/* * 版 本 Learun-ADMS-Ultimate V7.0.0 数字化智慧校园(http://www.learun.cn)
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018 北京泉江科技有限公司
* 创建人:超级管理员
* 日 期:2019-10-28 11:48
* 描 述:学籍异动
var acceptClick;
var keyValue = request('keyValue');
var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
"use strict";
var page = {
init: function () {
bind: function () {
code: 'StuChangeType', select: function (item) {
if (item != null && item != undefined) {
var StuNo = $('#StuNo').val();
if (!StuNo) {
return false;
$(".NewContainer").find('.contentDiv').attr("isvalid", "yes");
$(".NewContainer").find('.contentDiv').attr("checkexpession", "NotNull");
$(".NewContainer").find('.contentDiv').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
$("#NewDeptNo").siblings('div').html($("#NewDeptNo").siblings('div').attr('data-title') + '*');
$("#NewMajorNo").siblings('div').html($("#NewMajorNo").siblings('div').attr('data-title') + '*');
$("#NewClassNo").siblings('div').html($("#NewClassNo").siblings('div').attr('data-title') + '*');
if (item.id === "01" || item.id === "07") { //留级、转班
} else if (item.id === "02") {//转校
$('#OutSchool').attr("isvalid", 'yes');
$('#OutSchool').attr("checkexpession", "NotNull");
$("#OutSchool").siblings('div').html($("#OutSchool").siblings('div').attr('data-title') + '*');
} else if (item.id === "03") { //复学
} else if (item.id === "04") { //转入/进
else if (item.id === "05" || item.id === "06") { //退学、休学、
else if (item.id === "08") { //转专业、
$('#StuChangeReason').lrDataItemSelect({ code: 'StuChangeReason' });
$('#DeptNo').lrDataSourceSelect({ code: 'CdDeptInfo', value: 'deptno', text: 'deptname' });
$('#MajorNo').lrDataSourceSelect({ code: 'CdMajorInfo', value: 'majorno', text: 'majorname' });
$('#ClassNo').lrDataSourceSelect({ code: 'bjsj', value: 'classno', text: 'classname' });
code: 'CdDeptInfo', value: 'deptno', text: 'deptname', select: function (item) {
if (item != null && item != undefined) {
url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=CdMajorInfo',
param: { strWhere: "deptno='" + item.deptno + "' AND CheckMark=1 order by majorno" }
} else {
url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=CdMajorInfo',
param: { strWhere: "CheckMark=1 order by majorno" }
code: 'CdMajorInfo', value: 'majorno', text: 'majorname', select: function (item) {
if (item != null && item != undefined) {
url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
param: { strWhere: "MajorNo='" + item.majorno + "' AND CheckMark=1 order by classno" }
} else {
url: top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_SystemModule/DataSource/GetDataTable?code=bjsj',
param: { strWhere: "CheckMark=1 order by classno" }
$('#NewClassNo').lrDataSourceSelect({ code: 'bjsj', value: 'classno', text: 'classname' });
$("#StuNo").on('blur', function () {
var StuNo = $(this).val();
if (StuNo) {
learun.httpAsync('get', top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/GetStuInfo?Account=' + StuNo, '', function (data) {
if (data) {
} else {
//return false;
$("#StuName").on('blur', function () {
var StuName = $(this).val().trim();
if (StuName) {
learun.httpAsync('get', top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasic/GetStuInfoBasicEntityByStuName?name=' + StuName, '', function (data) {
if (data) {
} else {
return false;
if (!!keyValue) {
$("#StuNo").attr('readonly', 'readonly');
$("#StuName").attr('readonly', 'readonly');
initData: function () {
if (!!keyValue) {
$.lrSetForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasicChange/GetFormData?keyValue=' + keyValue, function (data) {
for (var id in data) {
if (!!data[id].length && data[id].length > 0) {
$('#' + id).jfGridSet('refreshdata', data[id]);
else {
$('[data-table="' + id + '"]').lrSetFormData(data[id]);
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$(".NewContainer").find('.contentDiv').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
$("#NewDeptNo").siblings('div').html($("#NewDeptNo").siblings('div').attr('data-title') + '*');
$("#NewMajorNo").siblings('div').html($("#NewMajorNo").siblings('div').attr('data-title') + '*');
$("#NewClassNo").siblings('div').html($("#NewClassNo").siblings('div').attr('data-title') + '*');
if (data[id].StuChangeType == "01" || data[id].StuChangeType == "07") { //留级、转班
else if (data[id].StuChangeType == "02") {//转校
$('#OutSchool').attr("isvalid", 'yes');
$('#OutSchool').attr("checkexpession", "NotNull");
$("#OutSchool").siblings('div').html($("#OutSchool").siblings('div').attr('data-title') + '*');
} else if (data[id].StuChangeType == "03") { //复学
} else if (data[id].StuChangeType == "04") { //转入/进
} else if (data[id].StuChangeType == "05" || data[id].StuChangeType == "06") { //退学、休学、
else if (data[id].StuChangeType == "08") { //转专业、
// 保存数据
acceptClick = function (callBack) {
if (!$('body').lrValidform()) {
return false;
var postData = {
strEntity: JSON.stringify($('body').lrGetFormData())
$.lrSaveForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/StuInfoBasicChange/SaveForm?keyValue=' + keyValue, postData, function (res) {
// 保存成功后才回调
if (!!callBack) {