"select count(1) from StuInfoFresh where StuNo='" + stuorderEntity.StuNo + "' and grade='" + stuorderEntity.YearNo.ToString().Substring(2) + "'")) > 0)
conn.Execute("update StuInfoFresh set PayFeeStatus='1' where StuNo='" + stuorderEntity.StuNo + "'");
if (Convert.ToInt32(conn.ExecuteScalar(
"select count(1) from StuInfoFresh where StuNo='" + stuorderEntity.StuNo + "' and grade='" + stuorderEntity.YearNo.ToString().Substring(2) + "' and IsInvoice=0 and PayFeeStatus='1' ")) > 0)
conn.Execute("update StuInfoBasic_PayFee set PayStatus='1' where StuNo='" + stuorderEntity.StuNo + "' and PayYear='" + stuorderEntity.YearNo.ToString().Substring(2) + "'");
if (Convert.ToInt32(conn.ExecuteScalar("select count(1) from StuInfoBasic_PayFee where StuNo='" + stuorderEntity.StuNo + "' and PayYear='" + stuorderEntity.YearNo + "' and InvoiceStatus=0 and PayStatus='1'")) > 0)