </summary>
  33416. </member>
  33417. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.PiePie">
  33418. <summary>
  33419. Represents Pie of Pie Chart.
  33420. </summary>
  33421. </member>
  33422. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.PieExploded">
  33423. <summary>
  33424. Represents Exploded Pie Chart.
  33425. </summary>
  33426. </member>
  33427. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Pie3DExploded">
  33428. <summary>
  33429. Represents 3D Exploded Pie Chart.
  33430. </summary>
  33431. </member>
  33432. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.PieBar">
  33433. <summary>
  33434. Represents Bar of Pie Chart.
  33435. </summary>
  33436. </member>
  33437. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Pyramid">
  33438. <summary>
  33439. Represents Pyramid Chart.
  33440. </summary>
  33441. </member>
  33442. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.PyramidStacked">
  33443. <summary>
  33444. Represents Stacked Pyramid Chart.
  33445. </summary>
  33446. </member>
  33447. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Pyramid100PercentStacked">
  33448. <summary>
  33449. Represents 100% Stacked Pyramid Chart.
  33450. </summary>
  33451. </member>
  33452. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.PyramidBar">
  33453. <summary>
  33454. Represents Pyramid Bar Chart.
  33455. </summary>
  33456. </member>
  33457. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.PyramidBarStacked">
  33458. <summary>
  33459. Represents Stacked Pyramid Bar Chart.
  33460. </summary>
  33461. </member>
  33462. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.PyramidBar100PercentStacked">
  33463. <summary>
  33464. Represents 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar Chart.
  33465. </summary>
  33466. </member>
  33467. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.PyramidColumn3D">
  33468. <summary>
  33469. Represents 3D Pyramid Column Chart.
  33470. </summary>
  33471. </member>
  33472. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Radar">
  33473. <summary>
  33474. Represents Radar Chart.
  33475. </summary>
  33476. </member>
  33477. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.RadarWithDataMarkers">
  33478. <summary>
  33479. Represents Radar Chart with data markers.
  33480. </summary>
  33481. </member>
  33482. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.RadarFilled">
  33483. <summary>
  33484. Represents Filled Radar Chart.
  33485. </summary>
  33486. </member>
  33487. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Scatter">
  33488. <summary>
  33489. Represents Scatter Chart.
  33490. </summary>
  33491. </member>
  33492. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithDataMarker">
  33493. <summary>
  33494. Represents Scatter Chart connected by curves, with data markers.
  33495. </summary>
  33496. </member>
  33497. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ScatterConnectedByCurvesWithoutDataMarker">
  33498. <summary>
  33499. Represents Scatter Chart connected by curves, without data markers.
  33500. </summary>
  33501. </member>
  33502. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ScatterConnectedByLinesWithDataMarker">
  33503. <summary>
  33504. Represents Scatter Chart connected by lines, with data markers.
  33505. </summary>
  33506. </member>
  33507. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ScatterConnectedByLinesWithoutDataMarker">
  33508. <summary>
  33509. Represents Scatter Chart connected by lines, without data markers.
  33510. </summary>
  33511. </member>
  33512. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.StockHighLowClose">
  33513. <summary>
  33514. Represents High-Low-Close Stock Chart.
  33515. </summary>
  33516. </member>
  33517. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.StockOpenHighLowClose">
  33518. <summary>
  33519. Represents Open-High-Low-Close Stock Chart.
  33520. </summary>
  33521. </member>
  33522. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.StockVolumeHighLowClose">
  33523. <summary>
  33524. Represents Volume-High-Low-Close Stock Chart.
  33525. </summary>
  33526. </member>
  33527. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.StockVolumeOpenHighLowClose">
  33528. <summary>
  33529. Represents Volume-Open-High-Low-Close Stock Chart.
  33530. </summary>
  33531. </member>
  33532. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Surface3D">
  33533. <summary>
  33534. Represents Surface Chart: 3D Surface Chart.
  33535. </summary>
  33536. </member>
  33537. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.SurfaceWireframe3D">
  33538. <summary>
  33539. Represents Wireframe 3D Surface Chart.
  33540. </summary>
  33541. </member>
  33542. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.SurfaceContour">
  33543. <summary>
  33544. Represents Contour Chart.
  33545. </summary>
  33546. </member>
  33547. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.SurfaceContourWireframe">
  33548. <summary>
  33549. Represents Wireframe Contour Chart.
  33550. </summary>
  33551. </member>
  33552. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.BoxWhisker">
  33553. <summary>
  33554. The series is laid out as box and whisker.
  33555. </summary>
  33556. </member>
  33557. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Funnel">
  33558. <summary>
  33559. The series is laid out as a funnel.
  33560. </summary>
  33561. </member>
  33562. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.ParetoLine">
  33563. <summary>
  33564. The series is laid out as pareto lines.
  33565. </summary>
  33566. </member>
  33567. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Sunburst">
  33568. <summary>
  33569. The series is laid out as a sunburst.
  33570. </summary>
  33571. </member>
  33572. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Treemap">
  33573. <summary>
  33574. The series is laid out as a treemap.
  33575. </summary>
  33576. </member>
  33577. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Waterfall">
  33578. <summary>
  33579. The series is laid out as a waterfall.
  33580. </summary>
  33581. </member>
  33582. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Histogram">
  33583. <summary>
  33584. The series is laid out as a histogram.
  33585. </summary>
  33586. </member>
  33587. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartType.Map">
  33588. <summary>
  33589. The series is laid out as a region map.
  33590. </summary>
  33591. </member>
  33592. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox">
  33593. <summary>
  33594. Represents a check box object in a worksheet.
  33595. </summary>
  33596. <example>
  33597. <code>
  33598. [C#]
  33599. int index = excel.Worksheets[0].CheckBoxes.Add(15, 15, 20, 100);
  33600. CheckBox checkBox = excel.Worksheets[0].CheckBoxes[index];
  33601. checkBox.Text = "Check Box 1";
  33602. [Visual Basic]
  33603. Dim index as integer = excel.Worksheets(0).CheckBoxes.Add(15, 15, 20, 100)
  33604. Dim checkBox as CheckBox = excel.Worksheets(0).CheckBoxes[index];
  33605. checkBox.Text = "Check Box 1"
  33606. </code>
  33607. </example>
  33608. </member>
  33609. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox.Value">
  33610. <summary>
  33611. Indicates if the checkbox is checked or not.
  33612. </summary>
  33613. </member>
  33614. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox.CheckValue">
  33615. <summary>
  33616. Gets or set checkbox' value.
  33617. </summary>
  33618. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  33619. please use CheckBox.CheckValueType property.
  33620. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  33621. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  33622. </member>
  33623. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox.CheckedValue">
  33624. <summary>
  33625. Gets or set checkbox' value.
  33626. </summary>
  33627. </member>
  33628. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox.Shadow">
  33629. <summary>
  33630. Indicates whether the combobox has 3-D shading.
  33631. </summary>
  33632. </member>
  33633. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBoxCollection">
  33634. <summary>
  33635. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox" /> objects in a worksheet.
  33636. </summary>
  33637. <example>
  33638. <code>
  33639. [C#]
  33640. int index = excel.Worksheets[0].CheckBoxes.Add(15, 15, 20, 100);
  33641. CheckBox checkBox = excel.Worksheets[0].CheckBoxes[index];
  33642. checkBox.Text = "Check Box 1";
  33643. [Visual Basic]
  33644. Dim index as integer = excel.Worksheets(0).CheckBoxes.Add(15, 15, 20, 100)
  33645. Dim checkBox as CheckBox = excel.Worksheets(0).CheckBoxes[index];
  33646. checkBox.Text = "Check Box 1"
  33647. </code>
  33648. </example>
  33649. </member>
  33650. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBoxCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  33651. <summary>
  33652. Adds a checkBox to the collection.
  33653. </summary>
  33654. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  33655. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  33656. <param name="height">Height of checkBox, in unit of pixel.</param>
  33657. <param name="width">Width of checkBox, in unit of pixel.</param>
  33658. <returns>
  33659. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox" /> object index.</returns>
  33660. </member>
  33661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBoxCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  33662. <summary>
  33663. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox" /> element at the specified index.
  33664. </summary>
  33665. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  33666. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  33667. </member>
  33668. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckValueType">
  33669. <summary>
  33670. Represents the check value type of the check box.
  33671. </summary>
  33672. </member>
  33673. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckValueType.UnChecked">
  33674. <summary>
  33675. UnChecked
  33676. </summary>
  33677. </member>
  33678. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckValueType.Checked">
  33679. <summary>
  33680. Checked
  33681. </summary>
  33682. </member>
  33683. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckValueType.Mixed">
  33684. <summary>
  33685. Mixed
  33686. </summary>
  33687. </member>
  33688. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox">
  33689. <summary>
  33690. Represents the control form ComboBox.
  33691. </summary>
  33692. <example>
  33693. <code>
  33694. [C#]
  33695. //Create a new Workbook.
  33696. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  33697. //Get the first worksheet.
  33698. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  33699. //Get the worksheet cells collection.
  33700. Cells cells = sheet.Cells;
  33701. //Input a value.
  33702. cells["B3"].PutValue("Employee:");
  33703. //Set it bold.
  33704. cells["B3"].Style.Font.IsBold = true;
  33705. //Input some values that denote the input range
  33706. //for the combo box.
  33707. cells["A2"].PutValue("Emp001");
  33708. cells["A3"].PutValue("Emp002");
  33709. cells["A4"].PutValue("Emp003");
  33710. cells["A5"].PutValue("Emp004");
  33711. cells["A6"].PutValue("Emp005");
  33712. cells["A7"].PutValue("Emp006");
  33713. //Add a new combo box.
  33714. Aspose.Cells.ComboBox comboBox = sheet.Shapes.AddComboBox(2, 0, 2, 0, 22, 100);
  33715. //Set the linked cell;
  33716. comboBox.LinkedCell = "A1";
  33717. //Set the input range.
  33718. comboBox.InputRange = "A2:A7";
  33719. //Set no. of list lines displayed in the combo
  33720. //box's list portion.
  33721. comboBox.DropDownLines = 5;
  33722. //Set the combo box with 3-D shading.
  33723. comboBox.Shadow = true;
  33724. //AutoFit Columns
  33725. sheet.AutoFitColumns();
  33726. //Saves the file.
  33727. workbook.Save(@"d:\test\tstcombobox.xls");
  33728. [VB.NET]
  33729. 'Create a new Workbook.
  33730. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  33731. 'Get the first worksheet.
  33732. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  33733. 'Get the worksheet cells collection.
  33734. Dim cells As Cells = sheet.Cells
  33735. 'Input a value.
  33736. cells("B3").PutValue("Employee:")
  33737. 'Set it bold.
  33738. cells("B3").Style.Font.IsBold = True
  33739. 'Input some values that denote the input range
  33740. 'for the combo box.
  33741. cells("A2").PutValue("Emp001")
  33742. cells("A3").PutValue("Emp002")
  33743. cells("A4").PutValue("Emp003")
  33744. cells("A5").PutValue("Emp004")
  33745. cells("A6").PutValue("Emp005")
  33746. cells("A7").PutValue("Emp006")
  33747. 'Add a new combo box.
  33748. Dim comboBox As Aspose.Cells.ComboBox = sheet.Shapes.AddComboBox(2, 0, 2, 0, 22, 100)
  33749. 'Set the linked cell;
  33750. comboBox.LinkedCell = "A1"
  33751. 'Set the input range.
  33752. comboBox.InputRange = "A2:A7"
  33753. 'Set no. of list lines displayed in the combo
  33754. 'box's list portion.
  33755. comboBox.DropDownLines = 5
  33756. 'Set the combo box with 3-D shading.
  33757. comboBox.Shadow = True
  33758. 'AutoFit Columns
  33759. sheet.AutoFitColumns()
  33760. 'Saves the file.
  33761. workbook.Save("d:\test\tstcombobox.xls")
  33762. </code>
  33763. </example>
  33764. </member>
  33765. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox.SelectedIndex">
  33766. <summary>
  33767. Gets or sets the index number of the currently selected item in a list box or combo box.
  33768. Zero-based.
  33769. </summary>
  33770. <remarks>-1 presents no item is selected.</remarks>
  33771. </member>
  33772. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox.SelectedValue">
  33773. <summary>
  33774. Gets the selected value of the combox box.
  33775. </summary>
  33776. </member>
  33777. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox.SelectedCell">
  33778. <summary>
  33779. Gets the selected cell in the input range of the combo box.
  33780. </summary>
  33781. </member>
  33782. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox.Shadow">
  33783. <summary>
  33784. Indicates whether the combobox has 3-D shading.
  33785. </summary>
  33786. </member>
  33787. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox.DropDownLines">
  33788. <summary>
  33789. Gets or sets the number of list lines displayed in the drop-down portion of a combo box.
  33790. </summary>
  33791. </member>
  33792. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Comment">
  33793. <summary>
  33794. Encapsulates the object that represents a cell comment.
  33795. </summary>
  33796. <example>
  33797. <code>
  33798. [C#]
  33799. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  33800. CommentCollection comments = workbook.Worksheets[0].Comments;
  33801. //Add comment to cell A1
  33802. int commentIndex = comments.Add(0, 0);
  33803. Comment comment = comments[commentIndex];
  33804. comment.Note = "First note.";
  33805. comment.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
  33806. //Add comment to cell B2
  33807. comments.Add("B2");
  33808. comment = comments["B2"];
  33809. comment.Note = "Second note.";
  33810. [Visual Basic]
  33811. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
  33812. Dim comments as CommentCollection = workbook.Worksheets(0).Comments
  33813. 'Add comment to cell A1
  33814. Dim commentIndex as Integer = comments.Add(0, 0)
  33815. Dim comment as Comment = comments(commentIndex)
  33816. comment.Note = "First note."
  33817. comment.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
  33818. 'Add comment to cell B2
  33819. comments.Add("B2")
  33820. comment = comments("B2")
  33821. comment.Note = "Second note."
  33822. </code>
  33823. </example>
  33824. </member>
  33825. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Comment.FormatCharacters(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Font,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  33826. <summary>
  33827. Format some characters with the font setting.
  33828. </summary>
  33829. <param name="startIndex">The start index.</param>
  33830. <param name="length">The length.</param>
  33831. <param name="font">The font setting.</param>
  33832. <param name="flag">The flag of the font setting.</param>
  33833. </member>
  33834. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Comment.Characters(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  33835. <summary>
  33836. Returns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the comment text.
  33837. </summary>
  33838. <param name="startIndex">The index of the start of the character.</param>
  33839. <param name="length">The number of characters.</param>
  33840. <returns>Characters object.</returns>
  33841. </member>
  33842. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Comment.GetCharacters">
  33843. <summary>
  33844. Returns all Characters objects
  33845. that represents a range of characters within the comment text.
  33846. </summary>
  33847. <returns>All Characters objects </returns>
  33848. </member>
  33849. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.Author">
  33850. <summary>
  33851. Gets and sets Name of the original comment author
  33852. </summary>
  33853. </member>
  33854. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.CommentShape">
  33855. <summary>
  33856. Get a Shape object that represents the shape attached to the specified comment.
  33857. </summary>
  33858. </member>
  33859. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.Row">
  33860. <summary>
  33861. Gets the row index of the comment.
  33862. </summary>
  33863. </member>
  33864. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.Column">
  33865. <summary>
  33866. Gets the column index of the comment.
  33867. </summary>
  33868. </member>
  33869. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.ThreadedComments">
  33870. <summary>
  33871. Gets the list of threaded comments;
  33872. </summary>
  33873. </member>
  33874. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.Note">
  33875. <summary>
  33876. Represents the content of comment.
  33877. </summary>
  33878. </member>
  33879. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.HtmlNote">
  33880. <summary>
  33881. Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this comment.
  33882. </summary>
  33883. </member>
  33884. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.Font">
  33885. <summary>
  33886. Gets the font of comment.
  33887. </summary>
  33888. </member>
  33889. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.IsVisible">
  33890. <summary>
  33891. Represents if the comment is visible or not.
  33892. </summary>
  33893. </member>
  33894. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.TextOrientationType">
  33895. <summary>
  33896. Gets and sets the text orientation type of the comment.
  33897. </summary>
  33898. </member>
  33899. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.TextHorizontalAlignment">
  33900. <summary>
  33901. Gets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the comment.
  33902. </summary>
  33903. </member>
  33904. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.TextVerticalAlignment">
  33905. <summary>
  33906. Gets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the comment.
  33907. </summary>
  33908. </member>
  33909. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.AutoSize">
  33910. <summary>
  33911. Indicates if size of comment is adjusted automatically according to its content.
  33912. </summary>
  33913. </member>
  33914. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.HeightCM">
  33915. <summary>
  33916. Represents the height of the comment, in unit of centimeters.
  33917. </summary>
  33918. </member>
  33919. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.WidthCM">
  33920. <summary>
  33921. Represents the width of the comment, in unit of centimeters.
  33922. </summary>
  33923. </member>
  33924. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.Width">
  33925. <summary>
  33926. Represents the width of the comment, in unit of pixels.
  33927. </summary>
  33928. </member>
  33929. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.Height">
  33930. <summary>
  33931. Represents the Height of the comment, in unit of pixels.
  33932. </summary>
  33933. </member>
  33934. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.WidthInch">
  33935. <summary>
  33936. Represents the width of the comment, in unit of inches.
  33937. </summary>
  33938. </member>
  33939. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Comment.HeightInch">
  33940. <summary>
  33941. Represents the height of the comment, in unit of inches.
  33942. </summary>
  33943. </member>
  33944. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection">
  33945. <summary>
  33946. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Comment" /> objects.
  33947. </summary>
  33948. <example>
  33949. <code>
  33950. [C#]
  33951. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  33952. CommentCollection comments = workbook.Worksheets[0].Comments;
  33953. [Visual Basic]
  33954. Dim workbook as Workbook = new Workbook()
  33955. Dim comments as CommentCollection = workbook.Worksheets(0).Comments
  33956. </code>
  33957. </example>
  33958. </member>
  33959. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.AddThreadedComment(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthor)">
  33960. <summary>
  33961. Adds a threaded comment.
  33962. </summary>
  33963. <param name="row">Cell row index.</param>
  33964. <param name="column">Cell column index.</param>
  33965. <param name="text">The text of the comment</param>
  33966. <param name="author">The user of this threaded comment.</param>
  33967. <returns>
  33968. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedComment" /> object index.</returns>
  33969. </member>
  33970. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.AddThreadedComment(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Cells.ThreadedCommentAuthor)">
  33971. <summary>
  33972. Adds a threaded comment.
  33973. </summary>
  33974. <param name="cellName">The name of the cell.</param>
  33975. <param name="text">The text of the comment</param>
  33976. <param name="author">The user of this threaded comment.</param>
  33977. <returns>
  33978. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ThreadedComment" /> object index.</returns>
  33979. </member>
  33980. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.GetThreadedComments(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  33981. <summary>
  33982. Gets the threaded comments by row and column index.
  33983. </summary>
  33984. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  33985. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  33986. <returns>
  33987. </returns>
  33988. </member>
  33989. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.GetThreadedComments(System.String)">
  33990. <summary>
  33991. Gets the threaded comments by cell name.
  33992. </summary>
  33993. <param name="cellName">The name of the cell.</param>
  33994. <returns>
  33995. </returns>
  33996. </member>
  33997. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  33998. <summary>
  33999. Adds a comment to the collection.
  34000. </summary>
  34001. <param name="row">Cell row index.</param>
  34002. <param name="column">Cell column index.</param>
  34003. <returns>
  34004. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Comment" /> object index.</returns>
  34005. </member>
  34006. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.Add(System.String)">
  34007. <summary>
  34008. Adds a comment to the collection.
  34009. </summary>
  34010. <param name="cellName">Cell name.</param>
  34011. <returns>
  34012. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Comment" /> object index.</returns>
  34013. </member>
  34014. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.RemoveAt(System.String)">
  34015. <summary>
  34016. Removes the comment of the specific cell.
  34017. </summary>
  34018. <param name="cellName">The name of cell which contains a comment.</param>
  34019. </member>
  34020. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  34021. <summary>
  34022. Removes the comment of the specific cell.
  34023. </summary>
  34024. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  34025. <param name="column">the column index.</param>
  34026. </member>
  34027. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.Clear">
  34028. <summary>
  34029. Removes all comments;
  34030. </summary>
  34031. </member>
  34032. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  34033. <summary>
  34034. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Comment" /> element at the specified index.
  34035. </summary>
  34036. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  34037. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  34038. </member>
  34039. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.Item(System.String)">
  34040. <summary>
  34041. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Comment" /> element at the specified cell.
  34042. </summary>
  34043. <param name="cellName">Cell name.</param>
  34044. <returns>The element at the specified cell.</returns>
  34045. </member>
  34046. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CommentCollection.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  34047. <summary>
  34048. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Comment" /> element at the specified row index and column index.
  34049. </summary>
  34050. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  34051. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  34052. <returns>The element at the specified cell.</returns>
  34053. </member>
  34054. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CommentShape">
  34055. <summary>
  34056. Represents the shape of the comment.
  34057. </summary>
  34058. </member>
  34059. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CommentShape.Comment">
  34060. <summary>
  34061. Gets the comment object.
  34062. </summary>
  34063. </member>
  34064. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingCollection">
  34065. <summary>
  34066. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatCondition" /> objects.
  34067. </summary>
  34068. <example>
  34069. <code>
  34070. [C#]
  34071. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  34072. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  34073. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  34074. //Get Conditional Formatting
  34075. ConditionalFormattingCollection cformattings = sheet.ConditionalFormattings;
  34076. //Adds an empty conditional formatting
  34077. int index = cformattings.Add();
  34078. //Get newly added Conditional formatting
  34079. FormatConditionCollection fcs = cformattings[index];
  34080. //Sets the conditional format range.
  34081. CellArea ca = new CellArea();
  34082. ca.StartRow = 0;
  34083. ca.EndRow = 0;
  34084. ca.StartColumn = 0;
  34085. ca.EndColumn = 0;
  34086. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  34087. ca = new CellArea();
  34088. ca.StartRow = 1;
  34089. ca.EndRow = 1;
  34090. ca.StartColumn = 1;
  34091. ca.EndColumn = 1;
  34092. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  34093. //Add condition.
  34094. int conditionIndex = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "=A2", "100");
  34095. //Add condition.
  34096. int conditionIndex2 = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "50", "100");
  34097. //Sets the background color.
  34098. FormatCondition fc = fcs[conditionIndex];
  34099. fc.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
  34100. //Saving the Excel file
  34101. workbook.Save("C:\\output.xls");
  34102. [VB.NET]
  34103. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  34104. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  34105. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  34106. 'Get Conditional Formatting
  34107. Dim cformattings As ConditionalFormattingCollection = sheet.ConditionalFormattings
  34108. 'Adds an empty conditional formatting
  34109. Dim index As Integer = cformattings.Add()
  34110. 'Get newly added Conditional formatting
  34111. Dim fcs As FormatConditionCollection = cformattings(index)
  34112. 'Sets the conditional format range.
  34113. Dim ca As New CellArea()
  34114. ca.StartRow = 0
  34115. ca.EndRow = 0
  34116. ca.StartColumn = 0
  34117. ca.EndColumn = 0
  34118. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  34119. ca = New CellArea()
  34120. ca.StartRow = 1
  34121. ca.EndRow = 1
  34122. ca.StartColumn = 1
  34123. ca.EndColumn = 1
  34124. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  34125. 'Add condition.
  34126. Dim conditionIndex As Integer = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "=A2", "100")
  34127. 'Add condition.
  34128. Dim conditionIndex2 As Integer = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "50", "100")
  34129. 'Sets the background color.
  34130. Dim fc As FormatCondition = fcs(conditionIndex)
  34131. fc.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.Red
  34132. 'Saving the Excel file
  34133. workbook.Save("C:\output.xls")
  34134. </code>
  34135. </example>
  34136. </member>
  34137. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingCollection.RemoveArea(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  34138. <summary>
  34139. Remove all conditional formatting in the range.
  34140. </summary>
  34141. <param name="startRow">The start row of the range.</param>
  34142. <param name="startColumn">The start column of the range.</param>
  34143. <param name="totalRows">The number of rows of the range.</param>
  34144. <param name="totalColumns">The number of columns of the range.</param>
  34145. </member>
  34146. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingCollection.Copy(Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingCollection)">
  34147. <summary>
  34148. Copies conditional formatting.
  34149. </summary>
  34150. <param name="cfs">The conditional formatting</param>
  34151. </member>
  34152. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingCollection.Add">
  34153. <summary>
  34154. Adds a FormatConditions to the collection.
  34155. </summary>
  34156. <returns>FormatConditions object index.</returns>
  34157. </member>
  34158. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ConditionalFormattingCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  34159. <summary>
  34160. Gets the FormatConditions element at the specified index.
  34161. </summary>
  34162. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  34163. </member>
  34164. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction">
  34165. <summary>
  34166. Represents consolidation function.
  34167. </summary>
  34168. </member>
  34169. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.Sum">
  34170. <summary>
  34171. Represents Sum function.
  34172. </summary>
  34173. </member>
  34174. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.Count">
  34175. <summary>
  34176. Represents Count function.
  34177. </summary>
  34178. </member>
  34179. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.Average">
  34180. <summary>
  34181. Represents Average function.
  34182. </summary>
  34183. </member>
  34184. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.Max">
  34185. <summary>
  34186. Represents Max function.
  34187. </summary>
  34188. </member>
  34189. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.Min">
  34190. <summary>
  34191. Represents Min function.
  34192. </summary>
  34193. </member>
  34194. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.Product">
  34195. <summary>
  34196. Represents Product function.
  34197. </summary>
  34198. </member>
  34199. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.CountNums">
  34200. <summary>
  34201. Represents Count Nums function.
  34202. </summary>
  34203. </member>
  34204. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.StdDev">
  34205. <summary>
  34206. Represents StdDev function.
  34207. </summary>
  34208. </member>
  34209. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.StdDevp">
  34210. <summary>
  34211. Represents StdDevp function.
  34212. </summary>
  34213. </member>
  34214. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.Var">
  34215. <summary>
  34216. Represents Var function.
  34217. </summary>
  34218. </member>
  34219. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.Varp">
  34220. <summary>
  34221. Represents Varp function.
  34222. </summary>
  34223. </member>
  34224. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ConsolidationFunction.DistinctCount">
  34225. <summary>
  34226. Represents Distinct Count function.
  34227. </summary>
  34228. <remarks>
  34229. Only valid for PivotTable with Data Module created since by 2013.
  34230. </remarks>
  34231. </member>
  34232. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType">
  34233. <summary>
  34234. Specifies the type (format) of an image.
  34235. </summary>
  34236. </member>
  34237. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Unknown">
  34238. <summary>
  34239. An unknown image type.
  34240. </summary>
  34241. </member>
  34242. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Emf">
  34243. <summary>
  34244. Windows Enhanced Metafile.
  34245. </summary>
  34246. </member>
  34247. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Wmf">
  34248. <summary>
  34249. Windows Metafile.
  34250. </summary>
  34251. </member>
  34252. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Pict">
  34253. <summary>
  34254. Macintosh PICT.
  34255. </summary>
  34256. </member>
  34257. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Jpeg">
  34258. <summary>
  34259. JPEG JFIF.
  34260. </summary>
  34261. </member>
  34262. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Png">
  34263. <summary>
  34264. Portable Network Graphics.
  34265. </summary>
  34266. </member>
  34267. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Bmp">
  34268. <summary>
  34269. Windows Bitmap
  34270. </summary>
  34271. </member>
  34272. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Gif">
  34273. <summary>
  34274. Gif
  34275. </summary>
  34276. </member>
  34277. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Tiff">
  34278. <summary>
  34279. Tiff
  34280. </summary>
  34281. </member>
  34282. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Svg">
  34283. <summary>
  34284. Svg
  34285. </summary>
  34286. </member>
  34287. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Svm">
  34288. <summary>
  34289. Svm
  34290. </summary>
  34291. </member>
  34292. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ImageType.Gltf">
  34293. <summary>
  34294. glTF
  34295. </summary>
  34296. </member>
  34297. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompressionCore">
  34298. <summary>
  34299. Specifies a type of compression applied to all content in the PDF file except images.
  34300. </summary>
  34301. </member>
  34302. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompressionCore.None">
  34303. <summary>
  34304. None
  34305. </summary>
  34306. </member>
  34307. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompressionCore.Rle">
  34308. <summary>
  34309. Rle
  34310. </summary>
  34311. </member>
  34312. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompressionCore.Lzw">
  34313. <summary>
  34314. Lzw
  34315. </summary>
  34316. </member>
  34317. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Rendering.PdfCompressionCore.Flate">
  34318. <summary>
  34319. Flate
  34320. </summary>
  34321. </member>
  34322. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommand">
  34323. <summary>
  34324. Represents the command of header/footer
  34325. </summary>
  34326. </member>
  34327. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommand.Type">
  34328. <summary>
  34329. Gets the header/footer' command type .
  34330. </summary>
  34331. </member>
  34332. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommand.Font">
  34333. <summary>
  34334. Gets the font of the command's value.
  34335. </summary>
  34336. <remarks>
  34337. Useless for HeaderFooterCommandType.Picture.
  34338. </remarks>
  34339. </member>
  34340. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HeaderFooterCommand.Text">
  34341. <summary>
  34342. Gets the text of the command.
  34343. </summary>
  34344. <remarks>
  34345. Only valid for HeaderFooterCommandType.Text.
  34346. </remarks>
  34347. </member>
  34348. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions">
  34349. <summary>
  34350. Represents the copy options.
  34351. </summary>
  34352. </member>
  34353. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions.#ctor">
  34354. <summary>
  34355. CopyOptions constructor.
  34356. </summary>
  34357. </member>
  34358. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions.KeepMacros">
  34359. <summary>
  34360. Indicates whether keeping macros;
  34361. </summary>
  34362. <remarks>
  34363. Only for copying workbook.
  34364. </remarks>
  34365. </member>
  34366. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions.ExtendToAdjacentRange">
  34367. <summary>
  34368. Indicates whether extend ranges when copying the range to adjacent range.
  34369. </summary>
  34370. <remarks>
  34371. If it's true, only extends the range of the hyperlink,not adding a new hyperlink when copying hyperlinks to adjacent rows.
  34372. </remarks>
  34373. </member>
  34374. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions.CopyNames">
  34375. <summary>
  34376. Indicates whether copying the names.
  34377. </summary>
  34378. </member>
  34379. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions.CopyInvalidFormulasAsValues">
  34380. <summary>
  34381. If the formula is not valid for the dest destination, only copy values.
  34382. </summary>
  34383. </member>
  34384. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions.ColumnCharacterWidth">
  34385. <summary>
  34386. Indicates whether copying column width in unit of characters.
  34387. </summary>
  34388. </member>
  34389. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions.ReferToSheetWithSameName">
  34390. <summary>
  34391. When copying a worksheet to another workbook and the worksheet contains the formulas which refer to other worksheets in MS Excel,
  34392. the copied formulas should refer to source workbook.
  34393. But sometimes we have copied other worksheets and we hope the copied formulas refer to other worksheets with the name in the same workbook,
  34394. please set this property as true.
  34395. </summary>
  34396. <remarks>
  34397. The default value is true.
  34398. </remarks>
  34399. </member>
  34400. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions.ReferToDestinationSheet">
  34401. <summary>
  34402. When copying the range in the same file and the chart refers to the source sheet,
  34403. False means the copied chart's data source will not be changed.
  34404. True means the copied chart's data source refers to the destination sheet.
  34405. </summary>
  34406. <remarks>
  34407. The default value is false, it works as MS Excel.
  34408. </remarks>
  34409. </member>
  34410. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode">
  34411. <summary>
  34412. Represents Excel country identifiers.
  34413. </summary>
  34414. </member>
  34415. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Default">
  34416. <summary>
  34417. </summary>
  34418. </member>
  34419. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.USA">
  34420. <summary>
  34421. United States
  34422. </summary>
  34423. </member>
  34424. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Canada">
  34425. <summary>
  34426. Canada
  34427. </summary>
  34428. </member>
  34429. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.LatinAmeric">
  34430. <summary>
  34431. Latin America, except Brazil
  34432. </summary>
  34433. </member>
  34434. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Russia">
  34435. <summary>
  34436. Russia
  34437. </summary>
  34438. </member>
  34439. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Egypt">
  34440. <summary>
  34441. Egypt
  34442. </summary>
  34443. </member>
  34444. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Greece">
  34445. <summary>
  34446. Greece
  34447. </summary>
  34448. </member>
  34449. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Netherlands">
  34450. <summary>
  34451. Netherlands
  34452. </summary>
  34453. </member>
  34454. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Belgium">
  34455. <summary>
  34456. Belgium
  34457. </summary>
  34458. </member>
  34459. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.France">
  34460. <summary>
  34461. France
  34462. </summary>
  34463. </member>
  34464. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Spain">
  34465. <summary>
  34466. Spain
  34467. </summary>
  34468. </member>
  34469. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Hungary">
  34470. <summary>
  34471. Hungary
  34472. </summary>
  34473. </member>
  34474. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Italy">
  34475. <summary>
  34476. Italy
  34477. </summary>
  34478. </member>
  34479. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Switzerland">
  34480. <summary>
  34481. Switzerland
  34482. </summary>
  34483. </member>
  34484. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Austria">
  34485. <summary>
  34486. Austria
  34487. </summary>
  34488. </member>
  34489. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.UnitedKingdom">
  34490. <summary>
  34491. United Kingdom
  34492. </summary>
  34493. </member>
  34494. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Denmark">
  34495. <summary>
  34496. Denmark
  34497. </summary>
  34498. </member>
  34499. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Sweden">
  34500. <summary>
  34501. Sweden
  34502. </summary>
  34503. </member>
  34504. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Norway">
  34505. <summary>
  34506. Norway
  34507. </summary>
  34508. </member>
  34509. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Poland">
  34510. <summary>
  34511. Poland
  34512. </summary>
  34513. </member>
  34514. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Germany">
  34515. <summary>
  34516. Germany
  34517. </summary>
  34518. </member>
  34519. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Mexico">
  34520. <summary>
  34521. Mexico
  34522. </summary>
  34523. </member>
  34524. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Brazil">
  34525. <summary>
  34526. Brazil
  34527. </summary>
  34528. </member>
  34529. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Australia">
  34530. <summary>
  34531. Australia
  34532. </summary>
  34533. </member>
  34534. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.NewZealand">
  34535. <summary>
  34536. New Zealand
  34537. </summary>
  34538. </member>
  34539. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Thailand">
  34540. <summary>
  34541. Thailand
  34542. </summary>
  34543. </member>
  34544. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Japan">
  34545. <summary>
  34546. Japan
  34547. </summary>
  34548. </member>
  34549. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.SouthKorea">
  34550. <summary>
  34551. SouthKorea
  34552. </summary>
  34553. </member>
  34554. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.VietNam">
  34555. <summary>
  34556. Viet Nam
  34557. </summary>
  34558. </member>
  34559. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.China">
  34560. <summary>
  34561. People's Republic of China
  34562. </summary>
  34563. </member>
  34564. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Turkey">
  34565. <summary>
  34566. Turkey
  34567. </summary>
  34568. </member>
  34569. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.India">
  34570. <summary>
  34571. India
  34572. </summary>
  34573. </member>
  34574. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Algeria">
  34575. <summary>
  34576. Algeria
  34577. </summary>
  34578. </member>
  34579. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Morocco">
  34580. <summary>
  34581. Morocco
  34582. </summary>
  34583. </member>
  34584. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Libya">
  34585. <summary>
  34586. Libya
  34587. </summary>
  34588. </member>
  34589. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Portugal">
  34590. <summary>
  34591. Portugal
  34592. </summary>
  34593. </member>
  34594. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Iceland">
  34595. <summary>
  34596. Iceland
  34597. </summary>
  34598. </member>
  34599. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Finland">
  34600. <summary>
  34601. Finland
  34602. </summary>
  34603. </member>
  34604. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Czech">
  34605. <summary>
  34606. Czech Republic
  34607. </summary>
  34608. </member>
  34609. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Taiwan">
  34610. <summary>
  34611. Taiwan
  34612. </summary>
  34613. </member>
  34614. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Lebanon">
  34615. <summary>
  34616. Lebanon
  34617. </summary>
  34618. </member>
  34619. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Jordan">
  34620. <summary>
  34621. Jordan
  34622. </summary>
  34623. </member>
  34624. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Syria">
  34625. <summary>
  34626. Syria
  34627. </summary>
  34628. </member>
  34629. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Iraq">
  34630. <summary>
  34631. Iraq
  34632. </summary>
  34633. </member>
  34634. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Kuwait">
  34635. <summary>
  34636. Kuwait
  34637. </summary>
  34638. </member>
  34639. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Saudi">
  34640. <summary>
  34641. Saudi Arabia
  34642. </summary>
  34643. </member>
  34644. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.UnitedArabEmirates">
  34645. <summary>
  34646. United Arab Emirates
  34647. </summary>
  34648. </member>
  34649. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Israel">
  34650. <summary>
  34651. Israel
  34652. </summary>
  34653. </member>
  34654. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Qatar">
  34655. <summary>
  34656. Qatar
  34657. </summary>
  34658. </member>
  34659. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.CountryCode.Iran">
  34660. <summary>
  34661. Iran
  34662. </summary>
  34663. </member>
  34664. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomPropertyCollection">
  34665. <summary>
  34666. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomProperty" /> objects that represent additional information.
  34667. </summary>
  34668. </member>
  34669. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomPropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  34670. <summary>
  34671. Adds custom property information.
  34672. </summary>
  34673. <param name="name">The name of the custom property.</param>
  34674. <param name="value">The value of the custom property.</param>
  34675. </member>
  34676. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomPropertyCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  34677. <summary>
  34678. Gets the custom property by the specific index.
  34679. </summary>
  34680. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  34681. <returns>The custom property</returns>
  34682. </member>
  34683. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomPropertyCollection.Item(System.String)">
  34684. <summary>
  34685. Gets the custom property by the property name.
  34686. </summary>
  34687. <param name="name">The property name.</param>
  34688. <returns>The custom property</returns>
  34689. </member>
  34690. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomProperty">
  34691. <summary>
  34692. Represents identifier information.
  34693. </summary>
  34694. </member>
  34695. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomProperty.Name">
  34696. <summary>
  34697. Returns or sets the name of the object.
  34698. </summary>
  34699. </member>
  34700. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomProperty.StringValue">
  34701. <summary>
  34702. Returns or sets the value of the custom property.
  34703. </summary>
  34704. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  34705. please use CustomProperty.Value property.
  34706. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  34707. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  34708. </member>
  34709. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomProperty.Value">
  34710. <summary>
  34711. Returns or sets the value of the custom property.
  34712. </summary>
  34713. </member>
  34714. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels">
  34715. <summary>
  34716. Encapsulates a collection of all the DataLabel objects for the specified Series.
  34717. </summary>
  34718. <example>
  34719. <code>
  34720. [C#]
  34721. //Set the DataLabels in the chart
  34722. DataLabels datalabels;
  34723. for (int i = 0; i &lt;chart.NSeries.Count; i++)
  34724. {
  34725. datalabels = chart.NSeries[i].DataLabels;
  34726. //Set the position of DataLabels
  34727. datalabels.Position = LabelPositionType.InsideBase;
  34728. //Show the category name in the DataLabels
  34729. datalabels.ShowCategoryName = true;
  34730. //Show the value in the DataLabels
  34731. datalabels.ShowValue = true;
  34732. //Not show the percentage in the DataLabels
  34733. datalabels.ShowPercentage = false;
  34734. //Not show the legend key.
  34735. datalabels.ShowLegendKey = false;
  34736. }
  34737. [Visual Basic]
  34738. 'Set the DataLabels in the chart
  34739. Dim datalabels As DataLabels
  34740. Dim i As Integer
  34741. For i = 0 To chart.NSeries.Count - 1 Step 1
  34742. datalabels = chart.NSeries(i).DataLabels
  34743. 'Set the position of DataLabels
  34744. datalabels.Position = LabelPositionType.InsideBase
  34745. 'Show the category name in the DataLabels
  34746. datalabels.ShowCategoryName= True
  34747. 'Show the value in the DataLabels
  34748. datalabels.ShowValue = True
  34749. 'Not show the percentage in the DataLabels
  34750. datalabels.ShowPercentage = False
  34751. 'Not show the legend key.
  34752. datalabels.ShowLegendKey = False
  34753. Next
  34754. </code>
  34755. </example>
  34756. </member>
  34757. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.Border">
  34758. <summary>
  34759. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line">border</see>.
  34760. </summary>
  34761. </member>
  34762. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.Area">
  34763. <summary>
  34764. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.Area">area</see>.
  34765. </summary>
  34766. </member>
  34767. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.IsAutoText">
  34768. <summary>
  34769. Indicates the text is auto generated.
  34770. </summary>
  34771. </member>
  34772. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.DirectionType">
  34773. <summary>
  34774. Gets and sets the direction of text.
  34775. </summary>
  34776. </member>
  34777. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.Text">
  34778. <summary>
  34779. Gets or sets the text of data label.
  34780. </summary>
  34781. </member>
  34782. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.IsTextWrapped">
  34783. <summary>
  34784. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text is wrapped.
  34785. </summary>
  34786. </member>
  34787. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.LinkedSource">
  34788. <summary>
  34789. Gets and sets the linked source.
  34790. </summary>
  34791. </member>
  34792. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.BackgroundMode">
  34793. <summary>
  34794. Gets and sets the display mode of the background
  34795. </summary>
  34796. </member>
  34797. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.ShowValue">
  34798. <summary>
  34799. Represents a specified chart's data label values display behavior. True displays the values. False to hide.
  34800. </summary>
  34801. </member>
  34802. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.ShowCellRange">
  34803. <summary>
  34804. Indicates whether showing cell range as the data labels.
  34805. </summary>
  34806. </member>
  34807. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.ShowPercentage">
  34808. <summary>
  34809. Represents a specified chart's data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide.
  34810. </summary>
  34811. </member>
  34812. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.ShowBubbleSize">
  34813. <summary>
  34814. Represents a specified chart's data label percentage value display behavior. True displays the percentage value. False to hide.
  34815. </summary>
  34816. </member>
  34817. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.ShowCategoryName">
  34818. <summary>
  34819. Represents a specified chart's data label category name display behavior.True to display the category name for the data labels on a chart. False to hide.
  34820. </summary>
  34821. </member>
  34822. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.ShowSeriesName">
  34823. <summary>
  34824. Returns or sets a Boolean to indicate the series name display behavior for the data labels on a chart.
  34825. True to show the series name. False to hide.
  34826. </summary>
  34827. </member>
  34828. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.ShowLegendKey">
  34829. <summary>
  34830. Represents a specified chart's data label legend key display behavior.
  34831. True if the data label legend key is visible.
  34832. </summary>
  34833. </member>
  34834. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.NumberFormat">
  34835. <summary>
  34836. Represents the format string for the DataLabels object.
  34837. </summary>
  34838. </member>
  34839. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.Number">
  34840. <summary>
  34841. Gets and sets the built-in number format.
  34842. </summary>
  34843. </member>
  34844. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.NumberFormatLinked">
  34845. <summary>
  34846. True if the number format is linked to the cells
  34847. (so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
  34848. </summary>
  34849. </member>
  34850. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.Font">
  34851. <summary>
  34852. Gets the font of the DataLabels;
  34853. </summary>
  34854. </member>
  34855. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.Separator">
  34856. <summary>
  34857. Gets or sets the separator type used for the data labels on a chart.
  34858. </summary>
  34859. <remarks>
  34860. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  34861. please use DataLabels.SeparatorType property.
  34862. This property will be removed 12 months later since September 2020.
  34863. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  34864. </member>
  34865. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.SeparatorType">
  34866. <summary>
  34867. Gets or sets the separator type used for the data labels on a chart.
  34868. </summary>
  34869. <remarks>
  34870. To set custom separator, please set the property <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.SeparatorType" /> as <see cref="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType.Custom" /> and then specify the expected value for <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.SeparatorValue" />.
  34871. </remarks>
  34872. </member>
  34873. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.SeparatorValue">
  34874. <summary>
  34875. Gets or sets the separator value used for the data labels on a chart.
  34876. </summary>
  34877. </member>
  34878. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.Position">
  34879. <summary>
  34880. Represents the position of the data label.
  34881. </summary>
  34882. </member>
  34883. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabels.ShapeType">
  34884. <summary>
  34885. Gets or sets shape type of data label.
  34886. </summary>
  34887. </member>
  34888. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType">
  34889. <summary>
  34890. Represents the separator type of DataLabels.
  34891. </summary>
  34892. </member>
  34893. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType.Auto">
  34894. <summary>
  34895. Represents automatic separator
  34896. </summary>
  34897. </member>
  34898. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType.Space">
  34899. <summary>
  34900. Represents space(" ")
  34901. </summary>
  34902. </member>
  34903. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType.Comma">
  34904. <summary>
  34905. Represents comma(",")
  34906. </summary>
  34907. </member>
  34908. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType.Semicolon">
  34909. <summary>
  34910. Represents semicolon(";")
  34911. </summary>
  34912. </member>
  34913. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType.Period">
  34914. <summary>
  34915. Represents period(".")
  34916. </summary>
  34917. </member>
  34918. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType.NewLine">
  34919. <summary>
  34920. Represents newline("\n")
  34921. </summary>
  34922. </member>
  34923. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DataLabelsSeparatorType.Custom">
  34924. <summary>
  34925. Represents custom separator
  34926. </summary>
  34927. </member>
  34928. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter">
  34929. <summary>
  34930. Summary description for DataSorter.
  34931. </summary>
  34932. <example>
  34933. <code>
  34934. [C#]
  34935. //Instantiate a new Workbook object.
  34936. Workbook workbook = new Workbook("C:\\Book1.xls");
  34937. //Get the workbook datasorter object.
  34938. DataSorter sorter = workbook.DataSorter;
  34939. //Set the first order for datasorter object.
  34940. sorter.Order1 = Aspose.Cells.SortOrder.Descending;
  34941. //Define the first key.
  34942. sorter.Key1 = 0;
  34943. //Set the second order for datasorter object.
  34944. sorter.Order2 = Aspose.Cells.SortOrder.Ascending;
  34945. //Define the second key.
  34946. sorter.Key2 = 1;
  34947. //Create a cells area (range).
  34948. CellArea ca = new CellArea();
  34949. //Specify the start row index.
  34950. ca.StartRow = 0;
  34951. //Specify the start column index.
  34952. ca.StartColumn = 0;
  34953. //Specify the last row index.
  34954. ca.EndRow = 13;
  34955. //Specify the last column index.
  34956. ca.EndColumn = 1;
  34957. //Sort data in the specified data range (A1:B14)
  34958. sorter.Sort(workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells, ca);
  34959. //Save the excel file.
  34960. workbook.Save("C:\\outBook.xls");
  34961. [Visual Basic]
  34962. 'Instantiate a new Workbook object.
  34963. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook("C:\Book1.xls")
  34964. 'Get the workbook datasorter object.
  34965. Dim sorter As DataSorter = workbook.DataSorter
  34966. 'Set the first order for datasorter object
  34967. sorter.Order1 = Aspose.Cells.SortOrder.Descending
  34968. 'Define the first key.
  34969. sorter.Key1 = 0
  34970. 'Set the second order for datasorter object.
  34971. sorter.Order2 = Aspose.Cells.SortOrder.Ascending
  34972. 'Define the second key.
  34973. sorter.Key2 = 1
  34974. 'Create a cells area (range).
  34975. Dim ca As CellArea = New CellArea
  34976. 'Specify the start row index.
  34977. ca.StartRow = 0
  34978. 'Specify the start column index.
  34979. ca.StartColumn = 0
  34980. 'Specify the last row index.
  34981. ca.EndRow = 13
  34982. 'Specify the last column index.
  34983. ca.EndColumn = 1
  34984. 'Sort the data in the specified data range (A1:B14)
  34985. sorter.Sort(workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells, ca)
  34986. 'Save the excel file.
  34987. workbook.Save("C:\outBook.xls")
  34988. </code>
  34989. </example>
  34990. </member>
  34991. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Clear">
  34992. <summary>
  34993. Clear all settings.
  34994. </summary>
  34995. </member>
  34996. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.AddKey(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.SortOrder)">
  34997. <summary>
  34998. Adds sorted column index and sort order.
  34999. </summary>
  35000. <param name="key">The sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...)</param>
  35001. <param name="order">The sort order</param>
  35002. </member>
  35003. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.AddKey(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.SortOrder,System.String)">
  35004. <summary>
  35005. Adds sorted column index and sort order with custom sort list.
  35006. </summary>
  35007. <param name="key">The sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...)</param>
  35008. <param name="order">The sort order.</param>
  35009. <param name="customList">The custom sort list.</param>
  35010. </member>
  35011. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.AddKey(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.SortOnType,Aspose.Cells.SortOrder,System.Object)">
  35012. <summary>
  35013. Adds sorted column index and sort order with custom sort list.
  35014. </summary>
  35015. <param name="key">The sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...)</param>
  35016. <param name="type">The sorted value type.</param>
  35017. <param name="order">The sort order.</param>
  35018. <param name="customList">The custom sort list.</param>
  35019. <remarks>
  35020. If type is SortOnType.CellColor or SortOnType.FontColor, the customList is Color.
  35021. </remarks>
  35022. </member>
  35023. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.AddKey(System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.SortOrder,System.String[])">
  35024. <summary>
  35025. Adds sorted column index and sort order with custom sort list.
  35026. </summary>
  35027. <param name="key">The sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...)</param>
  35028. <param name="order">The sort order.</param>
  35029. <param name="customList">The custom sort list.</param>
  35030. </member>
  35031. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Sort(Aspose.Cells.Cells,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  35032. <summary>
  35033. Sorts the data of the area.
  35034. </summary>
  35035. <param name="cells">The cells contains the data area.</param>
  35036. <param name="startRow">The start row of the area.</param>
  35037. <param name="startColumn">The start column of the area.</param>
  35038. <param name="endRow">The end row of the area.</param>
  35039. <param name="endColumn">The end column of the area.</param>
  35040. </member>
  35041. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Sort(Aspose.Cells.Cells,Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  35042. <summary>
  35043. Sort the data of the area.
  35044. </summary>
  35045. <param name="cells">The cells contains the data area.</param>
  35046. <param name="area">The area needed to sort</param>
  35047. </member>
  35048. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Sort">
  35049. <summary>
  35050. Sort the data in the range.
  35051. </summary>
  35052. </member>
  35053. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Keys">
  35054. <summary>
  35055. Gets the key list of data sorter.
  35056. </summary>
  35057. </member>
  35058. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.HasHeaders">
  35059. <summary>
  35060. Represents whether the range has headers.
  35061. </summary>
  35062. </member>
  35063. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Key1">
  35064. <summary>
  35065. Represents first sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...).
  35066. </summary>
  35067. </member>
  35068. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Order1">
  35069. <summary>
  35070. Represents sort order of the first key.
  35071. </summary>
  35072. </member>
  35073. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Key2">
  35074. <summary>
  35075. Represents second sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...).
  35076. </summary>
  35077. </member>
  35078. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Order2">
  35079. <summary>
  35080. Represents sort order of the second key.
  35081. </summary>
  35082. </member>
  35083. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Key3">
  35084. <summary>
  35085. Represents third sorted column index(absolute position, column A is 0, B is 1, ...).
  35086. </summary>
  35087. </member>
  35088. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.Order3">
  35089. <summary>
  35090. Represents sort order of the third key.
  35091. </summary>
  35092. </member>
  35093. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.SortLeftToRight">
  35094. <summary>
  35095. True means that sorting orientation is from left to right.
  35096. False means that sorting orientation is from top to bottom.
  35097. The default value is false.
  35098. </summary>
  35099. </member>
  35100. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.CaseSensitive">
  35101. <summary>
  35102. Gets and sets whether case sensitive when comparing string.
  35103. </summary>
  35104. </member>
  35105. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.DataSorter.SortAsNumber">
  35106. <summary>
  35107. Indicates whether sorting anything that looks like a number.
  35108. </summary>
  35109. </member>
  35110. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.DisplayDrawingObjects">
  35111. <summary>
  35112. Represents whether and how to show objects in the workbook.
  35113. </summary>
  35114. </member>
  35115. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DisplayDrawingObjects.DisplayShapes">
  35116. <summary>
  35117. Show all objects
  35118. </summary>
  35119. </member>
  35120. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DisplayDrawingObjects.Placeholders">
  35121. <summary>
  35122. Show placeholders
  35123. </summary>
  35124. </member>
  35125. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.DisplayDrawingObjects.Hide">
  35126. <summary>
  35127. Hide all shapes.
  35128. </summary>
  35129. </member>
  35130. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitLabel">
  35131. <summary>
  35132. Represents the display unit label.
  35133. </summary>
  35134. <example>
  35135. <code>
  35136. [C#]
  35137. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  35138. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  35139. //Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  35140. int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  35141. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  35142. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
  35143. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  35144. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  35145. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  35146. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  35147. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  35148. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  35149. //Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
  35150. worksheet.Cells["A4"].PutValue(200);
  35151. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  35152. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  35153. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  35154. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  35155. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  35156. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  35157. //Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
  35158. worksheet.Cells["B4"].PutValue(40);
  35159. //Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
  35160. worksheet.Cells["C1"].PutValue("Q1");
  35161. //Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
  35162. worksheet.Cells["C2"].PutValue("Q2");
  35163. //Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
  35164. worksheet.Cells["C3"].PutValue("Y1");
  35165. //Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
  35166. worksheet.Cells["C4"].PutValue("Y2");
  35167. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  35168. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);
  35169. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  35170. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  35171. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
  35172. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", true);
  35173. //Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
  35174. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4";
  35175. //Setting the display unit of value(Y) axis.
  35176. chart.ValueAxis.DisplayUnit = DisplayUnitType.Hundreds;
  35177. DisplayUnitLabel displayUnitLabel = chart.ValueAxis.DisplayUnitLabel;
  35178. //Setting the custom display unit label
  35179. displayUnitLabel.Text = "100";
  35180. //Saving the Excel file
  35181. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  35182. [Visual Basic]
  35183. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  35184. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  35185. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  35186. Dim sheetIndex As Int32 = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  35187. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  35188. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(sheetIndex)
  35189. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  35190. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  35191. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  35192. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  35193. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  35194. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  35195. 'Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
  35196. worksheet.Cells("A4").PutValue(200)
  35197. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  35198. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  35199. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  35200. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  35201. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  35202. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  35203. 'Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
  35204. worksheet.Cells("B4").PutValue(40)
  35205. 'Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
  35206. worksheet.Cells("C1").PutValue("Q1")
  35207. 'Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
  35208. worksheet.Cells("C2").PutValue("Q2")
  35209. 'Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
  35210. worksheet.Cells("C3").PutValue("Y1")
  35211. 'Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
  35212. worksheet.Cells("C4").PutValue("Y2")
  35213. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  35214. Dim chartIndex As Int32 = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5)
  35215. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  35216. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  35217. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
  35218. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", True)
  35219. 'Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
  35220. Chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4"
  35221. 'Setting the display unit of value(Y) axis.
  35222. chart.ValueAxis.DisplayUnit = DisplayUnitType.Hundreds
  35223. Dim displayUnitLabel As DisplayUnitLabel = chart.ValueAxis.DisplayUnitLabel
  35224. 'Setting the custom display unit label
  35225. displayUnitLabel.Text = "100"
  35226. 'Saving the Excel file
  35227. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls")
  35228. </code>
  35229. </example>
  35230. </member>
  35231. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitLabel.Text">
  35232. <summary>
  35233. Gets or sets the text of display unit label.
  35234. </summary>
  35235. </member>
  35236. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitLabel.Font">
  35237. <summary>
  35238. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitLabel.Font" /> object of the specified ChartFrame object.
  35239. </summary>
  35240. </member>
  35241. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitLabel.AutoScaleFont">
  35242. <summary>
  35243. True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
  35244. </summary>
  35245. </member>
  35246. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType">
  35247. <summary>
  35248. Represents the type of display unit.
  35249. </summary>
  35250. </member>
  35251. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.None">
  35252. <summary>
  35253. Display unit is None.
  35254. </summary>
  35255. </member>
  35256. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.Hundreds">
  35257. <summary>
  35258. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100.
  35259. </summary>
  35260. </member>
  35261. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.Thousands">
  35262. <summary>
  35263. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000.
  35264. </summary>
  35265. </member>
  35266. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.TenThousands">
  35267. <summary>
  35268. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000.
  35269. </summary>
  35270. </member>
  35271. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.HundredThousands">
  35272. <summary>
  35273. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000.
  35274. </summary>
  35275. </member>
  35276. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.Millions">
  35277. <summary>
  35278. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000.
  35279. </summary>
  35280. </member>
  35281. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.TenMillions">
  35282. <summary>
  35283. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000,000.
  35284. </summary>
  35285. </member>
  35286. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.HundredMillions">
  35287. <summary>
  35288. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000,000.
  35289. </summary>
  35290. </member>
  35291. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.Billions">
  35292. <summary>
  35293. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000.
  35294. </summary>
  35295. </member>
  35296. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.Trillions">
  35297. <summary>
  35298. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000,000.
  35299. </summary>
  35300. </member>
  35301. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.Percentage">
  35302. <summary>
  35303. The values on the chart shall be divided by 0.01.
  35304. </summary>
  35305. </member>
  35306. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DisplayUnitType.Cust">
  35307. <summary>
  35308. specifies a custom value for the display unit.
  35309. </summary>
  35310. </member>
  35311. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection">
  35312. <summary>
  35313. A collection of built-in document properties.
  35314. </summary>
  35315. <remarks>
  35316. <p>Provides access to <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> objects by their names (using an indexer) and
  35317. via a set of typed properties that return values of appropriate types.</p>
  35318. </remarks>
  35319. </member>
  35320. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection">
  35321. <summary>
  35322. Base class for <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection" /> collections.
  35323. </summary>
  35324. <example>
  35325. <code>
  35326. [C#]
  35327. //Instantiate a Workbook object by calling its empty constructor
  35328. Workbook workbook = new Workbook("C:\\book1.xls");
  35329. //Retrieve a list of all custom document properties of the Excel file
  35330. DocumentPropertyCollection customProperties = workbook.Worksheets.CustomDocumentProperties;
  35331. //Accessng a custom document property by using the property index
  35332. DocumentProperty customProperty1 = customProperties[3];
  35333. //Accessng a custom document property by using the property name
  35334. DocumentProperty customProperty2 = customProperties["Owner"];
  35335. [VB.NET]
  35336. 'Instantiate a Workbook object by calling its empty constructor
  35337. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook("C:\\book1.xls")
  35338. 'Retrieve a list of all custom document properties of the Excel file
  35339. Dim customProperties As DocumentPropertyCollection = workbook.Worksheets.CustomDocumentProperties
  35340. 'Accessng a custom document property by using the property index
  35341. Dim customProperty1 As DocumentProperty = customProperties(3)
  35342. 'Accessng a custom document property by using the property name
  35343. Dim customProperty2 As DocumentProperty = customProperties("Owner")
  35344. </code>
  35345. </example>
  35346. </member>
  35347. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.GetEnumerator">
  35348. <summary>
  35349. </summary>
  35350. <returns>
  35351. </returns>
  35352. </member>
  35353. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  35354. <summary>
  35355. Returns true if a property with the specified name exists in the collection.
  35356. </summary>
  35357. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property.</param>
  35358. <returns>True if the property exists in the collection; false otherwise.</returns>
  35359. </member>
  35360. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.IndexOf(System.String)">
  35361. <summary>
  35362. Gets the index of a property by name.
  35363. </summary>
  35364. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property.</param>
  35365. <returns>The zero based index. Negative value if not found.</returns>
  35366. </member>
  35367. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  35368. <summary>
  35369. Removes a property with the specified name from the collection.
  35370. </summary>
  35371. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property.</param>
  35372. </member>
  35373. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  35374. <summary>
  35375. Removes a property at the specified index.
  35376. </summary>
  35377. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  35378. </member>
  35379. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Clear">
  35380. <summary>
  35381. Removes all properties from the collection.
  35382. </summary>
  35383. </member>
  35384. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Count">
  35385. <summary>
  35386. Gets number of items in the collection.
  35387. </summary>
  35388. </member>
  35389. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Item(System.String)">
  35390. <overloads>Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object.</overloads>
  35391. <summary>
  35392. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object by the name of the property.
  35393. </summary>
  35394. <remarks>
  35395. <p>Returns null if a property with the specified name is not found.</p>
  35396. </remarks>
  35397. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property to retrieve.</param>
  35398. </member>
  35399. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  35400. <summary>
  35401. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object by index.
  35402. </summary>
  35403. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> to retrieve.</param>
  35404. </member>
  35405. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Item(System.String)">
  35406. <overloads>Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object.</overloads>
  35407. <summary>
  35408. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object by the name of the property.
  35409. </summary>
  35410. <remarks>
  35411. <p>The string names of the properties correspond to the names of the typed
  35412. properties available from <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection" />.</p>
  35413. <p>If you request a property that is not present in the document, but the name
  35414. of the property is recognized as a valid built-in name, a new <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" />
  35415. is created, added to the collection and returned. The newly created property is assigned
  35416. a default value (empty string, zero, false or DateTime.MinValue depending on the type
  35417. of the built-in property).</p>
  35418. <p>If you request a property that is not present in the document and the name
  35419. is not recognized as a built-in name, a null is returned.</p>
  35420. </remarks>
  35421. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property to retrieve.</param>
  35422. </member>
  35423. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Language">
  35424. <summary>
  35425. Gets or sets the document's language.
  35426. </summary>
  35427. </member>
  35428. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Author">
  35429. <summary>
  35430. Gets or sets the name of the document's author.
  35431. </summary>
  35432. </member>
  35433. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Bytes">
  35434. <summary>
  35435. Represents an estimate of the number of bytes in the document.
  35436. </summary>
  35437. </member>
  35438. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Characters">
  35439. <summary>
  35440. Represents an estimate of the number of characters in the document.
  35441. </summary>
  35442. </member>
  35443. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.CharactersWithSpaces">
  35444. <summary>
  35445. Represents an estimate of the number of characters (including spaces) in the document.
  35446. </summary>
  35447. </member>
  35448. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Comments">
  35449. <summary>
  35450. Gets or sets the document comments.
  35451. </summary>
  35452. </member>
  35453. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Category">
  35454. <summary>
  35455. Gets or sets the category of the document.
  35456. </summary>
  35457. </member>
  35458. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.ContentType">
  35459. <summary>
  35460. Gets or sets the content type of the document.
  35461. </summary>
  35462. </member>
  35463. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.ContentStatus">
  35464. <summary>
  35465. Gets or sets the content status of the document.
  35466. </summary>
  35467. </member>
  35468. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Company">
  35469. <summary>
  35470. Gets or sets the company property.
  35471. </summary>
  35472. </member>
  35473. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.HyperlinkBase">
  35474. <summary>
  35475. Gets or sets the hyperlinkbase property.
  35476. </summary>
  35477. </member>
  35478. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.CreatedTime">
  35479. <summary>
  35480. Gets or sets date of the document creation in local timezone.
  35481. </summary>
  35482. <remarks>
  35483. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35484. </remarks>
  35485. </member>
  35486. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.CreatedUniversalTime">
  35487. <summary>
  35488. Gets or sets the Universal time of the document creation.
  35489. </summary>
  35490. <remarks>
  35491. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35492. </remarks>
  35493. </member>
  35494. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Keywords">
  35495. <summary>
  35496. Gets or sets the document keywords.
  35497. </summary>
  35498. </member>
  35499. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.LastPrinted">
  35500. <summary>
  35501. Gets or sets the date when the document was last printed in local timezone.
  35502. </summary>
  35503. <remarks>
  35504. <p>If the document was never printed, this property will return DateTime.MinValue.</p>
  35505. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35506. </remarks>
  35507. </member>
  35508. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.LastPrintedUniversalTime">
  35509. <summary>
  35510. Gets or sets the Universal time when the document was last printed.
  35511. </summary>
  35512. </member>
  35513. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.LastSavedBy">
  35514. <summary>
  35515. Gets or sets the name of the last author.
  35516. </summary>
  35517. <remarks>
  35518. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35519. </remarks>
  35520. </member>
  35521. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.LastSavedTime">
  35522. <summary>
  35523. Gets or sets the time of the last save in local timezone.
  35524. </summary>
  35525. <remarks>
  35526. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35527. </remarks>
  35528. </member>
  35529. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.LastSavedUniversalTime">
  35530. <summary>
  35531. Gets or sets the universal time of the last save.
  35532. </summary>
  35533. <remarks>
  35534. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35535. </remarks>
  35536. </member>
  35537. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Lines">
  35538. <summary>
  35539. Represents an estimate of the number of lines in the document.
  35540. </summary>
  35541. <remarks>
  35542. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35543. </remarks>
  35544. </member>
  35545. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Manager">
  35546. <summary>
  35547. Gets or sets the manager property.
  35548. </summary>
  35549. </member>
  35550. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.NameOfApplication">
  35551. <summary>
  35552. Gets or sets the name of the application.
  35553. </summary>
  35554. </member>
  35555. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Pages">
  35556. <summary>
  35557. Represents an estimate of the number of pages in the document.
  35558. </summary>
  35559. </member>
  35560. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Paragraphs">
  35561. <summary>
  35562. Represents an estimate of the number of paragraphs in the document.
  35563. </summary>
  35564. </member>
  35565. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.RevisionNumber">
  35566. <summary>
  35567. Gets or sets the document revision number.
  35568. </summary>
  35569. <remarks>
  35570. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35571. </remarks>
  35572. <remarks>NOTE: This property is now obsolete.
  35573. Instead, please use BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Revision property,
  35574. this property will be removed 12 months later since February 2017.
  35575. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  35576. </member>
  35577. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Revision">
  35578. <summary>
  35579. Gets or sets the document revision number.
  35580. </summary>
  35581. <remarks>
  35582. <p>Aspose.Cells does not update this property when you modify the document.</p>
  35583. </remarks>
  35584. </member>
  35585. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Subject">
  35586. <summary>
  35587. Gets or sets the subject of the document.
  35588. </summary>
  35589. </member>
  35590. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Template">
  35591. <summary>
  35592. Gets or sets the informational name of the document template.
  35593. </summary>
  35594. </member>
  35595. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Title">
  35596. <summary>
  35597. Gets or sets the title of the document.
  35598. </summary>
  35599. </member>
  35600. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.TotalEditingTime">
  35601. <summary>
  35602. Gets or sets the total editing time in minutes.
  35603. </summary>
  35604. </member>
  35605. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Version">
  35606. <summary>
  35607. Represents the version number of the application that created the document.
  35608. </summary>
  35609. <remarks>
  35610. It's format is "00.0000",for example : 12.0000
  35611. </remarks>
  35612. </member>
  35613. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.DocumentVersion">
  35614. <summary>
  35615. Represents the version of the file.
  35616. </summary>
  35617. </member>
  35618. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.ScaleCrop">
  35619. <summary>
  35620. Indicates the display mode of the document thumbnail.
  35621. </summary>
  35622. </member>
  35623. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.LinksUpToDate">
  35624. <summary>
  35625. Indicates whether hyperlinks in a document are up-to-date.
  35626. </summary>
  35627. </member>
  35628. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.BuiltInDocumentPropertyCollection.Words">
  35629. <summary>
  35630. Represents an estimate of the number of words in the document.
  35631. </summary>
  35632. </member>
  35633. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection">
  35634. <summary>
  35635. A collection of custom document properties.
  35636. </summary>
  35637. <remarks>
  35638. <p>Each <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object represents a custom property of a container document.</p>
  35639. </remarks>
  35640. <example>
  35641. <code>
  35642. [C#]
  35643. //Instantiate a Workbook object
  35644. Workbook workbook = new Workbook("C:\\book1.xls");
  35645. //Retrieve a list of all custom document properties of the Excel file
  35646. CustomDocumentPropertyCollection customProperties = workbook.Worksheets.CustomDocumentProperties;
  35647. [VB.NET]
  35648. 'Instantiate a Workbook object
  35649. Dim workbook As New Workbook("C:\book1.xls")
  35650. 'Retrieve a list of all custom document properties of the Excel file
  35651. Dim customProperties As CustomDocumentPropertyCollection = workbook.Worksheets.CustomDocumentProperties
  35652. </code>
  35653. </example>
  35654. </member>
  35655. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  35656. <overloads>Creates a new custom document property.</overloads>
  35657. <summary>
  35658. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.String</b> data type.
  35659. </summary>
  35660. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  35661. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  35662. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  35663. </member>
  35664. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.Int32)">
  35665. <summary>
  35666. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.Number</b> data type.
  35667. </summary>
  35668. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  35669. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  35670. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  35671. </member>
  35672. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.DateTime)">
  35673. <summary>
  35674. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.DateTime</b> data type.
  35675. </summary>
  35676. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  35677. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  35678. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  35679. </member>
  35680. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  35681. <summary>
  35682. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.Boolean</b> data type.
  35683. </summary>
  35684. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  35685. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  35686. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  35687. </member>
  35688. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection.Add(System.String,System.Double)">
  35689. <summary>
  35690. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.Float</b> data type.
  35691. </summary>
  35692. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  35693. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  35694. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  35695. </member>
  35696. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection.AddLinkToContent(System.String,System.String)">
  35697. <summary>
  35698. Creates a new custom document property which links to content.
  35699. </summary>
  35700. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  35701. <param name="source">The source of the property</param>
  35702. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  35703. </member>
  35704. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection.UpdateLinkedPropertyValue">
  35705. <summary>
  35706. Update custom document property value which links to content.
  35707. </summary>
  35708. </member>
  35709. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.CustomDocumentPropertyCollection.UpdateLinkedRange">
  35710. <summary>
  35711. Update custom document property value to linked range.
  35712. </summary>
  35713. </member>
  35714. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty">
  35715. <summary>
  35716. Represents a custom or built-in document property.
  35717. </summary>
  35718. <example>
  35719. <code>
  35720. [C#]
  35721. //Instantiate a Workbook object
  35722. Workbook workbook = new Workbook("C:\\book1.xls");
  35723. //Retrieve a list of all custom document properties of the Excel file
  35724. DocumentPropertyCollection customProperties = workbook.Worksheets.CustomDocumentProperties;
  35725. //Accessng a custom document property by using the property index
  35726. DocumentProperty customProperty1 = customProperties[3];
  35727. //Accessng a custom document property by using the property name
  35728. DocumentProperty customProperty2 = customProperties["Owner"];
  35729. [VB.NET]
  35730. 'Instantiate a Workbook object
  35731. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook("C:\\book1.xls")
  35732. 'Retrieve a list of all custom document properties of the Excel file
  35733. Dim customProperties As DocumentPropertyCollection = workbook.Worksheets.CustomDocumentProperties
  35734. 'Accessng a custom document property by using the property index
  35735. Dim customProperty1 As DocumentProperty = customProperties(3)
  35736. 'Accessng a custom document property by using the property name
  35737. Dim customProperty2 As DocumentProperty = customProperties("Owner")
  35738. </code>
  35739. </example>
  35740. </member>
  35741. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToString">
  35742. <summary>
  35743. Returns the property value as a string.
  35744. </summary>
  35745. <remarks>
  35746. <p>Converts a number property using Object.ToString(). Converts a boolean property
  35747. into "Y" or "N". Converts a date property into a short date string.</p>
  35748. </remarks>
  35749. </member>
  35750. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToInt">
  35751. <summary>
  35752. Returns the property value as integer.
  35753. </summary>
  35754. <remarks>
  35755. Throws an exception if the property type is not PropertyType.Number.
  35756. </remarks>
  35757. </member>
  35758. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToDouble">
  35759. <summary>
  35760. Returns the property value as double.
  35761. </summary>
  35762. <remarks>
  35763. Throws an exception if the property type is not PropertyType.Float.
  35764. </remarks>
  35765. </member>
  35766. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToDateTime">
  35767. <summary>
  35768. Returns the property value as DateTime in local timezone.
  35769. </summary>
  35770. <remarks>
  35771. <p>Throws an exception if the property type is not PropertyType.Date.</p>
  35772. </remarks>
  35773. </member>
  35774. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToBool">
  35775. <summary>
  35776. Returns the property value as bool.
  35777. </summary>
  35778. <remarks>
  35779. <p>Throws an exception if the property type is not PropertyType.Boolean.</p>
  35780. </remarks>
  35781. </member>
  35782. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.Name">
  35783. <summary>
  35784. Returns the name of the property.
  35785. </summary>
  35786. </member>
  35787. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.Value">
  35788. <summary>
  35789. Gets or sets the value of the property.
  35790. </summary>
  35791. </member>
  35792. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.IsLinkedToContent">
  35793. <summary>
  35794. Indicates whether this property is linked to content
  35795. </summary>
  35796. </member>
  35797. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.Source">
  35798. <summary>
  35799. The linked content source.
  35800. </summary>
  35801. </member>
  35802. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.Type">
  35803. <summary>
  35804. Gets the data type of the property.
  35805. </summary>
  35806. </member>
  35807. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Properties.DocumentProperty.IsGeneratedName">
  35808. <summary>
  35809. Returns true if this property does not have a name in the OLE2 storage
  35810. and a unique name was generated only for the public API.
  35811. </summary>
  35812. </member>
  35813. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Properties.PropertyType">
  35814. <summary>
  35815. Specifies data type of a document property.
  35816. </summary>
  35817. </member>
  35818. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Properties.PropertyType.Boolean">
  35819. <summary>
  35820. The property is a boolean value.
  35821. </summary>
  35822. </member>
  35823. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Properties.PropertyType.DateTime">
  35824. <summary>
  35825. The property is a date time value.
  35826. </summary>
  35827. </member>
  35828. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Properties.PropertyType.Double">
  35829. <summary>
  35830. The property is a floating number.
  35831. </summary>
  35832. </member>
  35833. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Properties.PropertyType.Number">
  35834. <summary>
  35835. The property is an integer number.
  35836. </summary>
  35837. </member>
  35838. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Properties.PropertyType.String">
  35839. <summary>
  35840. The property is a string value.
  35841. </summary>
  35842. </member>
  35843. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Properties.PropertyType.Blob">
  35844. <summary>
  35845. The property is a byte array.
  35846. </summary>
  35847. </member>
  35848. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DropBars">
  35849. <summary>
  35850. Represents the up/down bars in a chart.
  35851. </summary>
  35852. </member>
  35853. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DropBars.Border">
  35854. <summary>
  35855. Gets the border <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line" />.
  35856. </summary>
  35857. </member>
  35858. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DropBars.Area">
  35859. <summary>
  35860. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.DropBars.Area" />.
  35861. </summary>
  35862. </member>
  35863. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.EncryptionType">
  35864. <summary>
  35865. Encryption Type.
  35866. Only used by excel2003.
  35867. We will encrypt 2007/2010 workbook using SHA AES the same as Excel does, and this EncryptionType will be ignored.
  35868. </summary>
  35869. </member>
  35870. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.EncryptionType.XOR">
  35871. <summary>
  35872. </summary>
  35873. </member>
  35874. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.EncryptionType.Compatible">
  35875. <summary>
  35876. Office 97/2000 compatible.
  35877. </summary>
  35878. </member>
  35879. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.EncryptionType.EnhancedCryptographicProviderV1">
  35880. <summary>
  35881. </summary>
  35882. </member>
  35883. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.EncryptionType.StrongCryptographicProvider">
  35884. <summary>
  35885. </summary>
  35886. </member>
  35887. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBar">
  35888. <summary>
  35889. Represents error bar of data series.
  35890. </summary>
  35891. <example>
  35892. <code>
  35893. [C#]
  35894. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  35895. Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  35896. cells["a1"].PutValue(2);
  35897. cells["a2"].PutValue(5);
  35898. cells["a3"].PutValue(3);
  35899. cells["a4"].PutValue(6);
  35900. cells["b1"].PutValue(4);
  35901. cells["b2"].PutValue(3);
  35902. cells["b3"].PutValue(6);
  35903. cells["b4"].PutValue(7);
  35904. cells["C1"].PutValue("Q1");
  35905. cells["C2"].PutValue("Q2");
  35906. cells["C3"].PutValue("Y1");
  35907. cells["C4"].PutValue("Y2");
  35908. int chartIndex = excel.Worksheets[0].Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 11, 0, 27, 10);
  35909. Chart chart = excel.Worksheets[0].Charts[chartIndex];
  35910. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", true);
  35911. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4";
  35912. for(int i = 0; i &lt; chart.NSeries.Count; i ++)
  35913. {
  35914. ASeries aseries = chart.NSeries[i];
  35915. aseries.YErrorBar.DisplayType = ErrorBarDisplayType.Minus;
  35916. aseries.YErrorBar.Type = ErrorBarType.FixedValue;
  35917. aseries.YErrorBar.Amount = 5;
  35918. }
  35919. [Visual Basic]
  35920. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  35921. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  35922. cells("a1").PutValue(2)
  35923. cells("a2").PutValue(5)
  35924. cells("a3").PutValue(3)
  35925. cells("a4").PutValue(6)
  35926. cells("b1").PutValue(4)
  35927. cells("b2").PutValue(3)
  35928. cells("b3").PutValue(6)
  35929. cells("b4").PutValue(7)
  35930. cells("C1").PutValue("Q1")
  35931. cells("C2").PutValue("Q2")
  35932. cells("C3").PutValue("Y1")
  35933. cells("C4").PutValue("Y2")
  35934. Dim chartIndex As Integer = excel.Worksheets(0).Charts.Add(ChartType.Column,11,0,27,10)
  35935. Dim chart As Chart = excel.Worksheets(0).Charts(chartIndex)
  35936. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", True)
  35937. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4"
  35938. Dim i As Integer
  35939. For i = 0 To chart.NSeries.Count - 1
  35940. Dim aseries As ASeries = chart.NSeries(i)
  35941. aseries.YErrorBar.DisplayType = ErrorBarDisplayType.Minus
  35942. aseries.YErrorBar.Type = ErrorBarType.FixedValue
  35943. aseries.YErrorBar.Amount = 5
  35944. Next
  35945. </code>
  35946. </example>
  35947. </member>
  35948. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line">
  35949. <summary>
  35950. Encapsulates the object that represents the line format.
  35951. </summary>
  35952. <example>
  35953. <code>
  35954. [C#]
  35955. //Applying a dotted line style on the lines of an NSeries
  35956. chart.NSeries[0].Border.Style = LineType.Dot;
  35957. chart.NSeries[0].Border.Color = Color.Red;
  35958. //Applying a triangular marker style on the data markers of an NSeries
  35959. chart.NSeries[0].MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Triangle;
  35960. //Setting the weight of all lines in an NSeries to medium
  35961. chart.NSeries[1].Border.Weight = WeightType.MediumLine;
  35962. chart.NSeries[1].Border.Color = Color.Green;
  35963. [Visual Basic]
  35964. 'Applying a dotted line style on the lines of an NSeries
  35965. chart.NSeries(0).Border.Style = LineType.Dot
  35966. chart.NSeries(0).Border.Color = Color.Red
  35967. 'Applying a triangular marker style on the data markers of an NSeries
  35968. chart.NSeries(0).MarkerStyle = ChartMarkerType.Triangle
  35969. 'Setting the weight of all lines in an NSeries to medium
  35970. chart.NSeries(1).Border.Weight = WeightType.MediumLine
  35971. </code>
  35972. </example>
  35973. </member>
  35974. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.CompoundType">
  35975. <summary>
  35976. Specifies the compound line type
  35977. </summary>
  35978. </member>
  35979. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.DashType">
  35980. <summary>
  35981. Specifies the dash line type
  35982. </summary>
  35983. </member>
  35984. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.CapType">
  35985. <summary>
  35986. Specifies the ending caps.
  35987. </summary>
  35988. </member>
  35989. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.JoinType">
  35990. <summary>
  35991. Specifies the joining caps.
  35992. </summary>
  35993. </member>
  35994. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.BeginType">
  35995. <summary>
  35996. Specifies an arrowhead for the begin of a line.
  35997. </summary>
  35998. </member>
  35999. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.EndType">
  36000. <summary>
  36001. Specifies an arrowhead for the end of a line.
  36002. </summary>
  36003. </member>
  36004. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.BeginArrowLength">
  36005. <summary>
  36006. Specifies the length of the arrowhead for the begin of a line.
  36007. </summary>
  36008. </member>
  36009. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.EndArrowLength">
  36010. <summary>
  36011. Specifies the length of the arrowhead for the end of a line.
  36012. </summary>
  36013. </member>
  36014. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.BeginArrowWidth">
  36015. <summary>
  36016. Specifies the width of the arrowhead for the begin of a line.
  36017. </summary>
  36018. </member>
  36019. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.EndArrowWidth">
  36020. <summary>
  36021. Specifies the width of the arrowhead for the end of a line.
  36022. </summary>
  36023. </member>
  36024. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.ThemeColor">
  36025. <summary>
  36026. Gets and sets the theme color.
  36027. </summary>
  36028. <remarks>
  36029. If the foreground color is not a theme color, NULL will be returned.
  36030. </remarks>
  36031. </member>
  36032. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.Color">
  36033. <summary>
  36034. Represents the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> of the line.
  36035. </summary>
  36036. </member>
  36037. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.Transparency">
  36038. <summary>
  36039. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the line as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  36040. </summary>
  36041. </member>
  36042. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.Style">
  36043. <summary>
  36044. Represents the style of the line.
  36045. </summary>
  36046. </member>
  36047. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.Weight">
  36048. <summary>
  36049. Gets or sets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.WeightType" /> of the line.
  36050. </summary>
  36051. </member>
  36052. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.WeightPt">
  36053. <summary>
  36054. Gets or sets the weight of the line in unit of points.
  36055. </summary>
  36056. </member>
  36057. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.WeightPx">
  36058. <summary>
  36059. Gets or sets the weight of the line in unit of pixels.
  36060. </summary>
  36061. </member>
  36062. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.FormattingType">
  36063. <summary>
  36064. Gets or sets format type.
  36065. </summary>
  36066. </member>
  36067. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.IsAutomaticColor">
  36068. <summary>
  36069. Indicates whether the color of line is auotmatic assigned.
  36070. </summary>
  36071. </member>
  36072. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.IsVisible">
  36073. <summary>
  36074. Represents whether the line is visible.
  36075. </summary>
  36076. </member>
  36077. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.IsAuto">
  36078. <summary>
  36079. Indicates whether this line style is auto assigned.
  36080. </summary>
  36081. </member>
  36082. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line.GradientFill">
  36083. <summary>
  36084. Represents gradient fill.
  36085. </summary>
  36086. </member>
  36087. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBar.Type">
  36088. <summary>
  36089. Represents error bar amount type.
  36090. </summary>
  36091. <example>
  36092. <code>
  36093. [C#]
  36094. //Sets custom error bar type
  36095. aseries.YErrorBar.Type = ErrorBarType.InnerCustom;
  36096. aseries.YErrorBar.PlusValue = "=Sheet1!A1";
  36097. aseries.YErrorBar.MinusValue = "=Sheet1!A2";
  36098. [Visual Basic]
  36099. 'Sets custom error bar type
  36100. aseries.YErrorBar.Type = ErrorBarType.InnerCustom
  36101. aseries.YErrorBar.PlusValue = "=Sheet1!A1"
  36102. aseries.YErrorBar.MinusValue = "=Sheet1!A2"
  36103. </code>
  36104. </example>
  36105. </member>
  36106. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBar.DisplayType">
  36107. <summary>
  36108. Represents error bar display type.
  36109. </summary>
  36110. </member>
  36111. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBar.Amount">
  36112. <summary>
  36113. Represents amount of error bar.
  36114. <remarks> The amount must be greater than and equal to zero.</remarks></summary>
  36115. </member>
  36116. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBar.ShowMarkerTTop">
  36117. <summary>
  36118. Indicates if formatting error bars with a T-top.
  36119. </summary>
  36120. </member>
  36121. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBar.PlusValue">
  36122. <summary>
  36123. Represents positive error amount when error bar type is Custom.
  36124. </summary>
  36125. </member>
  36126. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBar.MinusValue">
  36127. <summary>
  36128. Represents negative error amount when error bar type is Custom.
  36129. </summary>
  36130. </member>
  36131. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarType">
  36132. <summary>
  36133. Represents error bar amount type.
  36134. </summary>
  36135. </member>
  36136. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarType.Custom">
  36137. <summary>
  36138. InnerCustom value type.
  36139. </summary>
  36140. </member>
  36141. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarType.FixedValue">
  36142. <summary>
  36143. Fixed value type.
  36144. </summary>
  36145. </member>
  36146. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarType.Percent">
  36147. <summary>
  36148. Percentage type
  36149. </summary>
  36150. </member>
  36151. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarType.StDev">
  36152. <summary>
  36153. Standard deviation type.
  36154. </summary>
  36155. </member>
  36156. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ErrorBarType.StError">
  36157. <summary>
  36158. Standard error type.
  36159. </summary>
  36160. </member>
  36161. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType">
  36162. <summary>
  36163. Represents custom exception type code.
  36164. </summary>
  36165. </member>
  36166. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.Chart">
  36167. <summary>
  36168. Invalid chart setting.
  36169. </summary>
  36170. </member>
  36171. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.DataType">
  36172. <summary>
  36173. Invalid data type setting.
  36174. </summary>
  36175. </member>
  36176. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.DataValidation">
  36177. <summary>
  36178. Invalid data validation setting.
  36179. </summary>
  36180. </member>
  36181. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.ConditionalFormatting">
  36182. <summary>
  36183. Invalid data validation setting.
  36184. </summary>
  36185. </member>
  36186. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.FileFormat">
  36187. <summary>
  36188. Invalid file format.
  36189. </summary>
  36190. </member>
  36191. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.Formula">
  36192. <summary>
  36193. Invalid formula.
  36194. </summary>
  36195. </member>
  36196. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.InvalidData">
  36197. <summary>
  36198. Invalid data.
  36199. </summary>
  36200. </member>
  36201. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.InvalidOperator">
  36202. <summary>
  36203. Invalid operator.
  36204. </summary>
  36205. </member>
  36206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.IncorrectPassword">
  36207. <summary>
  36208. Incorrect password.
  36209. </summary>
  36210. </member>
  36211. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.License">
  36212. <summary>
  36213. License related errors.
  36214. </summary>
  36215. </member>
  36216. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.Limitation">
  36217. <summary>
  36218. Out of MS Excel limitation error.
  36219. </summary>
  36220. </member>
  36221. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.PageSetup">
  36222. <summary>
  36223. Invalid page setup setting.
  36224. </summary>
  36225. </member>
  36226. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.PivotTable">
  36227. <summary>
  36228. Invalid pivotTable setting.
  36229. </summary>
  36230. </member>
  36231. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.Shape">
  36232. <summary>
  36233. Invalid drawing object setting.
  36234. </summary>
  36235. </member>
  36236. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.Sparkline">
  36237. <summary>
  36238. Invalid sparkline object setting.
  36239. </summary>
  36240. </member>
  36241. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.SheetName">
  36242. <summary>
  36243. Invalid worksheet name.
  36244. </summary>
  36245. </member>
  36246. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.SheetType">
  36247. <summary>
  36248. Invalid worksheet type.
  36249. </summary>
  36250. </member>
  36251. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.Interrupted">
  36252. <summary>
  36253. The process is interrupted.
  36254. </summary>
  36255. </member>
  36256. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.IO">
  36257. <summary>
  36258. The file is invalid.
  36259. </summary>
  36260. </member>
  36261. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.Permission">
  36262. <summary>
  36263. Permission is required to open this file.
  36264. </summary>
  36265. </member>
  36266. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.UnsupportedFeature">
  36267. <summary>
  36268. Unsupported feature.
  36269. </summary>
  36270. </member>
  36271. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.UnsupportedStream">
  36272. <summary>
  36273. Unsupported stream to be opened.
  36274. </summary>
  36275. </member>
  36276. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ExceptionType.UndisclosedInformation">
  36277. <summary>
  36278. Files contains some undisclosed information.
  36279. </summary>
  36280. </member>
  36281. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLink">
  36282. <summary>
  36283. Represents an external link in a workbook.
  36284. </summary>
  36285. <example>
  36286. <code>
  36287. [C#]
  36288. //Open a file with external links
  36289. Workbook workbook = new Workbook("d:\\book1.xls");
  36290. //Get External Link
  36291. ExternalLink externalLink = workbook.Worksheets.ExternalLinks[0];
  36292. //Change External Link's Data Source
  36293. externalLink.DataSource = "d:\\link.xls";
  36294. [VB.NET]
  36295. 'Open a file with external links
  36296. Dim workbook As New Workbook("d:\book1.xls")
  36297. 'Get External Link
  36298. Dim externalLink As ExternalLink = workbook.Worksheets.ExternalLinks(0)
  36299. 'Change External Link's Data Source
  36300. externalLink.DataSource = "d:\link.xls"
  36301. </code>
  36302. </example>
  36303. </member>
  36304. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLink.AddExternalName(System.String,System.String)">
  36305. <summary>
  36306. Adds an external name.
  36307. </summary>
  36308. <param name="text">The text of the external name.
  36309. If the external name belongs to a worksheet, the text should be as Sheet1!Text.
  36310. </param>
  36311. <param name="referTo">The referTo of the external name. It must be a cell or the range.</param>
  36312. </member>
  36313. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLink.Type">
  36314. <summary>
  36315. Gets the type of external link.
  36316. </summary>
  36317. </member>
  36318. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLink.OriginalDataSource">
  36319. <summary>
  36320. Represents stored data source of the external link.
  36321. </summary>
  36322. </member>
  36323. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLink.DataSource">
  36324. <summary>
  36325. Represents data source of the external link.
  36326. </summary>
  36327. </member>
  36328. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLink.IsReferred">
  36329. <summary>
  36330. Indicates whether this external link is referenced by others.
  36331. </summary>
  36332. </member>
  36333. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLink.IsVisible">
  36334. <summary>
  36335. Indicates whether this external link is visible in MS Excel.
  36336. </summary>
  36337. </member>
  36338. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLinkCollection">
  36339. <summary>
  36340. Represents external links collection in a workbook.
  36341. </summary>
  36342. <example>
  36343. <code>
  36344. [C#]
  36345. //Open a file with external links
  36346. Workbook workbook = new Workbook("d:\\book1.xls");
  36347. //Change external link data source
  36348. workbook.Worksheets.ExternalLinks[0].DataSource = "d:\\link.xls";
  36349. [Visual Basic]
  36350. 'Open a file with external links
  36351. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook("d:\\book1.xls")
  36352. 'Change external link data source
  36353. workbook.Worksheets.ExternalLinks(0).DataSource = "d:\\link.xls"
  36354. </code>
  36355. </example>
  36356. </member>
  36357. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLinkCollection.Add(System.String,System.String[])">
  36358. <summary>
  36359. Adds an external link.
  36360. </summary>
  36361. <param name="fileName">The external file name.</param>
  36362. <param name="sheetNames">All sheet names of the external file.</param>
  36363. <returns>The position of the external name in this list. </returns>
  36364. </member>
  36365. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLinkCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.DirectoryType,System.String,System.String[])">
  36366. <summary>
  36367. Add an external link .
  36368. </summary>
  36369. <param name="directoryType">The directory type of the file name.</param>
  36370. <param name="fileName">the file name.</param>
  36371. <param name="sheetNames">All sheet names of the external file.</param>
  36372. <returns>The position of the external name in this list. </returns>
  36373. </member>
  36374. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLinkCollection.Count">
  36375. <summary>
  36376. Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection.
  36377. </summary>
  36378. </member>
  36379. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLinkCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  36380. <summary>
  36381. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.ExternalLink" /> element at the specified index.
  36382. </summary>
  36383. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  36384. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  36385. </member>
  36386. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType">
  36387. <summary>
  36388. Enumerates spreadsheet file format types
  36389. </summary>
  36390. </member>
  36391. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.CSV">
  36392. <summary>
  36393. Represents a CSV file.
  36394. </summary>
  36395. </member>
  36396. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Xlsx">
  36397. <summary>
  36398. Represents an xlsx file.
  36399. </summary>
  36400. </member>
  36401. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Xlsm">
  36402. <summary>
  36403. Represents an xlsm file which enable macros.
  36404. </summary>
  36405. </member>
  36406. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Xltx">
  36407. <summary>
  36408. Represents a template xltx file.
  36409. </summary>
  36410. </member>
  36411. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Xltm">
  36412. <summary>
  36413. Represents a macro-enabled template xltm file.
  36414. </summary>
  36415. </member>
  36416. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Xlam">
  36417. <summary>
  36418. Represents a addinMacro-enabled template xltm file.
  36419. </summary>
  36420. </member>
  36421. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.TSV">
  36422. <summary>
  36423. Represents a TSV(tab-separated values file) file.
  36424. </summary>
  36425. </member>
  36426. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.TabDelimited">
  36427. <summary>
  36428. Represents a tab delimited text file, same with <see cref="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.TSV" />.
  36429. </summary>
  36430. </member>
  36431. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Html">
  36432. <summary>
  36433. Represents a html file.
  36434. </summary>
  36435. </member>
  36436. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.MHtml">
  36437. <summary>
  36438. Represents a mhtml file.
  36439. </summary>
  36440. </member>
  36441. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.ODS">
  36442. <summary>
  36443. Represents a ods file.
  36444. </summary>
  36445. </member>
  36446. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Excel97To2003">
  36447. <summary>
  36448. Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.
  36449. </summary>
  36450. </member>
  36451. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Excel2003XML">
  36452. <summary>
  36453. Represents an Excel 2003 xml file.
  36454. </summary>
  36455. </member>
  36456. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Xlsb">
  36457. <summary>
  36458. Represents an xlsb file.
  36459. </summary>
  36460. </member>
  36461. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Unknown">
  36462. <summary>
  36463. Represents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.
  36464. </summary>
  36465. </member>
  36466. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Pdf">
  36467. <summary>
  36468. Represents a Pdf file.
  36469. </summary>
  36470. </member>
  36471. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.XPS">
  36472. <summary>
  36473. Represents an XPS file.
  36474. </summary>
  36475. </member>
  36476. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.TIFF">
  36477. <summary>
  36478. Represents a TIFF file.
  36479. </summary>
  36480. </member>
  36481. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.SVG">
  36482. <summary>
  36483. Represents a svg file.
  36484. </summary>
  36485. </member>
  36486. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Excel95">
  36487. <summary>
  36488. Represents an Excel95 xls file.
  36489. </summary>
  36490. <remarks>
  36491. Only support data and style.Shapes and charts are not supported.
  36492. </remarks>
  36493. </member>
  36494. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Excel4">
  36495. <summary>
  36496. Represents an Excel4.0 xls file.
  36497. </summary>
  36498. <remarks>
  36499. The file format is not supported
  36500. </remarks>
  36501. </member>
  36502. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Excel3">
  36503. <summary>
  36504. Represents an Excel3.0 xls file.
  36505. </summary>
  36506. <remarks>
  36507. The file format is not supported
  36508. </remarks>
  36509. </member>
  36510. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Excel2">
  36511. <summary>
  36512. Represents an Excel2.1 xls file.
  36513. </summary>
  36514. <remarks>
  36515. The file format is not supported
  36516. </remarks>
  36517. </member>
  36518. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Pptx">
  36519. <summary>
  36520. Represents a pptx file.
  36521. </summary>
  36522. <remarks>
  36523. The file format is not supported
  36524. Only for detecting file type.
  36525. </remarks>
  36526. </member>
  36527. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Docx">
  36528. <summary>
  36529. Represents a docx file.
  36530. </summary>
  36531. <remarks>
  36532. The file format is not supported
  36533. Only for detecting file type.
  36534. </remarks>
  36535. </member>
  36536. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Dif">
  36537. <summary>
  36538. Data Interchange Format.
  36539. </summary>
  36540. </member>
  36541. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Doc">
  36542. <summary>
  36543. Represents a doc file.
  36544. </summary>
  36545. <remarks>
  36546. The file format is not supported
  36547. Only for detecting file type.
  36548. </remarks>
  36549. </member>
  36550. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Ppt">
  36551. <summary>
  36552. Represents a ppt file.
  36553. </summary>
  36554. <remarks>
  36555. The file format is not supported
  36556. Only for detecting file type.
  36557. </remarks>
  36558. </member>
  36559. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.MapiMessage">
  36560. <summary>
  36561. Represents a email file.
  36562. </summary>
  36563. <remarks>
  36564. The file format is not supported
  36565. Only for detecting file type.
  36566. </remarks>
  36567. </member>
  36568. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.MSEquation">
  36569. <summary>
  36570. Represents the MS Equation 3.0 object.
  36571. </summary>
  36572. <remarks>
  36573. The file format is not supported
  36574. Only for detecting file type.
  36575. </remarks>
  36576. </member>
  36577. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Ole10Native">
  36578. <summary>
  36579. Represents the embedded native object.
  36580. </summary>
  36581. <remarks>
  36582. The file format is not supported
  36583. Only for detecting file type.
  36584. </remarks>
  36585. </member>
  36586. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.VSD">
  36587. <summary>
  36588. Represents MS Visio VSD binary format.
  36589. </summary>
  36590. <remarks>
  36591. The file format is not supported
  36592. Only for detecting file type.
  36593. </remarks>
  36594. </member>
  36595. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.VSDX">
  36596. <summary>
  36597. MS Visio 2013 VSDX file format.
  36598. </summary>
  36599. <remarks>
  36600. The file format is not supported
  36601. Only for detecting file type.
  36602. </remarks>
  36603. </member>
  36604. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Docm">
  36605. <summary>
  36606. Represents a docm file.
  36607. </summary>
  36608. <remarks>
  36609. The file format is not supported
  36610. Only for detecting file type.
  36611. </remarks>
  36612. </member>
  36613. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Dotx">
  36614. <summary>
  36615. Represents a dotx file.
  36616. </summary>
  36617. <remarks>
  36618. The file format is not supported
  36619. Only for detecting file type.
  36620. </remarks>
  36621. </member>
  36622. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Dotm">
  36623. <summary>
  36624. Represents a dotm file.
  36625. </summary>
  36626. <remarks>
  36627. The file format is not supported
  36628. Only for detecting file type.
  36629. </remarks>
  36630. </member>
  36631. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Pptm">
  36632. <summary>
  36633. Represents a pptm file.
  36634. </summary>
  36635. <remarks>
  36636. The file format is not supported
  36637. Only for detecting file type.
  36638. </remarks>
  36639. </member>
  36640. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Potx">
  36641. <summary>
  36642. Represents a Potx file.
  36643. </summary>
  36644. <remarks>
  36645. The file format is not supported
  36646. Only for detecting file type.
  36647. </remarks>
  36648. </member>
  36649. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Potm">
  36650. <summary>
  36651. Represents a Potm file.
  36652. </summary>
  36653. <remarks>
  36654. The file format is not supported
  36655. Only for detecting file type.
  36656. </remarks>
  36657. </member>
  36658. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Ppsx">
  36659. <summary>
  36660. Represents a ppsx file.
  36661. </summary>
  36662. <remarks>
  36663. The file format is not supported
  36664. Only for detecting file type.
  36665. </remarks>
  36666. </member>
  36667. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Ppsm">
  36668. <summary>
  36669. Represents a ppsm file.
  36670. </summary>
  36671. <remarks>
  36672. The file format is not supported
  36673. Only for detecting file type.
  36674. </remarks>
  36675. </member>
  36676. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Ooxml">
  36677. <summary>
  36678. Represents office open xml file(such as xlsx, docx,pptx, etc).
  36679. </summary>
  36680. <remarks>
  36681. The file format is not supported
  36682. Only for detecting file type.
  36683. If the office open xml file is encrypted, it could not be detected as xlsx ,docx, pptx,etc.
  36684. </remarks>
  36685. </member>
  36686. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.ODT">
  36687. <summary>
  36688. Represents a odt file.
  36689. </summary>
  36690. <remarks>
  36691. The file format is not supported
  36692. Only for detecting file type.
  36693. </remarks>
  36694. </member>
  36695. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.ODP">
  36696. <summary>
  36697. Represents a odp file.
  36698. </summary>
  36699. <remarks>
  36700. The file format is not supported
  36701. Only for detecting file type.
  36702. </remarks>
  36703. </member>
  36704. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.ODF">
  36705. <summary>
  36706. Represents a odf file.
  36707. </summary>
  36708. <remarks>
  36709. The file format is not supported
  36710. Only for detecting file type.
  36711. </remarks>
  36712. </member>
  36713. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.ODG">
  36714. <summary>
  36715. Represents a odg file.
  36716. </summary>
  36717. <remarks>
  36718. The file format is not supported
  36719. Only for detecting file type.
  36720. </remarks>
  36721. </member>
  36722. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.XML">
  36723. <summary>
  36724. Represents an simple xml file.
  36725. </summary>
  36726. <remarks>
  36727. The file format is not supported
  36728. Only for detecting file type.
  36729. </remarks>
  36730. </member>
  36731. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Xlt">
  36732. <summary>
  36733. Represents a template xlt file.
  36734. </summary>
  36735. </member>
  36736. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.OTT">
  36737. <summary>
  36738. Represents a odt file.
  36739. </summary>
  36740. <remarks>
  36741. The file format is not supported
  36742. Only for detecting file type.
  36743. </remarks>
  36744. </member>
  36745. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.BMP">
  36746. <summary>
  36747. Represents a bmp file.
  36748. </summary>
  36749. <remarks>
  36750. The file format is not supported
  36751. Only for detecting file type.
  36752. </remarks>
  36753. </member>
  36754. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.OTS">
  36755. <summary>
  36756. Represents a ods file.
  36757. </summary>
  36758. </member>
  36759. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Numbers">
  36760. <summary>
  36761. Represents Numbers file format by Apple Inc
  36762. </summary>
  36763. </member>
  36764. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Markdown">
  36765. <summary>
  36766. Represents markdown document.
  36767. </summary>
  36768. </member>
  36769. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.GraphChart">
  36770. <summary>
  36771. Represents embedded graph chart.
  36772. </summary>
  36773. </member>
  36774. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.FODS">
  36775. <summary>
  36776. Represents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
  36777. </summary>
  36778. </member>
  36779. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.SXC">
  36780. <summary>
  36781. Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
  36782. </summary>
  36783. </member>
  36784. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.OTP">
  36785. <summary>
  36786. Represents a otp file.
  36787. </summary>
  36788. <remarks>
  36789. The file format is not supported.
  36790. Only for detecting file type.
  36791. </remarks>
  36792. </member>
  36793. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatType.Numbers35">
  36794. <summary>
  36795. Represents Numbers 3.5 file format since 2014 by Apple Inc
  36796. </summary>
  36797. <remarks>
  36798. The file format is not supported.
  36799. Only for detecting file type.
  36800. </remarks>
  36801. </member>
  36802. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern">
  36803. <summary>
  36804. Enumerates shape fill pattern types.
  36805. </summary>
  36806. </member>
  36807. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.None">
  36808. <summary>
  36809. Represents no background.
  36810. </summary>
  36811. </member>
  36812. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Solid">
  36813. <summary>
  36814. Represents solid pattern.
  36815. </summary>
  36816. </member>
  36817. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray5">
  36818. <summary>
  36819. Represents 5% gray pattern.
  36820. </summary>
  36821. </member>
  36822. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray10">
  36823. <summary>
  36824. Represents 10% gray pattern.
  36825. </summary>
  36826. </member>
  36827. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray20">
  36828. <summary>
  36829. Represents 20% gray pattern.
  36830. </summary>
  36831. </member>
  36832. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray30">
  36833. <summary>
  36834. Represents 30% gray pattern.
  36835. </summary>
  36836. </member>
  36837. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray40">
  36838. <summary>
  36839. Represents 40% gray pattern.
  36840. </summary>
  36841. </member>
  36842. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray50">
  36843. <summary>
  36844. Represents 50% gray pattern.
  36845. </summary>
  36846. </member>
  36847. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray60">
  36848. <summary>
  36849. Represents 60% gray pattern.
  36850. </summary>
  36851. </member>
  36852. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray70">
  36853. <summary>
  36854. Represents 70% gray pattern.
  36855. </summary>
  36856. </member>
  36857. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray75">
  36858. <summary>
  36859. Represents 75% gray pattern.
  36860. </summary>
  36861. </member>
  36862. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray80">
  36863. <summary>
  36864. Represents 80% gray pattern.
  36865. </summary>
  36866. </member>
  36867. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray90">
  36868. <summary>
  36869. Represents 90% gray pattern.
  36870. </summary>
  36871. </member>
  36872. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Gray25">
  36873. <summary>
  36874. Represents 25% gray pattern.
  36875. </summary>
  36876. </member>
  36877. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.LightDownwardDiagonal">
  36878. <summary>
  36879. Represents light downward diagonal pattern.
  36880. </summary>
  36881. </member>
  36882. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.LightUpwardDiagonal">
  36883. <summary>
  36884. Represents light upward diagonal pattern.
  36885. </summary>
  36886. </member>
  36887. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DarkDownwardDiagonal">
  36888. <summary>
  36889. Represents dark downward diagonal pattern.
  36890. </summary>
  36891. </member>
  36892. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DarkUpwardDiagonal">
  36893. <summary>
  36894. Represents dark upward diagonal pattern.
  36895. </summary>
  36896. </member>
  36897. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.WideDownwardDiagonal">
  36898. <summary>
  36899. Represents wide downward diagonal pattern.
  36900. </summary>
  36901. </member>
  36902. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.WideUpwardDiagonal">
  36903. <summary>
  36904. Represents wide upward diagonal pattern.
  36905. </summary>
  36906. </member>
  36907. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.LightVertical">
  36908. <summary>
  36909. Represents light vertical pattern.
  36910. </summary>
  36911. </member>
  36912. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.LightHorizontal">
  36913. <summary>
  36914. Represents light horizontal pattern.
  36915. </summary>
  36916. </member>
  36917. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.NarrowVertical">
  36918. <summary>
  36919. Represents narrow vertical pattern.
  36920. </summary>
  36921. </member>
  36922. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.NarrowHorizontal">
  36923. <summary>
  36924. Represents narrow horizontal pattern.
  36925. </summary>
  36926. </member>
  36927. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DarkVertical">
  36928. <summary>
  36929. Represents dark vertical pattern.
  36930. </summary>
  36931. </member>
  36932. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DarkHorizontal">
  36933. <summary>
  36934. Represents dark horizontal pattern.
  36935. </summary>
  36936. </member>
  36937. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DashedDownwardDiagonal">
  36938. <summary>
  36939. Represents dashed downward diagonal pattern.
  36940. </summary>
  36941. </member>
  36942. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DashedUpwardDiagonal">
  36943. <summary>
  36944. Represents dashed upward diagonal pattern.
  36945. </summary>
  36946. </member>
  36947. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DashedVertical">
  36948. <summary>
  36949. Represents dashed vertical pattern.
  36950. </summary>
  36951. </member>
  36952. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DashedHorizontal">
  36953. <summary>
  36954. Represents dashed horizontal pattern.
  36955. </summary>
  36956. </member>
  36957. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.SmallConfetti">
  36958. <summary>
  36959. Represents small confetti pattern.
  36960. </summary>
  36961. </member>
  36962. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.LargeConfetti">
  36963. <summary>
  36964. Represents large confetti pattern.
  36965. </summary>
  36966. </member>
  36967. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.ZigZag">
  36968. <summary>
  36969. Represents zig zag pattern.
  36970. </summary>
  36971. </member>
  36972. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Wave">
  36973. <summary>
  36974. Represents wave pattern.
  36975. </summary>
  36976. </member>
  36977. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DiagonalBrick">
  36978. <summary>
  36979. Represents diagonal brick pattern.
  36980. </summary>
  36981. </member>
  36982. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.HorizontalBrick">
  36983. <summary>
  36984. Represents horizontal brick pattern.
  36985. </summary>
  36986. </member>
  36987. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Weave">
  36988. <summary>
  36989. Represents weave pattern.
  36990. </summary>
  36991. </member>
  36992. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Plaid">
  36993. <summary>
  36994. Represents plaid pattern.
  36995. </summary>
  36996. </member>
  36997. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Divot">
  36998. <summary>
  36999. Represents divot pattern.
  37000. </summary>
  37001. </member>
  37002. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DottedGrid">
  37003. <summary>
  37004. Represents dotted grid pattern.
  37005. </summary>
  37006. </member>
  37007. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.DottedDiamond">
  37008. <summary>
  37009. Represents dotted diamond pattern.
  37010. </summary>
  37011. </member>
  37012. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Shingle">
  37013. <summary>
  37014. Represents shingle pattern.
  37015. </summary>
  37016. </member>
  37017. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Trellis">
  37018. <summary>
  37019. Represents trellis pattern.
  37020. </summary>
  37021. </member>
  37022. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Sphere">
  37023. <summary>
  37024. Represents sphere pattern.
  37025. </summary>
  37026. </member>
  37027. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.SmallGrid">
  37028. <summary>
  37029. Represents small grid pattern.
  37030. </summary>
  37031. </member>
  37032. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.LargeGrid">
  37033. <summary>
  37034. Represents large grid pattern.
  37035. </summary>
  37036. </member>
  37037. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.SmallCheckerBoard">
  37038. <summary>
  37039. Represents small checker board pattern.
  37040. </summary>
  37041. </member>
  37042. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.LargeCheckerBoard">
  37043. <summary>
  37044. Represents large checker board pattern.
  37045. </summary>
  37046. </member>
  37047. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.OutlinedDiamond">
  37048. <summary>
  37049. Represents outlined diamond pattern.
  37050. </summary>
  37051. </member>
  37052. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.SolidDiamond">
  37053. <summary>
  37054. Represents solid diamond pattern.
  37055. </summary>
  37056. </member>
  37057. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPattern.Unknown">
  37058. <summary>
  37059. Represents unknown pattern.
  37060. </summary>
  37061. </member>
  37062. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumn">
  37063. <summary>
  37064. Represents a filter for a single column. The Filter object is a member of the Filters collection
  37065. </summary>
  37066. </member>
  37067. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumn.IsDropdownVisible">
  37068. <summary>
  37069. Indicates whether the AutoFilter button for this column is visible.
  37070. </summary>
  37071. </member>
  37072. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumn.Visibledropdown">
  37073. <summary>
  37074. Indicates whether the AutoFilter button for this column is visible.
  37075. </summary>
  37076. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete.
  37077. Instead, please use FilterColumn.IsDropdownVisible to check whether the AutoFilter button for this column is visible.
  37078. This property will be removed 12 months later since September 2020.
  37079. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  37080. </member>
  37081. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumn.Filter">
  37082. <summary>
  37083. </summary>
  37084. </member>
  37085. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumn.FilterType">
  37086. <summary>
  37087. </summary>
  37088. </member>
  37089. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumn.FieldIndex">
  37090. <summary>
  37091. </summary>
  37092. </member>
  37093. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType">
  37094. <summary>
  37095. Custom Filter operator type.
  37096. </summary>
  37097. </member>
  37098. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.LessOrEqual">
  37099. <summary>
  37100. Represents LessOrEqual operator.
  37101. </summary>
  37102. </member>
  37103. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.LessThan">
  37104. <summary>
  37105. Represents LessThan operator.
  37106. </summary>
  37107. </member>
  37108. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.Equal">
  37109. <summary>
  37110. Represents Equal operator.
  37111. </summary>
  37112. </member>
  37113. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.GreaterThan">
  37114. <summary>
  37115. Represents GreaterThan operator.
  37116. </summary>
  37117. </member>
  37118. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.NotEqual">
  37119. <summary>
  37120. Represents NotEqual operator.
  37121. </summary>
  37122. </member>
  37123. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.GreaterOrEqual">
  37124. <summary>
  37125. Represents GreaterOrEqual operator.
  37126. </summary>
  37127. </member>
  37128. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.None">
  37129. <summary>
  37130. Represents no comparison.
  37131. </summary>
  37132. </member>
  37133. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.BeginsWith">
  37134. <summary>
  37135. Begins with the text.
  37136. </summary>
  37137. </member>
  37138. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.EndsWith">
  37139. <summary>
  37140. Ends with the text.
  37141. </summary>
  37142. </member>
  37143. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.Contains">
  37144. <summary>
  37145. Contains the text.
  37146. </summary>
  37147. </member>
  37148. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FilterOperatorType.NotContains">
  37149. <summary>
  37150. Not contains the text.
  37151. </summary>
  37152. </member>
  37153. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumnCollection">
  37154. <summary>
  37155. A collection of Filter objects that represents all the filters in an autofiltered range.
  37156. </summary>
  37157. </member>
  37158. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumnCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  37159. <summary>
  37160. </summary>
  37161. <param name="index">
  37162. </param>
  37163. </member>
  37164. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumnCollection.GetByIndex(System.Int32)">
  37165. <summary>
  37166. Returns a single Filter object from a collection.
  37167. </summary>
  37168. </member>
  37169. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumnCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  37170. <summary>
  37171. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumn" /> object at the special field.
  37172. </summary>
  37173. <param name="fieldIndex">The integer offset of the field on which you want to base the filter
  37174. (from the left of the list; the leftmost field is field 0).
  37175. </param>
  37176. <returns>
  37177. Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FilterColumn" /> object.
  37178. </returns>
  37179. </member>
  37180. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Floor">
  37181. <summary>
  37182. Encapsulates the object that represents the floor of a 3-D chart.
  37183. </summary>
  37184. <example>
  37185. <code>
  37186. [C#]
  37187. //Instantiate the License class
  37188. Aspose.Cells.License license = new Aspose.Cells.License();
  37189. //Pass only the name of the license file embedded in the assembly
  37190. license.SetLicense("Aspose.Cells.lic");
  37191. //Instantiate the workbook object
  37192. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  37193. //Get cells collection
  37194. Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  37195. //Put values in cells
  37196. cells["A1"].PutValue(1);
  37197. cells["A2"].PutValue(2);
  37198. cells["A3"].PutValue(3);
  37199. //get charts colletion
  37200. Charts charts = workbook.Worksheets[0].Charts;
  37201. //add a new chart
  37202. int index = charts.Add(ChartType.Column3DStacked, 5, 0, 15, 5);
  37203. //get the newly added chart
  37204. Chart chart = charts[index];
  37205. //set charts nseries
  37206. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:A3", true);
  37207. //Show data labels
  37208. chart.NSeries[0].DataLabels.IsValueShown = true;
  37209. //Get chart's floor
  37210. Floor floor = chart.Floor;
  37211. //set floor's border as red
  37212. floor.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
  37213. //set fill format
  37214. floor.FillFormat.SetPresetColorGradient(GradientPresetType.CalmWater, GradientStyleType.DiagonalDown, 2);
  37215. //save the file
  37216. workbook.Save(@"d:\dest.xls");
  37217. [VB.NET]
  37218. 'Instantiate the License class
  37219. Dim license As New Aspose.Cells.License()
  37220. 'Pass only the name of the license file embedded in the assembly
  37221. license.SetLicense("Aspose.Cells.lic")
  37222. 'Instantiate the workbook object
  37223. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  37224. 'Get cells collection
  37225. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  37226. 'Put values in cells
  37227. cells("A1").PutValue(1)
  37228. cells("A2").PutValue(2)
  37229. cells("A3").PutValue(3)
  37230. 'get charts colletion
  37231. Dim charts As Charts = workbook.Worksheets(0).Charts
  37232. 'add a new chart
  37233. Dim index As Integer = charts.Add(ChartType.Column3DStacked, 5, 0, 15, 5)
  37234. 'get the newly added chart
  37235. Dim chart As Chart = charts(index)
  37236. 'set charts nseries
  37237. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:A3", True)
  37238. 'Show data labels
  37239. chart.NSeries(0).DataLabels.IsValueShown = True
  37240. 'Get chart's floor
  37241. Dim floor As Floor = chart.Floor
  37242. 'set floor's border as red
  37243. floor.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red
  37244. 'set fill format
  37245. floor.FillFormat.SetPresetColorGradient(GradientPresetType.CalmWater, GradientStyleType.DiagonalDown, 2)
  37246. 'save the file
  37247. workbook.Save("d:\dest.xls")
  37248. </code>
  37249. </example>
  37250. </member>
  37251. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Floor.Border">
  37252. <summary>
  37253. Gets or sets the border <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line" />.
  37254. </summary>
  37255. </member>
  37256. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType">
  37257. <summary>
  37258. Enumerates the font underline types.
  37259. </summary>
  37260. </member>
  37261. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.None">
  37262. <summary>
  37263. Represents no underline.
  37264. </summary>
  37265. </member>
  37266. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.Single">
  37267. <summary>
  37268. Represents single underline.
  37269. </summary>
  37270. </member>
  37271. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.Double">
  37272. <summary>
  37273. Represents double underline.
  37274. </summary>
  37275. </member>
  37276. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.Accounting">
  37277. <summary>
  37278. Represents single accounting underline.
  37279. </summary>
  37280. </member>
  37281. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DoubleAccounting">
  37282. <summary>
  37283. Represents double accounting underline.
  37284. </summary>
  37285. </member>
  37286. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.Dash">
  37287. <summary>
  37288. Represents Dashed Underline
  37289. </summary>
  37290. </member>
  37291. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DashDotDotHeavy">
  37292. <summary>
  37293. Represents Thick Dash-Dot-Dot Underline
  37294. </summary>
  37295. </member>
  37296. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DashDotHeavy">
  37297. <summary>
  37298. Represents Thick Dash-Dot Underline
  37299. </summary>
  37300. </member>
  37301. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DashedHeavy">
  37302. <summary>
  37303. Represents Thick Dashed Underline
  37304. </summary>
  37305. </member>
  37306. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DashLong">
  37307. <summary>
  37308. Represents Long Dashed Underline
  37309. </summary>
  37310. </member>
  37311. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DashLongHeavy">
  37312. <summary>
  37313. Represents Thick Long Dashed Underline
  37314. </summary>
  37315. </member>
  37316. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DotDash">
  37317. <summary>
  37318. Represents Dash-Dot Underline
  37319. </summary>
  37320. </member>
  37321. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DotDotDash">
  37322. <summary>
  37323. Represents Dash-Dot-Dot Underline
  37324. </summary>
  37325. </member>
  37326. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.Dotted">
  37327. <summary>
  37328. Represents Dotted Underline
  37329. </summary>
  37330. </member>
  37331. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.DottedHeavy">
  37332. <summary>
  37333. Represents Thick Dotted Underline
  37334. </summary>
  37335. </member>
  37336. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.Heavy">
  37337. <summary>
  37338. Represents Thick Underline
  37339. </summary>
  37340. </member>
  37341. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.Wave">
  37342. <summary>
  37343. Represents Wave Underline
  37344. </summary>
  37345. </member>
  37346. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.WavyDouble">
  37347. <summary>
  37348. Represents Double Wave Underline
  37349. </summary>
  37350. </member>
  37351. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.WavyHeavy">
  37352. <summary>
  37353. Represents Heavy Wave Underline
  37354. </summary>
  37355. </member>
  37356. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FontUnderlineType.Words">
  37357. <summary>
  37358. Represents Underline Non-Space Characters Only
  37359. </summary>
  37360. </member>
  37361. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.AboveAverage">
  37362. <summary>
  37363. Describe the AboveAverage conditional formatting rule.
  37364. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells that
  37365. are above or below the average for all values in the range.
  37366. </summary>
  37367. </member>
  37368. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AboveAverage.IsAboveAverage">
  37369. <summary>
  37370. Get or set the flag indicating whether the rule is an "above average" rule.
  37371. 'true' indicates 'above average'.
  37372. Default value is true.
  37373. </summary>
  37374. </member>
  37375. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AboveAverage.IsEqualAverage">
  37376. <summary>
  37377. Get or set the flag indicating whether the 'aboveAverage' and 'belowAverage' criteria
  37378. is inclusive of the average itself, or exclusive of that value.
  37379. 'true' indicates to include the average value in the criteria.
  37380. Default value is false.
  37381. </summary>
  37382. </member>
  37383. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.AboveAverage.StdDev">
  37384. <summary>
  37385. Get or set the number of standard deviations to include above or below the average in the
  37386. conditional formatting rule.
  37387. The input value must between 0 and 3 (include 0 and 3).
  37388. Setting this value to 0 means stdDev is not set.
  37389. The default value is 0.
  37390. </summary>
  37391. </member>
  37392. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection">
  37393. <summary>
  37394. Represents conditional formatting.
  37395. The FormatConditions can contain up to three conditional formats.
  37396. </summary>
  37397. <example>
  37398. <code>
  37399. [C#]
  37400. //Adds an empty conditional formatting
  37401. int index = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add();
  37402. FormatConditionCollection fcs = sheet.ConditionalFormattings[index];
  37403. //Sets the conditional format range.
  37404. CllArea ca = new CellArea();
  37405. ca.StartRow = 0;
  37406. ca.EndRow = 0;
  37407. ca.StartColumn = 0;
  37408. ca.EndColumn = 0;
  37409. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  37410. ca = new CellArea();
  37411. ca.StartRow = 1;
  37412. ca.EndRow = 1;
  37413. ca.StartColumn = 1;
  37414. ca.EndColumn = 1;
  37415. fcs.AddArea(ca);
  37416. //Adds condition.
  37417. int conditionIndex = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "=A2", "100");
  37418. //Adds condition.
  37419. int conditionIndex2 = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "50", "100");
  37420. //Sets the background color.
  37421. FormatCondition fc = fcs[conditionIndex];
  37422. fc.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
  37423. //Saving the Excel file
  37424. workbook.Save("C:\\output.xls");
  37425. [Visual Basic]
  37426. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  37427. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  37428. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  37429. ' Adds an empty conditional formatting
  37430. Dim index As Integer = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add()
  37431. Dim fcs As FormatConditionCollection = sheet.ConditionalFormattings(index)
  37432. 'Sets the conditional format range.
  37433. Dim ca As CellArea = New CellArea()
  37434. ca.StartRow = 0
  37435. ca.EndRow = 0
  37436. ca.StartColumn = 0
  37437. ca.EndColumn = 0
  37438. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  37439. ca = New CellArea()
  37440. ca.StartRow = 1
  37441. ca.EndRow = 1
  37442. ca.StartColumn = 1
  37443. ca.EndColumn = 1
  37444. fcs.AddArea(ca)
  37445. 'Adds condition.
  37446. Dim conditionIndex As Integer = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "=A2", "100")
  37447. 'Adds condition.
  37448. Dim conditionIndex2 As Integer = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.Between, "50", "100")
  37449. 'Sets the background color.
  37450. Dim fc As FormatCondition = fcs(conditionIndex)
  37451. fc.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.Red
  37452. 'Saving the Excel file
  37453. workbook.Save("C:\output.xls")
  37454. </code>
  37455. </example>
  37456. </member>
  37457. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.CellArea,Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType,Aspose.Cells.OperatorType,System.String,System.String)">
  37458. <summary>
  37459. Adds a formatting condition and effected cell rang to the FormatConditions
  37460. The FormatConditions can contain up to three conditional formats.
  37461. References to the other sheets are not allowed in the formulas of conditional formatting.
  37462. </summary>
  37463. <param name="cellArea">Conditional formatted cell range.</param>
  37464. <param name="type">Type of conditional formatting.It could be one of the members of FormatConditionType.</param>
  37465. <param name="operatorType">Comparison operator.It could be one of the members of OperatorType.</param>
  37466. <param name="formula1">The value or expression associated with conditional formatting.</param>
  37467. <param name="formula2">The value or expression associated with conditional formatting</param>
  37468. <returns>[0]:Formatting condition object index;[1] Effected cell rang index.</returns>
  37469. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType" />
  37470. <set cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType" />
  37471. </member>
  37472. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.AddArea(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  37473. <summary>
  37474. Adds a conditional formatted cell range.
  37475. </summary>
  37476. <param name="cellArea">Conditional formatted cell range.</param>
  37477. <returns>Conditional formatted cell rang index.</returns>
  37478. </member>
  37479. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.AddCondition(Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType,Aspose.Cells.OperatorType,System.String,System.String)">
  37480. <summary>
  37481. Adds a formatting condition.
  37482. </summary>
  37483. <param name="type">
  37484. <set cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType" /> of conditional formatting.It could be one of the members of FormatConditionType.</param>
  37485. <param name="operatorType">The comparison <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType" />.It could be one of the members of OperatorType.</param>
  37486. <param name="formula1">The value or expression associated with conditional formatting.
  37487. If the input value starts with '=', then it will be taken as formula.
  37488. Otherwise it will be taken as plain value(text, number, bool).
  37489. For text value that starts with '=', user may input it as formula in format: "=\"=...\"".</param>
  37490. <param name="formula2">The value or expression associated with conditional formatting. The input format is same with formula1</param>
  37491. <returns>Formatting condition object index;</returns>
  37492. </member>
  37493. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.AddCondition(Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType)">
  37494. <summary>
  37495. Add a format condition.
  37496. </summary>
  37497. <param name="type">Format condition type.</param>
  37498. <returns>Formatting condition object index;</returns>
  37499. </member>
  37500. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.GetCellArea(System.Int32)">
  37501. <summary>
  37502. Gets the conditional formatted cell range by index.
  37503. </summary>
  37504. <param name="index">the index of the conditional formatted cell range.</param>
  37505. <returns>the conditional formatted cell range</returns>
  37506. </member>
  37507. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.RemoveArea(System.Int32)">
  37508. <summary>
  37509. Removes conditional formatted cell range by index.
  37510. </summary>
  37511. <param name="index">The index of the conditional formatted cell range to be removed.</param>
  37512. </member>
  37513. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.RemoveArea(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  37514. <summary>
  37515. Remove conditional formatting int the range.
  37516. </summary>
  37517. <param name="startRow">The startRow of the range.</param>
  37518. <param name="startColumn">The startColumn of the range.</param>
  37519. <param name="totalRows">The number of rows of the range.</param>
  37520. <param name="totalColumns">The number of columns of the range.</param>
  37521. <returns>
  37522. Returns TRUE, this FormatCondtionCollection should be removed.
  37523. </returns>
  37524. </member>
  37525. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.RemoveCondition(System.Int32)">
  37526. <summary>
  37527. Removes the formatting condition by index.
  37528. </summary>
  37529. <param name="index">The index of the formatting condition to be removed.</param>
  37530. </member>
  37531. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.Count">
  37532. <summary>
  37533. Gets the count of the conditions.
  37534. </summary>
  37535. </member>
  37536. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.RangeCount">
  37537. <summary>
  37538. Gets count of conditionally formatted ranges.
  37539. </summary>
  37540. </member>
  37541. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  37542. <summary>
  37543. Gets the formatting condition by index.
  37544. </summary>
  37545. <param name="index">the index of the formatting condition to return.</param>
  37546. <returns>the formatting condition </returns>
  37547. </member>
  37548. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType">
  37549. <summary>
  37550. Conditional format rule type.
  37551. </summary>
  37552. </member>
  37553. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.CellValue">
  37554. <summary>
  37555. This conditional formatting rule compares a cell value
  37556. to a formula calculated result, using an operator.
  37557. </summary>
  37558. </member>
  37559. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.Expression">
  37560. <summary>
  37561. This conditional formatting rule contains a formula to
  37562. evaluate. When the formula result is true, the cell is
  37563. highlighted.
  37564. </summary>
  37565. </member>
  37566. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.ColorScale">
  37567. <summary>
  37568. This conditional formatting rule creates a gradated
  37569. color scale on the cells.
  37570. </summary>
  37571. </member>
  37572. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.DataBar">
  37573. <summary>
  37574. This conditional formatting rule displays a gradated
  37575. data bar in the range of cells.
  37576. </summary>
  37577. </member>
  37578. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.IconSet">
  37579. <summary>
  37580. This conditional formatting rule applies icons to cells
  37581. according to their values.
  37582. </summary>
  37583. </member>
  37584. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.Top10">
  37585. <summary>
  37586. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells whose
  37587. values fall in the top N or bottom N bracket, as
  37588. specified.
  37589. </summary>
  37590. </member>
  37591. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.UniqueValues">
  37592. <summary>
  37593. This conditional formatting rule highlights unique
  37594. values in the range.
  37595. </summary>
  37596. </member>
  37597. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.DuplicateValues">
  37598. <summary>
  37599. This conditional formatting rule highlights duplicated
  37600. values.
  37601. </summary>
  37602. </member>
  37603. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.ContainsText">
  37604. <summary>
  37605. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells
  37606. containing given text. Equivalent to using the SEARCH()
  37607. sheet function to determine whether the cell contains
  37608. the text.
  37609. </summary>
  37610. </member>
  37611. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.NotContainsText">
  37612. <summary>
  37613. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells that
  37614. are not blank. Equivalent of using LEN(TRIM()). This
  37615. means that if the cell contains only characters that
  37616. TRIM() would remove, then it is considered blank. An
  37617. empty cell is also considered blank.
  37618. </summary>
  37619. </member>
  37620. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.BeginsWith">
  37621. <summary>
  37622. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells in the
  37623. range that begin with the given text. Equivalent to
  37624. using the LEFT() sheet function and comparing values.
  37625. </summary>
  37626. </member>
  37627. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.EndsWith">
  37628. <summary>
  37629. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells ending
  37630. with given text. Equivalent to using the RIGHT() sheet
  37631. function and comparing values.
  37632. </summary>
  37633. </member>
  37634. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.ContainsBlanks">
  37635. <summary>
  37636. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells that
  37637. are completely blank. Equivalent of using LEN(TRIM()).
  37638. This means that if the cell contains only characters
  37639. that TRIM() would remove, then it is considered blank.
  37640. An empty cell is also considered blank.
  37641. </summary>
  37642. </member>
  37643. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.NotContainsBlanks">
  37644. <summary>
  37645. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells that
  37646. are not blank. Equivalent of using LEN(TRIM()). This
  37647. means that if the cell contains only characters that
  37648. TRIM() would remove, then it is considered blank. An
  37649. empty cell is also considered blank.
  37650. </summary>
  37651. </member>
  37652. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.ContainsErrors">
  37653. <summary>
  37654. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells with
  37655. formula errors. Equivalent to using ISERROR() sheet
  37656. function to determine if there is a formula error.
  37657. </summary>
  37658. </member>
  37659. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.NotContainsErrors">
  37660. <summary>
  37661. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells
  37662. without formula errors. Equivalent to using ISERROR()
  37663. sheet function to determine if there is a formula error.
  37664. </summary>
  37665. </member>
  37666. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.TimePeriod">
  37667. <summary>
  37668. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells
  37669. containing dates in the specified time period. The
  37670. underlying value of the cell is evaluated, therefore the
  37671. cell does not need to be formatted as a date to be
  37672. evaluated. For example, with a cell containing the
  37673. value 38913 the conditional format shall be applied if
  37674. the rule requires a value of 7/14/2006.
  37675. </summary>
  37676. </member>
  37677. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.FormatConditionType.AboveAverage">
  37678. <summary>
  37679. This conditional formatting rule highlights cells that
  37680. are above or below the average for all values in the
  37681. range.
  37682. </summary>
  37683. </member>
  37684. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.FormattingType">
  37685. <summary>
  37686. Represents the type of formatting applied to an <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area" /> object or a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line" /> object.
  37687. </summary>
  37688. </member>
  37689. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.FormattingType.Automatic">
  37690. <summary>
  37691. Represents automatic formatting type.
  37692. </summary>
  37693. </member>
  37694. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.FormattingType.Custom">
  37695. <summary>
  37696. Represents custom formatting type.
  37697. </summary>
  37698. </member>
  37699. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.FormattingType.None">
  37700. <summary>
  37701. Represents none formatting type.
  37702. </summary>
  37703. </member>
  37704. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientColorType">
  37705. <summary>
  37706. Represents the gradient color type for the specified fill.
  37707. </summary>
  37708. </member>
  37709. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientColorType.None">
  37710. <summary>
  37711. No gradient color
  37712. </summary>
  37713. </member>
  37714. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientColorType.OneColor">
  37715. <summary>
  37716. One gradient color
  37717. </summary>
  37718. </member>
  37719. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientColorType.PresetColors">
  37720. <summary>
  37721. Preset gradient colors
  37722. </summary>
  37723. </member>
  37724. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientColorType.TwoColors">
  37725. <summary>
  37726. Two gradient colors
  37727. </summary>
  37728. </member>
  37729. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType">
  37730. <summary>
  37731. Represents gradient preset color type.
  37732. </summary>
  37733. </member>
  37734. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Brass">
  37735. <summary>
  37736. Brass preset color
  37737. </summary>
  37738. </member>
  37739. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.CalmWater">
  37740. <summary>
  37741. Calm Water preset color
  37742. </summary>
  37743. </member>
  37744. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Chrome">
  37745. <summary>
  37746. Chrome preset color
  37747. </summary>
  37748. </member>
  37749. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.ChromeII">
  37750. <summary>
  37751. Chrome II preset color
  37752. </summary>
  37753. </member>
  37754. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Daybreak">
  37755. <summary>
  37756. Daybreak preset color
  37757. </summary>
  37758. </member>
  37759. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Desert">
  37760. <summary>
  37761. Desert preset color
  37762. </summary>
  37763. </member>
  37764. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.EarlySunset">
  37765. <summary>
  37766. Early Sunset preset color
  37767. </summary>
  37768. </member>
  37769. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Fire">
  37770. <summary>
  37771. Fire preset color
  37772. </summary>
  37773. </member>
  37774. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Fog">
  37775. <summary>
  37776. Fog preset color
  37777. </summary>
  37778. </member>
  37779. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Gold">
  37780. <summary>
  37781. Gold preset color
  37782. </summary>
  37783. </member>
  37784. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.GoldII">
  37785. <summary>
  37786. Gold II preset color
  37787. </summary>
  37788. </member>
  37789. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Horizon">
  37790. <summary>
  37791. Horizon preset color
  37792. </summary>
  37793. </member>
  37794. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.LateSunset">
  37795. <summary>
  37796. Late Sunset preset color
  37797. </summary>
  37798. </member>
  37799. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Mahogany">
  37800. <summary>
  37801. Mahogany preset color
  37802. </summary>
  37803. </member>
  37804. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Moss">
  37805. <summary>
  37806. Moss preset color
  37807. </summary>
  37808. </member>
  37809. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Nightfall">
  37810. <summary>
  37811. Nightfall preset color
  37812. </summary>
  37813. </member>
  37814. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Ocean">
  37815. <summary>
  37816. Ocean preset color
  37817. </summary>
  37818. </member>
  37819. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Parchment">
  37820. <summary>
  37821. Parchment preset color
  37822. </summary>
  37823. </member>
  37824. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Peacock">
  37825. <summary>
  37826. Peacock preset color
  37827. </summary>
  37828. </member>
  37829. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Rainbow">
  37830. <summary>
  37831. Rainbow preset color
  37832. </summary>
  37833. </member>
  37834. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.RainbowII">
  37835. <summary>
  37836. Rainbow II preset color
  37837. </summary>
  37838. </member>
  37839. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Sapphire">
  37840. <summary>
  37841. Sapphire preset color
  37842. </summary>
  37843. </member>
  37844. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Silver">
  37845. <summary>
  37846. Silver preset color
  37847. </summary>
  37848. </member>
  37849. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Wheat">
  37850. <summary>
  37851. Wheat preset color
  37852. </summary>
  37853. </member>
  37854. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientPresetType.Unknown">
  37855. <summary>
  37856. Unknown preset color.
  37857. Only for the preset color (which is not same as any known preset color) in the template workbook.
  37858. </summary>
  37859. </member>
  37860. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType">
  37861. <summary>
  37862. Represents gradient shading style.
  37863. </summary>
  37864. </member>
  37865. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType.DiagonalDown">
  37866. <summary>
  37867. Diagonal down shading style
  37868. </summary>
  37869. </member>
  37870. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType.DiagonalUp">
  37871. <summary>
  37872. Diagonal up shading style
  37873. </summary>
  37874. </member>
  37875. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType.FromCenter">
  37876. <summary>
  37877. From center shading style
  37878. </summary>
  37879. </member>
  37880. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType.FromCorner">
  37881. <summary>
  37882. From corner shading style
  37883. </summary>
  37884. </member>
  37885. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType.Horizontal">
  37886. <summary>
  37887. Horizontal shading style
  37888. </summary>
  37889. </member>
  37890. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType.Vertical">
  37891. <summary>
  37892. Vertical shading style
  37893. </summary>
  37894. </member>
  37895. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType.Unknown">
  37896. <summary>
  37897. Unknown shading style.Only for the shading style(which is not for any member of the GradientStyleType) in the template file.
  37898. </summary>
  37899. </member>
  37900. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupBox">
  37901. <summary>
  37902. Encapsulates the object that represents a groupbox in a spreadsheet.
  37903. </summary>
  37904. <example>
  37905. <code>
  37906. [C#]
  37907. //Instantiate a new Workbook.
  37908. Workbook excelbook = new Workbook();
  37909. //Add a group box to the first worksheet.
  37910. Aspose.Cells.GroupBox box = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddGroupBox(1, 0, 1, 0, 300, 250);
  37911. //Set the caption of the group box.
  37912. box.Text = "Age Groups";
  37913. box.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  37914. //Make it 2-D box.
  37915. box.Shadow = false;
  37916. //Add a radio button.
  37917. Aspose.Cells.RadioButton radio1 = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddRadioButton(3, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110);
  37918. //Set its text string.
  37919. radio1.Text = "20-29";
  37920. //Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  37921. radio1.LinkedCell = "A1";
  37922. //Make the radio button 3-D.
  37923. radio1.Shadow = true;
  37924. //Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  37925. radio1.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;
  37926. //Set the line style of the radio button.
  37927. radio1.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin;
  37928. //Set the weight of the radio button.
  37929. radio1.LineFormat.Weight = 4;
  37930. //Set the line color of the radio button.
  37931. radio1.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  37932. //Set the dash style of the radio button.
  37933. radio1.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  37934. //Make the line format visible.
  37935. radio1.LineFormat.IsVisible = true;
  37936. //Make the fill format visible.
  37937. radio1.FillFormat.IsVisible = true;
  37938. //Add another radio button.
  37939. Aspose.Cells.RadioButton radio2 = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddRadioButton(6, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110);
  37940. //Set its text string.
  37941. radio2.Text = "30-39";
  37942. //Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  37943. radio2.LinkedCell = "A1";
  37944. //Make the radio button 3-D.
  37945. radio2.Shadow = true;
  37946. //Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  37947. radio2.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;
  37948. //Set the line style of the radio button.
  37949. radio2.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin;
  37950. //Set the weight of the radio button.
  37951. radio2.LineFormat.Weight = 4;
  37952. //Set the line color of the radio button.
  37953. radio2.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  37954. //Set the dash style of the radio button.
  37955. radio2.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  37956. //Make the line format visible.
  37957. radio2.LineFormat.IsVisible = true;
  37958. //Make the fill format visible.
  37959. radio2.FillFormat.IsVisible = true;
  37960. //Add another radio button.
  37961. Aspose.Cells.RadioButton radio3 = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddRadioButton(9, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110);
  37962. //Set its text string.
  37963. radio3.Text = "40-49";
  37964. //Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  37965. radio3.LinkedCell = "A1";
  37966. //Make the radio button 3-D.
  37967. radio3.Shadow = true;
  37968. //Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  37969. radio3.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;
  37970. //Set the line style of the radio button.
  37971. radio3.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin;
  37972. //Set the weight of the radio button.
  37973. radio3.LineFormat.Weight = 4;
  37974. //Set the line color of the radio button.
  37975. radio3.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  37976. //Set the dash style of the radio button.
  37977. radio3.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  37978. //Make the line format visible.
  37979. radio3.LineFormat.IsVisible = true;
  37980. //Make the fill format visible.
  37981. radio3.FillFormat.IsVisible = true;
  37982. //Get the shapes.
  37983. Aspose.Cells.Shape[] shapeobjects = new Aspose.Cells.Shape[] { box, radio1, radio2, radio3 };
  37984. //Group the shapes.
  37985. Aspose.Cells.GroupShape group = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.Group(shapeobjects);
  37986. //Save the excel file.
  37987. excelbook.Save("d:\\test\\groupshapes.xls");
  37988. [VB.NET]
  37989. 'Instantiate a new Workbook.
  37990. Dim excelbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  37991. 'Add a group box to the first worksheet.
  37992. Dim box As Aspose.Cells.GroupBox = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddGroupBox(1, 0, 1, 0, 300, 250)
  37993. 'Set the caption of the group box.
  37994. box.Text = "Age Groups"
  37995. box.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  37996. 'Make it 2-D box.
  37997. box.Shadow = False
  37998. 'Add a radio button.
  37999. Dim radio1 As Aspose.Cells.RadioButton = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddRadioButton(3, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110)
  38000. 'Set its text string.
  38001. radio1.Text = "20-29"
  38002. 'Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38003. radio1.LinkedCell = "A1"
  38004. 'Make the radio button 3-D.
  38005. radio1.Shadow = True
  38006. 'Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38007. radio1.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen
  38008. 'Set the line style of the radio button.
  38009. radio1.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin
  38010. 'Set the weight of the radio button.
  38011. radio1.LineFormat.Weight = 4
  38012. 'Set the line color of the radio button.
  38013. radio1.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  38014. 'Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38015. radio1.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  38016. 'Make the line format visible.
  38017. radio1.LineFormat.IsVisible = True
  38018. 'Make the fill format visible.
  38019. radio1.FillFormat.IsVisible = True
  38020. 'Add another radio button.
  38021. Dim radio2 As Aspose.Cells.RadioButton = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddRadioButton(6, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110)
  38022. 'Set its text string.
  38023. radio2.Text = "30-39"
  38024. 'Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38025. radio2.LinkedCell = "A1"
  38026. 'Make the radio button 3-D.
  38027. radio2.Shadow = True
  38028. 'Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38029. radio2.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen
  38030. 'Set the line style of the radio button.
  38031. radio2.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin
  38032. 'Set the weight of the radio button.
  38033. radio2.LineFormat.Weight = 4
  38034. 'Set the line color of the radio button.
  38035. radio2.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  38036. 'Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38037. radio2.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  38038. 'Make the line format visible.
  38039. radio2.LineFormat.IsVisible = True
  38040. 'Make the fill format visible.
  38041. radio2.FillFormat.IsVisible = True
  38042. 'Add another radio button.
  38043. Dim radio3 As Aspose.Cells.RadioButton = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddRadioButton(9, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110)
  38044. 'Set its text string.
  38045. radio3.Text = "40-49"
  38046. 'Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38047. radio3.LinkedCell = "A1"
  38048. 'Make the radio button 3-D.
  38049. radio3.Shadow = True
  38050. 'Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38051. radio3.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen
  38052. 'Set the line style of the radio button.
  38053. radio3.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin
  38054. 'Set the weight of the radio button.
  38055. radio3.LineFormat.Weight = 4
  38056. 'Set the line color of the radio button.
  38057. radio3.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  38058. 'Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38059. radio3.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  38060. 'Make the line format visible.
  38061. radio3.LineFormat.IsVisible = True
  38062. 'Make the fill format visible.
  38063. radio3.FillFormat.IsVisible = True
  38064. 'Get the shapes.
  38065. Dim shapeobjects() As Aspose.Cells.Shape = New Aspose.Cells.Shape() {box, radio1, radio2, radio3}
  38066. 'Group the shapes.
  38067. Dim group As Aspose.Cells.GroupShape = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.Group(shapeobjects)
  38068. 'Save the excel file.
  38069. excelbook.Save("d:\test\groupshapes.xls")
  38070. </code>
  38071. </example>
  38072. </member>
  38073. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupBox.Shadow">
  38074. <summary>
  38075. Indicates whether the groupbox has shadow.
  38076. </summary>
  38077. </member>
  38078. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupShape">
  38079. <summary>
  38080. Represents the group shape which contains the individual shapes.
  38081. </summary>
  38082. <example>
  38083. <code>
  38084. [C#]
  38085. //Instantiate a new Workbook.
  38086. Workbook excelbook = new Workbook();
  38087. //Add a group box to the first worksheet.
  38088. Aspose.Cells.GroupBox box = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddGroupBox(1, 0, 1, 0, 300, 250);
  38089. //Set the caption of the group box.
  38090. box.Text = "Age Groups";
  38091. box.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  38092. //Make it 2-D box.
  38093. box.Shadow = false;
  38094. //Add a radio button.
  38095. Aspose.Cells.RadioButton radio1 = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddRadioButton(3, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110);
  38096. //Set its text string.
  38097. radio1.Text = "20-29";
  38098. //Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38099. radio1.LinkedCell = "A1";
  38100. //Make the radio button 3-D.
  38101. radio1.Shadow = true;
  38102. //Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38103. radio1.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;
  38104. //Set the line style of the radio button.
  38105. radio1.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin;
  38106. //Set the weight of the radio button.
  38107. radio1.LineFormat.Weight = 4;
  38108. //Set the line color of the radio button.
  38109. radio1.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  38110. //Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38111. radio1.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  38112. //Make the line format visible.
  38113. radio1.LineFormat.IsVisible = true;
  38114. //Make the fill format visible.
  38115. radio1.FillFormat.IsVisible = true;
  38116. //Add another radio button.
  38117. Aspose.Cells.RadioButton radio2 = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddRadioButton(6, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110);
  38118. //Set its text string.
  38119. radio2.Text = "30-39";
  38120. //Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38121. radio2.LinkedCell = "A1";
  38122. //Make the radio button 3-D.
  38123. radio2.Shadow = true;
  38124. //Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38125. radio2.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;
  38126. //Set the line style of the radio button.
  38127. radio2.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin;
  38128. //Set the weight of the radio button.
  38129. radio2.LineFormat.Weight = 4;
  38130. //Set the line color of the radio button.
  38131. radio2.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  38132. //Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38133. radio2.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  38134. //Make the line format visible.
  38135. radio2.LineFormat.IsVisible = true;
  38136. //Make the fill format visible.
  38137. radio2.FillFormat.IsVisible = true;
  38138. //Add another radio button.
  38139. Aspose.Cells.RadioButton radio3 = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.AddRadioButton(9, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110);
  38140. //Set its text string.
  38141. radio3.Text = "40-49";
  38142. //Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38143. radio3.LinkedCell = "A1";
  38144. //Make the radio button 3-D.
  38145. radio3.Shadow = true;
  38146. //Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38147. radio3.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen;
  38148. //Set the line style of the radio button.
  38149. radio3.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin;
  38150. //Set the weight of the radio button.
  38151. radio3.LineFormat.Weight = 4;
  38152. //Set the line color of the radio button.
  38153. radio3.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
  38154. //Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38155. radio3.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  38156. //Make the line format visible.
  38157. radio3.LineFormat.IsVisible = true;
  38158. //Make the fill format visible.
  38159. radio3.FillFormat.IsVisible = true;
  38160. //Get the shapes.
  38161. Aspose.Cells.Shape[] shapeobjects = new Aspose.Cells.Shape[] { box, radio1, radio2, radio3 };
  38162. //Group the shapes.
  38163. Aspose.Cells.GroupShape group = excelbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes.Group(shapeobjects);
  38164. //Save the excel file.
  38165. excelbook.Save("d:\\test\\groupshapes.xls");
  38166. [VB.NET]
  38167. 'Instantiate a new Workbook.
  38168. Dim excelbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  38169. 'Add a group box to the first worksheet.
  38170. Dim box As Aspose.Cells.GroupBox = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddGroupBox(1, 0, 1, 0, 300, 250)
  38171. 'Set the caption of the group box.
  38172. box.Text = "Age Groups"
  38173. box.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  38174. 'Make it 2-D box.
  38175. box.Shadow = False
  38176. 'Add a radio button.
  38177. Dim radio1 As Aspose.Cells.RadioButton = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddRadioButton(3, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110)
  38178. 'Set its text string.
  38179. radio1.Text = "20-29"
  38180. 'Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38181. radio1.LinkedCell = "A1"
  38182. 'Make the radio button 3-D.
  38183. radio1.Shadow = True
  38184. 'Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38185. radio1.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen
  38186. 'Set the line style of the radio button.
  38187. radio1.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin
  38188. 'Set the weight of the radio button.
  38189. radio1.LineFormat.Weight = 4
  38190. 'Set the line color of the radio button.
  38191. radio1.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  38192. 'Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38193. radio1.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  38194. 'Make the line format visible.
  38195. radio1.LineFormat.IsVisible = True
  38196. 'Make the fill format visible.
  38197. radio1.FillFormat.IsVisible = True
  38198. 'Add another radio button.
  38199. Dim radio2 As Aspose.Cells.RadioButton = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddRadioButton(6, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110)
  38200. 'Set its text string.
  38201. radio2.Text = "30-39"
  38202. 'Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38203. radio2.LinkedCell = "A1"
  38204. 'Make the radio button 3-D.
  38205. radio2.Shadow = True
  38206. 'Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38207. radio2.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen
  38208. 'Set the line style of the radio button.
  38209. radio2.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin
  38210. 'Set the weight of the radio button.
  38211. radio2.LineFormat.Weight = 4
  38212. 'Set the line color of the radio button.
  38213. radio2.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  38214. 'Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38215. radio2.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  38216. 'Make the line format visible.
  38217. radio2.LineFormat.IsVisible = True
  38218. 'Make the fill format visible.
  38219. radio2.FillFormat.IsVisible = True
  38220. 'Add another radio button.
  38221. Dim radio3 As Aspose.Cells.RadioButton = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.AddRadioButton(9, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110)
  38222. 'Set its text string.
  38223. radio3.Text = "40-49"
  38224. 'Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button.
  38225. radio3.LinkedCell = "A1"
  38226. 'Make the radio button 3-D.
  38227. radio3.Shadow = True
  38228. 'Set the foreground color of the radio button.
  38229. radio3.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.LightGreen
  38230. 'Set the line style of the radio button.
  38231. radio3.LineFormat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThickThin
  38232. 'Set the weight of the radio button.
  38233. radio3.LineFormat.Weight = 4
  38234. 'Set the line color of the radio button.
  38235. radio3.LineFormat.ForeColor = Color.Blue
  38236. 'Set the dash style of the radio button.
  38237. radio3.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  38238. 'Make the line format visible.
  38239. radio3.LineFormat.IsVisible = True
  38240. 'Make the fill format visible.
  38241. radio3.FillFormat.IsVisible = True
  38242. 'Get the shapes.
  38243. Dim shapeobjects() As Aspose.Cells.Shape = New Aspose.Cells.Shape() {box, radio1, radio2, radio3}
  38244. 'Group the shapes.
  38245. Dim group As Aspose.Cells.GroupShape = excelbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes.Group(shapeobjects)
  38246. 'Save the excel file.
  38247. excelbook.Save("d:\test\groupshapes.xls")
  38248. </code>
  38249. </example>
  38250. </member>
  38251. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupShape.Ungroup">
  38252. <summary>
  38253. Ungroups the shape items.
  38254. </summary>
  38255. <remarks>If the group shape is grouped by another group shape,nothing will be done.</remarks>
  38256. </member>
  38257. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupShape.GetGroupedShapes">
  38258. <summary>
  38259. Gets the shapes grouped by this shape.
  38260. </summary>
  38261. </member>
  38262. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupShape.Item(System.Int32)">
  38263. <summary>
  38264. Gets the child shape by index.
  38265. </summary>
  38266. <param name="index">the child shape index.</param>
  38267. <returns>return the child shape.</returns>
  38268. </member>
  38269. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper">
  38270. <summary>
  38271. Provides helper functions.
  38272. </summary>
  38273. </member>
  38274. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.GetTextWidth(System.String,Aspose.Cells.Font,System.Double)">
  38275. <summary>
  38276. Get width of text in unit of points.
  38277. </summary>
  38278. <param name="text">The text.</param>
  38279. <param name="font">The font of the text.</param>
  38280. <param name="scaling">The scaling of text.</param>
  38281. <returns>
  38282. </returns>
  38283. </member>
  38284. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.GetVersion">
  38285. <summary>
  38286. Get the release version.
  38287. </summary>
  38288. <returns>The release version.</returns>
  38289. </member>
  38290. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.IsProtectedByRMS(System.String)">
  38291. <summary>
  38292. Gets whether the file is protected by Microsoft Rights Management Server.
  38293. </summary>
  38294. <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
  38295. <returns>
  38296. </returns>
  38297. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38298. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.String)" /> property.
  38299. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  38300. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38301. </remarks>
  38302. </member>
  38303. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.IsProtectedByRMS(System.IO.Stream)">
  38304. <summary>
  38305. Gets whether the file is protected by Microsoft Rights Management Server.
  38306. </summary>
  38307. <param name="stream">The file stream.</param>
  38308. <returns>
  38309. </returns>
  38310. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38311. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.IO.Stream)" /> property.
  38312. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  38313. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38314. </remarks>
  38315. </member>
  38316. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.CellNameToIndex(System.String,System.Int32@,System.Int32@)">
  38317. <summary>
  38318. Gets the cell row and column indexes according to its name.
  38319. </summary>
  38320. <param name="cellName">Name of cell.</param>
  38321. <param name="row">Output row index</param>
  38322. <param name="column">Output column index</param>
  38323. </member>
  38324. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.CellIndexToName(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  38325. <summary>
  38326. Gets cell name according to its row and column indexes.
  38327. </summary>
  38328. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  38329. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  38330. <returns>Name of cell.</returns>
  38331. </member>
  38332. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.ColumnIndexToName(System.Int32)">
  38333. <summary>
  38334. Gets column name according to column index.
  38335. </summary>
  38336. <param name="column">Column index.</param>
  38337. <returns>Name of column.</returns>
  38338. </member>
  38339. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.ColumnNameToIndex(System.String)">
  38340. <summary>
  38341. Gets column index according to column name.
  38342. </summary>
  38343. <param name="columnName">Column name.</param>
  38344. <returns>Column index.</returns>
  38345. </member>
  38346. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.RowIndexToName(System.Int32)">
  38347. <summary>
  38348. Gets row name according to row index.
  38349. </summary>
  38350. <param name="row">Row index.</param>
  38351. <returns>Name of row.</returns>
  38352. </member>
  38353. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.RowNameToIndex(System.String)">
  38354. <summary>
  38355. Gets row index according to row name.
  38356. </summary>
  38357. <param name="rowName">Row name.</param>
  38358. <returns>Row index.</returns>
  38359. </member>
  38360. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.ConvertR1C1FormulaToA1(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  38361. <summary>
  38362. Converts the r1c1 formula of the cell to A1 formula.
  38363. </summary>
  38364. <param name="r1c1Formula">The r1c1 formula.</param>
  38365. <param name="row">The row index of the cell.</param>
  38366. <param name="column">The column index of the cell.</param>
  38367. <returns>The A1 formula.</returns>
  38368. </member>
  38369. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.ConvertA1FormulaToR1C1(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  38370. <summary>
  38371. Converts A1 formula of the cell to the r1c1 formula.
  38372. </summary>
  38373. <param name="formula">The A1 formula.</param>
  38374. <param name="row">The row index of the cell.</param>
  38375. <param name="column">The column index of the cell.</param>
  38376. <returns>The R1C1 formula.</returns>
  38377. </member>
  38378. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.GetDateTimeFromDouble(System.Double,System.Boolean)">
  38379. <summary>
  38380. Convert the double value to the date time value.
  38381. </summary>
  38382. <param name="doubleValue">The double value.</param>
  38383. <param name="date1904">Date 1904 system.</param>
  38384. <returns>
  38385. </returns>
  38386. </member>
  38387. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.GetDoubleFromDateTime(System.DateTime,System.Boolean)">
  38388. <summary>
  38389. Convert the date time to double value.
  38390. </summary>
  38391. <param name="dateTime">The date time.</param>
  38392. <param name="date1904">Date 1904 system.</param>
  38393. <returns>
  38394. </returns>
  38395. </member>
  38396. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.DetectLoadFormat(System.String)">
  38397. <summary>
  38398. Detects the file load format.
  38399. </summary>
  38400. <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
  38401. <returns>The load format.</returns>
  38402. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38403. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.String)" /> property.
  38404. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  38405. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38406. </remarks>
  38407. </member>
  38408. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.DetectLoadFormat(System.IO.Stream)">
  38409. <summary>
  38410. Detects the file load format.
  38411. </summary>
  38412. <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
  38413. <returns>
  38414. </returns>
  38415. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38416. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.IO.Stream)" /> property.
  38417. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  38418. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38419. </remarks>
  38420. </member>
  38421. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.DetectFileFormat(System.String)">
  38422. <summary>
  38423. Detects the file format type.
  38424. </summary>
  38425. <param name="fileName">the file name</param>
  38426. <returns>The file format type.</returns>
  38427. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38428. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.String)" /> property.
  38429. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  38430. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38431. </remarks>
  38432. </member>
  38433. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.DetectFileFormat(System.IO.Stream)">
  38434. <summary>
  38435. Detects the format type of the file stored in the stream.
  38436. </summary>
  38437. <param name="stream">The stream</param>
  38438. <returns>The file format type.</returns>
  38439. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38440. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.IO.Stream)" /> property.
  38441. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  38442. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38443. </remarks>
  38444. </member>
  38445. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.GetUsedColors(Aspose.Cells.Workbook)">
  38446. <summary>
  38447. Gets all used colors in the workbook.
  38448. </summary>
  38449. <param name="workbook">The workbook object.</param>
  38450. <returns>The used colors.</returns>
  38451. </member>
  38452. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.AddAddInFunction(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.ParameterType[],Aspose.Cells.ParameterType)">
  38453. <summary>
  38454. Add addin function.
  38455. </summary>
  38456. <param name="function">The function name.</param>
  38457. <param name="minCountOfParameters">Minimum number of parameters this function requires</param>
  38458. <param name="maxCountOfParameters">Maximum number of parameters this function allows.</param>
  38459. <param name="paramersType">The excepted parameters type of the function</param>
  38460. <param name="functionValueType">The function value type.</param>
  38461. </member>
  38462. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.MergeFiles(System.String[],System.String,System.String)">
  38463. <summary>
  38464. Merges some large xls files to a xls file.
  38465. </summary>
  38466. <param name="files">The files.</param>
  38467. <param name="cachedFile">The cached file.</param>
  38468. <param name="destFile">The dest file.</param>
  38469. <remarks>
  38470. This method only supports merging data, style and formulas to the new file.
  38471. The cached file is used to store some temporary data.
  38472. </remarks>
  38473. </member>
  38474. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.CreateSafeSheetName(System.String)">
  38475. <summary>
  38476. Checks given sheet name and create a valid one when needed.
  38477. If given sheet name conforms to the rules of excel sheet name, then return it.
  38478. Otherwise string will be truncated if length exceeds the limit
  38479. and invalid characters will be replaced with ' ', then return the rebuilt string value.
  38480. </summary>
  38481. <param name="nameProposal">sheet name to be used</param>
  38482. <returns>
  38483. </returns>
  38484. </member>
  38485. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.CreateSafeSheetName(System.String,System.Char)">
  38486. <summary>
  38487. Checks given sheet name and create a valid one when needed.
  38488. If given sheet name conforms to the rules of excel sheet name, then return it.
  38489. Otherwise string will be truncated if length exceeds the limit
  38490. and invalid characters will be replaced with given character, then return the rebuilt string value.
  38491. </summary>
  38492. <param name="nameProposal">sheet name to be used</param>
  38493. <param name="replaceChar">character which will be used to replace invalid characters in given sheet name</param>
  38494. <returns>
  38495. </returns>
  38496. </member>
  38497. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.SignificantDigits">
  38498. <summary>
  38499. Gets and sets the number of significant digits.
  38500. The default value is 17.
  38501. </summary>
  38502. <remarks>
  38503. Only could be 15 or 17 now.
  38504. </remarks>
  38505. </member>
  38506. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.DPI">
  38507. <summary>
  38508. Gets the DPI of the machine.
  38509. </summary>
  38510. <remarks>
  38511. </remarks>
  38512. </member>
  38513. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.FontDir">
  38514. <summary>
  38515. When generating PDF/XPS, specific font file directory can be set in the property.
  38516. If it is not set , using %WINDOWS%\fonts by default.
  38517. </summary>
  38518. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38519. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.SetFontFolder(System.String,System.Boolean)" /> method with folder recursive to false.
  38520. This property will be removed 12 months later since July 2016.
  38521. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38522. </remarks>
  38523. </member>
  38524. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.FontDirs">
  38525. <summary>
  38526. When generating PDF/XPS, specific font file directories can be set in the property.
  38527. If it is not set , using %WINDOWS%\fonts by default.
  38528. </summary>
  38529. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38530. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.SetFontFolders(System.String[],System.Boolean)" /> method with folder recursive to false.
  38531. This property will be removed 12 months later since July 2016.
  38532. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38533. </remarks>
  38534. </member>
  38535. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.FontFiles">
  38536. <summary>
  38537. When generating PDF/XPS, specific font files can be set in the property.
  38538. Such as "d:\myfonts\myArial.ttf"
  38539. </summary>
  38540. <remarks>This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38541. please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Cells.FontConfigs.SetFontSources(Aspose.Cells.FontSourceBase[])" /> method.
  38542. This property will be removed 12 months later since July 2016.
  38543. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
  38544. </remarks>
  38545. </member>
  38546. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.StartupPath">
  38547. <summary>
  38548. Gets or sets the startup path, which is referred to by some external formula references.
  38549. </summary>
  38550. </member>
  38551. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.AltStartPath">
  38552. <summary>
  38553. Gets or sets the alternate startup path, which is referred to by some external formula references.
  38554. </summary>
  38555. </member>
  38556. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.LibraryPath">
  38557. <summary>
  38558. Gets or sets the library path which is referred to by some external formula references.
  38559. </summary>
  38560. </member>
  38561. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.CellsHelper.CustomImplementationFactory">
  38562. <summary>
  38563. Gets or sets the factory for creating instances with special implementation.
  38564. </summary>
  38565. </member>
  38566. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak">
  38567. <summary>
  38568. Encapsulates the object that represents a horizontal page break.
  38569. </summary>
  38570. <example>
  38571. <code>
  38572. [C#]
  38573. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  38574. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  38575. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  38576. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  38577. //Add a page break at cell Y30
  38578. int Index = worksheet.HorizontalPageBreaks.Add("Y30");
  38579. //get the newly added horizontal page break
  38580. HorizontalPageBreak hPageBreak = worksheet.HorizontalPageBreaks[Index];
  38581. [VB.NET]
  38582. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  38583. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  38584. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  38585. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  38586. 'Add a page break at cell Y30
  38587. Dim Index As Integer = worksheet.HorizontalPageBreaks.Add("Y30")
  38588. 'get the newly added horizontal page break
  38589. Dim hPageBreak As HorizontalPageBreak = worksheet.HorizontalPageBreaks(Index)
  38590. </code>
  38591. </example>
  38592. </member>
  38593. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak.StartColumn">
  38594. <summary>
  38595. Gets the start column index of this horizontal page break.
  38596. </summary>
  38597. </member>
  38598. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak.EndColumn">
  38599. <summary>
  38600. Gets the end column index of this horizontal page break.
  38601. </summary>
  38602. </member>
  38603. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak.Row">
  38604. <summary>
  38605. Gets the zero based row index.
  38606. </summary>
  38607. </member>
  38608. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection">
  38609. <summary>
  38610. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak" /> objects.
  38611. </summary>
  38612. <example>
  38613. <code>
  38614. [C#]
  38615. //Add a pagebreak at G5
  38616. excel.Worksheets[0].HorizontalPageBreaks.Add("G5");
  38617. excel.Worksheets[0].VerticalPageBreaks.Add("G5");
  38618. [VB]
  38619. 'Add a pagebreak at G5
  38620. excel.Worksheets(0).HorizontalPageBreaks.Add("G5")
  38621. excel.Worksheets(0).VerticalPageBreaks.Add("G5")
  38622. </code>
  38623. </example>
  38624. </member>
  38625. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  38626. <summary>
  38627. Adds a horizontal page break to the collection.
  38628. </summary>
  38629. <param name="row">Row index, zero based.</param>
  38630. <param name="startColumn">Start column index, zero based.</param>
  38631. <param name="endColumn">End column index, zero based.</param>
  38632. <returns>
  38633. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak" /> object index.</returns>
  38634. <remarks>This method is used to add a horizontal pagebreak within a print area.</remarks>
  38635. </member>
  38636. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection.Add(System.Int32)">
  38637. <summary>
  38638. Adds a horizontal page break to the collection.
  38639. </summary>
  38640. <param name="row">Cell row index, zero based.</param>
  38641. <returns>
  38642. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak" /> object index.</returns>
  38643. <remarks>Page break is added in the top left of the cell.
  38644. Please set a horizontal page break and a vertical page break concurrently.</remarks>
  38645. </member>
  38646. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  38647. <summary>
  38648. Adds a horizontal page break to the collection.
  38649. </summary>
  38650. <param name="row">Cell row index, zero based.</param>
  38651. <param name="column">Cell column index, zero based.</param>
  38652. <returns>
  38653. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak" /> object index.</returns>
  38654. <remarks>Page break is added in the top left of the cell.
  38655. Please set a horizontal page break and a vertical page break concurrently.</remarks>
  38656. </member>
  38657. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection.Add(System.String)">
  38658. <summary>
  38659. Adds a horizontal page break to the collection.
  38660. </summary>
  38661. <param name="cellName">Cell name.</param>
  38662. <returns>
  38663. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak" /> object index.</returns>
  38664. <remarks>Page break is added in the top left of the cell.
  38665. Please set a horizontal page break and a vertical page break concurrently.</remarks>
  38666. </member>
  38667. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  38668. <summary>
  38669. Removes the HPageBreak element at a specified name.
  38670. </summary>
  38671. <param name="index">Element index, zero based.</param>
  38672. </member>
  38673. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  38674. <summary>
  38675. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak" /> element at the specified index.
  38676. </summary>
  38677. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  38678. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  38679. </member>
  38680. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreakCollection.Item(System.String)">
  38681. <summary>
  38682. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.HorizontalPageBreak" /> element with the specified cell name.
  38683. </summary>
  38684. <param name="cellName">Cell name.</param>
  38685. <returns>The element with the specified cell name.</returns>
  38686. </member>
  38687. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink">
  38688. <summary>
  38689. Encapsulates the object that represents a hyperlink.
  38690. </summary>
  38691. <example>
  38692. <code>
  38693. [C#]
  38694. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  38695. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  38696. //Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  38697. workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  38698. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  38699. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  38700. //Adding a hyperlink to a URL at "A1" cell
  38701. worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add("A1", 1, 1, "");
  38702. //Saving the Excel file
  38703. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  38704. [Visual Basic]
  38705. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  38706. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  38707. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  38708. workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  38709. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  38710. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  38711. 'Adding a hyperlink to a URL at "A1" cell
  38712. worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add("A1", 1, 1, "")
  38713. 'Saving the Excel file
  38714. workbook.Save("C:\book1.xls")
  38715. </code>
  38716. </example>
  38717. </member>
  38718. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink.Delete">
  38719. <summary>
  38720. Deletes this hyperlink
  38721. </summary>
  38722. </member>
  38723. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink.Address">
  38724. <summary>
  38725. Represents the address of a hyperlink.
  38726. </summary>
  38727. </member>
  38728. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink.TextToDisplay">
  38729. <summary>
  38730. Represents the text to be displayed for the specified hyperlink. The default value is the address of the hyperlink.
  38731. </summary>
  38732. </member>
  38733. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink.Area">
  38734. <summary>
  38735. Gets the range of hyperlink.
  38736. </summary>
  38737. </member>
  38738. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink.ScreenTip">
  38739. <summary>
  38740. Returns or sets the ScreenTip text for the specified hyperlink.
  38741. </summary>
  38742. </member>
  38743. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink.LinkType">
  38744. <summary>
  38745. Gets the link type.
  38746. </summary>
  38747. </member>
  38748. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.HyperlinkCollection">
  38749. <summary>
  38750. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink" /> objects.
  38751. </summary>
  38752. <example>
  38753. <code>
  38754. [C#]
  38755. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  38756. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  38757. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  38758. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  38759. //Get Hyperlinks Collection
  38760. HyperlinkCollection hyperlinks = worksheet.Hyperlinks;
  38761. //Adding a hyperlink to a URL at "A1" cell
  38762. hyperlinks.Add("A1", 1, 1, "");
  38763. //Saving the Excel file
  38764. workbook.Save("D:\\book1.xls");
  38765. [VB.NET]
  38766. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  38767. Dim workbook As New Workbook()
  38768. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  38769. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  38770. 'Get Hyperlinks Collection
  38771. Dim hyperlinks As HyperlinkCollection = worksheet.Hyperlinks
  38772. 'Adding a hyperlink to a URL at "A1" cell
  38773. hyperlinks.Add("A1", 1, 1, "")
  38774. 'Saving the Excel file
  38775. workbook.Save("D:\book1.xls")
  38776. </code>
  38777. </example>
  38778. </member>
  38779. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HyperlinkCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  38780. <summary>
  38781. Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
  38782. </summary>
  38783. <param name="firstRow">First row of the hyperlink range.</param>
  38784. <param name="firstColumn">First column of the hyperlink range.</param>
  38785. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows in this hyperlink range.</param>
  38786. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns of this hyperlink range.</param>
  38787. <param name="address">Address of the hyperlink.</param>
  38788. <returns>
  38789. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink" /> object index.</returns>
  38790. <example>
  38791. <code>
  38792. [C#]
  38793. Worksheet worksheet = excel.Worksheets[0];
  38794. worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add("A4", 1, 1, "");
  38795. worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add("A5", 1, 1, "c:\\book1.xls");
  38796. [Visual Basic]
  38797. Dim worksheet as Worksheet = excel.Worksheets(0)
  38798. worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add("A4", 1, 1, "")
  38799. worksheet.Hyperlinks.Add("A5", 1, 1, "c:\\book1.xls")
  38800. </code>
  38801. </example>
  38802. </member>
  38803. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HyperlinkCollection.Add(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  38804. <summary>
  38805. Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
  38806. </summary>
  38807. <param name="cellName">Cell name.</param>
  38808. <param name="totalRows">Number of rows in this hyperlink range.</param>
  38809. <param name="totalColumns">Number of columns of this hyperlink range.</param>
  38810. <param name="address">Address of the hyperlink.</param>
  38811. <returns>
  38812. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink" /> object index.</returns>
  38813. </member>
  38814. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HyperlinkCollection.Add(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  38815. <summary>
  38816. Adds a hyperlink to a specified cell or a range of cells.
  38817. </summary>
  38818. <param name="startCellName">The top-left cell of the range.</param>
  38819. <param name="endCellName">The bottom-right cell of the range.</param>
  38820. <param name="address">Address of the hyperlink.</param>
  38821. <param name="textToDisplay">The text to be displayed for the specified hyperlink.</param>
  38822. <param name="screenTip">The screenTip text for the specified hyperlink.</param>
  38823. <returns>
  38824. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink" /> object index.</returns>
  38825. </member>
  38826. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HyperlinkCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  38827. <summary>
  38828. Remove the hyperlink at the specified index.
  38829. </summary>
  38830. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  38831. </member>
  38832. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.HyperlinkCollection.Clear">
  38833. <summary>
  38834. Clears all hyperlinks.
  38835. </summary>
  38836. </member>
  38837. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.HyperlinkCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  38838. <summary>
  38839. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Hyperlink" /> element at the specified index.
  38840. </summary>
  38841. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  38842. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  38843. </member>
  38844. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions">
  38845. <summary>
  38846. Represents the save options for csv/tab delimited/other text format.
  38847. </summary>
  38848. </member>
  38849. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.#ctor">
  38850. <summary>
  38851. Creates text file save options.
  38852. </summary>
  38853. </member>
  38854. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  38855. <summary>
  38856. Creates text file save options.
  38857. </summary>
  38858. <param name="format">The save format of the text file.</param>
  38859. </member>
  38860. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.Separator">
  38861. <summary>
  38862. Gets and sets char Delimiter of text file.
  38863. </summary>
  38864. </member>
  38865. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.SeparatorString">
  38866. <summary>
  38867. Gets and sets the a string value as separator.
  38868. </summary>
  38869. </member>
  38870. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.Encoding">
  38871. <summary>
  38872. Gets and sets the default encoding.
  38873. </summary>
  38874. </member>
  38875. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.AlwaysQuoted">
  38876. <summary>
  38877. Indicates whether always adding '"' for each field.
  38878. If true then all values will be quoted;
  38879. If false then only quote values when needed(when values contain special characters such as '"' , '\n' or separator character).
  38880. Default is false.
  38881. </summary>
  38882. <remarks>
  38883. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  38884. please use QuoteType property instead.
  38885. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  38886. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  38887. </member>
  38888. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.QuoteType">
  38889. <summary>
  38890. Gets or sets how to quote values in the exported text file.
  38891. </summary>
  38892. </member>
  38893. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.FormatStrategy">
  38894. <summary>
  38895. Gets and sets the format strategy when exporting the cell value as string.
  38896. </summary>
  38897. </member>
  38898. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider">
  38899. <summary>
  38900. The Data provider to provide cells data for saving workbook in light mode.
  38901. </summary>
  38902. </member>
  38903. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.TrimLeadingBlankRowAndColumn">
  38904. <summary>
  38905. Indicates whether leading blank rows and columns should be trimmed like what ms excel does. Default is true.
  38906. </summary>
  38907. </member>
  38908. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.KeepSeparatorsForBlankRow">
  38909. <summary>
  38910. Indicates whether separators should be output for blank row. Default value is false which means the content for blank row will be empty.
  38911. </summary>
  38912. </member>
  38913. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.TxtSaveOptions.ExportArea">
  38914. <summary>
  38915. The range of cells to be exported.
  38916. </summary>
  38917. </member>
  38918. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.XmlColumnProperty">
  38919. <summary>
  38920. Represents Xml Data Binding information.
  38921. </summary>
  38922. </member>
  38923. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Label">
  38924. <summary>
  38925. Encapsulates the object that represents a label in a spreadsheet.
  38926. </summary>
  38927. <example>
  38928. <code>
  38929. //Create a new Workbook.
  38930. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  38931. //Get the first worksheet in the workbook.
  38932. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  38933. //Add a new label to the worksheet.
  38934. Aspose.Cells.Label label = sheet.Shapes.AddLabel(2, 0, 2, 0, 60, 120);
  38935. //Set the caption of the label.
  38936. label.Text = "This is a Label";
  38937. //Set the Placement Type, the way the
  38938. //label is attached to the cells.
  38939. label.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  38940. //Set the fill color of the label.
  38941. label.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.Yellow;
  38942. //Saves the file.
  38943. workbook.Save(@"d:\test\tstlabel.xls");
  38944. [VB.NET]
  38945. 'Create a new Workbook.
  38946. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  38947. 'Get the first worksheet in the workbook.
  38948. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  38949. 'Add a new label to the worksheet.
  38950. Dim label As Aspose.Cells.Label = sheet.Shapes.AddLabel(2, 0, 2, 0, 60, 120)
  38951. 'Set the caption of the label.
  38952. label.Text = "This is a Label"
  38953. 'Set the Placement Type, the way the
  38954. 'label is attached to the cells.
  38955. label.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  38956. 'Set the fill color of the label.
  38957. label.FillFormat.ForeColor = Color.Yellow
  38958. 'Saves the file.
  38959. workbook.Save("d:\test\tstlabel.xls")
  38960. </code>
  38961. </example>
  38962. </member>
  38963. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Legend">
  38964. <summary>
  38965. Encapsulates the object that represents the chart legend.
  38966. </summary>
  38967. <example>
  38968. <code>
  38969. [C#]
  38970. //Set Legend's width and height
  38971. Legend legend = chart.Legend;
  38972. //Legend is at right side of chart by default.
  38973. //If the legend is at left or right side of the chart, setting Legend.X property will not take effect.
  38974. //If the legend is at top or bottom side of the chart, setting Legend.Y property will not take effect.
  38975. legend.Y = 1500;
  38976. legend.Width = 50;
  38977. legend.Height = 50;
  38978. //Set legend's position
  38979. legend.Position = LegendPositionType.Left;
  38980. [Visual Basic]
  38981. 'Set Legend's width and height
  38982. Dim legend as Legend = chart.Legend
  38983. 'Legend is at right side of chart by default.
  38984. 'If the legend is at left or right side of the chart, setting Legend.X property will not take effect.
  38985. 'If the legend is at top or bottom side of the chart, setting Legend.Y property will not take effect.
  38986. legend.Y = 1500
  38987. legend.Width = 50
  38988. legend.Height = 50
  38989. 'Set legend's position
  38990. legend.Position = LegendPositionType.Left
  38991. </code>
  38992. </example>
  38993. </member>
  38994. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Legend.Position">
  38995. <summary>
  38996. Gets or sets the legend position type.
  38997. </summary>
  38998. <remarks>
  38999. <br>Default position is right.</br>
  39000. <br>If the legend is at left or right side of the chart, setting Legend.X property will not take effect.</br>
  39001. <br>If the legend is at top or bottom side of the chart, setting Legend.Y property will not take effect.</br>
  39002. </remarks>
  39003. </member>
  39004. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Legend.LegendEntries">
  39005. <summary>
  39006. Gets a collection of all the LegendEntry objects in the specified chart legend.
  39007. Setting the legend entries of the surface chart is not supported.
  39008. So it will return null if the chart type is surface chart type.
  39009. </summary>
  39010. </member>
  39011. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Legend.LegendEntriesLabels">
  39012. <summary>
  39013. Gets the labels of the legend entries after call Chart.Calculate() method.
  39014. </summary>
  39015. </member>
  39016. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Legend.IsOverLay">
  39017. <summary>
  39018. Gets or sets whether other chart elements shall be allowed to overlap this chart element.
  39019. </summary>
  39020. </member>
  39021. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntryCollection">
  39022. <summary>
  39023. Represents a collection of all the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry" /> objects in the specified chart legend.
  39024. </summary>
  39025. </member>
  39026. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntryCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  39027. <summary>
  39028. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry" /> element at the specified index.
  39029. </summary>
  39030. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  39031. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  39032. </member>
  39033. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry">
  39034. <summary>
  39035. Represents a legend entry in a chart legend.
  39036. </summary>
  39037. </member>
  39038. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.IsDeleted">
  39039. <summary>
  39040. Gets and sets whether the legend entry is deleted.
  39041. </summary>
  39042. </member>
  39043. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.Font">
  39044. <summary>
  39045. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.Font" /> object of the specified ChartFrame object.
  39046. </summary>
  39047. </member>
  39048. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.TextFont">
  39049. <summary>
  39050. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.Font" /> object of the specified LegendEntry object.
  39051. </summary>
  39052. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  39053. please use LegendEntry.Font property.
  39054. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012.
  39055. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  39056. </member>
  39057. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.IsTextNoFill">
  39058. <summary>
  39059. Gets or sets no fill of the text.
  39060. </summary>
  39061. </member>
  39062. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.AutoScaleFont">
  39063. <summary>
  39064. True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes.
  39065. The default value is True.
  39066. </summary>
  39067. </member>
  39068. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.Background">
  39069. <summary>
  39070. Gets and sets the display mode of the background
  39071. </summary>
  39072. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  39073. please use LegendEntry.BackgroundMode property.
  39074. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2012.
  39075. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  39076. </member>
  39077. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendEntry.BackgroundMode">
  39078. <summary>
  39079. Gets and sets the display mode of the background
  39080. </summary>
  39081. </member>
  39082. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendPositionType">
  39083. <summary>
  39084. Enumerates the legend position types.
  39085. </summary>
  39086. </member>
  39087. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendPositionType.Bottom">
  39088. <summary>
  39089. Displays the legend to the bottom of the chart's plot area.
  39090. </summary>
  39091. </member>
  39092. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendPositionType.Corner">
  39093. <summary>
  39094. Displays the legend to the corner of the chart's plot area.
  39095. </summary>
  39096. </member>
  39097. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendPositionType.Left">
  39098. <summary>
  39099. Displays the legend to the left of the chart's plot area.
  39100. </summary>
  39101. </member>
  39102. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendPositionType.NotDocked">
  39103. <summary>
  39104. Represents that the legend is not docked.
  39105. </summary>
  39106. </member>
  39107. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendPositionType.Right">
  39108. <summary>
  39109. Displays the legend to the right of the chart's plot area.
  39110. </summary>
  39111. </member>
  39112. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.LegendPositionType.Top">
  39113. <summary>
  39114. Displays the legend to the top of the chart's plot area.
  39115. </summary>
  39116. </member>
  39117. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineShape">
  39118. <summary>
  39119. Represents the line shape.
  39120. </summary>
  39121. <example>
  39122. <code>
  39123. [C#]
  39124. //Instantiate a new Workbook.
  39125. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  39126. //Get the first worksheet in the book.
  39127. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  39128. //Add a new line to the worksheet.
  39129. Aspose.Cells.LineShape line1 = worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 250);
  39130. //Set the line dash style
  39131. line1.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  39132. //Set the placement.
  39133. line1.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  39134. //Add another line to the worksheet.
  39135. Aspose.Cells.LineShape line2 = worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(7, 0, 1, 0, 85, 250);
  39136. //Set the line dash style.
  39137. line2.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.DashLongDash;
  39138. //Set the weight of the line.
  39139. line2.LineFormat.Weight = 4;
  39140. //Set the placement.
  39141. line2.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  39142. //Add the third line to the worksheet.
  39143. Aspose.Cells.LineShape line3 = worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(13, 0, 1, 0, 0, 250);
  39144. //Set the line dash style
  39145. line3.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid;
  39146. //Set the placement.
  39147. line3.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  39148. //Make the gridlines invisible in the first worksheet.
  39149. workbook.Worksheets[0].IsGridlinesVisible = false;
  39150. //Save the excel file.
  39151. workbook.Save("d:\\test\\tstlines.xls");
  39152. [VB.NET]
  39153. 'Instantiate a new Workbook.
  39154. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  39155. 'Get the first worksheet in the book.
  39156. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  39157. 'Add a new line to the worksheet.
  39158. Dim line1 As Aspose.Cells.LineShape = worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 250)
  39159. 'Set the line dash style
  39160. line1.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  39161. 'Set the placement.
  39162. line1.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  39163. 'Add another line to the worksheet.
  39164. Dim line2 As Aspose.Cells.LineShape = worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(7, 0, 1, 0, 85, 250)
  39165. 'Set the line dash style.
  39166. line2.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.DashLongDash
  39167. 'Set the weight of the line.
  39168. line2.LineFormat.Weight = 4
  39169. 'Set the placement.
  39170. line2.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  39171. 'Add the third line to the worksheet.
  39172. Dim line3 As Aspose.Cells.LineShape = worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(13, 0, 1, 0, 0, 250)
  39173. 'Set the line dash style
  39174. line3.LineFormat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.Solid
  39175. 'Set the placement.
  39176. line3.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  39177. 'Make the gridlines invisible in the first worksheet.
  39178. workbook.Worksheets(0).IsGridlinesVisible = False
  39179. 'Save the excel file.
  39180. workbook.Save("d:\test\tstlines.xls")
  39181. </code>
  39182. </example>
  39183. </member>
  39184. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineShape.BeginArrowheadStyle">
  39185. <summary>
  39186. Gets and sets the begin arrow head style of the line.
  39187. </summary>
  39188. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  39189. please use Shape.Line.BeginArrowheadStyle property.
  39190. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  39191. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  39192. </member>
  39193. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineShape.BeginArrowheadWidth">
  39194. <summary>
  39195. Gets and sets the begin arrow head width of the line.
  39196. </summary>
  39197. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  39198. please use Shape.Line.BeginArrowheadWidth property.
  39199. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  39200. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  39201. </member>
  39202. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineShape.BeginArrowheadLength">
  39203. <summary>
  39204. Gets and sets the begin arrow head length of the line.
  39205. </summary>
  39206. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  39207. please use Shape.Line.BeginArrowheadLength property.
  39208. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  39209. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  39210. </member>
  39211. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineShape.EndArrowheadStyle">
  39212. <summary>
  39213. Gets and sets the end arrow head style of the line.
  39214. </summary>
  39215. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  39216. please use Shape.Line.EndArrowheadStyle property.
  39217. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  39218. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  39219. </member>
  39220. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineShape.EndArrowheadWidth">
  39221. <summary>
  39222. Gets and sets the end arrow head width of the line.
  39223. </summary>
  39224. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  39225. please use Shape.Line.EndArrowheadWidth property.
  39226. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  39227. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  39228. </member>
  39229. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineShape.EndArrowheadLength">
  39230. <summary>
  39231. Gets and sets the end arrow head length of the line.
  39232. </summary>
  39233. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  39234. please use Shape.Line.EndArrowheadLength property.
  39235. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2016.
  39236. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  39237. </member>
  39238. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType">
  39239. <summary>
  39240. Enumerates the type of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> border or <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Chart" /> line.
  39241. </summary>
  39242. </member>
  39243. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType.DarkGray">
  39244. <summary>
  39245. Represents a dark gray line.
  39246. </summary>
  39247. </member>
  39248. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType.Dash">
  39249. <summary>
  39250. Represent a dash line.
  39251. </summary>
  39252. </member>
  39253. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType.DashDot">
  39254. <summary>
  39255. Represents a dash-dot line
  39256. </summary>
  39257. </member>
  39258. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType.DashDotDot">
  39259. <summary>
  39260. Represents a dash-dot-dot line.
  39261. </summary>
  39262. </member>
  39263. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType.Dot">
  39264. <summary>
  39265. Represents a dotted line.
  39266. </summary>
  39267. </member>
  39268. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType.LightGray">
  39269. <summary>
  39270. Represents a light gray line.
  39271. </summary>
  39272. </member>
  39273. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType.MediumGray">
  39274. <summary>
  39275. Represents a medium gray line.
  39276. </summary>
  39277. </member>
  39278. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineType.Solid">
  39279. <summary>
  39280. Represent a solid line.
  39281. </summary>
  39282. </member>
  39283. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox">
  39284. <summary>
  39285. Represents a list box object.
  39286. </summary>
  39287. <example>
  39288. <code>
  39289. [C#]
  39290. //Create a new Workbook.
  39291. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  39292. //Get the first worksheet.
  39293. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  39294. //Get the worksheet cells collection.
  39295. Cells cells = sheet.Cells;
  39296. //Input a value.
  39297. cells["B3"].PutValue("Choose Dept:");
  39298. //Set it bold.
  39299. cells["B3"].Style.Font.IsBold = true;
  39300. //Input some values that denote the input range
  39301. //for the list box.
  39302. cells["A2"].PutValue("Sales");
  39303. cells["A3"].PutValue("Finance");
  39304. cells["A4"].PutValue("MIS");
  39305. cells["A5"].PutValue("R&amp;D");
  39306. cells["A6"].PutValue("Marketing");
  39307. cells["A7"].PutValue("HRA");
  39308. //Add a new list box.
  39309. ListBox listBox = sheet.Shapes.AddListBox(2, 0, 3, 0, 122, 100);
  39310. //Set the placement type.
  39311. listBox.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  39312. //Set the linked cell.
  39313. listBox.LinkedCell = "A1";
  39314. //Set the input range.
  39315. listBox.InputRange = "A2:A7";
  39316. //Set the selection tyle.
  39317. listBox.SelectionType = SelectionType.Single;
  39318. //Set the list box with 3-D shading.
  39319. listBox.Shadow = true;
  39320. //Saves the file.
  39321. workbook.Save(@"d:\test\tstlistbox.xls");
  39322. [VB.NET]
  39323. 'Create a new Workbook.
  39324. Dim workbook As Aspose.Cells.Workbook = New Aspose.Cells.Workbook()
  39325. 'Get the first worksheet.
  39326. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  39327. 'Get the worksheet cells collection.
  39328. Dim cells As Cells = sheet.Cells
  39329. 'Input a value.
  39330. cells("B3").PutValue("Choose Dept:")
  39331. 'Set it bold.
  39332. cells("B3").Style.Font.IsBold = True
  39333. 'Input some values that denote the input range
  39334. 'for the list box.
  39335. cells("A2").PutValue("Sales")
  39336. cells("A3").PutValue("Finance")
  39337. cells("A4").PutValue("MIS")
  39338. cells("A5").PutValue("R&amp;D")
  39339. cells("A6").PutValue("Marketing")
  39340. cells("A7").PutValue("HRA")
  39341. 'Add a new list box.
  39342. Dim listBox As Aspose.Cells.ListBox = sheet.Shapes.AddListBox(2, 0, 3, 0, 122, 100)
  39343. 'Set the placement type.
  39344. listBox.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  39345. 'Set the linked cell.
  39346. listBox.LinkedCell = "A1"
  39347. 'Set the input range.
  39348. listBox.InputRange = "A2:A7"
  39349. 'Set the selection tyle.
  39350. listBox.SelectionType = SelectionType.Single
  39351. 'Set the list box with 3-D shading.
  39352. listBox.Shadow = True
  39353. 'Saves the file.
  39354. workbook.Save("d:\test\tstlistbox.xls")
  39355. </code>
  39356. </example>
  39357. </member>
  39358. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox.SelectedItem(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  39359. <summary>
  39360. Sets whether the item is selected
  39361. </summary>
  39362. <param name="itemIndex">The item index</param>
  39363. <param name="isSelected">Whether the item is selected.
  39364. True means that this item should be selected.
  39365. False means that this item should be unselected.
  39366. </param>
  39367. </member>
  39368. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox.IsSelected(System.Int32)">
  39369. <summary>
  39370. Indicates whether the item is selected.
  39371. </summary>
  39372. <param name="itemIndex">The item index.</param>
  39373. <returns>whether the item is selected.</returns>
  39374. </member>
  39375. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox.ItemCount">
  39376. <summary>
  39377. Gets the number of items in the list box.
  39378. </summary>
  39379. </member>
  39380. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox.SelectedIndex">
  39381. <summary>
  39382. Gets or sets the index number of the currently selected item in a list box or combo box.
  39383. Zero-based.
  39384. </summary>
  39385. <remarks>-1 presents no item is selected.</remarks>
  39386. </member>
  39387. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox.SelectedCells">
  39388. <summary>
  39389. Gets the selected cells.
  39390. Returns null if the input range is not set or no item is selected
  39391. </summary>
  39392. </member>
  39393. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox.Shadow">
  39394. <summary>
  39395. Indicates whether the combobox has 3-D shading.
  39396. </summary>
  39397. </member>
  39398. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox.SelectionType">
  39399. <summary>
  39400. Gets or sets the selection mode of the specified list box.
  39401. </summary>
  39402. </member>
  39403. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox.PageChange">
  39404. <summary>
  39405. Specifies the amount by which the control's value is changed
  39406. when the user clicks on the scrollbar's page up or page down region.
  39407. </summary>
  39408. </member>
  39409. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn">
  39410. <summary>
  39411. Represents a column in a list.
  39412. </summary>
  39413. </member>
  39414. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn.GetCustomCalculatedFormula(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  39415. <summary>
  39416. Gets the formula of this list column.
  39417. </summary>
  39418. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  39419. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  39420. <returns>The formula of this list column.</returns>
  39421. </member>
  39422. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn.SetCustomCalculatedFormula(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  39423. <summary>
  39424. Sets the formula for this list column.
  39425. </summary>
  39426. <param name="formula">the formula for this list column.</param>
  39427. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the formula needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  39428. <param name="isLocal">Whether the formula needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  39429. </member>
  39430. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn.Name">
  39431. <summary>
  39432. Gets and sets the name of the column.
  39433. </summary>
  39434. <remarks>
  39435. If sets the name of the column, the according cell' value will be changed too.
  39436. </remarks>
  39437. </member>
  39438. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn.TotalsCalculation">
  39439. <summary>
  39440. Gets and sets the type of calculation in the Totals row of the list column.
  39441. </summary>
  39442. </member>
  39443. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn.Range">
  39444. <summary>
  39445. Gets the range of this list column.
  39446. </summary>
  39447. </member>
  39448. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn.Formula">
  39449. <summary>
  39450. Gets and sets the formula of the list column.
  39451. </summary>
  39452. </member>
  39453. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumnCollection">
  39454. <summary>
  39455. Represents A collection of all the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumn" /> objects in the specified ListObject object.
  39456. </summary>
  39457. </member>
  39458. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumnCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  39459. <summary>
  39460. Gets the ListColumn by the index.
  39461. </summary>
  39462. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  39463. <returns>the ListColumn object.</returns>
  39464. </member>
  39465. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListColumnCollection.Item(System.String)">
  39466. <summary>
  39467. Gets the ListColumn by the name.
  39468. </summary>
  39469. <param name="name">The name of the ListColumn</param>
  39470. <returns>The ListColumn object.</returns>
  39471. </member>
  39472. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObjectCollection">
  39473. <summary>
  39474. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObject" /> objects in the worksheet.
  39475. </summary>
  39476. </member>
  39477. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObjectCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  39478. <summary>
  39479. Adds a ListObject to the worksheet.
  39480. </summary>
  39481. <param name="startRow">The start row of the list range.</param>
  39482. <param name="startColumn">The start row of the list range.</param>
  39483. <param name="endRow">The start row of the list range.</param>
  39484. <param name="endColumn">The start row of the list range.</param>
  39485. <param name="hasHeaders">Whether the range has headers.</param>
  39486. <returns>The index of the new ListObject</returns>
  39487. </member>
  39488. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObjectCollection.Add(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  39489. <summary>
  39490. Adds a ListObject to the worksheet.
  39491. </summary>
  39492. <param name="startCell">The start cell of the list range.</param>
  39493. <param name="endCell">The end cell of the list range.</param>
  39494. <param name="hasHeaders">Whether the range has headers.</param>
  39495. <returns>The index of the new ListObject</returns>
  39496. </member>
  39497. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObjectCollection.UpdateColumnName">
  39498. <summary>
  39499. Update all column name of the tables.
  39500. </summary>
  39501. </member>
  39502. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObjectCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  39503. <summary>
  39504. Gets the ListObject by index.
  39505. </summary>
  39506. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  39507. <returns>The ListObject</returns>
  39508. </member>
  39509. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.ListObjectCollection.Item(System.String)">
  39510. <summary>
  39511. Gets the ListObject by specified name.
  39512. </summary>
  39513. <param name="tableName">ListObject name.</param>
  39514. <returns>The ListObject</returns>
  39515. </member>
  39516. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Marker">
  39517. <summary>
  39518. Represents the marker in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  39519. </summary>
  39520. </member>
  39521. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Marker.Border">
  39522. <summary>
  39523. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Line">border</see>.
  39524. </summary>
  39525. </member>
  39526. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Marker.Area">
  39527. <summary>
  39528. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Marker.Area">area</see>.
  39529. </summary>
  39530. </member>
  39531. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Marker.MarkerStyle">
  39532. <summary>
  39533. Represents the marker style. Applies to line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  39534. </summary>
  39535. </member>
  39536. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Marker.MarkerSize">
  39537. <summary>
  39538. Represents the marker size in unit of points. Applies to line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  39539. </summary>
  39540. </member>
  39541. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Marker.MarkerSizePx">
  39542. <summary>
  39543. Represents the marker size in unit of pixels. Applies to line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.
  39544. </summary>
  39545. </member>
  39546. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadStyle">
  39547. <summary>
  39548. Enumerates the line end type of the shape border line.
  39549. </summary>
  39550. </member>
  39551. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadStyle.None">
  39552. <summary>
  39553. No line end type.
  39554. </summary>
  39555. </member>
  39556. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadStyle.Arrow">
  39557. <summary>
  39558. Arrow line end type.
  39559. </summary>
  39560. </member>
  39561. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadStyle.ArrowStealth">
  39562. <summary>
  39563. Arrow Stealth line end type.
  39564. </summary>
  39565. </member>
  39566. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadStyle.ArrowDiamond">
  39567. <summary>
  39568. Arrow Diamond Line end type.
  39569. </summary>
  39570. </member>
  39571. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadStyle.ArrowOval">
  39572. <summary>
  39573. Arrow Oval line end type.
  39574. </summary>
  39575. </member>
  39576. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoArrowheadStyle.ArrowOpen">
  39577. <summary>
  39578. Arrow Open line end type.
  39579. </summary>
  39580. </member>
  39581. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartLineFormattingType">
  39582. <summary>
  39583. Represents line format type of chart line.
  39584. </summary>
  39585. </member>
  39586. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartLineFormattingType.Automatic">
  39587. <summary>
  39588. Represents automatic formatting type.
  39589. </summary>
  39590. </member>
  39591. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartLineFormattingType.Solid">
  39592. <summary>
  39593. Represents solid formatting type.
  39594. </summary>
  39595. </member>
  39596. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartLineFormattingType.None">
  39597. <summary>
  39598. Represents none formatting type.
  39599. </summary>
  39600. </member>
  39601. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.ChartLineFormattingType.Gradient">
  39602. <summary>
  39603. Gradient
  39604. </summary>
  39605. </member>
  39606. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill">
  39607. <summary>
  39608. Represents the gradient fill.
  39609. </summary>
  39610. </member>
  39611. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill.SetGradient(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFillType,System.Double,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientDirectionType)">
  39612. <summary>
  39613. Set the gradient fill type and direction.
  39614. </summary>
  39615. <param name="type">Gradient fill type.</param>
  39616. <param name="angle">The angle. Only applies for GradientFillType.Linear. </param>
  39617. <param name="direction">The direction type. Only applies for GradientFillType.Radial and GradientFillType.Rectangle.</param>
  39618. </member>
  39619. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill.SetOneColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Double,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  39620. <summary>
  39621. Sets the specified fill to a one-color gradient.
  39622. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  39623. </summary>
  39624. <param name="color">One gradient color.</param>
  39625. <param name="degree">The gradient degree. Can be a value from 0.0 (dark) through 1.0 (light).</param>
  39626. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  39627. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  39628. </member>
  39629. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill.SetTwoColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  39630. <summary>
  39631. Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient.
  39632. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  39633. </summary>
  39634. <param name="color1">One gradient color.</param>
  39635. <param name="color2">Two gradient color.</param>
  39636. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  39637. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  39638. </member>
  39639. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill.SetTwoColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Double,System.Drawing.Color,System.Double,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  39640. <summary>
  39641. Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient.
  39642. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  39643. </summary>
  39644. <param name="color1">One gradient color.</param>
  39645. <param name="transparency1">The degree of transparency of the color1 as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).</param>
  39646. <param name="color2">Two gradient color.</param>
  39647. <param name="transparency2">The degree of transparency of the color2 as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).</param>
  39648. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  39649. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  39650. </member>
  39651. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill.GradientStops">
  39652. <summary>
  39653. Represents the gradient stop collection.
  39654. </summary>
  39655. </member>
  39656. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill.FillType">
  39657. <summary>
  39658. Gets the gradient fill type.
  39659. </summary>
  39660. </member>
  39661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill.DirectionType">
  39662. <summary>
  39663. Gets the gradient direction type.
  39664. </summary>
  39665. </member>
  39666. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFill.Angle">
  39667. <summary>
  39668. The angle of linear fill.
  39669. </summary>
  39670. </member>
  39671. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFillType">
  39672. <summary>
  39673. Represents all Gradient fill type.
  39674. </summary>
  39675. </member>
  39676. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFillType.Linear">
  39677. <summary>
  39678. Linear
  39679. </summary>
  39680. </member>
  39681. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFillType.Radial">
  39682. <summary>
  39683. Radial
  39684. </summary>
  39685. </member>
  39686. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFillType.Rectangle">
  39687. <summary>
  39688. Rectangle
  39689. </summary>
  39690. </member>
  39691. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientFillType.Path">
  39692. <summary>
  39693. Path
  39694. </summary>
  39695. </member>
  39696. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStop">
  39697. <summary>
  39698. Represents the gradient stop.
  39699. </summary>
  39700. </member>
  39701. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStop.Position">
  39702. <summary>
  39703. The position of the stop.
  39704. </summary>
  39705. </member>
  39706. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStop.CellsColor">
  39707. <summary>
  39708. Gets the color of this gradient stop.
  39709. </summary>
  39710. </member>
  39711. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStop.Transparency">
  39712. <summary>
  39713. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  39714. </summary>
  39715. </member>
  39716. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientDirectionType">
  39717. <summary>
  39718. Represents all direction type of gradient.
  39719. </summary>
  39720. </member>
  39721. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientDirectionType.FromUpperLeftCorner">
  39722. <summary>
  39723. FromUpperLeftCorner
  39724. </summary>
  39725. </member>
  39726. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientDirectionType.FromUpperRightCorner">
  39727. <summary>
  39728. FromUpperRightCorner
  39729. </summary>
  39730. </member>
  39731. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientDirectionType.FromLowerLeftCorner">
  39732. <summary>
  39733. FromLowerLeftCorner
  39734. </summary>
  39735. </member>
  39736. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientDirectionType.FromLowerRightCorner">
  39737. <summary>
  39738. FromLowerRightCorner
  39739. </summary>
  39740. </member>
  39741. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientDirectionType.FromCenter">
  39742. <summary>
  39743. FromCenter
  39744. </summary>
  39745. </member>
  39746. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientDirectionType.Unknown">
  39747. <summary>
  39748. Unknown
  39749. </summary>
  39750. </member>
  39751. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineCapType">
  39752. <summary>
  39753. Represents the caps of a line
  39754. </summary>
  39755. </member>
  39756. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineCapType.Square">
  39757. <summary>
  39758. Square protrudes by half line width.
  39759. </summary>
  39760. </member>
  39761. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineCapType.Round">
  39762. <summary>
  39763. Rounded ends.
  39764. </summary>
  39765. </member>
  39766. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineCapType.Flat">
  39767. <summary>
  39768. Line ends at end point.
  39769. </summary>
  39770. </member>
  39771. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineCapType.None">
  39772. <summary>
  39773. None cap
  39774. </summary>
  39775. </member>
  39776. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineJoinType">
  39777. <summary>
  39778. Represents the join styles of a line.
  39779. </summary>
  39780. </member>
  39781. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineJoinType.Round">
  39782. <summary>
  39783. Round joint
  39784. </summary>
  39785. </member>
  39786. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineJoinType.Bevel">
  39787. <summary>
  39788. Bevel joint
  39789. </summary>
  39790. </member>
  39791. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineJoinType.Miter">
  39792. <summary>
  39793. Miter joint
  39794. </summary>
  39795. </member>
  39796. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.LineJoinType.None">
  39797. <summary>
  39798. None joint
  39799. </summary>
  39800. </member>
  39801. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PatternFill">
  39802. <summary>
  39803. Encapsulates the object that represents pattern fill format
  39804. </summary>
  39805. </member>
  39806. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PatternFill.Pattern">
  39807. <summary>
  39808. Gets or sets the fill pattern type
  39809. </summary>
  39810. </member>
  39811. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PatternFill.BackgroundColor">
  39812. <summary>
  39813. Gets or sets the background <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Area" />.
  39814. </summary>
  39815. </member>
  39816. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PatternFill.BackgroundCellsColor">
  39817. <summary>
  39818. Gets and sets the foreground <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor" /> object.
  39819. </summary>
  39820. </member>
  39821. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PatternFill.ForegroundColor">
  39822. <summary>
  39823. Gets or sets the foreground <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" />.
  39824. </summary>
  39825. </member>
  39826. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PatternFill.ForegroundCellsColor">
  39827. <summary>
  39828. Gets and sets the foreground <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.CellsColor" /> object.
  39829. </summary>
  39830. </member>
  39831. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PatternFill.ForeTransparency">
  39832. <summary>
  39833. Gets or sets the transparency of foreground color.
  39834. </summary>
  39835. </member>
  39836. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PatternFill.BackTransparency">
  39837. <summary>
  39838. Gets or sets the transparency of background color.
  39839. </summary>
  39840. </member>
  39841. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotEmptyCellsType">
  39842. <summary>
  39843. Represents all plot empty cells type of a chart.
  39844. </summary>
  39845. </member>
  39846. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotEmptyCellsType.NotPlotted">
  39847. <summary>
  39848. Not plotted(leave gap)
  39849. </summary>
  39850. </member>
  39851. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotEmptyCellsType.Zero">
  39852. <summary>
  39853. Zero
  39854. </summary>
  39855. </member>
  39856. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.PlotEmptyCellsType.Interpolated">
  39857. <summary>
  39858. Interpolated
  39859. </summary>
  39860. </member>
  39861. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill">
  39862. <summary>
  39863. Encapsulates the object that represents texture fill format
  39864. </summary>
  39865. </member>
  39866. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill.Type">
  39867. <summary>
  39868. Gets and sets the texture type
  39869. </summary>
  39870. </member>
  39871. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill.ImageData">
  39872. <summary>
  39873. Gets and sets the image data of the fill.
  39874. </summary>
  39875. </member>
  39876. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill.IsTiling">
  39877. <summary>
  39878. Indicates whether tile picture as texture.
  39879. </summary>
  39880. </member>
  39881. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill.PicFormatOption">
  39882. <summary>
  39883. Gets or sets picture format option.
  39884. </summary>
  39885. </member>
  39886. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill.TilePicOption">
  39887. <summary>
  39888. Gets or sets tile picture option.
  39889. </summary>
  39890. </member>
  39891. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill.PictureFormatType">
  39892. <summary>
  39893. Gets and sets the picture format type.
  39894. </summary>
  39895. </member>
  39896. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill.Scale">
  39897. <summary>
  39898. Gets and sets the picture format scale.
  39899. </summary>
  39900. </member>
  39901. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureFill.Transparency">
  39902. <summary>
  39903. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the area as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  39904. </summary>
  39905. </member>
  39906. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPictureType">
  39907. <summary>
  39908. Represents the picture fill type.
  39909. </summary>
  39910. </member>
  39911. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPictureType.Stretch">
  39912. <summary>
  39913. Stretch
  39914. </summary>
  39915. </member>
  39916. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPictureType.Stack">
  39917. <summary>
  39918. Stack
  39919. </summary>
  39920. </member>
  39921. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.FillPictureType.StackAndScale">
  39922. <summary>
  39923. StackAndScale
  39924. </summary>
  39925. </member>
  39926. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType">
  39927. <summary>
  39928. Represents office drawing objects type.
  39929. </summary>
  39930. </member>
  39931. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Group">
  39932. <summary>
  39933. Group
  39934. </summary>
  39935. </member>
  39936. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Line">
  39937. <summary>
  39938. Line
  39939. </summary>
  39940. </member>
  39941. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Rectangle">
  39942. <summary>
  39943. Rectangle
  39944. </summary>
  39945. </member>
  39946. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Oval">
  39947. <summary>
  39948. Oval
  39949. </summary>
  39950. </member>
  39951. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Arc">
  39952. <summary>
  39953. Arc
  39954. </summary>
  39955. </member>
  39956. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Chart">
  39957. <summary>
  39958. Chart
  39959. </summary>
  39960. </member>
  39961. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.TextBox">
  39962. <summary>
  39963. TextBox
  39964. </summary>
  39965. </member>
  39966. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Button">
  39967. <summary>
  39968. Button
  39969. </summary>
  39970. </member>
  39971. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Picture">
  39972. <summary>
  39973. Picture
  39974. </summary>
  39975. </member>
  39976. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Polygon">
  39977. <summary>
  39978. Polygon
  39979. </summary>
  39980. </member>
  39981. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.CheckBox">
  39982. <summary>
  39983. CheckBox
  39984. </summary>
  39985. </member>
  39986. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.RadioButton">
  39987. <summary>
  39988. RadioButton
  39989. </summary>
  39990. </member>
  39991. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Label">
  39992. <summary>
  39993. Label
  39994. </summary>
  39995. </member>
  39996. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.DialogBox">
  39997. <summary>
  39998. DialogBox
  39999. </summary>
  40000. </member>
  40001. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Spinner">
  40002. <summary>
  40003. Spinner
  40004. </summary>
  40005. </member>
  40006. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.ScrollBar">
  40007. <summary>
  40008. ScrollBar
  40009. </summary>
  40010. </member>
  40011. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.ListBox">
  40012. <summary>
  40013. ListBox
  40014. </summary>
  40015. </member>
  40016. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.GroupBox">
  40017. <summary>
  40018. GroupBox
  40019. </summary>
  40020. </member>
  40021. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.ComboBox">
  40022. <summary>
  40023. ComboBox
  40024. </summary>
  40025. </member>
  40026. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Comment">
  40027. <summary>
  40028. Comment
  40029. </summary>
  40030. </member>
  40031. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.OleObject">
  40032. <summary>
  40033. OleObject
  40034. </summary>
  40035. </member>
  40036. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.CellsDrawing">
  40037. <summary>
  40038. Only for preserving the drawing object in the template file.
  40039. </summary>
  40040. </member>
  40041. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Unknown">
  40042. <summary>
  40043. Only for preserving the drawing object in the xlsx file.
  40044. </summary>
  40045. </member>
  40046. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Slicer">
  40047. <summary>
  40048. Slicer
  40049. </summary>
  40050. </member>
  40051. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.WebExtension">
  40052. <summary>
  40053. Web extension
  40054. </summary>
  40055. </member>
  40056. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.SmartArt">
  40057. <summary>
  40058. Smart Art
  40059. </summary>
  40060. </member>
  40061. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.CustomXml">
  40062. <summary>
  40063. Custom xml shape ,such as Ink.
  40064. </summary>
  40065. </member>
  40066. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType.Model3D">
  40067. <summary>
  40068. 3D Model
  40069. </summary>
  40070. </member>
  40071. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect">
  40072. <summary>
  40073. Represents preset text effect type of WordArt.
  40074. </summary>
  40075. </member>
  40076. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect1">
  40077. <summary>
  40078. TextEffect1
  40079. </summary>
  40080. </member>
  40081. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect2">
  40082. <summary>
  40083. TextEffect2
  40084. </summary>
  40085. </member>
  40086. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect3">
  40087. <summary>
  40088. TextEffect3
  40089. </summary>
  40090. </member>
  40091. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect4">
  40092. <summary>
  40093. TextEffect4
  40094. </summary>
  40095. </member>
  40096. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect5">
  40097. <summary>
  40098. TextEffect5
  40099. </summary>
  40100. </member>
  40101. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect6">
  40102. <summary>
  40103. TextEffect6
  40104. </summary>
  40105. </member>
  40106. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect7">
  40107. <summary>
  40108. TextEffect7
  40109. </summary>
  40110. </member>
  40111. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect8">
  40112. <summary>
  40113. TextEffect8
  40114. </summary>
  40115. </member>
  40116. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect9">
  40117. <summary>
  40118. TextEffect9
  40119. </summary>
  40120. </member>
  40121. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect10">
  40122. <summary>
  40123. TextEffect10
  40124. </summary>
  40125. </member>
  40126. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect11">
  40127. <summary>
  40128. TextEffect11
  40129. </summary>
  40130. </member>
  40131. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect12">
  40132. <summary>
  40133. TextEffect12
  40134. </summary>
  40135. </member>
  40136. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect13">
  40137. <summary>
  40138. TextEffect13
  40139. </summary>
  40140. </member>
  40141. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect14">
  40142. <summary>
  40143. TextEffect14
  40144. </summary>
  40145. </member>
  40146. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect15">
  40147. <summary>
  40148. TextEffect15
  40149. </summary>
  40150. </member>
  40151. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect16">
  40152. <summary>
  40153. TextEffect16
  40154. </summary>
  40155. </member>
  40156. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect17">
  40157. <summary>
  40158. TextEffect17
  40159. </summary>
  40160. </member>
  40161. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect18">
  40162. <summary>
  40163. TextEffect18
  40164. </summary>
  40165. </member>
  40166. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect19">
  40167. <summary>
  40168. TextEffect19
  40169. </summary>
  40170. </member>
  40171. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect20">
  40172. <summary>
  40173. TextEffect20
  40174. </summary>
  40175. </member>
  40176. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect21">
  40177. <summary>
  40178. TextEffect21
  40179. </summary>
  40180. </member>
  40181. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect22">
  40182. <summary>
  40183. TextEffect22
  40184. </summary>
  40185. </member>
  40186. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect23">
  40187. <summary>
  40188. TextEffect23
  40189. </summary>
  40190. </member>
  40191. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect24">
  40192. <summary>
  40193. TextEffect24
  40194. </summary>
  40195. </member>
  40196. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect25">
  40197. <summary>
  40198. TextEffect25
  40199. </summary>
  40200. </member>
  40201. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect26">
  40202. <summary>
  40203. TextEffect26
  40204. </summary>
  40205. </member>
  40206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect27">
  40207. <summary>
  40208. TextEffect27
  40209. </summary>
  40210. </member>
  40211. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect28">
  40212. <summary>
  40213. TextEffect28
  40214. </summary>
  40215. </member>
  40216. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect29">
  40217. <summary>
  40218. TextEffect29
  40219. </summary>
  40220. </member>
  40221. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect30">
  40222. <summary>
  40223. TextEffect30
  40224. </summary>
  40225. </member>
  40226. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape">
  40227. <summary>
  40228. Represents preset text effect shape type of WordArt.
  40229. </summary>
  40230. </member>
  40231. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.PlainText">
  40232. <summary>
  40233. PlainText
  40234. </summary>
  40235. </member>
  40236. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.Stop">
  40237. <summary>
  40238. Stop
  40239. </summary>
  40240. </member>
  40241. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.TriangleUp">
  40242. <summary>
  40243. TriangleUp
  40244. </summary>
  40245. </member>
  40246. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.TriangleDown">
  40247. <summary>
  40248. TriangleDown
  40249. </summary>
  40250. </member>
  40251. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.ChevronUp">
  40252. <summary>
  40253. ChevronUp
  40254. </summary>
  40255. </member>
  40256. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.ChevronDown">
  40257. <summary>
  40258. ChevronDown
  40259. </summary>
  40260. </member>
  40261. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.RingInside">
  40262. <summary>
  40263. RingInside
  40264. </summary>
  40265. </member>
  40266. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.RingOutside">
  40267. <summary>
  40268. RingOutside
  40269. </summary>
  40270. </member>
  40271. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.ArchUpCurve">
  40272. <summary>
  40273. ArchUpCurve
  40274. </summary>
  40275. </member>
  40276. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.ArchDownCurve">
  40277. <summary>
  40278. ArchDownCurve
  40279. </summary>
  40280. </member>
  40281. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.CircleCurve">
  40282. <summary>
  40283. CircleCurve
  40284. </summary>
  40285. </member>
  40286. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.ButtonCurve">
  40287. <summary>
  40288. ButtonCurve
  40289. </summary>
  40290. </member>
  40291. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.ArchUpPour">
  40292. <summary>
  40293. ArchUpPour
  40294. </summary>
  40295. </member>
  40296. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.ArchDownPour">
  40297. <summary>
  40298. ArchDownPour
  40299. </summary>
  40300. </member>
  40301. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.CirclePour">
  40302. <summary>
  40303. CirclePour
  40304. </summary>
  40305. </member>
  40306. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.ButtonPour">
  40307. <summary>
  40308. ButtonPour
  40309. </summary>
  40310. </member>
  40311. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.CurveUp">
  40312. <summary>
  40313. CurveUp
  40314. </summary>
  40315. </member>
  40316. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.CurveDown">
  40317. <summary>
  40318. CurveDown
  40319. </summary>
  40320. </member>
  40321. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.CanUp">
  40322. <summary>
  40323. CanUp
  40324. </summary>
  40325. </member>
  40326. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.CanDown">
  40327. <summary>
  40328. CanDown
  40329. </summary>
  40330. </member>
  40331. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.Wave1">
  40332. <summary>
  40333. Wave1
  40334. </summary>
  40335. </member>
  40336. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.Wave2">
  40337. <summary>
  40338. Wave2
  40339. </summary>
  40340. </member>
  40341. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.DoubleWave1">
  40342. <summary>
  40343. DoubleWave1
  40344. </summary>
  40345. </member>
  40346. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.DoubleWave2">
  40347. <summary>
  40348. DoubleWave2
  40349. </summary>
  40350. </member>
  40351. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.Inflate">
  40352. <summary>
  40353. Inflate
  40354. </summary>
  40355. </member>
  40356. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.Deflate">
  40357. <summary>
  40358. Deflate
  40359. </summary>
  40360. </member>
  40361. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.InflateBottom">
  40362. <summary>
  40363. InflateBottom
  40364. </summary>
  40365. </member>
  40366. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.DeflateBottom">
  40367. <summary>
  40368. DeflateBottom
  40369. </summary>
  40370. </member>
  40371. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.InflateTop">
  40372. <summary>
  40373. InflateTop
  40374. </summary>
  40375. </member>
  40376. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.DeflateTop">
  40377. <summary>
  40378. DeflateTop
  40379. </summary>
  40380. </member>
  40381. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.DeflateInflate">
  40382. <summary>
  40383. DeflateInflate
  40384. </summary>
  40385. </member>
  40386. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.DeflateInflateDeflate">
  40387. <summary>
  40388. DeflateInflateDeflate
  40389. </summary>
  40390. </member>
  40391. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.FadeRight">
  40392. <summary>
  40393. FadeRight
  40394. </summary>
  40395. </member>
  40396. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.FadeLeft">
  40397. <summary>
  40398. FadeLeft
  40399. </summary>
  40400. </member>
  40401. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.FadeUp">
  40402. <summary>
  40403. FadeUp
  40404. </summary>
  40405. </member>
  40406. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.FadeDown">
  40407. <summary>
  40408. FadeDown
  40409. </summary>
  40410. </member>
  40411. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.SlantUp">
  40412. <summary>
  40413. SlantUp
  40414. </summary>
  40415. </member>
  40416. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.SlantDown">
  40417. <summary>
  40418. SlantDown
  40419. </summary>
  40420. </member>
  40421. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.CascadeUp">
  40422. <summary>
  40423. CascadeUp
  40424. </summary>
  40425. </member>
  40426. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.CascadeDown">
  40427. <summary>
  40428. CascadeDown
  40429. </summary>
  40430. </member>
  40431. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffectShape.Mixed">
  40432. <summary>
  40433. Mixed
  40434. </summary>
  40435. </member>
  40436. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat">
  40437. <summary>
  40438. Contains properties and methods that apply to WordArt objects.
  40439. </summary>
  40440. <example>
  40441. <code>
  40442. [C#]
  40443. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  40444. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  40445. Shapes shapes = workbook.Worksheets[0].Shapes;
  40446. shapes.AddTextEffect(MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect1, "Aspose", "Arial", 30, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 200);
  40447. TextEffectFormat textEffectFormat = shapes[0].TextEffect;
  40448. textEffectFormat.SetTextEffect(MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect10);
  40449. workbook.Save("C:\\Book1.xls");
  40450. [Visual Basic]
  40451. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  40452. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  40453. Dim shapes As Shapes = workbook.Worksheets(0).Shapes
  40454. shapes.AddTextEffect(MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect1, "Aspose", "Arial", 30, false, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 200)
  40455. Dim textEffectFormat As TextEffectFormat = shapes(0).TextEffect
  40456. TextEffectFormat.SetTextEffect(MsoPresetTextEffect.TextEffect10)
  40457. workbook.Save("C:\\Book1.xls")
  40458. </code>
  40459. </example>
  40460. </member>
  40461. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat.SetTextEffect(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect)">
  40462. <summary>
  40463. Sets the preset text effect.
  40464. </summary>
  40465. <param name="effect">The preset text effect.</param>
  40466. </member>
  40467. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat.Text">
  40468. <summary>
  40469. The text in the WordArt.
  40470. </summary>
  40471. </member>
  40472. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat.FontName">
  40473. <summary>
  40474. The name of the font used in the WordArt.
  40475. </summary>
  40476. </member>
  40477. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat.FontBold">
  40478. <summary>
  40479. Indicates whether font is bold.
  40480. </summary>
  40481. </member>
  40482. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat.FontItalic">
  40483. <summary>
  40484. Indicates whether font is italic.
  40485. </summary>
  40486. </member>
  40487. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat.RotatedChars">
  40488. <summary>
  40489. If true,characters in the specified WordArt are rotated 90 degrees relative to the WordArt's bounding shape.
  40490. </summary>
  40491. </member>
  40492. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat.FontSize">
  40493. <summary>
  40494. The size (in points) of the font used in the WordArt.
  40495. </summary>
  40496. </member>
  40497. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextEffectFormat.PresetShape">
  40498. <summary>
  40499. Gets and sets the preset shape type.
  40500. </summary>
  40501. </member>
  40502. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormat">
  40503. <summary>
  40504. Represents fill formatting for a shape.
  40505. </summary>
  40506. </member>
  40507. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormat.SetOneColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Double,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  40508. <summary>
  40509. Sets the specified fill to a one-color gradient.
  40510. </summary>
  40511. <param name="color">One gradient color.</param>
  40512. <param name="degree">The gradient degree. Can be a value from 0.0 (dark) through 1.0 (light).</param>
  40513. <param name="style">Gradient shading style.</param>
  40514. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  40515. </member>
  40516. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormat.ForeColor">
  40517. <summary>
  40518. Gets and sets the fill fore color.
  40519. </summary>
  40520. </member>
  40521. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormat.Transparency">
  40522. <summary>
  40523. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the specified fill as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  40524. </summary>
  40525. </member>
  40526. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormat.BackColor">
  40527. <summary>
  40528. Gets and sets the file back color.
  40529. </summary>
  40530. </member>
  40531. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormat.ImageData">
  40532. <summary>
  40533. Gets and sets the Texture and Picture fill data.
  40534. </summary>
  40535. </member>
  40536. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormat.Texture">
  40537. <summary>
  40538. Gets the texture fill type.
  40539. </summary>
  40540. </member>
  40541. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFillFormat.IsVisible">
  40542. <summary>
  40543. Indicates whether there is fill.
  40544. </summary>
  40545. </member>
  40546. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture">
  40547. <summary>
  40548. Represents the picture format.
  40549. </summary>
  40550. </member>
  40551. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.TopCrop">
  40552. <summary>
  40553. Represents the location of the top of the crop rectangle expressed, expressed as a ratio of the image's height.
  40554. </summary>
  40555. </member>
  40556. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.BottomCrop">
  40557. <summary>
  40558. Represents the location of the bottom of the crop rectangle expressed, expressed as a ratio of the image's height.
  40559. </summary>
  40560. </member>
  40561. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.LeftCrop">
  40562. <summary>
  40563. Represents the location of the left of the crop rectangle expressed, expressed as a ratio of the image's width.
  40564. </summary>
  40565. </member>
  40566. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.RightCrop">
  40567. <summary>
  40568. Represents the location of the right of the crop rectangle expressed, expressed as a ratio of the image's width.
  40569. </summary>
  40570. </member>
  40571. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.TransparentColor">
  40572. <summary>
  40573. Gets and sets the transparent color of the picture.
  40574. </summary>
  40575. </member>
  40576. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.Contrast">
  40577. <summary>
  40578. Represents the contrast modification for the unit of percentage.
  40579. </summary>
  40580. <remarks>
  40581. It is between -100% and 100%. It works same as Excel 2007 or above version.
  40582. </remarks>
  40583. </member>
  40584. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.Brightness">
  40585. <summary>
  40586. Represents the brightness modification for the picture in unit of percentage.
  40587. </summary>
  40588. <remarks>
  40589. It is between -100% and 100%. It works same as Excel 2007 or above version.
  40590. </remarks>
  40591. </member>
  40592. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.Gamma">
  40593. <summary>
  40594. Represents gamma of the picture.
  40595. </summary>
  40596. </member>
  40597. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.IsBiLevel">
  40598. <summary>
  40599. Indicates whether this picture should be displayed in two-color black and white.
  40600. </summary>
  40601. </member>
  40602. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoFormatPicture.IsGray">
  40603. <summary>
  40604. Indicates whether this picture SHOULD be displayed in grayscale.
  40605. </summary>
  40606. </member>
  40607. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle">
  40608. <summary>
  40609. Represents style of dash drawing lines.
  40610. </summary>
  40611. </member>
  40612. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.Dash">
  40613. <summary>
  40614. Represent a dash line.
  40615. </summary>
  40616. </member>
  40617. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.DashDot">
  40618. <summary>
  40619. Represents a dash-dot line.
  40620. </summary>
  40621. </member>
  40622. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.DashDotDot">
  40623. <summary>
  40624. Represents a dash-dot-dot line.
  40625. </summary>
  40626. </member>
  40627. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.DashLongDash">
  40628. <summary>
  40629. Represents a long dash-short dash line.
  40630. </summary>
  40631. </member>
  40632. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.DashLongDashDot">
  40633. <summary>
  40634. Represents a long dash-short dash-dot line.
  40635. </summary>
  40636. </member>
  40637. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.RoundDot">
  40638. <summary>
  40639. Represents a round-dot line.
  40640. </summary>
  40641. </member>
  40642. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.Solid">
  40643. <summary>
  40644. Represent a solid line.
  40645. </summary>
  40646. </member>
  40647. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.SquareDot">
  40648. <summary>
  40649. Represents a square-dot line.
  40650. </summary>
  40651. </member>
  40652. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineDashStyle.Custom">
  40653. <summary>
  40654. Custom dash style.
  40655. </summary>
  40656. </member>
  40657. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormat">
  40658. <summary>
  40659. Represents line and arrowhead formatting.
  40660. </summary>
  40661. </member>
  40662. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormat.IsVisible">
  40663. <summary>
  40664. Indicates whether the object is visible.
  40665. </summary>
  40666. </member>
  40667. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormat.Style">
  40668. <summary>
  40669. Returns a Style object that represents the style of the specified range.
  40670. </summary>
  40671. </member>
  40672. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormat.ForeColor">
  40673. <summary>
  40674. Gets and sets the border line fore color.
  40675. </summary>
  40676. </member>
  40677. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormat.BackColor">
  40678. <summary>
  40679. Gets and sets the border line back color.
  40680. </summary>
  40681. </member>
  40682. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormat.DashStyle">
  40683. <summary>
  40684. Gets or sets the dash style for the specified line.
  40685. </summary>
  40686. </member>
  40687. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormat.Transparency">
  40688. <summary>
  40689. Returns or sets the degree of transparency of the specified fill as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
  40690. </summary>
  40691. </member>
  40692. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineFormat.Weight">
  40693. <summary>
  40694. Returns or sets the weight of the line ,in units of pt.
  40695. </summary>
  40696. </member>
  40697. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineStyle">
  40698. <summary>
  40699. Represents style of drawing lines.
  40700. </summary>
  40701. </member>
  40702. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineStyle.Single">
  40703. <summary>
  40704. Single line (of width lineWidth)
  40705. </summary>
  40706. </member>
  40707. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineStyle.ThickBetweenThin">
  40708. <summary>
  40709. Three lines, thin, thick, thin
  40710. </summary>
  40711. </member>
  40712. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineStyle.ThinThick">
  40713. <summary>
  40714. Double lines, one thin, one thick
  40715. </summary>
  40716. </member>
  40717. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineStyle.ThickThin">
  40718. <summary>
  40719. Double lines, one thick, one thin
  40720. </summary>
  40721. </member>
  40722. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoLineStyle.ThinThin">
  40723. <summary>
  40724. Double lines of equal width
  40725. </summary>
  40726. </member>
  40727. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoTextFrame">
  40728. <summary>
  40729. Represents the text frame in a Shape object.
  40730. </summary>
  40731. </member>
  40732. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoTextFrame.AutoSize">
  40733. <summary>
  40734. Indicates if size of shape is adjusted automatically according to its content.
  40735. </summary>
  40736. </member>
  40737. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoTextFrame.IsAutoMargin">
  40738. <summary>
  40739. Indicates whether the margin is auto calculated.
  40740. </summary>
  40741. </member>
  40742. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoTextFrame.RotateTextWithShape">
  40743. <summary>
  40744. Indicates whether rotating text with shape.
  40745. </summary>
  40746. </member>
  40747. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoTextFrame.LeftMarginPt">
  40748. <summary>
  40749. Returns the left margin in unit of Points
  40750. </summary>
  40751. </member>
  40752. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoTextFrame.RightMarginPt">
  40753. <summary>
  40754. Returns the right margin in unit of Points
  40755. </summary>
  40756. </member>
  40757. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoTextFrame.TopMarginPt">
  40758. <summary>
  40759. Returns the top margin in unit of Points
  40760. </summary>
  40761. </member>
  40762. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoTextFrame.BottomMarginPt">
  40763. <summary>
  40764. Returns the bottom margin in unit of Points
  40765. </summary>
  40766. </member>
  40767. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Name">
  40768. <summary>
  40769. Represents a defined name for a range of cells.
  40770. </summary>
  40771. <example>
  40772. <code>
  40773. [C#]
  40774. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  40775. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  40776. //Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
  40777. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  40778. //Creating a named range
  40779. Range range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("B4", "G14");
  40780. //Setting the name of the named range
  40781. range.Name = "TestRange";
  40782. //Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2000) format
  40783. workbook.Save("C:\\output.xls");
  40784. [Visual Basic]
  40785. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  40786. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  40787. 'Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
  40788. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  40789. 'Creating a named range
  40790. Dim range As Range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("B4", "G14")
  40791. 'Setting the name of the named range
  40792. range.Name = "TestRange"
  40793. 'Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2000) format
  40794. workbook.Save("C:\\output.xls")
  40795. </code>
  40796. </example>
  40797. </member>
  40798. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.GetRefersTo(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  40799. <summary>
  40800. Get the reference of this Name.
  40801. </summary>
  40802. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the reference needs to be formatted as R1C1.</param>
  40803. <param name="isLocal">Whether the reference needs to be formatted by locale.</param>
  40804. </member>
  40805. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.SetRefersTo(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  40806. <summary>
  40807. Set the reference of this Name.
  40808. </summary>
  40809. <param name="refersTo">The reference.</param>
  40810. <param name="isR1C1">Whether the reference is R1C1 format.</param>
  40811. <param name="isLocal">Whether the reference is locale formatted.</param>
  40812. </member>
  40813. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.ToString">
  40814. <summary>
  40815. Returns a string represents the current Range object.
  40816. </summary>
  40817. <returns>
  40818. </returns>
  40819. </member>
  40820. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.GetRanges">
  40821. <summary>
  40822. Gets all ranges referred by this name.
  40823. </summary>
  40824. <returns>All ranges.</returns>
  40825. </member>
  40826. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.GetRanges(System.Boolean)">
  40827. <summary>
  40828. Gets all ranges referred by this name.
  40829. </summary>
  40830. <param name="recalculate">whether recalculate it if this name has been calculated before this invocation.</param>
  40831. <returns>All ranges.</returns>
  40832. </member>
  40833. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.GetReferredAreas(System.Boolean)">
  40834. <summary>
  40835. Gets all references referred by this name.
  40836. </summary>
  40837. <param name="recalculate">whether recalculate it if this name has been calculated before this invocation.</param>
  40838. <returns>All ranges.</returns>
  40839. </member>
  40840. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.GetRange">
  40841. <summary>
  40842. Gets the range if this name refers to a range.
  40843. </summary>
  40844. <returns>The range.</returns>
  40845. </member>
  40846. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.GetRange(System.Boolean)">
  40847. <summary>
  40848. Gets the range if this name refers to a range
  40849. </summary>
  40850. <param name="recalculate">whether recalculate it if this name has been calculated before this invocation.</param>
  40851. <returns>The range.</returns>
  40852. </member>
  40853. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Name.GetRange(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  40854. <summary>
  40855. Gets the range if this name refers to a range.
  40856. If the reference of this name is not absolute, the range may be different for different cell.
  40857. </summary>
  40858. <param name="sheetIndex">The according sheet index.</param>
  40859. <param name="row">The according row index.</param>
  40860. <param name="column">The according column index</param>
  40861. <returns>The range.</returns>
  40862. </member>
  40863. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Name.Comment">
  40864. <summary>
  40865. Gets and sets the comment of the name.
  40866. Only applies for Excel 2007.
  40867. </summary>
  40868. </member>
  40869. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Name.Text">
  40870. <summary>
  40871. Gets the name text of the object.
  40872. </summary>
  40873. </member>
  40874. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Name.FullText">
  40875. <summary>
  40876. Gets the name full text of the object with the scope setting.
  40877. </summary>
  40878. </member>
  40879. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Name.RefersTo">
  40880. <summary>
  40881. Returns or sets the formula that the name is defined to refer to, beginning with an equal sign.
  40882. </summary>
  40883. </member>
  40884. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Name.R1C1RefersTo">
  40885. <summary>
  40886. Gets or sets a R1C1 reference of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Name" />.
  40887. </summary>
  40888. </member>
  40889. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Name.IsReferred">
  40890. <summary>
  40891. Indicates whether this name is referred by other formulas.
  40892. </summary>
  40893. </member>
  40894. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Name.IsVisible">
  40895. <summary>
  40896. Indicates whether the name is visible.
  40897. </summary>
  40898. </member>
  40899. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Name.SheetIndex">
  40900. <summary>
  40901. Indicates this name belongs to Workbook or Worksheet.
  40902. 0 = Global name, otherwise index to sheet (one-based)
  40903. </summary>
  40904. </member>
  40905. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection">
  40906. <summary>
  40907. Represents a collection of all the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Name" /> objects in the spreadsheet.
  40908. </summary>
  40909. </member>
  40910. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.Add(System.String)">
  40911. <summary>
  40912. Defines a new name.
  40913. </summary>
  40914. <param name="text">The text to use as the name.</param>
  40915. <returns>
  40916. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Name" /> object index.</returns>
  40917. <remarks>Name cannot include spaces and cannot look like cell references.</remarks>
  40918. </member>
  40919. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.Remove(System.String[])">
  40920. <summary>
  40921. Remove an array of name
  40922. </summary>
  40923. <param name="names">The names' text.</param>
  40924. </member>
  40925. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  40926. <summary>
  40927. Remove the name.
  40928. </summary>
  40929. <param name="text">The name text.</param>
  40930. </member>
  40931. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  40932. <summary>
  40933. Remove the name at the specific index.
  40934. </summary>
  40935. <param name="index">index of the Name to be removed.</param>
  40936. <remarks>
  40937. Please make sure that the name is not referred by the other formulas before calling the method.
  40938. And if the name is referred, setting Name.RefersTo as null is better.
  40939. </remarks>
  40940. </member>
  40941. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.Clear">
  40942. <summary>
  40943. Remove all defined names which are not referenced by the formulas and data source.
  40944. If the defined name is referred, we only set Name.ReferTo as null and hide them.
  40945. </summary>
  40946. </member>
  40947. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.RemoveDuplicateNames">
  40948. <summary>
  40949. Remove the duplicate defined names
  40950. </summary>
  40951. </member>
  40952. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.Sort">
  40953. <summary>
  40954. Sorts defined names.
  40955. </summary>
  40956. <remarks>If you create a large amount of named ranges in the Excel file, please call this method after all named ranges are created and before saving </remarks>
  40957. </member>
  40958. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  40959. <summary>
  40960. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Name" /> element at the specified index.
  40961. </summary>
  40962. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  40963. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  40964. </member>
  40965. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.NameCollection.Item(System.String)">
  40966. <summary>
  40967. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Name" /> element with the specified name.
  40968. </summary>
  40969. <param name="text">Name text.</param>
  40970. <returns>The element with the specified name.</returns>
  40971. </member>
  40972. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection">
  40973. <summary>
  40974. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series" /> objects.
  40975. </summary>
  40976. <example>
  40977. <code>
  40978. [C#]
  40979. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  40980. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  40981. //Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  40982. int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  40983. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  40984. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
  40985. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  40986. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  40987. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  40988. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  40989. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  40990. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  40991. //Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
  40992. worksheet.Cells["A4"].PutValue(200);
  40993. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  40994. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  40995. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  40996. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  40997. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  40998. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  40999. //Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
  41000. worksheet.Cells["B4"].PutValue(40);
  41001. //Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
  41002. worksheet.Cells["C1"].PutValue("Q1");
  41003. //Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
  41004. worksheet.Cells["C2"].PutValue("Q2");
  41005. //Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
  41006. worksheet.Cells["C3"].PutValue("Y1");
  41007. //Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
  41008. worksheet.Cells["C4"].PutValue("Y2");
  41009. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  41010. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);
  41011. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  41012. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  41013. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
  41014. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", true);
  41015. //Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
  41016. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4";
  41017. //Saving the Excel file
  41018. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  41019. [Visual Basic]
  41020. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  41021. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  41022. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  41023. Dim sheetIndex As Integer = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  41024. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  41025. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(sheetIndex)
  41026. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  41027. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  41028. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  41029. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  41030. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  41031. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  41032. 'Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
  41033. worksheet.Cells("A4").PutValue(200)
  41034. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  41035. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  41036. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  41037. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  41038. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  41039. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  41040. 'Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
  41041. worksheet.Cells("B4").PutValue(40)
  41042. 'Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
  41043. worksheet.Cells("C1").PutValue("Q1")
  41044. 'Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
  41045. worksheet.Cells("C2").PutValue("Q2")
  41046. 'Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
  41047. worksheet.Cells("C3").PutValue("Y1")
  41048. 'Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
  41049. worksheet.Cells("C4").PutValue("Y2")
  41050. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  41051. Dim chartIndex As Integer = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5)
  41052. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  41053. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  41054. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
  41055. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", True)
  41056. 'Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
  41057. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4"
  41058. 'Saving the Excel file
  41059. workbook.Save("C:\book1.xls")
  41060. </code>
  41061. </example>
  41062. </member>
  41063. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.GetSeriesByOrder(System.Int32)">
  41064. <summary>
  41065. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series" /> element by order.
  41066. </summary>
  41067. <param name="order">The order of series</param>
  41068. <returns>The element series</returns>
  41069. </member>
  41070. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  41071. <summary>
  41072. Remove at a series at the specific index.
  41073. </summary>
  41074. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  41075. </member>
  41076. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.ChangeSeriesOrder(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  41077. <summary>
  41078. Directly changes the orders of the two series.
  41079. </summary>
  41080. <param name="sourceIndex">The current index</param>
  41081. <param name="destIndex">The dest index</param>
  41082. </member>
  41083. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.AddR1C1(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  41084. <summary>
  41085. Adds the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection" /> collection to a chart.
  41086. </summary>
  41087. <param name="area">Specifies values from which to plot the data series</param>
  41088. <param name="isVertical">Specifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.</param>
  41089. <returns>Return the first index of the added ASeries in the NSeries.</returns>
  41090. <remarks>
  41091. <br>If set data on contiguous cells, use colon to seperate them.For example, R[1]C[1]:R[3]C[2].</br>
  41092. <br>If set data on contiguous cells, use comma to seperate them.For example,(R[1]C[1],R[3]C[2]).</br>
  41093. </remarks>
  41094. </member>
  41095. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.Add(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  41096. <summary>
  41097. Adds the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection" /> collection to a chart.
  41098. </summary>
  41099. <param name="area">Specifies values from which to plot the data series</param>
  41100. <param name="isVertical">Specifies whether to plot the series from a range of cell values by row or by column.</param>
  41101. <returns>Return the first index of the added ASeries in the NSeries.</returns>
  41102. <remarks>
  41103. <br>If set data on contiguous cells, use colon to seperate them.For example, $C$2:$C$5.</br>
  41104. <br>If set data on non contiguous cells, use comma to seperate them.For example: ($C$2,$D$5).</br>
  41105. </remarks>
  41106. </member>
  41107. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.Clear">
  41108. <summary>
  41109. Clears the collection
  41110. </summary>
  41111. </member>
  41112. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  41113. <summary>
  41114. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Series" /> element at the specified index.
  41115. </summary>
  41116. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  41117. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  41118. </member>
  41119. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.CategoryData">
  41120. <summary>
  41121. Gets or sets the range of category Axis values.
  41122. It can be a range of cells (such as, "d1:e10"),
  41123. or a sequence of values (such as,"{2,6,8,10}").
  41124. </summary>
  41125. </member>
  41126. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.SecondCatergoryData">
  41127. <summary>
  41128. Gets or sets the range of second category Axis values.
  41129. It can be a range of cells (such as, "d1:e10"),
  41130. or a sequence of values (such as,"{2,6,8,10}").
  41131. Only effects when some ASerieses plot on the second axis.
  41132. </summary>
  41133. <remarks>
  41134. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  41135. please use SeriesCollection.SecondCategoryData property.
  41136. This property will be removed 12 months later since February 2014.
  41137. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  41138. </member>
  41139. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.SecondCategoryData">
  41140. <summary>
  41141. Gets or sets the range of second category Axis values.
  41142. It can be a range of cells (such as, "d1:e10"),
  41143. or a sequence of values (such as,"{2,6,8,10}").
  41144. Only effects when some ASerieses plot on the second axis.
  41145. </summary>
  41146. </member>
  41147. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.SeriesCollection.IsColorVaried">
  41148. <summary>
  41149. Represents if the color of points is varied.
  41150. </summary>
  41151. </member>
  41152. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject">
  41153. <summary>
  41154. Represents an OleObject in a worksheet.
  41155. </summary>
  41156. <example>
  41157. <code>
  41158. [C#]
  41159. //Instantiate a new Workbook.
  41160. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  41161. //Get the first worksheet.
  41162. Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  41163. //Define a string variable to store the image path.
  41164. string ImageUrl = @"C:\school.jpg";
  41165. //Get the picture into the streams.
  41166. FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(ImageUrl);
  41167. //Define a byte array.
  41168. byte[] imageData = new Byte[fs.Length];
  41169. //Obtain the picture into the array of bytes from streams.
  41170. fs.Read(imageData, 0, imageData.Length);
  41171. //Close the stream.
  41172. fs.Close();
  41173. //Get an excel file path in a variable.
  41174. string path = @"C:\Book1.xls";
  41175. //Get the file into the streams.
  41176. fs = File.OpenRead(path);
  41177. //Define an array of bytes.
  41178. byte[] objectData = new Byte[fs.Length];
  41179. //Store the file from streams.
  41180. fs.Read(objectData, 0, objectData.Length);
  41181. //Close the stream.
  41182. fs.Close();
  41183. //Add an Ole object into the worksheet with the image
  41184. //shown in MS Excel.
  41185. sheet.OleObjects.Add(14, 3, 200, 220, imageData);
  41186. //Set embedded ole object data.
  41187. sheet.OleObjects[0].ObjectData = objectData;
  41188. //Save the excel file
  41189. workbook.Save(@"C:\oleobjects.xls");
  41190. [Visual Basic]
  41191. 'Instantiate a new Workbook.
  41192. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  41193. 'Get the first worksheet.
  41194. Dim sheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  41195. 'Define a string variable to store the image path.
  41196. Dim ImageUrl As String = @"C:\school.jpg"
  41197. 'Get the picture into the streams.
  41198. Dim fs As FileStream = File.OpenRead(ImageUrl)
  41199. 'Define a byte array.
  41200. Dim imageData(fs.Length) As Byte
  41201. 'Obtain the picture into the array of bytes from streams.
  41202. fs.Read(imageData, 0, imageData.Length)
  41203. 'Close the stream.
  41204. fs.Close()
  41205. 'Get an excel file path in a variable.
  41206. Dim path As String = @"C:\Book1.xls"
  41207. 'Get the file into the streams.
  41208. fs = File.OpenRead(path)
  41209. 'Define an array of bytes.
  41210. Dim objectData(fs.Length) As Byte
  41211. 'Store the file from streams.
  41212. fs.Read(objectData, 0, objectData.Length)
  41213. 'Close the stream.
  41214. fs.Close()
  41215. 'Add an Ole object into the worksheet with the image
  41216. 'shown in MS Excel.
  41217. sheet.OleObjects.Add(14, 3, 200, 220, imageData)
  41218. 'Set embedded ole object data.
  41219. sheet.OleObjects(0).ObjectData = objectData
  41220. 'Save the excel file
  41221. workbook.Save("C:\oleobjects.xls")
  41222. </code>
  41223. </example>
  41224. </member>
  41225. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.SetNativeSourceFullName(System.String)">
  41226. <summary>
  41227. Sets the ole native source full file name with path.
  41228. </summary>
  41229. <param name="sourceFullName">the ole native source full file name</param>
  41230. </member>
  41231. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.IsAutoSize">
  41232. <summary>
  41233. True indicates that the size of the ole object will be auto changed as the size of snapshop of the embedded content
  41234. when the ole object is activated.
  41235. </summary>
  41236. </member>
  41237. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.IsLink">
  41238. <summary>
  41239. Returns true if the OleObject is linked
  41240. </summary>
  41241. </member>
  41242. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.DisplayAsIcon">
  41243. <summary>
  41244. True if the specified object is displayed as an icon
  41245. and the image will not be auto changed.
  41246. </summary>
  41247. </member>
  41248. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.ImageData">
  41249. <summary>
  41250. Represents image of ole object as byte array.
  41251. </summary>
  41252. </member>
  41253. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.ObjectData">
  41254. <summary>
  41255. Represents embedded ole object data as byte array.
  41256. </summary>
  41257. </member>
  41258. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.FullObjectBin">
  41259. <summary>
  41260. Gets the full embedded ole object binary data in the template file.
  41261. </summary>
  41262. </member>
  41263. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.ImageSourceFullName">
  41264. <summary>
  41265. Gets or sets the path and name of the source file for the linked image.
  41266. </summary>
  41267. <remarks>
  41268. The default value is an empty string.
  41269. If SourceFullName is not an empty string, the image is linked.
  41270. If SourceFullName is not an empty string, but Data is null, then the image is linked and not stored in the file.
  41271. </remarks>
  41272. </member>
  41273. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.ProgID">
  41274. <summary>
  41275. Gets or sets the ProgID of the OLE object.
  41276. </summary>
  41277. </member>
  41278. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.FileFormatType">
  41279. <summary>
  41280. Gets and sets the file type of the embedded ole object data
  41281. </summary>
  41282. </member>
  41283. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.FileType">
  41284. <summary>
  41285. Gets and sets the file type of the embedded ole object data
  41286. </summary>
  41287. <remarks>
  41288. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  41289. please use OleObject.FileFormatType property.
  41290. This property will be removed 12 months later since December 2013.
  41291. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  41292. </member>
  41293. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.ObjectSourceFullName">
  41294. <summary>
  41295. Returns the source full name of the source file for the linked OLE object.
  41296. </summary>
  41297. <remarks>Only supports setting the source full name when the file type is OleFileType.Unknown.
  41298. Such as wav file ,avi file..etc..
  41299. </remarks>
  41300. </member>
  41301. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.Label">
  41302. <summary>
  41303. Gets and sets the display label of the linked ole object.
  41304. </summary>
  41305. </member>
  41306. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.SourceFullName">
  41307. <summary>
  41308. Returns the source full name of the source file for the linked OLE object.
  41309. </summary>
  41310. <remarks>
  41311. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  41312. please use OleObject.ObjectSourceFullName property.
  41313. This property will be removed 12 months later since November 2013.
  41314. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  41315. </member>
  41316. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.AutoUpdate">
  41317. <summary>
  41318. Specifies whether the link to the OleObject is automatically updated or not.
  41319. </summary>
  41320. </member>
  41321. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.AutoLoad">
  41322. <summary>
  41323. Specifies whether the host application for the embedded object shall be called to load
  41324. the object data automatically when the parent workbook is opened.
  41325. </summary>
  41326. </member>
  41327. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.ClassIdentifier">
  41328. <summary>
  41329. Gets and sets the class identifier of the embedded object.
  41330. It means which application opens the embedded file.
  41331. </summary>
  41332. </member>
  41333. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject.ImageType">
  41334. <summary>
  41335. Gets the image format of the ole object.
  41336. </summary>
  41337. </member>
  41338. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObjectCollection">
  41339. <summary>
  41340. Represents embedded OLE objects.
  41341. </summary>
  41342. </member>
  41343. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObjectCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Byte[])">
  41344. <summary>
  41345. Adds an OleObject to the collection.
  41346. </summary>
  41347. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  41348. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  41349. <param name="height">Height of oleObject, in unit of pixel.</param>
  41350. <param name="width">Width of oleObject, in unit of pixel.</param>
  41351. <param name="imageData"> Image of ole object as byte array.</param>
  41352. <returns>
  41353. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject" /> object index.</returns>
  41354. </member>
  41355. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObjectCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Byte[],System.String)">
  41356. <summary>
  41357. Adds an linked OleObject to the collection.
  41358. </summary>
  41359. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  41360. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  41361. <param name="height">Height of oleObject, in unit of pixel.</param>
  41362. <param name="width">Width of oleObject, in unit of pixel.</param>
  41363. <param name="imageData"> Image of ole object as byte array.</param>
  41364. <param name="linkedFile">
  41365. </param>
  41366. <returns>
  41367. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject" /> object index.</returns>
  41368. </member>
  41369. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObjectCollection.Clear">
  41370. <summary>
  41371. Remove all embedded OLE objects.
  41372. </summary>
  41373. </member>
  41374. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObjectCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  41375. <summary>
  41376. Removes the element at the specified index.
  41377. </summary>
  41378. <param name="index">The specified index.</param>
  41379. </member>
  41380. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObjectCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  41381. <summary>
  41382. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.OleObject" /> element at the specified index.
  41383. </summary>
  41384. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  41385. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  41386. </member>
  41387. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType">
  41388. <summary>
  41389. Represents the operator type of conditional format and data validation.
  41390. </summary>
  41391. </member>
  41392. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.Between">
  41393. <summary>
  41394. Represents Between operator of conditional format and data validation.
  41395. </summary>
  41396. </member>
  41397. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.Equal">
  41398. <summary>
  41399. Represents Equal operator of conditional format and data validation.
  41400. </summary>
  41401. </member>
  41402. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.GreaterThan">
  41403. <summary>
  41404. Represents GreaterThan operator of conditional format and data validation.
  41405. </summary>
  41406. </member>
  41407. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.GreaterOrEqual">
  41408. <summary>
  41409. Represents GreaterOrEqual operator of conditional format and data validation.
  41410. </summary>
  41411. </member>
  41412. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.LessThan">
  41413. <summary>
  41414. Represents LessThan operator of conditional format and data validation.
  41415. </summary>
  41416. </member>
  41417. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.LessOrEqual">
  41418. <summary>
  41419. Represents LessOrEqual operator of conditional format and data validation.
  41420. </summary>
  41421. </member>
  41422. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.None">
  41423. <summary>
  41424. Represents no comparison.
  41425. </summary>
  41426. </member>
  41427. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.NotBetween">
  41428. <summary>
  41429. Represents NotBetween operator of conditional format and data validation.
  41430. </summary>
  41431. </member>
  41432. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.OperatorType.NotEqual">
  41433. <summary>
  41434. Represents NotEqual operator of conditional format and data validation.
  41435. </summary>
  41436. </member>
  41437. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Outline">
  41438. <summary>
  41439. Represents an outline on a worksheet.
  41440. </summary>
  41441. </member>
  41442. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Outline.SummaryRowBelow">
  41443. <summary>
  41444. Indicates if the summary row will be positioned below the detail rows in the outline.
  41445. </summary>
  41446. </member>
  41447. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Outline.SummaryColumnRight">
  41448. <summary>
  41449. Indicates if the summary column will be positioned to the right of the detail columns in the outline.
  41450. </summary>
  41451. </member>
  41452. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Oval">
  41453. <summary>
  41454. Represents the oval shape.
  41455. </summary>
  41456. </member>
  41457. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PageOrientationType">
  41458. <summary>
  41459. Represents print orientation constants.
  41460. </summary>
  41461. </member>
  41462. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PageOrientationType.Landscape">
  41463. <summary>
  41464. Landscape orientation
  41465. </summary>
  41466. </member>
  41467. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PageOrientationType.Portrait">
  41468. <summary>
  41469. Portrait orientation
  41470. </summary>
  41471. </member>
  41472. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PaneCollection">
  41473. <summary>
  41474. Represents all Pane objects shown in the specified window.
  41475. </summary>
  41476. </member>
  41477. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PaneCollection.FirstVisibleRowOfBottomPane">
  41478. <summary>
  41479. Gets and sets the first visible row of the bottom pane.
  41480. </summary>
  41481. </member>
  41482. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PaneCollection.FirstVisibleColumnOfRightPane">
  41483. <summary>
  41484. Gets and sets the first visible column of the right pane.
  41485. </summary>
  41486. </member>
  41487. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.PaneCollection.AcitvePaneType">
  41488. <summary>
  41489. Gets and sets the active pane.
  41490. </summary>
  41491. </member>
  41492. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType">
  41493. <summary>
  41494. Represents paper size constants.
  41495. </summary>
  41496. </member>
  41497. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLetter">
  41498. <summary>
  41499. Letter (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)
  41500. </summary>
  41501. </member>
  41502. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLetterSmall">
  41503. <summary>
  41504. Letter Small (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)
  41505. </summary>
  41506. </member>
  41507. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperTabloid">
  41508. <summary>
  41509. Tabloid (11 in. x 17 in.)
  41510. </summary>
  41511. </member>
  41512. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLedger">
  41513. <summary>
  41514. Ledger (17 in. x 11 in.)
  41515. </summary>
  41516. </member>
  41517. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLegal">
  41518. <summary>
  41519. Legal (8-1/2 in. x 14 in.)
  41520. </summary>
  41521. </member>
  41522. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperStatement">
  41523. <summary>
  41524. Statement (5-1/2 in. x 8-1/2 in.)
  41525. </summary>
  41526. </member>
  41527. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperExecutive">
  41528. <summary>
  41529. Executive (7-1/4 in. x 10-1/2 in.)
  41530. </summary>
  41531. </member>
  41532. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA3">
  41533. <summary>
  41534. A3 (297 mm x 420 mm)
  41535. </summary>
  41536. </member>
  41537. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA4">
  41538. <summary>
  41539. A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)
  41540. </summary>
  41541. </member>
  41542. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA4Small">
  41543. <summary>
  41544. A4 Small (210 mm x 297 mm)
  41545. </summary>
  41546. </member>
  41547. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA5">
  41548. <summary>
  41549. A5 (148 mm x 210 mm)
  41550. </summary>
  41551. </member>
  41552. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperB4">
  41553. <summary>
  41554. JIS B4 (257 mm x 364 mm)
  41555. </summary>
  41556. </member>
  41557. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperB5">
  41558. <summary>
  41559. JIS B5 (182 mm x 257 mm)
  41560. </summary>
  41561. </member>
  41562. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperFolio">
  41563. <summary>
  41564. Folio (8-1/2 in. x 13 in.)
  41565. </summary>
  41566. </member>
  41567. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperQuarto">
  41568. <summary>
  41569. Quarto (215 mm x 275 mm)
  41570. </summary>
  41571. </member>
  41572. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.Paper10x14">
  41573. <summary>
  41574. 10 in. x 14 in.
  41575. </summary>
  41576. </member>
  41577. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.Paper11x17">
  41578. <summary>
  41579. 11 in. x 17 in.
  41580. </summary>
  41581. </member>
  41582. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperNote">
  41583. <summary>
  41584. Note (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)
  41585. </summary>
  41586. </member>
  41587. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelope9">
  41588. <summary>
  41589. Envelope #9 (3-7/8 in. x 8-7/8 in.)
  41590. </summary>
  41591. </member>
  41592. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelope10">
  41593. <summary>
  41594. Envelope #10 (4-1/8 in. x 9-1/2 in.)
  41595. </summary>
  41596. </member>
  41597. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelope11">
  41598. <summary>
  41599. Envelope #11 (4-1/2 in. x 10-3/8 in.)
  41600. </summary>
  41601. </member>
  41602. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelope12">
  41603. <summary>
  41604. Envelope #12 (4-1/2 in. x 11 in.)
  41605. </summary>
  41606. </member>
  41607. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelope14">
  41608. <summary>
  41609. Envelope #14 (5 in. x 11-1/2 in.)
  41610. </summary>
  41611. </member>
  41612. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperCSheet">
  41613. <summary>
  41614. C size sheet
  41615. </summary>
  41616. </member>
  41617. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperDSheet">
  41618. <summary>
  41619. D size sheet
  41620. </summary>
  41621. </member>
  41622. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperESheet">
  41623. <summary>
  41624. E size sheet
  41625. </summary>
  41626. </member>
  41627. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeDL">
  41628. <summary>
  41629. Envelope DL (110 mm x 220 mm)
  41630. </summary>
  41631. </member>
  41632. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeC5">
  41633. <summary>
  41634. Envelope C5 (162 mm x 229 mm)
  41635. </summary>
  41636. </member>
  41637. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeC3">
  41638. <summary>
  41639. Envelope C3 (324 mm x 458 mm)
  41640. </summary>
  41641. </member>
  41642. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeC4">
  41643. <summary>
  41644. Envelope C4 (229 mm x 324 mm)
  41645. </summary>
  41646. </member>
  41647. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeC6">
  41648. <summary>
  41649. Envelope C6 (114 mm x 162 mm)
  41650. </summary>
  41651. </member>
  41652. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeC65">
  41653. <summary>
  41654. Envelope C65 (114 mm x 229 mm)
  41655. </summary>
  41656. </member>
  41657. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeB4">
  41658. <summary>
  41659. Envelope B4 (250 mm x 353 mm)
  41660. </summary>
  41661. </member>
  41662. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeB5">
  41663. <summary>
  41664. Envelope B5 (176 mm x 250 mm)
  41665. </summary>
  41666. </member>
  41667. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeB6">
  41668. <summary>
  41669. Envelope B6 (176 mm x 125 mm)
  41670. </summary>
  41671. </member>
  41672. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeItaly">
  41673. <summary>
  41674. Envelope Italy (110 mm x 230 mm)
  41675. </summary>
  41676. </member>
  41677. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeMonarch">
  41678. <summary>
  41679. Envelope Monarch (3-7/8 in. x 7-1/2 in.)
  41680. </summary>
  41681. </member>
  41682. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopePersonal">
  41683. <summary>
  41684. Envelope (3-5/8 in. x 6-1/2 in.)
  41685. </summary>
  41686. </member>
  41687. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperFanfoldUS">
  41688. <summary>
  41689. U.S. Standard Fanfold (14-7/8 in. x 11 in.)
  41690. </summary>
  41691. </member>
  41692. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperFanfoldStdGerman">
  41693. <summary>
  41694. German Standard Fanfold (8-1/2 in. x 12 in.)
  41695. </summary>
  41696. </member>
  41697. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperFanfoldLegalGerman">
  41698. <summary>
  41699. German Legal Fanfold (8-1/2 in. x 13 in.)
  41700. </summary>
  41701. </member>
  41702. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperISOB4">
  41703. <summary>
  41704. B4 (ISO) 250 x 353 mm
  41705. </summary>
  41706. </member>
  41707. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapanesePostcard">
  41708. <summary>
  41709. Japanese Postcard (100mm ¡Á 148mm)
  41710. </summary>
  41711. </member>
  41712. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.Paper9x11">
  41713. <summary>
  41714. 9? ¡Á 11?
  41715. </summary>
  41716. </member>
  41717. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.Paper10x11">
  41718. <summary>
  41719. 10? ¡Á 11?
  41720. </summary>
  41721. </member>
  41722. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.Paper15x11">
  41723. <summary>
  41724. 15? ¡Á 11?
  41725. </summary>
  41726. </member>
  41727. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperEnvelopeInvite">
  41728. <summary>
  41729. Envelope Invite(220mm ¡Á 220mm)
  41730. </summary>
  41731. </member>
  41732. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLetterExtra">
  41733. <summary>
  41734. US Letter Extra 9 \275 x 12 in
  41735. </summary>
  41736. </member>
  41737. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLegalExtra">
  41738. <summary>
  41739. US Legal Extra 9 \275 x 15 in
  41740. </summary>
  41741. </member>
  41742. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperTabloidExtra">
  41743. <summary>
  41744. US Tabloid Extra 11.69 x 18 in
  41745. </summary>
  41746. </member>
  41747. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA4Extra">
  41748. <summary>
  41749. A4 Extra 9.27 x 12.69 in
  41750. </summary>
  41751. </member>
  41752. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLetterTransverse">
  41753. <summary>
  41754. Letter Transverse 8 \275 x 11 in
  41755. </summary>
  41756. </member>
  41757. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA4Transverse">
  41758. <summary>
  41759. A4 Transverse 210 x 297 mm
  41760. </summary>
  41761. </member>
  41762. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLetterExtraTransverse">
  41763. <summary>
  41764. Letter Extra Transverse 9\275 x 12 in
  41765. </summary>
  41766. </member>
  41767. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperSuperA">
  41768. <summary>
  41769. SuperA/SuperA/A4 227 x 356 mm
  41770. </summary>
  41771. </member>
  41772. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperSuperB">
  41773. <summary>
  41774. SuperB/SuperB/A3 305 x 487 mm
  41775. </summary>
  41776. </member>
  41777. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLetterPlus">
  41778. <summary>
  41779. US Letter Plus 8.5 x 12.69 in
  41780. </summary>
  41781. </member>
  41782. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA4Plus">
  41783. <summary>
  41784. A4 Plus 210 x 330 mm
  41785. </summary>
  41786. </member>
  41787. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA5Transverse">
  41788. <summary>
  41789. A5 Transverse 148 x 210 mm
  41790. </summary>
  41791. </member>
  41792. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJISB5Transverse">
  41793. <summary>
  41794. B5 (JIS) Transverse 182 x 257 mm
  41795. </summary>
  41796. </member>
  41797. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA3Extra">
  41798. <summary>
  41799. A3 Extra 322 x 445 mm
  41800. </summary>
  41801. </member>
  41802. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA5Extra">
  41803. <summary>
  41804. A5 Extra 174 x 235 mm
  41805. </summary>
  41806. </member>
  41807. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperISOB5Extra">
  41808. <summary>
  41809. B5 (ISO) Extra 201 x 276 mm
  41810. </summary>
  41811. </member>
  41812. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA2">
  41813. <summary>
  41814. A2 420 x 594 mm
  41815. </summary>
  41816. </member>
  41817. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA3Transverse">
  41818. <summary>
  41819. A3 Transverse 297 x 420 mm
  41820. </summary>
  41821. </member>
  41822. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA3ExtraTransverse">
  41823. <summary>
  41824. A3 Extra Transverse 322 x 445 mm
  41825. </summary>
  41826. </member>
  41827. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseDoublePostcard">
  41828. <summary>
  41829. Japanese Double Postcard 200 x 148 mm
  41830. </summary>
  41831. </member>
  41832. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA6">
  41833. <summary>
  41834. A6 105 x 148 mm
  41835. </summary>
  41836. </member>
  41837. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeKaku2">
  41838. <summary>
  41839. Japanese Envelope Kaku #2
  41840. </summary>
  41841. </member>
  41842. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeKaku3">
  41843. <summary>
  41844. Japanese Envelope Kaku #3
  41845. </summary>
  41846. </member>
  41847. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeChou3">
  41848. <summary>
  41849. Japanese Envelope Chou #3
  41850. </summary>
  41851. </member>
  41852. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeChou4">
  41853. <summary>
  41854. Japanese Envelope Chou #4
  41855. </summary>
  41856. </member>
  41857. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperLetterRotated">
  41858. <summary>
  41859. 11in ¡Á 8.5in
  41860. </summary>
  41861. </member>
  41862. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA3Rotated">
  41863. <summary>
  41864. 420mm ¡Á 297mm
  41865. </summary>
  41866. </member>
  41867. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA4Rotated">
  41868. <summary>
  41869. 297mm ¡Á 210mm
  41870. </summary>
  41871. </member>
  41872. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA5Rotated">
  41873. <summary>
  41874. 210mm ¡Á 148mm
  41875. </summary>
  41876. </member>
  41877. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJISB4Rotated">
  41878. <summary>
  41879. B4 (JIS) Rotated 364 x 257 mm
  41880. </summary>
  41881. </member>
  41882. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJISB5Rotated">
  41883. <summary>
  41884. B5 (JIS) Rotated 257 x 182 mm
  41885. </summary>
  41886. </member>
  41887. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapanesePostcardRotated">
  41888. <summary>
  41889. Japanese Postcard Rotated 148 x 100 mm
  41890. </summary>
  41891. </member>
  41892. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseDoublePostcardRotated">
  41893. <summary>
  41894. Double Japanese Postcard Rotated 148 x 200 mm
  41895. </summary>
  41896. </member>
  41897. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperA6Rotated">
  41898. <summary>
  41899. A6 Rotated 148 x 105 mm
  41900. </summary>
  41901. </member>
  41902. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeKaku2Rotated">
  41903. <summary>
  41904. Japanese Envelope Kaku #2 Rotated
  41905. </summary>
  41906. </member>
  41907. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeKaku3Rotated">
  41908. <summary>
  41909. Japanese Envelope Kaku #3 Rotated
  41910. </summary>
  41911. </member>
  41912. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeChou3Rotated">
  41913. <summary>
  41914. Japanese Envelope Chou #3 Rotated
  41915. </summary>
  41916. </member>
  41917. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeChou4Rotated">
  41918. <summary>
  41919. Japanese Envelope Chou #4 Rotated
  41920. </summary>
  41921. </member>
  41922. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJISB6">
  41923. <summary>
  41924. B6 (JIS) 128 x 182 mm
  41925. </summary>
  41926. </member>
  41927. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJISB6Rotated">
  41928. <summary>
  41929. B6 (JIS) Rotated 182 x 128 mm
  41930. </summary>
  41931. </member>
  41932. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.Paper12x11">
  41933. <summary>
  41934. 12 x 11 in
  41935. </summary>
  41936. </member>
  41937. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeYou4">
  41938. <summary>
  41939. Japanese Envelope You #4
  41940. </summary>
  41941. </member>
  41942. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperJapaneseEnvelopeYou4Rotated">
  41943. <summary>
  41944. Japanese Envelope You #4 Rotated
  41945. </summary>
  41946. </member>
  41947. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRC16K">
  41948. <summary>
  41949. PRC 16K 146 x 215 mm
  41950. </summary>
  41951. </member>
  41952. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRC32K">
  41953. <summary>
  41954. PRC 32K 97 x 151 mm
  41955. </summary>
  41956. </member>
  41957. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCBig32K">
  41958. <summary>
  41959. PRC 32K(Big) 97 x 151 mm
  41960. </summary>
  41961. </member>
  41962. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope1">
  41963. <summary>
  41964. PRC Envelope #1 102 x 165 mm
  41965. </summary>
  41966. </member>
  41967. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope2">
  41968. <summary>
  41969. PRC Envelope #2 102 x 176 mm
  41970. </summary>
  41971. </member>
  41972. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope3">
  41973. <summary>
  41974. PRC Envelope #3 125 x 176 mm
  41975. </summary>
  41976. </member>
  41977. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope4">
  41978. <summary>
  41979. PRC Envelope #4 110 x 208 mm
  41980. </summary>
  41981. </member>
  41982. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope5">
  41983. <summary>
  41984. PRC Envelope #5 110 x 220 mm
  41985. </summary>
  41986. </member>
  41987. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope6">
  41988. <summary>
  41989. PRC Envelope #6 120 x 230 mm
  41990. </summary>
  41991. </member>
  41992. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope7">
  41993. <summary>
  41994. PRC Envelope #7 160 x 230 mm
  41995. </summary>
  41996. </member>
  41997. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope8">
  41998. <summary>
  41999. PRC Envelope #8 120 x 309 mm
  42000. </summary>
  42001. </member>
  42002. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope9">
  42003. <summary>
  42004. PRC Envelope #9 229 x 324 mm
  42005. </summary>
  42006. </member>
  42007. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope10">
  42008. <summary>
  42009. PRC Envelope #10 324 x 458 mm
  42010. </summary>
  42011. </member>
  42012. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRC16KRotated">
  42013. <summary>
  42014. PRC 16K Rotated
  42015. </summary>
  42016. </member>
  42017. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRC32KRotated">
  42018. <summary>
  42019. PRC 32K Rotated
  42020. </summary>
  42021. </member>
  42022. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCBig32KRotated">
  42023. <summary>
  42024. PRC 32K(Big) Rotated
  42025. </summary>
  42026. </member>
  42027. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope1Rotated">
  42028. <summary>
  42029. PRC Envelope #1 Rotated 165 x 102 mm
  42030. </summary>
  42031. </member>
  42032. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope2Rotated">
  42033. <summary>
  42034. PRC Envelope #2 Rotated 176 x 102 mm
  42035. </summary>
  42036. </member>
  42037. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope3Rotated">
  42038. <summary>
  42039. PRC Envelope #3 Rotated 176 x 125 mm
  42040. </summary>
  42041. </member>
  42042. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope4Rotated">
  42043. <summary>
  42044. PRC Envelope #4 Rotated 208 x 110 mm
  42045. </summary>
  42046. </member>
  42047. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope5Rotated">
  42048. <summary>
  42049. PRC Envelope #5 Rotated 220 x 110 mm
  42050. </summary>
  42051. </member>
  42052. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope6Rotated">
  42053. <summary>
  42054. PRC Envelope #6 Rotated 230 x 120 mm
  42055. </summary>
  42056. </member>
  42057. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope7Rotated">
  42058. <summary>
  42059. PRC Envelope #7 Rotated 230 x 160 mm
  42060. </summary>
  42061. </member>
  42062. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope8Rotated">
  42063. <summary>
  42064. PRC Envelope #8 Rotated 309 x 120 mm
  42065. </summary>
  42066. </member>
  42067. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope9Rotated">
  42068. <summary>
  42069. PRC Envelope #9 Rotated 324 x 229 mm
  42070. </summary>
  42071. </member>
  42072. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperPRCEnvelope10Rotated">
  42073. <summary>
  42074. PRC Envelope #10 Rotated 458 x 324 mm
  42075. </summary>
  42076. </member>
  42077. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperB3">
  42078. <summary>
  42079. usual B3(13.9 x 19.7 in)
  42080. </summary>
  42081. </member>
  42082. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperBusinessCard">
  42083. <summary>
  42084. Business Card(90mm x 55 mm)
  42085. </summary>
  42086. </member>
  42087. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.PaperThermal">
  42088. <summary>
  42089. Thermal(3 x 11 in)
  42090. </summary>
  42091. </member>
  42092. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PaperSizeType.Custom">
  42093. <summary>
  42094. Represents the custom paper size.
  42095. </summary>
  42096. </member>
  42097. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture">
  42098. <summary>
  42099. Encapsulates the object that represents a single picture in a spreadsheet.
  42100. </summary>
  42101. <example>
  42102. <code>
  42103. [C#]
  42104. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  42105. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  42106. //Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  42107. int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  42108. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  42109. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
  42110. //Adding a picture at the location of a cell whose row and column indices
  42111. //are 5 in the worksheet. It is "F6" cell
  42112. worksheet.Pictures.Add(5, 5, "C:\\image.gif");
  42113. //Saving the Excel file
  42114. workbook.Save(saveFileDialog1.FileName, SaveFormat.Excel97To2003);
  42115. [Visual Basic]
  42116. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  42117. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  42118. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Workbook object
  42119. Dim sheetIndex As Integer = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  42120. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  42121. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(sheetIndex)
  42122. 'Adding a picture at the location of a cell whose row and column indices
  42123. 'are 5 in the worksheet. It is "F6" cell
  42124. worksheet.Pictures.Add(5, 5, "C:\image.gif")
  42125. 'Saving the Excel file
  42126. workbook.Save("C:\book1.xls", SaveFormat.Excel97To2003)
  42127. </code>
  42128. </example>
  42129. </member>
  42130. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture,Aspose.Cells.CopyOptions)">
  42131. <summary>
  42132. Copy the picture.
  42133. </summary>
  42134. <param name="source">The source picture.</param>
  42135. <param name="options">The copy options.</param>
  42136. </member>
  42137. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.Move(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42138. <summary>
  42139. Moves the picture to a specified location.
  42140. </summary>
  42141. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42142. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42143. </member>
  42144. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.OriginalHeight">
  42145. <summary>
  42146. Gets the original height of the picture.
  42147. </summary>
  42148. </member>
  42149. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.OriginalWidth">
  42150. <summary>
  42151. Gets the original width of the picture.
  42152. </summary>
  42153. </member>
  42154. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.BorderLineColor">
  42155. <summary>
  42156. Represents the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Color" /> of the border line of a picture.
  42157. </summary>
  42158. </member>
  42159. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.BorderWeight">
  42160. <summary>
  42161. Gets or sets the weight of the border line of a picture in units of pt.
  42162. </summary>
  42163. </member>
  42164. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.Data">
  42165. <summary>
  42166. Gets the data of the picture.
  42167. </summary>
  42168. </member>
  42169. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.SourceFullName">
  42170. <summary>
  42171. Gets or sets the path and name of the source file for the linked image.
  42172. </summary>
  42173. <remarks>
  42174. The default value is an empty string.
  42175. If SourceFullName is not an empty string, the image is linked.
  42176. If SourceFullName is not an empty string, but Data is null, then the image is linked and not stored in the file.
  42177. </remarks>
  42178. </member>
  42179. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.Formula">
  42180. <summary>
  42181. Gets and sets the data of the formula.
  42182. </summary>
  42183. </member>
  42184. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.IsAutoSize">
  42185. <summary>
  42186. True indicates that the size of the ole object will be auto changed as the size of snapshop of the embedded content
  42187. when the ole object is activated.
  42188. </summary>
  42189. </member>
  42190. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.IsLink">
  42191. <summary>
  42192. Returns true if the picture is linked to a file.
  42193. </summary>
  42194. </member>
  42195. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.IsDynamicDataExchange">
  42196. <summary>
  42197. Gets or sets whether dynamic data exchange
  42198. </summary>
  42199. </member>
  42200. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.DisplayAsIcon">
  42201. <summary>
  42202. True if the specified object is displayed as an icon
  42203. and the image will not be auto changed.
  42204. </summary>
  42205. </member>
  42206. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.ImageType">
  42207. <summary>
  42208. Gets the image format of the picture.
  42209. </summary>
  42210. </member>
  42211. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.OriginalHeightCM">
  42212. <summary>
  42213. Gets the original height of picture, in unit of centimeters.
  42214. </summary>
  42215. </member>
  42216. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.OriginalWidthCM">
  42217. <summary>
  42218. Gets the original width of picture, in unit of centimeters.
  42219. </summary>
  42220. </member>
  42221. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.OriginalHeightInch">
  42222. <summary>
  42223. Gets the original height of picture, in unit of inches.
  42224. </summary>
  42225. </member>
  42226. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.OriginalWidthInch">
  42227. <summary>
  42228. Gets the original width of picture, in unit of inches.
  42229. </summary>
  42230. </member>
  42231. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture.SignatureLine">
  42232. <summary>
  42233. Gets and sets the signature line
  42234. </summary>
  42235. </member>
  42236. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection">
  42237. <summary>
  42238. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> objects.
  42239. </summary>
  42240. </member>
  42241. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.IO.Stream)">
  42242. <summary>
  42243. Adds a picture to the collection.
  42244. </summary>
  42245. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42246. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42247. <param name="lowerRightRow">Lower right row index</param>
  42248. <param name="lowerRightColumn">Lower right column index</param>
  42249. <param name="stream">Stream object which contains the image data.</param>
  42250. <returns>
  42251. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object index.</returns>
  42252. </member>
  42253. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  42254. <summary>
  42255. Adds a picture to the collection.
  42256. </summary>
  42257. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42258. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42259. <param name="lowerRightRow">Lower right row index</param>
  42260. <param name="lowerRightColumn">Lower right column index</param>
  42261. <param name="fileName">Image filename.</param>
  42262. <returns>
  42263. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object index.</returns>
  42264. </member>
  42265. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.IO.Stream)">
  42266. <summary>
  42267. Adds a picture to the collection.
  42268. </summary>
  42269. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42270. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42271. <param name="stream">Stream object which contains the image data.</param>
  42272. <returns>
  42273. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object index.</returns>
  42274. </member>
  42275. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  42276. <summary>
  42277. Adds a picture to the collection.
  42278. </summary>
  42279. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42280. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42281. <param name="fileName">Image filename.</param>
  42282. <returns>
  42283. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object index.</returns>
  42284. </member>
  42285. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.IO.Stream,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42286. <summary>
  42287. Adds a picture to the collection.
  42288. </summary>
  42289. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42290. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42291. <param name="stream">Stream object which contains the image data.</param>
  42292. <param name="widthScale">Scale of image width, a percentage.</param>
  42293. <param name="heightScale">Scale of image height, a percentage.</param>
  42294. <returns>
  42295. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object index.</returns>
  42296. </member>
  42297. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42298. <summary>
  42299. Adds a picture to the collection.
  42300. </summary>
  42301. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42302. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42303. <param name="fileName">Image filename.</param>
  42304. <param name="widthScale">Scale of image width, a percentage.</param>
  42305. <param name="heightScale">Scale of image height, a percentage.</param>
  42306. <returns>
  42307. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> object index.</returns>
  42308. </member>
  42309. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.Clear">
  42310. <summary>
  42311. Clear all pictures.
  42312. </summary>
  42313. </member>
  42314. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  42315. <summary>
  42316. Remove shapes at the specific index
  42317. </summary>
  42318. </member>
  42319. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PictureCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  42320. <summary>
  42321. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> element at the specified index.
  42322. </summary>
  42323. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  42324. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  42325. </member>
  42326. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PlacementType">
  42327. <summary>
  42328. Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it.
  42329. </summary>
  42330. </member>
  42331. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PlacementType.FreeFloating">
  42332. <summary>
  42333. Don't move or size with cells.
  42334. </summary>
  42335. </member>
  42336. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PlacementType.Move">
  42337. <summary>
  42338. Move but don't size with cells.
  42339. </summary>
  42340. </member>
  42341. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PlacementType.MoveAndSize">
  42342. <summary>
  42343. Move and size with cells.
  42344. </summary>
  42345. </member>
  42346. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PrintCommentsType">
  42347. <summary>
  42348. Represents the way comments are printed with the sheet.
  42349. </summary>
  42350. </member>
  42351. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintCommentsType.PrintInPlace">
  42352. <summary>
  42353. Represents to print comments as displayed on sheet.
  42354. </summary>
  42355. </member>
  42356. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintCommentsType.PrintNoComments">
  42357. <summary>
  42358. Represents not to print comments.
  42359. </summary>
  42360. </member>
  42361. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintCommentsType.PrintSheetEnd">
  42362. <summary>
  42363. Represents to print comments at end of sheet.
  42364. </summary>
  42365. </member>
  42366. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PrintErrorsType">
  42367. <summary>
  42368. Represents print errors constants.
  42369. </summary>
  42370. </member>
  42371. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintErrorsType.PrintErrorsBlank">
  42372. <summary>
  42373. Represents not to print errors.
  42374. </summary>
  42375. </member>
  42376. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintErrorsType.PrintErrorsDash">
  42377. <summary>
  42378. Represents to print errors as "--".
  42379. </summary>
  42380. </member>
  42381. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintErrorsType.PrintErrorsDisplayed">
  42382. <summary>
  42383. Represents to print errors as displayed.
  42384. </summary>
  42385. </member>
  42386. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintErrorsType.PrintErrorsNA">
  42387. <summary>
  42388. Represents to print errors as "#N/A".
  42389. </summary>
  42390. </member>
  42391. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PrintOrderType">
  42392. <summary>
  42393. Represent print order constants.
  42394. </summary>
  42395. </member>
  42396. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintOrderType.DownThenOver">
  42397. <summary>
  42398. Down, then over
  42399. </summary>
  42400. </member>
  42401. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintOrderType.OverThenDown">
  42402. <summary>
  42403. Over, then down
  42404. </summary>
  42405. </member>
  42406. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.PrintSizeType">
  42407. <summary>
  42408. Represents the printed chart size.
  42409. </summary>
  42410. </member>
  42411. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintSizeType.Full">
  42412. <summary>
  42413. Use full page.
  42414. </summary>
  42415. </member>
  42416. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintSizeType.Fit">
  42417. <summary>
  42418. Scale to fit page.
  42419. </summary>
  42420. </member>
  42421. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.PrintSizeType.Custom">
  42422. <summary>
  42423. Custom.
  42424. </summary>
  42425. </member>
  42426. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Protection">
  42427. <summary>
  42428. Represents the various types of protection options available for a worksheet.
  42429. Only used in ExcelXP and above version.
  42430. </summary>
  42431. <example>
  42432. <code>
  42433. [C#]
  42434. //Allowing users to select locked cells of the worksheet
  42435. worksheet.Protection.AllowSelectingLockedCell = true;
  42436. //Allowing users to select unlocked cells of the worksheet
  42437. worksheet.Protection.AllowSelectingUnlockedCell = true;
  42438. [Visual Basic]
  42439. 'Allowing users to select locked cells of the worksheet
  42440. worksheet.Protection.AllowSelectingLockedCell = True
  42441. 'Allowing users to select unlocked cells of the worksheet
  42442. worksheet.Protection.AllowSelectingUnlockedCell = True
  42443. </code>
  42444. </example>
  42445. </member>
  42446. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Protection.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Protection)">
  42447. <summary>
  42448. Copy protection info.
  42449. </summary>
  42450. <param name="source">
  42451. </param>
  42452. </member>
  42453. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Protection.GetPasswordHash">
  42454. <summary>
  42455. Gets the hash of current password.
  42456. </summary>
  42457. </member>
  42458. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Protection.VerifyPassword(System.String)">
  42459. <summary>
  42460. Verifies password.
  42461. </summary>
  42462. <param name="password">The password.</param>
  42463. <returns>
  42464. </returns>
  42465. </member>
  42466. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowDeletingColumn">
  42467. <summary>
  42468. Represents if the deletion of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet.
  42469. </summary>
  42470. <remarks>The columns containing the cells to be deleted must be unlocked when the sheet is protected,
  42471. and "Select unlocked cells" option must be enabled. </remarks>
  42472. </member>
  42473. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsDeletingColumnsAllowed">
  42474. <summary>
  42475. Represents if the deletion of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet.
  42476. </summary>
  42477. <remarks>The columns containing the cells to be deleted must be unlocked when the sheet is protected,
  42478. and "Select unlocked cells" option must be enabled. </remarks>
  42479. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42480. please use Protection.AllowDeletingColumn property.
  42481. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42482. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42483. </member>
  42484. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowDeletingRow">
  42485. <summary>
  42486. Represents if the deletion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet.
  42487. </summary>
  42488. <remarks>The rows containing the cells to be deleted must be unlocked when the sheet is protected,
  42489. and "Select unlocked cells" option must be enabled. </remarks>
  42490. </member>
  42491. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsDeletingRowsAllowed">
  42492. <summary>
  42493. Represents if the deletion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet.
  42494. </summary>
  42495. <remarks>The rows containing the cells to be deleted must be unlocked when the sheet is protected,
  42496. and "Select unlocked cells" option must be enabled. </remarks>
  42497. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42498. please use Protection.AllowDeletingRow property.
  42499. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42500. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42501. </member>
  42502. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowFiltering">
  42503. <summary>
  42504. Represents if the user is allowed to make use of an AutoFilter that was created before the sheet was protected.
  42505. </summary>
  42506. </member>
  42507. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsFilteringAllowed">
  42508. <summary>
  42509. Represents if the user is allowed to make use of an AutoFilter that was created before the sheet was protected.
  42510. </summary>
  42511. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42512. please use Protection.AllowFiltering property.
  42513. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42514. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42515. </member>
  42516. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowFormattingCell">
  42517. <summary>
  42518. Represents if the formatting of cells is allowed on a protected worksheet.
  42519. </summary>
  42520. </member>
  42521. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsFormattingCellsAllowed">
  42522. <summary>
  42523. Represents if the formatting of cells is allowed on a protected worksheet.
  42524. </summary>
  42525. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42526. please use Protection.AllowFormattingCell property.
  42527. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42528. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42529. </member>
  42530. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowFormattingColumn">
  42531. <summary>
  42532. Represents if the formatting of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42533. </summary>
  42534. </member>
  42535. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsFormattingColumnsAllowed">
  42536. <summary>
  42537. Represents if the formatting of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42538. </summary>
  42539. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42540. please use Protection.AllowFormattingColumn property.
  42541. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42542. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42543. </member>
  42544. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowFormattingRow">
  42545. <summary>
  42546. Represents if the formatting of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42547. </summary>
  42548. </member>
  42549. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsFormattingRowsAllowed">
  42550. <summary>
  42551. Represents if the formatting of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42552. </summary>
  42553. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42554. please use Protection.AllowFormattingRow property.
  42555. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42556. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42557. </member>
  42558. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowInsertingColumn">
  42559. <summary>
  42560. Represents if the insertion of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42561. </summary>
  42562. </member>
  42563. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsInsertingColumnsAllowed">
  42564. <summary>
  42565. Represents if the insertion of columns is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42566. </summary>
  42567. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42568. please use Protection.AllowInsertingColumn property.
  42569. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42570. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42571. </member>
  42572. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowInsertingHyperlink">
  42573. <summary>
  42574. Represents if the insertion of hyperlinks is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42575. </summary>
  42576. </member>
  42577. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsInsertingHyperlinksAllowed">
  42578. <summary>
  42579. Represents if the insertion of hyperlinks is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42580. </summary>
  42581. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42582. please use Protection.AllowInsertingHyperlink property.
  42583. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42584. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42585. </member>
  42586. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowInsertingRow">
  42587. <summary>
  42588. Represents if the insertion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42589. </summary>
  42590. </member>
  42591. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsInsertingRowsAllowed">
  42592. <summary>
  42593. Represents if the insertion of rows is allowed on a protected worksheet
  42594. </summary>
  42595. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42596. please use Protection.AllowInsertingRow property.
  42597. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42598. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42599. </member>
  42600. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowSorting">
  42601. <summary>
  42602. Represents if the sorting option is allowed on a protected worksheet.
  42603. </summary>
  42604. </member>
  42605. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsSortingAllowed">
  42606. <summary>
  42607. Represents if the sorting option is allowed on a protected worksheet.
  42608. </summary>
  42609. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42610. please use Protection.AllowSorting property.
  42611. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42612. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42613. </member>
  42614. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowUsingPivotTable">
  42615. <summary>
  42616. Represents if the user is allowed to manipulate pivot tables on a protected worksheet.
  42617. </summary>
  42618. </member>
  42619. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsUsingPivotTablesAllowed">
  42620. <summary>
  42621. Represents if the user is allowed to manipulate pivot tables on a protected worksheet.
  42622. </summary>
  42623. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42624. please use Protection.AllowUsingPivotTable property.
  42625. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42626. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42627. </member>
  42628. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowEditingContent">
  42629. <summary>
  42630. Represents if the user is allowed to edit contents of locked cells on a protected worksheet.
  42631. </summary>
  42632. </member>
  42633. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsEditingContentsAllowed">
  42634. <summary>
  42635. Represents if the user is allowed to edit contents of locked cells on a protected worksheet.
  42636. </summary>
  42637. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42638. please use Protection.AllowEditingContent property.
  42639. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42640. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42641. </member>
  42642. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowEditingObject">
  42643. <summary>
  42644. Represents if the user is allowed to manipulate drawing objects on a protected worksheet.
  42645. </summary>
  42646. </member>
  42647. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsEditingObjectsAllowed">
  42648. <summary>
  42649. Represents if the user is allowed to manipulate drawing objects on a protected worksheet.
  42650. </summary>
  42651. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42652. please use Protection.AllowEditingObject property.
  42653. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42654. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42655. </member>
  42656. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowEditingScenario">
  42657. <summary>
  42658. Represents if the user is allowed to edit scenarios on a protected worksheet.
  42659. </summary>
  42660. </member>
  42661. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsEditingScenariosAllowed">
  42662. <summary>
  42663. Represents if the user is allowed to edit scenarios on a protected worksheet.
  42664. </summary>
  42665. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42666. please use Protection.AllowEditingScenario property.
  42667. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42668. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42669. </member>
  42670. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.Password">
  42671. <summary>
  42672. Represents the password to protect the worksheet.
  42673. </summary>
  42674. <remarks>
  42675. If password is set to null or blank string, you can unprotect the worksheet or workbook without using a password. Otherwise, you must specify the password to unprotect the worksheet or workbook.
  42676. </remarks>
  42677. </member>
  42678. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsProtectedWithPassword">
  42679. <summary>
  42680. Indicates whether the worksheets is protected with password.
  42681. </summary>
  42682. </member>
  42683. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowSelectingLockedCell">
  42684. <summary>
  42685. Represents if the user is allowed to select locked cells on a protected worksheet.
  42686. </summary>
  42687. </member>
  42688. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsSelectingLockedCellsAllowed">
  42689. <summary>
  42690. Represents if the user is allowed to select locked cells on a protected worksheet.
  42691. </summary>
  42692. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42693. please use Protection.AllowSelectingLockedCell property.
  42694. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42695. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42696. </member>
  42697. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.AllowSelectingUnlockedCell">
  42698. <summary>
  42699. Represents if the user is allowed to select unlocked cells on a protected worksheet.
  42700. </summary>
  42701. </member>
  42702. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Protection.IsSelectingUnlockedCellsAllowed">
  42703. <summary>
  42704. Represents if the user is allowed to select unlocked cells on a protected worksheet.
  42705. </summary>
  42706. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  42707. please use Protection.AllowSelectingUnlockedCell property.
  42708. This property will be removed 12 months later since June 2010.
  42709. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  42710. </member>
  42711. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType">
  42712. <summary>
  42713. Represents workbook/worksheet protection type.
  42714. </summary>
  42715. </member>
  42716. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType.All">
  42717. <summary>
  42718. Represents to protect all.
  42719. </summary>
  42720. </member>
  42721. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType.Contents">
  42722. <summary>
  42723. Represents to protect contents, used in Worksheet protection.
  42724. </summary>
  42725. </member>
  42726. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType.Objects">
  42727. <summary>
  42728. Represents to protect objects, used in Worksheet protection.
  42729. </summary>
  42730. </member>
  42731. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType.Scenarios">
  42732. <summary>
  42733. Represents to protect scenarios, used in Worksheet protection.
  42734. </summary>
  42735. </member>
  42736. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType.Structure">
  42737. <summary>
  42738. Represents to protect structure, used in Workbook protection.
  42739. </summary>
  42740. </member>
  42741. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType.Windows">
  42742. <summary>
  42743. Represents to protect window, used in Workbook protection.
  42744. </summary>
  42745. </member>
  42746. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ProtectionType.None">
  42747. <summary>
  42748. Represents no protection. Only for Reading property.
  42749. </summary>
  42750. </member>
  42751. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RadioButton">
  42752. <summary>
  42753. Represents a radio button.
  42754. </summary>
  42755. </member>
  42756. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RadioButton.IsChecked">
  42757. <summary>
  42758. Indicates if the radiobutton is checked or not.
  42759. </summary>
  42760. </member>
  42761. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RadioButton.Shadow">
  42762. <summary>
  42763. Indicates whether the combobox has 3-D shading.
  42764. </summary>
  42765. </member>
  42766. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RadioButton.GroupBox">
  42767. <summary>
  42768. Gets the GroupBox that contains this RadioButton.
  42769. </summary>
  42770. </member>
  42771. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.RangeCollection">
  42772. <summary>
  42773. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> objects.
  42774. </summary>
  42775. </member>
  42776. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.RangeCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Range)">
  42777. <summary>
  42778. Adds a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> item to the collection.
  42779. </summary>
  42780. <param name="range">Range object</param>
  42781. <returns>
  42782. </returns>
  42783. </member>
  42784. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.RangeCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  42785. <summary>
  42786. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Range" /> element at the specified index.
  42787. </summary>
  42788. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  42789. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  42790. </member>
  42791. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleShape">
  42792. <summary>
  42793. Represents the rectangle shape.
  42794. </summary>
  42795. </member>
  42796. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar">
  42797. <summary>
  42798. Represents a scroll bar object.
  42799. </summary>
  42800. <remarks>Scroll value must be between 0 and 30000.</remarks>
  42801. </member>
  42802. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar.CurrentValue">
  42803. <summary>
  42804. Gets or sets the current value.
  42805. </summary>
  42806. </member>
  42807. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar.Min">
  42808. <summary>
  42809. Gets or sets the minimum value of a scroll bar or spinner range.
  42810. </summary>
  42811. </member>
  42812. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar.Max">
  42813. <summary>
  42814. Gets or sets the maximum value of a scroll bar or spinner range.
  42815. </summary>
  42816. </member>
  42817. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar.IncrementalChange">
  42818. <summary>
  42819. Gets or sets the amount that the scroll bar or spinner is incremented a line scroll.
  42820. </summary>
  42821. </member>
  42822. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar.PageChange">
  42823. <summary>
  42824. Gets or sets page change
  42825. </summary>
  42826. </member>
  42827. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar.Shadow">
  42828. <summary>
  42829. Indicates whether the shape has 3-D shading.
  42830. </summary>
  42831. </member>
  42832. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar.IsHorizontal">
  42833. <summary>
  42834. Indicates whether this is a horizontal scroll bar.
  42835. </summary>
  42836. </member>
  42837. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SelectionType">
  42838. <summary>
  42839. The selection type of list box.
  42840. </summary>
  42841. </member>
  42842. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SelectionType.Single">
  42843. <summary>
  42844. Sigle selection type.
  42845. </summary>
  42846. </member>
  42847. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SelectionType.Multi">
  42848. <summary>
  42849. Multiple selection type.
  42850. </summary>
  42851. </member>
  42852. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.SelectionType.Extend">
  42853. <summary>
  42854. Extend selection type.
  42855. </summary>
  42856. </member>
  42857. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection">
  42858. <summary>
  42859. Represents all the shape in a worksheet/chart.
  42860. </summary>
  42861. </member>
  42862. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddCopy(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42863. <summary>
  42864. Adds and copy a shape to the worksheet..
  42865. </summary>
  42866. <param name="sourceShape"> Source shape.</param>
  42867. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42868. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of checkbox from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42869. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42870. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of textbox from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42871. <returns>The new shape object index.</returns>
  42872. </member>
  42873. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddCheckBox(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42874. <summary>
  42875. Adds a checkbox to the worksheet.
  42876. </summary>
  42877. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  42878. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of checkbox from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42879. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42880. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of textbox from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42881. <param name="height">Height of textbox, in unit of pixel.</param>
  42882. <param name="width">Width of textbox, in unit of pixel.</param>
  42883. <returns>The new CheckBox object index.</returns>
  42884. </member>
  42885. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddTextBox(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42886. <summary>
  42887. Adds a text box to the worksheet.
  42888. </summary>
  42889. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42890. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of textbox from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42891. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42892. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of textbox from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42893. <param name="height">Represents the height of textbox, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42894. <param name="width">Represents the width of textbox, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42895. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBox" /> object.</returns>
  42896. </member>
  42897. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddSpinner(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42898. <summary>
  42899. Adds a Spinner to the worksheet.
  42900. </summary>
  42901. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42902. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of Spinner from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42903. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42904. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of Spinner from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42905. <param name="height">Represents the height of Spinner, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42906. <param name="width">Represents the width of Spinner, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42907. <returns>A Spinner object.</returns>
  42908. </member>
  42909. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddScrollBar(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42910. <summary>
  42911. Adds a ScrollBar to the worksheet.
  42912. </summary>
  42913. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42914. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of ScrollBar from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42915. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42916. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of ScrollBar from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42917. <param name="height">Represents the height of ScrollBar, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42918. <param name="width">Represents the width of ScrollBar, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42919. <returns>A ScrollBar object.</returns>
  42920. </member>
  42921. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddRadioButton(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42922. <summary>
  42923. Adds a RadioButton to the worksheet.
  42924. </summary>
  42925. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42926. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of RadioButton from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42927. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42928. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of RadioButton from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42929. <param name="height">Represents the height of RadioButton, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42930. <param name="width">Represents the width of RadioButton, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42931. <returns>A RadioButton object.</returns>
  42932. </member>
  42933. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddListBox(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42934. <summary>
  42935. Adds a ListBox to the worksheet.
  42936. </summary>
  42937. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42938. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of ListBox from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42939. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42940. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of ListBox from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42941. <param name="height">Represents the height of ListBox, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42942. <param name="width">Represents the width of ListBox, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42943. <returns>A ListBox object.</returns>
  42944. </member>
  42945. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddComboBox(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42946. <summary>
  42947. Adds a ComboBox to the worksheet.
  42948. </summary>
  42949. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42950. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of ComboBox from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42951. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42952. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of ComboBox from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42953. <param name="height">Represents the height of ComboBox, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42954. <param name="width">Represents the width of ComboBox, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42955. <returns>A ComboBox object.</returns>
  42956. </member>
  42957. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddGroupBox(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42958. <summary>
  42959. Adds a GroupBox to the worksheet.
  42960. </summary>
  42961. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42962. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of GroupBox from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42963. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42964. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of GroupBox from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42965. <param name="height">Represents the height of GroupBox, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42966. <param name="width">Represents the width of GroupBox, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42967. <returns>A GroupBox object.</returns>
  42968. </member>
  42969. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddButton(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42970. <summary>
  42971. Adds a Button to the worksheet.
  42972. </summary>
  42973. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42974. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of Button from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42975. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42976. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of Button from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42977. <param name="height">Represents the height of Button, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42978. <param name="width">Represents the width of Button, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42979. <returns>A Button object.</returns>
  42980. </member>
  42981. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddLabel(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42982. <summary>
  42983. Adds a Label to the worksheet.
  42984. </summary>
  42985. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  42986. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of Label from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42987. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  42988. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of Label from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42989. <param name="height">Represents the height of Label, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42990. <param name="width">Represents the width of Label, in unit of pixel. </param>
  42991. <returns>A Label object.</returns>
  42992. </member>
  42993. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddLabelInChart(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  42994. <summary>
  42995. Adds a label to the chart.
  42996. </summary>
  42997. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of label from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. </param>
  42998. <param name="left">Represents the vertical offset of label from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  42999. <param name="height">Represents the height of label, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43000. <param name="width">Represents the width of label, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43001. <returns>A new Label object.</returns>
  43002. </member>
  43003. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddTextBoxInChart(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43004. <summary>
  43005. Adds a textbox to the chart.
  43006. </summary>
  43007. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of textbox from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. </param>
  43008. <param name="left">Represents the vertical offset of textbox from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43009. <param name="height">Represents the height of textbox, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43010. <param name="width">Represents the width of textbox, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43011. <returns>A TextBox object.</returns>
  43012. </member>
  43013. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddTextEffectInChart(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43014. <summary>
  43015. Inserts a WordArt object to the chart
  43016. </summary>
  43017. <param name="effect">The mso preset text effect type.</param>
  43018. <param name="text">The WordArt text.</param>
  43019. <param name="fontName">The font name.</param>
  43020. <param name="size">The font size</param>
  43021. <param name="fontBold">Indicates whether font is bold.</param>
  43022. <param name="fontItalic">Indicates whether font is italic.</param>
  43023. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of shape from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. </param>
  43024. <param name="left">Represents the vertical offset of shape from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43025. <param name="height">Represents the height of shape, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43026. <param name="width">Represents the width of shape, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43027. <returns>Returns a Shape object that represents the new WordArt object.</returns>
  43028. </member>
  43029. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddTextEffect(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoPresetTextEffect,System.String,System.String,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43030. <summary>
  43031. Inserts a WordArt object.
  43032. </summary>
  43033. <param name="effect">The mso preset text effect type.</param>
  43034. <param name="text">The WordArt text.</param>
  43035. <param name="fontName">The font name.</param>
  43036. <param name="size">The font size</param>
  43037. <param name="fontBold">Indicates whether font is bold.</param>
  43038. <param name="fontItalic">Indicates whether font is italic.</param>
  43039. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43040. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of shape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43041. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43042. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43043. <param name="height">Represents the height of shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43044. <param name="width">Represents the width of shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43045. <returns>Returns a Shape object that represents the new WordArt object.</returns>
  43046. </member>
  43047. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddWordArt(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle,System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43048. <summary>
  43049. Adds preset WordArt since Excel 2007.s
  43050. </summary>
  43051. <param name="style">The preset WordArt Style.</param>
  43052. <param name="text">The text.</param>
  43053. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43054. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of shape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43055. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43056. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43057. <param name="height">Represents the height of shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43058. <param name="width">Represents the width of shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43059. <returns>
  43060. </returns>
  43061. </member>
  43062. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddRectangle(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43063. <summary>
  43064. Adds a RectangleShape to the worksheet.
  43065. </summary>
  43066. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43067. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of RectangleShape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43068. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43069. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of RectangleShape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43070. <param name="height">Represents the height of RectangleShape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43071. <param name="width">Represents the width of RectangleShape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43072. <returns>A RectangleShape object.</returns>
  43073. </member>
  43074. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddOval(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43075. <summary>
  43076. Adds a Oval to the worksheet.
  43077. </summary>
  43078. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43079. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of Oval from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43080. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43081. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of Oval from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43082. <param name="height">Represents the height of Oval, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43083. <param name="width">Represents the width of Oval, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43084. <returns>A Oval object.</returns>
  43085. </member>
  43086. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddLine(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43087. <summary>
  43088. Adds a LineShape to the worksheet.
  43089. </summary>
  43090. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43091. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of LineShape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43092. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43093. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of LineShape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43094. <param name="height">Represents the height of LineShape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43095. <param name="width">Represents the width of LineShape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43096. <returns>A LineShape object.</returns>
  43097. </member>
  43098. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddFreeFloatingShape(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Byte[],System.Boolean)">
  43099. <summary>
  43100. Adds a free floating shape to the worksheet.Only applies for line/image shape.
  43101. </summary>
  43102. <param name="type">The shape type.</param>
  43103. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of shape from the worksheet's top row, in unit of pixel.</param>
  43104. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of shape from the worksheet's left column, in unit of pixel.</param>
  43105. <param name="height">Represents the height of LineShape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43106. <param name="width">Represents the width of LineShape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43107. <param name="imageData">The image data,only applies for the picture.</param>
  43108. <param name="isOriginalSize">Whether the shape use original size if the shape is image.</param>
  43109. <returns>
  43110. </returns>
  43111. </member>
  43112. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddShapeInChart(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PlacementType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Byte[])">
  43113. <summary>
  43114. Add a shape to chart .All unit is 1/4000 of chart area.
  43115. </summary>
  43116. <param name="type">The drawing type.</param>
  43117. <param name="placement">the placement type.</param>
  43118. <param name="left">In unit of 1/4000 chart area width.</param>
  43119. <param name="top">In unit of 1/4000 chart area height.</param>
  43120. <param name="right">In unit of 1/4000 chart area width.</param>
  43121. <param name="bottom">In unit of 1/4000 chart area height.</param>
  43122. <param name="imageData">If the shape is not a picture or ole object,imageData should be null.</param>
  43123. </member>
  43124. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddShapeInChart(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PlacementType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43125. <summary>
  43126. Add a shape to chart .All unit is 1/4000 of chart area.
  43127. </summary>
  43128. <param name="type">The drawing type.</param>
  43129. <param name="placement">the placement type.</param>
  43130. <param name="left">In unit of 1/4000 chart area width.</param>
  43131. <param name="top">In unit of 1/4000 chart area height.</param>
  43132. <param name="right">In unit of 1/4000 chart area width.</param>
  43133. <param name="bottom">In unit of 1/4000 chart area height.</param>
  43134. </member>
  43135. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddArc(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43136. <summary>
  43137. Adds a ArcShape to the worksheet.
  43138. </summary>
  43139. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43140. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of ArcShape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43141. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43142. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of ArcShape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43143. <param name="height">Represents the height of ArcShape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43144. <param name="width">Represents the width of ArcShape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43145. <returns>A ArcShape object.</returns>
  43146. </member>
  43147. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddShape(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.MsoDrawingType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43148. <summary>
  43149. Adds a Shape to the worksheet.
  43150. </summary>
  43151. <param name="type">Mso drawing type.</param>
  43152. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43153. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of Shape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43154. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43155. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of Shape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43156. <param name="height">Represents the height of Shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43157. <param name="width">Represents the width of Shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43158. <returns>A Shape object.</returns>
  43159. <remarks>The type could not be Chart/Comment/Picture/OleObject/Polygon/DialogBox</remarks>
  43160. </member>
  43161. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddAutoShape(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43162. <summary>
  43163. Adds a AutoShape to the worksheet.
  43164. </summary>
  43165. <param name="type">Auto shape type.</param>
  43166. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43167. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of Shape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43168. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43169. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of Shape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43170. <param name="height">Represents the height of Shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43171. <param name="width">Represents the width of Shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43172. <returns>A Shape object.</returns>
  43173. <remarks>The type could not be Chart/Comment/Picture/OleObject/Polygon/DialogBox</remarks>
  43174. </member>
  43175. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddAutoShapeInChart(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.AutoShapeType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43176. <summary>
  43177. Adds a AutoShape to the chart.
  43178. </summary>
  43179. <param name="type">Auto shape type.</param>
  43180. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of textbox from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. </param>
  43181. <param name="left">Represents the vertical offset of textbox from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43182. <param name="height">Represents the height of textbox, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43183. <param name="width">Represents the width of textbox, in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43184. <returns>Returns a shape object.</returns>
  43185. <remarks>The type could not be Chart/Comment/Picture/OleObject/Polygon/DialogBox</remarks>
  43186. </member>
  43187. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddActiveXControl(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ActiveXControls.ControlType,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43188. <summary>
  43189. Creates an Activex Control.
  43190. </summary>
  43191. <param name="type">The type of the control.</param>
  43192. <param name="topRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43193. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of Shape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43194. <param name="leftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43195. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of Shape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43196. <param name="height">Represents the height of Shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43197. <param name="width">Represents the width of Shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43198. <returns>
  43199. </returns>
  43200. </member>
  43201. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddPicture(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.IO.Stream)">
  43202. <summary>
  43203. Adds a picture to the collection.
  43204. </summary>
  43205. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  43206. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43207. <param name="lowerRightRow">Lower right row index</param>
  43208. <param name="lowerRightColumn">Lower right column index</param>
  43209. <param name="stream">Stream object which contains the image data.</param>
  43210. <returns>
  43211. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> Picture object.</returns>
  43212. </member>
  43213. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddPicture(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.IO.Stream,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43214. <summary>
  43215. Adds a picture to the collection.
  43216. </summary>
  43217. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  43218. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43219. <param name="stream">Stream object which contains the image data.</param>
  43220. <param name="widthScale">Scale of image width, a percentage.</param>
  43221. <param name="heightScale">Scale of image height, a percentage.</param>
  43222. <returns>
  43223. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> Picture object.</returns>
  43224. </member>
  43225. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddSvg(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Byte[],System.Byte[])">
  43226. <summary>
  43227. Adds svg image.
  43228. </summary>
  43229. <param name="upperLeftRow"> Upper left row index.</param>
  43230. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of shape from its left row, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43231. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43232. <param name="left">The horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43233. <param name="height">The height of shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43234. <param name="width">The width of shape, in unit of pixel. </param>
  43235. <param name="svgData">The svg image data.</param>
  43236. <param name="compatibleImageData">Converted image data from svg in order to be compatible with Excel 2016 or lower versions.</param>
  43237. <returns>
  43238. </returns>
  43239. </member>
  43240. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddLinkedPicture(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  43241. <summary>
  43242. Add a linked picture.
  43243. </summary>
  43244. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  43245. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43246. <param name="height">The height of the shape. In unit of pixels</param>
  43247. <param name="width">The width of the shape. In unit of pixels</param>
  43248. <param name="sourceFullName">
  43249. The path and name of the source file for the linked image</param>
  43250. <returns>
  43251. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> Picture object.</returns>
  43252. </member>
  43253. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddOleObjectWithLinkedImage(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  43254. <summary>
  43255. Add a linked picture.
  43256. </summary>
  43257. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  43258. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  43259. <param name="height">The height of the shape. In unit of pixels</param>
  43260. <param name="width">The width of the shape. In unit of pixels</param>
  43261. <param name="sourceFullName">
  43262. The path and name of the source file for the linked image</param>
  43263. <returns>
  43264. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Picture" /> Picture object.</returns>
  43265. </member>
  43266. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddPictureInChart(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.IO.Stream,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43267. <summary>
  43268. Adds a picture to the chart.
  43269. </summary>
  43270. <param name="top">Represents the vertical offset of shape from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area. </param>
  43271. <param name="left">Represents the horizontal offset of shape from the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.</param>
  43272. <param name="stream">Stream object which contains the image data.</param>
  43273. <param name="widthScale">Scale of image width, a percentage.</param>
  43274. <param name="heightScale">Scale of image height, a percentage.</param>
  43275. <returns>Returns a Picture object.</returns>
  43276. </member>
  43277. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.AddOleObject(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Byte[])">
  43278. <summary>
  43279. </summary>
  43280. <param name="upperLeftRow">
  43281. </param>
  43282. <param name="top">
  43283. </param>
  43284. <param name="upperLeftColumn">
  43285. </param>
  43286. <param name="left">
  43287. </param>
  43288. <param name="height">
  43289. </param>
  43290. <param name="width">
  43291. </param>
  43292. <param name="imageData">
  43293. </param>
  43294. <returns>
  43295. </returns>
  43296. </member>
  43297. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.CopyCommentsInRange(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection,Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  43298. <summary>
  43299. Copy all comments in the range.
  43300. </summary>
  43301. <param name="shapes">The source shapes.</param>
  43302. <param name="ca">The source range.</param>
  43303. <param name="destRow">The dest range start row.</param>
  43304. <param name="destColumn">The dest range start column.</param>
  43305. </member>
  43306. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.CopyInRange(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection,Aspose.Cells.CellArea,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  43307. <summary>
  43308. Copy shapes in the range to destination range.
  43309. </summary>
  43310. <param name="sourceShapes">Source shapes.</param>
  43311. <param name="ca">The source range.</param>
  43312. <param name="destRow">The dest row index of the dest range.</param>
  43313. <param name="destColumn">The dest column of the dest range.</param>
  43314. <param name="isContained">Whether only copy the shapes which are contained in the range.
  43315. If true,only copies the shapes in the range.
  43316. Otherwise,it works as MS Office.</param>
  43317. </member>
  43318. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.DeleteInRange(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  43319. <summary>
  43320. Delete shapes in the range.Comment shapes will not be deleted.
  43321. </summary>
  43322. <param name="ca">The range.If the shapes are contained in the range, they will be removed.</param>
  43323. </member>
  43324. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.DeleteShape(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape)">
  43325. <summary>
  43326. Delete a shape. If the shape is in the group or is a comment shape, it will not be deleted.
  43327. </summary>
  43328. <param name="shape">
  43329. </param>
  43330. </member>
  43331. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Group(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape[])">
  43332. <summary>
  43333. Group the shapes.
  43334. </summary>
  43335. <param name="groupItems">the group items.</param>
  43336. <returns>Return the group shape.</returns>
  43337. <remarks>
  43338. The shape in the groupItems should not be grouped.
  43339. The shape must be in this Shapes collection.</remarks>
  43340. </member>
  43341. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Ungroup(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupShape)">
  43342. <summary>
  43343. Ungroups the shape items.
  43344. </summary>
  43345. <param name="group">The group shape.</param>
  43346. <remarks>If the group shape is grouped by another group shape,nothing will be done.</remarks>
  43347. </member>
  43348. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  43349. <summary>
  43350. Remove the shape.
  43351. </summary>
  43352. <param name="index">The index of the shape.</param>
  43353. </member>
  43354. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Remove(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Shape)">
  43355. <summary>
  43356. Remove the shape.
  43357. </summary>
  43358. <param name="shape">
  43359. </param>
  43360. </member>
  43361. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Clear">
  43362. <summary>
  43363. Clear all shapes.
  43364. </summary>
  43365. </member>
  43366. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.UpdateSelectedValue">
  43367. <summary>
  43368. Update the selected value by the value of the linked cell of the shapes.
  43369. </summary>
  43370. </member>
  43371. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  43372. <summary>
  43373. Gets the shape object at the specific index.
  43374. </summary>
  43375. <param name="index">
  43376. </param>
  43377. <returns>
  43378. </returns>
  43379. </member>
  43380. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection.Item(System.String)">
  43381. <summary>
  43382. Gets the shape object by the shape image
  43383. </summary>
  43384. <param name="name">
  43385. </param>
  43386. <returns>
  43387. </returns>
  43388. </member>
  43389. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.SheetType">
  43390. <summary>
  43391. Specifies the worksheet type.
  43392. </summary>
  43393. </member>
  43394. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SheetType.VB">
  43395. <summary>
  43396. Visual Basic module
  43397. </summary>
  43398. </member>
  43399. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SheetType.Worksheet">
  43400. <summary>
  43401. </summary>
  43402. </member>
  43403. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SheetType.Chart">
  43404. <summary>
  43405. Chart
  43406. </summary>
  43407. </member>
  43408. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SheetType.BIFF4Macro">
  43409. <summary>
  43410. BIFF4 Macro sheet
  43411. </summary>
  43412. </member>
  43413. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SheetType.InternationalMacro">
  43414. <summary>
  43415. International Macro sheet
  43416. </summary>
  43417. </member>
  43418. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SheetType.Other">
  43419. <summary>
  43420. </summary>
  43421. </member>
  43422. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SheetType.Dialog">
  43423. <summary>
  43424. Dialog worksheet
  43425. </summary>
  43426. </member>
  43427. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ShiftType">
  43428. <summary>
  43429. Represent the shift options when deleting a range of cells.
  43430. </summary>
  43431. </member>
  43432. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ShiftType.Down">
  43433. <summary>
  43434. Shift cells down.
  43435. </summary>
  43436. </member>
  43437. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ShiftType.Left">
  43438. <summary>
  43439. Shift cells left.
  43440. </summary>
  43441. </member>
  43442. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ShiftType.None">
  43443. <summary>
  43444. Do not shift cells.
  43445. </summary>
  43446. </member>
  43447. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ShiftType.Right">
  43448. <summary>
  43449. Shift cells right.
  43450. </summary>
  43451. </member>
  43452. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ShiftType.Up">
  43453. <summary>
  43454. Shift cells up.
  43455. </summary>
  43456. </member>
  43457. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.SortOrder">
  43458. <summary>
  43459. Represents sort order for the data range.
  43460. </summary>
  43461. </member>
  43462. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SortOrder.Ascending">
  43463. <summary>
  43464. </summary>
  43465. </member>
  43466. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.SortOrder.Descending">
  43467. <summary>
  43468. </summary>
  43469. </member>
  43470. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner">
  43471. <summary>
  43472. Represents the Forms control: Spinner.
  43473. </summary>
  43474. <remarks>Scroll value must be between 0 and 30000.</remarks>
  43475. </member>
  43476. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner.CurrentValue">
  43477. <summary>
  43478. Gets or sets the current value.
  43479. </summary>
  43480. </member>
  43481. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner.Min">
  43482. <summary>
  43483. Gets or sets the minimum value of a scroll bar or spinner range.
  43484. </summary>
  43485. </member>
  43486. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner.Max">
  43487. <summary>
  43488. Gets or sets the maximum value of a scroll bar or spinner range.
  43489. </summary>
  43490. </member>
  43491. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner.IncrementalChange">
  43492. <summary>
  43493. Gets or sets the amount that the scroll bar or spinner is incremented a line scroll.
  43494. </summary>
  43495. </member>
  43496. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner.Shadow">
  43497. <summary>
  43498. Indicates whether the shape has 3-D shading.
  43499. </summary>
  43500. </member>
  43501. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner.IsHorizontal">
  43502. <summary>
  43503. Indicates whether this is a horizontal scroll bar.
  43504. </summary>
  43505. </member>
  43506. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Style">
  43507. <summary>
  43508. Represents display style of excel document,such as font,color,alignment,border,etc.
  43509. </summary>
  43510. The Style object contains all style attributes (font, number format, alignment, and so on) as properties.
  43511. There are two methods to set a cell's style.
  43512. <example><code>
  43513. [C#]
  43514. Cell cell = excel.Worksheets[0].Cells["A1"];
  43515. Style style = cell.GetStyle();
  43516. style.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
  43517. style.Font.Color = Color.Blue;
  43518. cell.SetStyle(style);
  43519. </code></example></member>
  43520. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.SetPatternColor(Aspose.Cells.BackgroundType,System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color)">
  43521. <summary>
  43522. Sets the background color.
  43523. </summary>
  43524. <param name="pattern">The pattern.</param>
  43525. <param name="color1">The foreground color.</param>
  43526. <param name="color2">The background color. Only works when pattern is not BackgroundType.None and BackgroundType.Solid.</param>
  43527. </member>
  43528. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.#ctor">
  43529. <summary>
  43530. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Style" /> class.
  43531. </summary>
  43532. <remarks>NOTE: This constructor is now obsolete.
  43533. Instead, please use CellsFactory.CreateStyle() method.
  43534. This property will be removed 6 months later since October 2016.
  43535. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  43536. </member>
  43537. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.Copy(Aspose.Cells.Style)">
  43538. <summary>
  43539. Copies data from another style object
  43540. </summary>
  43541. <param name="style">Source Style object</param>
  43542. <remarks>
  43543. This method does not copy the name of the style.
  43544. If you want to copy the name, please call the following codes after copying style:
  43545. destStyle.Name = style.Name.</remarks>
  43546. </member>
  43547. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.Update">
  43548. <summary>
  43549. Apply the named style to the styles of the cells which use this named style.
  43550. It works like clicking the "ok" button after you finished modifying the style.
  43551. Only applies for named style.
  43552. </summary>
  43553. </member>
  43554. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.IsModified(Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag)">
  43555. <summary>
  43556. Checks whether the specified properties of the style have been modified.
  43557. Used for style of ConditionalFormattings to check whether the specified properties of this style should be used when applying the ConditionalFormattings on a cell.
  43558. </summary>
  43559. <param name="modifyFlag">Style modified flags</param>
  43560. <returns>true if the specified properties have been modified</returns>
  43561. </member>
  43562. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.Equals(System.Object)">
  43563. <summary>
  43564. Determines whether two Style instances are equal.
  43565. </summary>
  43566. <param name="obj">The Style object to compare with the current Style object. </param>
  43567. <returns>true if the specified Object is equal to the current Object; otherwise, false.
  43568. </returns>
  43569. </member>
  43570. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.GetHashCode">
  43571. <summary>
  43572. Serves as a hash function for a Style object.
  43573. </summary>
  43574. <returns>A hash code for the current Object.</returns>
  43575. <remarks>This method is only for internal use.</remarks>
  43576. </member>
  43577. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.SetBorder(Aspose.Cells.BorderType,Aspose.Cells.CellBorderType,System.Drawing.Color)">
  43578. <summary>
  43579. Sets the border of the style.
  43580. </summary>
  43581. <param name="borderEdge">
  43582. </param>
  43583. <param name="borderStyle">
  43584. </param>
  43585. <param name="borderColor">
  43586. </param>
  43587. <returns>
  43588. </returns>
  43589. </member>
  43590. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.SetCustom(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  43591. <summary>
  43592. Sets the Custom number format string of a cell.
  43593. </summary>
  43594. <param name="custom">Custom number format string, should be InvariantCulture pattern.</param>
  43595. <param name="builtinPreference">If given Custom number format string matches one of the built-in number formats
  43596. corresponding to current regional settings, whether set the number format as built-in instead of Custom.</param>
  43597. </member>
  43598. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.SetTwoColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType,System.Int32)">
  43599. <summary>
  43600. Sets the specified fill to a two-color gradient.
  43601. </summary>
  43602. <param name="color1">One gradient color.</param>
  43603. <param name="color2">Two gradient color.</param>
  43604. <param name="gradientStyleType">Gradient shading style.</param>
  43605. <param name="variant">The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1 through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the Fill Effects dialog box. If style is GradientStyle.FromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.</param>
  43606. </member>
  43607. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Style.GetTwoColorGradient(System.Drawing.Color@,System.Drawing.Color@,Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GradientStyleType@,System.Int32@)">
  43608. <summary>
  43609. Get the two-color gradient setting.
  43610. </summary>
  43611. <param name="color1">One gradient color.</param>
  43612. <param name="color2">Two gradient color.</param>
  43613. <param name="gradientStyleType">Gradient shading style.</param>
  43614. <param name="variant">The gradient variant.</param>
  43615. </member>
  43616. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.BackgroundThemeColor">
  43617. <summary>
  43618. Gets and sets the background theme color.
  43619. </summary>
  43620. <remarks>
  43621. If the background color is not a theme color, NULL will be returned.
  43622. </remarks>
  43623. </member>
  43624. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.ForegroundThemeColor">
  43625. <summary>
  43626. Gets and sets the foreground theme color.
  43627. </summary>
  43628. <remarks>
  43629. If the foreground color is not a theme color, NULL will be returned.
  43630. </remarks>
  43631. </member>
  43632. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.Name">
  43633. <summary>
  43634. Gets or sets the name of the style.
  43635. </summary>
  43636. </member>
  43637. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.Pattern">
  43638. <summary>
  43639. Gets or sets the cell background pattern type.
  43640. </summary>
  43641. </member>
  43642. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.Borders">
  43643. <summary>
  43644. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.BorderCollection" /> of the style.
  43645. </summary>
  43646. </member>
  43647. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.BackgroundColor">
  43648. <summary>
  43649. Gets or sets a style's background color.
  43650. </summary>
  43651. <remarks>If you want to set a cell's color, please use Style.ForegroundColor property.
  43652. Only if the cell style pattern is other than none or solid, this property will take effect.</remarks>
  43653. </member>
  43654. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.BackgroundArgbColor">
  43655. <summary>
  43656. Gets and sets the background color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
  43657. </summary>
  43658. </member>
  43659. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.ForegroundColor">
  43660. <summary>
  43661. Gets or sets a style's foreground color.
  43662. </summary>
  43663. <remarks>It means no color setting if Color.Empty is returned.</remarks>
  43664. </member>
  43665. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.ForegroundArgbColor">
  43666. <summary>
  43667. Gets and sets the foreground color with a 32-bit ARGB value.
  43668. </summary>
  43669. </member>
  43670. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.ParentStyle">
  43671. <summary>
  43672. Gets the parent style of this style.
  43673. </summary>
  43674. </member>
  43675. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.IndentLevel">
  43676. <summary>
  43677. Represents the indent level for the cell or range. Can only be an integer from 0 to 250.
  43678. </summary>
  43679. <remarks>
  43680. If text horizontal alignment type is set to value other than left or right, indent level will
  43681. be reset to zero.
  43682. </remarks>
  43683. </member>
  43684. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.Font">
  43685. <summary>
  43686. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.Font" /> object.
  43687. </summary>
  43688. </member>
  43689. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.RotationAngle">
  43690. <summary>
  43691. Represents text rotation angle.
  43692. </summary>
  43693. <remarks>
  43694. <p>0: Not rotated.</p>
  43695. <p>255: Top to Bottom.</p>
  43696. <p>-90: Downward.</p>
  43697. <p>90: Upward.</p>
  43698. You can set 255 or value ranged from -90 to 90.</remarks>
  43699. </member>
  43700. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.VerticalAlignment">
  43701. <summary>
  43702. Gets or sets the vertical alignment type of the text in a cell.
  43703. </summary>
  43704. </member>
  43705. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.HorizontalAlignment">
  43706. <summary>
  43707. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment type of the text in a cell.
  43708. </summary>
  43709. </member>
  43710. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.IsTextWrapped">
  43711. <summary>
  43712. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text within a cell is wrapped.
  43713. </summary>
  43714. </member>
  43715. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.Number">
  43716. <summary>
  43717. Gets or sets the display format of numbers and dates. The formatting patterns are different for different regions.
  43718. </summary>
  43719. <remarks>
  43720. For example, the formatting patterns represented by numbers for en_US region:
  43721. <table class="dtTABLE" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width="33%"><font color="gray"><b>Value</b></font></td><td width="33%"><font color="gray"><b>Type</b></font></td><td width="33%"><font color="gray"><b>Format String</b></font></td></tr><tr><td width="33%">0</td><td width="33%">General</td><td width="33%">General</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">1</td><td width="33%">Decimal</td><td width="33%">0</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">2</td><td width="33%">Decimal</td><td width="33%">0.00</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">3</td><td width="33%">Decimal</td><td width="33%">#,##0</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">4</td><td width="33%">Decimal</td><td width="33%">#,##0.00</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">5</td><td width="33%">Currency</td><td width="33%">$#,##0_);($#,##0)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">6</td><td width="33%">Currency</td><td width="33%">$#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">7</td><td width="33%">Currency</td><td width="33%">$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">8</td><td width="33%">Currency</td><td width="33%">$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">9</td><td width="33%">Percentage</td><td width="33%">0%</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">10</td><td width="33%">Percentage</td><td width="33%">0.00%</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">11</td><td width="33%">Scientific</td><td width="33%">0.00E+00</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">12</td><td width="33%">Fraction</td><td width="33%"># ?/?</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">13</td><td width="33%">Fraction</td><td width="33%"># ??/??</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">14</td><td width="33%">Date</td><td width="33%">m/d/yyyy</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">15</td><td width="33%">Date</td><td width="33%">d-mmm-yy</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">16</td><td width="33%">Date</td><td width="33%">d-mmm</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">17</td><td width="33%">Date</td><td width="33%">mmm-yy</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">18</td><td width="33%">Time</td><td width="33%">h:mm AM/PM</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">19</td><td width="33%">Time</td><td width="33%">h:mm:ss AM/PM</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">20</td><td width="33%">Time</td><td width="33%">h:mm</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">21</td><td width="33%">Time</td><td width="33%">h:mm:ss</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">22</td><td width="33%">Time</td><td width="33%">m/d/yyyy h:mm</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">37</td><td width="33%">Accounting</td><td width="33%">#,##0_);(#,##0)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">38</td><td width="33%">Accounting</td><td width="33%">#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">39</td><td width="33%">Accounting</td><td width="33%">#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">40</td><td width="33%">Accounting</td><td width="33%">#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">41</td><td width="33%">Accounting</td><td width="33%">_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* "-"_);_(@_)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">42</td><td width="33%">Currency</td><td width="33%">_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"_);_(@_)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">43</td><td width="33%">Accounting</td><td width="33%">_(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">44</td><td width="33%">Currency</td><td width="33%">_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">45</td><td width="33%">Time</td><td width="33%">mm:ss</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">46</td><td width="33%">Time</td><td width="33%">[h]:mm:ss</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">47</td><td width="33%">Time</td><td width="33%">mm:ss.0</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">48</td><td width="33%">Scientific</td><td width="33%">##0.0E+0</td></tr><tr><td width="33%">49</td><td width="33%">Text</td><td width="33%">@</td></tr></table></remarks>
  43722. </member>
  43723. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.IsLocked">
  43724. <summary>
  43725. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a cell can be modified or not.
  43726. </summary>
  43727. <remarks>Locking cells has no effect unless the worksheet is protected. </remarks>
  43728. </member>
  43729. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.Custom">
  43730. <summary>
  43731. Represents the custom number format string of this style object.
  43732. If the custom number format is not set(For example, the number format is builtin), "" will be returned.
  43733. </summary>
  43734. <remarks>
  43735. The returned custom string is culture-independent.
  43736. </remarks>
  43737. </member>
  43738. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.CultureCustom">
  43739. <summary>
  43740. Gets and sets the culture-dependent pattern string for number format.
  43741. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned.
  43742. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned.
  43743. </summary>
  43744. <remarks>
  43745. For builtin number format, both the pattern content(such as, one builtin date format is "m/d/y" for some locales,
  43746. but for some other locales it becomes "d/m/y") and the format specifier(such as,
  43747. some locales is using character other than 'y' to represent the year part for date formatting)
  43748. are culture-dependent;
  43749. For user specified custom format, only format specifiers are changed according to the culture,
  43750. other parts of the formatting pattern will not be modified.
  43751. </remarks>
  43752. </member>
  43753. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.InvariantCustom">
  43754. <summary>
  43755. Gets the culture-independent pattern string for number format.
  43756. If no number format has been set for this object, null will be returned.
  43757. If number format is builtin, the pattern string corresponding to the builtin number will be returned.
  43758. </summary>
  43759. <remarks>
  43760. For builtin number formats, the returned pattern content is still culture-dependent,
  43761. such as, for some locales it returns "m/d/y" and for some other locales it returns "d/m/y".
  43762. The difference from <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.CultureCustom" /> is(that is also what culture-independent means):
  43763. the format specifiers and separators are kept as standard, such as '/' will always be used as datetime separator
  43764. and "y" will always be used as the "year" part no matter what other special character is used for the specific locale.
  43765. </remarks>
  43766. </member>
  43767. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.IsFormulaHidden">
  43768. <summary>
  43769. Represents if the formula will be hidden when the worksheet is protected.
  43770. </summary>
  43771. </member>
  43772. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.ShrinkToFit">
  43773. <summary>
  43774. Represents if text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width.
  43775. </summary>
  43776. </member>
  43777. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.TextDirection">
  43778. <summary>
  43779. Represents text reading order.
  43780. </summary>
  43781. </member>
  43782. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.IsJustifyDistributed">
  43783. <summary>
  43784. Indicates if the cells justified or distributed alignment should be used on the last line of text.
  43785. </summary>
  43786. <remarks>
  43787. This is typical for East Asian alignments but not typical in other contexts.
  43788. </remarks>
  43789. </member>
  43790. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.QuotePrefix">
  43791. <summary>
  43792. Indicates whether the cell's value starts with single quote mark.
  43793. </summary>
  43794. </member>
  43795. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.IsGradient">
  43796. <summary>
  43797. Indicates whether the cell shading is a gradient pattern.
  43798. </summary>
  43799. </member>
  43800. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.IsPercent">
  43801. <summary>
  43802. Indicates whether the number format is a percent format.
  43803. </summary>
  43804. </member>
  43805. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Style.IsDateTime">
  43806. <summary>
  43807. Indicates whether the number format is a date format.
  43808. </summary>
  43809. </member>
  43810. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag">
  43811. <summary>
  43812. Represents flags which indicates applied formatting properties.
  43813. </summary>
  43814. </member>
  43815. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.All">
  43816. <summary>
  43817. All properties will be applied.
  43818. </summary>
  43819. </member>
  43820. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.Borders">
  43821. <summary>
  43822. All borders settings will be applied.
  43823. </summary>
  43824. </member>
  43825. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.LeftBorder">
  43826. <summary>
  43827. Left border settings will be applied.
  43828. </summary>
  43829. </member>
  43830. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.RightBorder">
  43831. <summary>
  43832. Right border settings will be applied.
  43833. </summary>
  43834. </member>
  43835. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.TopBorder">
  43836. <summary>
  43837. Top border settings will be applied.
  43838. </summary>
  43839. </member>
  43840. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.BottomBorder">
  43841. <summary>
  43842. Bottom border settings will be applied.
  43843. </summary>
  43844. </member>
  43845. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.DiagonalDownBorder">
  43846. <summary>
  43847. Diagonal down border settings will be applied.
  43848. </summary>
  43849. </member>
  43850. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.DiagonalUpBorder">
  43851. <summary>
  43852. Diagonal up border settings will be applied.
  43853. </summary>
  43854. </member>
  43855. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.Font">
  43856. <summary>
  43857. Font settings will be applied.
  43858. </summary>
  43859. </member>
  43860. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.FontSize">
  43861. <summary>
  43862. Font size setting will be applied.
  43863. </summary>
  43864. </member>
  43865. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.FontName">
  43866. <summary>
  43867. Font name setting will be applied.
  43868. </summary>
  43869. </member>
  43870. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.FontColor">
  43871. <summary>
  43872. Font color setting will be applied.
  43873. </summary>
  43874. </member>
  43875. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.FontBold">
  43876. <summary>
  43877. Font bold setting will be applied.
  43878. </summary>
  43879. </member>
  43880. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.FontItalic">
  43881. <summary>
  43882. Font italic setting will be applied.
  43883. </summary>
  43884. </member>
  43885. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.FontUnderline">
  43886. <summary>
  43887. Font underline setting will be applied.
  43888. </summary>
  43889. </member>
  43890. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.FontStrike">
  43891. <summary>
  43892. Font strikeout setting will be applied.
  43893. </summary>
  43894. </member>
  43895. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.FontScript">
  43896. <summary>
  43897. Font script setting will be applied.
  43898. </summary>
  43899. </member>
  43900. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.NumberFormat">
  43901. <summary>
  43902. Number format setting will be applied.
  43903. </summary>
  43904. </member>
  43905. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.Alignments">
  43906. <summary>
  43907. Alignment setting will be applied.
  43908. </summary>
  43909. </member>
  43910. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.HorizontalAlignment">
  43911. <summary>
  43912. Horizontal alignment setting will be applied.
  43913. </summary>
  43914. </member>
  43915. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.VerticalAlignment">
  43916. <summary>
  43917. Vertical alignment setting will be applied.
  43918. </summary>
  43919. </member>
  43920. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.Indent">
  43921. <summary>
  43922. Indent level setting will be applied.
  43923. </summary>
  43924. </member>
  43925. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.Rotation">
  43926. <summary>
  43927. Rotation setting will be applied.
  43928. </summary>
  43929. </member>
  43930. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.WrapText">
  43931. <summary>
  43932. Wrap text setting will be applied.
  43933. </summary>
  43934. </member>
  43935. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.ShrinkToFit">
  43936. <summary>
  43937. Shrink to fit setting will be applied.
  43938. </summary>
  43939. </member>
  43940. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.TextDirection">
  43941. <summary>
  43942. Text direction setting will be applied.
  43943. </summary>
  43944. </member>
  43945. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.CellShading">
  43946. <summary>
  43947. Cell shading setting will be applied.
  43948. </summary>
  43949. </member>
  43950. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.Locked">
  43951. <summary>
  43952. Locked setting will be applied.
  43953. </summary>
  43954. </member>
  43955. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.HideFormula">
  43956. <summary>
  43957. Hide formula setting will be applied.
  43958. </summary>
  43959. </member>
  43960. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag.QuotePrefix">
  43961. <summary>
  43962. Hide formula setting will be applied.
  43963. </summary>
  43964. </member>
  43965. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag">
  43966. <summary>
  43967. The style modified flags.
  43968. </summary>
  43969. </member>
  43970. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.All">
  43971. <summary>
  43972. </summary>
  43973. </member>
  43974. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Borders">
  43975. <summary>
  43976. </summary>
  43977. </member>
  43978. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.LeftBorder">
  43979. <summary>
  43980. </summary>
  43981. </member>
  43982. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.RightBorder">
  43983. <summary>
  43984. </summary>
  43985. </member>
  43986. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.TopBorder">
  43987. <summary>
  43988. </summary>
  43989. </member>
  43990. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.BottomBorder">
  43991. <summary>
  43992. </summary>
  43993. </member>
  43994. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.HorizontalBorder">
  43995. <summary>
  43996. Only for dynamic style,such as conditional formatting.
  43997. </summary>
  43998. </member>
  43999. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.VerticalBorder">
  44000. <summary>
  44001. Only for dynamic style,such as conditional formatting.
  44002. </summary>
  44003. </member>
  44004. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Diagonal">
  44005. <summary>
  44006. </summary>
  44007. </member>
  44008. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.DiagonalDownBorder">
  44009. <summary>
  44010. </summary>
  44011. </member>
  44012. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.DiagonalUpBorder">
  44013. <summary>
  44014. </summary>
  44015. </member>
  44016. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Font">
  44017. <summary>
  44018. </summary>
  44019. </member>
  44020. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontSize">
  44021. <summary>
  44022. </summary>
  44023. </member>
  44024. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontName">
  44025. <summary>
  44026. </summary>
  44027. </member>
  44028. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontFamily">
  44029. <summary>
  44030. </summary>
  44031. </member>
  44032. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontCharset">
  44033. <summary>
  44034. </summary>
  44035. </member>
  44036. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontColor">
  44037. <summary>
  44038. </summary>
  44039. </member>
  44040. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontWeight">
  44041. <summary>
  44042. </summary>
  44043. </member>
  44044. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontItalic">
  44045. <summary>
  44046. </summary>
  44047. </member>
  44048. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontUnderline">
  44049. <summary>
  44050. </summary>
  44051. </member>
  44052. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontStrike">
  44053. <summary>
  44054. </summary>
  44055. </member>
  44056. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontSubscript">
  44057. <summary>
  44058. </summary>
  44059. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use FontScript.
  44060. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  44061. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  44062. </member>
  44063. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontSuperscript">
  44064. <summary>
  44065. </summary>
  44066. <summary>
  44067. </summary>
  44068. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead, please use FontScript.
  44069. This property will be removed 12 months later since August 2012.
  44070. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  44071. </member>
  44072. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontScript">
  44073. <summary>
  44074. </summary>
  44075. </member>
  44076. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.NumberFormat">
  44077. <summary>
  44078. </summary>
  44079. </member>
  44080. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.HorizontalAlignment">
  44081. <summary>
  44082. </summary>
  44083. </member>
  44084. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.VerticalAlignment">
  44085. <summary>
  44086. </summary>
  44087. </member>
  44088. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Indent">
  44089. <summary>
  44090. </summary>
  44091. </member>
  44092. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Rotation">
  44093. <summary>
  44094. </summary>
  44095. </member>
  44096. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.WrapText">
  44097. <summary>
  44098. </summary>
  44099. </member>
  44100. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.ShrinkToFit">
  44101. <summary>
  44102. </summary>
  44103. </member>
  44104. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.TextDirection">
  44105. <summary>
  44106. </summary>
  44107. </member>
  44108. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.CellShading">
  44109. <summary>
  44110. </summary>
  44111. </member>
  44112. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Pattern">
  44113. <summary>
  44114. </summary>
  44115. </member>
  44116. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.ForegroundColor">
  44117. <summary>
  44118. </summary>
  44119. </member>
  44120. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.BackgroundColor">
  44121. <summary>
  44122. </summary>
  44123. </member>
  44124. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Locked">
  44125. <summary>
  44126. </summary>
  44127. </member>
  44128. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.HideFormula">
  44129. <summary>
  44130. </summary>
  44131. </member>
  44132. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.AlignmentSettings">
  44133. <summary>
  44134. Includes horizontal/vertical Alignment, rotation,wrap Text,indent,shrinkToFit,Text Direction
  44135. </summary>
  44136. </member>
  44137. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.ProtectionSettings">
  44138. <summary>
  44139. Includes Locked, HideFormula
  44140. </summary>
  44141. </member>
  44142. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontScheme">
  44143. <summary>
  44144. unused.
  44145. </summary>
  44146. </member>
  44147. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontDirty">
  44148. <summary>
  44149. unused.
  44150. </summary>
  44151. </member>
  44152. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontSpellingError">
  44153. <summary>
  44154. unused.
  44155. </summary>
  44156. </member>
  44157. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontUFillTx">
  44158. <summary>
  44159. unused.
  44160. </summary>
  44161. </member>
  44162. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontSpacing">
  44163. <summary>
  44164. unused.
  44165. </summary>
  44166. </member>
  44167. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontKerning">
  44168. <summary>
  44169. unused.
  44170. </summary>
  44171. </member>
  44172. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontEqualize">
  44173. <summary>
  44174. unused.
  44175. </summary>
  44176. </member>
  44177. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.FontCap">
  44178. <summary>
  44179. unused.
  44180. </summary>
  44181. </member>
  44182. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.RelativeIndent">
  44183. <summary>
  44184. </summary>
  44185. </member>
  44186. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.StyleModifyFlag.Spacing">
  44187. <summary>
  44188. Specifies the spacing between characters within a text run.
  44189. </summary>
  44190. </member>
  44191. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableDataSourceType">
  44192. <summary>
  44193. Represents the table's data source type.
  44194. </summary>
  44195. </member>
  44196. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableDataSourceType.Worksheet">
  44197. <summary>
  44198. Excel Worksheet Table
  44199. </summary>
  44200. </member>
  44201. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableDataSourceType.SharePoint">
  44202. <summary>
  44203. Read-write SharePoint linked List
  44204. </summary>
  44205. </member>
  44206. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableDataSourceType.XML">
  44207. <summary>
  44208. XML mapper Table
  44209. </summary>
  44210. </member>
  44211. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableDataSourceType.QueryTable">
  44212. <summary>
  44213. Query Table
  44214. </summary>
  44215. </member>
  44216. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElement">
  44217. <summary>
  44218. Represents the element of the table style.
  44219. </summary>
  44220. </member>
  44221. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElement.GetElementStyle">
  44222. <summary>
  44223. Gets the element style.
  44224. </summary>
  44225. <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Style" /> object.</returns>
  44226. </member>
  44227. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElement.SetElementStyle(Aspose.Cells.Style)">
  44228. <summary>
  44229. Sets the element style.
  44230. </summary>
  44231. <param name="style">The element style.</param>
  44232. </member>
  44233. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElement.Size">
  44234. <summary>
  44235. Number of rows or columns in a single band of striping.
  44236. Applies only when type is firstRowStripe, secondRowStripe, firstColumnStripe, or secondColumnStripe.
  44237. </summary>
  44238. </member>
  44239. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElement.Type">
  44240. <summary>
  44241. Gets the element type.
  44242. </summary>
  44243. </member>
  44244. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementCollection">
  44245. <summary>
  44246. Represents all elements of the table style.
  44247. </summary>
  44248. </member>
  44249. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType)">
  44250. <summary>
  44251. Adds an element.
  44252. </summary>
  44253. <param name="type">The type of the element</param>
  44254. <returns>Returns the index of the element in the list.</returns>
  44255. </member>
  44256. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  44257. <summary>
  44258. Gets an element of the table style by the index.
  44259. </summary>
  44260. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  44261. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElement" /> object</returns>
  44262. </member>
  44263. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementCollection.Item(Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType)">
  44264. <summary>
  44265. Gets the element of the table style by the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType" /></summary>
  44266. <param name="type">The element type.</param>
  44267. <returns>Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElement" /> object</returns>
  44268. </member>
  44269. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyle">
  44270. <summary>
  44271. Represents the table style.
  44272. </summary>
  44273. <example>
  44274. <code>
  44275. [C#]
  44276. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  44277. Style firstColumnStyle = workbook.CreateStyle();
  44278. firstColumnStyle.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid;
  44279. firstColumnStyle.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
  44280. Style lastColumnStyle = workbook.CreateStyle();
  44281. lastColumnStyle.Font.IsBold = true;
  44282. lastColumnStyle.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid;
  44283. lastColumnStyle.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
  44284. string tableStyleName = "Custom1";
  44285. TableStyleCollection tableStyles = workbook.Worksheets.TableStyles;
  44286. int index1 = tableStyles.AddTableStyle(tableStyleName);
  44287. TableStyle tableStyle = tableStyles[index1];
  44288. TableStyleElementCollection elements = tableStyle.TableStyleElements;
  44289. index1 = elements.Add(TableStyleElementType.FirstColumn);
  44290. TableStyleElement element = elements[index1];
  44291. element.SetElementStyle(firstColumnStyle);
  44292. index1 = elements.Add(TableStyleElementType.LastColumn);
  44293. element = elements[index1];
  44294. element.SetElementStyle(lastColumnStyle);
  44295. Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  44296. for (int i = 0; i &lt;5; i++)
  44297. {
  44298. cells[0, i].PutValue(CellsHelper.ColumnIndexToName(i));
  44299. }
  44300. for (int row = 1; row &lt;10; row++)
  44301. {
  44302. for (int column = 0; column &lt;5; column++)
  44303. {
  44304. cells[row, column].PutValue(row * column);
  44305. }
  44306. }
  44307. ListObjectCollection tables = workbook.Worksheets[0].ListObjects;
  44308. int index = tables.Add(0, 0, 9, 4, true);
  44309. ListObject table = tables[0];
  44310. table.ShowTableStyleFirstColumn = true;
  44311. table.ShowTableStyleLastColumn = true;
  44312. table.TableStyleName = tableStyleName;
  44313. workbook.Save(@"C:\Book1.xlsx");
  44314. [Visual Basic]
  44315. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  44316. Dim firstColumnStyle As Style = workbook.CreateStyle()
  44317. firstColumnStyle.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid
  44318. firstColumnStyle.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
  44319. Dim lastColumnStyle As Style = workbook.CreateStyle()
  44320. lastColumnStyle.Font.IsBold = True
  44321. lastColumnStyle.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid
  44322. lastColumnStyle.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
  44323. Dim tableStyleName As String = "Custom1"
  44324. Dim tableStyles As TableStyleCollection = workbook.Worksheets.TableStyles
  44325. Dim index1 As Int32 = tableStyles.AddTableStyle(tableStyleName)
  44326. Dim tableStyle As TableStyle = tableStyles(index1)
  44327. Dim elements As TableStyleElementCollection = tableStyle.TableStyleElements
  44328. index1 = elements.Add(TableStyleElementType.FirstColumn)
  44329. Dim element As TableStyleElement = elements(index1)
  44330. element.SetElementStyle(firstColumnStyle)
  44331. index1 = elements.Add(TableStyleElementType.LastColumn)
  44332. element = elements(index1)
  44333. element.SetElementStyle(lastColumnStyle)
  44334. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  44335. For i As Int32 = 0 To 4
  44336. cells(0, i).PutValue(CellsHelper.ColumnIndexToName(i))
  44337. Next
  44338. For row As Int32 = 1 To 9
  44339. For column As Int32 = 0 To 4
  44340. cells(row, column).PutValue(row * column)
  44341. Next
  44342. Next
  44343. Dim tables As ListObjectCollection = workbook.Worksheets(0).ListObjects
  44344. Dim index As Int32 = tables.Add(0, 0, 9, 4, True)
  44345. Dim table As ListObject = tables(0)
  44346. table.ShowTableStyleFirstColumn = True
  44347. table.ShowTableStyleLastColumn = True
  44348. table.TableStyleName = tableStyleName
  44349. workbook.Save("C:\Book1.xlsx")
  44350. </code>
  44351. </example>
  44352. </member>
  44353. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyle.Name">
  44354. <summary>
  44355. Gets the name of table style.
  44356. </summary>
  44357. </member>
  44358. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyle.TableStyleElements">
  44359. <summary>
  44360. Gets all elements of the table style.
  44361. </summary>
  44362. </member>
  44363. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType">
  44364. <summary>
  44365. Represents the Table or PivotTable style element type.
  44366. </summary>
  44367. </member>
  44368. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.BlankRow">
  44369. <summary>
  44370. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's blank rows.
  44371. </summary>
  44372. </member>
  44373. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstColumn">
  44374. <summary>
  44375. Table style element that applies to table's first column.
  44376. </summary>
  44377. </member>
  44378. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstColumnStripe">
  44379. <summary>
  44380. Table style element that applies to table's first column stripes.
  44381. </summary>
  44382. </member>
  44383. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstColumnSubheading">
  44384. <summary>
  44385. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's first column subheading.
  44386. </summary>
  44387. </member>
  44388. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstHeaderCell">
  44389. <summary>
  44390. Table style element that applies to table's first header row cell.
  44391. </summary>
  44392. </member>
  44393. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstRowStripe">
  44394. <summary>
  44395. Table style element that applies to table's first row stripes.
  44396. </summary>
  44397. </member>
  44398. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstRowSubheading">
  44399. <summary>
  44400. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's first row subheading.
  44401. </summary>
  44402. </member>
  44403. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstSubtotalColumn">
  44404. <summary>
  44405. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's first subtotal column.
  44406. </summary>
  44407. </member>
  44408. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstSubtotalRow">
  44409. <summary>
  44410. Table style element that applies to pivot table's first subtotal row.
  44411. </summary>
  44412. </member>
  44413. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.GrandTotalColumn">
  44414. <summary>
  44415. Table style element that applies to pivot table's grand total column.
  44416. </summary>
  44417. </member>
  44418. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.GrandTotalRow">
  44419. <summary>
  44420. Table style element that applies to pivot table's grand total row.
  44421. </summary>
  44422. </member>
  44423. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.FirstTotalCell">
  44424. <summary>
  44425. Table style element that applies to table's first total row cell.
  44426. </summary>
  44427. </member>
  44428. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.HeaderRow">
  44429. <summary>
  44430. Table style element that applies to table's header row.
  44431. </summary>
  44432. </member>
  44433. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.LastColumn">
  44434. <summary>
  44435. Table style element that applies to table's last column.
  44436. </summary>
  44437. </member>
  44438. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.LastHeaderCell">
  44439. <summary>
  44440. Table style element that applies to table's last header row cell.
  44441. </summary>
  44442. </member>
  44443. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.LastTotalCell">
  44444. <summary>
  44445. Table style element that applies to table's last total row cell.
  44446. </summary>
  44447. </member>
  44448. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.PageFieldLabels">
  44449. <summary>
  44450. Table style element that applies to pivot table's page field labels.
  44451. </summary>
  44452. </member>
  44453. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.PageFieldValues">
  44454. <summary>
  44455. Table style element that applies to pivot table's page field values.
  44456. </summary>
  44457. </member>
  44458. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.SecondColumnStripe">
  44459. <summary>
  44460. Table style element that applies to table's second column stripes.
  44461. </summary>
  44462. </member>
  44463. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.SecondColumnSubheading">
  44464. <summary>
  44465. Table style element that applies to pivot table's second column subheading.
  44466. </summary>
  44467. </member>
  44468. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.SecondRowStripe">
  44469. <summary>
  44470. Table style element that applies to table's second row stripes.
  44471. </summary>
  44472. </member>
  44473. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.SecondRowSubheading">
  44474. <summary>
  44475. Table style element that applies to pivot table's second row subheading.
  44476. </summary>
  44477. </member>
  44478. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.SecondSubtotalColumn">
  44479. <summary>
  44480. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's second subtotal column.
  44481. </summary>
  44482. </member>
  44483. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.SecondSubtotalRow">
  44484. <summary>
  44485. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's second subtotal row.
  44486. </summary>
  44487. </member>
  44488. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.ThirdColumnSubheading">
  44489. <summary>
  44490. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's third column subheading.
  44491. </summary>
  44492. </member>
  44493. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.ThirdRowSubheading">
  44494. <summary>
  44495. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's third row subheading.
  44496. </summary>
  44497. </member>
  44498. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.ThirdSubtotalColumn">
  44499. <summary>
  44500. Table style element that applies to pivot table's third subtotal column.
  44501. </summary>
  44502. </member>
  44503. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.ThirdSubtotalRow">
  44504. <summary>
  44505. Table style element that applies to PivotTable's third subtotal row.
  44506. </summary>
  44507. </member>
  44508. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.TotalRow">
  44509. <summary>
  44510. Table style element that applies to table's total row.
  44511. </summary>
  44512. </member>
  44513. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleElementType.WholeTable">
  44514. <summary>
  44515. Table style element that applies to table's entire content.
  44516. </summary>
  44517. </member>
  44518. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleCollection">
  44519. <summary>
  44520. Represents all custom table styles.
  44521. </summary>
  44522. </member>
  44523. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleCollection.AddTableStyle(System.String)">
  44524. <summary>
  44525. Adds a custom table style.
  44526. </summary>
  44527. <param name="name">The table style name.</param>
  44528. <returns>The index of the table style.</returns>
  44529. </member>
  44530. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleCollection.AddPivotTableStyle(System.String)">
  44531. <summary>
  44532. Adds a custom pivot table style.
  44533. </summary>
  44534. <param name="name">The pivot table style name.</param>
  44535. <returns>The index of the pivot table style.</returns>
  44536. </member>
  44537. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleCollection.GetBuiltinTableStyle(Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType)">
  44538. <summary>
  44539. Gets the builtin table style
  44540. </summary>
  44541. <param name="type">The builtin table style type.</param>
  44542. <returns>
  44543. </returns>
  44544. </member>
  44545. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  44546. <summary>
  44547. Gets the table style by the index.
  44548. </summary>
  44549. <param name="index">The position of the table style in the list.</param>
  44550. <returns>The table style object.</returns>
  44551. </member>
  44552. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleCollection.Item(System.String)">
  44553. <summary>
  44554. Gets the table style by the name.
  44555. </summary>
  44556. <param name="name">The table style name.</param>
  44557. <returns>The table style object.</returns>
  44558. </member>
  44559. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType">
  44560. <summary>
  44561. Represents the built-in table style type.
  44562. </summary>
  44563. </member>
  44564. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.None">
  44565. <summary>
  44566. </summary>
  44567. </member>
  44568. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight1">
  44569. <summary>
  44570. </summary>
  44571. </member>
  44572. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight2">
  44573. <summary>
  44574. </summary>
  44575. </member>
  44576. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight3">
  44577. <summary>
  44578. </summary>
  44579. </member>
  44580. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight4">
  44581. <summary>
  44582. </summary>
  44583. </member>
  44584. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight5">
  44585. <summary>
  44586. </summary>
  44587. </member>
  44588. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight6">
  44589. <summary>
  44590. </summary>
  44591. </member>
  44592. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight7">
  44593. <summary>
  44594. </summary>
  44595. </member>
  44596. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight8">
  44597. <summary>
  44598. </summary>
  44599. </member>
  44600. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight9">
  44601. <summary>
  44602. </summary>
  44603. </member>
  44604. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight10">
  44605. <summary>
  44606. </summary>
  44607. </member>
  44608. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight11">
  44609. <summary>
  44610. </summary>
  44611. </member>
  44612. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight12">
  44613. <summary>
  44614. </summary>
  44615. </member>
  44616. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight13">
  44617. <summary>
  44618. </summary>
  44619. </member>
  44620. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight14">
  44621. <summary>
  44622. </summary>
  44623. </member>
  44624. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight15">
  44625. <summary>
  44626. </summary>
  44627. </member>
  44628. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight16">
  44629. <summary>
  44630. </summary>
  44631. </member>
  44632. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight17">
  44633. <summary>
  44634. </summary>
  44635. </member>
  44636. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight18">
  44637. <summary>
  44638. </summary>
  44639. </member>
  44640. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight19">
  44641. <summary>
  44642. </summary>
  44643. </member>
  44644. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight20">
  44645. <summary>
  44646. </summary>
  44647. </member>
  44648. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleLight21">
  44649. <summary>
  44650. </summary>
  44651. </member>
  44652. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium1">
  44653. <summary>
  44654. </summary>
  44655. </member>
  44656. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium2">
  44657. <summary>
  44658. </summary>
  44659. </member>
  44660. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium3">
  44661. <summary>
  44662. </summary>
  44663. </member>
  44664. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium4">
  44665. <summary>
  44666. </summary>
  44667. </member>
  44668. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium5">
  44669. <summary>
  44670. </summary>
  44671. </member>
  44672. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium6">
  44673. <summary>
  44674. </summary>
  44675. </member>
  44676. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium7">
  44677. <summary>
  44678. </summary>
  44679. </member>
  44680. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium8">
  44681. <summary>
  44682. </summary>
  44683. </member>
  44684. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium9">
  44685. <summary>
  44686. </summary>
  44687. </member>
  44688. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium10">
  44689. <summary>
  44690. </summary>
  44691. </member>
  44692. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium11">
  44693. <summary>
  44694. </summary>
  44695. </member>
  44696. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium12">
  44697. <summary>
  44698. </summary>
  44699. </member>
  44700. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium13">
  44701. <summary>
  44702. </summary>
  44703. </member>
  44704. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium14">
  44705. <summary>
  44706. </summary>
  44707. </member>
  44708. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium15">
  44709. <summary>
  44710. </summary>
  44711. </member>
  44712. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium16">
  44713. <summary>
  44714. </summary>
  44715. </member>
  44716. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium17">
  44717. <summary>
  44718. </summary>
  44719. </member>
  44720. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium18">
  44721. <summary>
  44722. </summary>
  44723. </member>
  44724. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium19">
  44725. <summary>
  44726. </summary>
  44727. </member>
  44728. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium20">
  44729. <summary>
  44730. </summary>
  44731. </member>
  44732. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium21">
  44733. <summary>
  44734. </summary>
  44735. </member>
  44736. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium22">
  44737. <summary>
  44738. </summary>
  44739. </member>
  44740. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium23">
  44741. <summary>
  44742. </summary>
  44743. </member>
  44744. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium24">
  44745. <summary>
  44746. </summary>
  44747. </member>
  44748. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium25">
  44749. <summary>
  44750. </summary>
  44751. </member>
  44752. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium26">
  44753. <summary>
  44754. </summary>
  44755. </member>
  44756. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium27">
  44757. <summary>
  44758. </summary>
  44759. </member>
  44760. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleMedium28">
  44761. <summary>
  44762. </summary>
  44763. </member>
  44764. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark1">
  44765. <summary>
  44766. </summary>
  44767. </member>
  44768. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark2">
  44769. <summary>
  44770. </summary>
  44771. </member>
  44772. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark3">
  44773. <summary>
  44774. </summary>
  44775. </member>
  44776. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark4">
  44777. <summary>
  44778. </summary>
  44779. </member>
  44780. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark5">
  44781. <summary>
  44782. </summary>
  44783. </member>
  44784. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark6">
  44785. <summary>
  44786. </summary>
  44787. </member>
  44788. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark7">
  44789. <summary>
  44790. </summary>
  44791. </member>
  44792. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark8">
  44793. <summary>
  44794. </summary>
  44795. </member>
  44796. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark9">
  44797. <summary>
  44798. </summary>
  44799. </member>
  44800. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark10">
  44801. <summary>
  44802. </summary>
  44803. </member>
  44804. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.TableStyleDark11">
  44805. <summary>
  44806. </summary>
  44807. </member>
  44808. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TableStyleType.Custom">
  44809. <summary>
  44810. </summary>
  44811. </member>
  44812. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType">
  44813. <summary>
  44814. Enumerates text alignment types.
  44815. </summary>
  44816. </member>
  44817. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.Bottom">
  44818. <summary>
  44819. Represents bottom text alignment.
  44820. </summary>
  44821. </member>
  44822. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.Center">
  44823. <summary>
  44824. Represents center text alignment.
  44825. </summary>
  44826. </member>
  44827. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.CenterAcross">
  44828. <summary>
  44829. Represents center across text alignment.
  44830. </summary>
  44831. </member>
  44832. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.Distributed">
  44833. <summary>
  44834. Represents distributed text alignment.
  44835. </summary>
  44836. </member>
  44837. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.Fill">
  44838. <summary>
  44839. Represents fill text alignment.
  44840. </summary>
  44841. </member>
  44842. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.General">
  44843. <summary>
  44844. Represents general text alignment.
  44845. </summary>
  44846. </member>
  44847. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.Justify">
  44848. <summary>
  44849. Represents justify text alignment.
  44850. </summary>
  44851. </member>
  44852. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.Left">
  44853. <summary>
  44854. Represents left text alignment.
  44855. </summary>
  44856. </member>
  44857. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.Right">
  44858. <summary>
  44859. Represents right text alignment.
  44860. </summary>
  44861. </member>
  44862. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.Top">
  44863. <summary>
  44864. Represents top text alignment.
  44865. </summary>
  44866. </member>
  44867. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.JustifiedLow">
  44868. <summary>
  44869. Aligns the text with an adjusted kashida length for Arabic text.
  44870. </summary>
  44871. </member>
  44872. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextAlignmentType.ThaiDistributed">
  44873. <summary>
  44874. Distributes Thai text specially, because each character is treated as a word.
  44875. </summary>
  44876. </member>
  44877. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBox">
  44878. <summary>
  44879. Encapsulates the object that represents a textbox in a spreadsheet.
  44880. </summary>
  44881. <example>
  44882. <code>
  44883. [C#]
  44884. //Instantiate a new Workbook.
  44885. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  44886. //Get the first worksheet in the book.
  44887. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
  44888. //Add a new textbox to the collection.
  44889. int textboxIndex = worksheet.TextBoxes.Add(2, 1, 160, 200);
  44890. //Get the textbox object.
  44891. Aspose.Cells.TextBox textbox0 = worksheet.TextBoxes[textboxIndex];
  44892. //Fill the text.
  44893. textbox0.Text = "ASPOSE______The .NET and JAVA Component Publisher!";
  44894. //Get the textbox text frame.
  44895. MsoTextFrame textframe0 = textbox0.TextFrame;
  44896. //Set the textbox to adjust it according to its contents.
  44897. textframe0.AutoSize = true;
  44898. //Set the placement.
  44899. textbox0.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating;
  44900. //Set the font color.
  44901. textbox0.Font.Color = Color.Blue;
  44902. //Set the font to bold.
  44903. textbox0.Font.IsBold = true;
  44904. //Set the font size.
  44905. textbox0.Font.Size = 14;
  44906. //Set font attribute to italic.
  44907. textbox0.Font.IsItalic = true;
  44908. //Add a hyperlink to the textbox.
  44909. textbox0.AddHyperlink("");
  44910. //Get the filformat of the textbox.
  44911. MsoFillFormat fillformat = textbox0.FillFormat;
  44912. //Set the fillcolor.
  44913. fillformat.ForeColor = Color.Silver;
  44914. //Get the lineformat type of the textbox.
  44915. MsoLineFormat lineformat = textbox0.LineFormat;
  44916. //Set the line style.
  44917. lineformat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThinThick;
  44918. //Set the line weight.
  44919. lineformat.Weight = 6;
  44920. //Set the dash style to squaredot.
  44921. lineformat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.SquareDot;
  44922. //Add another textbox.
  44923. textboxIndex = worksheet.TextBoxes.Add(15, 4, 85, 120);
  44924. //Get the second textbox.
  44925. Aspose.Cells.TextBox textbox1 = worksheet.TextBoxes[textboxIndex];
  44926. //Input some text to it.
  44927. textbox1.Text = "This is another simple text box";
  44928. //Set the placement type as the textbox will move and
  44929. //resize with cells.
  44930. textbox1.Placement = PlacementType.MoveAndSize;
  44931. //Save the excel file.
  44932. workbook.Save("C:\\tsttextboxes.xls");
  44933. [Visual Basic]
  44934. 'Instantiate a new Workbook.
  44935. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  44936. 'Get the first worksheet in the book.
  44937. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(0)
  44938. 'Add a new textbox to the collection.
  44939. Dim textboxIndex As Integer = worksheet.TextBoxes.Add(2, 1, 160, 200)
  44940. 'Get the textbox object.
  44941. Dim textbox0 As Aspose.Cells.TextBox = worksheet.TextBoxes(textboxIndex)
  44942. 'Fill the text.
  44943. textbox0.Text = "ASPOSE______The .NET and JAVA Component Publisher!"
  44944. 'Get the textbox text frame.
  44945. Dim textframe0 As MsoTextFrame = textbox0.TextFrame
  44946. 'Set the textbox to adjust it according to its contents.
  44947. textframe0.AutoSize = True
  44948. 'Set the placement.
  44949. textbox0.Placement = PlacementType.FreeFloating
  44950. 'Set the font color.
  44951. textbox0.Font.Color = Color.Blue
  44952. 'Set the font to bold.
  44953. textbox0.Font.IsBold = True
  44954. 'Set the font size.
  44955. textbox0.Font.Size = 14
  44956. 'Set font attribute to italic.
  44957. textbox0.Font.IsItalic = True
  44958. 'Add a hyperlink to the textbox.
  44959. textbox0.AddHyperlink("")
  44960. 'Get the filformat of the textbox.
  44961. Dim fillformat As MsoFillFormat = textbox0.FillFormat
  44962. 'Set the fillcolor.
  44963. fillformat.ForeColor = Color.Silver
  44964. 'Get the lineformat type of the textbox.
  44965. Dim lineformat As MsoLineFormat = textbox0.LineFormat
  44966. 'Set the line style.
  44967. lineformat.Style = MsoLineStyle.ThinThick
  44968. 'Set the line weight.
  44969. lineformat.Weight = 6
  44970. 'Set the dash style to squaredot.
  44971. lineformat.DashStyle = MsoLineDashStyle.SquareDot
  44972. 'Add another textbox.
  44973. textboxIndex = worksheet.TextBoxes.Add(15, 4, 85, 120)
  44974. 'Get the second textbox.
  44975. Dim textbox1 As Aspose.Cells.TextBox = worksheet.TextBoxes(textboxIndex)
  44976. 'Input some text to it.
  44977. textbox1.Text = "This is another simple text box"
  44978. 'Set the placement type as the textbox will move and
  44979. 'resize with cells.
  44980. textbox1.Placement = PlacementType.MoveAndSize
  44981. 'Save the excel file.
  44982. workbook.Save("C:\tsttextboxes.xls")
  44983. </code>
  44984. </example>
  44985. </member>
  44986. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBoxCollection">
  44987. <summary>
  44988. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBox" /> objects.
  44989. </summary>
  44990. </member>
  44991. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBoxCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  44992. <summary>
  44993. Adds a textbox to the collection.
  44994. </summary>
  44995. <param name="upperLeftRow">Upper left row index.</param>
  44996. <param name="upperLeftColumn">Upper left column index.</param>
  44997. <param name="height">Height of textbox, in unit of pixel.</param>
  44998. <param name="width">Width of textbox, in unit of pixel.</param>
  44999. <returns>
  45000. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBox" /> object index.</returns>
  45001. </member>
  45002. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBoxCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  45003. <summary>
  45004. Remove a text box from the file.
  45005. </summary>
  45006. <param name="index">The text box index.</param>
  45007. </member>
  45008. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBoxCollection.Clear">
  45009. <summary>
  45010. Clear all text boxes.
  45011. </summary>
  45012. </member>
  45013. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBoxCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  45014. <summary>
  45015. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBox" /> element at the specified index.
  45016. </summary>
  45017. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  45018. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  45019. </member>
  45020. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBoxCollection.Item(System.String)">
  45021. <summary>
  45022. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextBox" /> element by the name.
  45023. </summary>
  45024. <param name="name">The name of the text box.</param>
  45025. <returns>
  45026. </returns>
  45027. </member>
  45028. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TextDirectionType">
  45029. <summary>
  45030. Represents the direction of the text flow for this paragraph.
  45031. </summary>
  45032. </member>
  45033. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextDirectionType.Context">
  45034. <summary>
  45035. </summary>
  45036. </member>
  45037. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextDirectionType.LeftToRight">
  45038. <summary>
  45039. </summary>
  45040. </member>
  45041. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextDirectionType.RightToLeft">
  45042. <summary>
  45043. </summary>
  45044. </member>
  45045. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.TextOrientationType">
  45046. <summary>
  45047. Enumerates text orientation types.
  45048. </summary>
  45049. </member>
  45050. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextOrientationType.ClockWise">
  45051. <summary>
  45052. text is rotated 90 degrees clockwise
  45053. </summary>
  45054. </member>
  45055. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextOrientationType.CounterClockWise">
  45056. <summary>
  45057. text is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise
  45058. </summary>
  45059. </member>
  45060. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextOrientationType.NoRotation">
  45061. <summary>
  45062. Represents the default value.
  45063. </summary>
  45064. </member>
  45065. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.TextOrientationType.TopToBottom">
  45066. <summary>
  45067. Displays text from top to bottom of the cell. Stacked text.
  45068. </summary>
  45069. </member>
  45070. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType">
  45071. <summary>
  45072. Represents the preset texture type.
  45073. </summary>
  45074. </member>
  45075. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.BlueTissuePaper">
  45076. <summary>
  45077. Represents Blue Tissue Paper texture type.
  45078. </summary>
  45079. </member>
  45080. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Bouquet">
  45081. <summary>
  45082. Represents Bouquet texture type.
  45083. </summary>
  45084. </member>
  45085. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.BrownMarble">
  45086. <summary>
  45087. Represents Brown Marble texture type.
  45088. </summary>
  45089. </member>
  45090. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Canvas">
  45091. <summary>
  45092. Represents Canvas texture type.
  45093. </summary>
  45094. </member>
  45095. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Cork">
  45096. <summary>
  45097. Represents Cork texture type.
  45098. </summary>
  45099. </member>
  45100. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Denim">
  45101. <summary>
  45102. Represents Denim texture type.
  45103. </summary>
  45104. </member>
  45105. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.FishFossil">
  45106. <summary>
  45107. Represents Fish Fossil texture type.
  45108. </summary>
  45109. </member>
  45110. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Granite">
  45111. <summary>
  45112. Represents Granite texture type.
  45113. </summary>
  45114. </member>
  45115. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.GreenMarble">
  45116. <summary>
  45117. Represents Green Marble texture type.
  45118. </summary>
  45119. </member>
  45120. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.MediumWood">
  45121. <summary>
  45122. Represents Medium Wood texture type.
  45123. </summary>
  45124. </member>
  45125. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Newsprint">
  45126. <summary>
  45127. Represents Newsprint texture type.
  45128. </summary>
  45129. </member>
  45130. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Oak">
  45131. <summary>
  45132. Represents Oak texture type.
  45133. </summary>
  45134. </member>
  45135. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.PaperBag">
  45136. <summary>
  45137. Represents Paper Bag texture type.
  45138. </summary>
  45139. </member>
  45140. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Papyrus">
  45141. <summary>
  45142. Represents Papyrus texture type.
  45143. </summary>
  45144. </member>
  45145. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Parchment">
  45146. <summary>
  45147. Represents Parchment texture type.
  45148. </summary>
  45149. </member>
  45150. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.PinkTissuePaper">
  45151. <summary>
  45152. Represents Pink Tissue Paper texture type.
  45153. </summary>
  45154. </member>
  45155. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.PurpleMesh">
  45156. <summary>
  45157. Represents Purple Mesh texture type.
  45158. </summary>
  45159. </member>
  45160. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.RecycledPaper">
  45161. <summary>
  45162. Represents Recycled Paper texture type.
  45163. </summary>
  45164. </member>
  45165. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Sand">
  45166. <summary>
  45167. Represents Sand texture type.
  45168. </summary>
  45169. </member>
  45170. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Stationery">
  45171. <summary>
  45172. Represents Stationery texture type.
  45173. </summary>
  45174. </member>
  45175. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Walnut">
  45176. <summary>
  45177. Represents Walnut Droplets texture type.
  45178. </summary>
  45179. </member>
  45180. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.WaterDroplets">
  45181. <summary>
  45182. Represents Water Droplets texture type.
  45183. </summary>
  45184. </member>
  45185. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.WhiteMarble">
  45186. <summary>
  45187. Represents White Marble texture type.
  45188. </summary>
  45189. </member>
  45190. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.WovenMat">
  45191. <summary>
  45192. Represents Woven Mat texture type.
  45193. </summary>
  45194. </member>
  45195. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.TextureType.Unknown">
  45196. <summary>
  45197. Represents Unknown texture type.
  45198. </summary>
  45199. </member>
  45200. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColor">
  45201. <summary>
  45202. Represents a theme color.
  45203. </summary>
  45204. <example>
  45205. <code>
  45206. [C#]
  45207. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  45208. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  45209. Cells cells = workbook.Worksheets[0].Cells;
  45210. cells["A1"].PutValue("Hello World");
  45211. Style style = cells["A1"].GetStyle();
  45212. //Set ThemeColorType.Text2 color type with 40% lighten as the font color.
  45213. style.Font.ThemeColor = new ThemeColor(ThemeColorType.Text2, 0.4);
  45214. style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid;
  45215. //Set ThemeColorType.Background2 color type with 75% darken as the foreground color
  45216. style.ForegroundThemeColor = new ThemeColor(ThemeColorType.Background2, -0.75);
  45217. cells["A1"].SetStyle(style);
  45218. //Saving the Excel file
  45219. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xlsx");
  45220. [Visual Basic]
  45221. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  45222. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  45223. Dim cells As Cells = workbook.Worksheets(0).Cells
  45224. cells("A1").PutValue("Hello World")
  45225. 'Get the cell style
  45226. Dim style As Style = cells("A1").GetStyle()
  45227. 'Set ThemeColorType.Text2 color type with 40% lighten as the font color.
  45228. Style.Font.ThemeColor = New ThemeColor(ThemeColorType.Text2, 0.4)
  45229. Style.Pattern = BackgroundType.Solid
  45230. 'Set ThemeColorType.Background2 color type with 75% darken as the foreground color
  45231. style.ForegroundThemeColor = New ThemeColor(ThemeColorType.Background2, -0.75)
  45232. 'Set the cell style
  45233. cells("A1").SetStyle(style)
  45234. 'Saving the Excel file
  45235. Workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xlsx")
  45236. </code>
  45237. </example>
  45238. </member>
  45239. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColor.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType,System.Double)">
  45240. <summary>
  45241. </summary>
  45242. <param name="type">The theme type.</param>
  45243. <param name="tint">The tint value.</param>
  45244. </member>
  45245. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColor.ColorType">
  45246. <summary>
  45247. Gets and sets the theme type.
  45248. </summary>
  45249. </member>
  45250. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColor.Tint">
  45251. <summary>
  45252. Gets and sets the tint value.
  45253. </summary>
  45254. <remarks>
  45255. The tint value is stored as a double from -1.0 .. 1.0, where -1.0 means 100% darken
  45256. and 1.0 means 100% lighten. Also, 0.0 means no change.
  45257. </remarks>
  45258. </member>
  45259. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType">
  45260. <summary>
  45261. Enumerates the theme color types.
  45262. </summary>
  45263. </member>
  45264. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Background1">
  45265. <summary>
  45266. </summary>
  45267. </member>
  45268. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Text1">
  45269. <summary>
  45270. </summary>
  45271. </member>
  45272. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Background2">
  45273. <summary>
  45274. </summary>
  45275. </member>
  45276. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Text2">
  45277. <summary>
  45278. </summary>
  45279. </member>
  45280. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Accent1">
  45281. <summary>
  45282. </summary>
  45283. </member>
  45284. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Accent2">
  45285. <summary>
  45286. </summary>
  45287. </member>
  45288. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Accent3">
  45289. <summary>
  45290. </summary>
  45291. </member>
  45292. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Accent4">
  45293. <summary>
  45294. </summary>
  45295. </member>
  45296. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Accent5">
  45297. <summary>
  45298. </summary>
  45299. </member>
  45300. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Accent6">
  45301. <summary>
  45302. </summary>
  45303. </member>
  45304. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.Hyperlink">
  45305. <summary>
  45306. </summary>
  45307. </member>
  45308. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.FollowedHyperlink">
  45309. <summary>
  45310. </summary>
  45311. </member>
  45312. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ThemeColorType.StyleColor">
  45313. <summary>
  45314. Inner used.
  45315. A color used in theme definitions which means to use the color of the style.
  45316. </summary>
  45317. </member>
  45318. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabelPositionType">
  45319. <summary>
  45320. Represents the position type of tick-mark labels on the specified axis.
  45321. </summary>
  45322. </member>
  45323. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabelPositionType.High">
  45324. <summary>
  45325. Position type is high.
  45326. </summary>
  45327. </member>
  45328. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabelPositionType.Low">
  45329. <summary>
  45330. Position type is low.
  45331. </summary>
  45332. </member>
  45333. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabelPositionType.NextToAxis">
  45334. <summary>
  45335. Position type is next to axis.
  45336. </summary>
  45337. </member>
  45338. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabelPositionType.None">
  45339. <summary>
  45340. Position type is none.
  45341. </summary>
  45342. </member>
  45343. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels">
  45344. <summary>
  45345. Represents the tick-mark labels associated with tick marks on a chart axis.
  45346. </summary>
  45347. </member>
  45348. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.Font">
  45349. <summary>
  45350. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.Font" /> object that represents the font of the specified TickLabels object.
  45351. </summary>
  45352. </member>
  45353. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.AutoScaleFont">
  45354. <summary>
  45355. True if the text in the object changes font size when the object size changes. The default value is True.
  45356. </summary>
  45357. </member>
  45358. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.BackgroundMode">
  45359. <summary>
  45360. Gets and sets the display mode of the background
  45361. </summary>
  45362. </member>
  45363. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.RotationAngle">
  45364. <summary>
  45365. Represents text rotation angle in clockwise.
  45366. </summary>
  45367. <remarks>
  45368. <br>0: Not rotated.</br>
  45369. <br>255: Top to Bottom.</br>
  45370. <br>-90: Downward.</br>
  45371. <br>90: Upward.</br>
  45372. </remarks>
  45373. </member>
  45374. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.IsAutomaticRotation">
  45375. <summary>
  45376. Indicates whether the rotation angle is automatic
  45377. </summary>
  45378. </member>
  45379. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.NumberFormat">
  45380. <summary>
  45381. Represents the format string for the TickLabels object.
  45382. </summary>
  45383. <remarks>The formatting string is same as a custom format string setting to a cell. For example, "$0".</remarks>
  45384. </member>
  45385. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.Number">
  45386. <summary>
  45387. Represents the format number for the TickLabels object.
  45388. </summary>
  45389. </member>
  45390. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.NumberFormatLinked">
  45391. <summary>
  45392. True if the number format is linked to the cells
  45393. (so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
  45394. </summary>
  45395. </member>
  45396. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.DisplayNumberFormat">
  45397. <summary>
  45398. Gets and sets the display number format of tick labels.
  45399. </summary>
  45400. </member>
  45401. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.Offset">
  45402. <summary>
  45403. Represents the distance between the levels of labels, and the distance between the first level and the axis line.
  45404. </summary>
  45405. <remarks>
  45406. The default distance is 100 percent, which represents the default spacing between the axis labels and the axis line.
  45407. The value can be an integer percentage from 0 through 1000, relative to the axis label¡¯s font size.
  45408. </remarks>
  45409. </member>
  45410. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.TextDirection">
  45411. <summary>
  45412. Represents text reading order.
  45413. </summary>
  45414. <remarks>NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  45415. please use TickLabels.ReadingOrder property.
  45416. This property will be removed 12 months later since March 2020.
  45417. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  45418. </member>
  45419. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.ReadingOrder">
  45420. <summary>
  45421. Represents text reading order.
  45422. </summary>
  45423. </member>
  45424. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickLabels.DirectionType">
  45425. <summary>
  45426. Gets and sets the direction of text.
  45427. </summary>
  45428. </member>
  45429. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickMarkType">
  45430. <summary>
  45431. Represents the tick mark type for the specified axis.
  45432. </summary>
  45433. </member>
  45434. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickMarkType.Cross">
  45435. <summary>
  45436. Tick mark type is Cross.
  45437. </summary>
  45438. </member>
  45439. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickMarkType.Inside">
  45440. <summary>
  45441. Tick mark type is Inside.
  45442. </summary>
  45443. </member>
  45444. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickMarkType.None">
  45445. <summary>
  45446. Tick mark type is None.
  45447. </summary>
  45448. </member>
  45449. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TickMarkType.Outside">
  45450. <summary>
  45451. Tick mark type is Outside
  45452. </summary>
  45453. </member>
  45454. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Title">
  45455. <summary>
  45456. Encapsulates the object that represents the title of chart or axis.
  45457. </summary>
  45458. <example>
  45459. <code>
  45460. [C#]
  45461. //Setting the title of a chart
  45462. chart.Title.Text = "Title";
  45463. //Setting the font color of the chart title to blue
  45464. chart.Title.Font.Color = Color.Blue;
  45465. //Setting the title of category axis of the chart
  45466. chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Text = "Category";
  45467. //Setting the title of value axis of the chart
  45468. chart.ValueAxis.Title.Text = "Value";
  45469. [Visual Basic]
  45470. 'Setting the title of a chart
  45471. chart.Title.Text = "Title"
  45472. 'Setting the font color of the chart title to blue
  45473. chart.Title.Font.Color = Color.Blue
  45474. 'Setting the title of category axis of the chart
  45475. chart.CategoryAxis.Title.Text = "Category"
  45476. 'Setting the title of value axis of the chart
  45477. chart.ValueAxis.Title.Text = "Value"
  45478. </code>
  45479. </example>
  45480. </member>
  45481. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Title.Characters">
  45482. <summary>
  45483. Gets rich text formatting of this Title.
  45484. </summary>
  45485. <returns>returns FontSetting array</returns>
  45486. </member>
  45487. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Title.Text">
  45488. <summary>
  45489. Gets or sets the text of display unit label.
  45490. </summary>
  45491. </member>
  45492. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Title.IsVisible">
  45493. <summary>
  45494. Represents whether the title is visible.
  45495. </summary>
  45496. </member>
  45497. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Title.X">
  45498. <summary>
  45499. Gets or sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  45500. </summary>
  45501. </member>
  45502. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Title.Y">
  45503. <summary>
  45504. Gets or sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner in units of 1/4000 of the chart area.
  45505. </summary>
  45506. </member>
  45507. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Title.OverLay">
  45508. <summary>
  45509. Represents overlay centered title on chart without resizing chart.
  45510. </summary>
  45511. </member>
  45512. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation">
  45513. <summary>
  45514. Determines the type of calculation in the Totals row of the list column.
  45515. </summary>
  45516. </member>
  45517. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.Sum">
  45518. <summary>
  45519. Represents Sum totals calculation.
  45520. </summary>
  45521. </member>
  45522. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.Count">
  45523. <summary>
  45524. Represents Count totals calculation.
  45525. </summary>
  45526. </member>
  45527. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.Average">
  45528. <summary>
  45529. Represents Average totals calculation.
  45530. </summary>
  45531. </member>
  45532. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.Max">
  45533. <summary>
  45534. Represents Max totals calculation.
  45535. </summary>
  45536. </member>
  45537. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.Min">
  45538. <summary>
  45539. Represents Min totals calculation.
  45540. </summary>
  45541. </member>
  45542. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.Var">
  45543. <summary>
  45544. Represents Var totals calculation.
  45545. </summary>
  45546. </member>
  45547. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.CountNums">
  45548. <summary>
  45549. Represents Count Nums totals calculation.
  45550. </summary>
  45551. </member>
  45552. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.StdDev">
  45553. <summary>
  45554. Represents StdDev totals calculation.
  45555. </summary>
  45556. </member>
  45557. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.None">
  45558. <summary>
  45559. Represents No totals calculation.
  45560. </summary>
  45561. </member>
  45562. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Tables.TotalsCalculation.Custom">
  45563. <summary>
  45564. Represents custom calculation.
  45565. </summary>
  45566. </member>
  45567. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline">
  45568. <summary>
  45569. Represents a trendline in a chart.
  45570. </summary>
  45571. <example>
  45572. <code>
  45573. [C#]
  45574. //Instantiating a Workbook object
  45575. Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
  45576. //Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  45577. int sheetIndex = workbook.Worksheets.Add();
  45578. //Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  45579. Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[sheetIndex];
  45580. //Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  45581. worksheet.Cells["A1"].PutValue(50);
  45582. //Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  45583. worksheet.Cells["A2"].PutValue(100);
  45584. //Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  45585. worksheet.Cells["A3"].PutValue(150);
  45586. //Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
  45587. worksheet.Cells["A4"].PutValue(200);
  45588. //Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  45589. worksheet.Cells["B1"].PutValue(60);
  45590. //Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  45591. worksheet.Cells["B2"].PutValue(32);
  45592. //Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  45593. worksheet.Cells["B3"].PutValue(50);
  45594. //Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
  45595. worksheet.Cells["B4"].PutValue(40);
  45596. //Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
  45597. worksheet.Cells["C1"].PutValue("Q1");
  45598. //Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
  45599. worksheet.Cells["C2"].PutValue("Q2");
  45600. //Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
  45601. worksheet.Cells["C3"].PutValue("Y1");
  45602. //Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
  45603. worksheet.Cells["C4"].PutValue("Y2");
  45604. //Adding a chart to the worksheet
  45605. int chartIndex = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5);
  45606. //Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  45607. Chart chart = worksheet.Charts[chartIndex];
  45608. //Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
  45609. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", true);
  45610. //Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
  45611. chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4";
  45612. //adding a linear trendline
  45613. int index = chart.NSeries[0].TrendLines.Add(TrendlineType.Linear);
  45614. Trendline trendline = chart.NSeries[0].TrendLines[index];
  45615. //Setting the custom name of the trendline.
  45616. trendline.Name = "Linear";
  45617. //Displaying the equation on chart
  45618. trendline.DisplayEquation = true;
  45619. //Displaying the R-Squared value on chart
  45620. trendline.DisplayRSquared = true;
  45621. //Saving the Excel file
  45622. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls");
  45623. [Visual Basic]
  45624. 'Instantiating a Workbook object
  45625. Dim workbook As Workbook = New Workbook()
  45626. 'Adding a new worksheet to the Excel object
  45627. Dim sheetIndex As Int32 = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
  45628. 'Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet by passing its sheet index
  45629. Dim worksheet As Worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(sheetIndex)
  45630. 'Adding a sample value to "A1" cell
  45631. worksheet.Cells("A1").PutValue(50)
  45632. 'Adding a sample value to "A2" cell
  45633. worksheet.Cells("A2").PutValue(100)
  45634. 'Adding a sample value to "A3" cell
  45635. worksheet.Cells("A3").PutValue(150)
  45636. 'Adding a sample value to "A4" cell
  45637. worksheet.Cells("A4").PutValue(200)
  45638. 'Adding a sample value to "B1" cell
  45639. worksheet.Cells("B1").PutValue(60)
  45640. 'Adding a sample value to "B2" cell
  45641. worksheet.Cells("B2").PutValue(32)
  45642. 'Adding a sample value to "B3" cell
  45643. worksheet.Cells("B3").PutValue(50)
  45644. 'Adding a sample value to "B4" cell
  45645. worksheet.Cells("B4").PutValue(40)
  45646. 'Adding a sample value to "C1" cell as category data
  45647. worksheet.Cells("C1").PutValue("Q1")
  45648. 'Adding a sample value to "C2" cell as category data
  45649. worksheet.Cells("C2").PutValue("Q2")
  45650. 'Adding a sample value to "C3" cell as category data
  45651. worksheet.Cells("C3").PutValue("Y1")
  45652. 'Adding a sample value to "C4" cell as category data
  45653. worksheet.Cells("C4").PutValue("Y2")
  45654. 'Adding a chart to the worksheet
  45655. Dim chartIndex As Int32 = worksheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 5, 0, 15, 5)
  45656. 'Accessing the instance of the newly added chart
  45657. Dim chart As Chart = worksheet.Charts(chartIndex)
  45658. 'Adding NSeries (chart data source) to the chart ranging from "A1" cell to "B4"
  45659. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:B4", True)
  45660. 'Setting the data source for the category data of NSeries
  45661. Chart.NSeries.CategoryData = "C1:C4"
  45662. 'adding a linear trendline
  45663. Dim index As Int32 = chart.NSeries(0).TrendLines.Add(TrendlineType.Linear)
  45664. Dim trendline As Trendline = chart.NSeries(0).TrendLines(index)
  45665. 'Setting the custom name of the trendline.
  45666. trendline.Name = "Linear"
  45667. 'Displaying the equation on chart
  45668. trendline.DisplayEquation = True
  45669. 'Displaying the R-Squared value on chart
  45670. trendline.DisplayRSquared = True
  45671. 'Saving the Excel file
  45672. workbook.Save("C:\\book1.xls")
  45673. </code>
  45674. </example>
  45675. </member>
  45676. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.IsNameAuto">
  45677. <summary>
  45678. Returns if Microsoft Excel automatically determines the name of the trendline.
  45679. </summary>
  45680. </member>
  45681. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.Type">
  45682. <summary>
  45683. Returns the trendline type.
  45684. </summary>
  45685. </member>
  45686. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.Name">
  45687. <summary>
  45688. Returns the name of the trendline.
  45689. </summary>
  45690. </member>
  45691. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.Order">
  45692. <summary>
  45693. Returns or sets the trendline order (an integer greater than 1) when the trendline type is Polynomial.
  45694. The order must be between 2 and 6.
  45695. </summary>
  45696. </member>
  45697. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.Period">
  45698. <summary>
  45699. Returns or sets the period for the moving-average trendline.
  45700. </summary>
  45701. <remarks>This value should be between 2 and 255.
  45702. And it must be less than the number of the chart points in the series</remarks>
  45703. </member>
  45704. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.Forward">
  45705. <summary>
  45706. Returns or sets the number of periods (or units on a scatter chart) that the trendline extends forward.
  45707. The number of periods must be greater than and equal to zero.
  45708. </summary>
  45709. </member>
  45710. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.Backward">
  45711. <summary>
  45712. Returns or sets the number of periods (or units on a scatter chart) that the trendline extends backward.
  45713. The number of periods must be greater than and equal to zero.
  45714. If the chart type is column ,the number of periods must be between 0 and 0.5
  45715. </summary>
  45716. </member>
  45717. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.DisplayEquation">
  45718. <summary>
  45719. Represents if the equation for the trendline is displayed on the chart (in the same data label as the R-squared value). Setting this property to True automatically turns on data labels.
  45720. </summary>
  45721. </member>
  45722. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.DisplayRSquared">
  45723. <summary>
  45724. Represents if the R-squared value of the trendline is displayed on the chart (in the same data label as the equation). Setting this property to True automatically turns on data labels.
  45725. </summary>
  45726. </member>
  45727. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.Intercept">
  45728. <summary>
  45729. Returns or sets the point where the trendline crosses the value axis.
  45730. </summary>
  45731. </member>
  45732. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.DataLabels">
  45733. <summary>
  45734. Represents the DataLabels object for the specified ASeries.
  45735. </summary>
  45736. </member>
  45737. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline.LegendEntry">
  45738. <summary>
  45739. Gets the legend entry according to this trendline
  45740. </summary>
  45741. </member>
  45742. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineCollection">
  45743. <summary>
  45744. Represents a collection of all the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline" /> objects for the specified data series.
  45745. </summary>
  45746. <example>
  45747. <code>
  45748. [C#]
  45749. int chartIndex = excel.Worksheets[0].Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 3, 3, 15, 10);
  45750. Chart chart = excel.Worksheets[0].Charts[chartIndex];
  45751. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:a3", true);
  45752. chart.NSeries[0].TrendLines.Add(TrendlineType.Linear, "MyTrendLine");
  45753. Trendline line = chart.NSeries[0].TrendLines[0];
  45754. line.DisplayEquation = true;
  45755. line.DisplayRSquared = true;
  45756. line.Color = Color.Red;
  45757. [Visual Basic]
  45758. Dim chartIndex As Integer = excel.Worksheets(0).Charts.Add(ChartType.Column,3,3,15,10)
  45759. Dim chart As Chart = excel.Worksheets(0).Charts(chartIndex)
  45760. chart.NSeries.Add("A1:a3", True)
  45761. chart.NSeries(0).TrendLines.Add(TrendlineType.Linear, "MyTrendLine")
  45762. Dim line As Trendline = chart.NSeries(0).TrendLines(0)
  45763. line.DisplayEquation = True
  45764. line.DisplayRSquared = True
  45765. line.Color = Color.Red
  45766. </code>
  45767. </example>
  45768. </member>
  45769. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType)">
  45770. <summary>
  45771. Adds a <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline" /> object to this collection with specified type.
  45772. </summary>
  45773. <param name="type">Trendline type.</param>
  45774. <returns>
  45775. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline" /> object index.</returns>
  45776. </member>
  45777. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType,System.String)">
  45778. <summary>
  45779. Adds a <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline" /> object to this collection with specified type and name.
  45780. </summary>
  45781. <param name="type">Trendline type.</param>
  45782. <param name="name">Trendline name.</param>
  45783. <returns>
  45784. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline" /> object index.</returns>
  45785. </member>
  45786. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  45787. <summary>
  45788. Gets a <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Trendline" /> object by its index.
  45789. </summary>
  45790. </member>
  45791. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType">
  45792. <summary>
  45793. Represents the trendline type.
  45794. </summary>
  45795. </member>
  45796. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType.Exponential">
  45797. <summary>
  45798. Exponential
  45799. </summary>
  45800. </member>
  45801. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType.Linear">
  45802. <summary>
  45803. Linear
  45804. </summary>
  45805. </member>
  45806. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType.Logarithmic">
  45807. <summary>
  45808. Logarithmic
  45809. </summary>
  45810. </member>
  45811. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType.MovingAverage">
  45812. <summary>
  45813. MovingAverage
  45814. </summary>
  45815. </member>
  45816. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType.Polynomial">
  45817. <summary>
  45818. Polynomial
  45819. </summary>
  45820. </member>
  45821. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Charts.TrendlineType.Power">
  45822. <summary>
  45823. Power
  45824. </summary>
  45825. </member>
  45826. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection">
  45827. <summary>
  45828. Represents the list of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting" />.
  45829. </summary>
  45830. </member>
  45831. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.SetWordArtStyle(Aspose.Cells.Drawing.PresetWordArtStyle)">
  45832. <summary>
  45833. Sets the preset WordArt style.
  45834. </summary>
  45835. <param name="style">The preset WordArt style.</param>
  45836. </member>
  45837. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.GetParagraphEnumerator">
  45838. <summary>
  45839. Gets the enumerator of the paragraphs.
  45840. </summary>
  45841. <returns>
  45842. </returns>
  45843. </member>
  45844. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.AppendText(System.String)">
  45845. <summary>
  45846. Appends the text.
  45847. </summary>
  45848. <param name="text">The text.</param>
  45849. </member>
  45850. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.InsertText(System.Int32,System.String)">
  45851. <summary>
  45852. Insert index at the position.
  45853. </summary>
  45854. <param name="index">The start index.</param>
  45855. <param name="text">The text.</param>
  45856. </member>
  45857. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.Replace(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.String)">
  45858. <summary>
  45859. Replace the text.
  45860. </summary>
  45861. <param name="index">The start index.</param>
  45862. <param name="count">The count of characters.</param>
  45863. <param name="text">The text.</param>
  45864. </member>
  45865. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.DeleteText(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  45866. <summary>
  45867. Delete some characters.
  45868. </summary>
  45869. <param name="index">The start index.</param>
  45870. <param name="count">The count of characters.</param>
  45871. </member>
  45872. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.Format(System.Int32,System.Int32,Aspose.Cells.Font,Aspose.Cells.StyleFlag)">
  45873. <summary>
  45874. Format the text with font setting.
  45875. </summary>
  45876. <param name="startIndex">The start index.</param>
  45877. <param name="length">The length.</param>
  45878. <param name="font">The font.</param>
  45879. <param name="flag">The flags of the font.</param>
  45880. </member>
  45881. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.Clear">
  45882. <summary>
  45883. Clear all setting.
  45884. </summary>
  45885. </member>
  45886. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.TextAlignment">
  45887. <summary>
  45888. Represents the alignment setting of the text body.
  45889. </summary>
  45890. </member>
  45891. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.TextParagraphs">
  45892. <summary>
  45893. Gets all paragraphs.
  45894. </summary>
  45895. </member>
  45896. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.Text">
  45897. <summary>
  45898. Gets and sets the text of the shape.
  45899. </summary>
  45900. </member>
  45901. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.HtmlString">
  45902. <summary>
  45903. Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this shape.
  45904. </summary>
  45905. </member>
  45906. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Texts.FontSettingCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  45907. <summary>
  45908. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.FontSetting" /> by the index.
  45909. </summary>
  45910. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  45911. <returns>
  45912. </returns>
  45913. </member>
  45914. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ValidationAlertType">
  45915. <summary>
  45916. Represents the data validation alert style.
  45917. </summary>
  45918. </member>
  45919. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationAlertType.Information">
  45920. <summary>
  45921. Information alert style.
  45922. </summary>
  45923. </member>
  45924. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationAlertType.Stop">
  45925. <summary>
  45926. Stop alert style.
  45927. </summary>
  45928. </member>
  45929. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationAlertType.Warning">
  45930. <summary>
  45931. Warning alert style.
  45932. </summary>
  45933. </member>
  45934. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ValidationCollection">
  45935. <summary>
  45936. Represents data validation collection.
  45937. </summary>
  45938. </member>
  45939. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ValidationCollection.Add">
  45940. <summary>
  45941. Adds a data validation to the collection.
  45942. </summary>
  45943. <returns>
  45944. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Validation" /> object index.</returns>
  45945. <remarks>
  45946. NOTE: This member is now obsolete. Instead,
  45947. please use ValidationCollection.Add(CellArea) method.
  45948. This property will be removed 12 months later since JANUARY 2015.
  45949. Aspose apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced.</remarks>
  45950. </member>
  45951. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ValidationCollection.Add(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  45952. <summary>
  45953. Adds a data validation to the collection.
  45954. </summary>
  45955. <param name="ca">The area contains this validation.</param>
  45956. <returns>
  45957. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Validation" /> object index.</returns>
  45958. </member>
  45959. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ValidationCollection.RemoveACell(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  45960. <summary>
  45961. Removes all validation setting on the cell.
  45962. </summary>
  45963. <param name="row">The row index of the cell.</param>
  45964. <param name="column">The column index of the cell.</param>
  45965. </member>
  45966. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ValidationCollection.RemoveArea(Aspose.Cells.CellArea)">
  45967. <summary>
  45968. Removes all validation setting on the range..
  45969. </summary>
  45970. <param name="ca">The range which contains the validations setting.</param>
  45971. </member>
  45972. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.ValidationCollection.GetValidationInCell(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  45973. <summary>
  45974. Gets the validation applied to given cell.
  45975. </summary>
  45976. <param name="row">The row index.</param>
  45977. <param name="column">The column index.</param>
  45978. <returns>Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Validation" /> object or null if there is no validation for given cell</returns>
  45979. </member>
  45980. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.ValidationCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  45981. <summary>
  45982. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.Validation" /> element at the specified index.
  45983. </summary>
  45984. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  45985. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  45986. </member>
  45987. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType">
  45988. <summary>
  45989. Represents data validation type.
  45990. </summary>
  45991. </member>
  45992. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.AnyValue">
  45993. <summary>
  45994. Any value validation type.
  45995. </summary>
  45996. </member>
  45997. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.WholeNumber">
  45998. <summary>
  45999. Whole number validation type.
  46000. </summary>
  46001. </member>
  46002. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.Decimal">
  46003. <summary>
  46004. Decimal validation type.
  46005. </summary>
  46006. </member>
  46007. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.List">
  46008. <summary>
  46009. List validation type.
  46010. </summary>
  46011. </member>
  46012. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.Date">
  46013. <summary>
  46014. Date validation type.
  46015. </summary>
  46016. </member>
  46017. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.Time">
  46018. <summary>
  46019. Time validation type.
  46020. </summary>
  46021. </member>
  46022. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.TextLength">
  46023. <summary>
  46024. Text length validation type.
  46025. </summary>
  46026. </member>
  46027. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ValidationType.Custom">
  46028. <summary>
  46029. Custom validation type.
  46030. </summary>
  46031. </member>
  46032. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.ViewType">
  46033. <summary>
  46034. Represents the view type of the worksheet.
  46035. </summary>
  46036. </member>
  46037. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ViewType.NormalView">
  46038. <summary>
  46039. </summary>
  46040. </member>
  46041. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ViewType.PageBreakPreview">
  46042. <summary>
  46043. </summary>
  46044. </member>
  46045. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.ViewType.PageLayoutView">
  46046. <summary>
  46047. </summary>
  46048. </member>
  46049. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak">
  46050. <summary>
  46051. Encapsulates the object that represents a vertical page break.
  46052. </summary>
  46053. <example>
  46054. <code>
  46055. [C#]
  46056. //Add a pagebreak at G5
  46057. excel.Worksheets[0].HorizontalPageBreaks.Add("G5");
  46058. excel.Worksheets[0].VerticalPageBreaks.Add("G5");
  46059. [VB]
  46060. 'Add a pagebreak at G5
  46061. excel.Worksheets(0).HorizontalPageBreaks.Add("G5")
  46062. excel.Worksheets(0).VerticalPageBreaks.Add("G5")
  46063. </code>
  46064. </example>
  46065. </member>
  46066. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak.StartRow">
  46067. <summary>
  46068. Gets the start row index of the vertical page break.
  46069. </summary>
  46070. </member>
  46071. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak.EndRow">
  46072. <summary>
  46073. Gets the end row index of the vertical page break.
  46074. </summary>
  46075. </member>
  46076. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak.Column">
  46077. <summary>
  46078. Gets the column index of the vertical page break.
  46079. </summary>
  46080. </member>
  46081. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection">
  46082. <summary>
  46083. Encapsulates a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak" /> objects.
  46084. </summary>
  46085. </member>
  46086. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  46087. <summary>
  46088. Adds a vertical page break to the collection.
  46089. </summary>
  46090. <param name="startRow">Start row index, zero based.</param>
  46091. <param name="endRow">End row index, zero based.</param>
  46092. <param name="column">Column index, zero based.</param>
  46093. <returns>
  46094. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak" /> object index.</returns>
  46095. <remarks>This method is used to add a vertical pagebreak within a print area.</remarks>
  46096. </member>
  46097. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection.Add(System.Int32)">
  46098. <summary>
  46099. Adds a vertical page break to the collection.
  46100. </summary>
  46101. <param name="column">Cell column index, zero based.</param>
  46102. <returns>
  46103. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak" /> object index.</returns>
  46104. <remarks>Page break is added in the top left of the cell.
  46105. Please set a horizontal page break and a vertical page break concurrently.</remarks>
  46106. </member>
  46107. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  46108. <summary>
  46109. Adds a vertical page break to the collection.
  46110. </summary>
  46111. <param name="row">Cell row index, zero based.</param>
  46112. <param name="column">Cell column index, zero based.</param>
  46113. <returns>
  46114. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak" /> object index.</returns>
  46115. <remarks>Page break is added in the top left of the cell.
  46116. Please set a horizontal page break and a vertical page break concurrently.</remarks>
  46117. </member>
  46118. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection.Add(System.String)">
  46119. <summary>
  46120. Adds a vertical page break to the collection.
  46121. </summary>
  46122. <param name="cellName">Cell name.</param>
  46123. <returns>
  46124. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak" /> object index.</returns>
  46125. <remarks>Page break is added in the top left of the cell.
  46126. Please set a horizontal page break and a vertical page break concurrently.</remarks>
  46127. </member>
  46128. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  46129. <summary>
  46130. Removes the VPageBreak element at a specified name.
  46131. </summary>
  46132. <param name="index">Element index, zero based.</param>
  46133. </member>
  46134. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  46135. <summary>
  46136. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak" /> element at the specified index.
  46137. </summary>
  46138. <param name="index">The zero based index of the element.</param>
  46139. <returns>The element at the specified index.</returns>
  46140. </member>
  46141. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreakCollection.Item(System.String)">
  46142. <summary>
  46143. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.VerticalPageBreak" /> element with the specified cell name.
  46144. </summary>
  46145. <param name="cellName">Cell name.</param>
  46146. <returns>The element with the specified cell name.</returns>
  46147. </member>
  46148. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls">
  46149. <summary>
  46150. Encapsulates the object that represents the walls of a 3-D chart.
  46151. </summary>
  46152. </member>
  46153. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.GetCubePointCount">
  46154. <summary>
  46155. Gets the number of cube points after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46156. </summary>
  46157. </member>
  46158. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.GetCubePointXPx(System.Int32)">
  46159. <summary>
  46160. Gets x-coordinate of the apex point of walls cube after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46161. The number of apex points of walls cube is eight
  46162. </summary>
  46163. </member>
  46164. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.GetCubePointYPx(System.Int32)">
  46165. <summary>
  46166. Gets y-coordinate of the apex point of walls cube after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46167. The number of apex points of walls cube is eight.
  46168. </summary>
  46169. </member>
  46170. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.CenterX">
  46171. <summary>
  46172. Gets the x coordinate of the left-bottom corner of Wall center in units of 1/4000 of chart's width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46173. </summary>
  46174. </member>
  46175. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.CenterY">
  46176. <summary>
  46177. Gets the y coordinate of the left-bottom corner of Wall center in units of 1/4000 of chart's height after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46178. </summary>
  46179. </member>
  46180. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.Width">
  46181. <summary>
  46182. Gets the width of left to right in units of 1/4000 of chart's width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46183. </summary>
  46184. </member>
  46185. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.Depth">
  46186. <summary>
  46187. Gets the depth front to back in units of 1/4000 of chart's width after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46188. </summary>
  46189. </member>
  46190. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.Height">
  46191. <summary>
  46192. Gets the height of top to bottom in units of 1/4000 of chart's height after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46193. </summary>
  46194. </member>
  46195. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.CenterXPx">
  46196. <summary>
  46197. Gets the x coordinate of the left-bottom corner of Wall center in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46198. </summary>
  46199. </member>
  46200. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.CenterYPx">
  46201. <summary>
  46202. Gets the y coordinate of the left-bottom corner of Wall center in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46203. </summary>
  46204. </member>
  46205. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.WidthPx">
  46206. <summary>
  46207. Gets the width of left to right in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46208. </summary>
  46209. </member>
  46210. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.DepthPx">
  46211. <summary>
  46212. Gets the depth front to back in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46213. </summary>
  46214. </member>
  46215. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.Charts.Walls.HeightPx">
  46216. <summary>
  46217. Gets the height of top to bottom in units of pixels after calls Chart.Calculate() method.
  46218. </summary>
  46219. </member>
  46220. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.WeightType">
  46221. <summary>
  46222. Enumerates the weight types for a picture border or a chart line.
  46223. </summary>
  46224. </member>
  46225. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.WeightType.HairLine">
  46226. <summary>
  46227. Represents the weight of hair line.
  46228. </summary>
  46229. </member>
  46230. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.WeightType.MediumLine">
  46231. <summary>
  46232. Represents the weight of medium line.
  46233. </summary>
  46234. </member>
  46235. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.WeightType.SingleLine">
  46236. <summary>
  46237. Represents the weight of single line.
  46238. </summary>
  46239. </member>
  46240. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.Drawing.WeightType.WideLine">
  46241. <summary>
  46242. Represents the weight of wide line.
  46243. </summary>
  46244. </member>
  46245. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.VisibilityType">
  46246. <summary>
  46247. Represents the states for sheet visibility.
  46248. </summary>
  46249. </member>
  46250. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.VisibilityType.Hidden">
  46251. <summary>
  46252. Indicates the sheet is hidden, but can be shown by the user via the user interface.
  46253. </summary>
  46254. </member>
  46255. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.VisibilityType.VeryHidden">
  46256. <summary>
  46257. Indicates the sheet is hidden and cannot be shown in the user interface (UI).
  46258. This state is only available programmatically.
  46259. </summary>
  46260. </member>
  46261. <member name="F:Aspose.Cells.VisibilityType.Visible">
  46262. <summary>
  46263. Indicates the sheet is visible.
  46264. </summary>
  46265. </member>
  46266. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.XlsbSaveOptions">
  46267. <summary>
  46268. Represents the options for saving xlsb file.
  46269. </summary>
  46270. </member>
  46271. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.XlsbSaveOptions.#ctor">
  46272. <summary>
  46273. Creates xlsb file save options.
  46274. </summary>
  46275. </member>
  46276. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.XlsbSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  46277. <summary>
  46278. Creates xlsb file save options.
  46279. </summary>
  46280. <param name="saveFormat">The save format . It must be xlsb.</param>
  46281. </member>
  46282. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XlsbSaveOptions.CompressionType">
  46283. <summary>
  46284. Gets and sets the compression type for ooxml file.
  46285. </summary>
  46286. <remarks>The default value is OoxmlCompressionType.Level6.</remarks>
  46287. </member>
  46288. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XlsbSaveOptions.ExportAllColumnIndexes">
  46289. <summary>
  46290. Indicates whether exporting all column indexes for cells.
  46291. </summary>
  46292. <remarks>
  46293. The default value is true.
  46294. </remarks>
  46295. </member>
  46296. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.XlsSaveOptions">
  46297. <summary>
  46298. Represents the save options for the Excel 97-2003 file format: xls and xlt.
  46299. </summary>
  46300. </member>
  46301. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.XlsSaveOptions.#ctor">
  46302. <summary>
  46303. Creates options for saving Excel 97-2003 xls/xlt file.
  46304. </summary>
  46305. </member>
  46306. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.XlsSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  46307. <summary>
  46308. Creates options for saving Excel 97-2003 xls/xlt file.
  46309. </summary>
  46310. <param name="format">The file format. It must be xls/xlt.</param>
  46311. </member>
  46312. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XlsSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider">
  46313. <summary>
  46314. The Data provider to provide cells data for saving workbook in light mode.
  46315. </summary>
  46316. </member>
  46317. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XlsSaveOptions.IsTemplate">
  46318. <summary>
  46319. Indicates whether saving a template file.
  46320. </summary>
  46321. </member>
  46322. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XlsSaveOptions.MatchColor">
  46323. <summary>
  46324. Indicates whether matching font color because there are 56 colors in the standard color palette.
  46325. </summary>
  46326. </member>
  46327. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions">
  46328. <summary>
  46329. Represents the options of saving office open xml file.
  46330. </summary>
  46331. </member>
  46332. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions.#ctor">
  46333. <summary>
  46334. Creates the options for saving office open xml file.
  46335. </summary>
  46336. </member>
  46337. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  46338. <summary>
  46339. Creates the options for saving office open xml file.
  46340. </summary>
  46341. <param name="saveFormat">The file format.
  46342. It must be xlsx,xltx,xlsm,xltm.</param>
  46343. </member>
  46344. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions.ExportCellName">
  46345. <summary>
  46346. Indicates if export cell name to Excel2007 .xlsx (.xlsm, .xltx, .xltm) file.
  46347. If the output file may be accessed by SQL Server DTS, this value must be true.
  46348. Setting the value to false will highly increase the performance and reduce the file size when creating large file.
  46349. Default value is true.
  46350. </summary>
  46351. </member>
  46352. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions.LightCellsDataProvider">
  46353. <summary>
  46354. The Data provider to provide cells data for saving workbook in light mode.
  46355. </summary>
  46356. </member>
  46357. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions.UpdateZoom">
  46358. <summary>
  46359. Indicates whether update scaling factor before saving the file
  46360. if the PageSetup.FitToPagesWide and PageSetup.FitToPagesTall properties control how the worksheet is scaled.
  46361. </summary>
  46362. <remarks>
  46363. The default value is false for performance.
  46364. </remarks>
  46365. </member>
  46366. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions.EnableZip64">
  46367. <summary>
  46368. Always use ZIP64 extensions when writing zip archives, even when unnecessary.
  46369. </summary>
  46370. </member>
  46371. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions.EmbedOoxmlAsOleObject">
  46372. <summary>
  46373. Indicates whether embedding Ooxml files of OleObject as ole object.
  46374. </summary>
  46375. <remarks>
  46376. Only for OleObject.
  46377. </remarks>
  46378. </member>
  46379. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.OoxmlSaveOptions.CompressionType">
  46380. <summary>
  46381. Gets and sets the compression type for ooxml file.
  46382. </summary>
  46383. <remarks>The default value is OoxmlCompressionType.Level2.</remarks>
  46384. </member>
  46385. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.XpsSaveOptions">
  46386. <summary>
  46387. Represents the additional options when saving the file as the Xps.
  46388. </summary>
  46389. </member>
  46390. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.XpsSaveOptions.#ctor">
  46391. <summary>
  46392. Creates options for saving xps file.
  46393. </summary>
  46394. </member>
  46395. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.XpsSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat)">
  46396. <summary>
  46397. Creates options for saving xps file.
  46398. </summary>
  46399. <param name="saveFormat">The save format, it must be xps format.</param>
  46400. </member>
  46401. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XpsSaveOptions.OnePagePerSheet">
  46402. <summary>
  46403. If OnePagePerSheet is true , all content of one sheet will output to only one page in result.
  46404. The paper size of pagesetup will be invalid, and the other settings of pagesetup
  46405. will still take effect.
  46406. </summary>
  46407. </member>
  46408. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XpsSaveOptions.PageIndex">
  46409. <summary>
  46410. Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to save.
  46411. </summary>
  46412. <remarks>
  46413. Default is 0.
  46414. </remarks>
  46415. </member>
  46416. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XpsSaveOptions.PageCount">
  46417. <summary>
  46418. Gets or sets the number of pages to save.
  46419. </summary>
  46420. <remarks>
  46421. Default is System.Int32.MaxValue which means all pages will be rendered..
  46422. </remarks>
  46423. </member>
  46424. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.XmlDataBinding">
  46425. <summary>
  46426. Represents Xml Data Binding information.
  46427. </summary>
  46428. </member>
  46429. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XmlDataBinding.Url">
  46430. <summary>
  46431. Gets source url of this data binding.
  46432. </summary>
  46433. </member>
  46434. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.XmlMap">
  46435. <summary>
  46436. Represents Xml map information.
  46437. </summary>
  46438. </member>
  46439. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XmlMap.Name">
  46440. <summary>
  46441. Returns or sets the name of the object.
  46442. </summary>
  46443. </member>
  46444. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XmlMap.RootElementName">
  46445. <summary>
  46446. Gets root element name.
  46447. </summary>
  46448. </member>
  46449. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XmlMap.DataBinding">
  46450. <summary>
  46451. Gets an <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.XmlDataBinding" /> of this map.
  46452. </summary>
  46453. </member>
  46454. <member name="T:Aspose.Cells.XmlMapCollection">
  46455. <summary>
  46456. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.XmlMap" /> objects that represent XmlMap information.
  46457. </summary>
  46458. </member>
  46459. <member name="M:Aspose.Cells.XmlMapCollection.Add(System.String)">
  46460. <summary>
  46461. Add a <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.XmlMap" /> by the url/path of a xml file.
  46462. </summary>
  46463. <param name="url">url/path of a xml file.</param>
  46464. <returns>
  46465. <see cref="T:Aspose.Cells.XmlMap" /> object index.</returns>
  46466. </member>
  46467. <member name="P:Aspose.Cells.XmlMapCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  46468. <summary>
  46469. Gets the xml map by the specific index.
  46470. </summary>
  46471. <param name="index">The index.</param>
  46472. <returns>The xml map</returns>
  46473. </member>
  46474. </members>
  46475. </doc>