- //Copyright (c) 2001-2016 Aspose Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
- /*****************************************************
- * Aspose.Cells.GridWeb Component Language File
- * Copyright 2003-2011, All Rights Reserverd.
- * V2.4.0
- *****************************************************/
- // Simplified Chinese
- var ACWLang =
- {
- // tip of a null cell
- TipCellNoValue :"<空单元格>",
- // tip of formula cell
- TipCellFormula :"<公式>",
- // tips of cell type
- TipCellIsRequired :"<必填项>",
- TipCellAnyValue :"<任意文本>",
- TipCellList :"<从菜单中选择>",
- TipCellDropDownList :"<从列表中选择>",
- TipCellFreeList :"<从列表中选择或键入>",
- TipCellRegex :"<正规表达式>",
- TipCellBoolean :"<布尔值>",
- TipCellDate :"<日期值>",
- TipCellDateTime :"<日期时间值>",
- TipCellNumber :"<数字>",
- TipCellInteger :"<整数>",
- TipCellCustomFunction :"<校验函数>",
- TipCellCheckbox :"<检查框>",
- TipCellFilter :"<自动筛选>",
- TipCellCustomString : "<自定义>",
- TipCellTime : "<时间值>",
- TipCellTextLength : "<文本长度>",
- // tip of validation operator
- valid_op_between :"介于",
- valid_op_notbetween :"未介于",
- valid_op_equal :"等于",
- valid_op_notequal :"不等于",
- valid_op_lessthan :"小于",
- valid_op_lessorequal :"小于或等于",
- valid_op_greaterthan :"大于",
- valid_op_greaterorequal :"大于或等于",
- // tip of a cell with comment
- TipCellComment :"<注释>",
- // context menu items text
- MenuItemCopy :"拷贝",
- MenuItemCut :"剪切",
- MenuItemPaste :"粘贴",
- MenuItemFreeze :"冻结窗口",
- MenuItemUnfreeze :"取消冻结窗口",
- MenuItemAddRow :"增加行",
- MenuItemInsertRow :"插入行",
- MenuItemDeleteRow :"删除行",
- MenuItemAddColumn :"增加列",
- MenuItemInsertColumn :"插入列",
- MenuItemDeleteColumn :"删除列",
- MenuItemMergeCells :"合并单元格",
- MenuItemUnmergeCells :"取消合并单元格",
- MenuItemFormat :"格式化单元格...",
- MenuItemFind :"查找...",
- MenuItemReplace :"替换...",
- MenuItemFilterAll :"(全部)",
- MenuItemDelComment :"删除注释",
- // tips of buttons
- TipListMenuButton :"点击显示列表菜单",
- TipCalendarButton :"点击显示日期控件",
- TipScrollLeftButton :"向左滚动工作表标签",
- TipScrollRightButton :"向右滚动工作表标签",
- TipSubmitButton :"提交编辑结果并计算所有公式",
- TipSaveButton :"保存编辑结果",
- TipUndoButton :"取消当前编辑结果",
- TipTab :"改变当前工作表",
- TipClientSideMenu :"客户端菜单",
- TipExpandChildButton :"展开或折叠子表",
- TipExpandGroupButton :"展开或折叠行组",
- TipSortHeader :"点击排序",
- TipFilterButton :"点击显示筛选值",
- TipPasteTooMuchRows : " 复制的行超过可以粘贴的行数.",
- // dialogbox
- DialogBoxLoading :"正在加载,请稍候..."
- }