- /*
- Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Open Lab
- Written by Roberto Bicchierai and Silvia Chelazzi http://roberto.open-lab.com
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
- a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
- distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
- permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
- the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
- included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- todo For compatibility with IE and SVGElements.getElementsByClassName not implemented changed every find starting from SVGElement (the other works fine)
- .find(".classname")) -> .find("[class*=classname])
- */
- function Ganttalendar(zoom, startmillis, endMillis, master, minGanttSize) {
- this.master = master; // is the a GantEditor instance
- this.element; // is the jquery element containing gantt
- this.svg; // instance of svg object containing gantt
- this.tasksGroup; //instance of svg group containing tasks
- this.linksGroup; //instance of svg group containing links
- this.zoom = zoom;
- this.minGanttSize = minGanttSize;
- this.includeToday = true; //when true today is always visible. If false boundaries comes from tasks periods
- this.showCriticalPath = false; //when true critical path is highlighted
- this.zoomLevels = [ "d", "w","w2","w3", "m","m2", "q", "q2", "s", "y"];
- this.element = this.create(zoom, startmillis, endMillis);
- this.linkOnProgress = false; //set to true when creating a new link
- this.rowHeight = 30; // todo get it from css?
- this.taskHeight=20;
- this.taskVertOffset=(this.rowHeight-this.taskHeight)/2;
- }
- Ganttalendar.prototype.zoomGantt = function (isPlus) {
- var curLevel = this.zoom;
- var pos = this.zoomLevels.indexOf(curLevel + "");
- var centerMillis=this.getCenterMillis();
- var newPos = pos;
- if (isPlus) {
- newPos = pos <= 0 ? 0 : pos - 1;
- } else {
- newPos = pos >= this.zoomLevels.length - 1 ? this.zoomLevels.length - 1 : pos + 1;
- }
- if (newPos != pos) {
- curLevel = this.zoomLevels[newPos];
- this.zoom = curLevel;
- this.refreshGantt();
- this.goToMillis(centerMillis);
- }
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.create = function (zoom, originalStartmillis, originalEndMillis) {
- //console.debug("Gantt.create " + new Date(originalStartmillis) + " - " + new Date(originalEndMillis));
- var self = this;
- function getPeriod(zoomLevel, stMil, endMillis) {
- var start = new Date(stMil);
- var end = new Date(endMillis);
- start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
- end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
- //reset hours
- if (zoomLevel == "d") {
- start.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- end.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 6);
- //reset day of week
- } else if (zoomLevel == "w" ) {
- start.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- start.setDate(start.getDate()-7);
- end.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 13);
- } else if (zoomLevel == "w2" ) {
- start.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- start.setDate(start.getDate()-7);
- end.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 20);
- } else if (zoomLevel == "w3" ) {
- start.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- start.setDate(start.getDate()-7);
- end.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 27);
- //reset day of month
- } else if (zoomLevel == "m") {
- start.setDate(1);
- start.setMonth(start.getMonth()-1);
- end.setDate(1);
- end.setMonth(end.getMonth() + 2);
- end.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
- } else if (zoomLevel == "m2") {
- start.setDate(1);
- start.setMonth(start.getMonth()-1);
- end.setDate(1);
- end.setMonth(end.getMonth() + 3);
- end.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
- //reset to day of week
- } else if (zoomLevel == "q") {
- start.setDate(start.getDate()-start.getDay()+1); //ISO 8601 counts week of year starting on Moday
- start.setDate(start.getDate()-7);
- end.setFirstDayOfThisWeek();
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 13);
- //reset to quarter
- } else if (zoomLevel == "q2") {
- start.setDate(1);
- start.setMonth(Math.floor(start.getMonth() / 3) * 3);
- start.setMonth(start.getMonth()-3);
- end.setDate(1);
- end.setMonth(Math.floor(end.getMonth() / 3) * 3 + 6);
- end.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
- //reset to semester
- } else if (zoomLevel == "s") {
- start.setDate(1);
- start.setMonth(Math.floor(start.getMonth() / 6) * 6);
- start.setMonth(start.getMonth()-6);
- end.setDate(1);
- end.setMonth(Math.floor(end.getMonth() / 6) * 6 + 12);
- end.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
- //reset to year - > gen
- } else if (zoomLevel == "y") {
- start.setDate(1);
- start.setMonth(0);
- start.setFullYear(start.getFullYear()-1);
- end.setDate(1);
- end.setMonth(24);
- end.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
- }
- return {start:start.getTime(), end:end.getTime()};
- }
- function createHeadCell(lbl, span, additionalClass, width) {
- var th = $("<th>").html(lbl).attr("colSpan", span);
- if (width)
- th.width(width);
- if (additionalClass)
- th.addClass(additionalClass);
- return th;
- }
- function createBodyCell(span, isEnd, additionalClass) {
- var ret = $("<td>").html("").attr("colSpan", span).addClass("ganttBodyCell");
- if (isEnd)
- ret.addClass("end");
- if (additionalClass)
- ret.addClass(additionalClass);
- return ret;
- }
- function createGantt(zoom, startPeriod, endPeriod) {
- var tr1 = $("<tr>").addClass("ganttHead1");
- var tr2 = $("<tr>").addClass("ganttHead2");
- var trBody = $("<tr>").addClass("ganttBody");
- function iterate(renderFunction1, renderFunction2) {
- var start = new Date(startPeriod);
- //loop for header1
- while (start.getTime() <= endPeriod) {
- renderFunction1(start);
- }
- //loop for header2
- start = new Date(startPeriod);
- while (start.getTime() <= endPeriod) {
- renderFunction2(start);
- }
- }
- //this is computed by hand in order to optimize cell size
- var computedTableWidth;
- var computedScaleX;
- // year
- if (zoom == "y") {
- computedScaleX=100/(3600000 * 24*180); //1 sem= 100px
- iterate(function (date) {
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(date.format("yyyy"), 2));
- date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 1);
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setMonth(end.getMonth() + 6);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- var sem = (Math.floor(date.getMonth() / 6) + 1);
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(GanttMaster.messages["GANTT_SEMESTER_SHORT"] + sem, 1, null, periodWidth));
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, sem == 2));
- date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 6);
- });
- //semester
- } else if (zoom == "s") {
- computedScaleX=200/(3600000 * 24*90); //1 quarter= 200px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setMonth(end.getMonth() + 6);
- end.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(date.format("MMMM") + " - " + end.format("MMMM yyyy"), 6));
- date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 6);
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setMonth(end.getMonth() + 1);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(date.format("MMM"), 1, null, periodWidth));
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, (date.getMonth()+1) % 6 == 0));
- date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);
- });
- //quarter
- } else if (zoom == "q2") {
- computedScaleX=150/(3600000 * 24*30); //1 month= 150px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setMonth(end.getMonth() + 3);
- end.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(date.format("MMMM") + " - " + end.format("MMMM yyyy"), 3));
- date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 3);
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setMonth(end.getMonth() + 1);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- var lbl = date.format("MMMM");
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(lbl, 1, null, periodWidth));
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, date.getMonth() % 3 == 2));
- date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);
- });
- // quarter / week of year
- } else if (zoom == "q") {
- computedScaleX=300/(3600000 * 24*30); //1 month= 300px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setMonth(end.getMonth() + 3);
- end.setDate(end.getDate() - 1);
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(date.format("MMMM") + " - " + end.format("MMMM yyyy"), Math.round((end.getTime()-date.getTime())/(3600000*24))));
- date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 3);
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 7);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- var lbl ="<small>"+i18n["WEEK_SHORT"].toLowerCase()+"</small> "+ date.format("w");
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(lbl, 7, null, periodWidth));
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(7,false));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
- });
- //month
- } else if (zoom == "m2") {
- computedScaleX=15/(3600000 * 24); //1 day= 15px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var sm = date.getTime();
- date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);
- var daysInMonth = Math.round((date.getTime() - sm) / (3600000 * 24));
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(new Date(sm).format("MMMM yyyy"), daysInMonth)); //spans mumber of dayn in the month
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 1);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(date.format("d"), 1, isHoliday(date) ? "holyH headSmall" : "headSmall", periodWidth));
- var nd = new Date(date.getTime());
- nd.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, nd.getDate() == 1, isHoliday(date) ? "holy" : null));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
- });
- } else if (zoom == "m") {
- computedScaleX=25/(3600000 * 24); //1 day= 25px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var sm = date.getTime();
- date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1);
- var daysInMonth = Math.round((date.getTime() - sm) / (3600000 * 24));
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(new Date(sm).format("MMMM yyyy"), daysInMonth)); //spans mumber of dayn in the month
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 1);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(date.format("d"), 1, isHoliday(date) ? "holyH" : null, periodWidth));
- var nd = new Date(date.getTime());
- nd.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, nd.getDate() == 1, isHoliday(date) ? "holy" : null));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
- });
- //week
- } else if (zoom == "w3") {
- computedScaleX=30/(3600000 * 24); //1 day= 30px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 6);
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(date.format("MMM d") + " - " + end.format("MMM d 'yy"), 7));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 1);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(date.format("EEEE").substr(0, 1), 1, isHoliday(date) ? "holyH" : null, periodWidth));
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, date.getDay() % 7 == (self.master.firstDayOfWeek + 6) % 7, isHoliday(date) ? "holy" : null));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
- });
- } else if (zoom == "w2") {
- computedScaleX=40/(3600000 * 24); //1 day= 40px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 6);
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(date.format("MMM d") + " - " + end.format("MMM d 'yy"), 7));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 1);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(date.format("EEEE").substr(0, 1), 1, isHoliday(date) ? "holyH" : null, periodWidth));
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, date.getDay() % 7 == (self.master.firstDayOfWeek + 6) % 7, isHoliday(date) ? "holy" : null));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
- });
- } else if (zoom == "w") {
- computedScaleX=50/(3600000 * 24);//1 day= 50px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 6);
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(date.format("MMM d") + " - " + end.format("MMM d 'yy"), 7));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 1);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(date.format("EEEE").substr(0, 1), 1, isHoliday(date) ? "holyH" : null, periodWidth));
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, date.getDay() % 7 == (self.master.firstDayOfWeek + 6) % 7, isHoliday(date) ? "holy" : null));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
- });
- //days
- } else if (zoom == "d") {
- computedScaleX=100/(3600000 * 24);//1 day= 100px
- iterate(function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 6);
- tr1.append(createHeadCell(date.format("MMMM d") + " - " + end.format("MMMM d yyyy"), 7));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 7);
- }, function (date) {
- var end = new Date(date.getTime());
- end.setDate(end.getDate() + 1);
- var periodWidth=(end.getTime()-date.getTime())*computedScaleX;
- tr2.append(createHeadCell(date.format("EEE d"), 1, isHoliday(date) ? "holyH" : null, periodWidth));
- trBody.append(createBodyCell(1, date.getDay() % 7 == (self.master.firstDayOfWeek + 6) % 7, isHoliday(date) ? "holy" : null));
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
- });
- } else {
- console.error("Wrong level " + zoom);
- }
- computedTableWidth = (endPeriod - startPeriod)*computedScaleX;
- //set a minimal width
- computedTableWidth = Math.max(computedTableWidth, self.minGanttSize);
- var table = $("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>");
- table.append(tr1).append(tr2); // removed as on FF there are rounging issues //.css({width:computedTableWidth});
- var head = table.clone().addClass("ganttFixHead");
- table.append(trBody).addClass("ganttTable");
- var height = self.master.editor.element.height();
- table.height(height);
- var box = $("<div>");
- box.addClass("gantt unselectable").attr("unselectable", "true").css({position:"relative", width:computedTableWidth});
- box.append(table);
- box.append(head);
- //create the svg
- box.svg({settings:{class:"ganttSVGBox"},
- onLoad: function (svg) {
- //console.debug("svg loaded", svg);
- //creates gradient and definitions
- var defs = svg.defs('myDefs');
- //create backgound_self.master.resourceUrl +"hasExternalDeps.png",
- var extDep = svg.pattern(defs, "extDep", 0, 0, 10, 10, 0, 0, 10, 10, {patternUnits:'userSpaceOnUse'});
- var img = svg.image(extDep, 0, 0, 10, 10, "/Content/jquerygantt/res/hasExternalDeps.png", { opacity: .3 });
- self.svg = svg;
- $(svg).addClass("ganttSVGBox");
- //creates grid group
- var gridGroup = svg.group("gridGroup");
- //creates rows grid
- for (var i = 40; i <= height; i += self.rowHeight)
- //svg.line(gridGroup, 0, i, "100%", i, {class:"ganttLinesSVG"});
- svg.rect(gridGroup, 0, i, "100%",self.rowHeight, {class:"ganttLinesSVG"});
- //creates links group
- self.linksGroup = svg.group("linksGroup");
- //creates tasks group
- self.tasksGroup = svg.group("tasksGroup");
- //compute scalefactor fx
- //self.fx = computedTableWidth / (endPeriod - startPeriod);
- self.fx = computedScaleX;
- // drawTodayLine
- if (new Date().getTime() > self.startMillis && new Date().getTime() < self.endMillis) {
- var x = Math.round(((new Date().getTime()) - self.startMillis) * self.fx);
- svg.line(gridGroup, x, 0, x, "100%", {class:"ganttTodaySVG"});
- }
- }
- });
- return box;
- }
- //if include today synch extremes
- if (this.includeToday) {
- var today = new Date().getTime();
- originalStartmillis = originalStartmillis > today ? today : originalStartmillis;
- originalEndMillis = originalEndMillis < today ? today : originalEndMillis;
- }
- //get best dimension fo gantt
- var period = getPeriod(zoom, originalStartmillis, originalEndMillis); //this is enlarged to match complete periods basing on zoom level
- //console.debug(new Date(period.start) + " " + new Date(period.end));
- self.startMillis = period.start; //real dimension of gantt
- self.endMillis = period.end;
- self.originalStartMillis = originalStartmillis; //minimal dimension required by user or by task duration
- self.originalEndMillis = originalEndMillis;
- var table = createGantt(zoom, period.start, period.end);
- return table;
- };
- //<%-------------------------------------- GANT TASK GRAPHIC ELEMENT --------------------------------------%>
- Ganttalendar.prototype.drawTask = function (task) {
- //console.debug("drawTask", task.name,new Date(task.start));
- var self = this;
- //var prof = new Profiler("ganttDrawTask");
- editorRow = task.rowElement;
- var top = editorRow.position().top + editorRow.offsetParent().scrollTop();
- //var normStart=Math.round(task.start/(3600000*24))*(3600000*24)
- //var normX = Math.round((normStart - self.startMillis) * self.fx);
- var x = Math.round((task.start - self.startMillis) * self.fx);
- //console.debug(x,normX)
- task.hasChild = task.isParent();
- var taskBox = $(_createTaskSVG(task, {x:x, y:top+self.taskVertOffset, width:Math.round((task.end - task.start) * self.fx),height:self.taskHeight}));
- task.ganttElement = taskBox;
- if (self.showCriticalPath && task.isCritical)
- taskBox.addClass("critical");
- if (this.master.permissions.canWrite && task.canWrite) {
- //bind all events on taskBox
- taskBox
- .click(function (e) { // manages selection
- e.stopPropagation();// to avoid body remove focused
- self.element.find("[class*=focused]").removeClass("focused");
- $(".ganttSVGBox .focused").removeClass("focused");
- var el = $(this);
- if (!self.resDrop)
- el.addClass("focused");
- self.resDrop = false; //hack to avoid select
- $("body").off("click.focused").one("click.focused", function () {
- $(".ganttSVGBox .focused").removeClass("focused");
- })
- }).dblclick(function () {
- self.master.showTaskEditor($(this).attr("taskid"));
- }).mouseenter(function () {
- //bring to top
- var el = $(this);
- if (!self.linkOnProgress) {
- el.find("[class*=linkHandleSVG]").show();
- } else {
- el.addClass("linkOver");
- }
- }).mouseleave(function () {
- var el = $(this);
- el.removeClass("linkOver").find("[class*=linkHandleSVG]").hide();
- }).mouseup(function (e) {
- $(":focus").blur(); // in order to save grid field when moving task
- }).mousedown(function () {
- var task = self.master.getTask($(this).attr("taskid"));
- task.rowElement.click();
- }).dragExtedSVG($(self.svg.root()), {
- canResize: this.master.permissions.canWrite && task.canWrite,
- canDrag: !task.depends && this.master.permissions.canWrite && task.canWrite,
- startDrag: function (e) {
- $(".ganttSVGBox .focused").removeClass("focused");
- },
- drag: function (e) {
- $("[from=" + task.id + "],[to=" + task.id + "]").trigger("update");
- },
- drop: function (e) {
- self.resDrop = true; //hack to avoid select
- var taskbox = $(this);
- var task = self.master.getTask(taskbox.attr("taskid"));
- var s = Math.round((parseFloat(taskbox.attr("x")) / self.fx) + self.startMillis);
- self.master.beginTransaction();
- self.master.moveTask(task, new Date(s));
- self.master.endTransaction();
- },
- startResize:function (e) {
- //console.debug("startResize");
- $(".ganttSVGBox .focused").removeClass("focused");
- var taskbox = $(this);
- var text = $(self.svg.text(parseInt(taskbox.attr("x")) + parseInt(taskbox.attr("width") + 8), parseInt(taskbox.attr("y")), "", {"font-size":"10px", "fill":"red"}));
- taskBox.data("textDur", text);
- },
- resize: function (e) {
- //find and update links from, to
- var taskbox = $(this);
- var st = Math.round((parseFloat(taskbox.attr("x")) / self.fx) + self.startMillis);
- var en = Math.round(((parseFloat(taskbox.attr("x")) + parseFloat(taskbox.attr("width"))) / self.fx) + self.startMillis);
- var d = computeStartDate(st).distanceInWorkingDays(computeEndDate(en))+1;
- var text = taskBox.data("textDur");
- text.attr("x", parseInt(taskbox.attr("x")) + parseInt(taskbox.attr("width")) + 8).html(d);
- $("[from=" + task.id + "],[to=" + task.id + "]").trigger("update");
- },
- stopResize: function (e) {
- self.resDrop = true; //hack to avoid select
- //console.debug(ui)
- var textBox = taskBox.data("textDur");
- if (textBox)
- textBox.remove();
- var taskbox = $(this);
- var task = self.master.getTask(taskbox.attr("taskid"));
- var st = Math.round((parseFloat(taskbox.attr("x")) / self.fx) + self.startMillis);
- var en = Math.round(((parseFloat(taskbox.attr("x")) + parseFloat(taskbox.attr("width"))) / self.fx) + self.startMillis);
- self.master.beginTransaction();
- self.master.changeTaskDates(task, new Date(st), new Date(en));
- self.master.endTransaction();
- }
- });
- //binding for creating link
- taskBox.find("[class*=linkHandleSVG]").mousedown(function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- var taskBox = $(this).closest(".taskBoxSVG");
- var svg = $(self.svg.root());
- var offs = svg.offset();
- self.linkOnProgress = true;
- self.linkFromEnd = $(this).is(".taskLinkEndSVG");
- svg.addClass("linkOnProgress");
- // create the line
- var startX = parseFloat(taskBox.attr("x")) + (self.linkFromEnd ? parseFloat(taskBox.attr("width")) : 0);
- var startY = parseFloat(taskBox.attr("y")) + parseFloat(taskBox.attr("height")) / 2;
- var line = self.svg.line(startX, startY, e.pageX - offs.left - 5, e.pageY - offs.top - 5, {class:"linkLineSVG"});
- var circle = self.svg.circle(startX, startY, 5, {class:"linkLineSVG"});
- //bind mousemove to draw a line
- svg.bind("mousemove.linkSVG", function (e) {
- var offs = svg.offset();
- var nx = e.pageX - offs.left;
- var ny = e.pageY - offs.top;
- var c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(nx - startX, 2) + Math.pow(ny - startY, 2));
- nx = nx - (nx - startX) * 10 / c;
- ny = ny - (ny - startY) * 10 / c;
- self.svg.change(line, { x2:nx, y2:ny});
- self.svg.change(circle, { cx:nx, cy:ny});
- });
- //bind mouseup un body to stop
- $("body").one("mouseup.linkSVG", function (e) {
- $(line).remove();
- $(circle).remove();
- self.linkOnProgress = false;
- svg.removeClass("linkOnProgress");
- $(self.svg.root()).unbind("mousemove.linkSVG");
- var targetBox = $(e.target).closest(".taskBoxSVG");
- //console.debug("create link from " + taskBox.attr("taskid") + " to " + targetBox.attr("taskid"));
- if (targetBox && targetBox.attr("taskid") != taskBox.attr("taskid")) {
- var taskTo;
- var taskFrom;
- if (self.linkFromEnd) {
- taskTo = self.master.getTask(targetBox.attr("taskid"));
- taskFrom = self.master.getTask(taskBox.attr("taskid"));
- } else {
- taskFrom = self.master.getTask(targetBox.attr("taskid"));
- taskTo = self.master.getTask(taskBox.attr("taskid"));
- }
- if (taskTo && taskFrom) {
- var gap = 0;
- var depInp = taskTo.rowElement.find("[name=depends]");
- depInp.val(depInp.val() + ((depInp.val() + "").length > 0 ? "," : "") + (taskFrom.getRow() + 1) + (gap != 0 ? ":" + gap : ""));
- depInp.blur();
- }
- }
- })
- });
- }
- //ask for redraw link
- self.redrawLinks();
- //prof.stop();
- function _createTaskSVG(task, dimensions) {
- var svg = self.svg;
- var taskSvg = svg.svg(self.tasksGroup, dimensions.x, dimensions.y, dimensions.width, dimensions.height, {class:"taskBox taskBoxSVG taskStatusSVG", status:task.status, taskid:task.id });
- //svg.title(taskSvg, task.name);
- //external box
- var layout = svg.rect(taskSvg, 0, 0, "100%", "100%", {class:"taskLayout", rx:"2", ry:"2"});
- //svg.rect(taskSvg, 0, 0, "100%", "100%", {fill:"rgba(255,255,255,.3)"});
- //external dep
- if (task.hasExternalDep)
- svg.rect(taskSvg, 0, 0, "100%", "100%", {fill:"url(#extDep)"});
- //progress
- if (task.progress > 0) {
- var progress = svg.rect(taskSvg, 0, "20%", (task.progress > 100 ? 100 : task.progress) + "%", "60%", {rx:"2", ry:"2",fill:"rgba(0,0,0,.4)"});
- if (dimensions.width > 50) {
- var textStyle = {fill:"#888", "font-size":"10px",class:"textPerc teamworkIcons",transform:"translate(5)"};
- if (task.progress > 100)
- textStyle["font-weight"]="bold";
- if (task.progress > 90)
- textStyle.transform = "translate(-40)";
- svg.text(taskSvg, (task.progress > 90 ? 100 : task.progress) + "%", (self.rowHeight-5)/2, (task.progress>100?"!!! ":"")+ task.progress + "%", textStyle);
- }
- }
- if (task.hasChild)
- svg.rect(taskSvg, 0, 0, "100%", 3, {fill:"#000"});
- if (task.startIsMilestone) {
- svg.image(taskSvg, -9, dimensions.height / 2 - 9, 18, 18, "/Content/jquerygantt/res/milestone.png")
- }
- if (task.endIsMilestone) {
- svg.image(taskSvg, "100%", dimensions.height / 2 - 9, 18, 18, "/Content/jquerygantt/res/milestone.png", { transform: "translate(-9)" })
- }
- //task label
- svg.text(taskSvg, "100%", 18, task.name, {class:"taskLabelSVG", transform:"translate(20,-5)"});
- //link tool
- if (task.level>0){
- svg.circle(taskSvg, "0", dimensions.height/2,dimensions.height/3, {class:"taskLinkStartSVG linkHandleSVG", transform:"translate("+(-dimensions.height/3+1)+")"});
- svg.circle(taskSvg, "100%",dimensions.height/2,dimensions.height/3, {class:"taskLinkEndSVG linkHandleSVG", transform:"translate("+(dimensions.height/3-1)+")"});
- }
- return taskSvg
- }
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.addTask = function (task) {
- //set new boundaries for gantt
- this.originalEndMillis = this.originalEndMillis > task.end ? this.originalEndMillis : task.end;
- this.originalStartMillis = this.originalStartMillis < task.start ? this.originalStartMillis : task.start;
- };
- //<%-------------------------------------- GANT DRAW LINK SVG ELEMENT --------------------------------------%>
- //'from' and 'to' are tasks already drawn
- Ganttalendar.prototype.drawLink = function (from, to, type) {
- var self = this;
- //console.debug("drawLink")
- var peduncolusSize = 10;
- /**
- * Given an item, extract its rendered position
- * width and height into a structure.
- */
- function buildRect(item) {
- var p = item.ganttElement.position();
- var rect = {
- left: parseFloat(item.ganttElement.attr("x")),
- top: parseFloat(item.ganttElement.attr("y")),
- width: parseFloat(item.ganttElement.attr("width")),
- height:parseFloat(item.ganttElement.attr("height"))
- };
- return rect;
- }
- /**
- * The default rendering method, which paints a start to end dependency.
- */
- function drawStartToEnd(from, to, ps) {
- var svg = self.svg;
- //this function update an existing link
- function update() {
- var group = $(this);
- var from = group.data("from");
- var to = group.data("to");
- var rectFrom = buildRect(from);
- var rectTo = buildRect(to);
- var fx1 = rectFrom.left;
- var fx2 = rectFrom.left + rectFrom.width;
- var fy = rectFrom.height / 2 + rectFrom.top;
- var tx1 = rectTo.left;
- var tx2 = rectTo.left + rectTo.width;
- var ty = rectTo.height / 2 + rectTo.top;
- var tooClose = tx1 < fx2 + 2 * ps;
- var r = 5; //radius
- var arrowOffset = 5;
- var up = fy > ty;
- var fup = up ? -1 : 1;
- var prev = fx2 + 2 * ps > tx1;
- var fprev = prev ? -1 : 1;
- var image = group.find("image");
- var p = svg.createPath();
- if (tooClose) {
- var firstLine = fup * (rectFrom.height / 2 - 2 * r + 2);
- p.move(fx2, fy)
- .line(ps, 0, true)
- .arc(r, r, 90, false, !up, r, fup * r, true)
- .line(0, firstLine, true)
- .arc(r, r, 90, false, !up, -r, fup * r, true)
- .line(fprev * 2 * ps + (tx1 - fx2), 0, true)
- .arc(r, r, 90, false, up, -r, fup * r, true)
- .line(0, (Math.abs(ty - fy) - 4 * r - Math.abs(firstLine)) * fup - arrowOffset, true)
- .arc(r, r, 90, false, up, r, fup * r, true)
- .line(ps, 0, true);
- image.attr({x:tx1 - 5, y:ty - 5 - arrowOffset});
- } else {
- p.move(fx2, fy)
- .line((tx1 - fx2) / 2 - r, 0, true)
- .arc(r, r, 90, false, !up, r, fup * r, true)
- .line(0, ty - fy - fup * 2 * r + arrowOffset, true)
- .arc(r, r, 90, false, up, r, fup * r, true)
- .line((tx1 - fx2) / 2 - r, 0, true);
- image.attr({x:tx1 - 5, y:ty - 5 + arrowOffset});
- }
- group.find("path").attr({d:p.path()});
- }
- // create the group
- var group = svg.group(self.linksGroup, "" + from.id + "-" + to.id);
- svg.title(group, from.name + " -> " + to.name);
- var p = svg.createPath();
- //add the arrow
- svg.image(group, 0, 0, 5, 10, "/Content/jquerygantt/res/linkArrow.png");
- //create empty path
- svg.path(group, p, {class:"taskLinkPathSVG"});
- //set "from" and "to" to the group, bind "update" and trigger it
- var jqGroup = $(group).data({from:from, to:to }).attr({from:from.id, to:to.id}).on("update", update).trigger("update");
- if (self.showCriticalPath && from.isCritical && to.isCritical)
- jqGroup.addClass("critical");
- jqGroup.addClass("linkGroup");
- return jqGroup;
- }
- /**
- * A rendering method which paints a start to start dependency.
- */
- function drawStartToStart(from, to) {
- console.error("StartToStart not supported on SVG");
- var rectFrom = buildRect(from);
- var rectTo = buildRect(to);
- }
- var link;
- // Dispatch to the correct renderer
- if (type == 'start-to-start') {
- link = drawStartToStart(from, to, peduncolusSize);
- } else {
- link = drawStartToEnd(from, to, peduncolusSize);
- }
- if (this.master.permissions.canWrite && (from.canWrite || to.canWrite)) {
- link.click(function (e) {
- var el = $(this);
- e.stopPropagation();// to avoid body remove focused
- self.element.find("[class*=focused]").removeClass("focused");
- $(".ganttSVGBox .focused").removeClass("focused");
- var el = $(this);
- if (!self.resDrop)
- el.addClass("focused");
- self.resDrop = false; //hack to avoid select
- $("body").off("click.focused").one("click.focused", function () {
- $(".ganttSVGBox .focused").removeClass("focused");
- })
- });
- }
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.redrawLinks = function () {
- //console.debug("redrawLinks ");
- var self = this;
- this.element.stopTime("ganttlnksredr");
- this.element.oneTime(60, "ganttlnksredr", function () {
- //var prof=new Profiler("gd_drawLink_real");
- //remove all links
- $("#linksSVG").empty();
- var collapsedDescendant = [];
- //[expand]
- var collapsedDescendant = self.master.getCollapsedDescendant();
- for (var i = 0; i < self.master.links.length; i++) {
- var link = self.master.links[i];
- if (collapsedDescendant.indexOf(link.from) >= 0 || collapsedDescendant.indexOf(link.to) >= 0) continue;
- self.drawLink(link.from, link.to);
- }
- //prof.stop();
- });
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.reset = function () {
- this.element.find("[class*=linkGroup]").remove();
- this.element.find("[taskid]").remove();
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.redrawTasks = function () {
- //[expand]
- var collapsedDescendant = this.master.getCollapsedDescendant();
- for (var i = 0; i < this.master.tasks.length; i++) {
- var task = this.master.tasks[i];
- if (collapsedDescendant.indexOf(task) >= 0) continue;
- this.drawTask(task);
- }
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.refreshGantt = function () {
- //console.debug("refreshGantt")
- if (this.showCriticalPath) {
- this.master.computeCriticalPath();
- }
- var par = this.element.parent();
- //try to maintain last scroll
- var scrollY = par.scrollTop();
- var scrollX = par.scrollLeft();
- this.element.remove();
- //guess the zoom level in base of period
- if (!this.zoom) {
- var days = Math.round((this.originalEndMillis - this.originalStartMillis) / (3600000 * 24));
- //"d", "w","w2","w3", "m","m2", "q", "s", "y"
- this.zoom = this.zoomLevels[days < 2 ? 0 : (days < 15 ? 1 : (days < 30 ? 2 : (days < 45 ? 3 : (days < 60 ? 4 : (days < 90 ? 5 : (days < 180 ? 6 : (days < 600 ? 7 : 8 ) ) ) ) ) ) )];
- }
- var domEl = this.create(this.zoom, this.originalStartMillis, this.originalEndMillis);
- this.element = domEl;
- par.append(domEl);
- this.redrawTasks();
- //set old scroll
- //console.debug("old scroll:",scrollX,scrollY)
- par.scrollTop(scrollY);
- par.scrollLeft(scrollX);
- //set current task
- this.synchHighlight();
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.fitGantt = function () {
- delete this.zoom;
- this.refreshGantt();
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.synchHighlight = function () {
- //console.debug("synchHighlight",this.master.currentTask);
- if (this.master.currentTask ){
- // take care of collapsed rows
- var ganttHighLighterPosition=this.master.editor.element.find(".taskEditRow:visible").index(this.master.currentTask.rowElement);
- this.master.gantt.element.find(".ganttLinesSVG").removeClass("rowSelected").eq(ganttHighLighterPosition).addClass("rowSelected");
- } else {
- $(".rowSelected").removeClass("rowSelected"); // todo non c'era
- }
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.getCenterMillis= function () {
- return parseInt((this.element.parent().scrollLeft()+this.element.parent().width()/2)/this.fx+this.startMillis);
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.goToMillis= function (millis) {
- var x = Math.round(((millis) - this.startMillis) * this.fx) -this.element.parent().width()/2;
- this.element.parent().scrollLeft(x);
- };
- Ganttalendar.prototype.centerOnToday = function () {
- this.goToMillis(new Date().getTime());
- };
- /**
- * Allows drag and drop and extesion of task boxes. Only works on x axis
- * @param opt
- * @return {*}
- */
- $.fn.dragExtedSVG = function (svg, opt) {
- //doing this can work with one svg at once only
- var target;
- var svgX;
- var offsetMouseRect;
- var options = {
- canDrag: true,
- canResize: true,
- resizeZoneWidth:10,
- minSize: 10,
- startDrag: function (e) {},
- drag: function (e) {},
- drop: function (e) {},
- startResize: function (e) {},
- resize: function (e) {},
- stopResize: function (e) {}
- };
- $.extend(options, opt);
- this.each(function () {
- var el = $(this);
- svgX = svg.parent().offset().left; //parent is used instead of svg for a Firefox oddity
- if (options.canDrag)
- el.addClass("deSVGdrag");
- if (options.canResize || options.canDrag) {
- el.bind("mousedown.deSVG",function (e) {
- //console.debug("mousedown.deSVG");
- if ($(e.target).is("image")) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- target = $(this);
- var x1 = parseFloat(el.find("[class*=taskLayout]").offset().left);
- var x2 = x1 + parseFloat(el.attr("width"));
- var posx = e.pageX;
- $("body").unselectable();
- //start resize end
- if (options.canResize && (x2-x1)>3*options.resizeZoneWidth && (posx<=x2 && posx >= x2- options.resizeZoneWidth)) {
- //store offset mouse x2
- offsetMouseRect = x2 - e.pageX;
- target.attr("oldw", target.attr("width"));
- var one = true;
- //bind event for start resizing
- $(svg).bind("mousemove.deSVG", function (e) {
- if (one) {
- //trigger startResize
- options.startResize.call(target.get(0), e);
- one = false;
- }
- //manage resizing
- var nW = e.pageX - x1 + offsetMouseRect;
- target.attr("width", nW < options.minSize ? options.minSize : nW);
- //callback
- options.resize.call(target.get(0), e);
- });
- //bind mouse up on body to stop resizing
- $("body").one("mouseup.deSVG", stopResize);
- //start resize start
- } else if (options.canResize && (x2-x1)>3*options.resizeZoneWidth && (posx>=x1 && posx<=x1+options.resizeZoneWidth)) {
- //store offset mouse x1
- offsetMouseRect = parseFloat(target.attr("x"));
- target.attr("oldw", target.attr("width")); //todo controllare se è ancora usato oldw
- var one = true;
- //bind event for start resizing
- $(svg).bind("mousemove.deSVG", function (e) {
- if (one) {
- //trigger startResize
- options.startResize.call(target.get(0), e);
- one = false;
- }
- //manage resizing
- var nx1= offsetMouseRect-(posx-e.pageX);
- var nW = (x2-x1) + (posx-e.pageX);
- nW=nW < options.minSize ? options.minSize : nW;
- target.attr("x",nx1);
- target.attr("width", nW);
- //callback
- options.resize.call(target.get(0), e);
- });
- //bind mouse up on body to stop resizing
- $("body").one("mouseup.deSVG", stopResize);
- // start drag
- } else if (options.canDrag) {
- //store offset mouse x1
- offsetMouseRect = parseFloat(target.attr("x")) - e.pageX;
- target.attr("oldx", target.attr("x"));
- var one = true;
- //bind event for start dragging
- $(svg).bind("mousemove.deSVG",function (e) {
- if (one) {
- //trigger startDrag
- options.startDrag.call(target.get(0), e);
- one = false;
- }
- //manage resizing
- target.attr("x", offsetMouseRect + e.pageX);
- //callback
- options.drag.call(target.get(0), e);
- }).bind("mouseleave.deSVG", drop);
- //bind mouse up on body to stop resizing
- $("body").one("mouseup.deSVG", drop);
- }
- }
- ).bind("mousemove.deSVG",
- function (e) {
- var el = $(this);
- var x1 = el.find("[class*=taskLayout]").offset().left;
- var x2 = x1 + parseFloat(el.attr("width"));
- var posx = e.pageX;
- //set cursor handle
- if (options.canResize && (x2-x1)>3*options.resizeZoneWidth &&((posx<=x2 && posx >= x2- options.resizeZoneWidth) || (posx>=x1 && posx<=x1+options.resizeZoneWidth))) {
- el.addClass("deSVGhand");
- } else {
- el.removeClass("deSVGhand");
- }
- }
- ).addClass("deSVG");
- }
- });
- return this;
- function stopResize(e) {
- $(svg).unbind("mousemove.deSVG").unbind("mouseup.deSVG").unbind("mouseleave.deSVG");
- if (target && target.attr("oldw")!=target.attr("width"))
- options.stopResize.call(target.get(0), e); //callback
- target = undefined;
- $("body").clearunselectable();
- }
- function drop(e) {
- $(svg).unbind("mousemove.deSVG").unbind("mouseup.deSVG").unbind("mouseleave.deSVG");
- if (target && target.attr("oldx") != target.attr("x"))
- options.drop.call(target.get(0), e); //callback
- target = undefined;
- $("body").clearunselectable();
- }
- };