Microsoft.Owin.Hosting Provided as a down-level stub for the 4.5 AssemblyMetaDataAttribute class. All released assemblies should define [AssemblyMetadata("Serviceable", "True")]. Locates the startup class based on the following convention: AssemblyName.Startup, with a method named Configuration Allows for a fallback loader to be specified. Allows for a fallback loader and a Dependency Injection activator to be specified. Executes the loader, searching for the entry point by name. The name of the assembly and type entry point A default fallback loader that does nothing. A placeholder method that always returns null. null. A singleton instance of the NullLoader type. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to For the app startup parameter value '{0}', the assembly '{1}' was not found.. Looks up a localized string similar to For the app startup parameter value '{0}', the class '{1}' was not found in assembly '{2}'.. Looks up a localized string similar to The OwinStartup attribute discovered in assembly '{0}' referencing startup type '{1}' conflicts with the attribute in assembly '{2}' referencing startup type '{3}' because they have the same FriendlyName '{4}'. Remove or rename one of the attributes, or reference the desired type directly.. Looks up a localized string similar to The discovered startup type '{0}' conflicts with the type '{1}'. Remove or rename one of the types, or reference the desired type directly.. Looks up a localized string similar to The OwinStartupAttribute.FriendlyName value '{0}' does not match the given value '{1}' in Assembly '{2}'.. Looks up a localized string similar to No '{0}' method was found in class '{1}'.. Looks up a localized string similar to No assembly found containing a Startup or [AssemblyName].Startup class.. Looks up a localized string similar to No assembly found containing an OwinStartupAttribute.. Looks up a localized string similar to The OwinStartupAttribute.StartupType value is empty in Assembly '{0}'.. Looks up a localized string similar to The type '{0}' referenced from assembly '{1}' does not define a property 'StartupType' of type 'Type'.. Looks up a localized string similar to The given type or method '{0}' was not found. Try specifying the Assembly.. Looks up a localized string similar to The '{0}' method on class '{1}' does not have the expected signature 'void {0}(IAppBuilder)'.. Used to instantiate the server factory. Used to instantiate the server factory. Instantiate an instance of the given type. Instantiate an instance of the given type. Located and loads the server factory. Used to locate and load the named server factory. Used to locate and load the named server factory. Allows for a Dependency Injection activator to be specified. Executes the loader, searching for the server factory by name. Acceptable inputs: - Assembly.Name. Look for type Assembly.Name.ServerFactory in the assembly Assembly.Name. - Assembly.Name.FactoryName. Look for type Assembly.Name.FactoryName in the assembly Assembly.Name. The name of the assembly and type of the server factory The basic ServerFactory contract. An optional method that allows the server factory to specify its capabilities. Starts a server with the given app instance. Attempts to find the entry point for an app. Attempts to find the entry point for an app. Attempts to find the entry point for a given configuration string. Attempts to find the entry point for a given configuration string. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. Looks up a localized string similar to The following errors occurred while attempting to load the app.. Looks up a localized string similar to Failed to resolve an instance of {0} from the IServiceProvider.. Looks up a localized string similar to The settings file is improperly formatted. It should consist of one name=value pair per line. Empty lines or lines beginning with '#' are ignored.. Looks up a localized string similar to The '{0}' Create method must take two parameters.. Looks up a localized string similar to The '{0}' Create method must have a second parameter of type IDictionary<string,object>.. Looks up a localized string similar to The server factory could not be located for the given input: {0}. The basic ServerFactory contract. Creates a wrapper around the given server factory instance. Creates a wrapper around the given server factory type. Calls the optional Initialize method on the server factory. The method may be static or instance, and may accept either an IAppBuilder or the IAppBuilder.Properties IDictionary<string, object>. Calls the Create method on the server factory. The method may be static or instance, and may accept the AppFunc and the IAppBuilder.Properties IDictionary<string, object>. Helper code for the various activator services. Retrieve an instance of the given type from the service provider. If one is not found then instantiate it directly. Instantiate an object of the given type, using constructor service injection if possible. Creates a factory to instantiate a type using constructor service injection if possible. Used to instantiate the application entry point. e.g. the Startup class. Used to instantiate the application entry point. e.g. the Startup class. Instantiate an instance of the given type. Creates a new AppActivator. Instantiate an instance of the given type, injecting any available services. Provides an IAppBuilder instance based on Microsoft.Owin.Builder.AppBuilder. Provides an IAppBuilder instance. Create a new IAppBuilder instance. Create a new IAppBuilder instance based on Microsoft.Owin.Builder.AppBuilder. Initializes a new app loader. Initializes a new app loader. Create a new chained app loader. Not currently used. Create a new chained app loader. Not currently used. Create a default ServiceProvider with input from a variety or sources. Create a default ServiceProvider with the given settings. Create a default ServiceProvider with the given settings file. Create a default ServiceProvider. Create a default ServiceProvider with the given settings. Create a default ServiceProvider with the given settings file. Create a default ServiceProvider. Enumerate the default service types with the given settings overrides. Enumerate the default service types with the given settings file overrides. Enumerate the default service types. Loads settings from various locations. Load settings from the AppSettings section of the config file. Load settings from the AppSettings section of the config file. Load settings from a flat text file. Load settings from a flat text file. Extension methods for IServiceProvider. Retrieve a service of type T from the IServiceProvider. The default IServiceProvider. Gets the service object of the specified type. Remove all occurrences of the given type from the provider. Remove all occurrences of the given type from the provider. Add an instance of type TService to the list of providers. Add an instance of the given type to the list of providers. Specify that services of the type TService should be fulfilled by the type TImplementation. Specify that services of the type serviceType should be fulfilled by the type implementationType. Specify that services of the given type should be created with the given serviceFactory. Opens a stream writer for the given file. Used to create the trace output. Used to create the trace output. Opens a stream writer for the given file. Instantiates instances of the IHostingStarter. Instantiates instances of the IHostingStarter. Instantiates instances of the IHostingStarter. Instantiates instances of the IHostingStarter. Executes the IHostingEngine without making any changes to the current execution environment. Performs any necessary environment setup prior to executing the IHostingEngine. Performs any necessary environment setup prior to executing the IHostingEngine. Executes the IHostingEngine without making any changes to the current execution environment. Used for executing the IHostingEngine in a new AppDomain. Registers a fallback assembly resolver that looks in the given directory. Executes the IHostingEngine in a new AppDomain. Renews the given lease for 5 minutes. Creates a new AppDomain to run the IHostingEngine in. Creates a new AppDomain to run the IHostingEngine in. This attribute is used to identify custom hosting starters that may be loaded at runtime. Creates a IHostingStarter for the given identifier. Creates a IHostingStarter for the given identifier. Selects from known hosting starters, or detects additional providers via convention. Selects from known hosting starters, or detects additional providers via convention. These methods are used to load, assemble, and start a web app. Start a web app using default settings and the given url and entry point. e.g. Discover the ServerFactory and run at the given url. An IDisposible instance that can be called to shut down the web app. Start a web app using the given settings and entry point, using defaults for items not specified. An IDisposible instance that can be called to shut down the web app. Start a web app using default settings and the given url and entry point type. e.g. Discover the ServerFactory and run at the given url. An IDisposible instance that can be called to shut down the web app. Start a web app using the given settings and entry point type, using defaults for items not specified. An IDisposible instance that can be called to shut down the web app. Start a web app using the given settings and entry point type, using defaults for items not specified. An IDisposible instance that can be called to shut down the web app. Start a web app using the given settings and entry point type, using defaults for items not specified. An IDisposible instance that can be called to shut down the web app. Settings to control the startup behavior of an OWIN application Initializes a new instance of the class Initializes a new instance of the class A list of url prefixes to listen on. Overrides port. A port to listen on. Parameter to locate and load web application startup routine Name of the assembly containing the http server implementation Optional settings used to override service types and other defaults Initializes and starts a web application. Initializes and starts a web application. Determines the which IHostingStarter instance to use via the IHostingSterterFactory. Determines the which IHostingStarter instance to use via the IHostingSterterFactory. Used to initialize and start a web application. Initialize and start a web application. Major Steps: - Find and initialize the ServerFactory - Find and initialize the application - Start the server This class contains the relevant application and server state during startup. Create a new StartContext with the given options. If the given options do not define any settings, then settings will be loaded from the config. The initial options provided to the constructor. The factory used to instantiate the server. The IAppBuilder used to construct the OWIN application pipeline. The constructed OWIN application pipeline. The application entry point where the pipeline is defined. A TextWriter for writing diagnostic data to. A list of keys and their associated values that will be injected by the host into each OWIN request environment.