- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <doc>
- <assembly>
- <name>Spire.License</name>
- </assembly>
- <members>
- <member name="P:Spire.License.LicenseInfo.IsUpdateRightExpired">
- <summary>
- Indicates whether the lincese puchase date is during one year.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Spire.License.LicenseInfo.OriginalVersion">
- <summary>
- If current license object is converted from a previouse version license object,
- this field will be set to the version of the original license object.
- Otherwise it's null.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseFileFullPath(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Provides a license by a license file path, which will be used for loading license.
- </summary>
- <param name="licenseFileFullPath">License file full path.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseFileName(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Sets the license file name, which will be used for loading license.
- </summary>
- <param name="licenseFileName">License file name.</param>
- </member>
- <!-- 对于成员“M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.GetLicenseFileName”忽略有格式错误的 XML 注释 -->
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseFile(System.IO.FileInfo)">
- <summary>
- Provides a license by a license file object, which will be used for loading license.
- </summary>
- <param name="licenseFile">License file object.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseFileStream(System.IO.Stream)">
- <summary>
- Provides a license by a license stream, which will be used for loading license.
- </summary>
- <param name="licenseFileStream">License data stream.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseKey(System.String)">
- <summary>
- Provides a license by a license key, which will be used for loading license.
- </summary>
- <param name="key">The value of the Key attribute of the element License of you license xml file.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.SetLicenseKey(System.String,System.Boolean)">
- <summary>
- Provides a license by a license key, which will be used for loading license.
- </summary>
- <param name="key">The value of the Key attribute of the element License of you license xml file.</param>
- <param name="bIsSerialization">The serialization to verify license key.</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.ClearLicense">
- <summary>
- Clear all cached license.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.LoadLicense">
- <summary>
- Load the license provided by current setting to the license cache.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.LoadLicense(System.Type)">
- <summary>
- Load the license provided by current setting to the license cache.
- </summary>
- <param name="type">Runtime product type</param>
- </member>
- <member name="M:Spire.License.LicenseProvider.GetLicense(System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext,System.Type,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
- <param name="context"></param>
- <param name="type"></param>
- <param name="instance"></param>
- <param name="allowExceptions"></param>
- <returns></returns>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Spire.License.V1_2.LicenseInfo.IsUpdateRightExpired">
- <summary>
- Indicates whether the lincese puchase date is during one year.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Spire.License.V1_1.LicenseInfo.IsUpdateRightExpired">
- <summary>
- Indicates whether the lincese puchase date is during one year.
- </summary>
- </member>
- <member name="P:Spire.License.V1_0.LicenseInfo.IsUpdateRightExpired">
- <summary>
- Indicates whether the lincese puchase date is during one year.
- </summary>
- </member>
- </members>
- </doc>