Sfoglia il codice sorgente

• 小程序增加功能:

1. 个人信息
 2. 学生消费记录
 3. 工作日志
zhichao lei 4 anni fa
23 ha cambiato i file con 2212 aggiunte e 104 eliminazioni
  1. +0
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/StuInfoBasic.css
  2. +0
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/StuInfoBasic.html
  3. +3
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/StuInfoBasic.js
  4. +2
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityMember/CommunityMember.js
  5. +1
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Learun.Application.WebApi.csproj
  6. +142
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/AnnexesApiWx.cs
  7. +1
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumptionApi.cs
  8. +1
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/JournalApi.cs
  9. +1
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/StuInfoBasicApi.cs
  10. +64
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Util/Learun.Util/File/FileDownHelper.cs
  11. +11
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/common/custompage.js
  12. +17
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/common/mixins.js
  13. +17
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/components/learun-app/upload-file.vue
  14. +43
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/components/learun-mpui/learun-ui-ali/upload.vue
  15. +48
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/components/learun-mpui/learun-ui-mp/upload.vue
  16. +11
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages.json
  17. +273
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/list.vue
  18. +216
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/single.vue
  19. +381
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/list.vue
  20. +332
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/single.vue
  21. +367
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/list.vue
  22. +276
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityMember/list.vue
  23. +5
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/my.vue

Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/form/form.css → Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/StuInfoBasic.css Vedi File

Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/form/form.html → Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/StuInfoBasic.html Vedi File

Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/form/form.js → Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/StuInfoBasic.js Vedi File

@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
learun.layer.confirm('确定要删除该笔数据吗?', function (_index) {
if (_index === '1') {
learun.layer.loading(true, '正在删除该笔数据');
learun.httppost(config.webapi + 'learun/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/delete', keyValue, (data) => {
learun.httppost(config.webapi + 'learun/adms/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/delete', keyValue, (data) => {
if (data) {// 删除数据成功
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
_postData.keyValue = keyValue;
_postData.strEntity = JSON.stringify($page.find('.lr-form-container').lrformGet());
learun.layer.loading(true, '正在提交数据');
learun.httppost(config.webapi + 'learun/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/save', _postData, (data) => {
learun.httppost(config.webapi + 'learun/adms/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/save', _postData, (data) => {
if (data) {// 表单数据保存成功
if (keyValue) {
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
// 获取表单数据
learun.layer.loading(true, '获取表单数据');
learun.httpget(config.webapi + 'learun/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/form', keyValue, (data) => {
learun.httpget(config.webapi + 'learun/adms/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/form', keyValue, (data) => {
if (data) {
for (var id in data) {
if (data[id].length) {

+ 2
- 2
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Mobile/www/pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityMember/CommunityMember.js Vedi File

@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
if (param.begin && param.end) {
_postParam.queryJson = JSON.stringify({ StartTime: param.begin, EndTime: param.end });
learun.httpget(config.webapi + 'learun/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/communityMemberpagelist', _postParam, (data) => {
learun.httpget(config.webapi + 'learun/adms/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/communityMemberpagelist', _postParam, (data) => {
if (data) {
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
// learun.layer.confirm('确定要删除该笔数据吗?', function (_index) {
// if (_index === '1') {
// learun.layer.loading(true, '正在删除该笔数据');
// learun.httppost(config.webapi + 'learun/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/delete', item.Id, (data) => {
// learun.httppost(config.webapi + 'learun/adms/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/delete', item.Id, (data) => {
// if (data) {// 删除数据成功
// page.grid.reload();
// }

+ 1
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Learun.Application.WebApi.csproj Vedi File

@@ -190,6 +190,7 @@
<Compile Include="Bootstraper.cs" />
<Compile Include="Modules\AnnexesApiWx.cs" />
<Compile Include="Modules\BaseNoLoginApi.cs" />
<Compile Include="Modules\ArrangeLessonTermAttemperApi.cs" />
<Compile Include="Modules\DataSourceNoLoginApi.cs" />

+ 142
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/AnnexesApiWx.cs Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
using Learun.Application.Base.SystemModule;
using Learun.Util;
using Nancy;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;

namespace Learun.Application.WebApi.Modules
public class AnnexesApiWx : BaseApi
public AnnexesApiWx()
: base("/learun/adms/annexes")
Get["/wxlist"] = WxGetList;
Get["/wxdown"] = WxDownload;
Get["/wxfileinfo"] = WxFileInfo;
Post["/wxupload"] = WxUpload;
Post["/wxdelete"] = WxDeleteFile;
private AnnexesFileIBLL annexesFileIBLL = new AnnexesFileBLL();

/// <summary>
/// 获取附件列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response WxGetList(dynamic _)
var keyValue = this.GetReqData();
var list = annexesFileIBLL.GetList(keyValue);

return Success(list);

/// <summary>
/// 上传附件图片文件
/// <summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response WxUpload(dynamic _)
var files = (List<HttpFile>)this.Context.Request.Files;
var folderId = this.GetReqData();

string filePath = Config.GetValue("AnnexesFile");
string uploadDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
string fileEextension = Path.GetExtension(files[0].Name);
string fileType = fileEextension.Replace(".", "");
string fileGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

string virtualPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}{4}", filePath, userInfo.userId, uploadDate, fileGuid, fileEextension);

string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(virtualPath);
AnnexesFileEntity fileAnnexesEntity = new AnnexesFileEntity();
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(virtualPath))
byte[] bytes = new byte[files[0].Value.Length];
files[0].Value.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(virtualPath);
FileStream fs = file.Create();
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

fileAnnexesEntity.F_Id = fileGuid;
fileAnnexesEntity.F_FileName = files[0].Name;
fileAnnexesEntity.F_FilePath = virtualPath;
fileAnnexesEntity.F_FileSize = files[0].Value.Length.ToString();
fileAnnexesEntity.F_FileExtensions = fileEextension;
fileAnnexesEntity.F_FileType = fileType;
fileAnnexesEntity.F_CreateUserId = userInfo.userId;
fileAnnexesEntity.F_CreateUserName = userInfo.realName;

annexesFileIBLL.SaveEntity(folderId, fileAnnexesEntity);

return SuccessString(fileGuid);

/// <summary>
/// 获取文件信息
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response WxFileInfo(dynamic _)
var fileId = this.GetReqData();
var fileEntity = annexesFileIBLL.GetEntity(fileId);

return Success(fileEntity);

/// <summary>
/// 删除文件
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response WxDeleteFile(dynamic _)
var fileId = this.GetReqData();
AnnexesFileEntity fileInfoEntity = annexesFileIBLL.GetEntity(fileId);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileInfoEntity.F_FilePath))

return Success("删除成功");

/// <summary>
/// 下载文件,微信小程序用
/// 微信小程序可以预览图片、文档
/// 支持的图片格式:.jpg .png .webp .gif
/// 支持的文档格式:.doc(x) .xls(x) .ppt(x) .pdf
/// 对于其他格式的文件,微信小程序官方未提供打开或预览的 API,文件对用户来说不可访问
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public Response WxDownload(dynamic _)
string name = this.GetReqData();
string fileId = name.Split('.')[0];
var fileEntity = annexesFileIBLL.GetEntity(fileId);
string filepath = fileEntity.F_FilePath;

if (!FileDownHelper.FileExists(filepath))
return 404;

FileDownHelper.DownLoadWx(filepath, fileEntity.F_FileType);

return Success("");

+ 1
- 1
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumptionApi.cs Vedi File

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace Learun.Application.WebApi
/// 注册接口
/// <summary>
public StuConsumptionApi()
: base("/Learun/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption")
: base("/Learun/adms/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption")
Get["/pagelist"] = GetPageList;
Get["/list"] = GetList;

+ 1
- 1
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/JournalApi.cs Vedi File

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace Learun.Application.WebApi
/// 注册接口
/// <summary>
public JournalApi()
: base("/Learun/EducationalAdministration/Journal")
: base("/Learun/adms/EducationalAdministration/Journal")
Get["/pagelist"] = GetPageList;
Get["/list"] = GetList;

+ 1
- 1
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.WebApi/Modules/StuInfoBasicApi.cs Vedi File

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace Learun.Application.WebApi
/// 注册接口
/// <summary>
public StuInfoBasicApi()
: base("/Learun/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic")
: base("/Learun/adms/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic")
Get["/pagelist"] = GetPageList;
Get["/form"] = GetForm;

+ 64
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Util/Learun.Util/File/FileDownHelper.cs Vedi File

@@ -315,5 +315,69 @@ namespace Learun.Util
return true;
/// <summary>
/// 小程序下载文件,对图片采取内联形式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath">物理地址</param>
/// <param name="fileExt">文件扩展名</param>
public static void DownLoadWx(string filePath, string fileExt = null)
long chunkSize = 204800; //指定块大小
byte[] buffer = new byte[chunkSize]; //建立一个200K的缓冲区
long dataToRead = 0; //已读的字节数
FileStream stream = null;
stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
dataToRead = stream.Length;

switch (fileExt?.ToLower())
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
case "bmp":
case "gif":
case "png":
case "webp":
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/" + fileExt.ToLower();

HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";


HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", dataToRead.ToString());
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachement;filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Path.GetFileName(filePath)));

while (dataToRead > 0)
if (HttpContext.Current.Response.IsClientConnected)
int length = stream.Read(buffer, 0, Convert.ToInt32(chunkSize));
HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, length);
dataToRead -= length;
dataToRead = -1; //防止client失去连接
catch (Exception ex)
HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Error:" + ex.Message);
if (stream != null) stream.Close();

+ 11
- 9
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/common/custompage.js Vedi File

@@ -192,16 +192,18 @@ export default {

case 'upload':
const uploadUid = []
for (const { path, uid } of val) {
if (uid) {
for (const entity of val) {
if (entity.uid) {
} else {

const fileId = await this.HTTP_UPLOAD(path)
if (fileId) {
const fileId = await this.HTTP_UPLOAD(entity)
if (fileId) {


return uploadUid.join(',')
@@ -275,8 +277,8 @@ export default {
if (!val) { return '' }
return moment(val).format(
Number(scheme.dateformat) === 0 || scheme.datetime === 'date' ?
'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'


+ 17
- 17
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/common/mixins.js Vedi File

@@ -318,28 +318,28 @@ export default {

// #ifdef MP-DINGTALK
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
url: uploadUrl,
fileName: 'file',
fileType: 'image',
formData: query,
success: dt => {
dt.data = JSON.parse(dt.data)
res([null, dt])
fail: rs => {
rej([rs, null])
// return new Promise((res, rej) => {
// dd.uploadFile({
// url: uploadUrl,
// filePath,
// fileName: 'file',
// fileType: 'image',
// formData: query,
// success: dt => {
// dt.data = JSON.parse(dt.data)
// res([null, dt])
// },
// fail: rs => {
// rej([rs, null])
// }
// })
// })
// #endif

// #ifndef MP-DINGTALK
return uni.uploadFile({
url: uploadUrl,
name: 'file',
fileType: 'image',
formData: query

+ 17
- 16
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/components/learun-app/upload-file.vue Vedi File

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
:webp="file.type === 'webp'"
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ export default {

isImgFile(type) {
const typeString = (type || '').toLowerCase()
return ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'webp', 'image'].includes(typeString)
//return ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'webp', 'image'].includes(typeString)
return true;

isDocFile(type) {
@@ -72,19 +73,19 @@ export default {

chooseFile() {
// #ifdef MP-DINGTALK
count: Number(this.number),
success: ({ filePaths }) => {
if (filePaths) {
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value || [])).concat(
filePaths.map(t => ({ path: t, type: this.getFileExt(t) }))
this.$emit('input', newList)
this.$emit('change', newList)
// dd.chooseImage({
// count: Number(this.number),
// success: ({ filePaths }) => {
// if (filePaths) {
// const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value || [])).concat(
// filePaths.map(t => ({ path: t, type: this.getFileExt(t) }))
// )
// this.$emit('input', newList)
// this.$emit('change', newList)
// this.$emit('add')
// }
// }
// })
// #endif

// #ifndef MP-DINGTALK
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ export default {
sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
success: ({ tempFilePaths }) => {
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value || [])).concat(
tempFilePaths.map(t => ({ path: t, type: this.getFileExt(t) }))
tempFilePaths//.map(t => ({ path: t, type: this.getFileExt(t) }))
this.$emit('input', newList)
this.$emit('change', newList)

+ 43
- 24
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/components/learun-mpui/learun-ui-ali/upload.vue Vedi File

@@ -1,14 +1,31 @@
<view :class="className" :style="style" class="cu-form-group">
<view class="grid col-4 grid-square flex-sub">
<view v-for="(path, index) in value" @tap="viewImg" :key="index" class="bg-img">
v-for="(path, index) in value"
<image :src="path" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view v-if="!readonly" @tap.stop="delImg(index)" class="cu-tag bg-red" style="height: 24px; width: 24px;">
<l-icon type="close" style="width: 18px;height: 24px;font-size: 24px;" />
class="cu-tag bg-red"
style="height: 24px; width: 24px"
style="width: 18px; height: 24px; font-size: 24px"

<view v-if="!readonly && value.length < Number(number)" @tap="chooseImg" class="solids">
v-if="!readonly && value.length < Number(number)"
<l-icon type="cameraadd" />
@@ -17,43 +34,45 @@

export default {
name: 'l-upload',
name: "l-upload",

props: {
number: { default: 1 },
readonly: {},
value: { default: () => [] }
value: { default: () => [] },

methods: {
delImg(index) {
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value))
newList.splice(index, 1)
this.$emit('input', newList)
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value));
newList.splice(index, 1);
this.$emit("input", newList);

chooseImg() {
count: Number(this.number),
sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'],
sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
sizeType: ["original", "compressed"],
sourceType: ["album", "camera"],
success: ({ tempFilePaths }) => {
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value || [])).concat(tempFilePaths)
this.$emit('input', newList)
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value || [])).concat(
this.$emit("input", newList);

viewImg(index) {
urls: this.value,
current: this.value[index]
current: this.value[index],

+ 48
- 24
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/components/learun-mpui/learun-ui-mp/upload.vue Vedi File

@@ -1,14 +1,30 @@
<view class="cu-form-group">
<view class="grid col-4 grid-square flex-sub">
<view v-for="(path, index) in value" @tap="viewImg" :key="index" class="bg-img">
<image :src="path" mode="aspectFill"></image>
v-for="(path, index) in value"
:src="path.path ? path.path : path"
<view v-if="!readonly" @tap.stop="delImg(index)" class="cu-tag bg-red">
<l-icon type="close" style="width: 18px;height: 24px;font-size: 24px;" />
style="width: 18px; height: 24px; font-size: 24px"

<view v-if="!readonly && value.length < Number(number)" @tap="chooseImg" class="solids">
v-if="!readonly && value.length < Number(number)"
<l-icon type="cameraadd" />
@@ -17,43 +33,51 @@

export default {
name: 'l-upload',
name: "l-upload",

props: {
number: { default: 1 },
readonly: {},
value: { default: () => [] }
value: { default: () => [] },

methods: {
delImg(index) {
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value))
newList.splice(index, 1)
this.$emit('input', newList)
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value));
newList.splice(index, 1);
this.$emit("input", newList);
showfile() {
return true;

chooseImg() {
count: Number(this.number),
sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'],
sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
sizeType: ["original", "compressed"],
sourceType: ["album", "camera"],
success: ({ tempFilePaths }) => {
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value || [])).concat(tempFilePaths)
this.$emit('input', newList)
const newList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.value || [])).concat(
this.$emit("input", newList);

viewImg(index) {
urls: this.value,
current: this.value[index]
current: this.value[index],

+ 11
- 1
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages.json Vedi File

@@ -143,7 +143,17 @@
{ "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/StuMail/single", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "详细" } },
{ "path": "pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/list", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "社团列表" } },
{ "path": "pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/single", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "社团详情" } }
{ "path": "pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/single", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "社团详情" } },
{ "path": "pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityMember/list", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "我的社团" } },
{ "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/list", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "个人信息" } },
{ "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/list", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "个人信息" } },
{ "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/single", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "个人信息" } },
{ "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/list", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "个人信息" } },
{ "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/single", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "个人信息" } }

// 全局样式

+ 273
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/list.vue Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
  <view class="page">
    <!-- 主列表页 -->
    <view :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="mainpage" style="padding-top: 80rpx;">
      <!-- 顶部条目/分页信息栏 -->
      <l-customlist-banner @buttonClick="sideOpen = true">{{ tips }}</l-customlist-banner>
      <!-- 滚动列表,跨端支持上拉/下拉 -->
      <l-scroll-list v-if="ready" @pullDown="pullDown" @toBottom="fetchList()" ref="list">
        <l-customlist :tips="loadState" showTips>
          <!-- 单条记录 -->
          <view class="customlist-item" v-for="item of list" :key="item.JournalSendId">
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">日志主题:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'JTitle') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">日志类型:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'JTypeId') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">接收人:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'JReceiveId') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">日志内容:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'JContent') }}
            <l-customlist-action showEdit @edit="action('edit', item.JournalSendId)" showDelete @delete="action('delete', item.JournalSendId)" @view="action('view', item.JournalSendId)" />
    <!-- 关闭侧边抽屉按钮 -->
    <view @click="sideOpen = false" :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="sideclose">
      <l-icon type="pullright" color="blue" />
    <!-- 侧边栏,用于设置查询条件 -->
    <scroll-view :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="sidepage" scroll-y>
      <view v-if="ready" class="padding">
        <!-- 重置查询条件按钮 -->
        <view class="padding-tb">
          <l-button @click="reset" line="orange" class="block" block>重置查询条件</l-button>
    <l-customlist-add v-if="!sideOpen" @click="action('add')" />
 * 版 本 Learun-ADMS V7.0.3 力软敏捷开发框架(http://www.learun.cn)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 上海力软信息技术有限公司
 * 创建人:超级管理员
 * 日  期:2020-10-16 15:39
 * 描  述:工作日志
 * 本段代码由移动端代码生成器输出,移动端须 2.2.0 版本及以上可以使用
 * 请在移动端 /pages.json 中的 pages 字段中添加一条记录:
 * { "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/list", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "表单列表页" } }
 * (navigationBarTitleText 字段为本页面的标题文本,可以修改)
 * (必须自行操作该步骤,力软代码生成器不会自动帮您修改 /pages.json 文件)
import moment from 'moment'
import get from 'lodash/get'
import set from 'lodash/set'
import pickBy from 'lodash/pickBy'
import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues'
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      // 数据项的数据类型、结构
      scheme: {
        JTitle: { type: 'text' },
        JTypeId: { type: 'select', dataSource: '0' },
        JReceiveId: { type: 'organize', dataType: 'user' },
        JContent: { type: 'textarea' },
      // 查询条件
      searchData: {},
      defaultQueryData: {},
      queryData: {
      // 数据源
      dataSource: {
        JTypeId: [],
      // 页面相关参数
      ready: false,
      tips: '加载中...',
      loadState: '向下翻以加载更多',
      sideOpen: false,
      // 列表与分页信息
      page: 1,
      total: 2,
      list: []
  async onLoad() {
    await this.init()
  onUnload() {
  methods: {
    // 页面初始化
    async init() {
      this.ON('EducationalAdministrationJournalSend-list-change', this.refreshList)
      // 拉取加载列表和数据源
      await Promise.all([
        () => {}
      await this.fetchList()
      // 初始化查询条件
      this.defaultQueryData = this.COPY(this.queryData)
      this.ready = true
    // 拉取列表
    async fetchList() {
      if (this.page > this.total) { return }
      const result = await this.HTTP_GET(
          // 这里 sidx 表示排序字段,sord 表示排序方式(DESC=降序,ASC=升序)
          // 代码生成器生成时默认按照主键排序,您可以修改成按创建时间的字段降序
          pagination: { rows: 10, page: this.page, sidx: 'JournalSendId', sord: 'DESC' },
          queryJson: JSON.stringify(this.searchData)
      if (!result) { return }
      this.total = result.total
      this.page = result.page + 1
      this.list = this.list.concat(result.rows)
      this.tips = `已加载 ${Math.min(result.page, result.total)} / ${result.total} 页,共 ${result.records} 项`
      this.loadState = result.page >= result.total ? '已加载所有项目' : '向下翻以加载更多'
    // 刷新清空列表
    async refreshList() {
      this.page = 1
      this.total = 2
      this.list = []
      await this.fetchList()
    // 列表下拉
    pullDown() {
      this.refreshList().then(() => {
    // 设置搜索条件
    async searchChange() {
      const result = {}
      // 将其他查询项添加到查询 JSON 中
      const queryObj = pickBy(this.queryData, t => (Array.isArray(t) ? t.length > 0 : t))
      Object.assign(result, mapValues(queryObj, t => (Array.isArray(t) ? t.join(',') : t)))
      this.searchData = result
      await this.refreshList()
    // 点击「清空查询条件」按钮
    reset() {
      this.queryData = this.COPY(this.defaultQueryData)
    // 点击「编辑」、「查看」、「添加」、「删除」按钮
    async action(type, id = '') {
      switch (type) {
        case 'view':
        case 'add':
        case 'edit':
        case 'delete':
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('删除项目', '确定要删除该项吗?', true))) {
          this.HTTP_POST('/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/delete', id, '删除失败').then(success => {
            if(!success) { return }
            this.TOAST('删除成功', 'success')
    // 显示列表中的标题项
    displayListItem(item, field) {
      const fieldItem = this.scheme[field]
      const value = item[field]
      switch (fieldItem.type) {
        case 'currentInfo':
        case 'organize':
          return fieldItem.dataType === 'time' ? value : get(this.GET_GLOBAL(fieldItem.dataType), `${value}.name`, '')
        case 'radio':
        case 'select':
          const selectItem = this.dataSource[field].find(t => t.value === String(value))
          return get(selectItem, 'text', '')
        case 'checkbox':
          if (!value || value.split(',').length <= 0) { return '' }
          const checkboxItems = value.split(',')
          return this.dataSource[field].filter(t => checkboxItems.includes(t.value)).map(t => t.text).join(',')
        case 'datetime':
          if (!value) { return '' }
          return moment(value).format(Number(fieldItem.dateformat) === 0 ? 'YYYY年 M月 D日' : 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')
        default: return value === null || value === undefined ? '' : value
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import '~@/common/css/sidepage.less';
@import '~@/common/css/customlist.less';

+ 216
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/single.vue Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
  <view class="page">
    <view v-if="ready">
        @input="setValue('JournalSend.JTitle', $event)"
        @input="setValue('JournalSend.JTypeId', $event)"
        @input="setValue('JournalSend.JReceiveId', $event)"
        @input="setValue('JournalSend.JContent', $event)"
    <view v-if="ready" class="bg-white margin-tb padding" style="padding-top: 0; overflow: hidden;">
      <l-button v-if="edit" @click="action('save')" size="lg" color="green" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="!edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('edit')" size="lg" line="orange" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('reset')" size="lg" line="red" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="!edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('delete')" size="lg" line="red" class="block margin-top" block>
 * 版 本 Learun-ADMS V7.0.3 力软敏捷开发框架(http://www.learun.cn)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 上海力软信息技术有限公司
 * 创建人:超级管理员
 * 日  期:2020-10-16 15:39
 * 描  述:工作日志
 * 本段代码由移动端代码生成器输出,移动端须 2.2.0 版本及以上可以使用
 * 请在移动端 /pages.json 中的 pages 字段中添加一条记录:
 * { "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/single", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "表单详情页" } }
 * (navigationBarTitleText 字段为本页面的标题文本,可以修改)
 * (必须自行操作该步骤,力软代码生成器不会自动帮您修改 /pages.json 文件)
import get from 'lodash/get'
import set from 'lodash/set'
import moment from 'moment'
import customPageMixins from '@/common/custompage.js'
export default {
  mixins: [customPageMixins],
  data() {
    return {
      // 页面相关参数
      id: null,
      mode: null,
      edit: null,
      ready: false,
      // 表单数据
      current: {},
      origin: {},
      // 表单项数据结构
      scheme: {
        JournalSend: {
          JTitle: { type: 'text', title: '日志主题' },
          JTypeId: { type: 'select', title: '日志类型', dataSource: '0' },
          JReceiveId: { type: 'organize', title: '接收人', dataType: 'user' },
          JContent: { type: 'textarea', title: '日志内容' },
      // 数据源
      dataSource: {
        JournalSend: {
          JTypeId: [],
  async onLoad({ type, id }) {
    await this.init(type, id)
  methods: {
    // 页面初始化
    async init(type, id) {
      this.id = id
      this.mode = type
      this.edit = ['create', 'edit'].includes(this.mode)
      // 拉取表单数据,同时拉取所有来自数据源的选单数据
      await Promise.all([
        () => {}
      await this.fetchForm()
      this.ready = true
    // 加载表单数据
    async fetchForm() {
      if (this.mode === 'create') {
        this.origin = await this.getDefaultForm()
      } else {
        const result = await this.HTTP_GET('/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/form', this.id)
        this.origin = await this.formatFormData(result)
      this.current = this.COPY(this.origin)
    // 点击 「编辑」、「重置」、「保存」、「删除」 按钮
    async action(type) {
      switch (type) {
        case 'edit':
          this.edit = true
        case 'reset':
          this.current = this.COPY(this.origin)
          this.edit = false
        case 'save':
          const verifyResult = this.verifyForm()
          if (verifyResult.length > 0) {
            this.CONFIRM('表单验证失败', verifyResult.join('\n'))
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('提交确认', '确定要提交本页表单内容吗?', true))) {
          const postData = await this.getPostData(this.id)
          this.HTTP_POST('/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/save', postData, '表单提交保存失败').then(success => {
            if (!success) {
        case 'delete':
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('删除项目', '确定要删除本项吗?', true))) {
          this.HTTP_POST('/EducationalAdministration/JournalSend/delete', this.id, '删除失败').then(success => {
            if (!success) {
            this.this.TOAST('删除成功', 'success')
        default: break
    // 获取表单值
    getValue(path) {
      return get(this.current, path)
    // 设置表单值
    setValue(path, val) {
      set(this.current, path, val)

+ 381
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/list.vue Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
  <view class="page">
    <!-- 主列表页 -->
    <view :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="mainpage" style="padding-top: 80rpx;">
      <!-- 顶部条目/分页信息栏 -->
      <l-customlist-banner @buttonClick="sideOpen = true">{{ tips }}</l-customlist-banner>
      <!-- 滚动列表,跨端支持上拉/下拉 -->
      <l-scroll-list v-if="ready" @pullDown="pullDown" @toBottom="fetchList()" ref="list">
        <l-customlist :tips="loadState" showTips>
          <!-- 单条记录 -->
          <view class="customlist-item" v-for="item of list" :key="item.SID">
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">记录序号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'ID') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">企业代码:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'ECODE') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">钱包类型:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'NOTECASE') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">一卡通账号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'CUSTOMERID') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">学工号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'OUTID') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">持卡序号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'CARDSN') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">消费卡操作计数:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'OPCOUNT') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">操作时间:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'OPDT') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">余额:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'ODDFARE') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">操作额:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'OPFARE') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">管理费:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'MNGFARE') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">科目代码:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'ACCCODE') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">科目描述:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'DSCRP') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">终端编号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'TERMID') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">终端记录流水号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'RECNO') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">上传时间:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'UPLOADDATE') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">SAM卡号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'SAMCARDNO') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">SAM卡交易流水号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'SAMTRADENO') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">交易卡类型:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'TRADECARDTYPE') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">验证码:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'TAC') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">卡应用序列号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'ASN') }}
            <l-customlist-action showEdit @edit="action('edit', item.SID)" showDelete @delete="action('delete', item.SID)" @view="action('view', item.SID)" />
    <!-- 关闭侧边抽屉按钮 -->
    <view @click="sideOpen = false" :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="sideclose">
      <l-icon type="pullright" color="blue" />
    <!-- 侧边栏,用于设置查询条件 -->
    <scroll-view :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="sidepage" scroll-y>
      <view v-if="ready" class="padding">
          title ="学工号"
        <!-- 重置查询条件按钮 -->
        <view class="padding-tb">
          <l-button @click="reset" line="orange" class="block" block>重置查询条件</l-button>
    <l-customlist-add v-if="!sideOpen" @click="action('add')" />
 * 版 本 Learun-ADMS V7.0.3 力软敏捷开发框架(http://www.learun.cn)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 上海力软信息技术有限公司
 * 创建人:超级管理员
 * 日  期:2020-10-16 15:16
 * 描  述:学生消费信息
 * 本段代码由移动端代码生成器输出,移动端须 2.2.0 版本及以上可以使用
 * 请在移动端 /pages.json 中的 pages 字段中添加一条记录:
 * { "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/list", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "表单列表页" } }
 * (navigationBarTitleText 字段为本页面的标题文本,可以修改)
 * (必须自行操作该步骤,力软代码生成器不会自动帮您修改 /pages.json 文件)
import moment from 'moment'
import get from 'lodash/get'
import set from 'lodash/set'
import pickBy from 'lodash/pickBy'
import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues'
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      // 数据项的数据类型、结构
      scheme: {
        ID: { type: 'text' },
        ECODE: { type: 'text' },
        NOTECASE: { type: 'text' },
        CUSTOMERID: { type: 'text' },
        OUTID: { type: 'text' },
        CARDSN: { type: 'text' },
        OPCOUNT: { type: 'text' },
        OPDT: { type: 'datetime', dateformat: '0' },
        ODDFARE: { type: 'text' },
        OPFARE: { type: 'text' },
        MNGFARE: { type: 'text' },
        ACCCODE: { type: 'text' },
        DSCRP: { type: 'text' },
        TERMID: { type: 'text' },
        RECNO: { type: 'text' },
        UPLOADDATE: { type: 'text' },
        SAMCARDNO: { type: 'text' },
        SAMTRADENO: { type: 'text' },
        TRADECARDTYPE: { type: 'text' },
        TAC: { type: 'text' },
        ASN: { type: 'text' },
      // 查询条件
      searchData: {},
      defaultQueryData: {},
      queryData: {
        OUTID: '',
      // 数据源
      dataSource: {
      // 页面相关参数
      ready: false,
      tips: '加载中...',
      loadState: '向下翻以加载更多',
      sideOpen: false,
      // 列表与分页信息
      page: 1,
      total: 2,
      list: []
  async onLoad() {
    await this.init()
  onUnload() {
  methods: {
    // 页面初始化
    async init() {
      this.ON('EducationalAdministrationStuConsumption-list-change', this.refreshList)
      // 拉取加载列表和数据源
      await Promise.all([
        () => {}
      await this.fetchList()
      // 初始化查询条件
      this.defaultQueryData = this.COPY(this.queryData)
      this.ready = true
    // 拉取列表
    async fetchList() {
      if (this.page > this.total) { return }
      const result = await this.HTTP_GET(
          // 这里 sidx 表示排序字段,sord 表示排序方式(DESC=降序,ASC=升序)
          // 代码生成器生成时默认按照主键排序,您可以修改成按创建时间的字段降序
          pagination: { rows: 10, page: this.page, sidx: 'SID', sord: 'DESC' },
          queryJson: JSON.stringify(this.searchData)
      if (!result) { return }
      this.total = result.total
      this.page = result.page + 1
      this.list = this.list.concat(result.rows)
      this.tips = `已加载 ${Math.min(result.page, result.total)} / ${result.total} 页,共 ${result.records} 项`
      this.loadState = result.page >= result.total ? '已加载所有项目' : '向下翻以加载更多'
    // 刷新清空列表
    async refreshList() {
      this.page = 1
      this.total = 2
      this.list = []
      await this.fetchList()
    // 列表下拉
    pullDown() {
      this.refreshList().then(() => {
    // 设置搜索条件
    async searchChange() {
      const result = {}
      // 将其他查询项添加到查询 JSON 中
      const queryObj = pickBy(this.queryData, t => (Array.isArray(t) ? t.length > 0 : t))
      Object.assign(result, mapValues(queryObj, t => (Array.isArray(t) ? t.join(',') : t)))
      this.searchData = result
      await this.refreshList()
    // 点击「清空查询条件」按钮
    reset() {
      this.queryData = this.COPY(this.defaultQueryData)
    // 点击「编辑」、「查看」、「添加」、「删除」按钮
    async action(type, id = '') {
      switch (type) {
        case 'view':
        case 'add':
        case 'edit':
        case 'delete':
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('删除项目', '确定要删除该项吗?', true))) {
          this.HTTP_POST('/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/delete', id, '删除失败').then(success => {
            if(!success) { return }
            this.TOAST('删除成功', 'success')
    // 显示列表中的标题项
    displayListItem(item, field) {
      const fieldItem = this.scheme[field]
      const value = item[field]
      switch (fieldItem.type) {
        case 'currentInfo':
        case 'organize':
          return fieldItem.dataType === 'time' ? value : get(this.GET_GLOBAL(fieldItem.dataType), `${value}.name`, '')
        case 'radio':
        case 'select':
          const selectItem = this.dataSource[field].find(t => t.value === String(value))
          return get(selectItem, 'text', '')
        case 'checkbox':
          if (!value || value.split(',').length <= 0) { return '' }
          const checkboxItems = value.split(',')
          return this.dataSource[field].filter(t => checkboxItems.includes(t.value)).map(t => t.text).join(',')
        case 'datetime':
          if (!value) { return '' }
          return moment(value).format(Number(fieldItem.dateformat) === 0 ? 'YYYY年 M月 D日' : 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')
        default: return value === null || value === undefined ? '' : value
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import '~@/common/css/sidepage.less';
@import '~@/common/css/customlist.less';

+ 332
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/single.vue Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
  <view class="page">
    <view v-if="ready">
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.ID', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.ECODE', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.NOTECASE', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.CUSTOMERID', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.OUTID', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.CARDSN', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.OPCOUNT', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.OPDT', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.ODDFARE', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.OPFARE', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.MNGFARE', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.ACCCODE', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.DSCRP', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.TERMID', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.RECNO', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.UPLOADDATE', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.SAMCARDNO', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.SAMTRADENO', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.TRADECARDTYPE', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.TAC', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuConsumption.ASN', $event)"
    <view v-if="ready" class="bg-white margin-tb padding" style="padding-top: 0; overflow: hidden;">
      <l-button v-if="edit" @click="action('save')" size="lg" color="green" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="!edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('edit')" size="lg" line="orange" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('reset')" size="lg" line="red" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="!edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('delete')" size="lg" line="red" class="block margin-top" block>
 * 版 本 Learun-ADMS V7.0.3 力软敏捷开发框架(http://www.learun.cn)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 上海力软信息技术有限公司
 * 创建人:超级管理员
 * 日  期:2020-10-16 15:16
 * 描  述:学生消费信息
 * 本段代码由移动端代码生成器输出,移动端须 2.2.0 版本及以上可以使用
 * 请在移动端 /pages.json 中的 pages 字段中添加一条记录:
 * { "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/single", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "表单详情页" } }
 * (navigationBarTitleText 字段为本页面的标题文本,可以修改)
 * (必须自行操作该步骤,力软代码生成器不会自动帮您修改 /pages.json 文件)
import get from 'lodash/get'
import set from 'lodash/set'
import moment from 'moment'
import customPageMixins from '@/common/custompage.js'
export default {
  mixins: [customPageMixins],
  data() {
    return {
      // 页面相关参数
      id: null,
      mode: null,
      edit: null,
      ready: false,
      // 表单数据
      current: {},
      origin: {},
      // 表单项数据结构
      scheme: {
        StuConsumption: {
          ID: { type: 'text', title: '记录序号' },
          ECODE: { type: 'text', title: '企业代码' },
          NOTECASE: { type: 'text', title: '钱包类型' },
          CUSTOMERID: { type: 'text', title: '一卡通账号' },
          OUTID: { type: 'text', title: '学工号' },
          CARDSN: { type: 'text', title: '持卡序号' },
          OPCOUNT: { type: 'text', title: '消费卡操作计数' },
          OPDT: { type: 'datetime', title: '操作时间', dateformat: '0' },
          ODDFARE: { type: 'text', title: '余额' },
          OPFARE: { type: 'text', title: '操作额' },
          MNGFARE: { type: 'text', title: '管理费' },
          ACCCODE: { type: 'text', title: '科目代码' },
          DSCRP: { type: 'text', title: '科目描述' },
          TERMID: { type: 'text', title: '终端编号' },
          RECNO: { type: 'text', title: '终端记录流水号' },
          UPLOADDATE: { type: 'text', title: '上传时间' },
          SAMCARDNO: { type: 'text', title: 'SAM卡号' },
          SAMTRADENO: { type: 'text', title: 'SAM卡交易流水号' },
          TRADECARDTYPE: { type: 'text', title: '交易卡类型' },
          TAC: { type: 'text', title: '验证码' },
          ASN: { type: 'text', title: '卡应用序列号' },
      // 数据源
      dataSource: {
        StuConsumption: {
  async onLoad({ type, id }) {
    await this.init(type, id)
  methods: {
    // 页面初始化
    async init(type, id) {
      this.id = id
      this.mode = type
      this.edit = ['create', 'edit'].includes(this.mode)
      // 拉取表单数据,同时拉取所有来自数据源的选单数据
      await Promise.all([
        () => {}
      await this.fetchForm()
      this.ready = true
    // 加载表单数据
    async fetchForm() {
      if (this.mode === 'create') {
        this.origin = await this.getDefaultForm()
      } else {
        const result = await this.HTTP_GET('/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/form', this.id)
        this.origin = await this.formatFormData(result)
      this.current = this.COPY(this.origin)
    // 点击 「编辑」、「重置」、「保存」、「删除」 按钮
    async action(type) {
      switch (type) {
        case 'edit':
          this.edit = true
        case 'reset':
          this.current = this.COPY(this.origin)
          this.edit = false
        case 'save':
          const verifyResult = this.verifyForm()
          if (verifyResult.length > 0) {
            this.CONFIRM('表单验证失败', verifyResult.join('\n'))
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('提交确认', '确定要提交本页表单内容吗?', true))) {
          const postData = await this.getPostData(this.id)
          this.HTTP_POST('/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/save', postData, '表单提交保存失败').then(success => {
            if (!success) {
        case 'delete':
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('删除项目', '确定要删除本项吗?', true))) {
          this.HTTP_POST('/EducationalAdministration/StuConsumption/delete', this.id, '删除失败').then(success => {
            if (!success) {
            this.this.TOAST('删除成功', 'success')
        default: break
    // 获取表单值
    getValue(path) {
      return get(this.current, path)
    // 设置表单值
    setValue(path, val) {
      set(this.current, path, val)

+ 367
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/list.vue Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
  <view class="page">
    <view v-if="ready">
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.Birthday', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.PartyFaceNo', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.NationalityNo', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.ResidenceNo', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.Photo', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.mobile', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.EMail', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.MailAddress', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.PostalCode', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.FatherUnit', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.MatherUnit', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.FatherName', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.FatherPhone', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.MatherName', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.MatherPhone', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.FamilyOriginNo', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.OverseasChineseNo', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.GraduateNo', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.InSchoolAddress', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.InSchoolTelephone', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.QQ', $event)"
        @input="setValue('StuInfoBasic.GoodAt', $event)"
    <view v-if="ready" class="bg-white margin-tb padding" style="padding-top: 0; overflow: hidden;">
      <l-button v-if="edit" @click="action('save')" size="lg" color="green" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="!edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('edit')" size="lg" line="orange" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('reset')" size="lg" line="red" class="block margin-top" block>
      <l-button v-if="!edit && mode !== 'create'" @click="action('delete')" size="lg" line="red" class="block margin-top" block>
 * 版 本 Learun-ADMS V7.0.3 力软敏捷开发框架(http://www.learun.cn)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 上海力软信息技术有限公司
 * 创建人:超级管理员
 * 日  期:2020-10-15 10:16
 * 描  述:个人信息
 * 本段代码由移动端代码生成器输出,移动端须 2.2.0 版本及以上可以使用
 * 请在移动端 /pages.json 中的 pages 字段中添加一条记录:
 * { "path": "pages/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/single", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "表单详情页" } }
 * (navigationBarTitleText 字段为本页面的标题文本,可以修改)
 * (必须自行操作该步骤,力软代码生成器不会自动帮您修改 /pages.json 文件)
import get from 'lodash/get'
import set from 'lodash/set'
import moment from 'moment'
import customPageMixins from '@/common/custompage.js'
export default {
  mixins: [customPageMixins],
  data() {
    return {
      // 页面相关参数
      id: null,
      mode: null,
      edit: null,
      ready: false,
      // 表单数据
      current: {},
      origin: {},
      // 表单项数据结构
      scheme: {
        StuInfoBasic: {
          Birthday: { type: 'text', title: '出生日期', dateformat: '0' },
          PartyFaceNo: { type: 'select', title: '政治面貌', dataSource: '1', dataSourceId: 'BCdPartyFace,partyface,partyfaceno' },
          NationalityNo: { type: 'select', title: '民族', itemCode: 'National', dataSource: '0' },
          ResidenceNo: { type: 'select', title: '户口分类', itemCode: 'ResidenceNo', dataSource: '0' },
          Photo: { type: 'upload', title: '照片' },
          mobile: { type: 'text', title: '联系电话' },
          EMail: { type: 'text', title: '邮箱' },
          MailAddress: { type: 'text', title: '通信地址' },
          PostalCode: { type: 'text', title: '邮政编码' },
          FatherUnit: { type: 'text', title: '户口所在地' },
          MatherUnit: { type: 'text', title: '档案所在地' },
          FatherName: { type: 'text', title: '父亲名字' },
          FatherPhone: { type: 'text', title: '父亲电话', verify: 'PhoneOrNull' },
          MatherName: { type: 'text', title: '母亲名字' },
          MatherPhone: { type: 'text', title: '母亲电话' },
          FamilyOriginNo: { type: 'select', title: '家庭出生', dataSource: '1', dataSourceId: 'BCdFamilyOrigin,familyorigin,familyoriginno' },
          OverseasChineseNo: { type: 'select', title: '港澳台侨', dataSource: '1', dataSourceId: 'BCdOverseasChinese,overseaschinesename,overseaschineseno' },
          GraduateNo: { type: 'select', title: '本专科', itemCode: 'CollegeType', dataSource: '0' },
          InSchoolAddress: { type: 'text', title: '校内地址' },
          InSchoolTelephone: { type: 'text', title: '校内电话' },
          QQ: { type: 'text', title: 'QQ' },
          GoodAt: { type: 'textarea', title: '特长' },
      // 数据源
      dataSource: {
        StuInfoBasic: {
          PartyFaceNo: [],
          NationalityNo: Object.values(this.GET_GLOBAL('dataDictionary').National).map(t => ({ value: t.value, text: t.text })),
          ResidenceNo: Object.values(this.GET_GLOBAL('dataDictionary').ResidenceNo).map(t => ({ value: t.value, text: t.text })),
          FamilyOriginNo: [],
          OverseasChineseNo: [],
          GraduateNo: Object.values(this.GET_GLOBAL('dataDictionary').CollegeType).map(t => ({ value: t.value, text: t.text })),
  async onLoad({ type, id }) {
let account=this.GET_GLOBAL('loginUser').account;
let stuInfo = await this.HTTP_GET('/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/stuinfo', account)
    await this.init(type, id)
  methods: {
    // 页面初始化
    async init(type, id) {
      this.id = id
      this.mode = type
      this.edit = ['create', 'edit'].includes(this.mode)
      // 拉取表单数据,同时拉取所有来自数据源的选单数据
      await Promise.all([
        this.FETCH_DATASOURCE('BCdPartyFace').then(result => {
          this.dataSource.StuInfoBasic.PartyFaceNo = result.data.map(t => ({ text: t.partyface, value: t.partyfaceno }))
        this.FETCH_DATASOURCE('BCdFamilyOrigin').then(result => {
          this.dataSource.StuInfoBasic.FamilyOriginNo = result.data.map(t => ({ text: t.familyorigin, value: t.familyoriginno }))
        this.FETCH_DATASOURCE('BCdOverseasChinese').then(result => {
          this.dataSource.StuInfoBasic.OverseasChineseNo = result.data.map(t => ({ text: t.overseaschinesename, value: t.overseaschineseno }))
        () => {}
      await this.fetchForm()
      this.ready = true
    // 加载表单数据
    async fetchForm() {
      if (this.mode === 'create') {
        this.origin = await this.getDefaultForm()
      } else {
        const result = await this.HTTP_GET('/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/form', this.id)
        this.origin = await this.formatFormData(result)
      this.current = this.COPY(this.origin)
    // 点击 「编辑」、「重置」、「保存」、「删除」 按钮
    async action(type) {
      switch (type) {
        case 'edit':
          this.edit = true
        case 'reset':
          this.current = this.COPY(this.origin)
          this.edit = false
        case 'save':
          const verifyResult = this.verifyForm()
          if (verifyResult.length > 0) {
            this.CONFIRM('表单验证失败', verifyResult.join('\n'))
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('提交确认', '确定要提交本页表单内容吗?', true))) {
          const postData = await this.getPostData(this.id)
          this.HTTP_POST('/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/save', postData, '表单提交保存失败').then(success => {
            if (!success) {
        case 'delete':
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('删除项目', '确定要删除本项吗?', true))) {
          this.HTTP_POST('/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/delete', this.id, '删除失败').then(success => {
            if (!success) {
            this.this.TOAST('删除成功', 'success')
        default: break
    // 获取表单值
    getValue(path) {
      return get(this.current, path)
    // 设置表单值
    setValue(path, val) {
      set(this.current, path, val)

+ 276
- 0
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityMember/list.vue Vedi File

@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
  <view class="page">
    <!-- 主列表页 -->
    <view :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="mainpage" style="padding-top: 80rpx;">
      <!-- 顶部条目/分页信息栏 -->
      <l-customlist-banner @buttonClick="sideOpen = true">{{ tips }}</l-customlist-banner>
      <!-- 滚动列表,跨端支持上拉/下拉 -->
      <l-scroll-list v-if="ready" @pullDown="pullDown" @toBottom="fetchList()" ref="list">
        <l-customlist :tips="loadState" showTips>
          <!-- 单条记录 -->
          <view class="customlist-item" v-for="item of list" :key="item.Id">
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">社团编号:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'CommunityCode') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">社团名称:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'CommunityName') }}
            <view class="customlist-item-field">
              <text class="customlist-item-field-title">加入时间:</text>
              {{ displayListItem(item, 'JoinTime') }}

            <l-customlist-action @view="action('view', item.Id)" />
    <!-- 关闭侧边抽屉按钮 -->
    <view @click="sideOpen = false" :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="sideclose">
      <l-icon type="pullright" color="blue" />
    <!-- 侧边栏,用于设置查询条件 -->
    <scroll-view :class="sideOpen ? 'show' : ''" class="sidepage" scroll-y>
      <view v-if="ready" class="padding">
        <!-- 重置查询条件按钮 -->
        <view class="padding-tb">
          <l-button @click="reset" line="orange" class="block" block>重置查询条件</l-button>
<!--     <l-customlist-add v-if="!sideOpen" @click="action('add')" /> -->
 * 版 本 Learun-ADMS V7.0.3 力软敏捷开发框架(http://www.learun.cn)
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 上海力软信息技术有限公司
 * 创建人:超级管理员
 * 日  期:2020-10-14 16:08
 * 描  述:社团管理
 * 本段代码由移动端代码生成器输出,移动端须 2.2.0 版本及以上可以使用
 * 请在移动端 /pages.json 中的 pages 字段中添加一条记录:
 * { "path": "pages/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/list", "style": { "navigationBarTitleText": "表单列表页" } }
 * (navigationBarTitleText 字段为本页面的标题文本,可以修改)
 * (必须自行操作该步骤,力软代码生成器不会自动帮您修改 /pages.json 文件)
import moment from 'moment'
import get from 'lodash/get'
import set from 'lodash/set'
import pickBy from 'lodash/pickBy'
import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues'
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      // 数据项的数据类型、结构
      scheme: {
        CommunityCode: { type: 'text' },
        CommunityName: { type: 'text' },
        Sort: { type: 'text' },
      // 查询条件
      searchData: {},
      defaultQueryData: {},
      queryData: {
      // 数据源
      dataSource: {
      // 页面相关参数
      ready: false,
      tips: '加载中...',
      loadState: '向下翻以加载更多',
      sideOpen: false,
      // 列表与分页信息
      page: 1,
      total: 2,
      list: []
  async onLoad() {
    await this.init()
  onUnload() {
  methods: {
    // 页面初始化
    async init() {
      this.ON('PersonnelManagementCommunityCode-list-change', this.refreshList)
      // 拉取加载列表和数据源
      await Promise.all([
        () => {}
      await this.fetchList()
      // 初始化查询条件
      this.defaultQueryData = this.COPY(this.queryData)
      this.ready = true
    // 拉取列表
    async fetchList() {
      if (this.page > this.total) { return }
      const result = await this.HTTP_GET(
          // 这里 sidx 表示排序字段,sord 表示排序方式(DESC=降序,ASC=升序)
          // 代码生成器生成时默认按照主键排序,您可以修改成按创建时间的字段降序
          pagination: { rows: 10, page: this.page, sidx: 'Id', sord: 'DESC' },
          queryJson: JSON.stringify(this.searchData)
      if (!result) { return }
      this.total = result.total
      this.page = result.page + 1
      this.list = this.list.concat(result.rows)
      this.tips = `已加载 ${Math.min(result.page, result.total)} / ${result.total} 页,共 ${result.records} 项`
      this.loadState = result.page >= result.total ? '已加载所有项目' : '向下翻以加载更多'
    // 刷新清空列表
    async refreshList() {
      this.page = 1
      this.total = 2
      this.list = []
      await this.fetchList()
    // 列表下拉
    pullDown() {
      this.refreshList().then(() => {
    // 设置搜索条件
    async searchChange() {
      const result = {}
      // 将其他查询项添加到查询 JSON 中
      const queryObj = pickBy(this.queryData, t => (Array.isArray(t) ? t.length > 0 : t))
      Object.assign(result, mapValues(queryObj, t => (Array.isArray(t) ? t.join(',') : t)))
      this.searchData = result
      await this.refreshList()
    // 点击「清空查询条件」按钮
    reset() {
      this.queryData = this.COPY(this.defaultQueryData)
    // 点击「编辑」、「查看」、「添加」、「删除」按钮
    async action(type, id = '') {
      switch (type) {
        case 'view':
        case 'add':
        case 'edit':
case 'join':
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('申请加入', '确定要申请加入该社团吗?', true))) {
          this.HTTP_POST('/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/join', id, '加入失败').then(success => {
            if(!success) { return }
            this.TOAST('加入成功', 'success')
        case 'delete':
          if (!(await this.CONFIRM('删除项目', '确定要删除该项吗?', true))) {
          this.HTTP_POST('/PersonnelManagement/CommunityInfo/delete', id, '删除失败').then(success => {
            if(!success) { return }
            this.TOAST('删除成功', 'success')
    // 显示列表中的标题项
    displayListItem(item, field) {
      const fieldItem = this.scheme[field]
      const value = item[field]
      switch (fieldItem.type) {
        case 'currentInfo':
        case 'organize':
          return fieldItem.dataType === 'time' ? value : get(this.GET_GLOBAL(fieldItem.dataType), `${value}.name`, '')
        case 'radio':
        case 'select':
          const selectItem = this.dataSource[field].find(t => t.value === String(value))
          return get(selectItem, 'text', '')
        case 'checkbox':
          if (!value || value.split(',').length <= 0) { return '' }
          const checkboxItems = value.split(',')
          return this.dataSource[field].filter(t => checkboxItems.includes(t.value)).map(t => t.text).join(',')
        case 'datetime':
          if (!value) { return '' }
          return moment(value).format(Number(fieldItem.dateformat) === 0 ? 'YYYY年 M月 D日' : 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')
        default: return value === null || value === undefined ? '' : value
<style lang="less" scoped>
@import '~@/common/css/sidepage.less';
@import '~@/common/css/customlist.less';

+ 5
- 5
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/LearunApp-2.2.0/pages/my.vue Vedi File

@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ export default {

const company = this.GET_GLOBAL('company')
const dep = this.GET_GLOBAL('department')
const companyName = company[companyId].name
if (!dep) {
return companyName
// const companyName = company[companyId].name
// if (!dep) {
// return companyName
// }

return `${companyName} / ${dep[departmentId].name}`
// return `${companyName} / ${dep[departmentId].name}`

// 头像圆形/方形显示参数
