- using Dapper;
- using Learun.Application.Organization;
- using Learun.DataBase.Repository;
- using Learun.Util;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Data;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- namespace Learun.Application.TwoDevelopment.EducationalAdministration
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// 版 本 Learun-ADMS-Ultimate V7.0.0 数字化智慧校园
- /// Copyright (c) 2013-2018 北京泉江科技有限公司
- /// 创 建:超级管理员
- /// 日 期:2019-01-29 11:08
- /// 描 述:班级信息管理
- /// </summary>
- public class TeachClassService : RepositoryFactory
- {
- #region 获取数据
- /// <summary>
- /// 获取页面显示列表数据
- /// <summary>
- /// <param name="queryJson">查询参数</param>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public IEnumerable<TeachClassEntity> GetPageList(Pagination pagination, string queryJson)
- {
- try
- {
- var strSql = new StringBuilder();
- strSql.Append("SELECT ");
- strSql.Append(@" * ");
- strSql.Append(" FROM TeachClass t ");
- strSql.Append(" WHERE 1=1 ");
- var queryParam = queryJson.ToJObject();
- // 虚拟参数
- var dp = new DynamicParameters(new { });
- if (!queryParam["F_SchoolId"].IsEmpty())
- {
- dp.Add("F_SchoolId", queryParam["F_SchoolId"].ToString(), DbType.String);
- strSql.Append(" AND t.F_SchoolId = @F_SchoolId ");
- }
- if (!queryParam["AcademicYearNo"].IsEmpty())
- {
- dp.Add("AcademicYearNo", queryParam["AcademicYearNo"].ToString(), DbType.String);
- strSql.Append(" AND t.AcademicYearNo = @AcademicYearNo ");
- }
- if (!queryParam["Semester"].IsEmpty())
- {
- dp.Add("Semester", queryParam["Semester"].ToString(), DbType.String);
- strSql.Append(" AND t.Semester = @Semester ");
- }
- if (!queryParam["DeptNo"].IsEmpty())
- {
- dp.Add("DeptNo", queryParam["DeptNo"].ToString(), DbType.String);
- strSql.Append(" AND t.DeptNo = @DeptNo ");
- }
- if (!queryParam["MajorNo"].IsEmpty())
- {
- dp.Add("MajorNo", queryParam["MajorNo"].ToString(), DbType.String);
- strSql.Append(" AND t.MajorNo = @MajorNo ");
- }
- if (!queryParam["Grade"].IsEmpty())
- {
- dp.Add("Grade", "%" + queryParam["Grade"].ToString() + "%", DbType.String);
- strSql.Append(" AND t.Grade Like @Grade ");
- }
- if (!queryParam["LessonNo"].IsEmpty())
- {
- dp.Add("LessonNo", queryParam["LessonNo"].ToString(), DbType.String);
- strSql.Append(" AND t.LessonNo = @LessonNo ");
- }
- return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<TeachClassEntity>(strSql.ToString(), dp, pagination);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- internal bool GetAny()
- {
- try
- {
- return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<TeachClassEntity>().ToList().Count > 0 ? true : false;
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 获取ClassInfo表实体数据
- /// <param name="keyValue">主键</param>
- /// <summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public TeachClassEntity GetTeachClassEntity(string keyValue)
- {
- try
- {
- int ID = Convert.ToInt32(keyValue);
- return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindEntity<TeachClassEntity>(ID);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region 提交数据
- /// <summary>
- /// 删除实体数据
- /// <param name="keyValue">主键</param>
- /// <summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public void DeleteEntity(string keyValue)
- {
- var db = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").BeginTrans();
- try
- {
- //修改
- var keyValueArr = keyValue.Split(',');
- foreach (var item in keyValueArr)
- {
- var entity = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindEntity<TeachClassEntity>(x => x.ID == Convert.ToInt32(item));
- if (entity != null)
- {
- entity.EmpNo = "";
- db.Update(entity);
- }
- }
- db.Commit();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- db.Rollback();
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 保存实体数据(新增、修改)
- /// <param name="keyValue">主键</param>
- /// <summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public void SaveEntity(string keyValue, TeachClassEntity entity)
- {
- try
- {
- var keyvalue = Convert.ToInt32(keyValue);
- if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyValue))
- {
- entity.Modify(keyvalue);
- this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").Update(entity);
- }
- else
- {
- entity.Create();
- this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").Insert(entity);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region 扩展数据
- public IEnumerable<TeachClassEntity> GetAllClass()
- {
- try
- {
- return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<TeachClassEntity>();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 获取ClassInfo表实体数据
- /// <param name="keyValue">主键</param>
- /// <summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public List<TeachClassEntity> GetTeachListById(string keyValue)
- {
- try
- {
- var id = keyValue.Split(',');
- return this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS")
- .FindList<TeachClassEntity>(x => id.Contains(x.ID.ToString())).ToList();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 保存数据
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="keyValue">主键</param>
- /// <param name="entity"></param>
- public void SaveEntityList(List<TeachClassEntity> List)
- {
- var db = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").BeginTrans();
- try
- {
- foreach (var item in List)
- {
- TeachClassEntity Teach = new TeachClassEntity
- {
- TeachClassNo = item.TeachClassNo,
- AcademicYearNo = item.AcademicYearNo,
- DeptNo = item.DeptNo,
- MajorNo = item.MajorNo,
- Grade = item.Grade,
- EmpNo = item.EmpNo,
- Semester = item.Semester,
- LessonNo = item.LessonNo,
- StuNum = item.StuNum,
- LessonSortNo = item.LessonSortNo,
- F_SchoolId = item.F_SchoolId
- };
- if (db.FindEntity<TeachClassEntity>(
- x => x.F_SchoolId == Teach.F_SchoolId && x.AcademicYearNo == Teach.AcademicYearNo
- && x.Semester == Teach.Semester && x.DeptNo == Teach.DeptNo
- && x.MajorNo == Teach.MajorNo && x.TeachClassNo == Teach.TeachClassNo
- && x.Grade == Teach.Grade && x.LessonNo == Teach.LessonNo) == null)
- {
- db.Insert(Teach);
- }
- }
- db.Commit();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- db.Rollback();
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 保存或修改教师
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="keyValue"></param>
- /// <param name="EmpNo"></param>
- public void UpEmpNo(string keyValue, string EmpNo)
- {
- var db = this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").BeginTrans();
- try
- {
- var keyarray = keyValue.Split(',');
- foreach (var item in keyarray)
- {
- var entityList = this.GetTeachClassEntity(item);
- entityList.EmpNo = EmpNo;
- db.Update(entityList);
- }
- db.Commit();
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- db.Rollback();
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 修改教师和成绩
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="keyValue"></param>
- /// <param name="EmpNo"></param>
- public string UpSetTeach(string keyValue, string EmpNo)
- {
- string Result = "";
- var db = BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").BeginTrans();
- try
- {
- #region 获取班级开课计划的数据
- var IdList = keyValue.Split(',');
- var TeachClassList = BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<TeachClassEntity>(x => IdList.Contains(x.ID.ToString())).ToList();
- foreach (var item in IdList)//修改TeachClass表
- {
- var entityList = GetTeachClassEntity(item);
- entityList.EmpNo = EmpNo;
- db.Update(entityList);
- }
- #endregion
- List<StuSelectLessonListEntity> stuLessonList = new List<StuSelectLessonListEntity>();
- for (int i = 0; i < TeachClassList.Count; i++)
- {
- var LessonData = db.FindList<LessonInfoEntity>().Where(x => x.LessonNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonNo).FirstOrDefault();
- var stuDataList = db.FindList<StuInfoBasicEntity>().Where(s =>
- s.DeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo && s.MajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- s.F_SchoolId == TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId &&
- s.ClassNo == TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo && s.CheckMark == "1");
- var DeleteStuSelectLesson = db.FindList<StuSelectLessonListEntity>().Where(
- x => x.AcademicYearNo == TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo &&
- x.LessonNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonNo &&
- x.Semester == TeachClassList[i].Semester &&
- x.F_SchoolId == TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId &&
- x.DeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo &&
- x.MajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- x.ClassNo == TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo &&
- x.Grade == TeachClassList[i].Grade &&
- x.OpenLessonDeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo &&
- x.OpenLessonMajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- x.LessonSortNo == "1").ToList();
- if (DeleteStuSelectLesson.Count > 0)
- {
- db.Delete(DeleteStuSelectLesson);
- }
- if (stuDataList != null)
- {
- #region 修改StuSelectLessonList表
- foreach (var item in stuDataList)
- {
- var StuSelectLessonEntity = new StuSelectLessonListEntity
- {
- StuNo = item.StuNo,
- DeptNo = TeachClassList[i].DeptNo,
- MajorNo = TeachClassList[i].MajorNo,
- ClassNo = item.ClassNo,
- GenderNo = item.GenderNo == true ? "0" : "1",
- MajorDetailNo = TeachClassList[i].MajorDetailNo,
- MajorDetailName = TeachClassList[i].MajorDetailName,
- StuName = item.StuName,
- AcademicYearNo = TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo,
- Semester = TeachClassList[i].Semester,
- OpenLessonDeptNo = TeachClassList[i].DeptNo,
- OpenLessonMajorNo = TeachClassList[i].MajorNo,
- LessonNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonNo,
- LessonName = LessonData.LessonName,
- PartCode = TeachClassList[i].PartCode,
- OrdinaryScoreScale = 0,
- TermInScoreScale = 0,
- TermEndScoreScale = 0,
- OtherScoreScale = 0,
- TeachClassNo = TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo,
- LessonSortNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonSortNo,
- StuSortNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonSortNo,
- Grade = item.Grade,
- StudyScore = 2,
- TotalStudyHour = 2,
- IsInEffect = "1",
- IsPitchOn = "1",
- F_SchoolId = TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId,
- CheckMark = "1",
- InsertTime = DateTime.Now
- };
- stuLessonList.Add(StuSelectLessonEntity);
- db.Insert(StuSelectLessonEntity);
- }
- #endregion
- var ScoreList = db.FindList<StuScoreEntity>().Where(x => x.AcademicYearNo == TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo && x.Semester == TeachClassList[i].Semester && x.DeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo && x.MajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo && x.ClassNo == TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo && x.LessonSortNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonSortNo && x.LessonNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonNo);
- var DeleteStuScore = db.FindList<StuScoreEntity>().Where(
- x => x.AcademicYearNo == TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo &&
- x.LessonNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonNo &&
- x.Semester == TeachClassList[i].Semester &&
- x.F_SchoolId == TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId &&
- x.DeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo &&
- x.MajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- x.ClassNo == TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo &&
- x.Grade == TeachClassList[i].Grade &&
- x.OpenLessonDeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo &&
- x.OpenLessonMajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- x.LessonSortNo == "1" && x.CheckMark == "1").ToList();
- if (DeleteStuScore.Count > 0)
- {
- return Result = "成绩已审核不可设置教师";
- }
- db.Delete(DeleteStuScore);
- if (ScoreList != null)
- {
- #region 添加StuScore表
- foreach (var item in stuDataList)
- {
- var stuScoreEntity = new StuScoreEntity
- {
- StuNo = item.StuNo,
- DeptNo = item.DeptNo,
- MajorNo = item.MajorNo,
- ClassNo = item.ClassNo,
- StuName = item.StuName,
- EmpNo = EmpNo,
- GenderNo = item.GenderNo == true ? "0" : "1",
- AcademicYearNo = TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo,
- Semester = TeachClassList[i].Semester,
- OpenLessonDeptNo = TeachClassList[i].DeptNo,
- OpenLessonMajorNo = TeachClassList[i].MajorNo,
- LessonNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonNo,
- LessonName = LessonData.LessonName,
- PartCode = TeachClassList[i].PartCode,
- StuSortNo = item.TestStuSortNo,
- TeachClassNo = TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo,
- LessonSortNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonSortNo,
- Grade = TeachClassList[i].Grade,
- StudyScore = 2,
- TotalStudyHour = 2,
- IsInEffect = "1",
- IsPitchOn = "1",
- F_SchoolId = TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId,
- CheckMark = "0",
- TestKindNo = "1",
- IsEditable = "1",
- OrdinaryScore = 0,
- TermInScore = 0,
- TermEndScore = 0,
- OtherScore = 0
- };
- db.Insert(stuScoreEntity);
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
- }
- db.Commit();
- return Result = "设置教师成功";
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- db.Rollback();
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 强制修改教师
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="keyValue"></param>
- /// <param name="EmpNo"></param>
- public string UpQzSetTeach(string keyValue, string EmpNo)
- {
- string Result = "";
- var db = BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").BeginTrans();
- try
- {
- #region 获取班级开课计划的数据
- var IdList = keyValue.Split(',');
- var TeachClassList = BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").FindList<TeachClassEntity>(x => IdList.Contains(x.ID.ToString())).ToList();
- foreach (var item in IdList)//修改TeachClass表
- {
- var entityList = GetTeachClassEntity(item);
- entityList.EmpNo = EmpNo;
- db.Update(entityList);
- }
- #endregion
- List<StuSelectLessonListEntity> stuLessonList = new List<StuSelectLessonListEntity>();
- for (int i = 0; i < TeachClassList.Count; i++)
- {
- var LessonData = db.FindList<LessonInfoEntity>().Where(x => x.LessonNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonNo).FirstOrDefault();
- var stuDataList = db.FindList<StuInfoBasicEntity>().Where(s =>
- s.DeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo && s.MajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- s.F_SchoolId == TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId &&
- s.ClassNo == TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo && s.CheckMark == "1");
- var DeleteStuSelectLesson = db.FindList<StuSelectLessonListEntity>().Where(
- x => x.AcademicYearNo == TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo &&
- x.LessonNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonNo &&
- x.Semester == TeachClassList[i].Semester &&
- x.F_SchoolId == TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId &&
- x.DeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo &&
- x.MajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- x.ClassNo == TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo &&
- x.Grade == TeachClassList[i].Grade &&
- x.OpenLessonDeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo &&
- x.OpenLessonMajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- x.LessonSortNo == "1").ToList();
- if (DeleteStuSelectLesson.Count > 0)
- {
- db.Delete(DeleteStuSelectLesson);
- }
- if (stuDataList != null)
- {
- #region 修改StuSelectLessonList表
- foreach (var item in stuDataList)
- {
- var StuSelectLessonEntity = new StuSelectLessonListEntity
- {
- StuNo = item.StuNo,
- DeptNo = TeachClassList[i].DeptNo,
- MajorNo = TeachClassList[i].MajorNo,
- ClassNo = item.ClassNo,
- GenderNo = item.GenderNo == true ? "0" : "1",
- MajorDetailNo = TeachClassList[i].MajorDetailNo,
- MajorDetailName = TeachClassList[i].MajorDetailName,
- StuName = item.StuName,
- AcademicYearNo = TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo,
- Semester = TeachClassList[i].Semester,
- OpenLessonDeptNo = TeachClassList[i].DeptNo,
- OpenLessonMajorNo = TeachClassList[i].MajorNo,
- LessonNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonNo,
- LessonName = LessonData.LessonName,
- PartCode = TeachClassList[i].PartCode,
- OrdinaryScoreScale = 0,
- TermInScoreScale = 0,
- TermEndScoreScale = 0,
- OtherScoreScale = 0,
- TeachClassNo = TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo,
- LessonSortNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonSortNo,
- StuSortNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonSortNo,
- Grade = item.Grade,
- StudyScore = 2,
- TotalStudyHour = 2,
- IsInEffect = "1",
- IsPitchOn = "1",
- F_SchoolId = TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId,
- CheckMark = "1",
- InsertTime = DateTime.Now
- };
- stuLessonList.Add(StuSelectLessonEntity);
- db.Insert(StuSelectLessonEntity);
- }
- #endregion
- var ScoreList = db.FindList<StuScoreEntity>().Where(x => x.AcademicYearNo == TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo && x.Semester == TeachClassList[i].Semester && x.DeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo && x.MajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo && x.ClassNo == TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo && x.LessonSortNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonSortNo && x.LessonNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonNo);
- var DeleteStuScore = db.FindList<StuScoreEntity>().Where(
- x => x.AcademicYearNo == TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo &&
- x.LessonNo == TeachClassList[i].LessonNo &&
- x.Semester == TeachClassList[i].Semester &&
- x.F_SchoolId == TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId &&
- x.DeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo &&
- x.MajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- x.ClassNo == TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo &&
- x.Grade == TeachClassList[i].Grade &&
- x.OpenLessonDeptNo == TeachClassList[i].DeptNo &&
- x.OpenLessonMajorNo == TeachClassList[i].MajorNo &&
- x.LessonSortNo == "1" && x.CheckMark == "0").ToList();
- if (DeleteStuScore.Count > 0)
- {
- db.Delete(DeleteStuScore);
- }
- if (ScoreList != null)
- {
- #region 添加StuScore表
- foreach (var item in stuDataList)
- {
- var stuScoreEntity = new StuScoreEntity
- {
- StuNo = item.StuNo,
- DeptNo = item.DeptNo,
- MajorNo = item.MajorNo,
- ClassNo = item.ClassNo,
- StuName = item.StuName,
- EmpNo = EmpNo,
- GenderNo = item.GenderNo == true ? "0" : "1",
- AcademicYearNo = TeachClassList[i].AcademicYearNo,
- Semester = TeachClassList[i].Semester,
- OpenLessonDeptNo = TeachClassList[i].DeptNo,
- OpenLessonMajorNo = TeachClassList[i].MajorNo,
- LessonNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonNo,
- LessonName = LessonData.LessonName,
- PartCode = TeachClassList[i].PartCode,
- StuSortNo = item.TestStuSortNo,
- TeachClassNo = TeachClassList[i].TeachClassNo,
- LessonSortNo = TeachClassList[i].LessonSortNo,
- Grade = TeachClassList[i].Grade,
- StudyScore = 2,
- TotalStudyHour = 2,
- IsInEffect = "1",
- IsPitchOn = "1",
- F_SchoolId = TeachClassList[i].F_SchoolId,
- CheckMark = "0",
- TestKindNo = "1",
- IsEditable = "1",
- OrdinaryScore = 0,
- TermInScore = 0,
- TermEndScore = 0,
- OtherScore = 0
- };
- db.Insert(stuScoreEntity);
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }
- }
- db.Commit();
- return Result = "设置教师成功";
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- db.Rollback();
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// 保存实体数据(新增、修改)
- /// <param name="keyValue">主键</param>
- /// <summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public void UpEmpNos(string xn, string xq, string classNo, string LessonNo, string EmpNo, string hisempno, string Grade)
- {
- try
- {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.Append(" update StuSelectLessonList set EmpNo ='" + EmpNo + "' where classno = '" + classNo + "' and Semester ='" + xq + "' and AcademicYearNo ='" + xn + "' and LessonNo ='" + LessonNo + "' and empno = '" + hisempno + "' and Grade = '" + Grade + "'");
- this.BaseRepository("CollegeMIS").ExecuteBySql(sb.ToString());
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- if (ex is ExceptionEx)
- {
- throw;
- }
- else
- {
- throw ExceptionEx.ThrowServiceException(ex);
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- }
- }