for (var x = 0; x < property.headBtns.length; ++x) {
tmp += ""
tmp += "
this.$head = $(tmp);
headHeight = 24;
this.onBtnNewClick = null;//新建流程图按钮被点中
this.onBtnOpenClick = null;//打开流程图按钮定义
this.onBtnSaveClick = null;//保存流程图按钮定义
this.onFreshClick = null;//重载流程图按钮定义
if (property.headBtns)
this.$head.on("click", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
var tar = e.target;
if (tar.tagName == "DIV" || tar.tagName == "SPAN") return;
else if (tar.tagName == "a") tar = tar.childNode[0];
var This = e.data.inthis;
switch ($(tar).attr("class")) {
case "ico_new": if (This.onBtnNewClick != null) This.onBtnNewClick(); break;
case "ico_open": if (This.onBtnOpenClick != null) This.onBtnOpenClick(); break;
case "ico_save": if (This.onBtnSaveClick != null) This.onBtnSaveClick(); break;
case "ico_undo": This.undo(); break;
case "ico_redo": This.redo(); break;
case "ico_reload": if (This.onFreshClick != null) This.onFreshClick(); break;
var toolWidth = 0;
if (property.haveTool) {
this.$tool = this.$bgDiv.find(".GooFlow_tool div");
if (property.toolBtns && property.toolBtns.length > 0) {
tmp = "";
for (var i = 0; i < property.toolBtns.length; ++i) {
tmp += "";//加入自定义按钮
if (property.haveGroup)
toolWidth = 31;
this.$nowType = "cursor";
this.$tool.on("click", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
var tar;
switch (e.target.tagName) {
case "SPAN": return false;
case "DIV": return false;
case "B": tar = e.target.parentNode; break;
case "A": tar = e.target;
var type = $(tar).attr("type");
return false;
this.$editable = true;//只有具有工具栏时可编辑
width = width - toolWidth - 8;
height = height;
this.$workArea = $("")
.attr({ "unselectable": "on", "onselectstart": 'return false', "onselect": 'document.selection.empty()' });
this.$draw = null;//画矢量线条的容器
this.initDraw("draw_" + this.$id, width, height);
this.$group = null;
if (property.haveGroup)
this.initGroup(width, height);
if (this.$editable) {
this.$workArea.on("click", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (!e.data.inthis.$editable) return;
var type = e.data.inthis.$nowType;
if (type == "cursor") {
var t = $(e.target);
var n = t.prop("tagName");
if (n == "svg" || (n == "DIV" && t.prop("class").indexOf("GooFlow_work") > -1) || n == "LABEL") e.data.inthis.blurItem();
else if (type == "direct" || type == "group") return;
var X, Y;
var ev = mousePosition(e), t = getElCoordinate(this);
X = ev.x - t.left + this.parentNode.scrollLeft - 1;
Y = ev.y - t.top + this.parentNode.scrollTop - 1;
var name = "新建节点" + e.data.inthis.$max;
var type = e.data.inthis.$nowType;
if (type == 'startround') {
name = "开始";
if (type == 'endround') {
name = "结束";
var executeadd = true;
var _nodeData = e.data.inthis.$nodeData;
$.each(_nodeData, function (i) {
if (_nodeData[i].name == name) {
alert(name + '节点不能重复');
executeadd = false;
return false;
if (executeadd) {
e.data.inthis.addNode(e.data.inthis.$id + "_node_" + e.data.inthis.$max, { name: name, left: X, top: Y, type: e.data.inthis.$nowType, css: '', img: '', });
this.$workArea.mousemove({ inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (e.data.inthis.$nowType != "direct") return;
var lineStart = $(this).data("lineStart");
if (!lineStart) return;
var ev = mousePosition(e), t = getElCoordinate(this);
var X, Y;
X = ev.x - t.left + this.parentNode.scrollLeft;
Y = ev.y - t.top + this.parentNode.scrollTop;
var line = document.getElementById("GooFlow_tmp_line");
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
line.childNodes[0].setAttribute("d", "M " + lineStart.x + " " + lineStart.y + " L " + X + " " + Y);
line.childNodes[1].setAttribute("d", "M " + lineStart.x + " " + lineStart.y + " L " + X + " " + Y);
if (line.childNodes[1].getAttribute("marker-end") == "url(\"#arrow2\")")
line.childNodes[1].setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow3)");
else line.childNodes[1].setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow2)");
else line.points.value = lineStart.x + "," + lineStart.y + " " + X + "," + Y;
this.$workArea.mouseup({ inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (e.data.inthis.$nowType != "direct") return;
$(this).css("cursor", "auto").removeData("lineStart");
var tmp = document.getElementById("GooFlow_tmp_line");
if (tmp) e.data.inthis.$draw.removeChild(tmp);
this.$ghost = $("").attr({ "unselectable": "on", "onselectstart": 'return false', "onselect": 'document.selection.empty()' });
this.$textArea = $("");
this.$lineMove = $("");//操作折线时的移动框
this.$lineMove.on("mousedown", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (e.button == 2) return false;
var lm = $(this);
lm.css({ "background-color": "#333" });
var This = e.data.inthis;
var ev = mousePosition(e), t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
var X, Y;
X = ev.x - t.left + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft;
Y = ev.y - t.top + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop;
var p = This.$lineMove.position();
var vX = X - p.left, vY = Y - p.top;
var isMove = false;
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
var ev = mousePosition(e);
var ps = This.$lineMove.position();
X = ev.x - t.left + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft;
Y = ev.y - t.top + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop;
if (This.$lineMove.data("type") == "lr") {
X = X - vX;
if (X < 0) X = 0;
else if (X > This.$workArea.width())
X = This.$workArea.width();
This.$lineMove.css({ left: X + "px" });
else if (This.$lineMove.data("type") == "tb") {
Y = Y - vY;
if (Y < 0) Y = 0;
else if (Y > This.$workArea.height())
Y = This.$workArea.height();
This.$lineMove.css({ top: Y + "px" });
isMove = true;
document.onmouseup = function (e) {
if (isMove) {
var p = This.$lineMove.position();
if (This.$lineMove.data("type") == "lr")
This.setLineM(This.$lineMove.data("tid"), p.left + 3);
else if (This.$lineMove.data("type") == "tb")
This.setLineM(This.$lineMove.data("tid"), p.top + 3);
This.$lineMove.css({ "background-color": "transparent" });
if (This.$focus == This.$lineMove.data("tid")) {
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
this.$lineOper = $("
this.$lineOper.on("click", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (e.target.tagName != "A" && e.target.tagName != "B") return;
var This = e.data.inthis;
var id = $(this).data("tid");
switch ($(e.target).attr("class")) {
case "b_x":
this.style.display = "none"; break;
case "b_l1":
This.setLineType(id, "lr"); break;
case "b_l2":
This.setLineType(id, "tb"); break;
case "b_l3":
This.setLineType(id, "sl"); break;
this.onItemAdd = null;
this.onItemDel = null;
this.onItemMove = null;
this.onItemRename = null;
this.onItemFocus = null;
this.onItemBlur = null;
this.onItemResize = null;
this.onLineMove = null;
this.onLineSetType = null;
this.onItemMark = null;
if (property.useOperStack && this.$editable) {//如果要使用堆栈记录操作并提供“撤销/重做”的功能,只在编辑状态下有效
this.$undoStack = [];
this.$redoStack = [];
this.$isUndo = 0;
this.pushOper = function (funcName, paras) {
var len = this.$undoStack.length;
if (this.$isUndo == 1) {
this.$redoStack.push([funcName, paras]);
this.$isUndo = false;
if (this.$redoStack.length > 40) this.$redoStack.shift();
} else {
this.$undoStack.push([funcName, paras]);
if (this.$undoStack.length > 40) this.$undoStack.shift();
if (this.$isUndo == 0) {
this.$redoStack.splice(0, this.$redoStack.length);
this.$isUndo = 0;
this.pushExternalOper = function (func, jsonPara) {
this.pushOper("externalFunc", [func, jsonPara]);
this.undo = function () {
if (this.$undoStack.length == 0) return;
var tmp = this.$undoStack.pop();
this.$isUndo = 1;
if (tmp[0] == "externalFunc") {
else {
switch (tmp[1].length) {
case 0: this[tmp[0]](); break;
case 1: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0]); break;
case 2: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1]); break;
case 3: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1], tmp[1][2]); break;
case 4: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1], tmp[1][2], tmp[1][3]); break;
case 5: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1], tmp[1][2], tmp[1][3], tmp[1][4]); break;
case 6: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1], tmp[1][2], tmp[1][3], tmp[1][4], tmp[1][5]); break;
this.redo = function () {
if (this.$redoStack.length == 0) return;
var tmp = this.$redoStack.pop();
this.$isUndo = 2;
if (tmp[0] == "externalFunc") {
else {
switch (tmp[1].length) {
case 0: this[tmp[0]](); break;
case 1: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0]); break;
case 2: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1]); break;
case 3: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1], tmp[1][2]); break;
case 4: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1], tmp[1][2], tmp[1][3]); break;
case 5: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1], tmp[1][2], tmp[1][3], tmp[1][4]); break;
case 6: this[tmp[0]](tmp[1][0], tmp[1][1], tmp[1][2], tmp[1][3], tmp[1][4], tmp[1][5]); break;
$(document).keydown({ inthis: this }, function (e) {
var This = e.data.inthis;
if (This.$focus == "") return;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 46://删除
This.delNode(This.$focus, true);
GooFlow.prototype = {
useSVG: "",
getSvgMarker: function (id, color) {
var m = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "marker");
m.setAttribute("id", id);
m.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 6 6");
m.setAttribute("refX", 5);
m.setAttribute("refY", 3);
m.setAttribute("markerUnits", "strokeWidth");
m.setAttribute("markerWidth", 6);
m.setAttribute("markerHeight", 6);
m.setAttribute("orient", "auto");
var path = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
path.setAttribute("d", "M 0 0 L 6 3 L 0 6 z");
path.setAttribute("fill", color);
path.setAttribute("stroke-width", 0);
return m;
initDraw: function (id, width, height) {
var elem;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
this.$draw = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");//可创建带有指定命名空间的元素节点
var defs = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "defs");
defs.appendChild(GooFlow.prototype.getSvgMarker("arrow1", "gray"));
defs.appendChild(GooFlow.prototype.getSvgMarker("arrow2", "#ff3300"));
defs.appendChild(GooFlow.prototype.getSvgMarker("arrow3", "#ff3300"));
else {
this.$draw = document.createElement("v:group");
this.$draw.coordsize = width * 3 + "," + height * 3;
this.$workArea.children("div")[0].insertBefore(this.$draw, null);
this.$draw.id = id;
this.$draw.style.width = width * 3 + "px";
this.$draw.style.height = +height * 3 + "px";
var tmpClk = null;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") tmpClk = "g";
else tmpClk = "PolyLine";
if (this.$editable) {
$(this.$draw).delegate(tmpClk, "click", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
e.data.inthis.focusItem(this.id, true);
$(this.$draw).delegate(tmpClk, "dblclick", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
var This = e.data.inthis;
OpenLine(this.id, This);
//var oldTxt, x, y, from, to;
//var This = e.data.inthis;
//if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
// oldTxt = this.childNodes[2].textContent;
// from = this.getAttribute("from").split(",");
// to = this.getAttribute("to").split(",");
//} else {
// oldTxt = this.childNodes[1].innerHTML;
// var n = this.getAttribute("fromTo").split(",");
// from = [n[0], n[1]];
// to = [n[2], n[3]];
//if (This.$lineData[this.id].type == "lr") {
// from[0] = This.$lineData[this.id].M;
// to[0] = from[0];
//else if (This.$lineData[this.id].type == "tb") {
// from[1] = This.$lineData[this.id].M;
// to[1] = from[1];
//x = (parseInt(from[0], 10) + parseInt(to[0], 10)) / 2 - 60;
//y = (parseInt(from[1], 10) + parseInt(to[1], 10)) / 2 - 12;
//var t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
// display: "block", width: 120, height: 14,
// left: t.left + x - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft,
// top: t.top + y - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop
//}).data("id", This.$focus).focus();
//This.$workArea.parent().one("mousedown", function (e) {
// if (e.button == 2) return false;
// This.setName(This.$textArea.data("id"), This.$textArea.val(), "line");
// This.$textArea.val("").removeData("id").hide();
initGroup: function (width, height) {
this.$group = $("");//存放背景区域的容器
if (!this.$editable) return;
this.$group.on("mousedown", { inthis: this }, function (e) {//绑定RESIZE功能以及移动功能
if (e.button == 2) return false;
var This = e.data.inthis;
if (This.$nowType != "group") return;
if (This.$textArea.css("display") == "block") {
This.setName(This.$textArea.data("id"), This.$textArea.val(), "area");
return false;
if (!e) e = window.event;
var cursor = $(e.target).css("cursor");
var id = e.target.parentNode;
switch (cursor) {
case "nw-resize": id = id.parentNode; break;
case "w-resize": id = id.parentNode; break;
case "n-resize": id = id.parentNode; break;
case "move": break;
default: return;
id = id.id;
var hack = 1;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("8.0") != -1) hack = 0;
var ev = mousePosition(e), t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
var X, Y;
X = ev.x - t.left + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft;
Y = ev.y - t.top + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop;
if (cursor != "move") {
display: "block",
width: This.$areaData[id].width - 2 + "px", height: This.$areaData[id].height - 2 + "px",
top: This.$areaData[id].top + t.top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop + hack + "px",
left: This.$areaData[id].left + t.left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft + hack + "px", cursor: cursor
var vX = (This.$areaData[id].left + This.$areaData[id].width) - X;
var vY = (This.$areaData[id].top + This.$areaData[id].height) - Y;
else {
var vX = X - This.$areaData[id].left;
var vY = Y - This.$areaData[id].top;
var isMove = false;
This.$ghost.css("cursor", cursor);
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
var ev = mousePosition(e);
if (cursor != "move") {
X = ev.x - t.left + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft - This.$areaData[id].left + vX;
Y = ev.y - t.top + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop - This.$areaData[id].top + vY;
if (X < 200) X = 200;
if (Y < 100) Y = 100;
switch (cursor) {
case "nw-resize": This.$ghost.css({ width: X - 2 + "px", height: Y - 2 + "px" }); break;
case "w-resize": This.$ghost.css({ width: X - 2 + "px" }); break;
case "n-resize": This.$ghost.css({ height: Y - 2 + "px" }); break;
else {
if (This.$ghost.css("display") == "none") {
display: "block",
width: This.$areaData[id].width - 2 + "px", height: This.$areaData[id].height - 2 + "px",
top: This.$areaData[id].top + t.top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop + hack + "px",
left: This.$areaData[id].left + t.left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft + hack + "px", cursor: cursor
X = ev.x - vX; Y = ev.y - vY;
if (X < t.left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft)
X = t.left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft;
else if (X + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft + This.$areaData[id].width > t.left + This.$workArea.width())
X = t.left + This.$workArea.width() - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft - This.$areaData[id].width;
if (Y < t.top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop)
Y = t.top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop;
else if (Y + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop + This.$areaData[id].height > t.top + This.$workArea.height())
Y = t.top + This.$workArea.height() - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop - This.$areaData[id].height;
This.$ghost.css({ left: X + hack + "px", top: Y + hack + "px" });
isMove = true;
document.onmouseup = function (e) {
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
if (!isMove) return;
if (cursor != "move")
This.resizeArea(id, This.$ghost.outerWidth(), This.$ghost.outerHeight());
This.moveArea(id, X + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft - t.left, Y + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop - t.top);
return false;
this.$group.on("dblclick", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
var This = e.data.inthis;
if (This.$nowType != "group") return;
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (e.target.tagName != "LABEL") return false;
var oldTxt = e.target.innerHTML;
var p = e.target.parentNode;
var x = parseInt(p.style.left, 10) + 18, y = parseInt(p.style.top, 10) + 1;
var t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
display: "block", width: 100, height: 14,
left: t.left + x - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft,
top: t.top + y - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop
}).data("id", p.id).focus();
This.$workArea.parent().one("mousedown", function (e) {
if (e.button == 2) return false;
if (This.$textArea.css("display") == "block") {
This.setName(This.$textArea.data("id"), This.$textArea.val(), "area");
return false;
this.$group.mouseup({ inthis: this }, function (e) {
var This = e.data.inthis;
if (This.$nowType != "group") return;
if (!e) e = window.event;
switch ($(e.target).attr("class")) {
case "rs_close": This.delArea(e.target.parentNode.parentNode.id); return false;//删除该分组区域
case "bg": return;
switch (e.target.tagName) {
case "LABEL": return false;
case "B"://绑定变色功能
var id = e.target.parentNode.id;
switch (This.$areaData[id].color) {
case "red": This.setAreaColor(id, "yellow"); break;
case "yellow": This.setAreaColor(id, "blue"); break;
case "blue": This.setAreaColor(id, "green"); break;
case "green": This.setAreaColor(id, "red"); break;
return false;
if (e.data.inthis.$ghost.css("display") == "none") {
var X, Y;
var ev = mousePosition(e), t = getElCoordinate(this);
X = ev.x - t.left + this.parentNode.parentNode.scrollLeft - 1;
Y = ev.y - t.top + this.parentNode.parentNode.scrollTop - 1;
var color = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green"];
e.data.inthis.addArea(e.data.inthis.$id + "_area_" + e.data.inthis.$max, { name: "area_" + e.data.inthis.$max, left: X, top: Y, color: color[e.data.inthis.$max % 4], width: 200, height: 100 });
return false;
setNodeRemarks: function (remark) {
if (this.$tool != null)
this.$tool.children("a").each(function () {
this.title = remark[$(this).attr("id").split("btn_")[1]];
this.$nodeRemark = remark;
switchToolBtn: function (type) {
this.$tool.children("#" + this.$id + "_btn_" + this.$nowType.split(" ")[0]).attr("class", "GooFlow_tool_btn");
if (this.$nowType == "group") {
for (var key in this.$areaDom) this.$areaDom[key].addClass("lock").children("div:eq(1)").css("display", "none");
this.$nowType = type;
this.$tool.children("#" + this.$id + "_btn_" + type.split(" ")[0]).attr("class", "GooFlow_tool_btndown");
if (this.$nowType == "group") {
for (var key in this.$areaDom) this.$areaDom[key].removeClass("lock").children("div:eq(1)").css("display", "");
if (this.$textArea.css("display") == "none") this.$textArea.removeData("id").val("").hide();
addNode: function (id, json) {
if (this.onItemAdd != null && !this.onItemAdd(id, "node", json)) return;
if (this.$undoStack && this.$editable) {
this.pushOper("delNode", [id]);
var mark = json.type;
if (json.type != "startround" && json.type != "endround") {
if (!json.width || json.width < 86) json.width = 150;
if (!json.height || json.height < 24) json.height = 65;
if (!json.top || json.top < 0) json.top = 0;
if (!json.left || json.left < 0) json.left = 0;
var hack = 0;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("8.0") != -1) hack = 2;
this.$nodeDom[id] = $("
" + json.name + "
if (json.type.indexOf(" mix") > -1) this.$nodeDom[id].addClass(mark);
//json.css = mark;
//json.img = mark;
else {
json.width = 24; json.height = 24;
var name = json.name;
if (json.type == 'startround') {
name = "开始";
if (json.type == 'endround') {
name = "结束";
this.$nodeDom[id] = $("
" + name + "
var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf('msie') != -1 && ua.indexOf('8.0') != -1)
this.$nodeDom[id].css("filter", "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color=#94AAC2,direction=135,strength=2)");
this.$nodeData[id] = json;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$nodeData[id].alt = true;
if (this.$deletedItem[id]) delete this.$deletedItem[id];//在回退删除操作时,去掉该元素的删除记录
initWorkForNode: function () {
this.$workArea.delegate(".GooFlow_item", "click", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
e.data.inthis.focusItem(this.id, true);
//if (!$(this).hasClass("item_startround")) {
// LoadrightMenu("#" + this.id);
//if (!$(this).hasClass("item_endround")) {
// LoadrightMenu("#" + this.id);
this.$workArea.delegate(".GooFlow_item", "contextmenu", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
e.data.inthis.focusItem(this.id, true);
return false;
this.$workArea.delegate(".ico", "mousedown", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (e.button == 2) return false;
var This = e.data.inthis;
if (This.$nowType == "direct") return;
var Dom = $(this).parents(".GooFlow_item");
var id = Dom.attr("id");
This.focusItem(id, true);
var hack = 1;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("8.0") != -1) hack = 0;
var ev = mousePosition(e), t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
var X, Y;
X = ev.x - t.left + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft;
Y = ev.y - t.top + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop;
var vX = X - This.$nodeData[id].left, vY = Y - This.$nodeData[id].top;
var isMove = false;
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
var ev = mousePosition(e);
if (X == ev.x - vX && Y == ev.y - vY) return false;
X = ev.x - vX; Y = ev.y - vY;
if (isMove && This.$ghost.css("display") == "none") {
display: "block",
width: $('#' + id).width() - 2 + "px", height: $('#' + id).height() - 2 + "px",
top: This.$nodeData[id].top + t.top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop + hack + "px",
left: This.$nodeData[id].left + t.left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft + hack + "px", cursor: "move"
if (X < t.left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft)
X = t.left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft;
else if (X + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft + This.$nodeData[id].width > t.left + This.$workArea.width())
X = t.left + This.$workArea.width() - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft - This.$nodeData[id].width;
if (Y < t.top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop)
Y = t.top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop;
else if (Y + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop + This.$nodeData[id].height > t.top + This.$workArea.height())
Y = t.top + This.$workArea.height() - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop - This.$nodeData[id].height;
This.$ghost.css({ left: X + hack + "px", top: Y + hack + "px" });
isMove = true;
document.onmouseup = function (e) {
if (isMove) This.moveNode(id, X + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft - t.left, Y + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop - t.top);
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
if (!this.$editable) return;
this.$workArea.delegate(".GooFlow_item", "mouseenter", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (e.data.inthis.$nowType != "direct") return;
this.$workArea.delegate(".GooFlow_item", "mouseleave", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (e.data.inthis.$nowType != "direct") return;
this.$workArea.delegate(".GooFlow_item", "mousedown", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (e.button == 2) return false;
var This = e.data.inthis;
if (This.$nowType != "direct") return;
var ev = mousePosition(e), t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
var X, Y;
X = ev.x - t.left + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft;
Y = ev.y - t.top + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop;
This.$workArea.data("lineStart", { "x": X, "y": Y, "id": this.id }).css("cursor", "crosshair");
var line = GooFlow.prototype.drawLine("GooFlow_tmp_line", [X, Y], [X, Y], true, true);
this.$workArea.delegate(".GooFlow_item", "mouseup", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
var This = e.data.inthis;
if (This.$nowType != "direct") return;
var lineStart = This.$workArea.data("lineStart");
if (lineStart) This.addLine(This.$id + "_line_" + This.$max, { from: lineStart.id, to: this.id, name: "" });
this.$workArea.delegate(".GooFlow_item > .span", "dblclick", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
var This = e.data.inthis;
var type = $('.item_focus').hasClass('item_startround');
if (type) {
//var oldTxt = this.innerHTML;
//var This = e.data.inthis;
//var id = this.parentNode.id;
//var t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
// display: "block", height: $(this).height(), width: 100,
// left: t.left + This.$nodeData[id].left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft - 24,
// top: t.top + This.$nodeData[id].top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop + 26
// .data("id", This.$focus).focus();
//This.$workArea.parent().one("mousedown", function (e) {
// if (e.button == 2) return false;
// This.setName(This.$textArea.data("id"), This.$textArea.val(), "node");
// This.$textArea.val("").removeData("id").hide();
this.$workArea.delegate(".ico + td", "dblclick", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
var This = e.data.inthis;
//var oldTxt = this.innerHTML;
//var This = e.data.inthis;
//var id = $(this).parents(".GooFlow_item").attr("id");
//var t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
// display: "block", width: $(this).width() + 24, height: $(this).height(),
// left: t.left + 24 + This.$nodeData[id].left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft,
// top: t.top + 2 + This.$nodeData[id].top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop
// .data("id", This.$focus).focus();
//This.$workArea.parent().one("mousedown", function (e) {
// if (e.button == 2) return false;
// This.setName(This.$textArea.data("id"), This.$textArea.val(), "node");
// This.$textArea.val("").removeData("id").hide();
this.$workArea.delegate(".rs_close", "click", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
return false;
this.$workArea.delegate(".GooFlow_item > div > div[class!=rs_close]", "mousedown", { inthis: this }, function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (e.button == 2) return false;
var cursor = $(this).css("cursor");
if (cursor == "pointer") { return; }
var This = e.data.inthis;
var id = This.$focus;
e.cancelBubble = true;
var hack = 1;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("8.0") != -1) hack = 0;
var ev = mousePosition(e), t = getElCoordinate(This.$workArea[0]);
display: "block",
width: This.$nodeData[id].width - 2 + "px", height: This.$nodeData[id].height - 2 + "px",
top: This.$nodeData[id].top + t.top - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop + hack + "px",
left: This.$nodeData[id].left + t.left - This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft + hack + "px", cursor: cursor
var X, Y;
X = ev.x - t.left + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft;
Y = ev.y - t.top + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop;
var vX = (This.$nodeData[id].left + This.$nodeData[id].width) - X;
var vY = (This.$nodeData[id].top + This.$nodeData[id].height) - Y;
var isMove = false;
This.$ghost.css("cursor", cursor);
document.onmousemove = function (e) {
if (!e) e = window.event;
var ev = mousePosition(e);
X = ev.x - t.left + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollLeft - This.$nodeData[id].left + vX;
Y = ev.y - t.top + This.$workArea[0].parentNode.scrollTop - This.$nodeData[id].top + vY;
if (X < 86) X = 86;
if (Y < 24) Y = 24;
isMove = true;
switch (cursor) {
case "nw-resize": This.$ghost.css({ width: X - 2 + "px", height: Y - 2 + "px" }); break;
case "w-resize": This.$ghost.css({ width: X - 2 + "px" }); break;
case "n-resize": This.$ghost.css({ height: Y - 2 + "px" }); break;
document.onmouseup = function (e) {
if (!isMove) return;
if (!e) e = window.event;
This.resizeNode(id, This.$ghost.outerWidth(), This.$ghost.outerHeight());
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
getItemInfo: function (id, type) {
switch (type) {
case "node": return this.$nodeData[id] || null;
case "line": return this.$lineData[id] || null;
case "area": return this.$areaData[id] || null;
blurItem: function () {
if (this.$focus != "") {
var jq = $("#" + this.$focus);
if (jq.prop("tagName") == "DIV") {
if (this.onItemBlur != null && !this.onItemBlur(id, "node")) return false;
jq.removeClass("item_focus").children("div:eq(0)").css("display", "none");
else {
if (this.onItemBlur != null && !this.onItemBlur(id, "line")) return false;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
if (!this.$lineData[this.$focus].marked) {
jq[0].childNodes[1].setAttribute("stroke", "gray");
jq[0].childNodes[1].setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow1)");
else {
if (!this.$lineData[this.$focus].marked) jq[0].strokeColor = "gray";
if (this.$editable) this.$lineOper.hide().removeData("tid");
this.$focus = "";
return true;
//选定某个结点/转换线 bool:TRUE决定了要触发选中事件,FALSE则不触发选中事件,多用在程序内部调用。
focusItem: function (id, bool) {
var jq = $("#" + id);
if (jq.length == 0) return;
if (!this.blurItem()) return;//先执行"取消选中",如果返回FLASE,则也会阻止选定事件继续进行.
if (jq.prop("tagName") == "DIV") {
if (bool && this.onItemFocus != null && !this.onItemFocus(id, "node")) return;
if (this.$editable) jq.children("div:eq(0)").css("display", "block");
else {//如果是连接线
if (this.onItemFocus != null && !this.onItemFocus(id, "line")) return;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
jq[0].childNodes[1].setAttribute("stroke", "#ff3300");
jq[0].childNodes[1].setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow2)");
else jq[0].strokeColor = "#ff3300";
if (!this.$editable) return;
var x, y, from, to;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
from = jq.attr("from").split(",");
to = jq.attr("to").split(",");
} else {
var n = jq[0].getAttribute("fromTo").split(",");
from = [n[0], n[1]];
to = [n[2], n[3]];
from[0] = parseInt(from[0], 10);
from[1] = parseInt(from[1], 10);
to[0] = parseInt(to[0], 10);
to[1] = parseInt(to[1], 10);
//var t=getElCoordinate(this.$workArea[0]);
if (this.$lineData[id].type == "lr") {
from[0] = this.$lineData[id].M;
to[0] = from[0];
width: "5px", height: (to[1] - from[1]) * (to[1] > from[1] ? 1 : -1) + "px",
left: from[0] - 3 + "px",
top: (to[1] > from[1] ? from[1] : to[1]) + 1 + "px",
cursor: "e-resize", display: "block"
}).data({ "type": "lr", "tid": id });
else if (this.$lineData[id].type == "tb") {
from[1] = this.$lineData[id].M;
to[1] = from[1];
width: (to[0] - from[0]) * (to[0] > from[0] ? 1 : -1) + "px", height: "5px",
left: (to[0] > from[0] ? from[0] : to[0]) + 1 + "px",
top: from[1] - 3 + "px",
cursor: "s-resize", display: "block"
}).data({ "type": "tb", "tid": id });
x = (from[0] + to[0]) / 2 - 35;
y = (from[1] + to[1]) / 2 + 6;
this.$lineOper.css({ display: "block", left: x + "px", top: y + "px" }).data("tid", id);
this.$focus = id;
moveNode: function (id, left, top) {
if (!this.$nodeData[id]) return;
if (this.onItemMove != null && !this.onItemMove(id, "node", left, top)) return;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$nodeData[id].left, this.$nodeData[id].top];
this.pushOper("moveNode", paras);
if (left < 0) left = 0;
if (top < 0) top = 0;
$("#" + id).css({ left: left + "px", top: top + "px" });
this.$nodeData[id].left = left;
this.$nodeData[id].top = top;
this.resetLines(id, this.$nodeData[id]);
if (this.$editable) {
this.$nodeData[id].alt = true;
setName: function (id, name, type,setinfo) {
var oldName;
if (type == "node") {//如果是结点
this.$nodeData[id].setInfo = setinfo;
if (!this.$nodeData[id])
if (this.$nodeData[id].name == name)
if (this.onItemRename != null && !this.onItemRename(id, name, "node"))
oldName = this.$nodeData[id].name;
this.$nodeData[id].name = name;
if (this.$nodeData[id].type.indexOf("round") > 1) {
else {
var hack = 0;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("8.0") != -1) hack = 2;
var width = this.$nodeDom[id].outerWidth();
var height = this.$nodeDom[id].outerHeight();
this.$nodeDom[id].children("table").css({ width: width - 2 + "px", height: height - 2 + "px" });
this.$nodeData[id].width = width;
this.$nodeData[id].height = height;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$nodeData[id].alt = true;
this.resetLines(id, this.$nodeData[id]);
else if (type == "line") {//如果是线
this.$lineData[id].setInfo = setinfo;
if (!this.$lineData[id])
if (this.$lineData[id].name == name)
if (this.onItemRename != null && !this.onItemRename(id, name, "line"))
oldName = this.$lineData[id].name;
this.$lineData[id].name = name;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[2].textContent = name;
else {
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].innerHTML = name;
var n = this.$lineDom[id].getAttribute("fromTo").split(",");
var x;
if (this.$lineData[id].type != "lr") {
x = (n[2] - n[0]) / 2;
else {
var Min = n[2] > n[0] ? n[0] : n[2];
if (Min > this.$lineData[id].M) Min = this.$lineData[id].M;
x = this.$lineData[id].M - Min;
if (x < 0) x = x * -1;
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].style.left = x - this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].offsetWidth / 2 + 4 + "px";
if (this.$editable) {
this.$lineData[id].alt = true;
else if (type == "area") {//如果是分组区域
if (!this.$areaData[id]) return;
if (this.$areaData[id].name == name) return;
if (this.onItemRename != null && !this.onItemRename(id, name, "area")) return;
oldName = this.$areaData[id].name;
this.$areaData[id].name = name;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$areaData[id].alt = true;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, oldName, type];
this.pushOper("setName", paras);
resizeNode: function (id, width, height) {
if (!this.$nodeData[id]) return;
if (this.onItemResize != null && !this.onItemResize(id, "node", width, height)) return;
if (this.$nodeData[id].type == "start" || this.$nodeData[id].type == "end") return;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$nodeData[id].width, this.$nodeData[id].height];
this.pushOper("resizeNode", paras);
var hack = 0;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("8.0") != -1) hack = 2;
this.$nodeDom[id].children("table").css({ width: width - 2 + "px", height: height - 2 + "px" });
width = this.$nodeDom[id].outerWidth() - hack;
height = this.$nodeDom[id].outerHeight() - hack;
this.$nodeDom[id].children("table").css({ width: width - 2 + "px", height: height - 2 + "px" });
this.$nodeData[id].width = width;
this.$nodeData[id].height = height;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$nodeData[id].alt = true;
this.resetLines(id, this.$nodeData[id]);
delNode: function (id) {
if (!this.$nodeData[id]) return;
if (this.onItemDel != null && !this.onItemDel(id, "node")) return;
for (var k in this.$lineData) {
if (this.$lineData[k].from == id || this.$lineData[k].to == id) {
//delete this.$lineData[k];
//delete this.$lineDom[k];
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$nodeData[id]];
this.pushOper("addNode", paras);
delete this.$nodeData[id];
delete this.$nodeDom[id];
if (this.$focus == id) this.$focus = "";
if (this.$editable) {
if (id.indexOf(this.$id + "_node_") < 0)
this.$deletedItem[id] = "node";
setTitle: function (text) {
this.$title = text;
if (this.$head) this.$head.children("label").attr("title", text).text(text);
loadData: function (data) {
if (data == undefined)
data = "";
var t = this.$editable;
this.$editable = false;
if (data.title) this.setTitle(data.title);
if (data.initNum) this.$max = data.initNum;
for (var i in data.nodes)
this.addNode(data.nodes[i].id, data.nodes[i]);
for (var j in data.lines)
this.addLine(data.lines[j].id, data.lines[j]);
for (var k in data.areas)
this.addArea(data.areas[k].id, data.areas[k]);
this.$editable = t;
this.$deletedItem = {};
loadDataAjax: function (para) {
var This = this;
type: para.type,
url: para.url,
dataType: "json",
data: para.data,
success: function (msg) {
if (para.dataFilter) para.dataFilter(msg, "json");
if (para.success) para.success(msg);
error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (para.error) para.error(textStatus, errorThrown);
exportData: function () {
var ret = { title: this.$title, nodes: this.$nodeData, lines: this.$lineData, areas: this.$areaData, initNum: this.$max };
var _nodeobject = [],_lineobject = [];
for (var k1 in ret.nodes) {
if (!ret.nodes[k1].marked) {
delete ret.nodes[k1]["marked"];
ret.nodes[k1]["id"] = k1;
ret.nodes = _nodeobject;
for (var k2 in ret.lines) {
if (!ret.lines[k2].marked) {
delete ret.lines[k2]["marked"];
ret.lines[k2]["id"] = k2;
ret.lines = _lineobject;
return ret;
exportAlter: function () {
var ret = { nodes: {}, lines: {}, areas: {} };
for (var k1 in this.$nodeData) {
if (this.$nodeData[k1].alt) {
ret.nodes[k1] = this.$nodeData[k1];
for (var k2 in this.$lineData) {
if (this.$lineData[k2].alt) {
ret.lines[k2] = this.$lineData[k2];
for (var k3 in this.$areaData) {
if (this.$areaData[k3].alt) {
ret.areas[k3] = this.$areaData[k3];
ret.deletedItem = this.$deletedItem;
return ret;
transNewId: function (oldId, newId, type) {
var tmp;
switch (type) {
case "node":
if (this.$nodeData[oldId]) {
tmp = this.$nodeData[oldId];
delete this.$nodeData[oldId];
this.$nodeData[newId] = tmp;
case "line":
if (this.$lineData[oldId]) {
tmp = this.$lineData[oldId];
delete this.$lineData[oldId];
this.$lineData[newId] = tmp;
case "area":
if (this.$areaData[oldId]) {
tmp = this.$areaData[oldId];
delete this.$areaData[oldId];
this.$areaData[newId] = tmp;
clearData: function () {
for (var key in this.$nodeData) {
for (var key in this.$lineData) {
for (var key in this.$areaData) {
this.$deletedItem = {};
destrory: function () {
this.$lineData = null;
this.$nodeData = null;
this.$lineDom = null;
this.$nodeDom = null;
this.$areaDom = null;
this.$areaData = null;
this.$nodeCount = 0;
this.$areaCount = 0;
this.$areaCount = 0;
this.$deletedItem = {};
drawLine: function (id, sp, ep, mark, dash) {
var line;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
line = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
var hi = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
var path = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
if (id != "") line.setAttribute("id", id);
line.setAttribute("from", sp[0] + "," + sp[1]);
line.setAttribute("to", ep[0] + "," + ep[1]);
hi.setAttribute("visibility", "hidden");
hi.setAttribute("stroke-width", 9);
hi.setAttribute("fill", "none");
hi.setAttribute("stroke", "white");
hi.setAttribute("d", "M " + sp[0] + " " + sp[1] + " L " + ep[0] + " " + ep[1]);
hi.setAttribute("pointer-events", "stroke");
path.setAttribute("d", "M " + sp[0] + " " + sp[1] + " L " + ep[0] + " " + ep[1]);
path.setAttribute("stroke-width", 2.0);
path.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round");
path.setAttribute("fill", "none");
if (dash) path.setAttribute("style", "stroke-dasharray:6,5");
if (mark) {
path.setAttribute("stroke", "#ff3300");
path.setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow2)");
else {
path.setAttribute("stroke", "gray");
path.setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow1)");
line.style.cursor = "crosshair";
if (id != "" && id != "GooFlow_tmp_line") {
var text = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "text");
var x = (ep[0] + sp[0]) / 2;
var y = (ep[1] + sp[1]) / 2;
text.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
text.setAttribute("x", x);
text.setAttribute("y", y - 5);
line.style.cursor = "pointer";
text.style.cursor = "text";
} else {
line = document.createElement("v:polyline");
if (id != "") line.id = id;
line.points.value = sp[0] + "," + sp[1] + " " + ep[0] + "," + ep[1];
line.setAttribute("fromTo", sp[0] + "," + sp[1] + "," + ep[0] + "," + ep[1]);
line.strokeWeight = "1.2";
line.stroke.EndArrow = "Block";
line.style.cursor = "crosshair";
if (id != "" && id != "GooFlow_tmp_line") {
var text = document.createElement("div");
var x = (ep[0] - sp[0]) / 2;
var y = (ep[1] - sp[1]) / 2;
if (x < 0) x = x * -1;
if (y < 0) y = y * -1;
text.style.left = x + "px";
text.style.top = y - 6 + "px";
line.style.cursor = "pointer";
if (dash) line.stroke.dashstyle = "Dash";
if (mark) line.strokeColor = "#ff3300";
else line.strokeColor = "gray";
return line;
drawPoly: function (id, sp, m1, m2, ep, mark) {
var poly, strPath;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
poly = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
var hi = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
var path = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
if (id != "") poly.setAttribute("id", id);
poly.setAttribute("from", sp[0] + "," + sp[1]);
poly.setAttribute("to", ep[0] + "," + ep[1]);
hi.setAttribute("visibility", "hidden");
hi.setAttribute("stroke-width", 9);
hi.setAttribute("fill", "none");
hi.setAttribute("stroke", "white");
strPath = "M " + sp[0] + " " + sp[1];
if (m1[0] != sp[0] || m1[1] != sp[1])
strPath += " L " + m1[0] + " " + m1[1];
if (m2[0] != ep[0] || m2[1] != ep[1])
strPath += " L " + m2[0] + " " + m2[1];
strPath += " L " + ep[0] + " " + ep[1];
hi.setAttribute("d", strPath);
hi.setAttribute("pointer-events", "stroke");
path.setAttribute("d", strPath);
path.setAttribute("stroke-width", 2.0);
path.setAttribute("stroke-linecap", "round");
path.setAttribute("fill", "none");
if (mark) {
path.setAttribute("stroke", "#ff3300");
path.setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow2)");
else {
path.setAttribute("stroke", "gray");
path.setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow1)");
var text = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "text");
var x = (m2[0] + m1[0]) / 2;
var y = (m2[1] + m1[1]) / 2;
text.setAttribute("text-anchor", "middle");
text.setAttribute("x", x);
text.setAttribute("y", y - 5);
text.style.cursor = "text";
poly.style.cursor = "pointer";
else {
poly = document.createElement("v:Polyline");
if (id != "") poly.id = id;
poly.filled = "false";
strPath = sp[0] + "," + sp[1];
if (m1[0] != sp[0] || m1[1] != sp[1])
strPath += " " + m1[0] + "," + m1[1];
if (m2[0] != ep[0] || m2[1] != ep[1])
strPath += " " + m2[0] + "," + m2[1];
strPath += " " + ep[0] + "," + ep[1];
poly.points.value = strPath;
poly.setAttribute("fromTo", sp[0] + "," + sp[1] + "," + ep[0] + "," + ep[1]);
poly.strokeWeight = "1.2";
poly.stroke.EndArrow = "Block";
var text = document.createElement("div");
var x = (m2[0] - m1[0]) / 2;
var y = (m2[1] - m1[1]) / 2;
if (x < 0) x = x * -1;
if (y < 0) y = y * -1;
text.style.left = x + "px";
text.style.top = y - 4 + "px";
poly.style.cursor = "pointer";
if (mark) poly.strokeColor = "#ff3300";
else poly.strokeColor = "gray";
return poly;
calcStartEnd: function (n1, n2) {
var X_1, Y_1, X_2, Y_2;
var x11 = n1.left, x12 = n1.left + n1.width, x21 = n2.left, x22 = n2.left + n2.width;
if (x11 >= x22) {
X_1 = x11; X_2 = x22;
else if (x12 <= x21) {
X_1 = x12; X_2 = x21;
else if (x11 <= x21 && x12 >= x21 && x12 <= x22) {
X_1 = (x12 + x21) / 2; X_2 = X_1;
else if (x11 >= x21 && x12 <= x22) {
X_1 = (x11 + x12) / 2; X_2 = X_1;
else if (x21 >= x11 && x22 <= x12) {
X_1 = (x21 + x22) / 2; X_2 = X_1;
else if (x11 <= x22 && x12 >= x22) {
X_1 = (x11 + x22) / 2; X_2 = X_1;
var y11 = n1.top, y12 = n1.top + n1.height, y21 = n2.top, y22 = n2.top + n2.height;
if (y11 >= y22) {
Y_1 = y11; Y_2 = y22;
else if (y12 <= y21) {
Y_1 = y12; Y_2 = y21;
else if (y11 <= y21 && y12 >= y21 && y12 <= y22) {
Y_1 = (y12 + y21) / 2; Y_2 = Y_1;
else if (y11 >= y21 && y12 <= y22) {
Y_1 = (y11 + y12) / 2; Y_2 = Y_1;
else if (y21 >= y11 && y22 <= y12) {
Y_1 = (y21 + y22) / 2; Y_2 = Y_1;
else if (y11 <= y22 && y12 >= y22) {
Y_1 = (y11 + y22) / 2; Y_2 = Y_1;
return { "start": [X_1, Y_1], "end": [X_2, Y_2] };
calcPolyPoints: function (n1, n2, type, M) {
var SP = { x: n1.left + n1.width / 2, y: n1.top + n1.height / 2 };
var EP = { x: n2.left + n2.width / 2, y: n2.top + n2.height / 2 };
var sp = [], m1 = [], m2 = [], ep = [];
sp = [SP.x, SP.y];
ep = [EP.x, EP.y];
if (type == "lr") {
m1 = [M, SP.y];
m2 = [M, EP.y];
if (m1[0] > n1.left && m1[0] < n1.left + n1.width) {
m1[1] = (SP.y > EP.y ? n1.top : n1.top + n1.height);
sp[0] = m1[0]; sp[1] = m1[1];
else {
sp[0] = (m1[0] < n1.left ? n1.left : n1.left + n1.width)
if (m2[0] > n2.left && m2[0] < n2.left + n2.width) {
m2[1] = (SP.y > EP.y ? n2.top + n2.height : n2.top);
ep[0] = m2[0]; ep[1] = m2[1];
else {
ep[0] = (m2[0] < n2.left ? n2.left : n2.left + n2.width)
else if (type == "tb") {
m1 = [SP.x, M];
m2 = [EP.x, M];
if (m1[1] > n1.top && m1[1] < n1.top + n1.height) {
m1[0] = (SP.x > EP.x ? n1.left : n1.left + n1.width);
sp[0] = m1[0]; sp[1] = m1[1];
else {
sp[1] = (m1[1] < n1.top ? n1.top : n1.top + n1.height)
if (m2[1] > n2.top && m2[1] < n2.top + n2.height) {
m2[0] = (SP.x > EP.x ? n2.left + n2.width : n2.left);
ep[0] = m2[0]; ep[1] = m2[1];
else {
ep[1] = (m2[1] < n2.top ? n2.top : n2.top + n2.height);
return { start: sp, m1: m1, m2: m2, end: ep };
getMValue: function (n1, n2, mType) {
if (mType == "lr") {
return (n1.left + n1.width / 2 + n2.left + n2.width / 2) / 2;
else if (mType == "tb") {
return (n1.top + n1.height / 2 + n2.top + n2.height / 2) / 2;
addLine: function (id, json) {
if (this.onItemAdd != null && !this.onItemAdd(id, "line", json)) return;
if (this.$undoStack && this.$editable) {
this.pushOper("delLine", [id]);
var n1 = null, n2 = null;//获取开始/结束结点的数据
if (json.from == json.to) return;
for (var k in this.$lineData) {
if ((json.from == this.$lineData[k].from && json.to == this.$lineData[k].to))
var n1 = this.$nodeData[json.from], n2 = this.$nodeData[json.to];//获取开始/结束结点的数据
if (!n1 || !n2) return;
var res;
if (json.type && json.type != "sl")
res = GooFlow.prototype.calcPolyPoints(n1, n2, json.type, json.M);
res = GooFlow.prototype.calcStartEnd(n1, n2);
if (!res) return;
this.$lineData[id] = {};
this.$lineData[id].setInfo = json.setInfo;
this.$lineData[id].id = json.id;
if (json.type) {
this.$lineData[id].type = json.type;
this.$lineData[id].M = json.M;
else this.$lineData[id].type = "sl";//默认为直线
this.$lineData[id].from = json.from;
this.$lineData[id].to = json.to;
this.$lineData[id].name = json.name;
if (json.mark) this.$lineData[id].marked = json.mark;
else this.$lineData[id].marked = false;
if (this.$lineData[id].type == "sl")
this.$lineDom[id] = GooFlow.prototype.drawLine(id, res.start, res.end, json.mark);
this.$lineDom[id] = GooFlow.prototype.drawPoly(id, res.start, res.m1, res.m2, res.end, json.mark);
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG == "") {
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].innerHTML = json.name;
if (this.$lineData[id].type != "sl") {
var Min = (res.start[0] > res.end[0] ? res.end[0] : res.start[0]);
if (Min > res.m2[0]) Min = res.m2[0];
if (Min > res.m1[0]) Min = res.m1[0];
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].style.left = (res.m2[0] + res.m1[0]) / 2 - Min - this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].offsetWidth / 2 + 4;
Min = (res.start[1] > res.end[1] ? res.end[1] : res.start[1]);
if (Min > res.m2[1]) Min = res.m2[1];
if (Min > res.m1[1]) Min = res.m1[1];
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].style.top = (res.m2[1] + res.m1[1]) / 2 - Min - this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].offsetHeight / 2;
} else
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].style.left =
((res.end[0] - res.start[0]) * (res.end[0] > res.start[0] ? 1 : -1) - this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].offsetWidth) / 2 + 4;
else this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[2].textContent = json.name;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$lineData[id].alt = true;
if (this.$deletedItem[id]) delete this.$deletedItem[id];//在回退删除操作时,去掉该元素的删除记录
resetLines: function (id, node) {
for (var i in this.$lineData) {
var other = null;//获取结束/开始结点的数据
var res;
if (this.$lineData[i].from == id) {//找结束点
other = this.$nodeData[this.$lineData[i].to] || null;
if (other == null) continue;
if (this.$lineData[i].type == "sl")
res = GooFlow.prototype.calcStartEnd(node, other);
res = GooFlow.prototype.calcPolyPoints(node, other, this.$lineData[i].type, this.$lineData[i].M)
if (!res) break;
else if (this.$lineData[i].to == id) {//找开始点
other = this.$nodeData[this.$lineData[i].from] || null;
if (other == null) continue;
if (this.$lineData[i].type == "sl")
res = GooFlow.prototype.calcStartEnd(other, node);
res = GooFlow.prototype.calcPolyPoints(other, node, this.$lineData[i].type, this.$lineData[i].M);
if (!res) break;
if (other == null) continue;
if (this.$lineData[i].type == "sl") {
this.$lineDom[i] = GooFlow.prototype.drawLine(i, res.start, res.end, this.$lineData[i].marked);
else {
this.$lineDom[i] = GooFlow.prototype.drawPoly(i, res.start, res.m1, res.m2, res.end, this.$lineData[i].marked);
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG == "") {
this.$lineDom[i].childNodes[1].innerHTML = this.$lineData[i].name;
if (this.$lineData[i].type != "sl") {
var Min = (res.start[0] > res.end[0] ? res.end[0] : res.start[0]);
if (Min > res.m2[0]) Min = res.m2[0];
if (Min > res.m1[0]) Min = res.m1[0];
this.$lineDom[i].childNodes[1].style.left = (res.m2[0] + res.m1[0]) / 2 - Min - this.$lineDom[i].childNodes[1].offsetWidth / 2 + 4;
Min = (res.start[1] > res.end[1] ? res.end[1] : res.start[1]);
if (Min > res.m2[1]) Min = res.m2[1];
if (Min > res.m1[1]) Min = res.m1[1];
this.$lineDom[i].childNodes[1].style.top = (res.m2[1] + res.m1[1]) / 2 - Min - this.$lineDom[i].childNodes[1].offsetHeight / 2 - 4;
} else
this.$lineDom[i].childNodes[1].style.left =
((res.end[0] - res.start[0]) * (res.end[0] > res.start[0] ? 1 : -1) - this.$lineDom[i].childNodes[1].offsetWidth) / 2 + 4;
else this.$lineDom[i].childNodes[2].textContent = this.$lineData[i].name;
//重新设置连线的样式 newType= "sl":直线, "lr":中段可左右移动型折线, "tb":中段可上下移动型折线
setLineType: function (id, newType) {
if (!newType || newType == null || newType == "" || newType == this.$lineData[id].type) return false;
if (this.onLineSetType != null && !this.onLineSetType(id, newType)) return;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$lineData[id].type];
this.pushOper("setLineType", paras);
if (this.$lineData[id].type != "sl") {
var para2 = [id, this.$lineData[id].M];
this.pushOper("setLineM", para2);
var from = this.$lineData[id].from;
var to = this.$lineData[id].to;
this.$lineData[id].type = newType;
var res;
if (newType != "sl") {
var res = GooFlow.prototype.calcPolyPoints(this.$nodeData[from], this.$nodeData[to], this.$lineData[id].type, this.$lineData[id].M);
this.setLineM(id, this.getMValue(this.$nodeData[from], this.$nodeData[to], newType), true);
else {
delete this.$lineData[id].M;
res = GooFlow.prototype.calcStartEnd(this.$nodeData[from], this.$nodeData[to]);
if (!res) return;
this.$lineDom[id] = GooFlow.prototype.drawLine(id, res.start, res.end, this.$lineData[id].marked || this.$focus == id);
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG == "") {
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].innerHTML = this.$lineData[id].name;
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].style.left =
((res.end[0] - res.start[0]) * (res.end[0] > res.start[0] ? 1 : -1) - this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].offsetWidth) / 2 + 4;
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[2].textContent = this.$lineData[id].name;
if (this.$focus == id) {
if (this.$editable) {
this.$lineData[id].alt = true;
setLineM: function (id, M, noStack) {
if (!this.$lineData[id] || M < 0 || !this.$lineData[id].type || this.$lineData[id].type == "sl") return false;
if (this.onLineMove != null && !this.onLineMove(id, M)) return false;
if (this.$undoStack && !noStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$lineData[id].M];
this.pushOper("setLineM", paras);
var from = this.$lineData[id].from;
var to = this.$lineData[id].to;
this.$lineData[id].M = M;
var ps = GooFlow.prototype.calcPolyPoints(this.$nodeData[from], this.$nodeData[to], this.$lineData[id].type, this.$lineData[id].M);
this.$lineDom[id] = GooFlow.prototype.drawPoly(id, ps.start, ps.m1, ps.m2, ps.end, this.$lineData[id].marked || this.$focus == id);
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG == "") {
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].innerHTML = this.$lineData[id].name;
var Min = (ps.start[0] > ps.end[0] ? ps.end[0] : ps.start[0]);
if (Min > ps.m2[0]) Min = ps.m2[0];
if (Min > ps.m1[0]) Min = ps.m1[0];
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].style.left = (ps.m2[0] + ps.m1[0]) / 2 - Min - this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].offsetWidth / 2 + 4;
Min = (ps.start[1] > ps.end[1] ? ps.end[1] : ps.start[1]);
if (Min > ps.m2[1]) Min = ps.m2[1];
if (Min > ps.m1[1]) Min = ps.m1[1];
this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].style.top = (ps.m2[1] + ps.m1[1]) / 2 - Min - this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[1].offsetHeight / 2 - 4;
else this.$lineDom[id].childNodes[2].textContent = this.$lineData[id].name;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$lineData[id].alt = true;
delLine: function (id) {
if (!this.$lineData[id]) return;
if (this.onItemDel != null && !this.onItemDel(id, "node")) return;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$lineData[id]];
this.pushOper("addLine", paras);
delete this.$lineData[id];
delete this.$lineDom[id];
if (this.$focus == id) this.$focus = "";
if (this.$editable) {
if (id.indexOf(this.$id + "_line_") < 0)
this.$deletedItem[id] = "line";
markItem: function (id, type, mark) {
if (type == "node") {
if (!this.$nodeData[id]) return;
if (this.onItemMark != null && !this.onItemMark(id, "node", mark)) return;
this.$nodeData[id].marked = mark || false;
if (mark) this.$nodeDom[id].addClass("item_mark");
else this.$nodeDom[id].removeClass("item_mark");
} else if (type == "line") {
if (!this.$lineData[id]) return;
if (this.onItemMark != null && !this.onItemMark(id, "line", mark)) return;
this.$lineData[id].marked = mark || false;
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG != "") {
if (mark) {
this.$nodeDom[id].childNodes[1].setAttribute("stroke", "#ff3300");
this.$nodeDom[id].childNodes[1].setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow2)");
} else {
this.$nodeDom[id].childNodes[1].setAttribute("stroke", "gray");
this.$nodeDom[id].childNodes[1].setAttribute("marker-end", "url(#arrow1)");
} else {
if (mark) this.$nodeDom[id].strokeColor = "#ff3300";
else this.$nodeDom[id].strokeColor = "gray"
if (this.$undoStatck) {
var paras = [id, type, !mark];
this.pushOper("markItem", paras);
moveArea: function (id, left, top) {
if (!this.$areaData[id]) return;
if (this.onItemMove != null && !this.onItemMove(id, "area", left, top)) return;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$areaData[id].left, this.$areaData[id].top];
this.pushOper("moveNode", paras);
if (left < 0) left = 0;
if (top < 0) top = 0;
$("#" + id).css({ left: left + "px", top: top + "px" });
this.$areaData[id].left = left;
this.$areaData[id].top = top;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$areaData[id].alt = true;
delArea: function (id) {
if (!this.$areaData[id]) return;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$areaData[id]];
this.pushOper("addArea", paras);
if (this.onItemDel != null && !this.onItemDel(id, "node")) return;
delete this.$areaData[id];
delete this.$areaDom[id];
if (this.$editable) {
if (id.indexOf(this.$id + "_area_") < 0)
this.$deletedItem[id] = "area";
setAreaColor: function (id, color) {
if (!this.$areaData[id]) return;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$areaData[id].color];
this.pushOper("setAreaColor", paras);
if (color == "red" || color == "yellow" || color == "blue" || color == "green") {
this.$areaDom[id].removeClass("area_" + this.$areaData[id].color).addClass("area_" + color);
this.$areaData[id].color = color;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$areaData[id].alt = true;
resizeArea: function (id, width, height) {
if (!this.$areaData[id]) return;
if (this.onItemResize != null && !this.onItemResize(id, "area", width, height)) return;
if (this.$undoStack) {
var paras = [id, this.$areaData[id].width, this.$areaData[id].height];
this.pushOper("resizeArea", paras);
var hack = 0;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("8.0") != -1) hack = 2;
this.$areaDom[id].children(".bg").css({ width: width - 2 + "px", height: height - 2 + "px" });
width = this.$areaDom[id].outerWidth();
height = this.$areaDom[id].outerHeight();
this.$areaDom[id].children("bg").css({ width: width - 2 + "px", height: height - 2 + "px" });
this.$areaData[id].width = width;
this.$areaData[id].height = height;
if (this.$editable) {
this.$areaData[id].alt = true;
addArea: function (id, json) {
if (this.onItemAdd != null && !this.onItemAdd(id, "area", json)) return;
if (this.$undoStack && this.$editable) {
this.pushOper("delArea", [id]);
this.$areaDom[id] = $("
+ "
this.$areaData[id] = json;
if (this.$nowType != "group") this.$areaDom[id].children("div:eq(1)").css("display", "none");
if (this.$editable) {
this.$areaData[id].alt = true;
if (this.$deletedItem[id]) delete this.$deletedItem[id];//在回退删除操作时,去掉该元素的删除记录
reinitSize: function (width, height) {
var w = (width || 800) - 2;
var h = (height || 500) - 2;
this.$bgDiv.css({ height: h + "px", width: w + "px" });
var headHeight = 0, hack = 10;
if (this.$head != null) {
headHeight = 24;
hack = 7;
if (this.$tool != null) {
this.$tool.css({ height: h - headHeight - hack + "px" });
w -= 39;
h = h - headHeight - (this.$head != null ? 5 : 8);
this.$workArea.parent().css({ height: h + "px", width: w + "px" });
this.$workArea.css({ height: h * 3 + "px", width: w * 3 + "px" });
if (GooFlow.prototype.useSVG == "") {
this.$draw.coordsize = w * 3 + "," + h * 3;
this.$draw.style.width = w * 3 + "px";
this.$draw.style.height = +h * 3 + "px";
if (this.$group == null) {
this.$group.css({ height: h * 3 + "px", width: w * 3 + "px" });
createGooFlow: function (bgDiv, property) {
return new GooFlow(bgDiv, property);
function getElCoordinate(dom) {
var t = dom.offsetTop;
var l = dom.offsetLeft;
dom = dom.offsetParent;
while (dom) {
t += dom.offsetTop;
l += dom.offsetLeft;
dom = dom.offsetParent;
}; return {
top: t,
left: l
function mousePosition(ev) {
if (!ev) ev = window.event;
if (ev.pageX || ev.pageY) {
return { x: ev.pageX, y: ev.pageY };
return {
x: ev.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft - document.body.clientLeft,
y: ev.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop - document.body.clientTop