diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Form.js b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Form.js
index 60264e6da..2e45b0989 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Form.js
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Form.js
@@ -15,17 +15,36 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
bind: function () {
+ $('#ExamDateSel').lrselect({
+ placeholder: "请选择考试时间",
+ allowSearch: false,
+ url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/GetExamDateSel?EPLId='+keyValue,
+ value: 'edate',
+ text: 'edate',
+ select: function(item) {
+ if (item) {
+ $('#ExamDate').val(item.ExamDate);
+ $('#ExamTimeStart').val(item.ExamTimeStart);
+ $('#ExamTimeEnd').val(item.ExamTimeEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ });
initData: function () {
if (!!keyValue) {
$.lrSetForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/GetFormData?keyValue=' + keyValue, function (data) {
for (var id in data) {
if (!!data[id].length && data[id].length > 0) {
- $('#' + id ).jfGridSet('refreshdata', data[id]);
+ $('#' + id).jfGridSet('refreshdata', data[id]);
else {
$('[data-table="' + id + '"]').lrSetFormData(data[id]);
+ if (!!data[id] && !!data[id].ExamDate) {
+ var edate=learun.formatDate(data[id].ExamDate,'yyyy-MM-dd')+" "+data[id].ExamTimeStart+'-'+data[id].ExamTimeEnd;
+ $('#ExamDateSel').lrselectSet(edate);
+ }
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Form.js b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Form.js
index 893096d41..e7dc45a73 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Form.js
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Form.js
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
$.lrSetForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/GetFormData?keyValue=' + keyValue, function (data) {
for (var id in data) {
if (!!data[id].length && data[id].length > 0) {
- $('#' + id ).jfGridSet('refreshdata', data[id]);
+ $('#' + id).jfGridSet('refreshdata', data[id]);
else {
$('[data-table="' + id + '"]').lrSetFormData(data[id]);
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
var postData = {
strEntity: JSON.stringify($('body').lrGetFormData())
+ var Num = $('#Temperature').val();
+ if (Num < 23 || Num > 44) {
+ learun.alert.warning("请填写正确的体温!");
+ }
$.lrSaveForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/PunchCard?keyValue=' + keyValue, postData, function (res) {
// 保存成功后才回调
if (!!callBack) {
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Index.js b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Index.js
index 5a17a5afe..4112f3004 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Index.js
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Index.js
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
{ label: "年级", name: "Grade", width: 100, align: "left" },
{ label: "联系方式", name: "Phone", width: 100, align: "left" },
- { label: "阶段", name: "Temperature", width: 100, align: "left" },
+ { label: "体温", name: "Temperature", width: 100, align: "left" },
{ label: "打卡所在地址", name: "Address", width: 200, align: "left" },
{ label: "打卡时间", name: "CreateTime", width: 140, align: "left" },
{ label: "备注", name: "Remark", width: 200, align: "left" },
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Statistics.cshtml b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Statistics.cshtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..913cf6fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Statistics.cshtml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ ViewBag.Title = "健康打卡时段";
+ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Index.cshtml";
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Statistics.js b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Statistics.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..234984ac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Areas/EducationalAdministration/Views/HealthPunchStu/Statistics.js
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+/* * 版 本 Learun-ADMS V7.0.6 力软敏捷开发框架(http://www.learun.cn)
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 力软信息技术(苏州)有限公司
+ * 创建人:超级管理员
+ * 日 期:2022-06-17 09:17
+ * 描 述:健康打卡时段
+ */
+var refreshGirdData;
+var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
+ "use strict";
+ var startTime;
+ var endTime;
+ var page = {
+ init: function () {
+ page.initGird();
+ page.bind();
+ },
+ bind: function () {
+ // 时间搜索框
+ $('#datesearch').lrdate({
+ dfdata: [
+ { name: '今天', begin: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00') }, end: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') } },
+ { name: '近7天', begin: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00', 'd', -6) }, end: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') } },
+ { name: '近1个月', begin: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00', 'm', -1) }, end: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') } },
+ { name: '近3个月', begin: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00', 'm', -3) }, end: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') } }
+ ],
+ // 月
+ mShow: false,
+ premShow: false,
+ // 季度
+ jShow: false,
+ prejShow: false,
+ // 年
+ ysShow: false,
+ yxShow: false,
+ preyShow: false,
+ yShow: false,
+ // 默认
+ dfvalue: '1',
+ selectfn: function (begin, end) {
+ startTime = begin;
+ endTime = end;
+ page.search();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#multiple_condition_query').lrMultipleQuery(function (queryJson) {
+ page.search(queryJson);
+ }, 220, 400);
+ $('#F_School').lrDataSourceSelect({ code: 'company', value: 'f_companyid', text: 'f_fullname' });
+ $('#IsStatus').lrselect({
+ data: [{ text: "已打卡", value: "0" }, { text: "缺卡", value: "1" }, { text: "未打卡", value: "2" }],
+ text: "text",
+ value: "value"
+ })
+ $('#MajorNo').lrselect({
+ allowSearch: true,
+ url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=CdMajorInfo',
+ value: "majorno",
+ text: "majorname",
+ param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1 order by majorno asc" },
+ select: function (item) {
+ if (item) {
+ $('#ClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
+ allowSearch: true,
+ url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
+ param: { strWhere: "majorno='" + item.majorno + "' AND CheckMark=1 order by classno asc" }
+ });
+ } else {
+ $('#ClassNo').lrselectRefresh({
+ allowSearch: true,
+ url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
+ param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1 order by classno asc" }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('#ClassNo').lrselect({
+ allowSearch: true,
+ url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
+ param: { strWhere: "1=1 AND CheckMark=1" },
+ value: "classno",
+ text: "classname"
+ });
+ // 刷新
+ $('#lr_refresh').on('click', function () {
+ location.reload();
+ });
+ },
+ // 初始化列表
+ initGird: function () {
+ $('#gridtable').jfGrid({
+ url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/GetStatistics',
+ headData: [
+ {
+ label: "院校", name: "F_School", width: 130, align: "left",
+ formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
+ learun.clientdata.getAsync('custmerData', {
+ url: '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=' + 'company',
+ key: value,
+ keyId: 'f_companyid',
+ callback: function (_data) {
+ callback(_data['f_fullname']);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ label: "专业", name: "MajorNo", width: 130, align: "left",
+ formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
+ learun.clientdata.getAsync('custmerData', {
+ url: '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=' + 'CdMajorInfo',
+ key: value,
+ keyId: 'majorno',
+ callback: function (_data) {
+ callback(_data['majorname']);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ label: "班级", name: "ClassNo", width: 90, align: "left",
+ formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
+ learun.clientdata.getAsync('custmerData', {
+ url: '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=' + 'bjsj',
+ key: value,
+ keyId: 'classno',
+ callback: function (_data) {
+ callback(_data['classname']);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ { label: "学工号", name: "StuNo", width: 90, align: "left" },
+ { label: "学生姓名", name: "StuName", width: 150, align: "left" },
+ { label: "联系方式", name: "Phone", width: 100, align: "left" },
+ {
+ label: "日期", name: "DKDate", width: 90, align: "left",
+ formatter: function (cellvalue) {
+ return learun.formatDate(cellvalue, 'yyyy-MM-dd');
+ }
+ },
+ { label: "早打卡地址", name: "Address1", width: 200, align: "left" },
+ { label: "午打卡地址", name: "Address2", width: 200, align: "left" },
+ { label: "晚打卡地址", name: "Address3", width: 200, align: "left" },
+ { label: "早体温", name: "Temperature1", width: 80, align: "left" },
+ { label: "午体温", name: "Temperature2", width: 80, align: "left" },
+ { label: "晚体温", name: "Temperature3", width: 80, align: "left" },
+ {
+ label: "打卡状态", name: "Num", width: 100, align: "left",
+ formatter: function (cellvalue) {
+ if (cellvalue == 0) {
+ return '
+ } else if (cellvalue < "3") {
+ return '
+ } else if (cellvalue == "3") {
+ return "
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ mainId: 'ID',
+ isPage: true,
+ sidx: 'MajorNo asc,ClassNo asc',
+ });
+ page.search();
+ },
+ search: function (param) {
+ param = param || {};
+ param.StartTime = startTime;
+ param.EndTime = endTime;
+ $('#gridtable').jfGridSet('reload', { queryJson: JSON.stringify(param) });
+ }
+ };
+ refreshGirdData = function () {
+ $('#gridtable').jfGridSet('reload');
+ };
+ page.init();
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Learun.Application.Web.csproj b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Learun.Application.Web.csproj
index 148722cb5..c0ffaf7b2 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Learun.Application.Web.csproj
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Application.Web/Learun.Application.Web.csproj
@@ -1028,6 +1028,7 @@
@@ -7862,6 +7863,7 @@
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonBLL.cs b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonBLL.cs
index 88d9b16d4..5961c20fc 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonBLL.cs
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonBLL.cs
@@ -80,6 +80,26 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
+ public IEnumerable
GetExamDateSel(string EPLId)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ return exam_ExamPlanLessonService.GetExamDateSel(EPLId);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ if (ex is ExceptionEx)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ExceptionEx.ThrowBusinessException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// 获取Exam_ExamPlanLesson表实体数据
@@ -260,7 +280,24 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
+ public (bool flag, string str) IsAllowSave(Exam_ExamPlanLessonEntity entity)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ return exam_ExamPlanLessonService.IsAllowSave(entity);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ if (ex is ExceptionEx)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ExceptionEx.ThrowBusinessException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// 判断考试时间是否冲突
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonIBLL.cs b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonIBLL.cs
index 1d0b71c78..f1c23aab6 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonIBLL.cs
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonIBLL.cs
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
IEnumerable GetPageList(Pagination pagination, string queryJson);
IEnumerable GetPageListForLesson(Pagination pagination, string queryJson);
IEnumerable GetListByEPId(string EPId);
+ IEnumerable GetExamDateSel(string EPLId);
/// 获取Exam_ExamPlanLesson表实体数据
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
void SaveEntity(string keyValue, Exam_ExamPlanLessonEntity entity);
(bool flag, string msg) PlanLessonTimeByEPId(string keyValue);
+ (bool flag, string str) IsAllowSave(Exam_ExamPlanLessonEntity entity);
(bool flag, string lessonname) IsExamTimeClash(Exam_ExamPlanLessonEntity entity);
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonService.cs b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonService.cs
index 6a849546a..8737dad17 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonService.cs
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanLesson/Exam_ExamPlanLessonService.cs
@@ -148,6 +148,55 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
+ ///
+ /// 获取考试记录安排时间数据
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public IEnumerable GetExamDateSel(string EPLId)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var epLesson = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindEntity(EPLId);
+ string sql = $"Select Id,ExamDate,ExamTimeStart,ExamTimeEnd,CONVERT(nvarchar(10),ExamDate,120)+' '+ExamTimeStart+'-'+ ExamTimeEnd as edate from [dbo].[Exam_ExamPlanTime] where epid='{epLesson.EPId}' ";
+ var lessonno = epLesson.LessonNo;
+ if (epLesson.LessonNo.Contains("("))
+ {
+ lessonno = epLesson.LessonNo.Split('(')[0];
+ }
+ //查询课程信息
+ var lessoninfo = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList($@"select top 1 t.LessonTypeName,l.* from lessoninfo l
+ join [dbo].[CdLessonType] t on l.LessonTypeId = t.LTId where l.LessonNo='{lessonno}' ").FirstOrDefault();
+ if (lessoninfo != null)
+ {
+ if (lessoninfo.LessonTypeName.Contains("公开") || lessoninfo.LessonTypeName.Contains("公共"))
+ {
+ sql += " and examtype='2'";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sql += " and examtype='1'";
+ }
+ }
+ sql += " order by cast((CONVERT(nvarchar(10),ExamDate,120)+' '+ExamTimeStart) as datetime)";
+ return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList(sql);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ if (ex is ExceptionEx)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// 获取Exam_ExamPlanLesson表实体数据
@@ -468,6 +517,50 @@ SELECT t.ClassNo,count(1) as StuNum FROM Exam_ExamStudent t
+ ///
+ /// 判断考试时间是否冲突
+ ///
+ ///
+ public (bool flag, string str) IsAllowSave(Exam_ExamPlanLessonEntity entity)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var ExamPlanLesson = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS")
+ .FindEntity(entity.EPLId);
+ //考试课程数据
+ var EPLessonList = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList($@" select distinct elesson.ExamTime as ExamLength,ltype.LessonTypeName,info.TeachMajorNo,t.* from Exam_ExamPlanLesson t
+join Exam_ExamLesson elesson on t.LessonNo=elesson.LessonNo
+left join LessonInfo info on t.LessonNo=info.LessonNo
+left join CdLessonType ltype on info.LessonTypeId=ltype.LTId
+ where t.EPId='{ExamPlanLesson.EPId}' and info.CheckMark=1 ");
+ if (ExamPlanLesson.LessonNo.Contains("("))
+ {
+ EPLessonList = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList($@" select distinct elesson.ExamTime as ExamLength,ltype.LessonTypeName,info.TeachMajorNo,t.* from Exam_ExamPlanLesson t
+join Exam_ExamLesson elesson on left(t.LessonNo,charindex('(',t.LessonNo)-1)=elesson.LessonNo
+left join LessonInfo info on left(t.LessonNo,charindex('(',t.LessonNo)-1)=info.LessonNo
+left join CdLessonType ltype on info.LessonTypeId=ltype.LTId
+ where t.EPId='{ExamPlanLesson.EPId}' and info.CheckMark=1 ");
+ }
+ var EPLesson = EPLessonList.Where(x => x.EPLId == ExamPlanLesson.EPLId).FirstOrDefault();
+ if (EPLessonList.ToList().Exists(x => x.EPLId != entity.EPLId && x.TeachMajorNo == EPLesson.TeachMajorNo && x.ExamLength == EPLesson.ExamLength && x.ExamDate != null && x.ExamDate == entity.ExamDate && x.ExamTime == entity.ExamTime))
+ {
+ return (false, "同专业同时段只能安排一门课程!");
+ }
+ return (true, "");
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ if (ex is ExceptionEx)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// 自动生成考试课程排考时间
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanTime/Exam_ExamPlanTimeEntity.cs b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanTime/Exam_ExamPlanTimeEntity.cs
index 157874cb1..a57c80988 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanTime/Exam_ExamPlanTimeEntity.cs
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/Exam_ExamPlanTime/Exam_ExamPlanTimeEntity.cs
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
#region 扩展字段
+ [NotMapped]
+ public string edate { get; set; }
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuBLL.cs b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuBLL.cs
index 8ea6781e0..5735857ab 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuBLL.cs
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuBLL.cs
@@ -67,6 +67,30 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
+ ///
+ /// 统计数据
+ ///
+ /// 分页参数
+ /// 查询参数
+ ///
+ public IEnumerable GetStatistics(Pagination pagination, string queryJson)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ return healthPunchStuService.GetStatistics(pagination, queryJson);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ if (ex is ExceptionEx)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ExceptionEx.ThrowBusinessException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
#region 提交数据
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuEntity.cs b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuEntity.cs
index a73025327..430bf6b2a 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuEntity.cs
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuEntity.cs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
/// 日 期:2022-06-17 11:00
/// 描 述:体温上报
- public class HealthPunchStuEntity
+ public class HealthPunchStuEntity
#region 实体成员
@@ -139,6 +139,22 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
#region 扩展字段
+ [NotMapped]
+ public string Address1 { get; set; }
+ [NotMapped]
+ public string Address2 { get; set; }
+ [NotMapped]
+ public string Address3 { get; set; }
+ [NotMapped]
+ public string Temperature1 { get; set; }
+ [NotMapped]
+ public string Temperature2 { get; set; }
+ [NotMapped]
+ public string Temperature3 { get; set; }
+ [NotMapped]
+ public string Num { get; set; }
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuIBLL.cs b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuIBLL.cs
index 8404e7d0b..e8eeb7614 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuIBLL.cs
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuIBLL.cs
@@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
/// 主键
HealthPunchStuEntity GetHealthPunchStuEntity(string keyValue);
+ ///
+ /// 统计数据
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ IEnumerable GetStatistics(Pagination pagination, string queryJson);
#region 提交数据
diff --git a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuService.cs b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuService.cs
index 5901add0b..f68f987ea 100644
--- a/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuService.cs
+++ b/Learun.Framework.Ultimate V7/Learun.Framework.Module/Learun.Application.Module/Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment/EducationalAdministration/HealthPunchStu/HealthPunchStuService.cs
@@ -76,6 +76,77 @@ namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
+ ///
+ /// 获取页面显示列表数据
+ ///
+ /// 查询参数
+ /// 查询参数
+ ///
+ public IEnumerable GetStatistics(Pagination pagination, string queryJson)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var strSql = new StringBuilder();
+ var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject();
+ // 虚拟参数
+ string sql1 = " ";
+ if (!queryParam["StartTime"].IsEmpty() && !queryParam["EndTime"].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ sql1 = " and DkDate >= '" + queryParam["StartTime"].ToDate()
+ + "' and DkDate <= '" + queryParam["EndTime"].ToDate() + "' ";
+ }
+ if (!queryParam["F_School"].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ sql1 = " and F_School ='" + queryParam["F_School"].ToString() + "' ";
+ }
+ if (!queryParam["MajorNo"].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ sql1 += " and MajorNo ='" + queryParam["MajorNo"].ToString() + "'";
+ }
+ if (!queryParam["ClassNo"].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ sql1 += " and ClassNo ='" + queryParam["ClassNo"].ToString() + "'";
+ }
+ if (!queryParam["StuNo"].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ sql1 += " and StuNo like '%" + queryParam["StuNo"].ToString() + "%'";
+ }
+ if (!queryParam["StuName"].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ sql1 += " and StuName like '%" + queryParam["StuName"].ToString() + "%'";
+ }
+ if (!queryParam["IsStatus"].IsEmpty())
+ {
+ sql1 = " and t.num = '" + queryParam["IsStatus"].ToString() + "' ";
+ }
+ strSql.Append(@" select t.* from ( select zb.F_SchoolId as F_School,zb.MajorNo,zb.ClassNo,zb.StuNo,zb.StuName,zb.mobile,isnull(fb.DkDate,Getdate()) as DkDate,
+ fb.Address1,fb.Address2,fb.Address3,fb.Temperature1,fb.Temperature2,fb.Temperature3,isnull(fb.Num,0) as Num from StuInfoBasic zb
+ left join (
+ select hps.*,aa.address as Address1,aa.Temperature as Temperature1 ,bb.address as Address2,bb.Temperature as Temperature2,cc.address as Address3 ,cc.Temperature
+ as Temperature3,dd.Num from (
+ select StuNo,StuName,DkDate from HealthPunchStu hps group by StuNo,StuName,DkDate) hps
+ left join (select * from HealthPunchStu ) AA on AA.StuNo=hps.StuNo and AA.StuName=hps.StuName and AA.dkType=1
+ left join (select * from HealthPunchStu ) BB on BB.StuNo=hps.Stuno and BB.StuName=hps.StuName and BB.dkType=2
+ left join (select * from HealthPunchStu ) CC on CC.StuNo=hps.Stuno and CC.StuName=hps.StuName and CC.dkType=3
+ left join (select Stuno,Count(*) as num from HealthPunchStu hps group by Stuno ) dd on dd.StuNo=hps.Stuno
+ ) fb on fb.Stuno = zb.stuno and fb.StuName = zb.StuName --where fb.num >= '1'
+ )t where 1=1 " + sql1 + " ");
+ return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList(strSql.ToString(), pagination);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ if (ex is ExceptionEx)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
#region 提交数据