* =====================================================
*Learun MobileUI v1.0.0
* =====================================================
* Microsoft grants you the right to use these script files for the sole
* purpose of either: (i) interacting through your browser with the Microsoft
* website or online service, subject to the applicable licensing or use
* terms; or (ii) using the files as included with a Microsoft product subject
* to that product's license terms. Microsoft reserves all other rights to the
* files not expressly granted by Microsoft, whether by implication, estoppel
* or otherwise. Insofar as a script file is dual licensed under GPL,
* Microsoft neither took the code under GPL nor distributes it thereunder but
* under the terms set out in this paragraph. All notices and licenses
* below are for informational purposes only.
* JQUERY CORE 1.10.2; Copyright 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors; http://jquery.org/license
* Includes Sizzle.js; Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
/*! jQuery v1.10.2 | (c) 2005, 2013 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/license
//@ sourceMappingURL=jquery-1.10.2.min.map
(function (e, t) {
var n, r, i = typeof t, o = e.location, a = e.document, s = a.documentElement, l = e.jQuery, u = e.$, c = {}, p = [], f = "1.10.2", d = p.concat, h = p.push, g = p.slice, m = p.indexOf, y = c.toString, v = c.hasOwnProperty, b = f.trim, x = function (e, t) { return new x.fn.init(e, t, r) }, w = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source, T = /\S+/g, C = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, N = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/, k = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/, E = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/, S = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, A = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[\da-fA-F]{4})/g, j = /"[^"\\\r\n]*"|true|false|null|-?(?:\d+\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/g, D = /^-ms-/, L = /-([\da-z])/gi, H = function (e, t) { return t.toUpperCase() }, q = function (e) { (a.addEventListener || "load" === e.type || "complete" === a.readyState) && (_(), x.ready()) }, _ = function () { a.addEventListener ? (a.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", q, !1), e.removeEventListener("load", q, !1)) : (a.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", q), e.detachEvent("onload", q)) }; x.fn = x.prototype = { jquery: f, constructor: x, init: function (e, n, r) { var i, o; if (!e) return this; if ("string" == typeof e) { if (i = "<" === e.charAt(0) && ">" === e.charAt(e.length - 1) && e.length >= 3 ? [null, e, null] : N.exec(e), !i || !i[1] && n) return !n || n.jquery ? (n || r).find(e) : this.constructor(n).find(e); if (i[1]) { if (n = n instanceof x ? n[0] : n, x.merge(this, x.parseHTML(i[1], n && n.nodeType ? n.ownerDocument || n : a, !0)), k.test(i[1]) && x.isPlainObject(n)) for (i in n) x.isFunction(this[i]) ? this[i](n[i]) : this.attr(i, n[i]); return this } if (o = a.getElementById(i[2]), o && o.parentNode) { if (o.id !== i[2]) return r.find(e); this.length = 1, this[0] = o } return this.context = a, this.selector = e, this } return e.nodeType ? (this.context = this[0] = e, this.length = 1, this) : x.isFunction(e) ? r.ready(e) : (e.selector !== t && (this.selector = e.selector, this.context = e.context), x.makeArray(e, this)) }, selector: "", length: 0, toArray: function () { return g.call(this) }, get: function (e) { return null == e ? this.toArray() : 0 > e ? this[this.length + e] : this[e] }, pushStack: function (e) { var t = x.merge(this.constructor(), e); return t.prevObject = this, t.context = this.context, t }, each: function (e, t) { return x.each(this, e, t) }, ready: function (e) { return x.ready.promise().done(e), this }, slice: function () { return this.pushStack(g.apply(this, arguments)) }, first: function () { return this.eq(0) }, last: function () { return this.eq(-1) }, eq: function (e) { var t = this.length, n = +e + (0 > e ? t : 0); return this.pushStack(n >= 0 && t > n ? [this[n]] : []) }, map: function (e) { return this.pushStack(x.map(this, function (t, n) { return e.call(t, n, t) })) }, end: function () { return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null) }, push: h, sort: [].sort, splice: [].splice }, x.fn.init.prototype = x.fn, x.extend = x.fn.extend = function () { var e, n, r, i, o, a, s = arguments[0] || {}, l = 1, u = arguments.length, c = !1; for ("boolean" == typeof s && (c = s, s = arguments[1] || {}, l = 2), "object" == typeof s || x.isFunction(s) || (s = {}), u === l && (s = this, --l); u > l; l++)if (null != (o = arguments[l])) for (i in o) e = s[i], r = o[i], s !== r && (c && r && (x.isPlainObject(r) || (n = x.isArray(r))) ? (n ? (n = !1, a = e && x.isArray(e) ? e : []) : a = e && x.isPlainObject(e) ? e : {}, s[i] = x.extend(c, a, r)) : r !== t && (s[i] = r)); return s }, x.extend({ expando: "jQuery" + (f + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""), noConflict: function (t) { return e.$ === x && (e.$ = u), t && e.jQuery === x && (e.jQuery = l), x }, isReady: !1, readyWait: 1, holdReady: function (e) { e ? x.readyWait++ : x.ready(!0) }, ready: function (e) { if (e === !0 ? !--x.readyWait : !x.isReady) { if (!a.body) return setTimeout(x.ready); x.isReady = !0, e !== !0 && --x.readyWait > 0 || (n.resolveWith(a, [x]), x.fn.trigger && x(a).trigger("ready").off("ready")) } }, isFunction: function (e) { return "function" === x.type(e) }, isArray: Array.isArray || function (e) { return "array" === x.type(e) }, isWindow: function (e) { return null != e && e == e.window }, isNumeric: function (e) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(e)) && isFinite(e) }, type: function (e) { return null == e ? e + "" : "object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e ? c[y.call(e)] || "object" : typeof e }, isPlainObject: function (e) { var n; if (!e || "object" !== x.type(e) || e.nodeType || x.isWindow(e)) return !1; try { if (e.constructor && !v.call(e, "constructor") && !v.call(e.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) return !1 } catch (r) { return !1 } if (x.support.ownLast) for (n in e) return v.call(e, n); for (n in e); return n === t || v.call(e, n) }, isEmptyObject: function (e) { var t; for (t in e) return !1; return !0 }, error: function (e) { throw Error(e) }, parseHTML: function (e, t, n) { if (!e || "string" != typeof e) return null; "boolean" == typeof t && (n = t, t = !1), t = t || a; var r = k.exec(e), i = !n && []; return r ? [t.createElement(r[1])] : (r = x.buildFragment([e], t, i), i && x(i).remove(), x.merge([], r.childNodes)) }, parseJSON: function (n) { return e.JSON && e.JSON.parse ? e.JSON.parse(n) : null === n ? n : "string" == typeof n && (n = x.trim(n), n && E.test(n.replace(A, "@").replace(j, "]").replace(S, ""))) ? Function("return " + n)() : (x.error("Invalid JSON: " + n), t) }, parseXML: function (n) { var r, i; if (!n || "string" != typeof n) return null; try { e.DOMParser ? (i = new DOMParser, r = i.parseFromString(n, "text/xml")) : (r = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), r.async = "false", r.loadXML(n)) } catch (o) { r = t } return r && r.documentElement && !r.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length || x.error("Invalid XML: " + n), r }, noop: function () { }, globalEval: function (t) { t && x.trim(t) && (e.execScript || function (t) { e.eval.call(e, t) })(t) }, camelCase: function (e) { return e.replace(D, "ms-").replace(L, H) }, nodeName: function (e, t) { return e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase() }, each: function (e, t, n) { var r, i = 0, o = e.length, a = M(e); if (n) { if (a) { for (; o > i; i++)if (r = t.apply(e[i], n), r === !1) break } else for (i in e) if (r = t.apply(e[i], n), r === !1) break } else if (a) { for (; o > i; i++)if (r = t.call(e[i], i, e[i]), r === !1) break } else for (i in e) if (r = t.call(e[i], i, e[i]), r === !1) break; return e }, trim: b && !b.call("\ufeff\u00a0") ? function (e) { return null == e ? "" : b.call(e) } : function (e) { return null == e ? "" : (e + "").replace(C, "") }, makeArray: function (e, t) { var n = t || []; return null != e && (M(Object(e)) ? x.merge(n, "string" == typeof e ? [e] : e) : h.call(n, e)), n }, inArray: function (e, t, n) { var r; if (t) { if (m) return m.call(t, e, n); for (r = t.length, n = n ? 0 > n ? Math.max(0, r + n) : n : 0; r > n; n++)if (n in t && t[n] === e) return n } return -1 }, merge: function (e, n) { var r = n.length, i = e.length, o = 0; if ("number" == typeof r) for (; r > o; o++)e[i++] = n[o]; else while (n[o] !== t) e[i++] = n[o++]; return e.length = i, e }, grep: function (e, t, n) { var r, i = [], o = 0, a = e.length; for (n = !!n; a > o; o++)r = !!t(e[o], o), n !== r && i.push(e[o]); return i }, map: function (e, t, n) { var r, i = 0, o = e.length, a = M(e), s = []; if (a) for (; o > i; i++)r = t(e[i], i, n), null != r && (s[s.length] = r); else for (i in e) r = t(e[i], i, n), null != r && (s[s.length] = r); return d.apply([], s) }, guid: 1, proxy: function (e, n) { var r, i, o; return "string" == typeof n && (o = e[n], n = e, e = o), x.isFunction(e) ? (r = g.call(arguments, 2), i = function () { return e.apply(n || this, r.concat(g.call(arguments))) }, i.guid = e.guid = e.guid || x.guid++ , i) : t }, access: function (e, n, r, i, o, a, s) { var l = 0, u = e.length, c = null == r; if ("object" === x.type(r)) { o = !0; for (l in r) x.access(e, n, l, r[l], !0, a, s) } else if (i !== t && (o = !0, x.isFunction(i) || (s = !0), c && (s ? (n.call(e, i), n = null) : (c = n, n = function (e, t, n) { return c.call(x(e), n) })), n)) for (; u > l; l++)n(e[l], r, s ? i : i.call(e[l], l, n(e[l], r))); return o ? e : c ? n.call(e) : u ? n(e[0], r) : a }, now: function () { return (new Date).getTime() }, swap: function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a = {}; for (o in t) a[o] = e.style[o], e.style[o] = t[o]; i = n.apply(e, r || []); for (o in t) e.style[o] = a[o]; return i } }), x.ready.promise = function (t) { if (!n) if (n = x.Deferred(), "complete" === a.readyState) setTimeout(x.ready); else if (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", q, !1), e.addEventListener("load", q, !1); else { a.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", q), e.attachEvent("onload", q); var r = !1; try { r = null == e.frameElement && a.documentElement } catch (i) { } r && r.doScroll && function o() { if (!x.isReady) { try { r.doScroll("left") } catch (e) { return setTimeout(o, 50) } _(), x.ready() } }() } return n.promise(t) }, x.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function (e, t) { c["[object " + t + "]"] = t.toLowerCase() }); function M(e) { var t = e.length, n = x.type(e); return x.isWindow(e) ? !1 : 1 === e.nodeType && t ? !0 : "array" === n || "function" !== n && (0 === t || "number" == typeof t && t > 0 && t - 1 in e) } r = x(a), function (e, t) { var n, r, i, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, f, d, h, g, m, y, v, b = "sizzle" + -new Date, w = e.document, T = 0, C = 0, N = st(), k = st(), E = st(), S = !1, A = function (e, t) { return e === t ? (S = !0, 0) : 0 }, j = typeof t, D = 1 << 31, L = {}.hasOwnProperty, H = [], q = H.pop, _ = H.push, M = H.push, O = H.slice, F = H.indexOf || function (e) { var t = 0, n = this.length; for (; n > t; t++)if (this[t] === e) return t; return -1 }, B = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped", P = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", R = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+", W = R.replace("w", "w#"), $ = "\\[" + P + "*(" + R + ")" + P + "*(?:([*^$|!~]?=)" + P + "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + W + ")|)|)" + P + "*\\]", I = ":(" + R + ")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + $.replace(3, 8) + ")*)|.*)\\)|)", z = RegExp("^" + P + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + P + "+$", "g"), X = RegExp("^" + P + "*," + P + "*"), U = RegExp("^" + P + "*([>+~]|" + P + ")" + P + "*"), V = RegExp(P + "*[+~]"), Y = RegExp("=" + P + "*([^\\]'\"]*)" + P + "*\\]", "g"), J = RegExp(I), G = RegExp("^" + W + "$"), Q = { ID: RegExp("^#(" + R + ")"), CLASS: RegExp("^\\.(" + R + ")"), TAG: RegExp("^(" + R.replace("w", "w*") + ")"), ATTR: RegExp("^" + $), PSEUDO: RegExp("^" + I), CHILD: RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + P + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + P + "*(?:([+-]|)" + P + "*(\\d+)|))" + P + "*\\)|)", "i"), bool: RegExp("^(?:" + B + ")$", "i"), needsContext: RegExp("^" + P + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" + P + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + P + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i") }, K = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/, Z = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/, et = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, tt = /^h\d$/i, nt = /'|\\/g, rt = RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + P + "?|(" + P + ")|.)", "ig"), it = function (e, t, n) { var r = "0x" + t - 65536; return r !== r || n ? t : 0 > r ? String.fromCharCode(r + 65536) : String.fromCharCode(55296 | r >> 10, 56320 | 1023 & r) }; try { M.apply(H = O.call(w.childNodes), w.childNodes), H[w.childNodes.length].nodeType } catch (ot) { M = { apply: H.length ? function (e, t) { _.apply(e, O.call(t)) } : function (e, t) { var n = e.length, r = 0; while (e[n++] = t[r++]); e.length = n - 1 } } } function at(e, t, n, i) { var o, a, s, l, u, c, d, m, y, x; if ((t ? t.ownerDocument || t : w) !== f && p(t), t = t || f, n = n || [], !e || "string" != typeof e) return n; if (1 !== (l = t.nodeType) && 9 !== l) return []; if (h && !i) { if (o = Z.exec(e)) if (s = o[1]) { if (9 === l) { if (a = t.getElementById(s), !a || !a.parentNode) return n; if (a.id === s) return n.push(a), n } else if (t.ownerDocument && (a = t.ownerDocument.getElementById(s)) && v(t, a) && a.id === s) return n.push(a), n } else { if (o[2]) return M.apply(n, t.getElementsByTagName(e)), n; if ((s = o[3]) && r.getElementsByClassName && t.getElementsByClassName) return M.apply(n, t.getElementsByClassName(s)), n } if (r.qsa && (!g || !g.test(e))) { if (m = d = b, y = t, x = 9 === l && e, 1 === l && "object" !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { c = mt(e), (d = t.getAttribute("id")) ? m = d.replace(nt, "\\$&") : t.setAttribute("id", m), m = "[id='" + m + "'] ", u = c.length; while (u--) c[u] = m + yt(c[u]); y = V.test(e) && t.parentNode || t, x = c.join(",") } if (x) try { return M.apply(n, y.querySelectorAll(x)), n } catch (T) { } finally { d || t.removeAttribute("id") } } } return kt(e.replace(z, "$1"), t, n, i) } function st() { var e = []; function t(n, r) { return e.push(n += " ") > o.cacheLength && delete t[e.shift()], t[n] = r } return t } function lt(e) { return e[b] = !0, e } function ut(e) { var t = f.createElement("div"); try { return !!e(t) } catch (n) { return !1 } finally { t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t), t = null } } function ct(e, t) { var n = e.split("|"), r = e.length; while (r--) o.attrHandle[n[r]] = t } function pt(e, t) { var n = t && e, r = n && 1 === e.nodeType && 1 === t.nodeType && (~t.sourceIndex || D) - (~e.sourceIndex || D); if (r) return r; if (n) while (n = n.nextSibling) if (n === t) return -1; return e ? 1 : -1 } function ft(e) { return function (t) { var n = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "input" === n && t.type === e } } function dt(e) { return function (t) { var n = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return ("input" === n || "button" === n) && t.type === e } } function ht(e) { return lt(function (t) { return t = +t, lt(function (n, r) { var i, o = e([], n.length, t), a = o.length; while (a--) n[i = o[a]] && (n[i] = !(r[i] = n[i])) }) }) } s = at.isXML = function (e) { var t = e && (e.ownerDocument || e).documentElement; return t ? "HTML" !== t.nodeName : !1 }, r = at.support = {}, p = at.setDocument = function (e) { var n = e ? e.ownerDocument || e : w, i = n.defaultView; return n !== f && 9 === n.nodeType && n.documentElement ? (f = n, d = n.documentElement, h = !s(n), i && i.attachEvent && i !== i.top && i.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", function () { p() }), r.attributes = ut(function (e) { return e.className = "i", !e.getAttribute("className") }), r.getElementsByTagName = ut(function (e) { return e.appendChild(n.createComment("")), !e.getElementsByTagName("*").length }), r.getElementsByClassName = ut(function (e) { return e.innerHTML = "
", e.firstChild.className = "i", 2 === e.getElementsByClassName("i").length }), r.getById = ut(function (e) { return d.appendChild(e).id = b, !n.getElementsByName || !n.getElementsByName(b).length }), r.getById ? (o.find.ID = function (e, t) { if (typeof t.getElementById !== j && h) { var n = t.getElementById(e); return n && n.parentNode ? [n] : [] } }, o.filter.ID = function (e) { var t = e.replace(rt, it); return function (e) { return e.getAttribute("id") === t } }) : (delete o.find.ID, o.filter.ID = function (e) { var t = e.replace(rt, it); return function (e) { var n = typeof e.getAttributeNode !== j && e.getAttributeNode("id"); return n && n.value === t } }), o.find.TAG = r.getElementsByTagName ? function (e, n) { return typeof n.getElementsByTagName !== j ? n.getElementsByTagName(e) : t } : function (e, t) { var n, r = [], i = 0, o = t.getElementsByTagName(e); if ("*" === e) { while (n = o[i++]) 1 === n.nodeType && r.push(n); return r } return o }, o.find.CLASS = r.getElementsByClassName && function (e, n) { return typeof n.getElementsByClassName !== j && h ? n.getElementsByClassName(e) : t }, m = [], g = [], (r.qsa = K.test(n.querySelectorAll)) && (ut(function (e) { e.innerHTML = "", e.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length || g.push("\\[" + P + "*(?:value|" + B + ")"), e.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || g.push(":checked") }), ut(function (e) { var t = n.createElement("input"); t.setAttribute("type", "hidden"), e.appendChild(t).setAttribute("t", ""), e.querySelectorAll("[t^='']").length && g.push("[*^$]=" + P + "*(?:''|\"\")"), e.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length || g.push(":enabled", ":disabled"), e.querySelectorAll("*,:x"), g.push(",.*:") })), (r.matchesSelector = K.test(y = d.webkitMatchesSelector || d.mozMatchesSelector || d.oMatchesSelector || d.msMatchesSelector)) && ut(function (e) { r.disconnectedMatch = y.call(e, "div"), y.call(e, "[s!='']:x"), m.push("!=", I) }), g = g.length && RegExp(g.join("|")), m = m.length && RegExp(m.join("|")), v = K.test(d.contains) || d.compareDocumentPosition ? function (e, t) { var n = 9 === e.nodeType ? e.documentElement : e, r = t && t.parentNode; return e === r || !(!r || 1 !== r.nodeType || !(n.contains ? n.contains(r) : e.compareDocumentPosition && 16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(r))) } : function (e, t) { if (t) while (t = t.parentNode) if (t === e) return !0; return !1 }, A = d.compareDocumentPosition ? function (e, t) { if (e === t) return S = !0, 0; var i = t.compareDocumentPosition && e.compareDocumentPosition && e.compareDocumentPosition(t); return i ? 1 & i || !r.sortDetached && t.compareDocumentPosition(e) === i ? e === n || v(w, e) ? -1 : t === n || v(w, t) ? 1 : c ? F.call(c, e) - F.call(c, t) : 0 : 4 & i ? -1 : 1 : e.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1 } : function (e, t) { var r, i = 0, o = e.parentNode, a = t.parentNode, s = [e], l = [t]; if (e === t) return S = !0, 0; if (!o || !a) return e === n ? -1 : t === n ? 1 : o ? -1 : a ? 1 : c ? F.call(c, e) - F.call(c, t) : 0; if (o === a) return pt(e, t); r = e; while (r = r.parentNode) s.unshift(r); r = t; while (r = r.parentNode) l.unshift(r); while (s[i] === l[i]) i++; return i ? pt(s[i], l[i]) : s[i] === w ? -1 : l[i] === w ? 1 : 0 }, n) : f }, at.matches = function (e, t) { return at(e, null, null, t) }, at.matchesSelector = function (e, t) { if ((e.ownerDocument || e) !== f && p(e), t = t.replace(Y, "='$1']"), !(!r.matchesSelector || !h || m && m.test(t) || g && g.test(t))) try { var n = y.call(e, t); if (n || r.disconnectedMatch || e.document && 11 !== e.document.nodeType) return n } catch (i) { } return at(t, f, null, [e]).length > 0 }, at.contains = function (e, t) { return (e.ownerDocument || e) !== f && p(e), v(e, t) }, at.attr = function (e, n) { (e.ownerDocument || e) !== f && p(e); var i = o.attrHandle[n.toLowerCase()], a = i && L.call(o.attrHandle, n.toLowerCase()) ? i(e, n, !h) : t; return a === t ? r.attributes || !h ? e.getAttribute(n) : (a = e.getAttributeNode(n)) && a.specified ? a.value : null : a }, at.error = function (e) { throw Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + e) }, at.uniqueSort = function (e) { var t, n = [], i = 0, o = 0; if (S = !r.detectDuplicates, c = !r.sortStable && e.slice(0), e.sort(A), S) { while (t = e[o++]) t === e[o] && (i = n.push(o)); while (i--) e.splice(n[i], 1) } return e }, a = at.getText = function (e) { var t, n = "", r = 0, i = e.nodeType; if (i) { if (1 === i || 9 === i || 11 === i) { if ("string" == typeof e.textContent) return e.textContent; for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)n += a(e) } else if (3 === i || 4 === i) return e.nodeValue } else for (; t = e[r]; r++)n += a(t); return n }, o = at.selectors = { cacheLength: 50, createPseudo: lt, match: Q, attrHandle: {}, find: {}, relative: { ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: !0 }, " ": { dir: "parentNode" }, "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: !0 }, "~": { dir: "previousSibling" } }, preFilter: { ATTR: function (e) { return e[1] = e[1].replace(rt, it), e[3] = (e[4] || e[5] || "").replace(rt, it), "~=" === e[2] && (e[3] = " " + e[3] + " "), e.slice(0, 4) }, CHILD: function (e) { return e[1] = e[1].toLowerCase(), "nth" === e[1].slice(0, 3) ? (e[3] || at.error(e[0]), e[4] = +(e[4] ? e[5] + (e[6] || 1) : 2 * ("even" === e[3] || "odd" === e[3])), e[5] = +(e[7] + e[8] || "odd" === e[3])) : e[3] && at.error(e[0]), e }, PSEUDO: function (e) { var n, r = !e[5] && e[2]; return Q.CHILD.test(e[0]) ? null : (e[3] && e[4] !== t ? e[2] = e[4] : r && J.test(r) && (n = mt(r, !0)) && (n = r.indexOf(")", r.length - n) - r.length) && (e[0] = e[0].slice(0, n), e[2] = r.slice(0, n)), e.slice(0, 3)) } }, filter: { TAG: function (e) { var t = e.replace(rt, it).toLowerCase(); return "*" === e ? function () { return !0 } : function (e) { return e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === t } }, CLASS: function (e) { var t = N[e + " "]; return t || (t = RegExp("(^|" + P + ")" + e + "(" + P + "|$)")) && N(e, function (e) { return t.test("string" == typeof e.className && e.className || typeof e.getAttribute !== j && e.getAttribute("class") || "") }) }, ATTR: function (e, t, n) { return function (r) { var i = at.attr(r, e); return null == i ? "!=" === t : t ? (i += "", "=" === t ? i === n : "!=" === t ? i !== n : "^=" === t ? n && 0 === i.indexOf(n) : "*=" === t ? n && i.indexOf(n) > -1 : "$=" === t ? n && i.slice(-n.length) === n : "~=" === t ? (" " + i + " ").indexOf(n) > -1 : "|=" === t ? i === n || i.slice(0, n.length + 1) === n + "-" : !1) : !0 } }, CHILD: function (e, t, n, r, i) { var o = "nth" !== e.slice(0, 3), a = "last" !== e.slice(-4), s = "of-type" === t; return 1 === r && 0 === i ? function (e) { return !!e.parentNode } : function (t, n, l) { var u, c, p, f, d, h, g = o !== a ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", m = t.parentNode, y = s && t.nodeName.toLowerCase(), v = !l && !s; if (m) { if (o) { while (g) { p = t; while (p = p[g]) if (s ? p.nodeName.toLowerCase() === y : 1 === p.nodeType) return !1; h = g = "only" === e && !h && "nextSibling" } return !0 } if (h = [a ? m.firstChild : m.lastChild], a && v) { c = m[b] || (m[b] = {}), u = c[e] || [], d = u[0] === T && u[1], f = u[0] === T && u[2], p = d && m.childNodes[d]; while (p = ++d && p && p[g] || (f = d = 0) || h.pop()) if (1 === p.nodeType && ++f && p === t) { c[e] = [T, d, f]; break } } else if (v && (u = (t[b] || (t[b] = {}))[e]) && u[0] === T) f = u[1]; else while (p = ++d && p && p[g] || (f = d = 0) || h.pop()) if ((s ? p.nodeName.toLowerCase() === y : 1 === p.nodeType) && ++f && (v && ((p[b] || (p[b] = {}))[e] = [T, f]), p === t)) break; return f -= i, f === r || 0 === f % r && f / r >= 0 } } }, PSEUDO: function (e, t) { var n, r = o.pseudos[e] || o.setFilters[e.toLowerCase()] || at.error("unsupported pseudo: " + e); return r[b] ? r(t) : r.length > 1 ? (n = [e, e, "", t], o.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(e.toLowerCase()) ? lt(function (e, n) { var i, o = r(e, t), a = o.length; while (a--) i = F.call(e, o[a]), e[i] = !(n[i] = o[a]) }) : function (e) { return r(e, 0, n) }) : r } }, pseudos: { not: lt(function (e) { var t = [], n = [], r = l(e.replace(z, "$1")); return r[b] ? lt(function (e, t, n, i) { var o, a = r(e, null, i, []), s = e.length; while (s--) (o = a[s]) && (e[s] = !(t[s] = o)) }) : function (e, i, o) { return t[0] = e, r(t, null, o, n), !n.pop() } }), has: lt(function (e) { return function (t) { return at(e, t).length > 0 } }), contains: lt(function (e) { return function (t) { return (t.textContent || t.innerText || a(t)).indexOf(e) > -1 } }), lang: lt(function (e) { return G.test(e || "") || at.error("unsupported lang: " + e), e = e.replace(rt, it).toLowerCase(), function (t) { var n; do if (n = h ? t.lang : t.getAttribute("xml:lang") || t.getAttribute("lang")) return n = n.toLowerCase(), n === e || 0 === n.indexOf(e + "-"); while ((t = t.parentNode) && 1 === t.nodeType); return !1 } }), target: function (t) { var n = e.location && e.location.hash; return n && n.slice(1) === t.id }, root: function (e) { return e === d }, focus: function (e) { return e === f.activeElement && (!f.hasFocus || f.hasFocus()) && !!(e.type || e.href || ~e.tabIndex) }, enabled: function (e) { return e.disabled === !1 }, disabled: function (e) { return e.disabled === !0 }, checked: function (e) { var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "input" === t && !!e.checked || "option" === t && !!e.selected }, selected: function (e) { return e.parentNode && e.parentNode.selectedIndex, e.selected === !0 }, empty: function (e) { for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)if (e.nodeName > "@" || 3 === e.nodeType || 4 === e.nodeType) return !1; return !0 }, parent: function (e) { return !o.pseudos.empty(e) }, header: function (e) { return tt.test(e.nodeName) }, input: function (e) { return et.test(e.nodeName) }, button: function (e) { var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "input" === t && "button" === e.type || "button" === t }, text: function (e) { var t; return "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "text" === e.type && (null == (t = e.getAttribute("type")) || t.toLowerCase() === e.type) }, first: ht(function () { return [0] }), last: ht(function (e, t) { return [t - 1] }), eq: ht(function (e, t, n) { return [0 > n ? n + t : n] }), even: ht(function (e, t) { var n = 0; for (; t > n; n += 2)e.push(n); return e }), odd: ht(function (e, t) { var n = 1; for (; t > n; n += 2)e.push(n); return e }), lt: ht(function (e, t, n) { var r = 0 > n ? n + t : n; for (; --r >= 0;)e.push(r); return e }), gt: ht(function (e, t, n) { var r = 0 > n ? n + t : n; for (; t > ++r;)e.push(r); return e }) } }, o.pseudos.nth = o.pseudos.eq; for (n in { radio: !0, checkbox: !0, file: !0, password: !0, image: !0 }) o.pseudos[n] = ft(n); for (n in { submit: !0, reset: !0 }) o.pseudos[n] = dt(n); function gt() { } gt.prototype = o.filters = o.pseudos, o.setFilters = new gt; function mt(e, t) { var n, r, i, a, s, l, u, c = k[e + " "]; if (c) return t ? 0 : c.slice(0); s = e, l = [], u = o.preFilter; while (s) { (!n || (r = X.exec(s))) && (r && (s = s.slice(r[0].length) || s), l.push(i = [])), n = !1, (r = U.exec(s)) && (n = r.shift(), i.push({ value: n, type: r[0].replace(z, " ") }), s = s.slice(n.length)); for (a in o.filter) !(r = Q[a].exec(s)) || u[a] && !(r = u[a](r)) || (n = r.shift(), i.push({ value: n, type: a, matches: r }), s = s.slice(n.length)); if (!n) break } return t ? s.length : s ? at.error(e) : k(e, l).slice(0) } function yt(e) { var t = 0, n = e.length, r = ""; for (; n > t; t++)r += e[t].value; return r } function vt(e, t, n) { var r = t.dir, o = n && "parentNode" === r, a = C++; return t.first ? function (t, n, i) { while (t = t[r]) if (1 === t.nodeType || o) return e(t, n, i) } : function (t, n, s) { var l, u, c, p = T + " " + a; if (s) { while (t = t[r]) if ((1 === t.nodeType || o) && e(t, n, s)) return !0 } else while (t = t[r]) if (1 === t.nodeType || o) if (c = t[b] || (t[b] = {}), (u = c[r]) && u[0] === p) { if ((l = u[1]) === !0 || l === i) return l === !0 } else if (u = c[r] = [p], u[1] = e(t, n, s) || i, u[1] === !0) return !0 } } function bt(e) { return e.length > 1 ? function (t, n, r) { var i = e.length; while (i--) if (!e[i](t, n, r)) return !1; return !0 } : e[0] } function xt(e, t, n, r, i) { var o, a = [], s = 0, l = e.length, u = null != t; for (; l > s; s++)(o = e[s]) && (!n || n(o, r, i)) && (a.push(o), u && t.push(s)); return a } function wt(e, t, n, r, i, o) { return r && !r[b] && (r = wt(r)), i && !i[b] && (i = wt(i, o)), lt(function (o, a, s, l) { var u, c, p, f = [], d = [], h = a.length, g = o || Nt(t || "*", s.nodeType ? [s] : s, []), m = !e || !o && t ? g : xt(g, f, e, s, l), y = n ? i || (o ? e : h || r) ? [] : a : m; if (n && n(m, y, s, l), r) { u = xt(y, d), r(u, [], s, l), c = u.length; while (c--) (p = u[c]) && (y[d[c]] = !(m[d[c]] = p)) } if (o) { if (i || e) { if (i) { u = [], c = y.length; while (c--) (p = y[c]) && u.push(m[c] = p); i(null, y = [], u, l) } c = y.length; while (c--) (p = y[c]) && (u = i ? F.call(o, p) : f[c]) > -1 && (o[u] = !(a[u] = p)) } } else y = xt(y === a ? y.splice(h, y.length) : y), i ? i(null, a, y, l) : M.apply(a, y) }) } function Tt(e) { var t, n, r, i = e.length, a = o.relative[e[0].type], s = a || o.relative[" "], l = a ? 1 : 0, c = vt(function (e) { return e === t }, s, !0), p = vt(function (e) { return F.call(t, e) > -1 }, s, !0), f = [function (e, n, r) { return !a && (r || n !== u) || ((t = n).nodeType ? c(e, n, r) : p(e, n, r)) }]; for (; i > l; l++)if (n = o.relative[e[l].type]) f = [vt(bt(f), n)]; else { if (n = o.filter[e[l].type].apply(null, e[l].matches), n[b]) { for (r = ++l; i > r; r++)if (o.relative[e[r].type]) break; return wt(l > 1 && bt(f), l > 1 && yt(e.slice(0, l - 1).concat({ value: " " === e[l - 2].type ? "*" : "" })).replace(z, "$1"), n, r > l && Tt(e.slice(l, r)), i > r && Tt(e = e.slice(r)), i > r && yt(e)) } f.push(n) } return bt(f) } function Ct(e, t) { var n = 0, r = t.length > 0, a = e.length > 0, s = function (s, l, c, p, d) { var h, g, m, y = [], v = 0, b = "0", x = s && [], w = null != d, C = u, N = s || a && o.find.TAG("*", d && l.parentNode || l), k = T += null == C ? 1 : Math.random() || .1; for (w && (u = l !== f && l, i = n); null != (h = N[b]); b++) { if (a && h) { g = 0; while (m = e[g++]) if (m(h, l, c)) { p.push(h); break } w && (T = k, i = ++n) } r && ((h = !m && h) && v-- , s && x.push(h)) } if (v += b, r && b !== v) { g = 0; while (m = t[g++]) m(x, y, l, c); if (s) { if (v > 0) while (b--) x[b] || y[b] || (y[b] = q.call(p)); y = xt(y) } M.apply(p, y), w && !s && y.length > 0 && v + t.length > 1 && at.uniqueSort(p) } return w && (T = k, u = C), x }; return r ? lt(s) : s } l = at.compile = function (e, t) { var n, r = [], i = [], o = E[e + " "]; if (!o) { t || (t = mt(e)), n = t.length; while (n--) o = Tt(t[n]), o[b] ? r.push(o) : i.push(o); o = E(e, Ct(i, r)) } return o }; function Nt(e, t, n) { var r = 0, i = t.length; for (; i > r; r++)at(e, t[r], n); return n } function kt(e, t, n, i) { var a, s, u, c, p, f = mt(e); if (!i && 1 === f.length) { if (s = f[0] = f[0].slice(0), s.length > 2 && "ID" === (u = s[0]).type && r.getById && 9 === t.nodeType && h && o.relative[s[1].type]) { if (t = (o.find.ID(u.matches[0].replace(rt, it), t) || [])[0], !t) return n; e = e.slice(s.shift().value.length) } a = Q.needsContext.test(e) ? 0 : s.length; while (a--) { if (u = s[a], o.relative[c = u.type]) break; if ((p = o.find[c]) && (i = p(u.matches[0].replace(rt, it), V.test(s[0].type) && t.parentNode || t))) { if (s.splice(a, 1), e = i.length && yt(s), !e) return M.apply(n, i), n; break } } } return l(e, f)(i, t, !h, n, V.test(e)), n } r.sortStable = b.split("").sort(A).join("") === b, r.detectDuplicates = S, p(), r.sortDetached = ut(function (e) { return 1 & e.compareDocumentPosition(f.createElement("div")) }), ut(function (e) { return e.innerHTML = "", "#" === e.firstChild.getAttribute("href") }) || ct("type|href|height|width", function (e, n, r) { return r ? t : e.getAttribute(n, "type" === n.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 2) }), r.attributes && ut(function (e) { return e.innerHTML = "", e.firstChild.setAttribute("value", ""), "" === e.firstChild.getAttribute("value") }) || ct("value", function (e, n, r) { return r || "input" !== e.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? t : e.defaultValue }), ut(function (e) { return null == e.getAttribute("disabled") }) || ct(B, function (e, n, r) { var i; return r ? t : (i = e.getAttributeNode(n)) && i.specified ? i.value : e[n] === !0 ? n.toLowerCase() : null }), x.find = at, x.expr = at.selectors, x.expr[":"] = x.expr.pseudos, x.unique = at.uniqueSort, x.text = at.getText, x.isXMLDoc = at.isXML, x.contains = at.contains }(e); var O = {}; function F(e) { var t = O[e] = {}; return x.each(e.match(T) || [], function (e, n) { t[n] = !0 }), t } x.Callbacks = function (e) { e = "string" == typeof e ? O[e] || F(e) : x.extend({}, e); var n, r, i, o, a, s, l = [], u = !e.once && [], c = function (t) { for (r = e.memory && t, i = !0, a = s || 0, s = 0, o = l.length, n = !0; l && o > a; a++)if (l[a].apply(t[0], t[1]) === !1 && e.stopOnFalse) { r = !1; break } n = !1, l && (u ? u.length && c(u.shift()) : r ? l = [] : p.disable()) }, p = { add: function () { if (l) { var t = l.length; (function i(t) { x.each(t, function (t, n) { var r = x.type(n); "function" === r ? e.unique && p.has(n) || l.push(n) : n && n.length && "string" !== r && i(n) }) })(arguments), n ? o = l.length : r && (s = t, c(r)) } return this }, remove: function () { return l && x.each(arguments, function (e, t) { var r; while ((r = x.inArray(t, l, r)) > -1) l.splice(r, 1), n && (o >= r && o-- , a >= r && a--) }), this }, has: function (e) { return e ? x.inArray(e, l) > -1 : !(!l || !l.length) }, empty: function () { return l = [], o = 0, this }, disable: function () { return l = u = r = t, this }, disabled: function () { return !l }, lock: function () { return u = t, r || p.disable(), this }, locked: function () { return !u }, fireWith: function (e, t) { return !l || i && !u || (t = t || [], t = [e, t.slice ? t.slice() : t], n ? u.push(t) : c(t)), this }, fire: function () { return p.fireWith(this, arguments), this }, fired: function () { return !!i } }; return p }, x.extend({ Deferred: function (e) { var t = [["resolve", "done", x.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved"], ["reject", "fail", x.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"], ["notify", "progress", x.Callbacks("memory")]], n = "pending", r = { state: function () { return n }, always: function () { return i.done(arguments).fail(arguments), this }, then: function () { var e = arguments; return x.Deferred(function (n) { x.each(t, function (t, o) { var a = o[0], s = x.isFunction(e[t]) && e[t]; i[o[1]](function () { var e = s && s.apply(this, arguments); e && x.isFunction(e.promise) ? e.promise().done(n.resolve).fail(n.reject).progress(n.notify) : n[a + "With"](this === r ? n.promise() : this, s ? [e] : arguments) }) }), e = null }).promise() }, promise: function (e) { return null != e ? x.extend(e, r) : r } }, i = {}; return r.pipe = r.then, x.each(t, function (e, o) { var a = o[2], s = o[3]; r[o[1]] = a.add, s && a.add(function () { n = s }, t[1 ^ e][2].disable, t[2][2].lock), i[o[0]] = function () { return i[o[0] + "With"](this === i ? r : this, arguments), this }, i[o[0] + "With"] = a.fireWith }), r.promise(i), e && e.call(i, i), i }, when: function (e) { var t = 0, n = g.call(arguments), r = n.length, i = 1 !== r || e && x.isFunction(e.promise) ? r : 0, o = 1 === i ? e : x.Deferred(), a = function (e, t, n) { return function (r) { t[e] = this, n[e] = arguments.length > 1 ? g.call(arguments) : r, n === s ? o.notifyWith(t, n) : --i || o.resolveWith(t, n) } }, s, l, u; if (r > 1) for (s = Array(r), l = Array(r), u = Array(r); r > t; t++)n[t] && x.isFunction(n[t].promise) ? n[t].promise().done(a(t, u, n)).fail(o.reject).progress(a(t, l, s)) : --i; return i || o.resolveWith(u, n), o.promise() } }), x.support = function (t) {
var n, r, o, s, l, u, c, p, f, d = a.createElement("div"); if (d.setAttribute("className", "t"), d.innerHTML = "
"] }, jt = dt(a), Dt = jt.appendChild(a.createElement("div")); At.optgroup = At.option, At.tbody = At.tfoot = At.colgroup = At.caption = At.thead, At.th = At.td, x.fn.extend({ text: function (e) { return x.access(this, function (e) { return e === t ? x.text(this) : this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || a).createTextNode(e)) }, null, e, arguments.length) }, append: function () { return this.domManip(arguments, function (e) { if (1 === this.nodeType || 11 === this.nodeType || 9 === this.nodeType) { var t = Lt(this, e); t.appendChild(e) } }) }, prepend: function () { return this.domManip(arguments, function (e) { if (1 === this.nodeType || 11 === this.nodeType || 9 === this.nodeType) { var t = Lt(this, e); t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild) } }) }, before: function () { return this.domManip(arguments, function (e) { this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this) }) }, after: function () { return this.domManip(arguments, function (e) { this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this.nextSibling) }) }, remove: function (e, t) { var n, r = e ? x.filter(e, this) : this, i = 0; for (; null != (n = r[i]); i++)t || 1 !== n.nodeType || x.cleanData(Ft(n)), n.parentNode && (t && x.contains(n.ownerDocument, n) && _t(Ft(n, "script")), n.parentNode.removeChild(n)); return this }, empty: function () { var e, t = 0; for (; null != (e = this[t]); t++) { 1 === e.nodeType && x.cleanData(Ft(e, !1)); while (e.firstChild) e.removeChild(e.firstChild); e.options && x.nodeName(e, "select") && (e.options.length = 0) } return this }, clone: function (e, t) { return e = null == e ? !1 : e, t = null == t ? e : t, this.map(function () { return x.clone(this, e, t) }) }, html: function (e) { return x.access(this, function (e) { var n = this[0] || {}, r = 0, i = this.length; if (e === t) return 1 === n.nodeType ? n.innerHTML.replace(gt, "") : t; if (!("string" != typeof e || Tt.test(e) || !x.support.htmlSerialize && mt.test(e) || !x.support.leadingWhitespace && yt.test(e) || At[(bt.exec(e) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()])) { e = e.replace(vt, "<$1>$2>"); try { for (; i > r; r++)n = this[r] || {}, 1 === n.nodeType && (x.cleanData(Ft(n, !1)), n.innerHTML = e); n = 0 } catch (o) { } } n && this.empty().append(e) }, null, e, arguments.length) }, replaceWith: function () { var e = x.map(this, function (e) { return [e.nextSibling, e.parentNode] }), t = 0; return this.domManip(arguments, function (n) { var r = e[t++], i = e[t++]; i && (r && r.parentNode !== i && (r = this.nextSibling), x(this).remove(), i.insertBefore(n, r)) }, !0), t ? this : this.remove() }, detach: function (e) { return this.remove(e, !0) }, domManip: function (e, t, n) { e = d.apply([], e); var r, i, o, a, s, l, u = 0, c = this.length, p = this, f = c - 1, h = e[0], g = x.isFunction(h); if (g || !(1 >= c || "string" != typeof h || x.support.checkClone) && Nt.test(h)) return this.each(function (r) { var i = p.eq(r); g && (e[0] = h.call(this, r, i.html())), i.domManip(e, t, n) }); if (c && (l = x.buildFragment(e, this[0].ownerDocument, !1, !n && this), r = l.firstChild, 1 === l.childNodes.length && (l = r), r)) { for (a = x.map(Ft(l, "script"), Ht), o = a.length; c > u; u++)i = l, u !== f && (i = x.clone(i, !0, !0), o && x.merge(a, Ft(i, "script"))), t.call(this[u], i, u); if (o) for (s = a[a.length - 1].ownerDocument, x.map(a, qt), u = 0; o > u; u++)i = a[u], kt.test(i.type || "") && !x._data(i, "globalEval") && x.contains(s, i) && (i.src ? x._evalUrl(i.src) : x.globalEval((i.text || i.textContent || i.innerHTML || "").replace(St, ""))); l = r = null } return this } }); function Lt(e, t) { return x.nodeName(e, "table") && x.nodeName(1 === t.nodeType ? t : t.firstChild, "tr") ? e.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || e.appendChild(e.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody")) : e } function Ht(e) { return e.type = (null !== x.find.attr(e, "type")) + "/" + e.type, e } function qt(e) { var t = Et.exec(e.type); return t ? e.type = t[1] : e.removeAttribute("type"), e } function _t(e, t) { var n, r = 0; for (; null != (n = e[r]); r++)x._data(n, "globalEval", !t || x._data(t[r], "globalEval")) } function Mt(e, t) { if (1 === t.nodeType && x.hasData(e)) { var n, r, i, o = x._data(e), a = x._data(t, o), s = o.events; if (s) { delete a.handle, a.events = {}; for (n in s) for (r = 0, i = s[n].length; i > r; r++)x.event.add(t, n, s[n][r]) } a.data && (a.data = x.extend({}, a.data)) } } function Ot(e, t) { var n, r, i; if (1 === t.nodeType) { if (n = t.nodeName.toLowerCase(), !x.support.noCloneEvent && t[x.expando]) { i = x._data(t); for (r in i.events) x.removeEvent(t, r, i.handle); t.removeAttribute(x.expando) } "script" === n && t.text !== e.text ? (Ht(t).text = e.text, qt(t)) : "object" === n ? (t.parentNode && (t.outerHTML = e.outerHTML), x.support.html5Clone && e.innerHTML && !x.trim(t.innerHTML) && (t.innerHTML = e.innerHTML)) : "input" === n && Ct.test(e.type) ? (t.defaultChecked = t.checked = e.checked, t.value !== e.value && (t.value = e.value)) : "option" === n ? t.defaultSelected = t.selected = e.defaultSelected : ("input" === n || "textarea" === n) && (t.defaultValue = e.defaultValue) } } x.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function (e, t) { x.fn[e] = function (e) { var n, r = 0, i = [], o = x(e), a = o.length - 1; for (; a >= r; r++)n = r === a ? this : this.clone(!0), x(o[r])[t](n), h.apply(i, n.get()); return this.pushStack(i) } }); function Ft(e, n) { var r, o, a = 0, s = typeof e.getElementsByTagName !== i ? e.getElementsByTagName(n || "*") : typeof e.querySelectorAll !== i ? e.querySelectorAll(n || "*") : t; if (!s) for (s = [], r = e.childNodes || e; null != (o = r[a]); a++)!n || x.nodeName(o, n) ? s.push(o) : x.merge(s, Ft(o, n)); return n === t || n && x.nodeName(e, n) ? x.merge([e], s) : s } function Bt(e) { Ct.test(e.type) && (e.defaultChecked = e.checked) } x.extend({
clone: function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s, l = x.contains(e.ownerDocument, e); if (x.support.html5Clone || x.isXMLDoc(e) || !mt.test("<" + e.nodeName + ">") ? o = e.cloneNode(!0) : (Dt.innerHTML = e.outerHTML, Dt.removeChild(o = Dt.firstChild)), !(x.support.noCloneEvent && x.support.noCloneChecked || 1 !== e.nodeType && 11 !== e.nodeType || x.isXMLDoc(e))) for (r = Ft(o), s = Ft(e), a = 0; null != (i = s[a]); ++a)r[a] && Ot(i, r[a]); if (t) if (n) for (s = s || Ft(e), r = r || Ft(o), a = 0; null != (i = s[a]); a++)Mt(i, r[a]); else Mt(e, o); return r = Ft(o, "script"), r.length > 0 && _t(r, !l && Ft(e, "script")), r = s = i = null, o }, buildFragment: function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, l, u, c, p = e.length, f = dt(t), d = [], h = 0; for (; p > h; h++)if (o = e[h], o || 0 === o) if ("object" === x.type(o)) x.merge(d, o.nodeType ? [o] : o); else if (wt.test(o)) { s = s || f.appendChild(t.createElement("div")), l = (bt.exec(o) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), c = At[l] || At._default, s.innerHTML = c[1] + o.replace(vt, "<$1>$2>") + c[2], i = c[0]; while (i--) s = s.lastChild; if (!x.support.leadingWhitespace && yt.test(o) && d.push(t.createTextNode(yt.exec(o)[0])), !x.support.tbody) { o = "table" !== l || xt.test(o) ? "
" !== c[1] || xt.test(o) ? 0 : s : s.firstChild, i = o && o.childNodes.length; while (i--) x.nodeName(u = o.childNodes[i], "tbody") && !u.childNodes.length && o.removeChild(u) } x.merge(d, s.childNodes), s.textContent = ""; while (s.firstChild) s.removeChild(s.firstChild); s = f.lastChild } else d.push(t.createTextNode(o)); s && f.removeChild(s), x.support.appendChecked || x.grep(Ft(d, "input"), Bt), h = 0; while (o = d[h++]) if ((!r || -1 === x.inArray(o, r)) && (a = x.contains(o.ownerDocument, o), s = Ft(f.appendChild(o), "script"), a && _t(s), n)) { i = 0; while (o = s[i++]) kt.test(o.type || "") && n.push(o) } return s = null, f }, cleanData: function (e, t) {
var n, r, o, a, s = 0, l = x.expando, u = x.cache, c = x.support.deleteExpando, f = x.event.special; for (; null != (n = e[s]); s++)if ((t || x.acceptData(n)) && (o = n[l], a = o && u[o])) {
if (a.events) for (r in a.events) f[r] ? x.event.remove(n, r) : x.removeEvent(n, r, a.handle);
u[o] && (delete u[o], c ? delete n[l] : typeof n.removeAttribute !== i ? n.removeAttribute(l) : n[l] = null, p.push(o))
}, _evalUrl: function (e) { return x.ajax({ url: e, type: "GET", dataType: "script", async: !1, global: !1, "throws": !0 }) }
}), x.fn.extend({ wrapAll: function (e) { if (x.isFunction(e)) return this.each(function (t) { x(this).wrapAll(e.call(this, t)) }); if (this[0]) { var t = x(e, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(!0); this[0].parentNode && t.insertBefore(this[0]), t.map(function () { var e = this; while (e.firstChild && 1 === e.firstChild.nodeType) e = e.firstChild; return e }).append(this) } return this }, wrapInner: function (e) { return x.isFunction(e) ? this.each(function (t) { x(this).wrapInner(e.call(this, t)) }) : this.each(function () { var t = x(this), n = t.contents(); n.length ? n.wrapAll(e) : t.append(e) }) }, wrap: function (e) { var t = x.isFunction(e); return this.each(function (n) { x(this).wrapAll(t ? e.call(this, n) : e) }) }, unwrap: function () { return this.parent().each(function () { x.nodeName(this, "body") || x(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes) }).end() } }); var Pt, Rt, Wt, $t = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i, It = /opacity\s*=\s*([^)]*)/, zt = /^(top|right|bottom|left)$/, Xt = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/, Ut = /^margin/, Vt = RegExp("^(" + w + ")(.*)$", "i"), Yt = RegExp("^(" + w + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i"), Jt = RegExp("^([+-])=(" + w + ")", "i"), Gt = { BODY: "block" }, Qt = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, Kt = { letterSpacing: 0, fontWeight: 400 }, Zt = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], en = ["Webkit", "O", "Moz", "ms"]; function tn(e, t) { if (t in e) return t; var n = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), r = t, i = en.length; while (i--) if (t = en[i] + n, t in e) return t; return r } function nn(e, t) { return e = t || e, "none" === x.css(e, "display") || !x.contains(e.ownerDocument, e) } function rn(e, t) { var n, r, i, o = [], a = 0, s = e.length; for (; s > a; a++)r = e[a], r.style && (o[a] = x._data(r, "olddisplay"), n = r.style.display, t ? (o[a] || "none" !== n || (r.style.display = ""), "" === r.style.display && nn(r) && (o[a] = x._data(r, "olddisplay", ln(r.nodeName)))) : o[a] || (i = nn(r), (n && "none" !== n || !i) && x._data(r, "olddisplay", i ? n : x.css(r, "display")))); for (a = 0; s > a; a++)r = e[a], r.style && (t && "none" !== r.style.display && "" !== r.style.display || (r.style.display = t ? o[a] || "" : "none")); return e } x.fn.extend({ css: function (e, n) { return x.access(this, function (e, n, r) { var i, o, a = {}, s = 0; if (x.isArray(n)) { for (o = Rt(e), i = n.length; i > s; s++)a[n[s]] = x.css(e, n[s], !1, o); return a } return r !== t ? x.style(e, n, r) : x.css(e, n) }, e, n, arguments.length > 1) }, show: function () { return rn(this, !0) }, hide: function () { return rn(this) }, toggle: function (e) { return "boolean" == typeof e ? e ? this.show() : this.hide() : this.each(function () { nn(this) ? x(this).show() : x(this).hide() }) } }), x.extend({ cssHooks: { opacity: { get: function (e, t) { if (t) { var n = Wt(e, "opacity"); return "" === n ? "1" : n } } } }, cssNumber: { columnCount: !0, fillOpacity: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, order: !0, orphans: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0 }, cssProps: { "float": x.support.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" }, style: function (e, n, r, i) { if (e && 3 !== e.nodeType && 8 !== e.nodeType && e.style) { var o, a, s, l = x.camelCase(n), u = e.style; if (n = x.cssProps[l] || (x.cssProps[l] = tn(u, l)), s = x.cssHooks[n] || x.cssHooks[l], r === t) return s && "get" in s && (o = s.get(e, !1, i)) !== t ? o : u[n]; if (a = typeof r, "string" === a && (o = Jt.exec(r)) && (r = (o[1] + 1) * o[2] + parseFloat(x.css(e, n)), a = "number"), !(null == r || "number" === a && isNaN(r) || ("number" !== a || x.cssNumber[l] || (r += "px"), x.support.clearCloneStyle || "" !== r || 0 !== n.indexOf("background") || (u[n] = "inherit"), s && "set" in s && (r = s.set(e, r, i)) === t))) try { u[n] = r } catch (c) { } } }, css: function (e, n, r, i) { var o, a, s, l = x.camelCase(n); return n = x.cssProps[l] || (x.cssProps[l] = tn(e.style, l)), s = x.cssHooks[n] || x.cssHooks[l], s && "get" in s && (a = s.get(e, !0, r)), a === t && (a = Wt(e, n, i)), "normal" === a && n in Kt && (a = Kt[n]), "" === r || r ? (o = parseFloat(a), r === !0 || x.isNumeric(o) ? o || 0 : a) : a } }), e.getComputedStyle ? (Rt = function (t) { return e.getComputedStyle(t, null) }, Wt = function (e, n, r) { var i, o, a, s = r || Rt(e), l = s ? s.getPropertyValue(n) || s[n] : t, u = e.style; return s && ("" !== l || x.contains(e.ownerDocument, e) || (l = x.style(e, n)), Yt.test(l) && Ut.test(n) && (i = u.width, o = u.minWidth, a = u.maxWidth, u.minWidth = u.maxWidth = u.width = l, l = s.width, u.width = i, u.minWidth = o, u.maxWidth = a)), l }) : a.documentElement.currentStyle && (Rt = function (e) { return e.currentStyle }, Wt = function (e, n, r) { var i, o, a, s = r || Rt(e), l = s ? s[n] : t, u = e.style; return null == l && u && u[n] && (l = u[n]), Yt.test(l) && !zt.test(n) && (i = u.left, o = e.runtimeStyle, a = o && o.left, a && (o.left = e.currentStyle.left), u.left = "fontSize" === n ? "1em" : l, l = u.pixelLeft + "px", u.left = i, a && (o.left = a)), "" === l ? "auto" : l }); function on(e, t, n) { var r = Vt.exec(t); return r ? Math.max(0, r[1] - (n || 0)) + (r[2] || "px") : t } function an(e, t, n, r, i) { var o = n === (r ? "border" : "content") ? 4 : "width" === t ? 1 : 0, a = 0; for (; 4 > o; o += 2)"margin" === n && (a += x.css(e, n + Zt[o], !0, i)), r ? ("content" === n && (a -= x.css(e, "padding" + Zt[o], !0, i)), "margin" !== n && (a -= x.css(e, "border" + Zt[o] + "Width", !0, i))) : (a += x.css(e, "padding" + Zt[o], !0, i), "padding" !== n && (a += x.css(e, "border" + Zt[o] + "Width", !0, i))); return a } function sn(e, t, n) { var r = !0, i = "width" === t ? e.offsetWidth : e.offsetHeight, o = Rt(e), a = x.support.boxSizing && "border-box" === x.css(e, "boxSizing", !1, o); if (0 >= i || null == i) { if (i = Wt(e, t, o), (0 > i || null == i) && (i = e.style[t]), Yt.test(i)) return i; r = a && (x.support.boxSizingReliable || i === e.style[t]), i = parseFloat(i) || 0 } return i + an(e, t, n || (a ? "border" : "content"), r, o) + "px" } function ln(e) { var t = a, n = Gt[e]; return n || (n = un(e, t), "none" !== n && n || (Pt = (Pt || x("").css("cssText", "display:block !important")).appendTo(t.documentElement), t = (Pt[0].contentWindow || Pt[0].contentDocument).document, t.write(""), t.close(), n = un(e, t), Pt.detach()), Gt[e] = n), n } function un(e, t) { var n = x(t.createElement(e)).appendTo(t.body), r = x.css(n[0], "display"); return n.remove(), r } x.each(["height", "width"], function (e, n) { x.cssHooks[n] = { get: function (e, r, i) { return r ? 0 === e.offsetWidth && Xt.test(x.css(e, "display")) ? x.swap(e, Qt, function () { return sn(e, n, i) }) : sn(e, n, i) : t }, set: function (e, t, r) { var i = r && Rt(e); return on(e, t, r ? an(e, n, r, x.support.boxSizing && "border-box" === x.css(e, "boxSizing", !1, i), i) : 0) } } }), x.support.opacity || (x.cssHooks.opacity = { get: function (e, t) { return It.test((t && e.currentStyle ? e.currentStyle.filter : e.style.filter) || "") ? .01 * parseFloat(RegExp.$1) + "" : t ? "1" : "" }, set: function (e, t) { var n = e.style, r = e.currentStyle, i = x.isNumeric(t) ? "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * t + ")" : "", o = r && r.filter || n.filter || ""; n.zoom = 1, (t >= 1 || "" === t) && "" === x.trim(o.replace($t, "")) && n.removeAttribute && (n.removeAttribute("filter"), "" === t || r && !r.filter) || (n.filter = $t.test(o) ? o.replace($t, i) : o + " " + i) } }), x(function () { x.support.reliableMarginRight || (x.cssHooks.marginRight = { get: function (e, n) { return n ? x.swap(e, { display: "inline-block" }, Wt, [e, "marginRight"]) : t } }), !x.support.pixelPosition && x.fn.position && x.each(["top", "left"], function (e, n) { x.cssHooks[n] = { get: function (e, r) { return r ? (r = Wt(e, n), Yt.test(r) ? x(e).position()[n] + "px" : r) : t } } }) }), x.expr && x.expr.filters && (x.expr.filters.hidden = function (e) { return 0 >= e.offsetWidth && 0 >= e.offsetHeight || !x.support.reliableHiddenOffsets && "none" === (e.style && e.style.display || x.css(e, "display")) }, x.expr.filters.visible = function (e) { return !x.expr.filters.hidden(e) }), x.each({ margin: "", padding: "", border: "Width" }, function (e, t) { x.cssHooks[e + t] = { expand: function (n) { var r = 0, i = {}, o = "string" == typeof n ? n.split(" ") : [n]; for (; 4 > r; r++)i[e + Zt[r] + t] = o[r] || o[r - 2] || o[0]; return i } }, Ut.test(e) || (x.cssHooks[e + t].set = on) }); var cn = /%20/g, pn = /\[\]$/, fn = /\r?\n/g, dn = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i, hn = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i; x.fn.extend({ serialize: function () { return x.param(this.serializeArray()) }, serializeArray: function () { return this.map(function () { var e = x.prop(this, "elements"); return e ? x.makeArray(e) : this }).filter(function () { var e = this.type; return this.name && !x(this).is(":disabled") && hn.test(this.nodeName) && !dn.test(e) && (this.checked || !Ct.test(e)) }).map(function (e, t) { var n = x(this).val(); return null == n ? null : x.isArray(n) ? x.map(n, function (e) { return { name: t.name, value: e.replace(fn, "\r\n") } }) : { name: t.name, value: n.replace(fn, "\r\n") } }).get() } }), x.param = function (e, n) { var r, i = [], o = function (e, t) { t = x.isFunction(t) ? t() : null == t ? "" : t, i[i.length] = encodeURIComponent(e) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t) }; if (n === t && (n = x.ajaxSettings && x.ajaxSettings.traditional), x.isArray(e) || e.jquery && !x.isPlainObject(e)) x.each(e, function () { o(this.name, this.value) }); else for (r in e) gn(r, e[r], n, o); return i.join("&").replace(cn, "+") }; function gn(e, t, n, r) { var i; if (x.isArray(t)) x.each(t, function (t, i) { n || pn.test(e) ? r(e, i) : gn(e + "[" + ("object" == typeof i ? t : "") + "]", i, n, r) }); else if (n || "object" !== x.type(t)) r(e, t); else for (i in t) gn(e + "[" + i + "]", t[i], n, r) } x.each("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu".split(" "), function (e, t) { x.fn[t] = function (e, n) { return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(t, null, e, n) : this.trigger(t) } }), x.fn.extend({ hover: function (e, t) { return this.mouseenter(e).mouseleave(t || e) }, bind: function (e, t, n) { return this.on(e, null, t, n) }, unbind: function (e, t) { return this.off(e, null, t) }, delegate: function (e, t, n, r) { return this.on(t, e, n, r) }, undelegate: function (e, t, n) { return 1 === arguments.length ? this.off(e, "**") : this.off(t, e || "**", n) } }); var mn, yn, vn = x.now(), bn = /\?/, xn = /#.*$/, wn = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, Tn = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/gm, Cn = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/, Nn = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, kn = /^\/\//, En = /^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/, Sn = x.fn.load, An = {}, jn = {}, Dn = "*/".concat("*"); try { yn = o.href } catch (Ln) { yn = a.createElement("a"), yn.href = "", yn = yn.href } mn = En.exec(yn.toLowerCase()) || []; function Hn(e) { return function (t, n) { "string" != typeof t && (n = t, t = "*"); var r, i = 0, o = t.toLowerCase().match(T) || []; if (x.isFunction(n)) while (r = o[i++]) "+" === r[0] ? (r = r.slice(1) || "*", (e[r] = e[r] || []).unshift(n)) : (e[r] = e[r] || []).push(n) } } function qn(e, n, r, i) { var o = {}, a = e === jn; function s(l) { var u; return o[l] = !0, x.each(e[l] || [], function (e, l) { var c = l(n, r, i); return "string" != typeof c || a || o[c] ? a ? !(u = c) : t : (n.dataTypes.unshift(c), s(c), !1) }), u } return s(n.dataTypes[0]) || !o["*"] && s("*") } function _n(e, n) { var r, i, o = x.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {}; for (i in n) n[i] !== t && ((o[i] ? e : r || (r = {}))[i] = n[i]); return r && x.extend(!0, e, r), e } x.fn.load = function (e, n, r) { if ("string" != typeof e && Sn) return Sn.apply(this, arguments); var i, o, a, s = this, l = e.indexOf(" "); return l >= 0 && (i = e.slice(l, e.length), e = e.slice(0, l)), x.isFunction(n) ? (r = n, n = t) : n && "object" == typeof n && (a = "POST"), s.length > 0 && x.ajax({ url: e, type: a, dataType: "html", data: n }).done(function (e) { o = arguments, s.html(i ? x("
").append(x.parseHTML(e)).find(i) : e) }).complete(r && function (e, t) { s.each(r, o || [e.responseText, t, e]) }), this }, x.each(["ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSuccess", "ajaxSend"], function (e, t) { x.fn[t] = function (e) { return this.on(t, e) } }), x.extend({ active: 0, lastModified: {}, etag: {}, ajaxSettings: { url: yn, type: "GET", isLocal: Cn.test(mn[1]), global: !0, processData: !0, async: !0, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", accepts: { "*": Dn, text: "text/plain", html: "text/html", xml: "application/xml, text/xml", json: "application/json, text/javascript" }, contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ }, responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText", json: "responseJSON" }, converters: { "* text": String, "text html": !0, "text json": x.parseJSON, "text xml": x.parseXML }, flatOptions: { url: !0, context: !0 } }, ajaxSetup: function (e, t) { return t ? _n(_n(e, x.ajaxSettings), t) : _n(x.ajaxSettings, e) }, ajaxPrefilter: Hn(An), ajaxTransport: Hn(jn), ajax: function (e, n) { "object" == typeof e && (n = e, e = t), n = n || {}; var r, i, o, a, s, l, u, c, p = x.ajaxSetup({}, n), f = p.context || p, d = p.context && (f.nodeType || f.jquery) ? x(f) : x.event, h = x.Deferred(), g = x.Callbacks("once memory"), m = p.statusCode || {}, y = {}, v = {}, b = 0, w = "canceled", C = { readyState: 0, getResponseHeader: function (e) { var t; if (2 === b) { if (!c) { c = {}; while (t = Tn.exec(a)) c[t[1].toLowerCase()] = t[2] } t = c[e.toLowerCase()] } return null == t ? null : t }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () { return 2 === b ? a : null }, setRequestHeader: function (e, t) { var n = e.toLowerCase(); return b || (e = v[n] = v[n] || e, y[e] = t), this }, overrideMimeType: function (e) { return b || (p.mimeType = e), this }, statusCode: function (e) { var t; if (e) if (2 > b) for (t in e) m[t] = [m[t], e[t]]; else C.always(e[C.status]); return this }, abort: function (e) { var t = e || w; return u && u.abort(t), k(0, t), this } }; if (h.promise(C).complete = g.add, C.success = C.done, C.error = C.fail, p.url = ((e || p.url || yn) + "").replace(xn, "").replace(kn, mn[1] + "//"), p.type = n.method || n.type || p.method || p.type, p.dataTypes = x.trim(p.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().match(T) || [""], null == p.crossDomain && (r = En.exec(p.url.toLowerCase()), p.crossDomain = !(!r || r[1] === mn[1] && r[2] === mn[2] && (r[3] || ("http:" === r[1] ? "80" : "443")) === (mn[3] || ("http:" === mn[1] ? "80" : "443")))), p.data && p.processData && "string" != typeof p.data && (p.data = x.param(p.data, p.traditional)), qn(An, p, n, C), 2 === b) return C; l = p.global, l && 0 === x.active++ && x.event.trigger("ajaxStart"), p.type = p.type.toUpperCase(), p.hasContent = !Nn.test(p.type), o = p.url, p.hasContent || (p.data && (o = p.url += (bn.test(o) ? "&" : "?") + p.data, delete p.data), p.cache === !1 && (p.url = wn.test(o) ? o.replace(wn, "$1_=" + vn++) : o + (bn.test(o) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + vn++)), p.ifModified && (x.lastModified[o] && C.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", x.lastModified[o]), x.etag[o] && C.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", x.etag[o])), (p.data && p.hasContent && p.contentType !== !1 || n.contentType) && C.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", p.contentType), C.setRequestHeader("Accept", p.dataTypes[0] && p.accepts[p.dataTypes[0]] ? p.accepts[p.dataTypes[0]] + ("*" !== p.dataTypes[0] ? ", " + Dn + "; q=0.01" : "") : p.accepts["*"]); for (i in p.headers) C.setRequestHeader(i, p.headers[i]); if (p.beforeSend && (p.beforeSend.call(f, C, p) === !1 || 2 === b)) return C.abort(); w = "abort"; for (i in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 }) C[i](p[i]); if (u = qn(jn, p, n, C)) { C.readyState = 1, l && d.trigger("ajaxSend", [C, p]), p.async && p.timeout > 0 && (s = setTimeout(function () { C.abort("timeout") }, p.timeout)); try { b = 1, u.send(y, k) } catch (N) { if (!(2 > b)) throw N; k(-1, N) } } else k(-1, "No Transport"); function k(e, n, r, i) { var c, y, v, w, T, N = n; 2 !== b && (b = 2, s && clearTimeout(s), u = t, a = i || "", C.readyState = e > 0 ? 4 : 0, c = e >= 200 && 300 > e || 304 === e, r && (w = Mn(p, C, r)), w = On(p, w, C, c), c ? (p.ifModified && (T = C.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"), T && (x.lastModified[o] = T), T = C.getResponseHeader("etag"), T && (x.etag[o] = T)), 204 === e || "HEAD" === p.type ? N = "nocontent" : 304 === e ? N = "notmodified" : (N = w.state, y = w.data, v = w.error, c = !v)) : (v = N, (e || !N) && (N = "error", 0 > e && (e = 0))), C.status = e, C.statusText = (n || N) + "", c ? h.resolveWith(f, [y, N, C]) : h.rejectWith(f, [C, N, v]), C.statusCode(m), m = t, l && d.trigger(c ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError", [C, p, c ? y : v]), g.fireWith(f, [C, N]), l && (d.trigger("ajaxComplete", [C, p]), --x.active || x.event.trigger("ajaxStop"))) } return C }, getJSON: function (e, t, n) { return x.get(e, t, n, "json") }, getScript: function (e, n) { return x.get(e, t, n, "script") } }), x.each(["get", "post"], function (e, n) { x[n] = function (e, r, i, o) { return x.isFunction(r) && (o = o || i, i = r, r = t), x.ajax({ url: e, type: n, dataType: o, data: r, success: i }) } }); function Mn(e, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, l = e.contents, u = e.dataTypes; while ("*" === u[0]) u.shift(), o === t && (o = e.mimeType || n.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")); if (o) for (s in l) if (l[s] && l[s].test(o)) { u.unshift(s); break } if (u[0] in r) a = u[0]; else { for (s in r) { if (!u[0] || e.converters[s + " " + u[0]]) { a = s; break } i || (i = s) } a = a || i } return a ? (a !== u[0] && u.unshift(a), r[a]) : t } function On(e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, l, u = {}, c = e.dataTypes.slice(); if (c[1]) for (a in e.converters) u[a.toLowerCase()] = e.converters[a]; o = c.shift(); while (o) if (e.responseFields[o] && (n[e.responseFields[o]] = t), !l && r && e.dataFilter && (t = e.dataFilter(t, e.dataType)), l = o, o = c.shift()) if ("*" === o) o = l; else if ("*" !== l && l !== o) { if (a = u[l + " " + o] || u["* " + o], !a) for (i in u) if (s = i.split(" "), s[1] === o && (a = u[l + " " + s[0]] || u["* " + s[0]])) { a === !0 ? a = u[i] : u[i] !== !0 && (o = s[0], c.unshift(s[1])); break } if (a !== !0) if (a && e["throws"]) t = a(t); else try { t = a(t) } catch (p) { return { state: "parsererror", error: a ? p : "No conversion from " + l + " to " + o } } } return { state: "success", data: t } } x.ajaxSetup({ accepts: { script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript" }, contents: { script: /(?:java|ecma)script/ }, converters: { "text script": function (e) { return x.globalEval(e), e } } }), x.ajaxPrefilter("script", function (e) { e.cache === t && (e.cache = !1), e.crossDomain && (e.type = "GET", e.global = !1) }), x.ajaxTransport("script", function (e) { if (e.crossDomain) { var n, r = a.head || x("head")[0] || a.documentElement; return { send: function (t, i) { n = a.createElement("script"), n.async = !0, e.scriptCharset && (n.charset = e.scriptCharset), n.src = e.url, n.onload = n.onreadystatechange = function (e, t) { (t || !n.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(n.readyState)) && (n.onload = n.onreadystatechange = null, n.parentNode && n.parentNode.removeChild(n), n = null, t || i(200, "success")) }, r.insertBefore(n, r.firstChild) }, abort: function () { n && n.onload(t, !0) } } } }); var Fn = [], Bn = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/; x.ajaxSetup({ jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function () { var e = Fn.pop() || x.expando + "_" + vn++; return this[e] = !0, e } }), x.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function (n, r, i) { var o, a, s, l = n.jsonp !== !1 && (Bn.test(n.url) ? "url" : "string" == typeof n.data && !(n.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") && Bn.test(n.data) && "data"); return l || "jsonp" === n.dataTypes[0] ? (o = n.jsonpCallback = x.isFunction(n.jsonpCallback) ? n.jsonpCallback() : n.jsonpCallback, l ? n[l] = n[l].replace(Bn, "$1" + o) : n.jsonp !== !1 && (n.url += (bn.test(n.url) ? "&" : "?") + n.jsonp + "=" + o), n.converters["script json"] = function () { return s || x.error(o + " was not called"), s[0] }, n.dataTypes[0] = "json", a = e[o], e[o] = function () { s = arguments }, i.always(function () { e[o] = a, n[o] && (n.jsonpCallback = r.jsonpCallback, Fn.push(o)), s && x.isFunction(a) && a(s[0]), s = a = t }), "script") : t }); var Pn, Rn, Wn = 0, $n = e.ActiveXObject && function () { var e; for (e in Pn) Pn[e](t, !0) }; function In() { try { return new e.XMLHttpRequest } catch (t) { } } function zn() { try { return new e.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (t) { } } x.ajaxSettings.xhr = e.ActiveXObject ? function () { return !this.isLocal && In() || zn() } : In, Rn = x.ajaxSettings.xhr(), x.support.cors = !!Rn && "withCredentials" in Rn, Rn = x.support.ajax = !!Rn, Rn && x.ajaxTransport(function (n) { if (!n.crossDomain || x.support.cors) { var r; return { send: function (i, o) { var a, s, l = n.xhr(); if (n.username ? l.open(n.type, n.url, n.async, n.username, n.password) : l.open(n.type, n.url, n.async), n.xhrFields) for (s in n.xhrFields) l[s] = n.xhrFields[s]; n.mimeType && l.overrideMimeType && l.overrideMimeType(n.mimeType), n.crossDomain || i["X-Requested-With"] || (i["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest"); try { for (s in i) l.setRequestHeader(s, i[s]) } catch (u) { } l.send(n.hasContent && n.data || null), r = function (e, i) { var s, u, c, p; try { if (r && (i || 4 === l.readyState)) if (r = t, a && (l.onreadystatechange = x.noop, $n && delete Pn[a]), i) 4 !== l.readyState && l.abort(); else { p = {}, s = l.status, u = l.getAllResponseHeaders(), "string" == typeof l.responseText && (p.text = l.responseText); try { c = l.statusText } catch (f) { c = "" } s || !n.isLocal || n.crossDomain ? 1223 === s && (s = 204) : s = p.text ? 200 : 404 } } catch (d) { i || o(-1, d) } p && o(s, c, p, u) }, n.async ? 4 === l.readyState ? setTimeout(r) : (a = ++Wn, $n && (Pn || (Pn = {}, x(e).unload($n)), Pn[a] = r), l.onreadystatechange = r) : r() }, abort: function () { r && r(t, !0) } } } }); var Xn, Un, Vn = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, Yn = RegExp("^(?:([+-])=|)(" + w + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i"), Jn = /queueHooks$/, Gn = [nr], Qn = { "*": [function (e, t) { var n = this.createTween(e, t), r = n.cur(), i = Yn.exec(t), o = i && i[3] || (x.cssNumber[e] ? "" : "px"), a = (x.cssNumber[e] || "px" !== o && +r) && Yn.exec(x.css(n.elem, e)), s = 1, l = 20; if (a && a[3] !== o) { o = o || a[3], i = i || [], a = +r || 1; do s = s || ".5", a /= s, x.style(n.elem, e, a + o); while (s !== (s = n.cur() / r) && 1 !== s && --l) } return i && (a = n.start = +a || +r || 0, n.unit = o, n.end = i[1] ? a + (i[1] + 1) * i[2] : +i[2]), n }] }; function Kn() { return setTimeout(function () { Xn = t }), Xn = x.now() } function Zn(e, t, n) { var r, i = (Qn[t] || []).concat(Qn["*"]), o = 0, a = i.length; for (; a > o; o++)if (r = i[o].call(n, t, e)) return r } function er(e, t, n) { var r, i, o = 0, a = Gn.length, s = x.Deferred().always(function () { delete l.elem }), l = function () { if (i) return !1; var t = Xn || Kn(), n = Math.max(0, u.startTime + u.duration - t), r = n / u.duration || 0, o = 1 - r, a = 0, l = u.tweens.length; for (; l > a; a++)u.tweens[a].run(o); return s.notifyWith(e, [u, o, n]), 1 > o && l ? n : (s.resolveWith(e, [u]), !1) }, u = s.promise({ elem: e, props: x.extend({}, t), opts: x.extend(!0, { specialEasing: {} }, n), originalProperties: t, originalOptions: n, startTime: Xn || Kn(), duration: n.duration, tweens: [], createTween: function (t, n) { var r = x.Tween(e, u.opts, t, n, u.opts.specialEasing[t] || u.opts.easing); return u.tweens.push(r), r }, stop: function (t) { var n = 0, r = t ? u.tweens.length : 0; if (i) return this; for (i = !0; r > n; n++)u.tweens[n].run(1); return t ? s.resolveWith(e, [u, t]) : s.rejectWith(e, [u, t]), this } }), c = u.props; for (tr(c, u.opts.specialEasing); a > o; o++)if (r = Gn[o].call(u, e, c, u.opts)) return r; return x.map(c, Zn, u), x.isFunction(u.opts.start) && u.opts.start.call(e, u), x.fx.timer(x.extend(l, { elem: e, anim: u, queue: u.opts.queue })), u.progress(u.opts.progress).done(u.opts.done, u.opts.complete).fail(u.opts.fail).always(u.opts.always) } function tr(e, t) { var n, r, i, o, a; for (n in e) if (r = x.camelCase(n), i = t[r], o = e[n], x.isArray(o) && (i = o[1], o = e[n] = o[0]), n !== r && (e[r] = o, delete e[n]), a = x.cssHooks[r], a && "expand" in a) { o = a.expand(o), delete e[r]; for (n in o) n in e || (e[n] = o[n], t[n] = i) } else t[r] = i } x.Animation = x.extend(er, { tweener: function (e, t) { x.isFunction(e) ? (t = e, e = ["*"]) : e = e.split(" "); var n, r = 0, i = e.length; for (; i > r; r++)n = e[r], Qn[n] = Qn[n] || [], Qn[n].unshift(t) }, prefilter: function (e, t) { t ? Gn.unshift(e) : Gn.push(e) } }); function nr(e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s, l, u = this, c = {}, p = e.style, f = e.nodeType && nn(e), d = x._data(e, "fxshow"); n.queue || (s = x._queueHooks(e, "fx"), null == s.unqueued && (s.unqueued = 0, l = s.empty.fire, s.empty.fire = function () { s.unqueued || l() }), s.unqueued++ , u.always(function () { u.always(function () { s.unqueued-- , x.queue(e, "fx").length || s.empty.fire() }) })), 1 === e.nodeType && ("height" in t || "width" in t) && (n.overflow = [p.overflow, p.overflowX, p.overflowY], "inline" === x.css(e, "display") && "none" === x.css(e, "float") && (x.support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout && "inline" !== ln(e.nodeName) ? p.zoom = 1 : p.display = "inline-block")), n.overflow && (p.overflow = "hidden", x.support.shrinkWrapBlocks || u.always(function () { p.overflow = n.overflow[0], p.overflowX = n.overflow[1], p.overflowY = n.overflow[2] })); for (r in t) if (i = t[r], Vn.exec(i)) { if (delete t[r], o = o || "toggle" === i, i === (f ? "hide" : "show")) continue; c[r] = d && d[r] || x.style(e, r) } if (!x.isEmptyObject(c)) { d ? "hidden" in d && (f = d.hidden) : d = x._data(e, "fxshow", {}), o && (d.hidden = !f), f ? x(e).show() : u.done(function () { x(e).hide() }), u.done(function () { var t; x._removeData(e, "fxshow"); for (t in c) x.style(e, t, c[t]) }); for (r in c) a = Zn(f ? d[r] : 0, r, u), r in d || (d[r] = a.start, f && (a.end = a.start, a.start = "width" === r || "height" === r ? 1 : 0)) } } function rr(e, t, n, r, i) { return new rr.prototype.init(e, t, n, r, i) } x.Tween = rr, rr.prototype = { constructor: rr, init: function (e, t, n, r, i, o) { this.elem = e, this.prop = n, this.easing = i || "swing", this.options = t, this.start = this.now = this.cur(), this.end = r, this.unit = o || (x.cssNumber[n] ? "" : "px") }, cur: function () { var e = rr.propHooks[this.prop]; return e && e.get ? e.get(this) : rr.propHooks._default.get(this) }, run: function (e) { var t, n = rr.propHooks[this.prop]; return this.pos = t = this.options.duration ? x.easing[this.easing](e, this.options.duration * e, 0, 1, this.options.duration) : e, this.now = (this.end - this.start) * t + this.start, this.options.step && this.options.step.call(this.elem, this.now, this), n && n.set ? n.set(this) : rr.propHooks._default.set(this), this } }, rr.prototype.init.prototype = rr.prototype, rr.propHooks = { _default: { get: function (e) { var t; return null == e.elem[e.prop] || e.elem.style && null != e.elem.style[e.prop] ? (t = x.css(e.elem, e.prop, ""), t && "auto" !== t ? t : 0) : e.elem[e.prop] }, set: function (e) { x.fx.step[e.prop] ? x.fx.step[e.prop](e) : e.elem.style && (null != e.elem.style[x.cssProps[e.prop]] || x.cssHooks[e.prop]) ? x.style(e.elem, e.prop, e.now + e.unit) : e.elem[e.prop] = e.now } } }, rr.propHooks.scrollTop = rr.propHooks.scrollLeft = { set: function (e) { e.elem.nodeType && e.elem.parentNode && (e.elem[e.prop] = e.now) } }, x.each(["toggle", "show", "hide"], function (e, t) { var n = x.fn[t]; x.fn[t] = function (e, r, i) { return null == e || "boolean" == typeof e ? n.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(ir(t, !0), e, r, i) } }), x.fn.extend({ fadeTo: function (e, t, n, r) { return this.filter(nn).css("opacity", 0).show().end().animate({ opacity: t }, e, n, r) }, animate: function (e, t, n, r) { var i = x.isEmptyObject(e), o = x.speed(t, n, r), a = function () { var t = er(this, x.extend({}, e), o); (i || x._data(this, "finish")) && t.stop(!0) }; return a.finish = a, i || o.queue === !1 ? this.each(a) : this.queue(o.queue, a) }, stop: function (e, n, r) { var i = function (e) { var t = e.stop; delete e.stop, t(r) }; return "string" != typeof e && (r = n, n = e, e = t), n && e !== !1 && this.queue(e || "fx", []), this.each(function () { var t = !0, n = null != e && e + "queueHooks", o = x.timers, a = x._data(this); if (n) a[n] && a[n].stop && i(a[n]); else for (n in a) a[n] && a[n].stop && Jn.test(n) && i(a[n]); for (n = o.length; n--;)o[n].elem !== this || null != e && o[n].queue !== e || (o[n].anim.stop(r), t = !1, o.splice(n, 1)); (t || !r) && x.dequeue(this, e) }) }, finish: function (e) { return e !== !1 && (e = e || "fx"), this.each(function () { var t, n = x._data(this), r = n[e + "queue"], i = n[e + "queueHooks"], o = x.timers, a = r ? r.length : 0; for (n.finish = !0, x.queue(this, e, []), i && i.stop && i.stop.call(this, !0), t = o.length; t--;)o[t].elem === this && o[t].queue === e && (o[t].anim.stop(!0), o.splice(t, 1)); for (t = 0; a > t; t++)r[t] && r[t].finish && r[t].finish.call(this); delete n.finish }) } }); function ir(e, t) { var n, r = { height: e }, i = 0; for (t = t ? 1 : 0; 4 > i; i += 2 - t)n = Zt[i], r["margin" + n] = r["padding" + n] = e; return t && (r.opacity = r.width = e), r } x.each({ slideDown: ir("show"), slideUp: ir("hide"), slideToggle: ir("toggle"), fadeIn: { opacity: "show" }, fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" }, fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" } }, function (e, t) { x.fn[e] = function (e, n, r) { return this.animate(t, e, n, r) } }), x.speed = function (e, t, n) { var r = e && "object" == typeof e ? x.extend({}, e) : { complete: n || !n && t || x.isFunction(e) && e, duration: e, easing: n && t || t && !x.isFunction(t) && t }; return r.duration = x.fx.off ? 0 : "number" == typeof r.duration ? r.duration : r.duration in x.fx.speeds ? x.fx.speeds[r.duration] : x.fx.speeds._default, (null == r.queue || r.queue === !0) && (r.queue = "fx"), r.old = r.complete, r.complete = function () { x.isFunction(r.old) && r.old.call(this), r.queue && x.dequeue(this, r.queue) }, r }, x.easing = { linear: function (e) { return e }, swing: function (e) { return .5 - Math.cos(e * Math.PI) / 2 } }, x.timers = [], x.fx = rr.prototype.init, x.fx.tick = function () { var e, n = x.timers, r = 0; for (Xn = x.now(); n.length > r; r++)e = n[r], e() || n[r] !== e || n.splice(r--, 1); n.length || x.fx.stop(), Xn = t }, x.fx.timer = function (e) { e() && x.timers.push(e) && x.fx.start() }, x.fx.interval = 13, x.fx.start = function () { Un || (Un = setInterval(x.fx.tick, x.fx.interval)) }, x.fx.stop = function () { clearInterval(Un), Un = null }, x.fx.speeds = { slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400 }, x.fx.step = {}, x.expr && x.expr.filters && (x.expr.filters.animated = function (e) { return x.grep(x.timers, function (t) { return e === t.elem }).length }), x.fn.offset = function (e) { if (arguments.length) return e === t ? this : this.each(function (t) { x.offset.setOffset(this, e, t) }); var n, r, o = { top: 0, left: 0 }, a = this[0], s = a && a.ownerDocument; if (s) return n = s.documentElement, x.contains(n, a) ? (typeof a.getBoundingClientRect !== i && (o = a.getBoundingClientRect()), r = or(s), { top: o.top + (r.pageYOffset || n.scrollTop) - (n.clientTop || 0), left: o.left + (r.pageXOffset || n.scrollLeft) - (n.clientLeft || 0) }) : o }, x.offset = { setOffset: function (e, t, n) { var r = x.css(e, "position"); "static" === r && (e.style.position = "relative"); var i = x(e), o = i.offset(), a = x.css(e, "top"), s = x.css(e, "left"), l = ("absolute" === r || "fixed" === r) && x.inArray("auto", [a, s]) > -1, u = {}, c = {}, p, f; l ? (c = i.position(), p = c.top, f = c.left) : (p = parseFloat(a) || 0, f = parseFloat(s) || 0), x.isFunction(t) && (t = t.call(e, n, o)), null != t.top && (u.top = t.top - o.top + p), null != t.left && (u.left = t.left - o.left + f), "using" in t ? t.using.call(e, u) : i.css(u) } }, x.fn.extend({ position: function () { if (this[0]) { var e, t, n = { top: 0, left: 0 }, r = this[0]; return "fixed" === x.css(r, "position") ? t = r.getBoundingClientRect() : (e = this.offsetParent(), t = this.offset(), x.nodeName(e[0], "html") || (n = e.offset()), n.top += x.css(e[0], "borderTopWidth", !0), n.left += x.css(e[0], "borderLeftWidth", !0)), { top: t.top - n.top - x.css(r, "marginTop", !0), left: t.left - n.left - x.css(r, "marginLeft", !0) } } }, offsetParent: function () { return this.map(function () { var e = this.offsetParent || s; while (e && !x.nodeName(e, "html") && "static" === x.css(e, "position")) e = e.offsetParent; return e || s }) } }), x.each({ scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset" }, function (e, n) { var r = /Y/.test(n); x.fn[e] = function (i) { return x.access(this, function (e, i, o) { var a = or(e); return o === t ? a ? n in a ? a[n] : a.document.documentElement[i] : e[i] : (a ? a.scrollTo(r ? x(a).scrollLeft() : o, r ? o : x(a).scrollTop()) : e[i] = o, t) }, e, i, arguments.length, null) } }); function or(e) { return x.isWindow(e) ? e : 9 === e.nodeType ? e.defaultView || e.parentWindow : !1 } x.each({ Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function (e, n) { x.each({ padding: "inner" + e, content: n, "": "outer" + e }, function (r, i) { x.fn[i] = function (i, o) { var a = arguments.length && (r || "boolean" != typeof i), s = r || (i === !0 || o === !0 ? "margin" : "border"); return x.access(this, function (n, r, i) { var o; return x.isWindow(n) ? n.document.documentElement["client" + e] : 9 === n.nodeType ? (o = n.documentElement, Math.max(n.body["scroll" + e], o["scroll" + e], n.body["offset" + e], o["offset" + e], o["client" + e])) : i === t ? x.css(n, r, s) : x.style(n, r, i, s) }, n, a ? i : t, a, null) } }) }), x.fn.size = function () { return this.length }, x.fn.andSelf = x.fn.addBack, "object" == typeof module && module && "object" == typeof module.exports ? module.exports = x : (e.jQuery = e.$ = x, "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("jquery", [], function () { return x }))
/*! jQuery Mobile v1.4.5 | Copyright 2010, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/license */
(function (e, t, n) { typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function (r) { return n(r, e, t), r.mobile }) : n(e.jQuery, e, t) })(this, document, function (e, t, n, r) { (function (e, t, n, r) { function T(e) { while (e && typeof e.originalEvent != "undefined") e = e.originalEvent; return e } function N(t, n) { var i = t.type, s, o, a, l, c, h, p, d, v; t = e.Event(t), t.type = n, s = t.originalEvent, o = e.event.props, i.search(/^(mouse|click)/) > -1 && (o = f); if (s) for (p = o.length, l; p;)l = o[--p], t[l] = s[l]; i.search(/mouse(down|up)|click/) > -1 && !t.which && (t.which = 1); if (i.search(/^touch/) !== -1) { a = T(s), i = a.touches, c = a.changedTouches, h = i && i.length ? i[0] : c && c.length ? c[0] : r; if (h) for (d = 0, v = u.length; d < v; d++)l = u[d], t[l] = h[l] } return t } function C(t) { var n = {}, r, s; while (t) { r = e.data(t, i); for (s in r) r[s] && (n[s] = n.hasVirtualBinding = !0); t = t.parentNode } return n } function k(t, n) { var r; while (t) { r = e.data(t, i); if (r && (!n || r[n])) return t; t = t.parentNode } return null } function L() { g = !1 } function A() { g = !0 } function O() { E = 0, v.length = 0, m = !1, A() } function M() { L() } function _() { D(), c = setTimeout(function () { c = 0, O() }, e.vmouse.resetTimerDuration) } function D() { c && (clearTimeout(c), c = 0) } function P(t, n, r) { var i; if (r && r[t] || !r && k(n.target, t)) i = N(n, t), e(n.target).trigger(i); return i } function H(t) { var n = e.data(t.target, s), r; !m && (!E || E !== n) && (r = P("v" + t.type, t), r && (r.isDefaultPrevented() && t.preventDefault(), r.isPropagationStopped() && t.stopPropagation(), r.isImmediatePropagationStopped() && t.stopImmediatePropagation())) } function B(t) { var n = T(t).touches, r, i, o; n && n.length === 1 && (r = t.target, i = C(r), i.hasVirtualBinding && (E = w++ , e.data(r, s, E), D(), M(), d = !1, o = T(t).touches[0], h = o.pageX, p = o.pageY, P("vmouseover", t, i), P("vmousedown", t, i))) } function j(e) { if (g) return; d || P("vmousecancel", e, C(e.target)), d = !0, _() } function F(t) { if (g) return; var n = T(t).touches[0], r = d, i = e.vmouse.moveDistanceThreshold, s = C(t.target); d = d || Math.abs(n.pageX - h) > i || Math.abs(n.pageY - p) > i, d && !r && P("vmousecancel", t, s), P("vmousemove", t, s), _() } function I(e) { if (g) return; A(); var t = C(e.target), n, r; P("vmouseup", e, t), d || (n = P("vclick", e, t), n && n.isDefaultPrevented() && (r = T(e).changedTouches[0], v.push({ touchID: E, x: r.clientX, y: r.clientY }), m = !0)), P("vmouseout", e, t), d = !1, _() } function q(t) { var n = e.data(t, i), r; if (n) for (r in n) if (n[r]) return !0; return !1 } function R() { } function U(t) { var n = t.substr(1); return { setup: function () { q(this) || e.data(this, i, {}); var r = e.data(this, i); r[t] = !0, l[t] = (l[t] || 0) + 1, l[t] === 1 && b.bind(n, H), e(this).bind(n, R), y && (l.touchstart = (l.touchstart || 0) + 1, l.touchstart === 1 && b.bind("touchstart", B).bind("touchend", I).bind("touchmove", F).bind("scroll", j)) }, teardown: function () { --l[t], l[t] || b.unbind(n, H), y && (--l.touchstart, l.touchstart || b.unbind("touchstart", B).unbind("touchmove", F).unbind("touchend", I).unbind("scroll", j)); var r = e(this), s = e.data(this, i); s && (s[t] = !1), r.unbind(n, R), q(this) || r.removeData(i) } } } var i = "virtualMouseBindings", s = "virtualTouchID", o = "vmouseover vmousedown vmousemove vmouseup vclick vmouseout vmousecancel".split(" "), u = "clientX clientY pageX pageY screenX screenY".split(" "), a = e.event.mouseHooks ? e.event.mouseHooks.props : [], f = e.event.props.concat(a), l = {}, c = 0, h = 0, p = 0, d = !1, v = [], m = !1, g = !1, y = "addEventListener" in n, b = e(n), w = 1, E = 0, S, x; e.vmouse = { moveDistanceThreshold: 10, clickDistanceThreshold: 10, resetTimerDuration: 1500 }; for (x = 0; x < o.length; x++)e.event.special[o[x]] = U(o[x]); y && n.addEventListener("click", function (t) { var n = v.length, r = t.target, i, o, u, a, f, l; if (n) { i = t.clientX, o = t.clientY, S = e.vmouse.clickDistanceThreshold, u = r; while (u) { for (a = 0; a < n; a++) { f = v[a], l = 0; if (u === r && Math.abs(f.x - i) < S && Math.abs(f.y - o) < S || e.data(u, s) === f.touchID) { t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(); return } } u = u.parentNode } } }, !0) })(e, t, n), function (e) { e.mobile = {} }(e), function (e, t) { var r = { touch: "ontouchend" in n }; e.mobile.support = e.mobile.support || {}, e.extend(e.support, r), e.extend(e.mobile.support, r) }(e), function (e, t, r) { function l(t, n, i, s) { var o = i.type; i.type = n, s ? e.event.trigger(i, r, t) : e.event.dispatch.call(t, i), i.type = o } var i = e(n), s = e.mobile.support.touch, o = "touchmove scroll", u = s ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", a = s ? "touchend" : "mouseup", f = s ? "touchmove" : "mousemove"; e.each("touchstart touchmove touchend tap taphold swipe swipeleft swiperight scrollstart scrollstop".split(" "), function (t, n) { e.fn[n] = function (e) { return e ? this.bind(n, e) : this.trigger(n) }, e.attrFn && (e.attrFn[n] = !0) }), e.event.special.scrollstart = { enabled: !0, setup: function () { function s(e, n) { r = n, l(t, r ? "scrollstart" : "scrollstop", e) } var t = this, n = e(t), r, i; n.bind(o, function (t) { if (!e.event.special.scrollstart.enabled) return; r || s(t, !0), clearTimeout(i), i = setTimeout(function () { s(t, !1) }, 50) }) }, teardown: function () { e(this).unbind(o) } }, e.event.special.tap = { tapholdThreshold: 750, emitTapOnTaphold: !0, setup: function () { var t = this, n = e(t), r = !1; n.bind("vmousedown", function (s) { function a() { clearTimeout(u) } function f() { a(), n.unbind("vclick", c).unbind("vmouseup", a), i.unbind("vmousecancel", f) } function c(e) { f(), !r && o === e.target ? l(t, "tap", e) : r && e.preventDefault() } r = !1; if (s.which && s.which !== 1) return !1; var o = s.target, u; n.bind("vmouseup", a).bind("vclick", c), i.bind("vmousecancel", f), u = setTimeout(function () { e.event.special.tap.emitTapOnTaphold || (r = !0), l(t, "taphold", e.Event("taphold", { target: o })) }, e.event.special.tap.tapholdThreshold) }) }, teardown: function () { e(this).unbind("vmousedown").unbind("vclick").unbind("vmouseup"), i.unbind("vmousecancel") } }, e.event.special.swipe = { scrollSupressionThreshold: 30, durationThreshold: 1e3, horizontalDistanceThreshold: 30, verticalDistanceThreshold: 30, getLocation: function (e) { var n = t.pageXOffset, r = t.pageYOffset, i = e.clientX, s = e.clientY; if (e.pageY === 0 && Math.floor(s) > Math.floor(e.pageY) || e.pageX === 0 && Math.floor(i) > Math.floor(e.pageX)) i -= n, s -= r; else if (s < e.pageY - r || i < e.pageX - n) i = e.pageX - n, s = e.pageY - r; return { x: i, y: s } }, start: function (t) { var n = t.originalEvent.touches ? t.originalEvent.touches[0] : t, r = e.event.special.swipe.getLocation(n); return { time: (new Date).getTime(), coords: [r.x, r.y], origin: e(t.target) } }, stop: function (t) { var n = t.originalEvent.touches ? t.originalEvent.touches[0] : t, r = e.event.special.swipe.getLocation(n); return { time: (new Date).getTime(), coords: [r.x, r.y] } }, handleSwipe: function (t, n, r, i) { if (n.time - t.time < e.event.special.swipe.durationThreshold && Math.abs(t.coords[0] - n.coords[0]) > e.event.special.swipe.horizontalDistanceThreshold && Math.abs(t.coords[1] - n.coords[1]) < e.event.special.swipe.verticalDistanceThreshold) { var s = t.coords[0] > n.coords[0] ? "swipeleft" : "swiperight"; return l(r, "swipe", e.Event("swipe", { target: i, swipestart: t, swipestop: n }), !0), l(r, s, e.Event(s, { target: i, swipestart: t, swipestop: n }), !0), !0 } return !1 }, eventInProgress: !1, setup: function () { var t, n = this, r = e(n), s = {}; t = e.data(this, "mobile-events"), t || (t = { length: 0 }, e.data(this, "mobile-events", t)), t.length++ , t.swipe = s, s.start = function (t) { if (e.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress) return; e.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = !0; var r, o = e.event.special.swipe.start(t), u = t.target, l = !1; s.move = function (t) { if (!o || t.isDefaultPrevented()) return; r = e.event.special.swipe.stop(t), l || (l = e.event.special.swipe.handleSwipe(o, r, n, u), l && (e.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = !1)), Math.abs(o.coords[0] - r.coords[0]) > e.event.special.swipe.scrollSupressionThreshold && t.preventDefault() }, s.stop = function () { l = !0, e.event.special.swipe.eventInProgress = !1, i.off(f, s.move), s.move = null }, i.on(f, s.move).one(a, s.stop) }, r.on(u, s.start) }, teardown: function () { var t, n; t = e.data(this, "mobile-events"), t && (n = t.swipe, delete t.swipe, t.length-- , t.length === 0 && e.removeData(this, "mobile-events")), n && (n.start && e(this).off(u, n.start), n.move && i.off(f, n.move), n.stop && i.off(a, n.stop)) } }, e.each({ scrollstop: "scrollstart", taphold: "tap", swipeleft: "swipe.left", swiperight: "swipe.right" }, function (t, n) { e.event.special[t] = { setup: function () { e(this).bind(n, e.noop) }, teardown: function () { e(this).unbind(n) } } }) }(e, this) }); (function (u) { var k = function (a, c) { var h, g, k, m; k = a & 2147483648; m = c & 2147483648; h = a & 1073741824; g = c & 1073741824; a = (a & 1073741823) + (c & 1073741823); return h & g ? a ^ 2147483648 ^ k ^ m : h | g ? a & 1073741824 ? a ^ 3221225472 ^ k ^ m : a ^ 1073741824 ^ k ^ m : a ^ k ^ m }, l = function (a, c, h, g, l, m, b) { a = k(a, k(k(c & h | ~c & g, l), b)); return k(a << m | a >>> 32 - m, c) }, n = function (a, c, h, g, l, m, b) { a = k(a, k(k(c & g | h & ~g, l), b)); return k(a << m | a >>> 32 - m, c) }, p = function (a, c, h, g, l, m, b) { a = k(a, k(k(c ^ h ^ g, l), b)); return k(a << m | a >>> 32 - m, c) }, q = function (a, c, h, g, l, m, b) { a = k(a, k(k(h ^ (c | ~g), l), b)); return k(a << m | a >>> 32 - m, c) }, t = function (a) { var c = "", h, g; for (g = 0; 3 >= g; g++) h = a >>> 8 * g & 255, h = "0" + h.toString(16), c += h.substr(h.length - 2, 2); return c }; u.extend({ md5: function (a) { var c, h, g, r, m, b, d, e, f; a = a.replace(/\x0d\x0a/g, "\n"); c = ""; for (h = 0; h < a.length; h++) g = a.charCodeAt(h), 128 > g ? c += String.fromCharCode(g) : (127 < g && 2048 > g ? c += String.fromCharCode(g >> 6 | 192) : (c += String.fromCharCode(g >> 12 | 224), c += String.fromCharCode(g >> 6 & 63 | 128)), c += String.fromCharCode(g & 63 | 128)); h = c.length; a = h + 8; r = 16 * ((a - a % 64) / 64 + 1); a = Array(r - 1); for (b = 0; b < h;) g = (b - b % 4) / 4, m = b % 4 * 8, a[g] |= c.charCodeAt(b) << m, b++; g = (b - b % 4) / 4; a[g] |= 128 << b % 4 * 8; a[r - 2] = h << 3; a[r - 1] = h >>> 29; b = 1732584193; d = 4023233417; e = 2562383102; f = 271733878; for (c = 0; c < a.length; c += 16) h = b, g = d, r = e, m = f, b = l(b, d, e, f, a[c + 0], 7, 3614090360), f = l(f, b, d, e, a[c + 1], 12, 3905402710), e = l(e, f, b, d, a[c + 2], 17, 606105819), d = l(d, e, f, b, a[c + 3], 22, 3250441966), b = l(b, d, e, f, a[c + 4], 7, 4118548399), f = l(f, b, d, e, a[c + 5], 12, 1200080426), e = l(e, f, b, d, a[c + 6], 17, 2821735955), d = l(d, e, f, b, a[c + 7], 22, 4249261313), b = l(b, d, e, f, a[c + 8], 7, 1770035416), f = l(f, b, d, e, a[c + 9], 12, 2336552879), e = l(e, f, b, d, a[c + 10], 17, 4294925233), d = l(d, e, f, b, a[c + 11], 22, 2304563134), b = l(b, d, e, f, a[c + 12], 7, 1804603682), f = l(f, b, d, e, a[c + 13], 12, 4254626195), e = l(e, f, b, d, a[c + 14], 17, 2792965006), d = l(d, e, f, b, a[c + 15], 22, 1236535329), b = n(b, d, e, f, a[c + 1], 5, 4129170786), f = n(f, b, d, e, a[c + 6], 9, 3225465664), e = n(e, f, b, d, a[c + 11], 14, 643717713), d = n(d, e, f, b, a[c + 0], 20, 3921069994), b = n(b, d, e, f, a[c + 5], 5, 3593408605), f = n(f, b, d, e, a[c + 10], 9, 38016083), e = n(e, f, b, d, a[c + 15], 14, 3634488961), d = n(d, e, f, b, a[c + 4], 20, 3889429448), b = n(b, d, e, f, a[c + 9], 5, 568446438), f = n(f, b, d, e, a[c + 14], 9, 3275163606), e = n(e, f, b, d, a[c + 3], 14, 4107603335), d = n(d, e, f, b, a[c + 8], 20, 1163531501), b = n(b, d, e, f, a[c + 13], 5, 2850285829), f = n(f, b, d, e, a[c + 2], 9, 4243563512), e = n(e, f, b, d, a[c + 7], 14, 1735328473), d = n(d, e, f, b, a[c + 12], 20, 2368359562), b = p(b, d, e, f, a[c + 5], 4, 4294588738), f = p(f, b, d, e, a[c + 8], 11, 2272392833), e = p(e, f, b, d, a[c + 11], 16, 1839030562), d = p(d, e, f, b, a[c + 14], 23, 4259657740), b = p(b, d, e, f, a[c + 1], 4, 2763975236), f = p(f, b, d, e, a[c + 4], 11, 1272893353), e = p(e, f, b, d, a[c + 7], 16, 4139469664), d = p(d, e, f, b, a[c + 10], 23, 3200236656), b = p(b, d, e, f, a[c + 13], 4, 681279174), f = p(f, b, d, e, a[c + 0], 11, 3936430074), e = p(e, f, b, d, a[c + 3], 16, 3572445317), d = p(d, e, f, b, a[c + 6], 23, 76029189), b = p(b, d, e, f, a[c + 9], 4, 3654602809), f = p(f, b, d, e, a[c + 12], 11, 3873151461), e = p(e, f, b, d, a[c + 15], 16, 530742520), d = p(d, e, f, b, a[c + 2], 23, 3299628645), b = q(b, d, e, f, a[c + 0], 6, 4096336452), f = q(f, b, d, e, a[c + 7], 10, 1126891415), e = q(e, f, b, d, a[c + 14], 15, 2878612391), d = q(d, e, f, b, a[c + 5], 21, 4237533241), b = q(b, d, e, f, a[c + 12], 6, 1700485571), f = q(f, b, d, e, a[c + 3], 10, 2399980690), e = q(e, f, b, d, a[c + 10], 15, 4293915773), d = q(d, e, f, b, a[c + 1], 21, 2240044497), b = q(b, d, e, f, a[c + 8], 6, 1873313359), f = q(f, b, d, e, a[c + 15], 10, 4264355552), e = q(e, f, b, d, a[c + 6], 15, 2734768916), d = q(d, e, f, b, a[c + 13], 21, 1309151649), b = q(b, d, e, f, a[c + 4], 6, 4149444226), f = q(f, b, d, e, a[c + 11], 10, 3174756917), e = q(e, f, b, d, a[c + 2], 15, 718787259), d = q(d, e, f, b, a[c + 9], 21, 3951481745), b = k(b, h), d = k(d, g), e = k(e, r), f = k(f, m); return (t(b) + t(d) + t(e) + t(f)).toLowerCase() } }) })(jQuery);/*!
* =====================================================
*Fui v1.0.1
* =====================================================
(function (a, g) { Date.prototype.DateAdd = function (j, i) { var h = this; switch (j) { case "s": return new Date(Date.parse(h) + (1000 * i)); case "n": return new Date(Date.parse(h) + (60000 * i)); case "h": return new Date(Date.parse(h) + (3600000 * i)); case "d": return new Date(Date.parse(h) + (86400000 * i)); case "w": return new Date(Date.parse(h) + ((86400000 * 7) * i)); case "q": return new Date(h.getFullYear(), (h.getMonth()) + i * 3, h.getDate(), h.getHours(), h.getMinutes(), h.getSeconds()); case "m": return new Date(h.getFullYear(), (h.getMonth()) + i, h.getDate(), h.getHours(), h.getMinutes(), h.getSeconds()); case "y": return new Date((h.getFullYear() + i), h.getMonth(), h.getDate(), h.getHours(), h.getMinutes(), h.getSeconds()) } }; Date.prototype.DateDiff = function (j, h) { var i = this; if (typeof h == "string") { h = fui.date.parse(h) } switch (j) { case "s": return parseInt((h - i) / 1000); case "n": return parseInt((h - i) / 60000); case "h": return parseInt((h - i) / 3600000); case "d": return parseInt((h - i) / 86400000); case "w": return parseInt((h - i) / (86400000 * 7)); case "m": return (h.getMonth() + 1) + ((h.getFullYear() - i.getFullYear()) * 12) - (i.getMonth() + 1); case "y": return h.getFullYear() - i.getFullYear() } }; Date.prototype.MaxDayOfDate = function () { var k = this; var h = k.toArray(); var i = (new Date(h[0], h[1] + 1, 1)); var j = i.DateAdd("m", 1); var l = dateDiff(i.Format("yyyy-MM-dd"), j.Format("yyyy-MM-dd")); return l }; Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function () { return (0 == this.getYear() % 4 && ((this.getYear() % 100 != 0) || (this.getYear() % 400 == 0))) }; var d; var c; a("body").on("tap", function (h) { var j = g.fui.now(); var i = h.target || h.srcElement; if (d && d === i) { if (c && (j - c) < 300) { var k = { center: { x: h.pageX, y: h.pageY } }; g.fui.trigger(i, "doubletap", k) } } c = g.fui.now(); d = i; return false }); var f = /matrix(3d)?\((.+?)\)/; var b = {}; a.each(["Boolean", "Number", "String", "Function", "Array", "Date", "RegExp", "Object", "Error"], function (h, j) { b["[object " + j + "]"] = j.toLowerCase() }); var e = a.mobile.support.touch; g.fui = g.fui || {}; g.fui = { event: { supportTouch: e, start: e ? 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String(h) : b[{}.toString.call(h)] || "object" }, isFunction: function (h) { return fui.type(h) === "function" }, trigger: function (h, j, i) { if (h) { h.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(j, { detail: i, bubbles: true, cancelable: true })) } return this }, hooks: {}, addAction: function (j, h) { var i = fui.hooks[j]; if (!i) { i = [] } h.index = h.index || 1000; i.push(h); i.sort(function (k, l) { return k.index - l.index }); fui.hooks[j] = i; return fui.hooks[j] }, doAction: function (i, h) { if (fui.isFunction(h)) { a.each(fui.hooks[i], h) } else { a.each(fui.hooks[i], function (k, j) { return !j.handle() }) } }, offset: function (i) { var h = { top: 0, left: 0 }; if (typeof i.getBoundingClientRect !== undefined) { h = i.getBoundingClientRect() } return { top: h.top + g.pageYOffset - i.clientTop, left: h.left + g.pageXOffset - i.clientLeft } }, includeJs: function (j) { var h = document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD").item(0); var i = document.createElement("script"); i.language = "javascript"; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.text = j; h.appendChild(i) }, includeCss: function (j) { var i = document.getElementsByTagName("head").item(0); var k = document.createElement("style"); k.type = "text/css"; try { k.appendChild(document.createTextNode(j)) } catch (h) { k.style.cssText = j } i.appendChild(k) }, data: {} } })(window.jQuery, this); (function (c) { var d = false, b = /xyz/.test(function () { xyz }) ? /\b_super\b/ : /.*/; var a = function () { }; a.extend = function (h) { var e = this.prototype; d = true; var i = new this(); d = false; for (var g in h) { i[g] = typeof h[g] == "function" && typeof e[g] == "function" && b.test(h[g]) ? (function (k, j) { return function () { var m = this._super; this._super = e[k]; var l = j.apply(this, arguments); this._super = m; return l } })(g, h[g]) : h[g] } function f() { if (!d && this.init) { this.init.apply(this, arguments) } } f.prototype = i; f.prototype.constructor = f; f.extend = arguments.callee; return f }; c.Class = a })(window.fui); (function (b) { if (!b.requestAnimationFrame) { var a = 0; b.requestAnimationFrame = b.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (c, e) { var d = new Date().getTime(); var g = Math.max(0, 16.7 - (d - a)); var f = b.setTimeout(function () { c(d + g) }, g); a = d + g; return f }; b.cancelAnimationFrame = b.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || b.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame || function (c) { clearTimeout(c) } } }(window)); (function (a, b) { b.validator = { isPositiveFloatint: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^([1-9]\d*|(0|[1-9]\d*)\.\d*[1-9])$/, "请输入正确的整数或小数(不能为零和负数)") },validReg: function (d, e, c) { var f = { code: true, msg: "" }; if (!e.test(d)) { f.code = false; f.msg = c } return f }, validRegOrNull: function (d, e, c) { var f = { code: true, msg: "" }; if (d == null || d == undefined || d.length == 0) { return f } if (!e.test(d)) { f.code = false; f.msg = c } return f }, isNotNull: function (c) { var d = { code: true, msg: "" }; c = a.trim(c); if (c == null || c == undefined || c.length == 0) { d.code = false; d.msg = "不能为空" } return d }, isNum: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^[-+]?\d+$/, "必须为数字") }, isPositiveFloatintZero: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^(0|[1-9]\d*|(0|[1-9]\d*)\.\d*[1-9])$/, "必须为整数或小数(不能为负数)") }, isNumOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^[-+]?\d+$/, "数字或空") }, isEmail: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^\w{3,}@\w+(\.\w+)+$/, "必须为E-mail格式") }, isEmailOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^\w{3,}@\w+(\.\w+)+$/, "必须为E-mail格式或空") }, isEnglishStr: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^[a-z,A-Z]+$/, "必须为英文字符串") }, isEnglishStrOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^[a-z,A-Z]+$/, "必须为英文字符串或空") }, isTelephone: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^(\d{3,4}\-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}$/, "必须为电话格式") }, isTelephoneOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^(\d{3,4}\-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}$/, "必须为电话格式或空") }, isMobile: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^(\+\d{2,3}\-)?\d{11}$/, "必须为手机格式") }, isMobileOrnull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^(\+\d{2,3}\-)?\d{11}$/, "必须为手机格式或空") }, isMobileOrPhone: function (c) { var d = { code: true, msg: "" }; if (!b.validator.isTelephone(c).code && !b.validator.isMobile(c).code) { d.code = false; d.msg = "为电话格式或手机格式" } return d }, isMobileOrPhoneOrNull: function (c) { var d = { code: true, msg: "" }; if (b.validator.isNotNull(c).code && !b.validator.isTelephone(c).code && !b.validator.isMobile(c).code) { d.code = false; d.msg = "为电话格式或手机格式或空" } return d }, isUri: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+[\/=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]*([^<>\"\"])*$/, "必须为网址格式") }, isUriOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+[\/=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]*([^<>\"\"])*$/, "必须为网址格式或空") }, isDate: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/, "必须为日期格式") }, isDateOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2})$/, "必须为日期格式或空") }, isDateTime: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})$/, "必须为日期时间格式") }, isDateTimeOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^(\d{1,4})(-|\/)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})$/, "必须为日期时间格式") }, isTime: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^((20|21|22|23|[0-1]\d)\:[0-5][0-9])(\:[0-5][0-9])?$/, "必须为时间格式") }, isTimeOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^((20|21|22|23|[0-1]\d)\:[0-5][0-9])(\:[0-5][0-9])?$/, "必须为时间格式或空") }, isChinese: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$/, "必须为中文") }, isChineseOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$/, "必须为中文或空") }, isZip: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^\d{6}$/, "必须为邮编格式") }, isZipOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^\d{6}$/, "必须为邮编格式或空") }, isDouble: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^[-\+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/, "必须为小数") }, isDoubleOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^[-\+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/, "必须为小数或空") }, isIDCard: function (c) { return b.validator.validReg(c, /^\d{15}(\d{2}[A-Za-z0-9;])?$/, "必须为身份证格式") }, isIDCardOrNull: function (c) { return b.validator.validRegOrNull(c, /^\d{15}(\d{2}[A-Za-z0-9;])?$/, "必须为身份证格式或空") }, isIP: function (d) { var f = { code: true, msg: "" }; var e = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/g; var c = false; if (e.test(d)) { if (RegExp.$1 < 256 && RegExp.$2 < 256 && RegExp.$3 < 256 && RegExp.$4 < 256) { c = true } } if (!c) { f.code = false; f.msg = "必须为IP格式" } return f }, isIPOrNull: function (c) { var d = { code: true, msg: "" }; if (b.validator.isNotNull(c) && !b.validator.isIP(c).code) { d.code = false; d.msg = "必须为IP格式或空" } return d }, isLenNum: function (d, c) { var f = { code: true, msg: "" }; var e = /^[0-9]+$/; d = a.trim(d); if (d.length > c || !e.test(d)) { f.code = false; f.msg = "必须为" + c + "位数字" } return f }, isLenNumOrNull: function (d, c) { var e = { code: true, msg: "" }; if (b.validator.isNotNull(d).code && !b.validator.isLenNum(d)) { e.code = false; e.msg = "必须为" + c + "位数字或空" } return e }, isLenStr: function (d, c) { var e = { code: true, msg: "" }; d = a.trim(d); if (!b.validator.isNotNull(d).code || d.length > c) { e.code = false; e.msg = "必须小于等于" + c + "位字符" } return e }, isLenStrOrNull: function (d, c) { var e = { code: true, msg: "" }; d = a.trim(d); if (b.validator.isNotNull(d).code && d.length > c) { e.code = false; e.msg = "必须小于等于" + c + "位字符或空" } return e } } })(window.jQuery, window.fui); (function (k, B) { k.gestures = { session: {} }; k.preventDefault = function (C) { C.preventDefault() }; k.stopPropagation = function (C) { C.stopPropagation() }; k.addGesture = function (C) { return k.addAction("gestures", C) }; var w = Math.round; var a = Math.abs; var y = Math.sqrt; var b = Math.atan; var c = Math.atan2; var n = function (C, D, E) { if (!E) { E = ["x", "y"] } var F = D[E[0]] - C[E[0]]; var G = D[E[1]] - C[E[1]]; return y((F * F) + (G * G)) }; var q = function (E, C) { if (E.length >= 2 && C.length >= 2) { var D = ["pageX", "pageY"]; return n(C[1], C[0], D) / n(E[1], E[0], D) } return 1 }; var l = function (C, D, E) { if (!E) { E = ["x", "y"] } var F = D[E[0]] - C[E[0]]; var G = D[E[1]] - C[E[1]]; return c(G, F) * 180 / Math.PI }; var m = function (C, D) { if (C === D) { return "" } if (a(C) >= a(D)) { return C > 0 ? "left" : "right" } return D > 0 ? "up" : "down" }; var p = function (E, C) { var D = ["pageX", "pageY"]; return l(C[1], C[0], D) - l(E[1], E[0], D) }; var s = function (C, D, E) { return { x: D / C || 0, y: E / C || 0 } }; var j = function (C, D) { if (k.gestures.stoped) { return } k.doAction("gestures", function (F, E) { if (!k.gestures.stoped) { if (k.options.gestureConfig[E.name] !== false) { E.handle(C, D) } } }) }; var u = function (C, D) { while (C) { if (C == D) { return true } C = C.parentNode } return false }; var A = function (H, D, F) { var E = []; var J = []; var C = 0; while (C < H.length) { var I = D ? H[C][D] : H[C]; if (J.indexOf(I) < 0) { E.push(H[C]) } J[C] = I; C++ } if (F) { if (!D) { E = E.sort() } else { E = E.sort(function G(K, L) { return K[D] > L[D] }) } } return E }; var o = function (D) { var E = D.length; if (E === 1) { return { x: w(D[0].pageX), y: w(D[0].pageY) } } var F = 0; var G = 0; var C = 0; while (C < E) { F += D[C].pageX; G += D[C].pageY; C++ } return { x: w(F / E), y: w(G / E) } }; var v = function () { return k.options.gestureConfig.pinch }; var i = function (D) { var E = []; var C = 0; while (C < D.touches.length) { E[C] = { pageX: w(D.touches[C].pageX), pageY: w(D.touches[C].pageY) }; C++ } return { timestamp: k.now(), gesture: D.gesture, touches: E, center: o(D.touches), deltaX: D.deltaX, deltaY: D.deltaY } }; var e = function (H) { var G = k.gestures.session; var C = H.center; var D = G.offsetDelta || {}; var E = G.prevDelta || {}; var F = G.prevTouch || {}; if (H.gesture.type === k.event.start || H.gesture.type === k.event.end) { E = G.prevDelta = { x: F.deltaX || 0, y: F.deltaY || 0 }; D = G.offsetDelta = { x: C.x, y: C.y } } H.deltaX = E.x + (C.x - D.x); H.deltaY = E.y + (C.y - D.y) }; var g = function (H) { var G = k.gestures.session; var I = H.touches; var J = I.length; if (!G.firstTouch) { G.firstTouch = i(H) } if (v() && J > 1 && !G.firstMultiTouch) { G.firstMultiTouch = i(H) } else { if (J === 1) { G.firstMultiTouch = false } } var E = G.firstTouch; var D = G.firstMultiTouch; var F = D ? D.center : E.center; var C = H.center = o(I); H.timestamp = k.now(); H.deltaTime = H.timestamp - E.timestamp; H.angle = l(F, C); H.distance = n(F, C); e(H); H.offsetDirection = m(H.deltaX, H.deltaY); H.scale = D ? q(D.touches, I) : 1; H.rotation = D ? p(D.touches, I) : 0; f(H) }; var d = 25; var f = function (I) { var H = k.gestures.session; var G = H.lastInterval || I; var C = I.timestamp - G.timestamp; var K; var L; var M; var F; if (I.gesture.type != k.event.cancel && (C > d || G.velocity === undefined)) { var D = G.deltaX - I.deltaX; var E = G.deltaY - I.deltaY; var J = s(C, D, E); L = J.x; M = J.y; K = (a(J.x) > a(J.y)) ? J.x : J.y; F = m(D, E) || G.direction; H.lastInterval = I } else { K = G.velocity; L = G.velocityX; M = G.velocityY; F = G.direction } I.velocity = K; I.velocityX = L; I.velocityY = M; I.direction = F }; var z = {}; var h = function (D) { for (var C = 0; C < D.length; C++) { !D.identifier && (D.identifier = 0) } return D }; var r = function (G, K) { var C = h(k.slice.call(G.touches || [G])); var M = G.type; var J = []; var D = []; if ((M === k.event.start || M === k.event.move) && C.length === 1) { z[C[0].identifier] = true; J = C; D = C; K.target = G.target } else { var H = 0; var J = []; var D = []; var E = h(k.slice.call(G.changedTouches || [G])); K.target = G.target; var I = k.gestures.session.target || G.target; J = C.filter(function (N) { return u(N.target, I) }); if (M === k.event.start) { H = 0; while (H < J.length) { z[J[H].identifier] = true; H++ } } H = 0; while (H < E.length) { if (z[E[H].identifier]) { D.push(E[H]) } if (M === k.event.end || M === k.event.cancel) { delete z[E[H].identifier] } H++ } if (!D.length) { return false } } J = A(J.concat(D), "identifier", true); var L = J.length; var F = D.length; if (M === k.event.start && L - F === 0) { K.isFirst = true; k.gestures.touch = k.gestures.session = { target: G.target } } K.isFinal = ((M === k.event.end || M === k.event.cancel) && (L - F === 0)); K.touches = J; K.changedTouches = D; return true }; var t = function (C) { var D = { gesture: C }; var E = r(C, D); if (!E) { return } g(D); j(C, D); k.gestures.session.prevTouch = D; if (C.type === k.event.end && !k.event.supportTouch) { k.gestures.touch = k.gestures.session = {} } }; B.addEventListener(k.event.start, t); B.addEventListener(k.event.move, t, { passive: false }); B.addEventListener(k.event.end, t); B.addEventListener(k.event.cancel, t); k.isScrolling = false; var x = null; B.addEventListener("scroll", function () { k.isScrolling = true; x && clearTimeout(x); x = setTimeout(function () { k.isScrolling = false }, 250) }) })(window.fui, window); (function (a, c) { var b = function (d, f) { var e = a.gestures.session; switch (d.type) { case a.event.start: break; case a.event.move: if (!f.direction || !e.target) { return } if (e.lockDirection && e.startDirection) { if (e.startDirection && e.startDirection !== f.direction) { if (e.startDirection === "up" || e.startDirection === "down") { f.direction = f.deltaY < 0 ? "up" : "down" } else { f.direction = f.deltaX < 0 ? "left" : "right" } } } if (!e.drag) { e.drag = true; a.trigger(e.target, c + "start", f) } a.trigger(e.target, c, f); a.trigger(e.target, c + f.direction, f); break; case a.event.end: case a.event.cancel: if (e.drag && f.isFinal) { a.trigger(e.target, c + "end", f) } break } }; a.addGesture({ name: c, index: 20, handle: b, options: { fingers: 1 } }) })(fui, "drag"); (function (b, d) { var a = 0; var c = function (e, i) { var h = b.gestures.session; var g = this.options; var f = b.now(); switch (e.type) { case b.event.move: if (f - a > 300) { a = f; h.flickStart = i.center } break; case b.event.end: case b.event.cancel: i.flick = false; if (h.flickStart && g.flickMaxTime > (f - a) && i.distance > g.flickMinDistince) { i.flick = true; i.flickTime = f - a; i.flickDistanceX = i.center.x - h.flickStart.x; i.flickDistanceY = i.center.y - h.flickStart.y; b.trigger(h.target, d, i); b.trigger(h.target, d + i.direction, i) } break } }; b.addGesture({ name: d, index: 5, handle: c, options: { flickMaxTime: 200, flickMinDistince: 10 } }) })(fui, "flick"); (function (a, c) { var d; var b = function (e, h) { var g = a.gestures.session; var f = this.options; switch (e.type) { case a.event.start: if (a.options.gestureConfig.hold) { d && clearTimeout(d); d = setTimeout(function () { h.hold = true; a.trigger(g.target, c, h) }, f.holdTimeout) } break; case a.event.move: break; case a.event.end: case a.evetn.cancel: if (d) { clearTimeout(d) && (d = null); a.trigger(g.target, "release", h) } break } }; a.addGesture({ name: c, index: 10, handle: b, options: { fingers: 1, holdTimeout: 0 } }) })(fui, "hold"); (function (a, c) { var b = function (d, k) { var f = this.options; var j = a.gestures.session; switch (d.type) { case a.event.start: break; case a.event.move: if (a.options.gestureConfig.pinch) { if (k.touches.length < 2) { return } if (!j.pinch) { j.pinch = true; a.trigger(j.target, c + "start", k) } a.trigger(j.target, c, k); var h = k.scale; var g = k.rotation; var e = typeof k.lastScale === "undefined" ? 1 : k.lastScale; var i = 1e-12; if (h > e) { e = h - i; a.trigger(j.target, c + "out", k) } else { if (h < e) { e = h + i; a.trigger(j.target, c + "in", k) } } if (Math.abs(g) > f.minRotationAngle) { a.trigger(j.target, "rotate", k) } } break; case a.event.end: case a.event.cancel: if (a.options.gestureConfig.pinch && j.pinch && k.touches.length === 2) { j.pinch = false; a.trigger(j.target, c + "end", k) } break } }; a.addGesture({ name: c, index: 10, handle: b, options: { minRotationAngle: 0 } }) })(fui, "pinch"); (function (a, c) { var b = function (d, g) { var f = a.gestures.session; if (d.type === a.event.end || d.type === a.event.cancel) { var e = this.options; g.swipe = false; if (g.direction && e.swipeMaxTime > g.deltaTime && g.distance > e.swipeMinDistince) { g.swipe = true; a.trigger(f.target, c, g); a.trigger(f.target, c + g.direction, g) } } }; a.addGesture({ name: c, index: 10, handle: b, options: { swipeMaxTime: 300, swipeMinDistince: 18 } }) })(fui, "fswipe"); (function (l, t, o) { var m = l([]), q = l.resize = l.extend(l.resize, {}), u, w = "setTimeout", v = "resize", p = v + "-special-event", n = "delay", r = "throttleWindow"; q[n] = 250; q[r] = true; l.event.special[v] = { setup: function () { if (!q[r] && this[w]) { return false } var a = l(this); m = m.add(a); l.data(this, p, { w: a.width(), h: a.height() }); if (m.length === 1) { s() } }, teardown: function () { if (!q[r] && this[w]) { return false } var a = l(this); m = m.not(a); a.removeData(p); if (!m.length) { clearTimeout(u) } }, add: function (a) { if (!q[r] && this[w]) { return false } var c; function b(h, d, e) { var f = l(this), g = l.data(this, p); g.w = d !== o ? d : f.width(); g.h = e !== o ? e : f.height(); c.apply(this, arguments) } if (l.isFunction(a)) { c = a; return b } else { c = a.handler; a.handler = b } } }; function s() { u = t[w](function () { m.each(function () { var c = l(this), b = c.width(), a = c.height(), d = l.data(this, p); if (b !== d.w || a !== d.h) { c.trigger(v, [d.w = b, d.h = a]) } }); s() }, q[n]) } })(jQuery, this); (function (a, d) { var g = {}; var f = 0; var e = 0; var c = false; var b = { doQueue: function () { if (!c) { c = true; var h = g[e]; if (h) { b[h.type](h.op, function () { delete g[e]; e++; c = false; if (e < f) { b.doQueue() } }) } else { c = false; if (e < f) { e++; b.doQueue() } } } }, open: function (k, j) { var l = null; if (d.nav.page.data[k.id]) { l = d.nav.page.data[k.id]; l.load = false; var h = l.op.fclass; l.preid = d.nav.page.activeid || ""; l.op = k; l.$page.removeAttr("style"); l.$page.attr("data-type", k.type); l.$page.removeClass(h); l.$page.addClass(k.fclass); l.hasLoad = true } else { k.pageid = d.guid(); var i = '
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'; g.addClass("f-picker"); g.html(h); b.initParams(g); b.initData(g, i); b.bindEvent(g) }, initParams: function (g) { var h = g[0]; h.list = g.find("ul")[0]; h.height = h.offsetHeight; h.r = h.height / 2 - 10; h.d = h.r * 2; h.itemHeight = 40; h.itemAngle = parseInt(b.calcAngle(h, h.itemHeight * 0.8)); h.hightlightRange = h.itemAngle / 2; h.visibleRange = 90; h.beginAngle = 0; h.beginExceed = h.beginAngle - 30; h.list.angle = h.beginAngle; h.lastMoveTime = 0; h.lastMoveStart = 0; h.stopInertiaMove = false; h.lastAngle = 0; h.startY = null; h.isPicking = false; h.selected = null; h.preselected = null; h.list.style.webkitTransition = "150ms ease-out"; if (d) { h.list.style.webkitTransformOrigin = "center center " + h.r + "px" } }, initData: function (i, k) { var g = i.find("ul"); g.html(""); var l = i[0]; l.items = []; var j = ""; k.data = k.data || []; a.each(k.data, function (m, o) { var n = { id: m, text: o[k.text], value: o[k.value], angle: l.itemAngle * m, obj: o }; l.endAngle = n.angle; l.items.push(n); if (m <= 20) { j += '
' + n.text + "
" } }); l.beginindex = 0; l.endindex = 20; l.endExceed = l.endAngle + 30; g.html(j); b.setAngle(l, l.beginAngle); if (!!l.selected) { var h = a(l); h.trigger("change"); if (!!k.change) { k.change(l.selected.obj, h) } } }, bindEvent: function (g) { var h = g[0]; h.addEventListener(c.event.start, function (i) { var j = a(this)[0]; j.isPicking = true; i.preventDefault(); j.list.style.webkitTransition = ""; j.startY = (i.changedTouches ? i.changedTouches[0] : i).pageY; j.lastAngle = j.list.angle; b.updateInertiaParams(j, i, true) }, false); h.addEventListener(c.event.end, function (i) { var j = a(this)[0]; j.isPicking = false; i.preventDefault(); b.startInertiaScroll(j, i) }, false); h.addEventListener(c.event.cancel, function (i) { var j = a(this)[0]; j.isPicking = false; i.preventDefault(); b.startInertiaScroll(j, i) }, false); h.addEventListener(c.event.move, function (l) { var n = a(this)[0]; if (!n.isPicking) { return } l.preventDefault(); var k = (l.changedTouches ? l.changedTouches[0] : l).pageY; var j = k - n.startY; var i = b.calcAngle(n, j); var m = j > 0 ? n.lastAngle - i : n.lastAngle + i; if (m > n.endExceed) { m = n.endExceed } if (m < n.beginExceed) { m = n.beginExceed } b.setAngle(n, m); b.updateInertiaParams(n, l) }, false) }, updateInertiaParams: function (k, g, h) { var j = g.changedTouches ? g.changedTouches[0] : g; if (h) { k.lastMoveStart = j.pageY; k.lastMoveTime = g.timeStamp || Date.now(); k.startAngle = k.list.angle } else { var i = g.timeStamp || Date.now(); if (i - k.lastMoveTime > 300) { k.lastMoveTime = i; k.lastMoveStart = j.pageY } } k.stopInertiaMove = true }, startInertiaScroll: function (o, l) { var n = l.changedTouches ? l.changedTouches[0] : l; var m = l.timeStamp || Date.now(); var r = (n.pageY - o.lastMoveStart) / (m - o.lastMoveTime); var h = r > 0 ? -1 : 1; var g = h * 0.0006 * -1; var k = Math.abs(r / g); var i = r * k / 2; var q = o.list.angle; var j = b.calcAngle(o, i) * h; var p = j; if (q + j < o.beginExceed) { j = o.beginExceed - q; k = k * (j / p) * 0.6 } if (q + j > o.endExceed) { j = o.endExceed - q; k = k * (j / p) * 0.6 } if (j == 0) { b.endScroll(o); return } b.scrollDistAngle(o, m, q, j, k) }, scrollDistAngle: function (j, i, k, g, h) { j.stopInertiaMove = false; (function (p, q, l, m) { var n = 13; var r = m / n; var s = 0; (function o() { if (j.stopInertiaMove) { return } var t = b.quartEaseOut(s, q, l, r); b.setAngle(j, t); s++; if (s > r - 1 || t < j.beginExceed || t > j.endExceed) { b.endScroll(j); return } setTimeout(o, n) })() })(i, k, g, h) }, endScroll: function (j) { if (j.list.angle < j.beginAngle) { j.list.style.webkitTransition = "150ms ease-out"; b.setAngle(j, j.beginAngle) } else { if (j.list.angle > j.endAngle) { j.list.style.webkitTransition = "150ms ease-out"; b.setAngle(j, j.endAngle) } else { var h = parseInt((j.list.angle / j.itemAngle).toFixed(0)); j.list.style.webkitTransition = "100ms ease-out"; b.setAngle(j, j.itemAngle * h) } } if (j.preselected != j.selected) { var g = a(j); var i = j.fop; g.trigger("change"); if (!!i.change) { i.change(j.selected.obj, g) } } }, calcElementItemVisibility: function (o, l) { var h = a(o); var g = h.find("ul"); var k = ""; var q = 0; var p = o.items.length; a.each(o.items, function (i, s) { var r = Math.abs(s.angle - l); if (r < o.hightlightRange) { o.selected = s; if (!s.hightlight || !g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').hasClass("highlight")) { s.hightlight = true; g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').addClass("highlight") } } else { if (r < o.visibleRange) { if (!s.visible || !g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').hasClass("visible")) { s.visible = true; g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').addClass("visible") } if (!!s.hightlight || g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').hasClass("highlight")) { s.hightlight = false; g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').removeClass("highlight") } if (p > i) { p = i } if (q < i) { q = i } } else { if (!!s.visible || g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').hasClass("visible")) { s.visible = false; g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').removeClass("visible") } if (!!s.hightlight || g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').hasClass("highlight")) { s.hightlight = false; g.find('li[data-index="' + i + '"]').removeClass("highlight") } } } }); if (o.items.length > 21) { if (q >= o.endindex) { var n = o.endindex + 11; for (var m = o.endindex + 1; m < n; m++) { if (!!o.items[m]) { var j = ""; if (!!o.items[m].visible) { j = 'class="visible"' } g.append("
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' + h.items[m].text + "
") } } if (!!h.selected) { g.trigger("change"); if (!!h.fop.change) { h.fop.change(h.selected.obj, g) } } } return false } }) }; a.fn.fpickerGet = function () { var g = a(this); return g[0].selected.value || "" }; a.fn.fpickerGetObj = function () { var g = a(this); return g[0].selected } })(window.jQuery, window.fui); (function (a, c) { var b = { init: function (d, f) { f.id = c.guid(); var e = '
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"; a("body").append(e); c.createMask(); b.initPicker(f); b.bindEvent(d, f) }, bindEvent: function (e, f) { e.on("tap", function () { var h = a(this); if (h.attr("readonly") || h.parents(".lr-form-row").attr("readonly")) { return false } var j = h[0]; var i = j.fop; if (!!i.callback) { i.callback() } var g = a("#pop_" + i.id); if (!g.hasClass("active")) { g.addClass("active"); c.showMask() } setTimeout(function () { if (i.value != undefined && i.value != "" && i.value != null) { var k = i.value.split(","); a.each(k, function (m, n) { var l = a("#picker_" + i.id + "_" + m); l.fpickerSet(n) }) } }, 300); return false }); var d = a("#pop_" + f.id); d.find(".f-poppicker-cancel").on("tap", function () { var g = a(this).parents(".f-poppicker"); g.removeClass("active"); c.hideMask(); return false }); d.find(".f-poppicker-ok").on("tap", { $self: e, fop: f }, function (l) { var h = a(this).parents(".f-poppicker"); h.removeClass("active"); c.hideMask(); l = l || window.event; var m = l.data.fop; var j = l.data.$self; var p = []; var q = []; var k = []; for (var n = 0; n < m.level; n++) { var g = a("#picker_" + m.id + "_" + n); var o = g.fpickerGetObj(); p.push(o.text); q.push(o.value); k.push(o) } if (m.value != String(q)) { m.value = String(q); m.text = String(p); j.trigger("change"); if (!!m.change) { m.change(m.value, m.text, k, j) } } return false }) }, initPicker: function (g) { var e = a("#pop_" + g.id + " .f-poppicker-body"); for (var f = 0; f < g.level; f++) { var d = a(''); d.css("width", (100 / g.level + "%")); e.append(d); d.fpicker({ data: [], value: g.ivalue, text: g.itext, change: function (k, h) { var j = parseInt(h.attr("data-level")) + 1; if (g.level > 1 && j < g.level) { var i = a("#picker_" + g.id + "_" + j); i.fpickerSetData(k.children) } } }) } a("#picker_" + g.id + "_0").fpickerSetData(g.data) } }; a.fn.fpoppicker = function (f) { var e = { data: [], level: 1, change: false, ivalue: "value", itext: "text" }; var d = a(this); if (!!d[0].fop) { return d } a.extend(e, f || {}); d[0].fop = e; b.init(d, e); return d }; a.fn.fpoppickerSet = function (h) { var d = a(this); var f = d[0].fop; if (h != undefined && h != "" && h != null) { var i = h.split(","); var g = []; var e = []; a.each(i, function (k, m) { var j = a("#picker_" + f.id + "_" + k); j.fpickerSet(m); var l = j.fpickerGetObj(); if (l) { g.push(l.text || ""); e.push(l) } }); f.value = h; f.text = String(g); d.trigger("change"); if (!!f.change) { f.change(f.value, f.text, e, d) } } }; a.fn.fpoppickerSetData = function (e) { var d = a(this); if (d.length > 0) { var f = d[0].fop; if (f) { a("#picker_" + f.id + "_0").fpickerSetData(e) } } d = null } })(window.jQuery, window.fui); (function (a, c) { var b = { init: function (e, h) { h.id = c.guid(); var g = '
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g.removeClass("active"); c.hideMask(); return false }); d.find(".f-dtpicker-ok").on("tap", { $self: e, fop: f }, function (i) { var g = a(this).parents(".f-dtpicker"); g.removeClass("active"); c.hideMask(); var j = i.data.fop; var h = i.data.$self; var l = ""; switch (j.type) { case "datetime": var k = b.getfYear(j) + "-" + b.getfMonth(j) + "-" + b.getfDay(j) + " " + b.getfHour(j) + ":" + b.getfMinute(j); l = c.date.format(k, j.format || "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"); break; case "date": var k = b.getfYear(j) + "-" + b.getfMonth(j) + "-" + b.getfDay(j); l = c.date.format(k, j.format || "yyyy-MM-dd"); break; case "time": var k = "2017-12-18 " + b.getfHour(j) + ":" + b.getfMinute(j); l = c.date.format(k, j.format || "hh:mm"); break; case "month": var k = b.getfYear(j) + "-" + b.getfMonth(j) + "-01"; l = c.date.format(k, j.format || "yyyy-MM"); break }if (j.value != l) { j.value = l; h.trigger("change"); if (!!j.change) { j.change(j.value, h) } } return false }) }, initYear: function (l) { var h = []; var g = new Date(); var m = g.getFullYear(); for (var j = -50; j < 51; j++) { var f = m + j; var k = { text: f, value: f }; h.push(k) } var e = a("#dt_" + l.id + " .f-dtpicker-body"); var d = a(''); e.append(d); d.fpicker({ data: h }).fpickerSet(m); return d }, initMonth: function (h) { var f = new Date(); var g = f.getMonth() + 1; var e = a("#dt_" + h.id + " .f-dtpicker-body"); var d = a(''); e.append(d); d.fpicker({ data: [{ text: "01", value: 1 }, { text: "02", value: 2 }, { text: "03", value: 3 }, { text: "04", value: 4 }, { text: "05", value: 5 }, { text: "06", value: 6 }, { text: "07", value: 7 }, { text: "08", value: 8 }, { text: "09", value: 9 }, { text: "10", value: 10 }, { text: "11", value: 11 }, { text: "12", value: 12 }] }).fpickerSet(g); return d }, initDay: function (k, g, d) { var h = new Date(); var i = h.getDate(); var j = d.fpickerGet(); var l = g.fpickerGet(); var f = a("#dt_" + k.id + " .f-dtpicker-body"); var e = a(''); f.append(e); e.fpicker({ data: b.getDayData(l, j) }).fpickerSet(i); g[0].fop.change = function (t, m) { var r = t.value; var q = d.fpickerGet(); var o = e.fpickerGet(); var p = e[0].fop.data.length; var s = b.getDayNum(r, q); if (p != s) { if (o > s) { o = s } var n = b.getDayData(r, q); e.fpickerSetData(n).fpickerSet(o) } }; d[0].fop.change = function (t, m) { var q = t.value; var r = g.fpickerGet(); var o = e.fpickerGet(); var p = e[0].fop.data.length; var s = b.getDayNum(r, q); if (p != s) { if (o > s) { o = s } var n = b.getDayData(r, q); e.fpickerSetData(n).fpickerSet(o) } } }, initHour: function (i) { var g = [{ text: "00", value: 0 }, { text: "01", value: 1 }, { text: "02", value: 2 }, { text: "03", value: 3 }, { text: "04", value: 4 }, { text: "05", value: 5 }, { text: "06", value: 6 }, { text: "07", value: 7 }, { text: "08", value: 8 }, { text: "09", value: 9 }, { text: "10", value: 10 }, { text: "11", value: 11 }, { text: "12", value: 12 }, { text: "13", value: 13 }, { text: "14", value: 14 }, { text: "15", value: 15 }, { text: "16", value: 16 }, { text: "17", value: 17 }, { text: "18", value: 18 }, { text: "19", value: 19 }, { text: "20", value: 20 }, { text: "21", value: 21 }, { text: "22", value: 22 }, { text: "23", value: 23 },]; var f = new Date(); var h = f.getHours(); var e = a("#dt_" + i.id + " .f-dtpicker-body"); var d = a(''); e.append(d); d.fpicker({ data: g }).fpickerSet(h) }, initMinute: function (i) { var g = [{ text: "00", value: 0 }, { text: "01", value: 1 }, { text: "02", value: 2 }, { text: "03", value: 3 }, { text: "04", value: 4 }, { text: "05", value: 5 }, { text: "06", value: 6 }, { text: "07", value: 7 }, { text: "08", value: 8 }, { text: "09", value: 9 }, { text: "10", value: 10 }, { text: "11", value: 11 }, { text: "12", value: 12 }, { text: "13", value: 13 }, { text: "14", value: 14 }, { text: "15", value: 15 }, { text: "16", value: 16 }, { text: "17", value: 17 }, { text: "18", value: 18 }, { text: "19", value: 19 }, { text: "20", value: 20 }, { text: "21", value: 21 }, { text: "22", value: 22 }, { text: "23", value: 23 }, { text: "24", value: 24 }, { text: "25", value: 25 }, { text: "26", value: 26 }, { text: "27", value: 27 }, { text: "28", value: 28 }, { text: "29", value: 29 }, { text: "30", value: 30 }, { text: "31", value: 31 }, { text: "32", value: 32 }, { text: "33", value: 33 }, { text: "34", value: 34 }, { text: "35", value: 35 }, { text: "36", value: 36 }, { text: "37", value: 37 }, { text: "38", value: 38 }, { text: "39", value: 39 }, { text: "40", value: 40 }, { text: "41", value: 41 }, { text: "42", value: 42 }, { text: "43", value: 43 }, { text: "44", value: 44 }, { text: "45", value: 45 }, { text: "46", value: 46 }, { text: "47", value: 47 }, { text: "48", value: 48 }, { text: "49", value: 49 }, { text: "50", value: 50 }, { text: "51", value: 51 }, { text: "52", value: 52 }, { text: "53", value: 53 }, { text: "54", value: 54 }, { text: "55", value: 55 }, { text: "56", value: 56 }, { text: "57", value: 57 }, { text: "58", value: 58 }, { text: "59", value: 59 }]; var f = new Date(); var h = f.getMinutes(); var e = a("#dt_" + i.id + " .f-dtpicker-body"); var d = a(''); e.append(d); d.fpicker({ data: g }).fpickerSet(h) }, getDayData: function (j, h) { var f = []; for (var g = 1; g <= b.getDayNum(j, h); g++) { var e = ""; if (g < 10) { e = "0" + g } else { e = "" + g } var d = { text: e, value: g }; f.push(d) } return f }, getDayNum: function (e, d) { if ([1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12].indexOf(d) > -1) { return 31 } else { if ([4, 6, 9, 11].indexOf(d) > -1) { return 30 } else { if (c.date.isLeapYear(e)) { return 29 } else { return 28 } } } }, getfYear: function (e) { var d = a("#picker_" + e.id + "_y"); return d.fpickerGet() }, getfMonth: function (e) { var d = a("#picker_" + e.id + "_m"); return d.fpickerGetObj().text }, getfDay: function (e) { var d = a("#picker_" + e.id + "_d"); return d.fpickerGetObj().text }, getfHour: function (e) { var d = a("#picker_" + e.id + "_h"); return d.fpickerGetObj().text }, getfMinute: function (e) { var d = a("#picker_" + e.id + "_i"); return d.fpickerGetObj().text }, setValue: function (k, l) { if (k.type == "time") { l = "2017-12-08 " + l } var j = c.date.parse(l); var i = a("#picker_" + k.id + "_y"); if (i.length > 0) { i.fpickerSet(j.getFullYear()) } var h = a("#picker_" + k.id + "_m"); if (h.length > 0) { h.fpickerSet(j.getMonth() + 1) } var e = a("#picker_" + k.id + "_d"); if (e.length > 0) { e.fpickerSet(j.getDate()) } var f = a("#picker_" + k.id + "_h"); if (f.length > 0) { f.fpickerSet(j.getHours()) } var g = a("#picker_" + k.id + "_i"); if (g.length > 0) { g.fpickerSet(j.getMinutes()) } } }; a.fn.fdtpicker = function (f) { var e = { type: "datetime", label: ["年", "月", "日", "时", "分"], format: false, change: false }; var d = a(this); if (!!d[0].fop) { return d } a.extend(e, f || {}); d[0].fop = e; b.init(d, e); return d } })(window.jQuery, window.fui); (function (a) { var b = { init: function (c) { c.addClass("f-switch"); c.html(''); c.on("tap", function () { var d = a(this); if (d.attr("readonly") || d.parents(".lr-form-row").attr("readonly")) { return false } if (d.hasClass("f-active")) { d.removeClass("f-active") } else { d.addClass("f-active") } d.trigger("change"); return false }) } }; a.fn.fswitch = function () { a(this).each(function () { var c = a(this); b.init(c) }); return a(this) }; a.fn.fswitchGet = function () { var c = a(this); var d = 0; if (c.hasClass("f-active")) { d = 1 } return d }; a.fn.fswitchSet = function (d) { var c = a(this); if (d != 1 && d != "1") { c.removeClass("f-active") } else { if (!c.hasClass("f-active")) { c.addClass("f-active") } } } })(window.jQuery); (function (a, c) { var b = { init: function (h) { if (!h.id) { alert("设置下id信息!"); return false } var d = a("#" + h.id); if (d.length == 0) { var e = ''; c.createMask(); d = a(e); a("body").append(d); var i = {}; var f = c.guid(); a.each(h.data, function (j, n) { var k = a.extend({ group: f, text: "按钮" + j, }, n); i[k.group] = i[k.group] || a('
'); var m = ""; if (!!k.mark) { m = 'style="color:red;"' } var l = '
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" translateZ(0)" : ""; this._init(); if (this.scroller) { this.refresh(); this.scrollTo(this.options.startX, this.options.startY) } }, _init: function () { this._initIndicators(); this._initEvent() }, _initIndicators: function () { var q = this; q.indicators = []; if (!this.options.indicators) { return } var p = [], o; if (q.options.scrollY) { o = { el: this._createScrollBar(h), listenX: false }; this.wrapper.appendChild(o.el); p.push(o) } if (this.options.scrollX) { o = { el: this._createScrollBar(g), listenY: false }; this.wrapper.appendChild(o.el); p.push(o) } for (var n = p.length; n--;) { this.indicators.push(new l(this, p[n])) } }, _initSnap: function () { this.currentPage = {}; this.pages = []; var y = this.snaps; var q = y.length; var r = 0; var s = -1; var A = 0; var p = 0; var v = 0; var z = 0; for (var o = 0; o < q; o++) { var w = y[o]; var t = w.offsetLeft; var u = w.offsetWidth; if (o === 0 || t <= y[o - 1].offsetLeft) { r = 0; s++ } if (!this.pages[r]) { this.pages[r] = [] } A = this._getSnapX(t); z = Math.round((u) * this.options.snapX); p = A - z; v = A - u + z; this.pages[r][s] = { x: A, leftX: p, rightX: v, pageX: r, element: w }; if (w.classList.contains(b)) { this.currentPage = this.pages[r][0] } if (A >= this.maxScrollX) { r++ } } this.options.startX = this.currentPage.x || 0 }, _getSnapX: function (n) { return Math.max(Math.min(0, -n + (this.wrapperWidth / 2)), this.maxScrollX) }, _gotoPage: function (o) { this.currentPage = this.pages[Math.min(o, this.pages.length - 1)][0]; for (var n = 0, p = this.snaps.length; n < p; n++) { if (n === o) { this.snaps[n].classList.add(b) } else { this.snaps[n].classList.remove(b) } } this.scrollTo(this.currentPage.x, 0, this.options.scrollTime) }, _nearestSnap: function (q) { if (!this.pages.length) { return { x: 0, pageX: 0 } } var n = 0; var o = this.pages.length; if (q > 0) { q = 0 } else { if (q < this.maxScrollX) { q = this.maxScrollX } } for (; n < o; n++) { var p = this.direction === "left" ? this.pages[n][0].leftX : this.pages[n][0].rightX; if (q >= p) { return this.pages[n][0] } } return { x: 0, pageX: 0 } }, _initEvent: function (o) { var n = o ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener"; window[n]("orientationchange", this); window[n]("resize", this); this.scroller[n]("webkitTransitionEnd", this); this.wrapper[n](k.event.start, this); this.wrapper[n](k.event.cancel, this); this.wrapper[n](k.event.end, this); this.wrapper[n]("drag", this); this.wrapper[n]("dragend", this); this.wrapper[n]("flick", this); this.wrapper[n]("scrollend", this); if (this.options.scrollX) { this.wrapper[n]("swiperight", this) } this.wrapper[n]("scrollstart", this); this.wrapper[n]("refresh", this) }, _handleIndicatorScrollend: function () { this.indicators.map(function (n) { n.fade() }) }, _handleIndicatorScrollstart: function () { this.indicators.map(function (n) { n.fade(1) }) }, _handleIndicatorRefresh: function () { this.indicators.map(function (n) { n.refresh() }) }, handleEvent: function (n) { if (this.stopped) { this.resetPosition(); return } switch (n.type) { case k.event.start: this._start(n); break; case "drag": this.options.stopPropagation && n.stopPropagation(); this._drag(n); break; case "dragend": case "flick": this.options.stopPropagation && n.stopPropagation(); this._flick(n); break; case k.event.cancel: case k.event.end: this._end(n); break; case "webkitTransitionEnd": this.transitionTimer && this.transitionTimer.cancel(); this._transitionEnd(n); break; case "scrollstart": this._handleIndicatorScrollstart(n); break; case "scrollend": this._handleIndicatorScrollend(n); this._scrollend(n); n.stopPropagation(); break; case "orientationchange": case "resize": this._resize(); break; case "swiperight": n.stopPropagation(); break; case "refresh": this._handleIndicatorRefresh(n); break } }, _start: function (n) { this.moved = this.needReset = false; this._transitionTime(); if (this.isInTransition) { this.needReset = true; this.isInTransition = false; var o = k.parseTranslateMatrix(k.getStyles(this.scroller, "webkitTransform")); this.setTranslate(Math.round(o.x), Math.round(o.y)); k.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollend", this); n.preventDefault() } this.reLayout(); k.trigger(this.scroller, "beforescrollstart", this) }, _getDirectionByAngle: function (n) { if (n < -80 && n > -100) { return "up" } else { if (n >= 80 && n < 100) { return "down" } else { if (n >= 170 || n <= -170) { return "left" } else { if (n >= -35 && n <= 10) { return "right" } } } } return null }, _drag: function (t) { var r = t.detail; var u = false; var v = false; var s = this._getDirectionByAngle(r.angle); if (r.direction === "left" || r.direction === "right") { if (this.options.scrollX) { u = true; if (!this.moved) { k.gestures.session.lockDirection = true; k.gestures.session.startDirection = r.direction } } else { if (this.options.scrollY && !this.moved) { v = true } } } else { if (r.direction === "up" || r.direction === "down") { if (this.options.scrollY) { u = true; if (!this.moved) { k.gestures.session.lockDirection = true; k.gestures.session.startDirection = r.direction } } else { if (this.options.scrollX && !this.moved) { v = true } } } else { v = true } } if (this.moved || u) { t.stopPropagation(); r.gesture && r.gesture.preventDefault() } if (v) { return } if (!this.moved) { k.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollstart", this) } else { t.stopPropagation() } var p = 0; var q = 0; if (!this.moved) { p = r.deltaX; q = r.deltaY } else { p = r.deltaX - k.gestures.session.prevTouch.deltaX; q = r.deltaY - k.gestures.session.prevTouch.deltaY } var n = Math.abs(r.deltaX); var o = Math.abs(r.deltaY); if (n > o + this.options.directionLockThreshold) { q = 0 } else { if (o >= n + this.options.directionLockThreshold) { p = 0 } } p = this.hasHorizontalScroll ? p : 0; q = this.hasVerticalScroll ? q : 0; var w = this.x + p; var x = this.y + q; if (w > 0 || w < this.maxScrollX) { w = this.options.bounce ? this.x + p / 3 : w > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScrollX } if (x > 0 || x < this.maxScrollY) { x = this.options.bounce ? this.y + q / 3 : x > 0 ? 0 : this.maxScrollY } if (!this.requestAnimationFrame) { this._updateTranslate() } this.direction = r.deltaX > 0 ? "right" : "left"; this.moved = true; this.x = w; this.y = x; k.trigger(this.scroller, "scroll", this) }, _flick: function (o) { if (!this.moved) { return } o.stopPropagation(); var n = o.detail; this._clearRequestAnimationFrame(); if (o.type === "dragend" && n.flick) { return } var s = Math.round(this.x); var t = Math.round(this.y); this.isInTransition = false; if (this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime)) { return } this.scrollTo(s, t); if (o.type === "dragend") { k.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollend", this); return } var u = 0; var p = ""; if (this.options.momentum && n.flickTime < 300) { var q = this.hasHorizontalScroll ? this._momentum(this.x, n.flickDistanceX, n.flickTime, this.maxScrollX, this.options.bounce ? this.wrapperWidth : 0, this.options.deceleration) : { destination: s, duration: 0 }; var r = this.hasVerticalScroll ? this._momentum(this.y, n.flickDistanceY, n.flickTime, this.maxScrollY, this.options.bounce ? this.wrapperHeight : 0, this.options.deceleration) : { destination: t, duration: 0 }; s = q.destination; t = r.destination; u = Math.max(q.duration, r.duration); this.isInTransition = true } if (s != this.x || t != this.y) { if (s > 0 || s < this.maxScrollX || t > 0 || t < this.maxScrollY) { p = j.quadratic } this.scrollTo(s, t, u, p); return } k.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollend", this) }, _end: function (n) { this.needReset = false; if ((!this.moved && this.needReset) || n.type === k.event.cancel) { this.resetPosition() } }, _transitionEnd: function (n) { if (n.target != this.scroller || !this.isInTransition) { return } this._transitionTime(); if (!this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime)) { this.isInTransition = false; k.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollend", this) } }, _scrollend: function (n) { if ((this.y === 0 && this.maxScrollY === 0) || (Math.abs(this.y) > 0 && this.y <= this.maxScrollY)) { k.trigger(this.scroller, "scrollbottom", this) } }, _resize: function () { var n = this; clearTimeout(n.resizeTimeout); n.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { n.refresh() }, n.options.resizePolling) }, _transitionTime: function (o) { o = o || 0; this.scrollerStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = o + "ms"; if (this.indicators) { for (var n = this.indicators.length; n--;) { this.indicators[n].transitionTime(o) } } if (o) { this.transitionTimer && this.transitionTimer.cancel(); this.transitionTimer = k.later(function () { k.trigger(this.scroller, "webkitTransitionEnd") }, o + 100, this) } }, _transitionTimingFunction: function (n) { this.scrollerStyle.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = n; if (this.indicators) { for (var o = this.indicators.length; o--;) { this.indicators[o].transitionTimingFunction(n) } } }, _translate: function (n, o) { this.x = n; this.y = o }, _clearRequestAnimationFrame: function () { if (this.requestAnimationFrame) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.requestAnimationFrame); this.requestAnimationFrame = null } }, _updateTranslate: function () { var n = this; if (n.x !== n.lastX || n.y !== n.lastY) { n.setTranslate(n.x, n.y) } n.requestAnimationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(function () { n._updateTranslate() }) }, _createScrollBar: function (n) { var p = i.createElement("div"); var o = i.createElement("div"); p.className = f + " " + n; o.className = c; p.appendChild(o); if (n === h) { this.scrollbarY = p; this.scrollbarIndicatorY = o } else { if (n === g) { this.scrollbarX = p; this.scrollbarIndicatorX = o } } this.wrapper.appendChild(p); return p }, _preventDefaultException: function (n, o) { for (var p in o) { if (o[p].test(n[p])) { return true } } return false }, _reLayout: function () { if (!this.hasHorizontalScroll) { this.maxScrollX = 0; this.scrollerWidth = this.wrapperWidth } if (!this.hasVerticalScroll) { this.maxScrollY = 0; this.scrollerHeight = this.wrapperHeight } this.indicators.map(function (r) { r.refresh() }); if (this.options.snap && typeof this.options.snap === "string") { var p = this.scroller.querySelectorAll(this.options.snap); this.itemLength = 0; this.snaps = []; for (var n = 0, q = p.length; n < q; n++) { var o = p[n]; if (o.parentNode === this.scroller) { this.itemLength++; this.snaps.push(o) } } this._initSnap() } }, _momentum: function (n, q, u, s, v, o) { var t = parseFloat(Math.abs(q) / u), p, r; o = o === undefined ? 0.0006 : o; p = n + (t * t) / (2 * o) * (q < 0 ? -1 : 1); r = t / o; if (p < s) { p = v ? s - (v / 2.5 * (t / 8)) : s; q = Math.abs(p - n); r = q / t } else { if (p > 0) { p = v ? v / 2.5 * (t / 8) : 0; q = Math.abs(n) + p; r = q / t } } return { destination: Math.round(p), duration: r } }, _getTranslateStr: function (n, o) { if (this.options.hardwareAccelerated) { return "translate3d(" + n + "px," + o + "px,0px) " + this.translateZ } return "translate(" + n + "px," + o + "px) " }, setStopped: function (n) { this.stopped = !!n }, setTranslate: function (o, p) { this.x = o; this.y = p; this.scrollerStyle.webkitTransform = this._getTranslateStr(o, p); if (this.indicators) { for (var n = this.indicators.length; n--;) { this.indicators[n].updatePosition() } } this.lastX = this.x; this.lastY = this.y; k.trigger(this.scroller, "scroll", this) }, reLayout: function () { this.wrapper.offsetHeight; var q = parseFloat(k.getStyles(this.wrapper, "padding-left")) || 0; var r = parseFloat(k.getStyles(this.wrapper, "padding-right")) || 0; var s = parseFloat(k.getStyles(this.wrapper, "padding-top")) || 0; var p = parseFloat(k.getStyles(this.wrapper, "padding-bottom")) || 0; var o = this.wrapper.clientWidth; var n = this.wrapper.clientHeight; this.scrollerWidth = this.scroller.offsetWidth; this.scrollerHeight = this.scroller.offsetHeight; this.wrapperWidth = o - q - r; this.wrapperHeight = n - s - p; this.maxScrollX = Math.min(this.wrapperWidth - this.scrollerWidth, 0); this.maxScrollY = Math.min(this.wrapperHeight - this.scrollerHeight, 0); this.hasHorizontalScroll = this.options.scrollX && this.maxScrollX < 0; this.hasVerticalScroll = this.options.scrollY && this.maxScrollY < 0; this._reLayout() }, resetPosition: function (n) { var o = this.x, p = this.y; n = n || 0; if (!this.hasHorizontalScroll || this.x > 0) { o = 0 } else { if (this.x < this.maxScrollX) { o = this.maxScrollX } } if (!this.hasVerticalScroll || this.y > 0) { p = 0 } else { if (this.y < this.maxScrollY) { p = this.maxScrollY } } if (o == this.x && p == this.y) { return false } this.scrollTo(o, p, n, this.options.scrollEasing); return true }, _reInit: function () { var n = this.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + d); for (var o = 0, p = n.length; o < p; o++) { if (n[o].parentNode === this.wrapper) { this.scroller = n[o]; break } } this.scrollerStyle = this.scroller && this.scroller.style }, refresh: function () { this._reInit(); this.reLayout(); k.trigger(this.scroller, "refresh", this); this.resetPosition() }, scrollTo: function (p, q, o, n) { var n = n || j.circular; this.isInTransition = o > 0; if (this.isInTransition) { this._clearRequestAnimationFrame(); this._transitionTimingFunction(n.style); this._transitionTime(o); this.setTranslate(p, q) } else { this.setTranslate(p, q) } }, scrollToBottom: function (o, n) { o = o || this.options.scrollTime; this.scrollTo(0, this.maxScrollY, o, n) }, gotoPage: function (n) { this._gotoPage(n) }, destroy: function () { this._initEvent(true); this.wrapper.setAttribute("data-scroll", "") } }); var l = function (o, n) { this.wrapper = typeof n.el == "string" ? i.querySelector(n.el) : n.el; this.wrapperStyle = this.wrapper.style; this.indicator = this.wrapper.children[0]; this.indicatorStyle = this.indicator.style; this.scroller = o; this.options = a.extend({ listenX: true, listenY: true, fade: false, speedRatioX: 0, speedRatioY: 0 }, n); this.sizeRatioX = 1; this.sizeRatioY = 1; this.maxPosX = 0; this.maxPosY = 0; if (this.options.fade) { this.wrapperStyle.webkitTransform = this.scroller.translateZ; this.wrapperStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = "0ms"; this.wrapperStyle.opacity = "0" } }; l.prototype = { handleEvent: function (n) { }, transitionTime: function (n) { n = n || 0; this.indicatorStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = n + "ms" }, transitionTimingFunction: function (n) { this.indicatorStyle.webkitTransitionTimingFunction = n }, refresh: function () { this.transitionTime(); if (this.options.listenX && !this.options.listenY) { this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasHorizontalScroll ? "block" : "none" } else { if (this.options.listenY && !this.options.listenX) { this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasVerticalScroll ? "block" : "none" } else { this.indicatorStyle.display = this.scroller.hasHorizontalScroll || this.scroller.hasVerticalScroll ? "block" : "none" } } this.wrapper.offsetHeight; if (this.options.listenX) { this.wrapperWidth = this.wrapper.clientWidth; this.indicatorWidth = Math.max(Math.round(this.wrapperWidth * this.wrapperWidth / (this.scroller.scrollerWidth || this.wrapperWidth || 1)), 8); this.indicatorStyle.width = this.indicatorWidth + "px"; this.maxPosX = this.wrapperWidth - this.indicatorWidth; this.minBoundaryX = 0; this.maxBoundaryX = this.maxPosX; this.sizeRatioX = this.options.speedRatioX || (this.scroller.maxScrollX && (this.maxPosX / this.scroller.maxScrollX)) } if (this.options.listenY) { this.wrapperHeight = this.wrapper.clientHeight; this.indicatorHeight = Math.max(Math.round(this.wrapperHeight * this.wrapperHeight / (this.scroller.scrollerHeight || this.wrapperHeight || 1)), 8); this.indicatorStyle.height = this.indicatorHeight + "px"; this.maxPosY = this.wrapperHeight - this.indicatorHeight; this.minBoundaryY = 0; this.maxBoundaryY = this.maxPosY; this.sizeRatioY = this.options.speedRatioY || (this.scroller.maxScrollY && (this.maxPosY / this.scroller.maxScrollY)) } this.updatePosition() }, updatePosition: function () { var n = this.options.listenX && Math.round(this.sizeRatioX * this.scroller.x) || 0, o = this.options.listenY && Math.round(this.sizeRatioY * this.scroller.y) || 0; if (n < this.minBoundaryX) { this.width = Math.max(this.indicatorWidth + n, 8); this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + "px"; n = this.minBoundaryX } else { if (n > this.maxBoundaryX) { this.width = Math.max(this.indicatorWidth - (n - this.maxPosX), 8); this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + "px"; n = this.maxPosX + this.indicatorWidth - this.width } else { if (this.width != this.indicatorWidth) { this.width = this.indicatorWidth; this.indicatorStyle.width = this.width + "px" } } } if (o < this.minBoundaryY) { this.height = Math.max(this.indicatorHeight + o * 3, 8); this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + "px"; o = this.minBoundaryY } else { if (o > this.maxBoundaryY) { this.height = Math.max(this.indicatorHeight - (o - this.maxPosY) * 3, 8); this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + "px"; o = this.maxPosY + this.indicatorHeight - this.height } else { if (this.height != this.indicatorHeight) { this.height = this.indicatorHeight; this.indicatorStyle.height = this.height + "px" } } } this.x = n; this.y = o; this.indicatorStyle.webkitTransform = this.scroller._getTranslateStr(n, o) }, fade: function (q, o) { if (o && !this.visible) { return } clearTimeout(this.fadeTimeout); this.fadeTimeout = null; var p = q ? 250 : 500, n = q ? 0 : 300; q = q ? "1" : "0"; this.wrapperStyle.webkitTransitionDuration = p + "ms"; this.fadeTimeout = setTimeout((function (r) { this.wrapperStyle.opacity = r; this.visible = +r }).bind(this, q), n) } }; k.Scroll = m; a.fn.scroll = function (n) { return new m(a(this), n) } })(window.jQuery, window.fui, document); (function (a, t, s) { var p = "f-pull-top-pocket"; var j = "f-pull-bottom-pocket"; var i = "f-pull"; var o = "f-pull-loading"; var k = "f-pull-caption"; var l = "f-pull-caption-down"; var n = "f-pull-caption-refresh"; var m = "f-pull-caption-nomore"; var d = "f-icon"; var q = "f-spinner"; var e = "f-icon-pulldown"; var b = "f-block"; var c = "f-hidden"; var r = "f-visibility"; var h = o + " " + d + " " + e; var g = o + " " + d + " " + e; var f = o + " " + d + " " + q; var u = ['
', '', '
', "
"].join(""); var v = { init: function (w, x) { this._super(w, a.extend(true, { scrollY: true, scrollX: false, indicators: true, deceleration: 0.003, down: { height: 50, contentinit: "下拉可以刷新", contentdown: "下拉可以刷新", contentover: "释放立即刷新", contentrefresh: "正在刷新..." }, up: { height: 50, auto: false, contentinit: "上拉显示更多", contentdown: "上拉显示更多", contentrefresh: "正在加载...", contentnomore: "没有更多数据了", duration: 300 } }, x)) }, _init: function () { this._super(); this._initPocket() }, _initPulldownRefresh: function () { this.pulldown = true; if (this.topPocket) { this.pullPocket = this.topPocket; this.pullPocket.classList.add(b); this.pullPocket.classList.add(r); this.pullCaption = this.topCaption; this.pullLoading = this.topLoading } }, _initPullupRefresh: function () { this.pulldown = false; if (this.bottomPocket) { this.pullPocket = this.bottomPocket; this.pullPocket.classList.add(b); this.pullPocket.classList.add(r); this.pullCaption = this.bottomCaption; this.pullLoading = this.bottomLoading } }, _initPocket: function () { var w = this.options; if (w.down && w.down.hasOwnProperty("callback")) { this.topPocket = this.scroller.querySelector("." + p); if (!this.topPocket) { this.topPocket = this._createPocket(p, w.down, g); this.wrapper.insertBefore(this.topPocket, this.wrapper.firstChild) } this.topLoading = this.topPocket.querySelector("." + o); this.topCaption = this.topPocket.querySelector("." + k) } if (w.up && w.up.hasOwnProperty("callback")) { this.bottomPocket = this.scroller.querySelector("." + j); if (!this.bottomPocket) { this.bottomPocket = this._createPocket(j, w.up, f); this.scroller.appendChild(this.bottomPocket) } this.bottomLoading = this.bottomPocket.querySelector("." + o); this.bottomCaption = this.bottomPocket.querySelector("." + k); this.wrapper.addEventListener("scrollbottom", this) } }, _createPocket: function (w, y, x) { var z = s.createElement("div"); z.className = w; z.innerHTML = u.replace("{contentrefresh}", y.contentinit).replace("{icon}", x); return z }, _resetPullDownLoading: function () { var w = this.pullLoading; if (w) { this.pullCaption.innerHTML = this.options.down.contentdown; w.style.webkitTransition = ""; w.style.webkitTransform = ""; w.style.webkitAnimation = ""; w.className = g } }, _setCaptionClass: function (x, w, y) { if (!x) { switch (y) { case this.options.up.contentdown: w.className = k + " " + l; break; case this.options.up.contentrefresh: w.className = k + " " + n; break; case this.options.up.contentnomore: w.className = k + " " + m; break } } }, _setCaption: function (D, B) { if (this.loading) { return } var z = this.options; var A = this.pullPocket; var w = this.pullCaption; var y = this.pullLoading; var x = this.pulldown; var C = this; if (A) { if (B) { setTimeout(function () { w.innerHTML = C.lastTitle = D; if (x) { y.className = g } else { C._setCaptionClass(false, w, D); y.className = f } y.style.webkitAnimation = ""; y.style.webkitTransition = ""; y.style.webkitTransform = "" }, 100) } else { if (D !== this.lastTitle) { w.innerHTML = D; if (x) { if (D === z.down.contentrefresh) { y.className = f; y.style.webkitAnimation = "spinner-spin 1s step-end infinite" } else { if (D === z.down.contentover) { y.className = h; y.style.webkitTransition = "-webkit-transform 0.3s ease-in"; y.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(180deg)" } else { if (D === z.down.contentdown) { y.className = g; y.style.webkitTransition = "-webkit-transform 0.3s ease-in"; y.style.webkitTransform = "rotate(0deg)" } } } } else { if (D === z.up.contentrefresh) { y.className = f + " " + r } else { y.className = f + " " + c } C._setCaptionClass(false, w, D) } this.lastTitle = D } } } } }; t.PullRefresh = v })(window.jQuery, window.fui, document); (function (a, e, h, d, g) { var c = "f-visibility"; var b = "f-hidden"; var f = e.Scroll.extend(a.extend({ handleEvent: function (i) { this._super(i); if (i.type === "scrollbottom") { if (i.target === this.scroller) { this._scrollbottom() } } }, _scrollbottom: function () { if (!this.pulldown && !this.loading) { this.pulldown = false; this._initPullupRefresh(); this.pullupLoading() } }, _start: function (i) { if (i.touches && i.touches.length && i.touches[0].clientX > 30) { i.target && !this._preventDefaultException(i.target, this.options.preventDefaultException) && i.preventDefault() } if (!this.loading) { this.pulldown = this.pullPocket = this.pullCaption = this.pullLoading = false } this._super(i) }, _drag: function (i) { this._super(i); if (!this.pulldown && !this.loading && this.topPocket && i.detail.direction === "down" && this.y >= 0) { this._initPulldownRefresh() } if (this.pulldown) { this._setCaption(this.y > this.options.down.height ? this.options.down.contentover : this.options.down.contentdown) } }, _reLayout: function () { this.hasVerticalScroll = true; this._super() }, resetPosition: function (i) { if (this.pulldown) { if (this.y >= this.options.down.height) { this.pulldownLoading(g, i || 0); return true } else { !this.loading && this.topPocket.classList.remove(c) } } return this._super(i) }, pulldownLoading: function (k, j) { typeof k === "undefined" && (k = this.options.down.height); this.scrollTo(0, k, j, this.options.bounceEasing); if (this.loading) { return } this._initPulldownRefresh(); this._setCaption(this.options.down.contentrefresh); this.loading = true; this.indicators.map(function (l) { l.fade(0) }); var i = this.options.down.callback; i && i.call(this) }, endPulldownToRefresh: function () { var i = this; if (i.topPocket && i.loading && this.pulldown) { i.scrollTo(0, 0, i.options.bounceTime, i.options.bounceEasing); i.loading = false; i._setCaption(i.options.down.contentdown, true); setTimeout(function () { i.loading || i.topPocket.classList.remove(c) }, 350) } }, pullupLoading: function (i, k, j) { k = k || 0; this.scrollTo(k, this.maxScrollY, j, this.options.bounceEasing); if (this.loading) { return } this._initPullupRefresh(); this._setCaption(this.options.up.contentrefresh); this.indicators.map(function (l) { l.fade(0) }); this.loading = true; i = i || this.options.up.callback; i && i.call(this) }, endPullupToRefresh: function (i) { var j = this; if (j.bottomPocket) { j.loading = false; if (i) { this.finished = true; j._setCaption(j.options.up.contentnomore); j.wrapper.removeEventListener("scrollbottom", j) } else { j._setCaption(j.options.up.contentdown); j.loading || j.bottomPocket.classList.remove(c) } } }, disablePullupToRefresh: function () { this._initPullupRefresh(); this.bottomPocket.className = "f-pull-bottom-pocket " + b; this.wrapper.removeEventListener("scrollbottom", this) }, enablePullupToRefresh: function () { var i = this.pulldown; this._initPullupRefresh(); this.bottomPocket.classList.remove(b); this._setCaption(this.options.up.contentdown); if (i) { this.pulldown = true; this.bottomPocket.classList.remove(c) } this.wrapper.addEventListener("scrollbottom", this) }, refresh: function (i) { if (i && this.finished) { this.enablePullupToRefresh(); this.finished = false } this._super() }, }, e.PullRefresh)); a.fn.pullRefresh = function (i) { return new f(a(this), i) } })(window.jQuery, window.fui, window, document); (function (a, k, q, j, p) { var e = "f-slider"; var f = "f-slider-group"; var i = "f-slider-loop"; var g = "f-slider-indicator"; var c = "f-action-previous"; var b = "f-action-next"; var h = "f-slider-item"; var d = "f-active"; var m = "." + h; var l = "." + g; var n = ".f-slider-progress-bar"; var o = k.Scroll.extend({ init: function (r, v) { v = v || {}; r.addClass(e); var s = a(''); r.append(s); var w = this; if (v.loop == p) { w.loop = true } if (!!v.indicator) { w.$indicator = a(''); r.append(w.$indicator) } var t = v.data || []; var u = t.length; if (u == 0) { return } else { if (u == 1) { s.append('
') } else { if (w.loop) { s.append('
') } a.each(t, function (x, y) { if (!!v.indicator) { w.$indicator.append('') } s.append('
') }); if (w.loop) { s.append('
') } } } this._super(s, a.extend(true, { fingers: 1, interval: 0, scrollY: false, scrollX: true, indicators: false, scrollTime: 1000, startX: false, slideTime: 0, snap: m }, v)); this.options.gotonum != p && this.options.gotonum > 0 && this.gotoItem(this.options.gotonum, 0) }, _init: function () { this._reInit(); if (this.scroller) { this.scrollerStyle = this.scroller.style; this.progressBar = this.wrapper.querySelector(n); if (this.progressBar) { this.progressBarWidth = this.progressBar.offsetWidth; this.progressBarStyle = this.progressBar.style } this._super(); this._initTimer() } }, _triggerSlide: function () { var s = this; s.isInTransition = false; var r = s.currentPage; s.slideNumber = s._fixedSlideNumber(); if (s.loop && s.itemLength > 1) { if (s.slideNumber === 0) { s.setTranslate(s.pages[1][0].x, 0) } else { if (s.slideNumber === s.itemLength - 3) { s.setTranslate(s.pages[s.itemLength - 2][0].x, 0) } } } if (s.lastSlideNumber != s.slideNumber) { s.lastSlideNumber = s.slideNumber; s.lastPage = s.currentPage; k.trigger(s.wrapper, "slide", { slideNumber: s.slideNumber }) } s._initTimer() }, _handleSlide: function (u) { var C = this; if (u.target !== C.wrapper) { return } var t = u.detail; t.slideNumber = t.slideNumber || 0; var D = C.scroller.querySelectorAll(m); var z = []; for (var v = 0, A = D.length; v < A; v++) { var y = D[v]; if (y.parentNode === C.scroller) { z.push(y) } } var r = t.slideNumber; if (C.loop) { r += 1 } if (!C.wrapper.classList.contains("f-segmented-control")) { for (var v = 0, A = z.length; v < A; v++) { var y = z[v]; if (y.parentNode === C.scroller) { if (v === r) { y.classList.add(d) } else { y.classList.remove(d) } } } } var x = C.wrapper.parentNode.querySelector(".f-slider-indicator"); if (x) { if (x.getAttribute("data-scroll")) { a(x).scroll().gotoPage(t.slideNumber) } var w = x.querySelectorAll(".f-indicator"); if (w.length > 0) { for (var v = 0, A = w.length; v < A; v++) { w[v].classList[v === t.slideNumber ? "add" : "remove"](d) } } else { var B = x.querySelector(".f-number span"); if (B) { B.innerText = (t.slideNumber + 1) } else { var s = x.querySelectorAll(".f-control-item"); for (var v = 0, A = s.length; v < A; v++) { s[v].classList[v === t.slideNumber ? "add" : "remove"](d) } } } } u.stopPropagation() }, _handleTabShow: function (r) { var s = this; s.gotoItem((r.detail.tabNumber || 0), s.options.slideTime) }, _handleIndicatorTap: function (r) { var s = this; var t = r.target; if (t.classList.contains(c) || t.classList.contains(b)) { s[t.classList.contains(c) ? "prevItem" : "nextItem"](); r.stopPropagation() } }, _initEvent: function (s) { var t = this; t._super(s); var r = s ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener"; t.wrapper[r]("slide", this); t.wrapper[r]("show.f.tab", this) }, handleEvent: function (r) { this._super(r); switch (r.type) { case "slide": this._handleSlide(r); break; case "show.f.tab": if (~this.snaps.indexOf(r.target)) { this._handleTabShow(r) } break } }, _scrollend: function (r) { this._super(r); this._triggerSlide(r) }, _drag: function (s) { this._super(s); var r = s.detail.direction; if (r === "left" || r === "right") { var t = this.wrapper.getAttribute("data-slidershowTimer"); t && q.clearTimeout(t); s.stopPropagation() } }, _initTimer: function () { var s = this; var t = s.wrapper; var r = s.options.interval; var u = t.getAttribute("data-slidershowTimer"); u && q.clearTimeout(u); if (r) { u = q.setTimeout(function () { if (!t) { return } if (!!(t.offsetWidth || t.offsetHeight)) { s.nextItem(true) } s._initTimer() }, r); t.setAttribute("data-slidershowTimer", u) } }, _fixedSlideNumber: function (r) { r = r || this.currentPage; var s = r.pageX; if (this.loop) { if (r.pageX === 0) { s = this.itemLength - 3 } else { if (r.pageX === (this.itemLength - 1)) { s = 0 } else { s = r.pageX - 1 } } } return s }, _reLayout: function () { this.hasHorizontalScroll = true; this._super() }, _getScroll: function () { var r = a.parseTranslateMatrix(a.getStyles(this.scroller, "webkitTransform")); return r ? r.x : 0 }, _transitionEnd: function (r) { if (r.target !== this.scroller || !this.isInTransition) { return } this._transitionTime(); this.isInTransition = false; k.trigger(this.wrapper, "scrollend", this) }, _flick: function (t) { if (!this.moved) { return } var r = t.detail; var s = r.direction; this._clearRequestAnimationFrame(); this.isInTransition = true; if (t.type === "flick") { if (r.deltaTime < 200) { this.x = this._getPage((this.slideNumber + (s === "right" ? -1 : 1)), true).x } this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime) } else { if (t.type === "dragend" && !r.flick) { this.resetPosition(this.options.bounceTime) } } t.stopPropagation() }, _initSnap: function () { this.scrollerWidth = this.itemLength * this.scrollerWidth; this.maxScrollX = Math.min(this.wrapperWidth - this.scrollerWidth, 0); this._super(); if (!this.currentPage.x) { var r = this.pages[this.loop ? 1 : 0]; r = r || this.pages[0]; if (!r) { return } this.currentPage = r[0]; this.slideNumber = 0; this.lastSlideNumber = typeof this.lastSlideNumber === "undefined" ? 0 : this.lastSlideNumber } else { this.slideNumber = this._fixedSlideNumber(); this.lastSlideNumber = typeof this.lastSlideNumber === "undefined" ? this.slideNumber : this.lastSlideNumber } this.options.startX = this.currentPage.x || 0 }, _getSnapX: function (r) { return Math.max(-r, this.maxScrollX) }, _getPage: function (s, r) { if (this.loop) { if (s > (this.itemLength - (r ? 2 : 3))) { s = 1; time = 0 } else { if (s < (r ? -1 : 0)) { s = this.itemLength - 2; time = 0 } else { s += 1 } } } else { if (!r) { if (s > (this.itemLength - 1)) { s = 0; time = 0 } else { if (s < 0) { s = this.itemLength - 1; time = 0 } } } s = Math.min(Math.max(0, s), this.itemLength - 1) } if (s < 0) { s = 0 } if (this.itemLength == 1) { return this.pages[0][0] } return this.pages[s][0] }, _gotoItem: function (r, s) { this.currentPage = this._getPage(r, true); this.scrollTo(this.currentPage.x, 0, s, this.options.scrollEasing); if (s === 0) { k.trigger(this.wrapper, "scrollend", this) } }, setTranslate: function (s, t) { this._super(s, t); var r = this.progressBar; if (r) { this.progressBarStyle.webkitTransform = this._getTranslateStr((-s * (this.progressBarWidth / this.wrapperWidth)), 0) } }, resetPosition: function (r) { r = r || 0; if (this.x > 0) { this.x = 0 } else { if (this.x < this.maxScrollX) { this.x = this.maxScrollX } } this.currentPage = this._nearestSnap(this.x); this.scrollTo(this.currentPage.x, 0, r, this.options.scrollEasing); return true }, gotoItem: function (r, s) { this._gotoItem(r, typeof s === "undefined" ? this.options.scrollTime : s) }, nextItem: function () { this._gotoItem(this.slideNumber + 1, this.options.scrollTime) }, prevItem: function () { this._gotoItem(this.slideNumber - 1, this.options.scrollTime) }, getSlideNumber: function () { return this.slideNumber || 0 }, _reInit: function () { var r = this.wrapper.querySelectorAll("." + f); for (var s = 0, t = r.length; s < t; s++) { if (r[s].parentNode === this.wrapper) { this.scroller = r[s]; break } } this.scrollerStyle = this.scroller && this.scroller.style; if (this.progressBar) { this.progressBarWidth = this.progressBar.offsetWidth; this.progressBarStyle = this.progressBar.style } }, refresh: function (r) { if (r) { a.extend(this.options, r); this._super(); this._initTimer() } else { this._super() } }, destroy: function () { this._initEvent(true); this.wrapper.setAttribute("data-slider", "") } }); a.fn.slider = function (r) { return new o(a(this), r) } })(window.jQuery, window.fui, window, document); (function (a, h, d) { var b = "f-zoom"; var c = "f-zoom-scroller"; var i = "." + b; var j = "." + c; var g = "pinchstart"; var e = "pinch"; var f = "pinchend"; if ("ongesturestart" in window) { g = "gesturestart"; e = "gesturechange"; f = "gestureend" } a.Zoom = function (l, C) { var L = this; L.options = a.extend(a.Zoom.defaults, C); L.wrapper = L.element = l; L.scroller = l.querySelector(j); L.scrollerStyle = L.scroller && L.scroller.style; L.zoomer = l.querySelector(i); L.zoomerStyle = L.zoomer && L.zoomer.style; L.init = function () { h.options.gestureConfig.pinch = true; h.options.gestureConfig.doubletap = true; L.initEvents() }; L.initEvents = function (N) { var M = N ? "removeEventListener" : "addEventListener"; var O = L.scroller; O[M](g, L.onPinchstart); O[M](e, L.onPinch); O[M](f, L.onPinchend); O[M](h.event.start, L.onTouchstart); O[M](h.event.move, L.onTouchMove); O[M](h.event.cancel, L.onTouchEnd); O[M](h.event.end, L.onTouchEnd); O[M]("drag", L.dragEvent); O[M]("doubletap", L.doubleTapEvent) }; L.dragEvent = function (M) { if (p || A) { M.stopPropagation() } }; L.doubleTapEvent = function (M) { L.toggleZoom(M.detail.center) }; L.transition = function (M, N) { N = N || 0; M.webkitTransitionDuration = N + "ms"; return L }; L.translate = function (M, N, O) { N = N || 0; O = O || 0; M.webkitTransform = "translate3d(" + N + "px," + O + "px,0px)"; return L }; L.scale = function (N, M) { M = M || 1; N.webkitTransform = "translate3d(0,0,0) scale(" + M + ")"; return L }; L.scrollerTransition = function (M) { return L.transition(L.scrollerStyle, M) }; L.scrollerTransform = function (M, N) { return L.translate(L.scrollerStyle, M, N) }; L.zoomerTransition = function (M) { return L.transition(L.zoomerStyle, M) }; L.zoomerTransform = function (M) { return L.scale(L.zoomerStyle, M) }; var D = 1, k = 1, B = false, A = false; L.onPinchstart = function (M) { A = true }; L.onPinch = function (M) { if (!B) { L.zoomerTransition(0); B = true } D = (M.detail ? M.detail.scale : M.scale) * k; if (D > L.options.maxZoom) { D = L.options.maxZoom - 1 + Math.pow((D - L.options.maxZoom + 1), 0.5) } if (D < L.options.minZoom) { D = L.options.minZoom + 1 - Math.pow((L.options.minZoom - D + 1), 0.5) } L.zoomerTransform(D) }; L.onPinchend = function (M) { D = Math.max(Math.min(D, L.options.maxZoom), L.options.minZoom); L.zoomerTransition(L.options.speed).zoomerTransform(D); k = D; B = false }; L.setZoom = function (M) { D = k = M; L.scrollerTransition(L.options.speed).scrollerTransform(0, 0); L.zoomerTransition(L.options.speed).zoomerTransform(D) }; L.toggleZoom = function (Q, R) { if (typeof Q === "number") { R = Q; Q = undefined } R = typeof R === "undefined" ? L.options.speed : R; if (D && D !== 1) { D = k = 1; L.scrollerTransition(R).scrollerTransform(0, 0) } else { D = k = L.options.maxZoom; if (Q) { var N = h.offset(L.zoomer); var S = N.top; var M = N.left; var O = (Q.x - M) * D; var P = (Q.y - S) * D; this._cal(); if (O >= r && O <= (r + K)) { O = r - O + K / 2 } else { if (O < r) { O = r - O + K / 2 } else { if (O > (r + K)) { O = r + K - O - K / 2 } } } if (P >= s && P <= (s + J)) { P = s - P + J / 2 } else { if (P < s) { P = s - P + J / 2 } else { if (P > (s + J)) { P = s + J - P - J / 2 } } } O = Math.min(Math.max(O, t), r); P = Math.min(Math.max(P, u), s); L.scrollerTransition(R).scrollerTransform(O, P) } else { L.scrollerTransition(R).scrollerTransform(0, 0) } } L.zoomerTransition(R).zoomerTransform(D) }; L._cal = function () { K = L.wrapper.offsetWidth; J = L.wrapper.offsetHeight; z = L.zoomer.offsetWidth; o = L.zoomer.offsetHeight; var N = z * D; var M = o * D; t = Math.min((K / 2 - N / 2), 0); r = -t; u = Math.min((J / 2 - M / 2), 0); s = -u }; var K, J, q, p, m, n, t, u, r, s, z, o, y = {}, x = {}, v, w, E, G, H, F, I; L.onTouchstart = function (M) { M.preventDefault(); q = true; y.x = M.type === "touchstart" ? M.targetTouches[0].pageX : M.pageX; y.y = M.type === "touchstart" ? M.targetTouches[0].pageY : M.pageY }; L.onTouchMove = function (M) { M.preventDefault(); if (!q) { return } if (!p) { K = L.wrapper.offsetWidth; J = L.wrapper.offsetHeight; z = L.zoomer.offsetWidth; o = L.zoomer.offsetHeight; var P = h.parseTranslateMatrix(h.getStyles(L.scroller, "webkitTransform")); v = P.x || 0; w = P.y || 0; L.scrollerTransition(0) } var O = z * D; var N = o * D; if (O < K && N < J) { return } t = Math.min((K / 2 - O / 2), 0); r = -t; u = Math.min((J / 2 - N / 2), 0); s = -u; x.x = M.type === h.event.move ? M.targetTouches[0].pageX : M.pageX; x.y = M.type === h.event.move ? M.targetTouches[0].pageY : M.pageY; if (!p && !B) { if ((Math.floor(t) === Math.floor(v) && x.x < y.x) || (Math.floor(r) === Math.floor(v) && x.x > y.x)) { q = false; return } } p = true; m = x.x - y.x + v; n = x.y - y.y + w; if (m < t) { m = t + 1 - Math.pow((t - m + 1), 0.8) } if (m > r) { m = r - 1 + Math.pow((m - r + 1), 0.8) } if (n < u) { n = u + 1 - Math.pow((u - n + 1), 0.8) } if (n > s) { n = s - 1 + Math.pow((n - s + 1), 0.8) } if (!E) { E = x.x } if (!F) { F = x.y } if (!G) { G = h.now() } H = (x.x - E) / (h.now() - G) / 2; I = (x.y - F) / (h.now() - G) / 2; if (Math.abs(x.x - E) < 2) { H = 0 } if (Math.abs(x.y - F) < 2) { I = 0 } E = x.x; F = x.y; G = h.now(); L.scrollerTransform(m, n) }; L.onTouchEnd = function (M) { if (!M.touches || !M.touches.length) { A = false } if (!q || !p) { q = false; p = false; return } q = false; p = false; var Q = 300; var R = 300; var N = H * Q; var S = m + N; var O = I * R; var T = n + O; if (H !== 0) { Q = Math.abs((S - m) / H) } if (I !== 0) { R = Math.abs((T - n) / I) } var P = Math.max(Q, R); m = S; n = T; var V = z * D; var U = o * D; t = Math.min((K / 2 - V / 2), 0); r = -t; u = Math.min((J / 2 - U / 2), 0); s = -u; m = Math.max(Math.min(m, r), t); n = Math.max(Math.min(n, s), u); L.scrollerTransition(P).scrollerTransform(m, n) }; L.destroy = function () { L.initEvents(true); delete h.data[L.wrapper.getAttribute("data-zoomer")]; L.wrapper.setAttribute("data-zoomer", "") }; L.init(); return L }; a.Zoom.defaults = { speed: 300, maxZoom: 3, minZoom: 1, }; a.fn.zoom = function (k) { var l = []; this.each(function () { var o = null; var n = this; var m = n.getAttribute("data-zoomer"); if (!m) { m = h.guid(); h.data[m] = o = new a.Zoom(n, k); n.setAttribute("data-zoomer", m) } else { o = h.data[m] } l.push(o) }); return l.length === 1 ? l[0] : l } })(window.jQuery, window.fui, document); (function (a, d, c) { var e = null; var b = { init: function (g) { var f = a("#fui_imagePreview"); if (f.length == 0) { f = a('
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'); e.html(d); c.html(e) } })(window.jQuery); (function (a, c) { var b = { init: function (d, g) { var f = '
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setTimeout(function () {
$this.fcheckbox(dfop).on('change', function () {
var $self = $(this);
var text = $self[0].fop.text || '';
var $text = $self.find('.text');
if (text === '') {
else {
var textlist = text.split(',');
$.each(textlist, function (_index, _item) {
var _html = '
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}, 100);
return $this;
// 多选框(获取数据值)
$.fn.lrcheckboxGet = function (type) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.length === 0) {
return "";
var fop = $this[0].fop;
if (type === 'text') {
return fop.text;
else {
return fop.value;
// 多选框(设置数据值)
$.fn.lrcheckboxSet = function (value) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.length === 0) {
return false;
function set(value, $this) {
if (!$this[0].fop) {
setTimeout(function () {
set(value, $this);
}, 100);
else {
var fop = $this[0].fop;
if (value) {
fop._lrTmpValue = value;
if (value === '') {
fop.value = '';
fop.text = '';
set(value, $this);
// 多选框(更新数据)
$.fn.lrcheckboxSetData = function (data) {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.length === 0) {
return false;
function updateData(data, $this) {
if (!$this[0].fop) {
setTimeout(function () {
updateData(data, $this);
}, 100);
else {
updateData(data, $this);
})(window.jQuery, window.lrmui, window.fui, window);