Get the string with escaped RegExp keywords.
@param value The string to be processed.
@returns The string with escaped RegExp keywords.
Get a place-holder for replace to the specified string value (from \0, \uD800 ~ \uDFFF)
@param value The string need get a fit place-holder for replace use
@returns The character can be used as place holder.
Splits a string with escape characters using the specified separator and return them as an array.
@param value - The srting to be splitted.
@param separator - The string used to do split.
@return A string array with the specified separator been escaped restore to origianl value without escape.
Get the original string without escaped characters.
@param value - The string may contains escaped characters.
@returns The original string.
Represents the aggregate options.
No aggregate.
Sum of the numeric values in the group.
Count of non-null values in the group.
Average value of the numeric values in the group.
Maximum value in the group.
Minimum value in the group.
Difference between the maximum and minimum numeric values in the group.
Sample standard deviation of the numeric values in the group
(uses the formula based on n-1).
Sample variance of the numeric values in the group
(uses the formula based on n-1).
Population standard deviation of the values in the group
(uses the formula based on n).
Population variance of the values in the group
(uses the formula based on n).
Count of all values in the group.
(including nulls).
Represents animation easing.
Simple linear tweening, no easing and no acceleration.
Easing equation for a swing easing.
Easing equation for a quadratic easing in, accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for a quadratic easing out, decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for a quadratic easing in and out, acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for a cubic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for a cubic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for a cubic easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for a quartic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for a quartic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for a quartic easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for a quintic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for a quintic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for a quintic easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for a sinusoidal easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for a sinusoidal easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for a sinusoidal easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for an exponential easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for an exponential easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for an exponential easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for a circular easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for a circular easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for a circular easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for a back easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for a back easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for a back easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for a bounce easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for a bounce easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for a bounce easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Easing equation for an elastic easing in - accelerating from zero velocity.
Easing equation for an elastic easing out - decelerating to zero velocity.
Easing equation for an elastic easing in and out - acceleration until halfway, then deceleration.
Represents animation mode.
Represents how to handle overlapping labels.
Hide overlapping labels.
It is default value.
Show all labels, including overlapping ones.
Represents the position of axis.
Hidden axis.
Near position.
Left or bottom for the cartesian charts.
Far position.
Right or top for the cartesian charts.
Represents the axis type.
Category axis.
It represents the horizontal axis normally.
Value axis.
It represents the vertical axis normally.
Represents the clipping mode.
No clipping.
The plot elements may overlap the plot area bounds.
Fits the plot elements into the plot area.
Clips the plot elements along the bounds of the plot area.
Represents Date mode.
Date mode is millisecond.
Date mode is second.
Date mode is minute.
Date mode is hour.
Date mode is day.
Date mode is day of week.
Date mode is month.
Date mode is year.
Represents the plot element type.
Legend item
Axis label.
Trellis Row Header
Trellis Column Header
Trellis Cell
Trellis Cell
Trellis Cell
Represents the font style type.
Represents the font weight type.
Represents the side or corner in the linear gradient.
Left side.
Right side.
Top side.
Bottom side.
Left top corner.
Right Top corner.
Left bottom corner.
Right bottom corner.
Represents the extend keyword in the radial gradient.
The gradient's ending shape meets the side of the box closest to its center.
The gradient's ending shape is sized so that it exactly meets the closest corner of the box from its center.
The gradient's ending shape meets the side of the box farthest to its center.
The gradient's ending shape is sized so that it exactly meets the farthest corner of the box from its center.
Represents the gradient type.
Represents the position in the radial gradient.
Left top.
Right Top.
Left bottom.
Right bottom.
Represents the Grouping options.
Cluster grouping.
It is default value.
Stacked grouping.
Represents horizontal alignment.
Left alignment
Center alignemnt
Right alignment
Represents legend type.
Color legend.
Size legend.
Shape legend.
Specifies type of the line.
The default line type indicating the straight lines from the point to point.
The spline line type indicating the smoothed lines from the point to point.
The step line type indicating the vertical lines before the horizontal line.
The step line type indicating the horizontal lines before the vertical line.
The step line type indicating half horizontal lines, the vertical line and half horizontal line. The data point is centered on the step.
Line position
Represents order type.
Ascending order.
Descending order.
Represents orientation of plot element.
Horizontal orientation
Vertical orientation
Represents how to handle overlapping labels.
Hide overlapping labels.
It is default value.
Show all labels, including overlapping ones.
Represents the overlay position.
Represents predefined palette.
It is the default value.
Represents the plot types.
Bar plot.
Line plot.
Scatter plot.
Area plot.
Represents position of plot elements.
Left position
Top position
Right position
Bottom position
Represents the aggregate options.
Sum of the numeric values in the group.
Count of non-null values in the group.
Average value of the numeric values in the group.
Maximum value in the group.
Minimum value in the group.
Median of all values in the group
Represents the render method.
Render to SVG.
It is default value.
Render to canvas
Represents the selection mode.
Disable the selection behavior
Select one point
Select multi-points with ctrl or command
Select a group of data points
Select all the data points with the same color
Select all the data points with the same shape
Select all the data points with the same size
Select all corresponding data points related the single legend.
Select all corresponding data points related the multiple legend.
Select all corresponding data points related the category.
Select all corresponding data points related the trellis header.
Custom the Selection behavior
Represents how to show null or empty values.
Show the null or empty values as a gap.
Show null or empty as if they were 0.
Connects missing data points.
It is default value.
Represents the font text decoration.
Represents the text position.
It is default value.
Outside of the element.
Center of the element.
Insize of the element.
Represents whether and where the axis tick marks appear.
No tick marks appear.
Tick marks appear outside the plot area.
Tick marks appear inside the plot area.
Tick marks cross the axis.
Represents vertical alignment.
Top alignment
Middle alignemnt
Bottom alignment
Represents the scale type.
Ordinal scale.
Linear scale.
Logarithmic scale.
Percentage scale.
Represents the args of the hit test event.
Gets the hit point.
Gets the model.
Gets the element.
Gets the plot element type.
Gets selection Adorner info.
Gets the data field.
Represents the financail data.
The high value.
The low value.
The open value.
The close value.
Represents the stock value encoding option.
Gets or sets the high field name.
Gets or sets the low field name.
Gets or sets the open field name.
Gets or sets the close field name.
Gets or sets the date field name.
Represents the stock value encoding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the high field name.
Gets or sets the low field name.
Gets or sets the open field name.
Gets or sets the close field name.
Gets or sets the x field name.
Represents the data visualization control.
Gets or sets the option.
Gets or sets the render size.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The render engine.
The option setting.
The render size.
Layouts the views in the control.
Render the view.
Hit test.
The selected target point.
The result of hittest.
Represents the geographic object type
Multiple points.
Single line string.
Multiple line string.
Multiple polygons.
Geometry collection.
Feature collection.
Represents the projection type
Albers USA.
Geo metry JSON option convertot.
Can convert.
Read JSON.
Write JSON.
Represents geometry option.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Represents LineString geometry option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Gets or sets the coordinates.
Represents multi LineString geometry option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Gets or sets the coordinates.
Represents MultiPoint geometry option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Gets or sets the coordinates.
Represents MultiPolygon geometry option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Gets or sets the coordinates.
Represents Point geometry option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Gets or sets the coordinates.
Represents Polygon geometry option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Gets or sets the coordinates.
Represents feature option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Gets or sets the properties option.
Gets or sets the geomerty option.
Represents geo mode option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geomerty type.
Gets or sets the features option.
Represents properties option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the name.
Gets or sets the NAME.
Represents the config option of the map.
Gets or sets the geo json.
Gets or sets the center.
Gets or sets the translate.
Gets or sets the rotate.
Gets or sets the zoom.
Gets or sets the projection.
Gets or sets hAlign
Gets or sets vAlign
Represents map option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the geo option.
Gets or sets the center.
Gets or sets the rotate.
Gets or sets the translate.
Gets or sets the zoom.
Gets or sets the projection.
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment.
Gets or sets the vertical alignment.
Sorts the dimensions group.
@param groups - The dimensions groups.
@return The sorted groups.
Represents a model object.
Gets the type.
Gets the parent.
Gets the legend kind.
Apply the new legend kind.
The new legend kind.
Represents legend kind.
Plot Color.
Plot Shape.
Plot Size
@param keyBuilder - The key builder.
@param orderType - The order type.
Gets the value dimension definitions.
Represents the site model for the content provider.
Gets the template.
Gets the default property of the non-literal token.
Gets the token definition list.
Gets the object from the token name.
The token name.
The token index.
The token value.
Gets the axis X.
Gets the axis Y.
Gets the outlineRectangle.
Gets the point view.
Represents a adorner render.
Draws the adorner.
The render.
The location of adorners.
Represents the filter.
Filter the value.
Represents the string formatting.
Gets the formatting string of the object.
The format.
The object.
The formatting string.
Gets the default format of the data type.
The data type.
The percentage.
The default format.
Gets the center point.
Gets the size.
Gets or set the angle.
Gets the points.
Initializes a new instance of the [_Polygon]{@link dv._Polygon} class.
@param points - The points.
Creates a copy of this object.
Check whether the point is contained in the polygon.
@param point - The location of the point.
@return True, the point is in the polygon, otherwise false.
Determines if it intersects with a polygon.
@param polygon - The polygon to test.
@return True if it intersects with the polygon, otherwise false.
Checks whether the object equals to current object.
@param polygon - The target to be checked.
@return True if the object equals to current object, otherwise false.
Gets the left-top point.
Gets the right-top point.
Gets the left-bottom point.
Gets the right-bottom point.
Initializes a new instance of the [_RotatedRectangle]{@link dv._RotatedRectangle} class.
@param center - The center point.
@param width - The width.
@param height - The height.
@param angle - The angle.
Creates a copy of this object.
Returns true if a rotated rectangle has the same coordinates as this rotated rectangle.
@param rectangle - Rotated rectangle to compare.
Check whether the point is contained in the rotated rectangle.
@param point - The location of the point.
@return True, the point is in the rotated rectangle, otherwise false.
* Determines if it intersects with a rotated rectangle.
* @param rotatedRectangle - The rotated rectangle to test.
* @return True if it intersects with the rotated rectangle, otherwise false.
Calculates the points.
Represents the option of the control.
Gets or sets the plots option of the control.
Gets or sets the data option of the control.
Gets or sets the config option of the control.
Gets or sets the transform option of the control.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Serialize option to JSON string (Debug or test mode used).
The options JSON string.
Deserialize option from JSON string (Debug or test mode used).
The options JSON string.
The DV options object.
Represents the encoding option with aggregating option.
The option provides the field where the aggregated values is bound.
The example defines aggregated values in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales',
aggregate: 'Sum'
category: {
field: 'Country'
The example defines a custom data label in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales'
category: {
field: 'Country'
text: [{
field: 'Downloads'
}, {
field: 'Salesman'
config: {
text: {
template: '{} : {xField.value} \n{} : {valueField.value}'
The example defines a custom tooltip in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales'
category: {
field: 'Country'
tooltip: [{
field: 'Downloads'
}, {
field: 'Salesman'
config: {
tooltip: {
scope: 'Default',
template: '{} : {xField.value} \n{} : {valueField.value}'
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets whether the null values is shown.
Represents the category encoding option.
Gets or sets the sort option.
Represents the color encoding option.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets the sort option.
Represents the detail encoding option.
The option provides the field where the values is grouped. Currently, only string or boolean field type can be supported in the option.
The example defines detail in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales',
aggregate: 'Sum'
category: {
field: 'Country'
details: [{
field: 'Company',
group: 'Cluster'
Gets or sets the sort option.
Gets or sets the group option.
Gets or sets whether the null group is shown.
Represents the layout encoding option.
Gets or sets the type.
Represents the shape encoding option.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets the sort option.
Represents the size encoding option.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets the sort option.
Represents sort encoding option.
Gets or sets the order option.
Represents the value encoding option with aggregating option.
The option provides the field where the aggregated values is bound.
The example defines aggregated values in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales',
aggregate: 'Sum'
category: {
field: 'Country'
The example defines a custom data label in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales'
category: {
field: 'Country'
text: [{
field: 'Downloads'
}, {
field: 'Salesman'
config: {
text: {
template: '{} : {xField.value} \n{} : {valueField.value}'
The example defines a custom tooltip in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales'
category: {
field: 'Country'
tooltip: [{
field: 'Downloads'
}, {
field: 'Salesman'
config: {
tooltip: {
scope: 'Default',
template: '{} : {xField.value} \n{} : {valueField.value}'
Gets or sets the field name.
Gets or sets the field label.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets whether the null values is shown.
Represents the encoding option with aggregating option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The field.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets whether the null values is shown.
Represents category encoding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the sort option.
The multi type is or .
Represents the color encoding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets the sort option.
Represents the detail encoding option of the plot encodings.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the sort option.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the group option.
Gets or sets whether the null group is shown.
Represents the layout encoding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
@param option - The option setting.
Gets or sets the type.
Represents the shape encoding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
@param option - The option setting.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets the sort option.
Represents the size encoding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
@param option - The option setting.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets the sort option.
Represents sort encoding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
@param option - The option setting.
Gets or sets the order.
Represents the field range.
Gets or sets the lower field.
Gets or sets the upper field.
Represents the value encoding option with aggregating option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
@param option - The option setting.
Gets or sets the aggregate option.
Gets or sets the field name.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the field name.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets whether the null values is shown.
Represents color stop option.
Gets or sets the color.
Gets or sets the stop.
Represents gradient option.
Gets or sets the gradient type.
Gets or sets the the color-stop list.
Represents the linear gradient option.
Gets or sets the gradient lines' angle of direction.
Represents the radial gradient option.
Gets or sets the keyword describing how big the ending shape must be.
Gets or sets the position of the gradient.
Represents the color stop option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the color.
Gets or sets the stop.
Represents the linear gradient option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the linear gradient angle.
The multi type is or .
Get the value of the angle.
@param value - the angle value.
Represents the radial gradient option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
point0 is end, point1 is start in svg.
point0 is start, point1 is end in canvas
point0 is end, point1 is start in svg.
point0 is start, point1 is end in canvas
point0 is end, point1 is start in svg.
point0 is start, point1 is end in canvas
point0 is end, point1 is start in svg.
point0 is start, point1 is end in canvas
point0 is end, point1 is start in svg.
point0 is start, point1 is end in canvas
point0 is end, point1 is start in svg.
point0 is start, point1 is end in canvas
Gets or sets extent keyword.
Gets or sets the position.
Represents the gradient option.
Gets or sets the gradient type.
Gets or sets the color stops.
Represents the animation option.
Gets or sets the mode.
Gets or sets the animation duration in milliseconds.
Gets or sets the topWidth.
Gets or sets time in milliseconds before the animation should start.
Gets or sets staggering.
Represents the option of the axis.
Gets or sets the axis type.
Gets or sets the name of plots using the axis.
Gets or sets the axis title.
Gets or sets the axis position.
Gets or sets whether the labels can be overlapped.
Gets or sets whether the axis labels is shown.
Gets or sets the min value.
Gets or sets the max value.
Gets or sets the format of axis labels.
Gets or sets the axis scale.
Gets or sets the axis style.
Gets or sets the axis text style.
Gets or sets the hover text style.
Gets or sets the axis label style.
Gets or sets the axis title style.
Gets or sets the number of units between the major axis ticks.
Gets or sets the number of units between the minor axis ticks.
Gets or sets the localtion of the major axis tick marks.
Gets or sets the localtion of the minor axis tick marks.
Gets or sets the major size.
Gets or sets the minor size.
Gets or sets the major tick style.
Gets or sets the minor tick style.
Gets or sets whether the axis includes major grid lines.
Gets or sets whether the axis includes minor grid lines.
Gets or sets the major grid line style.
Gets or sets the minor grid line style.
Gets or sets the axis line style.
Gets or sets the value at which an axis crosses the perpendicular axis.
Gets or sets whether the axis is reversed (top to bottom or right to left).
Gets or sets the rotation angle of the axis labels.
The angle is measured in degrees with valid values ranging from -90 to 90.
Gets or sets axisLine hidden or show
Gets or sets the log base.
Gets or sets the width.
Gets or sets the height.
Represents the text style option.
Gets or sets the bottomWidth.
Gets or sets the topWidth.
Gets or sets the neckHeight
Gets or sets the width for bar clusters.
Gets or sets the amount of overlap between multiple bar plots.
Represents the config option of the control.
Gets or sets the chart header option.
Gets or sets the chart footer option.
Gets or sets the palette.
Gets or sets the plot area.
Gets or sets the layout of the plot areas.
Gets or sets the border style.
Gets or sets the background color.
Gets or sets the global legend config.
Gets or sets the selection model.
Gets or sets the selection style.
Gets or sets the unselection style.
Gets or sets the style.
Gets or sets the text style.
Gets or sets the bar option;
Gets or sets the padding;
Represents the data option.
Gets or sets the name of the data source.
Gets or sets the value list.
Gets or sets the date format list or whether no data format is acceptable.
Represents the style option.
Gets or sets the opacity value.
Gets or sets the fill color.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke width.
Gets or sets the stroke dash array.
Gets or sets the shape of symbol.
Gets or sets the opacity value of symbol.
Gets or sets the background color.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke width.
Gets or sets the stroke dash array.
Represents the encoding option inficating the binding field.
Gets or sets the field name.
Gets or sets the field label.
Represents footer option.
Gets or sets the footer title.
Gets or sets the footer height.
Gets or sets the footer style
Gets or sets the footer title style.
Gets or sets the footer padding.
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment.
Gets or sets the vertical alignment.
Represents global legend option.
Gets or sets the legend orientation.
Gets or sets the legend position.
Gets or sets whether the title is wrapped.
Gets or sets the style
Gets or sets the text style.
Gets or sets title style
Gets or sets the hover text style.
Gets or sets the filtered out text style.
Gets or sets hidden
Gets or sets the width.
Gets or sets the height.
Gets or sets the padding.
Gets or sets the item padding.
Represents header option.
Gets or sets the header title.
Gets or sets the header height.
Gets or sets the header style
Gets or sets the header title style.
Gets or sets the header padding.
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment.
Gets or sets the vertical alignment.
Represents the legend option.
Gets or sets the legend type.
Gets or sets the legend orientation.
Gets or sets the legend position.
Gets or sets the legend title.
Gets or sets the style
Gets or sets the text style.
Gets or sets title style
Gets or sets the hover text style.
Gets or sets the filtered out text style.
Gets or sets the ranges of the legend item value.
Gets or sets the visiablity of the legend
Gets or sets the padding;
Gets or sets the item padding;
Represents the line style option.
The example defines line style:
stroke: 'yellow',
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeDasharray: '3, 3'
Gets or sets the stroke opacity.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke width.
Gets or sets the stroke dash array.
Represents overlay option.
Gets or sets the overlay type.
Gets or sets the position.
Gets or sets the label.
Gets or sets the style
Gets or sets the left.
Gets or sets the top.
Gets or sets the right.
Gets or sets the bottom.
Gets or sets the array of column widths.
Gets or sets the array of row heights.
Represents plot area.
The plot area may contain several plots.
Gets or sets the row index of plot area.
Gets or sets the column index of plot area.
Gets or sets the axis options.
Gets or sets the legend config of all legends in the plot area.
Gets or sets the legend config.
Gets or sets the border style.
Gets or sets the background color.
Gets or sets the padding.
Gets or sets the element style in the plot area.
Gets or sets the element text style in the plot area.
Represents the config option of the plot.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the plot is radial.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show data point symbols.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axes is swapped.
Gets or sets the clipping mode
Gets or sets a value indicating how to show the null or empty value.
Gets or sets the type of the line of the line and area chart.
Gets or sets the offset of data point.
Gets or sets the inner radius(for radial plots).
Gets or sets the sweep of plot for radial plots.
The valid value should be between 0 to 360.
Gets or sets the starting angle of the plot.
Gets or sets the conditional formatting rules.
Gets or sets whether the bar lines is shown.
Gets or sets the element style in the plot.
Gets or sets text style in the plot.
Gets or sets the hover style.
Gets or sets the text config.
Gets or sets the tooltip config.
Gets or sets the trellis config.
Gets or sets the loading animation config.
Gets or sets the update animation config.
Gets or sets the hover animation config.
Gets or sets the overlays options
Represents the config option for data label.
The option will be provided for the custom data label. It is only used after user set the text encoding.
About the text encoding, please refer to [IAggregateEncodingOption]{@link dv.options.IAggregateEncodingOption}.
The example defines a custom data label in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales'
category: {
field: 'Country'
text: [{
field: 'Downloads'
}, {
field: 'Salesman'
config: {
text: {
scope: 'Default',
template: '{} : {xField.value} \n{} : {valueField.value}'
The following token is supported within the template in the cartesian coordinate system:
* {} - returns the field name in the x axis.
* {xField.value} - returns the field value in the x axis.
* {} - returns the field name in the y axis.
* {valueField.value} - returns the field value in the y axis.
* {} - returns the category field name in the point.
* {categoryField.value} - returns the category field value in the point.
* {} - returns the detail field name in the point.
* {detailFields.value} - returns the detail field value in the point.
* {} - returns the color field name in the point.
* {colorField.value} - returns the color field value in the point.
* {colorField.color} - returns the color symbol in the point.
* {} - returns the size field name in the point.
* {sizeField.value} - returns the size field value in the point.
Also, a field name can be supported within the template.
* {} - returns the Sales field name.
* {Sales.value} or {Sales} - returns the Sales field value in the point.
If the field is aggregated, the aggregated value will be shown.
Gets or sets the scope definition of the template.
The default value is 'Default'
Gets or sets the data label template.
Gets or sets the text position of the data label.
Gets or sets the text offset of the data label.
Gets or sets how to handle overlapping labels.
Gets or sets the connecting line option.
Gets or sets the line position.
Gets or sets the style.
Gets or sets text style.
Represents the config option for tooltip.
The option will be provided for the custom tooltips. It is only used after user set the tooltip encoding.
About the tooltip encoding, please refer to [IAggregateEncodingOption]{@link dv.options.IAggregateEncodingOption}.
The example defines a custom tooltip in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales'
category: {
field: 'Country'
tooltip: [{
field: 'Downloads'
}, {
field: 'Salesman'
config: {
tooltip: {
scope: 'Default',
template: '{} : {xField.value} \n{} : {valueField.value}'
The following token is supported within the template in the cartesian coordinate system:
* {} - returns the field name in the x axis.
* {xField.value} - returns the field value in the x axis.
* {} - returns the field name in the y axis.
* {valueField.value} - returns the field value in the y axis.
* {} - returns the category field name in the point.
* {categoryField.value} - returns the category field value in the point.
* {} - returns the detail field name in the point.
* {detailFields.value} - returns the detail field value in the point.
* {} - returns the color field name in the point.
* {colorField.value} - returns the color field value in the point.
* {colorField.color} - returns the color symbol in the point.
* {} - returns the size field name in the point.
* {sizeField.value} - returns the size field value in the point.
Also, a field name can be supported within the template.
* {} - returns the Sales field name.
* {Sales.value} or {Sales} - returns the Sales field value in the point.
If the field is aggregated, the aggregated value will be shown.
Gets or sets the scope definition of the template. The default value is 'DataPoint'
Gets or sets the tooltip template.
Gets or sets the style.
Gets or sets text style.
Represents the config option for trellis.
Gets or sets the trellis divider lines style.
Gets or sets text style.
Gets or sets the hover text style.
Represents the encodings option of the plot.
The option provides how the data items is bound.
The example defines encodings in the plot option:
type: 'Bar',
encodings: {
values: [{
field: 'Sales',
aggregate: 'Sum'
}, {
field: 'Downloads',
aggregate: 'Sum'
category: {
field: 'Country'
details: [{
field: 'Company',
group: 'Cluster'
Gets or sets the value encodings.
Gets or sets the category encoding.
Gets or sets the detail encodings.
Gets or sets the color encoding.
Gets or sets the size encoding.
Gets or sets the shape encoding.
Gets or sets the text encodings.
Gets or sets the tooltip encodings.
Gets or sets the layout encodings.
Represents plot option.
Gets or sets the plot name.
Gets or sets the plot type.
Gets or sets the plot encodings.
Gets or sets the plot config.
Represents overlay option.
Gets or sets the aggregate.
Gets or sets the value
Gets or sets the detailLevel
Gets or sets the axis
Gets or sets the start
Gets or sets the end
Gets or sets the pointPath
Represents the property definition in the action of the conditional formatting rule.
Gets or sets the property name.
Gets or sets the property value will be set if the condition is true.
Represents the action in the conditional formatting rule option.
Gets or sets the target element.
Gets or sets the collection of property name/value pairs.
The property value will be changed on the same target if the condition is true.
Represents the conditional formatting rule to change the property value if the condition is true.
Model example to define a rule to change the data point style based on the value:
condition: 'current.value > 1000',
name: 'color',
value: 'red'
Gets or sets condition expression.
Gets or sets the current instance type in the condition expression.
The value should be following:
+ 'DataPoint' - The current instance should be point.
+ 'Group' - The current instance should be series.
Gets or sets the rule action list.
Represents the style option.
Gets or sets the border.
Gets or sets the background color.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke width.
Gets or sets the stroke dash array.
Gets or sets the fill.
Represents the text-decoration option.
Gets or sets the overline.
Gets or sets the linethrough.
Gets or sets the underline.
Represents the text style option.
Gets or sets the text color.
Gets or sets the font size.
Gets or sets the font family.
Gets or sets the font weight
Gets or sets the font style.
Gets or sets the text decoration.
Represents scale option.
Gets or sets the type of scale.
Represents the style option of the label.
Gets or sets the padding.
Represents the selection style option.
Gets or sets whether the adorners are shown.
Represents the label style option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the padding.
Represents the selection style option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets whether the adorners are shown.
Represents the bin option.
Gets or sets the steps.
Represents the bin transform option.
Gets or sets the bin.
Gets or sets the field.
Gets or sets the as.
Represents bin option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the steps.
Represents transform option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the bin.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the field.
Gets or sets the as.
Represents animation option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the mode.
Gets or sets the animation duration in milliseconds.
Gets or sets the topWidth.
Gets or sets time in milliseconds before the animation should start.
Gets or sets the staggering.
Represents the option of the axis.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the axis type.
Gets or sets the name of plots using the axis.
Gets or sets the axis title.
Gets or sets the axis position.
Gets or sets whether the labels can be overlapped.
Gets or sets whether the axis labels is shown.
Gets or sets the max value.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the min value.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the format of axis labels.
Gets or sets the axis scale.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis line is visible.
Gets or sets the axis style.
Gets or sets the axis text style.
Gets or sets the hover text style.
Gets or sets the axis label style.
Gets or sets the axis title style.
Gets or sets the number of units between axis labels.
Gets or sets the number of units between minor axis ticks.
Gets or sets the location of the major axis tick marks.
Gets or sets the location of the minor axis tick marks.
Gets or sets the major tick size.
Gets or sets the minor tick size.
Gets or sets the major tick style.
Gets or sets the minor tick style.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis includes major grid lines.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis includes minor grid lines.
Gets or sets the major grid style.
Gets or sets the minor grid style.
Gets or sets the axis line style.
Gets or sets the value at which an axis crosses the perpendicular axis.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axis is reversed (top to bottom or right to left).
Gets or sets the rotation angle of the axis labels.
The angle is measured in degrees with valid values ranging from -90 to 90.
Gets or sets the log base.
Gets or sets the axis height in the plot area.
Gets or sets the axis width in the plot area.
Represents bar option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the width for bar clusters.
Gets or set the bottomWidth
Gets or set the topWidth
Gets or sets the neckHeight
Gets or sets the amount of overlap between multiple bar plots.
Represents the config option of the control.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the bar option
Gets or sets the text displayed in the chart header.
Gets or sets the text displayed in the chart footer.
Gets or sets the plot area.
Gets or sets the layout of the plot areas.
Gets or sets the border style.
Gets or sets the background color.
The multi type is or or .
Gets or sets the global legend config.
Gets or sets the selection model.
Gets or sets the selected style.
Gets or sets the unselected style.
Gets or sets the style.
Gets or sets the text style.
Gets or sets the padding.
Represents data option of the control.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the name of the data source.
Gets or sets the value list.
Represents the style option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the opacity value.
Gets or sets the fill color.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke width.
Gets or sets the stroke dash array.
Gets or sets the symbol shape.
Gets or sets the opacity value of symbol.
Gets or sets the background color.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke width.
Gets or sets the stroke dash array.
Represents the encoding option of the plot encodings.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the field name.
Gets or sets the field displayed name.
Represents footer option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the text displayed in the chart footer.
Gets or sets the height of the chart footer.
Gets or sets the style of the chart footer.
Gets or sets the text style of the chart footer.
Gets or sets the footer padding.
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment.
Gets or sets the vertical alignment.
Represents global legend option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the legend orientation.
Gets or sets the legend position.
Gets or sets whether the title is wrapped.
Gets or sets the style
Gets or sets the text style.
Gets or sets title style
Gets or sets the hover text style.
Gets or sets the filtered out text style.
Gets or sets the hidden.
Gets or sets the padding.
Gets or sets the legend width.
Gets or sets the legend height.
Gets or sets the padding.
Represents header option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the text displayed in the chart header.
Gets or sets the height of the chart header.
Gets or sets the style of the chart header.
Gets or sets the text style of the chart header.
Gets or sets the header padding.
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment.
Gets or sets the vertical alignment.
Represents the legend option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the legend type.
Gets or sets the legend orientation.
Gets or sets the legend position.
Gets or sets the legend title.
Gets or sets the style
Gets or sets the text style.
Gets or sets title style
Gets or sets the hover text style.
Gets or sets the filtered out text style.
Gets or sets the ranges of the legend item value.
Gets or sets the hidden.
Gets or sets the padding.
Gets or sets the padding.
Represents the line style option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the stroke opacity.
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke width.
Gets or sets the stroke dash array.
Represents the overlay option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the type.
Gets or sets the position.
Gets or sets the label.
Gets or sets the style.
Represents the padding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The horz.
The vert
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The left.
The top.
The right.
The bottom.
Gets or sets the left.
Gets or sets the top.
Gets or sets the right.
Gets or sets the bottom.
Gets whether the option is empty.
Represents the Layout of plot area columns and rows.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the array of column widths.
Gets or sets the array of row heights.
Represents plot area.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the row index of plot area.
Gets or sets the column index of plot area.
Gets or sets the axis options.
Gets or sets the legend config of all legends in the plot area.
Gets or sets the legend config.
Gets or sets the border style.
Gets or sets the background color.
Gets or sets the padding.
Gets or sets the element style in the plot area.
Gets or sets the element text style in the plot area.
Represents the config option of the plot.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the plot is radial.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show data point symbols.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the axes is swapped.
Gets or sets the clipping mode
Gets or sets a value indicating how to show the null or empty value.
Gets or sets the type of the line of the line and area chart.
Gets or sets the offset of data point.
Gets or sets the inner radius(for radial plots).
Gets or sets the sweep of plot for radial plots.
The valid value should be between 0 to 360.
Gets or sets the starting angle of the plot.
Gets or sets the conditional formatting rules.
Gets or sets whether the bar lines is shown.
Gets or sets the element style in the plot.
Gets or sets text style in the plot.
Gets or sets the hover style.
Gets or sets the text config.
Gets or sets the tooltip config.
Gets or sets the trellis config.
Gets or sets the loading animation config.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the update animation config.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the hover animation config.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the overlays.
Gets or sets the map config.
Represents the config option for the data label.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the scope definition of the template.
Gets or sets the format template for the data label.
Gets or sets the text position of the data label.
Gets or sets the text offset of the data label.
Gets or sets how to handle overlapping labels.
Gets or sets the connecting line option.
Gets or sets the line position.
Gets or sets the style.
Gets or sets text style.
Represents the config option for the tooltip.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the scope definition of the template.
Gets or sets the format template for the data label.
Gets or sets the style.
Gets or sets text style.
Represents the config option for the trellis.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the trellis divider lines style.
Gets or sets text style.
Gets or sets the hover text style.
Represents the encodings option of the plot.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the value encodings.
Gets or sets the category encoding.
Gets or sets the detail encodings.
Gets or sets the color encoding.
Gets or sets the size encoding.
Gets or sets the shape encoding.
Gets or sets the text encodings.
Gets or sets the tooltip encodings.
Gets or sets the layout encoding.
Represents plot option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the plot name.
Gets or sets the plot type.
Gets or sets the plot encodings.
Gets or sets the plot config.
Represents the reference line overlay option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Represents the action in the conditional formatting rule option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the target element.
Gets or sets the collection of property name/value pairs.
The property value will be changed on the same target if the condition is true.
Represents the property definition in the action of the conditional formatting rule.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the property name .
Gets or sets the property value .
Represents the conditional formatting rule to change the property value if the condition is true.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the condition expression.
Gets or sets the current instance type in the condition expression.
The value should be following:
+ 'DataPoint' - The current instance should be point.
+ 'Group' - The current instance should be series.
Gets the rule action list.
Represents the style option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the border style.
Gets or sets the background color.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the stroke color.
Gets or sets the stroke width.
Gets or sets the stroke dash array.
Gets or sets the fill.
The multi type is or .
Represents the padding option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the overline.
Gets or sets the linethrough.
Gets or sets the underline.
Represents the text style option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the text color.
Gets or sets the font size.
Gets or sets the font family.
Gets or sets the font weight.
The multi type is or .
Gets or sets the font family.
Gets or sets the font family.
Represents scale option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets or sets the type of scale.
Represents base option.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets whether the option is empty.
Represents the filter plugin.
Registers the filter plugin.
The filter type.
The filter plugin.
Unregisters the filter plugin.
The filter type.
Checks whether the filter is registered.
The filter type.
True if it is registered, otherwise false.
Represents the filter plugin.
Creates a new filter plugin.
The new filter.
Creates a new filter plugin.
The new filter.
Gets the filter.
@param type - The type.
@return The filter.
The plugins utils.
Registers the string formatting plugin.
The string formatting type.
The string formatting plugin.
Unregisters the string formatting plugin.
The string formatting type.
Checks whether the string formatting is registered.
The string formatting type.
True if it is registered, otherwise false.
Represents the data content provider plugin.
Creates a new data content provider plugin.
The new data content provider.
Represents the string formatting plugin.
Creates a new string formatting plugin.
The new string formatting.
Represents the render engine.
Get the render context
Clear the viewport and start the rendering cycle.
Ends the rendering cycle.
Sets the size of the viewport.
The viewport width.
The viewport height.
Add clip rectangle on render.
The clip rectangle.
The group clip path name.
Start the rendering group.
The group class name.
The group clip path name.
End the rendering group.
Draw ellipse.
Draw rectangle.
Draw line.
Draw lines.
Draw splines.
Draw polygon.
Draw pie segment.
Draw donut segment.
Draw string.
Draw rotated string.
Draw image.
The image href.
Measure string.
The measure string.
The measure size.
Represents the context when the view is drawn.
Gets or sets the opacity used to fill the element.
Gets or sets the color used to fill the element.
Gets or sets the color used to outline the element.
Gets or sets the thickness of the outline.
Gets or sets the pattern of dashes and gaps of the outline.
Gets or sets the text color.
Gets or sets the font family for the text output.
Gets or sets the font size for the text output.
Gets or sets the font weight for the text output. The available values should be 100 ~ 900.
Gets or sets the font style for the text output.
Gets or set the text decoration for the text output.
Represents a render.
Gets the host element.
The host element.
Gets or sets the opacity used to fill the element.
Gets or sets the color used to fill the element.
Gets or sets the color used to outline the element.
Gets or sets the thickness of the outline.
Gets or sets the pattern of dashes and gaps of the outline.
Gets or sets the text color.
Gets or sets the font size for the text output.
Gets or sets the font family for the text output.
Gets or sets the font weight for the text output.
Gets or sets the font style for the text output.
Gets or sets the text decoration for the text output.
Gets or sets the devicePixelRatio for canvas renderengine
Clear the viewport and start the rendering cycle.
Ends the rendering cycle.
Sets the size of the viewport.
The viewport width.
The viewport height.
Begin the transform.
Restore the transform.
Draw string in the rectangle.
The string
The rectangle
The horizontal alignment.
The wrap setting.
The class name.
The group name.
The style setting.
Draw string in the rectangle.
The string
The suggested width.
The wrap setting.
The class name.
The group name.
The style setting.
The size.
Start group.
The class name.
The clip path.
End group.
Draw ellipse.
Draw rectangle.
Draw line.
Draw lines.
Draw splines.
Draw polygon.
Draw pie segment.
Draw donut segment.
Draw string.
Draw rotated string.
Draw image.
Measure string.
Add clip rectangle.
The host element.
Draws string in the rectangle.
@param s - The string
@param rectangle - The rectangle
@param horizontalAlignment - The horizontal alignment.
@param wrap - The wrapping.
@param className - The class name.
@param groupName - The group name.
@param style - The style.
Measures string in the rectangle.
@param s - The string
@param width - The suggested width.
@param wrap - The wrapping.
@param className - The class name.
@param groupName - The group name.
@param style - The style.
@return The size.
Measures multiple lines string in the specified width.
@param s - The string
@param width - The specified width.
@param className - The class name.
@param groupName - The group name.
@param style - The style.
@return The string and size of every line.
Measures first line string in the specified width.
@param s - The string
@param width - The specified width.
@param className - The class name.
@param groupName - The group name.
@param style - The style.
@return The end position and size of first line.
Begin the transform.
Shape types.
Shape interface.
Range for number data type.
Gets or sets the upper value for the number range.
Gets or sets the lower value for the number range.
Literal token
Gets or sets name.
Gets or sets default format string.
Title info.
Gets or sets the label text.
Gets or sets max value.
Multi type JSON Convertor.
Can convert.
Read JSON.
Write JSON.
The multi type object.
The value.
The value type.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The object value.
To string.
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
Represents the detail level in the reference line overlay.
Gets the axis line width.
Gets the axis line width.
Gets the min distance in the dimension values.
Gets the width of the stick.
Gets the outlineRectangle.
Gets the outlineRectangle.
Represents the css color.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the alpha channel value in a range from 0 to 1.
Gets the hsla color from the css color.
The css color.
The color.
Gets a tinted color.
The source color.
The tint value.
The new tinted color.
Converts to css color string.
The css color.
Represents the rgba color.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Gets the red channel value in a range from 0 to 255.
Gets the green channel value in a range from 0 to 255.
Gets the blue channel value in a range from 0 to 255.
Gets the rgba color from the css color.
The css named color or css rgb color.
The rgba color.
Gets a tinted color.
The source color.
The tint value.
The new tinted color.
Converts to css color string.
The css color.
Provides date and time utilities.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The time number values.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The system DateTime value.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The year.
The month.
The day.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The year.
The month.
The day.
The hour.
The min.
The sec.
Gets value with original type.
Gets the Datetime value.
The milliseconds.
operator >.
operator >=.
operator ==.
operator !=.
operator -.
Enumeration with value types.
Object (anything).