strSql.Append(" ,case when bb.Score >=60 then bb.Score else (case when sp.Score>= 60 then sp.Score else (case when spt.Score>=60 then spt.Score else bb.Score end) end) end as Score ");
strSql.Append(" ,case when bb.Score >=60 then convert(nvarchar(50),bb.Score) else (case when sp.Score>= 60 then convert(nvarchar(50),sp.Score)+'(补)' else (case when spt.Score>=60 then convert(nvarchar(50),spt.Score)+'(重)' else convert(nvarchar(50),bb.Score) end) end) end as ScoreFormat ");
strSql.Append(" from ( ");
strSql.Append($" select s.AcademicYearNo,s.Semester,s.ClassNo,s.LessonNo,s.LessonName,s.StuNo,sb.StuName,Max(s.Score) as Score from {tableName} s left join StuInfoBasic sb on s.StuNo=sb.StuNo ");
strSql.Append($" where 1=1 and s.LessonSortNo='1' and s.MajorNo='{majorNo}' ");
strSql.Append(" group by s.AcademicYearNo,s.Semester,s.ClassNo,s.LessonNo,s.LessonName,s.StuNo,sb.StuName ) as bb ");
strSql.Append(" left join StuScoreNotPass sp on bb.AcademicYearNo=sp.AcademicYearNo and bb.Semester=sp.Semester and bb.ClassNo=sp.ClassNo and bb.LessonNo=sp.LessonNo and bb.LessonName=sp.LessonName and bb.StuNo=sp.StuNo ");
strSql.Append(" left join StuScoreNotPassTwo spt on bb.AcademicYearNo=spt.AcademicYearNo and bb.Semester=spt.Semester and bb.ClassNo=spt.ClassNo and bb.LessonNo=spt.LessonNo and bb.LessonName=spt.LessonName and bb.StuNo=spt.StuNo ");
var lst= this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<StuScoreEntity>(strSql.ToString(), dp);
var gp = lst.GroupBy(x => x.StuNo).Select(x => new { x.Key,TotalScore=x.Sum(a=>a.Score)}).OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalScore);
var rs=gp.Select(x=>x.Key).ToList();
return rs;
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex is ExceptionEx)
throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
/// <summary>
/// 获取学生的补考信息
/// </summary>
@@ -1682,7 +1743,7 @@ where StuNo not in(Select StuNo from stuscore s where s.Academicyearno = sl.Acad
var classInfoEntity = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindEntity<ClassInfoEntity>(x => x.ClassNo == classno);
if (classInfoEntity != null)
this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").ExecuteBySql("update StuScore set IsEditable='0',EditUserId='" + loginUserInfo.account + "',BeginModifyDate='" + now + "' where F_SchoolId='" + F_SchoolId + "' and AcademicYearNo='" + AcademicYearNo + "' and Semester='" + Semester + "' and OpenLessonDeptNo='" + classInfoEntity.DeptNo + "' and OpenLessonMajorNo='" + classInfoEntity.MajorNo + "' and LessonNo='" + LessonNo + "' and LessonSortNo='1' and ClassNo='" + classno+ "' ");
this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").ExecuteBySql("update StuScore set IsEditable='0',EditUserId='" + loginUserInfo.account + "',BeginModifyDate='" + now + "' where F_SchoolId='" + F_SchoolId + "' and AcademicYearNo='" + AcademicYearNo + "' and Semester='" + Semester + "' and OpenLessonDeptNo='" + classInfoEntity.DeptNo + "' and OpenLessonMajorNo='" + classInfoEntity.MajorNo + "' and LessonNo='" + LessonNo + "' and LessonSortNo='1' and ClassNo='" + classno+ "' ");
@@ -1792,7 +1853,7 @@ where StuNo not in(Select StuNo from stuscore s where s.Academicyearno = sl.Acad
catch (Exception ex)
@@ -1897,17 +1958,17 @@ where StuNo not in(Select StuNo from stuscore s where s.Academicyearno = sl.Acad
if (checkMark == 0)//撤销
db.ExecuteBySql("update EmpReportCard set ElectronicStatus=0,ElectronicTime=null where F_SchoolId='" + F_SchoolId + "' and AcademicYearNo='" + AcademicYearNo + "' and Semester='" + Semester + "' and LessonNo='" + LessonNo + "' and ClassRoomNo='" + classroomno + "' and LessonSortNo='2' and LessonSection='"+ lessonsection + "'");
db.ExecuteBySql("update EmpReportCard set ElectronicStatus=0,ElectronicTime=null where F_SchoolId='" + F_SchoolId + "' and AcademicYearNo='" + AcademicYearNo + "' and Semester='" + Semester + "' and LessonNo='" + LessonNo + "' and ClassRoomNo='" + classroomno + "' and LessonSortNo='2' and LessonSection='"+ lessonsection + "'");
db.ExecuteBySql("update EmpReportCard set ElectronicStatus=1,ElectronicTime='" + DateTime.Now + "' where F_SchoolId='" + F_SchoolId + "' and AcademicYearNo='" + AcademicYearNo + "' and Semester='" + Semester + "' and LessonNo='" + LessonNo + "' and classroomno='" + classroomno + "' and LessonSortNo='2' and LessonSection='"+ lessonsection + "'");
db.ExecuteBySql("update EmpReportCard set ElectronicStatus=1,ElectronicTime='" + DateTime.Now + "' where F_SchoolId='" + F_SchoolId + "' and AcademicYearNo='" + AcademicYearNo + "' and Semester='" + Semester + "' and LessonNo='" + LessonNo + "' and classroomno='" + classroomno + "' and LessonSortNo='2' and LessonSection='"+ lessonsection + "'");