- //Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Aspose Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
- /***********************************************************************************************
- * Aspose.Cells.GridWeb Component Script File
- * Copyright 2003-2011, All Rights Reserverd.
- ************************************************************************************************/
- var _oFindWhat = null; // The controll that be input what finding
- var _oReplaceWith = null; // The controll that be input what replacing whith
- var _oCase = null; // The check box to determine whether macthing case
- var _oWord = null; // The check box to determine whether macthing whole word
- var _oDirection = null; // The check box to determine searching direction. search down and search up.
- var _oRegular = null; // The check box to determine whether the seaching string is a regular expression.
- var _oFindIn = null; // The drop down list to indicate target is formulas or values.
- var _oBtnFind = null; // The find next button.
- var _oBtnReplace = null; // The replace button.
- var _oBtnReplaceAll = null; // The replace all button.
- var _oBtnClose = null; // The close button.
- var _parentWindow = null; // The parent window
- var _element = null; // The GridWeb object.
- var _viewTable = null; // One of the ViewTable objects.
- var _viewTable00 = null; // One of the ViewTable objects.
- var _viewTable01 = null; // One of the ViewTable objects.
- var _viewTable10 = null; // One of the ViewTable objects.
- var _activeCell = null; // The active cell.
- var _startSearchCell = null; // The first cell in a searching process.
- var _callType = 0; // 0 Find; 1 Replace
- var _dialogEdgeLeftWidth = 0; // The left edge width of the find/replace dialog window
- var _dialogEdgeTopHeight = 0; // The top edge width of the find/replace dialog window, i.e. The title bar width.
- var _cidReg = new RegExp("^\\d+#\\d+$");
- var _findReg = null;
- var _findWhat = null;
- var _regexOptions = null;
- var _freeze = null;
- var _arrCells = new Array();
- var _cellIndex = 0;
- var _currentViewTable = null;
- var _currentCellIndex = 0;
- var _currentRowIndex = 0;
- var _currentRows = null;
- var _currentCells = null;
- var _currentRowsLength = 0;
- var _currentCellsLength = 0;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initializes variants, gets parameters from parent window after window on load.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- window.onload = function(){
- _oFindWhat = document.getElementById("txtFindWhat");
- _oReplaceWith = document.getElementById("txtReplaceWith");
- _oCase = document.getElementById("ckbCase");
- _oWord = document.getElementById("ckbWord");
- _oDirection = document.getElementById("ckbDirection");
- _oRegular = document.getElementById("ckbRegular");
- _oFindIn = document.getElementById("ddlFindIn");
- _oBtnFind = document.getElementById("btnFind");
- _oBtnReplace = document.getElementById("btnReplace");
- _oBtnReplaceAll = document.getElementById("btnReplaceAll");
- _oBtnClose = document.getElementById("btnClose");
- if(!window.showModelessDialog) // Is not IE
- {
- _parentWindow = window.opener;
- _element = _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog_Element;
- _activeCell = _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog_StartCell;
- _oBtnFind.style.width = "100px";
- _oBtnReplace.style.width = "100px";
- _oBtnReplaceAll.style.width = "100px";
- _oBtnClose.style.width = "100px";
- _dialogEdgeLeftWidth = (window.outerWidth - innerWidth)/2;
- _dialogEdgeTopHeight = parseInt((window.outerHeight - innerHeight)/2+1);
- }
- else{ //IE
- _parentWindow = window.dialogArguments[0];
- _arrCells = window.dialogArguments[1];
- _cellIndex = window.dialogArguments[2];
- _element = _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog_Element;
- _activeCell = _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog_StartCell;
- _dialogEdgeLeftWidth = window.screenLeft - parseFloat(window.dialogLeft);
- _dialogEdgeTopHeight = window.screenTop - parseFloat(window.dialogTop);
- }
- _callType = getUrlParameter("callType");
- _freeze = _element.freeze;
- init();
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sets the variants about this window when the window be closed.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- window.onunload = function(){
- if(typeof _parentWindow == "undefined" || typeof _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog == "undefined"){
- return false;
- }
- _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog_Element = null;
- _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog_StartCell = null;
- _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog = null;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // If reload window opener, closes FindReplace Dialog.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- window.onfocus = function(){
- if(typeof _parentWindow == "undefined"
- || typeof _parentWindow.acwFindReplaceDialog == "undefined"
- || (_activeCell != null && _activeCell.parentNode == null)){
- window.close();
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Handles onkeyown events
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- document.onkeydown = function(evt){
- if(evt == null)
- evt = event;
- if(evt.keyCode == 27){ // Esc
- window.close();
- return false;
- }
- else if(evt.keyCode == 13){ //enter
- _oBtnFind.click();
- return false;
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initializes variants, determines how to lay out page.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function init(){
- _viewTable = _element.ownerDocument.getElementById(_element.id + "_viewTable");
- if (_freeze)
- {
- _viewTable00 = _element.ownerDocument.getElementById(_element.id + "_viewTable00");
- _viewTable01 = _element.ownerDocument.getElementById(_element.id + "_viewTable01");
- _viewTable10 = _element.ownerDocument.getElementById(_element.id + "_viewTable10");
- }
- if(_activeCell == null){
- if(_freeze){
- if(_viewTable00.rows.length != 0 && _viewTable00.rows[0].cells.length != 0){
- _activeCell = _viewTable00.rows[0].cells[0];
- }
- else if(_viewTable01.rows.length != 0 && _viewTable01.rows[0].cells.length != 0){
- _activeCell = _viewTable01.rows[0].cells[0];
- }
- else if(_viewTable10.rows.length != 0 && _viewTable10.rows[0].cells.length != 0){
- _activeCell = _viewTable10.rows[0].cells[0];
- }
- else if(_viewTable.rows.length != 0 && _viewTable.rows[0].cells.length != 0){
- _activeCell = _viewTable.rows[0].cells[0];
- }
- else{ // No cell provide for searching
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- if(_viewTable.rows.length == 0 || _viewTable.rows[0].cells.length == 0){ // No cell provide for searching
- window.close();
- return;
- }
- else{
- _activeCell = _viewTable.rows[0].cells[0];
- }
- }
- setActiveCell(_activeCell);
- }
- validateInitArguments();
- showElmentByCallType(_callType);
- //FillCellsToArray(_activeCell);
- if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") == -1){ // Is not IE
- _currentViewTable = _activeCell.offsetParent;
- _currentCellIndex = _activeCell.cellIndex;
- _currentRowIndex = _activeCell.parentNode.rowIndex;
- _currentRows = _currentViewTable.rows;
- _currentRowsLength = _currentRows.length;
- _currentCells = _currentRows[_currentRowIndex].cells;
- _currentCellsLength = _currentCells.length;
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Determines whether can call the Find/Replace feature.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function validateInitArguments(){
- if(_element == null || _activeCell == null || _callType == null){
- alert("Arguments are null. Can't call Find/Replace feature!");
- window.close();
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Determines how to lay out page according to call type(find or replace)
- // Arguments:
- // callType: o indicates find, 1 indicates replace
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function showElmentByCallType(callType){
- if(callType == 0){ // Find
- document.getElementById("trReplaceWhat").style.display = "none";
- document.getElementById("trReplaceAll").style.display = "none";
- }
- else if(callType == 1){ // Replace
- document.getElementById("trReplaceWhat").style.display = "";
- document.getElementById("trReplaceAll").style.display = "";
- }
- if (!_element.editmode) {
- document.getElementById("trReplace").style.display = "none";
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Determines whether continueing to execute when executor clicks find next, replace or replace all button
- // Arguments:
- // obj: The button object.
- // Return: Allows to execute return true, otherwise return false.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function isEnableGo(obj){
- if((obj == _oBtnReplace || obj == _oBtnReplaceAll) && !_element.editmode)
- return false;
- if(obj == _oBtnReplace && _callType == 0){
- _callType = 1;
- showElmentByCallType(1);
- return false;
- }
- if((obj == _oBtnReplace || obj == _oBtnReplaceAll) && _oFindIn.value == 2){
- if(window.confirm("Findin must be set to Formulas. Now, set it to Formulas and continue?")){
- _oFindIn.value = 1;
- }
- else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- _findWhat = _oFindWhat.value;
- if(_findWhat == ""){
- alert("Please input what will be searched!");
- return false;
- }
- _regexOptions = getRegExpOptions();
- if(!_oRegular.checked){ // RegularExpression checkbox is false
- _findWhat = escapeMetacharacters(_findWhat); // Escapes meta characters. E.g. "\w" to "\\w"
- }
- if(_oWord.checked){
- _findWhat = "(\\W|^)" + _findWhat + "(\\W|$)";
- }
- try{
- _findReg = new RegExp(_findWhat, _regexOptions);
- }
- catch(e){//Regular Expression is error
- alert(e.name + ": " + e.message);
- return false;
- }
- _startSearchCell = _activeCell;
- return true;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Find next cell
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function find_Next() {
- var findCell = _startSearchCell;
- do{
- findCell = moveToNextCell3();
- var sourceString;
- sourceString = getInnerText(findCell);
- // Determines the findCell whether contains the spiciel string.
- if(sourceString != null && sourceString != ""){
- //_findReg = new RegExp(_findWhat, _regexOptions);
- if(_oFindIn.value == 1){ // Find in values or formulas. If cell is set value by formulas, find in formula, but don't find in value.
- // otherwise, find in values
- var bHadFound = false;
- if(getAttribute(findCell,"formula") != null ){
- if(_findReg.exec(getAttribute(findCell, "formula"))){
- bHadFound = true;
- }
- }
- else if(getAttribute(findCell, "ufv") != null){
- if(_findReg.exec(getAttribute(findCell, "ufv"))){
- bHadFound = true;
- }
- }
- else if(_findReg.exec(sourceString)){
- bHadFound = true;
- }
- if(bHadFound){
- setActiveCell(findCell); // Had found
- _activeCell = findCell;
- return true;
- }
- }
- else if(_oFindIn.value == 2){ //Only Find values in all cells.
- if(_findReg.exec(sourceString)){
- setActiveCell(findCell); // Had found
- _activeCell = findCell;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(findCell == _startSearchCell){
- alert("The specified text was not found!");
- return false;
- }
- }
- while(true);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Replaces with the specified string and find next cell
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function replace() {
- var replaceCell = _startSearchCell;
- var replaceCount = 0;
- do{
- var sourceString;
- sourceString = getInnerText(replaceCell);
- if(replaceCount == 0){// Replace
- if(isCanReplaced(replaceCell) && sourceString != null && sourceString != ""){
- _findReg = new RegExp(_findWhat, _regexOptions);
- var txt;
- if(getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula") != null ){ // Is Formula
- if(_findReg.exec(getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula"))){
- if(_oWord.checked){
- txt = getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula").replace(_findReg,"$1" + _oReplaceWith.value + "$2");
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- else{
- txt = getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula").replace(_findReg,_oReplaceWith.value);
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- replaceCount++;
- }
- }
- else if(getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv") != null){ // Is Data Format
- if(_findReg.exec(getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv"))){
- if(_oWord.checked){
- txt = getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv").replace(_findReg,"$1" + _oReplaceWith.value + "$2");
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- else{
- txt = getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv").replace(_findReg,_oReplaceWith.value);
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- replaceCount++;
- }
- }
- else if(_findReg.exec(sourceString)){
- if(_oWord.checked){
- txt = sourceString.replace(_findReg,"$1" + _oReplaceWith.value + "$2");
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- else{
- txt = sourceString.replace(_findReg,_oReplaceWith.value);
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- replaceCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- else{ //Had replaced. Finds next and set it active.
- if(isCanReplaced(replaceCell) && sourceString != null && sourceString != ""){
- _findReg = new RegExp(_findWhat, _regexOptions);
- var bHadFound = false;
- if(getAttribute(replaceCell,"formula") != null ){
- if(_findReg.exec(getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula"))){
- bHadFound = true;
- }
- }
- else if(getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv") != null){
- if(_findReg.exec(getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv"))){
- bHadFound = true;
- }
- }
- else if(_findReg.exec(sourceString)){
- bHadFound = true;
- }
- if(bHadFound){
- setActiveCell(replaceCell); // Had found
- _activeCell = replaceCell;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- replaceCell = moveToNextCell3();
- if(replaceCell == _startSearchCell){
- if(replaceCount == 0){
- alert("The specified text was not found or the cell is read only!");
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- while(true);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Replaces with the specified string in all cells.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function replaceAll() {
- var replaceCell = _startSearchCell;
- var replaceCount = 0;
- do{
- var sourceString;
- sourceString = getInnerText(replaceCell);
- if(isCanReplaced(replaceCell) && sourceString != null && sourceString != ""){
- _findReg = new RegExp(_findWhat, _regexOptions);
- var txt;
- if(getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula") != null ){ // Is Formula
- if(_findReg.exec(getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula"))){
- if(_oWord.checked){
- txt = getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula").replace(_findReg,"$1" + _oReplaceWith.value + "$2");
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- else{
- txt = getAttribute(replaceCell, "formula").replace(_findReg,_oReplaceWith.value);
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- _replaceAllCount++;
- }
- }
- else if(getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv") != null){ // Is Data Format
- if(_findReg.exec(getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv"))){
- if(_oWord.checked){
- txt = getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv").replace(_findReg,"$1" + _oReplaceWith.value + "$2");
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- else{
- txt = getAttribute(replaceCell, "ufv").replace(_findReg,_oReplaceWith.value);
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- replaceCount++;
- }
- }
- else if(_findReg.exec(sourceString)){
- if(_oWord.checked){
- txt = sourceString.replace(_findReg,"$1" + _oReplaceWith.value + "$2");
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- else{
- txt = sourceString.replace(_findReg,_oReplaceWith.value);
- setCellValue(replaceCell,txt);
- }
- replaceCount++;
- }
- }
- replaceCell = moveToNextCell3();
- if(replaceCell == _startSearchCell){
- if(replaceCount > 0){
- alert(replaceCount + " occurrence(s) replaced.");
- }
- else{
- alert("The specified text was not found or the cell is read only!");
- }
- _startSearchCell = null;
- return false;
- }
- }
- while(true);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Indicates whether the cell can execute replacing featrue.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function isCanReplaced(cell){
- var r = false;
- if (getAttribute(cell, "protected") != "1" // Is not Read Only
- && getAttribute(cell, "vtype") != "dlist"){ // Is not DropDownList
- r = true;
- }
- return r;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Gets regular expression options
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getRegExpOptions(){
- var r = "gi";
- if(_oCase.checked){
- r = r.replace("i","");
- }
- return r;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Escapes the meta characters in the specified string.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function escapeMetacharacters(s){
- var syntax = "\\^$*+?{}.()|[]"; // meta characters
- for(var i=0; i<s.length; i++){
- var index = syntax.indexOf(s.charAt(i));
- if(index != -1){
- s = s.substring(0,i) + "\\" + s.substring(i,s.length);
- i++;
- }
- }
- return s;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sets the specified cell active
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function setActiveCell(cell){
- var index = cell.id.lastIndexOf("_");
- var xy = cell.id.substr(index+1,cell.id.length - index + 1).split("#");
- _element.setActiveCell(xy[1],xy[0]);
- // If cell is cover by dialog window, move the dialog window to the right down corner of the cell.
- var offsetParent = cell.offsetParent;
- var offsetLeftToBody = cell.offsetLeft;
- var offsetTopToBody = cell.offsetTop;
- do{
- offsetTopToBody += offsetParent.offsetTop;
- offsetLeftToBody += offsetParent.offsetLeft;
- offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
- }while(offsetParent);
- var panel = cell.offsetParent.parentNode;
- var x, y;
- var condition1, condition2,condition3, condition4;
- if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") == -1) // Is not IE
- {
- offsetLeftToBody = offsetLeftToBody - panel.scrollLeft - _parentWindow.document.body.scrollLeft;
- offsetTopToBody = offsetTopToBody - panel.scrollTop - _parentWindow.document.body.scrollTop;
- x = offsetLeftToBody + _parentWindow.screenX + (_parentWindow.outerWidth - _parentWindow.innerWidth)/2;
- y = offsetTopToBody + _parentWindow.screenY + (_parentWindow.outerHeight - _parentWindow.innerHeight - _dialogEdgeTopHeight);
- condition1 = x >= window.screenX && x < window.screenX + window.outerWidth;
- condition2 = x + cell.offsetWidth > window.screenX && x + cell.offsetWidth <= window.screenX + window.outerWidth;
- condition3 = y >= window.screenY && y < window.screenY + window.outerHeight;
- condition4 = y + cell.offsetHeight > window.screenY && y + cell.offsetHeight <= window.screenY + window.outerHeight;
- if((condition1 || condition2) && (condition3 || condition4)){
- window.moveTo(x + cell.offsetWidth,y + cell.offsetHeight);
- }
- }
- else{ // IE
- offsetLeftToBody = offsetLeftToBody - panel.scrollLeft - _parentWindow.document.body.scrollLeft;
- offsetTopToBody = offsetTopToBody - panel.scrollTop - _parentWindow.document.body.scrollTop;
- x = offsetLeftToBody + _parentWindow.screenLeft;
- y = offsetTopToBody + _parentWindow.screenTop;
- condition1 = x >= window.screenLeft - _dialogEdgeLeftWidth && x < window.screenLeft - _dialogEdgeLeftWidth + parseFloat(dialogWidth);
- condition2 = x + cell.offsetWidth > window.screenLeft - _dialogEdgeLeftWidth && x + cell.offsetWidth <= window.screenLeft - _dialogEdgeLeftWidth + parseFloat(dialogWidth);
- condition3 = y >= window.screenTop - _dialogEdgeTopHeight && y < window.screenTop - _dialogEdgeTopHeight + parseFloat(dialogHeight);
- condition4 = y + cell.offsetHeight > window.screenTop - _dialogEdgeTopHeight && y + cell.offsetHeight <= window.screenTop - _dialogEdgeTopHeight + parseFloat(dialogHeight);
- if((condition1 || condition2) && (condition3 || condition4)){
- dialogLeft = x + cell.offsetWidth;
- dialogTop = y + cell.offsetHeight;
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Sets cell value to txt.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function setCellValue(cell,txt){
- var index = cell.id.lastIndexOf("_");
- var xy = cell.id.substr(index+1,cell.id.length - index + 1).split("#");
- _element.setCellValue(xy[1], xy[0],txt);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Gets the specified name parameter in url string.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getUrlParameter(name)
- {
- var url = window.location.search;
- var reg = new RegExp("(^|\\?|&)"+ name +"=([^&]*)(\\s|&|$)", "i");
- if (reg.exec(url))
- return RegExp.$2;
- else
- return "";
- }
- function getTimeDistance(a,b){
- return b.getMilliseconds() - a.getMilliseconds() + 1000*(b.getSeconds() - a.getSeconds());
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Determines whether the specified object is valid cell.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function isValidCell(o){
- if (o.tagName == "TD" && o.id != null && o.id.indexOf(_element.id) == 0 && _cidReg.exec(o.id.substring(_element.id.length+1,o.id.length)))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Obsolete. Gets the next cell.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function moveToNextCell(cell){
- var currentViewTable = cell.offsetParent;
- var cellIndex = cell.cellIndex;
- var rowIndex = cell.parentNode.rowIndex;
- if(_freeze){
- if(_oDirection.checked){ // Search up
- if(cellIndex == 0 || currentViewTable.rows.length == 0 || currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells.length == 0){
- if(rowIndex == 0){
- if(currentViewTable == _viewTable00){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable;
- if(currentViewTable.rows.length > 0)
- rowIndex = currentViewTable.rows.length - 1;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable01){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable00;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable10){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable01;
- if(currentViewTable.rows.length > 0)
- rowIndex = currentViewTable.rows.length - 1;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable10;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(currentViewTable == _viewTable00){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable01;
- rowIndex--;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable01){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable00;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable10){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable;
- rowIndex--;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable10;
- }
- }
- if(currentViewTable.rows.length > 0 && currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells.length > 0)
- cellIndex = currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells.length -1;
- }
- else{ // Is not first cell in the row. Reduces cellIndex to 1 for move to next cell.
- cellIndex--;
- }
- }
- else{ // Search down
- if(currentViewTable.rows.length == 0 ||currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells.length == 0 || cellIndex == currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells.length - 1 ){
- cellIndex = 0;
- if(rowIndex == currentViewTable.rows.length - 1
- || ((currentViewTable == _viewTable00 || currentViewTable == _viewTable01) && _viewTable00.rows.length == 0 && _viewTable01.rows.length == 0)
- || ((currentViewTable == _viewTable10 || currentViewTable == _viewTable) && _viewTable10.rows.length == 0 && _viewTable.rows.length == 0)){
- if(currentViewTable == _viewTable00){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable01;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable01){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable10;
- rowIndex = 0;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable10){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable00;
- rowIndex = 0;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(currentViewTable == _viewTable00){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable01;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable01){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable00;
- rowIndex++;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable10){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable){
- currentViewTable = _viewTable10;
- rowIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- else{ // Is not last cell in the row. Adds cellIndex to 1 for move to next cell.
- cellIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- if(_oDirection.checked){ // Search up
- if(cellIndex == 0){ // Is the first cell in the row.
- // The row move to next row and cellIndex is evaluated to the last cell index of next row.
- if(rowIndex == 0){
- rowIndex = currentViewTable.rows.length - 1;
- }
- else{
- rowIndex--;
- }
- cellIndex = currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells.length -1;
- }
- else{ // Is not first cell in the row. Reduces cellIndex to 1 for move to next cell.
- cellIndex--;
- }
- }
- else{ // Search down
- if(cellIndex == currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells.length -1){ // Is the last cell in the row.
- // The row move to next row and cellIndex is evaluated to the first cell index of next row.
- if(rowIndex == currentViewTable.rows.length - 1){
- rowIndex = 0;
- }
- else{
- rowIndex++;
- }
- cellIndex = 0;
- }
- else{ // Is not last cell in the row. Adds cellIndex to 1 for move to next cell.
- cellIndex++;
- }
- }
- }
- var cell = null;
- if(currentViewTable.rows.length > 0 && currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells.length > 0){
- cell = currentViewTable.rows[rowIndex].cells[cellIndex];
- }
- if(cell != null && isValidCell(cell))
- return cell;
- else
- return moveToNextCell(cell);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Obsolete. Gets the next cell that is valid cell.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function moveToNextCell2(cell){
- if(_freeze){
- var currentViewTable = cell.offsetParent;
- var rowIndex;
- if(_oDirection.checked){ // Search up
- if(cell.previousSibling != null){
- cell = cell.previousSibling;
- }
- else if(cell.parentElement.previousSibling != null){
- rowIndex = cell.parentElement.rowIndex;
- if(currentViewTable == _viewTable00){
- cell = _viewTable01.rows[rowIndex - 1].lastChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable01){
- cell = _viewTable00.rows[rowIndex].lastChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable10){
- cell = _viewTable.rows[rowIndex - 1].lastChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable){
- cell = _viewTable10.rows[rowIndex].lastChild;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(currentViewTable == _viewTable00){
- cell = _viewTable.rows[_viewTable.rows.length - 1].lastChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable01){
- cell = _viewTable00.rows[0].lastChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable10){
- cell = _viewTable01.rows[_viewTable01.rows.length - 1].lastChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable){
- cell = _viewTable10.rows[0].lastChild;
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- if(cell.nextSibling != null){
- cell = cell.nextSibling;
- }
- else if(cell.parentElement.nextSibling != null){
- rowIndex = cell.parentElement.rowIndex;
- if(currentViewTable == _viewTable00){
- cell = _viewTable01.rows[rowIndex].firstChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable01){
- cell = _viewTable00.rows[rowIndex + 1].firstChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable10){
- cell = _viewTable.rows[rowIndex].firstChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable){
- cell = _viewTable10.rows[rowIndex + 1].firstChild;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(currentViewTable == _viewTable00){
- cell = _viewTable01.rows[_viewTable01.rows.length - 1].firstChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable01){
- cell = _viewTable10.rows[0].firstChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable10){
- cell = _viewTable.rows[_viewTable.rows.length - 1].firstChild;
- }
- else if(currentViewTable == _viewTable){
- cell = _viewTable00.rows[0].firstChild;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- if(_oDirection.checked){ // Search up
- if(cell.previousSibling != null){
- cell = cell.previousSibling;
- }
- else if(cell.parentNode.previousSibling != null){
- cell = cell.parentNode.previousSibling.lastChild;
- }
- else{
- cell = cell.parentNode.parentNode.rows[cell.offsetParent.rows.length - 1].lastChild;
- }
- }
- else{
- if(cell.nextSibling != null){
- cell = cell.nextSibling;
- }
- else if(cell.parentNode.nextSibling != null && cell.parentNode.nextSibling.nodeType == 1){
- cell = cell.parentNode.nextSibling.firstChild;
- }
- else{
- cell = cell.parentNode.parentNode.rows[0].firstChild;
- }
- }
- }
- if(isValidCell(cell))
- return cell;
- else
- return moveToNextCell2(cell);
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Gets the next cell that is valid cell.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function moveToNextCell3(){
- if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") == -1) {// Is not IE
- if(_oDirection.checked){ // Search up
- if(_currentCellIndex == 0){ // Is the first cell in the row.
- // The row move to next row and cellIndex is evaluated to the last cell index of next row.
- if(_currentRowIndex == 0){
- _currentRowIndex = _currentRowsLength - 1;
- }
- else{
- _currentRowIndex--;
- }
- _currentCells = _currentRows[_currentRowIndex].cells;
- _currentCellsLength = _currentCells.length;
- _currentCellIndex = _currentCellsLength -1;
- }
- else{ // Is not first cell in the row. Reduces cellIndex to 1 for move to next cell.
- _currentCellIndex--;
- }
- }
- else{ // Search down
- if(_currentCellIndex == _currentCellsLength -1){ // Is the last cell in the row.
- // The row move to next row and cellIndex is evaluated to the first cell index of next row.
- if(_currentRowIndex == _currentRowsLength - 1){
- _currentRowIndex = 0;
- }
- else{
- _currentRowIndex++;
- }
- _currentCells = _currentRows[_currentRowIndex].cells;
- _currentCellsLength = _currentCells.length;
- _currentCellIndex = 0;
- }
- else{ // Is not last cell in the row. Adds cellIndex to 1 for move to next cell.
- _currentCellIndex++;
- }
- }
- var cell = null;
- if(_currentRowsLength > 0 && _currentCellsLength > 0){
- cell = _currentCells[_currentCellIndex];
- }
- if(cell != null && isValidCell(cell))
- return cell;
- else
- return moveToNextCell3();
- }
- else{ //IE
- if(_oDirection.checked){ // Search up
- if(_cellIndex == 0){
- _cellIndex = _arrCells.length;
- }
- return _arrCells[--_cellIndex];
- }
- else{ // Search down
- if(_cellIndex == _arrCells.length - 1){
- _cellIndex = -1;
- }
- return _arrCells[++_cellIndex];
- }
- }
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Obsolete. Fills the cells to a array
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function FillCellsToArray(startCell){
- //var a = new Date();
- var k = 0;
- var i = 0;
- _arrCells[i] = startCell;
- _cellIndex = startCell.cellIndex;
- var rows = _viewTable.rows;
- var rowslen = rows.length;
- var i;
- for (i=0; i<rowslen; i++)
- {
- var cells = rows[i].cells;
- var cellslen = cells.length;
- var j;
- for (j=0; j< cellslen; j++)
- {
- var cell = cells[j];
- _arrCells[k++] = cell;
- }
- }
- //alert(getTimeDistance(a,new Date()));
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Get inner text of the specified object.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getInnerText(o){
- if(o.hasChildNodes()){
- var text = "";
- for(var i=0; i<o.childNodes.length; i++){
- if(o.childNodes[i].nodeType == 3){ // Is TEXT_NODE
- text += o.childNodes[i].nodeValue;
- }
- else{
- var childText = getInnerText(o.childNodes[i]);
- if(childText != null)
- text += childText;
- }
- }
- if(text != "")
- return text;
- else
- return null;
- }
- else
- return null;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Gets the value of the specified attribute of the specified object.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function getAttribute(o, name)
- {
- if (o.attributes[name] != null)
- return o.attributes[name].nodeValue;
- return null;
- }