Provides helper methods to retrieve classes from assemblies.
Returns all visible, non-abstract classes from .
The assemblies.
All visible, non-abstract classes found in the assemblies.
is .
contains elements.
All exceptions thrown while getting types from the assemblies are ignored, and the types that can be retrieved are returned.
Returns all visible, non-abstract classes from , and optionally skips errors.
to skip errors; otherwise, .
The assemblies.
All visible, non-abstract classes.
is .
contains elements.
If is , all exceptions thrown while getting types from the assemblies are ignored, and the types
that can be retrieved are returned; otherwise, the original exception is thrown.
Returns all visible, non-abstract classes from .
to skip errors; otherwise, .
The assemblies.
All visible, non-abstract classes.
is .
contains elements.
If is , all exceptions thrown while getting types from the assemblies are ignored, and the types
that can be retrieved are returned; otherwise, the original exception is thrown.
Returns all visible, non-abstract classes from all assemblies that are loaded in the current application domain.
to include system assemblies; otherwise, . Defaults to .
to include the Unity assemblies; otherwise, . Defaults to .
to include dynamic assemblies; otherwise, . Defaults to .
to skip errors; otherwise, .
All visible, non-abstract classes in the loaded assemblies.
If is , all exceptions thrown while getting types from the assemblies are ignored, and the types
that can be retrieved are returned; otherwise, the original exception is thrown.
Returns all visible, non-abstract classes from all assemblies that are located in the base folder of the current application domain.
to include system assemblies; otherwise, . Defaults to .
to include the Unity assemblies; otherwise, . Defaults to .
to skip errors; otherwise, .
All visible, non-abstract classes.
If is , all exceptions thrown while loading assemblies or getting types from the assemblies are ignored, and the types
that can be retrieved are returned; otherwise, the original exception is thrown.
The exception that is thrown when registering multiple types would result in an type mapping being overwritten.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
The name for the mapping.
The source type for the mapping.
The type currently mapped.
The new type to map.
Gets the name for the mapping.
Gets the source type for the mapping.
Gets the type currently mapped.
Gets the new type to map.
A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
Looks up a localized string similar to An attempt to override an existing mapping was detected for type {1} with name "{0}", currently mapped to type {2}, to type {3}..
Looks up a localized string similar to The set of assemblies contains a null element..
Represents a set of types to register and their registration settings.
Gets types to register.
Gets a function to get the types that will be requested for each type to configure.
Gets a function to get the name to use for the registration of each type.
Gets a function to get the for the registration of each type. Defaults to no lifetime management.
Gets a function to get the additional objects for the registration of each type. Defaults to no injection members.
Provides a set of convenience overloads to the
interface to support registration of multiple types.
Registers the supplied types by using the specified rules for name, lifetime manager, injection members, and registration types.
The container to configure.
The types to register. The methods in the class can be used to scan assemblies to get types, and further filtering can be performed using LINQ queries.
A function that gets the types that will be requested for each type to configure. It can be a method from the class or a custom function. Defaults to no registration types, and registers only the supplied types.
A function that gets the name to use for the registration of each type. It can be a method from the or a custom function. Defaults to no name.
A function that gets the for the registration of each type. It can be a method from the class or a custom function. Defaults to no lifetime management.
A function that gets the additional objects for the registration of each type. Defaults to no injection members.
to overwrite existing mappings; otherwise, . Defaults to .
The container that this method was called on.
A new registration would overwrite an existing mapping and is .
Registers the types according to the .
The container to configure.
The convention to determine which types will be registered and how.
to overwrite existing mappings; otherwise, . Defaults to .
The container that this method was called on.
Provides helper methods to specify the lifetime for a type with registration by convention.
Returns a .
The type.
A lifetime manager
Returns a .
The type.
A container controlled lifetime manager.
Returns a .
The type.
An externally controlled lifetime manager.
Returns a .
The type.
A hierarchical lifetime manager.
Returns a .
The type.
A per resolve lifetime manager.
Returns a .
The type.
A transient lifetime manager.
Returns a .
The custom type.
The type.
A lifetime manager.
Returns a .
The type.
A per thread lifetime manager.
Provides helper methods to map types to the types interfaces to which register them.
Returns no types.
The type to register.
An empty enumeration.
Returns an enumeration with the interface that matches the name of .
The type to register.
An enumeration with the first interface matching the name of (for example, if type is MyType, a matching interface is IMyType),
or an empty enumeration if no such interface is found.
Returns an enumeration with all the interfaces implemented by .
The type to register.
An enumeration with all the interfaces implemented by the implementation type except .
Returns an enumeration with all the interfaces implemented by that belong to the same assembly as implementationType.
The type to register.
An enumeration with all the interfaces implemented by the implementation type that belong to the same assembly.
Provides helper methods to get type names.
Returns the type name.
The type.
The type name.
Returns null for the registration name.
The type.