GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Web.Viewer Holds information required for initializing an instance of referenced Data Provider. Initializes new instance of the struct. Initial value for . Initial value for . Initial value for . The name that can be used to refer to the data provider in reports. Fully assembly-qualified name of the class that implements for this provider. Fully assembly-qualified name of the class that implements additional features like setting of multivalue parameters and others. This method called from ar.core using reflection. Checks the current license and throws if the license is not valid. Throw if the license is not applicable to running application. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Defines reporting middleware settings. Adds custom data provider info Use directory as a source of report templates. Use embedded resources to locate the report templates. Use custom report templates store. The function that returns report template for a given report string identifier. Instructs ActiveReports to store temporary files to a disk to reduce memory consumption. Instructs ActiveReports to store temporary data to a memory. Tells ActiveReports to compress temporary data before storing to memory/disk. Web API endpoint prefix. Sets or gets data source locator handler. Sets or gets credentials resolving handler. Occurs when IReportService can't find the report with the specified identifier. Render report payload. Specified parameter values Settings for rendering extensions. Interactive actions.