$.fn.loadTemplates = function() { $.JST.loadTemplates($(this)); return this; }; $.JST = { _templates: new Object(), _decorators:new Object(), loadTemplates: function(elems) { // var elems[0].innerHTML="↵
↵↵↵"; elems.each(function() { $(this).find(".__template__").each(function() { var tmpl = $(this); var type = tmpl.attr("type"); //template may be inside or not in case of ajax loaded templates var found=false; var el=tmpl.get(0).firstChild; while (el && !found) { if (el.nodeType == 8) { // 8==comment var templateBody = el.nodeValue; // this is inside the comment found=true; break; } el=el.nextSibling; } if (!found){ var templateBody = tmpl.html(); // this is the whole template if (type=="TASKROW"){ var templateBody=' (#=obj.getRow()+1#) e
(#=obj.getAssigsString()#) '; } if (type=="TASKBAR"){ var templateBody='
'; } if (type=="ASSIGNMENT_ROW"){ var templateBody=' d '; } if (type=="RESOURCE_ROW"){ var templateBody=' d '; } } if (!templateBody.match(/##\w+##/)) { // is Resig' style? e.g. (#=id#) or (# ...some javascript code 'obj' is the alias for the object #) var strFunc = "var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" + "with(obj){p.push('" + templateBody.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ") .replace(/'(?=[^#]*#\))/g, "\t") .split("'").join("\\'") .split("\t").join("'") .replace(/\(#=(.+?)#\)/g, "',$1,'") .split("(#").join("');") .split("#)").join("p.push('") + "');}return p.join('');"; try { $.JST._templates[type] = new Function("obj", strFunc); } catch (e) { console.error("JST error: "+type, e,strFunc); } } else { //plain template e.g. ##id## try { $.JST._templates[type] = templateBody; } catch (e) { console.error("JST error: "+type, e,templateBody); } } tmpl.remove(); }); }); }, createFromTemplate: function(jsonData, template, transformToPrintable) { var templates = $.JST._templates; var jsData=new Object(); if (transformToPrintable){ for (var prop in jsonData){ var value = jsonData[prop]; if (typeof(value) == "string") value = (value + "").replace(/\n/g, "
"); jsData[prop]=value; } } else { jsData=jsonData; } function fillStripData(strip, data) { for (var prop in data) { var value = data[prop]; strip = strip.replace(new RegExp("##" + prop + "##", "gi"), value); } // then clean the remaining ##xxx## strip = strip.replace(new RegExp("##\\w+##", "gi"), ""); return strip; } var stripString = ""; if (typeof(template) == "undefined") { alert("Template is required"); stripString = "
Template is required
"; } else if (typeof(templates[template]) == "function") { // resig template try { stripString = templates[template](jsData);// create a jquery object in memory if (template == "TASKEMPTYROW"){ stripString =' ' } } catch (e) { console.error("JST error: "+template,e.message); stripString = "
ERROR: "+template+"
" + e.message + "
"; } } else { stripString = templates[template]; // recover strip template if (!stripString || stripString.trim() == "") { console.error("No template found for type '" + template + "'"); return $("
"); } else { stripString = fillStripData(stripString, jsData); //replace placeholders with data } } var ret = $(stripString);// create a jquery object in memory ret.attr("__template", template); // set __template attribute //decorate the strip var dec = $.JST._decorators[template]; if (typeof (dec) == "function") dec(ret, jsData); return ret; }, existsTemplate: function(template) { return $.JST._templates[template]; }, //decorate function is like function(domElement,jsonData){...} loadDecorator:function(template, decorator) { $.JST._decorators[template] = decorator; }, getDecorator:function(template) { return $.JST._decorators[template]; }, decorateTemplate:function(element) { var dec = $.JST._decorators[element.attr("__template")]; if (typeof (dec) == "function") dec(editor); }, // asynchronous ajaxLoadAsynchTemplates: function(templateUrl, callback) { $.get(templateUrl, function(data) { var div = $("
"); div.html(data); $.JST.loadTemplates(div); if (typeof(callback == "function")) callback(); },"html"); }, ajaxLoadTemplates: function(templateUrl) { $.ajax({ async:false, url: templateUrl, dataType: "html", success: function(data) { var div = $("
"); div.html(data); $.JST.loadTemplates(div); } }); } };