- /* * 版 本 Learun-ADMS-Ultimate V7.0.0 数字化智慧校园(http://www.learun.cn)
- * Copyright (c) 2013-2018 北京泉江科技有限公司
- * 创建人:超级管理员
- * 日 期:2019-04-11 10:31
- * 描 述:公文发送
- */
- var refreshGirdData;
- var bootstrap = function ($, learun) {
- "use strict";
- var processId = '';
- var startTime;
- var endTime;
- var page = {
- init: function () {
- page.initGird();
- page.bind();
- },
- bind: function () {
- // 时间搜索框
- $('#datesearch').lrdate({
- dfdata: [
- { name: '今天', begin: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00') }, end: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') } },
- { name: '近7天', begin: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00', 'd', -6) }, end: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') } },
- { name: '近1个月', begin: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00', 'm', -1) }, end: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') } },
- { name: '近3个月', begin: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00', 'm', -3) }, end: function () { return learun.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59') } }
- ],
- // 月
- mShow: false,
- premShow: false,
- // 季度
- jShow: false,
- prejShow: false,
- // 年
- ysShow: false,
- yxShow: false,
- preyShow: false,
- yShow: false,
- // 默认
- dfvalue: '1',
- selectfn: function (begin, end) {
- startTime = begin;
- endTime = end;
- page.search();
- }
- });
- $('#multiple_condition_query').lrMultipleQuery(function (queryJson) {
- page.search(queryJson);
- }, 250, 400);
- // 刷新
- $('#lr_refresh').on('click', function () {
- location.reload();
- });
- $("#ReceiverIddiv").hide();
- $("#PostIddiv").hide();
- $('#CompanyId').lrCompanySelect({ type: 'multiple' });
- $('#DeptId').lrDepartmentSelect({ type: 'treemultiple' });
- $('#PostId').lrPostSelect({ type: 'treemultiple' });
- $('#ReceiverUserId').lrUserSelect({ type: '1' });
- $('#SendType').lrDataItemSelect({
- code: 'FileSendType', select: function (item) {
- if (item != null && item != undefined) {
- if (item.id === 1 || item.id === "1") {
- $("#CompanyIddiv").show();
- $("#CompanyId").attr("isvalid", "yes");
- $("#CompanyId").attr("checkexpession", "NotNull");
- $("#DeptIddiv").hide();
- $("#DeptId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#DeptId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#ReceiverIddiv").hide();
- $("#ReceiverUserId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#ReceiverUserId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#PostIddiv").hide();
- $("#PostId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#PostId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- } else if (item.id === 2 || item.id === "2") {
- $("#CompanyIddiv").hide();
- $("#CompanyId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#CompanyId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#DeptIddiv").show();
- $("#DeptId").attr("isvalid", "yes");
- $("#DeptId").attr("checkexpession", "NotNull");
- $("#ReceiverIddiv").hide();
- $("#ReceiverUserId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#ReceiverUserId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#PostIddiv").hide();
- $("#PostId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#PostId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- } else if (item.id === 3 || item.id === "3") {
- $("#CompanyIddiv").hide();
- $("#CompanyId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#CompanyId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#DeptIddiv").hide();
- $("#DeptId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#DeptId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#ReceiverIddiv").hide();
- $("#ReceiverUserId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#ReceiverUserId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#PostIddiv").show();
- $("#PostId").attr("isvalid", "yes");
- $("#PostId").attr("checkexpession", "NotNull");
- } else {
- $("#CompanyIddiv").hide();
- $("#CompanyId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#CompanyId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#DeptIddiv").hide();
- $("#DeptId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#DeptId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- $("#ReceiverIddiv").show();
- $("#ReceiverUserId").attr("isvalid", "yes");
- $("#ReceiverUserId").attr("checkexpession", "NotNull");
- $("#PostIddiv").hide();
- $("#PostId").removeAttr("isvalid");
- $("#PostId").removeAttr("NotNull");
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // 新增
- $('#lr_add').on('click', function () {
- learun.layerForm({
- id: 'form',
- title: '新增',
- url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Sys_SendFile/Form',
- width: 800,
- height: 700,
- callBack: function (id) {
- var res = false;
- // 验证数据
- res = top[id].validForm();
- // 保存数据
- if (res) {
- res = top[id].save('', function () {
- page.search();
- });
- }
- return res;
- }
- });
- });
- // 编辑
- $('#lr_edit').on('click', function () {
- var keyValue = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SFileId');
- if (learun.checkrow(keyValue)) {
- var SendFlag = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SendFlag');
- if (SendFlag !== 0) {
- learun.alert.warning("当前项目已提交不能编辑!");
- return;
- }
- learun.layerForm({
- id: 'form',
- title: '编辑',
- url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Sys_SendFile/Form?keyValue=' + keyValue,
- width: 800,
- height: 700,
- callBack: function (id) {
- var res = false;
- // 验证数据
- res = top[id].validForm();
- // 保存数据
- if (res) {
- res = top[id].save('', function () {
- page.search();
- });
- }
- return res;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- // 查看
- $('#lr_view').on('click', function () {
- var keyValue = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SFileId');
- if (learun.checkrow(keyValue)) {
- learun.layerForm({
- id: 'form',
- title: '查看',
- url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Sys_SendFile/FormView?keyValue=' + keyValue,
- width: 800,
- height: 700,
- btn: null
- });
- }
- });
- // 查阅情况
- $('#lr_read').on('click', function () {
- var keyValue = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SFileId');
- if (learun.checkrow(keyValue)) {
- learun.layerForm({
- id: 'form',
- title: '查阅情况',
- url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Sys_SendFile/ReadList?keyValue=' + keyValue,
- width: 850,
- height: 400,
- btn: null
- });
- }
- });
- // 删除
- $('#lr_delete').on('click', function () {
- var keyValue = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SFileId');
- if (learun.checkrow(keyValue)) {
- var SendFlag = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SendFlag');
- if (SendFlag !== 0) {
- learun.alert.warning("当前项目已提交不能删除!");
- return;
- }
- learun.layerConfirm('是否确认删除该项!', function (res) {
- if (res) {
- learun.deleteForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Sys_SendFile/DeleteForm', { keyValue: keyValue }, function () {
- refreshGirdData();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- // 提交
- $('#lr_submit').on('click', function () {
- var keyValue = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SFileId');
- if (learun.checkrow(keyValue)) {
- var SendFlag = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SendFlag');
- if (SendFlag !== 0) {
- learun.alert.warning("当前项目已提交,请耐心等待审批!");
- return;
- }
- learun.layerConfirm('是否确认提交该项!', function (res) {
- if (res) {
- processId = learun.newGuid();
- learun.postForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Sys_SendFile/ChangeStatusById', { keyValue: keyValue, processId: processId }, function (res) {
- refreshGirdData(res, {});
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- // 结束下发
- $('#lr_OverIssue').on('click', function () {
- var keyValue = $('#gridtable').jfGridValue('SFileId');
- if (learun.checkrow(keyValue)) {
- learun.layerConfirm('是否结束下发!', function (res) {
- if (res) {
- processId = learun.newGuid();
- learun.postForm(top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Sys_SendFile/OverIssue', { keyValue: keyValue, }, function (res) {
- page.search();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- },
- // 初始化列表
- initGird: function () {
- $('#gridtable').lrAuthorizeJfGrid({
- url: top.$.rootUrl + '/EducationalAdministration/Sys_SendFile/GetPageList',
- headData: [
- { label: "主题", name: "Title", width: 300, align: "left" },
- { label: "文号", name: "DocNo", width: 300, align: "left" },
- {
- label: "接收对象", name: "SendType", width: 100, align: "left",
- formatterAsync: function (callback, value, row, op, $cell) {
- learun.clientdata.getAsync('dataItem', {
- key: value,
- code: 'FileSendType',
- callback: function (_data) {
- callback(_data.text);
- }
- });
- }
- },
- {
- label: "接收人", name: "Receiver", width: 300, align: "left"
- },
- {
- label: "下发人", name: "Sender", width: 100, align: "left"
- },
- {
- label: "下发时间", name: "SendTime", width: 150, align: "left"
- },
- {
- label: "状态", name: "SendFlag", width: 100, align: "left",
- formatter: function (cellvalue, row) {
- if (cellvalue === 1) {
- return '<span class=\"label label-warning\">审批中</span>';
- } else if (cellvalue === 2) {
- return '<span class=\"label label-success\">已下发</span>';
- } else {
- return '<span class=\"label label-default\" >草稿</span>';
- }
- }
- },
- {
- label: "阅读数/接受人数", name: "NumberPeople", width: 150, align: "left"
- },
- ],
- mainId: 'SFileId',
- isPage: true
- });
- //page.search();
- },
- search: function (param) {
- param = param || {};
- param.StartTime = startTime;
- param.EndTime = endTime;
- param.ReceiverId = param.DeptId + param.ReceiverUserId + param.PostId + param.CompanyId;
- param.SqlParameter = ' AND SendFlag<>4 and STypeId=1';
- $('#gridtable').jfGridSet('reload', { queryJson: JSON.stringify(param) });
- }
- };
- refreshGirdData = function (res, postData) {
- if (res && res.code && res.code == 200) {
- var postData = {
- schemeCode: 'Sys_SendFile',// 填写流程对应模板编号
- processId: processId,
- level: '1',
- };
- learun.httpAsync('Post', top.$.rootUrl + '/LR_NewWorkFlow/NWFProcess/CreateFlow', postData, function (data) {
- learun.loading(false);
- });
- }
- page.search();
- };
- page.init();
- }