/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Open Lab Written by Roberto Bicchierai and Silvia Chelazzi http://roberto.open-lab.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * A method to instantiate valid task models from * raw data. */ function TaskFactory() { /** * Build a new Task */ this.build = function (id, name, code, level, start, duration, collapsed) { // Set at beginning of day var adjusted_start = computeStart(start); var calculated_end = computeEndByDuration(adjusted_start, duration); return new Task(id, name, code, level, adjusted_start, calculated_end, duration, collapsed); }; } function Task(id, name, code, level, start, end, duration, collapsed) { this.id = id; this.name = name; this.progress = 0; this.progressByWorklog = false; this.relevance = 0; this.type = ""; this.typeId = ""; this.description = ""; this.code = code; this.level = level; this.status = "STATUS_UNDEFINED"; this.depends = ""; this.canWrite = true; // by default all tasks are writeable this.start = start; this.duration = duration; this.end = end; this.startIsMilestone = false; this.endIsMilestone = false; this.collapsed = collapsed; this.rowElement; //row editor html element this.ganttElement; //gantt html element this.master; this.assigs = []; } Task.prototype.clone = function () { var ret = {}; for (var key in this) { if (typeof(this[key]) != "function") { ret[key] = this[key]; } } return ret; }; Task.prototype.getAssigsString = function () { var ret = ""; for (var i = 0; i < this.assigs.length; i++) { var ass = this.assigs[i]; var res = this.master.getResource(ass.resourceId); if (res) { ret = ret + (ret == "" ? "" : ", ") + res.name; } } return ret; }; Task.prototype.createAssignment = function (id, resourceId, roleId, effort) { var assig = new Assignment(id, resourceId, roleId, effort); this.assigs.push(assig); return assig; }; //<%---------- SET PERIOD ---------------------- --%> Task.prototype.setPeriod = function (start, end) { //console.debug("setPeriod ",this.code,this.name,new Date(start), new Date(end)); //var profilerSetPer = new Profiler("gt_setPeriodJS"); if (start instanceof Date) { start = start.getTime(); } if (end instanceof Date) { end = end.getTime(); } var originalPeriod = { start: this.start, end: this.end, duration: this.duration }; //compute legal start/end //todo mossa qui R&S 30/3/2016 perchè altrimenti il calcolo della durata, che è stato modificato sommando giorni, sbaglia start = computeStart(start); end=computeEnd(end); var newDuration = recomputeDuration(start, end); //if are equals do nothing and return true if ( start == originalPeriod.start && end == originalPeriod.end && newDuration == originalPeriod.duration) { //console.debug("Periods are identical!") return true; } if (newDuration == this.duration) { // is shift return this.moveTo(start, false); } //console.debug("setStart",date,date instanceof Date); var wantedStartMillis = start; //cannot start after end if (start > end) { start = end; } //set a legal start //start = computeStart(start); //todo R&S 30/3/2016 messo in vetta //if there are dependencies compute the start date and eventually moveTo var startBySuperiors = this.computeStartBySuperiors(start); if (startBySuperiors != start) { return this.moveTo(startBySuperiors, false); } var somethingChanged = false; if (this.start != start || this.start != wantedStartMillis) { this.start = start; somethingChanged = true; } //set end var wantedEndMillis = end; //end = computeEnd(end);//todo R&S 30/3/2016 messo in vetta if (this.end != end || this.end != wantedEndMillis) { this.end = end; somethingChanged = true; } this.duration = recomputeDuration(this.start, this.end); //profilerSetPer.stop(); //nothing changed exit if (!somethingChanged) return true; //cannot write exit if (!this.canWrite) { this.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + this.name + "\"\n" + GanttMaster.messages["CANNOT_WRITE"], this); return false; } //external dependencies: exit with error if (this.hasExternalDep) { this.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + this.name + "\"\n" + GanttMaster.messages["TASK_HAS_EXTERNAL_DEPS"], this); return false; } var todoOk = true; //I'm restricting var deltaPeriod = originalPeriod.duration - this.duration; var restricting = deltaPeriod > 0; var restrictingStart = restricting && (originalPeriod.start < this.start); var restrictingEnd = restricting && (originalPeriod.end > this.end); //console.debug( " originalPeriod.duration "+ originalPeriod.duration +" deltaPeriod "+deltaPeriod+" "+"restricting "+restricting); if (restricting) { //loops children to get boundaries var children = this.getChildren(); var bs = Infinity; var be = 0; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var ch = children[i]; //console.debug("restricting: test child "+ch.name+" "+ch.end) if (restrictingEnd) { be = Math.max(be, ch.end); } else { bs = Math.min(bs, ch.start); } } if (restrictingEnd) { //console.debug("restricting end ",be, this.end); this.end = Math.max(be, this.end); } else { //console.debug("restricting start"); this.start = Math.min(bs, this.start); } this.duration = recomputeDuration(this.start, this.end); } else { //check global boundaries if (this.start < this.master.minEditableDate || this.end > this.master.maxEditableDate) { this.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + this.name + "\"\n" +GanttMaster.messages["CHANGE_OUT_OF_SCOPE"], this); todoOk = false; } //console.debug("set period: somethingChanged",this); if (todoOk && !updateTree(this)) { todoOk = false; } } if (todoOk) { todoOk = this.propagateToInferiors(end); } return todoOk; }; //<%---------- MOVE TO ---------------------- --%> Task.prototype.moveTo = function (start, ignoreMilestones) { //console.debug("moveTo ",this.code,this.name,new Date(start),this.duration,ignoreMilestones); //var profiler = new Profiler("gt_task_moveTo"); if (start instanceof Date) { start = start.getTime(); } var originalPeriod = { start: this.start, end: this.end }; var wantedStartMillis = start; //set a legal start start = computeStart(start); //if start is milestone cannot be move if (!ignoreMilestones && this.startIsMilestone && start != this.start) { //notify error this.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + this.name + "\"\n" +GanttMaster.messages["START_IS_MILESTONE"], this); return false; } else if (this.hasExternalDep) { //notify error this.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + this.name + "\"\n" +GanttMaster.messages["TASK_HAS_EXTERNAL_DEPS"], this); return false; } //if depends, start is set to max end + lag of superior var startBySuperiors = this.computeStartBySuperiors(start); //todo if there are dependencies the new start,end must be contained into parent dates /*var parent=this.getParent(); if (start!=startBySuperiors){ var proposedEnd = computeEndByDuration(startBySuperiors, this.duration); // if outside parent's scoce error if (parent && (startBySuperiorsparent.end)) { this.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + this.name + "\"\n" +GanttMaster.messages["CANNOT_MOVE_TASK"], this); return false; } else { start = startBySuperiors; } }*/ start = startBySuperiors; var end = computeEndByDuration(start, this.duration); if (this.start != start || this.start != wantedStartMillis) { /*//in case of end is milestone it never changes, but recompute duration if (!ignoreMilestones && this.endIsMilestone) { end = this.end; this.duration = recomputeDuration(start, end); }*/ //in case of end is milestone it never changes! if (!ignoreMilestones && this.endIsMilestone && end!=this.end) { this.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + this.name + "\"\n" +GanttMaster.messages["END_IS_MILESTONE"], this); return false; } this.start = start; this.end = end; //profiler.stop(); //check global boundaries if (this.start < this.master.minEditableDate || this.end > this.master.maxEditableDate) { this.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + this.name + "\"\n" +GanttMaster.messages["CHANGE_OUT_OF_SCOPE"], this); return false; } // bicch 22/4/2016: quando si sposta un task con child a cavallo di holidays, i figli devono essere shiftati in workingDays, non in millisecondi, altrimenti si cambiano le durate // when moving children you MUST consider WORKING days, var panDeltaInWD = new Date(originalPeriod.start).distanceInWorkingDays(new Date(this.start)); //loops children to shift them var children = this.getChildren(); for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { ch = children[i]; var chStart=new Date(ch.start).incrementDateByWorkingDays(panDeltaInWD); if (!ch.moveTo(chStart, false)) { //console.debug("esco") return false; } } //console.debug("set period: somethingChanged",this); if (!updateTree(this)) { return false; } return this.propagateToInferiors(end); } return true; }; //<%---------- PROPAGATE TO INFERIORS ---------------------- --%> Task.prototype.propagateToInferiors = function (end) { //and now propagate to inferiors var todoOk = true; var infs = this.getInferiors(); if (infs && infs.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < infs.length; i++) { var link = infs[i]; if (!link.to.canWrite) { this.master.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages["CANNOT_WRITE"] + "\n\"" + link.to.name + "\"", link.to); break; } todoOk = link.to.moveTo(end, false); //this is not the right date but moveTo checks start if (!todoOk) break; } } return todoOk; }; //<%---------- COMPUTE START BY SUPERIORS ---------------------- --%> Task.prototype.computeStartBySuperiors = function (proposedStart) { //if depends -> start is set to max end + lag of superior var supEnd=proposedStart; var sups = this.getSuperiors(); if (sups && sups.length > 0) { supEnd=0; for (var i = 0; i < sups.length; i++) { var link = sups[i]; supEnd = Math.max(supEnd, incrementDateByWorkingDays(link.from.end, link.lag)); } supEnd+=1; } return computeStart(supEnd); }; function updateTree(task) { //console.debug("updateTree ",task.code,task.name); var error; //try to enlarge parent var p = task.getParent(); //no parent:exit if (!p) return true; var newStart = p.start; var newEnd = p.end; if (p.start > task.start) { if (p.startIsMilestone) { task.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + p.name + "\"\n" + GanttMaster.messages["START_IS_MILESTONE"], task); return false; } else if (p.depends) { task.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + p.name + "\"\n" + GanttMaster.messages["TASK_HAS_CONSTRAINTS"], task); return false; } newStart = task.start; } if (p.end < task.end) { if (p.endIsMilestone) { task.master.setErrorOnTransaction("\"" + p.name + "\"\n" + GanttMaster.messages["END_IS_MILESTONE"], task); return false; } newEnd = task.end; } //propagate updates if needed if (newStart != p.start || newEnd != p.end) { //can write? if (!p.canWrite) { task.master.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages["CANNOT_WRITE"] + "\n" + p.name, task); return false; } //has external deps ? if (p.hasExternalDep) { task.master.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages["TASK_HAS_EXTERNAL_DEPS"] + "\n\"" + p.name + "\"", task); return false; } return p.setPeriod(newStart, newEnd); } return true; } //<%---------- CHANGE STATUS ---------------------- --%> Task.prototype.changeStatus = function (newStatus,forceStatusCheck) { //console.debug("changeStatus: "+this.name+" from "+this.status+" -> "+newStatus); var cone = this.getDescendant(); function propagateStatus(task, newStatus, manuallyChanged, propagateFromParent, propagateFromChildren) { //console.debug("propagateStatus",task.name, task.status,newStatus, manuallyChanged, propagateFromParent, propagateFromChildren); var oldStatus = task.status; //no changes exit if (newStatus == oldStatus && !forceStatusCheck) { return true; } var todoOk = true; task.status = newStatus; //xxxx -> STATUS_DONE may activate dependent tasks, both suspended and undefined. Will set to done all children. //STATUS_FAILED -> STATUS_DONE do nothing if not forced by hand if (newStatus == "STATUS_DONE") { // cannot close task if open issues if (task.master.permissions.cannotCloseTaskIfIssueOpen && task.openIssues > 0) { task.master.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages["CANNOT_CLOSE_TASK_IF_OPEN_ISSUE"] + " \"" + task.name + "\""); return false; } if ((manuallyChanged || oldStatus != "STATUS_FAILED")) { //cannot set failed task as closed for cascade - only if changed manually //can be closed only if superiors are already done var sups = task.getSuperiors(); for (var i = 0; i < sups.length; i++) { if (sups[i].from.status != "STATUS_DONE" && cone.indexOf(sups[i].from)<0) { // è un errore se un predecessore è non chiuso ed è fuori dal cono if (manuallyChanged || propagateFromParent) //genere un errore bloccante se è cambiato a mano o se il cambiamento arriva dal parent ed ho una dipendenza fuori dal cono (altrimenti avrei un attivo figlio di un chiuso task.master.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages["GANTT_ERROR_DEPENDS_ON_OPEN_TASK"] + "\n\"" + sups[i].from.name + "\" -> \"" + task.name + "\""); todoOk = false; break; } } if (todoOk) { // set progress to 100% if needed by settings if (task.master.set100OnClose && !task.progressByWorklog ){ task.progress=100; } //set children as done propagateStatusToChildren(task,newStatus,false); //set inferiors as active propagateStatusToInferiors( task.getInferiors(), "STATUS_ACTIVE"); } } else { // una propagazione tenta di chiudere un task fallito todoOk = false; } // STATUS_UNDEFINED -> STATUS_ACTIVE all children become active, if they have no dependencies. // STATUS_SUSPENDED -> STATUS_ACTIVE sets to active all children and their descendants that have no inhibiting dependencies. // STATUS_DONE -> STATUS_ACTIVE all those that have dependencies must be set to suspended. // STATUS_FAILED -> STATUS_ACTIVE nothing happens: child statuses must be reset by hand. } else if (newStatus == "STATUS_ACTIVE") { if ((manuallyChanged || oldStatus != "STATUS_FAILED")) { //cannot set failed task as closed for cascade - only if changed manually //can be active only if superiors are already done, not only on this task, but also on ancestors superiors var sups = task.getSuperiors(); for (var i = 0; i < sups.length; i++) { if (sups[i].from.status != "STATUS_DONE") { if (manuallyChanged || propagateFromChildren) task.master.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages["GANTT_ERROR_DEPENDS_ON_OPEN_TASK"] + "\n\"" + sups[i].from.name + "\" -> \"" + task.name + "\""); todoOk = false; break; } } // check if parent is already active if (todoOk) { var par = task.getParent(); if (par && par.status != "STATUS_ACTIVE") { // todoOk = propagateStatus(par, "STATUS_ACTIVE", false, false, true); //todo abbiamo deciso di non far propagare lo status verso l'alto todoOk = false; } } if (todoOk) { if (oldStatus == "STATUS_UNDEFINED" || oldStatus == "STATUS_SUSPENDED") { //set children as active propagateStatusToChildren(task,newStatus,true); } //set inferiors as suspended propagateStatusToInferiors( task.getInferiors(), "STATUS_SUSPENDED"); } } else { todoOk = false; } // xxxx -> STATUS_SUSPENDED all active children and their active descendants become suspended. when not failed or forced } else if (newStatus == "STATUS_SUSPENDED" ) { if (manuallyChanged || oldStatus != "STATUS_FAILED") { //cannot set failed task as closed for cascade - only if changed manually //check if parent if not active var par = task.getParent(); if (par && (par.status != "STATUS_ACTIVE" && par.status != "STATUS_SUSPENDED")) { todoOk = false; } if (todoOk) { //set children as STATUS_SUSPENDED propagateStatusToChildren(task, newStatus, true); //set inferiors as STATUS_SUSPENDED propagateStatusToInferiors( task.getInferiors(), newStatus); } } else { todoOk = false; } // xxxx -> STATUS_FAILED children and dependent failed // xxxx -> STATUS_UNDEFINED children and dependant become undefined. } else if (newStatus == "STATUS_FAILED" || newStatus == "STATUS_UNDEFINED") { //set children as failed or undefined propagateStatusToChildren(task,newStatus,false); //set inferiors as failed propagateStatusToInferiors( task.getInferiors(), newStatus); } if (!todoOk) { task.status = oldStatus; //console.debug("status rolled back: "+task.name + " to " + oldStatus); } return todoOk; } /** * A helper method to traverse an array of 'inferior' tasks * and signal a status change. */ function propagateStatusToInferiors( infs, status) { for (var i = 0; i < infs.length; i++) { propagateStatus(infs[i].to, status, false, false, false); } } /** * A helper method to loop children and propagate new status */ function propagateStatusToChildren(task, newStatus, skipClosedTasks) { var chds = task.getChildren(); for (var i = 0; i < chds.length; i++) if (!(skipClosedTasks && chds[i].status == "STATUS_DONE") ) propagateStatus(chds[i], newStatus, false, true, false); } var manuallyChanged=true; var oldStatus = this.status; //first call if (propagateStatus(this, newStatus, manuallyChanged, false, false)) { return true; } else { this.status = oldStatus; return false; } }; Task.prototype.synchronizeStatus = function () { //console.debug("synchronizeStatus",this.name); var oldS = this.status; this.status = this.getParent()?this.getParent().status:"STATUS_UNDEFINED"; // di default si invalida lo stato mettendo quello del padre, in modo che inde/outd siano consistenti return this.changeStatus(oldS,true); }; Task.prototype.isLocallyBlockedByDependencies = function () { var sups = this.getSuperiors(); var blocked = false; for (var i = 0; i < sups.length; i++) { if (sups[i].from.status != "STATUS_DONE") { blocked = true; break; } } return blocked; }; //<%---------- TASK STRUCTURE ---------------------- --%> Task.prototype.getRow = function () { ret = -1; if (this.master) ret = this.master.tasks.indexOf(this); return ret; }; Task.prototype.getParents = function () { var ret; if (this.master) { var topLevel = this.level; var pos = this.getRow(); ret = []; for (var i = pos; i >= 0; i--) { var par = this.master.tasks[i]; if (topLevel > par.level) { topLevel = par.level; ret.push(par); } } } return ret; }; Task.prototype.getParent = function () { var ret; if (this.master) { for (var i = this.getRow(); i >= 0; i--) { var par = this.master.tasks[i]; if (this.level > par.level) { ret = par; break; } } } return ret; }; Task.prototype.isParent = function () { var ret = false; if (this.master) { var pos = this.getRow(); if (pos < this.master.tasks.length - 1) ret = this.master.tasks[pos + 1].level > this.level; } return ret; }; Task.prototype.getChildren = function () { var ret = []; if (this.master) { var pos = this.getRow(); for (var i = pos + 1; i < this.master.tasks.length; i++) { var ch = this.master.tasks[i]; if (ch.level == this.level + 1) ret.push(ch); else if (ch.level <= this.level) // exit loop if parent or brother break; } } return ret; }; Task.prototype.getDescendant = function () { var ret = []; if (this.master) { var pos = this.getRow(); for (var i = pos + 1; i < this.master.tasks.length; i++) { var ch = this.master.tasks[i]; if (ch.level > this.level) ret.push(ch); else break; } } return ret; }; Task.prototype.getSuperiors = function () { var ret = []; var task = this; if (this.master) { ret = this.master.links.filter(function (link) { return link.to == task; }); } return ret; }; Task.prototype.getSuperiorTasks = function () { var ret = []; var sups = this.getSuperiors(); for (var i = 0; i < sups.length; i++) ret.push(sups[i].from); return ret; }; Task.prototype.getInferiors = function () { var ret = []; var task = this; if (this.master) { ret = this.master.links.filter(function (link) { return link.from == task; }); } return ret; }; Task.prototype.getInferiorTasks = function () { var ret = []; var infs = this.getInferiors(); for (var i = 0; i < infs.length; i++) ret.push(infs[i].to); return ret; }; Task.prototype.deleteTask = function () { //console.debug("deleteTask",this.name,this.master.deletedTaskIds) //if is the current one remove it if (this.master.currentTask && this.master.currentTask.id==this.id) delete this.master.currentTask; //delete both dom elements if exists if (this.rowElement) this.rowElement.remove(); if (this.ganttElement) this.ganttElement.remove(); //remove children var chd = this.getChildren(); for (var i = 0; i < chd.length; i++) { //add removed child in list chd[i].deleteTask(); } if (!this.isNew()) this.master.deletedTaskIds.push(this.id); //remove from in-memory collection this.master.tasks.splice(this.getRow(), 1); //remove from links var task = this; this.master.links = this.master.links.filter(function (link) { return link.from != task && link.to != task; }); }; Task.prototype.isNew = function () { return (this.id + "").indexOf("tmp_") == 0; }; Task.prototype.isDependent = function (t) { //console.debug("isDependent",this.name, t.name) var task = this; var dep = this.master.links.filter(function (link) { return link.from == task; }); // is t a direct dependency? for (var i = 0; i < dep.length; i++) { if (dep[i].to == t) return true; } // is t an indirect dependency for (var i = 0; i < dep.length; i++) { if (dep[i].to.isDependent(t)) { return true; } } return false; }; Task.prototype.setLatest = function (maxCost) { this.latestStart = maxCost - this.criticalCost; this.latestFinish = this.latestStart + this.duration; }; //<%------------------------------------------ INDENT/OUTDENT --------------------------------%> Task.prototype.indent = function () { //console.debug("indent", this); //a row above must exist var row = this.getRow(); //no row no party if (row <= 0) return false; var ret = false; var taskAbove = this.master.tasks[row - 1]; var newLev = this.level + 1; if (newLev <= taskAbove.level + 1) { ret = true; //trick to get parents after indent this.level++; var futureParents = this.getParents(); this.level--; var oldLevel = this.level; for (var i = row; i < this.master.tasks.length; i++) { var desc = this.master.tasks[i]; if (desc.level > oldLevel || desc == this) { desc.level++; //remove links from this and descendant to my parents this.master.links = this.master.links.filter(function (link) { var linkToParent = false; if (link.to == desc) linkToParent = futureParents.indexOf(link.from) >= 0; else if (link.from == desc) linkToParent = futureParents.indexOf(link.to) >= 0; return !linkToParent; }); //remove links from this and descendants to predecessors of parents in order to avoid loop var predecessorsOfFutureParents=[]; for (var j=0;j= 0; return !linkToParent; }); } else break; } var parent = this.getParent(); // set start date to parent' start if no deps if (parent && !this.depends) { var new_end = computeEndByDuration(parent.start, this.duration); this.master.changeTaskDates(this, parent.start, new_end); } //recompute depends string this.master.updateDependsStrings(); //enlarge parent using a fake set period updateTree(this); //force status check starting from parent this.getParent().synchronizeStatus(); } return ret; }; Task.prototype.outdent = function () { //console.debug("outdent", this); //a level must be >1 -> cannot escape from root if (this.level <= 0)//2017-5-20秦修改,可以添加0级,这样才合理嘛 return false; var ret = false; var oldLevel = this.level; ret = true; var row = this.getRow(); for (var i = row; i < this.master.tasks.length; i++) { var desc = this.master.tasks[i]; if (desc.level > oldLevel || desc == this) { desc.level--; } else break; } var task = this; var chds = this.getChildren(); //remove links from me to my new children this.master.links = this.master.links.filter(function (link) { var linkExist = (link.to == task && chds.indexOf(link.from) >= 0 || link.from == task && chds.indexOf(link.to) >= 0); return !linkExist; }); //enlarge me if inherited children are larger for (var i = 0; i < chds.length; i++) { //remove links from me to my new children chds[i].setPeriod(chds[i].start + 1, chds[i].end + 1); } //recompute depends string this.master.updateDependsStrings(); //enlarge parent using a fake set period this.setPeriod(this.start + 1, this.end + 1); //force status check this.synchronizeStatus(); return ret; }; //<%------------------------------------------ MOVE UP / MOVE DOWN --------------------------------%> Task.prototype.moveUp = function () { //console.debug("moveUp", this); var ret = false; //a row above must exist var row = this.getRow(); //no row no party if (row <= 0) return false; //find new row var newRow; for (newRow = row - 1; newRow >= 0; newRow--) { if (this.master.tasks[newRow].level <= this.level) break; } //is a parent or a brother if (this.master.tasks[newRow].level == this.level) { ret = true; //compute descendant var descNumber = 0; for (var i = row + 1; i < this.master.tasks.length; i++) { var desc = this.master.tasks[i]; if (desc.level > this.level) { descNumber++; } else { break; } } //move in memory var blockToMove = this.master.tasks.splice(row, descNumber + 1); var top = this.master.tasks.splice(0, newRow); this.master.tasks = [].concat(top, blockToMove, this.master.tasks); //move on dom var rows = this.master.editor.element.find("tr[taskid]"); var domBlockToMove = rows.slice(row, row + descNumber + 1); rows.eq(newRow).before(domBlockToMove); //recompute depends string this.master.updateDependsStrings(); } else { this.master.setErrorOnTransaction(GanttMaster.messages["TASK_MOVE_INCONSISTENT_LEVEL"], this); ret = false; } return ret; }; Task.prototype.moveDown = function () { //console.debug("moveDown", this); //a row below must exist, and cannot move root task var row = this.getRow(); if (row >= this.master.tasks.length - 1 || row == 0) return false; var ret = false; //find nearest brother var newRow; for (newRow = row + 1; newRow < this.master.tasks.length; newRow++) { if (this.master.tasks[newRow].level <= this.level) break; } //is brother if (this.master.tasks[newRow] && this.master.tasks[newRow].level == this.level) { ret = true; //find last desc for (newRow = newRow + 1; newRow < this.master.tasks.length; newRow++) { if (this.master.tasks[newRow].level <= this.level) break; } //compute descendant var descNumber = 0; for (var i = row + 1; i < this.master.tasks.length; i++) { var desc = this.master.tasks[i]; if (desc.level > this.level) { descNumber++; } else { break; } } //move in memory var blockToMove = this.master.tasks.splice(row, descNumber + 1); var top = this.master.tasks.splice(0, newRow - descNumber - 1); this.master.tasks = [].concat(top, blockToMove, this.master.tasks); //move on dom var rows = this.master.editor.element.find("tr[taskid]"); var aft = rows.eq(newRow - 1); var domBlockToMove = rows.slice(row, row + descNumber + 1); aft.after(domBlockToMove); //recompute depends string this.master.updateDependsStrings(); } return ret; }; //<%------------------------------------------------------------------------ LINKS OBJECT ---------------------------------------------------------------%> function Link(taskFrom, taskTo, lagInWorkingDays) { this.from = taskFrom; this.to = taskTo; this.lag = lagInWorkingDays; } //<%------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSIGNMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------%> function Assignment(id, resourceId, roleId, effort) { this.id = id; this.resourceId = resourceId; this.roleId = roleId; this.effort = effort; } //<%------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESOURCE ---------------------------------------------------------------%> function Resource(id, name) { this.id = id; this.name = name; } //<%------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROLE ---------------------------------------------------------------%> function Role(id, name) { this.id = id; this.name = name; }