").addClass("toLeft").html("{").click(function () {splitter.resize(0.001, 300);});
var toCenter = $("
").addClass("toCenter").html("©").click(function () {splitter.resize(50, 300);});
var toRight = $("
").addClass("toRight").html("}").click(function () {splitter.resize(99.9999, 300);});
var totalW = where.innerWidth();
var splW = splitterBar.width();
var fbw = totalW * perc / 100 - splW;
//var realW = firstBox.get(0).scrollWidth;
//fbw = fbw > realW? realW: fbw;
fbw = fbw > totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth ? totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth : fbw;
firstBox.width(fbw).css({left: 0});
splitterBar.css({left: firstBox.width()});
secondBox.width(totalW - fbw - splW).css({left: firstBox.width() + splW});
splitterBar.on("mousedown.gdf", function (e) {
$.splittify.splitterBar = $(this);
//on event for start resizing
//console.debug("start splitting");
//var realW = firstBox.get(0).scrollWidth;
$("body").unselectable().on("mousemove.gdf", function (e) {
//manage resizing
//console.debug(e.pageX - $.gridify.columInResize.offset().left)
var sb = $.splittify.splitterBar;
var pos = e.pageX - sb.parent().offset().left;
var w = sb.parent().width();
var fbw = firstBox;
pos = pos > splitter.firstBoxMinWidth ? pos : splitter.firstBoxMinWidth;
//pos = pos < realW - 10 ? pos : realW - 10;
pos = pos > totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth ? totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth : pos;
sb.css({left: pos});
secondBox.css({left: pos + sb.width(), width: w - pos - sb.width()});
splitter.perc = (firstBox.width() / splitter.element.width()) * 100;
//on mouse up on body to stop resizing
}).on("mouseup.gdf", function () {
//console.debug("stop splitting");
delete $.splittify.splitterBar;
// keep both side in synch when scroll
var stopScroll = false;
var fs = firstBox.add(secondBox);
fs.scroll(function (e) {
var el = $(this);
var top = el.scrollTop();
if (el.is(".splitBox1") && stopScroll != "splitBox2") {
stopScroll = "splitBox1";
} else if (el.is(".splitBox2") && stopScroll != "splitBox1") {
stopScroll = "splitBox2";
firstBox.find(".ganttFixHead").css('top', top);
secondBox.find(".ganttFixHead").css('top', top);
where.stopTime("reset").oneTime(100, "reset", function () {stopScroll = "";})
firstBox.on('mousewheel MozMousePixelScroll', function (event) {
var deltaY = event.originalEvent.wheelDeltaY;
var deltaX = event.originalEvent.wheelDeltaX;
if (event.originalEvent.axis) {
deltaY = event.originalEvent.axis == 2 ? -event.originalEvent.detail : null;
deltaX = event.originalEvent.axis == 1 ? -event.originalEvent.detail : null;
deltaY = Math.abs(deltaY) < 40 ? 40 * (Math.abs(deltaY) / deltaY) : deltaY;
deltaX = Math.abs(deltaX) < 40 ? 40 * (Math.abs(deltaX) / deltaX) : deltaX;
var scrollToY = secondBox.scrollTop() - deltaY;
var scrollToX = firstBox.scrollLeft() - deltaX;
// console.debug( firstBox.scrollLeft(), Math.abs(deltaX), Math.abs(deltaY));
if (deltaY) secondBox.scrollTop(scrollToY);
if (deltaX) firstBox.scrollLeft(scrollToX);
return false;
function Splitter(element, firstBox, secondBox, splitterBar) {
this.element = element;
this.firstBox = firstBox;
this.secondBox = secondBox;
this.splitterBar = splitterBar;
this.perc = 0;
this.firstBoxMinWidth = 0;
this.secondBoxMinWidth = 30;
this.resize = function (newPerc, anim) {
var animTime = anim ? anim : 0;
this.perc = newPerc ? newPerc : this.perc;
var totalW = this.element.width();
var splW = this.splitterBar.width();
var newW = totalW * this.perc / 100;
newW = newW > this.firstBoxMinWidth ? newW : this.firstBoxMinWidth;
newW = newW > totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth ? totalW - splW - splitter.secondBoxMinWidth : newW;
this.firstBox.animate({width: newW}, animTime, function () {$(this).css("overflow-x", "auto")});
this.splitterBar.animate({left: newW}, animTime);
this.secondBox.animate({left: newW + this.splitterBar.width(), width: totalW - newW - splW}, animTime, function () {$(this).css("overflow", "auto")});
var self = this;
this.splitterBar.on("dblclick", function () {
self.resize(50, true);
function storePosition () {
if (localStorage) {
function loadPosition () {
if (localStorage) {
if (localStorage.getItem("TWPGanttSplitPos")) {
return splitter;
//<%------------------------------------------------------------------------ UTILITIES ---------------------------------------------------------------%>
function computeStart(start) {
return computeStartDate(start).getTime();
function computeStartDate(start) {
var d = new Date(start + 3600000 * 12);
d.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
//move to next working day
while (isHoliday(d)) {
d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1);
d.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return d;
function computeEnd(end) {
return computeEndDate(end).getTime()
function computeEndDate(end) {
var d = new Date(end - 3600000 * 12);
d.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
//move to next working day
while (isHoliday(d)) {
d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1);
d.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
return d;
function computeEndByDuration(start, duration) {
var d = new Date(start);
//console.debug("computeEndByDuration start ",d,duration)
var q = duration - 1;
while (q > 0) {
d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1);
if (!isHoliday(d))
d.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
return d.getTime();
function incrementDateByWorkingDays(date, days) {
var d = new Date(date);
return d.getTime();
function recomputeDuration(start, end) {
return new Date(start).distanceInWorkingDays(new Date(end)) + 1;
function resynchDates(leavingField, startField, startMilesField, durationField, endField, endMilesField) {
//console.debug("resynchDates",leavingField.prop("name"), startField.prop("name"), startMilesField.prop("name"), durationField.prop("name"), endField.prop("name"), endMilesField.prop("name"));
function resynchDatesSetFields(command) {
//var duration = parseInt(durationField.val());
var duration = daysFromString(durationField.val(), true);
if (!duration || duration < 1)
duration = 1;
var start = computeStart(Date.parseString(startField.val()).getTime());
var end = endField.val();
if (end.length > 0) {
end = Date.parseString(end);
end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
end = computeEnd(end.getTime());
var date = new Date();
if ("CHANGE_END" == command) {
var workingDays = duration - 1;
date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
end = computeEnd(date.getTime());
} else if ("CHANGE_START" == command) {
var workingDays = duration - 1;
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
start = computeStart(date.getTime());
} else if ("CHANGE_DURATION" == command) {
//console.debug("CHANGE_DURATION",new Date(start),new Date(end))
duration = new Date(start).distanceInWorkingDays(new Date(end)) + 1;
startField.val(new Date(start).format());
endField.val(new Date(end).format());
return {start: start, end: end, duration: duration};
var leavingFieldName = leavingField.prop("name");
var durIsFilled = durationField.val().length > 0;
var startIsFilled = startField.val().length > 0;
var endIsFilled = endField.val().length > 0;
var startIsMilesAndFilled = startIsFilled && (startMilesField.prop("checked") || startField.is("[readOnly]"));
var endIsMilesAndFilled = endIsFilled && (endMilesField.prop("checked") || endField.is("[readOnly]"));
if (durIsFilled) {
if (parseInt(durationField.val()) == NaN || parseInt(durationField.val()) < 1)
if (leavingFieldName.indexOf("Milestone") > 0) {
if (startIsMilesAndFilled && endIsMilesAndFilled) {
durationField.prop("readOnly", true);
} else {
durationField.prop("readOnly", false);
//need at least two values to resynch the third
if ((durIsFilled ? 1 : 0) + (startIsFilled ? 1 : 0) + (endIsFilled ? 1 : 0) < 2)
var ret;
if (leavingFieldName == 'start' && startIsFilled) {
if (endIsMilesAndFilled && durIsFilled) {
ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_DURATION");
} else if (durIsFilled) {
ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_END");
} else if (leavingFieldName == 'duration' && durIsFilled && !(endIsMilesAndFilled && startIsMilesAndFilled)) {
if (endIsMilesAndFilled && !startIsMilesAndFilled) {
ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_START");
} else if (!endIsMilesAndFilled) {
//document.title=('go and change end!!');
ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_END");
} else if (leavingFieldName == 'end' && endIsFilled) {
ret = resynchDatesSetFields("CHANGE_DURATION");
return ret;
//This prototype is provided by the Mozilla foundation and
//is distributed under the MIT license.
if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
Array.prototype.filter = function (fun) {
var len = this.length;
if (typeof fun != "function")
throw new TypeError();
var res = new Array();
var thisp = arguments[1];
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in this) {
var val = this[i]; // in case fun mutates this
if (fun.call(thisp, val, i, this))
return res;
function goToPage(url) {
if (!canILeave()) return;
window.location.href = url;