- <template>
- <view id="contact" class="page">
- <!-- 顶部搜索栏 -->
- <view class="topSearch">
- <!-- <view style="padding-top: 54px;"> -->
- <l-banner v-model="searchText" :placeholder="placeholder" type="search" noSearchButton fill />
- <!-- </view> -->
- <view>
- <view class="pearson">
- 已选择:{{names||'暂无'}}
- </view>
- <view style="display: flex;justify-content: center;">
- <view class="cu-btn sm line-red" @tap="itemClear" style="font-size: 16px;margin: 4px;">
- 清空选择
- </view>
- <view class="cu-btn sm line-green" @tap="itemConfirm" style="font-size: 16px;margin: 4px;">
- 确定选择
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- <!-- 树形列表 -->
- <l-organize-tree v-if="type && !searchText && refreshFlag" @buttonClick="itemClick" :level="type" :root="root" button :value="ids" />
- <!-- 如果用户输入了搜索关键字,只列出用户 -->
- <view v-else-if="type && refreshFlag" class="user-item-list">
- <l-organize-single-item v-for="item of searchList" @buttonClick="itemClick" :key="item.id" :item="item" button :value="ids" />
- </view>
- </view>
- </template>
- <script>
- export default {
- data() {
- return {
- type: null,
- contactList: [],
- searchText: '',
- placeholder: '搜索公司名/部门名/职员姓名',
- root: { type: 'company', id: '0' },
- items:[],
- ids:'',
- refreshFlag:true,
- }
- },
- onBackPress() {
- this.OFF('select-organize')
- },
- onUnload() {
- this.OFF('select-organize')
- },
- async onLoad({ type, rootId, rootType }) {
- await this.init(type, rootId, rootType)
- },
- methods: {
- // 加载页面
- async init(type, rootId, rootType) {
- this.ids = this.GET_PARAM()
- if(this.ids){
- let arr = this.ids.split(",")
- let items = []
- for (let s of arr) {
- if(this.GET_GLOBAL(type)[s]){
- items.push({...this.GET_GLOBAL(type)[s],id:s})
- }
- }
- this.items = items
- }
- this.placeholder = {
- user: '搜索职员姓名',
- department: '搜索公司名/部门名',
- company: '搜索公司名/部门名/职员姓名'
- }[type]
- if (rootId && rootId !== 'undefined' && rootId !== 'null') {
- this.root = { id: rootId, type: rootType }
- }
- this.type = type || 'user'
- const selectType = { user: '职员', department: '部门', company: '公司' }[type]
- this.SET_TITLE(`请选择${selectType}`)
- },
- findItem(arr,item){
- const result = arr.findIndex(t => t.id === item.id);
- if(result === -1){
- arr.push(item)
- }else{
- arr.splice(result,1)
- }
- return arr
- },
- itemClear(){
- this.items = []
- this.ids = ''
- this.refreshFlag = false
- this.$nextTick(()=>{
- this.refreshFlag = true
- })
- },
- // 某一项被点击,触发事件
- itemClick(item) {
- this.items = this.findItem(this.items,item)
- this.ids = this.items.map(t=>t.id).toString()
- // this.EMIT('select-organize', item)
- // this.NAV_BACK()
- },
- itemConfirm(){
- this.EMIT('select-organize', this.items)
- this.NAV_BACK()
- }
- },
- computed: {
- // 用户输入关键字搜索时的列表
- searchList() {
- if (!this.searchText) {
- return []
- }
- return Object.entries(this.GET_GLOBAL(this.type))
- .filter(([id, item]) => item.name.includes(this.searchText))
- .map(([id, item]) => ({
- ...item,
- type: this.type,
- id
- }))
- },
- names(){
- if(!this.items.length){
- return ''
- }
- return this.items.map(t=>t.name).toString()
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- <style lang="scss">
- // page {
- // padding-top: 100rpx;
- // }
- .topSearch{
- .pearson{
- color: #606266;
- line-height: 32px;
- padding: 6px 8px;
- }
- }
- </style>