- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <doc>
- <assembly>
- <name>ClosedXML</name>
- </assembly>
- <members>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.Caching.IXLRepository">
- <summary>
- Base interface for an abstract repository.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Caching.IXLRepository.Clear">
- <summary>
- Clear the repository;
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Caching.IXLRepository`2.Store(`0,`1)">
- <summary>
- Put the <paramref name="value"/> into the repository under the specified <paramref name="key"/>
- if there is no such key present.
- </summary>
- <param name="key">Key to identify the value.</param>
- <param name="value">Value to put into the repository if key does not exist.</param>
- <returns>Value stored in the repository under the specified <paramref name="key"/>. If key already existed
- returned value may differ from the input one.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Caching.XLRepositoryBase`2.ContainsKey(`0,`1@)">
- <summary>
- Check if the specified key is presented in the repository.
- </summary>
- <param name="key">Key to look for.</param>
- <param name="value">Value from the repository stored under specified key or null if key does
- not exist or the entry under this key has already bee GCed.</param>
- <returns>True if entry exists and alive, false otherwise.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Caching.XLRepositoryBase`2.Store(`0,`1)">
- <summary>
- Put the entity into the repository under the specified key if no other entity with
- the same key is presented.
- </summary>
- <param name="key">Key to identify the entity.</param>
- <param name="value">Entity to store.</param>
- <returns>Entity that is stored in the repository under the specified key
- (it can be either the <paramref name="value"/> or another entity that has been added to
- the repository before.)</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Caching.XLRepositoryBase`2.GetEnumerator">
- <summary>
- Enumerate items in repository removing "dead" entries.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.Caching.XLWorkbookElementRepositoryBase`2">
- <summary>
- Base repository for <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook"/> elements.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine">
- <summary>
- CalcEngine parses strings and returns Expression objects that can
- be evaluated.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>This class has three extensibility points:</para>
- <para>Use the <b>DataContext</b> property to add an object's properties to the engine scope.</para>
- <para>Use the <b>RegisterFunction</b> method to define custom functions.</para>
- <para>Override the <b>GetExternalObject</b> method to add arbitrary variables to the engine scope.</para>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.Parse(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Parses a string into an <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Expression"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="expression">String to parse.</param>
- <returns>An <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Expression"/> object that can be evaluated.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.Evaluate(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Evaluates a string.
- </summary>
- <param name="expression">Expression to evaluate.</param>
- <returns>The value of the expression.</returns>
- <remarks>
- If you are going to evaluate the same expression several times,
- it is more efficient to parse it only once using the <see cref="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.Parse(System.String)"/>
- method and then using the Expression.Evaluate method to evaluate
- the parsed expression.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.CacheExpressions">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets whether the calc engine should keep a cache with parsed
- expressions.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.OptimizeExpressions">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets whether the calc engine should optimize expressions when
- they are parsed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.IdentifierChars">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a string that specifies special characters that are valid for identifiers.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Identifiers must start with a letter or an underscore, which may be followed by
- additional letters, underscores, or digits. This string allows you to specify
- additional valid characters such as ':' or '!' (used in Excel range references
- for example).
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.RegisterFunction(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32,ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngineFunction)">
- <summary>
- Registers a function that can be evaluated by this <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="functionName">Function name.</param>
- <param name="parmMin">Minimum parameter count.</param>
- <param name="parmMax">Maximum parameter count.</param>
- <param name="fn">Delegate that evaluates the function.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.RegisterFunction(System.String,System.Int32,ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngineFunction)">
- <summary>
- Registers a function that can be evaluated by this <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="functionName">Function name.</param>
- <param name="parmCount">Parameter count.</param>
- <param name="fn">Delegate that evaluates the function.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.GetExternalObject(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets an external object based on an identifier.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This method is useful when the engine needs to create objects dynamically.
- For example, a spreadsheet calc engine would use this method to dynamically create cell
- range objects based on identifiers that cannot be enumerated at design time
- (such as "AB12", "A1:AB12", etc.)
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.DataContext">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the DataContext for this <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine"/>.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Once a DataContext is set, all public properties of the object become available
- to the CalcEngine, including sub-properties such as "Address.Street". These may
- be used with expressions just like any other constant.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.Functions">
- <summary>
- Gets the dictionary that contains function definitions.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.Variables">
- <summary>
- Gets the dictionary that contains simple variables (not in the DataContext).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.CultureInfo">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngine.CultureInfo"/> to use when parsing numbers and dates.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngineFunction">
- <summary>
- Delegate that represents CalcEngine functions.
- </summary>
- <param name="parms">List of <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Expression"/> objects that represent the
- parameters to be used in the function call.</param>
- <returns>The function result.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.CalcEngineHelpers.GetTotalCellsCount(ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.XObjectExpression)">
- <summary>
- Get total count of cells in the specified range without initalizing them all
- (which might cause serious performance issues on column-wide calculations).
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeExpression">Expression referring to the cell range.</param>
- <returns>Total number of cells in the range.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.CellReferenceException">
- <summary>
- This error occurs when you delete a cell referred to in the
- formula or if you paste cells over the ones referred to in the
- formula.
- Corresponds to the #REF! error in Excel
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.CalcEngineException" />
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.CellValueException">
- <summary>
- This error is most often the result of specifying a
- mathematical operation with one or more cells that contain
- text.
- Corresponds to the #VALUE! error in Excel
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.CalcEngineException" />
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.DivisionByZeroException">
- <summary>
- The division operation in your formula refers to a cell that
- contains the value 0 or is blank.
- Corresponds to the #DIV/0! error in Excel
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="T:System.DivideByZeroException" />
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.NameNotRecognizedException">
- <summary>
- This error value appears when you incorrectly type the range
- name, refer to a deleted range name, or forget to put quotation
- marks around a text string in a formula.
- Corresponds to the #NAME? error in Excel
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="T:System.ApplicationException" />
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.NoValueAvailableException">
- <summary>
- Technically, this is not an error value but a special value
- that you can manually enter into a cell to indicate that you
- don’t yet have a necessary value.
- Corresponds to the #N/A error in Excel.
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="T:System.ApplicationException" />
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.NullValueException">
- <summary>
- Because a space indicates an intersection, this error will
- occur if you insert a space instead of a comma(the union operator)
- between ranges used in function arguments.
- Corresponds to the #NULL! error in Excel
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.CalcEngineException" />
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.NumberException">
- <summary>
- This error can be caused by an invalid argument in an Excel
- function or a formula that produces a number too large or too small
- to be represented in the worksheet.
- Corresponds to the #NUM! error in Excel
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Exceptions.CalcEngineException" />
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Expression">
- <summary>
- Base class that represents parsed expressions.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- For example:
- <code>
- Expression expr = scriptEngine.Parse(strExpression);
- object val = expr.Evaluate();
- </code>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.UnaryExpression">
- <summary>
- Unary expression, e.g. +123
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.BinaryExpression">
- <summary>
- Binary expression, e.g. 1+2
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.FunctionExpression">
- <summary>
- Function call expression, e.g. sin(0.5)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.VariableExpression">
- <summary>
- Simple variable reference.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.XObjectExpression">
- <summary>
- Expression that represents an external object.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.EmptyValueExpression">
- <summary>
- Expression that represents an omitted parameter.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.IValueObject">
- <summary>
- Interface supported by external objects that have to return a value
- other than themselves (e.g. a cell range object should return the
- cell content instead of the range itself).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.ExpressionCache">
- <summary>
- Caches expressions based on their string representation.
- This saves parsing time.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Uses weak references to avoid accumulating unused expressions.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.ExpressionParseException">
- <summary>
- The exception that is thrown when the strings to be parsed to an expression is invalid.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.ExpressionParseException.#ctor(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the ExpressionParseException class with a
- specified error message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message that describes the error.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.FunctionDefinition">
- <summary>
- Function definition class (keeps function name, parameter counts, and delegate).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Functions.DateAndTime.BusinessDaysUntil(System.DateTime,System.DateTime,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.DateTime})">
- <summary>
- Calculates number of business days, taking into account:
- - weekends (Saturdays and Sundays)
- - bank holidays in the middle of the week
- </summary>
- <param name="firstDay">First day in the time interval</param>
- <param name="lastDay">Last day in the time interval</param>
- <param name="bankHolidays">List of bank holidays excluding weekends</param>
- <returns>Number of business days during the 'span'</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.Token">
- <summary>
- Represents a node in the expression tree.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.TKTYPE">
- <summary>
- Token types (used when building expressions, sequence defines operator priority)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.TKID">
- <summary>
- Token ID (used when evaluating expressions)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.CalcEngine.XLCalcEngine.GetPrecedentRanges(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get a collection of cell ranges included into the expression. Order is not preserved.
- </summary>
- <param name="expression">Formula to parse.</param>
- <returns>Collection of ranges included into the expression.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.Value">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's value. To get or set a strongly typed value, use the GetValue<T> and SetValue methods.
- <para>ClosedXML will try to detect the data type through parsing. If it can't then the value will be left as a string.</para>
- <para>If the object is an IEnumerable, ClosedXML will copy the collection's data into a table starting from this cell.</para>
- <para>If the object is a range, ClosedXML will copy the range starting from this cell.</para>
- <para>Setting the value to an object (not IEnumerable/range) will call the object's ToString() method.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The object containing the value(s) to set.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.Address">
- <summary>Gets this cell's address, relative to the worksheet.</summary>
- <value>The cell's address.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.CurrentRegion">
- <summary>
- Returns the current region. The current region is a range bounded by any combination of blank rows and blank columns
- </summary>
- <value>
- The current region.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.DataType">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the type of this cell's data.
- <para>Changing the data type will cause ClosedXML to covert the current value to the new data type.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to the new data type.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The type of the cell's data.
- </value>
- <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"></exception>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.SetDataType(ClosedXML.Excel.XLDataType)">
- <summary>
- Sets the type of this cell's data.
- <para>Changing the data type will cause ClosedXML to covert the current value to the new data type.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to the new data type.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="dataType">Type of the data.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.SetValue``1(``0)">
- <summary>
- Sets the cell's value.
- <para>If the object is an IEnumerable ClosedXML will copy the collection's data into a table starting from this cell.</para>
- <para>If the object is a range ClosedXML will copy the range starting from this cell.</para>
- <para>Setting the value to an object (not IEnumerable/range) will call the object's ToString() method.</para>
- <para>ClosedXML will try to translate it to the corresponding type, if it can't then the value will be left as a string.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The object containing the value(s) to set.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.GetValue``1">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell's value converted to the T type.
- <para>ClosedXML will try to covert the current value to the T type.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to the T type.</para>
- </summary>
- <typeparam name="T">The return type.</typeparam>
- <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"></exception>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.GetString">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell's value converted to a String.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.GetFormattedString">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell's value formatted depending on the cell's data type and style.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.GetDouble">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell's value converted to Double.
- <para>ClosedXML will try to covert the current value to Double.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to Double.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.GetBoolean">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell's value converted to Boolean.
- <para>ClosedXML will try to covert the current value to Boolean.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to Boolean.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.GetDateTime">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell's value converted to DateTime.
- <para>ClosedXML will try to covert the current value to DateTime.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to DateTime.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.GetTimeSpan">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell's value converted to TimeSpan.
- <para>ClosedXML will try to covert the current value to TimeSpan.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to TimeSpan.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this cell.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.Delete(ClosedXML.Excel.XLShiftDeletedCells)">
- <summary>
- Deletes the current cell and shifts the surrounding cells according to the shiftDeleteCells parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="shiftDeleteCells">How to shift the surrounding cells.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.FormulaA1">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's formula with A1 references.
- </summary>
- <value>The formula with A1 references.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.FormulaR1C1">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's formula with R1C1 references.
- </summary>
- <value>The formula with R1C1 references.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.AsRange">
- <summary>
- Returns this cell as an IXLRange.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.Style">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's style.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.ShareString">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this cell's text should be shared or not.
- </summary>
- <value>
- If false the cell's text will not be shared and stored as an inline value.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertData(System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
- <summary>
- Inserts the IEnumerable data elements and returns the range it occupies.
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The IEnumerable data.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertData(System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Inserts the IEnumerable data elements and returns the range it occupies.
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The IEnumerable data.</param>
- <param name="tranpose">if set to <c>true</c> the data will be transposed before inserting.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertData(System.Data.DataTable)">
- <summary>
- Inserts the data of a data table.
- </summary>
- <param name="dataTable">The data table.</param>
- <returns>The range occupied by the inserted data</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertTable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
- <summary>
- Inserts the IEnumerable data elements as a table and returns it.
- <para>The new table will receive a generic name: Table#</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The table data.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertTable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Inserts the IEnumerable data elements as a table and returns it.
- <para>The new table will receive a generic name: Table#</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The table data.</param>
- <param name="createTable">
- if set to <c>true</c> it will create an Excel table.
- <para>if set to <c>false</c> the table will be created in memory.</para>
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertTable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates an Excel table from the given IEnumerable data elements.
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The table data.</param>
- <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertTable``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.String,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Inserts the IEnumerable data elements as a table and returns it.
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The table data.</param>
- <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
- <param name="createTable">
- if set to <c>true</c> it will create an Excel table.
- <para>if set to <c>false</c> the table will be created in memory.</para>
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertTable(System.Data.DataTable)">
- <summary>
- Inserts the DataTable data elements as a table and returns it.
- <para>The new table will receive a generic name: Table#</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The table data.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Inserts the DataTable data elements as a table and returns it.
- <para>The new table will receive a generic name: Table#</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The table data.</param>
- <param name="createTable">
- if set to <c>true</c> it will create an Excel table.
- <para>if set to <c>false</c> the table will be created in memory.</para>
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates an Excel table from the given DataTable data elements.
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The table data.</param>
- <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InsertTable(System.Data.DataTable,System.String,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Inserts the DataTable data elements as a table and returns it.
- </summary>
- <param name="data">The table data.</param>
- <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
- <param name="createTable">
- if set to <c>true</c> it will create an Excel table.
- <para>if set to <c>false</c> the table will be created in memory.</para>
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.AddToNamed(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of this cell.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add this range to that named range.</para>
- <para>The default scope for the named range is Workbook.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.AddToNamed(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLScope)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of this cell.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add this range to that named range.</para>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name="scope">The scope for the named range.</param>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.AddToNamed(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLScope,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of this cell.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add this range to that named range.</para>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name="scope">The scope for the named range.</param>
- <param name="comment">The comments for the named range.</param>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.ValueCached">
- <summary>
- Textual representation of cell calculated value (as it is saved to a workbook or read from it)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.CachedValue">
- <summary>
- Calculated value of cell formula. Is used for decreasing number of computations perfromed.
- May hold invalid value when <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.NeedsRecalculation"/> flag is True.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.NeedsRecalculation">
- <summary>
- Flag indicating that previously calculated cell value may be not valid anymore and has to be re-evaluated.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.InvalidateFormula">
- <summary>
- Invalidate <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.CachedValue"/> so the formula will be re-evaluated next time <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.Value"/> is accessed.
- If cell does not contain formula nothing happens.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCells.Value">
- <summary>
- Sets the cells' value.
- <para>If the object is an IEnumerable ClosedXML will copy the collection's data into a table starting from each cell.</para>
- <para>If the object is a range ClosedXML will copy the range starting from each cell.</para>
- <para>Setting the value to an object (not IEnumerable/range) will call the object's ToString() method.</para>
- <para>ClosedXML will try to translate it to the corresponding type, if it can't then the value will be left as a string.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The object containing the value(s) to set.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCells.DataType">
- <summary>
- Sets the type of the cells' data.
- <para>Changing the data type will cause ClosedXML to covert the current value to the new data type.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to the new data type.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The type of the cell's data.
- </value>
- <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"></exception>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCells.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these cells.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCells.DeleteComments">
- <summary>
- Delete the comments of these cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCells.FormulaA1">
- <summary>
- Sets the cells' formula with A1 references.
- </summary>
- <value>The formula with A1 references.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCells.FormulaR1C1">
- <summary>
- Sets the cells' formula with R1C1 references.
- </summary>
- <value>The formula with R1C1 references.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.DataValidation">
- <summary>
- Get the data validation rule containing current cell or create a new one if no rule was defined for cell.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.IsEvaluating">
- <summary>
- Flag showing that the cell is in formula evaluation state.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.RecalculateFormula(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Calculate a value of the specified formula.
- </summary>
- <param name="fA1">Cell formula to evaluate.</param>
- <returns>Null if formula is empty or null, calculated value otherwise.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.Evaluate(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Perform an evaluation of cell formula. If cell does not contain formula nothing happens, if cell does not need
- recalculation (<see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.NeedsRecalculation"/> is False) nothing happens either, unless <paramref name="force"/> flag is specified.
- Otherwise recalculation is perfomed, result value is preserved in <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.CachedValue"/> and returned.
- </summary>
- <param name="force">Flag indicating whether a recalculation must be performed even is cell does not need it.</param>
- <returns>Null if cell does not contain a formula. Calculated value otherwise.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.NeedsRecalculation">
- <summary>
- Flag indicating that previously calculated cell value may be not valid anymore and has to be re-evaluated.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.ModifiedAtVersion">
- <summary>
- The value of <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.RecalculationCounter"/> that workbook had at the moment of cell last modification.
- If this value is greater than <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.EvaluatedAtVersion"/> then cell needs re-evaluation, as well as all dependent cells do.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.EvaluatedAtVersion">
- <summary>
- The value of <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.RecalculationCounter"/> that workbook had at the moment of cell formula evaluation.
- If this value equals to <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.RecalculationCounter"/> it indicates that <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.CachedValue"/> stores
- correct value and no re-evaluation has to be performed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.NeedsRecalculationEvaluatedAtVersion">
- <summary>
- The value of <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.RecalculationCounter"/> that workbook had at the moment of determining whether the cell
- needs re-evaluation (due to it has been edited or some of the affecting cells has). If thie value equals to <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.RecalculationCounter"/>
- it indicates that <see cref="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell._recalculationNeededLastValue"/> stores correct value and no check has to be performed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell.GetDataValidation">
- <summary>
- Get the data validation rule containing current cell.
- </summary>
- <returns>The data validation rule applying to the current cell or null if there is no such rule.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Width">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the width of this column.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The width of this column.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes this column and shifts the columns at the right of this one accordingly.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.ColumnNumber">
- <summary>
- Gets this column's number
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.ColumnLetter">
- <summary>
- Gets this column's letter
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.InsertColumnsAfter(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of columns at the right of this one.
- <para>All columns at the right will be shifted accordingly.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfColumns">The number of columns to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.InsertColumnsBefore(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of columns at the left of this one.
- <para>This column and all at the right will be shifted accordingly.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfColumns">The number of columns to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Cell(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell in the specified row.
- </summary>
- <param name="rowNumber">The cell's row.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Cells(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells, separated by commas.
- <para>e.g. Cells("1"), Cells("1:5"), Cells("1,3:5")</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="cellsInColumn">The column cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Cells(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstRow">The first row in the group of cells to return.</param>
- <param name="lastRow">The last row in the group of cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.AdjustToContents">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the width of the column based on its contents.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.AdjustToContents(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the width of the column based on its contents, starting from the startRow.
- </summary>
- <param name="startRow">The row to start calculating the column width.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.AdjustToContents(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the width of the column based on its contents, starting from the startRow and ending at endRow.
- </summary>
- <param name="startRow">The row to start calculating the column width.</param>
- <param name="endRow">The row to end calculating the column width.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Hide">
- <summary>
- Hides this column.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Unhide">
- <summary>Unhides this column.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.IsHidden">
- <summary>
- Gets a value indicating whether this column is hidden or not.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if this column is hidden; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.OutlineLevel">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the outline level of this column.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The outline level of this column.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Group">
- <summary>
- Adds this column to the next outline level (Increments the outline level for this column by 1).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Group(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Adds this column to the next outline level (Increments the outline level for this column by 1).
- </summary>
- <param name="collapse">If set to <c>true</c> the column will be shown collapsed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Group(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Sets outline level for this column.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Group(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Sets outline level for this column.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- <param name="collapse">If set to <c>true</c> the column will be shown collapsed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Ungroup">
- <summary>
- Adds this column to the previous outline level (decrements the outline level for this column by 1).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Ungroup(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Adds this column to the previous outline level (decrements the outline level for this column by 1).
- </summary>
- <param name="fromAll">If set to <c>true</c> it will remove this column from all outline levels.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Collapse">
- <summary>
- Show this column as collapsed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Expand">
- <summary>Expands this column (if it's collapsed).</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.AddVerticalPageBreak">
- <summary>
- Adds a vertical page break after this column.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumn.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this column.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Width">
- <summary>
- Sets the width of all columns.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The width of all columns.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes all columns and shifts the columns at the right of them accordingly.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.AdjustToContents">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the width of all columns based on its contents.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.AdjustToContents(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the width of all columns based on its contents, starting from the startRow.
- </summary>
- <param name="startRow">The row to start calculating the column width.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.AdjustToContents(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the width of all columns based on its contents, starting from the startRow and ending at endRow.
- </summary>
- <param name="startRow">The row to start calculating the column width.</param>
- <param name="endRow">The row to end calculating the column width.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Hide">
- <summary>
- Hides all columns.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Unhide">
- <summary>Unhides all columns.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Group">
- <summary>
- Increments the outline level of all columns by 1.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Group(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Increments the outline level of all columns by 1.
- </summary>
- <param name="collapse">If set to <c>true</c> the columns will be shown collapsed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Group(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Sets outline level for all columns.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Group(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Sets outline level for all columns.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- <param name="collapse">If set to <c>true</c> the columns will be shown collapsed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Ungroup">
- <summary>
- Decrements the outline level of all columns by 1.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Ungroup(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Decrements the outline level of all columns by 1.
- </summary>
- <param name="fromAll">If set to <c>true</c> it will remove the columns from all outline levels.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Collapse">
- <summary>
- Show all columns as collapsed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Expand">
- <summary>Expands all columns (if they're collapsed).</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Cells">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.CellsUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.CellsUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.AddVerticalPageBreaks">
- <summary>
- Adds a vertical page break after these columns.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLColumns.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these columns.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLColumn.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- The direct contructor should only be used in <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.RangeFactory"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLColumn.AddVerticalPageBreak">
- <summary>
- Adds a vertical page break after this column.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLColumns.AddVerticalPageBreaks">
- <summary>
- Adds a vertical page break after this column.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLComment.Author">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets this comment's author's name
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLComment.SetAuthor(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Sets the name of the comment's author
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Author's name</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLComment.AddSignature">
- <summary>
- Adds a bolded line with the author's name
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLConditionalFormat.Range">
- <summary>
- The first of the <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLConditionalFormat.Ranges"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLConditionalFormats.Consolidate">
- <summary>
- The method consolidate the same conditional formats, which are located in adjacent ranges.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLConditionalFormats.ReorderAccordingToOriginalPriority">
- <summary>
- Reorders the according to original priority. Done during load process
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress.Create(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Create address without worksheet. For calculation only!
- </summary>
- <param name="cellAddressString"></param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress.#ctor(System.Int32,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new <see cref = "T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress" /> struct using a mixed notation. Attention: without worksheet for calculation only!
- </summary>
- <param name = "rowNumber">The row number of the cell address.</param>
- <param name = "columnLetter">The column letter of the cell address.</param>
- <param name = "fixedRow"></param>
- <param name = "fixedColumn"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet,System.Int32,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new <see cref = "T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress" /> struct using a mixed notation.
- </summary>
- <param name = "worksheet"></param>
- <param name = "rowNumber">The row number of the cell address.</param>
- <param name = "columnLetter">The column letter of the cell address.</param>
- <param name = "fixedRow"></param>
- <param name = "fixedColumn"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new <see cref = "T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress" /> struct using R1C1 notation. Attention: without worksheet for calculation only!
- </summary>
- <param name = "rowNumber">The row number of the cell address.</param>
- <param name = "columnNumber">The column number of the cell address.</param>
- <param name = "fixedRow"></param>
- <param name = "fixedColumn"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new <see cref = "T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress" /> struct using R1C1 notation.
- </summary>
- <param name = "worksheet"></param>
- <param name = "rowNumber">The row number of the cell address.</param>
- <param name = "columnNumber">The column number of the cell address.</param>
- <param name = "fixedRow"></param>
- <param name = "fixedColumn"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress.RowNumber">
- <summary>
- Gets the row number of this address.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress.ColumnNumber">
- <summary>
- Gets the column number of this address.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAddress.ColumnLetter">
- <summary>
- Gets the column letter(s) of this address.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Drawings.IXLPicture.CopyTo(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet)">
- <summary>
- Create a copy of the picture on a different worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="targetSheet">The worksheet to which the picture will be copied.</param>
- <returns>A created copy of the picture.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Drawings.IXLPicture.Duplicate">
- <summary>
- Create a copy of the picture on the same worksheet.
- </summary>
- <returns>A created copy of the picture.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Drawings.IXLPicture.Format">
- <summary>
- Type of image. The supported formats are defined by OpenXML's ImagePartType.
- Default value is "jpeg"
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Drawings.IXLPicture.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes this picture.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Drawings.XLPicture.CopyTo(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet)">
- <summary>
- Create a copy of the picture on a different worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="targetSheet">The worksheet to which the picture will be copied.</param>
- <returns>A created copy of the picture.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Drawings.XLPicture.Duplicate">
- <summary>
- Create a copy of the picture on the same worksheet.
- </summary>
- <returns>A created copy of the picture.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.SplitColumn">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the column after which the horizontal split should take place.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.SplitRow">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the row after which the vertical split should take place.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.ZoomScale">
- <summary>
- Window zoom magnification for current view representing percent values. Horizontal and vertical scale together.
- </summary>
- <remarks>Representing percent values ranging from 10 to 400.</remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.ZoomScaleNormal">
- <summary>
- Zoom magnification to use when in normal view. Horizontal and vertical scale together
- </summary>
- <remarks>Representing percent values ranging from 10 to 400.</remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.ZoomScalePageLayoutView">
- <summary>
- Zoom magnification to use when in page layout view. Horizontal and vertical scale together.
- </summary>
- <remarks>Representing percent values ranging from 10 to 400.</remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.ZoomScaleSheetLayoutView">
- <summary>
- Zoom magnification to use when in page break preview. Horizontal and vertical scale together.
- </summary>
- <remarks>Representing percent values ranging from 10 to 400.</remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.Freeze(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Freezes the specified rows and columns.
- </summary>
- <param name="rows">The rows to freeze.</param>
- <param name="columns">The columns to freeze.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.FreezeColumns(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Freezes the left X columns.
- </summary>
- <param name="columns">The columns to freeze.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLSheetView.FreezeRows(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Freezes the top X rows.
- </summary>
- <param name="rows">The rows to freeze.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.CalculateMode">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the workbook's calculation mode.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.ColumnWidth">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default column width for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use this column width.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.NamedRanges">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manipulate this workbook's named ranges.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.Outline">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default outline options for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use these outline options.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.PageOptions">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default page options for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use these page options.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.Properties">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the workbook's properties.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.ReferenceStyle">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the workbook's reference style.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.RowHeight">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default row height for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use this row height.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.Style">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default style for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use this style.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.Theme">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manipulate this workbook's theme.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.Worksheets">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manipulate the worksheets.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.RecalculateAllFormulas">
- <summary>
- Force recalculation of all cell formulas.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.Save">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.Save(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook and optionally performs validation
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.SaveAs(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook to a file.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.SaveAs(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook to a file and optionally validates it.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.SaveAs(System.IO.Stream)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook to a stream.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.SaveAs(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook to a stream and optionally validates it.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorkbook.Search(System.String,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Searches the cells' contents for a given piece of text
- </summary>
- <param name="searchText">The search text.</param>
- <param name="compareOptions">The compare options.</param>
- <param name="searchFormulae">if set to <c>true</c> search formulae instead of cell values.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Workbook">
- <summary>
- Gets the workbook that contains this worksheet
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.ColumnWidth">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default column width for this worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.RowHeight">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default row height for this worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Name">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the name (caption) of this worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Position">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the position of the sheet.
- <para>When setting the Position all other sheets' positions are shifted accordingly.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.PageSetup">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manipulate the sheet's print options.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Outline">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manipulate the Outline levels.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.FirstRow">
- <summary>
- Gets the first row of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.FirstRowUsed">
- <summary>
- Gets the first row of the worksheet that contains a cell with a value.
- <para>Formatted empty cells do not count.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.FirstRowUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Gets the first row of the worksheet that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">If set to <c>true</c> formatted empty cells will count as used.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.LastRow">
- <summary>
- Gets the last row of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.LastRowUsed">
- <summary>
- Gets the last row of the worksheet that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.LastRowUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Gets the last row of the worksheet that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">If set to <c>true</c> formatted empty cells will count as used.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.FirstColumn">
- <summary>
- Gets the first column of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.FirstColumnUsed">
- <summary>
- Gets the first column of the worksheet that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.FirstColumnUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Gets the first column of the worksheet that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">If set to <c>true</c> formatted empty cells will count as used.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.LastColumn">
- <summary>
- Gets the last column of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.LastColumnUsed">
- <summary>
- Gets the last column of the worksheet that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.LastColumnUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Gets the last column of the worksheet that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">If set to <c>true</c> formatted empty cells will count as used.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Columns">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of all columns in this worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Columns(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified columns in this worksheet, separated by commas.
- <para>e.g. Columns("G:H"), Columns("10:11,13:14"), Columns("P:Q,S:T"), Columns("V")</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="columns">The columns to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Columns(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified columns in this worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumn">The first column to return.</param>
- <param name="lastColumn">The last column to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Columns(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified columns in this worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumn">The first column to return.</param>
- <param name="lastColumn">The last column to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Rows">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of all rows in this worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Rows(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified rows in this worksheet, separated by commas.
- <para>e.g. Rows("4:5"), Rows("7:8,10:11"), Rows("13")</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="rows">The rows to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Rows(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified rows in this worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstRow">The first row to return.</param>
- <param name="lastRow">The last row to return.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Row(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the specified row of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="row">The worksheet's row.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Column(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the specified column of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="column">The worksheet's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Column(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the specified column of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="column">The worksheet's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Cell(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell at the specified row and column.
- </summary>
- <param name="row">The cell's row.</param>
- <param name="column">The cell's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Cell(System.String)">
- <summary>Gets the cell at the specified address.</summary>
- <param name="cellAddressInRange">The cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Cell(System.Int32,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell at the specified row and column.
- </summary>
- <param name="row">The cell's row.</param>
- <param name="column">The cell's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Cell(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>Gets the cell at the specified address.</summary>
- <param name="cellAddressInRange">The cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Range(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range boundaries.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Range(System.String)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <para>e.g. Range("A1"), Range("A1:C2")</para>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range boundaries.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Range(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <param name="firstCell">The first cell in the range.</param>
- <param name="lastCell"> The last cell in the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Range(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellAddress">The first cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- <param name="lastCellAddress"> The last cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Range(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellAddress">The first cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- <param name="lastCellAddress"> The last cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Ranges(System.String)">
- <summary>Returns a collection of ranges, separated by commas.</summary>
- <para>e.g. Ranges("A1"), Ranges("A1:C2"), Ranges("A1:B2,D1:D4")</para>
- <param name="ranges">The ranges to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Range(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellRow"> The first cell's row of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="firstCellColumn">The first cell's column of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="lastCellRow"> The last cell's row of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="lastCellColumn"> The last cell's column of the range to return.</param>
- <returns>.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.RowCount">
- <summary>Gets the number of rows in this worksheet.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.ColumnCount">
- <summary>Gets the number of columns in this worksheet.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.CollapseRows">
- <summary>
- Collapses all outlined rows.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.CollapseColumns">
- <summary>
- Collapses all outlined columns.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.ExpandRows">
- <summary>
- Expands all outlined rows.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.ExpandColumns">
- <summary>
- Expands all outlined columns.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.CollapseRows(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Collapses the outlined rows of the specified level.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.CollapseColumns(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Collapses the outlined columns of the specified level.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.ExpandRows(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Expands the outlined rows of the specified level.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.ExpandColumns(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Expands the outlined columns of the specified level.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes this worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.NamedRanges">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manage this worksheet's named ranges.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.NamedRange(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the specified named range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.SheetView">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manage how the worksheet is going to displayed by Excel.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Table(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the Excel table of the given index
- </summary>
- <param name="index">Index of the table to return</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Table(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the Excel table of the given name
- </summary>
- <param name="name">Name of the table to return</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.Tables">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manage this worksheet's Excel tables
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.CopyTo(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Copies the
- </summary>
- <param name="newSheetName"></param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet.RecalculateAllFormulas">
- <summary>
- Force recalculation of all cell formulas.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Comment">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the comment for this named range.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The comment for this named range.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.IsValid">
- <summary>
- Checks if the named range contains invalid references (#REF!).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Name">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the name of the range.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The name of the range.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Ranges">
- <summary>
- Gets the ranges associated with this named range.
- <para>Note: A named range can point to multiple ranges.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Scope">
- <summary>
- Gets the scope of this named range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Visible">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the visibility of this named range.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if visible; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Adds the specified range to this named range.
- <para>Note: A named range can point to multiple ranges.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="workbook">Workbook containing the range</param>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range address to add.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange)">
- <summary>
- Adds the specified range to this named range.
- <para>Note: A named range can point to multiple ranges.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="range">The range to add.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges)">
- <summary>
- Adds the specified ranges to this named range.
- <para>Note: A named range can point to multiple ranges.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="ranges">The ranges to add.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Clear">
- <summary>
- Clears the list of ranges associated with this named range.
- <para>(it does not clear the cells)</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes this named range (not the cells).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Remove(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Removes the specified range from this named range.
- <para>Note: A named range can point to multiple ranges.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range address to remove.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Remove(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange)">
- <summary>
- Removes the specified range from this named range.
- <para>Note: A named range can point to multiple ranges.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="range">The range to remove.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRange.Remove(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges)">
- <summary>
- Removes the specified ranges from this named range.
- <para>Note: A named range can point to multiple ranges.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="ranges">The ranges to remove.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.NamedRange(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the specified named range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.Add(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Adds a new named range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range to add.</param>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range address to add.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.Add(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange)">
- <summary>
- Adds a new named range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range to add.</param>
- <param name="range">The range to add.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.Add(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges)">
- <summary>
- Adds a new named range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range to add.</param>
- <param name="ranges">The ranges to add.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.Add(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Adds a new named range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the ranges to add.</param>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range address to add.</param>
- <param name="comment">The comment for the new named range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.Add(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Adds a new named range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the ranges to add.</param>
- <param name="range">The range to add.</param>
- <param name="comment">The comment for the new named range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.Add(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Adds a new named range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the ranges to add.</param>
- <param name="ranges">The ranges to add.</param>
- <param name="comment">The comment for the new named range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.Delete(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Deletes the specified named range (not the cells).
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range to delete.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.Delete(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Deletes the specified named range's index (not the cells).
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeIndex">Index of the named range to delete.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.DeleteAll">
- <summary>
- Deletes all named ranges (not the cells).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.ValidNamedRanges">
- <summary>
- Returns a subset of named ranges that do not have invalid references.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLNamedRanges.InvalidNamedRanges">
- <summary>
- Returns a subset of named ranges that do have invalid references.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLNamedRange.IsValid">
- <summary>
- Checks if the named range contains invalid references (#REF!).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLNamedRanges.Add(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Adds the specified range name.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range address.</param>
- <param name="comment">The comment.</param>
- <param name="acceptInvalidReferences">if set to <c>true</c> range address will not be checked for validity. Necessary when loading files as is.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">For named ranges in the workbook scope, specify the sheet name in the reference.</exception>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLNamedRanges.ValidNamedRanges">
- <summary>
- Returns a subset of named ranges that do not have invalid references.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLNamedRanges.InvalidNamedRanges">
- <summary>
- Returns a subset of named ranges that do have invalid references.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHeaderFooter.Left">
- <summary>
- Gets the left header/footer item.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHeaderFooter.Center">
- <summary>
- Gets the middle header/footer item.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHeaderFooter.Right">
- <summary>
- Gets the right header/footer item.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHeaderFooter.GetText(ClosedXML.Excel.XLHFOccurrence)">
- <summary>
- Gets the text of the specified header/footer occurrence.
- </summary>
- <param name="occurrence">The occurrence.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHFItem.GetText(ClosedXML.Excel.XLHFOccurrence)">
- <summary>
- Gets the text of the specified header/footer occurrence.
- </summary>
- <param name="occurrence">The occurrence.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHFItem.AddText(ClosedXML.Excel.XLHFPredefinedText)">
- <summary>
- Adds the given predefined text to this header/footer item.
- </summary>
- <param name="predefinedText">The predefined text to add to this header/footer item.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHFItem.AddText(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLHFOccurrence)">
- <summary>
- Adds the given text to this header/footer item.
- </summary>
- <param name="text">The text to add to this header/footer item.</param>
- <param name="occurrence">The occurrence for the text.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHFItem.AddText(ClosedXML.Excel.XLHFPredefinedText,ClosedXML.Excel.XLHFOccurrence)">
- <summary>
- Adds the given predefined text to this header/footer item.
- </summary>
- <param name="predefinedText">The predefined text to add to this header/footer item.</param>
- <param name="occurrence">The occurrence for the predefined text.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLHFItem.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLHFOccurrence)">
- <summary>Clears the text/formats of this header/footer item.</summary>
- <param name="occurrence">The occurrence to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLMargins.Left">
- <summary>Gets or sets the Left margin.</summary>
- <value>The Left margin.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLMargins.Right">
- <summary>Gets or sets the Right margin.</summary>
- <value>The Right margin.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLMargins.Top">
- <summary>Gets or sets the Top margin.</summary>
- <value>The Top margin.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLMargins.Bottom">
- <summary>Gets or sets the Bottom margin.</summary>
- <value>The Bottom margin.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLMargins.Header">
- <summary>Gets or sets the Header margin.</summary>
- <value>The Header margin.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLMargins.Footer">
- <summary>Gets or sets the Footer margin.</summary>
- <value>The Footer margin.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.PrintAreas">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manage the print areas of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.FirstRowToRepeatAtTop">
- <summary>
- Gets the first row that will repeat on the top of the printed pages.
- <para>Use SetRowsToRepeatAtTop() to set the rows that will be repeated on the top of the printed pages.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.LastRowToRepeatAtTop">
- <summary>
- Gets the last row that will repeat on the top of the printed pages.
- <para>Use SetRowsToRepeatAtTop() to set the rows that will be repeated on the top of the printed pages.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.SetRowsToRepeatAtTop(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Sets the rows to repeat on the top of the printed pages.
- </summary>
- <param name="range">The range of rows to repeat on the top of the printed pages.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.SetRowsToRepeatAtTop(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Sets the rows to repeat on the top of the printed pages.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstRowToRepeatAtTop">The first row to repeat at top.</param>
- <param name="lastRowToRepeatAtTop">The last row to repeat at top.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.FirstColumnToRepeatAtLeft">
- <summary>Gets the first column to repeat on the left of the printed pages.</summary>
- <value>The first column to repeat on the left of the printed pages.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.LastColumnToRepeatAtLeft">
- <summary>Gets the last column to repeat on the left of the printed pages.</summary>
- <value>The last column to repeat on the left of the printed pages.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.SetColumnsToRepeatAtLeft(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Sets the rows to repeat on the left of the printed pages.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumnToRepeatAtLeft">The first column to repeat at left.</param>
- <param name="lastColumnToRepeatAtLeft">The last column to repeat at left.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.SetColumnsToRepeatAtLeft(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Sets the rows to repeat on the left of the printed pages.
- </summary>
- <param name="range">The range of rows to repeat on the left of the printed pages.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.PageOrientation">
- <summary>Gets or sets the page orientation for printing.</summary>
- <value>The page orientation.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.PagesWide">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the number of pages wide (horizontal) the worksheet will be printed on.
- <para>If you don't specify the PagesTall, Excel will adjust that value</para>
- <para>based on the contents of the worksheet and the PagesWide number.</para>
- <para>Setting this value will override the Scale value.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.PagesTall">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the number of pages tall (vertical) the worksheet will be printed on.
- <para>If you don't specify the PagesWide, Excel will adjust that value</para>
- <para>based on the contents of the worksheet and the PagesTall number.</para>
- <para>Setting this value will override the Scale value.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.Scale">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the scale at which the worksheet will be printed.
- <para>The worksheet will be printed on as many pages as necessary to print at the given scale.</para>
- <para>Setting this value will override the PagesWide and PagesTall values.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.HorizontalDpi">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the horizontal dpi for printing the worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.VerticalDpi">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the vertical dpi for printing the worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.FirstPageNumber">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the page number that will begin the printout.
- <para>For example, the first page of your printout could be numbered page 5.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.CenterHorizontally">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will be centered on the page horizontally.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if the worksheet will be centered on the page horizontally; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.CenterVertically">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will be centered on the page vertically.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if the worksheet will be centered on the page vartically; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.AdjustTo(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Sets the scale at which the worksheet will be printed. This is equivalent to setting the Scale property.
- <para>The worksheet will be printed on as many pages as necessary to print at the given scale.</para>
- <para>Setting this value will override the PagesWide and PagesTall values.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="percentageOfNormalSize">The scale at which the worksheet will be printed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.FitToPages(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the number of pages the worksheet will be printed on.
- <para>This is equivalent to setting both PagesWide and PagesTall properties.</para>
- <para>Setting this value will override the Scale value.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="pagesWide">The pages wide.</param>
- <param name="pagesTall">The pages tall.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.PaperSize">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the size of the paper to print the worksheet.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.Margins">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to work with the page margins.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.Header">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to work with the page headers.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.Footer">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to work with the page footers.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.ScaleHFWithDocument">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether Excel will automatically adjust the font size to the scale of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if Excel will automatically adjust the font size to the scale of the worksheet; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.AlignHFWithMargins">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header and footer margins are aligned with the left and right margins of the worksheet.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if the header and footer margins are aligned with the left and right margins of the worksheet; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.ShowGridlines">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gridlines will be printed.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if the gridlines will be printed; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.ShowRowAndColumnHeadings">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show row numbers and column letters/numbers.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> to show row numbers and column letters/numbers; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.BlackAndWhite">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will be printed in black and white.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if the worksheet will be printed in black and white; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.DraftQuality">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the worksheet will be printed in draft quality.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if the worksheet will be printed in draft quality; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.PageOrder">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the page order for printing.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.ShowComments">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets how the comments will be printed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.RowBreaks">
- <summary>
- Gets a list with the row breaks (for printing).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.ColumnBreaks">
- <summary>
- Gets a list with the column breaks (for printing).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.AddHorizontalPageBreak(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adds a horizontal page break after the given row.
- </summary>
- <param name="row">The row to insert the break.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.AddVerticalPageBreak(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adds a vertical page break after the given column.
- </summary>
- <param name="column">The column to insert the break.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPageSetup.PrintErrorValue">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets how error values will be printed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPrintAreas.Clear">
- <summary>Removes the print areas from the worksheet.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPrintAreas.Add(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>Adds a range to the print areas.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellRow"> The first cell row.</param>
- <param name="firstCellColumn">The first cell column.</param>
- <param name="lastCellRow"> The last cell row.</param>
- <param name="lastCellColumn"> The last cell column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPrintAreas.Add(System.String)">
- <summary>Adds a range to the print areas.</summary>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range address to add.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPrintAreas.Add(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>Adds a range to the print areas.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellAddress">The first cell address.</param>
- <param name="lastCellAddress"> The last cell address.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLPrintAreas.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>Adds a range to the print areas.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellAddress">The first cell address.</param>
- <param name="lastCellAddress"> The last cell address.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant">
- <summary>
- Implementation of QuadTree adapted to Excel worksheet specifics. Differences with the classic implementation
- are that the topmost level is split to 128 square parts (2 columns of 64 blocks, each 8192*8192 cells) and that splitting
- the quadrand onto 4 smaller quadrants does not depent on the number of items in this quadrant. When the range is added to the
- QuadTree it is placed on the bottommost level where it fits to a single quadrant. That means, row-wide and column-wide ranges
- are always placed at the level 0, and the smaller the range is the deeper it goes down the tree. This approach eliminates
- the need of trasferring ranges between levels.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Children">
- <summary>
- Smaller quadrants which the current one is splitted to. Is NULL until ranges are added to child quadrants.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Level">
- <summary>
- The level of current quadrant. Top most has level 0, child quadrants has levels (Level + 1).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.MinimumColumn">
- <summary>
- Minimum column included in this quadrant.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.MinimumRow">
- <summary>
- Minimun row included in this quadrant.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.MaximumColumn">
- <summary>
- Maximum column included in this quadrant.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.MaximumRow">
- <summary>
- Maximum row included in this quadrant.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Ranges">
- <summary>
- Collection of ranges belonging to this quadrant (does not include ranges from child quadrants).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.X">
- <summary>
- The number of current quadrant by horizontal axis.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Y">
- <summary>
- The number of current quadrant by vertical axis.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase)">
- <summary>
- Add a range to the quadrant or to one of the child quadrants (recursively).
- </summary>
- <returns>True, if range was successfully added, false if it has been added before.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.GetAll">
- <summary>
- Get all ranges from the quadrant and all child quadrants (recursively).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.GetIntersectedRanges(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress)">
- <summary>
- Get all ranges from the quadrant and all child quadrants (recursively) that intersect the specified address.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.GetIntersectedRanges(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>
- Get all ranges from the quadrant and all child quadrants (recursively) that cover the specified address.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Remove(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase)">
- <summary>
- Remove the range from the quadrant or from child quadrants (recursively).
- </summary>
- <returns>True if the range was removed, false if it does not exist in the QuadTree.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.RemoveAll(System.Predicate{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase})">
- <summary>
- Remove all the ranges matching specified criteria from the quadrant and its child quadrants (recursively).
- Don't use it for searching intersections as it would be much less efficient than <see cref="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.GetIntersectedRanges(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress)"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.MAX_LEVEL">
- <summary>
- Maximum depth of the QuadTree. Value 10 corresponds to the smallest quadrants having size 16*16 cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant._ranges">
- <summary>
- Collection of ranges belonging to the current quandrant (that cannot fit into child quadrants).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.AddInternal(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase)">
- <summary>
- Add a range to the collection of quandrant's own ranges.
- </summary>
- <returns>True if the range was succesfully added, false if it had been added before.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Covers(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress@)">
- <summary>
- Check if the current quadrant fully covers the specified address.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Covers(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress@)">
- <summary>
- Check if the current quadrant covers the specified address.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.Intersects(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress@)">
- <summary>
- Check if the current quadrant intersects the specified address.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.Patterns.Quadrant.CreateChildren">
- <summary>
- Create a collection of child quadrants dividing the current one.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.Ranges.Index.IXLRangeIndex">
- <summary>
- Interface for the engine aimed to speed-up the search for the range intersections.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.Ranges.Index.XLRangeIndex">
- <summary>
- Implementation of <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.Ranges.Index.IXLRangeIndex"/> internally using QuadTree.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.Ranges.Index.XLRangeIndex`1">
- <summary>
- Generic version of <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.Ranges.Index.XLRangeIndex"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLBaseCollection`2.AddToNamed(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of these ranges.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add these ranges to that named range.</para>
- <para>The default scope for the named range is Workbook.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLBaseCollection`2.AddToNamed(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLScope)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of these ranges.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add these ranges to that named range.</para>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name="scope">The scope for the named range.</param>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLBaseCollection`2.AddToNamed(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLScope,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of these ranges.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add these ranges to that named range.</para>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name="scope">The scope for the named range.</param>
- <param name="comment">The comments for the named range.</param>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLBaseCollection`2.Value">
- <summary>
- Sets the cells' value.
- <para>If the object is an IEnumerable ClosedXML will copy the collection's data into a table starting from each cell.</para>
- <para>If the object is a range ClosedXML will copy the range starting from each cell.</para>
- <para>Setting the value to an object (not IEnumerable/range) will call the object's ToString() method.</para>
- <para>ClosedXML will try to translate it to the corresponding type, if it can't then the value will be left as a string.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The object containing the value(s) to set.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLBaseCollection`2.Cells">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLBaseCollection`2.CellsUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLBaseCollection`2.CellsUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLBaseCollection`2.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these ranges.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Cell(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell at the specified row and column.
- <para>The cell address is relative to the parent range.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="row">The cell's row.</param>
- <param name="column">The cell's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Cell(System.String)">
- <summary>Gets the cell at the specified address.</summary>
- <para>The cell address is relative to the parent range.</para>
- <param name="cellAddressInRange">The cell address in the parent range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Cell(System.Int32,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell at the specified row and column.
- <para>The cell address is relative to the parent range.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="row">The cell's row.</param>
- <param name="column">The cell's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Cell(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>Gets the cell at the specified address.</summary>
- <para>The cell address is relative to the parent range.</para>
- <param name="cellAddressInRange">The cell address in the parent range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Column(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the specified column of the range.
- </summary>
- <param name="columnNumber">The column number.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Column(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the specified column of the range.
- </summary>
- <param name="columnLetter">Column letter.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.FirstColumn(System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets the first column of the range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.FirstColumnUsed(System.Boolean,System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets the first column of the range that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.LastColumn(System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets the last column of the range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.LastColumnUsed(System.Boolean,System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets the last column of the range that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Columns(System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of all columns in this range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Columns(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified columns in this range.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumn">The first column to return.</param>
- <param name="lastColumn">The last column to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Columns(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified columns in this range.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumn">The first column to return.</param>
- <param name="lastColumn">The last column to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Columns(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified columns in this range, separated by commas.
- <para>e.g. Columns("G:H"), Columns("10:11,13:14"), Columns("P:Q,S:T"), Columns("V")</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="columns">The columns to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.FindColumn(System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Returns the first row that matches the given predicate
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.FindRow(System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Returns the first row that matches the given predicate
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.FirstRow(System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets the first row of the range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.FirstRowUsed(System.Boolean,System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets the first row of the range that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.LastRow(System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets the last row of the range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.LastRowUsed(System.Boolean,System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Gets the last row of the range that contains a cell with a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Row(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the specified row of the range.
- </summary>
- <param name="row">The range row.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Rows(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified rows in this range.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstRow">The first row to return.</param>
- <param name="lastRow">The last row to return.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Rows(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets a collection of the specified rows in this range, separated by commas.
- <para>e.g. Rows("4:5"), Rows("7:8,10:11"), Rows("13")</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="rows">The rows to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Range(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified range.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range boundaries.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Range(System.String)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <para>e.g. Range("A1"), Range("A1:C2")</para>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range boundaries.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Range(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <param name="firstCell">The first cell in the range.</param>
- <param name="lastCell"> The last cell in the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Range(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellAddress">The first cell address in the range.</param>
- <param name="lastCellAddress"> The last cell address in the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Range(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellAddress">The first cell address in the range.</param>
- <param name="lastCellAddress"> The last cell address in the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Ranges(System.String)">
- <summary>Returns a collection of ranges, separated by commas.</summary>
- <para>e.g. Ranges("A1"), Ranges("A1:C2"), Ranges("A1:B2,D1:D4")</para>
- <param name="ranges">The ranges to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Range(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>Returns the specified range.</summary>
- <param name="firstCellRow"> The first cell's row of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="firstCellColumn">The first cell's column of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="lastCellRow"> The last cell's row of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="lastCellColumn"> The last cell's column of the range to return.</param>
- <returns>.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.RowCount">
- <summary>Gets the number of rows in this range.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.ColumnCount">
- <summary>Gets the number of columns in this range.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.InsertColumnsAfter(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of columns to the right of this range.
- <para>All cells to the right of this range will be shifted X number of columns.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfColumns">Number of columns to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.InsertColumnsBefore(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of columns to the left of this range.
- <para>This range and all cells to the right of this range will be shifted X number of columns.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfColumns">Number of columns to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.InsertRowsAbove(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of rows on top of this range.
- <para>This range and all cells below this range will be shifted X number of rows.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfRows">Number of rows to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.InsertRowsBelow(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of rows below this range.
- <para>All cells below this range will be shifted X number of rows.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfRows">Number of rows to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Delete(ClosedXML.Excel.XLShiftDeletedCells)">
- <summary>
- Deletes this range and shifts the surrounding cells accordingly.
- </summary>
- <param name="shiftDeleteCells">How to shift the surrounding cells.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Transpose(ClosedXML.Excel.XLTransposeOptions)">
- <summary>
- Transposes the contents and styles of all cells in this range.
- </summary>
- <param name="transposeOption">How to handle the surrounding cells when transposing the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this range.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress.FirstAddress">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the first address in the range.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The first address.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress.IsValid">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this range is valid.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if this instance is valid; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress.LastAddress">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the last address in the range.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The last address.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.RangeAddress">
- <summary>
- Gets an object with the boundaries of this range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Value">
- <summary>
- Sets a value to every cell in this range.
- <para>If the object is an IEnumerable ClosedXML will copy the collection's data into a table starting from each cell.</para>
- <para>If the object is a range ClosedXML will copy the range starting from each cell.</para>
- <para>Setting the value to an object (not IEnumerable/range) will call the object's ToString() method.</para>
- <para>ClosedXML will try to translate it to the corresponding type, if it can't then the value will be left as a string.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The object containing the value(s) to set.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.DataType">
- <summary>
- Sets the type of the cells' data.
- <para>Changing the data type will cause ClosedXML to covert the current value to the new data type.</para>
- <para>An exception will be thrown if the current value cannot be converted to the new data type.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The type of the cell's data.
- </value>
- <exception cref = "T:System.ArgumentException"></exception>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.FormulaA1">
- <summary>
- Sets the cells' formula with A1 references.
- </summary>
- <value>The formula with A1 references.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.FormulaR1C1">
- <summary>
- Sets the cells' formula with R1C1 references.
- </summary>
- <value>The formula with R1C1 references.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.ShareString">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this cell's text should be shared or not.
- </summary>
- <value>
- If false the cell's text will not be shared and stored as an inline value.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Cells">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.CellsUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value. Formats are ignored.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.CellsUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- <param name = "includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Search(System.String,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Searches the cells' contents for a given piece of text
- </summary>
- <param name="searchText">The search text.</param>
- <param name="compareOptions">The compare options.</param>
- <param name="searchFormulae">if set to <c>true</c> search formulae instead of cell values.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.FirstCell">
- <summary>
- Returns the first cell of this range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.FirstCellUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the first cell with a value of this range. Formats are ignored.
- <para>The cell's address is going to be ([First Row with a value], [First Column with a value])</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.FirstCellUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the first cell with a value of this range.
- </summary>
- <para>The cell's address is going to be ([First Row with a value], [First Column with a value])</para>
- <param name = "includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.LastCell">
- <summary>
- Returns the last cell of this range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.LastCellUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the last cell with a value of this range. Formats are ignored.
- <para>The cell's address is going to be ([Last Row with a value], [Last Column with a value])</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.LastCellUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the last cell with a value of this range.
- </summary>
- <para>The cell's address is going to be ([Last Row with a value], [Last Column with a value])</para>
- <param name = "includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Contains(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Determines whether this range contains the specified range (completely).
- <para>For partial matches use the range.Intersects method.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name = "rangeAddress">The range address.</param>
- <returns>
- <c>true</c> if this range contains the specified range; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Contains(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase)">
- <summary>
- Determines whether this range contains the specified range (completely).
- <para>For partial matches use the range.Intersects method.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name = "range">The range to match.</param>
- <returns>
- <c>true</c> if this range contains the specified range; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Intersects(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Determines whether this range intersects the specified range.
- <para>For whole matches use the range.Contains method.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name = "rangeAddress">The range address.</param>
- <returns>
- <c>true</c> if this range intersects the specified range; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Intersects(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase)">
- <summary>
- Determines whether this range contains the specified range.
- <para>For whole matches use the range.Contains method.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name = "range">The range to match.</param>
- <returns>
- <c>true</c> if this range intersects the specified range; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Unmerge">
- <summary>
- Unmerges this range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Merge">
- <summary>
- Merges this range.
- <para>The contents and style of the merged cells will be equal to the first cell.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.AddToNamed(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of this range.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add this range to that named range.</para>
- <para>The default scope for the named range is Workbook.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name = "rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.AddToNamed(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLScope)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of this range.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add this range to that named range.</para>
- <param name = "rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name = "scope">The scope for the named range.</param>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.AddToNamed(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLScope,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of this range.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add this range to that named range.</para>
- <param name = "rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name = "scope">The scope for the named range.</param>
- <param name = "comment">The comments for the named range.</param>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this range.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.DeleteComments">
- <summary>
- Deletes the cell comments from this range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.AsRange">
- <summary>
- Converts this object to a range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Grow">
- <summary>
- Grows this the current range by one cell to each side
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Grow(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Grows this the current range by the specified number of cells to each side.
- </summary>
- <param name="growCount">The grow count.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Shrink">
- <summary>
- Shrinks this current range by one cell.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Shrink(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Shrinks the current range by the specified number of cells from each side.
- </summary>
- <param name="shrinkCount">The shrink count.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Intersection(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase,System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,System.Boolean},System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Returns the intersection of this range with another range on the same worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="otherRange">The other range.</param>
- <param name="thisRangePredicate">Predicate applied to this range's cells.</param>
- <param name="otherRangePredicate">Predicate applied to the other range's cells.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.SurroundingCells(System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Returns the set of cells surrounding the current range.
- </summary>
- <param name="predicate">The predicate to apply on the resulting set of cells.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Union(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase,System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,System.Boolean},System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Calculates the union of two ranges on the same worksheet.
- </summary>
- <param name="otherRange">The other range.</param>
- <param name="thisRangePredicate">Predicate applied to this range's cells.</param>
- <param name="otherRangePredicate">Predicate applied to the other range's cells.</param>
- <returns>
- The union
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase.Difference(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase,System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,System.Boolean},System.Func{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,System.Boolean})">
- <summary>
- Returns all cells in the current range that are not in the other range.
- </summary>
- <param name="otherRange">The other range.</param>
- <param name="thisRangePredicate">Predicate applied to this range's cells.</param>
- <param name="otherRangePredicate">Predicate applied to the other range's cells.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.Cell(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell in the specified row.
- </summary>
- <param name="rowNumber">The cell's row.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.Cells(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells, separated by commas.
- <para>e.g. Cells("1"), Cells("1:5"), Cells("1:2,4:5")</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="cellsInColumn">The column cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.Cells(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstRow">The first row in the group of cells to return.</param>
- <param name="lastRow">The last row in the group of cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.InsertColumnsAfter(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of columns to the right of this range.
- <para>All cells to the right of this range will be shifted X number of columns.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfColumns">Number of columns to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.InsertColumnsBefore(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of columns to the left of this range.
- <para>This range and all cells to the right of this range will be shifted X number of columns.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfColumns">Number of columns to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.InsertCellsAbove(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of cells on top of this column.
- <para>This column and all cells below it will be shifted X number of rows.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfRows">Number of cells to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.InsertCellsBelow(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of cells below this range.
- <para>All cells below this column will be shifted X number of rows.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfRows">Number of cells to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes this range and shifts the cells at the right.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.Delete(ClosedXML.Excel.XLShiftDeletedCells)">
- <summary>
- Deletes this range and shifts the surrounding cells accordingly.
- </summary>
- <param name="shiftDeleteCells">How to shift the surrounding cells.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.ColumnNumber">
- <summary>
- Gets this column's number in the range
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.ColumnLetter">
- <summary>
- Gets this column's letter in the range
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this column.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumns.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumn)">
- <summary>
- Adds a column range to this group.
- </summary>
- <param name="columRange">The column range to add.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumns.Cells">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumns.CellsUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumns.CellsUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumns.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes all columns and shifts the columns at the right of them accordingly.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeColumns.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these columns.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.Cell(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell in the specified column.
- </summary>
- <param name="columnNumber">The cell's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.Cell(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell in the specified column.
- </summary>
- <param name="columnLetter">The cell's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.Cells(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells, separated by commas.
- <para>e.g. Cells("1"), Cells("1:5"), Cells("1:2,4:5")</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="cellsInRow">The row's cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.Cells(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumn">The first column in the group of cells to return.</param>
- <param name="lastColumn">The last column in the group of cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.Cells(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumn">The first column in the group of cells to return.</param>
- <param name="lastColumn">The last column in the group of cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.InsertCellsAfter(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of cells to the right of this row.
- <para>All cells to the right of this row will be shifted X number of columns.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfColumns">Number of cells to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.InsertCellsBefore(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of cells to the left of this row.
- <para>This row and all cells to the right of it will be shifted X number of columns.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfColumns">Number of cells to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.InsertRowsAbove(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of rows on top of this row.
- <para>This row and all cells below it will be shifted X number of rows.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfRows">Number of rows to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.InsertRowsBelow(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of rows below this row.
- <para>All cells below this row will be shifted X number of rows.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfRows">Number of rows to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes this range and shifts the cells below.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.Delete(ClosedXML.Excel.XLShiftDeletedCells)">
- <summary>
- Deletes this range and shifts the surrounding cells accordingly.
- </summary>
- <param name="shiftDeleteCells">How to shift the surrounding cells.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.RowNumber">
- <summary>
- Gets this row's number in the range
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this row.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRows.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRow)">
- <summary>
- Adds a row range to this group.
- </summary>
- <param name="rowRange">The row range to add.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRows.Cells">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRows.CellsUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRows.CellsUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRows.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes all rows and shifts the rows below them accordingly.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeRows.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these rows.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeBase)">
- <summary>
- Adds the specified range to this group.
- </summary>
- <param name="range">The range to add to this group.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.Remove(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange)">
- <summary>
- Removes the specified range from this group.
- </summary>
- <param name="range">The range to remove from this group.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.RemoveAll(System.Predicate{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange},System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Removes ranges matching the criteria from the collection, optionally releasing their event handlers.
- </summary>
- <param name="match">Criteria to filter ranges. Only those ranges that satisfy the criteria will be removed.
- Null means the entire collection should be cleared.</param>
- <param name="releaseEventHandlers">Specify whether or not should removed ranges be unsubscribed from
- row/column shifting events. Until ranges are unsubscribed they cannot be collected by GC.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.GetIntersectedRanges(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress)">
- <summary>
- Filter ranges from a collection that intersect the specified address. Is much more efficient
- that using Linq expression .Where().
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.GetIntersectedRanges(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>
- Filter ranges from a collection that intersect the specified address. Is much more efficient
- that using Linq expression .Where().
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.GetIntersectedRanges(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell)">
- <summary>
- Filter ranges from a collection that intersect the specified cell. Is much more efficient
- that using Linq expression .Where().
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.AddToNamed(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of these ranges.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add these ranges to that named range.</para>
- <para>The default scope for the named range is Workbook.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.AddToNamed(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLScope)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of these ranges.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add these ranges to that named range.</para>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name="scope">The scope for the named range.</param>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.AddToNamed(System.String,ClosedXML.Excel.XLScope,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a named range out of these ranges.
- <para>If the named range exists, it will add these ranges to that named range.</para>
- <param name="rangeName">Name of the range.</param>
- <param name="scope">The scope for the named range.</param>
- <param name="comment">The comments for the named range.</param>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.Value">
- <summary>
- Sets the cells' value.
- <para>If the object is an IEnumerable ClosedXML will copy the collection's data into a table starting from each cell.</para>
- <para>If the object is a range ClosedXML will copy the range starting from each cell.</para>
- <para>Setting the value to an object (not IEnumerable/range) will call the object's ToString() method.</para>
- <para>ClosedXML will try to translate it to the corresponding type, if it can't then the value will be left as a string.</para>
- </summary>
- <value>
- The object containing the value(s) to set.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.Cells">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.CellsUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.CellsUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these ranges.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRanges.Consolidate">
- <summary>
- Create a new collection of ranges which are consolidated version of source ranges.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeAddress.Normalize">
- <summary>
- Lead a range address to a normal form - when <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeAddress.FirstAddress"/> points to the top-left address and
- <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeAddress.LastAddress"/> points to the bottom-right address.
- </summary>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeBase.DataValidation">
- <summary>
- Get the data validation rule containing current range or create a new one if no rule was defined for range.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeBase.CellValues">
- <summary>
- Return the collection of cell values not initializing empty cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeColumn.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeParameters)">
- <summary>
- The direct contructor should only be used in <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.RangeFactory"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeConsolidationEngine">
- <summary>
- Engine for ranges consolidation. Supports IXLRanges including ranges from either one or multiple worksheets.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeConsolidationEngine.XLRangeConsolidationMatrix">
- <summary>
- Class representing the area covering ranges to be consolidated as a set of bit matrices. Does all the dirty job
- of ranges consolidation.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeConsolidationEngine.XLRangeConsolidationMatrix.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLWorksheet,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange})">
- <summary>
- Constructor.
- </summary>
- <param name="worksheet">Current worksheet.</param>
- <param name="ranges">Ranges to be consolidated. They are expected to belong to the current worksheet, no check is performed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeConsolidationEngine.XLRangeConsolidationMatrix.GetConsolidatedRanges">
- <summary>
- Get consolidated ranges equivalent to the input ones.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeKey.Equals(ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeKey)">
- <summary>Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.</summary>
- <returns>true if the current object is equal to the <paramref name="other" /> parameter; otherwise, false.</returns>
- <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeKey.Equals(System.Object)">
- <summary>Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.</summary>
- <returns>true if <paramref name="obj" /> and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false.</returns>
- <param name="obj">Another object to compare to. </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeKey.GetHashCode">
- <summary>Returns the hash code for this instance.</summary>
- <returns>A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeRow.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeParameters)">
- <summary>
- The direct contructor should only be used in <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.RangeFactory"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRanges._indexes">
- <summary>
- Normally, XLRanges collection includes ranges from a single worksheet, but not necessarily.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRanges.RemoveAll(System.Predicate{ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange},System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Removes ranges matching the criteria from the collection, optionally releasing their event handlers.
- </summary>
- <param name="match">Criteria to filter ranges. Only those ranges that satisfy the criteria will be removed.
- Null means the entire collection should be cleared.</param>
- <param name="releaseEventHandlers">Specify whether or not should removed ranges be unsubscribed from
- row/column shifting events. Until ranges are unsubscribed they cannot be collected by GC.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRanges.GetIntersectedRanges(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress)">
- <summary>
- Filter ranges from a collection that intersect the specified address. Is much more efficient
- that using Linq expression .Where().
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRanges.GetIntersectedRanges(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>
- Filter ranges from a collection that intersect the specified address. Is much more efficient
- that using Linq expression .Where().
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Height">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the height of this row.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The width of this row.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.ClearHeight">
- <summary>
- Clears the height for the row and defaults it to the spreadsheet row height.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes this row and shifts the rows below this one accordingly.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.RowNumber">
- <summary>
- Gets this row's number
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.InsertRowsBelow(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of rows below this one.
- <para>All rows below will be shifted accordingly.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfRows">The number of rows to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.InsertRowsAbove(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Inserts X number of rows above this one.
- <para>This row and all below will be shifted accordingly.</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="numberOfRows">The number of rows to insert.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.AdjustToContents(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the height of the row based on its contents, starting from the startColumn.
- </summary>
- <param name="startColumn">The column to start calculating the row height.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.AdjustToContents(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the height of the row based on its contents, starting from the startColumn and ending at endColumn.
- </summary>
- <param name="startColumn">The column to start calculating the row height.</param>
- <param name="endColumn">The column to end calculating the row height.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Hide">
- <summary>Hides this row.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Unhide">
- <summary>Unhides this row.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.IsHidden">
- <summary>
- Gets a value indicating whether this row is hidden or not.
- </summary>
- <value>
- <c>true</c> if this row is hidden; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.OutlineLevel">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the outline level of this row.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The outline level of this row.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Group">
- <summary>
- Adds this row to the next outline level (Increments the outline level for this row by 1).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Group(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Adds this row to the next outline level (Increments the outline level for this row by 1).
- </summary>
- <param name="collapse">If set to <c>true</c> the row will be shown collapsed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Group(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Sets outline level for this row.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Group(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Sets outline level for this row.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- <param name="collapse">If set to <c>true</c> the row will be shown collapsed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Ungroup">
- <summary>
- Adds this row to the previous outline level (decrements the outline level for this row by 1).
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Ungroup(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Adds this row to the previous outline level (decrements the outline level for this row by 1).
- </summary>
- <param name="fromAll">If set to <c>true</c> it will remove this row from all outline levels.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Collapse">
- <summary>
- Show this row as collapsed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Cell(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell in the specified column.
- </summary>
- <param name="columnNumber">The cell's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Cell(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the cell in the specified column.
- </summary>
- <param name="columnLetter">The cell's column.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Cells(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells, separated by commas.
- <para>e.g. Cells("1"), Cells("1:5"), Cells("1,3:5")</para>
- </summary>
- <param name="cellsInRow">The row's cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Cells(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumn">The first column in the group of cells to return.</param>
- <param name="lastColumn">The last column in the group of cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Cells(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Returns the specified group of cells.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstColumn">The first column in the group of cells to return.</param>
- <param name="lastColumn">The last column in the group of cells to return.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Expand">
- <summary>Expands this row (if it's collapsed).</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.AddHorizontalPageBreak">
- <summary>
- Adds a horizontal page break after this row.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRow.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this row.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Height">
- <summary>
- Sets the height of all rows.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The height of all rows.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes all rows and shifts the rows below them accordingly.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.AdjustToContents">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the height of all rows based on its contents.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.AdjustToContents(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the height of all rows based on its contents, starting from the startColumn.
- </summary>
- <param name="startColumn">The column to start calculating the row height.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.AdjustToContents(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Adjusts the height of all rows based on its contents, starting from the startColumn and ending at endColumn.
- </summary>
- <param name="startColumn">The column to start calculating the row height.</param>
- <param name="endColumn">The column to end calculating the row height.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Hide">
- <summary>
- Hides all rows.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Unhide">
- <summary>Unhides all rows.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Group">
- <summary>
- Increments the outline level of all rows by 1.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Group(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Increments the outline level of all rows by 1.
- </summary>
- <param name="collapse">If set to <c>true</c> the rows will be shown collapsed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Group(System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Sets outline level for all rows.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Group(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Sets outline level for all rows.
- </summary>
- <param name="outlineLevel">The outline level.</param>
- <param name="collapse">If set to <c>true</c> the rows will be shown collapsed.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Ungroup">
- <summary>
- Decrements the outline level of all rows by 1.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Ungroup(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Decrements the outline level of all rows by 1.
- </summary>
- <param name="fromAll">If set to <c>true</c> it will remove the rows from all outline levels.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Collapse">
- <summary>
- Show all rows as collapsed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Expand">
- <summary>Expands all rows (if they're collapsed).</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Cells">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.CellsUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.CellsUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.AddHorizontalPageBreaks">
- <summary>
- Adds a horizontal page break after these rows.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRows.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these rows.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLRow.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- The direct contructor should only be used in <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.RangeFactory"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLColor.TOOLTIPCOLORINDEX">
- <summary>
- Usually indexed colors are limited to max 63
- Index 81 is some special case.
- Some people claim it's the index for tooltip color.
- We'll return normal black when index 81 is found.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.Horizontal">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's horizontal alignment.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.Vertical">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's vertical alignment.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.Indent">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's text indentation.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.JustifyLastLine">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets whether the cell's last line is justified or not.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.ReadingOrder">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's reading order.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.RelativeIndent">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's relative indent.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.ShrinkToFit">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets whether the cell's font size should decrease to fit the contents.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.TextRotation">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the cell's text rotation.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.WrapText">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets whether the cell's text should wrap if it doesn't fit.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAlignment.TopToBottom">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets wheter the cell's text should be displayed from to to bottom
- <para>(as opposed to the normal left to right).</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Ansi">
- <summary>
- ASCII character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Default">
- <summary>
- System default character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Symbol">
- <summary>
- Symbol character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Mac">
- <summary>
- Characters used by Macintosh.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.ShiftJIS">
- <summary>
- Japanese character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Hangul">
- <summary>
- Korean character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Hangeul">
- <summary>
- Another common spelling of the Korean character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Johab">
- <summary>
- Korean character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.GB2312">
- <summary>
- Chinese character set used in mainland China.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.ChineseBig5">
- <summary>
- Chinese character set used mostly in Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Greek">
- <summary>
- Greek character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Turkish">
- <summary>
- Turkish character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Vietnamese">
- <summary>
- Vietnamese character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Hebrew">
- <summary>
- Hebrew character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Arabic">
- <summary>
- Arabic character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Baltic">
- <summary>
- Baltic character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Russian">
- <summary>
- Russian character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Thai">
- <summary>
- Thai character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.EastEurope">
- <summary>
- Eastern European character set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontCharSet.Oem">
- <summary>
- Extended ASCII character set used with disk operating system (DOS) and some Microsoft Windows fonts.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLStylized.StyleValue">
- <summary>
- Immutable style
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLAlignment.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle,ClosedXML.Excel.XLAlignmentValue)">
- <summary>
- Create an instance of XLAlignment initializing it with the specified value.
- </summary>
- <param name="style">Style to attach the new instance to.</param>
- <param name="value">Style value to use.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLBorder.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLStylized,ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle,ClosedXML.Excel.XLBorderValue)">
- <summary>
- Create an instance of XLBorder initializing it with the specified value.
- </summary>
- <param name="container">Container the border is applied to.</param>
- <param name="style">Style to attach the new instance to.</param>
- <param name="value">Style value to use.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFill.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle,ClosedXML.Excel.XLFillValue)">
- <summary>
- Create an instance of XLFill initializing it with the specified value.
- </summary>
- <param name="style">Style to attach the new instance to.</param>
- <param name="value">Style value to use.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLFont.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle,ClosedXML.Excel.XLFontValue)">
- <summary>
- Create an instance of XLFont initializing it with the specified value.
- </summary>
- <param name="style">Style to attach the new instance to.</param>
- <param name="value">Style value to use.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLNumberFormat.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle,ClosedXML.Excel.XLNumberFormatValue)">
- <summary>
- Create an instance of XLNumberFormat initializing it with the specified value.
- </summary>
- <param name="style">Style to attach the new instance to.</param>
- <param name="value">Style value to use.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat">
- <summary>
- Reference point of date/number formats available.
- See more at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/documentformat.openxml.spreadsheet.numberingformat.aspx
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.General">
- <summary>
- General
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.General">
- <summary>
- General
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.Integer">
- <summary>
- 0
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.Precision2">
- <summary>
- 0.00
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.IntegerWithSeparator">
- <summary>
- #,##0
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.Precision2WithSeparator">
- <summary>
- #,##0.00
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.PercentInteger">
- <summary>
- 0%
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.PercentPrecision2">
- <summary>
- 0.00%
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.ScientificPrecision2">
- <summary>
- 0.00E+00
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.FractionPrecision1">
- <summary>
- # ?/?
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.FractionPrecision2">
- <summary>
- # ??/??
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.IntegerWithSeparatorAndParens">
- <summary>
- #,##0 ,(#,##0)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.IntegerWithSeparatorAndParensRed">
- <summary>
- #,##0 ,[Red](#,##0)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.Precision2WithSeparatorAndParens">
- <summary>
- #,##0.00,(#,##0.00)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.Precision2WithSeparatorAndParensRed">
- <summary>
- #,##0.00,[Red](#,##0.00)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.ScientificUpToHundredsAndPrecision1">
- <summary>
- ##0.0E+0
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.Number.Text">
- <summary>
- @
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.General">
- <summary>
- General
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.DayMonthYear4WithSlashes">
- <summary>
- d/m/yyyy
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.DayMonthAbbrYear2WithDashes">
- <summary>
- d-mmm-yy
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.DayMonthAbbrWithDash">
- <summary>
- d-mmm
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.MonthAbbrYear2WithDash">
- <summary>
- mmm-yy
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.Hour12MinutesAmPm">
- <summary>
- h:mm tt
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.Hour12MinutesSecondsAmPm">
- <summary>
- h:mm:ss tt
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.Hour24Minutes">
- <summary>
- H:mm
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.Hour24MinutesSeconds">
- <summary>
- H:mm:ss
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.MonthDayYear4WithDashesHour24Minutes">
- <summary>
- m/d/yyyy H:mm
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.MinutesSeconds">
- <summary>
- mm:ss
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.Hour12MinutesSeconds">
- <summary>
- [h]:mm:ss
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.MinutesSecondsMillis1">
- <summary>
- mmss.0
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLPredefinedFormat.DateTime.Text">
- <summary>
- @
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLProtection.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle,ClosedXML.Excel.XLProtectionValue)">
- <summary>
- Create an instance of XLProtection initializing it with the specified value.
- </summary>
- <param name="style">Style to attach the new instance to.</param>
- <param name="value">Style value to use.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyleValue)">
- <summary>
- To initialize XLStyle.Default only
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStylizedBase">
- <summary>
- Base class for any workbook element that has or may have a style.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStylizedBase.StyleValue">
- <summary>
- Read-only style property.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStylizedBase.Style">
- <summary>
- Editable style of the workbook element. Modification of this property DOES affect styles of child objects as well - they will
- be changed accordingly. Accessing this property causes a new <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle"/> instance generated so use this property
- with caution. If you need only _read_ the style consider using <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStylizedBase.StyleValue"/> property instead.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStylizedBase.InnerStyle">
- <summary>
- Editable style of the workbook element. Modification of this property DOES NOT affect styles of child objects.
- Accessing this property causes a new <see cref="T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyle"/> instance generated so use this property with caution. If you need
- only _read_ the style consider using <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStylizedBase.StyleValue"/> property instead.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStylizedBase.Children">
- <summary>
- Get a collection of stylized entities which current entity's style changes should be propagated to.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLStylizedBase.SetStyle(ClosedXML.Excel.XLStyleValue,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Apply specified style to the container.
- </summary>
- <param name="value">Style to apply.</param>
- <param name="propagate">Whether or not propagate the style to inner ranges.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this table.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.Resize(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRange)">
- <summary>
- Resizes the table to the specified range.
- </summary>
- <param name="range">The new table range.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.Resize(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLRangeAddress)">
- <summary>
- Resizes the table to the specified range address.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range boundaries.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.Resize(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Resizes the table to the specified range address.
- </summary>
- <param name="rangeAddress">The range boundaries.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.Resize(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell)">
- <summary>
- Resizes the table to the specified range.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstCell">The first cell in the range.</param>
- <param name="lastCell">The last cell in the range.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.Resize(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Resizes the table to the specified range.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstCellAddress">The first cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- <param name="lastCellAddress">The last cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.Resize(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLAddress)">
- <summary>
- Resizes the table to the specified range.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstCellAddress">The first cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- <param name="lastCellAddress">The last cell address in the worksheet.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.Resize(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Resizes the table to the specified range.
- </summary>
- <param name="firstCellRow">The first cell's row of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="firstCellColumn">The first cell's column of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="lastCellRow">The last cell's row of the range to return.</param>
- <param name="lastCellColumn">The last cell's column of the range to return.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.AsDynamicEnumerable">
- <summary>
- Converts the table to an enumerable of dynamic objects
- </summary>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTable.AsNativeDataTable">
- <summary>
- Converts the table to a standard .NET System.Data.DataTable
- </summary>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.Column">
- <summary>
- Gets the corresponding column for this table field.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The column.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.Index">
- <summary>
- Gets the index of the column (0-based).
- </summary>
- <value>
- The index.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.Name">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the name/header of this table field.
- The corresponding header cell's value will change if you set this.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The name.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.Table">
- <summary>
- Gets the underlying table for this table field.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.TotalsRowFormulaA1">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the totals row formula in A1 format.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The totals row formula a1.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.TotalsRowFormulaR1C1">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the totals row formula in R1C1 format.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The totals row formula r1 c1.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.TotalsRowFunction">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the totals row function.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The totals row function.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.TotalsRowLabel">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the totals row label.
- </summary>
- <value>
- The totals row label.
- </value>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.Delete">
- <summary>
- Deletes this table field from the table.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.IsConsistentDataType">
- <summary>
- Determines whether all cells this table field have a consistent data type.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.IsConsistentFormula">
- <summary>
- Determines whether all cells this table field have a consistent formula.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableField.IsConsistentStyle">
- <summary>
- Determines whether all cells this table field have a consistent style.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableRow.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of this row.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableRows.Add(ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableRow)">
- <summary>
- Adds a table row to this group.
- </summary>
- <param name="tableRow">The row table to add.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableRows.Cells">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableRows.CellsUsed">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableRows.CellsUsed(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Returns the collection of cells that have a value.
- </summary>
- <param name="includeFormats">if set to <c>true</c> will return all cells with a value or a style different than the default.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTableRows.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these rows.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLTables.Clear(ClosedXML.Excel.XLClearOptions)">
- <summary>
- Clears the contents of these tables.
- </summary>
- <param name="clearOptions">Specify what you want to clear.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLTable.#ctor(ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeParameters)">
- <summary>
- The direct contructor should only be used in <see cref="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.RangeFactory"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCellSetValueBehavior.Smart">
- <summary>
- Analyze input string and convert value. For avoid analyzing use escape symbol '
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLCellSetValueBehavior.Simple">
- <summary>
- Direct set value. If value has unsupported type - value will be stored as string returned by <see
- cref = "M:System.Object.ToString" />
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.CellSetValueBehavior">
- <summary>
- Behavior for <see cref = "M:ClosedXML.Excel.IXLCell.set_Value(System.Object)" />
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.RecalculationCounter">
- <summary>
- Counter increasing at workbook data change. Serves to determine if the cell formula
- has to be recalculated.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.InvalidateFormulas">
- <summary>
- Notify that workbook data has been changed which means that cached formula values
- need to be re-evaluated.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.Worksheets">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manipulate the worksheets.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.NamedRanges">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manipulate this workbook's named ranges.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.Theme">
- <summary>
- Gets an object to manipulate this workbook's theme.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.Style">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default style for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use this style.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.RowHeight">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default row height for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use this row height.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.ColumnWidth">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default column width for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use this column width.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.PageOptions">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default page options for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use these page options.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.Outline">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the default outline options for the workbook.
- <para>All new worksheets will use these outline options.</para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.Properties">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the workbook's properties.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.CalculateMode">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the workbook's calculation mode.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.ReferenceStyle">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the workbook's reference style.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.Save">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.Save(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook and optionally performs validation
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.SaveAs(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook to a file.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.SaveAs(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook to a file and optionally validates it.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.SaveAs(System.IO.Stream)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook to a stream.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.SaveAs(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Saves the current workbook to a stream and optionally validates it.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.Search(System.String,System.Globalization.CompareOptions,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Searches the cells' contents for a given piece of text
- </summary>
- <param name="searchText">The search text.</param>
- <param name="compareOptions">The compare options.</param>
- <param name="searchFormulae">if set to <c>true</c> search formulae instead of cell values.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.#ctor">
- <summary>
- Creates a new Excel workbook.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.#ctor(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Opens an existing workbook from a file.
- </summary>
- <param name = "file">The file to open.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
- <summary>
- Opens an existing workbook from a stream.
- </summary>
- <param name = "stream">The stream to open.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.RecalculateAllFormulas">
- <summary>
- Force recalculation of all cell formulas.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.ParseCellValue(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.RstType,ClosedXML.Excel.XLCell)">
- <summary>
- Parses the cell value for normal or rich text
- Input element should either be a shared string or inline string
- </summary>
- <param name="element">The element (either a shared string or inline string)</param>
- <param name="xlCell">The cell.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.LoadConditionalFormatting(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.ConditionalFormatting,ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.Int32,DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.DifferentialFormat})">
- <summary>
- Loads the conditional formatting.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.AddDifferentialFormats(DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.WorkbookStylesPart,ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook.SaveContext)">
- <summary>
- Populates the differential formats that are currently in the file to the SaveContext
- </summary>
- <param name="workbookStylesPart">The workbook styles part.</param>
- <param name="context">The context.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.InvalidAddress">
- <summary>
- Fake address to be used everywhere the invalid address is needed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.RecalculateAllFormulas">
- <summary>
- Force recalculation of all cell formulas.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.GetCellValue(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Get a cell value not initializing it if it has not been initialized yet.
- </summary>
- <param name="ro">Row number</param>
- <param name="co">Column number</param>
- <returns>Current value of the specified cell. Empty string for non-initialized cells.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.RangeRow(ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeAddress,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLStyle)">
- <summary>
- Get a range row from the shared repository or create a new one.
- </summary>
- <param name="address">Address of range row.</param>
- <param name="defaultStyle">Style to apply. If null the worksheet's style is applied.</param>
- <returns>Range row with the specified address.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorksheet.RangeColumn(ClosedXML.Excel.XLRangeAddress,ClosedXML.Excel.IXLStyle)">
- <summary>
- Get a range column from the shared repository or create a new one.
- </summary>
- <param name="address">Address of range column.</param>
- <param name="defaultStyle">Style to apply. If null the worksheet's style is applied.</param>
- <returns>Range column with the specified address.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.Excel.XLHelper">
- <summary>
- Common methods
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLHelper.GetColumnNumberFromLetter(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the column number of a given column letter.
- </summary>
- <param name="columnLetter"> The column letter to translate into a column number. </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Excel.XLHelper.GetColumnLetterFromNumber(System.Int32,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Gets the column letter of a given column number.
- </summary>
- <param name="columnNumber">The column number to translate into a column letter.</param>
- <param name="trimToAllowed">if set to <c>true</c> the column letter will be restricted to the allowed range.</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:ClosedXML.PathHelper">
- <summary>
- Help methods for work with files
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:ClosedXML.PathHelper.ms_checkValidRelativePathRegEx">
- <summary>
- Can check only .\dfdfd\dfdf\dfdf or ..\..\gfhfgh\fghfh
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.PathHelper.GetTimeStamp">
- <summary>
- Gets data and time string stamp for file name
- </summary>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.PathHelper.GetTimeStamp(System.DateTime)">
- <summary>
- Gets data and time string stamp for file name
- </summary>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.PathHelper.SafetyDeleteFile(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Safety delete file(with try block)
- </summary>
- <param name = "fileName">file name</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.PathHelper.NormalizeFileName(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Replace all not implemented symbols to '_'
- </summary>
- <param name = "fileName">input filename</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.PathHelper.ValidatePath(System.String,ClosedXML.PathHelper.PathTypes)">
- <summary>
- ValidatePath file or diretory path
- </summary>
- <param name = "path"></param>
- <param name = "type">path type</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.PathHelper.ValidateFileName(System.String)">
- <summary>
- ValidatePath file or diretory path
- </summary>
- <param name = "fileName"></param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:ClosedXML.Utils.XmlEncoder.IsXmlChar(System.Char)">
- <summary>
- Checks if a character is not allowed to the XML Spec http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets
- </summary>
- <param name="ch">Input Character</param>
- <returns>Returns false if the character is invalid according to the XML specification, and will not be
- escaped by an XmlWriter.</returns>
- </member>
- </members>
- </doc>