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教学质量监测优化去掉双表头 隐藏打印

ndbs 1 year ago
2 changed files with 3 additions and 85 deletions
  1. +1
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/Exam_ArrangeExamTermNew/TeachingQualityIndex.cshtml
  2. +2
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/Exam_ArrangeExamTermNew/TeachingQualityIndex.js

+ 1
- 1
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/Exam_ArrangeExamTermNew/TeachingQualityIndex.cshtml View File

@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
<div class="lr-layout-tool-right">
<div class=" btn-group btn-group-sm">
<a id="lr_refresh" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></a>
<a id="lr_print" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-print"></i>打印</a>
@*<a id="lr_print" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-print"></i>打印</a>*@

+ 2
- 84
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/Exam_ArrangeExamTermNew/TeachingQualityIndex.js View File

@@ -214,89 +214,6 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
$('#EmpNo').lrDataSourceSelect({ code: 'EmpInfo', value: 'empno', text: 'empname', placeholder: '请选择教师' });
initGird: function () {
// url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ArrangeExamTermNew/GetTeachingQualityPageList',
// headData: [
// {
// label: '学校', name: 'F_SchoolId', width: 190, align: "left",
// formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
// learun.clientdata.getAsync('custmerData', {
// url: '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=' + 'company',
// key: value,
// keyId: 'f_companyid',
// callback: function (_data) {
// callback(_data['f_fullname']);
// }
// });
// }
// },
// { label: '学年', name: 'AcademicYearNo', width: 60, align: "left" },
// { label: '学期', name: 'Semester', width: 50, align: "left" },
// { label: '姓名', name: 'StuName', width: 100, align: "left" },
// { label: '学生编号', name: 'StuNo', width: 130, align: "left" },
// { label: '学籍号', name: 'StuCode', width: 130, align: "left" },
// {
// label: "系所", name: "DeptNo", width: 100, align: "left",
// formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
// learun.clientdata.getAsync('custmerData', {
// url: '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=' + 'CdDeptInfo',
// key: value,
// keyId: 'deptno',
// callback: function (_data) {
// callback(_data['deptname']);
// }
// });
// }
// },
// {
// label: "专业", name: "MajorNo", width: 100, align: "left",
// formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
// learun.clientdata.getAsync('custmerData', {
// url: '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=' + 'CdMajorInfo',
// key: value,
// keyId: 'majorno',
// callback: function (_data) {
// callback(_data['majorname']);
// }
// });
// }
// },
// {
// label: "班级", name: "ClassNo", width: 100, align: "left",
// formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
// learun.clientdata.getAsync('custmerData', {
// url: '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=' + 'bjsj',
// key: value,
// keyId: 'classno',
// callback: function (_data) {
// callback(_data['classname']);
// }
// });
// }
// },

// {
// label: '考试日期', name: 'ExamDate', width: 90, align: "left",
// formatter: function (v) {
// return learun.formatDate(v, "yyyy-MM-dd");
// }
// },
// { label: '考试时间', name: 'ExamTime', width: 90, align: "left" },
// { label: '课程编号', name: 'LessonNo', width: 100, align: "left" },
// { label: '课程名称', name: 'LessonName', width: 200, align: "left" },
// { label: '监考教师编号', name: 'EmpNo', width: 150, align: "left" },
// { label: '监考教师姓名', name: 'EmpName', width: 150, align: "left" },
// { label: '教室编号', name: 'ClassroomNo', width: 100, align: "left" },
// { label: '教室名称', name: 'ClassroomName', width: 100, align: "left" },
// { label: '班级名称', name: 'ClassName', width: 100, align: "left" },
// { label: '座位编号', name: 'SitNumber', width: 80, aligndd: "left" },
// { label: '考号', name: 'kh', width: 140, align: "left", ishide: true },
// ],
// mainId: 'AETId',
// sidx: ' AcademicYearNo desc,Semester desc,ExamDate desc, LessonNo desc,ClassRoomNo desc,ClassRoomNo desc,SitNumber asc ',
// isPage: true

var headData = [
label: '学校', name: 'F_SchoolId', width: 190, align: "left",
@@ -371,7 +288,8 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
{ label: '教室名称', name: 'ClassroomName', width: 100, align: "left" },
{ label: '班级名称', name: 'ClassName', width: 100, align: "left" },
{ label: '座位编号', name: 'SitNumber', width: 80, aligndd: "left" },
{ label: '任课教师', width: 130, align: "center", children: LessonTemp },
//{ label: '任课教师', width: 130, align: "center", children: LessonTemp },
{ label: '考号', name: 'kh', width: 140, align: "left", ishide: true },
//var headDatas = headData.concat(LessonTemp);
