@@ -70,17 +70,25 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EvaluationTeach |
//取库名 |
var misdbname = BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").getDbConnection().Database; |
var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); |
//必修 |
var strSql = new StringBuilder(); |
strSql.Append("select aa.*,bb.UID,cc.EmpName,dd.LessonName from (select a.LessonNo,a.EmpNo,a.AcademicYearNo,a.Semester,b.VID,a.StuNo from " + misdbname + ".dbo.StuSelectLessonList a "); |
strSql.Append("left join Eval_Main b on a.AcademicYearNo=b.AcademicYearNo and a.Semester=b.Semester where b.Status=1 and a.StuNo='" + queryParam["StuNo"] + "' and a.StuNo not in (select StuNo from " + misdbname + ".dbo.StuInfoBasic where ChangeStatus=1) ) aa "); |
strSql.Append("left join (select distinct b.EmpNo, b.LessonNo, b.UID from Eval_Question a left join Eval_QuestionResult b on a.QID=b.QID) bb on aa.EmpNo=bb.EmpNo and aa.LessonNo=bb.LessonNo and aa.StuNo=bb.UID "); |
strSql.Append("left join " + misdbname + ".dbo.EmpInfo cc on aa.EmpNo=cc.EmpNo left join " + misdbname + ".dbo.LessonInfo dd on aa.LessonNo = dd.LessonNo "); |
//选修 |
var strSql_Elective = new StringBuilder(); |
strSql_Elective.Append("select aa.*,bb.UID,cc.EmpName,dd.LessonName+'(选)' as LessonName from (select a.LessonNo,a.EmpNo,a.AcademicYearNo,a.Semester,b.VID,a.StuNo from " + misdbname + ".dbo.StuSelectLessonListOfElective a "); |
strSql_Elective.Append("left join Eval_Main b on a.AcademicYearNo=b.AcademicYearNo and a.Semester=b.Semester where b.Status=1 and a.StuNo='" + queryParam["StuNo"] + "' and a.StuNo not in (select StuNo from " + misdbname + ".dbo.StuInfoBasic where ChangeStatus=1) ) aa "); |
strSql_Elective.Append("left join (select distinct b.EmpNo, b.LessonNo, b.UID from Eval_Question a left join Eval_QuestionResult b on a.QID=b.QID) bb on aa.EmpNo=bb.EmpNo and aa.LessonNo=bb.LessonNo and aa.StuNo=bb.UID "); |
strSql_Elective.Append("left join " + misdbname + ".dbo.EmpInfo cc on aa.EmpNo=cc.EmpNo left join " + misdbname + ".dbo.LessonInfo dd on aa.LessonNo = dd.LessonNo "); |
if (pagination != null) |
{ |
return this.BaseRepository().FindList<Eval_QuestionResultEntity>(strSql.ToString(), pagination); |
return this.BaseRepository().FindList<Eval_QuestionResultEntity>(strSql.ToString(), pagination).Union(this.BaseRepository().FindList<Eval_QuestionResultEntity>(strSql_Elective.ToString(), pagination)); |
} |
else |
return BaseRepository().FindList<Eval_QuestionResultEntity>(strSql.ToString()); |
return BaseRepository().FindList<Eval_QuestionResultEntity>(strSql.ToString()).Union(BaseRepository().FindList<Eval_QuestionResultEntity>(strSql_Elective.ToString())); |
} |
catch (Exception ex) |
{ |