- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <doc>
- <assembly>
- <name>Common.Logging</name>
- </assembly>
- <members>
- <member name="T:AssemblyDoc">
- <summary>
- This assembly contains the core functionality of the Common.Logging framework.
- In particular, checkout <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogManager"/> and <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> for usage information.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger">
- <summary>
- Provides base implementation suitable for almost all logger adapters
- </summary>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.ILog">
- <summary>
- A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- <para>
- Implementations should defer calling a message's <see cref="M:System.Object.ToString"/> until the message really needs
- to be logged to avoid performance penalties.
- </para>
- <para>
- Each <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> log method offers to pass in a <see cref="T:System.Action`1"/> instead of the actual message.
- Using this style has the advantage to defer possibly expensive message argument evaluation and formatting (and formatting arguments!) until the message gets
- actually logged. If the message is not logged at all (e.g. due to <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> settings),
- you won't have to pay the peformance penalty of creating the message.
- </para>
- </remarks>
- <example>
- The example below demonstrates using callback style for creating the message, where the call to the
- <see cref="M:System.Random.NextDouble"/> and the underlying <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> only happens, if level <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> is enabled:
- <code>
- Log.Debug( m=>m("result is {0}", random.NextDouble()) );
- Log.Debug(delegate(m) { m("result is {0}", random.NextDouble()); });
- </code>
- </example>
- <seealso cref="T:System.Action`1"/>
- <author>Mark Pollack</author>
- <author>Bruno Baia</author>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level including
- the stack trace of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level including
- the stack trace of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level including
- the stack trace of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level including
- the stack trace of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level including
- the stack trace of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level including
- the stack trace of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsTraceEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsDebugEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsErrorEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsFatalEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsInfoEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.ILog.IsWarnEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Write">
- <summary>
- Holds the method for writing a message to the log system.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.#ctor">
- <summary>
- Creates a new logger instance using <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)"/> for
- writing log events to the underlying log system.
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.GetWriteHandler"/>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.GetWriteHandler">
- <summary>
- Override this method to use a different method than <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)"/>
- for writing log events to the underlying log system.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Usually you don't need to override thise method. The default implementation returns
- <c>null</c> to indicate that the default handler <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)"/> should be
- used.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Actually sends the message to the underlying log system.
- </summary>
- <param name="level">the level of this log event.</param>
- <param name="message">the message to log</param>
- <param name="exception">the exception to log (may be null)</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level including
- the stack trace of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level including
- the stack Debug of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level including
- the stack Info of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level including
- the stack Warn of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Warnrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Warnrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level including
- the stack Error of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Errorrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Errorrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message object with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level including
- the stack Fatal of the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> passed
- as a parameter.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">The message object to log.</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Fatalrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Fatalrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Log a message with the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level using a callback to obtain the message
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Using this method avoids the cost of creating a message and evaluating message arguments
- that probably won't be logged due to loglevel settings.
- </remarks>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsTraceEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/> level.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsDebugEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/> level.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsInfoEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/> level.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsWarnEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/> level.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsErrorEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> level.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.IsFatalEnabled">
- <summary>
- Checks if this logger is enabled for the <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> level.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Override this in your derived class to comply with the underlying logging system
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage">
- <summary>
- Format message on demand.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.#ctor(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage"/> class.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">The format message callback.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.#ctor(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage"/> class.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">The format provider.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">The format message callback.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.ToString">
- <summary>
- Calls <see cref="F:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.FormatMessageCallbackFormattedMessage.formatMessageCallback"/> and returns result.
- </summary>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.StringFormatFormattedMessage">
- <summary>
- Format string on demand.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.StringFormatFormattedMessage.#ctor(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.StringFormatFormattedMessage"/> class.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">The format provider.</param>
- <param name="message">The message.</param>
- <param name="args">The args.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.StringFormatFormattedMessage.ToString">
- <summary>
- Runs <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])"/> on supplied arguemnts.
- </summary>
- <returns>string</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractLogger.WriteHandler">
- <summary>
- Represents a method responsible for writing a message to the log system.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter">
- <summary>
- An implementation of <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/> that caches loggers handed out by this factory.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Implementors just need to override <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </remarks>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter">
- <summary>
- LoggerFactoryAdapter interface is used internally by LogManager
- Only developers wishing to write new Common.Logging adapters need to
- worry about this interface.
- </summary>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)">
- <summary>
- Get a ILog instance by type.
- </summary>
- <param name="type">The type to use for the logger</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get a ILog instance by name.
- </summary>
- <param name="name">The name of the logger</param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor">
- <summary>
- Creates a new instance, the logger cache being case-sensitive.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new instance, the logger cache being <paramref name="caseSensitiveLoggerCache"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="caseSensitiveLoggerCache"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.ClearLoggerCache">
- <summary>
- Purges all loggers from cache
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Create the specified named logger instance
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Derived factories need to implement this method to create the
- actual logger instance.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)">
- <summary>
- Get a ILog instance by <see cref="T:System.Type"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="type">Usually the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of the current class.</param>
- <returns>
- An ILog instance either obtained from the internal cache or created by a call to <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get a ILog instance by name.
- </summary>
- <param name="name">Usually a <see cref="T:System.Type"/>'s Name or FullName property.</param>
- <returns>
- An ILog instance either obtained from the internal cache or created by a call to <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLoggerInternal(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get or create a ILog instance by name.
- </summary>
- <param name="name">Usually a <see cref="T:System.Type"/>'s Name or FullName property.</param>
- <returns>
- An ILog instance either obtained from the internal cache or created by a call to <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger">
- <summary>
- A logger created by <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> that
- sends all log events to the owning adapter's <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)"/>
- </summary>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger">
- <summary>
- Abstract class providing a standard implementation of simple loggers.
- </summary>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.#ctor(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates and initializes a the simple logger.
- </summary>
- <param name="logName">The name, usually type name of the calling class, of the logger.</param>
- <param name="logLevel">The current logging threshold. Messages recieved that are beneath this threshold will not be logged.</param>
- <param name="showlevel">Include level in the log message.</param>
- <param name="showDateTime">Include the current time in the log message.</param>
- <param name="showLogName">Include the instance name in the log message.</param>
- <param name="dateTimeFormat">The date and time format to use in the log message.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.FormatOutput(System.Text.StringBuilder,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Appends the formatted message to the specified <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="stringBuilder">the <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/> that receíves the formatted message.</param>
- <param name="level"></param>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="e"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsLevelEnabled(Common.Logging.LogLevel)">
- <summary>
- Determines if the given log level is currently enabled.
- </summary>
- <param name="level"></param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.Name">
- <summary>
- The name of the logger.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.ShowLevel">
- <summary>
- Include the current log level in the log message.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.ShowDateTime">
- <summary>
- Include the current time in the log message.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.ShowLogName">
- <summary>
- Include the instance name in the log message.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.CurrentLogLevel">
- <summary>
- The current logging threshold. Messages recieved that are beneath this threshold will not be logged.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.DateTimeFormat">
- <summary>
- The date and time format to use in the log message.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.HasDateTimeFormat">
- <summary>
- Determines Whether <see cref="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.DateTimeFormat"/> is set.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsTraceEnabled">
- <summary>
- Returns <see langword="true"/> if the current <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> is greater than or
- equal to <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace"/>. If it is, all messages will be sent to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsDebugEnabled">
- <summary>
- Returns <see langword="true"/> if the current <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> is greater than or
- equal to <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug"/>. If it is, all messages will be sent to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsInfoEnabled">
- <summary>
- Returns <see langword="true"/> if the current <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> is greater than or
- equal to <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>. If it is, only messages with a <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> of
- <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info"/>, <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>, <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>, and
- <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> will be sent to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsWarnEnabled">
- <summary>
- Returns <see langword="true"/> if the current <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> is greater than or
- equal to <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>. If it is, only messages with a <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> of
- <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn"/>, <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>, and <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>
- will be sent to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsErrorEnabled">
- <summary>
- Returns <see langword="true"/> if the current <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> is greater than or
- equal to <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/>. If it is, only messages with a <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> of
- <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error"/> and <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> will be sent to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLogger.IsFatalEnabled">
- <summary>
- Returns <see langword="true"/> if the current <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> is greater than or
- equal to <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/>. If it is, only messages with a <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> of
- <see cref="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal"/> will be sent to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.Owner">
- <summary>
- The adapter that created this logger instance.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.Clear">
- <summary>
- Clears all captured events
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.ClearLastEvent">
- <summary>
- Resets the <see cref="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.LastEvent"/> to <c>null</c>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.LoggerEvents">
- <summary>
- Holds the list of logged events.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- To access this collection in a multithreaded application, put a lock on the list instance.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)">
- <summary>
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/> instances send their captured log events to this method.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.#ctor(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Create a new logger instance.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Create a new <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent"/> and send it to <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)"/>
- </summary>
- <param name="level"></param>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="exception"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger.LastEvent">
- <summary>
- Holds the last log event received from any of this adapter's loggers.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent">
- <summary>
- A logging event captured by <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/>
- </summary>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.Source">
- <summary>
- The logger that logged this event
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.Level">
- <summary>
- The level used to log this event
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.MessageObject">
- <summary>
- The raw message object
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.Exception">
- <summary>
- A logged exception
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.#ctor(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Create a new event instance
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent.RenderedMessage">
- <summary>
- Retrieves the formatted message text
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter">
- <summary>
- An adapter, who's loggers capture all log events and send them to <see cref="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)"/>.
- Retrieve the list of log events from <see cref="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.LoggerEvents"/>.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This logger factory is mainly for debugging and test purposes.
- <example>
- This is an example how you might use this adapter for testing:
- <code>
- // configure for capturing
- CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter adapter = new CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter();
- LogManager.Adapter = adapter;
- // reset capture state
- adapter.Clear();
- // log something
- ILog log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
- log.DebugFormat("Current Time:{0}", DateTime.Now);
- // check logged data
- Assert.AreEqual(1, adapter.LoggerEvents.Count);
- Assert.AreEqual(LogLevel.Debug, adapter.LastEvent.Level);
- </code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.Clear">
- <summary>
- Clears all captured events
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.ClearLastEvent">
- <summary>
- Resets the <see cref="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.LastEvent"/> to <c>null</c>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.LoggerEvents">
- <summary>
- Holds the list of logged events.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- To access this collection in a multithreaded application, put a lock on the list instance.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.AddEvent(Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerEvent)">
- <summary>
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/> instances send their captured log events to this method.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)">
- <summary>
- Get a <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/> instance for the given type.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get a <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLogger"/> instance for the given name.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter.LastEvent">
- <summary>
- Holds the last log event received from any of this adapter's loggers.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener">
- <summary>
- A <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.TraceListener"/> implementation sending all <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace">System.Diagnostics.Trace</see> output to
- the Common.Logging infrastructure.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This listener captures all output sent by calls to <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace">System.Diagnostics.Trace</see> and
- and <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.TraceSource"/> and sends it to an <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instance.<br/>
- The <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instance to be used is obtained by calling
- <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>. The name of the logger is created by passing
- this listener's <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Name"/> and any <c>source</c> or <c>category</c> passed
- into this listener (see <see cref="M:System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.WriteLine(System.Object,System.String)"/> or <see cref="M:System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.TraceEvent(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache,System.String,System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType,System.Int32,System.String,System.Object[])"/> for example).
- </remarks>
- <example>
- The snippet below shows how to add and configure this listener to your app.config:
- <code lang="XML">
- <system.diagnostics>
- <sharedListeners>
- <add name="Diagnostics"
- type="Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener, Common.Logging"
- initializeData="DefaultTraceEventType=Information; LoggerNameFormat={listenerName}.{sourceName}">
- <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Information"/>
- </add>
- </sharedListeners>
- <trace>
- <listeners>
- <add name="Diagnostics" />
- </listeners>
- </trace>
- </system.diagnostics>
- </code>
- </example>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.#ctor">
- <summary>
- Creates a new instance with the default name "Diagnostics" and <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> "Trace".
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.#ctor(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new instance initialized with properties from the <paramref name="initializeData"/>. string.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- <paramref name="initializeData"/> is a semicolon separated string of name/value pairs, where each pair has
- the form <c>key=value</c>. E.g.
- "<c>Name=MyLoggerName;LogLevel=Debug</c>"
- </remarks>
- <param name="initializeData">a semicolon separated list of name/value pairs.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.#ctor(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new instance initialized with the specified properties.
- </summary>
- <param name="properties">name/value configuration properties.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.Log(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType,System.String,System.Int32,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Logs the given message to the Common.Logging infrastructure.
- </summary>
- <param name="eventType">the eventType</param>
- <param name="source">the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.TraceSource"/> name or category name passed into e.g. <see cref="M:System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(System.Object,System.String)"/>.</param>
- <param name="id">the id of this event</param>
- <param name="format">the message format</param>
- <param name="args">the message arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.Write(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.Write(System.Object,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.Write(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.Write(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.WriteLine(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.WriteLine(System.Object,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.WriteLine(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.WriteLine(System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.TraceEvent(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache,System.String,System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType,System.Int32)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.TraceEvent(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache,System.String,System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType,System.Int32,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.TraceEvent(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache,System.String,System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType,System.Int32,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.TraceData(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache,System.String,System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType,System.Int32,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.TraceData(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache,System.String,System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType,System.Int32,System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Writes message to logger provided by <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.DefaultTraceEventType">
- <summary>
- Sets the default <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType"/> to use for logging
- all events emitted by <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace"/><c>.Write(...)</c> and
- <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace"/><c>.WriteLine(...)</c> methods.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This listener captures all output sent by calls to <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace"/> and
- sends it to an <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instance using the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> specified
- on <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/>.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener.LoggerNameFormat">
- <summary>
- Format to use for creating the logger name. Defaults to "{listenerName}.{sourceName}".
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Available placeholders are:
- <list type="bullet">
- <item>{listenerName}: the configured name of this listener instance.</item>
- <item>{sourceName}: the trace source name an event originates from (see e.g. <see cref="M:System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.TraceEvent(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache,System.String,System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType,System.Int32,System.String,System.Object[])"/>.</item>
- </list>
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException">
- <summary>
- The exception that is thrown when a configuration system error has occurred with Common.Logging
- </summary>
- <author>Mark Pollack</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException.#ctor">
- <summary>Creates a new instance of the ObjectsException class.</summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException.#ctor(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new instance of the ConfigurationException class. with the specified message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">
- A message about the exception.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new instance of the ConfigurationException class with the specified message
- and root cause.
- </summary>
- <param name="message">
- A message about the exception.
- </param>
- <param name="rootCause">
- The root exception that is being wrapped.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new instance of the ConfigurationException class.
- </summary>
- <param name="info">
- The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo"/>
- that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown.
- </param>
- <param name="context">
- The <see cref="T:System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext"/>
- that contains contextual information about the source or destination.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.DefaultConfigurationReader">
- <summary>
- Implementation of <see cref="T:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader"/> that uses the standard .NET
- configuration APIs, ConfigurationSettings in 1.x and ConfigurationManager in 2.0
- </summary>
- <author>Mark Pollack</author>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader">
- <summary>
- Interface for basic operations to read .NET application configuration information.
- </summary>
- <remarks>Provides a simple abstraction to handle BCL API differences between .NET 1.x and 2.0. Also
- useful for testing scenarios.</remarks>
- <author>Mark Pollack</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader.GetSection(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Parses the configuration section and returns the resulting object.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- <p>
- Primary purpose of this method is to allow us to parse and
- load configuration sections using the same API regardless
- of the .NET framework version.
- </p>
- </remarks>
- <param name="sectionName">Name of the configuration section.</param>
- <returns>Object created by a corresponding <see cref="T:System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler"/>.</returns>
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.DefaultConfigurationReader.GetSection(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Parses the configuration section and returns the resulting object.
- </summary>
- <param name="sectionName">Name of the configuration section.</param>
- <returns>
- Object created by a corresponding <see cref="T:System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler"/>.
- </returns>
- <remarks>
- <p>
- Primary purpose of this method is to allow us to parse and
- load configuration sections using the same API regardless
- of the .NET framework version.
- </p>
- </remarks>
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Factory.NamespaceDoc">
- <summary>
- This namespace contains convenience base classes for implementing your own <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>s.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils">
- <summary>
- Various utility methods for using during factory and logger instance configuration
- </summary>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.#cctor">
- <summary>
- Initialize all members before any of this class' methods can be accessed (avoids beforeFieldInit)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.RegisterTypeParser``1(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.ParseHandler{``0})">
- <summary>
- Adds the parser to the list of known type parsers.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- .NET intrinsic types are pre-registerd: short, int, long, float, double, decimal, bool
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.GetValue(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Retrieves the named value from the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="values">may be null</param>
- <param name="name">the value's key</param>
- <returns>if <paramref name="values"/> is not null, the value returned by values[name]. <c>null</c> otherwise.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.GetValue(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection,System.String,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Retrieves the named value from the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="values">may be null</param>
- <param name="name">the value's key</param>
- <param name="defaultValue">the default value, if not found</param>
- <returns>if <paramref name="values"/> is not null, the value returned by values[name]. <c>null</c> otherwise.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Coalesce(System.String[])">
- <summary>
- Returns the first nonnull, nonempty value among its arguments.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Returns <c>null</c>, if the initial list was null or empty.
- </remarks>
- <seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Coalesce``1(System.Predicate{``0},``0[])"/>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Coalesce``1(System.Predicate{``0},``0[])">
- <summary>
- Returns the first nonnull, nonempty value among its arguments.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Also
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.TryParseEnum``1(``0,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Tries parsing <paramref name="stringValue"/> into an enum of the type of <paramref name="defaultValue"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="defaultValue">the default value to return if parsing fails</param>
- <param name="stringValue">the string value to parse</param>
- <returns>the successfully parsed value, <paramref name="defaultValue"/> otherwise.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.TryParse``1(``0,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Tries parsing <paramref name="stringValue"/> into the specified return type.
- </summary>
- <param name="defaultValue">the default value to return if parsing fails</param>
- <param name="stringValue">the string value to parse</param>
- <returns>the successfully parsed value, <paramref name="defaultValue"/> otherwise.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.AssertNotNull``1(System.String,``0)">
- <summary>
- Throws a <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/> if <paramref name="val"/> is <c>null</c>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.AssertNotNull``1(System.String,``0,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Throws a <see cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"/> if <paramref name="val"/> is <c>null</c>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.AssertIsAssignable``1(System.String,System.Type)">
- <summary>
- Throws a <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/> if an object of type <paramref name="valType"/> is not
- assignable to type <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.AssertIsAssignable``1(System.String,System.Type,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Throws a <see cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"/> if an object of type <paramref name="valType"/> is not
- assignable to type <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Guard(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Action,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ensures any exception thrown by the given <paramref name="action"/> is wrapped with an
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException"/>.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- If <paramref name="action"/> already throws a ConfigurationException, it will not be wrapped.
- </remarks>
- <param name="action">the action to execute</param>
- <param name="messageFormat">the message to be set on the thrown <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException"/></param>
- <param name="args">args to be passed to <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> to format the message</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Guard``1(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Function{``0},System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ensures any exception thrown by the given <paramref name="function"/> is wrapped with an
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException"/>.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- If <paramref name="function"/> already throws a ConfigurationException, it will not be wrapped.
- </remarks>
- <param name="function">the action to execute</param>
- <param name="messageFormat">the message to be set on the thrown <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationException"/></param>
- <param name="args">args to be passed to <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> to format the message</param>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.ParseHandler`1">
- <summary>
- A delegate converting a string representation into the target type
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Action">
- <summary>
- An anonymous action delegate with no arguments and no return value.
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Guard(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Action,System.String,System.Object[])"/>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Function`1">
- <summary>
- An anonymous action delegate with no arguments and no return value.
- </summary>
- <seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Guard``1(Common.Logging.Configuration.ArgUtils.Function{``0},System.String,System.Object[])"/>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler">
- <summary>
- The type of method that is passed into e.g. <see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILog.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})"/>
- and allows the callback method to "submit" it's message to the underlying output system.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">the format argument as in <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/></param>
- <param name="args">the argument list as in <see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/></param>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler">
- <summary>
- Used in an application's configuration file (App.Config or Web.Config) to configure the logging subsystem.
- </summary>
- <example>
- An example configuration section that writes log messages to the Console using the
- built-in Console Logger.
- <code lang="XML">
- <configuration>
- <configSections>
- <sectionGroup name="common">
- <section name="logging" type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging" />
- </sectionGroup>
- </configSections>
- <common>
- <logging>
- <factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging">
- <arg key="showLogName" value="true" />
- <arg key="showDataTime" value="true" />
- <arg key="level" value="ALL" />
- <arg key="dateTimeFormat" value="yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:fff" />
- </factoryAdapter>
- </logging>
- </common>
- </configuration>
- </code>
- </example>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler.#cctor">
- <summary>
- Ensure static fields get initialized before any class member
- can be accessed (avoids beforeFieldInit)
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler.#ctor">
- <summary>
- Constructor
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler.ReadConfiguration(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
- <summary>
- Retrieves the <see cref="T:System.Type"/> of the logger the use by looking at the logFactoryAdapter element
- of the logging configuration element.
- </summary>
- <param name="section"></param>
- <returns>
- A <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting"/> object containing the specified type that implements
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/> along with zero or more properties that will be
- passed to the logger factory adapter's constructor as an <see cref="T:System.Collections.IDictionary"/>.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler.Create(Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlNode)">
- <summary>
- Verifies that the logFactoryAdapter element appears once in the configuration section.
- </summary>
- <param name="parent">settings of a parent section - atm this must always be null</param>
- <param name="configContext">Additional information about the configuration process.</param>
- <param name="section">The configuration section to apply an XPath query too.</param>
- <returns>
- A <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting"/> object containing the specified logFactoryAdapter type
- along with user supplied configuration properties.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler.System#Configuration#IConfigurationSectionHandler#Create(System.Object,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlNode)">
- <summary>
- Verifies that the logFactoryAdapter element appears once in the configuration section.
- </summary>
- <param name="parent">The parent of the current item.</param>
- <param name="configContext">Additional information about the configuration process.</param>
- <param name="section">The configuration section to apply an XPath query too.</param>
- <returns>
- A <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting"/> object containing the specified logFactoryAdapter type
- along with user supplied configuration properties.
- </returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel">
- <summary>
- The 7 possible logging levels
- </summary>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.All">
- <summary>
- All logging levels
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Trace">
- <summary>
- A trace logging level
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Debug">
- <summary>
- A debug logging level
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Info">
- <summary>
- A info logging level
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Warn">
- <summary>
- A warn logging level
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Error">
- <summary>
- An error logging level
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Fatal">
- <summary>
- A fatal logging level
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogLevel.Off">
- <summary>
- Do not log anything.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.LogManager">
- <summary>
- Use the LogManager's <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)"/> or <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
- methods to obtain <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances for logging.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- For configuring the underlying log system using application configuration, see the example
- at <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>.
- For configuring programmatically, see the example section below.
- </remarks>
- <example>
- The example below shows the typical use of LogManager to obtain a reference to a logger
- and log an exception:
- <code>
- ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
- ...
- try
- {
- /* .... */
- }
- catch(Exception ex)
- {
- log.ErrorFormat("Hi {0}", ex, "dude");
- }
- </code>
- The example below shows programmatic configuration of the underlying log system:
- <code>
- // create properties
- NameValueCollection properties = new NameValueCollection();
- properties["showDateTime"] = "true";
- // set Adapter
- Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter = new
- Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter(properties);
- </code>
- </example>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
- <seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- </member>
- <member name="F:Common.Logging.LogManager.COMMON_LOGGING_SECTION">
- <summary>
- The name of the default configuration section to read settings from.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- You can always change the source of your configuration settings by setting another <see cref="T:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader"/> instance
- on <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.ConfigurationReader"/>.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.#cctor">
- <summary>
- Performs static 1-time init of LogManager by calling <see cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.Reset"/>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.Reset">
- <summary>
- Reset the <see cref="N:Common.Logging"/> infrastructure to its default settings. This means, that configuration settings
- will be re-read from section <c><common/logging></c> of your <c>app.config</c>.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This is mainly used for unit testing, you wouldn't normally use this in your applications.<br/>
- <b>Note:</b><see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances already handed out from this LogManager are not(!) affected.
- Resetting LogManager only affects new instances being handed out.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.Reset(Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader)">
- <summary>
- Reset the <see cref="N:Common.Logging"/> infrastructure to its default settings. This means, that configuration settings
- will be re-read from section <c><common/logging></c> of your <c>app.config</c>.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This is mainly used for unit testing, you wouldn't normally use this in your applications.<br/>
- <b>Note:</b><see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances already handed out from this LogManager are not(!) affected.
- Resetting LogManager only affects new instances being handed out.
- </remarks>
- <param name="reader">
- the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.IConfigurationReader"/> instance to obtain settings for
- re-initializing the LogManager.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger">
- <summary>
- Gets the logger by calling <see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
- on the currently configured <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/> using the type of the calling class.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This method needs to inspect the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.StackTrace"/> in order to determine the calling
- class. This of course comes with a performance penalty, thus you shouldn't call it too
- often in your application.
- </remarks>
- <seealso cref="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
- <returns>the logger instance obtained from the current <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger``1">
- <summary>
- Gets the logger by calling <see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
- on the currently configured <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/> using the specified type.
- </summary>
- <returns>the logger instance obtained from the current <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Type)">
- <summary>
- Gets the logger by calling <see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)"/>
- on the currently configured <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/> using the specified type.
- </summary>
- <param name="type">The type.</param>
- <returns>the logger instance obtained from the current <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Gets the logger by calling <see cref="M:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.String)"/>
- on the currently configured <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/> using the specified name.
- </summary>
- <param name="name">The name.</param>
- <returns>the logger instance obtained from the current <see cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.BuildLoggerFactoryAdapter">
- <summary>
- Builds the logger factory adapter.
- </summary>
- <returns>a factory adapter instance. Is never <c>null</c>.</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.LogManager.BuildLoggerFactoryAdapterFromLogSettings(Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting)">
- <summary>
- Builds a <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/> instance from the given <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting"/>
- using <see cref="T:System.Activator"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="setting"></param>
- <returns>the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/> instance. Is never <c>null</c></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.ConfigurationReader">
- <summary>
- Gets the configuration reader used to initialize the LogManager.
- </summary>
- <remarks>Primarily used for testing purposes but maybe useful to obtain configuration
- information from some place other than the .NET application configuration file.</remarks>
- <value>The configuration reader.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter">
- <summary>
- Gets or sets the adapter.
- </summary>
- <value>The adapter.</value>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting">
- <summary>
- Container used to hold configuration information from config file.
- </summary>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting.#ctor(System.Type,System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
- <summary>
- </summary>
- <param name="factoryAdapterType">
- The <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/> type
- that will be used for creating <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
- </param>
- <param name="properties">
- Additional user supplied properties that are passed to the
- <paramref name="factoryAdapterType"/>'s constructor.
- </param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting.FactoryAdapterType">
- <summary>
- The <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/> type that will be used for creating <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/>
- instances.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting.Properties">
- <summary>
- Additional user supplied properties that are passed to the <see cref="P:Common.Logging.Configuration.LogSetting.FactoryAdapterType"/>'s constructor.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.NamespaceDoc">
- <summary>
- This namespace contains all core classes making up the Common.Logging framework.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.NamespaceDoc">
- <summary>
- <para>This namespace contains out-of-the-box adapters to intrinsic systems, namely
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>, <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> and the
- all output suppressing <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>.</para>
- <para>For unit testing, you may also want to have a look at <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CapturingLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
- that allows to easily inspect logged messages.</para>
- <para>To route messages logged through the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace"/> infrastructure back into
- Common.Logging, you can use <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener"/></para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Configuration.NamespaceDoc">
- <summary>
- This namespace contains various utility classes.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:NamespaceDoc">
- <summary>
- <h1>Overview</h1>
- <para>
- There are a variety of logging implementations for .NET currently in use, log4net, Enterprise
- Library Logging, NLog, to name the most popular. The downside of having differerent implementation
- is that they do not share a common interface and therefore impose a particular logging
- implementation on the users of your library. To solve this dependency problem the Common.Logging
- library introduces a simple abstraction to allow you to select a specific logging implementation at
- runtime.
- </para>
- <para>
- The library is based on work done by the developers of IBatis.NET and it's usage is inspired by
- log4net. Many thanks to the developers of those projects!
- </para>
- <h1>Usage</h1>
- <para>
- The core logging library Common.Logging provides the base logging <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> interface as
- well as the global <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogManager"/> that you use to instrument your code:
- </para>
- <code lang="C#">
- ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());
- log.DebugFormat("Hi {0}", "dude");
- </code>
- <para>
- To output the information logged, you need to tell Common.Logging, what underlying logging system
- to use. Common.Logging already includes simple console and trace based logger implementations
- usable out of the box. Adding the following configuration snippet to your app.config causes
- Common.Logging to output all information to the console:
- </para>
- <code lang="XML">
- <configuration>
- <configSections>
- <sectionGroup name="common">
- <section name="logging" type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging" />
- </sectionGroup>
- </configSections>
- <common>
- <logging>
- <factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging">
- <arg key="level" value="DEBUG" />
- </factoryAdapter>
- </logging>
- </common>
- </configuration>
- </code>
- <h1>Customizing</h1>
- <para>
- In the case you want to integrate your own logging system that is not supported by Common.Logging yet, it is easily
- possible to implement your own plugin by implementing <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILoggerFactoryAdapter"/>.
- For convenience there is a base <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Factory.AbstractCachingLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> implementation available that usually
- makes implementing your own adapter a breeze.
- </para>
- <h1><system.diagnostics> Integration</h1>
- <para>
- If your code already uses the .NET framework's built-in <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/system.diagnostics.trace.aspx">System.Diagnostics.Trace</a>
- system, you can use <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener"/> to redirect all trace output to the
- Common.Logging infrastructure.
- </para>
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter">
- <summary>
- Base factory implementation for creating simple <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances.
- </summary>
- <remarks>Default settings are LogLevel.All, showDateTime = true, showLogName = true, and no DateTimeFormat.
- The keys in the NameValueCollection to configure this adapter are the following
- <list type="bullet">
- <item>level</item>
- <item>showDateTime</item>
- <item>showLogName</item>
- <item>dateTimeFormat</item>
- </list>
- <example>
- Here is an example how to implement your own logging adapter:
- <code>
- public class ConsoleOutLogger : AbstractSimpleLogger
- {
- public ConsoleOutLogger(string logName, LogLevel logLevel, bool showLevel, bool showDateTime,
- bool showLogName, string dateTimeFormat)
- : base(logName, logLevel, showLevel, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat)
- {
- }
- protected override void WriteInternal(LogLevel level, object message, Exception e)
- {
- // Use a StringBuilder for better performance
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- FormatOutput(sb, level, message, e);
- // Print to the appropriate destination
- Console.Out.WriteLine(sb.ToString());
- }
- }
- public class ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter : AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter
- {
- public ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter(NameValueCollection properties)
- : base(properties)
- { }
- protected override ILog CreateLogger(string name, LogLevel level, bool showLevel, bool
- showDateTime, bool showLogName, string dateTimeFormat)
- {
- ILog log = new ConsoleOutLogger(name, level, showLevel, showDateTime, showLogName,
- dateTimeFormat);
- return log;
- }
- }
- </code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- <seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- <author>Mark Pollack</author>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> class.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Looks for level, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat items from
- <paramref name="properties"/> for use when the GetLogger methods are called.
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/> for more information on how to use the
- standard .NET application configuraiton file (App.config/Web.config)
- to configure this adapter.
- </remarks>
- <param name="properties">The name value collection, typically specified by the user in
- a configuration section named common/logging.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> class with
- default settings for the loggers created by this factory.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Create the specified logger instance
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Derived factories need to implement this method to create the
- actual logger instance.
- </summary>
- <returns>a new logger instance. Must never be <c>null</c>!</returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.Level">
- <summary>
- The default <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> to use when creating new <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.ShowLevel">
- <summary>
- The default setting to use when creating new <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.ShowDateTime">
- <summary>
- The default setting to use when creating new <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.ShowLogName">
- <summary>
- The default setting to use when creating new <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter.DateTimeFormat">
- <summary>
- The default setting to use when creating new <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLogger">
- <summary>
- Sends log messages to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLogger.#ctor(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates and initializes a logger that writes messages to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="logName">The name, usually type name of the calling class, of the logger.</param>
- <param name="logLevel">The current logging threshold. Messages recieved that are beneath this threshold will not be logged.</param>
- <param name="showLevel">Include the current log level in the log message.</param>
- <param name="showDateTime">Include the current time in the log message.</param>
- <param name="showLogName">Include the instance name in the log message.</param>
- <param name="dateTimeFormat">The date and time format to use in the log message.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Do the actual logging by constructing the log message using a <see cref="T:System.Text.StringBuilder"/> then
- sending the output to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- <param name="level">The <see cref="T:Common.Logging.LogLevel"/> of the message.</param>
- <param name="message">The log message.</param>
- <param name="e">An optional <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> associated with the message.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter">
- <summary>
- Factory for creating <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances that write data to <see cref="P:System.Console.Out"/>.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- <example>
- Below is an example how to configure this adapter:
- <code>
- <configuration>
- <configSections>
- <sectionGroup name="common">
- <section name="logging"
- type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging"
- requirePermission="false" />
- </sectionGroup>
- </configSections>
- <common>
- <logging>
- <factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging">
- <arg key="level" value="ALL" />
- </factoryAdapter>
- </logging>
- </common>
- </configuration>
- </code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
- <seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- <author>Mark Pollack</author>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> class using default
- settings.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> class.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Looks for level, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat items from
- <paramref name="properties"/> for use when the GetLogger methods are called.
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/> for more information on how to use the
- standard .NET application configuraiton file (App.config/Web.config)
- to configure this adapter.
- </remarks>
- <param name="properties">The name value collection, typically specified by the user in
- a configuration section named common/logging.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> class with
- default settings for the loggers created by this factory.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.ConsoleOutLogger"/> instance.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger">
- <summary>
- Silently ignores all log messages.
- </summary>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="e"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.TraceFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.TraceFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Trace(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack trace.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="e"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.DebugFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.DebugFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Debug(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Debug.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="e"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.InfoFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.InfoFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Info(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Info.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="e"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.WarnFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Warnrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.WarnFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Warnrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Warn(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Warn.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="e"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.ErrorFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Errorrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.ErrorFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Errorrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Error(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Error.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="e"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.FatalFormat(System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Fatalrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.FatalFormat(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Exception,System.Object[])">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting Fatalrmation.</param>
- <param name="format">The format of the message object to log.<see cref="M:System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])"/> </param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log.</param>
- <param name="args">the list of message format arguments</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler})">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.Fatal(System.IFormatProvider,System.Action{Common.Logging.FormatMessageHandler},System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Ignores message.
- </summary>
- <param name="formatProvider">An <see cref="T:System.IFormatProvider"/> that supplies culture-specific formatting information.</param>
- <param name="formatMessageCallback">A callback used by the logger to obtain the message if log level is matched</param>
- <param name="exception">The exception to log, including its stack Fatal.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsTraceEnabled">
- <summary>
- Always returns <see langword="false" />.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsDebugEnabled">
- <summary>
- Always returns <see langword="false" />.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsInfoEnabled">
- <summary>
- Always returns <see langword="false" />.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsWarnEnabled">
- <summary>
- Always returns <see langword="false" />.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsErrorEnabled">
- <summary>
- Always returns <see langword="false" />.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLogger.IsFatalEnabled">
- <summary>
- Always returns <see langword="false" />.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter">
- <summary>
- Factory for creating <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances that silently ignores
- logging requests.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This logger adapter is the default used by Common.Logging if unconfigured. Using this logger adapter is the most efficient
- way to suppress any logging output.
- <example>
- Below is an example how to configure this adapter:
- <code>
- <configuration>
- <configSections>
- <sectionGroup name="common">
- <section name="logging"
- type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging"
- requirePermission="false" />
- </sectionGroup>
- </configSections>
- <common>
- <logging>
- <factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging">
- <arg key="level" value="ALL" />
- </factoryAdapter>
- </logging>
- </common>
- </configuration>
- </code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- <seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor">
- <summary>
- Constructor
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
- <summary>
- Constructor
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.GetLogger(System.Type)">
- <summary>
- Get a ILog instance by type
- </summary>
- <param name="type"></param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.Common#Logging#ILoggerFactoryAdapter#GetLogger(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Get a ILog instance by type name
- </summary>
- <param name="name"></param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLogger">
- <summary>
- Logger sending everything to the trace output stream using <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace"/>.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Beware not to use <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener"/> in combination with this logger as
- this would result in an endless loop for obvious reasons!
- </remarks>
- <seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLogger.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new TraceLogger instance.
- </summary>
- <param name="useTraceSource">whether to use <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.TraceSource"/> or <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace"/> for logging.</param>
- <param name="logName">the name of this logger</param>
- <param name="logLevel">the default log level to use</param>
- <param name="showLevel">Include the current log level in the log message.</param>
- <param name="showDateTime">Include the current time in the log message.</param>
- <param name="showLogName">Include the instance name in the log message.</param>
- <param name="dateTimeFormat">The date and time format to use in the log message.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLogger.IsLevelEnabled(Common.Logging.LogLevel)">
- <summary>
- Determines if the given log level is currently enabled.
- checks <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.Switch"/> if <see cref="P:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter.UseTraceSource"/> is true.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLogger.WriteInternal(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Object,System.Exception)">
- <summary>
- Do the actual logging.
- </summary>
- <param name="level"></param>
- <param name="message"></param>
- <param name="e"></param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLogger.OnDeserialization(System.Object)">
- <summary>
- Called after deserialization completed.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLogger.FormatOutputMessage">
- <summary>
- Used to defer message formatting until it is really needed.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- This class also improves performance when multiple
- <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.TraceListener"/>s are configured.
- </remarks>
- </member>
- <member name="T:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter">
- <summary>
- Factory for creating <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ILog"/> instances that send
- everything to the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace"/> output stream.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Beware not to use <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.CommonLoggingTraceListener"/> in combination with this logger factory
- as this would result in an endless loop for obvious reasons!
- <example>
- Below is an example how to configure this adapter:
- <code>
- <configuration>
- <configSections>
- <sectionGroup name="common">
- <section name="logging"
- type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging"
- requirePermission="false" />
- </sectionGroup>
- </configSections>
- <common>
- <logging>
- <factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging">
- <arg key="level" value="ALL" />
- </factoryAdapter>
- </logging>
- </common>
- </configuration>
- </code>
- </example>
- </remarks>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/>
- <seealso cref="P:Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter"/>
- <seealso cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/>
- <author>Gilles Bayon</author>
- <author>Mark Pollack</author>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> class using default settings.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> class.
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Looks for level, showDateTime, showLogName, dateTimeFormat items from
- <paramref name="properties"/> for use when the GetLogger methods are called.
- <see cref="T:Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler"/> for more information on how to use the
- standard .NET application configuraiton file (App.config/Web.config)
- to configure this adapter.
- </remarks>
- <param name="properties">The name value collection, typically specified by the user in
- a configuration section named common/logging.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter.#ctor(Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.AbstractSimpleLoggerFactoryAdapter"/> class with
- default settings for the loggers created by this factory.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter.CreateLogger(System.String,Common.Logging.LogLevel,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.String)">
- <summary>
- Creates a new <see cref="T:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLogger"/> instance.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter.UseTraceSource">
- <summary>
- Whether to use <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Trace"/>.<c>TraceXXXX(string,object[])</c> methods for logging
- or <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.TraceSource"/>.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="T:CoverageExcludeAttribute">
- <summary>
- Indicates classes or members to be ignored by NCover
- </summary>
- <remarks>
- Note, the name is chosen, because TestDriven.NET uses it as //ea argument to "Test With... Coverage"
- </remarks>
- <author>Erich Eichinger</author>
- </member>
- </members>
- </doc>