選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。

38496 行
1.7 MiB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>Aspose.Words</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentDirection">
  8. <summary>
  9. Allows to specify the direction to flow the text in a document.
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DocumentDirection.LeftToRight">
  13. <summary>
  14. Left to right direction.
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DocumentDirection.RightToLeft">
  18. <summary>
  19. Right to left direction.
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DocumentDirection.Auto">
  23. <summary>
  24. Auto-detect direction.
  25. </summary>
  26. <remarks>
  27. When this option is selected and text contains characters belonging to RTL scripts,
  28. the document direction will be set automatically to RTL.
  29. </remarks>
  30. </member>
  31. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentReaderPluginLoadException">
  32. <summary>
  33. Thrown during document load, when the plugin required for reading the document format cannot be loaded.
  34. </summary>
  35. </member>
  36. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.IDocumentReaderPlugin">
  37. <summary>
  38. Defines an interface for external reader plugins that can read a file into a document.
  39. </summary>
  40. </member>
  41. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.IDocumentReaderPlugin.Read(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.LoadOptions,Aspose.Words.Document)">
  42. <summary>
  43. Reads the data from the specified stream into the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> instance.
  44. </summary>
  45. <param name="src">The source stream to read the document from.</param>
  46. <param name="loadOptions">An additional load options to load the document.</param>
  47. <param name="document">The instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> class to read the data to.
  48. If the instance contains some content, it will be overriden by the data from the source stream</param>
  49. </member>
  50. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.PdfLoadOptions">
  51. <summary>
  52. Allows to specify additional options when loading Pdf document into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.
  53. </summary>
  54. </member>
  55. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PdfLoadOptions.PageIndex">
  56. <summary>
  57. Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to read. Default is 0.
  58. </summary>
  59. </member>
  60. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PdfLoadOptions.PageCount">
  61. <summary>
  62. Gets or sets the number of pages to read. Default is MaxValue which means all pages of the document will be read.
  63. </summary>
  64. </member>
  65. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PdfLoadOptions.SkipPdfImages">
  66. <summary>
  67. Gets or sets the flag indicating whether images must be skipped while loading PDF document. Default is False.
  68. </summary>
  69. </member>
  70. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.RtfLoadOptions">
  71. <summary>
  72. Allows to specify additional options when loading <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Rtf" /> document into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.
  73. </summary>
  74. </member>
  75. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.RtfLoadOptions.#ctor">
  76. <summary>
  77. Initializes a new instance of this class with default values.
  78. </summary>
  79. </member>
  80. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.RtfLoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.LoadOptions)">
  81. <summary>
  82. Initializes a new instance of this class with <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions" /> instance.
  83. </summary>
  84. </member>
  85. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RtfLoadOptions.RecognizeUtf8Text">
  86. <summary>
  87. <para> When set to true, <see cref="T:Aspose.Charset.CharsetDetector" /> will try to detect UTF8 characters,
  88. they will be preserved during import.
  89. </para>
  90. Default value is false.
  91. </summary>
  92. </member>
  93. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Watermark">
  94. <summary>
  95. Represents class to work with document watermark.
  96. </summary>
  97. <dev>
  98. FIX 4879. This class has been added to working with a watermark.
  99. </dev>
  100. </member>
  101. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Watermark.SetText(System.String)">
  102. <summary>
  103. Adds Text watermark into the document.
  104. </summary>
  105. <param name="text">Text that is displayed as a watermark.</param>
  106. <remarks>
  107. The text length must be in the range from 1 to 200 inclusive.
  108. The text cannot be null or contain only whitespaces.
  109. </remarks>
  110. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  111. Throws when the text length is out of range or the text contains only whitespaces.
  112. </exception>
  113. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  114. Throws when the text is null.
  115. </exception>
  116. </member>
  117. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Watermark.SetText(System.String,Aspose.Words.TextWatermarkOptions)">
  118. <summary>
  119. Adds Text watermark into the document.
  120. </summary>
  121. <param name="text">Text that is displayed as a watermark.</param>
  122. <param name="options">Defines additional options for the text watermark.</param>
  123. <remarks>
  124. The text length must be in the range from 1 to 200 inclusive.
  125. The text cannot be null or contain only whitespaces.
  126. </remarks>
  127. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  128. Throws when the text length is out of range or the text contain only whitespaces.
  129. </exception>
  130. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  131. Throws when the text is null.
  132. </exception>
  133. <remarks>If <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TextWatermarkOptions" /> is null, the watermark will be set with default options.</remarks>
  134. </member>
  135. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Watermark.SetImage(System.Drawing.Image)">
  136. <summary>
  137. Adds Image watermark into the document.
  138. </summary>
  139. <param name="image">Image that is displayed as a watermark.</param>
  140. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  141. Throws when the image is null.
  142. </exception>
  143. </member>
  144. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Watermark.SetImage(System.Drawing.Image,Aspose.Words.ImageWatermarkOptions)">
  145. <summary>
  146. Adds Image watermark into the document.
  147. </summary>
  148. <param name="image">Image that is displayed as a watermark.</param>
  149. <param name="options">Defines additional options for the image watermark.</param>
  150. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  151. Throws when the image is null.
  152. </exception>
  153. <remarks>If <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ImageWatermarkOptions" /> is null, the watermark will be set with default options.</remarks>
  154. </member>
  155. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Watermark.Remove">
  156. <summary>
  157. Removes the watermark.
  158. </summary>
  159. </member>
  160. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Watermark.Type">
  161. <summary>
  162. Gets the watermark type.
  163. </summary>
  164. </member>
  165. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WatermarkType">
  166. <summary>
  167. Specifies the watermark type.
  168. </summary>
  169. </member>
  170. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WatermarkType.Text">
  171. <summary>
  172. Indicates that the text will be used as a watermark.
  173. <p>Such a watermark corresponds to a WordArt object.</p></summary>
  174. </member>
  175. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WatermarkType.Image">
  176. <summary>
  177. Indicates that the image will be used as a watermark.
  178. <p>Such a watermark corresponds to a shape with image.</p></summary>
  179. </member>
  180. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WatermarkType.None">
  181. <summary>
  182. Indicates watermark is no set.
  183. </summary>
  184. </member>
  185. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ImageWatermarkOptions">
  186. <summary>
  187. Contains options that can be specified when adding a watermark with image.
  188. </summary>
  189. </member>
  190. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ImageWatermarkOptions.Scale">
  191. <summary>
  192. Gets or sets the scale factor expressed as a fraction of the image. The default value is 0 - auto.
  193. </summary>
  194. <remarks>
  195. <p>Valid values range from 0 to 65.5 inclusive.</p>
  196. <p>Auto scale means that the watermark will be scaled to its max width and max height relative to
  197. the page margins.</p>
  198. </remarks>
  199. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  200. Throws when argument was out of the range of valid values.
  201. </exception>
  202. </member>
  203. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ImageWatermarkOptions.IsWashout">
  204. <summary>
  205. Gets or sets a boolean value which is responsible for washout effect of the watermark.
  206. The default value is True.
  207. </summary>
  208. </member>
  209. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TextWatermarkOptions">
  210. <summary>
  211. Contains options that can be specified when adding a watermark with text.
  212. </summary>
  213. </member>
  214. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextWatermarkOptions.FontFamily">
  215. <summary>
  216. Gets or sets font family name. The default value is "Calibri".
  217. </summary>
  218. </member>
  219. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextWatermarkOptions.Color">
  220. <summary>
  221. Gets or sets font color. The default value is Color.Silver.
  222. </summary>
  223. </member>
  224. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextWatermarkOptions.FontSize">
  225. <summary>
  226. Gets or sets a font size. The default value is 0 - auto.
  227. </summary>
  228. <remarks>
  229. <p>Valid values range from 0 to 65.5 inclusive.</p>
  230. <p> Auto font size means that the watermark will be scaled to its max width and max height relative to
  231. the page margins.</p>
  232. </remarks>
  233. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  234. Throws when argument was out of the range of valid values.
  235. </exception>
  236. </member>
  237. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextWatermarkOptions.IsSemitrasparent">
  238. <summary>
  239. Gets or sets a boolean value which is responsible for opacity of the watermark.
  240. The default value is True.
  241. </summary>
  242. </member>
  243. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextWatermarkOptions.Layout">
  244. <summary>
  245. Gets or sets layout of the watermark. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.WatermarkLayout.Diagonal" />.
  246. </summary>
  247. </member>
  248. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WatermarkLayout">
  249. <summary>
  250. Defines layout of the watermark relative to the watermark center.
  251. </summary>
  252. </member>
  253. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WatermarkLayout.Horizontal">
  254. <summary>
  255. Horizontal watermark layout. Corresponds to 0 degrees of rotation.
  256. </summary>
  257. </member>
  258. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WatermarkLayout.Diagonal">
  259. <summary>
  260. Diagonal watermark layout. Corresponds to 315 degrees of rotation.
  261. </summary>
  262. </member>
  263. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.EditingLanguage">
  264. <summary>
  265. Specifies the editing language.
  266. </summary>
  267. <dev>
  268. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd318693(v=vs.85).aspx
  269. and also
  270. https://ss64.com/locale.html
  271. </dev>
  272. </member>
  273. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.LanguagePreferences">
  274. <summary>
  275. Allows to set up language preferences.
  276. </summary>
  277. <remarks>
  278. Implements 'Set the Office Language Preferences' dialog in Word.
  279. </remarks>
  280. </member>
  281. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.LanguagePreferences.AddEditingLanguage(Aspose.Words.EditingLanguage)">
  282. <summary>
  283. Adds additional editing language.
  284. </summary>
  285. </member>
  286. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.LanguagePreferences.AddEditingLanguages(Aspose.Words.EditingLanguage[])">
  287. <summary>
  288. Adds additional editing languages.
  289. </summary>
  290. </member>
  291. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LanguagePreferences.DefaultEditingLanguage">
  292. <summary>
  293. <para>Gets or sets default editing language.</para>
  294. <para>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.EditingLanguage.EnglishUS" />.</para>
  295. </summary>
  296. </member>
  297. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ComparisonTargetType">
  298. <summary>
  299. Allows to specify base document which will be used during comparison. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ComparisonTargetType.Current" />.
  300. </summary>
  301. <remarks>
  302. Relates to Microsoft Word "Show changes in" option in "Compare Documents" dialog box.
  303. </remarks>
  304. </member>
  305. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ComparisonTargetType.Current">
  306. <summary>
  307. This document is used as a base during comparison.
  308. </summary>
  309. </member>
  310. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ComparisonTargetType.New">
  311. <summary>
  312. Other document is used as a base during comparison.
  313. </summary>
  314. </member>
  315. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.SignOptions">
  316. <summary>
  317. Allows to specify options for document signing.
  318. </summary>
  319. </member>
  320. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignOptions.Comments">
  321. <summary>
  322. Specifies comments on the digital signature.
  323. Default value is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  324. </summary>
  325. </member>
  326. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignOptions.SignTime">
  327. <summary>
  328. The date of signing.
  329. Default value is <b>current time</b> (<see cref="P:System.DateTime.Now" />).
  330. </summary>
  331. </member>
  332. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignOptions.SignatureLineId">
  333. <summary>
  334. Signature line identifier.
  335. Default value is <b>Empty (all zeroes) Guid</b>.
  336. </summary>
  337. <remarks>
  338. When set, it associates <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine" /> with corresponding <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature" />.
  339. </remarks>
  340. </member>
  341. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignOptions.SignatureLineImage">
  342. <summary>
  343. The image that will be shown in associated <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine" />.
  344. Default value is <c>null</c>.
  345. </summary>
  346. </member>
  347. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignOptions.DecryptionPassword">
  348. <summary>
  349. The password to decrypt source document.
  350. Default value is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  351. </summary>
  352. <remarks>
  353. If OOXML document is encrypted, you should provide decryption password
  354. to decrypt source document before it will be signed.
  355. This is not required for documents in binary DOC format.
  356. </remarks>
  357. </member>
  358. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignOptions.ProviderId">
  359. <summary>
  360. Specifies the class ID of the signature provider.
  361. Default value is <b>Empty (all zeroes) Guid</b>.
  362. </summary>
  363. <remarks>
  364. <para>The cryptographic service provider (CSP) is an independent software module that actually performs
  365. cryptography algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption. MS Office reserves the value
  366. of {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} for its default signature provider.</para>
  367. <para>The GUID of the additionally installed provider should be obtained from the documentation shipped with the provider.</para>
  368. <para>In addition, all the installed cryptographic providers are enumerated in windows registry.
  369. It can be found in the following path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider.
  370. There is a key name "CP Service UUID" which corresponds to a GUID of signature provider.</para>
  371. </remarks>
  372. </member>
  373. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.HtmlControlType">
  374. <summary>
  375. Type of document nodes that represent &lt;input&gt; and &lt;select&gt; elements imported from HTML.
  376. </summary>
  377. </member>
  378. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TxtLeadingSpacesOptions">
  379. <summary>
  380. Specifies available options for leading space handling during import from <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Text" /> file.
  381. </summary>
  382. </member>
  383. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TxtLoadOptions">
  384. <summary>
  385. Allows to specify additional options when loading <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Text" /> document into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.
  386. </summary>
  387. </member>
  388. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TxtLoadOptions.#ctor">
  389. <summary>
  390. Initializes a new instance of this class with default values.
  391. </summary>
  392. </member>
  393. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TxtLoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.LoadOptions)">
  394. <summary>
  395. Creates a new instance of this class from a specified LoadOptions object.
  396. </summary>
  397. </member>
  398. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TxtLoadOptions.DetectNumberingWithWhitespaces">
  399. <summary>
  400. Allows to specify how numbered list items are recognized when document is imported from plain text format.
  401. The default value is true.</summary>
  402. <remarks>
  403. <para> If this option is set to false, lists recognition algorithm detects list paragraphs, when list numbers ends with
  404. either dot, right bracket or bullet symbols (such as "•", "*", "-" or "o").</para>
  405. <para> If this option is set to true, whitespaces are also used as list number delimeters:
  406. list recognition algorithm for Arabic style numbering (1., 1.1.2.) uses both whitespaces and dot (".") symbols.</para>
  407. </remarks>
  408. </member>
  409. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TxtLoadOptions.TrailingSpacesOptions">
  410. <summary>
  411. Gets or sets preferred option of a trailing space handling.
  412. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.TxtTrailingSpacesOptions.Trim" />.
  413. </summary>
  414. </member>
  415. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TxtLoadOptions.LeadingSpacesOptions">
  416. <summary>
  417. Gets or sets preferred option of a leading space handling.
  418. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.TxtLeadingSpacesOptions.ConvertToIndent" />.
  419. </summary>
  420. </member>
  421. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TxtLoadOptions.DocumentDirection">
  422. <summary>
  423. Gets or sets a document direction.
  424. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.DocumentDirection.LeftToRight" />.
  425. </summary>
  426. </member>
  427. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.CleanupOptions">
  428. <summary>
  429. Allows to specify options for document cleaning.
  430. </summary>
  431. </member>
  432. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CleanupOptions.UnusedStyles">
  433. <summary>
  434. Specifies whether unused styles should be removed from document.
  435. Default value is <b>true</b>.
  436. </summary>
  437. </member>
  438. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CleanupOptions.UnusedLists">
  439. <summary>
  440. Specifies whether unused list and list definitions should be removed from document.
  441. Default value is <b>true</b>.
  442. </summary>
  443. </member>
  444. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CleanupOptions.DuplicateStyle">
  445. <summary>
  446. Gets/sets a flag indicating whether duplicate styles should be removed from document.
  447. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  448. </summary>
  449. </member>
  450. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TxtTrailingSpacesOptions">
  451. <summary>
  452. Specifies available options for trailing spaces handling during import from <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Text" /> file.
  453. </summary>
  454. </member>
  455. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.EndnotePosition">
  456. <summary>
  457. Defines the endnote position.
  458. </summary>
  459. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions" />
  460. </member>
  461. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EndnotePosition.EndOfSection">
  462. <summary>
  463. Endnotes are output at the end of the section.
  464. </summary>
  465. </member>
  466. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EndnotePosition.EndOfDocument">
  467. <summary>
  468. Endnotes are output at the end of the document.
  469. </summary>
  470. </member>
  471. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions">
  472. <summary>
  473. Represents the endnote numbering options for a document or section.
  474. </summary>
  475. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.EndnoteOptions" />
  476. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.EndnoteOptions" />
  477. </member>
  478. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions.Position">
  479. <summary>
  480. Specifies the endnotes position.
  481. </summary>
  482. </member>
  483. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions.NumberStyle">
  484. <summary>
  485. Specifies the number format for automatically numbered endnotes.
  486. </summary>
  487. <remarks>
  488. <para>Not all number styles are applicable for this property. For the list of applicable
  489. number styles see the Insert Footnote or Endnote dialog box in Microsoft Word. If you select
  490. a number style that is not applicable, Microsoft Word will revert to a default value.</para>
  491. </remarks>
  492. </member>
  493. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions.StartNumber">
  494. <summary>
  495. Specifies the starting number or character for the first automatically numbered endnotes.
  496. </summary>
  497. <remarks>
  498. <para>This property has effect only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions.RestartRule" /> is set to
  499. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule.Continuous" />.</para>
  500. </remarks>
  501. </member>
  502. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions.RestartRule">
  503. <summary>
  504. Determines when automatic numbering restarts.
  505. </summary>
  506. <remarks>
  507. <para>Not all values are applicable to endnotes.
  508. To ascertain which values are applicable see <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule" />.</para>
  509. </remarks>
  510. </member>
  511. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MeasurementUnits">
  512. <summary>
  513. Specifies the unit of measurement.
  514. </summary>
  515. </member>
  516. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MeasurementUnits.Inches">
  517. <summary>
  518. Inches.
  519. </summary>
  520. </member>
  521. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MeasurementUnits.Centimeters">
  522. <summary>
  523. Centimeters.
  524. </summary>
  525. </member>
  526. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MeasurementUnits.Millimeters">
  527. <summary>
  528. Millimeters.
  529. </summary>
  530. </member>
  531. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MeasurementUnits.Points">
  532. <summary>
  533. Points.
  534. </summary>
  535. </member>
  536. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MeasurementUnits.Picas">
  537. <summary>
  538. Picas (commonly used in traditional typewriter font spacing).
  539. </summary>
  540. </member>
  541. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection">
  542. <summary>
  543. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle" /> objects.
  544. </summary>
  545. <remarks>
  546. It is not possible to add or remove items from this collection. It contains permanent set of items: one item for
  547. each value of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType" /> enumeration type.
  548. </remarks>
  549. <dev>
  550. With using public properties of the class, it is possible to get only conditional styles that correspond to items
  551. of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType" /> enumeration type. But a collection may contain also styles related
  552. to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.TableStyleOverrideType.None" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.TableStyleOverrideType.WholeTable" /> values, use the
  553. this[TableStyleOverrideType] or <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.DefinedStyles" /> properties to get them.
  554. </dev>
  555. </member>
  556. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.ClearFormatting">
  557. <summary>
  558. Clears all conditional styles of the table style.
  559. </summary>
  560. </member>
  561. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.GetEnumerator">
  562. <summary>
  563. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all conditional styles in the collection.
  564. </summary>
  565. <dev>
  566. Conditional styles related to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.TableStyleOverrideType.None" /> and
  567. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.TableStyleOverrideType.WholeTable" /> values are not included into the enumeration.
  568. </dev>
  569. </member>
  570. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.Item(Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType)">
  571. <overloads>
  572. Retrieves a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle" /> object.
  573. </overloads>
  574. <summary>
  575. Retrieves a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle" /> object by conditional style type.
  576. </summary>
  577. </member>
  578. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.Item(Aspose.Words.TableStyleOverrideType)">
  579. <summary>
  580. Retrieves a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle" /> object by table style override type.
  581. </summary>
  582. </member>
  583. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  584. <summary>
  585. Retrieves a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle" /> object by index.
  586. </summary>
  587. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the conditional style to retrieve.</param>
  588. </member>
  589. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.Count">
  590. <summary>
  591. Gets the number of conditional styles in the collection.
  592. </summary>
  593. </member>
  594. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.FirstRow">
  595. <summary>
  596. Gets the first row style.
  597. </summary>
  598. </member>
  599. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.FirstColumn">
  600. <summary>
  601. Gets the first column style.
  602. </summary>
  603. </member>
  604. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.LastRow">
  605. <summary>
  606. Gets the last row style.
  607. </summary>
  608. </member>
  609. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.LastColumn">
  610. <summary>
  611. Gets the last column style.
  612. </summary>
  613. </member>
  614. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.OddRowBanding">
  615. <summary>
  616. Gets the odd row banding style.
  617. </summary>
  618. </member>
  619. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.OddColumnBanding">
  620. <summary>
  621. Gets the odd column banding style.
  622. </summary>
  623. </member>
  624. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.EvenRowBanding">
  625. <summary>
  626. Gets the even row banding style.
  627. </summary>
  628. </member>
  629. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.EvenColumnBanding">
  630. <summary>
  631. Gets the even column banding style.
  632. </summary>
  633. </member>
  634. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.TopLeftCell">
  635. <summary>
  636. Gets the top left cell style.
  637. </summary>
  638. </member>
  639. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.TopRightCell">
  640. <summary>
  641. Gets the top right cell style.
  642. </summary>
  643. </member>
  644. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.BottomLeftCell">
  645. <summary>
  646. Gets the bottom left cell style.
  647. </summary>
  648. </member>
  649. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleCollection.BottomRightCell">
  650. <summary>
  651. Gets the bottom right cell style.
  652. </summary>
  653. </member>
  654. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType">
  655. <summary>
  656. Represents possible table areas to which conditional formatting may be defined in a table style.
  657. </summary>
  658. </member>
  659. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.FirstRow">
  660. <summary>
  661. Specifies formatting of the first row of a table.
  662. </summary>
  663. </member>
  664. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.FirstColumn">
  665. <summary>
  666. Specifies formatting of the first column of a table.
  667. </summary>
  668. </member>
  669. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.LastRow">
  670. <summary>
  671. Specifies formatting of the last row of a table.
  672. </summary>
  673. </member>
  674. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.LastColumn">
  675. <summary>
  676. Specifies formatting of the last column of a table.
  677. </summary>
  678. </member>
  679. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.OddRowBanding">
  680. <summary>
  681. Specifies formatting of odd-numbered row stripe.
  682. </summary>
  683. </member>
  684. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.OddColumnBanding">
  685. <summary>
  686. Specifies formatting of odd-numbered column stripe.
  687. </summary>
  688. </member>
  689. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.EvenRowBanding">
  690. <summary>
  691. Specifies formatting of even-numbered row stripe.
  692. </summary>
  693. </member>
  694. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.EvenColumnBanding">
  695. <summary>
  696. Specifies formatting of even-numbered column stripe.
  697. </summary>
  698. </member>
  699. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.TopLeftCell">
  700. <summary>
  701. Specifies formatting of the top left cell of a table.
  702. </summary>
  703. </member>
  704. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.TopRightCell">
  705. <summary>
  706. Specifies formatting of the top right cell of a table.
  707. </summary>
  708. </member>
  709. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.BottomLeftCell">
  710. <summary>
  711. Specifies formatting of the bottom left cell of a table.
  712. </summary>
  713. </member>
  714. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyleType.BottomRightCell">
  715. <summary>
  716. Specifies formatting of the bottom right cell of a table.
  717. </summary>
  718. </member>
  719. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TextDmlEffect">
  720. <summary>
  721. Dml text effect for text runs.
  722. </summary>
  723. </member>
  724. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextDmlEffect.Glow">
  725. <summary>
  726. Glow effect, in which a color blurred outline is added outside the edges of the object.
  727. </summary>
  728. </member>
  729. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextDmlEffect.Fill">
  730. <summary>
  731. Fill overlay effect.
  732. </summary>
  733. </member>
  734. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextDmlEffect.Shadow">
  735. <summary>
  736. Shadow effect.
  737. </summary>
  738. </member>
  739. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextDmlEffect.Outline">
  740. <summary>
  741. Outline effect.
  742. </summary>
  743. </member>
  744. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextDmlEffect.Effect3D">
  745. <summary>
  746. 3D effect.
  747. </summary>
  748. </member>
  749. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextDmlEffect.Reflection">
  750. <summary>
  751. Reflection effect.
  752. </summary>
  753. </member>
  754. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.CommentCollection">
  755. <summary>
  756. Provides typed access to a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> nodes.
  757. </summary>
  758. </member>
  759. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CommentCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  760. <summary>
  761. Retrieves a <b>Comment</b> at the given index.
  762. </summary>
  763. <remarks>
  764. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  765. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  766. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  767. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  768. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  769. </remarks>
  770. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  771. </member>
  772. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.License">
  773. <summary>
  774. Provides methods to license the component.
  775. </summary>
  776. </member>
  777. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.License.#ctor">
  778. <summary>
  779. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  780. </summary>
  781. </member>
  782. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.License.SetLicense(System.String)">
  783. <summary>
  784. Licenses the component.
  785. </summary>
  786. <remarks>
  787. <p>Tries to find the license in the following locations:</p>
  788. <p>1. Explicit path.</p>
  789. <p>2. The folder that contains the Aspose component assembly.</p>
  790. <p>3. The folder that contains the client's calling assembly.</p>
  791. <p>4. The folder that contains the entry (startup) assembly.</p>
  792. <p>5. An embedded resource in the client's calling assembly.</p>
  793. <p>
  794. <b>Note:</b>On the .NET Compact Framework, tries to find the license only in these locations:</p>
  795. <p>1. Explicit path.</p>
  796. <p>2. An embedded resource in the client's calling assembly.</p>
  797. </remarks>
  798. <param name="licenseName">Can be a full or short file name or name of an embedded resource.
  799. Use an empty string to switch to evaluation mode.</param>
  800. </member>
  801. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.License.SetLicense(System.IO.Stream)">
  802. <summary>
  803. Licenses the component.
  804. </summary>
  805. <param name="stream">A stream that contains the license.</param>
  806. <remarks>
  807. <p>Use this method to load a license from a stream.</p>
  808. </remarks>
  809. </member>
  810. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Metered">
  811. <summary>
  812. Provides methods to set metered key.
  813. </summary>
  814. <example>
  815. In this example, an attempt will be made to set metered public and private key
  816. <code>
  817. [C#]
  818. Metered matered = new Metered();
  819. matered.SetMeteredKey("PublicKey", "PrivateKey");
  820. [Visual Basic]
  821. Dim matered As Metered = New Metered
  822. matered.SetMeteredKey("PublicKey", "PrivateKey")
  823. </code></example>
  824. </member>
  825. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Metered.#ctor">
  826. <summary>
  827. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  828. </summary>
  829. </member>
  830. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Metered.SetMeteredKey(System.String,System.String)">
  831. <summary>
  832. Sets metered public and private key.
  833. If you purchase metered license, when start application, this API should be called, normally, this is enough.
  834. However, if always fail to upload consumption data and exceed 24 hours, the license will be set to evaluation status,
  835. to avoid such case, you should regularly check the license status, if it is evaluation status, call this API again.
  836. </summary>
  837. <param name="publicKey">public key</param>
  838. <param name="privateKey">private key</param>
  839. </member>
  840. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Metered.GetConsumptionQuantity">
  841. <summary>
  842. Gets consumption file size
  843. </summary>
  844. <returns>consumption quantity</returns>
  845. </member>
  846. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Metered.GetConsumptionCredit">
  847. <summary>
  848. Gets consumption credit
  849. </summary>
  850. <returns>consumption quantity</returns>
  851. </member>
  852. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions">
  853. <summary>
  854. Allows to choose advanced options for document comparison operation.
  855. </summary>
  856. </member>
  857. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreCaseChanges">
  858. <summary>
  859. True indicates that documents comparison is case insensitive.
  860. By default comparison is case sensitive.
  861. </summary>
  862. </member>
  863. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreTables">
  864. <summary>
  865. Specifies whether to compare the differences in data contained in tables.
  866. By default tables are not ignored.
  867. </summary>
  868. </member>
  869. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreFields">
  870. <summary>
  871. Specifies whether to compare differences in fields.
  872. By default fields are not ignored.
  873. </summary>
  874. </member>
  875. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreFootnotes">
  876. <summary>
  877. Specifies whether to compare differences in footnotes and endnotes.
  878. By default footnotes are not ignored.
  879. </summary>
  880. </member>
  881. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreComments">
  882. <summary>
  883. Specifies whether to compare differences in comments.
  884. By default comments are not ignored.
  885. </summary>
  886. </member>
  887. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreTextboxes">
  888. <summary>
  889. Specifies whether to compare differences in the data contained within text boxes.
  890. By default textboxes are not ignored.
  891. </summary>
  892. </member>
  893. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreFormatting">
  894. <summary>
  895. True indicates that formatting is ignored.
  896. By default document formatting is not ignored.
  897. </summary>
  898. </member>
  899. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreHeadersAndFooters">
  900. <summary>
  901. True indicates that headers and footers content is ignored.
  902. By default headers and footers are not ignored.
  903. </summary>
  904. </member>
  905. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.Target">
  906. <summary>
  907. Specifies which document shall be used as a target during comparison.
  908. </summary>
  909. </member>
  910. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.Granularity">
  911. <summary>
  912. Specifies whether changes are tracked by character or by word.
  913. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Granularity.WordLevel" />.
  914. </summary>
  915. </member>
  916. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions.IgnoreDmlUniqueId">
  917. <summary>
  918. Specifies whether to ignore difference in DrawingML unique Id.
  919. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  920. </summary>
  921. </member>
  922. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Granularity">
  923. <summary>
  924. Specifies the granularity of changes to track when comparing two documents.
  925. </summary>
  926. </member>
  927. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder">
  928. <summary>
  929. Represents a holder of <b>X509Certificate2</b> instance.
  930. </summary>
  931. <remarks>
  932. <p>
  933. <b>CertificateHolder</b> can be created by static factory methods only.
  934. It contains an instance of <b>X509Certificate2</b> which is used to introduce private, public keys and certificate chains into the system.
  935. This class is applied in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails" /> instead of obsolete methods with
  936. <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2" /> as parameters.</p>
  937. </remarks>
  938. </member>
  939. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder.Create(System.Byte[],System.Security.SecureString)">
  940. <summary>
  941. Creates CertificateHolder object using byte array of PKCS12 store and its password.
  942. </summary>
  943. <param name="certBytes">A byte array that contains data from an X.509 certificate.</param>
  944. <param name="password">The password required to access the X.509 certificate data.</param>
  945. <returns>An instance of CertificateHolder</returns>
  946. <exception cref="T:Org.BouncyCastle.Security.InvalidParameterException">Thrown if <b>certBytes</b> is null</exception>
  947. <exception cref="T:Org.BouncyCastle.Security.InvalidParameterException">Thrown if <b>password</b> is null</exception>
  948. <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">Thrown if PKCS12 store contains no aliases</exception>
  949. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown if there is wrong password or corrupted file.</exception>
  950. </member>
  951. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder.Create(System.Byte[],System.String)">
  952. <summary>
  953. Creates CertificateHolder object using byte array of PKCS12 store and its password.
  954. </summary>
  955. <param name="certBytes">A byte array that contains data from an X.509 certificate.</param>
  956. <param name="password">The password required to access the X.509 certificate data.</param>
  957. <returns>An instance of CertificateHolder</returns>
  958. <exception cref="T:Org.BouncyCastle.Security.InvalidParameterException">Thrown if <b>certBytes</b> is null</exception>
  959. <exception cref="T:Org.BouncyCastle.Security.InvalidParameterException">Thrown if <b>password</b> is null</exception>
  960. <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">Thrown if PKCS12 store contains no aliases</exception>
  961. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown if there is wrong password or corrupted file.</exception>
  962. </member>
  963. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder.Create(System.String,System.String)">
  964. <summary>
  965. Creates CertificateHolder object using path to PKCS12 store and its password.
  966. </summary>
  967. <param name="fileName">The name of a certificate file.</param>
  968. <param name="password">The password required to access the X.509 certificate data.</param>
  969. <returns>An instance of CertificateHolder</returns>
  970. <exception cref="T:Org.BouncyCastle.Security.InvalidParameterException">Thrown if <b>fileName</b> is null</exception>
  971. <exception cref="T:Org.BouncyCastle.Security.InvalidParameterException">Thrown if <b>password</b> is null</exception>
  972. <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">Thrown if PKCS12 store contains no aliases</exception>
  973. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown if there is wrong password or corrupted file.</exception>
  974. </member>
  975. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder.Create(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  976. <summary>
  977. Creates CertificateHolder object using path to PKCS12 store, its password and the alias by using which private key and certificate will be found.
  978. </summary>
  979. <param name="fileName">The name of a certificate file.</param>
  980. <param name="password">The password required to access the X.509 certificate data.</param>
  981. <param name="alias">The associated alias for a certificate and its private key</param>
  982. <returns>An instance of CertificateHolder</returns>
  983. <exception cref="T:Org.BouncyCastle.Security.InvalidParameterException">Thrown if <b>fileName</b> is null</exception>
  984. <exception cref="T:Org.BouncyCastle.Security.InvalidParameterException">Thrown if <b>password</b> is null</exception>
  985. <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">Thrown if PKCS12 store contains no aliases</exception>
  986. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">Thrown if there is wrong password or corrupted file.</exception>
  987. <exception cref="T:System.Security.SecurityException">Thrown if there is no private key with the given alias</exception>
  988. </member>
  989. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder.Certificate">
  990. <summary>
  991. Returns the instance of <b>X509Certificate2</b> which holds private, public keys and certificate chain.
  992. </summary>
  993. <returns>
  994. <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2" /> instance</returns>
  995. </member>
  996. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions">
  997. <summary>
  998. Allows to specify additional options when loading HTML document into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.
  999. </summary>
  1000. </member>
  1001. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions.#ctor">
  1002. <summary>
  1003. Initializes a new instance of this class with default values.
  1004. </summary>
  1005. </member>
  1006. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions.#ctor(System.String)">
  1007. <summary>
  1008. A shortcut to initialize a new instance of this class with the specified password to load an encrypted document.
  1009. </summary>
  1010. <param name="password">The password to open an encrypted document. Can be null or empty string.</param>
  1011. </member>
  1012. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.LoadFormat,System.String,System.String)">
  1013. <summary>
  1014. A shortcut to initialize a new instance of this class with properties set to the specified values.
  1015. </summary>
  1016. <param name="loadFormat">The format of the document to be loaded.</param>
  1017. <param name="password">The password to open an encrypted document. Can be null or empty string.</param>
  1018. <param name="baseUri">The string that will be used to resolve relative URIs to absolute. Can be null or empty string.</param>
  1019. </member>
  1020. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions)">
  1021. <summary>
  1022. Copy constructor.
  1023. </summary>
  1024. </member>
  1025. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.LoadOptions)">
  1026. <summary>
  1027. Initializes a new instance of this class with <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions" /> instance.
  1028. </summary>
  1029. </member>
  1030. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions.SupportVml">
  1031. <summary>
  1032. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to support VML images.
  1033. </summary>
  1034. </member>
  1035. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions.WebRequestTimeout">
  1036. <summary>
  1037. The number of milliseconds to wait before the web request times out. The default value is 100000 milliseconds
  1038. (100 seconds).
  1039. </summary>
  1040. <remarks>
  1041. The number of milliseconds that Aspose.Words waits for a response, when loading external resources (images, style
  1042. sheets) linked in HTML and MHTML documents.
  1043. </remarks>
  1044. </member>
  1045. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HtmlLoadOptions.PreferredControlType">
  1046. <summary>
  1047. Gets or sets preffered type of document nodes that will represent imported &lt;input&gt; and &lt;select&gt; elements.
  1048. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.HtmlControlType.FormField" />.
  1049. </summary>
  1050. <remarks>
  1051. Please note that setting this property does not guarantee that all imported controls will be of the specified type.
  1052. If an HTML control is not representable with document nodes of the preferred type, Aspose.Words will use
  1053. a compatible <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HtmlControlType" /> for that control.
  1054. </remarks>
  1055. </member>
  1056. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.CalendarType">
  1057. <summary>
  1058. Specifies the type of a calendar.
  1059. </summary>
  1060. </member>
  1061. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.CalendarType.Gregorian">
  1062. <summary>
  1063. The Gregorian calendar.
  1064. </summary>
  1065. </member>
  1066. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.CalendarType.Hijri">
  1067. <summary>
  1068. The Hijri Lunar calendar.
  1069. </summary>
  1070. </member>
  1071. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.CalendarType.Hebrew">
  1072. <summary>
  1073. The Hebrew Lunar calendar.
  1074. </summary>
  1075. </member>
  1076. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.CalendarType.SakaEra">
  1077. <summary>
  1078. The Saka Era calendar.
  1079. </summary>
  1080. </member>
  1081. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.CalendarType.UmAlQura">
  1082. <summary>
  1083. The Um-al-Qura calendar.
  1084. </summary>
  1085. </member>
  1086. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.InternableComplexAttr">
  1087. <summary>
  1088. Base class for internable complex attribute.
  1089. Internable complex attribute should notify parent collection when going to be changed.
  1090. </summary>
  1091. </member>
  1092. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat">
  1093. <summary>
  1094. Represents frame related formatting for a paragraph.
  1095. </summary>
  1096. <remarks>
  1097. <p>This object is always created. If a paragraph is a frame, then all properties will contain respective values, otherwise
  1098. all properties are set to their defaults.</p>
  1099. <p>Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.IsFrame" /> to check whether paragraph is a frame.</p>
  1100. </remarks>
  1101. </member>
  1102. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.HeightRule">
  1103. <summary>
  1104. Gets the rule for determining the height of the specified frame.
  1105. </summary>
  1106. </member>
  1107. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.Height">
  1108. <summary>
  1109. Gets the height of the specified frame.
  1110. </summary>
  1111. </member>
  1112. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.HorizontalDistanceFromText">
  1113. <summary>
  1114. Gets horizontal distance between a frame and the surrounding text, in points.
  1115. </summary>
  1116. </member>
  1117. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.HorizontalPosition">
  1118. <summary>
  1119. Gets horizontal distance between the edge of the frame and the item specified by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.RelativeHorizontalPosition" /> property.
  1120. </summary>
  1121. </member>
  1122. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.RelativeHorizontalPosition">
  1123. <summary>
  1124. Gets the relative horizontal position of a frame.
  1125. </summary>
  1126. </member>
  1127. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.RelativeVerticalPosition">
  1128. <summary>
  1129. Gets the relative vertical position of a frame.
  1130. </summary>
  1131. </member>
  1132. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.VerticalDistanceFromText">
  1133. <summary>
  1134. Specifies vertical distance (in points) between a frame and the surrounding text.
  1135. </summary>
  1136. </member>
  1137. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.VerticalPosition">
  1138. <summary>
  1139. Gets vertical distance between the edge of the frame and the item specified by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.RelativeVerticalPosition" /> property.
  1140. </summary>
  1141. </member>
  1142. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.Width">
  1143. <summary>
  1144. Gets the width of the specified frame, in points.
  1145. </summary>
  1146. </member>
  1147. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.VerticalAlignment">
  1148. <summary>
  1149. Gets vertical alignment of the specified frame.
  1150. </summary>
  1151. </member>
  1152. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.HorizontalAlignment">
  1153. <summary>
  1154. Gets horizontal alignment of the specified frame.
  1155. </summary>
  1156. </member>
  1157. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FrameFormat.IsFrame">
  1158. <summary>
  1159. Returns true if the paragraph is a frame.
  1160. </summary>
  1161. </member>
  1162. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VbaModule">
  1163. <summary>
  1164. Provides access to VBA project module.
  1165. </summary>
  1166. </member>
  1167. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaModule.#ctor">
  1168. <summary>
  1169. Creates an empty module.
  1170. </summary>
  1171. </member>
  1172. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaModule.#ctor(System.String)">
  1173. <summary>
  1174. Creates an empty procedural module.
  1175. </summary>
  1176. </member>
  1177. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaModule.Clone">
  1178. <summary>
  1179. Performs a copy of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaModule" />.
  1180. </summary>
  1181. <returns>The cloned VbaModule.</returns>
  1182. </member>
  1183. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaModule.Name">
  1184. <summary>
  1185. Gets or sets VBA project module name.
  1186. </summary>
  1187. </member>
  1188. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaModule.SourceCode">
  1189. <summary>
  1190. Gets or sets VBA project module source code.
  1191. </summary>
  1192. </member>
  1193. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaModule.Type">
  1194. <summary>
  1195. Specifies whether the module is a procedural module, document module, class module, or designer module.
  1196. </summary>
  1197. </member>
  1198. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleCollection">
  1199. <summary>
  1200. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaModule" /> objects.
  1201. </summary>
  1202. </member>
  1203. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.VbaModule)">
  1204. <summary>
  1205. Adds a module to the collection.
  1206. </summary>
  1207. </member>
  1208. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleCollection.Remove(Aspose.Words.VbaModule)">
  1209. <summary>
  1210. Removes the specified module from the collection.
  1211. </summary>
  1212. <param name="module">The module to remove.</param>
  1213. </member>
  1214. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  1215. <summary>
  1216. Retrieves a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaModule" /> object by index.
  1217. </summary>
  1218. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the module to retrieve.</param>
  1219. </member>
  1220. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleCollection.Item(System.String)">
  1221. <summary>
  1222. Retrieves a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaModule" /> object by name, or Null if not found.
  1223. </summary>
  1224. </member>
  1225. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleCollection.Count">
  1226. <summary>
  1227. Returns the number of VBA modules in the collection.
  1228. </summary>
  1229. </member>
  1230. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleType">
  1231. <summary>
  1232. Specifies the type of a model in a VBA project.
  1233. </summary>
  1234. </member>
  1235. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleType.DocumentModule">
  1236. <summary>
  1237. A type of VBA project item that specifies a module for embedded macros and programmatic access operations
  1238. that are associated with a document.
  1239. </summary>
  1240. </member>
  1241. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleType.ProceduralModule">
  1242. <summary>
  1243. A collection of subroutines and functions.
  1244. </summary>
  1245. </member>
  1246. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleType.ClassModule">
  1247. <summary>
  1248. A module that contains the definition for a new object. Each instance of a class creates a new object,
  1249. and procedures that are defined in the module become properties and methods of the object.
  1250. </summary>
  1251. </member>
  1252. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VbaModuleType.DesignerModule">
  1253. <summary>
  1254. A VBA module that extends the methods and properties of an ActiveX control that has been registered with the project.
  1255. </summary>
  1256. </member>
  1257. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VbaProject">
  1258. <summary>
  1259. Provides access to VBA project information.
  1260. A VBA project inside the document is defined as a collection of VBA modules.
  1261. </summary>
  1262. </member>
  1263. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaProject.#ctor">
  1264. <summary>
  1265. Creates a blank VbaProject.
  1266. </summary>
  1267. </member>
  1268. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaProject.#ctor(Aspose.Ss.MemoryStorage)">
  1269. <summary>
  1270. Creates a VbaProject from the <paramref name="vbaStorage" />.
  1271. </summary>
  1272. </member>
  1273. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaProject.Clone">
  1274. <summary>
  1275. Performs a copy of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaProject" />.
  1276. </summary>
  1277. <returns>The cloned VbaProject.</returns>
  1278. </member>
  1279. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaProject.Name">
  1280. <summary>
  1281. Gets or sets VBA project name.
  1282. </summary>
  1283. </member>
  1284. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaProject.Modules">
  1285. <summary>
  1286. Returns collection of VBA project modules.
  1287. </summary>
  1288. </member>
  1289. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaProject.CodePage">
  1290. <summary>
  1291. Returns the VBA project’s code page.
  1292. </summary>
  1293. </member>
  1294. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaProject.IsSigned">
  1295. <summary>
  1296. Shows whether the VbaProject is signed or not.
  1297. </summary>
  1298. </member>
  1299. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaProject.References">
  1300. <summary>
  1301. Gets a collection of VBA project references.
  1302. </summary>
  1303. </member>
  1304. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VbaReference">
  1305. <summary>
  1306. Implements a reference to an Automation type library or VBA project.
  1307. </summary>
  1308. </member>
  1309. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaReference.Type">
  1310. <summary>
  1311. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceType" /> object that indicates the type of reference that a VbaReference object represents.
  1312. </summary>
  1313. </member>
  1314. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaReference.LibId">
  1315. <summary>
  1316. Gets a string value containing the identifier of an Automation type library.
  1317. </summary>
  1318. <remarks>
  1319. Depending on reference type, the value of this property can be:
  1320. <list type="bullet"><item>a LibidReference specified at LibidReference of [MS-OVBA]:
  1321. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_file_formats/ms-ovba/3737ef6e-d819-4186-a5f2-6e258ddf66a5</item><item>a ProjectReference specified at ProjectReference of [MS-OVBA]:
  1322. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_file_formats/ms-ovba/9a45ac1a-f1ff-4ebd-958e-537701aa8131</item></list></remarks>
  1323. </member>
  1324. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceCollection">
  1325. <summary>
  1326. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaReference" /> objects.
  1327. </summary>
  1328. </member>
  1329. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceCollection.Remove(Aspose.Words.VbaReference)">
  1330. <summary>
  1331. Removes the first occurrence of a specified VbaReference item from the collection.
  1332. </summary>
  1333. </member>
  1334. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  1335. <summary>
  1336. Removes the VbaReference element at the specified index of the the collection.
  1337. </summary>
  1338. </member>
  1339. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceCollection.Count">
  1340. <summary>
  1341. Returns the number of VBA references in the collection.
  1342. </summary>
  1343. </member>
  1344. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  1345. <summary>
  1346. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaReference" /> object at the specified index.
  1347. </summary>
  1348. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the reference to get.</param>
  1349. </member>
  1350. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceType">
  1351. <summary>
  1352. Allows to specify the type of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VbaReference" /> object.
  1353. </summary>
  1354. </member>
  1355. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceType.Registered">
  1356. <summary>
  1357. Specifies an Automation type library reference type.
  1358. </summary>
  1359. <remarks>
  1360. This type corresponds to REFERENCEREGISTERED Record of [MS-OVBA]:
  1361. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_file_formats/ms-ovba/6c39388e-96f5-4b93-b90a-ae625a063fcf
  1362. </remarks>
  1363. </member>
  1364. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceType.Project">
  1365. <summary>
  1366. Specified an external VBA project reference type.
  1367. </summary>
  1368. <remarks>
  1369. This type corresponds to REFERENCEPROJECT Record of [MS-OVBA]:
  1370. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_file_formats/ms-ovba/08280eb0-d628-495c-867f-5985ed020142
  1371. </remarks>
  1372. </member>
  1373. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceType.Original">
  1374. <summary>
  1375. Specifies an original Automation type library reference type.
  1376. </summary>
  1377. <remarks>
  1378. This type corresponds to REFERENCEORIGINAL Record of [MS-OVBA]:
  1379. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_file_formats/ms-ovba/3ba66994-8c7a-4634-b2da-f9331ace6686
  1380. </remarks>
  1381. </member>
  1382. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VbaReferenceType.Control">
  1383. <summary>
  1384. Specifies a twiddled type library reference type.
  1385. </summary>
  1386. <remarks>
  1387. This type corresponds to REFERENCECONTROL Record of [MS-OVBA]:
  1388. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_file_formats/ms-ovba/d64485fa-8562-4726-9c5e-11e8f01a81c0
  1389. </remarks>
  1390. </member>
  1391. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FindReplaceDirection">
  1392. <summary>
  1393. Specifies direction for replace operations.
  1394. </summary>
  1395. </member>
  1396. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FindReplaceDirection.Forward">
  1397. <summary>
  1398. Matched items are replaced from first to last.
  1399. </summary>
  1400. </member>
  1401. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FindReplaceDirection.Backward">
  1402. <summary>
  1403. Matched items are replaced from last back to first.
  1404. </summary>
  1405. </member>
  1406. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroup">
  1407. <summary>
  1408. Represents a group of sequential <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Revision" /> objects.
  1409. </summary>
  1410. </member>
  1411. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroup.Text">
  1412. <summary>
  1413. Returns inserted/deleted/moved text or description of format change.
  1414. </summary>
  1415. </member>
  1416. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroup.Author">
  1417. <summary>
  1418. Gets the author of this revision group.
  1419. </summary>
  1420. </member>
  1421. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroup.RevisionType">
  1422. <summary>
  1423. Gets the type of revisions included in this group.
  1424. </summary>
  1425. </member>
  1426. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroupCollection">
  1427. <summary>
  1428. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroup" /> objects that represent revision groups in the document.
  1429. </summary>
  1430. <remarks>
  1431. <para>You do not create instances of this class directly. Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.Groups" />
  1432. property to get revision groups present in a document.</para>
  1433. </remarks>
  1434. </member>
  1435. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroupCollection.GetEnumerator">
  1436. <summary>
  1437. Returns an enumerator object.
  1438. </summary>
  1439. </member>
  1440. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroupCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  1441. <summary>
  1442. Returns a revision group at the specified index.
  1443. </summary>
  1444. </member>
  1445. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionGroupCollection.Count">
  1446. <summary>
  1447. Returns the number of revision groups in the collection.
  1448. </summary>
  1449. </member>
  1450. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument">
  1451. <summary>
  1452. Allows to extract plain-text representation of the document's content.
  1453. </summary>
  1454. </member>
  1455. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.#ctor(System.String)">
  1456. <summary>
  1457. Creates a plain text document from a file. Automatically detects the file format.
  1458. </summary>
  1459. <param name="fileName">Name of the file to extract the text from.</param>
  1460. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">The document format is not recognized or not supported.</exception>
  1461. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.</exception>
  1462. <exception cref="T:System.Exception">There is a problem with the document and it should be reported to Aspose.Words developers.</exception>
  1463. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">There is an input/output exception.</exception>
  1464. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">The document is encrypted and requires a password to open, but you supplied an incorrect password.</exception>
  1465. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The name of the file cannot be null or empty string.</exception>
  1466. </member>
  1467. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.#ctor(System.String,Aspose.Words.LoadOptions)">
  1468. <summary>
  1469. Creates a plain text document from a file. Allows to specify additional options such as an encryption password.
  1470. </summary>
  1471. <remarks>
  1472. </remarks>
  1473. <param name="fileName">Name of the file to extract the text from.</param>
  1474. <param name="loadOptions">Additional options to use when loading a document. Can be null.</param>
  1475. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">The document format is not recognized or not supported.</exception>
  1476. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.</exception>
  1477. <exception cref="T:System.Exception">There is a problem with the document and it should be reported to Aspose.Words developers.</exception>
  1478. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">There is an input/output exception.</exception>
  1479. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">The document is encrypted and requires a password to open, but you supplied an incorrect password.</exception>
  1480. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The name of the file cannot be null or empty string.</exception>
  1481. </member>
  1482. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
  1483. <summary>
  1484. Creates a plain text document from a stream. Automatically detects the file format.
  1485. </summary>
  1486. <remarks>
  1487. <p>
  1488. The document must be stored at the beginning of the stream. The stream must support random positioning.</p>
  1489. </remarks>
  1490. <param name="stream">The stream where to extract the text from.</param>
  1491. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">The document format is not recognized or not supported.</exception>
  1492. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.</exception>
  1493. <exception cref="T:System.Exception">There is a problem with the document and it should be reported to Aspose.Words developers.</exception>
  1494. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">There is an input/output exception.</exception>
  1495. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">The document is encrypted and requires a password to open, but you supplied an incorrect password.</exception>
  1496. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The stream cannot be null.</exception>
  1497. <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The stream does not support reading or seeking.</exception>
  1498. <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The stream is a disposed object.</exception>
  1499. </member>
  1500. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.LoadOptions)">
  1501. <summary>
  1502. Creates a plain text document from a stream. Allows to specify additional options such as an encryption password.
  1503. </summary>
  1504. <remarks>
  1505. <p>
  1506. The document must be stored at the beginning of the stream. The stream must support random positioning.</p>
  1507. </remarks>
  1508. <param name="stream">The stream where to extract the text from.</param>
  1509. <param name="loadOptions">Additional options to use when loading a document. Can be null.</param>
  1510. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">The document format is not recognized or not supported.</exception>
  1511. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.</exception>
  1512. <exception cref="T:System.Exception">There is a problem with the document and it should be reported to Aspose.Words developers.</exception>
  1513. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">There is an input/output exception.</exception>
  1514. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">The document is encrypted and requires a password to open, but you supplied an incorrect password.</exception>
  1515. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The stream cannot be null.</exception>
  1516. <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The stream does not support reading or seeking.</exception>
  1517. <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The stream is a disposed object.</exception>
  1518. </member>
  1519. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.Text">
  1520. <summary>
  1521. Gets textual content of the document concatenated as a string.
  1522. </summary>
  1523. </member>
  1524. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties">
  1525. <summary>
  1526. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties" /> of the document.
  1527. </summary>
  1528. </member>
  1529. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.CustomDocumentProperties">
  1530. <summary>
  1531. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PlainTextDocument.CustomDocumentProperties" /> of the document.
  1532. </summary>
  1533. </member>
  1534. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions">
  1535. <summary>
  1536. Allows to specify options for signature line being inserted. Used in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" />.
  1537. </summary>
  1538. </member>
  1539. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions.Signer">
  1540. <summary>
  1541. Gets or sets suggested signer of the signature line.
  1542. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  1543. </summary>
  1544. </member>
  1545. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions.SignerTitle">
  1546. <summary>
  1547. Gets or sets suggested signer's title.
  1548. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  1549. </summary>
  1550. </member>
  1551. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions.Email">
  1552. <summary>
  1553. Gets or sets suggested signer's e-mail address.
  1554. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  1555. </summary>
  1556. </member>
  1557. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions.DefaultInstructions">
  1558. <summary>
  1559. Gets or sets a value indicating that default instructions is shown in the Sign dialog.
  1560. Default value for this property is <b>true</b>.
  1561. </summary>
  1562. </member>
  1563. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions.Instructions">
  1564. <summary>
  1565. Gets or sets instructions to the signer that are displayed on signing the signature line.
  1566. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  1567. </summary>
  1568. </member>
  1569. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions.AllowComments">
  1570. <summary>
  1571. Gets or sets a value indicating that the signer can add comments in the Sign dialog.
  1572. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.
  1573. </summary>
  1574. </member>
  1575. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions.ShowDate">
  1576. <summary>
  1577. Gets or sets a value indicating that sign date is shown in the signature line.
  1578. Default value for this property is <b>true</b>.
  1579. </summary>
  1580. </member>
  1581. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.RevisionsView">
  1582. <summary>
  1583. Allows to specify whether to work with the original or revised version of a document.
  1584. </summary>
  1585. </member>
  1586. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionsView.Original">
  1587. <summary>
  1588. Specifies original version of a document.
  1589. </summary>
  1590. </member>
  1591. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionsView.Final">
  1592. <summary>
  1593. Specifies revised version of a document.
  1594. </summary>
  1595. </member>
  1596. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions">
  1597. <summary>
  1598. Allows to specify various import options to format output.
  1599. </summary>
  1600. <dev>
  1601. The most of these options can be found under the advanced options menu in Word, 'cut, copy and paste' section.
  1602. But some of them, such as <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions.KeepSourceNumbering" /> have no analogue in Word.
  1603. </dev>
  1604. </member>
  1605. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions.SmartStyleBehavior">
  1606. <summary>
  1607. Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies how styles will be imported
  1608. when they have equal names in source and destination documents.
  1609. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  1610. </summary>
  1611. <remarks>
  1612. <para>When this option is <b>enabled</b>, the source style will be expanded into a direct attributes inside a
  1613. destination document, if <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting" /> importing mode is used.</para>
  1614. <para>When this option is <b>disabled</b>, the source style will be expanded only if it is numbered. Existing
  1615. destination attributes will not be overridden, including lists.</para>
  1616. </remarks>
  1617. </member>
  1618. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions.KeepSourceNumbering">
  1619. <summary>
  1620. Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies how the numbering will be imported when it clashes in source and
  1621. destination documents.
  1622. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  1623. </summary>
  1624. </member>
  1625. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions.IgnoreTextBoxes">
  1626. <summary>
  1627. Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies that source formatting of textboxes content ignored
  1628. if <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting" /> mode is used.
  1629. The default value is <c>true</c>.
  1630. </summary>
  1631. </member>
  1632. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions.IgnoreHeaderFooter">
  1633. <summary>
  1634. Gets or sets a boolean value that specifies that source formatting of headers/footers content ignored
  1635. if <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting" /> mode is used.
  1636. The default value is <c>true</c>.
  1637. </summary>
  1638. </member>
  1639. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.IHyphenationCallback">
  1640. <summary>
  1641. Implemented by classes which can register hyphenation dictionaries.
  1642. </summary>
  1643. </member>
  1644. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.IHyphenationCallback.RequestDictionary(System.String)">
  1645. <summary>
  1646. Notifies application that hyphenation dictionary for the specified language wasn't found and may need to be registered.<para />
  1647. Implementation should find a dictionary and register it using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.RegisterDictionary(System.String,System.IO.Stream)" /> methods.<para />
  1648. If dictionary is unavailable for the specified language implementation can opt out of further calls for the same language
  1649. using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.RegisterDictionary(System.String,System.String)" /> with null value.
  1650. </summary>
  1651. <param name="language">A language name, e.g. "en-US". See .NET documentation for "culture name" and RFC 4646 for details.</param>
  1652. <remarks>Exceptions thrown by this method will abort execution of page layout process.</remarks>
  1653. </member>
  1654. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation">
  1655. <summary>
  1656. Provides methods for working with hyphenation dictionaries. These dictionaries prescribe where words of a specific language can be hyphenated.
  1657. </summary>
  1658. </member>
  1659. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.RegisterDictionary(System.String,System.IO.Stream)">
  1660. <summary>
  1661. Registers and loads a hyphenation dictionary for the specified language from a stream. Throws if dictionary cannot be read or has invalid format.
  1662. </summary>
  1663. <param name="language">A language name, e.g. "en-US". See .NET documentation for "culture name" and RFC 4646 for details.</param>
  1664. <param name="stream">A stream for the dictionary file in OpenOffice format.</param>
  1665. </member>
  1666. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.RegisterDictionary(System.String,System.String)">
  1667. <summary>
  1668. Registers and loads a hyphenation dictionary for the specified language from file. Throws if dictionary cannot be read or has invalid format.<para />
  1669. This method can also be used to register Null dictionary to prevent <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.Callback" /> from being called repeatedly for the same language.
  1670. </summary>
  1671. <param name="language">A language name, e.g. "en-US". See .NET documentation for "culture name" and RFC 4646 for details.</param>
  1672. <param name="fileName">A path to the dictionary file in Open Office format.<para />
  1673. If this parameter is null or empty string then registered is Null dictionary and callback is not called anymore for this language.<para />
  1674. To enable callback again use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.UnregisterDictionary(System.String)" /> method.</param>
  1675. </member>
  1676. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.UnregisterDictionary(System.String)">
  1677. <summary>
  1678. Unregisters a hyphenation dictionary for the specified language.<para />
  1679. This is different from registering Null dictionary. Unregistering a dictionary enables callback for the specified language.
  1680. </summary>
  1681. <param name="language">A language name, e.g. "en-US". See .NET documentation for "culture name" and RFC 4646 for details.<para />
  1682. If null or empty string then all dictionaries are unregistered.</param>
  1683. </member>
  1684. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.IsDictionaryRegistered(System.String)">
  1685. <summary>
  1686. Returns False if for the specified language there is no dictionary registered or if registered is Null dictionary, True otherwise.
  1687. </summary>
  1688. </member>
  1689. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.Callback">
  1690. <summary>
  1691. Gets or sets callback interface used to request dictionaries when page layout of the document is built.
  1692. This allows delay loading of dictionaries which may be useful when processing documents in many languages.
  1693. </summary>
  1694. </member>
  1695. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Hyphenation.WarningCallback">
  1696. <summary>
  1697. Called during a load hyphenation patterns, when an issue is detected that might result in formatting fidelity loss.
  1698. </summary>
  1699. </member>
  1700. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.InterruptionToken">
  1701. <summary>
  1702. This class is obsolete. Use <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.IPageLayoutCallback" /> instead.
  1703. Provides method to manually interrupt Aspose.Words while page layout model is built.
  1704. </summary>
  1705. </member>
  1706. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.InterruptionToken.Interrupt">
  1707. <summary>
  1708. Requests Aspose.Words to abandon the current task.
  1709. </summary>
  1710. <remarks>
  1711. Throws a <see cref="T:System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException" /> on processing the interrupt request.
  1712. </remarks>
  1713. </member>
  1714. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.InterruptionToken.BindToCurrentThread">
  1715. <summary>
  1716. Associates the current thread with this <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.InterruptionToken" /> instance.
  1717. </summary>
  1718. <remarks>
  1719. Use this method before calling <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.InterruptionToken.Interrupt" /></remarks>
  1720. </member>
  1721. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil">
  1722. <summary>
  1723. Provides methods for signing document.
  1724. </summary>
  1725. <remarks>
  1726. <para>Since digital signature works with file content rather than Document Object Model these methods are put into a separate class.</para>
  1727. <para>Supported formats are <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Doc" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx" />.</para>
  1728. </remarks>
  1729. </member>
  1730. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder,Aspose.Words.SignOptions)">
  1731. <summary>
  1732. Signs source document using given <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SignOptions" />
  1733. with digital signature and writes signed document to destination stream.
  1734. <p>Document should be either <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Doc" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx" />.</p><p><b>Output will be written to the start of stream and stream size will be updated with content length.</b></p></summary>
  1735. <param name="srcStream">The stream which contains the document to sign.</param>
  1736. <param name="dstStream">The stream that signed document will be written to.</param>
  1737. <param name="certHolder">
  1738. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder" /> object with certificate that used to sign file.
  1739. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.</param>
  1740. <param name="signOptions">
  1741. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SignOptions" /> object with various signing options.</param>
  1742. </member>
  1743. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder,Aspose.Words.SignOptions)">
  1744. <summary>
  1745. Signs source document using given <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SignOptions" />
  1746. with digital signature and writes signed document to destination file.
  1747. <p>Document should be either <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Doc" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx" />.</p></summary>
  1748. <param name="srcFileName">The file name of the document to sign.</param>
  1749. <param name="dstFileName">The file name of the signed document output.</param>
  1750. <param name="certHolder">
  1751. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder" /> object with certificate that used to sign file.
  1752. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.</param>
  1753. <param name="signOptions">
  1754. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SignOptions" /> object with various signing options.</param>
  1755. </member>
  1756. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder)">
  1757. <summary>
  1758. Signs source document using given <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder" /> with digital signature
  1759. and writes signed document to destination stream.
  1760. <p>Document should be either <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Doc" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx" />.</p><p><b>Output will be written to the start of stream and stream size will be updated with content length.</b></p></summary>
  1761. <param name="srcStream">The stream which contains the document to sign.</param>
  1762. <param name="dstStream">The stream that signed document will be written to.</param>
  1763. <param name="certHolder">
  1764. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder" /> object with certificate that used to sign file.
  1765. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.</param>
  1766. </member>
  1767. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder)">
  1768. <summary>
  1769. Signs source document using given <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder" /> with digital signature
  1770. and writes signed document to destination file.
  1771. <p>Document should be either <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Doc" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx" />.</p></summary>
  1772. <param name="srcFileName">The file name of the document to sign.</param>
  1773. <param name="dstFileName">The file name of the signed document output.</param>
  1774. <param name="certHolder">
  1775. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder" /> object with certificate that used to sign file.
  1776. The certificate in holder MUST contain private keys and have the X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable flag set.</param>
  1777. </member>
  1778. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil.RemoveAllSignatures(System.String,System.String)">
  1779. <summary>
  1780. Removes all digital signatures from source file and writes unsigned file to destination file.
  1781. </summary>
  1782. </member>
  1783. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil.RemoveAllSignatures(System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream)">
  1784. <summary>
  1785. Removes all digital signatures from document in source stream and writes unsigned document to destination stream.
  1786. <p><b>Output will be written to the start of stream and stream size will be updated with content length.</b></p></summary>
  1787. </member>
  1788. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil.LoadSignatures(System.String)">
  1789. <summary>
  1790. Loads digital signatures from document.
  1791. </summary>
  1792. <param name="fileName">Path to the document.</param>
  1793. <returns>Collection of digital signatures. Returns empty collection if file is not signed.</returns>
  1794. </member>
  1795. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil.LoadSignatures(System.IO.Stream)">
  1796. <summary>
  1797. Loads digital signatures from document using stream.
  1798. </summary>
  1799. <param name="stream">Stream with the document.</param>
  1800. <returns>Collection of digital signatures. Returns empty collection if file is not signed.</returns>
  1801. </member>
  1802. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.EditorType">
  1803. <summary>
  1804. Specifies the set of possible aliases (or editing groups) which can be used as aliases to
  1805. determine if the current user shall be allowed to edit a single range
  1806. defined by an editable range within a document.
  1807. </summary>
  1808. </member>
  1809. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Unspecified">
  1810. <summary>
  1811. Means that editor type is not specified.
  1812. </summary>
  1813. </member>
  1814. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Administrators">
  1815. <summary>
  1816. Specifies that users associated with the Administrators group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using
  1817. this editing type when document protection is enabled.
  1818. </summary>
  1819. </member>
  1820. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Contributors">
  1821. <summary>
  1822. Specifies that users associated with the Contributors group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using
  1823. this editing type when document protection is enabled.
  1824. </summary>
  1825. </member>
  1826. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Current">
  1827. <summary>
  1828. Specifies that users associated with the Current group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this
  1829. editing type when document protection is enabled.
  1830. </summary>
  1831. </member>
  1832. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Editors">
  1833. <summary>
  1834. Specifies that users associated with the Editors group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this
  1835. editing type when document protection is enabled.
  1836. </summary>
  1837. </member>
  1838. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Everyone">
  1839. <summary>
  1840. Specifies that all users that open the document shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this editing
  1841. type when document protection is enabled.
  1842. </summary>
  1843. </member>
  1844. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.None">
  1845. <summary>
  1846. Specifies that none of the users that open the document shall be allowed to edit editable ranges
  1847. using this editing type when document protection is enabled.
  1848. </summary>
  1849. </member>
  1850. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Owners">
  1851. <summary>
  1852. Specifies that users associated with the Owners group shall be allowed to edit editable ranges using this
  1853. editing type when document protection is enabled.
  1854. </summary>
  1855. </member>
  1856. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Default">
  1857. <summary>
  1858. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.EditorType.Unspecified" />.
  1859. </summary>
  1860. </member>
  1861. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRange">
  1862. <summary>
  1863. Represents a single editable range.
  1864. </summary>
  1865. <remarks>
  1866. <p>
  1867. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRange" /> is a "facade" object that encapsulates two nodes <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.EditableRangeStart" />
  1868. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.EditableRangeEnd" /> in a document tree and allows to work with an editable range as a single object.</p>
  1869. </remarks>
  1870. </member>
  1871. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.Remove">
  1872. <summary>
  1873. Removes the editable range from the document. Does not remove content inside the editable range.
  1874. </summary>
  1875. </member>
  1876. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.Id">
  1877. <summary>
  1878. Gets the editable range identifier.
  1879. </summary>
  1880. <remarks>
  1881. <para>The region must be demarcated using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.EditableRangeStart" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.EditableRangeEnd" /></para>
  1882. <para>Editable range identifiers are supposed to be unique across a document and Aspose.Words automatically
  1883. maintains editable range identifiers when loading, saving and combining documents.</para>
  1884. </remarks>
  1885. </member>
  1886. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.SingleUser">
  1887. <summary>
  1888. Returns or sets the single user for editable range.
  1889. </summary>
  1890. <remarks>
  1891. <p>This editor can be stored in one of the following forms:</p>
  1892. <p>DOMAIN\Username - for users whose access shall be authenticated using the current user's domain credentials.</p>
  1893. <p>user@domain.com - for users whose access shall be authenticated using the user's e-mail address as credentials.</p>
  1894. <p>user - for users whose access shall be authenticated using the current user's machine credentials.</p>
  1895. <p>Single user and editor group cannot be set simultaneously for the specific editable range,
  1896. if the one is set, the other will be clear.</p>
  1897. </remarks>
  1898. </member>
  1899. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.EditorGroup">
  1900. <summary>
  1901. Returns or sets an alias (or editing group) which shall be used to determine if the current user
  1902. shall be allowed to edit this editable range.
  1903. </summary>
  1904. <remarks>
  1905. <p>Single user and editor group cannot be set simultaneously for the specific editable range,
  1906. if the one is set, the other will be clear.</p>
  1907. </remarks>
  1908. </member>
  1909. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.EditableRangeStart">
  1910. <summary>
  1911. Gets the node that represents the start of the editable range.
  1912. </summary>
  1913. </member>
  1914. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRange.EditableRangeEnd">
  1915. <summary>
  1916. Gets the node that represents the end of the editable range.
  1917. </summary>
  1918. </member>
  1919. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd">
  1920. <summary>
  1921. Represents an end of an editable range in a Word document.
  1922. </summary>
  1923. <remarks>
  1924. <p>A complete editable range in a Word document consists of a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd.EditableRangeStart" />
  1925. and a matching <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd" /> with the same Id.</p>
  1926. <p>
  1927. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd.EditableRangeStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd" /> are just markers inside a document
  1928. that specify where the editable range starts and ends.</p>
  1929. <p>Use the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRange" /> class as a "facade" to work with an editable range
  1930. as a single object.</p>
  1931. <note>Currently editable ranges are supported only at the inline-level, that is inside <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />,
  1932. but editable range start and editable range end can be in different paragraphs.</note>
  1933. </remarks>
  1934. </member>
  1935. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  1936. <summary>
  1937. Accepts a visitor.
  1938. </summary>
  1939. <remarks>
  1940. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitEditableRangeEnd(Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd)" />.</p>
  1941. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  1942. </remarks>
  1943. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  1944. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  1945. </member>
  1946. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd.EditableRangeStart">
  1947. <summary>
  1948. Corresponding EditableRangeStart, received by ID.
  1949. </summary>
  1950. </member>
  1951. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd.Id">
  1952. <summary>
  1953. Specifies the identifier of the editable range.
  1954. </summary>
  1955. </member>
  1956. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd.NodeType">
  1957. <summary>
  1958. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.EditableRangeEnd" />.
  1959. </summary>
  1960. </member>
  1961. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart">
  1962. <summary>
  1963. Represents a start of an editable range in a Word document.
  1964. </summary>
  1965. <remarks>
  1966. <p>A complete editable range in a Word document consists of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart" />
  1967. and a matching <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd" /> with the same Id.</p>
  1968. <p>
  1969. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd" /> are just markers inside a document
  1970. that specify where the editable range starts and ends.</p>
  1971. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart.EditableRange" /> class as a "facade" to work with an editable range
  1972. as a single object.</p>
  1973. <note>Currently editable ranges are supported only at the inline-level, that is inside <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />,
  1974. but editable range start and editable range end can be in different paragraphs.</note>
  1975. </remarks>
  1976. </member>
  1977. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  1978. <summary>
  1979. Accepts a visitor.
  1980. </summary>
  1981. <remarks>
  1982. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitEditableRangeStart(Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart)" />.</p>
  1983. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  1984. </remarks>
  1985. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  1986. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  1987. </member>
  1988. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart.Id">
  1989. <summary>
  1990. Specifies the identifier of the editable range.
  1991. </summary>
  1992. </member>
  1993. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart.EditableRange">
  1994. <summary>
  1995. Gets the facade object that encapsulates this editable range start and end.
  1996. </summary>
  1997. </member>
  1998. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart.NodeType">
  1999. <summary>
  2000. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.EditableRangeStart" />.
  2001. </summary>
  2002. </member>
  2003. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.SubDocument">
  2004. <summary>
  2005. Represents a <b>SubDocument</b> - which is a reference to an externally stored document.
  2006. </summary>
  2007. <remarks>
  2008. <para>In this version of Aspose.Words, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SubDocument" /> nodes do not provide public methods
  2009. and properties to create or modify a subdocument. In this version you are not able to instantiate
  2010. SubDocument nodes or modify existing except deleting them.</para>
  2011. <p>
  2012. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SubDocument" /> can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</p>
  2013. </remarks>
  2014. </member>
  2015. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.SubDocument.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  2016. <summary>
  2017. Accepts a visitor.
  2018. </summary>
  2019. <remarks>
  2020. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  2021. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  2022. </remarks>
  2023. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  2024. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  2025. </member>
  2026. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SubDocument.NodeType">
  2027. <summary>
  2028. Returns <b>NodeType.SubDocument</b></summary>
  2029. </member>
  2030. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BuildVersionInfo">
  2031. <summary>
  2032. Provides information about the current product name and version.
  2033. </summary>
  2034. </member>
  2035. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildVersionInfo.Product">
  2036. <summary>
  2037. Gets the full name of the product.
  2038. </summary>
  2039. </member>
  2040. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildVersionInfo.Version">
  2041. <summary>
  2042. Gets the product version.
  2043. </summary>
  2044. <remarks>
  2045. <para>The product version is in the "Major.Minor.Hotfix.0" format.</para>
  2046. </remarks>
  2047. </member>
  2048. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Revision">
  2049. <summary>
  2050. Represents a revision (tracked change) in a document node or style.
  2051. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.RevisionType" /> to check the type of this revision.
  2052. </summary>
  2053. </member>
  2054. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Revision.Accept">
  2055. <summary>
  2056. Accepts this revision.
  2057. </summary>
  2058. </member>
  2059. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Revision.Reject">
  2060. <summary>
  2061. Reject this revision.
  2062. </summary>
  2063. </member>
  2064. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.Author">
  2065. <summary>
  2066. Gets or sets the author of this revision. Can not be empty string or null.
  2067. </summary>
  2068. </member>
  2069. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.DateTime">
  2070. <summary>
  2071. Gets or sets the date/time of this revision.
  2072. </summary>
  2073. </member>
  2074. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.RevisionType">
  2075. <summary>
  2076. Gets the type of this revision.
  2077. </summary>
  2078. </member>
  2079. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.ParentNode">
  2080. <summary>
  2081. Gets the immediate parent node (owner) of this revision.
  2082. This property will work for any revision type other than <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.StyleDefinitionChange" />.
  2083. </summary>
  2084. <remarks>
  2085. If this revision relates to change of Style formatting, use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.ParentStyle" /> instead.
  2086. </remarks>
  2087. </member>
  2088. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.ParentStyle">
  2089. <summary>
  2090. Gets the immediate parent style (owner) of this revision.
  2091. This property will work for only for the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.StyleDefinitionChange" /> revision type.
  2092. </summary>
  2093. <remarks>
  2094. If this revision relates to changes on document nodes, use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.ParentNode" /> instead.
  2095. </remarks>
  2096. </member>
  2097. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Revision.Group">
  2098. <summary>
  2099. Gets the revision group. Returns null if the revision does not belong to any group.
  2100. </summary>
  2101. <remarks>
  2102. Revision has no group if revision type is RevisionType.StyleDefinitionChange or
  2103. if the revision is not longer exist in document context (accepted/rejected).
  2104. </remarks>
  2105. </member>
  2106. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection">
  2107. <summary>
  2108. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Revision" /> objects that represent revisions in the document.
  2109. </summary>
  2110. <remarks>
  2111. <para>You do not create instances of this class directly. Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Revisions" /> property to get revisions present in a document.</para>
  2112. </remarks>
  2113. </member>
  2114. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.AcceptAll">
  2115. <summary>
  2116. Accepts all revisions in this collection.
  2117. </summary>
  2118. </member>
  2119. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.RejectAll">
  2120. <summary>
  2121. Rejects all revisions in this collection.
  2122. </summary>
  2123. </member>
  2124. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.GetEnumerator">
  2125. <summary>
  2126. Returns an enumerator object.
  2127. </summary>
  2128. </member>
  2129. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.Count">
  2130. <summary>
  2131. Returns the number of revisions in the collection.
  2132. </summary>
  2133. </member>
  2134. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  2135. <summary>
  2136. Returns a Revision at the specified index.
  2137. </summary>
  2138. <remarks>
  2139. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  2140. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  2141. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  2142. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  2143. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  2144. </remarks>
  2145. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  2146. </member>
  2147. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.Groups">
  2148. <summary>
  2149. Collection of revision groups.
  2150. </summary>
  2151. </member>
  2152. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.RevisionType">
  2153. <summary>
  2154. Specifies the type of change being tracked in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Revision" />.
  2155. </summary>
  2156. </member>
  2157. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Insertion">
  2158. <summary>
  2159. New content was inserted in the document.
  2160. </summary>
  2161. </member>
  2162. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Deletion">
  2163. <summary>
  2164. Content was removed from the document.
  2165. </summary>
  2166. </member>
  2167. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.FormatChange">
  2168. <summary>
  2169. Change of formatting was applied to the parent node.
  2170. </summary>
  2171. </member>
  2172. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.StyleDefinitionChange">
  2173. <summary>
  2174. Change of formatting was applied to the parent style.
  2175. </summary>
  2176. </member>
  2177. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Moving">
  2178. <summary>
  2179. Content was moved in the document.
  2180. </summary>
  2181. </member>
  2182. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo">
  2183. <summary>
  2184. Contains data returned by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil" /> document format detection methods.
  2185. </summary>
  2186. <remarks>
  2187. <para>You do not create instances of this class directly. Objects of this class are returned by
  2188. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.IO.Stream)" /> methods.</para>
  2189. </remarks>
  2190. </member>
  2191. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo.LoadFormat">
  2192. <summary>
  2193. Gets the detected document format.
  2194. </summary>
  2195. <remarks>
  2196. <para>When an OOXML document is encrypted, it is not possible to ascertained whether it is
  2197. an Excel, Word or PowerPoint document without decrypting it first so for an encrypted OOXML
  2198. document this property will always return <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx" />.</para>
  2199. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo.IsEncrypted" />
  2200. </remarks>
  2201. </member>
  2202. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo.IsEncrypted">
  2203. <summary>
  2204. Returns true if the document is encrypted and requires a password to open.
  2205. </summary>
  2206. <remarks>
  2207. <para>This property exists to help you sort documents that are encrypted from those that are not.
  2208. If you attempt to load an encrypted document using Aspose.Words without supplying a password an
  2209. exception will be thrown. You can use this property to detect whether a document requires a password
  2210. and take some action before loading a document, for example, prompt the user for a password. </para>
  2211. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo.LoadFormat" />
  2212. </remarks>
  2213. </member>
  2214. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo.HasDigitalSignature">
  2215. <summary>
  2216. Returns true if this document contains a digital signature.
  2217. This property merely informs that a digital signature is present on a document,
  2218. but it does not specify whether the signature is valid or not.
  2219. </summary>
  2220. <remarks>
  2221. <para>This property exists to help you sort documents that are digitally signed from those that are not.
  2222. If you use Aspose.Words to modify and save a document that is digitally signed, then the digital signature will
  2223. be lost. This is by design because a digital signature exists to guard the authenticity of a document.
  2224. Using this property you can detect digitally signed documents before processing them in the same way as normal
  2225. documents and take some action to avoid losing the digital signature, for example notify the user.
  2226. </para>
  2227. </remarks>
  2228. </member>
  2229. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo.Encoding">
  2230. <summary>
  2231. Gets the detected encoding if applicable to the current document format.
  2232. At the moment detects encoding only for HTML documents.
  2233. </summary>
  2234. </member>
  2235. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions">
  2236. <summary>
  2237. Allows to specify additional options (such as password or base URI) when
  2238. loading a document into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.
  2239. </summary>
  2240. </member>
  2241. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.#ctor">
  2242. <summary>
  2243. Initializes a new instance of this class with default values.
  2244. </summary>
  2245. </member>
  2246. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.#ctor(System.String)">
  2247. <summary>
  2248. A shortcut to initialize a new instance of this class with the specified password to load an encrypted document.
  2249. </summary>
  2250. <param name="password">The password to open an encrypted document. Can be null or empty string.</param>
  2251. </member>
  2252. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.LoadFormat,System.String,System.String)">
  2253. <summary>
  2254. A shortcut to initialize a new instance of this class with properties set to the specified values.
  2255. </summary>
  2256. <param name="loadFormat">The format of the document to be loaded.</param>
  2257. <param name="password">The password to open an encrypted document. Can be null or empty string.</param>
  2258. <param name="baseUri">The string that will be used to resolve relative URIs to absolute. Can be null or empty string.</param>
  2259. </member>
  2260. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.LoadOptions)">
  2261. <summary>
  2262. Copy constructor.
  2263. </summary>
  2264. </member>
  2265. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.LoadFormat">
  2266. <summary>
  2267. Specifies the format of the document to be loaded.
  2268. Default is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Auto" />.
  2269. </summary>
  2270. <remarks>
  2271. <para>It is recommended that you specify the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Auto" /> value and let Aspose.Words detect
  2272. the file format automatically. If you know the format of the document you are about to load, you can specify the format
  2273. explicitly and this will slightly reduce the loading time by the overhead associated with auto detecting the format.
  2274. If you specify an explicit load format and it will turn out to be wrong, the auto detection will be invoked and a second
  2275. attempt to load the file will be made.</para>
  2276. </remarks>
  2277. </member>
  2278. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.Password">
  2279. <summary>
  2280. Gets or sets the password for opening an encrypted document.
  2281. Can be null or empty string. Default is null.
  2282. </summary>
  2283. <remarks>
  2284. <para>You need to know the password to open an encrypted document. If the document is not encrypted, set this to null or empty string.</para>
  2285. </remarks>
  2286. </member>
  2287. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.BaseUri">
  2288. <summary>
  2289. Gets or sets the string that will be used to resolve relative URIs found in the document into absolute URIs when required.
  2290. Can be null or empty string. Default is null.
  2291. </summary>
  2292. <remarks>
  2293. <p>This property is used to resolve relative URIs into absolute in the following cases:</p>
  2294. <list type="number">
  2295. <item>When loading an HTML document from a stream and the document contains images with
  2296. relative URIs and does not have a base URI specified in the BASE HTML element.</item>
  2297. <item>When saving a document to PDF and other formats, to retrieve images linked using relative URIs
  2298. so the images can be saved into the output document.</item>
  2299. </list>
  2300. </remarks>
  2301. </member>
  2302. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.Encoding">
  2303. <summary>
  2304. Gets or sets the encoding that will be used to load an HTML, TXT, or CHM document if the encoding is not specified
  2305. inside the document.
  2306. Can be null. Default is null.
  2307. </summary>
  2308. <remarks>
  2309. <para>This property is used only when loading HTML, TXT, or CHM documents.</para>
  2310. <para>If encoding is not specified inside the document and this property is <c>null</c>, then the system will try to
  2311. automatically detect the encoding.</para>
  2312. </remarks>
  2313. </member>
  2314. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.ResourceLoadingCallback">
  2315. <summary>
  2316. Allows to control how external resources (images, style sheets) are loaded when a document is imported from HTML, MHTML.
  2317. </summary>
  2318. </member>
  2319. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.WarningCallback">
  2320. <summary>
  2321. Called during a load operation, when an issue is detected that might result in data or formatting fidelity loss.
  2322. </summary>
  2323. </member>
  2324. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.PreserveIncludePictureField">
  2325. <summary>
  2326. Gets or sets whether to preserve the INCLUDEPICTURE field when reading Microsoft Word formats.
  2327. The default value is false.
  2328. </summary>
  2329. <remarks>
  2330. <p>By default, the INCLUDEPICTURE field is converted into a shape object. You can override that if you need
  2331. the field to be preserved, for example, if you wish to update it programmatically. Note however that this
  2332. approach is not common for Aspose.Words. Use it on your own risk.</p>
  2333. <p>One of the possible use cases may be using a MERGEFIELD as a child field to dynamically change the source path
  2334. of the picture. In this case you need the INCLUDEPICTURE to be preserved in the model.</p>
  2335. </remarks>
  2336. </member>
  2337. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.ConvertShapeToOfficeMath">
  2338. <summary>
  2339. Gets or sets whether to convert shapes with EquationXML to Office Math objects.
  2340. </summary>
  2341. </member>
  2342. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.FontSettings">
  2343. <summary>
  2344. Allows to specify document font settings.
  2345. </summary>
  2346. <remarks>
  2347. <para>When loading some formats, Aspose.Words may require to resolve the fonts. For example, when loading HTML documents Aspose.Words
  2348. may resolve the fonts to perform font fallback.</para>
  2349. <para>If set to null, default static font settings <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.DefaultInstance" /> will be used.</para>
  2350. <para>The default value is null.</para>
  2351. </remarks>
  2352. </member>
  2353. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.TempFolder">
  2354. <summary>
  2355. Allows to use temporary files when reading document.
  2356. By default this property is <c>null</c> and no temporary files are used.
  2357. </summary>
  2358. <remarks>
  2359. <para>The folder must exist and be writable, otherwise an exception will be thrown.</para>
  2360. <para>Aspose.Words automatically deletes all temporary files when reading is complete.</para>
  2361. </remarks>
  2362. </member>
  2363. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.ConvertMetafilesToPng">
  2364. <summary>
  2365. Gets or sets whether to convert metafile (<see cref="F:Aspose.FileFormat.Wmf" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.FileFormat.Emf" />) images to <see cref="F:Aspose.FileFormat.Png" /> image format.
  2366. </summary>
  2367. <remarks>
  2368. Metafiles (<see cref="F:Aspose.FileFormat.Wmf" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.FileFormat.Emf" />) is an uncompressed image format and sometimes requires to much RAM to hold and process document.
  2369. This option allows to convert all metafile images to <see cref="F:Aspose.FileFormat.Png" /> on document loading.
  2370. Please note - conversion vector graphics to raster decreases quality of the images.
  2371. </remarks>
  2372. </member>
  2373. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.MswVersion">
  2374. <summary>
  2375. Allows to specify that the document loading process should match a specific MS Word version.
  2376. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2007" /></summary>
  2377. <remarks>
  2378. Different Word versions may handle certain aspects of document content and formatting slightly differently
  2379. during the loading process, which may result in minor differences in Document Object Model.
  2380. </remarks>
  2381. </member>
  2382. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.UpdateDirtyFields">
  2383. <summary>
  2384. Specifies whether to update the fields with the <c>dirty</c> attribute.
  2385. </summary>
  2386. </member>
  2387. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.LanguagePreferences">
  2388. <summary>
  2389. Gets language preferences that will be used when document is loading.
  2390. </summary>
  2391. </member>
  2392. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WarningInfo">
  2393. <summary>
  2394. Contains information about a warning that Aspose.Words issued during document loading or saving.
  2395. </summary>
  2396. <remarks>
  2397. <para>You do not create instances of this class. Objects of this class are created
  2398. and passed by Aspose.Words to the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.IWarningCallback.Warning(Aspose.Words.WarningInfo)" /> method.</para>
  2399. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.IWarningCallback" />
  2400. </remarks>
  2401. </member>
  2402. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WarningInfo.WarningType">
  2403. <summary>
  2404. Returns the type of the warning.
  2405. </summary>
  2406. </member>
  2407. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WarningInfo.Description">
  2408. <summary>
  2409. Returns the description of the warning.
  2410. </summary>
  2411. </member>
  2412. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WarningInfo.Source">
  2413. <summary>
  2414. Returns the source of the warning.
  2415. </summary>
  2416. </member>
  2417. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WarningInfoCollection">
  2418. <summary>
  2419. Represents a typed collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.WarningInfo" /> objects.
  2420. </summary>
  2421. <remarks>
  2422. <para>You can use this collection object as the simplest form of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.IWarningCallback" /> implementation to gather
  2423. all warnings that Aspose.Words generates during a load or save operation. Create an instance of this class and assign it
  2424. to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions.WarningCallback" /> or <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.WarningCallback" /> property.</para>
  2425. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.WarningInfo" />
  2426. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.IWarningCallback" />
  2427. </remarks>
  2428. </member>
  2429. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WarningInfoCollection.GetEnumerator">
  2430. <summary>
  2431. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  2432. </summary>
  2433. </member>
  2434. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WarningInfoCollection.Clear">
  2435. <summary>
  2436. Removes all elements from the collection.
  2437. </summary>
  2438. </member>
  2439. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WarningInfoCollection.Warning(Aspose.Words.WarningInfo)">
  2440. <summary>
  2441. Implements the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.IWarningCallback" /> interface. Adds a warning to this collection.
  2442. </summary>
  2443. </member>
  2444. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WarningInfoCollection.Count">
  2445. <summary>
  2446. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  2447. </summary>
  2448. </member>
  2449. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WarningInfoCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  2450. <summary>
  2451. Gets an item at the specified index.
  2452. </summary>
  2453. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the item.</param>
  2454. </member>
  2455. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WarningSource">
  2456. <summary>
  2457. Specifies the module that produces a warning during document loading or saving.
  2458. </summary>
  2459. </member>
  2460. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Unknown">
  2461. <summary>
  2462. The warning source is not specified.
  2463. </summary>
  2464. </member>
  2465. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Layout">
  2466. <summary>
  2467. Module that builds a document layout.
  2468. </summary>
  2469. </member>
  2470. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.DrawingML">
  2471. <summary>
  2472. Module that renders DrawingML shapes.
  2473. </summary>
  2474. </member>
  2475. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.OfficeMath">
  2476. <summary>
  2477. Module that renders OfficeMath.
  2478. </summary>
  2479. </member>
  2480. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Shapes">
  2481. <summary>
  2482. Module that renders ordinary shapes.
  2483. </summary>
  2484. </member>
  2485. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Metafile">
  2486. <summary>
  2487. Module that renders metafiles.
  2488. </summary>
  2489. </member>
  2490. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Xps">
  2491. <summary>
  2492. Module that renders XPS.
  2493. </summary>
  2494. </member>
  2495. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Pdf">
  2496. <summary>
  2497. Module that renders PDF.
  2498. </summary>
  2499. </member>
  2500. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Image">
  2501. <summary>
  2502. Module that renders images.
  2503. </summary>
  2504. </member>
  2505. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Docx">
  2506. <summary>
  2507. Module that reads/writes DOCX files.
  2508. </summary>
  2509. </member>
  2510. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Doc">
  2511. <summary>
  2512. Module that reads/writes binary DOC files.
  2513. </summary>
  2514. </member>
  2515. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Text">
  2516. <summary>
  2517. Module that reads/writes plaintext files.
  2518. </summary>
  2519. </member>
  2520. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Rtf">
  2521. <summary>
  2522. Module that reads/writes RTF files.
  2523. </summary>
  2524. </member>
  2525. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.WordML">
  2526. <summary>
  2527. Module that reads/writes WML files.
  2528. </summary>
  2529. </member>
  2530. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Nrx">
  2531. <summary>
  2532. Common modules that are shared between DOCX/WML reader/writer modules.
  2533. </summary>
  2534. </member>
  2535. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Odt">
  2536. <summary>
  2537. Module that reads/writes ODT files.
  2538. </summary>
  2539. </member>
  2540. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Html">
  2541. <summary>
  2542. Module that reads/writes HTML/MHTML files.
  2543. </summary>
  2544. </member>
  2545. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Validator">
  2546. <summary>
  2547. Module that verifies model consistency and validity.
  2548. </summary>
  2549. </member>
  2550. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Xaml">
  2551. <summary>
  2552. Module that reads/writes Xaml files.
  2553. </summary>
  2554. </member>
  2555. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Svm">
  2556. <summary>
  2557. Module that reads Svm files.
  2558. </summary>
  2559. </member>
  2560. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.MathML">
  2561. <summary>
  2562. Module that reads W3C MathML files.
  2563. </summary>
  2564. </member>
  2565. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Font">
  2566. <summary>
  2567. Module that reads font files.
  2568. </summary>
  2569. </member>
  2570. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Svg">
  2571. <summary>
  2572. Module that reads SVG files.
  2573. </summary>
  2574. </member>
  2575. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Markdown">
  2576. <summary>
  2577. Module that reads/writes Markdown files.
  2578. </summary>
  2579. </member>
  2580. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningSource.Chm">
  2581. <summary>
  2582. Module that reads CHM files.
  2583. </summary>
  2584. </member>
  2585. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WarningType">
  2586. <summary>
  2587. Specifies the type of a warning that is issued by Aspose.Words during document loading or saving.
  2588. </summary>
  2589. </member>
  2590. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.DataLossCategory">
  2591. <summary>
  2592. Some text/char/image or other data will be missing from either the document tree following load,
  2593. or from the created document following save.
  2594. </summary>
  2595. </member>
  2596. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.DataLoss">
  2597. <summary>
  2598. Generic data loss, no specific code.
  2599. </summary>
  2600. </member>
  2601. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.MajorFormattingLossCategory">
  2602. <summary>
  2603. The resulting document or a particular location in it might look substantially different
  2604. compared to the original document.
  2605. </summary>
  2606. </member>
  2607. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.MajorFormattingLoss">
  2608. <summary>
  2609. Generic major formatting loss, no specific code.
  2610. </summary>
  2611. </member>
  2612. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.MinorFormattingLossCategory">
  2613. <summary>
  2614. The resulting document or a particular location in it might look somewhat different compared
  2615. to the original document.
  2616. </summary>
  2617. </member>
  2618. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.MinorFormattingLoss">
  2619. <summary>
  2620. Generic minor formatting loss, no specific code.
  2621. </summary>
  2622. </member>
  2623. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.FontSubstitution">
  2624. <summary>
  2625. Font has been substituted.
  2626. </summary>
  2627. </member>
  2628. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.FontEmbedding">
  2629. <summary>
  2630. Loss of embedded font information during document saving.
  2631. </summary>
  2632. </member>
  2633. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.UnexpectedContentCategory">
  2634. <summary>
  2635. Some content in the source document could not be recognized (i.e. is unsupported), this may or may not
  2636. cause issues or result in data/formatting loss.
  2637. </summary>
  2638. </member>
  2639. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.UnexpectedContent">
  2640. <summary>
  2641. Generic unexpected content, no specific code.
  2642. </summary>
  2643. </member>
  2644. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WarningType.Hint">
  2645. <summary>
  2646. Advises of a potential problem or suggests an improvement.
  2647. </summary>
  2648. </member>
  2649. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.IWarningCallback">
  2650. <summary>
  2651. Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom method called to
  2652. capture loss of fidelity warnings that can occur during document loading or saving.
  2653. </summary>
  2654. </member>
  2655. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.IWarningCallback.Warning(Aspose.Words.WarningInfo)">
  2656. <summary>
  2657. Aspose.Words invokes this method when it encounters some issue during document loading
  2658. or saving that might result in loss of formatting or data fidelity.
  2659. </summary>
  2660. </member>
  2661. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Bookmark">
  2662. <summary>
  2663. Represents a single bookmark.
  2664. </summary>
  2665. <remarks>
  2666. <p>
  2667. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Bookmark" /> is a "facade" object that encapsulates two nodes <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.BookmarkStart" />
  2668. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.BookmarkEnd" /> in a document tree and allows to work with a bookmark as a single object.</p>
  2669. </remarks>
  2670. </member>
  2671. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.Remove">
  2672. <summary>
  2673. Removes the bookmark from the document. Does not remove text inside the bookmark.
  2674. </summary>
  2675. </member>
  2676. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.Name">
  2677. <summary>
  2678. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark.
  2679. </summary>
  2680. <remarks>
  2681. Note that if you change the name of a bookmark to a name that already exists in the document,
  2682. no error will be given and only the first bookmark will be stored when you save the document.
  2683. </remarks>
  2684. </member>
  2685. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.Text">
  2686. <summary>
  2687. Gets or sets the text enclosed in the bookmark.
  2688. </summary>
  2689. </member>
  2690. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.BookmarkStart">
  2691. <summary>
  2692. Gets the node that represents the start of the bookmark.
  2693. </summary>
  2694. </member>
  2695. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.BookmarkEnd">
  2696. <summary>
  2697. Gets the node that represents the end of the bookmark.
  2698. </summary>
  2699. </member>
  2700. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.IsColumn">
  2701. <summary>
  2702. Returns <b>true</b> if this bookmark is a table column bookmark.
  2703. </summary>
  2704. </member>
  2705. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.FirstColumn">
  2706. <summary>
  2707. Gets the zero-based index of the first column of the table column range associated with the bookmark.
  2708. </summary>
  2709. <remarks>
  2710. Returns <b>-1</b> if this bookmark is not a table column bookmark.
  2711. </remarks>
  2712. </member>
  2713. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Bookmark.LastColumn">
  2714. <summary>
  2715. Gets the zero-based index of the last column of the table column range associated with the bookmark.
  2716. </summary>
  2717. <remarks>
  2718. Returns <b>-1</b> if this bookmark is not a table column bookmark.
  2719. </remarks>
  2720. </member>
  2721. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd">
  2722. <summary>
  2723. Represents an end of a bookmark in a Word document.
  2724. </summary>
  2725. <remarks>
  2726. <p>A complete bookmark in a Word document consists of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" />
  2727. and a matching <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd" /> with the same bookmark name.</p>
  2728. <p>
  2729. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd" /> are just markers inside a document
  2730. that specify where the bookmark starts and ends.</p>
  2731. <p>Use the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Bookmark" /> class as a "facade" to work with a bookmark
  2732. as a single object.</p>
  2733. </remarks>
  2734. </member>
  2735. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,System.String)">
  2736. <summary>
  2737. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd" /> class.
  2738. </summary>
  2739. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  2740. <param name="name">The name of the bookmark. Cannot be null.</param>
  2741. </member>
  2742. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  2743. <summary>
  2744. Accepts a visitor.
  2745. </summary>
  2746. <remarks>
  2747. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBookmarkEnd(Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd)" />.</p>
  2748. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  2749. </remarks>
  2750. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  2751. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  2752. </member>
  2753. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd.NodeType">
  2754. <summary>
  2755. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.BookmarkEnd" />.
  2756. </summary>
  2757. </member>
  2758. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd.Name">
  2759. <summary>
  2760. Gets or sets the bookmark name.
  2761. </summary>
  2762. <remarks>
  2763. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  2764. </remarks>
  2765. </member>
  2766. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection">
  2767. <summary>
  2768. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Bookmark" /> objects that represent the bookmarks in the specified range.
  2769. </summary>
  2770. </member>
  2771. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection.Remove(Aspose.Words.Bookmark)">
  2772. <summary>
  2773. Removes the specified bookmark from the document.
  2774. </summary>
  2775. <param name="bookmark">The bookmark to remove.</param>
  2776. </member>
  2777. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  2778. <summary>
  2779. Removes a bookmark with the specified name.
  2780. </summary>
  2781. <param name="bookmarkName">The case-insensitive name of the bookmark to remove.</param>
  2782. </member>
  2783. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  2784. <summary>
  2785. Removes a bookmark at the specified index.
  2786. </summary>
  2787. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the bookmark to remove.</param>
  2788. </member>
  2789. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection.Clear">
  2790. <summary>
  2791. Removes all bookmarks from this collection and from the document.
  2792. </summary>
  2793. </member>
  2794. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection.GetEnumerator">
  2795. <summary>
  2796. Returns an enumerator object.
  2797. </summary>
  2798. </member>
  2799. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection.Count">
  2800. <summary>
  2801. Returns the number of bookmarks in the collection.
  2802. </summary>
  2803. </member>
  2804. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  2805. <summary>
  2806. Returns a bookmark at the specified index.
  2807. </summary>
  2808. <remarks>
  2809. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  2810. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  2811. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  2812. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  2813. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  2814. </remarks>
  2815. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  2816. </member>
  2817. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkCollection.Item(System.String)">
  2818. <summary>
  2819. Returns a bookmark by name.
  2820. </summary>
  2821. <remarks>
  2822. <p>Returns null if the bookmark with the specified name cannot be found.</p>
  2823. </remarks>
  2824. <param name="bookmarkName">Case-insensitive name of the bookmark.</param>
  2825. </member>
  2826. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart">
  2827. <summary>
  2828. Represents a start of a bookmark in a Word document.
  2829. </summary>
  2830. <remarks>
  2831. <p>A complete bookmark in a Word document consists of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" />
  2832. and a matching <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd" /> with the same bookmark name.</p>
  2833. <p>
  2834. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd" /> are just markers inside a document
  2835. that specify where the bookmark starts and ends.</p>
  2836. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart.Bookmark" /> class as a "facade" to work with a bookmark
  2837. as a single object.</p>
  2838. </remarks>
  2839. </member>
  2840. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,System.String)">
  2841. <summary>
  2842. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" /> class.
  2843. </summary>
  2844. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  2845. <param name="name">The name of the bookmark. Cannot be null.</param>
  2846. </member>
  2847. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  2848. <summary>
  2849. Accepts a visitor.
  2850. </summary>
  2851. <remarks>
  2852. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBookmarkStart(Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart)" />.</p>
  2853. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  2854. </remarks>
  2855. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  2856. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  2857. </member>
  2858. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart.GetText">
  2859. <summary>
  2860. Returns an empty string.
  2861. </summary>
  2862. <returns>An empty string.</returns>
  2863. </member>
  2864. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart.NodeType">
  2865. <summary>
  2866. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.BookmarkStart" />.
  2867. </summary>
  2868. </member>
  2869. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart.Bookmark">
  2870. <summary>
  2871. Gets the facade object that encapsulates this bookmark start and end.
  2872. </summary>
  2873. </member>
  2874. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart.Name">
  2875. <summary>
  2876. Gets or sets the bookmark name.
  2877. </summary>
  2878. <remarks>
  2879. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  2880. </remarks>
  2881. </member>
  2882. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Border">
  2883. <summary>
  2884. Represents a border of an object.
  2885. </summary>
  2886. <remarks>
  2887. <p>Borders can be applied to various document elements including paragraph,
  2888. run of text inside a paragraph or a table cell.</p>
  2889. </remarks>
  2890. <dev>
  2891. This is a model and also presentation class that allows to see and modify border attributes.
  2892. </dev>
  2893. </member>
  2894. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Border.ClearFormatting">
  2895. <summary>
  2896. Resets border properties to default values.
  2897. </summary>
  2898. <remarks>
  2899. When border properties are reset to default values, the border is invisible.
  2900. </remarks>
  2901. </member>
  2902. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Border.Equals(Aspose.Words.Border)">
  2903. <summary>
  2904. Determines whether the specified border is equal in value to the current border.
  2905. </summary>
  2906. </member>
  2907. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Border.Equals(System.Object)">
  2908. <summary>
  2909. Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.
  2910. </summary>
  2911. </member>
  2912. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Border.GetHashCode">
  2913. <summary>
  2914. Serves as a hash function for this type.
  2915. </summary>
  2916. </member>
  2917. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Border.LineStyle">
  2918. <summary>
  2919. Gets or sets the border style.
  2920. </summary>
  2921. <remarks>
  2922. <para>If you set line style to none, then line width is automatically changed to zero.</para>
  2923. </remarks>
  2924. <dev>
  2925. Currently AW distinguish Nil and None borders.
  2926. This public setter is used by customer and always creates Nil border for LineStyle.None
  2927. Readers and internal code should use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Border.LineStyleInternal" /> setter with LineStyle.None to create None.Border and
  2928. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Border.CreateNilBorder" /> method to create Nil border.
  2929. </dev>
  2930. </member>
  2931. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Border.LineWidth">
  2932. <summary>
  2933. Gets or sets the border width in points.
  2934. </summary>
  2935. <remarks>
  2936. <p>If you set line width greater than zero when line style is none, the line style is
  2937. automatically changed to single line.</p>
  2938. </remarks>
  2939. </member>
  2940. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Border.IsVisible">
  2941. <summary>
  2942. Returns true if the LineStyle is not LineStyle.None.
  2943. </summary>
  2944. </member>
  2945. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Border.Color">
  2946. <summary>
  2947. Gets or sets the border color.
  2948. </summary>
  2949. </member>
  2950. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Border.DistanceFromText">
  2951. <summary>
  2952. Gets or sets distance of the border from text or from the page edge in points.
  2953. </summary>
  2954. <remarks>
  2955. Has no effect and will be automatically reset to zero for borders of table cells.
  2956. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BorderDistanceFrom" /></remarks>
  2957. </member>
  2958. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Border.Shadow">
  2959. <summary>
  2960. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border has a shadow.
  2961. </summary>
  2962. <remarks>
  2963. <p>In Microsoft Word, for a border to have a shadow, the borders on all four sides
  2964. (left, top, right and bottom) should be of the same type, width, color and all should have
  2965. the Shadow property set to true.</p>
  2966. </remarks>
  2967. </member>
  2968. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection">
  2969. <summary>
  2970. A collection of Border objects.
  2971. </summary>
  2972. <remarks>
  2973. Different document elements have different borders.
  2974. For example, ParagraphFormat has Bottom, Left, Right and Top borders.
  2975. You can specify different formatting for each border independently or
  2976. enumerate through all borders and apply same formatting.
  2977. </remarks>
  2978. <dev>
  2979. This is a presentation object only, does not store any model data.
  2980. </dev>
  2981. </member>
  2982. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Equals(Aspose.Words.BorderCollection)">
  2983. <summary>
  2984. Compares collections of borders.
  2985. </summary>
  2986. </member>
  2987. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.ClearFormatting">
  2988. <summary>
  2989. Removes all borders of an object.
  2990. </summary>
  2991. </member>
  2992. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.GetEnumerator">
  2993. <summary>
  2994. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all borders in the collection.
  2995. </summary>
  2996. </member>
  2997. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Item(Aspose.Words.BorderType)">
  2998. <overloads>Retrieves a Border object.</overloads>
  2999. <summary>
  3000. Retrieves a Border object by border type.
  3001. </summary>
  3002. <remarks>
  3003. <p>Note that not all borders are present for different document elements.
  3004. This method throws an exception if you request a border not applicable to the current object.</p>
  3005. </remarks>
  3006. <param name="borderType">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BorderType" /> value
  3007. that specifies the type of the border to retrieve.</param>
  3008. </member>
  3009. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  3010. <summary>
  3011. Retrieves a Border object by index.
  3012. </summary>
  3013. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the border to retrieve.</param>
  3014. </member>
  3015. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Left">
  3016. <summary>
  3017. Gets the left border.
  3018. </summary>
  3019. </member>
  3020. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Right">
  3021. <summary>
  3022. Gets the right border.
  3023. </summary>
  3024. </member>
  3025. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Top">
  3026. <summary>
  3027. Gets the top border.
  3028. </summary>
  3029. </member>
  3030. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Bottom">
  3031. <summary>
  3032. Gets the bottom border.
  3033. </summary>
  3034. </member>
  3035. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Horizontal">
  3036. <summary>
  3037. Gets the horizontal border that is used between cells or conforming paragraphs.
  3038. </summary>
  3039. </member>
  3040. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Vertical">
  3041. <summary>
  3042. Gets the vertical border that is used between cells.
  3043. </summary>
  3044. </member>
  3045. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Count">
  3046. <summary>
  3047. Gets the number of borders in the collection.
  3048. </summary>
  3049. </member>
  3050. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.LineWidth">
  3051. <summary>
  3052. Gets or sets the border width in points.
  3053. </summary>
  3054. <remarks>
  3055. <p>Returns the width of the first border in the collection.</p>
  3056. <p>Sets the width of all borders in the collection excluding diagonal borders.</p>
  3057. </remarks>
  3058. </member>
  3059. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.LineStyle">
  3060. <summary>
  3061. Gets or sets the border style.
  3062. </summary>
  3063. <remarks>
  3064. <p>Returns the style of the first border in the collection.</p>
  3065. <p>Sets the style of all borders in the collection excluding diagonal borders.</p>
  3066. </remarks>
  3067. </member>
  3068. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Color">
  3069. <summary>
  3070. Gets or sets the border color.
  3071. </summary>
  3072. <remarks>
  3073. <p>Returns the color of the first border in the collection.</p>
  3074. <p>Sets the color of all borders in the collection excluding diagonal borders.</p>
  3075. </remarks>
  3076. </member>
  3077. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.DistanceFromText">
  3078. <summary>
  3079. Gets or sets distance of the border from text in points.
  3080. </summary>
  3081. <remarks>
  3082. <p>Gets the distance from text for the first border.</p>
  3083. <p>Sets the distance from text for all borders in the collection excluding diagonal borders.</p>
  3084. <p>Has no effect and will be automatically reset to zero for borders of table cells.</p>
  3085. </remarks>
  3086. </member>
  3087. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BorderCollection.Shadow">
  3088. <summary>
  3089. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border has a shadow.
  3090. </summary>
  3091. <remarks>
  3092. <p>Gets the value from the first border in the collection.</p>
  3093. <p>Sets the value for all borders in the collection excluding diagonal borders.</p>
  3094. </remarks>
  3095. </member>
  3096. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BorderType">
  3097. <summary>
  3098. Specifies sides of a border.
  3099. </summary>
  3100. </member>
  3101. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.None">
  3102. <summary>
  3103. Default value.
  3104. </summary>
  3105. </member>
  3106. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.Bottom">
  3107. <summary>
  3108. Specifies the bottom border of a paragraph or a table cell.
  3109. </summary>
  3110. </member>
  3111. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.Left">
  3112. <summary>
  3113. Specifies the left border of a paragraph or a table cell.
  3114. </summary>
  3115. </member>
  3116. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.Right">
  3117. <summary>
  3118. Specifies the right border of a paragraph or a table cell.
  3119. </summary>
  3120. </member>
  3121. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.Top">
  3122. <summary>
  3123. Specifies the top border of a paragraph or a table cell.
  3124. </summary>
  3125. </member>
  3126. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.Horizontal">
  3127. <summary>
  3128. Specifies the horizontal border between cells in a table or between conforming paragraphs.
  3129. </summary>
  3130. </member>
  3131. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.Vertical">
  3132. <summary>
  3133. Specifies the vertical border between cells in a table.
  3134. </summary>
  3135. </member>
  3136. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.DiagonalDown">
  3137. <summary>
  3138. Specifies the diagonal border in a table cell.
  3139. </summary>
  3140. </member>
  3141. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BorderType.DiagonalUp">
  3142. <summary>
  3143. Specifies the diagonal border in a table cell.
  3144. </summary>
  3145. </member>
  3146. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.LineStyle">
  3147. <summary>
  3148. Specifies line style of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Border" />.
  3149. </summary>
  3150. </member>
  3151. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.None">
  3152. <summary>
  3153. </summary>
  3154. <dev>
  3155. In MS Word binary format LineStyle.None means no border for all objects, except table cells.
  3156. For table cells LineStyle.None means inherit from the default table border.
  3157. Apparently this looks like a very bad hack made by someone at MS and I work around it
  3158. by making LineStyle.None to mean "no border" for any object in the model including table cells.
  3159. The translation is performed in the binary cell reader/writer.
  3160. I also use a single approach to indicate that a border is inherited. At first the border attribute
  3161. is simply missing, but if a use requests it, a Border object is instantiated in "inherited" mode.
  3162. DS 12.10.2010. Right now the enum contains the continuous range of values and it is used in
  3163. Border.HasValidLineStyle to define if a line style belongs to the enum or not. If new values
  3164. are added to the enum then Border.HasValidLineStyle should be reworked correspondingly.
  3165. </dev>
  3166. </member>
  3167. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Single">
  3168. <summary>
  3169. </summary>
  3170. </member>
  3171. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Thick">
  3172. <summary>
  3173. </summary>
  3174. </member>
  3175. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Double">
  3176. <summary>
  3177. </summary>
  3178. </member>
  3179. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Hairline">
  3180. <summary>
  3181. </summary>
  3182. </member>
  3183. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Dot">
  3184. <summary>
  3185. </summary>
  3186. </member>
  3187. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.DashLargeGap">
  3188. <summary>
  3189. </summary>
  3190. </member>
  3191. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.DotDash">
  3192. <summary>
  3193. </summary>
  3194. </member>
  3195. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.DotDotDash">
  3196. <summary>
  3197. </summary>
  3198. </member>
  3199. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Triple">
  3200. <summary>
  3201. </summary>
  3202. </member>
  3203. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThinThickSmallGap">
  3204. <summary>
  3205. </summary>
  3206. </member>
  3207. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThickThinSmallGap">
  3208. <summary>
  3209. </summary>
  3210. </member>
  3211. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThinThickThinSmallGap">
  3212. <summary>
  3213. </summary>
  3214. </member>
  3215. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThinThickMediumGap">
  3216. <summary>
  3217. </summary>
  3218. </member>
  3219. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThickThinMediumGap">
  3220. <summary>
  3221. </summary>
  3222. </member>
  3223. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThinThickThinMediumGap">
  3224. <summary>
  3225. </summary>
  3226. </member>
  3227. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThinThickLargeGap">
  3228. <summary>
  3229. </summary>
  3230. </member>
  3231. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThickThinLargeGap">
  3232. <summary>
  3233. </summary>
  3234. </member>
  3235. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.ThinThickThinLargeGap">
  3236. <summary>
  3237. </summary>
  3238. </member>
  3239. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Wave">
  3240. <summary>
  3241. </summary>
  3242. </member>
  3243. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.DoubleWave">
  3244. <summary>
  3245. </summary>
  3246. </member>
  3247. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.DashSmallGap">
  3248. <summary>
  3249. </summary>
  3250. </member>
  3251. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.DashDotStroker">
  3252. <summary>
  3253. </summary>
  3254. </member>
  3255. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Emboss3D">
  3256. <summary>
  3257. </summary>
  3258. </member>
  3259. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Engrave3D">
  3260. <summary>
  3261. </summary>
  3262. </member>
  3263. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Outset">
  3264. <summary>
  3265. </summary>
  3266. </member>
  3267. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineStyle.Inset">
  3268. <summary>
  3269. </summary>
  3270. </member>
  3271. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Shading">
  3272. <summary>
  3273. Contains shading attributes for an object.
  3274. </summary>
  3275. <dev>
  3276. This is a model and also presentation class that allows to see and modify shading attributes.
  3277. </dev>
  3278. </member>
  3279. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Shading.ClearFormatting">
  3280. <summary>
  3281. Removes shading from the object.
  3282. </summary>
  3283. </member>
  3284. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Shading.Equals(Aspose.Words.Shading)">
  3285. <summary>
  3286. Determines whether the specified Shading is equal in value to the current Shading.
  3287. </summary>
  3288. </member>
  3289. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Shading.Equals(System.Object)">
  3290. <summary>
  3291. Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.
  3292. </summary>
  3293. </member>
  3294. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Shading.GetHashCode">
  3295. <summary>
  3296. Serves as a hash function for this type.
  3297. </summary>
  3298. </member>
  3299. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor">
  3300. <summary>
  3301. Gets or sets the color that's applied to the background of the Shading object.
  3302. </summary>
  3303. </member>
  3304. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Shading.ForegroundPatternColor">
  3305. <summary>
  3306. Gets or sets the color that's applied to the foreground of the Shading object.
  3307. </summary>
  3308. </member>
  3309. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Shading.Texture">
  3310. <summary>
  3311. Gets or sets the shading texture.
  3312. </summary>
  3313. </member>
  3314. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex">
  3315. <summary>
  3316. Specifies shading texture.
  3317. </summary>
  3318. </member>
  3319. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture10Percent">
  3320. <summary>
  3321. </summary>
  3322. </member>
  3323. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture12Pt5Percent">
  3324. <summary>
  3325. </summary>
  3326. </member>
  3327. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture15Percent">
  3328. <summary>
  3329. </summary>
  3330. </member>
  3331. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture17Pt5Percent">
  3332. <summary>
  3333. </summary>
  3334. </member>
  3335. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture20Percent">
  3336. <summary>
  3337. </summary>
  3338. </member>
  3339. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture22Pt5Percent">
  3340. <summary>
  3341. </summary>
  3342. </member>
  3343. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture25Percent">
  3344. <summary>
  3345. </summary>
  3346. </member>
  3347. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture27Pt5Percent">
  3348. <summary>
  3349. </summary>
  3350. </member>
  3351. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture2Pt5Percent">
  3352. <summary>
  3353. </summary>
  3354. </member>
  3355. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture30Percent">
  3356. <summary>
  3357. </summary>
  3358. </member>
  3359. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture32Pt5Percent">
  3360. <summary>
  3361. </summary>
  3362. </member>
  3363. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture35Percent">
  3364. <summary>
  3365. </summary>
  3366. </member>
  3367. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture37Pt5Percent">
  3368. <summary>
  3369. </summary>
  3370. </member>
  3371. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture40Percent">
  3372. <summary>
  3373. </summary>
  3374. </member>
  3375. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture42Pt5Percent">
  3376. <summary>
  3377. </summary>
  3378. </member>
  3379. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture45Percent">
  3380. <summary>
  3381. </summary>
  3382. </member>
  3383. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture47Pt5Percent">
  3384. <summary>
  3385. </summary>
  3386. </member>
  3387. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture50Percent">
  3388. <summary>
  3389. </summary>
  3390. </member>
  3391. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture52Pt5Percent">
  3392. <summary>
  3393. </summary>
  3394. </member>
  3395. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture55Percent">
  3396. <summary>
  3397. </summary>
  3398. </member>
  3399. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture57Pt5Percent">
  3400. <summary>
  3401. </summary>
  3402. </member>
  3403. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture5Percent">
  3404. <summary>
  3405. </summary>
  3406. </member>
  3407. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture60Percent">
  3408. <summary>
  3409. </summary>
  3410. </member>
  3411. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture62Pt5Percent">
  3412. <summary>
  3413. </summary>
  3414. </member>
  3415. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture65Percent">
  3416. <summary>
  3417. </summary>
  3418. </member>
  3419. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture67Pt5Percent">
  3420. <summary>
  3421. </summary>
  3422. </member>
  3423. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture70Percent">
  3424. <summary>
  3425. </summary>
  3426. </member>
  3427. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture72Pt5Percent">
  3428. <summary>
  3429. </summary>
  3430. </member>
  3431. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture75Percent">
  3432. <summary>
  3433. </summary>
  3434. </member>
  3435. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture77Pt5Percent">
  3436. <summary>
  3437. </summary>
  3438. </member>
  3439. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture7Pt5Percent">
  3440. <summary>
  3441. </summary>
  3442. </member>
  3443. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture80Percent">
  3444. <summary>
  3445. </summary>
  3446. </member>
  3447. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture82Pt5Percent">
  3448. <summary>
  3449. </summary>
  3450. </member>
  3451. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture85Percent">
  3452. <summary>
  3453. </summary>
  3454. </member>
  3455. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture87Pt5Percent">
  3456. <summary>
  3457. </summary>
  3458. </member>
  3459. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture90Percent">
  3460. <summary>
  3461. </summary>
  3462. </member>
  3463. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture92Pt5Percent">
  3464. <summary>
  3465. </summary>
  3466. </member>
  3467. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture95Percent">
  3468. <summary>
  3469. </summary>
  3470. </member>
  3471. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.Texture97Pt5Percent">
  3472. <summary>
  3473. </summary>
  3474. </member>
  3475. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureCross">
  3476. <summary>
  3477. </summary>
  3478. </member>
  3479. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDarkCross">
  3480. <summary>
  3481. </summary>
  3482. </member>
  3483. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDarkDiagonalCross">
  3484. <summary>
  3485. </summary>
  3486. </member>
  3487. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDarkDiagonalDown">
  3488. <summary>
  3489. </summary>
  3490. </member>
  3491. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDarkDiagonalUp">
  3492. <summary>
  3493. </summary>
  3494. </member>
  3495. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDarkHorizontal">
  3496. <summary>
  3497. </summary>
  3498. </member>
  3499. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDarkVertical">
  3500. <summary>
  3501. </summary>
  3502. </member>
  3503. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDiagonalCross">
  3504. <summary>
  3505. </summary>
  3506. </member>
  3507. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDiagonalDown">
  3508. <summary>
  3509. </summary>
  3510. </member>
  3511. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureDiagonalUp">
  3512. <summary>
  3513. </summary>
  3514. </member>
  3515. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureHorizontal">
  3516. <summary>
  3517. </summary>
  3518. </member>
  3519. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureNone">
  3520. <summary>
  3521. </summary>
  3522. </member>
  3523. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureSolid">
  3524. <summary>
  3525. </summary>
  3526. </member>
  3527. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureVertical">
  3528. <summary>
  3529. </summary>
  3530. </member>
  3531. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextureIndex.TextureNil">
  3532. <summary>
  3533. Specifies that there shall be no pattern used on the current shaded region
  3534. (i.e. the pattern shall be a complete fill with the background color).
  3535. </summary>
  3536. <dev>
  3537. Actually the Word does not renders shading with such pattern type i.e. shading is invisible (WORDSNET-17402).
  3538. </dev>
  3539. </member>
  3540. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.AbsolutePositionTab">
  3541. <summary>
  3542. An absolute position tab is a character which is used to advance the position on
  3543. the current line of text when displaying this WordprocessingML content.
  3544. </summary>
  3545. </member>
  3546. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.AbsolutePositionTab.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  3547. <summary>
  3548. Accepts a visitor.
  3549. </summary>
  3550. <remarks>
  3551. <p>Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitAbsolutePositionTab.</p>
  3552. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  3553. </remarks>
  3554. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  3555. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  3556. </member>
  3557. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode">
  3558. <summary>
  3559. Base class for nodes that can contain other nodes.
  3560. </summary>
  3561. <remarks>
  3562. <p>A document is represented as a tree of nodes, similar to DOM or XmlDocument.</p>
  3563. <p>For more info see the Composite design pattern.</p>
  3564. <p>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode" /> class:</p>
  3565. <list type="bullet">
  3566. <item>Provides access to the child nodes.</item>
  3567. <item>Implements Composite operations such as insert and remove children.</item>
  3568. <item>Provides methods for XPath navigation.</item>
  3569. </list>
  3570. </remarks>
  3571. <dev>
  3572. Maintains a pointer to the list of children.
  3573. Provides helper methods to insert or remove a whole range of nodes.
  3574. Inserting and removing children are the most important features here.
  3575. Public API methods for insert and remove verify the arguments well and raise the insert/delete
  3576. node events to the owner document.
  3577. The child nodes are stored in a doubly linked list and the composite node knows its first and last children.
  3578. This approach was taken from XmlElement (with addition of doubly linking). Inserting or removing a node just
  3579. means updating the PrevSibling, NextSibling and ParentNode of the appropriate nodes.
  3580. </dev>
  3581. </member>
  3582. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.GetText">
  3583. <summary>
  3584. Gets the text of this node and of all its children.
  3585. </summary>
  3586. <remarks>
  3587. <p>The returned string includes all control and special characters as described in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ControlChar" />.</p>
  3588. </remarks>
  3589. </member>
  3590. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.GetChildNodes(Aspose.Words.NodeType,System.Boolean)">
  3591. <overloads>Returns a collection of child nodes that match the specified type.</overloads>
  3592. <summary>
  3593. Returns a live collection of child nodes that match the specified type.
  3594. </summary>
  3595. <remarks>
  3596. <p>The collection of nodes returned by this method is always live.</p>
  3597. <remarks>
  3598. <p>A live collection is always in sync with the document. For example, if you
  3599. selected all sections in a document and enumerate through the collection
  3600. deleting the sections, the section is removed from the collection immediately
  3601. when it is removed from the document.</p>
  3602. </remarks>
  3603. </remarks>
  3604. <param name="nodeType">Specifies the type of nodes to select.</param>
  3605. <param name="isDeep">True to select from all child nodes recursively.
  3606. False to select only among immediate children. </param>
  3607. <returns>A live collection of child nodes of the specified type.</returns>
  3608. </member>
  3609. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.GetChildNodes(Aspose.Words.NodeType[],System.Boolean)">
  3610. <summary>
  3611. Returns a live collection of child nodes that match the specified types.
  3612. </summary>
  3613. </member>
  3614. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.GetChild(Aspose.Words.NodeType,System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
  3615. <summary>
  3616. Returns an Nth child node that matches the specified type.
  3617. </summary>
  3618. <remarks>
  3619. <p>If index is out of range, a null is returned.</p>
  3620. </remarks>
  3621. <param name="nodeType">Specifies the type of the child node.</param>
  3622. <param name="index">Zero based index of the child node to select.
  3623. Negative indexes are also allowed and indicate access from the end,
  3624. that is -1 means the last node.</param>
  3625. <param name="isDeep">True to select from all child nodes recursively.
  3626. False to select only among immediate children. See remarks for more info.</param>
  3627. <returns>The child node that matches the criteria or null if no matching node is found.</returns>
  3628. <remarks>Note that markup nodes (<see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.StructuredDocumentTag" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.SmartTag" />)
  3629. are traversed even when isDeep = false and GetChild is invoked for non-markup node type. For example if the first run in a para
  3630. is wrapped in a StructuredDocumentTag, it will still be returned by GetChild(NodeType.Run, 0, false).</remarks>
  3631. </member>
  3632. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.SelectNodes(System.String)">
  3633. <summary>
  3634. Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression.
  3635. </summary>
  3636. <remarks>
  3637. <p>Only expressions with element names are supported at the moment. Expressions
  3638. that use attribute names are not supported.</p>
  3639. </remarks>
  3640. <param name="xpath">The XPath expression.</param>
  3641. <returns>A list of nodes matching the XPath query.</returns>
  3642. </member>
  3643. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.SelectSingleNode(System.String)">
  3644. <summary>
  3645. Selects the first Node that matches the XPath expression.
  3646. </summary>
  3647. <remarks>
  3648. <p>Only expressions with element names are supported at the moment. Expressions
  3649. that use attribute names are not supported.</p>
  3650. </remarks>
  3651. <param name="xpath">The XPath expression.</param>
  3652. <returns>The first Node that matches the XPath query or null if no matching node is found.</returns>
  3653. </member>
  3654. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.GetEnumerator">
  3655. <summary>
  3656. Provides support for the for each style iteration over the child nodes of this node.
  3657. </summary>
  3658. </member>
  3659. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.AppendChild(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3660. <summary>
  3661. Adds the specified node to the end of the list of child nodes for this node.
  3662. </summary>
  3663. <remarks>
  3664. <p>If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.</p>
  3665. <p>If the node being inserted was created from another document, you should use
  3666. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)" /> to import the node to the current document.
  3667. The imported node can then be inserted into the current document.</p>
  3668. </remarks>
  3669. <param name="newChild">The node to add.</param>
  3670. <returns>The node added.</returns>
  3671. </member>
  3672. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.PrependChild(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3673. <summary>
  3674. Adds the specified node to the beginning of the list of child nodes for this node.
  3675. </summary>
  3676. <remarks>
  3677. <p>If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.</p>
  3678. <p>If the node being inserted was created from another document, you should use
  3679. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)" /> to import the node to the current document.
  3680. The imported node can then be inserted into the current document.</p>
  3681. </remarks>
  3682. <param name="newChild">The node to add.</param>
  3683. <returns>The node added.</returns>
  3684. </member>
  3685. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3686. <summary>
  3687. Inserts the specified node immediately after the specified reference node.
  3688. </summary>
  3689. <remarks>
  3690. <p>If refChild is null, inserts newChild at the beginning of the list of child nodes.</p>
  3691. </remarks>
  3692. <remarks>
  3693. <p>If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.</p>
  3694. <p>If the node being inserted was created from another document, you should use
  3695. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)" /> to import the node to the current document.
  3696. The imported node can then be inserted into the current document.</p>
  3697. </remarks>
  3698. <param name="newChild">The Node to insert.</param>
  3699. <param name="refChild">The Node that is the reference node. The newNode is placed after the refNode. </param>
  3700. <returns>The inserted node.</returns>
  3701. </member>
  3702. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3703. <summary>
  3704. Inserts the specified node immediately before the specified reference node.
  3705. </summary>
  3706. <remarks>
  3707. <p>If refChild is null, inserts newChild at the end of the list of child nodes.</p>
  3708. </remarks>
  3709. <remarks>
  3710. <p>If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.</p>
  3711. <p>If the node being inserted was created from another document, you should use
  3712. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)" /> to import the node to the current document.
  3713. The imported node can then be inserted into the current document.</p>
  3714. </remarks>
  3715. <param name="newChild">The Node to insert.</param>
  3716. <param name="refChild">The Node that is the reference node. The newChild is placed before this node.</param>
  3717. <returns>The inserted node.</returns>
  3718. </member>
  3719. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.RemoveChild(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3720. <summary>
  3721. Removes the specified child node.
  3722. </summary>
  3723. <remarks>
  3724. <p>The parent of oldChild is set to null after the node is removed.</p>
  3725. </remarks>
  3726. <param name="oldChild">The node to remove.</param>
  3727. <returns>The removed node.</returns>
  3728. </member>
  3729. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.RemoveAllChildren">
  3730. <summary>
  3731. Removes all the child nodes of the current node.
  3732. </summary>
  3733. </member>
  3734. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.RemoveSmartTags">
  3735. <summary>
  3736. Removes all <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag" /> descendant nodes of the current node.
  3737. </summary>
  3738. <remarks>This method does not remove the content of the smart tags.</remarks>
  3739. </member>
  3740. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3741. <summary>
  3742. Inserts nodes starting from the start node up to, but not including the end node
  3743. into this node before the reference node.
  3744. </summary>
  3745. <param name="start">Node to start moving from.</param>
  3746. <param name="end">Can be null to indicate move all from start to the end.</param>
  3747. <param name="refNode">The nodes will be inserted before this node.</param>
  3748. </member>
  3749. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3750. <summary>
  3751. Inserts nodes starting from the start node up to, but not including the end node
  3752. into this node after the reference node.
  3753. </summary>
  3754. <param name="start">Node to start moving from.</param>
  3755. <param name="end">Can be null to indicate move all from start to the end.</param>
  3756. <param name="refNode">The nodes will be inserted after this node.</param>
  3757. </member>
  3758. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.IndexOf(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3759. <summary>
  3760. Returns the index of the specified child node in the child node array.
  3761. </summary>
  3762. <remarks>
  3763. Returns -1 if the node is not found in the child nodes.
  3764. </remarks>
  3765. </member>
  3766. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.CreateNavigator">
  3767. <summary>
  3768. Reserved for system use. IXPathNavigable.
  3769. </summary>
  3770. </member>
  3771. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.IsComposite">
  3772. <summary>
  3773. Returns true as this node can have child nodes.
  3774. </summary>
  3775. </member>
  3776. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.HasChildNodes">
  3777. <summary>
  3778. Returns true if this node has any child nodes.
  3779. </summary>
  3780. </member>
  3781. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.ChildNodes">
  3782. <summary>
  3783. Gets all immediate child nodes of this node.
  3784. </summary>
  3785. <remarks>
  3786. <p>Note, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.ChildNodes" /> is equivalent to calling <c>GetChildNodes(NodeType.Any, false)</c>
  3787. and creates and returns a new collection every time it is accessed.</p>
  3788. <p>If there are no child nodes, this property returns an empty collection.</p>
  3789. </remarks>
  3790. </member>
  3791. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.FirstChild">
  3792. <summary>
  3793. Gets the first child of the node.
  3794. </summary>
  3795. <remarks>
  3796. If there is no first child node, a null is returned.
  3797. </remarks>
  3798. </member>
  3799. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.LastChild">
  3800. <summary>
  3801. Gets the last child of the node.
  3802. </summary>
  3803. <remarks>
  3804. If there is no last child node, a null is returned.
  3805. </remarks>
  3806. </member>
  3807. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.Count">
  3808. <summary>
  3809. Gets the number of immediate children of this node.
  3810. </summary>
  3811. </member>
  3812. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Node">
  3813. <summary>
  3814. Base class for all nodes of a Word document.
  3815. </summary>
  3816. <remarks>
  3817. <p>A document is represented as a tree of nodes, similar to DOM or XmlDocument.</p>
  3818. <p>For more info see the Composite design pattern.</p>
  3819. <p>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Node" /> class:</p>
  3820. <list type="bullet">
  3821. <item>Defines the child node interface.</item>
  3822. <item>Defines the interface for visiting nodes.</item>
  3823. <item>Provides default cloning capability.</item>
  3824. <item>Implements parent node and owner document mechanisms.</item>
  3825. <item>Implements access to sibling nodes.</item>
  3826. </list>
  3827. </remarks>
  3828. </member>
  3829. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Clone(System.Boolean)">
  3830. <summary>
  3831. Creates a duplicate of the node.
  3832. </summary>
  3833. <remarks>
  3834. <p>This method serves as a copy constructor for nodes.
  3835. The cloned node has no parent, but belongs to the same document as the original node.</p>
  3836. <p>This method always performs a deep copy of the node. The <i>isCloneChildren</i> parameter
  3837. specifies whether to perform copy all child nodes as well.</p>
  3838. </remarks>
  3839. <param name="isCloneChildren">True to recursively clone the subtree under the specified node;
  3840. false to clone only the node itself.</param>
  3841. <returns>The cloned node.</returns>
  3842. <dev>
  3843. You should use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Clone(System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.INodeCloningListener)" /> overload when
  3844. the node cloning is a part of another (usually composite) node cloning process.
  3845. And you should pass down the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.INodeCloningListener" /> parameter in this case.
  3846. </dev>
  3847. </member>
  3848. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  3849. <summary>
  3850. Accepts a visitor.
  3851. </summary>
  3852. <remarks>
  3853. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  3854. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  3855. </remarks>
  3856. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  3857. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  3858. </member>
  3859. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.GetText">
  3860. <summary>
  3861. Gets the text of this node and of all its children.
  3862. </summary>
  3863. <remarks>
  3864. <p>The returned string includes all control and special characters as described in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ControlChar" />.</p>
  3865. </remarks>
  3866. </member>
  3867. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.GetAncestor(System.Type)">
  3868. <summary>
  3869. Gets the first ancestor of the specified object type.
  3870. </summary>
  3871. <param name="ancestorType">The object type of the ancestor to retrieve.</param>
  3872. <returns>The ancestor of the specified type or null if no ancestor of this type was found.</returns>
  3873. <remarks>
  3874. <p>The ancestor type matches if it is equal to ancestorType or derived from ancestorType.</p>
  3875. </remarks>
  3876. </member>
  3877. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.GetAncestor(Aspose.Words.NodeType)">
  3878. <summary>
  3879. Gets the first ancestor of the specified <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeType" />.
  3880. </summary>
  3881. <param name="ancestorType">The node type of the ancestor to retrieve.</param>
  3882. <returns>The ancestor of the specified type or null if no ancestor of this type was found.</returns>
  3883. </member>
  3884. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Remove">
  3885. <summary>
  3886. Removes itself from the parent.
  3887. </summary>
  3888. </member>
  3889. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.NextPreOrder(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3890. <summary>
  3891. Gets next node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
  3892. </summary>
  3893. <param name="rootNode">The top node (limit) of traversal.</param>
  3894. <returns>Next node in pre-order order. Null if reached the rootNode.</returns>
  3895. </member>
  3896. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.PreviousPreOrder(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  3897. <summary>
  3898. Gets the previous node according to the pre-order tree traversal algorithm.
  3899. </summary>
  3900. <param name="rootNode">The top node (limit) of traversal.</param>
  3901. <returns>Previous node in pre-order order. Null if reached the rootNode.</returns>
  3902. </member>
  3903. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.ToString(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  3904. <summary>
  3905. Exports the content of the node into a string in the specified format.
  3906. </summary>
  3907. <returns>The content of the node in the specified format.</returns>
  3908. </member>
  3909. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.ToString(Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)">
  3910. <summary>
  3911. Exports the content of the node into a string using the specified save options.
  3912. </summary>
  3913. <param name="saveOptions">Specifies the options that control how the node is saved.</param>
  3914. <returns>The content of the node in the specified format.</returns>
  3915. </member>
  3916. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Node.NodeTypeToString(Aspose.Words.NodeType)">
  3917. <summary>
  3918. A utility method that converts a node type enum value into a user friendly string.
  3919. </summary>
  3920. </member>
  3921. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Node.NodeType">
  3922. <summary>
  3923. Gets the type of this node.
  3924. </summary>
  3925. </member>
  3926. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Node.ParentNode">
  3927. <summary>
  3928. Gets the immediate parent of this node.
  3929. </summary>
  3930. <remarks>
  3931. <p>If a node has just been created and not yet added to the tree,
  3932. or if it has been removed from the tree, the parent is null.</p>
  3933. </remarks>
  3934. </member>
  3935. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Node.Document">
  3936. <summary>
  3937. Gets the document to which this node belongs.
  3938. </summary>
  3939. <remarks>
  3940. <p>The node always belongs to a document even if it has just been created
  3941. and not yet added to the tree, or if it has been removed from the tree.</p>
  3942. </remarks>
  3943. </member>
  3944. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Node.PreviousSibling">
  3945. <summary>
  3946. Gets the node immediately preceding this node.
  3947. </summary>
  3948. <remarks>
  3949. If there is no preceding node, a null is returned.
  3950. </remarks>
  3951. </member>
  3952. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Node.NextSibling">
  3953. <summary>
  3954. Gets the node immediately following this node.
  3955. </summary>
  3956. <remarks>
  3957. If there is no next node, a null is returned.
  3958. </remarks>
  3959. </member>
  3960. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Node.IsComposite">
  3961. <summary>
  3962. Returns true if this node can contain other nodes.
  3963. </summary>
  3964. <value>This method returns false as Node cannot have child nodes.</value>
  3965. </member>
  3966. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Node.Range">
  3967. <summary>
  3968. Returns a <b>Range</b> object that represents the portion of a document that is contained in this node.
  3969. </summary>
  3970. </member>
  3971. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingAction">
  3972. <summary>
  3973. Specifies the type of node change.
  3974. </summary>
  3975. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs" />
  3976. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs.Action" />
  3977. </member>
  3978. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingAction.Insert">
  3979. <summary>
  3980. A node is being inserted in the tree.
  3981. </summary>
  3982. </member>
  3983. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingAction.Remove">
  3984. <summary>
  3985. A node is being removed from the tree.
  3986. </summary>
  3987. </member>
  3988. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs">
  3989. <summary>
  3990. Provides data for methods of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.INodeChangingCallback" /> interface.
  3991. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase" /><seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.INodeChangingCallback" /><seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingAction" /></summary>
  3992. </member>
  3993. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs.Node">
  3994. <summary>
  3995. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs.Node" /> that is being added or removed.
  3996. </summary>
  3997. </member>
  3998. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs.OldParent">
  3999. <summary>
  4000. Gets the node's parent before the operation began.
  4001. </summary>
  4002. </member>
  4003. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs.NewParent">
  4004. <summary>
  4005. Gets the node's parent that will be set after the operation completes.
  4006. </summary>
  4007. </member>
  4008. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs.Action">
  4009. <summary>
  4010. Gets a value indicating what type of node change event is occurring.
  4011. </summary>
  4012. </member>
  4013. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.INodeChangingCallback">
  4014. <summary>
  4015. Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications when nodes are inserted or removed in the document.
  4016. </summary>
  4017. </member>
  4018. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.INodeChangingCallback.NodeInserting(Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs)">
  4019. <summary>
  4020. Called just before a node belonging to this document is about to be inserted into another node.
  4021. </summary>
  4022. </member>
  4023. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.INodeChangingCallback.NodeInserted(Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs)">
  4024. <summary>
  4025. Called when a node belonging to this document has been inserted into another node.
  4026. </summary>
  4027. </member>
  4028. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.INodeChangingCallback.NodeRemoving(Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs)">
  4029. <summary>
  4030. Called just before a node belonging to this document is about to be removed from the document.
  4031. </summary>
  4032. </member>
  4033. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.INodeChangingCallback.NodeRemoved(Aspose.Words.NodeChangingArgs)">
  4034. <summary>
  4035. Called when a node belonging to this document has been removed from its parent.
  4036. </summary>
  4037. </member>
  4038. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection">
  4039. <summary>
  4040. Represents a collection of nodes of a specific type.
  4041. </summary>
  4042. <remarks>
  4043. <p>
  4044. <b>NodeCollection</b> does not own the nodes it contains, rather, is just a selection of nodes
  4045. of the specified type, but the nodes are stored in the tree under their respective parent nodes.</p>
  4046. <p>
  4047. <b>NodeCollection</b> supports indexed access, iteration and provides add and remove methods.</p>
  4048. <p>The <b>NodeCollection</b> collection is "live", i.e. changes to the children of the node object
  4049. that it was created from are immediately reflected in the nodes returned by the <b>NodeCollection</b>
  4050. properties and methods.</p>
  4051. <p>
  4052. <b>NodeCollection</b> is returned by <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.GetChildNodes(Aspose.Words.NodeType,System.Boolean)" />
  4053. and also serves as a base class for typed node collections such as <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SectionCollection" />,
  4054. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ParagraphCollection" /> etc.</p>
  4055. <p>
  4056. <b>NodeCollection</b> can be "flat" and contain only immediate children of the node it was created
  4057. from, or it can be "deep" and contain all descendant children.</p>
  4058. </remarks>
  4059. </member>
  4060. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  4061. <summary>
  4062. Adds a node to the end of the collection.
  4063. </summary>
  4064. <remarks>
  4065. <p>The node is inserted as a child into the node object from which the collection was created.</p>
  4066. </remarks>
  4067. <remarks>
  4068. <p>If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.</p>
  4069. <p>If the node being inserted was created from another document, you should use
  4070. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)" /> to import the node to the current document.
  4071. The imported node can then be inserted into the current document.</p>
  4072. </remarks>
  4073. <param name="node">The node to be added to the end of the collection.</param>
  4074. <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <b>NodeCollection</b> is a "deep" collection.</exception>
  4075. </member>
  4076. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.Insert(System.Int32,Aspose.Words.Node)">
  4077. <summary>
  4078. Inserts a node into the collection at the specified index.
  4079. </summary>
  4080. <remarks>
  4081. <p>The node is inserted as a child into the node object from which the collection was created.</p>
  4082. <p>If the index is equal to or greater than Count, the node is added at the end of the collection.</p>
  4083. <p>If the index is negative and its absolute value is greater than Count, the node is added at the end of the collection.</p>
  4084. </remarks>
  4085. <remarks>
  4086. <p>If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed.</p>
  4087. <p>If the node being inserted was created from another document, you should use
  4088. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)" /> to import the node to the current document.
  4089. The imported node can then be inserted into the current document.</p>
  4090. </remarks>
  4091. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the node.
  4092. Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the list.
  4093. For example -1 means the last node, -2 means the second before last and so on.</param>
  4094. <param name="node">The node to insert.</param>
  4095. <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The <b>NodeCollection</b> is a "deep" collection.</exception>
  4096. </member>
  4097. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.Remove(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  4098. <summary>
  4099. Removes the node from the collection and from the document.
  4100. </summary>
  4101. <param name="node">The node to remove.</param>
  4102. </member>
  4103. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  4104. <summary>
  4105. Removes the node at the specified index from the collection and from the document.
  4106. </summary>
  4107. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the node.
  4108. Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the list.
  4109. For example -1 means the last node, -2 means the second before last and so on.</param>
  4110. </member>
  4111. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.Clear">
  4112. <summary>
  4113. Removes all nodes from this collection and from the document.
  4114. </summary>
  4115. </member>
  4116. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.Contains(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  4117. <summary>
  4118. Determines whether a node is in the collection.
  4119. </summary>
  4120. <remarks>
  4121. <p>This method performs a linear search; therefore, the average execution time is proportional to Count.</p>
  4122. </remarks>
  4123. <param name="node">The node to locate.</param>
  4124. <returns>True if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
  4125. </member>
  4126. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.IndexOf(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  4127. <summary>
  4128. Returns the zero-based index of the specified node.
  4129. </summary>
  4130. <param name="node">The node to locate.</param>
  4131. <returns>The zero-based index of the node within the collection, if found; otherwise, -1.</returns>
  4132. <remarks>
  4133. <p>This method performs a linear search; therefore, the average execution time is proportional to Count.</p>
  4134. </remarks>
  4135. </member>
  4136. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.ToArray">
  4137. <summary>
  4138. Copies all nodes from the collection to a new array of nodes.
  4139. </summary>
  4140. <remarks>
  4141. <p>You should not be adding/removing nodes while iterating over a collection
  4142. of nodes because it invalidates the iterator and requires refreshes for live collections.</p>
  4143. <p>To be able to add/remove nodes during iteration, use this method to copy
  4144. nodes into a fixed-size array and then iterate over the array.</p>
  4145. </remarks>
  4146. <returns>An array of nodes.</returns>
  4147. </member>
  4148. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.GetEnumerator">
  4149. <summary>
  4150. Provides a simple "foreach" style iteration over the collection of nodes.
  4151. </summary>
  4152. <returns>An IEnumerator.</returns>
  4153. </member>
  4154. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  4155. <summary>
  4156. Retrieves a node at the given index.
  4157. </summary>
  4158. <param name="index">An index into the collection of nodes.</param>
  4159. <remarks>
  4160. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  4161. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  4162. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  4163. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  4164. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  4165. </remarks>
  4166. </member>
  4167. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.NodeCollection.Count">
  4168. <summary>
  4169. Gets the number of nodes in the collection.
  4170. </summary>
  4171. </member>
  4172. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.NodeList">
  4173. <summary>
  4174. Represents a collection of nodes matching an XPath query executed using the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.SelectNodes(System.String)" /> method.
  4175. </summary>
  4176. <remarks>
  4177. <p>
  4178. <b>NodeList</b> is returned by <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.SelectNodes(System.String)" /> and contains a collection
  4179. of nodes matching the XPath query.</p>
  4180. <p>
  4181. <b>NodeList</b> supports indexed access and iteration.</p>
  4182. <note>Treat the <b>NodeList</b> collection as a "snapshot" collection. <b>NodeList</b> starts
  4183. as a "live" collection because the nodes are not actually retrieved when the XPath query is run.
  4184. The nodes are only retrieved upon access and at this time the node and all nodes that precede
  4185. it are cached forming a "snapshot" collection.</note>
  4186. </remarks>
  4187. </member>
  4188. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeList.ToArray">
  4189. <summary>
  4190. Copies all nodes from the collection to a new array of nodes.
  4191. </summary>
  4192. <remarks>
  4193. <p>You should not be adding/removing nodes while iterating over a collection
  4194. of nodes because it invalidates the iterator and requires refreshes for live collections.</p>
  4195. <p>To be able to add/remove nodes during iteration, use this method to copy
  4196. nodes into a fixed-size array and then iterate over the array.</p>
  4197. </remarks>
  4198. <returns>An array of nodes.</returns>
  4199. </member>
  4200. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeList.GetEnumerator">
  4201. <summary>
  4202. Provides a simple "foreach" style iteration over the collection of nodes.
  4203. </summary>
  4204. <returns>An IEnumerator.</returns>
  4205. </member>
  4206. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.NodeList.Item(System.Int32)">
  4207. <summary>
  4208. Retrieves a node at the given index.
  4209. </summary>
  4210. <remarks>
  4211. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  4212. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  4213. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  4214. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  4215. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  4216. </remarks>
  4217. <param name="index">An index into the list of nodes.</param>
  4218. </member>
  4219. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.NodeList.Count">
  4220. <summary>
  4221. Gets the number of nodes in the list.
  4222. </summary>
  4223. </member>
  4224. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.NodeType">
  4225. <summary>
  4226. Specifies the type of a Word document node.
  4227. </summary>
  4228. <dev>
  4229. <p>Enumerated node types are provided as a common denominator to ensure all functionality
  4230. is accessible to all clients (including COM applications that might not have full access
  4231. to the runtime type information).</p>
  4232. </dev>
  4233. </member>
  4234. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Any">
  4235. <summary>
  4236. Indicates all node types. Allows to select all children.
  4237. </summary>
  4238. </member>
  4239. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Document">
  4240. <summary>
  4241. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object that, as the root of the document tree,
  4242. provides access to the entire Word document.</p>
  4243. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> node can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" /> nodes.</p>
  4244. </summary>
  4245. </member>
  4246. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Section">
  4247. <summary>
  4248. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" /> object that corresponds to one section in a Word document.</p>
  4249. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" /> node can have <b>Body</b> and <b>HeaderFooter</b> nodes.</p>
  4250. </summary>
  4251. </member>
  4252. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Body">
  4253. <summary>
  4254. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" /> object that contains the main text of a section (main text story).</p>
  4255. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" /> node can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes.</p>
  4256. </summary>
  4257. </member>
  4258. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.HeaderFooter">
  4259. <summary>
  4260. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" /> object that contains text of a particular header or footer inside a section.</p>
  4261. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" /> node can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes.</p>
  4262. </summary>
  4263. </member>
  4264. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Table">
  4265. <summary>
  4266. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> object that represents a table in a Word document.</p>
  4267. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> node can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row" /> nodes.</p>
  4268. </summary>
  4269. </member>
  4270. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Row">
  4271. <summary>
  4272. <p>A row of a table.</p>
  4273. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row" /> node can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell" /> nodes.</p>
  4274. </summary>
  4275. </member>
  4276. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Cell">
  4277. <summary>
  4278. <p>A cell of a table row.</p>
  4279. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell" /> node can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes.</p>
  4280. </summary>
  4281. </member>
  4282. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Paragraph">
  4283. <summary>
  4284. <p>A paragraph of text.</p>
  4285. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> node is a container for inline level elements
  4286. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" />,
  4287. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart" />,
  4288. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator" />,
  4289. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd" />,
  4290. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField" />,
  4291. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" />,
  4292. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />,
  4293. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Footnote" />,
  4294. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" />,
  4295. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SpecialChar" />,
  4296. as well as <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd" />.</p>
  4297. </summary>
  4298. </member>
  4299. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.BookmarkStart">
  4300. <summary>
  4301. <p>A beginning of a bookmark marker.</p>
  4302. </summary>
  4303. </member>
  4304. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.BookmarkEnd">
  4305. <summary>
  4306. <p>An end of a bookmark marker.</p>
  4307. </summary>
  4308. </member>
  4309. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.EditableRangeStart">
  4310. <summary>
  4311. <p>A beginning of an editable range.</p>
  4312. </summary>
  4313. </member>
  4314. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.EditableRangeEnd">
  4315. <summary>
  4316. <p>An end of an editable range.</p>
  4317. </summary>
  4318. </member>
  4319. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.MoveFromRangeStart">
  4320. <summary>
  4321. <p>A beginning of an MoveFrom range.</p>
  4322. </summary>
  4323. </member>
  4324. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.MoveFromRangeEnd">
  4325. <summary>
  4326. <p>An end of an MoveFrom range.</p>
  4327. </summary>
  4328. </member>
  4329. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.MoveToRangeStart">
  4330. <summary>
  4331. <p>A beginning of an MoveTo range.</p>
  4332. </summary>
  4333. </member>
  4334. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.MoveToRangeEnd">
  4335. <summary>
  4336. <p>An end of an MoveTo range.</p>
  4337. </summary>
  4338. </member>
  4339. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.GroupShape">
  4340. <summary>
  4341. <p>A group of shapes, images, OLE objects or other group shapes.</p>
  4342. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" /> node can contain other
  4343. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" /> nodes.</p>
  4344. </summary>
  4345. </member>
  4346. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Shape">
  4347. <summary>
  4348. <p>A drawing object, such as an OfficeArt shape, image or an OLE object.</p>
  4349. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> node can contain <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />
  4350. and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes.</p>
  4351. </summary>
  4352. </member>
  4353. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Comment">
  4354. <summary>
  4355. <p>A comment in a Word document.</p>
  4356. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> node can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes.</p>
  4357. </summary>
  4358. </member>
  4359. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Footnote">
  4360. <summary>
  4361. <p>A footnote or endnote in a Word document.</p>
  4362. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Footnote" /> node can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes.</p>
  4363. </summary>
  4364. </member>
  4365. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Run">
  4366. <summary>
  4367. <p>A run of text.</p>
  4368. </summary>
  4369. </member>
  4370. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.FieldStart">
  4371. <summary>
  4372. <p>A special character that designates the start of a Word field.</p>
  4373. </summary>
  4374. </member>
  4375. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.FieldSeparator">
  4376. <summary>
  4377. <p>A special character that separates the field code from the field result.</p>
  4378. </summary>
  4379. </member>
  4380. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.FieldEnd">
  4381. <summary>
  4382. <p>A special character that designates the end of a Word field.</p>
  4383. </summary>
  4384. </member>
  4385. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.FormField">
  4386. <summary>
  4387. <p>A form field.</p>
  4388. </summary>
  4389. </member>
  4390. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.SpecialChar">
  4391. <summary>
  4392. <p>A special character that is not one of the more specific special character types.</p>
  4393. </summary>
  4394. </member>
  4395. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.SmartTag">
  4396. <summary>
  4397. <para>A smart tag around one or more inline structures (runs, images, fields,etc.) within a paragraph</para>
  4398. </summary>
  4399. </member>
  4400. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.StructuredDocumentTag">
  4401. <summary>
  4402. <para>Allows to define customer-specific information and its means of presentation.</para>
  4403. </summary>
  4404. </member>
  4405. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart">
  4406. <summary>
  4407. <para>A start of <b>ranged</b> structured document tag which accepts multi-sections content.</para>
  4408. </summary>
  4409. </member>
  4410. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.StructuredDocumentTagRangeEnd">
  4411. <summary>
  4412. <para>A end of <b>ranged</b> structured document tag which accepts multi-sections content.</para>
  4413. </summary>
  4414. </member>
  4415. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.GlossaryDocument">
  4416. <summary>
  4417. <para>A glossary document within the main document.</para>
  4418. </summary>
  4419. </member>
  4420. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.BuildingBlock">
  4421. <summary>
  4422. <para>A building block within a glossary document (e.g. glossary document entry).</para>
  4423. </summary>
  4424. </member>
  4425. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.CommentRangeStart">
  4426. <summary>
  4427. A marker node that represents the start of a commented range.
  4428. </summary>
  4429. </member>
  4430. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.CommentRangeEnd">
  4431. <summary>
  4432. A marker node that represents the end of a commented range.
  4433. </summary>
  4434. </member>
  4435. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.OfficeMath">
  4436. <summary>
  4437. <para> An Office Math object. Can be equation, function, matrix or one of other mathematical objects.
  4438. Can be a collection of mathematical object and also can contain some non-mathematical objects such as runs of text.</para>
  4439. </summary>
  4440. </member>
  4441. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.SubDocument">
  4442. <summary>
  4443. A subdocument node which is a link to another document.
  4444. </summary>
  4445. </member>
  4446. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.System">
  4447. <summary>
  4448. Reserved for internal use by Aspose.Words.
  4449. </summary>
  4450. </member>
  4451. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Null">
  4452. <summary>
  4453. Reserved for internal use by Aspose.Words.
  4454. </summary>
  4455. </member>
  4456. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd">
  4457. <summary>
  4458. Denotes the end of a region of text that has a comment associated with it.
  4459. </summary>
  4460. <remarks>
  4461. <para>To create a comment anchored to a region of text, you need to create a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> and
  4462. then create <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" /> and set their identifiers
  4463. to the same <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Id" /> value.</para>
  4464. <p>
  4465. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" /> is an inline-level node and can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</p>
  4466. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" />
  4467. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" />
  4468. </remarks>
  4469. </member>
  4470. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,System.Int32)">
  4471. <summary>
  4472. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  4473. </summary>
  4474. <remarks>
  4475. <p>When <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" /> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  4476. yet part of the document and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Node.ParentNode" /> is null.</p>
  4477. <p>To append a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" /> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  4478. on the paragraph where you want the comment inserted.</p>
  4479. </remarks>
  4480. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  4481. <param name="id">The comment identifier to which this object is linked.</param>
  4482. </member>
  4483. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  4484. <summary>
  4485. Accepts a visitor.
  4486. </summary>
  4487. <remarks>
  4488. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCommentRangeEnd(Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd)" />.</p>
  4489. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  4490. </remarks>
  4491. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  4492. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  4493. </member>
  4494. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd.Id">
  4495. <summary>
  4496. Specifies the identifier of the comment to which this region is linked to.
  4497. </summary>
  4498. </member>
  4499. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd.NodeType">
  4500. <summary>
  4501. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.CommentRangeEnd" />.
  4502. </summary>
  4503. </member>
  4504. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart">
  4505. <summary>
  4506. Denotes the start of a region of text that has a comment associated with it.
  4507. </summary>
  4508. <remarks>
  4509. <para>To create a comment anchored to a region of text, you need to create a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> and
  4510. then create <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" /> and set their identifiers
  4511. to the same <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Id" /> value.</para>
  4512. <p>
  4513. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" /> is an inline-level node and can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</p>
  4514. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" />
  4515. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" />
  4516. </remarks>
  4517. </member>
  4518. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,System.Int32)">
  4519. <summary>
  4520. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  4521. </summary>
  4522. <remarks>
  4523. <p>When <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" /> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  4524. yet part of the document and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Node.ParentNode" /> is null.</p>
  4525. <p>To append a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" /> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  4526. on the paragraph where you want the comment inserted.</p>
  4527. </remarks>
  4528. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  4529. <param name="id">The comment identifier to which this object is linked.</param>
  4530. </member>
  4531. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  4532. <summary>
  4533. Accepts a visitor.
  4534. </summary>
  4535. <remarks>
  4536. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCommentRangeStart(Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart)" />.</p>
  4537. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  4538. </remarks>
  4539. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  4540. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  4541. </member>
  4542. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart.Id">
  4543. <summary>
  4544. Specifies the identifier of the comment to which this region is linked.
  4545. </summary>
  4546. </member>
  4547. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart.NodeType">
  4548. <summary>
  4549. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.CommentRangeStart" />.
  4550. </summary>
  4551. </member>
  4552. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.EmphasisMark">
  4553. <summary>
  4554. Specifies possible types of emphasis mark.
  4555. </summary>
  4556. <dev>
  4557. Names borrowed from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.office.interop.word.wdemphasismark?view=word-pia
  4558. </dev>
  4559. </member>
  4560. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EmphasisMark.None">
  4561. <summary>
  4562. No emphasis mark.
  4563. </summary>
  4564. </member>
  4565. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EmphasisMark.OverSolidCircle">
  4566. <summary>
  4567. Emphasis mark is a solid black circle displayed above text.
  4568. </summary>
  4569. </member>
  4570. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EmphasisMark.OverComma">
  4571. <summary>
  4572. Emphasis mark is a comma character displayed above text.
  4573. </summary>
  4574. </member>
  4575. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EmphasisMark.OverWhiteCircle">
  4576. <summary>
  4577. Emphasis mark is an empty white circle displayed above text.
  4578. </summary>
  4579. </member>
  4580. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.EmphasisMark.UnderSolidCircle">
  4581. <summary>
  4582. Emphasis mark is a solid black circle displayed below text.
  4583. </summary>
  4584. </member>
  4585. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase">
  4586. <summary>
  4587. Provides the abstract base class for a main document and a glossary document of a Word document.
  4588. </summary>
  4589. <remarks>
  4590. <para>Aspose.Words represents a Word document as a tree of nodes. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase" /> is a
  4591. root node of the tree that contains all other nodes of the document.</para>
  4592. <para>
  4593. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase" /> also stores document-wide information such as <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.Styles" /> and
  4594. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.Lists" /> that the tree nodes might refer to.</para>
  4595. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  4596. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase" />
  4597. </remarks>
  4598. </member>
  4599. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)">
  4600. <overloads>Imports a node from another document to the current document.</overloads>
  4601. <summary>
  4602. <p>Imports a node from another document to the current document.</p>
  4603. </summary>
  4604. <remarks>
  4605. <p>This method uses the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles" /> option to resolve formatting.</p>
  4606. <p>Importing a node creates a copy of the source node belonging to the importing document.
  4607. The returned node has no parent. The source node is not altered or removed from the original document.</p>
  4608. <p>Before a node from another document can be inserted into this document, it must be imported.
  4609. During import, document-specific properties such as references to styles and lists are translated
  4610. from the original to the importing document. After the node was imported, it can be inserted
  4611. into the appropriate place in the document using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" /> or
  4612. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" />.</p>
  4613. <p>If the source node already belongs to the destination document, then simply a deep clone
  4614. of the source node is created.</p>
  4615. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" />
  4616. </remarks>
  4617. <param name="srcNode">The node being imported.</param>
  4618. <param name="isImportChildren">True to import all child nodes recursively; otherwise, false.</param>
  4619. <returns>The cloned node that belongs to the current document.</returns>
  4620. </member>
  4621. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.INodeCloningListener)">
  4622. <summary>
  4623. <p>Imports a node from another document to the current document.</p>
  4624. </summary>
  4625. <remarks>
  4626. <p>This method uses the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles" /> option to resolve formatting.</p>
  4627. <p>Importing a node creates a copy of the source node belonging to the importing document.
  4628. The returned node has no parent. The source node is not altered or removed from the original document.</p>
  4629. <p>Before a node from another document can be inserted into this document, it must be imported.
  4630. During import, document-specific properties such as references to styles and lists are translated
  4631. from the original to the importing document. After the node was imported, it can be inserted
  4632. into the appropriate place in the document using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" /> or
  4633. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" />.</p>
  4634. <p>If the source node already belongs to the destination document, then simply a deep clone
  4635. of the source node is created.</p>
  4636. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" />
  4637. </remarks>
  4638. <param name="srcNode">The node being imported.</param>
  4639. <param name="isImportChildren">True to import all child nodes recursively; otherwise, false.</param>
  4640. <param name="cloningListener">The listener to the node cloning events.</param>
  4641. <returns>The cloned node that belongs to the current document.</returns>
  4642. </member>
  4643. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)">
  4644. <summary>
  4645. <p>Imports a node from another document to the current document with an option to control formatting.</p>
  4646. </summary>
  4647. <remarks>
  4648. <p>This overload is useful to control how styles and list formatting are imported.</p>
  4649. <p>Importing a node creates a copy of the source node belonging to the importing document.
  4650. The returned node has no parent. The source node is not altered or removed from the original document.</p>
  4651. <p>Before a node from another document can be inserted into this document, it must be imported.
  4652. During import, document-specific properties such as references to styles and lists are translated
  4653. from the original to the importing document. After the node was imported, it can be inserted
  4654. into the appropriate place in the document using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" /> or
  4655. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" />.</p>
  4656. <p>If the source node already belongs to the destination document, then simply a deep clone
  4657. of the source node is created.</p>
  4658. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode" />
  4659. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" />
  4660. </remarks>
  4661. <param name="srcNode">The node to imported.</param>
  4662. <param name="isImportChildren">True to import all child nodes recursively; otherwise, false.</param>
  4663. <param name="importFormatMode">Specifies how to merge style formatting that clashes.</param>
  4664. <returns>The cloned, imported node. The node belongs to the destination document, but has no parent.</returns>
  4665. </member>
  4666. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode,Aspose.Words.INodeCloningListener)">
  4667. <summary>
  4668. <p>Imports a node from another document to the current document with an option to control formatting.</p>
  4669. </summary>
  4670. <remarks>
  4671. <p>Importing a node creates a copy of the source node belonging to the importing document.
  4672. The returned node has no parent. The source node is not altered or removed from the original document.</p>
  4673. <p>Before a node from another document can be inserted into this document, it must be imported.
  4674. During import, document-specific properties such as references to styles and lists are translated
  4675. from the original to the importing document. After the node was imported, it can be inserted
  4676. into the appropriate place in the document using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" /> or
  4677. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" />.</p>
  4678. <p>If the source node already belongs to the destination document, then simply a deep clone
  4679. of the source node is created.</p>
  4680. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode" />
  4681. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" />
  4682. </remarks>
  4683. <param name="srcNode">The node to imported.</param>
  4684. <param name="isImportChildren">True to import all child nodes recursively; otherwise, false.</param>
  4685. <param name="importFormatMode">Specifies how to merge style formatting that clashes.</param>
  4686. <param name="cloningListener">The listener to the node cloning events.</param>
  4687. <returns>The cloned, imported node. The node belongs to the destination document, but has no parent.</returns>
  4688. </member>
  4689. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.NodeChangingCallback">
  4690. <summary>
  4691. Called when a node is inserted or removed in the document.
  4692. </summary>
  4693. </member>
  4694. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ResourceLoadingCallback">
  4695. <summary>
  4696. Allows to control how external resources are loaded.
  4697. </summary>
  4698. </member>
  4699. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.FontInfos">
  4700. <summary>
  4701. Provides access to properties of fonts used in this document.
  4702. </summary>
  4703. <remarks>
  4704. <para>This collection of font definitions is loaded as is from the document.
  4705. Font definitions might be optional, missing or incomplete in some documents.</para>
  4706. <para>Do not rely on this collection to ascertain that a particular font is used in the document.
  4707. You should only use this collection to get information about fonts that might be used in the document.</para>
  4708. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection" />
  4709. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo" />
  4710. </remarks>
  4711. </member>
  4712. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.Styles">
  4713. <summary>
  4714. Returns a collection of styles defined in the document.
  4715. </summary>
  4716. <remarks>
  4717. <p>For more information see the description of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection" /> class.</p>
  4718. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection" />
  4719. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Style" />
  4720. </remarks>
  4721. </member>
  4722. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.Lists">
  4723. <summary>
  4724. Provides access to the list formatting used in the document.
  4725. </summary>
  4726. <remarks>
  4727. <p>For more information see the description of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" /> class.</p>
  4728. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" />
  4729. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.List" />
  4730. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" />
  4731. </remarks>
  4732. </member>
  4733. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.WarningCallback">
  4734. <summary>
  4735. Called during various document processing procedures when an issue is detected that might result
  4736. in data or formatting fidelity loss.
  4737. </summary>
  4738. <remarks>
  4739. Document may generate warnings at any stage of its existence, so it's important to setup warning callback as
  4740. early as possible to avoid the warnings loss. E.g. such properties as <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.PageCount" />
  4741. actually build the document layout which is used later for rendering, and the layout warnings may be lost if
  4742. warning callback is specified just for the rendering calls later.
  4743. </remarks>
  4744. </member>
  4745. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.BackgroundShape">
  4746. <summary>
  4747. Gets or sets the background shape of the document. Can be null.
  4748. </summary>
  4749. <remarks>
  4750. <para>Microsoft Word allows only a shape that has its <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ShapeType" /> property equal
  4751. to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Rectangle" /> to be used as a background shape for a document.</para>
  4752. <para>Microsoft Word supports only the fill properties of a background shape. All other properties
  4753. are ignored.</para>
  4754. <para>Setting this property to a non-null value will also set the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.DisplayBackgroundShape" /> to true.</para>
  4755. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.DisplayBackgroundShape" />
  4756. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.PageColor" />
  4757. </remarks>
  4758. </member>
  4759. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.PageColor">
  4760. <summary>
  4761. Gets or sets the page color of the document. This property is a simpler version of <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.BackgroundShape" />.
  4762. </summary>
  4763. <remarks>
  4764. <para>This property provides a simple way to specify a solid page color for the document.
  4765. Setting this property creates and sets an appropriate <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.BackgroundShape" />.</para>
  4766. <para>If the page color is not set (e.g. there is no background shape in the document) returns
  4767. <see cref="F:System.Drawing.Color.Empty" />.</para>
  4768. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.BackgroundShape" />
  4769. </remarks>
  4770. </member>
  4771. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TableStyle">
  4772. <summary>
  4773. Represents a table style.
  4774. </summary>
  4775. <dev>
  4776. It is interesting to note that all attribute collections in the style are not supposed
  4777. to contain attributes that reference another style. E.g. TablePr of the style should not
  4778. contain Istd of a table style. It is actually a good thing. The only problem is that we
  4779. do not validate it and maybe reading from some formats could leave Istd in these collections.
  4780. </dev>
  4781. </member>
  4782. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.AllowBreakAcrossPages">
  4783. <summary>
  4784. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether text in a table row is allowed to split across a page break.
  4785. </summary>
  4786. <remarks>
  4787. The default value is <b>true</b>.
  4788. </remarks>
  4789. </member>
  4790. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.Borders">
  4791. <summary>
  4792. Gets the collection of default cell borders for the style.
  4793. </summary>
  4794. </member>
  4795. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.LeftPadding">
  4796. <summary>
  4797. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the left of the contents of table cells.
  4798. </summary>
  4799. </member>
  4800. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.RightPadding">
  4801. <summary>
  4802. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the right of the contents of table cells.
  4803. </summary>
  4804. </member>
  4805. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.TopPadding">
  4806. <summary>
  4807. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add above the contents of table cells.
  4808. </summary>
  4809. </member>
  4810. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.BottomPadding">
  4811. <summary>
  4812. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add below the contents of table cells.
  4813. </summary>
  4814. </member>
  4815. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.Alignment">
  4816. <summary>
  4817. Specifies the alignment for the table style.
  4818. </summary>
  4819. <remarks>
  4820. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableAlignment.Left" />.
  4821. </remarks>
  4822. </member>
  4823. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.CellSpacing">
  4824. <summary>
  4825. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) between the cells.
  4826. </summary>
  4827. </member>
  4828. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.Bidi">
  4829. <summary>
  4830. Gets or sets whether this is a style for a right-to-left table.
  4831. </summary>
  4832. <remarks>
  4833. <para>When <b>true</b>, the cells in rows are laid out right to left.</para>
  4834. <para>The default value is <b>false</b>.</para>
  4835. </remarks>
  4836. </member>
  4837. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.LeftIndent">
  4838. <summary>
  4839. Gets or sets the value that represents the left indent of a table.
  4840. </summary>
  4841. </member>
  4842. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.Shading">
  4843. <summary>
  4844. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Shading" /> object that refers to the shading formatting for table cells.
  4845. </summary>
  4846. </member>
  4847. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.RowStripe">
  4848. <summary>
  4849. Gets or sets a number of rows to include in the banding when the style specifies odd/even row banding.
  4850. </summary>
  4851. </member>
  4852. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.ColumnStripe">
  4853. <summary>
  4854. Gets or sets a number of columns to include in the banding when the style specifies odd/even columns banding.
  4855. </summary>
  4856. </member>
  4857. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TableStyle.ConditionalStyles">
  4858. <summary>
  4859. Collection of conditional styles that may be defined for this table style.
  4860. </summary>
  4861. </member>
  4862. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle">
  4863. <summary>
  4864. Represents special formatting applied to some area of a table with assigned table style.
  4865. </summary>
  4866. </member>
  4867. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.ClearFormatting">
  4868. <summary>
  4869. Clears formatting of this conditional style.
  4870. </summary>
  4871. </member>
  4872. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.Equals(Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle)">
  4873. <summary>
  4874. Compares this conditional style with the specified one.
  4875. </summary>
  4876. </member>
  4877. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.GetHashCode">
  4878. <summary>
  4879. Calculates hash code for this object.
  4880. </summary>
  4881. </member>
  4882. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.ParagraphFormat">
  4883. <summary>
  4884. Gets the paragraph formatting of the conditional style.
  4885. </summary>
  4886. </member>
  4887. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.Font">
  4888. <summary>
  4889. Gets the character formatting of the conditional style.
  4890. </summary>
  4891. </member>
  4892. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.Shading">
  4893. <summary>
  4894. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Shading" /> object that refers to the shading formatting for this conditional style.
  4895. </summary>
  4896. </member>
  4897. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.Borders">
  4898. <summary>
  4899. Gets the collection of default cell borders for the conditional style.
  4900. </summary>
  4901. </member>
  4902. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.LeftPadding">
  4903. <summary>
  4904. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the left of the contents of table cells.
  4905. </summary>
  4906. </member>
  4907. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.RightPadding">
  4908. <summary>
  4909. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the right of the contents of table cells.
  4910. </summary>
  4911. </member>
  4912. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.TopPadding">
  4913. <summary>
  4914. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add above the contents of table cells.
  4915. </summary>
  4916. </member>
  4917. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.BottomPadding">
  4918. <summary>
  4919. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add below the contents of table cells.
  4920. </summary>
  4921. </member>
  4922. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ConditionalStyle.Type">
  4923. <summary>
  4924. Gets table area to which this conditional style relates.
  4925. </summary>
  4926. </member>
  4927. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BreakType">
  4928. <summary>
  4929. Specifies type of a break inside a document.
  4930. </summary>
  4931. </member>
  4932. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.ParagraphBreak">
  4933. <summary>
  4934. Break between paragraphs.
  4935. </summary>
  4936. </member>
  4937. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.PageBreak">
  4938. <summary>
  4939. Explicit page break.
  4940. </summary>
  4941. </member>
  4942. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.ColumnBreak">
  4943. <summary>
  4944. Explicit column break.
  4945. </summary>
  4946. </member>
  4947. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.SectionBreakContinuous">
  4948. <summary>
  4949. Specifies start of new section on the same page as the previous section.
  4950. </summary>
  4951. </member>
  4952. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.SectionBreakNewColumn">
  4953. <summary>
  4954. Specifies start of new section in the new column.
  4955. </summary>
  4956. </member>
  4957. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.SectionBreakNewPage">
  4958. <summary>
  4959. Specifies start of new section on a new page.
  4960. </summary>
  4961. </member>
  4962. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.SectionBreakEvenPage">
  4963. <summary>
  4964. Specifies start of new section on a new even page.
  4965. </summary>
  4966. </member>
  4967. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.SectionBreakOddPage">
  4968. <summary>
  4969. Specifies start of new section on a odd page.
  4970. </summary>
  4971. </member>
  4972. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BreakType.LineBreak">
  4973. <summary>
  4974. Explicit line break.
  4975. </summary>
  4976. </member>
  4977. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Document">
  4978. <summary>
  4979. Represents a Word document.
  4980. </summary>
  4981. <remarks>
  4982. <p>The <b>Document</b> is a central object in the Aspose.Words library.</p>
  4983. <p>To load an existing document in any of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat" /> formats, pass a file name
  4984. or a stream into one of the <b>Document</b> constructors. To create a blank document, call the
  4985. constructor without parameters.</p>
  4986. <p>Use one of the Save method overloads to save the document in any of the
  4987. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat" /> formats.</p>
  4988. <para>To draw document pages directly onto a <b>Graphics</b> object use
  4989. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.RenderToScale(System.Int32,System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)" /> or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.RenderToSize(System.Int32,System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)" /> method.</para>
  4990. <para>To print the document, use one of the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Print(System.String)" /> methods.</para>
  4991. <p>
  4992. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMerge" /> is the Aspose.Words's reporting engine that allows to populate
  4993. reports designed in Microsoft Word with data from various data sources quickly and easily.
  4994. The data can be from a DataSet, DataTable, DataView, IDataReader or an array of values.
  4995. <b>MailMerge</b> will go through the records found in the data source and insert them into
  4996. mail merge fields in the document growing it as necessary.</p>
  4997. <p>
  4998. <b>Document</b> stores document-wide information such as <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.Styles" />,
  4999. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomDocumentProperties" />, lists and macros.
  5000. Most of these objects are accessible via the corresponding properties of the <b>Document</b>.</p>
  5001. <p>The <b>Document</b> is a root node of a tree that contains all other nodes of the document.
  5002. The tree is a Composite design pattern and in many ways similar to XmlDocument.
  5003. The content of the document can be manipulated freely programmatically:</p>
  5004. <list type="bullet">
  5005. <item>The nodes of the document can be accessed via typed collections, for example <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Sections" />,
  5006. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ParagraphCollection" /> etc.</item>
  5007. <item>The nodes of the document can be selected by their node type using
  5008. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.GetChildNodes(Aspose.Words.NodeType,System.Boolean)" />
  5009. or using an XPath query with <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.SelectNodes(System.String)" /> or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.SelectSingleNode(System.String)" />.</item>
  5010. <item>Content nodes can be added or removed from anywhere in the document using
  5011. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" />, <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" />,
  5012. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.RemoveChild(Aspose.Words.Node)" /> and other
  5013. methods provided by the base class <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode" />.</item>
  5014. <item>The formatting attributes of each node can be changed via the properties of that node.</item>
  5015. </list>
  5016. <p>Consider using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" /> that simplifies the task of programmatically creating
  5017. or populating the document tree.</p>
  5018. <p>The <b>Document</b> can contain only <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" /> objects.</p>
  5019. <p>In Microsoft Word, a valid document needs to have at least one section.</p>
  5020. </remarks>
  5021. </member>
  5022. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  5023. <summary>
  5024. Ctor that allows to create a completely empty document node or load a blank document.
  5025. </summary>
  5026. </member>
  5027. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.LoadOptions,System.Boolean)">
  5028. <summary>
  5029. Opens an existing document from a stream.
  5030. This ctor for internal use only, it is forbidden to use public ctors inside code to avoid extra credit billings.
  5031. </summary>
  5032. <param name="stream">Stream where to load the document from.</param>
  5033. <param name="loadOptions">Additional options to use when loading a document. Can be null.</param>
  5034. <param name="increaseCredit">Increase credit if it is needed (for example when PlainTextDocument document is created)</param>
  5035. </member>
  5036. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.#ctor">
  5037. <overloads>Creates or loads a document.</overloads>
  5038. <summary>
  5039. Creates a blank Word document.
  5040. </summary>
  5041. <remarks>
  5042. <p>The document paper size is Letter by default. If you want to change page setup, use
  5043. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Section.PageSetup">Section.PageSetup</see>.</p>
  5044. <p>After creation, you can use <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" /> to add document content easily.</p>
  5045. </remarks>
  5046. </member>
  5047. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.#ctor(System.String)">
  5048. <summary>
  5049. Opens an existing document from a file. Automatically detects the file format.
  5050. </summary>
  5051. <param name="fileName">File name of the document to open.</param>
  5052. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">The document format is not recognized or not supported.</exception>
  5053. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.</exception>
  5054. <exception cref="T:System.Exception">There is a problem with the document and it should be reported to Aspose.Words developers.</exception>
  5055. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">There is an input/output exception.</exception>
  5056. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">The document is encrypted and requires a password to open, but you supplied an incorrect password.</exception>
  5057. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The name of the file cannot be null or empty string.</exception>
  5058. </member>
  5059. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.#ctor(System.String,Aspose.Words.LoadOptions)">
  5060. <summary>
  5061. Opens an existing document from a file. Allows to specify additional options such as an encryption password.
  5062. </summary>
  5063. <param name="fileName">File name of the document to open.</param>
  5064. <param name="loadOptions">Additional options to use when loading a document. Can be null.</param>
  5065. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">The document format is not recognized or not supported.</exception>
  5066. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.</exception>
  5067. <exception cref="T:System.Exception">There is a problem with the document and it should be reported to Aspose.Words developers.</exception>
  5068. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">There is an input/output exception.</exception>
  5069. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">The document is encrypted and requires a password to open, but you supplied an incorrect password.</exception>
  5070. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The name of the file cannot be null or empty string.</exception>
  5071. </member>
  5072. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
  5073. <summary>
  5074. Opens an existing document from a stream. Automatically detects the file format.
  5075. </summary>
  5076. <remarks>
  5077. <p>
  5078. The document must be stored at the beginning of the stream. The stream must support random positioning.</p>
  5079. </remarks>W
  5080. <param name="stream">Stream where to load the document from.</param><exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">The document format is not recognized or not supported.</exception><exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.</exception><exception cref="T:System.Exception">There is a problem with the document and it should be reported to Aspose.Words developers.</exception><exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">There is an input/output exception.</exception><exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">The document is encrypted and requires a password to open, but you supplied an incorrect password.</exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The stream cannot be null.</exception><exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The stream does not support reading or seeking.</exception><exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The stream is a disposed object.</exception></member>
  5081. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.LoadOptions)">
  5082. <summary>
  5083. Opens an existing document from a stream. Allows to specify additional options such as an encryption password.
  5084. </summary>
  5085. <remarks>
  5086. <p>
  5087. The document must be stored at the beginning of the stream. The stream must support random positioning.</p>
  5088. </remarks>
  5089. <param name="stream">The stream where to load the document from.</param>
  5090. <param name="loadOptions">Additional options to use when loading a document. Can be null.</param>
  5091. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">The document format is not recognized or not supported.</exception>
  5092. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded.</exception>
  5093. <exception cref="T:System.Exception">There is a problem with the document and it should be reported to Aspose.Words developers.</exception>
  5094. <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">There is an input/output exception.</exception>
  5095. <exception cref="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">The document is encrypted and requires a password to open, but you supplied an incorrect password.</exception>
  5096. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The stream cannot be null.</exception>
  5097. <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The stream does not support reading or seeking.</exception>
  5098. <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The stream is a disposed object.</exception>
  5099. </member>
  5100. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Clone">
  5101. <summary>
  5102. Performs a deep copy of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />.
  5103. </summary>
  5104. <returns>The cloned document.</returns>
  5105. <dev>Kept to remain compatible with the old API.</dev>
  5106. </member>
  5107. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  5108. <summary>
  5109. Accepts a visitor.
  5110. </summary>
  5111. <remarks>
  5112. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  5113. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  5114. </remarks>
  5115. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  5116. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  5117. <remarks>
  5118. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitDocumentStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes of the document
  5119. and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitDocumentEnd at the end.
  5120. </remarks>
  5121. </member>
  5122. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.AppendDocument(Aspose.Words.Document,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)">
  5123. <summary>
  5124. Appends the specified document to the end of this document.
  5125. </summary>
  5126. <param name="srcDoc">The document to append.</param>
  5127. <param name="importFormatMode">Specifies how to merge style formatting that clashes.</param>
  5128. </member>
  5129. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.AppendDocument(Aspose.Words.Document,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions)">
  5130. <summary>
  5131. Appends the specified document to the end of this document.
  5132. </summary>
  5133. <param name="srcDoc">The document to append.</param>
  5134. <param name="importFormatMode">Specifies how to merge style formatting that clashes.</param>
  5135. <param name="importFormatOptions">Allows to specify options that affect formatting of a result document.</param>
  5136. </member>
  5137. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.String)">
  5138. <overloads>Saves the document.</overloads>
  5139. <summary>
  5140. Saves the document to a file. Automatically determines the save format from the extension.
  5141. </summary>
  5142. <param name="fileName">The name for the document. If a document with the
  5143. specified file name already exists, the existing document is overwritten.</param>
  5144. <returns>Additional information that you can optionally use.</returns>
  5145. </member>
  5146. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.String,Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  5147. <summary>
  5148. Saves the document to a file in the specified format.
  5149. </summary>
  5150. <param name="fileName">The name for the document. If a document with the
  5151. specified file name already exists, the existing document is overwritten.</param>
  5152. <param name="saveFormat">The format in which to save the document.</param>
  5153. <returns>Additional information that you can optionally use.</returns>
  5154. </member>
  5155. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.String,Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)">
  5156. <summary>
  5157. Saves the document to a file using the specified save options.
  5158. </summary>
  5159. <param name="fileName">The name for the document. If a document with the
  5160. specified file name already exists, the existing document is overwritten.</param>
  5161. <param name="saveOptions">Specifies the options that control how the document is saved. Can be null.</param>
  5162. <returns>Additional information that you can optionally use.</returns>
  5163. </member>
  5164. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,System.String,Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)">
  5165. <summary>
  5166. Saves the document to a stream or file using the specified save options.
  5167. </summary>
  5168. <param name="stream">Stream where to save the document.
  5169. Can be null.</param>
  5170. <param name="fileName">The name for the document. If a document with the
  5171. specified file name already exists, the existing document is overwritten.
  5172. Can be null.</param>
  5173. <param name="saveOptions">Specifies the options that control how the document is saved. Can be null.</param>
  5174. <returns>Additional information that you can optionally use.</returns>
  5175. </member>
  5176. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  5177. <summary>
  5178. Saves the document to a stream using the specified format.
  5179. </summary>
  5180. <param name="stream">Stream where to save the document.</param>
  5181. <param name="saveFormat">The format in which to save the document.</param>
  5182. <returns>Additional information that you can optionally use.</returns>
  5183. </member>
  5184. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)">
  5185. <summary>
  5186. Saves the document to a stream using the specified save options.
  5187. </summary>
  5188. <param name="stream">Stream where to save the document.</param>
  5189. <param name="saveOptions">Specifies the options that control how the document is saved. Can be null.
  5190. If this is null, the document will be saved in the binary DOC format.</param>
  5191. <returns>Additional information that you can optionally use.</returns>
  5192. </member>
  5193. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.EnsureMinimum">
  5194. <summary>
  5195. If the document contains no sections, creates one section with one paragraph.
  5196. </summary>
  5197. </member>
  5198. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.AcceptAllRevisions">
  5199. <summary>
  5200. Accepts all tracked changes in the document.
  5201. </summary>
  5202. <remarks>This method is a shortcut for <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.AcceptAll" />.</remarks>
  5203. </member>
  5204. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Protect(Aspose.Words.ProtectionType)">
  5205. <overloads>Protects the document from changes.</overloads>
  5206. <summary>
  5207. Protects the document from changes without changing the existing password or assigns a random password.
  5208. </summary>
  5209. <remarks>
  5210. <p>When a document is protected, the user can make only limited changes,
  5211. such as adding annotations, making revisions, or completing a form.</p>
  5212. <p>When you protect a document, and the document already has a protection password,
  5213. the existing protection password is not changed.</p>
  5214. <p>When you protect a document, and the document does not have a protection password,
  5215. this method assigns a random password that makes it impossible to unprotect the document
  5216. in Microsoft Word, but you still can unprotect the document in Aspose.Words as it does not
  5217. require a password when unprotecting.</p>
  5218. </remarks>
  5219. <param name="type">Specifies the protection type for the document.</param>
  5220. </member>
  5221. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Protect(Aspose.Words.ProtectionType,System.String)">
  5222. <summary>
  5223. Protects the document from changes and optionally sets a protection password.
  5224. </summary>
  5225. <remarks>
  5226. <p>When a document is protected, the user can make only limited changes,
  5227. such as adding annotations, making revisions, or completing a form.</p>
  5228. <para>Note that document protection is different from write protection.
  5229. Write protection is specified using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.WriteProtection" />.</para>
  5230. </remarks>
  5231. <param name="type">Specifies the protection type for the document.</param>
  5232. <param name="password">The password to protect the document with.
  5233. Specify null or empty string if you want to protect the document without a password.</param>
  5234. </member>
  5235. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Unprotect">
  5236. <overloads>Removes protection from the document.</overloads>
  5237. <summary>
  5238. Removes protection from the document regardless of the password.
  5239. </summary>
  5240. <remarks>
  5241. <para>This method unprotects the document even if it has a protection password.</para>
  5242. <para>Note that document protection is different from write protection.
  5243. Write protection is specified using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.WriteProtection" />.</para>
  5244. </remarks>
  5245. </member>
  5246. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Unprotect(System.String)">
  5247. <summary>
  5248. Removes protection from the document if a correct password is specified.
  5249. </summary>
  5250. <remarks>
  5251. <para>This method unprotects the document only if a correct password is specified.</para>
  5252. <para>Note that document protection is different from write protection.
  5253. Write protection is specified using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.WriteProtection" />.</para>
  5254. </remarks>
  5255. <param name="password">The password to unprotect the document with.</param>
  5256. <returns>True if a correct password was specified and the document was unprotected.</returns>
  5257. </member>
  5258. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateWordCount">
  5259. <summary>
  5260. Updates word count properties of the document.
  5261. </summary>
  5262. <remarks>
  5263. <p>
  5264. <b>UpdateWordCount</b> recalculates and updates Characters, Words and Paragraphs
  5265. properties in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties" /> collection of the <b>Document</b>.</p>
  5266. <p>Note that <b>UpdateWordCount</b> does not update number of lines and pages properties.
  5267. Use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateWordCount" /> overload and pass True value as a parameter to do that.</p>
  5268. <p>When you use an evaluation version, the evaluation watermark will also be included
  5269. in the word count.</p>
  5270. </remarks>
  5271. </member>
  5272. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateWordCount(System.Boolean)">
  5273. <summary>
  5274. Updates word count properties of the document, optionally updates <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Lines" /> property.
  5275. </summary>
  5276. <remarks>
  5277. This method will rebuild page layout of the document.
  5278. </remarks>
  5279. <param name="updateLinesCount">True if number of lines in the document shall be calculated.</param>
  5280. </member>
  5281. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateTableLayout">
  5282. <summary>
  5283. Updates widths of cells and tables in the document according to their preferred widths and content.
  5284. You do not need to call this method if the tables appear correct in the output document.
  5285. </summary>
  5286. <remarks>
  5287. <p>You do not normally need to call this method as cell and table widths are maintained automatically.
  5288. You can call this method before exporting to PDF (or any other fixed-page format), only in rare cases
  5289. where you confirmed that tables appear incorrectly laid out in the output document. Calling this method
  5290. might help to correct the output.</p>
  5291. </remarks>
  5292. </member>
  5293. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateListLabels">
  5294. <summary>
  5295. Updates list labels for all list items in the document.
  5296. </summary>
  5297. <remarks>
  5298. <para>This method updates list label properties such as <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.LabelValue" /> and
  5299. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.LabelString" /> for each <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.ListLabel" /> object in the document.</para>
  5300. <para>Also, this method is sometimes implicitly called when updating fields in the document. This is required
  5301. because some fields that may reference list numbers (such as TOC or REF) need them be up-to-date.</para>
  5302. </remarks>
  5303. </member>
  5304. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.RemoveMacros">
  5305. <summary>
  5306. Removes all macros (the VBA project) as well as toolbars and command customizations from the document.
  5307. </summary>
  5308. <remarks>
  5309. <p>By removing all macros from a document you can ensure the document contains no macro viruses.</p>
  5310. </remarks>
  5311. </member>
  5312. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateFields">
  5313. <summary>
  5314. Updates the values of fields in the whole document.
  5315. </summary>
  5316. <remarks>
  5317. <para>When you open, modify and then save a document, Aspose.Words does not update fields automatically, it keeps them intact.
  5318. Therefore, you would usually want to call this method before saving if you have modified the document
  5319. programmatically and want to make sure the proper (calculated) field values appear in the saved document.</para>
  5320. <para>There is no need to update fields after executing a mail merge because mail merge is a kind of field update
  5321. and automatically updates all fields in the document.</para>
  5322. <p>This method does not update all field types. For the detailed list of supported field types, see the Programmers Guide.</p>
  5323. <para>This method does not update fields that are related to the page layout algorithms (e.g. PAGE, PAGES, PAGEREF).
  5324. The page layout-related fields are updated when you render a document or call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" />.</para>
  5325. <para>Use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.NormalizeFieldTypes" /> method before fields updating if there were document changes that affected field types.</para>
  5326. <para>To update fields in a specific part of the document use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Range.UpdateFields" />.</para>
  5327. </remarks>
  5328. </member>
  5329. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UnlinkFields">
  5330. <summary>
  5331. Unlinks fields in the whole document.
  5332. </summary>
  5333. <remarks>
  5334. <para>Replaces all the fields in the whole document with their most recent results.</para>
  5335. <para>To unlink fields in a specific part of the document use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Range.UnlinkFields" />.</para>
  5336. </remarks>
  5337. </member>
  5338. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.NormalizeFieldTypes">
  5339. <summary>
  5340. Changes field type values <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldChar.FieldType" /> of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd" />
  5341. in the whole document so that they correspond to the field types contained in the field codes.
  5342. </summary>
  5343. <remarks>
  5344. <para>Use this method after document changes that affect field types.</para>
  5345. <para>To change field type values in a specific part of the document use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Range.NormalizeFieldTypes" />.</para>
  5346. </remarks>
  5347. </member>
  5348. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.JoinRunsWithSameFormatting">
  5349. <summary>
  5350. Joins runs with same formatting in all paragraphs of the document.
  5351. </summary>
  5352. <remarks>
  5353. <p>This is an optimization method. Some documents contain adjacent runs with same formatting.
  5354. Usually this occurs if a document was intensively edited manually.
  5355. You can reduce the document size and speed up further processing by joining these runs.</p>
  5356. <p>The operation checks every <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> node in the document for adjacent <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" />
  5357. nodes having identical properties. It ignores unique identifiers used to track editing sessions of run
  5358. creation and modification. First run in every joining sequence accumulates all text. Remaining
  5359. runs are deleted from the document.</p>
  5360. </remarks>
  5361. <returns>Number of joins performed. When <b>N</b> adjacent runs are being joined they count as <b>N - 1</b> joins.</returns>
  5362. </member>
  5363. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.ExpandTableStylesToDirectFormatting">
  5364. <summary>
  5365. Converts formatting specified in table styles into direct formatting on tables in the document.
  5366. </summary>
  5367. <remarks>
  5368. <para>This method exists because this version of Aspose.Words provides only limited support for
  5369. table styles (see below). This method might be useful when you load a DOCX or WordprocessingML
  5370. document that contains tables formatted with table styles and you need to query formatting of
  5371. tables, cells, paragraphs or text.</para>
  5372. <para>This version of Aspose.Words provides limited support for table styles as follows:</para>
  5373. <list type="bullet">
  5374. <item>Table styles defined in DOCX or WordprocessingML documents are preserved as table styles
  5375. when saving the document as DOCX or WordprocessingML.</item>
  5376. <item>Table styles defined in DOCX or WordprocessingML documents are automatically converted
  5377. to direct formatting on tables when saving the document into any other format,
  5378. rendering or printing.</item>
  5379. <item>Table styles defined in DOC documents are preserved as table styles when
  5380. saving the document as DOC only.</item>
  5381. </list>
  5382. </remarks>
  5383. </member>
  5384. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Cleanup">
  5385. <summary>
  5386. Cleans unused styles and lists from the document.
  5387. </summary>
  5388. </member>
  5389. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Cleanup(Aspose.Words.CleanupOptions)">
  5390. <summary>
  5391. Cleans unused styles and lists from the document depending on given <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CleanupOptions" />.
  5392. </summary>
  5393. </member>
  5394. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.RemoveExternalSchemaReferences">
  5395. <summary>
  5396. Removes external XML schema references from this document.
  5397. </summary>
  5398. </member>
  5399. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.StartTrackRevisions(System.String,System.DateTime)">
  5400. <summary>
  5401. Starts automatically marking all further changes you make to the document programmatically as revision changes.
  5402. </summary>
  5403. <remarks>
  5404. <p>If you call this method and then make some changes to the document programmatically,
  5405. save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.</p>
  5406. <p>Currently Aspose.Words supports tracking of node insertions and deletions only. Formatting changes are not
  5407. recorded as revisions.</p>
  5408. <p>Automatic tracking of changes is supported both when modifying this document through node manipulations
  5409. as well as when using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" /></p>
  5410. <p>This method does not change the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.TrackRevisions" /> option and does not use its value
  5411. for the purposes of revision tracking.</p>
  5412. </remarks>
  5413. <param name="author">Initials of the author to use for revisions.</param>
  5414. <param name="dateTime">The date and time to use for revisions.</param>
  5415. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.StopTrackRevisions" />
  5416. </member>
  5417. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.StartTrackRevisions(System.String)">
  5418. <summary>
  5419. Starts automatically marking all further changes you make to the document programmatically as revision changes.
  5420. </summary>
  5421. <remarks>
  5422. <p>If you call this method and then make some changes to the document programmatically,
  5423. save the document and later open the document in MS Word you will see these changes as revisions.</p>
  5424. <p>Currently Aspose.Words supports tracking of node insertions and deletions only. Formatting changes are not
  5425. recorded as revisions.</p>
  5426. <p>Automatic tracking of changes is supported both when modifying this document through node manipulations
  5427. as well as when using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" /></p>
  5428. <p>This method does not change the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.TrackRevisions" /> option and does not use its value
  5429. for the purposes of revision tracking.</p>
  5430. </remarks>
  5431. <param name="author">Initials of the author to use for revisions.</param>
  5432. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.StopTrackRevisions" />
  5433. </member>
  5434. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.StopTrackRevisions">
  5435. <summary>
  5436. Stops automatic marking of document changes as revisions.
  5437. </summary>
  5438. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.StartTrackRevisions(System.String,System.DateTime)" />
  5439. </member>
  5440. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Compare(Aspose.Words.Document,System.String,System.DateTime)">
  5441. <summary>
  5442. Compares this document with another document producing changes as number of edit and format revisions <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Revision" />.
  5443. </summary>
  5444. <param name="document">Document to compare.</param>
  5445. <param name="author">Initials of the author to use for revisions.</param>
  5446. <param name="dateTime">The date and time to use for revisions.</param>
  5447. <remarks>The following document nodes are not compared at the moment:
  5448. <list type="bullet"><item><see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag" /></item><item>Item3</item></list><note>Documents must not have revisions before comparison.</note></remarks>
  5449. </member>
  5450. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Compare(Aspose.Words.Document,System.String,System.DateTime,Aspose.Words.CompareOptions)">
  5451. <summary>
  5452. Compares this document with another document producing changes as a number of edit and format revisions <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Revision" />.
  5453. Allows to specify comparison options using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CompareOptions" />.
  5454. </summary>
  5455. </member>
  5456. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.CopyStylesFromTemplate(System.String)">
  5457. <summary>
  5458. Copies styles from the specified template to a document.
  5459. </summary>
  5460. <remarks>
  5461. When styles are copied from a template to a document,
  5462. like-named styles in the document are redefined to match the style descriptions in the template.
  5463. Unique styles from the template are copied to the document. Unique styles in the document remain intact.
  5464. </remarks>
  5465. <dev>
  5466. AM. This is experimental method for WORDSNET-16783.
  5467. Customer trying to copy all styles but we don't fully understand his requirements.
  5468. He wants preserve style hierarchy and this is not possible if copy styles one by one as
  5469. we resolve style in destination collection and update links to based and linked styles
  5470. accordingly.
  5471. </dev>
  5472. </member>
  5473. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.CopyStylesFromTemplate(Aspose.Words.Document)">
  5474. <summary>
  5475. Copies styles from the specified template to a document.
  5476. </summary>
  5477. <remarks>
  5478. When styles are copied from a template to a document,
  5479. like-named styles in the document are redefined to match the style descriptions in the template.
  5480. Unique styles from the template are copied to the document. Unique styles in the document remain intact.
  5481. </remarks>
  5482. </member>
  5483. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout">
  5484. <summary>
  5485. Rebuilds the page layout of the document.
  5486. </summary>
  5487. <remarks>
  5488. <para>This method formats a document into pages and updates the page number related fields in the document such
  5489. as PAGE, PAGES, PAGEREF and REF. The up-to-date page layout information is required for a correct rendering of the document
  5490. to fixed-page formats.</para>
  5491. <para>This method is automatically invoked when you first convert a document to PDF, XPS, image or print it.
  5492. However, if you modify the document after rendering and then attempt to render it again - Aspose.Words will not
  5493. update the page layout automatically. In this case you should call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" /> before
  5494. rendering again.</para>
  5495. </remarks>
  5496. </member>
  5497. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.RenderToScale(System.Int32,System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  5498. <summary>
  5499. Renders a document page into a <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Graphics" /> object to a specified scale.
  5500. </summary>
  5501. <param name="pageIndex">The 0-based page index.</param>
  5502. <param name="graphics">The object where to render to.</param>
  5503. <param name="x">The X coordinate (in world units) of the top left corner of the rendered page.</param>
  5504. <param name="y">The Y coordinate (in world units) of the top left corner of the rendered page.</param>
  5505. <param name="scale">The scale for rendering the page (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  5506. <returns>The width and height (in world units) of the rendered page.</returns>
  5507. </member>
  5508. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.RenderToSize(System.Int32,System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  5509. <summary>
  5510. Renders a document page into a <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Graphics" /> object to a specified size.
  5511. </summary>
  5512. <param name="pageIndex">The 0-based page index.</param>
  5513. <param name="graphics">The object where to render to.</param>
  5514. <param name="x">The X coordinate (in world units) of the top left corner of the rendered page.</param>
  5515. <param name="y">The Y coordinate (in world units) of the top left corner of the rendered page.</param>
  5516. <param name="width">The maximum width (in world units) that can be occupied by the rendered page.</param>
  5517. <param name="height">The maximum height (in world units) that can be occupied by the rendered page.</param>
  5518. <returns>The scale that was automatically calculated for the rendered page to fit the specified size.</returns>
  5519. </member>
  5520. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.GetPageInfo(System.Int32)">
  5521. <summary>
  5522. Gets the page size, orientation and other information about a page that might be useful for printing or rendering.
  5523. </summary>
  5524. <param name="pageIndex">The 0-based page index.</param>
  5525. </member>
  5526. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Print">
  5527. <overloads>Prints the document without bringing up any user interface forms.</overloads>
  5528. <summary>
  5529. Prints the whole document to the default printer.
  5530. </summary>
  5531. </member>
  5532. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Print(System.String)">
  5533. <summary>
  5534. Print the whole document to the specified printer,
  5535. using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
  5536. </summary>
  5537. <param name="printerName">The name of the printer.</param>
  5538. </member>
  5539. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Print(System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings)">
  5540. <summary>
  5541. Prints the document according to the specified printer settings,
  5542. using the standard (no User Interface) print controller.
  5543. </summary>
  5544. <remarks>
  5545. <para>The <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings" />
  5546. object allows you to specify the printer to print on, the range of pages of to print and other options.</para>
  5547. </remarks>
  5548. <param name="printerSettings">The printer settings to use.</param>
  5549. </member>
  5550. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Print(System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings,System.String)">
  5551. <summary>
  5552. Prints the document according to the specified printer settings,
  5553. using the standard (no User Interface) print controller and a document name.
  5554. </summary>
  5555. <remarks>
  5556. <para>The <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings" />
  5557. object allows you to specify the printer to print on, the range of pages of to print and other options.</para>
  5558. </remarks>
  5559. <param name="printerSettings">The printer settings to use.</param>
  5560. <param name="documentName">The document name to display (for example, in a print status dialog
  5561. box or printer queue) while printing the document.</param>
  5562. </member>
  5563. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateThumbnail(Aspose.Words.Rendering.ThumbnailGeneratingOptions)">
  5564. <summary>
  5565. Updates <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Thumbnail" /> of the document according to the specified options.
  5566. </summary>
  5567. <remarks>
  5568. The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.ThumbnailGeneratingOptions" /> allows you to specify the source of thumbnail, size and other options.
  5569. If attempt to generate thumbnail fails, doesn't change one.
  5570. </remarks>
  5571. <param name="options">The generating options to use.</param>
  5572. </member>
  5573. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateThumbnail">
  5574. <summary>
  5575. Updates <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Thumbnail" /> of the document using default options.
  5576. </summary>
  5577. </member>
  5578. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Document.ExtractPages(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  5579. <summary>
  5580. Returns the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object representing specified range of pages.
  5581. </summary>
  5582. <remarks>
  5583. The resulting document should look like the one in MS Word, as if we had performed 'Print specific pages' – the numbering,
  5584. headers/footers and cross tables layout will be preserved.
  5585. But due to a large number of nuances, appearing while reducing the number of pages, full match of the layout is a quiet complicated task requiring a lot of effort.
  5586. Depending on the document complexity there might be slight differences in the resulting document contents layout comparing to the source document.
  5587. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  5588. </remarks>
  5589. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the first page to extract.</param>
  5590. <param name="count">Number of pages to be extracted.</param>
  5591. </member>
  5592. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.AttachedTemplate">
  5593. <summary>
  5594. Gets or sets the full path of the template attached to the document.
  5595. </summary>
  5596. <remarks>
  5597. <p>Empty string means the document is attached to the Normal template.</p>
  5598. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Template" />
  5599. </remarks>
  5600. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if you attempt to set to a null value.</exception>
  5601. </member>
  5602. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.AutomaticallyUpdateStyles">
  5603. <summary>
  5604. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the styles in the document are updated to match the styles in the
  5605. attached template each time the document is opened in MS Word.
  5606. </summary>
  5607. </member>
  5608. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.ShadeFormData">
  5609. <summary>
  5610. Specifies whether to turn on the gray shading on form fields.
  5611. </summary>
  5612. </member>
  5613. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.TrackRevisions">
  5614. <summary>
  5615. <b>True</b> if changes are tracked when this document is edited in Microsoft Word.
  5616. </summary>
  5617. <remarks>
  5618. <p>Setting this option only instructs Microsoft Word whether the track changes
  5619. is turned on or off. This property has no effect on changes to the document that you make
  5620. programmatically via Aspose.Words.</p>
  5621. <p>If you want to automatically track changes as they are made programmatically by Aspose.Words
  5622. to this document use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.StartTrackRevisions(System.String,System.DateTime)" /> method.</p>
  5623. </remarks>
  5624. </member>
  5625. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.ShowGrammaticalErrors">
  5626. <summary>
  5627. Specifies whether to display grammar errors in this document.
  5628. </summary>
  5629. </member>
  5630. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.ShowSpellingErrors">
  5631. <summary>
  5632. Specifies whether to display spelling errors in this document.
  5633. </summary>
  5634. </member>
  5635. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.NodeType">
  5636. <summary>
  5637. Returns <b>NodeType.Document</b>.
  5638. </summary>
  5639. </member>
  5640. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties">
  5641. <summary>
  5642. Returns a collection that represents all the built-in document properties of the document.
  5643. </summary>
  5644. </member>
  5645. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.WebExtensionTaskPanes">
  5646. <summary>
  5647. Returns a collection that represents a list of task pane add-ins.
  5648. </summary>
  5649. </member>
  5650. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomDocumentProperties">
  5651. <summary>
  5652. Returns a collection that represents all the custom document properties of the document.
  5653. </summary>
  5654. </member>
  5655. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMerge">
  5656. <summary>
  5657. Returns a <b>MailMerge</b> object that represents the mail merge functionality for the document.
  5658. </summary>
  5659. </member>
  5660. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.ProtectionType">
  5661. <summary>
  5662. Gets the currently active document protection type.
  5663. </summary>
  5664. <remarks>
  5665. <p>This property allows to retrieve the currently set document protection type.
  5666. To change the document protection type use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Protect(Aspose.Words.ProtectionType,System.String)" />
  5667. and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Unprotect" /> methods.</p>
  5668. <p>When a document is protected, the user can make only limited changes,
  5669. such as adding annotations, making revisions, or completing a form.</p>
  5670. <para>Note that document protection is different from write protection.
  5671. Write protection is specified using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.WriteProtection" /></para>
  5672. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Protect(Aspose.Words.ProtectionType,System.String)" />
  5673. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Unprotect" />
  5674. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.WriteProtection" />
  5675. </remarks>
  5676. </member>
  5677. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Sections">
  5678. <summary>
  5679. Returns a collection that represents all sections in the document.
  5680. </summary>
  5681. </member>
  5682. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FirstSection">
  5683. <summary>
  5684. Gets the first section in the document.
  5685. </summary>
  5686. <remarks>
  5687. Returns <c>null</c> if there are no sections.
  5688. </remarks>
  5689. </member>
  5690. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.LastSection">
  5691. <summary>
  5692. Gets the last section in the document.
  5693. </summary>
  5694. <remarks>
  5695. Returns <c>null</c> if there are no sections.
  5696. </remarks>
  5697. </member>
  5698. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.ViewOptions">
  5699. <summary>
  5700. Provides options to control how the document is displayed in Microsoft Word.
  5701. </summary>
  5702. </member>
  5703. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.WriteProtection">
  5704. <summary>
  5705. Provides access to the document write protection options.
  5706. </summary>
  5707. </member>
  5708. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CompatibilityOptions">
  5709. <summary>
  5710. Provides access to document compatibility options (that is, the user preferences entered on the <b>Compatibility</b>
  5711. tab of the <b>Options</b> dialog in Word).
  5712. </summary>
  5713. </member>
  5714. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMergeSettings">
  5715. <summary>
  5716. Gets or sets the object that contains all of the mail merge information for a document.
  5717. </summary>
  5718. <remarks>
  5719. <para>You can use this object to specify a mail merge data source for a document and this information
  5720. (along with the available data fields) will appear in Microsoft Word when the user opens this document.
  5721. Or you can use this object to query mail merge settings that the user has specified in Microsoft Word
  5722. for this document.</para>
  5723. <para>This object is never null.</para>
  5724. </remarks>
  5725. </member>
  5726. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.HyphenationOptions">
  5727. <summary>
  5728. Provides access to document hyphenation options.
  5729. </summary>
  5730. </member>
  5731. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.HasRevisions">
  5732. <summary>
  5733. Returns <b>true</b> if the document has any tracked changes.
  5734. </summary>
  5735. <remarks>
  5736. This property is a shortcut for comparing <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.RevisionCollection.Count" /> to zero.
  5737. </remarks>
  5738. </member>
  5739. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.HasMacros">
  5740. <summary>
  5741. Returns <b>true</b> if the document has a VBA project (macros).
  5742. </summary>
  5743. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.RemoveMacros" />
  5744. </member>
  5745. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Watermark">
  5746. <summary>
  5747. Provides access to the document watermark.
  5748. </summary>
  5749. </member>
  5750. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.VersionsCount">
  5751. <summary>
  5752. Gets the number of document versions that was stored in the DOC document.
  5753. </summary>
  5754. <remarks>
  5755. <p>Versions in Microsoft Word are accessed via the File/Versions menu. Microsoft Word supports
  5756. versions only for DOC files.</p>
  5757. <p>This property allows to detect if there were document versions stored in this document
  5758. before it was opened in Aspose.Words. Aspose.Words provides no other support for document versions.
  5759. If you save this document using Aspose.Words, the document will be saved without versions.</p>
  5760. </remarks>
  5761. </member>
  5762. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.DefaultTabStop">
  5763. <summary>
  5764. Gets or sets the interval (in points) between the default tab stops.
  5765. </summary>
  5766. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection" />
  5767. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabStop" />
  5768. </member>
  5769. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Theme">
  5770. <summary>
  5771. Gets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Theme" /> object for this document.
  5772. </summary>
  5773. </member>
  5774. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomXmlParts">
  5775. <summary>
  5776. Gets or sets the collection of Custom XML Data Storage Parts.
  5777. </summary>
  5778. <remarks>
  5779. <para>Aspose.Words loads and saves Custom XML Parts into OOXML and DOC documents only.</para>
  5780. <para>This property cannot be <c>null</c>.</para>
  5781. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart" />
  5782. </remarks>
  5783. </member>
  5784. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.PackageCustomParts">
  5785. <summary>
  5786. Gets or sets the collection of custom parts (arbitrary content) that are linked to the OOXML package using "unknown relationships".
  5787. </summary>
  5788. <remarks>
  5789. <para>Do not confuse these custom parts with Custom XML Data. If you need to access Custom XML parts,
  5790. use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomXmlParts" /> property.</para>
  5791. <para>This collection contains OOXML parts whose parent is the OOXML package and they targets are of an "unknown relationship".
  5792. For more information see <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart" />.</para>
  5793. <para>Aspose.Words loads and saves custom parts into OOXML documents only.</para>
  5794. <para>This property cannot be <c>null</c>.</para>
  5795. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart" />
  5796. </remarks>
  5797. </member>
  5798. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Variables">
  5799. <summary>
  5800. Returns the collection of variables added to a document or template.
  5801. </summary>
  5802. </member>
  5803. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.GlossaryDocument">
  5804. <summary>
  5805. Gets or sets the glossary document within this document or template. A glossary document is a storage
  5806. for AutoText, AutoCorrect and Building Block entries defined in a document.
  5807. </summary>
  5808. <remarks>
  5809. <para>This property returns <c>null</c> if the document does not have a glossary document.</para>
  5810. <para>You can add a glossary document to a document by creating a
  5811. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" /> object and assigning to this property.</para>
  5812. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" />
  5813. </remarks>
  5814. </member>
  5815. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.OriginalFileName">
  5816. <summary>
  5817. Gets the original file name of the document.
  5818. </summary>
  5819. <remarks>
  5820. <p>Returns null if the document was loaded from a stream or created blank.</p>
  5821. </remarks>
  5822. </member>
  5823. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.OriginalLoadFormat">
  5824. <summary>
  5825. Gets the format of the original document that was loaded into this object.
  5826. </summary>
  5827. <remarks>
  5828. <para>If you created a new blank document, returns the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Doc" /> value.</para>
  5829. </remarks>
  5830. </member>
  5831. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Compliance">
  5832. <summary>
  5833. Gets the OOXML compliance version determined from the loaded document content.
  5834. Makes sense only for OOXML documents.
  5835. </summary>
  5836. <remarks>
  5837. <para>If you created a new blank document or load non OOXML document
  5838. returns the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance.Ecma376_2006" /> value.</para>
  5839. </remarks>
  5840. </member>
  5841. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.DigitalSignatures">
  5842. <summary>
  5843. Gets the collection of digital signatures for this document and their validation results.
  5844. </summary>
  5845. <remarks>
  5846. <para>This collection contains digital signatures that were loaded from the original document.
  5847. These digital signatures will not be saved when you save this <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object
  5848. into a file or stream because saving or converting will produce a document that is different from the
  5849. original and the original digital signatures will no longer be valid.</para>
  5850. <para>This collection is never null. If the document is not signed, it will contain zero elements.</para>
  5851. </remarks>
  5852. </member>
  5853. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FontSettings">
  5854. <summary>
  5855. Gets or sets document font settings.
  5856. </summary>
  5857. <remarks>
  5858. <para>This property allows to specify font settings per document. If set to null, default static font settings
  5859. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.DefaultInstance" /> will be used.</para>
  5860. <para>The default value is null.</para>
  5861. </remarks>
  5862. </member>
  5863. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.PageCount">
  5864. <summary>
  5865. Gets the number of pages in the document as calculated by the most recent page layout operation.
  5866. </summary>
  5867. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" />
  5868. </member>
  5869. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.Revisions">
  5870. <summary>
  5871. Gets a collection of revisions (tracked changes) that exist in this document.
  5872. </summary>
  5873. <remarks>
  5874. <para>The returned collection is a "live" collection, which means if you remove parts of a document that contain
  5875. revisions, the deleted revisions will automatically disappear from this collection.</para>
  5876. </remarks>
  5877. </member>
  5878. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.LayoutOptions">
  5879. <summary>
  5880. Gets a <b>LayoutOptions</b> object that represents options to control the layout process of this document.
  5881. </summary>
  5882. </member>
  5883. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.RevisionsView">
  5884. <summary>
  5885. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to work with the original or revised version of a document.
  5886. </summary>
  5887. <remarks>
  5888. The default value is <b><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionsView.Original" /></b>.
  5889. </remarks>
  5890. <dev>
  5891. Currently this option is supported for <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.LabelString" />
  5892. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListLevel" /> only.
  5893. </dev>
  5894. </member>
  5895. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FootnoteOptions">
  5896. <summary>
  5897. Provides options that control numbering and positioning of footnotes in this document.
  5898. </summary>
  5899. </member>
  5900. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.EndnoteOptions">
  5901. <summary>
  5902. Provides options that control numbering and positioning of endnotes in this document.
  5903. </summary>
  5904. </member>
  5905. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FieldOptions">
  5906. <summary>
  5907. Gets a <b>FieldOptions</b> object that represents options to control field handling in the document.
  5908. </summary>
  5909. </member>
  5910. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.RemovePersonalInformation">
  5911. <summary>
  5912. Gets or sets a flag indicating that Microsoft Word will remove all user information from comments, revisions and
  5913. document properties upon saving the document.
  5914. </summary>
  5915. </member>
  5916. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Document.VbaProject">
  5917. <summary>
  5918. Gets or sets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.VbaProject" />.
  5919. </summary>
  5920. </member>
  5921. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder">
  5922. <summary>
  5923. Provides methods to insert text, images and other content, specify font, paragraph and section formatting.
  5924. </summary>
  5925. <remarks>
  5926. <p>
  5927. <b>DocumentBuilder</b> makes the process of building a <b>Document</b> easier.
  5928. <b>Document</b> is a composite object consisting of a tree of nodes and while inserting content
  5929. nodes directly into the tree is possible, it requires good understanding of the tree structure.
  5930. <b>DocumentBuilder</b> is a "facade" for the complex structure of <b>Document</b> and allows
  5931. to insert content and formatting quickly and easily.</p>
  5932. <p>Create a <b>DocumentBuilder</b> and associate it with a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Document" />.</p>
  5933. <p>The <b>DocumentBuilder</b> has an internal cursor where the text will be inserted
  5934. when you call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Write(System.String)" />, <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Writeln(System.String)" />, <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertBreak(Aspose.Words.BreakType)" />
  5935. and other methods. You can navigate the <b>DocumentBuilder</b> cursor to a different location
  5936. in a document using various MoveToXXX methods.</p>
  5937. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Font" /> property to specify character formatting that will apply to
  5938. all text inserted from the current position in the document onwards.</p>
  5939. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.ParagraphFormat" /> property to specify paragraph formatting for the current
  5940. and all paragraphs that will be inserted.</p>
  5941. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.PageSetup" /> property to specify page and section properties for the current
  5942. section and all section that will be inserted.</p>
  5943. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CellFormat" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.RowFormat" /> properties to specify
  5944. formatting properties for table cells and rows. User the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertCell" /> and
  5945. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndRow" /> methods to build a table.</p>
  5946. <p>Note that <b>Font</b>, <b>ParagraphFormat</b> and <b>PageSetup</b> properties are updated whenever
  5947. you navigate to a different place in the document to reflect formatting properties available at the new location.</p>
  5948. </remarks>
  5949. </member>
  5950. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.#ctor">
  5951. <summary>
  5952. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  5953. </summary>
  5954. <remarks>
  5955. Creates a new <b>DocumentBuilder</b> object and attaches it to a new <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Document" /> object.
  5956. </remarks>
  5957. </member>
  5958. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Document)">
  5959. <summary>
  5960. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  5961. </summary>
  5962. <remarks>
  5963. Creates a new <b>DocumentBuilder</b> object, attaches to the specified <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Document" /> object.
  5964. The cursor is positioned at the beginning of the document.
  5965. </remarks>
  5966. <param name="doc">The Document object to attach to.</param>
  5967. </member>
  5968. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToDocumentStart">
  5969. <summary>
  5970. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
  5971. </summary>
  5972. </member>
  5973. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToDocumentEnd">
  5974. <summary>
  5975. Moves the cursor to the end of the document.
  5976. </summary>
  5977. </member>
  5978. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToSection(System.Int32)">
  5979. <summary>
  5980. Moves the cursor to the beginning of the body in a specified section.
  5981. </summary>
  5982. <remarks>
  5983. <p>When sectionIndex is greater than or equal to 0, it specifies an index from
  5984. the beginning of the document with 0 being the first section. When sectionIndex is less than 0,
  5985. it specified an index from the end of the document with -1 being the last section.</p>
  5986. <p>The cursor is moved to the first paragraph in the <b>Body</b> of the specified section.</p>
  5987. </remarks>
  5988. <param name="sectionIndex">The index of the section to move to.</param>
  5989. </member>
  5990. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToHeaderFooter(Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType)">
  5991. <summary>
  5992. Moves the cursor to the beginning of a header or footer in the current section.
  5993. </summary>
  5994. <remarks>
  5995. <p>After you moved the cursor into a header or footer, you can use the rest of DocumentBuilder
  5996. methods to modify the contents of the header or footer.</p>
  5997. <p>If you want to create headers and footers different for the first page, you need
  5998. to set <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter" />.</p>
  5999. <p>If you want to create headers and footers different for even and odd pages, you need
  6000. to set <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter" />.</p>
  6001. <p>Use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToSection(System.Int32)" /> to move out of the header into the main text.</p>
  6002. </remarks>
  6003. <param name="headerFooterType">Specifies the header or footer to move to.</param>
  6004. </member>
  6005. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToMergeField(System.String)">
  6006. <overloads>Moves the cursor to the specified merge field.</overloads>
  6007. <summary>
  6008. Moves the cursor to a position just beyond the specified merge field and removes the merge field.
  6009. </summary>
  6010. <remarks>
  6011. <p>Note that this method deletes the merge field from the document after moving the cursor.</p>
  6012. </remarks>
  6013. <param name="fieldName">The case-insensitive name of the mail merge field.</param>
  6014. <returns>True if the merge field was found and the cursor was moved; false otherwise.</returns>
  6015. </member>
  6016. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToMergeField(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  6017. <summary>
  6018. Moves the merge field to the specified merge field.
  6019. </summary>
  6020. <param name="fieldName">The case-insensitive name of the mail merge field.</param>
  6021. <param name="isAfter">When true, moves the cursor to be after the field end.
  6022. When false, moves the cursor to be before the field start. </param>
  6023. <param name="isDeleteField">When true, deletes the merge field.</param>
  6024. <returns>True if the merge field was found and the cursor was moved; false otherwise.</returns>
  6025. </member>
  6026. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToField(Aspose.Words.Fields.Field,System.Boolean)">
  6027. <summary>
  6028. Moves the cursor to a field in the document.
  6029. </summary>
  6030. <param name="field">The field to move the cursor to.</param>
  6031. <param name="isAfter">When true, moves the cursor to be after the field end.
  6032. When false, moves the cursor to be before the field start. </param>
  6033. </member>
  6034. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToBookmark(System.String)">
  6035. <summary>
  6036. Moves the cursor to a bookmark.
  6037. </summary>
  6038. <remarks>
  6039. <p>Moves the cursor to a position just after the start of the bookmark with the
  6040. specified name.</p>
  6041. <p>The comparison is not case-sensitive. If the bookmark was not found, false is
  6042. returned and the cursor is not moved.</p>
  6043. <p>Inserting new text does not replace existing text of the bookmark.</p>
  6044. <p>Note that some bookmarks in the document are assigned to form fields.
  6045. Moving to such a bookmark and inserting text there inserts the text into the
  6046. form field code. Although this will not invalidate the form field, the inserted
  6047. text will not be visible because it becomes part of the field code.</p>
  6048. </remarks>
  6049. <param name="bookmarkName">The name of the bookmark to move the cursor to.</param>
  6050. <returns>True if the bookmark was found; false otherwise.</returns>
  6051. </member>
  6052. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToBookmark(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  6053. <summary>
  6054. Moves the cursor to a bookmark with greater precision.
  6055. </summary>
  6056. <remarks>
  6057. <p>Moves the cursor to a position before or after the bookmark start or end.</p>
  6058. <p>If desired position is not at inline level, moves to the next paragraph.</p>
  6059. <p>The comparison is not case-sensitive. If the bookmark was not found, false is
  6060. returned and the cursor is not moved.</p>
  6061. </remarks>
  6062. <param name="bookmarkName">The name of the bookmark to move the cursor to.</param>
  6063. <param name="isStart">When true, moves the cursor to the beginning of the bookmark.
  6064. When false, moves the cursor to the end of the bookmark.</param>
  6065. <param name="isAfter">When true, moves the cursor to be after the bookmark
  6066. start or end position. When false, moves the cursor to be before the bookmark
  6067. start or end position.</param>
  6068. <returns>True if the bookmark was found; false otherwise.</returns>
  6069. </member>
  6070. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToParagraph(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6071. <summary>
  6072. Moves the cursor to a paragraph in the current section.
  6073. </summary>
  6074. <remarks>
  6075. <p>The navigation is performed inside the current story of the current section.
  6076. That is, if you moved the cursor to the primary header of the first section,
  6077. then paragraphIndex specified the index of the paragraph inside that header
  6078. of that section.</p>
  6079. <p>When paragraphIndex is greater than or equal to 0, it specifies an index from
  6080. the beginning of the section with 0 being the first paragraph. When paragraphIndex is less than 0,
  6081. it specified an index from the end of the section with -1 being the last paragraph.</p>
  6082. </remarks>
  6083. <param name="paragraphIndex">The index of the paragraph to move to.</param>
  6084. <param name="characterIndex">The index of the character inside the paragraph.
  6085. Currently can only specify 0 to move to the beginning of the paragraph or -1 to
  6086. move to the end of the paragraph.
  6087. </param>
  6088. </member>
  6089. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveToCell(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6090. <summary>
  6091. Moves the cursor to a table cell in the current section.
  6092. </summary>
  6093. <remarks>
  6094. <p>The navigation is performed inside the current story of the current section.</p>
  6095. <p>For the index parameters, when index is greater than or equal to 0, it specifies an index from
  6096. the beginning with 0 being the first element. When index is less than 0, it specified an index from
  6097. the end with -1 being the last element.</p>
  6098. </remarks>
  6099. <param name="tableIndex">The index of the table to move to.</param>
  6100. <param name="rowIndex">The index of the row in the table.</param>
  6101. <param name="columnIndex">The index of the column in the table.</param>
  6102. <param name="characterIndex">The index of the character inside the cell.
  6103. Currently can only specify 0 to move to the beginning of the cell or -1 to
  6104. move to the end of the cell.</param>
  6105. </member>
  6106. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveTo(Aspose.Words.Paragraph,Aspose.Words.Node)">
  6107. <summary>
  6108. If inline node is not null, moves to it, otherwise moves to the paragraph node.
  6109. </summary>
  6110. </member>
  6111. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.MoveTo(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  6112. <summary>
  6113. Moves the cursor to an inline node or to the end of a paragraph.
  6114. </summary>
  6115. <remarks>
  6116. <p>When <i>node</i> is an inline-level node, the cursor is moved to this node
  6117. and further content will be inserted before that node.</p>
  6118. <p>When <i>node</i> is a <b>Paragraph</b>, the cursor is moved to the end of the paragraph
  6119. and further content will be inserted just before the paragraph break.</p>
  6120. <p>When <i>node</i> is a block-level node but not a Paragraph, the cursor is moved to the end of the first paragraph into block-level node
  6121. and further content will be inserted just before the paragraph break.</p>
  6122. </remarks>
  6123. <param name="node">The node must be a paragraph or a direct child of a paragraph.</param>
  6124. </member>
  6125. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.DeleteRow(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  6126. <summary>
  6127. Deletes a row from a table.
  6128. </summary>
  6129. <remarks>
  6130. <p>If the cursor is inside the row that is being deleted, the cursor is moved
  6131. out to the next row or to the next paragraph after the table.</p>
  6132. <p>If you delete a row from a table that contains only one row, the whole
  6133. table is deleted.</p>
  6134. <p>For the index parameters, when index is greater than or equal to 0, it specifies an index from
  6135. the beginning with 0 being the first element. When index is less than 0, it specified an index from
  6136. the end with -1 being the last element.</p>
  6137. </remarks>
  6138. <param name="tableIndex">The index of the table.</param>
  6139. <param name="rowIndex">The index of the row in the table.</param>
  6140. <returns>The row node that was just removed.</returns>
  6141. </member>
  6142. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Write(System.String)">
  6143. <summary>
  6144. Inserts a string into the document at the current insert position.
  6145. </summary>
  6146. <remarks>
  6147. Current font formatting specified by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Font" /> property is used.
  6148. </remarks>
  6149. <param name="text">The string to insert into the document.</param>
  6150. </member>
  6151. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Writeln(System.String)">
  6152. <summary>
  6153. Inserts a string and a paragraph break into the document.
  6154. </summary>
  6155. <remarks>
  6156. Current font and paragraph formatting specified by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Font" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.ParagraphFormat" /> properties are used.
  6157. </remarks>
  6158. <param name="text">The string to insert into the document.</param>
  6159. </member>
  6160. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Writeln">
  6161. <summary>
  6162. Inserts a paragraph break into the document.
  6163. </summary>
  6164. <remarks>
  6165. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertParagraph" />.</p>
  6166. </remarks>
  6167. </member>
  6168. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertParagraph">
  6169. <summary>
  6170. Inserts a paragraph break into the document.
  6171. </summary>
  6172. <remarks>
  6173. <p>Current paragraph formatting specified by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.ParagraphFormat" /> property is used.</p>
  6174. <p>Breaks the current paragraph in two. After inserting the paragraph, the cursor is placed at the beginning of the new paragraph.</p>
  6175. </remarks>
  6176. <returns>The paragraph node that was just inserted. It is the same node as <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CurrentParagraph" />.</returns>
  6177. </member>
  6178. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertStyleSeparator">
  6179. <summary>
  6180. Inserts style separator into the document.
  6181. </summary>
  6182. <remarks>
  6183. This method allows to apply different paragraph styles to two different parts of a text line.
  6184. </remarks>
  6185. </member>
  6186. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertBreak(Aspose.Words.BreakType)">
  6187. <summary>
  6188. Inserts a break of the specified type into the document.
  6189. </summary>
  6190. <remarks>
  6191. Use this method to insert paragraph, page, column, section or line break into the document.
  6192. </remarks>
  6193. <param name="breakType">Specifies the type of the break to insert.</param>
  6194. </member>
  6195. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertTableOfContents(System.String)">
  6196. <summary>
  6197. Inserts a TOC (table of contents) field into the document.
  6198. </summary>
  6199. <remarks>
  6200. <p>This method inserts a TOC (table of contents) field into the document at
  6201. the current position.</p>
  6202. <p>A table of contents in a Word document can be built in a number of ways
  6203. and formatted using a variety of options. The way the table is built and
  6204. displayed by Microsoft Word is controlled by the field switches.</p>
  6205. <p>The easiest way to specify the switches is to insert and configure a table of
  6206. contents into a Word document using the Insert-&gt;Reference-&gt;Index and Tables menu,
  6207. then switch display of field codes on to see the switches. You can press Alt+F9 in
  6208. Microsoft Word to toggle display of field codes on or off.</p>
  6209. <p>For example, after creating a table of contents, the following field is inserted
  6210. into the document: <b>{ TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u }</b>.
  6211. You can copy <b>\o "1-3" \h \z \u</b> and use it as the switches parameter.</p>
  6212. <p>Note that <b>InsertTableOfContents</b> will only insert a TOC field, but
  6213. will not actually build the table of contents. The table of contents is built by
  6214. Microsoft Word when the field is updated.</p>
  6215. <p>If you insert a table of contents using this method and then open the file
  6216. in Microsoft Word, you will not see the table of contents because the TOC field
  6217. has not yet been updated.</p>
  6218. <p>In Microsoft Word, fields are not automatically updated when a document is opened,
  6219. but you can update fields in a document at any time by pressing F9.</p>
  6220. </remarks>
  6221. <param name="switches">The TOC field switches.</param>
  6222. </member>
  6223. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType,System.Boolean)">
  6224. <overloads>Inserts a Word field into a document.</overloads>
  6225. <summary>
  6226. Inserts a Word field into a document and optionally updates the field result.
  6227. </summary>
  6228. <remarks>
  6229. <para>This method inserts a field into a document.
  6230. Aspose.Words can update fields of most types, but not all. For more details see the
  6231. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String,System.String)" /> overload.</para>
  6232. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" />
  6233. </remarks>
  6234. <param name="fieldType">The type of the field to append.</param>
  6235. <param name="updateField">Specifies whether to update the field immediately.</param>
  6236. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  6237. </member>
  6238. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String)">
  6239. <overloads>Inserts a Word field into a document.</overloads>
  6240. <summary>
  6241. Inserts a Word field into a document and updates the field result.
  6242. </summary>
  6243. <remarks>
  6244. <para>This method inserts a field into a document and updates the field result immediately.
  6245. Aspose.Words can update fields of most types, but not all. For more details see the
  6246. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String,System.String)" /> overload.</para>
  6247. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" />
  6248. </remarks>
  6249. <param name="fieldCode">The field code to insert (without curly braces).</param>
  6250. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  6251. </member>
  6252. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String,System.String)">
  6253. <summary>
  6254. Inserts a Word field into a document without updating the field result.
  6255. </summary>
  6256. <remarks>
  6257. <p>Fields in Microsoft Word documents consist of a field code and a field result.
  6258. The field code is like a formula and the field result is like the value that
  6259. the formula produces. The field code may also contain field switches
  6260. that are like additional instructions to perform a specific action.</p>
  6261. <p>You can switch between displaying field codes and results in your document in
  6262. Microsoft Word using the keyboard shortcut Alt+F9. Field codes appear between curly braces ( { } ).</p>
  6263. <p>To create a field, you need to specify a field type, field code and a "placeholder" field value.
  6264. If you are not sure about a particular field code syntax, create the field in Microsoft Word first
  6265. and switch to see its field code.</p>
  6266. <para>Aspose.Words can calculate field results for most of the field types, but this method
  6267. does not update the field result automatically. Because the field result is not calculated automatically,
  6268. you are expected to pass some string value (or even an empty string) that will be inserted into the field result.
  6269. This value will remain in the field result as a placeholder until the field is updated.
  6270. To update the field result you can call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Update" /> on the field object returned
  6271. to you or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateFields" /> to update fields in the whole document.</para>
  6272. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" />
  6273. </remarks>
  6274. <param name="fieldCode">The field code to insert (without curly braces).</param>
  6275. <param name="fieldValue">The field value to insert. Pass null for fields that do not have a value.</param>
  6276. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  6277. </member>
  6278. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertHyperlink(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  6279. <summary>
  6280. Inserts a hyperlink into the document.
  6281. </summary>
  6282. <remarks>
  6283. <p>Note that you need to specify font formatting for the hyperlink display text explicitly
  6284. using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Font" /> property.</p>
  6285. <p>This methods internally calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String)" /> to insert an MS Word HYPERLINK field
  6286. into the document.</p>
  6287. </remarks>
  6288. <param name="displayText">Text of the link to be displayed in the document.</param>
  6289. <param name="urlOrBookmark">Link destination. Can be a url or a name of a bookmark inside the document.
  6290. This method always adds apostrophes at the beginning and end of the url.</param>
  6291. <param name="isBookmark">True if the previous parameter is a name of a bookmark inside the document;
  6292. false is the previous parameter is a URL.</param>
  6293. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  6294. </member>
  6295. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertTextInput(System.String,Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">
  6296. <summary>
  6297. Inserts a text form field at the current position.
  6298. </summary>
  6299. <remarks>
  6300. <p>If you specify a name for the form field, then a bookmark is automatically created with the same name.</p>
  6301. </remarks>
  6302. <param name="name">The name of the form field. Can be an empty string.</param>
  6303. <param name="type">Specifies the type of the text form field.</param>
  6304. <param name="format">Format string used to format the value of the form field.</param>
  6305. <param name="fieldValue">Text that will be shown in the field.</param>
  6306. <param name="maxLength">Maximum length the user can enter into the form field. Set to zero for unlimited length.</param>
  6307. <returns>The form field node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6308. </member>
  6309. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertCheckBox(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  6310. <summary>
  6311. Inserts a checkbox form field at the current position.
  6312. </summary>
  6313. <remarks>
  6314. <p>If you specify a name for the form field, then a bookmark is automatically created with the same name.</p>
  6315. </remarks>
  6316. <param name="name">The name of the form field. Can be an empty string. The value longer than 20 characters will be truncated.</param>
  6317. <param name="checkedValue">Checked status of the checkbox form field.</param>
  6318. <param name="size">Specifies the size of the checkbox in points. Specify 0 for MS Word
  6319. to calculate the size of the checkbox automatically.</param>
  6320. <returns>The form field node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6321. </member>
  6322. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertCheckBox(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  6323. <summary>
  6324. Inserts a checkbox form field at the current position.
  6325. </summary>
  6326. <remarks>
  6327. <p>If you specify a name for the form field, then a bookmark is automatically created with the same name.</p>
  6328. </remarks>
  6329. <param name="name">The name of the form field. Can be an empty string. The value longer than 20 characters will be truncated.</param>
  6330. <param name="defaultValue">Default value of the checkbox form field.</param>
  6331. <param name="checkedValue">Current checked status of the checkbox form field.</param>
  6332. <param name="size">Specifies the size of the checkbox in points. Specify 0 for MS Word
  6333. to calculate the size of the checkbox automatically.</param>
  6334. <returns>The form field node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6335. </member>
  6336. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertComboBox(System.String,System.String[],System.Int32)">
  6337. <summary>
  6338. Inserts a combobox form field at the current position.
  6339. </summary>
  6340. <remarks>
  6341. <p>If you specify a name for the form field, then a bookmark is automatically created with the same name.</p>
  6342. </remarks>
  6343. <param name="name">The name of the form field. Can be an empty string. The value longer than 20 characters will be truncated.</param>
  6344. <param name="items">The items of the ComboBox. Maximum is 25 items.</param>
  6345. <param name="selectedIndex">The index of the selected item in the ComboBox.</param>
  6346. <returns>The form field node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6347. </member>
  6348. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertFootnote(Aspose.Words.FootnoteType,System.String)">
  6349. <summary>
  6350. Inserts a footnote or endnote into the document.
  6351. </summary>
  6352. <param name="footnoteType">Specifies whether to insert a footnote or an endnote.</param>
  6353. <param name="footnoteText">Specifies the text of the footnote.</param>
  6354. <returns>Returns a footnote object that was just created.</returns>
  6355. </member>
  6356. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertFootnote(Aspose.Words.FootnoteType,System.String,System.String)">
  6357. <summary>
  6358. Inserts a footnote or endnote into the document.
  6359. </summary>
  6360. <param name="footnoteType">Specifies whether to insert a footnote or an endnote.</param>
  6361. <param name="footnoteText">Specifies the text of the footnote.</param>
  6362. <param name="referenceMark">Specifies the custom reference mark of the footnote.</param>
  6363. <returns>Returns a footnote object that was just created.</returns>
  6364. </member>
  6365. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.Drawing.Image)">
  6366. <overloads>Inserts an image into the document.</overloads>
  6367. <summary>
  6368. Inserts an image from a .NET <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Image" />
  6369. object into the document. The image is inserted inline and at 100% scale.
  6370. </summary>
  6371. <param name="image">The image to insert into the document.</param>
  6372. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6373. <remarks>
  6374. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6375. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6376. </remarks>
  6377. </member>
  6378. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.String)">
  6379. <summary>
  6380. Inserts an image from a file or URL into the document. The image is inserted inline and at 100% scale.
  6381. </summary>
  6382. <param name="fileName">The file with the image. Can be any valid local or remote URI.</param>
  6383. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6384. <remarks>
  6385. <p>This overload will automatically download the image before inserting into the document
  6386. if you specify a remote URI.</p>
  6387. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6388. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6389. </remarks>
  6390. </member>
  6391. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.IO.Stream)">
  6392. <summary>
  6393. Inserts an image from a stream into the document. The image is inserted inline and at 100% scale.
  6394. </summary>
  6395. <param name="stream">The stream that contains the image.
  6396. </param>
  6397. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6398. <remarks>
  6399. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6400. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6401. </remarks>
  6402. </member>
  6403. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.Byte[])">
  6404. <summary>
  6405. Inserts an image from a byte array into the document. The image is inserted inline and at 100% scale.
  6406. </summary>
  6407. <param name="imageBytes">The byte array that contains the image.</param>
  6408. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6409. <remarks>
  6410. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6411. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6412. </remarks>
  6413. </member>
  6414. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.Drawing.Image,System.Double,System.Double)">
  6415. <summary>
  6416. Inserts an inline image from a .NET <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Image" />
  6417. object into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6418. </summary>
  6419. <param name="image">The image to insert into the document.</param>
  6420. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6421. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6422. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6423. <remarks>
  6424. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6425. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6426. </remarks>
  6427. </member>
  6428. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.String,System.Double,System.Double)">
  6429. <summary>
  6430. Inserts an inline image from a file or URL into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6431. </summary>
  6432. <param name="fileName">The file that contains the image.</param>
  6433. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6434. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6435. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6436. <remarks>
  6437. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6438. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6439. </remarks>
  6440. </member>
  6441. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.IO.Stream,System.Double,System.Double)">
  6442. <summary>
  6443. Inserts an inline image from a stream into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6444. </summary>
  6445. <param name="stream">The stream that contains the image.</param>
  6446. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6447. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6448. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6449. <remarks>
  6450. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6451. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6452. </remarks>
  6453. </member>
  6454. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.Byte[],System.Double,System.Double)">
  6455. <summary>
  6456. Inserts an inline image from a byte array into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6457. </summary>
  6458. <param name="imageBytes">The byte array that contains the image.</param>
  6459. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6460. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6461. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6462. <remarks>
  6463. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6464. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6465. </remarks>
  6466. </member>
  6467. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.Drawing.Image,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6468. <summary>
  6469. Inserts an image from a .NET <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Image" />
  6470. object at the specified position and size.
  6471. </summary>
  6472. <param name="image">The image to insert into the document.</param>
  6473. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the distance to the image is measured from.</param>
  6474. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the image.</param>
  6475. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the distance to the image measured from.</param>
  6476. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the image.</param>
  6477. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6478. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6479. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the image.</param>
  6480. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6481. <remarks>
  6482. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6483. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6484. </remarks>
  6485. </member>
  6486. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.String,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6487. <summary>
  6488. Inserts an image from a file or URL at the specified position and size.
  6489. </summary>
  6490. <param name="fileName">The file that contains the image.</param>
  6491. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the distance to the image is measured from.</param>
  6492. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the image.</param>
  6493. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the distance to the image measured from.</param>
  6494. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the image.</param>
  6495. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6496. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6497. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the image.</param>
  6498. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6499. <remarks>
  6500. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6501. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6502. </remarks>
  6503. </member>
  6504. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6505. <summary>
  6506. Inserts an image from a stream at the specified position and size.
  6507. </summary>
  6508. <param name="stream">The stream that contains the image.</param>
  6509. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the distance to the image is measured from.</param>
  6510. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the image.</param>
  6511. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the distance to the image measured from.</param>
  6512. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the image.</param>
  6513. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6514. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6515. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the image.</param>
  6516. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6517. <remarks>
  6518. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6519. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6520. </remarks>
  6521. </member>
  6522. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertImage(System.Byte[],Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6523. <summary>
  6524. Inserts an image from a byte array at the specified position and size.
  6525. </summary>
  6526. <param name="imageBytes">The byte array that contains the image.</param>
  6527. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the distance to the image is measured from.</param>
  6528. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the image.</param>
  6529. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the distance to the image measured from.</param>
  6530. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the image.</param>
  6531. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6532. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6533. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the image.</param>
  6534. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6535. <remarks>
  6536. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6537. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6538. </remarks>
  6539. </member>
  6540. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObject(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.Boolean,System.IO.Stream)">
  6541. <summary>
  6542. Inserts an embedded OLE object from a stream into the document.
  6543. </summary>
  6544. <param name="stream">Stream containing application data.</param>
  6545. <param name="progId">Programmatic Identifier of OLE object.</param>
  6546. <param name="asIcon">Specifies either Iconic or Normal mode of OLE object being inserted.</param>
  6547. <param name="presentation">Image presentation of OLE object. If value is null Aspose.Words will use one of the predefined images.</param>
  6548. <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
  6549. </member>
  6550. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObject(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.IO.Stream)">
  6551. <summary>
  6552. Inserts an embedded or linked OLE object from a file into the document. Detects OLE object type using file extension.
  6553. </summary>
  6554. <param name="fileName">Full path to the file.</param>
  6555. <param name="isLinked">If true then linked OLE object is inserted otherwise embedded OLE object is inserted.</param>
  6556. <param name="asIcon">Specifies either Iconic or Normal mode of OLE object being inserted.</param>
  6557. <param name="presentation">Image presentation of OLE object. If value is null Aspose.Words will use one of the predefined images.</param>
  6558. <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
  6559. </member>
  6560. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObject(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.IO.Stream)">
  6561. <summary>
  6562. Inserts an embedded or linked OLE object from a file into the document. Detects OLE object type using given progID parameter.
  6563. </summary>
  6564. <param name="fileName">Full path to the file.</param>
  6565. <param name="progId">ProgId of OLE object.</param>
  6566. <param name="isLinked">If true then linked OLE object is inserted otherwise embedded OLE object is inserted.</param>
  6567. <param name="asIcon">Specifies either Iconic or Normal mode of OLE object being inserted.</param>
  6568. <param name="presentation">Image presentation of OLE object. If value is null Aspose.Words will use one of the predefined images.</param>
  6569. <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
  6570. </member>
  6571. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObjectAsIcon(System.String,System.Boolean,System.String,System.String)">
  6572. <summary>
  6573. Inserts an embedded or linked OLE object as icon into the document.
  6574. Allows to specify icon file and caption. Detects OLE object type using file extension.
  6575. </summary>
  6576. <param name="fileName">Full path to the file.</param>
  6577. <param name="isLinked">
  6578. If true then linked OLE object is inserted otherwise embedded OLE object is inserted.
  6579. </param>
  6580. <param name="iconFile">
  6581. Full path to the ICO file. If the value is null, Aspose.Words will use a predefined image.
  6582. </param>
  6583. <param name="iconCaption">Icon caption.</param>
  6584. <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
  6585. </member>
  6586. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObjectAsIcon(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String,System.String)">
  6587. <summary>
  6588. Inserts an embedded or linked OLE object as icon into the document.
  6589. Allows to specify icon file and caption. Detects OLE object type using given progID parameter.
  6590. </summary>
  6591. <param name="fileName">Full path to the file.</param>
  6592. <param name="progId">ProgId of OLE object.</param>
  6593. <param name="isLinked">
  6594. If true then linked OLE object is inserted otherwise embedded OLE object is inserted.
  6595. </param>
  6596. <param name="iconFile">
  6597. Full path to the ICO file. If the value is null, Aspose.Words will use a predefined image.
  6598. </param>
  6599. <param name="iconCaption">Icon caption.</param>
  6600. <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
  6601. </member>
  6602. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObjectAsIcon(System.IO.Stream,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  6603. <summary>
  6604. Inserts an embedded OLE object as icon from a stream into the document.
  6605. Allows to specify icon file and caption. Detects OLE object type using given progID parameter.
  6606. </summary>
  6607. <param name="stream">Stream containing application data.</param>
  6608. <param name="progId">ProgId of OLE object.</param>
  6609. <param name="iconFile">
  6610. Full path to the ICO file. If the value is null, Aspose.Words will use a predefined image.
  6611. </param>
  6612. <param name="iconCaption">Icon caption.</param>
  6613. <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
  6614. </member>
  6615. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml(System.String)">
  6616. <summary>
  6617. Inserts an HTML string into the document.
  6618. </summary>
  6619. <remarks>
  6620. <p>You can use InsertHtml to insert an HTML fragment or whole HTML document.</p>
  6621. </remarks>
  6622. <param name="html">An HTML string to insert into the document.</param>
  6623. </member>
  6624. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  6625. <summary>
  6626. Inserts an HTML string into the document.
  6627. </summary>
  6628. <remarks>
  6629. <p>You can use InsertHtml to insert an HTML fragment or whole HTML document.</p>
  6630. </remarks>
  6631. <param name="html">An HTML string to insert into the document.</param>
  6632. <param name="useBuilderFormatting">
  6633. A value indicating whether formatting specified in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" />
  6634. is used as base formatting for text imported from HTML.
  6635. </param>
  6636. <remarks>
  6637. <para>
  6638. When <paramref name="useBuilderFormatting" /> is <c>false</c>,
  6639. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" /> formating is ignored and formatting of inserted text
  6640. is based on default HTML formatting. As a result, the text looks as it is rendered in browsers.
  6641. </para>
  6642. <para>
  6643. When <paramref name="useBuilderFormatting" /> is <c>true</c>,
  6644. formatting of inserted text is based on <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" /> formatting,
  6645. and the text looks as if it were inserted with <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Write(System.String)" />.
  6646. </para>
  6647. </remarks>
  6648. </member>
  6649. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertShape(Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType,System.Double,System.Double)">
  6650. <summary>
  6651. Inserts inline shape with specified type and size.
  6652. </summary>
  6653. <param name="shapeType">The shape type to insert into the document.</param>
  6654. <param name="width">The width of the shape in points.</param>
  6655. <param name="height">The height of the shape in points.</param>
  6656. <returns>The shape node that was inserted.</returns>
  6657. </member>
  6658. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertShape(Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6659. <summary>
  6660. Inserts free-floating shape with specified position, size and text wrap type.
  6661. </summary>
  6662. <param name="shapeType">The shape type to insert into the document</param>
  6663. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the horizontal distance to the shape is measured from.</param>
  6664. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the shape.</param>
  6665. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the vertical distance to the shape is measured from.</param>
  6666. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the shape.</param>
  6667. <param name="width">The width of the shape in points.</param>
  6668. <param name="height">The width of the shape in points.</param>
  6669. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the shape.</param>
  6670. <returns>The shape node that was inserted.</returns>
  6671. </member>
  6672. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertChart(Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType,System.Double,System.Double)">
  6673. <summary>
  6674. Inserts an chart object into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6675. </summary>
  6676. <param name="chartType">The chart type to insert into the document.</param>
  6677. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6678. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6679. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6680. <remarks>
  6681. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6682. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6683. </remarks>
  6684. </member>
  6685. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertChart(Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6686. <summary>
  6687. Inserts an chart object into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6688. </summary>
  6689. <param name="chartType">The chart type to insert into the document.</param>
  6690. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the distance to the image is measured from.</param>
  6691. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the image.</param>
  6692. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the distance to the image measured from.</param>
  6693. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the image.</param>
  6694. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6695. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6696. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the image.</param>
  6697. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6698. <remarks>
  6699. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6700. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6701. </remarks>
  6702. </member>
  6703. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOnlineVideo(System.String,System.Double,System.Double)">
  6704. <summary>
  6705. Inserts an online video object into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6706. </summary>
  6707. <param name="videoUrl">The URL to the video.</param>
  6708. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6709. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6710. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6711. <remarks>
  6712. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6713. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6714. <para>Insertion of online video from the following resources is supported:</para>
  6715. <list type="bullet">
  6716. <item>
  6717. <description>https://www.youtube.com/</description>
  6718. </item>
  6719. <item>
  6720. <description>https://vimeo.com/</description>
  6721. </item>
  6722. </list>
  6723. <para>If your online video is not displaying correctly, use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOnlineVideo(System.String,System.String,System.Byte[],System.Double,System.Double)" />, which accepts custom embedded html code.</para>
  6724. <para>The code for embedding video can vary between providers, consult your corresponding provider of choice for details.</para>
  6725. </remarks>
  6726. </member>
  6727. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOnlineVideo(System.String,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6728. <summary>
  6729. Inserts an online video object into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6730. </summary>
  6731. <param name="videoUrl">The URL to the video.</param>
  6732. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the distance to the image is measured from.</param>
  6733. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the image.</param>
  6734. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the distance to the image measured from.</param>
  6735. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the image.</param>
  6736. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6737. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6738. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the image.</param>
  6739. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6740. <remarks>
  6741. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6742. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6743. <para>Insertion of online video from the following resources is supported:</para>
  6744. <list type="bullet">
  6745. <item>
  6746. <description>https://www.youtube.com/</description>
  6747. </item>
  6748. <item>
  6749. <description>https://vimeo.com/</description>
  6750. </item>
  6751. </list>
  6752. <para>If your online video is not displaying correctly, use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOnlineVideo(System.String,System.String,System.Byte[],System.Double,System.Double)" />, which accepts custom embedded html code.</para>
  6753. <para>The code for embedding video can vary between providers, consult your corresponding provider of choice for details.</para>
  6754. </remarks>
  6755. </member>
  6756. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOnlineVideo(System.String,System.String,System.Byte[],System.Double,System.Double)">
  6757. <summary>
  6758. Inserts an online video object into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6759. </summary>
  6760. <param name="videoUrl">The URL to the video.</param>
  6761. <param name="videoEmbedCode">The embed code for the video.</param>
  6762. <param name="thumbnailImageBytes">The thumbnail image bytes.</param>
  6763. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6764. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6765. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6766. <remarks>
  6767. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6768. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6769. </remarks>
  6770. </member>
  6771. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertOnlineVideo(System.String,System.String,System.Byte[],Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6772. <summary>
  6773. Inserts an online video object into the document and scales it to the specified size.
  6774. </summary>
  6775. <param name="videoUrl">The URL to the video.</param>
  6776. <param name="videoEmbedCode">The embed code for the video.</param>
  6777. <param name="thumbnailImageBytes">The thumbnail image bytes.</param>
  6778. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the distance to the image is measured from.</param>
  6779. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the image.</param>
  6780. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the distance to the image measured from.</param>
  6781. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the image.</param>
  6782. <param name="width">The width of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6783. <param name="height">The height of the image in points. Can be a negative or zero value to request 100% scale.</param>
  6784. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the image.</param>
  6785. <returns>The image node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6786. <remarks>
  6787. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6788. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6789. </remarks>
  6790. </member>
  6791. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertSignatureLine(Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions)">
  6792. <summary>
  6793. Inserts a signature line at the current position.
  6794. </summary>
  6795. <param name="signatureLineOptions">The object that stores parameters of creating signature line.</param>
  6796. <returns>The signature line node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6797. </member>
  6798. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertSignatureLine(Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)">
  6799. <summary>
  6800. Inserts a signature line at the specified position.
  6801. </summary>
  6802. <param name="signatureLineOptions">The object that stores parameters of creating signature line.</param>
  6803. <param name="horzPos">Specifies where the distance to the signature line is measured from.</param>
  6804. <param name="left">Distance in points from the origin to the left side of the signature line.</param>
  6805. <param name="vertPos">Specifies where the distance to the signature line measured from.</param>
  6806. <param name="top">Distance in points from the origin to the top side of the signature line.</param>
  6807. <param name="wrapType">Specifies how to wrap text around the signature line.</param>
  6808. <returns>The signature line node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6809. <remarks>
  6810. <p>You can change the image size, location, positioning method and other settings using the
  6811. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object returned by this method.</p>
  6812. </remarks>
  6813. </member>
  6814. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertHorizontalRule">
  6815. <summary>
  6816. Inserts a horizontal rule shape into the document.
  6817. </summary>
  6818. <returns>The shape that is a horizontal rule.</returns>
  6819. </member>
  6820. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml(System.String,Aspose.Words.HtmlInsertionOptions)">
  6821. <summary>
  6822. Inserts an HTML string into the document. Allows to specify additional options.
  6823. </summary>
  6824. <remarks>
  6825. <p>You can use InsertHtml to insert an HTML fragment or whole HTML document.</p>
  6826. </remarks>
  6827. <param name="html">An HTML string to insert into the document.</param>
  6828. <param name="options">Additional options to use when inserting the HTML string. Can be <c>null</c>.</param>
  6829. </member>
  6830. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertCell">
  6831. <summary>
  6832. Inserts a table cell into the document.
  6833. </summary>
  6834. <remarks>
  6835. <p>To start a table, just call <b>InsertCell</b>. After this, any content you add using
  6836. other methods of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" /> class will be added to the current cell.</p>
  6837. <p>To start a new cell in the same row, call <b>InsertCell</b> again.</p>
  6838. <p>To end a table row call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndRow" />.</p>
  6839. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CellFormat" /> property to specify cell formatting.</p>
  6840. </remarks>
  6841. <returns>The cell node that was just inserted.</returns>
  6842. </member>
  6843. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.StartTable">
  6844. <summary>
  6845. Starts a table in the document.
  6846. </summary>
  6847. <remarks>
  6848. <p>The next method to call is <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertCell" />.</p>
  6849. <p>This method starts a nested table when called inside a cell.</p>
  6850. </remarks>
  6851. <returns>The table node that was just created.</returns>
  6852. </member>
  6853. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndTable">
  6854. <summary>
  6855. Ends a table in the document.
  6856. </summary>
  6857. <remarks>
  6858. <p>This method should be called only once after <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndRow" /> was called. When called,
  6859. <b>EndTable</b> moves the cursor out of the current cell to point just after the table.</p>
  6860. </remarks>
  6861. <returns>The table node that was just finished.</returns>
  6862. </member>
  6863. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndRow">
  6864. <summary>
  6865. Ends a table row in the document.
  6866. </summary>
  6867. <remarks>
  6868. <p>Call <b>EndRow</b> to end a table row. If you call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertCell" /> immediately
  6869. after that, then the table continues on a new row.</p>
  6870. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.RowFormat" /> property to specify row formatting.</p>
  6871. </remarks>
  6872. <returns>The row node that was just finished.</returns>
  6873. </member>
  6874. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.StartBookmark(System.String)">
  6875. <summary>
  6876. Marks the current position in the document as a bookmark start.
  6877. </summary>
  6878. <remarks>
  6879. <p>Bookmarks in a document can overlap and span any range. To create a valid bookmark you need to
  6880. call both <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.StartBookmark(System.String)" /> and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndBookmark(System.String)" /> with the same <b>bookmarkName</b>
  6881. parameter.</p>
  6882. <p>Badly formed bookmarks or bookmarks with duplicate names will be ignored when the document is saved.</p>
  6883. </remarks>
  6884. <param name="bookmarkName">Name of the bookmark.</param>
  6885. <returns>The bookmark start node that was just created.</returns>
  6886. </member>
  6887. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndBookmark(System.String)">
  6888. <summary>
  6889. Marks the current position in the document as a bookmark end.
  6890. </summary>
  6891. <remarks>
  6892. <p>Bookmarks in a document can overlap and span any range. To create a valid bookmark you need to
  6893. call both <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.StartBookmark(System.String)" /> and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndBookmark(System.String)" /> with the same <b>bookmarkName</b>
  6894. parameter.</p>
  6895. <p>Badly formed bookmarks or bookmarks with duplicate names will be ignored when the document is saved.</p>
  6896. </remarks>
  6897. <param name="bookmarkName">Name of the bookmark.</param>
  6898. <returns>The bookmark end node that was just created.</returns>
  6899. </member>
  6900. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.StartEditableRange">
  6901. <summary>
  6902. Marks the current position in the document as an editable range start.
  6903. </summary>
  6904. <remarks>
  6905. <p>Editable range in a document can overlap and span any range. To create a valid editable range you need to
  6906. call both <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.StartEditableRange" /> and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndEditableRange" />
  6907. or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndEditableRange(Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart)" /> methods.</p>
  6908. <p>Badly formed editable range will be ignored when the document is saved.</p>
  6909. </remarks>
  6910. <returns>The editable range start node that was just created.</returns>
  6911. </member>
  6912. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndEditableRange">
  6913. <summary>
  6914. Marks the current position in the document as an editable range end.
  6915. </summary>
  6916. <remarks>
  6917. <p>Editable range in a document can overlap and span any range. To create a valid editable range you need to
  6918. call both <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.StartEditableRange" /> and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndEditableRange" />
  6919. or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndEditableRange(Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart)" /> methods.</p>
  6920. <p>Badly formed editable range will be ignored when the document is saved.</p>
  6921. </remarks>
  6922. <returns>The editable range end node that was just created.</returns>
  6923. </member>
  6924. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndEditableRange(Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart)">
  6925. <summary>
  6926. Marks the current position in the document as an editable range end.
  6927. </summary>
  6928. <remarks>
  6929. <p>Use this overload during creating nested editable ranges.</p>
  6930. <p>Editable range in a document can overlap and span any range. To create a valid editable range you need to
  6931. call both <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.StartEditableRange" /> and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndEditableRange" />
  6932. or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.EndEditableRange(Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart)" /> methods.</p>
  6933. <p>Badly formed editable range will be ignored when the document is saved.</p>
  6934. </remarks>
  6935. <param name="start">This editable range start.</param>
  6936. <returns>The editable range end node that was just created.</returns>
  6937. </member>
  6938. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertDocument(Aspose.Words.Document,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)">
  6939. <summary>
  6940. Inserts a document at the cursor position.
  6941. </summary>
  6942. <remarks>
  6943. This method mimics the MS Word behavior, as if CTRL+'A' (select all content) was pressed,
  6944. then CTRL+'C' (copy selected into the buffer) inside one document
  6945. and then CTRL+'V' (insert content from the buffer) inside another document.
  6946. </remarks>
  6947. <param name="srcDoc">Source document for inserting.</param>
  6948. <param name="importFormatMode">Specifies how to merge style formatting that clashes.</param>
  6949. <returns>First node of the inserted content.</returns>
  6950. </member>
  6951. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertDocument(Aspose.Words.Document,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions)">
  6952. <summary>
  6953. Inserts a document at the cursor position.
  6954. </summary>
  6955. <remarks>
  6956. This method mimics the MS Word behavior, as if CTRL+'A' (select all content) was pressed,
  6957. then CTRL+'C' (copy selected into the buffer) inside one document
  6958. and then CTRL+'V' (insert content from the buffer) inside another document.
  6959. </remarks>
  6960. <param name="srcDoc">Source document for inserting.</param>
  6961. <param name="importFormatMode">Specifies how to merge style formatting that clashes.</param>
  6962. <param name="importFormatOptions">Allows to specify options that affect formatting of a result document.</param>
  6963. <returns>First node of the inserted content.</returns>
  6964. </member>
  6965. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.PushFont">
  6966. <summary>
  6967. Saves current character formatting onto the stack.
  6968. </summary>
  6969. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Font" />
  6970. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.PopFont" />
  6971. </member>
  6972. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.PopFont">
  6973. <summary>
  6974. Retrieves character formatting previously saved on the stack.
  6975. </summary>
  6976. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Font" />
  6977. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.PushFont" />
  6978. </member>
  6979. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertNode(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  6980. <summary>
  6981. Inserts a text level node inside the current paragraph before the cursor.
  6982. </summary>
  6983. </member>
  6984. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Document">
  6985. <summary>
  6986. Gets or sets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Document" /> object that this object is attached to.
  6987. </summary>
  6988. </member>
  6989. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Font">
  6990. <summary>
  6991. Returns an object that represents current font formatting properties.
  6992. </summary>
  6993. <remarks>
  6994. <p>Use <b>Font</b> to access and modify font formatting properties.</p>
  6995. <p>Specify font formatting before inserting text.</p>
  6996. </remarks>
  6997. </member>
  6998. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Bold">
  6999. <summary>
  7000. True if the font is formatted as bold.
  7001. </summary>
  7002. </member>
  7003. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Italic">
  7004. <summary>
  7005. True if the font is formatted as italic.
  7006. </summary>
  7007. </member>
  7008. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.Underline">
  7009. <summary>
  7010. Gets/sets underline type for the current font.
  7011. </summary>
  7012. </member>
  7013. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.ParagraphFormat">
  7014. <summary>
  7015. Returns an object that represents current paragraph formatting properties.
  7016. </summary>
  7017. </member>
  7018. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.ListFormat">
  7019. <summary>
  7020. Returns an object that represents current list formatting properties.
  7021. </summary>
  7022. </member>
  7023. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.PageSetup">
  7024. <summary>
  7025. Returns an object that represents current page setup and section properties.
  7026. </summary>
  7027. </member>
  7028. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.RowFormat">
  7029. <summary>
  7030. Returns an object that represents current table row formatting properties.
  7031. </summary>
  7032. </member>
  7033. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CellFormat">
  7034. <summary>
  7035. Returns an object that represents current table cell formatting properties.
  7036. </summary>
  7037. </member>
  7038. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.IsAtStartOfParagraph">
  7039. <summary>
  7040. Returns true if the cursor is at the beginning of the current paragraph (no text before the cursor).
  7041. </summary>
  7042. </member>
  7043. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.IsAtEndOfParagraph">
  7044. <summary>
  7045. Returns true if the cursor is at the end of the current paragraph.
  7046. </summary>
  7047. </member>
  7048. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CurrentNode">
  7049. <summary>
  7050. Gets the node that is currently selected in this DocumentBuilder.
  7051. </summary>
  7052. <remarks>
  7053. <p>
  7054. <b>CurrentNode</b> is a cursor of <b>DocumentBuilder</b> and points to a <b>Node</b>
  7055. that is a direct child of a <b>Paragraph</b>. Any insert operations you perform using
  7056. <b>DocumentBuilder</b> will insert before the <b>CurrentNode</b>.</p>
  7057. <p>When the current paragraph is empty or the cursor is positioned just
  7058. before the end of the paragraph, <b>CurrentNode</b> returns null.</p>
  7059. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CurrentParagraph" />
  7060. </remarks>
  7061. </member>
  7062. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CurrentParagraph">
  7063. <summary>
  7064. Gets the paragraph that is currently selected in this DocumentBuilder.
  7065. </summary>
  7066. <remarks>
  7067. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CurrentNode" />
  7068. </remarks>
  7069. </member>
  7070. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CurrentStory">
  7071. <summary>
  7072. Gets the story that is currently selected in this DocumentBuilder.
  7073. </summary>
  7074. </member>
  7075. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.CurrentSection">
  7076. <summary>
  7077. Gets the section that is currently selected in this DocumentBuilder.
  7078. </summary>
  7079. </member>
  7080. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor">
  7081. <summary>
  7082. Base class for custom document visitors.
  7083. </summary>
  7084. <remarks>
  7085. <p>With <b>DocumentVisitor</b> you can define and execute custom operations
  7086. that require enumeration over the document tree.</p>
  7087. <p>For example, Aspose.Words uses <b>DocumentVisitor</b> internally for saving <b>Document</b>
  7088. in various formats and for other operations like finding fields or bookmarks over
  7089. a fragment of a document.</p>
  7090. <p>To use <b>DocumentVisitor</b>:</p>
  7091. <list type="number">
  7092. <item>Create a class derived from <b>DocumentVisitor</b>.</item>
  7093. <item>Override and provide implementations for some or all of the VisitXXX methods
  7094. to perform some custom operations.</item>
  7095. <item>Call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">Node.Accept</see> on the <b>Node</b> that
  7096. you want to start the enumeration from.</item>
  7097. </list>
  7098. <p>
  7099. <b>DocumentVisitor</b> provides default implementations for all of the VisitXXX methods
  7100. to make it easier to create new document visitors as only the methods required for the particular
  7101. visitor need to be overridden. It is not necessary to override all of the visitor methods.</p>
  7102. <p>For more information see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  7103. </remarks>
  7104. </member>
  7105. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitDocumentStart(Aspose.Words.Document)">
  7106. <summary>
  7107. Called when enumeration of the document has started.
  7108. </summary>
  7109. <param name="doc">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7110. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7111. </member>
  7112. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitDocumentEnd(Aspose.Words.Document)">
  7113. <summary>
  7114. Called when enumeration of the document has finished.
  7115. </summary>
  7116. <param name="doc">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7117. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7118. </member>
  7119. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitSectionStart(Aspose.Words.Section)">
  7120. <summary>
  7121. Called when enumeration of a section has started.
  7122. </summary>
  7123. <param name="section">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7124. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7125. </member>
  7126. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitSectionEnd(Aspose.Words.Section)">
  7127. <summary>
  7128. Called when enumeration of a section has ended.
  7129. </summary>
  7130. <param name="section">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7131. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7132. </member>
  7133. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBodyStart(Aspose.Words.Body)">
  7134. <summary>
  7135. Called when enumeration of the main text story in a section has started.
  7136. </summary>
  7137. <param name="body">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7138. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7139. </member>
  7140. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBodyEnd(Aspose.Words.Body)">
  7141. <summary>
  7142. Called when enumeration of the main text story in a section has ended.
  7143. </summary>
  7144. <param name="body">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7145. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7146. </member>
  7147. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitHeaderFooterStart(Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter)">
  7148. <summary>
  7149. Called when enumeration of a header or footer in a section has started.
  7150. </summary>
  7151. <param name="headerFooter">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7152. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7153. </member>
  7154. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitHeaderFooterEnd(Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter)">
  7155. <summary>
  7156. Called when enumeration of a header or footer in a section has ended.
  7157. </summary>
  7158. <param name="headerFooter">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7159. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7160. </member>
  7161. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitParagraphStart(Aspose.Words.Paragraph)">
  7162. <summary>
  7163. Called when enumeration of a paragraph has started.
  7164. </summary>
  7165. <param name="paragraph">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7166. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7167. </member>
  7168. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitParagraphEnd(Aspose.Words.Paragraph)">
  7169. <summary>
  7170. Called when enumeration of a paragraph has ended.
  7171. </summary>
  7172. <param name="paragraph">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7173. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7174. </member>
  7175. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitTableStart(Aspose.Words.Tables.Table)">
  7176. <summary>
  7177. Called when enumeration of a table has started.
  7178. </summary>
  7179. <param name="table">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7180. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7181. </member>
  7182. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitTableEnd(Aspose.Words.Tables.Table)">
  7183. <summary>
  7184. Called when enumeration of a table has ended.
  7185. </summary>
  7186. <param name="table">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7187. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7188. </member>
  7189. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitRowStart(Aspose.Words.Tables.Row)">
  7190. <summary>
  7191. Called when enumeration of a table row has started.
  7192. </summary>
  7193. <param name="row">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7194. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7195. </member>
  7196. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitRowEnd(Aspose.Words.Tables.Row)">
  7197. <summary>
  7198. Called when enumeration of a table row has ended.
  7199. </summary>
  7200. <param name="row">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7201. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7202. </member>
  7203. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCellStart(Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell)">
  7204. <summary>
  7205. Called when enumeration of a table cell has started.
  7206. </summary>
  7207. <param name="cell">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7208. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7209. </member>
  7210. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCellEnd(Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell)">
  7211. <summary>
  7212. Called when enumeration of a table cell has ended.
  7213. </summary>
  7214. <param name="cell">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7215. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7216. </member>
  7217. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitRun(Aspose.Words.Run)">
  7218. <summary>
  7219. Called when a run of text in the is encountered.
  7220. </summary>
  7221. <param name="run">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7222. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7223. </member>
  7224. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFieldStart(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart)">
  7225. <summary>
  7226. Called when a field starts in the document.
  7227. </summary>
  7228. <remarks>
  7229. <p>A field in a Word Word document consists of a field code and field value.</p>
  7230. <p>For example, a field that displays a page number can be represented as follows:</p>
  7231. <p>[FieldStart]PAGE[FieldSeparator]98[FieldEnd]</p>
  7232. <p>The field separator separates field code from field value in the document. Note that some
  7233. fields have only field code and do not have field separator and field value.</p>
  7234. <p>Fields can be nested.</p>
  7235. </remarks>
  7236. <param name="fieldStart">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7237. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7238. </member>
  7239. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFieldSeparator(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator)">
  7240. <summary>
  7241. Called when a field separator is encountered in the document.
  7242. </summary>
  7243. <remarks>
  7244. <p>The field separator separates field code from field value in the document. Note that some
  7245. fields have only field code and do not have field separator and field value.</p>
  7246. <p>For more info see <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFieldStart(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart)" /></p>
  7247. </remarks>
  7248. <param name="fieldSeparator">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7249. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7250. </member>
  7251. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFieldEnd(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd)">
  7252. <summary>
  7253. Called when a field ends in the document.
  7254. </summary>
  7255. <remarks>
  7256. <p>For more info see <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFieldStart(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart)" /></p>
  7257. </remarks>
  7258. <param name="fieldEnd">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7259. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7260. </member>
  7261. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFormField(Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField)">
  7262. <summary>
  7263. Called when a form field is encountered in the document.
  7264. </summary>
  7265. <param name="formField">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7266. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7267. </member>
  7268. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBookmarkStart(Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart)">
  7269. <summary>
  7270. Called when a start of a bookmark is encountered in the document.
  7271. </summary>
  7272. <param name="bookmarkStart">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7273. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7274. </member>
  7275. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBookmarkEnd(Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd)">
  7276. <summary>
  7277. Called when an end of a bookmark is encountered in the document.
  7278. </summary>
  7279. <param name="bookmarkEnd">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7280. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7281. </member>
  7282. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFootnoteStart(Aspose.Words.Footnote)">
  7283. <summary>
  7284. Called when enumeration of a footnote or endnote text has started.
  7285. </summary>
  7286. <param name="footnote">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7287. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7288. </member>
  7289. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFootnoteEnd(Aspose.Words.Footnote)">
  7290. <summary>
  7291. Called when enumeration of a footnote or endnote text has ended.
  7292. </summary>
  7293. <param name="footnote">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7294. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7295. </member>
  7296. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCommentStart(Aspose.Words.Comment)">
  7297. <summary>
  7298. Called when enumeration of a comment text has started.
  7299. </summary>
  7300. <param name="comment">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7301. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7302. </member>
  7303. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCommentEnd(Aspose.Words.Comment)">
  7304. <summary>
  7305. Called when enumeration of a comment text has ended.
  7306. </summary>
  7307. <param name="comment">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7308. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7309. </member>
  7310. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitEditableRangeStart(Aspose.Words.EditableRangeStart)">
  7311. <summary>
  7312. Called when a start of an editable range is encountered in the document.
  7313. </summary>
  7314. <param name="editableRangeStart">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7315. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7316. </member>
  7317. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitEditableRangeEnd(Aspose.Words.EditableRangeEnd)">
  7318. <summary>
  7319. Called when an end of an editable range is encountered in the document.
  7320. </summary>
  7321. <param name="editableRangeEnd">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7322. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7323. </member>
  7324. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitShapeStart(Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape)">
  7325. <summary>
  7326. Called when enumeration of a shape has started.
  7327. </summary>
  7328. <param name="shape">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7329. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7330. </member>
  7331. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitShapeEnd(Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape)">
  7332. <summary>
  7333. Called when enumeration of a shape has ended.
  7334. </summary>
  7335. <param name="shape">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7336. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7337. </member>
  7338. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitGroupShapeStart(Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape)">
  7339. <summary>
  7340. Called when enumeration of a group shape has started.
  7341. </summary>
  7342. <param name="groupShape">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7343. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7344. </member>
  7345. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitGroupShapeEnd(Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape)">
  7346. <summary>
  7347. Called when enumeration of a group shape has ended.
  7348. </summary>
  7349. <param name="groupShape">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7350. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7351. </member>
  7352. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitOfficeMathStart(Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath)">
  7353. <summary>
  7354. Called when enumeration of a Office Math object has started.
  7355. </summary>
  7356. <param name="officeMath">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7357. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7358. </member>
  7359. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitOfficeMathEnd(Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath)">
  7360. <summary>
  7361. Called when enumeration of a Office Math object has ended.
  7362. </summary>
  7363. <param name="officeMath">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7364. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7365. </member>
  7366. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitSpecialChar(Aspose.Words.SpecialChar)">
  7367. <summary>
  7368. Called when a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SpecialChar" /> node is encountered in the document.
  7369. </summary>
  7370. <param name="specialChar">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7371. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7372. <remarks>
  7373. This method is not be called for generic control characters (see <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ControlChar" />) that can be present in the document.
  7374. </remarks>
  7375. </member>
  7376. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitAbsolutePositionTab(Aspose.Words.AbsolutePositionTab)">
  7377. <summary>
  7378. Called when a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.AbsolutePositionTab" /> node is encountered in the document.
  7379. </summary>
  7380. <param name="tab">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7381. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7382. </member>
  7383. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitSmartTagStart(Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag)">
  7384. <summary>
  7385. Called when enumeration of a smart tag has started.
  7386. </summary>
  7387. <param name="smartTag">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7388. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7389. </member>
  7390. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitSmartTagEnd(Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag)">
  7391. <summary>
  7392. Called when enumeration of a smart tag has ended.
  7393. </summary>
  7394. <param name="smartTag">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7395. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7396. </member>
  7397. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitStructuredDocumentTagStart(Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag)">
  7398. <summary>
  7399. Called when enumeration of a structured document tag has started.
  7400. </summary>
  7401. <param name="sdt">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7402. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7403. </member>
  7404. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitStructuredDocumentTagEnd(Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag)">
  7405. <summary>
  7406. Called when enumeration of a structured document tag has ended.
  7407. </summary>
  7408. <param name="sdt">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7409. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7410. </member>
  7411. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitGlossaryDocumentStart(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument)">
  7412. <summary>
  7413. Called when enumeration of a glossary document has started.
  7414. </summary>
  7415. <remarks>
  7416. <para>
  7417. Note: A glossary document node and its children are not visited when you execute a
  7418. Visitor over a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />. If you want to execute a Visitor over a
  7419. glossary document, you need to call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" />.
  7420. </para>
  7421. </remarks>
  7422. <param name="glossary">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7423. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7424. </member>
  7425. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitGlossaryDocumentEnd(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument)">
  7426. <summary>
  7427. Called when enumeration of a glossary document has ended.
  7428. </summary>
  7429. <remarks>
  7430. <para>
  7431. Note: A glossary document node and its children are not visited when you execute a
  7432. Visitor over a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />. If you want to execute a Visitor over a
  7433. glossary document, you need to call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" />.
  7434. </para>
  7435. </remarks>
  7436. <param name="glossary">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7437. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7438. </member>
  7439. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBuildingBlockStart(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock)">
  7440. <summary>
  7441. Called when enumeration of a building block has started.
  7442. </summary>
  7443. <remarks>
  7444. <para>
  7445. Note: A building block node and its children are not visited when you execute a
  7446. Visitor over a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />. If you want to execute a Visitor over a
  7447. building block, you need to execute the visitor over <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" /> or
  7448. call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" />.
  7449. </para>
  7450. </remarks>
  7451. <param name="block">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7452. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7453. </member>
  7454. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBuildingBlockEnd(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock)">
  7455. <summary>
  7456. Called when enumeration of a building block has ended.
  7457. </summary>
  7458. <remarks>
  7459. <para>
  7460. Note: A building block node and its children are not visited when you execute a
  7461. Visitor over a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />. If you want to execute a Visitor over a
  7462. building block, you need to execute the visitor over <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" /> or
  7463. call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" />.
  7464. </para>
  7465. </remarks>
  7466. <param name="block">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7467. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7468. </member>
  7469. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCommentRangeStart(Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart)">
  7470. <summary>
  7471. Called when the start of a commented range of text is encountered.
  7472. </summary>
  7473. <param name="commentRangeStart">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7474. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7475. </member>
  7476. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCommentRangeEnd(Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd)">
  7477. <summary>
  7478. Called when the end of a commented range of text is encountered.
  7479. </summary>
  7480. <param name="commentRangeEnd">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7481. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7482. </member>
  7483. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitSubDocument(Aspose.Words.SubDocument)">
  7484. <summary>
  7485. Called when a subDocument is encountered.
  7486. </summary>
  7487. <param name="subDocument">The object that is being visited.</param>
  7488. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction" /> value that specifies how to continue the enumeration.</returns>
  7489. </member>
  7490. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.IncorrectPasswordException">
  7491. <summary>
  7492. Thrown if a document is encrypted with a password and the password specified when opening the document is incorrect or missing.
  7493. </summary>
  7494. </member>
  7495. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException">
  7496. <summary>
  7497. Thrown during document load, when the document appears to be corrupted and impossible to load.
  7498. </summary>
  7499. </member>
  7500. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil">
  7501. <summary>
  7502. Provides utility methods for working with file formats, such as detecting file format
  7503. or converting file extensions to/from file format enums.
  7504. </summary>
  7505. </member>
  7506. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.String)">
  7507. <overloads>Detects and returns the information about a format of a document.</overloads>
  7508. <summary>
  7509. Detects and returns the information about a format of a document stored in a disk file.
  7510. </summary>
  7511. <remarks>
  7512. <para>Even if this method detects the document format, it does not guarantee
  7513. that the specified document is valid. This method only detects the document format by
  7514. reading data that is sufficient for detection. To fully verify that a document is valid
  7515. you need to load the document into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.</para>
  7516. <para>This method throws <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException" /> when the format is
  7517. recognized, but the detection cannot complete because of corruption.</para>
  7518. </remarks>
  7519. <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
  7520. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo" /> object that contains the detected information.</returns>
  7521. </member>
  7522. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(System.IO.Stream)">
  7523. <summary>
  7524. Detects and returns the information about a format of a document stored in a stream.
  7525. </summary>
  7526. <remarks>
  7527. <para>The stream must be positioned at the beginning of the document.</para>
  7528. <para>When this method returns, the position in the stream is restored to the original position.</para>
  7529. <para>Even if this method detects the document format, it does not guarantee
  7530. that the specified document is valid. This method only detects the document format by
  7531. reading data that is sufficient for detection. To fully verify that a document is valid
  7532. you need to load the document into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.</para>
  7533. <para>This method throws <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException" /> when the format is
  7534. recognized, but the detection cannot complete because of corruption.</para>
  7535. </remarks>
  7536. <param name="stream">The stream.</param>
  7537. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FileFormatInfo" /> object that contains the detected information.</returns>
  7538. </member>
  7539. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.ContentTypeToLoadFormat(System.String)">
  7540. <summary>
  7541. Converts IANA content type into a load format enumerated value.
  7542. </summary>
  7543. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws when cannot convert.</exception>
  7544. </member>
  7545. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.ContentTypeToSaveFormat(System.String)">
  7546. <summary>
  7547. Converts IANA content type into a save format enumerated value.
  7548. </summary>
  7549. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws when cannot convert.</exception>
  7550. </member>
  7551. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.LoadFormatToExtension(Aspose.Words.LoadFormat)">
  7552. <summary>
  7553. Converts a load format enumerated value into a file extension. The returned extension is a lower-case string with a leading dot.
  7554. </summary>
  7555. <remarks>
  7556. <para>The <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.WordML" /> value is converted to ".wml".</para>
  7557. </remarks>
  7558. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws when cannot convert.</exception>
  7559. </member>
  7560. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.SaveFormatToLoadFormat(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  7561. <summary>
  7562. Converts a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat" /> value to a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat" /> value if possible.
  7563. </summary>
  7564. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws when cannot convert.</exception>
  7565. </member>
  7566. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.LoadFormatToSaveFormat(Aspose.Words.LoadFormat)">
  7567. <summary>
  7568. Converts a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat" /> value to a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat" /> value if possible.
  7569. </summary>
  7570. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws when cannot convert.</exception>
  7571. </member>
  7572. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.SaveFormatToExtension(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  7573. <summary>
  7574. Converts a save format enumerated value into a file extension. The returned extension is a lower-case string with a leading dot.
  7575. </summary>
  7576. <remarks>
  7577. <para>The <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.WordML" /> value is converted to ".wml".</para>
  7578. <para>The <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpc" /> value is converted to ".fopc".</para>
  7579. </remarks>
  7580. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws when cannot convert.</exception>
  7581. </member>
  7582. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.ExtensionToSaveFormat(System.String)">
  7583. <summary>
  7584. Converts a file name extension into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat" /> value.
  7585. </summary>
  7586. <param name="extension">The file extension. Can be with or without a leading dot. Case-insensitive.</param>
  7587. <remarks>
  7588. <p>If the extension cannot be recognized, returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Unknown" />.</p>
  7589. </remarks>
  7590. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Throws if the parameter is null.</exception>
  7591. </member>
  7592. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.FileFormatUtil.ImageTypeToExtension(Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType)">
  7593. <summary>
  7594. Converts an Aspose.Words image type enumerated value into a file extension. The returned extension is a lower-case string with a leading dot.
  7595. </summary>
  7596. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">Throws when cannot convert.</exception>
  7597. </member>
  7598. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat">
  7599. <summary>
  7600. Indicates the format of the document that is to be loaded.
  7601. </summary>
  7602. <dev>
  7603. We should only use values 0..255 here because these values are used as bit flags in the UnifiedScenario enum.
  7604. </dev>
  7605. </member>
  7606. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Auto">
  7607. <summary>
  7608. Instructs Aspose.Words to recognize the format automatically.
  7609. </summary>
  7610. </member>
  7611. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Doc">
  7612. <summary>
  7613. Microsoft Word 95 or Word 97 - 2003 Document.
  7614. </summary>
  7615. </member>
  7616. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Dot">
  7617. <summary>
  7618. Microsoft Word 95 or Word 97 - 2003 Template.
  7619. </summary>
  7620. </member>
  7621. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.DocPreWord60">
  7622. <summary>
  7623. The document is in pre-Word 95 format.
  7624. Aspose.Words does not currently support loading such documents.
  7625. </summary>
  7626. </member>
  7627. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx">
  7628. <summary>
  7629. Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document (macro-free).
  7630. </summary>
  7631. </member>
  7632. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docm">
  7633. <summary>
  7634. Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document.
  7635. </summary>
  7636. </member>
  7637. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Dotx">
  7638. <summary>
  7639. Office Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free).
  7640. </summary>
  7641. </member>
  7642. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Dotm">
  7643. <summary>
  7644. Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template.
  7645. </summary>
  7646. </member>
  7647. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.FlatOpc">
  7648. <summary>
  7649. Office Open XML WordprocessingML stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
  7650. </summary>
  7651. </member>
  7652. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.FlatOpcMacroEnabled">
  7653. <summary>
  7654. Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
  7655. </summary>
  7656. </member>
  7657. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.FlatOpcTemplate">
  7658. <summary>
  7659. Office Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free) stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
  7660. </summary>
  7661. </member>
  7662. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled">
  7663. <summary>
  7664. Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
  7665. </summary>
  7666. </member>
  7667. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Rtf">
  7668. <summary>
  7669. RTF format.
  7670. </summary>
  7671. </member>
  7672. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.WordML">
  7673. <summary>
  7674. Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML format.
  7675. </summary>
  7676. </member>
  7677. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Html">
  7678. <summary>
  7679. HTML format.
  7680. </summary>
  7681. </member>
  7682. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Mhtml">
  7683. <summary>
  7684. MHTML (Web archive) format.
  7685. </summary>
  7686. </member>
  7687. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Mobi">
  7688. <summary>
  7689. MOBI is an eBook format used by the MobiPocket Reader and Amazon Kindle Readers.
  7690. </summary>
  7691. </member>
  7692. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Chm">
  7693. <summary>
  7694. CHM (Compiled HTML Help) format.
  7695. </summary>
  7696. </member>
  7697. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Odt">
  7698. <summary>
  7699. ODF Text Document.
  7700. </summary>
  7701. </member>
  7702. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Ott">
  7703. <summary>
  7704. ODF Text Document Template.
  7705. </summary>
  7706. </member>
  7707. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Text">
  7708. <summary>
  7709. Plain Text.
  7710. </summary>
  7711. </member>
  7712. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Markdown">
  7713. <summary>
  7714. Markdown text document.
  7715. </summary>
  7716. </member>
  7717. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Pdf">
  7718. <summary>
  7719. Pdf document.
  7720. </summary>
  7721. </member>
  7722. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Unknown">
  7723. <summary>
  7724. Unrecognized format, cannot be loaded by Aspose.Words.
  7725. </summary>
  7726. </member>
  7727. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule">
  7728. <summary>
  7729. Determines when automatic footnote or endnote numbering restarts.
  7730. </summary>
  7731. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions" />
  7732. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions" />
  7733. </member>
  7734. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule.Continuous">
  7735. <summary>
  7736. Numbering continuous throughout the document.
  7737. </summary>
  7738. </member>
  7739. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule.RestartSection">
  7740. <summary>
  7741. Numbering restarts at each section.
  7742. </summary>
  7743. </member>
  7744. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule.RestartPage">
  7745. <summary>
  7746. Numbering restarts at each page. Valid for footnotes only.
  7747. </summary>
  7748. </member>
  7749. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule.Default">
  7750. <summary>
  7751. Equals <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule.Continuous" />.
  7752. </summary>
  7753. </member>
  7754. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FootnotePosition">
  7755. <summary>
  7756. Defines the footnote position.
  7757. </summary>
  7758. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions" />
  7759. </member>
  7760. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FootnotePosition.BottomOfPage">
  7761. <summary>
  7762. Footnotes are output at the bottom of each page.
  7763. </summary>
  7764. </member>
  7765. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FootnotePosition.BeneathText">
  7766. <summary>
  7767. Footnotes are output beneath text on each page.
  7768. </summary>
  7769. </member>
  7770. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions">
  7771. <summary>
  7772. Represents the footnote numbering options for a document or section.
  7773. </summary>
  7774. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FootnoteOptions" />
  7775. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.FootnoteOptions" />
  7776. </member>
  7777. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions.Position">
  7778. <summary>
  7779. Specifies the footnotes position.
  7780. </summary>
  7781. </member>
  7782. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions.NumberStyle">
  7783. <summary>
  7784. Specifies the number format for automatically numbered footnotes.
  7785. </summary>
  7786. <remarks>
  7787. <para>Not all number styles are applicable for this property. For the list of applicable
  7788. number styles see the Insert Footnote or Endnote dialog box in Microsoft Word. If you select
  7789. a number style that is not applicable, Microsoft Word will revert to a default value.</para>
  7790. </remarks>
  7791. </member>
  7792. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions.StartNumber">
  7793. <summary>
  7794. Specifies the starting number or character for the first automatically numbered footnotes.
  7795. </summary>
  7796. <remarks>
  7797. <para>This property has effect only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions.RestartRule" /> is set to
  7798. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteNumberingRule.Continuous" />.</para>
  7799. </remarks>
  7800. </member>
  7801. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions.RestartRule">
  7802. <summary>
  7803. Determines when automatic numbering restarts.
  7804. </summary>
  7805. </member>
  7806. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions.Columns">
  7807. <summary>
  7808. Specifies the number of columns with which the footnotes area is formatted.
  7809. </summary>
  7810. <remarks>
  7811. If this property has the value of 0, the footnotes area is formatted with a number of columns based on
  7812. the number of columns on the displayed page. The default value is 0.
  7813. </remarks>
  7814. </member>
  7815. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ProtectionType">
  7816. <summary>
  7817. Protection type for a document.
  7818. </summary>
  7819. <dev>Keep in the Aspose.Words namespace (not in Aspose.Words.Settings) because many clients are using
  7820. this enum and it will be a big and unnecessary breaking change.</dev>
  7821. </member>
  7822. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ProtectionType.AllowOnlyComments">
  7823. <summary>
  7824. User can only modify comments in the document.
  7825. </summary>
  7826. </member>
  7827. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ProtectionType.AllowOnlyFormFields">
  7828. <summary>
  7829. User can only enter data in the form fields in the document.
  7830. </summary>
  7831. </member>
  7832. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ProtectionType.AllowOnlyRevisions">
  7833. <summary>
  7834. User can only add revision marks to the document.
  7835. </summary>
  7836. </member>
  7837. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ProtectionType.ReadOnly">
  7838. <summary>
  7839. No changes are allowed to the document. Available since Microsoft Word 2003.
  7840. </summary>
  7841. </member>
  7842. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ProtectionType.NoProtection">
  7843. <summary>
  7844. The document is not protected.
  7845. </summary>
  7846. </member>
  7847. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat">
  7848. <summary>
  7849. Indicates the format in which the document is saved.
  7850. </summary>
  7851. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)" />
  7852. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions" />
  7853. <dev>
  7854. We should only use values 0..255 here because these values are used as bit flags in the UnifiedScenario enum.
  7855. </dev>
  7856. </member>
  7857. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Unknown">
  7858. <summary>
  7859. Default, invalid value for file format.
  7860. </summary>
  7861. </member>
  7862. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc">
  7863. <summary>
  7864. Saves the document in the Microsoft Word 97 - 2007 Document format.
  7865. </summary>
  7866. </member>
  7867. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dot">
  7868. <summary>
  7869. Saves the document in the Microsoft Word 97 - 2007 Template format.
  7870. </summary>
  7871. </member>
  7872. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx">
  7873. <summary>
  7874. Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Document (macro-free).
  7875. </summary>
  7876. </member>
  7877. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docm">
  7878. <summary>
  7879. Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document.
  7880. </summary>
  7881. </member>
  7882. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotx">
  7883. <summary>
  7884. Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free).
  7885. </summary>
  7886. </member>
  7887. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotm">
  7888. <summary>
  7889. Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template.
  7890. </summary>
  7891. </member>
  7892. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpc">
  7893. <summary>
  7894. Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
  7895. </summary>
  7896. </member>
  7897. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpcMacroEnabled">
  7898. <summary>
  7899. Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Document stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
  7900. </summary>
  7901. </member>
  7902. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpcTemplate">
  7903. <summary>
  7904. Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Template (macro-free) stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
  7905. </summary>
  7906. </member>
  7907. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpcTemplateMacroEnabled">
  7908. <summary>
  7909. Saves the document as an Office Open XML WordprocessingML Macro-Enabled Template stored in a flat XML file instead of a ZIP package.
  7910. </summary>
  7911. </member>
  7912. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Rtf">
  7913. <summary>
  7914. Saves the document in the RTF format.
  7915. All characters above 7-bits are escaped as hexadecimal or Unicode characters.
  7916. </summary>
  7917. </member>
  7918. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.WordML">
  7919. <summary>
  7920. Saves the document in the Microsoft Word 2003 WordprocessingML format.
  7921. </summary>
  7922. </member>
  7923. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf">
  7924. <summary>
  7925. Saves the document as PDF (Adobe Portable Document) format.
  7926. </summary>
  7927. </member>
  7928. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Xps">
  7929. <summary>
  7930. Saves the document in the XPS (XML Paper Specification) format.
  7931. </summary>
  7932. </member>
  7933. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFixed">
  7934. <summary>
  7935. Saves the document in the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format as a fixed document.
  7936. </summary>
  7937. </member>
  7938. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Svg">
  7939. <summary>
  7940. Saves the document in the Svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) format.
  7941. </summary>
  7942. </member>
  7943. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.HtmlFixed">
  7944. <summary>
  7945. Saves the document in the HTML format using absolutely positioned elements
  7946. </summary>
  7947. </member>
  7948. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.OpenXps">
  7949. <summary>
  7950. Saves the document in the OpenXPS (Ecma-388) format.
  7951. </summary>
  7952. </member>
  7953. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Ps">
  7954. <summary>
  7955. Saves the document in the PS (PostScript) format.
  7956. </summary>
  7957. </member>
  7958. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pcl">
  7959. <summary>
  7960. Saves the document in the PCL (Printer Control Language) format.
  7961. </summary>
  7962. </member>
  7963. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html">
  7964. <summary>
  7965. Saves the document in the HTML format.
  7966. </summary>
  7967. </member>
  7968. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Mhtml">
  7969. <summary>
  7970. Saves the document in the MHTML (Web archive) format.
  7971. </summary>
  7972. </member>
  7973. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub">
  7974. <summary>
  7975. Saves the document in the IDPF EPUB format.
  7976. </summary>
  7977. </member>
  7978. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Odt">
  7979. <summary>
  7980. Saves the document as an ODF Text Document.
  7981. </summary>
  7982. </member>
  7983. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Ott">
  7984. <summary>
  7985. Saves the document as an ODF Text Document Template.
  7986. </summary>
  7987. </member>
  7988. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Text">
  7989. <summary>
  7990. Saves the document in the plain text format.
  7991. </summary>
  7992. </member>
  7993. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlow">
  7994. <summary>
  7995. <b>Beta.</b> Saves the document in the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format as a flow document.
  7996. </summary>
  7997. </member>
  7998. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlowPack">
  7999. <summary>
  8000. <b>Beta.</b> Saves the document in the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) package format as a flow document.
  8001. </summary>
  8002. </member>
  8003. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Markdown">
  8004. <summary>
  8005. Saves the document in the Markdown format.
  8006. </summary>
  8007. </member>
  8008. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff">
  8009. <summary>
  8010. Renders a page or pages of the document and saves them into a single or multipage TIFF file.
  8011. </summary>
  8012. </member>
  8013. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png">
  8014. <summary>
  8015. Renders a page of the document and saves it as a PNG file.
  8016. </summary>
  8017. </member>
  8018. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp">
  8019. <summary>
  8020. Renders a page of the document and saves it as a BMP file.
  8021. </summary>
  8022. </member>
  8023. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Emf">
  8024. <summary>
  8025. Renders a page of the document and saves it as a vector EMF (Enhanced Meta File) file.
  8026. </summary>
  8027. </member>
  8028. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg">
  8029. <summary>
  8030. Renders a page of the document and saves it as a JPEG file.
  8031. </summary>
  8032. </member>
  8033. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Gif">
  8034. <summary>
  8035. Renders a page of the document and saves it as a GIF file.
  8036. </summary>
  8037. </member>
  8038. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ContentDisposition">
  8039. <summary>
  8040. Enumerates different ways of presenting the document at the client browser.
  8041. </summary>
  8042. <remarks>
  8043. <para>Note that the actual behavior on the client browser might be affected by security configuration of the browser.</para>
  8044. </remarks>
  8045. </member>
  8046. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ContentDisposition.Attachment">
  8047. <summary>
  8048. Send the document to the browser and present an option to save the document to disk or open in the application
  8049. associated with the document's extension.
  8050. </summary>
  8051. </member>
  8052. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ContentDisposition.Inline">
  8053. <summary>
  8054. Send the document to the browser and presents an option to save the document to disk or open inside the browser.
  8055. </summary>
  8056. </member>
  8057. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.UnsupportedFileFormatException">
  8058. <summary>
  8059. Thrown during document load, when the document format is not recognized or not supported by Aspose.Words.
  8060. </summary>
  8061. </member>
  8062. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection">
  8063. <summary>
  8064. A collection of document variables.
  8065. </summary>
  8066. <remarks>
  8067. <p>Variable names and values are strings.</p>
  8068. <p>Variable names are case-insensitive.</p>
  8069. </remarks>
  8070. </member>
  8071. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.GetEnumerator">
  8072. <summary>
  8073. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all variable in the collection.
  8074. </summary>
  8075. </member>
  8076. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  8077. <summary>
  8078. Adds a document variable to the collection.
  8079. </summary>
  8080. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the variable to add.</param>
  8081. <param name="value">The value of the variable. The value cannot be null, if value is null empty string will be used instead.</param>
  8082. </member>
  8083. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  8084. <summary>
  8085. Determines whether the collection contains a document variable with the given name.
  8086. </summary>
  8087. <param name="name">Case-insensitive name of the document variable to locate.</param>
  8088. <returns>True if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
  8089. </member>
  8090. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.IndexOfKey(System.String)">
  8091. <summary>
  8092. Returns the zero-based index of the specified document variable in the collection.
  8093. </summary>
  8094. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the variable.</param>
  8095. <returns>The zero based index. Negative value if not found.</returns>
  8096. </member>
  8097. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  8098. <summary>
  8099. Removes a document variable with the specified name from the collection.
  8100. </summary>
  8101. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the variable.</param>
  8102. </member>
  8103. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  8104. <summary>
  8105. Removes a document variable at the specified index.
  8106. </summary>
  8107. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  8108. </member>
  8109. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.Clear">
  8110. <summary>
  8111. Removes all elements from the collection.
  8112. </summary>
  8113. </member>
  8114. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.Count">
  8115. <summary>
  8116. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  8117. </summary>
  8118. </member>
  8119. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.Item(System.String)">
  8120. <overloads>Provides access to the collection items.</overloads>
  8121. <summary>
  8122. Gets or a sets a document variable by the case-insensitive name.
  8123. null values are not allowed as a right hand side of the assignment and will be replaced by empty string.
  8124. </summary>
  8125. </member>
  8126. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.VariableCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  8127. <summary>
  8128. Gets or sets a document variable at the specified index.
  8129. null values are not allowed as a right hand side of the assignment and will be replaced by empty string.
  8130. </summary>
  8131. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the document variable.</param>
  8132. </member>
  8133. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction">
  8134. <summary>
  8135. Allows the visitor to control the enumeration of nodes.
  8136. </summary>
  8137. </member>
  8138. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction.Continue">
  8139. <summary>
  8140. The visitor requests the enumeration to continue.
  8141. </summary>
  8142. </member>
  8143. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction.SkipThisNode">
  8144. <summary>
  8145. The visitor requests to skip the current node and continue enumeration.
  8146. </summary>
  8147. </member>
  8148. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.VisitorAction.Stop">
  8149. <summary>
  8150. The visitor requests the enumeration of nodes to stop.
  8151. </summary>
  8152. </member>
  8153. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature">
  8154. <summary>
  8155. Represents a digital signature on a document and the result of its verification.
  8156. </summary>
  8157. </member>
  8158. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature.ToString">
  8159. <summary>
  8160. Returns a user-friendly string that displays the value of this object.
  8161. </summary>
  8162. </member>
  8163. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature.SignatureType">
  8164. <summary>
  8165. Gets the type of the digital signature.
  8166. </summary>
  8167. </member>
  8168. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature.SignTime">
  8169. <summary>
  8170. Gets the time the document was signed.
  8171. </summary>
  8172. </member>
  8173. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature.Comments">
  8174. <summary>
  8175. Gets the signing purpose comment.
  8176. </summary>
  8177. </member>
  8178. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature.SubjectName">
  8179. <summary>
  8180. Returns the subject distinguished name of the certificate that was used to sign the document.
  8181. </summary>
  8182. </member>
  8183. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature.IssuerName">
  8184. <summary>
  8185. Returns the subject distinguished name of the certificate isuuer.
  8186. </summary>
  8187. </member>
  8188. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature.IsValid">
  8189. <summary>
  8190. Returns true if this digital signature is valid and the document has not been tampered with.
  8191. </summary>
  8192. </member>
  8193. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignature.CertificateHolder">
  8194. <summary>
  8195. Returns the certificate holder object that contains the certificate was used to sign the document.
  8196. </summary>
  8197. </member>
  8198. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureCollection">
  8199. <summary>
  8200. Provides a read-only collection of digital signatures attached to a document.
  8201. </summary>
  8202. <remarks>
  8203. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.DigitalSignatures" />
  8204. </remarks>
  8205. </member>
  8206. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureCollection.GetEnumerator">
  8207. <summary>
  8208. Returns a dictionary enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  8209. </summary>
  8210. </member>
  8211. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureCollection.IsValid">
  8212. <summary>
  8213. Returns <c>true</c> if all digital signatures in this collection are valid and the document has not been tampered with
  8214. Also returns <c>true</c> if there are no digital signatures.
  8215. Returns <c>false</c> if at least one digital signature is invalid.
  8216. </summary>
  8217. </member>
  8218. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureCollection.Count">
  8219. <summary>
  8220. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  8221. </summary>
  8222. </member>
  8223. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  8224. <summary>
  8225. Gets a document signature at the specified index.
  8226. </summary>
  8227. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the signature.</param>
  8228. </member>
  8229. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureType">
  8230. <summary>
  8231. Specifies the type of a digital signature.
  8232. </summary>
  8233. </member>
  8234. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureType.Unknown">
  8235. <summary>
  8236. Indicates an error, unknown digital signature type.
  8237. </summary>
  8238. </member>
  8239. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureType.CryptoApi">
  8240. <summary>
  8241. The Crypto API signature method used in Microsoft Word 97-2003 .DOC binary documents.
  8242. </summary>
  8243. </member>
  8244. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureType.XmlDsig">
  8245. <summary>
  8246. The XmlDsig signature method used in OOXML and OpenDocument documents.
  8247. </summary>
  8248. </member>
  8249. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Footnote">
  8250. <summary>
  8251. Represents a container for text of a footnote or endnote.
  8252. </summary>
  8253. <remarks>
  8254. <p>The <b>Footnote</b> class is used to represent both footnotes and endnotes in a Word document.</p>
  8255. <p>
  8256. <b>Footnote</b> is an inline-level node and can only be a child of <b>Paragraph</b>.</p>
  8257. <p>
  8258. <b>Footnote</b> can contain <b>Paragraph</b> and <b>Table</b> child nodes.</p>
  8259. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.FootnoteType" />
  8260. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertFootnote(Aspose.Words.FootnoteType,System.String)" />
  8261. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteOptions" />
  8262. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.EndnoteOptions" />
  8263. </remarks>
  8264. </member>
  8265. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Footnote.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.FootnoteType)">
  8266. <summary>
  8267. Initializes an instance of the <b>Footnote</b> class.
  8268. </summary>
  8269. <remarks>
  8270. <p>When <b>Footnote</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  8271. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  8272. <p>To append <b>Footnote</b> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  8273. on the paragraph where you want the footnote inserted.</p>
  8274. </remarks>
  8275. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  8276. <param name="footnoteType">A <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.FootnoteType" /> value
  8277. that specifies whether this is a footnote or endnote.</param>
  8278. </member>
  8279. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Footnote.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  8280. <summary>
  8281. Accepts a visitor.
  8282. </summary>
  8283. <remarks>
  8284. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  8285. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  8286. </remarks>
  8287. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  8288. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  8289. <remarks>
  8290. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitFootnoteStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes of the footnote
  8291. and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitFootnoteEnd at the end.
  8292. </remarks>
  8293. </member>
  8294. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.NodeType">
  8295. <summary>
  8296. Returns <b>NodeType.Footnote</b>.
  8297. </summary>
  8298. </member>
  8299. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.StoryType">
  8300. <summary>
  8301. Returns <b>StoryType.Footnotes</b> or <b>StoryType.Endnotes</b>.
  8302. </summary>
  8303. </member>
  8304. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.FootnoteType">
  8305. <summary>
  8306. Returns a value that specifies whether this is a footnote or endnote.
  8307. </summary>
  8308. </member>
  8309. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.IsAuto">
  8310. <summary>
  8311. Holds a value that specifies whether this is a auto-numbered footnote or
  8312. footnote with user defined custom reference mark.
  8313. </summary>
  8314. <remarks>
  8315. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.ReferenceMark" /> initialized with empty string if IsAuto set to false.
  8316. </remarks>
  8317. </member>
  8318. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.ReferenceMark">
  8319. <summary>
  8320. Gets/sets custom reference mark to be used for this footnote.
  8321. Default value is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />), meaning auto-numbered footnotes are used.
  8322. </summary>
  8323. <remarks>
  8324. <para>
  8325. If this property is set to <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />) or null, then <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.IsAuto" /> property will automatically be set to true,
  8326. if set to anything else then <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.IsAuto" /> will be set to false.
  8327. </para>
  8328. <para>
  8329. RTF-format can only store 1 symbol as custom reference mark, so upon export only the first symbol will be written others will be discard.
  8330. </para>
  8331. </remarks>
  8332. </member>
  8333. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteType">
  8334. <summary>
  8335. Specifies whether this is a footnote or an endnote.
  8336. </summary>
  8337. <remarks>
  8338. <para>Both footnotes and endnotes are represented by objects by the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteType.Footnote" />
  8339. class. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Footnote.FootnoteType" /> to distinguish between footnotes
  8340. and endnotes.</para>
  8341. <seealso cref="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteType.Footnote" />
  8342. </remarks>
  8343. </member>
  8344. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteType.Footnote">
  8345. <summary>
  8346. The object is a footnote.
  8347. </summary>
  8348. </member>
  8349. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.FootnoteType.Endnote">
  8350. <summary>
  8351. The object is an endnote.
  8352. </summary>
  8353. </member>
  8354. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle">
  8355. <summary>
  8356. Specifies the number style for a list, footnotes and endnotes, page numbers.
  8357. </summary>
  8358. <dev>
  8359. Should keep members of this enum in sync with <see cref="T:Aspose.Numbering.NumberStyleCore" />.
  8360. </dev>
  8361. </member>
  8362. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Arabic">
  8363. <summary>
  8364. Arabic numbering (1, 2, 3, ...)
  8365. </summary>
  8366. </member>
  8367. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.UppercaseRoman">
  8368. <summary>
  8369. Upper case Roman (I, II, III, ...)
  8370. </summary>
  8371. </member>
  8372. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.LowercaseRoman">
  8373. <summary>
  8374. Lower case Roman (i, ii, iii, ...)
  8375. </summary>
  8376. </member>
  8377. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.UppercaseLetter">
  8378. <summary>
  8379. Upper case Letter (A, B, C, ...)
  8380. </summary>
  8381. </member>
  8382. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.LowercaseLetter">
  8383. <summary>
  8384. Lower case letter (a, b, c, ...)
  8385. </summary>
  8386. </member>
  8387. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Ordinal">
  8388. <summary>
  8389. Ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...)
  8390. </summary>
  8391. </member>
  8392. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Number">
  8393. <summary>
  8394. Numbered (One, Two, Three, ...)
  8395. </summary>
  8396. </member>
  8397. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.OrdinalText">
  8398. <summary>
  8399. Ordinal (text) (First, Second, Third, ...)
  8400. </summary>
  8401. </member>
  8402. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Hex">
  8403. <summary>
  8404. Hexadecimal: 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12
  8405. </summary>
  8406. </member>
  8407. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.ChicagoManual">
  8408. <summary>
  8409. Chicago Manual of Style: *, †, †
  8410. </summary>
  8411. </member>
  8412. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Kanji">
  8413. <summary>
  8414. Ideograph-digital
  8415. </summary>
  8416. </member>
  8417. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.KanjiDigit">
  8418. <summary>
  8419. Japanese counting
  8420. </summary>
  8421. </member>
  8422. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.AiueoHalfWidth">
  8423. <summary>
  8424. Aiueo
  8425. </summary>
  8426. </member>
  8427. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.IrohaHalfWidth">
  8428. <summary>
  8429. Iroha
  8430. </summary>
  8431. </member>
  8432. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.ArabicFullWidth">
  8433. <summary>
  8434. Full-width Arabic: 1, 2, 3, 4
  8435. </summary>
  8436. </member>
  8437. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.ArabicHalfWidth">
  8438. <summary>
  8439. Half-width Arabic: 1, 2, 3, 4
  8440. </summary>
  8441. </member>
  8442. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.KanjiTraditional">
  8443. <summary>
  8444. Japanese legal
  8445. </summary>
  8446. </member>
  8447. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.KanjiTraditional2">
  8448. <summary>
  8449. Japanese digital ten thousand
  8450. </summary>
  8451. </member>
  8452. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.NumberInCircle">
  8453. <summary>
  8454. Enclosed circles
  8455. </summary>
  8456. </member>
  8457. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.DecimalFullWidth">
  8458. <summary>
  8459. Decimal full width: 1, 2, 3, 4
  8460. </summary>
  8461. </member>
  8462. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Aiueo">
  8463. <summary>
  8464. Aiueo full width
  8465. </summary>
  8466. </member>
  8467. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Iroha">
  8468. <summary>
  8469. Iroha full width
  8470. </summary>
  8471. </member>
  8472. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.LeadingZero">
  8473. <summary>
  8474. Leading Zero (01, 02,..., 09, 10, 11,..., 99, 100, 101,...)
  8475. </summary>
  8476. </member>
  8477. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Bullet">
  8478. <summary>
  8479. Bullet (check the character code in the text)
  8480. </summary>
  8481. </member>
  8482. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Ganada">
  8483. <summary>
  8484. Korean Ganada
  8485. </summary>
  8486. </member>
  8487. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Chosung">
  8488. <summary>
  8489. Korea Chosung
  8490. </summary>
  8491. </member>
  8492. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.GB1">
  8493. <summary>
  8494. Enclosed full stop
  8495. </summary>
  8496. </member>
  8497. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.GB2">
  8498. <summary>
  8499. Enclosed parenthesis
  8500. </summary>
  8501. </member>
  8502. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.GB3">
  8503. <summary>
  8504. Enclosed circle Chinese
  8505. </summary>
  8506. </member>
  8507. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.GB4">
  8508. <summary>
  8509. Ideograph enclosed circle
  8510. </summary>
  8511. </member>
  8512. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Zodiac1">
  8513. <summary>
  8514. Ideograph traditional
  8515. </summary>
  8516. </member>
  8517. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Zodiac2">
  8518. <summary>
  8519. Ideograph Zodiac
  8520. </summary>
  8521. </member>
  8522. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Zodiac3">
  8523. <summary>
  8524. Ideograph Zodiac traditional
  8525. </summary>
  8526. </member>
  8527. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.TradChinNum1">
  8528. <summary>
  8529. Taiwanese counting
  8530. </summary>
  8531. </member>
  8532. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.TradChinNum2">
  8533. <summary>
  8534. Ideograph legal traditional
  8535. </summary>
  8536. </member>
  8537. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.TradChinNum3">
  8538. <summary>
  8539. Taiwanese counting thousand
  8540. </summary>
  8541. </member>
  8542. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.TradChinNum4">
  8543. <summary>
  8544. Taiwanese digital
  8545. </summary>
  8546. </member>
  8547. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.SimpChinNum1">
  8548. <summary>
  8549. Chinese counting
  8550. </summary>
  8551. </member>
  8552. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.SimpChinNum2">
  8553. <summary>
  8554. Chinese legal simplified
  8555. </summary>
  8556. </member>
  8557. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.SimpChinNum3">
  8558. <summary>
  8559. Chinese counting thousand
  8560. </summary>
  8561. </member>
  8562. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.SimpChinNum4">
  8563. <summary>
  8564. Chinese (not implemented)
  8565. </summary>
  8566. </member>
  8567. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.HanjaRead">
  8568. <summary>
  8569. Korean digital
  8570. </summary>
  8571. </member>
  8572. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.HanjaReadDigit">
  8573. <summary>
  8574. Korean counting
  8575. </summary>
  8576. </member>
  8577. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Hangul">
  8578. <summary>
  8579. Korea legal
  8580. </summary>
  8581. </member>
  8582. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Hanja">
  8583. <summary>
  8584. Korea digital2
  8585. </summary>
  8586. </member>
  8587. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Hebrew1">
  8588. <summary>
  8589. Hebrew-1
  8590. </summary>
  8591. </member>
  8592. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Arabic1">
  8593. <summary>
  8594. Arabic alpha
  8595. </summary>
  8596. </member>
  8597. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Hebrew2">
  8598. <summary>
  8599. Hebrew-2
  8600. </summary>
  8601. </member>
  8602. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Arabic2">
  8603. <summary>
  8604. Arabic abjad
  8605. </summary>
  8606. </member>
  8607. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.HindiLetter1">
  8608. <summary>
  8609. Hindi vowels
  8610. </summary>
  8611. </member>
  8612. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.HindiLetter2">
  8613. <summary>
  8614. Hindi consonants
  8615. </summary>
  8616. </member>
  8617. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.HindiArabic">
  8618. <summary>
  8619. Hindi numbers
  8620. </summary>
  8621. </member>
  8622. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.HindiCardinalText">
  8623. <summary>
  8624. Hindi descriptive (cardinals)
  8625. </summary>
  8626. </member>
  8627. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.ThaiLetter">
  8628. <summary>
  8629. Thai letters
  8630. </summary>
  8631. </member>
  8632. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.ThaiArabic">
  8633. <summary>
  8634. Thai numbers
  8635. </summary>
  8636. </member>
  8637. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.ThaiCardinalText">
  8638. <summary>
  8639. Thai descriptive (cardinals)
  8640. </summary>
  8641. </member>
  8642. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.VietCardinalText">
  8643. <summary>
  8644. Vietnamese descriptive (cardinals)
  8645. </summary>
  8646. </member>
  8647. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.NumberInDash">
  8648. <summary>
  8649. Page number format: - 1 -, - 2 -, - 3 -, - 4 -
  8650. </summary>
  8651. </member>
  8652. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.LowercaseRussian">
  8653. <summary>
  8654. Lowercase Russian alphabet
  8655. </summary>
  8656. </member>
  8657. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.UppercaseRussian">
  8658. <summary>
  8659. Uppercase Russian alphabet
  8660. </summary>
  8661. </member>
  8662. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.None">
  8663. <summary>
  8664. No bullet or number.
  8665. </summary>
  8666. </member>
  8667. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.NumberStyle.Custom">
  8668. <summary>
  8669. Custom number format. It is supported by DOCX format only.
  8670. </summary>
  8671. </member>
  8672. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode">
  8673. <summary>
  8674. Specifies how formatting is merged when importing content from another document.
  8675. </summary>
  8676. <remarks>
  8677. <p>When you copy nodes from one document to another, this option specifies how formatting
  8678. is resolved when both documents have a style with the same name, but different formatting.</p>
  8679. <p>The formatting is resolved as follows:</p>
  8680. <list type="number">
  8681. <item>Built-in styles are matched using their locale independent style identifier.
  8682. User defined styles are matched using case-sensitive style name.</item>
  8683. <item>If a matching style is not found in the destination document, the style
  8684. (and all styles referenced by it) are copied into the destination document
  8685. and the imported nodes are updated to reference the new style.</item>
  8686. <item>If a matching style already exists in the destination document, what happens
  8687. depends on the <c>importFormatMode</c> parameter passed to
  8688. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)">Document.ImportNode</see>
  8689. as described below.</item>
  8690. </list>
  8691. <p>When using the <b>UseDestinationStyles</b> option, if a matching style already exists
  8692. in the destination document, the style is not copied and the imported nodes are updated
  8693. to reference the existing style.</p>
  8694. <p>The drawback of using <b>UseDestinationStyles</b> is that the imported text might
  8695. look different in the destination document comparing to the source document.
  8696. For example, the "Heading 1" style in the source document uses Arial 16pt font and
  8697. the "Heading 1" style in the destination document uses Times New Roman 14pt font.
  8698. When importing text of "Heading 1" style with no other direct formatting, it will
  8699. appear as Times New Roman 14pt font in the destination document.</p>
  8700. <p>
  8701. <b>KeepSourceFormatting</b> option allows to make sure the imported content looks the same
  8702. in the destination document like it looks in the source document.
  8703. If a matching style already exists in the destination document, the source style formatting is expanded
  8704. into direct Node attributes and the style is changed to Normal.
  8705. If the style does not exist in the destination document, then the source style is imported
  8706. into the destination document and applied to the imported node.
  8707. Note, that it is not always possible to preserve the source style even if it does not exist in the destination document.
  8708. In this case formating of such style will be expanded into direct Node attributes in favor of preserving original Node formatting.</p>
  8709. <p>The drawback of using <b>KeepSourceFormatting</b> is that if you perform several imports,
  8710. you could end up with many styles in the destination document and that could make using
  8711. consistent style formatting in Microsoft Word difficult for this document.</p>
  8712. <p>Using <b>KeepDifferentStyles</b> option allows to reuse destination styles
  8713. if the formatting they provide is identical to the styles in the source document.
  8714. If the style in destination document is different from the source then it is imported.</p>
  8715. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)" />
  8716. </remarks>
  8717. </member>
  8718. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles">
  8719. <summary>
  8720. Use the destination document styles and copy new styles. This is the default option.
  8721. </summary>
  8722. </member>
  8723. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.KeepSourceFormatting">
  8724. <summary>
  8725. Copy all required styles to the destination document, generate unique style names if needed.
  8726. </summary>
  8727. </member>
  8728. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode.KeepDifferentStyles">
  8729. <summary>
  8730. Only copy styles that are different from those in the source document.
  8731. </summary>
  8732. </member>
  8733. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter">
  8734. <summary>
  8735. Allows to efficiently perform repeated import of nodes from one document to another.
  8736. </summary>
  8737. <remarks>
  8738. <p>Aspose.Words provides functionality for easy copying and moving fragments
  8739. between Microsoft Word documents. This is known as "importing nodes".
  8740. Before you can insert a fragment from one document into another, you need to "import" it.
  8741. Importing creates a deep clone of the original node, ready to be inserted into the
  8742. destination document.</p>
  8743. <p>The simplest way to import a node is to use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)" /> method
  8744. provided by the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase" /> object.</p>
  8745. <p>However, when you need to import nodes from one document to another multiple times,
  8746. it is better to use the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" /> class. The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" />
  8747. class allows to minimize the number of styles and lists created in the destination document.</p>
  8748. <p>Copying or moving fragments from one Microsoft Word document to another presents a number
  8749. of technical challenges for Aspose.Words. In a Word document, styles and list formatting
  8750. are stored centrally, separately from the text of the document. The paragraphs
  8751. and runs of text merely reference the styles by internal unique identifiers.</p>
  8752. <p>The challenges arise from the fact that styles and lists are different in different documents.
  8753. For example, to copy a paragraph formatted with the Heading 1 style from one document to another,
  8754. a number of things must be taken into account: decide whether to copy the Heading 1 style from
  8755. the source document to the destination document, clone the paragraph, update the cloned
  8756. paragraph so it refers to the correct Heading 1 style in the destination document.
  8757. If the style had to be copied, all the styles that it references (based on style
  8758. and next paragraph style) should be analyzed and possibly copied too and so on.
  8759. Similar issues exist when copying bulleted or numbered paragraphs because Microsoft Word
  8760. stores list definitions separately from text.</p>
  8761. <p>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" /> class is like a context, that holds the "translation tables"
  8762. during the import. It correctly translates between styles and lists in the source and
  8763. destination documents.</p>
  8764. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  8765. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)" />
  8766. </remarks>
  8767. </member>
  8768. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode)">
  8769. <summary>
  8770. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" /> class.
  8771. </summary>
  8772. <param name="srcDoc">The source document.</param>
  8773. <param name="dstDoc">The destination document that will be the owner of imported nodes.</param>
  8774. <param name="importFormatMode">Specifies how to merge style formatting that clashes.</param>
  8775. </member>
  8776. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatMode,Aspose.Words.ImportFormatOptions)">
  8777. <summary>
  8778. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter" /> class.
  8779. </summary>
  8780. <param name="srcDoc">The source document.</param>
  8781. <param name="dstDoc">The destination document that will be the owner of imported nodes.</param>
  8782. <param name="importFormatMode">Specifies how to merge style formatting that clashes.</param>
  8783. <param name="importFormatOptions">Specifies various options to format imported node.</param>
  8784. </member>
  8785. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)">
  8786. <summary>
  8787. <p>Imports a node from one document into another.</p>
  8788. </summary>
  8789. <remarks>
  8790. <p>Importing a node creates a copy of the source node belonging to the importing document.
  8791. The returned node has no parent. The source node is not altered or removed from the original document.</p>
  8792. <p>Before a node from another document can be inserted into this document, it must be imported.
  8793. During import, document-specific properties such as references to styles and lists are translated
  8794. from the original to the importing document. After the node was imported, it can be inserted
  8795. into the appropriate place in the document using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" /> or
  8796. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" />.</p>
  8797. <p>If the source node already belongs to the destination document, then simply a deep clone
  8798. of the source node is created.</p>
  8799. </remarks>
  8800. <param name="srcNode">The node to import.</param>
  8801. <param name="isImportChildren">True to import all child nodes recursively; otherwise, false.</param>
  8802. <returns>The cloned, imported node. The node belongs to the destination document, but has no parent.</returns>
  8803. </member>
  8804. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.NodeImporter.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.INodeCloningListener)">
  8805. <summary>
  8806. <p>Imports a node from one document into another.</p>
  8807. </summary>
  8808. <remarks>
  8809. <p>Importing a node creates a copy of the source node belonging to the importing document.
  8810. The returned node has no parent. The source node is not altered or removed from the original document.</p>
  8811. <p>Before a node from another document can be inserted into this document, it must be imported.
  8812. During import, document-specific properties such as references to styles and lists are translated
  8813. from the original to the importing document. After the node was imported, it can be inserted
  8814. into the appropriate place in the document using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" /> or
  8815. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" />.</p>
  8816. <p>If the source node already belongs to the destination document, then simply a deep clone
  8817. of the source node is created.</p>
  8818. </remarks>
  8819. <param name="srcNode">The node to import.</param>
  8820. <param name="isImportChildren">True to import all child nodes recursively; otherwise, false.</param>
  8821. <param name="nodeCloningListener">The listener to the node cloning events.</param>
  8822. <returns>The cloned, imported node. The node belongs to the destination document, but has no parent.</returns>
  8823. </member>
  8824. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Body">
  8825. <summary>
  8826. Represents a container for the main text of a section.
  8827. </summary>
  8828. <remarks>
  8829. <p>
  8830. <b>Body</b> can contain <b>Paragraph</b> and <b>Table</b> child nodes.</p>
  8831. <p>
  8832. <b>Body</b> is a section-level node and can only be a child of <b>Section</b>.
  8833. There can only be one <b>Body</b> in a <b>Section</b>.</p>
  8834. <p>A minimal valid <b>Body</b> needs to contain at least one <b>Paragraph</b>.</p>
  8835. </remarks>
  8836. </member>
  8837. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Body.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  8838. <summary>
  8839. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Body</b> class.
  8840. </summary>
  8841. <remarks>
  8842. <p>When <b>Body</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  8843. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  8844. <p>To append <b>Body</b> to a <b>Section</b> use Section.InsertAfter or Section.InsertBefore.</p>
  8845. </remarks>
  8846. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  8847. </member>
  8848. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Body.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  8849. <summary>
  8850. Accepts a visitor.
  8851. </summary>
  8852. <remarks>
  8853. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  8854. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  8855. </remarks>
  8856. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  8857. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  8858. <remarks>
  8859. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitBodyStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes of the section
  8860. and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitBodyEnd at the end.
  8861. </remarks>
  8862. </member>
  8863. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Body.EnsureMinimum">
  8864. <summary>
  8865. If the last child is not a paragraph, creates and appends one empty paragraph.
  8866. </summary>
  8867. </member>
  8868. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Body.NodeType">
  8869. <summary>
  8870. Returns <b>NodeType.Body</b>.
  8871. </summary>
  8872. </member>
  8873. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Body.ParentSection">
  8874. <summary>
  8875. Gets the parent section of this story.
  8876. </summary>
  8877. <remarks>
  8878. <p>
  8879. <b>ParentSection</b> is equivalent to <c>(Section)ParentNode</c>.</p>
  8880. </remarks>
  8881. </member>
  8882. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.SectionLayoutMode">
  8883. <summary>
  8884. Specifies the layout mode for a section allowing to define the document grid behavior.
  8885. </summary>
  8886. </member>
  8887. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionLayoutMode.Default">
  8888. <summary>
  8889. Specifies that no document grid shall be applied to the contents of the corresponding section in the document.
  8890. </summary>
  8891. </member>
  8892. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionLayoutMode.Grid">
  8893. <summary>
  8894. Specifies that the corresponding section shall have both the additional line pitch and character pitch
  8895. added to each line and character within it in order to maintain a specific number
  8896. of lines per page and characters per line.
  8897. Characters will not be automatically aligned with gridlines on typing.
  8898. </summary>
  8899. </member>
  8900. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionLayoutMode.LineGrid">
  8901. <summary>
  8902. Specifies that the corresponding section shall have additional line pitch added to each line within it
  8903. in order to maintain the specified number of lines per page.
  8904. </summary>
  8905. </member>
  8906. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionLayoutMode.SnapToChars">
  8907. <summary>
  8908. Specifies that the corresponding section shall have both the additional line pitch and character pitch
  8909. added to each line and character within it in order to maintain a specific number
  8910. of lines per page and characters per line.
  8911. Characters will be automatically aligned with gridlines on typing.
  8912. </summary>
  8913. </member>
  8914. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter">
  8915. <summary>
  8916. Represents a container for the header or footer text of a section.
  8917. </summary>
  8918. <remarks>
  8919. <p>
  8920. <b>HeaderFooter</b> can contain <b>Paragraph</b> and <b>Table</b> child nodes.</p>
  8921. <p>
  8922. <b>HeaderFooter</b> is a section-level node and can only be a child of <b>Section</b>.
  8923. There can only be one <b>HeaderFooter</b> or each <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.HeaderFooterType" /> in a <b>Section</b>.</p>
  8924. <p>If <b>Section</b> does not have a <b>HeaderFooter</b> of a specific type or
  8925. the <b>HeaderFooter</b> has no child nodes, this header/footer is considered linked to
  8926. the header/footer of the same type of the previous section in Microsoft Word.</p>
  8927. <p>When <b>HeaderFooter</b> contains at least one <b>Paragraph</b>, it is no longer
  8928. considered linked to previous in Microsoft Word.</p>
  8929. </remarks>
  8930. </member>
  8931. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType)">
  8932. <summary>
  8933. Creates a new header or footer of the specified type.
  8934. </summary>
  8935. <remarks>
  8936. <p>When <b>HeaderFooter</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  8937. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  8938. <p>To append <b>HeaderFooter</b> to a <b>Section</b> use Section.InsertAfter, Section.InsertBefore,
  8939. HeadersFooters.Add or HeadersFooters.Insert.</p>
  8940. </remarks>
  8941. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  8942. <param name="headerFooterType">A <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.HeaderFooterType" /> value
  8943. that specifies the type of the header or footer.</param>
  8944. </member>
  8945. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  8946. <summary>
  8947. Accepts a visitor.
  8948. </summary>
  8949. <remarks>
  8950. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  8951. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  8952. </remarks>
  8953. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  8954. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  8955. <remarks>
  8956. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitHeaderFooterStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes of the section
  8957. and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitHeaderFooterEnd at the end.
  8958. </remarks>
  8959. </member>
  8960. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.NodeType">
  8961. <summary>
  8962. Returns <b>NodeType.HeaderFooter</b>.
  8963. </summary>
  8964. </member>
  8965. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.ParentSection">
  8966. <summary>
  8967. Gets the parent section of this story.
  8968. </summary>
  8969. <remarks>
  8970. <p>
  8971. <b>ParentSection</b> is equivalent to <c>(Section)ParentNode</c>.</p>
  8972. </remarks>
  8973. </member>
  8974. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.HeaderFooterType">
  8975. <summary>
  8976. Gets the type of this header/footer.
  8977. </summary>
  8978. </member>
  8979. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.IsHeader">
  8980. <summary>
  8981. True if this <b>HeaderFooter</b> object is a header.
  8982. </summary>
  8983. </member>
  8984. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter.IsLinkedToPrevious">
  8985. <summary>
  8986. True if this header or footer is linked to the corresponding header or footer
  8987. in the previous section.
  8988. </summary>
  8989. <remarks>
  8990. <p>Default is true.</p>
  8991. <p>Note, when your link a header or footer, its contents is cleared.</p>
  8992. </remarks>
  8993. </member>
  8994. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType">
  8995. <summary>
  8996. Identifies the type of header or footer found in a Word file.
  8997. </summary>
  8998. <rev>
  8999. This is a per section header/footer.
  9000. Do not renumber as the value of the enum used as an index into plcfhdd.
  9001. </rev>
  9002. </member>
  9003. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType.HeaderEven">
  9004. <summary>
  9005. Header for even numbered pages.
  9006. </summary>
  9007. </member>
  9008. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType.HeaderPrimary">
  9009. <summary>
  9010. Primary header, also used for odd numbered pages.
  9011. </summary>
  9012. </member>
  9013. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType.FooterEven">
  9014. <summary>
  9015. Footer for even numbered pages.
  9016. </summary>
  9017. </member>
  9018. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType.FooterPrimary">
  9019. <summary>
  9020. Primary footer, also used for odd numbered pages.
  9021. </summary>
  9022. </member>
  9023. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType.HeaderFirst">
  9024. <summary>
  9025. Header for the first page of the section.
  9026. </summary>
  9027. </member>
  9028. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType.FooterFirst">
  9029. <summary>
  9030. Footer for the first page of the section.
  9031. </summary>
  9032. </member>
  9033. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterCollection">
  9034. <summary>
  9035. Provides typed access to <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" /> nodes of a <b>Section</b>.
  9036. </summary>
  9037. <remarks>
  9038. <p>There can be maximum of one <b>HeaderFooter</b></p> of each <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType" /> per
  9039. <b>Section</b>.
  9040. <p><b>HeaderFooter</b> objects can occur in any order in the collection.</p></remarks>
  9041. </member>
  9042. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterCollection.LinkToPrevious(System.Boolean)">
  9043. <summary>
  9044. Links or unlinks all headers and footers to the corresponding
  9045. headers and footers in the previous section.
  9046. </summary>
  9047. <remarks>
  9048. <p>If any of the headers or footers do not exist, creates them automatically.</p>
  9049. </remarks>
  9050. <param name="isLinkToPrevious">True to link the headers and footers to the previous section;
  9051. false to unlink them.</param>
  9052. </member>
  9053. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterCollection.LinkToPrevious(Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType,System.Boolean)">
  9054. <summary>
  9055. Links or unlinks the specified header or footer to the corresponding
  9056. header or footer in the previous section.
  9057. </summary>
  9058. <remarks>
  9059. <p>If the header or footer of the specified type does not exist, creates it automatically.</p>
  9060. </remarks>
  9061. <param name="headerFooterType">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType" /> value
  9062. that specifies the header or footer to link/unlink.</param>
  9063. <param name="isLinkToPrevious">True to link the header or footer to the previous section;
  9064. false to unlink.</param>
  9065. </member>
  9066. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterCollection.ToArray">
  9067. <summary>
  9068. Copies all <c>HeaderFoorter</c>s from the collection to a new array of <c>HeaderFoorter</c>s.
  9069. </summary>
  9070. <returns>An array of <c>HeaderFoorter</c>s.</returns>
  9071. </member>
  9072. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  9073. <summary>
  9074. Retrieves a <b>HeaderFooter</b> at the given index.
  9075. </summary>
  9076. <remarks>
  9077. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  9078. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  9079. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  9080. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  9081. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  9082. </remarks>
  9083. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  9084. </member>
  9085. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterCollection.Item(Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType)">
  9086. <summary>
  9087. Retrieves a <b>HeaderFooter</b> of the specified type.
  9088. </summary>
  9089. <remarks>
  9090. Returns null if the header/footer of the specified type is not found.
  9091. </remarks>
  9092. <param name="headerFooterType">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType" /> value
  9093. that specifies the type of the header/footer to retrieve.</param>
  9094. </member>
  9095. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.LineNumberRestartMode">
  9096. <summary>
  9097. Determines when automatic line numbering restarts.
  9098. </summary>
  9099. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.PageSetup" />
  9100. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.LineNumberRestartMode" />
  9101. </member>
  9102. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineNumberRestartMode.RestartPage">
  9103. <summary>
  9104. Line numbering restarts at the start of every page.
  9105. </summary>
  9106. </member>
  9107. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineNumberRestartMode.RestartSection">
  9108. <summary>
  9109. Line numbering restarts at the section start.
  9110. </summary>
  9111. </member>
  9112. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineNumberRestartMode.Continuous">
  9113. <summary>
  9114. Line numbering continuous from the previous section.
  9115. </summary>
  9116. </member>
  9117. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Orientation">
  9118. <summary>
  9119. Specifies page orientation.
  9120. </summary>
  9121. </member>
  9122. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Orientation.Portrait">
  9123. <summary>
  9124. Portrait page orientation (narrow and tall).
  9125. </summary>
  9126. </member>
  9127. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Orientation.Landscape">
  9128. <summary>
  9129. Landscape page orientation (wide and short).
  9130. </summary>
  9131. </member>
  9132. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.PageBorderAppliesTo">
  9133. <summary>
  9134. Specifies which pages the page border is printed on.
  9135. </summary>
  9136. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.PageSetup" />
  9137. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BorderAppliesTo" />
  9138. </member>
  9139. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageBorderAppliesTo.AllPages">
  9140. <summary>
  9141. Page border is shown on all pages of the section.
  9142. </summary>
  9143. </member>
  9144. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageBorderAppliesTo.FirstPage">
  9145. <summary>
  9146. Page border is shown on the first page of the section only.
  9147. </summary>
  9148. </member>
  9149. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageBorderAppliesTo.OtherPages">
  9150. <summary>
  9151. Page border is shown on all pages except the first page of the section.
  9152. </summary>
  9153. </member>
  9154. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.PageBorderDistanceFrom">
  9155. <summary>
  9156. Specifies the positioning of the page border relative to the page margin.
  9157. </summary>
  9158. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.PageSetup" />
  9159. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BorderDistanceFrom" />
  9160. </member>
  9161. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageBorderDistanceFrom.Text">
  9162. <summary>
  9163. Border position is measured from the page margin.
  9164. </summary>
  9165. </member>
  9166. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageBorderDistanceFrom.PageEdge">
  9167. <summary>
  9168. Border position is measured from the page edge.
  9169. </summary>
  9170. </member>
  9171. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.PageSetup">
  9172. <summary>
  9173. Represents the page setup properties of a section.
  9174. </summary>
  9175. <remarks>
  9176. <p>
  9177. <b>PageSetup</b> object contains all the page setup attributes of a section
  9178. (left margin, bottom margin, paper size, and so on) as properties.</p>
  9179. </remarks>
  9180. <dev>
  9181. This is a presentation object only, does not store any model data.
  9182. </dev>
  9183. </member>
  9184. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.ClearFormatting">
  9185. <summary>
  9186. Resets page setup to default paper size, margins and orientation.
  9187. </summary>
  9188. </member>
  9189. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter">
  9190. <summary>
  9191. <b>True</b> if the document has different headers and footers for odd-numbered and even-numbered pages.
  9192. </summary>
  9193. <remarks>
  9194. Note, changing this property affects all sections in the document.
  9195. </remarks>
  9196. </member>
  9197. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter">
  9198. <summary>
  9199. <b>True</b> if a different header or footer is used on the first page.
  9200. </summary>
  9201. </member>
  9202. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.MultiplePages">
  9203. <summary>
  9204. For multiple page documents, gets or sets how a document is printed or rendered so that it can be bound as a booklet.
  9205. </summary>
  9206. </member>
  9207. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.SheetsPerBooklet">
  9208. <summary>
  9209. Returns or sets the number of pages to be included in each booklet.
  9210. </summary>
  9211. </member>
  9212. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.SectionStart">
  9213. <summary>
  9214. Returns or sets the type of section break for the specified object.
  9215. </summary>
  9216. </member>
  9217. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes">
  9218. <summary>
  9219. <b>True</b> if endnotes are printed at the end of the next section that doesn't suppress endnotes.
  9220. Suppressed endnotes are printed before the endnotes in that section.
  9221. </summary>
  9222. </member>
  9223. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.VerticalAlignment">
  9224. <summary>
  9225. Returns or sets the vertical alignment of text on each page in a document or section.
  9226. </summary>
  9227. </member>
  9228. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.Bidi">
  9229. <summary>
  9230. Specifies that this section contains bidirectional (complex scripts) text.
  9231. </summary>
  9232. <remarks>
  9233. <p>When true, the columns in this section are laid out from right to left.</p>
  9234. </remarks>
  9235. </member>
  9236. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.LayoutMode">
  9237. <summary>
  9238. Gets or sets the layout mode of this section.
  9239. </summary>
  9240. </member>
  9241. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.CharactersPerLine">
  9242. <summary>
  9243. Gets or sets the number of characters per line in the document grid.
  9244. </summary>
  9245. <remarks>
  9246. <para>Minimum value of the property is 1. Maximum value depends on page width and font size of the Normal
  9247. style. Minimum character pitch is 90 percent of the font size. For example, maximum number of characters
  9248. per line of a Letter page with one-inch margins is 43.</para>
  9249. <para>By default, the property has a value, on which character pitch equals to font size of the Normal
  9250. style.</para>
  9251. </remarks>
  9252. </member>
  9253. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.LinesPerPage">
  9254. <summary>
  9255. Gets or sets the number of lines per page in the document grid.
  9256. </summary>
  9257. <remarks>
  9258. <para>Minimum value of the property is 1. Maximum value depends on page height and font size of the Normal
  9259. style. Minimum line pitch is 136 percent of the font size. For example, maximum number of lines per page of
  9260. a Letter page with one-inch margins is 39.</para>
  9261. <para>By default, the property has a value, on which line pitch is in 1.5 times greater than font size of
  9262. the Normal style.</para>
  9263. </remarks>
  9264. </member>
  9265. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageWidth">
  9266. <summary>
  9267. Returns or sets the width of the page in points.
  9268. </summary>
  9269. </member>
  9270. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageHeight">
  9271. <summary>
  9272. Returns or sets the height of the page in points.
  9273. </summary>
  9274. </member>
  9275. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PaperSize">
  9276. <summary>
  9277. Returns or sets the paper size.
  9278. </summary>
  9279. <remarks>
  9280. <para>Setting this property updates <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageWidth" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageHeight" /> values.
  9281. Setting this value to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Custom" /> does not change existing values.</para>
  9282. </remarks>
  9283. </member>
  9284. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.Orientation">
  9285. <summary>
  9286. Returns or sets the orientation of the page.
  9287. </summary>
  9288. <remarks>
  9289. <p>Changing <b>Orientation</b> swaps <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageWidth" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageHeight" />.</p>
  9290. </remarks>
  9291. </member>
  9292. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.LeftMargin">
  9293. <summary>
  9294. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the left edge of the page and the left boundary of the body text.
  9295. </summary>
  9296. </member>
  9297. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.RightMargin">
  9298. <summary>
  9299. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the right edge of the page and the right boundary of the body text.
  9300. </summary>
  9301. </member>
  9302. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.TopMargin">
  9303. <summary>
  9304. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the top edge of the page and the top boundary of the body text.
  9305. </summary>
  9306. </member>
  9307. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BottomMargin">
  9308. <summary>
  9309. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the bottom edge of the page and the bottom boundary of the body text.
  9310. </summary>
  9311. </member>
  9312. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.HeaderDistance">
  9313. <summary>
  9314. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the header and the top of the page.
  9315. </summary>
  9316. </member>
  9317. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.FooterDistance">
  9318. <summary>
  9319. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the footer and the bottom of the page.
  9320. </summary>
  9321. </member>
  9322. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.Gutter">
  9323. <summary>
  9324. Gets or sets the amount of extra space added to the margin for document binding.
  9325. </summary>
  9326. </member>
  9327. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.FirstPageTray">
  9328. <summary>
  9329. Gets or sets the paper tray (bin) to use for the first page of a section.
  9330. The value is implementation (printer) specific.
  9331. </summary>
  9332. </member>
  9333. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.OtherPagesTray">
  9334. <summary>
  9335. Gets or sets the paper tray (bin) to be used for all but the first page of a section.
  9336. The value is implementation (printer) specific.
  9337. </summary>
  9338. </member>
  9339. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageNumberStyle">
  9340. <summary>
  9341. Gets or sets the page number format.
  9342. </summary>
  9343. </member>
  9344. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.RestartPageNumbering">
  9345. <summary>
  9346. <b>True</b> if page numbering restarts at the beginning of the section.
  9347. </summary>
  9348. <remarks>
  9349. If set to <b>false</b>, the <b>RestartPageNumbering</b> property will override the
  9350. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageStartingNumber" /> property so that page numbering can continue from the previous section.
  9351. </remarks>
  9352. </member>
  9353. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.PageStartingNumber">
  9354. <summary>
  9355. Gets or sets the starting page number of the section.
  9356. </summary>
  9357. <remarks>
  9358. The <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.RestartPageNumbering" /> property, if set to <b>false</b>, will override the
  9359. <b>PageStartingNumber</b> property so that page numbering can continue from the previous section.
  9360. </remarks>
  9361. </member>
  9362. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.LineNumberRestartMode">
  9363. <summary>
  9364. Gets or sets the way line numbering runs that is, whether it starts over at the beginning of a new
  9365. page or section or runs continuously.
  9366. </summary>
  9367. </member>
  9368. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.LineNumberCountBy">
  9369. <summary>
  9370. Returns or sets the numeric increment for line numbers.
  9371. </summary>
  9372. </member>
  9373. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.LineNumberDistanceFromText">
  9374. <summary>
  9375. Gets or sets distance between the right edge of line numbers and the left edge of the document.
  9376. </summary>
  9377. <remarks>
  9378. Set this property to zero for automatic distance between the line numbers and text of the document.
  9379. </remarks>
  9380. </member>
  9381. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.LineStartingNumber">
  9382. <summary>
  9383. Gets or sets the starting line number.
  9384. </summary>
  9385. </member>
  9386. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.TextColumns">
  9387. <summary>
  9388. Returns a collection that represents the set of text columns.
  9389. </summary>
  9390. </member>
  9391. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.RtlGutter">
  9392. <summary>
  9393. Gets or sets whether Microsoft Word uses gutters for the section based on a right-to-left language or a left-to-right language.
  9394. </summary>
  9395. </member>
  9396. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BorderAlwaysInFront">
  9397. <summary>
  9398. Specifies where the page border is positioned relative to intersecting texts and objects.
  9399. </summary>
  9400. </member>
  9401. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BorderDistanceFrom">
  9402. <summary>
  9403. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the specified page border is measured from the edge of the page or from the text it surrounds.
  9404. </summary>
  9405. </member>
  9406. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BorderAppliesTo">
  9407. <summary>
  9408. Specifies which pages the page border is printed on.
  9409. </summary>
  9410. </member>
  9411. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BorderSurroundsHeader">
  9412. <summary>
  9413. Specifies whether the page border includes or excludes the header.
  9414. </summary>
  9415. <remarks>
  9416. Note, changing this property affects all sections in the document.
  9417. </remarks>
  9418. </member>
  9419. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.BorderSurroundsFooter">
  9420. <summary>
  9421. Specifies whether the page border includes or excludes the footer.
  9422. </summary>
  9423. <remarks>
  9424. Note, changing this property affects all sections in the document.
  9425. </remarks>
  9426. </member>
  9427. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.Borders">
  9428. <summary>
  9429. Gets a collection of the page borders.
  9430. </summary>
  9431. </member>
  9432. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.FootnoteOptions">
  9433. <summary>
  9434. Provides options that control numbering and positioning of footnotes in this section.
  9435. </summary>
  9436. </member>
  9437. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.EndnoteOptions">
  9438. <summary>
  9439. Provides options that control numbering and positioning of endnotes in this section.
  9440. </summary>
  9441. </member>
  9442. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.TextOrientation">
  9443. <summary>
  9444. Allows to specify <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.TextOrientation" /> for the whole page.
  9445. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.TextOrientation.Horizontal" /></summary>
  9446. <remarks>This property is only supported for MS Word native formats DOCX, WML, RTF and DOC.</remarks>
  9447. </member>
  9448. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.PageVerticalAlignment">
  9449. <summary>
  9450. Specifies vertical justification of text on each page.
  9451. </summary>
  9452. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.PageSetup" />
  9453. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.VerticalAlignment" />
  9454. </member>
  9455. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageVerticalAlignment.Bottom">
  9456. <summary>
  9457. Text is aligned at the bottom of the page.
  9458. </summary>
  9459. </member>
  9460. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageVerticalAlignment.Center">
  9461. <summary>
  9462. Text is aligned in the middle of the page.
  9463. </summary>
  9464. </member>
  9465. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageVerticalAlignment.Justify">
  9466. <summary>
  9467. Text is spread to fill the page.
  9468. </summary>
  9469. </member>
  9470. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PageVerticalAlignment.Top">
  9471. <summary>
  9472. Text is aligned at the top of the page.
  9473. </summary>
  9474. </member>
  9475. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.PaperSize">
  9476. <summary>
  9477. Specifies paper size.
  9478. </summary>
  9479. </member>
  9480. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.A3">
  9481. <summary>
  9482. 297 x 420 mm.
  9483. </summary>
  9484. </member>
  9485. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.A4">
  9486. <summary>
  9487. 210 x 297 mm.
  9488. </summary>
  9489. </member>
  9490. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.A5">
  9491. <summary>
  9492. 148 x 210 mm.
  9493. </summary>
  9494. </member>
  9495. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.B4">
  9496. <summary>
  9497. 250 x 353 mm.
  9498. </summary>
  9499. </member>
  9500. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.B5">
  9501. <summary>
  9502. 176 x 250 mm.
  9503. </summary>
  9504. </member>
  9505. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Executive">
  9506. <summary>
  9507. 7.25 x 10.5 inches.
  9508. </summary>
  9509. </member>
  9510. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Folio">
  9511. <summary>
  9512. 8.5 x 13 inches.
  9513. </summary>
  9514. </member>
  9515. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Ledger">
  9516. <summary>
  9517. 17 x 11 inches.
  9518. </summary>
  9519. </member>
  9520. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Legal">
  9521. <summary>
  9522. 8.5 x 14 inches.
  9523. </summary>
  9524. </member>
  9525. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Letter">
  9526. <summary>
  9527. 8.5 x 11 inches.
  9528. </summary>
  9529. </member>
  9530. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.EnvelopeDL">
  9531. <summary>
  9532. 110 x 220 mm.
  9533. </summary>
  9534. </member>
  9535. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Quarto">
  9536. <summary>
  9537. 8.47 x 10.83 inches.
  9538. </summary>
  9539. </member>
  9540. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Statement">
  9541. <summary>
  9542. 8.5 x 5.5 inches.
  9543. </summary>
  9544. </member>
  9545. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Tabloid">
  9546. <summary>
  9547. 11 x 17 inches.
  9548. </summary>
  9549. </member>
  9550. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Paper10x14">
  9551. <summary>
  9552. 10 x 14 inches.
  9553. </summary>
  9554. </member>
  9555. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Paper11x17">
  9556. <summary>
  9557. 11 x 17 inches.
  9558. </summary>
  9559. </member>
  9560. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.PaperSize.Custom">
  9561. <summary>
  9562. Custom paper size.
  9563. </summary>
  9564. </member>
  9565. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Section">
  9566. <summary>
  9567. Represents a single section in a document.
  9568. </summary>
  9569. <remarks>
  9570. <p>
  9571. <b>Section</b> can have one <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Section.Body" /> and maximum one <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />
  9572. of each <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooterType" />. <b>Body</b> and <b>HeaderFooter</b> nodes
  9573. can be in any order inside <b>Section</b>.</p>
  9574. <p>A minimal valid section needs to have <b>Body</b> with one <b>Paragraph</b>.</p>
  9575. <p>Each section has its own set of properties that specify page size, orientation, margins etc.</p>
  9576. <p>You can create a copy of a section using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Clone(System.Boolean)" />. The copy can be inserted into
  9577. the same or different document.</p>
  9578. <p>To add, insert or remove a whole section including section break and
  9579. section properties use methods of the <b>Sections</b> object.</p>
  9580. <p>To copy and insert just content of the section excluding the section break
  9581. and section properties use <b>AppendContent</b> and <b>PrependContent</b> methods.</p>
  9582. </remarks>
  9583. </member>
  9584. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  9585. <summary>
  9586. Initializes a new instance of the Section class.
  9587. </summary>
  9588. <remarks>
  9589. <p>When the section is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  9590. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  9591. <p>To include Section into a document use Document.InsertAfter, Document.InsertBefore
  9592. or Sections.Add and Section.Insert methods.</p>
  9593. </remarks>
  9594. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  9595. </member>
  9596. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.Clone">
  9597. <summary>
  9598. Creates a duplicate of this section.
  9599. </summary>
  9600. <dev>Kept to remain compatible with the old API.</dev>
  9601. </member>
  9602. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  9603. <summary>
  9604. Accepts a visitor.
  9605. </summary>
  9606. <remarks>
  9607. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  9608. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  9609. </remarks>
  9610. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  9611. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  9612. <remarks>
  9613. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitSectionStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes of the section
  9614. and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitSectionEnd at the end.
  9615. </remarks>
  9616. </member>
  9617. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.PrependContent(Aspose.Words.Section)">
  9618. <summary>
  9619. Inserts a copy of content of the source section at the beginning of this section.
  9620. </summary>
  9621. <remarks>
  9622. <p>Only content of <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Section.Body" /> of the source section is copied, page setup,
  9623. headers and footers are not copied.</p>
  9624. <p>The nodes are automatically imported if the source section belongs to a different document.</p>
  9625. <p>No new section is created in the destination document.</p>
  9626. </remarks>
  9627. <param name="sourceSection">The section to copy content from.</param>
  9628. </member>
  9629. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.AppendContent(Aspose.Words.Section)">
  9630. <summary>
  9631. Inserts a copy of content of the source section at the end of this section.
  9632. </summary>
  9633. <remarks>
  9634. <p>Only content of <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Section.Body" /> of the source section is copied, page setup,
  9635. headers and footers are not copied.</p>
  9636. <p>The nodes are automatically imported if the source section belongs to a different document.</p>
  9637. <p>No new section is created in the destination document.</p>
  9638. </remarks>
  9639. <param name="sourceSection">The section to copy content from.</param>
  9640. </member>
  9641. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.ClearContent">
  9642. <summary>
  9643. Clears the section.
  9644. </summary>
  9645. <remarks>
  9646. <p>The text of <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Section.Body" /> is cleared, only one empty paragraph is left that represents the section break.</p>
  9647. <p>The text of all headers and footers is cleared, but <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" /> objects themselves are not removed.</p>
  9648. </remarks>
  9649. </member>
  9650. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.ClearHeadersFooters">
  9651. <summary>
  9652. Clears the headers and footers of this section.
  9653. </summary>
  9654. <remarks>
  9655. <p>The text of all headers and footers is cleared, but <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" /> objects themselves are not removed.</p>
  9656. <p>This makes headers and footers of this section linked to headers and footers of the previous section.</p>
  9657. </remarks>
  9658. </member>
  9659. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.DeleteHeaderFooterShapes">
  9660. <summary>
  9661. Deletes all shapes (drawing objects) from the headers and footers of this section.
  9662. </summary>
  9663. </member>
  9664. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Section.EnsureMinimum">
  9665. <summary>
  9666. Ensures that the section has Body with one Paragraph.
  9667. </summary>
  9668. </member>
  9669. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Section.NodeType">
  9670. <summary>
  9671. Returns <b>NodeType.Section</b>.
  9672. </summary>
  9673. </member>
  9674. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Section.Body">
  9675. <summary>
  9676. Returns the <b>Body</b> child node of the section.
  9677. </summary>
  9678. <remarks>
  9679. <p>
  9680. <b>Body</b> contains main text of the section.</p>
  9681. <p>Returns null if the section does not have a <b>Body</b> node among its children.</p>
  9682. </remarks>
  9683. </member>
  9684. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Section.HeadersFooters">
  9685. <summary>
  9686. Provides access to the headers and footers nodes of the section.
  9687. </summary>
  9688. </member>
  9689. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Section.PageSetup">
  9690. <summary>
  9691. Returns an object that represents page setup and section properties.
  9692. </summary>
  9693. </member>
  9694. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Section.ProtectedForForms">
  9695. <summary>
  9696. True if the section is protected for forms. When a section is protected for forms,
  9697. users can select and modify text only in form fields in Microsoft Word.
  9698. </summary>
  9699. </member>
  9700. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.SectionCollection">
  9701. <summary>
  9702. A collection of <b>Section</b> objects in the document.
  9703. </summary>
  9704. <remarks>
  9705. <p>A Microsoft Word document can contain multiple sections. To create a section in a Microsoft Word,
  9706. select the Insert/Break command and select a break type. The break specifies whether section starts
  9707. on a new page or on the same page.</p>
  9708. <p>Programmatically inserting and removing sections can be used to customize documents produced
  9709. during mail merge. If a document needs to have different content or parts of the
  9710. content depending on some criteria, then you can create a "master" document that contains
  9711. multiple sections and delete some of the sections before or after mail merge.</p>
  9712. </remarks>
  9713. </member>
  9714. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.SectionCollection.ToArray">
  9715. <summary>
  9716. Copies all sections from the collection to a new array of sections.
  9717. </summary>
  9718. <returns>An array of sections.</returns>
  9719. </member>
  9720. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SectionCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  9721. <summary>
  9722. Retrieves a section at the given index.
  9723. </summary>
  9724. <remarks>
  9725. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  9726. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  9727. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  9728. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  9729. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  9730. </remarks>
  9731. <param name="index">An index into the list of sections.</param>
  9732. </member>
  9733. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.SectionStart">
  9734. <summary>
  9735. The type of break at the beginning of the section.
  9736. </summary>
  9737. </member>
  9738. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionStart.Continuous">
  9739. <summary>
  9740. The new section starts on the same page as the previous section.
  9741. </summary>
  9742. </member>
  9743. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionStart.NewColumn">
  9744. <summary>
  9745. The section starts from a new column.
  9746. </summary>
  9747. </member>
  9748. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionStart.NewPage">
  9749. <summary>
  9750. The section starts from a new page.
  9751. </summary>
  9752. </member>
  9753. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionStart.EvenPage">
  9754. <summary>
  9755. The section starts on a new even page.
  9756. </summary>
  9757. </member>
  9758. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.SectionStart.OddPage">
  9759. <summary>
  9760. The section starts on a new odd page.
  9761. </summary>
  9762. </member>
  9763. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Story">
  9764. <summary>
  9765. Base class for elements that contain block-level nodes <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" />.
  9766. </summary>
  9767. <remarks>
  9768. <p>Text of a Word document is said to consist of several stories.
  9769. The main text is stored in the main text story represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" />,
  9770. each header and footer is stored in a separate story represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />.</p>
  9771. </remarks>
  9772. </member>
  9773. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Story.DeleteShapes">
  9774. <summary>
  9775. Deletes all shapes from the text of this story.
  9776. </summary>
  9777. </member>
  9778. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Story.AppendParagraph(System.String)">
  9779. <summary>
  9780. A shortcut method that creates a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> object with optional text and appends it to the end of this object.
  9781. </summary>
  9782. <param name="text">The text for the paragraph. Can be null or empty string.</param>
  9783. <returns>The newly created and appended paragraph.</returns>
  9784. </member>
  9785. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Story.StoryType">
  9786. <summary>
  9787. Gets the type of this story.
  9788. </summary>
  9789. </member>
  9790. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Story.FirstParagraph">
  9791. <summary>
  9792. Gets the first paragraph in the story.
  9793. </summary>
  9794. </member>
  9795. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Story.LastParagraph">
  9796. <summary>
  9797. Gets the last paragraph in the story.
  9798. </summary>
  9799. </member>
  9800. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Story.Paragraphs">
  9801. <summary>
  9802. Gets a collection of paragraphs that are immediate children of the story.
  9803. </summary>
  9804. </member>
  9805. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Story.Tables">
  9806. <summary>
  9807. Gets a collection of tables that are immediate children of the story.
  9808. </summary>
  9809. </member>
  9810. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.StoryType">
  9811. <summary>
  9812. Text of a Word document is stored in stories. <b>StoryType</b> identifies a story.
  9813. </summary>
  9814. </member>
  9815. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.None">
  9816. <summary>
  9817. Default value. There is no such story in the document.
  9818. </summary>
  9819. </member>
  9820. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.MainText">
  9821. <summary>
  9822. Contains the main text of the document, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" />.
  9823. </summary>
  9824. </member>
  9825. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.Footnotes">
  9826. <summary>
  9827. Contains footnote text, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Footnote" />.
  9828. </summary>
  9829. </member>
  9830. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.Endnotes">
  9831. <summary>
  9832. Contains endnotes text, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Footnote" />.
  9833. </summary>
  9834. </member>
  9835. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.Comments">
  9836. <summary>
  9837. Contains document comments (annotations), represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" />.
  9838. </summary>
  9839. </member>
  9840. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.Textbox">
  9841. <summary>
  9842. Contains shape or textbox text, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" />.
  9843. </summary>
  9844. </member>
  9845. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.EvenPagesHeader">
  9846. <summary>
  9847. Contains text of the even pages header, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />.
  9848. </summary>
  9849. </member>
  9850. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.PrimaryHeader">
  9851. <summary>
  9852. Contains text of the primary header. When header is different for odd and even pages,
  9853. contains text of the odd pages header. Represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />.
  9854. </summary>
  9855. </member>
  9856. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.EvenPagesFooter">
  9857. <summary>
  9858. Contains text of the even pages footer, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />.
  9859. </summary>
  9860. </member>
  9861. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.PrimaryFooter">
  9862. <summary>
  9863. Contains text of the primary footer. When footer is different for odd and even pages,
  9864. contains text of the odd pages footer. Represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />.
  9865. </summary>
  9866. </member>
  9867. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.FirstPageHeader">
  9868. <summary>
  9869. Contains text of the first page header, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />.
  9870. </summary>
  9871. </member>
  9872. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.FirstPageFooter">
  9873. <summary>
  9874. Contains text of the first page footer, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />.
  9875. </summary>
  9876. </member>
  9877. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.FootnoteSeparator">
  9878. <summary>
  9879. Contains the text of the footnote separator, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteSeparator" />.
  9880. </summary>
  9881. </member>
  9882. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.FootnoteContinuationSeparator">
  9883. <summary>
  9884. Contains the text of the footnote continuation separator, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteSeparator" />.
  9885. </summary>
  9886. </member>
  9887. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.FootnoteContinuationNotice">
  9888. <summary>
  9889. Contains the text of the footnote continuation notice separator, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteSeparator" />.
  9890. </summary>
  9891. </member>
  9892. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.EndnoteSeparator">
  9893. <summary>
  9894. Contains the text of the endnote separator, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteSeparator" />.
  9895. </summary>
  9896. </member>
  9897. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.EndnoteContinuationSeparator">
  9898. <summary>
  9899. Contains the text of the endnote continuation separator, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteSeparator" />.
  9900. </summary>
  9901. </member>
  9902. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.EndnoteContinuationNotice">
  9903. <summary>
  9904. Contains the text of the endnote continuation notice separator, represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.FootnoteSeparator" />.
  9905. </summary>
  9906. </member>
  9907. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TextColumn">
  9908. <summary>
  9909. Represents a single text column. <b>TextColumn</b> is a member of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection" /> collection.
  9910. The <b>TextColumns</b> collection includes all the columns in a section of a document.
  9911. </summary>
  9912. <remarks>
  9913. <p>
  9914. <b>TextColumn</b> objects are only used to specify columns with custom width and spacing. If you want
  9915. the columns in the document to be of equal width, set TextColumns.<see cref="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.EvenlySpaced" /> to <b>true</b>.</p>
  9916. <p>When a new <b>TextColumn</b> is created it has its width and spacing set to zero.</p>
  9917. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection" />
  9918. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.PageSetup" />
  9919. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" />
  9920. </remarks>
  9921. <dev>
  9922. This is both a presentation and a model class. Represents width and spacing of a single column
  9923. in a section. Only used for custom width columns (not for evenly spaced columns).
  9924. </dev>
  9925. </member>
  9926. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumn.Width">
  9927. <summary>
  9928. Gets or sets the width of the text column in points.
  9929. </summary>
  9930. </member>
  9931. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumn.SpaceAfter">
  9932. <summary>
  9933. Gets or sets the space between this column and the next column in points. Not required for the last column.
  9934. </summary>
  9935. </member>
  9936. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection">
  9937. <summary>
  9938. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TextColumn" /> objects that represent all the columns of text in a section of a document.
  9939. </summary>
  9940. <remarks>
  9941. <p>Use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.SetCount(System.Int32)" /> to set the number of text columns.</p>
  9942. <p>To make all columns equal width and spaced evenly, set <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.EvenlySpaced" /> to <b>true</b>
  9943. and specify the amount of space between the columns in <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.Spacing" />. MS Word will
  9944. automatically calculate column widths.</p>
  9945. <p>If you have <b>EvenlySpaced</b> set to <b>false</b>, you need to specify width and spacing for each
  9946. column individually. Use the indexer to access individual <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TextColumn" /> objects.</p>
  9947. <p>When using custom column widths, make sure the sum of all column widths and spacings between them
  9948. equals page width minus left and right page margins.</p>
  9949. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.PageSetup" />
  9950. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" />
  9951. </remarks>
  9952. <dev>
  9953. This is a pure presentation class. Does not store any model data, just provides friendly
  9954. access to section attributes that are related to managing text columns.
  9955. </dev>
  9956. </member>
  9957. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.SetCount(System.Int32)">
  9958. <summary>
  9959. Arranges text into the specified number of text columns.
  9960. </summary>
  9961. <remarks>
  9962. <p>When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.EvenlySpaced" /> is <b>false</b> and you increase the number of columns,
  9963. new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TextColumn" /> objects are created with zero width and spacing.
  9964. You need to set width and spacing for the new columns.</p>
  9965. </remarks>
  9966. <param name="newCount">The number of columns the text is to be arranged into.</param>
  9967. </member>
  9968. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.EvenlySpaced">
  9969. <summary>
  9970. <b>True</b> if text columns are of equal width and evenly spaced.
  9971. </summary>
  9972. </member>
  9973. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.Spacing">
  9974. <summary>
  9975. When columns are evenly spaced, gets or sets the amount of space between each column in points.
  9976. </summary>
  9977. <remarks>
  9978. Has effect only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.EvenlySpaced" /> is set to <b>true</b>.
  9979. </remarks>
  9980. </member>
  9981. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.Width">
  9982. <summary>
  9983. When columns are evenly spaced, gets the width of the columns.
  9984. </summary>
  9985. <remarks>
  9986. <p>Has effect only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.EvenlySpaced" /> is set to <b>true</b>.</p>
  9987. </remarks>
  9988. </member>
  9989. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.LineBetween">
  9990. <summary>
  9991. When <b>true</b>, adds a vertical line between columns.
  9992. </summary>
  9993. </member>
  9994. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.Count">
  9995. <summary>
  9996. Gets the number of columns in the section of a document.
  9997. </summary>
  9998. </member>
  9999. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TextColumnCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  10000. <summary>
  10001. Returns a text column at the specified index.
  10002. </summary>
  10003. </member>
  10004. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Style">
  10005. <summary>
  10006. Represents a single built-in or user-defined style.
  10007. </summary>
  10008. </member>
  10009. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Style.Remove">
  10010. <summary>
  10011. Removes the specified style from the document.
  10012. </summary>
  10013. <remarks>
  10014. Style removal has following effects on the document model:
  10015. <list type="bullet"><item>All references to the style are removed from corresponding paragraphs, runs and tables.</item><item>If base style is removed its formatting is moved to child styles.</item><item>If style to be deleted has a linked style, then both of these are deleted.</item></list></remarks>
  10016. </member>
  10017. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Style.Equals(Aspose.Words.Style)">
  10018. <summary>
  10019. Compares with the specified style.
  10020. Styles Istds are compared for built-in styles only.
  10021. Styles defaults are not included in comparison.
  10022. Base style, linked style and next paragraph style are recursively compared.
  10023. </summary>
  10024. </member>
  10025. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Style.Equals(Aspose.Words.Style,Aspose.Collections.Generic.HashSetGeneric{Aspose.Pair})">
  10026. <summary>
  10027. Compares with the specified style considering base, linked and next paragraph styles.
  10028. Uses HashSet to check already compared styles to avoid dead loops in linked and next styles.
  10029. </summary>
  10030. </member>
  10031. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.Name">
  10032. <summary>
  10033. Gets or sets the name of the style.
  10034. </summary>
  10035. <remarks>
  10036. <p>Can not be empty string.</p>
  10037. <p>If there already is a style with such name in the collection, then this style will override it. All affected nodes will reference new style.</p>
  10038. </remarks>
  10039. </member>
  10040. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.StyleIdentifier">
  10041. <summary>
  10042. Gets the locale independent style identifier for a built-in style.
  10043. </summary>
  10044. <remarks>
  10045. <para>For user defined (custom) styles, this property returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.User" />.</para>
  10046. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Style.Name" />
  10047. </remarks>
  10048. </member>
  10049. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.Aliases">
  10050. <summary>
  10051. Gets all aliases of this style. If style has no aliases then empty array of string is returned.
  10052. </summary>
  10053. </member>
  10054. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.IsHeading">
  10055. <summary>
  10056. True when the style is one of the built-in Heading styles.
  10057. </summary>
  10058. </member>
  10059. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.Type">
  10060. <summary>
  10061. Gets the style type (paragraph or character).
  10062. </summary>
  10063. </member>
  10064. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.Document">
  10065. <summary>
  10066. Gets the owner document.
  10067. </summary>
  10068. </member>
  10069. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.LinkedStyleName">
  10070. <summary>
  10071. Gets the name of the Style linked to this one. Returns Empty string if no styles are linked.
  10072. </summary>
  10073. </member>
  10074. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.BaseStyleName">
  10075. <summary>
  10076. Gets/sets the name of the style this style is based on.
  10077. </summary>
  10078. <remarks>
  10079. This will be an empty string if the style is not based on any other style and it can be set
  10080. to an empty string.
  10081. </remarks>
  10082. </member>
  10083. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.NextParagraphStyleName">
  10084. <summary>
  10085. Gets/sets the name of the style to be applied automatically to a new paragraph inserted after a
  10086. paragraph formatted with the specified style.
  10087. </summary>
  10088. <remarks>
  10089. This property is not used by Aspose.Words. The next paragraph style will only
  10090. be applied automatically when you edit the document in MS Word.
  10091. </remarks>
  10092. </member>
  10093. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.BuiltIn">
  10094. <summary>
  10095. True if this style is one of the built-in styles in MS Word.
  10096. </summary>
  10097. </member>
  10098. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.Font">
  10099. <summary>
  10100. Gets the character formatting of the style.
  10101. </summary>
  10102. <remarks>
  10103. <para>For list styles this property returns null.</para>
  10104. </remarks>
  10105. </member>
  10106. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.ParagraphFormat">
  10107. <summary>
  10108. Gets the paragraph formatting of the style.
  10109. </summary>
  10110. <remarks>
  10111. <para>For character and list styles this property returns null.</para>
  10112. </remarks>
  10113. </member>
  10114. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.List">
  10115. <summary>
  10116. Gets the list that defines formatting of this list style.
  10117. </summary>
  10118. <remarks>
  10119. <para>This property is only valid for list styles.
  10120. For other style types this property returns null.</para>
  10121. </remarks>
  10122. </member>
  10123. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.ListFormat">
  10124. <summary>
  10125. Provides access to the list formatting properties of a paragraph style.
  10126. </summary>
  10127. <remarks>
  10128. <para>This property is only valid for paragraph styles.
  10129. For other style types this property returns null.</para>
  10130. </remarks>
  10131. </member>
  10132. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.IsQuickStyle">
  10133. <summary>
  10134. Specifies whether this style is shown in the Quick Style gallery inside MS Word UI.
  10135. </summary>
  10136. </member>
  10137. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Style.Styles">
  10138. <summary>
  10139. Gets the collection of styles this style belongs to.
  10140. </summary>
  10141. </member>
  10142. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier">
  10143. <summary>
  10144. Locale independent style identifier.
  10145. </summary>
  10146. <remarks>
  10147. <p>The names of built-in styles in MS Word are localized for different languages.
  10148. Using a style identifier you can find the correct style regardless of the document language.</p>
  10149. <p>All user defined styles are assigned the StyleIdentifier.User value.</p>
  10150. </remarks>
  10151. <dev>DO NOT RENUMBER! These values are important for DOC import/export.</dev>
  10152. </member>
  10153. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BookTitle">
  10154. <summary>
  10155. </summary>
  10156. </member>
  10157. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.CommentReference">
  10158. <summary>
  10159. The Annotation (Comment) Reference style.
  10160. </summary>
  10161. </member>
  10162. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.DefaultParagraphFont">
  10163. <summary>
  10164. The Default Paragraph Font style.
  10165. </summary>
  10166. </member>
  10167. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Emphasis">
  10168. <summary>
  10169. </summary>
  10170. </member>
  10171. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.EndnoteReference">
  10172. <summary>
  10173. The Endnote Reference style.
  10174. </summary>
  10175. </member>
  10176. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.FollowedHyperlink">
  10177. <summary>
  10178. </summary>
  10179. </member>
  10180. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.FootnoteReference">
  10181. <summary>
  10182. The Footnote Reference style.
  10183. </summary>
  10184. </member>
  10185. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlAcronym">
  10186. <summary>
  10187. </summary>
  10188. </member>
  10189. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlCite">
  10190. <summary>
  10191. </summary>
  10192. </member>
  10193. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlCode">
  10194. <summary>
  10195. </summary>
  10196. </member>
  10197. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlDefinition">
  10198. <summary>
  10199. </summary>
  10200. </member>
  10201. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlKeyboard">
  10202. <summary>
  10203. </summary>
  10204. </member>
  10205. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlSample">
  10206. <summary>
  10207. </summary>
  10208. </member>
  10209. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlTypewriter">
  10210. <summary>
  10211. </summary>
  10212. </member>
  10213. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlVariable">
  10214. <summary>
  10215. </summary>
  10216. </member>
  10217. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Hyperlink">
  10218. <summary>
  10219. The Hyperlink style.
  10220. </summary>
  10221. </member>
  10222. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.IntenseEmphasis">
  10223. <summary>
  10224. </summary>
  10225. </member>
  10226. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.IntenseReference">
  10227. <summary>
  10228. </summary>
  10229. </member>
  10230. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.LineNumber">
  10231. <summary>
  10232. The Line Number style.
  10233. </summary>
  10234. </member>
  10235. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.PageNumber">
  10236. <summary>
  10237. The Page Number style.
  10238. </summary>
  10239. </member>
  10240. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.PlaceholderText">
  10241. <summary>
  10242. </summary>
  10243. </member>
  10244. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Strong">
  10245. <summary>
  10246. </summary>
  10247. </member>
  10248. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.SubtleEmphasis">
  10249. <summary>
  10250. </summary>
  10251. </member>
  10252. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.SubtleReference">
  10253. <summary>
  10254. </summary>
  10255. </member>
  10256. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BalloonText">
  10257. <summary>
  10258. </summary>
  10259. </member>
  10260. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BodyText">
  10261. <summary>
  10262. The Body Text style.
  10263. </summary>
  10264. </member>
  10265. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BodyText2">
  10266. <summary>
  10267. </summary>
  10268. </member>
  10269. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BodyText3">
  10270. <summary>
  10271. </summary>
  10272. </member>
  10273. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BodyText1I">
  10274. <summary>
  10275. </summary>
  10276. </member>
  10277. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BodyText1I2">
  10278. <summary>
  10279. </summary>
  10280. </member>
  10281. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BodyTextInd">
  10282. <summary>
  10283. </summary>
  10284. </member>
  10285. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BodyTextInd2">
  10286. <summary>
  10287. </summary>
  10288. </member>
  10289. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BodyTextInd3">
  10290. <summary>
  10291. </summary>
  10292. </member>
  10293. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Closing">
  10294. <summary>
  10295. </summary>
  10296. </member>
  10297. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.CommentSubject">
  10298. <summary>
  10299. </summary>
  10300. </member>
  10301. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.CommentText">
  10302. <summary>
  10303. The Annotation (Comment) Text style.
  10304. </summary>
  10305. </member>
  10306. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Date">
  10307. <summary>
  10308. </summary>
  10309. </member>
  10310. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.DocumentMap">
  10311. <summary>
  10312. </summary>
  10313. </member>
  10314. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.EmailSignature">
  10315. <summary>
  10316. </summary>
  10317. </member>
  10318. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.EndnoteText">
  10319. <summary>
  10320. The Endnote Text style.
  10321. </summary>
  10322. </member>
  10323. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Footer">
  10324. <summary>
  10325. The Footer style.
  10326. </summary>
  10327. </member>
  10328. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.FootnoteText">
  10329. <summary>
  10330. The Footnote Text style.
  10331. </summary>
  10332. </member>
  10333. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Header">
  10334. <summary>
  10335. The Header style.
  10336. </summary>
  10337. </member>
  10338. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading1">
  10339. <summary>
  10340. The Heading 1 style.
  10341. </summary>
  10342. </member>
  10343. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading2">
  10344. <summary>
  10345. The Heading 2 style.
  10346. </summary>
  10347. </member>
  10348. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading3">
  10349. <summary>
  10350. The Heading 3 style.
  10351. </summary>
  10352. </member>
  10353. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading4">
  10354. <summary>
  10355. The Heading 4 style.
  10356. </summary>
  10357. </member>
  10358. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading5">
  10359. <summary>
  10360. The Heading 5 style.
  10361. </summary>
  10362. </member>
  10363. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading6">
  10364. <summary>
  10365. The Heading 6 style.
  10366. </summary>
  10367. </member>
  10368. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading7">
  10369. <summary>
  10370. The Heading 7 style.
  10371. </summary>
  10372. </member>
  10373. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading8">
  10374. <summary>
  10375. The Heading 8 style.
  10376. </summary>
  10377. </member>
  10378. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Heading9">
  10379. <summary>
  10380. The Heading 9 style.
  10381. </summary>
  10382. </member>
  10383. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlAddress">
  10384. <summary>
  10385. </summary>
  10386. </member>
  10387. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlTopOfForm">
  10388. <summary>
  10389. </summary>
  10390. </member>
  10391. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlBottomOfForm">
  10392. <summary>
  10393. </summary>
  10394. </member>
  10395. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.HtmlPreformatted">
  10396. <summary>
  10397. </summary>
  10398. </member>
  10399. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.IntenseQuote">
  10400. <summary>
  10401. </summary>
  10402. </member>
  10403. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Macro">
  10404. <summary>
  10405. </summary>
  10406. </member>
  10407. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.MessageHeader">
  10408. <summary>
  10409. </summary>
  10410. </member>
  10411. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.NoteHeading">
  10412. <summary>
  10413. </summary>
  10414. </member>
  10415. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.PlainText">
  10416. <summary>
  10417. </summary>
  10418. </member>
  10419. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Quote">
  10420. <summary>
  10421. </summary>
  10422. </member>
  10423. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Salutation">
  10424. <summary>
  10425. </summary>
  10426. </member>
  10427. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Signature">
  10428. <summary>
  10429. </summary>
  10430. </member>
  10431. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Subtitle">
  10432. <summary>
  10433. </summary>
  10434. </member>
  10435. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Title">
  10436. <summary>
  10437. The Title style.
  10438. </summary>
  10439. </member>
  10440. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Bibliography">
  10441. <summary>
  10442. </summary>
  10443. </member>
  10444. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.BlockText">
  10445. <summary>
  10446. </summary>
  10447. </member>
  10448. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Caption">
  10449. <summary>
  10450. </summary>
  10451. </member>
  10452. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.EnvelopeAddress">
  10453. <summary>
  10454. The Envelope Address style.
  10455. </summary>
  10456. </member>
  10457. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.EnvelopeReturn">
  10458. <summary>
  10459. The Envelope Return style.
  10460. </summary>
  10461. </member>
  10462. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index1">
  10463. <summary>
  10464. </summary>
  10465. </member>
  10466. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index2">
  10467. <summary>
  10468. </summary>
  10469. </member>
  10470. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index3">
  10471. <summary>
  10472. </summary>
  10473. </member>
  10474. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index4">
  10475. <summary>
  10476. </summary>
  10477. </member>
  10478. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index5">
  10479. <summary>
  10480. </summary>
  10481. </member>
  10482. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index6">
  10483. <summary>
  10484. </summary>
  10485. </member>
  10486. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index7">
  10487. <summary>
  10488. </summary>
  10489. </member>
  10490. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index8">
  10491. <summary>
  10492. </summary>
  10493. </member>
  10494. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Index9">
  10495. <summary>
  10496. </summary>
  10497. </member>
  10498. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.IndexHeading">
  10499. <summary>
  10500. The Index Heading style.
  10501. </summary>
  10502. </member>
  10503. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.List">
  10504. <summary>
  10505. The List style.
  10506. </summary>
  10507. </member>
  10508. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.List2">
  10509. <summary>
  10510. </summary>
  10511. </member>
  10512. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.List3">
  10513. <summary>
  10514. </summary>
  10515. </member>
  10516. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.List4">
  10517. <summary>
  10518. </summary>
  10519. </member>
  10520. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.List5">
  10521. <summary>
  10522. </summary>
  10523. </member>
  10524. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListBullet">
  10525. <summary>
  10526. The List Bullet style.
  10527. </summary>
  10528. </member>
  10529. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListBullet2">
  10530. <summary>
  10531. </summary>
  10532. </member>
  10533. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListBullet3">
  10534. <summary>
  10535. </summary>
  10536. </member>
  10537. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListBullet4">
  10538. <summary>
  10539. </summary>
  10540. </member>
  10541. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListBullet5">
  10542. <summary>
  10543. </summary>
  10544. </member>
  10545. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListContinue">
  10546. <summary>
  10547. </summary>
  10548. </member>
  10549. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListContinue2">
  10550. <summary>
  10551. </summary>
  10552. </member>
  10553. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListContinue3">
  10554. <summary>
  10555. </summary>
  10556. </member>
  10557. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListContinue4">
  10558. <summary>
  10559. </summary>
  10560. </member>
  10561. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListContinue5">
  10562. <summary>
  10563. </summary>
  10564. </member>
  10565. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListNumber">
  10566. <summary>
  10567. The List Number style.
  10568. </summary>
  10569. </member>
  10570. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListNumber2">
  10571. <summary>
  10572. </summary>
  10573. </member>
  10574. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListNumber3">
  10575. <summary>
  10576. </summary>
  10577. </member>
  10578. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListNumber4">
  10579. <summary>
  10580. </summary>
  10581. </member>
  10582. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListNumber5">
  10583. <summary>
  10584. </summary>
  10585. </member>
  10586. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListParagraph">
  10587. <summary>
  10588. </summary>
  10589. </member>
  10590. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.NoSpacing">
  10591. <summary>
  10592. </summary>
  10593. </member>
  10594. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Normal">
  10595. <summary>
  10596. The Normal style.
  10597. </summary>
  10598. </member>
  10599. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.NormalWeb">
  10600. <summary>
  10601. </summary>
  10602. </member>
  10603. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.NormalIndent">
  10604. <summary>
  10605. The Normal Indent style.
  10606. </summary>
  10607. </member>
  10608. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.TableOfAuthorities">
  10609. <summary>
  10610. </summary>
  10611. </member>
  10612. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.TableOfFigures">
  10613. <summary>
  10614. The Table of Figures style.
  10615. </summary>
  10616. </member>
  10617. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ToaHeading">
  10618. <summary>
  10619. </summary>
  10620. </member>
  10621. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc1">
  10622. <summary>
  10623. </summary>
  10624. </member>
  10625. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc2">
  10626. <summary>
  10627. </summary>
  10628. </member>
  10629. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc3">
  10630. <summary>
  10631. </summary>
  10632. </member>
  10633. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc4">
  10634. <summary>
  10635. </summary>
  10636. </member>
  10637. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc5">
  10638. <summary>
  10639. </summary>
  10640. </member>
  10641. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc6">
  10642. <summary>
  10643. </summary>
  10644. </member>
  10645. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc7">
  10646. <summary>
  10647. </summary>
  10648. </member>
  10649. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc8">
  10650. <summary>
  10651. </summary>
  10652. </member>
  10653. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Toc9">
  10654. <summary>
  10655. </summary>
  10656. </member>
  10657. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.TocHeading">
  10658. <summary>
  10659. </summary>
  10660. </member>
  10661. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Revision">
  10662. <summary>
  10663. </summary>
  10664. </member>
  10665. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.OutlineList1">
  10666. <summary>
  10667. The 1 / a / i style.
  10668. </summary>
  10669. </member>
  10670. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.OutlineList2">
  10671. <summary>
  10672. The 1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1 style.
  10673. </summary>
  10674. </member>
  10675. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.OutlineList3">
  10676. <summary>
  10677. The Article / Section style.
  10678. </summary>
  10679. </member>
  10680. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.NoList">
  10681. <summary>
  10682. </summary>
  10683. </member>
  10684. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulGrid">
  10685. <summary>
  10686. </summary>
  10687. </member>
  10688. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulGridAccent1">
  10689. <summary>
  10690. </summary>
  10691. </member>
  10692. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulGridAccent2">
  10693. <summary>
  10694. </summary>
  10695. </member>
  10696. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulGridAccent3">
  10697. <summary>
  10698. </summary>
  10699. </member>
  10700. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulGridAccent4">
  10701. <summary>
  10702. </summary>
  10703. </member>
  10704. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulGridAccent5">
  10705. <summary>
  10706. </summary>
  10707. </member>
  10708. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulGridAccent6">
  10709. <summary>
  10710. </summary>
  10711. </member>
  10712. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulList">
  10713. <summary>
  10714. </summary>
  10715. </member>
  10716. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulListAccent1">
  10717. <summary>
  10718. </summary>
  10719. </member>
  10720. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulListAccent2">
  10721. <summary>
  10722. </summary>
  10723. </member>
  10724. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ColorfulListAccent3">
  10725. <summary>
  10726. </summary>
  10727. </member>
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  11256. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.PlainTable1">
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  11258. Plain Table 1
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  11263. Plain Table 2
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  11268. Plain Table 3
  11269. </summary>
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  11273. Plain Table 4
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  11277. <summary>
  11278. Plain Table 5
  11279. </summary>
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  11281. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.TableGridLight">
  11282. <summary>
  11283. Table Grid Light
  11284. </summary>
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  11286. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable1Light">
  11287. <summary>
  11288. Grid Table 1 Light
  11289. </summary>
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  11291. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable2">
  11292. <summary>
  11293. Grid Table 2
  11294. </summary>
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  11296. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable3">
  11297. <summary>
  11298. Grid Table 3
  11299. </summary>
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  11302. <summary>
  11303. Grid Table 4
  11304. </summary>
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  11306. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable5Dark">
  11307. <summary>
  11308. Grid Table 5 Dark
  11309. </summary>
  11310. </member>
  11311. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable6Colorful">
  11312. <summary>
  11313. Grid Table 6 Colorful
  11314. </summary>
  11315. </member>
  11316. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable7Colorful">
  11317. <summary>
  11318. Grid Table 7 Colorful
  11319. </summary>
  11320. </member>
  11321. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable1LightAccent1">
  11322. <summary>
  11323. Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 1
  11324. </summary>
  11325. </member>
  11326. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable2Accent1">
  11327. <summary>
  11328. Grid Table 2 - Accent 1
  11329. </summary>
  11330. </member>
  11331. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable3Accent1">
  11332. <summary>
  11333. Grid Table 3 - Accent 1
  11334. </summary>
  11335. </member>
  11336. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable4Accent1">
  11337. <summary>
  11338. Grid Table 4 - Accent 1
  11339. </summary>
  11340. </member>
  11341. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable5DarkAccent1">
  11342. <summary>
  11343. Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 1
  11344. </summary>
  11345. </member>
  11346. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable6ColorfulAccent1">
  11347. <summary>
  11348. Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 1
  11349. </summary>
  11350. </member>
  11351. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable7ColorfulAccent1">
  11352. <summary>
  11353. Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 1
  11354. </summary>
  11355. </member>
  11356. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable1LightAccent2">
  11357. <summary>
  11358. Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 2
  11359. </summary>
  11360. </member>
  11361. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable2Accent2">
  11362. <summary>
  11363. Grid Table 2 - Accent 2
  11364. </summary>
  11365. </member>
  11366. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable3Accent2">
  11367. <summary>
  11368. Grid Table 3 - Accent 2
  11369. </summary>
  11370. </member>
  11371. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable4Accent2">
  11372. <summary>
  11373. Grid Table 4 - Accent 2
  11374. </summary>
  11375. </member>
  11376. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable5DarkAccent2">
  11377. <summary>
  11378. Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 2
  11379. </summary>
  11380. </member>
  11381. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable6ColorfulAccent2">
  11382. <summary>
  11383. Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 2
  11384. </summary>
  11385. </member>
  11386. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable7ColorfulAccent2">
  11387. <summary>
  11388. Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 2
  11389. </summary>
  11390. </member>
  11391. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable1LightAccent3">
  11392. <summary>
  11393. Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 3
  11394. </summary>
  11395. </member>
  11396. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable2Accent3">
  11397. <summary>
  11398. Grid Table 2 - Accent 3
  11399. </summary>
  11400. </member>
  11401. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable3Accent3">
  11402. <summary>
  11403. Grid Table 3 - Accent 3
  11404. </summary>
  11405. </member>
  11406. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable4Accent3">
  11407. <summary>
  11408. Grid Table 4 - Accent 3
  11409. </summary>
  11410. </member>
  11411. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable5DarkAccent3">
  11412. <summary>
  11413. Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 3
  11414. </summary>
  11415. </member>
  11416. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable6ColorfulAccent3">
  11417. <summary>
  11418. Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 3
  11419. </summary>
  11420. </member>
  11421. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable7ColorfulAccent3">
  11422. <summary>
  11423. Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 3
  11424. </summary>
  11425. </member>
  11426. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable1LightAccent4">
  11427. <summary>
  11428. Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 4
  11429. </summary>
  11430. </member>
  11431. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable2Accent4">
  11432. <summary>
  11433. Grid Table 2 - Accent 4
  11434. </summary>
  11435. </member>
  11436. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable3Accent4">
  11437. <summary>
  11438. Grid Table 3 - Accent 4
  11439. </summary>
  11440. </member>
  11441. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable4Accent4">
  11442. <summary>
  11443. Grid Table 4 - Accent 4
  11444. </summary>
  11445. </member>
  11446. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable5DarkAccent4">
  11447. <summary>
  11448. Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 4
  11449. </summary>
  11450. </member>
  11451. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable6ColorfulAccent4">
  11452. <summary>
  11453. Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 4
  11454. </summary>
  11455. </member>
  11456. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable7ColorfulAccent4">
  11457. <summary>
  11458. Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 4
  11459. </summary>
  11460. </member>
  11461. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable1LightAccent5">
  11462. <summary>
  11463. Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 5
  11464. </summary>
  11465. </member>
  11466. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable2Accent5">
  11467. <summary>
  11468. Grid Table 2 - Accent 5
  11469. </summary>
  11470. </member>
  11471. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable3Accent5">
  11472. <summary>
  11473. Grid Table 3 - Accent 5
  11474. </summary>
  11475. </member>
  11476. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable4Accent5">
  11477. <summary>
  11478. Grid Table 4 - Accent 5
  11479. </summary>
  11480. </member>
  11481. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable5DarkAccent5">
  11482. <summary>
  11483. Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 5
  11484. </summary>
  11485. </member>
  11486. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable6ColorfulAccent5">
  11487. <summary>
  11488. Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 5
  11489. </summary>
  11490. </member>
  11491. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable7ColorfulAccent5">
  11492. <summary>
  11493. Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 5
  11494. </summary>
  11495. </member>
  11496. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable1LightAccent6">
  11497. <summary>
  11498. Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 6
  11499. </summary>
  11500. </member>
  11501. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable2Accent6">
  11502. <summary>
  11503. Grid Table 2 - Accent 6
  11504. </summary>
  11505. </member>
  11506. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable3Accent6">
  11507. <summary>
  11508. Grid Table 3 - Accent 6
  11509. </summary>
  11510. </member>
  11511. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable4Accent6">
  11512. <summary>
  11513. Grid Table 4 - Accent 6
  11514. </summary>
  11515. </member>
  11516. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable5DarkAccent6">
  11517. <summary>
  11518. Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 6
  11519. </summary>
  11520. </member>
  11521. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable6ColorfulAccent6">
  11522. <summary>
  11523. Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 6
  11524. </summary>
  11525. </member>
  11526. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.GridTable7ColorfulAccent6">
  11527. <summary>
  11528. Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 6
  11529. </summary>
  11530. </member>
  11531. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable1Light">
  11532. <summary>
  11533. List Table 1 Light
  11534. </summary>
  11535. </member>
  11536. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable2">
  11537. <summary>
  11538. List Table 2
  11539. </summary>
  11540. </member>
  11541. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable3">
  11542. <summary>
  11543. List Table 3
  11544. </summary>
  11545. </member>
  11546. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable4">
  11547. <summary>
  11548. List Table 4
  11549. </summary>
  11550. </member>
  11551. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable5Dark">
  11552. <summary>
  11553. List Table 5 Dark
  11554. </summary>
  11555. </member>
  11556. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable6Colorful">
  11557. <summary>
  11558. List Table 6 Colorful
  11559. </summary>
  11560. </member>
  11561. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable7Colorful">
  11562. <summary>
  11563. List Table 7 Colorful
  11564. </summary>
  11565. </member>
  11566. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable1LightAccent1">
  11567. <summary>
  11568. List Table 1 Light - Accent 1
  11569. </summary>
  11570. </member>
  11571. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable2Accent1">
  11572. <summary>
  11573. List Table 2 - Accent 1
  11574. </summary>
  11575. </member>
  11576. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable3Accent1">
  11577. <summary>
  11578. List Table 3 - Accent 1
  11579. </summary>
  11580. </member>
  11581. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable4Accent1">
  11582. <summary>
  11583. List Table 4 - Accent 1
  11584. </summary>
  11585. </member>
  11586. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable5DarkAccent1">
  11587. <summary>
  11588. List Table 5 Dark - Accent 1
  11589. </summary>
  11590. </member>
  11591. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable6ColorfulAccent1">
  11592. <summary>
  11593. List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 1
  11594. </summary>
  11595. </member>
  11596. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable7ColorfulAccent1">
  11597. <summary>
  11598. List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 1
  11599. </summary>
  11600. </member>
  11601. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable1LightAccent2">
  11602. <summary>
  11603. List Table 1 Light - Accent 2
  11604. </summary>
  11605. </member>
  11606. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable2Accent2">
  11607. <summary>
  11608. List Table 2 - Accent 2
  11609. </summary>
  11610. </member>
  11611. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable3Accent2">
  11612. <summary>
  11613. List Table 3 - Accent 2
  11614. </summary>
  11615. </member>
  11616. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable4Accent2">
  11617. <summary>
  11618. List Table 4 - Accent 2
  11619. </summary>
  11620. </member>
  11621. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable5DarkAccent2">
  11622. <summary>
  11623. List Table 5 Dark - Accent 2
  11624. </summary>
  11625. </member>
  11626. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable6ColorfulAccent2">
  11627. <summary>
  11628. List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 2
  11629. </summary>
  11630. </member>
  11631. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable7ColorfulAccent2">
  11632. <summary>
  11633. List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 2
  11634. </summary>
  11635. </member>
  11636. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable1LightAccent3">
  11637. <summary>
  11638. List Table 1 Light - Accent 3
  11639. </summary>
  11640. </member>
  11641. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable2Accent3">
  11642. <summary>
  11643. List Table 2 - Accent 3
  11644. </summary>
  11645. </member>
  11646. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable3Accent3">
  11647. <summary>
  11648. List Table 3 - Accent 3
  11649. </summary>
  11650. </member>
  11651. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable4Accent3">
  11652. <summary>
  11653. List Table 4 - Accent 3
  11654. </summary>
  11655. </member>
  11656. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable5DarkAccent3">
  11657. <summary>
  11658. List Table 5 Dark - Accent 3
  11659. </summary>
  11660. </member>
  11661. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable6ColorfulAccent3">
  11662. <summary>
  11663. List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 3
  11664. </summary>
  11665. </member>
  11666. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable7ColorfulAccent3">
  11667. <summary>
  11668. List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 3
  11669. </summary>
  11670. </member>
  11671. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable1LightAccent4">
  11672. <summary>
  11673. List Table 1 Light - Accent 4
  11674. </summary>
  11675. </member>
  11676. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable2Accent4">
  11677. <summary>
  11678. List Table 2 - Accent 4
  11679. </summary>
  11680. </member>
  11681. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable3Accent4">
  11682. <summary>
  11683. List Table 3 - Accent 4
  11684. </summary>
  11685. </member>
  11686. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable4Accent4">
  11687. <summary>
  11688. List Table 4 - Accent 4
  11689. </summary>
  11690. </member>
  11691. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable5DarkAccent4">
  11692. <summary>
  11693. List Table 5 Dark - Accent 4
  11694. </summary>
  11695. </member>
  11696. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable6ColorfulAccent4">
  11697. <summary>
  11698. List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 4
  11699. </summary>
  11700. </member>
  11701. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable7ColorfulAccent4">
  11702. <summary>
  11703. List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 4
  11704. </summary>
  11705. </member>
  11706. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable1LightAccent5">
  11707. <summary>
  11708. List Table 1 Light - Accent 5
  11709. </summary>
  11710. </member>
  11711. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable2Accent5">
  11712. <summary>
  11713. List Table 2 - Accent 5
  11714. </summary>
  11715. </member>
  11716. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable3Accent5">
  11717. <summary>
  11718. List Table 3 - Accent 5
  11719. </summary>
  11720. </member>
  11721. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable4Accent5">
  11722. <summary>
  11723. List Table 4 - Accent 5
  11724. </summary>
  11725. </member>
  11726. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable5DarkAccent5">
  11727. <summary>
  11728. List Table 5 Dark - Accent 5
  11729. </summary>
  11730. </member>
  11731. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable6ColorfulAccent5">
  11732. <summary>
  11733. List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 5
  11734. </summary>
  11735. </member>
  11736. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable7ColorfulAccent5">
  11737. <summary>
  11738. List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 5
  11739. </summary>
  11740. </member>
  11741. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable1LightAccent6">
  11742. <summary>
  11743. List Table 1 Light - Accent 6
  11744. </summary>
  11745. </member>
  11746. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable2Accent6">
  11747. <summary>
  11748. List Table 2 - Accent 6
  11749. </summary>
  11750. </member>
  11751. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable3Accent6">
  11752. <summary>
  11753. List Table 3 - Accent 6
  11754. </summary>
  11755. </member>
  11756. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable4Accent6">
  11757. <summary>
  11758. List Table 4 - Accent 6
  11759. </summary>
  11760. </member>
  11761. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable5DarkAccent6">
  11762. <summary>
  11763. List Table 5 Dark - Accent 6
  11764. </summary>
  11765. </member>
  11766. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable6ColorfulAccent6">
  11767. <summary>
  11768. List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 6
  11769. </summary>
  11770. </member>
  11771. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.ListTable7ColorfulAccent6">
  11772. <summary>
  11773. List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 6
  11774. </summary>
  11775. </member>
  11776. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.User">
  11777. <summary>
  11778. A user defined style.
  11779. </summary>
  11780. </member>
  11781. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier.Nil">
  11782. <summary>
  11783. Reserved for internal use.
  11784. </summary>
  11785. </member>
  11786. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection">
  11787. <summary>
  11788. A collection of Style objects that represent both the built-in and user-defined styles in a document.
  11789. </summary>
  11790. <dev>
  11791. At the moment the styles are identified by istd (style index) that never changes (it only changes
  11792. when importing a style from another document). Will it be better if I used a string name as an
  11793. identifier? Note however, it should not change once it has been assigned, otherwise will need to
  11794. update all references to the style in the model.
  11795. </dev>
  11796. </member>
  11797. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.GetEnumerator">
  11798. <summary>
  11799. Gets an enumerator object that will enumerate styles in the alphabetical order of their names.
  11800. </summary>
  11801. </member>
  11802. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.StyleType,System.String)">
  11803. <summary>
  11804. Creates a new user defined style and adds it the collection.
  11805. </summary>
  11806. <remarks>
  11807. <p>You can create character, paragraph or a list style.</p>
  11808. <p>When creating a list style, the style is created with default numbered list formatting (1 \ a \ i).</p>
  11809. <p>Throws an exception if a style with this name already exists.</p>
  11810. </remarks>
  11811. <param name="type">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.StyleType" /> value that specifies the type of the style to create.</param>
  11812. <param name="name">Case sensitive name of the style to create.</param>
  11813. </member>
  11814. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Style)">
  11815. <summary>
  11816. Adds the style to the collection of styles.
  11817. </summary>
  11818. </member>
  11819. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.AddCopy(Aspose.Words.Style)">
  11820. <summary>
  11821. Copies a style into this collection.
  11822. </summary>
  11823. <param name="style">Style to be copied.</param>
  11824. <returns>Copied style ready for usage.</returns>
  11825. <remarks>
  11826. <para>Style to be copied can belong to the same document as well as to different document.</para>
  11827. <para>Linked style is copied.</para>
  11828. <para>This method does doesn't copy base styles.</para>
  11829. <para>If collection already contains a style with the same name, then new name is
  11830. automatically generated by adding "_number" suffix starting from 0 e.g. "Normal_0", "Heading 1_1" etc.
  11831. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Style.Name" /> setter for changing the name of the imported style.</para>
  11832. </remarks>
  11833. </member>
  11834. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.Document">
  11835. <summary>
  11836. Gets the owner document.
  11837. </summary>
  11838. </member>
  11839. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.DefaultFont">
  11840. <summary>
  11841. Gets document default text formatting.
  11842. </summary>
  11843. <remarks>
  11844. <p>Note that document-wide defaults were introduced in Microsoft Word 2007 and are fully supported in OOXML formats (<see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx" />) only.
  11845. Earlier document formats have limited support for this feature and only font names can be stored.</p>
  11846. </remarks>
  11847. </member>
  11848. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.DefaultParagraphFormat">
  11849. <summary>
  11850. Gets document default paragraph formatting.
  11851. </summary>
  11852. <remarks>
  11853. <p>Note that document-wide defaults were introduced in Microsoft Word 2007 and are fully supported in OOXML formats (<see cref="F:Aspose.Words.LoadFormat.Docx" />) only.
  11854. Earlier document formats have no support for document default paragraph formatting.</p>
  11855. </remarks>
  11856. <dev>
  11857. Default paragraph formatting is copied to all top level styles when it is not supported in target document format.
  11858. </dev>
  11859. </member>
  11860. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.Count">
  11861. <summary>
  11862. Gets the number of styles in the collection.
  11863. </summary>
  11864. </member>
  11865. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.Item(System.String)">
  11866. <overloads>Retrieves a style from the collection.</overloads>
  11867. <summary>
  11868. Gets a style by name or alias.
  11869. </summary>
  11870. <remarks>
  11871. <p>Case sensitive, returns null if the style with the given name is not found.</p>
  11872. <p>If this is an English name of a built in style that does not yet exist, automatically creates it.</p>
  11873. </remarks>
  11874. </member>
  11875. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.Item(Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier)">
  11876. <summary>
  11877. Gets a built-in style by its locale independent identifier.
  11878. </summary>
  11879. <remarks>
  11880. <p>When accessing a style that does not yet exist, automatically creates it.</p>
  11881. </remarks>
  11882. <param name="sti">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.StyleIdentifier" /> value that specifies the built in style to retrieve.</param>
  11883. </member>
  11884. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.StyleCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  11885. <summary>
  11886. Gets a style by index.
  11887. </summary>
  11888. <dev>
  11889. Gets by index, not by istd.
  11890. </dev>
  11891. </member>
  11892. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.StyleType">
  11893. <summary>
  11894. Represents type of the style.
  11895. </summary>
  11896. </member>
  11897. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleType.Paragraph">
  11898. <summary>
  11899. The style is a paragraph style.
  11900. </summary>
  11901. </member>
  11902. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleType.Character">
  11903. <summary>
  11904. The style is a character style.
  11905. </summary>
  11906. </member>
  11907. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleType.Table">
  11908. <summary>
  11909. The style is a table style.
  11910. </summary>
  11911. </member>
  11912. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.StyleType.List">
  11913. <summary>
  11914. The style is a list style.
  11915. </summary>
  11916. </member>
  11917. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Comment">
  11918. <summary>
  11919. Represents a container for text of a comment.
  11920. </summary>
  11921. <remarks>
  11922. <para>A comment is an annotation which is anchored to a region of text or to a position in text.
  11923. A comment can contain an arbitrary amount of block-level content.</para>
  11924. <para>If a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> object occurs on its own, the comment is anchored to
  11925. the position of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> object.</para>
  11926. <para>To anchor a comment to a region of text three objects are required: <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" />,
  11927. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" />. All three objects need to share the same
  11928. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Id" /> value.</para>
  11929. <p>
  11930. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> is an inline-level node and can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</p>
  11931. <p>
  11932. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> can contain <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> child nodes.</p>
  11933. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" />
  11934. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" />
  11935. </remarks>
  11936. </member>
  11937. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Comment.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.RunPr)">
  11938. <summary>
  11939. Main ctor used internally.
  11940. </summary>
  11941. </member>
  11942. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Comment.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  11943. <summary>
  11944. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Comment</b> class.
  11945. </summary>
  11946. <remarks>
  11947. <p>When <b>Comment</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  11948. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  11949. <p>To append <b>Comment</b> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  11950. on the paragraph where you want the comment inserted.</p>
  11951. <para>After creating a comment, don't forget to set its <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Author" />,
  11952. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Initial" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.DateTime" /> properties.</para>
  11953. </remarks>
  11954. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  11955. </member>
  11956. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Comment.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
  11957. <summary>
  11958. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Comment</b> class.
  11959. </summary>
  11960. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  11961. <param name="author">The author name for the comment. Cannot be null.</param>
  11962. <param name="initial">The author initials for the comment. Cannot be null.</param>
  11963. <param name="dateTime">The date and time for the comment.</param>
  11964. </member>
  11965. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Comment.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  11966. <summary>
  11967. Accepts a visitor.
  11968. </summary>
  11969. <remarks>
  11970. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  11971. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  11972. </remarks>
  11973. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  11974. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  11975. <remarks>
  11976. Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCommentStart(Aspose.Words.Comment)" />, then calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" /> for all
  11977. child nodes of the comment and calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitCommentEnd(Aspose.Words.Comment)" /> at the end.
  11978. </remarks>
  11979. </member>
  11980. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Comment.AddReply(System.String,System.String,System.DateTime,System.String)">
  11981. <summary>
  11982. Adds a reply to this comment.
  11983. </summary>
  11984. <param name="author">The author name for the reply.</param>
  11985. <param name="initial">The author initials for the reply.</param>
  11986. <param name="dateTime">The date and time for the reply.</param>
  11987. <param name="text">The reply text.</param>
  11988. <returns>The created <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> node for the reply.</returns>
  11989. <remarks>
  11990. Due to the existing MS Office limitations only 1 level of replies is allowed in the document.
  11991. An exception of type <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> will be raised if this method is
  11992. called on the existing Reply comment.
  11993. </remarks>
  11994. </member>
  11995. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Comment.RemoveReply(Aspose.Words.Comment)">
  11996. <summary>
  11997. Removes the specified reply to this comment.
  11998. </summary>
  11999. <remarks>All constituent nodes of the reply will be deleted from the document.</remarks>
  12000. <param name="reply">The comment node of the deleting reply.</param>
  12001. </member>
  12002. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Comment.RemoveAllReplies">
  12003. <summary>
  12004. Removes all replies to this comment.
  12005. </summary>
  12006. <remarks> All constituent nodes of the replies will be deleted from the document.</remarks>
  12007. </member>
  12008. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Comment.SetText(System.String)">
  12009. <summary>
  12010. This is a convenience method that allows to easily set text of the comment.
  12011. </summary>
  12012. <remarks>
  12013. <para>This method allows to quickly set text of a comment from a string. The string can contain
  12014. paragraph breaks, this will create paragraphs of text in the comment accordingly.
  12015. If you want to insert more complex elements into the comment, for example bookmarks
  12016. or tables or apply rich formatting, then you need to use the appropriate node classes to
  12017. build up the comment text.</para>
  12018. </remarks>
  12019. <param name="text">The new text of the comment.</param>
  12020. </member>
  12021. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.NodeType">
  12022. <summary>
  12023. Returns <b>NodeType.Comment</b>.
  12024. </summary>
  12025. </member>
  12026. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.StoryType">
  12027. <summary>
  12028. Returns <b>StoryType.Comments</b>.
  12029. </summary>
  12030. </member>
  12031. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Id">
  12032. <summary>
  12033. Gets the comment identifier.
  12034. </summary>
  12035. <remarks>
  12036. <para>The comment identifier allows to anchor a comment to a region of text in the document.
  12037. The region must be demarcated using the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" />
  12038. object sharing the same identifier value as the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> object.</para>
  12039. <para>You would use this value when looking for the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" /> and
  12040. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" /> nodes that are linked to this comment.</para>
  12041. <para>Comment identifiers are supposed to be unique across a document and Aspose.Words automatically
  12042. maintains comment identifiers when loading, saving and combining documents.</para>
  12043. </remarks>
  12044. </member>
  12045. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Initial">
  12046. <summary>
  12047. Returns or sets the initials of the user associated with a specific comment.
  12048. </summary>
  12049. <remarks>
  12050. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  12051. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  12052. </remarks>
  12053. </member>
  12054. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.DateTime">
  12055. <summary>
  12056. Gets the date and time that the comment was made.
  12057. </summary>
  12058. <remarks>
  12059. <para>Default is <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue" />.</para>
  12060. </remarks>
  12061. </member>
  12062. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Author">
  12063. <summary>
  12064. Returns or sets the author name for a comment.
  12065. </summary>
  12066. <remarks>
  12067. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  12068. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  12069. </remarks>
  12070. </member>
  12071. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Ancestor">
  12072. <summary>
  12073. Returns the parent Comment object. Returns null for top-level comments.
  12074. </summary>
  12075. </member>
  12076. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Replies">
  12077. <summary>
  12078. Returns a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" /> objects that are immediate children of the specified comment.
  12079. </summary>
  12080. </member>
  12081. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Comment.Done">
  12082. <summary>
  12083. Gets or sets flag indicating that the comment has been marked done.
  12084. </summary>
  12085. </member>
  12086. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ControlChar">
  12087. <summary>
  12088. Control characters often encountered in documents.
  12089. </summary>
  12090. <remarks>
  12091. Provides both char and string versions of the same constants. For example:
  12092. string ControlChar.LineBreak and char ControlChar.LineBreakChar have the same value.
  12093. </remarks>
  12094. </member>
  12095. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.CellChar">
  12096. <summary>
  12097. End of a table cell or end of a table row character: (char)7 or "\a".
  12098. </summary>
  12099. </member>
  12100. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.TabChar">
  12101. <summary>
  12102. Tab character: (char)9 or "\t".
  12103. </summary>
  12104. </member>
  12105. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.LineFeedChar">
  12106. <summary>
  12107. Line feed character: (char)10 or "\n".
  12108. </summary>
  12109. </member>
  12110. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.LineBreakChar">
  12111. <summary>
  12112. Line break character: (char)11 or "\v".
  12113. </summary>
  12114. </member>
  12115. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.PageBreakChar">
  12116. <summary>
  12117. Page break character: (char)12 or "\f".
  12118. </summary>
  12119. </member>
  12120. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.SectionBreakChar">
  12121. <summary>
  12122. End of section character: (char)12 or "\f".
  12123. </summary>
  12124. </member>
  12125. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.ParagraphBreakChar">
  12126. <summary>
  12127. End of paragraph character: (char)13 or "\r".
  12128. </summary>
  12129. </member>
  12130. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.ColumnBreakChar">
  12131. <summary>
  12132. End of column character: (char)14.
  12133. </summary>
  12134. </member>
  12135. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.FieldStartChar">
  12136. <summary>
  12137. Start of MS Word field character: (char)19.
  12138. </summary>
  12139. </member>
  12140. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.FieldSeparatorChar">
  12141. <summary>
  12142. Field separator character separates field code from field value. Optional in some fields. Value: (char)20.
  12143. </summary>
  12144. </member>
  12145. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.FieldEndChar">
  12146. <summary>
  12147. End of MS Word field character: (char)21.
  12148. </summary>
  12149. </member>
  12150. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.NonBreakingHyphenChar">
  12151. <summary>
  12152. Nonbreaking Hyphen in Microsoft Word is (char)30.
  12153. </summary>
  12154. <remarks>
  12155. <p>Nonbreaking Hyphen in Microsoft Word does not correspond to the
  12156. Unicode character U+2011 non-breaking hyphen but instead represents
  12157. internal information that tells Microsoft Word to display a hyphen and not to break a line.</p>
  12158. <p>Useful info: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/dashes.html#linebreaks.</p>
  12159. </remarks>
  12160. </member>
  12161. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.OptionalHyphenChar">
  12162. <summary>
  12163. Optional Hyphen in Microsoft Word is (char)31.
  12164. </summary>
  12165. <remarks>
  12166. <p>Optional Hyphen in Microsoft Word does not correspond to the Unicode character U+00AD soft hyphen.
  12167. Instead, it inserts internal information that tells Word about a possible hyphenation point.</p>
  12168. </remarks>
  12169. </member>
  12170. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.SpaceChar">
  12171. <summary>
  12172. Space character: (char)32.
  12173. </summary>
  12174. </member>
  12175. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.NonBreakingSpaceChar">
  12176. <summary>
  12177. Non-breaking space character: (char)160.
  12178. </summary>
  12179. </member>
  12180. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.DefaultTextInputChar">
  12181. <summary>
  12182. This is the "o" character used as a default value in text input form fields.
  12183. </summary>
  12184. </member>
  12185. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Cell">
  12186. <summary>
  12187. End of a table cell or end of a table row character: "\x0007" or "\a".
  12188. </summary>
  12189. </member>
  12190. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Tab">
  12191. <summary>
  12192. Tab character: "\x0009" or "\t".
  12193. </summary>
  12194. </member>
  12195. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Lf">
  12196. <summary>
  12197. Line feed character: "\x000a" or "\n". Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.LineFeed" />.
  12198. </summary>
  12199. </member>
  12200. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.LineFeed">
  12201. <summary>
  12202. Line feed character: "\x000a" or "\n". Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Lf" />.
  12203. </summary>
  12204. </member>
  12205. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.LineBreak">
  12206. <summary>
  12207. Line break character: "\x000b" or "\v".
  12208. </summary>
  12209. </member>
  12210. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.PageBreak">
  12211. <summary>
  12212. Page break character: "\x000c" or "\f". Note it has the same value as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.SectionBreak" />.
  12213. </summary>
  12214. </member>
  12215. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.SectionBreak">
  12216. <summary>
  12217. End of section character: "\x000c" or "\f". Note it has the same value as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.PageBreak" />.
  12218. </summary>
  12219. </member>
  12220. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Cr">
  12221. <summary>
  12222. Carriage return character: "\x000d" or "\r". Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.ParagraphBreak" />.
  12223. </summary>
  12224. </member>
  12225. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.ParagraphBreak">
  12226. <summary>
  12227. End of paragraph character: "\x000d" or "\r". Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Cr" /></summary>
  12228. </member>
  12229. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.ColumnBreak">
  12230. <summary>
  12231. End of column character: "\x000e".
  12232. </summary>
  12233. </member>
  12234. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.CrLf">
  12235. <summary>
  12236. Carriage return followed by line feed character: "\x000d\x000a" or "\r\n".
  12237. Not used as such in Microsoft Word documents, but commonly used in text files for paragraph breaks.
  12238. </summary>
  12239. </member>
  12240. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.NonBreakingSpace">
  12241. <summary>
  12242. Non-breaking space character: "\x00a0".
  12243. </summary>
  12244. </member>
  12245. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.DropCapPosition">
  12246. <summary>
  12247. Specifies the position for a drop cap text.
  12248. </summary>
  12249. </member>
  12250. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DropCapPosition.None">
  12251. <summary>
  12252. The paragraph does not have a drop cap.
  12253. </summary>
  12254. </member>
  12255. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DropCapPosition.Normal">
  12256. <summary>
  12257. The drop cap is positioned inside the text margin on the anchor paragraph.
  12258. </summary>
  12259. </member>
  12260. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.DropCapPosition.Margin">
  12261. <summary>
  12262. The drop cap is positioned outside the text margin on the anchor paragraph.
  12263. </summary>
  12264. </member>
  12265. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Font">
  12266. <summary>
  12267. Contains font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on) for an object.
  12268. </summary>
  12269. <remarks>
  12270. <p>You do not create instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Font" /> class directly. You just use
  12271. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Font" /> to access the font properties of the various objects such as <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" />,
  12272. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Style" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" />.</p>
  12273. </remarks>
  12274. </member>
  12275. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Font.ClearFormatting">
  12276. <summary>
  12277. Resets to default font formatting.
  12278. </summary>
  12279. <remarks>
  12280. <p>Removes all font formatting specified explicitly on the object from which
  12281. <b>Font</b> was obtained so the font formatting will be inherited from
  12282. the appropriate parent.</p>
  12283. </remarks>
  12284. </member>
  12285. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Font.HasDmlEffect(Aspose.Words.TextDmlEffect)">
  12286. <summary>
  12287. Checks if particular DrawingML text effect is applied.
  12288. </summary>
  12289. <param name="dmlEffectType">DrawingML text effect type.</param>
  12290. <returns>True if particular DrawingML text effect is applied.</returns>
  12291. </member>
  12292. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Name">
  12293. <summary>
  12294. Gets or sets the name of the font.
  12295. </summary>
  12296. <remarks>
  12297. <p>When getting, returns <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameAscii" />.</p>
  12298. <p>When setting, sets <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameAscii" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameBi" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameFarEast" />
  12299. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameOther" /> to the specified value.</p>
  12300. </remarks>
  12301. </member>
  12302. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameAscii">
  12303. <summary>
  12304. Returns or sets the font used for Latin text (characters with character codes from 0 (zero) through 127).
  12305. </summary>
  12306. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Name" />
  12307. </member>
  12308. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameBi">
  12309. <summary>
  12310. Returns or sets the name of the font in a right-to-left language document.
  12311. </summary>
  12312. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Name" />
  12313. </member>
  12314. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameFarEast">
  12315. <summary>
  12316. Returns or sets an East Asian font name.
  12317. </summary>
  12318. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Name" />
  12319. </member>
  12320. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NameOther">
  12321. <summary>
  12322. Returns or sets the font used for characters with character codes from 128 through 255.
  12323. </summary>
  12324. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Name" />
  12325. </member>
  12326. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Size">
  12327. <summary>
  12328. Gets or sets the font size in points.
  12329. </summary>
  12330. </member>
  12331. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.SizeBi">
  12332. <summary>
  12333. Gets or sets the font size in points used in a right-to-left document.
  12334. </summary>
  12335. </member>
  12336. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Bold">
  12337. <summary>
  12338. True if the font is formatted as bold.
  12339. </summary>
  12340. </member>
  12341. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.BoldBi">
  12342. <summary>
  12343. True if the right-to-left text is formatted as bold.
  12344. </summary>
  12345. </member>
  12346. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Italic">
  12347. <summary>
  12348. True if the font is formatted as italic.
  12349. </summary>
  12350. </member>
  12351. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.ItalicBi">
  12352. <summary>
  12353. True if the right-to-left text is formatted as italic.
  12354. </summary>
  12355. </member>
  12356. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Color">
  12357. <summary>
  12358. Gets or sets the color of the font.
  12359. </summary>
  12360. </member>
  12361. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.AutoColor">
  12362. <summary>
  12363. Returns the present calculated color of the text (black or white) to be used for 'auto color'.
  12364. If the color is not 'auto' then returns <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Color" />.
  12365. </summary>
  12366. <remarks>
  12367. <p>
  12368. When text has 'automatic color', the actual color of text is calculated automatically
  12369. so that it is readable against the background color. As you change the background color,
  12370. the text color will automatically switch to black or white in MS Word to maximize legibility.</p>
  12371. </remarks>
  12372. </member>
  12373. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.StrikeThrough">
  12374. <summary>
  12375. True if the font is formatted as strikethrough text.
  12376. </summary>
  12377. </member>
  12378. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.DoubleStrikeThrough">
  12379. <summary>
  12380. True if the font is formatted as double strikethrough text.
  12381. </summary>
  12382. </member>
  12383. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Shadow">
  12384. <summary>
  12385. True if the font is formatted as shadowed.
  12386. </summary>
  12387. </member>
  12388. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Outline">
  12389. <summary>
  12390. True if the font is formatted as outline.
  12391. </summary>
  12392. </member>
  12393. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Emboss">
  12394. <summary>
  12395. True if the font is formatted as embossed.
  12396. </summary>
  12397. </member>
  12398. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Engrave">
  12399. <summary>
  12400. True if the font is formatted as engraved.
  12401. </summary>
  12402. </member>
  12403. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Superscript">
  12404. <summary>
  12405. True if the font is formatted as superscript.
  12406. </summary>
  12407. </member>
  12408. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Subscript">
  12409. <summary>
  12410. True if the font is formatted as subscript.
  12411. </summary>
  12412. </member>
  12413. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.SmallCaps">
  12414. <summary>
  12415. True if the font is formatted as small capital letters.
  12416. </summary>
  12417. </member>
  12418. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.AllCaps">
  12419. <summary>
  12420. True if the font is formatted as all capital letters.
  12421. </summary>
  12422. </member>
  12423. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Hidden">
  12424. <summary>
  12425. True if the font is formatted as hidden text.
  12426. </summary>
  12427. </member>
  12428. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Underline">
  12429. <summary>
  12430. Gets or sets the type of underline applied to the font.
  12431. </summary>
  12432. </member>
  12433. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.UnderlineColor">
  12434. <summary>
  12435. Gets or sets the color of the underline applied to the font.
  12436. </summary>
  12437. </member>
  12438. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Scaling">
  12439. <summary>
  12440. Gets or sets character width scaling in percent.
  12441. </summary>
  12442. </member>
  12443. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Spacing">
  12444. <summary>
  12445. Returns or sets the spacing (in points) between characters .
  12446. </summary>
  12447. </member>
  12448. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.LineSpacing">
  12449. <summary>
  12450. Returns line spacing of this font (in points).
  12451. </summary>
  12452. </member>
  12453. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Position">
  12454. <summary>
  12455. Gets or sets the position of text (in points) relative to the base line.
  12456. A positive number raises the text, and a negative number lowers it.
  12457. </summary>
  12458. </member>
  12459. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Kerning">
  12460. <summary>
  12461. Gets or sets the font size at which kerning starts.
  12462. </summary>
  12463. </member>
  12464. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.HighlightColor">
  12465. <summary>
  12466. Gets or sets the highlight (marker) color.
  12467. </summary>
  12468. </member>
  12469. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.TextEffect">
  12470. <summary>
  12471. Gets or sets the font animation effect.
  12472. </summary>
  12473. </member>
  12474. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Bidi">
  12475. <summary>
  12476. Specifies whether the contents of this run shall have right-to-left characteristics.
  12477. </summary>
  12478. <remarks>
  12479. <para>This property, when on, shall not be used with strongly left-to-right text. Any behavior under that condition is unspecified.
  12480. This property, when off, shall not be used with strong right-to-left text. Any behavior under that condition is unspecified.</para>
  12481. <para>When the contents of this run are displayed, all characters shall be treated as complex script characters for formatting
  12482. purposes. This means that <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.BoldBi" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.ItalicBi" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Font.SizeBi" /> and a corresponding font name
  12483. will be used when rendering this run.</para>
  12484. <para>Also, when the contents of this run are displayed, this property acts as a right-to-left override for characters
  12485. which are classified as "weak types" and "neutral types".</para>
  12486. </remarks>
  12487. </member>
  12488. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.ComplexScript">
  12489. <summary>
  12490. Specifies whether the contents of this run shall be treated as complex script text regardless
  12491. of their Unicode character values when determining the formatting for this run.
  12492. </summary>
  12493. </member>
  12494. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.NoProofing">
  12495. <summary>
  12496. True when the formatted characters are not to be spell checked.
  12497. </summary>
  12498. </member>
  12499. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.LocaleId">
  12500. <summary>
  12501. Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted characters.
  12502. </summary>
  12503. <remarks>
  12504. For the list of locale identifiers see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc233965.aspx
  12505. </remarks>
  12506. </member>
  12507. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.LocaleIdBi">
  12508. <summary>
  12509. Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted right-to-left characters.
  12510. </summary>
  12511. <remarks>
  12512. For the list of locale identifiers see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc233965.aspx
  12513. </remarks>
  12514. </member>
  12515. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.LocaleIdFarEast">
  12516. <summary>
  12517. Gets or sets the locale identifier (language) of the formatted Asian characters.
  12518. </summary>
  12519. <remarks>
  12520. For the list of locale identifiers see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc233965.aspx
  12521. </remarks>
  12522. </member>
  12523. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Border">
  12524. <summary>
  12525. Returns a Border object that specifies border for the font.
  12526. </summary>
  12527. </member>
  12528. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Shading">
  12529. <summary>
  12530. Returns a Shading object that refers to the shading formatting for the font.
  12531. </summary>
  12532. </member>
  12533. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.Style">
  12534. <summary>
  12535. Gets or sets the character style applied to this formatting.
  12536. </summary>
  12537. </member>
  12538. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.StyleName">
  12539. <summary>
  12540. Gets or sets the name of the character style applied to this formatting.
  12541. </summary>
  12542. </member>
  12543. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.StyleIdentifier">
  12544. <summary>
  12545. Gets or sets the locale independent style identifier of the character style applied to this formatting.
  12546. </summary>
  12547. </member>
  12548. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.SnapToGrid">
  12549. <summary>
  12550. Specifies whether the current font should use the document grid characters per line settings
  12551. when laying out.
  12552. </summary>
  12553. </member>
  12554. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Font.EmphasisMark">
  12555. <summary>
  12556. Gets or sets the emphasis mark applied to this formatting.
  12557. </summary>
  12558. </member>
  12559. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.HeightRule">
  12560. <summary>
  12561. Specifies the rule for determining the height of an object.
  12562. </summary>
  12563. </member>
  12564. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeightRule.AtLeast">
  12565. <summary>
  12566. The height will be at least the specified height in points. It will grow, if needed,
  12567. to accommodate all text inside an object.
  12568. </summary>
  12569. </member>
  12570. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeightRule.Exactly">
  12571. <summary>
  12572. The height is specified exactly in points. Please note that if the text cannot
  12573. fit inside the object of this height, it will appear truncated.
  12574. </summary>
  12575. </member>
  12576. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.HeightRule.Auto">
  12577. <summary>
  12578. The height will grow automatically to accommodate all text inside an object.
  12579. </summary>
  12580. </member>
  12581. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Inline">
  12582. <summary>
  12583. Base class for inline-level nodes that can have character formatting associated with them, but cannot have child nodes of their own.
  12584. </summary>
  12585. <remarks>
  12586. <p>A class derived from <b>Inline</b> can be a child of <b>Paragraph</b>.</p>
  12587. </remarks>
  12588. </member>
  12589. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Inline.ParentParagraph">
  12590. <summary>
  12591. Retrieves the parent <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> of this node.
  12592. </summary>
  12593. </member>
  12594. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Inline.Font">
  12595. <summary>
  12596. Provides access to the font formatting of this object.
  12597. </summary>
  12598. </member>
  12599. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Inline.IsInsertRevision">
  12600. <summary>
  12601. Returns true if this object was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12602. </summary>
  12603. </member>
  12604. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Inline.IsDeleteRevision">
  12605. <summary>
  12606. Returns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12607. </summary>
  12608. </member>
  12609. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Inline.IsMoveFromRevision">
  12610. <summary>
  12611. Returns <b>true</b> if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12612. </summary>
  12613. </member>
  12614. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Inline.IsMoveToRevision">
  12615. <summary>
  12616. Returns <b>true</b> if this object was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12617. </summary>
  12618. </member>
  12619. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Inline.IsFormatRevision">
  12620. <summary>
  12621. Returns true if formatting of the object was changed in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12622. </summary>
  12623. </member>
  12624. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.InlineStory">
  12625. <summary>
  12626. Base class for inline-level nodes that can contain paragraphs and tables.
  12627. </summary>
  12628. <remarks>
  12629. <p>
  12630. <b>InlineStory</b> is a container for block-level nodes <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" />.</p>
  12631. <p>The classes that derive from <b>InlineStory</b> are inline-level nodes that can contain
  12632. their own text (paragraphs and tables). For example, a <b>Comment</b> node contains text of a comment
  12633. and a <b>Footnote</b> contains text of a footnote.</p>
  12634. </remarks>
  12635. </member>
  12636. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.EnsureMinimum">
  12637. <summary>
  12638. If the last child is not a paragraph, creates and appends one empty paragraph.
  12639. </summary>
  12640. </member>
  12641. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.StoryType">
  12642. <summary>
  12643. Returns the type of the story.
  12644. </summary>
  12645. </member>
  12646. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.ParentParagraph">
  12647. <summary>
  12648. Retrieves the parent <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> of this node.
  12649. </summary>
  12650. </member>
  12651. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.FirstParagraph">
  12652. <summary>
  12653. Gets the first paragraph in the story.
  12654. </summary>
  12655. </member>
  12656. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.LastParagraph">
  12657. <summary>
  12658. Gets the last paragraph in the story.
  12659. </summary>
  12660. </member>
  12661. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.Paragraphs">
  12662. <summary>
  12663. Gets a collection of paragraphs that are immediate children of the story.
  12664. </summary>
  12665. </member>
  12666. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.Tables">
  12667. <summary>
  12668. Gets a collection of tables that are immediate children of the story.
  12669. </summary>
  12670. </member>
  12671. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.IsInsertRevision">
  12672. <summary>
  12673. Returns true if this object was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12674. </summary>
  12675. </member>
  12676. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.IsDeleteRevision">
  12677. <summary>
  12678. Returns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12679. </summary>
  12680. </member>
  12681. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.IsMoveFromRevision">
  12682. <summary>
  12683. Returns <b>true</b> if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12684. </summary>
  12685. </member>
  12686. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.IsMoveToRevision">
  12687. <summary>
  12688. Returns <b>true</b> if this object was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  12689. </summary>
  12690. </member>
  12691. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.InlineStory.Font">
  12692. <summary>
  12693. Provides access to the font formatting of the anchor character of this object.
  12694. </summary>
  12695. </member>
  12696. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.LineSpacingRule">
  12697. <summary>
  12698. Specifies line spacing values for a paragraph.
  12699. </summary>
  12700. </member>
  12701. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineSpacingRule.AtLeast">
  12702. <summary>
  12703. The line spacing can be greater than or equal to, but never less than,
  12704. the value specified in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing" /> property.
  12705. </summary>
  12706. </member>
  12707. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineSpacingRule.Exactly">
  12708. <summary>
  12709. The line spacing never changes from the value specified in the
  12710. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing" /> property,
  12711. even if a larger font is used within the paragraph.
  12712. </summary>
  12713. </member>
  12714. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.LineSpacingRule.Multiple">
  12715. <summary>
  12716. The line spacing is specified in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing" />
  12717. property as the number of lines. One line equals 12 points.
  12718. </summary>
  12719. </member>
  12720. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat">
  12721. <summary>
  12722. Allows to control what list formatting is applied to a paragraph.
  12723. </summary>
  12724. <remarks>
  12725. <p>A paragraph in a Microsoft Word document can be bulleted or numbered.
  12726. When a paragraph is bulleted or numbered, it is said that list formatting
  12727. is applied to the paragraph.</p>
  12728. <p>You do not create objects of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" /> class directly.
  12729. You access <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" /> as a property of another object that can
  12730. have list formatting associated with it. At the moment the objects that can
  12731. have list formatting are: <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />,
  12732. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Style" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" />.</p>
  12733. <p>
  12734. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" /> of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> specifies
  12735. what list formatting and list level is applied to that particular paragraph.</p>
  12736. <p>
  12737. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" /> of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Style" /> (applicable
  12738. to paragraph styles only) allows to specify what list formatting and list level
  12739. is applied to all paragraphs of that particular style.</p>
  12740. <p>
  12741. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" /> of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" />
  12742. provides access to the list formatting at the current cursor position
  12743. inside the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" />.</p>
  12744. <p>The list formatting itself is stored inside a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.List" />
  12745. object that is stored separately from the paragraphs. The list objects
  12746. are stored inside a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" /> collection. There is a single
  12747. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" /> collection per <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />.</p>
  12748. <p>The paragraphs do not physically belong to a list. The paragraphs just
  12749. reference a particular list object via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List" /> property
  12750. and a particular level in the list via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListLevelNumber" /> property.
  12751. By setting these two properties you control what bullets and numbering is
  12752. applied to a paragraph.</p>
  12753. </remarks>
  12754. </member>
  12755. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ApplyBulletDefault">
  12756. <summary>
  12757. Starts a new default bulleted list and applies it to the paragraph.
  12758. </summary>
  12759. <remarks>
  12760. <p>This is a shortcut method that creates a new list using the default bulleted
  12761. template, applies it to the paragraph and selects the 1st list level.</p>
  12762. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List" />
  12763. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.RemoveNumbers" />
  12764. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListLevelNumber" />
  12765. </remarks>
  12766. </member>
  12767. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ApplyNumberDefault">
  12768. <summary>
  12769. Starts a new default numbered list and applies it to the paragraph.
  12770. </summary>
  12771. <remarks>
  12772. <p>This is a shortcut method that creates a new list using the default numbered
  12773. template, applies it to the paragraph and selects the 1st list level.</p>
  12774. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List" />
  12775. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.RemoveNumbers" />
  12776. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListLevelNumber" />
  12777. </remarks>
  12778. </member>
  12779. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.RemoveNumbers">
  12780. <summary>
  12781. Removes numbers or bullets from the current paragraph and sets list level to zero.
  12782. </summary>
  12783. <remarks>
  12784. <p>Calling this method is equivalent to setting the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List" /> property to null.</p>
  12785. </remarks>
  12786. </member>
  12787. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListIndent">
  12788. <summary>
  12789. Increases the list level of the current paragraph by one level.
  12790. </summary>
  12791. <remarks>
  12792. <p>This method changes the list level and applies formatting properties of the new level.</p>
  12793. <p>In Word documents, lists may consist of up to nine levels. List formatting
  12794. for each level specifies what bullet or number is used, left indent, space between
  12795. the bullet and text etc.</p>
  12796. </remarks>
  12797. </member>
  12798. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListOutdent">
  12799. <summary>
  12800. Decreases the list level of the current paragraph by one level.
  12801. </summary>
  12802. <remarks>
  12803. <p>This method changes the list level and applies formatting properties of the new level.</p>
  12804. <p>In Word documents, lists may consist of up to nine levels. List formatting
  12805. for each level specifies what bullet or number is used, left indent, space between
  12806. the bullet and text etc.</p>
  12807. </remarks>
  12808. </member>
  12809. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListLevelNumber">
  12810. <summary>
  12811. Gets or sets the list level number (0 to 8) for the paragraph.
  12812. </summary>
  12813. <remarks>
  12814. <p>In Word documents, lists may consist of 1 or 9 levels, numbered 0 to 8.</p>
  12815. <p>Has effect only when the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List" /> property is set to reference a valid list.</p>
  12816. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List" />
  12817. </remarks>
  12818. </member>
  12819. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.IsListItem">
  12820. <summary>
  12821. True when the paragraph has bulleted or numbered formatting applied to it.
  12822. </summary>
  12823. </member>
  12824. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List">
  12825. <summary>
  12826. Gets or sets the list this paragraph is a member of.
  12827. </summary>
  12828. <remarks>
  12829. <p>The list that is being assigned to this property must belong to the current document.</p>
  12830. <p>The list that is being assigned to this property must not be a list style definition.</p>
  12831. <p>Setting this property to null removes bullets and numbering from the paragraph
  12832. and sets the list level number to zero. Setting this property to null is equivalent
  12833. to calling <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.RemoveNumbers" />.</p>
  12834. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListLevelNumber" />
  12835. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.RemoveNumbers" />
  12836. </remarks>
  12837. </member>
  12838. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.ListLevel">
  12839. <summary>
  12840. Returns the list level formatting plus any formatting overrides applied to the current paragraph.
  12841. </summary>
  12842. </member>
  12843. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel">
  12844. <summary>
  12845. Specifies the outline level of a paragraph in the document.
  12846. </summary>
  12847. </member>
  12848. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level1">
  12849. <summary>
  12850. The paragraph is at the outline level 1 (topmost level).
  12851. </summary>
  12852. </member>
  12853. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level2">
  12854. <summary>
  12855. The paragraph is at the outline level 2.
  12856. </summary>
  12857. </member>
  12858. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level3">
  12859. <summary>
  12860. The paragraph is at the outline level 3.
  12861. </summary>
  12862. </member>
  12863. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level4">
  12864. <summary>
  12865. The paragraph is at the outline level 4.
  12866. </summary>
  12867. </member>
  12868. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level5">
  12869. <summary>
  12870. The paragraph is at the outline level 5.
  12871. </summary>
  12872. </member>
  12873. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level6">
  12874. <summary>
  12875. The paragraph is at the outline level 6.
  12876. </summary>
  12877. </member>
  12878. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level7">
  12879. <summary>
  12880. The paragraph is at the outline level 7.
  12881. </summary>
  12882. </member>
  12883. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level8">
  12884. <summary>
  12885. The paragraph is at the outline level 8.
  12886. </summary>
  12887. </member>
  12888. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.Level9">
  12889. <summary>
  12890. The paragraph is at the outline level 9.
  12891. </summary>
  12892. </member>
  12893. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.OutlineLevel.BodyText">
  12894. <summary>
  12895. The paragraph is at the level of the main text.
  12896. </summary>
  12897. </member>
  12898. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph">
  12899. <summary>
  12900. Represents a paragraph of text.
  12901. </summary>
  12902. <remarks>
  12903. <p>
  12904. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> is a block-level node and can be a child of classes derived from
  12905. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Story" /> or <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.InlineStory" />.</p>
  12906. <p>
  12907. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> can contain any number of inline-level nodes and bookmarks.</p>
  12908. <p>The complete list of child nodes that can occur inside a paragraph consists of
  12909. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd" />,
  12910. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator" />,
  12911. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField" />,
  12912. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Footnote" />,
  12913. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SpecialChar" />,
  12914. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />,
  12915. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag" />.</p>
  12916. <p>A valid paragraph in Microsoft Word always ends with a paragraph break character and
  12917. a minimal valid paragraph consists just of a paragraph break. The <b>Paragraph</b>
  12918. class automatically appends the appropriate paragraph break character at the end
  12919. and this character is not part of the child nodes of the <b>Paragraph</b>, therefore
  12920. a <b>Paragraph</b> can be empty.</p>
  12921. <p>Do not include the end of paragraph <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.ParagraphBreak">ControlChar.ParagraphBreak</see>
  12922. or end of cell <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Cell">ControlChar.Cell</see> characters inside the text of
  12923. the paragraph as it might make the paragraph invalid when the document is opened in Microsoft Word.</p>
  12924. </remarks>
  12925. </member>
  12926. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  12927. <summary>
  12928. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Paragraph</b> class.
  12929. </summary>
  12930. <remarks>
  12931. <p>When <b>Paragraph</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  12932. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  12933. <p>To append <b>Paragraph</b> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  12934. on the story where you want the paragraph inserted.</p>
  12935. </remarks>
  12936. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  12937. </member>
  12938. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  12939. <summary>
  12940. Accepts a visitor.
  12941. </summary>
  12942. <remarks>
  12943. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  12944. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  12945. </remarks>
  12946. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  12947. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  12948. <remarks>
  12949. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitParagraphStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes
  12950. of the paragraph and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitParagraphEnd at the end.
  12951. </remarks>
  12952. </member>
  12953. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.GetText">
  12954. <summary>
  12955. Gets the text of this paragraph including the end of paragraph character.
  12956. </summary>
  12957. <remarks>
  12958. <p>The text of all child nodes is concatenated and the end of paragraph character is appended as follows:</p>
  12959. <list type="bullet">
  12960. <item>If the paragraph is the last paragraph of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" />, then
  12961. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.SectionBreak">ControlChar.SectionBreak</see> (\x000c) is appended.</item>
  12962. <item>If the paragraph is the last paragraph of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell" />, then
  12963. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Cell">ControlChar.Cell</see> (\x0007) is appended.</item>
  12964. <item>For all other paragraphs
  12965. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.ParagraphBreak">ControlChar.ParagraphBreak</see> (\r) is appended.</item>
  12966. </list>
  12967. <p>The returned string includes all control and special characters as described in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ControlChar" />.</p>
  12968. </remarks>
  12969. </member>
  12970. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.GetEffectiveTabStops">
  12971. <summary>
  12972. Returns array of all tab stops applied to this paragraph, including applied indirectly by styles or lists.
  12973. </summary>
  12974. </member>
  12975. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.JoinRunsWithSameFormatting">
  12976. <summary>
  12977. Joins runs with the same formatting in the paragraph.
  12978. </summary>
  12979. <returns>Number of joins performed. When <b>N</b> adjacent runs are being joined they count as <b>N - 1</b> joins.</returns>
  12980. </member>
  12981. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.JoinRunsWithSameFormatting(System.Text.StringBuilder)">
  12982. <summary>
  12983. Joins runs with same formatting in the paragraph.
  12984. StringBuilder is passed to avoid its recreation since we process many paragraphs.
  12985. Someday we can make override without parameters public and retain this one internal.
  12986. </summary>
  12987. <param name="sb">Utility StringBuilder</param>
  12988. <returns>Number of joins performed</returns>
  12989. </member>
  12990. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.AppendField(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType,System.Boolean)">
  12991. <overloads>Appends a Word field to this paragraph.</overloads>
  12992. <summary>
  12993. Appends a field to this paragraph.
  12994. </summary>
  12995. <param name="fieldType">The type of the field to append.</param>
  12996. <param name="updateField">Specifies whether to update the field immediately.</param>
  12997. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the appended field.</returns>
  12998. </member>
  12999. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.AppendField(System.String)">
  13000. <overloads>Appends a Word field to this paragraph.</overloads>
  13001. <summary>
  13002. Appends a field to this paragraph.
  13003. </summary>
  13004. <param name="fieldCode">The field code to append (without curly braces).</param>
  13005. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the appended field.</returns>
  13006. </member>
  13007. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.AppendField(System.String,System.String)">
  13008. <overloads>Appends a Word field to this paragraph.</overloads>
  13009. <summary>
  13010. Appends a field to this paragraph.
  13011. </summary>
  13012. <param name="fieldCode">The field code to append (without curly braces).</param>
  13013. <param name="fieldValue">The field value to append. Pass null for fields that do not have a value.</param>
  13014. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the appended field.</returns>
  13015. </member>
  13016. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.InsertField(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType,System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)">
  13017. <overloads>Inserts a Word field into this paragraph.</overloads>
  13018. <summary>
  13019. Inserts a field into this paragraph.
  13020. </summary>
  13021. <param name="fieldType">The type of the field to insert.</param>
  13022. <param name="updateField">Specifies whether to update the field immediately.</param>
  13023. <param name="refNode">Reference node inside this paragraph (if refNode is null, then appends to the end of the paragraph).</param>
  13024. <param name="isAfter">Whether to insert the field after or before reference node.</param>
  13025. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  13026. </member>
  13027. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.InsertField(System.String,Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)">
  13028. <overloads>Inserts a Word field into this paragraph.</overloads>
  13029. <summary>
  13030. Inserts a field into this paragraph.
  13031. </summary>
  13032. <param name="fieldCode">The field code to insert (without curly braces).</param>
  13033. <param name="refNode">Reference node inside this paragraph (if refNode is null, then appends to the end of the paragraph).</param>
  13034. <param name="isAfter">Whether to insert the field after or before reference node.</param>
  13035. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  13036. </member>
  13037. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.InsertField(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)">
  13038. <overloads>Inserts a Word field into this paragraph.</overloads>
  13039. <summary>
  13040. Inserts a field into this paragraph.
  13041. </summary>
  13042. <param name="fieldCode">The field code to insert (without curly braces).</param>
  13043. <param name="fieldValue">The field value to insert. Pass null for fields that do not have a value.</param>
  13044. <param name="refNode">Reference node inside this paragraph (if refNode is null, then appends to the end of the paragraph).</param>
  13045. <param name="isAfter">Whether to insert the field after or before reference node.</param>
  13046. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  13047. </member>
  13048. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.NodeType">
  13049. <summary>
  13050. Returns <b>NodeType.Paragraph</b>.
  13051. </summary>
  13052. </member>
  13053. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.ParentStory">
  13054. <summary>
  13055. Retrieves the parent section-level story that can be <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" /> or <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />.
  13056. </summary>
  13057. </member>
  13058. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.ParentSection">
  13059. <summary>
  13060. Retrieves the parent <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" /> of the paragraph.
  13061. </summary>
  13062. </member>
  13063. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsInCell">
  13064. <summary>
  13065. True if this paragraph is an immediate child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell" />; false otherwise.
  13066. </summary>
  13067. </member>
  13068. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsEndOfCell">
  13069. <summary>
  13070. True if this paragraph is the last paragraph in a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell" />; false otherwise.
  13071. </summary>
  13072. </member>
  13073. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.BreakIsStyleSeparator">
  13074. <summary>
  13075. True if this paragraph break is a Style Separator. A style separator allows one
  13076. paragraph to consist of parts that have different paragraph styles.
  13077. </summary>
  13078. </member>
  13079. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsEndOfSection">
  13080. <summary>
  13081. True if this paragraph is the last paragraph in the <b>Body</b> (main text story) of a <b>Section</b>; false otherwise.
  13082. </summary>
  13083. </member>
  13084. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsEndOfHeaderFooter">
  13085. <summary>
  13086. True if this paragraph is the last paragraph in the <b>HeaderFooter</b> (main text story) of a <b>Section</b>; false otherwise.
  13087. </summary>
  13088. </member>
  13089. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsEndOfDocument">
  13090. <summary>
  13091. True if this paragraph is the last paragraph in the last section of the document.
  13092. </summary>
  13093. </member>
  13094. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.ParagraphFormat">
  13095. <summary>
  13096. Provides access to the paragraph formatting properties.
  13097. </summary>
  13098. </member>
  13099. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.ListFormat">
  13100. <summary>
  13101. Provides access to the list formatting properties of the paragraph.
  13102. </summary>
  13103. </member>
  13104. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.FrameFormat">
  13105. <summary>
  13106. Provides access to the paragraph formatting properties.
  13107. </summary>
  13108. </member>
  13109. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.ListLabel">
  13110. <summary>
  13111. Gets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.ListLabel" /> object that provides access to list numbering value and formatting
  13112. for this paragraph.
  13113. </summary>
  13114. </member>
  13115. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.Runs">
  13116. <summary>
  13117. Provides access to the typed collection of pieces of text inside the paragraph.
  13118. </summary>
  13119. </member>
  13120. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.ParagraphBreakFont">
  13121. <summary>
  13122. Provides access to the font formatting of the paragraph break character.
  13123. </summary>
  13124. </member>
  13125. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsInsertRevision">
  13126. <summary>
  13127. Returns true if this object was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  13128. </summary>
  13129. </member>
  13130. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsDeleteRevision">
  13131. <summary>
  13132. Returns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  13133. </summary>
  13134. </member>
  13135. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsMoveFromRevision">
  13136. <summary>
  13137. Returns <b>true</b> if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  13138. </summary>
  13139. </member>
  13140. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsMoveToRevision">
  13141. <summary>
  13142. Returns <b>true</b> if this object was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  13143. </summary>
  13144. </member>
  13145. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsFormatRevision">
  13146. <summary>
  13147. Returns true if formatting of the object was changed in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  13148. </summary>
  13149. </member>
  13150. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Paragraph.IsListItem">
  13151. <summary>
  13152. True when the paragraph is an item in a bulleted or numbered list in original revision.
  13153. </summary>
  13154. </member>
  13155. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment">
  13156. <summary>
  13157. Specifies text alignment in a paragraph.
  13158. </summary>
  13159. </member>
  13160. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.Left">
  13161. <summary>
  13162. Text is aligned to the left.
  13163. </summary>
  13164. </member>
  13165. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.Center">
  13166. <summary>
  13167. Text is centered horizontally.
  13168. </summary>
  13169. </member>
  13170. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.Right">
  13171. <summary>
  13172. Text is aligned to the right.
  13173. </summary>
  13174. </member>
  13175. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.Justify">
  13176. <summary>
  13177. Text is aligned to both left and right.
  13178. </summary>
  13179. </member>
  13180. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.Distributed">
  13181. <summary>
  13182. Text is evenly distributed.
  13183. </summary>
  13184. </member>
  13185. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.ArabicMediumKashida">
  13186. <summary>
  13187. Arabic only. Kashida length for text is extended to a medium length determined by the consumer.
  13188. </summary>
  13189. </member>
  13190. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.ArabicHighKashida">
  13191. <summary>
  13192. Arabic only. Kashida length for text is extended to its widest possible length.
  13193. </summary>
  13194. </member>
  13195. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.ArabicLowKashida">
  13196. <summary>
  13197. Arabic only. Kashida length for text is extended to a slightly longer length.
  13198. </summary>
  13199. </member>
  13200. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.ThaiDistributed">
  13201. <summary>
  13202. Thai only. Text is justified with an optimization for Thai.
  13203. </summary>
  13204. </member>
  13205. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat">
  13206. <summary>
  13207. Represents all the formatting for a paragraph.
  13208. </summary>
  13209. </member>
  13210. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.ClearFormatting">
  13211. <summary>
  13212. Resets to default paragraph formatting.
  13213. </summary>
  13214. <remarks>
  13215. Default paragraph formatting is Normal style, left aligned, no indentation,
  13216. no spacing, no borders and no shading.
  13217. </remarks>
  13218. </member>
  13219. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.Alignment">
  13220. <summary>
  13221. Gets or sets text alignment for the paragraph.
  13222. </summary>
  13223. </member>
  13224. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.NoSpaceBetweenParagraphsOfSameStyle">
  13225. <summary>
  13226. When true, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter" /> will be ignored
  13227. between the paragraphs of the same style.
  13228. </summary>
  13229. <remarks>
  13230. <p>This setting only takes affect when applied to a paragraph style. If applied to
  13231. a paragraph directly, it has no effect.</p>
  13232. </remarks>
  13233. </member>
  13234. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.KeepTogether">
  13235. <summary>
  13236. True if all lines in the paragraph are to remain on the same page.
  13237. </summary>
  13238. </member>
  13239. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext">
  13240. <summary>
  13241. True if the paragraph is to remains on the same page as the paragraph that follows it.
  13242. </summary>
  13243. </member>
  13244. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.PageBreakBefore">
  13245. <summary>
  13246. True if a page break is forced before the paragraph.
  13247. </summary>
  13248. </member>
  13249. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SuppressLineNumbers">
  13250. <summary>
  13251. Specifies whether the current paragraph's lines should be exempted from line numbering
  13252. which is applied in the parent section.
  13253. </summary>
  13254. </member>
  13255. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SuppressAutoHyphens">
  13256. <summary>
  13257. Specifies whether the current paragraph should be exempted from any hyphenation which
  13258. is applied in the document settings.
  13259. </summary>
  13260. </member>
  13261. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.WidowControl">
  13262. <summary>
  13263. True if the first and last lines in the paragraph are to remain on the same page as the rest of the paragraph.
  13264. </summary>
  13265. </member>
  13266. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha">
  13267. <summary>
  13268. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether inter-character spacing is automatically adjusted between regions
  13269. of Latin text and regions of East Asian text in the current paragraph.
  13270. </summary>
  13271. </member>
  13272. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit">
  13273. <summary>
  13274. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether inter-character spacing is automatically adjusted between regions
  13275. of numbers and regions of East Asian text in the current paragraph.
  13276. </summary>
  13277. </member>
  13278. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.FarEastLineBreakControl">
  13279. <summary>
  13280. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether East Asian line-breaking rules are applied to the current paragraph.
  13281. </summary>
  13282. </member>
  13283. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.WordWrap">
  13284. <summary>
  13285. If this property is <b>false</b>, Latin text in the middle of a word can be wrapped for
  13286. the current paragraph. Otherwise Latin text is wrapped by whole words.
  13287. </summary>
  13288. </member>
  13289. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.HangingPunctuation">
  13290. <summary>
  13291. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether hanging punctuation is enabled for the current paragraph.
  13292. </summary>
  13293. </member>
  13294. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.Bidi">
  13295. <summary>
  13296. Gets or sets whether this is a right-to-left paragraph.
  13297. </summary>
  13298. <remarks>
  13299. <p>When true, the runs and other inline objects in this paragraph
  13300. are laid out right to left.</p>
  13301. </remarks>
  13302. </member>
  13303. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent">
  13304. <summary>
  13305. Gets or sets the value (in points) that represents the left indent for paragraph.
  13306. </summary>
  13307. </member>
  13308. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.CharacterUnitLeftIndent">
  13309. <summary>
  13310. Gets or sets the left indent value (in characters) for the specified paragraphs.
  13311. </summary>
  13312. </member>
  13313. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.RightIndent">
  13314. <summary>
  13315. Gets or sets the value (in points) that represents the right indent for paragraph.
  13316. </summary>
  13317. </member>
  13318. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.CharacterUnitRightIndent">
  13319. <summary>
  13320. Gets or sets the right indent value (in characters) for the specified paragraphs.
  13321. </summary>
  13322. </member>
  13323. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.FirstLineIndent">
  13324. <summary>
  13325. Gets or sets the value (in points) for a first line or hanging indent.
  13326. <p>Use positive values to set the first-line indent, and negative values to set the hanging indent.</p></summary>
  13327. </member>
  13328. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent">
  13329. <summary>
  13330. Gets or sets the value (in characters) for the first-line or hanging indent.
  13331. <p>Use positive values to set the first-line indent, and negative values to set the hanging indent.</p></summary>
  13332. </member>
  13333. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBeforeAuto">
  13334. <summary>
  13335. True if the amount of spacing before the paragraph is set automatically.
  13336. </summary>
  13337. <remarks>
  13338. <p>When set to true, overrides the effect of <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore" />.</p>
  13339. </remarks>
  13340. <remarks>
  13341. <p>When you set paragraph Space Before and Space After to Auto,
  13342. Microsoft Word adds 14 points spacing between paragraphs automatically
  13343. according to the following rules:</p>
  13344. <list type="bullet">
  13345. <item>Normally, spacing is added after all paragraphs.</item>
  13346. <item>In a bulleted or numbered list, spacing is added only after the last item in the list.
  13347. Spacing is not added between the list items.</item>
  13348. <item>In a nested bulleted or numbered list spacing is not added.</item>
  13349. <item>Spacing is normally added after a table.</item>
  13350. <item>Spacing is not added after a table if it is the last block in a table cell.</item>
  13351. <item>Spacing is not added after the last paragraph in a table cell.</item>
  13352. </list>
  13353. </remarks>
  13354. </member>
  13355. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfterAuto">
  13356. <summary>
  13357. True if the amount of spacing after the paragraph is set automatically.
  13358. </summary>
  13359. <remarks>
  13360. <p>When set to true, overrides the effect of <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter" />.</p>
  13361. </remarks>
  13362. <remarks>
  13363. <p>When you set paragraph Space Before and Space After to Auto,
  13364. Microsoft Word adds 14 points spacing between paragraphs automatically
  13365. according to the following rules:</p>
  13366. <list type="bullet">
  13367. <item>Normally, spacing is added after all paragraphs.</item>
  13368. <item>In a bulleted or numbered list, spacing is added only after the last item in the list.
  13369. Spacing is not added between the list items.</item>
  13370. <item>In a nested bulleted or numbered list spacing is not added.</item>
  13371. <item>Spacing is normally added after a table.</item>
  13372. <item>Spacing is not added after a table if it is the last block in a table cell.</item>
  13373. <item>Spacing is not added after the last paragraph in a table cell.</item>
  13374. </list>
  13375. </remarks>
  13376. </member>
  13377. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore">
  13378. <summary>
  13379. Gets or sets the amount of spacing (in points) before the paragraph.
  13380. </summary>
  13381. <remarks>
  13382. <p>Has no effect when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBeforeAuto" /> is true.</p>
  13383. <p>Valid values range from 0 to 1584 inclusive.</p>
  13384. </remarks>
  13385. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  13386. Throws when argument was out of the range of valid values.
  13387. </exception>
  13388. </member>
  13389. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LineUnitBefore">
  13390. <summary>
  13391. Gets or sets the amount of spacing (in gridlines) before the paragraphs.
  13392. </summary>
  13393. </member>
  13394. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter">
  13395. <summary>
  13396. Gets or sets the amount of spacing (in points) after the paragraph.
  13397. </summary>
  13398. <remarks>
  13399. <p>Has no effect when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfterAuto" /> is true.</p>
  13400. <p>Valid values ​​range from 0 to 1584 inclusive.</p>
  13401. </remarks>
  13402. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  13403. Throws when argument was out of the range of valid values.
  13404. </exception>
  13405. </member>
  13406. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LineUnitAfter">
  13407. <summary>
  13408. Gets or sets the amount of spacing (in gridlines) after the paragraphs.
  13409. </summary>
  13410. </member>
  13411. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacingRule">
  13412. <summary>
  13413. Gets or sets the line spacing for the paragraph.
  13414. </summary>
  13415. </member>
  13416. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing">
  13417. <summary>
  13418. Gets or sets the line spacing (in points) for the paragraph.
  13419. </summary>
  13420. <remarks>
  13421. <p>When LineSpacingRule property is set to AtLeast, the line spacing can be greater than or equal to,
  13422. but never less than the specified LineSpacing value.</p>
  13423. <p>When LineSpacingRule property is set to Exactly, the line spacing never changes from
  13424. the specified LineSpacing value, even if a larger font is used within the paragraph.</p>
  13425. </remarks>
  13426. </member>
  13427. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.IsHeading">
  13428. <summary>
  13429. True when the paragraph style is one of the built-in Heading styles.
  13430. </summary>
  13431. </member>
  13432. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.IsListItem">
  13433. <summary>
  13434. True when the paragraph is an item in a bulleted or numbered list.
  13435. </summary>
  13436. </member>
  13437. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.OutlineLevel">
  13438. <summary>
  13439. Specifies the outline level of the paragraph in the document.
  13440. </summary>
  13441. </member>
  13442. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.LinesToDrop">
  13443. <summary>
  13444. Gets or sets the number of lines of the paragraph text used to calculate the drop cap height.
  13445. </summary>
  13446. </member>
  13447. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.DropCapPosition">
  13448. <summary>
  13449. Gets or sets the position for a drop cap text.
  13450. </summary>
  13451. </member>
  13452. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.Shading">
  13453. <summary>
  13454. Returns a Shading object that refers to the shading formatting for the paragraph.
  13455. </summary>
  13456. </member>
  13457. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.Borders">
  13458. <summary>
  13459. Gets collection of borders of the paragraph.
  13460. </summary>
  13461. </member>
  13462. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.Style">
  13463. <summary>
  13464. Gets or sets the paragraph style applied to this formatting.
  13465. </summary>
  13466. </member>
  13467. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.StyleName">
  13468. <summary>
  13469. Gets or sets the name of the paragraph style applied to this formatting.
  13470. </summary>
  13471. </member>
  13472. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.StyleIdentifier">
  13473. <summary>
  13474. Gets or sets the locale independent style identifier of the paragraph style applied to this formatting.
  13475. </summary>
  13476. </member>
  13477. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.SnapToGrid">
  13478. <summary>
  13479. Specifies whether the current paragraph should use the document grid lines per page settings
  13480. when laying out the contents in the paragraph.
  13481. </summary>
  13482. </member>
  13483. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.TabStops">
  13484. <summary>
  13485. Gets the collection of custom tab stops defined for this object.
  13486. </summary>
  13487. </member>
  13488. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ParagraphCollection">
  13489. <summary>
  13490. Provides typed access to a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> nodes.
  13491. </summary>
  13492. </member>
  13493. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ParagraphCollection.ToArray">
  13494. <summary>
  13495. Copies all paragraphs from the collection to a new array of paragraphs.
  13496. </summary>
  13497. <returns>An array of paragraphs.</returns>
  13498. </member>
  13499. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  13500. <summary>
  13501. Retrieves a <b>Paragraph</b> at the given index.
  13502. </summary>
  13503. <remarks>
  13504. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  13505. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  13506. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  13507. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  13508. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  13509. </remarks>
  13510. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  13511. </member>
  13512. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Range">
  13513. <summary>
  13514. Represents a contiguous area in a document.
  13515. </summary>
  13516. <remarks>
  13517. <p>The document is represented by a tree of nodes and the nodes provide operations
  13518. to work with the tree, but some operations are easier to perform if the document
  13519. is treated as a contiguous sequence of text.</p>
  13520. <p>
  13521. <b>Range</b> is a "facade" interface that provide methods that treat the document
  13522. or portions of the document as "flat" text regardless of the fact that the document
  13523. nodes are stored in a tree-like object model.</p>
  13524. <p>
  13525. <b>Range</b> does not contain any text or nodes, it is merely a view or "window"
  13526. over a fragment of a document.</p>
  13527. </remarks>
  13528. </member>
  13529. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Delete">
  13530. <summary>
  13531. Deletes all characters of the range.
  13532. </summary>
  13533. </member>
  13534. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Replace(System.String,System.String)">
  13535. <summary>
  13536. Replaces all occurrences of a character pattern specified by a regular expression with another string.
  13537. </summary>
  13538. <remarks>
  13539. <p>Used case-insensitive comparison.</p>
  13540. <p>Replaces the whole match captured by the regular expression.</p>
  13541. <p>Method is able to process breaks in both pattern and replacement strings.</p>
  13542. You should use special meta-characters if you need to work with breaks:
  13543. <list type="bullet"><item><b>&amp;p</b> - paragraph break</item><item><b>&amp;b</b> - section break</item><item><b>&amp;m</b> - page break</item><item><b>&amp;l</b> - manual line break</item></list>
  13544. Use method <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Replace(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions)" /> to have more flexible customization.
  13545. </remarks>
  13546. <param name="pattern">A string to be replaced.</param>
  13547. <param name="replacement">A string to replace all occurrences of pattern.</param>
  13548. <returns>The number of replacements made.</returns>
  13549. <example>
  13550. <code>
  13551. Document doc = new Document();
  13552. DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
  13553. builder.Writeln("Numbers 1, 2, 3");
  13554. // Inserts paragraph break after Numbers.
  13555. doc.Range.Replace("Numbers", "Numbers&amp;p", new FindReplaceOptions());
  13556. </code>
  13557. </example>
  13558. </member>
  13559. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Replace(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex,System.String)">
  13560. <summary>
  13561. Replaces all occurrences of a character pattern specified by a regular expression with another string.
  13562. </summary>
  13563. <remarks>
  13564. <p>Replaces the whole match captured by the regular expression.</p>
  13565. <p>Method is able to process breaks in both pattern and replacement strings.</p>
  13566. You should use special meta-characters if you need to work with breaks:
  13567. <list type="bullet"><item><b>&amp;p</b> - paragraph break</item><item><b>&amp;b</b> - section break</item><item><b>&amp;m</b> - page break</item><item><b>&amp;l</b> - manual line break</item></list>
  13568. Use method <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Replace(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex,System.String,Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions)" /> to have more flexible customization.
  13569. </remarks>
  13570. <param name="pattern">A regular expression pattern used to find matches.</param>
  13571. <param name="replacement">A string to replace all occurrences of pattern.</param>
  13572. <returns>The number of replacements made.</returns>
  13573. <example>
  13574. <code>
  13575. Document doc = new Document();
  13576. DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
  13577. builder.Writeln("a1, b2, c3");
  13578. // Replaces each number with paragraph break.
  13579. doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@"\d+"), "&amp;p");
  13580. </code>
  13581. </example>
  13582. </member>
  13583. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Replace(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions)">
  13584. <summary>
  13585. Replaces all occurrences of a character pattern specified by a regular expression with another string.
  13586. </summary>
  13587. <remarks>
  13588. <p>Replaces the whole match captured by the regular expression.</p>
  13589. <p>Method is able to process breaks in both pattern and replacement strings.</p>
  13590. You should use special meta-characters if you need to work with breaks:
  13591. <list type="bullet"><item><b>&amp;p</b> - paragraph break</item><item><b>&amp;b</b> - section break</item><item><b>&amp;m</b> - page break</item><item><b>&amp;l</b> - manual line break</item><item><b>&amp;&amp;</b> - &amp; character</item></list></remarks>
  13592. <param name="pattern">A string to be replaced.</param>
  13593. <param name="replacement">A string to replace all occurrences of pattern.</param>
  13594. <param name="options">
  13595. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions" /> object to specify additional options.</param>
  13596. <returns>The number of replacements made.</returns>
  13597. <example>
  13598. <code>
  13599. Document doc = new Document();
  13600. DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
  13601. builder.Writeln("Numbers 1, 2, 3");
  13602. // Inserts paragraph break after Numbers.
  13603. doc.Range.Replace("Numbers", "Numbers&amp;p", new FindReplaceOptions());
  13604. </code>
  13605. </example>
  13606. </member>
  13607. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Replace(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex,System.String,Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions)">
  13608. <summary>
  13609. Replaces all occurrences of a character pattern specified by a regular expression with another string.
  13610. </summary>
  13611. <remarks>
  13612. <p>Replaces the whole match captured by the regular expression.</p>
  13613. <p>Method is able to process breaks in both pattern and replacement strings.</p>
  13614. You should use special meta-characters if you need to work with breaks:
  13615. <list type="bullet"><item><b>&amp;p</b> - paragraph break</item><item><b>&amp;b</b> - section break</item><item><b>&amp;m</b> - page break</item><item><b>&amp;l</b> - manual line break</item><item><b>&amp;&amp;</b> - &amp; character</item></list></remarks>
  13616. <param name="pattern">A regular expression pattern used to find matches.</param>
  13617. <param name="replacement">A string to replace all occurrences of pattern.</param>
  13618. <param name="options">
  13619. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions" /> object to specify additional options.</param>
  13620. <returns>The number of replacements made.</returns>
  13621. <example>
  13622. <code>
  13623. Document doc = new Document();
  13624. DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
  13625. builder.Writeln("a1, b2, c3");
  13626. // Replaces each number with paragraph break.
  13627. doc.Range.Replace(new Regex(@"\d+"), "&amp;p", new FindReplaceOptions());
  13628. </code>
  13629. </example>
  13630. </member>
  13631. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.UpdateFields">
  13632. <summary>
  13633. Updates the values of document fields in this range.
  13634. </summary>
  13635. <remarks>
  13636. <para>When you open, modify and then save a document, Aspose.Words does not update fields automatically, it keeps them intact.
  13637. Therefore, you would usually want to call this method before saving if you have modified the document
  13638. programmatically and want to make sure the proper (calculated) field values appear in the saved document.</para>
  13639. <para>There is no need to update fields after executing a mail merge because mail merge is a kind of field update
  13640. and automatically updates all fields in the document.</para>
  13641. <p>This method does not update all field types. For the detailed list of supported field types, see the Programmers Guide.</p>
  13642. <para>This method does not update fields that are related to the page layout algorithms (e.g. PAGE, PAGES, PAGEREF).
  13643. The page layout-related fields are updated when you render a document or call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" />.</para>
  13644. <para>To update fields in the whole document use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateFields" />.</para>
  13645. </remarks>
  13646. </member>
  13647. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.UnlinkFields">
  13648. <summary>
  13649. Unlinks fields in this range.
  13650. </summary>
  13651. <remarks>
  13652. <para>Replaces all the fields in this range with their most recent results.</para>
  13653. <para>To unlink fields in the whole document use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Range.UnlinkFields" />.</para>
  13654. </remarks>
  13655. </member>
  13656. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.NormalizeFieldTypes">
  13657. <summary>
  13658. Changes field type values <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldChar.FieldType" /> of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd" />
  13659. in this range so that they correspond to the field types contained in the field codes.
  13660. </summary>
  13661. <remarks>
  13662. <para>Use this method after document changes that affect field types.</para>
  13663. <para>To change field type values in the whole document use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.NormalizeFieldTypes" />.</para>
  13664. </remarks>
  13665. </member>
  13666. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Range.ToDocument">
  13667. <summary>
  13668. Constructs a new fully formed document that contains the range.
  13669. </summary>
  13670. </member>
  13671. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Range.Text">
  13672. <summary>
  13673. Gets the text of the range.
  13674. </summary>
  13675. <remarks>
  13676. <p>The returned string includes all control and special characters as described in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ControlChar" />.</p>
  13677. </remarks>
  13678. </member>
  13679. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Range.FormFields">
  13680. <summary>
  13681. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Range.FormFields" /> collection that represents all form fields in the range.
  13682. </summary>
  13683. </member>
  13684. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Range.Bookmarks">
  13685. <summary>
  13686. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Range.Bookmarks" /> collection that represents all bookmarks in the range.
  13687. </summary>
  13688. </member>
  13689. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Range.Fields">
  13690. <summary>
  13691. Returns a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Range.Fields" /> collection that represents all fields in the range.
  13692. </summary>
  13693. </member>
  13694. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Run">
  13695. <summary>
  13696. Represents a run of characters with the same font formatting.
  13697. </summary>
  13698. <remarks>
  13699. <p>All text of the document is stored in runs of text.</p>
  13700. <p>
  13701. <b>Run</b> can only be a child of <b>Paragraph</b> or inline <b>StructuredDocumentTag</b>.</p>
  13702. </remarks>
  13703. </member>
  13704. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Run.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  13705. <summary>
  13706. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Run</b> class.
  13707. </summary>
  13708. <remarks>
  13709. <p>When <b>Run</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  13710. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  13711. <p>To append <b>Run</b> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  13712. on the paragraph where you want the run inserted.</p>
  13713. </remarks>
  13714. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  13715. </member>
  13716. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Run.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,System.String)">
  13717. <summary>
  13718. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Run</b> class.
  13719. </summary>
  13720. <remarks>
  13721. <p>When <b>Run</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  13722. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  13723. <p>To append <b>Run</b> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  13724. on the paragraph where you want the run inserted.</p>
  13725. </remarks>
  13726. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  13727. <param name="text">The text of the run.</param>
  13728. </member>
  13729. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Run.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  13730. <summary>
  13731. Accepts a visitor.
  13732. </summary>
  13733. <remarks>
  13734. <p>Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitRun.</p>
  13735. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  13736. </remarks>
  13737. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  13738. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  13739. </member>
  13740. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Run.GetText">
  13741. <summary>
  13742. Gets the text of the run.
  13743. </summary>
  13744. <returns>The text of the run.</returns>
  13745. </member>
  13746. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Run.NodeType">
  13747. <summary>
  13748. Returns <b>NodeType.Run</b>.
  13749. </summary>
  13750. </member>
  13751. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Run.Text">
  13752. <summary>
  13753. Gets or sets the text of the run.
  13754. </summary>
  13755. </member>
  13756. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.RunCollection">
  13757. <summary>
  13758. Provides typed access to a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" /> nodes.
  13759. </summary>
  13760. </member>
  13761. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.RunCollection.ToArray">
  13762. <summary>
  13763. Copies all runs from the collection to a new array of runs.
  13764. </summary>
  13765. <returns>An array of runs.</returns>
  13766. </member>
  13767. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.RunCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  13768. <summary>
  13769. Retrieves a <b>Run</b> at the given index.
  13770. </summary>
  13771. <remarks>
  13772. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  13773. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  13774. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  13775. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  13776. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  13777. </remarks>
  13778. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  13779. </member>
  13780. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.SpecialChar">
  13781. <summary>
  13782. Base class for special characters in the document.
  13783. </summary>
  13784. <remarks>
  13785. <p>A Microsoft Word document can include a number of special characters
  13786. that represent fields, form fields, shapes, OLE objects, footnotes etc. For the list
  13787. of special characters see <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ControlChar" />.</p>
  13788. <p>
  13789. <b>SpecialChar</b> is an inline-node and can only be a child of <b>Paragraph</b>.</p>
  13790. <p>
  13791. <b>SpecialChar</b> char is used as a base class for more specific classes
  13792. that represent special characters that Aspose.Words provides programmatic access for.
  13793. The <b>SpecialChar</b> class is also used itself to represent special character for which
  13794. Aspose.Words does not provide detailed programmatic access.</p>
  13795. </remarks>
  13796. </member>
  13797. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.SpecialChar.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  13798. <summary>
  13799. Accepts a visitor.
  13800. </summary>
  13801. <remarks>
  13802. <p>Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitSpecialChar.</p>
  13803. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  13804. </remarks>
  13805. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  13806. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  13807. </member>
  13808. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.SpecialChar.GetText">
  13809. <summary>
  13810. Gets the special character that this node represents.
  13811. </summary>
  13812. <returns>The string that contains the character that this node represents.</returns>
  13813. </member>
  13814. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.SpecialChar.NodeType">
  13815. <summary>
  13816. Returns <b>NodeType.SpecialChar</b>.
  13817. </summary>
  13818. </member>
  13819. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment">
  13820. <summary>
  13821. Specifies the alignment/type of a tab stop.
  13822. </summary>
  13823. </member>
  13824. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment.Left">
  13825. <summary>
  13826. Left-aligns the text after the tab stop.
  13827. </summary>
  13828. </member>
  13829. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment.Center">
  13830. <summary>
  13831. Centers the text around the tab stop.
  13832. </summary>
  13833. </member>
  13834. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment.Right">
  13835. <summary>
  13836. Right-aligns the text at the tab stop.
  13837. </summary>
  13838. </member>
  13839. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment.Decimal">
  13840. <summary>
  13841. Aligns the text at the decimal dot.
  13842. </summary>
  13843. </member>
  13844. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment.Bar">
  13845. <summary>
  13846. Draws a vertical bar at the tab stop position.
  13847. </summary>
  13848. </member>
  13849. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment.List">
  13850. <summary>
  13851. The tab is a delimiter between the number/bullet and text in a list item.
  13852. </summary>
  13853. </member>
  13854. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment.Clear">
  13855. <summary>
  13856. Clears any tab stop in this position.
  13857. </summary>
  13858. </member>
  13859. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TabLeader">
  13860. <summary>
  13861. Specifies the type of the leader line displayed under the tab character.
  13862. </summary>
  13863. </member>
  13864. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabLeader.None">
  13865. <summary>
  13866. No leader line is displayed.
  13867. </summary>
  13868. </member>
  13869. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabLeader.Dots">
  13870. <summary>
  13871. The leader line is made up from dots.
  13872. </summary>
  13873. </member>
  13874. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabLeader.Dashes">
  13875. <summary>
  13876. The leader line is made up from dashes.
  13877. </summary>
  13878. </member>
  13879. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabLeader.Line">
  13880. <summary>
  13881. The leader line is a single line.
  13882. </summary>
  13883. </member>
  13884. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabLeader.Heavy">
  13885. <summary>
  13886. The leader line is a single thick line.
  13887. </summary>
  13888. </member>
  13889. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TabLeader.MiddleDot">
  13890. <summary>
  13891. The leader line is made up from middle-dots.
  13892. </summary>
  13893. </member>
  13894. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TabStop">
  13895. <summary>
  13896. Represents a single custom tab stop. The <b>TabStop</b> object is a member of the
  13897. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection" /> collection.
  13898. </summary>
  13899. <remarks>
  13900. <p>Normally, a tab stop specifies a position where a tab stop exists. But because
  13901. tab stops can be inherited from parent styles, it might be needed for the child object
  13902. to define explicitly that there is no tab stop at a given position. To clear
  13903. an inherited tab stop at a given position, create a <b>TabStop</b> object and set
  13904. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.TabStop.Alignment" /> to <c>TabAlignment.Clear</c>.</p>
  13905. <p>For more information see <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection" />.</p>
  13906. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat" />
  13907. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection" />
  13908. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.DefaultTabStop" />
  13909. </remarks>
  13910. </member>
  13911. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStop.#ctor">
  13912. <summary>
  13913. Ctor.
  13914. </summary>
  13915. </member>
  13916. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStop.#ctor(System.Double)">
  13917. <summary>
  13918. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  13919. </summary>
  13920. </member>
  13921. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStop.#ctor(System.Double,Aspose.Words.TabAlignment,Aspose.Words.TabLeader)">
  13922. <summary>
  13923. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  13924. </summary>
  13925. <param name="position">The position of the tab stop in points.</param>
  13926. <param name="alignment">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment" /> value that
  13927. specifies the alignment of text at this tab stop.</param>
  13928. <param name="leader">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabLeader" /> value that specifies
  13929. the type of the leader line displayed under the tab character.</param>
  13930. </member>
  13931. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStop.#ctor(System.Int32,Aspose.Words.TabAlignment,Aspose.Words.TabLeader)">
  13932. <summary>
  13933. Ctor.
  13934. </summary>
  13935. </member>
  13936. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStop.Equals(Aspose.Words.TabStop)">
  13937. <summary>
  13938. Compares with the specified TabStop.
  13939. </summary>
  13940. </member>
  13941. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStop.GetHashCode">
  13942. <summary>
  13943. Calculates hash code for this object.
  13944. </summary>
  13945. </member>
  13946. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TabStop.Position">
  13947. <summary>
  13948. Gets the position of the tab stop in points.
  13949. </summary>
  13950. </member>
  13951. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TabStop.Alignment">
  13952. <summary>
  13953. Gets or sets the alignment of text at this tab stop.
  13954. </summary>
  13955. </member>
  13956. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TabStop.Leader">
  13957. <summary>
  13958. Gets or sets the type of the leader line displayed under the tab character.
  13959. </summary>
  13960. </member>
  13961. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TabStop.IsClear">
  13962. <summary>
  13963. Returns true if this tab stop clears any existing tab stops in this position.
  13964. </summary>
  13965. </member>
  13966. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection">
  13967. <summary>
  13968. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabStop" /> objects that represent custom tabs for a paragraph or a style.
  13969. </summary>
  13970. <remarks>
  13971. <p>In Microsoft Word documents, a tab stop can be defined in the properties of a paragraph
  13972. style or directly in the properties of a paragraph. A style can be based on another style.
  13973. Therefore, the complete set of tab stops for a given object is a combination of tab stops
  13974. defined directly on this object and tab stops inherited from the parent styles.</p>
  13975. <p>In Aspose.Words, when you obtain a <b>TabStops</b> collection for a paragraph or a style,
  13976. it contains only the custom tab stops defined directly for this paragraph or style.
  13977. The collection does not include tab stops defined in the parent styles or default tab stops.</p>
  13978. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat" />
  13979. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabStop" />
  13980. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.DefaultTabStop" />
  13981. </remarks>
  13982. <dev>
  13983. This whole collection is stored in the paragraph attributes as a single attribute.
  13984. </dev>
  13985. </member>
  13986. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Equals(Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection)">
  13987. <summary>
  13988. Determines whether the specified TabStopCollection is equal in value to the current TabStopCollection.
  13989. </summary>
  13990. </member>
  13991. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Equals(System.Object)">
  13992. <summary>
  13993. Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.
  13994. </summary>
  13995. </member>
  13996. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.GetHashCode">
  13997. <summary>
  13998. Serves as a hash function for this type.
  13999. </summary>
  14000. </member>
  14001. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Clear">
  14002. <summary>
  14003. Deletes all tab stop positions.
  14004. </summary>
  14005. </member>
  14006. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.GetPositionByIndex(System.Int32)">
  14007. <summary>
  14008. Gets the position (in points) of the tab stop at the specified index.
  14009. </summary>
  14010. <param name="index">An index into the collection of tab stops.</param>
  14011. <returns>The position of the tab stop.</returns>
  14012. </member>
  14013. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.GetIndexByPosition(System.Double)">
  14014. <summary>
  14015. Gets the index of a tab stop with the specified position in points.
  14016. </summary>
  14017. </member>
  14018. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.TabStop)">
  14019. <summary>
  14020. Adds or replaces a tab stop in the collection.
  14021. </summary>
  14022. <remarks>
  14023. <p>If a tab stop already exists at the specified position, it is replaced.</p>
  14024. </remarks>
  14025. <param name="tabStop">A tab stop object to add.</param>
  14026. </member>
  14027. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Add(System.Double,Aspose.Words.TabAlignment,Aspose.Words.TabLeader)">
  14028. <summary>
  14029. Adds or replaces a tab stop in the collection.
  14030. </summary>
  14031. <remarks>
  14032. <p>If a tab stop already exists at the specified position, it is replaced.</p>
  14033. </remarks>
  14034. <param name="position">A position (in points) where to add the tab stop.</param>
  14035. <param name="alignment">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabAlignment" /> value that
  14036. specifies the alignment of text at the tab stop.</param>
  14037. <param name="leader">A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.TabLeader" /> value that
  14038. specifies the type of the leader line displayed under the tab character.</param>
  14039. </member>
  14040. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.RemoveByPosition(System.Double)">
  14041. <summary>
  14042. Removes a tab stop at the specified position from the collection.
  14043. </summary>
  14044. <param name="position">The position (in points) of the tab stop to remove.</param>
  14045. </member>
  14046. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.RemoveByIndex(System.Int32)">
  14047. <summary>
  14048. Removes a tab stop at the specified index from the collection.
  14049. </summary>
  14050. <param name="index">An index into the collection of tab stops.</param>
  14051. </member>
  14052. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.After(System.Double)">
  14053. <summary>
  14054. Gets a first tab stop to the right of the specified position.
  14055. </summary>
  14056. <remarks>
  14057. <p>Skips tab stops with <b>Alignment</b> set to <c>TabAlignment.Bar</c>.</p>
  14058. </remarks>
  14059. <param name="position">The reference position (in points).</param>
  14060. <returns>A tab stop object or null if a suitable tab stop was not found.</returns>
  14061. </member>
  14062. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Before(System.Double)">
  14063. <summary>
  14064. Gets a first tab stop to the left of the specified position.
  14065. </summary>
  14066. <remarks>
  14067. <p>Skips tab stops with <b>Alignment</b> set to <c>TabAlignment.Bar</c>.</p>
  14068. </remarks>
  14069. <param name="position">The reference position (in points).</param>
  14070. <returns>A tab stop object or null if a suitable tab stop was not found.</returns>
  14071. </member>
  14072. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Count">
  14073. <summary>
  14074. Gets the number of tab stops in the collection.
  14075. </summary>
  14076. </member>
  14077. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  14078. <overloads>Retrieves a tab stop from the collection.</overloads>
  14079. <summary>
  14080. Gets a tab stop at the given index.
  14081. </summary>
  14082. <param name="index">An index into the collection of tab stops.</param>
  14083. </member>
  14084. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.TabStopCollection.Item(System.Double)">
  14085. <summary>
  14086. Gets a tab stop at the specified position.
  14087. </summary>
  14088. <remarks>
  14089. Returns null if no tab stop is found at the specified position.
  14090. </remarks>
  14091. <param name="position">The position (in points) of the tab stop.</param>
  14092. </member>
  14093. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TextEffect">
  14094. <summary>
  14095. Animation effect for text runs.
  14096. </summary>
  14097. </member>
  14098. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextEffect.None">
  14099. <summary>
  14100. </summary>
  14101. </member>
  14102. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextEffect.LasVegasLights">
  14103. <summary>
  14104. </summary>
  14105. </member>
  14106. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextEffect.BlinkingBackground">
  14107. <summary>
  14108. </summary>
  14109. </member>
  14110. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextEffect.SparkleText">
  14111. <summary>
  14112. </summary>
  14113. </member>
  14114. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextEffect.MarchingBlackAnts">
  14115. <summary>
  14116. </summary>
  14117. </member>
  14118. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextEffect.MarchingRedAnts">
  14119. <summary>
  14120. </summary>
  14121. </member>
  14122. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextEffect.Shimmer">
  14123. <summary>
  14124. </summary>
  14125. </member>
  14126. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.TextOrientation">
  14127. <summary>
  14128. Specifies orientation of text on a page, in a table cell or a text frame.
  14129. </summary>
  14130. </member>
  14131. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextOrientation.Horizontal">
  14132. <summary>
  14133. Text is arranged horizontally (lr-tb).
  14134. </summary>
  14135. </member>
  14136. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextOrientation.Downward">
  14137. <summary>
  14138. Text is rotated 90 degrees to the right to appear from top to bottom (tb-rl).
  14139. </summary>
  14140. </member>
  14141. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextOrientation.Upward">
  14142. <summary>
  14143. Text is rotated 90 degrees to the left to appear from bottom to top (bt-lr).
  14144. </summary>
  14145. </member>
  14146. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextOrientation.HorizontalRotatedFarEast">
  14147. <summary>
  14148. Text is arranged horizontally, but Far East characters are rotated 90 degrees to the left (lr-tb-v).
  14149. </summary>
  14150. </member>
  14151. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextOrientation.VerticalFarEast">
  14152. <summary>
  14153. Far East characters appear vertical, other text is rotated 90 degrees
  14154. to the right to appear from top to bottom (tb-rl-v).
  14155. </summary>
  14156. </member>
  14157. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.TextOrientation.VerticalRotatedFarEast">
  14158. <summary>
  14159. Far East characters appear vertical, other text is rotated 90 degrees
  14160. to the right to appear from top to bottom vertically, then left to right horizontally (tb-lr-v).
  14161. </summary>
  14162. <dev> IN: Set this value to 7 because MS Word uses this value in DOC format. </dev>
  14163. </member>
  14164. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Underline">
  14165. <summary>
  14166. Indicates type of the underline applied to a font.
  14167. </summary>
  14168. </member>
  14169. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.None">
  14170. <summary>
  14171. </summary>
  14172. </member>
  14173. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.Single">
  14174. <summary>
  14175. </summary>
  14176. </member>
  14177. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.Words">
  14178. <summary>
  14179. </summary>
  14180. </member>
  14181. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.Double">
  14182. <summary>
  14183. </summary>
  14184. </member>
  14185. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.Dotted">
  14186. <summary>
  14187. </summary>
  14188. </member>
  14189. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.Thick">
  14190. <summary>
  14191. </summary>
  14192. </member>
  14193. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.Dash">
  14194. <summary>
  14195. </summary>
  14196. </member>
  14197. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.DashLong">
  14198. <summary>
  14199. </summary>
  14200. </member>
  14201. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.DotDash">
  14202. <summary>
  14203. </summary>
  14204. </member>
  14205. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.DotDotDash">
  14206. <summary>
  14207. </summary>
  14208. </member>
  14209. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.Wavy">
  14210. <summary>
  14211. </summary>
  14212. </member>
  14213. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.DottedHeavy">
  14214. <summary>
  14215. </summary>
  14216. </member>
  14217. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.DashHeavy">
  14218. <summary>
  14219. </summary>
  14220. </member>
  14221. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.DashLongHeavy">
  14222. <summary>
  14223. </summary>
  14224. </member>
  14225. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.DotDashHeavy">
  14226. <summary>
  14227. </summary>
  14228. </member>
  14229. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.DotDotDashHeavy">
  14230. <summary>
  14231. </summary>
  14232. </member>
  14233. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.WavyHeavy">
  14234. <summary>
  14235. </summary>
  14236. </member>
  14237. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Underline.WavyDouble">
  14238. <summary>
  14239. </summary>
  14240. </member>
  14241. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ComHelper">
  14242. <summary>
  14243. Provides methods for COM clients to load a document into Aspose.Words.
  14244. </summary>
  14245. <remarks>
  14246. <p>Use the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ComHelper" /> class to load a document from a file or stream into a
  14247. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object in a COM application.</p>
  14248. <p>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> class provides a default constructor to create a new document
  14249. and also provides overloaded constructors to load a document from a file or stream.
  14250. If you are using Aspose.Words from a .NET application, you can use all of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  14251. constructors directly, but if you are using Aspose.Words from a COM application,
  14252. only the default <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> constructor is available.</p>
  14253. </remarks>
  14254. <example>
  14255. <code>
  14256. [VBScript]
  14257. Dim helper
  14258. Set helper = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.ComHelper")
  14259. Dim doc
  14260. Set doc = helper.Open(fileName)
  14261. </code>
  14262. </example>
  14263. </member>
  14264. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ComHelper.#ctor">
  14265. <summary>
  14266. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  14267. </summary>
  14268. </member>
  14269. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ComHelper.Open(System.String)">
  14270. <overloads>Allows a COM application to load a document.</overloads>
  14271. <summary>
  14272. Allows a COM application to load a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> from a file.
  14273. </summary>
  14274. <remarks>
  14275. <p>This method is same as calling the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> constructor with a file name parameter.</p>
  14276. </remarks>
  14277. <example>
  14278. <code>
  14279. [VBScript]
  14280. Dim helper
  14281. Set helper = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.ComHelper")
  14282. Dim doc
  14283. Set doc = helper.Open(fileName)
  14284. </code>
  14285. </example>
  14286. <param name="fileName">Filename of the document to load.</param>
  14287. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object that represents a Word document.</returns>
  14288. </member>
  14289. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ComHelper.Open(System.IO.Stream)">
  14290. <summary>
  14291. Allows a COM application to load <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> from a stream.
  14292. </summary>
  14293. <remarks>
  14294. <p>This method is same as calling the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> constructor with a stream parameter.</p>
  14295. </remarks>
  14296. <param name="stream">A .NET stream object that contains the document to load.</param>
  14297. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object that represents a Word document.</returns>
  14298. </member>
  14299. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil">
  14300. <summary>
  14301. Provides helper functions to convert between various measurement units.
  14302. </summary>
  14303. <dev>
  14304. This is only a public wrapper that makes functions available in the public Aspose.Words namespace.
  14305. The actual implementation is in <see cref="T:Aspose.ConvertUtilCore" />.
  14306. </dev>
  14307. </member>
  14308. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil.PointToPixel(System.Double)">
  14309. <overloads>Converts points to pixels.</overloads>
  14310. <summary>
  14311. Converts points to pixels at 96 dpi.
  14312. </summary>
  14313. <param name="points">The value to convert.</param>
  14314. <remarks>
  14315. 1 inch equals 72 points.
  14316. </remarks>
  14317. </member>
  14318. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil.PointToPixel(System.Double,System.Double)">
  14319. <summary>
  14320. Converts points to pixels at the specified pixel resolution.
  14321. </summary>
  14322. <param name="points">The value to convert.</param>
  14323. <param name="resolution">The dpi (dots per inch) resolution.</param>
  14324. <remarks>
  14325. 1 inch equals 72 points.
  14326. </remarks>
  14327. </member>
  14328. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(System.Double)">
  14329. <overloads>Converts pixels to points.</overloads>
  14330. <summary>
  14331. Converts pixels to points at 96 dpi.
  14332. </summary>
  14333. <param name="pixels">The value to convert.</param>
  14334. <remarks>
  14335. 1 inch equals 72 points.
  14336. </remarks>
  14337. </member>
  14338. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil.PixelToPoint(System.Double,System.Double)">
  14339. <summary>
  14340. Converts pixels to points at the specified pixel resolution.
  14341. </summary>
  14342. <param name="pixels">The value to convert.</param>
  14343. <param name="resolution">The dpi (dots per inch) resolution.</param>
  14344. <remarks>
  14345. 1 inch equals 72 points.
  14346. </remarks>
  14347. </member>
  14348. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil.PixelToNewDpi(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
  14349. <summary>
  14350. Converts pixels from one resolution to another.
  14351. </summary>
  14352. <param name="pixels">The value to convert.</param>
  14353. <param name="oldDpi">The current dpi (dots per inch) resolution.</param>
  14354. <param name="newDpi">The new dpi (dots per inch) resolution.</param>
  14355. </member>
  14356. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil.InchToPoint(System.Double)">
  14357. <summary>
  14358. Converts inches to points.
  14359. </summary>
  14360. <param name="inches">The value to convert.</param>
  14361. <remarks>
  14362. 1 inch equals 72 points.
  14363. </remarks>
  14364. </member>
  14365. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil.PointToInch(System.Double)">
  14366. <summary>
  14367. Converts points to inches.
  14368. </summary>
  14369. <param name="points">The value to convert.</param>
  14370. <remarks>
  14371. 1 inch equals 72 points.
  14372. </remarks>
  14373. </member>
  14374. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.ConvertUtil.MillimeterToPoint(System.Double)">
  14375. <summary>
  14376. Converts millimeters to points.
  14377. </summary>
  14378. <param name="millimeters">The value to convert.</param>
  14379. <remarks>
  14380. 1 inch equals 25.4 millimeters. 1 inch equals 72 points.
  14381. </remarks>
  14382. </member>
  14383. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.NamespaceDoc">
  14384. <summary>
  14385. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words</b> namespace provides
  14386. classes for generating, converting, modifying, rendering and printing Microsoft Word documents
  14387. without utilizing Microsoft Word.</p>
  14388. <p>Aspose.Words is written completely in C#, CLS compliant and contains only safe managed code. Microsoft Word is not required in order to use Aspose.Words.</p>
  14389. <p>The classes in the <b>Aspose.Words</b> namespace
  14390. borrow best practices from two well-known frameworks: Microsoft Word Automation and System.Xml.
  14391. A document in Aspose.Words is represented by a tree of nodes, much like in XML DOM.
  14392. Where possible, class, method and property names match those found in Microsoft Word Automation. </p>
  14393. <p>The main classes in this namespace are:</p>
  14394. <list type="bullet">
  14395. <item>
  14396. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> is the main class of the object
  14397. model that represents a Microsoft Word document.</item>
  14398. <item>
  14399. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" /> provides an
  14400. easy way to insert content and formatting into a document.</item>
  14401. <item>
  14402. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Node" /> is the base class for all nodes
  14403. in the document.</item>
  14404. <item>
  14405. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode" /> is the base class
  14406. for all nodes of the document that can contain other nodes, for example
  14407. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />,
  14408. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" /> and
  14409. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" />.</item>
  14410. </list>
  14411. </summary>
  14412. </member>
  14413. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Shaping.NamespaceDoc">
  14414. <summary>
  14415. The <b>Aspose.Words.Shaping</b> namespace contains classes to provide
  14416. support for OpenType features using external text shaping engines.
  14417. </summary>
  14418. </member>
  14419. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentSecurity">
  14420. <summary>
  14421. Used as a value for the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Security" /> property.
  14422. Specifies the security level of a document as a numeric value.
  14423. </summary>
  14424. </member>
  14425. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentSecurity.None">
  14426. <summary>
  14427. There are no security states specified by the property.
  14428. </summary>
  14429. </member>
  14430. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentSecurity.PasswordProtected">
  14431. <summary>
  14432. The document is password protected. (Note has never been seen in a document so far).
  14433. </summary>
  14434. </member>
  14435. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentSecurity.ReadOnlyRecommended">
  14436. <summary>
  14437. The document to be opened read-only if possible, but the setting can be overridden.
  14438. </summary>
  14439. </member>
  14440. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentSecurity.ReadOnlyEnforced">
  14441. <summary>
  14442. The document to always be opened read-only.
  14443. </summary>
  14444. </member>
  14445. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentSecurity.ReadOnlyExceptAnnotations">
  14446. <summary>
  14447. The document to always be opened read-only except for annotations.
  14448. </summary>
  14449. </member>
  14450. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties">
  14451. <summary>
  14452. A collection of built-in document properties.
  14453. </summary>
  14454. <remarks>
  14455. <para>Provides access to <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> objects by their names (using an indexer) and
  14456. via a set of typed properties that return values of appropriate types.</para>
  14457. </remarks>
  14458. <remarks>
  14459. <p>The names of the properties are case-insensitive.</p>
  14460. <p>The properties in the collection are sorted alphabetically by name.</p>
  14461. </remarks>
  14462. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  14463. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties" />
  14464. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomDocumentProperties" />
  14465. </member>
  14466. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Item(System.String)">
  14467. <overloads>Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object.</overloads>
  14468. <summary>
  14469. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object by the name of the property.
  14470. </summary>
  14471. <remarks>
  14472. <para>The string names of the properties correspond to the names of the typed
  14473. properties available from <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties" />.</para>
  14474. <para>If you request a property that is not present in the document, but the name
  14475. of the property is recognized as a valid built-in name, a new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" />
  14476. is created, added to the collection and returned. The newly created property is assigned
  14477. a default value (empty string, zero, false or DateTime.MinValue depending on the type
  14478. of the built-in property).</para>
  14479. <para>If you request a property that is not present in the document and the name
  14480. is not recognized as a built-in name, a null is returned.</para>
  14481. </remarks>
  14482. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property to retrieve.</param>
  14483. </member>
  14484. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Author">
  14485. <summary>
  14486. Gets or sets the name of the document's author.
  14487. </summary>
  14488. </member>
  14489. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Bytes">
  14490. <summary>
  14491. Represents an estimate of the number of bytes in the document.
  14492. </summary>
  14493. <remarks>
  14494. <para>Microsoft Word does not always set this property.</para>
  14495. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14496. </remarks>
  14497. </member>
  14498. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Characters">
  14499. <summary>
  14500. Represents an estimate of the number of characters in the document.
  14501. </summary>
  14502. <remarks>
  14503. <para>Aspose.Words updates this property when you call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateWordCount" />.</para>
  14504. </remarks>
  14505. </member>
  14506. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.CharactersWithSpaces">
  14507. <summary>
  14508. Represents an estimate of the number of characters (including spaces) in the document.
  14509. </summary>
  14510. <remarks>
  14511. <para>Aspose.Words updates this property when you call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateWordCount" />.</para>
  14512. </remarks>
  14513. </member>
  14514. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Comments">
  14515. <summary>
  14516. Gets or sets the document comments.
  14517. </summary>
  14518. </member>
  14519. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Category">
  14520. <summary>
  14521. Gets or sets the category of the document.
  14522. </summary>
  14523. </member>
  14524. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Company">
  14525. <summary>
  14526. Gets or sets the company property.
  14527. </summary>
  14528. </member>
  14529. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.CreatedTime">
  14530. <summary>
  14531. Gets or sets date of the document creation in UTC.
  14532. </summary>
  14533. <remarks>
  14534. <para>For documents originated from RTF format this property returns local time of the author's machine at the moment of document creation.</para>
  14535. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14536. </remarks>
  14537. </member>
  14538. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.HyperlinkBase">
  14539. <summary>
  14540. Specifies the base string used for evaluating relative hyperlinks in this document.
  14541. </summary>
  14542. <remarks>
  14543. <para>Aspose.Words does not use this property.</para>
  14544. </remarks>
  14545. </member>
  14546. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Keywords">
  14547. <summary>
  14548. Gets or sets the document keywords.
  14549. </summary>
  14550. </member>
  14551. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.LastPrinted">
  14552. <summary>
  14553. Gets or sets the date when the document was last printed in UTC.
  14554. </summary>
  14555. <remarks>
  14556. <para>For documents originated from RTF format this property returns the local time of last print operation.</para>
  14557. <para>If the document was never printed, this property will return DateTime.MinValue.</para>
  14558. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14559. </remarks>
  14560. </member>
  14561. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.LastSavedBy">
  14562. <summary>
  14563. Gets or sets the name of the last author.
  14564. </summary>
  14565. <remarks>
  14566. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14567. </remarks>
  14568. </member>
  14569. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.LastSavedTime">
  14570. <summary>
  14571. Gets or sets the time of the last save in UTC.
  14572. </summary>
  14573. <remarks>
  14574. <para>For documents originated from RTF format this property returns the local time of last save operation.</para>
  14575. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14576. </remarks>
  14577. </member>
  14578. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Lines">
  14579. <summary>
  14580. Represents an estimate of the number of lines in the document.
  14581. </summary>
  14582. <remarks>
  14583. <para>Aspose.Words updates this property when you call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateWordCount(System.Boolean)" />.</para>
  14584. </remarks>
  14585. </member>
  14586. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.LinksUpToDate">
  14587. <summary>
  14588. Indicates whether hyperlinks in a document are up-to-date.
  14589. </summary>
  14590. <remarks>
  14591. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14592. </remarks>
  14593. </member>
  14594. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Manager">
  14595. <summary>
  14596. Gets or sets the manager property.
  14597. </summary>
  14598. </member>
  14599. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.NameOfApplication">
  14600. <summary>
  14601. Gets or sets the name of the application.
  14602. </summary>
  14603. </member>
  14604. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Pages">
  14605. <summary>
  14606. Represents an estimate of the number of pages in the document.
  14607. </summary>
  14608. <remarks>
  14609. <para>Aspose.Words updates this property when you call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" />.</para>
  14610. </remarks>
  14611. </member>
  14612. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Paragraphs">
  14613. <summary>
  14614. Represents an estimate of the number of paragraphs in the document.
  14615. </summary>
  14616. <remarks>
  14617. <para>Aspose.Words updates this property when you call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateWordCount" />.</para>
  14618. </remarks>
  14619. </member>
  14620. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.RevisionNumber">
  14621. <summary>
  14622. Gets or sets the document revision number.
  14623. </summary>
  14624. <remarks>
  14625. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14626. </remarks>
  14627. </member>
  14628. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Security">
  14629. <summary>
  14630. Specifies the security level of a document as a numeric value.
  14631. </summary>
  14632. <remarks>
  14633. <para>Use this property for informational purposes only because Microsoft Word does not always
  14634. set this property. This property is available in DOC and OOXML documents only.</para>
  14635. <para>To protect or unprotect a document use the
  14636. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Protect(Aspose.Words.ProtectionType,System.String)" /> and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Unprotect" /> methods.</para>
  14637. <para>Aspose.Words updates this property to a correct value before saving a document.</para>
  14638. </remarks>
  14639. </member>
  14640. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Subject">
  14641. <summary>
  14642. Gets or sets the subject of the document.
  14643. </summary>
  14644. </member>
  14645. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Template">
  14646. <summary>
  14647. Gets or sets the informational name of the document template.
  14648. </summary>
  14649. <remarks>
  14650. <para>In Microsoft Word, this property is for informational purposes only and
  14651. usually contains only the file name of the template without the path.</para>
  14652. <para>Empty string means the document is attached to the Normal template.</para>
  14653. <para>To get or set the actual name of the attached template, use the
  14654. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.AttachedTemplate" /> property.</para>
  14655. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.AttachedTemplate" />
  14656. </remarks>
  14657. </member>
  14658. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Thumbnail">
  14659. <summary>
  14660. <para>Gets or sets the thumbnail of the document.</para>
  14661. </summary>
  14662. <remarks>
  14663. <para>For now this property is used only when a document is being exported to ePub,
  14664. it's not read from and written to other document formats.</para>
  14665. <para>Image of arbitrary format can be set to this property, but the format is checked during export.
  14666. <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> is thrown if the image is invalid or its format is unsupported for
  14667. specific format of document.</para>
  14668. <para>Only gif, jpeg and png images can be used for ePub publication.</para>
  14669. </remarks>
  14670. </member>
  14671. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Title">
  14672. <summary>
  14673. Gets or sets the title of the document.
  14674. </summary>
  14675. </member>
  14676. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.TotalEditingTime">
  14677. <summary>
  14678. Gets or sets the total editing time in minutes.
  14679. </summary>
  14680. </member>
  14681. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.ContentType">
  14682. <summary>
  14683. Gets or sets the ContentStatus of the document.
  14684. </summary>
  14685. </member>
  14686. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.ContentStatus">
  14687. <summary>
  14688. Gets or sets the ContentStatus of the document.
  14689. </summary>
  14690. </member>
  14691. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Version">
  14692. <summary>
  14693. Represents the version number of the application that created the document.
  14694. </summary>
  14695. <remarks>
  14696. <para>When a document was created by Microsoft Word, then high 16 bit represent
  14697. the major version and low 16 bit represent the build number.</para>
  14698. </remarks>
  14699. </member>
  14700. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Words">
  14701. <summary>
  14702. Represents an estimate of the number of words in the document.
  14703. </summary>
  14704. <remarks>
  14705. <para>Aspose.Words updates this property when you call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateWordCount" />.</para>
  14706. </remarks>
  14707. </member>
  14708. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.HeadingPairs">
  14709. <summary>
  14710. Specifies document headings and their names.
  14711. </summary>
  14712. <remarks>
  14713. <para>Every heading pair occupies two elements in this array.</para>
  14714. <para>The first element of the pair is a <see cref="T:System.String" /> and specifies the heading name.
  14715. The second element of the pair is an <see cref="T:System.Int32" /> and specifies the count of document
  14716. parts for this heading in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.TitlesOfParts" /> property.</para>
  14717. <para>The total sum of counts for all heading pairs in this property must be equal to the
  14718. number of elements in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.TitlesOfParts" /> property.</para>
  14719. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14720. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.TitlesOfParts" />
  14721. </remarks>
  14722. </member>
  14723. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.TitlesOfParts">
  14724. <summary>
  14725. Each string in the array specifies the name of a part in the document.
  14726. </summary>
  14727. <remarks>
  14728. <para>Aspose.Words does not update this property.</para>
  14729. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.HeadingPairs" />
  14730. </remarks>
  14731. </member>
  14732. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties">
  14733. <summary>
  14734. A collection of custom document properties.
  14735. </summary>
  14736. <remarks>
  14737. <p>Each <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object represents a custom property of a container document.</p>
  14738. </remarks>
  14739. <remarks>
  14740. <p>The names of the properties are case-insensitive.</p>
  14741. <p>The properties in the collection are sorted alphabetically by name.</p>
  14742. </remarks>
  14743. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  14744. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties" />
  14745. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomDocumentProperties" />
  14746. </member>
  14747. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  14748. <overloads>Creates a new custom document property.</overloads>
  14749. <summary>
  14750. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.String</b> data type.
  14751. </summary>
  14752. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  14753. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  14754. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  14755. </member>
  14756. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties.Add(System.String,System.Int32)">
  14757. <summary>
  14758. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.Number</b> data type.
  14759. </summary>
  14760. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  14761. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  14762. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  14763. </member>
  14764. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties.Add(System.String,System.DateTime)">
  14765. <summary>
  14766. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.DateTime</b> data type.
  14767. </summary>
  14768. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  14769. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  14770. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  14771. </member>
  14772. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties.Add(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  14773. <summary>
  14774. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.Boolean</b> data type.
  14775. </summary>
  14776. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  14777. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  14778. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  14779. </member>
  14780. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties.Add(System.String,System.Double)">
  14781. <summary>
  14782. Creates a new custom document property of the <b>PropertyType.Float</b> data type.
  14783. </summary>
  14784. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  14785. <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
  14786. <returns>The newly created property object.</returns>
  14787. </member>
  14788. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties.AddLinkToContent(System.String,System.String)">
  14789. <summary>
  14790. Creates a new linked to content custom document property.
  14791. </summary>
  14792. <param name="name">The name of the property.</param>
  14793. <param name="linkSource">The source of the property.</param>
  14794. <returns>The newly created property object or null when the linkSource is invalid.</returns>
  14795. </member>
  14796. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty">
  14797. <summary>
  14798. Represents a custom or built-in document property.
  14799. </summary>
  14800. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection" />
  14801. </member>
  14802. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToString">
  14803. <summary>
  14804. Returns the property value as a string formatted according to the current locale.
  14805. </summary>
  14806. <remarks>
  14807. <p>Converts a boolean property into "Y" or "N".
  14808. Converts a date property into a short date string.
  14809. For all other types converts a property using Object.ToString().</p>
  14810. </remarks>
  14811. </member>
  14812. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToInt">
  14813. <summary>
  14814. Returns the property value as integer.
  14815. </summary>
  14816. <remarks>
  14817. Throws an exception if the property type is not <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.Number" />.
  14818. </remarks>
  14819. </member>
  14820. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToDouble">
  14821. <summary>
  14822. Returns the property value as double.
  14823. </summary>
  14824. <remarks>
  14825. Throws an exception if the property type is not <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.Number" />.
  14826. </remarks>
  14827. </member>
  14828. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToDateTime">
  14829. <summary>
  14830. Returns the property value as DateTime in UTC.
  14831. </summary>
  14832. <remarks>
  14833. <p>Throws an exception if the property type is not <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.DateTime" />.</p>
  14834. <p>Microsoft Word stores only the date part (no time) for custom date properties.</p>
  14835. </remarks>
  14836. </member>
  14837. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToBool">
  14838. <summary>
  14839. Returns the property value as bool.
  14840. </summary>
  14841. <remarks>
  14842. <p>Throws an exception if the property type is not <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.Boolean" />.</p>
  14843. </remarks>
  14844. </member>
  14845. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.ToByteArray">
  14846. <summary>
  14847. Returns the property value as byte array.
  14848. </summary>
  14849. <remarks>
  14850. <p>Throws an exception if the property type is not <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.ByteArray" />.</p>
  14851. </remarks>
  14852. </member>
  14853. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.Name">
  14854. <summary>
  14855. Returns the name of the property.
  14856. </summary>
  14857. <remarks>
  14858. <para>Cannot be null and cannot be an empty string.</para>
  14859. </remarks>
  14860. </member>
  14861. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.Value">
  14862. <summary>
  14863. Gets or sets the value of the property.
  14864. </summary>
  14865. <remarks>
  14866. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  14867. </remarks>
  14868. </member>
  14869. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.Type">
  14870. <summary>
  14871. Gets the data type of the property.
  14872. </summary>
  14873. </member>
  14874. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.LinkSource">
  14875. <summary>
  14876. Gets the source of a linked custom document property.
  14877. </summary>
  14878. </member>
  14879. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.IsLinkToContent">
  14880. <summary>
  14881. Shows whether this property is linked to content or not.
  14882. </summary>
  14883. </member>
  14884. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection">
  14885. <summary>
  14886. Base class for <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties" /> collections.
  14887. </summary>
  14888. <remarks>
  14889. <p>The names of the properties are case-insensitive.</p>
  14890. <p>The properties in the collection are sorted alphabetically by name.</p>
  14891. </remarks>
  14892. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties" />
  14893. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.CustomDocumentProperties" />
  14894. </member>
  14895. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.GetEnumerator">
  14896. <summary>
  14897. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  14898. </summary>
  14899. </member>
  14900. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  14901. <summary>
  14902. Returns true if a property with the specified name exists in the collection.
  14903. </summary>
  14904. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property.</param>
  14905. <returns>True if the property exists in the collection; false otherwise.</returns>
  14906. </member>
  14907. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.IndexOf(System.String)">
  14908. <summary>
  14909. Gets the index of a property by name.
  14910. </summary>
  14911. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property.</param>
  14912. <returns>The zero based index. Negative value if not found.</returns>
  14913. </member>
  14914. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  14915. <summary>
  14916. Removes a property with the specified name from the collection.
  14917. </summary>
  14918. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property.</param>
  14919. </member>
  14920. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  14921. <summary>
  14922. Removes a property at the specified index.
  14923. </summary>
  14924. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  14925. </member>
  14926. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Clear">
  14927. <summary>
  14928. Removes all properties from the collection.
  14929. </summary>
  14930. </member>
  14931. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Count">
  14932. <summary>
  14933. Gets number of items in the collection.
  14934. </summary>
  14935. </member>
  14936. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Item(System.String)">
  14937. <overloads>Provides access to the collection items.</overloads>
  14938. <summary>
  14939. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object by the name of the property.
  14940. </summary>
  14941. <remarks>
  14942. <p>Returns null if a property with the specified name is not found.</p>
  14943. </remarks>
  14944. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the property to retrieve.</param>
  14945. </member>
  14946. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentPropertyCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  14947. <summary>
  14948. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> object by index.
  14949. </summary>
  14950. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" /> to retrieve.</param>
  14951. </member>
  14952. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.NamespaceDoc">
  14953. <summary>
  14954. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Properties</b> namespace provides classes to work
  14955. with custom and built-in document properties such as title, keywords, company etc.</p>
  14956. </summary>
  14957. </member>
  14958. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType">
  14959. <summary>
  14960. Specifies data type of a document property.
  14961. </summary>
  14962. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty" />
  14963. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.DocumentProperty.Type" />
  14964. </member>
  14965. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.Boolean">
  14966. <summary>
  14967. The property is a boolean value.
  14968. </summary>
  14969. </member>
  14970. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.DateTime">
  14971. <summary>
  14972. The property is a date time value.
  14973. </summary>
  14974. </member>
  14975. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.Double">
  14976. <summary>
  14977. The property is a floating number.
  14978. </summary>
  14979. </member>
  14980. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.Number">
  14981. <summary>
  14982. The property is an integer number.
  14983. </summary>
  14984. </member>
  14985. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.String">
  14986. <summary>
  14987. The property is a string value.
  14988. </summary>
  14989. </member>
  14990. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.StringArray">
  14991. <summary>
  14992. The property is an array of strings.
  14993. </summary>
  14994. </member>
  14995. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.ObjectArray">
  14996. <summary>
  14997. The property is an array of objects.
  14998. </summary>
  14999. </member>
  15000. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.ByteArray">
  15001. <summary>
  15002. The property is an array of bytes.
  15003. </summary>
  15004. </member>
  15005. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Properties.PropertyType.Other">
  15006. <summary>
  15007. The property is some other type.
  15008. </summary>
  15009. </member>
  15010. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock">
  15011. <summary>
  15012. Represents a glossary document entry such as a Building Block, AutoText or an AutoCorrect entry.
  15013. </summary>
  15014. <remarks>
  15015. <p>
  15016. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> can contain only <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" /> nodes.</p>
  15017. <p>
  15018. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" />.</p>
  15019. <para>You can create new building blocks and insert them into a glossary document.
  15020. You can modify or delete existing building blocks. You can copy or move building blocks
  15021. between documents. You can insert content of a building block into a document.</para>
  15022. <para>Corresponds to the <b>docPart</b>, <b>docPartPr</b> and <b>docPartBody</b> elements in OOXML.</para>
  15023. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" />
  15024. </remarks>
  15025. </member>
  15026. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.#ctor(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument)">
  15027. <summary>
  15028. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  15029. </summary>
  15030. <remarks>
  15031. <p>When <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> is created, it belongs to the specified glossary document,
  15032. but is not yet part of the glossary document and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Node.ParentNode" /> is <c>null</c>.</p>
  15033. <p>To append <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> to a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" /> use
  15034. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.AppendChild(Aspose.Words.Node)" />.</p>
  15035. </remarks>
  15036. <param name="glossaryDoc">The owner document.</param>
  15037. </member>
  15038. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  15039. <summary>
  15040. Accepts a visitor.
  15041. </summary>
  15042. <remarks>
  15043. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  15044. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  15045. </remarks>
  15046. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  15047. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  15048. <remarks>
  15049. <para>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBuildingBlockStart(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock)" />, then calls
  15050. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" /> for all child nodes of this building block, then calls
  15051. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitBuildingBlockEnd(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock)" />.</para>
  15052. </remarks>
  15053. <remarks>
  15054. <para>
  15055. Note: A building block node and its children are not visited when you execute a
  15056. Visitor over a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />. If you want to execute a Visitor over a
  15057. building block, you need to execute the visitor over <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" /> or
  15058. call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" />.
  15059. </para>
  15060. </remarks>
  15061. </member>
  15062. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.NodeType">
  15063. <summary>
  15064. Returns the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.BuildingBlock" /> value.
  15065. </summary>
  15066. </member>
  15067. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Sections">
  15068. <summary>
  15069. Returns a collection that represents all sections in the building block.
  15070. </summary>
  15071. </member>
  15072. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.FirstSection">
  15073. <summary>
  15074. Gets the first section in the building block.
  15075. </summary>
  15076. <remarks>
  15077. Returns <c>null</c> if there are no sections.
  15078. </remarks>
  15079. </member>
  15080. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.LastSection">
  15081. <summary>
  15082. Gets the last section in the building block.
  15083. </summary>
  15084. <remarks>
  15085. Returns <c>null</c> if there are no sections.
  15086. </remarks>
  15087. </member>
  15088. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Name">
  15089. <summary>
  15090. Gets or sets the name of this building block.
  15091. </summary>
  15092. <remarks>
  15093. <para>The name may contain any string content, usually a friendly identifier.
  15094. Multiple building blocks can have the same name.</para>
  15095. <para>Cannot be <c>null</c> and cannot be an empty string.</para>
  15096. <para>Corresponds to the <b>docPartPr.name</b> element in OOXML.</para>
  15097. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Gallery" />
  15098. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Category" />
  15099. </remarks>
  15100. </member>
  15101. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Guid">
  15102. <summary>
  15103. Gets or sets an identifier (a 128-bit GUID) that uniquely identifies this building block.
  15104. </summary>
  15105. <remarks>
  15106. <para>Can be used by an application to uniquely reference a building block regardless of
  15107. different naming due to localization.</para>
  15108. <para>Corresponds to the <b>docPartPr.guid</b> element in OOXML.</para>
  15109. </remarks>
  15110. </member>
  15111. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Description">
  15112. <summary>
  15113. Gets or sets the description associated with this building block.
  15114. </summary>
  15115. <remarks>
  15116. <para>The description may contain any string content, usually additional information.</para>
  15117. <para>Cannot be <c>null</c>, but can be an empty string.</para>
  15118. <para>Corresponds to the <b>docPartPr.description</b> element in OOXML.</para>
  15119. </remarks>
  15120. </member>
  15121. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Gallery">
  15122. <summary>
  15123. Specifies the first-level categorization for the building block for the purposes of
  15124. classification or user interface sorting.
  15125. </summary>
  15126. <remarks>
  15127. <para>Building blocks in Microsoft Word user interface are arranged
  15128. into Galleries. Each <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Gallery" /> can have multiple Categories. Each block within
  15129. a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Category" /> has a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Name" />.</para>
  15130. <para>Corresponds to the <b>docPartPr.category.gallery</b> element in OOXML.</para>
  15131. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Category" />
  15132. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Name" />
  15133. </remarks>
  15134. </member>
  15135. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Category">
  15136. <summary>
  15137. Specifies the second-level categorization for the building block.
  15138. </summary>
  15139. <remarks>
  15140. <para>Building blocks in Microsoft Word user interface are arranged
  15141. into Galleries. Each <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Gallery" /> can have multiple Categories. Each block within
  15142. a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Category" /> has a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Name" />.</para>
  15143. <para>Cannot be <c>null</c> and cannot be an empty string.</para>
  15144. <para>Corresponds to the <b>docPartPr.category.name</b> element in OOXML.</para>
  15145. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Gallery" />
  15146. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Name" />
  15147. </remarks>
  15148. </member>
  15149. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Behavior">
  15150. <summary>
  15151. Specifies the behavior that shall be applied when the contents of the building block
  15152. is inserted into the main document.
  15153. </summary>
  15154. </member>
  15155. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Type">
  15156. <summary>
  15157. Specifies the building block type.
  15158. </summary>
  15159. <remarks>
  15160. <para>The building block type can influence the visibility and behavior of the
  15161. building block in Microsoft Word.</para>
  15162. <para>Corresponds to the <b>docPartPr.types</b> element in OOXML.</para>
  15163. </remarks>
  15164. </member>
  15165. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockBehavior">
  15166. <summary>
  15167. Specifies the behavior that shall be applied to the contents of the building block
  15168. when it is inserted into the main document.
  15169. </summary>
  15170. <remarks>
  15171. <para>Corresponds to the <b>ST_DocPartBehavior</b> type in OOXML.</para>
  15172. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Behavior" />
  15173. </remarks>
  15174. </member>
  15175. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockBehavior.Content">
  15176. <summary>
  15177. Specifies that the building block shall be inserted as inline content.
  15178. </summary>
  15179. </member>
  15180. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockBehavior.Paragraph">
  15181. <summary>
  15182. Specifies that the building block shall be inserted into its own paragraph.
  15183. </summary>
  15184. </member>
  15185. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockBehavior.Page">
  15186. <summary>
  15187. Specifies that the building block shall be added into its own page.
  15188. </summary>
  15189. </member>
  15190. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockBehavior.Default">
  15191. <summary>
  15192. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockBehavior.Content" />.
  15193. </summary>
  15194. </member>
  15195. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockCollection">
  15196. <summary>
  15197. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> objects in the document.
  15198. </summary>
  15199. <remarks>
  15200. <para>You do not create instances of this class directly. To access a collection
  15201. of building blocks use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.BuildingBlocks" /> property.</para>
  15202. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" />
  15203. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.BuildingBlocks" />
  15204. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" />
  15205. </remarks>
  15206. </member>
  15207. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockCollection.ToArray">
  15208. <summary>
  15209. Copies all building blocks from the collection to a new array of building blocks.
  15210. </summary>
  15211. <returns>An array of building blocks.</returns>
  15212. </member>
  15213. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  15214. <summary>
  15215. Retrieves a building block at the given index.
  15216. </summary>
  15217. <remarks>
  15218. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  15219. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  15220. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  15221. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  15222. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  15223. </remarks>
  15224. <param name="index">An index into the list of building blocks.</param>
  15225. </member>
  15226. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery">
  15227. <summary>
  15228. Specifies the predefined gallery into which a building block is classified.
  15229. </summary>
  15230. <remarks>
  15231. <para>Corresponds to the <b>ST_DocPartGallery</b> type in OOXML.</para>
  15232. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Gallery" />
  15233. </remarks>
  15234. </member>
  15235. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.All">
  15236. <summary>
  15237. Specifies that this glossary document entry shall be associated with all possible gallery classification values.
  15238. </summary>
  15239. </member>
  15240. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.AutoText">
  15241. <summary>
  15242. </summary>
  15243. </member>
  15244. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Bibliography">
  15245. <summary>
  15246. </summary>
  15247. </member>
  15248. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CoverPage">
  15249. <summary>
  15250. </summary>
  15251. </member>
  15252. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomAutoText">
  15253. <summary>
  15254. </summary>
  15255. </member>
  15256. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomBibliography">
  15257. <summary>
  15258. </summary>
  15259. </member>
  15260. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomCoverPage">
  15261. <summary>
  15262. </summary>
  15263. </member>
  15264. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomEquations">
  15265. <summary>
  15266. </summary>
  15267. </member>
  15268. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomFooters">
  15269. <summary>
  15270. </summary>
  15271. </member>
  15272. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomHeaders">
  15273. <summary>
  15274. </summary>
  15275. </member>
  15276. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Custom1">
  15277. <summary>
  15278. </summary>
  15279. </member>
  15280. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Custom2">
  15281. <summary>
  15282. </summary>
  15283. </member>
  15284. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Custom3">
  15285. <summary>
  15286. </summary>
  15287. </member>
  15288. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Custom4">
  15289. <summary>
  15290. </summary>
  15291. </member>
  15292. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Custom5">
  15293. <summary>
  15294. </summary>
  15295. </member>
  15296. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomPageNumber">
  15297. <summary>
  15298. </summary>
  15299. </member>
  15300. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomPageNumberAtBottom">
  15301. <summary>
  15302. </summary>
  15303. </member>
  15304. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomPageNumberAtMargin">
  15305. <summary>
  15306. </summary>
  15307. </member>
  15308. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomPageNumberAtTop">
  15309. <summary>
  15310. </summary>
  15311. </member>
  15312. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomQuickParts">
  15313. <summary>
  15314. </summary>
  15315. </member>
  15316. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomTableOfContents">
  15317. <summary>
  15318. </summary>
  15319. </member>
  15320. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomTables">
  15321. <summary>
  15322. </summary>
  15323. </member>
  15324. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomTextBox">
  15325. <summary>
  15326. </summary>
  15327. </member>
  15328. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.CustomWatermarks">
  15329. <summary>
  15330. </summary>
  15331. </member>
  15332. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.NoGallery">
  15333. <summary>
  15334. </summary>
  15335. </member>
  15336. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.QuickParts">
  15337. <summary>
  15338. </summary>
  15339. </member>
  15340. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Equations">
  15341. <summary>
  15342. </summary>
  15343. </member>
  15344. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Footers">
  15345. <summary>
  15346. </summary>
  15347. </member>
  15348. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Headers">
  15349. <summary>
  15350. </summary>
  15351. </member>
  15352. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.PageNumber">
  15353. <summary>
  15354. </summary>
  15355. </member>
  15356. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.PageNumberAtBottom">
  15357. <summary>
  15358. </summary>
  15359. </member>
  15360. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.PageNumberAtMargin">
  15361. <summary>
  15362. </summary>
  15363. </member>
  15364. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.PageNumberAtTop">
  15365. <summary>
  15366. </summary>
  15367. </member>
  15368. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.StructuredDocumentTagPlaceholderText">
  15369. <summary>
  15370. </summary>
  15371. </member>
  15372. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.TableOfContents">
  15373. <summary>
  15374. </summary>
  15375. </member>
  15376. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Tables">
  15377. <summary>
  15378. </summary>
  15379. </member>
  15380. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.TextBox">
  15381. <summary>
  15382. </summary>
  15383. </member>
  15384. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Watermarks">
  15385. <summary>
  15386. </summary>
  15387. </member>
  15388. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.Default">
  15389. <summary>
  15390. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery.All" />.
  15391. </summary>
  15392. </member>
  15393. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType">
  15394. <summary>
  15395. Specifies a building block type. The type might affect the visibility and behavior of the building block
  15396. in Microsoft Word.
  15397. </summary>
  15398. <remarks>
  15399. <para>Corresponds to the <b>ST_DocPartType</b> type in OOXML.</para>
  15400. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Type" />
  15401. </remarks>
  15402. </member>
  15403. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.None">
  15404. <summary>
  15405. No type information is specified for the building block.
  15406. </summary>
  15407. </member>
  15408. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.AutomaticallyReplaceNameWithContent">
  15409. <summary>
  15410. Allows the building block to be automatically inserted into the document whenever
  15411. its name is entered into an application.
  15412. </summary>
  15413. </member>
  15414. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.StructuredDocumentTagPlaceholderText">
  15415. <summary>
  15416. The building block is a structured document tag placeholder text.
  15417. </summary>
  15418. </member>
  15419. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.FormFieldHelpText">
  15420. <summary>
  15421. The building block is a form field help text.
  15422. </summary>
  15423. </member>
  15424. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.Normal">
  15425. <summary>
  15426. The building block is a normal (i.e. regular) glossary document entry.
  15427. </summary>
  15428. </member>
  15429. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.AutoCorrect">
  15430. <summary>
  15431. The building block is associated with the spelling and grammar tools.
  15432. </summary>
  15433. </member>
  15434. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.AutoText">
  15435. <summary>
  15436. The building block is an AutoText entry.
  15437. </summary>
  15438. </member>
  15439. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.All">
  15440. <summary>
  15441. The building block is associated with all types.
  15442. </summary>
  15443. </member>
  15444. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.Default">
  15445. <summary>
  15446. Save as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockType.None" />.
  15447. </summary>
  15448. </member>
  15449. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument">
  15450. <summary>
  15451. Represents the root element for a glossary document within a Word document.
  15452. A glossary document is a storage for AutoText, AutoCorrect entries and Building Blocks.
  15453. </summary>
  15454. <remarks>
  15455. <para>Some documents, usually templates, can contain AutoText, AutoCorrect entries
  15456. and/or Building Blocks (also known as <i>glossary document entries</i>, <i>document parts</i>
  15457. or <i>building blocks</i>).</para>
  15458. <para>To access building blocks, you need to load a document into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  15459. object. Building blocks will be available via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.GlossaryDocument" /> property.</para>
  15460. <para>
  15461. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument" /> can contain any number of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> objects.
  15462. Each <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> represents one document part.</para>
  15463. <para>Corresponds to the <b>glossaryDocument</b> and <b>docParts</b> elements in OOXML.</para>
  15464. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  15465. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.GlossaryDocument" />
  15466. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" />
  15467. </remarks>
  15468. </member>
  15469. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  15470. <summary>
  15471. Accepts a visitor.
  15472. </summary>
  15473. <remarks>
  15474. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  15475. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  15476. </remarks>
  15477. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  15478. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  15479. <remarks>
  15480. <para>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitGlossaryDocumentStart(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument)" />, then calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" />
  15481. for all child nodes of this node and then calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitGlossaryDocumentEnd(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument)" />
  15482. at the end.</para>
  15483. </remarks>
  15484. <remarks>
  15485. <para>
  15486. Note: A glossary document node and its children are not visited when you execute a
  15487. Visitor over a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />. If you want to execute a Visitor over a
  15488. glossary document, you need to call <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" />.
  15489. </para>
  15490. </remarks>
  15491. </member>
  15492. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.GetBuildingBlock(Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery,System.String,System.String)">
  15493. <summary>
  15494. Finds a building block using the specified gallery, category and name.
  15495. </summary>
  15496. <remarks>
  15497. <para>This is a convenience method that iterates over all building blocks
  15498. in this collection and returns the first building block that matches
  15499. the specified gallery, category and name.</para>
  15500. <para>Microsoft Word organizes building blocks into galleries. The galleries
  15501. are predefined using the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlockGallery" /> enum.
  15502. Within each gallery, building blocks can be organized into one or more categories.
  15503. The category name is a string. Each building block has a name. A building block
  15504. name is not guaranteed to be unique.</para>
  15505. </remarks>
  15506. <param name="gallery">The gallery criteria.</param>
  15507. <param name="category">The category criteria. Can be null, in which case it will not be used for comparison.</param>
  15508. <param name="name">The building block name criteria.</param>
  15509. <returns>The matching building block or null if a match was not found.</returns>
  15510. </member>
  15511. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.NodeType">
  15512. <summary>
  15513. Returns the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.GlossaryDocument" /> value.
  15514. </summary>
  15515. </member>
  15516. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.BuildingBlocks">
  15517. <summary>
  15518. Returns a typed collection that represents all building blocks in the glossary document.
  15519. </summary>
  15520. </member>
  15521. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.FirstBuildingBlock">
  15522. <summary>
  15523. Gets the first building block in the glossary document.
  15524. </summary>
  15525. <remarks>
  15526. Returns <c>null</c> if there are no building blocks available.
  15527. </remarks>
  15528. </member>
  15529. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.GlossaryDocument.LastBuildingBlock">
  15530. <summary>
  15531. Gets the last building block in the glossary document.
  15532. </summary>
  15533. <remarks>
  15534. Returns <c>null</c> if there are no building blocks available.
  15535. </remarks>
  15536. </member>
  15537. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.NamespaceDoc">
  15538. <summary>
  15539. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks</b> namespace provides classes that allow to access
  15540. and use AutoText, AutoCorrect entries and Building Blocks in a document.</p>
  15541. </summary>
  15542. </member>
  15543. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Loading.IResourceLoadingCallback">
  15544. <summary>
  15545. Implement this interface if you want to control how Aspose.Words loads external resource when
  15546. importing a document and inserting images using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder" />.
  15547. </summary>
  15548. </member>
  15549. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Loading.IResourceLoadingCallback.ResourceLoading(Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs)">
  15550. <summary>
  15551. Called when Aspose.Words loads any external resource.
  15552. </summary>
  15553. </member>
  15554. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Loading.NamespaceDoc">
  15555. <summary>
  15556. <para>The <b>Aspose.Words.Loading</b> namespace provides classes and enumerations that
  15557. allow to specify additional options when loading documents.</para>
  15558. </summary>
  15559. </member>
  15560. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingAction">
  15561. <summary>
  15562. Specifies the mode of resource loading.
  15563. </summary>
  15564. </member>
  15565. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingAction.Default">
  15566. <summary>
  15567. Aspose.Words will load this resource as usual.
  15568. </summary>
  15569. </member>
  15570. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingAction.Skip">
  15571. <summary>
  15572. Aspose.Words will skip loading of this resource.
  15573. Only link without data will be stored for an image, CSS style sheet will be ignored for HTML format.
  15574. </summary>
  15575. </member>
  15576. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingAction.UserProvided">
  15577. <summary>
  15578. Aspose.Words will use byte array provided by user in <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs.SetData(System.Byte[])" /> as resource data.
  15579. </summary>
  15580. </member>
  15581. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs">
  15582. <summary>
  15583. Provides data for the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Loading.IResourceLoadingCallback.ResourceLoading(Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs)" /> method.
  15584. </summary>
  15585. </member>
  15586. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs.SetData(System.Byte[])">
  15587. <summary>
  15588. Sets user provided data of the resource which is used
  15589. if <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Loading.IResourceLoadingCallback.ResourceLoading(Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs)" />
  15590. returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingAction.UserProvided" />.
  15591. </summary>
  15592. </member>
  15593. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs.ResourceType">
  15594. <summary>
  15595. Type of resource.
  15596. </summary>
  15597. </member>
  15598. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs.Uri">
  15599. <summary>
  15600. <para>URI of the resource which is used for downloading
  15601. if <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Loading.IResourceLoadingCallback.ResourceLoading(Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs)" />
  15602. returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingAction.Default" />.</para>
  15603. <para>Initially it's set to absolute URI of the resource,
  15604. but user can redefine it to any value.</para>
  15605. </summary>
  15606. </member>
  15607. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceLoadingArgs.OriginalUri">
  15608. <summary>
  15609. Original URI of the resource as specified in imported document.
  15610. </summary>
  15611. </member>
  15612. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceType">
  15613. <summary>
  15614. Type of loaded resource.
  15615. </summary>
  15616. </member>
  15617. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceType.Image">
  15618. <summary>
  15619. Image.
  15620. </summary>
  15621. </member>
  15622. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceType.CssStyleSheet">
  15623. <summary>
  15624. Css style sheet.
  15625. </summary>
  15626. </member>
  15627. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Loading.ResourceType.Document">
  15628. <summary>
  15629. Document.
  15630. </summary>
  15631. </member>
  15632. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.HyphenationOptions">
  15633. <summary>
  15634. Allows to configure document hyphenation options.
  15635. </summary>
  15636. </member>
  15637. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.HyphenationOptions.AutoHyphenation">
  15638. <summary>
  15639. Gets or sets value determining whether automatic hyphenation is turned on for the document.
  15640. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.
  15641. </summary>
  15642. </member>
  15643. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.HyphenationOptions.ConsecutiveHyphenLimit">
  15644. <summary>
  15645. Gets or sets the maximum number of consecutive lines that can end with hyphens.
  15646. Default value for this property is 0.
  15647. </summary>
  15648. <remarks>
  15649. <p>If value of this property is set to 0, any number of consecutive lines can end with hyphens.</p>
  15650. <p>The property does not have effect when saving to fixed page formats e.g. PDF.</p>
  15651. </remarks>
  15652. </member>
  15653. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.HyphenationOptions.HyphenationZone">
  15654. <summary>
  15655. Gets or sets the distance in 1/20 of a point from the right margin within which you do not want
  15656. to hyphenate words.
  15657. Default value for this property is 360 (0.25 inch).
  15658. </summary>
  15659. <dev>
  15660. MS Word does not hyphenate words starting inside the hyphenation zone.
  15661. A smaller zone reduces the raggedness of the right margin, but more words may require hyphens.
  15662. A larger zone increases the raggedness of the right margin, but fewer words may require hyphens.
  15663. </dev>
  15664. </member>
  15665. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.HyphenationOptions.HyphenateCaps">
  15666. <summary>
  15667. Gets or sets value determining whether words written in all capital letters are hyphenated.
  15668. Default value for this property is <b>true</b>.
  15669. </summary>
  15670. </member>
  15671. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.Compatibility">
  15672. <summary>
  15673. Specifies names of compatibility options.
  15674. </summary>
  15675. </member>
  15676. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion">
  15677. <summary>
  15678. Allows Aspose.Wods to mimic MS Word version-specific application behavior.
  15679. </summary>
  15680. </member>
  15681. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2000">
  15682. <summary>
  15683. Optimize Aspose.Words behavior to match MS Word 2000 version.
  15684. </summary>
  15685. </member>
  15686. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2002">
  15687. <summary>
  15688. Optimize Aspose.Words behavior to match MS Word 2002 version.
  15689. </summary>
  15690. </member>
  15691. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2003">
  15692. <summary>
  15693. Optimize Aspose.Words behavior to match MS Word 2003 version.
  15694. </summary>
  15695. </member>
  15696. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2007">
  15697. <summary>
  15698. Optimize Aspose.Words behavior to match MS Word 2007 version.
  15699. </summary>
  15700. </member>
  15701. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2010">
  15702. <summary>
  15703. Optimize Aspose.Words behavior to match MS Word 2010 version.
  15704. </summary>
  15705. </member>
  15706. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2013">
  15707. <summary>
  15708. Optimize Aspose.Words behavior to match MS Word 2013 version.
  15709. </summary>
  15710. </member>
  15711. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2016">
  15712. <summary>
  15713. Optimize Aspose.Words behavior to match MS Word 2016 version.
  15714. </summary>
  15715. </member>
  15716. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2019">
  15717. <summary>
  15718. Optimize Aspose.Words behavior to match MS Word 2019 version.
  15719. </summary>
  15720. </member>
  15721. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.MultiplePagesType">
  15722. <summary>
  15723. Specifies how document is printed out.
  15724. </summary>
  15725. </member>
  15726. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MultiplePagesType.Normal">
  15727. <summary>
  15728. Normal printing, no multiple pages specified.
  15729. </summary>
  15730. </member>
  15731. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MultiplePagesType.MirrorMargins">
  15732. <summary>
  15733. Swaps left and right margins on facing pages.
  15734. </summary>
  15735. </member>
  15736. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MultiplePagesType.TwoPagesPerSheet">
  15737. <summary>
  15738. Prints two pages per sheet.
  15739. </summary>
  15740. </member>
  15741. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MultiplePagesType.BookFoldPrinting">
  15742. <summary>
  15743. Specifies whether to print the document as a book fold.
  15744. </summary>
  15745. </member>
  15746. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MultiplePagesType.BookFoldPrintingReverse">
  15747. <summary>
  15748. Specifies whether to print the document as a reverse book fold.
  15749. </summary>
  15750. </member>
  15751. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MultiplePagesType.Default">
  15752. <summary>
  15753. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MultiplePagesType.Normal" /></summary>
  15754. </member>
  15755. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeCheckErrors">
  15756. <summary>
  15757. Specifies how Microsoft Word will report errors detected during mail merge.
  15758. </summary>
  15759. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.CheckErrors" />
  15760. </member>
  15761. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeCheckErrors.Simulate">
  15762. <summary>
  15763. Simulate the merge and report errors in a new document.
  15764. </summary>
  15765. </member>
  15766. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeCheckErrors.PauseOnError">
  15767. <summary>
  15768. Complete the merge and pause to report errors.
  15769. </summary>
  15770. </member>
  15771. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeCheckErrors.CollectErrors">
  15772. <summary>
  15773. Complete the merge and report errors in a new document.
  15774. </summary>
  15775. </member>
  15776. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeCheckErrors.Default">
  15777. <summary>
  15778. Equals to the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeCheckErrors.PauseOnError" /> value.
  15779. </summary>
  15780. </member>
  15781. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.NamespaceDoc">
  15782. <summary>
  15783. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Settings</b> namespace contains classes and enums
  15784. that are used when specifying various settings and options stored in a document.
  15785. These are mail merge, write protection, compatibility and other settings.</p>
  15786. </summary>
  15787. </member>
  15788. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType">
  15789. <summary>
  15790. Specifies the type of the external data source to be connected to as part of the ODSO connection information.
  15791. </summary>
  15792. <remarks>
  15793. <para>The OOXML specification is very vague for this enum. I guess it might correspond to the WdMergeSubType
  15794. enumeration http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb237801.aspx.</para>
  15795. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.DataSourceType" />
  15796. </remarks>
  15797. <dev>Do not renumber these.</dev>
  15798. </member>
  15799. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Text">
  15800. <summary>
  15801. Specifies that a given document has been connected to a text file.
  15802. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeOther.
  15803. </summary>
  15804. </member>
  15805. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Database">
  15806. <summary>
  15807. Specifies that a given document has been connected to a database.
  15808. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeAccess.
  15809. </summary>
  15810. </member>
  15811. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.AddressBook">
  15812. <summary>
  15813. Specifies that a given document has been connected to an address book of contacts.
  15814. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeOAL.
  15815. </summary>
  15816. </member>
  15817. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Document1">
  15818. <summary>
  15819. Specifies that a given document has been connected to another document format supported by the producing application.
  15820. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeOLEDBWord.
  15821. </summary>
  15822. </member>
  15823. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Document2">
  15824. <summary>
  15825. Specifies that a given document has been connected to another document format supported by the producing application.
  15826. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeWorks.
  15827. </summary>
  15828. </member>
  15829. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Native">
  15830. <summary>
  15831. Specifies that a given document has been connected to another document format native to the producing application.
  15832. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeOLEDBText
  15833. </summary>
  15834. </member>
  15835. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Email">
  15836. <summary>
  15837. Specifies that a given document has been connected to an e-mail application.
  15838. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeOutlook.
  15839. </summary>
  15840. </member>
  15841. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.None">
  15842. <summary>
  15843. The type of the external data source is not specified.
  15844. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeWord.
  15845. </summary>
  15846. </member>
  15847. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Legacy">
  15848. <summary>
  15849. Specifies that a given document has been connected to a legacy document format supported by the producing application
  15850. Possibly wdMergeSubTypeWord2000.
  15851. </summary>
  15852. </member>
  15853. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Master">
  15854. <summary>
  15855. Specifies that a given document has been connected to a data source which aggregates other data sources.
  15856. </summary>
  15857. </member>
  15858. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Default">
  15859. <summary>
  15860. Equals to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.None" />.
  15861. </summary>
  15862. </member>
  15863. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData">
  15864. <summary>
  15865. Specifies how a column in the external data source shall be mapped to the predefined merge fields within the document.
  15866. </summary>
  15867. <remarks>
  15868. <para>Microsoft Word provides some predefined merge field names that it allows to insert into a document as MERGEFIELD or
  15869. use in the ADDRESSBLOCK or GREETINGLINE fields. The information specified in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData" />
  15870. allows to map one column in the external data source to a single predefined merge field.</para>
  15871. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapDataCollection" />
  15872. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso" />
  15873. </remarks>
  15874. </member>
  15875. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData.Clone">
  15876. <summary>
  15877. Returns a deep clone of this object.
  15878. </summary>
  15879. </member>
  15880. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData.Column">
  15881. <summary>
  15882. Specifies the zero-based index of the column within an external data source which shall be
  15883. mapped to the local name of a specific MERGEFIELD field.
  15884. The default value is 0.
  15885. </summary>
  15886. </member>
  15887. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData.MappedName">
  15888. <summary>
  15889. Specifies the predefined merge field name which shall be mapped to the column number
  15890. specified by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData.Column" /> property within this field mapping.
  15891. The default value is an empty string.
  15892. </summary>
  15893. </member>
  15894. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData.Name">
  15895. <summary>
  15896. Specifies the column name within an external data source for the column whose
  15897. index is specified by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData.Column" /> property.
  15898. The default value is an empty string.
  15899. </summary>
  15900. </member>
  15901. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData.Type">
  15902. <summary>
  15903. Specifies if a given mail merge field has been mapped to a column in the given external data source or not.
  15904. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMappingType.Default" />.
  15905. </summary>
  15906. </member>
  15907. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapDataCollection">
  15908. <summary>
  15909. A typed collection of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData" /> objects.
  15910. </summary>
  15911. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData" />
  15912. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.FieldMapDatas" />
  15913. </member>
  15914. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapDataCollection.GetEnumerator">
  15915. <summary>
  15916. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  15917. </summary>
  15918. </member>
  15919. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapDataCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData)">
  15920. <summary>
  15921. Adds an object to the end of this collection.
  15922. </summary>
  15923. <param name="value">The object to add. Cannot be null.</param>
  15924. </member>
  15925. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapDataCollection.Clear">
  15926. <summary>
  15927. Removes all elements from this collection.
  15928. </summary>
  15929. </member>
  15930. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapDataCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  15931. <summary>
  15932. Removes the element at the specified index.
  15933. </summary>
  15934. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element.</param>
  15935. </member>
  15936. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapDataCollection.Count">
  15937. <summary>
  15938. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  15939. </summary>
  15940. </member>
  15941. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapDataCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  15942. <summary>
  15943. Gets or sets an item in this collection.
  15944. </summary>
  15945. </member>
  15946. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMappingType">
  15947. <summary>
  15948. Specifies the possible types used to indicate if a given mail merge field has been mapped to a column in the given external data source.
  15949. </summary>
  15950. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMapData.Type" />
  15951. </member>
  15952. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMappingType.Column">
  15953. <summary>
  15954. Specifies that the mail merge field has been mapped to a column in the given external data source.
  15955. </summary>
  15956. </member>
  15957. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMappingType.Null">
  15958. <summary>
  15959. Specifies that the mail merge field has not been mapped to a column in the given external data source.
  15960. </summary>
  15961. </member>
  15962. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMappingType.Default">
  15963. <summary>
  15964. Equals to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoFieldMappingType.Null" />.
  15965. </summary>
  15966. </member>
  15967. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso">
  15968. <summary>
  15969. Specifies the Office Data Source Object (ODSO) settings for a mail merge data source.
  15970. </summary>
  15971. <remarks>
  15972. <para>ODSO seems to be the "new" way the newer Microsoft Word versions prefer to use when specifying certain
  15973. types of data sources for a mail merge document. ODSO probably first appeared in Microsoft Word 2000.</para>
  15974. <para>The use of ODSO is poorly documented and the best way to learn how to use the properies of this object
  15975. is to create a document with a desired data source manually in Microsoft Word and then open that document using
  15976. Aspose.Words and examine the properties of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMergeSettings" /> and
  15977. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Odso" /> objects. This is a good approach to take if you want to learn how to
  15978. programmatically configure a data source, for example.</para>
  15979. <para>You do not normally need to create objects of this class directly because ODSO settings
  15980. are always available via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Odso" /> property.</para>
  15981. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Odso" />
  15982. </remarks>
  15983. </member>
  15984. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.Clone">
  15985. <summary>
  15986. Returns a deep clone of this object.
  15987. </summary>
  15988. </member>
  15989. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.ColumnDelimiter">
  15990. <summary>
  15991. Specifies the character which shall be interpreted as the column delimiter used to separate columns within external data sources.
  15992. The default value is 0 which means there is no column delimiter defined.
  15993. </summary>
  15994. <remarks>
  15995. <para>RK I have never seen this in use.</para>
  15996. </remarks>
  15997. </member>
  15998. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.FirstRowContainsColumnNames">
  15999. <summary>
  16000. Specifies that a hosting application shall treat the first row of data in the specified external data
  16001. source as a header row containing the names of each column in the data source.
  16002. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  16003. </summary>
  16004. <remarks>
  16005. <para>RK I have never seen this in use.</para>
  16006. </remarks>
  16007. </member>
  16008. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.DataSource">
  16009. <summary>
  16010. Specifies the location of the external data source to be connected to a document to perform the mail merge.
  16011. The default value is an empty string.
  16012. </summary>
  16013. </member>
  16014. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.TableName">
  16015. <summary>
  16016. Specifies the particular set of data that a source shall be connected to within an external data source.
  16017. The default value is an empty string.
  16018. </summary>
  16019. </member>
  16020. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.DataSourceType">
  16021. <summary>
  16022. Specifies the type of the external data source to be connected to as part of the ODSO connection information for this mail merge.
  16023. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoDataSourceType.Default" />.
  16024. </summary>
  16025. <remarks>
  16026. <para>This setting is purely a suggestion of the data source type that is being used for this mail merge.</para>
  16027. </remarks>
  16028. </member>
  16029. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.UdlConnectString">
  16030. <summary>
  16031. Specifies the Universal Data Link (UDL) connection string used to connect to an external data source.
  16032. The default value is an empty string.
  16033. </summary>
  16034. </member>
  16035. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.FieldMapDatas">
  16036. <summary>
  16037. Gets or sets a collection of objects that specify how columns from the external data source
  16038. are mapped to the predefined merge field names in the document.
  16039. This object is never null.
  16040. </summary>
  16041. </member>
  16042. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.RecipientDatas">
  16043. <summary>
  16044. Gets or sets a collection of objects that specify inclusion/exclusion of individual records in the mail merge.
  16045. This object is never null.
  16046. </summary>
  16047. </member>
  16048. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData">
  16049. <summary>
  16050. Represents information about a single record within an external data source that is to be excluded from the mail merge.
  16051. </summary>
  16052. <remarks>
  16053. <para>If a record shall be merged into a merged document, then no information is needed about that record.
  16054. However, if a given record shall not be merged into a merged document, then the value of the unique key
  16055. for that record shall be stored in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData.UniqueTag" /> property of this object to indicate this exclusion.</para>
  16056. </remarks>
  16057. </member>
  16058. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData.Clone">
  16059. <summary>
  16060. Returns a deep clone of this object.
  16061. </summary>
  16062. </member>
  16063. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData.Active">
  16064. <summary>
  16065. Specifies whether the record from the data source shall be imported into a document when the mail merge is performed.
  16066. The default value is <c>true</c>.
  16067. </summary>
  16068. </member>
  16069. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData.Column">
  16070. <summary>
  16071. Specifies the column within the data source that contains unique data for the current record.
  16072. The default value is 0.
  16073. </summary>
  16074. </member>
  16075. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData.UniqueTag">
  16076. <summary>
  16077. Specifies the contents of a given record in the column containing unique data.
  16078. The default value is <c>null</c>.
  16079. </summary>
  16080. </member>
  16081. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData.Hash">
  16082. <summary>
  16083. Represents the hash code for this record.
  16084. Sometimes Microsoft Word uses <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData.Hash" /> of a whole record instead of a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData.UniqueTag" /> value.
  16085. The default value is 0.
  16086. </summary>
  16087. </member>
  16088. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientDataCollection">
  16089. <summary>
  16090. A typed collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData" /></summary>
  16091. <remarks>
  16092. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData" />
  16093. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.Odso.RecipientDatas" />
  16094. </remarks>
  16095. </member>
  16096. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientDataCollection.GetEnumerator">
  16097. <summary>
  16098. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  16099. </summary>
  16100. </member>
  16101. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientDataCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientData)">
  16102. <summary>
  16103. Adds an object to the end of this collection.
  16104. </summary>
  16105. <param name="value">The object to add. Cannot be null.</param>
  16106. </member>
  16107. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientDataCollection.Clear">
  16108. <summary>
  16109. Removes all elements from this collection.
  16110. </summary>
  16111. </member>
  16112. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientDataCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  16113. <summary>
  16114. Removes the element at the specified index.
  16115. </summary>
  16116. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the element.</param>
  16117. </member>
  16118. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientDataCollection.Count">
  16119. <summary>
  16120. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  16121. </summary>
  16122. </member>
  16123. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.OdsoRecipientDataCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  16124. <summary>
  16125. Gets or sets an item in this collection.
  16126. </summary>
  16127. </member>
  16128. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions">
  16129. <summary>
  16130. Contains compatibility options (that is, the user preferences entered on the <b>Compatibility</b>
  16131. tab of the <b>Options</b> dialog in Microsoft Word).
  16132. </summary>
  16133. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  16134. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CompatibilityOptions" />
  16135. </member>
  16136. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.OptimizeFor(Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion)">
  16137. <summary>
  16138. <para>Allows to optimize the document contents as well as default Aspose.Words behavior to a particular versions of MS Word.</para>
  16139. <para>Use this method to prevent MS Word from displaying "Compatibility mode" ribbon upon document loading.
  16140. (Note that you may also need to set the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions.Compliance" /> property to
  16141. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Transitional" /> or higher.)
  16142. </para>
  16143. </summary>
  16144. </member>
  16145. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.NoTabHangInd">
  16146. <summary>
  16147. Do Not Create Custom Tab Stop for Hanging Indent.
  16148. </summary>
  16149. </member>
  16150. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.NoSpaceRaiseLower">
  16151. <summary>
  16152. Do Not Increase Line Height for Raised/Lowered Text.
  16153. </summary>
  16154. </member>
  16155. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SuppressSpBfAfterPgBrk">
  16156. <summary>
  16157. Do Not Use Space Before On First Line After a Page Break.
  16158. </summary>
  16159. </member>
  16160. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.WrapTrailSpaces">
  16161. <summary>
  16162. Line Wrap Trailing Spaces.
  16163. </summary>
  16164. </member>
  16165. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.PrintColBlack">
  16166. <summary>
  16167. Print Colors as Black And White without Dithering.
  16168. </summary>
  16169. </member>
  16170. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.NoColumnBalance">
  16171. <summary>
  16172. Do Not Balance Text Columns within a Section.
  16173. </summary>
  16174. </member>
  16175. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.ConvMailMergeEsc">
  16176. <summary>
  16177. Treat Backslash Quotation Delimiter as Two Quotation Marks.
  16178. </summary>
  16179. </member>
  16180. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SuppressTopSpacing">
  16181. <summary>
  16182. Ignore Minimum and Exact Line Height for First Line on Page.
  16183. </summary>
  16184. </member>
  16185. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UseSingleBorderforContiguousCells">
  16186. <summary>
  16187. Use Simplified Rules For Table Border Conflicts.
  16188. </summary>
  16189. </member>
  16190. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.TransparentMetafiles">
  16191. <summary>
  16192. Specifies not to blank the area behind metafile pictures.
  16193. </summary>
  16194. </member>
  16195. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.ShowBreaksInFrames">
  16196. <summary>
  16197. Display Page/Column Breaks Present in Frames.
  16198. </summary>
  16199. </member>
  16200. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SwapBordersFacingPgs">
  16201. <summary>
  16202. Swap Paragraph Borders on Odd Numbered Pages.
  16203. </summary>
  16204. </member>
  16205. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotLeaveBackslashAlone">
  16206. <summary>
  16207. Convert Backslash To Yen Sign When Entered.
  16208. </summary>
  16209. </member>
  16210. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotExpandShiftReturn">
  16211. <summary>
  16212. Don't Justify Lines Ending in Soft Line Break.
  16213. </summary>
  16214. </member>
  16215. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UlTrailSpace">
  16216. <summary>
  16217. Underline All Trailing Spaces.
  16218. </summary>
  16219. </member>
  16220. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.BalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth">
  16221. <summary>
  16222. Balance Single Byte and Double Byte Characters.
  16223. </summary>
  16224. </member>
  16225. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SuppressSpacingAtTopOfPage">
  16226. <summary>
  16227. Ignore Minimum Line Height for First Line on Page.
  16228. </summary>
  16229. </member>
  16230. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SpacingInWholePoints">
  16231. <summary>
  16232. Only Expand/Condense Text By Whole Points.
  16233. </summary>
  16234. </member>
  16235. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.PrintBodyTextBeforeHeader">
  16236. <summary>
  16237. Print Body Text before Header/Footer Contents.
  16238. </summary>
  16239. </member>
  16240. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.NoLeading">
  16241. <summary>
  16242. Do Not Add Leading Between Lines of Text.
  16243. </summary>
  16244. </member>
  16245. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SpaceForUL">
  16246. <summary>
  16247. Add Additional Space Below Baseline For Underlined East Asian Text.
  16248. </summary>
  16249. </member>
  16250. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.MWSmallCaps">
  16251. <summary>
  16252. Emulate Word 5.x for the Macintosh Small Caps Formatting.
  16253. </summary>
  16254. </member>
  16255. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SuppressTopSpacingWP">
  16256. <summary>
  16257. Emulate WordPerfect 5.x Line Spacing.
  16258. </summary>
  16259. </member>
  16260. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.TruncateFontHeightsLikeWP6">
  16261. <summary>
  16262. Emulate WordPerfect 6.x Font Height Calculation.
  16263. </summary>
  16264. </member>
  16265. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SubFontBySize">
  16266. <summary>
  16267. Increase Priority Of Font Size During Font Substitution.
  16268. </summary>
  16269. </member>
  16270. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.LineWrapLikeWord6">
  16271. <summary>
  16272. Emulate Word 6.0 Line Wrapping for East Asian Text.
  16273. </summary>
  16274. </member>
  16275. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotSuppressParagraphBorders">
  16276. <summary>
  16277. Do Not Suppress Paragraph Borders Next To Frames.
  16278. </summary>
  16279. </member>
  16280. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.NoExtraLineSpacing">
  16281. <summary>
  16282. Do Not Center Content on Lines With Exact Line Height.
  16283. </summary>
  16284. </member>
  16285. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SuppressBottomSpacing">
  16286. <summary>
  16287. Ignore Exact Line Height for Last Line on Page.
  16288. </summary>
  16289. </member>
  16290. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.WPSpaceWidth">
  16291. <summary>
  16292. Specifies whether to set the width of a space as is done in WordPerfect 5.x.
  16293. </summary>
  16294. </member>
  16295. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.WPJustification">
  16296. <summary>
  16297. Emulate WordPerfect 6.x Paragraph Justification.
  16298. </summary>
  16299. </member>
  16300. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UsePrinterMetrics">
  16301. <summary>
  16302. Use Printer Metrics To Display Documents.
  16303. </summary>
  16304. <remarks>
  16305. Printer Metrics may differ depending on drivers used.
  16306. For instance, Windows "Microsoft OpenXPS Class Driver 2" and "Microsoft Print to PDF" provide slightly different metrics.
  16307. Therefore, the final document's layout may change if this option is enabled.
  16308. </remarks>
  16309. </member>
  16310. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.ShapeLayoutLikeWW8">
  16311. <summary>
  16312. Emulate Word 97 Text Wrapping Around Floating Objects.
  16313. </summary>
  16314. </member>
  16315. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.FootnoteLayoutLikeWW8">
  16316. <summary>
  16317. Emulate Word 6.x/95/97 Footnote Placement.
  16318. </summary>
  16319. </member>
  16320. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing">
  16321. <summary>
  16322. Use Fixed Paragraph Spacing for HTML Auto Setting.
  16323. </summary>
  16324. </member>
  16325. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.AdjustLineHeightInTable">
  16326. <summary>
  16327. Add Document Grid Line Pitch To Lines in Table Cells.
  16328. </summary>
  16329. </member>
  16330. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.ForgetLastTabAlignment">
  16331. <summary>
  16332. Ignore Width of Last Tab Stop When Aligning Paragraph If It Is Not Left Aligned.
  16333. </summary>
  16334. </member>
  16335. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.AutoSpaceLikeWord95">
  16336. <summary>
  16337. Emulate Word 95 Full-Width Character Spacing.
  16338. </summary>
  16339. </member>
  16340. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.AlignTablesRowByRow">
  16341. <summary>
  16342. Align Table Rows Independently.
  16343. </summary>
  16344. </member>
  16345. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.LayoutRawTableWidth">
  16346. <summary>
  16347. Ignore Space Before Table When Deciding If Table Should Wrap Floating Object.
  16348. </summary>
  16349. </member>
  16350. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.LayoutTableRowsApart">
  16351. <summary>
  16352. Allow Table Rows to Wrap Inline Objects Independently.
  16353. </summary>
  16354. </member>
  16355. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UseWord97LineBreakRules">
  16356. <summary>
  16357. Emulate Word 97 East Asian Line Breaking.
  16358. </summary>
  16359. </member>
  16360. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotBreakWrappedTables">
  16361. <summary>
  16362. Do Not Allow Floating Tables To Break Across Pages.
  16363. </summary>
  16364. </member>
  16365. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotSnapToGridInCell">
  16366. <summary>
  16367. Do Not Snap to Document Grid in Table Cells with Objects.
  16368. </summary>
  16369. </member>
  16370. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SelectFldWithFirstOrLastChar">
  16371. <summary>
  16372. Select Field When First or Last Character Is Selected.
  16373. </summary>
  16374. </member>
  16375. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.ApplyBreakingRules">
  16376. <summary>
  16377. Use Legacy Ethiopic and Amharic Line Breaking Rules.
  16378. </summary>
  16379. </member>
  16380. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotWrapTextWithPunct">
  16381. <summary>
  16382. Do Not Allow Hanging Punctuation With Character Grid.
  16383. </summary>
  16384. </member>
  16385. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotUseEastAsianBreakRules">
  16386. <summary>
  16387. Do Not Compress Compressible Characters When Using Document Grid.
  16388. </summary>
  16389. </member>
  16390. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UseWord2002TableStyleRules">
  16391. <summary>
  16392. Emulate Word 2002 Table Style Rules.
  16393. </summary>
  16394. </member>
  16395. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.GrowAutofit">
  16396. <summary>
  16397. Allow Tables to AutoFit Into Page Margins.
  16398. </summary>
  16399. </member>
  16400. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UseNormalStyleForList">
  16401. <summary>
  16402. Do Not Automatically Apply List Paragraph Style To Bulleted/Numbered Text.
  16403. </summary>
  16404. </member>
  16405. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop">
  16406. <summary>
  16407. Ignore Hanging Indent When Creating Tab Stop After Numbering.
  16408. </summary>
  16409. </member>
  16410. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UseAltKinsokuLineBreakRules">
  16411. <summary>
  16412. Use Alternate Set of East Asian Line Breaking Rules.
  16413. </summary>
  16414. </member>
  16415. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.AllowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable">
  16416. <summary>
  16417. Allow Contextual Spacing of Paragraphs in Tables.
  16418. </summary>
  16419. </member>
  16420. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotSuppressIndentation">
  16421. <summary>
  16422. Do Not Ignore Floating Objects When Calculating Paragraph Indentation.
  16423. </summary>
  16424. </member>
  16425. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotAutofitConstrainedTables">
  16426. <summary>
  16427. Do Not AutoFit Tables To Fit Next To Wrapped Objects.
  16428. </summary>
  16429. </member>
  16430. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.AutofitToFirstFixedWidthCell">
  16431. <summary>
  16432. Allow Table Columns To Exceed Preferred Widths of Constituent Cells.
  16433. </summary>
  16434. <remarks>
  16435. The option is called "Use Word 2003 table autofit rules" in MS Word 2013 user interface.
  16436. It actually affects how the grid is calculated for fixed layout tables, too (for some cases).
  16437. </remarks>
  16438. </member>
  16439. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UnderlineTabInNumList">
  16440. <summary>
  16441. Underline Following Character Following Numbering.
  16442. </summary>
  16443. </member>
  16444. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DisplayHangulFixedWidth">
  16445. <summary>
  16446. Always Use Fixed Width for Hangul Characters.
  16447. </summary>
  16448. </member>
  16449. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.SplitPgBreakAndParaMark">
  16450. <summary>
  16451. Always Move Paragraph Mark to Page after a Page Break.
  16452. </summary>
  16453. </member>
  16454. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotVertAlignCellWithSp">
  16455. <summary>
  16456. Don't Vertically Align Cells Containing Floating Objects.
  16457. </summary>
  16458. </member>
  16459. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotBreakConstrainedForcedTable">
  16460. <summary>
  16461. Don't Break Table Rows Around Floating Tables.
  16462. </summary>
  16463. </member>
  16464. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.DoNotVertAlignInTxbx">
  16465. <summary>
  16466. Ignore Vertical Alignment in Textboxes.
  16467. </summary>
  16468. </member>
  16469. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UseAnsiKerningPairs">
  16470. <summary>
  16471. Use ANSI Kerning Pairs from Fonts.
  16472. </summary>
  16473. </member>
  16474. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.CachedColBalance">
  16475. <summary>
  16476. Use Cached Paragraph Information for Column Balancing.
  16477. </summary>
  16478. </member>
  16479. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UseFELayout">
  16480. <summary>
  16481. Do Not Bypass East Asian/Complex Script Layout Code.
  16482. </summary>
  16483. </member>
  16484. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.OverrideTableStyleFontSizeAndJustification">
  16485. <summary>
  16486. Specifies how the style hierarchy of the document is evaluated.
  16487. </summary>
  16488. </member>
  16489. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.CompatibilityOptions.UICompat97To2003">
  16490. <summary>
  16491. <b>True</b> to disable UI functionality which is not compatible with Word97-2003.
  16492. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  16493. </summary>
  16494. <remarks>
  16495. Controls the Word97-2003 compatibility setting that disables UI functionality which
  16496. is not compatible with Word97-2003.
  16497. When <b>true</b>, 'w:uiCompat97To2003' XML element is written to '\word\settings.xml'
  16498. document package part.
  16499. Default value is <b>false</b>. When set to <b>false</b>, this element is not written.
  16500. Technically this property is not part of compatibility options, but we have put it here for API convenience.
  16501. </remarks>
  16502. </member>
  16503. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType">
  16504. <summary>
  16505. Specifies the type of an external mail merge data source.
  16506. </summary>
  16507. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.DataType" />
  16508. <dev>Do not renumber these values as they are used in the DOC codec.</dev>
  16509. </member>
  16510. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.None">
  16511. <summary>
  16512. No mail merge data source is specified.
  16513. </summary>
  16514. </member>
  16515. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.TextFile">
  16516. <summary>
  16517. Specifies that a given document has been connected to a text file via the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) system.
  16518. </summary>
  16519. </member>
  16520. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.Database">
  16521. <summary>
  16522. Specifies that a given document has been connected to an Access database via the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) system.
  16523. </summary>
  16524. </member>
  16525. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.Spreadsheet">
  16526. <summary>
  16527. Specifies that a given document has been connected to an Excel spreadsheet via the Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) system.
  16528. </summary>
  16529. </member>
  16530. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.Query">
  16531. <summary>
  16532. Specifies that a given document has been connected to an external data source using an external query tool.
  16533. </summary>
  16534. </member>
  16535. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.Odbc">
  16536. <summary>
  16537. Specifies that a given document has been connected to an external data source via the Open Database Connectivity interface.
  16538. </summary>
  16539. </member>
  16540. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.Native">
  16541. <summary>
  16542. Specifies that a given document has been connected to an external data source via the Office Data Source Object (ODSO) interface.
  16543. </summary>
  16544. </member>
  16545. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.Default">
  16546. <summary>
  16547. Equals to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.None" />.
  16548. </summary>
  16549. </member>
  16550. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDestination">
  16551. <summary>
  16552. Specifies the possible results which may be generated when a mail merge is carried out on a document.
  16553. </summary>
  16554. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Destination" />
  16555. <dev>Do not renumber these as they values are used in the DOC codec.</dev>
  16556. </member>
  16557. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDestination.NewDocument">
  16558. <summary>
  16559. Specifies that conforming hosting applications shall generate new documents by populating the fields
  16560. within a given document with data from the specified external data source.
  16561. </summary>
  16562. </member>
  16563. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDestination.Printer">
  16564. <summary>
  16565. Specifies that conforming hosting applications shall print the documents that result from populating the
  16566. fields within a given document with external data from the specified external data source.
  16567. </summary>
  16568. </member>
  16569. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDestination.Email">
  16570. <summary>
  16571. Specifies that conforming hosting applications shall generate emails using the documents that result from
  16572. populating the fields within a given document with data from the specified external data source.
  16573. </summary>
  16574. </member>
  16575. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDestination.Fax">
  16576. <summary>
  16577. Specifies that conforming hosting applications shall generate faxes using the documents that result from
  16578. populating the fields within a given document with data from the specified external data source.
  16579. </summary>
  16580. </member>
  16581. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDestination.Default">
  16582. <summary>
  16583. Equals to the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDestination.NewDocument" /> value.
  16584. </summary>
  16585. </member>
  16586. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType">
  16587. <summary>
  16588. Specifies the possible types for a mail merge source document.
  16589. </summary>
  16590. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.MainDocumentType" />
  16591. <dev>Do not renumber these because the values are used in the DOC codec.</dev>
  16592. </member>
  16593. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.NotAMergeDocument">
  16594. <summary>
  16595. This document is not a mail merge document.
  16596. </summary>
  16597. </member>
  16598. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.FormLetters">
  16599. <summary>
  16600. Specifies that the mail merge source document is of the form letter type.
  16601. </summary>
  16602. </member>
  16603. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.MailingLabels">
  16604. <summary>
  16605. Specifies that the mail merge source document is of the mailing label type.
  16606. </summary>
  16607. </member>
  16608. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.Envelopes">
  16609. <summary>
  16610. Specifies that the mail merge source document is of the envelope type.
  16611. </summary>
  16612. </member>
  16613. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.Catalog">
  16614. <summary>
  16615. Specifies that the mail merge source document is of the catalog type.
  16616. </summary>
  16617. </member>
  16618. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.Email">
  16619. <summary>
  16620. Specifies that the mail merge source document is of the e-mail message type.
  16621. </summary>
  16622. </member>
  16623. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.Fax">
  16624. <summary>
  16625. Specifies that the mail merge source document is of the fax type.
  16626. </summary>
  16627. </member>
  16628. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.Default">
  16629. <summary>
  16630. Equals to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.NotAMergeDocument" /></summary>
  16631. </member>
  16632. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings">
  16633. <summary>
  16634. Specifies all of the mail merge information for a document.
  16635. </summary>
  16636. <remarks>
  16637. <para>You can use this object to specify a mail merge data source for a document and this information
  16638. (along with the available data fields) will appear in Microsoft Word when the user opens this document.
  16639. Or you can use this object to query mail merge settings that the user has specified in Microsoft Word
  16640. for this document.</para>
  16641. <para>You do not normally need to create objects of this class directly because Mail merge settings
  16642. of a document are always available via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMergeSettings" /> property.</para>
  16643. <para>To detect whether this document is a mail merge main document, check the value of the
  16644. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.MainDocumentType" /> property.</para>
  16645. <para>To remove mail merge settings and data source information from a document you can use the
  16646. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Clear" /> method. Aspose.Words will not write mail merge settings to a document if
  16647. the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.MainDocumentType" /> property is set to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.NotAMergeDocument" />
  16648. or the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.DataType" /> property is set to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.None" />.</para>
  16649. <para>The best way to learn how to use the properties of this object is to create a document with a desired
  16650. data source manually in Microsoft Word and then open that document using Aspose.Words and examine the properties
  16651. of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMergeSettings" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Odso" /> objects. This is
  16652. a good approach to take if you want to learn how to programmatically configure a data source, for example.</para>
  16653. <para>Aspose.Words preserves mail merge information when loading, saving and converting documents
  16654. between different formats, but does not use this information when performing its own mail merge
  16655. using the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge" /> object.</para>
  16656. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMergeSettings" />
  16657. </remarks>
  16658. </member>
  16659. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Clear">
  16660. <summary>
  16661. Clears the mail merge settings in such a way that when the document is saved,
  16662. no mail merge settings will be saved and it will become a normal document.
  16663. </summary>
  16664. </member>
  16665. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Clone">
  16666. <summary>
  16667. Returns a deep clone of this object.
  16668. </summary>
  16669. </member>
  16670. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.ActiveRecord">
  16671. <summary>
  16672. Specifies the one-based index of the record from the data source which shall be displayed in Microsoft Word. The default value is 1.
  16673. </summary>
  16674. </member>
  16675. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.AddressFieldName">
  16676. <summary>
  16677. Specifies the column within the data source that contains e-mail addresses. The default value is an empty string.
  16678. </summary>
  16679. </member>
  16680. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.CheckErrors">
  16681. <summary>
  16682. Specifies the type of error reporting which shall be conducted by Microsoft Word when performing a mail merge.
  16683. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeCheckErrors.Default" />.
  16684. </summary>
  16685. </member>
  16686. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.ConnectString">
  16687. <summary>
  16688. Specifies the connection string used to connect to an external data source. The default value is an empty string.
  16689. </summary>
  16690. </member>
  16691. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.DataSource">
  16692. <summary>
  16693. Specifies the path to the mail-merge data source. The default value is an empty string.
  16694. </summary>
  16695. </member>
  16696. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.DataType">
  16697. <summary>
  16698. Specifies the type of the mail-merge data source and the method of data access.
  16699. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDataType.Default" />.
  16700. </summary>
  16701. </member>
  16702. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Destination">
  16703. <summary>
  16704. Specifies how Microsoft Word will output the results of a mail merge.
  16705. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeDestination.Default" />.
  16706. </summary>
  16707. </member>
  16708. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.DoNotSupressBlankLines">
  16709. <summary>
  16710. Specifies how an application performing the mail merge shall handle blank lines in the merged documents resulting from the mail merge.
  16711. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  16712. </summary>
  16713. </member>
  16714. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.HeaderSource">
  16715. <summary>
  16716. Specifies the path to the mail-merge header source.
  16717. The default value is an empty string.
  16718. </summary>
  16719. </member>
  16720. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.LinkToQuery">
  16721. <summary>
  16722. Not sure about this one.
  16723. The Microsoft Word Automation Reference suggests that this specifies that the query is executed every time the document
  16724. is opened in Microsoft Word. But the OOXML specification suggests that this specifies that the query contains a reference
  16725. to an external query file which contains the actual query.
  16726. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  16727. </summary>
  16728. </member>
  16729. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.MailAsAttachment">
  16730. <summary>
  16731. Specifies that the documents produced during a mail merge operation should be emailed as an attachment rather
  16732. than the body of the actual e-mail. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  16733. </summary>
  16734. </member>
  16735. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.MailSubject">
  16736. <summary>
  16737. Specifies the text which shall appear in the subject line of the e-mails or faxes produced during mail merge.
  16738. The default value is an empty string.
  16739. </summary>
  16740. </member>
  16741. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.MainDocumentType">
  16742. <summary>
  16743. Specifies the mail-merge main document type.
  16744. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeMainDocumentType.Default" />.
  16745. </summary>
  16746. <remarks>
  16747. <para>The main document is the document that contains information that is the same for each version of the merged document.</para>
  16748. </remarks>
  16749. </member>
  16750. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Odso">
  16751. <summary>
  16752. Gets or sets the object that specifies the Office Data Source Object (ODSO) settings.
  16753. </summary>
  16754. <remarks>
  16755. <para>This object is never null.</para>
  16756. </remarks>
  16757. </member>
  16758. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.Query">
  16759. <summary>
  16760. Contains the Structured Query Language string that shall be run against the specified external data source to
  16761. return the set of records which shall be imported into the document when the mail merge operation is performed.
  16762. The default value is an empty string.
  16763. </summary>
  16764. </member>
  16765. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.MailMergeSettings.ViewMergedData">
  16766. <summary>
  16767. Specifies that Microsoft Word shall display the data from the specified external data source where merge fields
  16768. have been inserted (e.g. preview merged data). The default value is <c>false</c>.
  16769. </summary>
  16770. </member>
  16771. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.WriteProtection">
  16772. <summary>
  16773. Specifies write protection settings for a document.
  16774. </summary>
  16775. <remarks>
  16776. <para>Write protection specifies whether the author has recommended that
  16777. the document is to be opened as read-only and/or require a password to modify a document.</para>
  16778. <para>Write protection is different from document protection. Write protection is specified in
  16779. Microsoft Word in the options of the Save As dialog box.</para>
  16780. <para>You do not create instances of this class directly. You access document protection settings
  16781. via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.WriteProtection" /> property.</para>
  16782. </remarks>
  16783. </member>
  16784. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.WriteProtection.SetPassword(System.String)">
  16785. <summary>
  16786. Sets the write protection password for the document.
  16787. </summary>
  16788. <remarks>
  16789. <para>If a password is set, Microsoft Word will require the user to enter it or open
  16790. the document as read-only.</para>
  16791. </remarks>
  16792. <param name="password">The password to set. Cannot be null, but can be an empty string.</param>
  16793. </member>
  16794. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Settings.WriteProtection.ValidatePassword(System.String)">
  16795. <summary>
  16796. Returns true if the specified password is the same as the write-protection password the document was protected with.
  16797. If document is not write-protected with password then returns false.
  16798. </summary>
  16799. </member>
  16800. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.WriteProtection.ReadOnlyRecommended">
  16801. <summary>
  16802. Specifies whether the document author has recommended that the document be opened as read-only.
  16803. </summary>
  16804. </member>
  16805. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.WriteProtection.IsWriteProtected">
  16806. <summary>
  16807. Returns true when a write protection password is set.
  16808. </summary>
  16809. </member>
  16810. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions">
  16811. <summary>
  16812. Provides various options that control how a document is shown in Microsoft Word.
  16813. </summary>
  16814. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  16815. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.ViewOptions" />
  16816. </member>
  16817. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.ViewType">
  16818. <summary>
  16819. Controls the view mode in Microsoft Word.
  16820. </summary>
  16821. <remarks>
  16822. <p>Although Aspose.Words is able to read and write this option, its usage is application-specific.
  16823. For example MS Word 2013 does not respect the value of this option.</p>
  16824. </remarks>
  16825. </member>
  16826. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.ZoomType">
  16827. <summary>
  16828. Gets or sets a zoom value based on the size of the window.
  16829. </summary>
  16830. </member>
  16831. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.ZoomPercent">
  16832. <summary>
  16833. Gets or sets the percentage (between 10 and 500) at which you want to view your document.
  16834. </summary>
  16835. <remarks>
  16836. <p>If value is 0 then this property uses 100 instead, else if value is less than 10 or greater
  16837. than 500 this property throws.</p>
  16838. <p>Although Aspose.Words is able to read and write this option, its usage is application-specific.
  16839. For example MS Word 2013 does not respect the value of this option.</p>
  16840. </remarks>
  16841. </member>
  16842. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.DoNotDisplayPageBoundaries">
  16843. <summary>
  16844. Turns off display of the space between the top of the text and the top edge of the page.
  16845. </summary>
  16846. </member>
  16847. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.DisplayBackgroundShape">
  16848. <summary>
  16849. Controls display of the background shape in print layout view.
  16850. </summary>
  16851. </member>
  16852. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.FormsDesign">
  16853. <summary>
  16854. Specifies whether the document is in forms design mode.
  16855. </summary>
  16856. <remarks>
  16857. <p>Currently works only for documents in WordML format.</p>
  16858. </remarks>
  16859. </member>
  16860. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewType">
  16861. <summary>
  16862. Possible values for the view mode in Microsoft Word.
  16863. </summary>
  16864. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions" />
  16865. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.ViewType" />
  16866. </member>
  16867. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewType.None">
  16868. <summary>
  16869. The document shall be rendered in the default view of the application.
  16870. </summary>
  16871. </member>
  16872. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewType.Reading">
  16873. <summary>
  16874. The document shall be rendered in the default view of the application.
  16875. </summary>
  16876. </member>
  16877. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewType.PageLayout">
  16878. <summary>
  16879. The document shall be opened in a view that displays the document as it will print.
  16880. </summary>
  16881. </member>
  16882. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewType.Outline">
  16883. <summary>
  16884. The document shall be rendered in a view optimized for outlining or creating long documents.
  16885. </summary>
  16886. </member>
  16887. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewType.Normal">
  16888. <summary>
  16889. The document shall be rendered in a view optimized for outlining or creating long documents.
  16890. </summary>
  16891. </member>
  16892. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewType.Web">
  16893. <summary>
  16894. The document shall be rendered in a view mimicking the way this document would be displayed
  16895. in a web page.
  16896. </summary>
  16897. </member>
  16898. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.ZoomType">
  16899. <summary>
  16900. Possible values for how large or small the document appears on the screen in Microsoft Word.
  16901. </summary>
  16902. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions" />
  16903. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Settings.ViewOptions.ZoomType" />
  16904. </member>
  16905. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ZoomType.Custom">
  16906. <summary>
  16907. Zoom percentage is set explicitly. It is not recalculated automatically when control size changes.
  16908. </summary>
  16909. </member>
  16910. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ZoomType.None">
  16911. <summary>
  16912. Indicates to use the explicit zoom percentage. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ZoomType.Custom" />.
  16913. </summary>
  16914. </member>
  16915. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ZoomType.FullPage">
  16916. <summary>
  16917. Zoom percentage is automatically recalculated to fit one full page.
  16918. </summary>
  16919. </member>
  16920. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ZoomType.PageWidth">
  16921. <summary>
  16922. Zoom percentage is automatically recalculated to fit page width.
  16923. </summary>
  16924. </member>
  16925. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Settings.ZoomType.TextFit">
  16926. <summary>
  16927. Zoom percentage is automatically recalculated to fit text.
  16928. </summary>
  16929. </member>
  16930. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo">
  16931. <summary>
  16932. Contains information about a mail merge region.
  16933. </summary>
  16934. </member>
  16935. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo.Regions">
  16936. <summary>
  16937. Returns a list of child regions.
  16938. </summary>
  16939. </member>
  16940. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo.Fields">
  16941. <summary>
  16942. Returns a list of child fields.
  16943. </summary>
  16944. </member>
  16945. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo.Name">
  16946. <summary>
  16947. Returns the name of region.
  16948. </summary>
  16949. </member>
  16950. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo.StartField">
  16951. <summary>
  16952. Returns a start field for the region.
  16953. </summary>
  16954. </member>
  16955. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo.EndField">
  16956. <summary>
  16957. Returns an end field for the region.
  16958. </summary>
  16959. </member>
  16960. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo.Level">
  16961. <summary>
  16962. Returns the nesting level for the region.
  16963. </summary>
  16964. </member>
  16965. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeCallback">
  16966. <summary>
  16967. Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications while mail merge is performed.
  16968. </summary>
  16969. </member>
  16970. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeCallback.TagsReplaced">
  16971. <summary>
  16972. Called when "mustache" text tags are replaced with MERGEFIELD fields.
  16973. </summary>
  16974. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.UseNonMergeFields" />
  16975. </member>
  16976. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions">
  16977. <summary>
  16978. Specifies options that determine what items are removed during mail merge.
  16979. </summary>
  16980. </member>
  16981. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.None">
  16982. <summary>
  16983. Specifies a default value.
  16984. </summary>
  16985. </member>
  16986. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphs">
  16987. <summary>
  16988. Specifies whether paragraphs that contained mail merge fields with no data should be removed from the document.
  16989. When this option is set, paragraphs which contain region start and end merge fields which are otherwise empty
  16990. are also removed.
  16991. </summary>
  16992. </member>
  16993. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions">
  16994. <summary>
  16995. Specifies whether unused mail merge regions should be removed from the document.
  16996. </summary>
  16997. <remarks>
  16998. This option applies only to mail merge with regions.
  16999. </remarks>
  17000. </member>
  17001. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedFields">
  17002. <summary>
  17003. Specifies whether unused merge fields should be removed from the document.
  17004. </summary>
  17005. </member>
  17006. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveContainingFields">
  17007. <summary>
  17008. Specifies whether fields that contain merge fields (for example, IFs) should be removed from the document
  17009. if the nested merge fields are removed.
  17010. </summary>
  17011. </member>
  17012. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveStaticFields">
  17013. <summary>
  17014. Specifies whether static fields should be removed from the document. Static fields are fields, which
  17015. results remain the same upon any document change. Fields, which do not store their results in a document
  17016. and are calculated on the fly (like <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldListNum" />,
  17017. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSymbol" />, etc.) are not considered to be static.
  17018. </summary>
  17019. <remarks>
  17020. Here is the full list of field types, which are not considered to be static:
  17021. <list type="bullet"><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAdvance" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAutoNum" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAutoNumLegal" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAutoNumOutline" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldBarcode" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldBidiOutline" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDate" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDisplayBarcode" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldMergeBarcode" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFormDropDown" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFormula" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldGoToButton" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldHyperlink" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldIncludeText" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldIndexEntry" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldLink" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldListNum" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldMacroButton" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNoteRef" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNumPages" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPage" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPageRef" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPrint" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPrintDate" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPrivate" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldRefDoc" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSection" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSectionPages" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSymbol" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTime" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTOAEntry" /></description></item><item><description><see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTOCEntry" /></description></item></list></remarks>
  17022. </member>
  17023. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyTableRows">
  17024. <summary>
  17025. Specifies whether empty rows that contain mail merge regions should be removed from the document.
  17026. </summary>
  17027. <remarks>
  17028. This option applies only to mail merge with regions.
  17029. </remarks>
  17030. </member>
  17031. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRoot">
  17032. <summary>
  17033. Implement this interface to allow mail merge from a custom data source with master-detail data.
  17034. </summary>
  17035. </member>
  17036. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRoot.GetDataSource(System.String)">
  17037. <summary>
  17038. The Aspose.Words mail merge engine invokes this method when it encounters a beginning of a top-level mail merge region.
  17039. </summary>
  17040. <remarks>
  17041. <para>
  17042. When the Aspose.Words mail merge engines populates a document with data and encounters MERGEFIELD TableStart:TableName,
  17043. it invokes <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRoot.GetDataSource(System.String)" /> on this object. Your implementation needs to return a new data source object.
  17044. Aspose.Words will use the returned data source to populate the mail merge region.
  17045. </para>
  17046. <para>
  17047. If a data source (table) with the specified name does not exist, your implementation should return <c>null</c>.
  17048. </para>
  17049. </remarks>
  17050. <param name="tableName">The name of the mail merge region as specified in the template document. Case-insensitive.</param>
  17051. <returns>A data source object that will provide access to the data records of the specified table.</returns>
  17052. </member>
  17053. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource">
  17054. <summary>
  17055. Implement this interface to allow mail merge from a custom data source, such as a list of objects. Master-detail data is also supported.
  17056. </summary>
  17057. <remarks>
  17058. <para>When a data source is created, it should be initialized to point to BOF (before the first record).
  17059. The Aspose.Words mail merge engine will invoke <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.MoveNext" /> to advance to next record and
  17060. then invoke <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.GetValue(System.String,System.Object@)" /> for every merge field it encounters in the document or the current mail merge region.</para>
  17061. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge" />
  17062. </remarks>
  17063. </member>
  17064. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.MoveNext">
  17065. <summary>
  17066. Advances to the next record in the data source.
  17067. </summary>
  17068. <returns>True if moved to next record successfully. False if reached end of the data source.</returns>
  17069. </member>
  17070. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.GetValue(System.String,System.Object@)">
  17071. <summary>
  17072. Returns a value for the specified field name or false if the field is not found.
  17073. </summary>
  17074. <param name="fieldName">The name of the data field.</param>
  17075. <param name="fieldValue">Returns the field value.</param>
  17076. <returns>
  17077. <b>true</b> if value was found.</returns>
  17078. </member>
  17079. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.GetChildDataSource(System.String)">
  17080. <summary>
  17081. The Aspose.Words mail merge engine invokes this method when it encounters a beginning of a nested mail merge region.
  17082. </summary>
  17083. <remarks>
  17084. <para>
  17085. When the Aspose.Words mail merge engines populates a mail merge region with data and encounters the beginning of a nested
  17086. mail merge region in the form of MERGEFIELD TableStart:TableName, it invokes <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.GetChildDataSource(System.String)" /> on the current
  17087. data source object. Your implementation needs to return a new data source object that will provide access to the child
  17088. records of the current parent record. Aspose.Words will use the returned data source to populate the nested mail merge region.
  17089. </para>
  17090. <para>
  17091. Below are the rules that the implementation of <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.GetChildDataSource(System.String)" /> must follow.
  17092. </para>
  17093. <para>
  17094. If the table that is represented by this data source object has a related child (detail) table with the specified name,
  17095. then your implementation needs to return a new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" /> object that will provide access
  17096. to the child records of the current record.
  17097. An example of this is Orders / OrderDetails relationship. Let's assume that the current <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" /> object
  17098. represents the Orders table and it has a current order record. Next, Aspose.Words encounters "MERGEFIELD TableStart:OrderDetails"
  17099. in the document and invokes <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.GetChildDataSource(System.String)" />. You need to create and return a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" />
  17100. object that will allow Aspose.Words to access the OrderDetails record for the current order.
  17101. </para>
  17102. <para>
  17103. If this data source object does not have a relation to the table with the specified name, then you need to return
  17104. a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" /> object that will provide access to all records of the specified table.
  17105. </para>
  17106. <para>
  17107. If a table with the specified name does not exist, your implementation should return <c>null</c>.
  17108. </para>
  17109. </remarks>
  17110. <param name="tableName">The name of the mail merge region as specified in the template document. Case-insensitive.</param>
  17111. <returns>A data source object that will provide access to the data records of the specified table.</returns>
  17112. </member>
  17113. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource.TableName">
  17114. <summary>
  17115. Returns the name of the data source.
  17116. </summary>
  17117. <remarks>
  17118. <p>If you are implementing <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" />, return the name of the data
  17119. source from this property.</p>
  17120. <p>Aspose.Words uses this name to match against the mail merge region name specified
  17121. in the template document. The comparison between the data source name and
  17122. the mail merge region name is not case sensitive.</p>
  17123. </remarks>
  17124. <returns>The name of the data source. Empty string if the data source has no name.</returns>
  17125. </member>
  17126. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge">
  17127. <summary>
  17128. Represents the mail merge functionality.
  17129. </summary>
  17130. <remarks>
  17131. <p>For mail merge operation to work, the document should contain Word MERGEFIELD and
  17132. optionally NEXT fields. During mail merge operation, merge fields in the document are
  17133. replaced with values from your data source.</p>
  17134. <p>There are two distinct ways to use mail merge: with mail merge regions and without.</p>
  17135. <p>The simplest mail merge is without regions and it is very similar to how mail merge
  17136. works in Word. Use <tt>Execute</tt> methods to merge information from some
  17137. data source such as <b>DataTable</b>, <b>DataSet</b>, <b>DataView</b>, <b>IDataReader</b>
  17138. or an array of objects into your document. The
  17139. <b>MailMerge</b> object processes all records of the data source and copies and appends
  17140. content of the whole document for each record.</p>
  17141. <p>Note that when <b>MailMerge</b> object encounters a NEXT field, it selects next record
  17142. in the data source and continues merging without copying any content.</p>
  17143. <p>Use <tt>ExecuteWithRegions</tt> methods to merge information into a
  17144. document with mail merge regions defined. You can use
  17145. <b>DataSet</b>, <b>DataTable</b>, <b>DataView</b> or <b>IDataReader</b>
  17146. as data sources for this operation.</p>
  17147. <p>You need to use mail merge regions if you want to dynamically grow portions inside the
  17148. document. Without mail merge regions whole document will be repeated for every record of
  17149. the data source.</p>
  17150. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" />
  17151. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMerge" />
  17152. </remarks>
  17153. </member>
  17154. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.Execute(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource)">
  17155. <summary>
  17156. Performs a mail merge from a custom data source.
  17157. </summary>
  17158. <remarks>
  17159. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from
  17160. any data source such as a list or hashtable or objects. You need to write your
  17161. own class that implements the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" /> interface.</p>
  17162. <p>You can use this method only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.IsBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate" /> is false,
  17163. that is you do not need Right-To-Left language (such as Arabic or Hebrew) compatibility.</p>
  17164. <p>This method ignores the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions" /> option.</p>
  17165. </remarks>
  17166. <param name="dataSource">An object that implements the custom mail merge data source interface.</param>
  17167. </member>
  17168. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.Execute(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceCore)">
  17169. <summary>
  17170. Performs a mail merge from a custom data source.
  17171. </summary>
  17172. <remarks>
  17173. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from
  17174. any data source such as a list or hashtable or objects. You need to write your
  17175. own class that implements the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceCore" /> interface.</p>
  17176. <p>You should use this method when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.IsBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate" /> is true,
  17177. that is when you need Right-To-Left language (such as Arabic or Hebrew) compatibility.
  17178. There are no other benefits from using of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceCore" /> instead of
  17179. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" />.</p>
  17180. <p>This method ignores the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions" /> option.</p>
  17181. </remarks>
  17182. <param name="dataSource">An object that implements the custom mail merge data source interface.</param>
  17183. </member>
  17184. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.Execute(System.String[],System.Object[])">
  17185. <overloads>Performs a mail merge operation.</overloads>
  17186. <summary>
  17187. Performs a mail merge operation for a single record.
  17188. </summary>
  17189. <remarks>
  17190. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from
  17191. an array of objects.</p>
  17192. <p>This method merges data for one record only. The array of field names
  17193. and the array of values represent the data of a single record.</p>
  17194. <p>This method does not use mail merge regions.</p>
  17195. <p>This method ignores the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions" /> option.</p>
  17196. </remarks>
  17197. <param name="fieldNames">Array of merge field names. Field names are not case sensitive.
  17198. If a field name that is not found in the document is encountered, it is ignored.</param>
  17199. <param name="values">Array of values to be inserted into the merge fields.
  17200. Number of elements in this array must be the same as the number of elements in fieldNames.</param>
  17201. </member>
  17202. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.Execute(System.Data.DataTable)">
  17203. <summary>
  17204. Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document.
  17205. </summary>
  17206. <remarks>
  17207. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from a
  17208. <b>DataTable</b>.</p>
  17209. <p>All records from the table are merged into the document.</p>
  17210. <p>You can use NEXT field in the Word document to cause <b>MailMerge</b> object to select
  17211. next record from the <b>DataTable</b> and continue merging.
  17212. This can be used when creating documents such as mailing labels.</p>
  17213. <p>When <b>MailMerge</b> object reaches end of the main document and there are still more
  17214. rows in the <b>DataTable</b>, it copies entire content of
  17215. the main document and appends it to the end of the destination document using a section
  17216. break as a separator.</p>
  17217. <p>This method ignores the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions" /> option.</p>
  17218. </remarks>
  17219. <param name="table">Table that contains data to be inserted into mail merge fields.
  17220. Field names are not case sensitive.
  17221. If a field name that is not found in the document is encountered, it is ignored.</param>
  17222. </member>
  17223. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteADO(System.Object)">
  17224. <summary>
  17225. Performs mail merge from an ADO Recordset object into the document.
  17226. </summary>
  17227. <remarks>
  17228. <p>This method is useful when you intend to use Aspose.Words classes as
  17229. COM objects from unmanaged code such as an application built using
  17230. ASP or Visual Basic 6.0.</p>
  17231. <p>This method ignores the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions" /> option.</p>
  17232. <p>For more information see description of MailMerge.Execute(DataTable).</p>
  17233. </remarks>
  17234. <example>
  17235. <code>
  17236. [VBScript]
  17237. Dim RS
  17238. Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  17239. RS.Open _
  17240. "SELECT TOP 50 * FROM Customers ORDER BY Country, CompanyName", _
  17241. "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Northwind.mdb"
  17242. Dim License
  17243. Set License = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.License")
  17244. License.SetLicense "C:\MyPath\MyLicense.lic"
  17245. Dim Helper
  17246. Set Helper = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.ComHelper")
  17247. Dim Doc
  17248. Set Doc = Helper.Open("CustomerLabels.doc")
  17249. Doc.MailMerge.ExecuteADO RS
  17250. Doc.Save "C:\MyPath\CustomerLabels Out VBScript.doc"
  17251. </code>
  17252. </example>
  17253. <param name="recordset">ADO Recordset or Record object.</param>
  17254. </member>
  17255. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.Execute(System.Data.IDataReader)">
  17256. <summary>
  17257. Performs mail merge from IDataReader into the document.
  17258. </summary>
  17259. <remarks>
  17260. <p>You can pass <b>SqlDataReader</b> or <b>OleDbDataReader</b> object into this
  17261. method as a parameter because they both implemented <b>IDataReader</b> interface.</p>
  17262. <p>Note this method does not use mail merge regions and for multiple records the
  17263. document will grow by repeating the whole document.</p>
  17264. <p>This method ignores the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions" /> option.</p>
  17265. </remarks>
  17266. <param name="dataReader">Data source for the mail merge operation.</param>
  17267. </member>
  17268. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.Execute(System.Data.DataView)">
  17269. <summary>
  17270. Performs mail merge from a DataView into the document.
  17271. </summary>
  17272. <remarks>
  17273. <p>This method is useful if you retrieve data into a <b>DataTable</b> but then
  17274. need to apply a filter or sort before the mail merge.</p>
  17275. <p>Note this method does not use mail merge regions and for multiple records the
  17276. document will grow by repeating the whole document.</p>
  17277. <p>This method ignores the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions" /> option.</p>
  17278. </remarks>
  17279. <param name="dataView">Data source for the mail merge operation.</param>
  17280. </member>
  17281. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.Execute(System.Data.DataRow)">
  17282. <summary>
  17283. Performs mail merge from a DataRow into the document.
  17284. </summary>
  17285. <remarks>
  17286. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from a <b>DataRow</b>.</p>
  17287. <p>This method ignores the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions" /> option.</p>
  17288. </remarks>
  17289. <param name="row">Row that contains data to be inserted into mail merge fields.
  17290. Field names are not case sensitive.
  17291. If a field name that is not found in the document is encountered, it is ignored.</param>
  17292. </member>
  17293. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource)">
  17294. <summary>
  17295. Performs a mail merge from a custom data source with mail merge regions.
  17296. </summary>
  17297. <remarks>
  17298. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from
  17299. any custom data source such as an XML file or collections of business objects. You need to write your
  17300. own class that implements the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" /> interface.</p>
  17301. <p>You can use this method only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.IsBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate" /> is false,
  17302. that is you do not need Right-To-Left language (such as Arabic or Hebrew) compatibility.</p>
  17303. </remarks>
  17304. <param name="dataSource">An object that implements the custom mail merge data source interface.</param>
  17305. </member>
  17306. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceCore)">
  17307. <summary>
  17308. Performs a mail merge from a custom data source with mail merge regions.
  17309. </summary>
  17310. <remarks>
  17311. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from
  17312. any custom data source such as an XML file or collections of business objects. You need to write your
  17313. own class that implements the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceCore" /> interface.</p>
  17314. <p>You should use this method when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.IsBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate" /> is true,
  17315. that is when you need Right-To-Left language (such as Arabic or Hebrew) compatibility.
  17316. There are no other benefits from using of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceCore" /> instead of
  17317. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" />.</p>
  17318. </remarks>
  17319. <param name="dataSource">An object that implements the custom mail merge data source interface.</param>
  17320. </member>
  17321. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRoot)">
  17322. <summary>
  17323. Performs a mail merge from a custom data source with mail merge regions.
  17324. </summary>
  17325. <remarks>
  17326. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from
  17327. any custom data source such as an XML file or collections of business objects. You need to write your own classes
  17328. that implement the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRoot" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSource" /> interfaces.</p>
  17329. <p>You can use this method only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.IsBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate" /> is false,
  17330. that is you do not need Right-To-Left language (such as Arabic or Hebrew) compatibility.</p>
  17331. </remarks>
  17332. <param name="dataSourceRoot">An object that implements the custom mail merge data source root interface.</param>
  17333. </member>
  17334. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRootCore)">
  17335. <summary>
  17336. Performs a mail merge from a custom data source with mail merge regions.
  17337. </summary>
  17338. <remarks>
  17339. <p>Use this method to fill mail merge fields in the document with values from
  17340. any custom data source such as an XML file or collections of business objects. You need to write your own classes
  17341. that implement the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRootCore" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceCore" /> interfaces.</p>
  17342. <p>You should use this method when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.IsBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate" /> is true,
  17343. that is when you need Right-To-Left language (such as Arabic or Hebrew) compatibility.
  17344. There are no other benefits from using of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRootCore" /> instead of
  17345. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IMailMergeDataSourceRoot" />.</p>
  17346. </remarks>
  17347. <param name="dataSourceRoot">An object that implements the custom mail merge data source root interface.</param>
  17348. </member>
  17349. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(System.Data.DataSet)">
  17350. <overloads>Performs a mail merge operation into a document with mail merge regions. Supports parent-child (master-detail) data sources and nested mail merge regions.</overloads>
  17351. <summary>
  17352. Performs mail merge from a DataSet into a document with mail merge regions.
  17353. </summary>
  17354. <remarks>
  17355. <p>Use this method to perform mail merge from one or more tables into repeatable mail
  17356. merge regions in the document. The mail merge regions inside the document will dynamically
  17357. grow to accommodate records in the corresponding tables.</p>
  17358. <p>Every table in the DataSet must have a name.</p>
  17359. <p>The document must have mail merge regions defined with names that refer to the tables
  17360. in the DataSet.</p>
  17361. <p>To specify a mail merge region in the document you need to insert two mail merge fields
  17362. to mark beginning and end of the mail merge region.</p>
  17363. <p>All document content that is included inside a mail merge region will be automatically
  17364. repeated for every record in the DataTable.</p>
  17365. <p>To mark beginning of a mail merge region insert a MERGEFIELD with name TableStart:MyTable,
  17366. where MyTable corresponds to one of the table names in your DataSet.</p>
  17367. <p>To mark the end of the mail merge region insert another MERGEFIELD with name TableEnd:MyTable.</p>
  17368. <p>To insert a MERGEFIELD in Word use Insert/Field command and select MergeField then type the
  17369. name of the field.</p>
  17370. <p>The TableStart and TableEnd fields must be inside the same section in your document.</p>
  17371. <p>If used inside a table, TableStart and TableEnd must be inside the same row in the table.</p>
  17372. <p>Mail merge regions in a document should be well formed (there always needs to be a pair of matching
  17373. TableStart and TableEnd merge fields with the same table name).</p>
  17374. </remarks>
  17375. <param name="dataSet">DataSet that contains data to be inserted into mail merge fields.</param>
  17376. </member>
  17377. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(System.Data.DataTable)">
  17378. <summary>
  17379. Performs mail merge from a DataTable into the document with mail merge regions.
  17380. </summary>
  17381. <remarks>
  17382. <p>The document must have a mail merge region defined with name that matches
  17383. <b>DataTable.TableName</b>.</p>
  17384. <p>If there are other mail merge regions defined in the document they are left intact.
  17385. This allows to perform several mail merge operations.</p>
  17386. </remarks>
  17387. <param name="dataTable">Data source for the mail merge operation. The table must
  17388. have its <b>TableName</b> property set.</param>
  17389. </member>
  17390. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegionsADO(System.Object,System.String)">
  17391. <summary>
  17392. Performs mail merge from an ADO Recordset object into the document with mail merge regions.
  17393. </summary>
  17394. <remarks>
  17395. <p>This method is useful when you intend to use Aspose.Words classes as
  17396. COM objects from unmanaged code such as an application built using
  17397. ASP or Visual Basic 6.0.</p>
  17398. <p>For more information see description of MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(DataTable).</p>
  17399. </remarks>
  17400. <example>
  17401. <code>
  17402. [VBScript]
  17403. Dim RS
  17404. Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
  17405. RS.Open _
  17406. "SELECT * FROM AsposeWordOrderDetails WHERE OrderId = 10444 ORDER BY ProductID", _
  17407. "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Northwind.mdb"
  17408. Dim Helper
  17409. Set Helper = CreateObject("Aspose.Words.ComHelper")
  17410. Dim Doc
  17411. Set Doc = Helper.Open("Invoice.doc")
  17412. Doc.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegionsADO RS, "OrderDetails"
  17413. Doc.Save "Invoice Out VBScript.doc"
  17414. </code>
  17415. </example>
  17416. <param name="recordset">ADO Recordset or Record object.</param>
  17417. <param name="tableName">Name of the mail merge region in the document to populate.</param>
  17418. </member>
  17419. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(System.Data.DataView)">
  17420. <summary>
  17421. Performs mail merge from a DataView into the document with mail merge regions.
  17422. </summary>
  17423. <remarks>
  17424. <p>This method is useful if you retrieve data into a <b>DataTable</b> but then
  17425. need to apply a filter or sort before the mail merge.</p>
  17426. <p>The document must have a mail merge region defined with name that matches
  17427. <b>DataView.Table.TableName</b>.</p>
  17428. <p>If there are other mail merge regions defined in the document they are left intact.
  17429. This allows to perform several mail merge operations.</p>
  17430. </remarks>
  17431. <param name="dataView">Data source for the mail merge operation. The source table
  17432. of the <b>DataView</b> must have its <b>TableName</b> property set.</param>
  17433. </member>
  17434. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions(System.Data.IDataReader,System.String)">
  17435. <summary>
  17436. Performs mail merge from IDataReader into the document with mail merge regions.
  17437. </summary>
  17438. <remarks>
  17439. <p>You can pass <b>SqlDataReader</b> or <b>OleDbDataReader</b> object into this
  17440. method as a parameter because they both implemented <b>IDataReader</b> interface.</p>
  17441. </remarks>
  17442. <param name="dataReader">Source of the data records for mail merge such as OleDbDataReader or SqlDataReader.</param>
  17443. <param name="tableName">Name of the mail merge region in the document to populate.</param>
  17444. </member>
  17445. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.GetFieldNames">
  17446. <summary>
  17447. Returns a collection of mail merge field names available in the document.
  17448. </summary>
  17449. <remarks>
  17450. <p>Returns full merge field names including optional prefix. Does not eliminate duplicate field names.</p>
  17451. <p>A new string[] array is created on every call.</p>
  17452. <p>Includes "mustache" field names if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.UseNonMergeFields" /> is <b>true</b>.</p>
  17453. </remarks>
  17454. </member>
  17455. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.GetFieldNamesForRegion(System.String)">
  17456. <overloads>Get mail merge field names from the region.</overloads>
  17457. <summary>
  17458. Returns a collection of mail merge field names available in the region.
  17459. </summary>
  17460. <remarks>
  17461. <p>Returns full merge field names including optional prefix. Does not eliminate duplicate field names.</p>
  17462. <p>If document contains multiple regions with the same name the very first region is processed.</p>
  17463. <p>A new string array is created on every call.</p>
  17464. </remarks>
  17465. <param name="regionName">Region name (case-insensitive).</param>
  17466. </member>
  17467. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.GetFieldNamesForRegion(System.String,System.Int32)">
  17468. <summary>
  17469. Returns a collection of mail merge field names available in the region.
  17470. </summary>
  17471. <remarks>
  17472. <p>Returns full merge field names including optional prefix. Does not eliminate duplicate field names.</p>
  17473. <p>If document contains multiple regions with the same name the Nth region (zero-based) is processed.</p>
  17474. <p>A new string array is created on every call.</p>
  17475. </remarks>
  17476. <param name="regionName">Region name (case-insensitive).</param>
  17477. <param name="regionIndex">Region index (zero-based).</param>
  17478. </member>
  17479. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.GetRegionsByName(System.String)">
  17480. <summary>
  17481. Returns a collection of mail merge regions with the specified name.
  17482. </summary>
  17483. <param name="regionName">Region name (case-insensitive).</param>
  17484. <returns>The list of regions.</returns>
  17485. </member>
  17486. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.GetRegionsByName(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo},System.String)">
  17487. <summary>
  17488. Returns a collection of mail merge regions with given name (from a list of regions).
  17489. </summary>
  17490. <param name="sourceListRegion">List of regions to search.</param>
  17491. <param name="regionName">Region name (case-insensitive).</param>
  17492. <returns>The list of regions.</returns>
  17493. </member>
  17494. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.GetRegionsHierarchy">
  17495. <summary>
  17496. Returns a full hierarchy of regions (with fields) available in the document.
  17497. </summary>
  17498. <remarks>
  17499. <p>Hierarchy is returned in the form of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeRegionInfo" /> class.</p>
  17500. </remarks>
  17501. <returns>Regions' hierarchy.</returns>
  17502. </member>
  17503. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.DeleteFields">
  17504. <summary>
  17505. Removes mail merge related fields from the document.
  17506. </summary>
  17507. <remarks>
  17508. <p>This method removes MERGEFIELD and NEXT fields from the document.</p>
  17509. <p>This method could be useful if your mail merge operation does not always need
  17510. to populate all fields in the document. Use this method to remove all remaining
  17511. mail merge fields.</p>
  17512. </remarks>
  17513. </member>
  17514. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.RegionStartTag">
  17515. <summary>
  17516. Gets or sets a mail merge region start tag.
  17517. </summary>
  17518. </member>
  17519. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.RegionEndTag">
  17520. <summary>
  17521. Gets or sets a mail merge region end tag.
  17522. </summary>
  17523. </member>
  17524. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.CleanupOptions">
  17525. <summary>
  17526. Gets or sets a set of flags that specify what items should be removed during mail merge.
  17527. </summary>
  17528. </member>
  17529. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.CleanupParagraphsWithPunctuationMarks">
  17530. <summary>
  17531. Gets or sets a value indicating whether paragraphs with punctuation marks are considered as empty
  17532. and should be removed if the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphs" /> option is specified.
  17533. </summary>
  17534. <remarks>
  17535. The default value is <c>true</c>.
  17536. </remarks>
  17537. <remarks>
  17538. Here is the complete list of cleanable punctuation marks:
  17539. <list type="bullet"><item><description>!</description></item><item><description>,</description></item><item><description>.</description></item><item><description>:</description></item><item><description>;</description></item><item><description>?</description></item><item><description>¡</description></item><item><description>¿</description></item></list></remarks>
  17540. </member>
  17541. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.UseNonMergeFields">
  17542. <summary>
  17543. When true, specifies that in addition to MERGEFIELD fields, mail merge is performed into some other types of fields and
  17544. also into "{{fieldName}}" tags.
  17545. </summary>
  17546. <remarks>
  17547. <p>Normally, mail merge is only performed into MERGEFIELD fields, but several customers had their reporting
  17548. built using other fields and had many documents created this way. To simplify migration (and because this
  17549. approach was independently used by several customers) the ability to mail merge into other fields was introduced.</p>
  17550. <p>When <b>UseNonMergeFields</b> is set to true, Aspose.Words will perform mail merge into the following fields:</p>
  17551. <p>MERGEFIELD FieldName</p>
  17552. <p>MACROBUTTON NOMACRO FieldName</p>
  17553. <p>IF 0 = 0 "{FieldName}" ""</p>
  17554. <p>Also, when <b>UserNonMergeFields</b> is set to true, Aspose.Words will perform mail merge into text tags
  17555. "{{fieldName}}". These are not fields, but just text tags.</p>
  17556. </remarks>
  17557. </member>
  17558. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.PreserveUnusedTags">
  17559. <summary>
  17560. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the unused "mustache" tags should be preserved.
  17561. </summary>
  17562. <remarks>
  17563. The default value is <b>false</b>.
  17564. </remarks>
  17565. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.UseNonMergeFields" />
  17566. </member>
  17567. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.MergeDuplicateRegions">
  17568. <summary>
  17569. Gets or sets a value indicating whether all of the document mail merge regions with the name of a data source
  17570. should be merged while executing of a mail merge with regions against the data source or just the first one.
  17571. </summary>
  17572. <remarks>
  17573. The default value is <b>false</b>.
  17574. </remarks>
  17575. </member>
  17576. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.MergeWholeDocument">
  17577. <summary>
  17578. Gets or sets a value indicating whether fields in whole document is updated while executing of a mail merge with regions.
  17579. </summary>
  17580. <remarks>
  17581. The default value is <b>false</b>.
  17582. </remarks>
  17583. </member>
  17584. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.UseWholeParagraphAsRegion">
  17585. <summary>
  17586. Gets or sets a value indicating whether whole paragraph with TableStart or TableEnd field
  17587. or particular range between TableStart and TableEnd fields should be included into mail merge region.
  17588. </summary>
  17589. <remarks>
  17590. The default value is <b>true</b>.
  17591. </remarks>
  17592. </member>
  17593. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.MappedDataFields">
  17594. <summary>
  17595. Returns a collection that represents mapped data fields for the mail merge operation.
  17596. </summary>
  17597. <remarks>
  17598. <p>
  17599. Mapped data fields allow to automatically map between names of fields in your data source
  17600. and names of mail merge fields in the document.
  17601. </p>
  17602. </remarks>
  17603. </member>
  17604. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.FieldMergingCallback">
  17605. <summary>
  17606. Occurs during mail merge when a mail merge field is encountered in the document.
  17607. </summary>
  17608. </member>
  17609. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.MailMergeCallback">
  17610. <summary>
  17611. Allows to handle particular events during mail merge.
  17612. </summary>
  17613. </member>
  17614. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.TrimWhitespaces">
  17615. <summary>
  17616. Gets or sets a value indicating whether trailing and leading whitespaces are trimmed from mail merge values.
  17617. </summary>
  17618. <remarks>
  17619. The default value is <b>true</b>.
  17620. </remarks>
  17621. </member>
  17622. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.UnconditionalMergeFieldsAndRegions">
  17623. <summary>
  17624. Gets or sets a value indicating whether merge fields and merge regions are merged regardless of the parent IF field's condition.
  17625. </summary>
  17626. <remarks>
  17627. The default value is <b>false</b>.
  17628. </remarks>
  17629. </member>
  17630. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.RetainFirstSectionStart">
  17631. <summary>
  17632. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.SectionStart" /> of the first document section and its copies for subsequent data source rows
  17633. are retained during mail merge or updated according to MS Word behaviour.
  17634. </summary>
  17635. <remarks>
  17636. The default value is <b>true</b>.
  17637. </remarks>
  17638. </member>
  17639. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection">
  17640. <summary>
  17641. Allows to automatically map between names of fields in your data source
  17642. and names of mail merge fields in the document.
  17643. </summary>
  17644. <remarks>
  17645. <p>This is implemented as a collection of string keys into string values.
  17646. The keys are the names of mail merge fields in the document and the values
  17647. are the names of fields in your data source.</p>
  17648. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge" />
  17649. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge.MappedDataFields" />
  17650. </remarks>
  17651. </member>
  17652. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection.GetEnumerator">
  17653. <summary>
  17654. Returns a dictionary enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  17655. </summary>
  17656. </member>
  17657. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  17658. <summary>
  17659. Adds a new field mapping.
  17660. </summary>
  17661. <param name="documentFieldName">Case-sensitive name of the mail merge field in the document.</param>
  17662. <param name="dataSourceFieldName">Case-sensitive name of the field in the data source.</param>
  17663. </member>
  17664. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection.ContainsKey(System.String)">
  17665. <summary>
  17666. Determines whether a mapping from the specified field in the document exists in the collection.
  17667. </summary>
  17668. <param name="documentFieldName">Case-sensitive name of the mail merge field in the document.</param>
  17669. <returns>True if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
  17670. </member>
  17671. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection.ContainsValue(System.String)">
  17672. <summary>
  17673. Determines whether a mapping from the specified field in the data source exists in the collection.
  17674. </summary>
  17675. <param name="dataSourceFieldName">Case-sensitive name of the field in the data source.</param>
  17676. <returns>True if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
  17677. </member>
  17678. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  17679. <summary>
  17680. Removes a field mapping.
  17681. </summary>
  17682. <param name="documentFieldName">Case-sensitive name of the mail merge field in the document.</param>
  17683. </member>
  17684. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection.Clear">
  17685. <summary>
  17686. Removes all elements from the collection.
  17687. </summary>
  17688. </member>
  17689. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection.Count">
  17690. <summary>
  17691. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  17692. </summary>
  17693. </member>
  17694. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MappedDataFieldCollection.Item(System.String)">
  17695. <summary>
  17696. Gets or sets the name of the field in the data source associated with the specified mail merge field.
  17697. </summary>
  17698. </member>
  17699. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgs">
  17700. <summary>
  17701. Provides data for the <b>MergeField</b> event.
  17702. </summary>
  17703. <remarks>
  17704. <p>The <b>MergeField</b> event occurs during mail merge when a simple mail merge
  17705. field is encountered in the document. You can respond to this event to return
  17706. text for the mail merge engine to insert into the document.</p>
  17707. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IFieldMergingCallback" />
  17708. </remarks>
  17709. </member>
  17710. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgs.Text">
  17711. <summary>
  17712. Gets or sets the text that will be inserted into the document for the current merge field.
  17713. </summary>
  17714. <remarks>
  17715. <p>When your event handler is called, this property is set to null.</p>
  17716. <p>If you leave Text as null, the mail merge engine will insert <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.FieldValue" /> in place of the merge field.</p>
  17717. <p>If you set Text to any string (including empty), the string will be inserted into the document in place of the merge field.</p>
  17718. </remarks>
  17719. </member>
  17720. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase">
  17721. <summary>
  17722. Base class for <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgs" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs" />.
  17723. </summary>
  17724. <remarks>
  17725. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgs" />
  17726. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs" />
  17727. </remarks>
  17728. </member>
  17729. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.Document">
  17730. <summary>
  17731. Returns the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.Document" /> object for which the mail merge is performed.
  17732. </summary>
  17733. </member>
  17734. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.TableName">
  17735. <summary>
  17736. Gets the name of the data table for the current merge operation or empty string if the name is not available.
  17737. </summary>
  17738. </member>
  17739. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.RecordIndex">
  17740. <summary>
  17741. Gets the zero based index of the record that is being merged.
  17742. </summary>
  17743. </member>
  17744. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.FieldName">
  17745. <summary>
  17746. Gets the name of the merge field in the data source.
  17747. </summary>
  17748. <remarks>
  17749. <p>If you have a mapping from a document field name to a different data source field name,
  17750. then this is the mapped field name.</p>
  17751. <p>If you specified a field name prefix, for example "Image:MyFieldName" in the document,
  17752. then <b>FieldName</b> returns field name without the prefix, that is "MyFieldName".</p>
  17753. </remarks>
  17754. </member>
  17755. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.DocumentFieldName">
  17756. <summary>
  17757. Gets the name of the merge field as specified in the document.
  17758. </summary>
  17759. <remarks>
  17760. <p>If you have a mapping from a document field name to a different data source field name,
  17761. then this is the original field name as specified in the document.</p>
  17762. <p>If you specified a field name prefix, for example "Image:MyFieldName" in the document,
  17763. then <b>DocumentFieldName</b> returns field name without the prefix, that is "MyFieldName".</p>
  17764. </remarks>
  17765. </member>
  17766. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.FieldValue">
  17767. <summary>
  17768. Gets or sets the value of the field from the data source.
  17769. </summary>
  17770. <remarks>
  17771. This property contains a value that has just been selected from your data source
  17772. for this field by the mail merge engine. You can also replace the value by setting the property.
  17773. </remarks>
  17774. </member>
  17775. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgsBase.Field">
  17776. <summary>
  17777. Gets the object that represents the current merge field.
  17778. </summary>
  17779. </member>
  17780. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IFieldMergingCallback">
  17781. <summary>
  17782. Implement this interface if you want to control how data is inserted into merge fields during a mail merge operation.
  17783. </summary>
  17784. </member>
  17785. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IFieldMergingCallback.FieldMerging(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.FieldMergingArgs)">
  17786. <summary>
  17787. Called when the Aspose.Words mail merge engine is about to insert data into a merge field in the document.
  17788. </summary>
  17789. </member>
  17790. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IFieldMergingCallback.ImageFieldMerging(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs)">
  17791. <summary>
  17792. Called when the Aspose.Words mail merge engine is about to insert an image into a merge field.
  17793. </summary>
  17794. </member>
  17795. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs">
  17796. <summary>
  17797. Provides data for the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IFieldMergingCallback.ImageFieldMerging(Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs)" /> event.
  17798. </summary>
  17799. <remarks>
  17800. <p>This event occurs during mail merge when an image mail merge
  17801. field is encountered in the document. You can respond to this event to return a
  17802. file name, stream, or an <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Image" /> object to the mail merge
  17803. engine so it is inserted into the document.</p>
  17804. <p>There are three properties available <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.ImageFileName" />,
  17805. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.ImageStream" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.Image" /> to specify where the image must be taken from.
  17806. Set only one of these properties.</p>
  17807. <p>To insert an image mail merge field into a document in Word, select Insert/Field command,
  17808. then select MergeField and type Image:MyFieldName.</p>
  17809. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.IFieldMergingCallback" />
  17810. </remarks>
  17811. </member>
  17812. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.ImageFileName">
  17813. <summary>
  17814. Sets the file name of the image that the mail merge engine must insert into the document.
  17815. </summary>
  17816. </member>
  17817. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.ImageStream">
  17818. <summary>
  17819. Specifies the stream for the mail merge engine to read an image from.
  17820. </summary>
  17821. <remarks>
  17822. <p>Aspose.Words closes this stream after it merges the image into the document.</p>
  17823. </remarks>
  17824. </member>
  17825. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.Image">
  17826. <summary>
  17827. Specifies the image that the mail merge engine must insert into the document.
  17828. </summary>
  17829. </member>
  17830. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.Shape">
  17831. <summary>
  17832. Specifies the shape that the mail merge engine must insert into the document.
  17833. </summary>
  17834. <remarks>
  17835. <p>When this property is specified, the mail merge engine ignores all other properties like <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.ImageFileName" /> or <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.ImageStream" />
  17836. and simply inserts the shape into the document.</p>
  17837. <p>Use this property to fully control the process of merging an image merge field.
  17838. For example, you can specify <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.WrapType" /> or any other shape property to fine tune the resulting node. However, please note that
  17839. you are responsible for providing the content of the shape.</p>
  17840. </remarks>
  17841. </member>
  17842. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.ImageWidth">
  17843. <summary>
  17844. Specifies the image width for the image to insert into the document.
  17845. </summary>
  17846. <remarks>
  17847. <para>
  17848. The value of this property initially comes from the corresponding MERGEFIELD's code, contained in the
  17849. template document. To override the initial value, you should assign an instance of
  17850. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension" /> class to this property or set the properties for the instance
  17851. of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension" /> class, returned by this property.
  17852. </para>
  17853. <para>
  17854. To indicate that the original value of the image width should be applied, you should assign the <b>null</b>
  17855. value to this property or set the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension.Value" /> property for the instance
  17856. of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension" /> class, returned by this property, to a negative value.
  17857. </para>
  17858. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension" />
  17859. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit" />
  17860. </remarks>
  17861. </member>
  17862. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.ImageFieldMergingArgs.ImageHeight">
  17863. <summary>
  17864. Specifies the image height for the image to insert into the document.
  17865. </summary>
  17866. <remarks>
  17867. <para>
  17868. The value of this property initially comes from the corresponding MERGEFIELD's code, contained in the
  17869. template document. To override the initial value, you should assign an instance of
  17870. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension" /> class to this property or set the properties for the instance
  17871. of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension" /> class, returned by this property.
  17872. </para>
  17873. <para>
  17874. To indicate that the original value of the image height should be applied, you should assign the <b>null</b>
  17875. value to this property or set the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension.Value" /> property for the instance
  17876. of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension" /> class, returned by this property, to a negative value.
  17877. </para>
  17878. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension" />
  17879. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit" />
  17880. </remarks>
  17881. </member>
  17882. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.NamespaceDoc">
  17883. <summary>
  17884. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.MailMerging</b> namespace contains classes of the
  17885. "original" mail merge reporting engine.</p>
  17886. <p>This reporting engine requires the document to be marked up with Microsoft Word
  17887. mail merge fields, but supports more functionality than Microsoft Word's mail merge.</p>
  17888. <p>The engine allows to quickly and easily populate a report template with data from various
  17889. sources such as <b>DataTable</b>, <b>DataSet</b>, <b>DataView</b>, <b>IDataReader</b> or an array of values.</p>
  17890. <p>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.MailMerging.MailMerge" /> object which provides access to the reporting functionality
  17891. is available via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.MailMerge">Document.MailMerge</see> property.</p>
  17892. <p>For the newer and more advanced reporting engine based on the LINQ method syntax see
  17893. <see cref="N:Aspose.Words.Reporting" />.</p>
  17894. <seealso cref="N:Aspose.Words.Reporting" />
  17895. </summary>
  17896. </member>
  17897. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase">
  17898. <summary>
  17899. Base class for <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.ShapeRenderer" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.OfficeMathRenderer" />.
  17900. </summary>
  17901. </member>
  17902. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.GetSizeInPixels(System.Single,System.Single)">
  17903. <summary>
  17904. Calculates the size of the shape in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.
  17905. </summary>
  17906. <remarks>
  17907. <para>This method converts <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.SizeInPoints" /> into size in pixels and it is useful
  17908. when you want to create a bitmap for rendering the shape neatly onto the bitmap.</para>
  17909. </remarks>
  17910. <param name="scale">The zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  17911. <param name="dpi">The resolution (horizontal and vertical) to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17912. <returns>The size of the shape in pixels.</returns>
  17913. </member>
  17914. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.GetSizeInPixels(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  17915. <summary>
  17916. Calculates the size of the shape in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.
  17917. </summary>
  17918. <remarks>
  17919. <para>This method converts <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.SizeInPoints" /> into size in pixels and it is useful
  17920. when you want to create a bitmap for rendering the shape neatly onto the bitmap.</para>
  17921. </remarks>
  17922. <param name="scale">The zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  17923. <param name="horizontalDpi">The horizontal resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17924. <param name="verticalDpi">The vertical resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17925. <returns>The size of the shape in pixels.</returns>
  17926. </member>
  17927. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.GetBoundsInPixels(System.Single,System.Single)">
  17928. <summary>
  17929. Calculates the bounds of the shape in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.
  17930. </summary>
  17931. <remarks>
  17932. <para>This method converts <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.BoundsInPoints" /> into rectangle in pixels.</para>
  17933. </remarks>
  17934. <param name="scale">The zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  17935. <param name="dpi">The resolution (horizontal and vertical) to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17936. <returns>The actual (as rendered on the page) bounding box of the shape in pixels.</returns>
  17937. </member>
  17938. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.GetBoundsInPixels(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  17939. <summary>
  17940. Calculates the bounds of the shape in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.
  17941. </summary>
  17942. <remarks>
  17943. <para>This method converts <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.BoundsInPoints" /> into rectangle in pixels.</para>
  17944. </remarks>
  17945. <param name="scale">The zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  17946. <param name="horizontalDpi">The horizontal resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17947. <param name="verticalDpi">The vertical resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17948. <returns>The actual (as rendered on the page) bounding box of the shape in pixels.</returns>
  17949. </member>
  17950. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.GetOpaqueBoundsInPixels(System.Single,System.Single)">
  17951. <summary>
  17952. Calculates the opaque bounds of the shape in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.
  17953. </summary>
  17954. <remarks>
  17955. <para>This method converts <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.OpaqueBoundsInPoints" /> into rectangle in pixels and it is useful
  17956. when you want to create a bitmap for rendering the shape with only opaque part of the shape.</para>
  17957. </remarks>
  17958. <param name="scale">The zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  17959. <param name="dpi">The resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17960. <returns>The opaque rectangle of the shape in pixels.</returns>
  17961. </member>
  17962. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.GetOpaqueBoundsInPixels(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  17963. <summary>
  17964. Calculates the opaque bounds of the shape in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.
  17965. </summary>
  17966. <remarks>
  17967. <para>This method converts <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.OpaqueBoundsInPoints" /> into rectangle in pixels and it is useful
  17968. when you want to create a bitmap for rendering the shape with only opaque part of the shape.</para>
  17969. </remarks>
  17970. <param name="scale">The zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  17971. <param name="horizontalDpi">The horizontal resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17972. <param name="verticalDpi">The vertical resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  17973. <returns>The opaque rectangle of the shape in pixels.</returns>
  17974. </member>
  17975. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.RenderToScale(System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  17976. <summary>
  17977. Renders the shape into a <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Graphics" />
  17978. object to a specified scale.
  17979. </summary>
  17980. <param name="graphics">The object where to render to.</param>
  17981. <param name="x">The X coordinate (in world units) of the top left corner of the rendered shape.</param>
  17982. <param name="y">The Y coordinate (in world units) of the top left corner of the rendered shape.</param>
  17983. <param name="scale">The scale for rendering the shape (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  17984. <returns>The width and height (in world units) of the rendered shape.</returns>
  17985. </member>
  17986. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.RenderToSize(System.Drawing.Graphics,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  17987. <summary>
  17988. Renders the shape into a <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Graphics" />
  17989. object to a specified size.
  17990. </summary>
  17991. <param name="graphics">The object where to render to.</param>
  17992. <param name="x">The X coordinate (in world units) of the top left corner of the rendered shape.</param>
  17993. <param name="y">The Y coordinate (in world units) of the top left corner of the rendered shape.</param>
  17994. <param name="width">The maximum width (in world units) that can be occupied by the rendered shape.</param>
  17995. <param name="height">The maximum height (in world units) that can be occupied by the rendered shape.</param>
  17996. <returns>The scale that was automatically calculated for the rendered shape to fit the specified size.</returns>
  17997. </member>
  17998. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.Save(System.String,Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions)">
  17999. <overloads>Renders the shape and saves into an image.</overloads>
  18000. <summary>
  18001. Renders the shape into an image and saves into a file.
  18002. </summary>
  18003. <param name="fileName">The name for the image file. If a file with the specified name already exists, the existing file is overwritten.</param>
  18004. <param name="saveOptions">Specifies the options that control how the shape is rendered and saved. Can be null.</param>
  18005. </member>
  18006. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions)">
  18007. <summary>
  18008. Renders the shape into an image and saves into a stream.
  18009. </summary>
  18010. <param name="stream">The stream where to save the image of the shape.</param>
  18011. <param name="saveOptions">Specifies the options that control how the shape is rendered and saved. Can be null.
  18012. If this is null, the image will be saved in the PNG format.</param>
  18013. </member>
  18014. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.SizeInPoints">
  18015. <summary>
  18016. Gets the actual size of the shape in points.
  18017. </summary>
  18018. <remarks>
  18019. <para>This property returns the size of the actual (as rendered on the page) bounding box of the shape.
  18020. The size takes into account shape rotation (if any).</para>
  18021. </remarks>
  18022. </member>
  18023. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.BoundsInPoints">
  18024. <summary>
  18025. Gets the actual bounds of the shape in points.
  18026. </summary>
  18027. <remarks>
  18028. <para>This property returns the actual (as rendered on the page) bounding box of the shape.
  18029. The bounds takes into account shape rotation (if any).</para>
  18030. </remarks>
  18031. </member>
  18032. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NodeRendererBase.OpaqueBoundsInPoints">
  18033. <summary>
  18034. Gets the opaque bounds of the shape in points.
  18035. </summary>
  18036. <remarks>
  18037. <para>This property returns the opaque (i.e. transparent parts of the shape are ignored) bounding box of the shape.
  18038. The bounds takes the shape rotation into account.</para>
  18039. </remarks>
  18040. </member>
  18041. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.OfficeMathRenderer">
  18042. <summary>
  18043. Provides methods to render an individual <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath" />
  18044. to a raster or vector image or to a Graphics object.
  18045. </summary>
  18046. </member>
  18047. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.OfficeMathRenderer.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath)">
  18048. <summary>
  18049. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  18050. </summary>
  18051. <param name="math">The OfficeMath object that you want to render.</param>
  18052. </member>
  18053. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PrinterSettingsContainer">
  18054. <summary>
  18055. Represent a storage for some parameters of <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings" /> object.
  18056. </summary>
  18057. <remarks>
  18058. Access to data of <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings" /> takes long time.
  18059. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PrinterSettingsContainer" /> caches parameters from <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings" />,
  18060. so printing works faster.
  18061. </remarks>
  18062. </member>
  18063. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PrinterSettingsContainer.#ctor(System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings)">
  18064. <summary>
  18065. Creates a container for <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings" />.
  18066. </summary>
  18067. </member>
  18068. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PrinterSettingsContainer.PaperSizes">
  18069. <summary>
  18070. See <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes" />.
  18071. </summary>
  18072. </member>
  18073. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PrinterSettingsContainer.DefaultPageSettingsPaperSource">
  18074. <summary>
  18075. See <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSource" /> of <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings" />.
  18076. </summary>
  18077. </member>
  18078. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PrinterSettingsContainer.PaperSources">
  18079. <summary>
  18080. See <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.PaperSources" />.
  18081. </summary>
  18082. </member>
  18083. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.ThumbnailGeneratingOptions">
  18084. <summary>
  18085. Can be used to specify additional options when generating thumbnail for a document.
  18086. </summary>
  18087. <remarks>
  18088. User can call method <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateThumbnail(Aspose.Words.Rendering.ThumbnailGeneratingOptions)" /> to generate
  18089. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.Thumbnail" /> for a document.
  18090. </remarks>
  18091. </member>
  18092. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.ThumbnailGeneratingOptions.GenerateFromFirstPage">
  18093. <summary>
  18094. Specifies whether to generate thumbnail from first page of the document or first image.
  18095. </summary>
  18096. <remarks>
  18097. Default is <c>true</c>, which means thumbnail will be generated from first page of the document.
  18098. If value is <c>false</c> and there is no image in the document, thumbnail will be generated
  18099. from first page of the document.
  18100. </remarks>
  18101. </member>
  18102. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.ThumbnailGeneratingOptions.ThumbnailSize">
  18103. <summary>
  18104. Size of generated thumbnail in pixels.
  18105. Default is 600x900.
  18106. </summary>
  18107. </member>
  18108. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.ShapeRenderer">
  18109. <summary>
  18110. Provides methods to render an individual <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> or <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />
  18111. to a raster or vector image or to a Graphics object.
  18112. </summary>
  18113. </member>
  18114. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.ShapeRenderer.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase)">
  18115. <summary>
  18116. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  18117. </summary>
  18118. <param name="shape">The DrawinML shape object that you want to render.</param>
  18119. </member>
  18120. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.NamespaceDoc">
  18121. <summary>
  18122. <para>The <b>Aspose.Words.Rendering</b> namespace provides classes that allow to
  18123. customize printing or rendering of documents.</para>
  18124. <para>To actually render, print or convert a document use the corresponding methods on the
  18125. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.</para>
  18126. </summary>
  18127. </member>
  18128. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo">
  18129. <summary>
  18130. Represents information about a particular document page.
  18131. </summary>
  18132. <remarks>
  18133. <para>The page width and height returned by this object represent the "final" size of the page e.g. they are
  18134. already rotated to the correct orientation.</para>
  18135. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.GetPageInfo(System.Int32)" />
  18136. </remarks>
  18137. </member>
  18138. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.GetSizeInPixels(System.Single,System.Single)">
  18139. <summary>
  18140. Calculates the page size in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.
  18141. </summary>
  18142. <param name="scale">The zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  18143. <param name="dpi">The resolution (horizontal and vertical) to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  18144. <returns>The size of the page in pixels.</returns>
  18145. </member>
  18146. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.GetSizeInPixels(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  18147. <summary>
  18148. Calculates the page size in pixels for a specified zoom factor and resolution.
  18149. </summary>
  18150. <param name="scale">The zoom factor (1.0 is 100%).</param>
  18151. <param name="horizontalDpi">The horizontal resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  18152. <param name="verticalDpi">The vertical resolution to convert from points to pixels (dots per inch).</param>
  18153. <returns>The size of the page in pixels.</returns>
  18154. </member>
  18155. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.GetDotNetPaperSize(System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.PaperSizeCollection)">
  18156. <summary>
  18157. Gets the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize" /> object suitable for printing
  18158. the page represented by this <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo" />.
  18159. </summary>
  18160. <param name="paperSizes">Available paper sizes.</param>
  18161. <returns>An object that you can use in the .NET printing framework to specify the paper size.</returns>
  18162. </member>
  18163. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.GetSpecifiedPrinterPaperSource(System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.PaperSourceCollection,System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSource)">
  18164. <summary>
  18165. Gets the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSource" /> object suitable for printing
  18166. the page represented by this <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo" />.
  18167. </summary>
  18168. <param name="paperSources">Available paper sources.</param>
  18169. <param name="defaultPageSettingsPaperSource">Paper source defined in default printer settings.</param>
  18170. <returns>An object that you can use in the .NET printing framework to specify the paper source.</returns>
  18171. <remarks>
  18172. <para>This method requires .NET Framework 2.0 or later.</para>
  18173. </remarks>
  18174. </member>
  18175. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.PaperSize">
  18176. <summary>
  18177. Gets the paper size as enumeration.
  18178. </summary>
  18179. </member>
  18180. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.WidthInPoints">
  18181. <summary>
  18182. Gets the width of the page in points.
  18183. </summary>
  18184. </member>
  18185. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.HeightInPoints">
  18186. <summary>
  18187. Gets the height of the page in points.
  18188. </summary>
  18189. </member>
  18190. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.SizeInPoints">
  18191. <summary>
  18192. Gets the page size in points.
  18193. </summary>
  18194. </member>
  18195. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.PaperTray">
  18196. <summary>
  18197. Gets the paper tray (bin) for this page as specified in the document.
  18198. The value is implementation (printer) specific.
  18199. </summary>
  18200. </member>
  18201. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Rendering.PageInfo.Landscape">
  18202. <summary>
  18203. Returns true if the page orientation specified in the document for this page is landscape.
  18204. </summary>
  18205. </member>
  18206. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.AsposeWordsPrintDocument">
  18207. <summary>
  18208. Provides a default implementation for printing of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> within
  18209. the .NET printing framework.
  18210. </summary>
  18211. <remarks>
  18212. <para>
  18213. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.AsposeWordsPrintDocument" /> overrides <see cref="M:System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.OnBeginPrint(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs)" />
  18214. to print the range of pages that is specified in <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.PrinterSettings" />.</para>
  18215. <para>A single Word document can consist of multiple sections that specify pages with different sizes,
  18216. orientation and paper trays. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.AsposeWordsPrintDocument" /> overrides
  18217. <see cref="M:System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument.OnQueryPageSettings(System.Drawing.Printing.QueryPageSettingsEventArgs)" /> to properly select paper size, orientation
  18218. and paper source when printing a Word document.</para>
  18219. <para>Microsoft Word stores printer specific values for paper trays in a Word document and therefore,
  18220. only printing on the same printer model as the one that was selected when the user specified the paper trays
  18221. will result in printing from the correct trays. If you print a document on a different printer, then most likely
  18222. the default paper tray will be used, not the trays specified in the document.</para>
  18223. </remarks>
  18224. </member>
  18225. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.AsposeWordsPrintDocument.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Document)">
  18226. <summary>
  18227. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  18228. </summary>
  18229. <param name="document">The document to print.</param>
  18230. </member>
  18231. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Rendering.AsposeWordsPrintDocument.CachePrinterSettings">
  18232. <summary>
  18233. Reads and caches some fields of <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings" />
  18234. to reduce printing time.
  18235. </summary>
  18236. <remarks>
  18237. This method is called before the printing starts if it wasn't executed previously.
  18238. </remarks>
  18239. </member>
  18240. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathDisplayType">
  18241. <summary>
  18242. Specifies the display format type of the equation.
  18243. </summary>
  18244. </member>
  18245. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathDisplayType.Display">
  18246. <summary>
  18247. The Office Math is displayed on its own line.
  18248. </summary>
  18249. </member>
  18250. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathDisplayType.Inline">
  18251. <summary>
  18252. The Office Math is displayed inline with the text.
  18253. </summary>
  18254. </member>
  18255. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathJustification">
  18256. <summary>
  18257. Specifies the justification of the equation.
  18258. </summary>
  18259. </member>
  18260. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathJustification.CenterGroup">
  18261. <summary>
  18262. Justifies instances of mathematical text to the left with respect to each other, and centers the group of mathematical
  18263. text (the Math Paragraph) with respect to the page.
  18264. </summary>
  18265. </member>
  18266. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathJustification.Center">
  18267. <summary>
  18268. Centers each instance of mathematical text individually with respect to margins.
  18269. </summary>
  18270. </member>
  18271. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathJustification.Left">
  18272. <summary>
  18273. Left justification of Math Paragraph.
  18274. </summary>
  18275. </member>
  18276. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathJustification.Right">
  18277. <summary>
  18278. Right Justification of Math Paragraph.
  18279. </summary>
  18280. </member>
  18281. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathJustification.Inline">
  18282. <summary>
  18283. Inline position of Math.
  18284. </summary>
  18285. </member>
  18286. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathJustification.Default">
  18287. <summary>
  18288. Default value <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathJustification.CenterGroup" />.
  18289. </summary>
  18290. </member>
  18291. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType">
  18292. <summary>
  18293. Specifies type of an Office Math object.
  18294. </summary>
  18295. </member>
  18296. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.OMath">
  18297. <summary>
  18298. Instance of mathematical text.
  18299. </summary>
  18300. </member>
  18301. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.OMathPara">
  18302. <summary>
  18303. Math paragraph, or display math zone, that contains one or more <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.OMath" /> elements that are in display mode.
  18304. </summary>
  18305. </member>
  18306. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Accent">
  18307. <summary>
  18308. Accent function, consisting of a base and a combining diacritical mark.
  18309. </summary>
  18310. </member>
  18311. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Bar">
  18312. <summary>
  18313. Bar function, consisting of a base argument and an overbar or underbar.
  18314. </summary>
  18315. </member>
  18316. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.BorderBox">
  18317. <summary>
  18318. Border Box object, consisting of a border drawn around an instance of mathematical text (such as a formula or equation)
  18319. </summary>
  18320. </member>
  18321. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Box">
  18322. <summary>
  18323. Box object, which is used to group components of an equation or other instance of mathematical text.
  18324. </summary>
  18325. </member>
  18326. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Delimiter">
  18327. <summary>
  18328. Delimiter object, consisting of opening and closing delimiters (such as parentheses,
  18329. braces, brackets, and vertical bars), and an element contained inside.
  18330. </summary>
  18331. </member>
  18332. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Degree">
  18333. <summary>
  18334. Degree in the mathematical radical.
  18335. </summary>
  18336. </member>
  18337. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Argument">
  18338. <summary>
  18339. Argument object. Encloses Office Math entities when they are used as arguments to other Office Math entities.
  18340. </summary>
  18341. </member>
  18342. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Array">
  18343. <summary>
  18344. Array object, consisting of one or more equations, expressions, or other mathematical text runs
  18345. that can be vertically justified as a unit with respect to surrounding text on the line.
  18346. </summary>
  18347. </member>
  18348. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Fraction">
  18349. <summary>
  18350. Fraction object, consisting of a numerator and denominator separated by a fraction bar.
  18351. </summary>
  18352. </member>
  18353. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Denominator">
  18354. <summary>
  18355. Denominator of a fraction object.
  18356. </summary>
  18357. </member>
  18358. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Numerator">
  18359. <summary>
  18360. Numerator of the Fraction object.
  18361. </summary>
  18362. </member>
  18363. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Function">
  18364. <summary>
  18365. Function-Apply object, which consists of a function name and an argument element acted upon.
  18366. </summary>
  18367. </member>
  18368. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.FunctionName">
  18369. <summary>
  18370. Name of the function. For example, function names are sin and cos.
  18371. </summary>
  18372. </member>
  18373. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.GroupCharacter">
  18374. <summary>
  18375. Group-Character object, consisting of a character drawn above or below text, often
  18376. with the purpose of visually grouping items
  18377. </summary>
  18378. </member>
  18379. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Limit">
  18380. <summary>
  18381. Lower limit of the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.LowerLimit" /> object and
  18382. the upper limit of the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.UpperLimit" /> function.
  18383. </summary>
  18384. </member>
  18385. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.LowerLimit">
  18386. <summary>
  18387. Lower-Limit object, consisting of text on the baseline and reduced-size text immediately below it.
  18388. </summary>
  18389. </member>
  18390. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.UpperLimit">
  18391. <summary>
  18392. Upper-Limit object, consisting of text on the baseline and reduced-size text immediately above it.
  18393. </summary>
  18394. </member>
  18395. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Matrix">
  18396. <summary>
  18397. Matrix object, consisting of one or more elements laid out in one or more rows and one or more columns.
  18398. </summary>
  18399. </member>
  18400. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.MatrixRow">
  18401. <summary>
  18402. Single row of the matrix.
  18403. </summary>
  18404. </member>
  18405. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.NAry">
  18406. <summary>
  18407. N-ary object, consisting of an n-ary object, a base (or operand), and optional upper and lower limits.
  18408. </summary>
  18409. </member>
  18410. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Phantom">
  18411. <summary>
  18412. Phantom object.
  18413. </summary>
  18414. </member>
  18415. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Radical">
  18416. <summary>
  18417. Radical object, consisting of a radical, a base element, and an optional degree .
  18418. </summary>
  18419. </member>
  18420. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.SubscriptPart">
  18421. <summary>
  18422. Subscript of the object that can have subscript part.
  18423. </summary>
  18424. </member>
  18425. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.SuperscriptPart">
  18426. <summary>
  18427. Superscript of the superscript object.
  18428. </summary>
  18429. </member>
  18430. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.PreSubSuperscript">
  18431. <summary>
  18432. Pre-Sub-Superscript object, which consists of a base element and a subscript and superscript placed to the left of the base.
  18433. </summary>
  18434. </member>
  18435. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Subscript">
  18436. <summary>
  18437. Subscript object, which consists of a base element and a reduced-size script placed below and to the right.
  18438. </summary>
  18439. </member>
  18440. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.SubSuperscript">
  18441. <summary>
  18442. Sub-superscript object, which consists of a base element, a reduced-size script placed below and to the right, and a reduced-size script placed above and to the right.
  18443. </summary>
  18444. </member>
  18445. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Math.MathObjectType.Supercript">
  18446. <summary>
  18447. Superscript object, which consists of a base element and a reduced-size script placed above and to the right.
  18448. </summary>
  18449. </member>
  18450. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Math.NamespaceDoc">
  18451. <summary>
  18452. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Math</b> namespace contains classes that represent Office Math elements.</p>
  18453. </summary>
  18454. </member>
  18455. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath">
  18456. <summary>
  18457. Represents an Office Math object such as function, equation, matrix or alike. Can contain child elements
  18458. including runs of mathematical text, bookmarks, comments, other <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath" /> instances and some other nodes.
  18459. </summary>
  18460. <remarks>
  18461. <para>In this version of Aspose.Words, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath" /> nodes do not provide public methods
  18462. and properties to create or modify a OfficeMath object. In this version you are not able to instantiate
  18463. <see cref="N:Aspose.Words.Math" /> nodes or modify existing except deleting them.</para>
  18464. <p>
  18465. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath" /> can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</p>
  18466. </remarks>
  18467. </member>
  18468. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  18469. <summary>
  18470. Accepts a visitor.
  18471. </summary>
  18472. <remarks>
  18473. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  18474. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  18475. </remarks>
  18476. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  18477. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  18478. <remarks>
  18479. Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitOfficeMathStart(Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath)" />, then calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" /> for all
  18480. child nodes of the Office Math and calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitOfficeMathEnd(Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath)" /> at the end.
  18481. </remarks>
  18482. </member>
  18483. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.GetMathRenderer">
  18484. <summary>
  18485. Creates and returns an object that can be used to render this equation into an image.
  18486. </summary>
  18487. <remarks>
  18488. <para>This method just invokes the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.OfficeMathRenderer" /> constructor and passes
  18489. this object as a parameter.</para>
  18490. </remarks>
  18491. <returns>The renderer object for this equation.</returns>
  18492. </member>
  18493. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.NodeType">
  18494. <summary>
  18495. Returns <b>NodeType.OfficeMath</b>.
  18496. </summary>
  18497. </member>
  18498. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.ParentParagraph">
  18499. <summary>
  18500. Retrieves the parent <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> of this node.
  18501. </summary>
  18502. </member>
  18503. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.MathObjectType">
  18504. <summary>
  18505. Gets type <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.MathObjectType" /> of this Office Math object.
  18506. </summary>
  18507. </member>
  18508. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.EquationXmlEncoding">
  18509. <summary>
  18510. Gets/sets an encoding that was used to encode equation XML, if this office math object is read from
  18511. equation XML. We use the encoding on saving a document to write in same encoding that it was read.
  18512. </summary>
  18513. </member>
  18514. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.Justification">
  18515. <summary>
  18516. Gets/sets Office Math justification.
  18517. </summary>
  18518. <remarks>
  18519. <para>Justification cannot be set to the Office Math with display format type <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathDisplayType.Inline" />.</para>
  18520. <para>Inline justification cannot be set to the Office Math with display format type <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathDisplayType.Display" />.</para>
  18521. <para>Corresponding <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.DisplayType" /> has to be set before setting Office Math justification.</para>
  18522. </remarks>
  18523. </member>
  18524. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMath.DisplayType">
  18525. <summary>
  18526. Gets/sets Office Math display format type which represents whether an equation is displayed inline with the text
  18527. or displayed on its own line.
  18528. </summary>
  18529. <remarks>
  18530. <para>Display format type has effect for top level Office Math only.</para>
  18531. <para>Returned display format type is always <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Math.OfficeMathDisplayType.Inline" /> for nested Office Math.</para>
  18532. </remarks>
  18533. </member>
  18534. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions">
  18535. <summary>
  18536. Represents options for parsing CSV data.
  18537. </summary>
  18538. <remarks>
  18539. An instance of this class can be passed into constructors of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource" />.
  18540. </remarks>
  18541. </member>
  18542. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions.#ctor">
  18543. <summary>
  18544. Initializes a new instance of this class with default options.
  18545. </summary>
  18546. </member>
  18547. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  18548. <summary>
  18549. Initializes a new instance of this class with specifying whether CSV data contains column names
  18550. at the first line.
  18551. </summary>
  18552. </member>
  18553. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions.HasHeaders">
  18554. <summary>
  18555. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the first record of CSV data contains column names.
  18556. </summary>
  18557. <remarks>
  18558. The default value is <b>false</b>.
  18559. </remarks>
  18560. </member>
  18561. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions.Delimiter">
  18562. <summary>
  18563. Gets or sets the character to be used as a column delimiter.
  18564. </summary>
  18565. <remarks>
  18566. The default value is ',' (comma).
  18567. </remarks>
  18568. </member>
  18569. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions.QuoteChar">
  18570. <summary>
  18571. Gets or sets the character that is used to quote field values.
  18572. </summary>
  18573. <remarks>
  18574. <para>The default value is '"' (quotation mark).</para>
  18575. <para>Double the character to place it into quoted text.</para>
  18576. </remarks>
  18577. </member>
  18578. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions.CommentChar">
  18579. <summary>
  18580. Gets or sets the character that is used to comment lines of CSV data.
  18581. </summary>
  18582. <remarks>
  18583. The default value is '#' (number sign).
  18584. </remarks>
  18585. </member>
  18586. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource">
  18587. <summary>
  18588. Provides access to data of a CSV file or stream to be used within a report.
  18589. </summary>
  18590. <remarks>
  18591. <para>
  18592. To access data of the corresponding file or stream while generating a report, pass an instance of this class as
  18593. a data source to one of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine" />.BuildReport overloads.
  18594. </para>
  18595. <para>
  18596. In template documents, a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource" /> instance should be treated in the same way as if it was
  18597. a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" />
  18598. instance. For more information, see template syntax reference
  18599. (https://docs.aspose.com/display/wordsnet/Template+Syntax).
  18600. </para>
  18601. <para>
  18602. Data types of comma-separated values are determined automatically upon their string representations. So in template
  18603. documents, you can work with typed values rather than just strings. The engine is capable to automatically recognize
  18604. values of the following types:
  18605. </para>
  18606. <list type="bullet">
  18607. <item>
  18608. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18609. </item>
  18610. <item>
  18611. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18612. </item>
  18613. <item>
  18614. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18615. </item>
  18616. <item>
  18617. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18618. </item>
  18619. <item>
  18620. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18621. </item>
  18622. <item>
  18623. <see cref="T:System.String" />
  18624. </item>
  18625. </list>
  18626. <para>
  18627. Note that for automatic recognition of data types to work, string representations of comma-separated values should
  18628. be formed using invariant culture settings.
  18629. </para>
  18630. <para>
  18631. To override default behavior of CSV data loading, initialize and pass a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions" /> instance
  18632. to a constructor of this class.
  18633. </para>
  18634. </remarks>
  18635. </member>
  18636. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource.#ctor(System.String)">
  18637. <summary>
  18638. Creates a new data source with data from a CSV file using default options for parsing CSV data.
  18639. </summary>
  18640. <param name="csvPath">The path to the CSV file to be used as the data source.</param>
  18641. </member>
  18642. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource.#ctor(System.String,Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions)">
  18643. <summary>
  18644. Creates a new data source with data from a CSV file using the specified options for parsing CSV data.
  18645. </summary>
  18646. <param name="csvPath">The path to the CSV file to be used as the data source.</param>
  18647. <param name="options">Options for parsing the CSV data.</param>
  18648. </member>
  18649. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
  18650. <summary>
  18651. Creates a new data source with data from a CSV stream using default options for parsing CSV data.
  18652. </summary>
  18653. <param name="csvStream">The stream of CSV data to be used as the data source.</param>
  18654. </member>
  18655. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataLoadOptions)">
  18656. <summary>
  18657. Creates a new data source with data from a CSV stream using the specified options for parsing CSV data.
  18658. </summary>
  18659. <param name="csvStream">The stream of CSV data to be used as the data source.</param>
  18660. <param name="options">Options for parsing the CSV data.</param>
  18661. </member>
  18662. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions">
  18663. <summary>
  18664. Represents options for parsing JSON data.
  18665. </summary>
  18666. <remarks>
  18667. An instance of this class can be passed into constructors of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource" />.
  18668. </remarks>
  18669. </member>
  18670. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions.#ctor">
  18671. <summary>
  18672. Initializes a new instance of this class with default options.
  18673. </summary>
  18674. </member>
  18675. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions.SimpleValueParseMode">
  18676. <summary>
  18677. Gets or sets a mode for parsing JSON simple values (null, boolean, number, integer, and string)
  18678. while loading JSON. Such a mode does not affect parsing of date-time values. The default is
  18679. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonSimpleValueParseMode.Loose" />.
  18680. </summary>
  18681. </member>
  18682. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions.ExactDateTimeParseFormat">
  18683. <summary>
  18684. Gets or sets an exact format for parsing JSON date-time values while loading JSON. The default is <b>null</b>.
  18685. </summary>
  18686. <remarks>
  18687. <para>
  18688. Strings encoded using Microsoft® JSON date-time format (for example, "/Date(1224043200000)/") are always
  18689. recognized as date-time values regardless of a value of this property. The property defines additional
  18690. formats to be used while parsing date-time values from strings in the following way:
  18691. </para>
  18692. <list type="bullet">
  18693. <item>
  18694. When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions.ExactDateTimeParseFormat" /> is <b>null</b>, the ISO-8601 format and all date-time formats
  18695. supported for the current, English USA, and English New Zealand cultures are used additionally in
  18696. the mentioned order.
  18697. </item>
  18698. <item>
  18699. When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions.ExactDateTimeParseFormat" /> is a non-empty string, it is used as a single additional
  18700. date-time format utilizing the current culture.
  18701. </item>
  18702. <item>
  18703. When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions.ExactDateTimeParseFormat" /> is an empty string, no additional date-time formats are used.
  18704. </item>
  18705. </list>
  18706. </remarks>
  18707. </member>
  18708. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource">
  18709. <summary>
  18710. Provides access to data of a JSON file or stream to be used within a report.
  18711. </summary>
  18712. <remarks>
  18713. <para>
  18714. To access data of the corresponding file or stream while generating a report, pass an instance of this class as
  18715. a data source to one of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine" />.BuildReport overloads.
  18716. </para>
  18717. <para>
  18718. In template documents, if a top-level JSON element is an array, a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource" /> instance should be
  18719. treated in the same way as if it was a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" /> instance. If a top-level JSON element
  18720. is an object, a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource" /> instance should be treated in the same way as if it was
  18721. a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataRow" />
  18722. instance. For more information, see template syntax reference
  18723. (https://docs.aspose.com/display/wordsnet/Template+Syntax).
  18724. </para>
  18725. <para>
  18726. In template documents, you can work with typed values of JSON elements. For convenience, the engine replaces the set
  18727. of JSON simple types with the following one:
  18728. </para>
  18729. <list type="bullet">
  18730. <item>
  18731. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18732. </item>
  18733. <item>
  18734. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18735. </item>
  18736. <item>
  18737. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18738. </item>
  18739. <item>
  18740. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18741. </item>
  18742. <item>
  18743. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18744. </item>
  18745. <item>
  18746. <see cref="T:System.String" />
  18747. </item>
  18748. </list>
  18749. <para>
  18750. The engine automatically recognizes values of the extra types upon their JSON representations.
  18751. </para>
  18752. <para>
  18753. To override default behavior of JSON data loading, initialize and pass a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions" /> instance
  18754. to a constructor of this class.
  18755. </para>
  18756. </remarks>
  18757. </member>
  18758. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource.#ctor(System.String)">
  18759. <summary>
  18760. Creates a new data source with data from a JSON file using default options for parsing JSON data.
  18761. </summary>
  18762. <param name="jsonPath">The path to the JSON file to be used as the data source.</param>
  18763. </member>
  18764. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
  18765. <summary>
  18766. Creates a new data source with data from a JSON stream using default options for parsing JSON data.
  18767. </summary>
  18768. <param name="jsonStream">The stream of JSON data to be used as the data source.</param>
  18769. </member>
  18770. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource.#ctor(System.String,Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions)">
  18771. <summary>
  18772. Creates a new data source with data from a JSON file using the specified options for parsing JSON data.
  18773. </summary>
  18774. <param name="jsonPath">The path to the JSON file to be used as the data source.</param>
  18775. <param name="options">Options for parsing JSON data.</param>
  18776. </member>
  18777. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataLoadOptions)">
  18778. <summary>
  18779. Creates a new data source with data from a JSON stream using the specified options for parsing JSON data.
  18780. </summary>
  18781. <param name="jsonStream">The stream of JSON data to be used as the data source.</param>
  18782. <param name="options">Options for parsing JSON data.</param>
  18783. </member>
  18784. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonSimpleValueParseMode">
  18785. <summary>
  18786. Specifies a mode for parsing JSON simple values (null, boolean, number, integer, and string) while loading JSON.
  18787. Such a mode does not affect parsing of date-time values.
  18788. </summary>
  18789. </member>
  18790. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonSimpleValueParseMode.Loose">
  18791. <summary>
  18792. Specifies the mode where types of JSON simple values are determined upon parsing of their string representations.
  18793. For example, the type of 'prop' from the JSON snippet '{ prop: "123" }' is determined as integer in this mode.
  18794. </summary>
  18795. </member>
  18796. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonSimpleValueParseMode.Strict">
  18797. <summary>
  18798. Specifies the mode where types of JSON simple values are determined from JSON notation itself.
  18799. For example, the type of 'prop' from the JSON snippet '{ prop: "123" }' is determined as string in this mode.
  18800. </summary>
  18801. </member>
  18802. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource">
  18803. <summary>
  18804. Provides access to data of an XML file or stream to be used within a report.
  18805. </summary>
  18806. <remarks>
  18807. <para>
  18808. To access data of the corresponding file or stream while generating a report, pass an instance of this class as
  18809. a data source to one of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine" />.BuildReport overloads.
  18810. </para>
  18811. <para>
  18812. In template documents, if a top-level XML element contains only a list of elements of the same type,
  18813. an <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource" /> instance should be treated in the same way as if it was
  18814. a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" />
  18815. instance. Otherwise, an <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource" /> instance should be treated in the same way as if it was
  18816. a <see cref="T:System.Data.DataRow" />
  18817. instance. For more information, see template syntax reference
  18818. (https://docs.aspose.com/display/wordsnet/Template+Syntax).
  18819. </para>
  18820. <para>
  18821. When XML Schema Definition is passed to a constructor of this class, data types of values of simple XML elements
  18822. and attributes are determined according to the schema. So in template documents, you can work with typed values
  18823. rather than just strings.
  18824. </para>
  18825. <para>
  18826. When XML Schema Definition is not passed to a constructor of this class, data types of values of simple XML elements
  18827. and attributes are determined automatically upon their string representations. So in template documents, you can work
  18828. with typed values in this case as well. The engine is capable to automatically recognize values of the following types:
  18829. </para>
  18830. <list type="bullet">
  18831. <item>
  18832. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18833. </item>
  18834. <item>
  18835. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18836. </item>
  18837. <item>
  18838. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18839. </item>
  18840. <item>
  18841. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18842. </item>
  18843. <item>
  18844. <see cref="T:System.Nullable`1" />
  18845. </item>
  18846. <item>
  18847. <see cref="T:System.String" />
  18848. </item>
  18849. </list>
  18850. <para>
  18851. Note that for automatic recognition of data types to work, string representations of values of simple XML elements
  18852. and attributes should be formed using invariant culture settings.
  18853. </para>
  18854. </remarks>
  18855. </member>
  18856. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource.#ctor(System.String)">
  18857. <summary>
  18858. Creates a new data source with data from an XML file.
  18859. </summary>
  18860. <param name="xmlPath">The path to the XML file to be used as the data source.</param>
  18861. </member>
  18862. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
  18863. <summary>
  18864. Creates a new data source with data from an XML stream.
  18865. </summary>
  18866. <param name="xmlStream">The stream of XML data to be used as the data source.</param>
  18867. </member>
  18868. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
  18869. <summary>
  18870. Creates a new data source with data from an XML file using an XML Schema Definition file.
  18871. </summary>
  18872. <param name="xmlPath">The path to the XML file to be used as the data source.</param>
  18873. <param name="xmlSchemaPath">The path to the XML Schema Definition file that provides schema for the XML
  18874. file.</param>
  18875. </member>
  18876. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,System.IO.Stream)">
  18877. <summary>
  18878. Creates a new data source with data from an XML stream using an XML Schema Definition stream.
  18879. </summary>
  18880. <param name="xmlStream">The stream of XML data to be used as the data source.</param>
  18881. <param name="xmlSchemaStream">The stream of XML Schema Definition that provides schema for the XML data.</param>
  18882. </member>
  18883. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.NamespaceDoc">
  18884. <summary>
  18885. <p>This namespace contains classes of the Aspose.Words' new reporting engine that
  18886. supports report templates marked up with a language based on the LINQ Method Syntax.</p>
  18887. <p>This new reporting engine is more advanced than the original mail merge reporting engine
  18888. <see cref="N:Aspose.Words.MailMerging" /> and allows to retrieve data from any .NET class,
  18889. perform grouping, sorting, joining and interpret C# expressions.</p>
  18890. <seealso cref="N:Aspose.Words.MailMerging" />
  18891. </summary>
  18892. </member>
  18893. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions">
  18894. <summary>
  18895. Specifies options controlling behavior of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine" /> while building a report.
  18896. </summary>
  18897. </member>
  18898. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions.None">
  18899. <summary>
  18900. Specifies default options.
  18901. </summary>
  18902. </member>
  18903. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions.AllowMissingMembers">
  18904. <summary>
  18905. Specifies that missing object members should be treated as null literals by the engine. This option
  18906. affects only access to instance (that is, non-static) object members and extension methods. If this
  18907. option is not set, the engine throws an exception when encounters a missing object member.
  18908. </summary>
  18909. </member>
  18910. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphs">
  18911. <summary>
  18912. Specifies that the engine should remove paragraphs becoming empty after template syntax tags are
  18913. removed or replaced with empty values.
  18914. </summary>
  18915. </member>
  18916. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions.InlineErrorMessages">
  18917. <summary>
  18918. Specifies that the engine should inline template syntax error messages into output documents.
  18919. If this option is not set, the engine throws an exception when encounters a syntax error.
  18920. </summary>
  18921. </member>
  18922. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine">
  18923. <summary>
  18924. Provides routines to populate template documents with data and a set of settings to control these routines.
  18925. </summary>
  18926. <dev>
  18927. This class is just a facade of <see cref="T:Aspose.Reporting.ReportingEngineCore" />. Descriptional comments of these classes
  18928. should be kept in sync.
  18929. </dev>
  18930. </member>
  18931. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.#ctor">
  18932. <summary>
  18933. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  18934. </summary>
  18935. </member>
  18936. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.BuildReport(Aspose.Words.Document,System.Object)">
  18937. <summary>
  18938. Populates the specified template document with data from the specified source making it a ready report.
  18939. </summary>
  18940. <remarks>
  18941. <para>
  18942. Using this overload you can reference the data source's members in the template document, but you cannot
  18943. reference the data source object itself. You should use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.BuildReport(Aspose.Words.Document,System.Object,System.String)" />
  18944. overload to achieve this.
  18945. </para>
  18946. <para>
  18947. A data source object can be of one of the following types:
  18948. </para>
  18949. <list type="bullet">
  18950. <item>
  18951. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource" />
  18952. </item>
  18953. <item>
  18954. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource" />
  18955. </item>
  18956. <item>
  18957. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource" />
  18958. </item>
  18959. <item>
  18960. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataSet" />
  18961. </item>
  18962. <item>
  18963. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" />
  18964. </item>
  18965. <item>
  18966. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataRow" />
  18967. </item>
  18968. <item>
  18969. <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" />
  18970. </item>
  18971. <item>
  18972. <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataRecord" />
  18973. </item>
  18974. <item>
  18975. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" />
  18976. </item>
  18977. <item>
  18978. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataRowView" />
  18979. </item>
  18980. <item>
  18981. Any other arbitrary non-dynamic and non-anonymous .NET type
  18982. </item>
  18983. </list>
  18984. <para>
  18985. For information on how to work with data sources of different types in template documents, see template syntax
  18986. reference (https://docs.aspose.com/display/wordsnet/Template+Syntax).
  18987. </para>
  18988. </remarks>
  18989. <param name="document">A template document to be populated with data.</param>
  18990. <param name="dataSource">A data source object.</param>
  18991. <returns>A flag indicating whether parsing of the template document was successful.
  18992. The returned flag makes sense only if a value of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.Options" /> property includes
  18993. the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions.InlineErrorMessages" /> option.</returns>
  18994. </member>
  18995. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.BuildReport(Aspose.Words.Document,System.Object,System.String)">
  18996. <summary>
  18997. Populates the specified template document with data from the specified source making it a ready report.
  18998. </summary>
  18999. <remarks>
  19000. <para>
  19001. Using this overload you can reference the data source's members and the data source object itself in the template.
  19002. If you are not going to reference the data source object itself, you can omit <paramref name="dataSourceName" />
  19003. passing null or use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.BuildReport(Aspose.Words.Document,System.Object)" /> overload.
  19004. </para>
  19005. <para>
  19006. A data source object can be of one of the following types:
  19007. </para>
  19008. <list type="bullet">
  19009. <item>
  19010. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource" />
  19011. </item>
  19012. <item>
  19013. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource" />
  19014. </item>
  19015. <item>
  19016. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource" />
  19017. </item>
  19018. <item>
  19019. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataSet" />
  19020. </item>
  19021. <item>
  19022. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" />
  19023. </item>
  19024. <item>
  19025. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataRow" />
  19026. </item>
  19027. <item>
  19028. <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" />
  19029. </item>
  19030. <item>
  19031. <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataRecord" />
  19032. </item>
  19033. <item>
  19034. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" />
  19035. </item>
  19036. <item>
  19037. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataRowView" />
  19038. </item>
  19039. <item>
  19040. Any other arbitrary non-dynamic and non-anonymous .NET type
  19041. </item>
  19042. </list>
  19043. <para>
  19044. For information on how to work with data sources of different types in template documents, see template syntax
  19045. reference (https://docs.aspose.com/display/wordsnet/Template+Syntax).
  19046. </para>
  19047. </remarks>
  19048. <param name="document">A template document to be populated with data.</param>
  19049. <param name="dataSource">A data source object.</param>
  19050. <param name="dataSourceName">A name to reference the data source object in the template.</param>
  19051. <returns>A flag indicating whether parsing of the template document was successful.
  19052. The returned flag makes sense only if a value of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.Options" /> property includes
  19053. the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions.InlineErrorMessages" /> option.</returns>
  19054. </member>
  19055. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.BuildReport(Aspose.Words.Document,System.Object[],System.String[])">
  19056. <summary>
  19057. Populates the specified template document with data from the specified sources making it a ready report.
  19058. </summary>
  19059. <remarks>
  19060. <para>
  19061. Using this overload you can reference multiple data source objects and their members in the template.
  19062. The name of the first data source can be omitted (i.e. be an empty string or null) if you are going to
  19063. reference the data source's members but not the data source object itself. Names of the other data sources
  19064. must be specified and unique.
  19065. </para>
  19066. <para>
  19067. If you are going to use a single data source, consider using of <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.BuildReport(Aspose.Words.Document,System.Object)" />
  19068. and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.BuildReport(Aspose.Words.Document,System.Object,System.String)" /> overloads instead.
  19069. </para>
  19070. <para>
  19071. A data source object can be of one of the following types:
  19072. </para>
  19073. <list type="bullet">
  19074. <item>
  19075. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.XmlDataSource" />
  19076. </item>
  19077. <item>
  19078. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.JsonDataSource" />
  19079. </item>
  19080. <item>
  19081. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.CsvDataSource" />
  19082. </item>
  19083. <item>
  19084. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataSet" />
  19085. </item>
  19086. <item>
  19087. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataTable" />
  19088. </item>
  19089. <item>
  19090. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataRow" />
  19091. </item>
  19092. <item>
  19093. <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataReader" />
  19094. </item>
  19095. <item>
  19096. <see cref="T:System.Data.IDataRecord" />
  19097. </item>
  19098. <item>
  19099. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataView" />
  19100. </item>
  19101. <item>
  19102. <see cref="T:System.Data.DataRowView" />
  19103. </item>
  19104. <item>
  19105. Any other arbitrary non-dynamic and non-anonymous .NET type
  19106. </item>
  19107. </list>
  19108. <para>
  19109. For information on how to work with data sources of different types in template documents, see template syntax
  19110. reference (https://docs.aspose.com/display/wordsnet/Template+Syntax).
  19111. </para>
  19112. </remarks>
  19113. <param name="document">A template document to be populated with data.</param>
  19114. <param name="dataSources">An array of data source objects.</param>
  19115. <param name="dataSourceNames">An array of names to reference the data source objects within the template.</param>
  19116. <returns>A flag indicating whether parsing of the template document was successful.
  19117. The returned flag makes sense only if a value of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.Options" /> property includes
  19118. the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportBuildOptions.InlineErrorMessages" /> option.</returns>
  19119. </member>
  19120. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.Options">
  19121. <summary>
  19122. Gets or sets a set of flags controlling behavior of this <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine" /> instance
  19123. while building a report.
  19124. </summary>
  19125. </member>
  19126. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.KnownTypes">
  19127. <summary>
  19128. Gets an unordered set (i.e. a collection of unique items) containing <see cref="T:System.Type" /> objects
  19129. which fully or partially qualified names can be used within report templates processed by this engine
  19130. instance to invoke the corresponding types' static members, perform type casts, etc.
  19131. </summary>
  19132. </member>
  19133. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.ReportingEngine.UseReflectionOptimization">
  19134. <summary>
  19135. Gets or sets a value indicating whether invocations of custom type members performed via reflection API are
  19136. optimized using dynamic class generation or not. The default value is true.
  19137. </summary>
  19138. <remarks>
  19139. There are some scenarios where it is preferrable to disable this optimization. For example, if you are dealing
  19140. with small collections of data items all the time, then an overhead of dynamic class generation can be more
  19141. noticeable than an overhead of direct reflection API calls.
  19142. </remarks>
  19143. <dev>
  19144. Normally, such settings should be located in configuration files, but it seems like there is no autoportable way
  19145. to achieve this.
  19146. </dev>
  19147. </member>
  19148. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Reporting.KnownTypeSet">
  19149. <summary>
  19150. Represents an unordered set (i.e. a collection of unique items) containing <see cref="T:System.Type" /> objects
  19151. which fully or partially qualified names can be used within report templates to invoke the corresponding
  19152. types' static members, perform type casts, etc.
  19153. </summary>
  19154. <dev>
  19155. This class is just a facade of <see cref="T:Aspose.Reporting.KnownTypeSetCore" />. Descriptional comments of these classes
  19156. should be kept in sync.
  19157. </dev>
  19158. </member>
  19159. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.KnownTypeSet.Add(System.Type)">
  19160. <summary>
  19161. <para>Adds the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object to the set. Throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" /> in
  19162. the following cases:</para>
  19163. <para>- <paramref name="type" /> is null.</para>
  19164. <para>- <paramref name="type" /> represents a void type.</para>
  19165. <para>- <paramref name="type" /> represents an invisible type, i.e. a non-public type or a public nested type
  19166. which has a non-public outer type.</para>
  19167. <para>- <paramref name="type" /> represents a generic type.</para>
  19168. <para>- <paramref name="type" /> represents an array type.</para>
  19169. <para>- <paramref name="type" /> has been added to the set already.</para>
  19170. </summary>
  19171. <param name="type">A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object to add.</param>
  19172. </member>
  19173. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.KnownTypeSet.Remove(System.Type)">
  19174. <summary>
  19175. Removes the specified <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object from the set. Throws <see cref="T:System.ArgumentException" /> if
  19176. <paramref name="type" /> is null.
  19177. </summary>
  19178. <param name="type">A <see cref="T:System.Type" /> object to remove.</param>
  19179. </member>
  19180. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.KnownTypeSet.Clear">
  19181. <summary>
  19182. Removes all items from the set.
  19183. </summary>
  19184. </member>
  19185. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Reporting.KnownTypeSet.GetEnumerator">
  19186. <summary>
  19187. Returns An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object to iterate over items of the set.
  19188. </summary>
  19189. <returns>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator" /> object to iterate over items of the set.</returns>
  19190. </member>
  19191. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Reporting.KnownTypeSet.Count">
  19192. <summary>
  19193. Gets the count of items in the set.
  19194. </summary>
  19195. </member>
  19196. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.BaseWebExtensionCollection`1">
  19197. <summary>
  19198. Base class for <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPaneCollection" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingCollection" />,
  19199. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionPropertyCollection" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReferenceCollection" /> collections.
  19200. </summary>
  19201. <typeparam name="T">Type of a collection item.</typeparam>
  19202. </member>
  19203. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.BaseWebExtensionCollection`1.Add(`0)">
  19204. <summary>
  19205. Adds specified item to the collection.
  19206. </summary>
  19207. <param name="item">Item for adding.</param>
  19208. </member>
  19209. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.BaseWebExtensionCollection`1.Clear">
  19210. <summary>
  19211. Removes all elements from the collection.
  19212. </summary>
  19213. </member>
  19214. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.BaseWebExtensionCollection`1.Remove(System.Int32)">
  19215. <summary>
  19216. Removes the item at the specified index from the collection.
  19217. </summary>
  19218. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the collection item.</param>
  19219. </member>
  19220. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.BaseWebExtensionCollection`1.GetEnumerator">
  19221. <summary>
  19222. Returns an enumerator that can iterate through a collection.
  19223. </summary>
  19224. <returns>
  19225. </returns>
  19226. </member>
  19227. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.BaseWebExtensionCollection`1.Count">
  19228. <summary>
  19229. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  19230. </summary>
  19231. </member>
  19232. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.BaseWebExtensionCollection`1.Item(System.Int32)">
  19233. <summary>
  19234. Gets or sets an item at the specified index.
  19235. </summary>
  19236. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the item.</param>
  19237. </member>
  19238. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReferenceCollection">
  19239. <summary>
  19240. Specifies a list of web extension references.
  19241. </summary>
  19242. <dev>2.2.6 CT_OsfWebExtensionReferenceList</dev>
  19243. </member>
  19244. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingCollection">
  19245. <summary>
  19246. Specifies a list of web extension bindings.
  19247. </summary>
  19248. <dev>2.2.4 CT_OsfWebExtensionBindingList</dev>
  19249. </member>
  19250. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionPropertyCollection">
  19251. <summary>
  19252. Specifies a set of web extension custom properties.
  19253. </summary>
  19254. <dev>2.2.2 CT_OsfWebExtensionPropertyBag</dev>
  19255. </member>
  19256. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingType">
  19257. <summary>
  19258. Enumerates available types of binding between a web extension and the data in the document.
  19259. </summary>
  19260. <dev>https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/office/office.bindingtype?view=office-js</dev>
  19261. </member>
  19262. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingType.Matrix">
  19263. <summary>
  19264. Tabular data without a header row.
  19265. </summary>
  19266. </member>
  19267. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingType.Table">
  19268. <summary>
  19269. Tabular data with a header row.
  19270. </summary>
  19271. </member>
  19272. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingType.Text">
  19273. <summary>
  19274. Plain text.
  19275. </summary>
  19276. </member>
  19277. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType">
  19278. <summary>
  19279. Enumerates available types of a web extension store.
  19280. </summary>
  19281. </member>
  19282. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.SPCatalog">
  19283. <summary>
  19284. Specifies that the store type is SharePoint corporate catalog.
  19285. </summary>
  19286. </member>
  19287. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.OMEX">
  19288. <summary>
  19289. Specifies that the store type is Office.com.
  19290. </summary>
  19291. </member>
  19292. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.SPApp">
  19293. <summary>
  19294. Specifies that the store type is a SharePoint web application.
  19295. </summary>
  19296. </member>
  19297. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.Exchange">
  19298. <summary>
  19299. Specifies that the store type is an Exchange server.
  19300. </summary>
  19301. </member>
  19302. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.FileSystem">
  19303. <summary>
  19304. Specifies that the store type is a file system share.
  19305. </summary>
  19306. </member>
  19307. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.Registry">
  19308. <summary>
  19309. Specifies that the store type is the system registry.
  19310. </summary>
  19311. </member>
  19312. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.ExCatalog">
  19313. <summary>
  19314. Specifies that the store type is Centralized Deployment via Exchange.
  19315. </summary>
  19316. </member>
  19317. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionStoreType.Default">
  19318. <summary>
  19319. Default value.
  19320. </summary>
  19321. </member>
  19322. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.NamespaceDoc">
  19323. <summary>
  19324. <para>The <b>Aspose.Words.WebExtensions</b> namespace provides classes that allow to
  19325. customize elements and attributes that extend the XML vocabulary for representing Office Add-ins.</para>
  19326. </summary>
  19327. </member>
  19328. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPane">
  19329. <summary>
  19330. Represents an add-in task pane object.
  19331. </summary>
  19332. <dev>2.2.8 CT_OsfTaskpane. This essence has public constructor.</dev>
  19333. </member>
  19334. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPane.Row">
  19335. <summary>
  19336. Specifies the index, enumerating from the outside to the inside, of this task pane among other persisted
  19337. task panes docked in the same default location.
  19338. </summary>
  19339. </member>
  19340. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPane.Width">
  19341. <summary>
  19342. Specifies the default width value for this task pane instance.
  19343. </summary>
  19344. </member>
  19345. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPane.IsLocked">
  19346. <summary>
  19347. Specifies whether the task pane is locked to the document in the UI and cannot be closed by the user.
  19348. </summary>
  19349. </member>
  19350. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPane.IsVisible">
  19351. <summary>
  19352. Specifies whether the task pane shows as visible by default when the document opens.
  19353. </summary>
  19354. </member>
  19355. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPane.DockState">
  19356. <summary>
  19357. Specifies the last-docked location of this task pane object.
  19358. </summary>
  19359. <dev>In the spec this value represents as string.</dev>
  19360. </member>
  19361. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPane.WebExtension">
  19362. <summary>
  19363. Represents an web extension object.
  19364. </summary>
  19365. </member>
  19366. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPaneCollection">
  19367. <summary>
  19368. Specifies a list of persisted task pane objects.
  19369. </summary>
  19370. <dev>2.2.9 CT_OsfTaskpanes</dev>
  19371. </member>
  19372. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPaneDockState">
  19373. <summary>
  19374. Enumerates available locations of task pane object.
  19375. </summary>
  19376. <dev>"top", "bottom", "fill" do not work. Add more available values upon request.</dev>
  19377. </member>
  19378. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPaneDockState.Right">
  19379. <summary>
  19380. Dock the task pane on the right side of the document window.
  19381. </summary>
  19382. </member>
  19383. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.TaskPaneDockState.Left">
  19384. <summary>
  19385. Dock the task pane on the left side of the document window.
  19386. </summary>
  19387. </member>
  19388. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtension">
  19389. <summary>
  19390. Represents a web extension object.
  19391. </summary>
  19392. <dev>2.2.7 CT_OsfWebExtension</dev>
  19393. </member>
  19394. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtension.Id">
  19395. <summary>
  19396. Uniquely identifies the web extension instance in the current document.
  19397. </summary>
  19398. </member>
  19399. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtension.IsFrozen">
  19400. <summary>
  19401. Specifies whether the user can interact with the web extension or not.
  19402. </summary>
  19403. </member>
  19404. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtension.Reference">
  19405. <summary>
  19406. Specifies the primary reference to an web extension.
  19407. </summary>
  19408. </member>
  19409. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtension.Bindings">
  19410. <summary>
  19411. Specifies a list of web extension bindings.
  19412. </summary>
  19413. </member>
  19414. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtension.AlternateReferences">
  19415. <summary>
  19416. Specifies alternate references to a web extension.
  19417. </summary>
  19418. </member>
  19419. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtension.Properties">
  19420. <summary>
  19421. Represents a set of web extension custom properties.
  19422. </summary>
  19423. </member>
  19424. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding">
  19425. <summary>
  19426. Specifies a binding relationship between a web extension and the data in the document.
  19427. </summary>
  19428. <dev>2.2.3 CT_OsfWebExtensionBinding</dev>
  19429. </member>
  19430. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding.#ctor">
  19431. <summary>
  19432. Hide default ctr.
  19433. </summary>
  19434. </member>
  19435. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding.#ctor(System.String,Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBindingType,System.String)">
  19436. <summary>
  19437. Creates web extension binding with specified parameters.
  19438. </summary>
  19439. <param name="id">Binding identifier.</param>
  19440. <param name="bindingType">Binding type.</param>
  19441. <param name="appRef">Binding key used to map the binding entry in this list with the bound data in the document.</param>
  19442. </member>
  19443. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding.Id">
  19444. <summary>
  19445. Specifies the binding identifier.
  19446. </summary>
  19447. </member>
  19448. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding.BindingType">
  19449. <summary>
  19450. Specifies the binding type.
  19451. </summary>
  19452. </member>
  19453. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionBinding.AppRef">
  19454. <summary>
  19455. Specifies the binding key used to map the binding entry in this list with the bound data in the document.
  19456. </summary>
  19457. <dev>It may be, for example, identifier of the SDT.</dev>
  19458. </member>
  19459. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionProperty">
  19460. <summary>
  19461. Specifies a web extension custom property.
  19462. </summary>
  19463. <dev>2.2.1 CT_OsfWebExtensionProperty</dev>
  19464. </member>
  19465. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionProperty.#ctor">
  19466. <summary>
  19467. Hide default ctr.
  19468. </summary>
  19469. </member>
  19470. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionProperty.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
  19471. <summary>
  19472. Creates web extension custom property with specified name and value.
  19473. </summary>
  19474. <param name="name">Property name.</param>
  19475. <param name="value">Property value.</param>
  19476. </member>
  19477. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionProperty.Name">
  19478. <summary>
  19479. Specifies a custom property name
  19480. </summary>
  19481. </member>
  19482. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionProperty.Value">
  19483. <summary>
  19484. Specifies a custom property value.
  19485. </summary>
  19486. </member>
  19487. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference">
  19488. <summary>
  19489. Represents the reference to a web extension. The reference is used to identify the provider location and version of the
  19490. extension.
  19491. </summary>
  19492. <dev>2.2.5 CT_OsfWebExtensionReference. This essence has public constructor to provide ability to populate alternate references.</dev>
  19493. </member>
  19494. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference.Id">
  19495. <summary>
  19496. Identifier associated with the web extension within a catalog provider.
  19497. </summary>
  19498. </member>
  19499. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference.Version">
  19500. <summary>
  19501. Specifies the version of the web extension.
  19502. </summary>
  19503. </member>
  19504. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference.Store">
  19505. <summary>
  19506. Specifies the instance of the marketplace where the web extension is stored.
  19507. </summary>
  19508. </member>
  19509. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.WebExtensions.WebExtensionReference.StoreType">
  19510. <summary>
  19511. Specifies the type of marketplace.
  19512. </summary>
  19513. </member>
  19514. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Themes.NamespaceDoc">
  19515. <summary>
  19516. <para>The <b>Aspose.Words.Themes</b> namespace provides classes that allow to access theme information in Microsoft Word documents.</para>
  19517. <para>A document theme can specify fonts and colors to be used in a document. Themes are supported in Word 2007 and higher.</para>
  19518. </summary>
  19519. </member>
  19520. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors">
  19521. <summary>
  19522. <p>Represents the color scheme of the document theme which contains twelve colors.</p>
  19523. <p>ThemeColors object contains six accent colors, two dark colors, two light colors
  19524. and a color for each of a hyperlink and followed hyperlink.</p>
  19525. </summary>
  19526. <dev>
  19527. clrScheme (Color Scheme)
  19528. Defines a set of colors which are referred to as a color scheme. The The Color Scheme Color elements appear in a sequence.
  19529. </dev>
  19530. </member>
  19531. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Accent1">
  19532. <summary>
  19533. Specifies color Accent 1.
  19534. </summary>
  19535. </member>
  19536. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Accent2">
  19537. <summary>
  19538. Specifies color Accent 2.
  19539. </summary>
  19540. </member>
  19541. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Accent3">
  19542. <summary>
  19543. Specifies color Accent 3.
  19544. </summary>
  19545. </member>
  19546. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Accent4">
  19547. <summary>
  19548. Specifies color Accent 4.
  19549. </summary>
  19550. </member>
  19551. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Accent5">
  19552. <summary>
  19553. Specifies color Accent 5.
  19554. </summary>
  19555. </member>
  19556. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Accent6">
  19557. <summary>
  19558. Specifies color Accent 6.
  19559. </summary>
  19560. </member>
  19561. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Dark1">
  19562. <summary>
  19563. Specifies color Dark 1.
  19564. </summary>
  19565. </member>
  19566. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Dark2">
  19567. <summary>
  19568. Specifies color Dark 2.
  19569. </summary>
  19570. </member>
  19571. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.FollowedHyperlink">
  19572. <summary>
  19573. Specifies color for a clicked hyperlink.
  19574. </summary>
  19575. </member>
  19576. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Hyperlink">
  19577. <summary>
  19578. Specifies color for a hyperlink.
  19579. </summary>
  19580. </member>
  19581. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Light1">
  19582. <summary>
  19583. Specifies color Light 1.
  19584. </summary>
  19585. </member>
  19586. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeColors.Light2">
  19587. <summary>
  19588. Specifies color Light 2.
  19589. </summary>
  19590. </member>
  19591. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme">
  19592. <summary>
  19593. Represents document Theme, and provides access to main theme parts including <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme.MajorFonts" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme.MinorFonts" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme.Colors" /></summary>
  19594. <dev>
  19595. At the moment this is just a crude hack to preserve themes during DOCX to DOCX roundtrip,
  19596. but later should be worked into a more appropriate object.
  19597. WORDSNET-10513. Limited support for theme handling was implemented.
  19598. If customer changes one of theme part then theme is rewritten with new values.
  19599. If theme is unchanged during roundtrip then it is written raw as before.
  19600. </dev>
  19601. </member>
  19602. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme.MajorFonts">
  19603. <summary>
  19604. Allows to specify the set of major fonts for different languages.
  19605. </summary>
  19606. </member>
  19607. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme.MinorFonts">
  19608. <summary>
  19609. Allows to specify the set of minor fonts for different languages.
  19610. </summary>
  19611. </member>
  19612. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.Theme.Colors">
  19613. <summary>
  19614. Allows to specify the set of theme colors for the document.
  19615. </summary>
  19616. </member>
  19617. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeFonts">
  19618. <summary>
  19619. Represents a collection of fonts in the font scheme, allowing to specify different fonts for different languages <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeFonts.Latin" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeFonts.EastAsian" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeFonts.ComplexScript" />.
  19620. </summary>
  19621. <dev>
  19622. Corresponds to majorFont (Major Font) or minorFont (Minor fonts).
  19623. </dev>
  19624. </member>
  19625. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeFonts.Latin">
  19626. <summary>
  19627. Specifies font name for Latin characters.
  19628. </summary>
  19629. </member>
  19630. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeFonts.EastAsian">
  19631. <summary>
  19632. Specifies font name for EastAsian characters.
  19633. </summary>
  19634. </member>
  19635. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Themes.ThemeFonts.ComplexScript">
  19636. <summary>
  19637. Specifies font name for ComplexScript characters.
  19638. </summary>
  19639. </member>
  19640. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.TextWrapping">
  19641. <summary>
  19642. Specifies how text is wrapped around the table.
  19643. </summary>
  19644. </member>
  19645. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TextWrapping.None">
  19646. <summary>
  19647. Text and table is displayed in the order of their appearance in the document.
  19648. </summary>
  19649. </member>
  19650. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TextWrapping.Around">
  19651. <summary>
  19652. Text is wrapped around the table occupying available side space.
  19653. </summary>
  19654. </member>
  19655. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TextWrapping.Default">
  19656. <summary>
  19657. Default value.
  19658. </summary>
  19659. </member>
  19660. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.AutoFitBehavior">
  19661. <summary>
  19662. Determines how Aspose.Words resizes the table when you invoke the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.AutoFit(Aspose.Words.Tables.AutoFitBehavior)" /> method.
  19663. </summary>
  19664. </member>
  19665. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.AutoFitBehavior.AutoFitToContents">
  19666. <summary>
  19667. <para>Aspose.Words enables the AutoFit option, removes the preferred width from the table and all cells and then updates the table layout.</para>
  19668. <para>In the resulting table, cell widths are updated to fit the table contents. Most likely, the table will shrink.</para>
  19669. </summary>
  19670. </member>
  19671. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.AutoFitBehavior.AutoFitToWindow">
  19672. <summary>
  19673. <para>When you use this value, Aspose.Words enables the AutoFit option, sets the preferred width for the table to 100%,
  19674. removes preferred widths from all cells and then updates the table layout.</para>
  19675. <para>As a result, the table occupies all available width and the cell widths are updated to fit table contents.</para>
  19676. </summary>
  19677. </member>
  19678. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.AutoFitBehavior.FixedColumnWidths">
  19679. <summary>
  19680. <para>Aspose.Words disables the AutoFit option and removes the preferred with from the table.</para>
  19681. <para>The widths of the cells remain as they are specified by their <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.Width" /> properties.</para>
  19682. </summary>
  19683. </member>
  19684. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableAlignment">
  19685. <summary>
  19686. Specifies alignment for an inline table.
  19687. </summary>
  19688. </member>
  19689. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableAlignment.Left">
  19690. <summary>
  19691. The table is aligned to the left.
  19692. </summary>
  19693. </member>
  19694. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableAlignment.Center">
  19695. <summary>
  19696. The table is centered.
  19697. </summary>
  19698. </member>
  19699. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableAlignment.Right">
  19700. <summary>
  19701. The table is aligned to the right.
  19702. </summary>
  19703. </member>
  19704. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth">
  19705. <summary>
  19706. Represents a value and its unit of measure that is used to specify the preferred width of a table or a cell.
  19707. </summary>
  19708. <remarks>
  19709. <para>Preferred width can be specified as a percentage, number of points or a special "none/auto" value.</para>
  19710. <para>The instances of this class are immutable.</para>
  19711. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.PreferredWidth" />
  19712. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.PreferredWidth" />
  19713. </remarks>
  19714. </member>
  19715. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.Auto">
  19716. <summary>
  19717. Returns an instance that represents the "preferred width is not specified" value.
  19718. </summary>
  19719. </member>
  19720. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.FromPercent(System.Double)">
  19721. <summary>
  19722. A creation method that returns a new instance that represents a preferred width specified as a percentage.
  19723. </summary>
  19724. <param name="percent">The value must be from 0 to 100.</param>
  19725. </member>
  19726. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.FromPoints(System.Double)">
  19727. <summary>
  19728. A creation method that returns a new instance that represents a preferred width specified using a number of points.
  19729. </summary>
  19730. <param name="points">The value must be from 0 to 22 inches (22 * 72 points).</param>
  19731. </member>
  19732. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.Equals(Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth)">
  19733. <summary>
  19734. Determines whether the specified PreferredWidth is equal in value to the current PreferredWidth.
  19735. </summary>
  19736. </member>
  19737. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.Equals(System.Object)">
  19738. <summary>
  19739. Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.
  19740. </summary>
  19741. </member>
  19742. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.GetHashCode">
  19743. <summary>
  19744. Serves as a hash function for this type.
  19745. </summary>
  19746. </member>
  19747. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.ToString">
  19748. <summary>
  19749. Returns a user-friendly string that displays the value of this object.
  19750. </summary>
  19751. </member>
  19752. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.Type">
  19753. <summary>
  19754. Gets the unit of measure used for this preferred width value.
  19755. </summary>
  19756. </member>
  19757. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.Value">
  19758. <summary>
  19759. Gets the preferred width value. The unit of measure is specified in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.Type" /> property.
  19760. </summary>
  19761. </member>
  19762. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidthType">
  19763. <summary>
  19764. Specifies the unit of measurement for the preferred width of a table or cell.
  19765. </summary>
  19766. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth" />
  19767. </member>
  19768. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidthType.Auto">
  19769. <summary>
  19770. The preferred width is not specified. The actual width of the table or cell is either specified using the explicit width or
  19771. will be determined automatically by the table layout algorithm when the table is displayed, depending on the table auto fit setting.
  19772. </summary>
  19773. </member>
  19774. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidthType.Percent">
  19775. <summary>
  19776. Measure the current item width using a specified percentage.
  19777. </summary>
  19778. </member>
  19779. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidthType.Points">
  19780. <summary>
  19781. Measure the current item width using a specified number of points (1/72 inch).
  19782. </summary>
  19783. </member>
  19784. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions">
  19785. <summary>
  19786. Specifies how table style is applied to a table.
  19787. </summary>
  19788. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.StyleOptions" />
  19789. <dev>
  19790. 2.4.51 tblLook (Table Style Conditional Formatting Settings)
  19791. The DOC spec defines more values here, but it says they are ignored by Word 2007 so we ignore them too.
  19792. </dev>
  19793. </member>
  19794. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.None">
  19795. <summary>
  19796. No table style formatting is applied.
  19797. </summary>
  19798. </member>
  19799. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.FirstRow">
  19800. <summary>
  19801. Apply first row conditional formatting.
  19802. </summary>
  19803. </member>
  19804. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.LastRow">
  19805. <summary>
  19806. Apply last row conditional formatting.
  19807. </summary>
  19808. </member>
  19809. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.FirstColumn">
  19810. <summary>
  19811. Apply 1 first column conditional formatting.
  19812. </summary>
  19813. </member>
  19814. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.LastColumn">
  19815. <summary>
  19816. Apply last column conditional formatting.
  19817. </summary>
  19818. </member>
  19819. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.RowBands">
  19820. <summary>
  19821. Apply row banding conditional formatting.
  19822. </summary>
  19823. </member>
  19824. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.ColumnBands">
  19825. <summary>
  19826. Apply column banding conditional formatting.
  19827. </summary>
  19828. </member>
  19829. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.Default2003">
  19830. <summary>
  19831. Row and column banding is applied. This is Microsoft Word default for old formats such as DOC, WML and RTF.
  19832. </summary>
  19833. </member>
  19834. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableStyleOptions.Default">
  19835. <summary>
  19836. This is Microsoft Word defaults.
  19837. </summary>
  19838. </member>
  19839. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell">
  19840. <summary>
  19841. Represents a table cell.
  19842. </summary>
  19843. <remarks>
  19844. <p>
  19845. <b>Cell</b> can only be a child of a <b>Row</b>.</p>
  19846. <p>
  19847. <b>Cell</b> can contain block-level nodes <b>Paragraph</b> and <b>Table</b>.</p>
  19848. <p>A minimal valid cell needs to have at least one <b>Paragraph</b>.</p>
  19849. </remarks>
  19850. </member>
  19851. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  19852. <summary>
  19853. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Cell</b> class.
  19854. </summary>
  19855. <remarks>
  19856. <p>When <b>Cell</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  19857. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  19858. <p>To append <b>Cell</b> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  19859. on the row where you want the cell inserted.</p>
  19860. </remarks>
  19861. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  19862. </member>
  19863. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  19864. <summary>
  19865. Accepts a visitor.
  19866. </summary>
  19867. <remarks>
  19868. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  19869. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  19870. </remarks>
  19871. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  19872. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  19873. <remarks>
  19874. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitCellStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes of the section
  19875. and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitCellEnd at the end.
  19876. </remarks>
  19877. </member>
  19878. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.EnsureMinimum">
  19879. <summary>
  19880. If the last child is not a paragraph, creates and appends one empty paragraph.
  19881. </summary>
  19882. </member>
  19883. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.NodeType">
  19884. <summary>
  19885. Returns <b>NodeType.Cell</b>.
  19886. </summary>
  19887. </member>
  19888. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.ParentRow">
  19889. <summary>
  19890. Returns the parent row of the cell.
  19891. </summary>
  19892. <remarks>Equivalent to <c>(Row)FirstNonMarkupParentNode</c>.</remarks>
  19893. </member>
  19894. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.FirstParagraph">
  19895. <summary>
  19896. Gets the first paragraph among the immediate children.
  19897. </summary>
  19898. </member>
  19899. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.LastParagraph">
  19900. <summary>
  19901. Gets the last paragraph among the immediate children.
  19902. </summary>
  19903. </member>
  19904. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.IsFirstCell">
  19905. <summary>
  19906. True if this is the first cell inside a row; false otherwise.
  19907. </summary>
  19908. </member>
  19909. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.IsLastCell">
  19910. <summary>
  19911. True if this is the last cell inside a row; false otherwise.
  19912. </summary>
  19913. </member>
  19914. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.CellFormat">
  19915. <summary>
  19916. Provides access to the formatting properties of the cell.
  19917. </summary>
  19918. </member>
  19919. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.Paragraphs">
  19920. <summary>
  19921. Gets a collection of paragraphs that are immediate children of the cell.
  19922. </summary>
  19923. </member>
  19924. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell.Tables">
  19925. <summary>
  19926. Gets a collection of tables that are immediate children of the cell.
  19927. </summary>
  19928. </member>
  19929. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat">
  19930. <summary>
  19931. Represents all formatting for a table cell.
  19932. </summary>
  19933. </member>
  19934. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.ClearFormatting">
  19935. <summary>
  19936. Resets to default cell formatting. Does not change the width of the cell.
  19937. </summary>
  19938. </member>
  19939. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.SetPaddings(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
  19940. <summary>
  19941. Sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the left/top/right/bottom of the contents of cell.
  19942. </summary>
  19943. </member>
  19944. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.LeftPadding">
  19945. <summary>
  19946. Returns or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the left of the contents of cell.
  19947. </summary>
  19948. </member>
  19949. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.RightPadding">
  19950. <summary>
  19951. Returns or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the right of the contents of cell.
  19952. </summary>
  19953. </member>
  19954. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.TopPadding">
  19955. <summary>
  19956. Returns or sets the amount of space (in points) to add above the contents of cell.
  19957. </summary>
  19958. </member>
  19959. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.BottomPadding">
  19960. <summary>
  19961. Returns or sets the amount of space (in points) to add below the contents of cell.
  19962. </summary>
  19963. </member>
  19964. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.Borders">
  19965. <summary>
  19966. Gets collection of borders of the cell.
  19967. </summary>
  19968. </member>
  19969. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.Shading">
  19970. <summary>
  19971. Returns a Shading object that refers to the shading formatting for the cell.
  19972. </summary>
  19973. </member>
  19974. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.VerticalAlignment">
  19975. <summary>
  19976. Returns or sets the vertical alignment of text in the cell.
  19977. </summary>
  19978. </member>
  19979. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.Width">
  19980. <summary>
  19981. Gets the width of the cell in points.
  19982. </summary>
  19983. <remarks>
  19984. <para>
  19985. The width is calculated by Aspose.Words on document loading and saving.
  19986. Currently, not every combination of table, cell and document properties is supported.
  19987. The returned value may not be accurate for some documents.
  19988. It may not exactly match the cell width as calculated by MS Word when the document is opened in MS Word.
  19989. </para>
  19990. <para>
  19991. Setting this property is not recommended.
  19992. There is no guarantee that the cell will actually have the set width.
  19993. The width may be adjusted to accommodate cell contents in an auto-fit table layout.
  19994. Cells in other rows may have conflicting width settings.
  19995. The table may be resized to fit into the container or to meet table width settings.
  19996. Consider using <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.PreferredWidth" /> for setting the cell width.
  19997. Setting this property sets <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.PreferredWidth" /> implicitly since version 15.8.
  19998. </para>
  19999. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.PreferredWidth" />
  20000. </remarks>
  20001. </member>
  20002. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.PreferredWidth">
  20003. <summary>
  20004. Returns or sets the preferred width of the cell.
  20005. </summary>
  20006. <remarks>
  20007. <para>The preferred width (along with the table's Auto Fit option) determines how the actual
  20008. width of the cell is calculated by the table layout algorithm. Table layout can be performed by
  20009. Aspose.Words when it saves the document or by Microsoft Word when it displays the document.</para>
  20010. <para>The preferred width can be specified in points or in percent. The preferred width
  20011. can also be specified as "auto", which means no preferred width is specified.</para>
  20012. <para>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.Auto" />.</para>
  20013. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.Width" />
  20014. </remarks>
  20015. </member>
  20016. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.VerticalMerge">
  20017. <summary>
  20018. Specifies how the cell is merged with other cells vertically.
  20019. </summary>
  20020. <remarks>
  20021. <p>Cells can only be merged vertically if their left and right boundaries are identical.</p>
  20022. <p>When cells are vertically merged, the display areas of the merged cells are consolidated.
  20023. The consolidated area is used to display the contents of the first vertically merged cell
  20024. and all other vertically merged cells must be empty.</p>
  20025. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge" />
  20026. </remarks>
  20027. </member>
  20028. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge">
  20029. <summary>
  20030. Specifies how the cell is merged horizontally with other cells in the row.
  20031. </summary>
  20032. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.VerticalMerge" />
  20033. </member>
  20034. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.Orientation">
  20035. <summary>
  20036. Returns or sets the orientation of text in a table cell.
  20037. </summary>
  20038. </member>
  20039. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.FitText">
  20040. <summary>
  20041. If true, fits text in the cell, compressing each paragraph to the width of the cell.
  20042. </summary>
  20043. </member>
  20044. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.WrapText">
  20045. <summary>
  20046. If true, wrap text for the cell.
  20047. </summary>
  20048. </member>
  20049. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellMerge">
  20050. <summary>
  20051. Specifies how a cell in a table is merged with other cells.
  20052. </summary>
  20053. </member>
  20054. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellMerge.None">
  20055. <summary>
  20056. The cell is not merged.
  20057. </summary>
  20058. </member>
  20059. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellMerge.First">
  20060. <summary>
  20061. The cell is the first cell in a range of merged cells.
  20062. </summary>
  20063. </member>
  20064. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellMerge.Previous">
  20065. <summary>
  20066. The cell is merged to the previous cell horizontally or vertically.
  20067. </summary>
  20068. </member>
  20069. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellCollection">
  20070. <summary>
  20071. Provides typed access to a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell" /> nodes.
  20072. </summary>
  20073. </member>
  20074. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellCollection.ToArray">
  20075. <summary>
  20076. Copies all cells from the collection to a new array of cells.
  20077. </summary>
  20078. <returns>An array of cells.</returns>
  20079. </member>
  20080. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  20081. <summary>
  20082. Retrieves a <b>Cell</b> at the given index.
  20083. </summary>
  20084. <remarks>
  20085. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  20086. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  20087. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  20088. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  20089. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  20090. </remarks>
  20091. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  20092. </member>
  20093. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellVerticalAlignment">
  20094. <summary>
  20095. Specifies vertical justification of text inside a table cell.
  20096. </summary>
  20097. </member>
  20098. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellVerticalAlignment.Top">
  20099. <summary>
  20100. Text is aligned at the top of a cell.
  20101. </summary>
  20102. </member>
  20103. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellVerticalAlignment.Center">
  20104. <summary>
  20105. Text is aligned in the middle of a cell.
  20106. </summary>
  20107. </member>
  20108. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellVerticalAlignment.Bottom">
  20109. <summary>
  20110. Text is aligned at the bottom of the cell.
  20111. </summary>
  20112. </member>
  20113. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.NamespaceDoc">
  20114. <summary>
  20115. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Tables</b> namespace contains classes that
  20116. represent tables, rows, cells and their formatting.</p>
  20117. </summary>
  20118. </member>
  20119. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row">
  20120. <summary>
  20121. Represents a table row.
  20122. </summary>
  20123. <remarks>
  20124. <p>
  20125. <b>Row</b> can only be a child of a <b>Table</b>.</p>
  20126. <p>
  20127. <b>Row</b> can contain one or more <b>Cell</b> nodes.</p>
  20128. <p>A minimal valid row needs to have at least one <b>Cell</b>.</p>
  20129. </remarks>
  20130. </member>
  20131. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  20132. <summary>
  20133. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Row</b> class.
  20134. </summary>
  20135. <remarks>
  20136. <p>When <b>Row</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  20137. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  20138. <p>To append <b>Row</b> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  20139. on the table where you want the row inserted.</p>
  20140. </remarks>
  20141. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  20142. </member>
  20143. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  20144. <summary>
  20145. Accepts a visitor.
  20146. </summary>
  20147. <remarks>
  20148. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  20149. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  20150. </remarks>
  20151. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  20152. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  20153. <remarks>
  20154. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitRowStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes of the section
  20155. and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitRowEnd at the end.
  20156. </remarks>
  20157. </member>
  20158. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.GetText">
  20159. <summary>
  20160. Gets the text of all cells in this row including the end of row character.
  20161. </summary>
  20162. <remarks>
  20163. <p>Returns concatenated text of all child nodes with the end of row character
  20164. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.Cell">ControlChar.Cell</see> appended at the end.</p>
  20165. <p>The returned string includes all control and special characters as described in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ControlChar" />.</p>
  20166. </remarks>
  20167. </member>
  20168. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.EnsureMinimum">
  20169. <summary>
  20170. If the <b>Row</b> has no cells, creates and appends one <b>Cell</b>.
  20171. </summary>
  20172. </member>
  20173. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.NodeType">
  20174. <summary>
  20175. Returns <b>NodeType.Row</b>.
  20176. </summary>
  20177. </member>
  20178. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.ParentTable">
  20179. <summary>
  20180. Returns the immediate parent table of the row.
  20181. </summary>
  20182. <remarks>Equivalent to <c>(Table)FirstNonMarkupParentNode</c>.</remarks>
  20183. </member>
  20184. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.IsFirstRow">
  20185. <summary>
  20186. True if this is the first row in a table; false otherwise.
  20187. </summary>
  20188. </member>
  20189. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.IsLastRow">
  20190. <summary>
  20191. True if this is the last row in a table; false otherwise.
  20192. </summary>
  20193. </member>
  20194. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.FirstCell">
  20195. <summary>
  20196. Returns the first <b>Cell</b> in the row.
  20197. </summary>
  20198. </member>
  20199. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.LastCell">
  20200. <summary>
  20201. Returns the last <b>Cell</b> in the row.
  20202. </summary>
  20203. </member>
  20204. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.Cells">
  20205. <summary>
  20206. Provides typed access to the <b>Cell</b> child nodes of the row.
  20207. </summary>
  20208. </member>
  20209. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row.RowFormat">
  20210. <summary>
  20211. Provides access to the formatting properties of the row.
  20212. </summary>
  20213. </member>
  20214. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowFormat">
  20215. <summary>
  20216. Represents all formatting for a table row.
  20217. </summary>
  20218. <dev>
  20219. RK I don't expose Shading here because default shading in MS Word works very strange,
  20220. cells do not seem to inherit the shading specified for the table so it will be pretty
  20221. confusing to work with. Setting row shading should actually go and set shading for
  20222. all of the cells in the row.
  20223. </dev>
  20224. </member>
  20225. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowFormat.ClearFormatting">
  20226. <summary>
  20227. Resets to default row formatting.
  20228. </summary>
  20229. </member>
  20230. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowFormat.Borders">
  20231. <summary>
  20232. Gets the collection of default cell borders for the row.
  20233. </summary>
  20234. </member>
  20235. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowFormat.Height">
  20236. <summary>
  20237. Gets or sets the height of the table row in points.
  20238. </summary>
  20239. </member>
  20240. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowFormat.HeightRule">
  20241. <summary>
  20242. Gets or sets the rule for determining the height of the table row.
  20243. </summary>
  20244. </member>
  20245. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowFormat.AllowBreakAcrossPages">
  20246. <summary>
  20247. True if the text in a table row is allowed to split across a page break.
  20248. </summary>
  20249. </member>
  20250. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowFormat.HeadingFormat">
  20251. <summary>
  20252. True if the row is repeated as a table heading on every page when the table spans more than one page.
  20253. </summary>
  20254. </member>
  20255. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowCollection">
  20256. <summary>
  20257. Provides typed access to a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row" /> nodes.
  20258. </summary>
  20259. </member>
  20260. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowCollection.ToArray">
  20261. <summary>
  20262. Copies all rows from the collection to a new array of rows.
  20263. </summary>
  20264. <returns>An array of rows.</returns>
  20265. </member>
  20266. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.RowCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  20267. <summary>
  20268. Retrieves a <b>Row</b> at the given index.
  20269. </summary>
  20270. <remarks>
  20271. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  20272. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  20273. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  20274. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  20275. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  20276. </remarks>
  20277. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  20278. </member>
  20279. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table">
  20280. <summary>
  20281. Represents a table in a Word document.
  20282. </summary>
  20283. <remarks>
  20284. <p>
  20285. <b>Table</b> is a block-level node and can be a child of classes derived from <b>Story</b> or
  20286. <b>InlineStory</b>.</p>
  20287. <p>
  20288. <b>Table</b> can contain one or more <b>Row</b> nodes.</p>
  20289. <p>A minimal valid table needs to have at least one <b>Row</b>.</p>
  20290. </remarks>
  20291. </member>
  20292. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  20293. <summary>
  20294. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Table</b> class.
  20295. </summary>
  20296. <remarks>
  20297. <p>When <b>Table</b> is created, it belongs to the specified document, but is not
  20298. yet part of the document and <b>ParentNode</b> is null.</p>
  20299. <p>To append <b>Table</b> to the document use InsertAfter or InsertBefore
  20300. on the story where you want the table inserted.</p>
  20301. </remarks>
  20302. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  20303. </member>
  20304. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.ConvertToHorizontallyMergedCells">
  20305. <summary>
  20306. Converts cells horizontally merged by width to cells merged by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge" />.
  20307. </summary>
  20308. <remark>
  20309. <p>Table cells can be horizontally merged either using merge flags <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge" /> or using cell width <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.Width" />.</p>
  20310. <p>When table cell is merged by width property <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.CellFormat.HorizontalMerge" /> is meaningless but sometimes having merge flags is more convenient way.</p>
  20311. <p>Use this method to transforms table cells horizontally merged by width to cells merged by merge flags.</p>
  20312. </remark>
  20313. </member>
  20314. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  20315. <summary>
  20316. Accepts a visitor.
  20317. </summary>
  20318. <remarks>
  20319. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  20320. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  20321. </remarks>
  20322. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  20323. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  20324. <remarks>
  20325. Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitTableStart, then calls Accept for all child nodes of the section
  20326. and calls DocumentVisitor.VisitTableEnd at the end.
  20327. </remarks>
  20328. </member>
  20329. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.EnsureMinimum">
  20330. <summary>
  20331. If the table has no rows, creates and appends one <b>Row</b>.
  20332. </summary>
  20333. </member>
  20334. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.SetBorders(Aspose.Words.LineStyle,System.Double,System.Drawing.Color)">
  20335. <summary>
  20336. Sets all table borders to the specified line style, width and color.
  20337. </summary>
  20338. <param name="lineStyle">The line style to apply.</param>
  20339. <param name="lineWidth">The line width to set (in points).</param>
  20340. <param name="color">The color to use for the border.</param>
  20341. </member>
  20342. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.SetBorder(Aspose.Words.BorderType,Aspose.Words.LineStyle,System.Double,System.Drawing.Color,System.Boolean)">
  20343. <summary>
  20344. Sets the specified table border to the specified line style, width and color.
  20345. </summary>
  20346. <param name="borderType">The table border to change.</param>
  20347. <param name="lineStyle">The line style to apply.</param>
  20348. <param name="lineWidth">The line width to set (in points).</param>
  20349. <param name="color">The color to use for the border.</param>
  20350. <param name="isOverrideCellBorders">When <c>true</c>, causes all existing explicit cell borders to be removed.</param>
  20351. </member>
  20352. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.ClearBorders">
  20353. <summary>
  20354. Removes all table and cell borders on this table.
  20355. </summary>
  20356. </member>
  20357. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.SetShading(Aspose.Words.TextureIndex,System.Drawing.Color,System.Drawing.Color)">
  20358. <summary>
  20359. Sets shading to the specified values on all cells in the table.
  20360. </summary>
  20361. <param name="texture">The texture to apply.</param>
  20362. <param name="foregroundColor">The color of the texture.</param>
  20363. <param name="backgroundColor">The color of the background fill.</param>
  20364. </member>
  20365. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.ClearShading">
  20366. <summary>
  20367. Removes all shading on the table.
  20368. </summary>
  20369. </member>
  20370. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.AutoFit(Aspose.Words.Tables.AutoFitBehavior)">
  20371. <summary>
  20372. Resizes the table and cells according to the specified auto fit behavior.
  20373. </summary>
  20374. <remarks>
  20375. <para>This method mimics the commands available in the Auto Fit menu for a table in Microsoft Word.
  20376. The commands available are "Auto Fit to Contents", "Auto Fit to Window" and "Fixed Column Width". In Microsoft Word
  20377. these commands set relevant table properties and then update the table layout and Aspose.Words does the same for you.</para>
  20378. </remarks>
  20379. <param name="behavior">Specifies how to auto fit the table.</param>
  20380. </member>
  20381. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.NodeType">
  20382. <summary>
  20383. Returns <b>NodeType.Table</b>.
  20384. </summary>
  20385. </member>
  20386. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.FirstRow">
  20387. <summary>
  20388. Returns the first <b>Row</b> node in the table.
  20389. </summary>
  20390. </member>
  20391. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.LastRow">
  20392. <summary>
  20393. Returns the last <b>Row</b> node in the table.
  20394. </summary>
  20395. </member>
  20396. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.Rows">
  20397. <summary>
  20398. Provides typed access to the rows of the table.
  20399. </summary>
  20400. </member>
  20401. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.Alignment">
  20402. <summary>
  20403. Specifies how an inline table is aligned in the document.
  20404. </summary>
  20405. <remarks>
  20406. <para>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableAlignment.Left" />.</para>
  20407. </remarks>
  20408. </member>
  20409. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.AllowAutoFit">
  20410. <summary>
  20411. Allows Microsoft Word and Aspose.Words to automatically resize cells in a table to fit their contents.
  20412. </summary>
  20413. <remarks>
  20414. <para>The default value is <c>true</c>.</para>
  20415. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.AutoFit(Aspose.Words.Tables.AutoFitBehavior)" />
  20416. </remarks>
  20417. </member>
  20418. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.PreferredWidth">
  20419. <summary>
  20420. Gets or sets the table preferred width.
  20421. </summary>
  20422. <remarks>
  20423. <para>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Tables.PreferredWidth.Auto" />.</para>
  20424. </remarks>
  20425. </member>
  20426. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.Bidi">
  20427. <summary>
  20428. Gets or sets whether this is a right-to-left table.
  20429. </summary>
  20430. <remarks>
  20431. <p>When <c>true</c>, the cells in this row are laid out right to left.</p>
  20432. <para>The default value is <c>false</c>.</para>
  20433. </remarks>
  20434. </member>
  20435. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.LeftPadding">
  20436. <summary>
  20437. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the left of the contents of cells.
  20438. </summary>
  20439. </member>
  20440. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.RightPadding">
  20441. <summary>
  20442. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add to the right of the contents of cells.
  20443. </summary>
  20444. </member>
  20445. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.TopPadding">
  20446. <summary>
  20447. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add above the contents of cells.
  20448. </summary>
  20449. </member>
  20450. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.BottomPadding">
  20451. <summary>
  20452. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) to add below the contents of cells.
  20453. </summary>
  20454. </member>
  20455. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.CellSpacing">
  20456. <summary>
  20457. Gets or sets the amount of space (in points) between the cells.
  20458. </summary>
  20459. </member>
  20460. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.AllowCellSpacing">
  20461. <summary>
  20462. Gets or sets the "Allow spacing between cells" option.
  20463. </summary>
  20464. </member>
  20465. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.LeftIndent">
  20466. <summary>
  20467. Gets or sets the value that represents the left indent of the table.
  20468. </summary>
  20469. </member>
  20470. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.StyleOptions">
  20471. <summary>
  20472. Gets or sets bit flags that specify how a table style is applied to this table.
  20473. </summary>
  20474. </member>
  20475. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.Style">
  20476. <summary>
  20477. Gets or sets the table style applied to this table.
  20478. </summary>
  20479. </member>
  20480. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.StyleName">
  20481. <summary>
  20482. Gets or sets the name of the table style applied to this table.
  20483. </summary>
  20484. </member>
  20485. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.StyleIdentifier">
  20486. <summary>
  20487. Gets or sets the locale independent style identifier of the table style applied to this table.
  20488. </summary>
  20489. </member>
  20490. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.TextWrapping">
  20491. <summary>
  20492. Gets or sets <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.TextWrapping" /> for table.
  20493. </summary>
  20494. </member>
  20495. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.Title">
  20496. <summary>
  20497. Gets or sets title of this table.
  20498. It provides an alternative text representation of the information contained in the table.
  20499. </summary>
  20500. <remarks>
  20501. <para>The default value is an empty string.</para>
  20502. <para>This property is meaningful for ISO/IEC 29500 compliant DOCX documents
  20503. (<see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance" />).
  20504. When saved to pre-ISO/IEC 29500 formats, the property is ignored.</para>
  20505. </remarks>
  20506. </member>
  20507. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.Description">
  20508. <summary>
  20509. Gets or sets description of this table.
  20510. It provides an alternative text representation of the information contained in the table.
  20511. </summary>
  20512. <remarks>
  20513. <para>The default value is an empty string.</para>
  20514. <para>This property is meaningful for ISO/IEC 29500 compliant DOCX documents
  20515. (<see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance" />).
  20516. When saved to pre-ISO/IEC 29500 formats, the property is ignored.</para>
  20517. </remarks>
  20518. </member>
  20519. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.DistanceLeft">
  20520. <summary>
  20521. Gets distance between table left and the surrounding text, in points.
  20522. </summary>
  20523. </member>
  20524. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.DistanceRight">
  20525. <summary>
  20526. Gets distance between table right and the surrounding text, in points.
  20527. </summary>
  20528. </member>
  20529. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.DistanceTop">
  20530. <summary>
  20531. Gets distance between table top and the surrounding text, in points.
  20532. </summary>
  20533. </member>
  20534. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.DistanceBottom">
  20535. <summary>
  20536. Gets distance between table bottom and the surrounding text, in points.
  20537. </summary>
  20538. </member>
  20539. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.RelativeHorizontalAlignment">
  20540. <summary>
  20541. Gets or sets floating table relative horizontal alignment.
  20542. </summary>
  20543. </member>
  20544. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.RelativeVerticalAlignment">
  20545. <summary>
  20546. Gets or sets floating table relative vertical alignment.
  20547. </summary>
  20548. </member>
  20549. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.HorizontalAnchor">
  20550. <summary>
  20551. Gets the base object from which the horizontal positioning of floating table should be calculated.
  20552. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.Column" />.
  20553. </summary>
  20554. </member>
  20555. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.VerticalAnchor">
  20556. <summary>
  20557. Gets the base object from which the vertical positioning of floating table should be calculated.
  20558. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.Margin" />.
  20559. </summary>
  20560. </member>
  20561. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.AbsoluteHorizontalDistance">
  20562. <summary>
  20563. Gets or sets absolute horizontal floating table position specified by the table properties, in points.
  20564. Default value is 0.
  20565. </summary>
  20566. </member>
  20567. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.AbsoluteVerticalDistance">
  20568. <summary>
  20569. Gets or sets absolute vertical floating table position specified by the table properties, in points.
  20570. Default value is 0.
  20571. </summary>
  20572. </member>
  20573. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.AllowOverlap">
  20574. <summary>
  20575. Gets whether a floating table shall allow other floating objects in the document
  20576. to overlap its extents when displayed.
  20577. Default value is <c>true</c>.
  20578. </summary>
  20579. </member>
  20580. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableCollection">
  20581. <summary>
  20582. Provides typed access to a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes.
  20583. </summary>
  20584. </member>
  20585. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableCollection.ToArray">
  20586. <summary>
  20587. Copies all tables from the collection to a new array of tables.
  20588. </summary>
  20589. <returns>An array of tables.</returns>
  20590. </member>
  20591. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Tables.TableCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  20592. <summary>
  20593. Retrieves a <b>Table</b> at the given index.
  20594. </summary>
  20595. <remarks>
  20596. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  20597. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  20598. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  20599. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  20600. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  20601. </remarks>
  20602. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  20603. </member>
  20604. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.CompressionLevel">
  20605. <summary>
  20606. Compression level for OOXML files.
  20607. <para>
  20608. (DOCX and DOTX files are internally a ZIP-archive, this property controls the compression level of the archive.
  20609. </para><para>
  20610. Note, that FlatOpc file is not a ZIP-archive, therefore, this property does not affect the FlatOpc files.)
  20611. </para></summary>
  20612. </member>
  20613. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CompressionLevel.Normal">
  20614. <summary>
  20615. Normal compression level. Default compression level used by Aspose.Words.
  20616. </summary>
  20617. </member>
  20618. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CompressionLevel.Maximum">
  20619. <summary>
  20620. Maximum compression level.
  20621. </summary>
  20622. </member>
  20623. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CompressionLevel.Fast">
  20624. <summary>
  20625. Fast compression level.
  20626. </summary>
  20627. </member>
  20628. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CompressionLevel.SuperFast">
  20629. <summary>
  20630. Super Fast compression level. Microsoft Word uses this compression level.
  20631. </summary>
  20632. </member>
  20633. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode">
  20634. <summary>
  20635. Specifies how 3D shape effects are rendered.
  20636. </summary>
  20637. </member>
  20638. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode.Basic">
  20639. <summary>
  20640. A lightweight and stable rendering, based on the internal engine,
  20641. but advanced effects such as lighting, materials and other additional effects
  20642. are not displayed when using this mode.
  20643. Please see documentation for details.
  20644. </summary>
  20645. </member>
  20646. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode.Advanced">
  20647. <summary>
  20648. Rendering of an extended list of special effects including advanced 3D effects
  20649. such as bevels, lighting and materials.
  20650. </summary>
  20651. <remarks>
  20652. The current implementation uses OpenGL.
  20653. Please make sure that OpenGL library version 1.1 or higher is installed on your system before use.
  20654. This mode is still under development, and some things may not be supported, so it's recommended to use
  20655. the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode.Basic" /> mode if the rendering result is not acceptable.
  20656. Please see documentation for details.
  20657. </remarks>
  20658. </member>
  20659. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode">
  20660. <summary>
  20661. Specifies how bookmarks in headers/footers are exported.
  20662. </summary>
  20663. </member>
  20664. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.None">
  20665. <summary>
  20666. Bookmarks in headers/footers are not exported.
  20667. </summary>
  20668. </member>
  20669. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.First">
  20670. <summary>
  20671. Only bookmark in first header/footer of the section is exported.
  20672. </summary>
  20673. </member>
  20674. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.All">
  20675. <summary>
  20676. Bookmarks in all headers/footers are exported.
  20677. </summary>
  20678. </member>
  20679. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions">
  20680. <summary>
  20681. Allows to specify additional options when rendering document pages or shapes to images.
  20682. </summary>
  20683. </member>
  20684. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  20685. <summary>
  20686. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save rendered images in the
  20687. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp" />,
  20688. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Emf" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Svg" /> format.
  20689. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg" />
  20690. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Svg" /> format.
  20691. </summary>
  20692. <param name="saveFormat">Can be
  20693. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp" />,
  20694. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Emf" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Svg" />.
  20695. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg" />
  20696. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Svg" />.
  20697. </param>
  20698. </member>
  20699. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.Clone">
  20700. <summary>
  20701. Creates a deep clone of this object.
  20702. </summary>
  20703. </member>
  20704. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  20705. <summary>
  20706. Specifies the format in which the rendered document pages or shapes will be saved if this save options object is used.
  20707. Can be a raster
  20708. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp" />,
  20709. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg" /> or vector <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Emf" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Svg" />.
  20710. </summary>
  20711. <remarks>
  20712. <para>On different platforms, the supported formats may be different. The number of other options depends on the selected format.</para>
  20713. <para>Also, it is possible to save to SVG both via ImageSaveOptions and via <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions" />.</para>
  20714. </remarks>
  20715. </member>
  20716. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.PageSet">
  20717. <summary>
  20718. Gets or sets the pages to render.
  20719. Default is all the pages in the document.
  20720. </summary>
  20721. <remarks>
  20722. <para>This property has effect only when rendering document pages. This property is ignored when rendering shapes to images.</para>
  20723. <para>Overrides<see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageIndex" /> and<see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageCount" /> when set.</para>
  20724. </remarks>
  20725. </member>
  20726. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.PageIndex">
  20727. <summary>
  20728. Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to render.
  20729. Default is 0.
  20730. </summary>
  20731. <remarks>
  20732. <para>This property has effect only when rendering document pages. This property is ignored when rendering shapes to images.</para>
  20733. <para>Overrides<see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSet" /> when set.</para>
  20734. </remarks>
  20735. </member>
  20736. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.PageCount">
  20737. <summary>
  20738. Gets or sets the number of pages to render when saving to a multipage TIFF
  20739. or SVG file (for other formats only the first page of the range is saved).
  20740. <para>Default is <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" /> which means all pages of the document will be rendered.</para></summary>
  20741. <remarks>
  20742. <para>This property has effect only when rendering document pages. This property is ignored when rendering shapes to images.</para>
  20743. <para>Overrides<see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSet" /> when set.</para>
  20744. </remarks>
  20745. </member>
  20746. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.PaperColor">
  20747. <summary>
  20748. Gets or sets the background (paper) color for the generated images.
  20749. <p>The default value is <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Color.White" />.</p></summary>
  20750. <remarks>
  20751. <para>When rendering pages of a document that specifies its own background color,
  20752. then the document background color will override the color specified by this property.</para>
  20753. </remarks>
  20754. </member>
  20755. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.PixelFormat">
  20756. <summary>
  20757. Gets or sets the pixel format for the generated images.
  20758. </summary>
  20759. <remarks>
  20760. <para>This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats.</para>
  20761. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format32BppArgb" />.</p>
  20762. <p>Pixel format of the output image may differ from the set value
  20763. because of work of GDI+.</p>
  20764. </remarks>
  20765. </member>
  20766. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.HorizontalResolution">
  20767. <summary>
  20768. Gets or sets the horizontal resolution for the generated images, in dots per inch.
  20769. </summary>
  20770. <remarks>
  20771. <para>This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats and affects the output size in pixels.</para>
  20772. <p>The default value is 96.</p>
  20773. </remarks>
  20774. </member>
  20775. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.VerticalResolution">
  20776. <summary>
  20777. Gets or sets the vertical resolution for the generated images, in dots per inch.
  20778. </summary>
  20779. <remarks>
  20780. <para>This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats and affects the output size in pixels.</para>
  20781. <p>The default value is 96.</p>
  20782. </remarks>
  20783. </member>
  20784. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.Resolution">
  20785. <summary>
  20786. Sets both horizontal and vertical resolution for the generated images, in dots per inch.
  20787. </summary>
  20788. <remarks>
  20789. <para>This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats.</para>
  20790. </remarks>
  20791. </member>
  20792. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.JpegQuality">
  20793. <summary>
  20794. Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the generated JPEG images.
  20795. </summary>
  20796. <remarks>
  20797. <para>Has effect only when saving to JPEG.</para>
  20798. <p>Use this property to get or set the quality of generated images when saving in JPEG format.
  20799. The value may vary from 0 to 100 where 0 means worst quality but maximum compression and 100
  20800. means best quality but minimum compression.</p>
  20801. <p>The default value is 95.</p>
  20802. </remarks>
  20803. </member>
  20804. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.TiffCompression">
  20805. <summary>
  20806. Gets or sets the type of compression to apply when saving generated images to the TIFF format.
  20807. </summary>
  20808. <remarks>
  20809. <para>Has effect only when saving to TIFF.</para>
  20810. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression.Lzw" />.</p>
  20811. </remarks>
  20812. </member>
  20813. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.ImageColorMode">
  20814. <summary>
  20815. Gets or sets the color mode for the generated images.
  20816. </summary>
  20817. <remarks>
  20818. <para>This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats.</para>
  20819. <para>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageColorMode.None" />.</para>
  20820. </remarks>
  20821. </member>
  20822. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.ImageBrightness">
  20823. <summary>
  20824. Gets or sets the brightness for the generated images.
  20825. </summary>
  20826. <remarks>
  20827. <para>This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats.</para>
  20828. <para>The default value is 0.5. The value must be in the range between 0 and 1.</para>
  20829. </remarks>
  20830. </member>
  20831. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.ImageContrast">
  20832. <summary>
  20833. Gets or sets the contrast for the generated images.
  20834. </summary>
  20835. <remarks>
  20836. <para>This property has effect only when saving to raster image formats.</para>
  20837. <para>The default value is 0.5. The value must be in the range between 0 and 1.</para>
  20838. </remarks>
  20839. </member>
  20840. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.Scale">
  20841. <summary>
  20842. Gets or sets the zoom factor for the generated images.
  20843. </summary>
  20844. <remarks>
  20845. The default value is 1.0. The value must be greater than 0.
  20846. </remarks>
  20847. </member>
  20848. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.MetafileRenderingOptions">
  20849. <summary>
  20850. Allows to specify how metafiles are treated in the rendered output.
  20851. </summary>
  20852. <remarks>
  20853. <para>When <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode.Vector" /> is specified, Aspose.Words renders
  20854. metafile to vector graphics using its own metafile rendering engine first and then renders vector
  20855. graphics to the image.</para>
  20856. <para>When <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode.Bitmap" /> is specified, Aspose.Words renders
  20857. metafile directly to the image using the GDI+ metafile rendering engine.</para>
  20858. <para>GDI+ metafile rendering engine works faster, supports almost all metafile features but on low
  20859. resolutions may produce inconsistent result when compared to the rest of vector graphics (especially for text)
  20860. on the page. Aspose.Words metafile rendering engine will produce more consistent result even
  20861. on low resolutions but works slower and may inaccurately render complex metafiles.</para>
  20862. <para>The default value for <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode" /> is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode.Bitmap" />.</para>
  20863. </remarks>
  20864. </member>
  20865. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.TiffBinarizationMethod">
  20866. <summary>
  20867. Gets or sets method used while converting images to 1 bpp format
  20868. when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.SaveFormat" /> is SaveFormat.Tiff and
  20869. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.TiffCompression" /> is equal to TiffCompression.Ccitt3 or TiffCompression.Ccitt4.
  20870. </summary>
  20871. <remarks>
  20872. <para>The default value is ImageBinarizationMethod.Threshold.</para>
  20873. </remarks>
  20874. </member>
  20875. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.ThresholdForFloydSteinbergDithering">
  20876. <summary>
  20877. Gets or sets the threshold that determines the value
  20878. of the binarization error in the Floyd-Steinberg method.
  20879. when <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageBinarizationMethod" /> is ImageBinarizationMethod.FloydSteinbergDithering.
  20880. </summary>
  20881. <remarks>
  20882. <para>The default value is 128.</para>
  20883. </remarks>
  20884. </member>
  20885. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.GraphicsQualityOptions">
  20886. <summary>
  20887. Allows to specify rendering mode and quality for the <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Graphics" /> object.
  20888. </summary>
  20889. <remarks>
  20890. <para>Use this property to override the Graphics settings provided by Aspose.Words engine by default.</para>
  20891. <para>It will take effect only when a document is being saved to an image-like format.</para>
  20892. </remarks>
  20893. </member>
  20894. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSaveOptions.UseGdiEmfRenderer">
  20895. <summary>
  20896. Gets or sets a value determining whether to use GDI+ or Aspose.Words metafile renderer when saving to EMF.
  20897. </summary>
  20898. <remarks>
  20899. <para>If set to <c>true</c> GDI+ metafile renderer is used. I.e. content is written to GDI+ graphics
  20900. object and saved to metafile.</para>
  20901. <para>If set to <c>false</c> Aspose.Words metafile renderer is used. I.e. content is written directly
  20902. to the metafile format with Aspose.Words.</para>
  20903. <para>Has effect only when saving to EMF.</para>
  20904. <para>GDI+ saving works only on .NET.</para>
  20905. <para>The default value is <c>true</c>.</para>
  20906. </remarks>
  20907. </member>
  20908. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSet">
  20909. <summary>
  20910. Describes a random set of pages.
  20911. </summary>
  20912. </member>
  20913. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSet.#ctor(System.Int32[])">
  20914. <summary>
  20915. Creates a page set based on exact page indices.
  20916. </summary>
  20917. <param name="pages">Zero-based indices of pages.</param>
  20918. <remarks>
  20919. If a page is encountered that is not in the document, an exception will be thrown during rendering.
  20920. <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" /> means the last page in the document.
  20921. </remarks>
  20922. </member>
  20923. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSet.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Saving.PageRange[])">
  20924. <summary>
  20925. Creates a page set based on ranges.
  20926. </summary>
  20927. <param name="ranges">Array of page ranges.</param>
  20928. <remarks>
  20929. If a range is encountered that starts after the last page in the document,
  20930. an exception will be thrown during rendering.
  20931. All ranges that end after the last page are truncated to fit in the document.
  20932. </remarks>
  20933. </member>
  20934. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSet.#ctor(System.String)">
  20935. <summary>
  20936. Creates a page set based on the page numbers and page ranges, separated by commas.
  20937. For example, "3, 5-8" includes page 3 and pages 5 through 8.
  20938. </summary>
  20939. <param name="pages">String description of pages and page ranges</param>
  20940. <remarks>
  20941. If a range or a page is encountered that starts after the last page in the document,
  20942. an exception will be thrown during rendering.
  20943. All ranges that end after the last page are truncated to fit in the document.
  20944. </remarks>
  20945. </member>
  20946. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSet.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Saving.PageParity,Aspose.Words.Saving.PageRange[])">
  20947. <summary>
  20948. Creates a page set based on ranges.
  20949. </summary>
  20950. <param name="parity">Parity of pages to select.</param>
  20951. <param name="ranges">Array of page ranges</param>
  20952. <remarks>
  20953. Even pages have odd indices and vice versa, since page indices are zero-based.
  20954. </remarks>
  20955. </member>
  20956. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSet.All">
  20957. <summary>
  20958. Gets a set with all the pages of the document in their original order.
  20959. </summary>
  20960. </member>
  20961. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSet.Even">
  20962. <summary>
  20963. Gets a set with all the even pages of the document in their original order.
  20964. </summary>
  20965. <remarks>
  20966. Even pages have odd indices since page indices are zero-based.
  20967. </remarks>
  20968. </member>
  20969. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSet.Odd">
  20970. <summary>
  20971. Gets a set with all the odd pages of the document in their original order.
  20972. </summary>
  20973. <remarks>
  20974. Odd pages have even indices since page indices are zero-based.
  20975. </remarks>
  20976. </member>
  20977. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.TableContentAlignment">
  20978. <summary>
  20979. Allows to specify the alignment of the content of the table to be used when exporting into Markdown format.
  20980. </summary>
  20981. </member>
  20982. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TableContentAlignment.Auto">
  20983. <summary>
  20984. The alignment will be taken from the first paragraph in corresponding table column.
  20985. </summary>
  20986. </member>
  20987. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TableContentAlignment.Left">
  20988. <summary>
  20989. The content of tables will be aligned to the Left.
  20990. </summary>
  20991. </member>
  20992. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TableContentAlignment.Center">
  20993. <summary>
  20994. The content of tables will be aligned to the Center.
  20995. </summary>
  20996. </member>
  20997. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TableContentAlignment.Right">
  20998. <summary>
  20999. The content of tables will be aligned to the Right.
  21000. </summary>
  21001. </member>
  21002. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtListIndentation">
  21003. <summary>
  21004. Specifies how list levels are indented when document is exporting to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Text" /> format.
  21005. </summary>
  21006. </member>
  21007. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtListIndentation.Count">
  21008. <summary>
  21009. Gets or sets how many <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtListIndentation.Character" /> to use as indentation per one list level.
  21010. The default value is 0, that means no indentation.
  21011. </summary>
  21012. </member>
  21013. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtListIndentation.Character">
  21014. <summary>
  21015. Gets or sets which character to use for indenting list levels.
  21016. The default value is '\0', that means there is no indentation.
  21017. </summary>
  21018. </member>
  21019. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtExportHeadersFootersMode">
  21020. <summary>
  21021. Specifies the way headers and footers are exported to plain text format.
  21022. </summary>
  21023. </member>
  21024. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtExportHeadersFootersMode.None">
  21025. <summary>
  21026. No headers and footers are exported.
  21027. </summary>
  21028. </member>
  21029. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtExportHeadersFootersMode.PrimaryOnly">
  21030. <summary>
  21031. Only primary headers and footers are exported at the beginning and end of each section.
  21032. </summary>
  21033. <remarks>
  21034. <para>It is hard to meaningfully output headers and footers to plain text because it is not paginated.</para>
  21035. <para>When this mode is used, only primary headers and footers are exported at the beginning and end of each section.</para>
  21036. </remarks>
  21037. </member>
  21038. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtExportHeadersFootersMode.AllAtEnd">
  21039. <summary>
  21040. All headers and footers are placed after all section bodies at the very end of a document.
  21041. </summary>
  21042. <remarks>
  21043. This mode is similar to Word.
  21044. </remarks>
  21045. </member>
  21046. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.MarkdownSaveOptions">
  21047. <summary>
  21048. Class to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Markdown" /> format.
  21049. </summary>
  21050. </member>
  21051. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MarkdownSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  21052. <summary>
  21053. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  21054. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Markdown" />.
  21055. </summary>
  21056. </member>
  21057. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MarkdownSaveOptions.TableContentAlignment">
  21058. <summary>
  21059. Gets or sets a value that specifies how to align contents in tables
  21060. when exporting into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Markdown" /> format.
  21061. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TableContentAlignment.Auto" />.
  21062. </summary>
  21063. </member>
  21064. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MarkdownSaveOptions.ImagesFolder">
  21065. <summary>
  21066. Specifies the physical folder where images are saved when exporting a document to
  21067. the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Markdown" /> format. Default is an empty string.
  21068. </summary>
  21069. <remarks>
  21070. <para>
  21071. When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Markdown" /> format,
  21072. Aspose.Words needs to save all images embedded in the document as standalone files.
  21073. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MarkdownSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> allows you to specify where the images will be saved.
  21074. </para>
  21075. <para>
  21076. If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the images in
  21077. the same folder where the document file is saved. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MarkdownSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> to override this behavior.
  21078. </para>
  21079. <para>
  21080. If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder
  21081. where to save the images, but still needs to save the images somewhere. In this case,
  21082. you need to specify an accessible folder in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MarkdownSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> property.
  21083. </para>
  21084. <para>
  21085. If the folder specified by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MarkdownSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> doesn't exist, it will be created automatically.
  21086. </para>
  21087. </remarks>
  21088. </member>
  21089. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptionsBase">
  21090. <summary>
  21091. The base class for specifying additional options when saving a document into a text based formats.
  21092. </summary>
  21093. </member>
  21094. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptionsBase.Encoding">
  21095. <summary>
  21096. Specifies the encoding to use when exporting in text formats.
  21097. Default value is <b>Encoding.UTF8</b>.
  21098. </summary>
  21099. </member>
  21100. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptionsBase.ParagraphBreak">
  21101. <summary>
  21102. Specifies the string to use as a paragraph break when exporting in text formats.
  21103. </summary>
  21104. <remarks>
  21105. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.CrLf" />.</p>
  21106. </remarks>
  21107. </member>
  21108. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptionsBase.ForcePageBreaks">
  21109. <summary>
  21110. <para>Allows to specify whether the page breaks should be preserved during export.</para>
  21111. <para>The default value is <b>false</b>.</para>
  21112. </summary>
  21113. <remarks>
  21114. The property affects only page breaks that are inserted explicitly into a document.
  21115. It is not related to page breaks that MS Word automatically inserts at the end of each page.
  21116. </remarks>
  21117. </member>
  21118. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptionsBase.ExportHeadersFootersMode">
  21119. <summary>
  21120. Specifies the way headers and footers are exported to the text formats.
  21121. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtExportHeadersFootersMode.PrimaryOnly" />.
  21122. </summary>
  21123. </member>
  21124. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlMetafileFormat">
  21125. <summary>
  21126. Indicates the format in which metafiles are saved to HTML documents.
  21127. </summary>
  21128. </member>
  21129. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlMetafileFormat.Png">
  21130. <summary>
  21131. Metafiles are rendered to raster PNG images.
  21132. </summary>
  21133. </member>
  21134. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlMetafileFormat.Svg">
  21135. <summary>
  21136. Metafiles are converted to vector SVG images.
  21137. </summary>
  21138. </member>
  21139. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlMetafileFormat.EmfOrWmf">
  21140. <summary>
  21141. Metafiles are saved as is, without conversion.
  21142. </summary>
  21143. </member>
  21144. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveMeasureUnit">
  21145. <summary>
  21146. Specified units of measure to apply to measurable document content such as shape, widths and other during saving.
  21147. </summary>
  21148. </member>
  21149. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveMeasureUnit.Centimeters">
  21150. <summary>
  21151. Specifies that the document content is saved using centimeters.
  21152. </summary>
  21153. </member>
  21154. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveMeasureUnit.Inches">
  21155. <summary>
  21156. Specifies that the document content is saved using inches.
  21157. </summary>
  21158. </member>
  21159. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions">
  21160. <summary>
  21161. Contains common options that can be specified when saving a document into fixed page formats (PDF, XPS,
  21162. images etc).
  21163. </summary>
  21164. </member>
  21165. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.Equals(System.Object)">
  21166. <summary>
  21167. Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.
  21168. </summary>
  21169. </member>
  21170. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSet">
  21171. <summary>
  21172. Gets or sets the pages to render.
  21173. Default is all the pages in the document.
  21174. </summary>
  21175. <remarks>
  21176. Overrides <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageIndex" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageCount" /> when set.
  21177. </remarks>
  21178. </member>
  21179. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageIndex">
  21180. <summary>
  21181. Gets or sets the 0-based index of the first page to save.
  21182. Default is 0.
  21183. </summary>
  21184. <remarks>
  21185. Overrides <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSet" /> when set.
  21186. </remarks>
  21187. </member>
  21188. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageCount">
  21189. <summary>
  21190. Gets or sets the number of pages to save.
  21191. Default is <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" /> which means all pages of the document will be rendered.
  21192. </summary>
  21193. <remarks>
  21194. Overrides <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSet" /> when set.
  21195. </remarks>
  21196. </member>
  21197. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSavingCallback">
  21198. <summary>
  21199. Allows to control how separate pages are saved when a document is exported to fixed page format.
  21200. </summary>
  21201. </member>
  21202. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.NumeralFormat">
  21203. <summary>
  21204. Gets or sets <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.NumeralFormat" /> used for rendering of numerals.
  21205. European numerals are used by default.
  21206. </summary>
  21207. <remarks>
  21208. If the value of this property is changed and page layout is already built then
  21209. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" /> is invoked automatically to update any changes.
  21210. </remarks>
  21211. </member>
  21212. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.MetafileRenderingOptions">
  21213. <summary>
  21214. Allows to specify metafile rendering options.
  21215. </summary>
  21216. </member>
  21217. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.JpegQuality">
  21218. <summary>
  21219. Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside Html document.
  21220. </summary>
  21221. <remarks>
  21222. <para>Has effect only when a document contains JPEG images.</para>
  21223. <p>Use this property to get or set the quality of the images inside a document when saving in fixed page format.
  21224. The value may vary from 0 to 100 where 0 means worst quality but maximum compression and 100
  21225. means best quality but minimum compression.</p>
  21226. <p>The default value is 95.</p>
  21227. </remarks>
  21228. </member>
  21229. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.ColorMode">
  21230. <summary>
  21231. Gets or sets a value determining how colors are rendered.
  21232. </summary>
  21233. <remarks>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ColorMode.Normal" />.
  21234. </remarks>
  21235. </member>
  21236. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.OptimizeOutput">
  21237. <summary>
  21238. Flag indicates whether it is required to optimize output.
  21239. If this flag is set redundant nested canvases and empty canvases are removed,
  21240. also neighbor glyphs with the same formatting are concatenated.
  21241. Note: The accuracy of the content display may be affected if this property is set to true.
  21242. Default is false.
  21243. </summary>
  21244. </member>
  21245. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlVersion">
  21246. <summary>
  21247. Indicates the version of HTML is used when saving the document to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" /> and
  21248. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Mhtml" /> formats.
  21249. </summary>
  21250. </member>
  21251. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlVersion.Xhtml">
  21252. <summary>
  21253. Saves the document in compliance with the XHTML 1.0 Transitional standard.
  21254. </summary>
  21255. <remarks>
  21256. <p>Aspose.Words aims to output XHTML according to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional standard,
  21257. but the output will not always validate against the DTD. Some structures inside a Microsoft Word
  21258. document are hard or impossible to map to a document that will validate against the XHTML schema.
  21259. For example, XHTML does not allow nested lists (UL cannot be nested inside another UL element),
  21260. but in Microsoft Word document multilevel lists occur quite often.</p>
  21261. </remarks>
  21262. </member>
  21263. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlVersion.Html5">
  21264. <summary>
  21265. Saves the document in compliance with the HTML 5 standard.
  21266. </summary>
  21267. </member>
  21268. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.GraphicsQualityOptions">
  21269. <summary>
  21270. Allows to specify additional <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Graphics" /> quality options.
  21271. </summary>
  21272. </member>
  21273. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.GraphicsQualityOptions.StringFormat">
  21274. <summary>
  21275. Gets or sets text layout information (such as alignment, orientation and tab stops) display manipulations
  21276. (such as ellipsis insertion and national digit substitution) and OpenType features.
  21277. </summary>
  21278. </member>
  21279. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.GraphicsQualityOptions.CompositingMode">
  21280. <summary>
  21281. Gets or sets a value that specifies how composited images are drawn to this Graphics.
  21282. </summary>
  21283. </member>
  21284. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.GraphicsQualityOptions.CompositingQuality">
  21285. <summary>
  21286. Gets or sets the rendering quality of composited images drawn to this Graphics.
  21287. </summary>
  21288. </member>
  21289. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.GraphicsQualityOptions.InterpolationMode">
  21290. <summary>
  21291. Gets or sets the interpolation mode associated with this Graphics.
  21292. </summary>
  21293. </member>
  21294. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.GraphicsQualityOptions.SmoothingMode">
  21295. <summary>
  21296. Gets or sets the rendering quality for this Graphics.
  21297. </summary>
  21298. </member>
  21299. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.GraphicsQualityOptions.TextRenderingHint">
  21300. <summary>
  21301. Gets or sets the rendering mode for text associated with this Graphics.
  21302. </summary>
  21303. </member>
  21304. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlOfficeMathOutputMode">
  21305. <summary>
  21306. Specifies how Aspose.Words exports OfficeMath to HTML, MHTML and EPUB.
  21307. </summary>
  21308. </member>
  21309. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlOfficeMathOutputMode.Image">
  21310. <summary>
  21311. OfficeMath is converted to HTML as image specified by &lt;img&gt; tag.
  21312. </summary>
  21313. </member>
  21314. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlOfficeMathOutputMode.MathML">
  21315. <summary>
  21316. OfficeMath is converted to HTML using MathML.
  21317. </summary>
  21318. </member>
  21319. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlOfficeMathOutputMode.Text">
  21320. <summary>
  21321. OfficeMath is converted to HTML as sequence of runs specified by &lt;span&gt; tags.
  21322. </summary>
  21323. </member>
  21324. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.IPageSavingCallback">
  21325. <summary>
  21326. Implement this interface if you want to control how Aspose.Words saves separate pages when
  21327. saving a document to fixed page formats.
  21328. </summary>
  21329. </member>
  21330. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IPageSavingCallback.PageSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs)">
  21331. <summary>
  21332. Called when Aspose.Words saves a separate page to fixed page formats.
  21333. </summary>
  21334. </member>
  21335. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs">
  21336. <summary>
  21337. Provides data for the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IPageSavingCallback.PageSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs)" /> event.
  21338. </summary>
  21339. </member>
  21340. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.PageStream">
  21341. <summary>
  21342. Allows to specify the stream where the document page will be saved to.
  21343. </summary>
  21344. <remarks>
  21345. <para>This property allows you to save document pages to streams instead of files.</para>
  21346. <para>The default value is <c>null</c>. When this property is <c>null</c>, the document page
  21347. will be saved to a file specified in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.PageFileName" /> property.</para>
  21348. <para>If both PageStream and PageFileName are set, then PageStream will be used.</para>
  21349. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.PageFileName" />
  21350. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.KeepPageStreamOpen" />
  21351. </remarks>
  21352. </member>
  21353. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.KeepPageStreamOpen">
  21354. <summary>
  21355. Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving a document page.
  21356. </summary>
  21357. <remarks>
  21358. <para>Default is <c>false</c> and Aspose.Words will close the stream you provided
  21359. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.PageStream" /> property after writing a document page into it.
  21360. Specify <c>true</c> to keep the stream open.</para>
  21361. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.PageStream" />
  21362. </remarks>
  21363. </member>
  21364. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.PageFileName">
  21365. <summary>
  21366. Gets or sets the file name where the document page will be saved to.
  21367. </summary>
  21368. <remarks>
  21369. If not specified then page file name and path will be generated automatically using original file name.
  21370. </remarks>
  21371. </member>
  21372. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageSavingArgs.PageIndex">
  21373. <summary>
  21374. Current page index.
  21375. </summary>
  21376. </member>
  21377. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ColorMode">
  21378. <summary>
  21379. Specifies how colors are rendered.
  21380. </summary>
  21381. </member>
  21382. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ColorMode.Normal">
  21383. <summary>
  21384. Rendering with unmodified colors.
  21385. </summary>
  21386. </member>
  21387. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ColorMode.Grayscale">
  21388. <summary>
  21389. Rendering with colors in a range of gray shades from white to black.
  21390. </summary>
  21391. </member>
  21392. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedPageHorizontalAlignment">
  21393. <summary>
  21394. Specifies the horizontal alignment for pages in output HTML document.
  21395. </summary>
  21396. </member>
  21397. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedPageHorizontalAlignment.Left">
  21398. <summary>
  21399. Align pages to the left.
  21400. </summary>
  21401. </member>
  21402. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedPageHorizontalAlignment.Center">
  21403. <summary>
  21404. Center pages. This is the default value.
  21405. </summary>
  21406. </member>
  21407. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedPageHorizontalAlignment.Right">
  21408. <summary>
  21409. Align pages to the right.
  21410. </summary>
  21411. </member>
  21412. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PclSaveOptions">
  21413. <summary>
  21414. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pcl" /> format.
  21415. </summary>
  21416. </member>
  21417. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PclSaveOptions.AddPrinterFont(System.String,System.String)">
  21418. <summary>
  21419. Adds information about font that is uploaded to the printer by manufacturer.
  21420. </summary>
  21421. <param name="fontFullName">Full name of the font (e.g. "Times New Roman Bold Italic").</param>
  21422. <param name="fontPclName">Name of the font that is used in Pcl document.</param>
  21423. <remarks>
  21424. There are 52 fonts that are to be built in any printer according to Pcl specification.
  21425. However manufactures can add some other fonts to their devices.
  21426. </remarks>
  21427. </member>
  21428. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PclSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  21429. <summary>
  21430. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  21431. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pcl" />.
  21432. </summary>
  21433. </member>
  21434. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PclSaveOptions.RasterizeTransformedElements">
  21435. <summary>
  21436. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not complex transformed elements
  21437. should be rasterized before saving to PCL document.
  21438. Default is <c>true</c>.
  21439. </summary>
  21440. <remarks>
  21441. PCL doesn't support some kind of transformations that are used by Aspose Words.
  21442. E.g. rotated, skewed images and texture brushes. To properly render such elements
  21443. rasterization process is used, i.e. saving to image and clipping.
  21444. This process can take additional time and memory.
  21445. If flag is set to <c>false</c>, some content in output may be different
  21446. as compared with the source document.
  21447. </remarks>
  21448. </member>
  21449. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PclSaveOptions.FallbackFontName">
  21450. <summary>
  21451. Name of the font that will be used
  21452. if no expected font is found in printer and built-in fonts collections.
  21453. </summary>
  21454. <remarks>
  21455. If no fallback is found, a warning is generated and "Arial" font is used.
  21456. </remarks>
  21457. </member>
  21458. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings">
  21459. <summary>
  21460. Contains settings of the digital signature timestamp.
  21461. </summary>
  21462. </member>
  21463. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings.#ctor">
  21464. <summary>
  21465. Initializes an instance of this class.
  21466. </summary>
  21467. </member>
  21468. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  21469. <summary>
  21470. Initializes an instance of this class.
  21471. </summary>
  21472. <param name="serverUrl">Timestamp server URL.</param>
  21473. <param name="userName">Timestamp server user name.</param>
  21474. <param name="password">Timestamp server password.</param>
  21475. </member>
  21476. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.TimeSpan)">
  21477. <summary>
  21478. Initializes an instance of this class.
  21479. </summary>
  21480. <param name="serverUrl">Timestamp server URL.</param>
  21481. <param name="userName">Timestamp server user name.</param>
  21482. <param name="password">Timestamp server password.</param>
  21483. <param name="timeout">Time-out value for accessing timestamp server.</param>
  21484. </member>
  21485. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings.ServerUrl">
  21486. <summary>
  21487. Timestamp server URL.
  21488. </summary>
  21489. <remarks>
  21490. The default value is null.
  21491. If null, then the digital signature will not be time-stamped.
  21492. </remarks>
  21493. </member>
  21494. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings.UserName">
  21495. <summary>
  21496. Timestamp server user name.
  21497. </summary>
  21498. <remarks>
  21499. The default value is null.
  21500. </remarks>
  21501. </member>
  21502. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings.Password">
  21503. <summary>
  21504. Timestamp server password.
  21505. </summary>
  21506. <remarks>
  21507. The default value is null.
  21508. </remarks>
  21509. </member>
  21510. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings.Timeout">
  21511. <summary>
  21512. Time-out value for accessing timestamp server.
  21513. </summary>
  21514. <remarks>
  21515. The default value is 100 seconds.
  21516. </remarks>
  21517. </member>
  21518. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode">
  21519. <summary>
  21520. Specifies how the color space will be selected for the images in PDF document.
  21521. </summary>
  21522. </member>
  21523. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.Auto">
  21524. <summary>
  21525. Aspose.Words automatically selects the most appropriate color space for each image.
  21526. </summary>
  21527. <remarks>
  21528. <para>Most of the images are saved in RGB color space. Also Indexed and Grayscale color spaces may be used. CMYK color space is never used.</para>
  21529. <para>For some images the color space may be different on different platforms.</para>
  21530. </remarks>
  21531. </member>
  21532. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SimpleCmyk">
  21533. <summary>
  21534. Aspose.Words coverts RGB images to CMYK color space using simple formula.
  21535. </summary>
  21536. <remarks>
  21537. <para>
  21538. Images in RGB color space are converted to CMYK using formula:
  21539. Black = minimum(1-Red,1-Green,1-Blue).
  21540. Cyan = (1-Red-Black)/(1-Black).
  21541. Magenta = (1-Green-Black)/(1-Black).
  21542. Yellow = (1-Blue-Black)/(1-Black).
  21543. RGB values are normalized - they are between 0 and 1.0.
  21544. </para>
  21545. </remarks>
  21546. </member>
  21547. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCustomPropertiesExport">
  21548. <summary>
  21549. Specifies the way <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomDocumentProperties" /> are exported to PDF file.
  21550. </summary>
  21551. </member>
  21552. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCustomPropertiesExport.None">
  21553. <summary>
  21554. No custom properties are exported.
  21555. </summary>
  21556. </member>
  21557. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCustomPropertiesExport.Standard">
  21558. <summary>
  21559. Custom properties are exported as entries in /Info dictionary.
  21560. <remarks></remarks><para>Custom properties with the following names are not exported:
  21561. "Title", "Author", "Subject", "Keywords", "Creator", "Producer", "CreationDate", "ModDate", "Trapped".
  21562. </para></summary>
  21563. </member>
  21564. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCustomPropertiesExport.Metadata">
  21565. <summary>
  21566. Custom properties are Metadata.
  21567. </summary>
  21568. <remarks>
  21569. <para>The namespace of exported properties in XMP packet is "custprops".
  21570. Every property has an associated xml-element "custprops:Property1", "custprops:Property2" and so on.
  21571. There is "rdf:Description" element inside property element.
  21572. The description element has two elements "custprops:Name", containing custom property's name
  21573. as a value of this xml-element, and "custprops:Value", containing custom property's value as value of this xml-element.
  21574. </para>
  21575. </remarks>
  21576. </member>
  21577. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode">
  21578. <summary>
  21579. Specifies how DrawingML effects are rendered to fixed page formats.
  21580. </summary>
  21581. </member>
  21582. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Simplified">
  21583. <summary>
  21584. Rendering of DrawingML effects are simplified.
  21585. </summary>
  21586. </member>
  21587. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode.None">
  21588. <summary>
  21589. No DrawingML effects are rendered.
  21590. </summary>
  21591. </member>
  21592. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Fine">
  21593. <summary>
  21594. DrawingML effects are rendered in fine mode which involves advanced processing.
  21595. In this mode rendering of effects gives better results but at a higher performance cost than <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Simplified" /> mode.
  21596. </summary>
  21597. </member>
  21598. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlRenderingMode">
  21599. <summary>
  21600. Specifies how DrawingML shapes are rendered to fixed page formats.
  21601. </summary>
  21602. </member>
  21603. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlRenderingMode.Fallback">
  21604. <summary>
  21605. If fall-back shape is available for DrawingML, Aspose.Words renders fall-back shape instead of the DrawingML.
  21606. </summary>
  21607. <remarks>
  21608. Please note that after saving a document to a fixed page format with fall-back DML rendering mode,
  21609. DML shapes in the AW document model are permanently replaced with their fall-back counterparts.
  21610. As a result, saving the same document again will always use fall-back shapes, even if DmlRenderingMode is set to DrawingML.
  21611. </remarks>
  21612. </member>
  21613. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlRenderingMode.DrawingML">
  21614. <summary>
  21615. Aspose.Words ignores fall-back shape of DrawingML and renders DrawingML itself.
  21616. This is the default mode.
  21617. </summary>
  21618. </member>
  21619. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.DownsampleOptions">
  21620. <summary>
  21621. Allows to specify downsample options.
  21622. </summary>
  21623. </member>
  21624. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DownsampleOptions.DownsampleImages">
  21625. <summary>
  21626. Specifies whether images should be downsampled.
  21627. </summary>
  21628. <remarks>
  21629. The default value is <c>true</c>.
  21630. </remarks>
  21631. </member>
  21632. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DownsampleOptions.Resolution">
  21633. <summary>
  21634. Specifies the resolution in pixels per inch which the images should be downsampled to.
  21635. </summary>
  21636. <remarks>
  21637. The default value is 220 ppi.
  21638. </remarks>
  21639. </member>
  21640. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DownsampleOptions.ResolutionThreshold">
  21641. <summary>
  21642. Specifies the threshold resolution in pixels per inch.
  21643. If resolution of an image in the document is less than threshold value,
  21644. the downsampling algorithm will not be applied.
  21645. A value of 0 means the threshold check is not used and all images that can be reduced in size are downsampled.
  21646. </summary>
  21647. <remarks>
  21648. The default value is 0.
  21649. </remarks>
  21650. </member>
  21651. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageBinarizationMethod">
  21652. <summary>
  21653. Specifies the method used to binarize image.
  21654. </summary>
  21655. </member>
  21656. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageBinarizationMethod.Threshold">
  21657. <summary>
  21658. Specifies threshold method.
  21659. </summary>
  21660. </member>
  21661. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageBinarizationMethod.FloydSteinbergDithering">
  21662. <summary>
  21663. Specifies dithering using Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion method.
  21664. </summary>
  21665. </member>
  21666. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportFontFormat">
  21667. <summary>
  21668. Indicates the format that is used to export fonts while rendering to HTML fixed format.
  21669. </summary>
  21670. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.FontFormat" />
  21671. </member>
  21672. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportFontFormat.Woff">
  21673. <summary>
  21674. WOFF (Web Open Font Format).
  21675. </summary>
  21676. </member>
  21677. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportFontFormat.Ttf">
  21678. <summary>
  21679. TTF (TrueType Font format).
  21680. </summary>
  21681. </member>
  21682. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfFontEmbeddingMode">
  21683. <summary>
  21684. Specifies how Aspose.Words should embed fonts.
  21685. </summary>
  21686. </member>
  21687. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EmbedAll">
  21688. <summary>
  21689. Aspose.Words embeds all fonts.
  21690. </summary>
  21691. </member>
  21692. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EmbedNonstandard">
  21693. <summary>
  21694. Aspose.Words embeds all fonts excepting standard Windows fonts Arial and Times New Roman.
  21695. Only Arial and Times New Roman fonts are affected in this mode because MS Word doesn't embed
  21696. only these fonts when saving document to PDF.
  21697. </summary>
  21698. </member>
  21699. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EmbedNone">
  21700. <summary>
  21701. Aspose.Words do not embed any fonts.
  21702. </summary>
  21703. </member>
  21704. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PsSaveOptions">
  21705. <summary>
  21706. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Ps" /> format.
  21707. </summary>
  21708. </member>
  21709. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PsSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  21710. <summary>
  21711. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  21712. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Ps" />.
  21713. </summary>
  21714. </member>
  21715. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PsSaveOptions.UseBookFoldPrintingSettings">
  21716. <summary>
  21717. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout,
  21718. if it is specified via <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.MultiplePages" />.
  21719. </summary>
  21720. <remarks>
  21721. <para>
  21722. If this option is specified, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSet" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageIndex" />
  21723. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageCount" /> are ignored when saving.
  21724. This behavior matches MS Word.
  21725. If book fold printing settings are not specified in page setup, this option will have no effect.
  21726. </para>
  21727. </remarks>
  21728. </member>
  21729. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs">
  21730. <summary>
  21731. Provides data for the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IResourceSavingCallback.ResourceSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs)" /> event.
  21732. </summary>
  21733. <remarks>
  21734. <para>By default, when Aspose.Words saves a document to fixed page HTML or SVG, it saves each resource into
  21735. a separate file. Aspose.Words uses the document file name and a unique number to generate unique file name
  21736. for each resource found in the document.</para>
  21737. <para>
  21738. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs" /> allows to redefine how resource file names are generated or to
  21739. completely circumvent saving of resources into files by providing your own stream objects.</para>
  21740. <para>To apply your own logic for generating resource file names use the
  21741. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceFileName" /> property.</para>
  21742. <para>To save resources into streams instead of files, use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceStream" /> property.</para>
  21743. </remarks>
  21744. </member>
  21745. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.Document">
  21746. <summary>
  21747. Gets the document object that is currently being saved.
  21748. </summary>
  21749. </member>
  21750. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceFileName">
  21751. <summary>
  21752. Gets or sets the file name (without path) where the resource will be saved to.
  21753. </summary>
  21754. <remarks>
  21755. <para>This property allows you to redefine how the resource file names are generated
  21756. during export to fixed page HTML or SVG.</para>
  21757. <para>When the event is fired, this property contains the file name that was generated
  21758. by Aspose.Words. You can change the value of this property to save the resource into a
  21759. different file. Note that file names must be unique.</para>
  21760. <p>Aspose.Words automatically generates a unique file name for every resource when
  21761. exporting to fixed page HTML or SVG format. How the resource file name is generated
  21762. depends on whether you save the document to a file or to a stream.</p>
  21763. <p>When saving a document to a file, the generated resource file name looks like
  21764. <i>&lt;document base file name&gt;.&lt;image number&gt;.&lt;extension&gt;</i>.</p>
  21765. <p>When saving a document to a stream, the generated resource file name looks like
  21766. <i>Aspose.Words.&lt;document guid&gt;.&lt;image number&gt;.&lt;extension&gt;</i>.</p>
  21767. <para>
  21768. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceFileName" /> must contain only the file name without the path.
  21769. Aspose.Words determines the path for saving and the value of the <c>src</c> attribute for writing
  21770. to fixed page HTML or SVG using the document file name, the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21771. or <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  21772. or <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" /> properties.</para>
  21773. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceStream" />
  21774. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21775. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21776. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  21777. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  21778. </remarks>
  21779. </member>
  21780. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceFileUri">
  21781. <summary>
  21782. Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) used to reference the resource file from the document.
  21783. </summary>
  21784. <remarks>
  21785. <para>This property allows you to change URIs of resource files exported to fixed page HTML or SVG documents.</para>
  21786. <para>Aspose.Words automatically generates an URI for every resource file during export to fixed page HTML
  21787. or SVG format. The generated URIs reference resource files saved by Aspose.Words. However, the URIs can be
  21788. incorrect if resource files are to be moved to other location or if resource files are saved to streams.
  21789. This property allows to correct URIs in these cases.</para>
  21790. <para>When the event is fired, this property contains the URI that was generated
  21791. by Aspose.Words. You can change the value of this property to provide a custom URI for the resource file.</para>
  21792. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21793. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21794. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  21795. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  21796. </remarks>
  21797. </member>
  21798. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.KeepResourceStreamOpen">
  21799. <summary>
  21800. Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving a resource.
  21801. </summary>
  21802. <remarks>
  21803. <para>Default is <c>false</c> and Aspose.Words will close the stream you provided
  21804. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceStream" /> property after writing a resource into it.
  21805. Specify <c>true</c> to keep the stream open.</para>
  21806. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceStream" />
  21807. </remarks>
  21808. </member>
  21809. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceStream">
  21810. <summary>
  21811. Allows to specify the stream where the resource will be saved to.
  21812. </summary>
  21813. <remarks>
  21814. <para>This property allows you to save resources to streams instead of files.</para>
  21815. <para>The default value is <c>null</c>. When this property is <c>null</c>, the resource
  21816. will be saved to a file specified in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceFileName" /> property.</para>
  21817. <para>Using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.IResourceSavingCallback" /> you cannot substitute one resource with
  21818. another. It is intended only for control over location where to save resources.</para>
  21819. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceFileName" />
  21820. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs.KeepResourceStreamOpen" />
  21821. </remarks>
  21822. </member>
  21823. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPageMode">
  21824. <summary>
  21825. Specifies how the PDF document should be displayed when opened in the PDF reader.
  21826. </summary>
  21827. </member>
  21828. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPageMode.UseNone">
  21829. <summary>
  21830. Neither document outline nor thumbnail images are visible.
  21831. </summary>
  21832. </member>
  21833. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPageMode.UseOutlines">
  21834. <summary>
  21835. Document outline is visible.
  21836. Note that if there're no outlines in the PDF document then outline navigation pane will not be visible anyway.
  21837. </summary>
  21838. </member>
  21839. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPageMode.UseThumbs">
  21840. <summary>
  21841. Thumbnail images are visible.
  21842. </summary>
  21843. </member>
  21844. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPageMode.FullScreen">
  21845. <summary>
  21846. Full-screen mode, with no menu bar, window controls, or any other window visible.
  21847. </summary>
  21848. </member>
  21849. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPageMode.UseOC">
  21850. <summary>
  21851. Optional content group panel is visible.
  21852. </summary>
  21853. </member>
  21854. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions">
  21855. <summary>
  21856. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.HtmlFixed" /> format.
  21857. </summary>
  21858. </member>
  21859. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  21860. <summary>
  21861. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  21862. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.HtmlFixed" />.
  21863. </summary>
  21864. </member>
  21865. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ShowPageBorder">
  21866. <summary>
  21867. Specifies whether border around pages should be shown.
  21868. Default is <c>true</c>.
  21869. </summary>
  21870. </member>
  21871. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.PageHorizontalAlignment">
  21872. <summary>
  21873. Specifies the horizontal alignment of pages in an HTML document.
  21874. Default value is <c>HtmlFixedHorizontalPageAlignment.Center</c>.
  21875. </summary>
  21876. </member>
  21877. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.PageMargins">
  21878. <summary>
  21879. Specifies the margins around pages in an HTML document.
  21880. The margins value is measured in points and should be equal to or greater than 0.
  21881. Default value is 10 points.
  21882. </summary>
  21883. <remarks>
  21884. <para>Depends on the value of <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.PageHorizontalAlignment" /> property:</para>
  21885. <list type="bullet">
  21886. <item>
  21887. Defines top, bottom and left page margins if the value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedPageHorizontalAlignment.Left" />.
  21888. </item>
  21889. <item>
  21890. Defines top, bottom and right page margins if the value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedPageHorizontalAlignment.Right" />.
  21891. </item>
  21892. <item>
  21893. Defines top and bottom page margins if the value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedPageHorizontalAlignment.Center" />.
  21894. </item>
  21895. </list>
  21896. </remarks>
  21897. </member>
  21898. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder">
  21899. <summary>
  21900. Specifies the physical folder where resources (images, fonts, css) are saved when exporting a document to Html format.
  21901. Default is <c>null</c>.
  21902. </summary>
  21903. <remarks>
  21904. <p>Has effect only if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedImages" /> property is false.</p>
  21905. <p>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in Html format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  21906. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21907. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  21908. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</p>
  21909. <p>If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the
  21910. images in the same folder where the document file is saved. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21911. to override this behavior.</p>
  21912. <p>If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder where to save the images,
  21913. but still needs to save the images somewhere. In this case, you need to specify an accessible folder
  21914. by using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" /> property</p>
  21915. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  21916. </remarks>
  21917. </member>
  21918. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias">
  21919. <summary>
  21920. Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into an Html document.
  21921. Default is <c>null</c>.
  21922. </summary>
  21923. <remarks>
  21924. <p>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in Html format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  21925. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21926. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  21927. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</p>
  21928. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  21929. </remarks>
  21930. </member>
  21931. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedImages">
  21932. <summary>
  21933. Specifies whether images should be embedded into Html document in Base64 format.
  21934. Note setting this flag can significantly increase size of output Html file.
  21935. </summary>
  21936. </member>
  21937. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedFonts">
  21938. <summary>
  21939. Specifies whether fonts should be embedded into Html document in Base64 format.
  21940. Note setting this flag can significantly increase size of output Html file.
  21941. </summary>
  21942. </member>
  21943. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedCss">
  21944. <summary>
  21945. Specifies whether the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) should be embedded into Html document.
  21946. </summary>
  21947. </member>
  21948. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedSvg">
  21949. <summary>
  21950. Specifies whether SVG resources should be embedded into Html document.
  21951. Default value is <c>true</c>.
  21952. </summary>
  21953. </member>
  21954. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.FontFormat">
  21955. <summary>
  21956. Gets or sets <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportFontFormat" /> used for font exporting.
  21957. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportFontFormat.Woff" />.
  21958. </summary>
  21959. </member>
  21960. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.CssClassNamesPrefix">
  21961. <summary>
  21962. Specifies prefix which is added to all class names in style.css file.
  21963. Default value is <c>"aw"</c>.
  21964. </summary>
  21965. </member>
  21966. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourceSavingCallback">
  21967. <summary>
  21968. Allows to control how resources (images, fonts and css) are saved when a document is exported to fixed page Html format.
  21969. </summary>
  21970. </member>
  21971. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.Encoding">
  21972. <summary>
  21973. Specifies the encoding to use when exporting to HTML.
  21974. Default value is <c>new UTF8Encoding(true)</c> (UTF-8 with BOM).
  21975. </summary>
  21976. </member>
  21977. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ExportFormFields">
  21978. <summary>
  21979. Gets or sets indication of whether form fields are exported as interactive
  21980. items (as 'input' tag) rather than converted to text or graphics.
  21981. </summary>
  21982. </member>
  21983. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.OptimizeOutput">
  21984. <summary>
  21985. Flag indicates whether it is required to optimize output.
  21986. If this flag is set redundant nested canvases and empty canvases are removed,
  21987. also neighbor glyphs with the same formating are concatenated.
  21988. Note: The accuracy of the content display may be affected if this property is set to true.
  21989. Default is true.
  21990. </summary>
  21991. </member>
  21992. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.UseTargetMachineFonts">
  21993. <summary>
  21994. Flag indicates whether fonts from target machine must be used to display the document.
  21995. If this flag is set to true, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.FontFormat" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedFonts" /> properties do not have effect,
  21996. also <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourceSavingCallback" /> is not fired for fonts.
  21997. Default is false.
  21998. </summary>
  21999. </member>
  22000. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.SaveFontFaceCssSeparately">
  22001. <summary>
  22002. Flag indicates whether "@font-face" CSS rules should be placed into a separate file "fontFaces.css"
  22003. when a document is being saved with external stylesheet (that is, when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedCss" />
  22004. is <c>false</c>).
  22005. Default value is <c>false</c>, all CSS rules are written into single file "styles.css".
  22006. </summary>
  22007. <remarks>
  22008. Setting this property to <c>true</c> restores the old behavior (separate files) for compatibility with legacy code.
  22009. </remarks>
  22010. </member>
  22011. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection">
  22012. <summary>
  22013. A collection of individual bookmarks outline level.
  22014. </summary>
  22015. <remarks>
  22016. <para>Key is a case-insensitive string bookmark name. Value is a int bookmark outline level.</para>
  22017. <para>Bookmark outline level may be a value from 0 to 9. Specify 0 and Word bookmark will not be displayed in the document outline.
  22018. Specify 1 and Word bookmark will be displayed in the document outline at level 1; 2 for level 2 and so on.</para>
  22019. </remarks>
  22020. </member>
  22021. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.Add(System.String,System.Int32)">
  22022. <summary>
  22023. Adds a bookmark to the collection.
  22024. </summary>
  22025. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the bookmark to add.</param>
  22026. <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level of the bookmark. Valid range is 0 to 9.</param>
  22027. </member>
  22028. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  22029. <summary>
  22030. Determines whether the collection contains a bookmark with the given name.
  22031. </summary>
  22032. <param name="name">Case-insensitive name of the bookmark to locate.</param>
  22033. <returns>True if item is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
  22034. </member>
  22035. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.IndexOfKey(System.String)">
  22036. <summary>
  22037. Returns the zero-based index of the specified bookmark in the collection.
  22038. </summary>
  22039. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the bookmark.</param>
  22040. <returns>The zero based index. Negative value if not found.</returns>
  22041. </member>
  22042. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  22043. <summary>
  22044. Removes a bookmark with the specified name from the collection.
  22045. </summary>
  22046. <param name="name">The case-insensitive name of the bookmark.</param>
  22047. </member>
  22048. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  22049. <summary>
  22050. Removes a bookmark at the specified index.
  22051. </summary>
  22052. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  22053. </member>
  22054. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.Clear">
  22055. <summary>
  22056. Removes all elements from the collection.
  22057. </summary>
  22058. </member>
  22059. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.Count">
  22060. <summary>
  22061. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  22062. </summary>
  22063. </member>
  22064. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.Item(System.String)">
  22065. <overloads>Provides access to the collection items.</overloads>
  22066. <summary>
  22067. Gets or a sets a bookmark outline level by the bookmark name.
  22068. </summary>
  22069. <param name="name">Case-insensitive name of the bookmark.</param>
  22070. <returns>The outline level of the bookmark. Valid range is 0 to 9.</returns>
  22071. </member>
  22072. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.BookmarksOutlineLevelCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  22073. <summary>
  22074. Gets or sets a bookmark outline level at the specified index.
  22075. </summary>
  22076. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the bookmark.</param>
  22077. <returns>The outline level of the bookmark. Valid range is 0 to 9.</returns>
  22078. </member>
  22079. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.IResourceSavingCallback">
  22080. <summary>
  22081. Implement this interface if you want to control how Aspose.Words saves external resources (images, fonts and css) when
  22082. saving a document to fixed page HTML or SVG.
  22083. </summary>
  22084. </member>
  22085. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IResourceSavingCallback.ResourceSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.ResourceSavingArgs)">
  22086. <summary>
  22087. Called when Aspose.Words saves an external resource to fixed page HTML or SVG formats.
  22088. </summary>
  22089. </member>
  22090. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions">
  22091. <summary>
  22092. Allows to specify outline options.
  22093. </summary>
  22094. </member>
  22095. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions.CreateMissingOutlineLevels">
  22096. <summary>
  22097. <para>Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to create missing outline levels when the document is
  22098. exported.</para>
  22099. <para>Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.</para>
  22100. </summary>
  22101. </member>
  22102. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions.HeadingsOutlineLevels">
  22103. <summary>
  22104. Specifies how many levels of headings (paragraphs formatted with the Heading styles) to include in the
  22105. document outline.
  22106. </summary>
  22107. <remarks>
  22108. <para>Specify 0 for no headings in the outline; specify 1 for one level of headings in the outline and so on.</para>
  22109. <para>Default is 0. Valid range is 0 to 9.</para>
  22110. </remarks>
  22111. </member>
  22112. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions.ExpandedOutlineLevels">
  22113. <summary>
  22114. Specifies how many levels in the document outline to show expanded when the file is viewed.
  22115. </summary>
  22116. <remarks>
  22117. <para>Note that this options will not work when saving to XPS.</para>
  22118. <para>Specify 0 and the document outline will be collapsed; specify 1 and the first level items
  22119. in the outline will be expanded and so on.</para>
  22120. <para>Default is 0. Valid range is 0 to 9.</para>
  22121. </remarks>
  22122. </member>
  22123. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions.DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel">
  22124. <summary>
  22125. Specifies the default level in the document outline at which to display Word bookmarks.
  22126. </summary>
  22127. <remarks>
  22128. <para>Individual bookmarks level could be specified using <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions.BookmarksOutlineLevels" /> property.</para>
  22129. <para>Specify 0 and Word bookmarks will not be displayed in the document outline.
  22130. Specify 1 and Word bookmarks will be displayed in the document outline at level 1; 2 for level 2 and so on.</para>
  22131. <para>Default is 0. Valid range is 0 to 9.</para>
  22132. </remarks>
  22133. </member>
  22134. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions.BookmarksOutlineLevels">
  22135. <summary>
  22136. Allows to specify individual bookmarks outline level.
  22137. </summary>
  22138. <remarks>
  22139. <para>If bookmark level is not specified in this collection then <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions.DefaultBookmarksOutlineLevel" /> value is used.</para>
  22140. </remarks>
  22141. </member>
  22142. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OutlineOptions.CreateOutlinesForHeadingsInTables">
  22143. <summary>
  22144. Specifies whether or not to create outlines for headings (paragraphs formatted with the Heading styles) inside tables.
  22145. </summary>
  22146. <remarks>
  22147. <para>Default value is <b>false</b>.</para>
  22148. </remarks>
  22149. </member>
  22150. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageCompression">
  22151. <summary>
  22152. Specifies the type of compression applied to images in the PDF file.
  22153. </summary>
  22154. </member>
  22155. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageCompression.Auto">
  22156. <summary>
  22157. Automatically selects the most appropriate compression for each image.
  22158. </summary>
  22159. </member>
  22160. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageCompression.Jpeg">
  22161. <summary>
  22162. Jpeg compression.
  22163. Does not support transparency.
  22164. </summary>
  22165. </member>
  22166. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs">
  22167. <summary>
  22168. Provides data for the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.ICssSavingCallback.CssSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs)" /> event.
  22169. </summary>
  22170. <remarks>
  22171. <para>By default, when Aspose.Words saves a document to HTML, it saves CSS information inline
  22172. (as a value of the <b>style</b> attribute on every element).
  22173. </para>
  22174. <para>
  22175. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs" /> allows to save CSS information into file by providing your own stream object.</para>
  22176. <para>To save CSS into stream, use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.CssStream" /> property.</para>
  22177. <para>To suppress saving CSS into a file and embedding to HTML document use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.IsExportNeeded" /> property.</para>
  22178. </remarks>
  22179. </member>
  22180. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.Document">
  22181. <summary>
  22182. Gets the document object that is currently being saved.
  22183. </summary>
  22184. </member>
  22185. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.KeepCssStreamOpen">
  22186. <summary>
  22187. Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving an CSS information.
  22188. </summary>
  22189. <remarks>
  22190. <para>Default is <c>false</c> and Aspose.Words will close the stream you provided
  22191. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.CssStream" /> property after writing an CSS information into it.
  22192. Specify <c>true</c> to keep the stream open.</para>
  22193. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.CssStream" />
  22194. </remarks>
  22195. </member>
  22196. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.CssStream">
  22197. <summary>
  22198. Allows to specify the stream where the CSS information will be saved to.
  22199. </summary>
  22200. <remarks>
  22201. <para>This property allows you to save CSS information to a stream.</para>
  22202. <para>The default value is <c>null</c>. This property doesn't suppress saving CSS information to a file or
  22203. embedding to HTML document. To suppress exporting CSS use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.IsExportNeeded" /> property.</para>
  22204. <para>Using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ICssSavingCallback" /> you cannot substitute CSS with
  22205. another. It is intended only for saving CSS to a stream.</para>
  22206. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.KeepCssStreamOpen" />
  22207. </remarks>
  22208. </member>
  22209. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs.IsExportNeeded">
  22210. <summary>
  22211. Allows to specify whether the CSS will be exported to file and embedded to HTML document. Default is <c>true</c>.
  22212. When this property is <c>false</c>, the CSS information will not be saved to a CSS file and will not be embedded to HTML document.
  22213. </summary>
  22214. </member>
  22215. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ICssSavingCallback">
  22216. <summary>
  22217. Implement this interface if you want to control how Aspose.Words saves CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) when
  22218. saving a document to HTML.
  22219. </summary>
  22220. </member>
  22221. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.ICssSavingCallback.CssSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.CssSavingArgs)">
  22222. <summary>
  22223. Called when Aspose.Words saves an CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).
  22224. </summary>
  22225. </member>
  22226. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.EmfPlusDualRenderingMode">
  22227. <summary>
  22228. Specifies how Aspose.Words should render EMF+ Dual metafiles.
  22229. </summary>
  22230. </member>
  22231. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.EmfPlusDualRenderingMode.EmfPlusWithFallback">
  22232. <summary>
  22233. Aspose.Words tries to render EMF+ part of EMF+ Dual metafile. If some of the EMF+ records are not supported
  22234. then Aspose.Words renders EMF part of EMF+ Dual metafile.
  22235. </summary>
  22236. </member>
  22237. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.EmfPlusDualRenderingMode.EmfPlus">
  22238. <summary>
  22239. Aspose.Words renders EMF+ part of EMF+ Dual metafile.
  22240. </summary>
  22241. </member>
  22242. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.EmfPlusDualRenderingMode.Emf">
  22243. <summary>
  22244. Aspose.Words renders EMF part of EMF+ Dual metafile.
  22245. </summary>
  22246. </member>
  22247. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingOptions">
  22248. <summary>
  22249. Allows to specify additional metafile rendering options.
  22250. </summary>
  22251. </member>
  22252. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingOptions.RenderingMode">
  22253. <summary>
  22254. Gets or sets a value determining how metafile images should be rendered.
  22255. </summary>
  22256. <remarks>
  22257. <para>The default value depends on the save format. For images it is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode.Bitmap" />.
  22258. For other formats it is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode.VectorWithFallback" />.</para>
  22259. </remarks>
  22260. </member>
  22261. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingOptions.EmfPlusDualRenderingMode">
  22262. <summary>
  22263. Gets or sets a value determining how EMF+ Dual metafiles should be rendered.
  22264. </summary>
  22265. <remarks>
  22266. <para>EMF+ Dual metafiles contains both EMF+ and EMF parts. MS Word and GDI+ always renders EMF+ part.
  22267. Aspose.Words currently doesn't fully supports all EMF+ records and in some cases rendering result of
  22268. EMF part looks better then rendering result of EMF+ part.</para>
  22269. <p>This option is used only when metafile is rendered as vector graphics. When metafile is rendered
  22270. to bitmap, EMF+ part is always used.</p>
  22271. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.EmfPlusDualRenderingMode.EmfPlusWithFallback" />.</p>
  22272. </remarks>
  22273. </member>
  22274. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingOptions.UseEmfEmbeddedToWmf">
  22275. <summary>
  22276. Gets or sets a value determining how WMF metafiles with embedded EMF metafiles should be rendered.
  22277. </summary>
  22278. <remarks>
  22279. <para>WMF metafiles could contain embedded EMF data. MS Word in most cases uses embedded EMF data.
  22280. GDI+ always uses WMF data.</para>
  22281. <p>When this value is set to <c>true</c>, Aspose.Words uses embedded EMF data when rendering.</p>
  22282. <p>When this value is set to <c>false</c>, Aspose.Words uses WMF data when rendering.</p>
  22283. <p>This option is used only when metafile is rendered as vector graphics. When metafile is rendered
  22284. to bitmap, WMF data is always used.</p>
  22285. <p>The default value is <c>true</c>.</p>
  22286. </remarks>
  22287. </member>
  22288. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingOptions.EmulateRasterOperations">
  22289. <summary>
  22290. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not the raster operations should be emulated.
  22291. </summary>
  22292. <remarks>
  22293. <para>Specific raster operations could be used in metafiles. They can not be rendered directly to vector graphics.
  22294. Emulating raster operations requires partial rasterization of the resulting vector graphics which may affect the
  22295. metafile rendering performance.
  22296. </para>
  22297. <p>When this value is set to <c>true</c>, Aspose.Words emulates the raster operations. The resulting output maybe
  22298. partially rasterized and performance might be slower.</p>
  22299. <p>When this value is set to <c>false</c>, Aspose.Words does not emulate the raster operations. When Aspose.Words
  22300. encounters a raster operation in a metafile it fallbacks to rendering the metafile into a bitmap by using the
  22301. operating system.</p>
  22302. <p>This option is used only when metafile is rendered as vector graphics.</p>
  22303. <p>The default value is <c>true</c>.</p>
  22304. </remarks>
  22305. </member>
  22306. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingOptions.ScaleWmfFontsToMetafileSize">
  22307. <summary>
  22308. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to scale fonts in WMF metafile according to metafile size on the page.
  22309. </summary>
  22310. <remarks>
  22311. <para>When WMF metafiles are displayed in MS Word, fonts may be scaled according to actual metafile size on the page.</para>
  22312. <p>When this value is set to <c>true</c>, Aspose.Words emulates font scaling according to metafile size on the page.</p>
  22313. <p>When this value is set to <c>false</c>, Aspose.Words displays the fonts as metafile is rendered to its default size.</p>
  22314. <p>This option is used only when metafile is rendered as vector graphics.</p>
  22315. <p>The default value is <c>true</c>.</p>
  22316. </remarks>
  22317. </member>
  22318. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.NumeralFormat">
  22319. <summary>
  22320. Indicates the symbol set that is used to represent numbers
  22321. while rendering to fixed page formats.
  22322. </summary>
  22323. </member>
  22324. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.NumeralFormat.European">
  22325. <summary>
  22326. European numerals: 0123456789.
  22327. </summary>
  22328. </member>
  22329. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.NumeralFormat.ArabicIndic">
  22330. <summary>
  22331. Numerals used in Arabic: ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩.
  22332. Unicode range U+0660 - u+0669.
  22333. </summary>
  22334. </member>
  22335. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.NumeralFormat.EasternArabicIndic">
  22336. <summary>
  22337. Numerals used in Persian and Urdu: ۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹.
  22338. Unicode range U+06F0 - u+06F9.
  22339. </summary>
  22340. </member>
  22341. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.NumeralFormat.Context">
  22342. <summary>
  22343. Symbol set is decided from context(locale and RTL property).
  22344. </summary>
  22345. </member>
  22346. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.NumeralFormat.System">
  22347. <summary>
  22349. Symbol set is decided from regional settings.
  22350. </summary>
  22351. </member>
  22352. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior">
  22353. <summary>
  22354. Specifies the type of zoom applied to a PDF document when it is opened in a PDF viewer.
  22355. </summary>
  22356. </member>
  22357. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.None">
  22358. <summary>
  22359. How the document is displayed is left to the PDF viewer. Usually the viewer displays the document to fit page width.
  22360. </summary>
  22361. </member>
  22362. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.ZoomFactor">
  22363. <summary>
  22364. Displays the page using the specified zoom factor.
  22365. </summary>
  22366. </member>
  22367. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.FitPage">
  22368. <summary>
  22369. Displays the page so it visible entirely.
  22370. </summary>
  22371. </member>
  22372. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.FitWidth">
  22373. <summary>
  22374. Fits the width of the page.
  22375. </summary>
  22376. </member>
  22377. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.FitHeight">
  22378. <summary>
  22379. Fits the height of the page.
  22380. </summary>
  22381. </member>
  22382. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.FitBox">
  22383. <summary>
  22384. Fits the bounding box (rectangle containing all visible elements on the page).
  22385. </summary>
  22386. </member>
  22387. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions">
  22388. <summary>
  22389. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Svg" /> format.
  22390. </summary>
  22391. </member>
  22392. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  22393. <summary>
  22394. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  22395. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Svg" />.
  22396. </summary>
  22397. </member>
  22398. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ShowPageBorder">
  22399. <summary>
  22400. Controls whether a border is added to the outline of the page.
  22401. Default is <c>true</c>.
  22402. </summary>
  22403. </member>
  22404. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.TextOutputMode">
  22405. <summary>
  22406. Gets or sets a value determining how text should be rendered in SVG.
  22407. </summary>
  22408. <remarks>
  22409. <p>Use this property to get or set the mode of how text inside a document should be rendered
  22410. when saving in SVG format.</p>
  22411. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgTextOutputMode.UseTargetMachineFonts" />.</p>
  22412. </remarks>
  22413. </member>
  22414. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder">
  22415. <summary>
  22416. Specifies the physical folder where resources (images) are saved when exporting a document to Svg format.
  22417. Default is <c>null</c>.
  22418. </summary>
  22419. <remarks>
  22420. <p>Has effect only if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedImages" /> property is false.</p>
  22421. <p>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in SVG format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  22422. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  22423. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  22424. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</p>
  22425. <p>If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the
  22426. images in the same folder where the document file is saved. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  22427. to override this behavior.</p>
  22428. <p>If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder where to save the images,
  22429. but still needs to save the images somewhere. In this case, you need to specify an accessible folder
  22430. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" /> property</p>
  22431. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  22432. </remarks>
  22433. </member>
  22434. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias">
  22435. <summary>
  22436. Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into an SVG document.
  22437. Default is <c>null</c>.
  22438. </summary>
  22439. <remarks>
  22440. <p>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in SVG format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  22441. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  22442. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  22443. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</p>
  22444. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  22445. </remarks>
  22446. </member>
  22447. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ExportEmbeddedImages">
  22448. <summary>
  22449. Specified whether images should be embedded into SVG document as base64.
  22450. Note setting this flag can significantly increase size of output SVG file.
  22451. </summary>
  22452. </member>
  22453. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.FitToViewPort">
  22454. <summary>
  22455. Specifies if the output SVG should fill the available viewport area (browser window or container).
  22456. When set to true width and height of output SVG are set to 100%.
  22457. <p>The default value is false.</p></summary>
  22458. </member>
  22459. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgSaveOptions.ResourceSavingCallback">
  22460. <summary>
  22461. Allows to control how resources (images) are saved when a document is exported to SVG format.
  22462. </summary>
  22463. </member>
  22464. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgTextOutputMode">
  22465. <summary>
  22466. </summary>
  22467. </member>
  22468. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgTextOutputMode.UseSvgFonts">
  22469. <summary>
  22470. SVG fonts are used to render text. Note, not all browsers support SVG fonts.
  22471. </summary>
  22472. </member>
  22473. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgTextOutputMode.UseTargetMachineFonts">
  22474. <summary>
  22475. Fonts installed on the target machine are used to render text.
  22476. Note, if some of fonts used in the document are not available on the target machine, document can look differently.
  22477. </summary>
  22478. </member>
  22479. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.SvgTextOutputMode.UsePlacedGlyphs">
  22480. <summary>
  22481. Text is rendered using curves. Note, text selection will not work if you use this option.
  22482. </summary>
  22483. </member>
  22484. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportListLabels">
  22485. <summary>
  22486. Specifies how list labels are exported to HTML, MHTML and EPUB.
  22487. </summary>
  22488. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportListLabels" />
  22489. </member>
  22490. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportListLabels.Auto">
  22491. <summary>
  22492. Outputs list labels in auto mode. Uses HTML native elements when possible.
  22493. </summary>
  22494. <remarks>
  22495. HTML &lt;ul&gt; and &lt;ol&gt; tags are used for list label representation if it doesn't cause formatting loss, otherwise the HTML &lt;p&gt; tag is used.
  22496. </remarks>
  22497. </member>
  22498. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportListLabels.AsInlineText">
  22499. <summary>
  22500. Outputs all list labels as inline text.
  22501. </summary>
  22502. <remarks>
  22503. HTML &lt;p&gt; tag is used for any list label representation.
  22504. </remarks>
  22505. </member>
  22506. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportListLabels.ByHtmlTags">
  22507. <summary>
  22508. Outputs all list labels as HTML native elements.
  22509. </summary>
  22510. <remarks>
  22511. HTML &lt;ul&gt; and &lt;ol&gt; tags are used for list label representation. Some formatting loss is possible.
  22512. </remarks>
  22513. </member>
  22514. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithm">
  22515. <summary>
  22516. Specifies a digital hash algorithm used by a digital signature.
  22517. </summary>
  22518. </member>
  22519. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithm.Sha1">
  22520. <summary>
  22521. SHA-1 hash algorithm.
  22522. </summary>
  22523. </member>
  22524. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithm.Sha256">
  22525. <summary>
  22526. SHA-256 hash algorithm.
  22527. </summary>
  22528. </member>
  22529. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithm.Sha384">
  22530. <summary>
  22531. SHA-384 hash algorithm.
  22532. </summary>
  22533. </member>
  22534. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithm.Sha512">
  22535. <summary>
  22536. SHA-512 hash algorithm.
  22537. </summary>
  22538. </member>
  22539. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureHashAlgorithm.Md5">
  22540. <summary>
  22541. SHA-1 hash algorithm.
  22542. </summary>
  22543. </member>
  22544. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode">
  22545. <summary>
  22546. Specifies how headers and footers are exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  22547. </summary>
  22548. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportHeadersFootersMode" />
  22549. </member>
  22550. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.None">
  22551. <summary>
  22552. Headers and footers are not exported.
  22553. </summary>
  22554. </member>
  22555. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.PerSection">
  22556. <summary>
  22557. Primary headers and footers are exported at the beginning and the end of each section.
  22558. </summary>
  22559. </member>
  22560. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.FirstSectionHeaderLastSectionFooter">
  22561. <summary>
  22562. Primary header of the first section is exported at the beginning of the document and primary footer is at the end.
  22563. </summary>
  22564. </member>
  22565. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.FirstPageHeaderFooterPerSection">
  22566. <summary>
  22567. First page header and footer are exported at the beginning and the end of each section.
  22568. </summary>
  22569. </member>
  22570. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlElementSizeOutputMode">
  22571. <summary>
  22572. Specifies how Aspose.Words exports element widths and heights to HTML, MHTML and EPUB.
  22573. </summary>
  22574. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.TableWidthOutputMode" />
  22575. </member>
  22576. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlElementSizeOutputMode.All">
  22577. <summary>
  22578. All element sizes, both in absolute and relative units, specified in the document are exported.
  22579. </summary>
  22580. </member>
  22581. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlElementSizeOutputMode.RelativeOnly">
  22582. <summary>
  22583. Element sizes are exported only if they are specified in relative units in the document.
  22584. Fixed sizes are not exported in this mode. Visual agents will calculate missing sizes to make
  22585. document layout more natural.
  22586. </summary>
  22587. </member>
  22588. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlElementSizeOutputMode.None">
  22589. <summary>
  22590. Element sizes are not exported. Visual agents will build layout automatically according to relationship between elements.
  22591. </summary>
  22592. </member>
  22593. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageRange">
  22594. <summary>
  22595. Represents a continuous range of pages.
  22596. </summary>
  22597. </member>
  22598. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PageRange.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  22599. <summary>
  22600. Creates a new page range object.
  22601. </summary>
  22602. <param name="from">
  22603. The starting page zero-based index.
  22604. </param>
  22605. <param name="to">
  22606. The ending page zero-based index.
  22607. If it exceeds the index of the last page in the document,
  22608. it is truncated to fit in the document on rendering.
  22609. </param>
  22610. <remarks>
  22611. <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" /> means the last page in the document.
  22612. </remarks>
  22613. </member>
  22614. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionAlgorithm">
  22615. <summary>
  22616. Specifies the encryption algorithm to use for encrypting a PDF document.
  22617. </summary>
  22618. </member>
  22619. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionAlgorithm.RC4_40">
  22620. <summary>
  22621. RC4 encryption, key length of 40 bits.
  22622. </summary>
  22623. </member>
  22624. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionAlgorithm.RC4_128">
  22625. <summary>
  22626. RC4 encryption, key length of 128 bits.
  22627. </summary>
  22628. </member>
  22629. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails">
  22630. <summary>
  22631. Contains details for encrypting and access permissions for a PDF document.
  22632. </summary>
  22633. </member>
  22634. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails.#ctor(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionAlgorithm)">
  22635. <summary>
  22636. Initializes an instance of this class.
  22637. </summary>
  22638. </member>
  22639. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails.UserPassword">
  22640. <summary>
  22641. Specifies the user password required for opening the encrypted PDF document.
  22642. </summary>
  22643. <remarks>
  22644. <para>The user password will be required to open an encrypted PDF document for viewing. The permissions specified in
  22645. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails.Permissions" /> will be enforced by the reader software.</para>
  22646. <para>The user password can be null or empty string, in this case no password will be required from the user when
  22647. opening the PDF document. The user password cannot be the same as the owner password.</para>
  22648. </remarks>
  22649. </member>
  22650. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails.OwnerPassword">
  22651. <summary>
  22652. Specifies the owner password for the encrypted PDF document.
  22653. </summary>
  22654. <remarks>
  22655. <para>The owner password allows the user to open an encrypted PDF document without any access restrictions
  22656. specified in <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails.Permissions" />.</para>
  22657. <para>The owner password cannot be the same as the user password.</para>
  22658. </remarks>
  22659. </member>
  22660. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails.Permissions">
  22661. <summary>
  22662. Specifies the operations that are allowed to a user on an encrypted PDF document.
  22663. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.DisallowAll" />.
  22664. </summary>
  22665. </member>
  22666. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails.EncryptionAlgorithm">
  22667. <summary>
  22668. Specifies the encryption algorithm to use.
  22669. </summary>
  22670. </member>
  22671. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode">
  22672. <summary>
  22673. Specifies how Aspose.Words should render WMF and EMF metafiles.
  22674. </summary>
  22675. </member>
  22676. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode.VectorWithFallback">
  22677. <summary>
  22678. Aspose.Words tries to render a metafile as vector graphics. If Aspose.Words cannot correctly render some of
  22679. the metafile records to vector graphics then Aspose.Words renders this metafile to a bitmap.
  22680. </summary>
  22681. </member>
  22682. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode.Vector">
  22683. <summary>
  22684. Aspose.Words renders a metafile as vector graphics.
  22685. </summary>
  22686. </member>
  22687. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.MetafileRenderingMode.Bitmap">
  22688. <summary>
  22689. Aspose.Words invokes GDI+ to render a metafile to a bitmap and then saves the bitmap to the output document.
  22690. </summary>
  22691. </member>
  22692. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions">
  22693. <summary>
  22694. Specifies the operations that are allowed to a user on an encrypted PDF document.
  22695. </summary>
  22696. </member>
  22697. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.DisallowAll">
  22698. <summary>
  22699. Disallows all operations on the PDF document.
  22700. This is the default value.
  22701. </summary>
  22702. </member>
  22703. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.AllowAll">
  22704. <summary>
  22705. Allows all operations on the PDF document.
  22706. </summary>
  22707. </member>
  22708. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.ContentCopy">
  22709. <summary>
  22710. Allows copying or otherwise extracting text and graphics from the document, including extraction for accessibility purposes.
  22711. </summary>
  22712. </member>
  22713. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.ContentCopyForAccessibility">
  22714. <summary>
  22715. Allows extract text and graphics in support of accessibility to disabled users or for other purposes.
  22716. When using RC4 40-bit encryption, this option is ignored and accessibility is allowed whenever <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.ContentCopy" /> is set.
  22717. </summary>
  22718. </member>
  22719. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.ModifyContents">
  22720. <summary>
  22721. Allows modifying the document’s contents.
  22722. </summary>
  22723. </member>
  22724. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.ModifyAnnotations">
  22725. <summary>
  22726. Allows adding or modifying text annotations.
  22727. When using RC4 40-bit encryption, this option also allows filling in form fields.
  22728. </summary>
  22729. </member>
  22730. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.FillIn">
  22731. <summary>
  22732. Allows filling in forms and signing the document.
  22733. When using RC4 40-bit encryption, this option is ignored and filling in form is allowed whenever <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.ModifyAnnotations" /> is set.
  22734. </summary>
  22735. </member>
  22736. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.DocumentAssembly">
  22737. <summary>
  22738. Allows assembling the document: inserting, rotating, or deleting pages and creating
  22739. navigation elements such as bookmarks or thumbnail images.
  22740. When using RC4 40-bit encryption, this option is ignored and document assembly is allowed when <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.ModifyContents" /> is set.
  22741. </summary>
  22742. </member>
  22743. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.Printing">
  22744. <summary>
  22745. Allows printing the document.
  22746. </summary>
  22747. </member>
  22748. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.HighResolutionPrinting">
  22749. <summary>
  22750. Allows printing the document to the highest resolution possible.
  22751. When using RC4 40-bit encryption, this option is ignored and high resolution printing is allowed when <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPermissions.Printing" /> is set.
  22752. </summary>
  22753. </member>
  22754. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions">
  22755. <summary>
  22756. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFixed" /> format.
  22757. </summary>
  22758. </member>
  22759. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  22760. <summary>
  22761. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  22762. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFixed" />.
  22763. </summary>
  22764. </member>
  22765. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder">
  22766. <summary>
  22767. Specifies the physical folder where resources (images and fonts) are saved when exporting a document to fixed page Xaml format.
  22768. Default is <c>null</c>.
  22769. </summary>
  22770. <remarks>
  22771. <p>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in fixed page Xaml format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  22772. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  22773. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  22774. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</p>
  22775. <p>If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the
  22776. images in the same folder where the document file is saved. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  22777. to override this behavior.</p>
  22778. <p>If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder where to save the images,
  22779. but still needs to save the images somewhere. In this case, you need to specify an accessible folder
  22780. by using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" /> property</p>
  22781. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  22782. </remarks>
  22783. </member>
  22784. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias">
  22785. <summary>
  22786. Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into an fixed page Xaml document.
  22787. Default is <c>null</c>.
  22788. </summary>
  22789. <remarks>
  22790. <p>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in fixed page Xaml format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  22791. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  22792. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolderAlias" />
  22793. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</p>
  22794. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder" />
  22795. </remarks>
  22796. </member>
  22797. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFixedSaveOptions.ResourceSavingCallback">
  22798. <summary>
  22799. Allows to control how resources (images and fonts) are saved when a document is exported to fixed page Xaml format.
  22800. </summary>
  22801. </member>
  22802. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails">
  22803. <summary>
  22804. Contains details for signing a PDF document with a digital signature.
  22805. </summary>
  22806. <remarks>
  22807. <para>At the moment digitally signing PDF documents is only available on .NET 2.0 or higher.</para>
  22808. <para>To digitally sign a PDF document when it is created by Aspose.Words, set the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.DigitalSignatureDetails" />
  22809. property to a valid <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails" /> object and then save the document in the PDF format passing
  22810. the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions" /> as a parameter into the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.String,Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)" /> method.</para>
  22811. <para>Aspose.Words creates a PKCS#7 signature over the whole PDF document and uses the "Adobe.PPKMS" filter and
  22812. "adbe.pkcs7.sha1" subfilter when creating a digital signature.</para>
  22813. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.DigitalSignatureDetails" />
  22814. </remarks>
  22815. </member>
  22816. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.#ctor">
  22817. <summary>
  22818. Initializes an instance of this class.
  22819. </summary>
  22820. </member>
  22821. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.#ctor(Aspose.Words.CertificateHolder,System.String,System.String,System.DateTime)">
  22822. <summary>
  22823. Initializes an instance of this class.
  22824. </summary>
  22825. <param name="certificateHolder">A certificate holder which contains the certificate itself.</param>
  22826. <param name="reason">The reason for signing.</param>
  22827. <param name="location">The location of signing.</param>
  22828. <param name="signatureDate">The date and time of signing.</param>
  22829. </member>
  22830. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.CertificateHolder">
  22831. <summary>
  22832. Returns the certificate holder object that contains the certificate was used to sign the document.
  22833. </summary>
  22834. </member>
  22835. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.Reason">
  22836. <summary>
  22837. Gets or sets the reason for the signing.
  22838. </summary>
  22839. <remarks>
  22840. The default value is null.
  22841. </remarks>
  22842. </member>
  22843. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.Location">
  22844. <summary>
  22845. Gets or sets the location of the signing.
  22846. </summary>
  22847. <remarks>
  22848. The default value is null.
  22849. </remarks>
  22850. </member>
  22851. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.SignatureDate">
  22852. <summary>
  22853. Gets or sets the date of the signing.
  22854. </summary>
  22855. <remarks>
  22856. <para>The default value is the current time.</para>
  22857. <para>This value will appear in the digital signature as an unverified computer time.</para>
  22858. </remarks>
  22859. </member>
  22860. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.HashAlgorithm">
  22861. <summary>
  22862. Gets or sets the hash algorithm.
  22863. </summary>
  22864. <remarks>The default value is the SHA-512 algorithm.</remarks>
  22865. </member>
  22866. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails.TimestampSettings">
  22867. <summary>
  22868. Gets or sets the digital signature timestamp settings.
  22869. </summary>
  22870. <remarks>
  22871. <para>The default value is null and the digital signature will not be time-stamped.
  22872. When this property is set to a valid <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureTimestampSettings" /> object,
  22873. then the digital signature in the PDF document will be time-stamped.</para>
  22874. </remarks>
  22875. </member>
  22876. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions">
  22877. <summary>
  22878. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc" /> or
  22879. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dot" /> format.
  22880. </summary>
  22881. <remarks>
  22882. <para>At the moment provides only the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions.SaveFormat" /> property, but in the future will have
  22883. other options added, such as an encryption password or digital signature settings.</para>
  22884. </remarks>
  22885. </member>
  22886. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions.#ctor">
  22887. <summary>
  22888. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc" /> format.
  22889. </summary>
  22890. </member>
  22891. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  22892. <summary>
  22893. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc" /> or
  22894. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dot" /> format.
  22895. </summary>
  22896. <param name="saveFormat">Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dot" />.</param>
  22897. </member>
  22898. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  22899. <summary>
  22900. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  22901. Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dot" />.
  22902. </summary>
  22903. </member>
  22904. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions.Password">
  22905. <summary>
  22906. Gets/sets a password to encrypt document using RC4 encryption method.
  22907. </summary>
  22908. <remarks>
  22909. <para>In order to save document without encryption this property should be null or empty string.</para>
  22910. </remarks>
  22911. </member>
  22912. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions.SaveRoutingSlip">
  22913. <summary>
  22914. When <c>false</c>, RoutingSlip data is not saved to output document.
  22915. Default value is <b>true</b>.
  22916. </summary>
  22917. </member>
  22918. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions.AlwaysCompressMetafiles">
  22919. <summary>
  22920. When <c>false</c>, small metafiles are not compressed for performance reason.
  22921. Default value is <b>true</b>, all metafiles are compressed regardless of its size.
  22922. </summary>
  22923. </member>
  22924. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocSaveOptions.SavePictureBullet">
  22925. <summary>
  22926. When <c>false</c>, PictureBullet data is not saved to output document.
  22927. Default value is <b>true</b>.
  22928. </summary>
  22929. <remarks>
  22930. <para>This option is provided for Word 97, which cannot work correctly with PictureBullet data.
  22931. To remove PictureBullet data, set the option to "false".</para>
  22932. </remarks>
  22933. </member>
  22934. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs">
  22935. <summary>
  22936. Provides data for the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IDocumentPartSavingCallback.DocumentPartSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs)" /> callback.
  22937. </summary>
  22938. <remarks>
  22939. <p>When Aspose.Words saves a document to HTML or related formats and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria" />
  22940. is specified, the document is split into parts and by default, each document part is saved into a separate file.</p>
  22941. <p>Class <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs" /> allows you to control how each document part will be saved.
  22942. It allows to redefine how file names are generated or to completely circumvent saving of document parts into
  22943. files by providing your own stream objects.</p>
  22944. <p>To save document parts into streams instead of files, use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartStream" /> property.</p>
  22945. </remarks>
  22946. </member>
  22947. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.Document">
  22948. <summary>
  22949. Gets the document object that is being saved.
  22950. </summary>
  22951. </member>
  22952. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartFileName">
  22953. <summary>
  22954. Gets or sets the file name (without path) where the document part will be saved to.
  22955. </summary>
  22956. <remarks>
  22957. <p>This property allows you to redefine how the document part file names are generated
  22958. during export to HTML or EPUB.</p>
  22959. <p>When the callback is invoked, this property contains the file name that was generated
  22960. by Aspose.Words. You can change the value of this property to save the document part into a
  22961. different file. Note that the file name for each part must be unique.</p>
  22962. <p>
  22963. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartFileName" /> must contain only the file name without the path.
  22964. Aspose.Words determines the path for saving using the document file name. If output document
  22965. file name was not specified, for instance when saving to a stream, this file name is used only
  22966. for referencing document parts. The same is true when saving to EPUB format.</p>
  22967. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartStream" />
  22968. </remarks>
  22969. </member>
  22970. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.KeepDocumentPartStreamOpen">
  22971. <summary>
  22972. Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving a document part.
  22973. </summary>
  22974. <remarks>
  22975. <p>Default is <c>false</c> and Aspose.Words will close the stream you provided
  22976. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartStream" /> property after writing a document part into it.
  22977. Specify <c>true</c> to keep the stream open. Please note that the main output stream
  22978. provided in the call to <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)" /> or
  22979. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)" /> will never be closed by Aspose.Words
  22980. even if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.KeepDocumentPartStreamOpen" /> is set to <c>false</c>.</p>
  22981. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartStream" />
  22982. </remarks>
  22983. </member>
  22984. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartStream">
  22985. <summary>
  22986. Allows to specify the stream where the document part will be saved to.
  22987. </summary>
  22988. <remarks>
  22989. <p>This property allows you to save document parts to streams instead of files during HTML export.</p>
  22990. <p>The default value is <c>null</c>. When this property is <c>null</c>, the document part
  22991. will be saved to a file specified in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartFileName" /> property.</p>
  22992. <p>When saving to a stream in HTML format is requested by <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)" />
  22993. or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)" /> and first document part is about to be saved,
  22994. Aspose.Words suggests here the main output stream initially passed by the caller.</p>
  22995. <p>When saving to EPUB format that is a container format based on HTML, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.DocumentPartStream" /> cannot
  22996. be specified because all subsidiary parts will be encapsulated into a single output package.</p>
  22997. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs.KeepDocumentPartStreamOpen" />
  22998. </remarks>
  22999. </member>
  23000. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria">
  23001. <summary>
  23002. Specifies how the document is split into parts when saving to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" />
  23003. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub" /> format.
  23004. </summary>
  23005. <remarks>
  23006. <p>
  23007. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria" /> is a set of flags which can be combined. For instance you can split the document
  23008. at page breaks and heading paragraphs in the same export operation.</p>
  23009. <p>Different criteria can partially overlap. For instance, <b>Heading 1</b> style is frequently given
  23010. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.PageBreakBefore" /> property so it falls under two criteria: <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.PageBreak" /> and
  23011. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph" />. Some section breaks can cause page breaks and so on.
  23012. In typical cases specifying only one flag is the most practical option.</p>
  23013. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria" />
  23014. </remarks>
  23015. </member>
  23016. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.None">
  23017. <summary>
  23018. The document is not split.
  23019. </summary>
  23020. </member>
  23021. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.PageBreak">
  23022. <summary>
  23023. The document is split into parts at explicit page breaks.
  23024. A page break can be specified by a <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.PageBreak" /> character,
  23025. a section break specifying start of new section on a new page,
  23026. or a paragraph that has its <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ParagraphFormat.PageBreakBefore" /> property set to <c>true</c>.
  23027. </summary>
  23028. </member>
  23029. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.ColumnBreak">
  23030. <summary>
  23031. The document is split into parts at column breaks.
  23032. A column break can be specified by a <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.ColumnBreak" /> character or
  23033. a section break specifying start of new section in a new column.
  23034. </summary>
  23035. </member>
  23036. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.SectionBreak">
  23037. <summary>
  23038. The document is split into parts at a section break of any type.
  23039. </summary>
  23040. </member>
  23041. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph">
  23042. <summary>
  23043. The document is split into parts at a paragraph formatted using a heading style <b>Heading 1</b>, <b>Heading 2</b> etc.
  23044. Use together with <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentSplitHeadingLevel" /> to specify the heading levels
  23045. (from 1 to the specified level) at which to split.
  23046. </summary>
  23047. </member>
  23048. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs">
  23049. <summary>
  23050. Provides data for the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IFontSavingCallback.FontSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs)" /> event.
  23051. </summary>
  23052. <remarks>
  23053. <para>When Aspose.Words saves a document to HTML or related formats and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources" />
  23054. is set to <b>true</b>, it saves each font subject for export into a separate file.</para>
  23055. <para>
  23056. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs" /> controls whether particular font resource should be exported and how.</para>
  23057. <para>
  23058. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs" /> also allows to redefine how font file names are generated or to
  23059. completely circumvent saving of fonts into files by providing your own stream objects.</para>
  23060. <para>To decide whether to save a particular font resource, use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.IsExportNeeded" /> property.</para>
  23061. <para>To save fonts into streams instead of files, use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontStream" /> property.</para>
  23062. </remarks>
  23063. </member>
  23064. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.Document">
  23065. <summary>
  23066. Gets the document object that is being saved.
  23067. </summary>
  23068. </member>
  23069. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontFamilyName">
  23070. <summary>
  23071. Indicates the current font family name.
  23072. </summary>
  23073. </member>
  23074. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.Bold">
  23075. <summary>
  23076. Indicates whether the current font is bold.
  23077. </summary>
  23078. </member>
  23079. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.Italic">
  23080. <summary>
  23081. Indicates whether the current font is italic.
  23082. </summary>
  23083. </member>
  23084. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.OriginalFileName">
  23085. <summary>
  23086. Gets the original font file name with an extension.
  23087. </summary>
  23088. <remarks>
  23089. <p>This property contains the original file name of the current font if it is known. Otherwise it can be an empty string.</p>
  23090. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.OriginalFileSize" />
  23091. </remarks>
  23092. </member>
  23093. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.OriginalFileSize">
  23094. <summary>
  23095. Gets the original font file size.
  23096. </summary>
  23097. <remarks>
  23098. <p>This property contains the original file size of the current font if it is known. Otherwise it can be zero.</p>
  23099. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.OriginalFileName" />
  23100. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.IsSubsettingNeeded" />
  23101. </remarks>
  23102. </member>
  23103. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.IsExportNeeded">
  23104. <summary>
  23105. Allows to specify whether the current font will be exported as a font resource. Default is <c>true</c>.
  23106. </summary>
  23107. </member>
  23108. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.IsSubsettingNeeded">
  23109. <summary>
  23110. Allows to specify whether the current font will be subsetted before exporting as a font resource.
  23111. </summary>
  23112. <remarks>
  23113. <p>Fonts can be exported as complete original font files or subsetted to include only the characters
  23114. that are used in the document. Subsetting allows to reduce the resulting font resource size.</p>
  23115. <para>By default, Aspose.Words decides whether to perform subsetting or not by comparing the original font file size
  23116. with the one specified in <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold" />.
  23117. You can override this behavior for individual fonts by setting the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.IsSubsettingNeeded" /> property.</para>
  23118. </remarks>
  23119. </member>
  23120. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontFileName">
  23121. <summary>
  23122. Gets or sets the file name (without path) where the font will be saved to.
  23123. </summary>
  23124. <remarks>
  23125. <para>This property allows you to redefine how the font file names are generated
  23126. during export to HTML.</para>
  23127. <para>When the event is fired, this property contains the file name that was generated
  23128. by Aspose.Words. You can change the value of this property to save the font into a
  23129. different file. Note that file names must be unique.</para>
  23130. <p>Aspose.Words automatically generates a unique file name for every embedded font when
  23131. exporting to HTML format. How the font file name is generated
  23132. depends on whether you save the document to a file or to a stream.</p>
  23133. <p>When saving a document to a file, the generated font file name looks like
  23134. <i>&lt;document base file name&gt;.&lt;original file name&gt;&lt;optional suffix&gt;.&lt;extension&gt;</i>.</p>
  23135. <p>When saving a document to a stream, the generated font file name looks like
  23136. <i>Aspose.Words.&lt;document guid&gt;.&lt;original file name&gt;&lt;optional suffix&gt;.&lt;extension&gt;</i>.</p>
  23137. <para>
  23138. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontFileName" /> must contain only the file name without the path.
  23139. Aspose.Words determines the path for saving using the document file name,
  23140. the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" /> and
  23141. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" /> properties.</para>
  23142. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontStream" />
  23143. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" />
  23144. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" />
  23145. </remarks>
  23146. </member>
  23147. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.KeepFontStreamOpen">
  23148. <summary>
  23149. Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving a font.
  23150. </summary>
  23151. <remarks>
  23152. <para>Default is <c>false</c> and Aspose.Words will close the stream you provided
  23153. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontStream" /> property after writing a font into it.
  23154. Specify <c>true</c> to keep the stream open.</para>
  23155. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontStream" />
  23156. </remarks>
  23157. </member>
  23158. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontStream">
  23159. <summary>
  23160. Allows to specify the stream where the font will be saved to.
  23161. </summary>
  23162. <remarks>
  23163. <para>This property allows you to save fonts to streams instead of files during HTML export.</para>
  23164. <para>The default value is <c>null</c>. When this property is <c>null</c>, the font
  23165. will be saved to a file specified in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontFileName" /> property.</para>
  23166. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.FontFileName" />
  23167. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs.KeepFontStreamOpen" />
  23168. </remarks>
  23169. </member>
  23170. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions">
  23171. <summary>
  23172. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" />,
  23173. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Mhtml" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub" /> format.
  23174. </summary>
  23175. </member>
  23176. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.#ctor">
  23177. <summary>
  23178. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document
  23179. in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" /> format.
  23180. </summary>
  23181. </member>
  23182. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  23183. <summary>
  23184. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document
  23185. in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Mhtml" />
  23186. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub" /> format.
  23187. </summary>
  23188. <param name="saveFormat">Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Mhtml" />
  23189. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub" />.</param>
  23190. </member>
  23191. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  23192. <summary>
  23193. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  23194. Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Mhtml" />
  23195. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub" />.
  23196. </summary>
  23197. </member>
  23198. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.AllowNegativeIndent">
  23199. <summary>
  23200. Specifies whether negative left and right indents of paragraphs are normalized
  23201. when saving to HTML, MHTML or EPUB. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23202. </summary>
  23203. <remarks>
  23204. <para>When negative indent is not allowed, it is exported as zero margin to HTML.
  23205. When negative indent is allowed, a paragraph might appear partially outside of the
  23206. browser window.</para>
  23207. </remarks>
  23208. </member>
  23209. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetFileName">
  23210. <summary>
  23211. Specifies the path and the name of the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file written when a document
  23212. is exported to HTML.
  23213. Default is an empty string.
  23214. </summary>
  23215. <remarks>
  23216. <para>This property has effect only when saving a document to HTML format
  23217. and external CSS style sheet is requested using <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetType" />.</para>
  23218. <para>If this property is empty, the CSS file will be saved into the same folder and with the same name as the HTML
  23219. document but with the ".css" extension.</para>
  23220. <para>If only path but no file name is specified in this property, the CSS file will be saved into the specified
  23221. folder and will have the same name as the HTML document but with the ".css" extension.</para>
  23222. <para>If the folder specified by this property doesn't exist, it will be created automatically before the CSS file
  23223. is saved.</para>
  23224. <para>Another way to specify a folder where external CSS file is saved is to use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" />.
  23225. </para>
  23226. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" />
  23227. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" />
  23228. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetType" />
  23229. </remarks>
  23230. </member>
  23231. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetType">
  23232. <summary>
  23233. Specifies how CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) styles are exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23234. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssStyleSheetType.Inline" /> for HTML/MHTML and
  23235. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssStyleSheetType.External" /> for EPUB.
  23236. </summary>
  23237. <remarks>
  23238. <para>Saving CSS style sheet into an external file is only supported when saving to HTML.
  23239. When you are exporting to one of the container formats (EPUB or MHTML) and specifying
  23240. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssStyleSheetType.External" />, CSS file will be encapsulated
  23241. into the output package.</para>
  23242. </remarks>
  23243. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetFileName" />
  23244. </member>
  23245. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssClassNamePrefix">
  23246. <summary>
  23247. Specifies a prefix which is added to all CSS class names.
  23248. Default value is an empty string and generated CSS class names have no common prefix.
  23249. </summary>
  23250. <remarks>
  23251. <para>If this value is not empty, all CSS classes generated by Aspose.Words will start with the specified prefix.
  23252. This might be useful, for example, if you add custom CSS to generated documents and want to prevent class
  23253. name conflicts.</para>
  23254. <para>If the value is not <c>null</c> or empty, it must be a valid CSS identifier.</para>
  23255. </remarks>
  23256. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The value is not empty and is not a valid CSS identifier.</exception>
  23257. </member>
  23258. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentPartSavingCallback">
  23259. <summary>
  23260. Allows to control how document parts are saved when a document is saved to HTML or EPUB.
  23261. </summary>
  23262. </member>
  23263. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssSavingCallback">
  23264. <summary>
  23265. Allows to control how CSS styles are saved when a document is saved to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23266. </summary>
  23267. </member>
  23268. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria">
  23269. <summary>
  23270. Specifies how the document should be split when saving to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" />
  23271. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub" /> format.
  23272. Default is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.None" /> for HTML and
  23273. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph" /> for EPUB.
  23274. </summary>
  23275. <remarks>
  23276. <para>Normally you would want a document saved to HTML as a single file.
  23277. But in some cases it is preferable to split the output into several smaller HTML pages.
  23278. When saving to HTML format these pages will be output to individual files or streams.
  23279. When saving to EPUB format they will be incorporated into corresponding packages.</para>
  23280. <para>A document cannot be split when saving in the MHTML format.</para>
  23281. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentSplitHeadingLevel" />
  23282. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentPartSavingCallback" />
  23283. </remarks>
  23284. </member>
  23285. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentSplitHeadingLevel">
  23286. <summary>
  23287. Specifies the maximum level of headings at which to split the document.
  23288. Default value is <c>2</c>.
  23289. </summary>
  23290. <remarks>
  23291. <para>When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria" /> includes <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph" />
  23292. and this property is set to a value from 1 to 9, the document will be split at paragraphs formatted using
  23293. <b>Heading 1</b>, <b>Heading 2</b> , <b>Heading 3</b> etc. styles up to the specified heading level.</para>
  23294. <para>By default, only <b>Heading 1</b> and <b>Heading 2</b> paragraphs cause the document to be split.
  23295. Setting this property to zero will cause the document not to be split at heading paragraphs at all.</para>
  23296. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentSplitCriteria" />
  23297. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.DocumentPartSavingCallback" />
  23298. </remarks>
  23299. </member>
  23300. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.Encoding">
  23301. <summary>
  23302. Specifies the encoding to use when exporting to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23303. Default value is <c>new UTF8Encoding(false)</c> (UTF-8 without BOM).
  23304. </summary>
  23305. <remarks>
  23306. </remarks>
  23307. </member>
  23308. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.EpubNavigationMapLevel">
  23309. <summary>
  23310. Specifies the maximum level of headings populated to the navigation map when exporting to IDPF EPUB format.
  23311. Default value is <c>3</c>.
  23312. </summary>
  23313. <remarks>
  23314. <para>Navigation map in IDPF EPUB format allows user agents to provide easy way of navigation
  23315. through the document structure. Usually navigation points correspond to headings in the document.
  23316. To populate headings up to level <b>N</b> assign this value to <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.EpubNavigationMapLevel" />.</para>
  23317. <para>By default, three levels of headings are populated: paragraphs of styles <b>Heading 1</b>, <b>Heading 2</b>
  23318. and <b>Heading 3</b>.
  23319. You can set this property to a value from 1 to 9 to request corresponding maximum level.
  23320. Setting it to zero will reduce navigation map to only document root or roots of document parts.</para>
  23321. </remarks>
  23322. </member>
  23323. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDocumentProperties">
  23324. <summary>
  23325. Specifies whether to export built-in and custom document properties to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23326. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23327. </summary>
  23328. </member>
  23329. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources">
  23330. <summary>
  23331. Specifies whether font resources should be exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23332. Default is <c>false</c>.
  23333. </summary>
  23334. <remarks>
  23335. <para>Exporting font resources allows for consistent document rendering independent of the fonts available
  23336. in a given user's environment.</para>
  23337. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources" /> is set to <c>true</c>, main HTML document will refer to every font via
  23338. the CSS 3 <b>@font-face</b> at-rule and fonts will be output as separate files. When exporting to IDPF EPUB or MHTML
  23339. formats, fonts will be embedded into the corresponding package along with other subsidiary files.</para>
  23340. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontsAsBase64" /> is set to <c>true</c>, fonts will not be saved to separate files.
  23341. Instead, they will be embedded into <b>@font-face</b> at-rules in Base64 encoding.</para>
  23342. <p>
  23343. <b>Important!</b> When exporting font resources, font licensing issues should be considered. Authors who want to use specific fonts via a downloadable
  23344. font mechanism must always carefully verify that their intended use is within the scope of the font license. Many commercial fonts presently do not
  23345. allow web downloading of their fonts in any form. License agreements that cover some fonts specifically note that usage via <b>@font-face</b> rules
  23346. in CSS style sheets is not allowed. Font subsetting can also violate license terms.
  23347. </p>
  23348. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold" />
  23349. </remarks>
  23350. </member>
  23351. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontsAsBase64">
  23352. <summary>
  23353. Specifies whether fonts resources should be embedded to HTML in Base64 encoding.
  23354. Default is <c>false</c>.
  23355. </summary>
  23356. <remarks>
  23357. <para>By default, fonts are written to separate files. If this option is set to <c>true</c>, fonts will be embedded
  23358. into the document's CSS in Base64 encoding.</para>
  23359. </remarks>
  23360. </member>
  23361. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportHeadersFootersMode">
  23362. <summary>
  23363. Specifies how headers and footers are output to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23364. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.PerSection" /> for HTML/MHTML
  23365. and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.None" /> for EPUB.
  23366. </summary>
  23367. <remarks>
  23368. <para>It is hard to meaningfully output headers and footers to HTML because HTML is not paginated.</para>
  23369. <para>When this property is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.PerSection" />, Aspose.Words exports
  23370. only primary headers and footers at the beginning and the end of each section.</para>
  23371. <para>When it is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.FirstSectionHeaderLastSectionFooter" />
  23372. only first primary header and the last primary footer (including linked to previous) are exported.</para>
  23373. <para>You can disable export of headers and footers altogether by setting this property
  23374. to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportHeadersFootersMode.None" />.</para>
  23375. </remarks>
  23376. </member>
  23377. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportImagesAsBase64">
  23378. <summary>
  23379. Specifies whether images are saved in Base64 format to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23380. Default is <c>false</c>.
  23381. </summary>
  23382. <remarks>
  23383. <para>When this property is set to <c>true</c> image data is exported directly on the <b>img</b> elements
  23384. and separate files are not created.</para>
  23385. </remarks>
  23386. </member>
  23387. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportLanguageInformation">
  23388. <summary>
  23389. Specifies whether language information is exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23390. Default is <c>false</c>.
  23391. </summary>
  23392. <remarks>
  23393. <para>When this property is set to <c>true</c> Aspose.Words outputs <b>lang</b> HTML attribute on the document
  23394. elements that specify language. This can be needed to preserve language related semantics.</para>
  23395. </remarks>
  23396. </member>
  23397. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportListLabels">
  23398. <summary>
  23399. Controls how list labels are output to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23400. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ExportListLabels.Auto" />.
  23401. </summary>
  23402. </member>
  23403. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.MetafileFormat">
  23404. <summary>
  23405. Specifies in what format metafiles are saved when exporting to HTML, MHTML, or EPUB.
  23406. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlMetafileFormat.Png" />, meaning that metafiles are rendered to raster PNG images.
  23407. </summary>
  23408. <remarks>
  23409. <para>Metafiles are not natively displayed by HTML browsers. By default, Aspose.Words converts WMF and EMF
  23410. images into PNG files when exporting to HTML. Other options are to convert metafiles to SVG images or to export
  23411. them as is without conversion.</para>
  23412. <para>Some image transforms, in particular image cropping, will not be applied to metafile images if they
  23413. are exported to HTML without conversion.</para>
  23414. </remarks>
  23415. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageResolution" />
  23416. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize" />
  23417. </member>
  23418. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPageSetup">
  23419. <summary>
  23420. Specifies whether page setup is exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23421. Default is <c>false</c>.
  23422. </summary>
  23423. <remarks>
  23424. <para>Each <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Section" /> in Aspose.Words document model provides page setup information
  23425. via <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.PageSetup" /> class. When you export a document to HTML format you might need to keep this information
  23426. for further usage. In particular, page setup might be important for rendering to paged media (printing)
  23427. or subsequent conversion to the native Microsoft Word file formats (DOCX, DOC, RTF, WML).</para>
  23428. <para>In most cases HTML is intended for viewing in browsers where pagination is not performed. So this feature
  23429. is inactive by default.</para>
  23430. </remarks>
  23431. </member>
  23432. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportPageMargins">
  23433. <summary>
  23434. Specifies whether page margins is exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23435. Default is <c>false</c>.
  23436. </summary>
  23437. <remarks>
  23438. Aspose.Words does not show area of page margins by default.
  23439. If any elements are completely or partially clipped by the document edge the displayed area can be extended with
  23440. this option.
  23441. </remarks>
  23442. </member>
  23443. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportRelativeFontSize">
  23444. <summary>
  23445. Specifies whether font sizes should be output in relative units when saving to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23446. Default is <c>false</c>.
  23447. </summary>
  23448. <remarks>
  23449. <para>In many existing documents (HTML, IDPF EPUB) font sizes are specified in relative units. This allows
  23450. applications to adjust text size when viewing/processing documents. For instance, Microsoft Internet Explorer
  23451. has "View-&gt;Text Size" submenu, Adobe Digital Editions has two buttons: Increase/Decrease Text Size.
  23452. If you expect this functionality to work then set <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportRelativeFontSize" /> property to <c>true</c>.
  23453. </para>
  23454. <para>Aspose Words document model contains and operates only with absolute font size units. Relative units need
  23455. additional logic to be recalculated from some initial (standard) size. Font size of <b>Normal</b> document style
  23456. is taken as standard. For instance, if <b>Normal</b> has 12pt font and some text is 18pt then it will be output
  23457. as <b>1.5em.</b> to the HTML.</para>
  23458. <para>When this option is enabled, document elements other than text will still have absolute sizes. Also some
  23459. text-related attributes might be expressed absolutely. In particular, line spacing specified with "exactly" rule
  23460. might produce unwanted results when scaling text. So the source documents should be properly designed and tested
  23461. when exporting with <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportRelativeFontSize" /> set to <c>true</c>.</para>
  23462. </remarks>
  23463. </member>
  23464. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTextInputFormFieldAsText">
  23465. <summary>
  23466. Controls how text input form fields are saved to HTML or MHTML.
  23467. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23468. </summary>
  23469. <remarks>
  23470. <para>When set to <c>true</c>, exports text input form fields as normal text.
  23471. When <c>false</c>, exports Word text input form fields as INPUT elements in HTML.</para>
  23472. <para>When exporting to EPUB, text input form fields are always saved as text due
  23473. to requirements of this format.</para>
  23474. </remarks>
  23475. </member>
  23476. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTextBoxAsSvg">
  23477. <summary>
  23478. Controls how textboxes represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> are saved to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23479. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23480. </summary>
  23481. <remarks>
  23482. <para>When set to <c>true</c>, exports textboxes as inline <b>&lt;svg&gt;</b> elements.
  23483. When <c>false</c>, exports as <b>&lt;img&gt;</b> elements.</para>
  23484. </remarks>
  23485. </member>
  23486. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportDropDownFormFieldAsText">
  23487. <summary>
  23488. Controls how drop-down form fields are saved to HTML or MHTML.
  23489. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23490. </summary>
  23491. <remarks>
  23492. <para>When set to <c>true</c>, exports drop-down form fields as normal text.
  23493. When <c>false</c>, exports drop-down form fields as SELECT element in HTML.</para>
  23494. <para>When exporting to EPUB, text drop-down form fields are always saved as text due
  23495. to requirements of this format.</para>
  23496. </remarks>
  23497. </member>
  23498. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportTocPageNumbers">
  23499. <summary>
  23500. Specifies whether to write page numbers to table of contents when saving HTML, MHTML and EPUB.
  23501. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23502. </summary>
  23503. </member>
  23504. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportXhtmlTransitional">
  23505. <summary>
  23506. Specifies whether to write the DOCTYPE declaration when saving to HTML or MHTML.
  23507. When <c>true</c>, writes a DOCTYPE declaration in the document prior to the root element.
  23508. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23509. When saving to EPUB or HTML5 (<see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlVersion.Html5" />) the DOCTYPE
  23510. declaration is always written.
  23511. </summary>
  23512. <remarks>
  23513. <para>Aspose.Words always writes well formed HTML regardless of this setting.</para>
  23514. <para>When <c>true</c>, the beginning of the HTML output document will look like this:</para>
  23515. <code>
  23516. &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?&gt;
  23517. &lt;!DOCTYPE html
  23518. PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  23519. "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt;
  23520. &lt;html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"&gt;
  23521. </code>
  23522. <para>Aspose.Words aims to output XHTML according to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional specification,
  23523. but the output will not always validate against the DTD. Some structures inside a Microsoft Word
  23524. document are hard or impossible to map to a document that will validate against the XHTML schema.
  23525. For example, XHTML does not allow nested lists (UL cannot be nested inside another UL element),
  23526. but in Microsoft Word document multilevel lists occur quite often.</para>
  23527. </remarks>
  23528. </member>
  23529. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.HtmlVersion">
  23530. <summary>
  23531. Specifies version of HTML standard that should be used when saving the document to HTML or MHTML.
  23532. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlVersion.Xhtml" />.
  23533. </summary>
  23534. </member>
  23535. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportRoundtripInformation">
  23536. <summary>
  23537. Specifies whether to write the roundtrip information when saving to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23538. Default value is <c>true</c> for HTML and <c>false</c> for MHTML and EPUB.
  23539. </summary>
  23540. <remarks>
  23541. <para>Saving of the roundtrip information allows to restore document properties such as tab stops,
  23542. comments, headers and footers during the HTML documents loading back into a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> object.</para>
  23543. <para>When <c>true</c>, the roundtrip information is exported as -aw-* CSS properties
  23544. of the corresponding HTML elements.</para>
  23545. <para>When <c>false</c>, causes no roundtrip information to be output into produced files.</para>
  23546. </remarks>
  23547. </member>
  23548. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder">
  23549. <summary>
  23550. Specifies a physical folder where all resources like images, fonts, and external CSS are saved when a document
  23551. is exported to HTML. Default is an empty string.
  23552. </summary>
  23553. <remarks>
  23554. <para>
  23555. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" /> is the simplest way to specify a folder where all resources should be written.
  23556. Another way is to use individual properties <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />,
  23557. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetFileName" />.</para>
  23558. <para>
  23559. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" /> has a lower priority than folders specified via <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" />,
  23560. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />, and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetFileName" />. For example, if both
  23561. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" /> are specified, fonts will be saved
  23562. to <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" />, while images and CSS will be saved to <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" />.</para>
  23563. <para>If the folder specified by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" /> doesn't exist, it will be created automatically.
  23564. </para>
  23565. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" />
  23566. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  23567. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetFileName" />
  23568. </remarks>
  23569. </member>
  23570. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias">
  23571. <summary>
  23572. Specifies the name of the folder used to construct URIs of all resources written into an HTML document.
  23573. Default is an empty string.
  23574. </summary>
  23575. <remarks>
  23576. <para>
  23577. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" /> is the simplest way to specify how URIs for all resource files should be
  23578. constructed. Same information can be specified for images and fonts separately via <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  23579. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" /> properties, respectively. However, there is no individual property for CSS.
  23580. </para>
  23581. <para>
  23582. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" /> has lower priority than <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" />
  23583. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />. For example, if both <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" />
  23584. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" /> are specified, fonts' URIs will be constructed using
  23585. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" />, while URIs of images and CSS will be constructed using
  23586. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" />.</para>
  23587. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" /> is empty, the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" /> property value will be used
  23588. to construct resource URIs.</para>
  23589. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" /> is set to '.' (dot), resource URIs will contain file names only, without
  23590. any path.</para>
  23591. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" />
  23592. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" />
  23593. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  23594. </remarks>
  23595. </member>
  23596. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder">
  23597. <summary>
  23598. Specifies the physical folder where fonts are saved when exporting a document to HTML.
  23599. Default is an empty string.
  23600. </summary>
  23601. <remarks>
  23602. <para>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in HTML format and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources" />
  23603. is set to <c>true</c>, Aspose.Words needs to save fonts used in the document as standalone files.
  23604. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" /> allows you to specify where the fonts will be saved and
  23605. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" /> allows to specify how the font URIs will be constructed.</para>
  23606. <para>If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the
  23607. fonts in the same folder where the document file is saved. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" />
  23608. to override this behavior.</para>
  23609. <para>If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder where to save the fonts,
  23610. but still needs to save the fonts somewhere. In this case, you need to specify an accessible folder
  23611. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" /> property or provide custom streams via
  23612. the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingCallback" /> event handler.</para>
  23613. <para>If the folder specified by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" /> doesn't exist, it will be created automatically.</para>
  23614. <para>
  23615. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" /> is another way to specify a folder where fonts should be saved.</para>
  23616. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" />
  23617. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources" />
  23618. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" />
  23619. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingCallback" />
  23620. </remarks>
  23621. </member>
  23622. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias">
  23623. <summary>
  23624. Specifies the name of the folder used to construct font URIs written into an HTML document.
  23625. Default is an empty string.
  23626. </summary>
  23627. <remarks>
  23628. <para>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in HTML format and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources" />
  23629. is set to <c>true</c>, Aspose.Words needs to save fonts used in the document as standalone files.
  23630. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" /> allows you to specify where the fonts will be saved and
  23631. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" /> allows to specify how the font URIs will be constructed.</para>
  23632. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" /> is not an empty string, then the font URI written
  23633. to HTML will be <i>FontsFolderAlias + &lt;font file name&gt;</i>.</para>
  23634. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" /> is an empty string, then the font URI written
  23635. to HTML will be <i>FontsFolder + &lt;font file name&gt;</i>.</para>
  23636. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolderAlias" /> is set to '.' (dot), then the font file name
  23637. will be written to HTML without path regardless of other options.</para>
  23638. <para>Alternative way to specify the name of the folder to construct font URIs
  23639. is to use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" />.</para>
  23640. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" />
  23641. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources" />
  23642. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontsFolder" />
  23643. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingCallback" />
  23644. </remarks>
  23645. </member>
  23646. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold">
  23647. <summary>
  23648. Controls which font resources need subsetting when saving to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23649. Default is <c>0</c>.
  23650. </summary>
  23651. <remarks>
  23652. <para>
  23653. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources" /> allows exporting fonts as subsidiary files or as parts of the output
  23654. package. If the document uses many fonts, especially with large number of glyphs, then output size can grow
  23655. significantly. Font subsetting reduces the size of the exported font resource by filtering out glyphs that
  23656. are not used by the current document.</para>
  23657. <para>Font subsetting works as follows:</para>
  23658. <list type="bullet">
  23659. <item>By default, all exported fonts are subsetted.</item>
  23660. <item>Setting <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontResourcesSubsettingSizeThreshold" /> to a positive value
  23661. instructs Aspose.Words to subset fonts which file size is larger than the specified value.</item>
  23662. <item>Setting the property to <see cref="F:System.Int32.MaxValue" />
  23663. suppresses font subsetting.</item>
  23664. </list>
  23665. <p>
  23666. <b>Important!</b> When exporting font resources, font licensing issues should be considered. Authors who want to use specific fonts via a downloadable
  23667. font mechanism must always carefully verify that their intended use is within the scope of the font license. Many commercial fonts presently do not
  23668. allow web downloading of their fonts in any form. License agreements that cover some fonts specifically note that usage via <b>@font-face</b> rules
  23669. in CSS style sheets is not allowed. Font subsetting can also violate license terms.
  23670. </p>
  23671. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources" />
  23672. </remarks>
  23673. </member>
  23674. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.FontSavingCallback">
  23675. <summary>
  23676. Allows to control how fonts are saved when a document is saved to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23677. </summary>
  23678. </member>
  23679. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder">
  23680. <summary>
  23681. Specifies the physical folder where images are saved when exporting a document to HTML format.
  23682. Default is an empty string.
  23683. </summary>
  23684. <remarks>
  23685. <para>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in HTML format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  23686. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  23687. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  23688. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</para>
  23689. <para>If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the
  23690. images in the same folder where the document file is saved. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  23691. to override this behavior.</para>
  23692. <para>If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder where to save the images,
  23693. but still needs to save the images somewhere. In this case, you need to specify an accessible folder
  23694. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> property or provide custom streams via
  23695. the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback" /> event handler.</para>
  23696. <para>If the folder specified by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> doesn't exist, it will be created automatically.</para>
  23697. <para>
  23698. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" /> is another way to specify a folder where images should be saved.</para>
  23699. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolder" />
  23700. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  23701. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback" />
  23702. </remarks>
  23703. </member>
  23704. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias">
  23705. <summary>
  23706. Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into an HTML document.
  23707. Default is an empty string.
  23708. </summary>
  23709. <remarks>
  23710. <para>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in HTML format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  23711. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  23712. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  23713. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</para>
  23714. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" /> is not an empty string, then the image URI written
  23715. to HTML will be <i>ImagesFolderAlias + &lt;image file name&gt;</i>.</para>
  23716. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" /> is an empty string, then the image URI written
  23717. to HTML will be <i>ImagesFolder + &lt;image file name&gt;</i>.</para>
  23718. <para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" /> is set to '.' (dot), then the image file name
  23719. will be written to HTML without path regardless of other options.</para>
  23720. <para>Alternative way to specify the name of the folder to construct image URIs
  23721. is to use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" />.</para>
  23722. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias" />
  23723. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  23724. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback" />
  23725. </remarks>
  23726. </member>
  23727. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageResolution">
  23728. <summary>
  23729. Specifies the output resolution for images when exporting to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23730. Default is <c>96 dpi</c>.
  23731. </summary>
  23732. <remarks>
  23733. <para>This property effects raster images when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize" />
  23734. is <c>true</c> and effects metafiles exported as raster images. Some image properties such as cropping
  23735. or rotation require saving transformed images and in this case transformed images are created in the given
  23736. resolution.</para>
  23737. </remarks>
  23738. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize" />
  23739. </member>
  23740. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback">
  23741. <summary>
  23742. Allows to control how images are saved when a document is saved to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23743. </summary>
  23744. </member>
  23745. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize">
  23746. <summary>
  23747. Specifies whether images are scaled by Aspose.Words to the bounding shape size when exporting to HTML, MHTML
  23748. or EPUB.
  23749. Default value is <c>true</c>.
  23750. </summary>
  23751. <remarks>
  23752. <para>An image in a Microsoft Word document is a shape. The shape has a size and the image
  23753. has its own size. The sizes are not directly linked. For example, the image can be 1024x786 pixels,
  23754. but shape that displays this image can be 400x300 points.</para>
  23755. <para>In order to display an image in the browser, it must be scaled to the shape size.
  23756. The <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize" /> property controls where the scaling of the image
  23757. takes place: in Aspose.Words during export to HTML or in the browser when displaying the document.</para>
  23758. <para>When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize" /> is <c>true</c>, the image is scaled by Aspose.Words
  23759. using high quality scaling during export to HTML. When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize" />
  23760. is <c>false</c>, the image is output with its original size and the browser has to scale it.</para>
  23761. <para>In general, browsers do quick and poor quality scaling. As a result, you will normally get better
  23762. display quality in the browser and smaller file size when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize" /> is <c>true</c>,
  23763. but better printing quality and faster conversion when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ScaleImageToShapeSize" /> is <c>false</c>.</para>
  23764. </remarks>
  23765. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImageResolution" />
  23766. </member>
  23767. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.TableWidthOutputMode">
  23768. <summary>
  23769. Controls how table, row and cell widths are exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23770. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlElementSizeOutputMode.All" />.
  23771. </summary>
  23772. <remarks>
  23773. <para>In the HTML format, table, row and cell elements
  23774. (<b>&lt;table&gt;</b>, <b>&lt;tr&gt;</b>, <b>&lt;th&gt;</b>, <b>&lt;td&gt;</b>)
  23775. can have their widths specified either in relative (percentage) or in absolute units.
  23776. In a document in Aspose.Words, tables, rows and cells can have their widths specified
  23777. using either relative or absolute units too.</para>
  23778. <para>When you convert a document to HTML using Aspose.Words, you might want to control how
  23779. table, row and cell widths are exported to affect how the resulting document is displayed
  23780. in the visual agent (e.g. a browser or viewer).</para>
  23781. <para>Use this property as a filter to specify what table widths values are exported into the destination document.
  23782. For example, if you are converting a document to EPUB and intend to view the document on a mobile reading device,
  23783. then you probably want to avoid exporting absolute width values. To do this you need to specify
  23784. the output mode <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlElementSizeOutputMode.RelativeOnly" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlElementSizeOutputMode.None" />
  23785. so the viewer on the mobile device can layout the table to fit the width of the screen as best as it can.</para>
  23786. </remarks>
  23787. </member>
  23788. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.OfficeMathOutputMode">
  23789. <summary>
  23790. Controls how OfficeMath objects are exported to HTML, MHTML or EPUB.
  23791. Default value is <c>HtmlOfficeMathOutputMode.Image</c>.
  23792. </summary>
  23793. </member>
  23794. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportOriginalUrlForLinkedImages">
  23795. <summary>
  23796. Specifies whether original URL should be used as the URL of the linked images.
  23797. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23798. </summary>
  23799. <remarks>
  23800. <para>If value is set to <c>true</c><see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SourceFullName" /> value is used
  23801. as the URL of linked images and linked images are not loaded into document's folder
  23802. or <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />.</para>
  23803. <para>If value is set to <c>false</c> linked images are loaded into document's folder
  23804. or <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> and URL of each linked image is constructed depending
  23805. on document's folder, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  23806. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" /> properties.</para>
  23807. </remarks>
  23808. </member>
  23809. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ExportCidUrlsForMhtmlResources">
  23810. <summary>
  23811. Specifies whether to use CID (Content-ID) URLs to reference resources (images, fonts, CSS) included in MHTML
  23812. documents. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  23813. </summary>
  23814. <remarks>
  23815. <para>This option affects only documents being saved to MHTML.</para>
  23816. <para>By default, resources in MHTML documents are referenced by file name (for example, "image.png"), which
  23817. are matched against "Content-Location" headers of MIME parts.</para>
  23818. <para>This option enables an alternative method, where references to resource files are written as CID (Content-ID)
  23819. URLs (for example, "cid:image.png") and are matched against "Content-ID" headers.</para>
  23820. <para>In theory, there should be no difference between the two referencing methods and either of them should work
  23821. fine in any browser or mail agent. In practice, however, some agents fail to fetch resources by file name. If your
  23822. browser or mail agent refuses to load resources included in an MTHML document (doesn't show images or doesn't load
  23823. CSS styles), try exporting the document with CID URLs.</para>
  23824. </remarks>
  23825. </member>
  23826. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ResolveFontNames">
  23827. <summary>
  23828. Specifies whether font family names used in the document are resolved and substituted according to
  23829. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FontSettings" /> when being written into HTML-based formats.
  23830. </summary>
  23831. <remarks>
  23832. <para>By default, this option is set to <c>false</c> and font family names are written to HTML as specified
  23833. in source documents. That is, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FontSettings" /> are ignored and no resolution or substitution
  23834. of font family names is performed.</para>
  23835. <para>If this option is set to <c>true</c>, Aspose.Words uses <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FontSettings" /> to resolve
  23836. each font family name specified in a source document into the name of an available font family, performing
  23837. font subsitution as required.</para>
  23838. </remarks>
  23839. </member>
  23840. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.IDocumentPartSavingCallback">
  23841. <summary>
  23842. Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications and control how
  23843. Aspose.Words saves document parts when exporting a document to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" />
  23844. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub" /> format.
  23845. </summary>
  23846. </member>
  23847. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IDocumentPartSavingCallback.DocumentPartSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.DocumentPartSavingArgs)">
  23848. <summary>
  23849. Called when Aspose.Words is about to save a document part.
  23850. </summary>
  23851. </member>
  23852. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.IFontSavingCallback">
  23853. <summary>
  23854. Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications and control how
  23855. Aspose.Words saves fonts when exporting a document to HTML format.
  23856. </summary>
  23857. </member>
  23858. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IFontSavingCallback.FontSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.FontSavingArgs)">
  23859. <summary>
  23860. Called when Aspose.Words is about to save a font resource.
  23861. </summary>
  23862. </member>
  23863. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageColorMode">
  23864. <summary>
  23865. Specifies the color mode for the generated images of document pages.
  23866. </summary>
  23867. </member>
  23868. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageColorMode.None">
  23869. <summary>
  23870. The pages of the document will be rendered as color images.
  23871. </summary>
  23872. </member>
  23873. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageColorMode.Grayscale">
  23874. <summary>
  23875. The pages of the document will be rendered as grayscale images.
  23876. </summary>
  23877. </member>
  23878. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageColorMode.BlackAndWhite">
  23879. <summary>
  23880. The pages of the document will be rendered as black and white images.
  23881. </summary>
  23882. </member>
  23883. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat">
  23884. <summary>
  23885. Specifies the pixel format for the generated images of document pages.
  23886. </summary>
  23887. </member>
  23888. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format16BppRgb555">
  23889. <summary>
  23890. 16 bits per pixel, RGB.
  23891. </summary>
  23892. </member>
  23893. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format16BppRgb565">
  23894. <summary>
  23895. 16 bits per pixel, RGB.
  23896. </summary>
  23897. </member>
  23898. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format16BppArgb1555">
  23899. <summary>
  23900. 16 bits per pixel, ARGB.
  23901. </summary>
  23902. </member>
  23903. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format24BppRgb">
  23904. <summary>
  23905. 24 bits per pixel, RGB.
  23906. </summary>
  23907. </member>
  23908. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format32BppRgb">
  23909. <summary>
  23910. 32 bits per pixel, RGB.
  23911. </summary>
  23912. </member>
  23913. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format32BppArgb">
  23914. <summary>
  23915. 32 bits per pixel, ARGB.
  23916. </summary>
  23917. </member>
  23918. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format32BppPArgb">
  23919. <summary>
  23920. 32 bits per pixel, ARGB, premultiplied alpha.
  23921. </summary>
  23922. </member>
  23923. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format48BppRgb">
  23924. <summary>
  23925. 48 bits per pixel, RGB.
  23926. </summary>
  23927. </member>
  23928. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format64BppArgb">
  23929. <summary>
  23930. 64 bits per pixel, ARGB.
  23931. </summary>
  23932. </member>
  23933. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format64BppPArgb">
  23934. <summary>
  23935. 64 bits per pixel, ARGB, premultiplied alpha.
  23936. </summary>
  23937. </member>
  23938. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImagePixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed">
  23939. <summary>
  23940. 1 bit per pixel, Indexed.
  23941. </summary>
  23942. </member>
  23943. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.NamespaceDoc">
  23944. <summary>
  23945. <para>The <b>Aspose.Words.Saving</b> namespace provides classes and enumerations that
  23946. allow to specify additional options for saving or converting documents.</para>
  23947. </summary>
  23948. </member>
  23949. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions">
  23950. <summary>
  23951. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Odt" /> or
  23952. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Ott" /> format.
  23953. </summary>
  23954. <remarks>
  23955. <para>At the moment provides only the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions.SaveFormat" /> property, but in the future will have
  23956. other options added, such as an encryption password or digital signature settings.</para>
  23957. </remarks>
  23958. </member>
  23959. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions.#ctor">
  23960. <summary>
  23961. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Odt" /> format.
  23962. </summary>
  23963. </member>
  23964. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions.#ctor(System.String)">
  23965. <summary>
  23966. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Odt" /> format
  23967. encrypted with a password.
  23968. </summary>
  23969. </member>
  23970. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  23971. <summary>
  23972. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Odt" /> or
  23973. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Ott" /> format.
  23974. </summary>
  23975. <param name="saveFormat">Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Odt" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Ott" />.</param>
  23976. </member>
  23977. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  23978. <summary>
  23979. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  23980. Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Odt" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Ott" />.
  23981. </summary>
  23982. </member>
  23983. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions.IsStrictSchema11">
  23984. <summary>
  23985. Specifies whether export should correspond to ODT specification 1.1 strictly.
  23986. OOo 3.0 displays files correctly when they contain elements and attributes of ODT 1.2.
  23987. Use "false" for this purpose, or "true" for strict conformity of specification 1.1.
  23988. The default value is <b>false</b>.
  23989. </summary>
  23990. </member>
  23991. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions.MeasureUnit">
  23992. <summary>
  23993. Allows to specify units of measure to apply to document content.
  23994. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveMeasureUnit.Centimeters" /></summary>
  23995. <remarks>
  23996. Open Office uses centimeters when specifying lengths, widths and other measurable formatting and
  23997. content properties in documents whereas MS Office uses inches.
  23998. </remarks>
  23999. </member>
  24000. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OdtSaveOptions.Password">
  24001. <summary>
  24002. Gets or sets a password to encrypt document.
  24003. </summary>
  24004. <remarks>
  24005. <para>In order to save document without encryption this property should be null or empty string.</para>
  24006. </remarks>
  24007. </member>
  24008. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance">
  24009. <summary>
  24010. Allows to specify which OOXML specification will be used when saving in the DOCX format.
  24011. </summary>
  24012. </member>
  24013. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance.Ecma376_2006">
  24014. <summary>
  24015. ECMA-376 1st Edition, 2006.
  24016. </summary>
  24017. </member>
  24018. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Transitional">
  24019. <summary>
  24020. ISO/IEC 29500:2008 Transitional compliance level.
  24021. </summary>
  24022. </member>
  24023. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance.Iso29500_2008_Strict">
  24024. <summary>
  24025. ISO/IEC 29500:2008 Strict compliance level.
  24026. </summary>
  24027. </member>
  24028. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions">
  24029. <summary>
  24030. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx" />,
  24031. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docm" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotx" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotm" /> or
  24032. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpc" /> format.
  24033. </summary>
  24034. </member>
  24035. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions.#ctor">
  24036. <summary>
  24037. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx" /> format.
  24038. </summary>
  24039. </member>
  24040. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  24041. <summary>
  24042. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx" />,
  24043. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docm" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotx" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotm" /> or
  24044. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpc" /> format.
  24045. </summary>
  24046. <param name="saveFormat">Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docm" />,
  24047. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotx" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotm" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpc" />.
  24048. </param>
  24049. </member>
  24050. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  24051. <summary>
  24052. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  24053. Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docx" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Docm" />,
  24054. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotx" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Dotm" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.FlatOpc" />.
  24055. </summary>
  24056. </member>
  24057. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions.Password">
  24058. <summary>
  24059. Gets/sets a password to encrypt document using ECMA376 Standard encryption algorithm.
  24060. </summary>
  24061. <remarks>
  24062. <para>In order to save document without encryption this property should be null or empty string.</para>
  24063. </remarks>
  24064. </member>
  24065. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions.Compliance">
  24066. <summary>
  24067. Specifies the OOXML version for the output document.
  24068. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance.Ecma376_2006" />.
  24069. </summary>
  24070. </member>
  24071. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions.KeepLegacyControlChars">
  24072. <summary>
  24073. Keeps original representation of legacy control characters.
  24074. </summary>
  24075. </member>
  24076. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlSaveOptions.CompressionLevel">
  24077. <summary>
  24078. Specifies the compression level used to save document.
  24079. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CompressionLevel.Normal" />.
  24080. </summary>
  24081. </member>
  24082. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions">
  24083. <summary>
  24084. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf" /> format.
  24085. </summary>
  24086. </member>
  24087. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.#ctor">
  24088. <summary>
  24089. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the
  24090. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf" /> format.
  24091. </summary>
  24092. </member>
  24093. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.Clone">
  24094. <summary>
  24095. Creates a deep clone of this object.
  24096. </summary>
  24097. </member>
  24098. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  24099. <summary>
  24100. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  24101. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf" />.
  24102. </summary>
  24103. </member>
  24104. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.OutlineOptions">
  24105. <summary>
  24106. Allows to specify outline options.
  24107. </summary>
  24108. <remarks>
  24109. <para>Outlines can be created from headings and bookmarks.</para>
  24110. <para>For headings outline level is determined by the heading level.</para>
  24111. <para>It is possible to set the max heading level to be included into outlines or disable heading outlines at all.</para>
  24112. <para>For bookmarks outline level may be set in options as a default value for all bookmarks or as individual values for particular bookmarks.</para>
  24113. <para>Also, outlines can be exported to XPS format by using the same <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.OutlineOptions" /> class.</para>
  24114. </remarks>
  24115. </member>
  24116. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.TextCompression">
  24117. <summary>
  24118. Specifies compression type to be used for all textual content in the document.
  24119. </summary>
  24120. <remarks>
  24121. <para>Default is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfTextCompression.Flate" />.</para>
  24122. <para>Significantly increases output size when saving a document without compression.</para>
  24123. </remarks>
  24124. </member>
  24125. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.JpegQuality">
  24126. <summary>
  24127. Gets or sets a value determining the quality of the JPEG images inside PDF document.
  24128. </summary>
  24129. <remarks>
  24130. <p>The default value is 100.</p>
  24131. <para>This property is used in conjunction with the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.ImageCompression" /> option.</para>
  24132. <para>Has effect only when a document contains JPEG images.</para>
  24133. <para>Use this property to get or set the quality of the images inside a document when saving in PDF format.
  24134. The value may vary from 0 to 100 where 0 means worst quality but maximum compression and 100
  24135. means best quality but minimum compression.
  24136. If quality is 100 and source image is JPEG, it means no compression - original bytes will be saved.</para>
  24137. </remarks>
  24138. </member>
  24139. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.PreserveFormFields">
  24140. <summary>
  24141. Specifies whether to preserve Microsoft Word form fields as form fields in PDF or convert them to text.
  24142. Default is <c>false</c>.
  24143. </summary>
  24144. <remarks>
  24145. <para>Microsoft Word form fields include text input, drop down and check box controls.</para>
  24146. <para>When set to <c>false</c>, these fields will be exported as text to PDF. When set to <c>true</c>, these fields will be exported as PDF form fields.</para>
  24147. <para>When exporting form fields to PDF as form fields, some formatting loss might occur because PDF form fields do not support all features of Microsoft Word form fields.</para>
  24148. <para>Also, the output size depends on the content size because editable forms in Microsoft Word are inline objects.</para>
  24149. </remarks>
  24150. </member>
  24151. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.CreateNoteHyperlinks">
  24152. <summary>
  24153. Specifies whether to convert footnote/endnote references in main text story into active hyperlinks.
  24154. When clicked the hyperlink will lead to the corresponding footnote/endnote.
  24155. Default is <c>false</c>.
  24156. </summary>
  24157. </member>
  24158. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.EncryptionDetails">
  24159. <summary>
  24160. Gets or sets the details for encrypting the output PDF document.
  24161. </summary>
  24162. <remarks>
  24163. <para>The default value is null and the output document will not be encrypted.
  24164. When this property is set to a valid <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfEncryptionDetails" /> object,
  24165. then the output PDF document will be encrypted.</para>
  24166. <para>Note that encryption cannot be used when PDF/A compliance is set as this compliance does not permit encryption.");</para>
  24167. </remarks>
  24168. </member>
  24169. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.DigitalSignatureDetails">
  24170. <summary>
  24171. Gets or sets the details for signing the output PDF document.
  24172. </summary>
  24173. <remarks>
  24174. <para>At the moment digitally signing PDF documents is only available on .NET 2.0 or higher.</para>
  24175. <para>The default value is null and the output document will not be signed.
  24176. When this property is set to a valid <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfDigitalSignatureDetails" /> object,
  24177. then the output PDF document will be digitally signed.</para>
  24178. </remarks>
  24179. </member>
  24180. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.EmbedFullFonts">
  24181. <summary>
  24182. Controls how fonts are embedded into the resulting PDF documents.
  24183. </summary>
  24184. <remarks>
  24185. <para> The default value is <c>false</c>, which means the fonts are subsetted before embedding.
  24186. Subsetting is useful if you want to keep the output file size smaller. Subsetting removes all
  24187. unused glyphs from a font.</para>
  24188. <para>When this value is set to <c>true</c>, a complete font file is embedded into PDF without
  24189. subsetting. This will result in larger output files, but can be a useful option when you want to
  24190. edit the resulting PDF later (e.g. add more text).</para>
  24191. <para> Some fonts are large (several megabytes) and embedding them without subsetting
  24192. will result in large output documents.</para>
  24193. </remarks>
  24194. </member>
  24195. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.FontEmbeddingMode">
  24196. <summary>
  24197. Specifies the font embedding mode.
  24198. </summary>
  24199. <remarks>
  24200. <para>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EmbedAll" />.</para>
  24201. <para>This setting works only for the text in ANSI (Windows-1252) encoding. If the document contains non-ANSI
  24202. text then corresponding fonts will be embedded regardless of this setting.</para>
  24203. <para>Note that when saving to PDF/A this option must be set to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfFontEmbeddingMode.EmbedAll" /> as all fonts must be embedded in the PDF file.</para>
  24204. </remarks>
  24205. </member>
  24206. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.UseCoreFonts">
  24207. <summary>
  24208. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to substitute TrueType fonts Arial, Times New Roman,
  24209. Courier New and Symbol with core PDF Type 1 fonts.
  24210. </summary>
  24211. <remarks>
  24212. <para>The default value is <c>false</c>. When this value is set to <c>true</c> Arial, Times New Roman,
  24213. Courier New and Symbol fonts are replaced in PDF document with corresponding core Type 1 font.</para>
  24214. <para>Core PDF fonts, or their font metrics and suitable substitution fonts, are required to be available to any
  24215. PDF viewer application.</para>
  24216. <para>This setting works only for the text in ANSI (Windows-1252) encoding. Non-ANSI text will be written
  24217. with embedded TrueType font regardless of this setting.</para>
  24218. <para>Settings core fonts to <c>true</c> is not allowed when saving to PDF/A as this compliance requires all fonts to be embedded.</para>
  24219. <para>This option has a higher priority then <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.FontEmbeddingMode" /> option.</para>
  24220. </remarks>
  24221. </member>
  24222. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.CustomPropertiesExport">
  24223. <summary>
  24224. Gets or sets a value determining the way <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomDocumentProperties" /> are exported to PDF file.
  24225. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCustomPropertiesExport.None" />.
  24226. </summary>
  24227. </member>
  24228. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.ZoomBehavior">
  24229. <summary>
  24230. Gets or sets a value determining what type of zoom should be applied when a document is opened with a PDF viewer.
  24231. </summary>
  24232. <remarks>
  24233. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.None" />, i.e. no fit is applied.
  24234. </remarks>
  24235. </member>
  24236. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.ZoomFactor">
  24237. <summary>
  24238. Gets or sets a value determining zoom factor (in percentages) for a document.
  24239. </summary>
  24240. <remarks>
  24241. This value is used only if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.ZoomBehavior" /> is set to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfZoomBehavior.ZoomFactor" />.
  24242. </remarks>
  24243. </member>
  24244. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.ImageCompression">
  24245. <summary>
  24246. Specifies compression type to be used for all images in the document.
  24247. </summary>
  24248. <remarks>
  24249. <para>Default is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageCompression.Auto" />.</para>
  24250. <para>Using <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageCompression.Jpeg" /> lets you control the quality of images in the output document through the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.JpegQuality" /> property.</para>
  24251. <para>Using <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageCompression.Jpeg" /> provides the fastest conversion speed when compared to the performance of other compression types,
  24252. but in this case, there is lossy JPEG compression.</para>
  24253. <para>Using <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageCompression.Auto" /> lets to control the quality of Jpeg in the output document through the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.JpegQuality" /> property,
  24254. but for other formats, raw pixel data is extracted and saved with Flate compression.
  24255. This case is slower than Jpeg conversion but lossless.</para>
  24256. </remarks>
  24257. </member>
  24258. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.OpenHyperlinksInNewWindow">
  24259. <summary>
  24260. Gets or sets a value determining whether hyperlinks in the output Pdf document
  24261. are forced to be opened in a new window (or tab) of a browser.
  24262. </summary>
  24263. <remarks>
  24264. <para>
  24265. The default value is <c>false</c>. When this value is set to <c>true</c>
  24266. hyperlinks are saved using JavaScript code.
  24267. JavaScript code is <c>app.launchURL("URL", true);</c>,
  24268. where <c>URL</c> is a hyperlink.
  24269. </para>
  24270. <para>
  24271. Note that if this option is set to <c>true</c> hyperlinks can't work
  24272. in some PDF readers e.g. Chrome, Firefox.
  24273. </para>
  24274. </remarks>
  24275. </member>
  24276. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.ExportDocumentStructure">
  24277. <summary>
  24278. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to export document structure.
  24279. </summary>
  24280. <remarks>
  24281. <para>This value is ignored when saving to PDF/A-1a because document structure is required for this compliance.</para>
  24282. <para>
  24283. Note that exporting the document structure significantly increases the memory consumption, especially
  24284. for the large documents.
  24285. </para>
  24286. </remarks>
  24287. </member>
  24288. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.UseBookFoldPrintingSettings">
  24289. <summary>
  24290. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout,
  24291. if it is specified via <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.MultiplePages" />.
  24292. </summary>
  24293. <remarks>
  24294. <para>
  24295. If this option is specified, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSet" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageIndex" />
  24296. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageCount" /> are ignored when saving.
  24297. This behavior matches MS Word.
  24298. If book fold printing settings are not specified in page setup, this option will have no effect.
  24299. </para>
  24300. </remarks>
  24301. </member>
  24302. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.DownsampleOptions">
  24303. <summary>
  24304. Allows to specify downsample options.
  24305. </summary>
  24306. </member>
  24307. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.PageMode">
  24308. <summary>
  24309. Specifies how the PDF document should be displayed when opened in the PDF reader.
  24310. </summary>
  24311. <remarks>
  24312. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfPageMode.UseOutlines" />.
  24313. </remarks>
  24314. </member>
  24315. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.ImageColorSpaceExportMode">
  24316. <summary>
  24317. Specifies how the color space will be selected for the images in PDF document.
  24318. </summary>
  24319. <remarks>
  24320. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.Auto" />.
  24321. If <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfImageColorSpaceExportMode.SimpleCmyk" /> value is specified,
  24322. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.ImageCompression" /> option is ignored and
  24323. Flate compression is used for all images in the document.
  24324. </remarks>
  24325. </member>
  24326. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.PreblendImages">
  24327. <summary>
  24328. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to preblend transparent images with black background color.
  24329. </summary>
  24330. <remarks>
  24331. <para>Preblending images may improve PDF document visual appearance in Adobe Reader and remove anti-aliasing artifacts.</para>
  24332. <para>In order to properly display preblended images, PDF viewer application must support /Matte entry in soft-mask image dictionary.
  24333. Also preblending images may decrease PDF rendering performance.</para>
  24334. <para>The default value is <c>false</c>.</para>
  24335. </remarks>
  24336. </member>
  24337. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.DisplayDocTitle">
  24338. <summary>
  24339. A flag specifying whether the window’s title bar should display the document title taken from
  24340. the Title entry of the document information dictionary.
  24341. </summary>
  24342. <remarks>
  24343. If <c>false</c>, the title bar should instead display the name
  24344. of the PDF file containing the document.
  24345. <para>The default value is <c>false</c>.</para></remarks>
  24346. </member>
  24347. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.DmlEffectsRenderingMode">
  24348. <summary>
  24349. Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered.
  24350. </summary>
  24351. <remarks>
  24352. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Simplified" />.
  24353. <para>This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.</para><para>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.Compliance" /> is set to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance.PdfA1a" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance.PdfA1b" />,
  24354. property always returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode.None" />.</para></remarks>
  24355. </member>
  24356. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.EscapeUri">
  24357. <summary>
  24358. A flag specifying whether URI should be escaped before writing.
  24359. </summary>
  24360. <remarks>
  24361. Note that if this option is set to <c>false</c> hyperlinks are written "as is",
  24362. so valid (escaped) URI should be provided in document's model.
  24363. <para>The default value is <c>true</c>.</para></remarks>
  24364. </member>
  24365. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode">
  24366. <summary>
  24367. Determines how bookmarks in headers/footers are exported.
  24368. </summary>
  24369. <remarks>
  24370. <para>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.HeaderFooterBookmarksExportMode.All" />.</para>
  24371. <para>This property is used in conjunction with the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.OutlineOptions" /> option.</para>
  24372. </remarks>
  24373. </member>
  24374. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.AdditionalTextPositioning">
  24375. <summary>
  24376. A flag specifying whether to write additional text positioning operators or not.
  24377. </summary>
  24378. <remarks>
  24379. <para>
  24380. If <c>true</c>, additional text positioning operators are written to the output PDF. This may help to overcome
  24381. issues with inaccurate text positioning with some printers. The downside is the increased PDF document size.
  24382. </para>
  24383. <para>The default value is <c>false</c>.</para>
  24384. </remarks>
  24385. <dev>
  24386. This option is introduced per enterprise customer request. See WORDSNET-18027 for more details.
  24387. </dev>
  24388. </member>
  24389. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.InterpolateImages">
  24390. <summary>
  24391. A flag indicating whether image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader.
  24392. When <c>false</c> is specified, the flag is not written to the output document and
  24393. the default behaviour of reader is used instead.
  24394. </summary>
  24395. <remarks>
  24396. <para>
  24397. When the resolution of a source image is significantly lower than that of the output device,
  24398. each source sample covers many device pixels. As a result, images can appear jaggy or blocky.
  24399. These visual artifacts can be reduced by applying an image interpolation algorithm during rendering.
  24400. Instead of painting all pixels covered by a source sample with the same color, image interpolation
  24401. attempts to produce a smooth transition between adjacent sample values.
  24402. </para>
  24403. <para>
  24404. A conforming Reader may choose to not implement this feature of PDF,
  24405. or may use any specific implementation of interpolation that it wishes.
  24406. </para>
  24407. <para>The default value is <c>false</c>.</para>
  24408. </remarks>
  24409. </member>
  24410. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfSaveOptions.Compliance">
  24411. <summary>
  24412. Specifies the PDF standards compliance level for output documents.
  24413. </summary>
  24414. <remarks>
  24415. <para>Default is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance.Pdf17" />.</para>
  24416. </remarks>
  24417. </member>
  24418. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.RtfSaveOptions">
  24419. <summary>
  24420. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Rtf" /> format.
  24421. </summary>
  24422. </member>
  24423. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.RtfSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  24424. <summary>
  24425. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  24426. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Rtf" />.
  24427. </summary>
  24428. </member>
  24429. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.RtfSaveOptions.ExportCompactSize">
  24430. <summary>
  24431. Allows to make output RTF documents smaller in size, but if they contain
  24432. RTL (right-to-left) text, it will not be displayed correctly.
  24433. Default value is <c>false</c>.
  24434. </summary>
  24435. <remarks>
  24436. <para>If the document that you want to convert to RTF using Aspose.Words does not contain
  24437. right-to-left text in languages like Arabic, then you can set this option to <c>true</c>
  24438. to reduce the size of the resulting RTF.</para>
  24439. </remarks>
  24440. </member>
  24441. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.RtfSaveOptions.ExportImagesForOldReaders">
  24442. <summary>
  24443. Specifies whether the keywords for "old readers" are written to RTF or not.
  24444. This can significantly affect the size of the RTF document.
  24445. Default value is <c>true</c>.
  24446. </summary>
  24447. <remarks>
  24448. <para>"Old readers" are pre-Microsoft Word 97 applications and also WordPad.
  24449. When this option is <c>true</c> Aspose.Words writes additional RTF keywords.
  24450. These keywords allow the document to be displayed correctly when opened in an
  24451. "old reader" application, but can significantly increase the size of the document.</para>
  24452. <para>If you set this option to <c>false</c>, then only images in WMF, EMF and BMP formats
  24453. will be displayed in "old readers".</para>
  24454. </remarks>
  24455. </member>
  24456. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.RtfSaveOptions.SaveImagesAsWmf">
  24457. <summary>
  24458. When true all images will be saved as WMF.
  24459. </summary>
  24460. <remarks>
  24461. This option might help to avoid WordPad warning messages.
  24462. </remarks>
  24463. </member>
  24464. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions">
  24465. <summary>
  24466. This is an abstract base class for classes that allow the user to specify additional
  24467. options when saving a document into a particular format.
  24468. </summary>
  24469. <remarks>
  24470. An instance of the SaveOptions class or any derived class is passed to the stream <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)" />
  24471. or string <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Save(System.String,Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions)" /> overloads for the user to define custom options when saving a document.
  24472. </remarks>
  24473. </member>
  24474. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.CreateSaveOptions(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  24475. <overloads>Creates a save options object of a correct class.</overloads>
  24476. <summary>
  24477. Creates a save options object of a class suitable for the specified save format.
  24478. </summary>
  24479. <param name="saveFormat">The save format for which to create a save options object.</param>
  24480. <returns>An object of a class that derives from <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions" />.</returns>
  24481. </member>
  24482. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.CreateSaveOptions(System.String)">
  24483. <summary>
  24484. Creates a save options object of a class suitable for the file extension specified in the given file name.
  24485. </summary>
  24486. <param name="fileName">The extension of this file name determines the class of the save options object to create.</param>
  24487. <returns>An object of a class that derives from <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions" />.</returns>
  24488. </member>
  24489. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  24490. <summary>
  24491. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  24492. </summary>
  24493. </member>
  24494. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.TempFolder">
  24495. <summary>
  24496. Specifies the folder for temporary files used when saving to a DOC or DOCX file.
  24497. By default this property is <c>null</c> and no temporary files are used.
  24498. </summary>
  24499. <remarks>
  24500. <para>When Aspose.Words saves a document, it needs to create temporary internal structures. By default,
  24501. these internal structures are created in memory and the memory usage spikes for a short period while
  24502. the document is being saved. When saving is complete, the memory is freed and reclaimed by the garbage collector.</para>
  24503. <para>If you are saving a very large document (thousands of pages) and/or processing many documents at the same time,
  24504. then the memory spike during saving can be significant enough to cause the system to throw <see cref="T:System.OutOfMemoryException" />.
  24505. Specifying a temporary folder using <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.TempFolder" /> will cause Aspose.Words to keep the internal structures in
  24506. temporary files instead of memory. It reduces the memory usage during saving, but will decrease the save performance.</para>
  24507. <para>The folder must exist and be writable, otherwise an exception will be thrown.</para>
  24508. <para>Aspose.Words automatically deletes all temporary files when saving is complete.</para>
  24509. </remarks>
  24510. </member>
  24511. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.PrettyFormat">
  24512. <summary>
  24513. When <c>true</c>, pretty formats output where applicable.
  24514. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  24515. </summary>
  24516. <remarks>
  24517. <p>Set to <b>true</b> to make HTML, MHTML, EPUB, WordML, RTF, DOCX and ODT output human readable.
  24518. Useful for testing or debugging.</p>
  24519. </remarks>
  24520. </member>
  24521. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.UseAntiAliasing">
  24522. <summary>
  24523. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to use anti-aliasing for rendering.
  24524. </summary>
  24525. <remarks>
  24526. <para>
  24527. The default value is <c>false</c>. When this value is set to <c>true</c> anti-aliasing is
  24528. used for rendering.
  24529. </para>
  24530. <para>This property is used when the document is exported to the following formats:
  24531. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp" />,
  24532. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Emf" />. When the document is exported to the
  24533. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Html" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Mhtml" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Epub" />
  24534. formats this option is used for raster images.</para>
  24535. </remarks>
  24536. </member>
  24537. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.UseHighQualityRendering">
  24538. <summary>
  24539. Gets or sets a value determining whether or not to use high quality (i.e. slow) rendering algorithms.
  24540. </summary>
  24541. <remarks>
  24542. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  24543. <para>This property is used when the document is exported to image formats:
  24544. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Tiff" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Png" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Bmp" />,
  24545. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Jpeg" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Emf" />.</para></remarks>
  24546. </member>
  24547. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.UpdateSdtContent">
  24548. <summary>
  24549. Gets or sets value determining whether content of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag" /> is updated before saving.
  24550. </summary>
  24551. <remarks>
  24552. The default value is <c>true</c>.
  24553. </remarks>
  24554. </member>
  24555. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.DmlRenderingMode">
  24556. <summary>
  24557. Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML shapes are rendered.
  24558. </summary>
  24559. <remarks>
  24560. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlRenderingMode.Fallback" />.
  24561. <para>This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.</para></remarks>
  24562. </member>
  24563. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.DmlEffectsRenderingMode">
  24564. <summary>
  24565. Gets or sets a value determining how DrawingML effects are rendered.
  24566. </summary>
  24567. <remarks>
  24568. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.DmlEffectsRenderingMode.Simplified" />.
  24569. <para>This property is used when the document is exported to fixed page formats.</para></remarks>
  24570. </member>
  24571. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.DefaultTemplate">
  24572. <summary>
  24573. Gets or sets path to default template (including filename).
  24574. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  24575. </summary>
  24576. <remarks>If specified, this path is used to load template when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.AutomaticallyUpdateStyles" /> is true,
  24577. but <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.AttachedTemplate" /> is empty.</remarks>
  24578. </member>
  24579. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.UpdateFields">
  24580. <summary>
  24581. Gets or sets a value determining if fields of certain types should be updated before saving the document to a fixed page format.
  24582. Default value for this property is <b>true</b>.
  24583. </summary>
  24584. <remarks>
  24585. Allows to specify whether to mimic or not MS Word behavior.
  24586. </remarks>
  24587. </member>
  24588. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.UpdateLastSavedTimeProperty">
  24589. <summary>
  24590. Gets or sets a value determining whether the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.LastSavedTime" /> property is updated before saving.
  24591. </summary>
  24592. </member>
  24593. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.UpdateLastPrintedProperty">
  24594. <summary>
  24595. Gets or sets a value determining whether the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Properties.BuiltInDocumentProperties.LastPrinted" /> property is updated before saving.
  24596. </summary>
  24597. </member>
  24598. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.MemoryOptimization">
  24599. <summary>
  24600. Gets or sets value determining if memory optimization should be performed before saving the document.
  24601. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.
  24602. </summary>
  24603. <remarks>
  24604. Setting this option to true can significantly decrease memory consumption while saving large documents at the cost of slower saving time.
  24605. </remarks>
  24606. <dev>
  24607. So far only attribute interning procedure is bound to this property but I think we can make more memory optimization in the future.
  24608. That's why I decided to use more general property name.
  24609. </dev>
  24610. </member>
  24611. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOptions.Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode">
  24612. <summary>
  24613. Gets or sets a value determining how 3D effects are rendered.
  24614. </summary>
  24615. <remarks>
  24616. The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.Dml3DEffectsRenderingMode.Basic" />.
  24617. </remarks>
  24618. </member>
  24619. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptions">
  24620. <summary>
  24621. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Text" /> format.
  24622. </summary>
  24623. </member>
  24624. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  24625. <summary>
  24626. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  24627. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Text" />.
  24628. </summary>
  24629. </member>
  24630. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptions.SimplifyListLabels">
  24631. <summary>
  24632. <para>Specifies whether the program should simplify list labels in case of
  24633. complex label formatting not being adequately represented by plain text.</para>
  24634. <para>If set to <b>true</b>, numbered list labels are written in simple numeric format
  24635. and itemized list labels as simple ASCII characters. The default value is <b>false</b>.</para>
  24636. </summary>
  24637. </member>
  24638. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptions.AddBidiMarks">
  24639. <summary>
  24640. <para>Specifies whether to add bi-directional marks before each BiDi run when exporting in plain text format.</para>
  24641. <para>The default value is <b>false</b>.</para>
  24642. </summary>
  24643. </member>
  24644. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptions.ListIndentation">
  24645. <summary>
  24646. Gets a ListIndentation object that specifies how many and which character to use for indentation of list levels.
  24647. By default it is zero count of character '\0', that means no indentation.
  24648. </summary>
  24649. </member>
  24650. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.TxtSaveOptions.PreserveTableLayout">
  24651. <summary>
  24652. Specifies whether the program should attempt to preserve layout of tables when saving in the plain text format.
  24653. The default value is <b>false</b>.
  24654. </summary>
  24655. </member>
  24656. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.WordML2003SaveOptions">
  24657. <summary>
  24658. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.WordML" /> format.
  24659. </summary>
  24660. <remarks>
  24661. <para>At the moment provides only the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.WordML2003SaveOptions.SaveFormat" /> property, but in the future may have other options added.</para>
  24662. </remarks>
  24663. </member>
  24664. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.WordML2003SaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  24665. <summary>
  24666. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  24667. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.WordML" />.
  24668. </summary>
  24669. </member>
  24670. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions">
  24671. <summary>
  24672. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the
  24673. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlow" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlowPack" /> format.
  24674. </summary>
  24675. </member>
  24676. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.#ctor">
  24677. <summary>
  24678. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlow" /> format.
  24679. </summary>
  24680. </member>
  24681. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  24682. <summary>
  24683. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlow" />
  24684. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlowPack" /> format.
  24685. </summary>
  24686. <param name="saveFormat">Can be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlow" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlowPack" />.</param>
  24687. </member>
  24688. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  24689. <summary>
  24690. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  24691. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.XamlFlow" />.
  24692. </summary>
  24693. </member>
  24694. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolder">
  24695. <summary>
  24696. Specifies the physical folder where images are saved when exporting a document to XAML format.
  24697. Default is an empty string.
  24698. </summary>
  24699. <remarks>
  24700. <p>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in XAML format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  24701. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  24702. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  24703. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</p>
  24704. <p>If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the
  24705. images in the same folder where the document file is saved. Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  24706. to override this behavior.</p>
  24707. <p>If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder where to save the images,
  24708. but still needs to save the images somewhere. In this case, you need to specify an accessible folder
  24709. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> property or provide custom streams via
  24710. the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback" /> event handler.</p>
  24711. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  24712. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback" />
  24713. </remarks>
  24714. </member>
  24715. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias">
  24716. <summary>
  24717. Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into an XAML document.
  24718. Default is an empty string.
  24719. </summary>
  24720. <remarks>
  24721. <p>When you save a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> in XAML format, Aspose.Words needs to save all
  24722. images embedded in the document as standalone files. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  24723. allows you to specify where the images will be saved and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  24724. allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.</p>
  24725. <p>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" /> is not an empty string, then the image URI written
  24726. to XAML will be <i>ImagesFolderAlias + &lt;image file name&gt;</i>.</p>
  24727. <p>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" /> is an empty string, then the image URI written
  24728. to XAML will be <i>ImagesFolder + &lt;image file name&gt;</i>.</p>
  24729. <p>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" /> is set to '.' (dot), then the image file name
  24730. will be written to XAML without path regardless of other options.</p>
  24731. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  24732. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback" />
  24733. </remarks>
  24734. </member>
  24735. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XamlFlowSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback">
  24736. <summary>
  24737. Allows to control how images are saved when a document is saved to XAML.
  24738. </summary>
  24739. </member>
  24740. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.XpsSaveOptions">
  24741. <summary>
  24742. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Xps" /> format.
  24743. </summary>
  24744. </member>
  24745. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.XpsSaveOptions.#ctor">
  24746. <summary>
  24747. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document
  24748. in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Xps" /> format.
  24749. </summary>
  24750. </member>
  24751. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.XpsSaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Words.SaveFormat)">
  24752. <summary>
  24753. Initializes a new instance of this class that can be used to save a document
  24754. in the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Xps" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.OpenXps" /> format.
  24755. </summary>
  24756. </member>
  24757. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XpsSaveOptions.SaveFormat">
  24758. <summary>
  24759. Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
  24760. Can only be <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Xps" />.
  24761. </summary>
  24762. </member>
  24763. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XpsSaveOptions.OutlineOptions">
  24764. <summary>
  24765. Allows to specify outline options.
  24766. </summary>
  24767. <remarks>
  24768. <para>Note that ExpandedOutlineLevels option will not work when saving to XPS.</para>
  24769. </remarks>
  24770. </member>
  24771. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.XpsSaveOptions.UseBookFoldPrintingSettings">
  24772. <summary>
  24773. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether the document should be saved using a booklet printing layout,
  24774. if it is specified via <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.PageSetup.MultiplePages" />.
  24775. </summary>
  24776. <remarks>
  24777. <para>
  24778. If this option is specified, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageSet" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageIndex" />
  24779. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.FixedPageSaveOptions.PageCount" /> are ignored when saving.
  24780. This behavior matches MS Word.
  24781. If book fold printing settings are not specified in page setup, this option will have no effect.
  24782. </para>
  24783. </remarks>
  24784. </member>
  24785. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOutputParameters">
  24786. <summary>
  24787. This object is returned to the caller after a document is saved and contains additional information that
  24788. has been generated or calculated during the save operation. The caller can use or ignore this object.
  24789. </summary>
  24790. </member>
  24791. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.SaveOutputParameters.ContentType">
  24792. <summary>
  24793. Returns the Content-Type string (Internet Media Type) that identifies the type of the saved document.
  24794. </summary>
  24795. </member>
  24796. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssStyleSheetType">
  24797. <summary>
  24798. Specifies how CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) styles are exported to HTML.
  24799. </summary>
  24800. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.CssStyleSheetType" />
  24801. </member>
  24802. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssStyleSheetType.Inline">
  24803. <summary>
  24804. CSS styles are written inline (as a value of the <b>style</b> attribute on every element).
  24805. </summary>
  24806. </member>
  24807. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssStyleSheetType.Embedded">
  24808. <summary>
  24809. CSS styles are written separately from the content in a style sheet embedded in the HTML file.
  24810. </summary>
  24811. </member>
  24812. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.CssStyleSheetType.External">
  24813. <summary>
  24814. CSS styles are written separately from the content in a style sheet in an external file.
  24815. The HTML file links the style sheet.
  24816. </summary>
  24817. </member>
  24818. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs">
  24819. <summary>
  24820. Provides data for the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IImageSavingCallback.ImageSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs)" /> event.
  24821. </summary>
  24822. <remarks>
  24823. <para>By default, when Aspose.Words saves a document to HTML, it saves each image into
  24824. a separate file. Aspose.Words uses the document file name and a unique number to generate unique file name
  24825. for each image found in the document.</para>
  24826. <para>
  24827. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs" /> allows to redefine how image file names are generated or to
  24828. completely circumvent saving of images into files by providing your own stream objects.</para>
  24829. <para>To apply your own logic for generating image file names use the
  24830. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageFileName" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.CurrentShape" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.IsImageAvailable" />
  24831. properties.</para>
  24832. <para>To save images into streams instead of files, use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageStream" /> property.</para>
  24833. </remarks>
  24834. </member>
  24835. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.Document">
  24836. <summary>
  24837. Gets the document object that is currently being saved.
  24838. </summary>
  24839. </member>
  24840. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.CurrentShape">
  24841. <summary>
  24842. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase" /> object corresponding to the shape or group shape
  24843. that is about to be saved.
  24844. </summary>
  24845. <remarks>
  24846. <para>
  24847. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.IImageSavingCallback" /> can be fired while saving either a shape or a group shape.
  24848. That's why the property has <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase" /> type. You can check whether it's a group shape comparing
  24849. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ShapeType" /> with <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Group" /> or by casting it to one of derived classes:
  24850. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> or <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />.</para>
  24851. <para>Aspose.Words uses the document file name and a unique number to generate unique file name
  24852. for each image found in the document. You can use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.CurrentShape" /> property to generate
  24853. a "better" file name by examining shape properties such as <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Title" />
  24854. (Shape only), <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SourceFullName" /> (Shape only)
  24855. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Name" />. Of course you can build file names using any other properties or criteria
  24856. but note that subsidiary file names must be unique within the export operation.</para>
  24857. <para>Some images in the document can be unavailable. To check image availability
  24858. use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.IsImageAvailable" /> property.</para>
  24859. </remarks>
  24860. </member>
  24861. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.IsImageAvailable">
  24862. <summary>
  24863. Returns <c>true</c> if the current image is available for export.
  24864. </summary>
  24865. <remarks>
  24866. <para>Some images in the document can be unavailable, for example, because the image
  24867. is linked and the link is inaccessible or does not point to a valid image.
  24868. In this case Aspose.Words exports an icon with a red cross. This property returns
  24869. <c>true</c> if the original image is available; returns <c>false</c> if the original
  24870. image is not available and a "no image" icon will be offered for save.</para>
  24871. <para>When saving a group shape or a shape that doesn't require any image this property
  24872. is always <c>true</c>.</para>
  24873. </remarks>
  24874. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.CurrentShape" />
  24875. </member>
  24876. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageFileName">
  24877. <summary>
  24878. Gets or sets the file name (without path) where the image will be saved to.
  24879. </summary>
  24880. <remarks>
  24881. <para>This property allows you to redefine how the image file names are generated
  24882. during export to HTML.</para>
  24883. <para>When the event is fired, this property contains the file name that was generated
  24884. by Aspose.Words. You can change the value of this property to save the image into a
  24885. different file. Note that file names must be unique.</para>
  24886. <p>Aspose.Words automatically generates a unique file name for every embedded image when
  24887. exporting to HTML format. How the image file name is generated
  24888. depends on whether you save the document to a file or to a stream.</p>
  24889. <p>When saving a document to a file, the generated image file name looks like
  24890. <i>&lt;document base file name&gt;.&lt;image number&gt;.&lt;extension&gt;</i>.</p>
  24891. <p>When saving a document to a stream, the generated image file name looks like
  24892. <i>Aspose.Words.&lt;document guid&gt;.&lt;image number&gt;.&lt;extension&gt;</i>.</p>
  24893. <para>
  24894. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageFileName" /> must contain only the file name without the path.
  24895. Aspose.Words determines the path for saving and the value of the <c>src</c> attribute for writing
  24896. to HTML using the document file name, the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" /> and
  24897. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" /> properties.</para>
  24898. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.CurrentShape" />
  24899. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.IsImageAvailable" />
  24900. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageStream" />
  24901. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolder" />
  24902. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.HtmlSaveOptions.ImagesFolderAlias" />
  24903. </remarks>
  24904. </member>
  24905. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.KeepImageStreamOpen">
  24906. <summary>
  24907. Specifies whether Aspose.Words should keep the stream open or close it after saving an image.
  24908. </summary>
  24909. <remarks>
  24910. <para>Default is <c>false</c> and Aspose.Words will close the stream you provided
  24911. in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageStream" /> property after writing an image into it.
  24912. Specify <c>true</c> to keep the stream open.</para>
  24913. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageStream" />
  24914. </remarks>
  24915. </member>
  24916. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageStream">
  24917. <summary>
  24918. Allows to specify the stream where the image will be saved to.
  24919. </summary>
  24920. <remarks>
  24921. <para>This property allows you to save images to streams instead of files during HTML.</para>
  24922. <para>The default value is <c>null</c>. When this property is <c>null</c>, the image
  24923. will be saved to a file specified in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageFileName" /> property.</para>
  24924. <para>Using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.IImageSavingCallback" /> you cannot substitute one image with
  24925. another. It is intended only for control over location where to save images.</para>
  24926. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.ImageFileName" />
  24927. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs.KeepImageStreamOpen" />
  24928. </remarks>
  24929. </member>
  24930. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.IImageSavingCallback">
  24931. <summary>
  24932. Implement this interface if you want to control how Aspose.Words saves images when
  24933. saving a document to HTML. May be used by other formats.
  24934. </summary>
  24935. </member>
  24936. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Saving.IImageSavingCallback.ImageSaving(Aspose.Words.Saving.ImageSavingArgs)">
  24937. <summary>
  24938. Called when Aspose.Words saves an image to HTML.
  24939. </summary>
  24940. </member>
  24941. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance">
  24942. <summary>
  24943. Specifies the PDF standards compliance level.
  24944. </summary>
  24945. </member>
  24946. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance.Pdf17">
  24947. <summary>
  24948. The output file will comply with the PDF 1.7 standard.
  24949. </summary>
  24950. </member>
  24951. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance.Pdf15">
  24952. <summary>
  24953. The output file will comply with the PDF 1.5 standard.
  24954. </summary>
  24955. </member>
  24956. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance.PdfA1a">
  24957. <summary>
  24958. The output file will comply with the PDF/A-1a standard.
  24959. This level includes all the requirements of PDF/A-1b and additionally requires
  24960. that document structure be included (also known as being "tagged"),
  24961. with the objective of ensuring that document content can be searched and repurposed.
  24962. </summary>
  24963. <remarks>
  24964. Note that exporting the document structure significantly increases the memory consumption, especially
  24965. for the large documents.
  24966. </remarks>
  24967. </member>
  24968. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance.PdfA1b">
  24969. <summary>
  24970. The output file will comply with the PDF/A-1b standard.
  24971. PDF/A-1b has the objective of ensuring reliable reproduction of the
  24972. visual appearance of the document.
  24973. </summary>
  24974. </member>
  24975. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfTextCompression">
  24976. <summary>
  24977. Specifies a type of compression applied to all content in the PDF file except images.
  24978. </summary>
  24979. </member>
  24980. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfTextCompression.None">
  24981. <summary>
  24982. No compression.
  24983. </summary>
  24984. </member>
  24985. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfTextCompression.Flate">
  24986. <summary>
  24987. Flate (ZIP) compression.
  24988. </summary>
  24989. </member>
  24990. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression">
  24991. <summary>
  24992. Specifies what type of compression to apply when saving page images into a TIFF file.
  24993. </summary>
  24994. </member>
  24995. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression.None">
  24996. <summary>
  24997. Specifies no compression.
  24998. </summary>
  24999. </member>
  25000. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression.Rle">
  25001. <summary>
  25002. Specifies the RLE compression scheme.
  25003. </summary>
  25004. </member>
  25005. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression.Lzw">
  25006. <summary>
  25007. Specifies the LZW compression scheme.
  25008. In Java emulated by Deflate (Zip) compression.
  25009. </summary>
  25010. </member>
  25011. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression.Ccitt3">
  25012. <summary>
  25013. Specifies the CCITT3 compression scheme.
  25014. </summary>
  25015. </member>
  25016. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.TiffCompression.Ccitt4">
  25017. <summary>
  25018. Specifies the CCITT4 compression scheme.
  25019. </summary>
  25020. </member>
  25021. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart">
  25022. <summary>
  25023. Represents a start of <b>ranged</b> structured document tag which accepts multi-sections content.
  25024. See also <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeEnd" />.
  25025. </summary>
  25026. <remarks>
  25027. Can be immediate child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" /> node <b>only</b>.
  25028. </remarks>
  25029. <dev>Implements public facade for encapsulated StructuredDocumentTag node.</dev>
  25030. </member>
  25031. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.Level">
  25032. <summary>
  25033. Gets the level at which this <b>SDT range start</b> occurs in the document tree.
  25034. </summary>
  25035. </member>
  25036. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.SdtType">
  25037. <summary>
  25038. Gets type of this <b>Structured document tag</b>.
  25039. </summary>
  25040. </member>
  25041. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.Id">
  25042. <summary>
  25043. <para>Specifies a unique read-only persistent numerical Id for this <b>SDT</b>.</para>
  25044. </summary>
  25045. <remarks>
  25046. <para> Id attribute shall follow these rules:
  25047. <list type="bullet"><item>The document shall retain SDT ids only if the whole document is cloned <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Clone" />.</item><item>During <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)" />
  25048. Id shall be retained if import does not cause conflicts with other SDT Ids in
  25049. the target document.</item><item>
  25050. If multiple SDT nodes specify the same decimal number value for the Id attribute,
  25051. then the first SDT in the document shall maintain this original Id,
  25052. and all subsequent SDT nodes shall have new identifiers assigned to them when the document is loaded.
  25053. </item><item>During standalone SDT <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Clone(System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.INodeCloningListener)" /> operation new unique ID will be generated for the cloned SDT node.</item><item>
  25054. If Id is not specified in the source document, then the SDT node shall have a new unique identifier assigned
  25055. to it when the document is loaded.
  25056. </item></list></para>
  25057. </remarks>
  25058. </member>
  25059. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.LockContentControl">
  25060. <summary>
  25061. When set to true, this property will prohibit a user from deleting this <b>SDT</b>.
  25062. </summary>
  25063. </member>
  25064. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.LockContents">
  25065. <summary>
  25066. When set to true, this property will prohibit a user from editing the contents of this <b>SDT</b>.
  25067. </summary>
  25068. </member>
  25069. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.IsShowingPlaceholderText">
  25070. <summary>
  25071. <para>
  25072. Specifies whether the content of this <b>SDT</b> shall be interpreted to contain placeholder text
  25073. (as opposed to regular text contents within the SDT).
  25074. </para>
  25075. <para>
  25076. if set to true, this state shall be resumed (showing placeholder text) upon opening this document.
  25077. </para>
  25078. </summary>
  25079. </member>
  25080. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.Tag">
  25081. <summary>
  25082. Specifies a tag associated with the current SDT node.
  25083. Can not be null.
  25084. </summary>
  25085. <remarks> A tag is an arbitrary string which applications can associate with SDT
  25086. in order to identify it without providing a visible friendly name.</remarks>
  25087. </member>
  25088. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.Title">
  25089. <summary>
  25090. Specifies the friendly name associated with this <b>SDT</b>.
  25091. Can not be null.
  25092. </summary>
  25093. </member>
  25094. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.XmlMapping">
  25095. <summary>
  25096. Gets an object that represents the mapping of this structured document tag range to XML data
  25097. in a custom XML part of the current document.
  25098. </summary>
  25099. <remarks>
  25100. You can use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.SetMapping(Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart,System.String,System.String)" /> method of this
  25101. object to map a structured document tag range to XML data.
  25102. </remarks>
  25103. </member>
  25104. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.RangeEnd">
  25105. <summary>
  25106. Specifies end of range if the StructuredDocumentTag is a ranged structured document tag.
  25107. Otherwise returns null.
  25108. </summary>
  25109. </member>
  25110. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeEnd">
  25111. <summary>
  25112. Represents an end of <b>ranged</b> structured document tag which accepts multi-sections content.
  25113. See also <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart" /> node.
  25114. </summary>
  25115. <remarks>
  25116. Can be immediate child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" /> node <b>only</b>.
  25117. </remarks>
  25118. </member>
  25119. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeEnd.Id">
  25120. <summary>
  25121. Specifies a unique read-only persistent numerical Id for this <b>StructuredDocumentTagRange</b> node.
  25122. Corresponding <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart" /> node has the same <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.Id" />.
  25123. </summary>
  25124. </member>
  25125. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection">
  25126. <summary>
  25127. A collection of strings that represent XML schemas that are associated with a custom XML part.
  25128. </summary>
  25129. <remarks>
  25130. <para>You do not create instances of this class. You access the collection of XML schemas of a custom XML part
  25131. via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart.Schemas" /> property.</para>
  25132. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart" />
  25133. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart.Schemas" />
  25134. </remarks>
  25135. </member>
  25136. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.GetEnumerator">
  25137. <summary>
  25138. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  25139. </summary>
  25140. </member>
  25141. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.Add(System.String)">
  25142. <summary>
  25143. Adds an item to the collection.
  25144. </summary>
  25145. <param name="value">The item to add.</param>
  25146. </member>
  25147. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.IndexOf(System.String)">
  25148. <summary>
  25149. Returns the zero-based index of the specified value in the collection.
  25150. </summary>
  25151. <param name="value">The case-sensitive value to locate.</param>
  25152. <returns>The zero based index. Negative value if not found.</returns>
  25153. </member>
  25154. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  25155. <summary>
  25156. Removes the specified value from the collection.
  25157. </summary>
  25158. <param name="name">The case-sensitive value to remove.</param>
  25159. </member>
  25160. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  25161. <summary>
  25162. Removes a value at the specified index.
  25163. </summary>
  25164. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  25165. </member>
  25166. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.Clear">
  25167. <summary>
  25168. Removes all elements from the collection.
  25169. </summary>
  25170. </member>
  25171. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.Clone">
  25172. <summary>
  25173. Makes a deep clone of this object.
  25174. </summary>
  25175. </member>
  25176. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.Count">
  25177. <summary>
  25178. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  25179. </summary>
  25180. </member>
  25181. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlSchemaCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  25182. <summary>
  25183. Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
  25184. </summary>
  25185. </member>
  25186. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtDateStorageFormat">
  25187. <summary>
  25188. Specifies how the date for a date SDT is stored/retrieved when the SDT is bound to an XML node in the document's data store.
  25189. </summary>
  25190. </member>
  25191. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtDateStorageFormat.Date">
  25192. <summary>
  25193. The date value for a date SDT is stored as a date in the standard XML Schema Date format.
  25194. </summary>
  25195. </member>
  25196. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtDateStorageFormat.DateTime">
  25197. <summary>
  25198. The date value for a date SDT is stored as a date in the standard XML Schema DateTime format.
  25199. </summary>
  25200. </member>
  25201. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtDateStorageFormat.Text">
  25202. <summary>
  25203. The date value for a date SDT is stored as text.
  25204. </summary>
  25205. </member>
  25206. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtDateStorageFormat.Default">
  25207. <summary>
  25208. Defaults to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtDateStorageFormat.DateTime" /></summary>
  25209. </member>
  25210. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection">
  25211. <summary>
  25212. Provides access to <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem" /> elements of a structured document tag.
  25213. </summary>
  25214. </member>
  25215. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection.GetEnumerator">
  25216. <summary>
  25217. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  25218. </summary>
  25219. </member>
  25220. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem)">
  25221. <summary>
  25222. Adds an item to this collection.
  25223. </summary>
  25224. </member>
  25225. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  25226. <summary>
  25227. Removes a list item at the specified index.
  25228. </summary>
  25229. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the item to remove.</param>
  25230. </member>
  25231. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection.Clear">
  25232. <summary>
  25233. Clears all items from this collection.
  25234. </summary>
  25235. </member>
  25236. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection.SelectedValue">
  25237. <summary>
  25238. Specifies currently selected value in this list.
  25239. Null value allowed, meaning that no currently selected entry is associated with this list item collection.
  25240. </summary>
  25241. </member>
  25242. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  25243. <summary>
  25244. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem" /> object given its zero-based index in the collection.
  25245. </summary>
  25246. </member>
  25247. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection.Count">
  25248. <summary>
  25249. Gets number of items in the collection.
  25250. </summary>
  25251. </member>
  25252. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag">
  25253. <summary>
  25254. Represents a structured document tag (SDT or content control) in a document.
  25255. </summary>
  25256. <remarks>
  25257. <para>Structured document tags (SDTs) allow to embed customer-defined semantics as well as its
  25258. behavior and appearance into a document.</para>
  25259. <para>In this version Aspose.Words provides a number of public methods and properties to
  25260. manipulate the behavior and content of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag" />.
  25261. Mapping of SDT nodes to custom XML packages within a document can be performed with using
  25262. the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.XmlMapping" /> property.</para>
  25263. <para>
  25264. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag" /> can occur in a document in the following places:</para>
  25265. <list type="bullet">
  25266. <item>Block-level - Among paragraphs and tables, as a child of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Body" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.HeaderFooter" />,
  25267. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Footnote" /> or a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> node.</item>
  25268. <item>Row-level - Among rows in a table, as a child of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> node.</item>
  25269. <item>Cell-level - Among cells in a table row, as a child of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row" /> node.</item>
  25270. <item>Inline-level - Among inline content inside, as a child of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</item>
  25271. <item>Nested inside another <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag" />.</item>
  25272. </list>
  25273. </remarks>
  25274. </member>
  25275. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType,Aspose.Words.Markup.MarkupLevel)">
  25276. <summary>
  25277. Initializes a new instance of the <b>Structured document tag</b> class.
  25278. </summary>
  25279. <remarks>
  25280. <para>The following types of SDT can be created:</para>
  25281. <list type="bullet">
  25282. <item>
  25283. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Checkbox" />
  25284. </item>
  25285. <item>
  25286. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.DropDownList" />
  25287. </item>
  25288. <item>
  25289. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.ComboBox" />
  25290. </item>
  25291. <item>
  25292. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Date" />
  25293. </item>
  25294. <item>
  25295. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.BuildingBlockGallery" />
  25296. </item>
  25297. <item>
  25298. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Group" />
  25299. </item>
  25300. <item>
  25301. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Picture" />
  25302. </item>
  25303. <item>
  25304. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.RichText" />
  25305. </item>
  25306. <item>
  25307. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.PlainText" />
  25308. </item>
  25309. </list>
  25310. </remarks>
  25311. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  25312. <param name="type">Type of SDT node.</param>
  25313. <param name="level">Level of SDT node within the document.</param>
  25314. </member>
  25315. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.Markup.MarkupLevel)">
  25316. <summary>
  25317. internal AW ctor.
  25318. </summary>
  25319. <remarks>
  25320. By default this ctor does not define things like placeholder, id, control properties etc.
  25321. This is the responsibility of the caller, so you should not use this ctor unless you know what you're doing.
  25322. </remarks>
  25323. </member>
  25324. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.RemoveSelfOnly">
  25325. <summary>
  25326. Removes just this SDT node itself, but keeps the content of it inside the document tree.
  25327. </summary>
  25328. </member>
  25329. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.RemoveSelfOnly(System.Boolean)">
  25330. <summary>
  25331. Removes just this SDT node itself, but keeps the content of it inside the document tree.
  25332. </summary>
  25333. </member>
  25334. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  25335. <summary>
  25336. Accepts a visitor.
  25337. </summary>
  25338. <remarks>
  25339. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  25340. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  25341. </remarks>
  25342. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  25343. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  25344. <remarks>
  25345. Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitStructuredDocumentTagStart(Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag)" />, then calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" /> for all
  25346. child nodes of the smart tag and calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitStructuredDocumentTagEnd(Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag)" /> at the end.
  25347. </remarks>
  25348. </member>
  25349. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Clear">
  25350. <summary>
  25351. Clears contents of this structured document tag and displays a placeholder if it is defined.
  25352. </summary>
  25353. <remarks>
  25354. <para>It is not possible to clear contents of a structured document tag if it has revisions.</para>
  25355. <para>If this structured document tag is mapped to custom XML (with using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.XmlMapping" />
  25356. property), the referenced XML node is cleared.</para>
  25357. </remarks>
  25358. </member>
  25359. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.NodeType">
  25360. <summary>
  25361. Returns <b>NodeType.StructuredDocumentTag</b>.
  25362. </summary>
  25363. </member>
  25364. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Placeholder">
  25365. <summary>
  25366. Gets the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> containing placeholder text which should be displayed when this SDT run contents are empty,
  25367. the associated mapped XML element is empty as specified via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.XmlMapping" /> element
  25368. or the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.IsShowingPlaceholderText" /> element is true.
  25369. </summary>
  25370. <remarks>Can be null, meaning that the placeholder is not applicable for this Sdt.</remarks>
  25371. </member>
  25372. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.PlaceholderName">
  25373. <summary>
  25374. <para>Gets or sets Name of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock" /> containing placeholder text.</para>
  25375. <para>
  25376. BuildingBlock with this name <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.BuildingBlocks.BuildingBlock.Name" /> has to be present in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.GlossaryDocument" />
  25377. otherwise <see cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException" /> will occur.</para>
  25378. </summary>
  25379. </member>
  25380. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Level">
  25381. <summary>
  25382. Gets the level at which this <b>SDT</b> occurs in the document tree.
  25383. </summary>
  25384. </member>
  25385. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.SdtType">
  25386. <summary>
  25387. Gets type of this <b>Structured document tag</b>.
  25388. </summary>
  25389. </member>
  25390. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Id">
  25391. <summary>
  25392. <para>Specifies a unique read-only persistent numerical Id for this <b>SDT</b>.</para>
  25393. </summary>
  25394. <remarks>
  25395. <para> Id attribute shall follow these rules:
  25396. <list type="bullet"><item>The document shall retain SDT ids only if the whole document is cloned <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.Clone" />.</item><item>During <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.ImportNode(Aspose.Words.Node,System.Boolean)" />
  25397. Id shall be retained if import does not cause conflicts with other SDT Ids in
  25398. the target document.</item><item>
  25399. If multiple SDT nodes specify the same decimal number value for the Id attribute,
  25400. then the first SDT in the document shall maintain this original Id,
  25401. and all subsequent SDT nodes shall have new identifiers assigned to them when the document is loaded.
  25402. </item><item>During standalone SDT <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Clone(System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.INodeCloningListener)" /> operation new unique ID will be generated for the cloned SDT node.</item><item>
  25403. If Id is not specified in the source document, then the SDT node shall have a new unique identifier assigned
  25404. to it when the document is loaded.
  25405. </item></list></para>
  25406. </remarks>
  25407. </member>
  25408. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.LockContentControl">
  25409. <summary>
  25410. When set to true, this property will prohibit a user from deleting this <b>SDT</b>.
  25411. </summary>
  25412. </member>
  25413. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.LockContents">
  25414. <summary>
  25415. When set to true, this property will prohibit a user from editing the contents of this <b>SDT</b>.
  25416. </summary>
  25417. </member>
  25418. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.IsShowingPlaceholderText">
  25419. <summary>
  25420. <para>
  25421. Specifies whether the content of this <b>SDT</b> shall be interpreted to contain placeholder text
  25422. (as opposed to regular text contents within the SDT).
  25423. </para>
  25424. <para>
  25425. if set to true, this state shall be resumed (showing placeholder text) upon opening this document.
  25426. </para>
  25427. </summary>
  25428. </member>
  25429. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Tag">
  25430. <summary>
  25431. Specifies a tag associated with the current SDT node.
  25432. Can not be null.
  25433. </summary>
  25434. <remarks> A tag is an arbitrary string which applications can associate with SDT
  25435. in order to identify it without providing a visible friendly name.</remarks>
  25436. </member>
  25437. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.ContentsFont">
  25438. <summary>
  25439. Font formatting that will be applied to text entered into <b>SDT</b>.
  25440. </summary>
  25441. </member>
  25442. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.EndCharacterFont">
  25443. <summary>
  25444. Font formatting that will be applied to the last character of text entered into <b>SDT</b>.
  25445. </summary>
  25446. </member>
  25447. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.IsTemporary">
  25448. <summary>
  25449. Specifies whether this <b>SDT</b> shall be removed from the WordPprocessingML document when its contents
  25450. are modified.
  25451. </summary>
  25452. </member>
  25453. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Title">
  25454. <summary>
  25455. Specifies the friendly name associated with this <b>SDT</b>.
  25456. Can not be null.
  25457. </summary>
  25458. </member>
  25459. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.ListItems">
  25460. <summary>
  25461. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItemCollection" /> associated with this <b>SDT</b>.
  25462. </summary>
  25463. <remarks>
  25464. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.ComboBox" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.DropDownList" />
  25465. SDT types.
  25466. </para>
  25467. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25468. </remarks>
  25469. </member>
  25470. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Checked">
  25471. <summary>
  25472. Gets/Sets current state of the Checkbox <b>SDT</b>.
  25473. Default value for this property is false.
  25474. </summary>
  25475. <remarks>
  25476. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Checkbox" />
  25477. SDT types.
  25478. </para>
  25479. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25480. </remarks>
  25481. </member>
  25482. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.DateDisplayLocale">
  25483. <summary>
  25484. Allows to set/get the language format for the date displayed in this <b>SDT</b>.
  25485. </summary>
  25486. <remarks>
  25487. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Date" /> SDT type.
  25488. </para>
  25489. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25490. </remarks>
  25491. </member>
  25492. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.DateDisplayFormat">
  25493. <summary>
  25494. String that represents the format in which dates are displayed.
  25495. Can not be null.
  25496. <example>The dates for English (U.S.) is "mm/dd/yyyy"</example></summary>
  25497. <remarks>
  25498. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Date" /> SDT type.
  25499. </para>
  25500. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25501. </remarks>
  25502. </member>
  25503. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.FullDate">
  25504. <summary>
  25505. Specifies the full date and time last entered into this <b>SDT</b>.
  25506. </summary>
  25507. <remarks>
  25508. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Date" /> SDT type.
  25509. </para>
  25510. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25511. </remarks>
  25512. </member>
  25513. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.DateStorageFormat">
  25514. <summary>
  25515. Gets/sets format in which the date for a date SDT is stored when the <b>SDT</b> is bound to an XML node in the document's data store.
  25516. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtDateStorageFormat.DateTime" /></summary>
  25517. <remarks>
  25518. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Date" /> SDT type.
  25519. </para>
  25520. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25521. </remarks>
  25522. </member>
  25523. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.CalendarType">
  25524. <summary>
  25525. Specifies the type of calendar for this <b>SDT</b>.
  25526. Default is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Default" /></summary>
  25527. <remarks>
  25528. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Date" /> SDT type.
  25529. </para>
  25530. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25531. </remarks>
  25532. </member>
  25533. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.BuildingBlockGallery">
  25534. <summary>
  25535. Specifies type of building block for this <b>SDT</b>.
  25536. Can not be null.
  25537. </summary>
  25538. <remarks>
  25539. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.BuildingBlockGallery" /> and
  25540. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.DocPartObj" /> SDT types. It is read-only for <b>SDT</b> of the document part type.
  25541. </para>
  25542. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25543. </remarks>
  25544. </member>
  25545. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.BuildingBlockCategory">
  25546. <summary>
  25547. Specifies category of building block for this <b>SDT</b> node.
  25548. Can not be null.
  25549. </summary>
  25550. <remarks>
  25551. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.BuildingBlockGallery" /> and
  25552. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.DocPartObj" /> SDT types. It is read-only for <b>SDT</b> of the document part type.
  25553. </para>
  25554. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25555. </remarks>
  25556. </member>
  25557. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Multiline">
  25558. <summary>
  25559. Specifies whether this <b>SDT</b> allows multiple lines of text.
  25560. </summary>
  25561. <remarks>
  25562. <para>Accessing this property will only work for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.RichText" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.PlainText" /> SDT type.
  25563. </para>
  25564. <para>For all other SDT types exception will occur.</para>
  25565. </remarks>
  25566. </member>
  25567. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Color">
  25568. <summary>
  25569. Gets or sets the color of the structured document tag.
  25570. </summary>
  25571. </member>
  25572. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.Style">
  25573. <summary>
  25574. Gets or sets the Style of the structured document tag.
  25575. </summary>
  25576. <remarks>
  25577. Only <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.StyleType.Character" /> style or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.StyleType.Paragraph" /> style with linked character style can be set.
  25578. </remarks>
  25579. <dev>
  25580. It's ridiculous that Word uses character styles internally but exposes
  25581. linked paragraph styles in GUI and VBA. Anyway, we do the same.
  25582. </dev>
  25583. </member>
  25584. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.StyleName">
  25585. <summary>
  25586. Gets or sets the name of the style applied to the structured document tag.
  25587. </summary>
  25588. </member>
  25589. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.XmlMapping">
  25590. <summary>
  25591. Gets an object that represents the mapping of this structured document tag to XML data
  25592. in a custom XML part of the current document.
  25593. </summary>
  25594. <remarks>
  25595. You can use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.SetMapping(Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart,System.String,System.String)" /> method of this object to map
  25596. a structured document tag to XML data.
  25597. </remarks>
  25598. <dev>
  25599. If this element is present and the parent Sdt is not of a rich text type, then the current
  25600. value of the Sdt shall be determined by finding the XML element (if any) which is
  25601. determined by the attributes on this element.
  25602. See Iso29500, chapter 1, dataBinding (XML Mapping).
  25603. If DataBinding information does not result in an XML element, then the
  25604. application can use any algorithm desired to find the closest available match. If this information does result in an
  25605. XML element, then the contents of that element shall be used to replace the current run content within the
  25606. document.
  25607. </dev>
  25608. </member>
  25609. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType">
  25610. <summary>
  25611. Specifies the possible types of calendars which can be used to specify <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag.CalendarType" />
  25612. in an Office Open XML document.
  25613. </summary>
  25614. </member>
  25615. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Default">
  25616. <summary>
  25617. Used as default value in OOXML. Equals <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Gregorian" />.
  25618. </summary>
  25619. </member>
  25620. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Gregorian">
  25621. <summary>
  25622. Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used.
  25623. This calendar should be localized into the appropriate language.
  25624. </summary>
  25625. </member>
  25626. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.GregorianArabic">
  25627. <summary>
  25628. Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used.
  25629. The values for this calendar should be presented in Arabic.
  25630. </summary>
  25631. </member>
  25632. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.GregorianMeFrench">
  25633. <summary>
  25634. Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used.
  25635. The values for this calendar should be presented in Middle East French.
  25636. </summary>
  25637. </member>
  25638. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.GregorianUs">
  25639. <summary>
  25640. Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used.
  25641. The values for this calendar should be presented in English.
  25642. </summary>
  25643. </member>
  25644. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.GregorianXlitEnglish">
  25645. <summary>
  25646. Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used.
  25647. The values for this calendar should be the representation of the English strings in the corresponding Arabic characters
  25648. (the Arabic transliteration of the English for the Gregorian calendar).
  25649. </summary>
  25650. </member>
  25651. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.GregorianXlitFrench">
  25652. <summary>
  25653. Specifies that the Gregorian calendar, as defined in ISO 8601, shall be used.
  25654. The values for this calendar should be the representation of the French strings in the corresponding Arabic characters
  25655. (the Arabic transliteration of the French for the Gregorian calendar).
  25656. </summary>
  25657. </member>
  25658. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Hebrew">
  25659. <summary>
  25660. Specifies that the Hebrew lunar calendar, as described by the Gauss formula for Passover [CITATION]
  25661. and The Complete Restatement of Oral Law (Mishneh Torah),shall be used.
  25662. </summary>
  25663. </member>
  25664. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Hijri">
  25665. <summary>
  25666. Specifies that the Hijri lunar calendar, as described by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
  25667. Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da‘wah and Guidance, shall be used.
  25668. </summary>
  25669. </member>
  25670. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Japan">
  25671. <summary>
  25672. Specifies that the Japanese Emperor Era calendar, as described by
  25673. Japanese Industrial Standard JIS X 0301, shall be used.
  25674. </summary>
  25675. </member>
  25676. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Korea">
  25677. <summary>
  25678. Specifies that the Korean Tangun Era calendar,
  25679. as described by Korean Law Enactment No. 4, shall be used.
  25680. </summary>
  25681. </member>
  25682. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.None">
  25683. <summary>
  25684. Specifies that no calendar should be used.
  25685. </summary>
  25686. <remarks>
  25687. Usually in AW, None is the first and default value for enums, but not in this case.
  25688. None is not default for OOXML, instead <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Gregorian" /> is default and is first member of this enum.
  25689. </remarks>
  25690. </member>
  25691. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Saka">
  25692. <summary>
  25693. Specifies that the Saka Era calendar, as described by the Calendar Reform Committee of India,
  25694. as part of the Indian Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, shall be used.
  25695. </summary>
  25696. </member>
  25697. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Taiwan">
  25698. <summary>
  25699. Specifies that the Taiwanese calendar, as defined by the Chinese National Standard CNS 7648, shall be used.
  25700. </summary>
  25701. </member>
  25702. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtCalendarType.Thai">
  25703. <summary>
  25704. Specifies that the Thai calendar, as defined by the Royal Decree of H.M. King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) in
  25705. Royal Gazette B. E. 2456 (1913 A.D.) and by the decree of Prime Minister Phibunsongkhram (1941 A.D.) to
  25706. start the year on the Gregorian January 1 and to map year zero to Gregorian year 543 B.C., shall be used.
  25707. </summary>
  25708. </member>
  25709. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem">
  25710. <summary>
  25711. This element specifies a single list item within a parent <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.ComboBox" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.DropDownList" /> structured document tag.
  25712. </summary>
  25713. </member>
  25714. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
  25715. <summary>
  25716. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  25717. </summary>
  25718. </member>
  25719. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem.#ctor(System.String)">
  25720. <summary>
  25721. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  25722. </summary>
  25723. </member>
  25724. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem.DisplayText">
  25725. <summary>
  25726. Gets the text to display in the run content in place of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem.Value" /> attribute contents for this list item.
  25727. </summary>
  25728. <remarks>
  25729. <para>Cannot be null and cannot be an empty string.</para>
  25730. </remarks>
  25731. </member>
  25732. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtListItem.Value">
  25733. <summary>
  25734. Gets the value of this list item.
  25735. </summary>
  25736. <remarks>
  25737. <para>Cannot be null and cannot be an empty string.</para>
  25738. </remarks>
  25739. </member>
  25740. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping">
  25741. <summary>
  25742. Specifies the information that is used to establish a mapping between the parent
  25743. structured document tag and an XML element stored within a custom XML data part in the document.
  25744. </summary>
  25745. </member>
  25746. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.SetMapping(Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart,System.String,System.String)">
  25747. <summary>
  25748. Sets a mapping between the parent structured document tag and an XML node of a custom XML data part.
  25749. </summary>
  25750. <param name="customXmlPart">A custom XML data part to map to.</param>
  25751. <param name="xPath">An XPath expression to find the XML node.</param>
  25752. <param name="prefixMapping">XML namespace prefix mappings to evaluate the XPath.</param>
  25753. <returns>A flag indicating whether the parent structured document tag is successfully mapped to
  25754. the XML node.</returns>
  25755. </member>
  25756. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.Delete">
  25757. <summary>
  25758. Deletes mapping of the parent structured document to XML data.
  25759. </summary>
  25760. </member>
  25761. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.SetMapping(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  25762. <summary>
  25763. Sets a mapping between the parent structured document tag and an XML node of a custom XML data part.
  25764. </summary>
  25765. <param name="storeItemId">Identifier of a store item: either a custom XML data part or a storage of
  25766. document properties.</param>
  25767. <param name="xPath">An XPath expression to find the XML node.</param>
  25768. <param name="prefixMapping">XML namespace prefix mappings to evaluate the XPath.</param>
  25769. </member>
  25770. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.PrefixMappings">
  25771. <summary>
  25772. Returns XML namespace prefix mappings to evaluate the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.XPath" />.
  25773. </summary>
  25774. <remarks>
  25775. Specifies the set of prefix mappings, which shall be used to interpret the XPath expression
  25776. when the XPath expression is evaluated against the custom XML data parts in the document.
  25777. </remarks>
  25778. </member>
  25779. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.XPath">
  25780. <summary>
  25781. Returns the XPath expression, which is evaluated to find the custom XML node
  25782. that is mapped to the parent structured document tag.
  25783. </summary>
  25784. </member>
  25785. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.CustomXmlPart">
  25786. <summary>
  25787. Returns the custom XML data part to which the parent structured document tag is mapped.
  25788. </summary>
  25789. </member>
  25790. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.IsMapped">
  25791. <summary>
  25792. Returns <b>true</b> if the parent structured document tag is successfully mapped to XML data.
  25793. </summary>
  25794. </member>
  25795. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.StoreItemId">
  25796. <summary>
  25797. Specifies the custom XML data identifier for the custom XML data part which
  25798. shall be used to evaluate the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.XmlMapping.XPath" /> expression.
  25799. </summary>
  25800. </member>
  25801. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType">
  25802. <summary>
  25803. Specifies the type of a structured document tag (SDT) node.
  25804. </summary>
  25805. </member>
  25806. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.None">
  25807. <summary>
  25808. No type is assigned to the SDT.
  25809. </summary>
  25810. </member>
  25811. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Bibliography">
  25812. <summary>
  25813. The SDT represents a bibliography entry.
  25814. </summary>
  25815. </member>
  25816. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Citation">
  25817. <summary>
  25818. The SDT represents a citation.
  25819. </summary>
  25820. </member>
  25821. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Equation">
  25822. <summary>
  25823. The SDT represents an equation.
  25824. </summary>
  25825. </member>
  25826. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.DropDownList">
  25827. <summary>
  25828. The SDT represents a drop down list when displayed in the document.
  25829. </summary>
  25830. </member>
  25831. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.ComboBox">
  25832. <summary>
  25833. The SDT represents a combo box when displayed in the document.
  25834. </summary>
  25835. </member>
  25836. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Date">
  25837. <summary>
  25838. The SDT represents a date picker when displayed in the document.
  25839. </summary>
  25840. </member>
  25841. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.BuildingBlockGallery">
  25842. <summary>
  25843. The SDT represents a building block gallery type.
  25844. </summary>
  25845. </member>
  25846. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.DocPartObj">
  25847. <summary>
  25848. The SDT represents a document part type.
  25849. </summary>
  25850. </member>
  25851. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Group">
  25852. <summary>
  25853. The SDT represents a restricted grouping when displayed in the document.
  25854. </summary>
  25855. </member>
  25856. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Picture">
  25857. <summary>
  25858. The SDT represents a picture when displayed in the document.
  25859. </summary>
  25860. </member>
  25861. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.RichText">
  25862. <summary>
  25863. The SDT represents a rich text box when displayed in the document.
  25864. </summary>
  25865. </member>
  25866. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.PlainText">
  25867. <summary>
  25868. The SDT represents a plain text box when displayed in the document.
  25869. </summary>
  25870. </member>
  25871. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.Checkbox">
  25872. <summary>
  25873. The SDT represents a checkbox when displayed in the document.
  25874. </summary>
  25875. <remarks>
  25876. This is MS-specific feature available since Office 2010 and not supported by the ISO/IEC 29500 OOXML standard.
  25877. </remarks>
  25878. </member>
  25879. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.RepeatingSection">
  25880. <summary>
  25881. The SDT represents repeating section type when displayed in the document.
  25882. </summary>
  25883. <remarks>
  25884. This is MS-specific feature available since Office 2013 and not supported by the ISO/IEC 29500 OOXML standard.
  25885. </remarks>
  25886. </member>
  25887. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.RepeatingSectionItem">
  25888. <summary>
  25889. The SDT represents repeating section item.
  25890. </summary>
  25891. <remarks>
  25892. This is MS-specific feature available since Office 2013 and not supported by the ISO/IEC 29500 OOXML standard.
  25893. </remarks>
  25894. </member>
  25895. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.SdtType.EntityPicker">
  25896. <summary>
  25897. The SDT represents an entity picker that allows the user to select an instance of an external content type.
  25898. </summary>
  25899. <remarks>
  25900. This is MS-specific feature available since Office 2010 and not supported by the ISO/IEC 29500 OOXML standard.
  25901. </remarks>
  25902. <dev>
  25903. § entityPicker [MS-DOCX].
  25904. Some additional information about entity pickers can be taken from the chapter USING EXTERNAL DATA IN WORD
  25905. of Scot Hillier, Brad Stevenson. Professional Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010.
  25906. </dev>
  25907. </member>
  25908. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart">
  25909. <summary>
  25910. Represents a custom (arbitrary content) part, that is not defined by the ISO/IEC 29500 standard.
  25911. </summary>
  25912. <remarks>
  25913. <para>This class represents an OOXML part that is a target of an "unknown relationship".
  25914. All relationships not defined within ISO/IEC 29500 are considered "unknown relationships".
  25915. Unknown relationships are permitted within an Office Open XML document provided that they
  25916. conform to relationship markup guidelines.</para>
  25917. <para>Microsoft Word preserves custom parts during open/save cycles. Some additional info can be found
  25918. here http://blogs.msdn.com/dmahugh/archive/2006/11/25/arbitrary-content-in-an-opc-package.aspx </para>
  25919. <para>Aspose.Words also roundtrips custom parts and in addition, allows to programmatically access
  25920. such parts via the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection" /> objects.</para>
  25921. <para>Do not confuse custom parts with Custom XML Data. Use <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart" /> if you need
  25922. to access Custom XML Data.</para>
  25923. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection" />
  25924. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.PackageCustomParts" />
  25925. </remarks>
  25926. </member>
  25927. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.Clone">
  25928. <summary>
  25929. Makes a "deep enough" copy of the object.
  25930. Does not duplicate the bytes of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.Data" /> value.
  25931. </summary>
  25932. </member>
  25933. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.Name">
  25934. <summary>
  25935. Gets or sets this part's absolute name within the OOXML package or the target URL.
  25936. </summary>
  25937. <remarks>
  25938. <para>If the relationship target is internal, then this property is the absolute part name within the package.
  25939. If the relationship target is external, then this property is the target URL.</para>
  25940. <para>The default value is an empty string. A valid value must be a non-empty string.</para>
  25941. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.IsExternal" />
  25942. </remarks>
  25943. </member>
  25944. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.RelationshipType">
  25945. <summary>
  25946. Gets or sets the relationship type from the parent part to this custom part.
  25947. </summary>
  25948. <remarks>
  25949. <para>The relationship type for a custom part must be "unknown" e.g. a custom relationship type,
  25950. not one of the relationship types defined within ISO/IEC 29500.</para>
  25951. <para>The default value is an empty string. A valid value must be a non-empty string.</para>
  25952. </remarks>
  25953. </member>
  25954. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.IsExternal">
  25955. <summary>
  25956. <c>False</c> if this custom part is stored inside the OOXML package. <c>True</c> if this custom part is an external target.
  25957. </summary>
  25958. <remarks>
  25959. <para>The default value is <c>false</c>.</para>
  25960. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.Name" />
  25961. </remarks>
  25962. </member>
  25963. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.ContentType">
  25964. <summary>
  25965. Specifies the content type of this custom part.
  25966. </summary>
  25967. <remarks>
  25968. <para>This property is applicable only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.IsExternal" /> is <c>false</c>.</para>
  25969. <para>The default value is an empty string. A valid value must be a non-empty string.</para>
  25970. </remarks>
  25971. </member>
  25972. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.Data">
  25973. <summary>
  25974. Contains the data of this custom part.
  25975. </summary>
  25976. <remarks>
  25977. <para>This property is applicable only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart.IsExternal" /> is <c>false</c>.</para>
  25978. <para>The default value is an empty byte array. The value cannot be <c>null</c>.</para>
  25979. </remarks>
  25980. </member>
  25981. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection">
  25982. <summary>
  25983. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart" /> objects.
  25984. </summary>
  25985. <remarks>
  25986. <para>You do not normally need to create instances of this class. You access custom parts
  25987. related to the OOXML package via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.PackageCustomParts" /> property.</para>
  25988. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart" />
  25989. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.PackageCustomParts" />
  25990. </remarks>
  25991. </member>
  25992. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection.GetEnumerator">
  25993. <summary>
  25994. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  25995. </summary>
  25996. </member>
  25997. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPart)">
  25998. <summary>
  25999. Adds an item to the collection.
  26000. </summary>
  26001. <param name="part">The item to add.</param>
  26002. </member>
  26003. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  26004. <summary>
  26005. Removes an item at the specified index.
  26006. </summary>
  26007. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  26008. </member>
  26009. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection.Clear">
  26010. <summary>
  26011. Removes all elements from the collection.
  26012. </summary>
  26013. </member>
  26014. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection.Clone">
  26015. <summary>
  26016. Makes a deep copy of this collection and its items.
  26017. </summary>
  26018. </member>
  26019. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection.Count">
  26020. <summary>
  26021. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  26022. </summary>
  26023. </member>
  26024. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomPartCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  26025. <summary>
  26026. Gets or sets an item at the specified index.
  26027. </summary>
  26028. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the item.</param>
  26029. </member>
  26030. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart">
  26031. <summary>
  26032. Represents a Custom XML Data Storage Part (custom XML data within a package).
  26033. </summary>
  26034. <remarks>
  26035. <para>A DOCX or DOC document can contain one or more Custom XML Data Storage parts. Aspose.Words preserves and
  26036. allows to create and extract Custom XML Data via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomXmlParts" /> collection.</para>
  26037. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomXmlParts" />
  26038. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection" />
  26039. </remarks>
  26040. </member>
  26041. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart.Clone">
  26042. <summary>
  26043. Makes a "deep enough" copy of the object.
  26044. Does not duplicate the bytes of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart.Data" /> value.
  26045. </summary>
  26046. </member>
  26047. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart.Id">
  26048. <summary>
  26049. Gets or sets the string that identifies this custom XML part within an OOXML document.
  26050. </summary>
  26051. <remarks>
  26052. <para>ISO/IEC 29500 specifies that this value is a GUID, but old versions of Microsoft Word allowed any
  26053. string here. Aspose.Words does the same for ECMA-376 format. But note, that Microsoft Word Online fails
  26054. to open a document created with a non-GUID value. So, a GUID is preferred value for this property.</para>
  26055. <para>A valid value must be an identifier that is unique among all custom XML data parts in this document.
  26056. </para>
  26057. <para>The default value is an empty string. The value cannot be <c>null</c>.</para>
  26058. </remarks>
  26059. </member>
  26060. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart.Schemas">
  26061. <summary>
  26062. Specifies the set of XML schemas that are associated with this custom XML part.
  26063. </summary>
  26064. </member>
  26065. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart.Data">
  26066. <summary>
  26067. Gets or sets the XML content of this Custom XML Data Storage Part.
  26068. </summary>
  26069. <remarks>
  26070. <para>The default value is an empty byte array. The value cannot be <c>null</c>.</para>
  26071. </remarks>
  26072. </member>
  26073. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection">
  26074. <summary>
  26075. Represents a collection of Custom XML Parts. The items are <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart" /> objects.
  26076. </summary>
  26077. <remarks>
  26078. <para>You do not normally need to create instances of this class. You can access custom XML data
  26079. stored in a document via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomXmlParts" /> property.</para>
  26080. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart" />
  26081. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.CustomXmlParts" />
  26082. </remarks>
  26083. </member>
  26084. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.GetEnumerator">
  26085. <summary>
  26086. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  26087. </summary>
  26088. </member>
  26089. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPart)">
  26090. <summary>
  26091. Adds an item to the collection.
  26092. </summary>
  26093. <param name="part">The custom XML part to add.</param>
  26094. </member>
  26095. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.Add(System.String,System.String)">
  26096. <summary>
  26097. Creates a new XML part with the specified XML and adds it to the collection.
  26098. </summary>
  26099. <param name="id">Identifier of a new custom XML part.</param>
  26100. <param name="xml">XML data of the part.</param>
  26101. <returns>Created custom XML part.</returns>
  26102. </member>
  26103. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  26104. <summary>
  26105. Removes an item at the specified index.
  26106. </summary>
  26107. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  26108. </member>
  26109. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.Clear">
  26110. <summary>
  26111. Removes all elements from the collection.
  26112. </summary>
  26113. </member>
  26114. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.GetById(System.String)">
  26115. <summary>
  26116. Finds and returns a custom XML part by its identifier.
  26117. </summary>
  26118. <param name="id">Case-sensitive string that identifies the custom XML part.</param>
  26119. <returns>Returns <c>null</c> if a custom XML part with the specified identifier is not found.</returns>
  26120. </member>
  26121. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.Clone">
  26122. <summary>
  26123. Makes a deep copy of this collection and its items.
  26124. </summary>
  26125. </member>
  26126. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.Count">
  26127. <summary>
  26128. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  26129. </summary>
  26130. </member>
  26131. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPartCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  26132. <summary>
  26133. Gets or sets an item at the specified index.
  26134. </summary>
  26135. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the item.</param>
  26136. </member>
  26137. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.MarkupLevel">
  26138. <summary>
  26139. Specifies the level in the document tree where a particular <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.StructuredDocumentTag" /> can occur.
  26140. </summary>
  26141. </member>
  26142. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.MarkupLevel.Unknown">
  26143. <summary>
  26144. Specifies the unknown or invalid value.
  26145. </summary>
  26146. </member>
  26147. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.MarkupLevel.Inline">
  26148. <summary>
  26149. The element occurs at the inline level (e.g. among as runs of text).
  26150. </summary>
  26151. </member>
  26152. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.MarkupLevel.Block">
  26153. <summary>
  26154. The element occurs at the block level (e.g. among tables and paragraphs).
  26155. </summary>
  26156. </member>
  26157. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.MarkupLevel.Row">
  26158. <summary>
  26159. The element occurs among rows in a table.
  26160. </summary>
  26161. </member>
  26162. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Markup.MarkupLevel.Cell">
  26163. <summary>
  26164. The element occurs among cells in a row.
  26165. </summary>
  26166. </member>
  26167. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlProperty">
  26168. <summary>
  26169. Represents a single custom XML attribute or a smart tag property.
  26170. </summary>
  26171. <remarks>
  26172. <para>Used as an item of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection" /> collection.</para>
  26173. </remarks>
  26174. </member>
  26175. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlProperty.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  26176. <summary>
  26177. Initializes a new instance of this class.
  26178. </summary>
  26179. <param name="name">The name of the property. Cannot be null.</param>
  26180. <param name="uri">The namespace URI of the property. Cannot be null.</param>
  26181. <param name="value">The value of the property. Cannot be null.</param>
  26182. </member>
  26183. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlProperty.Name">
  26184. <summary>
  26185. Specifies the name of the custom XML attribute or smart tag property.
  26186. </summary>
  26187. <remarks>
  26188. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  26189. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  26190. </remarks>
  26191. </member>
  26192. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlProperty.Uri">
  26193. <summary>
  26194. Gets or sets the namespace URI of the custom XML attribute or smart tag property.
  26195. </summary>
  26196. <remarks>
  26197. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  26198. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  26199. </remarks>
  26200. </member>
  26201. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlProperty.Value">
  26202. <summary>
  26203. Gets or sets the value of the custom XML attribute or smart tag property.
  26204. </summary>
  26205. <remarks>
  26206. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  26207. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  26208. </remarks>
  26209. </member>
  26210. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection">
  26211. <summary>
  26212. Represents a collection of custom XML attributes or smart tag properties.
  26213. </summary>
  26214. <remarks>
  26215. <para>Items are <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlProperty" /> objects.</para>
  26216. </remarks>
  26217. </member>
  26218. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.GetEnumerator">
  26219. <summary>
  26220. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  26221. </summary>
  26222. </member>
  26223. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlProperty)">
  26224. <summary>
  26225. Adds a property to the collection.
  26226. </summary>
  26227. <param name="property">The property to add.</param>
  26228. </member>
  26229. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  26230. <summary>
  26231. Determines whether the collection contains a property with the given name.
  26232. </summary>
  26233. <param name="name">Case-sensitive name of the property to locate.</param>
  26234. <returns>True if the item is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
  26235. </member>
  26236. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.IndexOfKey(System.String)">
  26237. <summary>
  26238. Returns the zero-based index of the specified property in the collection.
  26239. </summary>
  26240. <param name="name">The case-sensitive name of the property.</param>
  26241. <returns>The zero based index. Negative value if not found.</returns>
  26242. </member>
  26243. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  26244. <summary>
  26245. Removes a property with the specified name from the collection.
  26246. </summary>
  26247. <param name="name">The case-sensitive name of the property.</param>
  26248. </member>
  26249. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  26250. <summary>
  26251. Removes a property at the specified index.
  26252. </summary>
  26253. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  26254. </member>
  26255. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.Clear">
  26256. <summary>
  26257. Removes all elements from the collection.
  26258. </summary>
  26259. </member>
  26260. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.Count">
  26261. <summary>
  26262. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  26263. </summary>
  26264. </member>
  26265. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.Item(System.String)">
  26266. <overloads>Provides access to the collection items.</overloads>
  26267. <summary>
  26268. Gets a property with the specified name.
  26269. </summary>
  26270. <param name="name">Case-sensitive name of the property to locate.</param>
  26271. </member>
  26272. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  26273. <summary>
  26274. Gets a property at the specified index.
  26275. </summary>
  26276. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the property.</param>
  26277. </member>
  26278. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.NamespaceDoc">
  26279. <summary>
  26280. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Markup</b> namespace contains classes that
  26281. represent customer defined semantics in a document: smart tags, custom XML and
  26282. structured document tags (content controls).</p>
  26283. </summary>
  26284. </member>
  26285. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag">
  26286. <summary>
  26287. This element specifies the presence of a smart tag around one or more inline structures
  26288. (runs, images, fields,etc.) within a paragraph.
  26289. </summary>
  26290. <remarks>
  26291. <para>Smart tags is a kind of custom XML markup. Smart tags provide a facility for embedding
  26292. customer-defined semantics into the document via the ability to provide a basic namespace/name
  26293. for a run or set of runs within a document.</para>
  26294. <p>
  26295. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag" /> can be a child of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> or
  26296. another <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag" /> node.</p>
  26297. <p>The complete list of child nodes that can occur inside a smart tag consists of
  26298. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkEnd" />,
  26299. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField" />,
  26300. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Comment" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Footnote" />,
  26301. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.SpecialChar" />,
  26302. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />,
  26303. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeStart" />,
  26304. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.CommentRangeEnd" />,
  26305. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag" />.</p>
  26306. </remarks>
  26307. </member>
  26308. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  26309. <summary>
  26310. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag" /> class.
  26311. </summary>
  26312. <remarks>
  26313. <para>When you create a new node, you need to specify a document to which the node belongs.
  26314. A node cannot exist without a document because it depends on the document-wide structures
  26315. such as lists and styles. Although a node always belongs to a document, a node might or might
  26316. not be a part of the document tree.</para>
  26317. <para>When a node is created, it belongs to a document, but is not yet part of the document tree
  26318. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Node.ParentNode" /> is null. To insert a node into the document, use the
  26319. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertAfter(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" /> or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.InsertBefore(Aspose.Words.Node,Aspose.Words.Node)" /> methods
  26320. on the parent node.</para>
  26321. </remarks>
  26322. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  26323. </member>
  26324. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  26325. <summary>
  26326. Accepts a visitor.
  26327. </summary>
  26328. <remarks>
  26329. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  26330. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  26331. </remarks>
  26332. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  26333. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  26334. <remarks>
  26335. Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitSmartTagStart(Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag)" />, then calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" /> for all
  26336. child nodes of the smart tag and calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitSmartTagEnd(Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag)" /> at the end.
  26337. </remarks>
  26338. </member>
  26339. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag.NodeType">
  26340. <summary>
  26341. Returns <b>NodeType.SmartTag</b>.
  26342. </summary>
  26343. </member>
  26344. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag.Element">
  26345. <summary>
  26346. Specifies the name of the smart tag within the document.
  26347. </summary>
  26348. <remarks>
  26349. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  26350. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  26351. </remarks>
  26352. </member>
  26353. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag.Uri">
  26354. <summary>
  26355. Specifies the namespace URI of the smart tag.
  26356. </summary>
  26357. <remarks>
  26358. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  26359. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  26360. </remarks>
  26361. </member>
  26362. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Markup.SmartTag.Properties">
  26363. <summary>
  26364. A collection of the smart tag properties.
  26365. </summary>
  26366. <remarks>
  26367. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  26368. </remarks>
  26369. </member>
  26370. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel">
  26371. <summary>
  26372. Defines properties specific to a list label.
  26373. </summary>
  26374. <dev>
  26375. <para>Implements <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.IRunAttrSource" /> interface treating list level direct formatting
  26376. as direct run attributes since they take priority over the other sources.</para>
  26377. <para>
  26378. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel" /> contains the most common textual representation of the list label
  26379. in its <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.LabelString" /> property.</para>
  26380. <para>There are some classes which need different textual representation of list labels. Use
  26381. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel" />'s property <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.NumberState" /> which introduced to provide enough information
  26382. to build custom labels from the inside of such classes.</para>
  26383. <para>Both <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.LabelString" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.NumberState" /> are updated
  26384. by <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateListLabels" />.</para>
  26385. </dev>
  26386. </member>
  26387. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.Font">
  26388. <summary>
  26389. Gets the list label font.
  26390. </summary>
  26391. </member>
  26392. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.LabelString">
  26393. <summary>
  26394. Gets a string representation of list label.
  26395. </summary>
  26396. </member>
  26397. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLabel.LabelValue">
  26398. <summary>
  26399. Gets a numeric value for this label.
  26400. </summary>
  26401. <remarks>
  26402. Use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateListLabels" /> method to update the value of this property.
  26403. </remarks>
  26404. </member>
  26405. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.List">
  26406. <summary>
  26407. Represents formatting of a list.
  26408. </summary>
  26409. <remarks>
  26410. <p>A list in a Microsoft Word document is a set of list formatting properties.
  26411. Each list can have up to 9 levels and formatting properties, such as number style, start value,
  26412. indent, tab position etc are defined separately for each level.</p>
  26413. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.List" /> object always belongs to the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" /> collection.</p>
  26414. <p>To create a new list, use the Add methods of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" /> collection.</p>
  26415. <p>To modify formatting of a list, use <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel" /> objects found in
  26416. the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.ListLevels" /> collection.</p>
  26417. <p>To apply or remove list formatting from a paragraph, use <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" />.</p>
  26418. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" />
  26419. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel" />
  26420. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" />
  26421. </remarks>
  26422. </member>
  26423. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.Equals(Aspose.Words.Lists.List)">
  26424. <summary>
  26425. Compares with the specified list.
  26426. </summary>
  26427. </member>
  26428. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.GetHashCode">
  26429. <summary>
  26430. Calculates hash code for this list object.
  26431. </summary>
  26432. <dev>
  26433. To be compatible with the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.Equals(System.Object)" /> method, only properties that affect visual
  26434. representation of the list should be included into the calculation. List ID and similar properties
  26435. are ignored.
  26436. </dev>
  26437. </member>
  26438. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.CompareTo(System.Object)">
  26439. <summary>
  26440. Compares the specified object to the current object.
  26441. </summary>
  26442. </member>
  26443. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.CompareTo(Aspose.Words.Lists.List)">
  26444. <summary>
  26445. Compares the specified list to the current list.
  26446. </summary>
  26447. </member>
  26448. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.ListId">
  26449. <summary>
  26450. Gets the unique identifier of the list.
  26451. </summary>
  26452. <remarks>
  26453. <p>You do not normally need to use this property. But if you use it, you normally do so
  26454. in conjunction with the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.GetListByListId(System.Int32)" /> method to find a
  26455. list by its identifier.</p>
  26456. </remarks>
  26457. </member>
  26458. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.Document">
  26459. <summary>
  26460. Gets the owner document.
  26461. </summary>
  26462. <remarks>
  26463. <p>A list always has a parent document and is valid only in the context of that document.</p>
  26464. </remarks>
  26465. </member>
  26466. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.IsMultiLevel">
  26467. <summary>
  26468. Returns true when the list contains 9 levels; false when 1 level.
  26469. </summary>
  26470. <remarks>
  26471. <p>The lists that you create with Aspose.Words are always multi-level lists and contain 9 levels.</p>
  26472. <p>Microsoft Word 2003 and later always create multi-level lists with 9 levels.
  26473. But in some documents, created with earlier versions of Microsoft Word you might encounter
  26474. lists that have 1 level only.</p>
  26475. </remarks>
  26476. </member>
  26477. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.ListLevels">
  26478. <summary>
  26479. Gets the collection of list levels for this list.
  26480. </summary>
  26481. <remarks>
  26482. <p>Use this property to access and modify formatting individual to each level of the list.</p>
  26483. </remarks>
  26484. <dev>
  26485. RK This might be a bit nasty because it provides access to the terminal list level definitions,
  26486. e.g. it could return the list level definitions from the list style that is referenced by this list.
  26487. So if the user modifies the formatting of a list level he could actually be modifying the list style.
  26488. But let's leave this for now because this property is mostly accessed to actually get the terminal
  26489. formatting of list levels.
  26490. </dev>
  26491. </member>
  26492. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.IsRestartAtEachSection">
  26493. <summary>
  26494. Specifies whether list should be restarted at each section.
  26495. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  26496. </summary>
  26497. <remarks>
  26498. <p>This option is supported only in RTF, DOC and DOCX document formats.</p>
  26499. <p>This option will be written to DOCX only if <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance" /> is higher then <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Saving.OoxmlCompliance.Ecma376_2006" />.</p>
  26500. </remarks>
  26501. </member>
  26502. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.IsListStyleDefinition">
  26503. <summary>
  26504. Returns true if this list is a definition of a list style.
  26505. </summary>
  26506. <remarks>
  26507. <p>When this property is true, the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.Style" /> property returns the list style that
  26508. this list defines.</p>
  26509. <p>By modifying properties of a list that defines a list style, you modify the properties
  26510. of the list style.</p>
  26511. <p>A list that is a definition of a list style cannot be applied directly to paragraphs
  26512. to make them numbered.</p>
  26513. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.Style" />
  26514. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.IsListStyleReference" />
  26515. </remarks>
  26516. </member>
  26517. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.IsListStyleReference">
  26518. <summary>
  26519. Returns true if this list is a reference to a list style.
  26520. </summary>
  26521. <remarks>
  26522. <p>Note, modifying properties of a list that is a reference to list style has no effect.
  26523. The list formatting specified in the list style itself always takes precedence.</p>
  26524. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.Style" />
  26525. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.IsListStyleDefinition" />
  26526. </remarks>
  26527. </member>
  26528. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.Style">
  26529. <summary>
  26530. Gets the list style that this list references or defines.
  26531. </summary>
  26532. <remarks>
  26533. <p>If this list is not associated with a list style, the property will return null.</p>
  26534. <p>A list could be a reference to a list style, in this case <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.IsListStyleReference" />
  26535. will be true.</p>
  26536. <p>A list could be a definition of a list style, in this case <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.List.IsListStyleDefinition" />
  26537. will be true. Such a list cannot be applied to paragraphs in the document directly.</p>
  26538. </remarks>
  26539. </member>
  26540. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel">
  26541. <summary>
  26542. Defines formatting for a list level.
  26543. </summary>
  26544. <remarks>
  26545. <p>You do not create objects of this class. List level objects are created automatically
  26546. when a list is created. You access <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel" /> objects via the
  26547. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelCollection" /> collection.</p>
  26548. <p>Use the properties of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel" /> to specify list formatting
  26549. for individual list levels.</p>
  26550. </remarks>
  26551. <dev>
  26552. Not sure where lvlElt.tplc is stored in the DOC file.
  26553. Sounds like it is a template code for individual list levels.
  26554. VA: All tplc are stored in a separate table in a document.
  26555. They can be seen in binary going one after another.
  26556. Not sure how to locate them in the document structure though.
  26557. </dev>
  26558. </member>
  26559. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.CreatePictureBullet">
  26560. <summary>
  26561. Creates picture bullet shape for the current list level.
  26562. </summary>
  26563. <remarks>Please note, NumberStyle will be set to Bullet and
  26564. NumberFormat to "\xF0B7" to properly display picture bullet.
  26565. Red cross image will be set as picture bullet image upon creating.
  26566. To change it please use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.ImageData" />.</remarks>
  26567. </member>
  26568. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.DeletePictureBullet">
  26569. <summary>
  26570. Deletes picture bullet for the current list level.
  26571. </summary>
  26572. <remarks>Default bullet will be shown after deleting.</remarks>
  26573. </member>
  26574. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.Equals(Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel)">
  26575. <summary>
  26576. Compares with the specified ListLevel.
  26577. </summary>
  26578. </member>
  26579. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.GetHashCode">
  26580. <summary>
  26581. Calculates hash code for this object.
  26582. </summary>
  26583. <dev>
  26584. To be compatible with the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.Equals(Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel)" /> method, only properties that affect visual
  26585. representation of the list are included into the calculation. Object ID and similar properties should
  26586. be ignored.
  26587. </dev>
  26588. </member>
  26589. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.StartAt">
  26590. <summary>
  26591. Returns or sets the starting number for this list level.
  26592. </summary>
  26593. <remarks>
  26594. <p>Default value is 1.</p>
  26595. </remarks>
  26596. </member>
  26597. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.NumberStyle">
  26598. <summary>
  26599. Returns or sets the number style for this list level.
  26600. </summary>
  26601. </member>
  26602. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.NumberFormat">
  26603. <summary>
  26604. Returns or sets the number format for the list level.
  26605. </summary>
  26606. <remarks>
  26607. <p>Among normal text characters, the string can contain placeholder characters \x0000 to \x0008
  26608. representing the numbers from the corresponding list levels.</p>
  26609. <p>For example, the string "\x0000.\x0001)" will generate a list label
  26610. that looks something like "1.5)". The number "1" is the current number from
  26611. the 1st list level, the number "5" is the current number from the 2nd list level.</p>
  26612. <p>Null is not allowed, but an empty string meaning no number is valid.</p>
  26613. </remarks>
  26614. </member>
  26615. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.Alignment">
  26616. <summary>
  26617. Gets or sets the justification of the actual number of the list item.
  26618. </summary>
  26619. <remarks>
  26620. <p>The list label is justified relative to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.NumberPosition" /> property.</p>
  26621. </remarks>
  26622. </member>
  26623. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.IsLegal">
  26624. <summary>
  26625. True if the level turns all inherited numbers to Arabic, false if it preserves their number style.
  26626. </summary>
  26627. </member>
  26628. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.RestartAfterLevel">
  26629. <summary>
  26630. Sets or returns the list level that must appear before the specified list level restarts numbering.
  26631. </summary>
  26632. <remarks>
  26633. <para>The value of -1 means the numbering will continue.</para>
  26634. </remarks>
  26635. </member>
  26636. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TrailingCharacter">
  26637. <summary>
  26638. Returns or sets the character inserted after the number for the list level.
  26639. </summary>
  26640. </member>
  26641. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.Font">
  26642. <summary>
  26643. Specifies character formatting used for the list label.
  26644. </summary>
  26645. </member>
  26646. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TabPosition">
  26647. <summary>
  26648. Returns or sets the tab position (in points) for the list level.
  26649. </summary>
  26650. <remarks>
  26651. <p>Has effect only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TrailingCharacter" /> is a tab.</p>
  26652. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.NumberPosition" />
  26653. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TextPosition" />
  26654. </remarks>
  26655. </member>
  26656. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.NumberPosition">
  26657. <summary>
  26658. Returns or sets the position (in points) of the number or bullet for the list level.
  26659. </summary>
  26660. <remarks>
  26661. <p>
  26662. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.NumberPosition" /> corresponds to LeftIndent plus FirstLineIndent of the paragraph.</p>
  26663. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TextPosition" />
  26664. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TabPosition" />
  26665. </remarks>
  26666. </member>
  26667. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TextPosition">
  26668. <summary>
  26669. Returns or sets the position (in points) for the second line of wrapping text for the list level.
  26670. </summary>
  26671. <remarks>
  26672. <p>
  26673. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TextPosition" /> corresponds to LeftIndent of the paragraph.</p>
  26674. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.NumberPosition" />
  26675. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TabPosition" />
  26676. </remarks>
  26677. </member>
  26678. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.LinkedStyle">
  26679. <summary>
  26680. Gets or sets the paragraph style that is linked to this list level.
  26681. </summary>
  26682. <remarks>
  26683. <p>This property is null when the list level is not linked to a paragraph style.
  26684. This property can be set to null.</p>
  26685. </remarks>
  26686. </member>
  26687. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.ImageData">
  26688. <summary>
  26689. Returns image data of the picture bullet shape for the current list level.
  26690. </summary>
  26691. <remarks>
  26692. If this level doesn't define picture bullet returns null.
  26693. Before setting new image for non picture bullet shape, please use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.CreatePictureBullet" /> method first.
  26694. </remarks>
  26695. </member>
  26696. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelAlignment">
  26697. <summary>
  26698. Specifies alignment for the list number or bullet.
  26699. </summary>
  26700. <remarks>
  26701. <p>Used as a value for the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.Alignment" /> property.</p>
  26702. </remarks>
  26703. </member>
  26704. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelAlignment.Left">
  26705. <summary>
  26706. The list label is aligned to the left of the number position.
  26707. </summary>
  26708. </member>
  26709. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelAlignment.Center">
  26710. <summary>
  26711. The list label is centered at the number position.
  26712. </summary>
  26713. </member>
  26714. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelAlignment.Right">
  26715. <summary>
  26716. This list label is aligned to the right of the number position.
  26717. </summary>
  26718. </member>
  26719. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelCollection">
  26720. <summary>
  26721. A collection of list formatting for each level in a list.
  26722. </summary>
  26723. </member>
  26724. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelCollection.GetEnumerator">
  26725. <summary>
  26726. Gets the enumerator object that will enumerate levels in this list.
  26727. </summary>
  26728. </member>
  26729. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  26730. <summary>
  26731. Gets a list level by index.
  26732. </summary>
  26733. </member>
  26734. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevelCollection.Count">
  26735. <summary>
  26736. Gets the number of levels in this list.
  26737. </summary>
  26738. <remarks>
  26739. <p>There could be 1 or 9 levels in a list.</p>
  26740. </remarks>
  26741. </member>
  26742. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection">
  26743. <summary>
  26744. Stores and manages formatting of bulleted and numbered lists used in a document.
  26745. </summary>
  26746. <remarks>
  26747. <p>A list in a Microsoft Word document is a set of list formatting properties.
  26748. The formatting of the lists is stored in the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" /> collection separately
  26749. from the paragraphs of text.</p>
  26750. <p>You do not create objects of this class. There is always only one <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection" />
  26751. object per document and it is accessible via the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.Lists" /> property.</p>
  26752. <p>To create a new list based on a predefined list template or based on a list style,
  26753. use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Style)" /> method.</p>
  26754. <p>To create a new list with formatting identical to an existing list,
  26755. use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.AddCopy(Aspose.Words.Lists.List)" /> method.</p>
  26756. <p>To make a paragraph bulleted or numbered, you need to apply list formatting
  26757. to a paragraph by assigning a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.List" /> object to the
  26758. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List" /> property of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" />.</p>
  26759. <p>To remove list formatting from a paragraph, use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.RemoveNumbers" />
  26760. method.</p>
  26761. <p>If you know a bit about WordprocessingML, then you might know it defines separate concepts
  26762. for "list" and "list definition". This exactly corresponds to how list formatting is stored
  26763. in a Microsoft Word document at the low level. List definition is like a "schema" and
  26764. list is like an instance of a list definition.</p>
  26765. <p>To simplify programming model, Aspose.Words hides the distinction between list and list
  26766. definition in much the same way like Microsoft Word hides this in its user interface.
  26767. This allows you to concentrate more on how you want your document to look like, rather than
  26768. building low-level objects to satisfy requirements of the Microsoft Word file format.</p>
  26769. <p>It is not possible to delete lists once they are created in the current version of Aspose.Words.
  26770. This is similar to Microsoft Word where user does not have explicit control over list definitions.</p>
  26771. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.List" />
  26772. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel" />
  26773. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" />
  26774. </remarks>
  26775. </member>
  26776. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.GetEnumerator">
  26777. <summary>
  26778. Gets the enumerator object that will enumerate lists in the document.
  26779. </summary>
  26780. </member>
  26781. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate)">
  26782. <overloads>Creates a new list and adds it to the collection of lists in the document.</overloads>
  26783. <summary>
  26784. Creates a new list based on a predefined template and adds it to the collection of lists in the document.
  26785. </summary>
  26786. <param name="listTemplate">The template of the list.</param>
  26787. <returns>The newly created list.</returns>
  26788. <remarks>
  26789. <p>Aspose.Words list templates correspond to the 21 list templates available
  26790. in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word 2003.</p>
  26791. <p>All lists created using this method have 9 list levels.</p>
  26792. </remarks>
  26793. </member>
  26794. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Style)">
  26795. <summary>
  26796. Creates a new list that references a list style and adds it to the collection of lists in the document.
  26797. </summary>
  26798. <param name="listStyle">The list style.</param>
  26799. <returns>The newly created list.</returns>
  26800. <remarks>
  26801. <p>The newly created list references the list style. If you change the properties of the list
  26802. style, it is reflected in the properties of the list. Vice versa, if you change the properties
  26803. of the list, it is reflected in the properties of the list style.</p>
  26804. </remarks>
  26805. </member>
  26806. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.AddCopy(Aspose.Words.Lists.List)">
  26807. <summary>
  26808. Creates a new list by copying the specified list and adding it to the collection of lists in the document.
  26809. </summary>
  26810. <param name="srcList">The source list to copy from.</param>
  26811. <returns>The newly created list.</returns>
  26812. <remarks>
  26813. <p>The source list can be from any document. If the source list belongs to a different document,
  26814. a copy of the list is created and added to the current document.</p>
  26815. <p>If the source list is a reference to or a definition of a list style,
  26816. the newly created list is not related to the original list style.</p>
  26817. </remarks>
  26818. </member>
  26819. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.AddCopy(Aspose.Words.Lists.List,System.Boolean)">
  26820. <summary>
  26821. Creates a new list by copying the specified list and adding it to the collection of lists in the document.
  26822. </summary>
  26823. <remarks>
  26824. When AW copies only style from other document, AW shouldn't import all dependent styles.
  26825. </remarks>
  26826. </member>
  26827. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.GetListByListId(System.Int32)">
  26828. <summary>
  26829. Gets a list by a list identifier.
  26830. </summary>
  26831. <param name="listId">The list identifier.</param>
  26832. <returns>Returns the list object. Returns null if a list with the specified identifier was not found.</returns>
  26833. <remarks>
  26834. <p>You don't normally need to use this method. Most of the time you apply list formatting
  26835. to paragraphs just by settings the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.ListFormat.List" /> property
  26836. of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.ListFormat" /> object.</p>
  26837. </remarks>
  26838. </member>
  26839. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.Count">
  26840. <summary>
  26841. Gets the count of numbered and bulleted lists in the document.
  26842. </summary>
  26843. </member>
  26844. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  26845. <summary>
  26846. Gets a list by index.
  26847. </summary>
  26848. </member>
  26849. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.Item(System.String)">
  26850. <summary>
  26851. Gets a list by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListDef" /> name. Returns <b>null</b> if not found.
  26852. </summary>
  26853. <remarks>
  26854. MS Word does not give an ability to create more than one list based on named <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListDef" />
  26855. through its GUI and AW does not set <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListDef.Name" /> anywhere outside of file reading
  26856. routines so <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListDef" /> name can be the unique identifier for a list.
  26857. </remarks>
  26858. <param name="listDefName">
  26859. </param>
  26860. <returns>
  26861. </returns>
  26862. </member>
  26863. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.Document">
  26864. <summary>
  26865. Gets the owner document.
  26866. </summary>
  26867. </member>
  26868. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate">
  26869. <summary>
  26870. Specifies one of the predefined list formats available in Microsoft Word.
  26871. </summary>
  26872. <remarks>
  26873. <p>A list template value is used as a parameter into the
  26874. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate)" /> method.</p>
  26875. <p>Aspose.Words list templates correspond to the 21 list templates available
  26876. in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word 2003.</p>
  26877. </remarks>
  26878. </member>
  26879. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.BulletDefault">
  26880. <summary>
  26881. <p>Default bulleted list with 9 levels. Bullet of the first level is a disc,
  26882. bullet of the second level is a circle, bullet of the third level is a square.
  26883. Then formatting repeats for the remaining levels.</p>
  26884. <p>Each level is indented to the right by 0.25" relative to the previous level.</p>
  26885. <p>Corresponds to the 1st bulleted list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26886. </summary>
  26887. </member>
  26888. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.BulletDisk">
  26889. <summary>
  26890. <p>Same as BulletDefault.</p>
  26891. <p>Corresponds to the 1st bulleted list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26892. </summary>
  26893. </member>
  26894. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.BulletCircle">
  26895. <summary>
  26896. <p>The bullet of the first level is a circle. The remaining levels are same as in BulletDefault.</p>
  26897. <p>Corresponds to the 2nd bulleted list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26898. </summary>
  26899. </member>
  26900. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.BulletSquare">
  26901. <summary>
  26902. <p>The bullet of the first level is a square. The remaining levels are same as in BulletDefault.</p>
  26903. <p>Corresponds to the 3rd bulleted list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26904. </summary>
  26905. </member>
  26906. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.BulletDiamonds">
  26907. <summary>
  26908. <p>The bullet of the first level is a 4-diamond Wingding character. The remaining levels are same as in BulletDefault.</p>
  26909. <p>Corresponds to the 5th bulleted list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26910. </summary>
  26911. </member>
  26912. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.BulletArrowHead">
  26913. <summary>
  26914. <p>The bullet of the first level is an arrow head Wingding character. The remaining levels are same as in BulletDefault.</p>
  26915. <p>Corresponds to the 6th bulleted list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26916. </summary>
  26917. </member>
  26918. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.BulletTick">
  26919. <summary>
  26920. <p>The bullet of the first level is a tick Wingding character. The remaining levels are same as in BulletDefault.</p>
  26921. <p>Corresponds to the 7th bulleted list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26922. </summary>
  26923. </member>
  26924. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberDefault">
  26925. <summary>
  26926. <p>Default numbered list with 9 levels. Arabic numbering (1., 2., 3., ...) for the first level,
  26927. lowecase letter numbering (a., b., c., ...) for the second level,
  26928. lowercase roman numbering (i., ii., iii., ...) for the third level.
  26929. Then formatting repeats for the remaining levels.</p>
  26930. <p>Each level is indented to the right by 0.25" relative to the previous level.</p>
  26931. <p>Corresponds to the 1st numbered list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26932. </summary>
  26933. </member>
  26934. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberArabicDot">
  26935. <summary>
  26936. <p>Same as NumberDefault.</p>
  26937. <p>Corresponds to the 1st numbered list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26938. </summary>
  26939. </member>
  26940. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberArabicParenthesis">
  26941. <summary>
  26942. <p>The number of the first level is "1)". The remaining levels are same as in NumberDefault.</p>
  26943. <p>Corresponds to the 2nd numbered list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26944. </summary>
  26945. </member>
  26946. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberUppercaseRomanDot">
  26947. <summary>
  26948. <p>The number of the first level is "I.". The remaining levels are same as in NumberDefault.</p>
  26949. <p>Corresponds to the 3rd numbered list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26950. </summary>
  26951. </member>
  26952. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberUppercaseLetterDot">
  26953. <summary>
  26954. <p>The number of the first level is "A.". The remaining levels are same as in NumberDefault.</p>
  26955. <p>Corresponds to the 4th numbered list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26956. </summary>
  26957. </member>
  26958. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberLowercaseLetterParenthesis">
  26959. <summary>
  26960. <p>The number of the first level is "a)". The remaining levels are same as in NumberDefault.</p>
  26961. <p>Corresponds to the 5th numbered list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26962. </summary>
  26963. </member>
  26964. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberLowercaseLetterDot">
  26965. <summary>
  26966. <p>The number of the first level is "a.". The remaining levels are same as in NumberDefault.</p>
  26967. <p>Corresponds to the 6th numbered list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26968. </summary>
  26969. </member>
  26970. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.NumberLowercaseRomanDot">
  26971. <summary>
  26972. <p>The number of the first level is "i.". The remaining levels are same as in NumberDefault.</p>
  26973. <p>Corresponds to the 7th numbered list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26974. </summary>
  26975. </member>
  26976. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.OutlineNumbers">
  26977. <summary>
  26978. <p>An outline list with levels numbered "1), a), i), (1), (a), (i), 1., a., i.".</p>
  26979. <p>Corresponds to the 1st outline list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26980. </summary>
  26981. </member>
  26982. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.OutlineLegal">
  26983. <summary>
  26984. <p>An outline list with levels are numbered "1., 1.1., 1.1.1, ...".</p>
  26985. <p>Corresponds to the 2nd outline list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26986. </summary>
  26987. </member>
  26988. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.OutlineBullets">
  26989. <summary>
  26990. <p>An outline lists with various bullets for different levels.</p>
  26991. <p>Corresponds to the 3rd outline list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26992. </summary>
  26993. </member>
  26994. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.OutlineHeadingsArticleSection">
  26995. <summary>
  26996. <p>An outline list with levels linked to Heading styles.</p>
  26997. <p>Corresponds to the 4th outline list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  26998. </summary>
  26999. </member>
  27000. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.OutlineHeadingsLegal">
  27001. <summary>
  27002. <p>An outline list with levels linked to Heading styles.</p>
  27003. <p>Corresponds to the 5th outline list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  27004. </summary>
  27005. </member>
  27006. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.OutlineHeadingsNumbers">
  27007. <summary>
  27008. <p>An outline list with levels linked to Heading styles.</p>
  27009. <p>Corresponds to the 6th outline list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  27010. </summary>
  27011. </member>
  27012. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTemplate.OutlineHeadingsChapter">
  27013. <summary>
  27014. <p>An outline list with levels linked to Heading styles.</p>
  27015. <p>Corresponds to the 7th outline list template in the Bullets and Numbering dialog box in Microsoft Word.</p>
  27016. </summary>
  27017. </member>
  27018. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTrailingCharacter">
  27019. <summary>
  27020. Specifies the character that separates the list label from the text of the paragraph.
  27021. </summary>
  27022. <remarks>
  27023. <p>Used as a value for the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListLevel.TrailingCharacter" /> property.</p>
  27024. </remarks>
  27025. </member>
  27026. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTrailingCharacter.Tab">
  27027. <summary>
  27028. A tab character is placed between the list label and text of the paragraph.
  27029. </summary>
  27030. </member>
  27031. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTrailingCharacter.Space">
  27032. <summary>
  27033. A space character is placed between the list label and text of the paragraph.
  27034. </summary>
  27035. </member>
  27036. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Lists.ListTrailingCharacter.Nothing">
  27037. <summary>
  27038. There is no separator character between the list label and text of the paragraph.
  27039. </summary>
  27040. </member>
  27041. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Lists.NamespaceDoc">
  27042. <summary>
  27043. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Lists</b> namespace contains classes for working
  27044. with bulleted and numbered lists defined in a document.</p>
  27045. </summary>
  27046. </member>
  27047. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.DefaultFontSubstitutionRule">
  27048. <summary>
  27049. Default font substitution rule.
  27050. </summary>
  27051. <remarks>
  27052. This rule defines single default font name to be used for substitution if the original font is not available.
  27053. </remarks>
  27054. </member>
  27055. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.DefaultFontSubstitutionRule.DefaultFontName">
  27056. <summary>
  27057. Gets or sets the default font name.
  27058. </summary>
  27059. <remarks>
  27060. <para>The default value is 'Times New Roman'.</para>
  27061. </remarks>
  27062. </member>
  27063. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontNameSubstitutionRule">
  27064. <summary>
  27065. Font substitution rule for processing font name.
  27066. </summary>
  27067. <remarks>
  27068. According to this rule Aspose.Words tries to process the font name to get the substitution. Particularly
  27069. Aspose.Words tries to removes suffixes with '-' and ',' separators like it does the MS Word.
  27070. </remarks>
  27071. </member>
  27072. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontConfigSubstitutionRule">
  27073. <summary>
  27074. Font config substitution rule.
  27075. </summary>
  27076. <remarks>
  27077. <para>
  27078. This rule uses fontconfig utility on Linux (and other Unix-like) platforms to get the substitution
  27079. if the original font is not available.
  27080. </para>
  27081. <para>
  27082. If fontconfig utility is not available then this rule will be ignored.
  27083. </para>
  27084. </remarks>
  27085. </member>
  27086. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontConfigSubstitutionRule.IsFontConfigAvailable">
  27087. <summary>
  27088. Check if fontconfig utility is available or not.
  27089. </summary>
  27090. </member>
  27091. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontConfigSubstitutionRule.ResetCache">
  27092. <summary>
  27093. Resets the cache of fontconfig calling results.
  27094. </summary>
  27095. </member>
  27096. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontConfigSubstitutionRule.Enabled">
  27097. <summary>
  27098. Specifies whether the rule is enabled or not.
  27099. </summary>
  27100. </member>
  27101. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoSubstitutionRule">
  27102. <summary>
  27103. Font info substitution rule.
  27104. </summary>
  27105. <remarks>
  27106. According to this rule Aspose.Words evaluates all the related fields in <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo" /> (Panose, Sig etc) for
  27107. the missing font and finds the closest match among the available font sources. If <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo" /> is not
  27108. available for the missing font then nothing will be done.
  27109. </remarks>
  27110. </member>
  27111. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSubstitutionRule">
  27112. <summary>
  27113. This is an abstract base class for the font substitution rule.
  27114. </summary>
  27115. </member>
  27116. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSubstitutionRule.Enabled">
  27117. <summary>
  27118. Specifies whether the rule is enabled or not.
  27119. </summary>
  27120. </member>
  27121. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSubstitutionSettings">
  27122. <summary>
  27123. Specifies font substitution mechanism settings.
  27124. </summary>
  27125. <remarks>
  27126. <para>
  27127. Font substitution process consists of several rules which are checked one by one in specific order.
  27128. If the first rule can't resolve the font then second rule is checked and so on.</para>
  27129. <para>The order of the rules is following:
  27130. 1. Font name substitution rule (enabled by default)
  27131. 2. Font config substitution rule (disabled by default)
  27132. 3. Table substitution rule (enabled by default)
  27133. 4. Font info substitution rule (enabled by default)
  27134. 5. Default font rule (enabled by default)
  27135. </para>
  27136. <para>
  27137. Note that font info substitution rule will always resolve the font if <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo" /> is available
  27138. and will override the default font rule. If you want to use the default font rule then you should disable the
  27139. font info substitution rule.
  27140. </para>
  27141. <para>
  27142. Note that font config substitution rule will resolve the font in most cases and thus overrides all other rules.
  27143. </para>
  27144. </remarks>
  27145. </member>
  27146. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSubstitutionSettings.TableSubstitution">
  27147. <summary>
  27148. Settings related to table substitution rule.
  27149. </summary>
  27150. </member>
  27151. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSubstitutionSettings.FontInfoSubstitution">
  27152. <summary>
  27153. Settings related to font info substitution rule.
  27154. </summary>
  27155. </member>
  27156. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSubstitutionSettings.DefaultFontSubstitution">
  27157. <summary>
  27158. Settings related to default font substitution rule.
  27159. </summary>
  27160. </member>
  27161. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSubstitutionSettings.FontConfigSubstitution">
  27162. <summary>
  27163. Settings related to font config substitution rule.
  27164. </summary>
  27165. </member>
  27166. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSubstitutionSettings.FontNameSubstitution">
  27167. <summary>
  27168. Settings related to font name substitution rule.
  27169. </summary>
  27170. </member>
  27171. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.StreamFontSource">
  27172. <summary>
  27173. Base class for user-defined stream font source.
  27174. </summary>
  27175. <remarks>
  27176. <para>In order to use the stream font source you should create a derived class from the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.StreamFontSource" />
  27177. and provide implementation of the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.StreamFontSource.OpenFontDataStream" /> method.</para>
  27178. <para>
  27179. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.StreamFontSource.OpenFontDataStream" /> method could be called several times. For the first time it will be called
  27180. when Aspose.Words scans the provided font sources to get the list of available fonts. Later it may be called if the
  27181. font is used in the document to parse the font data and to embed the font data to some output formats.</para>
  27182. <para>
  27183. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.StreamFontSource" /> may be useful because it allows to load the font data only when it is required
  27184. and not to store it in the memory for the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings" /> lifetime.</para>
  27185. </remarks>
  27186. </member>
  27187. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.StreamFontSource.OpenFontDataStream">
  27188. <summary>
  27189. This method should open the stream with font data on demand.
  27190. </summary>
  27191. <returns>Font data stream.</returns>
  27192. <remarks>
  27193. The stream will be closed after reading. There is no need to close it explicitly.
  27194. </remarks>
  27195. </member>
  27196. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.StreamFontSource.Type">
  27197. <summary>
  27198. Returns the type of the font source.
  27199. </summary>
  27200. </member>
  27201. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule">
  27202. <summary>
  27203. Table font substitution rule.
  27204. </summary>
  27205. <remarks>
  27206. This rule defines the list of substitute font names to be used if the original font is not available.
  27207. Substitutes will be checked for the font name and the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.AltName" /> (if any).
  27208. </remarks>
  27209. </member>
  27210. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.Load(System.String)">
  27211. <summary>
  27212. Loads table substitution settings from XML file.
  27213. </summary>
  27214. <param name="fileName">Input file name.</param>
  27215. </member>
  27216. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.Load(System.IO.Stream)">
  27217. <summary>
  27218. Loads table substitution settings from XML stream.
  27219. </summary>
  27220. <param name="stream">Input stream.</param>
  27221. </member>
  27222. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.LoadWindowsSettings">
  27223. <summary>
  27224. Loads predefined table substitution settings for Windows platform.
  27225. </summary>
  27226. </member>
  27227. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.LoadLinuxSettings">
  27228. <summary>
  27229. Loads predefined table substitution settings for Linux platform.
  27230. </summary>
  27231. </member>
  27232. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.LoadAndroidSettings">
  27233. <summary>
  27234. Loads predefined table substitution settings for Linux platform.
  27235. </summary>
  27236. </member>
  27237. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.Save(System.String)">
  27238. <summary>
  27239. Saves the current table substitution settings to file.
  27240. </summary>
  27241. <param name="fileName">Output file name.</param>
  27242. </member>
  27243. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
  27244. <summary>
  27245. Saves the current table substitution settings to stream.
  27246. </summary>
  27247. <param name="outputStream">Output stream.</param>
  27248. </member>
  27249. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.GetSubstitutes(System.String)">
  27250. <summary>
  27251. Returns array containing substitute font names for the specified original font name.
  27252. </summary>
  27253. <param name="originalFontName">Original font name.</param>
  27254. <returns>List of alternative font names.</returns>
  27255. </member>
  27256. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.SetSubstitutes(System.String,System.String[])">
  27257. <summary>
  27258. Override substitute font names for given original font name.
  27259. </summary>
  27260. <param name="originalFontName">Original font name.</param>
  27261. <param name="substituteFontNames">List of alternative font names.</param>
  27262. </member>
  27263. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.TableSubstitutionRule.AddSubstitutes(System.String,System.String[])">
  27264. <summary>
  27265. Adds substitute font names for given original font name.
  27266. </summary>
  27267. <param name="originalFontName">Original font name.</param>
  27268. <param name="substituteFontNames">List of alternative font names.</param>
  27269. </member>
  27270. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFallbackSettings">
  27271. <summary>
  27272. Specifies font fallback mechanism settings.
  27273. </summary>
  27274. <remarks>
  27275. By default fallback settings are initialized with predefined settings which mimics the Microsoft Word fallback.
  27276. </remarks>
  27277. </member>
  27278. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFallbackSettings.Load(System.String)">
  27279. <summary>
  27280. Loads font fallback settings from XML file.
  27281. </summary>
  27282. <param name="fileName">Input file name.</param>
  27283. </member>
  27284. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFallbackSettings.Load(System.IO.Stream)">
  27285. <summary>
  27286. Loads fallback settings from XML stream.
  27287. </summary>
  27288. <param name="stream">Input stream.</param>
  27289. </member>
  27290. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFallbackSettings.LoadMsOfficeFallbackSettings">
  27291. <summary>
  27292. Loads predefined fallback settings which mimics the Microsoft Word fallback and uses Microsoft office fonts.
  27293. </summary>
  27294. </member>
  27295. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFallbackSettings.LoadNotoFallbackSettings">
  27296. <summary>
  27297. Loads predefined fallback settings which uses Google Noto fonts.
  27298. </summary>
  27299. </member>
  27300. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFallbackSettings.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
  27301. <summary>
  27302. Saves the current fallback settings to stream.
  27303. </summary>
  27304. <param name="outputStream">Output stream.</param>
  27305. </member>
  27306. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFallbackSettings.Save(System.String)">
  27307. <summary>
  27308. Saves the current fallback settings to file.
  27309. </summary>
  27310. <param name="fileName">Output file name.</param>
  27311. </member>
  27312. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFallbackSettings.BuildAutomatic">
  27313. <summary>
  27314. Automatically builds the fallback settings by scanning available fonts.
  27315. </summary>
  27316. <remarks>
  27317. This method may produce non-optimal fallback settings. Fonts are checked by <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/os2#ur">
  27318. Unicode Character Range</a> fields and not by the actual glyphs presence. Also Unicode ranges are checked individually
  27319. and several ranges related to single language/script may use different fallback fonts.
  27320. </remarks>
  27321. </member>
  27322. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.PhysicalFontInfo">
  27323. <summary>
  27324. Specifies information about physical font available to Aspose.Words font engine.
  27325. </summary>
  27326. </member>
  27327. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.PhysicalFontInfo.FontFamilyName">
  27328. <summary>
  27329. Family name of the font.
  27330. </summary>
  27331. </member>
  27332. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.PhysicalFontInfo.FullFontName">
  27333. <summary>
  27334. Full name of the font.
  27335. </summary>
  27336. </member>
  27337. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.PhysicalFontInfo.Version">
  27338. <summary>
  27339. Version string of the font.
  27340. </summary>
  27341. </member>
  27342. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.PhysicalFontInfo.FilePath">
  27343. <summary>
  27344. Path to the font file if any.
  27345. </summary>
  27346. </member>
  27347. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontFormat">
  27348. <summary>
  27349. <para>Specifies format of particular embedded font inside <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo" /> object.</para>
  27350. <para>When saving a document to a file, only embedded fonts of corresponding format are written down.</para>
  27351. </summary>
  27352. </member>
  27353. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontFormat.EmbeddedOpenType">
  27354. <summary>
  27355. <para>Specifies Embedded OpenType (EOT) File Format.</para>
  27356. <para>This format of embedded fonts used in DOC files.</para>
  27357. </summary>
  27358. <remarks>
  27359. <para>See http://www.w3.org/Submission/EOT for description of the format.</para>
  27360. </remarks>
  27361. </member>
  27362. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontFormat.OpenType">
  27363. <summary>
  27364. <para>Specifies font, embedded as plain copy of OpenType (TrueType) font file.</para>
  27365. <para>This format of embedded fonts used in Open Office XML format, including DOCX files.</para>
  27366. </summary>
  27367. </member>
  27368. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontStyle">
  27369. <summary>
  27370. Specifies the style of an embedded font inside a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo" /> object.
  27371. </summary>
  27372. </member>
  27373. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontStyle.Regular">
  27374. <summary>
  27375. Specifies the Regular embedded font.
  27376. </summary>
  27377. </member>
  27378. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontStyle.Bold">
  27379. <summary>
  27380. Specifies the Bold embedded font.
  27381. </summary>
  27382. </member>
  27383. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontStyle.Italic">
  27384. <summary>
  27385. Specifies the Italic embedded font.
  27386. </summary>
  27387. </member>
  27388. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontStyle.BoldItalic">
  27389. <summary>
  27390. Specifies the Bold-Italic embedded font.
  27391. </summary>
  27392. </member>
  27393. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FileFontSource">
  27394. <summary>
  27395. Represents the single TrueType font file stored in the file system.
  27396. </summary>
  27397. </member>
  27398. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FileFontSource.#ctor(System.String)">
  27399. <summary>
  27400. Ctor.
  27401. </summary>
  27402. <param name="filePath">Path to font file.</param>
  27403. </member>
  27404. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FileFontSource.#ctor(System.String,System.Int32)">
  27405. <summary>
  27406. Ctor.
  27407. </summary>
  27408. <param name="filePath">Path to font file.</param>
  27409. <param name="priority">Font source priority. See the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase.Priority" /> property description for more information.</param>
  27410. </member>
  27411. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FileFontSource.FilePath">
  27412. <summary>
  27413. Path to the font file.
  27414. </summary>
  27415. </member>
  27416. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FileFontSource.Type">
  27417. <summary>
  27418. Returns the type of the font source.
  27419. </summary>
  27420. </member>
  27421. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FolderFontSource">
  27422. <summary>
  27423. Represents the folder that contains TrueType font files.
  27424. </summary>
  27425. </member>
  27426. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FolderFontSource.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  27427. <summary>
  27428. Ctor.
  27429. </summary>
  27430. <param name="folderPath">Path to folder.</param>
  27431. <param name="scanSubfolders">Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.</param>
  27432. </member>
  27433. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FolderFontSource.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">
  27434. <summary>
  27435. Ctor.
  27436. </summary>
  27437. <param name="folderPath">Path to folder.</param>
  27438. <param name="scanSubfolders">Determines whether or not to scan subfolders.</param>
  27439. <param name="priority">Font source priority. See the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase.Priority" /> property description for more information.</param>
  27440. </member>
  27441. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FolderFontSource.FolderPath">
  27442. <summary>
  27443. Path to the folder.
  27444. </summary>
  27445. </member>
  27446. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FolderFontSource.ScanSubfolders">
  27447. <summary>
  27448. Determines whether or not to scan the subfolders.
  27449. </summary>
  27450. </member>
  27451. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FolderFontSource.Type">
  27452. <summary>
  27453. Returns the type of the font source.
  27454. </summary>
  27455. </member>
  27456. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase">
  27457. <summary>
  27458. This is an abstract base class for the classes that allow the user to specify various font sources.
  27459. </summary>
  27460. </member>
  27461. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase.GetAvailableFonts">
  27462. <summary>
  27463. Returns list of fonts available via this source.
  27464. </summary>
  27465. </member>
  27466. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase.Type">
  27467. <summary>
  27468. Returns the type of the font source.
  27469. </summary>
  27470. </member>
  27471. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase.Priority">
  27472. <summary>
  27473. Returns the font source priority.
  27474. </summary>
  27475. <remarks>
  27476. <para>This value is used when there are fonts with the same family name and style in different font sources.
  27477. In this case Aspose.Words selects the font from the source with the higher priority value.</para>
  27478. <para>The default value is 0.</para>
  27479. </remarks>
  27480. </member>
  27481. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceType">
  27482. <summary>
  27483. Specifies the type of a font source.
  27484. </summary>
  27485. </member>
  27486. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceType.FontFile">
  27487. <summary>
  27488. A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FileFontSource" /> object that represents single font file.
  27489. </summary>
  27490. </member>
  27491. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceType.FontsFolder">
  27492. <summary>
  27493. A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FolderFontSource" /> object that represents folder with font files.
  27494. </summary>
  27495. </member>
  27496. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceType.MemoryFont">
  27497. <summary>
  27498. A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.MemoryFontSource" /> object that represents single font in memory.
  27499. </summary>
  27500. </member>
  27501. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceType.SystemFonts">
  27502. <summary>
  27503. A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.SystemFontSource" /> object that represents all fonts installed to the system.
  27504. </summary>
  27505. </member>
  27506. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceType.FontStream">
  27507. <summary>
  27508. A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.StreamFontSource" /> object that represents a stream with font data.
  27509. </summary>
  27510. </member>
  27511. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.MemoryFontSource">
  27512. <summary>
  27513. Represents the single TrueType font file stored in memory.
  27514. </summary>
  27515. </member>
  27516. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.MemoryFontSource.#ctor(System.Byte[])">
  27517. <summary>
  27518. Ctor.
  27519. </summary>
  27520. <param name="fontData">Binary font data.</param>
  27521. </member>
  27522. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.MemoryFontSource.#ctor(System.Byte[],System.Int32)">
  27523. <summary>
  27524. Ctor.
  27525. </summary>
  27526. <param name="fontData">Binary font data.</param>
  27527. <param name="priority">Font source priority. See the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase.Priority" /> property description for more information.</param>
  27528. </member>
  27529. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.MemoryFontSource.FontData">
  27530. <summary>
  27531. Binary font data.
  27532. </summary>
  27533. </member>
  27534. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.MemoryFontSource.Type">
  27535. <summary>
  27536. Returns the type of the font source.
  27537. </summary>
  27538. </member>
  27539. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.SystemFontSource">
  27540. <summary>
  27541. Represents all TrueType fonts installed to the system.
  27542. </summary>
  27543. </member>
  27544. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.SystemFontSource.#ctor">
  27545. <summary>
  27546. Ctor.
  27547. </summary>
  27548. </member>
  27549. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.SystemFontSource.#ctor(System.Int32)">
  27550. <summary>
  27551. Ctor.
  27552. </summary>
  27553. <param name="priority">Font source priority. See the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase.Priority" /> property description for more information.</param>
  27554. </member>
  27555. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.SystemFontSource.GetSystemFontFolders">
  27556. <summary>
  27557. Returns system font folders or empty array if folders are not accessible.
  27558. </summary>
  27559. <remarks>
  27560. On some platforms Aspose.Words could search system fonts not only through folders but in other sources too. For example, on Windows platform
  27561. Aspose.Words search fonts also in the registry.
  27562. </remarks>
  27563. </member>
  27564. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.SystemFontSource.Type">
  27565. <summary>
  27566. Returns the type of the font source.
  27567. </summary>
  27568. </member>
  27569. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.NamespaceDoc">
  27570. <summary>
  27571. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Fonts</b> namespace provides classes and enumerations to access information about
  27572. fonts used in a document.</p>
  27573. </summary>
  27574. </member>
  27575. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFamily">
  27576. <summary>
  27577. Represents the font family.
  27578. </summary>
  27579. <remarks>
  27580. <para>A font family is a set of fonts having common stroke width and serif characteristics.</para>
  27581. </remarks>
  27582. </member>
  27583. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFamily.Auto">
  27584. <summary>
  27585. Specifies a generic family name. This name is used when information about a font
  27586. does not exist or does not matter. The default font is used.
  27587. </summary>
  27588. </member>
  27589. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFamily.Roman">
  27590. <summary>
  27591. Specifies a proportional font with serifs. An example is Times New Roman.
  27592. </summary>
  27593. </member>
  27594. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFamily.Swiss">
  27595. <summary>
  27596. Specifies a proportional font without serifs. An example is Arial.
  27597. </summary>
  27598. </member>
  27599. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFamily.Modern">
  27600. <summary>
  27601. Specifies a monospace font with or without serifs. Monospace fonts are
  27602. usually modern; examples include Pica, Elite, and Courier New.
  27603. </summary>
  27604. </member>
  27605. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFamily.Script">
  27606. <summary>
  27607. Specifies a font that is designed to look like handwriting; examples include Script and Cursive.
  27608. </summary>
  27609. </member>
  27610. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontFamily.Decorative">
  27611. <summary>
  27612. Specifies a novelty font. An example is Old English.
  27613. </summary>
  27614. </member>
  27615. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection">
  27616. <summary>
  27617. Represents a collection of fonts used in a document.
  27618. </summary>
  27619. <remarks>
  27620. <para>Items are <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo" /> objects.</para>
  27621. <para>You do not create instances of this class directly.
  27622. Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.FontInfos" /> property to access the collection of fonts
  27623. defined in the document.</para>
  27624. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo" />
  27625. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.FontInfos" />
  27626. </remarks>
  27627. </member>
  27628. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.GetEnumerator">
  27629. <summary>
  27630. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  27631. </summary>
  27632. </member>
  27633. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  27634. <summary>
  27635. Determines whether the collection contains a font with the given name.
  27636. </summary>
  27637. <param name="name">Case-insensitive name of the font to locate.</param>
  27638. <returns>True if the item is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
  27639. </member>
  27640. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.Count">
  27641. <summary>
  27642. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  27643. </summary>
  27644. </member>
  27645. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.Item(System.String)">
  27646. <overloads>Provides access to the collection items.</overloads>
  27647. <summary>
  27648. Gets a font with the specified name.
  27649. </summary>
  27650. <param name="name">Case-insensitive name of the font to locate.</param>
  27651. </member>
  27652. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  27653. <summary>
  27654. Gets a font at the specified index.
  27655. </summary>
  27656. <param name="index">Zero-based index of the font.</param>
  27657. </member>
  27658. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.EmbedTrueTypeFonts">
  27659. <summary>
  27660. Specifies whether or not to embed TrueType fonts in a document when it is saved.
  27661. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.
  27662. </summary>
  27663. <remarks>
  27664. <para>Embedding TrueType fonts allows others to view the document with the same fonts that were used to create it,
  27665. but may substantially increase the document size.</para>
  27666. <para>This option works for DOC, DOCX and RTF formats only.</para>
  27667. </remarks>
  27668. </member>
  27669. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.EmbedSystemFonts">
  27670. <summary>
  27671. <para>Specifies whether or not to embed System fonts into the document.
  27672. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.</para>
  27673. <para>This option works only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.EmbedTrueTypeFonts" /> option is set to <b>true</b>.</para>
  27674. </summary>
  27675. <remarks>
  27676. <para>
  27677. Setting this property to <c>True</c> is useful if the user is on an East Asian system
  27678. and wants to create a document that is readable by others who do not have fonts for that
  27679. language on their system. For example, a user on a Japanese system could choose to embed the
  27680. fonts in a document so that the Japanese document would be readable on all systems.
  27681. </para>
  27682. <para>This option works for DOC, DOCX and RTF formats only.</para>
  27683. </remarks>
  27684. </member>
  27685. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.SaveSubsetFonts">
  27686. <summary>
  27687. <para>Specifies whether or not to save a subset of the embedded TrueType fonts with the document.
  27688. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.</para>
  27689. <para>This option works only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection.EmbedTrueTypeFonts" /> property is set to <b>true</b>.</para>
  27690. </summary>
  27691. <remarks>
  27692. This option works for DOC, DOCX and RTF formats only.
  27693. </remarks>
  27694. </member>
  27695. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo">
  27696. <summary>
  27697. Specifies information about a font used in the document.
  27698. </summary>
  27699. <remarks>
  27700. <para>You do not create instances of this class directly.
  27701. Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.FontInfos" /> property to access the collection of fonts
  27702. defined in a document.</para>
  27703. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfoCollection" />
  27704. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.DocumentBase.FontInfos" />
  27705. </remarks>
  27706. </member>
  27707. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.GetEmbeddedFont(Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontFormat,Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontStyle)">
  27708. <summary>
  27709. Gets a specific embedded font file.
  27710. </summary>
  27711. <param name="format">Specifies the font format to retrieve.</param>
  27712. <param name="style">Specifies the font style to retrieve.</param>
  27713. <returns>Returns <c>null</c> if the specified font is not embedded.</returns>
  27714. </member>
  27715. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.GetEmbeddedFontAsOpenType(Aspose.Words.Fonts.EmbeddedFontStyle)">
  27716. <summary>
  27717. Gets an embedded font file in OpenType format. Fonts in Embedded OpenType format are converted to OpenType.
  27718. </summary>
  27719. <param name="style">Specifies the font style to retrieve.</param>
  27720. <returns>Returns <c>null</c> if the specified font is not embedded.</returns>
  27721. </member>
  27722. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.Pitch">
  27723. <summary>
  27724. The pitch indicates if the font is fixed pitch, proportionally spaced, or relies on a default setting.
  27725. </summary>
  27726. </member>
  27727. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.IsTrueType">
  27728. <summary>
  27729. Indicates that this font is a TrueType or OpenType font as opposed to a raster or vector font.
  27730. Default is true.
  27731. </summary>
  27732. </member>
  27733. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.Family">
  27734. <summary>
  27735. Gets or sets the font family this font belongs to.
  27736. </summary>
  27737. </member>
  27738. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.Charset">
  27739. <summary>
  27740. Gets or sets the character set for the font.
  27741. </summary>
  27742. <dev>
  27743. Such charset code is replaced by IANA name of character set in ISO/IEC 29500.
  27744. We may not know charset codes for some IANA charset names. Also there may be unknown charset codes.
  27745. For example AW test documents contain the undocumented 0x4E and 0x50 codes.
  27746. So, now we store the both: charset codes and charset IANA names to be able to write charset as it was read.
  27747. </dev>
  27748. </member>
  27749. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.Panose">
  27750. <summary>
  27751. Gets or sets the PANOSE typeface classification number.
  27752. </summary>
  27753. <remarks>
  27754. <para>PANOSE is a compact 10-byte description of a fonts critical visual characteristics,
  27755. such as contrast, weight, and serif style. The digits represent Family Kind, Serif Style,
  27756. Weight, Proportion, Contrast, Stroke Variation, Arm Style, Letterform, Midline, and X-Height.</para>
  27757. <para>Can be <c>null</c>.</para>
  27758. </remarks>
  27759. </member>
  27760. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.Name">
  27761. <summary>
  27762. Gets the name of the font.
  27763. </summary>
  27764. <remarks>
  27765. <para>Cannot be <c>null</c>. Can be an empty string.</para>
  27766. </remarks>
  27767. </member>
  27768. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontInfo.AltName">
  27769. <summary>
  27770. Gets or sets the alternate name for the font.
  27771. </summary>
  27772. <remarks>
  27773. <para>Cannot be <c>null</c>. Can be an empty string.</para>
  27774. </remarks>
  27775. </member>
  27776. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontPitch">
  27777. <summary>
  27778. Represents the font pitch.
  27779. </summary>
  27780. <remarks>The pitch indicates if the font is fixed pitch, proportionally spaced, or relies on a default setting.</remarks>
  27781. </member>
  27782. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontPitch.Default">
  27783. <summary>
  27784. Specifies that no information is available about the pitch of a font.
  27785. </summary>
  27786. </member>
  27787. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontPitch.Fixed">
  27788. <summary>
  27789. Specifies that this is a fixed width font.
  27790. </summary>
  27791. </member>
  27792. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontPitch.Variable">
  27793. <summary>
  27794. Specifies that this is a proportional width font.
  27795. </summary>
  27796. </member>
  27797. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings">
  27798. <summary>
  27799. Specifies font settings for a document.
  27800. </summary>
  27801. <remarks>
  27802. <para>Aspose.Words uses font settings to resolve the fonts in the document. Fonts are resolved mostly when building document layout
  27803. or rendering to fixed page formats. But when loading some formats, Aspose.Words also may require to resolve the fonts. For example, when
  27804. loading HTML documents Aspose.Words may resolve the fonts to perform font fallback. So it is recommended that you set the font settings in
  27805. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.LoadOptions" /> when loading the document. Or at least before building the layout or rendering the document to the fixed-page format.</para>
  27806. <para>By default all documents uses single static font settings instance. It could be accessed by
  27807. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.DefaultInstance" /> property.</para>
  27808. <para>Changing font settings is safe at any time from any thread. But it is recommended that you do not change the font settings while
  27809. processing some documents which uses this settings. This can lead to the fact that the same font will be resolved differently
  27810. in different parts of the document.</para>
  27811. </remarks>
  27812. </member>
  27813. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.SetFontsFolder(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  27814. <summary>
  27815. Sets the folder where Aspose.Words looks for TrueType fonts when rendering documents or embedding fonts.
  27816. This is a shortcut to <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.SetFontsFolders(System.String[],System.Boolean)" /> for setting only one font directory.
  27817. </summary>
  27818. <param name="fontFolder">The folder that contains TrueType fonts.</param>
  27819. <param name="recursive">True to scan the specified folders for fonts recursively.</param>
  27820. </member>
  27821. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.SetFontsFolders(System.String[],System.Boolean)">
  27822. <summary>
  27823. Sets the folders where Aspose.Words looks for TrueType fonts when rendering documents or embedding fonts.
  27824. </summary>
  27825. <remarks>
  27826. <para>By default, Aspose.Words looks for fonts installed to the system.</para>
  27827. <para>Setting this property resets the cache of all previously loaded fonts.</para>
  27828. </remarks>
  27829. <param name="fontsFolders">An array of folders that contain TrueType fonts.</param>
  27830. <param name="recursive">True to scan the specified folders for fonts recursively.</param>
  27831. </member>
  27832. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.SetFontsSources(Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase[])">
  27833. <summary>
  27834. Sets the sources where Aspose.Words looks for TrueType fonts when rendering documents or embedding fonts.
  27835. </summary>
  27836. <remarks>
  27837. <para>By default, Aspose.Words looks for fonts installed to the system.</para>
  27838. <para>Setting this property resets the cache of all previously loaded fonts.</para>
  27839. </remarks>
  27840. <param name="sources">An array of sources that contain TrueType fonts.</param>
  27841. </member>
  27842. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.GetFontsSources">
  27843. <summary>
  27844. Gets a copy of the array that contains the list of sources where Aspose.Words looks for TrueType fonts.
  27845. </summary>
  27846. <remarks>
  27847. <para>The returned value is a copy of the data that Aspose.Words uses. If you change the entries
  27848. in the returned array, it will have no effect on document rendering. To specify new font sources
  27849. use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.SetFontsSources(Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSourceBase[])" /> method.</para>
  27850. </remarks>
  27851. <returns>A copy of the current font sources.</returns>
  27852. </member>
  27853. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.ResetFontSources">
  27854. <summary>
  27855. Resets the fonts sources to the system default.
  27856. </summary>
  27857. </member>
  27858. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.DefaultInstance">
  27859. <summary>
  27860. Static default font settings.
  27861. </summary>
  27862. <remarks>
  27863. This instance is used by default in a document unless <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.FontSettings" /> is specified.
  27864. </remarks>
  27865. </member>
  27866. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.FallbackSettings">
  27867. <summary>
  27868. Settings related to font fallback mechanism.
  27869. </summary>
  27870. </member>
  27871. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fonts.FontSettings.SubstitutionSettings">
  27872. <summary>
  27873. Settings related to font substitution mechanism.
  27874. </summary>
  27875. </member>
  27876. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.NamespaceDoc">
  27877. <summary>
  27878. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Replacing</b> namespace provides classes to manipulate
  27879. with find/replace operations over the document tree.</p>
  27880. </summary>
  27881. </member>
  27882. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions">
  27883. <summary>
  27884. Specifies options for find/replace operations.
  27885. </summary>
  27886. </member>
  27887. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.ApplyFont">
  27888. <summary>
  27889. Text formatting applied to new content.
  27890. </summary>
  27891. </member>
  27892. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.ApplyParagraphFormat">
  27893. <summary>
  27894. Paragraph formatting applied to new content.
  27895. </summary>
  27896. </member>
  27897. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.Direction">
  27898. <summary>
  27899. Selects direction for replace. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.FindReplaceDirection.Forward" />.
  27900. </summary>
  27901. </member>
  27902. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.MatchCase">
  27903. <summary>
  27904. True indicates case-sensitive comparison, false indicates case-insensitive comparison.
  27905. </summary>
  27906. </member>
  27907. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.FindWholeWordsOnly">
  27908. <summary>
  27909. True indicates the oldValue must be a standalone word.
  27910. </summary>
  27911. </member>
  27912. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.ReplacingCallback">
  27913. <summary>
  27914. The user-defined method which is called before every replace occurrence.
  27915. </summary>
  27916. </member>
  27917. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.UseLegacyOrder">
  27918. <summary>
  27919. True indicates that a text search is performed sequentially from top to bottom considering the text boxes.
  27920. Default value is false.
  27921. </summary>
  27922. <dev>
  27923. FIX 19357. Added option.
  27924. </dev>
  27925. </member>
  27926. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.IgnoreDeleted">
  27927. <summary>
  27928. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating either to ignore text inside delete revisions.
  27929. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  27930. </summary>
  27931. </member>
  27932. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.IgnoreInserted">
  27933. <summary>
  27934. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating either to ignore text inside insert revisions.
  27935. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  27936. </summary>
  27937. </member>
  27938. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.IgnoreFields">
  27939. <summary>
  27940. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating either to ignore text inside fields.
  27941. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  27942. </summary>
  27943. </member>
  27944. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.UseSubstitutions">
  27945. <summary>
  27946. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating whether to recognize and use substitutions within replacement patterns.
  27947. The default value is <c>false</c>.
  27948. </summary>
  27949. <remarks>
  27950. For the details on substitution elements please refer to:
  27951. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/substitutions-in-regular-expressions.
  27952. </remarks>
  27953. </member>
  27954. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions.LegacyMode">
  27955. <summary>
  27956. Gets or sets a boolean value indicating that old find/replace algorithm is used.
  27957. </summary>
  27958. <remarks>
  27959. Use this flag if you need exactly the same behavior as before advanced find/replace feature was introduced.
  27960. Note that old algorithm does not support advanced features such as replace with breaks, apply formatting and so on.
  27961. </remarks>
  27962. </member>
  27963. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplaceAction">
  27964. <summary>
  27965. Allows the user to specify what happens to the current match during a replace operation.
  27966. </summary>
  27967. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.IReplacingCallback" />
  27968. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Range" />
  27969. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Replace(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions)" />
  27970. </member>
  27971. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplaceAction.Replace">
  27972. <summary>
  27973. Replace the current match.
  27974. </summary>
  27975. </member>
  27976. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplaceAction.Skip">
  27977. <summary>
  27978. Skip the current match.
  27979. </summary>
  27980. </member>
  27981. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplaceAction.Stop">
  27982. <summary>
  27983. Terminate the replace operation.
  27984. </summary>
  27985. </member>
  27986. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.IReplacingCallback">
  27987. <summary>
  27988. Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom method called during a find and replace operation.
  27989. </summary>
  27990. </member>
  27991. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Replacing.IReplacingCallback.Replacing(Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs)">
  27992. <summary>
  27993. A user defined method that is called during a replace operation for each match found just before a replace is made.
  27994. </summary>
  27995. <returns>
  27996. A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplaceAction" /> value that specifies the action to be taken for the current match.
  27997. </returns>
  27998. </member>
  27999. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs">
  28000. <summary>
  28001. Provides data for a custom replace operation.
  28002. </summary>
  28003. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Replacing.IReplacingCallback" />
  28004. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Range" />
  28005. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Range.Replace(System.String,System.String,Aspose.Words.Replacing.FindReplaceOptions)" />
  28006. </member>
  28007. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.Match">
  28008. <summary>
  28009. The <see cref="T:System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match" /> resulting from a single regular
  28010. expression match during a <b>Replace</b>.
  28011. </summary>
  28012. <remarks>
  28013. <p>
  28014. <b>Match.Index"</b> gets the zero-based starting
  28015. position of the match from the start of the find and replace range.</p>
  28016. </remarks>
  28017. </member>
  28018. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.MatchNode">
  28019. <summary>
  28020. Gets the node that contains the beginning of the match.
  28021. </summary>
  28022. </member>
  28023. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.MatchOffset">
  28024. <summary>
  28025. Gets the zero-based starting position of the match from the start of
  28026. the node that contains the beginning of the match.
  28027. </summary>
  28028. </member>
  28029. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.Replacement">
  28030. <summary>
  28031. Gets or sets the replacement string.
  28032. </summary>
  28033. </member>
  28034. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.GroupName">
  28035. <summary>
  28036. Identifies, by name, a captured group in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.Match" />
  28037. that is to be replaced with the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.Replacement" /> string.
  28038. </summary>
  28039. <remarks>
  28040. <p>When group name is null, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.GroupIndex" /> is used to identify the group.</p>
  28041. <p>Default is null.</p>
  28042. </remarks>
  28043. </member>
  28044. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.GroupIndex">
  28045. <summary>
  28046. Identifies, by index, a captured group in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.Match" />
  28047. that is to be replaced with the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.Replacement" /> string.
  28048. </summary>
  28049. <remarks>
  28050. <p>
  28051. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.GroupIndex" /> has effect only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Replacing.ReplacingArgs.GroupName" /> is null.</p>
  28052. <p>Default is zero.</p>
  28053. </remarks>
  28054. </member>
  28055. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndexFormat">
  28056. <summary>
  28057. Specifies the formatting for the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex" /> fields in a document.
  28058. </summary>
  28059. </member>
  28060. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndexFormat.Template">
  28061. <summary>From template.</summary>
  28062. </member>
  28063. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndexFormat.Classic">
  28064. <summary>Classic.</summary>
  28065. </member>
  28066. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndexFormat.Fancy">
  28067. <summary>Fancy.</summary>
  28068. </member>
  28069. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndexFormat.Modern">
  28070. <summary>Modern.</summary>
  28071. </member>
  28072. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndexFormat.Bulleted">
  28073. <summary>Bulleted.</summary>
  28074. </member>
  28075. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndexFormat.Formal">
  28076. <summary>Formal.</summary>
  28077. </member>
  28078. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndexFormat.Simple">
  28079. <summary>Simple.</summary>
  28080. </member>
  28081. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldUpdateCultureProvider">
  28082. <summary>
  28083. When implemented, provides a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo" /> object that should be used during the update of a particular field.
  28084. </summary>
  28085. </member>
  28086. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldUpdateCultureProvider.GetCulture(System.String,Aspose.Words.Fields.Field)">
  28087. <summary>
  28088. Returns a <see cref="T:System.Globalization.CultureInfo" /> object to be used during the field's update.
  28089. </summary>
  28090. <param name="culture">The name of the culture requested for the field being updated.</param>
  28091. <param name="field">The field being updated.</param>
  28092. <returns>The culture object that should be used for the field's update.</returns>
  28093. </member>
  28094. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIfComparisonResult">
  28095. <summary>
  28096. Specifies the result of the IF field condition evaluation.
  28097. </summary>
  28098. </member>
  28099. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIfComparisonResult.Error">
  28100. <summary>
  28101. There is an error in the condition.
  28102. </summary>
  28103. </member>
  28104. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIfComparisonResult.True">
  28105. <summary>
  28106. The condition is <c>true</c>.
  28107. </summary>
  28108. </member>
  28109. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIfComparisonResult.False">
  28110. <summary>
  28111. The condition is <c>false</c>.
  28112. </summary>
  28113. </member>
  28114. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.ToaCategories">
  28115. <summary>
  28116. Represents a table of authorities categories.
  28117. </summary>
  28118. </member>
  28119. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.ToaCategories.DefaultCategories">
  28120. <summary>
  28121. Gets the default table of authorities categories.
  28122. </summary>
  28123. <remarks>
  28124. Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.ToaCategories" /> property to specify table of authorities categories for a single document.
  28125. </remarks>
  28126. </member>
  28127. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.ToaCategories.Item(System.Int32)">
  28128. <summary>
  28129. Gets or sets the category heading by category number.
  28130. </summary>
  28131. </member>
  28132. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldResultFormatter">
  28133. <summary>
  28134. Implement this interface if you want to control how the field result is formatted.
  28135. </summary>
  28136. </member>
  28137. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldResultFormatter.FormatNumeric(System.Double,System.String)">
  28138. <summary>
  28139. Called when Aspose.Words applies a numeric format switch, i.e. \# "#.##".
  28140. </summary>
  28141. <remarks>
  28142. The implementation should return <b>null</b> to indicate that the default formatting should be applied.
  28143. </remarks>
  28144. </member>
  28145. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldResultFormatter.FormatDateTime(System.DateTime,System.String,Aspose.Words.CalendarType)">
  28146. <summary>
  28147. Called when Aspose.Words applies a date/time format switch, i.e. \@ "dd.MM.yyyy".
  28148. </summary>
  28149. <remarks>
  28150. The implementation should return <b>null</b> to indicate that the default formatting should be applied.
  28151. </remarks>
  28152. </member>
  28153. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldResultFormatter.Format(System.String,Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat)">
  28154. <summary>
  28155. Called when Aspose.Words applies a capitalization format switch, i.e. \* Upper.
  28156. </summary>
  28157. <remarks>
  28158. The implementation should return <b>null</b> to indicate that the default formatting should be applied.
  28159. </remarks>
  28160. </member>
  28161. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldResultFormatter.Format(System.Double,Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat)">
  28162. <summary>
  28163. Called when Aspose.Words applies a number format switch, i.e. \* Ordinal.
  28164. </summary>
  28165. <remarks>
  28166. The implementation should return <b>null</b> to indicate that the default formatting should be applied.
  28167. </remarks>
  28168. </member>
  28169. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.UserInformation">
  28170. <summary>
  28171. Specifies information about the user.
  28172. </summary>
  28173. </member>
  28174. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.UserInformation.Name">
  28175. <summary>
  28176. Gets or sets the user's name.
  28177. </summary>
  28178. </member>
  28179. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.UserInformation.Initials">
  28180. <summary>
  28181. Gets or sets the user's initials.
  28182. </summary>
  28183. </member>
  28184. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.UserInformation.Address">
  28185. <summary>
  28186. Gets or sets the user's postal address.
  28187. </summary>
  28188. </member>
  28189. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.UserInformation.DefaultUser">
  28190. <summary>
  28191. Default user information.
  28192. </summary>
  28193. <remarks>
  28194. Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.CurrentUser" /> property to specify user information for single document.
  28195. </remarks>
  28196. </member>
  28197. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArgumentBuilder">
  28198. <summary>
  28199. Builds a complex field argument consisting of fields, nodes, and plain text.
  28200. </summary>
  28201. </member>
  28202. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArgumentBuilder.#ctor">
  28203. <summary>
  28204. Initializes an instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArgumentBuilder" /> class.
  28205. </summary>
  28206. </member>
  28207. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArgumentBuilder.AddText(System.String)">
  28208. <summary>
  28209. Adds a plain text to the argument.
  28210. </summary>
  28211. </member>
  28212. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArgumentBuilder.AddNode(Aspose.Words.Inline)">
  28213. <summary>
  28214. Adds a node to the argument.
  28215. </summary>
  28216. <remarks>
  28217. Only text level nodes are supported at the moment.
  28218. </remarks>
  28219. </member>
  28220. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArgumentBuilder.AddField(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder)">
  28221. <summary>
  28222. Adds a field represented by a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder" /> to the argument.
  28223. </summary>
  28224. </member>
  28225. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder">
  28226. <summary>
  28227. Builds a field from field code tokens (arguments and switches).
  28228. </summary>
  28229. </member>
  28230. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType)">
  28231. <summary>
  28232. Initializes an instance of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder" /> class.
  28233. </summary>
  28234. <param name="fieldType">The type of the field to build.</param>
  28235. </member>
  28236. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddArgument(System.String)">
  28237. <summary>
  28238. Adds a field's argument.
  28239. </summary>
  28240. <param name="argument">The argument value.</param>
  28241. </member>
  28242. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddArgument(System.Int32)">
  28243. <summary>
  28244. Adds a field's argument.
  28245. </summary>
  28246. <param name="argument">The argument value.</param>
  28247. </member>
  28248. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddArgument(System.Double)">
  28249. <summary>
  28250. Adds a field's argument.
  28251. </summary>
  28252. <param name="argument">The argument value.</param>
  28253. </member>
  28254. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddArgument(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder)">
  28255. <summary>
  28256. Adds a child field represented by another <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder" /> to the field's code.
  28257. </summary>
  28258. <remarks>
  28259. This overload is used when the argument consists of a single child field.
  28260. </remarks>
  28261. </member>
  28262. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddArgument(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArgumentBuilder)">
  28263. <summary>
  28264. Adds a field's argument represented by <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArgumentBuilder" /> to the field's code.
  28265. </summary>
  28266. <remarks>
  28267. This overload is used when the argument consists of a mixture of different parts such as child fields, nodes, and plain text.
  28268. </remarks>
  28269. </member>
  28270. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddSwitch(System.String)">
  28271. <summary>
  28272. Adds a field's switch.
  28273. </summary>
  28274. <remarks>
  28275. This overload adds a flag (switch without argument).
  28276. </remarks>
  28277. <param name="switchName">The switch name.</param>
  28278. </member>
  28279. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddSwitch(System.String,System.String)">
  28280. <summary>
  28281. Adds a field's switch.
  28282. </summary>
  28283. <param name="switchName">The switch name.</param>
  28284. <param name="switchArgument">The switch value.</param>
  28285. </member>
  28286. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddSwitch(System.String,System.Int32)">
  28287. <summary>
  28288. Adds a field's switch.
  28289. </summary>
  28290. <param name="switchName">The switch name.</param>
  28291. <param name="switchArgument">The switch value.</param>
  28292. </member>
  28293. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.AddSwitch(System.String,System.Double)">
  28294. <summary>
  28295. Adds a field's switch.
  28296. </summary>
  28297. <param name="switchName">The switch name.</param>
  28298. <param name="switchArgument">The switch value.</param>
  28299. </member>
  28300. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.BuildAndInsert(Aspose.Words.Inline)">
  28301. <summary>
  28302. Builds and inserts a field into the document before the specified inline node.
  28303. </summary>
  28304. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  28305. </member>
  28306. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBuilder.BuildAndInsert(Aspose.Words.Paragraph)">
  28307. <summary>
  28308. Builds and inserts a field into the document to the end of the specified paragraph.
  28309. </summary>
  28310. <returns>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object that represents the inserted field.</returns>
  28311. </member>
  28312. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUnknown">
  28313. <summary>
  28314. Implements an unknown or unrecognized field.
  28315. </summary>
  28316. <dev>
  28317. Such fields are normally treated as references to bookmarks.
  28318. </dev>
  28319. </member>
  28320. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters">
  28321. <summary>
  28322. Container class for barcode parameters to pass-through to BarcodeGenerator.
  28323. </summary>
  28324. <remarks>
  28325. The set of parameters are according to DISPLAYBARCODE field options.
  28326. See the exact list at <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh745901(v=office.12).aspx" /></remarks>
  28327. </member>
  28328. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.BarcodeType">
  28329. <summary>
  28330. Bar code type.
  28331. </summary>
  28332. </member>
  28333. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.BarcodeValue">
  28334. <summary>
  28335. Data to be encoded.
  28336. </summary>
  28337. </member>
  28338. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.SymbolHeight">
  28339. <summary>
  28340. Bar code image height (in twips - 1/1440 inches)
  28341. </summary>
  28342. </member>
  28343. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.ForegroundColor">
  28344. <summary>
  28345. Bar code foreground color (0x000000 - 0xFFFFFF)
  28346. </summary>
  28347. </member>
  28348. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.BackgroundColor">
  28349. <summary>
  28350. Bar code background color (0x000000 - 0xFFFFFF)
  28351. </summary>
  28352. </member>
  28353. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.SymbolRotation">
  28354. <summary>
  28355. Rotation of the barcode symbol. Valid values are [0, 3].
  28356. </summary>
  28357. </member>
  28358. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.ScalingFactor">
  28359. <summary>
  28360. Scaling factor for the symbol. The value is in whole percentage points and the valid values are [10, 1000].
  28361. </summary>
  28362. </member>
  28363. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.PosCodeStyle">
  28364. <summary>
  28365. Style of a Point of Sale barcode (barcode types UPCA|UPCE|EAN13|EAN8). The valid values (case insensitive) are [STD|SUP2|SUP5|CASE].
  28366. </summary>
  28367. </member>
  28368. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.CaseCodeStyle">
  28369. <summary>
  28370. Style of a Case Code for barcode type ITF14. The valid values are [STD|EXT|ADD]
  28371. </summary>
  28372. </member>
  28373. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.ErrorCorrectionLevel">
  28374. <summary>
  28375. Error correction level of QR Code. Valid values are [0, 3].
  28376. </summary>
  28377. </member>
  28378. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.DisplayText">
  28379. <summary>
  28380. Whether to display barcode data (text) along with image.
  28381. </summary>
  28382. </member>
  28383. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.AddStartStopChar">
  28384. <summary>
  28385. Whether to add Start/Stop characters for barcode types NW7 and CODE39.
  28386. </summary>
  28387. </member>
  28388. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.FixCheckDigit">
  28389. <summary>
  28390. Whether to fix the check digit if it’s invalid.
  28391. </summary>
  28392. </member>
  28393. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.PostalAddress">
  28394. <summary>
  28395. Barcode postal address.
  28396. </summary>
  28397. </member>
  28398. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.IsBookmark">
  28399. <summary>
  28400. Whether <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.PostalAddress" /> is the name of a bookmark.
  28401. </summary>
  28402. </member>
  28403. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.FacingIdentificationMark">
  28404. <summary>
  28405. Type of a Facing Identification Mark (FIM).
  28406. </summary>
  28407. </member>
  28408. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.IsUSPostalAddress">
  28409. <summary>
  28410. Whether <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters.PostalAddress" /> is a U.S. postal address.
  28411. </summary>
  28412. </member>
  28413. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode">
  28414. <summary>
  28415. Implements the MERGEBARCODE field.
  28416. </summary>
  28417. <remarks>
  28418. Mail merge a barcode.
  28419. </remarks>
  28420. </member>
  28421. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.BarcodeValue">
  28422. <summary>
  28423. Gets or sets the barcode value.
  28424. </summary>
  28425. </member>
  28426. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.BarcodeType">
  28427. <summary>
  28428. Gets or sets the barcode type (QR, etc.)
  28429. </summary>
  28430. </member>
  28431. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.SymbolHeight">
  28432. <summary>
  28433. Gets or sets the height of the symbol. The units are in TWIPS (1/1440 inch).
  28434. </summary>
  28435. </member>
  28436. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.SymbolRotation">
  28437. <summary>
  28438. Gets or sets the rotation of the barcode symbol. Valid values are [0, 3]
  28439. </summary>
  28440. </member>
  28441. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.ScalingFactor">
  28442. <summary>
  28443. Gets or sets a scaling factor for the symbol. The value is in whole percentage points and the valid values are [10, 1000]
  28444. </summary>
  28445. </member>
  28446. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.ForegroundColor">
  28447. <summary>
  28448. Gets or sets the foreground color of the barcode symbol. Valid values are in the range [0, 0xFFFFFF]
  28449. </summary>
  28450. </member>
  28451. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.BackgroundColor">
  28452. <summary>
  28453. Gets or sets the background color of the barcode symbol. Valid values are in the range [0, 0xFFFFFF]
  28454. </summary>
  28455. </member>
  28456. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.PosCodeStyle">
  28457. <summary>
  28458. Gets or sets the style of a Point of Sale barcode (barcode types UPCA|UPCE|EAN13|EAN8). The valid values (case insensitive) are [STD|SUP2|SUP5|CASE].
  28459. </summary>
  28460. </member>
  28461. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.CaseCodeStyle">
  28462. <summary>
  28463. Gets or sets the style of a Case Code for barcode type ITF14. The valid values are [STD|EXT|ADD]
  28464. </summary>
  28465. </member>
  28466. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.ErrorCorrectionLevel">
  28467. <summary>
  28468. Gets or sets an error correction level of QR Code. Valid values are [0, 3].
  28469. </summary>
  28470. </member>
  28471. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.DisplayText">
  28472. <summary>
  28473. Gets or sets whether to display barcode data (text) along with image.
  28474. </summary>
  28475. </member>
  28476. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.AddStartStopChar">
  28477. <summary>
  28478. Gets or sets whether to add Start/Stop characters for barcode types NW7 and CODE39.
  28479. </summary>
  28480. </member>
  28481. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeBarcode.FixCheckDigit">
  28482. <summary>
  28483. Gets or sets whether to fix the check digit if it’s invalid.
  28484. </summary>
  28485. </member>
  28486. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode">
  28487. <summary>
  28488. Implements the DISPLAYBARCODE field.
  28489. </summary>
  28490. <remarks>
  28491. Inserts a barcode.
  28492. </remarks>
  28493. </member>
  28494. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.BarcodeValue">
  28495. <summary>
  28496. Gets or sets the barcode value.
  28497. </summary>
  28498. </member>
  28499. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.BarcodeType">
  28500. <summary>
  28501. Gets or sets the barcode type (QR, etc.)
  28502. </summary>
  28503. </member>
  28504. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.SymbolHeight">
  28505. <summary>
  28506. Gets or sets the height of the symbol. The units are in TWIPS (1/1440 inch).
  28507. </summary>
  28508. </member>
  28509. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.SymbolRotation">
  28510. <summary>
  28511. Gets or sets the rotation of the barcode symbol. Valid values are [0, 3]
  28512. </summary>
  28513. </member>
  28514. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.ScalingFactor">
  28515. <summary>
  28516. Gets or sets a scaling factor for the symbol. The value is in whole percentage points and the valid values are [10, 1000]
  28517. </summary>
  28518. </member>
  28519. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.ForegroundColor">
  28520. <summary>
  28521. Gets or sets the foreground color of the barcode symbol. Valid values are in the range [0, 0xFFFFFF]
  28522. </summary>
  28523. </member>
  28524. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.BackgroundColor">
  28525. <summary>
  28526. Gets or sets the background color of the barcode symbol. Valid values are in the range [0, 0xFFFFFF]
  28527. </summary>
  28528. </member>
  28529. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.PosCodeStyle">
  28530. <summary>
  28531. Gets or sets the style of a Point of Sale barcode (barcode types UPCA|UPCE|EAN13|EAN8). The valid values (case insensitive) are [STD|SUP2|SUP5|CASE].
  28532. </summary>
  28533. </member>
  28534. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.CaseCodeStyle">
  28535. <summary>
  28536. Gets or sets the style of a Case Code for barcode type ITF14. The valid values are [STD|EXT|ADD]
  28537. </summary>
  28538. </member>
  28539. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.ErrorCorrectionLevel">
  28540. <summary>
  28541. Gets or sets an error correction level of QR Code. Valid values are [0, 3].
  28542. </summary>
  28543. </member>
  28544. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.DisplayText">
  28545. <summary>
  28546. Gets or sets whether to display barcode data (text) along with image.
  28547. </summary>
  28548. </member>
  28549. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.AddStartStopChar">
  28550. <summary>
  28551. Gets or sets whether to add Start/Stop characters for barcode types NW7 and CODE39.
  28552. </summary>
  28553. </member>
  28554. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDisplayBarcode.FixCheckDigit">
  28555. <summary>
  28556. Gets or sets whether to fix the check digit if it’s invalid.
  28557. </summary>
  28558. </member>
  28559. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.IBarcodeGenerator">
  28560. <summary>
  28561. Public interface for barcode custom generator. Implementation should be provided by user.
  28562. </summary>
  28563. <remarks>
  28564. Generator instance should be passed through the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator" /> property.
  28565. </remarks>
  28566. </member>
  28567. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.IBarcodeGenerator.GetBarcodeImage(Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters)">
  28568. <summary>
  28569. Generate barcode image using the set of parameters (for DisplayBarcode field).
  28570. </summary>
  28571. <param name="parameters">The set of parameters</param>
  28572. <returns>Image representing generated barcode.</returns>
  28573. </member>
  28574. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.IBarcodeGenerator.GetOldBarcodeImage(Aspose.Words.Fields.BarcodeParameters)">
  28575. <summary>
  28576. Generate barcode image using the set of parameters (for old-fashioned Barcode field).
  28577. </summary>
  28578. <param name="parameters">The set of parameters</param>
  28579. <returns>Image representing generated barcode.</returns>
  28580. </member>
  28581. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection">
  28582. <summary>
  28583. A collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> objects that represents the fields in the specified range.
  28584. </summary>
  28585. <remarks>
  28586. <p>An instance of this collection iterates fields which start fall within the specified range.</p>
  28587. <p>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection" /> collection does not own the fields it contains, rather, is just a selection of fields.</p>
  28588. <p>The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection" /> collection is "live", i.e. changes to the children of the node object
  28589. that it was created from are immediately reflected in the fields returned by the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection" />
  28590. properties and methods.</p>
  28591. </remarks>
  28592. </member>
  28593. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection.Remove(Aspose.Words.Fields.Field)">
  28594. <summary>
  28595. Removes the specified field from this collection and from the document.
  28596. </summary>
  28597. <param name="field">A field to remove.</param>
  28598. </member>
  28599. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  28600. <summary>
  28601. Removes a field at the specified index from this collection and from the document.
  28602. </summary>
  28603. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  28604. </member>
  28605. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection.Remove(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart)">
  28606. <summary>
  28607. Removes the whole field by the specified field start.
  28608. </summary>
  28609. <param name="fieldStart">
  28610. </param>
  28611. </member>
  28612. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection.Clear">
  28613. <summary>
  28614. Removes all fields of this collection from the document and from this collection itself.
  28615. </summary>
  28616. </member>
  28617. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection.GetEnumerator">
  28618. <summary>
  28619. Returns an enumerator object.
  28620. </summary>
  28621. </member>
  28622. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection.Count">
  28623. <summary>
  28624. Returns the number of the fields in the collection.
  28625. </summary>
  28626. </member>
  28627. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  28628. <summary>
  28629. Returns a field at the specified index.
  28630. </summary>
  28631. <remarks>
  28632. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  28633. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  28634. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  28635. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  28636. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  28637. </remarks>
  28638. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  28639. </member>
  28640. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPrint">
  28641. <summary>
  28642. Implements the PRINT field.
  28643. </summary>
  28644. <remarks>
  28645. An instruction to send the printer-specific control code characters to the selected printer
  28646. when the document is printed.
  28647. </remarks>
  28648. </member>
  28649. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPrint.PrinterInstructions">
  28650. <summary>
  28651. Gets or sets the printer-specific control code characters or PostScript instructions.
  28652. </summary>
  28653. </member>
  28654. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPrint.PostScriptGroup">
  28655. <summary>
  28656. Gets or sets the drawing rectangle that the PostScript instructions operate on.
  28657. </summary>
  28658. </member>
  28659. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPrivate">
  28660. <summary>
  28661. Implements the PRIVATE field.
  28662. </summary>
  28663. <remarks>
  28664. Provides a private storage area. This field is used to store data for documents converted from other
  28665. file formats.
  28666. </remarks>
  28667. </member>
  28668. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAdvance">
  28669. <summary>
  28670. Implements the ADVANCE field.
  28671. </summary>
  28672. <remarks>
  28673. Moves the starting point at which the text that lexically follows the field is displayed to the right or left,
  28674. up or down, or to a specific horizontal or vertical position.
  28675. </remarks>
  28676. </member>
  28677. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAdvance.DownOffset">
  28678. <summary>
  28679. Gets or sets the number of points by which the text that follows the field should be moved down.
  28680. </summary>
  28681. </member>
  28682. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAdvance.LeftOffset">
  28683. <summary>
  28684. Gets or sets the number of points by which the text that follows the field should be moved left.
  28685. </summary>
  28686. </member>
  28687. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAdvance.RightOffset">
  28688. <summary>
  28689. Gets or sets the number of points by which the text that follows the field should be moved right.
  28690. </summary>
  28691. </member>
  28692. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAdvance.UpOffset">
  28693. <summary>
  28694. Gets or sets the number of points by which the text that follows the field should be moved up.
  28695. </summary>
  28696. </member>
  28697. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAdvance.HorizontalPosition">
  28698. <summary>
  28699. Gets or sets the number of points by which the text that follows the field should be moved horizontally
  28700. from the left edge of the column, frame, or text box.
  28701. </summary>
  28702. </member>
  28703. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAdvance.VerticalPosition">
  28704. <summary>
  28705. Gets or sets the number of points by which the text that follows the field should be moved vertically
  28706. from the top edge of the page.
  28707. </summary>
  28708. </member>
  28709. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormCheckBox">
  28710. <summary>
  28711. Implements the FORMCHECKBOX field.
  28712. </summary>
  28713. <remarks>
  28714. Inserts a check box style form field.
  28715. </remarks>
  28716. </member>
  28717. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormDropDown">
  28718. <summary>
  28719. Implements the FORMDROPDOWN field.
  28720. </summary>
  28721. <remarks>
  28722. Inserts a drop-down list style form field.
  28723. </remarks>
  28724. </member>
  28725. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex">
  28726. <summary>
  28727. Implements the INDEX field.
  28728. </summary>
  28729. <remarks>
  28730. Builds an index using the index entries specified by XE fields, and inserts that index at this place in the document.
  28731. </remarks>
  28732. </member>
  28733. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.BookmarkName">
  28734. <summary>
  28735. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark that marks the portion of the document used to build the index.
  28736. </summary>
  28737. </member>
  28738. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.NumberOfColumns">
  28739. <summary>
  28740. Gets or sets the number of columns per page used when building the index.
  28741. </summary>
  28742. </member>
  28743. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.SequenceSeparator">
  28744. <summary>
  28745. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate sequence numbers and page numbers.
  28746. </summary>
  28747. </member>
  28748. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.PageNumberSeparator">
  28749. <summary>
  28750. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate an index entry and its page number.
  28751. </summary>
  28752. </member>
  28753. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.HasPageNumberSeparator">
  28754. <summary>
  28755. Gets a value indicating whether a page number separator is overridden through the field's code.
  28756. </summary>
  28757. </member>
  28758. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.EntryType">
  28759. <summary>
  28760. Gets or sets an index entry type used to build the index.
  28761. </summary>
  28762. </member>
  28763. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.PageRangeSeparator">
  28764. <summary>
  28765. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate the start and end of a page range.
  28766. </summary>
  28767. </member>
  28768. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.Heading">
  28769. <summary>
  28770. Gets or sets a heading that appears at the start of each set of entries for any given letter.
  28771. </summary>
  28772. </member>
  28773. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.CrossReferenceSeparator">
  28774. <summary>
  28775. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate cross references and other entries.
  28776. </summary>
  28777. </member>
  28778. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.PageNumberListSeparator">
  28779. <summary>
  28780. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate two page numbers in a page number list.
  28781. </summary>
  28782. </member>
  28783. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.LetterRange">
  28784. <summary>
  28785. Gets or sets a range of letters to which limit the index.
  28786. </summary>
  28787. </member>
  28788. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.RunSubentriesOnSameLine">
  28789. <summary>
  28790. Gets or sets whether run subentries into the same line as the main entry.
  28791. </summary>
  28792. </member>
  28793. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.SequenceName">
  28794. <summary>
  28795. Gets or sets the name of a sequence whose number is included with the page number.
  28796. </summary>
  28797. </member>
  28798. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.HasSequenceName">
  28799. <summary>
  28800. Gets a value indicating whether a sequence should be used while the field's result building.
  28801. </summary>
  28802. </member>
  28803. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.UseYomi">
  28804. <summary>
  28805. Gets or sets whether to enable the use of yomi text for index entries.
  28806. </summary>
  28807. </member>
  28808. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex.LanguageId">
  28809. <summary>
  28810. Gets or sets the language ID used to generate the index.
  28811. </summary>
  28812. </member>
  28813. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRD">
  28814. <summary>
  28815. Implements the RD field.
  28816. </summary>
  28817. <remarks>
  28818. Identifies a file to include when you create a table of contents, a table of authorities, or an index
  28819. with the TOC, TOA, or INDEX field
  28820. </remarks>
  28821. </member>
  28822. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRD.FileName">
  28823. <summary>
  28824. Gets or sets the name of the file to include when generating a table of contents, table of authorities, or index.
  28825. </summary>
  28826. </member>
  28827. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRD.IsPathRelative">
  28828. <summary>
  28829. Gets or sets whether the path is relative to the current document.
  28830. </summary>
  28831. </member>
  28832. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTA">
  28833. <summary>
  28834. Implements the TA field.
  28835. </summary>
  28836. <remarks>
  28837. Defines the text and page number for a table of authorities entry, which is used by a TOA field.
  28838. </remarks>
  28839. </member>
  28840. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTA.IsBold">
  28841. <summary>
  28842. Gets or sets whether to apply bold formatting to the page number for the entry.
  28843. </summary>
  28844. </member>
  28845. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTA.EntryCategory">
  28846. <summary>
  28847. Gets or sets the integral entry category, which is a number that corresponds to the order of
  28848. categories.
  28849. </summary>
  28850. </member>
  28851. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTA.IsItalic">
  28852. <summary>
  28853. Gets or sets whether to apply italic formatting to the page number for the entry.
  28854. </summary>
  28855. </member>
  28856. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTA.LongCitation">
  28857. <summary>
  28858. Gets or sets the long citation for the entry.
  28859. </summary>
  28860. </member>
  28861. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTA.PageRangeBookmarkName">
  28862. <summary>
  28863. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark that marks a range of pages that is inserted as the entry's page number.
  28864. </summary>
  28865. </member>
  28866. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTA.ShortCitation">
  28867. <summary>
  28868. Gets or sets the short citation for the entry.
  28869. </summary>
  28870. </member>
  28871. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa">
  28872. <summary>
  28873. Implements the TOA field.
  28874. </summary>
  28875. <remarks>
  28876. Builds a table of authorities (that is, a list of the references in a legal document, such as references
  28877. to cases, statutes, and rules, along with the numbers of the pages on which the references appear) using the
  28878. entries specified by TA fields.
  28879. </remarks>
  28880. </member>
  28881. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.BookmarkName">
  28882. <summary>
  28883. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark that marks the portion of the document used to build the table.
  28884. </summary>
  28885. </member>
  28886. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.EntryCategory">
  28887. <summary>
  28888. Gets or sets the integral category for entries included in the table.
  28889. </summary>
  28890. </member>
  28891. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.SequenceSeparator">
  28892. <summary>
  28893. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate sequence numbers and page numbers.
  28894. </summary>
  28895. </member>
  28896. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.EntrySeparator">
  28897. <summary>
  28898. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate a table of authorities entry and its page number.
  28899. </summary>
  28900. </member>
  28901. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.RemoveEntryFormatting">
  28902. <summary>
  28903. Gets or sets whether to remove the formatting of the entry text in the document from the
  28904. entry in the table of authorities.
  28905. </summary>
  28906. </member>
  28907. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.PageRangeSeparator">
  28908. <summary>
  28909. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate the start and end of a page range.
  28910. </summary>
  28911. </member>
  28912. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.UseHeading">
  28913. <summary>
  28914. Gets or sets whether to include the category heading for the entries in a table of authorities.
  28915. </summary>
  28916. </member>
  28917. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.PageNumberListSeparator">
  28918. <summary>
  28919. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate two page numbers in a page number list.
  28920. </summary>
  28921. </member>
  28922. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.UsePassim">
  28923. <summary>
  28924. Gets or sets whether to replace five or more different page references to the same
  28925. authority with "passim", which is used to indicate that a word or passage occurs frequently
  28926. in the work cited.
  28927. </summary>
  28928. </member>
  28929. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToa.SequenceName">
  28930. <summary>
  28931. Gets or sets the name of a sequence whose number is included with the page number.
  28932. </summary>
  28933. </member>
  28934. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAsk">
  28935. <summary>
  28936. Implements the ASK field.
  28937. </summary>
  28938. <remarks>
  28939. Prompts the user to enter information and assigns a bookmark to represent the user's response.
  28940. </remarks>
  28941. </member>
  28942. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAsk.BookmarkName">
  28943. <summary>
  28944. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark.
  28945. </summary>
  28946. </member>
  28947. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAsk.PromptText">
  28948. <summary>
  28949. Gets or sets the prompt text (the title of the prompt window).
  28950. </summary>
  28951. </member>
  28952. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAsk.DefaultResponse">
  28953. <summary>
  28954. Gets or sets default user response (initial value contained in the prompt window).
  28955. </summary>
  28956. </member>
  28957. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAsk.PromptOnceOnMailMerge">
  28958. <summary>
  28959. Gets or sets whether the user response should be recieved once per a mail merge operation.
  28960. </summary>
  28961. </member>
  28962. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoText">
  28963. <summary>
  28964. Implements the AUTOTEXT field.
  28965. </summary>
  28966. <remarks>
  28967. Inserts an AutoText entry.
  28968. </remarks>
  28969. </member>
  28970. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoText.EntryName">
  28971. <summary>
  28972. Gets or sets the name of the AutoText entry.
  28973. </summary>
  28974. </member>
  28975. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoTextList">
  28976. <summary>
  28977. Implements the AUTOTEXTLIST field.
  28978. </summary>
  28979. <remarks>
  28980. Creates a shortcut menu based on AutoText entries in the active template.
  28981. </remarks>
  28982. </member>
  28983. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoTextList.EntryName">
  28984. <summary>
  28985. Gets or sets the name of the AutoText entry.
  28986. </summary>
  28987. </member>
  28988. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoTextList.ListStyle">
  28989. <summary>
  28990. Gets or sets the name of the style on which the list to contain entries is based.
  28991. </summary>
  28992. </member>
  28993. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoTextList.ScreenTip">
  28994. <summary>
  28995. Gets or sets the text of the ScreenTip to show.
  28996. </summary>
  28997. </member>
  28998. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBibliography">
  28999. <summary>
  29000. Implements the BIBLIOGRAPHY field.
  29001. </summary>
  29002. <remarks>Inserts the contents of the document's Bibliography part in a bibliographic style.</remarks>
  29003. </member>
  29004. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBibliography.FormatLanguageId">
  29005. <summary>
  29006. Gets or sets the language ID that is used to format the bibliographic sources in the document.
  29007. </summary>
  29008. </member>
  29009. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation">
  29010. <summary>
  29011. Implements the CITATION field.
  29012. </summary>
  29013. <remarks>
  29014. Inserts the contents of the <b>Source</b> element with a specified <b>Tag</b> element using a bibliographic style.
  29015. </remarks>
  29016. </member>
  29017. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.SourceTag">
  29018. <summary>
  29019. Gets or sets a value that mathes the <b>Tag</b> element's value of the source to insert.
  29020. </summary>
  29021. </member>
  29022. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.FormatLanguageId">
  29023. <summary>
  29024. Gets or sets the language ID that is used in conjunction with the specified bibliographic style to format the citation
  29025. in the document.
  29026. </summary>
  29027. </member>
  29028. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.Prefix">
  29029. <summary>
  29030. Gets or sets a prefix that is prepended to the citation.
  29031. </summary>
  29032. </member>
  29033. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.Suffix">
  29034. <summary>
  29035. Gets or sets a suffix that is appended to the citation.
  29036. </summary>
  29037. </member>
  29038. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.SuppressAuthor">
  29039. <summary>
  29040. Gets or sets whether the author information is suppressed from the citation.
  29041. </summary>
  29042. </member>
  29043. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.SuppressTitle">
  29044. <summary>
  29045. Gets or sets whether the title information is suppressed from the citation.
  29046. </summary>
  29047. </member>
  29048. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.SuppressYear">
  29049. <summary>
  29050. Gets or sets whether the year information is suppressed from the citation.
  29051. </summary>
  29052. </member>
  29053. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.PageNumber">
  29054. <summary>
  29055. Gets or sets a page number associated with the citation.
  29056. </summary>
  29057. </member>
  29058. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.VolumeNumber">
  29059. <summary>
  29060. Gets or sets a volume number associated with the citation.
  29061. </summary>
  29062. </member>
  29063. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCitation.AnotherSourceTag">
  29064. <summary>
  29065. Gets or sets a value that mathes the <b>Tag</b> element's value of another source to be included in the citation.
  29066. </summary>
  29067. </member>
  29068. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde">
  29069. <summary>
  29070. Implements the DDE field.
  29071. </summary>
  29072. <remarks>
  29073. For information copied from another application, this field links that information to its original source file using DDE.
  29074. </remarks>
  29075. </member>
  29076. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.ProgId">
  29077. <summary>
  29078. Gets or sets the application type of the link information.
  29079. </summary>
  29080. </member>
  29081. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.SourceFullName">
  29082. <summary>
  29083. Gets or sets the name and location of the source file.
  29084. </summary>
  29085. </member>
  29086. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.SourceItem">
  29087. <summary>
  29088. Gets or sets the portion of the source file that's being linked.
  29089. </summary>
  29090. </member>
  29091. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.AutoUpdate">
  29092. <summary>
  29093. Gets or sets whether to update this field automatically.
  29094. </summary>
  29095. </member>
  29096. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.InsertAsBitmap">
  29097. <summary>
  29098. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as a bitmap.
  29099. </summary>
  29100. </member>
  29101. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.IsLinked">
  29102. <summary>
  29103. Gets or sets whether to reduce the file size by not storing graphics data with the document.
  29104. </summary>
  29105. </member>
  29106. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.InsertAsHtml">
  29107. <summary>
  29108. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as HTML format text.
  29109. </summary>
  29110. </member>
  29111. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.InsertAsPicture">
  29112. <summary>
  29113. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as a picture.
  29114. </summary>
  29115. </member>
  29116. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.InsertAsRtf">
  29117. <summary>
  29118. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object in rich-text format (RTF).
  29119. </summary>
  29120. </member>
  29121. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.InsertAsText">
  29122. <summary>
  29123. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object in text-only format.
  29124. </summary>
  29125. </member>
  29126. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDde.InsertAsUnicode">
  29127. <summary>
  29128. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as Unicode text.
  29129. </summary>
  29130. </member>
  29131. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto">
  29132. <summary>
  29133. Implements the DDEAUTO field.
  29134. </summary>
  29135. <remarks>
  29136. For information copied from another application, this field links that information to its original source file using DDE
  29137. and is updated automatically.
  29138. </remarks>
  29139. </member>
  29140. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.ProgId">
  29141. <summary>
  29142. Gets or sets the application type of the link information.
  29143. </summary>
  29144. </member>
  29145. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.SourceFullName">
  29146. <summary>
  29147. Gets or sets the name and location of the source file.
  29148. </summary>
  29149. </member>
  29150. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.SourceItem">
  29151. <summary>
  29152. Gets or sets the portion of the source file that's being linked.
  29153. </summary>
  29154. </member>
  29155. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.InsertAsBitmap">
  29156. <summary>
  29157. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as a bitmap.
  29158. </summary>
  29159. </member>
  29160. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.IsLinked">
  29161. <summary>
  29162. Gets or sets whether to reduce the file size by not storing graphics data with the document.
  29163. </summary>
  29164. </member>
  29165. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.InsertAsHtml">
  29166. <summary>
  29167. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as HTML format text.
  29168. </summary>
  29169. </member>
  29170. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.InsertAsPicture">
  29171. <summary>
  29172. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as a picture.
  29173. </summary>
  29174. </member>
  29175. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.InsertAsRtf">
  29176. <summary>
  29177. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object in rich-text format (RTF).
  29178. </summary>
  29179. </member>
  29180. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.InsertAsText">
  29181. <summary>
  29182. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object in text-only format.
  29183. </summary>
  29184. </member>
  29185. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDdeAuto.InsertAsUnicode">
  29186. <summary>
  29187. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as Unicode text.
  29188. </summary>
  29189. </member>
  29190. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFillIn">
  29191. <summary>
  29192. Implements the FILLIN field.
  29193. </summary>
  29194. <remarks>
  29195. Prompts the user to enter text.
  29196. </remarks>
  29197. </member>
  29198. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFillIn.PromptText">
  29199. <summary>
  29200. Gets or sets the prompt text (the title of the prompt window).
  29201. </summary>
  29202. </member>
  29203. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFillIn.PromptOnceOnMailMerge">
  29204. <summary>
  29205. Gets or sets whether the user response should be recieved once per a mail merge operation.
  29206. </summary>
  29207. </member>
  29208. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFillIn.DefaultResponse">
  29209. <summary>
  29210. Gets or sets default user response (initial value contained in the prompt window).
  29211. </summary>
  29212. </member>
  29213. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGlossary">
  29214. <summary>
  29215. Implements the GLOSSARY field.
  29216. </summary>
  29217. <remarks>
  29218. Inserts a glossary entry.
  29219. </remarks>
  29220. </member>
  29221. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGlossary.EntryName">
  29222. <summary>
  29223. Gets or sets the name of the glossary entry to insert.
  29224. </summary>
  29225. </member>
  29226. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldImport">
  29227. <summary>
  29228. Implements the IMPORT field.
  29229. </summary>
  29230. <remarks>
  29231. Retrieves the picture contained in the document.
  29232. </remarks>
  29233. </member>
  29234. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldImport.SourceFullName">
  29235. <summary>
  29236. Gets or sets the location of the picture.
  29237. </summary>
  29238. </member>
  29239. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldImport.GraphicFilter">
  29240. <summary>
  29241. Gets or sets the name of the filter for the format of the graphic that is to be inserted.
  29242. </summary>
  29243. </member>
  29244. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldImport.IsLinked">
  29245. <summary>
  29246. Gets or sets whether to reduce the file size by not storing graphics data with the document.
  29247. </summary>
  29248. </member>
  29249. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldInclude">
  29250. <summary>
  29251. Implements the INCLUDE field.
  29252. </summary>
  29253. <remarks>
  29254. Inserts all or part of the text and graphics contained in another document.
  29255. </remarks>
  29256. </member>
  29257. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldInclude.SourceFullName">
  29258. <summary>
  29259. Gets or sets the location of the document.
  29260. </summary>
  29261. </member>
  29262. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldInclude.BookmarkName">
  29263. <summary>
  29264. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark in the document to include.
  29265. </summary>
  29266. </member>
  29267. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldInclude.LockFields">
  29268. <summary>
  29269. Gets or sets whether to prevent fields in the included document from being updated.
  29270. </summary>
  29271. </member>
  29272. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldInclude.TextConverter">
  29273. <summary>
  29274. Gets or sets the name of the text converter for the format of the included file.
  29275. </summary>
  29276. </member>
  29277. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldShape">
  29278. <summary>
  29279. Implements the SHAPE field.
  29280. </summary>
  29281. <remarks>
  29282. Retrieves the specified text.
  29283. </remarks>
  29284. </member>
  29285. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldShape.Text">
  29286. <summary>
  29287. Gets or sets the text to retrieve.
  29288. </summary>
  29289. </member>
  29290. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase">
  29291. <summary>
  29292. Implements the DATABASE field.
  29293. </summary>
  29294. <remarks>
  29295. Inserts the results of a database query into a WordprocessingML table.
  29296. </remarks>
  29297. </member>
  29298. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.FormatAttributes">
  29299. <summary>
  29300. Gets or sets which attributes of the format are to be applied to the table.
  29301. </summary>
  29302. </member>
  29303. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.Connection">
  29304. <summary>
  29305. Gets or sets a connection to the data.
  29306. </summary>
  29307. </member>
  29308. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.FileName">
  29309. <summary>
  29310. Gets or sets the complete path and file name of the database
  29311. </summary>
  29312. </member>
  29313. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.FirstRecord">
  29314. <summary>
  29315. Gets or sets the integral record number of the first data record to insert.
  29316. </summary>
  29317. </member>
  29318. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.InsertHeadings">
  29319. <summary>
  29320. Gets or sets whether to insert the field names from the database as column headings in
  29321. the resulting table.
  29322. </summary>
  29323. </member>
  29324. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.TableFormat">
  29325. <summary>
  29326. Gets or sets the format that is to be applied to the result of the database query.
  29327. </summary>
  29328. </member>
  29329. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.InsertOnceOnMailMerge">
  29330. <summary>
  29331. Gets or sets whether to insert data at the beginning of a merge.
  29332. </summary>
  29333. </member>
  29334. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.Query">
  29335. <summary>
  29336. Gets or sets a set of SQL instructions that query the database.
  29337. </summary>
  29338. </member>
  29339. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDatabase.LastRecord">
  29340. <summary>
  29341. Gets or sets the integral record number of the last data record to insert.
  29342. </summary>
  29343. </member>
  29344. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSkipIf">
  29345. <summary>
  29346. Implements the SKIPIF field.
  29347. </summary>
  29348. <remarks>
  29349. Compares the values designated by the expressions <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSkipIf.LeftExpression" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSkipIf.RightExpression" />
  29350. in comparison using the operator designated by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSkipIf.ComparisonOperator" />. If the comparison is true, SKIPIF
  29351. cancels the current merge document, moves to the next data record in the data source, and starts a new merge document.
  29352. If the comparison is false, the current merge document is continued.
  29353. </remarks>
  29354. </member>
  29355. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSkipIf.LeftExpression">
  29356. <summary>
  29357. Gets or sets the left part of the comparison expression.
  29358. </summary>
  29359. </member>
  29360. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSkipIf.ComparisonOperator">
  29361. <summary>
  29362. Gets or sets the comparison operator.
  29363. </summary>
  29364. </member>
  29365. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSkipIf.RightExpression">
  29366. <summary>
  29367. Gets or sets the right part of the comparison expression.
  29368. </summary>
  29369. </member>
  29370. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension">
  29371. <summary>
  29372. Represents an image dimension (i.e. the width or the height) used across a mail merge process.
  29373. </summary>
  29374. <remarks>
  29375. To indicate that the image should be inserted with its original dimension during a mail merge,
  29376. you should assign a negative value to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension.Value" /> property.
  29377. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit" /></remarks>
  29378. </member>
  29379. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension.#ctor(System.Double)">
  29380. <summary>
  29381. Creates an image dimension instance with the given value in points.
  29382. </summary>
  29383. <remarks>
  29384. You should use a negative value to indicate that the original value of the corresponding image dimension
  29385. should be applied.
  29386. </remarks>
  29387. <param name="value">The value.</param>
  29388. </member>
  29389. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension.#ctor(System.Double,Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit)">
  29390. <summary>
  29391. Creates an image dimension instance with the given value and the given unit.
  29392. </summary>
  29393. <remarks>
  29394. You should use a negative value to indicate that the original value of the corresponding image dimension
  29395. should be applied.
  29396. </remarks>
  29397. <param name="value">The value.</param>
  29398. <param name="unit">The unit.</param>
  29399. </member>
  29400. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension.#ctor">
  29401. <summary>
  29402. Ctor for internal using.
  29403. </summary>
  29404. </member>
  29405. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension.Value">
  29406. <summary>
  29407. The value.
  29408. </summary>
  29409. <remarks>
  29410. You should use a negative value to indicate that the original value of the corresponding image dimension
  29411. should be applied.
  29412. </remarks>
  29413. </member>
  29414. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimension.Unit">
  29415. <summary>
  29416. The unit.
  29417. </summary>
  29418. </member>
  29419. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit">
  29420. <summary>
  29421. Specifies an unit of an image dimension (i.e. the width or the height) used across a mail merge process.
  29422. </summary>
  29423. </member>
  29424. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit.Point">
  29425. <summary>
  29426. The point (i.e. 1/72 inch).
  29427. </summary>
  29428. </member>
  29429. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.MergeFieldImageDimensionUnit.Percent">
  29430. <summary>
  29431. The percent of the original image dimension value.
  29432. </summary>
  29433. </member>
  29434. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldListNum">
  29435. <summary>
  29436. Implements the LISTNUM field.
  29437. </summary>
  29438. </member>
  29439. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldListNum.ListName">
  29440. <summary>
  29441. Gets or sets the name of the abstract numbering definition used for the numbering.
  29442. </summary>
  29443. </member>
  29444. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldListNum.HasListName">
  29445. <summary>
  29446. Returns a value indicating whether the name of an abstract numbering definition
  29447. is provided by the field's code.
  29448. </summary>
  29449. </member>
  29450. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldListNum.ListLevel">
  29451. <summary>
  29452. Gets or sets the level in the list, overriding the default behavior of the field.
  29453. </summary>
  29454. </member>
  29455. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldListNum.StartingNumber">
  29456. <summary>
  29457. Gets or sets the starting value for this field.
  29458. </summary>
  29459. </member>
  29460. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRevNum">
  29461. <summary>
  29462. Implements the REVNUM field.
  29463. </summary>
  29464. <remarks>
  29465. Retrieves the document's revision number, as recorded in the <b>Revision</b> property of the
  29466. built-in document properties.
  29467. </remarks>
  29468. </member>
  29469. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSection">
  29470. <summary>
  29471. Implements the SECTION field.
  29472. </summary>
  29473. <remarks>
  29474. Retrieves the number of the current section.
  29475. </remarks>
  29476. </member>
  29477. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSectionPages">
  29478. <summary>
  29479. Implements the SECTIONPAGES field.
  29480. </summary>
  29481. <remarks>
  29482. Retrieves the number of the current page within the current section.
  29483. </remarks>
  29484. </member>
  29485. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldData">
  29486. <summary>
  29487. Implements the DATA field.
  29488. </summary>
  29489. </member>
  29490. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEmbed">
  29491. <summary>
  29492. Implements the EMBED field.
  29493. </summary>
  29494. </member>
  29495. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOcx">
  29496. <summary>
  29497. Implements the OCX field.
  29498. </summary>
  29499. </member>
  29500. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNum">
  29501. <summary>
  29502. Implements the AUTONUM field.
  29503. </summary>
  29504. <remarks>
  29505. Inserts an automatic number.
  29506. </remarks>
  29507. </member>
  29508. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNum.SeparatorCharacter">
  29509. <summary>
  29510. Gets or sets the separator character to be used.
  29511. </summary>
  29512. </member>
  29513. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNumLgl">
  29514. <summary>
  29515. Implements the AUTONUMLGL field.
  29516. </summary>
  29517. <remarks>
  29518. Inserts an automatic number in legal format.
  29519. </remarks>
  29520. </member>
  29521. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNumLgl.RemoveTrailingPeriod">
  29522. <summary>
  29523. Gets or sets whether to display the number without a trailing period.
  29524. </summary>
  29525. </member>
  29526. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNumLgl.SeparatorCharacter">
  29527. <summary>
  29528. Gets or sets the separator character to be used.
  29529. </summary>
  29530. </member>
  29531. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNumOut">
  29532. <summary>
  29533. Implements the AUTONUMOUT field.
  29534. </summary>
  29535. <remarks>
  29536. Inserts an automatic number in outline format.
  29537. </remarks>
  29538. </member>
  29539. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAddIn">
  29540. <summary>
  29541. Implements the ADDIN field.
  29542. </summary>
  29543. <remarks>
  29544. Contains data created by an add-in.
  29545. </remarks>
  29546. </member>
  29547. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBarcode">
  29548. <summary>
  29549. Implements the BARCODE field.
  29550. </summary>
  29551. <remarks>
  29552. Inserts a postal barcode in a machine-readable form of address used by the U.S. Postal Service.
  29553. </remarks>
  29554. </member>
  29555. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBarcode.PostalAddress">
  29556. <summary>
  29557. Gets or sets the postal address used for generating a barcode or the name of the bookmark that refers to it.
  29558. </summary>
  29559. </member>
  29560. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBarcode.IsBookmark">
  29561. <summary>
  29562. Gets or sets whether <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBarcode.PostalAddress" /> is the name of a bookmark.
  29563. </summary>
  29564. </member>
  29565. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBarcode.FacingIdentificationMark">
  29566. <summary>
  29567. Gets or sets the type of a Facing Identification Mark (FIM) to insert.
  29568. </summary>
  29569. </member>
  29570. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBarcode.IsUSPostalAddress">
  29571. <summary>
  29572. Gets or sets whether <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBarcode.PostalAddress" /> is a U.S. postal address.
  29573. </summary>
  29574. </member>
  29575. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldBidiOutline">
  29576. <summary>
  29577. Implements the BIDIOUTLINE field.
  29578. </summary>
  29579. <remarks>
  29580. This field is identical to the AUTONUMLGL field, except for the separator that delimits each level
  29581. of the paragraph numbering.
  29582. </remarks>
  29583. </member>
  29584. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEQ">
  29585. <summary>
  29586. Implements the EQ field.
  29587. </summary>
  29588. </member>
  29589. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFootnoteRef">
  29590. <summary>
  29591. Implements the FOOTNOTEREF field.
  29592. </summary>
  29593. </member>
  29594. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldInfo">
  29595. <summary>
  29596. Implements the INFO field.
  29597. </summary>
  29598. <remarks>
  29599. Inserts information about a document property.
  29600. </remarks>
  29601. </member>
  29602. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldInfo.InfoType">
  29603. <summary>
  29604. Gets or sets the type of the document property to insert.
  29605. </summary>
  29606. </member>
  29607. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldInfo.NewValue">
  29608. <summary>
  29609. Gets or sets an optional value that updates the property.
  29610. </summary>
  29611. </member>
  29612. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUserAddress">
  29613. <summary>
  29614. Implements the USERADDRESS field.
  29615. </summary>
  29616. <remarks>
  29617. Retrieves the current user's postal address.
  29618. </remarks>
  29619. </member>
  29620. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUserAddress.UserAddress">
  29621. <summary>
  29622. Gets or sets the current user's postal address.
  29623. </summary>
  29624. </member>
  29625. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUserInitials">
  29626. <summary>
  29627. Implements the USERINITIALS field.
  29628. </summary>
  29629. <remarks>
  29630. Retrieves the current user's initials.
  29631. </remarks>
  29632. </member>
  29633. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUserInitials.UserInitials">
  29634. <summary>
  29635. Gets or sets the current user's initials.
  29636. </summary>
  29637. </member>
  29638. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUserName">
  29639. <summary>
  29640. Implements the USERNAME field.
  29641. </summary>
  29642. <remarks>
  29643. Retrieves the current user's name.
  29644. </remarks>
  29645. </member>
  29646. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUserName.UserName">
  29647. <summary>
  29648. Gest or sets the current user's name.
  29649. </summary>
  29650. </member>
  29651. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldUserPromptRespondent">
  29652. <summary>
  29653. Represents the respondent to user prompts during field update.
  29654. </summary>
  29655. <remarks>
  29656. The ASK and FILLIN fields are the examples of fields that prompt the user for some response. Implement this interface
  29657. and assign it to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.UserPromptRespondent" /> property to establish interaction between field update
  29658. and the user.
  29659. </remarks>
  29660. </member>
  29661. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.IFieldUserPromptRespondent.Respond(System.String,System.String)">
  29662. <summary>
  29663. When implemented, returns a response from the user on prompting.
  29664. Your implementation should return <b>null</b> to indicate that the user has not responded to the prompt
  29665. (i.e. the user has pressed the Cancel button in the prompt window).
  29666. </summary>
  29667. <param name="promptText">Prompt text (i.e. title of the prompt window).</param>
  29668. <param name="defaultResponse">Default user response (i.e. initial value contained in the prompt window).</param>
  29669. <returns>User response (i.e. confirmed value contained in the prompt window).</returns>
  29670. </member>
  29671. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludePicture">
  29672. <summary>
  29673. Implements the INCLUDEPICTURE field.
  29674. </summary>
  29675. <remarks>
  29676. Retrieves a picture and displays it as the field result.
  29677. </remarks>
  29678. </member>
  29679. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludePicture.SourceFullName">
  29680. <summary>
  29681. Gets or sets the location of the picture using an IRI.
  29682. </summary>
  29683. </member>
  29684. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludePicture.GraphicFilter">
  29685. <summary>
  29686. Gets or sets the name of the filter for the format of the graphic that is to be inserted.
  29687. </summary>
  29688. </member>
  29689. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludePicture.IsLinked">
  29690. <summary>
  29691. Gets or sets whether to reduce the file size by not storing graphics data with the document.
  29692. </summary>
  29693. </member>
  29694. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludePicture.ResizeHorizontally">
  29695. <summary>
  29696. Gets or sets whether to resize the picture horizontally from the source.
  29697. </summary>
  29698. </member>
  29699. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludePicture.ResizeVertically">
  29700. <summary>
  29701. Gets or sets whether to resize the picture vertically from the source.
  29702. </summary>
  29703. </member>
  29704. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPage">
  29705. <summary>
  29706. Implements the PAGE field.
  29707. </summary>
  29708. <remarks>
  29709. Retrieves the number of the current page.
  29710. </remarks>
  29711. </member>
  29712. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions">
  29713. <summary>
  29714. Represents options to control field handling in a document.
  29715. </summary>
  29716. </member>
  29717. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.FieldUpdateCultureSource">
  29718. <summary>
  29719. Specifies what culture to use to format the field result.
  29720. </summary>
  29721. <remarks>
  29722. <para>By default, the culture of the current thread is used.</para>
  29723. <para>The setting affects only date/time fields with \\@ format switch.</para>
  29724. </remarks>
  29725. </member>
  29726. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.FieldUpdateCultureProvider">
  29727. <summary>
  29728. Gets or sets a provider that returns a culture object specific for each particular field.
  29729. </summary>
  29730. <remarks>
  29731. <para>The provider is requested when the value of <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.FieldUpdateCultureSource" /> is <b>FieldUpdateCultureSource.FieldCode</b>.</para>
  29732. <para>If the provider is present, then the culture object it returns is used for the field update. Otherwise, a system culture is used.</para>
  29733. </remarks>
  29734. </member>
  29735. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.IsBidiTextSupportedOnUpdate">
  29736. <summary>
  29737. Gets or sets the value indicating whether bidirectional text is fully supported during field update or not.
  29738. </summary>
  29739. <remarks>
  29740. <para>When this property is set to <b>true</b>, additional steps are performed to produce Right-To-Left language
  29741. (i.e. Arabic or Hebrew) compatible field result during its update.</para>
  29742. <para>When this property is set to <b>false</b> and Right-To-Left language is used, correctness of field result
  29743. after its update is not guaranteed.</para>
  29744. <para>The default value is <b>false</b>.</para>
  29745. </remarks>
  29746. </member>
  29747. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.UserPromptRespondent">
  29748. <summary>
  29749. Gets or sets the respondent to user prompts during field update.
  29750. </summary>
  29751. <remarks>
  29752. <para>If the value of this property is set to <b>null</b>, the fields that require user response on prompting
  29753. (such as ASK or FILLIN) are not updated.</para>
  29754. <para>The default value is <b>null</b>.</para>
  29755. </remarks>
  29756. </member>
  29757. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.DefaultDocumentAuthor">
  29758. <summary>
  29759. Gets or sets default document author's name. If author's name is already specified in built-in document properties,
  29760. this option is not considered.
  29761. </summary>
  29762. </member>
  29763. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.CustomTocStyleSeparator">
  29764. <summary>
  29765. Gets or sets custom style separator for the \t switch in TOC field.
  29766. </summary>
  29767. <remarks>
  29768. By default, custom styles defined by the \t switch in the TOC field are separated by a delimiter taken from the current culture.
  29769. This property overrides that behaviour by specifying a user defined delimiter.
  29770. </remarks>
  29771. </member>
  29772. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.LegacyNumberFormat">
  29773. <summary>
  29774. Gets or sets the value indicating whether legacy (early than AW 13.10) number format for fields is enabled or not.
  29775. </summary>
  29776. <remarks>
  29777. <para>When this property is set to <b>true</b>, template symbol "#" worked as in .net:
  29778. Replaces the pound sign with the corresponding digit if one is present; otherwise, no symbols appears in the result string.</para>
  29779. <para>When this property is set to <b>false</b>, template symbol "#" works as MS Word:
  29780. This format item specifies the requisite numeric places to display in the result.
  29781. If the result does not include a digit in that place, MS Word displays a space. For example, { = 9 + 6 \# $### } displays $ 15.</para>
  29782. <para>The default value is <b>false</b>.</para>
  29783. </remarks>
  29784. </member>
  29785. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.UseInvariantCultureNumberFormat">
  29786. <summary>
  29787. Gets or sets the value indicating that number format is parsed using invariant culture or not
  29788. </summary>
  29789. <para>
  29790. When this property is set to <b>true</b>, number format is taken from an invariant culture.
  29791. </para>
  29792. <para>
  29793. When this property is set to <b>false</b>, number format is taken from the current thread's culture.
  29794. </para>
  29795. <para>The default value is <b>false</b>.</para>
  29796. </member>
  29797. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.BarcodeGenerator">
  29798. <summary>
  29799. Gets or set custom barcode generator.
  29800. </summary>
  29801. <remarks>
  29802. Custom barcode generator should implement public interface <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.IBarcodeGenerator" />.
  29803. </remarks>
  29804. </member>
  29805. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.PreProcessCulture">
  29806. <summary>
  29807. Gets or sets the culture to preprocess field values.
  29808. </summary>
  29809. <remarks>
  29810. <p>Currently this property only affects value of the DOCPROPERTY field.</p>
  29811. <p>The default value is <b>null</b>. When this property is set to <b>null</b>, the DOCPROPERTY field's value is preprocessed
  29812. with the culture controlled by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.FieldUpdateCultureSource" /> property.</p>
  29813. </remarks>
  29814. </member>
  29815. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.CurrentUser">
  29816. <summary>
  29817. Gets or sets the current user information.
  29818. </summary>
  29819. </member>
  29820. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.ToaCategories">
  29821. <summary>
  29822. Gets or sets the table of authorities categories.
  29823. </summary>
  29824. </member>
  29825. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.FieldIndexFormat">
  29826. <summary>
  29827. Gets or sets a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.FieldIndexFormat" /> that represents
  29828. the formatting for the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIndex" /> fields in the document.
  29829. </summary>
  29830. </member>
  29831. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.FileName">
  29832. <summary>
  29833. Gets or sets the file name of the document.
  29834. </summary>
  29835. <remarks>
  29836. <p>This property is used by the FILENAME field with higher priority than the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.OriginalFileName" /> property.</p>
  29837. </remarks>
  29838. </member>
  29839. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.ResultFormatter">
  29840. <summary>
  29841. Allows to control how the field result is formatted.
  29842. </summary>
  29843. </member>
  29844. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldOptions.BuiltInTemplatesPaths">
  29845. <summary>
  29846. Gets or sets paths of MS Word built-in templates.
  29847. </summary>
  29848. <remarks>
  29849. <p>This property is used by the AUTOTEXT and GLOSSARY fields, if referenced auto text entry is not found in the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.AttachedTemplate" /> template.</p>
  29850. <p>By defalut MS Word stores built-in templates in c:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\16\Built-In Building Blocks.dotx and
  29851. C:\Users\&lt;username&gt;\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dotm files.</p>
  29852. </remarks>
  29853. </member>
  29854. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCreateDate">
  29855. <summary>
  29856. Implements the CREATEDATE field.
  29857. </summary>
  29858. <remarks>
  29859. Retrieves the date and time at which the document was created. By default, the Gregorian calendar is used.
  29860. </remarks>
  29861. </member>
  29862. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCreateDate.UseLunarCalendar">
  29863. <summary>
  29864. Gets or sets whether to use the Hijri Lunar or Hebrew Lunar calendar.
  29865. </summary>
  29866. </member>
  29867. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCreateDate.UseSakaEraCalendar">
  29868. <summary>
  29869. Gets or sets whether to use the Saka Era calendar.
  29870. </summary>
  29871. </member>
  29872. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCreateDate.UseUmAlQuraCalendar">
  29873. <summary>
  29874. Gets or sets whether to use the Um-al-Qura calendar.
  29875. </summary>
  29876. </member>
  29877. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEditTime">
  29878. <summary>
  29879. Implements the EDITTIME field.
  29880. </summary>
  29881. <remarks>
  29882. Retrieves the total editing time, in minutes, since the document was created.
  29883. </remarks>
  29884. </member>
  29885. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPrintDate">
  29886. <summary>
  29887. Implements the PRINTDATE field.
  29888. </summary>
  29889. <remarks>
  29890. Retrieves the date and time on which the document was last printed. By default, the Gregorian calendar is used.
  29891. </remarks>
  29892. </member>
  29893. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPrintDate.UseLunarCalendar">
  29894. <summary>
  29895. Gets or sets whether to use the Hijri Lunar or Hebrew Lunar calendar.
  29896. </summary>
  29897. </member>
  29898. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPrintDate.UseSakaEraCalendar">
  29899. <summary>
  29900. Gets or sets whether to use the Saka Era calendar.
  29901. </summary>
  29902. </member>
  29903. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPrintDate.UseUmAlQuraCalendar">
  29904. <summary>
  29905. Gets or sets whether to use the Um-al-Qura calendar.
  29906. </summary>
  29907. </member>
  29908. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSaveDate">
  29909. <summary>
  29910. Implements the SAVEDATE field.
  29911. </summary>
  29912. <remarks>
  29913. Retrieves the date and time on which the document was last saved. By default, the Gregorian calendar is used.
  29914. </remarks>
  29915. </member>
  29916. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSaveDate.UseLunarCalendar">
  29917. <summary>
  29918. Gets or sets whether to use the Hijri Lunar or Hebrew Lunar calendar.
  29919. </summary>
  29920. </member>
  29921. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSaveDate.UseSakaEraCalendar">
  29922. <summary>
  29923. Gets or sets whether to use the Saka Era calendar.
  29924. </summary>
  29925. </member>
  29926. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSaveDate.UseUmAlQuraCalendar">
  29927. <summary>
  29928. Gets or sets whether to use the Um-al-Qura calendar.
  29929. </summary>
  29930. </member>
  29931. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGoToButton">
  29932. <summary>
  29933. Implements the GOTOBUTTON field.
  29934. </summary>
  29935. <remarks>
  29936. Inserts a jump command, such that when it is activated, the insertion point of the document is
  29937. moved to the specified location.
  29938. </remarks>
  29939. </member>
  29940. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGoToButton.Location">
  29941. <summary>
  29942. Gets or sets the name of a bookmark, a page number, or some other item to jump to.
  29943. </summary>
  29944. </member>
  29945. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGoToButton.DisplayText">
  29946. <summary>
  29947. Gets or sets the text of the "button" that appears in the document, such that it can be selected to activate the jump.
  29948. </summary>
  29949. </member>
  29950. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAuthor">
  29951. <summary>
  29952. Implements the AUTHOR field.
  29953. </summary>
  29954. <remarks>
  29955. Retrieves, and optionally sets, the document author's name, as recorded in the <b>Author</b> property of the
  29956. built-in document properties.
  29957. </remarks>
  29958. </member>
  29959. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAuthor.AuthorName">
  29960. <summary>
  29961. Gets or sets the document author's name.
  29962. </summary>
  29963. </member>
  29964. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldComments">
  29965. <summary>
  29966. Implements the COMMENTS field.
  29967. </summary>
  29968. <remarks>
  29969. Retrieves, and optionally sets, the comments relating to the current document, as recorded in the <b>Comments</b> property
  29970. of the built-in document properties.
  29971. </remarks>
  29972. </member>
  29973. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldComments.Text">
  29974. <summary>
  29975. Gets or sets the text of the comments.
  29976. </summary>
  29977. </member>
  29978. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFileName">
  29979. <summary>
  29980. Implements the FILENAME field.
  29981. </summary>
  29982. <remarks>
  29983. <p>Retrieves the name of the current document from its storage location.</p>
  29984. <p>In the current implementation, uses the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.OriginalFileName" /> property to retrieve
  29985. the file name. If the document was loaded from a stream or created blank, uses the name of the file that is being saved to (if known).</p>
  29986. </remarks>
  29987. </member>
  29988. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFileName.IncludeFullPath">
  29989. <summary>
  29990. Gets or sets whether to include the full file path name.
  29991. </summary>
  29992. </member>
  29993. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFileSize">
  29994. <summary>
  29995. Implements the FILESIZE field.
  29996. </summary>
  29997. <remarks>
  29998. <p>Retrieves the size of the current document's file or 0 if the size cannot be determined.</p>
  29999. <p>In the current implementation, uses the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.OriginalFileName" /> property to retrieve
  30000. the file name used to determine the file size.</p>
  30001. </remarks>
  30002. </member>
  30003. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFileSize.IsInKilobytes">
  30004. <summary>
  30005. Gets or sets whether to display the file size in kilobytes.
  30006. </summary>
  30007. </member>
  30008. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFileSize.IsInMegabytes">
  30009. <summary>
  30010. Gets or sets whether to display the file size in megabytes.
  30011. </summary>
  30012. </member>
  30013. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldKeywords">
  30014. <summary>
  30015. Implements the KEYWORDS field.
  30016. </summary>
  30017. <remarks>
  30018. Retrieves, and optionally sets, the document's keywords, as recorded in the <b>Keywords</b> property of the
  30019. built-in document properties.
  30020. </remarks>
  30021. </member>
  30022. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldKeywords.Text">
  30023. <summary>
  30024. Gets or sets the text of the keywords.
  30025. </summary>
  30026. </member>
  30027. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLastSavedBy">
  30028. <summary>
  30029. Implements the LASTSAVEDBY field.
  30030. </summary>
  30031. <remarks>
  30032. Retrieves the name of the user who last modified and saved the current document, as recorded in the <b>LastModifiedBy</b>
  30033. property of the built-in document properties.
  30034. </remarks>
  30035. </member>
  30036. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNumChars">
  30037. <summary>
  30038. Implements the NUMCHARS field.
  30039. </summary>
  30040. <remarks>
  30041. Retrieves the number of characters in the current document, as recorded in the <b>Characters</b> property of the
  30042. built-in document properties.
  30043. </remarks>
  30044. </member>
  30045. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNumPages">
  30046. <summary>
  30047. Implements the NUMPAGES field.
  30048. </summary>
  30049. <remarks>
  30050. Retrieves the number of pages in the current document, as recorded in the <b>Pages</b> property of the
  30051. built-in document properties.
  30052. </remarks>
  30053. </member>
  30054. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNumWords">
  30055. <summary>
  30056. Implements the NUMWORDS field.
  30057. </summary>
  30058. <remarks>
  30059. Retrieves the number of words in the current document, as recorded in the <b>Words</b> property of the
  30060. built-in document properties.
  30061. </remarks>
  30062. </member>
  30063. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSubject">
  30064. <summary>
  30065. Implements the SUBJECT field.
  30066. </summary>
  30067. <remarks>
  30068. Retrieves, and optionally sets, the document's subject, as recorded in the <b>Subject</b> property of the
  30069. built-in document properties.
  30070. </remarks>
  30071. </member>
  30072. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSubject.Text">
  30073. <summary>
  30074. Gets or sets the text of the subject.
  30075. </summary>
  30076. </member>
  30077. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTemplate">
  30078. <summary>
  30079. Implements the TEMPLATE field.
  30080. </summary>
  30081. <remarks>
  30082. Retrieves the file name of the template used by the current document.
  30083. </remarks>
  30084. </member>
  30085. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTemplate.IncludeFullPath">
  30086. <summary>
  30087. Gets or sets whether to include the full file path name.
  30088. </summary>
  30089. </member>
  30090. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTitle">
  30091. <summary>
  30092. Implements the TITLE field.
  30093. </summary>
  30094. <remarks>
  30095. Retrieves, and optionally sets, the document's title, as recorded in the <b>Title</b> property of the
  30096. built-in document properties.
  30097. </remarks>
  30098. </member>
  30099. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTitle.Text">
  30100. <summary>
  30101. Gets or sets the text of the title.
  30102. </summary>
  30103. </member>
  30104. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormula">
  30105. <summary>
  30106. Implements the = (formula) field.
  30107. </summary>
  30108. <remarks>
  30109. Calcualtes the result of an expression.
  30110. </remarks>
  30111. </member>
  30112. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSymbol">
  30113. <summary>
  30114. Implements a SYMBOL field.
  30115. </summary>
  30116. <remarks>
  30117. Retrieves the character whose code point value is specified in decimal or hexadecimal.
  30118. </remarks>
  30119. </member>
  30120. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSymbol.CharacterCode">
  30121. <summary>
  30122. Gets or sets the character's code point value in decimal or hexadecimal.
  30123. </summary>
  30124. </member>
  30125. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSymbol.FontName">
  30126. <summary>
  30127. Gets or sets the name of the font of the character retrieved by the field.
  30128. </summary>
  30129. </member>
  30130. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSymbol.FontSize">
  30131. <summary>
  30132. Gets or sets the size in points of the font of the character retrieved by the field.
  30133. </summary>
  30134. </member>
  30135. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSymbol.IsAnsi">
  30136. <summary>
  30137. Gets or sets whether the character code is interpreted as the value of an ANSI character.
  30138. </summary>
  30139. </member>
  30140. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSymbol.IsUnicode">
  30141. <summary>
  30142. Gets or sets whether the character code is interpreted as the value of a Unicode character.
  30143. </summary>
  30144. </member>
  30145. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSymbol.IsShiftJis">
  30146. <summary>
  30147. Gets or sets whether the character code is interpreted as the value of a SHIFT-JIS character.
  30148. </summary>
  30149. </member>
  30150. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSymbol.DontAffectsLineSpacing">
  30151. <summary>
  30152. Gets or sets whether the character retrieved by the field affects the line spacing of the paragraph.
  30153. </summary>
  30154. </member>
  30155. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldQuote">
  30156. <summary>
  30157. Implements the QUOTE field.
  30158. </summary>
  30159. <remarks>
  30160. Retrieves the specified text.
  30161. </remarks>
  30162. </member>
  30163. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldQuote.Text">
  30164. <summary>
  30165. Gets or sets the text to retrieve.
  30166. </summary>
  30167. </member>
  30168. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSet">
  30169. <summary>
  30170. Implements the SET field.
  30171. </summary>
  30172. <remarks>
  30173. Assigns new text to a bookmark.
  30174. </remarks>
  30175. </member>
  30176. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSet.BookmarkName">
  30177. <summary>
  30178. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark.
  30179. </summary>
  30180. </member>
  30181. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSet.BookmarkText">
  30182. <summary>
  30183. Gets or sets the new text of the bookmark.
  30184. </summary>
  30185. </member>
  30186. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAddressBlock">
  30187. <summary>
  30188. Implements the ADDRESSBLOCK field.
  30189. </summary>
  30190. <remarks>
  30191. Represents an address block. An <i>address block</i> is a block of text specifying information
  30192. appropriate for a postal mailing address, in the order required by the destination country.
  30193. </remarks>
  30194. </member>
  30195. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAddressBlock.GetFieldNames">
  30196. <summary>
  30197. Returns a collection of mail merge field names used by the field.
  30198. </summary>
  30199. </member>
  30200. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAddressBlock.FormatAddressOnCountryOrRegion">
  30201. <summary>
  30202. Gets or sets whether to format the address according to the country/region of the recipient
  30203. as defined by POST*CODE (Universal Postal Union 2006).
  30204. </summary>
  30205. </member>
  30206. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAddressBlock.IncludeCountryOrRegionName">
  30207. <summary>
  30208. Gets or sets whether to include the name of the country/region.
  30209. </summary>
  30210. </member>
  30211. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAddressBlock.ExcludedCountryOrRegionName">
  30212. <summary>
  30213. Gets or sets the excluded country/region name.
  30214. </summary>
  30215. <dev>TODO DV May be more than one.</dev>
  30216. </member>
  30217. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAddressBlock.NameAndAddressFormat">
  30218. <summary>
  30219. Gets or sets the name and address format.
  30220. </summary>
  30221. </member>
  30222. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAddressBlock.LanguageId">
  30223. <summary>
  30224. Gets or sets the language ID used to format the address.
  30225. </summary>
  30226. </member>
  30227. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCompare">
  30228. <summary>
  30229. Implements the COMPARE field.
  30230. </summary>
  30231. <remarks>
  30232. Compares the values designated by the expressions <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCompare.LeftExpression" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCompare.RightExpression" />
  30233. in comparison using the operator designated by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCompare.ComparisonOperator" />.
  30234. </remarks>
  30235. </member>
  30236. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCompare.LeftExpression">
  30237. <summary>
  30238. Gets or sets the left part of the comparison expression.
  30239. </summary>
  30240. </member>
  30241. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCompare.ComparisonOperator">
  30242. <summary>
  30243. Gets or sets the comparison operator.
  30244. </summary>
  30245. </member>
  30246. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldCompare.RightExpression">
  30247. <summary>
  30248. Gets or sets the right part of the comparison expression.
  30249. </summary>
  30250. </member>
  30251. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDate">
  30252. <summary>
  30253. Implements the DATE field.
  30254. </summary>
  30255. <remarks>
  30256. Inserts the current date and time. By default, the Gregorian calendar is used.
  30257. </remarks>
  30258. </member>
  30259. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDate.UseLunarCalendar">
  30260. <summary>
  30261. Gets or sets whether to use the Hijri Lunar or Hebrew Lunar calendar.
  30262. </summary>
  30263. </member>
  30264. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDate.UseLastFormat">
  30265. <summary>
  30266. Gets or sets whether to use a format last used by the hosting application when inserting a new DATE field.
  30267. </summary>
  30268. </member>
  30269. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDate.UseSakaEraCalendar">
  30270. <summary>
  30271. Gets or sets whether to use the Saka Era calendar.
  30272. </summary>
  30273. </member>
  30274. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDate.UseUmAlQuraCalendar">
  30275. <summary>
  30276. Gets or sets whether to use the Um-al-Qura calendar.
  30277. </summary>
  30278. </member>
  30279. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDocProperty">
  30280. <summary>
  30281. Implements the DOCPROPERTY field.
  30282. </summary>
  30283. <remarks>
  30284. Retrieves the indicated document information.
  30285. </remarks>
  30286. </member>
  30287. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDocVariable">
  30288. <summary>
  30289. Implements DOCVARIABLE field.
  30290. </summary>
  30291. </member>
  30292. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldDocVariable.VariableName">
  30293. <summary>
  30294. Gets or sets the name of the document variable to retrieve.
  30295. </summary>
  30296. </member>
  30297. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGreetingLine">
  30298. <summary>
  30299. Implements the GREETINGLINE field.
  30300. </summary>
  30301. <remarks>
  30302. Inserts a mail merge greeting line.
  30303. </remarks>
  30304. </member>
  30305. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGreetingLine.GetFieldNames">
  30306. <summary>
  30307. Returns a collection of mail merge field names used by the field.
  30308. </summary>
  30309. </member>
  30310. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGreetingLine.AlternateText">
  30311. <summary>
  30312. Gets or sets the text to include in the field if the name is blank.
  30313. </summary>
  30314. </member>
  30315. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGreetingLine.NameFormat">
  30316. <summary>
  30317. Gets or sets the format of the name included in the field.
  30318. </summary>
  30319. </member>
  30320. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldGreetingLine.LanguageId">
  30321. <summary>
  30322. Gets or sets the language id used to format the name.
  30323. </summary>
  30324. </member>
  30325. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldHyperlink">
  30326. <summary>
  30327. Implements the HYPERLINK field
  30328. </summary>
  30329. <remarks>
  30330. When selected, causes control to jump to the location such as a bookmark or a URL.
  30331. </remarks>
  30332. </member>
  30333. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldHyperlink.Target">
  30334. <summary>
  30335. Gets or sets the target to which the link should be redirected.
  30336. </summary>
  30337. </member>
  30338. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldHyperlink.Address">
  30339. <summary>
  30340. Gets or sets a location where this hyperlink jumps.
  30341. </summary>
  30342. </member>
  30343. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldHyperlink.SubAddress">
  30344. <summary>
  30345. Gets or sets a location in the file, such as a bookmark, where this hyperlink jumps.
  30346. </summary>
  30347. </member>
  30348. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldHyperlink.IsImageMap">
  30349. <summary>
  30350. Gets or sets whether to append coordinates to the hyperlink for a server-side image map.
  30351. </summary>
  30352. </member>
  30353. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldHyperlink.OpenInNewWindow">
  30354. <summary>
  30355. Gets or sets whether to open the destination site in a new web browser window.
  30356. </summary>
  30357. </member>
  30358. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldHyperlink.ScreenTip">
  30359. <summary>
  30360. Gets or sets the ScreenTip text for the hyperlink.
  30361. </summary>
  30362. </member>
  30363. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf">
  30364. <summary>
  30365. Implements the IF field.
  30366. </summary>
  30367. <remarks>
  30368. <p>Compares the values designated by the expressions <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.LeftExpression" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.RightExpression" />
  30369. in comparison using the operator designated by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.ComparisonOperator" />.</p>
  30370. <p>A field in the following format will be used as a mail merge source: { IF 0 = 0 "{PatientsNameFML}" "" \* MERGEFORMAT }</p>
  30371. </remarks>
  30372. </member>
  30373. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.EvaluateCondition">
  30374. <summary>
  30375. Evaluates the condition.
  30376. </summary>
  30377. <returns>
  30378. A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIfComparisonResult" /> value that represents the result of the condition evaluation.
  30379. </returns>
  30380. </member>
  30381. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.LeftExpression">
  30382. <summary>
  30383. Gets or sets the left part of the comparison expression.
  30384. </summary>
  30385. </member>
  30386. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.ComparisonOperator">
  30387. <summary>
  30388. Gets or sets the comparison operator.
  30389. </summary>
  30390. </member>
  30391. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.RightExpression">
  30392. <summary>
  30393. Gets or sets the right part of the comparison expression.
  30394. </summary>
  30395. </member>
  30396. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.TrueText">
  30397. <summary>
  30398. Gets or sets the text displayed if the comparison expression is true.
  30399. </summary>
  30400. </member>
  30401. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIf.FalseText">
  30402. <summary>
  30403. Gets or sets the text displayed if the comparison expression is false.
  30404. </summary>
  30405. </member>
  30406. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText">
  30407. <summary>
  30408. Implements the INCLUDETEXT field.
  30409. </summary>
  30410. <remarks>
  30411. Inserts all or part of the text and graphics contained in another document.
  30412. </remarks>
  30413. </member>
  30414. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.SourceFullName">
  30415. <summary>
  30416. Gets or sets the location of the document using an IRI.
  30417. </summary>
  30418. </member>
  30419. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.BookmarkName">
  30420. <summary>
  30421. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark in the document to include.
  30422. </summary>
  30423. </member>
  30424. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.LockFields">
  30425. <summary>
  30426. Gets or sets whether to prevent fields in the included document from being updated.
  30427. </summary>
  30428. </member>
  30429. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.TextConverter">
  30430. <summary>
  30431. Gets or sets the name of the text converter for the format of the included file.
  30432. </summary>
  30433. </member>
  30434. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.NamespaceMappings">
  30435. <summary>
  30436. Gets or sets the namespace mappings for XPath queries.
  30437. </summary>
  30438. </member>
  30439. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.XslTransformation">
  30440. <summary>
  30441. Gets or sets the location of XSL Transformation to format XML data.
  30442. </summary>
  30443. </member>
  30444. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.XPath">
  30445. <summary>
  30446. Gets or sets XPath for the desired portion of the XML file.
  30447. </summary>
  30448. </member>
  30449. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.Encoding">
  30450. <summary>
  30451. Gets or sets the encoding applied to the data within the referenced file.
  30452. </summary>
  30453. </member>
  30454. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldIncludeText.MimeType">
  30455. <summary>
  30456. Gets or sets the MIME type of the referenced file.
  30457. </summary>
  30458. </member>
  30459. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink">
  30460. <summary>
  30461. Implements the LINK field.
  30462. </summary>
  30463. <remarks>
  30464. For information copied from another application, this field links that information to its original
  30465. source file.
  30466. </remarks>
  30467. </member>
  30468. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.ProgId">
  30469. <summary>
  30470. Gets or sets the application type of the link information.
  30471. </summary>
  30472. </member>
  30473. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.SourceFullName">
  30474. <summary>
  30475. Gets or sets the name and location of the source file.
  30476. </summary>
  30477. </member>
  30478. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.SourceItem">
  30479. <summary>
  30480. Gets or sets the portion of the source file that's being linked.
  30481. </summary>
  30482. </member>
  30483. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.AutoUpdate">
  30484. <summary>
  30485. Gets or sets whether to update this field automatically.
  30486. </summary>
  30487. </member>
  30488. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.InsertAsBitmap">
  30489. <summary>
  30490. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as a bitmap.
  30491. </summary>
  30492. </member>
  30493. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.IsLinked">
  30494. <summary>
  30495. Gets or sets whether to reduce the file size by not storing graphics data with the document.
  30496. </summary>
  30497. </member>
  30498. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.FormatUpdateType">
  30499. <summary>
  30500. Gets or sets a way the linked object updates its formatting.
  30501. </summary>
  30502. </member>
  30503. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.InsertAsHtml">
  30504. <summary>
  30505. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as HTML format text.
  30506. </summary>
  30507. </member>
  30508. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.InsertAsPicture">
  30509. <summary>
  30510. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as a picture.
  30511. </summary>
  30512. </member>
  30513. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.InsertAsRtf">
  30514. <summary>
  30515. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object in rich-text format (RTF).
  30516. </summary>
  30517. </member>
  30518. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.InsertAsText">
  30519. <summary>
  30520. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object in text-only format.
  30521. </summary>
  30522. </member>
  30523. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldLink.InsertAsUnicode">
  30524. <summary>
  30525. Gets or sets whether to insert the linked object as Unicode text.
  30526. </summary>
  30527. </member>
  30528. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMacroButton">
  30529. <summary>
  30530. Implements the MACROBUTTON field.
  30531. </summary>
  30532. <remarks>
  30533. <p>Allows a macro or command to be run.</p>
  30534. <p>In Aspose.Words this field can also act as a merge field.</p>
  30535. </remarks>
  30536. </member>
  30537. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMacroButton.MacroName">
  30538. <summary>
  30539. Gets or sets the name of the macro or command to run.
  30540. </summary>
  30541. </member>
  30542. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMacroButton.DisplayText">
  30543. <summary>
  30544. Gets or sets the text to appear as the "button" that is selected to run the macro or command.
  30545. </summary>
  30546. </member>
  30547. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeField">
  30548. <summary>
  30549. Implements the MERGEFIELD field.
  30550. </summary>
  30551. <remarks>
  30552. Retrieves the name of a data field within the merge characters in a mail merge main document.
  30553. When the main document is merged with the selected data source, information from the specified
  30554. data field is inserted in place of the merge field.
  30555. </remarks>
  30556. </member>
  30557. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeField.Type">
  30558. <summary>
  30559. Gets the Microsoft Word field type.
  30560. </summary>
  30561. </member>
  30562. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeField.FieldNameNoPrefix">
  30563. <summary>
  30564. Returns just the name of the data field. Any prefix is stripped to the prefix property.
  30565. </summary>
  30566. </member>
  30567. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeField.FieldName">
  30568. <summary>
  30569. Gets or sets the name of a data field.
  30570. </summary>
  30571. </member>
  30572. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeField.TextBefore">
  30573. <summary>
  30574. Gets or sets the text to be inserted before the field if the field is not blank.
  30575. </summary>
  30576. </member>
  30577. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeField.TextAfter">
  30578. <summary>
  30579. Gets or sets the text to be inserted after the field if the field is not blank.
  30580. </summary>
  30581. </member>
  30582. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeField.IsMapped">
  30583. <summary>
  30584. Gets or sets whether this field is a mapped field.
  30585. </summary>
  30586. </member>
  30587. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeField.IsVerticalFormatting">
  30588. <summary>
  30589. Gets or sets whether to enable character conversion for vertical formatting.
  30590. </summary>
  30591. </member>
  30592. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeRec">
  30593. <summary>
  30594. Implements the MERGEREC field.
  30595. </summary>
  30596. <remarks>
  30597. At the moment the MERGEREC and MERGESEQ fields implement the same functionality because we don't know for sure
  30598. how to skip records in Aspose.Words mail merge.
  30599. </remarks>
  30600. </member>
  30601. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldMergeSeq">
  30602. <summary>
  30603. Implements the MERGESEQ field.
  30604. </summary>
  30605. <remarks>
  30606. At the moment the MERGEREC and MERGESEQ fields implement the same functionality because we don't know for sure
  30607. how to skip records in Aspose.Words mail merge.
  30608. </remarks>
  30609. </member>
  30610. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNext">
  30611. <summary>
  30612. Implements the NEXT field.
  30613. </summary>
  30614. <remarks>
  30615. Merges the next data record into the current resulting merged document, rather than starting a
  30616. new merged document.
  30617. </remarks>
  30618. </member>
  30619. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNextIf">
  30620. <summary>
  30621. Implements the NEXTIF field.
  30622. </summary>
  30623. <remarks>
  30624. Compares the values designated by the expressions <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNextIf.LeftExpression" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNextIf.RightExpression" />
  30625. in comparison using the operator designated by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNextIf.ComparisonOperator" />. If the comparison is true,
  30626. the next data record is merged into the current merge document. (Merge fields that follow the NEXTIF in the main
  30627. document are replaced by values from the next data record rather than the current data record.)
  30628. If the comparison is false, the next data record is merged into a new merge document.
  30629. </remarks>
  30630. </member>
  30631. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNextIf.LeftExpression">
  30632. <summary>
  30633. Gets or sets the left part of the comparison expression.
  30634. </summary>
  30635. </member>
  30636. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNextIf.ComparisonOperator">
  30637. <summary>
  30638. Gets or sets the comparison operator.
  30639. </summary>
  30640. </member>
  30641. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNextIf.RightExpression">
  30642. <summary>
  30643. Gets or sets the right part of the comparison expression.
  30644. </summary>
  30645. </member>
  30646. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNoteRef">
  30647. <summary>
  30648. Implements the NOTEREF field.
  30649. </summary>
  30650. <remarks>
  30651. Inserts the mark of the footnote or endnote that is marked by the specified bookmark.
  30652. </remarks>
  30653. </member>
  30654. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNoteRef.BookmarkName">
  30655. <summary>
  30656. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark.
  30657. </summary>
  30658. </member>
  30659. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNoteRef.InsertReferenceMark">
  30660. <summary>
  30661. Inserts the reference mark with the same character formatting as the Footnote Reference
  30662. or Endnote Reference style.
  30663. </summary>
  30664. </member>
  30665. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNoteRef.InsertHyperlink">
  30666. <summary>
  30667. Gets or sets whether to insert a hyperlink to the bookmarked paragraph.
  30668. </summary>
  30669. </member>
  30670. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldNoteRef.InsertRelativePosition">
  30671. <summary>
  30672. Gets or sets whether to insert a relative position of the bookmarked paragraph.
  30673. </summary>
  30674. </member>
  30675. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPageRef">
  30676. <summary>
  30677. Implements the PAGEREF field.
  30678. </summary>
  30679. <remarks>
  30680. Inserts the number of the page containing the specified bookmark for a cross-reference.
  30681. </remarks>
  30682. </member>
  30683. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPageRef.BookmarkName">
  30684. <summary>
  30685. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark.
  30686. </summary>
  30687. </member>
  30688. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPageRef.InsertHyperlink">
  30689. <summary>
  30690. Gets or sets whether to insert a hyperlink to the bookmarked paragraph.
  30691. </summary>
  30692. </member>
  30693. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldPageRef.InsertRelativePosition">
  30694. <summary>
  30695. Gets or sets whether to insert a relative position of the bookmarked paragraph.
  30696. </summary>
  30697. </member>
  30698. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef">
  30699. <summary>
  30700. Implements the REF field.
  30701. </summary>
  30702. <remarks>
  30703. Inserts the text or graphics represented by the specified bookmark.
  30704. </remarks>
  30705. </member>
  30706. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.BookmarkName">
  30707. <summary>
  30708. Gets or sets the referenced bookmark's name.
  30709. </summary>
  30710. </member>
  30711. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.NumberSeparator">
  30712. <summary>
  30713. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate sequence numbers and page numbers.
  30714. </summary>
  30715. </member>
  30716. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.IncludeNoteOrComment">
  30717. <summary>
  30718. Gets or sets whether to increment footnote, endnote, and annotation numbers that are
  30719. marked by the bookmark, and insert the corresponding footnote, endnote, and comment text.
  30720. </summary>
  30721. </member>
  30722. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.InsertHyperlink">
  30723. <summary>
  30724. Gets or sets whether to create a hyperlink to the bookmarked paragraph.
  30725. </summary>
  30726. </member>
  30727. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.InsertParagraphNumber">
  30728. <summary>
  30729. Gets or sets whether to insert the paragraph number of the referenced paragraph exactly as it appears in the document.
  30730. </summary>
  30731. </member>
  30732. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.InsertRelativePosition">
  30733. <summary>
  30734. Gets or sets whether to insert the relative position of the referenced paragraph.
  30735. </summary>
  30736. </member>
  30737. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.InsertParagraphNumberInRelativeContext">
  30738. <summary>
  30739. Gets or sets whether to insert the paragraph number of the referenced paragraph in relative context.
  30740. </summary>
  30741. </member>
  30742. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.SuppressNonDelimiters">
  30743. <summary>
  30744. Gets or sets whether to suppress non-delimiter characters.
  30745. </summary>
  30746. </member>
  30747. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldRef.InsertParagraphNumberInFullContext">
  30748. <summary>
  30749. Gets or sets whether to insert the paragraph number of the referenced paragraph in full context.
  30750. </summary>
  30751. </member>
  30752. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeq">
  30753. <summary>
  30754. Implements the SEQ field.
  30755. </summary>
  30756. <remarks>
  30757. Sequentially numbers chapters, tables, figures, and other user-defined lists of items in a document.
  30758. </remarks>
  30759. </member>
  30760. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeq.SequenceIdentifier">
  30761. <summary>
  30762. Gets or sets the name assigned to the series of items that are to be numbered.
  30763. </summary>
  30764. </member>
  30765. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeq.BookmarkName">
  30766. <summary>
  30767. Gets or sets a bookmark name that refers to an item elsewhere in the document rather than in the current location.
  30768. </summary>
  30769. </member>
  30770. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeq.InsertNextNumber">
  30771. <summary>
  30772. Gets or sets whether to insert the next sequence number for the specified item.
  30773. </summary>
  30774. </member>
  30775. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeq.ResetNumber">
  30776. <summary>
  30777. Gets or sets an integer number to reset the sequence number to. Returns -1 if the number is absent.
  30778. </summary>
  30779. </member>
  30780. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeq.ResetHeadingLevel">
  30781. <summary>
  30782. Gets or sets an integer number representing a heading level to reset the sequence number to.
  30783. Returns -1 if the number is absent.
  30784. </summary>
  30785. </member>
  30786. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStyleRef">
  30787. <summary>
  30788. Implements the STYLEREF field.
  30789. </summary>
  30790. <remarks>
  30791. The STYLEREF is used to reference a fragment of text within the document that is formatted with
  30792. the specified style.
  30793. </remarks>
  30794. </member>
  30795. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStyleRef.StyleName">
  30796. <summary>
  30797. Gets or sets the name of the style by which the text to search for is formatted.
  30798. </summary>
  30799. </member>
  30800. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStyleRef.SearchFromBottom">
  30801. <summary>
  30802. Gets or sets whether to search from the bottom of the current page, rather from the top.
  30803. </summary>
  30804. </member>
  30805. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStyleRef.InsertParagraphNumber">
  30806. <summary>
  30807. Gets or sets whether to insert the paragraph number of the referenced paragraph exactly as it appears in the document.
  30808. </summary>
  30809. </member>
  30810. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStyleRef.InsertRelativePosition">
  30811. <summary>
  30812. Gets or sets whether to insert the relative position of the referenced paragraph.
  30813. </summary>
  30814. </member>
  30815. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStyleRef.InsertParagraphNumberInRelativeContext">
  30816. <summary>
  30817. Gets or sets whether to insert the paragraph number of the referenced paragraph in relative context.
  30818. </summary>
  30819. </member>
  30820. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStyleRef.SuppressNonDelimiters">
  30821. <summary>
  30822. Gets or sets whether to suppress non-delimiter characters.
  30823. </summary>
  30824. </member>
  30825. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStyleRef.InsertParagraphNumberInFullContext">
  30826. <summary>
  30827. Gets or sets whether to insert the paragraph number of the referenced paragraph in full context.
  30828. </summary>
  30829. </member>
  30830. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTC">
  30831. <summary>
  30832. Implements the TC field.
  30833. </summary>
  30834. <remarks>
  30835. Defines the text and page number for a table of contents (including a table of figures) entry, which
  30836. is used by a TOC field.
  30837. </remarks>
  30838. </member>
  30839. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTC.Text">
  30840. <summary>
  30841. Gets or sets the text of the entry.
  30842. </summary>
  30843. </member>
  30844. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTC.TypeIdentifier">
  30845. <summary>
  30846. Gets or sets a type identifier for this field (which is typically a letter).
  30847. </summary>
  30848. </member>
  30849. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTC.EntryLevel">
  30850. <summary>
  30851. Gets or sets the level of the entry.
  30852. </summary>
  30853. </member>
  30854. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTC.OmitPageNumber">
  30855. <summary>
  30856. Gets or sets whether page number in TOC should be omitted for this field.
  30857. </summary>
  30858. </member>
  30859. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldTime">
  30860. <summary>
  30861. Implements the TIME field.
  30862. </summary>
  30863. <remarks>
  30864. Inserts the current date and time.
  30865. </remarks>
  30866. </member>
  30867. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc">
  30868. <summary>
  30869. Implements the TOC field.
  30870. </summary>
  30871. <remarks>
  30872. Builds a table of contents (which can also be a table of figures) using the entries specified by TC fields,
  30873. their heading levels, and specified styles, and inserts that table at this place in the document.
  30874. </remarks>
  30875. </member>
  30876. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.UpdatePageNumbers">
  30877. <summary>
  30878. Updates the page numbers for items in this table of contents.
  30879. </summary>
  30880. <returns>
  30881. True if the operation is successful. If any of the related TOC bookmarks was removed, false will be returned.
  30882. </returns>
  30883. </member>
  30884. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.BookmarkName">
  30885. <summary>
  30886. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark that marks the portion of the document used to build the table.
  30887. </summary>
  30888. </member>
  30889. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.TableOfFiguresLabel">
  30890. <summary>
  30891. Gets or sets the name of the sequence identifier used when building a table of figures.
  30892. </summary>
  30893. </member>
  30894. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.CaptionlessTableOfFiguresLabel">
  30895. <summary>
  30896. Gets or sets the name of the sequence identifier used when building a table of figures that does not include caption's
  30897. label and number.
  30898. </summary>
  30899. </member>
  30900. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.SequenceSeparator">
  30901. <summary>
  30902. Gets or sets the character sequence that is used to separate sequence numbers and page numbers.
  30903. </summary>
  30904. </member>
  30905. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.EntryIdentifier">
  30906. <summary>
  30907. Gets or sets a string that should match type identifiers of TC fields being included.
  30908. </summary>
  30909. </member>
  30910. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.InsertHyperlinks">
  30911. <summary>
  30912. Gets or sets whether to make the table of contents entries hyperlinks.
  30913. </summary>
  30914. </member>
  30915. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.EntryLevelRange">
  30916. <summary>
  30917. Gets or sets a range of levels of the table of contents entries to be included.
  30918. </summary>
  30919. </member>
  30920. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.PageNumberOmittingLevelRange">
  30921. <summary>
  30922. Gets or sets a range of levels of the table of contents entries from which to omits page numbers.
  30923. </summary>
  30924. </member>
  30925. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.HeadingLevelRange">
  30926. <summary>
  30927. Gets or sets a range of heading levels to include.
  30928. </summary>
  30929. </member>
  30930. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.EntrySeparator">
  30931. <summary>
  30932. Gets or sets a sequence of characters that separate an entry and its page number.
  30933. </summary>
  30934. </member>
  30935. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.PrefixedSequenceIdentifier">
  30936. <summary>
  30937. Gets or sets the identifier of a sequence for which a prefix should be added to the entry's page number.
  30938. </summary>
  30939. </member>
  30940. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.CustomStyles">
  30941. <summary>
  30942. Gets or sets a list of styles other than the built-in heading styles to include in the table of contents.
  30943. </summary>
  30944. </member>
  30945. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.UseParagraphOutlineLevel">
  30946. <summary>
  30947. Gets or sets whether to use the applied paragraph outline level.
  30948. </summary>
  30949. </member>
  30950. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.PreserveTabs">
  30951. <summary>
  30952. Gets or sets whether to preserve tab entries within table entries.
  30953. </summary>
  30954. </member>
  30955. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.PreserveLineBreaks">
  30956. <summary>
  30957. Gets or sets whether to preserve newline characters within table entries.
  30958. </summary>
  30959. </member>
  30960. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldToc.HideInWebLayout">
  30961. <summary>
  30962. Gets or sets whether to hide tab leader and page numbers in Web layout view.
  30963. </summary>
  30964. </member>
  30965. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE">
  30966. <summary>
  30967. Implements the XE field.
  30968. </summary>
  30969. <remarks>
  30970. Defines the text and page number for an index entry, which is used by an INDEX field.
  30971. </remarks>
  30972. </member>
  30973. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE.Text">
  30974. <summary>
  30975. Gets or sets the text of the entry.
  30976. </summary>
  30977. </member>
  30978. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE.IsBold">
  30979. <summary>
  30980. Gets or sets whether to apply bold formatting to the entry's page number.
  30981. </summary>
  30982. </member>
  30983. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE.EntryType">
  30984. <summary>
  30985. Gets or sets an index entry type.
  30986. </summary>
  30987. </member>
  30988. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE.IsItalic">
  30989. <summary>
  30990. Gets or sets whether to apply italic formatting to the entry's page number.
  30991. </summary>
  30992. </member>
  30993. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE.PageRangeBookmarkName">
  30994. <summary>
  30995. Gets or sets the name of the bookmark that marks a range of pages that is inserted as the entry's page number.
  30996. </summary>
  30997. </member>
  30998. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE.HasPageRangeBookmarkName">
  30999. <summary>
  31000. Gets a value indicating whether a page range bookmark name is provided through the field's code.
  31001. </summary>
  31002. </member>
  31003. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE.PageNumberReplacement">
  31004. <summary>
  31005. Gets or sets text used in place of a page number.
  31006. </summary>
  31007. </member>
  31008. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldXE.Yomi">
  31009. <summary>
  31010. Gets or sets the yomi (first phonetic character for sorting indexes) for the index entry
  31011. </summary>
  31012. </member>
  31013. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUpdateCultureSource">
  31014. <summary>
  31015. Indicates what culture to use during field update.
  31016. </summary>
  31017. </member>
  31018. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUpdateCultureSource.CurrentThread">
  31019. <summary>
  31020. The culture of the current execution thread is used to update fields.
  31021. </summary>
  31022. </member>
  31023. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUpdateCultureSource.FieldCode">
  31024. <summary>
  31025. The culture specified in the field formatting properties via language setting is used.
  31026. </summary>
  31027. <remarks>
  31028. To be exact, Aspose.Words mimics MS Word by using the language set for the first character of the field code.
  31029. </remarks>
  31030. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.LocaleId" />
  31031. </member>
  31032. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat">
  31033. <summary>
  31034. Specifies a general format that is applied to a numeric, text, or any field result.
  31035. A field may have a combination of general formats.
  31036. </summary>
  31037. </member>
  31038. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.None">
  31039. <summary>
  31040. Used to specify a missing general format.
  31041. </summary>
  31042. </member>
  31043. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Aiueo">
  31044. <summary>
  31045. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using hiragana characters in the traditional a-i-u-e-o order.
  31046. </summary>
  31047. </member>
  31048. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.UppercaseAlphabetic">
  31049. <summary>
  31050. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result as one or more occurrences of an uppercase alphabetic Latin character.
  31051. </summary>
  31052. </member>
  31053. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.LowercaseAlphabetic">
  31054. <summary>
  31055. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result as one or more occurrences of an lowercase alphabetic Latin character.
  31056. </summary>
  31057. </member>
  31058. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Arabic">
  31059. <summary>
  31060. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Arabic cardinal numerals.
  31061. </summary>
  31062. </member>
  31063. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ArabicAbjad">
  31064. <summary>
  31065. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using ascending Abjad numerals.
  31066. </summary>
  31067. </member>
  31068. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ArabicAlpha">
  31069. <summary>
  31070. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using characters in the Arabic alphabet.
  31071. </summary>
  31072. </member>
  31073. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ArabicDash">
  31074. <summary>
  31075. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Arabic cardinal numerals, with a prefix of "- " and a suffix of " -".
  31076. </summary>
  31077. </member>
  31078. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.BahtText">
  31079. <summary>
  31080. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result in the Thai counting system.
  31081. </summary>
  31082. </member>
  31083. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.CardText">
  31084. <summary>
  31085. Numeric formatting. Cardinal text (One, Two, Three, ...).
  31086. </summary>
  31087. </member>
  31088. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ChineseNum1">
  31089. <summary>
  31090. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using ascending numbers from the appropriate counting system.
  31091. </summary>
  31092. </member>
  31093. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ChineseNum2">
  31094. <summary>
  31095. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the appropriate legal format.
  31096. </summary>
  31097. </member>
  31098. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ChineseNum3">
  31099. <summary>
  31100. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the appropriate counting thousand system.
  31101. </summary>
  31102. </member>
  31103. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Chosung">
  31104. <summary>
  31105. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the Korean Chosung format.
  31106. </summary>
  31107. </member>
  31108. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.CircleNum">
  31109. <summary>
  31110. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using decimal numbering enclosed in a circle, using the
  31111. enclosed alphanumeric glyph character for numbers in the range 1–20.
  31112. </summary>
  31113. </member>
  31114. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.DBChar">
  31115. <summary>
  31116. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using double-byte Arabic numbering.
  31117. </summary>
  31118. </member>
  31119. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.DBNum1">
  31120. <summary>
  31121. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential digital ideographs, using the appropriate character.
  31122. </summary>
  31123. </member>
  31124. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.DBNum2">
  31125. <summary>
  31126. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the appropriate counting system.
  31127. </summary>
  31128. </member>
  31129. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.DBNum3">
  31130. <summary>
  31131. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the appropriate legal counting system.
  31132. </summary>
  31133. </member>
  31134. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.DBNum4">
  31135. <summary>
  31136. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the appropriate digital counting system.
  31137. </summary>
  31138. </member>
  31139. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.DollarText">
  31140. <summary>
  31141. Numeric formatting. Dollar text (One, Two, Three, ... + AND 55/100).
  31142. </summary>
  31143. </member>
  31144. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Ganada">
  31145. <summary>
  31146. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the Korean Ganada format.
  31147. </summary>
  31148. </member>
  31149. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.GB1">
  31150. <summary>
  31151. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using decimal numbering followed by a period, using
  31152. the enclosed alphanumeric glyph character.
  31153. </summary>
  31154. </member>
  31155. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.GB2">
  31156. <summary>
  31157. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using decimal numbering enclosed in parenthesis,
  31158. using the enclosed alphanumeric glyph character.
  31159. </summary>
  31160. </member>
  31161. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.GB3">
  31162. <summary>
  31163. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using decimal numbering enclosed in a circle, using the
  31164. enclosed alphanumeric glyph character.
  31165. </summary>
  31166. </member>
  31167. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.GB4">
  31168. <summary>
  31169. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using decimal numbering enclosed in a circle, using the
  31170. enclosed alphanumeric glyph character.
  31171. </summary>
  31172. </member>
  31173. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Hebrew1">
  31174. <summary>
  31175. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Hebrew numerals.
  31176. </summary>
  31177. </member>
  31178. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Hebrew2">
  31179. <summary>
  31180. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using the Hebrew alphabet.
  31181. </summary>
  31182. </member>
  31183. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Hex">
  31184. <summary>
  31185. Numeric formatting. Formats the numeric result using uppercase hexadecimal digits.
  31186. </summary>
  31187. </member>
  31188. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.HindiArabic">
  31189. <summary>
  31190. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Hindi numbers.
  31191. </summary>
  31192. </member>
  31193. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.HindiCardText">
  31194. <summary>
  31195. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the Hindi counting system.
  31196. </summary>
  31197. </member>
  31198. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.HindiLetter1">
  31199. <summary>
  31200. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Hindi vowels.
  31201. </summary>
  31202. </member>
  31203. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.HindiLetter2">
  31204. <summary>
  31205. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Hindi consonants.
  31206. </summary>
  31207. </member>
  31208. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Iroha">
  31209. <summary>
  31210. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using the Japanese iroha.
  31211. </summary>
  31212. </member>
  31213. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.KanjiNum1">
  31214. <summary>
  31215. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using a Japanese style using the appropriate counting system.
  31216. </summary>
  31217. </member>
  31218. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.KanjiNum2">
  31219. <summary>
  31220. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using the appropriate counting system.
  31221. </summary>
  31222. </member>
  31223. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.KanjiNum3">
  31224. <summary>
  31225. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using the appropriate counting system.
  31226. </summary>
  31227. </member>
  31228. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Ordinal">
  31229. <summary>
  31230. Numeric formatting. Ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...).
  31231. </summary>
  31232. </member>
  31233. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.OrdText">
  31234. <summary>
  31235. Numeric formatting. Ordinal text (First, Second, Third, ...).
  31236. </summary>
  31237. </member>
  31238. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.UppercaseRoman">
  31239. <summary>
  31240. Numeric formatting. Uppercase Roman (I, II, III, ...).
  31241. </summary>
  31242. </member>
  31243. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.LowercaseRoman">
  31244. <summary>
  31245. Numeric formatting. Lowercase Roman (i, ii, iii, ...).
  31246. </summary>
  31247. </member>
  31248. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.SBChar">
  31249. <summary>
  31250. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using single-byte Arabic numbering.
  31251. </summary>
  31252. </member>
  31253. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ThaiArabic">
  31254. <summary>
  31255. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Thai numbers.
  31256. </summary>
  31257. </member>
  31258. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ThaiCardText">
  31259. <summary>
  31260. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numbers from the Thai counting system.
  31261. </summary>
  31262. </member>
  31263. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.ThaiLetter">
  31264. <summary>
  31265. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Thai letters.
  31266. </summary>
  31267. </member>
  31268. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.VietCardText">
  31269. <summary>
  31270. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using Vietnamese numerals.
  31271. </summary>
  31272. </member>
  31273. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Zodiac1">
  31274. <summary>
  31275. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential numerical traditional ideographs.
  31276. </summary>
  31277. </member>
  31278. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Zodiac2">
  31279. <summary>
  31280. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential zodiac ideographs.
  31281. </summary>
  31282. </member>
  31283. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Zodiac3">
  31284. <summary>
  31285. Numeric formatting. Formats a numeric result using sequential traditional zodiac ideographs.
  31286. </summary>
  31287. </member>
  31288. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Caps">
  31289. <summary>
  31290. Text formatting. Capitalizes the first letter of each word.
  31291. </summary>
  31292. </member>
  31293. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.FirstCap">
  31294. <summary>
  31295. Text formatting. Capitalizes the first letter of the first word.
  31296. </summary>
  31297. </member>
  31298. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Lower">
  31299. <summary>
  31300. Text formatting. All letters are lowercase.
  31301. </summary>
  31302. </member>
  31303. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.Upper">
  31304. <summary>
  31305. Text formatting. All letters are uppercase.
  31306. </summary>
  31307. </member>
  31308. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.CharFormat">
  31309. <summary>
  31310. Field result formatting. The CHARFORMAT instruction.
  31311. </summary>
  31312. </member>
  31313. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.MergeFormat">
  31314. <summary>
  31315. Field result formatting. The MERGEFORMAT instruction.
  31316. </summary>
  31317. </member>
  31318. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat.MergeFormatInet">
  31319. <summary>
  31320. Field result formatting. The MERGEFORMATINET instruction.
  31321. </summary>
  31322. </member>
  31323. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormatCollection">
  31324. <summary>
  31325. Represents a typed collection of general formats.
  31326. </summary>
  31327. </member>
  31328. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormatCollection.Add(Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat)">
  31329. <summary>
  31330. Adds a general format to the collection.
  31331. </summary>
  31332. <param name="item">A general format.</param>
  31333. </member>
  31334. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormatCollection.Remove(Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormat)">
  31335. <summary>
  31336. Removes all occurrences of the specified general format from the collection.
  31337. </summary>
  31338. <param name="item">A general format.</param>
  31339. </member>
  31340. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormatCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  31341. <summary>
  31342. Removes a general format occurrence at the specified index.
  31343. </summary>
  31344. <param name="index">
  31345. </param>
  31346. </member>
  31347. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormatCollection.GetEnumerator">
  31348. <summary>
  31349. Returns an enumerator object.
  31350. </summary>
  31351. </member>
  31352. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormatCollection.Count">
  31353. <summary>
  31354. Gets the total number of the items in the collection.
  31355. </summary>
  31356. </member>
  31357. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.GeneralFormatCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  31358. <summary>
  31359. Gets a general format at the specified index.
  31360. </summary>
  31361. <param name="index">The index of a general format.</param>
  31362. <returns>A general format.</returns>
  31363. </member>
  31364. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormText">
  31365. <summary>
  31366. Implements the FORMTEXT field.
  31367. </summary>
  31368. <remarks>
  31369. Inserts a text box style form field.
  31370. </remarks>
  31371. </member>
  31372. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormat">
  31373. <summary>
  31374. Provides typed access to field's numeric, date and time, and general formatting.
  31375. </summary>
  31376. </member>
  31377. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormat.NumericFormat">
  31378. <summary>
  31379. Gets or sets a formatting that is applied to a numeric field result. Corresponds to the \# switch.
  31380. </summary>
  31381. </member>
  31382. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormat.DateTimeFormat">
  31383. <summary>
  31384. Gets or sets a formatting that is applied to a date and time field result. Corresponds to the \@ switch.
  31385. </summary>
  31386. </member>
  31387. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormat.GeneralFormats">
  31388. <summary>
  31389. Gets a collection of general formats that are applied to a numeric, text or any field result.
  31390. Corresponds to the \* switches.
  31391. </summary>
  31392. </member>
  31393. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection">
  31394. <summary>
  31395. A collection of strings that represent all the items in a drop-down form field.
  31396. </summary>
  31397. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField" />
  31398. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.DropDownItems" />
  31399. </member>
  31400. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.GetEnumerator">
  31401. <summary>
  31402. Returns an enumerator object that can be used to iterate over all items in the collection.
  31403. </summary>
  31404. </member>
  31405. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.Add(System.String)">
  31406. <summary>
  31407. Adds a string to the end of the collection.
  31408. </summary>
  31409. <param name="value">The string to add to the end of the collection.</param>
  31410. <returns>The zero-based index at which the new element is inserted.</returns>
  31411. </member>
  31412. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  31413. <summary>
  31414. Determines whether the collection contains the specified value.
  31415. </summary>
  31416. <param name="value">Case-sensitive value to locate.</param>
  31417. <returns>True if the item is found in the collection; otherwise, false.</returns>
  31418. </member>
  31419. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.IndexOf(System.String)">
  31420. <summary>
  31421. Returns the zero-based index of the specified value in the collection.
  31422. </summary>
  31423. <param name="value">The case-sensitive value to locate.</param>
  31424. <returns>The zero based index. Negative value if not found.</returns>
  31425. </member>
  31426. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.Insert(System.Int32,System.String)">
  31427. <summary>
  31428. Inserts a string into the collection at the specified index.
  31429. </summary>
  31430. <param name="index">The zero-based index at which value is inserted.</param>
  31431. <param name="value">The string to insert.</param>
  31432. </member>
  31433. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  31434. <summary>
  31435. Removes the specified value from the collection.
  31436. </summary>
  31437. <param name="name">The case-sensitive value to remove.</param>
  31438. </member>
  31439. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  31440. <summary>
  31441. Removes a value at the specified index.
  31442. </summary>
  31443. <param name="index">The zero based index.</param>
  31444. </member>
  31445. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.Clear">
  31446. <summary>
  31447. Removes all elements from the collection.
  31448. </summary>
  31449. </member>
  31450. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.Count">
  31451. <summary>
  31452. Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
  31453. </summary>
  31454. </member>
  31455. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.DropDownItemCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  31456. <summary>
  31457. Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
  31458. </summary>
  31459. </member>
  31460. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField">
  31461. <summary>
  31462. Represents a single form field.
  31463. </summary>
  31464. <remarks>
  31465. <p>Microsoft Word provides the following form fields: checkbox, text input and dropdown (combobox).</p>
  31466. <p>
  31467. <b>FormField</b> is an inline-node and can only be a child of <b>Paragraph</b>.</p>
  31468. <p>
  31469. <b>FormField</b> is represented in a document by a special character and
  31470. positioned as a character within a line of text.</p>
  31471. <p>A complete form field in a Word document is a complex structure represented by several
  31472. nodes: field start, field code such as FORMTEXT, form field data, field separator,
  31473. field result, field end and a bookmark. To programmatically create form fields in a Word document use
  31474. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertCheckBox(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Int32)">DocumentBuilder.InsertCheckBox</see>,
  31475. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertTextInput(System.String,Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType,System.String,System.String,System.Int32)">DocumentBuilder.InsertTextInput</see> and
  31476. <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertComboBox(System.String,System.String[],System.Int32)">DocumentBuilder.InsertComboBox</see> which
  31477. make sure all of the form field nodes are created in a correct order and in a suitable state.</p>
  31478. </remarks>
  31479. </member>
  31480. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  31481. <summary>
  31482. Accepts a visitor.
  31483. </summary>
  31484. <remarks>
  31485. <p>Calls DocumentVisitor.VisitFormField.</p>
  31486. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  31487. </remarks>
  31488. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  31489. <returns>False if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  31490. </member>
  31491. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.RemoveField">
  31492. <summary>
  31493. Removes the complete form field, not just the form field special character.
  31494. </summary>
  31495. <remarks>
  31496. If there is a bookmark associated with the form field, the bookmark is not removed.
  31497. </remarks>
  31498. </member>
  31499. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.SetTextInputValue(System.Object)">
  31500. <summary>
  31501. Applies the text format specified in <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputFormat" /> and stores the value in <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Result" />.
  31502. </summary>
  31503. <param name="newValue">Can be a string, number or a DateTime object.</param>
  31504. </member>
  31505. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.NodeType">
  31506. <summary>
  31507. Returns <b>NodeType.FormField</b>.
  31508. </summary>
  31509. </member>
  31510. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Name">
  31511. <summary>
  31512. Gets or sets the form field name.
  31513. </summary>
  31514. <remarks>
  31515. Microsoft Word allows strings with at most 20 characters.
  31516. </remarks>
  31517. </member>
  31518. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Type">
  31519. <summary>
  31520. Returns the form field type.
  31521. </summary>
  31522. </member>
  31523. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Result">
  31524. <summary>
  31525. Gets or sets a string that represents the result of this form field.
  31526. </summary>
  31527. <remarks>
  31528. <p>For a text form field the result is the text that is in the field.</p>
  31529. <p>For a checkbox form field the result can be "1" or "0" to indicate checked or unchecked.</p>
  31530. <p>For a dropdown form field the result is the string selected in the dropdown.</p>
  31531. <p>Setting <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Result" /> for a text form field does not apply the text format
  31532. specified in <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputFormat" />. If you want to set a value and apply the
  31533. format, use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.SetTextInputValue(System.Object)" /> method.</p>
  31534. </remarks>
  31535. </member>
  31536. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.StatusText">
  31537. <summary>
  31538. Returns or sets the text that's displayed in the status bar when a form field has the focus.
  31539. </summary>
  31540. <remarks>
  31541. <p>If the OwnStatus property is set to true, the StatusText property specifies the status bar text.
  31542. If the OwnStatus property is set to false, the StatusText property specifies the name of an AutoText
  31543. entry that contains status bar text for the form field.</p>
  31544. <p> Microsoft Word allows strings with at most 138 characters.</p>
  31545. </remarks>
  31546. </member>
  31547. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.OwnStatus">
  31548. <summary>
  31549. Specifies the source of the text that's displayed in the status bar when a form field has the focus.
  31550. </summary>
  31551. <remarks>
  31552. <p>If true, the text specified by the StatusText property is displayed.
  31553. If false, the text of the AutoText entry specified by the StatusText property is displayed.</p>
  31554. </remarks>
  31555. </member>
  31556. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.HelpText">
  31557. <summary>
  31558. Returns or sets the text that's displayed in a message box when the form field has the focus and the user presses F1.
  31559. </summary>
  31560. <remarks>
  31561. <p>If the OwnHelp property is set to True, HelpText specifies the text string value.
  31562. If OwnHelp is set to False, HelpText specifies the name of an AutoText entry that contains help
  31563. text for the form field.</p>
  31564. <p>Microsoft Word allows strings with at most 255 characters.</p>
  31565. </remarks>
  31566. </member>
  31567. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.OwnHelp">
  31568. <summary>
  31569. Specifies the source of the text that's displayed in a message box when a form field has the focus and the user presses F1.
  31570. </summary>
  31571. <remarks>
  31572. <p>If True, the text specified by the HelpText property is displayed.
  31573. If False, the text in the AutoText entry specified by the HelpText property is displayed.</p>
  31574. </remarks>
  31575. </member>
  31576. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.CalculateOnExit">
  31577. <summary>
  31578. True if references to the specified form field are automatically updated whenever the field is exited.
  31579. </summary>
  31580. <remarks>
  31581. <p>Setting <b>CalculateOnExit</b> only affects the behavior of the form field when
  31582. the document is opened in Microsoft Word. Aspose.Words never updates references
  31583. to the form field.</p>
  31584. </remarks>
  31585. </member>
  31586. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.EntryMacro">
  31587. <summary>
  31588. Returns or sets an entry macro name for the form field.
  31589. </summary>
  31590. <remarks>
  31591. <p>The entry macro runs when the form field gets the focus in Microsoft Word.</p>
  31592. <p>Microsoft Word allows strings with at most 32 characters.</p>
  31593. </remarks>
  31594. </member>
  31595. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.ExitMacro">
  31596. <summary>
  31597. Returns or sets an exit macro name for the form field.
  31598. </summary>
  31599. <remarks>
  31600. <p>The exit macro runs when the form field loses the focus in Microsoft Word.</p>
  31601. <p>Microsoft Word allows strings with at most 32 characters.</p>
  31602. </remarks>
  31603. </member>
  31604. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Enabled">
  31605. <summary>
  31606. True if a form field is enabled.
  31607. </summary>
  31608. <remarks>
  31609. <p>If a form field is enabled, its contents can be changed as the form is filled in.</p>
  31610. </remarks>
  31611. </member>
  31612. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputFormat">
  31613. <summary>
  31614. Returns or sets the text formatting for a text form field.
  31615. </summary>
  31616. <remarks>
  31617. <p>If the text form field contains regular text, then valid format strings are
  31618. "", "UPPERCASE", "LOWERCASE", "FIRST CAPITAL" and "TITLE CASE". The strings
  31619. are case-insensitive.</p>
  31620. <p>If the text form field contains a number or a date/time value, then valid
  31621. format strings are number or date and time format strings.</p>
  31622. <p>Microsoft Word allows strings with at most 64 characters.</p>
  31623. </remarks>
  31624. </member>
  31625. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputType">
  31626. <summary>
  31627. Gets or sets the type of a text form field.
  31628. </summary>
  31629. </member>
  31630. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputDefault">
  31631. <summary>
  31632. Gets or sets the default string or a calculation expression of a text form field.
  31633. </summary>
  31634. <remarks>
  31635. <para>The meaning of this property depends on the value of the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputType" /> property.</para>
  31636. <para>When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputType" /> is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.Regular" /> or
  31637. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.Number" />, this string specifies the default string for the text form field.
  31638. This string is the content that Microsoft Word will display in the document when the form field is empty.</para>
  31639. <para>When <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputType" /> is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.Calculated" />, then this string holds
  31640. the expression to be calculated. The expression needs to be a formula valid according to Microsoft Word formula field
  31641. requirements. When you set a new expression using this property, Aspose.Words calculates the formula result
  31642. automatically and inserts it into the form field.</para>
  31643. <para>Microsoft Word allows strings with at most 255 characters.</para>
  31644. </remarks>
  31645. </member>
  31646. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.MaxLength">
  31647. <summary>
  31648. Maximum length for the text field. Zero when the length is not limited.
  31649. </summary>
  31650. </member>
  31651. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.DropDownItems">
  31652. <summary>
  31653. Provides access to the items of a dropdown form field.
  31654. </summary>
  31655. <remarks>
  31656. <p>Microsoft Word allows maximum 25 items in a dropdown form field.</p>
  31657. </remarks>
  31658. </member>
  31659. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.DropDownSelectedIndex">
  31660. <summary>
  31661. Gets or sets the index specifying the currently selected item in a dropdown form field.
  31662. </summary>
  31663. </member>
  31664. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Checked">
  31665. <summary>
  31666. Gets or sets the checked status of the check box form field.
  31667. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.
  31668. </summary>
  31669. <remarks>
  31670. <p>Applicable for a check box form field only.</p>
  31671. </remarks>
  31672. </member>
  31673. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.Default">
  31674. <summary>
  31675. Gets or sets the default value of the check box form field.
  31676. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.
  31677. </summary>
  31678. <remarks>
  31679. <p>Applicable for a check box form field only.</p>
  31680. </remarks>
  31681. </member>
  31682. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.IsCheckBoxExactSize">
  31683. <summary>
  31684. Gets or sets the boolean value that indicates whether the size of the textbox is automatic or specified explicitly.
  31685. </summary>
  31686. <remarks>
  31687. <p>Applicable for a check box form field only.</p>
  31688. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.CheckBoxSize" />
  31689. </remarks>
  31690. </member>
  31691. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.CheckBoxSize">
  31692. <summary>
  31693. Gets or sets the size of the checkbox in points. Has effect only when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.IsCheckBoxExactSize" /> is true.
  31694. </summary>
  31695. <remarks>
  31696. <p>Applicable for a check box form field only.</p>
  31697. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.IsCheckBoxExactSize" />
  31698. </remarks>
  31699. </member>
  31700. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormFieldCollection">
  31701. <summary>
  31702. A collection of <b>FormField</b> objects that represent all the form fields in a range.
  31703. </summary>
  31704. <dev>Facade wrapper for a collection of form field objects.</dev>
  31705. </member>
  31706. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormFieldCollection.Remove(System.String)">
  31707. <summary>
  31708. Removes a form field with the specified name.
  31709. </summary>
  31710. <remarks>
  31711. If there is a bookmark associated with the form field, the bookmark is not removed.
  31712. </remarks>
  31713. <param name="formField">The case-insensitive name of the form field to remove.</param>
  31714. </member>
  31715. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormFieldCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  31716. <summary>
  31717. Removes a form field at the specified index.
  31718. </summary>
  31719. <remarks>
  31720. If there is a bookmark associated with the form field, the bookmark is not removed.
  31721. </remarks>
  31722. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the form field to remove.</param>
  31723. </member>
  31724. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormFieldCollection.Clear">
  31725. <summary>
  31726. Removes all form fields from this collection and from the document.
  31727. </summary>
  31728. </member>
  31729. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormFieldCollection.GetEnumerator">
  31730. <summary>
  31731. Returns an enumerator object.
  31732. </summary>
  31733. </member>
  31734. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormFieldCollection.Count">
  31735. <summary>
  31736. Returns the number of form fields in the collection.
  31737. </summary>
  31738. </member>
  31739. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormFieldCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  31740. <summary>
  31741. Returns a form field at the specified index.
  31742. </summary>
  31743. <remarks>
  31744. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  31745. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  31746. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  31747. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  31748. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  31749. </remarks>
  31750. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  31751. </member>
  31752. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormFieldCollection.Item(System.String)">
  31753. <summary>
  31754. Returns a form field by bookmark name.
  31755. </summary>
  31756. <remarks>
  31757. Returns null if the form field with the specified bookmark name cannot be found.
  31758. </remarks>
  31759. <param name="bookmarkName">Case-insensitive bookmark name.</param>
  31760. </member>
  31761. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType">
  31762. <summary>
  31763. Specifies the type of a text form field.
  31764. </summary>
  31765. </member>
  31766. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.Regular">
  31767. <summary>
  31768. The text form field can contain any text.
  31769. </summary>
  31770. </member>
  31771. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.Number">
  31772. <summary>
  31773. The text form field can contain only numbers.
  31774. </summary>
  31775. </member>
  31776. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.Date">
  31777. <summary>
  31778. The text form field can contain only a valid date value.
  31779. </summary>
  31780. </member>
  31781. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.CurrentDate">
  31782. <summary>
  31783. The text form field value is the current date when the field is updated.
  31784. </summary>
  31785. </member>
  31786. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.CurrentTime">
  31787. <summary>
  31788. The text form field value is the current time when the field is updated.
  31789. </summary>
  31790. </member>
  31791. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.TextFormFieldType.Calculated">
  31792. <summary>
  31793. The text form field value is calculated from the expression specified in
  31794. the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FormField.TextInputDefault" /> property.
  31795. </summary>
  31796. </member>
  31797. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldChar">
  31798. <summary>
  31799. Base class for nodes that represent field characters in a document.
  31800. </summary>
  31801. <remarks>
  31802. <p>A complete field in a Microsoft Word document is a complex structure consisting of
  31803. a field start character, field code, field separator character, field result
  31804. and field end character. Some fields only have field start, field code and field end.</p>
  31805. <p>To easily insert a new field into a document, use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String)" />
  31806. method.</p>
  31807. </remarks>
  31808. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart" />
  31809. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator" />
  31810. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd" />
  31811. </member>
  31812. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldChar.GetField">
  31813. <summary>
  31814. Returns a field for the field char.
  31815. </summary>
  31816. <remarks>
  31817. A new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> object is created each time the method is called.
  31818. </remarks>
  31819. <returns>A field for the field char.</returns>
  31820. </member>
  31821. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldChar.FieldType">
  31822. <summary>
  31823. Returns the type of the field.
  31824. </summary>
  31825. </member>
  31826. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldChar.IsLocked">
  31827. <summary>
  31828. Gets or sets whether the parent field is locked (should not recalculate its result).
  31829. </summary>
  31830. </member>
  31831. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldChar.IsDirty">
  31832. <summary>
  31833. Gets or sets whether the current result of the field is no longer correct (stale) due to other modifications
  31834. made to the document.
  31835. </summary>
  31836. </member>
  31837. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd">
  31838. <summary>
  31839. Represents an end of a Word field in a document.
  31840. </summary>
  31841. <remarks>
  31842. <p>
  31843. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd" /> is an inline-level node and represented
  31844. by the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.FieldEndChar" /> control character in the document.</p>
  31845. <p>
  31846. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd" /> can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</p>
  31847. <p>A complete field in a Microsoft Word document is a complex structure consisting of
  31848. a field start character, field code, field separator character, field result
  31849. and field end character. Some fields only have field start, field code and field end.</p>
  31850. <p>To easily insert a new field into a document, use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String)" />
  31851. method.</p>
  31852. </remarks>
  31853. </member>
  31854. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  31855. <summary>
  31856. Accepts a visitor.
  31857. </summary>
  31858. <remarks>
  31859. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFieldEnd(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd)" />.</p>
  31860. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  31861. </remarks>
  31862. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  31863. <returns>
  31864. <b>False</b> if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  31865. </member>
  31866. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd.NodeType">
  31867. <summary>
  31868. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.FieldEnd" />.
  31869. </summary>
  31870. </member>
  31871. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldEnd.HasSeparator">
  31872. <summary>
  31873. Returns <b>true</b> if this field has a separator.
  31874. </summary>
  31875. </member>
  31876. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator">
  31877. <summary>
  31878. Represents a Word field separator that separates the field code from the field result.
  31879. </summary>
  31880. <remarks>
  31881. <p>
  31882. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator" /> is an inline-level node and represented
  31883. by the <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.FieldSeparatorChar" /> control character in the document.</p>
  31884. <p>
  31885. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator" /> can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</p>
  31886. <p>A complete field in a Microsoft Word document is a complex structure consisting of
  31887. a field start character, field code, field separator character, field result
  31888. and field end character. Some fields only have field start, field code and field end.</p>
  31889. <p>To easily insert a new field into a document, use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String)" />
  31890. method.</p>
  31891. </remarks>
  31892. </member>
  31893. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  31894. <summary>
  31895. Accepts a visitor.
  31896. </summary>
  31897. <remarks>
  31898. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFieldSeparator(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator)" />.</p>
  31899. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  31900. </remarks>
  31901. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  31902. <returns>
  31903. <b>False</b> if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  31904. </member>
  31905. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldSeparator.NodeType">
  31906. <summary>
  31907. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.FieldSeparator" />.
  31908. </summary>
  31909. </member>
  31910. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart">
  31911. <summary>
  31912. Represents a start of a Word field in a document.
  31913. </summary>
  31914. <remarks>
  31915. <p>
  31916. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart" /> is an inline-level node and represented by the
  31917. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ControlChar.FieldStartChar" /> control character in the document.</p>
  31918. <p>
  31919. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart" /> can only be a child of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />.</p>
  31920. <p>A complete field in a Microsoft Word document is a complex structure consisting of
  31921. a field start character, field code, field separator character, field result
  31922. and field end character. Some fields only have field start, field code and field end.</p>
  31923. <p>To easily insert a new field into a document, use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String)" />
  31924. method.</p>
  31925. </remarks>
  31926. </member>
  31927. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  31928. <summary>
  31929. Accepts a visitor.
  31930. </summary>
  31931. <remarks>
  31932. <p>Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitFieldStart(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart)" />.</p>
  31933. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  31934. </remarks>
  31935. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the node.</param>
  31936. <returns>
  31937. <b>False</b> if the visitor requested the enumeration to stop.</returns>
  31938. </member>
  31939. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldStart.NodeType">
  31940. <summary>
  31941. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.FieldStart" />.
  31942. </summary>
  31943. </member>
  31944. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.NamespaceDoc">
  31945. <summary>
  31946. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Fields</b> namespace contains classes that
  31947. represent Microsoft Word fields in a document.</p>
  31948. </summary>
  31949. </member>
  31950. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field">
  31951. <summary>
  31952. Represents a Microsoft Word document field.
  31953. </summary>
  31954. <remarks>
  31955. <para>A field in a Word document is a complex structure consisting of multiple nodes that include field start,
  31956. field code, field separator, field result and field end. Fields can be nested, contain rich content and span
  31957. multiple paragraphs or sections in a document. The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> class is a "facade" object that provides
  31958. properties and methods that allow to work with a field as a single object. </para>
  31959. <para>The <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Start" />, <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Separator" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.End" /> properties point to the
  31960. field start, separator and end nodes of the field respectively.</para>
  31961. <para>The content between the field start and separator is the field code. The content between the
  31962. field separator and field end is the field result. The field code typically consists of one or more
  31963. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" /> objects that specify instructions. The processing application is expected to execute
  31964. the field code to calculate the field result.</para>
  31965. <para>The process of calculating field results is called the field update. Aspose.Words can update field
  31966. results of most of the field types in exactly the same way as Microsoft Word does it. Most notably,
  31967. Aspose.Words can calculate results of even the most complex formula fields. To calculate the field
  31968. result of a single field use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Update" /> method. To update fields in the whole document
  31969. use <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateFields" />.</para>
  31970. <para>You can get the plain text version of the field code using the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.GetFieldCode(System.Boolean)" /> method.
  31971. You can get and set the plain text version of the field result using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Result" /> property.
  31972. Both the field code and field result can contain complex content, such as nested fields, paragraphs, shapes,
  31973. tables and in this case you might want to work with the field nodes directly if you need more control.</para>
  31974. <para>You do not create instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field" /> class directly.
  31975. To create a new field use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertField(System.String)" /> method.</para>
  31976. </remarks>
  31977. </member>
  31978. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.GetFieldCode">
  31979. <summary>
  31980. Returns text between field start and field separator (or field end if there is no separator).
  31981. Both field code and field result of child fields are included.
  31982. </summary>
  31983. </member>
  31984. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.GetFieldCode(System.Boolean)">
  31985. <summary>
  31986. Returns text between field start and field separator (or field end if there is no separator).
  31987. </summary>
  31988. <param name="includeChildFieldCodes">
  31989. <c>True</c> if child field codes should be included.
  31990. </param>
  31991. </member>
  31992. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Remove">
  31993. <summary>
  31994. Removes the field from the document. Returns a node right after the field. If the field's end is the last child
  31995. of its parent node, returns its parent paragraph. If the field is already removed, returns <b>null</b>.
  31996. </summary>
  31997. </member>
  31998. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Remove(Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldArea)">
  31999. <summary>
  32000. Removes field code or result.
  32001. </summary>
  32002. </member>
  32003. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Update">
  32004. <summary>
  32005. Performs the field update. Throws if the field is being updated already.
  32006. </summary>
  32007. </member>
  32008. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Update(System.Boolean)">
  32009. <summary>
  32010. Performs a field update. Throws if the field is being updated already.
  32011. </summary>
  32012. <param name="ignoreMergeFormat">
  32013. If <c>true</c> then direct field result formatting is abandoned, regardless of the MERGEFORMAT switch, otherwise normal update is performed.
  32014. </param>
  32015. </member>
  32016. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Unlink">
  32017. <summary>
  32018. Performs the field unlink.
  32019. </summary>
  32020. <remarks>
  32021. <para>Replaces the field with its most recent result.</para>
  32022. <para>Some fields, such as XE (Index Entry) fields and SEQ (Sequence) fields, cannot be unlinked.</para>
  32023. </remarks>
  32024. <returns>
  32025. <c>True</c> if the field has been unlinked, otherwise <c>false</c>.
  32026. </returns>
  32027. </member>
  32028. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Start">
  32029. <summary>
  32030. Gets the node that represents the start of the field.
  32031. </summary>
  32032. </member>
  32033. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Separator">
  32034. <summary>
  32035. Gets the node that represents the field separator. Can be null.
  32036. </summary>
  32037. </member>
  32038. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.End">
  32039. <summary>
  32040. Gets the node that represents the field end.
  32041. </summary>
  32042. </member>
  32043. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Type">
  32044. <summary>
  32045. Gets the Microsoft Word field type.
  32046. </summary>
  32047. </member>
  32048. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Result">
  32049. <summary>
  32050. Gets or sets text that is between the field separator and field end.
  32051. </summary>
  32052. </member>
  32053. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.DisplayResult">
  32054. <summary>
  32055. Gets the text that represents the displayed field result.
  32056. </summary>
  32057. <remarks>
  32058. The <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdateListLabels" /> method must be called to obtain correct value for the
  32059. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldListNum" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNum" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNumOut" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldAutoNumLgl" /> fields.
  32060. </remarks>
  32061. </member>
  32062. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.IsLocked">
  32063. <summary>
  32064. Gets or sets whether the field is locked (should not recalculate its result).
  32065. </summary>
  32066. </member>
  32067. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.IsDirty">
  32068. <summary>
  32069. Gets or sets whether the current result of the field is no longer correct (stale) due to other modifications made to the document.
  32070. </summary>
  32071. </member>
  32072. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.Format">
  32073. <summary>
  32074. Gets a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldFormat" /> object that provides typed access to field's formatting.
  32075. </summary>
  32076. </member>
  32077. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Fields.Field.LocaleId">
  32078. <summary>
  32079. Gets or sets the LCID of the field.
  32080. </summary>
  32081. <seealso cref="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldUpdateCultureSource.FieldCode" />
  32082. </member>
  32083. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType">
  32084. <summary>
  32085. Specifies Microsoft Word field types.
  32086. </summary>
  32087. </member>
  32088. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNone">
  32089. <summary>
  32090. Field type is not specified or unknown.
  32091. </summary>
  32092. </member>
  32093. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldCannotParse">
  32094. <summary>
  32095. Specifies that the field was unable to be parsed.
  32096. </summary>
  32097. </member>
  32098. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAddin">
  32099. <summary>
  32100. Specifies the ADDIN field.
  32101. </summary>
  32102. </member>
  32103. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAddressBlock">
  32104. <summary>
  32105. Specifies the ADDRESSBLOCK field.
  32106. </summary>
  32107. </member>
  32108. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAdvance">
  32109. <summary>
  32110. Specifies the ADVANCE field.
  32111. </summary>
  32112. </member>
  32113. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAsk">
  32114. <summary>
  32115. Specifies the ASK field.
  32116. </summary>
  32117. </member>
  32118. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAuthor">
  32119. <summary>
  32120. Specifies the AUTHOR field.
  32121. </summary>
  32122. </member>
  32123. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAutoNum">
  32124. <summary>
  32125. Specifies the AUTONUM field.
  32126. </summary>
  32127. </member>
  32128. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAutoNumLegal">
  32129. <summary>
  32130. Specifies the AUTONUMLGL field.
  32131. </summary>
  32132. </member>
  32133. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAutoNumOutline">
  32134. <summary>
  32135. Specifies the AUTONUMOUT field.
  32136. </summary>
  32137. </member>
  32138. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAutoText">
  32139. <summary>
  32140. Specifies the AUTOTEXT field.
  32141. </summary>
  32142. </member>
  32143. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldAutoTextList">
  32144. <summary>
  32145. Specifies the AUTOTEXTLIST field.
  32146. </summary>
  32147. </member>
  32148. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldBarcode">
  32149. <summary>
  32150. Specifies the BARCODE field.
  32151. </summary>
  32152. </member>
  32153. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldBibliography">
  32154. <summary>
  32155. Specifies the BIBLIOGRAPHY field.
  32156. </summary>
  32157. </member>
  32158. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldBidiOutline">
  32159. <summary>
  32160. Specifies the BIDIOUTLINE field.
  32161. </summary>
  32162. </member>
  32163. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldCitation">
  32164. <summary>
  32165. Specifies the CITATION field.
  32166. </summary>
  32167. </member>
  32168. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldComments">
  32169. <summary>
  32170. Specifies the COMMENTS field.
  32171. </summary>
  32172. </member>
  32173. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldCompare">
  32174. <summary>
  32175. Specifies the COMPARE field.
  32176. </summary>
  32177. </member>
  32178. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldCreateDate">
  32179. <summary>
  32180. Specifies the CREATEDATE field.
  32181. </summary>
  32182. </member>
  32183. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldData">
  32184. <summary>
  32185. Specifies the DATA field.
  32186. </summary>
  32187. </member>
  32188. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDatabase">
  32189. <summary>
  32190. Specifies the DATABASE field.
  32191. </summary>
  32192. </member>
  32193. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDate">
  32194. <summary>
  32195. Specifies the DATE field.
  32196. </summary>
  32197. </member>
  32198. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDDE">
  32199. <summary>
  32200. Specifies the DDE field.
  32201. </summary>
  32202. </member>
  32203. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDisplayBarcode">
  32204. <summary>
  32205. Specifies the DISPLAYBARCODE field.
  32206. </summary>
  32207. </member>
  32208. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldMergeBarcode">
  32209. <summary>
  32210. Specifies the MERGEBARCODE field.
  32211. </summary>
  32212. </member>
  32213. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDDEAuto">
  32214. <summary>
  32215. Specifies the DDEAUTO field.
  32216. </summary>
  32217. </member>
  32218. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDocProperty">
  32219. <summary>
  32220. Specifies the DOCPROPERTY field.
  32221. </summary>
  32222. </member>
  32223. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldDocVariable">
  32224. <summary>
  32225. Specifies the DOCVARIABLE field.
  32226. </summary>
  32227. </member>
  32228. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldEditTime">
  32229. <summary>
  32230. Specifies the EDITTIME field.
  32231. </summary>
  32232. </member>
  32233. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldEmbed">
  32234. <summary>
  32235. Specifies the EMBED field.
  32236. </summary>
  32237. </member>
  32238. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldEquation">
  32239. <summary>
  32240. Specifies the EQ field.
  32241. </summary>
  32242. </member>
  32243. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFileName">
  32244. <summary>
  32245. Specifies the FILENAME field.
  32246. </summary>
  32247. </member>
  32248. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFileSize">
  32249. <summary>
  32250. Specifies the FILESIZE field.
  32251. </summary>
  32252. </member>
  32253. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFillIn">
  32254. <summary>
  32255. Specifies the FILLIN field.
  32256. </summary>
  32257. </member>
  32258. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFootnoteRef">
  32259. <summary>
  32260. Specifies the FOOTNOTEREF field.
  32261. </summary>
  32262. </member>
  32263. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox">
  32264. <summary>
  32265. Specifies the FORMCHECKBOX field.
  32266. </summary>
  32267. </member>
  32268. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFormDropDown">
  32269. <summary>
  32270. Specifies the FORMDROPDOWN field.
  32271. </summary>
  32272. </member>
  32273. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFormTextInput">
  32274. <summary>
  32275. Specifies the FORMTEXT field.
  32276. </summary>
  32277. </member>
  32278. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldFormula">
  32279. <summary>
  32280. Specifies the = (formula) field.
  32281. </summary>
  32282. </member>
  32283. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldGreetingLine">
  32284. <summary>
  32285. Specifies the GREETINGLINE field.
  32286. </summary>
  32287. </member>
  32288. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldGlossary">
  32289. <summary>
  32290. Specifies the GLOSSARY field.
  32291. </summary>
  32292. </member>
  32293. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldGoToButton">
  32294. <summary>
  32295. Specifies the GOTOBUTTON field.
  32296. </summary>
  32297. </member>
  32298. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldHtmlActiveX">
  32299. <summary>
  32300. Specifies the field that represents an HTML control.
  32301. </summary>
  32302. </member>
  32303. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldHyperlink">
  32304. <summary>
  32305. Specifies the HYPERLINK field.
  32306. </summary>
  32307. </member>
  32308. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldIf">
  32309. <summary>
  32310. Specifies the IF field.
  32311. </summary>
  32312. </member>
  32313. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldInclude">
  32314. <summary>
  32315. Specifies the INCLUDE field.
  32316. </summary>
  32317. </member>
  32318. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldIncludePicture">
  32319. <summary>
  32320. Specifies the INCLUDEPICTURE field.
  32321. </summary>
  32322. </member>
  32323. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldIncludeText">
  32324. <summary>
  32325. Specifies the INCLUDETEXT field.
  32326. </summary>
  32327. </member>
  32328. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldIndex">
  32329. <summary>
  32330. Specifies the INDEX field.
  32331. </summary>
  32332. </member>
  32333. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldIndexEntry">
  32334. <summary>
  32335. Specifies the XE field.
  32336. </summary>
  32337. </member>
  32338. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldInfo">
  32339. <summary>
  32340. Specifies the INFO field.
  32341. </summary>
  32342. </member>
  32343. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldImport">
  32344. <summary>
  32345. Specifies the IMPORT field.
  32346. </summary>
  32347. </member>
  32348. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldKeyword">
  32349. <summary>
  32350. Specifies the KEYWORDS field.
  32351. </summary>
  32352. </member>
  32353. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldLastSavedBy">
  32354. <summary>
  32355. Specifies the LASTSAVEDBY field.
  32356. </summary>
  32357. </member>
  32358. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldLink">
  32359. <summary>
  32360. Specifies the LINK field.
  32361. </summary>
  32362. </member>
  32363. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldListNum">
  32364. <summary>
  32365. Specifies the LISTNUM field.
  32366. </summary>
  32367. </member>
  32368. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldMacroButton">
  32369. <summary>
  32370. Specifies the MACROBUTTON field.
  32371. </summary>
  32372. </member>
  32373. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldMergeField">
  32374. <summary>
  32375. Specifies the MERGEFIELD field.
  32376. </summary>
  32377. </member>
  32378. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldMergeRec">
  32379. <summary>
  32380. Specifies the MERGEREC field.
  32381. </summary>
  32382. </member>
  32383. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldMergeSeq">
  32384. <summary>
  32385. Specifies the MERGESEQ field.
  32386. </summary>
  32387. </member>
  32388. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNext">
  32389. <summary>
  32390. Specifies the NEXT field.
  32391. </summary>
  32392. </member>
  32393. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNextIf">
  32394. <summary>
  32395. Specifies the NEXTIF field.
  32396. </summary>
  32397. </member>
  32398. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNoteRef">
  32399. <summary>
  32400. Specifies the NOTEREF field.
  32401. </summary>
  32402. </member>
  32403. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNumChars">
  32404. <summary>
  32405. Specifies the NUMCHARS field.
  32406. </summary>
  32407. </member>
  32408. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNumPages">
  32409. <summary>
  32410. Specifies the NUMPAGES field.
  32411. </summary>
  32412. </member>
  32413. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldNumWords">
  32414. <summary>
  32415. Specifies the NUMWORDS field.
  32416. </summary>
  32417. </member>
  32418. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldOcx">
  32419. <summary>
  32420. <p>Specifies the OCX field.</p>
  32421. <p>Normally, Aspose.Words will represent an ActiveX control as a
  32422. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> object, but for some documents, where a control does
  32423. not have data and/or seems to be invalid, it will be represented as a field.</p>
  32424. </summary>
  32425. </member>
  32426. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPage">
  32427. <summary>
  32428. Specifies the PAGE field.
  32429. </summary>
  32430. </member>
  32431. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPageRef">
  32432. <summary>
  32433. Specifies the PAGEREF field.
  32434. </summary>
  32435. </member>
  32436. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPrint">
  32437. <summary>
  32438. Specifies the PRINT field.
  32439. </summary>
  32440. </member>
  32441. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPrintDate">
  32442. <summary>
  32443. Specifies the PRINTDATE field.
  32444. </summary>
  32445. </member>
  32446. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldPrivate">
  32447. <summary>
  32448. Specifies the PRIVATE field.
  32449. </summary>
  32450. </member>
  32451. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldQuote">
  32452. <summary>
  32453. Specifies the QUOTE field.
  32454. </summary>
  32455. </member>
  32456. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldRef">
  32457. <summary>
  32458. Specifies the REF field.
  32459. </summary>
  32460. </member>
  32461. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldRefNoKeyword">
  32462. <summary>
  32463. Specifies that the field represents a REF field where the keyword has been omitted.
  32464. </summary>
  32465. </member>
  32466. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldRefDoc">
  32467. <summary>
  32468. Specifies the RD field.
  32469. </summary>
  32470. </member>
  32471. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldRevisionNum">
  32472. <summary>
  32473. Specifies the REVNUM field.
  32474. </summary>
  32475. </member>
  32476. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSaveDate">
  32477. <summary>
  32478. Specifies the SAVEDATE field.
  32479. </summary>
  32480. </member>
  32481. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSection">
  32482. <summary>
  32483. Specifies the SECTION field.
  32484. </summary>
  32485. </member>
  32486. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSectionPages">
  32487. <summary>
  32488. Specifies the SECTIONPAGES field.
  32489. </summary>
  32490. </member>
  32491. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSequence">
  32492. <summary>
  32493. Specifies the SEQ field.
  32494. </summary>
  32495. </member>
  32496. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSet">
  32497. <summary>
  32498. Specifies the SET field.
  32499. </summary>
  32500. </member>
  32501. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldShape">
  32502. <summary>
  32503. Specifies the SHAPE field.
  32504. </summary>
  32505. </member>
  32506. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSkipIf">
  32507. <summary>
  32508. Specifies the SKIPIF field.
  32509. </summary>
  32510. </member>
  32511. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldStyleRef">
  32512. <summary>
  32513. Specifies the STYLEREF field.
  32514. </summary>
  32515. </member>
  32516. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSubject">
  32517. <summary>
  32518. Specifies the SUBJECT field.
  32519. </summary>
  32520. </member>
  32521. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldSymbol">
  32522. <summary>
  32523. Specifies the SYMBOL field.
  32524. </summary>
  32525. </member>
  32526. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTemplate">
  32527. <summary>
  32528. Specifies the TEMPLATE field.
  32529. </summary>
  32530. </member>
  32531. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTime">
  32532. <summary>
  32533. Specifies the TIME field.
  32534. </summary>
  32535. </member>
  32536. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTitle">
  32537. <summary>
  32538. Specifies the TITLE field.
  32539. </summary>
  32540. </member>
  32541. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTOA">
  32542. <summary>
  32543. Specifies the TOA field.
  32544. </summary>
  32545. </member>
  32546. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTOAEntry">
  32547. <summary>
  32548. Specifies the TA field.
  32549. </summary>
  32550. </member>
  32551. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTOC">
  32552. <summary>
  32553. Specifies the TOC field.
  32554. </summary>
  32555. </member>
  32556. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldTOCEntry">
  32557. <summary>
  32558. Specifies the TC field.
  32559. </summary>
  32560. </member>
  32561. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldUserAddress">
  32562. <summary>
  32563. Specifies the USERADDRESS field.
  32564. </summary>
  32565. </member>
  32566. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldUserInitials">
  32567. <summary>
  32568. Specifies the USERINITIALS field.
  32569. </summary>
  32570. </member>
  32571. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Fields.FieldType.FieldUserName">
  32572. <summary>
  32573. Specifies the USERNAME field.
  32574. </summary>
  32575. </member>
  32576. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleFormat">
  32577. <summary>
  32578. Represents horizontal rule formatting.
  32579. </summary>
  32580. <dev>
  32581. FIX 18182. This class has been added to provide public horizontal rule properties.
  32582. </dev>
  32583. </member>
  32584. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleFormat.WidthPercent">
  32585. <summary>
  32586. Gets or sets the length of the specified horizontal rule expressed as a percentage of the window width.
  32587. </summary>
  32588. <remarks>
  32589. <p>Valid values ​​range from 1 to 100 inclusive.</p>
  32590. <p>The default value is 100.</p>
  32591. </remarks>
  32592. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  32593. Throws when argument was out of the range of valid values.
  32594. </exception>
  32595. </member>
  32596. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleFormat.Height">
  32597. <summary>
  32598. Gets or sets the height of the horizontal rule.
  32599. </summary>
  32600. <remarks>
  32601. <p>This is a shortcut to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Height" /> property.</p>
  32602. <p>Valid values ​​range from 0 to 1584 inclusive.</p>
  32603. <p>The default value is 1.5.</p>
  32604. </remarks>
  32605. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  32606. Throws when argument was out of the range of valid values.
  32607. </exception>
  32608. </member>
  32609. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleFormat.NoShade">
  32610. <summary>
  32611. Indicates the presence of 3D shading for the horizontal rule.
  32612. If true, then the horizontal rule is without 3D shading and solid color is used.
  32613. </summary>
  32614. <remarks>
  32615. <p>The default value is false.</p>
  32616. </remarks>
  32617. </member>
  32618. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleFormat.Color">
  32619. <summary>
  32620. Gets or sets the brush color that fills the horizontal rule.
  32621. </summary>
  32622. <remarks>
  32623. <p>This is a shortcut to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill.Color" /> property.</p>
  32624. <p>The default value is
  32625. <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Color.Gray" />.</p>
  32626. </remarks>
  32627. </member>
  32628. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleFormat.Alignment">
  32629. <summary>
  32630. Gets or sets the alignment of the horizontal rule.
  32631. </summary>
  32632. <remarks>
  32633. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleAlignment.Left" />.</p>
  32634. </remarks>
  32635. </member>
  32636. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OlePackage">
  32637. <summary>
  32638. Allows to access OLE Package properties.
  32639. </summary>
  32640. <remarks>
  32641. OLE package is a legacy and "undocumented" way to store embedded object if OLE handler is unknown.
  32642. Early Windows versions such as Windows 3.1, 95 and 98 had Packager.exe application which could be used to embed any type of data into document.
  32643. Now this application is excluded from Windows but MS Word and other applications still use it to embed data if OLE handler is missing or unknown.
  32644. </remarks>
  32645. </member>
  32646. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OlePackage.FileName">
  32647. <summary>
  32648. Gets or sets OLE Package file name.
  32649. </summary>
  32650. </member>
  32651. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OlePackage.DisplayName">
  32652. <summary>
  32653. Gets or sets OLE Package display name.
  32654. </summary>
  32655. </member>
  32656. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.NamespaceDoc">
  32657. <summary>
  32658. <para>The <b>Aspose.Words.Drawing</b> namespace provides classes that allow to create and modify drawing objects.</para>
  32659. <para>All drawing objects in in Microsoft Word documents are represented by instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" /> classes.
  32660. An object of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> class is a node in a document and can represent a picture, textbox, AutoShape or an OLE object.</para>
  32661. <para>The classes in this namespace support the latest (Word 2007 - 2013 DrawingML) and the earlier (pre Word 2007 - Office Art) shapes.</para>
  32662. </summary>
  32663. </member>
  32664. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeMarkupLanguage">
  32665. <summary>
  32666. Specifies Markup language used for the shape.
  32667. </summary>
  32668. </member>
  32669. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeMarkupLanguage.Dml">
  32670. <summary>
  32671. Drawing Markup Language is used to define the shape.
  32672. </summary>
  32673. <remarks>
  32674. This is the new standard for drawing for Office Open XML which has appeared first in ECMA-376 1st edition (2006), first appeared in MS Word 2007.
  32675. </remarks>
  32676. </member>
  32677. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeMarkupLanguage.Vml">
  32678. <summary>
  32679. Vector Markup Language is used to define the shape.
  32680. </summary>
  32681. <remarks>A deprecated format included in Office Open XML for legacy reasons only.</remarks>
  32682. </member>
  32683. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine">
  32684. <summary>
  32685. Provides access to signature line properties.
  32686. </summary>
  32687. </member>
  32688. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.Signer">
  32689. <summary>
  32690. Gets or sets suggested signer of the signature line.
  32691. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  32692. </summary>
  32693. </member>
  32694. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.SignerTitle">
  32695. <summary>
  32696. Gets or sets suggested signer's title (for example, Manager).
  32697. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  32698. </summary>
  32699. </member>
  32700. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.Email">
  32701. <summary>
  32702. Gets or sets suggested signer's e-mail address.
  32703. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  32704. </summary>
  32705. </member>
  32706. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.DefaultInstructions">
  32707. <summary>
  32708. Gets or sets a value indicating that default instructions is shown in the Sign dialog.
  32709. Default value for this property is <b>true</b>.
  32710. </summary>
  32711. </member>
  32712. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.Instructions">
  32713. <summary>
  32714. Gets or sets instructions to the signer that are displayed on signing the signature line.
  32715. This property is ignored if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.DefaultInstructions" /> is set.
  32716. Default value for this property is <b>empty string</b> (<see cref="F:System.String.Empty" />).
  32717. </summary>
  32718. </member>
  32719. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.AllowComments">
  32720. <summary>
  32721. Gets or sets a value indicating that the signer can add comments in the Sign dialog.
  32722. Default value for this property is <b>false</b>.
  32723. </summary>
  32724. </member>
  32725. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.ShowDate">
  32726. <summary>
  32727. Gets or sets a value indicating that sign date is shown in the signature line.
  32728. Default value for this property is <b>true</b>.
  32729. </summary>
  32730. </member>
  32731. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.Id">
  32732. <summary>
  32733. Gets or sets identifier for this signature line.
  32734. <p>This identifier can be associated with a digital signature, when signing document using <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatureUtil" />.
  32735. This value must be unique and by default it is randomly generated new Guid (<see cref="M:System.Guid.NewGuid" />).</p></summary>
  32736. </member>
  32737. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.ProviderId">
  32738. <summary>
  32739. Gets or sets signature provider identifier for this signature line.
  32740. Default value is "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}".
  32741. </summary>
  32742. <remarks>
  32743. <para>The cryptographic service provider (CSP) is an independent software module that actually performs
  32744. cryptography algorithms for authentication, encoding, and encryption. MS Office reserves the value
  32745. of {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} for its default signature provider.</para>
  32746. <para>The GUID of the additionally installed provider should be obtained from the documentation shipped with the provider.</para>
  32747. <para>In addition, all the installed cryptographic providers are enumerated in windows registry.
  32748. It can be found in the following path: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider.
  32749. There is a key name "CP Service UUID" which corresponds to a GUID of signature provider.</para>
  32750. </remarks>
  32751. </member>
  32752. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.IsSigned">
  32753. <summary>
  32754. Indicates that signature line is signed by digital signature.
  32755. </summary>
  32756. </member>
  32757. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.SignatureLine.IsValid">
  32758. <summary>
  32759. Indicates that signature line is signed by digital signature and this digital signature is valid.
  32760. </summary>
  32761. </member>
  32762. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowLength">
  32763. <summary>
  32764. Length of the arrow at the end of a line.
  32765. </summary>
  32766. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.StartArrowLength" />
  32767. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.EndArrowLength" />
  32768. </member>
  32769. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowLength.Short">
  32770. <summary>
  32771. </summary>
  32772. </member>
  32773. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowLength.Medium">
  32774. <summary>
  32775. </summary>
  32776. </member>
  32777. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowLength.Long">
  32778. <summary>
  32779. </summary>
  32780. </member>
  32781. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowLength.Default">
  32782. <summary>
  32783. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowLength.Short" />.
  32784. </summary>
  32785. </member>
  32786. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType">
  32787. <summary>
  32788. Specifies the type of an arrow at a line end.
  32789. </summary>
  32790. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.StartArrowType" />
  32791. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.EndArrowType" />
  32792. </member>
  32793. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.None">
  32794. <summary>
  32795. The line does not have an arrow at the end.
  32796. </summary>
  32797. </member>
  32798. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.Arrow">
  32799. <summary>
  32800. The arrow is a solid triangle.
  32801. </summary>
  32802. </member>
  32803. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.Stealth">
  32804. <summary>
  32805. The arrow is a "stealth" arrow.
  32806. </summary>
  32807. </member>
  32808. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.Diamond">
  32809. <summary>
  32810. The line end is a solid diamond.
  32811. </summary>
  32812. </member>
  32813. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.Oval">
  32814. <summary>
  32815. The line end is a solid oval.
  32816. </summary>
  32817. </member>
  32818. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.Open">
  32819. <summary>
  32820. The arrow is an open arrow.
  32821. </summary>
  32822. </member>
  32823. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.Default">
  32824. <summary>
  32825. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.None" />.
  32826. </summary>
  32827. </member>
  32828. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowWidth">
  32829. <summary>
  32830. Width of the arrow at the end of a line.
  32831. </summary>
  32832. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.StartArrowWidth" />
  32833. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.EndArrowWidth" />
  32834. </member>
  32835. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowWidth.Narrow">
  32836. <summary>
  32837. </summary>
  32838. </member>
  32839. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowWidth.Medium">
  32840. <summary>
  32841. </summary>
  32842. </member>
  32843. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowWidth.Wide">
  32844. <summary>
  32845. </summary>
  32846. </member>
  32847. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowWidth.Default">
  32848. <summary>
  32849. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowWidth.Narrow" />.
  32850. </summary>
  32851. </member>
  32852. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle">
  32853. <summary>
  32854. Dashed line style.
  32855. </summary>
  32856. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.DashStyle" />
  32857. </member>
  32858. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.Solid">
  32859. <summary>
  32860. Solid (continuous) pen.
  32861. </summary>
  32862. </member>
  32863. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.ShortDash">
  32864. <summary>
  32865. System dash style.
  32866. </summary>
  32867. </member>
  32868. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.ShortDot">
  32869. <summary>
  32870. System dash style.
  32871. </summary>
  32872. </member>
  32873. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.ShortDashDot">
  32874. <summary>
  32875. System dash style.
  32876. </summary>
  32877. </member>
  32878. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.ShortDashDotDot">
  32879. <summary>
  32880. System dash style.
  32881. </summary>
  32882. </member>
  32883. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.Dot">
  32884. <summary>
  32885. Square dot style.
  32886. </summary>
  32887. </member>
  32888. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.Dash">
  32889. <summary>
  32890. Dash style.
  32891. </summary>
  32892. </member>
  32893. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.LongDash">
  32894. <summary>
  32895. Long dash style.
  32896. </summary>
  32897. </member>
  32898. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.DashDot">
  32899. <summary>
  32900. Dash short dash.
  32901. </summary>
  32902. </member>
  32903. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.LongDashDot">
  32904. <summary>
  32905. Long dash short dash.
  32906. </summary>
  32907. </member>
  32908. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.LongDashDotDot">
  32909. <summary>
  32910. Long dash short dash short dash.
  32911. </summary>
  32912. </member>
  32913. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.Default">
  32914. <summary>
  32915. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.Solid" />.
  32916. </summary>
  32917. </member>
  32918. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap">
  32919. <summary>
  32920. Specifies line cap style.
  32921. </summary>
  32922. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.EndCap" />
  32923. </member>
  32924. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap.Round">
  32925. <summary>
  32926. Rounded ends.
  32927. </summary>
  32928. </member>
  32929. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap.Square">
  32930. <summary>
  32931. Square protrudes by half line width.
  32932. </summary>
  32933. </member>
  32934. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap.Flat">
  32935. <summary>
  32936. Line ends at end point.
  32937. </summary>
  32938. </member>
  32939. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap.Default">
  32940. <summary>
  32941. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap.Flat" />.
  32942. </summary>
  32943. </member>
  32944. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill">
  32945. <summary>
  32946. Defines a fill for a shape.
  32947. </summary>
  32948. <remarks>
  32949. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Fill" /> property to access fill properties of a shape.
  32950. You do not create instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill" /> class directly.</p>
  32951. <p>Although the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill" /> class provides properties to specify solid color fill only,
  32952. all of the more complex fill types, including as gradient, pattern and texture are fully preserved
  32953. during document open-save cycles.</p>
  32954. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Fill" />
  32955. </remarks>
  32956. </member>
  32957. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill.Color">
  32958. <summary>
  32959. Defines the color of a fill.
  32960. </summary>
  32961. <remarks>
  32962. <p>The default value is
  32963. <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Color.White" />.</p>
  32964. </remarks>
  32965. </member>
  32966. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill.Opacity">
  32967. <summary>
  32968. Defines the transparency of a fill. Valid range from 0 to 1, where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque.
  32969. </summary>
  32970. <remarks>
  32971. <p>The default value is 1.</p>
  32972. </remarks>
  32973. </member>
  32974. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill.On">
  32975. <summary>
  32976. Determines whether the shape will be filled.
  32977. </summary>
  32978. <remarks>
  32979. <p>The default value is <b>true</b>.</p>
  32980. </remarks>
  32981. </member>
  32982. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill.ImageBytes">
  32983. <summary>
  32984. Gets the raw bytes of the fill texture or pattern.
  32985. </summary>
  32986. <remarks>
  32987. <p>The default value is null.</p>
  32988. </remarks>
  32989. </member>
  32990. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.FlipOrientation">
  32991. <summary>
  32992. Possible values for the orientation of a shape.
  32993. </summary>
  32994. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.FlipOrientation" />
  32995. </member>
  32996. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.FlipOrientation.None">
  32997. <summary>
  32998. Coordinates are not flipped.
  32999. </summary>
  33000. </member>
  33001. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.FlipOrientation.Horizontal">
  33002. <summary>
  33003. Flip along the y-axis, reversing the x-coordinates.
  33004. </summary>
  33005. </member>
  33006. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.FlipOrientation.Vertical">
  33007. <summary>
  33008. Flip along the x-axis, reversing the y-coordinates.
  33009. </summary>
  33010. </member>
  33011. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.FlipOrientation.Both">
  33012. <summary>
  33013. Flip along both the y- and x-axis.
  33014. </summary>
  33015. </member>
  33016. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape">
  33017. <summary>
  33018. Represents a group of shapes in a document.
  33019. </summary>
  33020. <remarks>
  33021. <p>A <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" /> is a composite node and can have <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> and
  33022. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" /> nodes as children.</p>
  33023. <p>Each <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" /> defines a new coordinate system for its child shapes.
  33024. The coordinate system is defined using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.CoordSize" /> and
  33025. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.CoordOrigin" /> properties.</p>
  33026. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase" />
  33027. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" />
  33028. </remarks>
  33029. </member>
  33030. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  33031. <summary>
  33032. Creates a new group shape.
  33033. </summary>
  33034. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  33035. <remarks>
  33036. <p>By default, the shape is floating and has default location and size.</p>
  33037. <p>You should specify desired shape properties after you created a shape.</p>
  33038. </remarks>
  33039. </member>
  33040. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeMarkupLanguage)">
  33041. <summary>
  33042. Creates a new group shape.
  33043. </summary>
  33044. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  33045. <param name="markupLanguage">Shape markup language: DrawingML or Vml</param>
  33046. <remarks>
  33047. <p>By default, the shape is floating and has default location and size.</p>
  33048. <p>You should specify desired shape properties after you created a shape.</p>
  33049. </remarks>
  33050. </member>
  33051. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  33052. <summary>
  33053. Accepts a visitor.
  33054. </summary>
  33055. <remarks>
  33056. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  33057. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  33058. </remarks>
  33059. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  33060. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  33061. <remarks>
  33062. Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitGroupShapeStart(Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape)" />, then calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" /> for all
  33063. child shapes of this group shape and calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitGroupShapeEnd(Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape)" /> at the end.
  33064. </remarks>
  33065. </member>
  33066. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape.NodeType">
  33067. <summary>
  33068. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.GroupShape" />.
  33069. </summary>
  33070. </member>
  33071. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment">
  33072. <summary>
  33073. Specifies horizontal alignment of a floating shape, text frame or floating table.
  33074. </summary>
  33075. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.HorizontalAlignment" />
  33076. <dev>
  33077. Do not renumber. The values are taken from the RTF specification.
  33078. </dev>
  33079. </member>
  33080. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.None">
  33081. <summary>
  33082. The object is explicitly positioned, usually using its <b>Left</b> property.
  33083. </summary>
  33084. </member>
  33085. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Default">
  33086. <summary>
  33087. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.None" />.
  33088. </summary>
  33089. </member>
  33090. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Left">
  33091. <summary>
  33092. Specifies that the object shall be left aligned to the horizontal alignment base.
  33093. </summary>
  33094. </member>
  33095. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Center">
  33096. <summary>
  33097. Specifies that the object shall be centered with respect to the horizontal alignment base.
  33098. </summary>
  33099. </member>
  33100. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Right">
  33101. <summary>
  33102. Specifies that the object shall be right aligned to the horizontal alignment base.
  33103. </summary>
  33104. </member>
  33105. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Inside">
  33106. <summary>
  33107. Specifies that the object shall be inside of the horizontal alignment base.
  33108. </summary>
  33109. </member>
  33110. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Outside">
  33111. <summary>
  33112. Specifies that the object shall be outside of the horizontal alignment base.
  33113. </summary>
  33114. </member>
  33115. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleAlignment">
  33116. <summary>
  33117. Represents the alignment for the specified horizontal rule.
  33118. </summary>
  33119. </member>
  33120. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleAlignment.Left">
  33121. <summary>
  33122. Aligned to the left.
  33123. </summary>
  33124. </member>
  33125. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleAlignment.Center">
  33126. <summary>
  33127. Aligned to the center.
  33128. </summary>
  33129. </member>
  33130. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalRuleAlignment.Right">
  33131. <summary>
  33132. Aligned to the right.
  33133. </summary>
  33134. </member>
  33135. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData">
  33136. <summary>
  33137. Defines an image for a shape.
  33138. </summary>
  33139. <remarks>
  33140. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.ImageData" /> property to access and modify the image inside a shape.
  33141. You do not create instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData" /> class directly.</p>
  33142. <p>An image can be stored inside a shape, linked to external file or both (linked and stored in the document).</p>
  33143. <p>Regardless of whether the image is stored inside the shape or linked, you can always access the actual
  33144. image using the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToByteArray" />, <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToStream" />, <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToImage" /> or <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Save(System.String)" /> methods.
  33145. If the image is stored inside the shape, you can also directly access it using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ImageBytes" /> property.</p>
  33146. <p>To store an image inside a shape use the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SetImage(System.String)" /> method. To link an image to a shape, set the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SourceFullName" /> property.</p>
  33147. </remarks>
  33148. </member>
  33149. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SetImage(System.Drawing.Image)">
  33150. <summary>
  33151. Sets the image that the shape displays.
  33152. </summary>
  33153. <param name="image">The image object.</param>
  33154. </member>
  33155. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SetImage(System.IO.Stream)">
  33156. <summary>
  33157. Sets the image that the shape displays.
  33158. </summary>
  33159. <param name="stream">The stream that contains the image.
  33160. </param>
  33161. </member>
  33162. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SetImage(System.String)">
  33163. <summary>
  33164. Sets the image that the shape displays.
  33165. </summary>
  33166. <param name="fileName">The image file. Can be a file name or a URL.</param>
  33167. </member>
  33168. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToImage">
  33169. <summary>
  33170. Gets the image stored in the shape as a <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Image" /> object.
  33171. </summary>
  33172. <returns>
  33173. </returns>
  33174. <remarks>
  33175. <p>A new <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Image" /> object is created every time this method is called.</p>
  33176. <p>It is the responsibility of the caller to dispose the image object.</p>
  33177. </remarks>
  33178. </member>
  33179. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToStream">
  33180. <summary>
  33181. Creates and returns a stream that contains the image bytes.
  33182. </summary>
  33183. <remarks>
  33184. <p>If the image bytes are stored in the shape, creates and returns a <see cref="T:System.IO.MemoryStream" /> object.</p>
  33185. <p>If the image is linked and stored in a file, opens the file and returns a <see cref="T:System.IO.FileStream" /> object.</p>
  33186. <p>If the image is linked and stored in an external URL, downloads the file and returns a <see cref="T:System.IO.MemoryStream" /> object.</p>
  33187. <p>Is it the responsibility of the caller to dispose the stream object.</p>
  33188. </remarks>
  33189. </member>
  33190. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToByteArray">
  33191. <summary>
  33192. Returns image bytes for any image regardless whether the image is stored or linked.
  33193. </summary>
  33194. <returns>
  33195. </returns>
  33196. <remarks>
  33197. <para>If the image is linked, downloads the image every time it is called.</para>
  33198. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ImageBytes" />
  33199. </remarks>
  33200. </member>
  33201. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
  33202. <summary>
  33203. Saves the image into the specified stream.
  33204. </summary>
  33205. <param name="stream">The stream where to save the image to.</param>
  33206. <overloads>Saves the image of the shape.</overloads>
  33207. <remarks>
  33208. <p>Is it the responsibility of the caller to dispose the stream object.</p>
  33209. </remarks>
  33210. </member>
  33211. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Save(System.String)">
  33212. <summary>
  33213. Saves the image into a file.
  33214. </summary>
  33215. <param name="fileName">The file name where to save the image.</param>
  33216. </member>
  33217. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ImageBytes">
  33218. <summary>
  33219. Gets or sets the raw bytes of the image stored in the shape.
  33220. </summary>
  33221. <remarks>
  33222. <para>Setting the value to <c>null</c> or an empty array will remove the image from the shape.</para>
  33223. <p>Returns <c>null</c> if the image is not stored in the document (e.g the image is probably linked in this case).</p>
  33224. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SetImage(System.String)" />
  33225. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToByteArray" />
  33226. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToImage" />
  33227. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ToStream" />
  33228. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Save(System.String)" />
  33229. </remarks>
  33230. </member>
  33231. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.HasImage">
  33232. <summary>
  33233. Returns true if the shape has image bytes or links an image.
  33234. </summary>
  33235. <value>
  33236. </value>
  33237. </member>
  33238. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ImageSize">
  33239. <summary>
  33240. Gets the information about image size and resolution.
  33241. </summary>
  33242. <value>
  33243. </value>
  33244. <remarks>
  33245. <p>If the image is linked only and not stored in the document, returns zero size.</p>
  33246. </remarks>
  33247. </member>
  33248. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ImageType">
  33249. <summary>
  33250. Gets the type of the image.
  33251. </summary>
  33252. <value>
  33253. </value>
  33254. </member>
  33255. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.IsLink">
  33256. <summary>
  33257. Returns true if the image is linked to the shape (when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SourceFullName" /> is specified).
  33258. </summary>
  33259. <value>
  33260. </value>
  33261. </member>
  33262. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.IsLinkOnly">
  33263. <summary>
  33264. Returns true if the image is linked and not stored in the document.
  33265. </summary>
  33266. <value>
  33267. </value>
  33268. </member>
  33269. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SourceFullName">
  33270. <summary>
  33271. Gets or sets the path and name of the source file for the linked image.
  33272. </summary>
  33273. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  33274. <p>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.SourceFullName" /> is not an empty string, the image is linked.</p>
  33275. </member>
  33276. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Title">
  33277. <summary>
  33278. Defines the title of an image.
  33279. </summary>
  33280. <remarks>
  33281. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  33282. </remarks>
  33283. </member>
  33284. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.CropTop">
  33285. <summary>
  33286. Defines the fraction of picture removal from the top side.
  33287. </summary>
  33288. <remarks>
  33289. <p>The amount of cropping can range from -1.0 to 1.0. The default value is 0. Note
  33290. that a value of 1 will display no picture at all. Negative values will result in
  33291. the picture being squeezed inward from the edge being cropped (the empty space
  33292. between the picture and the cropped edge will be filled by the fill color of the
  33293. shape). Positive values less than 1 will result in the remaining picture being
  33294. stretched to fit the shape.</p>
  33295. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  33296. </remarks>
  33297. </member>
  33298. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.CropBottom">
  33299. <summary>
  33300. Defines the fraction of picture removal from the bottom side.
  33301. </summary>
  33302. <remarks>
  33303. <p>The amount of cropping can range from -1.0 to 1.0. The default value is 0. Note
  33304. that a value of 1 will display no picture at all. Negative values will result in
  33305. the picture being squeezed inward from the edge being cropped (the empty space
  33306. between the picture and the cropped edge will be filled by the fill color of the
  33307. shape). Positive values less than 1 will result in the remaining picture being
  33308. stretched to fit the shape.</p>
  33309. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  33310. </remarks>
  33311. </member>
  33312. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.CropLeft">
  33313. <summary>
  33314. Defines the fraction of picture removal from the left side.
  33315. </summary>
  33316. <remarks>
  33317. <p>The amount of cropping can range from -1.0 to 1.0. The default value is 0. Note
  33318. that a value of 1 will display no picture at all. Negative values will result in
  33319. the picture being squeezed inward from the edge being cropped (the empty space
  33320. between the picture and the cropped edge will be filled by the fill color of the
  33321. shape). Positive values less than 1 will result in the remaining picture being
  33322. stretched to fit the shape.</p>
  33323. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  33324. </remarks>
  33325. </member>
  33326. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.CropRight">
  33327. <summary>
  33328. Defines the fraction of picture removal from the right side.
  33329. </summary>
  33330. <remarks>
  33331. <p>The amount of cropping can range from -1.0 to 1.0. The default value is 0. Note
  33332. that a value of 1 will display no picture at all. Negative values will result in
  33333. the picture being squeezed inward from the edge being cropped (the empty space
  33334. between the picture and the cropped edge will be filled by the fill color of the
  33335. shape). Positive values less than 1 will result in the remaining picture being
  33336. stretched to fit the shape.</p>
  33337. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  33338. </remarks>
  33339. </member>
  33340. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Borders">
  33341. <summary>
  33342. Gets the collection of borders of the image. Borders only have effect for inline images.
  33343. </summary>
  33344. </member>
  33345. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ChromaKey">
  33346. <summary>
  33347. Defines the color value of the image that will be treated as transparent.
  33348. </summary>
  33349. <remarks>
  33350. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  33351. </remarks>
  33352. </member>
  33353. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Brightness">
  33354. <summary>
  33355. Gets or sets the brightness of the picture.
  33356. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (dimmest) to 1.0 (brightest).
  33357. </summary>
  33358. <remarks>
  33359. <p>The default value is 0.5.</p>
  33360. </remarks>
  33361. </member>
  33362. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.Contrast">
  33363. <summary>
  33364. Gets or sets the contrast for the specified picture. The value
  33365. for this property must be a number from 0.0 (the least contrast) to 1.0 (the greatest contrast).
  33366. </summary>
  33367. <remarks>
  33368. <p>The default value is 0.5.</p>
  33369. </remarks>
  33370. </member>
  33371. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.BiLevel">
  33372. <summary>
  33373. Determines whether an image will be displayed in black and white.
  33374. </summary>
  33375. <remarks>
  33376. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  33377. </remarks>
  33378. </member>
  33379. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.GrayScale">
  33380. <summary>
  33381. Determines whether a picture will display in grayscale mode.
  33382. </summary>
  33383. <remarks>
  33384. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  33385. </remarks>
  33386. </member>
  33387. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize">
  33388. <summary>
  33389. Contains information about image size and resolution.
  33390. </summary>
  33391. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ImageSize" />
  33392. </member>
  33393. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
  33394. <summary>
  33395. Initializes width and height to the given values in pixels. Initializes resolution to 96 dpi.
  33396. </summary>
  33397. <param name="widthPixels">Width in pixels.</param>
  33398. <param name="heightPixels">Height in pixels.</param>
  33399. </member>
  33400. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double)">
  33401. <summary>
  33402. Initializes width, height and resolution to the given values.
  33403. </summary>
  33404. <param name="widthPixels">Width in pixels.</param>
  33405. <param name="heightPixels">Height in pixels.</param>
  33406. <param name="horizontalResolution">Horizontal resolution in DPI.</param>
  33407. <param name="verticalResolution">Vertical resolution in DPI.</param>
  33408. </member>
  33409. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.#ctor(Aspose.Images.ImageSizeCore)">
  33410. <summary>
  33411. Creates an object from an internal image size object.
  33412. </summary>
  33413. </member>
  33414. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.WidthPixels">
  33415. <summary>
  33416. Gets the width of the image in pixels.
  33417. </summary>
  33418. </member>
  33419. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.HeightPixels">
  33420. <summary>
  33421. Gets the height of the image in pixels.
  33422. </summary>
  33423. </member>
  33424. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.HorizontalResolution">
  33425. <summary>
  33426. Gets the horizontal resolution in DPI.
  33427. </summary>
  33428. </member>
  33429. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.VerticalResolution">
  33430. <summary>
  33431. Gets the vertical resolution in DPI.
  33432. </summary>
  33433. </member>
  33434. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.WidthPoints">
  33435. <summary>
  33436. Gets the width of the image in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch.
  33437. </summary>
  33438. </member>
  33439. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageSize.HeightPoints">
  33440. <summary>
  33441. Gets the height of the image in points. 1 point is 1/72 inch.
  33442. </summary>
  33443. </member>
  33444. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType">
  33445. <summary>
  33446. Specifies the type (format) of an image in a Microsoft Word document.
  33447. </summary>
  33448. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageData.ImageType" />
  33449. <dev>
  33450. Do not renumber these. The values correspond to MSOBLIPTYPE in the Binary Drawing format.
  33451. </dev>
  33452. </member>
  33453. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType.NoImage">
  33454. <summary>
  33455. The is no image data.
  33456. </summary>
  33457. <dev>
  33458. The spec says: "An error occurred during loading."
  33459. I've seen this in some places, more likely it means "this blip record is unused".
  33460. </dev>
  33461. </member>
  33462. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType.Unknown">
  33463. <summary>
  33464. An unknown image type or image type that cannot be directly stored inside a Microsoft Word document.
  33465. </summary>
  33466. </member>
  33467. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType.Emf">
  33468. <summary>
  33469. Windows Enhanced Metafile.
  33470. </summary>
  33471. </member>
  33472. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType.Wmf">
  33473. <summary>
  33474. Windows Metafile.
  33475. </summary>
  33476. </member>
  33477. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType.Pict">
  33478. <summary>
  33479. Macintosh PICT. An existing image will be preserved in a document, but inserting new
  33480. PICT images into a document is not supported.
  33481. </summary>
  33482. </member>
  33483. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType.Jpeg">
  33484. <summary>
  33485. JPEG JFIF.
  33486. </summary>
  33487. </member>
  33488. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType.Png">
  33489. <summary>
  33490. Portable Network Graphics.
  33491. </summary>
  33492. </member>
  33493. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ImageType.Bmp">
  33494. <summary>
  33495. Windows Bitmap.
  33496. </summary>
  33497. <dev>
  33498. Note this is BMP in my model, but in a Word document this is stored as a DIB.
  33499. DIB is basically a BMP without a header.
  33500. </dev>
  33501. </member>
  33502. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.JoinStyle">
  33503. <summary>
  33504. Line join style.
  33505. </summary>
  33506. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.JoinStyle" />
  33507. </member>
  33508. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.JoinStyle.Bevel">
  33509. <summary>
  33510. Join edges by a straight line.
  33511. </summary>
  33512. </member>
  33513. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.JoinStyle.Miter">
  33514. <summary>
  33515. Extend edges until they join.
  33516. </summary>
  33517. </member>
  33518. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.JoinStyle.Round">
  33519. <summary>
  33520. Draw an arc between the two edges.
  33521. </summary>
  33522. </member>
  33523. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow">
  33524. <summary>
  33525. Determines the flow of the text layout in a textbox.
  33526. </summary>
  33527. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.LayoutFlow" />
  33528. <dev>
  33529. Do not renumber. The values are from the RTF spec.
  33530. </dev>
  33531. </member>
  33532. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow.Horizontal">
  33533. <summary>
  33534. Text is displayed horizontally.
  33535. </summary>
  33536. </member>
  33537. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow.TopToBottomIdeographic">
  33538. <summary>
  33539. Ideographic text is displayed vertically.
  33540. </summary>
  33541. </member>
  33542. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow.BottomToTop">
  33543. <summary>
  33544. Text is displayed vertically.
  33545. </summary>
  33546. </member>
  33547. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow.TopToBottom">
  33548. <summary>
  33549. Text is displayed vertically.
  33550. </summary>
  33551. </member>
  33552. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow.HorizontalIdeographic">
  33553. <summary>
  33554. Ideographic text is displayed horizontally.
  33555. </summary>
  33556. </member>
  33557. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow.Vertical">
  33558. <summary>
  33559. Text is displayed vertically.
  33560. </summary>
  33561. </member>
  33562. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat">
  33563. <summary>
  33564. Provides access to the data of an OLE object or ActiveX control.
  33565. </summary>
  33566. <remarks>
  33567. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.OleFormat" /> property to access the data of an OLE object.
  33568. You do not create instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat" /> class directly.</p>
  33569. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.OleFormat" />
  33570. </remarks>
  33571. </member>
  33572. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.Save(System.IO.Stream)">
  33573. <summary>
  33574. Saves the data of the embedded object into the specified stream.
  33575. </summary>
  33576. <remarks>
  33577. <p>It is the responsibility of the caller to dispose the stream.</p>
  33578. </remarks>
  33579. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Throws if you attempt to save a linked object.</exception>
  33580. <param name="stream">Where to save the object data.</param>
  33581. </member>
  33582. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.Save(System.String)">
  33583. <summary>
  33584. Saves the data of the embedded object into a file with the specified name.
  33585. </summary>
  33586. <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Throws if you attempt to save a linked object.</exception>
  33587. <param name="fileName">Name of the file to save the OLE object data.</param>
  33588. </member>
  33589. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.GetOleEntry(System.String)">
  33590. <summary>
  33591. Gets OLE object data entry.
  33592. </summary>
  33593. <param name="oleEntryName">Case-sensitive name of the OLE data stream.</param>
  33594. <returns>An OLE data stream or null.</returns>
  33595. </member>
  33596. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.GetRawData">
  33597. <summary>
  33598. Gets OLE object raw data.
  33599. </summary>
  33600. </member>
  33601. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.IconCaption">
  33602. <summary>
  33603. Gets icon caption of OLE object.
  33604. <para>In case of OLE object is not embedded as icon or caption couldn't be retrieved returns empty string.</para></summary>
  33605. </member>
  33606. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.SuggestedExtension">
  33607. <summary>
  33608. Gets the file extension suggested for the current embedded object if you want to save it into a file.
  33609. </summary>
  33610. </member>
  33611. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.SuggestedFileName">
  33612. <summary>
  33613. Gets the file name suggested for the current embedded object if you want to save it into a file.
  33614. </summary>
  33615. </member>
  33616. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.ProgId">
  33617. <summary>
  33618. Gets or sets the ProgID of the OLE object.
  33619. </summary>
  33620. <remarks>
  33621. <para>The ProgID property is not always present in Microsoft Word documents and cannot be relied upon.</para>
  33622. <para>Cannot be null.</para>
  33623. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  33624. </remarks>
  33625. </member>
  33626. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.IsLink">
  33627. <summary>
  33628. Returns true if the OLE object is linked (when <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.SourceFullName" /> is specified).
  33629. </summary>
  33630. </member>
  33631. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.SourceFullName">
  33632. <summary>
  33633. Gets or sets the path and name of the source file for the linked OLE object.
  33634. </summary>
  33635. <remarks>
  33636. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  33637. <p>If <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.SourceFullName" /> is not an empty string, the OLE object is linked.</p>
  33638. </remarks>
  33639. </member>
  33640. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.SourceItem">
  33641. <summary>
  33642. Gets or sets a string that is used to identify the portion of the source file that is being linked.
  33643. </summary>
  33644. <remarks>
  33645. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  33646. <p>For example, if the source file is a Microsoft Excel workbook, the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.SourceItem" />
  33647. property might return "Workbook1!R3C1:R4C2" if the OLE object contains only a few cells from
  33648. the worksheet.</p>
  33649. </remarks>
  33650. </member>
  33651. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.AutoUpdate">
  33652. <summary>
  33653. Specifies whether the link to the OLE object is automatically updated or not in Microsoft Word.
  33654. </summary>
  33655. <remarks>
  33656. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  33657. </remarks>
  33658. </member>
  33659. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.OleIcon">
  33660. <summary>
  33661. Gets the draw aspect of the OLE object. When <b>true</b>, the OLE object is displayed as an icon.
  33662. When <b>false</b>, the OLE object is displayed as content.
  33663. </summary>
  33664. <remarks>
  33665. <para>Aspose.Words does not allow to set this property to avoid confusion. If you were able to change
  33666. the draw aspect in Aspose.Words, Microsoft Word would still display the OLE object in its original
  33667. draw aspect until you edit or update the OLE object in Microsoft Word.</para>
  33668. </remarks>
  33669. </member>
  33670. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.IsLocked">
  33671. <summary>
  33672. Specifies whether the link to the OLE object is locked from updates.
  33673. </summary>
  33674. <remarks>
  33675. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  33676. </remarks>
  33677. </member>
  33678. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.Clsid">
  33679. <summary>
  33680. Gets the CLSID of the OLE object.
  33681. </summary>
  33682. </member>
  33683. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.OlePackage">
  33684. <summary>
  33685. Provide access to <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OlePackage" /> if OLE object is an OLE Package.
  33686. Returns null otherwise.
  33687. </summary>
  33688. <remarks>
  33689. OLE Package is a legacy technology that allows to wrap any file format not present in the OLE registry of
  33690. a Windows system into a generic package allowing to embed almost anything into a document.
  33691. See <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OlePackage" /> type for more info.
  33692. </remarks>
  33693. <dev>
  33694. Has meaning only if ProgId equal to "Package" otherwise is null.
  33695. </dev>
  33696. </member>
  33697. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.OleControl">
  33698. <summary>
  33699. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.OleFormat.OleControl" /> objects if this OLE object is an ActiveX control. Otherwise this property is null.
  33700. </summary>
  33701. </member>
  33702. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition">
  33703. <summary>
  33704. Specifies to what the horizontal position of a shape or text frame is relative.
  33705. </summary>
  33706. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.RelativeHorizontalPosition" />
  33707. <dev>
  33708. Do not renumber. The values are taken from the RTF specification.
  33709. </dev>
  33710. </member>
  33711. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.Margin">
  33712. <summary>
  33713. Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the page margins.
  33714. </summary>
  33715. </member>
  33716. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.Page">
  33717. <summary>
  33718. The object is positioned relative to the left edge of the page.
  33719. </summary>
  33720. </member>
  33721. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.Column">
  33722. <summary>
  33723. The object is positioned relative to the left side of the column.
  33724. </summary>
  33725. </member>
  33726. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.Character">
  33727. <summary>
  33728. The object is positioned relative to the left side of the paragraph.
  33729. </summary>
  33730. </member>
  33731. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.LeftMargin">
  33732. <summary>
  33733. Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the left margin of the page.
  33734. </summary>
  33735. </member>
  33736. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.RightMargin">
  33737. <summary>
  33738. Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the right margin of the page.
  33739. </summary>
  33740. </member>
  33741. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.InsideMargin">
  33742. <summary>
  33743. Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the inside margin of the
  33744. current page (the left margin on odd pages, right on even pages).
  33745. </summary>
  33746. </member>
  33747. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.OutsideMargin">
  33748. <summary>
  33749. Specifies that the horizontal positioning shall be relative to the outside margin of the
  33750. current page (the right margin on odd pages, left on even pages).
  33751. </summary>
  33752. </member>
  33753. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.Default">
  33754. <summary>
  33755. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.Column" />.
  33756. </summary>
  33757. </member>
  33758. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition">
  33759. <summary>
  33760. Specifies to what the vertical position of a shape or text frame is relative.
  33761. </summary>
  33762. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.RelativeVerticalPosition" />
  33763. <dev>
  33764. Do not renumber. The values are taken from the RTF specification.
  33765. </dev>
  33766. </member>
  33767. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.Margin">
  33768. <summary>
  33769. Specifies that the vertical positioning shall be relative to the page margins.
  33770. </summary>
  33771. </member>
  33772. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.Page">
  33773. <summary>
  33774. The object is positioned relative to the top edge of the page.
  33775. </summary>
  33776. </member>
  33777. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.Paragraph">
  33778. <summary>
  33779. The object is positioned relative to the top of the paragraph that contains the anchor.
  33780. </summary>
  33781. </member>
  33782. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.Line">
  33783. <summary>
  33784. Undocumented.
  33785. </summary>
  33786. </member>
  33787. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.TopMargin">
  33788. <summary>
  33789. Specifies that the vertical positioning shall be relative to the top margin of the current page.
  33790. </summary>
  33791. </member>
  33792. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.BottomMargin">
  33793. <summary>
  33794. Specifies that the vertical positioning shall be relative to the bottom margin of the current page.
  33795. </summary>
  33796. </member>
  33797. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.InsideMargin">
  33798. <summary>
  33799. Specifies that the vertical positioning shall be relative to the inside margin of the current page.
  33800. </summary>
  33801. </member>
  33802. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.OutsideMargin">
  33803. <summary>
  33804. Specifies that the vertical positioning shall be relative to the outside margin of the current page.
  33805. </summary>
  33806. </member>
  33807. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.TableDefault">
  33808. <summary>
  33809. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.Margin" />.
  33810. </summary>
  33811. </member>
  33812. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.TextFrameDefault">
  33813. <summary>
  33814. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.Paragraph" />.
  33815. </summary>
  33816. </member>
  33817. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape">
  33818. <summary>
  33819. Represents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, textbox, freeform, OLE object, ActiveX control, or picture.
  33820. </summary>
  33821. <remarks>
  33822. <p>Using the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> class you can create or modify shapes in a Microsoft Word document.</p>
  33823. <p>An important property of a shape is its <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ShapeType" />. Shapes of different
  33824. types can have different capabilities in a Word document. For example, only image and OLE shapes
  33825. can have images inside them. Most of the shapes can have text, but not all.</p>
  33826. <p>Shapes that can have text, can contain <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> and
  33827. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes as children.</p>
  33828. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase" />
  33829. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />
  33830. </remarks>
  33831. </member>
  33832. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase)">
  33833. <summary>
  33834. Ctor. Use this internally only.
  33835. </summary>
  33836. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  33837. </member>
  33838. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeMarkupLanguage)">
  33839. <summary>
  33840. Ctor. Use this internally only.
  33841. WORDSNET-11493 Implement possibility to create DML shapes by default.
  33842. </summary>
  33843. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  33844. <param name="markupLanguage">Shape markup language: DrawingML or Vml</param>
  33845. </member>
  33846. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.#ctor(Aspose.Words.DocumentBase,Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType)">
  33847. <summary>
  33848. Creates a new shape object.
  33849. </summary>
  33850. <remarks>
  33851. <p>You should specify desired shape properties after you created a shape.</p>
  33852. </remarks>
  33853. <param name="doc">The owner document.</param>
  33854. <param name="shapeType">The type of the shape to create.</param>
  33855. </member>
  33856. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)">
  33857. <summary>
  33858. Accepts a visitor.
  33859. </summary>
  33860. <remarks>
  33861. <p>Enumerates over this node and all of its children. Each node calls a corresponding method on DocumentVisitor.</p>
  33862. <p>For more info see the Visitor design pattern.</p>
  33863. </remarks>
  33864. <param name="visitor">The visitor that will visit the nodes.</param>
  33865. <returns>True if all nodes were visited; false if DocumentVisitor stopped the operation before visiting all nodes.</returns>
  33866. <remarks>
  33867. Calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitShapeStart(Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape)" />, then calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Node.Accept(Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor)" />
  33868. for all child nodes of the shape and calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentVisitor.VisitShapeEnd(Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape)" /> at the end.
  33869. </remarks>
  33870. </member>
  33871. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Clone(System.Boolean,Aspose.Words.INodeCloningListener)">
  33872. <summary>
  33873. Creates a duplicate of the node.
  33874. </summary>
  33875. <remarks>
  33876. <p>This method serves as a copy constructor for nodes.
  33877. The cloned node has no parent, but belongs to the same document as the original node.</p>
  33878. <p>This method always performs a deep copy of the node. The <i>isCloneChildren</i> parameter
  33879. specifies whether to perform copy all child nodes as well.</p>
  33880. </remarks>
  33881. <param name="isCloneChildren">True to recursively clone the subtree under the specified node;
  33882. false to clone only the node itself.</param>
  33883. <param name="cloningListener">Listener to node cloning event.</param>
  33884. <returns>The cloned node.</returns>
  33885. </member>
  33886. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.UpdateSmartArtDrawing">
  33887. <summary>
  33888. Updates SmartArt pre-rendered drawing by using Aspose.Words's SmartArt cold rendering engine.
  33889. </summary>
  33890. <remarks>
  33891. Microsoft Word generates and saves the pre-rendered drawing along with SmartArt object. However,
  33892. if the document is saved by other applications, the pre-rendered SmartArt drawing may be missing or incorrect.
  33893. If pre-rendered drawing is available then Aspose.Words uses it to render the SmartArt object.
  33894. If pre-rendered drawing is missing then Aspose.Words uses its own SmartArt cold rendering engine to render the
  33895. SmartArt object.
  33896. If pre-rendered drawing is incorrect then it is required to call this method to invoke the SmartArt cold
  33897. rendering engine.
  33898. </remarks>
  33899. </member>
  33900. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.NodeType">
  33901. <summary>
  33902. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.NodeType.Shape" />.
  33903. </summary>
  33904. </member>
  33905. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.StoryType">
  33906. <summary>
  33907. Returns <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.StoryType.Textbox" />.
  33908. </summary>
  33909. </member>
  33910. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.ExtrusionEnabled">
  33911. <summary>
  33912. Returns true if an extrusion effect is enabled.
  33913. </summary>
  33914. </member>
  33915. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.ShadowEnabled">
  33916. <summary>
  33917. Returns true if a shadow effect is enabled.
  33918. </summary>
  33919. </member>
  33920. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Stroke">
  33921. <summary>
  33922. Defines a stroke for a shape.
  33923. </summary>
  33924. </member>
  33925. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Stroked">
  33926. <summary>
  33927. Defines whether the path will be stroked.
  33928. </summary>
  33929. <remarks>
  33930. <p>This is a shortcut to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.On" /> property.</p>
  33931. <p>The default value is <b>true</b>.</p>
  33932. </remarks>
  33933. </member>
  33934. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.StrokeWeight">
  33935. <summary>
  33936. Defines the brush thickness that strokes the path of a shape in points.
  33937. </summary>
  33938. <remarks>
  33939. <p>This is a shortcut to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.Weight" /> property.</p>
  33940. <p>The default value is 0.75.</p>
  33941. </remarks>
  33942. </member>
  33943. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.StrokeColor">
  33944. <summary>
  33945. Defines the color of a stroke.
  33946. </summary>
  33947. <remarks>
  33948. <p>This is a shortcut to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.Color" /> property.</p>
  33949. <p>The default value is
  33950. <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Color.Black" />.</p>
  33951. </remarks>
  33952. </member>
  33953. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Fill">
  33954. <summary>
  33955. Defines a fill for a shape.
  33956. </summary>
  33957. </member>
  33958. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Filled">
  33959. <summary>
  33960. Determines whether the closed path of the shape will be filled.
  33961. </summary>
  33962. <remarks>
  33963. <p>This is a shortcut to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill.On" /> property.</p>
  33964. <p>The default value is <b>true</b>.</p>
  33965. </remarks>
  33966. </member>
  33967. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.FillColor">
  33968. <summary>
  33969. Defines the brush color that fills the closed path of the shape.
  33970. </summary>
  33971. <remarks>
  33972. <p>This is a shortcut to the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill.Color" /> property.</p>
  33973. <p>The default value is
  33974. <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Color.White" />.</p>
  33975. </remarks>
  33976. </member>
  33977. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.HasImage">
  33978. <summary>
  33979. Returns true if the shape has image bytes or links an image.
  33980. </summary>
  33981. </member>
  33982. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.ImageData">
  33983. <summary>
  33984. Provides access to the image of the shape.
  33985. Returns null if the shape cannot have an image.
  33986. </summary>
  33987. </member>
  33988. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.OleFormat">
  33989. <summary>
  33990. Provides access to the OLE data of a shape. For a shape that is not an OLE object or ActiveX control, returns null.
  33991. </summary>
  33992. </member>
  33993. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.TextBox">
  33994. <summary>
  33995. Defines attributes that specify how text is displayed in a shape.
  33996. </summary>
  33997. </member>
  33998. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.TextPath">
  33999. <summary>
  34000. Defines the text of the text path (of a WordArt object).
  34001. </summary>
  34002. </member>
  34003. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.FirstParagraph">
  34004. <summary>
  34005. Gets the first paragraph in the shape.
  34006. </summary>
  34007. </member>
  34008. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.LastParagraph">
  34009. <summary>
  34010. Gets the last paragraph in the shape.
  34011. </summary>
  34012. </member>
  34013. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.HorizontalRuleFormat">
  34014. <summary>
  34015. Provides access to the properties of the horizontal rule shape.
  34016. For a shape that is not a horizontal rule, returns null.
  34017. </summary>
  34018. </member>
  34019. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.SignatureLine">
  34020. <summary>
  34021. Gets <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.SignatureLine" /> object if the shape is a signature line. Returns <b>null</b> otherwise.
  34022. </summary>
  34023. <remarks>You can insert new SignatureLines into the document using <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertSignatureLine(Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions)" /> and
  34024. <seealso cref="M:Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder.InsertSignatureLine(Aspose.Words.SignatureLineOptions,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition,System.Double,Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType)" /></remarks>
  34025. </member>
  34026. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.HasChart">
  34027. <summary>
  34028. Returns true if this Shape has a <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Chart" />.
  34029. </summary>
  34030. </member>
  34031. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.HasSmartArt">
  34032. <summary>
  34033. Returns true if this Shape has a SmartArt object.
  34034. </summary>
  34035. </member>
  34036. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Chart">
  34037. <summary>
  34038. Provides access to the chart properties if this shape has a Chart.
  34039. </summary>
  34040. <remarks>This property will return the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Chart" /> object only if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.HasChart" />
  34041. property is true for this Shape, and will throw an exception otherwise.</remarks>
  34042. </member>
  34043. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase">
  34044. <summary>
  34045. Base class for objects in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, freeform, OLE object, ActiveX control, or picture.
  34046. </summary>
  34047. <remarks>
  34048. <p>This is an abstract class. The two derived classes that you can instantiate
  34049. are <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />.</p>
  34050. <p>A shape is a node in the document tree.</p>
  34051. <p>If the shape is a child of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> object, then the shape is said to be "top-level".
  34052. Top-level shapes are measured and positioned in points.</p>
  34053. <p>A shape can also occur as a child of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" /> object when several shapes
  34054. are grouped. Child shapes of a group shape are positioned in the coordinate space and units
  34055. defined by the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.CoordSize" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.CoordOrigin" /> properties of the parent
  34056. group shape.</p>
  34057. <p>A shape can be positioned inline with text or floating. The positioning method is controlled
  34058. using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.WrapType" /> property.</p>
  34059. <p>When a shape is floating, it is positioned relative to something (e.g the current paragraph,
  34060. the margin or the page). The relative positioning of the shape is specified using the
  34061. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.RelativeHorizontalPosition" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.RelativeVerticalPosition" /> properties.</p>
  34062. <p>A floating shape be positioned explicitly using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Left" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Top" />
  34063. properties or aligned relative to some other object using the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.HorizontalAlignment" />
  34064. and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.VerticalAlignment" /> properties.</p>
  34065. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" />
  34066. <seealso cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />
  34067. </remarks>
  34068. </member>
  34069. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.GetShapeRenderer">
  34070. <summary>
  34071. Creates and returns an object that can be used to render this shape into an image.
  34072. </summary>
  34073. <remarks>
  34074. <para>This method just invokes the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Rendering.ShapeRenderer" /> constructor and passes
  34075. this object as a parameter.</para>
  34076. </remarks>
  34077. <returns>The renderer object for this shape.</returns>
  34078. </member>
  34079. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.GetDirectShapeAttr(System.Int32)">
  34080. <summary>
  34081. Reserved for system use. IShapeAttrSource.
  34082. </summary>
  34083. </member>
  34084. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.FetchInheritedShapeAttr(System.Int32)">
  34085. <summary>
  34086. Reserved for system use. IShapeAttrSource.
  34087. </summary>
  34088. </member>
  34089. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.FetchShapeAttr(System.Int32)">
  34090. <summary>
  34091. Reserved for system use. IShapeAttrSource.
  34092. </summary>
  34093. </member>
  34094. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.SetShapeAttr(System.Int32,System.Object)">
  34095. <summary>
  34096. Reserved for system use. IShapeAttrSource.
  34097. </summary>
  34098. </member>
  34099. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.RemoveShapeAttr(System.Int32)">
  34100. <summary>
  34101. Reserved for system use. IShapeAttrSource.
  34102. </summary>
  34103. </member>
  34104. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.LocalToParent(System.Drawing.PointF)">
  34105. <summary>
  34106. Converts a value from the local coordinate space into the coordinate space of the parent shape.
  34107. </summary>
  34108. </member>
  34109. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.AdjustWithEffects(System.Drawing.RectangleF)">
  34110. <summary>
  34111. Adds to the source rectangle values of the effect extent and returns the final rectangle.
  34112. </summary>
  34113. </member>
  34114. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ScreenTip">
  34115. <summary>
  34116. Defines the text displayed when the mouse pointer moves over the shape.
  34117. </summary>
  34118. <remarks>
  34119. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  34120. </remarks>
  34121. </member>
  34122. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.HRef">
  34123. <summary>
  34124. Gets or sets the full hyperlink address for a shape.
  34125. </summary>
  34126. <remarks>
  34127. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  34128. <p>Below are examples of valid values for this property:</p>
  34129. <p>Full URI: <c>https://www.aspose.com/</c>.</p>
  34130. <p>Full file name: <c>C:\\My Documents\\SalesReport.doc</c>.</p>
  34131. <para>Relative URI: <c>../../../resource.txt</c></para>
  34132. <p>Relative file name: <c>..\\My Documents\\SalesReport.doc</c>.</p>
  34133. <p>Bookmark within another document: <c>https://www.aspose.com/Products/Default.aspx#Suites</c></p>
  34134. <p>Bookmark within this document: <c>#BookmakName</c>.</p>
  34135. </remarks>
  34136. </member>
  34137. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Target">
  34138. <summary>
  34139. Gets or sets the target frame for the shape hyperlink.
  34140. </summary>
  34141. <remarks>
  34142. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  34143. </remarks>
  34144. </member>
  34145. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.AlternativeText">
  34146. <summary>
  34147. Defines alternative text to be displayed instead of a graphic.
  34148. </summary>
  34149. <remarks>
  34150. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  34151. </remarks>
  34152. </member>
  34153. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Title">
  34154. <summary>
  34155. Gets or sets the title (caption) of the current shape object.
  34156. </summary>
  34157. <remarks>
  34158. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  34159. <para>Cannot be null, but can be an empty string.</para>
  34160. </remarks>
  34161. </member>
  34162. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Name">
  34163. <summary>
  34164. Gets or sets the optional shape name.
  34165. </summary>
  34166. <remarks>
  34167. <para>Default is empty string.</para>
  34168. <para>Cannot be null, but can be an empty string.</para>
  34169. </remarks>
  34170. </member>
  34171. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsInsertRevision">
  34172. <summary>
  34173. Returns true if this object was inserted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  34174. </summary>
  34175. </member>
  34176. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsDeleteRevision">
  34177. <summary>
  34178. Returns true if this object was deleted in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  34179. </summary>
  34180. </member>
  34181. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsMoveFromRevision">
  34182. <summary>
  34183. Returns <b>true</b> if this object was moved (deleted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  34184. </summary>
  34185. </member>
  34186. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsMoveToRevision">
  34187. <summary>
  34188. Returns <b>true</b> if this object was moved (inserted) in Microsoft Word while change tracking was enabled.
  34189. </summary>
  34190. </member>
  34191. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsTopLevel">
  34192. <summary>
  34193. Returns true if this shape is not a child of a group shape.
  34194. </summary>
  34195. </member>
  34196. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsGroup">
  34197. <summary>
  34198. Returns true if this is a group shape.
  34199. </summary>
  34200. </member>
  34201. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsImage">
  34202. <summary>
  34203. Returns true if this shape is an image shape.
  34204. </summary>
  34205. </member>
  34206. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsHorizontalRule">
  34207. <summary>
  34208. Returns true if this shape is a horizontal rule.
  34209. </summary>
  34210. </member>
  34211. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsWordArt">
  34212. <summary>
  34213. Returns true if this shape is a WordArt object.
  34214. </summary>
  34215. <remarks>
  34216. Works till 2007 compatibility mode.
  34217. In 2010 and higher compatibility mode WordArt is just a TextBox with fancy fonts.
  34218. </remarks>
  34219. </member>
  34220. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.CanHaveImage">
  34221. <summary>
  34222. Returns true if the shape type allows the shape to have an image.
  34223. </summary>
  34224. <remarks>
  34225. <para>Although Microsoft Word has a special shape type for images, it appears that in Microsoft Word documents any shape
  34226. except a group shape can have an image, therefore this property returns true for all shapes except <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" />.</para>
  34227. </remarks>
  34228. </member>
  34229. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.AnchorLocked">
  34230. <summary>
  34231. Specifies whether the shape's anchor is locked.
  34232. </summary>
  34233. <remarks>
  34234. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  34235. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34236. <p>This property affects behavior of the shape's anchor in Microsoft Word.
  34237. When the anchor is not locked, moving the shape in Microsoft Word can move
  34238. the shape's anchor too.</p>
  34239. </remarks>
  34240. </member>
  34241. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.AspectRatioLocked">
  34242. <summary>
  34243. Specifies whether the shape's aspect ratio is locked.
  34244. </summary>
  34245. <remarks>
  34246. <p>The default value depends on the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ShapeType" />, for the ShapeType.Image it is <b>true</b>
  34247. but for the other shape types it is <b>false</b>.</p>
  34248. <p>Has effect for top level shapes only.</p>
  34249. </remarks>
  34250. </member>
  34251. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.AllowOverlap">
  34252. <summary>
  34253. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether this shape can overlap other shapes.
  34254. </summary>
  34255. <remarks>
  34256. <para>This property affects behavior of the shape in Microsoft Word.
  34257. Aspose.Words ignores the value of this property.</para>
  34258. <para>This property is applicable only to top level shapes.</para>
  34259. <p>The default value is <b>true</b>.</p>
  34260. </remarks>
  34261. </member>
  34262. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.BehindText">
  34263. <summary>
  34264. Specifies whether the shape is below or above text.
  34265. </summary>
  34266. <remarks>
  34267. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34268. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  34269. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ZOrder" />
  34270. </remarks>
  34271. </member>
  34272. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsInline">
  34273. <summary>
  34274. A quick way to determine if this shape is positioned inline with text.
  34275. </summary>
  34276. <remarks>
  34277. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34278. </remarks>
  34279. </member>
  34280. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Left">
  34281. <summary>
  34282. Gets or sets the position of the left edge of the containing block of the shape.
  34283. </summary>
  34284. <remarks>
  34285. <p>For a top-level shape, the value is in points and relative to the shape anchor.</p>
  34286. <p>For shapes in a group, the value is in the coordinate space and units of the parent group.</p>
  34287. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  34288. <p>Has effect only for floating shapes.</p>
  34289. </remarks>
  34290. </member>
  34291. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Top">
  34292. <summary>
  34293. Gets or sets the position of the top edge of the containing block of the shape.
  34294. </summary>
  34295. <remarks>
  34296. <p>For a top-level shape, the value is in points and relative to the shape anchor.</p>
  34297. <p>For shapes in a group, the value is in the coordinate space and units of the parent group.</p>
  34298. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  34299. <p>Has effect only for floating shapes.</p>
  34300. </remarks>
  34301. </member>
  34302. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Right">
  34303. <summary>
  34304. Gets the position of the right edge of the containing block of the shape.
  34305. </summary>
  34306. <remarks>
  34307. <p>For a top-level shape, the value is in points and relative to the shape anchor.</p>
  34308. <p>For shapes in a group, the value is in the coordinate space and units of the parent group.</p>
  34309. </remarks>
  34310. </member>
  34311. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Bottom">
  34312. <summary>
  34313. Gets the position of the bottom edge of the containing block of the shape.
  34314. </summary>
  34315. <remarks>
  34316. <p>For a top-level shape, the value is in points and relative to the shape anchor.</p>
  34317. <p>For shapes in a group, the value is in the coordinate space and units of the parent group.</p>
  34318. </remarks>
  34319. </member>
  34320. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Width">
  34321. <summary>
  34322. Gets or sets the width of the containing block of the shape.
  34323. </summary>
  34324. <remarks>
  34325. <p>For a top-level shape, the value is in points.</p>
  34326. <p>For shapes in a group, the value is in the coordinate space and units of the parent group.</p>
  34327. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  34328. </remarks>
  34329. </member>
  34330. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Height">
  34331. <summary>
  34332. Gets or sets the height of the containing block of the shape.
  34333. </summary>
  34334. <remarks>
  34335. <p>For a top-level shape, the value is in points.</p>
  34336. <p>For shapes in a group, the value is in the coordinate space and units of the parent group.</p>
  34337. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  34338. </remarks>
  34339. </member>
  34340. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.DistanceTop">
  34341. <summary>
  34342. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the document text and the top edge of the shape.
  34343. </summary>
  34344. <remarks>
  34345. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  34346. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34347. </remarks>
  34348. </member>
  34349. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.DistanceBottom">
  34350. <summary>
  34351. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the document text and the bottom edge of the shape.
  34352. </summary>
  34353. <remarks>
  34354. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  34355. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34356. </remarks>
  34357. </member>
  34358. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.DistanceLeft">
  34359. <summary>
  34360. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the document text and the left edge of the shape.
  34361. </summary>
  34362. <remarks>
  34363. <p>The default value is 1/8 inch.</p>
  34364. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34365. </remarks>
  34366. </member>
  34367. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.DistanceRight">
  34368. <summary>
  34369. Returns or sets the distance (in points) between the document text and the right edge of the shape.
  34370. </summary>
  34371. <remarks>
  34372. <p>The default value is 1/8 inch.</p>
  34373. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34374. </remarks>
  34375. </member>
  34376. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Rotation">
  34377. <summary>
  34378. Defines the angle (in degrees) that a shape is rotated.
  34379. Positive value corresponds to clockwise rotation angle.
  34380. </summary>
  34381. <remarks>
  34382. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  34383. </remarks>
  34384. </member>
  34385. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ZOrder">
  34386. <summary>
  34387. Determines the display order of overlapping shapes.
  34388. </summary>
  34389. <remarks>
  34390. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34391. <p>The default value is 0.</p>
  34392. <p>The number represents the stacking precedence. A shape with a higher number will be displayed
  34393. as if it were overlapping (in "front" of) a shape with a lower number. </p>
  34394. <p>The order of overlapping shapes is independent for shapes in the header and in the main
  34395. text of the document.</p>
  34396. <p>The display order of child shapes in a group shape is determined by their order
  34397. inside the group shape.</p>
  34398. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.BehindText" />
  34399. </remarks>
  34400. </member>
  34401. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ParentParagraph">
  34402. <summary>
  34403. Returns the immediate parent paragraph.
  34404. </summary>
  34405. <remarks>For child shapes of a group shape and child shapes of an Office Math object always returns null.</remarks>
  34406. </member>
  34407. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Bounds">
  34408. <summary>
  34409. Gets or sets the location and size of the containing block of the shape.
  34410. </summary>
  34411. <remarks>
  34412. Ignores aspect ratio lock upon setting.
  34413. </remarks>
  34414. <remarks>
  34415. <p>For a top-level shape, the value is in points and relative to the shape anchor.</p>
  34416. <p>For shapes in a group, the value is in the coordinate space and units of the parent group.</p>
  34417. </remarks>
  34418. </member>
  34419. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.BoundsInPoints">
  34420. <summary>
  34421. Gets the location and size of the containing block of the shape in points, relative to the anchor of the topmost shape.
  34422. </summary>
  34423. </member>
  34424. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.BoundsWithEffects">
  34425. <summary>
  34426. Gets final extent that this shape object has after applying drawing effects.
  34427. Value is measured in points.
  34428. </summary>
  34429. </member>
  34430. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ShapeType">
  34431. <summary>
  34432. Gets the shape type.
  34433. </summary>
  34434. </member>
  34435. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.MarkupLanguage">
  34436. <summary>
  34437. Gets MarkupLanguage used for this graphic object.
  34438. </summary>
  34439. </member>
  34440. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.SizeInPoints">
  34441. <summary>
  34442. Gets the size of the shape in points.
  34443. </summary>
  34444. </member>
  34445. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.FlipOrientation">
  34446. <summary>
  34447. Switches the orientation of a shape.
  34448. </summary>
  34449. <remarks>
  34450. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.FlipOrientation.None" />.</p>
  34451. </remarks>
  34452. </member>
  34453. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.RelativeHorizontalPosition">
  34454. <summary>
  34455. Specifies relative to what the shape is positioned horizontally.
  34456. </summary>
  34457. <remarks>
  34458. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeHorizontalPosition.Column" />.</p>
  34459. <p>Has effect only for top level floating shapes.</p>
  34460. </remarks>
  34461. </member>
  34462. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.RelativeVerticalPosition">
  34463. <summary>
  34464. Specifies relative to what the shape is positioned vertically.
  34465. </summary>
  34466. <remarks>
  34467. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.RelativeVerticalPosition.Paragraph" />.</p>
  34468. <p>Has effect only for top level floating shapes.</p>
  34469. </remarks>
  34470. </member>
  34471. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.HorizontalAlignment">
  34472. <summary>
  34473. Specifies how the shape is positioned horizontally.
  34474. </summary>
  34475. <remarks>
  34476. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.None" />.</p>
  34477. <p>Has effect only for top level floating shapes.</p>
  34478. </remarks>
  34479. </member>
  34480. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.VerticalAlignment">
  34481. <summary>
  34482. Specifies how the shape is positioned vertically.
  34483. </summary>
  34484. <remarks>
  34485. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.None" />.</p>
  34486. <p>Has effect only for top level floating shapes.</p>
  34487. </remarks>
  34488. </member>
  34489. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.WrapType">
  34490. <summary>
  34491. Defines whether the shape is inline or floating. For floating shapes defines the wrapping mode for text around the shape.
  34492. </summary>
  34493. <remarks>
  34494. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType.None" />.</p>
  34495. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34496. </remarks>
  34497. </member>
  34498. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.WrapSide">
  34499. <summary>
  34500. Specifies how the text is wrapped around the shape.
  34501. </summary>
  34502. <remarks>
  34503. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapSide.Both" />.</p>
  34504. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes.</p>
  34505. </remarks>
  34506. </member>
  34507. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.CoordOrigin">
  34508. <summary>
  34509. The coordinates at the top-left corner of the containing block of this shape.
  34510. </summary>
  34511. <remarks>
  34512. <p>The default value is (0,0).</p>
  34513. </remarks>
  34514. </member>
  34515. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.CoordSize">
  34516. <summary>
  34517. The width and height of the coordinate space inside the containing block of this shape.
  34518. </summary>
  34519. <remarks>
  34520. <p>The default value is (1000, 1000).</p>
  34521. </remarks>
  34522. </member>
  34523. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.Font">
  34524. <summary>
  34525. Provides access to the font formatting of this object.
  34526. </summary>
  34527. </member>
  34528. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsSignatureLine">
  34529. <summary>
  34530. Indicates that shape is a SignatureLine.
  34531. </summary>
  34532. </member>
  34533. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.IsLayoutInCell">
  34534. <summary>
  34535. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the shape is displayed inside a table or outside of it.
  34536. </summary>
  34537. <remarks>
  34538. <p>The default value is <b>true</b>.</p>
  34539. <p>Has effect only for top level shapes, the property <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.WrapType" /> of which is set to value
  34540. other than <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Inline" />.</p>
  34541. </remarks>
  34542. </member>
  34543. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle">
  34544. <summary>
  34545. Specifies the compound line style of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" />.
  34546. </summary>
  34547. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.LineStyle" />
  34548. <dev>
  34549. This enum name violates the rule "enum name equals property name", but I have to avoid
  34550. collision between Aspose.Words.LineStyle and this line style because otherwise it will
  34551. be too hard to port to Java as all types are in the same namespace in Java.
  34552. </dev>
  34553. </member>
  34554. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle.Single">
  34555. <summary>
  34556. Single line.
  34557. </summary>
  34558. </member>
  34559. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle.Double">
  34560. <summary>
  34561. Double lines of equal width.
  34562. </summary>
  34563. </member>
  34564. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle.ThickThin">
  34565. <summary>
  34566. Double lines, one thick, one thin.
  34567. </summary>
  34568. </member>
  34569. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle.ThinThick">
  34570. <summary>
  34571. Double lines, one thin, one thick.
  34572. </summary>
  34573. </member>
  34574. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle.Triple">
  34575. <summary>
  34576. Three lines, thin, thick, thin.
  34577. </summary>
  34578. </member>
  34579. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle.Default">
  34580. <summary>
  34581. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle.Single" />.
  34582. </summary>
  34583. </member>
  34584. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType">
  34585. <summary>
  34586. Specifies the type of shape in a Microsoft Word document.
  34587. </summary>
  34588. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.ShapeType" />
  34589. </member>
  34590. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Image">
  34591. <summary>
  34592. The shape is an image.
  34593. </summary>
  34594. </member>
  34595. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextBox">
  34596. <summary>
  34597. The shape is a textbox. Note that shapes of many other types can also have text inside them too.
  34598. A shape does not have to have this type to contain text.
  34599. </summary>
  34600. </member>
  34601. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Group">
  34602. <summary>
  34603. <p>The shape is a group shape.</p>
  34604. </summary>
  34605. <dev>In DOC file, shape group has shape type NonPrimitive, we don't want this in the model,
  34606. so in the model it is our own constant.</dev>
  34607. </member>
  34608. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.OleObject">
  34609. <summary>
  34610. The shape is an OLE object.
  34611. <p>You cannot create shapes of this type in the document.</p></summary>
  34612. <dev>
  34613. In Microsoft Word, shapes that represent OLE objects have shape type picture,
  34614. but in our model, they are distinguished into their own shape type.
  34615. </dev>
  34616. </member>
  34617. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.OleControl">
  34618. <summary>
  34619. The shape is an ActiveX control.
  34620. <p>You cannot create shapes of this type in the document.</p></summary>
  34621. <dev>
  34622. In DOC and RTF, shapes that represent ActiveX controls have shape type picture.
  34623. In WordML, ActiveX controls have their own shape type and so is in the model.
  34624. </dev>
  34625. </member>
  34626. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.NonPrimitive">
  34627. <summary>
  34628. A shape drawn by user and consisting of multiple segments and/or vertices (curve, freeform or scribble).
  34629. <p>You cannot create shapes of this type in the document.</p></summary>
  34630. </member>
  34631. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Rectangle">
  34632. <summary>
  34633. </summary>
  34634. </member>
  34635. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.RoundRectangle">
  34636. <summary>
  34637. </summary>
  34638. </member>
  34639. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Ellipse">
  34640. <summary>
  34641. </summary>
  34642. </member>
  34643. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Diamond">
  34644. <summary>
  34645. </summary>
  34646. </member>
  34647. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Triangle">
  34648. <summary>
  34649. </summary>
  34650. </member>
  34651. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.RightTriangle">
  34652. <summary>
  34653. </summary>
  34654. </member>
  34655. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Parallelogram">
  34656. <summary>
  34657. </summary>
  34658. </member>
  34659. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Trapezoid">
  34660. <summary>
  34661. </summary>
  34662. </member>
  34663. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Hexagon">
  34664. <summary>
  34665. </summary>
  34666. </member>
  34667. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Octagon">
  34668. <summary>
  34669. </summary>
  34670. </member>
  34671. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Plus">
  34672. <summary>
  34673. </summary>
  34674. </member>
  34675. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Star">
  34676. <summary>
  34677. </summary>
  34678. </member>
  34679. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Arrow">
  34680. <summary>
  34681. </summary>
  34682. </member>
  34683. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ThickArrow">
  34684. <summary>
  34685. </summary>
  34686. </member>
  34687. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.HomePlate">
  34688. <summary>
  34689. </summary>
  34690. </member>
  34691. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Cube">
  34692. <summary>
  34693. </summary>
  34694. </member>
  34695. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Balloon">
  34696. <summary>
  34697. </summary>
  34698. </member>
  34699. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Seal">
  34700. <summary>
  34701. </summary>
  34702. </member>
  34703. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Arc">
  34704. <summary>
  34705. </summary>
  34706. </member>
  34707. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Line">
  34708. <summary>
  34709. </summary>
  34710. </member>
  34711. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Plaque">
  34712. <summary>
  34713. </summary>
  34714. </member>
  34715. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Can">
  34716. <summary>
  34717. </summary>
  34718. </member>
  34719. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Donut">
  34720. <summary>
  34721. </summary>
  34722. </member>
  34723. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextSimple">
  34724. <summary>
  34725. </summary>
  34726. </member>
  34727. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextOctagon">
  34728. <summary>
  34729. </summary>
  34730. </member>
  34731. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextHexagon">
  34732. <summary>
  34733. </summary>
  34734. </member>
  34735. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCurve">
  34736. <summary>
  34737. </summary>
  34738. </member>
  34739. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextWave">
  34740. <summary>
  34741. </summary>
  34742. </member>
  34743. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextRing">
  34744. <summary>
  34745. </summary>
  34746. </member>
  34747. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextOnCurve">
  34748. <summary>
  34749. </summary>
  34750. </member>
  34751. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextOnRing">
  34752. <summary>
  34753. </summary>
  34754. </member>
  34755. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.StraightConnector1">
  34756. <summary>
  34757. </summary>
  34758. </member>
  34759. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BentConnector2">
  34760. <summary>
  34761. </summary>
  34762. </member>
  34763. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BentConnector3">
  34764. <summary>
  34765. </summary>
  34766. </member>
  34767. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BentConnector4">
  34768. <summary>
  34769. </summary>
  34770. </member>
  34771. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BentConnector5">
  34772. <summary>
  34773. </summary>
  34774. </member>
  34775. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CurvedConnector2">
  34776. <summary>
  34777. </summary>
  34778. </member>
  34779. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CurvedConnector3">
  34780. <summary>
  34781. </summary>
  34782. </member>
  34783. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CurvedConnector4">
  34784. <summary>
  34785. </summary>
  34786. </member>
  34787. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CurvedConnector5">
  34788. <summary>
  34789. </summary>
  34790. </member>
  34791. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Callout1">
  34792. <summary>
  34793. </summary>
  34794. </member>
  34795. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Callout2">
  34796. <summary>
  34797. </summary>
  34798. </member>
  34799. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Callout3">
  34800. <summary>
  34801. </summary>
  34802. </member>
  34803. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.AccentCallout1">
  34804. <summary>
  34805. </summary>
  34806. </member>
  34807. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.AccentCallout2">
  34808. <summary>
  34809. </summary>
  34810. </member>
  34811. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.AccentCallout3">
  34812. <summary>
  34813. </summary>
  34814. </member>
  34815. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BorderCallout1">
  34816. <summary>
  34817. </summary>
  34818. </member>
  34819. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BorderCallout2">
  34820. <summary>
  34821. </summary>
  34822. </member>
  34823. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BorderCallout3">
  34824. <summary>
  34825. </summary>
  34826. </member>
  34827. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.AccentBorderCallout1">
  34828. <summary>
  34829. </summary>
  34830. </member>
  34831. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.AccentBorderCallout2">
  34832. <summary>
  34833. </summary>
  34834. </member>
  34835. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.AccentBorderCallout3">
  34836. <summary>
  34837. </summary>
  34838. </member>
  34839. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Ribbon">
  34840. <summary>
  34841. </summary>
  34842. </member>
  34843. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Ribbon2">
  34844. <summary>
  34845. </summary>
  34846. </member>
  34847. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Chevron">
  34848. <summary>
  34849. </summary>
  34850. </member>
  34851. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Pentagon">
  34852. <summary>
  34853. </summary>
  34854. </member>
  34855. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.NoSmoking">
  34856. <summary>
  34857. </summary>
  34858. </member>
  34859. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Seal8">
  34860. <summary>
  34861. </summary>
  34862. </member>
  34863. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Seal16">
  34864. <summary>
  34865. </summary>
  34866. </member>
  34867. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Seal32">
  34868. <summary>
  34869. </summary>
  34870. </member>
  34871. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.WedgeRectCallout">
  34872. <summary>
  34873. </summary>
  34874. </member>
  34875. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.WedgeRRectCallout">
  34876. <summary>
  34877. </summary>
  34878. </member>
  34879. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.WedgeEllipseCallout">
  34880. <summary>
  34881. </summary>
  34882. </member>
  34883. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Wave">
  34884. <summary>
  34885. </summary>
  34886. </member>
  34887. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FoldedCorner">
  34888. <summary>
  34889. </summary>
  34890. </member>
  34891. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LeftArrow">
  34892. <summary>
  34893. </summary>
  34894. </member>
  34895. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.DownArrow">
  34896. <summary>
  34897. </summary>
  34898. </member>
  34899. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.UpArrow">
  34900. <summary>
  34901. </summary>
  34902. </member>
  34903. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LeftRightArrow">
  34904. <summary>
  34905. </summary>
  34906. </member>
  34907. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.UpDownArrow">
  34908. <summary>
  34909. </summary>
  34910. </member>
  34911. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.IrregularSeal1">
  34912. <summary>
  34913. </summary>
  34914. </member>
  34915. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.IrregularSeal2">
  34916. <summary>
  34917. </summary>
  34918. </member>
  34919. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LightningBolt">
  34920. <summary>
  34921. </summary>
  34922. </member>
  34923. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Heart">
  34924. <summary>
  34925. </summary>
  34926. </member>
  34927. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.QuadArrow">
  34928. <summary>
  34929. </summary>
  34930. </member>
  34931. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LeftArrowCallout">
  34932. <summary>
  34933. </summary>
  34934. </member>
  34935. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.RightArrowCallout">
  34936. <summary>
  34937. </summary>
  34938. </member>
  34939. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.UpArrowCallout">
  34940. <summary>
  34941. </summary>
  34942. </member>
  34943. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.DownArrowCallout">
  34944. <summary>
  34945. </summary>
  34946. </member>
  34947. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LeftRightArrowCallout">
  34948. <summary>
  34949. </summary>
  34950. </member>
  34951. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.UpDownArrowCallout">
  34952. <summary>
  34953. </summary>
  34954. </member>
  34955. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.QuadArrowCallout">
  34956. <summary>
  34957. </summary>
  34958. </member>
  34959. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Bevel">
  34960. <summary>
  34961. </summary>
  34962. </member>
  34963. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LeftBracket">
  34964. <summary>
  34965. </summary>
  34966. </member>
  34967. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.RightBracket">
  34968. <summary>
  34969. </summary>
  34970. </member>
  34971. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LeftBrace">
  34972. <summary>
  34973. </summary>
  34974. </member>
  34975. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.RightBrace">
  34976. <summary>
  34977. </summary>
  34978. </member>
  34979. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LeftUpArrow">
  34980. <summary>
  34981. </summary>
  34982. </member>
  34983. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BentUpArrow">
  34984. <summary>
  34985. </summary>
  34986. </member>
  34987. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BentArrow">
  34988. <summary>
  34989. </summary>
  34990. </member>
  34991. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Seal24">
  34992. <summary>
  34993. </summary>
  34994. </member>
  34995. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.StripedRightArrow">
  34996. <summary>
  34997. </summary>
  34998. </member>
  34999. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.NotchedRightArrow">
  35000. <summary>
  35001. </summary>
  35002. </member>
  35003. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BlockArc">
  35004. <summary>
  35005. </summary>
  35006. </member>
  35007. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.SmileyFace">
  35008. <summary>
  35009. </summary>
  35010. </member>
  35011. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.VerticalScroll">
  35012. <summary>
  35013. </summary>
  35014. </member>
  35015. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.HorizontalScroll">
  35016. <summary>
  35017. </summary>
  35018. </member>
  35019. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CircularArrow">
  35020. <summary>
  35021. </summary>
  35022. </member>
  35023. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CustomShape">
  35024. <summary>
  35025. This shape type seems to be set for shapes that are not part of the standard set of the
  35026. auto shapes in Microsoft Word. For example, if you insert a new auto shape from ClipArt.
  35027. <p>You cannot create shapes of this type in the document.</p></summary>
  35028. </member>
  35029. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.UturnArrow">
  35030. <summary>
  35031. </summary>
  35032. </member>
  35033. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CurvedRightArrow">
  35034. <summary>
  35035. </summary>
  35036. </member>
  35037. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CurvedLeftArrow">
  35038. <summary>
  35039. </summary>
  35040. </member>
  35041. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CurvedUpArrow">
  35042. <summary>
  35043. </summary>
  35044. </member>
  35045. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CurvedDownArrow">
  35046. <summary>
  35047. </summary>
  35048. </member>
  35049. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.CloudCallout">
  35050. <summary>
  35051. </summary>
  35052. </member>
  35053. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.EllipseRibbon">
  35054. <summary>
  35055. </summary>
  35056. </member>
  35057. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.EllipseRibbon2">
  35058. <summary>
  35059. </summary>
  35060. </member>
  35061. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartProcess">
  35062. <summary>
  35063. </summary>
  35064. </member>
  35065. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartDecision">
  35066. <summary>
  35067. </summary>
  35068. </member>
  35069. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartInputOutput">
  35070. <summary>
  35071. </summary>
  35072. </member>
  35073. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartPredefinedProcess">
  35074. <summary>
  35075. </summary>
  35076. </member>
  35077. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartInternalStorage">
  35078. <summary>
  35079. </summary>
  35080. </member>
  35081. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartDocument">
  35082. <summary>
  35083. </summary>
  35084. </member>
  35085. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartMultidocument">
  35086. <summary>
  35087. </summary>
  35088. </member>
  35089. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartTerminator">
  35090. <summary>
  35091. </summary>
  35092. </member>
  35093. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartPreparation">
  35094. <summary>
  35095. </summary>
  35096. </member>
  35097. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartManualInput">
  35098. <summary>
  35099. </summary>
  35100. </member>
  35101. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartManualOperation">
  35102. <summary>
  35103. </summary>
  35104. </member>
  35105. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartConnector">
  35106. <summary>
  35107. </summary>
  35108. </member>
  35109. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartPunchedCard">
  35110. <summary>
  35111. </summary>
  35112. </member>
  35113. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartPunchedTape">
  35114. <summary>
  35115. </summary>
  35116. </member>
  35117. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartSummingJunction">
  35118. <summary>
  35119. </summary>
  35120. </member>
  35121. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartOr">
  35122. <summary>
  35123. </summary>
  35124. </member>
  35125. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartCollate">
  35126. <summary>
  35127. </summary>
  35128. </member>
  35129. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartSort">
  35130. <summary>
  35131. </summary>
  35132. </member>
  35133. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartExtract">
  35134. <summary>
  35135. </summary>
  35136. </member>
  35137. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartMerge">
  35138. <summary>
  35139. </summary>
  35140. </member>
  35141. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartOfflineStorage">
  35142. <summary>
  35143. </summary>
  35144. </member>
  35145. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartOnlineStorage">
  35146. <summary>
  35147. </summary>
  35148. </member>
  35149. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartMagneticTape">
  35150. <summary>
  35151. </summary>
  35152. </member>
  35153. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartMagneticDisk">
  35154. <summary>
  35155. </summary>
  35156. </member>
  35157. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartMagneticDrum">
  35158. <summary>
  35159. </summary>
  35160. </member>
  35161. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartDisplay">
  35162. <summary>
  35163. </summary>
  35164. </member>
  35165. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartDelay">
  35166. <summary>
  35167. </summary>
  35168. </member>
  35169. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextPlainText">
  35170. <summary>
  35171. WordArt object.
  35172. </summary>
  35173. </member>
  35174. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextStop">
  35175. <summary>
  35176. WordArt object.
  35177. </summary>
  35178. </member>
  35179. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextTriangle">
  35180. <summary>
  35181. WordArt object.
  35182. </summary>
  35183. </member>
  35184. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextTriangleInverted">
  35185. <summary>
  35186. WordArt object.
  35187. </summary>
  35188. </member>
  35189. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextChevron">
  35190. <summary>
  35191. WordArt object.
  35192. </summary>
  35193. </member>
  35194. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextChevronInverted">
  35195. <summary>
  35196. WordArt object.
  35197. </summary>
  35198. </member>
  35199. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextRingInside">
  35200. <summary>
  35201. WordArt object.
  35202. </summary>
  35203. </member>
  35204. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextRingOutside">
  35205. <summary>
  35206. WordArt object.
  35207. </summary>
  35208. </member>
  35209. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextArchUpCurve">
  35210. <summary>
  35211. WordArt object.
  35212. </summary>
  35213. </member>
  35214. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextArchDownCurve">
  35215. <summary>
  35216. WordArt object.
  35217. </summary>
  35218. </member>
  35219. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCircleCurve">
  35220. <summary>
  35221. WordArt object.
  35222. </summary>
  35223. </member>
  35224. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextButtonCurve">
  35225. <summary>
  35226. WordArt object.
  35227. </summary>
  35228. </member>
  35229. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextArchUpPour">
  35230. <summary>
  35231. WordArt object.
  35232. </summary>
  35233. </member>
  35234. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextArchDownPour">
  35235. <summary>
  35236. WordArt object.
  35237. </summary>
  35238. </member>
  35239. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCirclePour">
  35240. <summary>
  35241. WordArt object.
  35242. </summary>
  35243. </member>
  35244. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextButtonPour">
  35245. <summary>
  35246. WordArt object.
  35247. </summary>
  35248. </member>
  35249. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCurveUp">
  35250. <summary>
  35251. WordArt object.
  35252. </summary>
  35253. </member>
  35254. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCurveDown">
  35255. <summary>
  35256. WordArt object.
  35257. </summary>
  35258. </member>
  35259. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCascadeUp">
  35260. <summary>
  35261. WordArt object.
  35262. </summary>
  35263. </member>
  35264. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCascadeDown">
  35265. <summary>
  35266. WordArt object.
  35267. </summary>
  35268. </member>
  35269. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextWave1">
  35270. <summary>
  35271. WordArt object.
  35272. </summary>
  35273. </member>
  35274. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextWave2">
  35275. <summary>
  35276. WordArt object.
  35277. </summary>
  35278. </member>
  35279. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextWave3">
  35280. <summary>
  35281. WordArt object.
  35282. </summary>
  35283. </member>
  35284. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextWave4">
  35285. <summary>
  35286. WordArt object.
  35287. </summary>
  35288. </member>
  35289. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextInflate">
  35290. <summary>
  35291. WordArt object.
  35292. </summary>
  35293. </member>
  35294. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextDeflate">
  35295. <summary>
  35296. WordArt object.
  35297. </summary>
  35298. </member>
  35299. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextInflateBottom">
  35300. <summary>
  35301. WordArt object.
  35302. </summary>
  35303. </member>
  35304. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextDeflateBottom">
  35305. <summary>
  35306. WordArt object.
  35307. </summary>
  35308. </member>
  35309. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextInflateTop">
  35310. <summary>
  35311. WordArt object.
  35312. </summary>
  35313. </member>
  35314. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextDeflateTop">
  35315. <summary>
  35316. WordArt object.
  35317. </summary>
  35318. </member>
  35319. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextDeflateInflate">
  35320. <summary>
  35321. WordArt object.
  35322. </summary>
  35323. </member>
  35324. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextDeflateInflateDeflate">
  35325. <summary>
  35326. WordArt object.
  35327. </summary>
  35328. </member>
  35329. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextFadeRight">
  35330. <summary>
  35331. WordArt object.
  35332. </summary>
  35333. </member>
  35334. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextFadeLeft">
  35335. <summary>
  35336. WordArt object.
  35337. </summary>
  35338. </member>
  35339. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextFadeUp">
  35340. <summary>
  35341. WordArt object.
  35342. </summary>
  35343. </member>
  35344. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextFadeDown">
  35345. <summary>
  35346. WordArt object.
  35347. </summary>
  35348. </member>
  35349. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextSlantUp">
  35350. <summary>
  35351. WordArt object.
  35352. </summary>
  35353. </member>
  35354. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextSlantDown">
  35355. <summary>
  35356. WordArt object.
  35357. </summary>
  35358. </member>
  35359. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCanUp">
  35360. <summary>
  35361. WordArt object.
  35362. </summary>
  35363. </member>
  35364. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TextCanDown">
  35365. <summary>
  35366. WordArt object.
  35367. </summary>
  35368. </member>
  35369. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartAlternateProcess">
  35370. <summary>
  35371. </summary>
  35372. </member>
  35373. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.FlowChartOffpageConnector">
  35374. <summary>
  35375. </summary>
  35376. </member>
  35377. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Callout90">
  35378. <summary>
  35379. </summary>
  35380. </member>
  35381. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.AccentCallout90">
  35382. <summary>
  35383. </summary>
  35384. </member>
  35385. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BorderCallout90">
  35386. <summary>
  35387. </summary>
  35388. </member>
  35389. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.AccentBorderCallout90">
  35390. <summary>
  35391. </summary>
  35392. </member>
  35393. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.LeftRightUpArrow">
  35394. <summary>
  35395. </summary>
  35396. </member>
  35397. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Sun">
  35398. <summary>
  35399. </summary>
  35400. </member>
  35401. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Moon">
  35402. <summary>
  35403. </summary>
  35404. </member>
  35405. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BracketPair">
  35406. <summary>
  35407. </summary>
  35408. </member>
  35409. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.BracePair">
  35410. <summary>
  35411. </summary>
  35412. </member>
  35413. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.Seal4">
  35414. <summary>
  35415. </summary>
  35416. </member>
  35417. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.DoubleWave">
  35418. <summary>
  35419. </summary>
  35420. </member>
  35421. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonBlank">
  35422. <summary>
  35423. </summary>
  35424. </member>
  35425. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonHome">
  35426. <summary>
  35427. </summary>
  35428. </member>
  35429. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonHelp">
  35430. <summary>
  35431. </summary>
  35432. </member>
  35433. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonInformation">
  35434. <summary>
  35435. </summary>
  35436. </member>
  35437. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonForwardNext">
  35438. <summary>
  35439. </summary>
  35440. </member>
  35441. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonBackPrevious">
  35442. <summary>
  35443. </summary>
  35444. </member>
  35445. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonEnd">
  35446. <summary>
  35447. </summary>
  35448. </member>
  35449. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonBeginning">
  35450. <summary>
  35451. </summary>
  35452. </member>
  35453. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonReturn">
  35454. <summary>
  35455. </summary>
  35456. </member>
  35457. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonDocument">
  35458. <summary>
  35459. </summary>
  35460. </member>
  35461. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonSound">
  35462. <summary>
  35463. </summary>
  35464. </member>
  35465. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.ActionButtonMovie">
  35466. <summary>
  35467. </summary>
  35468. </member>
  35469. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.SingleCornerSnipped">
  35470. <summary>
  35471. Snip single corner rectangle object.
  35472. </summary>
  35473. <remarks>
  35474. Applicable only for DML shapes.
  35475. </remarks>
  35476. </member>
  35477. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TopCornersSnipped">
  35478. <summary>
  35479. Snip same side corner rectangle.
  35480. </summary>
  35481. <remarks>
  35482. Applicable only for DML shapes.
  35483. </remarks>
  35484. </member>
  35485. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.DiagonalCornersSnipped">
  35486. <summary>
  35487. Snip diagonal corner rectangle.
  35488. </summary>
  35489. <remarks>
  35490. Applicable only for DML shapes.
  35491. </remarks>
  35492. </member>
  35493. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TopCornersOneRoundedOneSnipped">
  35494. <summary>
  35495. Snip and round single corner rectangle.
  35496. </summary>
  35497. <remarks>
  35498. Applicable only for DML shapes.
  35499. </remarks>
  35500. </member>
  35501. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.SingleCornerRounded">
  35502. <summary>
  35503. Round single corner rectangle.
  35504. </summary>
  35505. <remarks>
  35506. Applicable only for DML shapes.
  35507. </remarks>
  35508. </member>
  35509. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.TopCornersRounded">
  35510. <summary>
  35511. Round same side corner rectangle.
  35512. </summary>
  35513. <remarks>
  35514. Applicable only for DML shapes.
  35515. </remarks>
  35516. </member>
  35517. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.DiagonalCornersRounded">
  35518. <summary>
  35519. Round diagonal corner rectangle.
  35520. </summary>
  35521. <remarks>
  35522. Applicable only for DML shapes.
  35523. </remarks>
  35524. </member>
  35525. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeType.MinValue">
  35526. <summary>
  35527. Reserved for the system use.
  35528. </summary>
  35529. </member>
  35530. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke">
  35531. <summary>
  35532. Defines a stroke for a shape.
  35533. </summary>
  35534. <remarks>
  35535. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Stroke" /> property to access stroke properties of a shape.
  35536. You do not create instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke" /> class directly.</p>
  35537. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.Stroke" />
  35538. </remarks>
  35539. </member>
  35540. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.On">
  35541. <summary>
  35542. Defines whether the path will be stroked.
  35543. </summary>
  35544. <remarks>
  35545. <p>The default value is <b>true</b>.</p>
  35546. </remarks>
  35547. </member>
  35548. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.Weight">
  35549. <summary>
  35550. Defines the brush thickness that strokes the path of a shape in points.
  35551. </summary>
  35552. <remarks>
  35553. <p>The default value is 0.75.</p>
  35554. </remarks>
  35555. </member>
  35556. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.Color">
  35557. <summary>
  35558. Defines the color of a stroke.
  35559. </summary>
  35560. <remarks>
  35561. <p>The default value is
  35562. <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Color.Black" />.</p>
  35563. </remarks>
  35564. </member>
  35565. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.Color2">
  35566. <summary>
  35567. Defines a second color for a stroke.
  35568. </summary>
  35569. <remarks>
  35570. <p>The default value is
  35571. <see cref="P:System.Drawing.Color.White" />.</p>
  35572. </remarks>
  35573. </member>
  35574. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.DashStyle">
  35575. <summary>
  35576. Specifies the dot and dash pattern for a stroke.
  35577. </summary>
  35578. <remarks>
  35579. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.DashStyle.Solid" />.</p>
  35580. </remarks>
  35581. </member>
  35582. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.JoinStyle">
  35583. <summary>
  35584. Defines the join style of a polyline.
  35585. </summary>
  35586. <remarks>
  35587. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.JoinStyle.Round" />.</p>
  35588. </remarks>
  35589. </member>
  35590. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.EndCap">
  35591. <summary>
  35592. Defines the cap style for the end of a stroke.
  35593. </summary>
  35594. <remarks>
  35595. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.EndCap.Flat" />.</p>
  35596. </remarks>
  35597. </member>
  35598. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.LineStyle">
  35599. <summary>
  35600. Defines the line style of the stroke.
  35601. </summary>
  35602. <remarks>
  35603. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeLineStyle.Single" />.</p>
  35604. </remarks>
  35605. </member>
  35606. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.StartArrowType">
  35607. <summary>
  35608. Defines the arrowhead for the start of a stroke.
  35609. </summary>
  35610. <remarks>
  35611. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.None" />.</p>
  35612. </remarks>
  35613. </member>
  35614. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.EndArrowType">
  35615. <summary>
  35616. Defines the arrowhead for the end of a stroke.
  35617. </summary>
  35618. <remarks>
  35619. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowType.None" />.</p>
  35620. </remarks>
  35621. </member>
  35622. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.StartArrowWidth">
  35623. <summary>
  35624. Defines the arrowhead width for the start of a stroke.
  35625. </summary>
  35626. <remarks>
  35627. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowWidth.Medium" />.</p>
  35628. </remarks>
  35629. </member>
  35630. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.StartArrowLength">
  35631. <summary>
  35632. Defines the arrowhead length for the start of a stroke.
  35633. </summary>
  35634. <remarks>
  35635. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowLength.Medium" />.</p>
  35636. </remarks>
  35637. </member>
  35638. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.EndArrowWidth">
  35639. <summary>
  35640. Defines the arrowhead width for the end of a stroke.
  35641. </summary>
  35642. <remarks>
  35643. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowWidth.Medium" />.</p>
  35644. </remarks>
  35645. </member>
  35646. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.EndArrowLength">
  35647. <summary>
  35648. Defines the arrowhead length for the end of a stroke.
  35649. </summary>
  35650. <remarks>
  35651. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ArrowLength.Medium" />.</p>
  35652. </remarks>
  35653. </member>
  35654. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.Opacity">
  35655. <summary>
  35656. Defines the amount of transparency of a stroke. Valid range is from 0 to 1.
  35657. </summary>
  35658. <remarks>
  35659. <p>The default value is 1.</p>
  35660. </remarks>
  35661. </member>
  35662. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Stroke.ImageBytes">
  35663. <summary>
  35664. Defines the image for a stroke image or pattern fill.
  35665. </summary>
  35666. </member>
  35667. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox">
  35668. <summary>
  35669. Defines attributes that specify how a text is displayed inside a shape.
  35670. </summary>
  35671. <remarks>
  35672. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.TextBox" /> property to access text properties of a shape.
  35673. You do not create instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox" /> class directly.</p>
  35674. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.TextBox" />
  35675. </remarks>
  35676. </member>
  35677. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.IsValidLinkTarget(Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox)">
  35678. <summary>
  35679. Determines whether this TextBox can be linked to the target Textbox.
  35680. </summary>
  35681. </member>
  35682. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.BreakForwardLink">
  35683. <summary>
  35684. Breaks the link to the next TextBox.
  35685. </summary>
  35686. <remarks>
  35687. BreakForwardLink() doesn't break all other links in the current sequence of shapes.
  35688. For example: 1-2-3-4 sequence and BreakForwardLink at the 2-nd textbox will create
  35689. two sequences 1-2, 3-4.
  35690. </remarks>
  35691. </member>
  35692. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.InternalMarginLeft">
  35693. <summary>
  35694. Specifies the inner left margin in points for a shape.
  35695. </summary>
  35696. <remarks>
  35697. <p>The default value is 1/10 inch.</p>
  35698. </remarks>
  35699. </member>
  35700. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.InternalMarginRight">
  35701. <summary>
  35702. Specifies the inner right margin in points for a shape.
  35703. </summary>
  35704. <remarks>
  35705. <p>The default value is 1/10 inch.</p>
  35706. </remarks>
  35707. </member>
  35708. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.InternalMarginTop">
  35709. <summary>
  35710. Specifies the inner top margin in points for a shape.
  35711. </summary>
  35712. <remarks>
  35713. <p>The default value is 1/20 inch.</p>
  35714. </remarks>
  35715. </member>
  35716. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.InternalMarginBottom">
  35717. <summary>
  35718. Specifies the inner bottom margin in points for a shape.
  35719. </summary>
  35720. <remarks>
  35721. <p>The default value is 1/20 inch.</p>
  35722. </remarks>
  35723. </member>
  35724. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.FitShapeToText">
  35725. <summary>
  35726. Determines whether Microsoft Word will grow the shape to fit text.
  35727. </summary>
  35728. <remarks>
  35729. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35730. </remarks>
  35731. </member>
  35732. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.LayoutFlow">
  35733. <summary>
  35734. Determines the flow of the text layout in a shape.
  35735. </summary>
  35736. <remarks>
  35737. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.LayoutFlow.Horizontal" />.</p>
  35738. </remarks>
  35739. </member>
  35740. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.TextBoxWrapMode">
  35741. <summary>
  35742. Determines how text wraps inside a shape.
  35743. </summary>
  35744. <remarks>
  35745. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxWrapMode.Square" />.</p>
  35746. </remarks>
  35747. </member>
  35748. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.VerticalAnchor">
  35749. <summary>
  35750. Specifies the vertical alignment of the text within a shape.
  35751. </summary>
  35752. <remarks>
  35753. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.Top" />.</p>
  35754. </remarks>
  35755. </member>
  35756. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.Next">
  35757. <summary>
  35758. Returns or sets a TextBox that represents the next TextBox in a sequence of shapes.
  35759. </summary>
  35760. </member>
  35761. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.Previous">
  35762. <summary>
  35763. Returns a TextBox that represents the previous TextBox in a sequence of shapes.
  35764. </summary>
  35765. </member>
  35766. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBox.Parent">
  35767. <summary>
  35768. Gets a parent shape for the TextBox.
  35769. </summary>
  35770. </member>
  35771. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor">
  35772. <summary>
  35773. Specifies values used for shape text vertical alignment.
  35774. </summary>
  35775. <dev>
  35776. Do not renumber. The values are from the RTF spec.
  35777. </dev>
  35778. </member>
  35779. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.Top">
  35780. <summary>
  35781. Text is aligned to the top of the textbox.
  35782. </summary>
  35783. </member>
  35784. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.Middle">
  35785. <summary>
  35786. Text is aligned to the middle of the textbox.
  35787. </summary>
  35788. </member>
  35789. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.Bottom">
  35790. <summary>
  35791. Text is aligned to the bottom of the textbox.
  35792. </summary>
  35793. </member>
  35794. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.TopCentered">
  35795. <summary>
  35796. Text is aligned to the top centered of the textbox.
  35797. </summary>
  35798. </member>
  35799. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.MiddleCentered">
  35800. <summary>
  35801. Text is aligned to the middle centered of the textbox.
  35802. </summary>
  35803. </member>
  35804. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.BottomCentered">
  35805. <summary>
  35806. Text is aligned to the bottom centered of the textbox.
  35807. </summary>
  35808. </member>
  35809. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.TopBaseline">
  35810. <summary>
  35811. Text is aligned to the top baseline of the textbox.
  35812. </summary>
  35813. </member>
  35814. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.BottomBaseline">
  35815. <summary>
  35816. Text is aligned to the bottom baseline of the textbox.
  35817. </summary>
  35818. </member>
  35819. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.TopCenteredBaseline">
  35820. <summary>
  35821. Text is aligned to the top centered baseline of the textbox.
  35822. </summary>
  35823. </member>
  35824. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxAnchor.BottomCenteredBaseline">
  35825. <summary>
  35826. Text is aligned to the bottom centered baseline of the textbox.
  35827. </summary>
  35828. </member>
  35829. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxWrapMode">
  35830. <summary>
  35831. Specifies how text wraps inside a shape.
  35832. </summary>
  35833. </member>
  35834. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxWrapMode.Square">
  35835. <summary>
  35836. Text wraps inside a shape.
  35837. </summary>
  35838. </member>
  35839. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextBoxWrapMode.None">
  35840. <summary>
  35841. Text does not wrap inside a shape.
  35842. </summary>
  35843. </member>
  35844. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath">
  35845. <summary>
  35846. Defines the text and formatting of the text path (of a WordArt object).
  35847. </summary>
  35848. <remarks>
  35849. <p>Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.TextPath" /> property to access WordArt properties of a shape.
  35850. You do not create instances of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath" /> class directly.</p>
  35851. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape.TextPath" />
  35852. </remarks>
  35853. </member>
  35854. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.On">
  35855. <summary>
  35856. Defines whether the text is displayed.
  35857. </summary>
  35858. <remarks>
  35859. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35860. </remarks>
  35861. </member>
  35862. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.FitPath">
  35863. <summary>
  35864. Defines whether the text fits the path of a shape.
  35865. </summary>
  35866. <remarks>
  35867. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35868. </remarks>
  35869. </member>
  35870. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.FitShape">
  35871. <summary>
  35872. Defines whether the text fits bounding box of a shape.
  35873. </summary>
  35874. <remarks>
  35875. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35876. </remarks>
  35877. </member>
  35878. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.FontFamily">
  35879. <summary>
  35880. Defines the family of the textpath font.
  35881. </summary>
  35882. <remarks>
  35883. <p>The default value is Arial.</p>
  35884. </remarks>
  35885. </member>
  35886. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Size">
  35887. <summary>
  35888. Defines the size of the font in points.
  35889. </summary>
  35890. <remarks>
  35891. <p>The default value is 36.</p>
  35892. </remarks>
  35893. </member>
  35894. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Bold">
  35895. <summary>
  35896. True if the font is formatted as bold.
  35897. </summary>
  35898. <remarks>
  35899. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35900. </remarks>
  35901. </member>
  35902. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Italic">
  35903. <summary>
  35904. True if the font is formatted as italic.
  35905. </summary>
  35906. <remarks>
  35907. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35908. </remarks>
  35909. </member>
  35910. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.SmallCaps">
  35911. <summary>
  35912. True if the font is formatted as small capital letters.
  35913. </summary>
  35914. <remarks>
  35915. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35916. </remarks>
  35917. </member>
  35918. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.RotateLetters">
  35919. <summary>
  35920. Determines whether the letters of the text are rotated.
  35921. </summary>
  35922. <remarks>
  35923. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35924. </remarks>
  35925. </member>
  35926. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Trim">
  35927. <summary>
  35928. Determines whether extra space is removed above and below the text.
  35929. </summary>
  35930. <remarks>
  35931. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35932. </remarks>
  35933. </member>
  35934. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Kerning">
  35935. <summary>
  35936. Determines whether kerning is turned on.
  35937. </summary>
  35938. <remarks>
  35939. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35940. </remarks>
  35941. </member>
  35942. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Shadow">
  35943. <summary>
  35944. Defines whether a shadow is applied to the text on a text path.
  35945. </summary>
  35946. <remarks>
  35947. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35948. </remarks>
  35949. </member>
  35950. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Underline">
  35951. <summary>
  35952. True if the font is underlined.
  35953. </summary>
  35954. <remarks>
  35955. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35956. </remarks>
  35957. </member>
  35958. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.StrikeThrough">
  35959. <summary>
  35960. True if the font is formatted as strikethrough text.
  35961. </summary>
  35962. <remarks>
  35963. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35964. </remarks>
  35965. </member>
  35966. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.SameLetterHeights">
  35967. <summary>
  35968. Determines whether all letters will be the same height regardless of initial case.
  35969. </summary>
  35970. <remarks>
  35971. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35972. </remarks>
  35973. </member>
  35974. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Text">
  35975. <summary>
  35976. Defines the text of the text path.
  35977. </summary>
  35978. <remarks>
  35979. <p>The default value is an empty string.</p>
  35980. </remarks>
  35981. </member>
  35982. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.TextPathAlignment">
  35983. <summary>
  35984. Defines the alignment of text.
  35985. </summary>
  35986. <remarks>
  35987. <p>The default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment.Center" />.</p>
  35988. </remarks>
  35989. </member>
  35990. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.ReverseRows">
  35991. <summary>
  35992. Determines whether the layout order of rows is reversed.
  35993. </summary>
  35994. <remarks>
  35995. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  35996. <p>If <b>true</b>, the layout order of rows is reversed. This attribute is used for vertical text layout.</p>
  35997. </remarks>
  35998. </member>
  35999. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.Spacing">
  36000. <summary>
  36001. Defines the amount of spacing for text. 1 means 100%.
  36002. </summary>
  36003. <remarks>
  36004. <p>The default value is 1.</p>
  36005. </remarks>
  36006. </member>
  36007. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.XScale">
  36008. <summary>
  36009. Determines whether a straight textpath will be used instead of the shape path.
  36010. </summary>
  36011. <remarks>
  36012. <p>The default value is <b>false</b>.</p>
  36013. <p>If <b>true</b>, the text runs along a path from left to right along the x value of
  36014. the lower boundary of the shape.</p>
  36015. </remarks>
  36016. </member>
  36017. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment">
  36018. <summary>
  36019. WordArt alignment.
  36020. </summary>
  36021. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPath.TextPathAlignment" />
  36022. </member>
  36023. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment.Stretch">
  36024. <summary>
  36025. Stretch each line of text to fit width.
  36026. </summary>
  36027. </member>
  36028. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment.Center">
  36029. <summary>
  36030. Center text on width.
  36031. </summary>
  36032. </member>
  36033. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment.Left">
  36034. <summary>
  36035. Left justify.
  36036. </summary>
  36037. </member>
  36038. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment.Right">
  36039. <summary>
  36040. Right justify.
  36041. </summary>
  36042. </member>
  36043. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment.LetterJustify">
  36044. <summary>
  36045. Spread letters out to fit width.
  36046. </summary>
  36047. </member>
  36048. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.TextPathAlignment.WordJustify">
  36049. <summary>
  36050. Spread words out to fit width.
  36051. </summary>
  36052. </member>
  36053. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment">
  36054. <summary>
  36055. Specifies vertical alignment of a floating shape, text frame or a floating table.
  36056. </summary>
  36057. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.VerticalAlignment" />
  36058. <dev>
  36059. Do not renumber. The values are taken from the RTF specification.
  36060. </dev>
  36061. </member>
  36062. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.None">
  36063. <summary>
  36064. The object is explicitly positioned, usually using its <b>Top</b> property.
  36065. </summary>
  36066. </member>
  36067. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.Top">
  36068. <summary>
  36069. Specifies that the object shall be at the top of the vertical alignment base.
  36070. </summary>
  36071. </member>
  36072. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.Center">
  36073. <summary>
  36074. Specifies that the object shall be centered with respect to the vertical alignment base.
  36075. </summary>
  36076. </member>
  36077. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.Bottom">
  36078. <summary>
  36079. Specifies that the object shall be at the bottom of the vertical alignment base.
  36080. </summary>
  36081. </member>
  36082. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.Inside">
  36083. <summary>
  36084. Specifies that the object shall be inside of the horizontal alignment base.
  36085. </summary>
  36086. </member>
  36087. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.Outside">
  36088. <summary>
  36089. Specifies that the object shall be outside of the vertical alignment base.
  36090. </summary>
  36091. </member>
  36092. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.Inline">
  36093. <summary>
  36094. Not documented. Seems to be a possible value for floating paragraphs and tables.
  36095. </summary>
  36096. </member>
  36097. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.Default">
  36098. <summary>
  36099. Same as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.VerticalAlignment.None" />.
  36100. </summary>
  36101. </member>
  36102. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapSide">
  36103. <summary>
  36104. Specifies what side(s) of the shape or picture the text wraps around.
  36105. </summary>
  36106. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.WrapSide" />
  36107. </member>
  36108. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapSide.Both">
  36109. <summary>
  36110. The document text wraps on both sides of the shape.
  36111. </summary>
  36112. </member>
  36113. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapSide.Left">
  36114. <summary>
  36115. The document text wraps on the left side of the shape only. There is a text free area on the right of the shape.
  36116. </summary>
  36117. </member>
  36118. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapSide.Right">
  36119. <summary>
  36120. The document text wraps on the right side of the shape only. There is a text free area on the left side of the shape.
  36121. </summary>
  36122. </member>
  36123. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapSide.Largest">
  36124. <summary>
  36125. The document text wraps on the side of the shape that is farthest from the page margin, leaving text free area on the other side of the shape.
  36126. </summary>
  36127. </member>
  36128. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapSide.Default">
  36129. <summary>
  36130. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapSide.Both" />.
  36131. </summary>
  36132. </member>
  36133. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType">
  36134. <summary>
  36135. Specifies how text is wrapped around a shape or picture.
  36136. </summary>
  36137. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase.WrapType" />
  36138. </member>
  36139. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType.None">
  36140. <summary>
  36141. No text wrapping around the shape. The shape is placed behind or in front of text.
  36142. </summary>
  36143. </member>
  36144. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType.Inline">
  36145. <summary>
  36146. The shape remains on the same layer as text and treated as a character.
  36147. </summary>
  36148. </member>
  36149. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType.TopBottom">
  36150. <summary>
  36151. The text stops at the top of the shape and restarts on the line below the shape.
  36152. </summary>
  36153. </member>
  36154. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType.Square">
  36155. <summary>
  36156. Wraps text around all sides of the square bounding box of the shape.
  36157. </summary>
  36158. </member>
  36159. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType.Tight">
  36160. <summary>
  36161. Wraps tightly around the edges of the shape, instead of wrapping around the bounding box.
  36162. </summary>
  36163. </member>
  36164. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.WrapType.Through">
  36165. <summary>
  36166. Same as Tight, but wraps inside any parts of the shape that are open.
  36167. </summary>
  36168. </member>
  36169. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.NamespaceDoc">
  36170. <summary>
  36171. <para>Contains classes to work with OLE / ActiveX controls and forms in Microsoft Word documents.</para>
  36172. </summary>
  36173. </member>
  36174. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.OleControl">
  36175. <summary>
  36176. Represents OLE ActiveX control.
  36177. </summary>
  36178. </member>
  36179. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.OleControl.IsForms2OleControl">
  36180. <summary>
  36181. Returns true if the control is a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl" />.
  36182. </summary>
  36183. </member>
  36184. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.OleControl.Name">
  36185. <summary>
  36186. Gets name of the ActiveX control.
  36187. </summary>
  36188. </member>
  36189. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControlCollection">
  36190. <summary>
  36191. Represents collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl" /> objects.
  36192. </summary>
  36193. </member>
  36194. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControlCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  36195. <summary>
  36196. Gets <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl" /> object at specified index.
  36197. </summary>
  36198. </member>
  36199. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControlCollection.Count">
  36200. <summary>
  36201. Gets count of objects in the collection.
  36202. </summary>
  36203. </member>
  36204. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl">
  36205. <summary>
  36206. Represents Microsoft Forms 2.0 OLE control.
  36207. </summary>
  36208. </member>
  36209. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl.Caption">
  36210. <summary>
  36211. Gets Caption property of control. Default value is an empty string.
  36212. </summary>
  36213. </member>
  36214. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl.Value">
  36215. <summary>
  36216. Gets underlying Value property which often represents control state.
  36217. For example checked option button has '1' value while unchecked has '0'.
  36218. Default value is an empty string.
  36219. </summary>
  36220. </member>
  36221. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl.Enabled">
  36222. <summary>
  36223. Returns true if control is in enabled state.
  36224. </summary>
  36225. </member>
  36226. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl.ChildNodes">
  36227. <summary>
  36228. Gets collection of immediate child controls.
  36229. </summary>
  36230. <remarks>Returns <b>null</b> if this control can not have children.</remarks>
  36231. </member>
  36232. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Ole.Forms2OleControl.Type">
  36233. <summary>
  36234. Gets type of Forms 2.0 control.
  36235. </summary>
  36236. </member>
  36237. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Core.NamespaceDoc">
  36238. <summary>
  36239. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Drawing</b> namespace contains classes that allow to
  36240. create and modify drawing objects in Microsoft Word documents.</p>
  36241. <p>Aspose.Words supports all drawing objects in Microsoft Word documents, including
  36242. OfficeArt shapes, textboxes, pictures, diagrams, OLE objects and ActiveX controls.</p>
  36243. <p>The main classes in this namespace are:</p>
  36244. <list type="bullet">
  36245. <item>
  36246. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" /> represents an object in the drawing layer,
  36247. such as an AutoShape, textbox, freeform, OLE object, ActiveX control, or picture.</item>
  36248. <item>
  36249. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.GroupShape" /> represents a group of shapes
  36250. in a document.</item>
  36251. <item>
  36252. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.ShapeBase" /> is the base class for the
  36253. shape and group shape classes, provides all common shape properties such as position,
  36254. size and text wrapping. A shape is a node in the document tree.</item>
  36255. </list>
  36256. <p>Although not every type of drawing object can be programmatically created and not every shape
  36257. property can be accessed, all drawing objects are fully preserved in Microsoft Word documents
  36258. during document open-save operations.</p>
  36259. <p>Names of classes, methods and properties in this namespace correspond to VML DOM where possible.</p>
  36260. </summary>
  36261. </member>
  36262. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound">
  36263. <summary>
  36264. Represents minimum or maximum bound of axis values.
  36265. </summary>
  36266. <remarks>
  36267. <para>Bound can be specified as a numeric, datetime or a special "auto" value.</para>
  36268. <para>The instances of this class are immutable.</para>
  36269. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling.Minimum" />
  36270. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling.Maximum" />
  36271. </remarks>
  36272. </member>
  36273. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.#ctor">
  36274. <summary>
  36275. Creates a new instance indicating that axis bound should be determined automatically by a word-processing
  36276. application.
  36277. </summary>
  36278. </member>
  36279. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.#ctor(System.Double)">
  36280. <summary>
  36281. Creates an axis bound represented as a number.
  36282. </summary>
  36283. </member>
  36284. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.#ctor(System.DateTime)">
  36285. <summary>
  36286. Creates an axis bound represented as datetime value.
  36287. </summary>
  36288. </member>
  36289. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.Equals(System.Object)">
  36290. <summary>
  36291. Determines whether the specified object is equal in value to the current object.
  36292. </summary>
  36293. </member>
  36294. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.GetHashCode">
  36295. <summary>
  36296. Serves as a hash function for this type.
  36297. </summary>
  36298. </member>
  36299. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.ToString">
  36300. <summary>
  36301. Returns a user-friendly string that displays the value of this object.
  36302. </summary>
  36303. </member>
  36304. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.IsAuto">
  36305. <summary>
  36306. Returns a flag indicating that axis bound should be determined automatically.
  36307. </summary>
  36308. </member>
  36309. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.Value">
  36310. <summary>
  36311. Returns numeric value of axis bound.
  36312. </summary>
  36313. </member>
  36314. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBound.ValueAsDate">
  36315. <summary>
  36316. Returns value of axis bound represented as datetime.
  36317. </summary>
  36318. </member>
  36319. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCategoryType">
  36320. <summary>
  36321. Specifies type of a category axis.
  36322. </summary>
  36323. </member>
  36324. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCategoryType.Automatic">
  36325. <summary>
  36326. Specifies that type of a category axis is determined automatically based on data.
  36327. </summary>
  36328. </member>
  36329. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCategoryType.Category">
  36330. <summary>
  36331. Specifies an axis of an arbitrary set of categories.
  36332. </summary>
  36333. </member>
  36334. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCategoryType.Time">
  36335. <summary>
  36336. Specifies a time category axis.
  36337. </summary>
  36338. </member>
  36339. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaleType">
  36340. <summary>
  36341. Specifies the possible scale types for an axis.
  36342. </summary>
  36343. </member>
  36344. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaleType.Linear">
  36345. <summary>
  36346. Linear scaling.
  36347. </summary>
  36348. </member>
  36349. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaleType.Logarithmic">
  36350. <summary>
  36351. Logarithmic scaling.
  36352. </summary>
  36353. </member>
  36354. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartNumberFormat">
  36355. <summary>
  36356. Represents number formatting of the parent element.
  36357. </summary>
  36358. </member>
  36359. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartNumberFormat.FormatCode">
  36360. <summary>
  36361. Gets or sets the format code applied to a data label.
  36362. </summary>
  36363. <remarks>
  36364. Number formatting is used to change the way a value appears in data label and can be used in some very creative ways.
  36365. The examples of number formats:
  36366. <para>Number - "#,##0.00"</para><para>Currency - "\"$\"#,##0.00"</para><para>Time - "[$-x-systime]h:mm:ss AM/PM"</para><para>Date - "d/mm/yyyy"</para><para>Percentage - "0.00%"</para><para>Fraction - "# ?/?"</para><para>Scientific - "0.00E+00"</para><para>Text - "@"</para><para>Accounting - "_-\"$\"* #,##0.00_-;-\"$\"* #,##0.00_-;_-\"$\"* \"-\"??_-;_-@_-"</para><para>Custom with color - "[Red]-#,##0.0"</para></remarks>
  36367. </member>
  36368. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartNumberFormat.IsLinkedToSource">
  36369. <summary>
  36370. Specifies whether the format code is linked to a source cell.
  36371. Default is true.
  36372. </summary>
  36373. <remarks>The NumberFormat will be reset to general if format code is linked to source.</remarks>
  36374. </member>
  36375. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.Chart">
  36376. <summary>
  36377. Provides access to the chart shape properties.
  36378. </summary>
  36379. </member>
  36380. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.Chart.Series">
  36381. <summary>
  36382. Provides access to series collection.
  36383. </summary>
  36384. </member>
  36385. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.Chart.Title">
  36386. <summary>
  36387. Provides access to the chart title properties.
  36388. </summary>
  36389. </member>
  36390. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.Chart.Legend">
  36391. <summary>
  36392. Provides access to the chart legend properties.
  36393. </summary>
  36394. </member>
  36395. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.Chart.AxisX">
  36396. <summary>
  36397. Provides access to properties of the X axis of the chart.
  36398. </summary>
  36399. </member>
  36400. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.Chart.AxisY">
  36401. <summary>
  36402. Provides access to properties of the Y axis of the chart.
  36403. </summary>
  36404. </member>
  36405. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.Chart.AxisZ">
  36406. <summary>
  36407. Provides access to properties of the Z axis of the chart.
  36408. </summary>
  36409. </member>
  36410. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType">
  36411. <summary>
  36412. Specifies type of a chart.
  36413. </summary>
  36414. </member>
  36415. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Area">
  36416. <summary>
  36417. Area chart.
  36418. </summary>
  36419. </member>
  36420. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.AreaStacked">
  36421. <summary>
  36422. Stacked Area chart.
  36423. </summary>
  36424. </member>
  36425. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.AreaPercentStacked">
  36426. <summary>
  36427. 100% Stacked Area chart.
  36428. </summary>
  36429. </member>
  36430. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Area3D">
  36431. <summary>
  36432. 3D Area chart.
  36433. </summary>
  36434. </member>
  36435. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Area3DStacked">
  36436. <summary>
  36437. 3D Stacked Area chart.
  36438. </summary>
  36439. </member>
  36440. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Area3DPercentStacked">
  36441. <summary>
  36442. 3D 100% Stacked Area chart.
  36443. </summary>
  36444. </member>
  36445. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Bar">
  36446. <summary>
  36447. Bar chart.
  36448. </summary>
  36449. </member>
  36450. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.BarStacked">
  36451. <summary>
  36452. Stacked Bar chart.
  36453. </summary>
  36454. </member>
  36455. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.BarPercentStacked">
  36456. <summary>
  36457. 100% Stacked Bar chart.
  36458. </summary>
  36459. </member>
  36460. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Bar3D">
  36461. <summary>
  36462. 3D Bar chart.
  36463. </summary>
  36464. </member>
  36465. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Bar3DStacked">
  36466. <summary>
  36467. 3D Stacked Bar chart.
  36468. </summary>
  36469. </member>
  36470. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Bar3DPercentStacked">
  36471. <summary>
  36472. 3D 100% Stacked Bar chart.
  36473. </summary>
  36474. </member>
  36475. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Bubble">
  36476. <summary>
  36477. Bubble chart.
  36478. </summary>
  36479. </member>
  36480. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Bubble3D">
  36481. <summary>
  36482. 3D Bubble chart.
  36483. </summary>
  36484. </member>
  36485. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Column">
  36486. <summary>
  36487. Column chart.
  36488. </summary>
  36489. </member>
  36490. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.ColumnStacked">
  36491. <summary>
  36492. Stacked Column chart.
  36493. </summary>
  36494. </member>
  36495. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.ColumnPercentStacked">
  36496. <summary>
  36497. 100% Stacked Column chart.
  36498. </summary>
  36499. </member>
  36500. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Column3D">
  36501. <summary>
  36502. 3D Column chart.
  36503. </summary>
  36504. </member>
  36505. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Column3DStacked">
  36506. <summary>
  36507. 3D Stacked Column chart.
  36508. </summary>
  36509. </member>
  36510. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Column3DPercentStacked">
  36511. <summary>
  36512. 3D 100% Stacked Column chart.
  36513. </summary>
  36514. </member>
  36515. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Column3DClustered">
  36516. <summary>
  36517. 3D Clustered Column chart.
  36518. </summary>
  36519. </member>
  36520. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Doughnut">
  36521. <summary>
  36522. Doughnut chart.
  36523. </summary>
  36524. </member>
  36525. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Line">
  36526. <summary>
  36527. Line chart.
  36528. </summary>
  36529. </member>
  36530. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.LineStacked">
  36531. <summary>
  36532. Stacked Line chart.
  36533. </summary>
  36534. </member>
  36535. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.LinePercentStacked">
  36536. <summary>
  36537. 100% Stacked Line chart.
  36538. </summary>
  36539. </member>
  36540. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Line3D">
  36541. <summary>
  36542. 3D Line chart.
  36543. </summary>
  36544. </member>
  36545. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Pie">
  36546. <summary>
  36547. Pie chart.
  36548. </summary>
  36549. </member>
  36550. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Pie3D">
  36551. <summary>
  36552. 3D Pie chart.
  36553. </summary>
  36554. </member>
  36555. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.PieOfBar">
  36556. <summary>
  36557. Pie of Bar chart.
  36558. </summary>
  36559. </member>
  36560. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.PieOfPie">
  36561. <summary>
  36562. Pie of Pie chart.
  36563. </summary>
  36564. </member>
  36565. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Radar">
  36566. <summary>
  36567. Radar chart.
  36568. </summary>
  36569. </member>
  36570. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Scatter">
  36571. <summary>
  36572. Scatter chart.
  36573. </summary>
  36574. </member>
  36575. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Stock">
  36576. <summary>
  36577. Stock chart.
  36578. </summary>
  36579. </member>
  36580. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Surface">
  36581. <summary>
  36582. Surface chart.
  36583. </summary>
  36584. </member>
  36585. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartType.Surface3D">
  36586. <summary>
  36587. 3D Surface chart.
  36588. </summary>
  36589. </member>
  36590. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.IChartDataPoint">
  36591. <summary>
  36592. Contains properties of a single data point on the chart.
  36593. </summary>
  36594. </member>
  36595. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.IChartDataPoint.Explosion">
  36596. <summary>
  36597. Specifies the amount the data point shall be moved from the center of the pie.
  36598. Can be negative, negative means that property is not set and no explosion should be applied.
  36599. Applies only to Pie charts.
  36600. </summary>
  36601. </member>
  36602. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.IChartDataPoint.InvertIfNegative">
  36603. <summary>
  36604. Specifies whether the parent element shall inverts its colors if the value is negative.
  36605. </summary>
  36606. </member>
  36607. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.IChartDataPoint.Marker">
  36608. <summary>
  36609. Specifies a data marker. Marker is automatically created when requested.
  36610. </summary>
  36611. </member>
  36612. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.IChartDataPoint.Bubble3D">
  36613. <summary>
  36614. Specifies whether the bubbles in Bubble chart should have a 3-D effect applied to them.
  36615. </summary>
  36616. </member>
  36617. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.NamespaceDoc">
  36618. <summary>
  36619. <para>The <b>Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts</b> namespace provides classes that allow to access charts in Microsoft Word documents.</para>
  36620. <para>The chart supported are Word 2007 (or higher) DrawingML Charts.</para>
  36621. </summary>
  36622. </member>
  36623. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection">
  36624. <summary>
  36625. Represents collection of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" />.
  36626. </summary>
  36627. </member>
  36628. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.GetEnumerator">
  36629. <summary>
  36630. Returns an enumerator object.
  36631. </summary>
  36632. </member>
  36633. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  36634. <summary>
  36635. Removes a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> at the specified index.
  36636. </summary>
  36637. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the ChartSeries to remove.</param>
  36638. </member>
  36639. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.Clear">
  36640. <summary>
  36641. Removes all <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> from this collection.
  36642. </summary>
  36643. </member>
  36644. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.Add(System.String,System.String[],System.Double[])">
  36645. <summary>
  36646. Adds new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> to this collection.
  36647. Use this method to add series to any type of Bar, Column, Line and Surface charts.
  36648. </summary>
  36649. <returns>Recently added <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> object.</returns>
  36650. </member>
  36651. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.Add(System.String,System.Double[],System.Double[])">
  36652. <summary>
  36653. Adds new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> to this collection.
  36654. Use this method to add series to any type of Scatter charts.
  36655. </summary>
  36656. <returns>Recently added <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> object.</returns>
  36657. </member>
  36658. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.Add(System.String,System.DateTime[],System.Double[])">
  36659. <summary>
  36660. Adds new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> to this collection.
  36661. Use this method to add series to any type of Area, Radar and Stock charts.
  36662. </summary>
  36663. </member>
  36664. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.Add(System.String,System.Double[],System.Double[],System.Double[])">
  36665. <summary>
  36666. Adds new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> to this collection.
  36667. Use this method to add series to any type of Bubble charts.
  36668. </summary>
  36669. <returns>Recently added <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> object.</returns>
  36670. </member>
  36671. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  36672. <summary>
  36673. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> at the specified index.
  36674. </summary>
  36675. <remarks>
  36676. <p>The index is zero-based.</p>
  36677. <p>Negative indexes are allowed and indicate access from the back of the collection.
  36678. For example -1 means the last item, -2 means the second before last and so on.</p>
  36679. <p>If index is greater than or equal to the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  36680. <p>If index is negative and its absolute value is greater than the number of items in the list, this returns a null reference.</p>
  36681. </remarks>
  36682. <param name="index">An index into the collection.</param>
  36683. </member>
  36684. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeriesCollection.Count">
  36685. <summary>
  36686. Returns the number of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries" /> in this collection.
  36687. </summary>
  36688. </member>
  36689. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel">
  36690. <summary>
  36691. Represents data label on a chart point or trendline.
  36692. </summary>
  36693. <remarks>
  36694. On a series, the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" /> object is a member of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection" />.
  36695. The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection" /> contains a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" /> object for each point.
  36696. </remarks>
  36697. </member>
  36698. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ClearFormat">
  36699. <summary>
  36700. Clears format of this data label. The properties are set to the default values defined in the parent data
  36701. label collection.
  36702. </summary>
  36703. </member>
  36704. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.Index">
  36705. <summary>
  36706. Specifies the index of the containing element.
  36707. This index shall determine which of the parent's children collection this element applies to.
  36708. Default value is 0.
  36709. </summary>
  36710. </member>
  36711. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowCategoryName">
  36712. <summary>
  36713. Allows to specify if category name is to be displayed for the data labels on a chart.
  36714. Default value is false.
  36715. </summary>
  36716. </member>
  36717. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowBubbleSize">
  36718. <summary>
  36719. Allows to specify if bubble size is to be displayed for the data labels on a chart.
  36720. Applies only to Bubble charts.
  36721. Default value is false.
  36722. </summary>
  36723. </member>
  36724. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowLegendKey">
  36725. <summary>
  36726. Allows to specify if legend key is to be displayed for the data labels on a chart.
  36727. Default value is false.
  36728. </summary>
  36729. </member>
  36730. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowPercentage">
  36731. <summary>
  36732. Allows to specify if percentage value is to be displayed for the data labels on a chart.
  36733. Default value is false.
  36734. </summary>
  36735. </member>
  36736. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowSeriesName">
  36737. <summary>
  36738. Returns or sets a Boolean to indicate the series name display behavior for the data labels on a chart.
  36739. True to show the series name. False to hide. By default false.
  36740. </summary>
  36741. </member>
  36742. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowValue">
  36743. <summary>
  36744. Allows to specify if values are to be displayed in the data labels.
  36745. Default value is false.
  36746. </summary>
  36747. </member>
  36748. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowLeaderLines">
  36749. <summary>
  36750. Allows to specify if data label leader lines need be shown.
  36751. Default value is false.
  36752. </summary>
  36753. <remarks>
  36754. Applies to Pie charts only.
  36755. Leader lines create a visual connection between a data label and its corresponding data point.
  36756. </remarks>
  36757. </member>
  36758. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowDataLabelsRange">
  36759. <summary>
  36760. Allows to specify if values from data labels range to be displayed in the data labels.
  36761. Default value is false.
  36762. </summary>
  36763. </member>
  36764. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.Separator">
  36765. <summary>
  36766. Gets or sets string separator used for the data labels on a chart.
  36767. The default is a comma, except for pie charts showing only category name and percentage, when a line break
  36768. shall be used instead.
  36769. </summary>
  36770. </member>
  36771. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.IsVisible">
  36772. <summary>
  36773. Returns true if this data label has something to display.
  36774. </summary>
  36775. </member>
  36776. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.NumberFormat">
  36777. <summary>
  36778. Returns number format of the parent element.
  36779. </summary>
  36780. </member>
  36781. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.IsHidden">
  36782. <summary>
  36783. Gets/sets a flag indicating whether this label is hidden.
  36784. The default value is <b>false</b>.
  36785. </summary>
  36786. </member>
  36787. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection">
  36788. <summary>
  36789. Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" />.
  36790. </summary>
  36791. </member>
  36792. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.GetEnumerator">
  36793. <summary>
  36794. Returns an enumerator object.
  36795. </summary>
  36796. </member>
  36797. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.Add(System.Int32)">
  36798. <summary>
  36799. Adds new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" /> at the specified index.
  36800. </summary>
  36801. <param name="index">Target data label index.</param>
  36802. </member>
  36803. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  36804. <summary>
  36805. Clears format of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" /> at the specified index.
  36806. </summary>
  36807. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the chart data label to clear format.</param>
  36808. </member>
  36809. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.Clear">
  36810. <summary>
  36811. Clears format of all <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" /> in this collection.
  36812. </summary>
  36813. </member>
  36814. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ClearFormat">
  36815. <summary>
  36816. Clears format of all <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" /> in this collection.
  36817. </summary>
  36818. </member>
  36819. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  36820. <summary>
  36821. Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" /> for the specified index.
  36822. </summary>
  36823. </member>
  36824. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.Count">
  36825. <summary>
  36826. Returns the number of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel" /> in this collection.
  36827. </summary>
  36828. </member>
  36829. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ShowCategoryName">
  36830. <summary>
  36831. Allows to specify whether category name is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series.
  36832. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  36833. </summary>
  36834. <remarks>
  36835. Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36836. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowCategoryName" /> property.
  36837. </remarks>
  36838. </member>
  36839. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ShowBubbleSize">
  36840. <summary>
  36841. Allows to specify whether bubble size is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series.
  36842. Applies only to Bubble charts.
  36843. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  36844. </summary>
  36845. <remarks>
  36846. Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36847. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowBubbleSize" /> property.
  36848. </remarks>
  36849. </member>
  36850. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ShowLegendKey">
  36851. <summary>
  36852. Allows to specify whether legend key is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series.
  36853. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  36854. </summary>
  36855. <remarks>
  36856. Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36857. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowLegendKey" /> property.
  36858. </remarks>
  36859. </member>
  36860. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ShowPercentage">
  36861. <summary>
  36862. Allows to specify whether percentage value is to be displayed for the data labels of the entire series.
  36863. Default value is <b>false</b>. Applies only to Pie charts.
  36864. </summary>
  36865. <remarks>
  36866. Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36867. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowPercentage" /> property.
  36868. </remarks>
  36869. </member>
  36870. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ShowSeriesName">
  36871. <summary>
  36872. Returns or sets a Boolean to indicate the series name display behavior for the data labels of the entire series.
  36873. <b>True</b> to show the series name. <b>False</b> to hide. By default <b>false</b>.
  36874. </summary>
  36875. <remarks>
  36876. Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36877. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowSeriesName" /> property.
  36878. </remarks>
  36879. </member>
  36880. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ShowValue">
  36881. <summary>
  36882. Allows to specify whether values are to be displayed in the data labels of the entire series.
  36883. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  36884. </summary>
  36885. <remarks>
  36886. Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36887. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowValue" /> property.
  36888. </remarks>
  36889. </member>
  36890. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ShowLeaderLines">
  36891. <summary>
  36892. Allows to specify whether data label leader lines need be shown for the data labels of the entire series.
  36893. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  36894. </summary>
  36895. <remarks>
  36896. <para>Applies to Pie charts only.
  36897. Leader lines create a visual connection between a data label and its corresponding data point.</para>
  36898. <para>Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36899. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowLeaderLines" /> property.</para>
  36900. </remarks>
  36901. </member>
  36902. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.ShowDataLabelsRange">
  36903. <summary>
  36904. Allows to specify whether values from data labels range to be displayed in the data labels of the entire series.
  36905. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  36906. </summary>
  36907. <remarks>
  36908. Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36909. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.ShowDataLabelsRange" /> property.
  36910. </remarks>
  36911. </member>
  36912. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.Separator">
  36913. <summary>
  36914. Gets or sets string separator used for the data labels of the entire series.
  36915. The default is a comma, except for pie charts showing only category name and percentage, when a line break
  36916. shall be used instead.
  36917. </summary>
  36918. <remarks>
  36919. Value defined for this property can be overridden for an individual data label with using the
  36920. <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabel.Separator" /> property.
  36921. </remarks>
  36922. </member>
  36923. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataLabelCollection.NumberFormat">
  36924. <summary>
  36925. Gets an <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartNumberFormat" /> instance allowing to set number format for the data labels of the
  36926. entire series.
  36927. </summary>
  36928. </member>
  36929. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint">
  36930. <summary>
  36931. Allows to specify formatting of a single data point on the chart.
  36932. </summary>
  36933. <remarks>
  36934. On a series, the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint" /> object is a member of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection" />.
  36935. The <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection" /> contains a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint" /> object for each point.
  36936. </remarks>
  36937. </member>
  36938. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint.Index">
  36939. <summary>
  36940. Index of the data point this object applies formatting to.
  36941. </summary>
  36942. </member>
  36943. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection">
  36944. <summary>
  36945. Represents collection of a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint" />.
  36946. </summary>
  36947. </member>
  36948. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection.GetEnumerator">
  36949. <summary>
  36950. Returns an enumerator object.
  36951. </summary>
  36952. </member>
  36953. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection.Add(System.Int32)">
  36954. <summary>
  36955. Adds new <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint" /> at the specified index.
  36956. </summary>
  36957. <param name="index">Target data point index.</param>
  36958. </member>
  36959. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection.RemoveAt(System.Int32)">
  36960. <summary>
  36961. Removes a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint" /> at the specified index.
  36962. </summary>
  36963. <param name="index">The zero-based index of the bookmark to remove.</param>
  36964. </member>
  36965. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection.Clear">
  36966. <summary>
  36967. Removes all <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint" /> from this collection.
  36968. </summary>
  36969. </member>
  36970. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  36971. <summary>
  36972. Returns <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint" /> for the specified index.
  36973. If there is no ChartDataPoint for the specified index,
  36974. returns default series ChartDataPoint.
  36975. </summary>
  36976. </member>
  36977. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPointCollection.Count">
  36978. <summary>
  36979. Returns the number of <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartDataPoint" /> in this collection.
  36980. </summary>
  36981. </member>
  36982. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisDisplayUnit">
  36983. <summary>
  36984. Provides access to the scaling options of the display units for the value axis.
  36985. </summary>
  36986. <dev>
  36987. Corresponds to the dispUnits element (,
  36988. </dev>
  36989. </member>
  36990. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisDisplayUnit.Unit">
  36991. <summary>
  36992. Gets or sets the scaling value of the display units as one of the predefined values.
  36993. </summary>
  36994. <remarks>
  36995. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.None" />. The <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Custom" /> and
  36996. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Percentage" /> values are not available in some chart types; see
  36997. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit" /> for more information.
  36998. </remarks>
  36999. </member>
  37000. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisDisplayUnit.CustomUnit">
  37001. <summary>
  37002. Gets or sets a user-defined divisor to scale display units on the value axis.
  37003. </summary>
  37004. <remarks>
  37005. <para>The property is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts. Default value is 1.</para>
  37006. <para>Setting this property sets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisDisplayUnit.Unit" /> property to
  37007. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Custom" />.</para>
  37008. </remarks>
  37009. </member>
  37010. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisDisplayUnit.Document">
  37011. <summary>
  37012. Returns the Document the title holder belongs.
  37013. </summary>
  37014. </member>
  37015. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartLegend">
  37016. <summary>
  37017. Represents chart legend properties.
  37018. </summary>
  37019. </member>
  37020. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartLegend.Position">
  37021. <summary>
  37022. Specifies the position of the legend on a chart.
  37023. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.LegendPosition.Right" />.
  37024. </summary>
  37025. </member>
  37026. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartLegend.Overlay">
  37027. <summary>
  37028. Determines whether other chart elements shall be allowed to overlap legend.
  37029. Default value is false.
  37030. </summary>
  37031. </member>
  37032. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartMarker">
  37033. <summary>
  37034. Represents a chart data marker.
  37035. </summary>
  37036. </member>
  37037. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartMarker.Symbol">
  37038. <summary>
  37039. Gets or sets chart marker symbol.
  37040. </summary>
  37041. </member>
  37042. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartMarker.Size">
  37043. <summary>
  37044. Gets or sets chart marker size.
  37045. Default value is 7.
  37046. </summary>
  37047. </member>
  37048. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling">
  37049. <summary>
  37050. Represents the scaling options of the axis.
  37051. </summary>
  37052. </member>
  37053. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling.Type">
  37054. <summary>
  37055. Gets or sets scaling type of the axis.
  37056. </summary>
  37057. <remarks>
  37058. The <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaleType.Linear" /> value is the only that is allowed in MS Office 2016 new charts.
  37059. </remarks>
  37060. </member>
  37061. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling.LogBase">
  37062. <summary>
  37063. Gets or sets the logarithmic base for a logarithmic axis.
  37064. </summary>
  37065. <remarks>
  37066. <para>The property is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts.</para>
  37067. <para>Valid range of a floating point value is greater than or equal to 2 and less than or
  37068. equal to 1000. The property has effect only if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling.Type" /> is set to
  37069. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaleType.Logarithmic" />.</para>
  37070. <para>Setting this property sets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling.Type" /> property to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaleType.Logarithmic" />.
  37071. </para>
  37072. </remarks>
  37073. </member>
  37074. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling.Minimum">
  37075. <summary>
  37076. Gets or sets minimum value of the axis.
  37077. </summary>
  37078. <remarks>
  37079. The default value is "auto".
  37080. </remarks>
  37081. </member>
  37082. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisScaling.Maximum">
  37083. <summary>
  37084. Gets or sets the maximum value of the axis.
  37085. </summary>
  37086. <remarks>
  37087. The default value is "auto".
  37088. </remarks>
  37089. </member>
  37090. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartTitle">
  37091. <summary>
  37092. Provides access to the chart title properties.
  37093. </summary>
  37094. </member>
  37095. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartTitle.Text">
  37096. <summary>
  37097. Gets or sets the text of the chart title.
  37098. If null or empty value is specified, auto generated title will be shown.
  37099. </summary>
  37100. <remarks>Use <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartTitle.Show" /> option if you need to hide the Title.</remarks>
  37101. </member>
  37102. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartTitle.Overlay">
  37103. <summary>
  37104. Determines whether other chart elements shall be allowed to overlap title.
  37105. By default overlay is false.
  37106. </summary>
  37107. </member>
  37108. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartTitle.Show">
  37109. <summary>
  37110. Determines whether the title shall be shown for this chart.
  37111. Default value is true.
  37112. </summary>
  37113. </member>
  37114. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis">
  37115. <summary>
  37116. Represents the axis options of the chart.
  37117. </summary>
  37118. </member>
  37119. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.Type">
  37120. <summary>
  37121. Returns type of the axis.
  37122. </summary>
  37123. </member>
  37124. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.CategoryType">
  37125. <summary>
  37126. Gets or sets type of the category axis.
  37127. </summary>
  37128. <remarks>
  37129. Only text categories (<see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCategoryType.Category" />) are allowed in MS Office 2016 new charts.
  37130. </remarks>
  37131. <dev>
  37132. The property is internally represented as two bool attributes since the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCategoryType" /> type
  37133. provides no enough information that is needed to store the property in document file.
  37134. </dev>
  37135. </member>
  37136. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.Crosses">
  37137. <summary>
  37138. Specifies how this axis crosses the perpendicular axis.
  37139. </summary>
  37140. <remarks>
  37141. <para>Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCrosses.Automatic" />.</para>
  37142. <para>The property is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts.</para>
  37143. </remarks>
  37144. </member>
  37145. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.CrossesAt">
  37146. <summary>
  37147. Specifies where on the perpendicular axis the axis crosses.
  37148. </summary>
  37149. <remarks>
  37150. <para>The property has effect only if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.Crosses" /> are set to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCrosses.Custom" />.
  37151. It is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts.</para>
  37152. <para>The units are determined by the type of axis. When the axis is a value axis, the value of the property
  37153. is a decimal number on the value axis. When the axis is a time category axis, the value is defined as
  37154. an integer number of days relative to the base date (30/12/1899). For a text category axis, the value is
  37155. an integer category number, starting with 1 as the first category.</para>
  37156. </remarks>
  37157. </member>
  37158. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.ReverseOrder">
  37159. <summary>
  37160. Returns or sets a flag indicating whether values of axis should be displayed in reverse order, i.e.
  37161. from max to min.
  37162. </summary>
  37163. <remarks>
  37164. The property is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  37165. </remarks>
  37166. </member>
  37167. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MajorTickMark">
  37168. <summary>
  37169. Returns or sets the major tick marks.
  37170. </summary>
  37171. </member>
  37172. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MinorTickMark">
  37173. <summary>
  37174. Returns or sets the minor tick marks for the axis.
  37175. </summary>
  37176. </member>
  37177. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.TickLabelPosition">
  37178. <summary>
  37179. Returns or sets the position of the tick labels on the axis.
  37180. </summary>
  37181. <remarks>
  37182. The property is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts.
  37183. </remarks>
  37184. </member>
  37185. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MajorUnit">
  37186. <summary>
  37187. Returns or sets the distance between major tick marks.
  37188. </summary>
  37189. <remarks>
  37190. <para>Valid range of a value is greater than zero. The property has effect for time category and
  37191. value axes.</para>
  37192. <para>Setting this property sets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MajorUnitIsAuto" /> property to <b>false</b>.</para>
  37193. </remarks>
  37194. </member>
  37195. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MajorUnitIsAuto">
  37196. <summary>
  37197. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether default distance between major tick marks shall be used.
  37198. </summary>
  37199. <remarks>
  37200. The property has effect for time category and value axes.
  37201. </remarks>
  37202. </member>
  37203. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MajorUnitScale">
  37204. <summary>
  37205. Returns or sets the scale value for major tick marks on the time category axis.
  37206. </summary>
  37207. <remarks>
  37208. The property has effect only for time category axes.
  37209. </remarks>
  37210. </member>
  37211. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MinorUnit">
  37212. <summary>
  37213. Returns or sets the distance between minor tick marks.
  37214. </summary>
  37215. <remarks>
  37216. <para>Valid range of a value is greater than zero. The property has effect for time category and
  37217. value axes.</para>
  37218. <para>Setting this property sets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MinorUnitIsAuto" /> property to <b>false</b>.</para>
  37219. </remarks>
  37220. </member>
  37221. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MinorUnitIsAuto">
  37222. <summary>
  37223. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether default distance between minor tick marks shall be used.
  37224. </summary>
  37225. <remarks>
  37226. The property has effect for time category and value axes.
  37227. </remarks>
  37228. </member>
  37229. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.MinorUnitScale">
  37230. <summary>
  37231. Returns or sets the scale value for minor tick marks on the time category axis.
  37232. </summary>
  37233. <remarks>
  37234. The property has effect only for time category axes.
  37235. </remarks>
  37236. </member>
  37237. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.BaseTimeUnit">
  37238. <summary>
  37239. Returns or sets the smallest time unit that is represented on the time category axis.
  37240. </summary>
  37241. <remarks>
  37242. The property has effect only for time category axes.
  37243. </remarks>
  37244. </member>
  37245. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.NumberFormat">
  37246. <summary>
  37247. Returns a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartNumberFormat" /> object that allows defining number formats for the axis.
  37248. </summary>
  37249. </member>
  37250. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.TickLabelOffset">
  37251. <summary>
  37252. Gets or sets the distance of labels from the axis.
  37253. </summary>
  37254. <remarks>
  37255. <para>The property represents a percentage of the default label offset.</para>
  37256. <para>Valid range is from 0 to 1000 percent inclusive. Default value is 100%.</para>
  37257. <para>The property has effect only for category axes. It is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts.</para>
  37258. </remarks>
  37259. </member>
  37260. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.DisplayUnit">
  37261. <summary>
  37262. Specifies the scaling value of the display units for the value axis.
  37263. </summary>
  37264. <remarks>
  37265. The property has effect only for value axes.
  37266. </remarks>
  37267. </member>
  37268. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.AxisBetweenCategories">
  37269. <summary>
  37270. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether the value axis crosses the category axis between categories.
  37271. </summary>
  37272. <remarks>
  37273. The property has effect only for value axes. It is not supported by MS Office 2016 new charts.
  37274. </remarks>
  37275. </member>
  37276. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.Scaling">
  37277. <summary>
  37278. Provides access to the scaling options of the axis.
  37279. </summary>
  37280. </member>
  37281. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.TickLabelSpacing">
  37282. <summary>
  37283. Gets or sets the interval, at which tick labels are drawn.
  37284. </summary>
  37285. <remarks>
  37286. <para>The property has effect for text category and series axes. It is not supported by MS Office 2016
  37287. new charts. Valid range of a value is greater than or equal to 1.</para>
  37288. <para>Setting this property sets the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.TickLabelSpacingIsAuto" /> property to <b>false</b>.</para>
  37289. </remarks>
  37290. <dev>
  37291. The ISO standard states that this element specifies how many tick labels to skip between label that is drawn.
  37292. In MS Office, this element specifies the interval at which tick labels are drawn.
  37293. </dev>
  37294. </member>
  37295. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.TickLabelSpacingIsAuto">
  37296. <summary>
  37297. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether automatic interval of drawing tick labels shall be used.
  37298. </summary>
  37299. <remarks>
  37300. <para>Default value is <b>true</b>.</para>
  37301. <para>The property has effect for text category and series axes. It is not supported by MS Office 2016
  37302. new charts.</para>
  37303. </remarks>
  37304. </member>
  37305. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.TickLabelAlignment">
  37306. <summary>
  37307. Gets or sets text alignment of axis tick labels.
  37308. </summary>
  37309. <remarks>
  37310. <para>This property has effect only for multi-line labels.</para>
  37311. <para>Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.ParagraphAlignment.Center" />.</para>.
  37312. </remarks>
  37313. </member>
  37314. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.TickMarkSpacing">
  37315. <summary>
  37316. Gets or sets the interval, at which tick marks are drawn.
  37317. </summary>
  37318. <remarks>
  37319. <para>The property has effect for text category and series axes. It is not supported by MS Office 2016
  37320. new charts.</para>
  37321. <para>Valid range of a value is greater than or equal to 1.</para>
  37322. </remarks>
  37323. <dev>
  37324. The ISO standard states that this element specifies how many tick marks shall be skipped before the next
  37325. one shall be drawn.
  37326. In MS Office, this element specifies the interval at which tick marks are drawn.
  37327. </dev>
  37328. </member>
  37329. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.Hidden">
  37330. <summary>
  37331. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether this axis is hidden or not.
  37332. </summary>
  37333. <remarks>
  37334. Default value is <b>false</b>.
  37335. </remarks>
  37336. <dev>
  37337. Corresponds to the delete element [ISO/IEC 29500] and to the hidden attribute of the
  37338. CT_Axis complex type [MS-ODRAWXML].
  37339. </dev>
  37340. </member>
  37341. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxis.Document">
  37342. <summary>
  37343. Returns the Document the title holder belongs.
  37344. </summary>
  37345. </member>
  37346. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxisType">
  37347. <summary>
  37348. Specifies type of chart axis.
  37349. </summary>
  37350. </member>
  37351. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxisType.Category">
  37352. <summary>
  37353. Category axis of a chart.
  37354. </summary>
  37355. </member>
  37356. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxisType.Series">
  37357. <summary>
  37358. Series axis of a chart.
  37359. </summary>
  37360. </member>
  37361. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartAxisType.Value">
  37362. <summary>
  37363. Value axis of a chart.
  37364. </summary>
  37365. </member>
  37366. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries">
  37367. <summary>
  37368. Represents chart series properties.
  37369. </summary>
  37370. </member>
  37371. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries.DataPoints">
  37372. <summary>
  37373. Returns a collection of formatting objects for all data points in this series.
  37374. </summary>
  37375. </member>
  37376. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries.Name">
  37377. <summary>
  37378. Gets or sets the name of the series, if name is not set explicitly it is generated using index.
  37379. By default returns Series plus one based index.
  37380. </summary>
  37381. </member>
  37382. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries.Smooth">
  37383. <summary>
  37384. Allows to specify whether the line connecting the points on the chart shall be smoothed using Catmull-Rom splines.
  37385. </summary>
  37386. </member>
  37387. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries.HasDataLabels">
  37388. <summary>
  37389. Gets or sets a flag indicating whether data labels are displayed for the series.
  37390. </summary>
  37391. </member>
  37392. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.ChartSeries.DataLabels">
  37393. <summary>
  37394. Specifies the settings for the data labels for the entire series.
  37395. </summary>
  37396. </member>
  37397. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit">
  37398. <summary>
  37399. Specifies the display units for an axis.
  37400. </summary>
  37401. <dev>
  37402. Corresponds to the ST_BuiltInUnit simple type (
  37403. </dev>
  37404. </member>
  37405. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.None">
  37406. <summary>
  37407. Specifies the values on the chart shall displayed as is.
  37408. </summary>
  37409. </member>
  37410. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Custom">
  37411. <summary>
  37412. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by a user-defined divisor. This value is not supported
  37413. by the new chart types of MS Office 2016.
  37414. </summary>
  37415. </member>
  37416. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Billions">
  37417. <summary>
  37418. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000.
  37419. </summary>
  37420. </member>
  37421. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.HundredMillions">
  37422. <summary>
  37423. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000,000.
  37424. </summary>
  37425. </member>
  37426. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Hundreds">
  37427. <summary>
  37428. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100.
  37429. </summary>
  37430. </member>
  37431. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.HundredThousands">
  37432. <summary>
  37433. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000.
  37434. </summary>
  37435. </member>
  37436. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Millions">
  37437. <summary>
  37438. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000.
  37439. </summary>
  37440. </member>
  37441. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.TenMillions">
  37442. <summary>
  37443. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000,000.
  37444. </summary>
  37445. </member>
  37446. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.TenThousands">
  37447. <summary>
  37448. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000.
  37449. </summary>
  37450. </member>
  37451. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Thousands">
  37452. <summary>
  37453. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000.
  37454. </summary>
  37455. </member>
  37456. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Trillions">
  37457. <summary>
  37458. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000,0000.
  37459. </summary>
  37460. </member>
  37461. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisBuiltInUnit.Percentage">
  37462. <summary>
  37463. Specifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 0.01. This value is supported only by the new chart
  37464. types of MS Office 2016.
  37465. </summary>
  37466. </member>
  37467. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCrosses">
  37468. <summary>
  37469. Specifies the possible crossing points for an axis.
  37470. </summary>
  37471. </member>
  37472. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCrosses.Automatic">
  37473. <summary>
  37474. The category axis crosses at the zero point of the value axis (if possible), or at the minimum value
  37475. if the minimum is greater than zero, or at the maximum if the maximum is less than zero.
  37476. </summary>
  37477. </member>
  37478. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCrosses.Maximum">
  37479. <summary>
  37480. A perpendicular axis crosses at the maximum value of the axis.
  37481. </summary>
  37482. </member>
  37483. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCrosses.Minimum">
  37484. <summary>
  37485. A perpendicular axis crosses at the minimum value of the axis.
  37486. </summary>
  37487. </member>
  37488. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisCrosses.Custom">
  37489. <summary>
  37490. A perpendicular axis crosses at the specified value of the axis.
  37491. </summary>
  37492. </member>
  37493. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.LegendPosition">
  37494. <summary>
  37495. Specifies the possible positions for a chart legend.
  37496. </summary>
  37497. </member>
  37498. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.LegendPosition.None">
  37499. <summary>
  37500. No legend will be shown for the chart.
  37501. </summary>
  37502. </member>
  37503. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.LegendPosition.Bottom">
  37504. <summary>
  37505. Specifies that the legend shall be drawn at the bottom of the chart.
  37506. </summary>
  37507. </member>
  37508. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.LegendPosition.Left">
  37509. <summary>
  37510. Specifies that the legend shall be drawn at the left of the chart.
  37511. </summary>
  37512. </member>
  37513. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.LegendPosition.Right">
  37514. <summary>
  37515. Specifies that the legend shall be drawn at the right of the chart.
  37516. </summary>
  37517. </member>
  37518. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.LegendPosition.Top">
  37519. <summary>
  37520. Specifies that the legend shall be drawn at the top of the chart.
  37521. </summary>
  37522. </member>
  37523. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.LegendPosition.TopRight">
  37524. <summary>
  37525. Specifies that the legend shall be drawn at the top right of the chart.
  37526. </summary>
  37527. </member>
  37528. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol">
  37529. <summary>
  37530. Specifies marker symbol style.
  37531. </summary>
  37532. </member>
  37533. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Default">
  37534. <summary>
  37535. Specifies a default marker symbol shall be drawn at each data point.
  37536. </summary>
  37537. </member>
  37538. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Circle">
  37539. <summary>
  37540. Specifies a circle shall be drawn at each data point.
  37541. </summary>
  37542. </member>
  37543. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Dash">
  37544. <summary>
  37545. Specifies a dash shall be drawn at each data point.
  37546. </summary>
  37547. </member>
  37548. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Diamond">
  37549. <summary>
  37550. Specifies a diamond shall be drawn at each data point.
  37551. </summary>
  37552. </member>
  37553. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Dot">
  37554. <summary>
  37555. Specifies a dot shall be drawn at each data point.
  37556. </summary>
  37557. </member>
  37558. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.None">
  37559. <summary>
  37560. Specifies nothing shall be drawn at each data point.
  37561. </summary>
  37562. </member>
  37563. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Picture">
  37564. <summary>
  37565. Specifies a picture shall be drawn at each data point.
  37566. </summary>
  37567. </member>
  37568. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Plus">
  37569. <summary>
  37570. Specifies a plus shall be drawn at each data point.
  37571. </summary>
  37572. </member>
  37573. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Square">
  37574. <summary>
  37575. Specifies a square shall be drawn at each data point.
  37576. </summary>
  37577. </member>
  37578. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Star">
  37579. <summary>
  37580. Specifies a star shall be drawn at each data point.
  37581. </summary>
  37582. </member>
  37583. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.Triangle">
  37584. <summary>
  37585. Specifies a triangle shall be drawn at each data point.
  37586. </summary>
  37587. </member>
  37588. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.MarkerSymbol.X">
  37589. <summary>
  37590. Specifies an X shall be drawn at each data point.
  37591. </summary>
  37592. </member>
  37593. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickLabelPosition">
  37594. <summary>
  37595. Specifies the possible positions for tick labels.
  37596. </summary>
  37597. </member>
  37598. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickLabelPosition.High">
  37599. <summary>
  37600. Specifies the axis labels shall be at the high end of the perpendicular axis.
  37601. </summary>
  37602. </member>
  37603. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickLabelPosition.Low">
  37604. <summary>
  37605. Specifies the axis labels shall be at the low end of the perpendicular axis.
  37606. </summary>
  37607. </member>
  37608. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickLabelPosition.NextToAxis">
  37609. <summary>
  37610. Specifies the axis labels shall be next to the axis.
  37611. </summary>
  37612. </member>
  37613. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickLabelPosition.None">
  37614. <summary>
  37615. Specifies the axis labels are not drawn.
  37616. </summary>
  37617. </member>
  37618. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickLabelPosition.Default">
  37619. <summary>
  37620. Specifies default value of tick labels position.
  37621. </summary>
  37622. </member>
  37623. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickMark">
  37624. <summary>
  37625. Specifies the possible positions for tick marks.
  37626. </summary>
  37627. </member>
  37628. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickMark.Cross">
  37629. <summary>
  37630. Specifies that the tick marks shall cross the axis.
  37631. </summary>
  37632. </member>
  37633. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickMark.Inside">
  37634. <summary>
  37635. Specifies that the tick marks shall be inside the plot area.
  37636. </summary>
  37637. </member>
  37638. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickMark.Outside">
  37639. <summary>
  37640. Specifies that the tick marks shall be outside the plot area.
  37641. </summary>
  37642. </member>
  37643. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTickMark.None">
  37644. <summary>
  37645. Specifies that there shall be no tick marks.
  37646. </summary>
  37647. </member>
  37648. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTimeUnit">
  37649. <summary>
  37650. Specifies the unit of time for axes.
  37651. </summary>
  37652. </member>
  37653. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTimeUnit.Automatic">
  37654. <summary>
  37655. Specifies that unit was not set explicitly and default value should be used.
  37656. </summary>
  37657. </member>
  37658. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTimeUnit.Days">
  37659. <summary>
  37660. Specifies that the chart data shall be shown in days.
  37661. </summary>
  37662. </member>
  37663. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTimeUnit.Months">
  37664. <summary>
  37665. Specifies that the chart data shall be shown in months.
  37666. </summary>
  37667. </member>
  37668. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Charts.AxisTimeUnit.Years">
  37669. <summary>
  37670. Specifies that the chart data shall be shown in years.
  37671. </summary>
  37672. </member>
  37673. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.IPageLayoutCallback">
  37674. <summary>
  37675. Implement this interface if you want to have your own custom method called during build and rendering of page layout model.
  37676. </summary>
  37677. <remarks>
  37678. The primary use for this interface is to allow application code to abort build process.<para />
  37679. It is possible to build page layout model for only a few pages at start of the document then abort process and render only what has been built already.<para />
  37680. Note, however, that rendering results may not match what would be rendered for each page if process would have finished.<para />
  37681. This technique may not work for every document or may fail completely.<para /></remarks>
  37682. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.Callback" />
  37683. </member>
  37684. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.IPageLayoutCallback.Notify(Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs)">
  37685. <summary>
  37686. This is called to notify of layout build and rendering progress.
  37687. </summary>
  37688. <param name="args">An argument of the event.</param>
  37689. <remarks>
  37690. Exception when thrown by implementation aborts layout build process.<para /></remarks>
  37691. </member>
  37692. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs">
  37693. <summary>
  37694. An argument passed into <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.IPageLayoutCallback.Notify(Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs)" /></summary>
  37695. </member>
  37696. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs.Event">
  37697. <summary>
  37698. Gets event.
  37699. </summary>
  37700. </member>
  37701. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs.Document">
  37702. <summary>
  37703. Gets document.
  37704. </summary>
  37705. </member>
  37706. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs.PageIndex">
  37707. <summary>
  37708. Gets 0-based index of the page in the document this event relates to.
  37709. Returns negative value if there is no associated page, or if page was removed during reflow.
  37710. </summary>
  37711. </member>
  37712. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent">
  37713. <summary>
  37714. A code of event raised during page layout model build and rendering.<para />
  37715. Page layout model is built in two steps.
  37716. First, "conversion step", this is when page layout pulls document content and creates object graph.
  37717. Second, "reflow step", this is when structures are split, merged and arranged into pages.<para />
  37718. Depending of the operation which triggered build, page layout model may or may not be further rendered into fixed page format.
  37719. For example, computing number of pages in the document or updating fields does not require rendering, whereas export to Pdf does.<para /></summary>
  37720. </member>
  37721. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.None">
  37722. <summary>
  37723. Default value
  37724. </summary>
  37725. </member>
  37726. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.WatchDog">
  37727. <summary>
  37728. Corresponds to a checkpoint in code which is often visited and which is suitable to abort process.<para />
  37729. While inside <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.IPageLayoutCallback.Notify(Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs)" /> throw custom exception to abort process.<para />
  37730. You can throw when handling any callback event to abort process.<para />
  37731. Note that if process is aborted the page layout model remains in undefined state. If process is aborted upon reflow of a complete page,
  37732. however, it should be possible to use layout model up to the end of that page.<para /></summary>
  37733. </member>
  37734. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.BuildStarted">
  37735. <summary>
  37736. Build of the page layout has started. Fired once.
  37737. This is the first event which occurs when <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" /> is called.
  37738. </summary>
  37739. </member>
  37740. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.BuildFinished">
  37741. <summary>
  37742. Build of the page layout has finished. Fired once.
  37743. This is the last event which occurs when <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" /> is called.
  37744. </summary>
  37745. </member>
  37746. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.ConversionStarted">
  37747. <summary>
  37748. Conversion of document model to page layout has started. Fired once.
  37749. This occurs when layout model starts pulling document content.
  37750. </summary>
  37751. </member>
  37752. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.ConversionFinished">
  37753. <summary>
  37754. Conversion of document model to page layout has finished. Fired once.
  37755. This occurs when layout model stops pulling document content.
  37756. </summary>
  37757. </member>
  37758. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.ReflowStarted">
  37759. <summary>
  37760. Reflow of the page layout has started. Fired once.
  37761. This occurs when layout model starts reflowing document content.
  37762. </summary>
  37763. </member>
  37764. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.ReflowFinished">
  37765. <summary>
  37766. Reflow of the page layout has finished. Fired once.
  37767. This occurs when layout model stops reflowing document content.
  37768. </summary>
  37769. </member>
  37770. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.PartReflowStarted">
  37771. <summary>
  37772. Reflow of the page has started.
  37773. Note that page may reflow multiple times and that reflow may restart before it is finished.
  37774. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs.PageIndex" /></summary>
  37775. </member>
  37776. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.PartReflowFinished">
  37777. <summary>
  37778. Reflow of the page has finished.
  37779. Note that page may reflow multiple times and that reflow may restart before it is finished.
  37780. <seealso cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutCallbackArgs.PageIndex" /></summary>
  37781. </member>
  37782. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.PartRenderingStarted">
  37783. <summary>
  37784. Rendering of page has started. This is fired once per page.
  37785. </summary>
  37786. </member>
  37787. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.PageLayoutEvent.PartRenderingFinished">
  37788. <summary>
  37789. Rendering of page has finished. This is fired once per page.
  37790. </summary>
  37791. </member>
  37792. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.ShowInBalloons">
  37793. <summary>
  37794. Specifies which revisions are rendered in balloons.
  37795. </summary>
  37796. <remarks>
  37797. Note that these values do not affect rendering of comments, which are controlled by <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.ShowComments" />.
  37798. </remarks>
  37799. </member>
  37800. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.ShowInBalloons.None">
  37801. <summary>
  37802. Renders insert, delete and format revisions inline.
  37803. </summary>
  37804. </member>
  37805. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.ShowInBalloons.Format">
  37806. <summary>
  37807. Renders insert and delete revisions inline, format revisions in balloons.
  37808. </summary>
  37809. </member>
  37810. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.ShowInBalloons.FormatAndDelete">
  37811. <summary>
  37812. Renders insert revisions inline, delete and format revisions in balloons.
  37813. </summary>
  37814. </member>
  37815. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect">
  37816. <summary>
  37817. Allows to specify decoration effect for revisions of document text.
  37818. </summary>
  37819. </member>
  37820. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.None">
  37821. <summary>
  37822. Revised content has no special effects applied.
  37823. This corresponds to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.NoHighlight" />.
  37824. </summary>
  37825. </member>
  37826. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Color">
  37827. <summary>
  37828. Revised content is highlighted with color only.
  37829. </summary>
  37830. </member>
  37831. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Bold">
  37832. <summary>
  37833. Revised content is made bold and colored.
  37834. </summary>
  37835. </member>
  37836. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Italic">
  37837. <summary>
  37838. Revised content is made italic and colored.
  37839. </summary>
  37840. </member>
  37841. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Underline">
  37842. <summary>
  37843. Revised content is underlined and colored.
  37844. </summary>
  37845. </member>
  37846. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.DoubleUnderline">
  37847. <summary>
  37848. Revised content is double underlined and colored.
  37849. </summary>
  37850. </member>
  37851. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.StrikeThrough">
  37852. <summary>
  37853. Revised content is stroked through and colored.
  37854. </summary>
  37855. </member>
  37856. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.DoubleStrikeThrough">
  37857. <summary>
  37858. Revised content is double stroked through and colored.
  37859. </summary>
  37860. <remarks>Only works for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Deletion" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.FormatChange" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Moving" /> ('move from' type).</remarks>
  37861. </member>
  37862. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Hidden">
  37863. <summary>
  37864. Revised content is hidden.
  37865. </summary>
  37866. <remarks>Only works for <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Deletion" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Moving" /> ('move from' type).</remarks>
  37867. </member>
  37868. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor">
  37869. <summary>
  37870. Allows to specify color of document revisions.
  37871. </summary>
  37872. </member>
  37873. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Auto">
  37874. <summary>
  37875. Default.
  37876. </summary>
  37877. </member>
  37878. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Black">
  37879. <summary>
  37880. Represents 000000 color.
  37881. </summary>
  37882. </member>
  37883. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Blue">
  37884. <summary>
  37885. Represents 2e97d3 color.
  37886. </summary>
  37887. </member>
  37888. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.BrightGreen">
  37889. <summary>
  37890. Represents 84a35b color.
  37891. </summary>
  37892. </member>
  37893. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.DarkBlue">
  37894. <summary>
  37895. Represents 376e96 color.
  37896. </summary>
  37897. </member>
  37898. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.DarkRed">
  37899. <summary>
  37900. Represents 881824 color.
  37901. </summary>
  37902. </member>
  37903. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.DarkYellow">
  37904. <summary>
  37905. Represents e09a2b color.
  37906. </summary>
  37907. </member>
  37908. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Gray25">
  37909. <summary>
  37910. Represents a0a3a9 color.
  37911. </summary>
  37912. </member>
  37913. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Gray50">
  37914. <summary>
  37915. Represents 50565e color.
  37916. </summary>
  37917. </member>
  37918. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Green">
  37919. <summary>
  37920. Represents 2c6234 color.
  37921. </summary>
  37922. </member>
  37923. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Pink">
  37924. <summary>
  37925. Represents ce338f color.
  37926. </summary>
  37927. </member>
  37928. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Red">
  37929. <summary>
  37930. Represents b5082e color.
  37931. </summary>
  37932. </member>
  37933. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Teal">
  37934. <summary>
  37935. Represents 1b9cab color.
  37936. </summary>
  37937. </member>
  37938. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Turquoise">
  37939. <summary>
  37940. Represents 3eafc2 color.
  37941. </summary>
  37942. </member>
  37943. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Violet">
  37944. <summary>
  37945. Represents 633277 color.
  37946. </summary>
  37947. </member>
  37948. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.White">
  37949. <summary>
  37950. Represents ffffff color.
  37951. </summary>
  37952. </member>
  37953. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Yellow">
  37954. <summary>
  37955. Represents fad272 color.
  37956. </summary>
  37957. </member>
  37958. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.NoHighlight">
  37959. <summary>
  37960. No color is used to highlight revision changes.
  37961. </summary>
  37962. <dev>
  37963. We shall consider getting rid of this one as it duplicates <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionEffect.None" />.
  37964. I believe it has no use if <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionEffect" /> is publicly available.
  37965. It is confusing to use <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.NoHighlight" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionEffect.Color" /> together,
  37966. or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.ByAuthor" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionEffect.None" /> for example.
  37967. </dev>
  37968. </member>
  37969. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.ByAuthor">
  37970. <summary>
  37971. Revisions of each author receive their own color for highlighting from a predfined set of hi-contrast colors.
  37972. </summary>
  37973. </member>
  37974. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions">
  37975. <summary>
  37976. Allows to control how document revisions are handled during layout process.
  37977. </summary>
  37978. </member>
  37979. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.ShowRevisionMarks">
  37980. <summary>
  37981. Allow to specify whether revision text should be marked with special formatting markup.
  37982. Default value is True.
  37983. </summary>
  37984. </member>
  37985. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.ShowRevisionBars">
  37986. <summary>
  37987. Allows to specify whether revision bars should be rendered near lines containing revised content.
  37988. Default value is True.
  37989. </summary>
  37990. </member>
  37991. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.ShowOriginalRevision">
  37992. <summary>
  37993. Allows to specify whether the original text should be shown instead of revised one.
  37994. Default value is False.
  37995. </summary>
  37996. </member>
  37997. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.InsertedTextColor">
  37998. <summary>
  37999. Allows to specify the color to be used for inserted content <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Insertion" />.
  38000. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.ByAuthor" />.
  38001. </summary>
  38002. </member>
  38003. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.InsertedTextEffect">
  38004. <summary>
  38005. Allows to specify the effect to be applied to the inserted content <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Insertion" />.
  38006. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Underline" />.
  38007. </summary>
  38008. <remarks>Values of <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Hidden" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.DoubleStrikeThrough" />
  38009. are not allowed and will cause <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" />.</remarks>
  38010. </member>
  38011. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.DeletedTextColor">
  38012. <summary>
  38013. Allows to specify the color to be used for deleted content <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Deletion" />.
  38014. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.ByAuthor" />.
  38015. </summary>
  38016. </member>
  38017. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.DeletedTextEffect">
  38018. <summary>
  38019. Allows to specify the effect to be applied to the deleted content <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Deletion" />.
  38020. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.StrikeThrough" /></summary>
  38021. </member>
  38022. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.MovedFromTextColor">
  38023. <summary>
  38024. Allows to specify the color to be used for areas where content was moved from <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Moving" />.
  38025. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.ByAuthor" />.
  38026. </summary>
  38027. </member>
  38028. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.MovedFromTextEffect">
  38029. <summary>
  38030. Allows to specify the effect to be applied to the areas where content was moved from <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Moving" />.
  38031. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.DoubleStrikeThrough" /></summary>
  38032. </member>
  38033. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.MovedToTextColor">
  38034. <summary>
  38035. Allows to specify the color to be used for areas where content was moved to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Moving" />.
  38036. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.ByAuthor" />.
  38037. </summary>
  38038. </member>
  38039. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.MovedToTextEffect">
  38040. <summary>
  38041. Allows to specify the effect to be applied to the areas where content was moved to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.Moving" />.
  38042. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.DoubleUnderline" /></summary>
  38043. <remarks>Values of <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Hidden" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.DoubleStrikeThrough" />
  38044. are not allowed and will cause <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" />.</remarks>
  38045. </member>
  38046. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.RevisedPropertiesColor">
  38047. <summary>
  38048. Allows to specify the color to be used for content with changes of formatting properties <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.FormatChange" />
  38049. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.NoHighlight" />.
  38050. </summary>
  38051. </member>
  38052. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.RevisedPropertiesEffect">
  38053. <summary>
  38054. Allows to specify the effect for content areas with changes of formatting properties <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.RevisionType.FormatChange" />
  38055. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.None" /></summary>
  38056. <remarks>
  38057. <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionTextEffect.Hidden" /> is not allowed and will cause <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" />.</remarks>
  38058. </member>
  38059. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.RevisionBarsColor">
  38060. <summary>
  38061. Allows to specify the color to be used for side bars that identify document lines containing revised information.
  38062. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Red" />.
  38063. </summary>
  38064. <remarks> Setting this property to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.ByAuthor" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.NoHighlight" /> values
  38065. will result in hiding revision bars from the layout.</remarks>
  38066. </member>
  38067. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.RevisionBarsWidth">
  38068. <summary>
  38069. Gets or sets width of revision bars, points.
  38070. </summary>
  38071. </member>
  38072. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.RevisionBarsPosition">
  38073. <summary>
  38074. Gets or sets rendering position of revision bars.
  38075. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Outside" />.
  38076. </summary>
  38077. <remarks>Values of <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Center" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Drawing.HorizontalAlignment.Inside" />
  38078. are not allowed and will cause <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" />.</remarks>
  38079. </member>
  38080. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.CommentColor">
  38081. <summary>
  38082. Allows to specify the color to be used for comments.
  38083. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.Red" />.
  38084. </summary>
  38085. <remarks> If set this property to <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.ByAuthor" /> or <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionColor.NoHighlight" /> values,
  38086. as the result this property will be set to default color.</remarks>
  38087. </member>
  38088. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.ShowInBalloons">
  38089. <summary>
  38090. Allows to specify whether the revisions are rendered in the balloons.
  38091. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.ShowInBalloons.None" /></summary>
  38092. </member>
  38093. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.RevisionOptions.MeasurementUnit">
  38094. <summary>
  38095. Allows to specify the measurement units for revision comments.
  38096. Default value is <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.MeasurementUnits.Centimeters" /></summary>
  38097. </member>
  38098. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions">
  38099. <summary>
  38100. Holds the options that allow controlling the document layout process.
  38101. </summary>
  38102. <remarks>
  38103. <para>
  38104. You do not create instances of this class directly. Use the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Document.LayoutOptions" /> property to access layout options for this document.
  38105. </para>
  38106. <para>Note that after changing any of the options present in this class, <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" /> method
  38107. should be called in order for the changed options to be applied to the layout.</para>
  38108. </remarks>
  38109. </member>
  38110. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.RevisionOptions">
  38111. <summary>
  38112. Gets revision options.
  38113. </summary>
  38114. </member>
  38115. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.ShowHiddenText">
  38116. <summary>
  38117. Gets or sets indication of whether hidden text in the document is rendered.
  38118. Default is False.
  38119. </summary>
  38120. <remarks>This property affects all hidden content, not just text.</remarks>
  38121. </member>
  38122. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.ShowParagraphMarks">
  38123. <summary>
  38124. Gets or sets indication of whether paragraph marks are rendered.
  38125. Default is False.
  38126. </summary>
  38127. </member>
  38128. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.ShowComments">
  38129. <summary>
  38130. Gets or sets indication of whether comments are rendered.
  38131. Default is True.
  38132. </summary>
  38133. </member>
  38134. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.TextShaperFactory">
  38135. <summary>
  38136. Gets or sets <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Shaping.ITextShaperFactory" /> implementation used for Advanced Typography rendering features.
  38137. </summary>
  38138. </member>
  38139. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.Callback">
  38140. <summary>
  38141. Gets or sets <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.IPageLayoutCallback" /> implementation used by page layout model.
  38142. </summary>
  38143. </member>
  38144. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutOptions.IgnorePrinterMetrics">
  38145. <summary>
  38146. Gets or sets indication of whether the "Use printer metrics to lay out document" compatibility option is ignored.
  38147. Default is True.
  38148. </summary>
  38149. </member>
  38150. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType">
  38151. <summary>
  38152. Types of the layout entities.
  38153. </summary>
  38154. </member>
  38155. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.None">
  38156. <summary>
  38157. Default value.
  38158. </summary>
  38159. </member>
  38160. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Page">
  38161. <summary>
  38162. Represents page of a document.
  38163. Page may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Column" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.HeaderFooter" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Comment" /> child entities.
  38164. </summary>
  38165. </member>
  38166. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Column">
  38167. <summary>
  38168. Represents a column of text on a page.
  38169. Column may have the same child entities as <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Cell" />, plus <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Footnote" />, <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Endnote" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.NoteSeparator" /> entities.
  38170. </summary>
  38171. </member>
  38172. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Row">
  38173. <summary>
  38174. Represents a table row.
  38175. Row may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Cell" /> as child entities.
  38176. </summary>
  38177. </member>
  38178. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Cell">
  38179. <summary>
  38180. Represents a table cell.
  38181. Cell may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Line" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Row" /> child entities.
  38182. </summary>
  38183. </member>
  38184. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Line">
  38185. <summary>
  38186. Represents line of characters of text and inline objects.
  38187. Line may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Span" /> child entities.
  38188. </summary>
  38189. </member>
  38190. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Span">
  38191. <summary>
  38192. Represents one or more characters in a line.
  38193. This include special characters like field start/end markers, bookmarks and comments.
  38194. Span may not have child entities.
  38195. </summary>
  38196. </member>
  38197. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Footnote">
  38198. <summary>
  38199. Represents placeholder for footnote content.
  38200. Footnote may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Line" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Row" /> child entities.
  38201. </summary>
  38202. </member>
  38203. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Endnote">
  38204. <summary>
  38205. Represents placeholder for endnote content.
  38206. Endnote may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Line" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Row" /> child entities.
  38207. </summary>
  38208. </member>
  38209. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.HeaderFooter">
  38210. <summary>
  38211. Represents placeholder for header/footer content on a page.
  38212. HeaderFooter may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Line" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Row" /> child entities.
  38213. </summary>
  38214. </member>
  38215. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.TextBox">
  38216. <summary>
  38217. Represents text area inside of a shape.
  38218. Textbox may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Line" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Row" /> child entities.
  38219. </summary>
  38220. </member>
  38221. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Comment">
  38222. <summary>
  38223. Represents placeholder for comment content.
  38224. Comment may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Line" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Row" /> child entities.
  38225. </summary>
  38226. </member>
  38227. <member name="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.NoteSeparator">
  38228. <summary>
  38229. Represents footnote/endnote separator.
  38230. NoteSeparator may have <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Line" /> and <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Row" /> child entities.
  38231. </summary>
  38232. </member>
  38233. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector">
  38234. <summary>
  38235. <para>This class allows to compute page numbers of document nodes.</para>
  38236. </summary>
  38237. <remarks>
  38238. <para>When you create a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector" /> and specify a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Document" /> document object to attach to,
  38239. the collector will record mapping of document nodes to layout objects when the document is formatted into pages.</para>
  38240. <para>You will be able to find out on which page a particular document node (e.g. run, paragraph or table cell) is located
  38241. by using the <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetStartPageIndex(Aspose.Words.Node)" />, <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetEndPageIndex(Aspose.Words.Node)" /> and <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetNumPagesSpanned(Aspose.Words.Node)" /> methods.
  38242. These methods automatically build page layout model of the document and update fields if required.</para>
  38243. <para>When you no longer need to collect layout information, it is best to set the <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.Document" /> property to null
  38244. to avoid unnecessary collection of more layout mappings.</para>
  38245. </remarks>
  38246. <dev>
  38248. </dev>
  38249. </member>
  38250. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Document)">
  38251. <summary>
  38252. Initializes an instance of this class.
  38253. </summary>
  38254. <param name="doc">The document to which this collector instance will be attached to.</param>
  38255. </member>
  38256. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetStartPageIndex(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  38257. <summary>
  38258. Gets 1-based index of the page where node begins. Returns 0 if node cannot be mapped to a page.
  38259. </summary>
  38260. </member>
  38261. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetEndPageIndex(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  38262. <summary>
  38263. Gets 1-based index of the page where node ends. Returns 0 if node cannot be mapped to a page.
  38264. </summary>
  38265. </member>
  38266. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetNumPagesSpanned(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  38267. <summary>
  38268. Gets number of pages the specified node spans. 0 if node is within a single page.
  38269. This is the same as <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetEndPageIndex(Aspose.Words.Node)" /> - <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetStartPageIndex(Aspose.Words.Node)" />.
  38270. </summary>
  38271. </member>
  38272. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.Clear">
  38273. <summary>
  38274. Clears all collected layout data. Call this method after document was manually updated, or layout was rebuilt.
  38275. </summary>
  38276. </member>
  38277. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetEntity(Aspose.Words.Node)">
  38278. <summary>
  38279. Returns an opaque position of the <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator" /> which corresponds to the specified node.
  38280. You can use returned value as an argument to <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Current" /> given the document being
  38281. enumerated and the document of the node are the same.
  38282. </summary>
  38283. <remarks>
  38284. <para>This method works for only <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> nodes, as well as indivisible inline nodes,
  38285. e.g. <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.BookmarkStart" /> or <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Drawing.Shape" />. It doesn't work for <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" />, <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell" /><see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row" /> or <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes, and nodes within header/footer.</para>
  38286. <para>Note that the entity returned for a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" /> node is a paragraph break span. Use the appropriate method to ascend to the parent line</para>
  38287. <para>If you need to navigate to a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Run" /> of text then you can insert bookmark right before it
  38288. and then navigate to the bookmark instead.</para>
  38289. <para>If you need to navigate to a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Cell" /> node then you can move to a <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Paragraph" />
  38290. node in this cell and then ascend to a parent entity. The same approach can be used for <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Row" />
  38291. and <see cref="T:Aspose.Words.Tables.Table" /> nodes.</para>
  38292. </remarks>
  38293. </member>
  38294. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.Document">
  38295. <summary>
  38296. Gets or sets the document this collector instance is attached to.
  38297. </summary>
  38298. <remarks>
  38299. If you need to access page indexes of the document nodes you need to set this property to point to a document instance,
  38300. before page layout of the document is built. It is best to set this property to <c>null</c> afterwards,
  38301. otherwise the collector continues to accumulate information from subsequent rebuilds of the document's page layout.
  38302. </remarks>
  38303. </member>
  38304. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator">
  38305. <summary>
  38306. Enumerates page layout entities of a document.
  38307. You can use this class to walk over the page layout model. Available properties are type, geometry, text and page index where entity is rendered,
  38308. as well as overall structure and relationships.
  38309. Use combination of <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutCollector.GetEntity(Aspose.Words.Node)" /> and <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Current" /> move to the entity which corresponds to a document node.
  38310. </summary>
  38311. <dev>
  38313. </dev>
  38314. </member>
  38315. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.#ctor(Aspose.Words.Document)">
  38316. <summary>
  38317. Initializes new instance of this class.
  38318. </summary>
  38319. <param name="document">A document whose page layout model to enumerate.</param>
  38320. <remarks>
  38321. <para>If page layout model of the document hasn't been built the enumerator calls <see cref="M:Aspose.Words.Document.UpdatePageLayout" /> to build it.</para>
  38322. <para>Whenever document is updated and new page layout model is created, a new enumerator must be used to access it.</para>
  38323. </remarks>
  38324. </member>
  38325. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Reset">
  38326. <summary>
  38327. Moves the enumerator to the first page of the document.
  38328. </summary>
  38329. </member>
  38330. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.MoveNext">
  38331. <summary>
  38332. Moves to the next sibling entity in visual order.
  38333. When iterating lines of a paragraph broken across pages this method
  38334. will not move to the next page but rather move to the next entity on the same page.
  38335. </summary>
  38336. </member>
  38337. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.MoveNextLogical">
  38338. <summary>
  38339. Moves to the next sibling entity in a logical order.
  38340. When iterating lines of a paragraph broken across pages this method
  38341. will move to the next line even if it resides on another page.
  38342. </summary>
  38343. <remarks>
  38344. Note that all <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Span" /> entities are linked together thus if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Current" />
  38345. entity is span repeated calling of this method will iterates complete story of the document.
  38346. </remarks>
  38347. </member>
  38348. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.MovePrevious">
  38349. <summary>
  38350. Moves to the previous sibling entity.
  38351. </summary>
  38352. </member>
  38353. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.MovePreviousLogical">
  38354. <summary>
  38355. Moves to the previous sibling entity in a logical order.
  38356. When iterating lines of a paragraph broken across pages this method
  38357. will move to the previous line even if it resides on another page.
  38358. </summary>
  38359. <remarks>
  38360. Note that all <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Span" /> entities are linked together thus if <see cref="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Current" />
  38361. entity is span repeated calling of this method will iterates complete story of the document.
  38362. </remarks>
  38363. </member>
  38364. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.MoveFirstChild">
  38365. <summary>
  38366. Moves to the first child entity.
  38367. </summary>
  38368. </member>
  38369. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.MoveLastChild">
  38370. <summary>
  38371. Moves to the last child entity.
  38372. </summary>
  38373. </member>
  38374. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.MoveParent">
  38375. <summary>
  38376. Moves to the parent entity.
  38377. </summary>
  38378. </member>
  38379. <member name="M:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.MoveParent(Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType)">
  38380. <summary>
  38381. Moves to the parent entity of the specified type.
  38382. </summary>
  38383. <param name="types">The parent entity type to move to. Use bitwise-OR to specify multiple parent types.</param>
  38384. <remarks>This method is useful if you need to find the cell, column or header/footer parent of the entity.</remarks>
  38385. </member>
  38386. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Type">
  38387. <summary>
  38388. Gets the type of the current entity.
  38389. </summary>
  38390. </member>
  38391. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Rectangle">
  38392. <summary>
  38393. Returns the bounding rectangle of the current entity relative to the page top left corner (in points).
  38394. </summary>
  38395. </member>
  38396. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Kind">
  38397. <summary>
  38398. Gets the kind of the current entity. This can be an empty string but never null.
  38399. </summary>
  38400. <remarks>This is a more specific type of the current entity, e.g. bookmark span has <see cref="F:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEntityType.Span" /> type and
  38401. may have either a BOOKMARKSTART or BOOKMARKEND kind.</remarks>
  38402. </member>
  38403. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Text">
  38404. <summary>
  38405. Gets text of the current span entity. Throws for other entity types.
  38406. </summary>
  38407. </member>
  38408. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.PageIndex">
  38409. <summary>
  38410. Gets the 1-based index of a page which contains the current entity.
  38411. </summary>
  38412. </member>
  38413. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Current">
  38414. <summary>
  38415. Gets or sets current position in the page layout model.
  38416. This property returns an opaque object which corresponds to the current layout entity.
  38417. </summary>
  38418. </member>
  38419. <member name="P:Aspose.Words.Layout.LayoutEnumerator.Document">
  38420. <summary>
  38421. Gets document this instance enumerates.
  38422. </summary>
  38423. </member>
  38424. <member name="T:Aspose.Words.Layout.NamespaceDoc">
  38425. <summary>
  38426. <p>The <b>Aspose.Words.Layout</b> namespace provides classes that allow to access
  38427. information such as on what page and where on a page particular document elements
  38428. are positioned, when the document is formatted into pages.</p>
  38429. </summary>
  38430. </member>
  38431. </members>
  38432. </doc>