The Constants module contains miscellaneous constants. These constants can be used anywhere in your code.
Represents the object error number. User-defined error numbers should be greater than this value.
Represents a carriage-return character combined with a linefeed character for print and display functions.
Represents a newline character for print and display functions.
Represents a carriage-return character for print and display functions.
Represents a linefeed character for print and display functions.
Represents a backspace character for print and display functions.
Represents a form-feed character for print functions.
Represents a tab character for print and display functions.
Represents a carriage-return character for print functions.
Represents a null character for print and display functions.
Represents a zero-length string for print and display functions, and for calling external procedures.
Indicates the window style to use for the invoked program when calling the Shell function.
Indicates the window style to use for the invoked program when calling the Shell function.
Indicates the window style to use for the invoked program when calling the Shell function.
Indicates the window style to use for the invoked program when calling the Shell function.
Indicates the window style to use for the invoked program when calling the Shell function.
Indicates the window style to use for the invoked program when calling the Shell function.
Indicates the type of procedure being invoked when calling the CallByName function.
Indicates the type of procedure being invoked when calling the CallByName function.
Indicates the type of procedure being invoked when calling the CallByName function.
Indicates the type of procedure being invoked when calling the CallByName function.
Indicates how to compare strings when calling comparison functions.
Indicates how to compare strings when calling comparison functions.
Indicates how to display dates when calling the FormatDateTime function.
Indicates how to display dates when calling the FormatDateTime function.
Indicates how to display dates when calling the FormatDateTime function.
Indicates how to display dates when calling the FormatDateTime function.
Indicates how to display dates when calling the FormatDateTime function.
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the file attributes to use when calling file-access functions.
Indicates the file attributes to use when calling file-access functions.
Indicates the file attributes to use when calling file-access functions.
Indicates the file attributes to use when calling file-access functions.
Indicates the file attributes to use when calling file-access functions.
Indicates the file attributes to use when calling file-access functions.
Indicates the file attributes to use when calling file-access functions.
Indicates the first week of the year to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first week of the year to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first week of the year to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates the first week of the year to use when calling date-related functions.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Indicates a Boolean value or whether the default should be used when calling number-formatting functions.
Indicates a Boolean value or whether the default should be used when calling number-formatting functions.
Indicates a Boolean value or whether the default should be used when calling number-formatting functions.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Indicates which button was pressed on a message box, returned by the MsgBox function.
Indicates which button was pressed on a message box, returned by the MsgBox function.
Indicates which button was pressed on a message box, returned by the MsgBox function.
Indicates which button was pressed on a message box, returned by the MsgBox function.
Indicates which button was pressed on a message box, returned by the MsgBox function.
Indicates which button was pressed on a message box, returned by the MsgBox function.
Indicates which button was pressed on a message box, returned by the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
Indicates the type of procedure being invoked when calling the CallByName function.
A method is being invoked. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMethod.
A property value is being retrieved. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbGet.
An Object property value is being determined. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbLet.
A property value is being determined. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbSet.
Indicates the window style to use for the invoked program when calling the Shell function.
Window is hidden and focus is passed to the hidden window. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbHide.
Window has focus and is restored to its original size and position. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbNormalFocus.
Window is displayed as an icon with focus. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMinimizedFocus.
Window is maximized with focus. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMaximizedFocus.
Window is restored to its most recent size and position. The currently active window remains active. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbNormalNoFocus.
Window is displayed as an icon. The currently active window remains active. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMinimizedNoFocus.
Indicates the file attributes to use when calling file-access functions.
Normal (default for Dir and SetAttr). No special characteristics apply to this file. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbNormal.
Read only. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbReadOnly.
Hidden. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbHidden.
System file. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbSystem.
Volume label. This attribute is not valid when used with SetAttr. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbVolume.
Directory or folder. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbDirectory.
File has changed since last backup. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbArchive.
Indicates the type of a variant object, returned by the VarType function.
Null reference. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbEmpty.
Null object. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbNull.
Short. (-32,768 through 32,767.)
Integer. (-2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbInteger.
Single. (-3.402823E+38 through -1.401298E-45 for negative values; 1.401298E-45 through 3.402823E+38 for positive values.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbSingle.
Double. (-1.79769313486231E+308 through -4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values; 4.94065645841247E-324 through 1.79769313486231E+308 for positive values.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbDouble.
Currency. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbCurrency.
Date. (0:00:00 on January 1, 0001 through 11:59:59 PM on December 31, 9999.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbDate.
String. (0 to approximately 2 billion Unicode characters.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbString.
Any type can be stored in a variable of type Object. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbObject.
Boolean. (True or False.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbBoolean.
Variant. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbVariant.
Decimal. (0 through +/-79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 with no decimal point; 0 through +/-7.9228162514264337593543950335 with 28 places to the right of the decimal; smallest non-zero number is +/-0.0000000000000000000000000001.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbDecimal.
Byte. (0 through 255.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbByte.
Char. (0 through 65535.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbChar.
Long. (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbLong.
User-defined type. Each member of the structure has a range determined by its data type and independent of the ranges of the other members. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbUserDefinedType.
Array. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbArray.
Indicates which button was pressed on a message box, returned by the MsgBox function.
OK button was pressed. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbOK.
Cancel button was pressed. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbCancel.
Abort button was pressed. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbAbort.
Retry button was pressed. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbRetry.
Ignore button was pressed. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbIgnore.
Yes button was pressed. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbYes.
No button was pressed. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbNo.
Indicates which buttons to display when calling the MsgBox function.
OK button only (default). This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbOKOnly.
OK and Cancel buttons. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbOKCancel.
Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbAbortRetryIgnore.
Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbYesNoCancel.
Yes and No buttons. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbYesNo.
Retry and Cancel buttons. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbRetryCancel.
Critical message. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbCritical.
Warning query. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbQuestion.
Warning message. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbExclamation.
Information message. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbInformation.
First button is default. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbDefaultButton1.
Second button is default. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbDefaultButton2.
Third button is default. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbDefaultButton3.
Application modal message box. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbApplicationModal.
System modal message box. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbSystemModal.
Help text. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMsgBoxHelp.
Right-aligned text. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMsgBoxRight.
Right-to-left reading text (Hebrew and Arabic systems). This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMsgBoxRtlReading.
Foreground message box window. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMsgBoxSetForeground.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the hexadecimal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Return the integer portion of a number.
Required. A number of type Double or any valid numeric expression. If contains Nothing, Nothing is returned.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Returns a string representing the octal value of a number.
Required. Any valid numeric expression or String expression.
Returns a String representation of a number.
Returns a String representation of a number.
Required. An Object containing any valid numeric expression.
Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of appropriate type.
Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of appropriate type.
Required. Any valid String expression, Object variable, or Char value. If is of type Object, its value must be convertible to String or an error occurs.
Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of appropriate type.
Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of appropriate type.
Required. Any valid String expression, Object variable, or Char value. If is of type Object, its value must be convertible to String or an error occurs.
Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of appropriate type.
Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric value of appropriate type.
Required. Any valid String expression, Object variable, or Char value. If is of type Object, its value must be convertible to String or an error occurs.
Converts a string to a value.
A Boolean value. Returns False if the string is null; otherwise, True.
T he string to convert.
Converts an object to a value.
A Boolean value. Returns False if the object is null; otherwise, True.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to a value.
The Byte value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a value.
The Byte value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to a value.
The Char value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a value.
The Char value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to a value.
The DateTime value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a value.
The DateTime value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to a value.
The Double value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a value.
The Double value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a value to a value.
The Decimal value of the Boolean value.
A Boolean value to convert.
Converts a string to a value.
The Decimal value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a value.
The Decimal value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to an integer value.
The int value of the string.
he string to convert.
Converts an object to an integer value.
The int value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to a Long value.
The Long value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a Long value.
The Long value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to an value.
The SByte value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to an value.
The SByte value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to a Short value.
The Short value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a Short value.
The Short value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a to a value.
The Single value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a value.
The Single value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a value to a .
The String representation of the Boolean value.
The Boolean value to convert.
Converts a value to a .
The String representation of the Byte value.
The Byte value to convert.
Converts a value to a .
The String representation of the Char value.
The Char value to convert.
Converts a Short value to a value.
The String representation of the Short value.
The Short value to convert.
Converts an integer value to a value.
The String representation of the int value.
The int value to convert.
Converts a uint value to a value.
The String representation of the Uint value.
The Uint value to convert.
Converts a Long value to a value.
The String representation of the Long value.
The Long value to convert.
Converts a Ulong value to a value.
The String representation of the Ulong value.
The Ulong value to convert.
Converts a value (a single-precision floating point number) to a value.
The String representation of the Single value.
The Single value to convert.
Converts a value to a value.
The String representation of the Double value.
The Double value to convert.
Converts a value to a value, using the specified number format.
The String representation of the Single value.
The Single value to convert.
The number format to use, according to .
Converts a value to a value, using the specified number format.
The String representation of the Double value.
The Double value to convert.
The number format to use, according to .
Converts a value to a value.
The String representation of the DateTime value.
The DateTime value to convert.
Converts a value to a value.
The String representation of the Decimal value.
The Decimal value to convert.
Converts a value to a value, using the specified number format.
The String representation of the Decimal value.
The decimal value to convert.
The number format to use, according to .
Converts an object to a value.
The String representation of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a array to a string.
The string representation of the specified array.
The Char array to convert.
Converts a value to a string, given a byte count.
The string representation of the specified value.
The Char value to convert.
The byte count of the Char value.
Converts a subset of a array to a string.
The string representation of the specified array from the start position to the specified length.
The Char array to convert.
Zero-based index of the start position.
Length of the subset in bytes.
Converts a string to a Uint value.
The Uint value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a Uint value.
The Uint value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to a Ulong value.
The Ulong value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a Ulong value.
The Ulong value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts a string to a Ushort value.
The Ushort value of the string.
The string to convert.
Converts an object to a Ushort value.
The Ushort value of the object.
The object to convert.
Converts an object to the specified type.
An object of the specified target type.
The object to convert.
The type to which to convert the object.
Converts a string to a one-dimensional array.
A one-dimensional Char array.
The string to convert.
Returns a CharArray value that corresponds to the specified string.
The CharArray value that corresponds to .
Required. String to convert to a CharArray value.
Returns a CharArray value that corresponds to the specified object.
The CharArray value that corresponds to .
Required. Object to convert to a CharArray value.
Converts an object to the specified type.
An object whose type at run time is the requested target type.
The object to convert.The type to which to convert the object.
Converts an object to the specified generic type.
An object statically typed as the requested generic type.
The object to convert.The type to which to convert the object.
Converts an object to a generic type .
A structure or object of generic type .
The object to convert.
The type to convert to.
Indicates how to determine and format date intervals when calling date-related functions.
Quarter of year (1 through 4)
Month (1 through 12)
Day of year (1 through 366)
Day of month (1 through 31)
Week of year (1 through 53)
Day of week (1 through 7)
Hour (1 through 24)
Minute (1 through 60)
Second (1 through 60)
Indicates the first day of the week to use when calling date-related functions.
The first day of the week as specified in your system settings This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbUseSystemDayOfWeek.
Sunday (default) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbSunday.
Monday This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbMonday.
Tuesday This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbTuesday.
Wednesday This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbWednesday.
Thursday This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbThursday.
Friday This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbFriday.
Saturday This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbSaturday.
Indicates the first week of the year to use when calling date-related functions.
The day of the week specified in your system settings as the first day of the week This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbUseSystem.
The week in which January 1 occurs (default) This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbFirstJan1.
The first week that has at least four days in the new year This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbFirstFourDays.
The first full week of the year This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbFirstFullWeek.
Returns a Long value specifying the number of time intervals between two Date values.
Returns a Long value specifying the number of time intervals between two Date values.
Required. DateInterval enumeration value or String expression representing the time interval you want to use as the unit of difference between and .
Required. Date. The first date/time value you want to use in the calculation.
Required. Date. The second date/time value you want to use in the calculation.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstDayOfWeek enumeration that specifies the first day of the week. If not specified, FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday is used.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstWeekOfYear enumeration that specifies the first week of the year. If not specified, FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1 is used.
Returns a Date value containing a date and time value to which a specified time interval has been added.
Returns a Date value containing a date and time value to which a specified time interval has been added.
Required. DateInterval enumeration value or String expression representing the time interval you want to add.
Required. Double. Floating-point expression representing the number of intervals you want to add. can be positive (to get date/time values in the future) or negative (to get date/time values in the past). It can contain a fractional part when specifies hours, minutes, or seconds. For other values of , any fractional part of is ignored.
Required. Date. An expression representing the date and time to which the interval is to be added. itself is not changed in the calling program.
Returns a Date value containing a date and time value to which a specified time interval has been added.
Returns a Date value containing a date and time value to which a specified time interval has been added.
Required. DateInterval enumeration value or String expression representing the time interval you want to add.
Required. Double. Floating-point expression representing the number of intervals you want to add. can be positive (to get date/time values in the future) or negative (to get date/time values in the past). It can contain a fractional part when specifies hours, minutes, or seconds. For other values of , any fractional part of is ignored.
Required. Date. An expression representing the date and time to which the interval is to be added. itself is not changed in the calling program.
Returns a Long value specifying the number of time intervals between two Date values.
Returns a Long value specifying the number of time intervals between two Date values.
Required. DateInterval enumeration value or String expression representing the time interval you want to use as the unit of difference between and .
Required. Date. The first date/time value you want to use in the calculation.
Required. Date. The second date/time value you want to use in the calculation.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstDayOfWeek enumeration that specifies the first day of the week. If not specified, FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday is used.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstWeekOfYear enumeration that specifies the first week of the year. If not specified, FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1 is used.
Returns an Integer value containing the specified component of a given Date value.
Returns an Integer value containing the specified component of a given Date value.
Required. DateInterval enumeration value or String expression representing the part of the date/time value you want to return.
Required. Date value that you want to evaluate.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstDayOfWeek enumeration that specifies the first day of the week. If not specified, FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday is used.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstWeekOfYear enumeration that specifies the first week of the year. If not specified, FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1 is used.
Returns an Integer value containing the specified component of a given Date value.
Returns an Integer value containing the specified component of a given Date value.
Required. DateInterval enumeration value or String expression representing the part of the date/time value you want to return.
Required. Date value that you want to evaluate.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstDayOfWeek enumeration that specifies the first day of the week. If not specified, FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday is used.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstWeekOfYear enumeration that specifies the first week of the year. If not specified, FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1 is used.
Returns a Date value representing a specified year, month, and day, with the time information set to midnight (00:00:00).
Returns a Date value representing a specified year, month, and day, with the time information set to midnight (00:00:00).
Required. Integer expression from 1 through 9999. However, values below this range are also accepted. If is 0 through 99, it is interpreted as being between 1930 and 2029, as explained in the "Remarks" section below. If is less than 1, it is subtracted from the current year.
Required. Integer expression from 1 through 12. However, values outside this range are also accepted. The value of is offset by 1 and applied to January of the calculated year. In other words, ( - 1) is added to January. The year is recalculated if necessary. The following results illustrate this effect:
If is 1, the result is January of the calculated year.
If is 0, the result is December of the previous year.
If is -1, the result is November of the previous year.
If is 13, the result is January of the following year.
Required. Integer expression from 1 through 31. However, values outside this range are also accepted. The value of is offset by 1 and applied to the first day of the calculated month. In other words, ( - 1) is added to the first of the month. The month and year are recalculated if necessary. The following results illustrate this effect:
If is 1, the result is the first day of the calculated month.
If is 0, the result is the last day of the previous month.
If is -1, the result is the penultimate day of the previous month.
If is past the end of the current month, the result is the appropriate day of the following month. For example, if is 4 and is 31, the result is May 1.
Returns a String value representing the current date according to your system.
Returns a String value representing the current date according to your system.
Returns a Date value containing the date information represented by a string, with the time information set to midnight (00:00:00).
Returns a Date value containing the date information represented by a string, with the time information set to midnight (00:00:00).
Required. String expression representing a date/time value from 00:00:00 on January 1 of the year 1 through 23:59:59 on December 31, 9999.
Returns an Integer value from 1 through 31 representing the day of the month.
Returns an Integer value from 1 through 31 representing the day of the month.
Required. Date value from which you want to extract the day.
Returns an Integer value from 0 through 23 representing the hour of the day.
Returns an Integer value from 0 through 23 representing the hour of the day.
Required. Date value from which you want to extract the hour.
Returns an Integer value from 0 through 59 representing the minute of the hour.
Returns an Integer value from 0 through 59 representing the minute of the hour.
Required. Date value from which you want to extract the minute.
Returns an Integer value from 1 through 12 representing the month of the year.
Returns an Integer value from 1 through 12 representing the month of the year.
Required. Date value from which you want to extract the month.
Returns a String value containing the name of the specified month.
Returns a String value containing the name of the specified month.
Required. Integer. The numeric designation of the month, from 1 through 13; 1 indicates January and 12 indicates December. You can use the value 13 with a 13-month calendar. If your system is using a 12-month calendar and is 13, MonthName returns an empty string.
Optional. Boolean value that indicates if the month name is to be abbreviated. If omitted, the default is False, which means the month name is not abbreviated.
Returns a Date value containing the current date and time according to your system.
Returns a Date value containing the current date and time according to your system.
Returns an Integer value from 0 through 59 representing the second of the minute.
Returns an Integer value from 0 through 59 representing the second of the minute.
Required. Date value from which you want to extract the second.
Returns a Date value containing the current time of day according to your system.
Returns a Date value containing the current time of day according to your system.
Returns a Double value representing the number of seconds elapsed since midnight.
Returns a Double value representing the number of seconds elapsed since midnight.
Returns a Date value representing a specified hour, minute, and second, with the date information set relative to January 1 of the year 1.
Returns a Date value representing a specified hour, minute, and second, with the date information set relative to January 1 of the year 1.
Required. Integer expression from 0 through 23. However, values outside this range are also accepted.
Required. Integer expression from 0 through 59. However, values outside this range are also accepted. The value of is added to the calculated hour, so a negative value specifies minutes before that hour.
Required. Integer expression from 0 through 59. However, values outside this range are also accepted. The value of is added to the calculated minute, so a negative value specifies seconds before that minute.
Returns a String value representing the current time of day according to your system.
Returns a String value representing the current time of day according to your system.
Returns a Date value containing the time information represented by a string, with the date information set to January 1 of the year 1.
Returns a Date value containing the time information represented by a string, with the date information set to January 1 of the year 1.
Required. String expression representing a date/time value from 00:00:00 on January 1 of the year 1 through 23:59:59 on December 31, 9999.
Returns a Date value containing the current date according to your system.
Returns a Date value containing the current date according to your system.
Returns an Integer value containing a number representing the day of the week.
Returns an Integer value containing a number representing the day of the week.
Required. Date value for which you want to determine the day of the week.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstDayOfWeek enumeration that specifies the first day of the week. If not specified, FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday is used.
Returns a String value containing the name of the specified weekday.
Returns a String value containing the name of the specified weekday.
Required. Integer. The numeric designation for the weekday, from 1 through 7; 1 indicates the first day of the week and 7 indicates the last day of the week. The identities of the first and last days depend on the setting of .
Optional. Boolean value that indicates if the weekday name is to be abbreviated. If omitted, the default is False, which means the weekday name is not abbreviated.
Optional. A value chosen from the FirstDayOfWeek enumeration that specifies the first day of the week. If not specified, FirstDayOfWeek.System is used.
Returns an Integer value from 1 through 9999 representing the year.
Returns an Integer value from 1 through 9999 representing the year.
Required. Date value from which you want to extract the year.
Performs an addition (+) operation.
The sum of and .
Required. Any numeric expression.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Performs a subtraction (–) operation.
The difference between and .
Required. Any numeric expression.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Performs a unary minus (–) operation.
The negative value of .
Required. Any numeric expression.
Performs a multiplication (*) operation.
The product of and .
Required. Any numeric expression.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Performs an integer division (\) operation.
The integer quotient of divided by , which discards any remainder and retains only the integer portion.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Performs a division (/) operation.
The full quotient of divided by , including any remainder.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Performs a modulus (Mod) operation.
The remainder after is divided by .
Required. Any numeric expression.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Performs an exponent (^) operation.
The result of raised to the power of .
Required. Any numeric expression.
Required. Any numeric expression.
Performs an arithmetic left shift (<<) operation.
An integral numeric value. The result of shifting the bit pattern. The data type is the same as that of .
Required. Integral numeric expression. The bit pattern to be shifted. The data type must be an integral type (SByte, Byte, Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, or ULong).
Required. Numeric expression. The number of bits to shift the bit pattern. The data type must be Integer or widen to Integer.
Performs an arithmetic right shift (>>) operation.
An integral numeric value. The result of shifting the bit pattern. The data type is the same as that of .
Required. Integral numeric expression. The bit pattern to be shifted. The data type must be an integral type (SByte, Byte, Short, UShort, Integer, UInteger, Long, or ULong).
Required. Numeric expression. The number of bits to shift the bit pattern. The data type must be Integer or widen to Integer.
Performs a bitwise And operation.
1 if both and evaluate to 1; otherwise, 0.
Required. Any Boolean or numeric expression.
Required. Any Boolean or numeric expression.
Performs a bitwise Or operation.
0 if both and evaluate to 0; otherwise, 1.
Required. Any Boolean or numeric expression.
Required. Any Boolean or numeric expression.
Performs an Xor operation.
A numeric value that represents the bitwise exclusion (exclusive bitwise disjunction) of two numeric bit patterns. For more information, see Xor Operator (Visual Basic).
Required. Any Boolean or numeric expression.
Required. Any Boolean or numeric expression.
Performs binary or text string comparison when given two objects.
Value Condition
is less than .
is equal to .
is greater than .
Required. Any expression.
Required. Any expression.
Required. True to perform a case-insensitive string comparison; otherwise, False.
Performs a Not operation.
For Boolean operations, False if is True; otherwise, True. For bitwise operations, 1 if is 0; otherwise, 0.
Required. Any Boolean or numeric expression.
Indicates how to compare strings when calling comparison functions.
Performs a binary comparison. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbBinaryCompare.
Performs a textual comparison. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbTextCompare.
Indicates a Boolean value or whether the default should be used when calling number-formatting functions.
False. The numeric value of this member is 0.
True. The numeric value of this member is -1.
Default setting. The numeric value of this member is -2.
Indicates how to display dates when calling the FormatDateTime function.
For real numbers, displays a date and time. If the number has no fractional part, displays only a date. If the number has no integer part, displays time only. Date and time display is determined by your computer's regional settings. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbGeneralDate.
Displays a date using the long-date format specified in your computer's regional settings. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbLongDate.
Displays a date using the short-date format specified in your computer's regional settings. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbShortDate.
Displays a time using the long-time format specified in your computer's regional settings. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbLongTime.
Displays a time using the short-time format specified in your computer's regional settings. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbShortTime.
Indicates which type of conversion to perform when calling the StrConv function.
Performs no conversion.
Converts the string to uppercase characters. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbUpperCase.
Converts the string to lowercase characters. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbLowerCase.
Converts the first letter of every word in the string to uppercase. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbProperCase.
Converts narrow (single-byte) characters in the string to wide (double-byte) characters. Applies to Asian locales. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbWide.
Converts wide (double-byte) characters in the string to narrow (single-byte) characters. Applies to Asian locales. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbNarrow.
Converts Hiragana characters in the string to Katakana characters. Applies to Japanese locale only. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbKatakana.
Converts Katakana characters in the string to Hiragana characters. Applies to Japanese locale only. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbHiragana.
Converts the string to Simplified Chinese characters. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbSimplifiedChinese.
Converts the string to Traditional Chinese characters. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbTraditionalChinese.
Converts the string from file system rules for casing to linguistic rules. This member is equivalent to the Visual Basic constant vbLinguisticCasing.
Performs binary or text string comparison when given two strings.
Value Condition
is less than .
is equal to .
is greater than .
Required. Any String expression.
Required. Any String expression.
Required. True to perform a case-insensitive string comparison; otherwise, False.
Returns an Integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Returns an Integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Required. Any valid Char or String expression. If is a String expression, only the first character of the string is used for input. If is Nothing or contains no characters, an error occurs.
Returns an Integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Returns an Integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Required. Any valid Char or String expression. If is a String expression, only the first character of the string is used for input. If is Nothing or contains no characters, an error occurs.
Returns an Integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Returns an Integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Required. Any valid Char or String expression. If is a String expression, only the first character of the string is used for input. If is Nothing or contains no characters, an error occurs.
Returns an Integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Returns an Integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Required. Any valid Char or String expression. If is a String expression, only the first character of the string is used for input. If is Nothing or contains no characters, an error occurs.
Returns the character associated with the specified character code.
Returns the character associated with the specified character code.
Required. An Integer expression representing the code point, or character code, for the character. If is outside the valid range, an error occurs. The valid range for Chr is 0 through 255, and the valid range for ChrW is -32768 through 65535.
Returns the character associated with the specified character code.
Returns the character associated with the specified character code.
Required. An Integer expression representing the code point, or character code, for the character. If is outside the valid range, an error occurs. The valid range for Chr is 0 through 255, and the valid range for ChrW is -32768 through 65535.
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a String array based on specified filter criteria.
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a String array based on specified filter criteria.
Required. One-dimensional array of strings to be searched.
Required. String to search for.
Optional. Boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude . If is True, the Filter function returns the subset of the array that contains as a substring. If is False, the Filter function returns the subset of the array that does not contain as a substring.
Optional. Numeric value indicating the kind of string comparison to use. See "Settings" for values.
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a String array based on specified filter criteria.
Returns a zero-based array containing a subset of a String array based on specified filter criteria.
Required. One-dimensional array of strings to be searched.
Required. String to search for.
Optional. Boolean value indicating whether to return substrings that include or exclude . If is True, the Filter function returns the subset of the array that contains as a substring. If is False, the Filter function returns the subset of the array that does not contain as a substring.
Optional. Numeric value indicating the kind of string comparison to use. See "Settings" for values.
Returns a string formatted according to instructions contained in a format String expression.
Returns a string formatted according to instructions contained in a format String expression.
Required. Any valid expression.
Optional. A valid named or user-defined format String expression.
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
Required. Expression to be formatted.
Optional. Numeric value indicating how many places are displayed to the right of the decimal. Default value is –1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
Optional. TriState enumeration that indicates whether or not a leading zero is displayed for fractional values. See "Settings" for values.
Optional. TriState enumeration that indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See "Settings" for values.
Optional. TriState enumeration that indicates whether or not numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the computer's regional settings. See "Settings" for values.
Returns a string expression representing a date/time value.
Returns a string expression representing a date/time value.
Required. Date expression to be formatted.
Optional. Numeric value that indicates the date/time format used. If omitted, DateFormat.GeneralDate is used.
Returns an expression formatted as a number.
Returns an expression formatted as a number.
Required. Expression to be formatted.
Optional. Numeric value indicating how many places are displayed to the right of the decimal. The default value is –1, which indicates that the computer's regional settings are used.
Optional. TriState constant that indicates whether a leading 0 is displayed for fractional values. See "Settings" for values.
Optional. TriState constant that indicates whether to place negative values within parentheses. See "Settings" for values.
Optional. TriState constant that indicates whether or not numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the locale settings. See "Settings" for values.
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (that is, multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (that is, multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.
Required. Expression to be formatted.
Optional. Numeric value indicating how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default value is –1, which indicates that the locale settings are used.
Optional. TriState constant that indicates whether or not a leading zero displays for fractional values. See "Settings" for values.
Optional. TriState constant that indicates whether or not to place negative values within parentheses. See "Settings" for values.
Optional. TriState constant that indicates whether or not numbers are grouped using the group delimiter specified in the locale settings. See "Settings" for values.
Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
If is zero length or Nothing, InStr returns 0. If is zero length or Nothing, InStr returns . If is not found, InStr returns 0. If is found within , InStr returns position where match begins. If > , InStr returns 0.
Required. String expression being searched.
Required. String expression sought.
Optional. Specifies the type of string comparison. If is omitted, the Option Compare setting determines the type of comparison.
Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
If is zero length or Nothing, InStr returns 0. If is zero length or Nothing, InStr returns . If is not found, InStr returns 0. If is found within , InStr returns position where match begins. If > , InStr returns 0.
Optional. Numeric expression that sets the starting position for each search. If omitted, search begins at the first character position. The start index is 1-based.
Required. String expression being searched.
Required. String expression sought.
Optional. Specifies the type of string comparison. If is omitted, the Option Compare setting determines the type of comparison.
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another, starting from the right side of the string.
If is zero-length, InStrRev returns 0. If is zero-length, InStrRev returns . If is not found, InStrRev returns 0. If is found within , InStrRev returns position at which the first match is found, starting with the right side of the string. If is greater than length of , InStrRev returns 0.
Required. String expression being searched.
Required. String expression being searched for.
Optional. Numeric expression setting the one-based starting position for each search, starting from the left side of the string. If is omitted then –1 is used, meaning the search begins at the last character position. Search then proceeds from right to left.
Optional. Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. If omitted, a binary comparison is performed. See Settings for values.
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
Required. One-dimensional array containing substrings to be joined.
Optional. Any string, used to separate the substrings in the returned string. If omitted, the space character (" ") is used. If is a zero-length string ("") or Nothing, all items in the list are concatenated with no delimiters.
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
Required. One-dimensional array containing substrings to be joined.
Optional. Any string, used to separate the substrings in the returned string. If omitted, the space character (" ") is used. If is a zero-length string ("") or Nothing, all items in the list are concatenated with no delimiters.
Returns a string or character converted to lowercase.
Returns a string or character converted to lowercase.
Required. Any valid String or Char expression.
Returns a string or character converted to lowercase.
Returns a string or character converted to lowercase.
Required. Any valid String or Char expression.
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
Required. String expression from which the leftmost characters are returned.
Required. Integer expression. Numeric expression indicating how many characters to return. If 0, a zero-length string ("") is returned. If greater than or equal to the number of characters in , the entire string is returned.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Any valid String expression or variable name. If is of type Object, the Len function returns the size as it will be written to the file by the FilePut function.
Returns a left-aligned string containing the specified string adjusted to the specified length.
Returns a left-aligned string containing the specified string adjusted to the specified length.
Required. String expression. Name of string variable.
Required. Integer expression. Length of returned string.
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim), or no leading or trailing spaces (Trim).
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim), or no leading or trailing spaces (Trim).
Required. Any valid String expression.
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from a string.
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from a string.
Required. String expression from which characters are returned.
Required. Integer expression. Starting position of the characters to return. If is greater than the number of characters in , the Mid function returns a zero-length string (""). is one based.
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from a string.
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from a string.
Required. String expression from which characters are returned.
Required. Integer expression. Starting position of the characters to return. If is greater than the number of characters in , the Mid function returns a zero-length string (""). is one based.
Optional. Integer expression. Number of characters to return. If omitted or if there are fewer than characters in the text (including the character at position ), all characters from the start position to the end of the string are returned.
Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
If is zero-length or Nothing, Replace returns copy of . If is zero-length, Replace returns copy of with no occurrences of . If is zero-length or Nothing, or is greater than length of , Replace returns Nothing. If is 0, Replace returns copy of .
Required. String expression containing substring to replace.
Required. Substring being searched for.
Required. Replacement substring.
Optional. Position within where substring search is to begin. If omitted, 1 is assumed.
Optional. Number of substring substitutions to perform. If omitted, the default value is –1, which means "make all possible substitutions."
Optional. Numeric value indicating the kind of comparison to use when evaluating substrings. See Settings for values.
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.
Required. String expression from which the rightmost characters are returned.
Required. Integer. Numeric expression indicating how many characters to return. If 0, a zero-length string ("") is returned. If greater than or equal to the number of characters in , the entire string is returned.
Returns a right-aligned string containing the specified string adjusted to the specified length.
Returns a right-aligned string containing the specified string adjusted to the specified length.
Required. String expression. Name of string variable.
Required. Integer expression. Length of returned string.
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim), or no leading or trailing spaces (Trim).
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim), or no leading or trailing spaces (Trim).
Required. Any valid String expression.
Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
Required. Integer expression. The number of spaces you want in the string.
Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a specified number of substrings.
String array. If is a zero-length string (""), Split returns a single-element array containing a zero-length string. If is a zero-length string, or if it does not appear anywhere in , Split returns a single-element array containing the entire string.
Required. String expression containing substrings and delimiters.
Optional. Any single character used to identify substring limits. If is omitted, the space character (" ") is assumed to be the delimiter.
Optional. Maximum number of substrings into which the input string should be split. The default, –1, indicates that the input string should be split at every occurrence of the string.
Optional. Numeric value indicating the comparison to use when evaluating substrings. See "Settings" for values.
Returns -1, 0, or 1, based on the result of a string comparison.
If sorts ahead of , StrComp returns -1. If is equal to , StrComp returns 0. If sorts after , StrComp returns 1.
Required. Any valid String expression.
Required. Any valid String expression.
Optional. Specifies the type of string comparison. If is omitted, the Option Compare setting determines the type of comparison.
[NotImplemented] Returns a string converted as specified.
This method called kernel32.dll.
Returns a string converted as specified.
Required. String expression to be converted.
Required. VbStrConv Enumeration member. The enumeration value specifying the type of conversion to perform.
Optional. The LocaleID value, if different from the system LocaleID value. (The system LocaleID value is the default.)
Returns a string or object consisting of the specified character repeated the specified number of times.
Returns a string or object consisting of the specified character repeated the specified number of times.
Required. Integer expression. The length to the string to be returned.
Required. Any valid Char, String, or Object expression. Only the first character of the expression will be used. If Character is of type Object, it must contain either a Char or a String value.
Returns a string or object consisting of the specified character repeated the specified number of times.
Returns a string or object consisting of the specified character repeated the specified number of times.
Required. Integer expression. The length to the string to be returned.
Required. Any valid Char, String, or Object expression. Only the first character of the expression will be used. If Character is of type Object, it must contain either a Char or a String value.
Returns a string or object consisting of the specified character repeated the specified number of times.
Returns a string or object consisting of the specified character repeated the specified number of times.
Required. Integer expression. The length to the string to be returned.
Required. Any valid Char, String, or Object expression. Only the first character of the expression will be used. If Character is of type Object, it must contain either a Char or a String value.
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
Required. String expression whose characters are to be reversed. If is a zero-length string (""), a zero-length string is returned.
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim), or no leading or trailing spaces (Trim).
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim), or no leading or trailing spaces (Trim).
Required. Any valid String expression.
Returns a string or character containing the specified string converted to uppercase.
Returns a string or character containing the specified string converted to uppercase.
Required. Any valid String or Char expression.1
Returns a string or character containing the specified string converted to uppercase.
Returns a string or character containing the specified string converted to uppercase.
Required. Any valid String or Char expression.
Compares the parameters and and returns the same results as the Like operator.
A Boolean value indicating whether or not the string satisfies the pattern. If the value in string satisfies the pattern contained in pattern, result is True. If the string does not satisfy the pattern, result is False. If both string and pattern are empty strings, the result is True.
Required. Any String expression.
Any String expression conforming to the pattern-matching conventions described in Like Operator (Visual Basic).
Specifies how to compare strings to patterns, according to the CompareMethod Enumeration. Can be vbBinaryCompare for binary comparison or vbTextCompare for comparison based on a case-insensitive text sort order determined by your system's LocaleID value.
Compares the parameters and and returns the same results as the Like operator, using binary comparison.
A Boolean value indicating whether or not the string satisfies the pattern. If the value in string satisfies the pattern contained in pattern, result is True. If the string does not satisfy the pattern, result is False. If both string and pattern are empty strings, the result is True.
Required. Any String expression.
Required. Any String expression conforming to the pattern-matching conventions described in Like Operator (Visual Basic).
Compares the parameters and and returns the same results as the Like operator, using text comparison.
A Boolean value indicating whether or not the string satisfies the pattern. If the value in string satisfies the pattern contained in pattern, result is True. If the string does not satisfy the pattern, result is False. If both string and pattern are empty strings, the result is True.
Required. Any String expression.
Required. Any String expression conforming to the pattern-matching conventions described in Like Operator (Visual Basic).
Initializes the random-number generator.
Initializes the random-number generator.
Optional. An Object or any valid numeric expression.
Returns a random number of type Single.
If number is less than zero, Rnd generates the same number every time, using as the seed. If number is greater than zero, Rnd generates the next random number in the sequence. If number is equal to zero, Rnd generates the most recently generated number. If number is not supplied, Rnd generates the next random number in the sequence.
Returns a random number of type Single.
If number is less than zero, Rnd generates the same number every time, using as the seed. If number is greater than zero, Rnd generates the next random number in the sequence. If number is equal to zero, Rnd generates the most recently generated number. If number is not supplied, Rnd generates the next random number in the sequence.
Optional. A Single value or any valid Single expression.
Used by the Visual Basic compiler as a helper for Redim.
The copied array.
The array to be copied. `
The destination array.