Specifies asynchronous operation state.
Operation waits for start.
Operation processing is in progress.
Operations is completed.
Operation is disposed.
This class implements Google Gmail OAUTH version 1.0.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
OAuth consumer key.
OAuth consumer secret.
Is riased when consumerKey or consumerSecret is null reference.
Is riased when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets Gmail request Token.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid state.
Gets Gmail request Token.
OAuth callback Url.
Is raised when callback is null reference.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid state.
Gets Gmail authorization Url.
Returns Gmail authorization Url.
Gets Gmail access token.
Google provided verfification code on authorization Url.
Is raised when verificationCode is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid state.
Gets Gmail XOAUTH authentication string.
Returns Gmail XOAUTH authentication string.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid state.
Gets Gmail XOAUTH authentication string.
Gmail email address.
Returns Gmail XOAUTH authentication string.
Is raised when email is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid state.
Gets Gmail XOAUTH authentication string.
Returns Gmail XOAUTH authentication string.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid state.
Gets Gmail XOAUTH authentication string.
Gmail email address.
Returns Gmail XOAUTH authentication string.
Is raised when email is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid state.
Gets user Gmail email address.
Returns user Gmail email address.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid state.
Creates the timestamp for the signature.
Creates a nonce for the signature.
Gets user Gmail email address. Returns null if no GetUserEmail method ever called.
This base class for client SASL authentication mechanisms. Defined in RFC 4422.
Default constructor.
Continues authentication process.
Server sent SASL response.
Returns challenge request what must be sent to server or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when serverResponse is null reference.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Gets IANA-registered SASL authentication mechanism name.
The registered list is available from: .
Gets user login name.
Gets if the authentication method supports SASL client "inital response".
Implements "CRAM-MD5" authenticaiton.
Default constructor.
User login name.
User password.
Is raised when userName or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Continues authentication process.
Server sent SASL response.
Returns challenge request what must be sent to server or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when serverResponse is null reference.
Is raised when this method is called when authentication is completed.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Returns always "LOGIN".
Gets user login name.
Implements "DIGEST-MD5" authenticaiton.
Default constructor.
Protocol name. For example: SMTP.
Remote server name or IP address.
User login name.
User password.
Is raised when protocol,server,userName or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Continues authentication process.
Server sent SASL response.
Returns challenge request what must be sent to server or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when serverResponse is null reference.
Is raised when this method is called when authentication is completed.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Returns always "DIGEST-MD5".
Gets user login name.
Implements "LOGIN" authenticaiton.
Default constructor.
User login name.
User password.
Is raised when userName or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Continues authentication process.
Server sent SASL response.
Returns challenge request what must be sent to server or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when serverResponse is null reference.
Is raised when this method is called when authentication is completed.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Returns always "LOGIN".
Gets user login name.
Implements NTLM authentication.
This class represents NTLM type 1 message.
Default constructor.
Domain name.
Host name.
Is raised when domain or host is null reference.
Converts this to binary NTML type 1 message.
Returns this as binary NTML type 1 message.
This class represents NTLM type 2 message.
Default constructor.
NTLM 8 byte nonce.
Is raised when nonce is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses NTLM type 2 message.
NTLM type 2 message.
Returns parsed NTLM type 2 message.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Gets nonce.
This class represents NTLM type 3 message.
Default constructor.
Domain name.
User name.
Host name.
Lan Manager response.
NT response.
Is raised when domain,user,host,lm or nt is null reference.
Converts this to binary NTML type 3 message.
Returns this as binary NTML type 3 message.
This class provides NTLM related utility methods.
Calculates NTLM NT response.
Server nonce.
Returns NTLM NT response.
Is raised when nonce or password is null reference.
Calculates NTLM LM response.
Server nonce.
Returns NTLM LM response.
Is raised when nonce or password is null reference.
Default constructor.
Domain name.
User login name.
Is raised when domain,userName or passowrd is null reference.
Continues authentication process.
Server sent SASL response.
Returns challenge request what must be sent to server or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when this method is called when authentication is completed.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Returns always "NTLM".
Gets user login name.
Gets if the authentication method supports SASL client "inital response".
Implements "PLAIN" authenticaiton.
Default constructor.
User login name.
User password.
Is raised when userName or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Continues authentication process.
Server sent SASL response.
Returns challenge request what must be sent to server or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when this method is called when authentication is completed.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Returns always "PLAIN".
Gets user login name.
Gets if the authentication method supports SASL client "inital response".
This class implements XOAUTH authentication.
Default constructor.
User login name.
OAUTH authentication string. For example you can use to get valid string.
Is raised when userName or authString is null reference.
Is riased when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Continues authentication process.
Server sent SASL response.
Returns challenge request what must be sent to server or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when serverResponse is null reference.
Is raised when this method is called when authentication is completed.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Returns always "LOGIN".
Gets user login name.
Returns always true, because XOAUTH authentication method supports SASL client "inital response".
This class implements XOAUTH2 authentication.
Default constructor.
User login name.
The access Token.
Is raised when userName or accessToken is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Continues authentication process.
Server sent SASL response.
Returns challenge request what must be sent to server or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when serverResponse is null reference.
Is raised when this method is called when authentication is completed.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Returns always "LOGIN".
Gets user login name.
Returns always true, because XOAUTH2 authentication method supports SASL client "inital response".
This class represents SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication digest-challenge. Defined in RFC 2831.
Default constructor.
Realm value.
Nonce value.
Quality of protections supported. Normally this is "auth".
Stale value.
Is raised when realm,nonce or qopOptions is null reference.
Internal parse constructor.
Parses DIGEST-MD5 challenge from challenge-string.
Challenge string.
Returns DIGEST-MD5 challenge.
Is raised when challenge is null reference.
Is raised when challenge parsing + validation fails.
Returns DIGEST-MD5 "digest-challenge" string.
Returns DIGEST-MD5 "digest-challenge" string.
Gets realm value. For more info see RFC 2831.
Gets nonce value. For more info see RFC 2831.
Gets qop-options value. For more info see RFC 2831.
Gets if stale value. For more info see RFC 2831.
Gets maxbuf value. For more info see RFC 2831.
Gets charset value. For more info see RFC 2831.
Gets algorithm value. For more info see RFC 2831.
Gets cipher-opts value. For more info see RFC 2831.
This class represents SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication digest-response. Defined in RFC 2831.
Default constructor.
Client challenge.
Realm value. This must be one value of the challenge Realm.
User name.
User password.
Client nonce value.
Nonce count. One-based client authentication attempt number. Normally this value is 1.
Indicates what "quality of protection" the client accepted. This must be one value of the challenge QopOptions.
Digest URI.
Is raised when challenge,realm,password,nonce,qop or digestUri is null reference.
Internal parse constructor.
Parses DIGEST-MD5 response from response-string.
Response string.
Returns DIGEST-MD5 response.
Is raised when digestResponse isnull reference.
Is raised when response parsing + validation fails.
Authenticates user.
User name.
Returns true if user authenticated, otherwise false.
Is raised when userName or password is null reference.
Creates digest response for challenge.
Returns digest response.
Creates response-auth response for client.
Returns response-auth response.
Calculates digest response.
User name.
Returns digest response.
Calculates A1 value.
User name.
Returns A1 value.
Calculates A2 value.
Returns A2 value.
Computes MD5 hash.
Value to process.
Return MD5 hash.
Converts value to hex string.
Value to convert.
Returns hex string.
Gets user name.
Gets realm(domain) name.
Gets nonce value.
Gets cnonce value.
Gets nonce count.
Gets "quality of protection" value.
Gets digest URI value.
Gets response value.
Gets charset value.
Gets cipher value.
Gets authorization ID.
This class provides data for server userName/password authentications.
Default constructor.
Authorization ID.
User name.
Is raised when userName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the argumnets has invalid value.
Gets or sets if specified user is authenticated.
Gets authorization ID.
Gets user name.
Gets password.
This class provides data for server authentication mechanisms GetUserInfo event.
Default constructor.
User name.
Is raised when userName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets or sets if specified user exists.
Gets user name.
Gets or sets user password.
Implements http digest access authentication. Defined in RFC 2617.
Default constructor.
Server/Client returned digest response.
Request method.
Client constructor. This is used to build valid Authorization response to server.
User name.
Client nonce value.
Request URI.
Server authenticate resposne.
Request method.
Server constructor. This is used to build valid Authenticate response to client.
Nonce value.
Opaque value.
Authenticates specified user and password using this class parameters.
User name.
Returns true if authenticated, otherwise false.
Parses authetication info from client digest response.
Client returned digest response.
Calculates 'rspauth' value.
User name.
Returns 'rspauth' value.
Calculates response value.
User name.
User password.
Returns calculated rsponse value.
Converts this to valid digest string.
Returns digest string.
Creates 'Challenge' data using this class info.
Returns Challenge data.
Creates 'Challenge' data using this class info.
Specifies if 'digest ' auth method string constant is added.
Returns Challenge data.
Creates 'Authorization' data using this class info.
Return Authorization data.
Creates 'Authorization' data using this class info.
Specifies if 'digest ' authe method string constant is added.
Return Authorization data.
Creates valid nonce value.
Returns nonce value.
Creates valid opaque value.
Renturn opaque value.
Gets or sets request method.
Gets or sets a string to be displayed to users so they know which username and password
to use. This string should contain at least the name of the host performing the
authentication and might additionally indicate the collection of users who might have access.
An example might be "".
Gets or sets a server-specified unique data string. It is recommended that this
string be base64 or hexadecimal data.
Suggested value: base64(time-stamp hex(time-stamp ":" ETag ":" private-key)).
Is raised when invalid value is specified.
Gets or sets string of data, specified by the server, which should be returned by the client unchanged.
It is recommended that this string be base64 or hexadecimal data.
Is raised when invalid value is specified.
Gets or sets algorithm to use to produce the digest and a checksum.
This is normally MD5 or MD5-sess.
Gets a string of 32 hex digits computed by HTTP digest algorithm,
which proves that the user knows a password.
Gets or sets user name.
Gets or sets password.
Gets the URI from Request-URI.
Gets or sets value what indicates "quality of protection" the client has applied to
the message. If present, its value MUST be one of the alternatives the server indicated
it supports in the WWW-Authenticate header. This directive is optional in order to preserve
backward compatibility.
Gets or sets Client nonce value. This MUST be specified if a qop directive is sent (see above), and
MUST NOT be specified if the server did not send a qop directive in the WWW-Authenticate header field.
Gets or stets nonce count. This MUST be specified if a qop directive is sent (see above), and
MUST NOT be specified if the server did not send a qop directive in the WWW-Authenticate
header field. The nc-value is the hexadecimal count of the number of requests.
Creates 'Challange' data using this class info.
Returns Challange data.
Creates 'Challange' data using this class info.
Specifies if 'digest ' auth method string constant is added.
Returns Challange data.
HTTP digest authentication nonce manager.
This class represents nonce entry in active nonces collection.
Default constructor.
Gets nonce value.
Gets time when this nonce entry was created.
Default constructor.
Cleans up nay resource being used.
Creates new nonce and adds it to active nonces collection.
Returns new created nonce.
Checks if specified nonce exists in active nonces collection.
Nonce to check.
Returns true if nonce exists in active nonces collection, otherwise returns false.
Removes specified nonce from active nonces collection.
Nonce to remove.
Removes not used nonces what has expired.
Gets or sets nonce expire time in seconds.
This base class for server SASL authentication mechanisms.
Default constructor.
Resets any authentication state data.
Continues authentication process.
Client sent SASL response.
Retunrns challenge response what must be sent to client or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when clientRespone is null reference.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Gets if user has authenticated sucessfully.
Gets IANA-registered SASL authentication mechanism name.
The registered list is available from: .
Gets if specified SASL mechanism is available only to SSL connection.
Gets user login name.
Gets user data items collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Implements "CRAM-MD5" authenticaiton. Defined in RFC 2195.
Default constructor.
Specifies if this mechanism is available to SSL connections only.
Resets any authentication state data.
Continues authentication process.
Client sent SASL response.
Retunrns challenge response what must be sent to client or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when clientResponse is null reference.
Calculates keyed md5 hash from specifieed text and with specified hash key.
MD5 key.
Text to hash.
Returns MD5 hash.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Gets if user has authenticated sucessfully.
Returns always "CRAM-MD5".
Gets if specified SASL mechanism is available only to SSL connection.
Gets user login name.
Is called when authentication mechanism needs to get user info to complete atuhentication.
Raises GetUserInfo event.
User name.
Returns specified user info.
Implements "DIGEST-MD5" authenticaiton. Defined in RFC 2831.
Default constructor.
Specifies if this mechanism is available to SSL connections only.
Resets any authentication state data.
Continues authentication process.
Client sent SASL response.
Retunrns challenge response what must be sent to client or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when clientResponse is null reference.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Gets if user has authenticated sucessfully.
Returns always "DIGEST-MD5".
Gets if specified SASL mechanism is available only to SSL connection.
Gets or sets realm value.
Normally this is host or domain name.
Gets user login name.
Is called when authentication mechanism needs to get user info to complete atuhentication.
Raises GetUserInfo event.
User name.
Returns specified user info.
Implements "LOGIN" authenticaiton.
Default constructor.
Specifies if this mechanism is available to SSL connections only.
Resets any authentication state data.
Continues authentication process.
Client sent SASL response.
Retunrns challenge response what must be sent to client or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when clientResponse is null reference.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Gets if user has authenticated sucessfully.
Returns always "LOGIN".
Gets if specified SASL mechanism is available only to SSL connection.
Gets user login name.
Is called when authentication mechanism needs to authenticate specified user.
Raises Authenticate event.
Authorization ID.
User name.
Returns authentication result.
Implements "PLAIN" authenticaiton. Defined in RFC 4616.
Default constructor.
Specifies if this mechanism is available to SSL connections only.
Resets any authentication state data.
Continues authentication process.
Client sent SASL response.
Retunrns challenge response what must be sent to client or null if authentication has completed.
Is raised when clientResponse is null reference.
Gets if the authentication exchange has completed.
Gets if user has authenticated sucessfully.
Returns always "PLAIN".
Gets if specified SASL mechanism is available only to SSL connection.
Gets user login name.
Is called when authentication mechanism needs to authenticate specified user.
Raises Authenticate event.
Authorization ID.
User name.
Returns authentication result.
Implements byte data builder.
Default constructor.
Appends specified string value to the buffer. String is encoded with .
String value.
Is aised when value is null reference.
Appends specified string value to the buffer.
Character encoding.
String value.
Is aised when charset or value is null reference.
Appends specified byte[] value to the buffer.
Byte value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Appends specified byte[] value to the buffer.
Byte value.
Offset in the value.
Number of bytes to append.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns this as byte[] data.
Returns this as byte[] data.
Gets number of bytes in byte builder buffer.
Gets or sets default charset encoding used for string related operations.
Is raised when null reference value is set.
This class specifies TCP client based connection security.
No security(connection not encrypted).
Use SSL for connection security.
Use TLS for connection security.
Use TLS for connection security, if remote server supports it.
This class implements DNS client cache.
This class represents DNS cache entry.
Default constructor.
DNS server response.
Time when cache entry expires.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Gets DNS server response.
Gets time when cache entry expires.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Is called when cache expired entries check timer triggers.
Event data.
Gets DNS server cached response or null if no cached result.
Query name.
Query type.
Returns DNS server cached response or null if no cached result.
Is raised when qname is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Adds dns records to cache. If old entry exists, it is replaced.
Query name.
Query type.
DNS server response.
Is raised when qname or response is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Clears DNS cache.
Gets or sets maximum number of seconds to cache positive DNS responses.
Gets or sets maximum number of seconds to cache negative DNS responses.
Gets number of DNS queries cached.
This class represents DNS client transaction.
Default constructor.
Owner DNS client.
DNS servers.
Transaction ID.
QTYPE value.
QNAME value.
Timeout in milliseconds.
Is raised when owner or qname is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Is called when DNS transaction timeout timer triggers.
Event data.
Starts DNS transaction processing.
Is raised when this method is called in invalid transaction state.
Processes DNS server response through this transaction.
DNS server response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Sets transaction state.
New transaction state.
Creates binary query.
Buffer where to store query.
Query ID.
Query text.
Query type.
Query class.
Returns number of bytes stored to buffer.
Get DNS transaction state.
Gets transaction create time.
Gets DNS transaction ID.
Gets QNAME value.
Gets QTYPE value.
Gets DNS server response. Value null means no response received yet.
This event is raised when DNS transaction state has changed.
Raises StateChanged event.
This event is raised when DNS transaction times out.
Raises Timeout event.
This class represents DNS client state.
Transaction waits for start.
Transaction is progress.
Transaction is completed(has got response from DNS server).
Transaction is disposed.
DNS client exception.
Default constructor.
DNS server returned error code.
Gets DNS server returned error code.
A standard query.
An inverse query. Obsoleted by RFC 3425.
A server status request.
Dns cache entry.
Default constructor.
Dns answers.
Entry add time.
Gets dns answers.
Gets entry add time.
This class implements dns query cache.
Default constructor.
Tries to get dns records from cache, if any.
Returns null if not in cache.
Adds dns records to cache. If old entry exists, it is replaced.
Clears DNS cache.
Serializes current cache.
Return serialized cache.
DeSerializes stored cache.
This value must be DnsCache.SerializeCache() method value.
Gets or sets how long(seconds) to cache dns query.
This class represents dns server response.
Gets IPv4 host addess records.
Gets name server records.
Gets CNAME records.
Gets SOA records.
Gets PTR records.
Gets HINFO records.
Gets MX records.(MX records are sorted by preference, lower array element is prefered)
Gets text records.
Gets IPv6 host addess records.
Gets SRV resource records.
Gets NAPTR resource records.
Gets SPF resource records.
Filters out specified type of records from answer.
Gets if connection to dns server was successful.
Gets DNS transaction ID.
Gets dns server response code.
Gets all resource records returned by server (answer records section + authority records section + additional records section).
NOTE: Before using this property ensure that ConnectionOk=true and ResponseCode=RCODE.NO_ERROR.
Gets dns server returned answers. NOTE: Before using this property ensure that ConnectionOk=true and ResponseCode=RCODE.NO_ERROR.
// NOTE: DNS server may return diffrent record types even if you query MX.
// For example you query MX and server may response:
// 1) MX -
// 2) A -
// Before casting to right record type, see what type record is !
foreach(DnsRecordBase record in Answers){
// MX record, cast it to MX_Record
if(record.RecordType == QTYPE.MX){
MX_Record mx = (MX_Record)record;
Gets name server resource records in the authority records section. NOTE: Before using this property ensure that ConnectionOk=true and ResponseCode=RCODE.NO_ERROR.
Gets resource records in the additional records section. NOTE: Before using this property ensure that ConnectionOk=true and ResponseCode=RCODE.NO_ERROR.
DNS client.
// Optionally set dns servers, by default DNS client uses defaultt NIC DNS servers.
Dns_Client.DnsServers = new string[]{""};
Dns_Client dns = Dns_Client.Static;
// Get MX records.
DnsServerResponse resp = dns.Query("",QTYPE.MX);
if(resp.ConnectionOk && resp.ResponseCode == RCODE.NO_ERROR){
MX_Record[] mxRecords = resp.GetMXRecords();
// Do your stuff
// Handle error there, for more exact error info see RCODE
Static constructor.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Creates new DNS client transaction.
Query type.
Query text. It depends on queryType.
Transaction timeout in milliseconds. DNS default value is 2000, value 0 means no timeout - this is not suggested.
Returns DNS client transaction.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when queryText is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Creates asynchronous(non-blocking) DNS transaction. Call to start transaction.
It is allowd to create multiple conccurent transactions.
Creates new DNS client transaction.
DNS servers.
Query type.
Query text. It depends on queryType.
Transaction timeout in milliseconds. DNS default value is 2000, value 0 means no timeout - this is not suggested.
Returns DNS client transaction.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when dnsServers or queryText is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Creates asynchronous(non-blocking) DNS transaction. Call to start transaction.
It is allowd to create multiple conccurent transactions.
Queries server with specified query.
Query text. It depends on queryType.
Query type.
Returns DNS server response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when queryText is null.
Queries server with specified query.
Query text. It depends on queryType.
Query type.
Query timeout in milli seconds.
Returns DNS server response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when queryText is null.
Queries DNS server with specified query.
DNS servers.
Query text. It depends on queryType.
Query type.
Query timeout in milli seconds.
Returns DNS server response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when dnsServers or queryText is null.
Gets host IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Host name or IP address.
Returns host IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when hostNameOrIP is null reference.
Is raised when DNS server returns error.
Is raised when IO reletaed error happens.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Host name or IP address.
Is raised when hostNameOrIP is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
DNS client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when dnsClient is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets argument hostNameOrIP value.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets host IP addresses.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts resolving host IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Resolving multiple host IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Host names to resolve.
Returns host entries.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when hostNames is null reference.
Is raised when DNS server returns error.
Is raised when IO reletaed error happens.
Resolving multiple host IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Host names to resolve.
If true, as long as one host name is resolved, no error returned.
Returns host entries.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when hostNames is null reference.
Is raised when DNS server returns error.
Is raised when IO reletaed error happens.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Host names to resolve.
Is raised when hostNames is null reference.
Default constructor.
Host names to resolve.
If true, as long as one host name is resolved, no error returned.
Is raised when hostNames is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
DNS client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when dnsClient is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
This method is called when GetHostAddresses operation has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Index in 'm_pHostEntries' where to store lookup result.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets argument hostNames value.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets host entries.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts resolving multiple host IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets email hosts.
Email domain. For example: ''.
Returns email hosts in priority order.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when domain is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when DNS server returns error.
Is raised when IO reletaed error happens.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Email domain. For example: ''.
Is raised when domain is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
DNS client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when dnsClient is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Starts looking up MX records for specified domain.
DNS client.
Domain name.
If true domain name is CNAME(alias).
Is riased when dnsClient or domain is null reference.
Gets A and AAAA records from DNS server additional responses section.
Host name.
DNS server response.
Returns A and AAAA records from DNS server additional responses section.
Is raised when name or response is null reference.
This method is called when A/AAAA lookup has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Dns name to index lookup table.
Is raised when op or name_to_index is null reference value.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets email domain.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets email hosts. Hosts are in priority order.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts getting email hosts.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Sends specified packet to the specified target IP end point.
Target end point.
Packet to send.
Number of bytes to send from packet.
Is raised when target or packet is null reference.
Processes received UDP packet.
UDP packet.
Parses query.
Dns server reply.
Parses specified count of answers from query.
Server returned query.
Number of answers to parse.
Position from where to start parsing answers.
Reads character-string from spefcified data and offset.
Data from where to read.
Offset from where to start reading.
Returns readed string.
Gets static DNS client.
Gets or sets dns servers.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Gets or sets if to use dns caching.
Gets DNS cache.
Resolves host names to IP addresses.
Host names to resolve.
Returns specified hosts IP addresses.
Is raised when hosts is null.
Resolves host name to IP addresses.
Host name or IP address.
Return specified host IP addresses.
Is raised when host is null.
This class represent SPF resource record. Defined in RFC 4408.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
SPF text.
TTL (time to live) value in seconds.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets text.
This class represent DSN server query. Defined in RFC 1035.
Default constructor.
Query type.
Query text. It depends on query type.
Is raised when qname is null reference.
Default constructor.
Query class.
Query type.
Query text. It depends on query type.
Is raised when qname is null reference.
Gets DNS query class.
Gets DNS query type.
Gets query text.
This enum holds DNS QCLASS value. Defined in RFC 1035 3.2.4.
Internet class.
Any class.
This enum holds DNS query type. Defined in RFC 1035.
IPv4 host address
An authoritative name server.
The canonical name for an alias.
Marks the start of a zone of authority.
A domain name pointer.
Host information.
Mail exchange.
Text strings.
IPv6 host address.
SRV record specifies the location of services.
NAPTR(Naming Authority Pointer) record.
SPF(Sender Policy Framework) record.
All records what server returns.
This class holds DNS server responce code. Defined in RFC 1035.
No error condition.
Format error - The name server was unable to interpret the query.
Server failure - The name server was unable to process this query due to a problem with the name server.
Name Error - Meaningful only for responses from an authoritative name server, this code signifies that the
domain name referenced in the query does not exist.
Not Implemented - The name server does not support the requested kind of query.
Refused - The name server refuses to perform the specified operation for policy reasons.
DNS AAAA resource record.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
IP address.
Time to live in seconds.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets host IP address.
NAPRT(Naming Authority Pointer) resource record. Defined in RFC 3403.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
Oorder in which the NAPTR records MUST be processed.
Order in which NAPTR records with equal Order values SHOULD be processed.
Flags which control the rewriting and interpretation of the fields in the record.
Services related to this record.
Regular expression that is applied to the original string.
Regular expressions replacement value.
Time to live value in seconds.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets order in which the NAPTR records MUST be processed in order to accurately
represent the ordered list of Rules.
Gets the order in which NAPTR records with equal Order values SHOULD be processed,
low numbers being processed before high numbers.
Gets flags which control the rewriting and interpretation of the fields in the record.
Gets services related to this record. Known values can be get from:
Gets regular expression that is applied to the original string held by the client in order to
construct the next domain name to lookup.
Gets regular expressions replacement value.
DNS SRV record. SRV record specifies the location of services. Defined in RFC 2782.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
Service priority.
Weight value.
Service port.
Service provider host name or IP address.
Time to live value in seconds.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets service priority. Lowest value means greater priority.
Gets weight. The weight field specifies a relative weight for entries with the same priority.
Larger weights SHOULD be given a proportionately higher probability of being selected.
Port where service runs.
Service provider host name or IP address.
A record class.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
IP address.
TTL value.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets host IP address.
CNAME record class.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
TTL value.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets alias.
This is base class for DNS records.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
Record type (A,MX, ...).
TTL (time to live) value in seconds.
Gets DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
Gets record type (A,MX,...).
Gets TTL (time to live) value in seconds.
HINFO record.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
Host CPU.
Host OS.
TTL value.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets host's CPU.
Gets host's OS.
MX record class.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
MX record preference.
Mail host dns name.
TTL value.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
An object to compare with this instance.
Returns 0 if two objects are equal, returns negative value if this object is less,
returns positive value if this object is grater.
Gets MX record preference. The lower number is the higher priority server.
Gets mail host dns name.
NS record class.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
Name server name.
TTL value.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets name server name.
PTR record class.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
TTL value.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets domain name.
SOA record class.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
Name server.
Zone administrator email.
Version number of the original copy of the zone.
Time interval(in seconds) before the zone should be refreshed.
Time interval(in seconds) that should elapse before a failed refresh should be retried.
Time value(in seconds) that specifies the upper limit on the time interval that can elapse before the zone is no longer authoritative.
Minimum TTL(in seconds) field that should be exported with any RR from this zone.
TTL value.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets name server.
Gets zone administrator email.
Gets version number of the original copy of the zone.
Gets time interval(in seconds) before the zone should be refreshed.
Gets time interval(in seconds) that should elapse before a failed refresh should be retried.
Gets time value(in seconds) that specifies the upper limit on the time interval that can elapse before the zone is no longer authoritative.
Gets minimum TTL(in seconds) field that should be exported with any RR from this zone.
TXT record class.
Default constructor.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
TTL value.
Parses resource record from reply data.
DNS domain name that owns a resource record.
DNS server reply data.
Current offset in reply data.
Resource record data length.
Time to live in seconds.
Gets text.
Represent the method what will handle Error event.
Delegate caller.
Event data.
Provides data for the SysError event for servers.
Default constructor.
Occured error's exception.
Occured error's stacktrace.
Gets comment text.
This class represent s FTP server reply-line.
Default constructor.
FTP server reply code.
FTP server reply text.
Specifies if this line is last line in response.
Parses FTP reply-line from
FTP server reply-line.
Returns parsed FTP server reply-line.
Is raised when line is null reference.
Is raised when reply-line parsing fails.
Returns this as FTP server reply-line.
Returns this as FTP server reply-line.
Gets SMTP server reply code.
Gets SMTP server relpy text.
Gets if this is last reply line.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
File name with option path.
Is raised when file is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets or sets error response.
Gets file name with optional path.
Gets or sets file stream.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
User name.
Is raised when user or password is null reference.
Gets or sets if session is authenticated.
Gets user name.
Gets password.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Gets or sets FTP server response.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Directory name with optional path.
Is raised when dirName is null reference.
Gets or sets FTP server response.
Gets directory name with optional path.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
File name with optional path.
Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Gets or sets FTP server response.
Gets file name with optional path.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Is raised when path is null reference.
Gets or sets error response.
Gets path which list items to get.
Gets directory list items.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
File name with option path.
Is raised when file is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets or sets error response.
Gets file name with optional path.
Gets or sets file stream.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
File name with optional path.
Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Gets or sets error response.
Gets file name with optional path.
Gets or sets file size in bytes.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Directory name with optional path.
Is raised when dirName is null reference.
Gets or sets FTP server response.
Gets directory name with optional path.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Directory name with optional path.
Is raised when dirName is null reference.
Gets or sets FTP server response.
Gets directory name with optional path.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Source file or directory path.
Target file or directory path.
Is raised when sourcePath or targetPath is null reference.
Gets or sets FTP server response.
Gets source path.
Gets target path.
This class provides data for FTP_Session.Started event.
Default constructor.
POP3 server response.
Gets or sets FTP server response.
Response also MUST contain response code(220 / 500). For example: "500 Session rejected."
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
File name with option path.
Is raised when file is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets or sets error response.
Gets file name with optional path.
Gets or sets file stream.
FTP Server component.
Defalut constructor.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections per connected IP exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Gets or sets server greeting text.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets how many bad commands session can have before it's terminated. Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets passive mode public IP address what is reported to clients.
This property is manly needed if FTP server is running behind NAT.
Value null means not spcified.
Gets or sets passive mode start port form which server starts using ports.
Is raised when ivalid value is passed.
FTP Session.
This class represents FTP session data connection.
Default constructor.
Owner FTP session.
Data connection data stream.
Specifies if data read from remote endpoint or written to it.
Is raised when session or stream is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts data connection processing.
Is raised when this is disposed and this method is accessed.
Aborts transfer.
Is raised when this is disposed and this method is accessed.
Writes line to control connection.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts session processing.
Is called when session has processing error.
Exception happened.
This method is called when specified session times out.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Starts reading incoming command from the connected client.
Completes command reading operation.
Returns true if server should start reading next command.
Sends and logs specified line to connected host.
Line to send.
Logs specified text.
text to log.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Gets session owner FTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets supported SASL authentication methods collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of bad commands happened on POP3 session.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets authenticated user identity or null if user has not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets current working directory.
Gets if sessions is in passive mode.
Is raised when session has started processing and needs to send 220 greeting or 500 error resposne to the connected client.
Raises Started event.
Default FTP server reply.
Returns event args.
This event is raised when session needs to authenticate session using USER/PASS FTP authentication.
Raises Authenticate event.
User name.
Returns event args.
This event is raised when session needs to get specified file.
Raises GetFile event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to complete STOR(store file) command.
Raises Stor event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to get specified file size.
Raises GetFileSize event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to complete DELE(delete file) command.
Raises Dele event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to complete APPE(append to file) command.
Raises Appe event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to complete CWD(change working directory) command.
Raises Cwd event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to complete CDUP(change directory up) command.
Raises Cdup event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to complete RMD(remove directory) command.
Raises Rmd event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to complete MKD(make directory) command.
Raises Mkd event.
Event data.
This event is raised when session needs to get directory listing.
Raises GetDirListing event.
Event arguments.
This event is raised when session needs to complete RNTO(rename file/directory to) command.
Raises Rnto event.
Event data.
FTP client exception.
Default constructor.
FTP server response line.
Is raised when responseLine is null.
Gets FTP status code.
Gets FTP server response text after status code.
Gets if it is permanent FTP(5xx) error.
Transfer type.
ASCII transfer data.
Binary transfer data.
This class implements FTP client. Defined in RFC 959.
This class implements FTP client data connection.
Default constructor.
Data connection owner FTP client.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Swtiches FTP data connection to active mode.
Swtiches FTP data connection to passive mode and connects to the sepcified FTP server.
FTP server IP end point.
Is raised when remoteEP is null.
Reads all data from FTP data connection and stores to the specified stream.
Stream where to store data.
Is raised when stream is null.
Writes all data from the specified stream to FTP data connection.
Stream which data to write.
Is raised when stream is null.
Waits FTP server to connect to this data connection.
Wait time out in seconds.
Returns connected network stream.
Creates new socket for data connection.
Cleans up socket for reuse.
Copies all source stream data to the specified target stream.
Source stream.
Target stream.
Gets data connection local IP end point.
Gets last time when data connection has read or written data.
Gets if there is active read or write job in data stream.
Default connection.
Clean up any resources being used. This method is thread-safe.
Closes connection to FTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Terminates the user and flushes all state information on the server. The connection is left open.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Authenticates user. Authenticate method chooses strongest possible authentication method supported by server.
User login name.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected or is already authenticated.
Is raised when userName is null.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Send NOOP command to server. This method can be used for keeping connection alive(not timing out).
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Aborts an active file transfer.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Gets current working directory in the sFTP server.
Returns current working directory.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Changes the current working directory on the server.
Directory absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when path is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Gets files and directories in the current server directory.
Returns current working directory listing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Gets files and directories in the current server directory.
Directory or file name which listing to get. Value null means current directory will be listed.
Returns current working directory listing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected or FTP data connection has active read/write operation.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Gets specified file from FTP server.
File absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Local file path where to store received file.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected or FTP data connection has active read/write operation.
Is raised when path or storePath is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Gets specified file from FTP server.
File absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Stream where to store received file.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected or FTP data connection has active read/write operation.
Is raised when path or stream is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Appends specified data to the existing file. If existing file doesn't exist, it will be created.
FTP server file absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Stream which data append to the specified FTP server file.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected or FTP data connection has active read/write operation.
Is raied when file or stream is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Stores specified file to FTP server.
File absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
File path which to store to FTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected or FTP data connection has active read/write operation.
Is raised when path or sourcePath is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Stores specified file to FTP server.
File absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Stream which data to store to FTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected or FTP data connection has active read/write operation.
Is raised when path or stream is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Deletes specified file from ftp server.
File absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when path is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Renames file or directory to the new specified name.
Exisitng file or directory absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
New file or directory absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when fromPath or toPath is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Creates a directory on the FTP server.
Directory absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when path is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Deletes specified directory from FTP server.
Directory absolute or relative path to the current working directory.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when FTP client is not connected.
Is raised when path is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when FTP server returns error.
Sets transfer typr.
Transfer type.
Sends PORT command to server.
Sends PASV command to server.
Reads FTP server response line(s).
Returns FTP server response.
This method is called after TCP client has sucessfully connected.
Gets or sets data connection establish mode.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets local IP address to use for data connection. Value null means that system will allocate it.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets ports what data connection may use. Value null means that system will allocate it.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets greeting text which was sent by FTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and FTP client is not connected.
Gets FTP exteneded capabilities supported by FTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and FTP client is not connected.
Gets session authenticated user identity, returns null if not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and FTP client is not connected.
This class holds single file or directory in the FTP server.
Default constructor.
Directory or file name.
File size in bytes, zero for directory.
Directory or file last modification time.
Specifies if list item is directory or file.
Is raised when name is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets if current item is directory.
Gets if current item is file.
Gets the name of the file or directory.
Gets file size in bytes.
Gets last time file or direcory was modified.
Specifies FTP data connection transfer mode.
Active transfer mode - FTP server opens data connection FTP client.
Passive transfer mode - FTP client opens data connection FTP server.
This class represent DNS host entry.
Default constructor.
DNS host name.
Host IP addresses.
Host aliases(CNAME).
Is raised when hostName or ipAddresses is null reference.
Gets DNS host name.
Gets list of IP addresses that are associated with a host.
Gets list of aliases(CNAME) that are associated with a host.
Represents asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
This class represent IMAP command part.
Complete command consits of multiple parts.
Default constructor.
Command part type.
Command data.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Gets command part ype.
Gets command part string value.
This class specified IMAP command part type.
Command part is constant value.
Command part is IMAP string.
This class provides data for IMAP_Client.FetchGetStoreStream event.
Default constructor.
Fetch response.
Fetch data-item.
Is raised when fetch or dataItem is null reference.
Gets related FETCH response.
Gets FETCH data-item which stream to get.
Gets stream where to store data-item data.
IMAP v4 Client. Defined in RFC 3501.
To make this code to work, you need to import following namespaces:
using LumiSoft.Net.IMAP.Client;
using(IMAP_Client imap = new IMAP_Client()){
// Call Capability even if you don't care about capabilities, it also controls IMAP client features.
imap.Authenticate(... choose auth method ...);
// Do do your stuff ...
This class represents IMAP client settings.
Default constructor.
Gets or sets maximum allowed IMAP server response line in bytes.
Is raised when value less than 32000(32kb) is set.
This class represent IMAP single command line.
Default constructor.
Command line data.
Command line log text.
Is raised when data or logText is null reference.
Gets command line data.
Gets command line data.
This class is base class for simple(request -> response) IMAP commands.
Default constructor.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets command lines.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Default constructor.
Closes connection to IMAP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not connected.
Switches connection to secure connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
SSL server certificate validation callback. Value null means any certificate is accepted.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Processes STARTTLS command result.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Executes STARTTLS command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Authenticates user using IMAP-LOGIN method.
User name.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when user is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
User login name.
User password.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when user or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Executes LOGIN command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Sends AUTHENTICATE command to IMAP server.
SASL authentication.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when sasl is null reference.
Is raised when IMAP server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
SASL authentication.
Is raised when sasl is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when AUTHENTICATE command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when IMAP server response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending AUTHENTICATE command to IMAP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not connected or connection is already authenticated.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets IMAP server namespaces.
Returns namespaces responses.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes NAMESPACE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets folders list.
Folders filter. If this value is null, all folders are returned.
Returns folders list.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
The character "*" is a wildcard, and matches zero or more
characters at this position. The character "%" is similar to "*",
but it does not match a hierarchy delimiter. If the "%" wildcard
is the last character of a mailbox name argument, matching levels
of hierarchy are also returned.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folders filter. If this value is null, all folders are returned.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
The character "*" is a wildcard, and matches zero or more
characters at this position. The character "%" is similar to "*",
but it does not match a hierarchy delimiter. If the "%" wildcard
is the last character of a mailbox name argument, matching levels
of hierarchy are also returned.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes LIST command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Creates new folder.
Folder name with path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes CREATE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Deletes specified folder.
Folder name with path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes DELETE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Renames exisiting folder name.
Folder name with path to rename.
New folder name with path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder or newFolder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
New folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder or newFolder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes RENAME command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Get user subscribed folders list.
Folders filter. If this value is null, all folders are returned.
Returns subscribed folders list.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
The character "*" is a wildcard, and matches zero or more
characters at this position. The character "%" is similar to "*",
but it does not match a hierarchy delimiter. If the "%" wildcard
is the last character of a mailbox name argument, matching levels
of hierarchy are also returned.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folders filter. If this value is null, all folders are returned.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
The character "*" is a wildcard, and matches zero or more
characters at this position. The character "%" is similar to "*",
but it does not match a hierarchy delimiter. If the "%" wildcard
is the last character of a mailbox name argument, matching levels
of hierarchy are also returned.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes LSUB command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Subscribes specified folder.
Foler name with path.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes SUBSCRIBE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Unsubscribes specified folder.
Foler name with path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes UNSUBSCRIBE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets the specified folder status.
Folder name with path.
Returns STATUS responses.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes STATUS command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Selects specified folder.
Folder name with path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Processes command result.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Executes SELECT command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Selects folder as read-only, no changes to messages or flags not possible.
Folder name with path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Processes command result.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Executes EXAMINE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets specified folder quota roots and their quota resource usage.
Folder name with path.
Returns quota-roots and their resource limit entries.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes STATUS command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets the specified folder quota-root resource limit entries.
Quota root name.
Returns quota-root resource limit entries.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when quotaRootName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Quota root name.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is riased when quotaRootName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes GETQUOTA command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets the specified folder ACL entries.
Folder name with path.
Returns folder ACL entries.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is riased when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes GETACL command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Sets the specified folder ACL.
Folder name with path.
User name.
Specifies how flags are set.
ACL permissions.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder or user is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
ACL entry identifier. Normally this is user or group name.
Specifies how flags are set.
ACL permissions.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is riased when folder or identifier is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes SETACL command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Deletes the specified folder user ACL entry.
Folder name with path.
User name.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder or user is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
ACL entry identifier. Normally this is user or group name.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is riased when folder or identifier is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes DELETEACL command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets rights which can be set for the specified identifier.
Folder name with path.
ACL entry identifier. Normally this is user or group name.
Returns LISTRIGHTS responses.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised whenfolder or identifier is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
ACL entry identifier. Normally this is user or group name.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is riased when folder or identifier is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes LISTRIGHTS command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets myrights to the specified folder.
Folder name with path.
Returns MYRIGHTS responses.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is riased when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes MYRIGHTS command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores specified message to the specified folder.
Folder name with path.
Message flags. Value null means no flags. For example: new string[]{"\Seen","\Answered"}.
Message internal data. DateTime.MinValue means server will allocate it.
Message stream.
Number of bytes send from message stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Stores specified message to the specified folder.
Folder name with path.
Message flags.
Message internal data. DateTime.MinValue means server will allocate it.
Message stream.
Number of bytes send from message stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder,flags or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Stores specified message to the specified folder.
Store message operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Message flags. Value null means no flags.
Message internal data. DateTime.MinValue means server will allocate it.
Message stream.
Number of bytes send from message stream.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is riased when folder or message is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Processes intial command line sending result.
Asynchronous operation.
Processes message literal sending result.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets APPENDUID optional response. Returns null if IMAP server doesn't support UIDPLUS extention.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Executes APPEND command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Enables the specified IMAP capabilities in server.
IMAP capabilities.
Returns enabled capabilities info.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when capabilities is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when capabilities is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes ENABLE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Enables UTF-8 support in IMAP server.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state(not-connected,not-authenticated or selected state).
Before calling this method, you need to check IMAP capability list to see if server supports "UTF8=ACCEPT" or "UTF8=ALL" capability.
For more info see rfc5738.
Closes selected folder, all messages marked as Deleted will be expunged.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Processes command result.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Executes CLOSE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Fetches specified message items.
Specifies if argument seqSet contains messages UID or sequence numbers.
Sequence set of messages to fetch.
Fetch items to fetch.
Optional callback to be called for each server returned untagged response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when seqSet or items is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Fetch raises for ecach fetched message.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Specifies if argument seqSet contains messages UID or sequence numbers.
Sequence set of messages to fetch.
Fetch items to fetch.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when seqSet or items is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Starts executing FETCH command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Searches message what matches specified search criteria.
If true then UID SERACH, otherwise normal SEARCH.
Charset used in search criteria. Value null means ASCII. The UTF-8 is reccomended value non ASCII searches.
Search criteria.
Returns search expression matehced messages sequence-numbers or UIDs(This depends on argument uid value).
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is rised when criteria is null reference.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Specifies if argument seqSet contains messages UID or sequence numbers.
Charset used in search criteria. Value null means ASCII. The UTF-8 is reccomended value non ASCII searches.
Search criteria.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when criteria is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Starts executing SEARCH command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores specified message flags to the sepcified messages.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or sequence-numbers.
Messages sequence-set.
Specifies how flags are set.
Message flags.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when seqSet or flags is null reference.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or message-numberss.
Messages sequence set.
If true, no FETCH (FLAGS) response returned by server.
Specifies how flags are set.
Message flags.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when seqSet or msgFlags is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes STORE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Copies specified messages from current selected folder to the specified target folder.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or message-numberss.
Messages sequence set.
Target folder name with path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when seqSet or targetFolder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Copies specified messages from current selected folder to the specified target folder.
Copy messages operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or message-numberss.
Messages sequence set.
Target folder name with path.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when seqSet or targetFolder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Gets COPYUID optional response. Returns null if IMAP server doesn't support UIDPLUS extention.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Executes COPY command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Moves specified messages from current selected folder to the specified target folder.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or message-numberss.
Messages sequence set.
Target folder name with path.
If ture messages are expunged from selected folder, otherwise they are marked as Deleted.
Note: If true - then all messages marked as Deleted are expunged !
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Deletes all messages in selected folder which has "Deleted" flag set.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes EXPUNGE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts exiting IDLE state.
Is raised when this not in valid state.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Processes command result.
Asynchronous operation.
Processes IDLE final(final response after +) response reading result.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Executes IDLE command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets IMAP server capabilities.
Returns CAPABILITIES responses.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes CAPABILITY command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Sends NOOP command to IMAP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when we need to init command line info.
IMAP client.
Executes NOOP command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
This method is called when TCP client has sucessfully connected.
Callback to be called to complete connect operation.
Processes IMAP server greeting reading result.
Reading operation.
Callback to be called to complete connect operation.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
IMAP command line.
IMAP command line log text.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when cmdLine or cmdLineLogText is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
IMAP command lines.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Is raised when cmdLines is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Sends next command line to IMAP server.
Processes command line sending result.
Asynchronous result.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Sends IMAP command to server and reads server responses.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any oth the arguments has invalid value.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Prepares this class for reuse.
Is raised when this is not valid state.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when TcpStream.ReadLine has completed.
Event data.
Is called when read line has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
This method is called when FETCH parsing has completed.
Event data.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts reading IMAP server response.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any oth the arguments has invalid value.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Optional callback to be called for each received untagged response.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when IMAP server response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raiswed when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Returns IMAP server final response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts reading IMAP server final(OK/BAD/NO/+) response.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any oth the arguments has invalid value.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Store stream.
String literal size in bytes.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner IMAP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
This method is called when string-literal reading has completed.
Asynchronous result.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets literal stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts reading string-literal from IMAP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is raised when any oth the arguments has invalid value.
Gets if IMAP server supports the specified capability.
IMAP capability.
Return true if IMAP server supports the specified capability.
Is raised when capability is null reference.
Gets session authenticated user identity, returns null if not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and IMAP client is not connected.
Get IMAP server greeting text.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and IMAP client is not connected.
Get IMAP server(CAPABILITY command cached) supported capabilities.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and IMAP client is not connected.
Gets IMAP server folder separator.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and IMAP client is not connected.
Gets selected folder. Returns null if no folder selected.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and IMAP client is not connected.
Gets active IDLE operation or null if no active IDLE operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and IMAP client is not connected.
Gets IMAP client settings.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This event is raised when IMAP server sends untagged status response.
Raises UntaggedStatusResponse event.
Untagged response.
Is raised when IMAP server sends any untagged response.
NOTE: This event may raised from thread pool thread, so UI event handlers need to use Invoke.
Raises UntaggedResponse event.
Untagged IMAP server response.
This event is raised when IMAP server expunges message and sends EXPUNGE response.
Raises MessageExpunged event.
Expunge response.
This event is raised when FETCH response parsing allows to specify stream where to store binary data.
Thhis event is raised for FETCH BODY[]/RFC822/RFC822.HEADER/RFC822.TEXT data-items.
Raises FetchGetStoreStream event.
Event data.
Reads IMAP server responses.
Folder info where to store folder related data.
This applies to SELECT or EXAMINE command only. This value can be null.
List wehere to store CAPABILITY command result. This value can be null.
List wehere to store SEARCH command result. This value can be null.
List where to store LIST command result. This value can be null.
List where to store LSUB command result. This value can be null.
List where to store ACL command result. This value can be null.
List where to store MYRIGHTS command result. This value can be null.
List where to store LISTRIGHTS command result. This value can be null.
List where to store STATUS command result. This value can be null.
List where to store QUOTA command result. This value can be null.
List where to store QUOTAROOT command result. This value can be null.
List where to store NAMESPACE command result. This value can be null.
Fetch data-items handler.
List where to store ENABLE command result. This value can be null.
Returns command completion status response.
Searches message what matches specified search criteria.
If true then UID SERACH, otherwise normal SEARCH.
Charset used in search criteria. Value null means ASCII. The UTF-8 is reccomended value non ASCII searches.
Search criteria.
Returns search expression matehced messages sequence-numbers or UIDs(This depends on argument uid value).
Is rised when criteria is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state(not-connected, not-authenticated or not-selected state).
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Fetches specified message items.
Specifies if argument seqSet contains messages UID or sequence numbers.
Sequence set of messages to fetch.
Fetch items to fetch.
Fetch responses handler.
Is raised when seqSet,items or handler is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state(not-connected, not-authenticated or not-selected state).
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Stores specified message to the specified folder.
Folder name with path.
Message flags.
Message internal data. DateTime.MinValue means server will allocate it.
Message stream.
Number of bytes send from message stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when folder or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Stores specified message flags to the sepcified messages.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or sequence-numbers.
Messages sequence-set.
Specifies how flags are set.
Message flags. Value null means no flags. For example: new string[]{"\Seen","\Answered"}.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when seqSet is null reference.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Stores specified message flags to the sepcified messages.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or sequence-numbers.
Messages sequence-set.
Specifies how flags are set.
Message flags.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when seqSet is null reference.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Copies specified messages from current selected folder to the specified target folder.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or message-numberss.
Messages sequence set.
Target folder name with path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when seqSet or targetFolder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Moves specified messages from current selected folder to the specified target folder.
Specifies if seqSet contains UIDs or message-numberss.
Messages sequence set.
Target folder name with path.
If ture messages are expunged from selected folder, otherwise they are marked as Deleted.
Note: If true - then all messages marked as Deleted are expunged !
Is raised when seqSet or targetFolder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state(not-connected, not-authenticated or not-selected state).
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
Gets the specified folder quota-root resource limit entries.
Quota root name.
Returns quota-root resource limit entries.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when IMAP client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when quotaRootName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when server refuses to complete this command and returns error.
This class implements FETCH response reader.
Default constructor.
IMAP client.
Initial FETCH response line.
Fetch data-items handler.
Is raised when imap,fetchLine or handler is null reference.
Starts reading FETCH response.
Gets FETCH current line data reader.
Reads string. Quoted-string-string-literal and NIL supported.
Returns readed string.
Reads IMAP string-literal from remote endpoint.
Number of bytes to read.
Returns readed string-literal.
Reads IMAP string-literal from remote endpoint.
Number of bytes to read.
Stream where to store readed data.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Send specified command to the IMAP server.
Command to send.
Is raised when command is null reference value.
Reads final response from IMAP server.
Optional callback to be called for each server returned untagged response.
Returns final response.
This class provides IMAP FETCH response handling methods.
Default constructor.
Sets CurrentSeqNo property value.
Message sequnece number.
Gets current message sequence number. Value -1 means no current message.
This event is raised when current message changes and next message FETCH data-items will be returned.
Raises NextMessage event.
Is raised when current message FETCH BODY[] data-item is returned.
Raises Body event.
Event args.
Is raised when current message FETCH ENVELOPE data-item is returned.
Raises Envelope event.
Envelope value.
Is raised when current message FETCH FLAGS data-item is returned.
Raises Flags event.
Message flags.
Is raised when current message FETCH INTERNALDATE data-item is returned.
Raises InternalDate event.
Message IMAP server internal date.
Is raised when current message FETCH RFC822 data-item is returned.
Raises Rfc822 event.
Event args.
Is raised when current message FETCH RFC822.HEADER data-item is returned.
Raises Rfc822Text event.
Message header.
Is raised when current message FETCH RFC822.SIZE data-item is returned.
Raises Rfc822Size event.
Message size in bytes.
Is raised when current message FETCH RFC822.TEXT data-item is returned.
Raises Rfc822Text event.
Message body text.
Is raised when current message FETCH UID data-item is returned.
Raises UID event.
Message UID value.
Is raised when current message FETCH GMail X-GM-MSGID data-item is returned.
Raises X_GM_MSGID event.
Message ID.
Is raised when current message FETCH GMail X-GM-THRID data-item is returned.
Raises X_GM_THRID event.
Message thread ID.
This class represents FETCH BODY[] data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Defualt constructor.
Body section value.
Body data offset.
Gets BODY section value. Value null means not specified(full message).
Gets BODY data returning start offset. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets stream where BODY data is stored.
This method is called when message storing has completed.
Raises StoringCompleted event.
This class provides data for the event.
Default constructor.
Gets or sets stream where RFC822 message is stored.
This method is called when message storing has completed.
Raises StoringCompleted event.
This class represents IMAP client selected folder.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Is raised when name is null reference value.
Is riased when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Returns this object as human readable string.
Returns this object as human readable string.
Sets UidValidity property value.
Value to set.
Sets Flags property value.
Value to set.
Sets PermanentFlags property value.
Value to set.
Sets IsReadOnly property value.
Value to set.
Sets UidNext property value.
Value to set.
Sets FirstUnseen property value.
Value to set.
Sets MessagesCount property value.
Value to set.
Sets RecentMessagesCount property value.
Value to set.
Coneverts string array to comma separated value.
String array.
Returns string array as comma separated value.
Gets selected folder name(path included).
Gets folder UID value. Value null means IMAP server doesn't support UIDVALIDITY feature.
Gets flags what folder supports.
Gets permanent flags what folder can store.
Gets if folder is read-only or read-write.
Gets next predicted message UID. Value -1 means that IMAP server doesn't support it.
Gets first unseen message sequence number. Value -1 means no unseen message.
Gets number of messages in this folder.
Gets number of recent messages in this folder.
IMAP client exception.
Default constructor.
IMAP server response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Default constructor.
IMAP server response line.
Is raised when responseLine is null.
Default constructor.
IMAP response code(BAD,NO).
Response text.
Is raised when responseCode or responseText is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets IMAP server response.
Gets IMAP server error status code.
Gets IMAP server response text after status code.
This class represents IMAP BYE response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.5.
Default constructor.
Bye reason text.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Parses BYE response from bye-response string.
Bye response string.
Returns parsed BYE response.
Is raised when byeResponse is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets BYE reason text.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH ALL key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH ALL key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH ALL key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This is base class for IMAP server FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE MIME entities. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Sets this entity parent entity.
Parent entity.
Gets Content-Type header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets Content-Disposition header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets content language. Value null means not specified.
Gets content location. Value null means not specified.
Gets IMAP fetch body[part-specifier] value. This value can be used to fetch this entity from full message.
This class represents IMAP server FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE multipart entity. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Parses IMAP FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE multipart entity from reader.
Fetch reader.
Returns parsed bodystructure entity.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Gets the specified body part zero-based index number.
Body part.
Return specified body part zero-based index number.
Gets Content-Type header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets Content-Disposition header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets content language. Value null means not specified.
Gets content location. Value null means not specified.
Gets multipart child body parts.
This class represents IMAP server FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE single-part entity. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Parses IMAP FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE single part entity from reader.
Fetch reader.
Returns parsed bodystructure entity.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Gets Content-Type header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets Content-ID header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets Content-Description header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets Content-Transfer-Encoding header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets encoded content size in bytes. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets encoded content lines count. This property is available only for Content-Type: text/xxx and message/xx. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets content MD5 hash. Value null means not specified.
Gets Content-Disposition header value. Value null means not specified.
Gets content language. Value null means not specified.
Gets content location. Value null means not specified.
This is base class for any IMAP server optional response codes. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Parses IMAP optional response from reader.
Optional response reader.
Returns parsed optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
This is class represents IMAP server ALERT optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Alert text.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Parses ALERT optional response from reader.
ALERT optional response reader.
Returns ALERT optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets alert text.
This is class represents IMAP server APPENDUID optional response code. Defined in RFC 4315.
Default constructor.
Mailbox UID value.
Message UID value.
Parses APPENDUID optional response from reader.
APPENDUID optional response reader.
Returns APPENDUID optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets mailbox(folder) UID value.
Gets message UID value.
This is class represents IMAP server BADCHARSET optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
List of supported charsets.
Is raised when charsets is null reference.
Parses BADCHARSET optional response from reader.
BADCHARSET optional response reader.
Returns BADCHARSET optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets list of supported charsets.
This is class represents IMAP server CAPABILITY optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
List of supported capabilities.
Is raised when capabilities is null reference.
Parses CAPABILITY optional response from reader.
CAPABILITY optional response reader.
Returns CAPABILITY optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets list of supported capabilities.
This is class represents IMAP server COPYUID optional response code. Defined in RFC 4315.
Default constructor.
Target folde UID value.
Source messages UID's.
Target messages UID's.
Is raised when sourceSeqSet or targetSeqSet is null reference.
Parses COPYUID optional response from reader.
COPYUID optional response reader.
Returns COPYUID optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets target mailbox UID value.
Gets source messages UID sequence set.
Gets target messages UID sequence set.
This is class represents IMAP server PARSE optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Parse error text.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Parses PARSE optional response from reader.
PARSE optional response reader.
Returns PARSE optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets parse error text.
This is class represents IMAP server PERMANENTFLAGS optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
List of supported permanent flags.
Is raised when flags is null reference.
Parses PERMANENTFLAGS optional response from string.
PERMANENTFLAGS optional response reader.
Returns PERMANENTFLAGS optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets list of supported permanent flags.
This is class represents IMAP server READ-ONLY optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Parses READ-ONLY optional response from reader.
READ-ONLY optional response reader.
Returns READ-ONLY optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
This is class represents IMAP server READ-WRITE optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Parses READ-WRITE optional response from reader.
READ-WRITE optional response reader.
Returns READ-WRITE optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
This is class represents IMAP server TRYCREATE optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Parses TRYCREATE optional response from reader.
TRYCREATE optional response reader.
Returns TRYCREATE optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
This is class represents IMAP server UIDNEXT optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Next UID value.
Parses UIDNEXT optional response from reader.
UIDNEXT optional response reader.
Returns UIDNEXT optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets next message predicted UID value.
This is class represents IMAP server UIDVALIDITY optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Mailbox UID value.
Parses UIDVALIDITY optional response from reader.
UIDVALIDITY optional response reader.
Returns UIDVALIDITY optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets mailbox(folder) UID value.
This class represents unknwon IMAP server optional response.
Default constructor.
Optional response value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Parses unknown optional response from reader.
Unknown optional response reader.
Returns unknown optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Optional response value.
This is class represents IMAP server UNSEEN optional response code. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
First unseen message sequence number.
Parses UNSEEN optional response from reader.
UNSEEN optional response reader.
Returns UNSEEN optional response.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Gets first unseen message sequence number.
This class implements IMAP server session. Defined RFC 3501.
This class holds selected folder data.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
Specifies if folder is read only.
Messages info.
Is raised when folder or messagesInfo is null reference.
Gets messages which match to the specified sequence set.
Specifies if sequence set contains UID or sequence numbers.
Sequence set.
Returns messages which match to the specified sequence set.
Is raised when seqSet is null reference.
Removes specified message from messages info.
Message info.
Is raised when message is null reference.
Gets specified message info IMAP 1-based sequence number.
Message info.
Returns specified message info IMAP 1-based sequence number.
Is raised when msgInfo is null reference.
Gets specified message IMAP 1-based sequence number.
Message UID.
Returns specified message info IMAP 1-based sequence number or -1 if no such message.
Reindexes messages sequence numbers.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets if folder is read-only.
Gets messages info.
This class implements IMAP client command reader.
Because IMAP command can contain literal strings, then command text can be multiline.
Default constructor.
Owner IMAP session.
IMAP client initial command line.
IMAP literal strings charset encoding.
Is raised when session,initialCmdLine or charset is null reference.
Start operation processing.
Cheks if specified value ends with IMAP literal string.
Data value.
Returns true if value ends with IMAP literal string, otherwise false.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Gets literal string bytes count.
Command line with ending literal string.
Returns literal string byte count.
Is raised when cmdLine is null reference.
Removes literal string specifier({no_bytes}) from the specified string.
Command line with ending literal string specifier.
Returns command line without literal string specifier.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Gets command line text.
This class implements IMAP response sender.
This class represents queued IMAP response and it's status.
Default constructor.
IMAP response.
Callback to be called when response sending completes asynchronously.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Gets or sets if IMAP response is sent.
Gets IMAP response.
Gets callback to be called when response sending completes asynchronously.
Default constructor.
Owner IMAP session.
Is raised when session is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts sending response.
IMAP response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Starts sending response.
IMAP response.
Callback to be called when this method completes asynchronously.
Returns true is method completed asynchronously(the completedAsyncCallback is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Starts sending queued responses.
Specifies if this methd is called from asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts session processing.
Is called when session has processing error.
Exception happened.
This method is called when specified session times out.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Starts reading incoming command from the connected client.
Completes command reading operation.
Returns true if server should start reading next command.
Sends and logs specified line to connected host.
Line to send.
Logs read operation.
Number of bytes read.
Log text.
Logs write operation.
Number of bytes written.
Log text.
Logs specified text.
text to log.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Logs specified exception.
Exception to log.
Is raised when exception is null reference.
Updates current slected folder status and sends currently selected folder changes versus current folder state.
Gets if session supports specified capability.
Capability name.
Returns true if session supports specified capability.
Parses MIME part-number specifier from BODY[] section string.
Section string.
Returns part-number.
Is raised wehn section is null reference.
Parses MIME part specifier from BODY[] section string.
Section string.
Returns specifier.
Is raised wehn section is null reference.
Gets specified mime entity. Returns null if specified mime entity doesn't exist.
Mail message.
MIME part-number specifier. Nested mime entities are pointed by '.'.
For example: 1,1.1,2.1, ... .
Is raised when message is null reference.
Constructs FETCH BODY and BODYSTRUCTURE response.
Mail message.
Specifies if to construct BODY or BODYSTRUCTURE.
Constructs specified entity and it's childentities bodystructure string.
Mime entity.
Specifies if to construct BODY or BODYSTRUCTURE.
Gets session owner IMAP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets supported SASL authentication methods collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of bad commands happened on IMAP session.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets authenticated user identity or null if user has not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session supported CAPABILITIES.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets selected folder name with optional path. Value null means no selected folder.
Gets mailbox encoding.
Is raised when session has started processing and needs to send "* OK ..." greeting or "* NO ..." error resposne to the connected client.
Raises Started event.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle LOGIN command.
Raises Login event.
User name.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle NAMESPACE command.
Raises Namespace event.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle LIST command.
Raises List event.
Folder reference name.
Folder filter.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle CREATE command.
Raises Create event.
Command tag.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle DELETE command.
Raises Delete event.
Command tag.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle RENAME command.
Raises Rename event.
Command tag.
Current folder name with optional path.
New folder name with optional path.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle LSUB command.
Raises LSub event.
Folder reference name.
Folder filter.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle SUBSCRIBE command.
Raises Subscribe event.
Command tag.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle SUBSCRIBE command.
Raises OnUnsubscribe event.
Command tag.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle SELECT command.
Raises Select event.
Command tag.
Folder name with optional path.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to get folder messages info.
Raises GetMessagesInfo event.
Folder name with optional path.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle APPEND command.
Raises StoreMessage event.
Folder name with optional path.
Message flags.
Message IMAP internal date.
Message size in bytes.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle GETQUOTAROOT command.
Raises GetQuotaRoot event.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle GETQUOTA command.
Raises GetQuota event.
Quota root name.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle GETACL command.
Raises GetAcl event.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle SETACL command.
Raises SetAcl event.
Folder name with optional path.
ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
Flags set type.
Identifier rights.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle DELETEACL command.
Raises DeleteAcl event.
Folder name with optional path.
ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle LISTRIGHTS command.
Raises ListRights event.
Folder name with optional path.
ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle MYRIGHTS command.
Raises MyRights event.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle FETCH command.
Raises Fetch event.
Event data.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle SEARCH command.
Raises Search event.
Event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle STORE command.
Raises Store event.
Message info.
Flags set type.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle COPY command.
Raises Copy event.
Target folder name with optional path.
Messages info.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
Is raised when IMAP session needs to handle EXPUNGE command.
Raises Expunge event.
Messgae info.
Default IMAP server response.
Returns event args.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.DeleteAcl event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when folder,identifier or response is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Copy event.
Default constructor.
Source folder name with optional path.
Target folder name
Messages info.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when sourceFolder,targetFolder,messagesInfo or response is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets source folder name with optional path.
Gets target folder name with optional path.
Gets messages info.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Expunge event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
Message info.
Default IMAP server response.
Is riased when folder,msgInfo or response is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets message info.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Fetch event.
IMAP FETCH handler application should provide requested data for each message in
by calling method.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.NewMessageData event.
Default constructor.
Message info.
Message data stream.
Is raised when msgInfo is null reference.
Gets message info.
Gets message data stream.
Default constructor.
Messages info.
Fetch data type(Specifies what data AddData method expects).
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when messagesInfo or response is null reference.
Adds specified message for FETCH response processing.
IMAP message info.
Adds specified message for FETCH response processing.
IMAP message info which message data it is.
Message data. NOTE: This value must be as specified by .
Is raised when msgInfo or msgData is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets messages info.
Gets fetch data type(Specifies what data AddData method expects).
This event is raised when new message-info/message-data is added for FETCH processing.
Raises NewMessageData event.
IMAP message info which message data it is.
Message data. NOTE: This value must be as specified by .
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Create,
IMAP_Session.Unsubscribe events.
Defaultc constructor.
Command tag.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when cmdTag,folder or response is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Gets IMAP command tag value.
Gets folder name with optional path.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.GetAcl event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when folder or response is null reference.
Gets ACL responses collection.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.GetQuotaRoot event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when folder or response is null reference.
Gets QUOTAROOT responses collection.
Gets QUOTA responses collection.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.List event.
Default constructor.
Folder reference name.
Folder filter.
Gets folder reference name. Value null means not specified.
Gets folder filter.
The character "*" is a wildcard, and matches zero or more
characters at this position. The character "%" is similar to "*",
but it does not match a hierarchy delimiter. If the "%" wildcard
is the last character of a mailbox name argument, matching levels
of hierarchy are also returned.
Gets IMAP folders collection.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.ListRights event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when folder,identifier or response is null reference.
Gets or sets LISTRIGHTS response.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Login event.
Default constructor.
User name.
Is raised when user or password is null reference.
Gets or sets if specified user is authenticated.
Gets user name.
Gets user password.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.LSub event.
Default constructor.
Folder reference name.
Folder filter.
Gets folder reference name. Value null means not specified.
Gets folder filter.
The character "*" is a wildcard, and matches zero or more
characters at this position. The character "%" is similar to "*",
but it does not match a hierarchy delimiter. If the "%" wildcard
is the last character of a mailbox name argument, matching levels
of hierarchy are also returned.
Gets IMAP folders collection.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.GetMessagesInfo event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets messages info collection.
Gets messages count.
Gets messages count with recent flag set.
Get messages first unseen message 1-based sequnece number. Returns -1 if no umseen messages.
Gets messages count with seen flag not set.
Gets next message predicted UID value.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.MyRights event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when folder or response is null reference.
Gets or sets MYRIGHTS response.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Namespace event.
Default constructor.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server NAMESPACE response.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.GetQuota event.
Default constructor.
Quota root name.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when quotaRoot is null reference.
Gets QUOTA responses collection.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets quopta root name.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Rename event.
Default constructor.
Command tag.
Current folder name with optional path.
New folder name with optional path.
Is raised when cmdTag,currentFolder or newFolder is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Gets IMAP command tag value.
Gets current folder name with optional path.
Gets new folder name with optional path.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Search event.
IMAP SEARCH handler application should provide message UID per each search criteria matched message
by calling method.
Default constructor.
Serach criteria.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when criteria or response is null reference.
Adds message which matches search criteria.
Message UID value.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets search criteria.
Is raised when new message matches search criteria.
Raises Matched event.
Message UID.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Select event.
Default constructor.
Command tag.
Folder name with optional path.
Is raised when cmdTag or folder is null reference.
Gets command tag.
Gets or sets IMAP server error response to this operation. Value means no error.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets or sets if specified folder is read-only.
Gets or sets folder UID value. Value 0 means not specified.
Gets folder supported flags collection.
Gets folder supported permanent flags collection.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.SetAcl event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
Flags set type.
Identifier rights.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when folder,identifier,rights or response is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets ACL identifier (normally user or group name).
Gets flags set type.
Gets identifier rights.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Started event.
Default constructor.
IMAP server response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response.
Response should be OK,NO with human readable text."
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Append event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
Message flags.
IMAP internal date. Value DateTime.MinValue means not specified.
Message size in bytes.
Default IMAP server response.
Is riased when folder,flags or response is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets message flags.
Gets message internal date. Value DateTime.MinValue means not specified.
Gets message size in bytes.
Gets or sets message stream.
This event is raised when message storing has completed.
Raises Completed event.
This class provides data for IMAP_Session.Store event.
Default constructor.
Folder name with optional path.
Message info.
Flags set type.
Default IMAP server response.
Is raised when folder,msgInfo,flags or response is null reference.
Gets or sets IMAP server response to this operation.
Is raised when null reference value set.
Gets folder name with optional path.
Gets IMAP message info.
Gets flags set type.
Gets flags.
This class holds IMAP server FETCH return data type.
Message header.
Full message.
Message structure(Full message, all body data truncated).
This class represents IMAP message info.
Default constructor.
Message ID.
Message IMAP UID value.
Message flags.
Message size in bytes.
Message IMAP internal date.
Is raised when id or flags is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets if this message info contains specified message flag.
Message flag.
Returns true if message info contains specified message flag.
Flags to IMAP flags string.
Returns IMAP flags string.
Updates IMAP message flags.
Flags set type.
IMAP message flags.
Is raised when flags is null reference.
Gets message ID value.
Gets message IMAP UID value.
Gets message flags.
Gets message size in bytes.
Gets message IMAP internal date.
Gets or sets message one-based sequnece number.
This class implements IMAPv4 server. Defined RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections per connected IP exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Gets or sets server greeting text.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets how many bad commands session can have before it's terminated. Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
This class represents GMail X-GM-MSGID data item. Defined in GMail API.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents GMail X-GM-THRID data item. Defined in GMail API.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class specifies IMAP mailbox name encoding.
Mailbox names are not encoded.
Mailbox names are encoded with IMAP UTF-7 encoding. For more info see rfc3501.
Mailbox names are encoded with IMAP UTF-8 encoding. For more info see rfc5738.
This class represents IMAP ENABLE response. Defined in RFC 5161 4.
Default constructor.
IMAP capabilities.
Is raised when capabilities is null reference.
Parses ENABLE response from enable-response string.
Enable response string.
Returns parsed ENABLE response.
Is raised when enableResponse is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets IMAP capabilities.
This class represents IMAP EXISTS response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.3.1.
Default constructor.
Message count.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses EXISTS response from exists-response string.
Exists response string.
Returns parsed exists response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets number of messages in mailbox.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Message 1-based sequence number.
Fetch response data-items.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when dataItems is null reference.
Default constructor.
Message 1-based sequence number.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Starts parsing FETCH response.
IMAP cleint.
Initial FETCH response line.
Callback to be called when fetch completed.
Is raised when imap,line or callback is null reference.
Starts writing response to the specified stream.
Owner IMAP session.
Stream where to store response.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Callback to be called when this method completes asynchronously.
Returns true is method completed asynchronously(the completedAsyncCallback is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Starts parsing fetch data-items,
IMAP client.
Fetch line reader.
Callback to be called when parsing completes.
Is raised when imap,r or callback is null reference.
Reads string-literal(stores it to reader 'r') and continuing fetch line.
IMAP client.
String reader.
Fetch completion callback.
Returns true if completed asynchronously or false if completed synchronously.
Is raised when imap,r or callback is null reference.
Reads IMAP string(string-literal,quoted-string,NIL) and remaining FETCH line if needed.
IMAP client.
Fetch line reader.
Fetch completion callback.
Stream where to store readed data.
Returns true if completed asynchronously or false if completed synchronously.
Is raised when imap,r,callback or stream is null reference.
Reads next continuing FETCH line and stores to fetch reader 'r'.
IMAP client.
String reader.
Fetch completion callback.
Returns true if completed asynchronously or false if completed synchronously.
Is raised when imap,r or callback is null reference.
Returns specified data-item or null if no such item.
Data-item to filter.
Returns specified data-item or null if no such item.
Is raised when dataItem is null reference.
Gets message 1-based sequence number.
Gets fetch response data items.
Gets BODY[] values.
Gets BODYSTRUCTURE value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets ENVELOPE value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets FLAGS value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets INTERNALDATE value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets RFC822 value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets RFC822.HEADER value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets RFC822.SIZE value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets RFC822.TEXT value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets UID value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets X-GM-MSGID value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
Gets X-GM-THRID value. Returns null if fetch response doesn't contain specified data-item.
This class represents IMAP FLAGS response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.2.6.
Default constructor.
Mailbox flags list.
Is raised when flags is null reference.
Parses FLAGS response from exists-response string.
Exists response string.
Returns parsed flags response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets mailbox supported flags.
This class represents IMAP RECENT response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.3.2.
Default constructor.
Message count with \Recent flag set.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses RECENT response from recent-response string.
Recent response string.
Returns parsed recent response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets number of messages in mailbox with \Recent flag set.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.2.5.
Default constructor.
Search maching messages seqNo/UID(Depeneds on UID SEARCH) list.
Parses SEARCH response from exists-response string.
Exists response string.
Returns parsed search response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets search matching messages seqNo/UID(Depeneds on UID SEARCH) list.
This class is base class for IMAP FETCH request arguments(data-items). For more info see RFC 3501. 6.4.5.
This class represents FETCH request BODY[] argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
Body section. Value null means not specified.
Data returning offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Maximum number of bytes to return. Value -1 means not specified.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets body section. Value null means not specified.
Gets start offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets maximum count of bytes to fetch. Value -1 means not specified.
This class represents FETCH request BODY argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
This class represents FETCH request BODYSTRUCTURE argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request ENVELOPE argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request FLAGS argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request INTERNALDATE argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request BODY.PEEK[] argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
Body section. Value null means not specified.
Data returning offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Maximum number of bytes to return. Value -1 means not specified.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets body section. Value null means not specified.
Gets start offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets maximum count of bytes to fetch. Value -1 means not specified.
This class represents FETCH request RFC822 argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request RFC822.HEADER argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request RFC822.SIZE argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request RFC822.TEXT argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request UID argument(data-item). Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request GMail X-GM-MSGID argument(data-item). Defined in GMail API.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH request GMail X-GM-THRID argument(data-item). Defined in GMail API.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class is base class for IMAP FETCH response data-items. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response BODY[] data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Body section value. Value null means not specified(full message).
Data starting offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Data stream.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Sets Stream property value.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets BODY section value. Value null means not specified(full message).
Gets BODY data returning start offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets data stream.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response BODY data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response BODYSTRUCTURE data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Fetch reader.
Returns parsed bodystructure.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Gets message attachments.
Specifies if 'inline' entities are included.
Returns message attachments.
Gets if message contains signed data.
Gets message entity.
Gets all MIME entities as list.
Gets attachment entities. Content-Disposition "inline" not included, use GetAttachments method which allows to include "inline".
Gets first text/plain body entity, returns null if no such entity.
Gets first text/html body entity, returns null if no such entity.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response ENVELOPE data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Message Date header value.
Message Subject header value.
Message From header value.
Message Sender header value.
Message Reply-To header value.
Message To header value.
Message Cc header value.
Message Bcc header value.
Message In-Reply-To header value.
Message Message-ID header value.
Parses IMAP FETCH ENVELOPE from reader.
Fetch reader.
Returns parsed envelope.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Construct secified mime entity ENVELOPE string.
Mail message.
Reads parenthesized list of addresses.
String reader.
Returns read addresses.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Reads and decodes word from reader.
String reader.
Returns decoded word.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Constructs ENVELOPE addresses structure.
Unicode words encoder.
Constructs ENVELOPE address structure.
Mailbox address.
Unicode words encoder.
Removes CR and LF chars from the specified string.
String value.
Reurns string.
Gets message Date header field value. Value DateTime.Min means no Date header field.
Gets message Subject header field value. Value null means no Subject header field.
Gets message From header field value. Value null means no From header field.
Gets message Sender header field value. Value null means no Sender header field.
Gets message Reply-To header field value. Value null means no Reply-To header field.
Gets message To header field value. Value null means no To header field.
Gets message Cc header field value. Value null means no Cc header field.
Gets message Bcc header field value. Value null means no Bcc header field.
Gets message In-Reply-To header field value. Value null means no In-Reply-To header field.
Gets message Message-ID header field value. Value null means no Message-ID header field.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response FALGS data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Message flags.
Is raised when flags is null reference.
Gets message flags.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response INTERNALDATE data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
IMAP server internal assigned date-time.
Gets message IMAP server internal assigned date-time.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response RFC822 data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Message stream.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Sets Stream property value.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets message stream.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response RFC822.HEADER data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Message header stream.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Sets Stream property value.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets message header stream.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response RFC822.SIZE data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Message size in bytes.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets message size in bytes.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response RFC822.TEXT data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Message body text stream.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Sets Stream property value.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets message body text stream.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response UID data-item. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.2.
Default constructor.
Message UID value.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets message UID value.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response X-GM-MSGID data-item. Defined in GMail API.
Default constructor.
Message ID.
Gets message ID.
This class represents IMAP FETCH response X-GM-THRID data-item. Defined in GMail API.
Default constructor.
Thread ID.
Gets thread ID.
This class represent IMAP message flags. Defined in RFC 3501 2.3.2.
Message flag Seen: Message has been read.
Message flag Answered: Message has been answered.
Message flag Flagged: Message is "flagged" for urgent/special attention.
Message flag Deleted: Message is "deleted" for removal by later EXPUNGE.
Message flag Draft: Message has not completed composition (marked as a draft).
Message flag Recent: Message is "recently" arrived in this mailbox.
Default constructor.
Message flags.
Parses message flags from flags-string.
Message flags sttring.
Returns parsed flags.
Is riased when value is null reference.
Returns this as flags string.
Returns this as flags string.
Gets if flags list contains the specified flag.
Message flag.
Returns true if flags list contains the specified flag.
Copies message flags to string array.
Returns message flags as string array.
Gets number of flags in the collection.
IMAP sequence-set. Defined in RFC 3501.
2 -> seq-number (2)
2:4 -> seq-range (from 2 - 4)
2:* -> seq-range (from 2 to last)
2,3,10:* -> sequence-set (seq-number,seq-number,seq-range)
(2,3, 10 - last)
*) comma separates sequence parts
*) * means maximum value.
Default constructor.
Parses sequense-set from string.
Sequence-set string.
Returns parse sequence set.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Gets if sequence-set contains specified number.
Sequence number.
Returns this as sequence-set string.
Returns this as sequence-set string.
Parses seq-number from specified value. Throws exception if invalid seq-number value.
Integer number or *.
Maximum value. This if for replacement of * value.
Gets sequence set ranges.
This class is base class for IMAP FETCH data-items. For more info see RFC 3501. 6.4.5.
This class represents FETCH BODY[] data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
Body section. Value null means not specified.
Data returning offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Maximum number of bytes to return. Value -1 means not specified.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets body section. Value null means not specified.
Gets start offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets maximum count of bytes to fetch. Value -1 means not specified.
This class represents FETCH BODY.PEEK[] data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
Body section. Value null means not specified.
Data returning offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Maximum number of bytes to return. Value -1 means not specified.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets body section. Value null means not specified.
Gets start offset. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets maximum count of bytes to fetch. Value -1 means not specified.
This class represents FETCH BODY data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
This class represents FETCH BODYSTRUCTURE data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
This class represents FETCH ENVELOPE data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH FLAGS data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH INTERNALDATE data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH RFC822 data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH RFC822.HEADER data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH RFC822.SIZE data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH RFC822.TEXT data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents FETCH UID data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
This class represents IMAP ACL entry. Defined in RFC 4314 3.6.
Default constructor.
ACL identifier. Normally this is user or group name.
ACL rights string.
Is raised when identifier or rights is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets ACL identifier. Normally this is user or group name.
Gets rights.
This class represents IMAP FETCH ENVELOPE data item. Defined in RFC 3501.
Default constructor.
Message Date header value.
Message Subject header value.
Message From header value.
Message Sender header value.
Message Reply-To header value.
Message To header value.
Message Cc header value.
Message Bcc header value.
Message In-Reply-To header value.
Message Message-ID header value.
Parses IMAP ENVELOPE from string.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP ENVELOPE string.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Parses IMAP FETCH ENVELOPE data-item.
Fetch reader.
Returns parsed IMAP FETCH ENVELOPE data-item.
Is raised when fetchReader is null reference.
Construct secified mime entity ENVELOPE string.
Mail message.
Reads parenthesized list of addresses.
String reader.
Returns read addresses.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Reads parenthesized list of addresses.
Fetch reader.
Returns read addresses.
Is raised when fetchReader is null reference.
Constructs ENVELOPE addresses structure.
Unicode words encoder.
Constructs ENVELOPE address structure.
Mailbox address.
Unicode words encoder.
Removes CR and LF chars from the specified string.
String value.
Reurns string.
Decodes word from reader.
Returns decoded word.
Gets message Date header field value. Value DateTime.Min means no Date header field.
Gets message Subject header field value. Value null means no Subject header field.
Gets message From header field value. Value null means no From header field.
Gets message Sender header field value. Value null means no Sender header field.
Gets message Reply-To header field value. Value null means no Reply-To header field.
Gets message To header field value. Value null means no To header field.
Gets message Cc header field value. Value null means no Cc header field.
Gets message Bcc header field value. Value null means no Bcc header field.
Gets message In-Reply-To header field value. Value null means no In-Reply-To header field.
Gets message Message-ID header field value. Value null means no Message-ID header field.
This class is base class for IMAP SEARCH search-key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Parses one search key or search key group.
String reader.
Returns one parsed search key or search key group.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents parenthesized list of IMAP SEARCH keys. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH AND key group.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH AND key group.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets AND-ded keys collection.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH ANSWERED key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with the \Answered flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH ANSWERED key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH ANSWERED key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH BCC (string) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that contain the specified string in the message header BCC field.
Default constructor.
String value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH BCC (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH BCC (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets BCC filter value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH BEFORE (date) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is earlier than the specified date.
Default constructor.
Message internal date.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH BEFORE (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH BEFORE (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets date value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH BODY (string) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that contain the specified string in the body of the message.
NOTE: IMAP server may skip MIME entities with binary.
Default constructor.
String value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH BODY (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH BODY (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets BODY filter value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH CC (string) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that contain the specified string in the message header CC field.
Default constructor.
String value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH CC (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH CC (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets CC filter value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH DELETED key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with the \Deleted flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH DELETED key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH DELETED key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH DRAFT key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with the \Draft flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH DRAFT key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH DRAFT key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH FLAGGED key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with the \Flagged flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH FLAGGED key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH FLAGGED key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH FROM (string) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that contain the specified string in the message header FROM field.
Default constructor.
String value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH FROM (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH FROM (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets FROM filter value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH HEADER (field-name) (string) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that have a header with the specified field-name (as
defined in [RFC-2822]) and that contains the specified string
in the text of the header (what comes after the colon). If the
string to search is zero-length, this matches all messages that
have a header line with the specified field-name regardless of
the contents.
Default constructor.
Header field name. For example: 'Subject'.
String value.
Is raised when fieldName or value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH HEADER (field-name) (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH HEADER (field-name) (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets header field name.
Gets filter value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH KEYWORD (flag) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with the specified keyword flag set.
Default constructor.
String value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH KEYWORD (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH KEYWORD (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets keyword value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH LARGER (n) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with an [RFC-2822] size larger than the specified number of octets.
Default constructor.
Message size in bytes.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH LARGER (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH LARGER (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH NEW key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that have the \Recent flag set but not the \Seen flag.
This is functionally equivalent to "(RECENT UNSEEN)".
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH NEW key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH NEW key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH NOT (search-key) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that do not match the specified search key.
Default constructor.
Search KEY.
Is raised when key is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH NOT (search-key) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH NOT (search-key) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets search KEY.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH OLD key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that do not have the \Recent flag set. This is
functionally equivalent to "NOT RECENT" (as opposed to "NOT NEW").
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH OLD key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH OLD key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH ON (date) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is within the specified date.
Default constructor.
Date value.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH ON (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH ON (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets date value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH OR (search-key1) (search-key2) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that match either search key.
Default constructor.
Search key1.
Search key2.
Is raised when key1 or key2 is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH OR (search-key1) (search-key2) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH OR (search-key1) (search-key2) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets search-key1.
Gets search-key2.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH RECENT key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that have the \Recent flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH RECENT key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH RECENT key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH SEEN key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that have the \Seen flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SEEN key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SEEN key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH SENTBEFORE (date) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages whose [RFC-2822] Date: header (disregarding time and
timezone) is earlier than the specified date.
Default constructor.
Date value.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SENTBEFORE (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SENTBEFORE (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets date value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH SENTON (date) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages whose [RFC-2822] Date: header (disregarding time and
timezone) is within the specified date.
Default constructor.
Date value.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SENTON (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SENTON (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets date value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH SENTSINCE (date) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages whose [RFC-2822] Date: header (disregarding time and
timezone) is within or later than the specified date.
Default constructor.
Date value
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SENTSINCE (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SENTSINCE (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets date value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH sequence-set key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with message sequence numbers corresponding to the
specified message sequence number set.
Default constructor.
IMAP sequence-set.
Is raised when seqSet is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH sequence-set key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH sequence-set key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets sequence-set value.
Default constructor.
IMAP sequence-set.
Is raised when seqSet is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH SINCE (date) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone)
is within or later than the specified date.
Default constructor.
Date value.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SINCE (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SINCE (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets date value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH SMALLER (n) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with an [RFC-2822] size smaller than the specified number of octets.
Default constructor.
Message size in bytes.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SMALLER (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SMALLER (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH SUBJECT (string) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that contain the specified string in the message header SUBJECT field.
Default constructor.
String value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SUBJCET (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH SUBJECT (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets SUBJECT filter value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH TEXT (string) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that contain the specified string in the header or body of the message.
Default constructor.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH TEXT (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH TEXT (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets TEXT filter value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH TO (string) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that contain the specified string in the message header TO field.
Default constructor.
String value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH TO (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH TO (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets TO filter value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH UID (sequence set) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages with unique identifiers corresponding to the specified
unique identifier set. Sequence set ranges are permitted.
Default constructor.
IMAP sequence-set.
Is raised when seqSet is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UID (sequence set) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UID (sequence set) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets sequence-set value.
Default constructor.
IMAP sequence-set.
Is raised when seqSet is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH UNANSWERED key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that do not have the \Answered flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNANSWERED key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNANSWERED key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH UNDELETED key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that do not have the \Deleted flag set.
Default consructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNDELETED key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNDELETED key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH UNDRAFT key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that do not have the \Draft flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNDRAFT key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNDRAFT key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH UNFLAGGED key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that do not have the \Flagged flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNFLAGGED key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNFLAGGED key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH UNKEYWORD (flag) key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that do not have the specified keyword flag set.
Default constructor.
String value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNKEYWORD (string) key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNKEYWORD (string) key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
Gets keyword value.
This class represents IMAP SEARCH UNSEEN key. Defined in RFC 3501 6.4.4.
Messages that do not have the \Seen flag set.
Default constructor.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNSEEN key.
String reader.
Returns parsed IMAP SEARCH UNSEEN key.
Is raised when r is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Stores IMAP search-key command parts to the specified array.
Array where to store command parts.
Is raised when list is null reference.
This class represents IMAP NAMESPACE entry. Defined in RFC 2342 5.
Default constructor.
Namespace name.
Hierarchy delimiter char.
Is raised when name is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets namespace name.
Gets namespace hierarchy delimiter char.
This class represents IMAP QUOTA entry. Defined in RFC 2087 5.1.
Default constructor.
Resource limit name.
Current resourse usage.
Maximum allowed resource usage.
Is raised when resourceName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets resource limit name.
Gets current resource usage.
Gets maximum allowed resource usage.
This is base class for any IMAP server response.
Returns this as string.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Returns this as string.
Starts writing response to the specified stream.
Stream where to store response.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Callback to be called when this method completes asynchronously.
Returns true is method completed asynchronously(the completedAsyncCallback is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Starts sending response to the specified IMAP session remote endpoint.
Stream where to store response.
Callback to be called when this method completes asynchronously.
Returns true is method completed asynchronously(the completedAsyncCallback is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when session is null reference.
Starts writing response to the specified stream.
Owner IMAP session.
Stream where to store response.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Callback to be called when this method completes asynchronously.
Returns true is method completed asynchronously(the completedAsyncCallback is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
This class is base class for IMAP server untagged responses.
This class represents IMAP server untagged status(OK,NO,BAD,PREAUTH and BYE) response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Response code.
Response text after response-code.
Is raised when responseCode is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Response code.
Optional response. Value null means not specified.
Response text after response-code.
Is raised whenresponseCode or responseText is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses IMAP command completion status response from response line.
Response line.
Returns parsed IMAP command completion status response.
Is raised when responseLine is null reference value.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets IMAP server status response code(OK,NO,BAD,PREAUTH,BYE).
Gets IMAP server otional response-code. Value null means no optional response.
Gets response human readable text after response-code.
Gets if this response is error response.
Gets IMAP server status response optiona response-code(ALERT,BADCHARSET,CAPABILITY,PARSE,PERMANENTFLAGS,
Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3501 7.1.
Gets optional response aruments string. Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3501 7.1.
This class represents IMAP ACL response. Defined in RFC 4314 3.6.2.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
ACL entries.
Is raised when folderName or entries is null reference.
Parses ACL response from acl-response string.
ACL response.
Returns parsed ACL response.
Is raised wehn aclResponse is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Returns this as string.
Gets folder name.
Gets ACL entries.
This class represents IMAP CAPABILITY response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.2.1.
Default constructor.
Capabilities list.
Is raised when capabilities is null reference.
Parses CAPABILITY response from capability-response string.
Capability response string.
Returns parsed CAPABILITY response.
Is riased when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets capabilities list.
This class represents IMAP EXPUNGE response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.4.1.
Default constructor.
Message sequence number.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses EXPUNGE response from expunge-response string.
Expunge response string.
Returns parsed expunge response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets message sequence number.
This class represents IMAP LIST response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.2.2.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Hierarchy delimiter char.
Folder attributes.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor. (Hierarchy delimiter request)
Hierarchy delimiter char.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses LIST response from list-response string.
List response string.
Returns parsed list response.
Is raised when listResponse is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Returns this as string.
Gets folder name.
Gets hierarchy delimiter char.
Gets folder attributes list.
This class represents IMAP MYRIGHTS response. Defined in RFC 4314 3.7.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Identifier name. Normally this is user or group name.
Required rights.
Optional rights.
Is raised when folder or identifier is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses LISTRIGHTS response from LISTRIGHTS-response string.
LISTRIGHTS response line.
Returns parsed LISTRIGHTS response.
Is raised when listRightsResponse is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Returns this as string.
Gets folder name.
Gets identifier. Normaly this is user or group name.
Gets required rights.
Gets optional rights.
This class represents IMAP LSUB response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.2.3.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Hierarchy delimiter char.
Folder attributes.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses LSUB response from lsub-response string.
LSub response string.
Returns parsed lsub response.
Is raised when lSubResponse is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Returns this as string.
Gets folder name.
Gets hierarchy delimiter char.
Gets folder attributes list.
This class represents IMAP MYRIGHTS response. Defined in RFC 4314 3.8.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Rights values.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses MYRIGHTS response from MYRIGHTS-response string.
MYRIGHTS response line.
Returns parsed MYRIGHTS response.
Is raised when myRightsResponse is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Returns this as string.
Gets folder name.
Gets rights list.
This class represents IMAP server status(OK,NO,BAD) response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.1.
Default constructor.
Command tag.
Response code.
Response text after response-code.
Is raised when commandTag,responseCode or responseText is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Command tag.
Response code.
Optional response. Value null means not specified.
Response text after response-code.
Is raised when commandTag,responseCode or responseText is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default cmdTag-less constructor.
Response code.
Response text after response-code.
Is raised when responseCode or responseText is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses IMAP command completion status response from response line.
Response line.
Returns parsed IMAP command completion status response.
Is raised when responseLine is null reference value.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets command tag.
Gets IMAP server status response code(OK,NO,BAD).
Gets IMAP server otional response-code. Value null means no optional response.
Gets response human readable text after response-code.
Gets if this response is error response.
Gets if this response is continuation response.
Gets IMAP server status response optiona response-code(ALERT,BADCHARSET,CAPABILITY,PARSE,PERMANENTFLAGS,
Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3501 7.1.
Gets optional response aruments string. Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3501 7.1.
This class represents IMAP NAMESPACE response. Defined in RFC 2342 5.
Default constructor.
Personal namespaces.
Other users namespaces.
Shared users namespaces.
Is raised when personalNamespaces is null reference.
Parses NAMESPACE response from namespace-response string.
NAMESPACE response string.
Returns parsed NAMESPACE response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets personal namespaces. Value null means not specified.
Gets other users namespaces. Value null means not specified.
Gets shared namespaces. Value null means not specified.
This class represents IMAP QUOTA response. Defined in RFC 2087 5.1.
Default constructor.
Qouta root name.
Resource limit entries.
Is raised when quotaRootName or entries is null reference.
Parses QUOTA response from quota-response string.
QUOTA response string.
Returns parsed QUOTA response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets quota root name.
Gets resource limit entries.
This class represents IMAP QUOTAROOT response. Defined in RFC 2087 5.2.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Quota roots.
Is raised when folder or quotaRoots is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses QUOTAROOT response from quotaRoot-response string.
QUOTAROOT response string.
Returns parsed QUOTAROOT response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Returns this as string.
Gets folder name.
Gets quota roots.
This class represents IMAP STATUS response. Defined in RFC 3501 7.2.4.
Default constructor.
Folder name.
Messages count. Value -1 means not specified.
The "recent" flag set messages count. Value -1 means not specified.
Next message predictable UID value. Value -1 means not specified.
Folder UID value. Value -1 means not specified.
Unseen messages count. Value -1 means not specified.
Is raised when folder is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses STATUS response from status-response string.
Satatus response string.
Returns parsed STATUS response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Specifies how mailbox name is encoded.
Returns this as string.
Gets folder name.
Gets messages count.
Gets "recent" flag set messages count.
Gets next message predictable UID value.
Gets folder UID value.
Gets unseen messages count.
This class represents IMAP MYRIGHTS response. Defined in RFC 4314 3.8.
Default constructor.
Folder name with path.
Rights values.
Is raised when folder is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses MYRIGHTS response from MYRIGHTS-response string.
MYRIGHTS response line.
Returns parsed MYRIGHTS response.
Is raised when myRightsResponse is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets folder name.
Gets rights list.
IMAP ACL(access control list) rights.
No permissions at all.
Lookup (mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands).
Read (SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL,SEARCH, COPY from mailbox).
Keep seen/unseen information across sessions (STORE SEEN flag).
Write (STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED).
Insert (perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox).
Post (send mail to submission address for mailbox,not enforced by IMAP4 itself).
Create (CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation-defined hierarchy).
Delete (STORE DELETED flag, perform EXPUNGE).
Administer (perform SETACL).
All permissions
IMAP message flags.
No flags defined.
Message has been read.
Message has been answered.
Message is "flagged" for urgent/special attention.
Message is "deleted" for removal by later EXPUNGE.
Message has not completed composition.
Message is "recently" arrived in this mailbox.
IMAP sequence-set. RFC 3501.
2 -> seq-number (2)
2:4 -> seq-range (from 2 - 4)
2:* -> seq-range (from 2 to last)
2,3,10:* -> sequence-set (seq-number,seq-number,seq-range)
(2,3, 10 - last)
*) comma separates sequence parts
*) * means maximum value.
Default constructor.
Parses sequence-set from specified string. Throws exception if invalid sequnce-set value.
Sequence-set string.
Parses sequence-set from specified string. Throws exception if invalid sequnce-set value.
Sequence-set string.
Maximum value. This if for replacement of * value.
Gets if sequence set contains specified number.
Number to check.
Converts IMAP_SequenceSet to IMAP sequence-set string.
Parses seq-number from specified value. Throws exception if invalid seq-number value.
Integer number or *.
Maximum value. This if for replacement of * value.
Gets sequence set ranges.
IMAP flags store type.
Flags are added to existing ones.
Flags are removed from existing ones.
Flags are replaced.
Provides utility methods for IMAP.
Adds specified flags to flags list.
Current message flags.
Flags to add.
Returns new flags.
Is raised when flags or flagsToAdd is null reference.
Removes specified flags from message flags list.
Message flags.
Message flags to remove.
Returns new message flags.
Is raised when flags or flagsToRemove is null reference.
Converts IMAP_ACL_Flags to string.
Flags to convert.
Parses IMAP_ACL_Flags from string.
String from where to convert
Parses IMAP date time from string.
DateTime string.
Returns parsed date-time value.
Is raised when date is null reference.
Converts date time to IMAP date time string.
DateTime to convert.
Encodes specified data with IMAP modified UTF7 encoding. Defined in RFC 3501 5.1.3. Mailbox International Naming Convention.
Example: öö is encoded to &APYA9g-.
Text to encode.
Decodes IMAP modified UTF7 encoded data. Defined in RFC 3501 5.1.3. Mailbox International Naming Convention.
Example: &APYA9g- is decoded to öö.
Text to encode.
Encodes mailbox name.
Mailbox name.
Mailbox name encoding mechanism.
Renturns encoded mailbox name.
Is raised when mailbox is null reference.
Decodes mailbox name.
Mailbox name.
Returns decoded mailbox name.
Is raised when mailbox is null reference.
Normalizes folder path. Example: /Inbox/SubFolder/ will be Inbox/SubFolder.
Folder path to normalize.
Returns normalized folder path.
Gets if the specified folder name is valid folder name.
Folder name.
Returns true if specified folde name is valid.
Gets if specified string must be sent as IMAP literal-string.
String value.
Specifies if RFC 5738 IMAP UTF-8 string is supported.
Returns true if string must be sent as literal-string.
Converts IMAP string to byte[].
Charset to use for string encodings.
Specifies if RFC 5738 IMAP UTF-8 string is supported.
String value.
Returns IMAP string as byte[].
Is raised when charset is null reference.
Reads IMAP string-literal/string/astring/nstring/utf8-quoted from string reader.
String reader.
Returns IMAP string.
Is raised when reader is null reference.
Parses message flags from string.
Message flags string.
Converts standard IMAP message flags to string array.
IMAP message flags.
Returns IMAP message flags as string array.
Converts message flags to string. Eg. \SEEN \DELETED .
IMAP message flags.
Returns message flags as string list.
This class represents mail message attachment info.
Default constructor.
File name with path.
>Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
File name with path.
If true attachment is zip compressed.
>Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Attachment file name what appears in mail message. If null then 'fileName' filename without path is used.
File name with path.
>Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Attachment file name what appears in mail message. If null then 'fileName' filename without path is used.
File name with path.
If true attachment is zip compressed.
>Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Attachment file name what appears in mail message.
Attachment data.
Is raised when attachmentName or data is null reference.
Default constructor.
Attachment file name what appears in mail message.
Attachment data.
If true attachment is zip compressed.
Is raised when attachmentName or data is null reference.
Default constructor.
Attachment file name what appears in mail message.
Stream containing attachment data.
Is raised when attachmentName or stream is null reference.
Default constructor.
Attachment file name what appears in mail message.
Stream containing attachment data.
If true attachment is zip compressed.
Is raised when attachmentName or stream is null reference.
Gets attachment stream.
Returns attachment stream.
Closes stream.
Gets attachment name.
This class represent generic address-list header fields. For example: To header.
RFC 5322.
header = "FiledName:" address-list CRLF
address-list = (address *("," address))
address = mailbox / group
Default constructor.
Header field name. For example: "To".
Addresses collection.
Is raised when filedName or values is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Content-Type: text/plain'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets header field name. For example "To".
Gets addresses collection.
Represents "Disposition-Notification-Options:" header. Defined in RFC 2298 2.2.
Default constructor.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets header field name. For example "Sender".
Gets or sets mailbox address.
This class represent generic mailbox header fields. For example: Sender: header.
RFC 5322.
header = "FiledName:" mailbox CRLF
Default constructor.
Header field name. For example: "Sender".
Mailbox value.
Is raised when filedName or mailbox is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Sender:'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets header field name. For example "Sender".
Gets mailbox address.
This class represent generic mailbox-list header fields. For example: From header.
RFC 5322.
header = "FiledName:" mailbox-list CRLF
mailbox-list = (mailbox *("," mailbox)) / obs-mbox-list
Default constructor.
Header field name. For example: "To".
Addresses collection.
Is raised when filedName or values is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Content-Type: text/plain'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets header field name. For example "From".
Gets addresses collection.
Represents "Return-Path:" header. Defined in RFC 5322 3.6.7.
RFC 5322 3.6.7.
return = "Return-Path:" path CRLF
path = angle-addr / ([CFWS] "<" [CFWS] ">" [CFWS])
angle-addr = [CFWS] "<" addr-spec ">" [CFWS]
Default constructor.
Address. Value null means null-path.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Return-Path: <>'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets header field name. For example "Sender".
Gets mailbox address. Value null means null-path.
This class represents RFC 5322 3.4 Address class.
This class is base class for mailbox address and group address.
Default constructor.
Returns address as string value.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Returns address as string value.
This class represents address-list. Defined in RFC 5322 3.4.
RFC 5322.
address-list = (address *("," address))
address = mailbox / group
Default constructor.
Parses address-list from specified string value.
The address-list string value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value is not valid address-list value.
Inserts a address into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the item.
Address to insert.
Is raised when index is out of range.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Adds specified address to the end of the collection.
Address to add.
Is raised when value is null reference value.
Removes specified item from the collection.
Address to remove.
Is raised when value is null reference value.
Removes all items from the collection.
Copies addresses to new array.
Returns addresses array.
Returns address-list as string.
Returns address-list as string.
Resets IsModified property to false.
Gets enumerator.
Gets if list has modified since it was loaded.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets the element at the specified index.
The zero-based index of the element to get.
Returns the element at the specified index.
Is raised when index is out of range.
Gets this address list mailboxes(group address mailboxes + mailboxes).
This class represents "group" address. Defined in RFC 5322 3.4.
Default constructor.
Display name. Value null means not specified.
Returns mailbox as string.
Returns mailbox as string.
Returns address as string value.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Returns address as string value.
Gets or sets diplay name. Value null means not specified.
Gets groiup address members collection.
This class represents "mailbox" address. Defined in RFC 5322 3.4.
RFC 5322 3.4.
mailbox = name-addr / addr-spec
name-addr = [display-name] angle-addr
angle-addr = [CFWS] "<" addr-spec ">" [CFWS]
addr-spec = local-part "@" domain
Default constructor.
Display name. Value null means not specified.
Email address.
Is raised when address is null reference.
Parses mailbox from specified string value.
The mailbox string value.
Returns parse mailbox.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value is not valid mailbox value.
Returns mailbox as string.
Returns mailbox as string.
Returns address as string value.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Returns address as string value.
Gets display name. Value null means not specified.
Gets address.
Gets local-part of address.
Gets domain part of address.
This class represents mailbox-list. Defined in RFC 5322 3.4.
RFC 5322.
mailbox-list = (mailbox *("," mailbox)) / obs-mbox-list
Default constructor.
Parses mailbox-list from specified string value.
The mailbox-list string value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value is not valid mailbox-list value.
Inserts a address into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the item.
Address to insert.
Is raised when index is out of range.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Adds specified address to the end of the collection.
Address to add.
Is raised when value is null reference value.
Removes specified item from the collection.
Address to remove.
Is raised when value is null reference value.
Removes all items from the collection.
Copies addresses to new array.
Returns addresses array.
Returns address-list as string.
Returns address-list as string.
Resets IsModified property to false.
Gets enumerator.
Gets if list has modified since it was loaded.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets the element at the specified index.
The zero-based index of the element to get.
Returns the element at the specified index.
Is raised when index is out of range.
This class provides mail message related utility methods.
Reads SMTP "Mailbox" from the specified MIME reader.
MIME reader.
Returns SMTP "Mailbox" or null if no SMTP mailbox available.
Is raised when reader is null reference.
Represents "Received:" header. Defined in RFC 5321 4.4.
RFC 5321 4.4.
Time-stamp-line = "Received:" FWS Stamp CRLF
Stamp = From-domain By-domain Opt-info [CFWS] ";" FWS date-time
; where "date-time" is as defined in RFC 5322 [4]
; but the "obs-" forms, especially two-digit
; years, are prohibited in SMTP and MUST NOT be used.
From-domain = "FROM" FWS Extended-Domain
By-domain = CFWS "BY" FWS Extended-Domain
Extended-Domain = Domain / ( Domain FWS "(" TCP-info ")" ) / ( address-literal FWS "(" TCP-info ")" )
TCP-info = address-literal / ( Domain FWS address-literal )
; Information derived by server from TCP connection not client EHLO.
Opt-info = [Via] [With] [ID] [For] [Additional-Registered-Clauses]
Via = CFWS "VIA" FWS Link
With = CFWS "WITH" FWS Protocol
ID = CFWS "ID" FWS ( Atom / msg-id )
; msg-id is defined in RFC 5322 [4]
For = CFWS "FOR" FWS ( Path / Mailbox )
Additional-Registered-Clauses = CFWS Atom FWS String
Link = "TCP" / Addtl-Link
Addtl-Link = Atom
Protocol = "ESMTP" / "SMTP" / Attdl-Protocol
Mailbox = Local-part "@" ( Domain / address-literal )
Default constructor.
Host from where message was received.
Host name what received message.
Date time when message was received.
Is raised when from or by is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Sender:'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Returns always "Received".
Gets or sets host from where message was received.
Normally this is just EHLO/HELO host name what client reported to SMTP server.
Is raised when null reference passed.
Is raised when invalid value passed.
Gets or sets From TCP-Info value. Value null means not specified.
This value is message sender host IP and optional dns host name.
This value is based on server connection info, not client reported info(EHLO/HELO).
Gets or sets host name what received message.
Is raised when null reference passed.
Is raised when invalid value passed.
Gets or sets By TCP-Info value. Value null means not specified.
RFC defines it, but i don't see any point about that value.
Gets or sets non-internet transport. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets receiving protocol. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets ID value. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets mailbox for who message was received. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets time when message was received.
This class represent electronic mail message. Defined in RFC 5322.
Default constructor.
Creates mail message.
From: address.
To: address.
Cc: address. Value null means not used.
bcc: address. Value null means not used.
Message subject.
Message body text.
Message HTML text. Value null means not used.
Message attachments. Value null means not used.
Returns created mail message.
Creates mail message.
Signer certificate,
From: address.
To: address.
Cc: address. Value null means not used.
bcc: address. Value null means not used.
Message subject.
Message body text.
Message HTML text. Value null means not used.
Message attachments. Value null means not used.
Returns created mail message.
Is raised when signerCert is null reference.
Parses mail message from the specified byte array.
Mail message data.
Returns parsed mail message.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Parses mail message from the specified byte array.
Mail message data.
Header reading encoding. If not sure UTF-8 is recommended.
Returns parsed mail message.
Is raised when data or headerEncoding is null reference.
Parses mail message from the specified file.
File name with path from where to parse mail message.
Returns parsed mail message.
Is raised when file is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses mail message from the specified file.
File name with path from where to parse mail message.
Header reading encoding. If not sure UTF-8 is recommended.
Returns parsed mail message.
Is raised when file or headerEncoding is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses mail message from the specified stream.
Stream from where to parse mail message. Parsing starts from current stream position.
Returns parsed mail message.
Is raised when stream is null.
Parses mail message from the specified stream.
Stream from where to parse mail message. Parsing starts from current stream position.
Header reading encoding. If not sure UTF-8 is recommended.
Returns parsed mail message.
Is raised when stream or headerEncoding is null.
Clones mail message.
Returns cloned message.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Gets this message attachments.
Specifies if 'inline' entities are included.
Returns this message attachments.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Gets this message attachments.
Specifies if 'inline' entities are included.
Specifies if embbed RFC822 message child entities are included.
Returns this message attachments.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Gets or sets message date and time. Value DateTime.MinValue means not specified.
Specifies the date and time at which the creator of the message indicated that the
message was complete and ready to enter the mail delivery system.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets message author(s). Value null means not specified.
Specifies the author(s) of the message; that is, the mailbox(es) of the person(s) or
system(s) responsible for the writing of the message.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets message sender. Value null means not specified.
Specifies the mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual transmission of the message.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets mailbox for replies to message. Value null means not specified.
When the "Reply-To:" field is present, it indicates the mailbox(es) to which the author of
the message suggests that replies be sent.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets message primary recipient(s). Value null means not specified.
Contains the address(es) of the primary recipient(s) of the message.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets carbon-copy recipient mailbox. Value null means not specified.
Contains the addresses of others who are to receive the message, though the content of the message may not be directed at them.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets blind-carbon-copy recipient mailbox. Value null means not specified.
Contains addresses of recipients of the message whose addresses are not to be revealed to other recipients of the message.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets message identifier. Value null means not specified.
Contains a single unique message identifier that refers to a particular version of a particular message.
If the message is resent without changes, the original Message-ID is retained.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets identify replied-to message(s). Value null means not specified.
The message identifier(s) of the original message(s) to which the current message is a reply.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets related message identifier(s). Value null means not specified.
The message identifier(s) of other message(s) to which the current message may be related.
In RFC 2822, the definition was changed to say that this header field contains a list of all Message-IDs
of messages in the preceding reply chain.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets topic of message. Value null means not specified.
Contains a short string identifying the topic of the message.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets additional comments about the message. Value null means not specified.
Contains any additional comments on the text of the body of the message.
Warning: Some mailers will not show this field to recipients.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets message key words and/or phrases. Value null means not specified.
Contains a comma-separated list of important words and phrases that might be useful for the recipient.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets date and time message is resent. Value DateTime.MinValue means not specified.
Contains the date and time that a message is reintroduced into the message transfer system.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets mailbox of person for whom message is resent. Value null means not specified.
Contains the mailbox of the agent who has reintroduced the message into
the message transfer system, or on whose behalf the message has been resent.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets mailbox of person who actually resends the message. Value null means not specified.
Contains the mailbox of the agent who has reintroduced the message into
the message transfer system, if this is different from the Resent-From value.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets mailbox to which message is resent. Value null means not specified.
Contains the mailbox(es) to which the message has been resent.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets mailbox(es) to which message is cc'ed on resend. Value null means not specified.
Contains the mailbox(es) to which message is cc'ed on resend.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets mailbox(es) to which message is bcc'ed on resend. Value null means not specified.
Contains the mailbox(es) to which message is bcc'ed on resend.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets resent reply-to. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets message identifier for resent message. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets message return path. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets mail transfer trace information. Value null means not specified.
Contains information about receipt of the current message by a mail transfer agent on the transfer path.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets mailboxes where to send disposition notification message. Value null means not specified.
Indicates that the sender wants a disposition notification when this message
is received (read, processed, etc.) by its recipients.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets disposition notification options. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets language that the message sender requests to be used for responses. Value null means not specified.
Indicates a language that the message sender requests to be used for responses.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets original message identifier. Value null means not specified.
Original message identifier used with resend of message with alternative content format;
identifies the original message data to which it corresponds.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets PICS rating label. Value null means not specified.
Ratings label to control selection (filtering) of messages according to the PICS protocol.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets URL of mailing list archive. Value null means not specified.
Contains the URL to use to browse the archives of the mailing list from which this message was relayed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets URL for mailing list information. Value null means not specified.
Contains the URL to use to get information about the mailing list from which this message was relayed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets mailing list identifier. Value null means not specified.
Stores an identification of the mailing list through which this message was distributed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets URL for mailing list owner's mailbox. Value null means not specified.
Contains the URL to send e-mail to the owner of the mailing list from which this message was relayed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets URL for mailing list posting. Value null means not specified.
Contains the URL to use to send contributions to the mailing list from which this message was relayed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets URL for mailing list subscription. Value null means not specified.
Contains the URL to use to get a subscription to the mailing list from which this message was relayed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets URL for mailing list unsubscription. Value null means not specified.
Contains the URL to use to unsubscribe the mailing list from which this message was relayed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets type or context of message. Value null means not specified.
Provides information about the context and presentation characteristics of a message.
Can have the values 'voice-message', 'fax-message', 'pager-message', 'multimedia-message', 'text-message', or 'none'.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets message importance. Value null means not specified.
A hint from the originator to the recipients about how important a message is.
Values: High, normal, or low. Not used to control transmission speed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets message priority. Value null means not specified.
Can be 'normal', 'urgent', or 'non-urgent' and can influence transmission speed and delivery.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets this message attachments.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets message body text encoding . Returns null if no body text available.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets message body text. Returns null if no body text available.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets message body html text encoding . Returns null if no body html text available.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets message body html text. Returns null if no body html text available.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Represents Received: header "TCP-info" value. Defined in RFC 5321. 4.4.
RFC 5321 4.4.
TCP-info = address-literal / ( Domain FWS address-literal )
address-literal = "[" ( IPv4-address-literal / IPv6-address-literal / General-address-literal ) "]"
Default constructor.
IP address.
Host name.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Gets IP address.
Gets host value. Value null means not specified.
Provides vCard related methods.
Encodes vcard value.
VCard version.
Value to encode.
Returns encoded value.
Encodes vcard value.
VCard version.
Charset used to encode.
Value to encode.
Returns encoded value.
Encodes data with quoted-printable encoding.
Data to encode.
Returns encoded data.
vCard delivery address implementation.
Default constructor.
Owner vCard item.
Address type. Note: This value can be flagged value !
Post office address.
Extended address.
Street name.
Postal code.
This method is called when some property has changed, we need to update underlaying vCard item.
Parses delivery address from vCard ADR structure string.
vCard ADR item.
Converts DeliveryAddressType_enum to vCard item parameters string.
Value to convert.
Gets underlaying vCrad item.
Gets or sets address type. Note: This property can be flagged value !
Gets or sets post office address.
Gests or sets extended address.
Gets or sets street.
Gets or sets locality(city).
Gets or sets region.
Gets or sets postal code.
Gets or sets country.
vCard delivery address collection implementation.
Default constructor.
Owner vCard.
Add new delivery address to the collection.
Delivery address type. Note: This value can be flagged value !
Post office address.
Extended address.
Street name.
Postal code.
Removes specified item from the collection.
Item to remove.
Removes all items from the collection.
Gets enumerator.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets item at the specified index.
Index of item which to get.
vCal delivery address type. Note this values may be flagged !
Delivery address type not specified.
Preferred delivery address.
Domestic delivery address.
International delivery address.
Postal delivery address.
Parcel delivery address.
Delivery address for a residence.
Address for a place of work.
vCard email address implementation.
Default constructor.
Owner vCard item.
Email type. Note: This value can be flagged value !
Email address.
This method is called when some property has changed, wee need to update underlaying vCard item.
Parses email address from vCard EMAIL structure string.
vCard EMAIL item.
Converts EmailAddressType_enum to vCard item parameters string.
Value to convert.
Gets underlaying vCrad item.
Gets or sets email type. Note: This property can be flagged value !
Gets or sets email address.
vCard email address collection implementation.
Default constructor.
Owner vCard.
Add new email address to the collection.
Email address type. Note: This value can be flagged value !
Email address.
Removes specified item from the collection.
Item to remove.
Removes all items from the collection.
Gets enumerator.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets item at the specified index.
Index of item which to get.
vCal email address type. Note this values may be flagged !
Email address type not specified.
Preferred email address.
Internet addressing type.
X.400 addressing type.
vCard structure item.
Default constructor.
Owner card.
Item name.
Item parameters.
Item encoded value value.
Sets item decoded value. Value will be encoded as needed and stored to item.Value property.
Converts item to vCal item string.
CHecks if specified value must be encoded.
String value.
Returns true if value must be encoded, otherwise false.
Folds long data line to folded lines.
Data to fold.
Gest item name.
Gets or sets item parameters.
Gets or sets item encoded value. NOTE: If you set this property value, you must encode data
by yourself and also set right ENCODING=encoding; and CHARSET=charset; prameter in item.ParametersString !!!
Normally use method item.SetDecodedStringValue method instead, this does all you need.
Gets item decoded value. If param string specifies Encoding and/or Charset,
item.Value will be decoded accordingly.
Gets or sets if long data lines are foolded.
Gets owner.
vCard item collection.
Default constructor.
Owner card.
Adds new vCard item to the collection.
Item name.
Item parameters.
Item value.
Removes all items with the specified name.
Item name.
Removes specified item from the collection.
Item to remove.
Clears all items in the collection.
Gets first item with specified name. Returns null if specified item doesn't exists.
Item name. Name compare is case-insensitive.
Returns first item with specified name or null if specified item doesn't exists.
Gets items with specified name.
Item name.
Sets first item with specified value. If item doesn't exist, item will be appended to the end.
If value is null, all items with specified name will be removed.
Value is encoed as needed and specified item.ParametersString will be updated accordingly.
Item name.
Item value.
Sets first item with specified encoded value. If item doesn't exist, item will be appended to the end.
If value is null, all items with specified name will be removed.
Item name.
Item encoded value.
Sets first item with specified name encoded value. If item doesn't exist, item will be appended to the end.
If value is null, all items with specified name will be removed.
Item name.
Item parameters.
Item encoded value.
Gets enumerator.
Gets number of vCard items in the collection.
vCard name implementation.
Default constructor.
Last name.
First name.
Comma separated additional names.
Honorific prefix.
Honorific suffix.
Internal parse constructor.
Converts item to vCard N structure string.
Parses name info from vCard N item.
vCard N item.
Gets last name.
Gets first name.
Gets comma separated additional names.
Gets honorific prefix.
Gets honorific suffix.
vCard phone number implementation.
Default constructor.
Owner vCard item.
Phone number type. Note: This value can be flagged value !
Phone number.
This method is called when some property has changed, wee need to update underlaying vCard item.
Parses phone from vCard TEL structure string.
vCard TEL item.
Converts PhoneNumberType_enum to vCard item parameters string.
Value to convert.
Gets underlaying vCrad item.
Gets or sets phone number type. Note: This property can be flagged value !
Gets or sets phone number.
vCard phone number collection implementation.
Default constructor.
Owner vCard.
Add new phone number to the collection.
Phone number type. Note: This value can be flagged value !
Phone number.
Removes specified item from the collection.
Item to remove.
Removes all items from the collection.
Gets enumerator.
Gets number of items in the collection.
vCal phone number type. Note this values may be flagged !
Phone number type not specified.
Preferred phone number.
Telephone number associated with a residence.
Telephone number has voice messaging support.
Telephone number associated with a place of work.
Voice telephone number.
Fax number.
Cellular phone number.
Video conferencing telephone number.
Paging device telephone number.
Bulletin board system telephone number.
Modem connected telephone number.
Car-phone telephone number.
ISDN service telephone number.
Personal communication services telephone number.
RFC 2426 vCard implementation.
Default constructor.
Stores vCard structure to byte[].
Stores vCard to the specified file.
File name with path where to store vCard.
Stores vCard structure to the specified stream.
Stream where to store vCard structure.
Parses multiple vCards from the specified file (Apple Address Book and Gmail exports)
vCard file with path.
Parses single vCard from the specified file.
vCard file with path.
Parses single vCard from the specified stream.
Stream what contains vCard.
Parses single vCard from the specified stream.
Stream what contains vCard.
Parses vCard from the specified stream.
List of strings that contains vCard.
Gets or sets charset used by vcard. NOTE: Since version 3.0, the only allowed value is UTF-8.
Gets reference to vCard items.
Gets or sets vCard version. Returns null if VERSION: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets name info. Returns null if N: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets formatted(Display name) name. Returns null if FN: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets nick name. Returns null if NICKNAME: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets person photo. Returns null if PHOTO: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets birth date. Returns DateTime.MinValue if not set.
Gets addresses collection.
Gets phone number collection.
Gets email addresses collection.
Gets or sets job title. Returns null if TITLE: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets role. Returns null if ROLE: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets organization name. Usually this value is: comapny;department;office. Returns null if ORG: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets note text. Returns null if NOTE: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets vCard unique ID. Returns null if UID: item doesn't exist.
Gets or sets vCard home URL.
Gets or sets vCard Work URL.
Rfc 2822 3.4 Address class. This class is base class for MailboxAddress and GroupAddress.
Default constructor.
Spcified is address is group or mailbox address.
Gets if address is group address or mailbox address.
Gets or sets owner of this address.
Rfc 2822 3.4 address-list. Rfc defines two types of addresses mailbox and group.
address-list syntax: address *("," address).
address syntax: mailbox / group.
mailbox syntax: ['"'dispaly-name'"' ]<localpart@domain>.
group syntax: '"'dispaly-name'":' [mailbox *(',' mailbox)]';'.
Default constructor.
Adds a new address to the end of the collection.
Address to add.
Inserts a new address into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the address.
Address to add.
Removes address at the specified index from the collection.
Index of the address which to remove.
Removes specified address from the collection.
Address to remove.
Clears the collection of all addresses.
Parses address-list from string.
Address list string.
Convert addresses to Rfc 2822 address-list string.
This called when collection has changed. Item is added,deleted,changed or collection cleared.
Gets enumerator.
Gets all mailbox addresses. Note: group address mailbox addresses are also included.
Gets address from specified index.
Gets address count in the collection.
Bound address-list to specified header field.
Rfc 2183 Content-Disposition.
Content is attachment.
Content is embbed resource.
Content-Disposition header field isn't available or isn't written to mime message.
Content is unknown.
Rfc 2045 6. Content-Transfer-Encoding. Specified how entity data is encoded.
Rfc 2045 2.7. 7bit data.
"7bit data" refers to data that is all represented as relatively
short lines with 998 octets or less between CRLF line separation
sequences [RFC-821]. No octets with decimal values greater than 127
are allowed and neither are NULs (octets with decimal value 0). CR
(decimal value 13) and LF (decimal value 10) octets only occur as
part of CRLF line separation sequences.
Rfc 2045 2.8. 8bit data.
"8bit data" refers to data that is all represented as relatively
short lines with 998 octets or less between CRLF line separation
sequences [RFC-821]), but octets with decimal values greater than 127
may be used. As with "7bit data" CR and LF octets only occur as part
of CRLF line separation sequences and no NULs are allowed.
Rfc 2045 2.9. Binary data.
"Binary data" refers to data where any sequence of octets whatsoever is allowed.
Rfc 2045 6.7 Quoted-Printable Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Rfc 2045 6.8 Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Content-Transfer-Encoding field isn't available(doesn't exist).
Content transfer encoding is unknown.
RFC 2822 3.4. (Address Specification) Group address.
Syntax: display-name':'[mailbox *(',' mailbox)]';'
Default constructor.
Parses Rfc 2822 3.4 group address from group address string. Syntax: display-name':'[mailbox *(',' mailbox)]';'
Group address string.
This called when group address has changed.
Gets Group as RFC 2822(3.4. Address Specification) string. Syntax: display-name':'[mailbox *(',' mailbox)]';'
Gets or sets display name.
Gets group members collection.
Mime entity header field.
Default construtor.
Creates new header field with specified name and value.
Header field name. Header field name must end with colon(:) and may contain US-ASCII character values between 33 and 126.
Header field value.
Gets or sets header field name. Header field name must end with colon(:) and may contain US-ASCII character values between 33 and 126.
Gets or sets header field value.
Gets header field encoded value.
Mime entity header fields collection.
Default constructor.
Adds a new header field with specified name and value to the end of the collection.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Adds specified header field to the end of the collection.
Header field.
Inserts a new header field into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the header field.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Removes header field at the specified index from the collection.
The index of the header field to remove.
Removes specified header field from the collection.
Header field to remove.
Removes all header fields with specified name from the collection.
Header field name.
Clears the collection of all header fields.
Gets if collection contains specified header field.
Header field name.
Gets if collection contains specified header field.
Header field.
Gets first header field with specified name, returns null if specified field doesn't exist.
Header field name.
Gets header fields with specified name, returns null if specified field doesn't exist.
Header field name.
Parses header fields from string.
Header string.
Parses header fields from stream. Stream position stays where header reading ends.
Stream from where to parse.
Parses header fields from stream. Stream position stays where header reading ends.
Stream from where to parse.
Converts header fields to rfc 2822 message header string.
CharSet to use for non ASCII header field values. Utf-8 is recommended value, if you explicity don't need other.
Gets enumerator.
Gets header field from specified index.
Gets header fields count in the collection.
Header field parameter.
Default constructor.
Header field parameter name.
Header field parameter value.
Gets header field parameter name.
Gets header field parameter name.
Header field parameters collection.
Default constructor.
Header field.
Adds a new header field parameter with specified name and value to the end of the collection.
Parameter name.
Parameter value.
Removes specified header field parameter from the collection.
The name of the header field parameter to remove.
Clears the collection of all header field parameters.
Gets if collection contains specified parameter.
Parameter name.
Gets enumerator.
Gets or sets specified parameter value.
Gets header field parameters count in the collection.
RFC 2822 3.4. (Address Specification) Mailbox address.
Syntax: ["display-name"<SP>]<local-part@domain>.
Default constructor.
Creates new mailbox from specified email address.
Email address.
Creates new mailbox from specified name and email address.
Display name.
Email address.
Parses mailbox from mailbox address string.
Mailbox string. Format: ["diplay-name"<SP>]<local-part@domain>.
Converts this to valid mailbox address string.
Defined in RFC 2822(3.4. Address Specification) string. Format: ["display-name"<SP>]<local-part@domain>.
For example, "Ivar Lumi" <>.
If display name contains unicode chrs, display name will be encoded with canonical encoding in utf-8 charset.
This called when mailox address has changed.
Gets Mailbox as RFC 2822(3.4. Address Specification) string. Format: ["display-name"<SP>]<local-part@domain>.
For example, "Ivar Lumi" <>.
Gets or sets display name.
Gets or sets email address. For example
Gets local-part from email address. For example mailbox is "ivar" from "".
Gets domain from email address. For example domain is "" from "".
Rfc 2822 3.4 mailbox-list. Syntax: mailbox *(',' mailbox).
Default constructor.
Adds a new mailbox to the end of the collection.
Mailbox to add.
Inserts a new mailbox into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the mailbox.
Mailbox to add.
Removes header field at the specified index from the collection.
Index of the mailbox which to remove.
Removes specified mailbox from the collection.
Mailbox to remove.
Clears the collection of all mailboxes.
Parses mailboxes from Rfc 2822 3.4 mailbox-list string. Syntax: mailbox *(',' mailbox).
Mailbox list string.
Convert addresses to Rfc 2822 mailbox-list string.
This called when collection has changed. Item is added,deleted,changed or collection cleared.
Gets enumerator.
Gets mailbox from specified index.
Gets mailboxes count in the collection.
Gets or sets owner of this collection.
Rfc 2046,2387 Media Types.
Text data.
Simple text data. Defined in Rfc 1521.
Html data. Defined in Rfc 2854.
Xml data. Defined in Rfc 3023 3.1.
Rich text (RTF) data.
Image data.
Gif image. Defined in Rfc 1521.
Tiff image.
Jpeg image. Defined in Rfc 1521.
Audio data.
Video data.
Some other kind of data, typically either uninterpreted binary data or information to be processed by an application.
The "octet-stream" subtype is used to indicate that a body contains arbitrary binary data. Defined in Rfc 4046 4.5.1.
Data consisting of multiple entities of independent data types.
Data consisting of multiple entities of independent data types.
Data consisting of multiple entities of independent data types.
Data consisting of multiple entities of independent data types.
Data consisting of multiple entities of independent data types. (Rfc 2387)
Multipart signed. Defined in Rfc 1847.
Message -- an encapsulated message.
Rfc 822 encapsulated message.
Media type isn't specified.
Media type is unknown.
Class for creating,parsing,modifing rfc 2822 mime messages.
Message examples:
Simple message:
//--- Beginning of message
Subject: Message subject.
Content-Type: text/plain
Message body text. Bla blaa
//--- End of message
In simple message MainEntity is whole message.
Message with attachments:
//--- Beginning of message
Subject: Message subject.
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="multipart_mixed"
--multipart_mixed /* text entity */
Content-Type: text/plain
Message body text. Bla blaa
--multipart_mixed /* attachment entity */
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
//--- End of message
MainEntity is multipart_mixed entity and text and attachment entities are child entities of MainEntity.
// Parsing example:
Mime m = Mime.Parse("message.eml");
// Do your stuff with mime
// Create simple message with simple way:
AddressList from = new AddressList();
from.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
AddressList to = new AddressList();
to.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
Mime m = Mime.CreateSimple(from,to,"test subject","test body text","");
// Creating a new simple message
Mime m = new Mime();
MimeEntity mainEntity = m.MainEntity;
// Force to create From: header field
mainEntity.From = new AddressList();
mainEntity.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
// Force to create To: header field
mainEntity.To = new AddressList();
mainEntity.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
mainEntity.Subject = "subject";
mainEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Text_plain;
mainEntity.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentTransferEncoding_enum.QuotedPrintable;
mainEntity.DataText = "Message body text.";
// Creating message with text and attachments
Mime m = new Mime();
MimeEntity mainEntity = m.MainEntity;
// Force to create From: header field
mainEntity.From = new AddressList();
mainEntity.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
// Force to create To: header field
mainEntity.To = new AddressList();
mainEntity.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("dispaly name",""));
mainEntity.Subject = "subject";
mainEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Multipart_mixed;
MimeEntity textEntity = mainEntity.ChildEntities.Add();
textEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Text_plain;
textEntity.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentTransferEncoding_enum.QuotedPrintable;
textEntity.DataText = "Message body text.";
MimeEntity attachmentEntity = mainEntity.ChildEntities.Add();
attachmentEntity.ContentType = MediaType_enum.Application_octet_stream;
attachmentEntity.ContentDisposition = ContentDisposition_enum.Attachment;
attachmentEntity.ContentTransferEncoding = ContentTransferEncoding_enum.Base64;
attachmentEntity.ContentDisposition_FileName = "";
// or
attachmentEntity.Data = your_attachment_data;
Default constructor.
Parses mime message from byte[] data.
Mime message data.
Parses mime message from file.
Mime message file.
Parses mime message from stream.
Mime message stream.
Creates simple mime message.
Header field From: value.
Header field To: value.
Header field Subject: value.
Body text of message. NOTE: Pass null is body text isn't wanted.
Body HTML text of message. NOTE: Pass null is body HTML text isn't wanted.
Creates simple mime message with attachments.
Header field From: value.
Header field To: value.
Header field Subject: value.
Body text of message. NOTE: Pass null is body text isn't wanted.
Body HTML text of message. NOTE: Pass null is body HTML text isn't wanted.
Attachment file names. Pass null if no attachments. NOTE: File name must contain full path to file, for example: c:\test.pdf.
Stores mime message to string.
Stores mime message to byte[].
Stores mime message to specified file.
File name.
Stores mime message to specified stream. Stream position stays where mime writing ends.
Stream where to store mime message.
Gets mime entities, including nested entries.
Message main(top-level) entity.
Gets all mime entities contained in message, including child entities.
Gets attachment entities. Entity is considered as attachmnet if:
*) Content-Disposition: attachment (RFC 2822 message)
*) Content-Disposition: filename = "" is specified (RFC 2822 message)
*) Content-Type: name = "" is specified (old RFC 822 message)
Gets message body text. Returns null if no body text specified.
Gets message body html. Returns null if no body html text specified.
Rfc 2822 Mime Entity.
Default constructor.
Parses mime entity from stream.
Data stream from where to read data.
Entity data is readed to specified boundary.
Returns false if last entity. Returns true for mulipart entity, if there are more entities.
Stores mime entity and it's child entities to specified stream.
Stream where to store mime entity.
Saves this.Data property value to specified file.
File name where to store data.
Saves this.Data property value to specified stream.
Stream where to store data.
Loads MimeEntity.Data property from file.
File name.
Loads MimeEntity.Data property from specified stream. Note: reading starts from current position and stream isn't closed.
Data stream.
Encodes data with specified content transfer encoding.
Data to encode.
Encoding with what to encode data.
Folds header.
Header string.
Gets message header.
Gets header as RFC 2822 message headers.
Gets parent entity of this entity. If this entity is top level, then this property returns null.
Gets child entities. This property is available only if ContentType = multipart/... .
Gets or sets header field "Mime-Version:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "Content-class:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Additional property to support messages of CalendarItem type which have iCal/vCal entries.
Gets or sets header field "Content-Type:" value. This property specifies what entity data is.
NOTE: ContentType can't be changed while there is data specified(Exception is thrown) in this mime entity, because it isn't
possible todo data conversion between different types. For example text/xx has charset parameter and other types don't,
changing loses it and text data becomes useless.
Gets or sets header field "Content-Type:" value. Returns null if value isn't set. This property specifies what entity data is.
This property is meant for advanced users, who needs other values what defined MediaType_enum provides.
Example value: text/plain; charset="utf-8".
NOTE: ContentType can't be changed while there is data specified(Exception is thrown) in this mime entity, because it isn't
possible todo data conversion between different types. For example text/xx has charset parameter and other types don't,
changing loses it and text data becomes useless.
Gets or sets header field "Content-Transfer-Encoding:" value. This property specifies how data is encoded/decoded.
If you set this value, it's recommended that you use QuotedPrintable for text and Base64 for binary data.
7bit,_8bit,Binary are today obsolete (used for parsing).
Gets or sets header field "Content-Disposition:" value.
Gets or sets header field "Content-Description:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "Content-ID:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets "Content-Type:" header field "name" parameter.
Returns null if Content-Type: header field value isn't set or Content-Type: header field "name" parameter isn't set.
Note: Content-Type must be application/xxx or exception is thrown.
This property is obsolete today, it's replaced with Content-Disposition: filename parameter.
If possible always set FileName property instead of it.
Gets or sets "Content-Type:" header field "charset" parameter.
Returns null if Content-Type: header field value isn't set or Content-Type: header field "charset" parameter isn't set.
If you don't know what charset to use then utf-8 is recommended, most of times this is sufficient.
Note: Content-Type must be text/xxx or exception is thrown.
Gets or sets "Content-Type:" header field "boundary" parameter.
Returns null if Content-Type: header field value isn't set or Content-Type: header field "boundary" parameter isn't set.
Note: Content-Type must be multipart/xxx or exception is thrown.
Gets or sets "Content-Disposition:" header field "filename" parameter.
Returns null if Content-Disposition: header field value isn't set or Content-Disposition: header field "filename" parameter isn't set.
Note: Content-Disposition must be attachment or inline.
Gets or sets header field "Date:" value.
Gets or sets header field "Message-ID:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Syntax: '<'id-left@id-right'>'. Example: <621bs724bfs8@jnfsjaas4263>
Gets or sets header field "To:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "Cc:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "Bcc:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "From:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "Sender:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "Reply-To:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "In-Reply-To:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "Disposition-Notification-To:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets header field "Subject:" value. Returns null if value isn't set.
Gets or sets entity data. Data is encoded/decoded with "Content-Transfer-Encoding:" header field value.
Note: This property can be set only if Content-Type: isn't multipart.
Gets or sets entity text data. Data is encoded/decoded with "Content-Transfer-Encoding:" header field value with this.Charset charset.
Note: This property is available only if ContentType is Text/xxx... or no content type specified, othwerwise Excpetion is thrown.
Gets or sets entity encoded data. If you set this value, be sure that you encode this value as specified by Content-Transfer-Encoding: header field.
Set this value only if you need custom Content-Transfer-Encoding: what current Mime class won't support, other wise set data through this.Data property.
Note: This property can be set only if Content-Type: isn't multipart.
Mime entity collection.
Default constructor.
Mime entity what owns this collection.
Creates a new mime entity to the end of the collection.
Adds specified mime entity to the end of the collection.
Mime entity to add to the collection.
Inserts a new mime entity into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the mime entity.
Mime entity.
Removes mime entity at the specified index from the collection.
Index of mime entity to remove.
Removes specified mime entity from the collection.
Mime entity to remove.
Clears the collection of all mome entities.
Gets if collection contains specified mime entity.
Mime entity.
Gets enumerator.
Gets mime entity at specified index.
Gets mime entities count in the collection.
Provides mime related utility methods.
Parses rfc 2822 datetime.
Date string.
Converts date to rfc 2822 date time string.
Date time value.
Parses headers from message or mime entry.
Stream from where to read headers.
Returns header lines.
Parse header specified header field value.
Use this method only if you need to get only one header field, otherwise use
MimeParser.ParseHeaderField(string fieldName,string headers).
This avoid parsing headers multiple times.
Header field which to parse. Eg. Subject: .
Stream from where to read headers.
Parse header specified header field value.
Header field which to parse. Eg. Subject: .
Full headers string. Use MimeParser.ParseHeaders() to get this value.
Parses header field parameter value.
For example: CONTENT-TYPE: application\octet-stream; name="",
fieldName="CONTENT-TYPE:" and subFieldName="name".
Main header field name.
Header field's parameter name.
Full headrs string.
Parses MediaType_enum from Content-Type: header field value.
Content-Type: header field value. This value can be null, then MediaType_enum.NotSpecified.
Converts MediaType_enum to string. NOTE: Returns null for MediaType_enum.NotSpecified.
MediaType_enum value to convert.
Parses ContentTransferEncoding_enum from Content-Transfer-Encoding: header field value.
Content-Transfer-Encoding: header field value. This value can be null, then ContentTransferEncoding_enum.NotSpecified.
Converts ContentTransferEncoding_enum to string. NOTE: Returns null for ContentTransferEncoding_enum.NotSpecified.
ContentTransferEncoding_enum value to convert.
Parses ContentDisposition_enum from Content-Disposition: header field value.
Content-Disposition: header field value. This value can be null, then ContentDisposition_enum.NotSpecified.
Converts ContentDisposition_enum to string. NOTE: Returns null for ContentDisposition_enum.NotSpecified.
ContentDisposition_enum value to convert.
Encodes specified text as "encoded-word" if encode is required. For more information see RFC 2047.
Text to encode.
Returns encoded word.
Decodes "encoded-word"'s from the specified text. For more information see RFC 2047.
Text to decode.
Returns decoded text.
Encodes header field with quoted-printable encoding, if value contains ANSI or UNICODE chars.
Text to encode.
Creates Rfc 2822 3.6.4 message-id. Syntax: '<' id-left '@' id-right '>'.
Folds long data line to folded lines.
Data to fold.
Parametized header field.
Syntax: value;parameterName=parameterValue;parameterName=parameterValue;... .
Example: (Content-Type:) text/html; charset="ascii".
Default constructor.
Source header field.
Parses parameters from header field.
Stores parameters to header field Value property.
Gets header field name.
Gets or sets header field value.
Gets header field parameters.
This class implements streaming microphone wav data receiver.
The waveInProc function is the callback function used with the waveform-audio input device.
Handle to the waveform-audio device associated with the callback.
Waveform-audio input message.
User-instance data specified with waveOutOpen.
Message parameter.
Message parameter.
The waveInAddBuffer function sends an input buffer to the given waveform-audio input device. When the buffer is filled, the application is notified.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure that identifies the buffer.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Closes the specified waveform input device.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device. If the function succeeds, the handle is no longer valid after this call.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Queries a specified waveform device to determine its capabilities.
Identifier of the waveform-audio input device. It can be either a device identifier or a Handle to an open waveform-audio output device.
Pointer to a WAVEOUTCAPS structure to be filled with information about the capabilities of the device.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEOUTCAPS structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Get the waveInGetNumDevs function returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system.
Returns the waveInGetNumDevs function returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system.
The waveInOpen function opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording.
Pointer to a buffer that receives a handle identifying the open waveform-audio input device.
Identifier of the waveform-audio input device to open. It can be either a device identifier or a handle of an open waveform-audio input device. You can use the following flag instead of a device identifier.
Pointer to a WAVEFORMATEX structure that identifies the desired format for recording waveform-audio data. You can free this structure immediately after waveInOpen returns.
Pointer to a fixed callback function, an event handle, a handle to a window,
or the identifier of a thread to be called during waveform-audio recording to process messages related
to the progress of recording. If no callback function is required, this value can be zero.
For more information on the callback function, see waveInProc.
User-instance data passed to the callback mechanism.
Flags for opening the device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Prepares a waveform data block for recording.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure that identifies the data block to be prepared.
The buffer's base address must be aligned with the respect to the sample size.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Stops input on a specified waveform output device and resets the current position to 0.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Starts input on the given waveform-audio input device.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Stops input on the given waveform-audio input device.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Cleans up the preparation performed by waveInPrepareHeader.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure identifying the data block to be cleaned up.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
This class holds MMSYSERR errors.
Unspecified error.
Device ID out of range.
Driver failed enable.
Device already allocated.
Device handle is invalid.
No device driver present.
Memory allocation error.
Function isn't supported.
Error value out of range.
Invalid flag passed.
Invalid parameter passed.
Handle being used simultaneously on another thread (eg callback).
Specified alias not found.
Bad registry database.
Registry key not found.
Registry read error.
Registry write error.
Eegistry delete error.
Registry value not found.
Driver does not call DriverCallback.
Last error in range.
This class provides most used wav constants.
This class represents WAVEFORMATEX structure.
Waveform-audio format type. Format tags are registered with Microsoft Corporation for many
compression algorithms. A complete list of format tags can be found in the Mmreg.h header file.
For one- or two-channel PCM data, this value should be WAVE_FORMAT_PCM. When this structure is
included in a WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure, this value must be WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE.
Number of channels in the waveform-audio data. Monaural data uses one channel and stereo data
uses two channels.
Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz). If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then common
values for nSamplesPerSec are 8.0 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz, and 44.1 kHz.
Required average data-transfer rate, in bytes per second, for the format tag. If wFormatTag
is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, nAvgBytesPerSec should be equal to the product of nSamplesPerSec and nBlockAlign.
Block alignment, in bytes. The block alignment is the minimum atomic unit of data for the wFormatTag
format type. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM or WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, nBlockAlign must be equal
to the product of nChannels and wBitsPerSample divided by 8 (bits per byte).
Bits per sample for the wFormatTag format type. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then
wBitsPerSample should be equal to 8 or 16.
Size, in bytes, of extra format information appended to the end of the WAVEFORMATEX structure.
This class represents WAVEOUTCAPS structure.
Manufacturer identifier for the device driver for the device.
Product identifier for the device.
Version number of the device driver for the device.
Product name in a null-terminated string.
Standard formats that are supported.
Number specifying whether the device supports mono (1) or stereo (2) output.
Optional functionality supported by the device.
This class represents WAVEHDR structure.
Long pointer to the address of the waveform buffer.
Specifies the length, in bytes, of the buffer.
When the header is used in input, this member specifies how much data is in the buffer.
When the header is used in output, this member specifies the number of bytes played from the buffer.
Specifies user data.
Specifies information about the buffer.
Specifies the number of times to play the loop.
Reserved. This member is used within the audio driver to maintain a first-in, first-out linked list of headers awaiting playback.
This class holds most known wav compression formats.
This class holds queued recording buffer.
Default constructor.
Wave in device handle.
Data buffer size in bytes.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Queues buffer for recording.
If true unprepares old header before adding to recording queue.
Gets wave header.
Gets header handle.
Gets wav header data.
Gets wav header data size in bytes.
Gets event args.
Default constructor.
Input device.
Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz). For PCM common values are
8.0 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz, and 44.1 kHz.
Bits per sample. For PCM 8 or 16 are the only valid values.
Number of channels.
Specifies recording buffer size.
Is raised when outputDevice is null.
Is raised when any of the aruments has invalid value.
Default destructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts recording.
Stops recording.
This method is called when wav device generates some event.
Handle to the waveform-audio device associated with the callback.
Waveform-audio input message.
User-instance data specified with waveOutOpen.
Message parameter.
Message parameter.
Fills recording buffers.
Gets all available input audio devices.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets current input device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of samples per second.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of buts per sample.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of channels.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets recording buffer size.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets one sample block size in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when wave-in device has received new audio frame.
Raises AudioFrameReceived event.
Event arguments.
This class holds audio information for input or output audio devices.
Default constructor.
The number of samples per second that are provided by the audio format.
The number of bits that are used to store the audio information for a single sample of an audio format.
The number of channels that are provided by the audio format.
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
An object to compare with this instance.
Returns true if two objects are equal.
Returns the hash code.
Returns the hash code.
Gets the number of samples per second that are provided by the audio format.
Gets the number of bits that are used to store the audio information for a single sample of an audio format.
Gets the number of channels that are provided by the audio format.
This class implements audio-in (eg. microphone,line-in device) device RTP audio sending.
Default constructor.
Audio-in device to capture.
Audio frame size in milliseconds.
Audio codecs with RTP payload number. For example: 0-PCMU,8-PCMA.
RTP stream to use for audio sending.
Is raised when audioInDevice,codecs or stream is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Is called when RTP session sending payload has changed.
Event data.
Is called when wave-in has received new audio frame.
Event data.
Starts capturing from audio-in device and sending it to RTP stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Stops capturing from audio-in device and sending it to RTP stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets if currently audio is sent.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets audio-in device is used to capture sound.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null reference is passed.
Gets RTP stream used for audio sending.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets current audio codec what is used for sending.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets audio codecs.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null reference passed.
This method is raised when asynchronous thread Exception happens.
Raises Error event.
Error what happened.
This class implements audio-out (eg. speaker,headphones) device RTP audio player.
Default constructor.
Audio-out device used to play out RTP audio.
RTP receive stream which audio to play.
Audio codecs with RTP payload number. For example: 0-PCMU,8-PCMA.
Is raised when audioOutDevice,stream or codecs is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
This method is called when new RTP packet received.
Event data.
Starts receiving RTP audio and palying it out.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Stops receiving RTP audio and palying it out.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets if audio player is running.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets audio-out device is used to play out sound.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null reference passed.
Audio codecs with RTP payload number. For example: 0-PCMU,8-PCMA.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets active audio codec. This value may be null if yet no data received from RTP.
Audio codec may change during RTP session, if remote-party(sender) changes it.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This method is raised when asynchronous thread Exception happens.
Raises Error event.
Error what happened.
This class represent wav file player.
This class represents wave RIFF chunk.
Default constructor.
Parses RIFF chunk from the specified reader.
Wave reader.
Is raised when reader is null reference.
Returns "RIFF".
Gets chunk size.
Gets format.
This class represents wave fmt chunk.
Default constructor.
Parses fmt chunk from the specified reader.
Wave reader.
Is raised when reader is null reference.
Returns this as string.
Returns this as string.
Returns "fmt".
Gets chunk size.
Gets auido format. Value 1 is PCM.
Gets number of channels.
Gets sample rate(Hz).
The average number of bytes per secondec at which the waveform data should be transferred.
The block alignment (in bytes) of the waveform data.
Gets bits per sample.
This class represents wave data chunk.
Default constructor.
Parses data chunk from the specified reader.
Wave reader.
Is raised when reader is null reference.
Returns "data".
Gets chunk size.
This class implements wav file reader.
Default constructor.
Wav file reader.
Is raised when reader is null reference.
Reads 4 char chunk ID.
Returns 4 char chunk ID or null if end of stream reached.
Reads RIFF chunk.
Returns RIFF chunk.
Reads fmt chunk.
Returns fmt chunk.
Reads data chunk.
Returns data chunk.
Skips active chunk.
Default constructor.
Audio output device.
Is raised when device is null reference.
Starts playing specified wave file for the specified number of times.
Wave file.
Number of times to play.
Is raised when file is null reference.
Starts playing specified wave file for the specified number of times.
Wave stream.
Number of times to play.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Stop currently played audio.
This class implements PCM audio receiver.
This class implements streaming microphone wav data receiver.
The waveInProc function is the callback function used with the waveform-audio input device.
Handle to the waveform-audio device associated with the callback.
Waveform-audio input message.
User-instance data specified with waveOutOpen.
Message parameter.
Message parameter.
The waveInAddBuffer function sends an input buffer to the given waveform-audio input device. When the buffer is filled, the application is notified.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure that identifies the buffer.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Closes the specified waveform input device.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device. If the function succeeds, the handle is no longer valid after this call.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Queries a specified waveform device to determine its capabilities.
Identifier of the waveform-audio input device. It can be either a device identifier or a Handle to an open waveform-audio output device.
Pointer to a WAVEOUTCAPS structure to be filled with information about the capabilities of the device.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEOUTCAPS structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Get the waveInGetNumDevs function returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system.
Returns the waveInGetNumDevs function returns the number of waveform-audio input devices present in the system.
The waveInOpen function opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording.
Pointer to a buffer that receives a handle identifying the open waveform-audio input device.
Identifier of the waveform-audio input device to open. It can be either a device identifier or a handle of an open waveform-audio input device. You can use the following flag instead of a device identifier.
Pointer to a WAVEFORMATEX structure that identifies the desired format for recording waveform-audio data. You can free this structure immediately after waveInOpen returns.
Pointer to a fixed callback function, an event handle, a handle to a window,
or the identifier of a thread to be called during waveform-audio recording to process messages related
to the progress of recording. If no callback function is required, this value can be zero.
For more information on the callback function, see waveInProc.
User-instance data passed to the callback mechanism.
Flags for opening the device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Prepares a waveform data block for recording.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure that identifies the data block to be prepared.
The buffer's base address must be aligned with the respect to the sample size.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Stops input on a specified waveform output device and resets the current position to 0.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Starts input on the given waveform-audio input device.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Stops input on the given waveform-audio input device.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Cleans up the preparation performed by waveInPrepareHeader.
Handle to the waveform-audio input device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure identifying the data block to be cleaned up.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
This class holds queued recording buffer.
Default constructor.
Header handle.
Wav header data handle.
Data size in bytes.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Gets header handle.
Gets header.
Gets wav header data pointer handle.
Gets wav header data.
Gets wav header data size in bytes.
This class holds MMSYSERR errors.
Unspecified error.
Device ID out of range.
Driver failed enable.
Device already allocated.
Device handle is invalid.
No device driver present.
Memory allocation error.
Function isn't supported.
Error value out of range.
Invalid flag passed.
Invalid parameter passed.
Handle being used simultaneously on another thread (eg callback).
Specified alias not found.
Bad registry database.
Registry key not found.
Registry read error.
Registry write error.
Eegistry delete error.
Registry value not found.
Driver does not call DriverCallback.
Last error in range.
This class provides most used wav constants.
This class represents WAVEFORMATEX structure.
Waveform-audio format type. Format tags are registered with Microsoft Corporation for many
compression algorithms. A complete list of format tags can be found in the Mmreg.h header file.
For one- or two-channel PCM data, this value should be WAVE_FORMAT_PCM. When this structure is
included in a WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure, this value must be WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE.
Number of channels in the waveform-audio data. Monaural data uses one channel and stereo data
uses two channels.
Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz). If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then common
values for nSamplesPerSec are 8.0 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz, and 44.1 kHz.
Required average data-transfer rate, in bytes per second, for the format tag. If wFormatTag
is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, nAvgBytesPerSec should be equal to the product of nSamplesPerSec and nBlockAlign.
Block alignment, in bytes. The block alignment is the minimum atomic unit of data for the wFormatTag
format type. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM or WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, nBlockAlign must be equal
to the product of nChannels and wBitsPerSample divided by 8 (bits per byte).
Bits per sample for the wFormatTag format type. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then
wBitsPerSample should be equal to 8 or 16.
Size, in bytes, of extra format information appended to the end of the WAVEFORMATEX structure.
This class represents WAVEOUTCAPS structure.
Manufacturer identifier for the device driver for the device.
Product identifier for the device.
Version number of the device driver for the device.
Product name in a null-terminated string.
Standard formats that are supported.
Number specifying whether the device supports mono (1) or stereo (2) output.
Optional functionality supported by the device.
This class represents WAVEHDR structure.
Long pointer to the address of the waveform buffer.
Specifies the length, in bytes, of the buffer.
When the header is used in input, this member specifies how much data is in the buffer.
When the header is used in output, this member specifies the number of bytes played from the buffer.
Specifies user data.
Specifies information about the buffer.
Specifies the number of times to play the loop.
Reserved. This member is used within the audio driver to maintain a first-in, first-out linked list of headers awaiting playback.
This class holds most known wav compression formats.
Default constructor.
Input device.
Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz). For PCM common values are
8.0 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz, and 44.1 kHz.
Bits per sample. For PCM 8 or 16 are the only valid values.
Number of channels.
Specifies recording buffer size.
Is raised when outputDevice is null.
Is raised when any of the aruments has invalid value.
Default destructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts recording.
Stops recording.
This method is called when wav device generates some event.
Handle to the waveform-audio device associated with the callback.
Waveform-audio input message.
User-instance data specified with waveOutOpen.
Message parameter.
Message parameter.
Processes active buffer in queue and disposes it if done.
User data.
Fills recording buffers.
Gets all available input audio devices.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets current input device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of samples per second.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of buts per sample.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of channels.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets recording buffer size.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets one sample block size in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets read buffer.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Default constructor.
Audio input device.
Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz).
Bits per sample. For PCM 8 or 16 are the only valid values.
Number of channels.
Is raised when device is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Reads up to specified count of bytes from the audion in device.
Data buffer.
Index in the buffer.
Maximum number of bytes to read.
Returns number of bytes readed. Returns 0 if no data in the buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of allowed range.
The implementation will block until at least one audio sample block can be read.
Writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Gets all available audio input devices.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This property is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Gets number of samples per second.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of bits per sample.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of channels.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets one sample block size in bytes (nChannels * (bitsPerSample / 8)).
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of bytes available for reading.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
This class represents audio input device(microphone,line-in, ....).
Default constructor.
Device index in devices.
Device name.
Number of audio channels.
Gets device name.
Gets number of input channels(mono,stereo,...) supported.
Gets device index in devices.
This class implements PCM audio player.
This class provides windows native waveOut implementation.
The waveOutProc function is the callback function used with the waveform-audio output device.
Handle to the waveform-audio device associated with the callback.
Waveform-audio output message.
User-instance data specified with waveOutOpen.
Message parameter.
Message parameter.
This class holds MMSYSERR errors.
Unspecified error.
Device ID out of range.
Driver failed enable.
Device already allocated.
Device handle is invalid.
No device driver present.
Memory allocation error.
Function isn't supported.
Error value out of range.
Invalid flag passed.
Invalid parameter passed.
Handle being used simultaneously on another thread (eg callback).
Specified alias not found.
Bad registry database.
Registry key not found.
Registry read error.
Registry write error.
Eegistry delete error.
Registry value not found.
Driver does not call DriverCallback.
Last error in range.
This class provides most used wav constants.
This class provides windows wav methods.
Closes the specified waveform output device.
Handle to the waveform-audio output device. If the function succeeds, the handle is no longer valid after this call.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Queries a specified waveform device to determine its capabilities.
Identifier of the waveform-audio output device. It can be either a device identifier or a Handle to an open waveform-audio output device.
Pointer to a WAVEOUTCAPS structure to be filled with information about the capabilities of the device.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEOUTCAPS structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Retrieves the number of waveform output devices present in the system.
The number of devices indicates success. Zero indicates that no devices are present or that an error occurred.
Retrieves the current playback position of the specified waveform output device.
Handle to the waveform-audio output device.
Pointer to an MMTIME structure.
Size, in bytes, of the MMTIME structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Queries the current volume setting of a waveform output device.
Handle to an open waveform-audio output device. This parameter can also be a device identifier.
Pointer to a variable to be filled with the current volume setting.
The low-order word of this location contains the left-channel volume setting, and the high-order
word contains the right-channel setting. A value of 0xFFFF represents full volume, and a
value of 0x0000 is silence.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
The waveOutOpen function opens the given waveform-audio output device for playback.
Pointer to a buffer that receives a handle identifying the open waveform-audio output device. Use the handle to identify the device when calling other waveform-audio output functions. This parameter might be NULL if the WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY flag is specified for fdwOpen.
Identifier of the waveform-audio output device to open. It can be either a device identifier or a handle of an open waveform-audio input device.
Pointer to a WAVEFORMATEX structure that identifies the format of the waveform-audio data to be sent to the device. You can free this structure immediately after passing it to waveOutOpen.
Pointer to a fixed callback function, an event handle, a handle to a window, or the identifier of a thread to be called during waveform-audio playback to process messages related to the progress of the playback. If no callback function is required, this value can be zero.
User-instance data passed to the callback mechanism.
Flags for opening the device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Pauses playback on a specified waveform output device.
Handle to the waveform-audio output device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Prepares a waveform data block for playback.
Handle to the waveform-audio output device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure that identifies the data block to be prepared. The buffer's base address must be aligned with the respect to the sample size.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Stops playback on a specified waveform output device and resets the current position to 0.
Handle to the waveform-audio output device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Restarts a paused waveform output device.
Handle to the waveform-audio output device.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Sets the volume of a waveform output device.
Handle to an open waveform-audio output device. This parameter can also be a device identifier.
Specifies a new volume setting. The low-order word contains the left-channel
volume setting, and the high-order word contains the right-channel setting. A value of 0xFFFF
represents full volume, and a value of 0x0000 is silence.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Cleans up the preparation performed by waveOutPrepareHeader.
Handle to the waveform-audio output device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure identifying the data block to be cleaned up.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
Sends a data block to the specified waveform output device.
Handle to the waveform-audio output device.
Pointer to a WAVEHDR structure containing information about the data block.
Size, in bytes, of the WAVEHDR structure.
Returns value of MMSYSERR.
This class represents WAVEOUTCAPS structure.
Manufacturer identifier for the device driver for the device.
Product identifier for the device.
Version number of the device driver for the device.
Product name in a null-terminated string.
Standard formats that are supported.
Number specifying whether the device supports mono (1) or stereo (2) output.
Optional functionality supported by the device.
This class represents WAVEFORMATEX structure.
Waveform-audio format type. Format tags are registered with Microsoft Corporation for many
compression algorithms. A complete list of format tags can be found in the Mmreg.h header file.
For one- or two-channel PCM data, this value should be WAVE_FORMAT_PCM. When this structure is
included in a WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE structure, this value must be WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE.
Number of channels in the waveform-audio data. Monaural data uses one channel and stereo data
uses two channels.
Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz). If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then common
values for nSamplesPerSec are 8.0 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz, and 44.1 kHz.
Required average data-transfer rate, in bytes per second, for the format tag. If wFormatTag
is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, nAvgBytesPerSec should be equal to the product of nSamplesPerSec and nBlockAlign.
Block alignment, in bytes. The block alignment is the minimum atomic unit of data for the wFormatTag
format type. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM or WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, nBlockAlign must be equal
to the product of nChannels and wBitsPerSample divided by 8 (bits per byte).
Bits per sample for the wFormatTag format type. If wFormatTag is WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, then
wBitsPerSample should be equal to 8 or 16.
Size, in bytes, of extra format information appended to the end of the WAVEFORMATEX structure.
This class represents WAVEHDR structure.
Long pointer to the address of the waveform buffer.
Specifies the length, in bytes, of the buffer.
When the header is used in input, this member specifies how much data is in the buffer.
When the header is used in output, this member specifies the number of bytes played from the buffer.
Specifies user data.
Specifies information about the buffer.
Specifies the number of times to play the loop.
Reserved. This member is used within the audio driver to maintain a first-in, first-out linked list of headers awaiting playback.
This class holds queued wav play item.
Default constructor.
Header handle.
Wav header data handle.
Data size in bytes.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Gets header handle.
Gets header.
Gets wav header data pointer handle.
Gets wav header data size in bytes.
Default constructor.
Output device.
Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz). For PCM common values are
8.0 kHz, 11.025 kHz, 22.05 kHz, and 44.1 kHz.
Bits per sample. For PCM 8 or 16 are the only valid values.
Number of channels.
Is raised when outputDevice is null.
Is raised when any of the aruments has invalid value.
Default destructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
This method is called when wav device generates some event.
Handle to the waveform-audio device associated with the callback.
Waveform-audio output message.
User-instance data specified with waveOutOpen.
Message parameter.
Message parameter.
Cleans up the first data block in play queue.
User data.
Plays specified audio data bytes. If player is currently playing, data will be queued for playing.
Audio data. Data boundary must n * BlockSize.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to play form the specified offset.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when audioData is null.
Is raised when audioData is with invalid length.
Gets all available output audio devices.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets if wav player is currently playing something.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets volume level. Value 0 is mute and value 100 is maximum.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets number of bytes buffered for playing.
Default constructor.
Audio output device.
Audio output format.
Is raised when device or format is null reference.
Default constructor.
Audio output device.
Sample rate, in samples per second (hertz).
Bits per sample. For PCM 8 or 16 are the only valid values.
Number of channels.
Is raised when device is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Writes specified audio data bytes to the active audio device. If player is currently playing, data will be queued for playing.
Data buffer.
Offset int the buffer.
Number of bytes available in the buffer. Data boundary must n * BlockSize.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the argument value is out of allowed range.
Gets all available audio output devices.
Gets audio output device where audio is outputed.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets audio format.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of samples per second.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of bits per sample.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of channels.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets one sample block size in bytes (nChannels * (bitsPerSample / 8)).
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets volume level. Value 0 is mute and value 100 is maximum.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets number of bytes buffered for playing.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
This class represents audio oputput device(speakers,head-phones, ....).
Default constructor.
Device index in devices.
Device name.
Number of audio channels.
Gets device name.
Gets number of output channels(mono,stereo,...) supported.
Gets device index in devices.
This class is base calss for audio codecs.
Gets uncompressed audio format info.
Gets compressed audio format info.
Implements PCMA(G711 alaw) codec.
Default constructor.
Encodes linear 16-bit linear PCM to 8-bit alaw.
Data to encode. Data must be in Little-Endian format.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to encode.
Returns encoded block.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Decodes 8-bit alaw to linear 16-bit PCM.
Data to decode. Data must be in Little-Endian format.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to decode.
Returns decoded data.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets codec name.
Gets uncompressed audio format info.
Gets compressed audio format info.
Implements PCMU(G711 ulaw) codec.
Default constructor.
Encodes linear 16-bit linear PCM to 8-bit ulaw.
Data to encode. Data must be in Little-Endian format.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to encode.
Returns encoded block.
Is raised when buffer is null reference value.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Decodes 8-bit ulaw to linear 16-bit PCM.
Data to decode. Data must be in Little-Endian format.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to decode.
Returns decoded data.
Is riased when buffer is null reference value.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets codec name.
Gets uncompressed audio format info.
Gets compressed audio format info.
This class is base class for media codecs.
Encodes specified data block.
Data to encode.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to encode.
Returns encoded block.
Decodes specified data block.
Data to encode.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to decode.
Returns encoded data.
Gets codec name.
This class represent s SMTP server reply-line. Defined in RFC 5321 4.2.
Default constructor.
SMTP server reply code.
SMTP server reply text.
Specifies if this line is last line in response.
Parses SMTP reply-line from
SMTP server reply-line.
Returns parsed SMTP server reply-line.
Is raised when line is null reference.
Is raised when reply-line parsing fails.
Returns this as SMTP server reply-line.
Returns this as SMTP server reply-line.
Gets SMTP server reply code.
Gets SMTP server relpy text.
Gets if this is last reply line.
This value represents DSN RET value. Defined in RFC 3461 4.3.
Value not specified, server will choose default type.
Requests that the entire message be returned in any "failed"
Delivery Status Notification issued for this recipient.
Requests that only the headers of the message be returned.
This class represents SMTP "Mailbox" address. Defined in RFC 5321 4.1.2.
RFC 5321 4.1.2.
Mailbox = Local-part "@" ( Domain / address-literal )
Local-part = Dot-string / Quoted-string
; MAY be case-sensitive
Default constructor.
Local part of mailbox.
Domain of mailbox.
Is raised when localPart or domain is null reference.
Returns mailbox as string.
Returns mailbox as string.
Gets local-part of mailbox.
If local-part is Quoted-string, quotes will not returned.
Gets domain of mailbox.
If domain is address-literal, surrounding bracets will be removed.
This class implements SMTP client. Defined in RFC 5321.
Simple way:
To make this code to work, you need to import following namespaces:
using LumiSoft.Net.SMTP.Client;
// You can send any valid SMTP message here, from disk,memory, ... or
// you can use LumiSoft.Net.Mail classes to compose valid SMTP mail message.
// SMTP_Client.QuickSendSmartHost(...
// SMTP_Client.QuickSend(...
Advanced way:
To make this code to work, you need to import following namespaces:
using LumiSoft.Net.SMTP.Client;
using(SMTP_Client smtp = new SMTP_Client()){
// You can use Dns_Client.GetEmailHosts(... to get target recipient SMTP hosts for Connect method.
// Authenticate if target server requires.
// smtp.Auth(smtp.AuthGetStrongestMethod("user","password"));
// Repeat this for all recipients.
// Send message to server.
// You can send any valid SMTP message here, from disk,memory, ... or
// you can use LumiSoft.Net.Mail classes to compose valid SMTP mail message.
// smtp.SendMessage(.... .
Default constructor.
Clean up any resources being used.
Closes connection to SMTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Closes connection to SMTP server.
If true QUIT command is sent to SMTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Sends EHLO/HELO command to SMTP server.
Local host DNS name.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when hostName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
NOTE: EHLO command will reset all SMTP session state data.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Local host DNS name.
Is raised when hostName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when EHLO command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when SMTP server EHLO command response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when HELO command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when SMTP server HELO command response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets SMTP server reply-lines.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending EHLO/HELO command to SMTP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when op is null reference.
NOTE: EHLO command will reset all SMTP session state data.
Sends STARTTLS command to SMTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or is already secure connection.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
After successful STARTTLS all SMTP session data(EHLO,MAIL FROM, ....) will be reset.
If unknwon(not SMTP error) error happens during STARTTLS negotiation, SMTP client should disconnect.
Sends STARTTLS command to SMTP server.
SSL server certificate validation callback. Value null means any certificate is accepted.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or is already secure connection.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
After successful STARTTLS all SMTP session data(EHLO,MAIL FROM, ....) will be reset.
If unknwon(not SMTP error) error happens during STARTTLS negotiation, SMTP client should disconnect.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
SSL server certificate validation callback. Value null means any certificate is accepted.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when STARTTLS command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when STARTTLS command response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when TLS handshake has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending STARTTLS command to SMTP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or connection is already secure.
Is raised when op is null reference.
After successful STARTTLS all SMTP session data(EHLO,MAIL FROM, ....) will be reset.
If unknwon(not SMTP error) error happens during STARTTLS negotiation, SMTP client should disconnect.
Gets strongest authentication method which we can support from SMTP server.
Preference order DIGEST-MD5 -> CRAM-MD5 -> LOGIN -> PLAIN.
User name.
User password.
Returns authentication method.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected .
Is raised when userName or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server won't support authentication or we
don't support any of the server authentication mechanisms.
Gets strongest authentication method which we can support from SMTP server.
Preference order DIGEST-MD5 -> CRAM-MD5 -> LOGIN -> PLAIN.
Domain name. Required by some auth methods like NTLM.
User name.
User password.
Returns authentication method.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected .
Is raised when userName or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server won't support authentication or we
don't support any of the server authentication mechanisms.
Sends AUTH command to SMTP server.
SASL authentication. You can use method to get strongest supported authentication.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or is already authenticated.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
SASL authentication. You can use method to get strongest supported authentication.
Is raised when sasl is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when AUTH command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when SMTP server response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending AUTH command to SMTP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or connection is already authenticated.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Sends MAIL command to SMTP server.
Sender email address. Value null means no sender info.
Message size in bytes. Value -1 means that message size unknown.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Before using ret or envid arguments, check that remote server supports(SMTP_Client.EsmtpFeatures) SMTP DSN extention.
Sends MAIL command to SMTP server.
Sender email address. Value null means no sender info.
Message size in bytes. Value -1 means that message size unknown.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) RET value. For more info see RFC 3461.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) ENVID value. Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3461.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Before using ret or envid arguments, check that remote server supports(SMTP_Client.EsmtpFeatures) SMTP DSN extention.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Sender email address. Value null means no sender info.
Message size in bytes. Value -1 means that message size unknown.
Default constructor.
Sender email address. Value null means no sender info.
Message size in bytes. Value -1 means that message size unknown.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) RET value. For more info see RFC 3461.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) ENVID value. Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3461.
Before using ret or envid arguments, check that remote server supports(SMTP_Client.EsmtpFeatures) SMTP DSN extention.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when MAIL command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when SMTP server MAIL command response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending MAIL command to SMTP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Before using ret or envid arguments, check that remote server supports(SMTP_Client.EsmtpFeatures) SMTP DSN extention.
Sends RCPT TO: command to SMTP server.
Recipient email address.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Before using notify or orcpt arguments, check that remote server supports(SMTP_Client.EsmtpFeatures) SMTP DSN extention.
Sends RCPT TO: command to SMTP server.
Recipient email address.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) NOTIFY value. For more info see RFC 3461.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) ORCPT value. Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3461.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Before using notify or orcpt arguments, check that remote server supports(SMTP_Client.EsmtpFeatures) SMTP DSN extention.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Recipient email address.
Is raised when to is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Recipient email address.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) NOTIFY value. For more info see RFC 3461.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) ORCPT value. Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3461.
Is raised when to is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when RCPT command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when SMTP server RCPT command response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending RCPT command to SMTP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Before using notify or orcpt arguments, check that remote server supports(SMTP_Client.EsmtpFeatures) SMTP DSN extention.
Sends raw message to SMTP server.
Message stream. Sending starts from stream current position.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
The stream must contain data in MIME format, other formats normally are rejected by SMTP server.
Sends raw message to SMTP server.
Message stream. Sending starts from stream current position.
Specifies if BDAT command is used to send message, if remote server supports it.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
The stream must contain data in MIME format, other formats normally are rejected by SMTP server.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Message stream. Message sending starts from stream current position and all stream data will be sent.
Specifies if BDAT command is used to send message, if remote server supports it.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when message data block for BDAT reading has completed.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when BDAT command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when SMTP server BDAT command response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when DATA command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when SMTP server DATA command initial response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when DATA command message sending has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when SMTP server DATA command final response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending message to SMTP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Send RSET command to server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when RSET command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when SMTP server RSET command response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending RSET command to SMTP server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Send NOOP command to server. This method can be used for keeping connection alive(not timing out).
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when NOOP command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when NOOP command response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending NOOP command to SMTP server. This method can be used for keeping connection alive(not timing out).
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when op is null reference.
This method is called when TCP client has sucessfully connected.
Callback to be called to complete connect operation.
Is called when SMTP server greeting reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Callback to be called to complete connect operation.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when read line has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if multiline response has more response lines.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets SMTP server reply-lines.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Reads SMTP server single or multiline response.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets if SMTP server supports the specified capability.
SMTP capability.
Return true if SMTP server supports the specified capability.
Is raised when capability is null reference.
Sends specified mime message.
Message to send.
Is raised when message is null.
Sends specified mime message.
Message to send.
Is raised when message is null.
Sends message directly to email domain. Domain email sever resolve order: MX recordds -> A reords if no MX.
Sender email what is reported to SMTP server.
Recipient email.
Raw message to send.
Is raised when from,to or message is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message directly to email domain. Domain email sever resolve order: MX recordds -> A reords if no MX.
Host name which is reported to SMTP server.
Sender email what is reported to SMTP server.
Recipient email.
Raw message to send.
Is raised when from,to or message is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Host name or IP address.
Host port.
Specifies if connected via SSL.
Mail message to send.
Is raised when argument host or message is null.
Is raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Host name which is reported to SMTP server. Value null means local computer name is used.
Host name or IP address.
Host port.
Specifies connection security.
SMTP server user name. This value may be null, then authentication not used.
SMTP server password.
Mail message to send.
Is raised when argument host or message is null.
Is raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Host name which is reported to SMTP server. Value null means local computer name is used.
Host name or IP address.
Host port.
Specifies if connected via SSL.
SMTP server user name. This value may be null, then authentication not used.
SMTP server password.
Mail message to send.
Is raised when argument host or message is null.
Is raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Host name or IP address.
Host port.
Sender email what is reported to SMTP server.
Recipients email addresses.
Raw message to send.
Is raised when argument host,from,to or message is null.
Is raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Host name or IP address.
Host port.
Specifies if connected via SSL.
Sender email what is reported to SMTP server.
Recipients email addresses.
Raw message to send.
Is raised when argument host,from,to or stream is null.
Is raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Host name which is reported to SMTP server. Value null means local computer name is used.
Host name or IP address.
Host port.
Specifies if connected via SSL.
Sender email what is reported to SMTP server.
Recipients email addresses.
Raw message to send.
Is raised when argument host,from,to or stream is null.
Is raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Host name which is reported to SMTP server. Value null means local computer name is used.
Host name or IP address.
Host port.
Specifies if connected via SSL.
SMTP server user name. This value may be null, then authentication not used.
SMTP server password.
Sender email what is reported to SMTP server.
Recipients email addresses.
Raw message to send.
Is raised when argument host,from,to or stream is null.
Is raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Sends message by using specified smart host.
Host name which is reported to SMTP server. Value null means local computer name is used.
Host name or IP address.
Host port.
Specifies connection security.
SMTP server user name. This value may be null, then authentication not used.
SMTP server password.
Sender email what is reported to SMTP server.
Recipients email addresses.
Raw message to send.
Is raised when argument host,from,to or stream is null.
Is raised when any of the method arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Gets or sets host name which is reported to SMTP server. If value null, then local computer name is used.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and SMTP client is connected.
Gets SMTP server host name which it reported to us.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and SMTP client is not connected.
Gets greeting text which was sent by SMTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and SMTP client is not connected.
Gets if connected SMTP server suports ESMTP.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and SMTP client is not connected.
Gets what ESMTP features are supported by connected SMTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and SMTP client is not connected.
Gets SMTP server supported SASL authentication method.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and SMTP client is not connected.
Gets maximum message size in bytes what SMTP server accepts. Value null means not known.
Gets session authenticated user identity, returns null if not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and SMTP client is not connected.
Authenticates user. Authenticate method chooses strongest possible authentication method supported by server,
preference order DIGEST-MD5 -> CRAM-MD5 -> LOGIN.
User login name.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or is already authenticated.
Is raised when userName is null.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Authenticate method.
Starts authentication.
User login name.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or is already authenticated.
Ends a pending asynchronous authentication request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Noop method.
Starts sending NOOP command to server. This method can be used for keeping connection alive(not timing out).
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Ends a pending asynchronous Noop request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous StartTLS method.
Starts switching to SSL.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected or is already secure connection.
Ends a pending asynchronous StartTLS request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous RcptTo method.
Starts sending RCPT TO: command to SMTP server.
Recipient email address.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous disconnect.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Starts sending RCPT TO: command to SMTP server.
Recipient email address.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) NOTIFY value. For more info see RFC 3461.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) ORCPT value. Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3461.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous disconnect.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Before using notify or orcpt arguments, check that remote server supports SMTP DSN extention.
Ends a pending asynchronous RcptTo request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous MailFrom method.
Starts sending MAIL FROM: command to SMTP server.
Sender email address reported to SMTP server.
Sendable message size in bytes, -1 if message size unknown.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous disconnect.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Starts sending MAIL FROM: command to SMTP server.
Sender email address reported to SMTP server.
Sendable message size in bytes, -1 if message size unknown.
Delivery satus notification(DSN) ret value. For more info see RFC 3461.
Envelope ID. Value null means not specified. For more info see RFC 3461.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous disconnect.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Before using ret or envid arguments, check that remote server supports SMTP DSN extention.
Ends a pending asynchronous MailFrom request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Reset method.
Starts resetting SMTP session, all state data will be deleted.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous disconnect.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Ends a pending asynchronous reset request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Resets SMTP session, all state data will be deleted.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous SendMessage method.
Starts sending specified raw message to SMTP server.
Message stream. Message will be readed from current stream position and to the end of stream.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous method.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when SMTP client is not connected.
Is raised when message is null.
Ends a pending asynchronous SendMessage request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when SMTP server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous SendMessage method.
Starts getting specified email domain SMTP hosts.
Email domain or email address. For example or
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous method.
Is raised when domain is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Ends a pending asynchronous BeginGetDomainHosts request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Returns specified email domain SMTP hosts.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Gets specified email domain SMTP hosts. Values are in descending priority order.
Domain name. This value can be email address too, then domain parsed automatically.
Returns specified email domain SMTP hosts.
Is raised when domain is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when DNS query failure.
Gets or sets if BDAT command can be used.
SMTP client exception.
Default constructor.
SMTP server response line.
Is raised when responseLine is null.
Default constructor.
SMTP server error reply lines.
Is raised when replyLines is null reference.
Gets SMTP status code.
Gets SMTP server response text after status code.
Gets SMTP server error reply lines.
Gets if it is permanent SMTP(5xx) error.
Specifies relay mode.
Dns is used to resolve email message target.
All messages sent to the specified host.
This class implements SMTP relay queue.
Default constructor.
Relay queue name.
Is raised when name is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Queues message for relay.
Sender address.
Target recipient address.
Message ID.
Raw mime message. Message reading starts from current position.
User data.
Is raised when to,to,messageID or message is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Queues message for relay.
Sender address.
Specifies what parts of message are returned in DSN report.
Target recipient address.
Original recipient(RCPT TO: ORCPT).
DSN notify condition.
Message ID.
Raw mime message. Message reading starts from current position.
User data.
Is raised when to,to,messageID or message is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Queues message for relay.
Gets server where to send message. Value null means target server will be resolved by relay server.
Sender address.
Specifies what parts of message are returned in DSN report.
Target recipient address.
Original recipient(RCPT TO: ORCPT).
DSN notify condition.
Message ID.
Raw mime message. Message reading starts from current position.
User data.
Is raised when to,to,messageID or message is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Dequeues message from queue. If there are no messages, this method returns null.
Returns queued relay message or null if no messages.
Gets queue name.
Gets number of queued items in queue.
Thsi class holds Relay_Queue queued item.
Default constructor.
Item owner queue.
Gets server where to send message. Value null means target server will be resolved by relay server.
Sender address.
Specifies what parts of message are returned in DSN report.
Target recipient address.
Original recipient(RCPT TO: ORCPT).
DSN notify condition.
Message ID.
Raw mime message. Message reading starts from current position.
User data.
Gets this relay item owner queue.
Gets server where to send message. Value null means target server will be resolved by relay server.
Gets from address.
Gets DSN ENVID value.
Gets DSN RET value.
Gets target recipient.
Gets DSN ORCPT value.
Gets DSN Notify value.
Gets message ID which is being relayed now.
Gets raw mime message which must be relayed.
Gets or sets user data.
Represents the method that will handle the Relay_Server.SessionCompleted event.
Event data.
This class implements SMTP relay server. Defined in RFC 2821.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Is called when we need to check timed out relay sessions.
Event data.
Starts SMTP relay server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Stops SMTP relay server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Processes relay queue.
Gets local IP binding for specified remote IP.
Remote SMTP target IP address.
Returns local IP binding or null if no suitable IP binding available.
Is raised when remoteIP is null reference.
Increases specified IP address connactions count if maximum allowed connections to
the specified IP address isn't exceeded.
IP address.
Is raised when ip is null.
Returns true if specified IP usage increased, false if maximum allowed connections to the specified IP address is exceeded.
Decreases specified IP address connactions count.
IP address.
Is raised when ip is null.
Gets how many connections to the specified IP address.
IP address.
Returns number of connections to the specified IP address.
Is raised when ip is null.
Gets if server is disposed.
Gets if server is running.
Gets or sets relay server IP bindings.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets relay mode.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets relay queues. Queue with lower index number has higher priority.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets how smart hosts will be balanced.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets smart hosts. Smart hosts must be in priority order, lower index number means higher priority.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Gets or sets maximum allowed concurent connections. Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when negative value is passed.
Gets or sets maximum allowed connections to 1 IP address. Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets if TLS is used when remote server supports it.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets session idle time in seconds when it will be timed out. Value 0 means unlimited (strongly not recomended).
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets active relay sessions.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and relay server is not running.
Gets or sets relay logger. Value null means no logging.
Gets or stes DNS client.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null value is passed.
This event is raised when relay session processing completes.
Raises SessionCompleted event.
Session what completed processing.
Exception happened or null if relay completed successfully.
This event is raised when unhandled exception happens.
Raises Error event.
Exception happned.
This class implements SMTP relay server session.
This class holds relay target information.
Default constructor.
Target host name.
Target host IP end point.
Default constructor.
Target host name.
Target host IP end point.
SSL mode.
Target host user name.
Target host password.
Gets target host name.
Gets specified target IP end point.
Gets target SSL mode.
Gets target server user name.
Gets target server password.
Dns relay session constructor.
Owner relay server.
Relay item.
Is raised when server or realyItem is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Smart host relay session constructor.
Owner relay server.
Relay item.
Smart hosts.
Is raised when server,realyItem or smartHostsis null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Completes relay session and does clean up. This method is thread-safe.
Completes relay session and does clean up. This method is thread-safe.
Exception happened or null if relay completed successfully.
Start processing relay message.
User data.
Closes relay connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Closes relay connection.
Text to send to the connected host.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is called when email domain target servers resolve operation has completed.
RCPT TO: address.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when to or op is null reference.
Is called when smart hosts ip addresses resolve operation has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Starts connecting to best target.
Is called when EHLO/HELO command has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when EHLO/HELO command has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when STARTTLS command has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when AUTH command has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when MAIL command has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when RCPT command has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when message sending has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Thsi method is called when SMTP client has new log entry available.
Event data.
Logs specified text if logging enabled.
Text to log.
Gets if DSN extention is supported by remote server.
Gets if STASRTTLS extention is supported by remote server.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets local host name for LoaclEP.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets time when relay session created.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many seconds has left before timout is triggered.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets from address.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets target recipient.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets message ID which is being relayed now.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets message what is being relayed now.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets current remote host name. Returns null if not connected to any target.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets relay queue which session it is.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets user data what was procided to Relay_Queue.QueueMessage method.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session authenticated user identity, returns null if not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and relay session is not connected.
Gets if session is connected.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session ID.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the time when session was connected.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the last time when data was sent or received.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session local IP end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session remote IP end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets TCP stream which must be used to send/receive data through this session.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This class provides data for Relay_Server.SessionCompleted event.
Default constructor.
Relay session what completed processing.
Exception what happened or null if relay completed successfully.
Is raised when session is null.
Gets relay session what completed processing.
Gets Exception what happened or null if relay completed successfully.
This class holds smart host settings.
Default constructor.
Smart host name or IP address.
Smart host port.
Is raised when host is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Smart host name or IP address.
Smart host port.
Smart host SSL mode.
Smart host user name.
Smart host password.
Is raised when host is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
An object to compare with this instance.
Returns true if two objects are equal.
Returns the hash code.
Returns the hash code.
Gets smart host name or IP address.
Gets smart host port.
Gets smart host SSL mode.
Gets smart host user name. Value null means no authentication used.
Gets smart host password.
This class provided data for SMTP_Session.Ehlo event.
Default constructor.
Owner SMTP server session.
Ehlo/Helo domain name.
SMTP server reply.
Is raised when session, domain or reply is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets owner SMTP session.
Gets connected client reported domain name.
Gets or sets SMTP server reply.
Is raised when null reference passed.
This class holds MAIL FROM: command value.
Default constructor.
Mailbox value.
SIZE parameter value.
BODY parameter value.
DSN RET parameter value.
DSN ENVID parameter value.
Is raised when mailbox is null reference.
Gets SMTP "mailbox" value. Actually this is just email address.
This value can be "" if "null reverse-path".
Gets MAIL FROM: SIZE parameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Defined in RFC 1870.
Gets MAIL FROM: BODY parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Defined in RFC 1652.
Gets DSN RET parameter value. Value null means not specified.
RET specifies whether message or headers should be included in any failed DSN issued for message transmission.
Defined in RFC 1891.
Gets DSN ENVID parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Defined in RFC 1891.
This class provided data for SMTP_Session.MailFrom event.
Default constructor.
Owner SMTP server session.
MAIL FROM: value.
SMTP server reply.
Is raised when session, from or reply is null reference.
Gets owner SMTP session.
Gets MAIL FROM: value.
Gets or sets SMTP server reply.
Is raised when null reference passed.
This class provided data for SMTP_Session.MessageStoringCompleted event.
Default constructor.
Owner SMTP server session.
Message stream.
SMTP server reply.
Is raised when session, stream or reply is null reference.
Gets owner SMTP session.
Gets message stream where message has stored.
Gets or sets SMTP server reply.
Is raised when null reference passed.
This class provided data for SMTP_Session.GetMessageStream event.
Default constructor.
Owner SMTP server session.
Is raised when session is null reference.
Gets owner SMTP session.
Gets or stes stream where to store incoming message.
Is raised when null reference is passed.
This class holds RCPT TO: command value.
Default constructor.
Mailbox value.
DSN NOTIFY parameter value.
DSN ORCPT parameter value.
Is raised when mailbox is null reference.
Gets SMTP "mailbox" value. Actually this is just email address.
Gets DSN NOTIFY parameter value.
This value specified when SMTP server should send delivery status notification.
Defined in RFC 1891.
Gets DSN ORCPT parameter value. Value null means not specified.
This value specifies "original" recipient address where message is sent (has point only when message forwarded).
Defined in RFC 1891.
This class provided data for SMTP_Session.RcptTo event.
Default constructor.
Owner SMTP server session.
RCPT TO: value.
SMTP server reply.
Is raised when session, to or reply is null reference.
Gets owner SMTP session.
Gets RCPT TO: value.
Gets or sets SMTP server reply.
Is raised when null reference passed.
This class implements SMTP server reply.
Default constructor.
SMTP server reply code.
SMTP server reply line.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when replyLine is null reference.
Default constructor.
SMTP server reply code.
SMTP server reply line(s).
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when replyLines is null reference.
Returns SMTP server reply as string.
Returns SMTP server reply as string.
Gets SMTP server reply code.
Gets SMTP server reply lines.
This class implements SMTP server. Defined RFC 5321.
Default constructor.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections per connected IP exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Gets or sets SMTP server supported service extentions.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null reference passed.
Gets or sets server greeting text.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets how many bad commands session can have before it's terminated. Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets maximum mail transactions per session. Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets maximum message size in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets maximum allowed recipients per SMTP transaction.
According RFC 5321 this value SHOULD NOT be less than 100.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets SMTP service extentions list.
This class implements SMTP session. Defined RFC 5321.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts session processing.
Is called when session has processing error.
Exception happened.
This method is called when specified session times out.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Starts reading incoming command from the connected client.
Completes command reading operation.
Returns true if server should start reading next command.
Default constructor.
Reads next SMTP command.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Is called when SMTP command reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
SMTP server reply line.
Is raised when reply is null reference.
Default constructor.
SMTP server reply lines.
Is raised when replyLines is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid values.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP session.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when response sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Sends SMTP server response.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Implements SMTP DATA command. Defined in RFC 5321
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SMTP session.
SMTP client command text.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Sends specified final response to client.
SMTP reply.
Is called when SMTP server "final" response sending has completed.
Is called when SMTP server 354 response sending has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when incoming SMTP message reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Completes DATA command.
Time DATA command started.
Read period-terminated opeartion.
Does reset as specified in RFC 5321.
Creates "Received:" header field. For more info see RFC 5321.4.4.
Returns "Received:" header field.
Sends and logs specified line to connected host.
Line to send.
Logs read operation.
Number of bytes readed.
Log text.
Logs write operation.
Number of bytes written.
Log text.
Logs free text entry.
Log text.
Logs exception.
Log text.
Exception happened.
Gets session owner SMTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets supported SASL authentication methods collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of bad commands happened on SMTP session.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of mail transactions processed by this SMTP session.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets client reported EHLO host name. Returns null if EHLO/HELO is not issued yet.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets authenticated user identity or null if user has not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets MAIL FROM: value. Returns null if MAIL FROM: is not issued yet.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets RCPT TO: values. Returns null if RCPT TO: is not issued yet.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when session has started processing and needs to send 220 greeting or 554 error resposne to the connected client.
Raises Started event.
Default SMTP server reply.
Returns SMTP server reply what must be sent to the connected client.
Is raised when EHLO command received.
Raises Ehlo event.
Ehlo/Helo domain.
Default SMTP server reply.
Returns SMTP server reply what must be sent to the connected client.
Is raised when MAIL FROM: command received.
Raises MailFrom event.
MAIL FROM: value.
Default SMTP server reply.
Returns SMTP server reply what must be sent to the connected client.
Is raised when RCPT TO: command received.
Raises RcptTo event.
RCPT TO: value.
Default SMTP server reply.
Returns SMTP server reply what must be sent to the connected client.
Is raised when SMTP server needs to get stream where to store incoming message.
Raises GetMessageStream event.
Returns message store stream.
Is raised when SMTP server has canceled message storing.
This can happen on 2 cases: on session timeout and if between BDAT chunks RSET issued.
Raises MessageStoringCanceled event.
Is raised when SMTP server has completed message storing.
Raises MessageStoringCompleted event.
Default SMTP server reply.
Returns SMTP server reply what must be sent to the connected client.
This class provides data for SMTP_Session.Started event.
Default constructor.
Owner SMTP server session.
SMTP server reply.
Is raised when session or reply is null reference.
Gets owner SMTP session.
Gets or sets SMTP server reply.
Is raised when null reference passed.
This value implements SMTP Notify value. Defined in RFC 3461.
Values Success,Failure,Delay may be mixed if NotSpecified or Never flag is not set.
Notify value not specified.
For compatibility with SMTP clients that do not use the NOTIFY
facility, the absence of a NOTIFY parameter in a RCPT command may be
DSN should not be returned to the sender under any conditions.
DSN should be sent on successful delivery.
DSN should be sent on delivery failure.
DSN should be sent on delayed delivery.
This class holds known SMTP service extensions. Defined in
Send as mail. Defined in RFC RFC 821.
Send as mail or terminal. Defined in RFC 821.
Send as mail and terminal. Defined in RFC 821.
Expand the mailing list. Defined in RFC 821,
Supply helpful information. Defined in RFC 821.
Turn the operation around. Defined in RFC 821.
Use 8-bit data. Defined in RFC 1652.
Message size declaration. Defined in RFC 1870.
Chunking. Defined in RFC 3030.
Binary MIME. Defined in RFC 3030.
Checkpoint/Restart. Defined in RFC 1845.
Command Pipelining. Defined in RFC 2920.
Delivery Status Notification. Defined in RFC 1891.
Extended Turn. Defined in RFC 1985.
Enhanced Status Codes. Defined in RFC 2034.
Start TLS. Defined in RFC 3207.
Notification of no soliciting. Defined in RFC 3865.
Message Tracking. Defined in RFC 3885.
SMTP Responsible Submitter. Defined in RFC 4405.
Authenticated TURN. Defined in RFC 2645.
Authentication. Defined in RFC 4954.
Remote Content. Defined in RFC 4468.
Future Message Release. Defined in RFC 4865.
This class provedes SMTP related utility methods.
Gets if specified smtp address has valid syntax.
SMTP address, eg.
Returns ture if address is valid, otherwise false.
This class implements high performance UDP data receiver.
NOTE: High performance server applications should create multiple instances of this class per one socket.
Default constructor.
UDP socket.
Is raised when socket is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts receiving data.
Is raised when this calss is disposed and this method is accessed.
Receives synchornously(if packet(s) available now) or starts waiting UDP packet asynchronously if no packets at moment.
Is called BeginReceiveFrom has completed.
The result of the asynchronous operation.
Is raised when when new UDP packet is available.
Raises PacketReceived event.
Data buffer.
Number of bytes stored in buffer
Remote IP end point from where data was received.
Is raised when unhandled error happens.
Raises Error event.
Exception happened.
This class provides data for the event.
Default constructor.
Reuses this class.
Socket which received data.
Data buffer.
Number of bytes stored in buffer
Remote IP end point from where data was received.
Gets socket which received data.
Gets data buffer.
Gets number of bytes stored to Buffer.
Gets remote host from where data was received.
This class implements generic UDP server.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts UDP server.
Stops UDP server.
Restarts running server. If server is not running, this methods has no efffect.
Sends specified UDP packet to the specified remote end point.
UDP packet to send.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to send.
Remote end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this method is accessed.
Is raised when any of the arumnets is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Sends specified UDP packet to the specified remote end point.
UDP packet to send.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to send.
Remote end point.
Returns local IP end point which was used to send UDP packet.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this method is accessed.
Is raised when any of the arumnets is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Sends specified UDP packet to the specified remote end point.
Local end point to use for sending.
UDP packet to send.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to send.
Remote end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this method is accessed.
Is raised when any of the arumnets is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Sends specified UDP packet to the specified remote end point.
UDP socket to use for data sending.
UDP packet to send.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes to send.
Remote end point.
Returns local IP end point which was used to send UDP packet.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this method is accessed.
Is raised when any of the arumnets is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets suitable local IP end point for the specified remote endpoint.
If there are multiple sending local end points, they will be load-balanched with round-robin.
Remote end point.
Returns local IP end point.
Is raised when argument remoteEP is null.
Is raised when argument remoteEP has invalid value.
Is raised when no suitable IPv4 or IPv6 socket for remoteEP.
Processes specified incoming UDP packet.
Packet event data.
Is raised when e is null reference.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets if UDP server is running.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets maximum network transmission unit.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when server is running and this property value is tried to set.
Gets or sets IP end point where UDP server is binded.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Gets time when server was started.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this property is accessed.
Gets how many bytes this UDP server has received since start.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this property is accessed.
Gets how many UDP packets this UDP server has received since start.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this property is accessed.
Gets how many bytes this UDP server has sent since start.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this property is accessed.
Gets how many UDP packets this UDP server has sent since start.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised whan UDP server is not running and this property is accessed.
This event is raised when new UDP packet received.
Raises PacketReceived event.
Event data.
This event is raised when unexpected error happens.
Raises Error event.
Exception occured.
This class represents UPnP error.
Default constructor.
UPnP error code.
UPnP error text.
Parses UPnP exception from UPnP xml error.
Error xml stream.
Returns UPnP exception.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Is raised when parsing fails.
Gets UPnP error code.
Gets UPnP error text.
This class implements UPnP client.
Defaultc onstructor.
Searches the network for UPnP root devices.
Search wait timeout in milliseconds.
Returns matched UPnP devices.
Searches the network for UPnP devices.
UPnP device type. For example: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1".
Search wait timeout in milliseconds.
Returns matched UPnP devices.
Searches the network for UPnP devices.
IP address of UPnP device.
UPnP device type. For example: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1".
Search wait timeout in milliseconds.
Returns matched UPnP devices.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
This class provides methods for managing UPnP NAT router.
Default constructor.
Initializes UPnP NAT info.
Gets NAT public IP address.
Returns NAT public IP address.
Gets all existing port mappings.
Returns all existing port mappings.
This method creates a new port mapping or overwrites an existing mapping.
Specifies if port mapping is enabled.
Port mapping description.
Port mapping protocol. Nomrally this value TCP or UDP.
Remote host IP address.
Desired public port.
Local IP end point.
Lease duration in seconds. Value null means never expires.
Is raised when description,protocol or localEP is null reference.
Is raised when UPnP device returns error.
Deletes port mapping.
NAT mapping entry to delete.
Is raised when map is null reference.
Is raised when UPnP device returns error.
Deletes port mapping.
Port mapping protocol. Nomrally this value TCP or UDP.
Remote host IP address.
Public port number.
Is raised when protocol is null reference.
Is raised when UPnP device returns error.
Sends command to UPnP device and reads response.
Command method.
Soap xml.
Returns UPnP device response.
Gets if UPnP NAT is supported.
This class represents NAT port mapping entry.
Default constructor.
Specifies if NAT port map is enabled.
Port mapping protocol. Nomrally this value TCP or UDP.
Remote host IP address. NOTE: Some implementations may use wilcard(*,?) values.
NAT external port number. NOTE: Some implementations may use wilcard(*,?) values.
Internal host IP address.
Internal host port number.
NAT port mapping description.
Lease duration in in seconds. Value null means "never expires".
Gets if NAT port map is enabled.
Gets port mapping protocol. Nomrally this value TCP or UDP.
Gets remote host IP address. NOTE: Some implementations may use wilcard(*,?) values.
Gets NAT external port number. NOTE: Some implementations may use wilcard(*,?) values.
Gets internal host IP address.
Gets internal host port number.
Gets NAT port mapping description.
Gets lease duration in in seconds. Value null means "never expires".
This class represents UPnP device.
Default constructor.
Device URL.
Gets device base URL.
Gets device type.
Gets device short name.
Gets manufacturer's name.
Gets web site for Manufacturer.
Gets device long description.
Gets model name.
Gets model number.
Gets web site for model.
Gets serial number.
Gets unique device name.
Gets device UI url.
Gets UPnP device XML description.
This class implements base64 encoder/decoder. Defined in RFC 4648.
Default constructor.
Encodes bytes.
Data buffer.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes available in the buffer.
Last data block.
Returns encoded data.
Decodes specified base64 string.
Base64 string.
If true all invalid base64 chars ignored. If false, FormatException is raised.
Returns decoded data.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value contains invalid base64 data.
Decodes specified base64 data.
Base64 encoded data buffer.
Offset in the buffer.
Number of bytes available in the buffer.
If true all invalid base64 chars ignored. If false, FormatException is raised.
Returns decoded data.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Is raised when value contains invalid base64 data.
Decodes base64 encoded bytes.
Base64 encoded data buffer.
Offset in the encBuffer.
Number of bytes available in the encBuffer.
Buffer where to decode data.
Offset int the buffer.
If true all invalid base64 chars ignored. If false, FormatException is raised.
Returns number of bytes decoded.
Is raised when encBuffer or encBuffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of valid range.
Is raised when encBuffer contains invalid base64 data.
Implements FIFO(first in - first out) buffer.
Default constructor.
Maximum number of bytes can buffer in FIFO.
Is raised when
Reads up to specified count of bytes from the FIFO buffer.
Buffer where to store data.
Index in the buffer.
Maximum number of bytes to read.
Returns number of bytes readed. Returns 0 if no data in the buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of allowed range.
Writes specified number of bytes to the FIFO buffer.
Data buffer.
Index in the buffer.
Number of bytes to wrtite.
If true, disables excption raising when FIFO full.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of allowed range.
Is raised when ignoreBufferFull = false and FIFO buffer has no room to store data.
Clears buffer data.
Removes unused space from the buffer beginning.
Gets maximum number of bytes can buffer in FIFO.
Gets number of bytes avialable in FIFO.
This class represents auto switching memory/temp-file stream.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
Maximum bytes store to memory, before switching over temporary file.
Destructor - Just incase user won't call dispose.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the position within the current stream.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream.
The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Gets or sets default memory size in bytes, before switching to temp file.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the length in bytes of the stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Implements RFC 2045 6.7. Quoted-Printable stream.
Default constructor.
Source stream.
Specifies stream access mode.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream.
The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when reading not supported.
Encodes a sequence of bytes, writes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when reading not supported.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the length in bytes of the stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
This class implements read,write or read-write access stream.
Default constructor.
Source stream.
This stream access mode.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream.
The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when reading not supported.
Writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when reading not supported.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the length in bytes of the stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This class implements base64 encoder/decoder. Defined in RFC 4648.
Default constructor.
Stream which to encode/decode.
Specifies if Base64Stream is owner of stream.
Specifies if encoder inserts CRLF after each 76 bytes.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Default constructor.
Stream which to encode/decode.
Specifies if Base64Stream is owner of stream.
Specifies if encoder inserts CRLF after each 76 bytes.
This stream access mode.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Celans up any resources being used.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream.
The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of valid range.
Is raised when reading not supported.
Encodes a sequence of bytes, writes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this.Finish has been called and this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when reading not supported.
Completes encoding. Call this method if all data has written and no more data.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the length in bytes of the stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Gets or sets if invalid(missing '=' chars) base64 last block padding allowed.
This class combines multiple stream into one stream for reading.
The most common usage for that stream is when you need to insert some data to the beginning of some stream.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Appends this stream to read queue.
Stream to add.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream is null.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream.
The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the length in bytes of the stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when one of the source streams won't support Length property.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Implements read-only stream what operates on specified range of source stream
Default constructor.
Source stream.
Zero based start positon in source stream.
Length of stream.
Is raised when stream is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the position within the current stream.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream.
The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the length in bytes of the stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This class is wrapper to normal stream, provides most needed stream methods which are missing from normal stream.
This class implements asynchronous data reader.
Default constructor.
Owner stream.
Buffer where to store data.
The location in buffer to begin storing the data.
Maximum number of bytes to read.
The AsyncCallback delegate that is executed when asynchronous operation completes.
User-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Is called when asynchronous read buffer buffering has completed.
Exception that occured during async operation.
Does asynchronous data reading.
This method must be called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Gets a WaitHandle that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete.
Gets an indication of whether the asynchronous operation completed synchronously.
Gets an indication whether the asynchronous operation has completed.
Gets or sets if EndReadLine method is called for this asynchronous operation.
Gets store buffer.
Gets number of bytes stored in to Buffer.
This class implements read line operation.
This class can be reused on multiple calls of SmartStream.ReadLine method.
Default constructor.
Line buffer.
Specifies how line-reader behaves when maximum line size exceeded.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts asynchronous operation.
If true then this method can complete asynchronously. If false, this method always completes syncronously.
Owner SmartStream.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Is called when asynchronous read buffer buffering has completed.
Exception that occured during async operation. Value null means no errors.
Starts/continues line reading.
If true then this method can complete asynchronously. If false, this method completes always syncronously.
Returns true if line reading has completed.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error occured during asynchronous operation. Value null means no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets line size exceeded action.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets line buffer.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets number of bytes stored in the buffer. Ending line-feed characters included.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets number of line data bytes stored in the buffer. Ending line-feed characters not included.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets line as ASCII string. Returns null if EOS(end of stream) reached. Ending line-feed characters not included.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets line as UTF-8 string. Returns null if EOS(end of stream) reached. Ending line-feed characters not included.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets line as UTF-32 string. Returns null if EOS(end of stream) reached. Ending line-feed characters not included.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
This class implements read period-terminated operation.
Default constructor.
Stream wehre to sore readed data.
Maximum number of bytes to read. Value 0 means not limited.
Specifies how period-terminated reader behaves when maxCount exceeded.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts asynchronous operation.
If true then this method can complete asynchronously. If false, this method always completes syncronously.
Owner SmartStream.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when asynchronous line reading has completed.
Event data.
Continues period-terminated reading.
If true then this method can complete asynchronously. If false, this method completes always syncronously.
Returns true if operation has completed synchronously, false if asynchronous operation pending.
Processes readed line.
Returns true if read period-terminated operation has completed.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error occured during asynchronous operation. Value null means no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets stream where period terminated data has stored.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets number of bytes stored to Stream stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets number of lines stored to Stream stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Is raised when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
This class implements asynchronous read buffering.
Default constructor.
Owner stream.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts asynchronous operation.
If true then this method can complete asynchronously. If false, this method always completes syncronously.
Buffer where to store readed data.
Maximum number of bytes to read.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Releases all events attached to this class.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error occured during asynchronous operation. Value null means no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets read buffer.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Gets number of bytes stored in read buffer.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed in ivalid state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Default constructor.
Stream to wrap.
Specifies if SmartStream is owner of stream.
Is raised when stream is null.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts line reading.
Read line opeartion.
If true then this method can complete asynchronously. If false, this method completes always syncronously.
Returns true if read line completed synchronously, false if asynchronous operation pending.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Begins an asynchronous header reading from the source stream.
Stream where to store readed header.
Maximum number of bytes to read. Value 0 means not limited.
Specifies action what is done if maxCount number of bytes has exceeded.
The AsyncCallback delegate that is executed when asynchronous operation completes.
An object that contains any additional user-defined data.
An IAsyncResult that represents the asynchronous call.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when storeStream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Handles the end of an asynchronous header reading.
An IAsyncResult that represents an asynchronous call.
Returns number of bytes stored to storeStream.
Is raised when asyncResult is null reference.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when EndReadLine has already been called for specified asyncResult.
Is raised when source stream has too big line.
Is raised when reading exceeds maxCount specified value.
Is raised when source stream closed before header-terminator reached.
Reads header from stream and stores to the specified storeStream.
Stream where to store readed header.
Maximum number of bytes to read. Value 0 means not limited.
Specifies action what is done if maxCount number of bytes has exceeded.
Returns how many bytes readed from source stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when storeStream is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when source stream has too big line.
Is raised when reading exceeds maxCount specified value.
Is raised when source stream closed before header-terminator reached.
Begins period-terminated data reading.
Read period terminated opeartion.
If true then this method can complete asynchronously. If false, this method completed always syncronously.
Returns true if read line completed synchronously, false if asynchronous operation pending.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Begins an asynchronous data reading from the source stream.
Stream where to store readed header.
Number of bytes to read.
The AsyncCallback delegate that is executed when asynchronous operation completes.
An object that contains any additional user-defined data.
An IAsyncResult that represents the asynchronous call.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when storeStream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Handles the end of an asynchronous data reading.
An IAsyncResult that represents an asynchronous call.
Is raised when asyncResult is null reference.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when EndReadToStream has already been called for specified asyncResult.
Reads specified number of bytes from source stream and writes to the specified stream.
Stream where to store readed data.
Number of bytes to read.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when storeStream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Reads specified number of bytes from source stream and converts it to string with current encoding.
Number of bytes to read.
Returns readed data as string.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Reads all data from source stream and stores to the specified stream.
Stream where to store readed data.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream is null.
Returns the next available character but does not consume it.
An integer representing the next character to be read, or -1 if no more characters are available.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Writes specified string data to stream.
Data to write.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when data is null.
Writes specified line to stream. If CRLF is missing, it will be added automatically to line data.
Line to send.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when line is null.
Returns number of raw bytes written.
Writes all source stream data to stream.
Stream which data to write.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream is null.
Writes specified number of bytes from source stream to stream.
Stream which data to write.
Number of bytes to write.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream is null.
Is raised when count argument has invalid value.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Stream which data to write.
Number of bytes to write. Value -1 means all stream data will be written.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SmartStream.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Starts reading data.
Processes read data result.
Asynchronous result.
Retruns true if this method completed asynchronously, otherwise false.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets number of bytes written.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts writing stream data to this stream.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Writes period handled and terminated data to this stream.
Source stream. Reading starts from stream current location.
Returns number of bytes written to stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream is null.
Is raised when stream has too big line.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Source stream. Reading starts from stream current location.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner SmartStream.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when source stream read line reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when line sending has completed.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when ".CRLF" or "CRLF.CRLF" terminator sending has completed.
Asynchronous result.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets number of bytes written.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts writing period handled and terminated data to this stream.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Reads header from source stream and writes it to stream.
Stream from where to read header.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream is null.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the position within the current stream.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Sets the length of the current stream.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Begins an asynchronous read operation.
The buffer to read the data into.
The byte offset in buffer at which to begin writing data read from the stream.
The maximum number of bytes to read.
An optional asynchronous callback, to be called when the read is complete.
A user-provided object that distinguishes this particular asynchronous read request from other requests.
An IAsyncResult that represents the asynchronous read, which could still be pending.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of valid range.
Handles the end of an asynchronous data reading.
The reference to the pending asynchronous request to finish.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested
if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when asyncResult is null reference.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream.
The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of valid range.
Begins an asynchronous write operation.
The buffer to write data from.
The byte offset in buffer from which to begin writing.
The maximum number of bytes to write.
An optional asynchronous callback, to be called when the write is complete.
A user-provided object that distinguishes this particular asynchronous write request from other requests.
An IAsyncResult that represents the asynchronous write, which could still be pending.
/// Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of valid range.
Ends an asynchronous write operation.
A reference to the outstanding asynchronous I/O request.
Is raised when asyncResult is null reference.
Writes a sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Begins buffering read-buffer.
If true then this method can complete asynchronously. If false, this method completes always syncronously.
The callback that is executed when asynchronous operation completes.
If operation completes synchronously, no callback called.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when there is data in read buffer and this method is called.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets line buffer size in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets this stream underlying stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if SmartStream is owner of source stream. This property affects like closing this stream will close SourceStream if IsOwner true.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the last time when data was read or written.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many bytes are readed through this stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many bytes are written through this stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of bytes in read buffer.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets string related methods default encoding.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Gets or sets if only CRLF lines accepted. If false LF lines accepted.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the length in bytes of the stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This class implements asynchronous line reading.
Default constructor.
Owner stream.
Buffer where to store data.
The location in buffer to begin storing the data.
Maximum number of bytes to read.
Specifies how this method behaves when maximum line size exceeded.
The AsyncCallback delegate that is executed when asynchronous operation completes.
User-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Is raised when owner,buffer is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has out of valid range.
Is called when asynchronous read buffer buffering has completed.
Exception that occured during async operation.
Does line reading.
This method must be called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Gets a WaitHandle that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete.
Gets an indication of whether the asynchronous operation completed synchronously.
Gets an indication whether the asynchronous operation has completed.
Gets or sets if EndReadLine method is called for this asynchronous operation.
Gets store buffer.
Gets number of bytes readed from source stream.
Gets number of bytes stored in to Buffer.
This class implements asynchronous line-based terminated data reader, where terminator is on line itself.
Default constructor.
Owner stream.
Data terminator.
Stream where to store readed header.
Maximum number of bytes to read. Value 0 means not limited.
Specifies how this method behaves when maximum line size exceeded.
The AsyncCallback delegate that is executed when asynchronous operation completes.
User-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Is raised when owner,terminator or storeStream is null reference.
This method is called when asyynchronous line reading has completed.
An IAsyncResult that represents an asynchronous call.
This method must be called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Gets terminator.
Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Gets a WaitHandle that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete.
Gets an indication of whether the asynchronous operation completed synchronously.
Gets an indication whether the asynchronous operation has completed.
Gets or sets if EndReadLine method is called for this asynchronous operation.
Gets number of bytes stored in to storeStream.
Gets exception happened on asynchronous operation. Returns null if operation was successfull.
This class implements asynchronous read to stream data reader.
Default constructor.
Owner stream.
Stream where to store readed data.
Number of bytes to read from source stream.
The AsyncCallback delegate that is executed when asynchronous operation completes.
User-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Is raised when owner or storeStream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is called when asynchronous read buffer buffering has completed.
Exception that occured during async operation.
Does data reading.
This method must be called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Gets a WaitHandle that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete.
Gets an indication of whether the asynchronous operation completed synchronously.
Gets an indication whether the asynchronous operation has completed.
Gets or sets if EndReadLine method is called for this asynchronous operation.
Gets number of bytes stored in to storeStream.
Gets exception happened on asynchronous operation. Returns null if operation was successfull.
Begins an asynchronous line reading from the source stream.
Buffer where to store readed line data.
The location in buffer to begin storing the data.
Maximum number of bytes to read.
Specifies how this method behaves when maximum line size exceeded.
The AsyncCallback delegate that is executed when asynchronous operation completes.
An object that contains any additional user-defined data.
An IAsyncResult that represents the asynchronous call.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Handles the end of an asynchronous line reading.
An IAsyncResult that represents an asynchronous call.
Returns number of bytes stored to buffer. Returns -1 if no more data, end of stream reached.
Is raised when asyncResult is null reference.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when EndReadLine has already been called for specified asyncResult.
Is raised when maxCount value is exceeded.
The exception that is thrown when maximum allowed data size has exceeded.
Default constructor.
The exception that is thrown when incomplete data received.
For example for ReadPeriodTerminated() method reaches end of stream before getting period terminator.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
Exception message text.
The exception that is thrown when maximum allowed line size has exceeded.
Default coonstructor.
Specifies action what is done if requested action exceeds maximum allowed size.
Throws exception at once when maximum size exceeded.
Junks all data what exceeds maximum allowed size and after requested operation completes,
throws exception.
This stream just junks all written data.
Default constructor.
Not used.
Sets the current position of the stream to the given value. This method always throws a NotSupportedException.
This parameter is not used.
This parameter is not used.
Sets the length of the stream. This method always throws a NotSupportedException.
This parameter is not used.
Reads data from the stream. This method always throws a NotSupportedException.
This parameter is not used.
This parameter is not used.
This parameter is not used.
Writes data to the stream.
An array of type Byte that contains the data to write to the stream.
The location in buffer from which to start writing data.
The number of bytes to write to the stream.
Gets a value indicating whether the stream supports reading. This property always returns false.
Gets a value indicating whether the stream supports seeking. This property always returns false.
Gets a value that indicates whether the stream supports writing.
Gets the length of the data available on the stream. This property always throws a NotSupportedException.
Gets or sets the current position in the stream. This property always throws a NotSupportedException.
Represents a collection that can be accessed either with the key or with the index.
Default constructor.
Adds the specified key and value to the collection.
Removes the value with the specified key from the collection.
Returns if key found and removed, otherwise false.
Removes all items from the collection.
Gets if the collection contains the specified key.
Returns true if the collection contains specified key.
Gets the value associated with the specified key.
When this method returns, contains the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found.
Returns true if the collection contains specified key and value stored to value argument.
Gets the value at the specified index.
Zero based item index.
When this method returns, contains the value associated with the specified key, if the key is found.
Returns true if the collection contains specified key and value stored to value argument.
Copies all elements to new array, all elements will be in order they added. This method is thread-safe.
Returns elements in a new array.
Gets enumerator.
Returns IEnumerator interface.
Gets number of items int he collection.
Gets item with the specified key.
Returns item with the specified key. If the specified key is not found, a get operation throws a KeyNotFoundException.
This class is base class for MIME entity bodies.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Internal constructor. No Content-Type is created, user must do it manually.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Sets body parent.
Owner entity.
If true sets entity.ContentType header value.
Stores MIME entity body to the specified stream.
Stream where to store body data.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets if body has modified.
Gets body owner entity. Returns null if body not bounded to any entity yet.
Gets body media type. For example: 'text/plain'.
Gets content-type.
This class represents MIME application/xxx bodies. Defined in RFC 2046 4.2.
The "application" media type is to be used for discrete data which do
not fit in any of the other categories, and particularly for data to
be processed by some type of application program.
Default constructor.
MIME media type.
Is raised when mediaType is null reference.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or strean is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME application/pkcs7-mime body. Defined in RFC 5751 3.2.
Default constructor.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or strean is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Gets certificates contained in pkcs 7.
Returns certificates contained in pkcs 7. Returns null if no certificates.
Checks if signature is valid and data not altered.
Returns true if signature is valid, otherwise false.
This method is valid only if Content-Type parameter smime-type=signed-data.
Is raised when smime-type != signed-data.
Gets signed mime content. Value null means no content.
Returns signed mime content. Value null means no content.
This method is valid only if Content-Type parameter smime-type=signed-data.
Is raised when smime-type != signed-data.
Decrypts enveloped mime content.
Decrypting certificate.
Returns decrypted enveloped mime content.
Is raised when cert is null reference.
Is raised when smime-type != enveloped-data.
This class represents MIME audio/xxx bodies. Defined in RFC 2046 4.3.
A media type of "audio" indicates that the body contains audio data.
Default constructor.
MIME media type.
Is raised when mediaType is null reference.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME image/xxx bodies. Defined in RFC 2046 4.2.
A media type of "image" indicates that the body contains an image.
The subtype names the specific image format.
Default constructor.
MIME media type.
Is raised when mediaType is null reference.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME message/xxx bodies. Defined in RFC 2046 5.2.
Default constructor.
MIME media type.
Is raised when mediaType is null reference.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME message/delivery-status body. Defined in RFC 3464.
delivery-status-content = per-message-fields 1*( CRLF per-recipient-fields )
per-message-fields =
[ original-envelope-id-field CRLF ]
reporting-mta-field CRLF
[ dsn-gateway-field CRLF ]
[ received-from-mta-field CRLF ]
[ arrival-date-field CRLF ]
*( extension-field CRLF )
per-recipient-fields =
[ original-recipient-field CRLF ]
final-recipient-field CRLF
action-field CRLF
status-field CRLF
[ remote-mta-field CRLF ]
[ diagnostic-code-field CRLF ]
[ last-attempt-date-field CRLF ]
[ final-log-id-field CRLF ]
[ will-retry-until-field CRLF ]
*( extension-field CRLF )
Default constructor.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Stores MIME entity body to the specified stream.
Stream where to store body data.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets if body has modified.
Gets per-message fields collection.
Is raised when this method is accessed and this body is not bounded to any entity.
Gets reciepent report blocks collection.
Each block contains per-recipient-fields.
This class represents MIME message/rfc822 body. Defined in RFC 2046 5.2.1.
Default constructor.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Stores MIME entity body to the specified stream.
Stream where to store body data.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets if body has modified.
Gets embbed mail message.
Is raised when null reference passed.
Is raised when this method is accessed and this body is not bounded to any entity.
This class represents MIME application/xxx bodies. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.
The "multipart" represents single MIME body containing multiple child MIME entities.
The "multipart" body must contain at least 1 MIME entity.
Implements multipart "body parts" reader.
This enum specified multipart reader sate.
First boundary must be seeked.
Read next boundary. (Method Next must be called to continue next boundary reading)
Active boundary reading pending.
All boundraies readed.
This class holds readed data line info.
Default constructor.
Line buffer size in bytes.
Assigns data line info from rea line operation.
Read line operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets line data buffer.
Gets number of bytes used in LineBuffer.
Default constructor.
Stream from where to read body part.
Boundry ID what separates body parts.
Is raised when stream or boundary is null reference.
Moves to next "body part". Returns true if moved to next "body part" or false if there are no more parts.
Returns true if moved to next "body part" or false if there are no more body parts.
Clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
Sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
A byte offset relative to the origin parameter.
A value of type SeekOrigin indicating the reference point used to obtain the new position.
The new position within the current stream.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Sets the length of the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
The desired length of the current stream in bytes.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Reads a sequence of bytes from the current stream and advances the position within the stream by the number of bytes read.
An array of bytes. When this method returns, the buffer contains the specified byte array with the values between offset and (offset + count - 1) replaced by the bytes read from the current source.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin storing the data read from the current stream.
The maximum number of bytes to be read from the current stream.
The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This can be less than the number of bytes requested if that many bytes are not currently available, or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached.
Is raised when buffer is null reference.
Writes sequence of bytes to the current stream and advances the current position within this stream by the number of bytes written.
An array of bytes. This method copies count bytes from buffer to the current stream.
The zero-based byte offset in buffer at which to begin copying bytes to the current stream.
The number of bytes to be written to the current stream.
Is raised when this method is accessed.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports reading.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports writing.
Gets the length in bytes of the stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Gets or sets the position within the current stream. This method is not supported and always throws a NotSupportedException.
Is raised when this property is accessed.
Gets "preamble" text. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.1.
Preamble text is text between MIME entiy headers and first boundary.
Gets "epilogue" text. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.1.
Epilogue text is text after last boundary end.
Gets reader state.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Internal constructor. No Content-Type is created, user must do it manually.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Internal body parsing.
Owner MIME entity.
MIME media type. For example: text/plain.
Stream from where to read body.
Multipart body instance.
Is raised when stream, mediaType, stream or body is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Sets body parent.
Owner entity.
If true sets entity.ContentType header value.
Stores MIME entity body to the specified stream.
Stream where to store body data.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets if body has modified.
Gets default body part Content-Type. For more info see RFC 2046 5.1.
Gets multipart body body-parts collection.
Multipart entity child entities are called "body parts" in RFC 2045.
Gets or sets "preamble" text. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.1.
Preamble text is text between MIME entiy headers and first boundary.
Gets or sets "epilogue" text. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.1.
Epilogue text is text after last boundary end.
This class represents MIME multipart/alternative body. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.4.
The "multipart/alternative" is intended for use when each of the body parts is an "alternative" version of the same information.
In general, user agents that compose "multipart/alternative" entities
must place the body parts in increasing order of preference, that is,
with the preferred format last.
Default constructor. The boundary = auto-generated.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME multipart/digest body. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.5.
The "multipart/digest" Content-Type is intended to be used to send collections of messages.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Gets default body part Content-Type. For more info see RFC 2046 5.1.
This class represents MIME multipart/encrypted body. Defined in rfc 1847.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME multipart/form-data body. Defined in RFC 2046.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME multipart/mixed body. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.3.
The "mixed" subtype of "multipart" is intended for use when the body
parts are independent and need to be bundled in a particular order.
Default constructor. The boundary = auto-generated.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME multipart/parallel bodies. Defined in RFC 2046 5.1.6.
The "parallel" subtype of "multipart" is intended for use when the body
parts are independent and their order is not important. Parts can be processed parallel.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME multipart/related body. Defined in RFC 2387.
The Multipart/Related content-type provides a common mechanism for
representing objects that are aggregates of related MIME body parts.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME multipart/report body. Defined in RFC 3462.
The Multipart/Report Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) content-type is a general "family" or
"container" type for electronic mail reports of any kind. The most used type is delivery-status.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME multipart/signed body. Defined in RFC 5751.
Default constructor. The protocol = 'application/x-pkcs7-signature',micalg = 'sha1' and boundary = auto-generated.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, mediaTypedefaultContentTypeb> or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Sets signer certificate.
Signer certificate.
Is raised when signerCert is null reference.
Gets certificates contained in pkcs 7.
Returns certificates contained in pkcs 7. Returns null if no certificates.
Checks if signature is valid and data not altered.
Returns true if signature is valid, otherwise false.
Stores MIME entity body to the specified stream.
Stream where to store body data.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
This class represent MIME entity body provider.
Default constructor.
Parses MIME entity body from specified stream.
Owner MIME entity.
Stream from where to parse entity body.
Default content type.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when owner, strean or defaultContentType is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
This class is base class for singlepart media bodies like: text,video,audio,image.
Default constructor.
Content type.
Is raised when contentType is null reference.
Destructor - Just incase user won't call dispose.
Sets body parent.
Owner entity.
If true sets entity.ContentType header value.
Stores MIME entity body to the specified stream.
Stream where to store body data.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Sets IsModified property value.
Modified flag.
Gets body encoded data stream.
Returns body encoded data stream.
Is raised when this method is accessed and this body is not bounded to any entity.
Sets body encoded data from specified stream.
Content-Transfer-Encoding in what encoding stream data is.
Stream data to add.
Is raised when contentTransferEncoding or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when this method is accessed and this body is not bounded to any entity.
Gets body decoded data stream.
Returns body decoded data stream.
Is raised when this method is accessed and this body is not bounded to any entity.
Is raised when body contains not supported Content-Transfer-Encoding.
The returned stream should be closed/disposed as soon as it's not needed any more.
Sets body data from the specified stream.
Source stream.
Specifies content-transfer-encoding to use to encode data.
Is raised when stream or transferEncoding is null reference.
Is raised when this method is accessed and this body is not bounded to any entity.
Sets body data from the specified file.
File name with optional path.
Specifies content-transfer-encoding to use to encode data.
Is raised when file is null reference.
Is raised when this method is accessed and this body is not bounded to any entity.
Stores body decoded-data to the specified stream.
Stream where to store body data.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Stores body decoded-data to the specified file.
File name with path, where to store body data.
Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets if body has modified.
Gets encoded body data size in bytes.
Gets body encoded data.
NOTE: Use this property with care, because body data may be very big and you may run out of memory.
For bigger data use method instead.
Gets body decoded data.
NOTE: Use this property with care, because body data may be very big and you may run out of memory.
For bigger data use method instead.
Is raised when body contains not supported Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Gets encoded data stream.
This class represents MIME text/xxx bodies. Defined in RFC 2045.
The "text" media type is intended for sending material which is principally textual in form.
Default constructor.
MIME media type.
Is raised when mediaSubType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, mediaType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Sets text.
Content transfer encoding.
Charset to use to encode text. If not sure, utf-8 is recommended.
Is raised when transferEncoding, charset or text is null reference.
Is raised when this method is accessed and this body is not bounded to any entity.
Is raised when body contains not supported Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Gets charset from Content-Type. If char set isn't specified, "ascii" is defined as default and it will be returned.
Returns content charset.
Is raised when Content-Type has not supported charset parameter value.
Gets body decoded text.
Is raised when not supported content-type charset or not supported content-transfer-encoding value.
Is raised when body contains not supported Content-Transfer-Encoding.
This class represents MIME unknown bodies.
Default constructor.
MIME media type.
Is raised when mediaType is null reference.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, defaultContentType or strean is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
This class represents MIME video/xxx bodies. Defined in RFC 2046 4.4.
A media type of "video" indicates that the body contains a time-
varying-picture image, possibly with color and coordinated sound.
Default constructor.
MIME media type.
Is raised when mediaType is null reference.
Parses body from the specified stream
Owner MIME entity.
Default content-type for this body.
Stream from where to read body.
Returns parsed body.
Is raised when stream, mediaType or stream is null reference.
Is raised when any parsing errors.
Implements 'encoded-word' encoding. Defined in RFC 2047.
Default constructor.
Encoding to use to encode text.
Charset to use for encoding. If not sure UTF-8 is strongly recommended.
Is raised when charset is null reference.
Encodes specified text if it contains 8-bit chars, otherwise text won't be encoded.
Text to encode.
Returns encoded text.
Decodes specified encoded-word.
Encoded-word value.
Returns decoded text.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Checks if specified text must be encoded.
Text to encode.
Returns true if specified text must be encoded, otherwise false.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Encodes specified text if it contains 8-bit chars, otherwise text won't be encoded.
Encoding to use to encode text.
Charset to use for encoding. If not sure UTF-8 is strongly recommended.
If true, words are splitted after 75 chars.
Text to encode.
Returns encoded text.
Is raised when charset or text is null reference.
Decodes non-ascii word with MIME encoded-word method. Defined in RFC 2047 2.
MIME encoded-word value.
Returns decoded word.
If word is not encoded-word or has invalid syntax, word is leaved as is.
Is raised when word is null reference.
Decodes non-ascii text with MIME encoded-word method. Defined in RFC 2047 2.
Returns decoded text.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Gets or sets if long words(over 75 char) are splitted.
This is base class for MIME header fields. Defined in RFC 2045 3.
Default constructor.
Returns header field as string.
Returns header field as string.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If encoding needed, UTF-8 is strongly reccomended if not sure.
Returns header field as string.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If encoding needed, UTF-8 is strongly reccomended if not sure.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Returns header field value as string.
Returns header field value as string.
Returns header field value as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If encoding needed, UTF-8 is strongly reccomended if not sure.
Returns header field value as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets header field name. For example "Content-Type".
This class represents MIME header fields collection. Defined in RFC 2045.
Default constructor.
Header fields provider.
Is raised when provider is null reference.
Inserts a new header field into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the item.
Header field to insert.
Is raised when index is out of range.
Is raised when field is null reference.
Parses and adds specified header field to the end of the collection.
Header field string (Name: value).
Retunrs added header field.
Is raised when field is null reference.
Adds specified header field to the end of the collection.
Header field to add.
Is raised when field is null reference value.
Removes specified header field from the collection.
Header field to remove.
Is raised when field is null reference value.
Removes all header fields with the specified name.
Header field name.
Is raised when name is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Removes all items from the collection.
Gets if collection has item with the specified name.
Header field name.
Returns true if specified item exists in the collection, otherwise false.
Is raised when name is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets if collection contains the specified item.
Header field.
Returns true if specified item exists in the collection, otherwise false.
Is raised when field is null reference.
Gets first header field with the specified name. returns null if specified header field doesn't exist.
Header field name.
Returns first header field with the specified name. returns null if specified header field doesn't exist.
Is raised when name is null reference.
Replaces first header field with specified name with specified value.
Hedaer field.
Is raised when field is null reference.
Copies header fields to new array.
Returns header fields array.
Stores header to the specified file.
File name with optional path.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Returns header as byte[] data.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Returns header as byte[] data.
Stores header to the specified stream.
Stream where to store header.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Stores header to the specified stream.
Stream where to store header.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Returns MIME header as string.
Returns MIME header as string.
Returns MIME header as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Returns MIME header as string.
Returns MIME header as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header fields which value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns MIME header as string.
Parses MIME header from the specified value.
MIME header string.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Parses MIME header from the specified stream.
MIME header stream.
Is raised when stream is null.
Parses MIME header from the specified stream.
MIME header stream.
Headers fields reading encoding. If not sure, UTF-8 is recommended.
Is raised when stream or encoding is null.
Gets enumerator.
Gets if header has modified since it was loaded.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets the element at the specified index.
The zero-based index of the element to get.
Returns the element at the specified index.
Is raised when index is out of range.
Gets header fields with the specified name.
Header field name.
Returns header fields with the specified name.
Is raised when name is null reference.
Gets header fields provider.
Represents "Content-Disposition:" header. Defined in RFC 2183.
RFC 2183.
In the extended BNF notation of [RFC 822], the Content-Disposition
header field is defined as follows:
disposition := "Content-Disposition" ":" disposition-type *(";" disposition-parm)
disposition-type := "inline" / "attachment" / extension-token
; values are not case-sensitive
disposition-parm := filename-parm
/ creation-date-parm
/ modification-date-parm
/ read-date-parm
/ size-parm
/ parameter
filename-parm := "filename" "=" value
creation-date-parm := "creation-date" "=" quoted-date-time
modification-date-parm := "modification-date" "=" quoted-date-time
read-date-parm := "read-date" "=" quoted-date-time
size-parm := "size" "=" 1*DIGIT
quoted-date-time := quoted-string
; contents MUST be an RFC 822 `date-time'
; numeric timezones (+HHMM or -HHMM) MUST be used
Default constructor.
The disposition-type. Known values are in MIME_DispositionTypes.
Is raised when dispositionType is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Internal parser constructor.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Content-Type: text/plain'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Returns always "Content-Disposition".
Gets the disposition-type. Known values are in MIME_DispositionTypes.
Gets Content-Type parameters collection.
Gets or sets the suggested file name. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 2183 2.3.
Gets or sets the creation date for a file. Value DateTime.MinValue means not specified. Defined in RFC 2183 2.4.
Gets or sets the modification date of a file. Value DateTime.MinValue means not specified. Defined in RFC 2183 2.5.
Gets or sets the last read date of a file. Value DateTime.MinValue means not specified. Defined in RFC 2183 2.6.
Gets or sets the size of a file. Value -1 means not specified. Defined in RFC 2183 2.7.
Represents "Content-Type:" header. Defined in RFC 2045 5.1.
RFC 2045 5.1.
In the Augmented BNF notation of RFC 822, a Content-Type header field
value is defined as follows:
content := "Content-Type" ":" type "/" subtype
*(";" parameter)
; Matching of media type and subtype
; is ALWAYS case-insensitive.
type := discrete-type / composite-type
discrete-type := "text" / "image" / "audio" / "video" / "application" / extension-token
composite-type := "message" / "multipart" / extension-token
extension-token := ietf-token / x-token
ietf-token := (An extension token defined by a standards-track RFC and registered with IANA.)
x-token := (The two characters "X-" or "x-" followed, with no intervening white space, by any token)
subtype := extension-token / iana-token
iana-token := (A publicly-defined extension token. Tokens of this form must be registered with IANA as specified in RFC 2048.)
parameter := attribute "=" value
attribute := token
; Matching of attributes
; is ALWAYS case-insensitive.
value := token / quoted-string
token := 1*(any (US-ASCII) CHAR except SPACE, CTLs,or tspecials)
tspecials := "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" /
"," / ";" / ":" / "\" / "
"/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "="
; Must be in quoted-string,
; to use within parameter values
Default constructor.
Media type with subtype. For example text/plain.
Is raised when mediaType is null reference.
Internal parser constructor.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Content-Type: text/plain'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Returns always "Content-Type".
Gets media type. For example: application,image,text, ... .
The official list of reggistered types are .
Gets media sub-type. For example for text/plain, sub-type is 'plain'.
The official list of reggistered types are .
Gets media type with subtype as Type/SubType. Well known value are in MIME_MediaTypes. For example: text/plain.
Gets media type with subtype as Type/SubType. Well known value are in MIME_MediaTypes. For example: text/plain.
Gets Content-Type parameters collection.
Gets or sets Content-Type name parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets Content-Type charset parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets Content-Type boundary parameter value. Value null means not specified.
This class represents MIME headers provider.
Default constructor.
Parses specified header field.
Header field string (Name: value).
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when field is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets default header field what is used to reperesent unknown header fields.
This property value value must be based on class.
Is raised when null reference passed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets header fields parsers collection.
Represents MIME header field parameter.
Default constructor.
Parameter name.
Parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Gets if this header field parameter is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields parameters has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets parameter name.
Gets or sets parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Represents MIME header field parameters collection.
This class represents header field parameter builder.
Default constructor.
Parameter name.
Is raised when name is null reference.
Adds header field parameter part to paramter buffer.
Parameter part index.
If true parameter part is encoded.
Parameter part value.
Gets header field parameter(splitted paramter values concated).
Returns header field parameter.
Gets parameter name.
Default constructor.
Owner MIME header field.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Removes specified parametr from the collection.
Parameter name.
Is raised when name is null reference.
Removes all items from the collection.
Copies header fields parameters to new array.
Returns header fields parameters array.
Returns header field parameters as string.
Returns header field parameters as string.
Returns header field parameters as string.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Returns header field parameters as string.
Parses parameters from the specified value.
Header field parameters string.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Parses parameters from the specified reader.
MIME reader.
Is raised when reader is null reference.
Decodes non-ascii text with MIME ext-octet method. Defined in RFC 2231 7.
Text to decode,
Charset to use.
Returns decoded text.
Is raised when text or charset is null.
Gets enumerator.
Gets if this header field parameters are modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets owner MIME header field.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets or sets specified header field parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Header field name.
Returns specified header field value or null if specified parameter doesn't exist.
Is raised when name is null reference.
If true RFC 2047 is used to encode parameters, if false RFC 2231 is used.
This class represent header field what parsing has failed.
Default constructor.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Content-Type: text/plain'.
Parsing error.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Content-Type: text/plain'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is alwyas raised when this mewthod is accsessed.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets header field name.
Gets header field value.
Gets error happened during parse.
This class represents normal unstructured text header field.
Default constructor.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Is raised when name or value is null reference.
Internal parser constructor.
Parses header field from the specified value.
Header field value. Header field name must be included. For example: 'Content-Type: text/plain'.
Returns parsed header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Returns header field as string.
8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit characters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used. If false and header field value not modified, original encoding is kept.
Returns header field as string.
Gets if this header field is modified since it has loaded.
All new added header fields has IsModified = true.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets header field name.
Gets or sets header field value.
Is raised when when null reference is passed.
This class holds MIME content disposition types. Defined in RFC 2183.
A bodypart should be marked `inline' if it is intended to be displayed automatically upon display of the message.
Inline bodyparts should be presented in the order in which they occur, subject to the normal semantics of multipart messages.
Bodyparts can be designated `attachment' to indicate that they are separate from the main body of the mail message,
and that their display should not be automatic, but contingent upon some further action of the user.
This class holds well known Content-Type header field media types. For example: text/plain, application/octet-stream.
Full IANA registered list can be found from:
This class holds well-known application/xxx media types.
"application/octet-stream". Defined in RFC 2045,2046.
"application/pdf". Defined in RFC 3778.
"application/sdp". Defined in RFC 4566.
"application/xml". Defined RFC 3023.
"application/zip". Defined in RFC 4566.
"application/x-pkcs7-signature". Defined in RFC 2311,2633.
"application/pkcs7-mime". Defined in RFC 5751.
This class holds well-known image/xxx media types.
This class holds well-known text/xxx media types.
"text/calendar". Defined in RFC 2445.
"text/css". Defined in RFC 2854
"text/html". Defined in RFC 2854.
"text/plain". Defined in RFC 2646,2046.
"text/rfc822-headers". Defined in RFC 1892.
"text/richtext". Defined in RFC 2045,2046.
"text/xml". Defined in RFC 3023.
This class holds well-known multipart/xxx media types.
"multipart/alternative". Defined in RFC 2045,2046.
"multipart/digest". Defined in RFC 2045,2046.
"multipart/digest". Defined in RFC 1847.
"multipart/form-data". Defined in RFC 2388.
"multipart/mixed". Defined in RFC 2045,2046.
"multipart/parallel". Defined in RFC 2045,2046.
"multipart/related". Defined in RFC 2387.
"multipart/report". Defined in RFC 1892.
"multipart/signed". Defined in RFC 1847.
"multipart/voice-message". Defined in RFC 2421,2423.
This class holds well-known message/xxx media types.
"message/delivery-status". Defined in RFC 3464.
This enum specifies MIME RFC 2047 'encoded-word' encoding method.
The "B" encoding. Defined in RFC 2047 (section 4.1).
The "Q" encoding. Defined in RFC 2047 (section 4.2).
Represents a MIME entity. Defined in RFC 2045 2.4.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used. This method is thread-safe.
Creates text/plain MIME entity.
Content transfer encoding.
Charset to use to encode text. If not sure, utf-8 is recommended.
Returns created entity.
Is raised when transferEncoding, charset or text is null reference.
Is raised when body contains not supported Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Creates text/html MIME entity.
Content transfer encoding.
Charset to use to encode text. If not sure, utf-8 is recommended.
Returns created entity.
Is raised when transferEncoding, charset or text is null reference.
Is raised when body contains not supported Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Creates attachment(application/octet-stream) entity.
File name with path.
Returns created entity.
Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Creates attachment(application/octet-stream) entity.
Attachment file name what appears in mail message. Value null means argument 'fileName' file name is used.
File name with path.
Returns created entity.
Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Creates attachment(application/octet-stream) entity.
Attachment file name what appears in mail message.
Attachment data stream. Data is read from stream current position.
Returns created entity.
Is raised when attachmentName or stream is null reference.
Stores MIME entity to the specified file.
File name with path where to store MIME entity.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Is raised when file is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores MIME entity to the specified file.
File name with path where to store MIME entity.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when file is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Store MIME enity to the specified stream.
Stream where to store MIME entity. Storing starts form stream current position.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Is raised when stream is null.
Store MIME enity to the specified stream.
Stream where to store MIME entity. Storing starts form stream current position.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Is raised when stream is null.
Returns MIME entity as string.
Returns MIME entity as string.
Returns MIME entity as string.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Returns MIME entity as string.
Returns MIME entity as string.
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Returns MIME entity as string.
Returns MIME entity as byte[].
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
Returns MIME entity as byte[].
Returns MIME entity as byte[].
Header 8-bit words ecnoder. Value null means that words are not encoded.
Charset to use to encode 8-bit header parameters. Value null means parameters not encoded.
If true always specified encoding is used for header. If false and header field value not modified,
original encoding is kept.
Returns MIME entity as byte[].
Stores body decoded-data to the specified stream. Note: This method is available for single part entities only.
Stream where to store body data.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Is raised when this method is called for multipart entity.
Stores body decoded-data to the specified file. Note: This method is available for single part entities only.
File name with path, where to store body data.
Is raised when fileName is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when this method is called for multipart entity.
Returns body data as byte[]. Note: This method is available for single part entities only.
Is raised when this method is called for multipart entity.
Returns body data as byte[].
Parses MIME entiry from the specified stream.
Source stream.
Header reading encoding. If not sure UTF-8 is recommended.
Default content type.
Is raised when stream,headerEncoding or defaultContentType is null reference.
Sets MIME entity parent entity.
Parent entity.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets if this entity is modified since it has loaded.
Is riased when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the parent entity of this entity, returns null if this is the root entity.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets MIME entity header field collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets MIME version number. Value null means that header field does not exist. Normally this value is 1.0. Defined in RFC 2045 section 4.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
An indicator that this message is formatted according to the MIME
standard, and an indication of which version of MIME is used.
Gets or sets content body part ID. Value null means that header field does not exist. Defined in RFC 2045 7.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Specifies a Unique ID for one MIME body part of the content of a message.
Gets or sets description of message body part. Value null means that header field does not exist. Defined in RFC 2045 8.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Description of a particular body part of a message; for example, a caption for an image body part.
Gets or sets content transfer encoding. Value null means that header field does not exist.
RFC defined values are in MIME_TransferEncodings. Defined in RFC 2045 6.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Coding method used in a MIME message body part.
Gets or sets MIME content type. Value null means that header field does not exist. Defined in RFC 2045 5.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets base to be used for resolving relative URIs within this content part. Value null means that header field does not exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Base to be used for resolving relative URIs within this content part. See also Content-Location.
Gets or sets URI for retrieving a body part. Value null means that header field does not exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
URI using which the content of this body-part part was retrieved,
might be retrievable, or which otherwise gives a globally unique identification of the content.
Gets or sets content features of a MIME body part. Value null means that header field does not exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
The 'Content-features:' header can be used to annotate a MIME body part with a media feature expression,
to indicate features of the body part content. See also RFC 2533, RFC 2506, and RFC 2045.
Gets or sets content disposition. Value null means that header field does not exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Indicates whether a MIME body part is to be shown inline or is an attachment; can also indicate a
suggested filename for use when saving an attachment to a file.
Is raised when header field parsing errors.
Gets or sets language of message content. Value null means that header field does not exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Can include a code for the natural language used in a message; e.g., 'en' for English.
Can also contain a list of languages for a message containing more than one language.
Gets or sets message alternative content. Value null means that header field does not exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Information about the media features of alternative content formats available for the current message.
Gets or sets content MD5 checksum. Value null means that header field does not exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Checksum of content to ensure that it has not been modified.
Gets or sets time duration of content. Value null means that header field does not exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Time duration of body part content, in seconds (e.g., for audio message).
Gets or sets MIME entity body.
Is raised when null reference passed.
Represents MIME child entity collection in multipart/xxx entity.
Default constructor.
Adds specified MIME enity to the collection.
MIME entity.
Is raised when entity is null reference.
Inserts a new MIME entity into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the MIME entity.
MIME entity.
Is raised when index is out of range.
Is raised when entity is null reference.
Removes specified MIME entity from the collection.
MIME entity.
Is raised when field is null reference.
Removes MIME entity at the specified index from the collection.
The index of the MIME entity to remove.
Is raised when index is out of range.
Removes all items from the collection.
Gets if the collection contains specified MIME entity.
MIME entity.
Returns true if the specified MIME entity exists in the collection, otherwise false.
Is raised when entity is null.
Sets IsModified property value.
Modified flag.
Gets enumerator.
Returns IEnumerator interface.
Gets if enity collection has modified.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets MIME entity at the specified index.
MIME entity zero-based index.
Returns MIME entity.
Represents a MIME message. Defined in RFC 2045 2.3.
Default constructor.
Parses MIME message from the specified file.
File name with path from where to parse MIME message.
Returns parsed MIME message.
Is raised when file is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses MIME message from the specified file.
File name with path from where to parse MIME message.
Header reading encoding. If not sure UTF-8 is recommended.
Returns parsed MIME message.
Is raised when file or headerEncoding is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses MIME message from the specified stream.
Stream from where to parse MIME message. Parsing starts from current stream position.
Returns parsed MIME message.
Is raised when stream is null.
Parses MIME message from the specified stream.
Stream from where to parse MIME message. Parsing starts from current stream position.
Header reading encoding. If not sure UTF-8 is recommended.
Returns parsed MIME message.
Is raised when stream or headerEncoding is null.
Stores message to the specified file.
Is raised when file is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Store message to the specified stream.
Stream where to store MIME entity. Storing starts form stream current position.
Is raised when stream is null.
Returns message as string.
Returns message as string.
Returns message as byte[].
Returns message as byte[].
Gets all MIME entities as list.
If true, then embbed RFC822 message child entities are included.
Returns all MIME entities as list.
Is raised when this class is disposed and this method is accessed.
Gets MIME entity with the specified Content-ID. Returns null if no such entity.
Content ID.
Returns MIME entity with the specified Content-ID or null if no such entity.
Is raised when this class is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when cid is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Converts message to multipart/signed message.
>Signer certificate
Is raised when signerCert is null reference.
Is raised when this method is called for already signed message.
Checks SMIME signed enities signtures. NOTE: For not signed messsages this method always return true.
Returns true if all signatures are valid.
Is raised when entity is signed with not supported encryption.
Gets if message contains signed data.
Gets all MIME entities as list.
Is raised when this class is disposed and this property is accessed.
The nestetd entities of embbed messages with Content-Type: Message/Rfc822 are also included.
Creates attachment entity.
File name with optional path.
Returns created attachment entity.
Is raised when file is null reference.
Creates attachment entity.
Attachment data stream. Data is read from stream current position.
File name.
Returns created attachment entity.
Is raised when stream or fileName is null reference.
MIME lexical tokens parser.
Default constructor.
Value to read.
Is raised when value is null.
Reads RFC 2822 'atom' from source stream.
Returns RFC 2822 'atom' or null if end of stream reached.
Reads RFC 2822 'dot-atom' from source stream.
Returns RFC 2822 'dot-atom' or null if end of stream reached.
Reads RFC 2045 (section 5) 'token' from source stream.
Returns RFC 2045 (section 5) 'token' or null if end of stream reached.
Reads RFC 822 'comment' from source stream.
Returns RFC 822 'comment' or null if end of stream reached.
Reads RFC 2822 (section 3.2.6) 'word' from source stream.
Returns RFC 2822 (section 3.2.6) 'word' or null if end of stream reached.
Reads RFC 2047 'encoded-word' from source stream.
Returns RFC 2047 'encoded-word' or null if end of stream reached.
Is raised when source stream has no encoded-word at current position.
Reads RFC 822 'quoted-string' from source stream.
Returns RFC 822 'quoted-string' or null if end of stream reached.
Is raised when source stream has no quoted-string at current position.
Is raised when not valid 'quoted-string'.
Reads RFC 2045 (section 5) 'token' from source stream.
Returns 2045 (section 5) 'token' or null if end of stream reached.
Reads RFC 2047 (section 5) 'phrase' from source stream.
Returns RFC 2047 (section 5) 'phrase' or null if end of stream reached.
Reads RFC 822 '*text' from source stream.
Returns RFC 822 '*text' or null if end of stream reached.
Reads all white-space chars + CR and LF.
Returns readed chars.
Reads 1 char from source stream.
Specifies if postion is moved to char(skips white spaces).
Returns readed char or -1 if end of stream reached.
Shows next char in source stream, this method won't consume that char.
Specifies if postion is moved to char(skips white spaces).
Returns next char in source stream, returns -1 if end of stream.
Gets if source stream valu starts with the specified value. Compare is case-insensitive.
Value to check.
Returns true if source steam satrs with specified string.
Is raised when value is null.
Reads all data from current postion to the end.
Retruns readed data. Returns null if end of string is reached.
Gets if the specified char is RFC 822 'ALPHA'.
Char to check.
Returns true if specified char is RFC 822 'ALPHA'.
Gets if the specified char is RFC 2822 'atext'.
Char to check.
Returns true if specified char is RFC 2822 'atext'.
Gets if the specified value can be represented as "dot-atom".
Value to check.
Returns true if the specified value can be represented as "dot-atom".
Gets if specified valu is RFC 2045 (section 5) 'token'.
Text to check.
Returns true if specified char is RFC 2045 (section 5) 'token'.
Is raised when text is null.
Gets if the specified char is RFC 2045 (section 5) 'token'.
Char to check.
Returns true if specified char is RFC 2045 (section 5) 'token'.
Gets if the specified char is RFC 2231 (section 7) 'attribute-char'.
Char to check.
Returns true if specified char is RFC 2231 (section 7) 'attribute-char'.
Reads parenthesized value. Supports {},(),[],<> parenthesis.
Throws exception if there isn't parenthesized value or closing parenthesize is missing.
Returns value between parenthesized.
Reads string to specified delimiter or to end of underlying string. Notes: Delimiters in quoted string is skipped.
For example: delimiter = ',', text = '"aaaa,eee",qqqq' - then result is '"aaaa,eee"'.
Data delimiters.
Returns readed string or null if end of string reached.
Is raised when delimiters is null reference.
Gets number of chars has left for processing.
Gets position in string.
This class holds MIME content transfer encodings. Defined in RFC 2045 6.
Up to 998 octets per line of the code range 1..127 with CR and LF (codes 13 and 10 respectively) only allowed to
appear as part of a CRLF line ending. This is the default value.
Defined in RFC 2045 6.2.
Up to 998 octets per line with CR and LF (codes 13 and 10 respectively) only allowed to appear as part of a CRLF line ending.
Defined in RFC 2045 6.2.
Used to encode arbitrary octet sequences into a form that satisfies the rules of 7bit.
Designed to be efficient and mostly human readable when used for text data consisting primarily of US-ASCII characters
but also containing a small proportion of bytes with values outside that range.
Defined in RFC 2045 6.7.
Used to encode arbitrary octet sequences into a form that satisfies the rules of 7bit. Has a fixed overhead and is
intended for non text data and text that is not ASCII heavy.
Defined in RFC 2045 6.8.
Any sequence of octets. This type is not widely used. Defined in RFC 3030.
Provides MIME related utility methods.
Converts date to RFC 2822 date time string.
Date time value to convert..
Returns RFC 2822 date time string.
Parses RFC 2822 date-time from the specified value.
RFC 2822 date-time string value.
Returns parsed datetime value.
Is raised when value is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Unfolds folded header field.
Header field.
Returns unfolded header field.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Creates Rfc 2822 3.6.4 message-id. Syntax: '<' id-left '@' id-right '>'.
Parses headers from message or mime entry.
Stream from where to read headers.
Returns header lines.
Parse header specified header field value.
Use this method only if you need to get only one header field, otherwise use
MimeParser.ParseHeaderField(string fieldName,string headers).
This avoid parsing headers multiple times.
Header field which to parse. Eg. Subject: .
Stream from where to read headers.
Parse header specified header field value.
Header field which to parse. Eg. Subject: .
Full headers string. Use MimeParser.ParseHeaders() to get this value.
"Q" decoder. This is same as quoted-printable, except '_' is converted to ' '.
Defined in RFC 2047 4.2.
Input string encoding.
String which to encode.
Returns decoded string.
Is raised when encoding or data is null reference.
quoted-printable decoder. Defined in RFC 2045 6.7.
Data which to encode.
Returns decoded data.
Is raised when data is null reference.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Default constructor.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
User name.
Is raised when user or password is null reference.
Gets or sets if session is authenticated.
Gets user name.
Gets password.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Message to delete.
Is raised when message is null reference.
Gets message info.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Gets POP3 messages info collection.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Message which top data to get.
Is raised when message is null reference.
Gets message info.
Gets or sets if message stream is closed after message sending has completed.
Gets or sets message stream.
POP3 server starts reading message from stream current position and reads while end of stream reached.
This class provides data for event.
Default constructor.
Message which top data to get.
Number of message-body lines to get.
Is raised when message is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets message info.
Gets number message body lines should be included.
Gets or sets top of message data.
This value should contain message header + number of lineCount body lines.
This class provides data for POP3_Session.Started event.
Default constructor.
POP3 server response.
Gets or sets POP3 server response.
Response also MUST contain response code(+OK / -ERR). For example: "-ERR Session rejected."
This class implements POP3 server. Defined RFC 1939.
Default constructor.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections per connected IP exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Gets or sets server greeting text.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets how many bad commands session can have before it's terminated. Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
This class represents POP3 server message.
Default constructor.
Message UID value.
Message size in bytes.
Is raised when uid is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Message UID value.
Message size in bytes.
User data.
Is raised when uid is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Sets IsMarkedForDeletion proerty value.
Gets message UID. NOTE: Before accessing this property, check that server supports UIDL command.
Gets message size in bytes.
Gets if message is marked for deletion.
Gets or sets user data.
Gets message 1 based sequence number.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This class implements POP3 server session. Defined RFC 1939.
Default constructor.
Starts session processing.
Is called when session has processing error.
Exception happened.
This method is called when specified session times out.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Starts reading incoming command from the connected client.
Completes command reading operation.
Returns true if server should start reading next command.
Sends and logs specified line to connected host.
Line to send.
Logs specified text.
text to log.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Gets session owner POP3 server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets supported SASL authentication methods collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of bad commands happened on POP3 session.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets authenticated user identity or null if user has not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when session has started processing and needs to send +OK greeting or -ERR error resposne to the connected client.
Raises Started event.
Default POP3 server reply.
Returns event args.
This event is raised when session needs to authenticate session using USER/PASS POP3 authentication.
Raises Authenticate event.
User name.
Returns event args.
This event is raised when session needs to get mailbox messsages info.
Raises GetMessagesInfo event.
Returns event args.
This event is raised when session needs to get top of the specified message data.
Raises GetTopOfMessage event.
Message which top data to get.
Number of message-body lines to get.
Returns event args.
This event is raised when session needs to get specified message stream.
Raises GetMessageStream event.
Message stream to get.
Returns event arguments.
This event is raised when session needs to delete specified message.
Raises DeleteMessage event.
Message to delete.
This event is raised when session is reset by remote user.
Raises Reset event.
POP3 client exception.
Default constructor.
IMAP server response line.
Is raised when responseLine is null.
Gets POP3 server error status code.
Gets POP3 server response text after status code.
This class represents POP3 client message.
Default constructor.
Owner POP3 client.
Message 1 based sequence number.
Message size in bytes.
Marks message as deleted.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 serveer returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client message.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when DELE command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server DELE response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending DELE command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets message header as string.
Returns message header as string.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when message is marked for deletion and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 serveer returns error.
Gets message header as byte[] data.
Returns message header as byte[] data.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when message is marked for deletion and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 serveer returns error.
Stores message header to the specified stream.
Stream where to store data.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when argument stream value is null.
Is raised when POP3 serveer returns error.
Gets message as byte[] data.
Returns message as byte[] data.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when message is marked for deletion and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 serveer returns error.
Stores message to specified stream.
Stream where to store message.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when argument stream value is null.
Is raised when message is marked for deletion and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 serveer returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Stream where to store message.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client message.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when RETR command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server RETR response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when message reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending RETR command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets message header + specified number lines of message body.
Number of lines to get from message body.
Returns message header + specified number lines of message body.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when numberOfLines is negative value.
Is raised when message is marked for deletion and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 serveer returns error.
Stores message header + specified number lines of message body to the specified stream.
Stream where to store data.
Number of lines to get from message body.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when argument stream value is null.
Is raised when message is marked for deletion and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 serveer returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Stream where to store message.
Number of lines to get from body(after message header) of the message.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client message.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when TOP command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server TOP response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when message reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending TOP command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Disposes message.
Sets message UID value.
UID value.
Sets IsMarkedForDeletion flag value.
New IsMarkedForDeletion value.
Gets if POP3 message is Disposed.
Gets message 1 based sequence number.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets message UID. NOTE: Before accessing this property, check that server supports UIDL command.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 server doesnt support UIDL command.
Gets message size in bytes.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if message is marked for deletion.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This class represents POP3 client messages collection.
Default constructor.
Owner POP3 client.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Adds new message to messages collection.
Message size in bytes.
Gets enumerator.
Returns IEnumerator interface.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total size of messages, messages marked for deletion are included.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of messages in the collection, messages marked for deletion are included.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets message from specified index.
Message zero based index in the collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when index is out of range.
Gets message with specified UID value.
Message UID value.
Returns message or null if message doesn't exist.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 server doesn't support UIDL.
POP3 Client. Defined in RFC 1939.
To make this code to work, you need to import following namespaces:
using LumiSoft.Net.Mail;
using LumiSoft.Net.POP3.Client;
using(POP3_Client c = new POP3_Client()){
// Or Auth(sasl-method);
// Get first message if there is any
if(c.Messages.Count > 0){
// Do your suff
// Parse message
Mail_Message m = Mail_Message.Parse(c.Messages[0].MessageToByte());
string subject = m.Subject;
// ...
Default constructor.
Clean up any resources being used.
Closes connection to POP3 server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected.
Executes CAPA command.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when CAPA command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server CAPA response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when POP3 server multiline response single line reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending CAPA command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Executes STLS command.
SSL server certificate validation callback. Value null means any certificate is accepted.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected or is authenticated or is already secure connection.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
SSL server certificate validation callback. Value null means any certificate is accepted.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when STLS command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server STLS response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when TLS handshake has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending STLS command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Executes USER/PASS command.
User name.
User password.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected or is already authenticated.
Is raised when user or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
User name.
User password.
Is raised when user or password is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when USER command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server USER response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when PASS command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server PASS response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when FillMessagesAsync method has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts executing USER/PASS command.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Sends AUTH command to POP3 server.
SASL authentication.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected or is already authenticated.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
SASL authentication.
Is raised when sasl is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when AUTH command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when FillMessagesAsync method has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending AUTH command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected or connection is already authenticated.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Send NOOP command to server. This method can be used for keeping connection alive(not timing out).
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when NOOP command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server NOOP response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending NOOP command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Resets session. Messages marked for deletion will be unmarked.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected and authenticated.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when RSET command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server RSET response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending RSET command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when LIST command has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when LIST command has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts filling mailbox messages info.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when LIST command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server LIST response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when POP3 server multiline response single line reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets response lines.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending LIST command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner POP3 client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
Is called when UIDL command sending has finished.
Asynchronous result.
Is called when POP3 server UIDL response reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Is called when POP3 server multiline response single line reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets response lines.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts sending UIDL command to POP3 server.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not in valid state. For example 'not connected'.
Is raised when op is null reference.
This method is called when TCP client has sucessfully connected.
Callback to be called to complete connect operation.
Is called when POP3 server greeting reading has completed.
Asynchronous operation.
Callback to be called to complete connect operation.
Gets greeting text which was sent by POP3 server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and POP3 client is not connected.
Gets POP3 exteneded capabilities supported by POP3 server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and POP3 client is not connected.
Gets POP3 exteneded capabilities supported by POP3 server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and POP3 client is not connected.
Gets if POP3 server supports UIDL command.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and
POP3 client is not connected and authenticated.
Gets messages collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and
POP3 client is not connected and authenticated.
Gets session authenticated user identity, returns null if not authenticated.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed and POP3 client is not connected.
Switches POP3 connection to SSL.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected or is authenticated or is already secure connection.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous StartTLS method.
Starts switching to SSL.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected or is authenticated or is already secure connection.
Ends a pending asynchronous StartTLS request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
Authenticates user.
User login name.
If true and POP3 server supports APOP, then APOP is used, otherwise normal login used.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected or is already authenticated.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Authenticate method.
Starts authentication.
User login name.
If true and POP3 server supports APOP, then APOP is used, otherwise normal login used.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected or is already authenticated.
Ends a pending asynchronous authentication request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Noop method.
Starts sending NOOP command to server. This method can be used for keeping connection alive(not timing out).
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected.
Ends a pending asynchronous Noop request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Reset method.
Starts resetting session. Messages marked for deletion will be unmarked.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected and authenticated.
Ends a pending asynchronous reset request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when invalid asyncResult passed to this method.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
Resets session. Messages marked for deletion will be unmarked.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when POP3 client is not connected and authenticated.
Is raised when POP3 server returns error.
Fills messages info.
This class represent 2-point long value range.
Default constructor.
Start/End value.
Default constructor.
Range start value.
Range end value.
Gets if the specified value is within range.
Value to check.
Returns true if specified value is within range, otherwise false.
Gets range start.
Gets range end.
This enum specifies RTP stream mode.
RTP data is sent only.
RTP data is received only.
RTP data is sent and received.
No data is sent, only RTCP packets sent.
This class implements RTP multimedia session debugger/monitoring UI.
This class implements ComboBaox item.
Default constructor.
User data.
Returns ComboBox text.
eturns ComboBox text.
Gets text.
Gets user data.
This class provides data for RTP global statistic property grid.
Default constructor.
RTP session.
Is raised when session
Gets total members count.
Gets total members who send RPT data.
Gets total of RTP packets sent by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTP bytes(RTP headers included) sent by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTP packets received by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTP bytes(RTP headers included) received by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times RTP packet sending has failed.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTCP packets sent by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTCP bytes(RTCP headers included) sent by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTCP packets received by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTCP bytes(RTCP headers included) received by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times RTCP packet sending has failed.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Current RTCP reporting interval in seconds.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets time when last RTCP report was sent.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times local SSRC collision dedected.
Gets number of times remote SSRC collision dedected.
Gets number of times local packets loop dedected.
Gets number of times remote packets loop dedected.
Gets RTP payload.
Gets RTP session targets.
Gets RTP local end point.
Gets RTP stream mode.
This class provides data for RTP participant property grid.
Default constructor.
RTP local participant.
Is raised when participant null reference.
Gets or sets the real name, eg. "John Doe". Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets email address. For example "". Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets phone number. For example "+1 908 555 1212". Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets location string. It may be geographic address or for example chat room name.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets streaming application name/version.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets note text. The NOTE item is intended for transient messages describing the current state
of the source, e.g., "on the phone, can't talk". Value null means not specified.
This class provides data for RTP "source" property grid.
Default constructor.
RTP source.
Is raised when source is null reference.
Gets source state.
Gets owner RTP session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets synchronization source ID.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets source RTCP end point. Value null means source haven't sent any RTCP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets source RTP end point. Value null means source haven't sent any RTCP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last time when source sent RTP or RCTP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last time when source sent RTCP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last time when source sent RTP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
This class provides data for RTP "receive stream" property grid.
Default constructor.
RTP receive stream.
Gets stream owner RTP session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times SeqNo has wrapped around.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets first sequence number what this stream got.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets maximum sequnce number that stream has got.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP packets has received by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP misorder packets has received by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP data has received by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP packets has lost during transmission.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets inter arrival jitter.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets time when last SR(sender report) was received. Returns DateTime.MinValue if no SR received.
Gets delay between las SR(sender report) and now in seconds.
This class provides data for RTP "send stream" property grid.
Default constructor.
RTP send stream.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets stream owner RTP session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times SeqNo has wrapped around.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets next packet sequence number.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last packet send time.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last sent RTP packet RTP timestamp header value.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP packets has sent by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP bytes has sent by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP data(no RTP header included) bytes has sent by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Default constructor.
RTP multimedia session.
Creates and initializes UI.
Is called when RTP session gets unhandled error.
Event data.
Is called when RTP multimedia session creates new session.
Event data.
This method is called when RTP session sees new remote participant.
Event data.
This method is called when RTP remote participant has disjoined the multimedia session.
Event data.
This method is called when participant creates new source.
Event data.
This method is called when participant source state changes.
Event data.
This method is called when participant closes source.
Event data.
Searches specified participant tree node.
RTP participant.
Returns specified participant tree node or null if no matching node.
Gets RTP session what UI debugs.
This class represents unknown RTCP packet.
Default constructor.
This class holds receiver report info.
Default constructor.
RTCP RR report.
Is raised when rr is null reference.
Gets the fraction of RTP data packets from source SSRC lost since the previous SR or
RR packet was sent.
Gets total number of RTP data packets from source SSRC that have
been lost since the beginning of reception.
Gets extended highest sequence number received.
Gets an estimate of the statistical variance of the RTP data packet
interarrival time, measured in timestamp units and expressed as an
unsigned integer.
Gets when last sender report(SR) was recieved.
Gets delay since last sender report(SR) was received.
This class holds sender report info.
Default constructor.
RTCP SR report.
Is raised when sr is null reference.
Gets the wallclock time (see Section 4) when this report was sent.
Gets RTP timestamp.
Gets how many packets sender has sent.
Gets how many bytes sender has sent.
This class implements RTP session address.
Unicast constructor.
Unicast IP address.
RTP data port.
RTP control port. Usualy this is dataPort + 1.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid values.
Multicast constructor.
Multicast IP address.
RTP data port.
RTP control port. Usualy this is dataPort + 1.
RTP control port. Usualy this is dataPort + 1.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid values.
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
The Object to compare with the current Object.
True if the specified Object is equal to the current Object; otherwise, false.
Gets this hash code.
Gets if this is multicast RTP address.
Gets IP address.
Gets RTP data port.
Gets RTCP control port.
Gets mulicast TTL(time to live) value.
Gets RTP end point.
Gets RTPCP end point.
Implements RTP media clock.
Default constructor.
Clock base value from where clock starts.
Clock rate in Hz.
Convers milliseconds to RTP clock ticks. For example clock 8khz 20ms will be 160 RTP clock ticks.
Returns RTP clock ticks.
Gets clock base value from where clock started.
Gets current clock rate in Hz.
Gets current RTP timestamp.
This class represents RTP session/multimedia-session local participant.
Term participant is not well commented/defined in RTP. In general for single media session participant
is RTP session itself, for multimedia sesssion participant is multimedia session(RTP sessions group).
Default constructor.
Canonical name of participant.
Is raised when cname is null reference.
Adds next(round-robined) optional SDES item to SDES chunk, if any available.
SDES chunk where to add item.
Is raised when sdes is null reference.
Constructs optional SDES items round-robin.
Gets or sets the real name, eg. "John Doe". Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets email address. For example "". Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets phone number. For example "+1 908 555 1212". Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets location string. It may be geographic address or for example chat room name.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets streaming application name/version.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets note text. The NOTE item is intended for transient messages describing the current state
of the source, e.g., "on the phone, can't talk". Value null means not specified.
This class represents RTP single-media and multimedia session.
Default constructor.
Canonical name of participant. RTP_Utils.GenerateCNAME
can be used to create this value.
Is raised when cname is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Closes RTP multimedia session, sends BYE with optional reason text to remote targets.
Close reason. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Starts session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Stops session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Creates new RTP session.
Local RTP end point.
RTP media clock.
Returns created session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when localEP or clock is null reference.
Gets or creates new participant if participant does not exist.
Participant canonical name.
Returns specified participant.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets media sessions.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local participant.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session remote participants.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when new session has created.
Raises SessionCreated event.
RTP session.
Is raised when new remote participant has joined to session.
Raises NewParticipant event.
New participant.
Is raised when unknown error has happened.
Raises Error event.
This class provides data for RTP packet related events/methods.
Default constructor.
RTP packet.
Gets RTP packet.
Implements RTP participant. Defined in RFC 3550.
Default constructor.
Canonical name of participant. For example:
Is raised when cname is null reference.
Returns participant as string.
Returns participant as string.
Updates participant data from SDES items.
SDES chunk.
Is raised when sdes is null reference value.
Gets the real name, eg. "John Doe". Value null means not specified.
Gets email address. For example "". Value null means not specified.
Gets phone number. For example "+1 908 555 1212". Value null means not specified.
Gets location string. It may be geographic address or for example chat room name.
Value null means not specified.
Gets streaming application name/version.
Value null means not specified.
Gets note text. The NOTE item is intended for transient messages describing the current state
of the source, e.g., "on the phone, can't talk". Value null means not specified.
Is raised when participant data changed.
Raises Changed event.
This claass provides data for RTP_MultimediaSession.NewParticipant event.
Default constructor.
RTP participant.
Is raised when participant is null reference.
Gets participant.
This is base class for RTP_Participant_Local and RTP_Participant_Remote class.
Default constructor.
Canonical name of participant.
Is raised when cname is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Adds specified source to participant if participant doesn't contain the specified source.
RTP source.
Is raised when source is null reference.
Gets canonical name of participant.
Gets the sources what participant owns(sends).
Gets or sets user data.
Is raised when participant disjoins(timeout or BYE all sources) the RTP multimedia session.
Raises Removed event.
Is raised when participant gets new RTP source.
Raises SourceAdded event.
RTP source.
Is raised when RTP source removed from(Timeout or BYE) participant.
Raises SourceRemoved event.
RTP source.
Implements RTP session receive stream.
Default constructor.
Owner RTP session.
Onwer synchronization source.
RTP packet SeqNo value.
Is riased when session or ssrc is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Processes specified RTP packet thorugh this stream.
RTP packet.
RTP packet size in bytes.
Is raised when packet is null reference.
Initializes new sequence number.
Sequence number.
Updates sequence number.
RTP packet sequence number.
Returns true if sequence is valid, otherwise false.
Sets property LastSR value.
Sender report.
Is raised when report is null reference.
Creates receiver report.
Returns created receiver report.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets stream owner RTP session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets stream owner synchronization source.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets remote participant who is owner of this stream. Returns null if this stream is not yet received RTCP SDES.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times SeqNo has wrapped around.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets first sequence number what this stream got.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets maximum sequnce number that stream has got.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP packets has received by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP misorder packets has received by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP packets has lost during transmission.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP data has received by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets inter arrival jitter.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets delay between las SR(sender report) and now in milliseconds. Returns -1 if no SR received.
Gets time when last SR(sender report) was received. Returns DateTime.MinValue if no SR received.
Gets last received RTCP SR(sender report). Value null means no SR received.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when stream is closed by remote party (remote party sent BYE).
Raises Closed event.
Is raised when receive stream has timed out by RTP session.
After Timeout event stream will be disposed and has no longer accessible.
Raised Timeout event.
Is raised when steam gets new sender report from remote party.
Raises SenderReport event.
Is raised when new RTP packet received.
Raises PacketReceived event.
RTP packet.
This method provides data for RTP receive stream related events and methods.
Default constructor.
RTP stream.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Gets RTP stream.
Implements RTP session send stream.
Default constructor.
Owner RTP source.
Is raised when source is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Closes this sending stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Closes this sending stream.
Stream closing reason text what is reported to the remote party. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Sends specified packet to the RTP session remote party.
RTP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when packet is null reference.
Properties packet.SSRC,packet.SeqNo,packet.PayloadType filled by this method automatically.
Is called by RTP session if RTCP cycle compled.
Gets next packet sequence number.
Returns next packet sequence number.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets stream owner RTP session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets stream owner source.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times SeqNo has wrapped around.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets next packet sequence number.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last packet send time.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last sent RTP packet RTP timestamp header value.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP packets has sent by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP bytes has sent by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTP data(no RTP header included) bytes has sent by this stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many RTCP cycles has passed since we sent data.
Is raised when stream has disposed.
Raises Disposed event.
Is raised when stream is closed.
Raises Closed event.
This method provides data for RTP send stream related events and methods.
Default constructor.
RTP send stream.
Gets RTP stream.
This class represents RTP source.
Source indicates an entity sending packets, either RTP and/or RTCP.
Sources what send RTP packets are called "active", only RTCP sending ones are "passive".
Source can be local(we send RTP and/or RTCP remote party) or remote(remote party sends RTP and/or RTCP to us).
Default constructor.
Owner RTP session.
Synchronization source ID.
Is raised when session is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Closes specified source.
Closing reason. Value null means not specified.
Sets property RtcpEP value.
IP end point.
Sets property RtpEP value.
IP end point.
Sets source active/passive state.
If true, source switches to active, otherwise to passive.
Sets LastRtcpPacket property value.
Sets LastRtpPacket property value.
Sets property LastRR value.
RTCP RR report.
Is raised when rr is null reference.
Generates new SSRC value. This must be called only if SSRC collision of local source.
Sets source state.
New source state.
Gets source state.
Gets owner RTP session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets synchronization source ID.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets source RTCP end point. Value null means source haven't sent any RTCP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets source RTP end point. Value null means source haven't sent any RTCP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if source is local or remote source.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last time when source sent RTP or RCTP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last time when source sent RTCP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last time when source sent RTP packet.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets last time when source sent RTCP RR report.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets source closing reason. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets user data.
Gets source CNAME. Value null means that source not binded to participant.
Is raised when source is closed (by BYE).
Raises Closed event.
Is raised when source is disposing.
Raises Disposing event.
Is raised when source state has changed.
Raises StateChanged event.
This enum specifies RTP_SyncSource state.
Source is passive, sending only RTCP packets.
Source is active, sending RTP packets.
Source has disposed.
This class represents RTCP compound packet.
Default constructor.
Parses RTP compound packet.
Data buffer..
Number of bytes in the buffer.
Returns parsed RTP packet.
Gets RTCP compound packet as raw byte data.
Returns compound packet as raw byte data.
Stores this compund packet to specified buffer.
Buffer where to store data.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Validates RTCP compound packet.
Is raised when invalid RTCP compound packet.
Gets compound packets.
Gets total packets size in bytes which is needed for this compound packet.
This class holds known RTCP packet types.
Sender report.
Receiver report.
Session description.
Application specifiec data.
This class represents Application-Defined RTCP Packet.
Default constructor.
Parses APP packet from the specified buffer.
Buffer what conatins APP packet.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores APP packet to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store APP packet.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets RTCP version.
Gets RTCP packet type.
Gets subtype value.
Gets sender synchronization(SSRC) or contributing(CSRC) source identifier.
Gets 4 ASCII char packet name.
Gets application-dependent data.
Gets number of bytes needed for this packet.
This class represents BYE: Goodbye RTCP Packet.
Default constructor.
Parses BYE packet from raw byte[] bye packet.
Buffer what contains BYE packet.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores BYE packet to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store BYE packet.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets RTCP version.
Gets RTCP packet type.
Gets or sets SSRC/CSRC identifiers included in this BYE packet.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets leaving reason.
Gets number of bytes needed for this packet.
This is base class for RTCP packets.
Default constructor.
Parses 1 RTCP packet from the specified buffer.
Buffer which contains RTCP packet.
Offset in buffer.
Returns parsed RTCP packet.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses 1 RTCP packet from the specified buffer.
Buffer which contains RTCP packet.
Offset in buffer.
If true and parsing failed, no exception is raised.
Returns parsed RTCP packet or null if parsing is failed and noException=true.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores this packet to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store packet.
Offset in buffer.
Parses RTCP packet from the specified buffer.
Buffer which contains packet.
Offset in buffer.
Gets RTCP version.
Gets if packet is padded to some bytes boundary.
Gets RTCP packet type.
Gets or sets number empty bytes to add at the end of packet.
Gets number of bytes needed for this packet.
This class represents RR: Receiver Report RTCP Packet.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
SSRC of this packet sender.
Parses receiver report(RR) from byte buffer.
Buffer wihich contains receiver report.
Offset in buufer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores receiver report(RR) packet to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store RR packet.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Returns RR packet as string.
Returns RR packet as string.
Gets RTCP version.
Gets RTCP packet type.
Gets or sets sender(local reporting) synchronization source identifier.
Gets reports blocks.
Gets number of bytes needed for this packet.
This class implements RTCP SDES packet one "chunk".
Default constructor.
SSRC or CSRC identifier.
Canonical End-Point Identifier.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Parser constructor.
Parses SDES chunk from the specified buffer.
Buffer which contains SDES chunk.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores SDES junk to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store data.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets SSRC or CSRC identifier.
Gets Canonical End-Point Identifier.
Gets or sets the real name, eg. "John Doe". Value null means not specified.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets email address. For example "". Value null means not specified.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets phone number. For example "+1 908 555 1212". Value null means not specified.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets location string. It may be geographic address or for example chat room name.
Value null means not specified.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets streaming application name/version.
Value null means not specified.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets note text. The NOTE item is intended for transient messages describing the current state
of the source, e.g., "on the phone, can't talk". Value null means not specified.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets number of bytes needed for this SDES chunk.
This class represents SR: Sender Report RTCP Packet.
Default constructor.
Source(sender) ID.
Default constructor.
Parses RTCP sender report(SR) from specified data buffer.
Buffer which contains sender report.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores sender report(SR) packet to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store SR packet.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets RTCP version.
Gets RTCP packet type.
Gets sender synchronization source identifier.
Gets or sets the wallclock time (see Section 4) when this report was sent.
Gets RTP timestamp.
Gets how many packets sender has sent.
Gets how many bytes sender has sent.
Gets reports blocks.
Gets number of bytes needed for this packet.
This class represents SDES: Source Description RTCP Packet.
Default constructor.
Parses Source Description(SDES) packet from data buffer.
Buffer what contains SDES packet.
Offset in buffer.
Stores SDES packet to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store SDES packet.
Offset in buffer.
Gets RTCP version.
Gets RTCP packet type.
Gets session description(SDES) chunks.
Gets number of bytes needed for this packet.
This class represents RTCP sender report(SR) or reciver report(RR) packet report block.
Default constructor.
Source ID.
Default constructor.
Parses RTCP report block (part of SR or RR packet) from specified buffer.
Buffer from where to read report block.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Stores report block to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store data.
Offset in buffer.
Is raised when buffer is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets the SSRC identifier of the source to which the information in this reception report block pertains.
Gets or sets the fraction of RTP data packets from source SSRC lost since the previous SR or
RR packet was sent.
Gets or sets total number of RTP data packets from source SSRC that have
been lost since the beginning of reception.
Gets or sets extended highest sequence number received.
Gets or sets an estimate of the statistical variance of the RTP data packet
interarrival time, measured in timestamp units and expressed as an unsigned integer.
Gets or sets The middle 32 bits out of 64 in the NTP timestamp (as explained in Section 4) received as part of
the most recent RTCP sender report (SR) packet from source SSRC_n. If no SR has been received yet, the field is set to zero.
Gets or sets the delay, expressed in units of 1/65536 seconds, between receiving the last SR packet from
source SSRC_n and sending this reception report block. If no SR packet has been received yet from SSRC_n,
the DLSR field is set to zero.
A data packet consisting of the fixed RTP header, a possibly empty list of contributing
sources (see below), and the payload data. Some underlying protocols may require an
encapsulation of the RTP packet to be defined. Typically one packet of the underlying
protocol contains a single RTP packet, but several RTP packets MAY be contained if
permitted by the encapsulation method (see Section 11).
Default constructor.
Parses RTP packet.
Buffer containing RTP packet.
Number of bytes used in buffer.
Returns parsed RTP packet.
Validates RTP packet.
Stores this packet to the specified buffer.
Buffer where to store packet.
Offset in buffer.
Returns this packet info as string.
Returns packet info.
Parses RTP packet from the specified buffer.
Buffer containing RTP packet.
Number of bytes used in buffer.
Gets RTP version.
Gets if packet is padded to some bytes boundary.
Gets marker bit. The usage of this bit depends on payload type.
Gets payload type.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets RTP packet sequence number.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets sets packet timestamp.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets synchronization source ID.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets the contributing sources for the payload contained in this packet.
Value null means none.
Gets SSRC + CSRCs as joined array.
Gets or sets RTP data. Data must be encoded with PayloadType encoding.
Is raised when null value is passed.
RTP payload specifies data type which is RTP packet.
IANA registered RTP payload types. Defined in
PCMU8(u-law) audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
GSM audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
G723 audio codec.
DVI4 8khz audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
DVI4 16khz audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
LPC audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
PCMA(a-law) audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
G722 audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
L16 1 channel audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
L16 2 channel audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
QCELP audio codec.
MPA audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
G728 audio codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
DVI4 11025hz audio codec.
DVI4 220505hz audio codec.
G729 audio codec.
CELB video codec. Defined in RFC 2029.
JPEG video codec. Defined in RFC 2435.
NV video codec. Defined in RFC 3551.
H261 video codec. Defined in RFC 2032.
H261 video codec. Defined in RFC 2250.
MP2T video codec. Defined in RFC 2250.
H263 video codec.
Implements RTP session. Defined in RFC 3550.
RTP session can exchange 1 payload type at time.
For example if application wants to send audio and video, it must create two different RTP sessions.
Though RTP session can send multiple streams of same payload.
Default constructor.
Owner RTP multimedia session.
Local RTP end point.
RTP media clock.
Is raised when localEP, localEP or clock is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Closes RTP session, sends BYE with optional reason text to remote targets.
Close reason. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Starts RTP session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Stops RTP session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Creates new send stream.
Returns new created send stream.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Opens RTP session to the specified remote target.
Once RTP session opened, RTCP reports sent to that target and also each local sending stream data.
Session remote target.
Is raised when target is null reference.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid values.
Removes specified target.
Session remote target.
Is raised when target is null reference.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Removes all targets.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Gets RTP and RTCP public end points.
STUN server name.
STUN server port.
RTP public end point.
RTCP public end point.
Returns true if public end points allocated, otherwise false.
Is raised when server is null reference.
Is raised when RTP session is in invalid state and this method is called.
Sends specified RTCP packet to the session remote party.
RTCP compound packet.
Returns packet size in bytes.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when packet is null reference.
Sends specified RTP packet to the session remote party.
RTP packet sending stream.
RTP packet.
Returns packet size in bytes.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stream or packet is null reference.
Processes specified RTCP data.
Data buffer.
Number of bytes in data buffer.
IP end point what sent RTCP packet.
Is raised when buffer or remoteEP is null reference.
Processes specified RTP data.
Data buffer.
Number of bytes in data buffer.
IP end point what sent RTCP packet.
Is raised when buffer or remoteEP is null reference.
Creates local source.
Returns new local source.
Gets or creates source. This method also does RFC 3550 8.2 "Collision Resolution and Loop Detection".
If true src is RTCP identifier, otherwise RTP identifier.
Source SSRC or CSRC identifier.
RTCP SDES chunk CNAME. Must be passed only if src if from RTCP SDES chunk.
Packet sender end point.
Returns specified source. Returns null if source has "collision or loop".
Is raised when packetEP is null reference.
Schedules RTCP transmission.
After number of seconds to transmit next RTCP.
Computes RTCP transmission interval. Defined in RFC 3550 6.3.1.
Current mebers count.
Current sender count.
RTCP bandwidth.
Specifies if we have sent data after last 2 RTCP interval.
Average RTCP raw packet size, IP headers included.
Specifies if we ever have sent data to target.
Returns transmission interval in seconds.
Does "reverse reconsideration" algorithm. Defined in RFC 3550 6.3.4.
Does RFC 3550 6.3.5 Timing Out an SSRC.
Sends RTCP report.
Is called when RTP socket has finisehd data sending.
The result of the asynchronous operation.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets owner RTP multimedia session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local RTP end point.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets RTP media clock.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets stream mode.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets RTP session remote targets.
Normally RTP session has only 1 remote target, for multi-unicast session, there may be more than 1 target.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets maximum transfet unit size in bytes.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets sending payload.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets session bandwidth in bits per second.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets session members. Session member is local/remote source what sends RTCP,RTP or RTCP-RTP data.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session senders. Sender is local/remote source what sends RTP data.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the RTP streams what we send.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the RTP streams what we receive.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTP packets sent by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTP bytes(RTP headers included) sent by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTP packets received by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTP bytes(RTP headers included) received by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times RTP packet sending has failed.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTCP packets sent by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTCP bytes(RTCP headers included) sent by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTCP packets received by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets total of RTCP bytes(RTCP headers included) received by this session.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times RTCP packet sending has failed.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Current RTCP reporting interval in seconds.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets time when last RTCP report was sent.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times local SSRC collision dedected.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times remote SSRC collision dedected.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times local packets loop dedected.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets number of times remote packets loop dedected.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets RTP payloads.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when RTP session has disposed.
Raises Disposed event.
Is raised when RTP session has closed.
Raises Closed event.
Is raised when new send stream created.
Raises NewSendStream event.
New send stream.
Is raised when new recieve stream received from remote target.
Raises NewReceiveStream event.
New receive stream.
Is raised when session sending payload has changed.
Raises PayloadChanged event.
This class provides data for RTP source related evetns.
Default constructor.
RTP source.
Is raised when source is null reference.
Gets RTP source.
This class represents local source what we send.
Source indicates an entity sending packets, either RTP and/or RTCP.
Sources what send RTP packets are called "active", only RTCP sending ones are "passive".
Default constructor.
Owner RTP session.
Synchronization source ID.
RTCP end point.
RTP end point.
Is raised when session,rtcpEP or rtpEP is null reference.
Sends specified application packet to the RTP session target(s).
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when packet is null reference.
Closes this source, sends BYE to remote party.
Stream closing reason text what is reported to the remote party. Value null means not specified.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Creates RTP send stream for this source.
Is raised when this method is called more than 1 times(source already created).
Sends specified RTP packet to the session remote party.
RTP packet.
Returns packet size in bytes.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when packet is null reference.
Is raised when CreateStream method has been not called.
Returns true.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local participant.
Gets the stream we send. Value null means that source is passive and doesn't send any RTP data.
Gets source CNAME. Value null means that source not binded to participant.
This class represents RTP remote source what we receive.
Source indicates an entity sending packets, either RTP and/or RTCP.
Sources what send RTP packets are called "active", only RTCP sending ones are "passive".
Default constructor.
Owner RTP session.
Synchronization source ID.
Is raised when session is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Sets source owner participant.
RTP participant.
Is raised when participant is null reference.
Is called when RTP session receives new RTP packet.
RTP packet.
Packet size in bytes.
Is raised when packet is null reference.
This method is called when this source got sender report.
Sender report.
Is raised when report is null reference.
This method is called when this source got RTCP APP apcket.
RTCP APP packet.
Is raised when packet is null reference.
Returns false.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets remote participant.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the stream we receive. Value null means that source is passive and doesn't send any RTP data.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets source CNAME. Value null means that source not binded to participant.
Is raised when source sends RTCP APP packet.
Raises ApplicationPacket event.
Is raised when packet is null reference.
This class provides utility methods for RTP.
Generates random SSRC value.
Returns random SSRC value.
Generates random CNAME value.
Converts specified DateTime value to short NTP time. Note: NTP time is in UTC.
DateTime value to convert. This value must be in local time.
Returns NTP value.
Converts specified DateTime value to long NTP time. Note: NTP time is in UTC.
DateTime value to convert. This value must be in local time.
Returns NTP value.
This class contains known SDP media types.
This class represents SDP Origin("o="). Defined in RFC 4566 5.2.
Default constructor.
User name.
Session ID.
Session version.
Network type(IN).
Address type(IP4/IP6).
Host name.
Is raised when userName, netType, addressType or unicastAddress is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses SDP Origin("o=") from specified value.
Origin value.
Returns parsed SDP Origin.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns origin as SDP string.
Returns origin as SDP string.
Gets user name.
Gets session ID.
Gets session version.
This value should be increased each time when session data has modified.
Gets network type. Currently "IN" is only defined value.
Gets address type. Currently "IP4" and "IP6" are only defined values.
Gets address(DNS host name or IP address).
Implements SDP attribute.
Default constructor.
Attribute name.
Attribute value.
Parses media from "a" SDP message field.
"a" SDP message field.
Converts this to valid "a" string.
Gets attribute name.
Gets or sets attribute value.
A SDP_ConnectionData represents an c= SDP message field. Defined in RFC 4566 5.7. Connection Data.
Default constructor.
Network type(IN).
Address type(IP4/IP6).
Host name or IP address.
Is raised when netType, addressType or address is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses media from "c" SDP message field.
"m" SDP message field.
Converts this to valid connection data stirng.
Gets net type. Currently it's always IN(Internet).
Gets or sets address type. Currently defined values IP4 or IP6.
Gets or sets connection address.
This class represents SDP media description. Defined in RFC 4566 5.14.
Default constructor.
SDP media type. List of knwon values .
Media transport port.
Number of continuos transport ports.
Gets or sets transport protocol.
Media formats. See MediaFormats property for more info.
Is raised when mediaType or protocol is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Internal parse constructor.
Parses media from "m" SDP message field.
"m" SDP message field.
Sets SDP media stream mode.
Stream mode.
Is raised when streamMode is null reference.
Converts this to valid media string.
Gets or sets meadia type. Currently defined media are "audio", "video", "text",
"application", and "message", although this list may be extended in the future.
Gets or sets the transport port to which the media stream is sent.
Gets or sets number of continuos media ports.
Gets or sets transport protocol. Currently known protocols: UDP;RTP/AVP;RTP/SAVP.
Gets media formats collection.
; Media Formats:
; If the Transport Protocol is "RTP/AVP" or "RTP/SAVP" the <fmt>
; sub-fields contain RTP payload type numbers, for example:
; - for Audio: 0: PCMU, 4: G723, 8: PCMA, 18: G729
; - for Video: 31: H261, 32: MPV
; If the Transport Protocol is "udp" the <fmt> sub-fields
; must reference a MIME type
Gets or sets media information. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets per media connection data. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets bandwidth data. Value null means not specified.
Gets media attributes collection.
Gets user data items collection.
Session Description Protocol. Defined in RFC 4566.
Default constructor.
Parses SDP from raw data.
Raw SDP data.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Clones this SDP message.
Returns cloned SDP message.
Stores SDP data to specified file. Note: official suggested file extention is .sdp.
File name with path where to store SDP data.
Returns SDP as string data.
Returns SDP as byte[] data.
Returns SDP as byte[] data.
Gets or sets version of the Session Description Protocol.
Gets or sets session originator.
Gets or sets textual session name.
Gets or sets textual information about the session. This is optional value, null means not specified.
Gets or sets Uniform Resource Identifier. The URI should be a pointer to additional information
about the session. This is optional value, null means not specified.
Gets or sets connection data. This is optional value if each media part specifies this value,
null means not specified.
Gets start and stop times for a session. If Count = 0, t field not written dot SDP data.
Gets or sets repeat times for a session. This is optional value, null means not specified.
Gets attributes collection. This is optional value, Count == 0 means not specified.
Gets media descriptions.
A SDP_Time represents an t= SDP message field. Defined in RFC 4566 5.9. Timing.
Default constructor.
Start time when session must start. Network Time Protocol (NTP) time values in
seconds since 1900, 0 value means not specified.
Stop time when session must end.Network Time Protocol (NTP) time values in
seconds since 1900, 0 value means not specified.
Parses media from "t" SDP message field.
"t" SDP message field.
Converts this to valid "t" string.
Gets or sets start time when session must start. Network Time Protocol (NTP) time values in
seconds since 1900. 0 value means not specified, if StopTime is also 0, then means infinite session.
Gets or sets stop time when session must end. Network Time Protocol (NTP) time values in
seconds since 1900. 0 value means not specified, if StopTime is also 0, then means infinite session.
SIP debug UI.
Default constructor.
SIP stack.
Is raised when stack is null reference.
Creates and initializes UI.
Is raised when SIP stack has new log entry.
Event data.
This method is called when when log toolbar button is pressed.
Event data.
This method is called when when transactions toolbar button is pressed.
Event data.
This method is called when when dialogs toolbar button is pressed.
Event data.
Is called when dialog list has double clicked.
Event data.
This method is called when when flows toolbar button is pressed.
Event data.
This method is called when debug window is closed.
Event data.
Checks if text matches to search pattern.
This base class for SIP proxy request handlers.
Default constructor.
This method is called when new SIP request received.
SIP proxy request context.
Returns true if request handled by this method, otherwise false.
This method is called when SIP proxy receives new out of transaction request.
Gets if the specified URI is local URI.
Returns true if the specified uri is local URI.
Gets a value indicating whether another request can use this handler.
Gets or stets user data.
This class represent incoming new(out of transaction) SIP request.
Default constructor.
Owner SIP proxy server.
The request what is represented by this context.
Data flow what received request.
Is raised when proxy, request or flow is null reference.
Forwards current request statelessly.
Forces incoming request to authenticate by sending authentication-challenge response to request sender.
Sets current user.
User name.
Gets current incoming SIP request.
Gets or creates server transaction that will handle request.
If server transaction doesn't exist, it will be created.
Is raised when this request-Method is ACK(ACK request is transactionless SIP method).
Gets proxy determined request targets.
Gets authenticated user name. Returns null if user not authenticated.
Gets or creates statefull proxy context for this request.
This class implements SIP b2bua(back to back user agent). Defined in RFC 3261.
Default constructor.
Onwer SIP proxy.
Cleans up any resources being used.
This method is called when new request is received.
Request event arguments.
This method is called when new response is received.
Response event arguments.
Adds specified call to calls list.
Caller side dialog.
Calee side dialog.
Removes specified call from calls list.
Call to remove.
Gets call by call ID.
Call ID.
Returns call with specified ID or null if no call with specified ID.
Gets B2BUA owner SIP stack.
Gets active calls.
Is called when new call is created.
Raises CallCreated event.
Call created.
Is called when call has terminated.
Raises CallTerminated event.
Call terminated.
This class represents B2BUA call.
Default constructor.
Owner B2BUA server.
Caller side dialog.
Callee side dialog.
Is called when caller sends new request.
Event data.
This method is called when caller dialog has terminated, normally this happens
when dialog gets BYE request.
Event data.
This method is called when callee dialog client transaction receives response.
Event data.
Is called when callee sends new request.
Event data.
This method is called when callee dialog has terminated, normally this happens
when dialog gets BYE request.
Event data.
This method is called when caller dialog client transaction receives response.
Event data.
Terminates call.
Copies header fileds from 1 message to antother.
Source message.
Destination message.
Header fields not to copy.
Gets call start time.
Gets current call ID.
Gets caller SIP dialog.
Gets callee SIP dialog.
Gets if call has timed out and needs to be terminated.
Represents SIP proxy target in the SIP proxy "target set". Defined in RFC 3261 16.
Default constructor.
Target request-URI.
Is raised when targetUri is null reference.
Default constructor.
Target request-URI.
Data flow to try for forwarding.
Is raised when targetUri is null reference.
Gets target URI.
Gets data flow. Value null means that new flow must created.
This class represents SIP registrar registration binding entry. Defined in RFC 3261 10.3.
Default constructor.
Owner registration.
Contact URI what can be used to contact the registration.
Is raised when owner or contactUri is null reference.
Updates specified binding.
SIP data flow what updates this binding. This value is null if binding was not added through network or
flow has disposed.
Time in seconds when binding will expire.
Binding priority. Higher value means greater priority.
Call-ID header field value which added/updated this binding.
CSeq header field sequence number value which added/updated this binding.
Removes this binding from the registration.
Converts ContactUri to valid Contact header value.
Returns contact header value.
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
An object to compare with this instance.
Returns 0 if two objects equal, -1 if this instance is less or 1 this instance is greater.
Gets the last time when the binding was updated.
Gets if binding has expired.
Gets how many seconds binding has time to live. This is live calulated value, so it decreases every second.
Gets data flow what added this binding. This value is null if binding was not added through network or
flow has disposed.
Gets contact URI what can be used to contact the registration.
Gets binding priority. Higher value means greater priority.
Gets Call-ID header field value which added this binding.
Gets CSeq header field sequence number value which added this binding.
This class implements SIP registrar registration entry. Defined in RFC 3261 10.3.
Default constructor.
User name who owns this registration.
Address of record. For example:
Is raised when userName or aor is null reference.
Gets matching binding. Returns null if no match.
URI to match.
Returns matching binding. Returns null if no match.
Is raised when contactUri is null reference.
Adds or updates matching bindings.
SIP data flow what updates this binding. This value is null if binding was not added through network or
flow has disposed.
Call-ID header field value.
CSeq header field sequence number value.
Contacts to add or update.
Is raised when callID or contacts is null reference.
Removes specified binding.
Registration binding.
Is raised when binding is null reference.
Removes all this registration bindings.
Removes all expired bindings.
Gets time when this registration entry was created.
Gets user name who owns this registration.
Gets registration address of record.
Gets this registration priority ordered bindings.
This class provides data for SIP_Registrar.AorRegistered,SIP_Registrar.AorUnregistered and SIP_Registrar.AorUpdated event.
Default constructor.
SIP reggistration.
Is raised when registration is null reference.
Gets SIP registration.
This class provides data for SIP_ProxyCore.Authenticate event.
Default constructor.
Authentication context.
Gets authentication context.
Gets or sets if specified request is authenticated.
Represents the method that will handle the SIP_Registrar.CanRegister event.
Authenticated user name.
Address to be registered.
Returns true if specified user can register specified address, otherwise false.
This class implements SIP registrar server. Defined in RFC 3261 10.3.
Default constructor.
Owner proxy.
Is raised when proxy is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Gets specified registration. Returns null if no such registration.
Address of record of registration which to get.
Returns SIP registration or null if no match.
Add or updates specified SIP registration info.
Registration address of record.
Registration address of record contacts to update.
Add or updates specified SIP registration info.
Registration address of record.
Registration address of record contacts to update.
SIP proxy local data flow what accpeted this contact registration.
Deletes specified registration and all it's contacts.
Registration address of record what to remove.
Handles REGISTER method.
Request event arguments.
Gets owner proxy core.
Gets current SIP registrations.
This event is raised when SIP registrar need to check if specified user can register specified address.
Is called by SIP registrar if it needs to check if specified user can register specified address.
Authenticated user name.
Address to be registered.
Returns true if specified user can register specified address, otherwise false.
This event is raised when new AOR(address of record) has been registered.
Raises AorRegistered event.
SIP registration.
This event is raised when AOR(address of record) has been unregistered.
Raises AorUnregistered event.
SIP registration.
This event is raised when AOR(address of record) has been updated.
Raises AorUpdated event.
SIP registration.
This class implements SIP presence server.
Default constructor.
Handles SUBSCRIBE method.
Request event arguments.
Handles NOTIFY method.
Request event arguments.
Implements SIP 'proxy context'. Defined in RFC 3261.
Proxy context is bridge between caller and calee.
Proxy context job is to forward request to contact(s) and send received responses back to caller.
This class is responsible for sending request to target(HOPs) and processing responses.
Default constructor.
Owner proxy context.
Data flow to use for sending. Value null means system will choose it.
Target URI where to send request.
If true, handler will add Record-Route header to forwarded message.
If true then this target is redirected by proxy context.
Is raised when owner or targetURI is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Initializes target.
Is called when client transactions receives response.
Event data.
Is called when client transaction has timed out.
Event data.
Is called when client transaction encountered transport error.
Event data.
This method is called when client transaction has disposed.
Event data.
Starts target processing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when Start method is already called and this method is called.
Cancels target processing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Starts sending request to next hop in queue.
Is raised when no next hop available(m_pHops.Count == 0) and this method is accessed.
Sends specified request to the specified data flow.
SIP data flow.
SIP request to send.
Is raised when flow or request is null reference.
Cleans up acitve hop resources.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets if this target processing has been started.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets if request sender has completed.
Gets SIP request what this Target is sending.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets target URI where request is being sent.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets if this target is recording routing(By adding Record-Route header field to forwarded requests).
Gets if this target is redirected by proxy context.
Gets if this handler has received any response from target.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Default constructor.
Owner proxy.
Server transaction what is used to send SIP responses back to caller.
Request to forward.
If true, Record-Route header field will be added.
Specifies how proxy context must handle forking.
Specifies if proxy context is in B2BUA or just transaction satefull mode.
Specifies if proxy should not send Cancel to forked requests.
Specifies what proxy server does when it gets 3xx response. If true proxy will forward
request to new specified address if false, proxy will return 3xx response to caller.
Possible remote targets. NOTE: These values must be in priority order !
Is raised when any of the reference type prameters is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Is called when server transaction has canceled.
Event data.
This method is called when server transaction has disposed.
Event data.
This method is called when specified target handler has disposed.
TargetHandler what disposed.
Starts processing.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when this method is called more than once.
Cancels proxy context processing. All client transactions and owner server transaction will be canceled,
proxy context will be disposed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when Start method is not called and this method is accessed.
Processes received response.
Target handler what received response.
Client transaction what response it is.
Response received.
Is raised when handler,transaction or response is null reference.
Sends SIP response to caller. If proxy context is in B2BUA mode, new response is generated
as needed.
Client transaction what response it is.
Response to send.
Cancels all targets processing.
Gets best final response. If no final response in responses collection, null is returned.
Resturns best final response or null if no final response.
Gets credentials for specified realm. Returns null if none such credentials.
Realm which credentials to get.
Returns specified realm credentials or null in none.
Is raised when realm is null reference.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets owner SIP proxy server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets proxy context ID.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets time when proxy context was created.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets forking mode used by this 'proxy context'.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets if proxy cancels forked requests what are not needed any more. If true,
requests not canceled, otherwise canceled.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets what proxy server does when it gets 3xx response. If true proxy will forward
request to new specified address if false, proxy will return 3xx response to caller.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets server transaction what is responsible for sending responses to caller.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets request what is forwarded by proxy context.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets all responses what proxy context has received.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets credentials collection.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
This enum specifies SIP proxy server 'forking' mode.
No forking. The contact with highest q value is used.
All contacts are processed parallel at same time.
In a sequential search, a proxy server attempts each contact address in sequence,
proceeding to the next one only after the previous has generated a final response.
Contacts are processed from highest q value to lower.
Specifies SIP proxy mode.
All flags may be combined, except Stateless,Statefull,B2BUA.
For example: (Stateless | Statefull) not allowed, but (Registrar | Presence | Statefull) is allowed.
Proxy implements SIP registrar.
Proxy implements SIP presence server.
Proxy runs in stateless mode.
Proxy runs in statefull mode.
Proxy runs in B2BUA(back to back user agent) mode.
SIP registration collection.
Default constructor.
Adds specified registration to collection.
Registration to add.
Deletes specified registration and all it's contacts.
Registration address of record what to remove.
Gets if registration with specified name already exists.
Address of record of resgistration.
Removes all expired registrations from the collection.
Gets enumerator.
Gets number of registrations in the collection.
Gets registration with specified registration name. Returns null if specified registration doesn't exist.
Address of record of resgistration.
Gets SIP registrations what in the collection.
Represents the method that will handle the SIP_ProxyCore.IsLocalUri event.
Request URI.
Returns true if server local URI, otherwise false.
Represents the method that will handle the SIP_ProxyCore.Authenticate event.
Represents the method that will handle the SIP_ProxyCore.AddressExists event.
SIP address to check.
Returns true if specified address exists, otherwise false.
Implements SIP registrar,statefull and stateless proxy.
Default constructor.
Reference to SIP stack.
Is raised when sipStack is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
This method is called when SIP stack receives new request.
Event data.
This method is called when SIP stack receives new response.
Event data.
This method is called when new request is received.
Request event arguments.
This method is called when new response is received.
Response event arguments.
Forwards specified request to target recipient.
Specifies if request is sent statefully or statelessly.
Request event arguments.
If true Record-Route header field is added.
Authenticates SIP request. This method also sends all needed replys to request sender.
Request event arguments.
Returns true if request was authenticated.
Authenticates SIP request. This method also sends all needed replys to request sender.
Request event arguments.
If authentication sucessful, then authenticated user name is stored to this variable.
Returns true if request was authenticated.
Gets if this proxy server is responsible for specified route.
Route value to check.
Returns trues if server route, otherwise false.
Is raised when uri is null reference.
Checks if the specified route is Record-Route what we add.
Record route.
Returns true if the specified route is local Record-Route value, otherwise false.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets owner SIP stack.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets proxy mode.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid combination modes passed.
Gets or sets how proxy handle forking. This property applies for statefull proxy only.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets SIP registrar server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets SIP B2BUA server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets SIP proxy request handlers collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
NOTE: Handlers with lower index number are processed first.
This event is raised when SIP proxy needs to know if specified request URI is local URI or remote URI.
Raises IsLocalUri event.
Request URI.
Returns true if server local URI, otherwise false.
This event is raised when SIP proxy or registrar server needs to authenticate user.
Is called by SIP proxy or registrar server when it needs to authenticate user.
Authentication context.
This event is raised when SIP proxy needs to know if specified local server address exists.
Is called by SIP proxy if it needs to check if specified address exists.
SIP address to check.
Returns true if specified address exists, otherwise false.
This class represents REFER dialog. Defined in RFC 3515.
Default constructor.
Processes specified request through this dialog.
Method arguments.
Returns true if this dialog processed specified request, otherwise false.
Is raised when e is null reference.
Is raised when NOTIFY request received.
Raises Notify event.
Event args.
This class is base class for SIP dialog usages. For more info see RFC 5070.
This class implements SIP INVITE dialog usage. For more info see RFC 5070.
Default constructor.
This class implements SIP SUBSCRIBE dialog usage. For more info see RFC 5070.
Default constructor.
This class holds SIP stack state.
Stack has started and running.
Stack is stopped.
Stack is shutting down.
Stack has disposed.
This class is base class for SIP dialogs. Defined in RFC 3261 12.
Default constructor.
Initializes dialog.
Owner stack.
Owner transaction.
SIP response what caused dialog creation.
Is raised when stack,transaction or response.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Terminates dialog.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Creates new SIP request using this dialog info.
SIP method.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when method is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Returns created request.
Creates SIP request sender for the specified request.
All requests sent through this dialog SHOULD use this request sender to send out requests.
SIP request.
Returns created sender.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when request is null.
Gets if sepcified request method is target-refresh method.
SIP request method.
Returns true if specified method is target-refresh method.
Is raised when method is null reference.
Sets dialog state.
New dialog state,
If true, StateChanged event is raised after state change.
Processes specified request through this dialog.
Method arguments.
Returns true if this dialog processed specified response, otherwise false.
Is raised when e is null reference.
Processes specified response through this dialog.
SIP response to process.
Returns true if this dialog processed specified response, otherwise false.
Is raised when response is null.
Adds transaction to dialog transactions list.
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the dialog.
Gets dialog state.
Gets owner stack.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets dialog creation time.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets dialog ID.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Get call ID.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local-tag.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets remote-tag.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local sequence number.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets remote sequence number.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local URI.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets remote URI.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local contact URI.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets remote target URI.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if dialog uses secure transport.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets route set.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets remote party supported SIP methods.
Gets remote party supported SIP extentions.
Gets data flow used to send or receive last SIP message.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets dialog's active transactions.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
This event is raised when Dialog state has changed.
Raises StateChanged event.
Is raised when dialog gets new request.
Raises RequestReceived event.
Event args.
This class represents INVITE dialog. Defined in RFC 3261.
Default constructor.
Initializes dialog.
Owner stack.
Owner transaction.
SIP response what caused dialog creation.
Is raised when stack,transaction or response.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts terminating dialog.
Termination reason. This value may be null.
If true BYE is sent to remote party.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Processes specified request through this dialog.
Method arguments.
Returns true if this dialog processed specified request, otherwise false.
Is raised when e is null reference.
Gets if dialog has pending INVITE transaction.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if dialog was terminated by remote-party.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
This event is raised when remote-party terminates dialog with BYE request.
This event is useful only if the application is interested in processing the headers in the BYE message.
Raises TerminatedByRemoteParty event.
BYE request.
This class represent SUBSCRIBE dialog. Defined in RFC 3265.
Default constructor.
Sends notify request to remote end point.
SIP NOTIFY request.
Implements SIP Flow. Defined in draft-ietf-sip-outbound.
A Flow is a network protocol layer (layer 4) association
between two hosts that is represented by the network address and
port number of both ends and by the protocol. For TCP, a flow is
equivalent to a TCP connection. For UDP a flow is a bidirectional
stream of datagrams between a single pair of IP addresses and
ports of both peers.
Default constructor.
Owner stack.
Specifies if flow is server or client flow.
Local IP end point.
Remote IP end point.
SIP transport.
Is raised when stack,localEP,remoteEP or transport is null reference.
Is raised whena any of the arguments has invalid value.
Server TCP,TLS constructor.
Owner stack.
TCP session.
Is raised when stack or session is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Sends specified request to flow remote end point.
SIP request to send.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when request is null reference.
Sends specified response to flow remote end point.
SIP response to send.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Send ping request to flow remote end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Starts flow processing.
Sends specified data to the remote end point.
Data to send.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Starts reading SIP message header.
This method is called when SIP message header reading has completed.
An IAsyncResult that represents an asynchronous call.
This method is called when SIP message data reading has completed.
An IAsyncResult that represents an asynchronous call.
This method is called when flow gets new UDP packet.
Event data..
Is raised when e is null reference.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets if this flow is server flow or client flow.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets time when flow was created.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets flow ID.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets flow local IP end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local EP what actually visible to RemoteEP. This value is different from LocalEP when stack is behind NAT.
Gets flow remote IP end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets flow transport.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if flow is reliable transport.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if this connection is secure.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets if flow sends keep-alive packets.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets when flow had last(send or receive) activity.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets time when last ping request was sent.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets how many bytes this flow has sent to remote party.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when flow is disposing.
Raises Disposed event.
Implements SIP hop(address,port,transport). Defined in RFC 3261.
Default constructor.
IP end point.
SIP transport to use.
Is raised when ep or transport is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
IP address.
Destination port.
SIP transport to use.
Is raised when ip or transport is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets target IP end point.
Gets target IP address.
Gets target port.
Gets target SIP transport.
Implements SIP client transaction. Defined in RFC 3261 17.1.
Default constructor.
Owner SIP stack.
SIP data flow which is used to send request.
SIP request that transaction will handle.
Is raised when stack,flow or request is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Is raised when INVITE timer A triggered.
Event data.
Is raised when INVITE timer B triggered.
Event data.
Is raised when INVITE timer D triggered.
Event data.
Is raised when Non-INVITE timer E triggered.
Event data.
Is raised when Non-INVITE timer F triggered.
Event data.
Is raised when Non-INVITE timer K triggered.
Event data.
Is called when INVITE timer M triggered.
Event data.
Starts transaction processing.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when Start is called other state than 'WaitingToStart'.
Starts canceling transaction.
If client transaction has got final response, canel has no effect and will be ignored.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Processes specified response through this transaction.
SIP data flow what received response.
SIP response to process.
Is raised when flow,response is null reference.
Creates and send CANCEL request to remote target.
Creates and sends ACK for final(3xx - 6xx) failure response.
SIP response.
Is raised when response is null.
Gets or sets RSeq value. Value -1 means no reliable provisional response received.
Is raised when transaction received response from remote party.
Raises ResponseReceived event.
SIP response received.
Implements SIP Request-Line. Defined in RFC 3261.
Default constructor.
SIP method.
Request URI.
Is raised when method or uri is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Returns Request-Line string.
Returns Request-Line string.
Gets or sets request method. This value is always in upper-case.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value has invalid value.
Gets or sets request URI.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Gets or sets SIP version.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value has invalid value.
This class provides data for SIP_ServerTransaction.ResponseSent method.
Default constructor.
Server transaction.
SIP response.
Is raised when any of the arguments is null.
Gets server transaction which sent response.
Gets response which was sent.
Implements SIP server transaction. Defined in rfc 3261 17.2.
Default constructor.
Owner SIP stack.
SIP data flow which received request.
SIP request that transaction will handle.
Is raised when stack,flow or request is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Is raised when INVITE 100 (Trying) response must be sent if no response sent by transaction user.
Event data.
Is raised when INVITE timer G triggered.
Event data.
Is raised when INVITE timer H triggered.
Event data.
Is raised when INVITE timer I triggered.
Event data.
Is raised when INVITE timer J triggered.
Event data.
Is called when INVITE time L triggered.
Event data.
Starts transaction processing.
Sends specified response to remote party.
SIP response to send.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Cancels current transaction processing and sends '487 Request Terminated'.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when final response is sent and Cancel method is called after it.
Processes specified request through this transaction.
SIP data flow.
SIP request.
Is raised when flow or request is null reference.
Is raised when transaction has sent response to remote party.
Raises ResponseSent event.
SIP response.
Is raised when transaction has canceled.
Raises Canceled event.
Implements SIP Status-Line. Defined in RFC 3261.
Default constructor.
Status code.
Reason text.
Is raised when
Is raised when reason is null reference.
Returns Status-Line string.
Returns Status-Line string.
Gets or sets SIP version.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value has invalid value.
Gets or sets status code.
Is raised when value has invalid value.
Gets or sets reason phrase.
Is raised when value is null reference.
This class holds known SIP timer constant values.
This enum holds SIP transaction states. Defined in RFC 3261.
Client transaction waits Start method to be called.
Calling to recipient. This is used only by INVITE client transaction.
This is transaction initial state. Used only in Non-INVITE transaction.
This is INVITE server transaction initial state. Used only in INVITE server transaction.
INVITE transaction has sent or received 2xx response.
Transaction has got final response.
Transation has got ACK from request maker. This is used only by INVITE server transaction.
Transaction has terminated and waits disposing.
Transaction has disposed.
This class implements SIP request sender.
Request is sent using following methods:
*) If there is active data flow, it is used.
*) Request is sent as described in RFC 3261 [4](RFC 3263).
Default constructor.
Owner stack.
SIP request.
Active data flow what to try before RFC 3261 [4](RFC 3263) methods to use to send request.
This value can be null.
Is raised when stack or request is null.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Is called when client transactions receives response.
Event data.
Is called when client transaction has timed out.
Event data.
Is called when client transaction encountered transport error.
Event data.
Starts sending request.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when Start method has alredy called.
Is raised when no transport hop(s) for request.
Cancels current request sending.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when request sending has not been started by Start method.
Creates authorization for each challenge in response.
SIP request where to add authorization values.
SIP response which challenges to authorize.
Credentials for authorization.
Returns true if all challenges were authorized. If any of the challanges was not authorized, returns false.
Starts sending request to next hop in queue.
Is raised when no next hop available(m_pHops.Count == 0) and this method is accessed.
Sends specified request to the specified data flow.
SIP data flow.
SIP request to send.
Is raised when flow or request is null reference.
Cleans up active transaction.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets if request sending has been started.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets if request sender has complted sending request.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets owner stack.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets SIP request.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets SIP flow what was used to send request or null if request is not sent yet.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets credentials collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets user data.
Is raised when this transaction has got response from target end point.
Raises ResponseReceived event.
SIP response received.
Raises event TransportError.
Excption happened.
Is raised when sender has finished processing(got final-response or error).
Raises event Completed.
Is raised when this object has disposed.
Raises Disposed event.
This class represent SIP UA registration.
Default constructor.
Owner SIP stack.
Registrar server URI. For example:
Address of record. For example:
Contact URI.
Gets after how many seconds reigisration expires.
Is raised when ua,server,transport,aor or contact is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments contains invalid value.
Cleans up any resources being used.
This method is raised when registration needs to refresh server registration.
Event data.
This method is called when REGISTER has finished.
Event data.
This method is called when un-REGISTER has finished.
Event data.
Starts registering.
If true, registration takes care of refreshing itself to registrar server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Starts unregistering.
If true, registration will be disposed after unregister.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Changes current registration state.
New registration state.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets registration state.
Gets after how many seconds contact expires.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets registration address of record.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets registration contact URI.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets registrar server all contacts registered for this AOR.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
If true and contact is different than received or rport, received and rport is used as contact.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
This event is raised when registration state has changed.
Raises event StateChanged.
This event is raised when REGISTER has completed successfully.
Raises event Registered.
This event is raised when un-REGISTER has completed successfully.
Raises event Unregistered.
This event is raised when REGISTER/un-REGISTER has failed.
Raises event Error.
Event data.
This event is raised when registration has disposed.
Raises event Disposed.
This class specifies SIP UA registration state.
Registration is currently registering.
Registration is active.
Registration is not registered to registrar server.
Registering has failed.
Registration has disposed.
This class represents known SIP request methods.
ACK method. Defined in RFC 3261.
BYE method. Defined in RFC 3261.
CANCEL method. Defined in RFC 3261.
INFO method. Defined in RFC 2976.
INVITE method. Defined in RFC 3261.
MESSAGE method. Defined in RFC 3428.
NOTIFY method. Defined in RFC 3265.
OPTIONS method. Defined in RFC 3261.
PRACK method. Defined in RFC 3262.
PUBLISH method. Defined in RFC 3903.
REFER method. Defined in RFC 3515.
REGISTER method. Defined in RFC 3261.
SUBSCRIBE method. Defined in RFC 3265.
UPDATE method. Defined in RFC 3311.
Specifies SIP status code type. Defined in rfc 3261.
Request received, continuing to process the request. 1xx status code.
Action was successfully received, understood, and accepted. 2xx status code.
Request must be redirected(forwarded). 3xx status code.
Request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled at this server. 4xx status code.
Server failed to fulfill a valid request. 5xx status code.
Request cannot be fulfilled at any server. 6xx status code.
This class holds SIP transports. Defined in RFC 3261.
UDP protocol.
TCP protocol.
TCP + SSL protocol.
This class provides data for SIP_Stack.ValidateRequest event.
Default constructor.
Incoming SIP request.
IP end point what made request.
Gets incoming SIP request.
Gets IP end point what made request.
Gets or sets response code. Value null means SIP stack will handle it.
This class provides data for SIP_Dialog.RequestReceived event and SIP_Core.OnRequestReceived> method.
Default constructor.
Reference to SIP stack.
SIP data flow.
Recieved request.
Default constructor.
Reference to SIP stack.
SIP data flow.
Recieved request.
SIP server transaction which must be used to send response back to request maker.
Gets data flow what received SIP request.
Gets the received rquest.
Gets server transaction for that request. Server transaction is created when this property is
first accessed. If you don't need server transaction for that request, for example statless proxy,
just don't access this property. For ACK method, this method always return null, because ACK
doesn't create transaction !
Gets SIP dialog where Request belongs to. Returns null if Request doesn't belong any dialog.
Gets or sets if request is handled.
This class provides data for ResponseReceived events.
Default constructor.
Reference to SIP stack.
Client transaction what response it is. This value can be null if no matching client response.
Received response.
Gets response received by SIP stack.
Gets client transaction which response it is. This value is null if no matching client transaction.
If this core is staless proxy then it's allowed, otherwise core MUST discard that response.
Gets SIP dialog where Response belongs to. Returns null if Response doesn't belong any dialog.
Gets or creates dialog.
Is raised when the specified request method can't establish dialog or
response has no To-Tag.
The exception that is thrown when a transport error occurs.
Default constructor.
Error text describing error.
This is base class for SIP client and server transaction.
Default constructor.
Owner SIP stack.
Transaction data flow.
SIP request that transaction will handle.
Is raised when stack,flow or request is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Cancels current transaction.
Changes transaction state.
New transaction state.
Adds specified response to transaction responses collection.
SIP response.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the dialog.
Gets if transaction is disposed.
Gets current transaction state.
Gets owner SIP stack.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets transaction data flow.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets SIP request what caused this transaction creation.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets request method that transaction handles.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets transaction ID (Via: branch parameter value).
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets time when this transaction was created.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets transaction processed responses.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets transaction final(1xx) response from responses collection. Returns null if no provisional responses.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets transaction final(2xx - 699) response from responses collection. Returns null if no final responses.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if transaction has any provisional(1xx) in responses collection.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets transaction related SIP dialog. Returns null if no dialog available.
Gets or sets user data.
Gets transaction indexing key.
Is raised when transaction state has changed.
Raises event StateChanged.
Is raised when transaction is disposed.
Raises event Disposed.
Is raised if transaction is timed out.
Raises TimedOut event.
Is raised when there is transport error.
Raises TimedOut event.
Transport exception.
Is raised when exception is null reference.
Is raised when there is transaction error. For example this is raised when server transaction never
gets ACK.
Raises TransactionError event.
Text describing error.
SIP server request. Related RFC 3261.
Default constructor.
SIP request method.
Is raised when method is null reference.
Clones this request.
Returns new cloned request.
Checks if SIP request has all required values as request line,header fields and their values.
Throws Exception if not valid SIP request.
Parses SIP_Request from byte array.
Valid SIP request data.
Returns parsed SIP_Request obeject.
Raised when data is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses SIP_Request from stream.
Stream what contains valid SIP request.
Returns parsed SIP_Request obeject.
Raised when stream is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Stores SIP_Request to specified stream.
Stream where to store.
Converts this request to raw srver request data.
Returns request as string.
Returns request as string.
Gets request-line.
Gets or sets flow what received or sent this request. Returns null if this request isn't sent or received.
Gets or sets local end point what sent/received this request. Returns null if this request isn't sent or received.
Gets or sets remote end point what sent/received this request. Returns null if this request isn't sent or received.
SIP server response. Related RFC 3261.
Default constructor.
SIP_Request.CreateResponse constructor.
Owner request.
Clones this request.
Returns new cloned request.
Checks if SIP response has all required values as response line,header fields and their values.
Throws Exception if not valid SIP response.
Parses SIP_Response from byte array.
Valid SIP response data.
Returns parsed SIP_Response obeject.
Raised when data is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses SIP_Response from stream.
Stream what contains valid SIP response.
Returns parsed SIP_Response obeject.
Raised when stream is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Stores SIP_Response to specified stream.
Stream where to store.
Converts this response to raw srver response data.
Returns response as string.
Returns response as string.
Gets SIP request which response it is. This value is null if this is stateless response.
Gets or sets SIP version.
Is raised when invalid SIP version value passed.
Gets SIP status code type.
Gets or sets response status code. This value must be between 100 and 999.
Is raised when value is out of allowed range.
Gets or sets reponse reasong phrase. This just StatusCode describeing text.
Gets or sets SIP Status-Code with Reason-Phrase (Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase).
Specifies dialog state.
Dialog isn't established yet.
Dialog has got 2xx response.
Dialog is terminating.
Dialog is terminated.
Dialog is disposed.
This class holds SIP respnse codes.
This response indicates that the request has been received by the
next-hop server and that some unspecified action is being taken on
behalf of this call (for example, a database is being consulted).
The UA receiving the INVITE is trying to alert the user.
A server MAY use this status code to indicate that the call is being
forwarded to a different set of destinations.
The called party is temporarily unavailable, but the server has
decided to queue the call rather than reject it. When the callee
becomes available, it will return the appropriate final status response.
The 183 (Session Progress) response is used to convey information
about the progress of the call that is not otherwise classified.
The request has succeeded.
The request has accepted. Defined in rfc 3265.
The user can no longer be found at the address in the Request-URI,
and the requesting client SHOULD retry at the new address given by
the Contact header field (Section 20.10). Defined in rfc 3265.
The requesting client SHOULD retry the request at the new address(es)
given by the Contact header field (Section 20.10). Defined in rfc 3265.
The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax. The
Reason-Phrase SHOULD identify the syntax problem in more detail, for
example, "Missing Call-ID header field".
The request requires user authentication.
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
Authorization will not help, and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
The server has definitive information that the user does not exist at
the domain specified in the Request-URI.
The method specified in the Request-Line is understood, but not
allowed for the address identified by the Request-URI.
The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating
response entities that have content characteristics not acceptable
according to the Accept header field sent in the request.
This code is similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the
client MUST first authenticate itself with the proxy.
The server could not produce a response within a suitable amount of
time, for example, if it could not determine the location of the user in time.
The requested resource is no longer available at the server and no
forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be
considered permanent.
Is used to indicate that the precondition given for the request has failed. Defined in rfc 3903.
The server is refusing to process a request because the request
entity-body is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
The server MAY close the connection to prevent the client from
continuing the request.
The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI
is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
The server is refusing to service the request because the message
body of the request is in a format not supported by the server for
the requested method. The server MUST return a list of acceptable
formats using the Accept, Accept-Encoding, or Accept-Language header
field, depending on the specific problem with the content.
The server cannot process the request because the scheme of the URI
in the Request-URI is unknown to the server.
TODO: add description. Defined in rfc 4412.
The server did not understand the protocol extension specified in a
Proxy-Require or Require header field.
The UAS needs a particular extension to process the request, but this
extension is not listed in a Supported header field in the request.
Responses with this status code MUST contain a Require header field
listing the required extensions.
It is generated by a UAS or proxy when a request contains a Session-Expires header field
with a duration below the minimum timer for the server. The 422 response MUST contain a Min-SE
header field with the minimum timer for that server.
The server is rejecting the request because the expiration time of
the resource refreshed by the request is too short. This response
can be used by a registrar to reject a registration whose Contact
header field expiration time was too small.
It is used when the verifier receives a message with an Identity signature that does not
correspond to the digest-string calculated by the verifier. Defined in rfc 4474.
TODO: add description. Defined in rfc 3892.
It is used when the Identity-Info header contains a URI that cannot be dereferenced by the
verifier (either the URI scheme is unsupported by the verifier, or the resource designated by
the URI is otherwise unavailable). Defined in rfc 4474.
It is used when the verifier cannot validate the certificate referenced by the URI of the
Identity-Info header, because, for example, the certificate is self-signed, or signed by a
root certificate authority for whom the verifier does not possess a root certificate.
Defined in rfc 4474.
It is used when the verifier receives a message with an Identity signature that does not
correspond to the digest-string calculated by the verifier. Defined in rfc 4474.
The callee's end system was contacted successfully but the callee is
currently unavailable (for example, is not logged in, logged in but
in a state that precludes communication with the callee, or has
activated the "do not disturb" feature).
This status indicates that the UAS received a request that does not
match any existing dialog or transaction.
The server has detected a loop.
The server received a request that contains a Max-Forwards.
The server received a request with a Request-URI that was incomplete.
Additional information SHOULD be provided in the reason phrase.
The Request-URI was ambiguous.
The callee's end system was contacted successfully, but the callee is
currently not willing or able to take additional calls at this end
system. The response MAY indicate a better time to call in the
Retry-After header field.
The request was terminated by a BYE or CANCEL request. This response
is never returned for a CANCEL request itself.
The response has the same meaning as 606 (Not Acceptable), but only
applies to the specific resource addressed by the Request-URI and the
request may succeed elsewhere.
Is used to indicate that the server did not understand the event package specified
in a "Event" header field. Defined in rfc 3265.
The request was received by a UAS that had a pending request within
the same dialog.
The request was received by a UAS that contained an encrypted MIME
body for which the recipient does not possess or will not provide an
appropriate decryption key.
TODO: add description. Defined in rfc 3329.
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from
fulfilling the request.
The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request.
The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid
response from the downstream server it accessed in attempting to
fulfill the request.
The server is temporarily unable to process the request due to a
temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
The server did not receive a timely response from an external server
it accessed in attempting to process the request.
The server does not support, or refuses to support, the SIP protocol
version that was used in the request.
The server was unable to process the request since the message length
exceeded its capabilities.
When a UAS, acting as an answerer, cannot or is not willing to meet the preconditions
in the offer. Defined in rfc 3312.
The callee's end system was contacted successfully but the callee is
busy and does not wish to take the call at this time.
The callee's machine was successfully contacted but the user
explicitly does not wish to or cannot participate.
The server has authoritative information that the user indicated in
the Request-URI does not exist anywhere
The user's agent was contacted successfully but some aspects of the
session description such as the requested media, bandwidth, or
addressing style were not acceptable.
Implements SIP stack.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts SIP stack.
Stops SIP stack.
Creates new out-off dialog SIP request.
SIP request-method.
Recipient address. For example:
Senders address. For example:
Returns created request.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when method,to or from is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Creates SIP request sender for the specified request.
SIP request.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when request is null reference.
Creates SIP request sender for the specified request.
SIP request.
Data flow.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when request is null reference.
Consumes current CSeq number and increments it by 1.
Returns CSeq number.
Creates response for the specified request.
Status-code reasontext.
SIP request.
Returns created response.
Is raised when statusCode_reasonText or request is null reference.
Is raised when request is ACK-request. ACK request is response less.
Creates response for the specified request.
Status-code reasontext.
SIP request.
Data flow what sends response. This value is used to construct Contact: header value.
This value can be null, but then adding Contact: header is response sender responsibility.
Returns created response.
Is raised when statusCode_reasonText or request is null reference.
Is raised when request is ACK-request. ACK request is response less.
Gets target hops(address,port,transport) of the specified URI.
Target URI.
SIP message size.
If true only TLS hops are returned.
Returns target hops(address,port,transport) of the specified URI.
Is raised when uri is null reference.
Creates new registration.
Registrar server URI. For example:
Registration address of record. For example:
Contact URI.
Gets after how many seconds reigisration expires.
Returns created registration.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when server,aor or contact is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets stack state.
Gets transport layer what is used to receive and send requests and responses.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets transaction layer.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets User-Agent value. Value null menas not specified.
Gets digest authentication nonce manager.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets STUN server name or IP address. This value must be filled if SIP stack is running behind a NAT.
Gets SIP outbound proxy servers collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets SIP realm value. Mostly this value is used by digest authentication.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when null reference is passed.
Gets or sets maximum forwards SIP request may have.
Is raised when value contains invalid value.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets minimum expire time in seconds what server allows.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets stack supported methods list.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
This value is appended to created request Allow: header.
Gets stack supported extentions list.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
This value is appended to created request Supported: header.
Gets or sets how many cunncurent connections allowed. Value 0 means not limited. This is used only for TCP based connections.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets maximum allowed SIP message size in bytes. This is used only for TCP based connections.
Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets minimum session expires value in seconds. NOTE: Minimum value is 90 !
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets or sets session expires value in seconds. NOTE: This value can't be smaller than MinimumSessionExpries.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Gets credentials collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets socket bind info. Use this property to specify on which protocol,IP,port server
listnes and also if connections is SSL.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets stack DNS client.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets SIP logger.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets current registrations.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
This event is raised when new incoming SIP request is received. You can control incoming requests
with that event. For example you can require authentication or send what ever error to request maker user.
Is called by Transport layer when new incoming SIP request is received.
Incoming SIP request.
Request maker IP end point.
This event is raised when new SIP request is received.
Raises RequestReceived event.
Event data.
This event is raised when new stray SIP response is received.
Stray response means that response doesn't match to any transaction.
Raises ResponseReceived event.
Event data.
This event is raised by any SIP element when unknown/unhandled error happened.
Is called when ever unknown error happens.
Exception happened.
Implements SIP transaction layer. Defined in RFC 3261.
Transaction layer manages client,server transactions and dialogs.
Default constructor.
Reference to SIP stack.
Is raised when stack is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Creates new client transaction.
SIP data flow which is used to send request.
SIP request that transaction will handle.
If true, transaction will add Via: header, otherwise it's user responsibility.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when flow or request is null reference.
Returns created transaction.
Creates new SIP server transaction for specified request.
SIP data flow which is used to receive request.
SIP request.
Returns added server transaction.
Is raised when this class is Disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when flow or request is null reference.
Ensures that specified request has matching server transaction. If server transaction doesn't exist,
it will be created, otherwise existing transaction will be returned.
SIP data flow which is used to receive request.
SIP request.
Returns matching transaction.
Is raised when flow or request is null.
Is raised when request.Method is ACK request.
Matches SIP response to client transaction. If not matching transaction found, returns null.
SIP response to match.
Matches SIP request to server transaction. If not matching transaction found, returns null.
SIP request to match.
Returns matching transaction or null if no match.
Matches CANCEL requst to SIP server non-CANCEL transaction. Returns null if no match.
SIP CANCEL request.
Returns CANCEL matching server transaction or null if no match.
Is raised when cancelTransaction is null.
Is raised when cancelTransaction has invalid.
Gets existing or creates new dialog.
Owner transaction what forces to create dialog.
Response what forces to create dialog.
Returns dialog.
Is raised when transaction or response is null.
Removes specified dialog from dialogs collection.
SIP dialog to remove.
Matches specified SIP request to SIP dialog. If no matching dialog found, returns null.
SIP request.
Returns matched SIP dialog or null in no match found.
Is raised when request is null.
Matches specified SIP response to SIP dialog. If no matching dialog found, returns null.
SIP response.
Returns matched SIP dialog or null in no match found.
Is raised when response is null.
Gets all(clinet + server) active transactions.
Gets all available client transactions. This method is thread-safe.
Gets all available server transactions. This method is thread-safe.
Gets active dialogs. This method is thread-safe.
Implements SIP transport layer. Defined in RFC 3261.
Implements SIP flow manager.
Default constructor.
Owner transport layer.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Returns existing flow if exists, otherwise new created flow.
Specifies if created flow is server or client flow. This has effect only if flow is created.
Local end point.
Remote end point.
SIP transport.
Returns existing flow if exists, otherwise new created flow.
Is raised when localEP,remoteEP or transport is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Returns specified flow or null if no such flow.
Data flow ID.
Returns specified flow or null if no such flow.
Is raised when flowID is null reference.
Creates new flow from TCP server session.
TCP server session.
Returns created flow.
Is raised when session is null reference.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets number of flows in the collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets a flow with the specified flow ID.
SIP flow ID.
Returns flow with the specified flow ID or null if not found.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when flowID is null reference value.
Gets active flows.
Gets owner transpoprt layer.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Default constructor.
Owner SIP stack.
Is raised when stack is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
This method is called when new SIP UDP packet has received.
Event data.
This method is called when UDP server unknown error.
Event data.
This method is called when SIP stack has got new incoming connection.
Event data.
Starts listening incoming requests and responses.
Stops listening incoming requests and responses.
Is called when specified SIP flow has got new SIP message.
SIP flow.
Received message.
Is raised when flow or message is null reference.
Gets existing flow or if flow doesn't exist, new one is created and returned.
SIP transport.
Local end point. Value null means system will allocate it.
Remote end point.
Returns data flow.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when remoteEP.
Returns specified flow or null if no such flow.
Data flow ID.
Returns specified flow or null if no such flow.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when flowID is null reference.
Sends request using methods as described in RFC 3261 [4](RFC 3263).
SIP request to send.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when request is null.
Is raised when transport error happens.
Sends request to the specified hop.
SIP request.
Local end point. Value null means system will allocate it.
Target hop.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when request or hop is null reference.
Sends request to the specified flow.
Data flow.
SIP request.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when flow or request is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments contains invalid value.
Sends request to the specified flow.
Data flow.
SIP request.
Owner client transaction or null if stateless sending.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when flow or request is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments contains invalid value.
Sends specified response back to request maker using RFC 3261 18. rules.
SIP response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stack ahs not been started and this method is accessed.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when response sending has failed.
Use this method to send SIP responses from stateless SIP elements, like stateless proxy.
Otherwise SIP_ServerTransaction.SendResponse method should be used.
Sends specified response back to request maker using RFC 3261 18. rules.
SIP response.
Local IP end point to use for sending resposne. Value null means system will allocate it.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stack ahs not been started and this method is accessed.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when response sending has failed.
Use this method to send SIP responses from stateless SIP elements, like stateless proxy.
Otherwise SIP_ServerTransaction.SendResponse method should be used.
Sends specified response back to request maker using RFC 3261 18. rules.
SIP server transaction which response to send.
SIP response.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stack ahs not been started and this method is accessed.
Is raised when transaction or response is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when response sending has failed.
Sends response to request maker using RFC 3261 18. rules.
Owner server transaction. Can be null if stateless response sending.
SIP response to send.
Local IP end point to use for sending resposne. Value null means system will allocate it.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when stack ahs not been started and this method is accessed.
Is raised when response is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when response sending has failed.
Sends specified response back to request maker using RFC 3263 5. rules.
Log ID.
Transaction ID. If null, then stateless response sending.
UDP local end point to use for sending. If null, system will use default.
SIP response.
Is raised when response sending has failed.
Sends response to the specified host.
Log ID.
Transaction ID. If null, then stateless response sending.
UDP local end point to use for sending. If null, system will use default.
Host name or IP address where to send response.
Target host port.
SIP transport to use.
SIP response to send.
Gets contact URI host parameter suitable to the specified flow.
Data flow.
Returns contact URI host parameter suitable to the specified flow.
Gets Record-Route for the specified transport.
SIP transport.
Returns Record-Route ro or null if no record route possible.
Gets if transport layer is running.
Gets owner SIP stack.
Gets or sets socket bind info. Use this property to specify on which protocol,IP,port server
listnes and also if connections is SSL.
Gets currently active flows.
Gets UDP server.
Gets or sets STUN server name or IP address. This value must be filled if SIP stack is running behind a NAT.
This class implements SIP UA. Defined in RFC 3261 8.1.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
This method is called when SIP stack received new message.
Event data.
Thsi method is called when call state has chnaged.
Event data.
Creates call to invite specified recipient.
INVITE request.
Returns created call.
Is raised when invite is null reference.
Is raised when any of the argumnets has invalid value.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets SIP stack.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Gets active calls.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when user agent get new SIP request.
Raises RequestReceived event.
SIP request.
Is raised when new incoming call.
Raises event IncomingCall.
Incoming call.
This class represent SIP UA call.
Default outgoing call constructor.
Owner UA.
INVITE request.
Is riased when ua or invite is null reference.
Is raised when any of the argumnets has invalid value.
Default incoming call constructor.
Owner UA.
INVITE server transaction.
Is riased when ua or invite is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Is called when SIP dialog state has changed.
Event data.
This method is called when initial INVITE sender got response.
Event data.
Starts calling.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when call is not in valid state.
Sends ringing to remote party.
Early media answer or early media offer when initial INVITE don't have SDP.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when call is not in valid state and this method is called.
Accepts call.
Media answer.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when call is not in valid state and this method is called.
Is raised when sdp is null reference.
Rejects incoming call.
Status-code reasonText.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when call is not in valid state and this method is called.
Is raised when statusCode_reason is null.
Redirects incoming call to speified contact(s).
Redirection targets.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when call is not in valid state and this method is called.
Is raised when contacts is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Starts terminating call. To get when call actually terminates, monitor StateChanged event.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Toggles call on hold.
Transfer call to specified URI.
Changes call state.
New call state.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets current call state.
Gets call start time.
Gets call local party URI.
Gets call remote party URI.
Gets local SDP.
Gets remote SDP.
Gets call duration in seconds.
Gets if call has been redirected by remote party.
Gets if call is on hold.
Gets user data items collection.
Is raised when call state has changed.
Raises StateChanged event.
New call state.
This enum specifies SIP UA call states.
Outgoing call waits to be started.
Outgoing calling is in progress.
Outgoing call remote end party is ringing.
Outgoing call remote end pary queued a call.
Incoming call waits to be accepted.
Call is active.
Call is terminating.
Call is terminated.
Call has disposed.
This class provides data for SIP_UA.IncomingCall event.
Default constructor.
SIP UA call.
Is called when call is null reference.
Gets call.
SIP Option Tags. Defined in RFC 3261 27.1, defined values are in:
Option tags are used in header fields such as Require, Supported, Proxy-Require, and
Unsupported in support of SIP compatibility mechanisms for extensions (Section 19.2).
The option tag itself is a string that is associated with a particular SIP option (that is, an extension).
This option tag is for reliability of provisional responses. When present in a
Supported header, it indicates that the UA can send or receive reliable provisional
responses. When present in a Require header in a request it indicates that the UAS MUST
send all provisional responses reliably. When present in a Require header in a
reliable provisional response, it indicates that the response is to be sent reliably.
Defined in rfc 3262.
A UA adding the early-session option tag to a message indicates that it understands the
early-session content disposition. Defined in rfc 3959.
Extension to allow subscriptions to lists of resources. Defined in rfc 4662.
When used with the Supported header, this option tag indicates support for the
History Information to be captured for requests and returned in subsequent responses.
This tag is not used in a Proxy-Require or Require header field since support of
History-Info is optional. Defined in rfc 4244.
Support for the SIP Join Header. Defined in rfc 3911.
This option tag specifies a User Agent ability of accepting a REFER request without
establishing an implicit subscription (compared to the default case defined in RFC3515).
Defined in rfc 3911.
A SIP UA that supports the Path extension header field includes this option tag as a
header field value in a Supported header field in all requests generated by that UA.
Intermediate proxies may use the presence of this option tag in a REGISTER request to
determine whether to offer Path service for for that request. If an intermediate proxy
requires that the registrar support Path for a request, then it includes this option tag
as a header field value in a Requires header field in that request. Defined in rfc 3327.
An offerer MUST include this tag in the Require header field if the offer contains
one or more "mandatory" strength-tags. If all the strength-tags in the description are
"optional" or "none" the offerer MUST include this tag either in a Supported header field or
in a Require header field. Defined in rfc 3312.
This option tag is used to ensure that a server understands the callee capabilities
parameters used in the request. Defined in rfc 3840.
This option tag indicates support for the Privacy mechanism. When used in the
Proxy-Require header, it indicates that proxy servers do not forward the request unless they
can provide the requested privacy service. This tag is not used in the Require or
Supported headers. Proxies remove this option tag before forwarding the request if the desired
privacy function has been performed. Defined in rfc 3323.
This option tag indicates support for the SIP Replaces header. Defined in rfc 3891.
Indicates or requests support for the resource priority mechanism. Defined in rfc 4412.
The option-tag sdp-anat is defined for use in the Require and Supported SIP [RFC3261]
header fields. SIP user agents that place this option-tag in a Supported header field understand
the ANAT semantics as defined in [RFC4091]. Defined in rfc 4092.
This option tag indicates support for the Security Agreement mechanism. When used in the
Require, or Proxy-Require headers, it indicates that proxy servers are required to use the Security
Agreement mechanism. When used in the Supported header, it indicates that the User Agent Client
supports the Security Agreement mechanism. When used in the Require header in the 494 (Security Agreement
Required) or 421 (Extension Required) responses, it indicates that the User Agent Client must use the
Security Agreement Mechanism. Defined in rfc 3329.
This option tag is used to identify the target dialog header field extension. When used in a
Require header field, it implies that the recipient needs to support the Target-Dialog header field.
When used in a Supported header field, it implies that the sender of the message supports it.
Defined in rfc 4538.
This option tag is for support of the session timer extension. Inclusion in a Supported
header field in a request or response indicates that the UA is capable of performing
refreshes according to that specification. Inclusion in a Require header in a request
means that the UAS must understand the session timer extension to process the request.
Inclusion in a Require header field in a response indicates that the UAC must look for the
Session-Expires header field in the response, and process accordingly. Defined in rfc 4028.
This class represents SIP value parameter.
Default constructor.
Parameter name.
Default constructor.
Parameter name.
Parameter value.
Gets parameter name.
Gets or sets parameter name. Value null means value less tag prameter.
This class represents SIP value parameters collection.
Default constructor.
Adds new parameter to the collection.
Parameter name.
Parameter value.
Is raised when name is null.
Is raised when 'name' is '' or parameter with specified name
already exists in the collection.
Adds or updates specified parameter value.
Parameter name.
Parameter value.
Removes all parameters from the collection.
Removes specified parameter from the collection.
Parameter name.
Checks if the collection contains parameter with the specified name.
Parameter name.
Returns true if collection contains specified parameter.
Gets enumerator.
Gets parameters count in the collection.
Gets specified parameter from collection. Returns null if parameter with specified name doesn't exist.
Parameter name.
Returns parameter with specified name or null if not found.
Implements SIP "ac-value" value. Defined in RFC 3841.
RFC 3841 Syntax:
ac-value = "*" *(SEMI ac-params)
ac-params = feature-param / req-param / explicit-param / generic-param
;;feature param from RFC 3840
;;generic-param from RFC 3261
req-param = "require"
explicit-param = "explicit"
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
SIP 'ac-value' value.
Parses "ac-value" from specified value.
SIP "ac-value" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "ac-value" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "ac-value" value.
Returns "ac-value" value.
Gets or sets 'require' parameter value.
Gets or sets 'explicit' parameter value.
Implements SIP "Content-Disposition" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
Content-Disposition = disp-type *( SEMI disp-param )
disp-type = "render" / "session" / "icon" / "alert" / disp-extension-token
disp-param = handling-param / generic-param
handling-param = "handling" EQUAL ( "optional" / "required" / other-handling )
other-handling = token
disp-extension-token = token
Default constructor.
SIP SIP_t_ContentDisposition value.
Parses "Content-Disposition" from specified value.
SIP "Content-Disposition" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Content-Disposition" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Content-Disposition" value.
Returns "Content-Disposition" value.
Gets or sets disposition type. Known values: "render","session","icon","alert".
Gets or sets 'handling' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Known value: "optional","required".
Implements SIP "directive" value. Defined in RFC 3841.
RFC 3841 Syntax:
directive = proxy-directive / cancel-directive / fork-directive / recurse-directive /
parallel-directive / queue-directive
proxy-directive = "proxy" / "redirect"
cancel-directive = "cancel" / "no-cancel"
fork-directive = "fork" / "no-fork"
recurse-directive = "recurse" / "no-recurse"
parallel-directive = "parallel" / "sequential"
queue-directive = "queue" / "no-queue"
Proccess directives. Defined in rfc 3841 9.1.
This directive indicates whether the caller would like each server to proxy request.
This directive indicates whether the caller would like each server to redirect request.
This directive indicates whether the caller would like each proxy server to send a CANCEL
request to forked branches.
This directive indicates whether the caller would NOT want each proxy server to send a CANCEL
request to forked branches.
This type of directive indicates whether a proxy should fork a request.
This type of directive indicates whether a proxy should proxy to only a single address.
The server SHOULD proxy the request to the "best" address (generally the one with the highest q-value).
This directive indicates whether a proxy server receiving a 3xx response should send
requests to the addresses listed in the response.
This directive indicates whether a proxy server receiving a 3xx response should forward
the list of addresses upstream towards the caller.
This directive indicates whether the caller would like the proxy server to proxy
the request to all known addresses at once.
This directive indicates whether the caller would like the proxy server to go through
all known addresses sequentially, contacting the next address only after it has received
a non-2xx or non-6xx final response for the previous one.
This directive indicates whether if the called party is temporarily unreachable, caller
wants to have its call queued.
This directive indicates whether if the called party is temporarily unreachable, caller
don't want its call to be queued.
Default constructor.
Parses "directive" from specified value.
SIP "directive" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "directive" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "directive" value.
Returns "directive" value.
Gets or sets directive.
Implements SIP "Event" value. Defined in RFC 3265.
RFC 3265 Syntax:
Event = event-type *( SEMI event-param )
event-param = generic-param / ( "id" EQUAL token )
Default constructor.
SIP 'Event' value.
Parses "Event" from specified value.
SIP "Event" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Event" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Event" value.
Returns "Event" value.
Gets or sets event type.
Is raised when null vallue is passed.
Is raised when emptu string passed.
Gets or sets 'id' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Implements SIP "event-type" value. Defined in RFC 3265.
Default constructor.
Parses "event-type" from specified value.
SIP "event-type" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "event-type" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "event-type" value.
Returns "event-type" value.
Gets or sets event type.
Is raised when null value passed as value.
Implements SIP "hi-entry" value. Defined in RFC 4244.
RFC 4244 Syntax:
hi-entry = hi-targeted-to-uri *( SEMI hi-param )
hi-targeted-to-uri= name-addr
hi-param = hi-index / hi-extension
hi-index = "index" EQUAL 1*DIGIT *(DOT 1*DIGIT)
hi-extension = generic-param
Default constructor.
Parses "hi-entry" from specified value.
SIP "hi-entry" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "hi-entry" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "hi-entry" value.
Returns "hi-entry" value.
Gets or sets address.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Gets or sets 'index' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Implements SIP "Identity-Info" value. Defined in RFC 4474.
RFC 4474 Syntax:
Identity-Info = ident-info *( SEMI ident-info-params )
ident-info = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT
ident-info-params = ident-info-alg / ident-info-extension
ident-info-alg = "alg" EQUAL token
ident-info-extension = generic-param
Default constructor.
SIP 'Identity-Info' value.
Parses "Identity-Info" from specified value.
SIP "Identity-Info" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Identity-Info" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Identity-Info" value.
Returns "Identity-Info" value.
Gets or sets URI value.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Is raised when invalid 'absoluteURI' value is passed.
Gets or sets 'alg' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Implements SIP "Join" value. Defined in RFC 3911.
RFC 3911 Syntax:
Join = callid *(SEMI join-param)
join-param = to-tag / from-tag / generic-param
to-tag = "to-tag" EQUAL token
from-tag = "from-tag" EQUAL token
Default constructor.
Join value.
Parses "Join" from specified value.
SIP "Join" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Join" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Join" value.
Returns "Join" value.
Gets or sets call ID value.
Is raised ´when null value passed.
Gets or sets to-tag parameter value. This value is mandatory.
Is raised when invalid ToTag value is passed.
Gets or sets from-tag parameter value. This value is mandatory.
Is raised when invalid FromTag value is passed.
Implements SIP "Min-SE" value. Defined in RFC 4028.
RFC 4028 Syntax:
Min-SE = delta-seconds *(SEMI generic-param)
Default constructor.
Min-SE value.
Default constructor.
Minimum session expries value in seconds.
Parses "Min-SE" from specified value.
SIP "Min-SE" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Min-SE" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Min-SE" value.
Returns "Min-SE" value.
Gets or sets time in seconds when session expires.
Is raised when value is less than 1.
Implements SIP "RAck" value. Defined in RFC 3262.
RFC 3262 Syntax:
RAck = response-num LWS CSeq-num LWS Method
response-num = 1*DIGIT
CSeq-num = 1*DIGIT
Default constructor.
RAck value.
Default constructor.
Response number.
CSeq number.
Request method.
Parses "RAck" from specified value.
SIP "RAck" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "RAck" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "RAck" value.
Returns "RAck" value.
Gets or sets response number.
Gets or sets CSeq number.
Gets or sets method.
Implements SIP "rc-value" value. Defined in RFC 3841.
RFC 3841 Syntax:
rc-value = "*" *(SEMI rc-params)
rc-params = feature-param / generic-param
Default constructor.
Parses "rc-value" from specified value.
SIP "rc-value" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "rc-value" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "rc-value" value.
Returns "rc-value" value.
Implements SIP "reason-value" value. Defined in rfc 3326.
RFC 3326 Syntax:
reason-value = protocol *(SEMI reason-params)
protocol = "SIP" / "Q.850" / token
reason-params = protocol-cause / reason-text / reason-extension
protocol-cause = "cause" EQUAL cause
cause = 1*DIGIT
reason-text = "text" EQUAL quoted-string
reason-extension = generic-param
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
SIP reason-value value.
Parses "reason-value" from specified value.
SIP "reason-value" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "reason-value" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "reason-value" value.
Returns "reason-value" value.
Gets or sets protocol.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Gets or sets 'cause' parameter value. The cause parameter contains a SIP status code.
Value -1 means not specified.
Gets or sets 'text' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Implements SIP "Referred-By" value. Defined in RFC 3892.
RFC 3892 Syntax:
Referred-By = referrer-uri *( SEMI (referredby-id-param / generic-param) )
referrer-uri = ( name-addr / addr-spec )
referredby-id-param = "cid" EQUAL sip-clean-msg-id
sip-clean-msg-id = LDQUOT dot-atom "@" (dot-atom / host) RDQUOT
Default constructor.
SIP 'Referred-By' value.
Parses "Referred-By" from specified value.
SIP "Referred-By" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Referred-By" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Referred-By" value.
Returns "Referred-By" value.
Gets or sets address.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Gets or sets 'cid' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Implements SIP "refer-sub" value. Defined in RFC 4488.
RFC 4488 Syntax:
Refer-Sub = refer-sub-value *(SEMI exten)
refer-sub-value = "true" / "false"
exten = generic-param
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
Refer-Sub value.
Parses "Refer-Sub" from specified value.
SIP "Refer-Sub" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Refer-Sub" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "contact-param" value.
Returns "contact-param" value.
Gets or sets refer-sub-value value.
Implements SIP "Replaces" value. Defined in RFC 3891.
RFC 3891 Syntax:
Replaces = callid *(SEMI replaces-param)
replaces-param = to-tag / from-tag / early-flag / generic-param
to-tag = "to-tag" EQUAL token
from-tag = "from-tag" EQUAL token
early-flag = "early-only"
Default constructor.
Parses "Replaces" from specified value.
SIP "Replaces" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Replaces" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Replaces" value.
Returns "Replaces" value.
Gets or sets call id.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Gets or sets Replaces 'to-tag' parameter. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets Replaces 'from-tag' parameter. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets Replaces 'early-flag' parameter.
Implements SIP "Retry-After" value. Defined in rfc 3261.
Retry after specifies how many seconds the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting client.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
Retry-After = delta-seconds [ comment ] *( SEMI retry-param )
retry-param = ("duration" EQUAL delta-seconds) / generic-param
Default constructor.
SIP Retry-After value.
Parses "Retry-After" from specified value.
SIP "Retry-After" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Retry-After" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Retry-After" value.
Returns "Retry-After" value.
Gets or sets how many seconds the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting client.
Is raised when when value less than 1 is passed.
Gets or sets 'duration' parameter value. The 'duration' parameter indicates how long the
called party will be reachable starting at the initial time of availability. If no duration
parameter is given, the service is assumed to be available indefinitely. Value -1 means not specified.
Is raised when when value less than 1 is passed.
Implements SIP "r-value" value. Defined in RFC 4412.
RFC 4412 Syntax:
r-value = namespace "." r-priority
namespace = token-nodot
r-priority = token-nodot
Default constructor.
Parses "r-value" from specified value.
SIP "r-value" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "r-value" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "r-value" value.
Returns "r-value" value.
Gets or sets Namespace.
Is raised when null value passed.
Is raised when invalid Namespace value passed.
Gets or sets priority.
Is raised when null value passed.
Is raised when invalid Priority value passed.
Implements SIP "sec-mechanism" value. Defined in RFC 3329.
RFC 3329 Syntax:
sec-mechanism = mechanism-name *(SEMI mech-parameters)
mechanism-name = ( "digest" / "tls" / "ipsec-ike" / "ipsec-man" / token )
mech-parameters = ( preference / digest-algorithm / digest-qop / digest-verify / extension )
preference = "q" EQUAL qvalue
qvalue = ( "0" [ "." 0*3DIGIT ] ) / ( "1" [ "." 0*3("0") ] )
digest-algorithm = "d-alg" EQUAL token
digest-qop = "d-qop" EQUAL token
digest-verify = "d-ver" EQUAL LDQUOT 32LHEX RDQUOT
extension = generic-param
Default constructor.
Parses "sec-mechanism" from specified value.
SIP "sec-mechanism" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "sec-mechanism" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "sec-mechanism" value.
Returns "sec-mechanism" value.
Gets or sets security mechanism name. Defined values: "digest","tls","ipsec-ike","ipsec-man".
Is raised when null value is passed.
Is raised when invalid Mechanism value is passed.
Gets or sets 'q' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets or sets 'd-alg' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets 'd-qop' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets 'd-ver' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Implements SIP "Session-Expires" value. Defined in RFC 4028.
RFC 4028 Syntax:
Session-Expires = delta-seconds *(SEMI se-params)
se-params = refresher-param / generic-param
refresher-param = "refresher" EQUAL ("uas" / "uac")
Default constructor.
Session-Expires value.
Default constructor.
Specifies after many seconds session expires.
Specifies session refresher(uac/uas/null). Value null means not specified.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses "Session-Expires" from specified value.
SIP "Session-Expires" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Session-Expires" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Session-Expires" value.
Returns "Session-Expires" value.
Gets or sets after how many seconds session expires.
Is raised when value less than 90 is passed.
Gets or sets Session-Expires 'refresher' parameter. Normally this value is 'ua' or 'uas'.
Value null means not specified.
Implements SIP "Subscription-State" value. Defined in RFC 3265.
RFC 3265 Syntax:
Subscription-State = substate-value *( SEMI subexp-params )
substate-value = "active" / "pending" / "terminated" / extension-substate
extension-substate = token
subexp-params = ("reason" EQUAL event-reason-value)
/ ("expires" EQUAL delta-seconds)
/ ("retry-after" EQUAL delta-seconds)
/ generic-param
event-reason-value = "deactivated" / "probation" / "rejected" / "timeout" / "giveup"
/ "noresource" / event-reason-extension
event-reason-extension = token
This class holds 'substate-value' values.
The subscription has been accepted and (in general) has been authorized.
The subscription has been received by the notifier, but there is insufficient policy
information to grant or deny the subscription yet.
The subscriber should consider the subscription terminated.
This class holds 'event-reason-value' values.
The subscription has been terminated, but the subscriber SHOULD retry immediately
with a new subscription. One primary use of such a status code is to allow migration of
subscriptions between nodes. The "retry-after" parameter has no semantics for "deactivated".
The subscription has been terminated, but the client SHOULD retry at some later time.
If a "retry-after" parameter is also present, the client SHOULD wait at least the number of
seconds specified by that parameter before attempting to re-subscribe.
The subscription has been terminated due to change in authorization policy.
Clients SHOULD NOT attempt to re-subscribe. The "retry-after" parameter has no
semantics for "rejected".
The subscription has been terminated because it was not refreshed before it expired.
Clients MAY re-subscribe immediately. The "retry-after" parameter has no semantics for "timeout".
The subscription has been terminated because the notifier could not obtain authorization in a
timely fashion. If a "retry-after" parameter is also present, the client SHOULD wait at least
the number of seconds specified by that parameter before attempting to re-subscribe; otherwise,
the client MAY retry immediately, but will likely get put back into pending state.
The subscription has been terminated because the resource state which was being monitored
no longer exists. Clients SHOULD NOT attempt to re-subscribe. The "retry-after" parameter
has no semantics for "noresource".
Default constructor.
Parses "Subscription-State" from specified value.
SIP "Subscription-State" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Subscription-State" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Subscription-State" value.
Returns "Subscription-State" value.
Gets or sets subscription state value. Known values are defined in SubscriptionState class.
Is raised when null value passed.
Is raised when empty string is passed or value is not token.
Gets or sets 'reason' parameter value. Known reason values are defined in EventReason class.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets 'expires' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Is raised when negative value(except -1) is passed.
Gets or sets 'expires' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Is raised when negative value(except -1) is passed.
Implements SIP "Target-Dialog" value. Defined in RFC 4538.
RFC 4538 Syntax:
Target-Dialog = callid *(SEMI td-param) ;callid from RFC 3261
td-param = remote-param / local-param / generic-param
remote-param = "remote-tag" EQUAL token
local-param = "local-tag" EQUAL token
Default constructor.
SIP Target-Dialog value.
Parses "Target-Dialog" from specified value.
SIP "Target-Dialog" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Target-Dialog" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Target-Dialog" value.
Returns "Target-Dialog" value.
Gets or sets call ID.
Is raised when null value is passed.
Is raised when invalid CallID value is passed.
Gets or sets 'remote-tag' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets 'local-tag' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
SIP Warning Codes. Defined in RFC 3261 27.2.
One or more network protocols contained in the session description are not available.
One or more network address formats contained in the session description are not available.
One or more transport protocols described in the session description are not available.
One or more bandwidth measurement units contained in the session description were not understood.
One or more media types contained in the session description are not available.
One or more media formats contained in the session description are not available.
One or more of the media attributes in the session description are not supported.
A parameter other than those listed above was not understood.
The site where the user is located does not support multicast.
The site where the user is located does not support unicast communication
(usually due to the presence of a firewall).
The bandwidth specified in the session description or defined by the media
exceeds that known to be available.
The warning text can include arbitrary information to be presented to a human user or logged.
A system receiving this warning MUST NOT take any automated action.
The exception that is thrown when a SIP message parsing fails.
Default constructor.
The message what describes the error.
Implements same multi value header fields group. Group can contain one type header fields only.
This is class is used by Via:,Route:, ... .
Default constructor.
Owner message that owns this group.
Header field name what group holds.
Refreshes header fields in group from actual header.
Add new header field on the top of the whole header.
Header field value.
Add new header field on the bottom of the whole header.
Header field value.
Removes all specified header fields with their values.
Gets top most header field first value.
Removes top most header field first value. If value is the last value,
the whole header field will be removed.
Removes last value. If value is the last value n header field, the whole header field will be removed.
Gets all header field values.
Gets header field name what this group holds.
Gets number of header fields in this group.
Gets header fields what are in this group.
Implements same single value header fields group. Group can contain one type header fields only.
This is class is used by Authorization:,Proxy-Authorization:, ... .
Default constructor.
Owner message that owns this group.
Header field name what group holds.
Refreshes header fields in group from actual header.
Adds specified header field value to the end of header.
Header field value.
Removes header field from specified index.
Index of the header field what to remove. Index is relative ths group.
Removes specified header field from header.
Header field to remove.
Removes all this gorup header fields from header.
Gets the first(Top-Most) header field. Returns null if no header fields.
Returns first header field or null if no header fields.
Gets all header field values.
Gets header field name what this group holds.
Gets number of header fields in this group.
Gets header fields what are in this group.
Implements SIP "challenge" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
challenge = ("Digest" LWS digest-cln *(COMMA digest-cln)) / other-challenge
Default constructor.
SIP challenge value.
Parses "challenge" from specified value.
SIP "challenge" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "challenge" from specified reader.
Reader what contains challenge value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "challenge" value.
Returns "challenge" value.
Gets or sets authentication method. Normally this value is always 'Digest'.
Gets or sets authentication data. That value depends on authentication type.
Implements "encoding" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
encoding = codings *(SEMI accept-param)
codings = content-coding / "*"
content-coding = token
accept-param = ("q" EQUAL qvalue) / generic-param
Default constructor.
Parses "encoding" from specified value.
Accept-Encoding value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "encoding" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "encoding" value.
Returns "encoding" value.
Gets or sets content encoding. Value *(STAR) means all content encodings.
Gets or sets qvalue parameter. Targets are processed from highest qvalue to lowest.
This value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Value -1 means that value not specified.
Implements SIP "language" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
language = language-range *(SEMI accept-param)
language-range = ( ( 1*8ALPHA *( "-" 1*8ALPHA ) ) / "*" )
accept-param = ("q" EQUAL qvalue) / generic-param
Default constructor.
Parses "language" from specified value.
SIP "language" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "language" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "language" value.
Restuns "language" value.
Gets or sets language range. Value *(STAR) means all languages.
Gets or sets qvalue parameter. Targets are processed from highest qvalue to lowest.
This value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Value -1 means that value not specified.
Implements SIP "accept-range" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
accept-range = media-range [ accept-params ]
media-range = ("*//*" / (m-type SLASH "*") / (m-type SLASH m-subtype)) *(SEMI m-parameter)
accept-params = SEMI "q" EQUAL qvalue *(SEMI generic-param)
Default constructor.
Parses "accept-range" from specified value.
SIP "accept-range" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "accept-range" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "accept-range" value.
Returns "accept-range" value.
Gets or sets media type. Value *(STAR) means all values. Syntax: mediaType / mediaSubType.
Examples: */*,video/*,text/html.
Gets media parameters collection.
Gets accept value parameters.
Gets or sets qvalue parameter. Targets are processed from highest qvalue to lowest.
This value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Value -1 means that value not specified.
Implements SIP "alert-param" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
alert-param = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI generic-param )
Default constructor.
Parses "alert-param" from specified value.
SIP "alert-param" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "alert-param" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "alert-param" value.
Returns "alert-param" value.
Gets or sets uri value.
Implements SIP "Method" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
Method = INVITEm / ACKm / OPTIONSm / BYEm / CANCELm / REGISTERm / extension-method
extension-method = token
Default constructor.
Parses "Method" from specified value.
SIP "Method" value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Method" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Method" value.
Gets or sets SIP method what is allowed.
Implements SIP "Authentication-Info" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
According RFC 3261 authentication info can contain Digest authentication info only.
Default constructor.
Authentication-Info valu value.
Parses "Authentication-Info" from specified value.
SIP "Authentication-Info" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Authentication-Info" from specified reader.
Reader what contains Authentication-Info value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts SIP_t_AuthenticationInfo to valid Authentication-Info value.
Gets or sets server next predicted nonce value. Value null means that value not specified.
Gets or sets QOP value. Value null means that value not specified.
Gets or sets rspauth value. Value null means that value not specified.
This can be only HEX value.
Gets or sets cnonce value. Value null means that value not specified.
Gets or sets nonce count. Value -1 means that value not specified.
Implements SIP "info" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
info = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI info-param)
info-param = ( "purpose" EQUAL ( "icon" / "info" / "card" / token ) ) / generic-param
Default constructor.
Parses "info" from specified value.
SIP "info" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "info" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "info" value.
Returns "info" value.
Gets or sets 'purpose' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Known values: "icon","info","card".
Implements SIP "content-coding" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
content-coding = token
Default constructor.
Parses "content-coding" from specified value.
SIP "content-coding" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "content-coding" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "content-coding" value.
Returns "content-coding" value.
Gets or sets content encoding.
Implements SIP "language-tag" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
language-tag = primary-tag *( "-" subtag )
primary-tag = 1*8ALPHA
subtag = 1*8ALPHA
Default constructor.
Parses "language-tag" from specified value.
SIP "language-tag" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "language-tag" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "language-tag" value.
Returns "language-tag" value.
Gets or sets language tag.
Implements SIP "credentials" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
credentials = ("Digest" LWS digest-response) / other-response
other-response = auth-scheme LWS auth-param *(COMMA auth-param)
auth-scheme = token
Default constructor.
SIP credentials value.
Parses "credentials" from specified value.
SIP "credentials" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "credentials" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "credentials" value.
Returns "credentials" value.
Gets or sets authentication method. Normally this value is always 'Digest'.
Gets or sets authentication data. That value depends on authentication type.
Implements SIP "Cseq" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
A CSeq in a request contains a single decimal sequence number and
the request method. The method part of CSeq is case-sensitive. The CSeq header
field serves to order transactions within a dialog, to provide a means to uniquely
identify transactions, and to differentiate between new requests and request retransmissions.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
CSeq = 1*DIGIT LWS Method
Default constructor.
CSeq: header field value.
Default constructor.
Command sequence number.
Request method.
Parses "CSeq" from specified value.
SIP "CSeq" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "CSeq" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "CSeq" value.
Returns "CSeq" value.
Gets or sets sequence number.
Gets or sets request method. Note: this value is case-sensitive !
Implements SIP "error-uri" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
error-uri = LAQUOT absoluteURI RAQUOT *( SEMI generic-param )
Default constructor.
Parses "error-uri" from specified value.
SIP "error-uri" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "error-uri" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "error-uri" value.
Returns "error-uri" value.
Gets or sets uri value.
Implements SIP "From" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
The From header field indicates the initiator of the request.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
From = ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI from-param )
from-param = tag-param / generic-param
tag-param = "tag" EQUAL token
Default constructor.
From: header field value.
Default constructor.
From address.
Parses "From" from specified value.
SIP "accept-range" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "From" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "From" value.
Returns "From" value.
Gets address.
Gets or sets tag parameter value.
The "tag" parameter serves as a general mechanism for dialog identification.
Value null means that tag paramter doesn't exist.
Implements SIP "callid" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
callid = word [ "@" word ]
Default constructor.
Creates new call ID value.
Returns call ID value.
Parses "callid" from specified value.
SIP "callid" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "callid" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "callid" value.
Returns "callid" value.
Gets or sets call ID.
Implements SIP "option-tag" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
option-tag = token
Default constructor.
Parses "option-tag" from specified value.
SIP "option-tag" value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "option-tag" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "option-tag" value.
Returns "option-tag" value.
Gets or sets option tag.
Implements SIP "To" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
The To header field specifies the logical recipient of the request.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
To = ( name-addr / addr-spec ) *( SEMI to-param )
to-param = tag-param / generic-param
tag-param = "tag" EQUAL token
Default constructor.
To: header field value.
Default constructor.
To address.
Parses "To" from specified value.
SIP "To" value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "To" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "To" value.
Returns "To" value.
Gets to address.
Gets or sets tag parameter value.
The "tag" parameter serves as a general mechanism for dialog identification.
Value null means that 'tag' paramter doesn't exist.
Implements SIP "warning-value" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
warning-value = warn-code SP warn-agent SP warn-text
warn-code = 3DIGIT
warn-agent = hostport / pseudonym
; the name or pseudonym of the server adding
; the Warning header, for use in debugging
warn-text = quoted-string
pseudonym = token
Default constructor.
Parses "warning-value" from specified value.
SIP "warning-value" value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "warning-value" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "warning-value" value.
Returns "warning-value" value.
Gets or sets warning code.
Gets or sets name or pseudonym of the server.
Gets or sets warning text.
Implements generic multi value SIP header field.
This is used by header fields like Via,Contact, ... .
Default constructor.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Parses multi value header field values.
Header field value.
Converts to valid mutli value header field value.
Gets header field values.
Removes value from specified index.
Index of value to remove.
Gets or sets header field value.
Gets header field values.
Gets values count.
Implements single value header field.
Used by header fields like To:,From:,CSeq:, ... .
Default constructor.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Parses single value from specified reader.
Reader what contains
Convert this to string value.
Returns this as string value.
Gets or sets header field value.
Gets or sets header field value.
Implements SIP_t_NameAddress + parameters value.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
SIP_t_NameAddress + parameters value.
Parses this from specified value.
Address + params value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses this from address param string.
Reader what contains address param string.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid value string.
Gets address.
Implements SIP "Timestamp" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
Timestamp = 1*(DIGIT) [ "." *(DIGIT) ] [ LWS delay ]
delay = *(DIGIT) [ "." *(DIGIT) ]
Default constructor.
Timestamp: header field value.
Default constructor.
Time in seconds when request was sent.
Delay time in seconds.
Parses "Timestamp" from specified value.
SIP "Timestamp" value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "Timestamp" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "Timestamp" value.
Returns "accept-range" value.
Gets or sets time in seconds when request was sent.
Gets or sets delay time in seconds. Delay specifies the time between the UAS received
the request and generated response.
This base class for all SIP data types.
Default constructor.
Parses single value from specified reader.
Reader what contains
Convert this to string value.
Returns this as string value.
This base class for SIP data types what has parameters support.
Default constructor.
Parses parameters from specified reader. Reader position must be where parameters begin.
Reader from where to read parameters.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Convert parameters to valid parameters string.
Returns parameters string.
Gets via parameters.
Implements SIP "via-parm" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
via-parm = sent-protocol LWS sent-by *( SEMI via-params )
via-params = via-ttl / via-maddr / via-received / via-branch / via-extension
via-ttl = "ttl" EQUAL ttl
via-maddr = "maddr" EQUAL host
via-received = "received" EQUAL (IPv4address / IPv6address)
via-branch = "branch" EQUAL token
via-extension = generic-param
sent-protocol = protocol-name SLASH protocol-version SLASH transport
protocol-name = "SIP" / token
protocol-version = token
transport = "UDP" / "TCP" / "TLS" / "SCTP" / other-transport
sent-by = host [ COLON port ]
ttl = 1*3DIGIT ; 0 to 255
Via extentions:
// RFC 3486
via-compression = "comp" EQUAL ("sigcomp" / other-compression)
// RFC 3581
response-port = "rport" [EQUAL 1*DIGIT]
Defualt constructor.
Creates new branch paramter value.
Parses "via-parm" from specified value.
SIP "via-parm" value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "via-parm" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "via-parm" value.
Returns "via-parm" value.
Gets sent protocol name. Normally this is always SIP.
Gets sent protocol version.
Gets sent protocol transport. Currently known values are: UDP,TCP,TLS,SCTP. This value is always in upper-case.
Gets host name or IP with optional port. Examples:,
Is raised when null reference passed.
Gets sent-by port, if no port explicity set, transport default is returned.
Gets or sets 'branch' parameter value. The branch parameter in the Via header field values
serves as a transaction identifier. The value of the branch parameter MUST start
with the magic cookie "z9hG4bK". Value null means that branch paramter doesn't exist.
Gets or sets 'comp' parameter value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 3486.
Gets or sets 'maddr' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets 'received' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets 'rport' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified and value 0 means empty "" rport.
Gets or sets 'ttl' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Implements SIP message. This is base class for SIP_Request and SIP_Response. Defined in RFC 3261.
Default constuctor.
Parses SIP message from specified byte array.
SIP message data.
Parses SIP message from specified stream.
SIP message stream.
Stores SIP_Message to specified stream.
Stream where to store SIP_Message.
Gets direct access to header.
Gets or sets what features end point supports.
Gets or sets Accept-Contact header value. Defined in RFC 3841.
Gets encodings what end point supports. Example: Accept-Encoding: gzip.
Gets preferred languages for reason phrases, session descriptions, or
status responses carried as message bodies in the response. If no Accept-Language
header field is present, the server SHOULD assume all languages are acceptable to the client.
Gets Accept-Resource-Priority headers. Defined in RFC 4412.
Gets AlertInfo values collection. When present in an INVITE request, the Alert-Info header
field specifies an alternative ring tone to the UAS. When present in a 180 (Ringing) response,
the Alert-Info header field specifies an alternative ringback tone to the UAC.
Gets methods collection which is supported by the UA which generated the message.
Gets Allow-Events header which indicates the event packages supported by the client. Defined in rfc 3265.
Gets the Authentication-Info header fields which provides for mutual authentication
with HTTP Digest.
Gets the Authorization header fields which contains authentication credentials of a UA.
Gets or sets the Call-ID header field which uniquely identifies a particular invitation or all
registrations of a particular client.
Value null means not specified.
Gets the Call-Info header field which provides additional information about the
caller or callee, depending on whether it is found in a request or response.
Gets contact header fields. The Contact header field provides a SIP or SIPS URI that can be used
to contact that specific instance of the UA for subsequent requests.
Gets or sets the Content-Disposition header field which describes how the message body
or, for multipart messages, a message body part is to be interpreted by the UAC or UAS.
Value null means not specified.
Gets the Content-Encodings which is used as a modifier to the "media-type". When present,
its value indicates what additional content codings have been applied to the entity-body,
and thus what decoding mechanisms MUST be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced
by the Content-Type header field.
Gets content languages.
Gets SIP request content data size in bytes.
Gets or sets the Content-Type header field which indicates the media type of the
message-body sent to the recipient.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets command sequence number and the request method.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets date and time. Value DateTime.MinValue means that value not specified.
Gets the Error-Info header field which provides a pointer to additional
information about the error status response.
Gets or sets Event header. Defined in RFC 3265.
Gets or sets relative time after which the message (or content) expires.
Value -1 means that value not specified.
Gets or sets initiator of the request.
Value null means not specified.
Gets History-Info headers. Defined in RFC 4244.
Identity header value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 4474.
Gets or sets Identity-Info header value. Value null means not specified.
Defined in RFC 4474.
Gets the In-Reply-To header fields which enumerates the Call-IDs that this call
references or returns.
Gets or sets Join header which indicates that a new dialog (created by the INVITE in which
the Join header field in contained) should be joined with a dialog identified by the header
field, and any associated dialogs or conferences. Defined in 3911. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets limit the number of proxies or gateways that can forward the request
to the next downstream server.
Value -1 means that value not specified.
Gets or sets mime version. Currently 1.0 is only defined value.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets minimum refresh interval supported for soft-state elements managed by that server.
Value -1 means that value not specified.
Gets or sets Min-SE header which indicates the minimum value for the session interval,
in units of delta-seconds. Defined in 4028. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets organization name which the SIP element issuing the request or response belongs.
Value null means not specified.
Gets an Path header. It is used in conjunction with SIP REGISTER requests and with 200
class messages in response to REGISTER (REGISTER responses). Defined in rfc 3327.
Gest or sets priority that the SIP request should have to the receiving human or its agent.
Value null means not specified.
Gets an proxy authentication challenge.
Gest credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent
for the proxy and/or realm of the resource being requested.
Gets proxy-sensitive features that must be supported by the proxy.
Gets or sets RAck header. Defined in 3262. Value null means not specified.
Gets the Reason header. Defined in rfc 3326.
Gets the Record-Route header fields what is inserted by proxies in a request to
force future requests in the dialog to be routed through the proxy.
Gets or sets Refer-Sub header. Defined in rfc 4488. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets Refer-To header. Defined in rfc 3515. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets Referred-By header. Defined in rfc 3892. Value null means not specified.
Gets Reject-Contact headers. Defined in RFC 3841.
Gets or sets Replaces header. Defined in rfc 3891. Value null means not specified.
Gets logical return URI that may be different from the From header field.
Gets or sets Request-Disposition header. The Request-Disposition header field specifies caller preferences for
how a server should process a request. Defined in rfc 3841.
Gets options that the UAC expects the UAS to support in order to process the request.
Gets Resource-Priority headers. Defined in RFC 4412.
Gets or sets how many seconds the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting client.
Value null means that value not specified.
Gets force routing for a request through the listed set of proxies.
Gets or sets RSeq header. Value -1 means that value not specified. Defined in rfc 3262.
Gets Security-Client headers. Defined in RFC 3329.
Gets Security-Server headers. Defined in RFC 3329.
Gets Security-Verify headers. Defined in RFC 3329.
Gets or sets the software used by the UAS to handle the request.
Value null means not specified.
Gets the Service-Route header. Defined in rfc 3608.
Gets or sets Session-Expires expires header. Value null means that value not specified.
Defined in rfc 4028.
Gets or sets SIP-ETag header value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 3903.
Gets or sets SIP-ETag header value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 3903.
Gets or sets call subject text.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets Subscription-State header value. Value null means that value not specified.
Defined in RFC 3265.
Gets extensions supported by the UAC or UAS. Known values are defined in SIP_OptionTags class.
Gets or sets Target-Dialog header value. Value null means that value not specified.
Defined in RFC 4538.
Gets or sets when the UAC sent the request to the UAS.
Value null means that value not specified.
Gets or sets logical recipient of the request.
Value null means not specified.
Gets features not supported by the UAS.
Gets or sets information about the UAC originating the request.
Value null means not specified.
Gets Via header fields.The Via header field indicates the transport used for the transaction
and identifies the location where the response is to be sent.
Gets additional information about the status of a response.
Gets or authentication challenge.
Gets or sets content data.
Implements SIP "name-addr" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
name-addr = [ display-name ] LAQUOT addr-spec RAQUOT
addr-spec = SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
SIP name-addr value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Default constructor.
Display name.
Is raised when uri is null reference.
Parses "name-addr" or "addr-spec" from specified value.
SIP "name-addr" or "addr-spec" value.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "name-addr" or "addr-spec" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid name-addr or addr-spec string as needed.
Returns name-addr or addr-spec string.
Gets or sets display name.
Gets or sets URI. This can be SIP-URI / SIPS-URI / absoluteURI.
Examples:,,, .... .
Is raised when null reference passed.
Gets if current URI is sip or sips URI.
Gets if current URI is SIP uri.
Gets if current URI is SIPS uri.
Gets if current URI is MAILTO uri.
Represents SIP message header field.
Default constructor.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Sets property IsMultiValue value.
Value to set.
Gets header field name.
Gets or sets header field value.
Gets if header field is multi value header field.
SIP header fields collection.
Default constructor.
Adds a new header field with specified name and value to the end of the collection.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Adds specified header field to the end of the collection.
Header field.
Inserts a new header field into the collection at the specified location.
The location in the collection where you want to add the header field.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Sets specified header field value. If header field existst, first found value is set.
If field doesn't exist, it will be added.
Header field name.
Header field value.
Removes header field at the specified index from the collection.
The index of the header field to remove.
Removes specified header field from the collection.
Header field to remove.
Removes first header field with specified name.
Header fields name.
Removes all header fields with specified name from the collection.
Header field name.
Clears the collection of all header fields.
Gets if collection contains specified header field.
Header field name.
Gets if collection contains specified header field.
Header field.
Gets first header field with specified name, returns null if specified field doesn't exist.
Header field name.
Gets header fields with specified name.
Header field name.
Parses header fields from string.
Header string.
Parses header fields from stream. Stream position stays where header reading ends.
Stream from where to parse.
Converts header fields to SIP message header string.
Returns SIP message header as string.
Gets right type header field.
Header field name.
Header field name.
Returns right type header field.
Gets enumerator.
Gets header field from specified index.
Gets header fields count in the collection.
Implements SIP "contact-param" value. Defined in RFC 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
contact-param = (name-addr / addr-spec) *(SEMI contact-params)
contact-params = c-p-q / c-p-expires / contact-extension
c-p-q = "q" EQUAL qvalue
c-p-expires = "expires" EQUAL delta-seconds
contact-extension = generic-param
delta-seconds = 1*DIGIT
Default constructor.
Parses "contact-param" from specified value.
SIP "contact-param" value.
Raised when value is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Parses "contact-param" from specified reader.
Reader from where to parse.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts this to valid "contact-param" value.
Returns "contact-param" value.
Gets is this SIP contact is special STAR contact.
Gets contact address.
Gets or sets qvalue parameter. Targets are processed from highest qvalue to lowest.
This value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Value -1 means that value not specified.
Gets or sets expire parameter (time in seconds when contact expires). Value -1 means not specified.
SIP helper methods.
Parses address from SIP To: header field.
SIP header To: value.
Converts URI to Request-URI by removing all not allowed Request-URI parameters from URI.
URI value.
Returns valid Request-URI value.
Is raised when uri is null reference.
Gets if specified value is SIP or SIPS URI.
Value to check.
Returns true if specified value is SIP or SIPS URI, otherwise false.
Gets if specified URI is tel: or sip tel URI. There is special case when SIP URI can be tel:,
sip:+xxxx and sip:xxx;user=phone.
URI to check.
Returns true if specified URI is tel: URI.
Gets specified realm SIP proxy credentials. Returns null if none exists for specified realm.
SIP reques.
Returns specified realm credentials or null if none.
Gets is specified option tags constains specified option tag.
Option tags.
Option tag to check.
Returns true if specified option tag exists.
Gets if specified method can establish dialog.
SIP method.
Returns true if specified SIP method can establish dialog, otherwise false.
Is raised when invalid value is passed.
Creates tag for tag header filed. For example From:/To: tag value.
Returns tag string.
Gets if the specified transport is reliable transport.
SIP transport.
Returns if specified transport is reliable.
Is raised when transport is null reference.
Gets if the specified value is "token".
Value to check.
Returns true if specified valu is token, otherwise false.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Returns list elements as comma separated string.
Returns list elements as comma separated string.
Is raised when list is null reference value.
Implements WebDav client. Defined in RFC 4918.
Default constructor.
Executes PROPFIND method.
Request URI.
Properties to get. Value null means property names listing.
Maximum depth inside collections to get.
Returns server returned responses.
Creates new collection to the specified path.
Target collection URI.
Is raised when uri null reference.
Gets the specified resource stream.
Target resource URI.
Returns resource size in bytes.
Retruns resource stream.
Is raised when uri is null reference.
Deletes specified resource.
Target URI. For example: htt://server/test.txt .
Is raised when uri is null reference.
Creates specified resource to the specified location.
Target URI. For example: htt://server/test.txt .
Stream which data to upload.
Is raised when targetUri or stream is null reference.
Copies source URI resource to the target URI.
Source URI.
Target URI.
If source is collection, then depth specified how many nested levels will be copied.
If true and target resource already exists, it will be over written.
If false and target resource exists, exception is thrown.
Is raised when sourceUri or targetUri is null reference.
Moves source URI resource to the target URI.
Source URI.
Target URI.
If source is collection, then depth specified how many nested levels will be copied.
If true and target resource already exists, it will be over written.
If false and target resource exists, exception is thrown.
Is raised when sourceUri or targetUri is null reference.
Gets or sets credentials.
This class represent WeDav 'DAV:multistatus' element. Defined RFC 4918 13.
Default constructor.
Parses WebDav_MultiResponse from 'DAV:multistatus' element.
DAV:multistatus response stream.
Returns DAV multistatus.
Is raised when stream is null reference.
Is raised when there are any parsing error.
Gets responses collection.
This class is base class for any WebDav property.
Default constructor.
Gets property namespace.
Gets property name.
Gets property value.
This class represents WebDav 'DAV:prop' element. Defined in RFC 4918 14.18.
Default constructor.
Parses WebDav_Prop from 'DAV:prop' element.
The 'DAV:prop' element
Returns DAV prop.
Is raised when when propNode is null reference.
Is raised when there are any parsing error.
Gets properties.
Gets WebDav 'DAV:resourcetype' property value. Returns null if no such property available.
This class represents WebDav 'DAV:propstat' element. Defined in RFC 4918 14.22.
Default constructor.
Parses WebDav_PropStat from 'DAV:propstat' element.
The 'DAV:propstat' element
Returns DAV propstat.
Is raised when when propstatNode is null reference.
Is raised when there are any parsing error.
Gets property HTTP status.
Gets human-readable status property description.
Gets 'prop' element value.
This class represents WebDav default property.
Default constructor.
Property namespace.
Property name.
Property value.
Is raised when name is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets property namespace.
Gets property name.
Gets property value.
This class represents WebDav 'DAV:resourcetype' property. Defined in RFC 4918 15.9.
Default constructor.
Checks if this 'resourcetype' property contains the specified resource type.
Resource type to check.
Retruns true if the colletion contains specified resource type.
Parses WebDav_p_ResourceType from 'DAV:resourcetype' xml element.
The 'DAV:resourcetype' xml element.
Returns DAV resourcetype.
Is raised when resourcetypeNode is null reference.
Is raised when there are any parsing error.
Gets property namespace.
Gets property name.
Gets property value.
Gets resource types.
This class holds well-known WebDav resource types.
This class represents 'DAV:collection' resurce type.
This class represents 'DAV:version-history' resurce type.
This class represents 'DAV:activity' resurce type.
This class represents 'DAV:baseline' resurce type.
This class represent WeDav 'DAV:response' element. Definded in RFC 4918 14.24.
Default constructor.
Parses WebDav_Response from 'DAV:response' element.
The 'DAV:response' element
Returns DAV response.
Is raised when when responseNode is null reference.
Is raised when there are any parsing error.
Gets response href.
Gets 'propstat' elements.
This enum specified balance mode.
Operation is load balanched by all workers.
Operation will be handed over to next worker, if last one fails.
This class universal event arguments for transporting single value.
Event data.
Default constructor.
Event data.
Gets event data.
This class provides data for error events and methods.
Default constructor.
Is raised when exception is null reference value.
Gets exception.
Represents a network endpoint as an host(name or IP address) and a port number.
Default constructor.
Host name or IP address.
The port number associated with the host. Value -1 means port not specified.
Is raised when host is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Default constructor.
Host IP end point.
Is raised when endPoint is null reference.
Parses HostEndPoint from the specified string.
HostEndPoint value.
Returns parsed HostEndPoint value.
Is raised when value is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Parses HostEndPoint from the specified string.
HostEndPoint value.
If port isn't specified in value, specified port will be used.
Returns parsed HostEndPoint value.
Is raised when value is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Returns HostEndPoint as string.
Returns HostEndPoint as string.
Gets if Host is IP address.
Gets host name or IP address.
Gets the port number of the endpoint. Value -1 means port not specified.
This class provides data for Logger.WriteLog event.
Default constructor.
New log entry.
Is raised when logEntry is null.
Gets new log entry.
Implements log entry.
Default constructor.
Log entry type.
Log entry ID.
Specified how much data was readed or written.
Description text.
Default constructor.
Log entry type.
Log entry ID.
Log entry owner user or null if none.
Log entry read/write size in bytes.
Log text.
Local IP end point.
Remote IP end point.
Log data.
Default constructor.
Log entry type.
Log entry ID.
Log entry owner user or null if none.
Log entry read/write size in bytes.
Log text.
Local IP end point.
Remote IP end point.
Exception happened. Can be null.
Gets log entry type.
Gets log entry ID.
Gets time when log entry was created.
Gets log entry related user identity.
Gets how much data was readed or written, depends on LogEntryType.
Gets describing text.
Gets exception happened. This property is available only if LogEntryType.Exception.
Gets local IP end point. Value null means no local end point.
Gets remote IP end point. Value null means no remote end point.
Gest log data. Value null means no log data.
Specifies log entry type.
Read entry.
Write entry.
Text entry.
Exception entry.
General logging module.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Adds read log entry.
Readed data size in bytes.
Log text.
Adds read log entry.
Log entry ID.
Readed data size in bytes.
Log text.
Authenticated user identity.
Local IP endpoint.
Remote IP endpoint.
Adds read log entry.
Log entry ID.
Readed data size in bytes.
Log text.
Authenticated user identity.
Local IP endpoint.
Remote IP endpoint.
Log data.
Add write log entry.
Written data size in bytes.
Log text.
Add write log entry.
Log entry ID.
Written data size in bytes.
Log text.
Authenticated user identity.
Local IP endpoint.
Remote IP endpoint.
Add write log entry.
Log entry ID.
Written data size in bytes.
Log text.
Authenticated user identity.
Local IP endpoint.
Remote IP endpoint.
Log data.
Adds text entry.
Log text.
Adds text entry.
Log entry ID.
Log text.
Adds text entry.
Log entry ID.
Log text.
Authenticated user identity.
Local IP endpoint.
Remote IP endpoint.
Adds exception entry.
Log entry ID.
Log text.
Authenticated user identity.
Local IP endpoint.
Remote IP endpoint.
Exception happened.
Is raised when new log entry is available.
Raises WriteLog event.
Log entry.
Common utility methods.
Gets local host name or argument hostName value if it's specified.
Host name or null.
Returns local host name or argument hostName value if it's specified.
Compares if specified array itmes equals.
Array 1.
Array 2
Returns true if both arrays are equal.
Compares if specified array itmes equals.
Array 1.
Array 2
Number of bytes in array 2 used for compare.
Returns true if both arrays are equal.
Reverses the specified array elements.
Array elements to reverse.
Returns array with reversed items.
Is raised when array is null.
Convert array elements to string.
String values.
Values delimiter.
Returns array elements as string.
Copies source stream data to target stream.
Source stream. Reading starts from stream current position.
Target stream. Writing starts from stream current position.
Specifies transfer block size in bytes.
Returns number of bytes copied.
Compares 2 IP addresses. Returns 0 if IPs are equal,
returns positive value if destination IP is bigger than source IP,
returns negative value if destination IP is smaller than source IP.
Source IP address.
Destination IP address.
Returns 0 if IPs are equal,
returns positive value if destination IP is bigger than source IP,
returns negative value if destination IP is smaller than source IP.
Gets if the specified string value is IP address.
Value to check.
Returns true if specified value is IP address.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Gets if the specified IP address is multicast address.
IP address.
Returns true if ip is muticast address, otherwise false.
Is raised when ip s null reference.
Gets if specified IP address is private LAN IP address. For example 192.168.x.x is private ip.
IP address to check.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
Returns true if IP is private IP.
Gets if specified IP address is private LAN IP address. For example 192.168.x.x is private ip.
IP address to check.
Returns true if IP is private IP.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
Parses IPEndPoint from the specified string value.
IPEndPoint string value.
Returns parsed IPEndPoint.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Checks if specified string is integer(int/long).
Returns true if specified string is integer.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Gets if the specified string is ASCII string.
String value.
Returns true if specified string is ASCII string, otherwise false.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Gets if socket async methods supported by OS.
returns ture if supported, otherwise false.
Creates new socket for the specified end point.
Local end point.
Protocol type.
Retruns newly created socket.
Is raised when localEP is null reference.
Converts specified data to HEX string.
Data to convert.
Returns hex string.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Converts specified string to HEX string.
String to convert.
Returns hex string.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Converts hex byte data to normal byte data. Hex data must be in two bytes pairs, for example: 0F,FF,A3,... .
Hex data.
Returns decoded data.
Is raised when hexData is null reference.
Decodes specified base64 data.
Base64 string.
Returns decoded data.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Decodes specified base64 data.
Base64 data.
Returns decoded data.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Encodes specified data with base64 encoding.
Data to encode.
Encodes specified data with bas64 encoding.
Data to to encode.
Custom base64 chars (64 chars) or null if default chars used.
Padd missing block chars. Normal base64 must be 4 bytes blocks, if not 4 bytes in block,
missing bytes must be padded with '='. Modified base64 just skips missing bytes.
Decodes base64 data. Defined in RFC 2045 6.8. Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Base64 decoded data.
Custom base64 chars (64 chars) or null if default chars used.
Computes md5 hash.
Text to hash.
Specifies if md5 value is returned as hex string.
Returns md5 value or md5 hex value.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Gets if IO completion ports supported by OS.
This class holds UDP or TCP port range.
Default constructor.
Start port.
End port.
Is raised when any of the aruments value is out of range.
Gets start port.
Gets end port.
This enum holds SSL modes.
No SSL is used.
Connection is SSL.
Connection will be switched to SSL with start TLS.
This is base class for TCP_Client and TCP_ServerSession.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Disconnects session.
Gets if session is connected.
Gets session ID.
Gets the time when session was connected.
Gets the last time when data was sent or received.
Gets session local IP end point.
Gets session remote IP end point.
Gets if this session TCP connection is secure connection.
Gets if this session is authenticated.
Gets session authenticated user identity , returns null if not authenticated.
Gets TCP stream which must be used to send/receive data through this session.
This class implements generic TCP client.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used. This method is thread-safe.
Connects to the specified host. If the hostname resolves to more than one IP address,
all IP addresses will be tried for connection, until one of them connects.
Host name or IP address.
Port to connect.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Connects to the specified host. If the hostname resolves to more than one IP address,
all IP addresses will be tried for connection, until one of them connects.
Host name or IP address.
Port to connect.
Specifies if connects to SSL end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Connects to the specified remote end point.
Remote IP end point where to connect.
Specifies if connects to SSL end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when remoteEP is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Connects to the specified remote end point.
Local IP end point to use. Value null means that system will allocate it.
Remote IP end point to connect.
Specifies if connection switches to SSL affter connect.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when remoteEP is null reference.
Connects to the specified remote end point.
Local IP end point to use. Value null means that system will allocate it.
Remote IP end point to connect.
Specifies if connection switches to SSL affter connect.
SSL server certificate validation callback. Value null means any certificate is accepted.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when remoteEP is null reference.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Local IP end point to use. Value null means that system will allocate it.
Remote IP end point to connect.
Specifies if connection switches to SSL affter connect.
SSL server certificate validation callback. Value null means any certificate is accepted.
Is raised when remoteEP is null reference.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner TCP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
This method is called when "BeginConnect" has completed.
Asynchronous result.
This method is called when "BeginAuthenticateAsClient" has completed.
Asynchronous result.
This method is called when we need to validate remote server certificate.
Certificate chain.
SSL policy errors.
Returns true if certificate validated, otherwise false.
Cleans up any socket related resources.
Is called when when connecting has finished.
This method is called when this derrived class OnConnected processing has completed.
Exception happened or null if no errors.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets connected socket.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Gets connected TCP stream.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts connecting to remote end point.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Disconnects connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Disconnect method.
Starts disconnecting connection.
Callback to call when the asynchronous operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous disconnect.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Ends a pending asynchronous disconnect request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when argument asyncResult was not returned by a call to the BeginDisconnect method.
Is raised when EndDisconnect was previously called for the asynchronous connection.
Switches session to secure connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected or is already secure.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
SSL server certificate validation callback. Value null means any certificate is accepted.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner TCP client.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
This method is called when we need to validate remote server certificate.
Certificate chain.
SSL policy errors.
Returns true if certificate validated, otherwise false.
This method is called when "BeginAuthenticateAsClient" has completed.
Asynchronous result.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts switching connection to secure.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected or connection is already secure.
Is raised when op is null reference.
This method is called after TCP client has sucessfully connected.
Represents callback to be called when to complete connect operation.
Exception happened or null if no errors.
This method is called when TCP client has sucessfully connected.
Callback to be called to complete connect operation.
Reads and logs specified line from connected host.
Returns readed line.
Sends and logs specified line to connected host.
Line to send.
Is raised when line is null reference.
Logs read operation.
Number of bytes readed.
Log text.
Logs write operation.
Number of bytes written.
Log text.
Logs free text entry.
Log text.
Logs exception.
Log text.
Exception happened.
Gets if this object is disposed.
Gets or sets TCP client logger. Value null means no logging.
Gets if TCP client is connected.
Gets session ID.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Gets the time when session was connected.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Gets the last time when data was sent or received.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Gets session local IP end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Gets session remote IP end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Gets if this session TCP connection is secure connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Gets TCP stream which must be used to send/receive data through this session.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is not connected.
Gets or stes remote callback which is called when remote server certificate needs to be validated.
Value null means not sepcified.
Gets or sets default TCP read/write timeout.
This timeout applies only synchronous TCP read/write operations.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Connect method.
Host name or IP address.
Port to connect.
Specifies if connects to SSL end point.
Internal helper method for asynchronous Connect method.
Local IP end point to use for connect.
Remote IP end point where to connect.
Specifies if connects to SSL end point.
Starts connection to the specified host.
Host name or IP address.
Port to connect.
Callback to call when the connect operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Starts connection to the specified host.
Host name or IP address.
Port to connect.
Specifies if connects to SSL end point.
Callback to call when the connect operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Starts connection to the specified remote end point.
Remote IP end point where to connect.
Specifies if connects to SSL end point.
Callback to call when the connect operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when remoteEP is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Starts connection to the specified remote end point.
Local IP end point to use for connect.
Remote IP end point where to connect.
Specifies if connects to SSL end point.
Callback to call when the connect operation is complete.
User data.
An IAsyncResult that references the asynchronous connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when TCP client is already connected.
Is raised when remoteEP is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Ends a pending asynchronous connection request.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when asyncResult is null.
Is raised when argument asyncResult was not returned by a call to the BeginConnect method.
Is raised when EndConnect was previously called for the asynchronous connection.
This must be called when unexpected error happens. When inheriting TCP_Client class, be sure that you call OnError
method for each unexpected error.
Exception happened.
This class implements generic TCP session based server.
This class holds listening point info.
Default constructor.
Listening socket.
Bind info what acceped socket.
Is raised when socket or bind is null reference.
Gets socket.
Gets bind info.
Implements single TCP connection acceptor.
For higher performance, mutiple acceptors per socket must be created.
Default constructor.
Is raised when socket is null reference.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Starts accpeting connections.
Is raised when this calss is disposed and this method is accessed.
Accpets connection synchornously(if connection(s) available now) or starts waiting TCP connection asynchronously if no connections at moment.
Is called BeginAccept has completed.
The result of the asynchronous operation.
Gets user data items.
Is raised when new TCP connection was accepted.
Raises ConnectionAccepted event.
Accepted socket.
Is raised when unhandled error happens.
Raises Error event.
Exception happened.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Is called when session idle check timer triggered.
Event data.
Starts TCP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Stops TCP server, all active connections will be terminated.
Restarts TCP server.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Is called when new incoming session and server maximum allowed connections per connected IP exceeded.
Incoming session.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Starts listening incoming connections. NOTE: All active listening points will be disposed.
Processes specified connection.
Accpeted socket.
Local bind info what accpeted connection.
Is raised when socket or bindInfo is null reference.
Gets if server is disposed.
Gets if server is running.
Gets or sets TCP server IP bindings.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local listening IP end points.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets maximum allowed concurent connections. Value 0 means unlimited.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when negative value is passed.
Gets or sets maximum allowed connections for 1 IP address. Value 0 means unlimited.
Gets or sets maximum allowed session idle time in seconds, after what session will be terminated. Value 0 means unlimited,
but this is strongly not recommened.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when negative value is passed.
Gets or sets logger. Value null means no logging.
Gets the time when server was started.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP server is not running and this property is accesed.
Gets how many connections this TCP server has processed.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP server is not running and this property is accesed.
Gets TCP server active sessions.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Is raised when TCP server is not running and this property is accesed.
This event is raised when TCP server has started.
Raises Started event.
This event is raised when TCP server has stopped.
Raises Stopped event.
This event is raised when TCP server has disposed.
Raises Disposed event.
This event is raised when TCP server creates new session.
Raises SessionCreated event.
TCP server session that was created.
This event is raised when TCP server has unknown unhandled error.
Raises Error event.
Exception happened.
This class implements generic TCP server session.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resources being used.
Initializes session. This method is called from TCP_Server when new session created.
Owner TCP server.
Connected socket.
Local host name.
Specifies if session should switch to SSL.
SSL certificate.
This method is called from TCP server when session should start processing incoming connection.
This method is called from TCP server when session should start processing incoming connection.
Switches session to secure connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when connection is already secure or when SSL certificate is not specified.
This class represents asynchronous operation.
Default constructor.
Cleans up any resource being used.
Starts operation processing.
Owner TCP session.
Returns true if asynchronous operation in progress or false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when owner is null reference.
Sets operation state.
New state.
This method is called when "BeginAuthenticateAsServer" has completed.
Asynchronous result.
Gets asynchronous operation state.
Gets error happened during operation. Returns null if no error.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this property is accessed.
Is raised when this property is accessed other than AsyncOP_State.Completed state.
Is called when asynchronous operation has completed.
Raises CompletedAsync event.
Starts switching connection to secure.
Asynchronous operation.
Returns true if aynchronous operation is pending (The event is raised upon completion of the operation).
Returns false if operation completed synchronously.
Is raised when this object is disposed and and this method is accessed.
Is raised when connection is already secure or when SSL certificate is not specified.
Is raised when op is null reference.
Disconnects session.
Disconnects session.
Text what is sent to connected host before disconnecting.
This method is called when specified session times out.
This method allows inhereted classes to report error message to connected client.
Session will be disconnected after this method completes.
Just calls OnTimeout method.
Logs specified text.
text to log.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Logs specified exception.
Exception to log.
Is raised when exception is null reference.
Gets if TCP server session is disposed.
Gets owner TCP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets local host name.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session certificate.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets or sets user data.
Gets user data items collection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if session is connected.
Gets session ID.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the time when session was connected.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets the last time when data was sent or received.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session local IP end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets session remote IP end point.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets if this session TCP connection is secure connection.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
Gets TCP stream which must be used to send/receive data through this session.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this property is accessed.
This event is raised when session idle(no activity) timeout reached.
Raises IdleTimeout event.
This event is raised when session has disconnected and will be disposed soon.
Raises Disonnected event.
This event is raised when session has disposed.
Raises Disposed event.
This event is raised when TCP server session has unknown unhandled error.
Raises Error event.
Exception happened.
This class implements TCP session collection.
Default constructor.
Adds specified TCP session to the colletion.
TCP server session to add.
Is raised when session is null.
Removes specified TCP server session from the collection.
TCP server session to remove.
Is raised when session is null.
Removes all items from the collection.
Copies all TCP server session to new array. This method is thread-safe.
Returns TCP sessions array.
Gets number of connections per specified IP.
IP address.
Returns current number of connections of the specified IP.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets TCP session with the specified ID.
Session ID.
Returns TCP session with the specified ID.
This class provides data to .... .
Default constructor.
TCP server.
TCP server session.
Gets TCP server.
Gets TCP server session.
Simple timer implementation.
Default contructor.
Default contructor.
The time in milliseconds between events.
Default contructor.
The time in milliseconds between events.
Specifies if timer is auto reseted.
Implements absolute-URI. Defined in RFC 3986.4.3.
Default constructor.
Parse URI from string value.
String URI value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value has invalid URI value.
Parses URI from the specified string.
URI string.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Converts URI to string.
Returns URI as string.
Gets URI scheme.
Gets URI value after scheme.
ICMP type.
Echo rely.
Time to live exceeded reply.
Echo reply message.
Default constructor.
IP address what sent echo message.
Time to live in milli seconds.
Time what elapsed before getting echo response.
Gets IP address what sent echo message.
Gets time in milliseconds what toke to get reply.
Icmp utils.
Traces specified ip.
Destination IP address.
Traces specified ip.
IP address to tracce.
Send recieve timeout in milli seconds.
Pings specified destination host.
IP address to ping.
Send recieve timeout in milli seconds.
This class provides bit debugging methods.
Converts byte array to bit(1 byte = 8 bit) representation.
Data buffer.
Numer of bytes to convert.
Number of bytes per line.
Returns byte array as bit(1 byte = 8 bit) representation.
Authentication type.
Plain username/password authentication.
Not implemented.
Cram-md5 authentication.
DIGEST-md5 authentication.
Provides net core utility methods.
Gets host name. If fails returns ip address.
IP address which to reverse lookup.
Returns host name of specified IP address.
Is raised when ip is null.
Gets argument part of command text.
Input srting from where to remove value.
Command text which to remove.
Checks if specified string is number(long).
Reverses the specified array elements.
Array elements to reverse.
Returns array with reversed items.
Is raised when array is null.
Encodes specified data with base64 encoding.
Data to encode.
Encodes specified data with bas64 encoding.
Data to to encode.
Custom base64 chars (64 chars) or null if default chars used.
Padd missing block chars. Normal base64 must be 4 bytes blocks, if not 4 bytes in block,
missing bytes must be padded with '='. Modified base64 just skips missing bytes.
Decodes base64 data. Defined in RFC 2045 6.8. Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Base64 decoded data.
Decodes base64 data. Defined in RFC 2045 6.8. Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding.
Base64 decoded data.
Custom base64 chars (64 chars) or null if default chars used.
Encodes data with quoted-printable encoding.
Data to encode.
quoted-printable decoder. Defined in RFC 2045 6.7.
Data which to encode.
"Q" decoder. This is same as quoted-printable, except '_' is converted to ' '.
Defined in RFC 2047 4.2.
Input string encoding.
String which to encode.
Returns decoded string.
Canonical decoding. Decodes all canonical encoding occurences in specified text.
Usually mime message header unicode/8bit values are encoded as Canonical.
Format: =?charSet?type[Q or B]?encoded_string?= .
Defined in RFC 2047.
Text to decode.
Canonical encoding.
String to encode.
With what charset to encode string. If you aren't sure about it, utf-8 is suggested.
Returns encoded text.
Encodes specified data with IMAP modified UTF7 encoding. Defined in RFC 3501 5.1.3. Mailbox International Naming Convention.
Example: öö is encoded to &APYA9g-.
Text to encode.
Decodes IMAP modified UTF7 encoded data. Defined in RFC 3501 5.1.3. Mailbox International Naming Convention.
Example: &APYA9g- is decoded to öö.
Text to encode.
Checks if specified string data is acii data.
Gets file name from path.
File file path with file name. For examples: c:\, aaa\
Gets if specified value is IP address.
String value.
Returns true if specified value is IP address.
Compares 2 IP addresses. Returns 0 if IPs are equal,
returns positive value if destination IP is bigger than source IP,
returns negative value if destination IP is smaller than source IP.
Source IP address.
Destination IP address.
Gets if specified IP address is private LAN IP address. For example 192.168.x.x is private ip.
IP address to check.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
Returns true if IP is private IP.
Gets if specified IP address is private LAN IP address. For example 192.168.x.x is private ip.
IP address to check.
Returns true if IP is private IP.
Is raised when ip is null reference.
Creates new socket for the specified end point.
Local end point.
Protocol type.
Retruns newly created socket.
Converts string to hex string.
String to convert.
Returns data as hex string.
Converts string to hex string.
Data to convert.
Returns data as hex string.
Convert byte to hex data.
Byte to convert.
Converts data to hex data.
Data to convert.
Converts hex byte data to normal byte data. Hex data must be in two bytes pairs, for example: 0F,FF,A3,... .
Hex data.
Computes md5 hash.
Text to hash.
Specifies if md5 value is returned as hex string.
Returns md5 value or md5 hex value.
NNTP client. Defined in RFC 977.
Default constructor.
Closes connection to NNTP server.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when NNTP client is not connected.
Gets NNTP newsgoups.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when NNTP client is not connected.
Posts specified message to the specified newsgroup.
Newsgroup where to post message.
Message to post. Message is taken from stream current position.
Is raised when this object is disposed and this method is accessed.
Is raised when NNTP client is not connected.
This method is called after TCP client has sucessfully connected.
This class provides well known TCP/UDP service ports.
FTP - data port.
FTP - control (command) port.
SMTP protocol.
DNS protocol.
HTTP protocol.
POP3 protocol.
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) protocol.
NTP (Network Time Protocol) protocol.
IMAP4 protocol.
HTTPS protocol.
SMTP over SSL protocol.
FTP over SSL protocol.
IMAP4 over SSL protocol.
POP3 over SSL protocol.
This class implements STUN client. Defined in RFC 3489.
// Create new socket for STUN client.
Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,SocketType.Dgram,ProtocolType.Udp);
socket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any,0));
// Query STUN server
STUN_Result result = STUN_Client.Query("",3478,socket);
if(result.NetType != STUN_NetType.UdpBlocked){
// UDP blocked or !!!! bad STUN server
IPEndPoint publicEP = result.PublicEndPoint;
// Do your stuff
Gets NAT info from STUN server.
STUN server name or IP.
STUN server port. Default port is 3478.
Local IP end point.
Returns UDP netwrok info.
Is raised when host or localEP is null reference.
Throws exception if unexpected error happens.
Gets NAT info from STUN server.
STUN server name or IP.
STUN server port. Default port is 3478.
UDP socket to use.
Returns UDP netwrok info.
Throws exception if unexpected error happens.
Resolves local IP to public IP using STUN.
STUN server.
STUN server port. Default port is 3478.
Local IP address.
Returns public IP address.
Is raised when stunServer or localIP is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when no connection to STUN server.
Resolves socket local end point to public end point.
STUN server.
STUN server port. Default port is 3478.
UDP socket to use.
Returns public IP end point.
Is raised when stunServer or socket is null reference.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Is raised when no connection to STUN server.
Does STUN transaction. Returns transaction response or null if transaction failed.
STUN message.
Socket to use for send/receive.
Remote end point.
Timeout in milli seconds.
Returns transaction response or null if transaction failed.
This class holds STUN_Client.Query method return data.
Default constructor.
Specifies UDP network type.
Public IP end point.
Gets UDP network type.
Gets public IP end point. This value is null if failed to get network type.
Specifies UDP network type.
UDP is always blocked.
No NAT, public IP, no firewall.
No NAT, public IP, but symmetric UDP firewall.
A full cone NAT is one where all requests from the same internal IP address and port are
mapped to the same external IP address and port. Furthermore, any external host can send
a packet to the internal host, by sending a packet to the mapped external address.
A restricted cone NAT is one where all requests from the same internal IP address and
port are mapped to the same external IP address and port. Unlike a full cone NAT, an external
host (with IP address X) can send a packet to the internal host only if the internal host
had previously sent a packet to IP address X.
A port restricted cone NAT is like a restricted cone NAT, but the restriction
includes port numbers. Specifically, an external host can send a packet, with source IP
address X and source port P, to the internal host only if the internal host had previously
sent a packet to IP address X and port P.
A symmetric NAT is one where all requests from the same internal IP address and port,
to a specific destination IP address and port, are mapped to the same external IP address and
port. If the same host sends a packet with the same source address and port, but to
a different destination, a different mapping is used. Furthermore, only the external host that
receives a packet can send a UDP packet back to the internal host.
Implements STUN message. Defined in RFC 3489.
Specifies STUN attribute type.
Specifies IP address family.
Default constructor.
Parses STUN message from raw data packet.
Raw STUN message.
Is raised when data is null reference.
Converts this to raw STUN packet.
Returns raw STUN packet.
Parses attribute from data.
SIP message data.
Offset in data.
Pasrses IP endpoint attribute.
STUN message data.
Offset in data.
Returns parsed IP end point.
Stores ip end point attribute to buffer.
Attribute type.
IP end point.
Buffer where to store.
Offset in buffer.
Gets STUN message type.
Gets magic cookie value. This is always 0x2112A442.
Gets transaction ID.
Gets or sets IP end point what was actually connected to STUN server. Returns null if not specified.
Gets or sets IP end point where to STUN client likes to receive response.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets how and where STUN server must send response back to STUN client.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets STUN server IP end point what sent response to STUN client. Value null
means not specified.
Gets or sets IP end point where STUN server will send response back to STUN client
if the "change IP" and "change port" flags had been set in the ChangeRequest.
Gets or sets user name. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets password. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets error info. Returns null if not specified.
Gets or sets IP endpoint from which IP end point STUN server got STUN client request.
Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets server name.
This enum specifies STUN message type.
STUN message is binding request.
STUN message is binding request response.
STUN message is binding requesr error response.
STUN message is "shared secret" request.
STUN message is "shared secret" request response.
STUN message is "shared secret" request error response.
This class implements STUN CHANGE-REQUEST attribute. Defined in RFC 3489 11.2.4.
Default constructor.
Default constructor.
Specifies if STUN server must send response to different IP than request was received.
Specifies if STUN server must send response to different port than request was received.
Gets or sets if STUN server must send response to different IP than request was received.
Gets or sets if STUN server must send response to different port than request was received.
This class implements STUN ERROR-CODE. Defined in RFC 3489 11.2.9.
Default constructor.
Error code.
Reason text.
Gets or sets error code.
Gets reason text.
This class represents well known URI schemes.
HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring (WebDAV).
Addressing files on local or network file systems.
FTP resources.
HTTP resources.
HTTP connections secured using SSL/TLS.
SMTP e-mail addresses and default content.
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) using TLS.
Telephone numbers.
(For internal use only). This class provides holder for IAsyncResult interface and extends it's features.
Default constructor.
Caller's async object.
Delegate which is called asynchronously.
Callback to call when the connect operation is complete.
User data.
Sets AsyncResult value.
Asycnhronous result to wrap.
This method is called by AsyncDelegate when asynchronous operation completes.
An IAsyncResult that stores state information and any user defined data for this asynchronous operation.
Gets or sets caller's async object.
Gets delegate which is called asynchronously.
Gets source asynchronous result what we wrap.
Gets if the user called the End*() method.
Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation.
Gets a WaitHandle that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete.
Gets an indication of whether the asynchronous operation completed synchronously.
Gets an indication whether the asynchronous operation has completed.
Holds IP bind info.
Default constructor.
Host name.
Bind protocol.
IP address to listen.
Port to listen.
Is raised when ip is null.
Default constructor.
Host name.
IP address to listen.
Port to listen.
Specifies SSL mode.
Certificate to use for SSL connections.
Is raised when ip is null.
Default constructor.
Host name.
Bind protocol.
IP address to listen.
Port to listen.
Specifies SSL mode.
Certificate to use for SSL connections.
Is raised when ip is null.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
An object to compare with this instance.
Returns true if two objects are equal.
Returns the hash code.
Returns the hash code.
Gets host name.
Gets protocol.
Gets IP end point.
Gets IP address.
Gets port.
Gets SSL mode.
Gets SSL certificate.
Gets SSL certificate.
Gets or sets user data. This is used internally don't use it !!!.
Circle collection. Elements will be circled clockwise.
Default constructor.
Adds specified items to the collection.
Items to add.
Is raised when items is null.
Adds specified item to the collection.
Item to add.
Is raised when item is null.
Removes specified item from the collection.
Item to remove.
Is raised when item is null.
Clears all items from collection.
Gets if the collection contain the specified item.
Item to check.
Returns true if the collection contain the specified item, otherwise false.
Gets next item from the collection. This method is thread-safe.
Is raised when thre is no items in the collection.
Copies all elements to new array, all elements will be in order they added. This method is thread-safe.
Returns elements in a new array.
Copies all elements to new array, all elements will be in current circle order. This method is thread-safe.
Returns elements in a new array.
Gets number of items in the collection.
Gets item at the specified index.
Item zero based index.
Returns item at the specified index.
Specifies BindInfo protocol.
TCP protocol.
UDP protocol.
Implements SIP-URI. Defined in 3261.
RFC 3261 Syntax:
SIP-URI = "sip:" [ userinfo ] hostport uri-parameters [ headers ]
SIPS-URI = "sips:" [ userinfo ] hostport uri-parameters [ headers ]
userinfo = ( user / telephone-subscriber ) [ ":" password ] "@")
hostport = host [ ":" port ]
host = hostname / IPv4address / IPv6reference
Default constructor.
Parse SIP or SIPS URI from string value.
String URI value.
Is raised when value is null reference.
Is raised when value is not valid SIP or SIPS URI.
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type.
An object to compare with this instance.
Returns true if two objects are equal.
Returns the hash code.
Returns the hash code.
Parses SIP_Uri from SIP-URI string.
SIP-URI string.
Returns parsed SIP_Uri object.
Raised when reader is null.
Raised when invalid SIP message.
Converts SIP_Uri to valid SIP-URI string.
Returns SIP-URI string.
Gets URI scheme.
Gets or sets if secure SIP. If true then sips: uri, otherwise sip: uri.
Gets address from SIP URI. Examples:,ivar@
Gets or sets user name. Value null means not specified.
Gets or sets host name or IP.
Gets or sets host port. Value -1 means not specified.
Gets host with optional port. If port specified returns Host:Port, otherwise Host.
Gets URI parameters.
Gets or sets 'cause' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Cause is a URI parameter that is used to indicate the service that
the User Agent Server (UAS) receiving the message should perform.
Defined in RFC 4458.
Gets or sets 'comp' parameter value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 3486.
Gets or sets 'content-type' parameter value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 4240.
Gets or sets 'delay' prameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Specifies a delay interval between announcement repetitions. The delay is measured in milliseconds.
Defined in RFC 4240.
Gets or sets 'duration' prameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
Specifies the maximum duration of the announcement. The media server will discontinue
the announcement and end the call if the maximum duration has been reached. The duration
is measured in milliseconds. Defined in RFC 4240.
Gets or sets 'locale' prameter value. Specifies the language and optionally country
variant of the announcement sequence named in the "play=" parameter. Defined in RFC 4240.
Gets or sets 'lr' parameter. The lr parameter, when present, indicates that the element
responsible for this resource implements the routing mechanisms
specified in this document. Defined in RFC 3261.
Gets or sets 'maddr' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
NOTE: This value is deprecated in since SIP 2.0.
The maddr parameter indicates the server address to be contacted for this user,
overriding any address derived from the host field. Defined in RFC 3261.
Gets or sets 'method' prameter value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 3261.
Gets or sets 'play' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
Specifies the resource or announcement sequence to be played. Defined in RFC 4240.
Gets or sets 'repeat' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified, value int.MaxValue means 'forever'.
Specifies how many times the media server should repeat the announcement or sequence named by
the "play=" parameter. Defined in RFC 4240.
Gets or sets 'target' parameter value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 4240.
Gets or sets 'transport' parameter value. Value null means not specified.
The transport parameter determines the transport mechanism to
be used for sending SIP messages. Defined in RFC 3261.
Gets or sets 'ttl' parameter value. Value -1 means not specified.
NOTE: This value is deprecated in since SIP 2.0.
The ttl parameter determines the time-to-live value of the UDP
multicast packet and MUST only be used if maddr is a multicast
address and the transport protocol is UDP. Defined in RFC 3261.
Gets or sets 'user' parameter value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 3261.
Gets or sets 'voicexml' parameter value. Value null means not specified. Defined in RFC 4240.
Gets or sets header.
String reader.
Default constructor.
Source string.
Is raised when source is null.
Appends specified string to SourceString.
String value to append.
Reads to first char, skips white-space(SP,VTAB,HTAB,CR,LF) from the beginning of source string.
Returns white-space chars which was readed.
Reads string with specified length. Throws exception if read length is bigger than source string length.
Number of chars to read.
Reads string to specified delimiter or to end of underlying string. Notes: Delimiter in quoted string is skipped.
Delimiter is removed by default.
For example: delimiter = ',', text = '"aaaa,eee",qqqq' - then result is '"aaaa,eee"'.
Data delimiter.
Reads string to specified delimiter or to end of underlying string. Notes: Delimiters in quoted string is skipped.
Delimiter is removed by default.
For example: delimiter = ',', text = '"aaaa,eee",qqqq' - then result is '"aaaa,eee"'.
Data delimiters.
Reads string to specified delimiter or to end of underlying string. Notes: Delimiters in quoted string is skipped.
For example: delimiter = ',', text = '"aaaa,eee",qqqq' - then result is '"aaaa,eee"'.
Data delimiters.
Specifies if delimiter is removed from underlying string.
Reads word from string. Returns null if no word is available.
Word reading begins from first char, for example if SP"text", then space is trimmed.
Reads word from string. Returns null if no word is available.
Word reading begins from first char, for example if SP"text", then space is trimmed.
Specifies if quoted string word is unquoted.
Reads word from string. Returns null if no word is available.
Word reading begins from first char, for example if SP"text", then space is trimmed.
Specifies if quoted string word is unquoted.
Specifies chars what terminate word.
Specifies if work terminator is removed.
Reads parenthesized value. Supports {},(),[],<> parenthesis.
Throws exception if there isn't parenthesized value or closing parenthesize is missing.
Reads all remaining string, returns null if no chars left to read.
Removes specified count of chars from the end of the source string.
Char count.
Is raised when any of the arguments has invalid value.
Gets if source string starts with specified value. Compare is case-sensitive.
Start string value.
Returns true if source string starts with specified value.
Gets if source string starts with specified value.
Start string value.
Specifies if compare is case-sensitive.
Returns true if source string starts with specified value.
Gets if source string ends with specified value. Compare is case-sensitive.
Start string value.
Returns true if source string ends with specified value.
Gets if source string ends with specified value.
Start string value.
Specifies if compare is case-sensitive.
Returns true if source string ends with specified value.
Gets if current source string starts with word. For example if source string starts with
whiter space or parenthesize, this method returns false.
Gets how many chars are available for reading.
Gets original string passed to class constructor.
Gets currently remaining string.
Gets position in original string.
This class provides usefull text methods.
Qoutes string and escapes fishy('\',"') chars.
Text to quote.
Unquotes and unescapes escaped chars specified text. For example "xxx" will become to 'xxx', "escaped quote \"", will become to escaped 'quote "'.
Text to unquote.
Escapes specified chars in the specified string.
Text to escape.
Chars to escape.
Unescapes all escaped chars.
Text to unescape.
Splits string into string arrays. This split method won't split qouted strings, but only text outside of qouted string.
For example: '"text1, text2",text3' will be 2 parts: "text1, text2" and text3.
Text to split.
Char that splits text.
Splits string into string arrays. This split method won't split qouted strings, but only text outside of qouted string.
For example: '"text1, text2",text3' will be 2 parts: "text1, text2" and text3.
Text to split.
Char that splits text.
If true, splitted parst will be unqouted if they are qouted.
Splits string into string arrays. This split method won't split qouted strings, but only text outside of qouted string.
For example: '"text1, text2",text3' will be 2 parts: "text1, text2" and text3.
Text to split.
Char that splits text.
If true, splitted parst will be unqouted if they are qouted.
Maximum number of substrings to return.
Returns splitted string.
Is raised when text is null reference.
Gets first index of specified char. The specified char in quoted string is skipped.
Returns -1 if specified char doesn't exist.
Text in what to check.
Char what index to get.
Splits string into string arrays.
Text to split.
Char Char that splits text.
Gets if specified string is valid "token" value.
String value to check.
Returns true if specified string value is valid "token" value.
Is raised if value is null.
Stream line reader.
Default constructor.
Source stream from where to read data. Reading begins from stream current position.
Reads byte[] line from stream. NOTE: Returns null if end of stream reached.
Return null if end of stream reached.
Reads string line from stream. String is converted with specified Encoding property from byte[] line. NOTE: Returns null if end of stream reached.
Gets or sets charset encoding to use for string based methods. Default("") encoding is system default encoding.
Gets or sets if lines must be CRLF terminated or may be only LF terminated too.