/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Open Lab Written by Roberto Bicchierai and Silvia Chelazzi http://roberto.open-lab.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ $.gridify = function (table, opt) { var options = { resizeZoneWidth: 10 }; $.extend(options, opt); var box = $("
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").addClass("columnWidthTest").html(content).css({position: "absolute"}); $("body").append(tmp); w = Math.max(w, tmp.width() + parseFloat(td.css("padding-left"))); tmp.remove(); }); w = w + 5; col.width(w); col.data("fTh").width(w); //save columns dimension storeGridState(); return false; }).addClass("gdfied unselectable").attr("unselectable", "true"); function storeGridState() { //console.debug("storeGridState"); if (localStorage) { var gridState = {}; var colSizes = []; $(".gdfTable .gdfColHeader").each(function () { colSizes.push($(this).outerWidth()); }); gridState.colSizes = colSizes; localStorage.setObject("TWPGanttGridState", gridState); //console.debug("gridState",localStorage.getItem("TWPGanttGridState")); } } function loadGridState() { //console.debug("loadGridState") if (localStorage) { if (localStorage.getObject("TWPGanttGridState")) { var gridState = localStorage.getObject("TWPGanttGridState"); if (gridState.colSizes) { box.find(".gdfTable .gdfColHeader").each(function (i) { $(this).width(gridState.colSizes[i]); }); } } } } loadGridState(); return box; }; $.splittify = { init: function (where, first, second, perc) { //perc = perc || 50; var element = $("
").addClass("splitterContainer"); var firstBox = $("
").addClass("splitElement splitBox1"); var splitterBar = $("
").addClass("splitElement vSplitBar").attr("unselectable", "on").css("padding-top", where.height() / 2 + "px"); var secondBox = $("
").addClass("splitElement splitBox2"); var splitter = new Splitter(element, firstBox, secondBox, splitterBar); splitter.perc = perc; //override with saved one loadPosition(); var toLeft = $("
").addClass("toLeft").html("{").click(function () {splitter.resize(0.001, 300);}); splitterBar.append(toLeft); var toCenter = $("
").addClass("toCenter").html("©").click(function () {splitter.resize(50, 300);}); splitterBar.append(toCenter); var toRight = $("
").addClass("toRight").html("}").click(function () {splitter.resize(99.9999, 300);}); splitterBar.append(toRight); firstBox.append(first); secondBox.append(second); element.append(firstBox).append(secondBox).append(splitterBar); where.append(element); var totalW = where.innerWidth(); var splW = splitterBar.width(); var fbw = totalW * perc / 100 - splW; //var realW = firstBox.get(0).scrollWidth; //fbw = fbw > realW? realW: fbw; fbw = fbw > totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth ? totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth : fbw; firstBox.width(fbw).css({left: 0}); splitterBar.css({left: firstBox.width()}); secondBox.width(totalW - fbw - splW).css({left: firstBox.width() + splW}); splitterBar.on("mousedown.gdf", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $("body").addClass("gdfHResizing"); $.splittify.splitterBar = $(this); //on event for start resizing //console.debug("start splitting"); //var realW = firstBox.get(0).scrollWidth; $("body").unselectable().on("mousemove.gdf", function (e) { //manage resizing //console.debug(e.pageX - $.gridify.columInResize.offset().left) e.preventDefault(); var sb = $.splittify.splitterBar; var pos = e.pageX - sb.parent().offset().left; var w = sb.parent().width(); var fbw = firstBox; pos = pos > splitter.firstBoxMinWidth ? pos : splitter.firstBoxMinWidth; //pos = pos < realW - 10 ? pos : realW - 10; pos = pos > totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth ? totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth : pos; sb.css({left: pos}); firstBox.width(pos); secondBox.css({left: pos + sb.width(), width: w - pos - sb.width()}); splitter.perc = (firstBox.width() / splitter.element.width()) * 100; //on mouse up on body to stop resizing }).on("mouseup.gdf", function () { //console.debug("stop splitting"); $(this).off("mousemove.gdf").off("mouseup.gdf").clearunselectable(); delete $.splittify.splitterBar; $("body").removeClass("gdfHResizing"); storePosition(); }); }); // keep both side in synch when scroll var stopScroll = false; var fs = firstBox.add(secondBox); fs.scroll(function (e) { var el = $(this); var top = el.scrollTop(); if (el.is(".splitBox1") && stopScroll != "splitBox2") { stopScroll = "splitBox1"; secondBox.scrollTop(top); } else if (el.is(".splitBox2") && stopScroll != "splitBox1") { stopScroll = "splitBox2"; firstBox.scrollTop(top); } firstBox.find(".ganttFixHead").css('top', top); secondBox.find(".ganttFixHead").css('top', top); where.stopTime("reset").oneTime(100, "reset", function () {stopScroll = "";}) }); firstBox.on('mousewheel MozMousePixelScroll', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var deltaY = event.originalEvent.wheelDeltaY; var deltaX = event.originalEvent.wheelDeltaX; if (event.originalEvent.axis) { deltaY = event.originalEvent.axis == 2 ? -event.originalEvent.detail : null; deltaX = event.originalEvent.axis == 1 ? -event.originalEvent.detail : null; } deltaY = Math.abs(deltaY) < 40 ? 40 * (Math.abs(deltaY) / deltaY) : deltaY; deltaX = Math.abs(deltaX) < 40 ? 40 * (Math.abs(deltaX) / deltaX) : deltaX; var scrollToY = secondBox.scrollTop() - deltaY; var scrollToX = firstBox.scrollLeft() - deltaX; // console.debug( firstBox.scrollLeft(), Math.abs(deltaX), Math.abs(deltaY)); if (deltaY) secondBox.scrollTop(scrollToY); if (deltaX) firstBox.scrollLeft(scrollToX); return false; }); function Splitter(element, firstBox, secondBox, splitterBar) { this.element = element; this.firstBox = firstBox; this.secondBox = secondBox; this.splitterBar = splitterBar; this.perc = 0; this.firstBoxMinWidth = 0; this.secondBoxMinWidth = 30; this.resize = function (newPerc, anim) { var animTime = anim ? anim : 0; this.perc = newPerc ? newPerc : this.perc; var totalW = this.element.width(); var splW = this.splitterBar.width(); var newW = totalW * this.perc / 100; newW = newW > this.firstBoxMinWidth ? newW : this.firstBoxMinWidth; newW = newW > totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth ? totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth : newW; this.firstBox.animate({width: newW}, animTime, function () {$(this).css("overflow-x", "auto")}); this.splitterBar.animate({left: newW}, animTime); this.secondBox.animate({left: newW + this.splitterBar.width(), width: totalW - newW - splW}, animTime, function () {$(this).css("overflow", "auto")}); storePosition(); }; var self = this; this.splitterBar.on("dblclick", function () { self.resize(50, true); }) } function storePosition () { //console.debug("storePosition",splitter.perc); if (localStorage) { localStorage.setItem("TWPGanttSplitPos",splitter.perc); } } function loadPosition () { //console.debug("loadPosition"); if (localStorage) { if (localStorage.getItem("TWPGanttSplitPos")) { splitter.perc=parseFloat(localStorage.getItem("TWPGanttSplitPos")); } } } return splitter; } }; //<%------------------------------------------------------------------------ UTILITIES ---------------------------------------------------------------%> function computeStart(start) { return computeStartDate(start).getTime(); } function computeStartDate(start) { var d = new Date(start + 3600000 * 12); d.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); //move to next working day while (isHoliday(d)) { d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1); } d.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return d; } function computeEnd(end) { return computeEndDate(end).getTime() } function computeEndDate(end) { var d = new Date(end - 3600000 * 12); d.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); //move to next working day while (isHoliday(d)) { d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1); } d.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); return d; } function computeEndByDuration(start, duration) { var d = new Date(start); //console.debug("computeEndByDuration start ",d,duration) var q = duration - 1; while (q > 0) { d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1); if (!isHoliday(d)) q--; } d.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); return d.getTime(); } function incrementDateByWorkingDays(date, days) { var d = new Date(date); d.incrementDateByWorkingDays(days); return d.getTime(); } function recomputeDuration(start, end) { //console.debug("recomputeDuration"); return new Date(start).distanceInWorkingDays(new Date(end)) + 1; } function resynchDates(leavingField, startField, startMilesField, durationField, endField, endMilesField) { //console.debug("resynchDates",leavingField.prop("name"), startField.prop("name"), startMilesField.prop("name"), durationField.prop("name"), endField.prop("name"), endMilesField.prop("name")); function resynchDatesSetFields(command) { //console.debug("resynchDatesSetFields",command); //var duration = parseInt(durationField.val()); var duration = daysFromString(durationField.val(), true); if (!duration || duration < 1) duration = 1; var start = computeStart(Date.parseString(startField.val()).getTime()); var end = endField.val(); if (end.length > 0) { end = Date.parseString(end); end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); end = computeEnd(end.getTime()); } var date = new Date(); if ("CHANGE_END" == command) { date.setTime(start); var workingDays = duration - 1; date.incrementDateByWorkingDays(workingDays); date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); end = computeEnd(date.getTime()); } else if ("CHANGE_START" == command) { date.setTime(end); var workingDays = duration - 1; date.incrementDateByWorkingDays(-workingDays); date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); start = computeStart(date.getTime()); } else if ("CHANGE_DURATION" == command) { //console.debug("CHANGE_DURATION",new Date(start),new Date(end)) duration = new Date(start).distanceInWorkingDays(new Date(end)) + 1; } startField.val(new Date(start).format()); endField.val(new Date(end).format()); durationField.val(duration); return {start: start, end: end, duration: duration}; } var leavingFieldName = leavingField.prop("name"); var durIsFilled = durationField.val().length > 0; var startIsFilled = startField.val().length > 0; var endIsFilled = endField.val().length > 0; var startIsMilesAndFilled = startIsFilled && (startMilesField.prop("checked") || startField.is("[readOnly]")); var endIsMilesAndFilled = endIsFilled && (endMilesField.prop("checked") || endField.is("[readOnly]")); if (durIsFilled) { if (parseInt(durationField.val()) == NaN || parseInt(durationField.val()) < 1) durationField.val(1); } if (leavingFieldName.indexOf("Milestone") > 0) { if (startIsMilesAndFilled && endIsMilesAndFilled) { durationField.prop("readOnly", true); } else { durationField.prop("readOnly", false); } return; } //need at least two values to resynch the third if ((durIsFilled ? 1 : 0) + (startIsFilled ? 1 : 0) + (endIsFilled ? 1 : 0) < 2) return; var ret; if (leavingFieldName == 'start' && startIsFilled) { if (endIsMilesAndFilled && durIsFilled) { ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_DURATION"); } else if (durIsFilled) { ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_END"); } } else if (leavingFieldName == 'duration' && durIsFilled && !(endIsMilesAndFilled && startIsMilesAndFilled)) { if (endIsMilesAndFilled && !startIsMilesAndFilled) { ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_START"); } else if (!endIsMilesAndFilled) { //document.title=('go and change end!!'); ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_END"); } } else if (leavingFieldName == 'end' && endIsFilled) { ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_DURATION"); } return ret; } //This prototype is provided by the Mozilla foundation and //is distributed under the MIT license. //http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/LICENSES/mit.license if (!Array.prototype.filter) { Array.prototype.filter = function (fun) { var len = this.length; if (typeof fun != "function") throw new TypeError(); var res = new Array(); var thisp = arguments[1]; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in this) { var val = this[i]; // in case fun mutates this if (fun.call(thisp, val, i, this)) res.push(val); } } return res; }; } function goToPage(url) { if (!canILeave()) return; window.location.href = url; }