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Merge branch '塔里木分支' of into 塔里木分支

zhangli преди 2 години
променени са 2 файла, в които са добавени 57 реда и са изтрити 25 реда
  1. +28
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/StuScoreNotPass/StuScoreNotPassService.cs
  2. +29
      Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/StuScoreNotPassTwo/StuScoreNotPassTwoService.cs

+ 28
- 13
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/StuScoreNotPass/StuScoreNotPassService.cs Целия файл

@@ -173,17 +173,32 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
// 虚拟参数
var dp = new DynamicParameters(new { });
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append(@"select isnull(ssnp.score,0) as BKScore ,ssnp.checkmark as IsSubmit,a.*,(select classname from classinfo where a.classno=classno) as classname,case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.OrdinaryScore=ScoreStyleNo)
else CONVERT(varchar,a.OrdinaryScore) end as OrdinaryScore2,
case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.TermEndScore=ScoreStyleNo)
else CONVERT(varchar,a.TermEndScore) end as TermEndScore2,
case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.Score=ScoreStyleNo)
else CONVERT(varchar,a.Score) end as Score2,b.MoveType,b.StudyModality ");
strSql.Append(@" from StuScore a left join StuInfoBasic b on b.StuNo=a.StuNo ");
@" left join StuScoreNotPass ssnp on ssnp.StuNo = a.StuNo and ssnp.lessonno = a.lessonno ");
strSql.Append(@" where 1=1 and ( ssnp.StuNo not in (select StuNo from StuInfoBasic where ChangeStatus=1) and a.LessonSortNo='1' )
and a.LessonSortNo='1' and ((a.Score>=0 and a.Score<60) or a.Score=(-5) or a.Score=(-10)) ");

// strSql.Append(@"select isnull(ssnp.score,0) as BKScore ,ssnp.checkmark as IsSubmit,a.*,(select classname from classinfo where a.classno=classno) as classname,case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.OrdinaryScore=ScoreStyleNo)
//else CONVERT(varchar,a.OrdinaryScore) end as OrdinaryScore2,
//case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.TermEndScore=ScoreStyleNo)
//else CONVERT(varchar,a.TermEndScore) end as TermEndScore2,
//case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.Score=ScoreStyleNo)
//else CONVERT(varchar,a.Score) end as Score2,b.MoveType,b.StudyModality ");
// strSql.Append(@" from StuScore a left join StuInfoBasic b on b.StuNo=a.StuNo ");
// strSql.Append(
// @" left join StuScoreNotPass ssnp on ssnp.StuNo = a.StuNo and ssnp.lessonno = a.lessonno ");
// strSql.Append(@" where 1=1 and ( ssnp.StuNo not in (select StuNo from StuInfoBasic where ChangeStatus=1) and a.LessonSortNo='1' )
// and a.LessonSortNo='1' and ((a.Score>=0 and a.Score<60) or a.Score=(-5) or a.Score=(-10)) ");
strSql.Append(@"select ISNULL(ssnp.Score,0) as BKScore,ssnp.CheckMark as IsSubmit,c.classname,a.*,CONVERT(varchar,a.OrdinaryScore) as OrdinaryScore2,CONVERT(varchar,a.TermEndScore) as TermEndScore2,CONVERT(varchar,a.Score) as Score2,b.MoveType,b.StudyModality
from StuScore a
left join StuScoreNotPass ssnp on ssnp.StuNo=a.StuNo and ssnp.AcademicYearNo=a.AcademicYearNo and ssnp.Semester=a.Semester and ssnp.LessonNo=a.LessonNo
left join ClassInfo c on c.ClassNo=a.ClassNo
left join StuInfoBasic b on b.StuNo=a.StuNo
where 1=1 and a.StuNo not in (select StuNo from StuInfoBasic where ChangeStatus =1)
and a.LessonSortNo='1'
and a.Score<60
and b.StuId is not null
and (b.EduSystem is null or b.EduSystem != '6') ");

if (!queryParam["AcademicYearNo"].IsEmpty())
strSql.Append($" and a.AcademicYearNo ='{queryParam["AcademicYearNo"].ToString()}'");
@@ -220,8 +235,8 @@ else CONVERT(varchar,a.Score) end as Score2,b.MoveType,b.StudyModality ");
strSql.Append($" and ssnp.CheckMark ='{queryParam["CheckMark"].ToString()}'");
strSql.Append(" and (b.AbmormityMoveMark<>'1' or len(b.AbmormityMoveMark)=0 or b.AbmormityMoveMark is null) ");
//strSql.Append(" and (b.AbmormityMoveMark<>'1' or len(b.AbmormityMoveMark)=0 or b.AbmormityMoveMark is null) ");
return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<NotPassEntity>(strSql.ToString(), pagination);
catch (Exception ex)

+ 29
- 12
Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/StuScoreNotPassTwo/StuScoreNotPassTwoService.cs Целия файл

@@ -265,17 +265,33 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
// 虚拟参数
var dp = new DynamicParameters(new { });
var strSql = new StringBuilder();
strSql.Append(@"select isnull(ssnpt.score,0) as BKScore,ssnpt.checkmark as IsSubmit,a.*,(select classname from classinfo where a.classno=classno) as classname,case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.OrdinaryScore=ScoreStyleNo)
else CONVERT(varchar,a.OrdinaryScore) end as OrdinaryScore2,
case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.TermEndScore=ScoreStyleNo)
else CONVERT(varchar,a.TermEndScore) end as TermEndScore2,
case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.Score=ScoreStyleNo)
else CONVERT(varchar,a.Score) end as Score2 ");
strSql.Append(@" from StuScoreNotPass a left join StuInfoBasic b on b.StuNo=a.StuNo ");
@" left join StuScoreNotPassTwo ssnpt on ssnpt.StuNo = a.StuNo and ssnpt.lessonno = a.lessonno ");
strSql.Append(@"where 1=1 and ( ssnpt.StuNo not in (select StuNo from StuInfoBasic where ChangeStatus=1) and a.LessonSortNo='1' )
and a.LessonSortNo='1' and ((a.Score>=0 and a.Score<60) or a.Score=(-5) or a.Score=(-10)) ");

// strSql.Append(@"select isnull(ssnpt.score,0) as BKScore,ssnpt.checkmark as IsSubmit,a.*,(select classname from classinfo where a.classno=classno) as classname,case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.OrdinaryScore=ScoreStyleNo)
//else CONVERT(varchar,a.OrdinaryScore) end as OrdinaryScore2,
//case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.TermEndScore=ScoreStyleNo)
//else CONVERT(varchar,a.TermEndScore) end as TermEndScore2,
//case when a.ScoreRecordStyleNo in ('2','3') then (select ScoreName from CdScorePoint where a.ScoreRecordStyleNo=ScoreRecordStyleNo and a.Score=ScoreStyleNo)
//else CONVERT(varchar,a.Score) end as Score2 ");
// strSql.Append(@" from StuScoreNotPass a left join StuInfoBasic b on b.StuNo=a.StuNo ");
// strSql.Append(
// @" left join StuScoreNotPassTwo ssnpt on ssnpt.StuNo = a.StuNo and ssnpt.lessonno = a.lessonno ");
// strSql.Append(@"where 1=1 and ( ssnpt.StuNo not in (select StuNo from StuInfoBasic where ChangeStatus=1) and a.LessonSortNo='1' )
//and a.LessonSortNo='1' and ((a.Score>=0 and a.Score<60) or a.Score=(-5) or a.Score=(-10)) ");

strSql.Append(@"select ISNULL(ssnpt.Score,0) as BKScore,ssnpt.CheckMark as IsSubmit,c.classname,a.*,CONVERT(varchar,a.OrdinaryScore) as OrdinaryScore2,CONVERT(varchar,a.TermEndScore) as TermEndScore2,CONVERT(varchar,a.Score) as Score2,b.MoveType,b.StudyModality
from StuScoreNotPass a
left join StuScoreNotPassTwo ssnpt on ssnpt.StuNo = a.StuNo and ssnpt.AcademicYearNo = a.AcademicYearNo and ssnpt.Semester = a.Semester and ssnpt.LessonNo = a.LessonNo
left join ClassInfo c on c.ClassNo = a.ClassNo
left join StuInfoBasic b on b.StuNo = a.StuNo
where 1 = 1
and a.StuNo not in (select StuNo from StuInfoBasic where ChangeStatus = 1)
and a.LessonSortNo = '1'
and a.Score < 60
and b.StuId is not null
and (b.EduSystem is null or b.EduSystem != '6') ");

if (!queryParam["AcademicYearNo"].IsEmpty())
strSql.Append($" and a.AcademicYearNo ='{queryParam["AcademicYearNo"].ToString()}'");
@@ -312,7 +328,8 @@ and a.LessonSortNo='1' and ((a.Score>=0 and a.Score<60) or a.Score=(-5) or a.Sco
strSql.Append($" and ssnpt.CheckMark ='{queryParam["CheckMark"].ToString()}'");
strSql.Append(" and (b.AbmormityMoveMark<>'1' or len(b.AbmormityMoveMark)=0 or b.AbmormityMoveMark is null) ");
//strSql.Append(" and (b.AbmormityMoveMark<>'1' or len(b.AbmormityMoveMark)=0 or b.AbmormityMoveMark is null) ");
return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<NotPassEntity>(strSql.ToString(), pagination);
catch (Exception ex)
