using Dapper; using Learun.DataBase.Repository; using Learun.Util; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Text; namespace Learun.Application.Language { /// /// 版 本 Learun-ADMS V7.0.3 力软敏捷开发框架 /// Copyright (c) 2013-2018 上海力软信息技术有限公司 /// 创 建:超级管理员 /// 日 期:2018-04-10 15:00 /// 描 述:语言映照 /// public class LGMapService : RepositoryFactory { #region 构造函数和属性 private string fieldSql; public LGMapService() { fieldSql = @" t.F_Id, t.F_Name, t.F_Code, t.F_TypeCode "; } #endregion #region 获取数据 /// /// 获取数据结合(code,name) /// 语言包编码 /// /// public IEnumerable GetDataList(string Code) { try { var sql = "SELECT F_Code as id,F_Name as name FROM LR_Lg_Map t WHERE F_TypeCode='" + Code + "' AND t.F_Code <>'' AND t.F_Code<>'undefined'"; return this.BaseRepository().FindList(sql); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取列表数据 /// 编码 /// /// public IEnumerable GetListByTypeCode(string TypeCode) { try { var sql = "select * from LR_Lg_Map t where F_TypeCode='" + TypeCode + "' AND t.F_Code <>'' AND t.F_Code<>'undefined'"; return this.BaseRepository().FindList(sql); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取列表数据 /// /// public IEnumerable GetList(string queryJson) { try { //参考写法 //var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); // 虚拟参数 //var dp = new DynamicParameters(new { }); //dp.Add("startTime", queryParam["StartTime"].ToDate(), DbType.DateTime); var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("SELECT "); strSql.Append(fieldSql); strSql.Append(" FROM LR_Lg_Map t WHERE 1=1 AND t.F_Code <>'' AND t.F_Code<>'undefined'"); strSql.Append(" ORDER BY F_Code"); return this.BaseRepository().FindList(strSql.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取列表分页数据 /// 分页参数 /// 语言类型列表 /// /// public DataTable GetPageList(Pagination pagination, string queryJson, string typeList) { try { string[] list = typeList.Split(','); var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("SELECT "); strSql.Append("m.F_Code, m.F_Name as " + list[0] + " "); for (var i = 1; i < list.Length; i++) { strSql.Append(", m" + i + ".F_Name as " + list[i] + " "); } strSql.Append(" FROM LR_Lg_Map m "); for (var j = 1; j < list.Length; j++) { strSql.Append("LEFT JOIN LR_Lg_Map m" + j + " ON m.F_Code=m" + j + ".F_Code AND m" + j + ".F_TypeCode='" + list[j] + "' "); } strSql.Append(" WHERE m.F_TypeCode = '" + list[0] + "' AND m.F_Code <>'' AND m.F_Code<>'undefined'"); var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject(); // 虚拟参数 var dp = new DynamicParameters(new { }); if (queryParam.Property("keyword") != null && queryParam.Property("keyword").ToString() != "") { dp.Add("F_Name", "%" + queryParam["keyword"].ToString() + "%", DbType.String); strSql.Append(" AND m.F_Name like @F_Name "); } return this.BaseRepository().FindTable(strSql.ToString(), dp, pagination); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 获取实体数据 /// 主键 /// /// public LGMapEntity GetEntity(string keyValue) { try { return this.BaseRepository().FindEntity(keyValue); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 根据名称获取列表 /// F_Name /// /// public IEnumerable GetListByName(string keyValue) { try { var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("SELECT "); strSql.Append(fieldSql); strSql.Append(" FROM LR_Lg_Map t WHERE 1=1 AND t.F_Code <>'' AND t.F_Code<>'undefined' AND t.F_Name='" + keyValue + "'"); return this.BaseRepository().FindList(strSql.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 根据名称与类型获取列表 /// F_Name /// typeCode /// /// public IEnumerable GetListByNameAndType(string keyValue, string typeCode) { try { var strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("SELECT "); strSql.Append(fieldSql); strSql.Append(" FROM LR_Lg_Map t WHERE 1=1 AND t.F_Code <>'' AND t.F_Code<>'undefined' AND t.F_Name='" + keyValue + "' AND t.F_TypeCode='" + typeCode + "'"); return this.BaseRepository().FindList(strSql.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } #endregion #region 提交数据 /// /// 删除实体数据 /// 主键 /// /// public void DeleteEntity(string keyValue) { try { this.BaseRepository().Delete(t => t.F_Code == keyValue); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } /// /// 保存实体数据(新增、修改) /// 原列表 /// 新列表 /// F_Code /// /// public void SaveEntity(string nameList, string newNameList, string code) { var db = this.BaseRepository().BeginTrans(); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) {//编辑 JObject jo = JObject.Parse(nameList); IEnumerable properties = jo.Properties(); //将原列表存入字典 var dic = new Dictionary(); foreach (JProperty item in properties) { dic.Add(item.Name, item.Value.ToString()); } //新列表 JObject newjo = JObject.Parse(newNameList); IEnumerable newproperties = newjo.Properties(); foreach (JProperty item in newproperties) { if (dic.ContainsKey(item.Name) && (item.Value.ToString() != dic[item.Name])) { var sql = "UPDATE LR_LG_MAP SET F_Name=@newName WHERE F_Name=@oldName AND F_Code=@code"; db.ExecuteBySql(sql, new { newName = item.Value.ToString(), oldName = dic[item.Name], code = code }); } else if (!dic.ContainsKey(item.Name)) { LGMapEntity entity = new LGMapEntity(); entity.Create(); entity.F_Name = item.Value.ToString(); entity.F_TypeCode = item.Name; entity.F_Code = code; db.Insert(entity); } else { continue; } } } else {//新增 //转为可遍历对象 JObject jo = JObject.Parse(newNameList); IEnumerable properties = jo.Properties(); var F_Code = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //新增每一项 foreach (JProperty item in properties) { LGMapEntity entity = new LGMapEntity(); entity.Create(); entity.F_Name = item.Value.ToString(); entity.F_TypeCode = item.Name; entity.F_Code = F_Code; db.Insert(entity); } } db.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.Rollback(); if (ex is ExceptionEx) { throw; } else { throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex); } } } #endregion } }