@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ | |||||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | |||||
<configuration> | |||||
<configSections> | |||||
<!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=237468 --> | |||||
<section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" /> | |||||
<section name="oracle.manageddataaccess.client" type="OracleInternal.Common.ODPMSectionHandler, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" /> | |||||
</configSections> | |||||
<entityFramework> | |||||
<defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.LocalDbConnectionFactory, EntityFramework"> | |||||
<parameters> | |||||
<parameter value="v13.0" /> | |||||
</parameters> | |||||
</defaultConnectionFactory> | |||||
<providers> | |||||
<provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" /> | |||||
</providers> | |||||
</entityFramework> | |||||
<system.data> | |||||
<DbProviderFactories> | |||||
<remove invariant="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" /> | |||||
<add name="ODP.NET, Managed Driver" invariant="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver" type="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" /> | |||||
</DbProviderFactories> | |||||
</system.data> | |||||
<runtime> | |||||
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"> | |||||
<dependentAssembly> | |||||
<publisherPolicy apply="no" /> | |||||
<assemblyIdentity name="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess" publicKeyToken="89b483f429c47342" culture="neutral" /> | |||||
<bindingRedirect oldVersion=" - 4.65535.65535.65535" newVersion="" /> | |||||
</dependentAssembly> | |||||
</assemblyBinding> | |||||
</runtime> | |||||
<oracle.manageddataaccess.client> | |||||
<version number="*"> | |||||
<dataSources> | |||||
<dataSource alias="SampleDataSource" descriptor="(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=localhost)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=ORCL))) " /> | |||||
</dataSources> | |||||
</version> | |||||
</oracle.manageddataaccess.client> | |||||
</configuration> |
@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@ | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.BLL.Token; | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.Model; | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.Oracle; | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.BLL | |||||
{ | |||||
class DataTableModel | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 当前类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public Type Type { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 当前表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public CustomizeTableAttribute CustomizeTable { get; set; } = new CustomizeTableAttribute(); | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 当前列集合 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public List<CustomizeFieldAttribute> CustomizeFieldLst { get; set; } = new List<CustomizeFieldAttribute>(); | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 当前数据集合 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public List<Hashtable> CustomizeData { get; set; } = new List<Hashtable>(); | |||||
} | |||||
public class BusinessProcess | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 通过excel地址, 处理数据到数据库 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public ReturnEntity HandleByDatabase(string path) | |||||
{ | |||||
var retObj = new ReturnEntity(); | |||||
//获取Excel的数据模型 | |||||
var data = new HandleExcel().ReadFromExcelFile(path); | |||||
//表名 | |||||
string TableName = string.Empty; | |||||
//列名 | |||||
List<string> ColoumnsName = new List<string>(); | |||||
//数据集合 | |||||
List<List<string>> DataLst = new List<List<string>>(); | |||||
#region 效验数据 并获取数据集合 | |||||
//校验数据模型 | |||||
if (data.Count <= 4) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 1; | |||||
retObj.Message = "数据导入失败,表格行数异常或无数据"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
if (!data[1][0].Contains("$")) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 1; | |||||
retObj.Message = "数据导入失败,模板异常,请重新下载模板"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
//获取表名 | |||||
TableName = data[1][0].Split('$')[1].ToUpper(); | |||||
if (!Common.AllTableName.Contains(TableName)) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 1; | |||||
retObj.Message = "数据导入失败,该表不存在,模板异常,请重新下载模板"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
//获取列名 | |||||
foreach (var item in data[2]) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (!item.Contains("$")) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 1; | |||||
retObj.Message = "数据导入失败,模板异常,请重新下载模板"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
string coloumnName = item.Split('$')[1].ToUpper(); | |||||
if (!Common.AllColoumnName.Contains(TableName + "." + coloumnName)) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 1; | |||||
retObj.Message = "数据导入失败,模板异常,请重新下载模板"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
ColoumnsName.Add(coloumnName); | |||||
} | |||||
for (int i = 4; i < data.Count; i++) | |||||
{ | |||||
var _tempData = new List<string>(); | |||||
for (int j = 0; j < ColoumnsName.Count; j++) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (j + 1 <= data[i].Count()) | |||||
{ | |||||
_tempData.Add(data[i][j]); | |||||
} | |||||
else | |||||
{ | |||||
_tempData.Add(""); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
DataLst.Add(_tempData); | |||||
} | |||||
#endregion | |||||
#region 获取表 列属性 | |||||
//获取表列属性 | |||||
var curType = Type.GetType($"DataSendApi.Program.Model.{TableName}Entity"); | |||||
List<CustomizeFieldAttribute> FieldAttrLst = new List<CustomizeFieldAttribute>(); | |||||
CustomizeTableAttribute TableAttr = curType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomizeTableAttribute), false)[0] as CustomizeTableAttribute; | |||||
foreach (var item in ColoumnsName) | |||||
{ | |||||
var curPType = curType.GetProperty(item).GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomizeFieldAttribute), false)[0] as CustomizeFieldAttribute; | |||||
FieldAttrLst.Add(curPType); | |||||
} | |||||
#endregion | |||||
#region 验证数据 | |||||
//循环每行数据 | |||||
for (int i = 0; i < DataLst.Count; i++) | |||||
{ | |||||
var rowCount = i + 1; | |||||
var rowData = DataLst[i]; | |||||
//循环每列数据 | |||||
for (int j = 0; j < FieldAttrLst.Count; j++) | |||||
{ | |||||
var rowAttr = FieldAttrLst[j]; | |||||
//数据校验 | |||||
//验证效验列 | |||||
if (rowAttr.IsExcelVerify && rowData[j] == "") | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"数据导入失败,第[{rowCount}]行,[{rowAttr.ChineseColumnName}]列为必填项!"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
//验证填写基础数据是否正确 | |||||
if (rowAttr.IsJson) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (rowAttr.TsVerify == "1" && rowData[j].Replace("|", "").Length > 0) | |||||
{ | |||||
string _t = string.Empty; | |||||
foreach (var ts in rowData[j].Split('|')) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ts)) continue; | |||||
var _temp = Common.GGSJZDLst.FirstOrDefault(P => P.ZDLX == rowAttr.JsonName && P.MC == ts); | |||||
if (_temp == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_temp.DM)) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"数据导入失败,第[{rowCount}]行,[{rowAttr.ChineseColumnName}]请参照对应的字段表填写名称!"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
_t += _temp.DM + "||"; | |||||
} | |||||
rowData[j] = _t.Substring(0, _t.Length - 2); | |||||
} | |||||
else | |||||
{ | |||||
var _temp = Common.GGSJZDLst.FirstOrDefault(P => P.ZDLX == rowAttr.JsonName && P.MC == rowData[j]); | |||||
if (_temp == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_temp.DM)) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"数据导入失败,第[{rowCount}]行,[{rowAttr.ChineseColumnName}]请参照对应的字段表填写名称!"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
rowData[j] = _temp.DM; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
//验证值是否为数字 | |||||
if (rowAttr.ColumnType == "decimal") | |||||
{ | |||||
try | |||||
{ | |||||
Convert.ToDecimal(rowData[j]); | |||||
} | |||||
catch | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"数据导入失败,第[{rowCount}]行,[{rowAttr.ChineseColumnName}]列只能填写数字!"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
//数据格式验证 | |||||
if (rowAttr.ColumnFormat != "" && rowAttr.ColumnFormat.Length > 0) | |||||
{ | |||||
try | |||||
{ | |||||
if (rowData[j] != null && rowData[j] != "") | |||||
{ | |||||
if (rowData[j].Length == rowAttr.ColumnFormat.Length) | |||||
{ | |||||
Convert.ToDateTime(rowData[j]); | |||||
} | |||||
else | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"数据导入失败,第[{rowCount}]行,[{rowAttr.ChineseColumnName}]列未按照格式填写,参考格式{rowAttr.ColumnFormat}!"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
catch | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"数据导入失败,第[{rowCount}]行,[{rowAttr.ChineseColumnName}]列未按照格式填写,参考格式{rowAttr.ColumnFormat}!"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
//数据长度验证 | |||||
if (rowAttr.ColumnType == "string") | |||||
{ | |||||
if (!rowAttr.IsJson && rowData[j].Length > rowAttr.ColumnLength) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"数据导入失败,第[{rowCount}]行,[{rowAttr.ChineseColumnName}]列字符过多,不能超过{rowAttr.ColumnLength}个字符!"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
//换行验证 | |||||
if (rowData[j] != null && rowData[j] != "") | |||||
{ | |||||
if (rowData[j].IndexOf('\n') >= 0) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"数据导入失败,第[{rowCount}]行,[{rowAttr.ChineseColumnName}]列不允许换行!"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
#endregion | |||||
#region 封装数据 | |||||
//封装数据 | |||||
DataTableModel dataTableModel = new DataTableModel(); | |||||
dataTableModel.Type = curType; | |||||
dataTableModel.CustomizeTable = TableAttr; | |||||
foreach (var item in dataTableModel.Type.GetProperties()) | |||||
{ | |||||
var _temp = (item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomizeFieldAttribute), false)[0] as CustomizeFieldAttribute); | |||||
if (_temp.IsDatabase) | |||||
dataTableModel.CustomizeFieldLst.Add(_temp); | |||||
} | |||||
for (int i = 0; i < DataLst.Count; i++) | |||||
{ | |||||
var _data = DataLst[i]; | |||||
Hashtable _ht = new Hashtable(); | |||||
foreach (var item in dataTableModel.CustomizeFieldLst) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (item.IsPrimaryKey) | |||||
{ | |||||
_ht.Add(item.DatabaseColumnName, Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "")); | |||||
continue; | |||||
} | |||||
if (item.DatabaseColumnName == "SJCJSJ") | |||||
{ | |||||
_ht.Add("SJCJSJ", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); | |||||
continue; | |||||
} | |||||
if (item.DatabaseColumnName == "IsPush") | |||||
{ | |||||
_ht.Add("IsPush", "0"); | |||||
continue; | |||||
} | |||||
for (int j = 0; j < FieldAttrLst.Count; j++) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (FieldAttrLst[j].DatabaseColumnName == item.DatabaseColumnName) | |||||
{ | |||||
_ht.Add(item.DatabaseColumnName, _data[j]); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
dataTableModel.CustomizeData.Add(_ht); | |||||
} | |||||
#endregion | |||||
return ConnentionDataByDatabase(dataTableModel); | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 获取推送数据 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public ReturnEntity GetDataPush(string table) | |||||
{ | |||||
var retObj = new ReturnEntity(); | |||||
#region 获取表 列属性 | |||||
//获取表列属性 | |||||
var curType = Type.GetType($"DataSendApi.Program.Model.{table.ToUpper()}Entity"); | |||||
List<CustomizeFieldAttribute> FieldAttrLst = new List<CustomizeFieldAttribute>(); | |||||
CustomizeTableAttribute TableAttr = curType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomizeTableAttribute), false)[0] as CustomizeTableAttribute; | |||||
foreach (var item in curType.GetProperties()) | |||||
{ | |||||
var curPType = item.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CustomizeFieldAttribute), false)[0] as CustomizeFieldAttribute; | |||||
FieldAttrLst.Add(curPType); | |||||
} | |||||
#endregion | |||||
#region 获取数据 | |||||
string _sql = $"SELECT * FROM {table.ToUpper()} WHERE IsPush = '0' "; | |||||
var _tempLst = DbContext.Query<dynamic>(_sql); | |||||
if (_tempLst == null || _tempLst.Count() <= 0) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Code = 4; | |||||
retObj.Message = "该表无可推送数据"; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
string retrunJson = $@" | |||||
{{ | |||||
""dataObjName"" : ""{table.ToLower()}"", | |||||
""fileds"" : ["; | |||||
foreach (var item in _tempLst) | |||||
{ | |||||
var fields = item as IDictionary<string, object>; | |||||
retrunJson += $@" | |||||
{{"; | |||||
foreach (var val in FieldAttrLst) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (val.IsExcel) | |||||
{ | |||||
var value = string.Empty; | |||||
if (fields[val.DatabaseColumnName] != null) | |||||
value = fields[val.DatabaseColumnName].ToString(); | |||||
//获取特殊数据库数据 | |||||
if (val.TsVerify == "2") | |||||
{ | |||||
value = DbContext.ExecuteScalar<string>(" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ods_dyfzqkjcsj"); | |||||
} | |||||
var num = value.IndexOf('\n'); | |||||
if ((num) >= 0) | |||||
{ | |||||
value = value.Replace("\n", ","); | |||||
} | |||||
retrunJson += $"\"{val.DatabaseColumnName.ToLower()}\" : \"{value}\","; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
retrunJson = retrunJson.Substring(0, retrunJson.Length - 1); | |||||
retrunJson += $@" | |||||
}},"; | |||||
} | |||||
retrunJson = retrunJson.Substring(0, retrunJson.Length - 1); | |||||
retrunJson += @" | |||||
] | |||||
}"; | |||||
retObj.Data = retrunJson; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
#endregion | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 执行推送 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public ReturnEntity ExecDataPush(string tablename) | |||||
{ | |||||
var ret = GetDataPush(tablename); | |||||
if (ret.Code != 0) return ret; | |||||
return new DataCollectionService().PushData(ret.Data as string); | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据增量查询 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
/// <param name="tableName">表名</param> | |||||
/// <param name="startTime">开始时间(yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss)</param> | |||||
/// <param name="endTime">结束时间(yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss)</param> | |||||
/// <param name="page">页码</param> | |||||
/// <param name="limit">每页大小</param> | |||||
/// <returns></returns> | |||||
public ReturnEntity GetPushDataAddCount( | |||||
string tableName, | |||||
string startTime, | |||||
string endTime, | |||||
int page = 1, | |||||
int limit = 100 | |||||
) | |||||
{ | |||||
return new DataCollectionService().GetPushDataAddCount(tableName, startTime, endTime, page, limit); | |||||
} | |||||
public ReturnEntity GetTableCount(string tableName) | |||||
{ | |||||
string _sql = ""; | |||||
foreach (var item in tableName.Split(',')) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) continue; | |||||
_sql += $@" | |||||
SELECT '{item}' as tablename ,COUNT(*) as count FROM {item.ToUpper()} WHERE IsPush = '0' | |||||
"; | |||||
_sql += " UNION ALL"; | |||||
} | |||||
var retObj = new ReturnEntity(); | |||||
_sql = _sql.Length > 0 ? _sql.Substring(0, _sql.Length - 10) : _sql; | |||||
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sql)) | |||||
{ | |||||
retObj.Data = DbContext.Query<TableNameModel>(_sql); | |||||
} | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
public ReturnEntity UpdatePushStatus(string tableName) | |||||
{ | |||||
var retObj = new ReturnEntity(); | |||||
string _sql = $"UPDATE {tableName.ToUpper()} SET IsPush = '1' WHERE IsPush = '0' "; | |||||
retObj.Data = DbContext.Execute(_sql); | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 将数据写入数据库 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
private ReturnEntity ConnentionDataByDatabase(DataTableModel dm) | |||||
{ | |||||
var retObj = new ReturnEntity(); | |||||
var tran = DapperHelper.OpenCurrentDbConnection().BeginTransaction(); | |||||
int row = 1; | |||||
int addCount = 0; | |||||
int updateCount = 0; | |||||
try | |||||
{ | |||||
foreach (var item in dm.CustomizeData) | |||||
{ | |||||
string _sqlJoinVerify = JoinVerify(dm.CustomizeTable, dm.CustomizeFieldLst, item); | |||||
var wyzj = DbContext.ExecuteScalar<string>(_sqlJoinVerify, null, tran); | |||||
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wyzj)) | |||||
{ | |||||
//更新 | |||||
string _sqlJoinuUpdate = JoinuUpdate(dm.CustomizeTable, dm.CustomizeFieldLst, item, wyzj); | |||||
DbContext.Execute(_sqlJoinuUpdate, null, tran); | |||||
updateCount++; | |||||
} | |||||
else | |||||
{ | |||||
//插入 | |||||
string _sqlJoinInsert = JoinInsert(dm.CustomizeTable, dm.CustomizeFieldLst, item); | |||||
DbContext.Execute(_sqlJoinInsert, null, tran); | |||||
addCount++; | |||||
} | |||||
row++; | |||||
} | |||||
tran.Commit(); | |||||
} | |||||
catch (Exception ex) | |||||
{ | |||||
tran.Rollback(); | |||||
retObj.Code = 2; | |||||
retObj.Message = $"第{row}行数据写入数据库时异常,数据已回滚,异常原因:" + ex.Message; | |||||
} | |||||
retObj.Data = new { addCount = addCount, updateCount = updateCount }; | |||||
return retObj; | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 拼接查询验证SQL | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
private string JoinVerify(CustomizeTableAttribute customizeTable, List<CustomizeFieldAttribute> fieldAttributes, Hashtable hashtable) | |||||
{ | |||||
string _sql = string.Empty; | |||||
_sql = $" SELECT * FROM {customizeTable.DatabaseTableName} WHERE 1 = 1 "; | |||||
foreach (var item in fieldAttributes) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (item.IsExcelVerify) | |||||
_sql += $" AND {item.DatabaseColumnName} = '{hashtable[item.DatabaseColumnName].ToString()}' "; | |||||
} | |||||
return _sql; | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 拼接插入SQL | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
private string JoinInsert(CustomizeTableAttribute customizeTable, List<CustomizeFieldAttribute> fieldAttributes, Hashtable hashtable) | |||||
{ | |||||
string _sql = string.Empty; | |||||
_sql = $" INSERT INTO {customizeTable.DatabaseTableName} ("; | |||||
foreach (var item in fieldAttributes) | |||||
{ | |||||
_sql += $"{item.DatabaseColumnName},"; | |||||
} | |||||
_sql = _sql.Substring(0, _sql.Length - 1); | |||||
_sql += ") VALUES ("; | |||||
foreach (var item in fieldAttributes) | |||||
{ | |||||
_sql += $"'{hashtable[item.DatabaseColumnName]}',"; | |||||
} | |||||
_sql = _sql.Substring(0, _sql.Length - 1); | |||||
return _sql += ")"; | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 拼接更新SQL | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
private string JoinuUpdate(CustomizeTableAttribute customizeTable, List<CustomizeFieldAttribute> fieldAttributes, Hashtable hashtable, string wyzj) | |||||
{ | |||||
string _sql = string.Empty; | |||||
_sql = $" UPDATE {customizeTable.DatabaseTableName} SET "; | |||||
string _tempSql = string.Empty; | |||||
foreach (var item in fieldAttributes) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (!item.IsPrimaryKey && !item.IsExcelVerify) | |||||
_sql += $"{item.DatabaseColumnName} = '{hashtable[item.DatabaseColumnName]}',"; | |||||
if (item.IsPrimaryKey) | |||||
_tempSql += $" WHERE {item.DatabaseColumnName} = '{wyzj}'"; | |||||
} | |||||
return _sql.Substring(0, _sql.Length - 1) + _tempSql; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
public class TableNameModel | |||||
{ | |||||
public string TABLENAME { get; set; } | |||||
public string COUNT { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@ | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.Model; | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.Oracle; | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
using System.Text; | |||||
using System.Threading.Tasks; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.BLL | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 公共数据字典类 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public class Common | |||||
{ | |||||
private static List<ODS_GGZDEntyt> _GGSJZDLst; | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 公共数据字典集合 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public static List<ODS_GGZDEntyt> GGSJZDLst | |||||
{ | |||||
get | |||||
{ | |||||
if (_GGSJZDLst == null) | |||||
{ | |||||
_GGSJZDLst = DbContext.Query<ODS_GGZDEntyt>(@"SELECT * FROM ODS_GGZD").ToList(); | |||||
} | |||||
return _GGSJZDLst; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据库中全部表名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public static List<string> AllTableName { get; private set; } = new string[] | |||||
{ | |||||
"ODS_CJSXHDSJ", | |||||
"ODS_DYHDSJ", | |||||
"ODS_DZZQKJCSJ", | |||||
"ODS_GZPJSJ", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ", | |||||
"ODS_JXPXSJ", | |||||
"ODS_WFJCKCJSJ", | |||||
"ODS_XNSXJDSJ", | |||||
"ODS_XQJCSJ", | |||||
"ODS_XWSXJDSJ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZKCXXSJ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZSXJCSJ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZXKPKSJ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZZSSJ" | |||||
}.ToList(); | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据库中全部列名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public static List<string> AllColoumnName { get; private set; } = new string[] { | |||||
"ODS_DYHDSJ.HDMC", | |||||
"ODS_DYHDSJ.SSZT", | |||||
"ODS_DYHDSJ.HDBK", | |||||
"ODS_DYHDSJ.HDZT", | |||||
"ODS_DYHDSJ.HDLX", | |||||
"ODS_DYHDSJ.HDNR", | |||||
"ODS_DYHDSJ.ZBDW", | |||||
"ODS_GGZD.ZDID", | |||||
"ODS_GGZD.ZDLX", | |||||
"ODS_GGZD.ZDLXMC", | |||||
"ODS_GGZD.DM", | |||||
"ODS_GGZD.MC", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.JCMC", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.JCBH", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.JCXZ", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.ISBN", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.ZZXM", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.CBRQ", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.CBS", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.SYCC", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.JG", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.BC", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.YC", | |||||
"ODS_JCXYSJ.HJQK", | |||||
"ODS_JXPXSJ.ZJR", | |||||
"ODS_XQJCSJ.XQBH", | |||||
"ODS_XQJCSJ.XQMC", | |||||
"ODS_XQJCSJ.XQJC", | |||||
"ODS_XQJCSJ.XQDZ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZSXJCSJ.XN", | |||||
"ODS_ZZSXJCSJ.XQ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZXKPKSJ.NJ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZXKPKSJ.BJ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZXKPKSJ.XN", | |||||
"ODS_ZZXKPKSJ.XQ", | |||||
"ODS_ZZXKPKSJ.ZC", | |||||
}.ToList(); | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ | |||||
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; | |||||
using NPOI.SS.UserModel; | |||||
using NPOI.XSSF.UserModel; | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Data; | |||||
using System.IO; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
using System.Text; | |||||
using System.Threading.Tasks; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.BLL | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// Excel操作类 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public class HandleExcel | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 读取ExcelFile | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
/// <param name="filePath">文件地址</param> | |||||
public List<List<string>> ReadFromExcelFile(string filePath) | |||||
{ | |||||
IWorkbook wk = null; | |||||
List<List<string>> returnLst = new List<List<string>>(); | |||||
string extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath); | |||||
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath); | |||||
if (extension.Equals(".xls")) | |||||
{ | |||||
//把xls文件中的数据写入wk中 | |||||
wk = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); | |||||
} | |||||
else | |||||
{ | |||||
//把xlsx文件中的数据写入wk中 | |||||
wk = new XSSFWorkbook(fs); | |||||
} | |||||
fs.Close(); | |||||
//读取当前表数据 | |||||
ISheet sheet = wk.GetSheetAt(0); | |||||
IRow row = sheet.GetRow(0); //读取当前行数据 | |||||
for (int i = 0; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) | |||||
{ | |||||
row = sheet.GetRow(i); //读取当前行数据 | |||||
if (row != null) | |||||
{ | |||||
List<string> _temp = new List<string>(); | |||||
//LastCellNum 是当前行的总列数 | |||||
for (int j = 0; j < row.LastCellNum; j++) | |||||
{ | |||||
string value = string.Empty; | |||||
if (row.GetCell(j) != null) | |||||
//读取该行的第j列数据 | |||||
value = row.GetCell(j).ToString(); | |||||
_temp.Add(value); | |||||
} | |||||
returnLst.Add(_temp); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return returnLst; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.Model; | |||||
using Newtonsoft.Json; | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Configuration; | |||||
using System.Data; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
using System.Net.Http; | |||||
using System.Web; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.BLL.Token | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 智慧大脑数据采集 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public class DataCollectionService | |||||
{ | |||||
//接口地址 | |||||
private static string InsUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CYInsUrl"]; | |||||
//客户标识 | |||||
private static string client_id = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CYClient_id"]; | |||||
//用户名 | |||||
private static string username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CYUsername"]; | |||||
//密码 | |||||
private static string password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CYPassword"]; | |||||
//数据采集接口地址 | |||||
private static string saveIncrUrl = InsUrl + "/prod-api/api/web/collect/interface/saveIncrData"; | |||||
//增量查询接口 | |||||
private static string saveAddUrl = InsUrl + "/prod-api/api/web/collect/interface/getResultsBytime"; | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 用户Token | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string AccessToken { get; set; } | |||||
public DataCollectionService() | |||||
{ | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 用户授权 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
private void login() | |||||
{ | |||||
var login_url = InsUrl + "/prod-api/api/web/collect/oauth2/login?grant_type=password&client_id=" + client_id + "&username=" + username + "&password=" + password; | |||||
// HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); | |||||
// Task<string> result response = await client.PostAsync(InsUrl); | |||||
// var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); | |||||
var login_res_str = HttpMethods.HttpPost(login_url,"{}"); | |||||
var login_res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<InsResult>(login_res_str); | |||||
var login_data = login_res.data; | |||||
AccessToken = ((dynamic)login_data)?.access_token; | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据推送 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public ReturnEntity PushData(string json) | |||||
{ | |||||
ReturnEntity re = new ReturnEntity(); | |||||
try | |||||
{ | |||||
login(); | |||||
re.Data = HttpMethods.HttpPostConnect(saveIncrUrl, json, AccessToken); | |||||
} | |||||
catch (Exception ex) | |||||
{ | |||||
re.Code = 3; | |||||
re.Message = ex.Message; | |||||
} | |||||
return re; | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据增量查询 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
/// <param name="tableName">表名</param> | |||||
/// <param name="startTime">开始时间(yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss)</param> | |||||
/// <param name="endTime">结束时间(yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss)</param> | |||||
/// <param name="page">页码</param> | |||||
/// <param name="limit">每页大小</param> | |||||
/// <returns></returns> | |||||
public ReturnEntity GetPushDataAddCount( | |||||
string tableName, | |||||
string startTime, | |||||
string endTime, | |||||
int page = 1, | |||||
int limit = 100 | |||||
) | |||||
{ | |||||
string json = $@"{{ | |||||
""startTime"" : ""{startTime}"", | |||||
""endTime"" : ""{endTime}"", | |||||
""page"" : ""{page}"", | |||||
""limit"" : ""{limit}"", | |||||
""tableName"" : ""{tableName.ToLower()}"" | |||||
}}"; | |||||
ReturnEntity re = new ReturnEntity(); | |||||
try | |||||
{ | |||||
login(); | |||||
var mfdc = new System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent(); | |||||
mfdc.Headers.Add("ContentType", "multipart/form-data");//声明头部 | |||||
mfdc.Headers.Add("connect", AccessToken); | |||||
mfdc.Add(new System.Net.Http.StringContent(startTime), "startTime");//参数, 内容在前,参数名称在后 | |||||
mfdc.Add(new System.Net.Http.StringContent(endTime), "endTime"); | |||||
mfdc.Add(new System.Net.Http.StringContent(page.ToString()), "page"); | |||||
mfdc.Add(new System.Net.Http.StringContent(limit.ToString()), "limit"); | |||||
mfdc.Add(new System.Net.Http.StringContent(tableName.ToString()), "tableName"); | |||||
var clientTask = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient().PostAsync(saveAddUrl, mfdc);//发起异步请求 | |||||
clientTask.Wait();//等待请求结果 | |||||
var resultStr = string.Empty; | |||||
if (clientTask.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode) | |||||
{ | |||||
//请求正常 | |||||
var resultTask = clientTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();//异步读取返回内容 | |||||
resultTask.Wait();//等读取返回内容 | |||||
resultStr = resultTask.Result;//返回内容字符串 | |||||
} | |||||
else | |||||
{ | |||||
//请求异常 | |||||
} | |||||
re.Data = resultStr; | |||||
} | |||||
catch (Exception ex) | |||||
{ | |||||
re.Code = 3; | |||||
re.Message = ex.Message; | |||||
} | |||||
return re; | |||||
} | |||||
#region MyRegion | |||||
public class InsResult | |||||
{ | |||||
public int code { get; set; } | |||||
public string msg { get; set; } | |||||
public object data { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
public class PushEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
public string returnCode { get; set; } | |||||
public string returnMessage { get; set; } | |||||
public object returnData { get; set; } | |||||
public object returnCount { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
#endregion | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.IO; | |||||
using System.Net; | |||||
using System.Net.Http; | |||||
using System.Net.Http.Headers; | |||||
using System.Text; | |||||
using System.Threading.Tasks; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.BLL.Token | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 版 本 Learun-ADMS-Ultimate V7.0.0 数字化智慧校园 | |||||
/// Copyright (c) 2013-2018 北京泉江科技有限公司 | |||||
/// 创建人:陈彬彬 | |||||
/// 日 期:2017.03.07 | |||||
/// 描 述:mvc过滤模式 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public class HttpMethods | |||||
{ | |||||
public static string HttpPost(string url, string json) | |||||
{ | |||||
string result = ""; | |||||
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); | |||||
req.Method = "POST"; | |||||
req.ContentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"; | |||||
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);//把字符串转换为字节 | |||||
req.ContentLength = data.Length; //请求长度 | |||||
using (Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream()) //获取 | |||||
{ | |||||
reqStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);//向当前流中写入字节 | |||||
reqStream.Close(); //关闭当前流 | |||||
} | |||||
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); //响应结果 | |||||
Stream stream = resp.GetResponseStream(); | |||||
//获取响应内容 | |||||
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) | |||||
{ | |||||
result = reader.ReadToEnd(); | |||||
} | |||||
return result; | |||||
} | |||||
public static string HttpPostConnect(string url, string json, string connect) | |||||
{ | |||||
string result = ""; | |||||
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); | |||||
req.Method = "POST"; | |||||
req.ContentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"; | |||||
req.Headers.Add("connect", connect); | |||||
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);//把字符串转换为字节 | |||||
req.ContentLength = data.Length; //请求长度 | |||||
using (Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream()) //获取 | |||||
{ | |||||
reqStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);//向当前流中写入字节 | |||||
reqStream.Close(); //关闭当前流 | |||||
} | |||||
HttpWebResponse resp = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); //响应结果 | |||||
Stream stream = resp.GetResponseStream(); | |||||
//获取响应内容 | |||||
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) | |||||
{ | |||||
result = reader.ReadToEnd(); | |||||
} | |||||
return result; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using System; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 自定义特性 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public class CustomizeFieldAttribute : Attribute | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中文列名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string ChineseColumnName { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据库列明 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string DatabaseColumnName { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 列类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string ColumnType { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 列长度 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public int ColumnLength { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 列格式 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string ColumnFormat { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否数据库列 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public bool IsDatabase { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否Api | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public bool IsApi { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否主键 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否Excel验证列 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public bool IsExcelVerify { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否连接编码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public bool IsJson { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 连接的编码类别 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string JsonName { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否为Excel | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public bool IsExcel { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否必填 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public bool IsNull { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 特殊验证 | |||||
/// <para>值:1,使用||进行分割,验证字典值</para> | |||||
/// <para>值:2,推送与导入时,查询ods_dyfzqkjcsj表总数存入数据库</para> | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string TsVerify { get; set; } = string.Empty; | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using System; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 自定义特性 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public class CustomizeTableAttribute : Attribute | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中文表名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string ChineseTableName { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据库表明 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string DatabaseTableName { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ | |||||
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<Reference Include="Dapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=MSIL"> | |||||
<HintPath>..\packages\Dapper.1.50.2\lib\net451\Dapper.dll</HintPath> | |||||
</Reference> | |||||
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<HintPath>..\packages\NPOI.Excel.2.1.1\lib\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll</HintPath> | |||||
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<HintPath>..\packages\NPOI.Excel.2.1.1\lib\NPOI.dll</HintPath> | |||||
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<HintPath>..\packages\NPOI.Excel.2.1.1\lib\NPOI.OOXML.dll</HintPath> | |||||
</Reference> | |||||
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<HintPath>..\packages\NPOI.Excel.2.1.1\lib\NPOI.OpenXml4Net.dll</HintPath> | |||||
</Reference> | |||||
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<HintPath>..\packages\NPOI.Excel.2.1.1\lib\NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.dll</HintPath> | |||||
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<Reference Include="System.Core" /> | |||||
<Reference Include="System.Data.OracleClient" /> | |||||
<Reference Include="System.Web" /> | |||||
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<Compile Include="Model\ReturnEntity.cs" /> | |||||
<Compile Include="Oracle\DbContext.cs" /> | |||||
<Compile Include="Oracle\DapperHelper.cs" /> | |||||
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<Content Include="sqlscript\参加赛事活动数据表%28ods_cjsxhdsj%29.sql" /> | |||||
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
using System.Text; | |||||
using System.Threading.Tasks; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
public class BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参加赛事活动数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "参加赛事活动数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_CJSXHDSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_CJSXHDSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动主题 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动主题", | |||||
ColumnLength = 63, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDZT", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDZT { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动形式 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动形式", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDXS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDXS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动内容 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动内容", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDNR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDNR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主办单位 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主办单位", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZBDW", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZBDW { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主办单位级别 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主办单位级别", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZBDWJB", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "zbdwjbdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZBDWJB { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动开始日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动开始日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDKSRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDKSRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动结束日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动结束日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDJSRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDJSRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校方负责人 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校方负责人", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XFFZR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XFFZR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与教师数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与教师数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYJSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYJSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与学生数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与学生数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYXSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYXSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党建活动党员大会数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "党建活动党员大会数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_DJHDDYDHSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_DJHDDYDHSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动地点 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动地点", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDDD", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDDD { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动内容 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动内容", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDNR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDNR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党建活动党员干部学习数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "党建活动党员干部学习数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_DJHDDYGBXXSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_DJHDDYGBXXSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党员干部学习培训主要途径和载体 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党员干部学习培训主要途径和载体", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DYGBXXPXZYTJZT", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "dygbxxpxzytjztdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true, | |||||
TsVerify = "1" | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DYGBXXPXZYTJZT { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党员干部学习培训内容 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党员干部学习培训内容", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DYGBXXPXNR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "dygbxxpxnrdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true, | |||||
TsVerify = "1" | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DYGBXXPXNR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党建活动党员日常数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "党建活动党员日常数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_DJHDDYRCSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_DJHDDYRCSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动地点 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动地点", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDDD", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDDD { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动内容 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动内容", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDNR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDNR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党建活动党员主题党日数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "党建活动党员主题党日数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_DJHDDYZTDRSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_DJHDDYZTDRSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动地点 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动地点", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDDD", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDDD { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动内容 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动内容", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDNR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "ztdrhdnrdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true, | |||||
TsVerify = "1" | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDNR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党建活动三会一课数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "党建活动三会一课数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_DJHDSHYKSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_DJHDSHYKSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动形式 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动形式", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDXS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "djhdxsdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDXS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党课主讲人 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党课主讲人", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DKZJR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DKZJR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动内容 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动内容", | |||||
ColumnLength = 500, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDNR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDNR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党员发展情况基础数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "党员发展情况基础数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_DYFZQKJCSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_DYFZQKJCSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织类型", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZLX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZLX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 新党员类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "新党员类型", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XDYLX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "xdylxdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XDYLX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DYXM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DYXM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 人员编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "人员编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "RYBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string RYBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党员发展状态 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党员发展状态", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XDYFZZT", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "xdyfzztdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XDYFZZT { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 成为积极份子日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "成为积极份子日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CWJJFZRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CWJJFZRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 成为预备党员日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "成为预备党员日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CWYBDYRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CWYBDYRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 成为正式党员日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "成为正式党员日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZZRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZZRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 德育活动数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "德育活动数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_DYHDSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_DYHDSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 180, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 132, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 所属专题 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "所属专题", | |||||
ColumnLength = 163, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SSZT", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SSZT { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动版块 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动版块", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDBK", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDBK { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动主题 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动主题", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDZT", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "dyhdztdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDZT { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动类型", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDLX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "dyhdlxdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDLX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动内容 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动内容", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDNR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDNR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主办单位 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主办单位", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZBDW", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZBDW { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主办单位级别 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主办单位级别", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZBDWJB", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "zbdwjbdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZBDWJB { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动开始日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动开始日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDKSRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDKSRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 活动结束日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "活动结束日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HDJSRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HDJSRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校方负责人 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校方负责人", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XFFZR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XFFZR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与班级数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与班级数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYBJS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYBJS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与教师数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与教师数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYJSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYJSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与学生数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与学生数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYXSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYXSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织情况基础数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "党组织情况基础数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_DZZQKJCSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_DZZQKJCSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织类型", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZLX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZLX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DZZBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 隶属上级党组织 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "隶属上级党组织", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJDZZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJDZZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党内领导姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党内领导姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DNLDXM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DNLDXM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党内领导教工号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党内领导教工号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DNLDJGH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DNLDJGH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党内领导职务 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党内领导职务", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DNLDZW", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "dnldrzwdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true, | |||||
TsVerify = "1" | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DNLDZW { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 党组织党员人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "党组织党员人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DZZDYRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false, | |||||
TsVerify = "2" | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal DZZDYRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
using System.Text; | |||||
using System.Threading.Tasks; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 公共数据字典实体 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public class ODS_GGZDEntyt: BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 字典唯一ID | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string ZDID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 字典类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string ZDLX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 字典类型名词 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string ZDLXMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string DM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string MC { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 工作评价数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "工作评价数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_GZPJSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_GZPJSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 工作日志提交次数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "工作日志提交次数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZRZTJCS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal GZRZTJCS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 好评教师人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "好评教师人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HPJSRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal HPJSRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 特殊岗位教师人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "特殊岗位教师人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 63, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "TSGWJSRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal TSGWJSRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 教材选用数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "教材选用数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_JCXYSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_JCXYSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 教材名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "教材名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 150, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JCMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JCMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 教材编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "教材编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JCBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JCBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 教材性质 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "教材性质", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JCXZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "jcxzdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JCXZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// ISBN 号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "ISBN 号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ISBN", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ISBN { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 作者 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "作者", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZZXM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZZXM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 出版日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "出版日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 23, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CBRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CBRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 出版社 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "出版社", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CBS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CBS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 适用层次 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "适用层次", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SYCC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "jcsyccdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SYCC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 价格(元) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "价格(元)", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JG", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JG { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 版次 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "版次", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal BC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 印次 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "印次", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "YC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal YC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否有练习册 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否有练习册", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SFYLXC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SFYLXC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否有教参教辅 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否有教参教辅", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SFYJCJF", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SFYJCJF { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 获奖情况 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "获奖情况", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HJQK", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "jchjqkdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HJQK { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 进修培训数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "进修培训数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_JXPXSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_JXPXSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 进修培训活动编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "进修培训活动编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JXPXHDBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JXPXHDBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 进修培训活动名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "进修培训活动名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JXPXHDMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JXPXHDMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 进修培训活动主题 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "进修培训活动主题", | |||||
ColumnLength = 63, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JXPXHDZT", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JXPXHDZT { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 进修培训活动内容简介 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "进修培训活动内容简介", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JXPXHDNRJJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JXPXHDNRJJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 进修培训活动培训时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "进修培训活动培训时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JXPXHDSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JXPXHDSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主讲人姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主讲人姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 23, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZJR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZJR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 当日培训活动参与教师数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "当日培训活动参与教师数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 23, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DRPXHDCYJSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal DRPXHDCYJSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 文化基础课成绩数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "文化基础课成绩数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_WFJCKCJSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_WFJCKCJSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学年 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学年", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XN", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XN { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 年级 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "年级", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "NJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string NJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 班级 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "班级", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string BJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 专业名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "专业名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 163, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZYMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZYMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程分类 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程分类", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCFL", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "kcfldm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCFL { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 任课教师 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "任课教师", | |||||
ColumnLength = 20, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "RKJS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string RKJS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程成绩 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程成绩", | |||||
ColumnLength = 20, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCCJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCCJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校内实训基地数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "校内实训基地数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_XNSXJDSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_XNSXJDSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实训基地号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实训基地号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXJDH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXJDH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实训基地名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实训基地名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXJDMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXJDMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 成立年度 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "成立年度", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CLND", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CLND { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 面向专业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "面向专业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "MXZY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string MXZY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 被列为实训基地项目支持部门 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "被列为实训基地项目支持部门", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZCBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "zcbmjbdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZCBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 批准日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "批准日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 20, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "PZRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string PZRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实训室数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实训室数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal SXSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实训项目总数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实训项目总数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXXMZS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal SXXMZS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 基地类别 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "基地类别", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JDLB", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "xxjdlbdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JDLB { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 建筑面积 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "建筑面积", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JZMJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal JZMJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 仪器设备总数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "仪器设备总数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "YQSBZS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal YQSBZS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实践教学工位数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实践教学工位数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJJXGWS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal SJJXGWS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 管理人员(专职) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "管理人员(专职)", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GLRYZZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GLRYZZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 管理人员(兼职) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "管理人员(兼职)", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GLRYJZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GLRYJZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区基础数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "校区基础数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_XQJCSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_XQJCSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XYGKJCSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XYGKJCSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 省机构编码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "省机构编码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "PROVINCEJGBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string PROVINCEJGBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 省机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "省机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "PROVINCEJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string PROVINCEJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 市机构编码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "市机构编码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CITYJGBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CITYJGBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 市机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "市机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CITYJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CITYJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 区县机构编码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "区县机构编码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "COUNTYJGBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string COUNTYJGBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 区县机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "区县机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "COUNTYJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string COUNTYJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 64, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 180, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区简称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区简称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQJC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQJC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区所在地行政区划 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区所在地行政区划", | |||||
ColumnLength = 50, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQSZDXZQH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQSZDXZQH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区地址 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区地址", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQDZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQDZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区邮政编码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区邮政编码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQYZBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQYZBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区联系电话 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区联系电话", | |||||
ColumnLength = 35, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQLXDH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQLXDH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区负责人 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区负责人", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQFZR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQFZR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区教职工总数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区教职工总数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQJZGZS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal XQJZGZS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区学生总数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区学生总数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQXSZS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal XQXSZS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校区成立日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "校区成立日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 50, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQCLRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQCLRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 50, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学生综合成绩与评价数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "学生综合成绩与评价数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_XSZHCJPJSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_XSZHCJPJSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学年 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学年", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XN", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XN { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 专业名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "专业名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 163, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZYMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZYMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 年级 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "年级", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "NJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string NJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 班级 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "班级", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string BJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学籍号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学籍号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 63, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XJH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XJH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学生姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学生姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XSXM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XSXM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 思想政治成绩 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "思想政治成绩", | |||||
ColumnLength = 5, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXZZCJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal SXZZCJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 文化课成绩 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "文化课成绩", | |||||
ColumnLength = 5, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "WHKCJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal WHKCJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 专业技能课程成绩 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "专业技能课程成绩", | |||||
ColumnLength = 5, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZYJNKCCJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal ZYJNKCCJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学生体质健康成绩 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学生体质健康成绩", | |||||
ColumnLength = 5, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XSTZJKCJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal XSTZJKCJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 综合评价成绩 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "综合评价成绩", | |||||
ColumnLength = 5, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZHPJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal ZHPJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 校外实训基地数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "校外实训基地数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_XWSXJDSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_XWSXJDSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习实训基地号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习实训基地号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXSXJDH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXSXJDH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习实训基地名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习实训基地名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXSXJDMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXSXJDMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 依托单位名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "依托单位名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "YTDWMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string YTDWMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 依托单位性质 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "依托单位性质", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "YTDWXZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "dwxzdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string YTDWXZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 单位组织机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "单位组织机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "DWZZJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string DWZZJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 在岗职工总数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "在岗职工总数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 23, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZGZGZS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal ZGZGZS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 所在区域 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "所在区域", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SZQY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SZQY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 详细地址 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "详细地址", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXDZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXDZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 基地联系人姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "基地联系人姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JDLXRXM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JDLXRXM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 联系人电话 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "联系人电话", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "LXRDH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string LXRDH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 联系人邮箱 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "联系人邮箱", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "LXRYX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string LXRYX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 基地成立年月 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "基地成立年月", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JDCLNY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JDCLNY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 所属行业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "所属行业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SSHY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxjyhydm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SSHY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 所属产业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "所属产业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SSCY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "cydm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SSCY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 面向专业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "面向专业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 65, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "MXZY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string MXZY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 合作开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "合作开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HZKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HZKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 合作结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "合作结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HZJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HZJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 合作协议签署状态 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "合作协议签署状态", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HZXYQSZT", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "hzxyqsztdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HZXYQSZT { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 合作状态 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "合作状态", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HZZT", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "hzztdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HZZT { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中职毕业去向【就业】数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "中职毕业去向【就业】数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZBYQXJYSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZBYQXJYSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZZSXJYSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZZSXJYSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 64, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 专业名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "专业名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZYMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZYMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 班级名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "班级名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 64, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BJMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string BJMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 身份证号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "身份证号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SFZH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SFZH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 就业单位是否校企合作单位 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "就业单位是否校企合作单位", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SFXQHZDW", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SFXQHZDW { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 就业单位名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "就业单位名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 124, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JYDWMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JYDWMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 就业单位行业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "就业单位行业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JYDWHY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxjyhydm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JYDWHY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 就业单位性质 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "就业单位性质", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JYDWXZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "dwxzdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JYDWXZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 就业单位规模 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "就业单位规模", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JYDWGM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "jydwgmdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JYDWGM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 就业渠道 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "就业渠道", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JYQD", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "jyqddm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JYQD { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 合同签订情况 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "合同签订情况", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "HTQDQK", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "htqdqkdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string HTQDQK { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 起薪线(元) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "起薪线(元)", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "QXX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string QXX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否对口 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否对口", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SFDK", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SFDK { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 就业日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "就业日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 56, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JYRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JYRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否自主创业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否自主创业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZZCY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZZCY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 创业项目名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "创业项目名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 164, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYXMMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CYXMMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否灵活就业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否灵活就业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "LHJY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string LHJY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 工作内容 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "工作内容", | |||||
ColumnLength = 300, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZNR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZNR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 64, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中职毕业去向【升学】数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "中职毕业去向【升学】数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZBYQXSXSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZBYQXSXSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZZSXJYSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZZSXJYSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 64, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 65, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 专业名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "专业名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 34, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZYMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZYMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 班级名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "班级名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 45, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BJMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string BJMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 身份证号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "身份证号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SFZH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SFZH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 升学渠道 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "升学渠道", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXQD", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxqddm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXQD { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 68, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 录取专业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "录取专业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 68, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "LQZY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string LQZY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 分数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "分数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "FS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string FS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 升学层次 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "升学层次", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXCC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxccdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXCC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 64, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中职毕业去向【未就业】数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "中职毕业去向【未就业】数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZBYQXWJYSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZBYQXWJYSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZZSXJYSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZZSXJYSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 65, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 专业名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "专业名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 65, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZYMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZYMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 班级名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "班级名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 34, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BJMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string BJMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 身份证号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "身份证号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SFZH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SFZH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 未就业类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "未就业类型", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "WJYLX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "wjylxdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string WJYLX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 64, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 职参加社团活动数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "职参加社团活动数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZCJSTHDSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZCJSTHDSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参与学生数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参与学生数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CYXSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CYXSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参加社团活动类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参加社团活动类型", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CJSTHDLX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sthdlxdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CJSTHDLX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参加社团活动开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参加社团活动开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CJSTHDKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CJSTHDKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 参加社团活动结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "参加社团活动结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CJSTHDJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CJSTHDJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中职课程信息数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "中职课程信息数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZKCXXSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZKCXXSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 所属校区编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "所属校区编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SSXQBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SSXQBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 23, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 23, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程类别 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程类别", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCLB", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "kclbdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCLB { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程性质 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程性质", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCXZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "kcxzdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCXZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程属性 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程属性", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCSX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "kcsxdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCSX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程分类 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程分类", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCFL", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "kcfldm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCFL { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学科类别 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学科类别", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XKLB", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "xklbdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XKLB { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否专业核心课程 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否专业核心课程", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SFZYHXKC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SFZYHXKC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 理论教学时数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "理论教学时数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "LVJXSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal LVJXSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实践教学时数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实践教学时数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJJXSY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal SJJXSY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中职实习基础数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "中职实习基础数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZSXJCSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZSXJCSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZSXJYSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZSXJYSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学生学号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学生学号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 45, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XSXH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XSXH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学生姓名 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学生姓名", | |||||
ColumnLength = 45, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XSXM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XSXM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 专业名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "专业名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZYMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZYMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学年 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学年", | |||||
ColumnLength = 50, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XN", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XN { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 50, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习班级 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习班级", | |||||
ColumnLength = 100, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXBJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXBJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习项目名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习项目名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 250, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXXMMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXXMMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习类别 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习类别", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXLB", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxlbdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXLB { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习是否开始 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习是否开始", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXSFKS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXSFKS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习是否结束 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习是否结束", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXSFJS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sfbm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXSFJS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习行业 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习行业", | |||||
ColumnLength = 4, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXHY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxjyhydm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXHY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习去向 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习去向", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXQX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxqxdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXQX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习单位来源 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习单位来源", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXDWLY", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxdwlydm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXDWLY { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习场所类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习场所类型", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXCSLX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "sxcslxdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXCSLX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实训基地号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实训基地号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXJDH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXJDH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习单位名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习单位名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 165, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXDWMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXDWMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习单位地址 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习单位地址", | |||||
ColumnLength = 132, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXDWDZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXDWDZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实习岗位名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实习岗位名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 110, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SXGWMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SXGWMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 住宿安排 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "住宿安排", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZSAP", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "zxapdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZSAP { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 专业对口程度 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "专业对口程度", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZYDKCD", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "zydkcddm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZYDKCD { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 购买保险种类 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "购买保险种类", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GMBXZL", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "bxgmzldm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GMBXZL { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 保险购买方 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "保险购买方", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BXGMF", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "bxgmfdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string BXGMF { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 64, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中职巡课排课数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "中职巡课排课数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZXKPKSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZXKPKSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 所属校区编号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "所属校区编号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SSXQBH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SSXQBH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 年级 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "年级", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "NJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string NJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 班级 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "班级", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string BJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学年 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学年", | |||||
ColumnLength = 303, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XN", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XN { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 303, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 周次 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "周次", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string ZC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 星期几 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "星期几", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XQJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XQJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 上课节次 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "上课节次", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SKJC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SKJC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 上课日期 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "上课日期", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SKRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SKRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 课程代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "课程代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "KCDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string KCDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 教工号 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "教工号", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JGH", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JGH { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 教学班人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "教学班人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JXBRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal JXBRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 上课开始时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "上课开始时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SKKSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SKKSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 上课结束时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "上课结束时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SKJSSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SKJSSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 实到学生人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "实到学生人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SDXSRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SDXSRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 教师到课情况 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "教师到课情况", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JSDKQK", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "zybm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JSDKQK { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 巡课人 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "巡课人", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XKR", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XKR { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 30, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中职学校概况基础数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "中职学校概况基础数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZXXGKJCSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZXXGKJCSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XYGKJCSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XYGKJCSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 省机构编码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "省机构编码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "PROVINCEJGBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string PROVINCEJGBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 省机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "省机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "PROVINCEJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string PROVINCEJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 市机构编码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "市机构编码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CITYJGBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CITYJGBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 市机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "市机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CITYJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string CITYJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 区县机构编码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "区县机构编码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 12, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "COUNTYJGBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string COUNTYJGBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 区县机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "区县机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "COUNTYJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string COUNTYJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校类别 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校类别", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXLB", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "xxlbdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXLB { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校所属主管教育行政部门 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校所属主管教育行政部门", | |||||
ColumnLength = 65, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXSSZGJYXZBM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXSSZGJYXZBM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校举办者名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校举办者名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJBZMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJBZMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校举办者性质 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校举办者性质", | |||||
ColumnLength = 10, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJBZXZ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "xxjbzxzdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJBZXZ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校负责人姓名(校长) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校负责人姓名(校长)", | |||||
ColumnLength = 120, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXFZRXM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = true | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXFZRXM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 建校日期(年月) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "建校日期(年月)", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JXRQ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "yyyy-MM", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string JXRQ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 现有教职工总数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "现有教职工总数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XYJSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal XYJSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 现有学生数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "现有学生数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XYXSS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal XYXSS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 本校开设专业数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "本校开设专业数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "BXKSZYS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal BXKSZYS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否国家双优学校/省级双优学校/否 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否国家双优学校/省级双优学校/否", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SYXX", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = true, | |||||
JsonName = "syxxdm", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SYXX { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 50, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.CustomizeAttribute; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 资质证书数据表 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeTable(ChineseTableName = "资质证书数据表", DatabaseTableName = "ODS_ZZZSSJ")] | |||||
public class ODS_ZZZSSJEntity : BaseEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 主键数据唯一性标识 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "主键数据唯一性标识", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GZZYQKSJID", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = true, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string GZZYQKSJID { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构代码 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构代码", | |||||
ColumnLength = 36, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGDM", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = true, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGDM { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 学校机构名称 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "学校机构名称", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "XXJGMC", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string XXJGMC { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 教师资格证人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "教师资格证人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 32, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "JSZGZRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal JSZGZRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 高级职称人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "高级职称人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 80, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "GJZCRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal GJZCRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 中级职称人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "中级职称人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 63, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "ZJZCRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal ZJZCRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 初级职称人数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "初级职称人数", | |||||
ColumnLength = 200, | |||||
ColumnType = "decimal", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "CJZCRS", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public decimal CJZCRS { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据采集时间 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "数据采集时间", | |||||
ColumnLength = 60, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "SJCJSJ", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = true, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = true, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string SJCJSJ { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 是否推送(0:否 1:推送) | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
[CustomizeField( | |||||
ChineseColumnName = "是否推送", | |||||
ColumnLength = 2, | |||||
ColumnType = "string", | |||||
DatabaseColumnName = "IsPush", | |||||
IsDatabase = true, | |||||
IsApi = false, | |||||
IsExcelVerify = false, | |||||
IsPrimaryKey = false, | |||||
IsJson = false, | |||||
JsonName = "", | |||||
ColumnFormat = "", | |||||
IsExcel = false, | |||||
IsNull = false | |||||
)] | |||||
public string IsPush { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ | |||||
| |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
using System.Text; | |||||
using System.Threading.Tasks; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Model | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 返回类型 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public class ReturnEntity | |||||
{ | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 0:成功 其他:失败 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public int Code { get; set; } = 0; | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 错误消息 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public string Message { get; set; } | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 数据对象 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public object Data { get; set; } | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ | |||||
using Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client; | |||||
using System.Configuration; | |||||
using System.Data; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Oracle | |||||
{ | |||||
public class DapperHelper | |||||
{ | |||||
/// 数据库连接名 | |||||
private static string _connection = string.Empty; | |||||
/// 获取连接名 | |||||
private static string Connection | |||||
{ | |||||
get { return _connection; } | |||||
//set { _connection = value; } | |||||
} | |||||
/// 返回连接实例 | |||||
private static IDbConnection dbConnection = null; | |||||
/// 静态变量保存类的实例 | |||||
private static DapperHelper uniqueInstance; | |||||
/// 定义一个标识确保线程同步 | |||||
private static readonly object locker = new object(); | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 私有构造方法,使外界不能创建该类的实例,以便实现单例模式 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
private DapperHelper() | |||||
{ | |||||
// 这里为了方便演示直接写的字符串,实例项目中可以将连接字符串放在配置文件中,再进行读取。 | |||||
_connection = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OracleConnectionString"]; | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 获取实例,这里为单例模式,保证只存在一个实例 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
/// <returns></returns> | |||||
public static DapperHelper GetInstance() | |||||
{ | |||||
// 双重锁定实现单例模式,在外层加个判空条件主要是为了减少加锁、释放锁的不必要的损耗 | |||||
if (uniqueInstance == null) | |||||
{ | |||||
lock (locker) | |||||
{ | |||||
if (uniqueInstance == null) | |||||
{ | |||||
uniqueInstance = new DapperHelper(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
return uniqueInstance; | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 创建数据库连接对象并打开链接 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
/// <returns></returns> | |||||
public static IDbConnection OpenCurrentDbConnection() | |||||
{ | |||||
if (dbConnection == null) | |||||
{ | |||||
dbConnection = new OracleConnection(Connection); | |||||
} | |||||
//判断连接状态 | |||||
if (dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) | |||||
{ | |||||
dbConnection.Open(); | |||||
} | |||||
return dbConnection; | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Data; | |||||
using System.Threading.Tasks; | |||||
using Dapper; | |||||
using DapperExtensions; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Program.Oracle | |||||
{ | |||||
public static class DbContext | |||||
{ | |||||
// 获取开启数据库的连接 | |||||
private static IDbConnection Db | |||||
{ | |||||
get | |||||
{ | |||||
//创建单一实例 | |||||
DapperHelper.GetInstance(); | |||||
return DapperHelper.OpenCurrentDbConnection(); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 查出一条记录的实体 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public static T QueryFirstOrDefault<T>(string sql, object param = null) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Db.QueryFirstOrDefault<T>(sql, param); | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 查出多条记录的实体泛型集合 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public static IEnumerable<T> Query<T>(string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, bool buffered = true, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Db.Query<T>(sql, param, transaction, buffered, commandTimeout, commandType); | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 执行sql 返回受影响行数 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public static int Execute(string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Db.Execute(sql, param, transaction, commandTimeout, commandType); | |||||
} | |||||
/// <summary> | |||||
/// 执行sql 返回首行首列 | |||||
/// </summary> | |||||
public static T ExecuteScalar<T>(string sql, object param = null, IDbTransaction transaction = null, int? commandTimeout = null, CommandType? commandType = null) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Db.ExecuteScalar<T>(sql, param, transaction, commandTimeout, commandType); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ | |||||
using System.Reflection; | |||||
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; | |||||
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; | |||||
// 有关程序集的一般信息由以下 | |||||
// 控制。更改这些特性值可修改 | |||||
// 与程序集关联的信息。 | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("DataSendApi.Program")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("DataSendApi.Program")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2022")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] | |||||
// 将 ComVisible 设置为 false 会使此程序集中的类型 | |||||
//对 COM 组件不可见。如果需要从 COM 访问此程序集中的类型 | |||||
//请将此类型的 ComVisible 特性设置为 true。 | |||||
[assembly: ComVisible(false)] | |||||
// 如果此项目向 COM 公开,则下列 GUID 用于类型库的 ID | |||||
[assembly: Guid("0ca6f23e-6753-48ac-be54-e1b6a9b5e9a6")] | |||||
// 程序集的版本信息由下列四个值组成: | |||||
// | |||||
// 主版本 | |||||
// 次版本 | |||||
// 生成号 | |||||
// 修订号 | |||||
// | |||||
//可以指定所有这些值,也可以使用“生成号”和“修订号”的默认值 | |||||
//通过使用 "*",如下所示: | |||||
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] | |||||
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] |
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ | |||||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> | |||||
<packages> | |||||
<package id="Dapper" version="1.50.2" targetFramework="net461" /> | |||||
<package id="DapperExtensions" version="1.5.0" targetFramework="net461" /> | |||||
<package id="EntityFramework" version="6.0.0" targetFramework="net461" /> | |||||
<package id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="10.0.1" targetFramework="net461" /> | |||||
<package id="NPOI.Excel" version="2.1.1" targetFramework="net461" /> | |||||
<package id="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess" version="19.11.0" targetFramework="net461" /> | |||||
</packages> |
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@ | |||||
create table ods_GGZD | |||||
( | |||||
ZDID varchar2(32) , | |||||
ZDLX varchar2(32) , | |||||
ZDLXMC varchar2(64) , | |||||
DM varchar2(10), | |||||
MC varchar2(64) | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_GGZD add constraint ods_GGZD_ZDID primary key (ZDID); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('046216277b024b9a82011aa4e518c431','syxxdm','双优学校代码','1','国家双优学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('2d2b8a07b3ec4b228b76b6110cb9d90f','syxxdm','双优学校代码','2','省级双优学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('2b168dad832e45f391df605608493170','syxxdm','双优学校代码','0','否'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f3b9667e270942578ea68e38e40ade30','cydm','产业代码','1','第一产业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('19f66f6f96d04232a5dd39ef786aacdd','cydm','产业代码','2','第二产业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f51b71edc5164bdf81b95cc8ac954f38','cydm','产业代码','3','第三产业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('8e061316e87c4f439096ca468db1ab9b','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','10','机关'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('fa2fe7ea9a3b414d84b1ba76e47d5393','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','11','省级以上党政机关'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1d8ae87ee9e240ce9d015c08df59f855','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','12','省级以下党政机关'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('564ad50bd8a74263ac0259abb42def15','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','20','事业单位'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('d72a729d52564d1e8bc3a08640f45721','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','21','科研设计单位'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('e1b86b912c1a43c59db59f9a1b9be884','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','22','高等学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1156bd673402407dac3a0ec857288339','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','23','其他教育单位'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('c14ff329ade8413584a2417802b85414','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','24','医疗卫生单位'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('4f92aaa01e4b4db880295d91173c33af','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','25','体育文化单位'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('2a4950875d65408cacf9d2222c2a367d','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','29','其他事业单位'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('b050fade65984504adc09c3e3757e803','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','30','企业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('c34dc50c7c22420991b2299342eb9122','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','31','国有企业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f11c81b3093f473893821595e529ec2a','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','32','中外合资企业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f2427ddbd44b4c63ab9ed38af3819316','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','33','民营(私营)企业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('cfac54ba07ca4f5ea4f99805e3d42d74','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','34','外资企业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('4170258247754872a4039d82cfa12a44','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','35','集体企业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('4b9bea57bb8f43888ca0a22304ecbea6','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','39','其他企业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('ac5dbea5303a4e0998699a732731428f','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','40','部队'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('0f596d09e04b4f7ea261045dde1d2be4','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','50','社会组织机构'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('b2eec166c35b4c2e82f46d32550f86fa','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','60','国际组织机构'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('cc232d19c4764d5899ea3669c8ac81db','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','70','国防科工机构'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6754a55aa35c4de5a5838d021d42c9d4','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','80','财政金融机构'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('90075869029a48948813cdfb7dabcb39','dwxzdm','单位性质代码','99','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('ba2880adeb4f4700a3c58a51a6b53596','zcbmjbdm','支持部门级别代码','1','国家级'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('17197c2cc3ea4515935b8d4cc185c544','zcbmjbdm','支持部门级别代码','2','省级'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('79e26f197f28420d841237b092afb75c','zcbmjbdm','支持部门级别代码','3','地市级'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('7614d8a6f1d74768a91b187acb81bf5d','zcbmjbdm','支持部门级别代码','0','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1a79ee80cab04bcf84a9bc873b049c1e','xxjdlbdm','实训基地类别代码','1','校内实训教学基地'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('b05fd0ea03f246ad832c9f36bf5646c1','xxjdlbdm','实训基地类别代码','2','虚拟仿真实训基地'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('61a60ee594874dc1bbfce603ea7371ad','xxjdlbdm','实训基地类别代码','3','校中厂'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('8ce04f6dd68f4bbda393555917fa11e5','xxjdlbdm','实训基地类别代码','4','开放实训基地'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('bf880df9cac0478f88fc9c0560f85807','xxjdlbdm','实训基地类别代码','0','其它'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('c8ba61d634904e59b25c6c8634bdc90c','xxlbdm','学校类别代码','361','调整后中等职业学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('38025ae70e02436b92d4f2e46172ef1c','xxlbdm','学校类别代码','362','中等技术学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('cd4d524421094b8e87081628042e8120','xxlbdm','学校类别代码','363','中等师范学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('644d7f90fbfc49dca722f6571ac37eb8','xxlbdm','学校类别代码','364','成人中等专业学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1c835ae5e1f54d0f867056fdd4064240','xxlbdm','学校类别代码','365','职业高中学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('eb6ff2b7bf3d4fa68bf7158b898cae00','xxlbdm','学校类别代码','366','技工学校'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('b1c2b90e38324d6ab56100e2ba96b469','xxlbdm','学校类别代码','368','附设中职班'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('7b4f00997ba348d0b5bb424599573f09','xxlbdm','学校类别代码','369','其他中职机构'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('75ec9d4f746a478db26d3fc0ae25a23f','xxjbzxzdm','学校举办者性质代码','811','省级教育部门'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6efb0c1176514094b0d12ac1e8655414','xxjbzxzdm','学校举办者性质代码','812','省级其他部门(党政机关)'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('66377361280d475eb117fc355bec3dd7','xxjbzxzdm','学校举办者性质代码','821','地级教育部门'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('efa9a5efa08043d1b395600961e577e4','xxjbzxzdm','学校举办者性质代码','822','地级其他部门(党政机关)'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('261750e4ebed402abe1d52f3673b92da','xxjbzxzdm','学校举办者性质代码','831','县级教育部门'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1acb1c02def4441598b1988b89a9cde9','xxjbzxzdm','学校举办者性质代码','832','县级其他部门(党政机关)'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('fff4f01704384321a27e093369f11903','xxjbzxzdm','学校举办者性质代码','891','地方企业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('8a23e95b68a749dfae5de28d4b51dffb','xxjbzxzdm','学校举办者性质代码','999','民办'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('86fb930752ce492b915878ad14594114','kcfldm','课程分类代码','1','公共基础课'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('35fe018db8e842119b41ff6705deb9a8','kcfldm','课程分类代码','2','专业核心课'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1fcfaf184a104ca3a80955d28150bcfe','kcfldm','课程分类代码','3','专业基础课'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('2a31e470444f48a4999d230e7deb9bc7','kcfldm','课程分类代码','4','军训'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('d603df8e6a774c00ab66b4282034f6f1','kcfldm','课程分类代码','5','社会实践'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f9c6117939a04de4b6968e5045ad2b3f','kcfldm','课程分类代码','6','综合实训'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('62c853b9b14b454a960c552745862f53','kcfldm','课程分类代码','7','认知实习'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('eb0d8dad87ad4e638a7d6b973b009860','kcfldm','课程分类代码','8','岗位实习'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1321f936508b4faa99c0b77d4a975f86','kclbdm','课程类别代码','1','A 类(纯理论课)'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('3ae72f70c10343ec8ba0e9e066bd4649','kclbdm','课程类别代码','2','B 类((理论+实践)课'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('634c82da121d476eafce6547f8433e3b','kclbdm','课程类别代码','3','C 类(纯实践课)'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('205efd14f20a42d8b5513b17a9bf34b1','kcxzdm','课程性质代码','1','公共课'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('cfc124b683ef478ea6f71324dd251883','kcxzdm','课程性质代码','2','专业课'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('db6d2446b21644099cce55b5cc96ad4e','kcsxdm','课程属性代码','1','必修课'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('951a9da2b94f428a8da4951aaed0c380','kcsxdm','课程属性代码','2','选修课'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('ee9b437925e4421babaf7d81b3d69b99','xklbdm','学科类别代码','14','思想政治'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('7cb28bb8c80c46f1bd8f9d5cf0e366c1','xklbdm','学科类别代码','21','语文'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('8ec9c0b5c66140739430ab22c312adbe','xklbdm','学科类别代码','15','历史'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f0e69430b8f54c1ca22c1ef05fdf860a','xklbdm','学科类别代码','22','数学'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('b51cb3cc45894c3ab13fc52cd2ec8624','xklbdm','学科类别代码','36','信息技术'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('af4a77aa0c2849f4973b59c535bb589a','xklbdm','学科类别代码','33','艺术'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('cc09511ff7fd4e5380384b89882e2869','xklbdm','学科类别代码','34','音乐'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('bc31330b75e84b298c5d017d4246fd80','xklbdm','学科类别代码','35','美术'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('3fee8061567a4344b9c876c1f46e3f04','xklbdm','学科类别代码','32','体育与健康'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('354c220d2d2b4b3a96cc7f72cdc122d6','xklbdm','学科类别代码','40','外语'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('509c2a5932f14427bc81aec0ff1a0b64','xklbdm','学科类别代码','27','地理'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('477376ae7d5447b0b87b5488885680f0','xklbdm','学科类别代码','24','物理'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('051085ebf15b4fe4bd93ea08a90a79f9','xklbdm','学科类别代码','25','化学'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('93e6ad5ba65440328579d13950566071','xklbdm','学科类别代码','26','生物'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('4873dbf5f9ed4cdab414c6fcb2efed22','xklbdm','学科类别代码','62','劳动与技术'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('e7b5b044fa674be98f9450bd230d7798','xklbdm','学科类别代码','63','研究性学习活动(综合实践活动)'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('3b9a8ce274c849618a22ecf9314c7541','xklbdm','学科类别代码','65','社区服务(综合实践活动)'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('9a5c99cc7eab4e02b389b7e6b7928edb','xklbdm','学科类别代码','66','社会实践(综合实践活动)'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('ad746f5f87264278b0d22b710161712f','xklbdm','学科类别代码','37','通用技术'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('a5ce39522f5d4bd7acc28a0cde63bfbe','xklbdm','学科类别代码','10000','农林牧渔类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('4c8c8d8ff3c943369031626efd374e9f','xklbdm','学科类别代码','20000','资源环境类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('5356d4ec148e432e978f2d3157992abc','xklbdm','学科类别代码','30000','能源与新能源类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('2a32b10be9da44b6ae6a5470cc77d95f','xklbdm','学科类别代码','40000','土木水利类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('b897baea50ee450e9ba6f80b49916595','xklbdm','学科类别代码','50000','加工制造类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('960f32cfa4504a459c472617db5db136','xklbdm','学科类别代码','60000','石油化工类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('12c926ea157944d18a979fc2b0321513','xklbdm','学科类别代码','70000','轻纺食品类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('53d107b2c4e54f0ba159767f3769201b','xklbdm','学科类别代码','80000','交通运输类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6c9b017033fd4b7ebfc133e4eb1cac80','xklbdm','学科类别代码','90000','信息技术类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('612cd6f81cc440c9ad0c80aaca38f151','xklbdm','学科类别代码','100000','医药卫生类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6aa161e3c7424fa59998c6766712ab52','xklbdm','学科类别代码','110000','休闲保健类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('3bb73efcc7a24bb2866107ccb73e2ae8','xklbdm','学科类别代码','120000','财经商贸类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('fde86dc3d5f84baf94ff84d8181759ed','xklbdm','学科类别代码','130000','旅游服务类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('988997b4b9db4e2f9b739eb0601cf128','xklbdm','学科类别代码','140000','文化艺术类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('3d3fa655a8c845958957d6a721311ccf','xklbdm','学科类别代码','150000','体育与健身'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('fd32267731fa44b68df6d7496d1c6869','xklbdm','学科类别代码','160000','教育类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('28945d401ebf41b7985961976602cd20','xklbdm','学科类别代码','170000','司法服务类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('af59cc83e1e64b82918de630b3c860ea','xklbdm','学科类别代码','180000','公共管理与服务类'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('042973aea6ef43f98022d59252e93549','jcxzdm','教材性质代码','1','国家统编教材'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('319f399dba414256b8889566440d9837','jcxzdm','教材性质代码','2','国家规划教材'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('5932dad2414f40ba8a2ce17f90e46edb','jcxzdm','教材性质代码','3','省级规划教材'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('172c81f6f8684bef8ee25cd6c3dfe9c5','jcxzdm','教材性质代码','4','校企合编教材'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('2815654770694747a678d44f791bb39b','jcxzdm','教材性质代码','5','自编教材'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('9d390aa37daf4c37976495f4bb65eb28','jcxzdm','教材性质代码','6','讲义'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('434865d08e724dc4933d3c1d871bc051','jcxzdm','教材性质代码','0','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('21096c499dac4b228beb05d494a8c404','jcsyccdm','教材适用层次代码','1','中职'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('ff48cd379aaa4e0787ed03cbc9c8b9ee','jcsyccdm','教材适用层次代码','2','专科'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('de838468986b484fbb9cee63e4d24988','jcsyccdm','教材适用层次代码','3','职业本科'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6f0e0c1e9cac471fa55924c1449b8595','jcsyccdm','教材适用层次代码','0','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('34a3894bb9c649a6868f70ba284c5525','jchjqkdm','教材获奖情况代码','1','首届国家教材建设奖优秀教材特等奖'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('c8dcc55441354520894fa3dc337c590a','jchjqkdm','教材获奖情况代码','2','首届国家教材建设奖优秀教材一等奖'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('d20564155a454990b69c2dde3fcc47a7','jchjqkdm','教材获奖情况代码','3','首届国家教材建设奖优秀教材二等奖'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('52e5a4670cc942cab909d66078228b5d','jchjqkdm','教材获奖情况代码','0','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('fcbed3d447ad431d976fab81c29d69e7','sxlbdm','实习类别代码','1','认知实习'); | |||||
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INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('2f32f72b13d34977ab4ab8940316de76','dyhdlxdm','德育活动类型代码','4','参观走访'); | |||||
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INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('e9b7e38b21654f958073d88357de8b98','xdylxdm','新党员类型代码','2','学生'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('2b371cac0c564c0c84397e398aaccd8a','xdylxdm','新党员类型代码','3','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6fea6d38d3484642834666ca25719d3b','xdyfzztdm','新党员发展状态代码','1','积极分子'); | |||||
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INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('3b2c29d6423448b89461ab7202b28eeb','djhdxsdm','党建活动形式代码','2','会议'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('eab044ecbffc4a36b2a8e90b479ef308','djhdxsdm','党建活动形式代码','3','讲座报告'); | |||||
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INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1b05d987d91c48089b45c1be46460c10','djhdxsdm','党建活动形式代码','9','个人学习'); | |||||
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INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6f4436bb414743df9bfb2f6b57545288','djhdxsdm','党建活动形式代码','11','参观学习'); | |||||
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INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('84469941b1fc4394a74c998b16aa79fb','wjylxdm','未就业类型代码','1','待就业'); | |||||
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INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('3205fffe6706434fbc12cd7f611d504c','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','C','制造业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('cf2fab8778f24c6aa738b443330d744a','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','D','电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('7a136e3c3e6846819ca8a3433dda7dd9','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','E','建筑业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1bd0b4527d544612a2b65a4199071e09','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','F','批发和零售业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('55e86b0d88c8442299bc620b6d2ffab3','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','G','交通运输、仓储和邮政业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('8819d852b0b048a19adc068692626931','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','H','住宿和餐饮业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('9879d7644223449ea4fa48b7e16475c2','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','I','信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('7b6c70361aad4c058f7e0bcd7162462e','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','J','金融业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('b7f932c5ad8d4b22835284271d8acca4','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','K','房地产业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('ddb6e124c72a4b48ab8d6a35f02efea0','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','L','租赁和商务服务业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('b18c45167fd74ec9b870abd530d39a6f','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','M','科学研究和技术服务业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('fe284ca688594873b234b266eab3868b','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','N','水利、环境和公共设施管理业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f122aec8d60d4336884845f3eecfde01','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','O','居民服务、修理和其他服务业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('ce121b266c10483d884969bf18837af8','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','P','教育'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('9dff0e11b8c94b2988ecaca5e2a79d6a','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','Q','卫生和社会工作'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('bba6b51becb749e5990c4beb04fc5a04','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','R','文化、体育和娱乐业'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f2dbb38a5e904b24915df6d32bad3be2','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','S','公共管理、社会保障和社会组织'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('8f4a21598d4448279eea40cba0933ee6','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','T','国际组织'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6f9278057dab4167b17981fbb816489f','sxjyhydm','实习/就业行业代码','0','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('44566bca80934bfcad19895dacd7f7e9','jydwgmdm','就业单位规模代码','1','特大型'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('84732039970246e1beed8a6fbae21347','jydwgmdm','就业单位规模代码','2','大型'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('3abdec7521ee4cefae53c513e10854d4','jydwgmdm','就业单位规模代码','3','中型'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('227b0d73b70d4839abe9fc9bc9e92f14','jydwgmdm','就业单位规模代码','4','小型'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('0d7e0c06762d438db69147867b840d57','jydwgmdm','就业单位规模代码','5','微型'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('c83ae6d2c0fa44bbab40f97765653c96','jyqddm','就业渠道代码','1','学校推荐'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('380b2a5ea50540f0a612ebd5bbc58586','jyqddm','就业渠道代码','2','中介介绍'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('98462bfe1fae48ec96b0c0ee11586501','jyqddm','就业渠道代码','0','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('cd1f49fc9a414391910dad9ef9f9a407','htqdqkdm','合同签订情况代码','1','未签'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('03a65b5cb4d2414f8a654f2fb0ed5cf0','htqdqkdm','合同签订情况代码','2','1 年及以内'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('d5805977286e422d87367efd7ae5faf5','htqdqkdm','合同签订情况代码','3','1-2(含)年'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('fe4812f01da84639adb452ed821f7d35','htqdqkdm','合同签订情况代码','4','2-3(含)年'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('a52a4c45e5e6438cbb10f97dc5aeac37','htqdqkdm','合同签订情况代码','5','3 年以上'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6cfd733a4ce2483a8da9007b11e99f49','shbxqkdm','社会保险情况代码','1','三险'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('fb0e7caa91b34759b6e3c33da5292ab4','shbxqkdm','社会保险情况代码','2','五险'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('77b2bb5cc6614ec2b54d811d28e8273d','shbxqkdm','社会保险情况代码','3','三险一金'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1f18fb2117ce495dbb70771d90ae636c','shbxqkdm','社会保险情况代码','4','五险一金'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('72fe120fe7ce4974ae5e55e40e7ded0c','shbxqkdm','社会保险情况代码','0','没有社保'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('39561fa1a2714f36b7c4755ce41c7249','sxqddm','升学渠道代码','1','贯通培养'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('68d22c1d15234a038517138f9260c097','sxqddm','升学渠道代码','2','五年一贯制培养'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('6d98083030734ee0b2612c12f36ca2bb','sxqddm','升学渠道代码','3','职教高考'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('324982dedaff4e1b842032f033b37eb6','sxqddm','升学渠道代码','4','普通高考'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('5153c62826d447ff9e9f92b10242b447','sxqddm','升学渠道代码','5','出国升学'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('f373b8b2c69e48f2a09da83a7545dddc','sxccdm','升学层次代码','1','专科'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('cc7d9793551a4e558933226f4556cdfa','sxccdm','升学层次代码','2','职业本科'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('da87f5cf6eae4a82883a047b8e45b415','sxccdm','升学层次代码','3','普通本科'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('ace480f5ecbd4435bf69d585a26c8475','sxccdm','升学层次代码','4','硕士'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('186fff859b9849579134ee79124f33b0','sxccdm','升学层次代码','5','其他'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1863ff859b9849779134ee79124f33b0','hzxyqsztdm','合作协议签署状态','1','签署'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1864ff85fb9849579134ee79124f33b0','hzxyqsztdm','合作协议签署状态','2','续签'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1865ff859b9649579134ee79124f33b0','hzxyqsztdm','合作协议签署状态','3','未签'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1865ff859b96495798965e79124f33b0','hzztdm','合作状态','1','正常'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1865f1253b9649579134ee79124f33b0','hzztdm','合作状态','0','终止'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1865f1253b964957958777ff124f33b0','sfbm','是/否','0','否'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1865f1253b964957958777fb124f33b0','sfbm','是/否','1','是'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1865f1253b964957958fjdsfkj1f33b0','zybm','正常/异常','0','异常'); | |||||
INSERT INTO ods_GGZD VALUES ('1865f1253b964957958fjdsfkj2f33b0','zybm','正常/异常','1','正常'); |
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzxxgkjcsj | |||||
( | |||||
xygkjcsjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
provincejgbm varchar2(12) not null, | |||||
provincejgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
cityjgbm varchar2(12) not null, | |||||
cityjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
countyjgbm varchar2(12) not null, | |||||
countyjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xxlb varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
xxsszgjyxzbm varchar2(65) , | |||||
xxjbzmc varchar2(120) not null, | |||||
xxjbzxz varchar2(4) not null, | |||||
xxfzrxm varchar2(120) , | |||||
jxrq varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xyjss number not null, | |||||
xyxss number not null, | |||||
bxkszys number not null, | |||||
syxx varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(50) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzxxgkjcsj add constraint ods_zzxxgkjcsj_xygkjcsjid primary key (xygkjcsjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzxxgkjcsj is '中职学校概况基础数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xygkjcsjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.provincejgbm is '省机构编码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.provincejgmc is '省机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.cityjgbm is '市机构编码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.cityjgmc is '市机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.countyjgbm is '区县机构编码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.countyjgmc is '区县机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xxjgmc is '学校名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xxlb is '学校类别'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xxsszgjyxzbm is '学校所属主管教育行政部门'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xxjbzmc is '学校举办者名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xxjbzxz is '学校举办者性质'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xxfzrxm is '学校负责人姓名(校长)'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.jxrq is '建校日期(年月)'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xyjss is '现有教职工总数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.xyxss is '现有学生数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.bxkszys is '本校开设专业数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.syxx is '是否国家双优学校/省级双优学校/否'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxxgkjcsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzsxjcsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzsxjysjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xsxh varchar2(45) not null, | |||||
xsxm varchar2(45) not null, | |||||
zymc varchar2(120) not null, | |||||
xn varchar2(50) not null, | |||||
xq varchar2(50) not null, | |||||
sxbj varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
sxxmmc varchar2(250) not null, | |||||
sxlb varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
sxsfks varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
sxsfjs varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
sxhy varchar2(4) not null, | |||||
sxkssj varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
sxjssj varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
sxqx varchar2(10) , | |||||
sxdwly varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
sxcslx varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
sxjdh varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
sxdwmc varchar2(165) , | |||||
sxdwdz varchar2(132) , | |||||
sxgwmc varchar2(110) , | |||||
zsap varchar2(10) , | |||||
zydkcd varchar2(10) , | |||||
gmbxzl varchar2(10) , | |||||
bxgmf varchar2(10) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(64) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzsxjcsj add constraint ods_zzsxjcsj_gzsxjysjid primary key (gzsxjysjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzsxjcsj is '中职实习基础数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.gzsxjysjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.xsxh is '学生学号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.xsxm is '学生姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.zymc is '专业名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.xn is '学年'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.xq is '学期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxbj is '实习班级'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxxmmc is '实习项目名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxlb is '实习类别'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxsfks is '实习是否开始'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxsfjs is '实习是否结束'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxhy is '实习行业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxkssj is '实习开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxjssj is '实习结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxqx is '实习去向'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxdwly is '实习单位来源'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxcslx is '实习场所类型'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxjdh is '实训基地号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxdwmc is '实习单位名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxdwdz is '实习单位地址'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sxgwmc is '实习岗位名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.zsap is '住宿安排'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.zydkcd is '专业对口程度'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.gmbxzl is '购买保险种类'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.bxgmf is '保险购买方'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzsxjcsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzxkpksj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) , | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) , | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) , | |||||
ssxqbh varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
nj varchar2(32) , | |||||
bj varchar2(60) , | |||||
xn varchar2(23) , | |||||
xq varchar2(23) , | |||||
zc varchar2(30) , | |||||
xqj varchar2(20) , | |||||
skjc varchar2(32) , | |||||
skrq varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
kcmc varchar2(30) not null, | |||||
kcdm varchar2(30) not null, | |||||
jgh varchar2(30) , | |||||
jxbrs number not null, | |||||
skkssj varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
skjssj varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
sdxsrs varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
jsdkqk varchar2(30) not null, | |||||
xkr varchar2(32) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzxkpksj add constraint ods_zzxkpksj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzxkpksj is '中职巡课排课数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.ssxqbh is '所属校区编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.nj is '年级'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.bj is '班级'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.xn is '学年'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.xq is '学期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.zc is '周次'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.xqj is '星期几'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.skjc is '上课节次'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.skrq is '上课日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.kcmc is '课程名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.kcdm is '课程代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.jgh is '教工号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.jxbrs is '教学班人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.skkssj is '上课开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.skjssj is '上课结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.sdxsrs is '实到学生人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.jsdkqk is '教师到课情况'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.xkr is '巡课人'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzxkpksj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzbyqxsxsj | |||||
( | |||||
zzsxjysjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xh varchar2(64) not null, | |||||
xm varchar2(65) not null, | |||||
zymc varchar2(34) not null, | |||||
bjmc varchar2(45) , | |||||
sfzh varchar2(36) , | |||||
sxqd varchar2(10) , | |||||
xxmc varchar2(68) , | |||||
lqzy varchar2(68) , | |||||
fs varchar2(12) , | |||||
sxcc varchar2(10) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(64) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzbyqxsxsj add constraint ods_zzbyqxsxsj_zzsxjysjid primary key (zzsxjysjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzbyqxsxsj is '中职毕业去向【升学】数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.zzsxjysjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.xh is '学号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.xm is '姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.zymc is '专业名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.bjmc is '班级名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.sfzh is '身份证号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.sxqd is '升学渠道'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.xxmc is '学校名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.lqzy is '录取专业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.fs is '分数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.sxcc is '升学层次'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxsxsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzbyqxjysj | |||||
( | |||||
zzsxjysjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xh varchar2(64) not null, | |||||
xm varchar2(120) not null, | |||||
zymc varchar2(120) not null, | |||||
bjmc varchar2(64) , | |||||
sfzh varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
sfxqhzdw varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
jydwmc varchar2(124) , | |||||
jydwhy varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
jydwxz varchar2(4) , | |||||
jydwgm varchar2(10) , | |||||
jyqd varchar2(10) , | |||||
htqdqk varchar2(10) , | |||||
qxx varchar2(12) , | |||||
sfdk varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
jyrq varchar2(56) not null, | |||||
zzcy varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
cyxmmc varchar2(164) , | |||||
lhjy varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
gznr varchar2(300) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(64) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzbyqxjysj add constraint ods_zzbyqxjysj_zzsxjysjid primary key (zzsxjysjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzbyqxjysj is '中职毕业去向【就业】数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.zzsxjysjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.xh is '学号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.xm is '姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.zymc is '专业名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.bjmc is '班级名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.sfzh is '身份证号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.sfxqhzdw is '就业单位是否校企合作单位'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.jydwmc is '就业单位名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.jydwhy is '就业单位行业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.jydwxz is '就业单位性质'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.jydwgm is '就业单位规模'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.jyqd is '就业渠道'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.htqdqk is '合同签订情况'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.qxx is '起薪线(元)'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.sfdk is '是否对口'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.jyrq is '就业日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.zzcy is '是否自主创业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.cyxmmc is '创业项目名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.lhjy is '是否灵活就业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.gznr is '工作内容'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxjysj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzbyqxwjysj | |||||
( | |||||
zzsxjysjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xh varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xm varchar2(65) not null, | |||||
zymc varchar2(65) , | |||||
bjmc varchar2(34) , | |||||
sfzh varchar2(36) , | |||||
wjylx varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(64) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzbyqxwjysj add constraint ods_zzbyqxwjysj_zzsxjysjid primary key (zzsxjysjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzbyqxwjysj is '中职毕业去向【未就业】数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.zzsxjysjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.xh is '学号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.xm is '姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.zymc is '专业名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.bjmc is '班级名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.sfzh is '身份证号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.wjylx is '未就业类型'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzbyqxwjysj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzkcxxsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
ssxqbh varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
kcmc varchar2(23) not null, | |||||
kcdm varchar2(23) not null, | |||||
kclb varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
kcxz varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
kcsx varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
kcfl varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
xklb varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
sfzyhxkc varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
lvjxss number not null, | |||||
sjjxsy number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60), | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzkcxxsj add constraint ods_zzkcxxsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzkcxxsj is '中职课程信息数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.ssxqbh is '所属校区编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.kcmc is '课程名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.kcdm is '课程代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.kclb is '课程类别'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.kcxz is '课程性质'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.kcsx is '课程属性'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.kcfl is '课程分类'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.xklb is '学科类别'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.sfzyhxkc is '是否专业核心课程'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.lvjxss is '理论教学时数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.sjjxsy is '实践教学时数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzkcxxsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ | |||||
create table ods_dyfzqkjcsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
dzzlx varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzmc varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzbh varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
xdylx varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
dyxm varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
rybh varchar2(35) , | |||||
xdyfzzt varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
cwjjfzrq varchar2(32) , | |||||
cwybdyrq varchar2(32) , | |||||
zzrq varchar2(32) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_dyfzqkjcsj add constraint ods_dyfzqkjcsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_dyfzqkjcsj is '党员发展情况基础数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.dzzlx is '党组织类型'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.dzzmc is '党组织名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.dzzbh is '党组织编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.xdylx is '新党员类型'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.dyxm is '姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.rybh is '人员编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.xdyfzzt is '党员发展状态'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.cwjjfzrq is '成为积极份子日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.cwybdyrq is '成为预备党员日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.zzrq is '成为正式党员日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyfzqkjcsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ | |||||
create table ods_djhdshyksj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
dzzmc varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzbh varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
hdxs varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dkzjr varchar2(32) , | |||||
hdnr varchar2(500) , | |||||
hdkssj varchar2(35) not null, | |||||
hdjssj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
cyrs number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_djhdshyksj add constraint ods_djhdshyksj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_djhdshyksj is '党建活动三会一课数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.dzzmc is '党组织名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.dzzbh is '党组织编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.hdxs is '活动形式'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.dkzjr is '党课主讲人'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.hdnr is '活动内容'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.hdkssj is '活动开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.hdjssj is '活动结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.cyrs is '参与人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhdshyksj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ | |||||
create table ods_djhddyztdrsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
dzzmc varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzbh varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
hddd varchar2(32) , | |||||
hdnr varchar2(300) , | |||||
hdkssj varchar2(35) not null, | |||||
hdjssj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
cyrs number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_djhddyztdrsj add constraint ods_djhddyztdrsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_djhddyztdrsj is '党建活动党员主题党日数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.dzzmc is '党组织名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.dzzbh is '党组织编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.hddd is '活动地点'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.hdnr is '活动内容'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.hdkssj is '活动开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.hdjssj is '活动结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.cyrs is '参与人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyztdrsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ | |||||
create table ods_djhddydhsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
dzzmc varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzbh varchar2(100) , | |||||
hddd varchar2(300) , | |||||
hdnr varchar2(300) , | |||||
hdkssj varchar2(35) not null, | |||||
hdjssj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
cyrs number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_djhddydhsj add constraint ods_djhddydhsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_djhddydhsj is '党建活动党员大会数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.dzzmc is '党组织名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.dzzbh is '党组织编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.hddd is '活动地点'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.hdnr is '活动内容'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.hdkssj is '活动开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.hdjssj is '活动结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.cyrs is '参与人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddydhsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ | |||||
create table ods_djhddygbxxsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
dzzmc varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzbh varchar2(100) , | |||||
dygbxxpxzytjzt varchar2(100) , | |||||
dygbxxpxnr varchar2(32) , | |||||
hdkssj varchar2(35) not null, | |||||
hdjssj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
cyrs number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_djhddygbxxsj add constraint ods_djhddygbxxsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_djhddygbxxsj is '党建活动党员干部学习数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.dzzmc is '党组织名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.dzzbh is '党组织编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.dygbxxpxzytjzt is '党员干部学习培训主要途径和载体'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.dygbxxpxnr is '党员干部学习培训内容'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.hdkssj is '活动开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.hdjssj is '活动结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.cyrs is '参与人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddygbxxsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ | |||||
create table ods_djhddyrcsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
dzzmc varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzbh varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
hddd varchar2(32) , | |||||
hdnr varchar2(300) , | |||||
hdkssj varchar2(35) not null, | |||||
hdjssj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
cyrs number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_djhddyrcsj add constraint ods_djhddyrcsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_djhddyrcsj is '党建活动党员日常数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.dzzmc is '党组织名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.dzzbh is '党组织编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.hddd is '活动地点'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.hdnr is '活动内容'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.hdkssj is '活动开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.hdjssj is '活动结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.cyrs is '参与人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_djhddyrcsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ | |||||
create table ods_dzzqkjcsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
dzzlx varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzmc varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
dzzbh varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
sjdzz varchar2(100) , | |||||
dnldxm varchar2(32) , | |||||
dnldjgh varchar2(35) , | |||||
dnldzw varchar2(300) , | |||||
dzzdyrs number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_dzzqkjcsj add constraint ods_dzzqkjcsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_dzzqkjcsj is '党组织情况基础数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.dzzlx is '党组织类型'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.dzzmc is '党组织名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.dzzbh is '党组织编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.sjdzz is '隶属上级党组织'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.dnldxm is '党内领导姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.dnldjgh is '党内领导教工号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.dnldzw is '党内领导职务'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.dzzdyrs is '党组织党员人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dzzqkjcsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ | |||||
create table ods_cjsxhdsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) , | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) , | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) , | |||||
hdmc varchar2(32) , | |||||
hdzt varchar2(63) not null, | |||||
hdxs varchar2(200) not null, | |||||
hdnr varchar2(300) not null, | |||||
zbdw varchar2(200) , | |||||
zbdwjb varchar2(10) , | |||||
hdksrq varchar2(100) , | |||||
hdjsrq varchar2(100) , | |||||
xffzr varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
cyjss number , | |||||
cyxss number , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60), | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_cjsxhdsj add constraint ods_cjsxhdsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_cjsxhdsj is '参加赛事活动数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.hdmc is '活动名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.hdzt is '活动主题'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.hdxs is '活动形式'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.hdnr is '活动内容'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.zbdw is '主办单位'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.zbdwjb is '主办单位级别'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.hdksrq is '活动开始日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.hdjsrq is '活动结束日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.xffzr is '校方负责人'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.cyjss is '参与教师数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.cyxss is '参与学生数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_cjsxhdsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ | |||||
create table ods_xszhcjpjsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xn varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
xq varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
zymc varchar2(163) , | |||||
nj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
bj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
xjh varchar2(60) , | |||||
xsxm varchar2(120) not null, | |||||
sxzzcj number not null, | |||||
whkcj number not null, | |||||
zyjnkccj number not null, | |||||
xstzjkcj number not null, | |||||
zhpj number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_xszhcjpjsj add constraint ods_xszhcjpjsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_xszhcjpjsj is '学生综合成绩与评价数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.xn is '学年'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.xq is '学期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.zymc is '专业名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.nj is '年级'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.bj is '班级'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.xjh is '学籍号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.xsxm is '学生姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.sxzzcj is '思想政治成绩'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.whkcj is '文化课成绩'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.zyjnkccj is '专业技能课程成绩'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.xstzjkcj is '学生体质健康成绩'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.zhpj is '综合评价成绩'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xszhcjpjsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ | |||||
create table ods_gzpjsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
gzrztjcs number not null, | |||||
hpjsrs number not null, | |||||
tsgwjsrs number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_gzpjsj add constraint ods_gzpjsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_gzpjsj is '工作评价数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_gzpjsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_gzpjsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_gzpjsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_gzpjsj.gzrztjcs is '工作日志提交次数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_gzpjsj.hpjsrs is '好评教师人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_gzpjsj.tsgwjsrs is '特殊岗位教师人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_gzpjsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ | |||||
create table ods_dyhdsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(180) not null, | |||||
hdmc varchar2(132) not null, | |||||
sszt varchar2(163) , | |||||
hdbk varchar2(200) , | |||||
hdzt varchar2(10) , | |||||
hdlx varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
hdnr varchar2(300) , | |||||
zbdw varchar2(200) not null, | |||||
zbdwjb varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
hdksrq varchar2(200) not null, | |||||
hdjsrq varchar2(200) not null, | |||||
xffzr varchar2(32) , | |||||
cybjs number not null, | |||||
cyjss number not null, | |||||
cyxss number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_dyhdsj add constraint ods_dyhdsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_dyhdsj is '德育活动数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.hdmc is '活动名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.sszt is '所属专题'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.hdbk is '活动版块'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.hdzt is '活动主题'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.hdlx is '活动类型'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.hdnr is '活动内容'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.zbdw is '主办单位'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.zbdwjb is '主办单位级别'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.hdksrq is '活动开始日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.hdjsrq is '活动结束日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.xffzr is '校方负责人'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.cybjs is '参与班级数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.cyjss is '参与教师数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.cyxss is '参与学生数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_dyhdsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ | |||||
create table ods_jcxysj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
jcmc varchar2(150) not null, | |||||
jcbh varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
jcxz varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
isbn varchar2(200) not null, | |||||
zzxm varchar2(100) , | |||||
cbrq varchar2(100) , | |||||
cbs varchar2(120) , | |||||
sycc varchar2(10) , | |||||
jg varchar2(30) , | |||||
bc number not null, | |||||
yc number not null, | |||||
sfylxc varchar2(10) , | |||||
sfyjcjf varchar2(10) , | |||||
hjqk varchar2(10) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_jcxysj add constraint ods_jcxysj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_jcxysj is '教材选用数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.jcmc is '教材名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.jcbh is '教材编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.jcxz is '教材性质'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.isbn is 'ISBN 号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.zzxm is '作者'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.cbrq is '出版日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.cbs is '出版社'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.sycc is '适用层次'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.jg is '价格(元)'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.bc is '版次'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.yc is '印次'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.sfylxc is '是否有练习册'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.sfyjcjf is '是否有教参教辅'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.hjqk is '获奖情况'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jcxysj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ | |||||
create table ods_wfjckcjsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xn varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xq varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
nj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
bj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
zymc varchar2(163) , | |||||
kcmc varchar2(120) not null, | |||||
kcfl varchar2(30) not null, | |||||
rkjs varchar2(30) , | |||||
kccj varchar2(30) not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_wfjckcjsj add constraint ods_wfjckcjsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_wfjckcjsj is '文化基础课成绩数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.xn is '学年'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.xq is '学期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.nj is '年级'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.bj is '班级'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.zymc is '专业名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.kcmc is '课程名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.kcfl is '课程分类'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.rkjs is '任课教师'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.kccj is '课程成绩'; | |||||
comment on column ods_wfjckcjsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ | |||||
create table ods_xnsxjdsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) , | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) , | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) , | |||||
sxjdh varchar2(32) , | |||||
sxjdmc varchar2(200) , | |||||
clnd varchar2(10) , | |||||
mxzy varchar2(200) , | |||||
zcbm varchar2(10) not null, | |||||
pzrq varchar2(20) not null, | |||||
sxss number not null, | |||||
sxxmzs number , | |||||
jdlb varchar2(10) , | |||||
jzmj number , | |||||
yqsbzs number , | |||||
sjjxgws number , | |||||
glryzz varchar2(12) , | |||||
glryjz varchar2(12) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60), | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_xnsxjdsj add constraint ods_xnsxjdsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_xnsxjdsj is '校内实训基地数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.sxjdh is '实训基地号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.sxjdmc is '实训基地名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.clnd is '成立年度'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.mxzy is '面向专业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.zcbm is '被列为实训基地项目支持部门'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.pzrq is '批准日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.sxss is '实训室数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.sxxmzs is '实训项目总数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.jdlb is '基地类别'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.jzmj is '建筑面积'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.yqsbzs is '仪器设备总数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.sjjxgws is '实践教学工位数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.glryzz is '管理人员(专职)'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.glryjz is '管理人员(兼职)'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xnsxjdsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ | |||||
create table ods_xqjcsj | |||||
( | |||||
xygkjcsjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
provincejgbm varchar2(12) not null, | |||||
provincejgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
cityjgbm varchar2(12) not null, | |||||
cityjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
countyjgbm varchar2(12) not null, | |||||
countyjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
xqbh varchar2(64) not null, | |||||
xqmc varchar2(180) not null, | |||||
xqjc varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
xqszdxzqh varchar2(50) , | |||||
xqdz varchar2(300) , | |||||
xqyzbm varchar2(35) , | |||||
xqlxdh varchar2(35) , | |||||
xqfzr varchar2(36) , | |||||
xqjzgzs number not null, | |||||
xqxszs number not null, | |||||
xqclrq varchar2(50) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(50) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_xqjcsj add constraint ods_xqjcsj_xygkjcsjid primary key (xygkjcsjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_xqjcsj is '校区基础数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xygkjcsjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.provincejgbm is '省机构编码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.provincejgmc is '省机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.cityjgbm is '市机构编码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.cityjgmc is '市机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.countyjgbm is '区县机构编码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.countyjgmc is '区县机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqbh is '校区编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqmc is '校区名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqjc is '校区简称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqszdxzqh is '校区所在地行政区划'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqdz is '校区地址'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqyzbm is '校区邮政编码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqlxdh is '校区联系电话'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqfzr is '校区负责人'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqjzgzs is '校区教职工总数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqxszs is '校区学生总数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.xqclrq is '校区成立日期'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xqjcsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ | |||||
create table ods_xwsxjdsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) , | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) , | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) , | |||||
sxsxjdh varchar2(32) , | |||||
sxsxjdmc varchar2(200) , | |||||
ytdwmc varchar2(300) , | |||||
ytdwxz varchar2(10) , | |||||
dwzzjgdm varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
zgzgzs number not null, | |||||
szqy varchar2(120) , | |||||
xxdz varchar2(300) , | |||||
jdlxrxm varchar2(30) , | |||||
lxrdh varchar2(30), | |||||
lxryx varchar2(30), | |||||
jdclny varchar2(10) , | |||||
sshy varchar2(10) , | |||||
sscy varchar2(10) , | |||||
mxzy varchar2(65) , | |||||
hzkssj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
hzjssj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
hzxyqszt varchar2(10) , | |||||
hzzt varchar2(10) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60), | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_xwsxjdsj add constraint ods_xwsxjdsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_xwsxjdsj is '校外实训基地数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.sxsxjdh is '实习实训基地号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.sxsxjdmc is '实习实训基地名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.ytdwmc is '依托单位名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.ytdwxz is '依托单位性质'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.dwzzjgdm is '单位组织机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.zgzgzs is '在岗职工总数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.szqy is '所在区域'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.xxdz is '详细地址'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.jdlxrxm is '基地联系人姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.lxrdh is '联系人电话'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.lxryx is '联系人邮箱'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.jdclny is '基地成立年月'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.sshy is '所属行业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.sscy is '所属产业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.mxzy is '面向专业'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.hzkssj is '合作开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.hzjssj is '合作结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.hzxyqszt is '合作协议签署状态'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.hzzt is '合作状态'; | |||||
comment on column ods_xwsxjdsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzcjsthdsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
cyxss number not null, | |||||
cjsthdlx varchar2(200) , | |||||
cjsthdkssj varchar2(100) , | |||||
cjsthdjssj varchar2(100) , | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzcjsthdsj add constraint ods_zzcjsthdsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzcjsthdsj is '职参加社团活动数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzcjsthdsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzcjsthdsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzcjsthdsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzcjsthdsj.cyxss is '参与学生数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzcjsthdsj.cjsthdlx is '参加社团活动类型'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzcjsthdsj.cjsthdkssj is '参加社团活动开始时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzcjsthdsj.cjsthdjssj is '参加社团活动结束时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzcjsthdsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ | |||||
create table ods_zzzssj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
jszgzrs number not null, | |||||
gjzcrs number not null, | |||||
zjzcrs number not null, | |||||
cjzcrs number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_zzzssj add constraint ods_zzzssj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_zzzssj is '资质证书数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzzssj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzzssj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzzssj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzzssj.jszgzrs is '教师资格证人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzzssj.gjzcrs is '高级职称人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzzssj.zjzcrs is '中级职称人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzzssj.cjzcrs is '初级职称人数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_zzzssj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ | |||||
create table ods_jxpxsj | |||||
( | |||||
gzzyqksjid varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
xxjgdm varchar2(36) not null, | |||||
xxjgmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
jxpxhdbh varchar2(32) not null, | |||||
jxpxhdmc varchar2(80) not null, | |||||
jxpxhdzt varchar2(63) , | |||||
jxpxhdnrjj varchar2(200) , | |||||
jxpxhdsj varchar2(100) not null, | |||||
zjr varchar2(23) , | |||||
drpxhdcyjss number not null, | |||||
sjcjsj varchar2(60) not null, | |||||
IsPush varchar2(2) not null | |||||
); | |||||
alter table ods_jxpxsj add constraint ods_jxpxsj_gzzyqksjid primary key (gzzyqksjid); | |||||
comment on table ods_jxpxsj is '进修培训数据表'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.gzzyqksjid is '主键数据唯一性标识'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.xxjgdm is '学校机构代码'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.xxjgmc is '学校机构名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.jxpxhdbh is '进修培训活动编号'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.jxpxhdmc is '进修培训活动名称'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.jxpxhdzt is '进修培训活动主题'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.jxpxhdnrjj is '进修培训活动内容简介'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.jxpxhdsj is '进修培训活动培训时间'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.zjr is '主讲人姓名'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.drpxhdcyjss is '当日培训活动参与教师数'; | |||||
comment on column ods_jxpxsj.sjcjsj is '数据采集时间'; | |||||
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ | |||||
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Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 | |||||
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{74DD4E72-625F-4FC7-AB49-9A62CF743DDB}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU | |||||
{74DD4E72-625F-4FC7-AB49-9A62CF743DDB}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU | |||||
{74DD4E72-625F-4FC7-AB49-9A62CF743DDB}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU | |||||
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
using System.Web; | |||||
using System.Web.Mvc; | |||||
using System.Web.Routing; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi | |||||
{ | |||||
public class RouteConfig | |||||
{ | |||||
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) | |||||
{ | |||||
routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}"); | |||||
routes.MapRoute( | |||||
name: "Default", | |||||
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}", | |||||
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } | |||||
); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program; | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.BLL; | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.BLL.Token; | |||||
using DataSendApi.Program.Oracle; | |||||
using System; | |||||
using System.Collections.Generic; | |||||
using System.Configuration; | |||||
using System.Linq; | |||||
using System.Web; | |||||
using System.Web.Mvc; | |||||
namespace DataSendApi.Controllers | |||||
{ | |||||
public class HomeController : Controller | |||||
{ | |||||
public ActionResult Index() | |||||
{ | |||||
var sss = Common.GGSJZDLst; | |||||
return View(); | |||||
} | |||||
public JsonResult UploadExcel() | |||||
{ | |||||
HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[0]; | |||||
string directoryPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UploadPathExcelDataFilePath"] + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "/"; | |||||
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) | |||||
{ | |||||
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); | |||||
} | |||||
var strExt = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); | |||||
var strGuidName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); | |||||
string strRealName = strGuidName + strExt; | |||||
string savePath = directoryPath + strRealName; | |||||
file.SaveAs(savePath); | |||||
var ret = new BusinessProcess().HandleByDatabase(savePath); | |||||
return Json(ret); | |||||
} | |||||
public JsonResult GetPushJson(string tablename) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Json(new BusinessProcess().ExecDataPush(tablename.ToUpper())); | |||||
} | |||||
public JsonResult GetDataAdd(string tableName, | |||||
string startTime, | |||||
string endTime, | |||||
int page, | |||||
int limit) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Json(new BusinessProcess().GetPushDataAddCount(tableName, startTime, endTime, page, limit)); | |||||
} | |||||
public JsonResult GetTableCount(string tableName) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Json(new BusinessProcess().GetTableCount(tableName)); | |||||
} | |||||
public JsonResult UpdatePushStatus(string tableName) | |||||
{ | |||||
return Json(new BusinessProcess().UpdatePushStatus(tableName)); | |||||
} | |||||
} | |||||
} |
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ | |||||
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public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication | |||||
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protected void Application_Start() | |||||
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// 控制。更改这些特性值可修改 | |||||
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// 修订版本 | |||||
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"id": "5", | |||||
"type": "日常活动数据集", | |||||
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"tablename": "ODS_ZZBYQXWJYSJ", | |||||
"tabletitle": "中职毕业去向【未就业】数据表", | |||||
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