zhichao lei 27e75f8d62 1 il y a 4 ans
lib/NET20 1 il y a 4 ans
New BSD License.txt 1 il y a 4 ans
YUICompressor.NET. 1 il y a 4 ans
readme.txt 1 il y a 4 ans


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How the hell do I use this thing?

Well, you've probably 'nuget installed' this package, so what next?
You have a few choices.

1. Manually compress/minify and/or bundle any Css and/or Js. This is tedious
and personally, I wouldn't bother with this. -BUT- you might find this
solution to your problems, so go nuts and have fun.

Sample video explaining this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzoYUsKikx0

2. Install-Package YUICompressor.NET.Web.Optimization - take advantage of the built in compression and bundling that has come
with ASP.NET MVC4** -but- instead of using the stock compression with ASP.NET, use this titty-sparkly
YUICompressor.NET package instead :) This will auto-wire up this package where required.
That said - you'll still need to define what files you want to compress, etc.

Sample video explaing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSHGSbViMm8

** Technically, this is part of the System.Web.Optimization package .. which first came baked into
to VS2012 with an ASP.NET MVC4 project.

3. Install-Package YUICompressor.NET.MSBuild - do the compression/minification during an MSBuild process.
Such as during a continuous integration setup.

Sample video explaing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFFZ0nQog8U

4. YUICompressor .NET NAnt Task - same as #3 above, but for an NAnt continuous integration setup.

Now go forth and speed up your website and save some bandwidth.


No Unicorns were harmed in the production of this package. "Nice package you have there!"

