using Learun.DataBase.Repository; using Learun.Util; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Learun.Application.Base.AuthorizeModule; using Learun.Application.Organization; using Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.LR_Desktop; using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration; namespace Learun.Application.WorkFlow { /// /// 版 本 Learun-ADMS-Ultimate V7.0.0 数字化智慧校园 /// Copyright (c) 2013-2018 北京泉江科技有限公司 /// 创建人:陈彬彬 /// 日 期:2017.04.17 /// 描 述:任务实例 /// public class WfTaskService : RepositoryFactory { #region 获取数据 /// /// 获取未完成的流程实例任务列表 /// /// 流程实例主键 /// public IEnumerable GetList(string processId) { try { return this.BaseRepository().FindList(t => t.F_ProcessId == processId && t.F_IsFinished == 0); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取当前任务节点主键 /// /// 流程实例主键 /// public List GetCurrentNodeIds(string processId) { try { var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(@"SELECT t.F_NodeId FROM LR_WF_Task t WHERE t.F_IsFinished = 0 AND t.F_ProcessId = @processId GROUP BY t.F_ProcessId, t.F_NodeId "); var taskList = this.BaseRepository().FindList(strSql.ToString(), new { processId = processId }); List list = new List(); foreach (var item in taskList) { list.Add(item.F_NodeId); } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取任务实体 /// /// 主键 /// public WfTaskEntity GetEntity(string keyValue) { try { return this.BaseRepository().FindEntity(t => t.F_Id == keyValue); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取任务实体 /// /// 流程实例主键 /// 节点主键 /// public WfTaskEntity GetEntityUnFinish(string processId, string nodeId) { try { return this.BaseRepository().FindEntity(t => t.F_ProcessId == processId && t.F_NodeId == nodeId && t.F_IsFinished == 0); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取任务实体 /// /// 流程实例主键 /// 节点主键 /// public WfTaskEntity GetEntity(string processId, string nodeId) { try { return this.BaseRepository().FindEntity(t => t.F_ProcessId == processId && t.F_NodeId == nodeId); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取未处理任务列表 /// /// 用户信息 /// 翻页信息 /// 查询条件 /// public IEnumerable GetActiveList(UserInfo userInfo, Pagination pagination, string queryJson, List delegateList) { try { string userId = userInfo.userId; string postIds = "'" + userInfo.postIds?.Replace(",", "','") + "'"; string roleIds = "'" + userInfo.roleIds?.Replace(",", "','") + "'"; string companyId = userInfo.companyId; string departmentId = userInfo.departmentId; // 获取委托信息 var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(@"SELECT a.F_TaskId, a.F_TaskType, a.F_TaskName, p.F_Id, p.F_SchemeId, p.F_SchemeCode, p.F_SchemeName, p.F_ProcessName, p.F_ProcessLevel, p.F_EnabledMark, p.F_IsFinished, p.F_IsAgain, p.F_Description, p.F_CreateDate, p.F_CreateUserId, p.F_CreateUserName, p.F_CompanyId, p.F_DepartmentId, p.F_IsChildFlow, p.F_ProcessParentId FROM ( SELECT MAX(t.F_Id) AS F_TaskId, MAX(t.F_TaskType) AS F_TaskType, t.F_ProcessId, t.F_NodeName AS F_TaskName FROM LR_WF_Task t WHERE t.F_IsFinished = 0 "); strSql.Append(" AND ( t.F_AuditorId = '1' OR "); strSql.Append(" t.F_AuditorId = @userId "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.postIds)) { strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + postIds + ") AND t.F_CompanyId = '1' AND t.F_DepartmentId = '1' ) "); strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + postIds + ") AND t.F_CompanyId = @companyId ) "); strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + postIds + ") AND t.F_DepartmentId = @departmentId ) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.roleIds)) { strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + roleIds + ") AND t.F_CompanyId = '1' AND t.F_DepartmentId = '1' ) "); strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + roleIds + ") AND t.F_CompanyId = @companyId ) "); strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + roleIds + ") AND t.F_DepartmentId = @departmentId) "); } // 添加委托信息 foreach (var item in delegateList) { string processId = "'" + item.wfProcessId.Replace(",", "','") + "'"; string postIds2 = "'" + item.postIds?.Replace(",", "','") + "'"; string roleIds2 = "'" + item.roleIds?.Replace(",", "','") + "'"; string userI2 = "'" + item.userId + "'"; string companyId2 = "'" + item.companyId + "'"; string departmentId2 = "'" + item.departmentId + "'"; strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId =" + userI2 + " AND t.F_ProcessId in (" + processId + ") )"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.postIds)) { strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + postIds2 + ") AND t.F_CompanyId = '1' AND t.F_DepartmentId = '1' AND t.F_ProcessId in (" + processId + ") ) "); strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + postIds2 + ") AND t.F_CompanyId = " + companyId2 + " AND t.F_ProcessId in (" + processId + ") ) "); strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + postIds2 + ") AND t.F_DepartmentId = " + departmentId2 + " AND t.F_ProcessId in (" + processId + ") ) "); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.roleIds)) { strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + roleIds2 + ") AND t.F_CompanyId = '1' AND t.F_DepartmentId = '1' AND t.F_ProcessId in (" + processId + ") ) "); strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + roleIds2 + ") AND t.F_CompanyId = " + companyId2 + " AND t.F_ProcessId in (" + processId + ") ) "); strSql.Append(" OR (t.F_AuditorId in (" + roleIds2 + ") AND t.F_DepartmentId = " + departmentId2 + " AND t.F_ProcessId in (" + processId + ") ) "); } } strSql.Append(@" ) GROUP BY t.F_ProcessId, t.F_NodeId, t.F_NodeName )a LEFT JOIN LR_WF_ProcessInstance p ON p.F_Id = a.F_ProcessId WHERE 1=1 AND (p.F_IsFinished = 0 OR a.F_TaskType = 3) AND p.F_EnabledMark = 1 "); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now, endTime = DateTime.Now; if (!queryParam["StartTime"].IsEmpty() && !queryParam["EndTime"].IsEmpty()) { startTime = queryParam["StartTime"].ToDate(); endTime = queryParam["EndTime"].ToDate(); strSql.Append(" AND ( p.F_CreateDate >= @startTime AND p.F_CreateDate <= @endTime ) "); } string keyword = ""; if (!queryParam["keyword"].IsEmpty()) { keyword = "%" + queryParam["keyword"].ToString() + "%"; strSql.Append(" AND ( p.F_ProcessName like @keyword OR p.F_SchemeName like @keyword ) "); } return this.BaseRepository().FindList(strSql.ToString(), new { userId, companyId, departmentId, startTime, endTime, keyword }, pagination); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取已处理任务列表 /// /// 用户主键 /// 翻页信息 /// 查询条件 /// public IEnumerable GetHasList(string userId, Pagination pagination, string queryJson) { try { var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(@"SELECT t.F_Id AS F_TaskId, t.F_TaskType, t.F_NodeName AS F_TaskName, p.F_Id, p.F_SchemeId, p.F_SchemeCode, p.F_SchemeName, p.F_ProcessName, p.F_ProcessLevel, p.F_EnabledMark, p.F_IsFinished, p.F_IsAgain, p.F_Description, p.F_CreateDate, p.F_CreateUserId, p.F_CreateUserName, p.F_CompanyId, p.F_DepartmentId, p.F_IsChildFlow, p.F_ProcessParentId FROM LR_WF_Task t LEFT JOIN LR_WF_ProcessInstance p ON t.F_ProcessId = p.F_Id WHERE t.F_IsFinished = 1 AND t.F_ModifyUserId = @userId "); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now, endTime = DateTime.Now; if (!queryParam["StartTime"].IsEmpty() && !queryParam["EndTime"].IsEmpty()) { startTime = queryParam["StartTime"].ToDate(); endTime = queryParam["EndTime"].ToDate(); strSql.Append(" AND ( p.F_CreateDate >= @startTime AND p.F_CreateDate <= @endTime ) "); } string keyword = ""; if (!queryParam["keyword"].IsEmpty()) { keyword = "%" + queryParam["keyword"].ToString() + "%"; strSql.Append(" AND ( p.F_ProcessName like @keyword OR p.F_SchemeName like @keyword ) "); } return this.BaseRepository().FindList(strSql.ToString(), new { userId = userId, startTime = startTime, endTime = endTime, keyword = keyword }, pagination); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取委托人信息列表 /// /// 我的用户Id /// public List GetDelegateTask(string userId) { try { List delegateUserlist = new List(); DateTime datatime = DateTime.Now; IEnumerable wfDelegateRuleList = this.BaseRepository().FindList(t => t.F_ToUserId == userId && t.F_BeginDate >= datatime && t.F_EndDate <= datatime); foreach (var item in wfDelegateRuleList) { UserInfo userinfo = new UserInfo(); userinfo.userId = item.F_CreateUserId; var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append(@"SELECT p.F_Id FROM LR_WF_DelegateRuleRelation d LEFT JOIN LR_WF_SchemeInfo s ON s.F_Id = d.F_SchemeInfoId LEFT JOIN LR_WF_ProcessInstance p ON p.F_SchemeCode = s.F_Code WHERE p.F_Id IS NOT NULL AND p.F_IsFinished = 0 AND d.F_DelegateRuleId = @DelegateRuleId "); DataTable dt = this.BaseRepository().FindTable(strSql.ToString(), new { DelegateRuleId = item.F_Id }); userinfo.wfProcessId = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr[0].ToString())) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userinfo.wfProcessId)) { userinfo.wfProcessId += ","; } userinfo.wfProcessId += dr[0].ToString(); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userinfo.wfProcessId)) { delegateUserlist.Add(userinfo); } } return delegateUserlist; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } #endregion #region 提交数据 /// /// 保存或更新流程实例任务 /// /// 实体 public void SaveEntity(WfTaskEntity entity) { try { entity.Create(); this.BaseRepository().Insert(entity); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 保存或更新流程实例任务 /// /// 实体 /// 公司主键 /// 部门主键 public void SaveEntitys(WfTaskEntity entity, string companyId, string departmentId) { try { if (entity.auditors.Count > 0) { foreach (var auditor in entity.auditors) { WfTaskEntity wfTaskEntity = new WfTaskEntity(); wfTaskEntity.F_ProcessId = entity.F_ProcessId; wfTaskEntity.F_NodeId = entity.F_NodeId; wfTaskEntity.F_NodeName = entity.F_NodeName; wfTaskEntity.F_TaskType = entity.F_TaskType; wfTaskEntity.F_TimeoutAction = entity.F_TimeoutAction; wfTaskEntity.F_TimeoutNotice = entity.F_TimeoutNotice; wfTaskEntity.F_PreviousId = entity.F_PreviousId; wfTaskEntity.F_PreviousName = entity.F_PreviousName; wfTaskEntity.F_CreateUserId = entity.F_CreateUserId; wfTaskEntity.F_CreateUserName = entity.F_CreateUserName; wfTaskEntity.F_AuditorId = auditor.auditorId; wfTaskEntity.F_AuditorName = auditor.auditorName; wfTaskEntity.F_CompanyId = "1"; wfTaskEntity.F_DepartmentId = "1"; if (auditor.condition == 1)//1.同一个部门2.同一个公司 { wfTaskEntity.F_DepartmentId = departmentId; } else if (auditor.condition == 2) { wfTaskEntity.F_CompanyId = companyId; } wfTaskEntity.Create(); this.BaseRepository().Insert(wfTaskEntity); //读取信息推送管理-待办流程推送(04)的配置 var informationPushEntity = this.BaseRepository().FindEntity(x => x.PushItem == "04"); if (informationPushEntity != null && informationPushEntity.Status == true) { //微信推送 try { PushWeixin(wfTaskEntity); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } else { entity.F_AuditorId = "1"; entity.Create(); this.BaseRepository().Insert(entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } public void PushWeixin(WfTaskEntity wfTaskEntity) { try { var processinstance = BaseRepository() .FindEntity(m => m.F_Id == wfTaskEntity.F_ProcessId); var needpostuserlist = new List(); var userinfontp = this.BaseRepository() .FindEntity(m => m.F_UserId == wfTaskEntity.F_AuditorId); if (userinfontp != null) { needpostuserlist.Add(userinfontp); } //增加角色、岗位判断 var alluserlist = this.BaseRepository() .FindList(m => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.OpenIdForWeixin)); foreach (UserEntity user in alluserlist) { var rolelist = BaseRepository() .FindList(m => m.F_UserId == user.F_UserId && m.F_Category == 1) .Select(m => "'" + m.F_ObjectId + "'").ToList(); if (rolelist.Count > 0) { string roleIds = string.Join(",", rolelist); if (roleIds.Contains(wfTaskEntity.F_AuditorId) && wfTaskEntity.F_CompanyId == user.F_CompanyId && !needpostuserlist.Contains(user)) { needpostuserlist.Add(user); } if (roleIds.Contains(wfTaskEntity.F_AuditorId) && wfTaskEntity.F_DepartmentId == user.F_DepartmentId && !needpostuserlist.Contains(user)) { needpostuserlist.Add(user); } } var postlist = BaseRepository() .FindList(m => m.F_UserId == user.F_UserId && m.F_Category == 2) .Select(m => "'" + m.F_ObjectId + "'").ToList(); if (postlist.Count > 0) { string postids = string.Join(",", postlist); if (postids.Contains(wfTaskEntity.F_AuditorId) && wfTaskEntity.F_CompanyId == user.F_CompanyId && !needpostuserlist.Contains(user)) { needpostuserlist.Add(user); } if (postids.Contains(wfTaskEntity.F_AuditorId) && wfTaskEntity.F_DepartmentId == user.F_DepartmentId && !needpostuserlist.Contains(user)) { needpostuserlist.Add(user); } } } var WeChatConfigentity = BaseRepository().FindEntity(m => m.IsEnable == true); string appid = WeChatConfigentity.APPId; string secret = WeChatConfigentity.secret; var wechatemplete = BaseRepository() .FindEntity(m => m.WeID == WeChatConfigentity.ID && m.TCode == "task"); string weixintaskurl = wechatemplete.TUrl; string weixintasktempid = wechatemplete.TempId; var responsejson = Util.HttpMethods.HttpGet("" + appid + "&secret=" + secret); foreach (UserEntity userinfo in needpostuserlist) { if (userinfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(userinfo.OpenIdForWeixin) && processinstance != null) { //执行推送任务 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(appid) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(secret) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(weixintaskurl) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(weixintasktempid)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responsejson)) { var weixintokenobj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responsejson); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(weixintokenobj.errcode)) { string access_token = weixintokenobj.access_token; string jsondata = "{\"touser\":\"" + userinfo.OpenIdForWeixin + "\"," + "\"template_id\":\"" + weixintasktempid + "\"," + "\"url\":\"" + weixintaskurl + "\"," + "\"data\":{" + "\"first\": {\"value\":\"" + processinstance.F_SchemeName + "\",\"color\":\"#173177\"}," + "\"keyword1\":{\"value\":\"" + processinstance.F_SchemeName + "\",\"color\":\"#173177\"}," + "\"keyword2\": {\"value\":\"" + processinstance.F_ProcessName + "\",\"color\":\"#173177\"}," + "\"keyword3\": {\"value\":\"" + wfTaskEntity.F_NodeName + "\",\"color\":\"#173177\"}," + "\"keyword4\": {\"value\":\"您有新的待办流程【" + processinstance.F_SchemeName + "】\",\"color\":\"#173177\"}" + //"\"remark\":{\"value\":\"欢迎再次购买!\",\"color\":\"#173177\"}" + "}" + "}"; string pushresult = Util.HttpMethods.HttpPost("" + access_token, jsondata); } } } } } //推送飞星 Task.Run(async () => { using (var hubConnection = new HubConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CommunicationServeraddress"])) { var hubProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("SignalRHub"); await hubConnection.Start(); await hubProxy.Invoke("PushAnnouncement", processinstance.F_Id, processinstance.F_SchemeName, processinstance.F_ProcessName, "task", string.Join(",", needpostuserlist.Select(m => m.F_UserId)), ""); } }); } catch (Exception e) { } } /// /// 更新任务状态 /// /// 主键 /// 状态 1 完成 2 关闭(会签 public void UpdateState(string keyValue, int state) { try { WfTaskEntity wfTaskEntity = new WfTaskEntity(); wfTaskEntity.Modify(keyValue); wfTaskEntity.F_IsFinished = state; this.BaseRepository().Update(wfTaskEntity); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 更新任务完成状态 /// /// 流程实例主键 /// 节点主键 /// 任务节点Id /// 用户主键 /// 用户名称 public void UpdateStateByNodeId(string processId, string nodeId, string taskId, string userId, string userName) { try { var list = this.BaseRepository().FindList(t => t.F_ProcessId == processId && t.F_IsFinished == 0 && t.F_NodeId == nodeId); foreach (var item in list) { WfTaskEntity wfTaskEntity = new WfTaskEntity(); wfTaskEntity.Modify(item.F_Id); wfTaskEntity.F_IsFinished = 1; if (taskId == item.F_Id) { wfTaskEntity.F_ModifyUserId = userId; } wfTaskEntity.F_ModifyUserName = userName; this.BaseRepository().Update(wfTaskEntity); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } #endregion } }