/* Copyright (c) 2009 Open Lab Written by Roberto Bicchierai http://roberto.open-lab.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ jQuery.fn.dateField = function(options) { //console.debug("dateField",options); //check if the input field is passed correctly if (!options.inputField){ console.error("You must supply an input field"); return false; } // -------------------------- start default option values -------------------------- if (typeof(options.firstDayOfWeek) == "undefined") options.firstDayOfWeek=Date.firstDayOfWeek; if (typeof(options.useWheel) == "undefined") options.useWheel=true; if (typeof(options.dateFormat) == "undefined") options.dateFormat=Date.defaultFormat; if (typeof(options.todayLabel) == "undefined") options.todayLabel=Date.today; /* optional options.notBeforeMillis //disable buttons if before millis options.notAfterMillis //disable buttons if after millis options.width // imposta una larghezza al calendario options.height options.showToday // show "today" on the year or month bar options.centerOnScreen //se true centra invece che usa nearBestPosition options.useYears:0 // se >0 non disegna prev-next ma n anni prima e n anni dopo quello corrente options.useMonths:0 // se >0 non disegna prev-next ma n mesi prima e n mesi dopo quello corrente */ // -------------------------- end default option values -------------------------- // ------------------ start if(options.inputField.is("[readonly]") && !options.inputField.is(".noFocus") || options.inputField.is("[disabled]")) return; var calendar = {currentDate: new Date()}; calendar.options = options; //build the calendar on the first element in the set of matched elements. var theOpener = this.eq(0); var theDiv=$("
").addClass("calBox"); if(options.width) theDiv.css("width",options.width); if(options.height) theDiv.css("height",options.height); //create calendar elements elements var divNavBar = $("
").addClass("calNav"); var divDays = $("
").addClass("calDay"); divDays.addClass("calFullMonth"); theDiv.append(divNavBar).append(divDays); if (options.isSearchField){ var divShortcuts=$("
").addClass("shortCuts").html("LQ LM M LW W Y TTONW NM Q NQ"); divShortcuts.click(function(ev){ var el=$(ev.target); if(el.is("span")){ if (!options.isSearchField) options.inputField.val(Date.parseString(el.text().trim(),options.dateFormat,true).format(options.dateFormat)); else options.inputField.val(el.text().trim()); calendar.closeCalendar() } }); theDiv.append(divShortcuts); } //mobile management if ($("body").is(".mobile")){ enableComponentOverlay(options.inputField,theDiv); } $("body").append(theDiv); if (options.centerOnScreen){ theDiv.oneTime(10,"ce",function(){$(this).centerOnScreen()}); } else { nearBestPosition(theOpener,theDiv); } theDiv.css("z-index",10000); //register for click outside. Delayed to avoid it run immediately $("body").oneTime(100, "regclibodcal", function() { $("body").bind("click.dateField", function() { calendar.closeCalendar(); }); }); calendar.drawCalendar = function(date) { calendar.currentDate = date; //console.debug("drawCalendar",date); var fillNavBar = function(date) { //console.debug("fillNavBar",date); var today = new Date();//today divNavBar.empty(); var showToday = options.showToday; //use the classic prev next bar if (!options.useYears && !options.useMonths) { var t = new Date(date.getTime()); t.setDate(1); t.setMonth(t.getMonth() - 1); var spanPrev = $("").addClass("calElement noCallback prev").attr("millis", t.getTime()); var spanToday = $("").addClass("calElement noCallback goToday").attr("millis", new Date().getTime()).attr("title", "today"); t.setMonth(t.getMonth() + 1); var spanMonth = $("").html(t.format("MMMM yyyy")); t.setMonth(t.getMonth() + 1); var spanNext = $("").addClass("calElement noCallback next").attr("millis", t.getTime()); divNavBar.append(spanPrev, spanToday, spanMonth, spanNext); // use the year month bar } else { if (options.useYears>0){ options.useMonths=options.useMonths||1; //if shows years -> shows also months t = new Date(date.getTime()); var yB= $("
"); var w=100/(2*options.useYears+1+(showToday?1:0)); t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear()-options.useYears); if(showToday){ var s = $("").addClass("calElement noCallback goToday").attr("millis", today.getTime()).append(options.todayLabel).css("width",w+"%"); showToday=false; yB.append(s); } for (var i=-options.useYears;i<=options.useYears;i++){ var s = $("").addClass("calElement noCallback").attr("millis", t.getTime()).append(t.getFullYear()).css("width",w+"%"); if (today.getFullYear()== t.getFullYear()) //current year s.addClass("today"); if (i==0) //selected year s.addClass("selected"); yB.append(s); t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear()+1); } divNavBar.append(yB); } if (options.useMonths>0){ t = new Date(date.getTime()); t.setDate(1); var w=100/(2*options.useMonths+1+(showToday?1:0)); t.setMonth(t.getMonth()-options.useMonths); var yB= $("
"); if(showToday){ var s = $("").addClass("calElement noCallback goToday").attr("millis", today.getTime()).append(options.todayLabel).css("width",w+"%"); yB.append(s); } for (var i=-options.useMonths;i<=options.useMonths;i++){ var s = $("").addClass("calElement noCallback").attr("millis", t.getTime()).append(t.format("MMM")).css("width",w+"%"); if (today.getFullYear()== t.getFullYear() && today.getMonth()== t.getMonth()) //current year s.addClass("today"); if (i==0) //selected month s.addClass("selected"); yB.append(s); t.setMonth(t.getMonth()+1); } divNavBar.append(yB); } } }; var fillDaysFullMonth = function(date) { divDays.empty(); var today = new Date();//today var w = 100/7; // draw day headers var d = new Date(date); d.setFirstDayOfThisWeek(options.firstDayOfWeek); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var span = $("").addClass("calDayHeader").attr("day", d.getDay()); if (d.isHoliday()) span.addClass("holy"); span.css("width",w+"%"); span.html(Date.dayAbbreviations[d.getDay()]); //call the dayHeaderRenderer if (typeof(options.dayHeaderRenderer) == "function") options.dayHeaderRenderer(span,d.getDay()); divDays.append(span); d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); } //draw cells d = new Date(date); d.setDate(1); // set day to start of month d.setFirstDayOfThisWeek(options.firstDayOfWeek);//go to first day of week var i=0; while ((d.getMonth()<=date.getMonth() && d.getFullYear()<=date.getFullYear()) || d.getFullYear()").addClass("calElement day").attr("millis", d.getTime()); span.html("" + d.getDate() + "").css("width",w+"%"); if (d.getYear() == today.getYear() && d.getMonth() == today.getMonth() && d.getDate() == today.getDate()) span.addClass("today"); if (d.getYear() == date.getYear() && d.getMonth() == date.getMonth() && d.getDate() == date.getDate()) span.addClass("selected"); if (d.isHoliday()) span.addClass("holy"); if(d.getMonth()!=date.getMonth()) span.addClass("calOutOfScope"); //call the dayRenderer if (typeof(options.dayRenderer) == "function") options.dayRenderer(span,d); divDays.append(span); d.setDate(d.getDate()+1); i++; } }; fillNavBar(date); fillDaysFullMonth(date); //disable all buttons out of validity period if (options.notBeforeMillis ||options.notAfterMillis) { var notBefore = options.notBeforeMillis ? options.notBeforeMillis : Number.MIN_VALUE; var notAfter = options.notAfterMillis ? options.notAfterMillis : Number.MAX_VALUE; divDays.find(".calElement[millis]").each(function(){ var el=$(this); var m=parseInt(el.attr("millis")); if (m>notAfter || m 0) { var millis = parseInt(el.attr("millis")); var date = new Date(millis); if (el.is(".disabled")) { ev.stopPropagation(); return; } if (el.hasClass("day")) { calendar.closeCalendar(); if (!el.is(".noCallback")) { options.inputField.val(date.format(options.dateFormat)).attr("millis", date.getTime()).focus(); if (typeof(options.callback) == "function") options.callback.apply(options.inputField,[date]); // in callBack you can use "this" that refers to the input } } else { calendar.drawCalendar(date); } } ev.stopPropagation(); }); //if mousewheel if ($.event.special.mousewheel && options.useWheel) { divDays.mousewheel(function(event, delta) { var d = new Date(calendar.currentDate.getTime()); d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + delta); calendar.drawCalendar(d); return false; }); } // start calendar to the date in the input var dateStr=options.inputField.val(); if (!dateStr || !Date.isValid(dateStr,options.dateFormat,true)){ calendar.drawCalendar(new Date()); } else { var date = Date.parseString(dateStr,options.dateFormat,true); var newDateStr=date.format(options.dateFormat); //set date string formatted if not equals if (!options.isSearchField) { options.inputField.attr("millis", date.getTime()); if (dateStr != newDateStr) options.inputField.val(newDateStr); } calendar.drawCalendar(date); } return calendar; };