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Merge branch '长阳分支中职' of into 长阳分支中职

dyy 2 years ago
4 changed files with 608 additions and 477 deletions
  1. +1
  2. +121
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/StuLeaveManagementApi.cs
  3. +19
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/TimeTable.cs
  4. +467
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/studentAttendance/single.vue

+ 1
- 0
.gitignore View File

@@ -81,3 +81,4 @@ Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/config.js
/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/bin.7z
/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/.hbuilderx/launch.json
/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Properties/PublishProfiles
/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Content/images/QRCode

+ 121
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/StuLeaveManagementApi.cs View File

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
using Nancy;
using Learun.Util;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration;
using static Learun.Application.WebApi.Modules.StuInfoFreshApi;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Learun.Application.Base.SystemModule;
using Learun.Application.OA;
using Learun.Application.OA.File.FileInfo;
using Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.LogisticsManagement;
using Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.LR_Desktop;
using Learun.Application.WorkFlow;
using Microsoft.Ajax.Utilities;

namespace Learun.Application.WebApi
/// <summary>
/// 学生请假
/// </summary>

public class StuLeaveManagementApi : BaseApi

private StuLeaveManagementIBLL stuLeaveManagementIBLL = new StuLeaveManagementBLL();

/// <summary>
/// 注册接口
/// <summary>
public StuLeaveManagementApi()
: base("/Learun/adms/EducationalAdministration/StuLeaveManagement")
Get["/pagelist"] = GetPageList;
Get["/form"] = GetForm;
Post["/delete"] = DeleteForm;
Post["/save"] = SaveForm;
#region 获取数据

/// <summary>
/// 获取页面显示列表分页数据
/// <summary>
/// <param name="_"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response GetPageList(dynamic _)
ReqPageParam parameter = this.GetReqData<ReqPageParam>();
var data = stuLeaveManagementIBLL.GetPageList(parameter.pagination, parameter.queryJson);
var jsonData = new
rows = data,
total =,
page =,
records = parameter.pagination.records
return Success(jsonData);
/// <summary>
/// 获取表单数据
/// <summary>
/// <param name="_"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response GetForm(dynamic _)
string keyValue = this.GetReqData();
var StuLeaveManagementData = stuLeaveManagementIBLL.GetStuLeaveManagementEntity(keyValue);
var jsonData = new
StuLeaveManagement = StuLeaveManagementData,
return Success(jsonData);


#region 提交数据

/// <summary>
/// 删除实体数据
/// <param name="_"></param>
/// <summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response DeleteForm(dynamic _)
string keyValue = this.GetReqData();
return Success("删除成功!");
/// <summary>
/// 保存实体数据(新增、修改)
/// <param name="_"></param>
/// <summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response SaveForm(dynamic _)
ReqFormEntity parameter = this.GetReqData<ReqFormEntity>();
StuLeaveManagementEntity entity = parameter.strEntity.ToObject<StuLeaveManagementEntity>();
stuLeaveManagementIBLL.SaveEntity(parameter.keyValue, entity);
return Success("保存成功!");

#region 私有类

/// <summary>
/// 表单实体类
/// <summary>
private class ReqFormEntity
public string keyValue { get; set; }
public string strEntity { get; set; }



+ 19
- 4
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/TimeTable.cs View File

@@ -193,14 +193,29 @@ namespace Learun.Application.WebApi.Modules
var endDate = Common.CalculateLastDateOfWeek(startdate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

// 获取学年,学期
var semesterAndYear = Common.GetSemesterAndYear(startDate);
var strAcademicYear = semesterAndYear.AcademicYearLong;
var strSemester = semesterAndYear.Semester;
var strAcademicYear = "";
var strSemester = "";
var AcademicYearShort = "";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.StartDate))
var NewsemesterAndYear = Common.GetSemesterAndYear(param.StartDate);
strAcademicYear = NewsemesterAndYear.AcademicYearLong;
strSemester = NewsemesterAndYear.Semester;
AcademicYearShort = NewsemesterAndYear.AcademicYearShort;
var semesterAndYear = Common.GetSemesterAndYear(startDate);
strAcademicYear = semesterAndYear.AcademicYearLong;
strSemester = semesterAndYear.Semester;
AcademicYearShort = semesterAndYear.AcademicYearShort;

if (param.StartDate.IsEmpty() && param.EndDate.IsEmpty())
// 校历
var entity = schoolCalendarIbll.GetSchoolCalendarEntityByNo(semesterAndYear.AcademicYearShort, semesterAndYear.Semester);
var entity = schoolCalendarIbll.GetSchoolCalendarEntityByNo(AcademicYearShort, strSemester);
var StartTime = entity.StartTime.Value;
var curWeek = WeekOfYear(startdate, entity.StartTime.Value, entity.EndTime.Value);

+ 467
- 473
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/studentAttendance/single.vue View File

@@ -1,65 +1,58 @@
<view class="page">
<view class="timeTable_sec3">
<view class="tSec3Box">
<view class="tSec3Time"><text></text> {{ pageInfo.lessonDate }} 第{{ pageInfo.jc }}节 <text></text></view>
<view class="tSec3Box">
<view class="tSec3Time"><text></text> {{ pageInfo.lessonDate }} 第{{ pageInfo.jc }}节 <text></text></view>
<view class="timeTable_sec4">
<view class="tSec4Box">
<view class="tSec4T">
<view class="tSec4Box">
<view class="tSec4T">
<div>{{ pageInfo.curriculum }}</div>
<view class="tSec4Con">
<view class="studSeeSec2Txt" id="shouldArrive">
<view class="tSec4Con">
<view class="studSeeSec2Txt" id="shouldArrive">
<text class="text-xxl cuIcon cuIcon-profile"></text> {{ pageInfo.teacher }}
<text class="text-xxl cuIcon cuIcon-locationfill" style="margin-left: 10px;"></text> {{ pageInfo.classRoomNo }}
<view><text>应到</text> {{ weekData.records }} </view>
<text class="text-xxl cuIcon cuIcon-locationfill" style="margin-left: 10px;"></text>
{{ pageInfo.classRoomNo }}
<view><text>应到</text> {{ weekData.records }} </view>
<view class="statusType">
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue1"><text></text>准时</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue2"><text></text>早退</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue3"><text></text>旷课</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue4"><text></text>病假</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue5"><text></text>迟到</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue6"><text></text>事假</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue1"><text></text>准时</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue2"><text></text>早退</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue3"><text></text>旷课</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue4"><text></text>病假</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue5"><text></text>迟到</view>
<view class="statusTypeLi sStatue6"><text></text>事假</view>
<view class="timeTable_sec2">
<view class="timeTableList">
<view class="timeTableList">
<view v-if="weekData.rows.length == 0">暂时没有信息</view>
<view v-if="weekData.rows.length != 0">
class="timeTableLi" v-for="(k, i) in weekData.rows"
@click="tapTimeTable(i, timeTableClass(k.Sort))"
<view :class="timeTableClass(k.Sort)" class="timeTableLi" v-for="(k, i) in weekData.rows"
:key="k.StuNo" @click="tapTimeTable(i, timeTableClass(k.Sort))">
<view>{{ k.StuName }} <text class="text-xxl cuIcon cuIcon-ellipse"></text></view>
<view class="timeTableAlert" :class="flag? 'active' : ''">
<view class="timeTableAlertTop">
<view class="timeTableAlertT">{{ weekData.rows[ind].StuName }}</view>
<view class="timeTableAlertTxt">学号: {{ weekData.rows[ind].StuNo }} </view>
<view class="timeTableAlertList">
v-for="(n, i) in Statue"
:class="n.className == className? 'active ' + n.className : n.className"
><text></text>{{ n.txt }}</view>
<view class="timeTableAlertTop">
<view class="timeTableAlertT">{{ weekData.rows[ind].StuName }}</view>
<view class="timeTableAlertTxt">学号: {{ weekData.rows[ind].StuNo }} </view>
<view class="timeTableAlertList">
<view v-for="(n, i) in Statue" :key="i"
:class="n.className == className? 'active ' + n.className : n.className" class="timeTableAlertLi"
@click="tapStatus(i)"><text></text>{{ n.txt }}</view>
<view class="timeTableAlertZ" v-show="flag" @click="flag = false"></view>
<view class="timeTableBtn" @click="tapBtn">确定</view>
@@ -67,442 +60,443 @@

export default{
data() {
return {
pageInfo: {},
weekData: {},
flag: false,
data: {},
className: '',
ind: 0,
Statue: [
className: 'sStatue1',
num: '0',
txt: '准时'
className: 'sStatue5',
num: '1',
txt: '迟到'
className: 'sStatue2',
num: '2',
txt: '早退'
className: 'sStatue4',
num: '3',
txt: '病假'
className: 'sStatue6',
num: '4',
txt: '事假'
className: 'sStatue3',
num: '5',
txt: '旷课'
init() {
let _this = this;
let _postParam = {
pagination: {
rows: "1000",
page: "1",
sidx: 'ClassNo',
sord: 'DESC'
queryJson: JSON.stringify({
year: _this.pageInfo.academicyear,
semester: _this.pageInfo.semester,
empno: _this.pageInfo.empno,
lessonNo: _this.pageInfo.lessonNo,
teachClassNo: _this.pageInfo.teachClassNo,
lessonTime: _this.pageInfo.lessonTime,
LessonSortNo: _this.pageInfo.lessonSortNo,
_this.HTTP_GET('/teachattendance/students', _postParam, '加载数据时出错').then(res => {
_this.weekData = _this.COPY(res);
export default {
data() {
return {
pageInfo: {},
weekData: {},
flag: false,
data: {},
className: '',
ind: 0,
Statue: [{
className: 'sStatue1',
num: '0',
txt: '准时'
className: 'sStatue5',
num: '1',
txt: '迟到'
className: 'sStatue2',
num: '2',
txt: '早退'
className: 'sStatue4',
num: '3',
txt: '病假'
className: 'sStatue6',
num: '4',
txt: '事假'
className: 'sStatue3',
num: '5',
txt: '旷课'
tapTimeTable(num, str) {
this.className = str;
this.ind = num;
this.flag = true;
methods: {
init() {
let _this = this;
let _postParam = {
pagination: {
rows: "1000",
page: "1",
sidx: 'ClassNo',
sord: 'DESC'
queryJson: JSON.stringify({
year: _this.pageInfo.academicyear,
semester: _this.pageInfo.semester,
empno: _this.pageInfo.empno,
lessonNo: _this.pageInfo.lessonNo,
teachClassNo: _this.pageInfo.teachClassNo,
lessonTime: _this.pageInfo.lessonTime,
LessonSortNo: _this.pageInfo.lessonSortNo,

_this.HTTP_GET('/teachattendance/students', _postParam, '加载数据时出错').then(res => {
_this.weekData = _this.COPY(res);
tapTimeTable(num, str) {
this.className = str;
this.ind = num;
this.flag = true;
tapStatus(num) {
this.weekData.rows[this.ind].Sort = this.Statue[num].txt;
this.weekData.rows[this.ind].kqType = this.Statue[num].num;
this.flag = false;
tapBtn() {
let _this = this;
_this.weekData.rows.forEach((n, i) => {
n.kqType = n.kqType != null ? n.kqType : '0'
_this.HTTP_POST('/Learun/adms/EducationalAdministration/StuAttendanceLeave/apply', {
lessonTime: _this.pageInfo.lessonTime,
lessonDate: _this.pageInfo.lessonDate,
classRoomNo: _this.pageInfo.classRoomNo,
dataJson: JSON.stringify(_this.weekData.rows)
}, '加载数据时出错').then(res => {
if (res) {
_this.TOAST('提交成功', 'success',_this.init());
// _this.init();
// _this.CONFIRM('数字化校园提示', '无法获取小程序登录授权码', true).then(res => {
// // console.log(_this.weekData.rows)
// if(res){
// _this.LOADING('保存数据中…');

// }
// })
tapStatus(num) {
this.weekData.rows[this.ind].Sort = this.Statue[num].txt;
this.weekData.rows[this.ind].kqType = this.Statue[num].num;
this.flag = false;
computed: {
timeTableClass() {
return str => {
return !str ? 'sStatue1' : str == "准时" ? 'sStatue1' : str == "早退" ? 'sStatue2' : str == "旷课" ?
'sStatue3' : str == "病假" ? 'sStatue4' : str == "迟到" ? 'sStatue5' : 'sStatue6';
tapBtn() {
let _this = this;
_this.weekData.rows.forEach((n, i) => {
n.kqType = n.kqType != null? n.kqType : '0'
_this.CONFIRM('数字化校园提示', '无法获取小程序登录授权码', true).then(res => {
// console.log(_this.weekData.rows)
lessonTime: _this.pageInfo.lessonTime,
lessonDate: _this.pageInfo.lessonDate,
classRoomNo: _this.pageInfo.classRoomNo,
dataJson: JSON.stringify(_this.weekData.rows)
}, '加载数据时出错').then(res => {
if (res) {
_this.TOAST('删除成功', 'success');
computed: {
timeTableClass() {
return str => {
return !str ? 'sStatue1' : str == "准时" ? 'sStatue1' : str == "早退" ? 'sStatue2' : str == "旷课" ? 'sStatue3' : str == "病假" ? 'sStatue4' : str == "迟到" ? 'sStatue5' : 'sStatue6';
created() {
this.pageInfo = this.GET_PARAM(); //获取页面传递参数
created() {
this.pageInfo = this.GET_PARAM(); //获取页面传递参数

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