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dyy 1 year ago
3 changed files with 118 additions and 73 deletions
  1. +13
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/LogisticsManagement/Views/ADR_Record/StatisticDetailIndex.js
  2. +1
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/XmlConfig/system.config
  3. +104
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/LogisticsManagement/ADR_Record/ADR_RecordService.cs

+ 13
- 13
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/LogisticsManagement/Views/ADR_Record/StatisticDetailIndex.js View File

@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
{ label: "日期", name: "ClockDate", width: 100, align: "left" },
{ label: "班次", name: "BanCi", width: 60, align: "left" },
{ label: "时间段", name: "TimePeriod", width: 150, align: "left" },
{ label: "日期", name: "ClockDate", width: 100, align: "left", sort: true },
{ label: "班次", name: "BanCi", width: 60, align: "left", sort: true },
{ label: "时间段", name: "TimePeriod", width: 150, align: "left", sort: true },
label: "上班状态", name: "ADStatusWork", width: 60, align: "left", formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
learun.clientdata.getAsync('dataItem', {
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {

}, sort: true
label: "下班状态", name: "ADStatusClose", width: 60, align: "left", formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {

}, sort: true
{ label: "签到时间", name: "ClockTimeWork", width: 80, align: "left" },
{ label: "签退时间", name: "ClockTimeClose", width: 80, align: "left" },
{ label: "迟到(分钟)", name: "ChidaoMinutes", width: 80, align: "left" },
{ label: "早退(分钟)", name: "ZaoTuiMinutes", width: 80, align: "left" },
{ label: "出勤(分钟)", name: "ChuQinMinutes", width: 80, align: "left" },
{ label: "缺勤(分钟)", name: "QueQinMinutes", width: 80, align: "left" },
{ label: "工作(分钟)", name: "WorkMinutes", width: 80, align: "left" },
{ label: "休息(分钟)", name: "RestMinutes", width: 80, align: "left" },
{ label: "签到时间", name: "ClockTimeWork", width: 80, align: "left", sort: true },
{ label: "签退时间", name: "ClockTimeClose", width: 80, align: "left", sort: true},
{ label: "迟到(分钟)", name: "ChidaoMinutes", width: 80, align: "left", sort: true },
{ label: "早退(分钟)", name: "ZaoTuiMinutes", width: 80, align: "left", sort: true},
{ label: "出勤(分钟)", name: "ChuQinMinutes", width: 80, align: "left", sort: true },
//{ label: "缺勤(分钟)", name: "QueQinMinutes", width: 80, align: "left",sort: true },
{ label: "工作(分钟)", name: "WorkMinutes", width: 80, align: "left",sort: true },
{ label: "休息(分钟)", name: "RestMinutes", width: 80, align: "left", sort: true },
mainId: '',
isPage: true,

+ 1
- 1
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/XmlConfig/system.config View File

@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
<!--注册教师生成编号 金隅:jy;西昌:xc;大厂:dc-->
<add key="EmpNoRule" value="jy"/>
<!--考勤明细统计时查询的职工编号前缀 大厂:DCZZ-->
<add key="ADR_RecordUserNoPrev" value="DCZZ"/>
<add key="ADR_RecordUserNoPrev" value=""/>
<add key="redirect_url" value="http://localhost:20472"/>
<add key="QJUrl" value=""/>

+ 104
- 59
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/LogisticsManagement/ADR_Record/ADR_RecordService.cs View File

@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.LogisticsManagement
dp.Add("ADStatus", queryParam["ADStatus"].ToString(), DbType.String);
strSql.Append(" AND t.ClockStatus = @ADStatus ");
return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<ADR_RecordEntity>(strSql.ToString(), dp, pagination);
catch (Exception ex)
@@ -289,69 +289,114 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.LogisticsManagement
ClockStatus = y.ClockStatus
var restrictionEntity = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindEntity<ADR_RestrictionEntity>(m => m.REnable == true);
var WorkTimeTemp = string.Format("{0} {1}", date, restrictionEntity?.WorkTime).ToDate();
var NoonCloseTimeTemp = string.Format("{0} {1}", date, restrictionEntity?.NoonCloseTime).ToDate();
var NoonWorkTimeTemp = string.Format("{0} {1}", date, restrictionEntity?.NoonWorkTime).ToDate();
var CloseTimeTemp = string.Format("{0} {1}", date, restrictionEntity?.CloseTime).ToDate();
var MorningMinutes = (NoonCloseTimeTemp - WorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt();//上午应工作分钟数
var AfternoonMinutes = (CloseTimeTemp - NoonWorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt();//下午应工作分钟数

var result = new List<ADR_RecordEntity>();
foreach (var item in data)
var adtype1 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "1");
var adtype8 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "8");
var adtype7 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "7");
var adtype2 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "2");
var morning = new ADR_RecordEntity()
var restrictionEntity = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindEntity<ADR_RestrictionEntity>(m => m.REnable == true);
if (restrictionEntity != null)
var WorkTimeTemp = string.Format("{0} {1}", date, restrictionEntity.WorkTime).ToDate();
var CloseTimeTemp = string.Format("{0} {1}", date, restrictionEntity.CloseTime).ToDate();
if (restrictionEntity.ClockTime == "二次打卡")
UserNo = item.UserNo,
UserName = item.UserName,
Department = item.Department,
ClockDate = date,
BanCi = "上下班",
TimePeriodNo = 1,
TimePeriod = string.Format("上午上下班({0}-{1})", restrictionEntity?.WorkTime, restrictionEntity?.NoonCloseTime),
ADStatusWork = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockStatus : "6",
ADStatusClose = adtype8 != null ? adtype8.ClockStatus : "6",
ClockTimeWork = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ClockTimeClose = adtype8 != null ? adtype8.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ChidaoMinutes = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockStatus == "2" ? (adtype1.ClockTime.Value - WorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ZaoTuiMinutes = adtype8 != null ? adtype8.ClockStatus == "3" ? (NoonCloseTimeTemp - adtype8.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ChuQinMinutes = adtype1 != null && adtype8 != null ? (adtype8.ClockTime.Value - adtype1.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0,
QueQinMinutes = adtype1 != null && adtype8 != null ? 0 : MorningMinutes,
RestMinutes = 0
morning.WorkMinutes = MorningMinutes == morning.QueQinMinutes ? 0 : MorningMinutes - morning.ChidaoMinutes - morning.ZaoTuiMinutes - morning.QueQinMinutes;
var afternoon = new ADR_RecordEntity()
#region 二次打卡
var WholeMinutes = (CloseTimeTemp - WorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt();//全天应工作分钟数

foreach (var item in data)
var adtype1 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "1");//上班
var adtype2 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "2");//下班
var whole = new ADR_RecordEntity()
UserNo = item.UserNo,
UserName = item.UserName,
Department = item.Department,
ClockDate = date,
BanCi = "上下班",
TimePeriodNo = 0,
TimePeriod = string.Format("上下班({0}-{1})", restrictionEntity.WorkTime, restrictionEntity.CloseTime),
ADStatusWork = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockStatus : "6",
ADStatusClose = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockStatus : "6",
ClockTimeWork = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ClockTimeClose = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ChidaoMinutes = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockStatus == "2" ? (adtype1.ClockTime.Value - WorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ZaoTuiMinutes = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockStatus == "3" ? (CloseTimeTemp - adtype2.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ChuQinMinutes = adtype1 != null && adtype2 != null ? (adtype2.ClockTime.Value - adtype1.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0,
QueQinMinutes = adtype1 != null && adtype2 != null ? 0 : WholeMinutes,
RestMinutes = 0
whole.WorkMinutes = WholeMinutes == whole.QueQinMinutes ? 0 : WholeMinutes - whole.ChidaoMinutes - whole.ZaoTuiMinutes - whole.QueQinMinutes;
UserNo = item.UserNo,
UserName = item.UserName,
Department = item.Department,
ClockDate = date,
BanCi = "上下班",
TimePeriodNo = 2,
TimePeriod = string.Format("下午上下班({0}-{1})", restrictionEntity?.NoonWorkTime, restrictionEntity?.CloseTime),
ADStatusWork = adtype7 != null ? adtype7.ClockStatus : "6",
ADStatusClose = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockStatus : "6",
ClockTimeWork = adtype7 != null ? adtype7.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ClockTimeClose = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ChidaoMinutes = adtype7 != null ? adtype7.ClockStatus == "2" ? (adtype7.ClockTime.Value - NoonWorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ZaoTuiMinutes = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockStatus == "3" ? (CloseTimeTemp - adtype2.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ChuQinMinutes = adtype7 != null && adtype2 != null ? (adtype2.ClockTime.Value - adtype7.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0,
QueQinMinutes = adtype7 != null && adtype2 != null ? 0 : AfternoonMinutes,
RestMinutes = 0
afternoon.WorkMinutes = AfternoonMinutes == afternoon.QueQinMinutes ? 0 : AfternoonMinutes - afternoon.ChidaoMinutes - afternoon.ZaoTuiMinutes - afternoon.QueQinMinutes;
#region 四次打卡
var NoonCloseTimeTemp = string.Format("{0} {1}", date, restrictionEntity?.NoonCloseTime).ToDate();
var NoonWorkTimeTemp = string.Format("{0} {1}", date, restrictionEntity?.NoonWorkTime).ToDate();
var MorningMinutes = (NoonCloseTimeTemp - WorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt();//上午应工作分钟数
var AfternoonMinutes = (CloseTimeTemp - NoonWorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt();//下午应工作分钟数

foreach (var item in data)
var adtype1 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "1");//上班
var adtype8 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "8");//中午下班
var adtype7 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "7");//中午上班
var adtype2 = item.Group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ADType == "2");//下班
var morning = new ADR_RecordEntity()
UserNo = item.UserNo,
UserName = item.UserName,
Department = item.Department,
ClockDate = date,
BanCi = "上下班",
TimePeriodNo = 1,
TimePeriod = string.Format("上午上下班({0}-{1})", restrictionEntity.WorkTime, restrictionEntity.NoonCloseTime),
ADStatusWork = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockStatus : "6",
ADStatusClose = adtype8 != null ? adtype8.ClockStatus : "6",
ClockTimeWork = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ClockTimeClose = adtype8 != null ? adtype8.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ChidaoMinutes = adtype1 != null ? adtype1.ClockStatus == "2" ? (adtype1.ClockTime.Value - WorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ZaoTuiMinutes = adtype8 != null ? adtype8.ClockStatus == "3" ? (NoonCloseTimeTemp - adtype8.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ChuQinMinutes = adtype1 != null && adtype8 != null ? (adtype8.ClockTime.Value - adtype1.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0,
QueQinMinutes = adtype1 != null && adtype8 != null ? 0 : MorningMinutes,
RestMinutes = 0
morning.WorkMinutes = MorningMinutes == morning.QueQinMinutes ? 0 : MorningMinutes - morning.ChidaoMinutes - morning.ZaoTuiMinutes - morning.QueQinMinutes;
var afternoon = new ADR_RecordEntity()
UserNo = item.UserNo,
UserName = item.UserName,
Department = item.Department,
ClockDate = date,
BanCi = "上下班",
TimePeriodNo = 2,
TimePeriod = string.Format("下午上下班({0}-{1})", restrictionEntity.NoonWorkTime, restrictionEntity.CloseTime),
ADStatusWork = adtype7 != null ? adtype7.ClockStatus : "6",
ADStatusClose = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockStatus : "6",
ClockTimeWork = adtype7 != null ? adtype7.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ClockTimeClose = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockTime.ToTimeString() : "-",
ChidaoMinutes = adtype7 != null ? adtype7.ClockStatus == "2" ? (adtype7.ClockTime.Value - NoonWorkTimeTemp).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ZaoTuiMinutes = adtype2 != null ? adtype2.ClockStatus == "3" ? (CloseTimeTemp - adtype2.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0 : 0,
ChuQinMinutes = adtype7 != null && adtype2 != null ? (adtype2.ClockTime.Value - adtype7.ClockTime.Value).TotalMinutes.ToInt() : 0,
QueQinMinutes = adtype7 != null && adtype2 != null ? 0 : AfternoonMinutes,
RestMinutes = 0
afternoon.WorkMinutes = AfternoonMinutes == afternoon.QueQinMinutes ? 0 : AfternoonMinutes - afternoon.ChidaoMinutes - afternoon.ZaoTuiMinutes - afternoon.QueQinMinutes;
return result.OrderBy(x => x.UserNo).ThenBy(x => x.UserName).ThenBy(x => x.TimePeriodNo);
catch (Exception ex)
